Congressional Record-House. .April 21

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Congressional Record-House. .April 21 4164 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. .APRIL 21, In line 1, page 28, strike out" thirty" and insert ''seventy;" Catherine A. Endsley; to be postmaster at Somerset, in thQ and add "'to be immediately available " at the end of the para- county of Somerset and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of Solomon Uhl, whose commission expires April27, 1898. graph.The VICE-PRESIDENT.· The question· 1s· on agreemg· to the amendments proposed by the Senator from SOuth Carolina. CONFffiMATIONS. The amendments were agreed to. Mr. Til.JLMAN. I ask that the telephone message be printed in Executive rwn-,inatiom conjirrned by the SenateApn1 ~1, 1898, the RECORD. POSTMASTER-GE..~AL. The paper referred to is as follows: Charles Emory Smith, of Pennsylvania, to be Postmaster- Senator B. R. TILLYAN: General. The Department io; advised by Bnreau of Yards and Docks that it is im- • APPOINTMENTS IN THE NAVY portant that Port Royal Station be equip_ped with electri~ plant for lighting . • buildings. wharls, and dry dock, to enable wo:rk to be done at night as well R1chard H. Robmson, a Citiz·en of Ohio, to be an assistant naval as day. at the estimated cost of $20,<XXJ. Also desirable that modern meehan- ' constructor. ~tiD~JX,~oe be :in.stalled fo:r expediti~us handling ot coal, a.t estimated cost Frederic C. Brown, a citizen of Massachusetts, to be a chaplain. J. D. LONG. SURVEYOR OF CUSTOMS. :M.r. HALE. There is now nothing left of the naval approp.ria- Leander M. Shubert, of Iowa, to be surveyor of customs fur the tion bill except the proposition submitted by the Senator from port of Council Bluffs, in the State of Iowa. North Carolina [.Mr. BUTLER] in relation to armor and an armor ASSISTANT APPRAISER OF MERCHANDISE. plant. I shall call it up as early as possible, in order that it may Jacob Shaen, of California, to be assistant appraiser of merchan• be disposed of and the bill passed. dise in the district of San Francisco., in the State of California. EXECU'riVE SESSION. YA.RSHALS. · Mr. QUAY. I move that the Senate proceed to the con.sidera- John H. Shine, of California, to be marshal of the United States tion of executive business. for the northern district of California. The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the con- . Henry Z. Osborne, of California. to be marshal of the United sideration of executi-ve business. After fifteen minutes spent in States for the southern district of California. executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 6 o'clock and 5 minutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Friday, · JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. April 22, 1898, at 12 o'clock meridian. Luke C. Strider, of the District of Colnm.bia, to be justice of the peace in the District of Columbia (assigned to the city of Wash· mgton), NOMINATIONS. POSTMASTERS. Execulive nominations received by the Senate Apn121, 1898. James H. Rabbitts, to be postmaster at Springfield, in the county POSTMASTER-GENERAL, pf Clark and State of Oh~o. Charles Emory Smith, of Pennsylvania, to be Postmaster-Gen­ Bert V. Gibson, to be postmaster at Mineral Wells, in the county eral, vice James A. Gary, resigned. of Palo Pinto and State of Texas. Catherine A. Endsley, to be postmaster at Somerset, in the SECOND SECRETARY OF LEGATION. county of Somerset and State of Pennsylvania. William E. Bainbridge, of Iowa, to be second secretary of the William H. Haughawout, to be postmaster at Webb City, in legation of the United States at Peking, China, vice Edward K. the county of Jasper and State of Missouri Lowry, resigned. RomieP. Dryer, to be postmaster atLagrange, in thecountyof CONSULS. Lagrange and State of Indiana. Frederick H. Allison, of New York, to be consul of the United Sumner W. Thompson, to be postmaster at Davis, in the county States at Tegucigalpa, Honduras, vice William Myers Little, of Tucker and State of West Virginia. resigned. Frederick 0. Prouty, to be postmaster at Cuba, in the county Hans J. Smith, of South Dakota, to be consul of the United of Allegany and State of New York. States at Port Louis, .Mauritius, vice John P. Campbell, resigned. SURVEYOR OF CUSTOMS. Perry M. Lytle, of Pennsylvania, to be surveyor of customs in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. the district of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, to sue- THURSDAY, April 21, 1898. ceed P. Gray Meek, whose term of office has expit:ed by limitation. PENSION AGENT. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. COUDEN. Augustus J. Hoitt, of Lynn, Mass.: to be pension agent at Bos- The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and a~ ton, Mass., vice Henry B. Lovering, term expired. proved. REGISTER OF LAND OFFICE. .Mr. HULL. .Mr. Speaker, last night when the House adjourned William H. Ludden, of Spokane, Wash., to be register of the I did not ask unanimotla consent that the bill to provide for land office at Spokane, Wash., vice Matthew E. Logan, term ex- temporarily increasing the military establishment of the United pired. States in time of war, and for other purposes, might be reprinted, RECEIVER OF PUBLIC MONEYS. so the amendments could be properly followed. I now ask unan· Samuel A. Wells, of Spokane, Wash., to be receiver of public imous consent that it be reprinted. moneys at Spokane, Wash., vice Lafayette M. Flournoy, term There was no objection. expired. ORG.U.lZA.TION OF ARTILLERY. INDIAN AGENT. Mr. HULL. I have,.Mr.Speake.r, the remarks of an expert William J. Pollock, of the District of Oolnmbia, to be agent for on the proposed or~anization of artillery, and by request of the the Indians of the Osage Agency in Oklahoma Territory, vice Committee on Military Affairs I ask unanimous consent that it Lieut. Col. Henry B. Freeman, U nit.OO. States Army, relieved from may be printed in the REcoRD, so that it may be familiar to mem- duty as acting Indian agent. bers. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Iowa, chairman of the · POSTlUSTERS, Committee on Military Affairs, asks unanimous consent to print !Iira.m A. Ruse, to be postmaster at Bath, in the county of . in the RECORD remarks on the proposed organization of artillery, Sagadahoc and State of Maine, in the place of E. F. Kelley, whose House bill9878, by C. D. Willcox, first lieutenant, Seventh Artil· commission expired March 29, 1898. lery. John Lovejoy, to be postmaster at Rockland, in the comity of Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, !would like to ask thegen· Knox and State of Maine, in the place of Parker T. Fnller, whose tleman if it is by request of the minority of the committee as well commission expired March 29, 1898. as the majority? Winchester G. Lowell, to be postmaster at Auburn., in the Mr. HULL. Both sides; the .minority is more anxious than the county of Androscoggin and State of Maine, in the place of John majority to have it printed. H. Twombly, whose commission expired April7, 1898. Mr. RICHARDSON. I do not object to printing it in the REo. George W. Stearns, to be postmaster at Rumford Falls, in the ORD, but it would be much more serviceable if it was printed as a county of Oxford and State of Maine, in the place of J. H. McKee- document. The RECORD is a very good place to bury it. man, whose commission expired April 7, 1898. Mr. HULL. Then, Mr. Speaker, I ask that it be printed in the Moses P. Stiles, to be postmaster at Norway, in the county of RECORD, and as a document, too. Oxford and State of Maine, in the place of A.J.Rowe, whose com- Mr. RICHARDSON. Unless you want to bury it, it had be~ mission expired April 7, 1898. be printed as a document. • . 1898. .OONGRESSION AL REOORD-HOUSE. 4165 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gen­ perience may suga-est changes in the distribution of duties frol,ll that given here, but it is safe to say thil.t it will not suggest a reduction of numbers if we tleman from Iowa? f After a pause.] The Chair hears none. expect our seacoast batteries to develop their full power. And if they are The paper referred to is as follows: not to develop their full power, it is pertinent t-o ask why they were ever built. REMARKS ON THE PROPOSED ORGANIZATIO!i OF ARTILLE~Y, H. B. D878. FIELD BATTERIES. [By C. DeW. Willcox, first lieutenant, Seventh .Artillery.] In regard to field batteries, let 1!B clear the ground once for all by statin~ that the nnmber of guns to a battery, fixed the world over by a vast experi­ The principle underlying the recommended organization of the heavy bat­ ence, including our own American experience is six. To reduce this number teries is that each should contain wiili;in itself. all the eleJ!lents nece~ to would simply overturn not only the drill, which1 rests on a basis of six guns, its efficient service. As these battenes are mtended chiefly for serVIce on but also the combat tactics, the organization, the relation of the field artil­ the coast, it may and does happen that more freque.ntly than. not a 1mttery lery to the other arms, and would give us, instead of a system thoroughly will be required to serve isolated from other. bat_teru;s. Manifestly 1t .must tested by the widest experience, an anomalous and vicious system, the only be to a.
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