





Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

United States. Congress. Biographical directory of the , 1774-1989, the Continental Congress, September 5, 1774, to October 21, 1788, and the Congress of the United States, from the First through the One Hun- dredth Congresses, March 4, 1789, to January 3, 1989, inclusive. (Document I 100th Congress, 2nd session, Senate; no. 100-34)

"Edited under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing. editors in chief, Kathryn Allamong Jacob, Bruce A. Ragsdale"p. 1. UnitedStates.Continental CongressBiographyDictionaries. 2. United States. CongressBiographyDictionaries.I. Jacob, Kathryn Allamong. II. Ragsdale, Bruce A.III. United States. Congress. Joint Committee on Printing. N. Title.V. Series: Senate document (United States. Congress. Senate); no. 100-34. JK1O1O.U51989 093.3'12'0922 [B] 88-600335

The paper used in this publication meets the minimumrequirements of the Joint Committee on Printing's Standard for UncoatedPermanent Printing Paper (JCP A270) and ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION No. 85 NINETY-NINTH CONGRESS


Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That (a) the JointCom- mittee on Printing shall publish and there shall be printed as a Senate document(with such illustrations and in such style and form as may be directed by the Joint Committee on Printing) a revised edition of the Biographical Directory of the American Congress for the period ending with the One Hundredth Congress (1774-1989). In celebration of the Bicenten- nial of the United States Congress, the revised edition shall be known as the"Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774-1989: Bicentennial Edition". (b) The Historian of the Senate and the Historian of the House of Representativesshall provide appropriate biographical data and other material for the revised edition,including data for Senators and individuals who have served in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, to be provided by the Historian of the Senate; and Members of the House of Representatives (including Delegates and Resident Com- missioners), to be provided by the Historian of the House of Representatives. (C)In addition to the usual number, there shall be printed 7,985 copies of therevised edition, of which 2,045 copies shall be for the use of the Senate, 5,390 copies shall befor the use of the House of Representatives, and 550 copies shall be for the use of theJoint Committee on Printing. Approved by the Senate November 12, 1985. Approved by the House December 12, 1985. COMPILED AND EDITED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE JOINT COMMIflEE ON PRINTING CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES

FRANK ANNUNZIO, Representative from , Chairman WENDELL H. FORD, Senator from , Vice Chairman JOSEPH M. GAYDOS, Representative from LEON E. PANETTA, Representative from California ROBERT E. BADHAM, Representative from California , Representative from Kansas DENNIS DECoNcINI, Senator from Arizona ALBERT GORE, JR., Senator from , Senator from Alaska MARK 0. HATFIELD, Senator from Oregon

OFFICE FOR THE BICENTENNIAL, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bruce A. Ragsdale, Editor in Chief Joel D. Treese, Research Assistant Matthew Berger, Editorial Assistant

U.S. SENATE HISTORICAL OFFICE Kathryn Allamong Jacob, Editor in Chief Diane Boyle, Editorial Assistant

JOINT COMMI11EE ON PRINTING Duane Nystrom, Editor Gloria Weihs, Editorial Assistant



LETrER OF TRANSMIT1AL ix FORE WORD xi INTRODUCTION 1 EXECUTIVE OFFICERS 1789-1989 9 THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS: Place and Dates of Meeting, with Officers of Congress 39 Delegates in the Continental Congress 40 APPORTIONMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES 45 THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES 1789-1989 49 BIOGRAPHIES 505 Letter of Transmittal

The Joint Committee on Printing is pleased to present the bicentennial edi- tion of the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. This special edi- tion includes valuable information about those individuals who served in the Continental Congresses, as well as about each man and woman who served in the First through the One Hundredth Congresses. It is an important and fitting addition to the various efforts commemorating the bicentennial of the Congress. Since the 1928 edition of this publication, the Joint Committee on Printing has been responsible for its compilation and issuance. This particular edition, however, surpasses previous efforts because it represents the collaborative efforts and support of many other talented and concerned individuals. Both the Commission on the Bicentennial of the Senate and the Commission on the Bicentenary of the U.S. House of Representatives, have supported the project vigorously. In addition, substantial support for the project was provided by the Secretary of the Senate, Walter J. Stewart, the Clerk of the House, Don- nald K. Anderson, and the Clerk's Office of Printing Services. More fundamentally, this edition has benefited greatly from the excellent editorial efforts of the U.S. Senate Historical Office and the U.S. House of Rep- resentatives Office for the Bicentennial. By their painstaking labors in research- ing and updating the biographies of the Members of Congress, Kathryn Allamong Jacob and Bruce A. Ragsdale have greatly added to scholarship about the Con- gress. Finally, the outstanding efforts of Duane Nystrom and Gloria Weihs of the staff of the Joint Committee on Printing in compiling and maintaining basic bio- graphical files, and in coordinating the printing effort, must be recognized. To these and all of the others who have contributed to this fine effort, we offer the praise and thanks of the Joint Committee on Printing.


JANUARY 1989 Foreword

In March 1789, Senators and Representatives elected under the recently rati- fied Constitution of the United States assembled for the first time in the newly renovated chambers of Federal Hall in City. In this first session of the First Congress, 81 Members-59 Representatives and 22 Senatorsfrom the 11 States then comprising the Federal union would take their seats. Many were veterans of the Revolutionary War, many were lawyers or planters, and some were merchants. Most had been born in one of the ,but a few were recent immigrants. Some, like RepresentativeElias Boudinot, had only to cross the Hudson River to reach Federal Hall. Others, like Senator from far-off , braved long and harrowing journeys to join their colleagues in New York. Two hundred tumultuous years have passed since those heady early days at Federal Hall in 1789. With the opening of the One Hundred First Congress, the Senate and House of Representatives commemorate their bicentennial. In the in- tervening two centuries, Congress has moved from New York to , and finally to the District of Columbia. It has grown with the expanding nation. At the opening of the One Hundred First Congress, the small assembly of 1789 has grown to include 540 Members-440 Representatives and Delegates and 100 Senatorsrepresenting the fifty States, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the Virgin . One feature of Congress that has remained constant over the years is that the Senate and House of Representatives are made up of individuals as diverse as the constituents who elect them. Since 1789, more than 11,000 men and women have served in the Congress of the United States. Some, like , John C. Calhoun, and , were the heroes of their age. Myriad others have worked quietly behind the scenes to effect changes equally great. How better to celebrate the bicentennial of this great institution than with a bi- ographical directory of all of its Members. The bicentennial edition of the Bio- graphical Directory of the United States Congress is offered to the American people in the hope that it will promote a richer understanding of the contribu- tions that the men and women of the Congress have made over 200 years of na- tional growth, challenge, and change.

LINDY (MRS. HALE) BOGGS ROBERT C. BYRD Chairman, Commission on the BicentenaryChairman, US. Senate Bicentennial of the US. House of Rep resent atives Commission Introduction

The publication of this volume provides the first revision of the Biographical Directory of the American Congress since 1971. The present edition includes biog- raphies of each of the more than 11,000 individuals who have served in the Con- gress of the United States since 1789 and in theContinental Congress between 1774 and 1789. In addition to the biographies of Senators, Representatives, Dele- gates, Resident Commissioners and Vice Presidents, this volume containsrosters of the state congressional delegations and elected officers in the First through One Hundredth Congresses. The work serves as a comprehensive record of the men and women who have served in the Congress ofthe United States during its first 200 years. This volume, the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774- 1989: Bicentennial Edition,is the fifteenth in a series of such reference works published over the past 130 years. Charles Lanman, author, journalist, and former secretary to Daniel Webster, gathered the first collection of biographies of former and sitting Members of Congress for his Dictionary of Congress, published by J. B. Lippincott & Co. in 1859. Lanman intended his Dictionary of Congress, with its extensive appendix of information on other branches of the federal gov- ernment, the states, and foreign emissaries to the United States, to serve primar- ily as a guide for sitting Members of Congress, much as the Congressional Direc- tory functionstoday. Following the privatepublication of thefirstedition, Lanman sent complimentary copiestoall Senators and Representatives and sought congressional support for subsequent editions. Entries in Lanman's volume reflected his care not to offend any potential patrons. In 1864 the House of Representatives and the Senate approved the publica- tion by the recently established Government Printing Office of an updated ver- sion of Lanman's Dictionary of Congress. In 1866 the House Committee on Print- ing failed to report a Senate resolution for publication of Lanman's latest revi- sion. The Senate,nevertheless, approved the publicationof Lanman's third update as a Senate document that included for the first time delegates to the Continental Congress. After Congress offered Benjamin Perley Poore, a journalist and clerk of the Senate Committee on Printing and Records, the job of preparing a Congressional Directory with biographical sketches and the kind ofreference in- formation found in the Dictionary of Congress, Lanman in 1868 prepared a new edition of his work for private publication by T. Belknap and H. E. Goodwin of Hartford, . The poor sales of that volume and a further edition from the same publishers in 1869 induced Lanman to discontinue preparation of the Dictionary of Congress.

[1] In anticipation of the centenary of American independence and in search of a market not served by Poore's Congressional Directory, Lanman prepared a Bio- graphical Annals of the Civil Government of the United States,published by James Anglim of Washington in 1876. This volume combined the biographies of the Dictionary of Congress with entries for other governmental officials since 1776 and expanded reference tables. Poore offereda competing historical volume in 1878 with his Political Register and Congressional Directory,published by Houghton, Osgood and Company of . Although Poore derived much of his biographical information from Lanman's work, he contributed the first references to party affiliation. Joseph M. Morrison's revision of Lanman's Biographical Annals (New York, 1887) was the final directory of congressional biography to be prepared and published privately. In 1903 Congress authorized the publication of A Biographical Congressional Directory, 1774 to 1903. Compiled under the direction of 0. M. Enyart, thiswas the first volume prepared by congressional staff who drewon the Lanman and Poore editions as well as biographical information printed in the Congressional Directory since the Fortieth Congress. A second Biographical Congressional Direc- tory, 1774 to 1911, published in 1913, reflected the first serious effort to verify the information contained in the nineteenth-century directories. These initial vol- umes prepared by congressional staff represented an attempt to provide an au- thoritative historical record as wellas a reference source for sitting Members of Congress. The most thorough and systematic revision of biographical entries attempted prior to the present volume was conducted in preparation for the Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1927. Ansel Wold, chief clerk of the Joint Committee on Printing, directed the compilation of this volume published in 1928. In an effort to verify existing data and add pertinent information, the Joint Committee on Printing staff distributed questionnaires through postmasters in the hometowns of former Members, including those from the earliest Congress- es. The resulting entries reflected the responses of governmental clerks, descend- ants, acquaintances of the Members, and local historians. Thissurvey of the 1920s yielded more detailed and consistent biographies than had been found in the nineteenth-century editions or in the earlier volumes compiled bycongres- sional staff. The frequent relianceon family legends and personal recollections, however, introduced dubious information into the volume. Congress authorized the Joint Committee on Printing to compile updates of the Biographical Directory of the American Congress thatwere published in 1950, 1961, and 1971. The en- tries from the edition of 1928, however, remained virtually intact in the three subsequent updates. The creation of the Senate Historical Office in 1975 and the Office for the Bicentennial in the House of Representatives in 1983 provided the first opportu- nity for professional historians to revise and updatea biographical directory of Congress. A printing resolution fora Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774-1989: Bicentennial Edition, approved by the Ninety-ninth Congress in December 1985, directed the Joint Committeeon Printing to print an edition for which the Senate Historical Office wouldprepare all entries for Senators in- cluding the more than 600 House Members who also served in the Senate. The resolution charged the House Office for the Bicentennial with preparation ofen- [2] tries for all others who served in the House of Representatives since1789 and for delegates to the Continental Congress. The Congressional Directorystaff of the Joint Committee on Printing prepared updated rosters for Congresses since 1971. The Joint Committee also provided the Senate and House offices with drafts of biographical entries compiled since the printing of the 1971 edition. The House Office for the Bicentennial and the Senate Historical Officehave completed the compilation of entries forall Members through the One Hun- dredth Congress and reviewed all entries from previous editions of the Biographi- cal Directory of the American Congress. The review of existing entries madeclear the need for substantial revisions and additions in order to bring the new Bio- graphical Directory into line with historical scholarship and accepted standards of accuracy and consistency. Earlier editions of the Biographical Directory and their nineteenth-century predecessors offered curiously little information on congressional careers other than term of service. In the present volume the editors have endeavored to pro- vide a more complete record of the individual members' years in office. For the first time, entries include all standing committee chairmen in the First through One Hundredth Congresses and all major, formal leadership positions. The most serious source of error and confusion in previous editions were the designations of party affiliation. Many of the party labels added to the editions of 1913 and 1928 were anachronistic, claiming for the two modern parties Sena- tors and Representatives elected to Congress before the Democratic or Republican parties existed. Other entries ignored the frequent shifts in party affiliation during the nineteenth century or omitted reference to short-lived and regional political parties and thus failed to reflect the vigor and diversity of nineteenth- century politics. The present editors have reviewed all party designations in an effort to reflect contemporary electoral labels and current understanding of party development. In order to guide readers to more biographical information than can be con- tained in these brief entries, the bicentennial edition includes bibliographical ci- tations for all Representatives and Senators who have been the subject of schol- arly publications. Entries note all Dictionary of American Biography essays and cite up to two other sources including biographies, monographs, journal articles, dissertations, autobiographies and documentary publications. In the cases of indi- viduals with lengthy and wide-ranging careers, the citations focus whenever pos- sible on congressional service. The editorial staff has reviewed all entries in the previous edition of the Bi- ographical Directory and where possible sought to verify data through comparison with Other standard reference works and primary sources. In many cases the Bi- ographical Directory is the only published record of former Members, and thus verification of the many standing entries based solely on family reports, oral tra- ditions and local histories will be an ongoing project. The editors have devised more nearly uniform categories of information in the biographical entries, a more consistent and logical sequence to the data pre- sented, and more standardized phrasing. Although broad variations in individual entries and institutional differences between the House of Representatives and [3] the Senate prevent absolute adherence to set categories, the editors have estab- lished a standard format as a guideline for preparation of the biographies. Each entry begins with the individual's fullname printed in bold type, fol- lowed by any nickname. The first reference is to the congressional officeor of- fices held and the state or territory represented. Kinship to other Members of Congress is next noted in parentheses. Biographical data begin with the date and place of birth followed by a brief record of education, military service, and career before entering Congress, including occupation and previous political of- fices.Entries for Representatives include party affiliation,the Congresses to which they were elected, and dates of service. Senators' entries list party and dates of service. Dates of electionare noted only in cases of special elections. Following the dates of service are leadership positions and committee chairman- ships, with Congresses or dates of service for these positions listed in parenthe- ses. Disciplinary actions such as censure and expulsion or other formal, congres- sional action concerning the Member appear next. The section regardingcongres- sional service closes with an indication of unsuccessful bids for reelection, candi- dacy for another office, or retirement. Subsequent political offices andcareer po- sitions are listed in chronological order. In keeping with the form established in the Biographical Directory of 1928, the date and place of deathare followed by the place of interment. The city of interment is included only if it differs from the place of death. Whenever possiblean appropriate bibliography is cited at the close of each entry.

The staff of the Joint Committee on Printing prepared revisions of thesever- al reference tables that precede the biographies. In the section entitled "The Congress of the United States 1789-1989", each Senator and Representative is listed by State delegation in the rosters of the First through One Hundredth Congresses. Senators' names appear within each delegation in order of seniority. For the Fortieth through One Hundredth Congresses, Representatives'names appear in their respective delegations in the numerical order of their congres- sional districts. These rosters also note the method of representation used in the House. When each Member is elected froma specific, geographically-defined dis- trict, the delegation islisted simply as "Representatives". Delegations elected statewide on a general ticket and Members from states witha single seat are labeled "Representatives At Large". In delegations that consist of both district and at-large seats, the at-large Representativesare so designated following the list of Members elected from districts. A table of apportionment of Representatives indicates the number of House seats granted each state under the constitutional apportionment of 1787 and fol- lowing the reapportionments that reflected each decennialcensus. This table also indicates the total number of seats in the House of Representatives atany given time. A section regarding the Continental Congress lists the places and dates of sessions between 1774 and 1789. Presidents of the Continental Congressare listed with the date of their election. The table of Delegates in the Continental Con- gress lists each state delegation separately and distinguishes between those who attended and those who were elected but declined to attend. [4] Since Lanman's original Dictionary of Congress in 1859, the various biograph- ical directories of Congress have included a list of executive cabinet officers. For the present volume, the staff of the Joint Committee on Printing has updated this information. The editing of this volume drew on the work and assistance of a number of scholars and offices, without whose help so thorough a revision would have been impossible. The challenging task of revising party affiliations drew heavily on the recent work of Dr. Kenneth C. Martis of the department of geography at University. Martis's research for The Historical Atlas of Political Parties in the United States Congress, 1789-1989 (Macmillan, 1988) required exam- ination of records from the more than 30,000 congressional elections held since 1788. From these records Martis determined the party affiliation of each candi- date at the time of election to Congress. For the First through Twenty-fourth Congresses, a period of erratic party development and shifting alliances, Martis derived his party designations from behavioral analyses of congressional service as well as electoral data. Martis and Macmillan Publishing Company generously permitted the House Office for the Bicentennial and the Senate Historical Office access to the data prior to the publication of The Historical Atlas. This information served as the basis for the revision of party labels that appeared in previous editions of the Biographical Directory. The present Biographical Directory includes all labels that reflect party affiliation at the time of election. For certain Congresses when Martis derived his data from analyses of voting behavior, the editors have omit- ted reference to party. Thus no designations are included for election to the First through Third Congresses before the identifiable organization of Federalist and Republican congressional campaigns. For the Sixteenth through Twenty- fourth Congresses, 1819 to 1837, Martis relied on behavioral analyses and only scattered newspaper accounts of electoral party labels. In 1819, at the opening of the Sixteenth Congress, the Niles' Weekly Register, a leading political newspaper published by Hezekiah Niles in , abandoned its practice of listing party affiliations for the new Congressmen, explaining that "The difficulty of drawing lines of demarkation satisfactorily at this time, has induced us not to attempt it." Niles did not resume party identification for the entire Congress until the convening of the Twenty-fifth Congress in 1837. Following the example of Niles' Register,the Biographical Directory omits reference toparty affiliationsfor almost all elections to the Sixteenth through Twentieth Congresses. For elections to the Twenty-first through Twenty-fourth Congresses, a period when Niles' Reg- ister and other newspapers published occasional reports of party affiliation, en- tries include party labels that can be identified as electoral designations. The final variation from Martis's data applies to elections to the Thirty-fourth Con- gress. In order to map elections of candidates representing the various parties and shifting alliances that developed after the demise of the Whigs, Martis clas- sified as "Opposition" all non-Democratic candidates elected to the Thirty-fourth Congress. The Biographical Directory lists the Members' party affiliation at the time of election regardless of their later affiliations or alliances in the Thirty- fourth Congress. The Congressional Committee Project, under the direction of Dr. Garrison Nelson of the University of , developed a list of standing committee [5] chairmen in the First through Ninety-sixth Congresses and select, special, and joint committee chairmen in the Eightieth through Ninety-sixth Congresses. The Congressional Research Service of the provided updates for the Ninety-seventh and Ninety-eighth Congresses and the House Office for the Bicentennial and the Senate Historical Office added chairmen in the Ninety- ninth and One Hundredth Congresses. Chairmenare listed by the Congresses in which they served even if they were chairman for only part ofa Congress. In the case of death, resignation,or change in committee assignment, two or more individuals may be listed as chairman ofa committee in the same Congress. Information on House leadership positions is drawn largely froma Congres- sional Research Service report prepared by Paul Rundquist in July 1985. Speak- ers of the House of Representatives are included for the First through One Hun- dredth Congresses and House floor leaders and whips listed for the Fifty-sixth through One Hundredth Congresses. Presidentspro tempore of the Senate are in- cluded for the First through One Hundredth Congresses. Senate majority and mi- nority leaders and Republican and Democratic whipsare included as those re- spective positions evolved in the early 20th century. Informationon Senate lead- ership positions is drawn largely from "Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate" (Senate Document 100-29) by parliamentarian emeritus, FloydM. Rid- dick.

The basis for bibliographical citations for Representatives isa bibliography on Members of Congress since 1774, prepared by Robert U. Goehlert of University and John R. Sayre of Phillips University. The Office for the Bicenten- nial provided additional citations for Representatives and updatedthe bibliogra- phy of Goehlert and Sayre who concluded their search in 1983. The SenateHis- torical Office searched Dissertations in History (vols.1 and 2), the Library of Congress' computerized card catalog, and the major historical journals' compila- tions of articles in their disciplines, for additional bibliographical material.

Paul H. Smith, editor of the Letters of the Delegatesto Congress,1774-1789 at the Library of Congress, provided important corrections in the dates ofservice for Delegates to the Continental Congress. Biographical entries have been revised to include years of attendance at the Continental Congress. The information from Dr. Smith also allowed revision of the table of Delegates to the Continental Con- gress. Further information on specific dates of election and dates of attendance within a given year is printed in the volumes of the Letters of Delegatesto Con- gress,1774-1789,14 vols. to date, (Washington, 1976- ).

The Senate Historical Office and the Office for the Bicentennial receivedin- valuable assistance in the preparation of this volume frommany historians, polit- ical scientists, archivists, librarians, genealogists, and general readers ofthe Bio- graphical Directory who alerted the editors to problems with standing entries. State and local historical societies, state archives, documentary editingprojects, and newspaper offices among otherswere most helpful in responding to questions regarding individual entries. Each of the more than 700 living former Representatives and themore than 100 former Senators as well as each sitting Member of Congress hasreviewed his or her entry before its inclusion in the bicentennial edition ofthe Biographi- cal Directory. Entries for former and current Members incorporate the individual [6] suggested revisions within the standardized format. The United States Association of Former Members of Congress provided important help in locatingformer Members throughout the country. Updated entries in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress are complete through June 30, 1988. During the several years spentpreparing this bicentennial edition, the editors have become increasingly aware of the degree to which this volume is and will always be a work in progress. The present revision by the historical offices of the Senate and the House of Repre- sentatives has provided an opportunity to make the Biographical Directory a more reliable and consistent historical record. The job ofverifying existing data in the more than 11,000 entries, of investigating relevant bibliography, and of in- cluding a more complete record of congressional service, however, is one that will continue long after the publication of the present volume. The respective of- fices welcome any information regarding existing entries. Kathryn Allamong Jacob, Assistant Historian, US. Senate Historical Office Bruce A. Ragsdale, Associate Historian, Office for the Bicentennial, US. House of Representatives




A Cabinet officer is not appointed for a fixed term and does not necessarily go out of office with the President who made the appointment. While it is customary to tender one's resignation at the time a change of administration takes place, each officer remains formally at the head of his depart- ment until a successor is appointed. Subordinates acting temporarily as heads of departments are not considered Cabinet officers, and in the earlier period of the Nation's history not all Cabinet officers were heads of executive departments. The names of all those exercising the duties and bearing the responsibilities of the executive departments, together with the period of service, are incorporated in the lists that follow. The dates immediately following the names of executive officers are those upon which commis- sions were issued, unless otherwise specifically noted. Where periods of time are indicated by dates as, for instance, March 4, 1793-March 3, 1797, both such dates are included as portions of the time period. The Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution (effective Oct. 15, 1933) changed the terms of the President and Vice President to end at noon on the 20th day of January and the terms of Senators and Representatives to end at noon on the 3d day of January when the terms of their successors shall begin.

[101 EXECUTIVE OFFICERS, 1789-1989

First Administration of

APRIL 30, 1789, TO MARCH 3, 1793 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESGEoRGE WASHINGTON, of Virginia. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJoHN Aimass, of . SECRETARY OF STATEJOHN JAY, of New York, was Secretary for Foreign Affairs under theConfederation, and continued to act, at the request of Washington, until Jefferson took office. , of Virginia,September 26, 1789; entered upon duties March 22, 1790. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYALExANDER HAMILTON, of New York, September 11, 1789. SECRETARY OF WARHENRY KNOX, of Massachusetts, September 12, 1789. ATTORNEY GENERALEDMUND RANDOLPH, of Virginia, September 26, 1789; entered upon duties February2, 1790. POSTMASTER GENERALSAMUEL OsGOOD, of Massachusetts, September 26, 1789. , ofPennsylvania, August 12, 1791; entered upon duties August 19, 1791.

Second Administration of GEORGE WASHINGTON

MARCH 4, 1793, TO MARCH 3, 1797 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESGEoRGE WASHINGTON, of Virginia. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJOHN ADAMS, of Massachusetts. SECRETARY OF STATEThos4As JEFFERSON, of Virginia, continued from preceding administration. EDMUNDRANDOLPH, of Virginia, January 2, 1794. TIMOTHY PICKERING, of Pennsylvania (Secretary of War), ad interim, August20, 1795. TIMOTHY PICKERING, of Pennsylvania, December 10, 1795. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYAixANDER HAMILTON, of New York, continued frompreceding administration. OLIvER WoL- co'rr, Jr., of Connecticut, February 2, 1795. SECRETARY OF WARHENRY KNOX, of Massachusetts, continued from preceding administration.TIMOTHY PICKERING, of Pennsyl- vania, January 2, 1795. TIMOTHY PICKERING, of Pennsylvania (Secretary of State), ad interim,December 10, 1795, to February 5, 1796. JAMES MCHENRY, of Maryland, January 27, 1796; entered upon duties February 6, 1796. ATTORNEY GENERALEDMUND RANDOLPH, of Virginia, continued from preceding administration. WILLIAMBRADFORD, of Pennsyl- vania, January 27, 1794; entered upon duties January 29, 1794. , of Virginia,December 10, 1795. POSTMASTER GENERALTIMOTHY PICKERING, of Pennsylvania, continued from precedingadministration. TIMOTHY PICKERING, of Pennsylvania, recommissioned June 1, 1794. , of Georgia, February 25, 1795.

Administration of MARCH 4, 1797, TO MARCH 3, 1801 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJOHN ADAMS, of Massachusetts. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESTHOMAS JEFFERSON, of Virginia. SECRETARY OF STATETIMOTHY PICKERING, of Pennsylvania, continued from precedingadministration; resignation requested May 10, 1800, but declining to resign, he was dismissed May 12, 1800. CHARLES LEE, ofVirginia, (Attorney General), ad interim, May 13, 1800. JOHN MARSHALL, of Virginia, May 13, 1800; entered upon duties June 6,1800. JOHN MARSHALL, of Virginia (Chief Justice of the United States), ad interim, February 4, 1801, to March 3, 1801. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYOLIVER WoIcoTr, Jr., of Connecticut, continued frompreceding administration. of Massachusetts, January 1, 1801. SECRETARY OF WARJAMES MCHENRY, of Maryland, continued from precedingadministration. BENJAMIN STODDERT, of Maryland (Secretary of the Navy), ad interim, June 1, 1800, to June 12, 1800. SAMUEL DEXTER, ofMassachusetts, May 13, 1800; entered upon duties June 12, 1800. SAMUEL DEXTER, of Massachusetts (Secretaryof the Treasury), ad interim, January 1, 1801. ATTORNEY GENERALCHARLES LEE, of Virginia, continued from precedingadministration. POSTMASTER GENERALJOSEPH HABERSHAM, of Georgia, continued from precedingadministration. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYBENJAMIN STODDERT, of Maryland, May 21, 1798; entered uponduties June 18, 1798. 12 Biographical Directory

First Administration of THOMAS JEFFERSON

MARCH 4, 1801, TO MARCH 3, 1805 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESTHoaus JEFFERsoN, of Virginia. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESAARON BURR, of New York. SECRETARY OF STATEJOHN MARSHALL, of Virginia (Chief Justice of the UnitedStates), for one day (March 4, 1801), and for a special purpose. LEVI LINcoI, of Massachusetts (Attorney General), ad interim,March 5, 1801. , of Virginia, March 5, 1801; entered upon duties May 2, 1801. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYSAMUEL DEXTER, of Massachusetts, continued frompreceding administration to May 6, 1801. , of Pennsylvania, May 14, 1801. SECRETARY OF WARHENRY DEARBORN, of Massachusetts, March 5, 1801. ATI'ORNEY GENERALLEVI LINcOu, of Massachusetts, March 5, 1801, to December 81, 1804. POSTMASTER GENERALJOSEPH HABERSHAM, of Georgia, continued from preceding administration. GIDEONGRANGER, of Connecti- cut, November 28, 1801.

SECRETARY OF THE NAVYBENJAMIN STODDERT, of Maryland, continued from preceding administration., of Massachusetts (Secretary of War), ad interim, April 1, 1801. ROBERT SMmI, of Maryland, July 15, 1801;entered upon duties July 27, 1801.

Second Administration of THOMAS JEFFERSON

MARCH 4, 1805, TO MARCH 3, 1809 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESTHOMAS JEFFERSON, of Virginia. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESGEORGE CLINToN, of New York. SECRETARY OF STATEJAMES MADISON, of Virginia, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYALBERT GALLATIN, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF WARHENRY DEARBORN, of Massachusetts, continued from preceding administration. JOHNSMITH (chief clerk), ad interim, February 17, 1809. ATI'ORNEY GENERALJOHN BRECKENRIDGE, of Kentucky, August 7, 1805 (died December 14,1806). CAESAR A. RODNEY, of Dela- ware, January 20, 1807. POSTMASTER GENERALGIDEON GRANGER, of Connecticut, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYROBERT SMITH, of Maryland, continued from preceding administration.

First Administration of JAMES MADISON

MARCH 4, 1809, TO MARCH 3, 1813 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJAMES MADISON, of Virginia. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESGEORGE CLINTON, of New York. (Died April 20, 1812.) PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THL' SENATEWmuAM H. CRAWFORD, of Georgia. SECRETARY OF STATEROBERT SMITH, of Maryland, March 6, 1809. , of Virginia, April 2, 1811; enteredupon duties April 6, 1811. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYALBERT GAun,, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF WARJOHN SMmI (chief clerk), ad interim, continued from preceding administration. WILLIAMEUSTIS,of Massa- chusetts, March 7, 1809; entered upon duties April 8, 1809; served to December 31, 1812. JAMES MONROE, of Virginia (Secretary of State), ad interim, January 1, 1818. JoHN ARMSTRONG, of New York, January 13, 1813; entered upon duties February 5, 1813. ATFORNEY GENERALCAESAR A. RODNEY, of , continued from preceding administration; resigned December 5, 1811. , of Maryland, December 11, 1811; entered upon duties January 6, 1812. POSTMASTER GENERALGIDEON GRANGER, of Connecticut, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYROBERT SMITH, of Maryland, continued from preceding administration. Ca.&RLE8 W. GOLDSB0ROUGH (chief clerk), ad interim, March 8, 1809. PAul HAMILTON, of , March 7, 1809; entered upon duties May 15, 1809; served to December 31, 1812. CHARLES W. GOLDSBOROTJGH (chief clerk), ad interim, January 7, 1813, to January 18, 1813. Wu- 11AM JoNES, of Pennsylvania, January 12, 1813; entered upon duties January 19, 1813. Executive Officers, 1789-1989 13

Second Administration of JAMES MADISON

MARCH 4, 1813, TO MARCH 3, 1817 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJAMLS MADISON, of Virginia. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESEianmcIE GERRY, of Massachusetts (Died November 23, 1814.) PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATEJOHN GAILLARD, of South Carolina. SECRETARY OF STATEJAMss MONROE, of Virginia, continued from preceding administration. J*.s MONROE, of Virginia (Secre- tary of War), ad interim, October 1, 1814. JArs MONROE, of Virginia, February 28, 1815. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYALBERT GALLATIN, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration. WILLIAM JONES, of Pennsylvania (Secretary of the Navy), performed the duties of the Secretary of the Treasury during the absence of Mr. Gal- latin in Europe (April 21, 1813, to February 9, 1814). GEORGE W. CAMPBELL, of Tennessee, February 9, 1814. ALEXANDER J. DALLAS, of Pennsylvania, October 6, 1814; entered upon duties October 14, 1814. WILLIAM H. CRAWFORD, of Georgia, October 22, 1816. SECRETARY OF WARJOHN ARMSTRONG, of New York, continued from preceding administration. Jssis MONROE, of Virginia (Sec- retary of State), ad interim, August 30, 1814. JAMEs MONROE, of Virginia, September 27, 1814; entered upon duties October 1, 1814. JAMES Moi.nwE, of Virginia (Secretary of State), ad interim, March 1, 1815. ALEXANDER J. DAU.As, of Pennsylvania (Secre- tary of the Treasury), ad interim, March 14, 1815, to August 8, 1815. WIu.IM.s H. CRAWFORD, of Georgia, August 1, 1815; en- tered upon duties August 8, 1815. GEORGE GRAHAM (chief clerk), ad interim, October 22, 1816, to close of administration. ATTORNEY GENERALWn.LIAM PINKNEY, of Maryland, continued from preceding administration. , of Pennsylvania, February 10, 1814; entered upon duties the day following. POSTMASTER GENERALGIDEON GRANGER, of Connecticut, continued from preceding administration. RETURN J. MEIGS, Jr., of , March 17, 1814; entered upon duties April 11, 1814. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYWILLIAM JONES, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration. BENJAMIN HOMANS (chief clerk), ad interim, December 2, 1814. BENJAMIN W. CROWNINSHIELD, of Massachusetts, December 19, 1814; entered upon duties January 16, 1815.

First Administration of JAMES MONROE

MARCH 4, 1817, TO MARCH 3, 1821 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJAMES MONROE, of Virginia. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESDANsi D. TOMPKINS, of New York. SECRETARY OF STATEJOHN GRAHAM (chief clerk), ad interim, March 4, 1817. RICHARD RUSH, of Pennsylvania (Attorney Gener- al), ad interim, March 10, 1817. , of Massachusetts, March 5, 1817; entered upon duties September 22, 1817. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYWu.uM H. CRAWFORD, of Georgia, continued from preceding administration. WILLIAM H. CRAWFORD, of Georgia, recommissioned March 5, 1817. SECRETARY OF WARGEORGE GRAHAM (chief clerk), ad interim, March 4, 1817. JOHN C. CALHOUN, of South Carolina, October 8, 1817; entered upon duties December 10, 1817. ATTORNEY GENERALRICHARD RUSH, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration to October 30, 1817. WIInAM WIRT, of Virginia, November 13, 1817; entered upon duties November 15, 1817. POSTMASTER GENERALRETURN J. MEIGS, Jr., of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYBENJAMIN W. CROWNINSHIELD, of Massachusetts, continued from preceding administration. JOHN C. CALHOUN, of South Carolina (Secretary of War), ad interim, October 1, 1818. SMITh THOMPSON, of New York, November 9, 1818; entered upon duties January 1, 1819.

Second Administration of JAMES MONROE

MARCH 4, 1821, TO MARCH 3, 1825 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJAMES MONROE, of Virgina. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESDANIEL D. TOMPKINS, of New York. SECRETARY OF STATEJOHN QUINCY ADAMS, of Massachusetts, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYWILLIAM H. CRAWFORD, of Georgia, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF WARJoHN C. CALHOUN, of South Carolina, continued from preceding administration. ATTORNEY GENERALWILLIAM WIRT, of Virginia, continued from preceding administration. POSTMASTER GENERALRETURN J. MEIGS, Jr., of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. JOHN McLEAN, of Ohio, com- missioned June 26, 1823, to take effect July 1, 1823. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYSMmi THOMPSON, of New York, continued from preceding administration. JOHN RODGERS (commo- dore, , and President of the Board of Navy Commissioners), ad interim, September 1,1823. SAMUEL L. SOUTRARD, of New Jersey, September 16, 1823. 14 Biographical Directory

Administration of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS

MARCh 4, 1825, TO MARCH 3, 1829 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJoHN QuINcY ADAMS, of Massachusetts. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJoHN C. CALHOUN, of South Carolina. SECRETARY OF STATEDANIEL BRENT (chief clerk), ad interim, March 4, 1825. HENRY CLAY, of Kentucky, March 7, 1825. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYSAMUEL L. SOUThARD, of New Jersey (Secretary of the Navy), ad interim, March 7, 1825. RICH- ARD RUSH, of Pennsylvania, March 7, 1825; entered upon duties August 1, 1825. SECRETARY OF WARJAMIIs BARBOUR of Virginia March 7 1825 SAMUEL L Southard of New Jersey (Secretary of the Navy) ad interim, May 26, 1828. PETER B. PORTER, of New York, May 26, 1828; entered upon duties June 21, 1828. ATFORNEY GENERALWn.nAM WIRT, of Virginia, continued from preceding administration. POSTMASTER GENERALJoHN McLsaN, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYSAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, of New Jersey, continued from preceding administration.

First Administration of

MARCH 4, 1829, TO MARCH 3, 1833 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESA!mREw JACKSON, of Tennessee. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJOHN C. CALHOUN, of South Carolina. (Resigned December 28, 1832.) PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATEHUGH LAWSON WarrE, of Tennessee. SECRETARY OF STATEJAasss A. HAMILTON, of New York, ad interim, March 4, 1829. , of New York, March 6, 1829; entered upon duties March 28, 1829. , of , May 24, 1831. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYSAMUEL D. INGHAM, of Pennsylvania, March 6, 1829. ASBURY DICKIN5 (chief clerk), ad interim, June 21, 1831. LoUIS McLAI.t, of Delaware, August 8, 1831. SECRETARY OF WARJOHN H. EATON, of Tennessee, March 9, 1829. Piuu G. RANDOLPH (chief clerk), ad interim, June 20, 1831. ROGER B. TANEY, of Maryland (Attorney General), ad interim, July 21, 1831. , of Ohio, August 1, 1831; entered upon duties August 8, 1831. AFORNEY GENERALJOHN M. BERRIEN, of Georgia, March 9, 1829, June 22, 1831. ROGER B.TA1Y,of Maryland, July 20, 1831. POSTMASTER GENERALJOHN MCLEAN, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. WILLIAM T. BARRY, of Kentucky, March 9, 1829; entered upon duties April 6, 1829. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYCHARLRS HAY (chief clerk), ad interim, March 4, 1829. , of , March 9, 1829. (chief clerk), ad interim, May 12, 1831. LEvI WOODBIJRY, of , May 23, 1831.

Second Administration of ANDREW JACKSON

MARCH 4, 1833, TO MARCH 3, 1837 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESAIwREw JACKSON, of Tennessee. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESMARTINVANBUREN, of New York. SECRETARY OF STATEEDWARD LIVINGSTON, of Louisiana, continued from preceding administration. LouIs McLANE, of Delaware, May 29, 1833. JOHN Foasym, of Georgia, June 27, 1834; entered upon duties July 1, 1834. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYLouis McL, of Delaware, continued from preceding administration. WILLIAM J. DUANE, of Pennsylvania, May 29, 1833; entered upon duties June 1, 1833. ROGER B. TirsY, of Maryland, September 23, 1833. McCUNTOCK YOUNG (chief clerk), ad interim, June 25, 1834. , of New Hampshire, June 27, 1834; entered upon duties July 1, 1834. SECRETARY OF WARLEwis CAss, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. CAREY A. HARRIS, of Tennessee (Commission- er of Indian Affairs), ad interim, October 5, 1836. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER, of New York (Attorney General), ad interim, October 26, 1836. BENJAMIN F. Bu'nR, of New York, commissioned March 3, 1837, ad interim, "during the pleasure of the President, until a successor, duly appointed, shall accept such office and enter upon the duties thereof." AITORNEY GENERALROGER B.TANEY,of Maryland, continued from preceding administration to September 23, 1833. BENJAMIN F. Bu'JUR, of New York, November 15, 1833; entered upon duties November 18, 1833. POSTMASTER GENERALWILLIAM T. BARRY, of Kentucky, continued from preceding administration. AMOS KENDALL, of Kentucky, May 1, 1835. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYLEvI WOODBURY, of New Hampshire, continued from preceding administration. , of New Jersey, June 30, 1834. Executive Officers, 1789-1989 15

Administration of MARTIN VAN BUREN MARCH 4, 1837, TO MARCH 3, 1841 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESMARTIN VMI BUREN, of New York. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESRIca&RD M. JoHNsoN, of Kentucky. SECRETARY OF STATEJoHN FoRSYTH, of Georgia, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYLEVI WOODBURY, of New Hampshire, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF WARBENJAMIN F. BUTLER, of New York, ad interim, continued from preceding administration. JOEL R. Pomsrrr, of South Carolina, March 7, 1837; entered upon duties March 14, 1837. ATTORNEY GENERALBENJAMIN F. BUTLER, of New York, continued from preceding administration. , of Tennessee, July 5, 1838, to take effect September 1, 1838. HENRY D. GIu'IN, of Pennsylvania, January 11, 1840. POSTMASTER GENERALAMos Kim.u, of Kentucky, continued from preceding administration. Jomc M. NILES, of Connecticut, May 19, 1840, to take effect May 25, 1840; entered upon duties May 26, 1840. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYMArn.oN DICKERSON, of New Jersey, continued from preceding administration. JAMES K. PAULDING, of New York, June 25, 1838, to take effect "after the 30th instant"; entered upon duties July 1, 1838.

Administration of WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON MARCH 4, 1841, TO APRIL 4, 1841 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESWiujp,i HENRY HARRISON, of Ohio. (Died April 4, 1841.) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJOHN TYLER, of Virginia. SECRETARY OF STATEJ. L. MARTIN (chief clerk), ad interim, March 4, 1841. DANIEL WEBSTER, of Massachusetts, March 5, 1841. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYMcCUNT0cK YOUNG (chief clerk), ad interim, March 4, 1841. THOMAS EwING, of Ohio, March 5, 1841. SECRETARY OF WARJOHN BEU., of Tennessee, March 5, 1841. ATTORNEY GENERALJoHN J. CRFFTENDEN, of Kentucky, March 5, 1841. POSTMASTER GENERALSEI&H R. HOBBlE, of New York (First Assistant Postmaster General), ad interim, March 4, 1841. FRAN- cis GRANGER, of New York, March 6, 1841; entered upon duties March 8, 1841. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYJom D. SIMMS (chief clerk), ad interim, March 4, 1841. GEORGE E. BAncER, of North Carolina, March 5, 1841.

Administration of APRIL 4, 1841, TO MARCH 3, 1845 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJoHN TYLER, of Virginia. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATESAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, of New Jersey; WILLIE P. MANGUM, of North Carolina. SECRETARY OF STATEDANIEL WEBSTER, of Massachusetts, continued from preceding administration. HUGH S. LEGA1L, of South Carolina (Attorney General), ad interim, May 9, 1843. WILLIAM S. DERRICK (chief clerk), ad interim, June 21, 1843. ABEL P. UPsrnnL, of Virginia (Secretary of the Navy), ad interim, June 24, 1843. ABEL P. UPSHUR, of Virginia, July 24, 1843 (killed by the explosion of a gun on the U.S.S. Princeton February 28, 1844). JOHN NELSON, of Maryland (Attorney General), ad interim, February 29, 1844. JOHN C. CALHoUN, of South Carolina, March 6, 1844; entered upon duties April 1, 1844. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYThoMAs EWING, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. McCuroCK Young (chief clerk), ad interim, September 13,1841. WALTER FORWARD, of Pennsylvania, September 13, 1841. McCur'rrocK YOUNG (chief clerk), ad interim, March 1, 1843. JOHN C. SPENCER, of New York, March 3, 1843; entered upon duties March 8, 1843. McCUN- TOCK YOUNG (chief clerk), ad interim, May 2, 1844. GEORGE M. BIBB, of Kentucky, June 15, 1844; entered upon dutiesJuly 4, 1844. SECRETARY OF WARJOHN BEu of Tennessee, continued from preceding administration. ALBERT M. LEA, of Maryland (chief clerk), ad interim, September 12, 1841. JOHN C. SPENCER, of New York, October 12, 1841. JA1ss M. PORTER of Pennsylvania, March 8, 1843. WILLIAM WILKINS, of Pennsylvania, February 15, 1844; entered upon duties February 20, 1844. ATTORNEY GENERALJOHN J. CRn'LENDEN, of Kentucky, continued from preceding administration. HUGH S. LEGAR, of South Carolina, September 13, 1841; entered upon duties September 20, 1841 (died June 20, 1843). JOHN NELSON, of Maryland, July 1, 1843. POSTMASTER GENERALFRANcIs GRANGER, of New York, continued from preceding administration. SELAH R. HOBBlE, of New York (First Assistant Postmaster General), ad interim, September 14, 1841. CHARLES A. WICKLIFFE, of Kentucky, September 13, 1841; entered upon duties October 13, 1841. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYGEoRGE E. BADGER, of North Carolina, continued from preceding administration. JOHN D. SIMMS (chief clerk), ad interim, September 11, 1841. ABEL P. Upsmm, of Virginia, September 13, 1841; entered upon duties October 11, 1841. DAvm HENSHAW, of Massachusetts, July 24, 1843. Thoai&s W. GILMER, of Virginia, February 15, 1844; entered uponduties February 19, 1844 (killed by the explosion of a gun on the U.S.S. Princeton February 28, 1844). LEwis WARRINGTON (captain, United States Navy), ad interim, February 29, 1844. JOHN Y. MASON, of Virginia, March 14, 1844; entered upon duties March 26, 1844. 16 Biographical Directory

Administration of JAMES K. POLK MARCH 4, 1845, TO MARCH 3, 1849 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJss K.POLK,of Tennessee. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESGEORGE M. DALLAS, of Pennsylvania. SECRETARY OF STATEJOHN C. CALHOUN, of South Carolina, continued from preceding administration. JAMLS BUcHANAN, of Pennsylvania, March 6, 1845; entered upon duties March 10, 1845. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYGEORGE M BIBB of Kentucky continued from preceding administration ROBERT J WALKER of Mississippi March 6 1845 entered upon duties March 8 1845 SECRETARY OF WARWilLIAM WILIUN5 of Pennsylvania continued from preceding administration WILLIAM L MARcY of New York March 6 1845 entered upon duties March 8 1845 ATI'ORNEY GENERALJOHN NELSON of Maryland continued from preceding administration JOHN Y MASON of Virginia March 6, 1845; entered upon duties March 11, 1845. , of , October 17, 1846, to March 18, 1848, when he re- signed. Isc Toucsw, of Connecticut, June 21, 1848; entered upon duties June 29, 1848. POSTMASTER GENERALCHARLES A. WIcKUm, of Kentucky, continued from preceding administration. , of Ten- nessee, March 6, 1845. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYJOHN Y. MASON, of Virginia, continued from preceding administration. , of Massa- chusetts, March 10, 1845. JOHN Y. MASON, of Virginia, September 9, 1846.

Administration of

MARCH 4, 1849, TO JULY 9, 1850 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESZAchARY TAYLOR, of Louisiana. (Oath administered March 5, 1849. Died July 9, 1850.) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESMIu.iiD FILLMORE, of New York. SECRETARY OF STATEJARIES BUCHANAN, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration. JOHN M. Ci'ToN, of Dela- ware, March 7, 1849. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYROBERT J. WALKER, of Mississippi, continued from preceding administration. MCCLINTOCK YOUNG (chief clerk), ad interim, March 6, 1849. WILLIAM M. MEREDITH, of Pennsylvania, March 8, 1849. SECRETARY OF WARWIuiaI L. MARCY, of New York, continued from preceding administration. , of Maryland (Attorney General), ad interim, March 8, 1849. GEORGE W. CRAWFORD, of Georgia, March 8, 1849; entered upon duties March 14, 1849. A'll'ORNEY GENERALIsARc TOUCEY, of Connecticut, continued from preceding administration. REVERDY JOHNSON, of Maryland, March 8, 1849. POSTMASTER GENERALCAvE JoHNSoN, of Tennessee, continued from preceding administration. SELAH R. HOBBlE, of New York (First Assistant Postmaster General), ad interim, March 6, 1849. , of Vermont, March 8, 1849. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYJOHN Y. MASON, of Virginia, continued from preceding administration. WIILL&M B. PRESTON, of Vir- ginia, March 8, 1849. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORTHoMAS EWING, of Ohio, March 8, 1849.

Administration of

JULY 10, 1850, TO MARCH 3, 1853 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESMIu.Aiw FILLMORE, of New York. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATEWIuM R. KING, of ; DAVID R.ATCHIsON,of . SECRETARY OF STATEJOHN M. CLArroN, of Delaware, continued from preceding administration. DANIEL WEBSTER, of Massachu- setts, July 22, 1850 (died October 24, 1852). Ciiiuzs M. CONRAD, of Louisiana (Secretary of War), ad interim, October 25, 1852. , of Massachusetts, November 6, 1852. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYWII.UART M. MEREDITH, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration. THOMAS CORWIrq, of Ohio July 23, 1850. SECRETARY OF WARGEORGE W. CRAWFORD, of Georgia, continued from preceding administration. SAMUEL J. ANDERSON (chief clerk), ad interim, July 23, 1850. WINFIELD Scorr (major general, U.S. Army), ad interim, July 24, 1850. CHARLES M. CONRAD, of Louisiana, August 15, 1850. ATFORNEY GENERALREvisiDY JoHNSON, of Maryland, continued from preceding administration, served to July 22, 1850. Join'i J. CRITFENDEN, of Kentucky, July 22, 1850; entered upon duties August 14, 1850. POSTMASTER GENERALJACOB COLLAMER, of Vermont, continued from preceding administration. NATHAN K. HALL, of New York, July 23, 1850. SAMUEL D. HUBBARD, of Connecticut, August 31, 1852; entered upon duties September 14, 1852. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYWu.UAM B. PRESTON, of Virginia, continued from preceding administration. LEWIS WARRINGTON (cap- tain, U.S. Navy), ad interim, July 23, 1850. WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, of North Carolina, July 22, 1850; entered upon duties August 2, 1850. JOHN P. KENNEDY, of Maryland, July 22, 1852; entered upon duties July 26, 1852. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORTHoMAS EWING, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. DANIEL C. GODDARD (chief clerk), ad interim, July 23, 1850. THOMAS M. T. MCKENNAN, of Pennsylvania, August 15, 1850. DANIEL C. GODDARD (chief clerk), ad interim, August 27, 1850. ALEXANDER H. H. STUART, of Virginia, September 12, 1850; entered upon duties September 16, 1850. Executive Officers, 1789-1989 17

Administration of

MARCH 4, 1853, TO MARCH 3, 1857

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESFRANKLIN PIERCE, of New Hampshire. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESWILIJAM R. KING, of Alabama. (Died April 18, 1853.) PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATEDAvID R. ATCHISON, of Missouri; LEwis CASS, of Michigan; JsssE D. BRIGHT, of Indiana; Ciiiurs E. STUART, of Michigan; Jaws M. MASON, of Virginia. SECRETARY OF STATEWILLIAM HUNTER (chief clerk) ad interim March 4 1853 Wn.UAM L MARCY of New York March 7 1853 SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYTHOMAS CORWIN, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. JAaiEs GUTHRIE, of Ken- tucky, March 7, 1853. SECRETARY OF WARCHARLES M. CONRAD, of Louisiana, continued from preceding administration. , of Mississip- pi, March 7, 1853. SAMUEL COOPER (Adjutant General, U.S. Army), ad interim, March 3, 1857. A11ORNEY GENERALJOHN J CRITFENDEN of Kentucky continued from preceding administration Ci.sB CUSHING of Massachu setts, March 7, 1853. POSTMASTER GENERALSAMUEL D. HUBBARD, of Connecticut, continued from preceding administration. JAMES CAMPBELL, of Pennsylvania, March 7, 1853. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYJOHN P. KENNEDY, of Maryland, continued from preceding administration. JAMES C. DOBBIN, of North Carolina, March 7, 1853. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORALExAI.WER H. H. STUART, of Virginia, continued from preceding administration. ROBERT McCLELLAND, of Michigan, March 7, 1853.

Administration of MARCH 4, 1857, TO MARCH 3, 1861

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJAMES BUCHANAN, of Pennsylvania. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, of Kentucky. SECRETARY OF STATEWILLIAM L. MARCY, of New York, continued from preceding administration. LEWIS CAS5, of Michigan, March 6, 1857. (chief clerk), ad interim, December 15, 1860. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, of Pennsylvania, December 17, 1860. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYJAMES GumIUE, of Kentucky, continued from preceding administration. , of Geor- gia, March 6, 1857. ISAAC TOUCEY, of Connecticut (Secretary of the Navy), ad interim, December 10, 1860. PHILIP F. THOMAS, of Maryland, December 12, 1860. JOHN A. Dix, of New York, January 11, 1861; entered upon duties January 15, 1861. SECRETARY OF WARSAMUEL COOPER (Adjutant General, U.S. Army), ad interim, March 4, 1857. JOHN B. FLOYD, of Virginia, March 6, 1857. , of Kentucky (Postmaster General), ad interim, January 1, 1861. JOSEPH HOLT, of Kentucky, Janu- ary 18, 1861. AVPORNEY GENERALCALEB CUSHING, of Massachusetts, continued from preceding administration. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, of Penn- sylvania, March 6, 1857; entered upon duties March 11, 1857. EDWIN M. STANTON, of Pennsylvania, December 20, 1860; entered upon duties December 22, 1860. POSTMASTER GENERALJAMES CAMPBELL, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration. AARON V. BROWN, of Ten- nessee, March 6, 1857 (died March 8, 1859). , of Maine (First AssistantPostmaster General), ad interim, March 9, 1859. JOSEPH HOLT, of Kentucky, March 14, 1859. HORATIO KING, of Maine (First Assistant Postmaster General), ad interim, January 1, 1861. HoRATIo KING, of Maine, February 12, 1861. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYJAMES C. DORBIN, of North Carolina, continued from preceding administration. ISAAC TOUCEY, of Connecticut, March 6, 1857. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORROBERT MCCLEu.D, of Michigan, continued from preceding administration. JACOBTHOMPSON, of Mississippi, March 6, 1857; entered upon duties March 10, 1857. Mosss KELLY (chief clerk), ad interim, January 10, 1861. 18 Biographical Directory

First Administration of MARCH 4, 1861, TO MARCH 3, 1865 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESABRAi.&M LIwcouq, of Illinois. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESHANNIBAL HAMLIN, of Maine. SECRETARY OF STATE--JEREMIAH S. BLACK, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration. WnuAM H. SEWARD, of New York, March 5, 1861. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYJOHN A. Dix, of New York, continued from preceding administration. SasoN P. CHASE, of Ohio, March 5, 1861; entered upon duties March 7, 1861. GEORGE HARRINGTON, of the District of Columbia (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, July 1, 1864. WIu.IAM P. FEsSENDEN, of Maine, July 1, 1864; entered upon duties July 5, 1864. SECRETARY OF WARJOSEPH HOLT, of Kentucky, continued from preceding administration. , of Pennsylvania, March 5, 1861; entered upon duties March 11, 1861. EDWIN M. STANTON, of Pennsylvania, January 15, 1862; entered upon duties January 20, 1862. ATTORNEY GENERALEDwn' M. STANTON, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration. EDWARD BArss, of Missou- ri, March 5, 1861. JAMEs SPEED, of Kentucky, December 2, 1864; entered upon duties December 5, 1864. POSTMASTER GENERALHoRAno KING, of Maine, continued from preceding administration. , of the District of Columbia, March 5, 1861; entered upon duties March 9, 1861. WILLIAM DENNISON, of Ohio, September 24, 1864; entered upon duties October 1, 1864. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYIsc Toucm, of Connecticut, continued from preceding administration. GIDEON WELLES, of Connecti- cut, March 5, 1861; entered upon duties March 7, 1861. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORMosns KELLY (chief clerk), ad interim, March 4, 1861. CAi.sB B. Sr,srris, of Indiana, March 5, 1861. JOHN P. Usnnn, of Indiana (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, January 1, 1863. JOHN P. USHER, of Indiana, January 8, 1863.

Second Administration of ABRAHAM LINCOLN MARCH 4, 1865, TO APRIL 15, 1865 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESASSIANAM LINCO, of illinois. (Died April 15, 1865.) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESANDREW JOHNSON, of Tennessee. SECRETARY OF STATEWIUL&M H. SEwARD, of New York, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYGEoRGE HARRINGTON, of the District of Columbia (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, March 4, 1865. HUGH MCCULLOCH, of Indiana, March 7, 1865; entered upon duties March 9, 1865. SECRETARY OF WAREDWIN M. STANTON, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration. ATTORNEY GENERALJAMES SPEED, of Kentucky, continued from preceding administration. POSTMASTER GENERALWILLIAM DsNIsoN, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYGIDEON Wpi.i.ss, of Connecticut, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORJOHN P. USHER, of Indiana, continued from preceding administration.

Administration of APRIL 15, 1865, TO MARCH 3, 1869 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESA1REW JOHNSON, of Tennessee. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATELrAyrrrE S. FoSTER, of Connecticut; Benjamin F. Wade, of Ohio. SECRETARY OF STATEWILLIAM H. SEwsim, of New York, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYHUGH McCuILoceI, of Indiana, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF WAREDWIN M. STANTON, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration; suspended August 12, 1867. ULYSSES S. Ga&NT (General of the Army), ad interim, August 12, 1867. EDWIN M. STANTON, of Pennsylvania, reinstated January 13, 1868, to May 26, 1868. Jom M. SCHOFIELD, of illinois, May 28, 1868; entered upon duties June 1, 1868. ATTORNEY GENERALJ*isss SPEED, of Kentucky, continued from preceding administration. J. HUBLEY ASHTON, of Pennsylvania (Assistant Attorney General), acting, July 17, 1866. HENRY STANBERRY, of Ohio, July 23, 1866. ORvIuH. BROWNING, of Illinois (Secretary of the Interior), ad interim, March 13, 1868. WILLIAM M. EvARm, of New York, July 15, 1868; entered upon duties July 20, 1868. POSTMASTER GENERALWILLIAM DENNISON, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. ALEXANDER W. R.imu, of Wis- consin (First Assistant Postmaster General), ad interim, July 17, 1866. AIwiDER W. RANu, of Wisconsin, July 25, 1866. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYGIDEoN WELLEs, of Connecticut, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORJom'l P. UsnER, of Indiana, continued from preceding administration. Jsns HA1u.&r, of , May 15, 1865. ORvIuH. BROWNING, of illinois, July 27, 1866, to take effect September 1, 1866. Executive Officers, 1789-1989 19

First Administration of ULYSSES S. GRANT

MARCH 4, 1869, TO MARCH 3, 1873

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESULYS5F.ss S. Gwr, of Illinois. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESScHuYL.un Coux, of Indiana. SECRETARY OF STATEWIu.IAM H. SEWARD, of New York, continued from preceding administration. EUHu B. WASHBURNE, of Illinois, March 5, 1869. HAMILTON FISH, of New York, March 11, 1869; entered upon duties March 17, 1869. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYHUGH MCCUL., of Indiana, continued from preceding administration. Jomc F. H.A1lnw, of Maine (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, March 5, 1869. GEORGE S. BouvwEu., of Massachusetts, March 11, 1869. SECRETARY OF WARJOHN M. ScHorssu), of illinois, continued from preceding administration. JOHN A. RAWLINS, of fflinois, March 11, 1869. WILLIAM T. SHERMAN, of Ohio, September 9, 1869; entered upon duties September 11, 1869. WILuMs W. BEuc- NAP, of Iowa, October 25, 1869; entered upon duties November 1, 1869. AVI'ORNEY GENERALWILLIAM M. EvAicTs, of New York, continued from preceding administration. J. HUBLEY ASH'roN, of Penn- sylvania (Assistant Attorney General), acting, March 5, 1869. EBENEZER R. HOAR, of Massachusetts, March 5, 1869; entered upon duties March 11, 1869. AMos T. AKERMAN, of Georgia, June 23, 1870; entered upon duties July 8, 1870. GEORGE H. WILLIAMS, of Oregon, December 14, 1871, to take effect January 10, 1872. POSTMASTER GENERALST. JOHN B. L. SKINNER, of New York (First Assistant Postmaster General), ad interim, March 4, 1869. JOHN A. J. CRESWELL, of Maryland, March 5, 1869. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYWa.UAM FAXON, of Connecticut (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, March 4, 1869. ADOLPH E. BORIE, of Pennsylvania, March 5, 1869; entered upon duties March 9, 1869. GEORGE M. ROBESON, of New Jersey, June 25, 1869. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORWILLIAM T. Orro, of Indiana (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, March 4, 1869. JACOB D. Cox, of Ohio, March 5, 1869; entered upon duties March 9, 1869. COLUMBUS DELANO, of Ohio, November 1, 1870.

Second Administration of ULYSSES S. GRANT

MARCH 4, 1873, TO MARCH 3, 1877

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESULYSSESS S. Gwrr, of Illinois. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESHENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts. (Died November 22, 1875.) PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATEThOMAs W. FERRY, of Michigan. SECRETARY OF STATEHAMILTON FIsH, of New York, continued from preceding administration. HAMILTON FISH, of New York, recommissioned March 17, 1873. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYGE0RGE S. Bouiwu., of Massachusetts, continued from preceding administration. WILLIAM A. RIcRAIW5ON, of Massachusetts, March 17, 1873. BENJAMIN H. BRIs'row, of Kentucky, June 2, 1874; entered upon duties June 4, 1874. CHARLES F. CONANT, of New Hampshire (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, June 21, 1876, to June 30, 1876. LOT M. MOR- lULL, of Maine, June 21, 1876; entered upon duties July 7, 1876. SECRETARY OF WARWILLIAM W. BELKNAP, of Iowa, continued from preceding administration. WILLIAM W. BELKNAP, of Iowa, recommissioned March 17, 1873. GEORGE M. ROBESON, of New Jersey (Secretary of the Navy), ad interim, March 2, 1876. AL- PHONSO Trr, of Ohio, March 8, 1876; entered upon duties March 11, 1876. JAis D. CAMERON,of Pennsylvania, May 22, 1876; entered upon duties June 1, 1876. ATI'ORNEY GENERALGEoRGE H. WII.us?,IS, of Oregon, continued from preceding administration. GEORGE H. WnuAMs,of Oregon, recommissioned March 17, 1873. , of New York, April 26, 1875, to take effect May 15, 1875.AL- PHONSO Thrr, of Ohio, May 22, 1876; entered upon duties June 1, 1876. POSTMASTER GENERALJOHN A. J. CRESWELL, of Maryland, continued from preceding administration. Jomc A. J.CRESWELL, of Maryland, recommissioned March 17, 1873. JAMES W. MARSHALL, of Virginia, July 3, 1874; entered upon duties July 7,1874. MARssL&u. JEWELI., of Connecticut, August 24, 1874; entered upon duties September 1, 1874. JAMEs N. TYNER,of Indiana, July 12, 1876. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYGEORGE M. R0BF.soN, of New Jersey, continued from preceding administration.GEORGE M. ROBFSON, of New Jersey, recommissioned March 17, 1873. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORCoLuMBus DELANO, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. COLUMBUSDPa.A1.Lo, of Ohio, recommissioned March 17, 1873. BENJAMIN R. COWEN, of Ohio (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, October 1, 1875.ZAca&iu- Al! CHANDLER, of Michigan, October 19, 1875. 20 Biographical Directory

Administration of RUTHERFORD B. HAYES

MARCH 4, 1877, TO MARCH 3, 1881 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESRUTHERFORD B. HAYES, of Ohio. (Oath administered March 5, 1877.) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESWIu&M A. WHEELER, of New York. SECRETARY OF STATEHAMILTON FISH, of New York, continued from preceding administration. WauAaI M. EVARTS, of New York, March 12, 1877. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYLoT M. M0RRIU., of Maine, continued from preceding administration. , of Ohio, March 8, 1877; entered upon duties March 10, 1877. SECRETARY OF WARJAMES D. CAMERON, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration. GEORGE W. McCiAIw, of Iowa, March 12, 1877. ALEXANDER RAMSEY, of , December 10, 1879; entered upon duties December 12, 1879. ATTORNEY GENERALALPHONSO TAFr, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. , of Massachusetts, March 12, 1877. POSTMASTER GENERALJAHES N. TYNER, of Indiana, continued from preceding administration. DAVID M. Ksv, of Tennessee, March 12, 1877; resigned June 1, 1880; served to August 24, 1880. , of Tennessee, June 2, 1880; entered upon duties August 25, 1880. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYGEORGE M. ROBESON, of New Jersey, continued from preceding administration. RICHARD W. THOMP- SON, of Indiana, March 12, 1877. ALEXANDER RAMSEY, of Minnesota (Secretary of War), ad interim, December 20, 1880. NATHAN Gorr, Jr., of , January 6, 1881. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORZAcHARIAR CHANDLER, of Michigan, continued from preceding administration. , of Missouri, March 12, 1877.

Administration of JAMES A. GARFIELD

MARCH 4, 1881, TO SEPTEMBER 19, 1881 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJAMES A. GARFIELD, of Ohio (Died September 19, 1881.) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESCHES'FER A. ARTHUR, of New York. SECRETARY OF STATEWULIAM M. EVARTS, of New York, continued from preceding administration. JAMES G. BLAINE, of Maine, March 5, 1881; entered upon duties March 7, 1881. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYHENRY F. FRENCH, of Massachusetts (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, March 4, 1881. WIUJAM WINDOM, of Minnesota, March 5, 1881; entered upon duties March 8, 1881. SECRETARY OF WARALEXANDER RAMSEY, of Minnesota, continued from preceding administration. ROBERT T. LINCOLN, of flhinois, March 5, 1881. entered upon duties March 11, 1881. ATTORNEY GENERALCHARLES Dmrm.s, of Massachusetts, continued from preceding administration. WAYNE MAcVXAGH, of Penn- sylvania, March 5, 1881; entered upon duties March 7, 1881. POSTMASTER GENERALHOXAcE MAYNARD, of Tennessee, continued from preceding administration. THOMAS L. JAMES, of New York, March 5, 1881; entered upon duties March 8, 1881. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYNATHAN Goir Jr of West Virginia continued from preceding administration WnuAM H Hux.rr of Louisiana, March 5, 1881; March 5, 1881; entered upon duties March 7, 1881. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORCARL SCHURZ, of Missouri, continued from preceding administration. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, of Iowa, March 5, 1881; entered upon duties March 8, 1881. Executive Officers, 1789-1989 21

Administration of CHESTER A. ARTHUR

SEPTEMBER 20, 1881, TO MARCH 3, 1885 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESCHFSrER A. AlmiuR, of New York. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESTHoMAS F. BAYAIID, ofDelaware; DAVID DAVIS, of illinois; GEORGE F. Emsurrns, of Vermont. SECRETARY OF STATEJAMES G. BLAINE, of Maine, continued frompreceding administration. FREDERICK T. FRELINGHUYSEN, of New Jersey, December 12, 1881; entered upon duties December 19,1881. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYWILLIAM WINDOM, of Minnesota, continuedfrom preceding administration. Cniva.s J. FoLosa, of New York, October 27, 1881; entered upon duties November14, 1881 (died September 4, 1884). Ca&I1LE.s E. CooN, of New York (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, September 4, 1884. HENRY F.FRENCH, of Massachusetts (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, September 8, 1884. CHARLES E. CooN, of New York (Assistant Secretary), adinterim, September 15, 1884. WALTER Q. GRESHAM, of Indiana, September 24, 1884. HENRY F. FRENCH, of Massachusetts(Assistant Secretary), ad interim, October 29, 1884. HUGH MCCULLOCH, of Indiana, October 28, 1884; entered upon duties October 31,1884. SECRETARY OF WARROBERT T. LINCOLN, of Illinois, continued from precedingadministration. AFORNEY GENERALWAYNE MAcVaAcrn, of Pennsylvania, continued frompreceding administration. SA.Musa. F. Pim.i.u's, of North Carolina (Solicitor General), ad interim, November 14, 1881. BENJAMINH. BREWsTER, of Pennsylvania, December 19, 1881; entered upon duties January 8, 1882. POSTMASTER GENERALTHOMAS L. JAMES, of New York, continued frompreceding administration. ThoMAs L. JAMES, of New York, recommissioned October 27, 1881; TIMoTHY 0. HowE, of Wisconsin,December 20, 1881; entered upon duties January 5, 1982 (died March 25, 1883). FRANK HATTON of Iowa (First AssistantPostmaster General), ad interim, March 26, 1883. WALTER Q. GRESHAM, of Indiana, April 3, 1883; entered uponduties April 11, 1883. FRANK HArFON, of Iowa (First AssistantPostmaster General), ad interim, September 25, 1884. FRANK HATTON, of Iowa, October14, 1884. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYWIU.IAM H. HUNT, of Louisiana, continuedfrom preceding administration. Wn.uAM E. CRANES.ER, of New Hampshire, April 12, 1882; entered upon duties April 17, 1882. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORSAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, of Iowa, continuedfrom preceding administration. HENRY M. TELLER, of Colorado, April 6, 1882; entered upon duties April 17, 1882.

First Administration of

MARCH 4, 1885, TO MARCH 3, 1889

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESGROvER CLEVELAND, of New York. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESThoMAs A. HENDRICKS,of Indiana. (Died November 25, 1885.) PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATEJOHN SHERMAN, of Ohio;JOHN J. INGALLS, of Kansas. SECRETARY OF STATEFREDERICK T. FRELINGHUYSEN, of New Jersey,continued from preceding administration. ThoMAs F. BAYARD, of Delaware, March 6, 1885. of SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYHUGH MCCIJLLOCH, of Indiana, continuedfrom preceding administration. DANIEL MANNING, New York, March 6, 1885; entered upon duties March 8, 1885. CaRi.ESS. FAIRCHILD, of New York, April 1, 1887. SECRETARY OF WARROBERT T. LINCOLN, of illinois, continued frompreceding administration. WILLIAM C. ENDIC0'rr, of Massa- chusetts, March 6, 1885. ATI'ORNEY GENERALBENJAMIN H. BREWSTER, of Pennsylvania, continuedfrom preceding administration. AUGUSTUS H. GAR- LAND, of , March 6, 1885; entered upon dutiesMarch 9, 1885. POSTMASTER GENERALFRANK HAIFON, of Iowa, continued frompreceding administration. WILLIAM F.VILA.S,of Wisconsin, March 6, 1885. DoN M. DICKINSON, of Michigan, January 16, 1888. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYWIlLIAM E. CHANDLER, of New Hampshire,continued from preceding administration. WILLIAM C. WHITNEY, of New York, March 6, 1885. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORMERRFI'r L. J0SLYN, of Illinois, (AssistantSecretary), ad interim, March 4, 1885.LUCIUSQ. C. 11, LAMAR, of Mississippi, March 6, 1885. HENRY L. MULDROW,of Mississippi (First Assistant Secretary), ad interim, January 1888. WILLIAM F. Vn4s, of Wisconsin, January 16, 1888. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURENORMAN J. COLMAN, of Missouri, February13, 1889. 22 Biographical Directory

Administration of BENJAMIN HARRISON MARCH 4, 1889, TO MARCH 3, 1893 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESBENJAMIN HARRISON,of Indiana. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESLEVI P.MoRTON, of New York. SECRETARY OF STATETHOMAS F. BAYARD, of Delaware,continued from preceding administration. JsES G. BLAINE, of Maine, March 5, 1889; entered upon duties March 7, 1889. WILLIAMF. WHARTON, of Massachusetts (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, June 4, 1892. JOHN W. FOSTER, of Indiana, June 29, 1892.WILLIAM F. WHARTON, of Massachusetts (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, February 23, 1893. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYCHARLES SFAIRCHILD, of New York, continued from preceding administration. Wu.u.as WINDON, of Minnesota, March 5, 1889; enteredupon duties March 7, 1889 (died January 29, 1891). ALLURED B. NErrrLgroN, of Minnesota (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, January 30, 1891. CHARLESFosTER, of Ohio, February 24, 1891. SECRETARY OF WARWILLIAM C. ENDICOTF, of Massachusetts,continued from preceding administration. REIWIELD PROCTOR, of Vermont, March 5, 1889; LEwIS A. GRANT, of Minnesota (AssistantSecretary), ad interim, December 6, 1891. STEPHEN B. ELKINS, of West Virginia, December 22, 1891; enteredupon duties December 24, 1891. A11ORNEY GENERALAUGUSTUS H. GARLAND, of Arkansas, continuedfrom preceding administration. WILLIAM H. H. MuisR, of Indiana, March 5, 1889. POSTMASTER GENERALDON M. DICKINSON, of Michigan, continued frompreceding administration. , of Penn- sylvania, March 5, 1889. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYWILLIAM C. WHITNEY, of New York, continuedfrom preceding administration. BENJAMIN F. Thwy, of New York, March 5, 1889. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORWILIJAM F. VILAs, of Wisconsin, continuedfrom preceding administration. JOHN W. NOBLE, of Missouri, March 5, 1889; entered upon duties March 7, 1889. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTTJRENORMAJq J. COLMAN, of Missouri,continued from preceding administration. JEREMIAH M. RUSK, of Wisconsin, March 5, 1889; entered upon duties March 7, 1889.

Second Administration of GROVER CLEVELAND

MARCH 4, 1893, TO MARCH 3, 1897 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESGROVER CLEVELAND, ofNew York. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESADLAI E. STEVENSON,of Illinois. SECRETARY OF STATEWIuJs F. WHARTON, of Massachusetts(Assistant Secretary), ad interim, continued from preceding ad- ministration. WALTER Q. GRESHAM, of Illinois, March 6, 1893(died May 28, 1895). EDwn. F. UHL, of Michigan (Assistant Secre- tary), ad interim, May 28, 1895. ALVEY A ADEE, of the District of Columbia(Second Assistant Secretary), ad interim, May 31, 1895. EDWIN F. UHL, of Michigan (Assistant Secretary), adinterim, June 1, 1895. RICHARD OLNEY, of Massachusetts, June 8, 1895; entered upon duties June 10, 1895. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYCHARLES FOSTER, of Ohio,continued from preceding administration. JOHN G. CARLISLE, of Ken- tucky, March 6, 1893. SECRETARY OF WARSTEPHEN B. ELKINS, of West Virginia, continued frompreceding administration. DANIEL S. LArsoNT, of New York, March 6, 1893. ATI'ORNEY GENERALWILLIAM H. H. MILLER, of Indiana, continued from preceding administration.RICHARD OLIcEY, of Massachu- setts, March 6, 1893. JUDSON HARMON, of Ohio, June 8, 1895; enteredupon duties June 11, 1895. POSTMASTER GENERALJom WANAMAKER, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration.WILSoN S. BIssEa.L, of New York, March 6, 1893. WILLIAM L. WILSON, of West Virginia, March 1, 1895; enteredupon duties April 4, 1895. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYBENJAMIN F. TRACY, of New York, continued from precedingadministration. HILARY A. HERBERT, of Alabama, March 6, 1893. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORJoin,r W. NOBLE, of Missouri, continued from preceding administration.HoER SMmI, of Georgia, March 6, 1893. JOHN M. REYIoLDs, of Pennsylvania (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, September 1, 1896.DAVID R. FRANCIS, of Missouri, September 1, 1896; entered upon duties September 4, 1896. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREJERERUAN M. RUSE, of Wisconsin, continued from preceding administration.JULIUS STERLING MORTON, of , March 6, 1893. Executive Officers, 1789-1989 23

First Administration of WILLIAM McKINLEY

MARCH 4, 1897, TO MARCH 3, 1901

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESWILLIAM McKrsiY, of Ohio. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESGARRET A.HOBART, of New Jersey. (Died November 21, 1899.) PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATEWILLIAM P. F1WE, of Maine. SECRETARY OF STATERICHARD Ou.vz, of Massachusetts, continuedfrom preceding administration. JoHN Simiu.si4,of Ohio, March 5, 1897. WILLIAM R. DAY, of Ohio, April 26, 1898; entered uponduties April 28, 1898. ALVEY A. ADEE (Second Assistant Secretary), ad interim, September 17, 1898. Jouw HAY, of the Districtof Columbia, September 20, 1898; entered upon duties September 30, 1898. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYJOHN G. CARLISLE, of Kentucky,continued from preceding administration. Lmiaw J. GAGE, of Illinois, March 5, 1897. Michigan, SECRETARY OF WARDANIEL S. LAMONT, of New York,continued from preceding administration. RUSSELL A. ALGER, of March 5, 1897. , of New York, August 1, 1899. ATFORNEY GENERALJUDSON HARMON, of Ohio, continuedfrom preceding administration. JOSEPH MCKENNA, ofCalifornia, March 5, 1897; entered upon duties March 7, 1897. Jom4 K,Rica&iws, of Ohio, (Solicitor General), ad interim, January26, 1898. JOHN W. GRIGGS, of New Jersey, January 25, 1898; entered uponduties February 1, 1898. POSTMASTER GENERALWILLIAM L. WILSON, of West Virginia,continued from preceding administration. JAMEs A. GARY,of Maryland, March 5, 1897. , of Pennsylvania,April 21, 1898. of Massa- SECRETARY OF THE NAVYHILARY A. HERBERT, of Alabama,continued from preceding administration. JOHN D. LONG, chusetts, March 5, 1897. Buss, of SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORDAVID R. FRANcIs, of Missouri,continued from preceding administration. CORNELIUS N. 20, 1899. New York, March 5, 1897. ETHAN A. HITCHCOCK, ofMissouri, December 21, 1898; entered upon duties February SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREJuLIuS STERLING MORTON, of Nebraska,continued from preceding administration. JAMES WILSON, of Iowa, March 5, 1897.

Second Administration of WILLIAM McKINLEY

MARCH 4, 1901, TO SEPTEMBER 14, 1901

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESWILLIAM MCKINLEY, of Ohio. (DiedSeptember 14, 1901.) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESTHEODORE ROOSEVELT, ofNew York. of the Dis- SECRETARY OF STATEJOHN HAY, of the District of Columbia,continued from preceding administration. , trict of Columbia, recommissioned March 5, 1901. GAGE, of illi- SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYLYMAN J. GAGE, of Illinois,continued from preceding administration. LYMAN J. nois, recommissioned March 5, 1901. recommis- SECRETARY OF WAREUHU Roov, of New York, continued frompreceding administration. Euwu Roov, of New York, sioned March 5, 1901. of New ATTORNEY GENERALJOHN W. GRIGGS, of New Jersey,continuedfrom preceding administration. JOHN W. GRIGOS, PHILANDER C. Jersey, recommissioned March 5, 1901. JOHN K. RICHARDS,of Ohio(Solicitor General), ad interim, April 1, 1901. KNOX, of Pennsylvania, April 5, 1901; entered upon dutiesApril 10,1901. POSTMASTER GENERALCHARLES EMORY S.im, of Pennsylvania,continued from preceding administration CHARLESEMORY SMFITI, of Pennsylvania, recommissioned March 5, 1901. of Massa- SECRETARY OF THE NAVYJOHN D. LONG, of Massachusetts,continued from preceding administration. JOHN D. LONG, chusetts, recommissioned March 5, 1901. ETHAN A. HrrCH- SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORETHAN A. HITCHCOCK, ofMissouri, continued from preceding administration. COCK, of Missouri, recommissionedMarch 5, 1901. of Iowa, recom- SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREJAMES WIlsoN, of Iowa, continuedfrom preceding administration. JAMES WILSoN, missioned March 5, 1901. 24 Biographical Directory

First Administration of THEODORE ROOSEVELT

SEPTEMBER 14, 1901, TO MARCH 3, 1905 PRESIDENT OF THE UNiTED STATESTHEODORE ROOSEVELT, ofNew York. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATEWILLIAM P. F1WE, ofMaine. SECRETARY OF STATEJOHN HAY, of the District of Columbia,continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYLYMAN J. GAGE, of Illinois, continuedfrom preceding administration. LESLIE M. SlIAw, of Iowa, January 9, 1902; entered upon duties February 1, 1902. SECRETARY OF WAREumj RooT, of New York, continuedfrom preceding administration. Wn.uAM H. Thrr, of Ohio, January 11, 1904, to take effect February 1, 1904.

ATTORNEY GENERALPESI.4NDEL C. KNox, of Pennsylvania,continued from preceding administration. PHILANDER C.KNOX,of Pennsylvania, recommissioned December 16, 1901. WILLIAM H. MOODY, ofMassachusetts, July 1, 1904. POSTMASTER GENERALCHARLES EMORY SMITH, of Pennsylvania,continued from preceding administration. HENRY C. PAYNE, of Wisconsin, January 9, 1902. ROBERT J. WYNNE, of Pennsylvania, October 10, 1904. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYJomI D. LONG, of Massachusetts,continued from preceding administration. WilLIAM H. MOODY, of Massachusetts, April 29, 1902; entered upon duties May 1, 1902. PAUL MOWF0N, ofillinois, July 1, 1904. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOREi'isAN A. HITCHCOCK, of Missouri,continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREJAMES WILSON, of Iowa, continued frompreceding administration. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE AND LABORGEORGE B. CORTELYOU,of New York, February 16, 1903. VICTOR H. MrrCALF, of Cali- fornia, July 1, 1904.

Second Administration of THEODORE ROOSEVELT

MARCH 4, 1905, TO MARCH 3, 1909 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESTHEODORE ROOSEVELT, of New York. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATECijRLEs WARREN FAIRBANKS,of Indiana. SECRETARY OF STATEJOHN HAY, of the District of Columbia, continuedfrom preceding administration. JOHN HAY, of the Dis- trict of Columbia, recommisaloned March 6, 1905 (died July 1,1905). Fsarqcjs B. LOOMIS, of Ohio (Assistant Secretary), ad inter- im, July 1, 1905, to July 18, 1905. ELIHU Roor, of New York,July 7, 1905; entered upon duties July 19, 1905. ROBERT BACON, of New York, January 27, 1909. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYLESLIE M. SHAW, of Iowa,continued from preceding administration. LESLIE M. SHAw, of Iowa, recommissioned March 6, 1905. GEORGE B. CORTELYOU, of New York, January 15, 1907;to take effect March 4, 1907. SECRETARY OF WARWILLIAM H. TAFr, of Ohio, continued from precedingadministration. WilLIAM H. TAFF, of Ohio, recommis- sioned March 6, 1905. LuER E. WRIGHT, of Tennessee, June 29, 1908; enteredupon duties July 1, 1908. ATTORNEY GENERALWILLIAM H. MOODY, of Massachusets, continued frompreceding administration. WILLIAM H. MOODY, of Massachusetts, recommissioned March 6, 1905. CHARLES J. BONAPARTE, of Maryland, December12, 1906; entered upon duties December 17, 1906.

POSTMASTER GENERALROBERT J. WYNNE, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration.GEORGE B. CORTELYOU, of New York, March 6, 1905. GEORGE VON L. MEYER, of Massachusetts, January 15, 1907,to take effect March 4, 1907. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYPAUL MORTON, of illinois, continued frompreceding administration. PAUL MORTON, of Illinois, recom- missioned March 6, 1905. CHARLES J. BONAPARTE, of Maryland, July 1, 1905. VICTOR H. METCALF, ofCalifornia, December 12, 1906; entered upon duties December 17, 1906. TRUMAN H. NEWBERRY, of Michigan,December 1, 1908. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOREsLIN A. HITCHCOCK, of Missouri, continuedfrom preceding administration. ETHAN A. HITCH- oo, of Missouri, recommissioned March 6, 1905. JAMES R. GARFIELD, of Ohio, January 15, 1907, to take effect March 4, 1907. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREJAMES WILSON, of Iowa, continued from preceding administration.JAMES WilsoN, of Iowa, recom- missioned March 6, 1905. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE AND LABORVICTOR H. MrIYALF, of California, continued frompreceding administration. VICTOR H. METCALF, of California, recommissioned March 6, 1905. OSCAR S. SnIAus, of New York, December 12, 1906;entered upon duties December 17, 1906. Executive Officers, 1789-1989 25

Administration of WILLIAM H. TAFT

MARCH 4, 1909, TO MARCH 3, 1913 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESWILLIAM H. Tr, of Ohio. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJAMEs S. SNRsat1'I, ofNew York. (Died October 30, 1912.) PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATEWILLIAM P. Fiw, ofMaine (resigned April 27, 1911). JACoB H. GALLINGER, of New Hampshire, and Auousnjs 0. BACON, of Georgia, alternating. SECRETARY OF STATEROBERT BACON, of New York, continued from precedingadministration. PHILANDER C. KNox, of Pennsyl- vania, March 5, 1909. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYGEORGE B. COR'rELYOU, of New York,continued from preceding administration. F1IANKUN MAC- VEAGH, of illinois, March 5, 1909; entered upon duties March8, 1909. SECRETARY OF WARLuKE E. WRIGHT, of Tennessee, continued frompreceding administration. JACOB M. DICKINSON, of Tennes- see, March 5, 1909; entered upon dutiesMarch 12, 1909. HENRY L. S'rIMsoN, of New York, May 16,1911; entered upon duties May 22, 1911. of ATTORNEY GENERALCHARLES J. BONAPARTE, of Maryland, continuedfrom preceding administration. GEORGE W. WIcam8HAM, New York, March 5, 1909. POSTMASTER GENERALGEORGE VON L. MEYER, of Massachusetts,continued from preceding administration. FRANK H. Hn'cH- COCK, of Massachusetts, March 5, 1909. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYTRuMAN H. NEwBERRY, of Michigan,continued from preceding administration. GEORGE vON L. MEYER, of Massachusetts, March 5, 1909. of SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORJAMES R. GARFIELD, of Ohio,continued from preceding administration. RICHARD A. BALLINGER, Washington, March 5, 1909. WALTER LOWRIE FISHER, of Illinois,March 7, 1911. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREJAMES WILSON, of Iowa, continuedfrom preceding administration. JAMES WUSON, of Iowa, recom- missioned March 5, 1909. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE AND LABOROSCAR S. STRAUS, of NewYork, continued from preceding administration. CHARLES NAGEL, of Missouri, March 5, 1909.

First Administration of MARCH 4, 1913, TO MARCH 3, 1917

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESWOODROW WILSON, of New Jersey VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESThoMAs R. MARSHALL,of Indiana. SECRETARY OF STATEPHILANDER C. KNOx, of Pennsylvania,continued from preceding administration. Wn.LIAMJENNINGS LANSING, of BRYAN, of Nebraska, March 5, 1913. ROBERT LANSING, of NewYork (counselor), ad interim, June 9, 1915. ROBERT New York, June 23, 1915. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYFRANKLIN MACVEAGH, of Illinois,continued from preceding administration. WnuAM GIBBS MCADoo, of New York, March 5, 1913; entered upon duties March 6,1913. SECRETARY OF WARHENRY L. STIMSON, of New York, continued frompreceding administration. LINDLEY M. GARRISON, of New 11 to March Jersey, March 5, 1913. HUGH L. ScoTr (), adinterim, February 12, 1916; served from February 8, 1916. NEw'rON D. BAKER, of Ohio, March 7, 1916; entered uponduties March 9, 1916. AFI'ORNEY GENERALGEORGE W. WICKERSHAM, of New York,continued from preceding administration. JAMESCLARK MCREm- Texas, August 29, 1914; OLDS, of Tennessee, March 5, 1913; entered uponduties March 6, 1913. ThOMAS WArr GREGORY, of entered upon duties September 3, 1914. POSTMASTER GENERALFRANK H. HITCHCOCK, of Massachusetts,continued from preceding administration. ALBERT SIDNEY BuRLE- SON, of Texas, March 5, 1913. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYGEORGE VON L. MEYER, of Massachusetts,continued from preceding administration. JOSEPHUS DAN- IELS, of North Carolina, March 5, 1913. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORWALTER L0wRIE FISHER, of illinois,continued from preceding administration. FRANKLIN KNIGHT LANE, of California, March 5, 1913. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREJAMES WILSON, of Iowa, continuedfrom preceding administration. DAVID FRANKLINHOUSTON, of Missouri, March 5, 1913; entered upon duties March 6, 1913. adminis- SECRETARY OF COMMERCECHARLES NAGEL, of Missouri (Secretaryof Commerce and Labor), continued from preceding tration. WILLIAM C. REDFIELD, of New York, March 5,1913. preceding administra- SECRETARY OF LABORCHARLES NAGEL, of Missouri (Secretaryof Commerce and Labor), continued from tion. WILLIAM BAUCHOP WILSoN, of Pennsylvania,March 5, 1913. 26 Biographical Directory

Second Administration of WOODROW WILSON MARCH 4, 1917, TO MARCH 3, 1921 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESWOODROW Wn.soN,of New Jersey, (Oath administered March 5, 1917.) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESTHOMAS R.MARSHALL, of Indiana. SECRETARY OF STATEROBERT LANSING, of New York,continued from preceding administration. FRANK L. PoLS, of New York (Under Secretary), ad interim, February 14, 1920, to March 13, 1920.BAINBRIDGE CoLBY, of New York, March 22, 1920; entered upon duties March 23, 1920. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYWILIJAM Gians McADo0, of NewYork, continued from preceding administratiQn. CAas'm GlASS, of Virginia, December 6, 1918; entered upon duties December 16,1918. DAvID F. HOUSTON, of Missouri, January 31, 1920;en- tered upon duties February 2, 1920. SECRETARY OF WARNEWTON D. BAKER, of Ohio, continuedfrom preceding administration. ATI'ORNEY GENERALTHOMAS WArr GREGORY, of Texas, continued from precedingadministration. A. MITCHELL PALMER, of Penn- sylvania, March 5, 1919. POSTMASTER GENERALALBERT SIDNEY BURLESON, of Texas, continuedfrom preceding administration. ALBERT SIDNEY BURLESON, of Texas, recommissioned January 24, 1918. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYJOSEPHUS DANIELS of North Carolinia,continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORFRANKLIN KNIGHT LANE, of California,continued from preceding administration. JoHN BAJIT0N PAYNE, of Illinois, February 28, 1920; entered upon duties March 13,1920. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREDAVID FRANKLIN HOUSTON, of Missouri,continued from preceding administration. EDwIN T. MER- EDITH, of Iowa, January 31, 1920; entered upon duties February 2, 1920. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEWIUJAM C. REDFIELD, of New York,continued from preceding administration. JOSHUA WILLIs Arx- ANDER, of Missouri, December 11, 1919; entered upon duties December 16, 1919. SECRETARY OF LABORWUAJAM BAUCHOP WILSON, of Pennsylvania,continued from preceding administration.

Administration of WARREN G. HARDING

MARCH 4, 1921, TO AUGUST 2, 1923 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESWARREN G. HARDING, ofOhio. (Died August 2, 1923.) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESCALVIN COOLIDGE,of Massachussets. SECRETARY OF STATEBAINBRIDGE COLBY, of New York, continuedfrom preceding administration. CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, of New York, March 4, 1921; entered upon duties March 5, 1921. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYDAVID F. HOUSTON, ofMissouri, continued from preceding administration. ANDREW W. MEI.LON, of Pennsylvania, March 4, 1921; entered upon duties March 5, 1921. SECRETARY OF WARNEWroN D. BAKER, of Ohio, continuedfrom preceding administration. JOHN W. WKEK5, of Massachusetts, March 5, 1921. ATPORNEY GENERALA. MITCHELL PALMER, of Pennsylvania, continuedfrom preceding administration. HARRY M. DAUGHERTY, of Ohio, March 5, 1921. POSTMASTER GENERALALBERT SIDNEY BURLESON, of Texas, continuedfrom preceding administration. Wni H. HAYS, of Indiana, March 5, 1921. HUBERT Woan, of Colorado, March 4, 1922. HARRY S.NEW, of Indiana, February 27, 1923; entered upon duties March 5, 1923. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYJOSEPHUS DANIELS, of North Carolina, continuedfrom preceding administration. EDWIN DENBY, of Michigan, March 5, 1921. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORJOHN BARTON PAYNE, of Illinois, continued frompreceding administration. ALBERT B. FALL, of New Mexico, March 5, 1921. , of Colorado, Feburary 27, 1923; enteredupon duties March 5, 1923. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREEDWIN T. MEREDITH, of Iowa, continued from precedingadministration. HENRY C. WALLACE, of Iowa, March 5, 1921. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEJOSHUA Wiws ALEXANDER, of Missouri, continued frompreceding administration. HERBERT C. Hoovsa, of California, March 5, 1921. SECRETARY OF LABORWn.uai BAIJCHOP WILSON, of Pennsylvania, continued from precedingadministration. Jss J. DAVIS, of Pennsylvania, March 5, 1921. Executive Officers, 1789-11189 27

First Administration of CALVIN COOLIDGE

AUGUST 3, 1923, TO MARCH 3, 1925 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES-CALVIN COOLIDGE, of Massachusetts. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATE-ALBERT B. CUMMINS, of Iowa. SECRETARY OF STATE-CHARLEs EVANS HUGHES, of New York, continued from precedingadministration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY-ANDREW W. MELLON, of Pennsylvania, continued frompreceding administration. SECRETARY OF WAR-JOHN W. WEEKS, of Massachusetts, continued from precedingadministration. ATTORNEY GENERAL-HARRY M. DAUGHERTY, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration.HARLAN F. STONE, of New York, April 7, 1924; entered upon duties April 9, 1924. POSTMASTER GENERAL-HARRY S. NEW, of Indiana, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE NAVY-EDWIN DENBY, of Michigan, continued from precedingadministration. CURTIS D. WILBUR, of Califor- nia, March 18, 1924. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR-HUBERT WORK, of Colorado, continued from precedingadministration. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE-HENRY C. WALLACE, of Iowa, continued frompreceding administration (died October 25, 1924). HOWARD M. GORE, of West Virginia (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, October 26,1924, to November 22, 1924. HOWARD M. GORE, of West Virginia, November 21, 1924; entered upon duties November 22,1924. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE-HEBERT C. HOOVER, of California, continued frompreceding administration. SECRETARY OF LABOR-JAMES J. DAVIs, of Pennsylvania, continued from precedingadministration.

Second Administration of CALVIN COOLIDGE

MARCH 4, 1925, TO MARCH 3, 1929

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES-CALVIN COOLIDGE, of Massachusetts. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES-CHARLES G. DAWES, of Illinois SECRETARY OF STATE-CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, of New York, continued frompreceding administration. FRANK B. KELLOGG, of Minnesota, February 16, 1925; entered upon duties March 5, 1925. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY-ANDREW W. MELLON, of Pennsylvania, continuedfrom preceding administration. SECRETARY OF WAR-JOHN W. WEEKS, of Massachusetts, continued from precedingadministration. DwIGHT F. DAvIS, of Missouri, October 13, 1925; entered upon duties October 14, 1925. ATTORNEY GENERAL-JAMES M. BECK, of Pennsylvania (Solicitor General), adinterim, March 4, 1925, to March 16, 1925. JOHN G. SARGENT, of Vermont, March 17, 1925; entered upon duties March 18,1925. POSTMASTER GENERAL-HARRY S. NEW, of Indiana, continued from precedingadministration. HARRY S. NEW, of Indiana, recom- missioned March 5, 1925. SECRETARY OF THE NAVY-CURTIS D. WILBUR, of California, continued frompreceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR-HuBERT WORK, of Colorado, continued frompreceding administration. RoY 0. WEST, of Illinois, ad interim, July 25, 1928, to January 21, 1929. Ro0. WEST, January 21, 1929. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE-HOWARD M. GORE, of West Virginia,continued from preceding administration. WILLIAM M. JAR- DINE, of Kansas, February 18, 1925; entered upon duties March 5,1925. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE-HERBERT C. HOOVER, of California, continued frompreceding administration. WILLIAM F. WHITING, of Massachusetts, ad interim, August 21, 1928, to December 1, 1928. WILLIAMF. WHITING, December 11, 1928. SECRETARY OF LABOR-JAMES J. DAVIS, of Pennsylvania, continued frompreceding administration. 28 Biographical Directory

Administration of HERBERT C. HOOVER

MARCH 4, 1929 TO MARCH 3, 1933


VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESCHARI CURTIS,of Kansas. SECRETARY OF STATEFRANK B. KELLOGG, of Minnesota, continued frompreceding administration. HENRY L. STIMSON, of New York, March 4, 1929; entered upon duties March 29, 1929.

SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYANDREW W. MELLON, of Pennsylvania,continued from preceding administration. OGDEN L MILLS, of New York, Feburary 10, 1932; entered upon duties February 13,1932. SECRETARY OF WARDWIGHT F. DAVIS, of Missouri, continued frompreceding administration. JA.aiss W. GooD, of Illinois, March 5, 1929; entered upon duties March 6, 1929. PATRICK J. HURLEY, of Oklahoma,December 9, 1929. AVI'ORNEY GENERALJAMES. G. SARGENT, of Vermont, continued from preceding administration.JAaiss DEWrrr MITCHELL, of Minnesota, March 5, 1929; entered upon duties March 6, 1929.

POSTMASTER GENERALHARRY S. NEW, of Indiana, continued from preceding administration. WALTERF. BROWN, of Ohio, March 5, 1929; entered upon duties March 6, 1929.

SECRETARY OF THE NAVYCURTIS D. WILBUR, of California, continued from precedingadministration. CHARizs F. ADAMS, of Massachusetts, March 5, 1929.

SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORRoy 0. WEST, of Illinois, continued from precedingadministration. RAY L. WILBUR, of California, March 5, 1929.

SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREWIUiM M. JARDINE, of Kansas, continued frompreceding administration. ARTHUR M. HYDE, of Missouri, March 5, 1929; entered upon duties March 6, 1929.

SECRETARY OF COMMERCEWILLIAM F. WHITING, of Massachusetts, continued frompreceding administration. ROBERT P. LA.aiONT, of Illinois, March 5, 1929.ROYI). CHAPIN, of Michigan, ad interim, August 8, 1932, to December 14, 1932. RoY D. CHAPIN, of Michigan, December 14, 1932.

SECRETARY OF LABORJARIES J. DAVIS, of Pennsylvania, continued from preceding administration.Wn.uAM N. DoAR, of Virgin- ia, December 8, 1930; entered upon duties December 9, 1930.


MARCH 4, 1933 TO JANUARY 20, 1937

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESFRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, of New York. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJOHN N. GARNER, of Texas. SECRETARY OF STATECORDELLHULL,of Tennessee, March 4, 1933. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYWwu.4M H. WOODIN, of New York, March 4, 1933. HENRY MORGENTHAU,Jr., of New York (Under Secretary), ad interim, January 1, 1934, to January 8, 1934. HENRY MORGENTUAU, Jr., of New York, January 8, 1934. SECRETARY OF WARGEORGE H. DERN, of , March 4, 1933. ATTORNEY GENERALHOMER S. CUMMINGS, of Connecticut, March 4, 1933. POSTMASTER GENERALJAMES A. FA1ujy, of New York, March 4, 1933. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYCLAUDE A. SWANSON, of Virginia, March 4, 1933. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORHARoLB L. ICKES, of Illinois, March 4, 1933. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREHENRY A. WAnACE, of Iowa, March 4, 1933. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEDAuEL C. ROPER, of South Carolina, March 4, 1933. SECRETARY OF LABORFw.10ES PEans, of New York, March 4, 1933. Executive Officers, 1789-1989 29

Second Administration of FRANKLIN DELANOROOSEVELT JANUARY 20, 1937, TO JANUARY 20, 1941 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESFRANKUN DELANO ROOSEVELT, of NewYork. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJOHN H. GARNER, of Texas. SECRETARY OF STATECORDELL Huu., of Tennessee, continued frompreceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYHENRY MORGENTHAU, Jr., of New York,continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF WARGEORGE H. DERN, of Utah, continued frompreceding administration (died August 27, 1936). HARRYH. WOODRING, of Kansas (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, September25, 1936, to May 6, 1937. HARRY H. WOODRING, of Kansas, May 6, 1937. HENRY L. STIM5ON, of New York, July 10, 1940. Michi- ATTORNEY GENERALHOMER S. CUMMINGS, of Connecticut, continuedfrom preceding administration. FRANK MURPHY, of gan, ad interim, January 2, 1939, to January17, 1939. FRANK MURPHY, of Michigan, January 17, 1939. ROBERTH. JACKSON, of New York, January 18 1940. POSTMASTER GENERALJAMES A. FARLEY, of New York, continuedfrom preceding administration. JAMES A. FARLEY, of New York, recommissioned January 22, 1937. FRANK C. WALKER, ofPennsylvania, September 10, 1940. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYCLAUDE A. SWANSON, of Virginia,continued from preceding administration (died July 7,1939). CHARLES EDISON, of New Jersey, Acting Secretary from August 5,1939, to December 30, 1939. CHARLES EDISON, of New Jersey (Assistant Secretary), ad interim, December 30, 1939, to January 11,1940. CHARLES EDISON, of New Jersey, January 11, 1940. FRANK KNOX, of Illinois, July 10, 1940. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORHAROLD L. ICKES, of Illinois, continuedfrom preceding administration. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREHENRY A. WALLACE, of Iowa,continued from preceding administration. CLAUDE R. WICKARD,of Indiana, August 27, 1940; entered upon duties September 5, 1940. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEDANIEL C. ROPER, of South Carolina,continued from preceding administration. HARRY L. HOPKINS, 1939. JESSE H. of New York ad interim, December 24, 1938, to January23, 1939. HARRY L. HOPKINS, of New York, January 23, JONES, of Texas, September 16, 1940; entered upon dutiesSeptember 19, 1940. SECRETARY OF LABORFRANCES PERKINS, of New York, continued frompreceding administration.

Third Administration of FRANKLIN DELANOROOSEVELT JANUARY 20, 1941, TO JANUARY 20, 1945 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESFRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT,of New York. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESHENRY A. WALLACE,of Iowa. EDWARD R. STErrINIU5, of Virgin- SECRETARY OF STATE00RDELLHULL,of Tennessee, continued from preceding administration. ia, November 30, 1944; entered upon duties December 1, 1944. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYHENRY MORGENTHAU, Jr., of New York,continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF WARHENRY L. STIMSON, of New York, continued frompreceding administration. ATTORNEY GENERALROBERT H. JACKSON, of New York, continued frompreceding administration. FRANCIS BIDDLE, of Pennsylva- nia, September 5, 1941. WALKER, of POSTMASTER GENERALFRANK C. WALKER, of Pennsylvania,continued from preceding administration. FRANK C. Pennsylvania, recommissioned January 27, 1941. 28, 1944). JAMES V. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYFRANK KNOX, of Illinois, continuedfrom preceding administration (died April FORRESTAL, of New York, May 18, 1944. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORHAROLD L. ICKES, of Illinois,continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURECLAUDE R. WICKARD of Indiana,continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEJESSE H. JONES, of Texas, continuedfrom preceding administration. SECRETARY OF LABORFRANCES PERKINS, of New York, continued frompreceding administration.

Fourth Administration of FRANKLIN DELANOROOSEVELT JANUARY 20, 1945, TO APRIL 12, 1945 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESFRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT,of New York. (Died April 12, 1945.) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESHARRY S. TRUMAN,of Missouri. SECRETARY OF STATEEDWARD R. STErTINIUS, of Virginia, continuedfrom preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYHENRY MORGENTHAU, Jr., ofNew York, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF WARHENRY L. STIMSON, of New York,continued from preceding administration. ATTORNEY GENERALFRANCIS BIDDLE, of Pennsylvania,continued from preceding administration. of POSTMASTER GENERALFRANK C. WALKER, of Pennsylvania,continued from preceding administration. FRANK C. WALKER, Pennsylvania, recommissioned February 6, 1945. SECRETARY OF THE NAVYJAMES V. FORRESTAL, of NewYork, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORHAROLD L. ICKE5, ofIllinois, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURECLAUDE R. WICKARD, of Indiana,continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEJESSE H. JoNES, of Texas,continued from preceding administration. HENRY A.WALLACE, of Iowa, March 1, 1945; entered upon duties March 2,1945. SECRETARY OF LABORFRANCES PERKINS, of New York,continued from preceding administration. 30 Biographical Directory

First Administration of HARRY S. TRUMAN APRIL 12, 1945, TO JANUARY 20, 1949 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES-HARRY S. TRUMAN,of Missouri. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATE-KENNETHMCKELLAR, of Tennessee. ARTHUR S. VANDENBERG, of Michigan, Janu- ary 4, 1947. SECRETARY OF STATE-EDWARD R. STEVIINIUS, of Virginia,continued from preceding administration. JAMES F. BYRNES, of South Carolina, July 2, 1945; entered upon duties July 3, 1945.GEROGE C. MARSHALL, of Pennsylvania, January 8, 1947; enteredupon duties January 21, 1947. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY-HENRY MORGENTHAU, Jr.,of New York, continued from preceding administration. FRED M. VINs0N, of Kentucky, July 18, 1945; enteredupon duties July 23, 1945. JOHN W. SNYDER, of Missouri, June 12, 1946; entered upon duties June 25, 1946. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE-JAMES FORRESTAL, of New York, July26, 1947; entered upon duties September 17, 1947. SECRETARY OF WAR-HENRY L. STIMS0N, of New York,continued from preceding administration. ROBERT PORTER PATFERSON, of New York, September 26, 1945; entered upon duties September 27, 1945.KENNETH C. ROYALL, of North Carolina, July 21, 1947; entered upon duties July 25, 1947, and served until September17, 1947. ATTORNEY GENERAL-FRANCIS BIDDLE, of Pennsylvania,continued from preceding administration. TOM C. CLARK, of Texas, June 15, 1945; entered upon duties July 1, 1945. POSTMASTER GENERAL-FRANK C. WALKER, of Pennsylvania,continued from preceding administration. ROBERT E. HANNEGAN, of Missouri, May 8, 1945; entered upon duties July 1, 1945. JESSEM. DONALDSON, of Missouri, December 16, 1947. SECRETARY OF THE NAVY-JAMES V. FORRESTAL, of New York,continued from preceding administration; served until September 17, 1947. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR-HAROLD L. ICKES, of Illinois,continued from preceding administration. Juuus A. KRUG, of Wis- consin, March 6, 1946; entered upon duties March 18, 1946. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE-CLAUDE R. WICKARD, of Indiana,continued from preceding administration. CLINTON P. ANDERSON, of New Mexico, June 2, 1945; entered upon duties June 30, 1945.CHARLES F. BRANNAN, of Colorado, May 29, 1948; entered upon duties June 2, 1948. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE-HENRY A. WALLACE, of Iowa,continued from preceding administration. WILLIAM AvERELL HARRI- MAN, of New York, ad interim, September 28, 1946, to January 28, 1947.WILLIAM AVERELL HARRIMAN, of New York, January 28, 1947. CHARLES SAWYER, of Ohio, May 6, 1948. SECRETARY OF LABOR-FRANCES PERKINS, of New York,continued from preceding administration. LEWIS B. SCHwELLENBACH, of Washington, June 1, 1945; entered upon duties July 1, 1945(died June 10, 1948). MAURICE J. TOBIN, of Massachusetts, ad inter- im, August 13, 1948.

Second Administration of HARRY S. TRUMAN JANUARY 20, 1949, TO JANUARY 20, 1953 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES-HARRY S. TRUMAN,of Missouri. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES-ALBEN W. BARKLEY,of Kentucky. SECRETARY OF STATE-DEAN G. ACHESON, of Connecticut, January19, 1949; entered upon duties January 2, 1949. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY-JOHN W. SNYDER, of Missouri,continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE-JAMES FORRESTAL, of New York, continuedfrom preceding administration. LouIs A. JOHNSON, of West Virginia, March 23, 1949; entered upon duties March 28, 1949. GEORGEC. MARSHALL, of Pennsylvania, September 20, 1950; en- tered upon duties September 21, 1950. ROBERT A. LOVETT, of New York, September14, 1951; entered upon duties September 17, 1951. ATTORNEY GENERAL-TOM C. CLARK, of Texas, continued from precedingadministration. J. HOWARD MCGRATH, of Rhode , August 19, 1949; entered upon duties August 14, 1949. JAMES. P. MCGRANEKY,of Pennsylvania, May 21, 1952; entered upon duties May 27, 1952. POSTMASTER GENERAL-JESSE M. DONALDSON, of Missouri, continued from precedingadministration. JESSE M. DONALDSON, of Missouri, recommissioned February 8, 1949. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR-JULIUS A. KRUG, of Wisconsin,continued from preceding administration. OSCAR L. CHAPMAN, of Colorado (Under Secretary), ad interim, December 1, 1949, to January 19, 1950. OSCARL. CHAPMAN, of Colorado, January 19, 1950. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE-CHARLES F. BRANNAN, of Colorado, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE-CHARLES SAWYER, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF LABOR-MAURICE J. TOBIN, of Massachusetts, ad interim, continued from precedingadministration. MAURICE J. TOBIN, of Massachusetts, February 1, 1949. Executive Officers, 1789-1989 31

First Administration of DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER JANUARY 20, 1953, TO JANUARY 20, 1957 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESDWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, of New York. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESRICHARD M. NIxoN, of California. SECRETARY OF STATEJOHN FOSTER DULLES, of New York, January 21, 1953. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYGEORGE M. HUMPHREY, of Ohio, January 21,1953. SECRETARY OF DEFENSECHARLES E. WILsON, of Michigan, January 26, 1953;entered upon duties January 28, 1953. ATTORNEY GENERALHERBERT BROWNELL, Jr., of New York, January 21,1953. POSTMASTER GENERALARTHUR E. SUMMERFIELD, of Michigan, January21, 1953. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORDOuGLAS MCKAY, of Oregon, January 21,1953. FREDERICK A. SEATON, of Nebraska, June 6, 1956; entered upon duties June 8, 1956. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREEZRA TAVr BENSON, of Utah, January 21, 1953. SECRETARY OF COMMERCESINCLAIR WEEKS, of Massachusetts, January 21,1953. SECRETARY OF LABORMARTIN P. DURKIN, of Maryland, January 21, 1953. JAMESP. MITCHELL, of New Jersey, ad interim, Octo- ber 9, 1953, to Janaury 19, 1954. JAMES P MITCHELL, of New Jersey, January19, 1954. SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFAREOvETA CULP HOBBY,of Texas, April 10, 1953; entered upon duties April 11, 1953. MARION B. FoLsoM, of New York, July 20, 1955; entered uponduties August 1, 1955

Second Administration of DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER JANUARY 20, 1957, TO JANUARY 20, 1961 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESDWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, of Pennsylvania VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESRICHARD M. NIxoN, ofCalifornia. SECRETARY OF STATEJOHN FOSTER DULLES, of New York, continued frompreceding administration. CHRISTIAN A. HERTER, of Massachusetts, April 21, 1959; entered upon duties April 22, 1959. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYGEORGE M. HUMPHREY, of Ohio, continuedfrom preceding administration. ROBERT BERNERD AN- DERSON, of Connecticut, July 2, 1957; entered upon dutiesJuly 29, 1957. SECRETARY OF DEFENSECHARLES E. WILSON, of Michigan, continued frompreceding administration. NEIL H. MCELROY, of Ohio, August 19, 1957; entered upon duties October 9, 1957. THOMAS S. GATES, Jr.,of Pennsylvania, ad interim, December 1, 1959, to January 26, 1960. THOMAS S. GATES, Jr., of Pennsylvania, January 26,1960. ATTORNEY GENERALHERBERT BROWNELL, Jr., of New York, continued frompreceding administration. WILLIAM P. ROGERS, of Maryland, ad interim, November 8, 1957, to January 27, 1958. WILLIAM P. ROGERS,of Maryland, January 27, 1958. POSTMASTER GENERALARTHUR E. SUMMERFIELD, of Michigan, continued frompreceding administration. ARTHUR E. SUMMER- FIELD of Michigan, February 4, 1957. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORFREDERICK A. SEATON, of Nebraska, continued frompreceding administration. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREEZRA TAn BENSON, of Utah, continued frompreceding administration. SECRETARY OF COMMERCESINCLAIR WEEKS, of Massachusetts, continuedfrom preceding administration. LEWIS L. STRAUSS, of New York, ad interim, November 13, 1958, to June 27, 1959. FREDERICKH. MUELLER of Michigan (Under Secretary), ad interim, July 21, 1959, to August 6, 1959. FREDERICK H. MUELLER, of Michigan, August6, 1959. SECRETARY OF LABORJAMES P. MITCHELL, of New Jersey, continued frompreceding administration. SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFAREMARION B. FoLSoM,of New York, continued from preceding adminis- tration. AUTHUR S. FLEMMING, of Ohio, July 9, 1958; entered upon dutiesAugust 1, 1958.

Administration of JOHN F. KENNEDY JANUARY 20, 1961, TO NOVEMBER 22, 1963 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJOHN F. KENNEDY, of Massachusetts.(Died November 22, 1963.) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESLYNDON B. JOHNSON, ofTexas. SECRETARY OF STATEDEAN RUSK, of New York, January 21, 1961. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYDOUGLAS DILLON, of New Jersey,January 21, 1961. SECRETARY OF DEFENSEROBERT S. MCNAMARA, of Michigan, January21, 1961. ATTORNEY GENERALROBERT F. KENNEDY, of Massachusetts, January21, 1961. POSTMASTER GENERALJ. EDWARD DAY, of California, January 21,1961. JOHN A. GRONOUSKI, of Wisconsin, September 24, 1963; entered upon duties September 30, 1963. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORSTEWART L. UDALL, of Arizona, January21, 1961. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREORVILLE L. FREEMAN, of Minnesota,January 21, 1961. SECRETARY OF COMMERCELUTHER H. HODGES, of North Carolina,January 21, 1961. SECRETARY OF LABORARTHUR J. GOLDBERG, of Illinois, January 21,1961. W. WILLARD WIRTZ, of Illinois, September 20, 1962; entered upon duties September 25, 1962. SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFAREABRAHAMA. RIBICOFF, of Connecticut, January 21, 1961. ANTHONY J. CELEBREZZE, of Ohio, July 20, 1962; entered upon duties July 31,1962. 32 Biographical Directory

First Administration of LYNDON B. JOHNSON

NOVEMBER 22, 1963, TO JANUARY 20, 1965 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESLYNDON B. JOHNSON, of Texas. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJOHN W. MCCORMACK,of Massachusetts. SECRETARY OF STATEDEAN RUSK, of New York, continued frompreceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYDoUGlAS DILLON, of NewJersey, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF DEFENSEROBERT S. MCNAMARA, of Michigan,continued from preceding administration. ATTORNEY GENERALROBERT F. KENNEDY, of Massachusetts, continued frompreceding administration. NICHOLAS DEB. KATZEN- BACH, of Illinois (Deputy Attorney General), ad interim, September 4, 1964. POSTMASTER GENERALJOHN A. GRONOUSKI, of Wisconsin, continuedfrom preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORSTEWART L. UDALL, of Arizona,continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREORVILLE L. FREEMAN, of Minnesota,continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF COMMERCELUTHER H. HODGES, of North Carolina,continued from preceding administration. JOHN T. O'CoN- NOR, of New Jersey, January 15, 1965; entered upon duties January 18, 1965. SECRETARY OF LABORW. WILLARD WIRTZ, of Illinois, continued frompreceding administration. SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFAREANTHONY J. CELEBREZZE,of Ohio, continued from preceding administra- tion.

Second Administration of LYNDON B. JOHNSON

JANUARY 20, 1965, TO JANUARY 20, 1969 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESLYNDON B. JOHNSON, of Texas. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESHUBERT H. HUMPHREY, of Minnesota. SECRETARY OF STATEDEAN RUSK, of New York, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYDOUGLAS DILLON, of New Jersey, continuedfrom preceding administration. HARRY H. FOWLER, of Virginia, March 25, 1965; entered upon duties April 1, 1965. JOSEPH W. BARR, of Indiana,entered upon duties December 21, 1968 (recess appointment); confirmed January 9, 1969. SECRETARY OF DEFENSEROBERT S. MCNAMARA, of Michigan,continued from preceding administration. CLARK M. CLIFFORD, of Maryland, January 30, 1968; entered upon duties March 1, 1968. ATTORNEY GENERALNICHOLAS DEB. KATZENBACH, of Illinois (Deputy AttorneyGeneral), ad interim, continued from preceding administration. NICHOLAS DEB. KATZENBACH, of Illinois, confirmed February 10, 1965; enteredupon duties February 11, 1965. RAMSEY CLARK, of Texas, March 2, 1967. POSTMASTER GENERALJOHN A. GRONOUSKI, of Wisconsin, continued frompreceding administration. JOHN A. GRONOUSKI, of Wisconsin, recommissioned February 17, 1965. LAWRENCE F. O'BRIEN, of Massachusetts, September 1,1965; entered upon duties November 3, 1965. W. MARVIN WATSON, of Texas, April 23, 1968; enteredupon duties April 26, 1968. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORSTEWART L. UDALL, of Arizona, continued from precedingadministration. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE--ORVIuE L. FREEMAN, of Minnesota, continuedfrom preceding administration. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEJOHN T. O'CONNOR, of New Jersey, continued frompreceding administration. ALEXANDER B. TRow- BRIDGE, of New York, ad interim, February 1,1967. ALEXANDER B. TROWBRIDGE, of New York, June 8,1967; entered upon duties June 14, 1967. CYRUS R. SMITH, of New York, March 1, 1968; enteredupon duties March 6, 1968. SECRETARY OF LABORW. WILLARD WIRTZ, of Illinois, continued from precedingadministration. SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFAREANTHONY J. CELEBREZZE,of Ohio, continued from preceding administra- tion. JOHN W. GARDNER, of New York, August 11, 1965; enteredupon duties August 18, 1965. WILBUR J. COHEN, of Michigan, ad interim, March 2, 1968. WILBUR J. COHEN, of Michigan, May 16, 1968. SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTROBERT C. WEAVER, of New York,January 17, 1966; entered upon duties January 18, 1966. ROBERT C. WooD, of , ad interim, January 2, 1969. SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATIONALAN S. Boyn, of Florida, January 12, 1967; enteredupon duties January 16, 1967. Executive Officers, 1789-1989 33

First Administration of RIChARD M. NIXON JANUARY 20, 1969, TO JANUARY 20, 1973 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESRICHARD M. NIxoN, of California. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESSpmo T. AGNEw, ofMaryland. SECRETARY OF STATEWIu.LAM P. Roosas, of Maryland, January 20,1969; entered upon duties January 22, 1969. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYDAvrn M. KENNEDY, of Illinois, January20, 1969; entered upon duties January 21, 1969. JoHN B. CONNALLY, of Texas; entered upon duties February 11, 1971.GEORGE P. SHJ.JLTZ, of Illinois, June 8, 1972; entered upon duties June 12, 1972. SECRETARY OF DEFENSEMELVIN R. LAIRD, of Wisconsin, January 20,1969; entered upon duties January 21, 1969. ATFORNEY GENERALJOHN N. MFrCHELL, of New York, January 20,1969; entered upon duties January 21, 1969. RIcHARD G. KLEINDIENST, of Arizona (Deputy Attorney General), ad interim,March 1, 1979. RICHARD G. KLEINDIENST, of Arizona, June 8, 1972; entered upon duties June 12, 1972. POSTMASTER GENERALWINTON M. BLOUNT, of Alabama, January 20,1969; entered upon duties January 21, 1969. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORWALTER J. HICKEL, of Alaska, January23, 1969; entered upon duties January 24, 1969. Fiss J. RUSSELL, of California, ad interim, November 26, 1970. ROGERSC.B. MORTON, of Maryland; entered upon duties January29, 1971. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURECLIFFORD M. HARDIN, ofNebraska, January 20, 1969; entered upon duties January 21,1969. EARL L. BuTz, of Indiana, December 2, 1971; entered upon dutiesDecember 2, 1971. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEMAURICE H. STANS, of New York, January20, 1969; entered upon duties January 21, 1969. PETER G. PETERSoN, of Illinois, February 21, 1972; entered upon dutiesFebruary 29, 1972. D. H000- SECRETARY OF LABORGEORGE P. SCHULTZ, of Illinois, January20, 1969; entered upon duties January 21, 1969. JAMES SON, of California, June 17, 1970; entered uponduties July 2, 1970. SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARERoBERTH. FINCH, of California, January 21, 1969. ELLIoT L RICHARD- SON, of Massachusetts, June 15, 1970;entered upon duties June 24, 1970. SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTGEORGE ROMNEY,of Michigan, January 20, 1969; entered upon duties January 21, 1969. SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATIONJOHN A. VOLPE, of Massachusetts,January 20, 1969; entered upon duties January 21, 1969.

Second Administration of RICHARD M. NIXON JANUARY 20, 1973, TO AUGUST 9, 1974 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESRICHARD M. NIXON, of California.(Resigned August 9, 1974.) of Maryland. (Resigned October 10, 1973.) GERALDR. FORD, JR., of VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESSPIRO T. AGNEw, pursuant Michigan, December 6, 1973. (First Vice President to be nominatedby the President and confirmed by the Congress, to the twenty-fifth amendment to the Constitution of theUnited States.) of New York SECRETARY OF STATEWILLIAM P. ROGERS, of Maryland, continuedfrom preceding administration. KENNETH RUSH, September 21, 1973; en- (Deputy Secretary), ad interim, September 4, 1973. HENRYA. KISSINGER, of the District of Columbia, tered upon duties September 21, 1973. SIMON, of SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYGEORGE P. SHULTZ, of Illinois,continued from preceding administration. WIWAM E. New Jersey; entered upon duties May 7, 1974. of SECRETARY OF DEFENSEMELvIN R. LAIRD, of Wisconsin, continuedfrom preceding administration. ELLIOT L. RICHARDSON, Massachusetts, January 29, 1973; entered upon duties February 2,1973. WILLIAM P. CLEMENTS, JR., of Texas, ad interim,May 26, 1973. JAMES R. SCHLESINGER, of Virginia, June 28, 1973;entered upon duties June 29, 1973. continued from preceding administration. ELLIOT L.RICHARDSON, of ATI'ORNEY GENERALRICHARD G. KLEINDIENST, of Arizona, General), ad inter- Massachusetts, May 23, 1973; entered upon duties May 24, 1973.ROBERT H. BORK, of Pennsylvania (Solicitor be, October 20, 1973. Wiwais B. SAXBE, of Ohio, December17, 1973; entered upon duties January 4, 1974. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORROGERS C.B. MORTON, ofMaryland, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREEARL L. Burz, of Indiana, continuedfrom preceding administration. DENT, of SECRETARY OF COMMERCEPETER G. PETERSON, of Illinois,continued from preceding administration. FREDERICK B. South Carolina, January 18, 1973; entered upon duties February2, 1973. of New SECRETARY OF LABORJAMES D. HODGSON, of California,continued from preceding administration. PmER J. BRENNAN, York, January 31, 1973; entered upon duties February 2,1973. from preceding ad- SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFAREELLIOTL. RICHARDSON, of Massachusetts, continued ministration. CASPAR W. WEINBERGER, of California, February 8,1973; entered upon duties February 8, 1973. administra- SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTGEORGEROMNEY, of Michigan, continued from preceding tion. JAMES T. LYNN, of Ohio, January 21, 1973;entered upon duties February 2, 1973. CLAUDE S. BRIN- SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATIONJOHN A. VOLPE, ofMassachusetts, continued from preceding administration. EGAR, of California, January 18, 1973;entered upon duties February 2, 1973. 34 Biographical Directory

Administration of GERALD R. FORD, JR. AUGUST 9, 1974, TO JANUARY 20, 1977 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESGERALD R. FORD, JR.,of Michigan, December 6, 1973. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESNELSONA. ROCKEFELLER, of New York, December 19, 1974. (Nominated by the President and confirmed by the Congress, pursuant to thetwenty-fifth amendment of the Constitution.) SECRETARY OF STATEHENRY A. KISSINGER, of the District ofColumbia, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYWj.i E. SIMON, of New Jersey, continued from preceding administration. SECRETARY OF DEFENSEJAMES R. SCHLESINGER, of Virginia,continued from preceding administration. DONALD H. RIJMSFELD, of Illinois, November 18, 1975; entered upon duties November 18, 1975. AII2ORNEY GENERALWILLIAM B. SAXBE, of Ohio,continued from preceding administration. EDWARD HmscH LEVI, of illinois, February 5, 1975; entered upon duties February 6, 1975. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORROGERS C.B. MORTON, ofMaryland, continued from preceding administration. D. Kent Frizzell, of Kansas (Solicitor), ad interim, May 1, 1975. STANLEY K. HATHAWAY,of Wyoming, June 11, 1975; entered upon duties June 12, 1975. D. KENT FRIZZELL, of Kansas (Solicitor), ad interim, July 25,1975. ThOMAS SAVIGKLEPPE,of North Dakota, October 9, 1975; entered upon duties October 13, 1975. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREEARL L. Buz, of Indiana, continuedfrom preceding administration. JOHN A. KNEBEL, of Oklaho- ma (Under Secretary), ad interim, October 5, 1976. JOHN A. KNEBEL, of Oklahoma(recess appointment); entered upon duties November 3, 1976. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEFREDERICK B. DENT, of SouthCarolina, continued from preceding administration. John K. Tabor, of Pennsylvania (Under Secretary), ad interim, March 12, 1975. ROGERS C.B.MORTON, of Maryland, April 25, 1975; entered upon duties May 1, 1975. ELLIoT L. RICHARDSON, of Massachusetts, December11, 1975; entered upon duties February 1, 1976. SECRETARY OF LABORPgFER J. BRENNAN, of New York, continuedfrom preceding administration. JOHN T. DUNLOP, of Mama- chusetts, March 6, 1975; entered upon duties March 18, 1975. WILLIEJ. USERY, JR., of Georgia, February 4, 1976; entered upon duties February 10, 1976. SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARECASPERW. WEINBEEGER, of California, continued from preceding ad- ministration. FORREST DAVID MATHEWS, of Alabama, June 26, 1975; enteredupon duties August 8, 1975. SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTJamesT. Lynn, of Ohio, continued from preceding administration. CARLA A. HILLS, of California, March 5, 1975; enteredupon duties March 10, 1975. SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATIONCLAUDE S. BRINEGAR,of California, continued from preceding administration. WILLIAM T. COLEMAN, JR., of Pennsylvania, March 3, 1975; enteredupon duties March 4, 1975.

Administration of JAMES EARL (JIMMY) CARTER, JR. JANUARY 20, 1977, TO JANUARY 20, 1981 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESJAMES EARL (JIMMY) CARTER,JR., of Georgia. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESWALTER F. MONDALE,of Minnesota. SECRETARY OF STATECYRUS R. VANCE, of New York, January20, 1977; entered upon duties January 21, 1977. WARREN M. CHRISTOPHER, of California (Deputy Secretary), ad interim, April 28, 1980. EjmmiqnS. MUSKIE, of Maine, May 7, 1980; entered upon duties May 8, 1980. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYW. MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL,of Michigan, January 20, 1977; entered upon duties January 21, 1977. G. WII.uAM MILLER, of California, August 2, 1979; enteredupon duties August 6, 1979. SECRETARY OF DEFENSEHAROLD BROWN, of California, January20, 1977; entered upon duties January 21, 1977. ATTORNEY GENERALGRIFFIN B. BELL, of Georgia, January 25,1977; entered upon duties January 26, 1977. BENJAMIN R.CWI- i.mri, of Maryland, August 1, 1979; entered upon duties August 16, 1979. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORCECIL D. ANDRUS, of Idaho, January20, 1977; entered upon duties January 21, 1977. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREROBERT SELMER BERGLAND, of Minnesota,January 20, 1977; entered upon duties January 21, 1977. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEJUANITA M. KEEPS, of North Carolina, January20, 1977; entered upon duties January 21, 1977. LUTHER H. HODGES, JR., of North Carolina (Under Secretary), ad interim, November5, 1979. PHILIP M. KLUTZNIcK, of illinois, December 20, 1979; entered upon duties December 21, 1979. SECRETARY OF LABORF.RAYMARSHALL, of Texas, January 26, 1977; entered upon duties January 26, 1977. SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE (Renamed Health and HumanServices, under the Department of Edu- cation Organization Act (Public Law 96-88), approved October 17, 1979; effective May 4,1980.)JOSEPH A. CALIFANO, JR., of the District of Columbia, January 24, 1977; entered upon duties January 25, 1977. PATRICIA ROBERTS HARRIS, of the District of Co-- lumbia, July 27, 1979; entered upon duties August 3, 1979. SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT.PATRICIA ROBERTS HARRIS,of the District of Columbia, January 20, 1977; entered upon duties January 21, 1977. JAY JAN15, of Florida (Under Secretary),ad interim, August 3, 1979. MooN LAN- DRIEU, of Louisiana, September 12, 1979; entered upon duties September 14, 1979. SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATIONBRocAN ADAMS, of Washington, January 21,1977; entered upon duties January 21, 1977. W. GIIA1s1s CLAYTOR, JR., of the District of Columbia, ad interim, July 24, 1979. NEn. E. GOLDSCHMIDT,of Oregon; entered upon duties August 10, 1979 (recess appointment); confirmed September 21, 1979. SECRETARY OF ENERGYJAMES R. SCHLESINGER, of Virginia, August 4, 1977; enteredupon duties August 5, 1977. Charles W. Duncan, Jr., of Texas, July 31, 1979; entered upon duties August 24, 1979. SECRETARY OF EDUCATIONSirnn.y M. HUPSTEDLER, of California, November 30, 1979; enteredupon duties December 6, 1979. Executive Officers, 1789-1989 35

First Administration of RONALD W. REAGAN JANUARY 20, 1981, TO JANUARY 20, 1985 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESRoNAlD W. Ra.&GAN, of California. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESGE0RGE BUSH, of Texas. SECRETARY OF STATEALExANDER MEIGS HAiG, JR., of Connecticut, January21, 1981; entered upon duties January 22, 1981. WALTER J. STOESSEL, JR., of the District of Columbia (Deputy Secretary), adinterim, July 5, 1982. GEORGE P. SHULTZ, of Califor- nia, July 15, 1982; entered upon duties July 16, 1982. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYDONALD T. REGAN, of New Jersey, January21, 1981; entered upon duties January 22, 1981. SECRETARY OF DEFENSECAsPAR WIUAIW WEINBERGER, of California, January20, 1981; entered upon duties January 20, 1981. ATPORNEY GENERALWILLIAM FRENCH SMITh, of California, January 22,1981; entered upon duties January 23, 1981. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORJAMES GAius WArr, of Colorado, January22, 1981; entered upon duties January 23, 1981. J.J. SIMPSON III, of New Jersey (Under Secretary), ad interim, November 8,1983. WILLIAM P. CLARK, of California, November 18, 1983; entered upon duties November 18, 1983. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREJOHN R. BLOCK, of Illinois, January 22,1981; entered upon duties January 23, 1981. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEMALCOLM BALDRIGE, of Connecticut, January 23,1981; entered upon duties January 23, 1981. SECRETARY OF LABORRAYMOND J. DONOVAN, of New Jersey, February 3,1981; entered upon duties February 4, 1981. (October 1, 1984, Secretary Donovan took a leave of absence, which continued intothe second administration of Ronald Reagan.) SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESRIcHARD S. SCHWEIKER,of Pennsylvania, January 21, 1981; entered upon duties January 22, 1981. THoMAS R. DONNELLY, of Virginia (AssistantSecretary for Legislation), ad interim, February 4, 1983. MARGARET M. HECKLER, of Massachusetts, March 3, 1983; entered uponduties March 9, 1983. SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTSAMUEL R. PIERCE,JR., of New York, January 22, 1981; entered upon duties January 23, 1981. SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATIONANDREW L. LEWIS, JR., of Pennsylvania,January 22, 1981; entered upon duties January 23, 1981. DARRELL M. TRENT, of Kansas (Deputy Secretary), ad interim,February 1, 1983. ELIZABETH HANFORD DOLE, of Kansas, February 1, 1983; entered upon duties, February 7, 1983. SECRETARY OF ENERGYJAMES B. EDWARDS, of South Carolina, January22,1981; entered upon duties January 23, 1981. DONALD P. H0DEL, of Oregon; entered upon duties November 5, 1982 (recessappointment); confirmed December 8, 1982. SECRETARY OF EDUCATIONTERRELL H. BELL, of Utah, January 22,1981; entered upon duties January 23, 1981. GARY L. JONES, of Michigan (Under Secretary), ad interim, December 31, 1984.

Second Administration of RONALD W. REAGAN JANUARY 20, 1985, TO JANUARY 20, 1989 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESRONALD W. REAGAN, of California. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESGEORGE Busa, of Texas. SECRETARY OF STATEGEORGE P. SHULTZ, of California, continued frompreceding administration. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURYJAMES A. BARER III, of Texas, January 29,1985; entered upon duties February 3, 1985. SECRETARY OF DEFENSECASPAR WILLARD WEINBERGER, of California, continuedfrom preceding administration. FRANK C. CAR- LuCCI, of Virginia, November 20, 1987; entered upon dutiesNovember 23, 1987. ATFORNEY GENERALEDWIN MEESE III, of California, February 23, 1985;entered upon duties February 23, 1985. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORDONALD P. HODEL, of Virginia, February 6,1985; entered upon duties February 7, 1985. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTUREJOHN R. BLOCK, of Illinois, continued frompreceding administration. RICHARD E. LYNG, of Cali- fornia, March 6, 1986; entered upon duties March 7, 1986. SECRETARY OF COMMERCEMALCOLM BALDRIGE, of Connecticut, continuedfrom preceding administration. CLARENCE J. BROWN, of Ohio (Deputy Secretary), ad interim, July 25, 1987. C. WILLIAMVERITY, JR., of Ohio, October 13, 1987; entered uponduties October 15, 1987. SECRETARY OF LABORRAYMOND J. DONOVAN, of New Jersey, continuedfrom preceding administration. (Secretary Donovan re- mained on leave of absence until his resignation March 15, 1985.)WILLIAM EMERSON BROCK III, of Tennessee, April 26, 1985; entered upon duties April 29, 1985. DENNIS E. WHrnIEw, of Georgia(Deputy Secretary), ad interim, October 31, 1987. ANN DORE MCLAUGHLIN, of the District of Columbia, December11, 1987; entered upon duties December 14, 1987. admin- SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESMARGARET M.HECKLER, of Massachusetts, continued from preceding istration. Ons R. Bows, of Indiana, December 12, 1985; entered uponduties December 13, 1985. SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTSAMUEL R.PIERCE, JR., of New York, continued from preceding ad- ministration. SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATIONELIZABETH HANFORD DOLE, ofKansas, continued from preceding administration. JAMES H. November 30, 1987; BURNLEY N, of North Carolina (Deputy Secretary), adinterim, October 1, 1987. JAMEs H. BURNLEY N, entered upon duties December 2, 1987. SECRETARY OF ENERGYJOHN S. HERRINGTON, of California, February6, 1985; entered upon duties February 7, 1985. SECRETARY OF EDUCATIONWILLIAM J. BENNETF, of North Carolina,February 6, 1985; entered upon duties February 6, 1985. THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS 1774-1779



Philadelphia, Pa From September 5, 1774, to October 26, 1774 Philadelphia, Pa From May 10, 1775, to December 12, 1776 Baltimore, Md From December 20, 1776, to March 4, 1777 Philadelphia, Pa From March 5, 1777, to September 18, 1777 Lancaster, Pa From September 27, 1777 (one day only) York, Pa From September 80, 1777, to June 27, 1778 Philadelphia, Pa From July 2, 1778, to June 21, 1788 Princeton, N.J From June 30, 1783, to November 4, 1783 Annapolis, Md From November 26, 1783, to June 3, 1784 Trenton, N.J. FromNovember 1, 1784, to December 24, 1784 FromJanuary Il, 1785, to November 4, 1785 New York City FromNovember 7, 1785, to November 3, 1786 New York City FromNovember 6, 1786, to October 30, 1787 New York City FromNovember 5, 1787, to October 21, 1788 New York City FromNovember 3, 1788, to March 2, 1789


PEYTON RANDOLPH,' of Virginia Elected September 5, 1774 HENRY MIDDLKFON, of South Carolina Elected October 22, 1774 PEYTON RANDOLPH,2 of Virginia Elected May 10, 1775 , of Massachusetts Elected May 24, 1775 , of South Carolina Elected November 1, 1777 , of New York Elected December 10, 1778 SAMUEL HUNTINGTON, of Connecticut Elected September 28, 1779 THOMAS MCKEAN, of Delaware Elected July 10, 1781 , of Maryland Elected November 5, 1781 EUAS BOUDINOT, of New Jersey Elected November 4, 1782 THOMAS MIFFLIN, of Pennsylvania Elected November 3, 1783 , of Virginia Elected November 30, 1784 JOHN HANCOCK,3 of Massachusetts Elected November 23, 1785 , of Massachusetts Elected June 6, 1786 ARTHUR ST. CLAIR, of Pennsylvania Elected February 2, 1787 CYRUS GRIFFIN, of Virginia Elected January 22, 1788


CHARLES THOMSON, of Pennsylvania Elected September 5, 1774

1Resigned October 22, 1774. Departed Congress May 23, 1775, to resume duties as Speaker of the Virginia House of Burgesses. 'Resigned May 29, 1786, never having served, owing to continued illness.

[39] 40 Biographical Directory


CONNECTICUT Dates of Attendance Andrew Adams 1778 Titus Hosmer 1778 Jesse Root 1778-1782 Joseph P. Cooke 1784-1785, 1780, Roger Sherman 1774-1781, 1784 1787-1788 1782-1783, 1788 Joseph Spencer 1779 Silas Deane 1774-1776 Samuel Huntington 1776, Jonathan Sturges 1786 Eliphalet Dyer 1774-1779, 1778-1781, 1783 James Wadsworth 1784 1782-1783 William S. Johnson 1785-1787 Jeremiah Wadsworth 1788 Pierpont Edwards 1788 Richard Law 1777, 1781-1782 William Williams 1776-1777 Oliver Ellsworth 1778-1783 Stephen M. Mitchell 1785-1788 Oliver Wolcott... 1776-1778, 1780-1783 DelegatesWho Did Not Attend and Dates ofElection John Canfield 1786 Wffliani Hillhouse 1783, 1785 John Treadwell 1784, 1785, 1787 Charles C. Chandler 1784 William Pitkin 1784 Joseph Trumbull 1774 John Chester 1787, 1788 Jedediah Strong 1782, 1783, 1784 Erastus Wolcott 1774, 1787, 1788 1786, 1788

DELAWARE Dates of Attendance Gunning Bedford, Jr 1783-1785 Nathaniel Mitchell 1787-1788 James Sykes 1777 1779 John Patton 1786 James Tilton 1783-1784 1782-1783 William Peery 1786 Nicholas Van Dyke 1777-1781 Dyre Kearney 1787-1788 George Read 1774-1777 1784-1785 Eleazar McComb 1783-1784 1774-1776 Samuel Wharton 1782-1783 Thomas McKean 1774-1776, Thomas Rodney 1781-1782, 1786 1778-1782 Delegates Who Did Not Attend and Dates of Election Gunning Bedford, Sr 1786 Isaac Grantham 1787 John McKinly 1784 John Evans 1776 Henry Latimer 1784 Samuel Patterson 1784

GEORGIA Dates of Attendance 1785, 1787-1788 Lyman Hall 1775-1777 Edward Telfair 1778, 1780-1782 Nathan Brownson 1777 John Houstoun 1775 1776-1777, Archibald Bulloch 1775 William Houstoun 1784-1786 1780-1781 William Few 1780-1782, 1786-1788 Richard Howly 1780-178 1 John Walton 1778 William Gibbons 1784 Noble Wimberly Jones 1781-1782 Joseph Wood 1777-1778 Button Gwinnett 1776 Edward Langworthy 1777-1779 John Zubly 1775 John Habersham 1785 William Pierce 1787 Delegates Who Did Not Attend and Dates of Election Benjamin Andrew 1780 Joseph Habersham 1784 Henry Osborne 1786 Joseph Clay 1778 Lachlan McIntosh 1784 Nathaniel Pendleton 1789 Samuel Elbert 1784 William O'Bryen 1789 Samuel Stirk 1781 1787 The Continental Congress 41

MARYLAND Dates of Attendance Robert Alexander 1776 John Hall 1775 William Paca 1774-1779 William Carmichael 1778-1779 John Hanson 1780-1782 George Plater 1778-1780 Charles Carroll William Harrison 1786 Richard Potts 1781 ("Barrister") 1776-1777 William Hemsley 1782-1783 Nathaniel Ramsey 1786-1787 Charles Carroll of John Henry 1778-1780, 1785-1786 John Rogers 1775-1776 Carroilton 1776-1778 William Hindman 1785-1786 David Ross 1787-1789 Daniel Carroll 1781-1783 John E. Howard 1788 Benjamin Rumsey 1776-1777 Jeremiah T. Chase 1783-1784 Daniel of St. Thomas Joshua Seney 1788 Samuel Chase 1774-1778 Jenifer 1779-1781 Wffliam Smith 1777 Benjamin Contee 1788 Thomas Johnson 1774-1776 Thomas Stone... 1775-1776, 1778, 1784 James Forbes 1778-1780 Thomas Sim Lee 1783 Matthew Tilghman 1774-1776 Uriah Forrest 1787 Edward Lloyd 1783-1784 Turbutt Wright 1782 Robert Goldsborough 1774-1776 James McHenry 1783-1785 DelegatesWho Did Not Attend and Dates of Election 1784 1782 Richard Ridgely 1784, 1785 William Smaliwood Edward Giles 1780 Luther Martin 1784 Gustavus Scott 1784 Stephen West Joseph Nicholson 1777 MASSACHUSETTS Dates of Attendance John Adams 1774-1777 John Hancock 1775-1778 1781-1784 1774-1781 Stephen Higginson 1783 Samuel A. Otis 1787-1788 Thomas Cushing 1774-1776 1778-1780, Robert Treat Paine 1774-1776 Francis Dana 1777-1778, 1784 1783-1785, 1787 1779-1785 Nathan Dane 1785-1788 Jonathan Jackson 1782 .... 1785-1786, 1788 1776-1780, 1784-1787 1787-1789 1783-1785 James Lovell 1777-1782 1780-1781 Nathaniel Gorham 1782-1783, John Lowell 1782 1786-1787, 1789 Delegates Who Did Not Attend and Dates of Election James Bowdom 1774 Timothy Edwards 1778 James Sullivan 1782, 1783 Tristram Dalton 1783, 1784 Levi Lincoln 1781 James Warren 1782 Timothy Danielson.... 1780, 1782, 1783 Caleb Strong 1780 NEW HAMPSHIRE Dates of Attendance 1775-1776, 1778 John Langdon 1775-1776, 1787 .... 1774-1775, 1780-1781 Josiah Bartlett 1776-1777 Jonathan Blanchard 1784 Woodbury Langdon 1779 Matthew Thornton Nathaniel Folsom 1774, 1777-1780 1780-1782, John Wentworth, Jr 1778 1783-1785 1785-1786 William Whipple 1776-1779 Abiel Foster 1782-1783 George Frost 1777-1779 Pierse Long 1785-1786 Phillips White John Taylor Gilman 1782-1783 Nathaniel Peabody 1779-1780 1788 Nicholas Gilman 1787-1789 DelegatesWho Did Not Attend and Dates of Election Samuel Ashley 1779 Elisha Payne 1784 Timothy Walker, Jr 1777, 1778, George Atkinson 1780, 1785 John Pickering 1787 1782, 1785 Benjamin Bellows 1781 John Sparhawk 1786 Joshua Wentworth 1779 Moses Dow 1784 Ebenezer Thompson 1778, 1783 Benjamin West 1787 42 Biographical Directory

NEW JERSEY Dates of Attendance John Beatty 1784-1785 1777-1778, William Livingston 1774-1776 Elias Boudinot 1778, 1781-1783 1781-1783, 1787-1788 1786-1787 William Burnet 1780-1781 John Fell 1778-1780 Nathaniel Scudder 1778-1779 Lambert Cadwalader 1785-1787 Frederick Jonathan D. Sergeant 1776-1777 1776-1778, Frelinghuysen 1779 Richard Smith 1774-1776 1780-1783, 1786-1788 John Hart 1776 John Stevens 1784 Silas Condict 1781-1783 Francis Hopkinson 1776 Charles Stewart 1784-1785 Stephen Crane 1774-1776 Josiah Hornblower 1785-1786 Richard Stockton 1776 1787-1788 William C. Houston 1779-1781, John C. Symmes 1785-1786 John De Hart 1774-1776 1784-1785 1776-1782 Samuel Dick 1784-1785 James Kinsey 1774-1775

Delegates Who Did Not Attend and Dates of Election John Cooper 1776 Thomas Henderson 1779 1780, 1787 Elias Dayton 1778 John Neilson 1778

NEW YORK Dates of Attendance John Alsop 1774-1776 John Haring 1774, 1785-1787 Gouverneur Morris 1778-1779 1784, 1787-1788 John Jay 1774-1776, 1778-1779 Lewis Morris 1775-1777 Simon Boerum 1774-1775 John Lansing, Jr 1785 Ephraim Paine 1784 George Clinton 1775-1776 1785-1787 Philip Pell 1789 Charles DeWitt 1784 Francis Lewis 1775-1779 Zephaniah Platt 1785-1786 James Duane 1774-1783 Ezra L'Hommedieu.... 1779-1783, 1788 1775, 1777, William Duer 1777-1778 Philip Livingston 1775-1778 1779-1780 William Floyd... 1774-1776, 1779-1783 Robert R. Livingston 1775-1776, John Morin Scott 1780, 1782 Leonard Gansevoort 1788 1779-1780, 1784 Melancton Smith 1785-1787 David Geiston 1789 Walter Livingston 1784-1785 Henry Wisner 1775-1776 1782-1783, Isaac Low 1774 Abraham Yates 1787-1788 1788 Alexander McDougall 1781 Peter W. Yates 1786 Delegates Who Did Not Attend and Dates of Election John Hathorn 1788 Samuel Jones 1788 NORTH CAROLINA Dates of Attendance John B. Ashe 1787 Benjamin Hawkins1781-1783, 1787 John Penn 1775-1780 1786 Joseph Hewes 1774-1776, 1779 William Sharpe 1779-1781 William Blount 1782-1783, Whitmell Hill 1778-1780 John Sitgreaves 1785 1786-1787 William Hooper 1774-1777 Richard D. Spaight 1783-1785 Thomas Burke 1777-1781 1780-178 1 John Swann 1788 Robert Burton 1787 Allen Jones 1779-1780 James White 1786-1788 Richard Caswell 1774-1775 Willie Jones 1780 John Williams 1778-1779 William Cumming 1785 Abner Nash 1782-1783 Hugh Williamson 1782-1785, 1788 Cornelius Harnett 1777-1779 DelegatesWho Did Not Attend and Dates of Election Ephraim Brevard 1781 1786 Thomas Polk 1786 Charles Johnson 1781, 1784, 1785 Adlai Osborn 1784 Benjamin Smith 1784 Joseph McDowell 1787 Thomas Person 1784 John Stokes 1787 1785 The Continental Congress 43

PENNSYLVANIA Dates of Attendance Andrew Allen 1775-1776 Charles Hmnphreys 1774-1776 1778 John Armstrong, Sr 1779-1780 1780 James R. Reid 1787-1789 John Armstrong, Jr 1787-1788 William Irvine 1787-1788 Samuel Rhoads 1774 Samuel J. Atlee 1778-1782 David Jackson 1785 Daniel Roberdeau 1777-1779 John B. Bayard 1785-1786 James McLene 1779-1780 George Ross 1774-1777 Edward Biddle 1774-1775 Timothy Matlack 1780 1776-1777 1786-1788 Samuel Meredith 1786-1788 Arthur St. Clair 1786-1787 William Clingan 1777-1779 Thomas Mifflin 1774-1775, James Searle 1778-1780 1776-1777, 1782-1784 William Shippen, Sr 1779-1780 1780-1782 John Montgomery 1782-1784 James Smith 1776-1778 Tench Coxe 1789 Joseph Montgomery 1780-1782 Jonathan B. Smith 1777-1778 John Dickinson 1774-1776 Cadwalader Morris 1783-1784 Thomas Smith 1781-1782 1782-1783 Robert Morris 1775-1778 George Taylor 1776 1775-1776 John Morton 1774-1776 Thomas Willing 1775-1776 Joseph Galloway 1774 Frederick A. C. James Wilson 1775-1777, Joseph Gardner 1784-1785 Muhlenberg 1779-1780 1783, 1785-1786 Edward Hand 1783-1784 Richard Peters, Jr 1782-1783 Henry Wynkoop 1779-1782 William Henry 1784-1785 Charles Pettit 1785-1787 DelegatesWho Did Not Attend and Dates of Election Matthew Clarkson 1785 William Montgomery 1784 William Moore 1777 Samuel Duffield 1777 Dates of Attendance Jonathan Arnold 1782-1783 John Gardner 1789 Henry Marchant 1777-1779 Peleg Arnold 1787-1788 Jonathan J. Hazard 1788 Nathan Miller 1786 John Collins 1778-1780, 1782-1783 Stephen Hopkins 1774-1776 Daniel Mowry, Jr 1781 Ezekiel Cornell 1780-1782 David Howell 1782-1785 James M. Varnum 1780-1781, 1787 1776-1785 James Manning 1786 Samuel Ward 1774-1776 DelegatesWho Did Not Attend and Dates of Election William Bradford 1776 Sylvester Gardner 1787 Paul Mumford 1785 John Brown 1784, 1785 Thomas Holden 1788, 1789 Peter Philips 1785 George Champlin 1785, 1786 Daniel Manton 1787 SOUTH CAROLINA Dates of Attendance Robert Barnwell 1789 Richard Hutson 1778-1779 Henry Middleton 1774-1775 Thomas Bee 1780-1782 1782-1783 Isaac Motto 1780-1782 Richard Beresford 1783-1784 John Kean 1785-1787 John Parker 1786-1788 John Bull 1784-1787 Francis Kinloch 1780 Charles Pinckney 1785-1787 1787 Henry Laurens 1777-1780 David Ramsay... 1782-1783, 1785-1786 William H. Drayton 1778-1779 Thomas Lynch, Sr 1774-1776 1783-1785 Nicholas Eveleigh 1781-1782 Thomas Lynch, Jr 1776 Edward Rutledge 1774-1776 Christopher Gadsden 1774-1776 John Mathews 1778-1781 John Rutledge... 1774-1775, 1782-1783 John L. Gervais 1782-1783 Arthur Middleton 1776-1777, Thomas T. Tucker 1787-1788 Thomas Heyward, Jr 1776-1778 1781-1782 Daniel Huger 1786-1788 DelegatesWho Did Not Attend and Dates of Election John Barnwell 1784 Rawlins Lowndes 1779 1783 Alexander Gillon 1784 William Moultrie 1784 Paul Trapier 1777 44 Biographical Directory

VIRGINIA Dates of Attendance Thomas Adams 1778-1779 John Harvie 1777-1778 John F. Mercer 1783-1784 John Banister 1778 James Henry 1780 James Monroe 1783-1786 Richard Bland 1774-1775 1774-1775 Thomas Nelson, Jr1775-1777, 1779 Theodorick Bland 1780-1783 Thomas Jefferson 1775-1776, Mann Page 1777 1776 1783-1784 1774-1775 John Brown 1787-1788 Joseph Jones 1777, 1780-1783 Edmund J. Randolph 1779, Edward Carrington 1786-1788 Arthur Lee 1782-1784 1781-1782 John Dawson 1788 Francis Lightfoot Lee 1775-1779 Peyton Randolph 1774-1775 William Fitzhugh 1779 Henry Lee 1786-1788 Meriwether Smith 1778-1779, 1781 William Fleming 1779 Richard Henry Lee 1774-1779, John Walker 1780 William Grayson 1785-1787 1784-1785, 1787 George Washington 1774-1775 Cyrus Griffin 1778-1780, 1787-1788 James Madison 1780-1783, 1775-1776 Samuel Hardy 1783-1785 1787-1788 Benjamin Harrison 1774-1777 James Mercer 1779 Delegates Who Did Not Attend and Dates of Election John Blair 1781 Gabriel Jones 1779 George Mason 1777 CENSUS APPORTIONMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES


1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th States 1788censuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensuscensus 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1870 1880 1890 1900 1900 1910 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980

Alabama 1 3 5 7 7 6 8 8 9 9 10 9 9 9 8 7 7 Alaska 1 1 1 1 Arizona 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 Arkansas 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 6 4 4 4 California 2 2 3 4 6 7 8 11 20 23 30 38 43 45 Colorado 31 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 Connecticut 5 7 7 7 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 Delaware 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Florida 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 12 15 19 Georgia 3 2 4 6 7 9 8 8 7 9 10 11 11 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 Hawaii 1 2 2 2 Idaho 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Illinois 1 1 3 7 9 14 19 20 22 25 27 27 26 25 24 24 22 Indiana 1 3 7 10 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 12 11 11 11 11 10 Iowa 2 2 6 9 11 11 11 11 9 8 8 7 6 6 Kansas 1 3 7 8 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 5 Kentucky 2 6 10 12 13 10 10 9 10 11 11 11 11 9 9 8 7 7 7 Louisiana 1 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Maine 47 7 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 Maryland 6 8 9 9 9 8 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 Massachusetts 8 14 17 13 13 12 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 16 15 14 14 12 12 11 Michigan 1 3 4 6 9 11 12 12 13 17 17 18 19 19 18 Minnesota 2 2 3 5 7 9 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 Mississippi 1 1 2 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 5 Missouri 1 2 5 7 9 13 14 15 16 16 13 13 11 10 10 9 Montana 31 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Nebraska 1 1 3 6 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 Nevada 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 NewHainpshire.... 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 New Jersey 4 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 7 7 8 10 12 14 14 14 15 15 14 New Mexico 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 New York 6 10 17 27 34 40 34 33 31 33 34 34 37 43 45 45 43 41 39 34 North Carolina 5 10 12 13 13 13 9 8 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 11 11 11 NorthDakota 31 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 Ohio 1 6 14 19 21 21 19 20 21 21 21 22 24 23 23 24 23 21 Oklahoma 35 8 9 8 6 6 6 6 Oregon 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 Pennsylvania 8 13 18 23 26 28 24 25 24 27 28 30 32 36 34 33 30 27 25 23 Rhodelsland 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 SouthCarolina 5 6 8 9 9 9 7 6 4 5 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 SouthDakota 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 Tennessee 1 3 6 9 13 11 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 9 8 9 Texas 2 2 4 6 11 13 16 18 21 21 22 23 24 27 Utah 31 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 Vermont 2 4 6 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Virginia 10 19 22 23 22 21 15 13 11 9 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 Washington 31 2 3 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 West Virginia 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 Wisconsin 2 3 6 8 9 10 11 11 10 10 10 10 9 9 Wyoming 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 65 106 142 186 213 242 232237 243 293 332357391 435 435 435437 435435 435

1 Apportionment mandated by the Federal Constitution, which remained in effect for the Tham. Idaho, 1; Montana, 1; North Dakota, 1; South Dakota, 2; Washington, 1; 1st and 2d Congresses. Wyoming, 1. 2 No apportionment was made in 1920. Er,xvsiqm. Utah, 1. The following representation was addeil after the several census apportionments indi- Twxi'ra. Oklahoma, 5. cated when new States were admitted and is included in the above table: Frns'r. Tennessee, 1. THIRTEEN-rH. Arizona, 1; New Mexico, 1. SECOND. Ohio, 1. SEvENTEENTh. Alaska, 1; Hawaii, 1. THIRD. Alabama, 1; illinois, 1; Indiana, 1; Louisiana, 1; Mississippi, 1. Twenty Representatives were assigned to Massachusetts, but 7 of them were credited to FIrrH. Arkansas, 1; Michigan, 1. Maine when that area became a State. Sjxm. California, 2; Florida, 1; Iowa, 2; Texas, 2; Wisconsin, 2. Apportionment temporarily increased by Public Laws 85-508 and 86-3 due to admis- SEVEN-rH. Minnesota, 2; Oregon, 1. Eioam. Nebraska, 1; Nevada, 1. sion of Alaska and Hawaii as States. Nins. Colorado, 1.



The Constitution (Art.I, sec. 4) provided that "The Congress shall assemble at leastonce in every year * ** on the first Monday in December,unless they shall by law appoint a different day." Pursuant to a resolution of the Continental Congress the first session ofthe First Congress convened March 4, 1789. Up to and including May 20, 1820, eighteen actswere passed providing for the meet- ing of Congress on other days in the year. Since thatyear Congress met regularly on the first Monday in December until January 1934. The date for conveningof Congress was changed by the Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution in 1933 to the 3d day of January unlessa different day shall be appointed by law. The first and second sessions of the FirstCongress were held in New York City; subsequently, including the first session of the Sixth Congress, Philadelphiawas the meet- ing place; since then Congress has convened in Washington, D.C.

[50] FIRST CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1789, TO MARCH 3, 1791

FIRST SESSION-March 4, 1789,1 to September 29, 1789 SECOND SESSION-January 4, 1790, to August 12, 1790 THIRD SESSION-December 6, 1790, to March 3, 1791



CONNECTICUT James Jackson George Leonard SENATORS George Matthews George Partridge8 Oliver Ellsworth Theodore Sedgwick William S. Johnson MARYLAND George Thacher REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Benjamin Huntington John Henry NEW HAMPSHIRE Roger Sherman Charles Carroll, of Carroilton Jonathan Sturges REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Jonathan Trumbull Daniel Carroll John Langdon Jeremiah Wadsworth Benjamin Contee Paine Wingate George Gale DELAWARE Joshua Seney REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS William Smith Abiel Foster Richard Bassett Michael Jenifer Stone Nicholas Gilman George Read Samuel Livermore REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE MASSACHUSETTS John Vining SENATORS NEW JERSEY Tristram Dalton GEORGIA Caleb Strong SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATiVES Jonathan Elmer William Few William Paterson James Gunn Elbridge Gerry Philemon Dickinson 10 REPRESENTATIVES Abraham Baldwin

'Neither a quorum of the Senate nor of the House of dent elect, appeared in the Senate Chamber and assumed Class 3, term expires March 3, 1795-Messrs. Gunn, Representatives appeared in their respective chambers on the duties of the chair on Tuesday, April 21, 1789. On May Henry, Johnson, Izard, Langdon, and Morris. Wednesday, March 4, 1789. But eight Senators appeared 15, 1789, the Senate determined by lot the classes into Elected April 6, 1789. which the membership should be divided agreeably to Elected April 8, 1789. and the minority adjourned from day to day until Elected April 7, 1789. Monday, April 6, when a quorum of the Senate was first paragraph 2, section 3, of Article I of the Constitution, as Elected April 1, 1789. present. Thirteen Members of the House of Representa- follows: Elected April 1, 1789. tives appeared on March 4 and a quorum was not present Class 1, term expires March 3, 1791-Messrs. Carroll, 'Elected May 12, 1789. until April 1, when the body proceeded to the transaction Dalton, Ellsworth, Elmer, Maclay, Read, and Gray- Resigned August 14, 1790. of business. When both Houses were organized, on April 6, son. Resigned November 13, 1790, having been elected gov- they met in joint convention, in the hall of the Senate, Class 2, term expires March 3, 1793-Messrs. Bassett, ernor. and proceeded to open and count the electoral vote for Butler, Few, Lee, Strong, Paterson, and Wingate. 0Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- President and Vice-President. John Adams, the Vice Presi- liam Paterson, and took his seat December 6, 1790.

[51] 52 Biographical Directory

NEW JERSEYContinued John Steele 22 Ralph Izard Hugh Williamson23 REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE 11 REPRESENTATIVES Elias Boudinot PENNSYLVANIA Aedanus Burke Lambert Cadwalader SENATORS Daniel Huger Thomas Sinnickson William L. Smith 27 James Schureman William Maclay Thomas Sumter Robert Morris NEW YORK REPRESENTATWES AT LARGE SENATORS George Clymer VIRGINIA Rufus }(frg 12 Thomas Fitzsimons Philip John Schuyler '3 SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES William Grayson 28 Egbert Benson Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg John Walker 29 William Floyd John Peter G. Mu}ilenberg James Monroe 30 John Hathorn 14 Thomas Scott Richard Henry Lee Henry Wynkoop John Laurance REPRESENTATIVES Peter Silvester 15 Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 16 RHODE ISLAND Theodorick Bland3' SENATORS William B. Giles32 NORTH CAROLINA 24 John Brown Joseph Stanton, Jr. 25 SENATORS 17 REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE James Madison Samuel Johnston 18 Benjamin Bourne 26 Andrew Moore REPRESENTATIVES John Page John Baptista Ashe 19 SOUTH CAROLINA Timothy Bloodworth 20 SENATORS Alexander White John Sevier 21 Pierce Butler

"The election of all four Representativea was contest- ii Took his seat January 13, 1790; term to expire, as 21 Took his seat April 13, 1789; on April 15, 1789, David ed, but owing to the burning of the papers and documents determined by lot, March 3, 1795. Ramsay presented a petition claiming that Smith was in- from the First to the Sixth Congress, by the British in his seat January 29, 1790; term to expire, as eligible because at the time of his election he had not been determined by lot, March 3, 1793. a citizen of the United States the term of years required 1814, it is not possible to ascertain the grounds upon by the Constitution, which was referred to the Committee which the contest was based. It is known that it related to his seat March 24, 1790. on Elections; the committee reported on April 18, 1789, questions of regularity and procedure, and that the deci- his seat April 6, 1790. and on May 22, 1789, the House adopted a resolution that sion was favorable to the sitting Members. 51 his seat June 16, 1790. 22 Mr. Smith was eligible at the time he was elected. '2Took his seat July 25, 1789; term to expire, as deter- his seat April 19, 1790. 25 Died March 12, 1790. mined by lot, March 3, 1795. his seat March 19,1790. 25Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William ' Took his seat July 27, 1789; term to expire, as deter- his seat June 25, 1790; term to expire, as deter- Grayson, and took his seat April 26, 1790. mined by lot. March 3, 1791. mined by lot, March 3, 1791. 30Elected to ifil vacancy caused by death of William '4Took his seat April 23, 1789. his seat June 25, 1790; term to expire, as deter- Grayson, and took his seat December 6,1790. '5Took his seat April 22, 1789. mined by lot, March 3, 1793. 51 Died June-i, 1790. '5Took his seat May 9, 1789. his seat December 17, 1790. 52Electj to fill vacancy caused by death of Theodorick Bland, and took his seat December 7, 1790. SECOND CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1791, TO MARCH 3, 1793

FIRST SESSION-October 24, 1791, to May 8, 1792 SECOND SESSION-Nopember 5, 1792, to March 2, 1793 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1791, for one day only



CONNECTICUT James Gunn Wffliam Vans Murray REPRESENTATIVES Joshua Seney 18 SENATORS William Hindinan ' Oliver Ellsworth Abraham Baldwin Francis Willis Upton Sheridine William S. Johnson Samuel Sterett Roger Sherman 6 John Milledge8 REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE MASSACHUSETTS James Hiihouse KENTUCKY9 SENATORS Amasa Learned SENATORS Caleb Strong Jonathan Sturges 10 George Cabot Jonathan Trumbull John Brown 11 REPRESENTATIVES Jeremiah Wadsworth REPRESENTATIVES Fisher Ames Alexander D. Orr 12 Shearjashub Bourne DELAWARE Christopher Greenup 13 Elbridge Gerry SENATORS Benjamin Goodhue Richard Bassett MARYLAND George Leonard George Read SENATORS Theodore Sedgwick REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John Henry George Thacher Charles Carroll of Carroliton 14 Artemas Ward John Vining Richard Potts 15 NEW HAMPSHIRE GEORGIA REPRESENTATIVES Philip Key SENATORS SENATORS William Pinkney 16 John Langdon William Few John Francis Mercer 17 Paine Wingate

'Elected April 18, 1792. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by declaring the seat of 14 Resigned November 30, 1792. 2 Elected November 5,1792, and March 1, 1793. Anthony Wayne vacant, and took his seat November 22, 15 Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of 'Elected October 24, 1791. 1792. Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and took his seat February 'Reelected October 24, 1791. ' Formed from a portion of the territory of the State of 4, 1793. 'Resigned March 4, 1791. Virginia; admitted as a State into the Union June 1, 1792. "Resigned in November, 1791, the question of ineligi- 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wi!- 10 his seat November 5, 1792; term to expire, as bility owing to his residence being raised. 11am S. Johnson, and took his seat October 24, 1791. Va- determined by lot, March 3, 1795. "Elected to ifil vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- cancy in this class from March 4 to June 13, 1791. 11 Took his seat November 5, 1792; term to expire, as liam Pinkney, and took his seat February 6, 1792. Served until March 21, 1792; election contested by determined by lot, March 3, 1793. iS Resigned May 1, 1792. James Jackson, and, by separate resolutions, it was deter- 12Took his seat November 8, 1792. iS Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of mined that neither was entitled to the seat. "Took his seat November 9, 1792. Joshua Seney, and took his seat January 30, 1793.

[531 54 Biographical Directory

NEW HAMPSHIREContinued Samuel Johnston Ralph hard REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Nicholas Gilman John Baptista Ashe Robert Barnwell Samuel Livermore Daniel Huger Nathaniel Macon William L. Smith John Steele Thomas Sumter NEW JERSEY Hugh Williamson Thomas Tudor Tucker SENATORS PENNSYLVANIA Philemon Dickinson VERMONT22 SENATORS SENATORS Robert Morris Moses Robinson 23 REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Vacant 21 Stephen R. Bradley24 Elias Boudinot REPRESENTATIVES Abraham Clark REPRESENTATIVES Jonathan Dayton Nathaniel Niles 25 Thomas Fitzsimons Israel Smith 26 Aaron Kitchell Thomas Hartley VIRGINIA NEW YORK Daniel Hiester SENATORS SENATORS Rufus King John W. Kittera Richard Henry Lee 27 Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg John Taylor28 James Monroe REPRESENTATIVES Egbert Benson RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATIVES James Gordon SENATORS John Brown 29 John Laurance Theodore Foster William B. Giles Cornelius C. Schoonmaker Joseph Stanton, Jr. Samuel Griffin Peter Silvester REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Richard Bland Lee Thomas Tredwell 20 James Madison Benjamin Bourne Andrew Moore NORTH CAROLINA John Page SOUTH CAROLINA Josiah Parker SENATORS SENATORS Abraham B. Venable Benjamin Hawkins Pierce Butler Alexander White

20Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- 2Formed from a portion of the territory of the State of Took his seat October 31, 1791. tive-elect James Townsend (May 24, 1790, before the com- New York; admitted as a State into the Union March 4, ' Resigned October 8, 1792. mencement of the congressional term), and took his seat 1791. is Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Rich- October 24, 1791. ii Took his seat October 31, 1791; term to expire, as ard Henry Lee, and took his seat December 12, 1792. 21Credentials of Albert Gallatin were presented Febru- determined by lot, March 3, 1797. 25Served until June 1, 1792, when the district in which ary 28, 1793, and ordered placed in the files; no further 24Took his seat November 4, 1791; term to expire, as he resided was admitted into the Union as the State of action taken during the Congress. determined by lot, March 3, 1795. Kentucky; subsequently elected a Senator from the new 25Took his seat October 31, 1791. State. THIRD CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1793, TO MARCH 3, 1795

FIRST SESSION-December 2, 1793, to June 9, 1794 SECOND SESSION-No9ember 3, 1794, to March 3, 1795 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1793, for one day only



CONNECTICUT GEORGIA William Vans Murray Uriah Forrest 13 SENATORS SENATORS Benjamin Edwards 14 James Gunn William Hindman Oliver Ellsworth James Jackson Roger Sherman Samuel Smith REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Thomas Sprigg Stephen M. Mitchell 6 Abraham Baldwin REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Thomas P. Carnes MASSACHUSETTS SENATORS Joshua Coit KENTUCKY James Hillhouse Caleb Strong Amasa Learned SENATORS George Cabot Zephaniah Swift John Edwards REPRESENTATIVES John Brown Fisher Ames Jonathan Trumbull REPRESENTATIVES Shearjashub Bourne Jeremiah Wadsworth Christopher Greenup David Cobb Alexander D. Orr Peleg Coffin, Jr. DELAWARE Henry Dearborn MARYLAND Samuel Dexter SENATORS SENATORS Dwight Foster George Read ' John Henry Benjamin Goodhue Henry Latimer8 Richard Potts Samuel Holten John Vining REPRESENTATIVES William Lyman Gabriel Christie Theodore Sedgwick REPRESENTATIVES George Dent George Thacher John Patton9 John F. Mercer 11 Henry Latimer 10 Gabriel Duvall 12 Artemas Ward

'Elected May 31, 1794. Samuel Livermore was elected 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of George '°Successfully contested the election of John Patton, February 20, 1795, but declined. Read, and took his seat February 28, 1795. Kensey Johns and took his seat February 14, 1794; resigned February 7, 'Elected February 20, 1795. was appointed on March 19, 1794, to fill the vacancy and 1795, having been elected Senator. 'Elected December 2, 1793. his credentials were presented March 24, 1794, but he was ''Resigned April 13, 1794. not permitted to qualify; March 28, 1794, the Senate de- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Reelected December 2, 1793. F. Mercer, and took his seat November 11, 1794. Died July 23, 1793. clared he was not entitled to the seat; vacancy in this class from September 18, 1793, to February 7, 1795. 13Resigned November 8, 1794. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Roger Sher- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Uriah man, and took his seat December 2, 1793. Served until February 14, 1794; succeeded by Henry ' 'Resigned September 18, 1793. Latimer, who contested his election. Forrest, and took his seat January 2, 1795. [55] 56 Biographical Directory

NEW HAMPSHIRE William Johnston Dawson Robert Goodloe Harper21 SENATORS James Gifiespie John Hunter John Langdon Wffliam Barry Grove Andrew Pickens Samuel Livermore Matthew Locke William L. Smith Nathaniel Macon Richard Winn REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Joseph McDowell (P. G.) Nicholas Gilman Alexander Mebane VERMONT John S. Sherburne Benjamin Wffliams SENATORS Jeremiah Smith Joseph Winston Paine Wingate Moses Robinson PENNSYLVANIA Stephen R. Bradley REPRESENTATIVES NEW JERSEY SENATORS SENATORS Robert Morris Nathaniel Niles John Rutherfurd Albert Gallatin'8 Israel Smith Frederick Frelinghuysen James Ross 19 VIRGINIA REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Beatty James Armstrong SENATORS Elias Boudinot William Findley James Monroe 22 Lambert Cadwallader Thomas Fitzsimons Stevens T. Mason 23 Abraham Clark 15 Andrew Gregg John Taylor24 Aaron Kitchell 16 Thomas Hartley Henry Tazewell 25 Jonathan Dayton Daniel Hiester REPRESENTATIVES William Irvine Isaac Coles NEW YORK John Wilkes Kittera Thomas Claiborne SENATORS William Montgomery William B. Giles Rufus King Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg Samuel Griffin Aaron Burr John Peter G. Muhlenberg George Hancock Thomas Scott Carter B. Harrison REPRESENTATIVES John Heath Theodorus Bailey Richard Bland Lee Peter Van Gaasbeck RHODE ISLAND James Madison Ezekiel Gilbert SENATORS Andrew Moore James Gordon Joseph Neville Henry Glen Theodore Foster William Bradford Silas Talbot John Nicholas Thomas Tredwell REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Page John E. Van Men 17 Benjamin Bourne Josiah Parker Philip Van Cortlandt 26 John Watts Robert Rutherford SOUTH CAROLINA Abraham B. Venable NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS Francis Walker SENATORS Pierce Butler Benjamin Hawkins Ralph Izard TERRITORY SOUTH OF THE Alexander Martin REPRESENTATIVES RIVER OHIO27 REPRESENTATIVES Lemuel Benton DELEGATE Thomas Blount Alexander Gillon 20 James White28

'Died September 15, 1794. '5Elected to ifil vacancy caused by the Senate declaring 25Elected to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Abraham the election of Albert Gallatin void, and took his seat James Monroe, but did not take his seat until June 8, Clark, and took his seat January 29, 1795. April 24, 1794. 1795, in the succeeding Congress. '7 Election unsuccessfully contested by Henry K. Van 50 Died October 6, 1794. 24Resigned May 11, 1794. Rensselaer. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alexander 25Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John '5Credentials presented in preceding Congress; took his Taylor, and took his seat December 29, 1794. Gilon, and took his seat February 9, 1795. 6Election unsuccessfully contested by Abraham Trigg. seat December 2, 1793 and served until February 28, 1794, 55Resigned, effective May 27, 1794, having been ap- 5Created a district for the purposes of temporary gov- when the election was declared void, "he not having been pointed minister plenipotentiary to France. ernment by act approved May 26, 1790, from territory a citizen of the United States the term of years required ceded to the United States by the State of North Carolina by the Constitution." and granted a Delegate in Congress. his seat November 18, 1794. FOURTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1795, TO MARCH 3, 1797

FIRST SESSIONDecember 7, 1795, to June 1, 1796 SECOND SESSIONDecember 5, 1796, to March 3, 1797 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATEJune 8, 1795, to June 26, 1795






CONNECTICUT Henry Latimer MARYLAND REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS SENATORS John Patten Oliver Ellsworth6 John Henry Richard Potts 17 James Hiihouse 7 GEORGIA Jonathan Trumbull8 18 Uriah Tracy9 SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES James Gunn Gabriel Christie REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James Jackson 14 Jeremiah Crabb 19 Joshua Coit George Walton 15 William Craik2° Chauncey Goodrich Josiah Tattnall 16 Gabriel Duvall 21 Roger Griswold REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Richard Sprigg, Jr. 22 James Hilthouse 10 Abraham Baldwin George Dent James Davenport 11 John Miledge William Hindman Nathaniel Smith Samuel Smith Zephaniah Swift KENTUCKY Thomas Sprigg Uriah Tracy 12 SENATORS William Vans Murray Samuel Whittlesey Dana 13 John Brown Humphrey Marshall MASSACHUSETTS DELAWARE REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS SENATORS Christopher Greenup Caleb Strong23 John Vining Alexander D. Orr Theodore Sedgwick24

Elected December 7, 1795. 18 Resigned in the fall of 1796, having been elected Sen- 18 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James ator. Jackson, and took his seat April 12, 1796. Elected May 6, 1796. Resigned October 24, 1796. Elected February 16, 1797. 11 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Elected to ifil vacancy caused by resignation of Rich- Elected December 7, 1795. Hillhouse, and took his seat December 5, 1796. 1796, having been ard Potts, and took his seat December 27, 1796. Reelected December 7, 1795. '1Resigned, effective October 13, Resigned in 1796. 8 Resigned March 8, 1796. elected Senator. °Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jere- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Oliver 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Uriah miah Crabb, and took his seat December 5, 1796. Ellsworth, and took his seat December 6, 1796. Tracy, and took his seat January 3, 1797. 5 Resigned March 28, 1796, having been elected judge 8 Resigned June 10, 1796. Resigned in 1795. of the Supreme Court of Maryland. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jona- Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of s2 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Gabri- than Trumbull, and took his seat December 6, 1796. James Jackson, and took his seat December 18, 1795. el Duvall, and took his seat May 5, 1796. Resigned June 1, 1796. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Caleb Strong, and took his seat December 21, 1796.

[57] 58 Biographical Directory

MASSACHUSETTSContinued NEW YORK John Wilkes Kittera SENATORSCONTINUED SENATORS Rufus King34 John Richards 41 George Cabot 25 Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg Benjamin Goodhue26 John Laurance Aaron Burr REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Richard Thomas Fisher Ames Theodorus Bailey William Cooper RHODE ISLAND Henry Dearborn Ezekiel Gilbert Dwight Foster Henry Glen SENATORS Nathaniel Freeman, Jr. John Hathorn Theodore Foster Benjamin Goodhue 27 Jonathan N. Havens William Bradford Samuel Sewall 28 Edward Livingston REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE George Leonard John E. Van Alen Francis Malbone Philip Van Cortlandt Benjamin Bourne 42 William Lyman John Williams Elisha R. Potter43 John Reed Theodore Sedgwick 29 NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA Thomson J. Skinner30 SENATORS SENATORS George Thacher Alexander Martin Pierce Butler Joseph B. Varnum 31 Timothy Bloodworth 45 Peleg Wadsworth John REPRESENTATIVES Jacob Read NEW HAMPSHIRE Thomas Blount REPRESENTATIVES Nathan Bryan Lemuel Benton SENATORS Dempsey Burges Samuel Earle John Langdon Wade Hampton Samuel Livermore James Gillespie William Barry Grove William L. Smith REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James Holland Richard Winn Abiel Foster Matthew Locke Nicholas Gilman Nathaniel Macon TENNESSEE46 John S. Sherburne Absalom Tatom 36 Jeremiah Smith SENATORS William F. Strudwick37 William Blount47 William Cocke 48 NEW JERSEY PENNSYLVANIA REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS SENATORS James Ross Andrew Jackson49 John Rutherfurd William Bingham Frederick Frelinghuysen 32 VERMONT Richard Stockton" REPRESENTATIVES 38 SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE William Findley Moses Robinson 50 Jonathan Dayton Albert Gallatin Isaac Tichenor 51 Thomas Henderson Andrew Gregg Elijah Paine Aaron Kitchell Thomas Hartley REPRESENTATIVES Isaac Smith Daniel Hiester Daniel Buck Mark Thomson George Ege 40 Israel Smith 52

25 Resigned June 9, 1796. "Resigned May 23, 1796, having been appointed minis- was reported that John Richards was entitled to the seat, 25 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of ter to England. which was adopted by the House on January 18, 1796, and George Cabot, and took his seat December 6, 1796. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Rufus Mr. Richards took his aeat the same day. 26 Resigned to June 1796, having been elected Senator. King, and took his aeat December 8, 1796. 42 Resigned in 1796, before the commencement of the "Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by resignation of Benja- Resigned June 1, 1796. Fifth Congress, to which he had been reelected. mm Goodhue, and took his seat December 7, 1796. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Absa- "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Benja- 25 Resigned to June 1796, having been elected Senator. lom Tatom, and took his seat December 13, 1796. min Bourn, and took his seat December 19, 1796. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Theo- of David Bard investigated on account of "Resigned October 25, 1796. dore Sedgwick, and took his seat January 27, 1797. 45Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Pierce informality in time of making return; committee reported Butler, and took his seat January 27, 1797. Election contested by petition from sundry citizens of that Mr. Bard was entitled to the seat and the House 45Admitted as a State into the Union June 1, 1796, Massachusetts; Committee on Elections reported favorably agreed to the report. formerly known as "Territory South of the River Ohio." for him, and added "that the attempt to deprive him of his Resigned July 1, 1796. "Took his seat December 5, 1796; torus to expire, as seat was rather the act of malevolence than a desire to °Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of determined by lot, March 3, 1799. promote the public good." On January 25, 1797, these Daniel Hiester, and took his seat December 8, 1796. his seat December 5, 1796; term to expire, as words were stricken out and expressions of compliment to Presented a memorial on December 10, 1795, claiming determined by lot, March 3, 1797. the sitting Member were substituted, and the report was election, the governor having declined to issue a certificate "Took his seat December 5, 1796. agreed to. to either candidate; the committee of election reported "Resigned October 15, 1796. "Resigned November 12, 1796. that James Morris had been duly elected, but having died °'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Moses "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Fred- subsequent to the election the seat had become vacant; Robinson, and took his seat December 6, 1796. erick Frelinghuysen, and took his seat December 6, 1796. this report was recommitted and subsequently a resolution 52 Election unsuccessfully contested by . Fourth Congress 59

VIRGINIA Isaac Coles John Page Wffliam B. Giles Josiah Parker SENATORS George Hancock Francis Preston Henry Tazewell Carter B. Harrison Robert Rutherford Stevens T. Mason John Heath Abraham B. Venable REPRESENTATWES George Jackson TERRITORY SOUTH OF THE Richard Brent James Madison Samuel J. Cabell Andrew Moore RIVER OHIO Thomas Claiborne Anthony New DELEGATE John Clopton53 John Nicholas James White54

Election unsuccessfully contested by . "Served until June 1, 1796, when the Territory South of the River Ohio was granted statehood as the State of Tennessee. FIFTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1797, TO MARCH 3, 1799

FIRST SESSION-May 15, 1797, to July 10, 1797 SECOND SESSION-Not'ember 13, 1797, to July 16, 1798 THIRD SESSION-December 3, 1798, to March 3, 1799 SPECIAL SESSIONS OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1797, forone day only; July 17, 1798, to July 19, 1798



CONNECTICUT Henry Latimer MARYLAND SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS James Hilihouse James A. Bayard John Henry 16 Uriah Tracy James Lloyd ' GEORGIA John E. Howard REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES John Allen SENATORS George Baer, Jr. Joshua Coit8 James Gunn William Craik Jonathan Brace9 Josiah Tattnall John Dennis Samuel W. Dana George Dent Nathaniel Smith REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE William Hindman James Davenport 10 Abraham Baldwin William Matthews William Edmond 11 Samuel Smith Chauncey Goodrich Richard Sprigg, Jr. Roger Griswold 12 KENTUCKY MASSACHUSETTS SENATORS DELAWARE SENATORS John Brown Benjamin Goodhue SENATORS Humphrey Marshall Theodore Sedgwick John Vining'3 REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES '4 Thomas T. Davis Theophilus Bradbury'8 William H. Wells ' John Fowler '

I Elected July 6, 1797. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joshua Coit, 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 2 Elected November 22, 1797. and took his seat December 3, 1798. Vining, and took his seat February 19, 1798; died August 'Elected June 27, 1798. "Died August 3, 1797. 11, 1798. Elected December 6, 1798. I I Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James Dav- "Elected to ifil vacancy caused by death of Joshua 'Elected March 1, 1799. enport, and took his seat November 13, 1797. Clayton, and took his seat February 4, 1799. Reelected May 15, 1797; George Dent, of Maryland, '2Unsuccessful motion made to expel after his personal '°Resigned December 10, 1797, having been elected gov- was elected Speaker pro tempore for April 20, 1798, and encounter with Matthew Lyon, of Vermont, February 15, ernor. again for May 28, 1798. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 1798. Henry, and took his seat January 11, 1798. Elected May 15, 1797. "Resigned January 19, 1798. ° Resigned July 24, 1797. Died September 5, 1798. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Theo- philus Bradbury, and took his seat November 27, 1797.

[60] Fifth Congress 61

Stephen Bullock James Watson 28 Thomas Hartley Dwight Foster REPRESENTATIVES George Ege Nathaniel Freeman, Jr. David Brooks Joseph Hiester34 Samuel Lyman James Cochran John Wilkes Kittera Harrison Gray Otis Lucas C. Elmendorf Blair McClenachan Isaac Parker Henry Glen John Swanwick35 John Reed Jonathan N. Havens RobertWaln36 Samuel Sewall Hezekiah L. Hosmer Richard Thomas Edward Livingston RHODE ISLAND Thomson J. Skinner John E. Van Men George Thacher Philip Van Cortlandt SENATORS John Williams Theodore Foster Peleg Wadsworth Wffliam Bradford NORTH CAROLINA 38 NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Alexander Martin Christopher G. Champlin John Langdon Timothy Bloodworth Elisha R. Potter39 Samuel Livermore REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Tilinghast4° REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Thomas Blount SOUTH CAROLINA Abiel Foster Nathan 29 Jonathan Freeman Richard Dobbs Spaight3° SENATORS William Gordon Jacob Read 20 Dempsey Burges Jeremiah James Gillespie John Hunter 41 Peleg Sprague 21 William Barry Grove Charles Pinckney42 Matthew Locke REPRESENTATIVES NEW JERSEY Nathaniel Macon Lemuel Benton SENATORS Joseph McDowell Robert Goodloe Harper John Rutherfurd22 Richard Stanford John Rutledge, Jr. Franklin Davenport23 Robert Williams William L. Smith,43 Charleston Richard Stockton district44 REPRESENTATWES AT LARGE PENNSYLVANIA Thomas Pinckney45 Jonathan Dayton SENATORS William Smith, Spartan district44 James H. Imlay James Ross Thomas Sumter James Schureman 24 William Bingham TENNESSEE Thomas Sinnickson REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Mark Thomson David Bard Samuel Sitgreaves 31 William Blount46 NEW YORK Robert Brown 32 Joseph Anderson47 SENATORS John Chapman William Cocke48 Andrew Jackson49 John Laurance William Findley Daniel Smith 50 Philip John Schuyler25 Albert Gallatin John Sloss Hobart 26 Andrew Gregg REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William 27 John A. Hanna William C. C. Claiborne5'

'°Resigned July 26, 1797. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of was about this time that Smith of Charleston district Samuel Sitgreaves, and took his seat December 4, 1798. changed his name to "." Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jere- 45 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- miah Smith, and took his seat December 15, 1797. ss Resigned in October 1797. liam L. Smith, and took his seat November 23, 1797. 22 Resigned November 26, 1798. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Expelled for "high misdemeanor" July 8, 1797. 2 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of George Ege, and took his seat December 1, 1797. Elected to fill vacancy caused by expulsion of William John Rutherfurd, and took his seat December 19, 1798. as Died August 1, 1798. Blount, and took his seat November 22, 1797, for the term 2 Elected on February 14, 1799, to fill vacancy in 55Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John Swan- ending March 3, 1799. (See footnote 50.) Senate caused by resignation of John Rutherfurd, but did wick, and took his seat December 3, 1798. 8Appointed tofill vacancy in the term beginning not take his seat until the following Congress, finishing Resigned in October 1797. March 4, 1797 (the legislature having failed to elect his out his term in the House. 58 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- successor), and took his seat May 18, 1797. Resigned Janua1y 3, 1798. liam Bradford, and took his seat November 22. 1797. 48 Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March 28Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Philip ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- 4, 1797, and took his seat November 22, 1797; resigned in Schuyler, and took his seat February 2, 1798; resigned sentative-elect Benjamin Bourn, in the preceding Con- April 1798. April 16, 1798, having been appointed judge of the United gress, resigned in 1797. 55Appointed tofill vacancy in the term beginning States district court of New York. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Elisha March 4, 1797, caused ly the resignation of Andrew Jack- R. Potter, and took his seat Novethber 13, 1797. son, and took his seat December 6, 1798; vacancy in this 27 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of class from April 1798, to October 5, 1798. John Sloss Hobart, and took his seat May 21, 1798. 41 Resigned November 26, 1798. was elected December 12, 1798, to fill vacancy in the term 22 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John beginning March 4, 1797, caused by resignation of Andrew Sloss Hobart, and took his seat December 11, 1798. Hunter, and took his seat February 16, 1799. Jackson, but did not present his credentials under this 2s Died June 4, 1798. Resigned July 10, 1797, having been appointed minis- election until the Sixth Congress, continuing to serve in 50Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Nathan ter plenipotentiary to Portugal. the other class, and on December 31, 1798, obtained leave Bryan, and took his seat December 10, 1798. Many biographical errors have resulted from the fact of absence for Daniel Smith for the remainder of the 21 Resigned in 1798, having been appointed commission- that Smith of Charleston district and Smith of Spartan session; technically, the term of Smith expired on the er to Great Britain. district both formerly were known as 'William Smith." It election of Anderson. ' Took his seat November23, 1797. 62 Biographical Directory

VERMONT VIRGINIA 56 Thomas Evans SENATORS SENATORS Henry Tazewell Carter B. Harrison Elijah Paine Stevens T. Mason David Holmes Isaac Tichenor 52 Walter Jones REPRESENTATIVES James Machir Richard Brent REPRESENTATIVES Samuel J. Cabell Anthony New Matthew Lyon Thomas Claiborne John Nicholas Josiah Parker Lewis R. Morris John Clopton John Dawson John Trigg William B. Giles Abraham B. Venable

2Resigned October 17, 1797, having been elected gover- ' Died January 24, 1799. Letter from governor of Vir- Elected to 1111 vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- nor. ginia (Senate Journal, p. 584) stating appointment would 11am B. Giles, and took his seat December 3, 1798. Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by resignation of Isaac be deferred until legislature meets. Election unsuccessfully contested by Robert Ruther- Tichenor, and took his seat November 22, 1797. Resigned October 2, 1798. ford. SIXTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1799, TO MARCH 3, 1801

FIRST SESSIONDecember 2, 1799, to May 14, 1800 SECOND SESSIONNooember 17, 1800, to March 3, 1801



CONNECTICUT Abraham Baldwin Samuel Smith SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John C. Thomas James Hilihouse James Jones 12 Uriah Tracy Benjamin Taliaferro MASSACHUSETTS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE KENTUCKY SENATORS Jonathan Brace 8 Benjamin Goodhue 15 John C. Smith9 SENATORS Jonathan Mason 18 Samuel W. Dana John Brown Samuel Dexter 17 John Davenport Humphrey Marshall Dwight Foster 18 William Edmond REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Chauncey Goodrich Thomas T. Davis Elizur Goodrich John Fowler Bailey Bartlett Roger Griswold Phanuel Bishop MARYLAND Dwight Foster 19 Levi Lincoln 20 DELAWARE SENATORS SENATORS John E. Howard Samuel Lyman 21 Henry Latimer '° James Lloyd '3 22 Samuel White 11 William Hindman ' William H. Wells Harrison Gray Otis REPRESENTATIVES John Reed REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE George Baer Theodore Sedgwick James A. Bayard Gabriel Christie Samuel Sewall23 William Craik 24 GEORGIA George Dent William Shepard SENATORS John Dennis George Thacher James Gunn Joseph H. Nicholson Joseph B. Varnum

'Elected December 2, 1799. "Appointed and subsequently elected to fill vacancy "Resigned May 30, 1800. 'Elected May 14, 1800. caused by resignation of Henry Latimer, service to date "Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of 'Elected November 21, 1800. from February 28, 1801; did not take his seat until March Samuel Dexter, and took his seat November 21, 1800. Elected February 28, 1801. 4, 1801, in the special session of the Senate of the Seventh ' Resigned June 6, 1800, having been elected Senator. 'Elected December 2, 1799. Congress. '°Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 'Reelected December 2,1799; resigned December 4, "Died January 13, 1801. Dwight Foster, and took his seat February 6, 1801. 1799. "Resigned December 1, 1800. "Resigned November 6, 1800. 'Elected December 9, 1799. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James "Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of Resigned in 1800. Lloyd, and took his seat December 15, 1800. Samuel Lyman, and took his seat February 2, 1801. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jona- "Resigned November 8, 1800. "Resigned January 10, 1800. than Brace, and took his seat November 17, 1800. '5Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Benja- ' Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of '° Resigned February 28, 1801. min Goodhue, and took his seat December 19, 1800. Samuel Sewall, and took his seat November 25, 1800.

[631 64 Biographical Directory

MASSACHUSETTSContinued Jesse Franklin John Rutledge, Jr. REPRESENTATWESCONTINUED REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Sumter Willis Aiston Peleg Wadsworth TENNESSEE Joseph Dickson William Barry Grove SENATORS NEW HAMPSHIRE Archibald Henderson Joseph Anderson37 William H. Hill William Cocke SENATORS Nathaniel Macon John Langdon Richard Dobbs Spaight REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Samuel Livermore Richard Stanford William C. C. Claiborne REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Jonathan Freeman Robert Williams VERMONT William Gordon25 SENATORS Samuel Tenney26 PENNSYLVANIA Elijah Paine Abiel Foster SENATORS Nathaniel Chipman James Sheafe James Ross REPRESENTATIVES NEW JERSEY William Bingham Matthew Lyon REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Lewis R. Morris James Schureman 27 Robert Brown Aaron Ogden28 Albert Gallatin VIRGINIA Andrew Gregg SENATORS Jonathan Dayton John A. Hanna REPRESENTATIVES Stevens T. Mason Thomas Hartley35 Wilson C. Nicholas38 John Stewart36 REPRESENTATIVES James H. Imlay John Wilkes Kittera Samuel J. Cabell Aaron Kitchell Matthew Clay James Linn John Peter G. Muhlenberg John Dawson John Smiie Joseph Eggleston NEW YORK Richard Thomas Thomas Evans SENATORS Robert Waln Samuel Goode John Laurance29 Henry Woods John 30 David Holmes James Watson3' RHODE ISLAND George Jackson Gouverneur Morris 32 SENATORS Henry Lee REPRESENTATIVES Theodore Foster John Marshall Theodorus Bailey Ray Greene Littleton W. Tazewell4° John Bird Anthony New REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Nicholas William Cooper John Brown Lucas C. Elmendorf Robert Page Henry Glen Christopher G. Champlin Josiah Parker Jonathan N. Havens33 Levin Powell John Smith34 SOUTH CAROLINA John Randolph Edward Livingston SENATORS Abram Trigg Jonas Platt Jacob Read John Trigg John Thompson Charles Pinckney Philip Van Cortlandt REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY NORTHWEST OF Robert Goodloe Harper THE RIVER OHIO4' NORTH CAROLINA Benjamin Huger DELEGATE SENATORS Abraham Nott William Henry Harrison42 Timothy Bloodworth William McMillan

25Eeaigned June 12, 1800. tmmElected to ifil vacancy caused by resignation of James 39 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry 26Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wi!- Watson, and took his seat May 3, 1800. Tazewell, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Janu- ham Gordon, and took his seat December 8, 1800. Died October 25, 1799, before Congress assembled. ary 3, 1800. 2 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John tm4Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Jonathan 25 Resigned June 7, 1800. Rutherfurd, in preceding Congress, and took his seat De- N. Havens, and took his seat February 27, 1800. 4mElected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Marshall, and took his seat November 26, 1800. cember 3, 1799; resigned February 16, 1801. Died December 21, 1800. 41 Created a district for the purposes of temporary gov- 2 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 36Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas ernment by act approved July 13, 1787, from territory Schureman, and took his seat March 3, 1801. Hartley, and took his seat February 3, 1801. ceded to the United States by the State of Virginia and 25Resigned in August 1800. 7 Elected December 12, 1798, to fill vacancy in the term granted a Delegate in Congress. tm0Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John beginning March 4, 1797, caused by resignation of Andrew 1Resigned in March 1800. Laurance, and took his seat January 8, 1801. Jackson, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Decem- Elected to -fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- Resigned March 19, 1800. ber 2, 1799. liam Henry Harrison, and took his seat November 24, 1800. SEVENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1801, TO MARCH 3, 1803

FIRST SESSION-December 7, 1801, to May 3, 1802 SECOND SESSION-December 6, 1802, to March 3, 1803 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1801, to March 5, 1801



CONNECTICUT James Jackson Daniel Hiester REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Joseph H. Nicholson SENATORS Thomas Plater James Hilihouse John Milledge6 Samuel Smith Uriah Tracy Peter Early7 Richard Sprigg, Jr. 12 Benjamin Taliaferro 8 Walter Bowie'3 REPRESENTATiVES AT LARGE David Meriwether Samuel W. Dana MASSACHUSETTS John Davenport KENTUCKY SENATORS Roger Griswold SENATORS Calvin Goddard5 Dwight Foster 14 John Brown Jonathan Mason Elias Perkins John Breckinridge John C. Smith REPRESENTATiVES REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin Tallmadge John Bacon Thomas T. Davis Phanuel Bishop DELAWARE John Fowler SENATORS MARYLAND William H. Wells SENATORS Samuel White Silas Lee '5 John E. Howard 16 REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William Hindman '° Levi Lincoln ' James A. Bayard Robert Wright" 18 REPRESENTATIVES Ebenezer Mattoon GEORGIA John Archer Nathan Read SENATORS John Campbell William Shepard Abraham Baldwin John Dennis

'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Rich- 'Elected December 7, 1801; April 17, 1802. ard Sprigg, Jr., and took his seat March 24, 1802. 2 Hiected December 14, 1802; February 25, 1803; March Milledge, and took his seat January 10, 1803. Resigned in 1802. 1 Resigned March 2, 1803. 2, 1803. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Benja- "Resigned August 20, 1801. 2 Elected December 7, 1801. min Taliaferro, and took his seat December 6, 1802. "Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by resignation of Silas Elected December 7, 1801. 10 Reappointed to fill vacancy in term beginning March Lee, and took his seat December 6, 1802. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- 4, 1801, caused by failure of legislature to elect his succes- "Resigned March 5, 1801, before Congress assembled sentative-elect Elizur Goodrich (March 3, 1801, before the sor, and took his seat March 5, 1801. having been appointed Attorney General of the United beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat 11 Elected to fill vacancy in term beginning March 4, States. December 7, 1801. 1801, and took his seat December 7, 1801. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Levi Resigned in May 1802. Resigned February 11, 1802. Lincoln, and took his seat January 11, 1802.

[65] 66 Biographical Directory

MASSACHUSETTSContinued David Stone Thomas Sumter REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED REPRESENTATIVES John Ewing Colhoun4° Willis Alston Pierce Butler41 Joseph B. Varnum William Barry Grove REPRESENTATIVES Peleg Wadsworth Archibald Henderson Lemuel Williams William H. Hill William Butler Charles Johnson31 Benjamin Huger NEW HAMPSHIRE Thomas Wynns 32 Thomas Lowndes SENATORS James Holland Thomas Moore Samuel Livermore 19 Nathaniel Macon John Rutledge Simeon Olcott 20 Richard Stanford Thomas Sumter 42 James Sheafe 21 John Stanly Richard Winn43 22 Robert Williams REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE TENNESSEE Abiel Foster OHIO Joseph Peirce 23 SENATORS SENATORS Samuel Hunt 24 Vacant Joseph Anderson Samuel Tenney William Cocke George B. Upham REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Vacant REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William Dickson NEW JERSEY PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS Jonathan Dayton SENATORS VERMONT James Ross John Peter G. Muhlenberg34 SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE 3 Elijah 44 John Condit Stephen R. Bradley45 Ebenezer Elmer REPRESENTATIVES William Helms Robert Brown Nathaniel Chipman James Mott Thomas Boude REPRESENTATIVES Henry Southard Andrew Gregg John A. Hanna Lewis R. Morris NEW YORK Joseph Hiester Israel Smith SENATORS William Hoge VIRGINIA Gouverneur Morris William Jones John Armstrong 25 Michael Leib SENATORS De Witt Clinton 26 John Smiie Stevens T. Mason REPRESENTATIVES John Stewart Wilson C. Nicholas John Bird 27 Isaac Van Home REPRESENTATIVES John P. Van Ness 28 Henry Woods Lucas C. Elmendorf Richard Brent Samuel L. Mitchill RHODE ISLAND Samuel J. Cabell Thomas Morris Thomas Claiborne John Smith SENATORS Matthew Clay Thomas Tillotson 29 Theodore Foster John Clopton Theodorus Bailey3° Ray Greene 36 John Dawson David Thomas Christopher Ellery37 William B. Giles Philip Van Cortlandt REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Edwin Gray Killian K. Van Rensselaer Joseph Stanton, Jr. David Holmes Benjamin Walker Thomas Tillinghast George Jackson Anthony New NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA Thomas Newton, Jr. SENATORS SENATORS John Randolph Jesse Franklin Charles Pinckney38 John Smith

"'Resigned June 12, 1801. exercised the office of major of , under authority of "'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of the United States, within the Territory of Columbia. John Peter G. Muhlenberg, and took his seat December 7, Samuel Livermore, and took his seat December 7, 1801. "Resigned August 10, 1801, before Congress assembled, 1801; subsequently elected. "Resigned June 14, 1802. having been appointed Secretary of State of New York. "Resigned March 5, 1801. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 30 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of "'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ray Sheafe, and took his seat December 14, 1802. Thomas Tillotson, and took his seat December 7, 1801. Greene, and took his seat December 7, 1801. "'Resigned in 1801. "Resigned in 1802. ii Died in 1802. "'Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of "'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles Charles Pinckney, and took his seat December 19, 1801. Joseph Peirce, and took his seat December 6, 1802. Johnson, and took his seat December 7, 1802. "'Died October 26, 1802. "'ReSigned February 5, 1802. "Admitted as a State into the Union, November 29, 41 Elected on November 4, 1802, to fill vacancy caused "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 1802, from territory known as the "Northwest Territory," by death of John E. Colhoun. Armstrong, and took his seat February 23, 1802. which was originally ceded to the United States by the "Resigned December 15, 1801, having been elected Sen- '7Resigned July 25, 1801, before Congress assembled. State of Virginia. ator. " Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John ' Resigned June 30, 1801; attended special session of "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Bird, and took his seat December 7, 1801; seat declared the Senate only, March 4-5, 1801. Thomas Sumter, and took his seat January 24, 1803. forfeited January 17, 1803, because he had accepted and "Resigned September 1, 1801. "'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Elijah Paine, and took his seat December 7, 1801. Seventh Congress 67

John Stratton MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY46 TERRITORY NORTHWEST OF THE RIVER OHIO DELEGATE Philip R. Thompson DELEGATE Abram Trigg Narsworthy Hunter47 John Trigg Thomas M. Greene48 Paul Fearing49

Question raised as to his right to retain his seat after 46Formed by act of April?, 1798, from territory ceded Died March 11, 1802. November 29, 1802, when the Territory was granted state- to the United States by the States of Georgia and South Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Narsworthy hood as the State of Ohio; no other representative appear- Carolina. Hunter, and took his seat December 6, 1802. ing, was permitted to retain the seat. EIGHTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1803, TO MARCH 3, 1805

FIRST SESSION-October 17, 1803, to March 27, 1804 SECOND SESSION-Nopember 5, 1804, to March 3, 1805



CONNECTICUT Peter Early Daniel Hiester '° 9 SENATORS Samuel Roger Nelson 11 James Hiihouse David Meriwether Joseph H. Nicholson Uriah Tracy Thomas Plater REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE KENTUCKY Simeon Baldwin SENATORS MASSACHUSETTS Samuel W. Dana John Brown John Davenport John Breckinridge SENATORS Calvin Goddard REPRESENTATIVES Timothy Pickering 12 Roger Griswold George M. Bedinger John Quincy Adams John C. Smith John Boyle REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin Tallmadge John Fowler Matthew Lyon Phanuel Bishop DELAWARE Thomas Sandford Phineas Bruce ' SENATORS Matthew Walton William H. Wells 7 Manasseh Cutler James A. Bayard8 MARYLAND Richard Cutts Samuel White SENATORS Thomas Dwight REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert Wright William Eustis Caesar A. Rodney Samuel Smith Seth Hastings GEORGIA REPRESENTATIVES John Archer SENATORS Walter Bowie Thomson J. Skinner 14 Abraham Baldwin John Campbell Simon Lamed 15 James Jackson John Dennis REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Nicholas R. Moore Joseph Bryan William McCreery Samuel Thatcher

'Elected October 11, 1803; January 23, 1804. Resigned November 6, 1804. 11Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Daniel 2Elected March 10, 1804. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- Hiester, and took his seat November 6, 1804. 'Elected January 15, 1805; February 28, 1805; March 2, liam H. Wells, and took his seat January 15, 1805. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 1805. 'declared vacant February 2, 1805, because he had Dwight Foster in preceding Congress, and took his seat 'Official designation of "Sergeant at Arms" was fixed accepted appointment to be civil and military governor of October 17, 1803. "Never qualified, owing to illness. March 3, 1805. upper Louisiana Territory. ' 'Reelected October 17, 1803. "Died March 7, 1804. Resigned August 10, 1804. Reelected October 17, 1803. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Thom- son J. Skinner, and took his seat November 5, 1804.

[68] Eighth Congress 69

Joseph B. Varnum John Smith28 John Rea Peleg Wadsworth Samuel Riker 29 Lemuel Williams David Thomas John Smiie George Tibbitts John Stewart NEW HAMPSHIRE Philip Van Cortlandt Isaac Van Home SENATORS Killian K. Van Rensselaer John Whitehill Simeon Olcott RHODE ISLAND William Plumer NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATWES AT LARGE Jesse Franklin Silas Betton Samuel J. Potter37 Clifton Clagett David Stone 38 - David Hough REPRESENTATIVES Samuel Hunt Nathaniel Alexander REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Samuel Tenney Willis Aiston Nehemiah Knight William Blackledge Joseph Stanton, Jr. NEW JERSEY James Gillespie 30 SENATORS James Holland SOUTH CAROLINA Jonathan Dayton William Kennedy SENATORS Nathaniel Macon Thomas Sumter John Condit 16 Samuel D. Purviance 31 REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Pierce Butler 39 Richard Stanford John Gailard4° Adam Boyd Marmaduke Williams Ebenezer Elmer Joseph Winston REPRESENTATIVES William Helms Thomas Wynns William Butler James Mott Levi Casey James Sloan OHIO John B. Earle Henry Southard SENATORS Wade Hampton Benjamin Huger John Smith32 Thomas Lowndes NEW YORK Thomas Worthington SENATORS Thomas Moore REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE De Witt Clinton 17 Richard Winn John Armstrong 18 Jeremiah Morrow34 John Smith 19 TENNESSEE Theodorus Bailey 20 PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS John Armstrong 21 SENATORS Joseph Anderson Samuel L. Mitchill22 George Logan William Cocke REPRESENTATIVES Samuel Maclay REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Isaac Bloom 23 REPRESENTATIVES George W. Campbell Daniel C. Verplanck24 Isaac Anderson William Dickson Gaylord Griswold David Bard Josiah Hasbrouck25 Robert Brown Henry W. Livingston Joseph Clay VERMONT Andrew McCord Frederick Conrad SENATORS Samuel L. Mitchill26 Wffliam Findley Stephen R. Bradley George Clinton, Jr. 27 Andrew Gregg Israel Smith Beriah Palmer John A. Hanna John Patterson Joseph Hiester REPRESENTATIVES Oliver Phelps William Hoge William Chamberlain John Hoge36 Martin Chittenden Joshua Michael Leib James Elliott Thomas Sammons John B. C. Lucas Gideon Olin

'5 Appointed to fill vacancy in term beginning March 4, 'TElected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John ° Died January 10, 1805. 1803, to serve until the next meeting of the legislature, Armstrong, and took his seat November 23, 1804. 1 unsuccessfully contested by Duncan McFar- subsequently elected and took his seat October 17, 1803; 51Died April 26, 1803, before Congress assembled. land. Elected to if! vacancy caused by death of Isaac "Took his seat October 25, 1803; term to expire, as vacancy in this class from March 4, 1803, to August 31, determined by lot, March 3, 1809. 1803. Bloom, and took his seat October 17, 1803. IT Resigned November 4, 1803. 'TElected to ifil vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- "Took his seat October 17, 1803; term to expire as ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of De sentative-elect John Cantine, before the beginning of the determined by lot, March 3, 1801. Witt Clinton, and took his seat December 8, 1803. (See congressional term, and took his seat October 17, 1803. Took his seat October 17, 1803. °'Resigned November 22, 1804, before the commence- ' Resigned October 15, 1804. footnote 21.) '5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 1 ment of the Ninth Congress, to which he had been reelect- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of De 11am Hoge, and took his seat November 27, 1804. Witt Clinton, and took his seat February 23, 1804. ed, having been elected Senator. '°Resigned January 16, 1804. 'TElected to ElI vacancy caused by resignation of ' Died October 14, 1804. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Thee- Samuel L. Mitchill, and took his seat February 14, 1805. '5Elected to ElI vacancy caused by death of Samuel J. dorus Bailey, and took his seat under the new credentials Resigned effective February 23, 1804, having been Potter, and took his seat December 3, 1804. - February 26, 1804; served in this class until June 30, 1804, elected Senator. ' Resigned November 21, 1804. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 40Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Pierce when he resigned, having been appointed minister to Butler, and took his seat January 31, 1805. Franca. Smith, and took his seat November 5, 1804. 70 Biographical Directory

VIRGINIA Christopher 50 Anthony New SENATORS Matthew Clay Thomas Newton, Jr. Stevens T. Mason41 John Clopton John Randolph John Taylor42 John Dawson Thomas M. Randolph Abraham B. Venable43 John W. Eppes John Smith William B. Giles44 Peterson Goodwyn James Stephenson Andrew Moore Edwin Gray Philip R. Thompson Thomas Griffin Abram Trigg Wilson C. Nicholas46 David Holmes Andrew Moore Joseph Lewis, Jr. William B. Giles 48 John G. Jackson Walter Jones MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Lewis 5' Thomas Claiborne Andrew Moore 52 DELEGATE John Trigg49 Alexander Wilson William Lattimore

41Died May 10, 1808. December 17, 1804; antecedently appointed to fill vacancy Died June 28, 1804. 42Appomted to fill vacancy caused by death of Stevens caused by resignation of Wilson C. Nicholas. (See footnote 50Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John Trigg, T. Mason, and took his seat October 17, 1803. and took his seat November 5, 1804. 45Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Stevens T. Resigned May 22, 1804. 5'Served until March 5, 1804; succeeded by Andrew Mason, and took his seat December 13, 1803; resigned 47Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Moore, who contested his election. (Counsel were heard at June 7, 1804. Wilson C. Nicholas, and took his seat November 6, 1804; bar of House in this case.) 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of subsequently elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation 52 Abraham B. Venable, and took his seat November 5, 1804; of Abraham B. Venable. (See footnote 45.) Successfully contested the election of Thomas Lewis, subsequently elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation 45Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of and took his seat March 5, 1804; resigned November 6, of Wilson C. Nicholas. (See footnote 48.) Wilson C. Nicholas, and took his seat December 17, 1804; 1804, having been appointed Senator. 45Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Abra- antecedently appointed to fill vacancy caused by resigna- ' Elected toifil vacancy caused by resignation of ham B. Venable, and qualified under these credentials tion of Abraham B. Venable. (See footnote 44.) Andrew Moore, and took his seat December 4, 1804. NINTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1805, TO MARCH 3, 1807

FIRST SESSIONDecember 2, 1805, to April 21, 1806 SECOND SESSIONDecember 1, 1806, to March 3, 1807 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATEMarch 4, 1805, for one day only



CONNECTICUT GEORGIA John Boyle John Fowler SENATORS SENATORS Matthew Lyon James Hilihouse Abraham Baldwin Thomas Sandford Uriah Tracy James Jackson 10 Matthew Walton REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Miledge 11 Samuel W. Dana REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE MARYLAND John Davenport Joseph Bryan 12 Calvin Goddard4 Dennis Smelt 13 SENATORS Timothy Pitkin5 Peter Early Robert Wright 20 Roger Griswold 6 David Meriwether Philip Reed 21 Lewis B. Sturges Cowles Mead 14 Samuel Smith Jonathan 0. Moseley Thomas Spalding 15 REPRESENTATIVES John Cotton Smith8 William W. Bibb 16 John Archer Theodore Dwight9 KENTUCKY John Campbell Benjamin Talimadge Leonard Covington SENATORS Joseph H. Nicholson 22 DELAWARE John Breckinridge 17 Edward Lloyd23 SENATORS 18 Patrick Magruder Samuel White Henry Clay 19 William McCreery James A. Bayard Nicholas R. Moore REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Roger Nelson James M. Broom George M. Bedinger Charles Goldsborough

'Elected December 2, 1805; March 18, 1806; and March Elected to ifil vacancy caused by resignation of John '°Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Cotton Smith, and took his seat December 1, 1806. Thomas Spalding, and took his seat January 26, 1807. 2, 1807. Resigned August 7, 1805, to become Attorney Gener- 2Reelected December 2, 1805. °° Died March 19, 1806. Reelected December 2, 1805. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John °Resigned in 1805, before Congress assembled. Jackson, and took his seat December 11, 1806. Breckinridge, and took his seat December 9, 1805; resigned 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignations of Calvin 22Resigned in 1806. November 18, 1806. Goddard and Roger Griswold, and took his seat December '° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 10, 1805. Joseph Bryan, and took his seat December 26, 1806. Adair, and took his seat December 29, 1806. 'Resigned in 1805, before Congress assembled. °4Served until December 24, 1805; succeeded by Thomas 20Resigned in 1806. 'Elected to fill vacancy caud by resignations of Calvin Spalding, who contested his election. °° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Goddard and Roger Griswold, and took his seat December Successfully contested the election of Cowles Mead, Robert Wright, and took his seat December 29, 1806. 2, 1805. and took his seat December 24, 1805; resigned in 1806. 22Resigned March 1, 1806. 'Resigned in August 1806. 22Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Joseph H. Nicholson, and took his seat December 3, 1806.

[71) 72 Biographical Directory

MASSACHUSETTS George Clinton, Jr. 24 William Findley SENATORS Silas Halsey Andrew Gregg Timothy Pickering Henry W. Livingston John Hamilton John Quincy Adams Josiah Masters John A. Hanna 29 Gurdon S. Mumford25 Robert Whitehill3° REPRESENTATIVES John Russell James Kelly Joseph Barker Peter Sailly Michael Leib 3' Thomas Sainmons John Porter32 Phanuel Bishop Martin G. Schuneman Christian 33 David Thomas John B. C. Lucas Un Tracy Samuel Smith35 Jacob Crowninshield Philip Van Cortlandt John Pugh Richard Cutta Killian K. Van Rensselaer John Rea Daniel C. Verplanck Jacob Richards Isaiah L. Green Eliphalet Wickes John Smiie Seth Hastings Nathan Williams John Whitehill Josiah Quincy NORTH CAROLINA RHODE ISLAND Ebenezer Seaver SENATORS William Stedman SENATORS David 26 Benjamin Howland Samuel Taggart James Turner Joseph B. Varnum Peleg Wadsworth REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Nathaniel Alexander27 Nehemiah Knight NEW HAMPSHIRE Evan S. Alexander28 Joseph Stanton, Jr. SENATORS Willis Aiston William Blackledge SOUTH CAROLINA William Plumer Thomas Blount Nicholas Gilman James Holland SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Thomas Kenan Thomas Sumter Silas Betton Nathaniel Macon Caleb Ellis Duncan McFarlan REPRESENTATIVES David Hough Richard Stanford William Butler Samuel Tenney Marmaduke Williams Levi Casey 36 Thomas W. Thompson Joseph Winston Elias Earle Thomas Wynns Robert Marion NEW JERSEY Thomas Moore SENATORS OHIO O'Brien Smith John Condit SENATORS David R. Williams Aaron Kitchell John Smith Richard Winn REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Thomas Worthington Ezra Darby REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE TENNESSEE Ebenezer Elmer SENATORS William Helms Joseph Anderson John Lambert PENNSYLVANIA Daniel Smith James Sloan SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Henry Southard George Logan George W. Campbell NEW YORK Samuel Maclay Wffliam Dickson REPRESENTATIVES John Rhea SENATORS Issac Anderson John Smith VERMONT Samuel L. Mitchill David Bard Robert Brown SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Joseph Clay Stephen R. Bradley John Blake, Jr. Frederick Conrad Israel Smith

Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- "Resigned in November 1805, having been elected gov- 21 Election unsuccessfully contested by John Douglas; sentative-elect Samuel L Mitchill in preceding Congress. ernor. resigned February 14, 1806. 25Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- '5Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Na- 52 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mi- sentative-elect Daniel D. Tompkins, before the beginning thaniel Alexander and took his seat February 24, 1806. chael Leib, and took his seat December 8, 1806. of the congressional term, and took his seat December 2, 25Died July 23, 1805, before Congress assembled. "Died December 19, 1806, never having qualified. 1805. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John A. '°Resigned before Congress assembled. Resigned about February 17,1807. "Elected-to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Hanna, and took his seat December 2, 1805. B (1 Lucas, and took his seat December 2,1805. '6Died February 3, 1801, before the commencement of the Tenth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Ninth Congress 73

REPRESENTATWES John Clopton Abram Trigg Martin Chittenden John Dawson Alexander Wilson James Elliott John W. Eppes James Fisk James M. Garnett INDIANA TERRITORY39 Gideon Olin Peterson Goodwyn DELEGATE Edwin Gray VIRGINIA David Holmes Benjamin Parke4° SENATORS John G. Jackson William B. Giles Walter Jones MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY Andrew Moore Joseph Lewis, Jr. DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES John Morrow William Lattimore Burwell Bassett Thomas Newton, Jr. John Claiborne John Randolph TERRITORY OF ORLEANS4' Thomas M. Randolph Christopher Clark37 DELEGATE William A. Burwell38 John Smith Matthew Clay Philip R. Thompson Daniel Clark42

'9 Formed by act approved May 7, 1800, from a portion °Took his seat December 12, 1805. ' Resigned July 1, 1806. ' Formed by act approved March 26, 1804, from a por- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Chris- of lands of the Northwest Territory originally ceded to the tion of lands ceded by France to the United States under topher Clark, and took his seat December 1, 1806. United States by the State of Virginia, with seat of gov- the name of Louisiana by the of April 30, ernment at Vincennes. 1803. 42Took his seat December 1, 1806. TENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1807, TO MARCH 3, 1809

FIRST SESSION-October 26, 1807, to April 25, 1808 SECOND SESSION-November 7, 1808, to March 3, 1809



CONNECTICUT George Jones,'2 Savannah Philip Reed, Chestertown SENATORS William H. Crawford,13 Lexington John Milledge, Augusta REPRESENTATIVES James Hilihouse, New Haven John Campbell, Tobacco Uriah Tracy,7 Litchfield REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Charles Goldsborough, Cambridge Chauncey Goodrich,8 Hartford William W. Bibb, Petersburg Philip B. Key,'4 Rockuille REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Howell Cobb, Louisville Edward Lloyd, Wye Mills Epaphroditus Champion, East Dennis Smelt, Savannah William McCreery,'5 Reisterstown Haddam George M. Troup, Dublin John Montgomery, Bel Air Samuel W. Dana, Middlesex Nicholas R. Moore, Ruxton John Davenport, Stamford KENTUCKY Jonathan 0. Moseley, East Haddam Roger Nelson, Frederick Timothy Pitkin, Farmington SENATORS Archibald Van Home Lewis B. Sturges, Fairfield Buckner Thruston, Lexington Benjamin Tailmadge, Litchfield John Pope, Springfield MASSACHUSETTS DELAWARE REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS SENATORS John Boyle, Lancaster Timothy Pickering, Wend/tam Samuel White, Wilmington , Mays Lick John Quincy Adams,'6 Boston James A. Bayard, Wilmington Benjamin Howard, Lexington James Lloyd,'7 Boston Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Matthew Lyon, Eddyville REPRESENTATIVES James M. Broom,9 Wilmington John Rowan, Louisville Barnabas Bidwell,'8 Stockbridge Nicholas Van Dyke,'° New Castle ,'9 Pittsfield Joseph Barker, Middleboro GEORGIA MARYLAND John Chandler, Monmouth SENATORS SENATORS Orchard Cook, Wiscasset Abraham Baldwin,'1 Augusta Samuel Smith, Baltimore Jacob Crowninshield,2° Salem

Elected April 16, 1808. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James him entitled to his seat was passed by a vote of 57 to 52, Elected December 28, 1808. M. Broom, and took his seat December 2, 1807. March 18, 1808. 'Elected January 30, 1809. "Died March 4, 1807. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Joshua Barney. Elected October 26, 1807. "Appointed to ifil vacancy caused by death of Abra- "Resigned June 8, 1808. 5Elected October 26, 1807. ham Baldwin, and took his seat October 26, 1807. "Elected to till vacancy caused by resignation of John 6Elected October 27, 1807. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Abraham Quincy Adams, and took his seat November 7, 1808. Died July 19, 1807. Baldwin, and took his seat December 9, 1807. "Resigned July 13, 1807, before Congress assembled. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Uriah Tracy, 'Election was questioned upon the grounds that he "Elected to till vacancy caused by resignation of Bar- and took his seat November 27, 1807. was not a resident of the district from which elected and nabas Bidwell, and took his seat November 2, 1807. Resigned before Congress assembled. that he was a British pensioner; a resolution declaring "Died April 16, 1808.

{74J Tenth Congress '75

Joseph Story,21 Salem John Russell, Cooperstown John Pugh, Doylestown Richard Cutts, Pepperelboro Peter Swart, Schoharie John Rea, Chambersburg , Raynham David Thomas,24 Salem Jacob Richards, Chester Wffliam Ely, Springfield Nathan Wilson,25 Salem Matthias Richards, Pottstown Isaiah L. Green, Barnstable John Thompson, Stillwater John Smiie, Fayette Daniel llsley, Falniouth James I. Van Men, Kinderhook Samuel Smith, Erie Edward St. Loe Livermore, Philip Van Cortlandt, Croton Robert Whitehill, Camp Hill Newburyport Kilhian K. Van Rensselaer, Albany Daniel Montgomery, Jr. Josiah Quincy, Boston Daniel C. Verplanck, Fishkill Ebenezer Seaver, Roxbury RHODE ISLAND William Stedman, Worcester NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS Samuel Taggart, Colerain SENATORS Benjamin Howland, Tiverton , Brookfield James Turner, Warrenton James Fenner,34 Providence Joseph B. Varnum, Dracut Jesse Franklin Elisha Mathewson,35 Scituate NEW HAMPSHIRE REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Evan S. Alexander, Salisbury SENATORS Nehemiah Knight,36 Cranston Willis Alston, Greenville Richard Jackson, Jr.,37 Providence Nicholas Gilman, Exeter William Blackledge, Spring Hill Isaac Wilbour, Little Compton Nahum Parker, Fitzwilliam Thomas Blount, Tarboro REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Culpepper,26 Allenton SOUTH CAROLINA Meshack Franklin Peter Carleton, Landaff SENATORS Daniel M. Durell, Dover James Holland , Keene Thomas Kenan, Kenansville Thomas Sumter, Stateburg Jedediah K. Smith, Amherst Nathaniel Macon, Warrenton John Gaillard, Charleston Clement Storer, Portsmouth Lemuel Sawyer, Elizabeth City REPRESENTATIVES Richard Stanford, Hawfields Lemuel J. Aiston, Greenville NEW JERSEY Marmaduke Williams William Butler, Saluda SENATORS Joseph Calhoun,38 Calhoun Mills John Condit, Orange OHIO Robert Marion, Charleston Aaron Kitchell, Hanover SENATORS Thomas Moore, Prices Store REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Smith,27 Columbia John Taylor, Columbia Return J. Meigs, Jr.,28 Marietta David R. Williams, Society Hill Ezra Darby,22 Scotch Plains Richard Winn, Winnsboro Adam Boyd,23 Hackensack Edward Tiffin,29 Chillicothe William Helms, Hackettstown REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John Lambert, Lambertville Jeremiah Morrow, Montgomery TENNESSEE Thomas Newbold SENATORS James Sloan PENNSYLVANIA Joseph Anderson Henry Southard, Baskingridge SENATORS Daniel Smith, Hendersonville Samuel Maclay,30 Lewisburg REPRESENTATIVES NEW YORK Michael Leib,3' Philadelphia George W. Campbell, Nashville SENATORS Andrew Gregg, Pennvalley John Rhea, Sullivan John Smith, Mastic REPRESENTATIVES Jesse Wharton, Nashville Samuel L. Mitchill, New York City David Bard, Frankstown REPRESENTATIVES Robert Brown, Weaversville VERMONT John Blake, Jr., Montgomery Joseph Clay,32 Philadelphia SENATORS George Clinton, Jr., New York City ,33 Philadelphia Stephen R. Bradley, Westminster Barent Gardenier, Kingston William Findley, Youngstown Israel Smith,39 Rutland John Harris, Aurelias John Hiester, Parker Ford Jonathan Robinson,40 Bennington Reuben Humphrey, Marcellus William Hoge, Washington William Kirkpatrick, Salina Robert Jenkins, Churchtown REPRESENTATIVES Josiah Masters, Schaghticoke James Kelly, Philadelphia Martin Chittenden, Williston Gurdon S. Mumford, New York City , Philadelphia James Elliott, Brattleboro Samuel Riker, Newtown John Porter, Philadelphia James Fisk, Barre

° Tried by Senate for complicity with Aaron Burr; but "Resigned in September 1807, having been elected gov- 21 Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of Jacob ernor. Crowninshield, and took his seat December 20, 1808. resolution of expulsion negatived April 9, 1808; resigned 3° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 22 Died January 28, 1808. April 25, 1808. (See Senate Election Cases, edition 1903, Fenner, and took his seat November 20, 1807. '' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Ezra Derby, pp. 934-948.) '° Died June 13, 1808. and took his seat April 1, 1808. 25Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Nehemiah 24 Resigned May 1, 1808. Smith, and took his seat January 6, 1809. Knight, and took his seat November 11, 1808. 21 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of David s Resigned March 3, 1809. 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Thomas, and took his seat November 7, 1808. ° Resigned January 4, 1809. tive-elect Levi Casey, in preceding Congress, and took his 25 contested by Duncan McFarland; the House 21 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of seat October 26, 1807. on January 2, 1808, declared the seat vacant on account of Samuel Maclay, and took his seat January 19, 1809. "Resigned October 1, 1807, having been elected gover- irregularities; subsequently elected, and took his seat Feb- s2 Resigned in 1808. nor. ruary 23, 1808. '5Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of °°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Israel Joseph Clay, and took his seat November 16, 1808. Smith, and took his seat October 26, 1807. 76 Biographical Directory

VERMONTContinued John Clopton, Tunstall Abram Trigg, Christiansburg REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED John Dawson Alexander Wilson John W. Eppes, Charles City James Witherell,4' Fair Haven James M. Garnett, Loretto Samuel Shaw,42 Castleton Peterson Goodwyn, Petersburg DELEGATE Edwin Gray VIRGINIA ,45 Vincennes David Holmes, Winchester Jesse B. Thomas,46 Lawrenceburg SENATORS John G. Jackson, Clarks burg William B. Giles, Ladore Walter Jones MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY Andrew Moore, Lexington Joseph Lewis, Jr., Upperville REPRESENTATIVES John Love, Alexandria DELEGATE Burwell Bassett, Williamsburg John Morrow , Woodville William A. Burwell, Rocky Mount Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk John Claiborne,43 Brunswick Wilson C. Nicholas, Charlottesville Thomas Gholson, Jr.,44 Brunswick John Randolph, Charlotte DELEGATE Matthew Clay, Halifax John Smith Daniel Clark,

41Resigned May 1, 1808. Died October 9, 1808. ° Resigned March 1, 1808. 42Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John Clai- °'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Benja- Witherell, and took his seat November 8, 1808. borne, and took his seat November 7, 1808. min Parke, and took his seat December 1, 1808. ELEVENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1809, TO MARCH 3, 1811

FIRST SESSION-May 22, 1809, to June 28, 1809 SECOND SESSION-November 27, 1809, to May 1, 1810 THIRD SESSION-December 3, 1810, to March 3, 1811 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1809, to March 7, 1809



CONNECTICUT James A. Bayard, Wilmington William T. Barry,'7 Lexington REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Henry Crist, Shepherd.sville SENATORS Nicholas Van Dyke, New Castle Joseph Desha, Mays Lick James Hillhouse,6 New Haven Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings Samuel W. Dana,7 Middlesex GEORGIA Matthew Lyon, Eddyville Chauncey Goodrich, Hartford SENATORS Samuel McKee, Lancaster REPRESENTATWES AT LARGE John Miledge,'2 Augusta Epaphroditus Champion, East ,'3 Elbert MARYLAND William H. Crawford, Lexington Haddam SENATORS Samuel W. Dana,8 Middlesex REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Ebenezer Huntington,9 Norwich William W. Bibb, Petersburg Samuel Smith,'8 Baltimore John Davenport, Stamford Howell Cobb, Louisville Philip Reed, Chestertown Jonathan 0. Moseley, East Haddam Dennis Smelt, Savannah REPRESENTATIVES George M. Troup, Dublin Timothy Pitkin, Farmington John Brown,'9 Centerville Lewis B. Sturges, Fairfield KENTUCKY Robert Wright,20 Queenstown Benjamin Tailmadge, Litchfield SENATORS John Campbell, Port Tobacco Buckner Thruston,'4 Lexington Charles Goldsborough, Cambridge DELAWARE Henry Clay,'5 Lexington Philip B. Key, Rockoille SENATORS John Pope, Springfield Alexander McKim, Baltimore Samuel Whte'° Wilmington REPRESENTATIVES John Montgomery, Bel Air , Wilmington Benjamin Howard,'6 Lexington Nicholas R. Moore, Buxton

Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Samuel 'Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of 'Elected June 26, 1809. Buckner Thruston, and took his seat February 5, 1810. 2Elected February 28, 1810; reelected April 17, 1810. W. Dana, and took his seat December 3, 1810. 10Died November 4, 1809. "Resigned April 10, 1810, to become governor of Upper Elected February 23, 1811. Louisiana. Reelected May 22, 1809. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Benja- Reelected May 22, 1809. White, and took his seat January 29, 1810. mm Howard, and took his seat December 13, 1810. 6Resigned June 10, 1810. 12Resigned November 14, 1809. "Appointed and subsequently reelected for the term Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 13Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John beginning March 4, 1809. Hilihouse, and took his seat December 4, 1810. Milledge, and took his seat December 28, 1809. 'Resigned in 1810, before the commencement of the 'Resigned in May, 1810, having been elected Senator. 'Resigned December 18, 1809. Twelfth Congress, to which he had been reelected. '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Brown, and took his seat December 3, 1810.

{77 I 78 Biographical Directory

MARYLAND-Continued James Cox,33 Monmouth Stanley Griswold John A. Scudder,34 Monmouth Alexander Campbell,40 Ripley EEPRESENTATWES-CONTINUED William Helms, Hackettstown Roger Nelson,2' Frederick Thomas Newbold REPRESENTATWE AT LARGE Samuel Ringgold,22 Hagerstown Henry Southard, Baskingridge Jeremiah Morrow, Montgomery Archibald Van Home Jacob Hufty, Salem PENNSYLVANIA MASSACHUSETTS NEW YORK SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Timothy Pickering, Wendham Andrew Gregg, Pennvalley John Smith, Mastic Michael Leib, Philadelphia James Lloyd, Boston Obadiah German, Norwich REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Ezekiel Bacon, Pittsfield William Denning,35 New York City William Anderson, Chester ,23 Bridgewater Samuel L. Mitchill,36 New York City David Bard, Frankstown Charles Turner, Jr.,24 Scituate James Emott, Albany Robert Brown, Weaversville Orchard Cook, Wiscasset Jonathan Fisk, Newburgh William Crawford, Gettysburg Richard Cutts, Pepperelboro Barent Gardenier, Kingston William Findley, Youngstown William Ely, Springfield Thomas R. Gold, Whitestown Daniel Hiester, West Chester , Herman Knickerbocker, Schaghticoke Robert Jenkins, Churchtown Barzillai Gannett, Gardiner Robert Le Roy Livingston, Hudson Aaron Lyle, West Middletown Edward St. Loe Livermore, Vincent Mathews, Elmira William Milnor, Philadelphia Newburyport Gurdon S. Mumford, New York City John Porter, Philadelphia Benjamin Pickman, Jr., Salem John Nicholson, Herkimer John Rea, Chambers burg Josiah Quincy, Boston Peter B. Porter, Buffalo Matthias Richards, Pottstown Ebenezer Seaver, Roxbury Erastus Root, Delhi John Ross, Easton William Stedman,25 Worcester Ebenezer Sage, Sag Harbor Benjamin Say,4' Philadelphia ,26 Leominster Thomas Sammons, Johnstown Adam Seybert,42 Philadelphia Samuel Taggart, Colerain John Thompson, Stillwater John Smiie, Fayette Jabez Upham,27 Brookfield Un Tracy, Oxford George Smith Joseph Allen,28 Worcester Killian K. Van Rensselaer, Albany Samuel Smith, Erie Joseph B. Varnum, Dracut Robert Whitehill, Camp Hill , Easton NORTH CAROLINA , Portland SENATORS RHODE ISLAND NEW HAMPSHIRE James Turner, Warrenton SENATORS Jesse Franklin SENATORS Elisha Mathewson, Scituate Nicholas Gilman, Exeter REPRESENTATIVES Francis Malbone,43 Newport Nahum Parker,29 Fitzwilliam Willis Alston, Greenville Christopher G. Champlin,44 Newport Charles Cutts,3° Portsmouth James Cochran, Roxboro Meshack Franklin REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James Holland Richard Jackson, Jr., Providence Daniel Blaisdell, Canaan Thomas Kenan, Kenansville Elisha R. Potter, Kingston John C. Chamberlain, Charlestown William Kennedy, Washington William Hale, Dover Nathaniel Macon, Warrenton SOUTH CAROLINA Nathaniel A. Haven, Portsmouth Archibald McBryde, Carthage James Wilson, Peterboro Joseph Pearson, Salisbury SENATORS Lemuel Sawyer, Elizabeth City Thomas Sumter,45 State burg NEW JERSEY Richard Stanford, Hawfield.s John Taylor,46 Columbia SENATORS John Stanly, New Bern John Gaillard, Charleston Aaron Kitchell,3' Hanover REPRESENTATIVES John Condit,32 Orange OHIO Lemuel J. Alston, Greenville John Lambert, Lambertville SENATORS William Butler, Saluda REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Return J. Meigs, Jr.,87 Marietta Joseph Calhoun, Calhoun Mills Adam Boyd, Hackensack Thomas Worthington,38 Chillicothe Robert Marion,47 Charleston

29Resigned May 14, 1810. '°Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 22Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Roger Nahum Parker, and took his seat December 4, 1810. Edward Tiffm, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Nelson, and took his seat December 7, 1810. 5'Resigned March 12, 1809. June 2, 1809. 23Served until June 28, 1809; succeeded by Charles "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 40Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Thrner, Jr., who contested his election. Aaron Kitchill, and took his seat May 24, 1809; subse- Edward Tiffin, and took his seat January 12, 1810. 24Successfully contested the election of William Baylies, "Resigned June, 1809. quently elected. 42 and took his seat June 28, 1809. "Died September 12, 1810. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Benja- Resigned July 16, 1810. '4Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James Cox, min Say, and took his seat November 27, 1809. 26Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- and took his seat December 3, 1810. "Died June 4, 1809. liam Stedman, and took his seat December 14, 1810. 36Resigned before qualifying. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Francis 27 Malbone, and took his seat January 12, 1810. Resigned in 1810. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- "Resigned December 16, 1810. 'sElected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jabez ham Denning, and took his seat December 4, 1810. 46Elected on December 19, 1810, to fill vacancy caused Upham, and took his seat December 13, 1810. 'Resigned May 1, 1810. by resignation of Thomas Sumter, and took his seat De- Resigned June 1, 1810. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of cember 31, 1810. Return J. Meigs, Jr., and took his seat January 8, 1811. "Resigned December 4, 1810. Eleventh Congress 79

Langdon Cheves,48 Charleston Martin Chittenden, Williston John Love, Alexandria Thomas Moore, Prices Store Jonathan H. Hubbard, Windsor Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk John Taylor,49 Columbia Samuel Shaw, Castleton Wilson C. Nicholas,55 Charlottesville Richard Winn, Winnsboro David S. Garland,56 Clifford Robert Witherspoon, Mayesville VIRGINIA John Randolph, Charlotte SENATORS , Uppowac TENNESSEE William B. Giles, Ladore , Wythe SENATORS Richard Brent, Aquia John Smith James Stephenson, Martinsburg Joseph Anderson 50 REPRESENTATIVES Jacob Swoope Daniel Smith,5' Hendersonville Burwell Bassett, Williamsburg Jenkin Whiteside,52 Knoxville James Breckinridge, Fincastle INDIANA TERRITORY REPRESENTATIVES William A. Burwell, Rocky Mount DELEGATE Pleasant M. Miller, Knoxville Matthew Clay, Halifax John Rhea, Sullivan John Clopton, Tunstall ,57 Charlestown Robert Weakley, Nashville John G. Jackson,53 Clarksburg William McKinley MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY VERMONT John Dawson DELEGATE John W. Eppes, Charles City George Poindexter, Woodville SENATORS Thomas Gholson, Jr., Brunswick Stephen R. Bradley, Westminster Peterson Goodwyn, Petersburg TERRITORY OF ORLEANS Jonathan Robinson, Bennington Edwin Gray REPRESENTATIVES Walter Jones DELEGATE William Chamberlain, Peacham Joseph Lewis, Jr., Upperville Julien de L. Poydras, New Orleans

45Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 50Appointed to fill vacancy in term commencing March Resigned September 28, 1810. 4, 1809, caused by failure of legislature to elect; subse- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Robert Marion, and took his seat January 24, 1811. C. Jackson, and took his seat December 21, 1810. Resigned December 30, 1810, having been elected Sen- quently elected, and took his seat May 22, 1809. Resigned November 27, 1809. ator. Resigned March 31, 1809. OsElected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 55fllected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Wilson C. Nicholas, and took his seat January 17, 1810. Daniel Smith, and took his seat May 26, 1809. ' Took his seat November 27, 1809; election unsuccess- fully contested by Thomas Randolph. TWELFTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1811, TO MARCH 3, 1813

FIRST SESSION-Not'ember 4, 1811, to July 6, 1812 SECOND SESSION-No Qember 2, 1812, to March 3, 1813



CONNECTICUT Howell Cobb,8 Louisville MARYLAND SENATORS William Barnett,9 Washington Chauncey Goodrich, Hartford Bolling Hall, Milledgeville SENATORS Samuel W. Dana, Middlesex George M. Troup, Dublin Samuel Smith, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Philip Reed, Chestertown Epaphroditus Champion, East KENTUCKY REPRESENTATIVES Haddam SENATORS Charles Goldsborough, Cambridge John Davenport, Stamford John Pope, Springfield Joseph Kent, Bladensburg Lyman Law, New London Jonathan 0. Moseley, East Haddam George M. Bibb, Lexington Philip B. Key, Roe kville Peter Little, Baltimore Timothy Pitkin, Farmington REPRESENTATIVES Alexander McKim, Baltimore Lewis B. Sturges, Fairfield Henry Clay, Lexington John Montgomery,'6 Bel Air Benjamin Talimadge, Litchfield Joseph Desha, Mays Lick Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings Stevenson Archer,'7 Bel Air DELAWARE Samuel McKee, Lancaster Samuel Ringgold, Hagerstown SENATORS Anthony New, Elkton Philip Stuart, Port Tobacco Wright,'8 Queenstown James A. Bayard,7 Wilmington , Louisville Robert Outerbridge Horsey, Wilmington REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE LOUISIANA'° MASSACHUSETTS Henry M. Ridgely, Dover SENATORS SENATORS GEORGIA Allan B. Magruder," Opelousas James Lloyd, Boston SENATORS John N. Destréhan,'2 Destrehan Joseph B. Varnum,'9 Dracut William H. Crawford, Lexington ,'3 Attakapas REPRESENTATIVES James Brown,'4 New Orleans Charles Tait, Elbert Ezekiel Bacon, Pittsfield REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Abijah Bigelow, Leominster William W. Bibb, Petersburg Thomas B. Robertson,'5 New Orleans , Westboro

1 Died April 20, 1812. '° Admitted as a State into the Union April 30, 1812; 15Took his seat December 23, 1812. 2 ElecteI March 24, 1812. formerly known as "Territory of Orleans." 16 Resigned April 29, 1811, before Congress assembled. 'Died September 2, 1811. U Took his seat November 18, 1812; term to expire, as 17 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John °Elected November 6, 1811. determined by lot, March 3, 1813. Montgomery. and took his seat November 4, 1811. Elected November 4, 1811. "Resigned October 1, 1812, never having qualified. '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- Reelected November 4, 1811. "Appointed to ifil vacancy caused by resignation of sentative-elect John Brown, in preceding Congress. Resigned March 3, 1813. John N. Destréhan, and took his seat December 7, 1812; '5Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March Resigned in 1812. term to expire, as determined by lot, March 3, 1817. 4, 1811, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took 5Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Howell ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John his seat November 4, 1811; vacancy in this class from Cobb, and took his seat November 27, 1812. N. Destréhan, and took his seat February 5, 1813. March 4, 1811, to June 7, 1811.

[80] Twelfth Congress 81

Richard Cutts, Pepperelboro William Paulding, Jr., New York City John Smiie,29 Fayette Wffliam Ely, Springfield Benjamin Pond, Schroon George Smith Barzillai Gannett,2° Gardiner Peter B. Porter, Buffalo Robert Whitehill, Camp Hill Francis Carr,2' Orrington Ebenezer Sage, Sag Harbor Isaiah L. Green, Barnstable Thomas Sammons, Johnstown RHODE ISLAND Josiah Quincy, Boston Silas Stow, Lowville SENATORS Un Tracy, Oxford William Reed, Marblehead Christopher G. Champlin,3° Newport Ebenezer Seaver, Roxbury Pierre Van Cortlandt, Jr., Peeks kill Samuel Taggart, Colerain William Hunter,31 Newport Peleg Tailman, Bath NORTH CAROLINA Jeremiah B. Howell, Providence Charles Turner, Jr., Scituate SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Joseph B. Varnum,22 Dracut James Turner, Warrenton Richard Jackson, Jr., Providence William M. Richardson,23 Groton Jesse Franklin Elisha R. Potter, Kingston Laban Wheaton, Easton REPRESENTATIVES Leonard White, Haverhill SOUTH CAROLINA , Portland Willis Aiston, Greenville William Blackledge, Spring Hill SENATORS NEW HAMPSHIRE Thomas Blount,26 Tarboro John Gaillard, Charleston William Kennedy,27 Washington John Taylor, Columbia SENATORS James Cochran, Roxboro Nicholas Gilman, Exeter Meshack Franklin REPRESENTATIVES Charles Cutts, Portsmouth William R. King, Wilmington William Butler, Saluda REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Nathaniel Macon, Warrenton John C. Calhoun, Willington Josiah Bartlett, Jr., Stratham Archibald McBryde, Carthage , Charleston Samuel Dinsmoor, Keene Joseph Pearson, Salisbury Elias Earle, Centerville Obed Hall, Bartlett Israel Pickens, Morgantown William Lowndes, Jacksonboro John A. Harper, Meredith Bridge Lemuel Sawyer, Elizabeth City Thomas Moore, Prices Store George Sullivan, Exeter Richard Stanford, Hawfields David R. Williams, Society Hill Richard Winn, Winnsboro NEW JERSEY OHIO SENATORS SENATORS TENNESSEE John Lambert, Lambertville Alexander Campbell, Ripley SENATORS John Condit, Orange Thomas Worthington, Chillicothe Joseph Anderson REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Jenkin Whiteside,32 Knoxville Adam Boyd, Hackensack Jeremiah Morrow, Montgomery George W. Campbell,33 Nashville Lewis Condict, Morristown PENNSYLVANIA REPRESENTATIVES Jacob Hufty, Salem Felix Grundy, Nashville George C. Maxwell, Raritan SENATORS John Sevier, Knoxville James Morgan, South Amboy Andrew Gregg, Pennvalley John Rhea, Sullivan Thomas Newbold Michael Leib, Philadelphia NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVES VERMONT William Anderson, Chester SENATORS SENATORS David Bard, Frankstown John Smith, Mastic Robert Brown, Weaversville Stephen R. Bradley, Westminster Obadiah German, Norwich William Crawford, Gettysburg Jonathan Robinson, Bennington REPRESENTATIVES Roger Davis, Charlestown REPRESENTATIVES Daniel Avery, Aurora William Findley, Youngstown Martin Chittenden, Williston Harmanus Bleecker, Albany John M. Hyneman, Reading James Fisk, Barre Thomas B. Cooke, Catskill ,28 Beavertown Samuel Shaw, Castleton James Emott, Albany Joseph Lefever, Paradise William Strong, Hartford Asa Fitch, Salem Aaron Lyle, West Middletown Thomas R. Gold, Whitestown , Philadelphia VIRGINIA Robert Le Roy Livingston,24 Hudson William Piper, Bloodyrun Thomas P. Grosvenor,25 Hudson Jonathan Roberts, Norristown SENATORS Arunah Metcalf, Otsego William Rodman, Bristol William B. Giles, Lodore Samuel L. Mitchill, New York City Adam Seybert, Philadelphia Richard Brent, Aquia

Died December 30, 1812, before the commencement of 20 Resigned in 1812, never having qualified. 25 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Robert La Roy Livingston, and took his seat January 29, the Thirteenth Congress, to which he had been reelected. 21 Elected to fill vacancy caused by failure of Barzillai °Resigned October 2, 1811. Gannett to qualify; took his seat June 3, 1812. Died February 7, 1812. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Chris- 22ReSigned June 29, 1811, before Congress assembled, topher G. Champlin, and took his seat November 25, 1811. having been elected Senator. Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by death of Thomas 25 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Blount, and took his seat January 30, 1813. 5 Resigned October 8, 1811. Reelected to the Thirteenth Congress, but resigned, Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Joseph B. Varnum, and took his seat January 22, 1812. Jenkin Whiteside, and took his seat November 4, 1811. 24 Resigned May 6, 1812. having been elected Senator. 82 Biographical Directory

VIRGINIAContinued William McCoy, Franklin INDIANA TERRITORY REPRESENTATIVES Hugh Nelson, Milton DELEGATE Burwell Bassett, Williamsburg Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk Jonathan Jennings, Charlestown James Breckinridge, Fincastle , Goochland William A. Burwell, Rocky Mount John Randolph, Charlotte MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY Matthew Clay, Halifax John Roane, Uppowac DELEGATE John Clopton, Tunstall John Dawson Daniel Sheffey, Wythe George Poindexter, Woodville Thomas Gholson, Jr., Brunswick John Smith Peterson Goodwyn, Petersburg Thomas Wilson, Morgantown TERRITORY OF MISSOURI38 Edwin Gray DELEGATE , Woodville ILLINOIS TERRITORY36 Edward Hempstead,39 St. Louis John P. Hungerford,34 Leedstown John Taliaferro,35 Fredericksburg DELEGATE TERRITORY OF ORLEANS4° John Baker, Shepherdstown Shadrack Bond,37 Kaskaskia DELEGATE Joseph Lewis, Jr., Upperville Vacant4'

' Served until November 29, 1811; succeeded by John ceded to the United States by the State of Virginia, and Paris of April 30, 1803, theretofore known as the "District Taliaferro, who contested his election. granted a Delegate in Congress. of Louisiana," and granted a Delegate in Congress. Successfully contested the election of John P. Hunger- "Took his seat December 3, 1812. Took his seat January 4, 1813. ford, and took his seat December 2, 1811. "Formed by the act approved June 4, 1812, from lands '°Q,anted statehood April 30, 1812, as the State of "Formed by act approved February 3, 1809, from a ceded by France to the United States by the treaty of Louisiana. portion of Indiana Territory and from lands originally "' Allen B. Magruder and Elegies Fromentin, agents were accorded the privilege of the floor March 6, 1812. THIRTEENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1813, TO MARCH 3, 1815

FIRST SESSION-May 24, 1813, to August 2, 1813 SECOND SESSION-December 6, 1813, to April 18, 1814 THIRD SESSION-September 19, 1814, to March 3, 1815



CONNECTICUT Henry M. Ridgely, Dover ,2' Lexington ,22 Frankfort SENATORS GEORGIA Chauncey Goodrich,'0 Hartford REPRESENTATIVES David Daggett,1' New Haven SENATORS James Clark, Winchester Samuel W. Dana, Middlesex William H. Crawford,'3 Lexington Henry Clay,23 Lexington William B. Bulloch,'4 Savannah REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Joseph H. Hawkins,24 Lexington William W. Bibb,'5 Petersburg Joseph Desha, Mays Lick Epaphroditus Champion, East Charles Tait, Elbert William P. Duval, Bardstown Haddam REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Davenport, Stamford Samuel Hopkins, Henderson Lyman Law, New London William Barnett, Washington Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings Jonathan 0. Moseley, East Haddam William W. Bibb,'6 Petersburg Samuel McKee, Lancaster Timothy Pitkin, Farmington Alfred Cuthrt,'7 Eaton Thomas Montgomery, Stanford John Forsyth, Augusta Stephen Ormsby,25 Louisville Lewis B. Sturges, Fairfield Bolling Hall, Milledgeville Solomon P. Sharp, Russellville Benjamin Tallmadge, Litchfield Thomas Telfair, Savannah DELAWARE George M. Troup, Dublin LOUISIANA SENATORS KENTUCKY SENATORS Outerbridgé Horsey, Wilmington SENATORS James Brown, New Orleans Eligius Fromentin, New Orleans William HI Wells,'2 Dags borough George M. Bibb,'8 Lexington REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE George Walker,'9 Nicholasville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Thomas Cooper, Georgetown William T. Barry,2° Lexington Thomas B. Robertson, New Orleans

5Died November 23, 1814. 'Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of '°Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 'Elected December 6, 1813. Chauncey Goodrich, and took his seat May 24, 1813. George M. Bibb, and took his seat February 2, 1815. 'Elected April 18, 1814; November 25, 1814, upon the "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James ' Resigned December 24, 1814. In response to personal death of Vice President Elbridge Gerry. A. Bayard, in preceding Congress, and took his seat June inquiry, Senate passed resolution January 20, 1815, declar- Died April 22, 1814. 10, 1813. ing seat vacant. (See Senate Election Cases, edition of 5 Elected October 11, 1814; Samuel Turner, Jr., the chief " Resigned March 23, 1813. 1913, p. 175.) clerk, was appointed on September 19, 1814, to act in the Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of iS Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jesse interim. William H. Crawford, and took his seat May 24, 1818. Bledsoe, and took his seat February 2, 1815. Reelected May 24, 1813; resigned from Congress Janu- 15 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- Resigned January 19, 1814, to accept 'special and ary 19, 1814. liam H. Crawford, and took his seat December 6, 1813. Elected January 19, 1814, to fill vacancy caused by 26Resigned November 6, 1813, having been elected Sen- important diplomatic mission." resignation of Henry Clay. ator. 24 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry 'Reelected May 24, 1813; resigned January 28. 1815, 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- Clay, and took his seat March 29, 1814. while resolution was pending to remove him from office liam W. Bibb, and took his seat February 7, 1814. 25 Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by death of Represento- and to elect a successor. 55Resigned August 23, 1814. tive-elect John Simpson (January 22, 1813) before the be- Elected January 30, 1815. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ginning of the congressional term, and took his seat May 'o Resigned in May 1813. George M. Bibb, and took his seat October 10, 1814. 28, 1813.

[83] 84 Biographical Directory

MARYLAND William Hale, Dover Elisha J. Winter, Peru SENATORS Samuel Smith, Peterboro Samuel Smith, Baltimore Roger Vose, Walpole NORTH CAROLINA Robert H. Goldsborough,26 Easton Daniel Webster, Portsmouth Jeduthun Wilcox, Orford SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES James Turner, Warrenton Stevenson Archer, Bel Air NEW JERSEY David Stone,43 Raleigh Charles Goldsborough, Cambridge SENATORS Francis Locke,44 Salisbury Alexander C. Hanson, Rockville Joseph Kent, Bladensburg John Lambert, Lambertville REPRESENTATIVES Alexander McKim, Baltimore John Condit, Orange Willis Aiston, Greenville Nicholas R. Moore, Ruxton REPRESENTATIVES John Culpepper, Allenton Samuel Ringgold, Hagerstown Lewis Condict, Morristown Peter Forney, Lincolnton Philip Stuart, Port Tobacco William Coxe, Burlington Meshack Franklin Robert Wright, Queenstown Jacob Hufty,37 Salem William Gaston, New Bern Thomas Bines,38 Pennsville William Kennedy, Washington MASSACHUSETTS James Schureman, New Brunswick William R. King, Wilmington SENATORS Richard Stockton, Princeton Nathaniel Macon, Warrenton James Lloyd,27 Boston Thomas Ward, Newark William H. Murfree, Murfreesburg ,28 Boston Joseph Pearson, Salisbury Joseph B. Varnum, Dracut NEW YORK Israel Pickens, Morgantown SENATORS Richard Stanford, Hawfield,s REPRESENTATIVES Bartlett Yancy, Caswell William Baylies, Bridgewater Obadiah German, Norwich Abijah Bigelow, Leominster Rufus King, New York City , Portland REPRESENTATIVES OHIO Elijah Brigham, Westboro Daniel Avery, Aurora SENATORS William M. Richardson,29 Groton Egbert Benson,39 New York City Thomas Worthington,45 Chillicothe ,3° Groton William Irving,40 New York City Joseph Kerr,46 Chillicothe Samuel Davis, Bath John M. Bowers,4' Cooperstown Jeremiah Morrow, Montgomery ,3' Williamstown Isaac Williams, Jr.,42 Cooperstown REPRESENTATIVES John W. Hulbert,32 Pittsfield Alexander Boyd, Middleburg William Ely, Springfield Oliver C. Gomstock, Trumansburg John Alexander, Xenia , Paris Peter Denoyelles, Ha verstraw Reasin Beall,47 Wooster , Saco Jonathan Fisk, Newburgh David Clendenin,48 Youngstown James Parker, Gardiner James Geddes, Onondaga James Caldwell, St. Clairsville Timothy Pickering, Wendham Thomas P. Grosvenor, Hudson Duncan MacArthur,49 Chillicothe John Reed, Yarmouth Abraham J. Hasbrouck, Kingston William Creighton, Jr.,5° Chillicothe William Reed, Marblehead Samuel M. Hopkins, New York City James Kilbourne, Worthington , Boston Nathaniel W. Howell, Canadaigua John McLean, Lebanon Samuel Taggart, Colerain Moss Kent, Leraysville Artemas Ward, Jr., Boston PENNSYLVANIA Laban Wheaton, Easton John Lefferts, John Wilson, Belfast John Lovett, Albany SENATORS , Wiscasset Jacob Markell, Manheim Michael Leib,5' Philadelphia Morris S. Miller, Utica Jonathan Roberts,52 Norristown NEW HAMPSHIRE Hosea Moffitt, Nassau Abner Lacock, Beavertown Thomas J. Oakley, Poughkeepsie SENATORS Jotham Post, Jr., New York City REPRESENTATIVES Nicholas Gilman,33 Exeter Ebenezer Sage, Sag Harbor William Anderson, Chester Thomas W. Thompson,34 Concord Samuel Sherwood, Delhi David Bard, Frankstown Charles Cutts,Portsmouth Zebulon R. Shipherd, Granville Robert Brown, Weaversville Jeremiah Mason,36 Portsmouth William S. Smith, Lebanon , Germantown REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John W. Taylor, Baliston Spa William Crawford, Gettysburg Bradbury Cilley, Nottingham Joel Thompson, Smyrna Roger Davis, Charlestown

"Elected for termbeginning March 4, 1813, and took "Appointed to fill vacancy in term commencing March ' Resigned December 24, 1814. his seat May 27, 1813; vacancy in this class from March 4, 4, 1813, there having been no election, and took his seat "Chosen to fill vacancy caused by resignation of David 1813, to May 12, 1813. May 24, 1813. Stone, but did not qualify. 27Resigned May 1, 1813. "Elected to fill vacancy in term commencing March 4, 40Resigned December 1, 1814. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 1813, and took his seat June 21, 1813. 40Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of James Lloyd, and took his seat May 28, 1813; subsequently "Died May 20, 1814. Thomas Worthington, and took his seat December 30, 1814. elected. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Jacob "Elected to ifil vacancy caused by death of Representa- "Resigned April 18, 1814. Hufty, and took his seat November 2, 1814. tive-elect John S. Edwards (February 22, 1813, before the '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- "Resigned August 2, 1813. 40 beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat liam M. Richardson, and took his seat September 22, 1814. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of June 8, 1813; resigned June 7, 1814. 32Resigned February 24, 1814, having been appointed Egbert Benson, and took his seat January 22, 1814. 40Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of justice of supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. "Presented credentials as a Member-elect to fill vacan- Reasin Beall, and took his seat December 22, 1814. '2Elected toifilvacancy caused by resignation of cy caused by death of Representative-elect William Dowse 40Resigned April 5, 1813, before Congress assembled. Daniel Dewey, and took his seat September 26, 1814. (February 18, 1813, before the beginning of the congres- "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of "Died May 2, 1814. sional term), and took his seat June 21, 1813; served until Duncan McArthur, and took his seat June 15, 1813. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Nicholas December 20, 1813; succeeded by Isaac Williams, Jr., who Resigned February 14, 1814, to become postmaster of Oilman, and took his seat September 19,1814. contested his election. Philadelphia. 42Successfully contestedthe electionof John M. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mi- Bowers, and took his seat January 24, 1814. chael Leib, and took his seat February 28, 1814. Thirteenth Congress 85

William Findley, Youngstown Samuel Farrow, Spartanburg , Union Hugh Glasgow, York Theodore Gourdin, Pineville John Clopton, Tunstall ,53 Lebanon John Kershaw, Camden John Dawson ,54 Paxtang William Lowndes, Jacksonboro Philip P. Barbour,7' Orange Isaac Griffin,5' New Geneva John W. Eppes, Charles City Jonathan Roberts,'6 Norristown TENNESSEE Thomas Gholson, Jr., Brunswick Samuel Henderson,57 Norristown SENATORS Peterson Goodwyn, Petersburg Charles J. Ingersoll, Philadelphia Joseph Anderson Aylett Hawes, Woodville Samuel D. Ingham, New Hope George W. Campbell,65 Nashville John P. Hungerford,76 Leedstown Jared Irwin, Sunbui'y Jesse Wharton,66 Nashville John G. Jackson, Clarksburg Aaron Lyle, West Middletown James Johnson, Suffolk William Piper, Bloodyrun REPRESENTATIVES John Kerr, Mountpleasant Adam Seybert, Philadelphia John H. Bowen, Gallatin Joseph Lewis, Jr., Upperville Isaac Smith, Jersey Felix Grundy,67 Nashville William McCoy, Franklin Adamson Tannehill, Newton Cannon,68 Harpeth Hugh Nelson, Milton John M. Hyneman,'8 Reading Thomas K. Harris,69 Sparta Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk Daniel Udree,59 Reading Parry W. Humphreys James Pleasants, Goochiand ,6° Stras burg John Rhea, Sullivan John Roane, Uppowac Amos Slaymaker,6' Lancaster John Sevier, Knoxville Daniel Sheffey, Wythe Robert Whitehill,°' Camp Hill John Smith John Rea,6' Chambersburg VERMONT Francis White, Romney Thomas Wilson,64 Erie SENATORS Jonathan Robinson, Bennington ILLINOIS TERRITORY RHODE ISLAND Dudley Chase, Randolph DELEGATE SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Jeremiah B. Howell, Providence Shadrack Bond,77 Kaskaskia William C. Bradley, Westminster Benjamin Stephenson,78 Edwardaville William Hunter, Newport Ezra Butler, Waterbury REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James Fisk, Barre INDIANA TERRITORY Richard Jackson, Jr., Providence Charles Rich, Shoreham Elisha R. Potter, Kingston Richard Skinner, Manchester DELEGATE William Strong, Hartford Jonathan Jennings, Charlestown SOUTH CAROLINA SENATORS VIRGINIA MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY SENATORS John Gaillard, Charleston DELEGATE William B. Giles,7° Lodore John Taylor, Columbia William Lattimore, Liberty REPRESENTATWES Richard Brent,7' Aquia John C. Calhoun, Willington ,72 Barboursville TERRITORY OF MISSOURI John J. Chappell, Columbia REPRESENTATIVES Langdon Cheves, Charleston Thomas M. Bayly,7' Drummondtown DELEGATE Elias Earle, Centerville James Breckinridge, Fincastle Edward Hempstead,79 St. Louis David R. Evans, Winnsboro William A. Burwell, Rocky Mount Rufus Easton,8° St. Louis

' Resigned August 2, 1813. 51Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 75Resigned March 3, 1815. 5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Whitehill, and took his seat December 12, 1814. Died December 30. 1814. 62 Died April 8, 1813. 72 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Richard Gloninger, and took his seat December 6, 1813. Brent, and took his seat January 11, 1815. 5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert Whitehill, and took his seat May 28, 1813. Election unsuccessfully contested by Burwell Bassett. tive-elect John Smilie, in preceding Congress, and took his 64Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- Died March 31, 1814. seat May 24, 1813. sentative-elect Abner Lacock, in preceding Congress, and Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John s Resigned February 24, 1814, having been elected Sen- took his seat May 28, 1813. Dawson, and took his seat September 19, 1814. ator. as Resigned February 11, 1814. 76 Election unsuccessfully contested by John Taliaferro. 57 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jona- 66 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Served during the first session. than Roberts, and took his seat November 29, 1814. George W. Campbell, and took his seat April 9,1814. 75Presented credentials, and took his seat November 14, 58 Resigned August 2, 1813. ' Resigned in 1814. 1814. 69 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John s Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Felix ' Served during the first and second sessions. M. Hyneman; took his seat December 6, 1813. Grundy, and took his seat October 15, 1814. 50Presented credentials and took his seat November 16, ° Resigned September 1, 1814. 89 Election unsuccessfully contested by William Kelly. 1814. FOURTEENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1815, TO MARCH 3, 1817

FIRST SESSION-December 4, 1815, to April 30, 1816 SECOND SESSION-December 2, 1816, to March 3, 1817



CONNECTICUT William W. Bibb,4 Petersburg Thomas Fleher,'5 Owingsville SENATORS George M. Troup,5 Dublin Henry Clay, Lexington Samuel W. Dana, Middlesex REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Joseph Desha, Mays Lick David Daggett, New Haven Alfred Cuthbert,6 Eatonton , Bardstown REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Zadock Cook,7 Watkinsville Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings Epaphroditus Champion, East John Forsyth, Augusta Alney McLean, Greenville Haddam Bolling Hall, Milledgeville Samuel McKee, Lancaster John Davenport, Stamford , Lexington Stephen Ormsby, Louisville Lyman Law, New London Thomas Telfair, Savannah Solomon P. Sharp, Bowling Green Jonathan 0. Moseley, East Haddam Richard Henry Wilde, Augusta Micah Taul, Monticello Timothy Pitkin, Farmington Lewis B. Sturges, Fairfield INDIANA8 LOUISIANA Benjamin Tallmadge, Litchfield SENATORS James Noble,9 Brookville SENATORS DELAWARE Waller 0 Vincennes James Brown, New Orleans SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Eligius Fromentin, New Orleans Outerbridge Horsey, Wilmington ," Madison REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William H. Wells, Dagsborough Thomas B. Robertson, New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE KENTUCKY , Dover SENATORS Thomas Cooper, Georgetown William T. Barry,'2 Lexington MARYLAND Martin D. Hardin, 'S Frankfort SENATORS GEORGIA Isham Talbot, Frankfort Robert H. Goldsborough, Easton SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Robert G. Harper,'6 Baltimore Charles Tait, Elbert James Clark,'4 Winchester Alexander C. Hanson,'7 Rockuille

'Vice President Elbridge Gerry died in preceding Con- 'Admitted as a State into the Union December 11, 1816. Resigned in 1816. 'Took his seat December 12, 1816; term to expire, as "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 81ected December 4, 1815. determined by lot, March 3, 1821. Clark, and took his seat December 2, 1816. Reelected December 4, 1815. '°Took his seat December 12. 1816; term to expire, as "Elecj to serve "from January 29, 1816, to March 3, Resigned November 9, 1816. determined by lot, March 3, 1819. 1821," and took his seat February 5, 1816; resigned Decem- 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- "Took his seat December 11, 1816. ber 6, 1816; vacancy in this class from March 4, 1815, to liam W. Bibb, and took his seat December 12, 1816. 12 Resigned May 1, 1816. 'Resigned November 9, 1816. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of January 28, 1816, caused by failure of legislature to elect. TElected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alfred William T. Barry, and took his seat December 5, 1816; 'Elected toifil vacancy caused by resignation of Cuthbert, and took his seat January 23, 1817. subsequently elected. Robert G. Harper, and took his seat January 2, 1817.

[86] Fourteenth Congress 87

REPRESENTATWES Roger Vose, Walpole Peter H. Wendover, New York City Stevenson Archer, Bel Air Daniel Webster, Portsmouth Westel Willoughby, Jr.,'7 Herkimer George Baer, Frederick Jeduthun Wilcox, Orford John B. Yates, Utica Charles Goldsborough, Cambridge John C. Herbert, Vannsville NEW JERSEY NORTH CAROLINA William Pinkney,'8 Baltimore SENATORS SENATORS Peter Little,'9 Baltimore John Condit, Orange James Turner,'8 Warrenton Alexander C. Hanson,2° Rockville James J. Wilson, Trenton ,'9 Wilkesboro George Peter,2' Darnestown REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Francis Locke,4° Salisbury Nicholas R. Moore,22 Ruxton Nathaniel Macon,4' Warrenton Samuel Smith,23 Baltimore Ezra Baker, Tuckerton Philip Stuart, Port Tobacco , Cedarsville REPRESENTATIVES Robert Wright, Queenstown Benjamin Rennet, Middletown Joseph H. Bryan, Windsor Lewis Condict, Morristown James W. Clark, Tarboro MASSACHUSETTS Henry Southard, Baskingridge John Culpepper, Allenton Thomas Ward, Newark SENATORS Daniel M. Forney, Lincolnton Joseph B. Varnum, Dracut William Gaston, New Bern NEW YORK William R. King,42 Wilmington Christopher Gore,'4 Boston SENATORS Eli P. Ashmun,25 Northampton Charles Hooks,4' Dublin Rufus King, New York City William C. Love, Salisbury REPRESENTATIVES , New York City Nathaniel Macon,44 Warrenton William Baylies, Bridgewater REPRESENTATIVES Weldon N. Edwards,45 Warrenton George Bradbury, Portland Asa Adgate,28 Chesterfield William H. Murfree, Murfreesburg Elijah Brigham,26 Westboro Enos T. Throop,2° Auburn Israel Pickens, Morgantown Benjamin Adams,27 Uxbridge Daniel Avery,o Aurora Richard Stanford,46 Hawfields Benjamin Brown, Waldoborough Samuel R. Betts, Newburgh Samuel Dickens,47 Mount Tirzah James Carr, Bangor James Birdsall, Norwich , Panther Creek Samuel S. Connor, Waterville Victory Birdseye, Pompey Bartlett Yancy, Caswell John W. Hulbert, Pittsfield Micah Brooks, East Bloomfield Cyrus King, Saco OHIO Elijah H. Mills, Northampton Jonathan Fisk,3' Newburgh Jeremiah Nelson, Newburyport James W. Wilkin,'2 Goshen SENATORS Albion K. Parris, Paris Daniel Cady, Johnston Jeremiah Morrow, Montgomery Timothy Pickering, Wendham Oliver C. Comstock, Trumansburg Benjamin Ruggles, St. Clairsville John Reed, Yarmouth Henry Crocheron, Castletown Thomas R. Gold, Whitestown REPRESENTATIVES , Augusta John Alexander, Xenia Nathaniel Ruggles, Boston Thomas P. Grosvenor, Hudson Jabez D. Hammond, Cherry Valley James Caidwell, St. Clairsville , Charlestown David Clendenin, Youngtown , Westminster William Irving, New York City Moss Kent, Leraysville William Creighton, Jr., Chillicothe Samuel Taggart, Colerain James Kilbourne, Worthington Artemas Ward, Jr., Boston John Lovett, Albany Hosea Moffitt, Nassau John McLean,48 Lebanon Laban Wheaton, .Easton Peter B. Porter,3' Buffalo William Henry Harrison,49 NEW HAMPSHIRE Archibald S. Clarke,'4 Clarence John Adams,'5 Catskill PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS Erastus Root,'6 Delhi SENATORS Jeremiah Mason, Portsmouth John Savage, Salem Thomas W. Thompson, Concord Abner Lacock, Beavertown Abraham H. Schenck, Fishkill Jonathan Roberts, Norristown REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Landing Charles H. Atherton, Amhurst John W. Taylor, Ballston Spa REPRESENTATIVES Bradbury Cilley, Nottingham George Townsend, Oyster Bay David Bard,5° Frankstown William Hale, Dover Jonathan Ward, New Rochelle Thomas Burnside,51 Bellefonte

"Resigned April 18, 1816, having been appointed minis- "Resigned June 4, 1816. Resigned December 5, 1815, never having qualified. ter to Russia 5° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Enos SI Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Fran- 15 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- T. Throop, and took his seat December 8, 1816. cis Locke, and took his seat December 13, 1815. liam Pinkney, and took his seat December 2, 1816. 3' Resigned in March, 1815, before Congress assembled. Resigned November 4, 1816. zO Resigned in 1816. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jona- 4' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 2 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alex- than Fisk, and took his seat December 4, 1815. liam R. King, and took his seat December 2, 1816. ander C. Hanson, and took his seat December 2, 1816. Resigned January 23, 1816. 44Resigned December 13, 1815, having been elected Sen- 22 Resigned in 1815, before Congress assembled. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Peter ator. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Nicho- B. Porter, and took his seat December 2, 1816. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Na- las R. Moore, and took his seat February 4, 1816. 15 Served until December 26, 1815; succeeded by Erastus thaniel Macon, and took his seat February 7, 1816. 'Resigned May 30, 1816. Root, who contested his election. ° Died April 9, 1816. 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Chris- ' Successfully contested the election of John Adams, 47 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Richard topher Gore, and took his seat December 2, 1816. and took his seat December 26, 1815. Stanford, and took his seat December 2, 1816. ' Died February 22, 1816. '7 Successfully contested the election of William S. Resigned in 1816. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Elijah Smith, and took his seat December 13, 1815. (Mr. Smith - Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Brigham, and took his seat December 2, 1816. did not appear or claim the seat, although credentials had McLean, and took his seat December 2, 1816. '5Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- been presented.) '° Died March 12, 1815. tive-elect Benjamin Pond (October 6, 1814, before the be- es Resigned November 21, 1816. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of David Bard, ginning of the congressional term), and took his seat De- '5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James and took his seat December 11, 1815; resigned in April, cember 7, 1815. Turner, and took his seat December 16, 1816. 1816. 88 Biographical Directory

PENNSYLVANIA-Continued Benjamin Huger, Georgetown James Breckinridge, Fincastle REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED William Lowndes, Jacksonboro William A. Burwell, Rocky Mount William Mayrant,6° Stateburg Matthew Clay,68 Halifax William P. Maclay,52 Lewistown Stephen D. Miller,61 State burg John Kerr,69 Mountpleasant William Crawford, Gettysburg John C. Calhoun, Willington John Clopton,70 Tunstali William Darlington, West Chester Henry Middleton, Charleston John Tyler,71 Charles City William Findley, Youngstown Thomas Moore, Prices Store Peterson Goodwyn, Petersburg Hugh Glasgow, York John Taylor, Pendleton Aylett Hawes, Woodville Isaac Griffin, New Geneva William Woodward, Monticello John P. Hungerford, Leedstown John Hahn, Pottsgrove John G. Jackson, Clarks burg Joseph Hiester, Reading TENNESSEE James Johnson, Suffolk , Philadelphia SENATORS Joseph Lewis, Jr., Upperville Samuel D. Ingham, New Hope Jesse Wharton, Nashville William Mcoy,72 Franklin Jared Irwin, Sunbury John Williams,62 Knoxville Hugh Nelson, Milton William Maclay, Fannetsburg Thomas Gholson, Jr.,73 'Brunswick William Milnor, Philadelphia George W. Campbell,63 Nashville REPRESENTATIVES Thomas M. Nelson,74 Mecklenburg William Piper, Bloodyrun Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk John Ross, Easton Newton Cannon, Harpeth James Pleasants, Goochlpnd Thomas Smith, Darby Bennett H. Henderson, Hendersonville John Randolph, Charlotte Amos Ellmaker,58 Harrisburg Samuel Powell, Rogersville William H. Roane, Dunkirk James M. Wallace,54 Hummeistown James B. Reynolds, Clarksville Daniel Sheffey, Wythe John Whiteside, Lancaster John Sevier,64 Knoxville , Lewisburg Jonathan Williams,55 Philadelphia William G. Blount,65 Knoxville Magnus Tate, Martinsburg John Sergeant,56 Philadelphia Isaac Thomas, Sparta Henry St. George Tucker, Winchester Thomas Wilson, Erie VERMONT William WilsOn, Williamsport ILLINOIS TERRITORY Aaron Lyle, West Middletown SENATORS John Woods,57 Pittsburgh Dudley Chase, Randolph DELEGATE Isaac Tichenor, Bennington Benjamin Stephenson,75 Edwardsville RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Nathaniel Pope,76 Kaskaskia SENATORS Daniel Chipman,66 Middleburg Jeremiah B. Howell, Providence Luther Jewett, St. Johnsbury INDIANA TERRITORY William Hunter, Newport Chauncey Langdon, Castleton DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Asa Lyon, Grand Isle Jonathan Jennings,77 Charlestown John L. Boss, Jr., Newport Charles Marsh, Woodstock James B. Mason, Providence John Noyes, Brattleboro MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY SOUTH CAROLINA VIRGINIA DELEGATE SENATORS SENATORS William Lattimore, Liberty John Gaillard, Charleston James Barbour, Barboursville John Taylor,58 Columbia Armistead T. Mason,67 Rasburg Plain TERRITORY OF MISSOURI William Smith,59 Yorkville REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES Philip P. Barbour, Orange Rufus Easton,78 St. Louis John J. Chappell, Columbia Burwell Bassett, Williamsburg John Scott,79 Ste. Genevieve

' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of class in the preceding Congress (Jesse Wharton having "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John Clop- Thomas Burnside, and took his seat December 3, 1816. served by appointment from March 17, 1814, to October ton, and took his seat December 17, 1816. 53Reaigned July 3,1815, without qualifying, having 10, 1815), and took his seat December 4, 1815. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Robert Porter- been appointed judge. "Elected for the term commencing March 4, 1815, and field. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Amoe took his seat December 4, 1815; vacancy from March 4, "Died July 4, 1816. Ellmaker, and took his seat December 4, 1815. "Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by death of Thomas '5Died May 16, 1815, before Congress assembled. 1815, to October 10, 1815. ' Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by death of Jonathan "Died September 24, 1815, before Congress assembled. Gholson, Jr., and took his seat December 4, 1816. Willisms, and took his seat December 6, 1815. 's Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by death of John "Served during the first session. 7 Never qualified owing to illness. Sevier, and took his seat January 8, 1816. "Presented credentials and took his seat December 2, Resigned in November, 1816. ' Resigned May 5, 1816; seat remained vacant. 1816. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John '7Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- "Served until December 11, 1816, when IndianaTerri- Taylor, and took his seat January 10, 1817. liam B. Giles, in preceding Congress, and took his seat tory was granted statehood. "Resigned October 21, 1816. January 22, 1816. ' Served during first session; unsuccessfully contested 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- ' Died May 27, 1815, before Congress assembled. the election of John Scott in the second session. 11am Mayrant, and took his seat January 2, 1817. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Matthew "Presented credentials and took his seat December 2, "Elected to ff1 vacancy in term ending March 3, 1817, Clay, and took his seat December 5, 1815. 1816; Rufus Easton contested, and on January 13, 1817, caused by resignation of George W. Campbell from this "Died September 11, 1816. the election was declared illegal and the seat vacant. FIFTEENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1817, TO MARCH 3, 1819

FIRST SESSION-December 1, 1817, to Apr11 20, 1818 SECOND SESSION-November 16, 1818, to March 3, 1819 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1817, to March 6, 1817



CONNECTICUT George M. Troup,8 Dublin KENTUCKY John Forsyth,9 Augusta SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Samuel W. Dana,5 Middlesex Isham Talbot, Frankfort David Daggett, New Haven Joel Abbot, Washington John J. Crittenden,'6 Russeilville REPRESENTATWES AT LARGE Thomas W. Cobb, Lexington Zadock Cook, Watkinsville REPRESENTATIVES Uriel Holmes,6 Litchfield Joel Crawford, Milledgeville Sylvester Gilbert,7 Hebron Richard C. Anderson, Jr., Louisville Ebenezer Huntington, Norwich John Forsyth,'° Augusta Henry Clay, Lexington Jonathan 0. Moseley, East Haddam Robert R. Reid," Augusta William Terreli, Sparta Joseph Desha, Mays Lick Timothy Pitkin, Farmington Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings Samuel B. Sherwood, Saugatuck Nathaniel Terry, Hartford ILLINOIS 12 Anthony New, Elkton Thomas S. Williams, Hartford SENATORS Tunstail Quarles, Somerset George Robertson, Lancaster Jesse B. Thomas,'3 Edwardsville Thomas Speed, Bardstown DELAWARE Ninian Edwards,'4 Edwardsville SENATORS David Trimble, Mount Sterling REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Outerbridge Horsey, Wilmington David Walker, Russellville Nicholas Van Dyke, New Castle John McLean,'5 Shawneetown REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE INDIANA LOUISIANA Willard Hall, Dover Louis McLane, Wilmington SENATORS SENATORS James Noble, Brookville Eligius Fromentin, New Orleans GEORGIA Wailer Taylor, Vincennes William C. C. Claiborne,'7 New SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Orleans Charles Tait, Elbert William Hendricks, Madison Henry Donaldsonville

'Continuing from preceding session; elected March 6, 'Resigned September 23, 1818. ' Took his seat December 4, 1818; term to expire, as 1817 (special session of the Senate); March 31, 1818. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of George determined by lot, March 8, 1823 Elected February 15, 1819. M. Troup, and took his seat November 23, 1818; resigned '4Took his seat December 4, 1818; term to expire, as Reelected December 1, 1817. February 17, 1819, having been appointed minister to determined by lot, March 3, 1819. Reelected December 1, 1817. . "Took his seat December 4, 1818. 'The rule requiring Senators to stand when addressing 15Resigned, effective November 28, 1818, having been 16 Resigned March 3, 1819. the Chair was suspended in his favor April 9, 1818. elected Senator. ' Died November 23, 1817, never having qualified. 5 Resignedto1818. " Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William C. 7 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Uriel Forsyth, and took his seat February 18, 1819. C. Claiborne, and took his seat February 26, 1818. Holmes, and took his seat November 16, 1818. ' Admitted as a State into the Union December 3, 1818.

[891 90 Biographical Directory

LOUISIANA-Continued Thomas H. Williams,27 Washington John C. Spencer, Canandaigua REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Henry R. Storrs, Whitestown Thomas B. Robertson,19 New Orleans George Poindexter,28 Woodville James Tailmadge, Jr.,31 Poughkeepsie Thomas Butler,2° St. Francisuille John W. Taylor, Balleton Spa NEW HAMPSHIRE Caleb Tompkins, White Plains MARYLAND SENATORS George Townsend, Oyster Bay Peter H. Wendover, New York City SENATORS Jeremiah Mason,29 Portsmouth Rensselaer Westerlo, Albany Robert H. Goldsborough, Easton Clement Storer,3° Portsmouth David L. Morril, Goffstown James W. Wilkin, Goshen Alexander C. Hanson, Elkridge Isaac Williams, Jr., Cooperstown REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Thomas Bayly, Princess Anne Josiah Butler, South Deerfield NORTH CAROLINA Thomas Cuibreth, Denton Clifton Clagett, Amherst John C. Herbert, Vannsville Salma Hale, Keene SENATORS Peter Little, Freedom Arthur Livermore, Plymouth Nathaniel Macon, Warrenton George Peter, Darnestown John F. Parrott, Portsmouth Montfort Stokes, Wilkesboro Nathaniel Upham, Rochester Philip Reed, Chestertown REPRESENTATIVES Samuel Ringgold, Hagerstown Samuel Smith, Baltimore NEW JERSEY Joseph H. Bryan, Windsor Philip Stuart, Port Tobacco SENATORS Weldon N. Edwards, Warrenton James J. Wilson, Trenton Daniel M. Forney,32 Lincolnton MASSACHUSETTS Mahion Dickerson, Suckasunny William Davidson,33 Charlotte Thomas H. Hall, Tarboro SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Alexander McMillan34 Eli P. Ashmun,2' Northampton Ephraim Bateman, Cedarsville James Stewart,35 Laurinburg Prentiss Mellen,22 Portland Benjamin Bennet, Middletown George Mumford,36 Salisbury Harrison Gray Otis, Boston Joseph Bloomfield, Burlington Charles Fisher,37 Salisbury REPRESENTATIVES Charles Kinsey, Paterson James Owen, Elizabethtown Benjamin Adams, Uxbridge John Linn, Monroe Lemuel Sawyer, Elizabeth City Samuel C. Allen, Greenfield Henry Southard, Baskingridge Thomas Settle, Lenox Castle Walter Folger, Jr., Nantucket Jesse Slocumb, Waynesborough , Boston NEW YORK James S. Smith, Hilisboro , Augusta SENATORS Felix Walker, Waynesville John Holmes, Alfred Rufus King, New York City Lewis Williams, Panther Creek Jonathan Mason, Boston Nathan Sanford, New York City Elijah H. Mills, Northampton REPRESENTATIVES OHIO , Taunton Oliver C. Comstock, Trumansburg SENATORS Jeremiah Nelson, Newburyport Daniel Cruger, Bath Benjamin Orr, Brunswick John P. Cushman, Troy Jeremiah Morrow, Montgomery Albion K. Parris,23 Paris John R. Drake, Owego Benjamin Ruggles, St. Clairsville ,24 Paris Benjamin Ellicott, Batavia REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Rice, Augusta Josiah Hasbrouck, New Paltz Nathaniel Ruggles, Boston Levi Barber, Point Harmer John Herkimer, Danube Philemon Beecher, Lancaster Zabdiel Sampson, Plymouth Thomas H. Hubbard, Hamilton Henry Shaw, Lanes boro John W. Campbell, West Union William Irving, New York City William Henry Harrison, Cincinnati , Salem Dorrance Kirtland, Coxsackie Solomon Strong, Westminster Samuel Herrick,38 Zanesville Thomas Lawyer, Cobleskill Peter Hitchcock, Burton Ezekiel Whitman, Portland David A. Ogden, Madrid John Wilson, Belfast John Palmer, Platts burg PENNSYLVANIA MISSISSIPPI 25 James Porter, Skaneateles John Savage, Salem SENATORS SENATORS Philip J. Schuyler, Rhinebeck Abner Lacock, Beavertown Walter Leake,26 Red Bluff Tredwell Scudder, Islip Jonathan Roberts, Norristown

'Resigned April 20, 1818. "Took his seat December 11, 1817; term to expire, as "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alexander 20Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of determined by lot, March 3, 1823. McMiIlan, and took his seat January 26, 1818. Thomas B. Robertson, and took his seat November 16, his seat December 15, 1817. ' Died December 31, 1818. 1818. 29Resigned .June 16, 1817. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George 2iResigned May 10, 1818. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jere- Mumford, and took his seat February 11, 1819. 22Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Eli P. miah Mason, and took his seat December 1, 1817. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Charles Ham- Ashmun, and took his seat November 16, 1818. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- mond. This case was one of a number in the same Con- "Resigned February 3, 1818. tive-elect Henry B. Lee (February 18, 1817, before the gress that have been frequently referred to as determining 24Elected toifilvacancy caused by resignation of beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat the rights of a Representative-elect to hold a Federal office Albion K. Parria, and took his seat November 16, 1818. December 1, 1817. after the 4th of March-the day of the beginnieg of the "Admitted as a State into the Union December 10, 02Resigned in 1818. congressional term to which they were elected. They are 1817. "Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of reported at length in Clark & Hall's publication, and also ' Took his seat December 11, 1817; term to expire, as Daniel M. Forney. and took his seat December 2, 1818. in the Digest of House Election Cases, edition of 1901, pp. determined by lot, March 3, 1821. "Died before Congress assembled. 70-74. Fifteenth Congress 91

REPRESENTATIVES Elias Earle, Centerville William Lee Ball, Lancaster William Anderson, Chester James Ervin, Darlington Philip P. Barbour, Orange Henry Baldwin, Pittsburgh William Lowndes, Jacksonboro Burwell Bassett, Williamsburg Andrew Boden, Carlisle Henry Middleton, Charleston William A. Burwell, Rocky Mount Isaac Darlington, West Chester Stephen D. Miller, Stateburg Edward Colston, Martinsburg Joseph hester, Reading Wilson Nesbitt, New Hope John Floyd, Newbern Joseph Hopkinson, Philadelphia John C. Calhoun,47 Willington Robert S. Garnett, Loyds Samuel D. Ingham,39 New Hope Eldred 5j1jp,48 Edgefield Peterson Goodwyn,55 Petersburg Samuel Moore,4° Doylestown Starling Tucker, John Pegram,56 Dinwiddie William Maclay, Fannetsburg James Johnson, Bowersville William P. Maclay, Lewistown TENNESSEE William J. Lewis, Lynchburg David Marchand, Greens burg SENATORS William McCoy, Franklin Robert Moore, Beavertown George W. Campbell,49 Nashville Charles F. Mercer, Aldie Alexander Ogle, Somerset John H. Eaton,5° Nashville Hugh Nelson, Milton Thomas Patterson, West Middleton John Williams, Knoxville Thomas M. Nelson, Mecklenburg Levi Pawling, Norristown REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk John Ross,4' Easton William G. Blount, Knoxville , Clarks burg Thomas J. Rogers,42 Easton Thomas Claiborne, Nashville James Pleasants, Goochiand David Scott43 Samuel Hogg, Lebanon Ballard Smith, Lewisburg John Murray,44 Milton Francis Jones, Winchester , Wythe John Sergeant, Philadelphia George W. L. Marr, Clarksville George F. Strother, Culpeper Adam Seybert, Philadelphia John Rhea, Sullivan Henry St. George Tucker, Winchester Jacob Spangler,45 York John Tyler, Charles City Jacob Hostetter,46 Hanover VERMONT Christian Tarr, Brownsville SENATORS ALABAMA TERRITORY57 James M. Wallace, Hummelstown Dudley Chase,5' Randolph John Whiteside, Lancaster James Fisk,52 Barre DELEGATE William Wilson, Williamsport William A. Palmer,53 Danville John Crowell,58 St. Stephens RHODE ISLAND Isaac Tichenor, Bennington REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS ILLINOIS TERRITORY Heman Allen,54 Burlington William Hunter, Newport Samuel C. Crafts, Craftsbury DELEGATE James Burrill, Jr., Providence William Hunter, Windsor Nathaniel Pope,59 Kaskaskia REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Orsamus C. Merrill, Bennington John L. Boss, Jr., Newport Charles Rich, Shoreham James B. Mason, Providence Mark Richards, Westminster MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY6° DELEGATE SOUTH CAROLINA VIRGINIA Vacant SENATORS SENATORS John Gaillard, Charleston James Barbour, Barboursville TERRITORY OF MISSOURI William Smith, Yorkville John W. Eppes, Charles City REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE Joseph Bellinger, Duncansville Archibald Austin, Buckingham John Scott,6' Ste. Genevieve

' Resigned July 6, 1818. 45Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Resigned, to take effect April 20, 1818. ° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of C. Calhoun, and took his seat February 9, 1818. Died February 21, 1818. Samuel D. Ingham, and took his seat November 16, 1818. 49 Resigned, to take effect at the close of the ensuing Eiected to fill vacancy caused by death of Peterson 41 Resigned February 24, 1818. session (April 20, 1818), to become minister to Ruesia. Goodwyn, and took his seat November 16, 1818. 42 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 5Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Formed from a portion of Mississippi Territory of Ross, and took his seat March 24, 1818. George W. Campbell, and took his seat November 16, 1818; lands originally ceded to the United States by the States 4s Resigned before Congress assembled, having been ap- subsequently elected. of Georgia and South Carolina, by act of March 8, 1817; pointed judge of the court of common pleas. Resigned November 8, 1817, having been appointed granted a Delegate in Congress by the same act. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of David chiefyidge of the supreme court of Vermont. 58 Took his seat March 9, 1818. Scott, and took his seat December 1, 1817. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 55 Served during the first session; the Territory was Resigned April 20, 1818. Dudley Chase, and took his seat December 1, 1817; re- granted statehood December 8, 1818. °5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jacob signed January 8, 1818. 5 50Granted statehood December 10, 1817. Spangler, and took his seat November 16, 1818. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignations of Elected August 4, 1817, and took his seat December 8, 47 November 8, 1817, having been appointed Dudley Chase and James Fisk, and took his seat Novem- Secretary of War. ber 16, 1818. 1817. SIXTEENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1819, TO MARCH 3, 1821

FIRST SESSION-December 6, 1819, to May 15, 1820 SECOND SESSION-Ntwember 13, 1820, to March 3, 1821



ALABAMA5 Louis McLane, Wilmington KENTUCKY SENATORS SENATORS John W. Walker,6 Huntsville GEORGIA William R. King,7 Cahaba SENATORS William Logan,'1 Shelbyville John Elliott, Sunbury Isham Talbot,'2 Frankfort REPRESENTATIVE AP LARGE ,'° Augusta Richard M. Johnson,'3 Great Crossings John Crowell,8 St. Stephens REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES CONNECTICUT Joel Abbot, Washington Richard C. Anderson, Jr., Louisville Thomas W. Cobb, Lexington SENATORS William Brown, Cynthiana Joel Crawford, Milledgeville Henry Clay, Lexington Samuel W. Dana, Middlesex John A. Cuthbert, Eatonton , Norwich Benjamin Hardin, Bardstown Robert R. Reid, Augusta David Walker,14 Russellville REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE William Terrell, Sparta Francis Johnson,15 Bowling Green Henry W. Edwards, New Haven Thomas Metcalfe, Carlisle Samuel A. Foote, Cheshire ILLINOIS Tunstall Quarles,'6 Somerset Jonathan 0. Moseley, East Haddam SENATORS Thomas Montgomery,'7 Stanford Elisha Phelps, Sirnsbury Jesse B. Thomas, EdwarcLsville George Robertson, Lancaster John Russ, Hartford Ninian Edwards, Edwardsville David Trimble, Mount Sterling James Stevens, Stamford REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Alney McLean, Greenville Gideon Tomlinson, Fairfield Daniel P. Cook, Edwardsville LOUISIANA DELAWARE INDIANA SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Outerbridge Homey, Wilmington James Noble, Brookville Henry Johnson, Donaidsonville Nicholas Van Dyke, New Castle Waller Taylor, Vincennes James Brown, New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Willard Hall,9 Dover William Hendricks, Madison Thomas Butler, St. Francisville

Elected January 25, 1820. 'Took his seat December 22, 1819; term to expire, as 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 'Reelected December 6, 1819; resigned as Speaker Octo- determined by lot, March 3, 1823. Item Logan, and took his seat November 27, 1820. ber 28, 1820. 'his seat December 14, 1819. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 'Elected November 15, 1820. Resigned January 22, 1821. J. Crittenden, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Reelected December 6, 1819. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John January 3, 1820. 'Admitted as a State into the Union December 14, 1819. Forsyth, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Decem- it Died March 1, 1820. 9Took his seat December 14, 1819; term to expire, as ber 15, 1819; vacancy in this class from February 18, 1819, 15 Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of David determined by lot, March 3, 1825. to November 5, 1819. Walker, and took his seat November 13, 1820. "Resigned, effective June 15, 1820. Resigned May28, 1820. 17 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Tun- stall Quarles, and took his seat November 13, 1820.

[92] Sixteenth Congress 93

MAINE 18 James Parker, Gardner Caleb Baker, Elmira Zabdiel Sampson,34 Plymouth Walter Case, Newbury SENATORS ,35 Hanover Robert Clark, Roseville John Chandler,'9 Monmouth Henry Shaw, Lanesboro Jacob H. De Witt, Kingston John Homes,2° Alfred Nathaniel Silsbee, Salem John D. Dickinson, Troy REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE2' Ezekiel Whitman, Portland John Fay, Northampton Joseph Dane,22 Kennebunk William D. Ford, Watertown MISSISSIPPI Ezra C. Gross, Elizabeth MARYLAND SENATORS Aaron Hackley, Jr., Herkimer SENATORS Walter Leake,36 Bay St. Louis George Hall, Onondaga Alexander C. Hanson,23 Elkridge David Holmes,37 Washington Joseph S. Lyman, Cooperstown William Pinkney,24 Baltimore Thomas H. Williams, Washington Henry Meigs, New York City Edward Lloyd,25 Easton REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert Monell, Greene REPRESENTATIVES , Natchez Hermanus Peek, Schenectady Nathaniel Pitcher, Sandy Hill Stevenson Archer, Bel Air NEW HAMPSHIRE Thomas Bayly, Princess Anne Jonathan Richmond, Aurora Thomas Cuibreth, Denton SENATORS Ebenezer Sage,43 Sag Harbor Joseph Kent, Bladensburg David L. Morril, Goffstown James Guyon, Jr.,44 Richmond Peter Little, Freedom John F. Parrott, Portsmouth Henry R. Storrs, Whitestown Raphael Neale, Leonardtown REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Randall S. Street, Poughkeepsie Samuel Ringgold, Hagerstown Joseph Buffum, Jr., Westmoreland James Strong, Hudson Samuel Smith, Baltimore Josiah Butler, South Deerfield John W. Taylor, Baliston Spa Henry R. Warfield, Middleburg Clifton Clagett, Amherst Caleb Tompkins, White Plains Arthur Livermore, Plymouth Albert H. Tracy, Buffalo MASSACHUSETTS William Plumer, Jr., Epping Solomon Van Rensselaer, Albany SENATORS Nathaniel Upham, Rochester Peter H. Wendover, New York City Harrison Gray Otis, Boston NEW JERSEY Silas Wood, Huntington Prentiss Mellen,26 Portland Elijah H. Mills,27 Northampton SENATORS NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENTATIVES28 James J. Wilson,38 Trenton Samuel L. Southard,39 Trenton SENATORS Benjamin Adams, Uxbridge Mahlon Dickerson, Succasunna Nathaniel Macon, Monroe Samuel C. Allen, Northfield REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE , Winslow Montfort Stokes, Wilkesboro Ephraim Bateman, Cedarville ,29 Ded ham REPRESENTATIVES William Eustis,3° Boston Joseph Bloomfield, Burlington John Condit,4° Orange Hutchins G. Burton, Halifax Walter Folger, Jr., Nantucket Charles Kinsey,4' Paterson John Culpepper, Wadesboro Timothy Fuller, Boston John Linn,42 Monroe William Davidson, Charlotte Mark L. Hill, Phippsburg Bernard Smith, New Brunswick Weldon N. Edwards, Warrenton John Holmes,3' Alfred Henry Southard, Baskingridge Charles Fisher, Salisbury , Leominster Thomas H. Hall, Tarboro , Hampden NEW YORK , West Springfield Charles Hooks, Dublin Enoch Lincoln, Paris SENATORS Lemuel Sawyer, Elizabeth City Jonathan Mason,32 Boston Rufus King, New York City Thomas Settle, Lenox Castle ,33 Boston Nathan Sanford, New York City Jesse Slocumb,45 Waynesborough Marcus Morton, Taunton REPRESENTATIVES William S. Blackledge,46 New Bern Jeremiah Nelson, Newburyport Nathaniel Allen, Richmond James S. Smith, Hills boro

ing in the new State of Maine, and took his seat December Resigned March 15, 1820; subsequently elected Sena- "Admitted as a State into the Union March 15, 1820. tor from Maine. (See footnote 28.) Previous to March 8, 1820, Maine was a part of Massachu- 11, 1820. (See footnote 21.) ' Resigned May 15, 1820. setts, and was called the "District of Maine" and its Rep- "Died April 23, 1819. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jona- resentatives were numbered with those of Massachusetts; ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alexander than Mason, and took his seat November 27, 1820. by compact between the two States, Maine became a sepa- C. Hanson, and took his seat .January 4, 1820. "Resigned July 26, 1820. rate and independent State, and by act of Congress of ' Elected for the term beginning March 4, 1819, and ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Zab- March 3, 1820, was admitted into the Union as such-the took his seat December 27, 1819; vacancy in this class diel Sampson, and took his seat December 18, 1820. admission to date from the 15th of the same month. from March 4, 1819, to December 20, 1819. "Resigned May 15, 1820. '5 Took his seat November 13, 1820; term to expire, as 26 Resigned May 15, 1820. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of determined by lot, March 3, 1823. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Pren- Walter Leake, and took his seat November 13, 1820; subse- 20 Took his seat November 13, 1820; term to expire, as tiss Mellen, and took his seat December 1, 1820. quently elected. determined by lot, March 3, 1821. 5' The act of Congress approved April 7, 1820, provided "Resigned January 8, 1821. The act of Congress approved April 7, 1820, provided "That in the election of Representatives in the Seven- "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of "That in the election of Representatives in the Seven- teenth Congress, the State of Massachusetts shall be enti- James J. Wilson, and took his seat February 16, 1821; teenth Congress, the State of Massachusetts shall be enti- tled to choose 13 Representatives only; and the State of subsequently elected. Maine shall be entitled to choose 7 Representatives, * "Resigned November 4, 1819, having been appointed tled to choose 13 Representatives only; and the State of assistant collector of customs. Maine shall be entitled to choose 7 Representatives, That if the seat of any of the Representatives in the Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John That if the seat of any of the Representatives in the present Congress [Sixteenth], who were elected in and Condit, and took his seat February 16, 1820. present Congress [Sixteenth], who were elected in and under the authority of the State of Massachusetts, and 42 Died January 5, 1821. under the authority of the State of Massachusetts, and who are now inhabitants of the State of Maine, shall be "Never appeared to claim seat; succeeded by James who are now inhabitants of the State of Maine, shall be vacated by death, resignation, or otherwise, such vacancy Guyon, Jr., who contested his election. vacated by death, resignation, or otherwise, such vacancy shall be supplied by a successor, who shall, at the time of ' Successfully contested the election of Ebenezer Sage, shall be supplied by a successor, who shall, at the time of his election, be an inhabitant of the State of Maine." and took his seat January 14, 1820. his election, be an inhabitant of the State of Maine." 25 Resigned May 26, 1820. Died December 20, 1820. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John '°Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Jesse Sb- Holmes, a Representative from Massachusetts, but resid- Edward Dowse, and took his seat November 13, 1820. cumb, and took his seat February 7, 1821. 94 Biographical Directory

NORTH CAROLINA- RHODE ISLAND VIRGINIA Continued SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED William Hunter, Newport James Barbour, Barboursville Felix Walker, Waynesville James Burrill, Jr.,5' Providence John W. Eppes,56 Charles City Lewis Williams, Panther Creek Nehemiah R. Knight,52 Providence James Pleasants,57 Goochiand REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE OHIO Samuel Eddy, Providence Mark Alexander, Lombardy Grove Nathaniel Hazard,53 Newport William Lee Ball, Nuttsville SENATORS Philip P. Barbour, Lucketsville Benjamin Ruggles, St. Clairsville SOUTH CAROLINA William A. Burwell,58 Rocky Mount William A. Trimble, Hilisboro John Floyd, Newbern REPRESENTATWES SENATORS Robert S. Garnett, Lloyds Philemon Beecher, Lancaster John Gaillard, Pendleton James Johnson,59 Lawrenoeville Henry Brush, Chillicothe William Smith, Pinckneyville John C. Gray,6° Courtland John W. Campbell, West Union REPRESENTATIVES James Jones, Hendersonville Samuel Herrick, Zanesville Joseph Brevard, Camden William McCoy, Franklin Thomas R. Ross, Lebanon Elias Earle, Centerville Charles F. Mercer, Aldie John Sloane, Wooster James Ervin, Darlington Hugh Nelson, Milton William Lowndes, Jacksonboro Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk PENNSYLVANIA John McCreary, Cedar Shoals Severn E. Parker, Eastville SENATORS James Overstreet, King Creek James Pindall,61 Clarksburg Jonathan Roberts, Norristown Charles Pinckney, Charleston Edward B. Jackson,°2 Clarks burg Walter Lowrie, Butler Eldred Simkins, Edgefield James Pleasants,63 Goochland Starling Tucker, Mountain Shoals William S. Archer,64 Amelia REPRESENTATIVES John Randolph, Charlotte Henry Baldwin, Pittsburgh TENNESSEE Ballard Smith, Lewisburg Andrew Boden, Carlisle Alexander Smyth, Wythe William Darlington, West Chester SENATORS George F. Strother,65 Culpeper George Denison, Wilkes-Barre John Williams, Knoxville Thomas L. Moore,66 Warrenton , Chester John H. Eaton, Nashville George Tucker, Lynchburg , Germantown REPRESENTATIVES John Tyler, Charles City David Fullerton,47 Greencastle Robert Allen, Carthage Thomas Van Swearingen, Thomas G. McCullough,48 Henry H. Bryan, Palmyra Shepherdetown Chambersburg Newton Cannon, Harpeth Jared Williams, Newton Samuel Gross, Trappe John Cocke, Rutledge Joseph Hemphill, Philadelphia Francis Jones, Winchester ALABAMA TERRITORY67 Jacob Hibshman, Ephrata John Rhea, Sullivan DELEGATE Jacob Hostetter, Hanover Vacant William P. Maclay, Lewistown VERMONT David Marchand, Greens burg ARKANSAS 68 SENATORS Robert Moore, Beavertown DELEGATE Samuel Moore, Doylestown Isaac Tichenor, Bennington James W. Bates,69 Arkansas John Murray, Milton William A. Palmer, Danville DELEGATE Thomas Patterson, West Middletown REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Robert Philson, Somerset Samuel C. Crafts, Crafts bury MICHIGAN TERRITORY7° Thomas J. Rogers, Easton Ezra Meech, Charlotte William W. Woodbridge,7' Detroit John Sergeant, Philadelphia Orsamus C. Merrill,54 Bennington Solomon Sibley,72 Detroit Christian Tarr, Brownsville Rollin C. Mallary,55 Poultney Joseph Hiester,49 Reading Charles Rich, Shoreham TERRITORY OF MISSOURI Daniel Udree,5° Reading Mark Richards, Westminster DELEGATE James M. Wallace, Hummelstown William Strong, Hartford John Scott, Ste. Genevieve

Resigned May 15, 1820. Resigned December 4, 1819. 56 Elected toifil vacancy caused by resignation of 45Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of David ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John George F. Strother, and took his seat November 13, 1820. Fullerton, and took his seat November 18, 1820. W. Eppes, and took his seat December 14, 1819. "Granted statehood December 14, 1819. 49 Resigned in December 1820, having been elected gov- 59Died February 16, 1821. °5Formed from a portion of lands of the Territory of ernor. 's Resigned February 1, 1820. Missouri and granted a Delegate in Congress by Act of 50 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Joseph Hiester, and took his seat January 8, 1821. Johnson, and took his seat November 13, 1820. March 2, 1819. Died December 25, 1820. ' Resigned July 26, 1820. 9Took his seat March 2, 1820. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James Bur- ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James '°Formed by act approved January 11, 1805, from a nh, Jr., and took his seat January 20, 1821. Pindall, and took his seat November 13,1820. portion of lands of Indiana Territory with Detroit as the Died December 17, 1820. "Resigned December 14, 1819, having been elected Sen- seat of government. Served until January 12, 1820; succeeded by Rollin C. ator. "Took his seat March 2, 1820; resigned August 9, 1820. Mallary, who contested his election. 54Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 72 Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 50 Successfully contested the election of Orsamus C. Pleasants, and took his seat January 18, 1820. liam W. Woodbnidge, and took his seat November 20, 1820. Merrill. and took his seat January 13, 1820. ' Resigned February 10, 1820. SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1821, TO MARCH 3, 1823

FIRST SESSION-December 3, 1821, to May 8, 1822 SECOND SESSION-December 2, 1822, to March 3, 1823



ALABAMA Caesar A. Rodney,8 Wilmington Wailer Taylor, Vincennes SENATORS ,9 Lewes REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John W. Walker,5 Huntsville William Hendricks,'2 Madison William Kelly,6 Huntsville GEORGIA Jonathan Jennings,'3 Charlestown William R. King, Cahaba SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John Elliott, Sunbury KENTUCKY Gabriel Moore, Huntsville Freeman Walker,'° Augusta SENATORS ,1' Richmond Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings CONNECTICUT REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Isham Talbot, Frankfort SENATORS Joel Abbot, Washington REPRESENTATIVES James Lanman, Norwich Alfred Cuthbert, Eatonton Wingfield Bullock,14 Shelbyville Elijah Boardman, Litchfield George R. Gilmer, Lexington James D. Breckinridge,15 Louisville REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Robert R. Reid, Augusta Benjamin Hardin, Bardstown Noyes Barber, Groton Edward F. Tattnall, Savannah Francis Johnson, Bowling Green Daniel Burrows, Hebron Wiley Thompson, Elberton John T. Johnson, Georgetown Henry W. Edwards, New Haven Thomas Metcalfe, Carlisle Gideon Tomlinson, Fairfield ILLINOIS Thomas Montgomery, Stanford John Russ, Hartford SENATORS Anthony New, Elkton George Robertson,'6 Lancaster Ansel Sterling, Sharon Jesse B. Thomas, F4wardsville Ebenezer Stoddard, Woodstock John S. Smith,'7 Richmond Ninian Edwards, Edwardsville David Trimble, Mount Sterling DELAWARE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Samuel H. Woodson, Lexington SENATORS Daniel P. Cook, Edwardsville Nicholas Van Dyke, New Castle LOUISIANA Caesar A. Rodney,7 Wilmington INDIANA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Henry Johnson, Donaldsonville Louis McLane, Wilmington James Noble, Brookville James Brown, New Orleans

'Elected February 1, 1822; February 19, 1823. 29, 1823, having been appointed minister to Buenos Aires; Resigned July 25, 1822. 'Elected December 4, 1821. vacancy in this class from March 4, 1821, to January 23, "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 'Reelected December 4, 1821; died in 1822. 1822. liam Hendricks, and took his seat December 2, 1822. Elected December 3, 1822; Samuel Burch, the principal Resigned January 24, 1822, having been elected Sena- ' Died October 13, 1821, before Congress assembled. clerk, acted as clerk in the interim. tor. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Wingfield 'Resigned December 12, 1822. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Caesar Bullock, and took his seat January 2, 1822. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John A. Redney, and took his seat December 2, 1822. Resigned before Congress assembled. W. Walker, and took his seat January 21, 1823. '°Resigned August 8, 1821. "Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of 'Elected to fill vacancy in term commencing March 4, "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Free- George Robertson, and took his seat December 3, 1821. 1821, and took his seat January 24, 1822; resigned January man Walker, and took his seat December 11, 1821.

[95] 96 Biographical Directory

LOUISIANA-Continued Jeremiah Nelson, Newburyport Samuel Campbell, Columbus REPRESENTATWE AT LARGE John Reed, Yarmouth Peter Sharpe,85 New York City Josiah S. Johnston, Alexandria , Mendon Cadwallader D. Colden,36 New York City MAINE MISSISSIPPI Alfred Conkling, Canajoharie SENATORS John D. Dickinson, Troy SENATORS Thomas H. Williams, Washington John Gebhard, Schoharie John Chandler, Monmouth James Hawkes, Richfield John Holmes, Alfred David Holmes, Washington REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Thomas H. Hubbard, Hamilton REPRESENTATIVES Joseph Kirkland, Utica Joshua Cushman, Winslow Christopher Rankin, Natchez Elisha Litchfield, Delphi Joseph Dane, Kenne bunk MISSOURI 28 Richard McCarty, Coxsackie Ebenezer Herrick, Bowdoinham John J. Morgan, New York City Mark L. Hill, Phippsburg SENATORS Walter Patterson, Livingston Enoch Lincoln, Paris David Barton,29 St. Louis Jeremiah H. Pierson, Ramapo Ezekiel Whitman,'8 Portland Thomas H. Benton,3° St. Louis Nathaniel Pitcher, Sandy Hill Mark Harris,'9 Portland REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William B. Rochester, Bath William D. Williamson, Bangor John Scott,3' Ste. Genevieve Charles H. Ruggles, Kingston Elijah Spencer, Benton MARYLAND NEW HAMPSHIRE Micah Sterling, Watertown SENATORS SENATORS John W. Taylor, Baliston Spa Edward Lloyd, Easton Albert H. Tracy, Buffalo David L. Morril, Goffstowi'z Solomon Van Rensselaer,37 Albany William Pinkney,2° Baltimore John F. Parrott, Portsmouth Samuel Smith,2' Baltimore ,38 Albany REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE William W. Van Wyck, Fishkill REPRESENTATWES Josiah Butler, South Deerfield Reuben H. Walworth, Plattsburg Thomas Bayly, Princess Anne Matthew Harvey, Hopkinton Silas Wood, Huntington Jeremiah Cosden,22 Elkton Aaron Matson, Stoddard David Woodcock, Ithaca Philip Reed,23 Chestertown William Plumer, Jr., Epping Joseph Kent, Bladensburg Nathaniel Upham, Rochester NORTH CAROLINA Peter Little, Freedom Thomas Whipple, Jr., Wentworth Raphael Neale, Leonardtown SENATORS John Nelson, Frederick NEW JERSEY Nathaniel Macon, Monroe Samuel Smith,24 Baltimore Montfort Stokes, Wilkesboro SENATORS Isaac McKim,25 Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES Henry R. WarfIeld, Middleburg Mahlon Dickerson, Succasunna Samuel L. Southard,32 Trenton William S. Blackledge, New Bern Robert Wright, Queenstown Hutchins G. Burton, Halifax REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Henry W. Connor, Sherrills Ford MASSACHUSETTS Ephraim Bateman, Cedarville Josiah Crudup, Raleigh SENATORS George Cassedy, Hackensack Weldon N. Edwards, Warrenton Harrison Gray Otis,26 Boston Lewis Condict, Morristown Thomas H. Hall, Tarboro James Lloyd,27 Boston George Holcombe, Allentown Charles Hooks, Dublin Elijah H. Mills, Northampton James Matlack, Woodbury John Long, Longs Mills REPRESENTATIVES Samuel Swan, Somerville Archibald McNeill, McNeills Store Romulus M. Saunders, Milton Samuel C. Allen, Greenfield NEW YORK , Salem Lemuel Sawyer, Elizabeth City , Taunton SENATORS Felix Walker, Waynesville , Peters ham Rufus King, New York City Lewis Williams, Panther Creek Henry W. Dwight, Stockbridge Martin Van Buren, Albany William Eustis, Boston REPRESENTATIVES OHIO Timothy Fuller, Boston Selah Tuthill,33 Goshen SENATORS Benjamin Gorham, Boston Charles Borland, Jr.,34 Wardsbridge Benjamin Ruggles, St. Clairsuille Aaron Hobart, Hanover Churchill C. Cambreleng, New York William A. Trimble,39 Hilisboro Samuel Lathrop, West Springfield City Brown,4° Cincinnati

'9Resigned June 1, 1822. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 5Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Selah, Tuth- 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Eze- Samuel Smith, and took his seat January 8, 182d. ill, and took his seat December 3, 1821. kiel Whitman, and took his seat December 2, 1822. Resigned May 30, 1822. Neverqualified;succeededby CaldwalladerD. 20Died February 25, 1822. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ham- Colden, who contested his election. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William son Gray Otis, and took his seat December 2, 1822. Pinkney, and took his seat December 17, 1822. as a State into the Union August 10, 1821. '6Succeasfully contested the election of Peter Sharpe, 21Served until March 19, 1822; succeeded by Philip his seat December 3, 1821; term to expire, as and took his seat December 12, 1821. Reed, who contested his election. determined by lot, March 3, 1825. " Resigned January 14, 1822. 15Successfullycontestedtheelectionof Jeremiah 30Took his seat December 6, 1821; term to expire, as '5Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Solo- Cosden, and took his seat March 19, 1822. determined by lot, March 3, 1827. mon Van Rensselaer, and took his seat March 12, 1822. 'Resigned December 17, 1822, before the commence- his seat December 3, 1821. Died December 13, 1821. ment of the Eighteenth Congress, to which he had been Resigned March 3, 1823. °Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William A. reelected, having been elected Senator. 55Died September 7, 1821, before Congress assembled. Trimble, and took his seat January 15, 1822. Seventeenth Congress 97

REPRESENTATIVES Samuel Eddy, Providence James Pleasants,°4 Goochland Levi Barber, Point Harmer John Taylor,6' Port Royal John W. Campbell, West Union SOUTH CAROUNA REPRESENTATIVES David Chambers,4' Zanesville SENATORS Mark Alexandria, Lombardy Grove Thomas R. Ross, Lebanon John Gaillard, Pendleton William S. Archer, Amelia John Sloane, Wooster William Smith, Pinckneyville Joseph Vance,42 Urbana William L. Ball, Nuttsville REPRESENTATIVES Philip P. Barbour, Lucketsville PENNSYLVANIA James Blair,'6 Camden Burwell Bassett, Williamsburg John Carter,'7 Camden John Floyd, Newbern SENATORS Joseph Gist, Pinckneyville Robert S. Garnett, Lloyds Walter Lowrie, Butler James Overstreet,'8 King Creek Edward B. Jackson, Clarks burg William Findlay,4' Franklinton Andrew R. Govan," Orangeburg James Jones, Hendersonville REPRESENTATIVES William Lowndes,6° Jacksonboro Jabez Leftwich, Liberty Henry Baldwin,44 Pittsburgh James Hamilton, Jr.,6' Charleston William McCoy, Franklin Walter Forward,45 Pittsburgh George McDuffie, Edgefield Charles F. Mercer, Aldie John Brown, Lewistown Thomas R. Mitchell, Georgetown Thomas L. Moore, Warrenton James Buchanan, Lancaster Joel R. Poinsett, Charleston Hugh Nelson,66 Milton William Darlington, West Chester Starling Tucker, Mountain Shoals Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk George Denison, Wilkes-Barre John Wilson, Golden Grove John Randolph, Charlotte James Duncan,46 Carlisle Arthur Smith, Smithfield John Findlay,47 Cham bers burg TENNESSEE William Smith, Lewisburg Samuel Edwards, Chester SENATORS Alexander Smyth, Wythe William Cox Ellis,48 Muncy John Williams, Knoxville , Richmond Thomas Murray, Jr.,49 Milton George Tucker, Lynchburg Patrick Farrelly, Meadville John H. Eaton,'2 Nashville REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Van Sweringen, 67 Samuel Gross, Trappe Shepherdstown Joseph Hemphill, Philadelphia Robert Allen, Carthage James Stephenson, 68 Martinsburg James McSherry, Petersburg Henry H. Bryan,6' Palmyra Jared Williams, Newton William Milnor,'° Philadelphia Newton Cannon, Harpeth Thomas Forrest," Philadelphia John Cocke, Rutledge James S. Mitchell, Rossville Francis Jones, Winchester Samuel Moore,'2 Doylestown John Rhea, Sullivan Samuel D. Ingham," New Hope DELEGATE Thomas Patterson, West Middletown VERMONT James W. Bates,6' Arkansas John Phillips, Hurnmelstown SENATORS George Plumer, Robbstown TERRITORY OF Thomas J. Rogers, Easton William A. Palmer, Danville John Sergeant, Philadelphia , Middlebury DELEGATE Andrew Stewart, Uniontown REPRESENTATIVES Joseph M. Hernandez,7' St. Augustine John Tad, Bedford Samuel C. Crafts, Crafts bury Ludwig Worman,'4 Pottstown Elias Keyes, Stockbridge MICHIGAN TERRITORY Daniel Udree," Reading Rollin C. Mallary, Poultney John Mattocks, Peacham DELEGATE RHODE ISLAND Charles Rich, Shoreham Solomon Sibley, Detroit SENATORS Phineas White, Putney Nehemiah R Knight, Providence TERRITORY OF MISSOURI72 James Dc Wolf, Bristol VIRGINIA DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Job Durfee, Tiverton James Barbour, Barboursville Vacant

Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 62 Reelected for the term commencing March 4, 1821, 4' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- and took his seat December 3, 1821; vacancy in this class sentative-elect John C. Wright (March 3, 1821, before the Duncan, and took his seat December 12, 1821. 48 before Congress assembled. from March 4, 1821, to September 26, 1821, caused by beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat 49 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- recess of legislature. December 3, 1821. liam Cox Ellis, and took his seat December 12, 1821. 62 Committee on Elections reported on February 17, 4 In previous issues of this publication this name ap- "Resigned May 8, 1822. 1823, that he had been duly elected, but appears never to pears as "John Vance." It is believed that this is an error 5' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- have taken his seat. arising through a printer's blunder in the first issue of the liam Milnor, and took his seat December 2, 1822. 64 Resigned December 15, 1822. Congressional Directory for the Seventeenth Congress, "Resigned May 20, 1822. °'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James caused by the typesetter carrying the name of "John" of 5' Elected toifil vacancy caused by resignation of Pleasants, and took his seat December 30, 1822. Sloane's down to that of "Vance." The House Journal does Samuel Moore, and took his seat December 2, 1822. Resigned January 14, 1823. not show that a "John Vance" was ever a Representative '4 Died October 17, 1822. °' Died August 19, 1822. from Ohio, but in the same directory, under "Alphabetical "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Ludwig 65Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas List of Boarding Houtes with the Members in each," the Worinan, and took his seat December 23, 1822. Van Sweringen, and took his seat December 2, 1822. list of boarders at Miss Polk's home included "Joseph" '° Resigned May 8, 1822. 69 unsuccessfully contested by Matthew Lyon. Vance, but no "John." "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Blair, and took his seat December 11, 1822. '° Formed March 30, 1822, from lands ceded by Spain to 42 Elected for term beginning March 4, 1821, and took the United Stotes by treaty of Washington of February 22, his seat December 17, 1821; vacancy in this class from ' Died May 24, 1822. 1819, and theretofore known as "East and ," March 4, 1821, to December 9, 1821. 2Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James Resigned May 8, 1822. Overstreet, and took his seat December 4, 1822. and granted a Delegate in Congress. 45Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry Resigned May 8, 1822. 71 Took his seat January 3, 1823. Baldwin, and took his seat December 2, 1822. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 72Granted statehood August 10, 1821. 46 Resigned before Congress assembled. liam Lowndes, and took his seat January 6, 1823. EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1823, TO MARCH 3, 1825

FIRST SESSION-December 1, 1823, to May 27, 1824 SECOND SESSION-December 6, 1824,to March 3, 1825



ALABAMA Thomas Clayton,7 Dover INDIANA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS William R. King, Cahaba Louis McLane, Wilmington James Noble, Brookuille William Kelly, Huntsville Waller Taylor, Vincennes REPRESENTATIVES GEORGIA REPRESENTATIVES John McKee, Tuscaloosa SENATORS Jonathan Jennings, Charlestown Gabriel Moore, Huntsville John Elliott, Sunbuy , Brookville George W. Owen, Claiborne Nicholas Ware,8 Richmond William Prince,14 Princeton Thomas W. Cobb, Greensboro ,15 Princeton CONNECTICUT REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE KENTUCKY SENATORS Joel Abbot, Washington SENATORS James Lanman, Norwich George Cary, Appling Thomas W. Cobb,'0 Greensboro Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings Elijah Boardman,5 Litchfield Isham Talbot, Frankfort Henry W. Edwards,6 New Haven Richard H. Wilde," Augusta Alfred Cuthbert, .Eatonton REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Forsyth, Augusta Richard A. Buckner, Greensburg Noyes Barber, Groton Edward F. Tattnall, Savannah Henry Clay, Lexington Samuel A. Foote, Cheshire Wiley Thompson, Elberton Robert P. Henry, Hopkinsuille Ansel Sterling, Sharon Francis Johnson, Bowling Green Ebenezer Stoddard, Woodstock ILLINOIS John T. Johnson, Georgetown Gideon Tomlinson, Fairfield SENATORS Robert P. Letcher, Lancaster Lemuel Whitman, Farmington Jesse B. Thomas, Edward ville Thomas Metcalfe, Carlisle Ninian Edwards,12 Edward,sville Thomas P. Moore, Harrodsburg DELAWARE John McLean,'3 Shawneetown Philip Thompson, Yellow Banks David Trimble, Mount Sterling SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE David White, New Castle Nicholas Van Dyke, New Castle Daniel P. Cook, Edwardsville Charles A. Wickliffe, Bard town

'Elected May 21, 1824. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Caesar 11 Elected tofill vacancy caused bjrresignation of 2 Elected December 1, 1823. A. Rodney,topreceding Congress, and took his seat Janu- Thomas W. Cobb, and took his seat February 7, 1825. 'Reelected December 1, 1823. ary 15, 2424. Vacancy in this class from January 29, 1823, "Resigned March 4, 1824, having been appomted min- Elected December 6, 1824. to January 8, 1824. ister to Mexico. 'Died October 8, 1823. Died September 7, 1824. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 5Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Elijah Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Nicholas Ninian Edwards, and took his seat December 20, 1824. Boardman, and took his seat December 1, 1823; subse- Ware, and took his seat December 6, 1824. 24 Died September 4, 1824. quently elected. '°Resigned December 6, 1824, having been elected Sena- s Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William tor. Prince, and took his seat December 23, 1824.

[98J Eighteenth Congress 99

LOUISIANA , Ashby Lot Clark, Norwich Jeremiah Nelson, Newburyport Ela Collins, Lowville SENATORS John Reed, Yarmouth Hector Craig, Chester Henry Johnson,16 Donaldsonville , Worcester Rowland Day, Simpronius Dominique Bouligny,'7 New Orleans Daniel Webster, Boston Justin Dwinell, Cazenovia James Brown,18 New Orleans Lewis Eaton, Schoharie Bridge Josiah S. Johnston,19 Alexandria MISSISSIPPI Charles A. Foote, Delhi REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Joel Frost, Carmel William L. Brent, St. Martineville Thomas H. Williams, Washington Moses Hayden, York Henry H. Gurley, Baton Rouge David Holmes, Washington John Herkimer, Danube Edward Livingston, New Orleans James L. Hogeboom, Castleton REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Lemuel Jenkins, Bloomingburg MAINE Christopher Rankin, Natchez Samuel Lawrence, Johnsons Settlement Elisha Litchfield, Delphi SENATORS MISSOURI Henry C. Martindale, Sandy Hill John Chandler, Monmouth SENATORS Dudley Marvin, Canandaigua John Holmes, Alfred David Barton, St. Louis John J. Morgan, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis John Richards, Johnsburg William Burleigh, South Berwick REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William B. Rochester,23 Bath William Woods,24 Bath Joshua Cushman, Winslow John Scott, Ste. Genevieve Ebenezer Herrick, Bowdoinham Robert S. Rose, Geneva David Kidder, Norridgewock NEW HAMPSHIRE Peter Sharpe, New York City Enoch Lincoln, Paris Henry R. Storrs, Whitestown Stephen Longfellow, Portland SENATORS James Strong, Hudson Jeremiah O'Brien, Machi as John F. Parrott, Portsmouth John W. Taylor, Ballston Spa Samuel Bell, Chester Egbert Ten Eyck, Watertown MARYLAND REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Albert H. Tracy, Buffalo SENATORS , Portsmouth Jacob Tyson, Castletown Matthew Harvey, Hopkinton Stephen Van Rensselaer, Albany Edward Lloyd, Easton William W. Van Wyck, Fishkill Samuel Smith, Baltimore Arthur Livermore, Plymouth Aaron Matson, Stoddard Isaac Williams, Jr., Cooperstown REPRESENTATIVES William Plumer, Jr., Epping Isaac Wilson,25 Middlebury William Heyward, Jr., Easton Thomas Whipple, Jr., Wentworth Parmenio Adams,26 Batavia Joseph Kent, Bladensburg Silas Wood, Huntington John Lee, Petersville NEW JERSEY Peter Little, Freedom SENATORS NORTH CAROLINA Isaac McKim,2° Baltimore George E. Mitchell, Elkton Mahlon Dickerson, Succasunna SENATORS Raphael Neale, Leonardtown Joseph Mcllvaine,22 Burlington Nathan Macon, Monroe John S. Spence, Poplartown REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Branch, Enfield Henry R. Warfield, Middleburg George Cassedy, Hackensack REPRESENTATIVES Lewis Condict, Morristown Hutchins G. Burton,27 Halifax MASSACHUSETTS Daniel Garrison, Salem George Outlaw,28 Windsor SENATORS George Holcombe, Allentown Henry W. Connor, Sherrills Ford Elijah H. Mills, Northampton James Matlack, Woodbury John Culpepper, Lawrenceville James Lloyd, Boston Samuel Swan, Somerville Weldon N. Edwards, Warrenton REPRESENTATIVES Alfred M. Gatlin, Edenton NEW YORK Thomas H. Hall, Tarboro Samuel C. Allen, Greenfield SENATORS John Bailey,21 Canton Charles Hooks, Dublin Rufus King, New York City John Long, Longs Mills Francis Baylies, Taunton Martin Van Buren, Albany Benjamin W. Crowninshield, Salem Willie P. Mangum, Red Mountain Henry W. Dwight, Stockbridge REPRESENTATIVES Romulus M. Saunders, Milton Timothy Fuller, Boston John W. Cady, Johnstown Richard D. Spaight, Jr., New Bern Aaron Hobart, Hanover Churchill C. Cambreleng, New York Robert B. Vance, Nashville Samuel Lathrop, West Springfield City Lewis Williams, Panther Creek

°'Resigned before Congress assembled. "Resigned May 27, 1824. 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 17 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry sentative-elect Samuel Smith, in preceding Congress. liam B. Rochester, and took his seat December 1, 1823. Johnson, and took his seat December 21, 1824. 21 By resolution of March 18, 1824, was declared not z' Served until January 7, 1824; succeeded by Parmenio 'Resigned December 10, 1823, having been appointed entitled to seat; subsequently elected, and took his seat Adams, who contested his election. minister to France. December 13, 1824. 2 Successfully contested the election of Isaac Wilson, "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 22 Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of and took his seat January 7, 1824. Brown, and took his seat March 12, 1824. Samuel L Southard, in preceding Congress, and took his "Resigned March 23, 1824. seat December 1, 1823. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Hutchins G. Burton, and took his seat January 19, 1825. 100 Biographical Directory

OHIO , Allentown Daniel A. A. Buck, Chelsea SENATORS James Wilson, Fairfield Samuel C. Crafts, Crafts bury Benjamin Ruggles, St. Clairsville Thomas J. Rogers,3' Easton Rollin C. Mallary, Poultney Ethan Allen Brown, Cincinnati George Wolf,3 2 Easton Charles Rich,33 Shore ham Henry Olin,34 Salisbury REPRESENTATIVES RHODE ISLAND Mordecai Bartley, Mansfield SENATORS VIRGINIA Philemon Beecher, Lancaster Nehemiah R. Knight, Providence John W. Campbell, West Union James De Wolf, Bristol SENATORS John W. Gazlay, Cincinnati REPRESENTATWES AT LARGE James Barbour, Barboursville Duncan McArthur, Chillicothe John Taylor,35 Port Royal William McLean, Piqua Job Durfee, Tiverton Littleton W. Tazewell,36 Norfolk John Patterson, St. Clairsville Samuel Eddy, Providence Thomas R. Ross, Lebanon REPRESENTATIVES John Sloane, Wooster SOUTH CAROLINA Mark Alexander, Lombardy Grove Joseph Vance, Urbana SENATORS William S. Archer, Amelia Samuel F. Vinton, Gallipolis John Gaillard, Fend leton John S. Barbour, Culpeper Elisha Whittlesey, Canfield Robert Y. Hayne, Charleston Philip P. Barbour, Lucketsville William Wilson, Newark REPRESENTATIVES Burwell Bassett, Williamsburg John C. Wright, Steubenville Robert B. Campbell, Brownsville John Floyd, Newbern John Carter, Camden Robert S. Garnett, Lloyds PENNSYLVANIA Joseph Gist, Pinckneyville Joseph Johnson, Bridgeport SENATORS Andrew R. Govan, Orangeburg Jabez Leftwich, Liberty James Hamilton, Jr., Charleston William McCoy, Franklin Walter Lowrie, Butler Charles F. Mercer, Aldie William Find]ay, Franklinton George McDuffie, Edgefield Joel R. Poinsett, Charleston Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk REPRESENTATIVES Starling Tucker, Mountain Shoals John Randolph, Charlotte James Allison, Jr., Beaver John Wilson, Golden Grove William C. Rives, Milton Samuel Breck, Philadelphia Arthur Smith, Smithfield John Brown, Lewistown TENNESSEE William Smith, Lewisburg James Buchanan, Lancaster SENATORS Alexander Smyth, Wythe Samuel Edwards, Chester John H. Eaton, Nashville James Stephenson, Martinsburg William Cox Ellis, Muncy Andrew Stevenson, Richmond Patrick Farrelly, Meadville Andrew Jackson, Nashville William L. Ball," Nuttsville John Findlay, Chambers burg REPRESENTATIVES John Taliaferro,38 Fredericksburg Walter Forward, Pittsburgh Adam R. Alexander, Jackson George Tucker, Lynchburg Robert Harris, Harrisburg RObert Allen, Carthage Jared Williams,89 Newton Joseph Hemphill, Philadelphia John Blair, Jones boro Samuel D. Ingham, New Hope John Cocke, Rutledge ARKANSAS TERRITORY George Kremer, Lewisburg Samuel Houston, Nashville Samuel McKean, Burlington Jacob C. Isacks, Winchester DELEGATE Philip S. Markley, Norristown James B. Reynolds, Clarksville Henry W. Conway, Little Rock Daniel H. Miller, Philadelphia James T. Sandford, Columbia James S. Mitchell, Rossville James Standifer, Pikeville TERRITORY OF FLORIDA Thomas Patterson, West Middletown DELEGATE George Plumer, Robbstown VERMONT Andrew Stewart, Uniontown SENATORS Richard K. Call, Pensacola John Tod,29 Bedford William A. Palmer, Danville Alexander Thomson,3° Bedford Horatio Seymour, Middlebury MICHIGAN TERRITORY Daniel Udree, Reading REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE DELEGATE Isaac Wayne, Warren William C. Bradley, Westminster Gabriel Richard,4° Detroit

ZSResigned in 1824. 83Died October 15, 1824. "Died February 28, 1824. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John '4Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William L Ted, and took his seat December 6, 1824. Rich, and took his seat December 13, 1824. Ball, and took his seat April 8,1824. "Resigned April 20, 1824. "Died August 20, 1824. 22Electionunsuccessfullycontestedby AlfredH. 22Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of '5Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John Powell. Thomas J. Rogers, and took his seat December 9, 1824. Taylor, and took his seat December 29, 1824. 40Election unsuccessfully contested by John Biddle. NINETEENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1825, TO MARCH 3, 1827

FIRST SESSION-December 5, 1825, to May 22, 1826 SECOND SESSION-December 4, 1826, to March 3, 1827 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1825, to March 9, 1825



ALABAMA DELAWARE Elias K. Kane, Kaskaskia SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William R King, Cahaba Nicholas Van Dyke,'° New Castle Daniel P. Cook, Edwardsville Henry H. Chambers,6 Madison Daniel Rodney,11 Wilmington Henry M. Ridgely,'2 Dover INDIANA Israel Pickens,7 Cahaba Thomas Clayton, Dover John McKinley,8 Huntsville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE James Noble, Brookville REPRESENTATIVES Louis McLane,'2 Wilmington William Hendricks, Madison John McKee, Tuscaloosa REPRESENTATIVES Gabriel Moore, Huntsville GEORGIA , Boonville George W. Owen, Claiborne SENATORS Thomas W. Cobb, Greensboro Jonathan Jennings, Charlestown John Test, Brook ville CONNECTICUT John Macpherson Berrien, Savannah REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE KENTUCKY SENATORS George Cary, Appling Henry W. Edwards, New Haven Alfred Cuthbert, Eatonton SENATORS Calvin Willey,9 Tolland John Forsyth, Augusta Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings Charles E. Haynes, Sparta John Rowan, Louisville REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James Meriwether, Athens REPRESENTATIVES John Baldwin, Windham Edward F. Tattnall, Savannah Richard A. Buckner, Greensburg Noyes Barber, Groton Wiley Thompson, Elberton Henry Clay,'4 Lexington Ralph I. Ingersoll, New Haven James Clark,'5 Winchester Orange Merwin, New Milford ILLINOIS Robert P. Henry,'6 Hopkinsville Elisha Phelps, Sims bury SENATORS John F. Henry,'7 Hopkinsville Gideon Tomlinson, Fairfield Jesse B. Thomas, Edwardsville Francis Johnson, Bowling Green

Elected March 9, 1925 (special session of the Senate). 0 Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of Henry ii Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Nicholas Elected May 20, 1826; January 2, 1827; and March 2, Chambers, and took his seat December 21, 1826. Van Dyke, and took his seat January 23, 1827. 1827. o Elected for term commencing March 4, 1825; took his -° Reelected to the Twentieth Congress, but resigned, Elected December 12, 1825. seat December 5, 1825. James Lanman was appointed, but having been elected Senator. Elected December 5, 1825. the Senate, on March 5, 1825, would not permit him to iS Resigned March 6, 1825, before Congress assembled. Reelected December 5, 1825. qualify; vacancy in this class from March 4, 1825, to May iS Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry ° Died January 24, 1826. 4, 1825, because of recess of legislature. Clay, and took hio seat December 5, 1825. o Died May 21, 1826. ° Died August 25, 1826. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry °' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Nicholas iS Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert P. Chambers, and took his seat April 10, 1820. Van Dyke, and took his seat December 4, 1826. Henry, and took his seat December 11, 1826. 102 Biographical Directory

KENTUCKY-Continued MASSACHUSETTS Joseph Mcllvaine,'4 Burlington REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED SENATORS Ephraim Bateman," Cedarville James Johnson,'8 Great Crossings Elijah H. Mills, Northampton REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Robert McHatton,'9 Georgetown James Lloyd,'6 Boston George Cassedy, Hackensack Robert P. Letcher, Lancaster Nathaniel Silsbee,'7 Salem Lewis Condict, Morristown Thomas Metcalfe, Carlisle REPRESENTATIVES Daniel Garrison, Salem Thomas P. Moore, Harrods burg Samuel C. Allen, Greenfield George Holcombe, Allentown David Trimble, Mount Sterling John Bailey, Milton Samuel Swan, Somerville Charles A. Wickliffe, Bardstown Francis Baylies, Taun ton Ebenezer Tucker, Tuckerton William S Young, Elizabethtown Benjamin W. Crowninshield, Salem Joseph Lecompte, New Castle John Davis, Worcester Henry W. Dwight, Stockbridge NEW YORK LOUISIANA Edward Everett, Cambridge SENATORS SENATORS Aaron Hobart, East Bridgewater Martin Van Buren, Albany Samuel Lathrop, West Springfield Nathan Sanford,'6 Albany Josiah S. Johnston, Alexandria John Locke, Ashby Dominique Bouligny, New Orleans John Reed, Yarmouth REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES , Haverhill Parmenio Adams, Batavia William L. Brent, St. Martinsville Daniel Webster, Boston William G Angel, Burlington Henry H. Gurley, Baton Rouge Henry Ashley, Catskill Edward Livingston, New Orleans MISSISSIPPI Luther Badger, Janesville SENATORS Churchill C. Cambreleng, New York MAINE Thomas H Williams, Washington City SENATORS David Holmes,'8 Washington William Dietz, Schoharie John Chandler, Monmouth Powhatan 9 Winchester Nicoll Fosdick, Morristown John Holmes, Alfred Thomas B. Reed,'° Natchez Daniel G. Garnsey, Fredonia REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John Hallock, Jr., Ridgebury REPRESENTATIVES Abraham B. Hasbrouck, Kingston John Anderson, Portland Christopher Rankin," Natchez William Haile," Woodville Moses Hayden, York William Burleigh, South Berwick Michael Hoffman, Herkimer Ebenezer Herrick, Bowdoinham Charles Humphrey, Ithaca David Kiddler, Norridgewock MISSOURI Enoch Lincoln,'0 Paris SENATORS Jeromus Johnson, New York City James W. Ripley,2' Fryeburg David Barton, St. Louis Charles Kellogg, Kelloggsville Jeremiah O'Brien, Mach ins Thomas H Benton, St. Louis William McManus, Troy Henry Markell, Palatine Peleg Sprague, Hallowell REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Henry C. Martindale, Sandy Hill John Scott, Ste. Genevieve MARYLAND Dudley Marvin, Canandaigua John Miller, Truxton SENATORS NEW HAMPSHIRE Timothy H. Porter, Olean Edward Lloyd," Easton SENATORS Robert S. Rose, Geneva Ezekiel F. Chambers," Chestertown Samuel Bell, Chester Henry H. Ross, Essex Samuel Smith, Baltimore Levi Woodbury," Portsmouth Joshua Sands, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Henry R. Storrs, Whitestown John Barney, Baltimore Ichabod Bartlett, Portsmouth James Strong, Hudson Clement Dorsey, Chaptico Titus Brown, Francestown John W. Taylor, Ballston Spa Joseph Kent,'4 Bladensburg Nehemiah Eastman, Farmington Egbert Ten Eyck,'7 Watertown John C. Weems,'5 Waterloo Jonathan Harvey, Sutton Daniel Hugunin, Jr.,'8 Oswego John L. Kerr, Easton Joseph Healy, Washington Stephen Van Rensselaer, Albany Peter Little, Freedom Thomas Whipple, Jr., Wentworth Gulian C. Verplanck, New York City Robert N. Martin, Princess Anne Aaron Ward, Mount Pleasant George E. Mitchell, Elk ton NEW JERSEY Bartow White, Fishkili George Peter, Darnestown SENATORS Elias Whitmore, Windsor Thomas C. Worthington, Frederick Mahion Dickerson, Succasunna Silas Wood, Huntington

'° Died August 14, 1826. Electedtofill vacancy caused by resignation of Elected to fill vacancy in term commencing March 4, '° Elected tofill vacancy caused by death sf James Joseph Kent, and took his seat February 7, 1826. 1825, and took his seat December 5, 1825; vacancy in this Johnson, and took his seat December 7, 1826. Resigned May 23, 1826. class from March 4, 1825, to June 15, 1825. 50 Resigned in January, 1826, having been elected gover- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Died August 19, 1826. nor. Lloyd, and took his seat December 4, 1826. Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of Joseph ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Enoch Resigned September 25, 1825. Mcllvaine, and took his seat December 7, 1826. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ° Elected to fill vacancy in term commencing March 4, Lincoln, and took his seat December 4, 1826. David Holmes, and took his seat December 12, 1825. 1825, and took his seat January 31, 1826; vacancy in this Resigned in January 1826. 00 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of David class from March 4, 1825, to January 14, 1826. Electedtofillvacancy caused byresignationof Holmes, and took his seat March 11, 1826. Served until December 15, 1825; succeeded by Daniel Edward Lloyd, and took his seat February 22, 1826. Died March 14, 1826. Hugunin, Jr., who contested his election. Resigned January 6, 1826, having been elected gover- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Christopher Successfully contested the electionof Egbert Ten nor. Rankin, and took his seat December 4, 1826. Eyck, and took his seat December 15, 1825. Nineteenth Congress 103

NORTH CAROLINA James Buchanan, Lancaster James Hamilton, Jr., Charleston Samuel Edwards, Chester George McDuffie, Edgefield SENATORS Patrick Farrelly,45 Meadville Thomas R Mitchell, Georgetown Nathaniel Macon, Monroe Thomas H Sill,46 Erie Starling Tucker, Mountain Shoals John Branch, Enfield John Findlay, Chambersburg John Wilson, Golden Grove REPRESENTATIVES Robert Harris, Harrisburg Willis Aiston, Hyde Park Joseph Hemphill,47 Philadelphia TENNESSEE John H. Bryan, New Bern Thomas Kittera,48 Philadelphia SENATORS Samuel P. Carson, Pleasant Garden Samuel D. Ingham, New Hope John H. Eaton, Nashville Henry W. Connor, Sherrills Ford George Kremer, Lewisburg Andrew Jackson,6° Nashville Weldon N. Edwards, Warrenton Joseph Lawrence, Washington ,6' Knoxville Richard Hines, Edgecombe Samuel McKean, Burlington Gabriel Holmes, Clinton Philip S. Markley, Norristown REPRESENTATIVES John Long, Longs Mills Daniel H. Miller, Philadelphia Adam R. Alexander, Jackson Archibald McNeill, McNeills Store Charles Miner, West Chester Robert Allen, Carthage Willie P. Mangum,39 Red Mountain James S. Mitchell, Rossvilie John Blair, Jones boro Daniel L. Barringer,4° Raleigh John Mitchell, Bellefonte John Cocke, Rutledge Romulus M. Saunders, Milton George Plumer, Robbs town Samuel Houston, Nashville Lemuel Sawyer, Elizabeth City James S. Stevenson, Pittsburgh Jacob C. Isacks, Winchester Lewis Williams, Panther Creek Andrew Stewart, Uniontown John H. Marable, Yellow Creek Alexander Thomson,49 Bedford James C. Mitchell, Athens OHIO Chauncey Forward,5° Somerset James K. Polk, Columbia Espy Van Home, Williamsport SENATORS VERMONT Benjamin Ruggles, St. Clairsville Henry Wilson,51 A lien town William Henry Harrison, Cincinnati Jacob Krebs,52 Orwigsburg SENATORS James Wilson, Fairfield Horatio Seymour, Middlebury REPRESENTATIVES George Wolf, Easton Dudley Chase, Randolph Mordecai Bartley, Mansfield John Wurts, Philadelphia Philemon Beecher, Lancaster REPRESENTATIVES John W. Campbell, West Union RHODE ISLAND William C Bradley, Westminster Rollin C. Mallary, Poultney James Findlay, Cincinnati SENATORS David Jennings,41 St. Clairsviiie John Mattocks, Peacham Thomas Shannon,42 Barnesvilie Nehemiah R. Knight, Providence Ezra Meech, Shelburn William McLean, Piqua James De Wolf,53 Bristol George E. Wales, Hartford John Sloane, Wooster Asher Robbins,54 Newport John Thomson, Chillicothe REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE VIRGINIA Joseph Vance, Urbana Tristam Burges, Providence SENATORS Samuel F. Vinton, Gallipolis Dutee J. Pearce, Newport James Barboum,°2 Barboursville Elisha Whittlesey, Canfield John Randolph,63 Charlotte William Wilson, Newark SOUTH CAROLINA Littleton W. Tazewell, Norfolk John Woods, Hamilton SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John C. Wright, Steubenville John Gaillard,55 Pendleton Mark Alexander, Lombardy Grove William Harper,56 Charleston William S Archer, Amelia PENNSYLVANIA William Smith,57 Charleston William Armstrong, Romney SENATORS Robert Y. Hayne, Charleston John S. Barboum, Culpeper William Findlay, Franklinton REPRESENTATIVES Burwell Bassett, Williamsburg William Marks, Pittsburgh John Carter, Camden Nathaniel H. Claiborne, Rocky Mount REPRESENTATIVES Joel R. Poinsett,58 Charleston Thomas Davenport, Meadville William Addams, Reading ,59 Charleston Benjamin Estil, Abingdon James Allison, Jr.,43 Beaver Joseph Gist, Pinckneyville John Floyd, Newbern Robert Orr, Jr.,44 Kittanning Andrew R. Govan, Orangeburg Robert S. Garnett, Lloyds

vacancy caused by resignation of ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John Resigned March 18, 1826. Elected tofill Gaillard, and took his seat March 28, 1826. SO Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Willie Joseph Hemphill, and took his seat December 4, 1826. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John Gail- P. Mangum, and took his seat December 4, 1826. Resigned May 1, 1826. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alex- lard, and took his seat December 7, 1826. Si Resigned May 25, 1826. Resigned March7,1825,to become minister to Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of David ander Thomson, and took his seat December 4, 1826. Mexico. Jennings, and took his seat December 4, 1826. Died August 14, 1826. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Joel Resigned before Congress assembled. ° Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of Henry R. Poinsett, and took his seat December 5, 1825. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Wilson, and took his seat December 4, 1826. Resigned October 14, 1825. Allison, Jr., and took his seat December 5, 1825. °Resigned October 31, 1825. °i Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Died January 12, 1826. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Andrew Jackson, and took his seat December 12, 1825. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Patrick De Wolf, and took his seat December 5, 1825. Resigned March 7, 1825. Died February 26, 1826. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Farrelly, and took his seat April 3, 1826. Barbour, and took his seat December 26, 1825; vacancy in Resigned in 1826. this class from March 28, 1825, to December 8, 1825. 104 Biographical Directory

VIRGINIAContinued William C. Rives, Milton TERRITORY OF FLORIDA REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED William Smith, Lewisburg Andrew Stevenson, Richmond DELEGATE Joseph Johnson, Bridgeport John Taliaferro, Fredericksburg Joseph M. White, Pensacola William McCoy, Franklin Robert Taylor, Orange Charles F. Mercer, Aldie James Trezvant, Jerusalem MICHIGAN TERRITORY Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk Alfred H. Powell, Winchester ARKANSAS TERRITORY DELEGATE John Randolph,64 Charlotte DELEGATE Austin E. Wing,66 Detroit George W. Crump,65 Cumberland Henry W. Conway, Little Rock

° Resigned; effective December 26, 1825, without quali- °Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John °Election unsuccessfully contested by John Biddle and fying, having been elected Senator. Randolph, and took his seat February 6, 1826. Gabriel Richard. TWENTIETH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1827, TO MARCH 3, 1829

FIRST SESSION-December 3, 1827, to May 26, 1828 SECOND SESSION-December 1, 1828, to March 3, 1829



ALABAMA Louis McLane, Wilmington INDIANA REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS SENATORS William R. King, Selma Kensey Johns, Jr.,5 New Castle James Noble, Brookville John McKinley, Huntsville William Hendricks, Madison GEORGIA REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Thomas H. Blake, Terre Haute John McKee, Tuscaloosa Thomas W. Cobb,6 Greensboro Jonathan Jennings, Charlestown Gabriel Moore, Huntsville Oliver H. Prince,7 Macon Oliver H. Smith, Connersville George W. Owen, Claiborne John Macpherson Berrien, Savannah REPRESENTATIVES KENTUCKY CONNECTICUT John Floyd, Jefferson SENATORS SENATORS John Forsyth,8 Augusta Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings Calvin Willey, Tolland Richard H. Wilde,9 Augusta John Rowan, Louisville Samuel A. Foote, Cheshire Tomlinson Fort, Milledgeville REPRESENTATIVES Charles E. Haynes, Sparta Richard A. Buckner, Greens burg REPRESENTATWES AT LARGE Wilson Lumpkin, Madison John Baldwin, Windham William S. Young,12 Elizabethtown Edward F. Tattnall,1° Savannah John Calhoon,13 Hardins burg Noyes Barber, Groton George R. Gilmer," Lexington Ralph I. Ingersoll, New Haven ,'4 Elizabethtown Wiley Thompson, Elberton James Clark, Winchester Orange Merwin, New Milford Henry Daniel, Mount Sterling Elisha Phelps, Simsbury ILLINOIS Joseph Lecompte, New Castle David Plant, Stratford SENATORS Robert P. Letcher, Lancaster Jesse B. Thomas, Edwardsville , Eddyville DELAWARE Elias K. Kane, Kaskaskia Robert McHatton, Georgetown SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Thomas Metcalfe,'5 Carlisle Henry M. Ridgely, Dover Joseph Duncan, Brownsville John Chambers,'6 Washington

1 Elected May 15, 1828. Nathaniel Macon, of North 'Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of ' Died September 20, 1827, before Congress assembled. Thomas W. Cobb, and took his seat December 1, 1828. 13John Caihoon and Thomas Chilton were candidates to Carolina, was first elected on the same day, but declined fill vacancy caused by death of William S. Young and the to serve. 'Resigned; effective November 7, 1827, before Congress vote of one county being thrown out the certificate of 'Reelected December 10, 182'?. assembled, having been elected governor. election was given to Mr. Caihoon; bmutual sgreement 'Elected December 3, 1827. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Calhoon resigned and both contestants then petitioned the Reelected December 3, 1827. Forsyth, and took his seat January 14, 1828. governor for a new election. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- o Resigned before Congress assembled. 14 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John sentative-elect Louis McLane, in preceding Congress, and " Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of Caihoon, and took his seat January 11, 1828. took his seat December 3, 1827. Edward Tattnall, and took his seat December 3, 1827; Resigned June 1, 1828. 6 Resigned in 1828. reelected to the Twenty-first Congress but failed to signify ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of his acceptance. Thomas Metcalfe, and took his seat December 1, 1828.

[105] 106 Biographical Directory

KENTUCKY-Continued Daniel Webster,22 Boston George Holcombe,29 Allentown REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED REPRESENTATIVES James F. Randolph,3° New Brunswick Samuel C. Allen, Greenfield Isaac Pierson, Orange Thomas P. Moore, Harrodsburg John Baily, Milton Hedge Thompson,31 Salem Charles A. Wickliffe, Bardtown Isaac C. Bates, Northampton Thomas Sinnickson,32 Salem Joel Yancey, Glasgow Benjamin W. Crowninshield, Salem Samuel Swan, Somerville John Davis, Worcester Ebenezer Tucker, Tuckerton LOUISIANA Henry W. Dwight, Stockbridge SENATORS Edward Everett, Cambridge NEW YORK Josiah S. Johnston, Alexandria James L. Hodges, Taunton SENATORS Dominique Bouligny, New Orleans John Locke, Ashby Martin Van Buren,33 Albany REPRESENTATIVES John Reed, Yarmouth Charles E. Dudley,34 Albany William L. Brent, St. Martinsville Joseph Richardson, Hingham Nathan Sanford, Albany Henry H. Gurley, Baton Rouge John Varnum, Haverhill REPRESENTATIVES Edward Livingston, New Orleans Daniel Webster,23 Boston Daniel D. Barnard, Rochester Benjamin Gorham,24 Boston George 0. Belden, Monticello Rudolph Bunner, Oswego MAINE MISSISSIPPI SENATORS Churchill C. Cambreleng, New York SENATORS City John Chandler, Monmouth Thomas H. Williams, Washington Samuel Chase, Cooperstown Albion K. Paths,'7 Portland , Winchester John C. Clark, Bainbridge John Holmes,'8 Alfred REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE David E. Evans,35 Batavia REPRESENTATIVES William Haile,25 Woodville Phineas L. Tracy,36 Batavia John Anderson, Portland Thomas Hinds,26 Greenville John I. De Graff, Schenectady Samuel Butman, Dixmont John D. Dickinson, Troy William Burleigh,'9 South Berwick MISSOURI Jonas Earll, Jr., Onondaga Rufus Mclntire,2° Parsonsfield SENATORS Daniel G. Garnsey, Fredonia Jeremiah O'Brien, Machi as David Barton, St. Louis Nathaniel Garrow, Auburn James W. Ripley, Fryeburg Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis John Hallock, Jr., Ridgebury Peleg Sprague,2' Hallowell REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Selah R. Hobbie, Delhi Joseph F. Wingate, Bath Edward Bates, St. Louis Michael Hoffman, Herkimer Jeromus Johnson, New York City MARYLAND NEW HAMPSHIRE Richard Keese, Keeseville SENATORS SENATORS John Magee, Bath Henry Markell, Palatine Samuel Smith, Baltimore Samuel Bell, Chester Ezekiel F. Chambers, Chestertown Levi Woodbury, Portsmouth Henry C. Martindale, Sandy Hill REPRESENTATIVES Dudley Marvin, Canandaigua REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Maynard, Ovid Village John Barney, Baltimore David Barker, Jr., Rochester Clement Dorsey, Chaptico Thomas J. Oakley,37 Poughkeepsie Ichabod Bartlett, Portsmouth Thomas Taber, 2d,38 Dover Levin Gale, Elkton Titus Brown, Francestown John L. Kerr, Easton Henry R. Storrs, Whitestown Jonathan Harvey, Sutton John G. Stower, Hamilton Peter Little, Freedom Joseph Healy, Washington James Strong, Hudson Michael C. Sprigg, Frostburg Thomas Whipple, Jr., Wentworth John W. Taylor, Ballston Spa George C. Washington, Rockville Stephen Van Rensselaer, Albany John C. Weems, Waterloo NEW JERSEY Gulian C. Verplanck, New York City Ephraim K. Wilson, Snow Hill SENATORS Aaron Ward, Mount Pleasant Ephraim Bateman,27 Cedarville MASSACHUSETTS John J. Wood, Clarkstown Mahion Dickerson,28 Succasunna Silas Wood, Huntington SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE David Woodcock, Ithaca Nathaniel Silsbee, Salem Lewis Condict, Morristown Silas Wright, Jr.,39 Canton

'Resigned August 26, 1828. 25Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 25 Died January 14, 1828. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ham Haile, and took his seat December 8, 1828. 20 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George Albion K. Parris, and took his seat January 26, 1829. 19A remonstrance against the legality of his election Holcombe, and took his seat December 1, 1828. 'oDied July 2, 1827, before Congress assembled. was considered by a select committee of five Senators; it ' Died July 23, 1828. 10Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William revealed that, as chairman of the joint convention of the '2Elec to fill vacancy caused by death of Hedge Burleigh, and took his seat December 3, 1827. general assembly of New Jersey, Mr. Bateman had voted Thompson, and took his seat December 1, 1828. 29 Reelected to the Twenty-first Congress, but resigned, for himself for Senator, had broken a tie vote thereby, and 22 Resigned December 20, 1828. having been elected Senator. upon such state of facts the certificate had been issued to 2Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 21Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March him, May 22, 1828, the committee reported, that, in its Martin Van Buren, and took his seat January 29, 1829. 4, 1827, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took opinion, he had only exercised a legal right by thus voting, 'Resigned May 2, 1827, before Congress assembled. his seat December 17, 1827. and, upon its request, was discharged; resigned January Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of David 12Resigned May 30, 1827, before Congress assembled, E. Evans, and took his seat December 3, 1827. having been elected Senator. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Resigned May 9, 1828. Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of Ephraim Bateman, and took his seat February 9, 1829; 35Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Daniel Webster, and took his seat December 3,1827. Resigned January 30, 1829 (see footnote 27); vacancy in Thomas J. Oakley, and took his seat December 1, 1828. ' Resigned September 12, 1828. this class from January 30, 1829, to March 3, 1829. 'Resigned February 16, 1829. Twentieth Congress 107

NORTH CAROUNA Innis Green, Dauphin James C. Mitchell, Athens Samuel D. Ingham, New Hope James K. Polk, Columbia SENATORS Adam King, York Nathaniel Macon,4° Warrenton George Kremer, Lewisburg VERMONT James Iredell,4' Edenton Joseph Lawrence, Washington SENATORS John Branch, Enfield Samuel McKean, Burlington REPRESENTATIVES Horatio Seymour, Middlebury Daniel H. Miller, Philadelphia Dudley Chase, Randolph Willis Alston, Hyde Park Charles Miner, West Chester Daniel L. Barringer, Raleigh John Mitchell, Bellefonte REPRESENTATIVES John H. Bryan, New Bern Robert Orr, Jr., Kittanning Daniel A. A. Buck, Chelsea Samuel P. Carson, Pleasant Garden Wffliam Ramsey, Carlisle Jonathan Hunt, Brattleboro Henry W. Connor, Sherrills Ford John Sergeant,48 Philadelphia Rollin C. Mallamy, Poultney John Culpepper, Beards Store John B. Sterigere, Upper Dublin Benjamin Swift, St. Albans Thomas H. Hall, Tarboro James S. Stevenson, Pittsburgh George E. Wales, Hartford Gabriel Holmes, Clinton Andrew Stewart, Uniontown John Long, Longs Mills Joel B. Sutherland, Philadelphia VIRGINIA Lemuel Sawyer, Elizabeth City Espy Van Home, Williamsport SENATORS Augustine H. Shepperd, Germantown James Wilson, Fairfield Littleton W. Tazewell, Norfolk Daniel Turner, Warrenton George Wolf, Easton John Tyler, Charles City Lewis Williams, Panther Creek RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATIVES OHIO Mark Alexander, Lombardy Grove SENATORS Robert Allen, Mount Jackson SENATORS Nehemiah R. Knight, Providence William S. Archer, Elk Hill Benjamin Ruggles, St. Clairsville Asher Robbins, Newport William Armstrong, Romney William Henry Harrison,42 Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John S. Barbour, Culpeper Jacob Burnet,43 Cincinnati Tristam Burges, Providence Philip P. Barbour, Gordonsville REPRESENTATIVES Dutee J. Pearce, Newport Burwell Bassett, Williamsburg Mordecai Bartley, Mansfield Nathaniel H. Claibomne, Rocky Mount Philemon Beecher, Lancaster SOUTH CAROLINA Thomas Davenport, Meadville William Creighton, Jr.,44 Chillicothe SENATORS John Floyd, Newbern Francis S. Muhlenberg,45 Circleville Robert Y. Hayne, Charleston Isaac Leffler, Wheeling John Davenport, Barnesville William Smith, Charleston Lewis Maxwell, Weston James Findlay, Cincinnati Charles F. Mercer, Aldie William McLean, Piqua REPRESENTATIVES William McCoy, Franklin William Russell, West Union John Carter, Camden Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk John Sloane, Wooster Warren R. Davis, Pendleton John Randolph, Charlotte Joseph Vance, Urbana William Drayton, Charleston William C. Rives, Milton Samuel F. Vinton, Gallipolis James Hamilton, Jr., Charleston John Roane, Rumford Academy Elisha Whittlesey, Canfield George McDuffie, Edgefield Alexander Smyth, Wythe William Wilson,46 Newark William D. Martin, Barnwell Andrew Stevenson, Richmond ,47 Newark Thomas R. Mitchell, Georgetown John Taliaferro, Fredericksburg John Woods, Hamilton William T. Nuckolls, Spartanburg James Trezvant, Jerusalem John C. Wright, Steubenville Starling Tucker, Mountain Shoals ARKANSAS TERRITORY PENNSYLVANIA TENNESSEE DELEGATE SENATORS SENATORS Henry W. Conway,49 Little Rock Williams Marks, Pittsburgh John H. Eaton, Nashville Ambrose H. Sevier,5° Little Rock Isaac D. Barnard, West Chester Hugh Lawson White, Knoxville REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF FLORIDA William Addams, Reading John Bell, Nashville DELEGATE Samuel Anderson, Providence John Blair, Jones boro Joseph M. White, Pensacola Stephen Barlow, Meadville David Crockett, Trenton James Buchanan, Lancaster Robert Desha, Gallatin MICHIGAN TERRITORY Richard Coulter, Greens burg Jacob C. Isacks, Winchester Chauncey Forward, Somerset Pryor Lea, Knoxville DELEGATE Joseph Fry, Jr., Fryburg John H. Mamable, Yellow Creek Austin E. Wing, Detroit

40 Resigned November 14, 1828. 0Elected to fill vacancy caused byresignation of Wil- 4' Died June 6, 1827, before Congress assembled. seat December 29, Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William 41 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Na- ham Henry Harrison, and took his Wilson, and took his seat December 3, 1827. thaniel Macon, and took his seat December 23, 1828. 1828. 48 Election questioned by sundry citizens of Pennsylva- '-Resigned May 20, 1828. Resigned in 1828. nia. On January 14, 1828, resolution was adopted declar- 41 Elected to fill vacancy caused byresignation of Wil- mg him entitled to his seat. hamCreighton, Jr., and took his seatDecember 19, 1828. 40 Died November 9, 1827, before Congress assembled. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry W. Conway, and took his seat February 13, 1828. TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1829, TO MARCH 3, 1831

FIRST SESSION-December 7, 1829, to May 31, 1830 SECOND SESSION-December 6, 1830, to March. 3, 1831 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1829, to March 17, 1829



ALABAMA Arnold Naudain,6 Wilmington John M. Robinson,'2 Carmi SENATORS John M. Clayton, Dover REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William R. King, Selma REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Joseph Duncan, Brownsville John McKinley, Florence Kensey Johns, Jr., New Castle REPRESENTATIVES INDIANA Robert E. B. Baylor, Tuscaloosa GEORGIA SENATORS Clement C. Clay, Huntsville SENATORS James Noble,'3 Brookville Dixon H. Lewis, Montgomery John Macpherson Berrien,7 Savannah William Hendricks, Madison John Forsyth,8 Augusta REPRESENTATIVES CONNECTICUT George M. Troup, Dublin Ratliff Boon, Boonville SENATORS REPRESENTATWES AT LARGE Jonathan Jennings, Charlestown Calvin Wiley, Tolland Thomas F. Foster, Greensboro John Test, Lawrenceburg Samuel A. Foote, Cheshire Charles E. Haynes, Sparta REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Henry G. Lamar,9 Macon KENTUCKY Noyes Barber, Groton Wilson Lumpkin, Monroe SENATORS William W. Ellsworth, Hartford Wiley Thompson, Elberton John Rowan, Louisville Jabez W. Huntington, Litchfield James M. Wayne, Savannah George M. Bibb, Yellow Banks Ralph I. Ingersoll, New Haven Richard H. Wilde, Augusta REPRESENTATIVES William L. Storrs, Middletown Thomas Chilton, Elizabethtown Ebenezer Young, Killingly Center ILLINOIS James Clark, Winchester SENATORS Nicholas D. Coleman, Washington DELAWARE Elias K. Kane, Kaskaskia Henry Daniel, Mount Sterling SENATORS John McLean,'° Shawneetown Nathan Gaither, Columbia Louis McLane,5 Wilmington David J. Baker," Shawneetown Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings

'Elected March13, 1829(special sessionofthe Senate); Resigned April16, 1829. Elected to fill vacancy caused by failureofRepresenta- May29, 1830;March1, 1831;LittletonW.Tazewell,of 'Electedtofill vacancy caused by resignationofLouis tive-elect GeorgeB.Gilinertosignify his acceptance, and McLane, and took his seat January13, 1830. took his seat December7,1829. Virginia, was first elected on the last-named date, but 10 declined to serve. 'Resigned March9, 1829. Died October14, 1830. 2Reelected December14, 1829. Electedtofill vacancy caused by resignationofJohn "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by deathofJohn McLean, and took his seat December6, 1830. Reelected December7, 1829. Macpherson Berrien, and took his seat December8, 1829. "Electedtofill vacancy caused by deathofJohn Reelected December7, 1829. McLean, and took his seat January4, 1831. "Died February26, 1831.

[108] Twenty-First Congress 109

John Kincaid, Stanford John Davis, Worcester Charles E. Dudley, Albany Joseph Lecompte, New Castle Henry W. Dwight, Stockbridge REPRESENTATIVES Edward Everett, Charlestown Robert P. Letcher, Lancaster William G. Angel, Burlington Chittenden Lyon, Eddyville Benjamin Gorham, Boston George Grennell, Jr., Greenfield , Amsterdam Charles A. Wickliffe, Bardstown Thomas Beekman, Peterboro Joel Yancey, Glasgow James L. Hodges, Taunton Joseph G. Kendall, Leominster , Federal Store LOUISIANA John Reed, Yarmouth Peter I. Borst, Middleburg Joseph Richardson, Hingham Churchill C. Cambreleng, New York SENATORS John Varnum, Haverhill City Josiah S. Johnston, Alexandria Timothy Childs, Rochester Edward Livingston, New Orleans MISSISSIPPI Jonas Earil, Jr., Onondaga REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Isaac Finch, Jay Henry H. Gurley, Baton Rouge Powhatan Ellis, Winchester George Fisher,2° Oswego Walter H. Overton, Alexandria Thomas B. Reed,'7 Natchez Silas Wright, Jr.,2' Canton Edward D. White, Donaldsonville Robert H. Adams,'8 Natchez Jonah Sanford,22 Oswego George Poindexter,'9 Natchez Jehiel H. Halsey, Lodi MAINE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Joseph Hawkins, Henderson Michael Hoffman, Herkimer SENATORS Thomas Hinds, Greenville John Holmes, Alfred Perkins King, Freehold MISSOURI James Lent, Newtown Peleg Sprague, Hallowell John Magee, Bath REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Henry C. Martindale, Sandy Hill John Anderson, Portland David Barton, St. Louis Henry B. Cowles, Carmel Samuel Butman, Dixmont Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis Hector Craig,23 Craigville George Evans,14 Gardiner REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Samuel W. Eager,24 Montgomery , Ellsworth Spencer D. Pettis, Fayette Jacob Crocheron, Smithfield Rufus Mclntire, Parsonsfield Charles G. De Witt, Kingston James W. Ripley,15 Fi'yeburg NEW HAMPSHIRE John D. Dickinson, Troy Cornelius Holland,t6 Canton SENATORS Thomas Maxwell, Elmira Joseph F. Wingate, Bath Samuel Bell, Chester Robert Monell,25 Greene Levi Woodbury, Portsmouth Ebenezer F. Norton, Buffalo MARYLAND REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Gershom Powers, Auburn SENATORS John Brodhead, Newmarket Robert S. Rose, Geneva Samuel Smith, Baltimore Thomas Chandler, Hills boro , Albany Ezekiel F. Chambers, Chestertown Joseph Hammons, Farmington James Strong, Hudson REPRESENTATIVES Jonathan Harvey, Sutton Henry R. Storrs, Whitestown Elias Brown, Freedom Henry Hubbard, Charlestown John W. Taylor, Baliston Spa John W. Weeks, Lancaster Phineas L. Tracy, Batavia Clement Dorsey, Chaptico Gulian C. Verplanck, New York City Benjamin C. Howard, Baltimore Campbell P. White, New York City George E. Mitchell, Elkton NEW JERSEY Benedict J. Semmes, Piscataway SENATORS Richard Spencer, Easton Mahion Dickerson, Succasunna NORTH CAROLINA Michael C. Sprigg, Frostburg , Newark SENATORS George C. Washington, Rockuille REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Branch,26 Enfield Ephraim K. Wilson, Snow Hill Lewis Condict, Morristown ,27 Browns Store Richard M. Cooper, Camden James Iredell, Edenton MASSACHUSETTS Thomas H. Hughes, Cold Spring SENATORS Isaac Pierson, Orange REPRESENTATIVES Nathaniel Silsbee, Salem James F. Randolph, New Brunswick Willis Alston, Hyde Park Daniel Webster, Boston Samuel Swan, Somerville Daniel L. Barringer, Raleigh REPRESENTATIVES Samuel P. Carson, Pleasant Garden NEW YORK John Bailey, Milton Henry W. Connor, Sherrills Ford Isaac C. Bates, Northampton SENATORS , Lawrenceville Benjamin W. Crowninshield, Salem Nathan Sanford, Albany Thomas H. Hall, Tarboro

"Successfully contested the election of George Fisher, ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- 18Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas B. but resigned March 9, 1830, never having qualified, prefer- sentative-elect Peleg Sprague, in preceding Congress, and Reed, and took his seat February 8, 1830; died July 2, ring to continue as comptroller of the State. took his seat December 7, 1829. 1830. 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Silas 15 Election unsuccessfully contested by Renel Wash- 15 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by deaths of Thomas Wright, ,Jr., and took his seat December 6, 1830. burn; resigned March 12, 1830. B. Reed and Robert H. Adams, and took his seat December "Resigned July 12, 1830. 15 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 6, 1830; subsequently elected. 14 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of W. Ripley, and took his seat December 6, 1830. 10 Served until February 5, 1830; election successfully Hector Craig, and took his seat December 6, 1830. ' contested by Silas Wright, Jr. 2 Resigned February 21, 1831. Died November 26, 1829. '5 Resigned March 9, 1829, having been appointed Secre- tary of the Navy. 17 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Branch, and took his seat December 28, 1829. 110 Biographical Directory

NORTH CAROLINA- George C. Leiper, Leiperville VERMONT Continued Alem Marr, Danville William McCreery, Florence SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES-cONTINUED Daniel H. Miller, Philadelphia Horatio Seymour, Middlebuiy Gabriel Holmes,28 Clinton Henry A. P. Muhlenberg, Reading Dudley Chase, Randolph Edward B. Dudley,29 Wilmington William Ramsey, Carlisle REPRESENTATIVES Robert Potter, Oxford John Scott, Alexandria William Cahoon, Lyndon Abraham Rencher, Pittsboro Thomas H Sill, Erie , Windsor William B. Shepard, Elizabeth City Philander Stephens, Montrose Jonathan Hunt, Brattleboro Augustine H. Shepperd, Germantown John B. Sterigere, Norristown Rollin C. Mallary, Poultney Jesse Speight, Stantonsburg Joel B. Sutherland, Philadelphia Benjamin Swift, St. Albans Lewis Williams, Panther Creek William Wilkins,36 Pittsburgh Harmar Denny,37 Pittsburgh VIRGINIA OHIO SENATORS SENATORS RHODE ISLAND Littleton W. Tazewell, Norfolk Benjamin Ruggles, St. Clairsville John Tyler, Charles City Jacob Burnet, Cincinnati SENATORS Nehemiah R. Knight, Providence REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Asher Robbins, Newport Mark Alexander, Lombardy Grove Mordecai Bartley, Mansfield Robert Allen, Mount Jackson Joseph H. Crane, Dayton REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE William S. Archer, Elk Hill William Creighton, Jr., Chillicothe Tristam Burges, Providence William Armstrong, Romney James Findlay, Cincinnati Dutee J. Pearce, Newport John S. Barbour, Culpeper John M. Goodenow,3° Steubenville Philip P. Barbour,4' Gordonsville Humphrey H. Leavitt,3' Steubenville SOUTH CAROLINA John M. Patton,42 Fredericksburg William W. Irvin, Lancaster Thomas T. Bouldin, Charlotte SENATORS William Kennon, Sr., St. Clairsville Nathaniel H. Claiborne, Rocky Mount William Russell, West Union Robert Y. Hayne, Charleston Richard Coke, Jr., Williamsburg James Shields, Dicks Mills William Smith, Charleston Robert Craig, Montgomery William Stanbery, Newark REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Davenport, Meadville John Thomson, New Lisbon Robert W. Barnwell, Beaufort Philip Doddridge, Wellsburg Joseph Vance, Urbana James Blair, Camden Alexander Smyth,43 Wythe Samuel F. Vinton, Gallipolis John Campbell, Brownsville Joseph Draper,44 Wythe Elisha Whittlesey, Canfield Warren R. Davis, Pendleton Thomas Newton, Jr.,45 Norfolk William Drayton, Charleston ,46 Norfolk PENNSYLVANIA William D. Martin, Barnwell William C. Rives,47 Milton SENATORS George McDuffie, F4gefield William F. Gordon,48 Lindseys Store William Marks, Pittsburgh William T. Nuckolls, Hancockville Lewis Maxwell, Weston Isaac D. Barnard, West Chester Starling Tucker, Mountain Shoals William McCoy, Franklin REPRESENTATIVES Charles F. Mercer, Leesburg James Buchanan, Lancaster TENNESSEE John Roane, Rumford Academy Richard Coulter, Greensburg Andrew Stevenson, Richmond Thomas H. Crawford, Chambersburg SENATORS John Taliaferro, Fredericksburg Joshua Evans, Jr., Paoli John H. Eaton,38 Nashville James Trezvant, Jerusalem James Ford, Lawrencevjlle Felix Grundy,39 Nashville Chauncey Forward, Somerset Hugh Lawson White, Knoxville ARKANSAS TERRITORY DELEGATE Joseph Fry, Jr., Fryburg REPRESENTATIVES John Gilmore, Butler John Bell, Nashville Ambrose H. Sevier, Little Rock Innis Green, Dauphin John Blair, Jonesboro Joseph Hemphill, Philadelphia David Crockett, Crockett TERRITORY OF FLORIDA Samuel D. Ingham,32 New Hope RObert Desha, Gallatin DELEGATE Peter Ihrie, Jr.,33 Easton Jacob C. Isacks, Winchester Joseph M. White, Monticello George Wolf,34 Easton Cave Johnson, Clarksville Samuel A. Smith,35 Doylestown Pryor Lea,4° Knoxville MICHIGAN TERRITORY Thomas Irwin, Uniontown James K. Polk, Columbia DELEGATE Adam King, York James Standifer, Mountairy John Biddle,49 Detroit

' Died September 26, 1829, before Congress assembled. 29 "Elected to fill in part vacancies caused by resigna- °'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Philip Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Gabriel tions of George Wolf and Samuel D. Ingham, and took his P. Barbour, and took his seat December 6, 1830. Holmes, and took his seat December 14, 1829. seat December 7, 1829. 41 Died Auril 17, 1830. '° Resigned April 9, 1290, before Congress assembled. 55Resigned before Congress assembled. °°Electe,f to fill vacancy caused by death of Alexander ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- Smyth, and took his seat December 6, 1830. M. Goodenow, and took his seat December 6, 1290. liam Wilkins, and took his seat December 30, 1829. "Served until March 9, 1880; succeeded by George s°Resigned before Congress assembled. '°Resigned March 9, 1829. Loyall, who contested his election. °'Elected to filltopart vacancies caused by resigna- '9Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John °Successfullycontestedtheelectionof Thomas tions of George Wolf and Samuel 0. Ingham, and took his H. Eaton, and took his seat December 7, 1829. Newton, Jr., and took his seat March 9, 1830. seat December 7, 1829. '°Election unsuccessfully contested by Thomas 0. "Resigned in 1829, having been appointed minister to °4Resigned before Congress assembled, having been Arnold. France. elected governor. '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 41 Resigned October 15, 1830. Item C. Rives, and took his seat January 25. 1830. Resigned February 21, 1831. TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1831, TO MARCH 3, 1833

FIRST SESSION-December 5, 1831, to July 16, 1832 SECOND SESSION-December 3, 1832, to March 2, 1833



ALABAMA Arnold Naudain, Wilmington INDIANA SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John J. Milligan, Wilmington William Hendricks, Madison William R. King, Selma Robert Hanna,9 Brookville Gabriel Moore, Huntsville John Tipton,1° Logansport REPRESENTATiVES GEORGIA REPRESENTATIVES Clement C. Clay, Huntsville SENATORS Ratliff Boon, Boonville Dixon H. Lewis, Montgomery George M. Troup, Dublin John Carr, Charlestown Samuel W. Mardis, Montevallo John Forsyth, Augusta Johnathan McCarty, Connersville REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE CONNECTICUT KENTUCKY Thomas F. Foster, Greensboro SENATORS SENATORS Henry G. Lamar, Macon George M. Bibb, Yellow Banks Samuel A. Foote, Cheshire Wilson Lumpkin,7 Monroe Henry Clay,1' Lexington Gideon Tomlinson, Fairfield Augustin S. Clayton,8 Athens Daniel Newnan, McDonough REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Wiley Thompson, Elberton John Adair, Harrodsburg Noyes Barber, Groton James M. Wayne, Savannah , Winchester William W. Ellsworth, Hartford Richard H. Wilde, Augusta Henry Daniel, Mount Sterling Jabez W. Huntington, Litchfield Nathan Gaither, Columbia Albert G. Hawes, Hawesville Ralph I. Ingersoll, New Haven ILLINOIS William L. Storrs, Middletown Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings Ebenezer Young, Killingly Center SENATORS Joseph Lecompte, New Castle Elias K. Kane, Kaskaskia Robert P. Letcher, Lancaster John M. Robinson, Carmi Chittenden Lyon, Eddyville DELAWARE Thomas A. Marshall, Paris SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE , Glasgow John M. Clayton, Dover Joseph Duncan, Jacksonville Charles A. Wickliffe, Bardstown

'Resigned December 28,1832, having been elected Resigned in 1831, before Congress assembled, having '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James United States Senator. been elected governor. Noble, in preceding Congress, and took his seat January 3, 'Elected July 9, 1832. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wilson 1832. 'Elected December 3, 1832. Lumpkin, and took his seat January 21, 1832. ii Elected for terni beginning March 4, 1831, and took Reelected December 19, 1831. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of James his seat December 5, 1831: vacancy in this class from 'Reelected December 5, 1831. Noble, in preceding Congress, and took his seat December March 4, 1831, to November 9, 1831. 6 Reelected December 5, 1831. 5, 1831. 112 Biographical Directory

LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI Charles Dayan, Lowville SENATORS SENATORS John Dickson, West Bloomfield Ulysses F. Doubleday, Auburn Josiah S. Johnston, Alexandria Powhatan Ellis,'6 Winchester Michael Hoffman, Herkimer Edward Livingston,12 New Orleans John Black,17 Monroe William Hogan, Hogansburg George A. Waggaman,'3 New Orleans George Poindexter, Wilkinson Freeborn G. Jewett, Skaneateles REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John King, North Lebanon Henry A. Bullard, Alexandria Franklin E. Plummer, Westville Gerrit Y. Lansing, Albany Philemon Thomas, Baton Rouge James Lent,22 Newtown Edward D. White, Donaidsonville MISSOURI Edmund H. Pendleton, Hyde Park SENATORS Job Pierson, Schaghticoke MAINE Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis Nathaniel Pitcher, Sandyhill SENATORS Alexander Buckner, Jackson Edward C. Reed, Homer John Holmes, Alfred REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Erastus Root, Delhi Nathan Soule, Fort Plain Peleg Sprague, Halloweil Spencer D. Pettis,'8 Fayette John W. Taylor, Ballston Spa REPRESENTATIVES William H. Ashley,'9 St. Louis Phineas L. Tracy, Batavia John Anderson, Portland NEW HAMPSHIRE Gulian C. Verplanck, New York City James Bates, Norridgewock Aaron Ward, Mount Pleasant George Evans, Gardiner SENATORS Daniel Wardwell, Mannsville Cornelius Holland, Canton Samuel Bell, Chester Grattan H. Wheeler, Wheeler Leonard Jarvis, Ellsworth , Concord Campbell P. White, New York City , Damariscotta Mills REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Frederick Whittlesey, Rochester Rufus Mclntire, Parsonsfield John Brodhead, Newmarket Samuel J. Wilkin, Gos hen Thomas Chandler, Hillsboro MARYLAND Joseph Hammons, Farmington NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS Joseph M. Harper, Canterbury Samuel Smith, Baltimore Henry Hubbard, Charlestown SENATORS Ezekiel F. Chambers, Chestertown John W. Weeks, Lancaster Bedford Brown, Browns Store REPRESENTATIVES Willie P. Mangum, Red Mountain Benjamin C. Howard, Baltimore NEW JERSEY REPRESENTATIVES Daniel Jenifer, Aliens Fresh SENATORS Daniel L. Barringer, Raleigh John L. Kerr, Easton Mahion Dickerson, Succasunna Lauchlin Bethune, Fayetteville George E. Mitchell,'4 Elkton Theodore Frelinghuysen, Newark John Branch,23 Enfleid Charles S. Sewall,'5 Elkton REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Samuel P. Carson, Pleasant Garden Benedict J. Semmes, Piscataway Lewis Condict, Morristown Henry W. Connor, Sherrills Ford John S. Spence, Berlin Silas Condit, Newark Thomas H. Hall, Tarboro , Frederick Richard M. Cooper, Camden Robert Potter,24 Oxford George C. Washington, Rockville Thomas H. Hughes, Cold Spring Micajah T. Hawkins,25 Warrenton John T. H. Worthington, Golden James F. Randolph, New Brunswick James I. McKay, Elizabethtown Isaac Southard, Somerville Abraham Rencher, Pittsboro MASSACHUSETTS William B. Shepard, Elizabeth City SENATORS NEW YORK Augustine H. Shepperd, Germantown Nathaniel Silsbee, Salem SENATORS Jesse Speight, Stantonsburg Daniel Webster, Boston Charles E. Dudley, Albany Lewis Williams, Panther Creek REPRESENTATIVES William L. Marcy,2° Albany John Quincy Adams, Quincy Silas Wright, Jr.,21 Canton OHIO , Boston REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Isaac C. Bates, Northampton William G. Angel, Burlington Benjamin Ruggles, St. Clairsville George N. Briggs, Lanesboro William Babcock, Pen Yan Thomas Ewing, Lancaster , Salem Gamaliel H. Barstow, Nichols John David, Worcester , Utica REPRESENTATIVES Henry A. S. Dearborn, Brookline John T. Bergen, Brooklyn Eleutheros Cooke, usky Edward Everett, Charlestown Joseph Bouck, Middleburg , Lebanon George Grennell, Jr., Greenfield John C. Brodhead, Modena Joseph H. Crane, Dayton James L. Hodges, Bristol Churchill C. Cambreleng, New York William Creighton, Jr., Chillicothe Joseph G. Kendall, Leominster City James Findlay, Cincinnati Jeremiah Nelson, Essex John A. Collier, Binghamton William W. Irvin, Lancaster John Reed, Yarmouth Bates Cooke, Lewiston William Kennon, Sr., St. Clairsville

"Resigned May 24, 1881, having been appointed Secre- '8Resigned July 16, 1832, having been appointed judge '°Resigned January 1, 1833, having been elected gover- tary of State. of United States court. nor. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 21 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- Edward Livingston, and took his seat January 3, 1832. Powhatan Ellis, and took his seat December 12, 1832; sub- liam L Marcy, and took his seat January 14, 1833. 'Died June 28, 1832. sequently elected. "Died February 22, 1833. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George E. 18 Died August 28,1831, before Congress assembled. "Served as Secretary of the Navy until May 12, 1831. Mitchell, and took his seat December 3, 1832. '4Resigned in November, 1831, before Congress assem- 1Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Spencer D. bled. Pettis, and took his seat December 5,1831. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Robert Potter, and took his seat January 6, 1832. Twenty-Second Congress 113

Humphrey H. Leavitt, Steubenville Asher Robbins, Newport Hiland Hall,35 Bennington William Russell, West Union REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Rollin C. Mallary,36 Poultney William Slade,37 Middlebury William Stanbery, Newark Tristam Burges, Providence John Thomson, New Lisbon Dutee J. Pearce, Newport Joseph Vance, Urbana VIRGINIA Samuel F. Vinton, Gallipolis SOUTH CAROLINA SENATORS Elisha Whittlesey, Canfield SENATORS Littleton W. Tazewell,38 Norfolk William C. Rives,39 Milton Robert Y. Hayne,3° Charleston John Tyler, Gloucester PENNSYLVANIA John C. Calhoun,81 Fort Hill Stephen D. Miller,32 Camden REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Mark Alexander, Lombardy Grove Isaac D. Barnard,26 West Chester REPRESENTATIVES Robert Allen, Mount Jackson George M. Dallas,27 Philadelphia Robert W. Barnwell, Beaufort William S. Archer, Elk Hill William Wilkins, Pittsburgh James Blair, Lynchwood William Armstrong, Romney REPRESENTATIVES Warren R. Davis, Pendleton John S. Barbour, Culpeper William Drayton, Charleston Thomas T. Bouldin, Charlotte Robert Allison, Huntingdon Center John M. Felder, Orangeburg John Banks, Mercer Joseph W. Chinn, Nuttsville John K. Griffin, Milton Nathaniel H. Claiborne, Rocky Mount John C. Bucher, Harrisburg George McDuffie, Edgefield George Burd, Bedford Richard Coke, Jr., Williamsburg Thomas R. Mitchell, Georgetown Robert Craig, Montgomery Richard Coulter, Greensburg William T. Nuckolls, Hancockville Thomas H. Crawford, Chambersburg Thomas Davenport, Meadville Harmar Denny, Pittsburgh TENNESSEE Philip Doddridge,4° Wellsburg Lewis Dewart, Sunbury Joseph Johnson,4' Bridgeport Joshua Evans, Jr., Paoli SENATORS William F. Gordon, Lindseys Store James Ford, Lawrenceville Hugh Lawson White, Knoxville Charles C. Johnston,42 Abingdon John Gilmore, Butler Felix Grundy, Nashville Joseph Draper,43 Wythe William Hiester, New Holland REPRESENTATIVES John Y. Mason, Hicksford Henry Horn, Philadelphia Thomas D. Arnold, Campbell Station Lewis Maxwell, Weston Peter Ihrie, Jr., Easton John Bell, Nashville Charles F. Mercer, Leesburg Adam King, York John Blair, Jonesboro William McCoy, Franklin Henry King, Allentown William Fitzgerald,33 Dresden Thomas Newton, Jr., Norfolk Thomas M. T. McKennan, Washington William Hall, Green Garden John M. Patton, Fredericksburg Joel K. Mann, Jenkintown Jacob C. Isacks, Winchester John J. Roane, Rumford Academy Henry A. P. Muhlenberg, Reading Cave Johnson, Clarksville Andrew Stevenson, Richmond David Potts, Jr., Pottstown James K. Polk, Columbia William Ramsey,28 Carlisle James Standifer, Mountairy ARKANSAS TERRITORY Robert McCoy,29 Carlisle DELEGATE Samuel A. Smith, Rockhill VERMONT Ambrose H. Sevier, Little Rock Philander Stephens, Mont rose SENATORS Andrew Stewart, Union town Horatio Seymour, Middlebury TERRITORY OF FLORIDA Joel B. Sutherland, Philadelphia Samuel Prentiss, Mon tpelier DELEGATE John G. Watmough, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES Joseph M. White, Monticello Heman Allen, Burlington MICHIGAN TERRITORY RHODE ISLAND William Cahoon, Lyndon DELEGATE SENATORS Horace Everett, Windsor Nehemiah R. Knight, Providence Jonathan Hunt,34 Brattleboro Austin E. Wing, Monroe

'° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Little- 25 Resigned December 6, 1881. 32 Resigned March 2, 1833. ton W. Tazewell; took his seat January 4, 1833. 27 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Isaac 7 Election unsuccessfully contested by David Crockett. 40 Died November 19, 1832. D. Barnard, and took his seat December 21, 1831. Died May 14, 1832. 41 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Philip Dod- 25 Died September 29, 1831, before Congress assembled. 30 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Jonathan dridge, and took his seat January 21, 1833. 29 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William Hunt, and took his seat January 21, 1833. - Election unsuccessfully contested by Joseph Draper; Ramsey, and took his seat December 5, 1831. 30 Died April 16, 1831, before Congress assembled. died June 17, 1832. 20 Resigned December 13, 1832, having been elected gov- n Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Rollin C. Unsuccessfully contested the election of Charles C. ernor. Mallary, and took his seat December 5, 1831. Johnston; subsequently elected to fill vacancy caused by ' Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignationof as Resigned July 16, 1832. death of Mr. Johnston, and took his seat December 12, Robert Y. Hayne, and took his seat January 4, 1833. 1832. TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1833, TO MARCH 3, 1835

FIRST SESSION-December 2, 1833,to Jane 30, 1834 SECOND SESSION-December 1, 1834,to March 3, 1835



ALABAMA Ebenezer Young, Killingly Center Richard H. Wilde, Augusta SENATORS William R. King, Selma DELAWARE ILLINOIS Gabriel Moore, Huntsville SENATORS John M. Clayton, Dover SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Elias K. Kane, Kaskaskia Clement C. Clay, Huntsville Arnold Naudain, Wilmington Dixon H. Lewis, Lowndesboro REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John M. Robinson, Carmi John McKinley, Florence John J. Milligan, Wilmington REPRESENTATIVES Samuel W. Mardis, Montevallo Zadoc Casey, Mount Vernon John Murphy, Claiborne GEORGIA Joseph Duncan,2° Jacksonville SENATORS William L. May,2' Springfield CONNECTICUT George M. Troup,'5 Dublin Charles Slade,22 Carlyle SENATORS John P. King,'6 Augusta John Reynolds,23 Belleville Gideon Tomlinson, Fairfield John Forsyth," Columbus Nathan Smith, New Haven Alfred Cuthbert,18 Monticello INDIANA REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Noyes Barber, Groton Augustin S. Clayton, Athens William W. Ellsworth,9 Hartford William Hendricks, Madison John Coffee, Jacksonville John Tipton, Logansport Joseph Trumbull,'° Hartford Thomas F. Foster, Greensboro Samuel A. Foote," Cheshire Roger L. Gamble, Louisville REPRESENTATIVES Ebenezer Jackson, Jr.,'2 Middletown George R. Gilmer, Lexington Ratliff Boon, Boonville Jabez W. Huntington,13 Litchfield Seaborn Jones, Columbus John Carr, Charlestown Phineas Miner,14 Litchfield William Schley, Augusta John Ewing, Vincennes Samuel Tweedy, Danbury James M. Wayne,'9 Savannah Edward A. Hannegan, Covington

'Elected June 28, 1834. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 13 Resigned June 27, 1834, having been appointed Secre- 2 Elected March 3, 1835. liam W. Ellsworth, took his seat December 1, 1834. tory of State. 3Reelected December 9, 1833. 11 Resigned May 9, 1834, having been elected governor. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 4Elected December 9, 1833. 'Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Forsyth, and took his seat January 12, 1885. Reelected December 2, 1833; resigned from the House Samuel A. Foote, and took his seat December 1,1834. 15 Resigned January 13, 1835. June 2, 1834; Henry Hubbard, of New Hampshire, was 13 Resigned August 16,1834, having been appointed 10 Resigned September 21, 1834, having been elected elected Speaker pro tempore for May 16, 1834. judge of the supreme court of errors. governor. Elected June 2, 1834. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jabez "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Elected December 2, 1833. W. Huntington, and took his seat December 1, 1834. Joseph Duncan, and took his seat December 1, 1834. 'Elected December 3, 1838. '-' Resigned November 8, 1833. z Died July 26, 1834. Resigned July 8, 1834. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignationof zElected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles George M. Troup, and took his seat December 31, 1833. Slade, and took his seat December 1, 1834.

[114] Twenty-Third Congress 115

George L. Kinnard, Indianapolis Robert H. Goldsborough,34 Easton Isaac Hill, Concord Amos Lane, Lawrenceburg Joseph Kent, Bladensburg REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Johnathan McCarty, Fort Wayne REPRESENTATIVES Benning M. Bean, Moultonboro Richard B. Carmichael, Centerville KENTUCKY Robert Burns, Hebron Littleton P. Dennis,35 Princess Anne Joseph M. Harper, Canterbury SENATORS John N. Steele,36 Vienna Henry Hubbard, Charlestown George M. Bibb, Yellow Banks James P. Heath, Baltimore Franklin Pierce, Hillsboro Henry Clay, Lexington , Jefferson Isaac McKim, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES NEW JERSEY Chilton Allan, Winchester John T. Stoddert, Harris Lot Francis Thomas, Frederick SENATORS , South Fork James Turner, Wiseburg Thomas Chilton, Eliza bet htown Theodore Frelinghuysen, Newark Amos Davis, Mount Sterling MASSACHUSETTS Samuel L. Southard, Trenton Benjamin Hardin, Bardstown Albert G. Hawes, Hawesville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings Nathaniel Silsbee, Salem Philemon Dickerson, Paterson Robert P. Letcher,24 Lancaster Daniel Webster, Boston Samuel Fowler, Hamburg James Love, Barbourville REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Lee, Port Elizabeth Chittenden Lyon, Eddyville John Quincy Adams, Quincy James Parker, Perth Amboy Thomas A. Marshall, Paris Isaac C. Bates, Northampton Ferdinand S. Schenck, Six Mile Run Patrick H. Pope, Louisville William Baylies, West Bridgewater William N. Shinn, Mpunt Holly Christopher Tompkins, Glasgow George N. Briggs, Lanes boro Rufus Choate,37 Salem NEW YORK LOUISIANA Stephen C. Phillips,38 Salem SENATORS John Davis,39 Worcester SENATORS Josiah S. Johnston,25 Alexandria Levi Lincoln,40 Worcester Silas Wright, Jr., Canton ,26 Attakapas Edward Everett, Charlestown Nathaniel P. Tailmadge, Poughkeepsie George A. Waggaman, New Orleans Benjamin Gorham, Boston George Grennell, Jr., Greenfield REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William Jackson, Newton John Adams, Catskill Henry A. Bullard,27 Alexandria Gayton P. Osgood, North Andover Samuel Beardsley, Utica Rice Garland,28 Opelousas John Reed, Yarmouth Abraham Bockee, Federal Store Philemon Thomas, Baton Rouge Charles Bodle, Bloomingburg Edward D. White,29 Donaidsonville MISSISSIPPI John W. Brown, Newburgh Henry Johnson,3° Donaldsonville SENATORS Churchill C. Cambreleng, New York George Poindexter, Wilkinson City MAINE Samuel Clark, Waterloo SENATORS John Black,4' Monroe REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Cramer, Waterford Peleg Sprague,3' Hallowell Rowland Day, Sempronius ,32 Thomaston Harry Cage, Woodville John Dickson, West Bloomfield , Saco Franklin E. Plummer, Westville Millard Fillmore, Buffalo REPRESENTATIVES Philo C. Fuller, Genesco MISSOURI William K. Fuller, Chittenango George Evans, Gardiner SENATORS Joseph Hall, Camden Ransom H. Gillet, Ogdensburg Leonard Jarvis, Ellsworth Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis Nicoll Halsey, Trumans burg Edward Kavanagh, Damariscotta Mills Alexander Buckner,42 Jackson Gideon Hard, Albion Moses Mason, Jr., Bethel Lewis F. Linn,43 Ste. Genevieve Samuel G. Hathaway, Solon Rufus Mclntire, Parsonsfield REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Abner Hazeltine, Jamestown Gorham Parks, Bangor William H Ashley, St. Louis Edward Howell, Bath Francis 0. J. Smith, Portland John Bull, Chariton Abel Huntington, East Hampton Noadiah Johnson, Delhi MARYLAND NEW HAMPSHIRE Gerrit Y. Lansing, Albany SENATORS SENATORS Cornelius W. Lawrence,44 New York Ezekiel F Chambers,33 Chestertown Samuel Bell, Chester City

29 Resigned November 15, 1834, having been elected 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Rufus 22 Thomas P. Moore presented credentials on December Choate, and took his seat December 1, 1834. 2, 1833, but was not sworn pending a contest by Robert P. Governor. Resigned January 14, 1834, having been elected gov- Letcher, and on June 2, 1834, the House ordered a new ° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of ernor. election,it being impracticable for this House to deter- Edward D. White, and took his seat December 1, 1834. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John mine with any certainty who is the rightful Representa- 5i Resigned January 1, 1835. Davis, and took his seat March 5, 1834. tive of this district." Mr. Letcher was subsequently elected sElected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Peleg Elected to fill vacancy in term commencing March 4, and took his seat December 1, 1834. Sprague, and took his seat February 6, 1835. 1833, and took his seat December 23, 1833; vacancy in this " Died May 19, 1833. Resigned in 1834. class from March 4, 1833, to November 21, 1833, because Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Josiah S. s4 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Eze- of recess of legislature. Johnston, and took his seat January 6, 1834. kiel F. Chambers, and took his seat January 23, 1835. Died June 6, 1833. s Resigned January 4, 1834, having been appointed Died April 14, 1834. 45 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Alexan- judge of the supreme court of Louisiana. 2 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Littleten P. der Buckner, and took his seat December 16, 1833; subse-- ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry Dennis, and took his seat June 9, 1834. quently elected. Resigned June 30, 1834. Resigned May 14, 1834, having beeO elected mayor of A. Bullard, and took his seat April 28, 1834. New York City. 116 Biographical Directory

NEW YORK-Continued Joseph H. Crane, Dayton RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Thomas L. Hainer, Georgetown Benjamin Jones, Wooster SENATORS John J. Morgan,45 New York City Humphrey H. Leavitt,49 Steubenville Nehemiah R. Knight, Providence George W. Lay, Batavia Daniel Kilgore,5° Cadiz Asher Robbins,54 Newport Charles McVean, Canajoharie Robert T. Lytle,5' Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Abijah Mann, Jr., Fairfield Jeremiah McLene, Columbus Tristam Burges, Providence Henry C. Martindale, Sandy Hill Robert Mitchell, Zanesville Dutee J. Pearce, Newport Henry Mitchell, Norwich William Patterson, Mansfield Sherman Page, Unadilla Jonathan Sloane, Ravenna SOUTH CAROLINA Job Pierson, Schaghticoke David Spangler, Coshocton Dudley Selden,46 New York City John Thomson, New Lisbon SENATORS Charles G. Ferris,47 New York City Joseph Vance, Urbana John C. Calhoun, Fort Hill William Taylor, Manlius Samuel F. Vinton, Gallipolis William C. Preston,55 Columbia Joel Turrill, Oswego Taylor Webster, Hamilton REPRESENTATIVES Aaron Vanderpoel, Kinderhook Elisha Whittlesey, Canfield James Blair,56 Lynchwood Isaac B. Van Houten, Clarkstown Richard I. Manning,57 Fulton Aaron Ward, Mount Pleasant PENNSYLVANIA William K. Clowney, Union Daniel Wardwell, Mannsville Warren R. Davis,58 Pendleton Reuben Whallon, Split Rock SENATORS John M. Felder, Orangeburg Campbell P. White, New York City William Wilkins,52 Pittsburgh William J. Grayson, Beaufort Frederick Whittlesey, Rochester James Buchanan,53 Lancaster John K. Griffin, Milton Samuel McKean, Burlington George McDuffie,59 Willington NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENTATIVES Francis W. Pickens,6° Edgefield SENATORS Joseph B. Anthony, Williamsport Henry L. Pinckney, Charleston Bedford Brown, Browns Store John Banks, Mercer Thomas D. Singleton,6' Kingtree Willie P. Mangum, Red Mountain Charles A. Barnitz, York Robert B. Campbell,62 Brownsville REPRESENTATIVES Andrew Beaumont, Wilkes-Barre Daniel L. Barringer, Raleigh Horace Binney, Philadelphia TENNESSEE Jesse A. Bynum, Halifax George Burd, Bedford SENATORS Henry W. Connor, Sherrills Ford George Chambers, Chambers burg Hugh Lawson White, Knoxville Edmund Deberry, Lawrenceville William Clark, Dauphin Felix Grundy, Nashville James Graham, Rutherfordton Richard Coulter, Greens burg REPRESENTATIVES Thomas H. Hall, Tarboro Edward Darlington, Chester Micajah T. Hawkins, Warrenton Harmar Denny, Pittsburgh John Bell, Nashville James I. McKay, Elizabethtown John Galbraith, Franklin John Blair, Jones boro Abraham Rencher, Pittsboro James Harper, Philadelphia Samuel Bunch, Rutledge Samuel S. Harrison, Kittanning David Crockett, Crockett William B. Shepard, Elizabeth City David W. Dickinson, Murfreesboro Augustine H. Shepperd, Germantown Joseph Henderson, Browns Mills Jesse Speight, Stantons burg William Hiester, New Holland William C. Dunlap, Bolivar Lewis Williams, Panther Creek Henry King, Allentown John B. Forester, McMinnville John Laporte, Asylum William M. Inge, Fayetteville OHIO Thomas M. T. McKennan, Washington Cave Johnson, Clarksville Joel K. Mann, Jenkintown Luke Lea, Campbells Station SENATORS Balie Peyton, Gallatin Thomas Ewing, Lancaster Jesse Miller, Landisburg Henry A. P. Muhlenberg, Reading James K. Polk, Columbia Thomas Morris, Bethel David Potts, Jr., Pottstown James Standifer, Mountairy REPRESENTATIVES Robert Ramsey, Hartsville ,48 Chillicothe Andrew Stewart, Uniontown VERMONT James M. Bell, Cambridge Joel B. Sutherland, Philadelphia SENATORS John Chaney, Court wright David D. Wagener, Easton Samuel Prentiss, Montpelier Thomas Corwin, Lebanon John G. Watmough, Philadelphia Benjamin Swift, St. Albans

Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Corne- ' Resigned March 10,1834; elected tofill vacancy 56 Died April 1, 1834. lius W. Lawrence, and took his seat December 1, 1834. caused by his own resignation, and took his seat December ° Electef to fill vacancy caused by death of James 45 Resigned July 1, 1834. 27, 1834. Blair, and took his seat December 8, 1834. ° Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of ° Resigned June 30, 1834, having been appointed minis- °° Died January 29, 1835, before the commencement of Dudley Selden and took his seat December 1, 1834. ter to Russia. the Twenty-fourth Congress, to which he had been reelect- Election unsuccessfullycontested byDuncan °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wi!- ed. McArthur. ham Wilkins, and took his seat December 15, 1834. ° Resigned in 1834. Resigned July 10, 1834, having been appointed judge Election unsuccessfully contested by Elisha R. Potter. 65Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of of the United States district court. George McDuffie, and took his seat December 8, 1834. 56 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ste-- °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Hum- e° Died November 25, 1833, before Congress assembled. phen D. Miller, in preceding Congress, and took his seat '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas D. phrey H. Leavitt, and took his seat December 1, 1834. December 9, 1833. Singleton, and took his seat February 27, 1834. Twenty-Third Congress 117

REPRESENTATIVES John Randolph,67 Charlotte William P. Taylor, Fredericksburg Heman Allen, Burlington Thomas T. Bouldin,68 Charlotte Edgar C. Wilson, Morgantown Benjamin F. Deming,63 Danville James W. Bouldin,69 Charlotte Henry A. Wise, Onancock Henry F. Janes,64 Waterbury Joseph W. Chinn, Nuttsville Horace Everett, Windsor Nathaniel H. Claiborne, Rocky Mount ARKANSAS TERRITORY Thomas Davenport, Meadville Hiland Hall, Bennington DELEGATE William Slade, Middlebury John H. Fulton, Abingdon James H. Gholson, Percivals Ambrose H. Sevier, Little Rock VIRGINIA William F. Gordon, Lindseys Store George Loyall, Norfolk TERRITORY OF FLORIDA SENATORS Edward Lucas, Charlestown John Tyler, Gloucester John Y. Mason, Hicksford DELEGATE William C. Rives,65 Lindseys Store William McComas, Green brier Joseph M. White, Monticello Benjamin W. Leigh,66 Richmond Samuel McDowell Moore, Lexington REPRESENTATIVES Charles F. Mercer, Aldie MICHIGAN TERRITORY John M. Patton, Fredericksburg John J. Allen, Clarks burg DELEGATE William S. Archer, Elk Hill Andrew Stevenson,70 Richmond James M. H. Beale, New Market John Robertson,7' Richmond Lucius Lyon, Bro neon

68Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John Ran- "Died July 11, 1834. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- dolph, and took his seat December 2, 1833; died February "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Benjamin liam C. Rives, and took his seat March 5, 1834. 11, 1834, while addressing the House. F. Deming, and took his seat December 2, 1834. 87Died May 24, 1833. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas T. "Rid February 22, 1834. Bouldm, and took his seat March 28, 1834. '°Resigned June 2, 1834. 71Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Andrew Stevenson, and took his seat December 8, 1834. TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1835, TO MARCH 3, 1837

FIRST SESSION-December 7, 1835, to July 4, 1836 SECOND SESSION-December 5, 1836, to March 3, 1837



ALABAMA John M. Niles,'2 Hartford Alfred Cuthbert, Monticello SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE William R. King, Selma Elisha Haley, Mystic Gabriel Moore, Huntsville Andrew P. Judson,'3 Canterbury George W. B. Towns,2' Talbotton Orrin Holt,14 Willington Julius C. Alford,22 Lagrange REPRESENTATIVES William Schley,23 Augusta , Somerville , Saybrook Lancelot Phelps, Hitchcockville Jesse F. Cleveland,24 Decatur Joshua L. Martin, Athens John Coffee,25 Jacksonville Joab Lawler, Mardisville Isaac Toucey, Hartford Zalmon Wildman,'5 Danbury William C. Dawson,2° Greensboro Dixon H. Lewis, Lowndesboro Thomas T. Whittlesey,'6 Danbury John W. A. Sanford,27 Milledgeville Francis S. Lyon, Demopolis Thomas Glascock,28 Augusta Seaton Grantland, Milledgeville ARKANSAS7 DELAWARE SENATORS Charles E. Haynes, Sparta SENATORS John M. Clayton,'7 Dover James C. Terrell,29 Carnesville William S. Fulton,8 Little Rock Thomas Clayton,'8 New Castle Hopkins Holsey,3° Hamilton Ambrose H. Sevier,9 Port Arnold Naudain,'9 Wilmington Jabez Y. Jackson,3' Clarkesville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Richard H. Bayard,2° Wilmington George W. Owens, Savannah ,'° Fayetteville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John J. Milligan, Wilmington ILLINOIS CONNECTICUT SENATORS SENATORS GEORGIA Elias K. Kane,32 Kaskaskia Gideon Tomlinson, Fairfield SENATORS William L. D. Ewing,33 Vandalia Nathan Smith," New Haven John P. King, Augusta John M. Robinson, Carmi

'Elected July 1, 1836; January 28, 1837. ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Nathan ' Resigned July 1, 1835. Reelected December 15, 1835; resigned December 5, Smith, and took his seat December 21, 1835; subsequently ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 1836. elected. liam &hley, and took his seat December 7, 1835. 'Elected December 12, 1836; Lewis H. Machen, the prin- Resigned July 4, 1836. 25Died September 25, 1836. cipal clerk, was appointed on December 5, 1836, to act in '4 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 50Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John the interim. Andrew T. Judson, and took his seat December 5, 1836. Coffee, and took his seat December 26, 1836. 4Elected December 7, 1835. s Died December 10, 1835. "Resigned July 25, 1835. 'Reelected December 7, 1835. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Zalmon "El to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Elected December 15, 1835. Wildman, and took his seat April 29, 1836. W. A. Sanford, and took his seat December 7, 1835. 'Admitted as a State into the Union June 15, 1836. "Resigned December 29, 1836. 29 Resigned July 8, 1835. 'Took his seat December 5, 1836; term to expire, as "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John '°Electf to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James determined by lot, March 3, 1841. M. Clayton, and took his seat January 19, 1837. C. Terrell, and took his seat December 7,1835. '9 Resigned June 16, 1836. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 'Took his seat December 5, 1836; term to expire, as 20 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of M. Wayne in preceding Congress, and took his seat De- determined by lot, March 3, 1837. Arnold Naudain, and took his seat June 20, 1836. cember 7, 1835. '°Took his seat December 5, 1836. 21 Resigned September 1, 1836. "Died December 12, 1835. 11 Died December 6, 1835. 51 Elected toifil vacancy caused by resignation of "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Elias K. George W. B. Towns: took his seat January 31, 1837. Kane, and took his seat January 25, 1836.

[118] Twenty-Fourth Congress 119

REPRESENTATIVES George Evans, Gardiner David Dickson,47 Jackson John Reynolds, Belleville , Saco Samuel J. Gholson,48 Athens Zadoc Casey, Mount Vernon Joseph Hall, Camden William L. May, Springfield Leonard Jarvis, Ellsworth MISSOURI Moses Mason, Jr., Bethel INDIANA Gorham Parks, Bangor SENATORS SENATORS Francis 0. J. Smith, Portland Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis Lewis F. Linn, Ste. Genevieve William Hendricks, Madison John Tipton, Logansport MARYLAND EEPRESENTATWES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS William H. Ashley, St. Louis Ratliff Boon, Boonville Robert H. Goldsborough,4' Easton Albert G. Harrison, Fulton John Carr, Charlestown John S. Spence,42 Berlin John W. Davis, Carlisle Joseph Kent, Bladensburg NEW HAMPSHIRE Amos Lane, Lawrenceburg REPRESENTATIVES Johnathan McCarty, Fort Wayne John N. Steele, Vienna SENATORS George L. Kinnard,34 Indianapolis James A. Pearce, Chestertown Isaac Hill,49 Concord ,35 Columbus James Turner, Wiseburg John Page,5° Haverhill Edward A. Hannegan, Covington Benjamin C. Howard, Baltimore Henry Hubbard, Charlestown Isaac McKim, Baltimore KENTUCKY REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE George C. Washington, Rockville Benning M. Bean, Moultonboro SENATORS Francis Thomas, Frederick Robert Burns, Plymouth Henry Clay, Lexington Daniel Jenifer, Harris Lot Samuel Cushman, Portsmouth John J. Crittenden, Frankfort Franklin Pierce, Hills boro REPRESENTATIVES MASSACHUSETTS Joseph Weeks, Richmond , New Design SENATORS Albert G. Hawes, Hawesville Daniel Webster, Boston NEW JERSEY Joseph R. Underwood, Bowling Green John Davis, Worcester Sherrod Williams, Monticello REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS James Harlan, Harrodsburg , Boston Samuel L. Southard, Trenton John Calhoon, Hardinsburg Stephen C. Phillips, Salem Garret D. Wall, Burlington Benjamin Hardin, Bardstown , Newburyport William J. Graves, New Castle REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John White, Richmond , Concord Philemon Dickerson,51 Paterson Chilton Allan, Winchester Levi Lincoln, Worcester William Chetwood,52 Elizabethtown Richard French, Mount Sterling George Grennell, Jr., Greenfield Samuel Fowler, Hamburg John Chambers, Washington George N. Briggs, Lanes boro Thomas Lee, Port Elizabeth Richard M. Johnson, Great Crossings William B. Calhoun, Springfield James Parker, Perth Amboy William Jackson, Newton Ferdinand S. Schenck, Six Mile Run LOUISIANA Nathaniel B. Borden, Fall River William N. Shinn, Mount Holly SENATORS John Reed, Yarmouth John Quincy Adams, Quincy Alexander Porter,36 Attakapas NEW YORK Alexander Mouton,37 Vermilionville MICHIGAN43 Robert C. Nicholas,38 Donaidsonville SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Silas Wright, Jr., Canton Lucius Lyon,44 Bronson Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, Poughkeepsie Henry Johnson, Donaidsonville John Norvell,45 Detroit Eleazer W. Ripley, Jackson REPRESENTATIVES Rice Garland, Opelousas REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Abel Huntington, East Hampton Isaac E. Crary,46 Marshall Samuel Barton, Richmond MAINE Churchill C. Cambreleng, New York SENATORS MISSISSIPPI City Ether Shepley,39 Saco SENATORS Campbell P. White,53 New York City ,4° Fryeburg John Black, Monroe Gideon Lee,54 New York City John Ruggles, Thomaston Robert J. Walker, Mad isonville John McKeon, New York City REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Ely Moore, New York City Jeremiah Bailey, Wiscasset John F. H. Claiborne, Madisonville Aaron Ward, Mount Pleasant

Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of David Dick- Died November 26, 1836. 4° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George L. Ether Shepley, and took his seat December 21, 1836. son, and took his seat January 7, 1837. ' Died October 5, 1836. Resigned May 30, 1836, having been elected governor. Kinnard, and took his seat January 25, 1837. so Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Isaac '°Resigned January 5, 1837. 42 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert H. 5' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alex- Goldborough, and took his seat January 11, 1837. Hill, and took his seat June 13, 1836. ander Porter, and took his seat February 2, 1837. -' Admitted as a State into the Union January 26, 1837. Resigned November 3, 1836. 58 Elected for the term beginning March 4, 1835, and °'oo his seat January 26, 1837; torni to expire, as 52 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Phile- took his seat March 4, 1836. Charles E. A. Gayarre was determined by lot, March 3, 1839. mon Dickerson and took his seat December 5, 1836. elected, but resigned on account of ill health without °5Took his seat January 26, 1837; term to expire, as 55 before Congress assembled. qualifying; vacancy in this class from March 4, 1835, to determined by lot, March 3, 1841. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Camp- January 13, 1836. his seat January 27, 1837. bell P. White, and took his seat December 7, 1835. "Resigned March 3, 1836. Died in 1836. 120 Biographical Directory

NEW YORK-Continued James Graham,6' Rutherfordton John Klingensmith, Jr., Stewartsville REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINIJED Lewis Williams, Panther Creek Andrew Buchanan, Waynesburg Thomas M. T. McKennan, Washington Abraham Bockee, Federal Store OHIO Harmar Denny, Pittsburgh John W. Brown, Newburgh SENATORS Samuel S. Harrison, Kittanning Nicholas Sickles, Kingston Thomas Ewing, Lancaster John Banks,64 Mercer Valentine Efner, Jefferson Thomas Morris, Bethel John J. Pearson,65 Mercer Aaron Vanderpoel, Kinderhook John Galbraith, Franklin Hiram P. Hunt, Troy REPRESENTATIVES Gerrit Y. Lansing, Albany Bellamy Storer, Cincinnati John Cramer, Waterford Taylor Webster, Hamilton RHODE ISLAND David A. Russell, Salem Joseph H. Crane, Dayton SENATORS Dudley Farlin, Warrensburg Thomas Corwin, Lebanon Nehemiah R. Knight, Providence Ranson H. Gillet, Ogdensburg Thomas L. Hamer, Georgetown Ashes Robbins, Newport Matthias J. Bovee, Amsterdam Samuel F. Vinton, Gallipolis Abijah Mann, Jr., Fairfield William K. Bond, Chillicothe REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Samuel Beardsley,55 Utica Jeremiah McLene, Columbus Dutee J. Pearce, Newport Rutger B. Miller,56 Utica John Chaney, Courtwright William Sprague, Natick Joel Turrill, Oswego , Springfield Daniel Wardwell, Mannsville William Kennon, Sr., St. Clairsville SOUTH CAROLINA Sherman Page, Unadilla Elias Howell, Newark William Seymour, Binghamton David Spangler, Coshocton SENATORS William Mason, Preston William Patterson, Mansfield John C. Calhoun, Fort Hill Stephen B. Leonard, Owego Jonathan Sloane, Ravenna William C. Preston, Columbia Joseph Reynolds, Virgil Elisha Whittlesey, Canfield REPRESENTATIVES William K. Fuller, Chittenango John Thomson, New Lisbon Robert B. Campbell, Brownsville William Taylor, Manlius Benjamin Jones, Wooster William J. Grayson, Beaufort Ulysses F. Doubleday, Auburn Daniel Kilgore, Cadiz John K. Griffin, Milton Graham H. Chapin, Lyons James H. Hammond,66 Silverton , Canandaigua PENNSYLVANIA Franklin H. Elmore,6' Columbia Joshua Lee, Penn Yan SENATORS Francis W. Pickens, Edgefield Timothy Childs, Rochester Samuel McKean, Burlington Henry L. Pinckney, Charleston George W. Lay, Batavia James Buchanan, Lancaster Richard I. Manning,68 Fulton Philo C. Fuller,57 Geneseo REPRESENTATIVES John P. Richardson,69 Fulton John Young,58 Geneseo Joel B. Sutherland, Philadelphia James Rogers, Yorkville Abner Hazeltine, Jamestown Waddy Thompson, Jr.,7° Greenville Thomas C. Love, Buffalo Joseph R. Ingersoll, Philadelphia Gideon Hard, Albion James Harper, Philadelphia Michael W. Ash, Philadelphia TENNESSEE NORTH CAROLINA Edward Darlington, Chester SENATORS William Hiester, New Holland SENATORS David Potts, Jr., Pottstown Hugh Lawson White, Knoxville Bedford Brown, Browns Store Jacob Fry, Jr., Trappe Felix Grundy, Nashville Willie P. Mangum,59 Red Mountain Mathias Morris, Doylestown REPRESENTATIVES ,60 Fayetteville David D. Wagener, Easton William B. Carter, Elizabethton REPRESENTATIVES Edward B. Hubley, Orwigs burg Samuel Bunch, Rutledge William B. Shepard, Elizabeth City Henry A. P. Muhlenberg, Reading Luke Lea, Campbells Station Jesse A. Bynum, Halifax William Clark, Dauphin James Standifer, Mountairy Ebenezer Pettigrew, Cool Spring Henry Logan, Dillsburg John B. Forester, McMinnville Jesse Speight, Stantonsburg George Chambers, Chambersburg Balie Peyton, Gallatin James I. McKay, Elizabethtown Jesse Miller,62 Landisburg John Bell, Nashville Micajah T. Hawkins, Warrenton James Black,63 Newport Abram P. Maury, Franklin Edmund Deberry, Lawrenceville Joseph Henderson, Browns Mills James K. Polk, Columbia William Montgomery, Aibrights Andrew Beaumont, Wilkes-Barre' Ebenezer J. Shields, Pulaski Augustine H. Shepperd, Germantown Joseph B. Anthony, Williamsport Cave Johnson, Clarksville Abraham Rencher, Pittsboro John Laporte, Asylum Adam Huntsman, Jackson Henry W. Connor, Sherrills Ford Job Mann, Bedford William C. Dunlap, Bolivar

Resigned March 29, 1836. "Presented credentials as a Member-elect and took his "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of seat December 7,1835; David Newlands contested the elec- Banks, and took his seat December 5, 1836. Samuel Beardsley, and took his seat December 5, 1836. tion, and on March 29, 1836, the seat was declared vacant; "Resigned February 26, 1836. " Resigned September 2, 1836. subsequently elected and took his seat December 5, 1836. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James "Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by resignation of Philo s2Resigned October 30, 1836. H. Hammond, and took his seat December 19, 1836. C. Fuller, and took his seat December 6, 1836. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jesse "Died May 1, 1836. "Resigned November 26, 1836. Miller, and took his seat December 5, 1836. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Richard I. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Willie "Resigned in 1836. Manning, and took his seat December 19, 1836. P. Mangum, and took his seat December 15, 1836. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- tive-elect Warren R. Davis in preceding Congress, and took his seat December 16, 1835. Twenty-Fourth Congress 121

VERMONT James W. Bouldin, Charlotte ARKANSAS TERRITORY SENATORS Nathaniel H. Claiborne, Rocky Mount DELEGATE , Robertsons Store Samuel Prentiss, Montpelier Robert Craig, Christiansburg Ambrose H. Sevier,76 Lake Port Benjamin Swift, St. Albans George C. Dromgoole, Gholsonoille REPRESENTATIVES James Garland, Lovingston TERRITORY OF FLORIDA Hiland Hall, Bennington George W. Hopkins, Lebanon DELEGATE William Slade, Middlebury Joseph Johnson, Bridgeport Horace Everett, Windsor John W. Jones, Petersburg Joseph M. White, Monticello Heman Allen, Burlington George Loyall, Norfolk Henry F. Janes, Waterbury Edward Lucas, Charlestown MICHIGAN TERRITORY77 William McComas, Ca bell DELEGATE VIRGINIA John Y. Mason,75 Hicksford SENATORS Charles F. Mercer, Aldie George W. Jones,78 Sinsinawa Mound John Tyler,7' Gloucester William S. Morgan, White Day William C. Rives,72 Lindseys Store John M. Patton, Fredericksburg TERRITORY OF Benjamin W. Leigh,73 Richmond John Roane, Rumford Academy WISCONSIN79 Richard E. Parker,74 Snickersuille John Robertson, Richmond DELEGATE REPRESENTATWES John Taliaferro, Fredericksburg James M. H. Beale, Mount Jackson Henry A. Wise, Accomac George W. Jones,78 Sinsinawa Mound

" Resigned January 11, 1837. "Served as a Delegate from Michigan Territory until 71Resigned February 29, 1836. '° Served as a Delegate until June 15, 1836, when Ar- December 5, 1836, when he became the Delegate from the " Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John was granted statehood; subsequently new Territory of Wisconsin. Tyler, and took his seat March 14, 1836. "Formed from a portion of Michigan Territory and ' Resigned July 4, 1836. elected Senator. 4Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Benja- "A portion of this Territory was granted statehood as granted a Delegate in Congress by Act of April 20, 1836. min W. Leigh; took his seat December 15, 1836. the State of Michigan January 26, 1837. TWENTY-FIFTHCONGRESS MARCH 4, 1837, TO MARCH 3, 1839

FIRST SESSION-September 4, 1837,to October 16, 1837 SECOND SESSION-December 4, 1837,to July 9, 1838 THIRD SESSION-December 3, 1838,to March 3, 1839 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4,1837, to March 10, 1837






ALABAMA Thomas T. Whittlesey, Danbury ILLINOIS SENATORS Elisha Haley, Mystic William R. King, Selma Lancelot Phelps, Hitchcockville SENATORS John M. Robinson, Carmi John McKinley,8 Florence Orrin Holt, Willington Clement C. Clay,9 Huntsville Richard M. Young, Quincy REPRESENTATIVES DELAWARE REPRESENTATIVES Reuben Chapman, Somerville SENATORS Adam W. Snyder, Belleville Joshua L. Martin, Athens Richard H. Bayard, Wilmington Zadoc Casey, Mount Vernon Joab Lawler,1° Mardi.sville Thomas Clayton, New Castle William L. May, Springfield George W. Crabb,1' Tuscaloosa REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Dixon H. Lewis, Lowndesboro John J. Milligan, Wilmington INDIANA Francis S. Lyon, Demopolis SENATORS GEORGIA John Tipton, Logansport ARKANSAS Oliver H. Smith, Connersuille SENATORS SENATORS William S. Fulton, Little Rock Alfred Cuthbert, Monticello REPRESENTATIVES Ambrose H. Sevier, Lake Port John P. King,'2 Augusta Ratliff Boon, Boonville Wilson Lumpkin,' Athens John Ewing, Vincennes REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William Graham, Vallonia Archibald Yell, Fayetteville REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Jesse F. Cleveland, Decatur George H. Dunn, Lawrenceburg , Centerville CONNECTICUT William C. Dawson, Greensboro William Herod, Columbus SENATORS Thomas Glascock, Augusta Albert S. White, La Fayette John M. Niles, Hartford Seaton Grantland, Milledgeville Charles E. Haynes, Sparta Perry Smith, New Milford Hopkins Holsey, Hamilton KENTUCKY REPRESENTATIVES Jabez Jackson, Clarkesville SENATORS Isaac Toucey, Hartford George W. Owens, Savannah Henry Clay, Lexington Samuel Ingham, Saybrook George W. B. Towns, Talbotton John J. Crittenden, Frankfort

'Elected by the Senate February 8, 1887. Reelected September 4, 1837; died September 20, 1838. "Died May 8, 1838. 2 Elected March 7, 1837 (special session of the Senate); 'Elected December 3,1838; Samuel Burch, the chief "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joab October 13, 1837; July 2, 1838; February 25, 1839. clerk, acted as clerk in the interim. 'Reelected September 11, 1837. Lawler, and took his seat December 3,1838. 5Resigned April 22, 1837, never having qualified. '2Resigned November 1,1837. 4Elected September 4, 1837. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 12 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Reelected September 4, 1837. McKinley, and took his seat September 4, 1837. P. King, and took his seat December 13, 1837.

[122] Twenty-Fifth Congress 123

REPRESENTATIVES Francis Thomas, Frederick Franklin Pierce, Hills boro John L. Murray, Wadesboro Daniel Jenifer, Harris Lot REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Edward Rumsey, Greenville Charles G. Atherton, Nashua Joseph R. Underwood, Bowling Green MASSACHUSETTS Samuel Cushman, Portsmouth Sherrod Williams, Monticello SENATORS James Farrington, Rochester James Harlan, Harrodsburg Daniel Webster, Boston Joseph Weeks, Richmond John Calhoort, Hardinsburg John Davis, Worcester Jared W. Williams, Lancaster John Pope, Springfield REPRESENTATIVES William J. Graves, New Castle Richard Fletcher, Boston NEW JERSEY John White, Richmond Stephen C. Phillips,25 Salem , Winchester SENATORS Richard H. Menifee, Mount Sterling Leverett Saltonstall,26 Salem Samuel L. Southard, Trenton Caleb Cushing, Newburyport Garret D. Wall, Burlington John Chambers, Washington , East Cambridge William W. Southgate, Covington Levi Lincoln, Worcester REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John B. Aycrigg, Hackensack LOUISIANA George Grennell, Jr., Greenfield George N. Briggs, Lanesboro William Haistead, Trenton SENATORS William B. Calhoun, Springfield John P. B. Maxwell, Belvidere Robert C. Nicholas, Donaldsonville William S. Hastings, Mendon Joseph F. Randolph, Freehold Alexander Mouton, Vermilionville Nathaniel B. Borden, Fall River Charles C. Stratton, Swedesboro REPRESENTATIVES John Reed, Yarmouth Thomas Jones Y9rke, Salem Henry Johnson, Donaidsonville John Quincy Adams, Quincy Eleazer W. Ripley,'4 Jackson NEW YORK Rice Garland, Opelousas MICHIGAN SENATORS SENATORS Silas Wright, Jr., Canton MAINE Lucius Lyon, Bronson Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, Poughkeepsie SENATORS John Norvell, Detroit REPRESENTATIVES John Ruggles, Thomaston REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE ,'5 Augusta Thomas B. Jackson, Newtown Isaac E. Crary, Marshall Abraham Vanderveer, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES J. , New York City Hugh J. Anderson, Belfast MISSISSIPPI Edward Curtis, New York City Timothy J. Carter,'6 Paris SENATORS Churchill C. Cambreleng, New York Virgil D. Parris,'T Buckfield John Black,27 Monroe City Jonathan Cilley,'8 Thomaston James F. Trotter,28 Holly Springs Ely Moore, New York City Edward Robinson,'9 Thomaston Thomas H. Williams,29 Pontotoc Gouverneur Kemble, Cold Spring John Fairfield,2° Saco Robert J. Walker, Madisonville Obadiah Titus, Washington Joseph C. Noyes, Eastport REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Nathaniel Jones, Warwick Francis 0. J. Smith, Portland John F. H. Claiborne,3° Madisonville John C. Brodhead, Modena Thomas Davee, Blanchard , Prattsville George Evans, Gardiner Samuel J. Gholson,3° Athens Sergeant S. Prentiss,3° Vicksburg Robert McClellan, Middleburg Thomas J. Word,3° Pontotoc Henry Vail, Troy MARYLAND Albert Gallup, East Berne SENATORS MISSOURI John I. Do Graff, Schenectady Joseph Kent,2' Bladensburg SENATORS David A. Russell, Salem William D. Merrick,'2 Allens Fresh John Palmer, Plattsburg John S. Spence, Berlin Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis James B. Spencer, Fort Covington Lewis F. Linn, Ste. Genevieve REPRESENTATIVES John Edwards, Ephratah REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Dennis, Princess Anne Arphaxed Loomis, Little Falls James A. Pearce, Chestertown Albert G. Harrison, Fulton Henry A. Foster, Rome John T. H. Worthington, Golden John Miller, Boonville Abraham P. Grant, Oswego Benjamin C. Howard, Baltimore Isaac H. Bronson, Watertown Isaac McKim,23 Baltimore NEW HAMPSHIRE John H. Prentiss, Cooperstown John P. Kennedy,24 Baltimore SENATORS Amasa J. Parker, Delhi William Cost Johnson, Jefferson Henry Hubbard, Charlestown John C. Clark, Bainbridge

52 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph so Mississippi elected its Representatives in November "Never qualified owing to prolonged illness. of edd numbered years (after the beginning of the congres- "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ether Kent, and took his seat January 5, 1838. Died April 1, 1838. sional term); as Congress had been called to meet in Sep- Shepley, in preceding Congress and took his seat March 4, '° Elected: to fill vacancy caused by death of Isaac tember, the governor issued writs for a special election to 1837. MeKim, and took his seat April 30, 1838. fill vacancies until the regular election; John F. H. Clai- "Died March 14, 1838. Resigned September 28, 1838. borne and Samuel J. Gholson presented credentials and " Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Timothy J. 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ste- were seated September 4, 1837, when, at their request the Carter, and took his seat May 29, 1888. phen C. Phillips, and took his seat December 5, 1838. question of the validity of their election was referred to "Killed in a duel with William J. Graves, of Kentucky, ° Resigned January 22, 1838. the Committee on Elections; on October 3, 1837, the House February 24, 1838. 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John decided they had been elected for the full term; Sergeant Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Jonathan Black, and took his seat February 19, 1838; resigned July S. Prentisa and Thomas J. Word presented credentials on Cilley, and took his seat April 28, 1838. 10, 1838. December 27, 1837, and on February 5, 1838, the House '°Resigned December 24, 1888, having been elected gov- "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of rescindedits former decision and declared the seats James F. Trotter, and took his seat December 13, 1838; vacant; Prentiss and Word were subsequently elected, and ernor. took their seats May 30, 1838. ° Died November 24, 1837. subsequently elected. 124 Biographical Directory

NEW YORK-Continued Samson Mason, Springfield Asher Robbins, Newport REPRESENTATWES-cONTINIJED James Alexander, Jr., St. Clairsville REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Alexander Harper, Zanesuille Andrew D. W. Bruyn,3' Ithaca Daniel P. Leadbetter, Millers burg Robert B. Cranston, Newport Cyrus Beers,32 Ithaca William H. Hunter, Sandusky Joseph L. Tillinghast, Providence Hiram Gray, Elmira John W. Allen, Cleveland William Taylor, Manlius Elisha Whittlesey,35 Canfield SOUTH CAROLINA Bennet Bicknell, Morrisville Joshua R. Giddings,36 Jefferson SENATORS William H. Noble, Cato Andrew W. Loomis,37 New Lisbon John C. Calhoun, Fort Hill Samuel Birdsall, Waterloo Charles D. Coffin,38 New Lisbon William C. Preston, Columbia Mark H. Sibley, Canandaigua Matthias Shepler, Bethlehem REPRESENTATIVES John T. Andrews, North Reading Daniel Kilgore,3° Cadiz Timothy Childs, Rochester Henry Swearingen,° Smithfield John Campbell, Parnassus William Patterson,33 Warsaw William K. Clowney, Union Harvey Putnam,34 Attica Franklin H. Elmore, Columbia PENNSYLAVANIA John K. Griffin, Milton Luther C. Peck, Pike SENATORS Richard P. Marvin, Jamestown Hugh S. Legare, Charleston Millard Fillmore, Buffalo Samuel McKean, Burlington Francis W. Pickens, Edgefield Charles F. Mitchell, Lockport James Buchanan, Lancaster R. Barnwell Rhett, Beaufort REPRESENTATIVES John P. Richardson, Fulton NORTH CAROLINA Lemuel Paynter, Philadelphia Waddy Thompson, Jr., Greenville John Sergeant, Philadelphia SENATORS TENNESSEE Bedford Brown, Browns Store George W. Toland, Philadelphia Robert Strange, Fayetteville Francis J. Harper,4' Frankford SENATORS Charles Naylor,42 Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES Hugh Lawson White, Knoxville Edward Davies, Churchtown Felix Grundy,45 Nashville Samuel T. Sawyer, Edenton David Potts, Jr., Pottstown Ephraim H. Foster,46 Nashville Jesse A. Bynum, Halifax Edward Darlington, Chester , Washington Jacob Fry, Jr., Trappe REPRESENTATIVES Charles B. Shepard, New Bern Mathias Morris, Doylestown William B. Carter, Elizabethton James I. McKay, Elizabethtown David D. Wagener, Easton Abraham McClellan, Blountville Micajah T. Hawkins, Warrenton Edward B. Hubley, Orwigsburg Joseph L. Williams, Knoxville Edmund Deberry, Lawrenceville Henry A. P. Muhlenberg,43 Reading JamesStandifer,47Mountairy William Montgomery, Albrights George M. Keim,44 Reading William Stone,48 Delphi Augustine H. Shepperd, Bet hania Luther Reily, Harrisburg Hopkins L. Turney, Winchester Abraham Rencher, Pittsboro Henry Logan, Dillsburg William B. Campbell, Carthage Henry W. Connor, Sherrills Ford Daniel Sheffer, York John Bell, Nashville James Graham, Rutherfordton Charles McClure, Carlisle Abram P. Maury, Franklin Lewis Wfflianis, Panther Creek William W. Potter, Bellefonte James K. Polk, Columbia David Petrikin, Danville Ebenezer J. Shields, Pulaski OHIO Robert H. Hammond, Milton Richard Cheatham, Springfield SENATORS Samuel W. Morris, Wellsboro John W. Crockett, Paris Thomas Morris, Bethel Charles Ogle, Somerset Christopher H. Williams, Lexington William Allen, Chillicothe John Klingensmith, Jr., Stewartsville REPRESENTATIVES Andrew Buchanan, Waynesburg VERMONT Alexander Duncan, Cincinnati Thomas M. T. McKennan, Washington SENATORS Taylor Webster, Hamilton Richard Biddle, Pittsburgh Samuel Prentiss, Montpelier Patrick G. Goode, Sidney William Beatty, Butler Benjamin Swift, St. Albans Thomas Corwin, Lebanon Thomas Henry, Beaver REPRESENTATIVES Thomas L. Hamer, Georgetown Arnold Plumer, Franklin Hiland Hall, Bennington Calvary Morris, Athens William Slade, Middlebury William K. Bond, Chillicothe RHODE ISLAND Horace Everett, Windeor Joseph Ridgway, Columbus SENATORS Heman Allen, Burlington John Chaney, Courtwright Nehemiah R. Knight, Providence Isaac Fletcher, Lyndon

SI Died July 27, 1838. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 44Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry '5ected to fill vacancy caused by death of Andrew D. Andrew W. Loomis, and took his seat December 20, 1837. A. P. Muhlenberg, and took his seat March 17, 1838. W. Bruyn, and took his seat December 3, 1838. "Resigned July 4, 1838. Resigned July 4, 1828. "Died August 14, 1838. Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of -' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ' Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by death of William Daniel Kilgore, and took his seat December 3, 1838. Felix Grundy, and took his seat December 3, 1838; subse- Patterson, and took his seat December 3, 1828. quently elected for full termcommencing March 4, 1839, "Resigned July 9, 1838. 'Died March 18, 1837, before Congress assembled. 42Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Francis J. but resigned March 3, 1839. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Elisha 41 Died August 20, 1837, before Congress assembled. Whittlesey, and took his seat December 3, 1838. Harper, and took his seat September 4, 1837. 45Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James " Resigned October 20. 1837. -' Resigned February 9, 1838. Standifer, and took his seat October 6, 1837. Twenty-Fifth Congress 125

VIRGINIA Joseph Johnson, Bridgeport TERRITORY OF FLORIDA SENATORS John W. Jones, Petersburg DELEGATE , Hampton William C Rives, Lindseys Store Charles Downing, St. Augustine Richard E. Parker,49 Snickersville James M. Mason, Winchester Charles F. Mercer, Aldie Wffliam H. Roane,5° Richmond TERRITORY OF IOWA53 REPRESENTATWES William S. Morgan, White Day John M. Patton,5' Fredericksburg DELEGATE Andrew Beirne, Union James W. Bouldin, Charlotte ,52 Madison William W. Chapman,54 Burlington Walter Coles, Robertsons Store Isaac S. Pennybacker, Harrisonburg Robert Craig, Christiansburg Francis E. Rives, Littleton TERRITORY OF WISCONSIN John Robertson, Richmond George C. Dromgoole, Gholsonville DELEGATE James Garland, Louingston , Mount Airy George W. Hopkins, Lebanon John Talliaferro, Fredericksburg George W. Jones,55 Sinsinawa Mound Robert M. T. Hunter, Lloyds Henry A. Wise, Accomac James D. Doty,56 Astor

"Formed from a portion of the Territory of Wisconsin Resigned March 13, 1837. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John M. Patton, and took his seat May 19, 1838. and granted a Delegate in Congress by act of June 12, 50Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Rich- 1838. ard E. Parker, and took his seat September 4, 1837. "Took his seat December 3, 1838. si Resigned in 1838. '5 Served until January 14, 1839; succeeded by James D. Doty, who contested his election. Successfully contested the election of George W. Jones, and took his seat January 14, 1839. TWENTY-SIXTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1839, TO MARCH 3, 1841

FIRST SESSION-December 2, 1839, to July 21, 1840 SECOND SESSION-December 7, 1840, to March 3, 1841



ALABAMA Thomas W. Williams, New London ILLINOIS SENATORS Thomas B. Osborne, Fairfield SENATORS William R. King, Selma Truman Smith, Litchfield John H. Brockway, Ellington John M. Robinson, Carmi Clement C. Clay, Huntsville Richard M. Young, Quincy REPRESENTATIVES DELAWARE REPRESENTATIVES Reuben Chapman, Somerville SENATORS John Reynolds, Cadiz David Hubbard, Courtland Zadoc Casey, Mount Vernon George W. Crabb, Tuscaloosa Richard H. Bayard,9 Wilmington John T. Stuart, Springfield Dixon H. Lewis, Lowndesboro Thomas Clayton, New Castle James Dellet, Claiborne REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE INDIANA Thomas Robinson, Jr., Georgetown ARKANSAS SENATORS Oliver H. Smith, Indianapolis SENATORS GEORGIA Albert S. White, La Fayette William S. Fulton, Little Rock SENATORS Ambrose H. Sevier, Lake Port REPRESENTATIVES Alfred Cuthbert, Monticello George H. Proffit, Petersburg REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Wilson Lumpkin, Athens John W. Davis, Carlisle Edward Cross, Washington REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Carr, Charlestown Julius C. Alford, Lagrange Thomas Smith, Versailles CONNECTICUT James Rariden, Centerville SENATORS Edward J. Black, Jackson boro Walter T. Colquitt,'° Columbus William W. Wick, Indianapolis Perry Smith, New Milford Hines Holt," Columbus Tilghman A. Howard,'2 Rockville Thaddeus Betts,5 Norwalk Mark A. Cooper, Columbus Henry S. Lane," Crawfordsville Jabez W. Huntington,6 Norwich William C. Dawson, Greensboro REPRESENTATIVES Richard W. Habersham, Clarkesoille KENTUCKY Joseph Trumbull, Hartford , Waynesville SENATORS William L. Storrs,7 Middletown Eugenius A. Nisbet, Macon Henry Clay, Lexington William W. Boardman,8 New Haven Lott Warren, Palmyra John J. Crittenden, Frankfort

'Continuing from preceding session; reelected July 3, Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thaddeus 9Resigned September 19, 1839, to become chief justice of 1840; March 3, 1841. Betta, and took his seat June 2, 1840. Delaware; reelected to fill vacancy caused by his own res- 2 Reelected December 9, 1839. 'Resigned in June, 1840, to become associate judge of ignation, and took his seat January 19, 1841; vacancy in 'Elected December 16, 1839. the court of errors. this class from September 19, 1839, to January 11, 1841. Reelected December 21, 1839. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- "Resigned July 21, 1840. 5Died April 7, 1840. liam L Storra, and took his seat December 7, 1840. "Electedto1111 vacancy caused by resignation of Walter T. Colquitt, and took his seat February 1, 1841. "Resigned August 1,1840. "Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by resignation of Tilgh- man A. Howard, and took his seat December 7, 1840.

[126] Twenty-Sixth Congress 127

REPRESENTATIVES MASSACHUSETTS Tristram Shaw, Exeter Linn Boyd, Cadiz SENATORS Jared W. Williams, Lancaster Philip Triplett, Owensboro Daniel Webster,2' Boston NEW JERSEY Joseph R. Underwood, Bowling Green Rufus Choate,22 Boston Sherrod Williams, Monticello John Davis,23 Worcester SENATORS Simeon H. Anderson,'4 Lancaster Isaac C. Bates,24 Northampton Samuel L. Southard, Trenton John B. Thompson,'5 Harrodsburg Garret D. Wall, Burlington Willis Green, Green REPRESENTATIVES John Pope, Springfield Abbott Lawrence,'5 Boston REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE3' William J. Graves, New Castle Robert C. Winthrop,26 Boston William R. Cooper, Swedesboro John White, Richmond Leverett Saltonstall, Salem Philemon Dickerson, Paterson Richard Hawes, Winchester Caleb Cushing, Newburyport Joseph Kille, Salem Landaff W. Andrews, Flemingsburg William Parmenter, East Cambridge Joseph F. Randolph, New Brunswick , Paris Levi Lincoln, Worcester Daniel B. Ryall, Freehold William 0. Butler, Carroliton James C. Alvord,27 Greenfield Peter D. Vroom, Somerville ,28 Amherst LOUISIANA George N. Briggs, Lanes boro NEW YORK William B. Calhoun, Springfield SENATORS William S. Hastings, Mendon SENATORS Robert C. Nicholas, Donaidsonville Henry Williams, Taunton Silas Wright, Jr., Canton Alexander Mouton, Vermilionville John Reed, Yarmouth Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, Poughkeepsie REPRESENTATIVES John Quincy Adams, Quincy REPRESENTATIVES Edward D. White, Thibodaux Thomas B. Jackson, Newtown Thomas W. Chinn, Baton Rouge MICHIGAN James De la Montanya, Ha verstraw Rice Garland,'6 Opelousas SENATORS Ogden Hoffman, New York City John Moore,'7 Franklin John Norvell, Detroit Edward Curtis, New York City Augustus S. Porter,29 Detroit Moses H. Grinnell, New York City MAINE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE James Monroe, New York City SENATORS Isaac E. Crary, Marshall Gouverneur Kemble, Cold Spring Charles Johnston, Poughkeepsie John Ruggles, Thomaston Nathaniel Jones, Warwick Reuel Williams, Augusta MISSISSIPPI SENATORS Rufus Palen, Fallsburg REPRESENTATIVES Aaron Vanderpoel, Kinderhook Robert J. Walker, Madisonville John Ely, Coxsackie Hugh J. Anderson, Belfast John Henderson, Pass Christian Nathan Clifford, Newfield Hiram P. Hunt, Troy Thomas Davee, Blanchard REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Daniel D. Barnard, Albany George Evans,'8 Gardiner Albert G. Brown, Gallatin Anson Brown,33 Ballston Joshua A. Lowell, East Machias Jacob Thompson, Pontotoc Nicholas B. Doe,34 Waterford Virgil D. Parris, Buckfield David A. Russell, Salem Benjamin Randall, Bath MISSOURI Augustus C. Hand, Eliza bet htown Albert Smith, Portland SENATORS John Fine, Ogdens burg Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis Peter J. Wagner, Fort Plain MARYLAND Lewis F. Linn, Ste. Genevieve Andrew W. Doig, Lowville REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John G. Floyd, Utica SENATORS David P. Brewster, Oswego John S. Spence,'9 Berlin Albert G. Harrison,30 Fulton Thomas C. Chittenden, Adams John L. Kerr,2° Easton John Jameson,3' Fulton John H. Prentiss, Cooperstown William D. Merrick, Aliens Fresh John Miller, Conners Mills Judson Allen, Harpersville REPRESENTATIVES John C. Clark, Bainbridge NEW HAMPSHIRE Stephen B. Leonard, Owego John Dennis, Princess Anne SENATORS Philip F. Thomas, Easton Amasa Dana, Ithaca John T. H. Worthington, Shawan Henry Hubbard, Charlestown Edward Rogers, Madison Solomon Hillen, Jr., Baltimore Franklin Pierce, Concord Nehemiah H. Earll, Syracuse James Carroll, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Christopher Morgan, Aurora William Cost Johnson, Jefferson Charles G. Atherton, Nashua Theron R. Strong, Palmyra Francis Thomas, Frederick Edmund Burke, Newport Francis Granger, Canandaigua Daniel Jenifer, Milton Hill Ira A. Eastman, Gilmanton Meredith Mallory, Hammondsport

seat February 7, 1840; vacancy in this class from March 4, 'Died August 11, 1840. 22 Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of Daniel Webster, and took his seat March 1, 1841. 1839, to January 19, 1840. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Simeon H. so Died September 7, 1839. Anderson, and took his seat December 7, 1840. 25 Resigned January 5, 1841. 31Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Albert G. '° Resigned July 21, 1840. 5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Harrison, and took his seat December 12, 1839. " Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Rice Davis, and took his seat January 21, 1841. s2 Messrs. Aycrigg, Maxwell, Halsted, Stratton, and Garland, and took his seat December 17, 1840. Resigned September 18, 1840. Yorke contested the election of Messrs. Vroom, Dickerson, "Reelected to the Twenty-seventh Congress but re- "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Kille, Cooper, and Ryall; the House at first declined to signed, having been elected Senator. Abbott Lawrence, and took his seat December 7, 1840. seat either set of candidates, but by resolution of March Died October 24, 1840. "Died September 27, 1839, before Congress assembled. 10, 1840, the five last named were admitted 'without prej- '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John S. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James C. udice to the fmal rights of the claimants," and, on July 17, Spence, and took his seat January 13, 1841. Alvord, and took his seat January 14, 1840. 1840, were adjudged entitled to their seate. 5' Resigned, effective February 22, 1841. "Elected to fill vacancy in term commencing March 4, " Died June 14, 1840. 1839, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took his '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Anson Brown, and took his seat December 7, 1840. 128 Biographical Directory

NEW YORK-Continued Daniel P. Leadbetter, Millersburg Joseph L. Tillinghast, Providence REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED George Sweeny, Bucyrus John W. Allen, Cleveland SOUTH CAROLINA Thomas Kempshall, Rochester Joshua R. Giddings, Jefferson Seth M. Gates, Leroy John Hastings, Salem SENATORS Luther C. Peck, Pike David A. Starkweather, Canton John C. Calhoun, Fort Hill Richard P. Marvin, Jamestown Henry Swearingen, Smithfield William C. Preston, Columbia Millard Fillmore, Buffalo REPRESENTATIVES Charles F. Mitchell, Lockport PENNSYLVANIA Sampson H. Butler, Barn well SENATORS John Campbell, Parnassus NORTH CAROLINA James Buchanan, Lancaster John K. Griffin, Newberry SENATORS ,4' Uniontown Isaac E. Holmes, Charleston Bedford Brown,35 Browns Store REPRESENTATIVES Francis W. Pickens, Edgefield Willie P. Mangum,36 Red Mountain Lemuel Paynter, Philadelphia R. Barnwell Rhett, Blue House Robert Strange,37 Fayetteville John Sergeant, Philadelphia James Rogers, Maybinton William A. Graham,38 Hill.sboro George W. Toland, Philadelphia Thomas D. Sumter, Stateburg REPRESENTATIVES Charles Naylor,42 Philadelphia Waddy Thompson, Jr., Greenville , Winton Edward Davies, Churchtown Jesse A. Bynum, Halifax John Edwards, Ivy Mills TENNESSEE Edward Stanly, Washington Francis James, West Chester SENATORS Joseph Fornance, Norristown Charles B. Shepard, New Bern Hugh Lawson %Vhite,Knoxville James I. McKay, Elizabethtown John Davis, Davisville David D. Wagener, Easton Alexander Anderson,5° Knoxville Micajah T. Hawkins, Warrenton Peter Newhard, Allentown Felix Grundy,51 Nashville Edmund Deberry, Lawrenceville Alfred 0. P. Nicholson,52 Columbia William Montgomery, Albrights George M. Keim, Reading John Hill, Germantown William Simonton, Hummelstown REPRESENTATIVES James Gerry, Shrewsbury William B. Carter, Elizabethton Charles Fisher, Salisbury James Cooper, Gettysburg Henry W. Connor, Sherrills Ford Abraham McClellan, Blountville William S. Ramsey,43 Carlisle Joseph L. Williams, Knoxville James Graham, Rutherfordton Charles McClure,44 Carlisle Lewis Williams, Panther Creek Julius W. Blackwell, Athens William W. Potter,45 Philadelphia Hopkins L. Turney, Winchester OHIO George McCulloch,46 Center Line William B. Campbell, Carthage David Petrikin, Danville John Bell, Nashville SENATORS Robert H. Hammond, Milton Meredith P. Gentry, Harpeth William Allen, Chillicothe Samuel W. Morris, Welisboro Harvey M. Watterson, Shelbyville Benjamin Tappan, Steubenville Charles Ogle, Somerset Aaron V. Brown, Pulaski REPRESENTATIVES Albert G. Marchand, Greensburg Cave Johnson, Clarksville Alexander Duncan, Cincinnati Enos Hook, Waynesburg John W. Crockett, Trenton John B. Weller, Hamilton Isaac Leet, Washington Christopher H. Williams, Lexington Patrick G. Goode, Sidney Richard Biddle,47 Pittsburgh Thomas Corwin,Lebanon Henry M. Brackenridge,48 Tarentum VERMONT Jeremiah Morrow,4° Twentymile William Beatty, Butler Stand Thomas Henry, Beaver SENATORS William Doan, Withamsville John Gaibraith, Erie Samuel Prentiss, Montpelier Calvary Morris, Athens Samuel S. Phelps, Middlebury William K. Bond, Chillicothe RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATIVES Joseph Ridgway, Columbus SENATORS Hiland Hall, Bennington William Medill, Lancaster Nehemiah R. Knight, Providence William Slade, Middlebury Samson Mason, Springfield Nathan F. Dixon, Westerly Horace Everett, Windsor Isaac Parrish, Cambridge REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Smith, St. Albans Jonathan Taylor, Newark Robert B. Cranston, Newport Isaac Fletcher, Lyndon

'° Resigned, effective November 16, 1840. 42 Election unsuccessfully contested by Charles J. Inger- 45Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Rich- "ected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Bed- soIl. ard Biddle, and took his seat December 10, 1840. ford Brown, and took his seat December 9, 1840. ' Died October 17, 1840, before the commencement of ° Resigned January 13, 1840. " Resigned, effective November 16, 1840. the Twenty-seventh Congress, to which he had been re- "Elected to fifi vacancy caused by resignation of Hugh '5 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of elected. L. White, and took his seat February 26, 1840. Robert Strange, and took his seat December 10, 1840. "Elected tofill vacancy in the term commencing "Resigned, effective May 30, 1840. 44Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William S. March 4,1839, caused by resignation of Ephraim H. '° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Ramsey, and took his seat December 7, 1840. Foster, in preceding Congress, and took his seat January Thomas Corwin, and took his seat December 7, 1840. °° Died October 28, 1839 before Congress assembled. 3, 1840; vacancy in this class from March 4 to December 41Elected January 14, 1840, to fill vacancy in the term 45Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William W. 14, 1839; died December 19, 1840. commencing March 4, 1839, caused by failure of the legis- Potter and took his seat December 2,1839. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Felix lature to elect, and took his seat January 24, 1840. Resigned in 1840. Grundy, and took his seat January 11,1841. Twenty-Sixth Congress 129

VIRGINIA ,54 Burwell Bay TERRITORY OF FLORIDA SENATORS Francis Mallory,55 Hampton DELEGATE George W. Hopkins, Lebanon William H. Roane, Richmond Charles Downing, St. Augustine William C. Rives,53 Lindseys Store Robert M. T. Hunter, Lloyds REPRESENTATIVES Joseph Johnson, Bridgeport John W. Jones, Petersburg TERRITORY OF IOWA Linn Banks, Madison William Lucas, Charlestown DELEGATE Andrew Beirne, Union John M. Botts, Richmond Charles F. Mercer,56 Aldie William W. Chapman,58 Burlington Walter Coles, Robertsons Store William M. McCarty,57 Alexandria Augustus C. Dodge,59 Burlington Robert Craig, Christiansburg Francis E. Rives, Littleton George C. Dromgoole, Cholsonville Green B. Samuels, Woodstock TERRITORY OF WISCONSIN Lewis Steenrod, Wheeling James Garland, Lovingston DELEGATE William L. Goggin, Liberty John Taliaferro, Fredericksburg John Hill, Buckingham Henry A. Wise, Accomac James D. Doty, Ashton

fill vacancy caused by resignation of Elected to fill vacancy in term commencing March 4, ' Resigned in 1840. ' Elected to 5' Charles F. Mercer, and took his seat January 25, 1840. 1839, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took his Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Joel Served until October 27, 1840, when his term expired seat January 30, 1841; vacancytothis class from March 4, Holleman, and took his seat January 7, 1841. under the provisions of the act of March 3, 1839. 1839, to January 18, 1841. Resigned December 28, 1839. as Elected in compliance with the act of March 3, 1839, and took his seat December 8, 1840. TWENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1841, TO MARCH 3, 1843

FIRST SESSION-May31, 1841, to September 13, 1841

SECOND SESSION-December 6,1841, to August 31, 1842

THIRDSESSION-December 5, 1842, to March 3, 1843

SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March4, 1841, to March 15, 1841



ALABAMA Jabez W. Huntington, Norwich Edward J. 3 Jacksonboro SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES William C. Dawson,'4 Greensboro William R. King, Selma Joseph Trumbull, Hartford Walter T. Colquitt,'5 Columbus Clement C. 0 Huntsville William W. Boardman, New Haven Eugenius A. Nisbet,16 Macon Arthur P. Bagby," Tuscaloosa Thomas W. Williams, New London Mark A. Cooper,'7 Columbus REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Thomas B. Osborne, Fairfield Thomas F. Foster, Columbus Reuben Chapman, Somerville Truman Smith, Litchfield Roger L. Gamble, Louisville George S. Houston, Athens John H. Brockway, Ellington Richard W. Habersham,'8 Clarkesville Dixon H. Lewis, Lowndesboro George W. Crawford,'9 Augusta William W. Payne, Gainesville DELAWARE Thomas Butler King, Waynesville Benjamin G. Shields, Demopolis SENATORS James A. Meriwether, Edenton Richard H. Bayard, Wilmington Lott Warren, Palmyra ARKANSAS Thomas Clayton, New Castle SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE ILLINOIS William S. Fulton, Little Rock George B. Rodney, New Castle Ambrose H. Sevier, Lake Port SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE GEORGIA Richard M. Young, Quincy Edward Cross, Washington SENATORS Samuel McRoberts, Danville Alfred Cuthbert, Monticello REPRESENTATIVES CONNECTICUT John Macpherson Berrien, Savannah Zadoc Casey, Mount Vernon SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Reynolds, Belleville Perry Smith, New Milford Julius C. Alford,'2 Lagrange John T. Stuart, Springfield

'Became President upon the death of William Henry Elected June 8, 1841. "Elected at large to fill, in part, vacancies caused by Harrison, April 4, 1841. '°Resigned November 15, 1841. resignations of Julius C. Alford, William C. Dawson, and 2 Elected March 4, 1841 (special session of the Senate). 11 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Clem- Eugenius A. Nisbet, and took his seat February 1, 1842. 'Elected March 11, 1841 (special session of the Senate); ent C. Clay, and took his seat December 27, 1841. "Resigned in 1841. resigned ss President pro tempore May 31, 1842. "Resigned in 1841. "Elected at large to fill, in part, vacancies caused by Elected May 31, 1842. resignations of Julius C. Alford, William C. Dawson, and 'Reelected June 7, 1841. "Elected at large to fill, in part, vacancies caused by resignations of Julius C. Alford, William C. Dawson, and Eugenius A. Nisbet, and took his seat February 1, 1842. 'Elected March 8, 1841; reelected June 7, 1841. "Died December 2, 1842. 'Elected May 31, 1841. Eugenius' A. Nisbet, and took his seat March 2, 1842. 15 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Richard W. 'Elected May 31, 1841. Resigned November 13, 1841. Habersham, and took his seat February 1, 1843.

[130] Twenty-Seventh Congress 131

INDIANA Nathaniel S. Littlefield, Bridgeton MISSOURI Joshua A. Lowell,27 East Machi as SENATORS SENATORS Alfred Marshall, China Oliver H. Smith, Indianapolis Benjamin Randall, Bath Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis Albert S. White, La Fayette Lewis F. Linn, Ste. Genevieve REPRESENTATIVES MARYLAND REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE George H. Proffit, Petersburg SENATORS John C. Edwards, Jefferson City Richard W. Thompson, Bedford William D. Merrick, Aliens Fresh John Miller, Conners Mills Joseph L. White, Madison John L. Kerr, Easton James H. Cravens, Marion REPRESENTATIVES NEW HAMPSHIRE Andrew Kennedy, Muncietown Isaac D. Jones, Princess Anne SENATORS David Wallace, Indianapolis James A. Pearce, Chestertown Henry S. Lane, Crawfordsville Franklin Pierce,35 Concord James W. Williams,28 Churchville Leonard Wilcox,36 Orford KENTUCKY Charles S. Sewall,29 Elkton Levi Woodbury, Portsmouth John P. Kennedy, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Alexander Randall, Annapolis Henry Clay,2° Lexington William Cost Johnson, Jefferson Charles G. Atherton, Nashua John J. Crittenden,2' Frankfort John T. Mason, Hagerstown Edmund Burke, Newport James T. Morehead, Covington Augustus R. Sollers, Prince Frederick Ira A. Eastman, Gilmanton John R. Reding, Haverhill REPRESENTATIVES Tristram Shaw, Exeter Linn Boyd, Cadiz MASSACHUSETTS Philip Triplett, Owensboro SENATORS NEW JERSEY Joseph R. Underwood, Bowling Green Isaac C. Bates, Northampton Bryan Y. Owsley, Jamestown Rufus Choate, Boston SENATORS John B. Thompson, Harrodsburg REPRESENTATIVES Samuel L. Southard,37 Trenton Willis Green, Green Robert C. Winthrop,30 Boston William L. Dayton,38 Trenton John Pope, Springfield Nathan Appleton,3' Boston Jacob W. Miller, Morristown James C. Sprigg, Shelbyville Leverett Saltonstall, Salem REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John White, Richmond Caleb Cushing, Newburyport John B. Aycrigg, Pyramus Thomas F. Marshall, Versailles William Parmenter, East Cambridge William Halstead, Trenton Landaff W. Andrews, Flemingsburg Levi Lincoln,32 Worcester John P. B. Maxwell, Belvidere Garrett Davis, Paris Charles Hudson,33 Westminster Joseph F. Randolph, New Brunswick William 0. Butler, Carroliton Osmyn Baker, Amherst Charles C. Stratton, Swedesboro George N. Briggs, Lanesboro Thomas Jones Yorke, Salem LOUISIANA William B. Calhoun, Springfield SENATORS William S. Hastings,34 Mendon NEW YORK Alexander Mouton,22 Vermilionville Nathaniel B. Borden, Fall River SENATORS Charles M. Conrad,23 New Orleans , Nantucket John Quincy Adams, Quincy Silas Wright, Jr., Canton , Baton Rouge Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, Poughkeepsie REPRESENTATIVES MICHIGAN REPRESENTATIVES Edward D. White, Thibodaux John B. Dawson, St. Francisville SENATORS Charles A. Floyd, Commack John Moore, Franklin Augustus S. Porter, Detroit Joseph Egbert, Tompkinsville William Woodbridge, Detroit John McKeon, New York City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE James I. Roosevelt, New York City MAINE Fernando Wood, New York City SENATORS Jacob M. Howard, Detroit Charles G. Ferris, New York City Reuel Williams,24 Augusta Aaron Ward, Mount Pleasant John Fairfield,25 Saco MISSISSIPPI Richard D. Davis, Poughkeepsie George Evans, Gardiner SENATORS James G. Clinton, Newburgh REPRESENTATIVES Robert J. Walker, Madisonville , Kingston Elisha H. Allen, Bangor John Henderson, Pass Christian Robert McClellan, Hudson David Bronson,26 Anson REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Jacob Houck, Jr., Schoharie Nathan Clifford, Newfield William M. Gwin, Vicksburg Hiram P. Hunt, Troy William P. Fessenden, Portland Jacob Thompson, Oxford Daniel D. Barnard, Albany

Election unsuccessfully protested by sundry citizens Resigned March 16, 1841, before Congress assembled, 20 Resigned March 31, 1842. having been appointed collector of the port of Boston. 21 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry of Maine. ' Clay, and took his seat March 31, 1842. 25 Died December 2, 1842. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Levi ' Resigned March 1, 1842. 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James W. Lincoln, and took his seat May 3, 1841. Died June17,1842. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alex- Williams, and took his seat January7,1843. e- Resigned February 28, 1842. ander Mouton, and took his seat April 14, 1842. Resigned May 25, 1842; subsequently elected to fill ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 5 Resigned February 15, 1843. vacancy caused by resignation of his own successor, ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Reuel Franklin Pierce, and took his seat March7,1842; subse- Nathan Appleton, and took his seat the second time De- quently elected. Williams, but did not take his seat until December 4, 1843, cember 5, 1842. in the next Congress. Died June 26, 1842. 26 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- ' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 58 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel sentative-elect George Evans, in preceding Congress, and Robert C. Winthrop, and took his seat June 9, 1842; re-- L. Southard, and took his seat July 6, 1842; subsequently took his seat May 31, 1841. signed September 28, 1842. elected. 132 Biographical Directory

NEW YORK-Continued OHIO Albert G. Marchand, Greens burg REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED SENATORS Enos Hook,49 Waynesburg Henry W. Beeson,5° Uniontown Archibald L. Linn, Schenectady William Allen, Chillicothe Benjamin Tappan, Steubenville Joseph Lawrence,51 Washington Barnard Blair, Salem Thomas M. T. McKennan,52 Thomas A. Tomlinson, Keeseville REPRESENTATIVES Washington Henry Van B. Rensselaer, Ogdens burg Nathanael G. Pendleton, Cincinnati William W. Irwin, Pittsburgh John Sanford, Amsterdam John B. Weller, Hamilton William Jack, Brookville Andrew W. Doig, Lowville Patrick G. Goode, Sidney Thomas Henry, Beaver John G. Floyd, Utica Jeremiah Morrow, Twentymile Stand Arnold Plumer, Franklin David P. Brewster, Oswego William Doan, Withamsville Charles Ogle,53 Somerset Thomas C. Chittenden, Adams Calvary Morris, Athens Henry Black,54 Somerset Samuel S. Bowne, Cooperstown William Russell, Portsmouth James M. Russell,55 Bedford Samuel Gordon, Delhi Joseph Ridgway, Columbus William Medifi, Lancaster RHODE ISLAND John C. Clark, Bainbridge Samson Mason, Springfield Lewis Riggs, Homer Benjamin S. Cowen, St. Clairsville SENATORS Samuel Partridge, Elmira Joshua Mathiot, Newark Nathan F. Dixon,56 Westerly Victory Birdseye, Pompey James Mathews, Coshocton William Sprague,57 Natick A. Lawrence Foster, Morrisville George Sweeny, Bucyrus James F. Simmons, Providence Christopher Morgan, Aurora Sherlock J. Andrews, Cleveland REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Maynard, Seneca Falls Joshua R. Giddings,43 Jefferson Robert B. Cranston, Newport Francis Granger,°9 Canandaigua John Hastings, Salem Joseph L. Tillinghast, Providence John Greig,4° Canandaigua Ezra Dean, Wooster William M. Oliver, Penn Yan Samuel Stokely, Steubenville SOUTH CAROLINA Timothy Childs, Rochester SENATORS Seth M. Gates, Leroy PENNSYLVANIA John C. Calhoun,58 Fort Hill John Young, Geneseo SENATORS William C. Preston,59 Columbia Staley N. Clarke, Ellicottsville James Buchanan, Lancaster George McDuffie,6° Edgefield Millard Fillmore, Buffalo Daniel Sturgeon, Uniontown REPRESENTATIVES Alfred Babcock, Gaines REPRESENTATIVES Sampson H. Butler,61 Barnwell Charles Brown, Philadelphia Samuel W. Trotti,62 Barnwell NORTH CAROLINA John Sergeant,44 Philadelphia William Butler, Greenville SENATORS Joseph R. Ingersoll,45 Philadelphia Patrick C. Caldwell, Newberry George W. Toland, Philadelphia John Campbell, Parnassus Willie P. Mangum, Red Mountain Charles J. Ingersoll, Philadelphia William A. Graham, Hills boro Isaac E. Holmes, Charleston Jeremiah Brown, Goshen Francis W. Pickens, Edgefield REPRESENTATIVES Francis James, West Chester R. Barnwell Rhett, Blue House Kenneth Rayner, Winton John Edwards, Ivy Mills James Rogers, Maybinton Joseph Fornance, Norristown Thomas D. Sumter, Stateburg John R. J. Daniel, Halifax Robert Ramsey, Hartsville Edward Stanly, Washington John Westbrook, Dingmans Ferry William H. Washington, New Bern TENNESSEE Peter Newhard, Allentown SENATORS James I. McKay, Elizabethtown George M. Keim, Reading Archibald H. Arrington, Hilliardston William Simonton, Hummeistown Alfred 0. P. Nicholson,63 Columbia Edmund Deberry, Lawrenceville James Gerry, Shrewsbury Vacant 64 Romulus M. Saunders, Raleigh James Cooper, Gettysburg REPRESENTATIVES Augustine H. Shepperd, Salem Amos Gustine,46 Mifflintown Thomas D. Arnold, Greeneville Abraham Rencher, Pittsboro James Irvin, Milesburg Abraham McClellan, Blountville Greene W. Caidwell, Charlotte Benjamin A. Bidlack, Wilkes-Barre Joseph L. Williams, Knoxville James Graham, Rut he rfordton John Snyder, Selinsgrove Thomas J. Campbell, Athens Lewis Williams,41 Panther Creek Davis Dimock, Jr.,47 Mo nt rose Hopkins L. Turney, Winchester Anderson Mitchell,42 Wilkesboro Almon H. Read,48 Montrose William B. Campbell, Carthage

"Resigned March 5, 1841, having been appointed Post- ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry master General; subsequently elected tofillvacancy tive-elect William S. Ramsey, in preceding Congress, and Black, and took his seat January 3, 1842. caused by resignation of his own successor, John Greig, took his seat May 31, 1841. s5 Died January 29, 1842. and took his seat the second time December 7, 1841. Died January 13, 1842. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Nathan F. °ected to fill vacanc' caused by resignation of Fran- 42 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Davis Dixon, and took his seat February 18, 1842. cis Granger, and took his seat May 31, 1841; resigned Dimock, Jr., and took his seat March 18, 1842. "Resigned March 3, 1843. September 25, 1841. "Resigned April 18, 1841. "Resigned November 29, 1842. 1 Died February 23, 1842. 5° Elected to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of °°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 42 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lewis Wil- Eras Hook, and took his seat May 31, 1841. liam C. Preston, and took his seat January 3, 1843. hams, and took his seat April 27, 1842. ' Died April 17, 1842. °i Resigned September27, 1842. ' Resigned March 22, 1842; subsequently elected to ifil ElecteiI to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Samp- vacancy caused by his own resignation, and took his seat Lawrence, and took his seat May 30, 1842. son H. Butler, and took his seat December 17, 1842. December 5, 1842. "Died May 10, 1841, before Congress assembled. "Served until February 7, 1842; State unrepresented "Resigned September 15, 1841. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles for the remainder of the Congress, because of failure of "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Ogle, and took his seat June 28, 1841; died November 28, legislature to elect. Sergeant, and took his seat December 9, 1841. 1841. "Vacancy in this class throughout the Congress. Twenty-Seventh Congress 133

Robert L. Caruthers, Lebanon VIRGINIA Richard W. Barton, Winchester William A. Harris, Luray Meredith P. Gentry, Harpeth SENATORS Harvey M. Watterson, Shelbyville Alexander H. H. Stuart, Staunton William C. Rives, Lindseys Store George W. Hopkins, Lebanon Aaron V. Brown, Pulaski William S. Archer, Elk Hill Cave Johnson, Clarksville George W. Summers, Kanawha Milton Brown, Jackson REPRESENTATIVES Samuel L. Hayes, Stuards Creek Christopher H. Williams, Lexington Francis Mallory, Hampton Lewis Steenrod, Wheeling George B. Cary, Bethlehem John W. Jones, Petersburg TERRITORY OF FLORIDA VERMONT William 0. Goode, Boydton Edmund W. Hubard, Curdsville DELEGATE SENATORS David Levy (Yulee), St. Augustine Samuel Prentiss,65 Montpelier Walter Coles, Robertsons Store William L. Goggin, Otter Bridge Samuel C. Crafts,66 Craftsbury TERRITORY OF IOWA Samuel S. Phelps, Middlebury Henry A. Wise, Accomac Robert M. T. Hunter, Lloyds DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES John Taliaferro, Fredericksburg Augustus C. Dodge, Burlington Hiland Hall, Bennington John M. Bötts, Richmond William Slade, Middlebury Thomas W. Gilmer, Charlottesville TERRITORY OF WISCONSIN Horace Everett, Windsor Linn Banks,67 Madison Augustus Young, Johnson William Smith,68 Culpeper DELEGATE John Mattocks, Peacham Cuthbert Powell, Upperville Henry Dodge, Dodgeville

55Appointed to fi.11 vacancy caused by resignation of 5 Served until December 6, 1841; succeeded by William 55 Resigned April 11, 1842. Smith, who contested his election. Samuel Prentias, and took his seat April 30, 1842; subse- 68 Successfully contested the election of Linn Banks, quently elected. and took his seat December 6, 1841. TWENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1843, TO MARCH 3, 1845

FIRST SESSION-December 4, 1843, to June 17, 1844 SECOND SESSION-December 2, 1844, to March 3, 1845



ALABAMA CONNECTICUT John B. Lamar,'3 Macon SENATORS Absalom H. Chappell,'4 Macon SENATORS Howell Cobb, Athens William R. King,7 Selma Jabez W. Huntington, Norwich Hugh A. Haralson, Lagrange Dixon H. LeWiS,8 Lowndesboro John M. Niles, Hartford William H. Stiles, Cassville Arthur P. Bagby, Tuscaloosa REPRESENTATIVES John H. Lumpkin, Rome REPRESENTATIVES Thomas H. Seymour, Hartford John Millen,'5 Savannah James Dellet, Clairborne John Stewart, Middle Haddam Duncan L. Clinch,'6 St. Marys James E. Belser, Montgomery George S. Catlin, Windham Mark A. Cooper,'7 Columbus Dixon H. Lewis,9 Lowndesboro Samuel Simons, Bridgeport Alexander H. Stephens,18 William L. Yancey,'° Wetumpka Crawfordville William W. Payne, Cainesville DELAWARE George S. Houston, Athens SENATORS ILLINOIS Reuben Chapman, Somerville Richard H. Bayard, Wilmington SENATORS Felix G. McConnell, Talladega Thomas Clayton, New Castle Samuel McRoberts,19 Danville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE James Semple,2° Alton Sidney Breese, Carlyle ARKANSAS George B. Rodney, New Castle REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS GEORGIA Robert Smith, Alton William S. Fulton," Little Rock SENATORS John A. McClernand, Shawneetown Chester Ashley,12 Little Rock John Macpherson Berrien, Savannah Orlando B. Ficklin, Charleston Ambrose H. Sevier, Lake Port Walter T. Colquitt, Columbus John Wentworth, Chicago Stephen A. Douglas, Quincy REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Joseph P. Hoge, Galena Edward Cross, Washington Edward J. Black, Jacksonboro John J. Hardin, Jacksonville

'John Tyler became President on the death of William Resigned April 13, 1844, having been appointed minis- 'Resigned July 29, 1843, before Congress assembled. Henry Harrison in preceding Congress. ter to France. '4Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Reelected December 11, 1843. Appointed to fill vacancy mused by resignation of Wil- B. Lamar, and took his seat December 4, 1843. Elected December, 4, 1843; the Speaker having with- liam R. King, and took his seat May 7, 1844; subsequently 'Died October 15, 1843, before Congress assembled. drawn, George W. Hopkins, of Virginia, was substituted to elected. 16 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John act as Speaker on February 28, 1843, and officiated as Resigned April 22, 1844, having been appointed Sena- Mullen, and took his seat February 15, 1844. such for the remainder of the day. tor. '"Resigned June 26, 1843, before Congress assembled. Elected December 6, 1843; dismissed from office Janu- '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Dixon Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mark ary 18, 1845. H. Lewis, and took his seat December 2, 1844. A. Cooper, and took his seat December 4, 1843. Elected January 18, 1845. "Died August 15, 1844. ' Died March 27, 1843. 6Elected December 7, 1843. ' 55Appointed to fill vacancy caused, by death of Samuel Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William S. McRoberts, and took his seat December 4, 1843; subse- Fulton, and took his seat December 4, 1844. quently elected.

[134] Twenty-Eighth Congress 135

INDIANA Benjamin White,24 Montville MISSOURI , Hampden SENATORS SENATORS Shepard Cary,25 Houlton Albert S. White, La Fayette Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis Edward A. Hannegan, Covington MARYLAND Lewis F. Linn,28 Ste. Genevieve REPRESENTATIVES David R. Atchison,29 Platte City SENATORS Robert D. Owen, New Harmony REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Thomas J. Henley, New Washington William D. Merrick, Aliens Fresh James A. Pearce, Chestertown Gustavus M. Bower, Paris Thomas Smith, Versailles James B. Bowliri, St. Louis Caleb B. Smith, Connersville REPRESENTATIVES James M. Hughes, Liberty William J. Brown, Indianapolis John M. S. Causin, Leonardtown John Jameson, Fulton John W. Davis, Carlisle Francis Brengle, Frederick James H. Relfe, Caledonia Joseph A. Wright, Rockville John Wethered, Franklin , La Fayette John P. Kennedy, Baltimore NEW HAMPSHIRE Samuel C. Sample, South Bend Jacob A. Preston, Perryman Andrew Kennedy, Muncietown Thomas A. Spence, Snow Hill SENATORS Levi Woodbury, Portsmouth KENTUCKY MASSACHUSETTS Charles G. Atherton, Nashua SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James T. Morehead, Covington Isaac C. Bates, Northampton Edmund Burke, Newport John J. Crittenden, Frankfort Rufus Choate, Boston John P. Hale, Dover REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Moses Norris, Jr., Pittsfield John R. Reding, Haverhill Linn Boyd, Cadiz Robert C. Winthrop, Boston Willis Green, Green Daniel P. King, South Danvers , Bowling Green , Andover NEW JERSEY George A. Caldwell, Columbia William Parmenter, East Cambridge SENATORS James W. Stone, Taylorsville Charles Hudson, Westminster Jacob W. Miller, Morristown John White, Richmond Osmyn Baker, Amherst William L. Dayton, Trenton William P. Thomasson, Louisville , Pittsfield REPRESENTATIVES Garrett Davis, Paris John Quincy Adams, Quincy Richard French, Mount Sterling Henry Williams, Taunton Lucius Q. C. Elmer, Bridgeton John W. Tibbatts, Newport Barker Burnell,26 Nantucket George Sykes, Mount Holly Joseph Grinnell,27 New Bedford Isaac G. Farlee, Flemington LOUISIANA Littleton Kirkpatrick, New Brunswick SENATORS MICHIGAN William Wright, Newark Alexander Barrow, Baton Rouge SENATORS Henry Johnson,2' New River NEW YORK Augustus S. Porter, Detroit SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES William Woodbridge, Detroit Silas Wright, Jr.,3° Canton , New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES Alcée L. La Branche, New Orleans Henry A. Foster,3' Rome John B. Dawson, St. Francisville Robert McClelland, Monroe John A. Dix,'2 Albany Pierre E. J. B. Bossier,22 Natchitoches James B. Hunt, Pontiac Nathaniel P. Tallmadge,33 Isaac E. Morse,23 St. Martinville Lucius Lyon, Grand Rapids Poughkeepsie Daniel S. Dickinson,34 Binghamton MAINE MISSISSIPPI REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS SENATORS Selah B. Strong, Setauket George Evans, Gardiner Robert J. Walker, Madisonville Henry C. Murphy, Brooklyn John Fairfield, Saco John Henderson, Pass Christian J. Phillips Phoenix, New York City REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE William B. Maclay, New York City Joshua Herrick, Kennebunkport William H. Hammett, Princeton Moses G. Leonard, New York City Robert P. Dunlap, Brunswick Robert W. Roberts, Hillsboro Hamilton Fish, New York City Luther Severance, Augusta Jacob Thompson, Oxford Joseph H. Anderson, White Plains Freeman H. Morse, Bath Tilghman M. Tucker, Columbus Richard D. Davis, Poughkeepsie

Resigned November 26, 1844, having been elected gov- "Elected for term beginning March 4, 1843, and took "Took his seat December 2, 1844. "Took his seat May 10, 1844. ernor. his seat March 4, 1844. Alexander Porter was elected for 8 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of this term but his credentials were not presented, and he "Died June 15, 1843, before Congress assembled. Silas Wright, Jr., and took his seat December 9, 1844. died January 28, 1844. Out of consideration of his prior "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Barker 8Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Silas service, 1833-1837, the Senate adopted resolutions and ad- Burnell, and took his seat December 7, 1843. Wright, Jr., and took his seat January 27, 1845. journed in respect to his memory February 2, 1844; vacan- 8sDied October 3, 1843. "Resigned June 17, 1844, having been appointed Gover- cy in this class from March 4, 1843, to February 12, 1844. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Lewis F. nor of Wisconsin Territory. "Died April 24, 1844. Linn, and took his seat December 4, 1843; subsequently 84Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Pierre E. J. elected. Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, and took his seat December 9, B. Bossier, and took his seat December 2, 1844. 1844; subsequently elected. 136 Biographical Directory

NEW YORK-Continued Robert C. Schenck, Dayton RHODE ISLAND Joseph Vance, Urbana REPRESENTAThJES-CONTINTJED Emery D. Potter, Toledo SENATORS James G. Clinton, Newburgh Henry St. John, Tiffin James F. Simmons, Providence Jeremiah Russell, Saugerties Joseph J. McDowell, Hills boro William Sprague,47 Natick Zadock Pratt, Prattsville John I. Vanmeter, Piketon John B. Francis,48 Providence David L. Seymour, Troy Elias Florence, Circleville Daniel D. Barnard, Albany Heman Allen Moore,37 Columbus REPRESENTATIVES Charles Rogers, Sandy Hill Alfred P. Stone,38 Columbus Henry Y. Cranston, Newport Lemuel Stetson, Keeseville Jacob Brinkerhoff, Mansfield Elisha R. Potter, Kingston Chesselden Ellis, Waterford Samuel F. Vinton, Gallipolis Charles S. Benton, Mohawk Perley B. Johnson, McConnellsville SOUTH CAROLINA Preston King, Ogdens burg Alexander Harper, Zanesville Orville Hungerford, Watertown Joseph Morris, Woodsfield SENATORS Samuel Beardsley,35 Utica James Mathews, Coshocton George McDuffie, Edgefield Levi D. Carpenter,36 Waterville William C. McCauslen, Steubenville Daniel E. Huger,49 Charleston Jeremiah E. Cary, Cherry Valley Ezra Dean, Wooster REPRESENTATIVES Smith M. Purdy, Norwich Daniel R. Tilden, Ravenna James A. Black, Iron Works Orville Robinson, Mexico Joshua R. Giddings, Jefferson Richard F. Simpson, Pendletonville Horace Wheaton, Pompey Henry R. Brinkerhoff,39 Plymouth Joseph A. Woodward, Winnaboro George Rathbun, Auburn Edward S. Hamlin,4° Elyria John Campbell, Parnassus Amasa Dana, Ithaca Armistead Burt, Abbeville Byram Green, us PENNSYLVANIA Isaac E. Holmes, Charleston Thomas J. Patterson, Rochester SENATORS R. Barnwell Rhett, Blue House Charles H. Carroll, Groveland Center James Buchanan, Lancaster William S Hubbell, Bath Daniel Sturgeon, Uniontown TENNESSEE Asher Tyler, Ellicottsville REPRESENTATIVES William A. Moseley, Buffalo Edward Joy Morris, Philadelphia SENATORS Albert Smith, Batavia Joseph R. Ingersoll, Philadelphia Ephraim H. Foster,5° Nashville Washington Hunt, Lockport John T. Smith, Philadelphia Spencer Jarnagin,5' Athens NORTH CAROLINA Charles J. Ingersoll, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES Jacob S. Yost, Pottstown SENATORS Andrew Johnson, Greeneville Michael H. Jenks, Newtown William T. Senter, Panther Springs Willie P. Mangum, Red Mountain Abraham H. Mcllvaine, Brandywine William H. Haywood, Jr., Raleigh Julius W. Blackwell, Athens Jeremiah Brown, Goshen Alvan Cullom, Livingston REPRESENTATWES John Ritter, Reading George W. Jones, Fayetteville Thomas L. Clingman, Asheville , Easton Aaron V. Brown, Pulaski Daniel M. Barringer, Concord Benjamin A. Bidlack, Wilkes-Barre David W. Dickinson, Murfreesboro David S. Reid, Reidàville Almon H. Read,4' Montrose Joseph H. Peyton, Gallatin Edmund Deberry, Lawrenceville George Fuller,42 Montrose Cave Johnson, Clarksville Romulus M. Saunders, Raleigh Henry Frick,43 Milton John B. Ashe, Brownsville James I. McKay, Elizabethtown James Pollock,44 Milton Milton Brown, Jackson John R. J. Daniel, Halifax Alexander Ramsey, Harrisburg Archibald H. Arrington, Hilliardston Henry Nes, York Kenneth Rayner, Winton James Black, Newport VERMONT James Irvin, Mi les burg SENATORS OHIO Andrew Stewart, Uniontown Samuel S. Phelps, Middlebuiy SENATORS Henry D. Foster, Greens burg William Upham, Montpelier John Dickey, Beaver William Allen, Chillicothe William Wilkins,45 Pittsburgh REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin Tappan, Steubenville ,46 Pittsburgh , Rutland REPRESENTATIVES Samuel Hays, Franklin Jacob Collamer, Wood-stock Alexander Duncan, Cincinnati Charles M. Reed, Erie George P. Marsh, Burlington John B. Weller, Hamilton Joseph Buffington, Kittanning Paul Dillingham, Jr., Waterbury

"ReSigned March 6, 1844. 42Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Almon H. 4Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Read, and took his seat December 2, 1844. liam Sprague, and took his seat February 7, 1844. Samuel Beardsley, and took his seat December 2, 1844. March 1, 1844. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John ' Died April 3, 1844. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry C. Calhoun, in preceding Congress, and took his seat De- "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Heman Frick, and took his seat April 23, 1844. cember 7, 1843; resigned March 3, 1845, in order that Mr. Allen Moore, and took his seat December 2, 1844. "Resigned February 14, 1844, having been appointed Calhoun might return to the Senate. "Died April 30, 1844; never qualified owing to illness. Secretary of War. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of Felix 40Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry R. 40 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- Grundy in the Twenty-sixth Congress, and took his seat BrinkerhofT and took his seat December 2, 1844. December 4, 1843; vacancy in this class from October 17, liam Wilkins, and took his seat March 26, 1844. 1841, to October 16, 1843, because of failure of legislature ' Died June 3, 1844. Resigned January 17, 1844. to elect. "Elected October 17, 1843, to fill vacancy in term be- ginning March 4, 1841, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took his seat December 4, 1843. Twenty-Eighth Congress 137

VIRGINIA John W. Jones,54 Petersburg TERRITORY OF FLORIDA57 DELEGATE SENATORS Henry A. Wise,55 Accomac William C. Rives, Lindseys Store Thomas H. Bayly,56 Accomac David Levy (Yulee), St. Augustine William S. Archer, Elk Hill Willoughby Newton, Hague , Warrenton TERRITORY OF IOWA REPRESENTATIVES William Lucas, Charlestown DELEGATE Archibald Atkinson, Smithfield William Taylor, Lexington Augustus C. Dodge, Burlington George C. Dromgoole, Summit Walter Coles, Roberteons Store Augustus A. Chapman, Union George W. Hopkins, Abingdon TERRITORY OF WISCONSIN Edmund W. Hubard, Curdeville DELEGATE Thomas W. Gilmer,52 Charlottesville George W. Summers, Kanawha William L. Goggin,53 Otter Bridge Lewis Steenrod, Wheeling Henry Dodge, Dodgeville

vacancy caused by resignation of Resigned February 12, 1844. 52 Electionunsuccessfullycontested by WilliamL. ' Elected tofill Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry Goggin; resigned February 16, 1844. Thomas W. Gilmer, and took his seat May 10, 1844. A. Wise, and took his seat May 6, 1844. Election unsuccessfully contested by John M. Botts. Granted statehood by act of March 3, 1845. TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1845, TO MARCH 3, 1847

FIRST SESSION-December 1, 1845, to August 10, 1846 SECOND SESSION-December 7, 1846, to March 3, 1847 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1845, to March 20, 1845







ALABAMA CONNECTICUT James D. Westcott, Jr.,'6 Tallahassee SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Arthur P. Bagby, Tuscaloosa Jabez W. Huntington, Norwich Dixon H. Lewis, Lowndesboro Edward C. Cabell,'7 Tallahassee John M. Niles, Hartford William H. Brockenbrough,'8 REPRESENTATIVES Tallahassee Reuben Chapman, Somerville REPRESENTATIVES Edmund S. Dargan, Mobile , Hartford Henry W. Hilliard, Montgomery Samuel D. Hubbard, Middletown GEORGIA George S. Houston, Athens John A. Rockwell, Norwich Truman Smith, Litchfield SENATORS Felix G. McConnell,8 Talladega John Macpherson Berrien,'9 Franklin W. Bowdon,9 Talladega DELAWARE Savannah William W. Payne, Gainesville Walter T. Colquitt, Columbus William L. Yancey,'° Wetumpka SENATORS James L. F. Cottrell," Hayneville Thomas Clayton, New Castle REPRESENTATIVES John M. Clayton, New Castle Howell Cobb, Athens ARKANSAS Hugh A. Haralson, Lagrange REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS Seaborn Jones, Columbus Ambrose H. Sevier, Lake Port John W. Houston, Georgetown Thomas Butler King, Frederica Chester Ashley, Little Rock FLORIDA'4 John H. Lumpkin, Rome REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE George W. B. Towns,2° Talbotton Archibald Yell,12 Fayetteville SENATORS Alexander H. Stephens, Crawfordville Thomas W. Newton,'3 Little Rock ,'5 St. Augustine , Washington

'Served as President pro tempore one day, December "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- surname "Yulee" added tohis name on the official 27, 1845, under designation by the Vice President. liam L. Yancey, and took his seat December 7, 1846. records. 2 Elected August 8, 1846; January 11, 1847; March 3, "Resigned July 1, 1846, having been appointed '6Took his seat December 1, 1845; term to expire, as 1847. in the Army in Mexico. determined by lot, March 3, 1849. Reelected December 9, 1845. 15 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Archi- "Served until January 24, 1846; succeeded by William Died September 8, 1846. bald Yell, and took his seat February 6, 1847. H. 'Brockenbrough, who contested his election. 'Elected December 9, 1845. 14Admitted as a State into the Union March 3, 1845, Successfully contested the election of Edward C. 'Elected December 1, 1845. the last day of the preceding Congress. Cabell, and took his seat January 24, 1846. 'Reelected December 2, 1845. '1Took his seat December 1, 1845; term to expire, as '° Resigned in May, 1845, to accept a judicial appoint- 'Died September 10, 1846. ment in Georgia; was reelected to fill vacancy caused by determined by lot, March 3, 1851. Presented credentials as his own resignation, and took his seat December 8, 1845. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Felix G. "David Levy," but on January 12, 1846, in conformity with '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- McConnell, and took his seat December 7, 1846. an act of the Florida Legislature, the Senate ordered the sentative-elect Washington Poe on March 4, 1845, before '° Resigned September 1, 1846. the beginning of the congressional term, and took his seat January 27, 1846.

[138] Twenty-Ninth Congress 139

ILLINOIS LOUISIANA MICHIGAN SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Sidney Breese, Carlyle Alexander Barrow,27 Baton Rouge William Woodbridge, Detroit James Semple, Alton Pierre Soulé,28 New Orleans Lewis Cass, Detroit Henry Johnson, New River REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Edward D. Baker,2' Springfield REPRESENTATWES John S. Chipman, Centerville John Henry,22 Springfield John H. Harmanson, Simmsport James B. Hunt, Pontiac Stephen A. Douglas,23 Quincy Isaac E. Morse, St. Martinville Robert McClelland, Monroe Orlando B. Ficklin, Charleston John Slidell,29 New Orleans Joseph P. Hoge, Galena Emile La Sére,3° New Orleans MISSISSIPPI John A. McClernand, Shawneetown Bannon G. Thibodeaux, Thibodaux SENATORS Robert Smith, Alton Robert J. Walker,33 Mad isonville John Wentworth, Chicago MAINE Joseph W. Chalmers,34 Holly Springs SENATORS Jesse Speight, Plymouth INDIANA George Evans, Gardiner REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS John Fairfield, Saco Stephen Adams, Aberdeen Edward A. Hannegan, Covington REPRESENTATIVES Jefferson Davis,35 Warrenton Jesse D. Bright, Madison Robert P. Dunlap, Brunswick Henry T. Ellett,36 Port Gibson Robert W. Roberts, Hillsboro REPRESENTATIVES Hannibal Hamlin, Hampden John D. McCrate, Wiscasset Jacob Thompson, Oxford Charles W. Cathcart, Laporte Cullen Sawtelle, Norridgewock John W. Davis, Carlisle John F. Scammon, Saco MISSOURI Thomas J. Henley, New Washington Luther Severance, Augusta SENATORS Andrew Kennedy, Muncietown Hezekiah Williams, Castine Edward W. McGaughey, Greencastle Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis David R. Atchison, Platte City Robert D. Owen, New Harmony MARYLAND John Pettit, La Fayette REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Caleb B. Smith, Connersville SENATORS James B. Bowlin, St. Louis Thomas Smith, Versailles James A. Pearce, Chestertown ,37 Keytesville William W. Wick, Indianapolis Reverdy Johnson, Baltimore William McDaniel,38 Palmyra REPRESENTATIVES James H. Relfe, Caledonia IOWA24 John G. Chapman, Port Tobacco John S. Phelps, Springfield SENATORS Albert Constable, Perryville Leonard H. Sims, Springfield Vacant 25 William F Giles, Baltimore Thomas W. Ligon, Ellicotts Mills NEW HAMPSHIRE REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Edward H. C. Long, Princess Anne SENATORS S. Clinton Hastings,26 Bloomington Thomas J. Perry, Cumberland Levi Woodbury,39 Portsmouth Shepherd Leffler,26 Burlington Benning W. Jenness,4° Strafford MASSACHUSETTS Joseph Cilley,4' Nottingham KENTUCKY SENATORS Charles G. Atherton, Nashua SENATORS Isaac C. Bates,3' Northampton REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James T. Morehead, Covington John Davis,32 Worcester James H. Johnson, Bath John J. Crittenden, Frankfort Daniel Webster, Boston Mace Moulton, Manchester REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Moses Norris, Jr., Pittsfield Joshua F. Bell, Danville Amos Abbott, Andover Linn Boyd, Cadiz John Quincy Adams, Quincy NEW JERSEY Garrett Davis, Paris , Springfield SENATORS Henry Grider, Bowling Green Joseph Grinnell, New Bedford Jacob W. Miller, Morristown John P. Martin, Prestonburg , Bridgewater William L. Dayton, Trenton Charles Hudson, Westminster John H. McHenry, Hartford REPRESENTATIVES William P. Thomasson, Louisville Daniel P. King, South Danvers John W. Tibbatts, Newport Julius Rockwell, Pittsfield Joseph E. Edsall, Hamburg Andrew Trumbo, Owingsville Benjamin Thompson, Charlestown James G. Hampton, Bridgeton Bryan R. Young, Elizabethtown Robert C. Winthrop, Boston John Runk,42 Kingwood

° Resigned November 10, 1845, before Congress assem- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jeffer- i Resigned December 24, 1846, "to take effect January son Davis, and took his seat January 26, 1847. 15, 1847, or sooner if successor is elected"; again resigned Resigned August 12, 1846, to command a cavalry regi- December 30, 1846. so Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John i Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Slidell, and took his seat January 29, 1846. ment in the war with Mexico. Edward D. Baker, and took his seat February 5, 1847. Died March 16, 1845. 3°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ster- 2 Reelected to the Thirtieth Congress, but resigned, ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Isaac C. ling Price, and took his seat December 7, 1846. having been elected Senator. Bates, and took his seat December 1, 1845. °° Resigned November 20, 1845, having been appointed ' Admitted as a State into the Union December 28, Resigned March 5, 1845, having been appointed Secre- to the Supreme Court of the United States. 1846. tory of the Treasury. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 25Senators were not elected to this Congress. °°Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Levi Woodbury, and took his seat December 1, 1845. 2Took his seat December 29, 1846. Robert J. Walker, and took his seat December 1, 1845; Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Levi Died December 29, 1846. subsequently elected. Woodbury, and took his seat June 22, 1846. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alexander Resigned in June, 1846, to participate in the war with 42Election unsuccessfully contested by Isaac G. Farlee. Barrow, and took his seat February 3, 1847. Mexico. 140 Biographical Directory

NEW JERSEYContinued Timothy Jenkins, Oneida Castle James C. Dobbin, Fayetteville REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED Preston King, Ogdens burg Alfred Dockery, Dockerys Store John W. Lawrence, Flushing James Graham, Rut herfordton Samuel G. Wright,43 Imlaystown Abner Lewis, Panama James I. McKay, Elizabethtown George Sykes,44 Mount Holly William B. Maclay, New York City David S. Reid, Reidsuille William Wright, Newark William S. Miller, New York City William A. Moseley, Buffalo OHIO NEW YORK Archibald C. Niven, Monticello SENATORS SENATORS George Rathbun, Auburn William Allen, Chillicothe Daniel S. Dickinson, Binghamton Joseph Russell, Warrensburg Thomas Corwin, Lebanon John A. Dix, Albany Henry I. Seaman, Richmond REPRESENTATIVES Albert Smith, Batavia REPRESENTATIVES Jacob Brinkerhoff, Mansfield Stephen Strong, Owego John D. Cummins, New Philadelphia Joseph H. Anderson, White Plains Horace Wheaton, Pompey Francis A. Cunningham, Eaton Charles S. Benton, Mohawk Hugh White, Cohoes Columbus Delano, Mount Vernon William W. Campbell, New York City Bradford R. Wood, Albany James J. Faran, Cincinnati Charles H. Carroll, Groveland Center George Fries, Hanoverton Thomas M. Woodruff, New York City Joshua R. Giddings, Jefferson John F. Collin, Hillsdale William W. Woodworth, Hyde Park Erastus D. Culver, Greenwich Alexander Harper, Zanesville John De Mott, Lodi Joseph J. McDowell, Hills boro NORTH CAROLINA Joseph Morris, Woodsfield Samuel S. Ellsworth, Penn Yan Isaac Parrish, Parrishs Mills Charles Goodyear, Schoharie SENATORS Augustus L. Perrill, Lithopolis Samuel Gordon, Delhi Willie P. Mangum, Red Mountain Joseph M. Root, Norwalk Martin Grover, Angelica William H. Haywood, Jr.," Raleigh William Sawyer, St. Marys Richard P. Herrick,45 Greenbush George E. Badger,48 Raleigh Robert C. Schenck, Dayton Henry St. John, McCutchenville Thomas C. Ripley,46 Schaghticoke REPRESENTATIVES Elias B. Holmes, Brockport David A. Starkweather, Canton Daniel M. Barringer, Concord Allen G. Thurman, Chillicothe William J. Hough, Cazenovia Asa Biggs, Williamston Daniel R. Tilden, Ravenna Orville Hungerford, Watertown Henry S. Clark, Washington Joseph Vance, Urbana Washington Hunt, Lockport John R. J. Daniel, Halifax Samuel F. Vinton, Gallipolis

Resigned July 25, 1846. ' Died July 30, 1845, before Congress assembled. ' Died June 20, 1846. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 44Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel G. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Richard P. liam H. Haywood, Jr., and took his seat December 14, Wright, and took his seat December 1, 1845. Herrick, and took his seat December 7, 1846. 1846. Twenty-Ninth Congress 141

PENNSYLVANIA , Towanda TENNESSEE Jacob S. Yost, Pottstown SENATORS SENATORS Spencer Jarnagin, Athens James Buchanan,49 Lancaster RHODE ISLAND Hopkins L. Turney, Winchester Simon Cameron,5° Middletown Daniel Sturgeon, Uniontown SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES James F. Simmons, Providence Lucien B. Chase, Clarksville REPRESENTATIVES Albert C. Greene, Providence William M. Cocke, Rutledge James Black, Newport John H. Crozier, Knoxville REPRESENTATWES John Blanchard, Bellefonte Alvan Cullom, Livingston Richard Brodhead, Easton Lemuel H. Arnold, Wakefield Joseph H. Peyton,54 Gallatin Joseph Buffmgton, Kittanning Henry Y. Cranston, Newport John H. Campbell, Philadelphia Edwin H. Ewing,55 Nashville Cornelius Darragh, Pittsburgh Milton Brown, Jackson Jacob Erdman, Coopers burg SOUTH CAROLINA Meredith P. Gentry, Franklin John H. Ewing, Washington SENATORS Andrew Johnson, Greeneville Henry D. Foster, Greensburg George W. Jones, Fayetteville William S. Garvin, Mercer George McDuffie,5' Cherry Hill Andrew P. Butler,52 Edgefield Barclay Martin, Columbia Charles J. Ingersoll, Philadelphia Frederick P. Stanton, Memphis Joseph R. Ingersoll, Philadelphia John C. Calhoun,53 Pendleton Owen D. Leib, Catawissa Lewis C. Levin, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES TEXAS56 Moses McClean, Gettysburg James A. Black, Cherokee Iron Works SENATORS Abraham R. Mcllvaine, Brandywine Armistead Burt, Willington ,57 Raven Hill James Pollock, Milton Isaac E. Holmes, Charleston Alexander Ramsey, Harrisburg Thomas J. Rusk,58 Nacogdoches R. Barnwell Rhett, Ashepoo John Ritter, Reading REPRESENTATIVES Andrew Stewart, Uniontown Richard F. Simpson, Pendleton John Strohm, New Providence Alexander D. Sims, Darlington David S. Kaufman,59 Lowes Ferry James Thompson, Erie Joseph A. Woodward, Winnsboro Timothy Pilsbury,6° Brazoria

fill vacancy caused by resignation of in the joint resolution approved March 1, 1845; providing Resgned March 5, 1845. Elected to for the annexation of the Republic of Texas. °Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Daniel E. Huger, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Took his seat March 30, 1846; term to expire, as Buchanan, and took his seat March 17, 1845. December 22, 1845; vacancy in this class from March 4, 1845, to November 25, 1845. determined by lot, March 3, 1847. Resigned August 17, 1846. Died November 12, 1845, before Congress assembled. his seat March 26, 1846; term to expire, as Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of determined by lot, March 3, 1851. George McDuffie, and took his seat December 21, 1846; 5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph H. Peyton, and took his seat January 2, 1846. 55Took his seat June 1, 1846. vacancy in this class from January 17, 1846, to December °Admitted as a State into the Union December 29, 50Took his seat June 10, 1846. 3, 1846. 1845, after compliance with certain conditions stipulated 142 Biographical Directory

VERMONT Isaac S. Pennybacker,6' New Market John S. Pendleton, Culpeper SENATORS James M. Mason,62 Winchester James A. Seddon, Richmond Samuel S. Phelps, Middlebury REPRESENTATIVES William Taylor,63 Lexington William Upham, Montpelier Archibald Atkinson, Smithfield James McDowell,64 Lexington William M. Tredway, Danville REPRESENTATIVES Thomas H. Bayly, Accomac , Charlestown Jacob Collamer, Woodstock William G. Brown, Kingwood TERRITORY OF IOWA Paul Dillingham, Jr., Waterbury Augustus A. Chapman, Union Solomon Foot, Rutland DELEGATE George C. Dromgoole, Summit Augustus C. Dodge,65 Burlington George P. Marsh, Burlington George W. Hopkins, Abingdon Edmund W. Hubard, Curdsville VIRGINIA Robert M. T. Hunter, Lloyds TERRITORY OF WISCONSIN SENATORS Joseph Johnson, Bridgeport DELEGATE William S. Archer, Elk Hill Shelton F. Leake, Charlottesville Morgan L. Martin, Green Bay

61Died January 12, 1847. 62Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Isaac S. 63Died January 17. 1846. Pennybacker, and took his seat January 25, 1847. Elected to 1111 vacancy caused by death of William Taylor, and took his seat March 6, 1846. 65Served until December 28, 1846, when the Territory of Iowa was granted statehood. THIRTIETH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1847, TO MARCH 3, 1849

FIRST SESSION-December 6, 1847, to August 14, 1848 SECOND SESSION-December 4, 1848, to March 3, 1849



ALABAMA CONNECTICUT GEORGIA SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Arthur P. Bagby,6 Tuscaloosa Jabez W. Huntington,'4 Norwich Walter T. Colquitt,'8 Columbus Roger S. Baldwin,'5 New Haven Herschel V. Johnson,'9 Milledgeville William R. King,7 Selma John M. Niles, Hartford John Macpherson Berrien,2° Dixon H. Lewis,8 Lowndesboro ,9 Wetumpka REPRESENTATIVES Savannah James Dixon, Hartford REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Samuel D. Hubbard, Middletown Thomas Butler King, Frederica John Gayle, Mobile John A. Rockwell, Norwich Alfred Iverson, Columbus Henry W. Hilliard, Montgomery Truman Smith, Litchfield John W. Jones, Griffin Sampson W. Harris, Wetumpka Hugh A. Haralson, Lagrange Samuel W. Inge, Livingston DELAWARE John H. Lumpkin, Rome George S. Houston, Athens SENATORS Howell Cobb, Athens Williamson R. W. Cobb, Bellefonte John M. Clayton,'6 New Castle Alexander H. Stephens, Crawfordville Franklin W. Bowdon, Talladega ,'7 Wilmington Robert Toombs, Washington Presley Spruance, Smyrna ARKANSAS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE ILLINOIS John W. Houston, Georgetown SENATORS SENATORS Sidney Breese, Carlyle Ambrose H. Sevier,'° Pine Bluff FLORIDA Stephen A. Douglas, Quincy ,1' Hot Springs SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Chester Ashley,'2 Little Rock David Levy Yulee, St. Augustine William K. Sebastian,'3 Helena Robert Smith, Alton James D. Westcott, Jr., Tallahassee John A. McClernand, Shawneetown REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Orlando B. Ficklin, Charleston Robert W. Johnson, Little Rock Edward C. Cabell, Tallahassee John Wentworth, Chicago

Elected February 2, 1848; June 1, 1848; June 26, 1848; ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Dixon H. 15 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Jabez W. July 29, 1848; December 26, 1848; and March 2, 1849. Lewis, and took his seat December 11, 1848. Huntington, and took his seat December 7, 1847; subse- 2 Reelected December 13, 1847. °s Resigned March 15, 1848. quently elected. 11 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 16 Resigned February 23, 1849, having been appointed 'Elected December 6, 1847; Armistead Burt, of South Secretary of State. Carolina, was elected Speaker pro tempore, and served Ambrose H. Sevier, and took his seat April 24, 1848; subse- 17 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John from June 19 to 22, 1848. quently elected. M. Clayton, and took his seat February 26, 1849. Elected December 7, 1847. 12 Died April 29, 1848. 'Resigned in February, 1848. 5Elected December 8, 1847. 13 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Chester '° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Resigned June 16, 1848. Ashley, and took his seat May 31, 1848; subsequently elect- Walter T. Colquitt, and took his seat February 14, 1848. 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ed. ° Reelected for the term beginning March 4, 1847, and Arthur P. Bagby, and took his seat July 13, 1848. 14 Died November 1, 1847. took his seat December 16, 1847; vacancy in this class Died October 25, 1848. from March 4, 1847, to November 12, 1847.

[143] 144 Biographical Directory

ILLINOIS-Continued Bannon G. Thibodeaux, Thibodaux Edward Bradley,83 Marshall REPRESENTATWES-cIONTINUED John H. Harmanson, Simm.sport Charles E. Stuart,34 Kalamazoo Isaac E. Morse, St. Martinville Kinsley S. Binghani, Kensington William A. Richardson,2' Rushville Thomas J. Turner, Freeport MAINE MISSISSIPPI Abraham Lincoln, Springfield SENATORS SENATORS John Fairfield,26 Saco INDIANA Wyman B. S. Moor,27 Bangor Jesse Speight,35 Plymouth SENATORS Hannibal Hamlin,28 Hampden Jefferson Davis,36 Warrenton Edward A. Hannegan, Covington James W. Bradbury, Augusta Henry S. Foote, Jackson Jesse D. Bright, Madison REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES David Hammons, Lovell Jacob Thompson, Oxford Elisha Embree, Princeton Asa W. H. Clapp, Portland Winfield S. Featherston, Houston Thomas J. Henley, New Washington Hiram Beicher, Farmington Patrick W. Tompkins, Vicksburg John L. Robinson, Rushville Franklin Clark, Wiscasset Albert G. Brown, Gallatin Caleb B. Smith, Connersville Ephraim K. Smart, Camden William W. Wick, Indianapolis James S. Wiley, Dover MISSOURI Hezekiah Williams, Castine George G. Dunn, Bedford SENATORS Richard W. Thompson, Terre Haute MARYLAND Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis John Pettit, La Fayette David R. Atchison, Platte City Charles W. Cathcart, Laporte SENATORS William Rockhill, Fort Wayne James A. Pearce, Chestertown REPRESENTATIVES Reverdy Johnson, Baltimore James B. Bowlin, St. Louis IOWA REPRESENTATiVES John Jameson, Fulton SENATORS John G. Chapman, Port 'Tobacco James S. Green, Canton Augustus C. Dodge,22 Burlington J. Dixon Roman, Hagerstown Willard P. Hall, St. Joseph George W. Jones,23 Dubuque Thomas W. Ligon, Ellicotts Mills John S. Phelps, Springfield REPRESENTATIVES Robert M. McLane, Baltimore Alexander Evans, Eikton NEW HAMPSHIRE William Thompson, Mount Pleasant Shepherd Leffler, Burlington John W. Crisfield, Princess Anne SENATORS MASSACHUSETTS Charles G. Atherton, Nashua KENTUCKY John P. Hale, Dover SENATORS SENATORS Daniel Webster, Boston REPRESENTATIVES John J. Crittenden,24 Frankfort John Davis, Worcester Amos Tuck, Exeter Thomas Metcalfe,25 Forest Retreat REPRESENTATIVES Charles H. Peaslee, Concord Joseph R. Underwood, Bowling Green James Wilson, Keene Robert C. Winthrop, Boston REPRESENTATIVES Daniel P. King, South Danvers James H. Johnson, Bath Linn Boyd, Cadiz Amos Abbott, Andover Beverly L. Clarke, Franklin John G. Palfrey, Cambridge NEW JERSEY Samuel 0. Peyton, Hartford Charles Hudson, Westminster SENATORS Aylett Buckner, Greensburg George Ashmun, Springfield Jacob W. Miller, Morristown John B. Thompson, Harrodsburg Julius Rockwell, Pittsfield William L. Dayton, Trenton , Barbourville John Quincy Adams,29 Quincy W. Garnett Duncan, Louisville ,3° West Newton REPRESENTATIVES Charles S. Morehead, Frankfort Artemas Hale, Bridgewater James G. Hampton, Bridgeton Richard French, Mount Sterling Joseph Grinnell, New Bedford William A. Newell, Allentown John P. Gaines, Walton Joseph E. Edsall, Hamburg MICHIGAN John Van Dyke, New Brunswick LOUISIANA SENATORS Dudley S. Gregory, Jersey City SENATORS Lewis Cass,3' Detroit Henry Johnson, New River Thomas Fitzgerald,32 St. Joseph NEW YORK Solomon W. Downs, Monroe Aipheus Felch, Ann Arbor SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Daniel S. Dickinson, Binghamton Emile La Sore, New Orleans Robert McClelland, Monroe John A. Dix, Albany

21Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- Died December 24, 1847. Resigned May 29, 1848; subsequently elected to fill sentative-elect Stephen A. Douglas, in preceding Congress, 27Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John vacancy caused by his own resignation, and took his seat March 4, 1849. and took his seat December 6, 1847. Fairfield, and took his seat January 17, 1848. 52 22Took his seat December 26, 1848; term to expire, as Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John Fair- Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of determined by lot, March 8, 1849. field, and took his seat June 12, 1848. Lewis Case, and took his seat June 20, 1848. ° Died August 5, 1847, before Congress assembled. 25Took his seat December 26, 1848; term to expire, as in the Speaker's room at the Capitol, February 34Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward determined by lot, March 3, 1853. 23, 1848. Bradley, and took his seat December 6, 1847. Resigned June 12, 1848. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John Died May 1, 1847. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Quincy Adams, and took his seat April 13, 1848. ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Jesse John J. Crittenden, and took his seat July 3, 1848; subse- Speight, and took his seat December 6, 1847; subsequently quently elected. elected. Thirtieth Congress 145

REPRESENTATiVES Thomas Corwin, Lebanon John H. Clarke, Providence Frederick W. Lord, Greenport REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Henry C. Murphy, Brooklyn James J. Faran, Cincinnati Robert B. Cranston, Newport Henry Nicoll, New York City David Fisher, Wilmington Benjamin, B. Thurston, Hopkinton William B. Maclay, New York City Robert C. Schenck, Dayton Frederick A. Tailmadge, New York Richard S. Canby, Bellefontaine SOUTH CAROLINA City William Sawyer, St. Marys SENATORS David S. Jackson,37 New York City Rodolphus Dickinson, Lower Sand usky ,38 New York City Jonathan D. Morris,4' Batavia John C. calhoun, Pendleton William Nelson, Peeks kill John L. Taylor, Chillicothe Andrew P. Butler, Edgefield Cornelius Warren, Cold Spring Thomas 0 Edwards, Lancaster REPRESENTATIVES Daniel B. St. John, Monticello Daniel Duncan, Newark James A. Black,44 Cherokee Iron Eliakim Sherrill, Shandaken John K. Miller, Mount Vernon Works Peter H. Silvester, Coxsackie Samuel F. Vinton, Gallipolis Daniel Wallace,45 Union Gideon Reynolds, Hoosick Thomas Ritchey, Somerset Richard F. Simpson, Pendleton John I. Slingerland, Bethlehem Nathan Evans, Cambridge Joseph A. Woodward, Winnsboro Orlando Kellogg, Elizabethtown William Kennon, Jr., St. Clairsville Alexander D. Sims,46 Darlington Sidney Lawrence, Moira John D. Cummins, New Philadelphia John McQueen,47 Bennettsville Hugh White, Cohoes George Fries, Hanoverton Armistead Burt, Willington George Petrie, Little Falls Samuel Lahm, Canton Isaac E. Holmes, Charleston William Collins, Lowville John Crowell, Warren R. Barnwell Rhett, Ashepoo Joseph Mullin, Watertown Joshua R. Giddings, Jefferson Timothy Jenkins, Oneida Castle Joseph M. Root, Norwalk TENNESSEE George A. Starkweather, Cooperstown PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS Ausburn Birdsall, Binghamton Hopkins L. Turney, Winchester William Duer, Oswego SENATORS John Bell, Nashville Daniel Gott, Pompey Daniel Sturgeon, Uniontown Harmon S. Conger, Cortland Simon Cameron, Middletown REPRESENTATIVES Andrew Johnson, Greeneville William T. Lawrence, Cayutaville REPRESENTATIVES John M. Holley,39 Lyons William M. Cocke, Rutledge Esbon Blackmar,4° Newark Lewis C. Levin, Philadelphia John H. Crozier, Knoxville Elias B. Holmes, Brockport Joseph R. Ingersoll, Philadelphia Hugh L. W. Hill, Irving College Robert L. Rose, Allens Hill Charles Brown, Philadelphia George W. Jones, Fayetteville David Rumsey, Jr., Bath Charles J. Ingersoll, Philadelphia James H. Thomas, Columbia Dudley Marvin, Ripley John Freedley, Norristown Meredith P. Gentry, Franklin Nathan K. Hall, Buffalo John W. Hornbeck,42 Allentown , Nashville Harvey Putnam, Attica Samuel A. Bridges,43 Allentown Lucien B. Chase, Clarksville Washington Hunt, Lockport Abraham R. Mdllvaine, Brandywine Frederick P. Stanton, Memphis John Strohm, New Providence William T. Haskell, Jackson William Strong, Reading NORTH CAROLINA Richard Brodhead, Easton TEXAS SENATORS Chester P. Butler, Wilkes-Barre Willie P. Mangum, Red Mountain David Wilmot, Towanda SENATORS George E. Badger, Raleigh James Pollock, Milton Sam Houston, Raven Hill George N. Eckert, Pottsville Thomas J. Rusk, Nacogdoches REPRESENTATIVES Henry Nes, York REPRESENTATIVES Thomas L. Clingman, Asheville Jasper E. Brady, Chambersburg Nathaniel Boyden, Salisbury David S. Kaufman, Sabine John Blanchard, Bellefonte Timothy Pilsbury, Brazoria Daniel M. Barringer, Concord Andrew Stewart, Uniontown Augustine H. Shepperd, Salem Job Mann, Bedford VERMONT Abraham W. Venable, Brownsville John Dickey, Beaver John R. J. Daniel, Halifax Moses Hampton, Pittsburgh SENATORS James I. McKay, Elizabethtown John W. Farrelly, Meadville Samuel S. Phelps, Middlebury Richard S. Donnell, New Bern James Thompson, Erie William Upham, Montpelier David Outlaw, Windsor Alexander Irvin, Clearfield REPRESENTATIVES William Henry, Bellows Falls OHIO RHODE ISLAND Jacob Collamer, Woodstock SENATORS SENATORS George P. Marsh, Burlington William Allen, Chillicothe Albert C. Greene, Providence Lucius B. Peck, Montpelier

'Election contested by James Monroe, but the House 40Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John M. 43Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John W. Holley, and took his seat December 4, 1848. Hornbeck, and took his seat March 6, 1848. declared, on April 19, 1848, that neither was entitled to Died April 3, 1848. the seat. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- 4 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James A. Elected to fill vacancy declared to exist by resolutions tive-elect Thomas L Namer (December 2, 1846, before the Black, and took his seat on June 12, 1848. of April 19, 1848, and took his seat December 4, 1848. beginning of the congressional term, while serving in the 88 Died November 16, 1848, before the commencement of 'Died March 8, 1848. war with Mexico), and took his seat December 6, 1847. the Thirty-first Congress, to which he had been reelected. Died January 16, 1848. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alexander D. Sims, and took his seat February 12, 1849. 146 Biographical Directory

VIRGINIA Thomas H. Bayly, Accomac Isaac P. Walker,52 Milwaukee SENATORS Richard L. T. Beale, Hague John S. Pendleton, Culpeper REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James M. Mason, Winchester Henry Bedinger, Charlestown Mason C. Darling,53 Fond du The Robert M. T. Hunter, Lloyds James McDowell, Lexington William P. Lynde,54 Milwaukee REPRESENTATIVES William B. Preston, Blacksburg Archibald Atkinson, Smithfield Andrew S. Fulton, Wytheville TERRITORY OF George C. Dromgoole,48 Summit Robert A. Thompson, Kanawha Richard K. Meade,49 Petersburg William G. Brown, Kingwood WISCONSIN55 Thomas S. Flournoy, Halifax DELEGATE WISCONSIN5° Thomas S. Bocock, Appomattox John H. Tweedy,56 Milwaukee William L. Goggin, Otter Bridge SENATORS Henry H. Sibley,57 Mendota John M. Botts, Richmond Henry Dodge,5' Dodgeville

Died April 27, 1847, before Congress assembled. ' Took his seat June 23, 1848; term to expire, as deter- 59The western portion of the Territory of Wisconsin Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George C. mined by lot, March 3, 1851. retained its territorial organization under the same name Dromgoole, and took his seat December 6, 1847. 52 Took his seat June 26, 1848; term to expire as deter- until reorganized tote the Territory of Minnesota by act of 50Formed from the eastern portion of the Territory of mined by lot, March 3, 1849. March 3, 1849, the eastern portion having been granted Wisconsin by authority of act approved August 6, 1846, "Took his seat June 9, 1848. statehood as the State of Wisconsin. "Served until May 29, 1848, when that portion of the and admitted as a State into the Union May 29, 1848. ' Took his seat June 5, 1848. Territory of Wisconsin in which he resided was admitted to statehood. 9 Elected to fill vacancy caused by disqualification of John H. Tweedy, and took his seat January 15, 1849. THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1849, TO MARCH 3, 1851

FIRST SESSION-December 3, 1849, to September 30, 1850 SECOND SESSION-December 2, 1850, to March 3, 1851 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 5, 1849, to March 23, 1849



ALABAMA John C. Fremont," San Francisco FLORIDA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS William R King, Selma Edward Gilbert,'2 San Francisco David Levy Yulee, St. Augustine Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Wetumpka George W. Wright,'3 San Francisco Jeremiah Clemens,8 Huntsville Jackson Morton, Pensacola REPRESENTATIVES CONNECTICUT REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William J. Alston, Linden Edward C. Cabell, Tallahassee Henry W. Hilliard, Montgomery SENATORS Sampson W. Harris, Wetumpka Roger S. Baldwin, New Haven GEORGIA Samuel W. Inge, Livingston Truman Smith, Litchfield David Hubbard, Kinlock SENATORS Williamson R. W. Cobb, Bellefonte REPRESENTATIVES J. Macpherson Berrien, Savannah Franklin W. Bowdon, Talladega Loren P. Waldo, Tolland William C. Dawson, Greensboro Walter Booth, Meriden ARKANSAS Chauncey F. Cleveland, Hampton REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Thomas B. Butler, Norwalk Thomas Butler King,'4 Waynesville Solon Borland, Hot Springs Joseph W. Jackson,'5 Savannah William K. Sebastian, Helena DELAWARE Marshall J. Wellborn, Columbus REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Allen F. Owen, Talbotton SENATORS Robert W. Johnson, Little Rock Hugh A. Haralson, Lagrange Presley Spruance, Smyrna Thomas C. Hackett, Rome John Wales, Wilmington 9 Howell Cobb, Athens SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Alexander H. Stephens, Crawfordville William M. Gwin,'° San Francisco John W. Houston, Georgetown Robert Toombs, Washington

'Became President upon the death of Zachary Taylor, adopted that day; Robert C. Winthrop, of Massachusetts, dalgo of February 2, 1848, and admitted as a State into the July 10, 1850. served as Speaker pro tempore on April 19, 1850. Union September 9, 1850. 10 2Elected March 5, 1849, and again March 16, 1849 (spe- Reelected January 11, 1850; died April 13, 1850. Took his seat September 10, 1850; term to expire, as cial session of the Senate). President-elect Zachary Taylor Elected April 17, 1850. determined by lot, March 3, 1855. having declined to take the oath of office on March 4, 'Elected January 15, 1850. 11Took his seat September 10, 1850; term to expire, as 5 determined by lot, March 3, 1851. 1849, because it was Sunday, the Senate was not in session Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by death of Dixon H. 12 his seat September 11, 1850. on that date. Lewis, in preceding Congress, and took his seat December his seat September 11, 1850. Elected May 6, 1850; July 11, 1850. 6, 1849. 10Resigned in 1850. Elected December 22, 1849, upon the sixty-third viva from a portion of the territory ceded to the 15Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of voce vote and the first vote under a plurality resolution United States by Mexico by the treaty of Guadalupe Hi- Thomas Butler King, and took his seat March 4, 1850.

[147] 148 Biographical Directory

ILLINOIS LOUISIANA Joseph Grinnell, New Bedford Daniel P. King,3' South Danvers SENATORS SENATORS Stephen A. Douglas, Chicago Solomon W. Downs, Monroe MICHIGAN James Shields,'6 Belleville Pierre Soulé, New Orleans SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Lewis Cass, Detroit William H. Bissell, Belleville Emile La Sore, New Orleans Alpheus Felch, Ann Arbor John A. McClernand, Shawneetown Charles M. Conrad,19 New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES Henry A. Bullard,2° New Orleans Timothy R. Young, Marshall Alexander W. Buel, Detroit John H. Harmanson,2' Simmeport John Wentworth, Chicago William Sprague, Kalamazoo Alexander G. Penn,22 Covington William A. Richardson, Quincy Kinsley S. Bingham, Kensington Edward D. Baker, Galena Isaac E. Morse, St. Martinville Thomas L. Harris, Petersburg MAINE MISSISSIPPI SENATORS SENATORS INDIANA Henry S. Foote, Jackson SENATORS James W. Bradbury, Augusta Hannibal Hamlin, Hampden Jefferson Davis, Palmyra Jesse D. Bright, Madison REPRESENTATIVES James Whitcomb, Indianapolis REPRESENTATIVES Elbridge Gerry, Waterford Jacob Thompson, Oxford REPRESENTATIVES Winfield S. Featherston, Houston Nathaniel S. Littlefield, Bridgeton , Greenville William McWillie, Camden John Otis, Hallowell Albert G. Brown, Gallatin Cyrus L. Dunham, Salem Rufus K. Goodenow, Paris John L. Robinson, Rue hville Cullen Sawtelle, Norridgewock MISSOURI George W. Julian, Centerville Charles Stetson, Bangor William J. Brown, Indianapolis Thomas J. D. Fuller, Calais SENATORS Willis A. Gorman, Bloomington Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis Edward W. McGaughey, Rockville MARYLAND David R. Atchison, Platte City Joseph E. McDonald, Crawfordsville REPRESENTATIVES Graham N. Fitch, Logansport SENATORS Andrew J. Harlan, Marion James A. Pearce, Chestertown James B. Bowlin, St. Louis Reverdy Johnson,23 Baltimore William V. N. Bay, Union James S. Green, Canton IOWA David Stewart,24 Baltimore Thomas G. Pratt,25 Annapolis Willard P. Hall, St. Joseph SENATORS John S. Phelps, Springfield Augustus C. Dodge, Burlington REPRESENTATIVES George W. Jones, Dubuque Richard J. Bowie, Roe koille NEW HAMPSHIRE William T. Hamilton, Hagerstown REPRESENTATIVES Edward Hammond, Ellicotts Mills SENATORS William Thompson,'7 Mount Pleasant Robert M. McLane, Baltimore John P. Hale, Dover Daniel F. Miller,'8 Fort Madison Alexander Evans, Elk ton Moses Norris, Jr., Manchester Shepherd Leffler, Burlington John B. Kerr, Easton REPRESENTATIVES Amos Tuck, Exeter KENTUCKY MASSACHUSETTS Charles H. Peaslee, Concord SENATORS SENATORS James Wilson,32 Keene George W. Morrison,33 Manchester Joseph R. Underwood, Bowling Green Daniel Webster,26 Boston Harry Hibbard, Bath Henry Clay, Lexington Robert C. Winthrop,27 Boston REPRESENTATIVES Robert Rantoul, Jr.,28 Boston John Davis, Worcester NEW JERSEY Linn Boyd, Cadiz SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES James L. Johnson, Owens boro Jacob W. Miller, Morristown Finis E. McLean, Elkton Robert C. Winthrop,29 Boston William L. Dayton, Trenton George A. Caldwell, Columbia Samuel A. Eliot,30 Boston John B. Thompson, Harrodsburg James H. Duncan, Haverhill REPRESENTATIVES , Richmond Charles Allen, Worcester Andrew K. Hay, Winslow Humphrey Marshall, Drennons Lick George Ashmun, Springfield William A. Newell, Allentown Charles S. Morehead, Frankfort Julius Rockwell, Pittsfield Isaac Wildrick, Blairstown John C. Mason, Owingsville Horace Mann, West Newton John Van Dyke, New Brunswick Richard H. Stanton, Maysville , Fall River James G. King, Ho bo ken

1 Although seated on March 6, 1849, his election was is Unsuccessfully contested the election of William 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Re- Thompson; subsequently elected at special election, and verdy Johnson, and took his seat January 14, 1850. declared void on March 15, 1849, "He not having been a 28 Resigned July 22, 1850, having been appointed Secre- citizen of the United States the term of years required as took his seat December 20, 1850. tary of State. a qualification to be a Senator of the United States at the '° Resigned August 17, 1850. 2 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of commencement of the term for which he was elected"; 20 Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of Daniel Webster, and took his seat July 30, 1850. subsequently elected for the term beginning March 4, Charles M. Conrad, and took his seat December 5, 1850. '5Elected to liii vacancy caused by resignation of 1849, and took his seat December 3, 1849; vacancy in this 'Died October 25, 1850. Daniel Webster, and took his seat February 22, 1851. class from March 16, 1849, to December 2, 1849. '2Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John H. 2 ResignedJuly 30, 1850, having been appointed Sena- '7Election contested by Daniel F. Miller; served until Harmanson, and took his seat December 30, 1850. tor. June 29, 1850, when the House declared that neither was "Resigned March 7, 1849. "Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of entitled to the seat. " Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Robert C. Winthrop, and took his seat August 22, 1850. Reverdy Johnson, and took his seat December 8, 1849. 2 Died .July 25, 1850. Resigned September 9, 1850. 5' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Wilson, and took his seat December 2, 1850; election un- successfully contested by Jared Perkins. Thirty-First Congress 149

NEW YORK David Outlaw, Windsor James X. McLanahan, Chambers burg SENATORS Samuel Calvin, Hollidaysburg Daniel S. Dickinson, Binghamton OHIO Andrew J. Ogle, Somerset SENATORS Job Mann, Bedford William H. Seward, Auburn Robert R. Reed, Washington REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Corwin,34 Lebanon Thomas Ewing,35 Lancaster Moses Hampton, Pittsburgh John A. King, Jamaica Salmon P. Chase, Cincinnati John W. Howe, Franklin David A. Bokee, Brooklyn James Thompson, Erie J. Phillips Phoenix, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Alfred Gilmore, Butler Walter Underhill, New York City David T. Disney, Cincinnati Chester P. Butler,42 Wilkes-Barre George Briggs, New York City Lewis D. Campbell, Hamilton John Brisbin,43 Wilkes-Barre James Brooks, New York City Robert C. Schenck, Dayton William Nelson, Peeks kill Moses B. Corwin, Urbana RHODE ISLAND Emery D. Potter, Toledo Ransom Halloway, Beekman SENATORS Thomas McKissock, Newburgh Rodolphus Dickinson,36 Lower Herman D. Gould, Delhi Sand usky Albert C. Greene, Providence Peter H. Silvester, Coxsackie Amos E. Wood," Woodoille John H. Clarke, Providence Gideon Reynolds, Hoosick John Bell,38 Fremont REPRESENTATIVES John L. Schoolcraft, Albany Jonathan D. Morris, Batavia George G. King, Newport George R. Andrews, Ticonderoga John L. Taylor, Chillicothe Nathan F. Dixon, Westerly John R. Thurman, Chestertown Edson B. Olds, Circleville Hugh White, Cohoes Charles Sweetser, Delaware SOUTH CAROLINA Henry P. Alexander, Little Falls John K. Miller, Mount Vernon SENATORS Samuel F. Vinton, Gallipolis Preston King, Ogdens burg John C. Calhoun,44 Pendleton Charles E. Clarke, Great Bend William A Whittlesey, Marietta Franklin H. Elmore,45 Columbia Orsamus B. Matteson, Utica Nathan Evans, Cambridge Robert W. Barnwell,46 Beaufort Hiram Walden, Waldensville William F. Hunter, Woodsfield R. Barnwell Rhett,47 Charleston Henry Bennett, New Berlin Moses Hoagland, Millersburg Andrew P. Butler, Edgefield William Duer, Oswego Joseph Cable, Carroilton Daniel Gott, Pompey David K. Cartter, Massillon REPRESENTATIVES Harmon S. Conger, Cortland John Crowell, Warren Daniel Wallace, Union William T. Jackson, Havana Joshua R. Giddings, Jefferson James L. Orr, Anderson William A. Sackett, Seneca Falls Joseph M. Root, Sandusky Joseph A. Woodward, Winnsboro Abraham M. Schermerhorn, Rochester John McQueen,48 Bennettsville Robert L. Rose, Allens Hill PENNSYLVANIA Armistead Burt, Willington David Rumsey, Jr., Bath SENATORS Isaac E. Holmes, Charleston William F. Colcock, Grahamville Elijah Risley, Fredonia Daniel Sturgeon, Uniontown Elbridge G. Spaulding, Buffalo James Cooper, Pottsville Harvey Putnam, Attica TENNESSEE REPRESENTATIVES Lorenzo Burrows, Albion SENATORS Lewis C. Levin, Philadelphia Hopkins L. Turney, Winchester NORTH CAROLINA Joseph R. Chandler, Philadelphia Henry D. Moore, Philadelphia John Bell, Nashville SENATORS John Robbins, Jr.,39 Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES Willie P. Mangum, Red Mountain John Freedley, Norristown Andrew Johnson, Greeneville George E. Badger, Raleigh Thomas Ross, Doylestown Albert G. Watkins, Panther Springs REPRESENTATIVES Jesse C. Dickey, New London Josiah M. Anderson, Fairview Thomas L. Clingman, Asheville , Lancaster John H. Savage, Smithuille Joseph P. Caidwell, Statesville William Strong, Reading George W. Jones, Fayetteville Edmund Deberry, Mount Gilead Milo M. Dimmick, Stroudsburg James H. Thomas, Columbia Augustine H. Shepperd, Salem David Wilmot, Towanda Meredith P. Gentry, Franklin Abraham W. Venable, Brownsville Joseph Casey, New Berlin Andrew Ewing, Nashville John R. J. Daniel, Halifax Charles W. Pitman, Potisville Isham G. Harris, Paris William S. Ashe, Wilmington Henri Nes,4° York Frederick P. Stanton, Memphis Edward Stanly, Washington Joel B. Danner,4' Gettysburg Christopher H. Williams, Lexington

'4Resigned July 20, 1850, having been appointed Secre- ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Amos E. ' Died March 31, 1850. tary of the Treasury. Wood, and took his seat January 7, 1851. 4sAppointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John C. 3Election unsuccessfully contested by John S. Littell. Calhoun, and took his seat May 6, 1850; died May 29, 1850. ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 4sAppointed to fill vacancy caused by deaths of John C. Thomas Corwin, and took his seat July 27, 1850. ° Died September 10, 1850. Calhoun and Franklin H. Elmore, and took his seat June 35Died March 20, 1849. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry Nes, 24, 1850. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Rodoiphus and took his seat December 2, 1850. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John C. Dickinson, and took his seat December 3, 1849; died No- ' Died October 5, 1850. Calhoun, and took his seat January 6, 1851. vember 19, 1850. 3Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Chester P. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Butler, and took his seat January 13, 1851. tive-elect Alexander D. Sims in preceding Congress. 150 Biographical Directory

TEXAS VIRGINIA Thomas S. Haymond,53 Fairmount SENATORS SENATORS WISCONSIN Sam Houston, Huntsville James M. Mason, Winchester Thomas J. Rusk, Nacogdoches Robert M. T. Hunter, Lloyds SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Henry Dodge, Dodgeville REPRESENTATIVES Isaac P. Walker, Milwaukee David S. Kaufman,49 Sabine John S. Millson, Norfolk Volney E. Howard, San Antonio Richard K. Meade, Petersburg REPRESENTATIVES Thomas H. Averett, Halifax Charles Durkee, Kenosha Thomas S. Bocock, Appomattox Orsamus Cole, Potosi VERMONT , Amherst James Duane Doty, Menasha SENATORS James A. Seddon, Richmond Samuel S. Phelps, Middlebury Thomas H. Bayly, Accomac TERRITORY OF William Upham, Montpelier Alexander R. Holladay, Mansfield MINNESOTA54 , Raccoon Ford REPRESENTATIVES Richard Parker, Berryville DELEGATE William Henry, Bellows Falls James McDowell, Lexington Henry H. Sibley,55 Mendota William Hebard, Chelsea Henry A. Edmundson, Salem George P. Marsh,5° Burlington Fayette McMullen, Rye TERRITORY OF OREGON56 James Meacham,5' Middlebury James M. H. Beale, Point Pleasant DELEGATE Lucius B. Peck, Montpelier Alexander Newman,52 Wheeling Samuel R. Thurston,57 Linn City

' Died January 31, 1851. 5Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alexander 55Took his seat December 3, 1849. '°Resigned in 1849 having been appointed minister to Newman and took his seat December 3, 1849. 59Formed August 14, 1848, from territory ceded to the Turkey. 04Formed March 3, 1849, from the portion of Wisconsin United States by the treaty with France of April 30, 1803; ' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Territory remaining after the State of Wisconsin had been the treaty with Spain of February 22, 1819, and the treaty George P. Marsh, and took his seat December 3, 1849. admitted to statehood (May 29, 1848), and granted a Dele- with Great Britain of June 15, 1846, and granted a Dele-- Died September 8, 1849, before Congress Assembled. gate in Congress. gate in Congress. his seat December 3, 1849. THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1851, TO MARCH 3, 1853

FIRST SESSION-December 1, 1851, to August 31, 1852 SECOND SESSION-December 6, 1852, to March 3, 1853 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1851, to March 13, 1851



ALABAMA John B. Weller,8 San Francisco Stephen R. Mallory,'0 Jacksonville REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William R. King,6 Selma Edward C. Marshall, Sonora Edward C. Cabell, Tallahassee Benjamin Fitzpatrick,7 Wetumpka Joseph W. McCorkle, Marysville Jeremiah Clemens, Huntsville CONNECTICUT GEORGIA REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS SENATORS John Bragg, Mobile Truman Smith, Litchfield John Macpherson Berrien,1' James Abercrombie, Girard Isaac Toucey,9 Hartford Savannah Sampson W. Harris, Weturnpka REPRESENTATIVES Robert M. Charlton,'2 Savannah William R. Smith, Fayette William C. Dawson, Greensboro George S. Houston, Athens Charles Chapman, Hartford Williamson R. W. Cobb, Bellefonte Cohn M. Ingersoll, New Haven REPRESENTATIVES Alexander White, Talladega Chauncey F. Cleveland, Hampton Joseph W. Jackson, Savannah Origen S. Seymour, Litchfield James Johnson, Columbus ARKANSAS David J. Bailey, Jackson DELAWARE Charles Murphey, Decatur SENATORS SENATORS Elijah W. Chastain, Tacoah William K. Sebastian, Helena Presley Spruance, Smyrna Junius Hillyer, Monroe Solon Borland, Hot Springs James A. Bayard, Wilmington Alexander H. Stephens, Crawfordville Robert Toombs, Washington REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert W. Johnson, Little Rock George Read Riddle, Wilmington ILLINOIS CALIFORNIA FLORIDA SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Stephen A. Douglas, Chicago William M. Gwin, San Francisco Jackson Morton, Pensacola James Shields, Belleville

'Vice President Millard Fillmore became President on Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- March 4, 1851, to May 11, 1852, because of failure of the death of Zachary Taylor in preceding Congress. liam R. King, and took his seat January 20, 1853; subse- Governor to appoint. quently elected. iO Election unsuccessfully contested by David Levy Resigned as President pro tempore December 20, 1852. SElected for the term beginning March 4, 1851, and Yulee. Elected December 20, 1852. took his seat March 17, 1852; vacancy in this class from "Resigned May 28, 1852. Elected December 1, 1851. March 4, 1851, to January 30, 1852. " Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Elected December 1, 1851. Elected for the tern, beginning March 4, 1851, and John Macpherson Berrien, and took his seat June 11, 6 Resigned December 20, 1852. took his seat May 14, 1852; vacancy in this class from 1852.

[1511 152 Biographical Directory

ILLINOIS-Continued , Richmond Orin Fowler,24 Fall River REPRESENTATIVES Humphrey Marshall,'9 New Castle Edward P. Little,25 Marshfield William Preston,2° Louisville James H. Duncan, Haverhill William H. Bissell, Belleville John C. Breckinridge, Lexington Willis Allen, Marion Robert Rantoul, Jr.,26 Beverly John C. Mason, Owingsville Francis B. Fay,27 Chelsea Orlando B. Ficklin, Charleston Richard H. Stanton, Maysville Richard S. Molony, Belvidere Charles Allen, Worcester William A. Richardson, Quincy George T. Davis, Greenfield LOUISIANA John Z. Goodrich, Glendale Thompson Campbell, Galena SENATORS Richard Yates, Jacksonville Horace Mann, West Newton Solomon W. Downs, Monroe Benjamin Thompson,28 Charlestown INDIANA Pierre Soulé, New Orleans ,29 Framingham REPRESENTATIVES Zeno Scudder, Barnstable SENATORS Jesse D. Bright, Madison Louis St. Martin, New Orleans J. Aristide Landry, Donaldsonville MICHIGAN James Whitcomb,'3 Indianapolis Alexander G. Penn, Covington Charles W. Cathcart,'4 Laporte John Moore, New Iberia SENATORS John Pettit," La Fayette Lewis Cass, Detroit REPRESENTATIVES MAINE Alpheus Feich, Ann Arbor James Lockhart, Evansville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Cyrus L. Dunham, Salem James W. Bradbury, Augusta John L. Robinson, Rushville Hannibal Hamlin, Hampden Ebenezer J. Penniman, Plymouth Samuel W. Parker, Connersville Charles E. Stuart, Kalamazoo Thomas A. Hendricks, Shelbyville REPRESENTATIVES James L. Conger, Mount Clemens Willis A. Gorman, Bloomington Moses Macdonald, Biddeford John G. Davis, Rockville John Appleton, Portland MISSISSIPPI , La Fayette Robert Goodenow, Farmington Graham N. Fitch, Logansport Charles Andrews,2' Paris SENATORS , Fort Wayne Isaac Reed,22 Waldoboro Henry S. Foote,3° Jackson Ephraim K. Smart, Camden Walker Brooke,3' Lexington Israel Washburn, Jr., Orono Jefferson Davis,32 Palmyra IOWA Thomas J. D. Fuller, Calais SENATORS John J. McRae,33 Enterprise Augustus C. Dodge, Burlington MARYLAND Stephen Adams,34 Aberdeen George W. Jones, Dubuque SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES James A. Pearce, Chestertown Benjamin D. Nabers, Hickory , Fairfield Thomas G. Pratt, Annapolis John A. Wilcox, Aberdeen , Dubuque REPRESENTATIVES John D. Freeman, Jackson Richard J. Bowie, Rockville Albert G. Brown, Gallatin KENTUCKY William T. Hamilton, Hagerstown SENATORS Edward Hammond, Ellicotts Mills MISSOURI Joseph R. Underwood, Bowling Green Thomas Yates Walsh, Baltimore Henry Clay,'6 Lexington Alexander Evans, Elkton SENATORS David Meriwether,'7 Louisville Joseph S. Cottman, Upper Trappe David R. Atchison, Platte City ,18 Henderson Henry S. Geyer, St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES MASSACHUSETTS REPRESENTATIVES Linn Boyd, Paducah SENATORS John F. Darby, St. Louis Benjamin E. Grey, Hopkinsville John Davis, Worcester Gilchrist Porter, Bowling Green Presley U. Ewing, Russeliville Charles Sumner,23 Boston John G. Miller, Boonville William T. Ward, Greensburg REPRESENTATIVES Willard P. Hall, St. Joseph James W. Stone, Elizabethtown William Appleton, Boston John S. Phelps, Springfield

"Died October 4, 1852. December 20, 1852, when a resolution was adopted declar- "Elected to ifil vacancy caused by death of Robert '4Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of James ing him duly elected "to fill the vacancy occasioned by the Rantoul, Jr., and took his seat December 29, 1852. Whitcomb, and took his seat December 6, 1852. resignation of Mr. Clay." ' Died September 24, 1852. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James iS Resigned August 4, 1852. ' Elected to fill vacancy, caused by death of Benjamin Whitcomb, and took his seat January 18, 1852. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Hum- Thompson, and took his seatDecember 28, 1852. "Tendered his resignation December 15, 1851, "to take phrey Marshall, and took his seat December 6, 1852. effect on the first Monday of September, 1852"; died June "Died April 30, 1852. "Resigned January 8, 1852, having been elected gover- 29, 1852. "Electef to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles nor. ' Appointed July 6, 1852, to fill vacancy caused by Andrews, and took his seat June 25, 1852. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry death of Henry Clay, and to serve "until the time the "Elected for term beginning March 4, 1851, and took S. Foote, and took his seat March 11, 1852. resignation of Henry Clay takes effect"; took his seat July his seat December 1,1851; vacancy in this class from "Resigned September 23, 1851. 15, 1852, and served until the adjournment of the session, March 4, 1851, to April 23, 1851. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of August 31, 1852. ' Died September 3, 1862. Jefferson Davis, and took his seat December 19, 1861. "Elected December 30, 1851, to fill vacancy anticipated ' Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of Orin ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jeffer- by the resignation of Henry Clay; credentials presented on Fowler, and took his seat December 30, 1822. son Davis, and took his seat March 17, 1852. December 6, 1852, but was not permitted to qualify until "Died August 7, 1852. Thirty-Second Congress 153

NORTH CAROLINA Thomas M. Bibighaus, Lebanon NEW HAMPSHIRE William H. Kurtz, York SENATORS SENATORS James X. McLanahan, Chambersburg John P. Hale, Dover Willie P. Mangum, Red Mountain Andrew Parker, Mifflintown Moses Norris, Jr., Manchester George E. Badger, Raleigh John L. Dawson, Brownsville REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Joseph H. Kuhns, Greens burg Amos Tuck, Exeter Thomas L. Clingman, Asheville John Allison, Beaver Charles H. Peaslee, Concord Joseph P. Caidwell, Statesville Thomas M. Howe, Allegheny City Jared Perkins, Winchester Alfred Dockery, Dockerys Store John W. Howe, Franklin Harry Hibbard, Bath James T. Morehead, Greensboro Carlton B. Curtis, Warren Abraham W. Venable, Brownsville Alfred Gilmore, Butler NEW JERSEY John R. J. Daniel, Halifax SENATORS William S. Ashe, Wilmington RHODE ISLAND Jacob W. Miller, Morristown Edward Stanly, Washington SENATORS Robert F. Stockton,35 Princeton David Outlaw, Windsor John H. Clarke, Providence REPRESENTATIVES OHIO Charles T. James, Providence Nathan T. Stratton, Mullica Hill SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Charles Skelton, Trenton Salmon P. Chase, Cincinnati George G. King, Newport Isaac Wildrick, Blairstown Benjamin F. Wade,31 Jefferson Benjamin B. Thurston, Hopkinton George H. Brown, Somerville REPRESENTATIVES Rodman M. Price, Hoboken SOUTH CAROLINA David T. Disney, Cincinnati NEW YORK Lewis D. Campbell, Hamilton SENATORS SENATORS Hiram Bell, Greenville Andrew P. Butler, Edgefield , Bellefontaine R. Barnwell Rhett,39 Charleston William H. Seward, Auburn William F. De Saussure,4° Columbia Hamilton Fish, New York City Alfred P. Edgerton, Hicksville Frederick W. Green, Tiffin REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Nelson Barrere, Hills boro Daniel Wallace, Jonesville John G. Floyd, Moriches John L. Taylor, Chillicothe Obadiah Bowne, Richmond James L. Orr, Anderson Edson B. Olds, Circleville Joseph A. Woodward, Winnsboro Emanuel B. Hart, New York City Charles Sweetser, Delaware J. H. Hobart Haws, New York City John McQueen, Bennettsville George H. Busby, Marion Armistead Burt, Willington George Briggs, New York City John Welch, Athens James Brooks, New York City William Aiken, Charleston James M. Gaylord, McConnellsville William F. Colcock, Grahamville Abraham P. Stephens, Nyack Alexander Harper, Zanesville Gilbert Dean, Poughkeepsie William F Hunter, Woodsfield TENNESSEE William Murray, Goshen John Johnson, Coshocton Marius Schoonmaker, Kingston Joseph Cable, Carroliton SENATORS Josiah Sutherland, Hudson David K. Cartter, Massillon John Bell, Nashville David L. Seymour, Troy Eben Newton, Canfield James C. Jones, Memphis John L. Schoolcraft, Albany Joshua R. Giddings, Jefferson REPRESENTATIVES John H. Boyd, Whitehall Norton S. Townshend, Avon Joseph Russell, Warrensburg Andrew Johnson, Greeneville John Wells, Johnstown Albert G. Watkins, Panther Springs PENNSYLVANIA William M. Churchwell, Knoxville Alexander H. Buell,36 Fairfield SENATORS Preston King, Ogdensburg John H. Savage, Smithville Willard Ives, Watertown James Cooper, Pottsville George W. Jones, Fayetteville Timothy Jenkins, Oneida Castle Richard Brodhead, Easton William H. Polk, Columbia William W. Snow, Oneonta REPRESENTATIVES Meredith P. Gentry, Franklin Henry Bennett, New Berlin Thomas B. Florence, Philadelphia William Cullom, Carthage Leander Babcock, Oswego Joseph R. Chandler, Philadelphia Isham G. Harris, Paris Daniel T. Jones, Baldwinsville Henry D. Moore, Philadelphia Frederick P. Stanton, Memphis Thomas Y. Howe, Jr., Auburn John Robbins, Jr., Kensington Christopher H. Williams, Lexington Henry S. Waibridge, Ithaca John McNair, Norristown William A. Sackett, Seneca Falls Thomas Ross, Doylestown TEXAS Abraham M. Schermerhorn, Rochester John A. Morrison, Cochransville SENATORS Jerediah Horsford, Moscow Thaddeus Stevens, Lancaster Sam Houston, Huntsville Reuben Robie, Bath J. Glancy Jones, Reading Thomas J. Rusk, Nacogdoches Milo M. Dimmick, Stroudsburg Frederick S. Martin, Olean REPRESENTATIVES Solomon G. Haven, Buffalo Henry M. Fuller,38 Wilkes-Barre Augustus P. Hascall, Le Roy Galusha A. Grow, Glenwood Richardson Scurry, Clarksville Lorenzo Burrows, Albion James Gamble, Jersey Shore Volney E. Howard, San Antonio

"Elected for term beginning March 4, 1851, and took "Election unsuccessfully contested by Hendrick B. 'Resigned January 10, 1853; vacancy in this class Wright. during remainder of the Congress. his seat December 1, 1851; vacancy in this class from "Resigned May 7, 1852. "Died January 29, 1853. March 4 to 14, 1851. ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of R. Barnwell Rhett, and took his seat May 24, 1852; subse- quently elected. 154 Biographical Directory

VERMONT Thomas S. Bocock, Appomattox Ben C. Eastman, Platteville SENATORS Paulus Powell, Amherst James Duane Doty, Menasha William Upham,4' Montpelier John S. Caskie, Richmond Samuel S. Phelps,42 Middlebury Thomas H. Bayly, Accomac TERRITORY OF MINNESOTA Solomon Foot, Rutland Alexander R. Holladay, Mansfield DELEGATE James F. Strother, Rappahannock REPRESENTATIVES Charles J. Faulkner, Ma rtins burg Henry H. Sibley, Mendota Ahiman L. Miner, Manchester , Lexington William Hebard, Chelsea Henry A. Edmundson, Salem TERRITORY OF NEW James Meacham, Middlebury Fayette McMullen, Rye Cove MEXICO45 Thomas Bartlett, Jr., Lyndon James M. H. Beale, Point Pleasant DELEGATE George W. Thompson,43 Wheeling Richard H. Weightman,4° Santa Fe VIRGINIA ,44 Wheeling SENATORS TERRITORY OF OREGON James M. Mason, Winchester WISCONSIN DELEGATE Robert M. T. Hunter, Lloyds SENATORS , Oregon City REPRESENTATIVES Henry Dodge, Dodgeville John S. Millson, Norfolk Isaac P. Walker, Milwaukee TERRITORY OF UTAH47 Richard K. Meade, Petersburg REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE Thomas H. Averett, Halifax Charles Durkee, Kenosha John M. Bernhisel,48 Salt Lake City

' Died January 14, 1853. 'Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the held that no territorial government existed and the Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William United States by Mexico by the treaty of Guadalupe Hi- matter was laid on the table. Uphani, and took his seat January 19, 1853. dalgo of February 2, 1848, and granted a Delegate in Con- "Took his seat December 1, 1851. Resigned July 30, 1852. gress by act of September 9, 1850. Hugh N. Smith present- Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the '° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of ed credentials February 4, 1850, in the preceding Congress, United States by Mexico by the treaty of Guadalupe Hi- George W. Thompson, and took his seat December 6, 1852. but was not admitted to a seat; the committee on elections dalgo of February 2, 1848, and granted a Delegate in Con- gress by act of September 9, 1850. "Took his seat December 1, 1851. THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1853, TO MARCH 3, 1855

FIRST SESSION-December 5, 1853, to August 7, 1854 SECOND SESSION-December 4, 1854, to March 3, 1855 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1853, to April 11, 1853



ALABAMA John B. Weller, San Francisco Stephen R. Mallory, Jacksonville REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS Milton S. Latham, Sacramento Augustus E. Maxwell, Tallahassee Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Wetumpka James A. McDougall, San Francisco Clement C. Clay, Jr.,8 Huntsville GEORGIA REPRESENTATIVES CONNECTICUT SENATORS Philip Phillips, Mobile SENATORS William C. Dawson, Greensboro James Abercrombie, Girard Truman Smith,1' Litchfield Robert Toombs, Washington Sampson W. Harris, Wetumpka Francis Gillette,'2 Hartford REPRESENTATIVES William R. Smith, Fayette Isaac Toucey, Hartford James L. Seward, Thomasville George S. Houston, Athens REPRESENTATIVES Alfred H. Colquitt, Newton Williamson R. W. Cobb, Bellefonte David J. Bailey, Jackson James F. Dowdell, Chambers James T. Pratt, Rockyhill Cohn M. Ingersoll, New Haven William B. W. Dent, Newnan Nathan Beicher, New London Elijah W. Chastain, Tacoah ARKANSAS Origen S. Seymour, Litchfield Junius Hillyer, Monroe SENATORS David A. Reese, Monticello William K. Sebastian, Helena DELAWARE Alexander H. Stephens, Crawfordville Solon Borland,9 Hot Springs SENATORS Robert W. Johnson,1° Little Rock James A. Bayard, Wilmington ILLINOIS REPRESENTATWES John M. Clayton, Chippewa SENATORS Alfred B. Greenwood, Bentonville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Stephen A. Douglas, Chicago Edward A. Warren, Camden George Read Riddle, Wilmington James Shields, Belleville REPRESENTATIVES CALIFORNIA FLORIDA Elihu B. Washburne, Galena SENATORS SENATORS John Wentworth, Chicago William M. Gwin, San Francisco Jackson Morton, Pensacola Jesse 0. Norton, Joliet

iO Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 'Died April 18, 1853, after taking the oath of office at Reelected December 5, 1853. Habana, Cuba, a privilege accorded by special act of Con- Reelected December 5, 1853. Solon Borland, and took his seat December 5, 1853; subse- quently elected. gress. 5Elected for term beginning March 4, 1853, and took his 2 Elected March 4, 1853. seat December 14, 1853; vacancy in this class from March 1 Resigned, effective May 24, 1854. 2 Elected December 4, 1854, for one day only. 4, 1853, to November 28, 1853. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Elected December 5, 1854. Resgned April 3, 1853, to become minister to Nicara- Truman Smith, and took his seat May 25, 1854. Elected March 17, 1853. gua and the other Central American Republics.

[155] 156 Biographical Directory

ILLINOIS-Continued LOUISIANA , Lowell REPRESENTATIVES-cONTINIJED SENATORS , Oxford , Amherst James Knox, Knoxville Pierre Soulé,' New Orleans John Z. Goodrich, Glendale William A. Richardson, Quincy John Slidell,'6 New Orleans Richard Yates, Jacksonville Judah P. Benjamin, New Orleans MICHIGAN James C. Allen, Palestine REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS William H. Bissell, Belleville William Dunbar, New Orleans Willis Allen, Marion Theodore G. Hunt, New Orleans Lewis Cass, Detroit John Perkins, Jr., Ashwood Charles E. Stuart, Kalamazoo INDIANA Roland Jones, Shreveport REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS David Stuart, Detroit Jesse D. Bright, Madison MAINE David A. Noble, Monroe John Pettit, La Fayette SENATORS Samuel Clarke, Kalamazoo Hester L. Stevens, Pontiac REPRESENTATIVES Hannibal Hamlin, Hampden William Pitt Fessenden,'7 Portland , Patoka MISSISSIPPI William H. English, Lexington REPRESENTATIVES Cyrus L. Dunham, Salem Moses Macdonald, Portland SENATORS James H. Lane, Lawrenceburg Samuel Mayall, Gray Stephen Adams, Aberdeen Samuel W. Parker, Connersville E. Wilder Farley, Newcastle Albert G. Brown,23 Newton Thomas A. Hendricks, Shelbyville Samuel P. Benson, Winthrop REPRESENTATIVES John G. Davis, Rockville Israel Washburn, Jr., Orono Daniel B. Wright, Salem Daniel Mace, La Fayette Thomas J. D. Fuller, Calais William T. S. Barry, Greenwood , South Bend Otho R. Singleton, Canton Ebenezer M. Chamberlain, Goshen MARYLAND Wiley P. Harris, Monticello Andrew J. Harlan, Marion SENATORS At Large-William Barksdale, James A. Pearce, Chestertown Columbus IOWA Thomas G. Pratt, Annapolis SENATORS MISSOURI REPRESENTATIVES Augustus C. Dodge, Burlington John R. Franklin, Snow Hill SENATORS George W. Jones, Dubuque Jacob Shower, Manchester David R. Atchison, Platte City REPRESENTATIVES Joshua Vansant, Baltimore Henry S. Geyer, St. Louis Bernhart Henn, Fairfield Henry May, Baltimore REPRESENTATWES John P. Cook, Davenport William T. Hamilton, Hagerstown Thomas H. Benton, St. Louis Augustus R. Sollers, Prince Frederick Alfred W. Lamb, Hannibal KENTUCKY James J. Lindley, Monticello SENATORS MASSACHUSETTS Mordecai Oliver, Richmond Archibald Dixon, Henderson SENATORS John G. Miller, Boonville John B. Thompson, Harrodsburg Charles Sumner, Boston John S. Phelps, Springfield REPRESENTATIVES Edward Everett,18 Boston Samuel Caruthers, Girardeau Julius Rockwell,19 Pittsfield Linn Boyd, Pad ucah NEW HAMPSHIRE Benjamin E. Grey, Hopkinsville Henry Wilson,2° Natick Presley U. Ewing,13 Russellville REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Francis M. Bristow,14 Elkton Zeno Scudder,2' Barnstable Moses Norris, Jr.,24 Manchester James S. Chrisman, Monticello Thomas D. Eliot,22 New Bedford John S. Wells,25 Exeter Clement S. Hill, Lebanon Samuel L. Cracker, Taunton Charles G. Atherton,26 Nashua John M. Elliott, Prestonburg J. Wiley Edmands, Lawrence Jared W. Williams,27 Lancaster William Preston, Louisville Samuel H. Walley, Roxbury REPRESENTATIVES John C. Breckinridge, Lexington William Appleton, Boston George W. Kittredge, Newmarket Leander M. Cox, Flemingsburg Charles W. Upham, Salem George W. Morrison, Manchester Richard H. Stanton, Maysville Nathaniel P. Banks, Waltham Harry Hibbard, Bath

"Died September 27, 1854. "P.esigned effective June 1, 1854. "Elected for the term beginning March 4, 1853; took 14Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Presley U. 15Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of his seat January 26, 1854; vacancy in this class from Ewing, and took his seat December 4, 1854. Edward Everett, and took his seat June 15, 1854. March 4, 1853, to January 7, 1854. '5Resigned April 11, 1853. 20Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 24Died January 11, 1855. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Pierre Edward Everett, and took his seat February 10, 1855. ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Moses Soulé, and took his seat December 5, 1853. "Resigned March 4, 1854. Norris, Jr., and took his seat January 22, 1855. 25Died November 15, 1853. "Elected for the term beginning March 4, 1853, and "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Zeno 21 took his seat February 23, 1854; vacancy in this class from Scudder, and took his seat April 17, 1854. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles March 4, 1853, to February 10, 1854. G. Atherton, and took his seat December 12, 1853; by resolution, August 3, 1854, Senate declared representation under the appointment had expired. Thirty- Third Congress 157

NEW JERSEY David S. Reid,35 Wentworth Hendrick B. Wright, Wilkes-Barre REPRESENTATIVES Asa Packer, Mauch Chunk SENATORS Galusha A. Grow, Glenwood John R. Thomson,28 Princeton Henry M. Shaw, Indian Town Thomas Ruffin, Goldsboro James Gamble, Jersey Shore William Wright, Newark Carlton B. Curtis, Warren REPRESENTATIVES William S. Ashe, Wilmington Sion H. Rogers, Raleigh Samuel L. Russell, Bedford Nathan T. Stratton, Mullica Hill John Kerr, Jr., Yanceyville John McCulloch, Shavers Creek Charles Skelton, Trenton Richard C. Puryear, Huntsville Augustus Drum, Indiana Samuel Lilly, Lambertville John L. Dawson, Brownsville George Vail, Morristown F. Burton Craige, Salisbury Thomas L. Clingman, Asheville David Ritchie, Pittsburgh Alexander C. M. Pennington, Newark Thomas M. Howe, Allegheny City Michael C. Trout, Sharon NEW YORK OHIO SENATORS John Dick, Meadville SENATORS William H. Kurtz, York William H. Seward, Auburn Salmon P. Chase, Cincinnati Benjamin F. Wade, Jefferson Hamilton Fish, New York City RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATWES REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS James Maurice, Maspeth David T. Disney, Cincinnati Thomas W. Cumming, Brooklyn , Cleves Charles T. James, Providence Hiram Walbridge, New York City Lewis D. Campbell, Hamilton Philip Allen,38 Providence Mike Walsh, New York City Matthias H. Nichols, Lima. REPRESENTATIVES William M. Tweed, New York City Alfred P. Edgerton, Hicksville Andrew Ellison, Georgetown Thomas Davis, Providence John Wheeler, New York City Benjamin B. Thurston, Hopkinton William A. Walker, New York City Aaron Harlan, Yellow Springs Francis B. Cutting, New York City Moses B. Corwin, Urbana Jared V. Peck, Port Chester Frederick W. Green, Tiffin SOUTH CAROLINA William Murray, Goshen John L. Taylor, Chillicothe SENATORS Theodore R. Westbrook, Kingston Thomas Ritchey, Somerset Andrew P. Butler, Edgefield Gilbert Dean,29 Poughkeepsie Edson B. Olds, Circieville Josiah J. Evans, Society Hill Isaac Teller,3° Mattawan William D. Lindsley, Sand us ky Russell Sage, Troy Harvey H. Johnson, Ashland REPRESENTATIVES Rufus W. Peckham, Albany William R. Sapp, Mount Vernon John McQueen, Marlboro Charles Hughes, Sandy Hill Edward Ball, Zanesville William Aiken, Charleston George A. Simmons, Keeseville , St. Clairsville Laurence M. Keitt, Orangeburg Bishop Perkins, Ogdensburg George Bliss, Akron Preston S. Brooks, Ninety Six Peter Rowe, Schenectady Edward Wade, Cleveland James L. Orr, Anderson George W. Chase, Schenevus Joshua R. Giddings, Jefferson William W. Boyce, Winnsboro Orsamus B. Matteson, Utica Andrew Stuart, Steubenville Henry Bennett, New Berlin TENNESSEE ,3' Petersboro PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS Henry C. Goodwin,32 Hamilton SENATORS Caleb Lyon, Lyonsdale James Cooper, Potts ville John Bell, Nashville Daniel T. Jones, Baldwinsville James C. Jones, Memphis Edwin B. Morgan, Aurora Richard Brodhead, Easton Andrew Oliver, Penn Yan REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John J. Taylor, Owego Thomas B. Florence, Philadelphia Brookins Campbell,39 Washington George Hastings, Mount Morris Joseph R. Chandler, Philadelphia College Azariah Boody,33 Rochester John Robbins, Jr., Kensington Nathaniel G. Taylor,40 Happy Valley Davis Carpenter,34 Brockport William H Witte, Richmond William M. Churchwell, Knoxville Benjamin Pringle, Batavia John McNair, Norris town Samuel A. Smith, Charleston Thomas T. Flagler, Lockport William Everhart, West Chester William Cullom, Carthage Solomon G. Haven, Buffalo Samuel A. Bridges, Allentown Charles Ready, Murfreesboro Reuben E. Fenton, Frewsburg Henry A. Muhlenberg,36 Berks George W. Jones, Fayetteville J. Glancy Jones,37 Reading Robert M. Bugg, Lynnville NORTH CAROLINA Isaac E. Hiester, Lancaster Felix K. Zollicoffer, Nashville SENATORS Ner Middleswarth, Beavertown Emerson Etheridge, Dresden George E. Badger, Raleigh Christian M. Straub, Pottsville Frederick P. Stanton, Memphis

°° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignationof Resigned in October, 1853, before Congress assembled. °° Elected on May 4,1853, for the term beginning Robert F. Stockton, in preceding Congress, and took his °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Azar- March 4, 1853, and took his seat December 5, 1853; vacan- seat March 4, 1853. iah Boody, and took his seat December 5, 1853. cy in this class from March 4, 1853, to July 20, 1853. Resigned July 3, 1854. °° Elected for the term beginning March 4, 1853, and °° Died December 25, 1853, never having qualified owing 5°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Gil- took his seat December 11, 1854; vacancy in this class to illness. bert Dean, and took his seat December 4, 1854. from March 4, 1853, to December 8, 1854. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Brookins Resigned August 7, 1854. °° Died January 9, 1854. Campbell, December 25, 1853, who did not qualify and °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Gerrit °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry A. took his seat March 30, 1854. Smith, and took his seat December 4, 1854. Muhlenberg, and took his seat February 13, 1854. 158 Biographical Directory

TEXAS William 0. Goode, Boydton TERRITORY OF MINNESOTA SENATORS Thomas S. Bocock, Appomattox DELEGATE Sam Houston, Huntsville Paulus Powell, Amherst Henry M. Rice, St. Paul Thomas J. Rusk, Nacogdoches William Smith, Warrenton REPRESENTATIVES Charles J. Faulkner, Martinsburg TERRITORY OF George W. Smyth, Jasper John Letcher, Lexington NEBRASKA47 Peter H. Bell, Austin Zedekiah Kidwell, Fairmont DELEGATE John F. Snodgrass,43 Parkersburg Napoleon B. Giddings,48 Nebraska City VERMONT Charles S. Lewis,44 Clarksburg SENATORS Henry A. Edmundson, Salem TERRITORY OF NEW Solomon Foot, Rutland Fayette McMullen, Rye Cove MEXICO Samuel S. 1 Middlebury DELEGATE Lawrence Brainerd,42 St. Albans WISCONSIN José Manuel Gallegos,49 Albuquerque REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS James Meacham, Middlebury TERRITORY OF OREGON5° Henry Dodge, Dodgeville Andrew Tracy, Woodstock DELEGATE Alvah Sabin, Georgia Isaac P. Walker, Milwaukee Joseph Lane, Winchester REPRESENTATIVES VIRGINIA Daniel Wells, Jr., Milwaukee TERRITORY OF UTAH SENATORS Ben C. Eastman, Platteville DELEGATE James M. Mason, Winchester John B. Macy, Fond du Lac John M. Bernhisel, Salt Lake City Robert M. T. Hunter, Lloyds REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF KANSAS45 TERRITORY OF Thomas H. Bayly, Accomac WASHINGTON5' John S. Millson, Norfolk DELEGATE DELEGATE John S. Caskie, Richmond John W. Whitfield,46 Tecumseh Columbia Lancaster,52 St. Helena

' Appointed, in preceding Congress, to fill vacancy, Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John F. and granted a Delegate in Congress by act of May 30, caused by death of William Upham; by resolution of Snodgrass, and took his seat December 4, 1854. 1854. Senate of March 16, 1854, declared not entitled to retain from territory ceded to the United States by 48Took his seat January 5, 1855. his seat. France by the treaty of Paris of April 30, 1803, and by the ,s Election unsuccessfully contested by William Ca-r 42Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William State of Texas, in the settlement of her boundaries in Lane. Upham, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Decem- 1850; erected into a Territorial government and granted a 50The Territory of Washington was formed from a por- Delegate in Congress by act of May 30, 1854. tion of the Territory of Oregon by act of March 2, 1853. ber 4, 1854; vacancy in this class from March 17, 1854, to ' Took his seat December 20, 1854. ' Formed March 2, 1853, from a portion of the Terri- October 13, 1854. Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the tory of Oregon, and granted a Delegate in Congress. ' Died June 5, 1854. United States by France by the treaty of April 30, 1803, 52Took his seat April 12, 1854. THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1855, TO MARCH 3, 1857

FIRST SESSION-December 3, 1855, to August 18, 1856 SECOND SESSION-August 21, 1856, to August 30, 1856 THIRD SESSION-December 1, 1856, to March 3, 1857



ALABAMA William M. Gwin,8 San Francisco FLORIDA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Clement C. Clay, Jr., Huntsville James W. Denver, Weaverville Stephen R. Mallory, Key West Benjamin Fitzpatrick,7 Wetumpka Philemon T. Herbert, Mariposa City David Levy Yulee, Homasassa REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Percy Walker, Mobile CONNECTICUT Augustus E. Maxwell, Tallahassee Eli S. Shorter, Eufaula SENATORS GEORGIA James F. Dowdell, Chambers Isaac Toucey, Hartford SENATORS William R. Smith, Fayette Lafayette S. Foster, Norwich George S. Houston, Athens Robert Toombs, Washington Williamson R. W. Cobb, Bellefonte REPRESENTATIVES Alfred Iverson, Columbus Sampson W. Harris, Wetumpka Ezra Clark, Jr., Hartford REPRESENTATIVES John Woodruff, New Haven James L. Seward, Thomasville ARKANSAS Sidney Dean, Putnam Martin J. Crawford, Columbus SENATORS William W. Welch, Norfolk Robert P. Trippe, Forsyth Hiram Warner, Greenville William K Sebastian, Helena DELAWARE John H Lumpkin, Rome Robert W. Johnson, Pine Bluff Howell Cobb, Athens REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Nathaniel G. Foster, Madison Alfred B. Greenwood, Bentonville James A. Bayard, Wilmington Alexander H. Stephens, Crawfordville , El Dorado John M. Clayton,9 Chippewa Joseph P. Comegys,1° Dover ILLINOIS CALIFORNIA Martin W. Bates," Dover SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Stephen A. Douglas, Chicago John B. Weller, San Francisco Elisha D. Cullen, Georgetown Lyman Trumbull, Alton

o Elected for the term beginning March 4,1855, and 'Vice President William R. King died in preceding Con- ° Elected February 2, 1856, upon the one hundred and thirty-third viva yore vote and the fourth vote under a took hio seat February 16, 1857; vacancy in this class from gress. March 4, 1855, to January 12, 1857. 2Continued from preceding Congress; again elected plurality resolution adopted that day. o Died November 9, 1856. June 11, 1856. o Elected February 4, 1856. '° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John M. Served June 5, 1856; elected June 9, 1856; resigned Elected for term beginning March 4, 1855, and took his Clayton, and took his seat December 4, 1856. June 11, 1856. seat December 3, 1855; vacancy in this class from March 4, "Elected .January 14, 1857, to fill vacancy caused by Served January 5, 1856; elected January 6, 1857. 1855, te December 2, 1855. death of John M. Clayton, but did not take his seat until March 4, 1857.

[159] 160 Biographical Directory

ILLINOIS-Continued Samuel F. Swope, Falmouth , Westfield REPRESENTATIVES Elihu B. Washburne, Galena LOUISIANA MICHIGAN James H. Woodworth, Chicago SENATORS SENATORS Jesse 0. Norton, Joliet Judah P. Benjamin, New Orleans Lewis Cass, Detroit James Knox, Knoxville John Slidell, New Orleans Charles E. Stuart, Kalamazoo REPRESENTATIVES William A. Richardson,'2 Quincy REPRESENTATIVES Jacob C. Davis,'3 Warsaw George Eustis, Jr.,2° New Orleans Thomas L Harris, Petersburg William A Howard, Detroit Miles Taylor, Donaldsonville Henry Waldron, Hillsdale James C. Allen,14 Palestine Thomas G. Davidson, East Feliciana James L. D. Morrison,'5 Belleville John M. Sandidge, Pineville David S. Waibridge, Kalamazoo Samuel S. Marshall,'6 McLeansboro George W. Peck, Lansing MAINE MISSISSIPPI INDIANA SENATORS SENATORS Hannibal Hamlin,2' Hampden SENATORS Jesse D. Bright, Madison Amos Nourse,22 Bath Stephen Adams, Aberdeen Graham N. Fitch,'7 Logansport William Pitt Fessenden, Portland Albert G. Brown, Newton REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Smith Miller, Patoka John M. Wood, Portland Daniel B. Wright, Salem William H. English, Lexington John J. Perry, Oxford Hendley S. Bennett, Grenada George G. Dunn, Bedford Ebenezer Knowlton, South Montville William Barksdale, Columbus , Greensburg Samuel P. Benson, Winthrop William A Lake, Vicksburg David P. Holloway, Richmond Israel Washburn, Jr., Orono John A. Quitman, Natchez , Indianapolis Thomas J. D. Fuller,23 Calais Harvey D. Scott, Terre Haute MISSOURI Daniel Mace, La Fayette MARYLAND SENATORS , South Bend SENATORS Henry S. Geyer, St. Louis Samuel Brenton, Fort Wayne James A. Pearce, Chestertown John U. Pettit, Wabash James S. Green,24 Canton Thomas G. Pratt, Annapolis REPRESENTATIVES IOWA REPRESENTATIVES Luther M. Kennett, St. Louis SENATORS James A. Stewart, Cambridge Gilchrist Porter, Hannibal James B. Ricaud, Chestertown James J. Lindley, Monticello George W. Jones, Dubuque J. Morrison Harris, Baltimore James 8 Mount Pleasant Mordecai Oliver, Richmond H. Winter Davis, Baltimore John G. Miller,25 Boonville REPRESENTATIVES Henry W. Hoffman, Cumberland Thomas P Akers,26 Lexington Augustus Hall,'9 Keosau qua Thomas F. Bowie, Upper Marlboro John S. Phelps, Springfield , Davenport Samuel Caruthers, Cape Girardeau MASSACHUSETTS KENTUCKY SENATORS NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATORS Charles Sumner, Boston SENATORS John B. Thompson, Harrod.sburg Henry Wilson, Natick John J. Crittenden, Frankfort John P. Hale,27 Dover REPRESENTATIVES James Bell,28 Laconia REPRESENTATIVES Robert B. Hall, Plymouth REPRESENTATIVES Henry C. Burnett, Cadiz James Buffington, Fall River John P. Campbell, Belleview William S. Damrell, Ded ham James Pike, South Newmarket Warner L. Underwood, Bowling Green Linus B. Comins, Roxbury Mason W. Tappan, Bradford Albert G. Talbott, Danville , Cambridge Aaron H. Cragin, Lebanon Joshua H. Jewett, Elizabethtown Timothy Davis, Gloucester John M. Elliott, Prestonburg Nathaniel P. Banks, Waltham NEW JERSEY Humphrey Marshall, Springport Chauncey L. Knapp, Lowell SENATORS Alexander K. Marshall, Nicholasville Alexander De Witt, Oxford John R. Thompson, Princeton Leander M. Cox, Flemingsburg Calvin C. Chaffee, Springfield William Wright, Newark

12Resigned August 25, 1856. '° Election unsuccessfully contested by L. Jay S. Turney. Election unsuccessfully contested by James A. Milli- 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- "Elected for the term beginning March 4, 1855, and ken. liam A. Richardson, and took his seat December 4, 1856. took his seat February 9, 1857; vacancy in this class from 02Elected for the term beginning March 4, 1855, and "Election contested by William B. Archer, and seat March 4, 1855, to February 3, 1857. took his seat January 21, 1857; vacancy in this class from declared vacant July 18, 1856; subsequently elected, and "Seat declared vacant by resolution, January 12, 1857; March 4, 1855, to January 11, 1857. took his seat December 1, 1856. 20Died May 11, 1856; never qualified owing to illness. subsequently elected, and took his seat January 29, 1857. 20 "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- Election unsuccessfully contested by R. L. B. Clarke. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John G. sentative-elect Lyman Trumbull, who was elected Senator 20 Miller, and took his seat August 18, 1856. Election unsuccessfully contested by Albert Fabre. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles G. before the beginning of the Congress, and took his seat ' Resigned January 7, 1857, having been elected Gover- Atherton, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Decem- December 1, 1856. Philip B. Fouke claimed the seat, con- nor. ber 4, 1855; vacancy in this class from July 16, 1854, to testing the election of Lyman Trumbull, but the House, on Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Han- July 29, 1855. April 10, 1856, decided he was not entitled to it, and that nibal Hamlin, and took his seat January 24, 1857. 20Elected for the term beginning March 4, 1855, and the seat was vacant. took his seat December 3, 1855; vacancy in this class from March 4, 1855, to July 29, 1855. Thirty-Fourth Congress 161

REPRESENTATIVES Richard C. Puryear, Huntsville David Ritchie, Pittsburgh Isaiah D. Clawson, Woodstown F. Burton Craige, Salisbury Samuel A. Purviance, Butler George R. Robbins, Hamilton Square Thomas L. Clingman, Asheville John Allison, New Brighton James Bishop, New Brunswick David Barclay, Punxsutawney George Vail, Morristown OHIO John Dick, Meadville Alexander C. M. Pennington, Newark SENATORS RHODE ISLAND Benjamin F. Wade, Jefferson NEW YORK George E. Pugh, Cincinnati SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Charles T. James, Providence Philip Allen, Providence William H. Seward, Auburn Timothy C. Day, Cincinnati Hamilton Fish, New York John Scott Harrison, Cleves REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Lewis D. Campbell, Hamilton Nathaniel B. Durfee, Tiverton William W. Valk, Flushing Matthias H. Nichols, Lima Benjamin B. Thurston, Hopkinton James S. T. Stranahan, Brooklyn Richard Mott, Toledo Guy R. Pelton, New York City Jonas R Emrie, Hills boro SOUTH CAROLINA John Kelly, New York City Aaron Harlan, Yellow Springs SENATORS Thomas R. Whitney, New York City Benjamin Stanton, Bellefontaine Andrew P. Butler, Edgefield John Wheeler, New York City Cooper K. Watson, Tiffin Josiah J. Evans, Society Hill Thomas Child, Jr.,29 New York City Oscar F. Moore, Portsmouth REPRESENTATIVES Valentine B. Horton, Pomeroy Abram Wakeman, New York City John McQueen, Marlboro Bayard Clarke, New York City Samuel Galloway, Columbus John Sherman, Mansfield William Aiken, Charleston Ambrose S. Murray, Goshen Laurence M. Keitt,34 Orangeburg Rufus H. King, Catskill Philemon Bliss, Elyria Killian Miller, Hudson William R. Sapp, Mount Vernon Preston S. Brooks,35 Ninety Six Edward Ball, Zanesville James L. Orr, Anderson Russell Sage, Troy William W. Boyce, Winnsboro Samuel Dickson, New Scotland Charles J. Albright, Cambridge Benjamin F. Leiter, Canton Edward Dodd, Argyle TENNESSEE George A. Simmons, Keeseville Edward Wade, Cleveland Francis E. Spinner, Mohawk Joshua R. Giddings, Jefferson SENATORS Thomas R. Horton, Fultonville John A. Bingham, Cadiz John Bell, Nashville Jonas A. Hughston, Delhi James C. Jones, Memphis Orsamus B. Matteson,3° Utica PENNSYLVANIA REPRESENTATIVES henry Bennett, New Berlin SENATORS Albert G. Watkins, Panther Springs Andrew Z. McCarty, Pulaski Richard Brodhead, Easton William H. Sneed, Knoxville William A. Gilbert,3' Adams ,33 Philadelphia Samuel A. Smith, Charleston Amos P. Granger, Syracuse John H. Savage, Smithville Edwin B. Morgan, Aurora REPRESENTATIVES Thomas B. Florence, Philadelphia Charles Ready, Murfreesboro Andrew Oliver, Penn Yan George W. Jones, Fayetteville John M. Parker, Owego Job R. Tyson, Philadelphia William Miliward, Philadelphia John V. Wright, Purdy William H. Kelsey, Geneseo Felix K. Zollicoffer, Nashville John Williams, Rochester Jacob Broom, Philadelphia John Cadwalader, Philadelphia Emerson Etheridge, Dresden Benjamin Pringle, Batavia Thomas Rivers, Somerville Thomas T. Flagler, Lockport John Hickman, West Chester Solomon G. Haven, Buffalo Samuel C. Bradshaw, Quakertown TEXAS Francis S. Edwards,32 Fredonia J. Glancy Jones, Reading Anthony E. Roberts, Lancaster SENATORS NORTH CAROLINA John C. Kunkel, Harrisburg Sam Houston, Huntsville James H. Campbell, Pottsville Thomas J. Rusk, Nacogdoches SENATORS Henry M. Fuller, Wilkes-Barre REPRESENTATIVES David S. Reid, Pleasantville Asa Packer, Mauch Chunk Asa Biggs, Williamston Lemuel D. Evans, Marshall Galusha A. Grow, Glenwood Peter H. Bell, Austin REPRESENTATIVES John J. Pearce, Williamsport Robert T. Paine, Edenton Lemuel Todd, Carlisle VERMONT David F. Robison, Chambersburg Thomas Ruffin, Goldsboro SENATORS Warren Winslow, Fayetteville John R. Edie, Somerset Lawrence O'B. Branch, Raleigh John Covode, Lockport Solomon Foot, Rutland Edwin G. Reade, Roxboro Jonathan Knight, East Bethlehem Jacob Collamer, Woodetock

"Elected for term beginning March 4, 1855, and took Resigned July 16, 1856; subsequently reelected, and "Never took his seat owing to prolonged illness. took his seat August 6, 1856. '° Resigned February 27, 1857. his seat January 28, 1856; vacancy in this class from '° Resigned July 14, 1856; subsequently reelected and °' Resigned February 28, 1857. March 4, 1855, to January 13, 1856. took his seat August 1, 1856; died January 27, 1857. °' Resigned February 28, 1857. 162 Biographical Directory

VERMONTContinued John S. Carlile, Clarks burg TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA REPRESENTATIVES Henry A. Edmundson, Salem Fayette McMullen, Rye Cove DELEGATE James Meacham,36 Middlebury Bird B. Chapman,41 Omaha City George T. Hodges,37 Rutland Justin S. Morrill, Strafford WISCONSIN TERRITORY OF NEW Alvah Sabin, Georgia SENATORS MEXICO Henry Dodge, Dodgeville VIRGINIA DELEGATE Charles Durkee, Kenosha José Manuel Gallegos,42 Albuquerque SENATORS Miguel A. Otero,48 Albuquerque James M. Mason, Winchester REPRESENTATIVES Robert M. T. Hunter, Lloyds Daniel Wells, Jr., Milwaukee Cadwallader C. Washburn, Mineral TERRITORY OF OREGON REPRESENTATIVES Point DELEGATE Thomas H. Bayly,38 Accomac Joseph Lane, Winchester Muscoe R. H. Garnett,39 Lloyds Charles Billingshurst, Juneau John S. Millson, Norfolk TERRITORY OF UTAH John S. Caskie, Richmond TERRITORY OF KANSAS DELEGATE William 0. Goode, Boydton DELEGATE John M. Bernhisel, Salt Lake City Thomas S. Bocock, Appomattox John W. Whitfield,4° Tecurnseh Paulus Powell, Amherst William Smith, Warrenton TERRITORY OF Charles J. Faulkner, Martinsburg TERRITORY OF MINNESOTA WASHINGTON John Letcher, Lexington DELEGATE DELEGATE Zedekiah Kidwell, Fairmount Henry M. Rice, St. Paul J. Patton Anderson, Olympia

Died August 21, 1856. °Preaented credentials as a Delegate-elect tothe 1856, until March 3, 1857; this election also was unsuccess- ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James Mea- Thirty-fourth Congress and served from March 4, 1855, fully contested by Andrew H. Seeder. chain, and took his seat December 1, 1856. until August 1, 1856, when the seat was declared vacant, Election unsuccessfully contested by Hiram P. Ben- S Died June 23, 1856. the election having been unsuccessfully contested by nett. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas H. Andrew H. Reader; again elected to the Thirty-fourth Con- 45Served until July 23, 1856; succeeded by Miguel A. Bayly, and took his seat December 1, 1856. gress to fill vacancy caused by action of the Rouse in Otero, who contested his election. Successfully contested the election of José Manuel declaring the seat vacant, and served from December 9, Gallegos, and took his seat July 23, 1856. THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1857, TO MARCH 3, 1859

FIRST SESSION-December 7, 1857, to June 14, 1858 SECOND SESSION-December 6, 1858, to March 3, 1859 SPECIAL SESSIONS OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1857, to March 14, 1857; June 15, 1858, to June 16, 1858



ALABAMA CONNECTICUT Alfred Iverson, Columbus SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Wetumpha Lafayette S. Foster, Norwich James L. Seward, Thomasville Clement C. Clay, Jr., Huntsville James Dixon, Hartford Martin J. Crawford, Columbus REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Robert P. Trippe, Forsyth James A. Stallworth, Evergreen Ezra Clark, Jr., Hartford Lucius J. Gartrell, Eli S. Shorter, Eufaula Samuel Arnold, Haddam Augustus R. Wright, Rome James F. Dowdell, Chambers Sidney Dean, Putman James Jackson, Athens Sydenham Moore, Greensboro William D. Bishop, Bridgeport , Madison George S. Houston, Athens Alexander H. Stephens, Crawfordville Williamson R. W. Cobb, Bellefonte DELAWARE Jabez L. M. Curry, Talladega SENATORS ILLINOIS ARKANSAS James A. Bayard, Wilmington Martin W. Bates, Dover SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Stephen A. Douglas, Chicago William K. Sebastian, Helena Lyman Trumbull, Alton Robert W. Johnson, Pine Bluff William G. Whiteley, New Castle REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES FLORIDA Alfred B. Greenwood, Bentonville Elihu B. Washburne, Galena Edward A. Warren, Camden SENATORS John F. Farnsworth, Chicago Stephen R. Mallory, Key West , Princeton CALIFORNIA David Levy Yulee, Homasassa William Kellogg, Canton SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Isaac N. Morris, Quincy William M. Gwin, San Francisco George S. Hawkins, Pensacola Thomas L. Harris,6 Petersburg David C. Broderick, San Francisco Charles D. Hodges,7 Carroilton REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE GEORGIA Aaron Shaw, Lawrenceville Joseph C. McKibbin, Downieville SENATORS Robert Smith, Alton Charles L. Scott, Sonora Robert Toombs, Washington Samuel S. Marshall, McLeansboro

3Elected December 7, 1857; March 29, 1858; June 14, 'Elected December 7, 1857. 'Elected March 4, 1857 (special session of the Senate). 'Died November 24, 1858, before the commencement of 2Elected March 14, 1817 (special session of the Senate). 1858; January 25, 1859. the Thirty-sixth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Elected December 7, 1857. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas L. Harris, and took his seat January 20, 1859.

[163] 164 Biographical Directory

INDIANA Miles Taylor, Donaidsonville Zachariah Chandler, Detroit SENATORS Thomas G. Davidson, East Feliciana REPRESENTATIVES Jesse D. Bright, Jeffersonville John M. Sandidge, Pineville William A. Howard, Detroit Graham N. Fitch, Logansport Henry Waldron, Hilisdale MAINE REPRESENTATIVES David S. Walbridge, Kalamazoo James Lockhart,9 Evansville SENATORS De Witt C. Leach, Lansing William E. Niblack,'° Vincennes William Pitt Fessenden, Portland William H. English, Lexington Hannibal Hamlin, Hampden MINNESOTA'8 James Hughes, Bloomington REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS James B. Foley, Greensburg John M. Wood, Portland Henry M. Rice,'9 St. Paul , Yorktown Charles J. Gilman, Brunswick James Shields,2° St. Paul James M. Gregg, Danville Nehemiah Abbott, Belfast REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE 21 John G. Davis, Rockville Freeman H. Morse, Bath James M. Cavanaugh, Chatfield James Wilson, Crawfordsville Israel Washburn, Jr., Orono William W. Phelps, Red Wing Schuyler Colfax, South Bend Stephen C. Foster, Pembroke Samuel Brenton," Fort Wayne MISSISSIPPI ,'2 Fort Wayne MARYLAND John U. Pettit, Wabash SENATORS SENATORS Albert G. Brown, Newton IOWA James A. Pearce, Chestertown Jefferson Davis, Hurricane Anthony Kennedy, Baltimore SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES George W. Jones, Dubuque REPRESENTATIVES Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Abbeville James Harlan, Mount Pleasant James A. Stewart, Cambridge Reuben Davis, Aberdeen James B. Ricaud, Chestertown William Barksdale, Columbus REPRESENTATIVES J. Morrison Harris,13 Baltimore Otho R. Singleton, Canton Samuel R. Curtis, Keokuk H. Winter Davis,'4 Baltimore John A. Quitman,22 Nate hez Timothy Davis, Dubuque Jacob M. Kunkel, Frederick John J. McRae,23 State Line Thomas F. Bowie, Upper Marlboro KENTUCKY MISSOURI SENATORS MASSACHUSETTS SENATORS John B. Thompson, Harrodsburg SENATORS James S. Green, Canton John J. Crittenden, Frankfort Charles 5 Boston , St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES Henry Wilson, Natick REPRESENTATIVES Henry C. Burnett, Cadiz REPRESENTATIVES Francis P. Blair, Jr., St. Louis Samuel 0. Peyton, Hartford Robert B. Hall, Plymouth Thomas L. Anderson, Palmyra Warner L. Underwood, Bowling Green James Buffington, Fall River John B. Clark,24 Fayette Albert G. Talbott, Danville William S. Damrell, Ded ham James Craig, St. Joseph Joshua H. Jewett, Elizabethtown Linus B. Comins, Boston Samuel H. Woodson, Independence John M. Elliott, Prestonburg Anson Burlingame, Cambridge John S. Phelps, Springfield Humphrey Marshall, Springport Timothy Davis, Gloucester Samuel Caruthers, Cape Girardeau James B. Clay, Lexington Nathaniel P. Banks,16 Waltham John C. Mason, Owingsville Daniel W. Gooch,'7 Melrose NEW HAMPSHIRE John W. Stevenson, Covington Chauncey L. Knapp, Lowell SENATORS LOUISIANA , Worcester James Bell,25 Laconia Calvin C. Chaffee, Springfield Daniel Clark,26 Manchester SENATORS Henry L. Dawes, North Adams John P. Hale, Dover Judah P. Benjamin, New Orleans John Slidell, New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES MICHIGAN James Pike, Sanbornton Bridge REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Mason W. Tappan, Bradford George Eustis, Jr., New Orleans Charles E. Stuart, Kalamazoo Aaron H. Cragin, Lebanon

A protest of certain members of the legislature was that the election of Messrs. Lane and McCarty was void; 'Took his seat May 12, 1858; term to expire, as deter- presented, in the preceding Congress, against the legality the Senate agreed to this report February 14, 1859. mined by lot, March 3, 1863. of the election of both Mr. Fitch and Mr. Bright, setting Died September 7, 1857, before Congress assembled. ° Took his seat May 12, 1858; term to expire, as deter- out "they were not elected by the legislature, but by a '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James mined by lot, March 3, 1859. convocation of a portion of the members thereof, not au- Lockhart, and took his seat December 7, 1857. uI Credentials of James M. Cavanaugh and William W. thorized by State law, legislative resolution, or constitu- Ii Died March 29, 1857. Phelps were presented on Ma7 13, 1858, and referred to tional provision"; both the Senators were seated upon Elected to fill vacancy caused by the death of Samuel the Committee on Elections 'to inquire into and report their credentials, and the credentials and protest were Brenton, and took his seat December 7, 1857. upon the right of these gentlemen to be admitted and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary; the committee 18 Election unsuccessfully contested by William Pinkney sworn as Members of this House," and on May 22, 1858, reported May 24, 1858, that the sitting Senators were the committee resolution 'that they be admitted and Whyte. sworn" was adopted; took their seats the same day. entitled to their seats, and this report was agreed to June '4Election unsuccessfully contested by Henry P. Brooks. 22 Died July 17, 1858. 12, 1858. On January 24, 1859, a memorial of the State of '°Owing to ill health was present in this Congress but Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John A. Indiana was presented representing that it was the wish one day (December 7, 1857). Quitman, and took his seat December 7, 1858. of the State that Henry S. Lane and William M. McCarty 15 Resigned December 24, 1857, having been elected "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- be admitted to seats as the only legally chosen Senators; Governor. sentative-elect James S. Green (before the beginning of the February 3, 1859, the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Na- congressional term), who had later been elected Senator, to which was referred the memorial, reported there was thaniel P. Banks, and took his seat January 21, 1858. and took his seat December 7, 1857. no vacancy in the Senate from the State of Indiana, and '5Admitted as a State into the Union May 11, 1858. Is Died May 26, 1857. 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James Bell, and took his seat December 7, 1857. Thirty-Fifth Congress 165

NEW JERSEY NORTH CAROLINA PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS John R. Thomson, Princeton David S. Reid, Pleasantville William Bigler, Clearfield William Wright, Newark Asa Biggs,29 Williamston Simon Cameron, Harrisburg Thomas L. Clingman,3° Asheville REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Isaiah D. Clawson, Woodstown Thomas B. Florence, Philadelphia George R. Robbins, Hamilton Square Henry M. Shaw, Indian Town Edward Joy Morris, Philadelphia Garnett B. Adrain, New Brunswick Thomas Ruffin, Goldsboro Warren Winslow, Fayetteville James Landy, Philadelphia John Huyler, Hackensack Henry M. Phillips, Philadelphia Jacob R. Wortendyke, Jersey City Lawrence O'B. Branch, Raleigh John A. Gilmer, Greensboro Owen Jones, Cabinet John Hickman, West Chester NEW YORK Alfred M. Scales, Madison F. Burton Craige, Salisbury Henry Chapman, Coylestown SENATORS Thomas L. Clingman,3' Ashville J. Glancy Jones,39 Reading William H. Seward, Auburn Zebulon B. Vance,32 Asheville William H. Keim,4° Reading Preston King, Ogdensburg Anthony E. Roberts, Lancaster OHIO John C. Kunkel, Harrisburg REPRESENTATIVES William L. Dewart, Sunbury John A. Searing, Hempstead Branch SENATORS John G. Montgomery,4' Danville George Taylor, Brooklyn Benjamin F. Wade, Jefferson Paul Leidy,4' Danville Daniel E. Sickles, New York City George E. Pugh, Cincinnati William H. Dimmick, Honesdale John Kelly,27 New York City REPRESENTATIVES Galusha A. Grow, Glenwood Thomas J. Barr,28 New York City George H. Pendleton, Cincinnati Allison White, Lock Haven William B. Maclay, New York City William S. Groesbeck, Cincinnati John A. Ahl, Newville John Cochrane, New York City Lewis D. Campbell,33 Hamilton Wilson Reilly, Chambersburg Elijah Ward, New York City Clement L. Vallandigham,34 Dayton John R. Edie, Somerset Horace F. Clark, New York City Matthias H. Nichols, Lima John Covode, Lockport John B. Haskin, Ford ham Richard Mott, Toledo William Montgomery, Washington Ambrose S. Murray, Goshen Joseph R. Cockerill, West Union David Ritchie, Pittsburgh William F. Russell, Saugerties Aaron Harlan, Yellow Springs Samuel A. Purviance, Butler John Thompson, Poughkeepsie Benjamin Stanton, Bellefontaine William Stewart, Mercer Abram B. Olin, Troy Lawrence W. Hall, Bucyrus James L. Gillis, Ridgway Erastus Corning, Albany Joseph Miller, Chillicothe John Dick, Meadville Edward Dodd, Argyle Valentine B. Horton, Pomeroy George W. Palmer, Plattsburg Samuel S. Cox, Columbus RHODE ISLAND Francis E. Spinner, Mohawk John Sherman, Mansfield Clark B. Cochrane, Schenectady Philemon Bliss, Elyria SENATORS Oliver A. Morse, Cherry Valley Joseph Burns, Coshocton Philip Allen, Providence Orsamus B. Matteson, Utica Cydnor B. Tompkins, McConnellsville James F. Simmons, Providence Henry Bennett, New Berlin William Lawrence, Washington REPRESENTATIVES Henry C. Goodwin, Hamilton Benjamin F. Leiter, Canton Charles B. Hoard, Watertown Edward Wade, Cleveland Nathaniel B. Durfee, Tiverton Amos P. Granger, Syracuse Joshua R. Giddings, Jefferson William D. Brayton, Warwick Edwin B. Morgan, Aurora John A. Bingham, Cadiz Emory B. Pottle, Naples SOUTH CAROLINA John M. Parker, Owego OREGON35 SENATORS William H. Kelsey, Geneseo SENATORS Samuel G. Andrews, Rochester Andrew P. Butler,43 Edgefield Judson W. Sherman, Angelica Joseph Lane,36 Winchester James H. Hammond,44 Beech Island Silas M. Burroughs, Medina Delazon Smith,37 Portland Josiah J. Evans,4' Society Hill Israel T. Hatch, Buffalo REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Arthur P. Hayne,46 Charleston Reuben E. Fenton, Frewsburg La Fayette Grover,38 Salem James Chesnut, Jr.,47 Kershaw

4' Died April 24, 1857, before Congress assembled Resigned December 25, 1858. Successfully contested the election of Lewis D. Camp- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ,John bell, and took his seat May 25, 1858. 42 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John G. Kelly, and took his seat January 17, 1859. 35Admitted as a State into the Union February 14, Montgomery, and took his seat December 7, 1857. 25 Resigned May 5, 1858. 1859. ° Died May 25, 1857. 3° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 56 Took his seat February 14, 1859; term to expire, as 44 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Andrew P. Asa Biggs, and took his seat December 6, 1858; subse- determined by lot, March 3, 1861. Butler, and took his seat January 7, 1858. quently elected. °' Took his seat February 14, 1859; term to expire, as Died May 6, 1858. Resigned May 7, 1858, having been elected Senator. determined by lot, March 3, 1859. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Josiah J. ' Elected tofill vacancy caused ly resignation of his seat February 15, 1859. Evans, and took his seat May 20, 1858. Thomas L Clingman, and took his seat December 7, 1858. ° Resigned October 30, 1858. 47 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Josiah J. 3° Served until May 25, 1858; succeeded by Clement L. 4° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. Evans, and took his seat January 5, 1859. Vallandigham, who contested his election. Glancy Jones, and took his seat December 7, 1858. 166 Biographical Directory

SOUTH CAROLINAContinued VERMONT Cadwallader C. Washburn, Mineral REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Point John McQueen, Marlboro Solomon Foot, Rutland Charles Billinghurst, Juneau William P. Miles, Charleston Jacob Collamer, Woodstock TERRITORY OF KANSAS Laurence M. Keitt, Orangeburg REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE Milledge L. Bonham, Edgefield Eliakim P. Walton, Montpelier James L. Orr, Anderson Justin S. Morrill, Strafford Marcus J. Parrott, Leavenworth William W. Boyce, Winneboro Homer E. Royce, Berkshire TERRITORY OF MINNESOTA TENNESSEE VIRGINIA DELEGATE SENATORS SENATORS William W. Kingsbury,5' Endion John Bell, Nashville James M. Mason, Winchester Andrew Johnson, Greenville Robert M. T. Hunter, Lloyds TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE Albert G. Watkins, Panther Springs Muscoe R. H. Garnett, Lovettsville Fenner Ferguson,52 Belleview Horace Maynard, Knoxville John S. Millson, Norfolk Samuel A. Smith, Charleston John S. Caskie, Richmond TERRITORY OF NEW John H. Savage, Smithville William 0. Goode, Boydton MEXICO Charles Ready, Murfreesboro Thomas S. Bocock, Appomattox DELEGATE George W. Jones, Fayetteville Paulus Powell, Amherst Miguel A. Otero, Albuquerque John V. Wright, Purdy William Smith, Warrenton Felix K. Zollicoffer, Nashville Charles J. Faulkner, Martinsburg TERRITORY OF OREGON John D. C. Atkins, Paris John Letcher, Lexington William T. Avery, Memphis Sherrard Clemens, Wheeling DELEGATE Albert G. Jenkins, Green Bottom Joseph Lane,53 Winchester TEXAS Henry A. Edmundson, Salem SENATORS George W. Hopkins, Abington TERRITORY OF UTAH Sam Houston, Huntsville DELEGATE Thomas J. Rusk,48 Nacogdoches WISCONSIN John M. Bernhisel, Salt Lake City J. Pinckney Henderson,49 Mars hville SENATORS Matthias Ward,5° Jefferson Charles Durkee, Kenosha TERRITORY OF REPRESENTATWES James R. Doolittle, Racine WASHINGTON John H. Reagan, Palestine REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE Guy M. Bryan, Brazoria John F. Potter, East Troy Isaac I. Stevens, Olympia

' Died July 29, 1857. 51Served until May 11, 1858, when a portion of the though William W. Kingsbury and Aipheus 0. Fuller both Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas J. Territory was granted statehood; the House decided that claimed to have been elected. Rusk, and took his seat March 1, 1858; died June 4, 1858. the remainder was "without any legally organized govern- unsuccessfully contested by Bird B. Chap- '°poted to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Pinck- ment and not entitled to a Delegate in Congress," al- man. ney Henderson, and took his seat December 6, 1858. "Served until February 14, 1859, when the Territory of Oregon was granted statehood; then became one of the Senators from the new State. THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1859, TO MARCH 3, 1861

FIRST SESSION-December 5, 1859, to June 25, 1860 SECOND SESSION-December 3, 1860, to March 3, 1861 SPECIAL SESSIONS OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1859, to March 10, 1859; June 26, 1860, toJune 28, 1860



ALABAMA7 CALIFORNIA DELAWARE SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS James A. Bayard, Wilmington Benjamin Fitzpatrick,8 Wetumpka William M. Gwin, San Francwco Willard Saulsbury, Georgetown Clement C. Clay, Jr.,8 Huntsville David C. Broderick," San Francisco REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Henry P. Haun,12 Marysville William G. Whiteley, New castle James A. Stallworth,9 Evergreen Milton S. Latham,'3 San Francisco James L. Pugh,9 Eufaula REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE FLORIDA'4 SENATORS David Clopton,9 Tuskegee Charles L. Scott, Sonora Sydenham Moore,9 Greensboro John C. Burch, Weaverville Stephen R. Mallory,'5 Pensacola George S. Houston,9 Athens David Levy Yulee,'5 Homasassa Williamson R. W. Cobb,'° Bellefonte REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Jabez L. M. Curry,9 Talladega CONNECTICUT George S. Hawkins,'6 Pensacola SENATORS ARKANSAS Lafayette S. Foster, Norwich GEORGIA'7 James Dixon, Hartford SENATORS SENATORS Robert Toombs,'8 Washington William K. Sebastian, Helena REPRESENTATIVES Alfred Iverson,'9 Columbus Robert W. Johnson, Pine Bluff Dwight Loomis, Rockville REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John Woodruff, New Haven Peter E. Love,20 Thomasville Thomas C. Hindman, Helena Alfred A. Burnham, Windham Martin J. Crawford,2° Columbus Albert Rust, Little Rock Orris S. Ferry, Norwalk Thomas Hardeman, Jr.,2° Macon

Senate Journal of this date makes no record or notice of 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of David C. 'Elected March 9, 1859 (special session); December 19, Broderick, and took his seat December 5, 1859. 1859; February 20, 1860; June 26, 1860, in special session. the action. On the day following the Vice President was '5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of David C. 2 Elected June 12, 1860. directed to fill vacancies in the standing committees, and Broderick, and took his seat March 5, 1860. 'Elected February 16, 1861. on January 24, 1861, the Vice President announced the "Seceded from the Union January 11, 1861. Elected February 1, 1860, upon the forty-fourth viva appointment of members to fill places upon the standing '5 Withdrew January 21, 1861. voce vote. committees, including the assignments theretofore held by 15 January 21, 1861. 5 Elected February 3, 1860. the Senators named. 17 Seceded from the Union January 28, 1861. 6 Elected February 3, 1860. 'Presented a signed communication declaring his inten- ' Did not occupy his seat after February 4, 1861. 'Seceded from the Union January 11, 1861. tion, and withdrew January 21, 1861. 19 Presented a signed communication declaring his in- 'On January 21, 1861, David Levy Yulee, Stephen R. 10Presento

[167J 168 Biographical Directory

GEORGIA 17Continued KANSAS23 Edwin H. Webster, Bel Air REPRESENTATIVES-cONTINUED SENATORS J. Morrison Harris,36 Baltimore H. Winter Davis,37 Baltimore Lucius J. Gartrell,2° Atlanta Vacant 24 REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Jacob M. Kunkel, Frederick John W. H. Underwood,2° Rome George W. Hughes, West River James Jackson,2° Athens Martin F. Conway,25 Lawrence Joshua Hill,2' Madison KENTUCKY MASSACHUSETTS John J. Jones,2° Waynesboro SENATORS SENATORS John J. Crittenden, Frankford Charles Sumner, Boston ILLINOIS Lazarus W. Powell, Henderson Henry Wilson, Natick REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Thomas D. Eliot, New Bedford Stephen A. Douglas, Chicago Henry C. Burnett, Cadiz Lyman Trumbull, Alton Samuel 0. Peyton, Hartford James Buffington, Fall River Francis N. Bristow, Elkton Charles F. Adams, Quincy REPRESENTATIVES William C. Anderson,26 Danville Alexander H. Rice, Boston Elihu B. Washburne, Galena John Young Brown, Elizabethtown Anson Burlingame, Cambridge John F. Farnsworth, Chicago Green Adams, Barboursville John B. Alley, Lynn Owen Lovejoy, Princeton , La Grange Daniel W. Gooch, Melrose William Kellogg, Canton William E. Simms, Paris Charles R. Train, Framingham Isaac N. Morris, Quincy Laban T. Moore, Louisa Eli Thayer, Worcester John A. McClernand,22 Springfield John W. Stevenson, Covington , Northampton James C. Robinson, Marshall Henry L. Dawes, North Adams LOUISIANA27 Philip B. Fouke, Belleville MICHIGAN John A. Logan, Benton SENATORS Judah P. Benjamin,28 New Orleans SENATORS INDIANA John Slidell,28 New Orleans Zachariah Chandler, Detroit REPRESENTATIVES Kinsley S. Bingham, Kensington SENATORS John E. Bouligny, New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES Jesse D. Bright, Jeffersonville Miles Taylor,29 Donaidsonville George B. Cooper,38 Jackson Graham N. Fitch, Logansport Thomas G. Davidson,30 Baton Rouge William A. Howard,39 Detroit REPRESENTATIVES John M. Landrum,3' Shreveport Henry Waldron, Hilisdale Francis W. Kellogg, Grand Rapids William E. Niblack, Vincennes MAINE De Witt C. Leach, Lansing William H. English, Lexington SENATORS William McKee Dunn, Madison MINNESOTA William S. Holman, Lawrenceburg William Pitt Fessenden, Portland Hannibal Hamlin,32 Hampden SENATORS David Kilgore, Muncietown Henry M. Rice, St. Paul Albert G. Porter, Indianapolis Lot M. Morrill,33 Augusta REPRESENTATIVES Morton S. Wilkinson, Mankato John G. Davis, Rockville REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James Wilson, Crawfordsville Daniel E. Sornes, Biddeford John J. Perry, Oxford Cyrus Aldrich, Schuyler Colfax, South Bend Ezra B. French, Damariscotta , Winona Charles Case, Fort Wayne Freeman H. Morse, Bath John U Pettit, Wabash Israel Washburn, Jr.,34 Orono MISSISSIPPI 40 Stephen Coburn,35 Skowhegan SENATORS IOWA Stephen C. Foster, Pembroke Albert G. Brown,4' Terry Jefferson Davis,42 Hurricane SENATORS MARYLAND James Harlan, Mount Pleasant REPRESENTATIVES James W. Grimes, Burlington SENATORS Lucius Q. C. Lamar,43 Abbeville James A. Pearce, Chestertown Reuben Davis,4' Aberdeen REPRESENTATWES Anthony Kennedy, Baltimore William Barksdale,4' Columbus Samuel R. Curtis, Keokuk REPRESENTATIVES Otho R. Singleton,4' Canton , Dubuque James A. Stewart, Cambridge John J. McRae,4' State Line

'°ined with his colleagues in presenting a signed '°Election unsuccessfully contested by James S. Chris- '5Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Israel communication declaring their intention, and withdrew man. Washburn, Jr., and took his seat January 2, 1861. January 23, 1861. 27 Seceded from the Union January 26, 1861. ' Election unsuccessfully contested by William P. Pres- H Resigned January 23, 1861 (in written communication 25 Withdrew February 4, 1861. ton. addressed to the Speaker). 25 Bade formal adieu and withdrew February 5, 1861. ' Election unsuccessfully contested by William G. Har- 22 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- '° not occupy his seat after February 5, 1861. rison. tive-elect Thomas L Harris, in preceding Congress, and Did not occupy his seat after February 5, 1861. Served until May 15, 1860; succeeded by William A. took his seat December 5, 1859. 22 Resigned effective January 17, 1861. Howard, who contested his election. 2'Admitted as a State into the Union January 29, 1861. 80 Successfully contested the electionof George B. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Han- Cooper, and took his seat May 15, 1860. "Senators not elected to this Congress. nibal Hamlin, and took his seat January 17, 1861. 40Seced from the Union January 9, 1861. 22Took his seat January 30, 1861. 24 Resigned effective January 1, 1861. ' Withdrew January 12, 1861. 42 Withdrew January 21, 1861. 48Retired in December, 1860. Thirty-Sixth Congress 169

MISSOURI James B. McKean, Saratoga Springs William Helmick, New Philadelphia George W. Palmer, Plattsburg Cydnor B. Tompkins, McConnellsville SENATORS Francis E. Spinner, Mohawk Thomas C Theaker, Bridgeport James S. Green, Canton Clark B. Cochrane, Schenectady , Tallmadge Trusten Polk, St. Louis James H. Graham, Delhi Edward Wade, Cleveland REPRESENTATWES , Utica John Hutchins, Warren John R. Barret,44 St. Louis R. Holland Duell, Cortland John A. Binghani, Cadiz Francis P. Blair, Jr.,45 St. Louis M. Lindley Lee, Fulton Thomas L. Anderson, Palmyra Charles B. Hoard, Watertown OREGON John B. Clark, Fayette Charles B. Sedgwick, Syracuse SENATORS James Craig, St. Joseph Martin Butterfield, Palmyra Joseph Lane, Winchester Samuel H. Woodson, Independence Emory B. Pottle, Naples Edward D. Baker,5' Oregon City John S. Phelps, Springfield Alfred Wells, Ithaca REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John W. Noell, Perryville William Irvine, Corning Alfred Ely, Rochester Lansing Stout, Portland NEW HAMPSHIRE Augustus Frank, Warsaw PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS Silas M. Burroughs,47 Medina Edwin R. Reynolds,48 Albion SENATORS John P. Hale, Dover William Bigler, Clearfield Daniel Clark, Manchester Elbridge G. Spaulding, Buffalo Reuben E. Fenton, Frewsburg Simon Cameron, Harrisburg REPRESENTATWES REPRESENTATIVES Gilman Marston, Exeter NORTH CAROLINA Thomas B. Florence, Philadelphia Mason W. Tappan, Bradford SENATORS Edward Joy Morris, Philadelphia Thomas M. Edwards, Keene Thomas L. Clingman, Asheville John P. Verree, Philadelphia NEW JERSEY , Raleigh William Millward, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES John Wood, Conshohocken SENATORS William N. H. Smith, Murfreesboro John Hickman, West Chester John R. Thomson, Princeton Thomas Ruffin, Goldsboro Henry C. Longnecker, Allentown John C. Ten Eyck, Mount Holly Warren Winslow, Fayetteville John Schwartz,52 Reading REPRESENTATIVES Lawrence O'B. Branch, Raleigh Jacob K. McKenty,53 Reading John T. Nixon, Bridgeton John A. Gilmer, Greensboro Thaddeus Stevens, Lancaster John L. N. Stratton, Mount Holly James M. Leach, Lexington John W. Kilhinger, Lebanon Garnett B. Adrain, New Brunswick F. Burton Craige, Salisbury James H. Campbell, Pottsville Jetur R. Riggs, Paterson Zebulon B. Vance, Asheville George W. Scranton, Scranton William Pennington, Newark William H. Dimmick, Honesdale OHIO Galusha A. Grow, Glenwood NEW YORK James T. Hale, Bellefonte SENATORS Benjamin F. Junkin, New Bloomfield SENATORS Benjamin F. Wade, Jefferson Edward McPherson, Gettysburg William H. Seward, Auburn George E. Pugh, Cincinnati Samuel S. Blair, Hollidaysburg Preston King, Ogdens burg REPRESENTATIVES John Covode, Lockport REPRESENTATIVES George H. Pendleton, Cincinnati William Montgomery, Washington Luthe C. Carter, Flushing John A. Gurley, Cincinnati James K. Moorhead, Pittsburgh James Humphrey, Brooklyn Clement L. Vallandigham, Dayton Robert McKnight, Pittsburgh Daniel E. Sickles,46 New York City William Allen, Greenville William Stewart, Mercer Thomas J. Barr, New York City James M. Ashley, Toledo Chapin Hall, Warren William B. Maclay, New York City William Howard, Batavia Elijah Babbitt, Erie John Cochrane, New York City Thomas Corwin, Lebanon George Briggs, New York City Benjamin Stanton, Bellefontaine RHODE ISLAND Horace F. Clark, New York City John Carey, Carey SENATORS John B. Haskin, Fordham Carey A. Trimble, Chillicothe James F. Simmons, Providence Charles H. Van Wyck, Bloomingburg Charles D. Martin, Lancaster Henry B. Anthony, Providence Samuel S. Cox, Columbus William S. Kenyon, Kingston REPRESENTATIVES Charles L. Beale, Kinderhook John Sherman, Mansfield Abram B. Olin, Troy Cyrus Spink,49 Wooster Christopher Robinson, Woonsocket John H. Reynolds, Albany Harrison G. 0. Blake,5° Medina William D. Brayton, Warwick

Election unsuccessfully contested by Amor J. Wil- 50Elected to fill vacancy caused by the death of Cyrus "Served until June 8, 1860; succeeded by Francis P. Spink, and took his seat December 5, 1859. Blair, Jr., who contested his election; subsequently elected liamson. 5'Elected for the term beginning March 4, 1859, and to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Francis P. Blair, "Died June 3, 1860. took his seat December 5, 1860; vacancy in this class from Jr., and took his seat December 3, 1860. 48Elected to fill vacancy caused by the death of Silas M. March 4, 1859, to October 1, 1860. 4'Successfully contested the election of John R. Barret, Burroughs, and took his seat December 5, 1860. Died June 20, 1860. and took his seat June 8, 1860; resigned June 25, 1860. 49Died May 31, 1859, before Congress assembled. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of John Schwartz, and took his seat December 3, 1860. 170 Biographical Directory

SOUTH CAROLINA54 John Hemphill, Austin WISCONSIN SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS James H. Hammond,55 Beech Island John H. Reagan, Palestine Charles Durkee, Kenosha James Chesnut, Jr.,56 Camden Andrew J. Hamilton, Austin James R. Doolittle, Racine REPRESENTATIVES VERMONT REPRESENTATIVES John McQueen,57 Marlboro SENATORS John F. Potter, East Troy W. Porcher Miles,58 Charleston Cadwallader C. Washburn, La Crosse Laurence M. Keitt,59 Orangeburg Solomon Foot, Rutland Charles H. Larrabee, Horicon Milledge L. Bonham,57 Edgefield Jacob Collamer, Woodstock John D. Ashmore,57 Anderson REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF KANSAS William W. Boyce,57 Winnsboro Justin S. Morrill, Strafford Eliakim P. Walton, Montpelier DELEGATE TENNESSEE Homer E. Royce, East Berkshire Marcus J. Parrott,65 Leavenworth SENATORS VIRGINIA TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA Andrew Johnson, Greeneville DELEGATE Alfred 0. P. Nicholson,6° Columbia SENATORS James M. Mason, Winchester Experience Estabrook,66 Omaha REPRESENTATIVES Robert M. T. Hunter, Lloyds Samuel 0. Daily,67 Peru Thomas A. R. Nelson, Jonesboro Horace Maynard, Knoxville REPRESENTATIVES Muscoe R. H. Garnett, Loretto TERRITORY OF NEW Reese B. Brabson, Chattanooga MEXICO William B. Stokes, Alexandria John S Millson, Norfolk Robert H. Hatton, Lebanon Daniel C. DeJarnette, Bowling Green DELEGATE James H. Thomas, Columbia William 0. Goode,63 Boydton Miguel A. Otero, Albuquerque John V. Wright, Purdy Roger A. Pryor,64 Petersburg James M. Quarles, Clarksville Thomas S. Bocock, Appomattox TERRITORY OF UTAH Emerson Etheridge, Dresden Shelton F. Leake, Charlottesville DELEGATE William T. Avery, Memphis William Smith, Warrenton Alexander R. Boteler, Shepherdstown William H. Hooper, Salt Lake City TEXAS6' John T. Harris, Harrisonburg Sherrard Clemens, Wheeling TERRITORY OF SENATORS Albert G. Jenkins, Green Bottom WASHINGTON Matthias Ward, Jefferson Henry A. Edmundson, Salem DELEGATE Louis T. Wigfall,62 Marshall Elbert S. Martin, Lee Isaac I. Stevens, Olympia

' Seceded from the Union December 20 1860. ° Did not occupy his seat after December 10, 1860. 64Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William 0. Withdrew November 11, 1860. 60Withdrew March 3, 1861. Goode, and took his seat December 7, 1859. '° Withdrew November 10, 1860. 61Seceded from the Union February 1, 1861. 65Served until January 29, 1861, when the Territory of Withdrew December 21, 1860, signed declaration of Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Pinckney Kansas was granted statehood. intention, of date December 21, 1860, which was read and Henderson, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Janu- 56Served until May 18, 1860; succeeded by Samuel G. laid on the table December 24, 1860. ary 4, 1860. Daily, who contested his election. Did not occupy his seat after December 13, 1860. 63Died July 3, 1889. 65 Successfully contested the election of Experience Es- tabrook, and took his seat May 18, 1860. THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1861, TO MARCH 3, 1863

FIRST SESSION-July 4, 1861, to August 6, 1861 SECOND SESSION-December 2, 1861, to July 17, 1862 THIRD SESSION-Decen,ber 1, 1862, to March 3, 1863 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1861, to March 28, 1861



ALABAMA Aaron A. Sargent,'2 Nevada City Vacant REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS CONNECTICUT Clement C. Clay, Jr.,7 Huntsville Vacant Vacant SENATORS Lafayette S. Foster, Norwich GEORGIA REPRESENTATIVES James Dixon, Hartford Vacant SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Robert Toombs,'4 Washington ARKANSAS8 Alfred A. Burnham, Windham Vacant James E. English, New Haven SENATORS Dwight Loomis, Rockville REPRESENTATIVES William K. Sebastian,9 Helena George C. Woodruff, Litchfield Vacant Charles B. Mitchel,9 Little Rock REPRESENTATIVES DELAWARE ILLINOIS Vacant SENATORS SENATORS James A. Bayard, Wilmington Stephen A. Douglas,'5 Chicago CALIFORNIA Willard Saulsbury, Georgetown Orville H. Browning,'6 Quincy SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William A. Richardson,'7 Quincy Milton S. Latham, Sacramento George P. Fisher, Dover Lyman Trumbull, Alton James A. McDougall, San Francisco REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES AT FLORIDA Isaac N. Arnold, Chicago Frederick F. Low,'1 San Francisco SENATORS Philip B. Fouke, Belleville Timothy G. Phelps,'2 San Mateo Stephen R. Mallory,'3 Pensacola William Kellogg, Canton

'Elected March 23, 1861; July 18, 1861; January 15, 7Seat declared vacant by resolution ofMarch 14, 1861. approval of the act of June 2, 1862, allowing the State of 1862; March 31, 1862; June 19, 1862; and February 18, Seceded from the Union May 8, 1861. California an additional representative, appeared and took Expelled by resolution of July 11, 1861. The resolution his seat June 3, 1862. 1863. "Took his seat December 2, 1861. Elected July 15, 1861; William Hickey (chief clerk) was with its preamble was revoked and annulled, so far as Mr. "Seat declared vacant by resolution of March 14, 1861. appointed acting secretary March 22, 1861,"to serve Sebastian was concerned, by resolution of the Senate of "Seat declared vacant by resolution of March 14, 1861. during the present infirmity of the secretary." March 3, 1877. "Died June 3, 1861. Elected July 6, 1861. '°Elected September 4, 1861. ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Stephen Elected July 4, 1861. 11Presented credentials and claimed a seat as a third A. Douglas, and took his seat July 4, 1861. 'Elected July 4, 1861. representative from the State December 2, 1861; declared 17Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Stephen A. Elected July 5, 1861. not entitled to a seat by resolution of May 6, 1862; upon Douglas, and took his seat January 30, 1863.

[171] 172 Biographical Directory

ILLINOIS-Continued John C. Breckinridge," Lexington Edwin H. Webster, Bel Air REPRESENTAT1VES-CJONTIJijED Garrett Davis," Paris REPRESENTATIVES MASSACHUSETTS John A. Logan,'8 Benton William J. Allen,'9 Marion Henry C. Burnett," Cadiz SENATORS Owen Lovejoy, Princeton Samuel L. Casey,'4 Caseyville Charles Sumner, Boston John A. McClernand,'° Springfield John J. Crittenden, Frankfort Henry Wilson, Natick Anthony L. Knapp,2' Jerseyville George W. Dunlap, Lancaster Henry Grider, Bowling Green REPRESENTATIVES William A. Richardson,22 Quincy Charles F. Adams,44 Quincy James C. Robinson, Marshall Aaron Harding, Greensburg Elihu B. Washburne, Galena James S. Jackson," Hopkinsville Benjamin F. Thomas,4' Boston George H. Yeaman,'6 Owensboro John B. Alley, Lynn INDIANA Robert Mallory, La Grange William Appleton,46 Boston John W. Menzies, Covington ,47 Boston SENATORS Goldsmith F. Bailey,48 Fitchburg Jesse D. Bright,2' Jeffersonville William H. Wadsworth, Maysville Charles A. Wickliffe, Bardstown ,49 North Brookfield Joseph A. Wright,24 Indianapolis James Buffington, Fall River ,2' Indianapolis LOUISIANA Henry L. Dawes, North Adams Henry S. Lane, Crawfordsville Charles Delano, Northampton REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Thomas D. Eliot, New Bedford Schuyler Colfax, South Bend Judah P. Benjamin,'7 New Orleans Daniel W. Gooch, Melrose James A. Cravens, Hardinsburg Vacant Alexander H. Rice, Boston William McKee Dunn, Madison REPRESENTATIVES Charles R. Train, Framingham William S. Holman, Aurora Benjamin F. Flanders,'8 New Orleans George W. Julian, Centerville Michael Hahn,'9 New Orleans MICHIGAN John Law, Evansville William Mitchell, Kendalluille SENATORS Albert G. Porter, Indianapolis MAINE Zachariah Chandler, Detroit John P. C. Shanks, Jay Court House SENATORS Kinsley S. Bingham,5° Oak Grove Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute William Pitt Fessenden, Portland Jacob M. Howard," Detroit Albert S. White, Stockwell Lot M. Morrill, Augusta REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Fernando C. Beaman, Adrian IOWA Samuel C. Fessenden, Rockland Bradley F. Granger, Ann Arbor SENATORS John N. Goodwin, South Berwick Francis W. Kellogg, Grand Rapids James Harlan, Mount Pleasant Anson P. Morrill, Readfield Rowland E. Trowbridge, Birmingham James W. Grimes, Burlington Frederick A. Pike, Calais REPRESENTATIVES John H. Rice, Foxcroft MINNESOTA Samuel R. Curtis,26 Keokuk Charles W. Walton,4° Auburn SENATORS James F. Wilson,'7 Fairfield Thomas A. D. Fessenden,4' Auburn William Vandever,28 Dubuque Henry M. Rice, St. Paul MARYLAND Morton S. Wilkinson, Mankato REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE KANSAS SENATORS SENATORS James A. Pearce,4' Chestertown Cyrus Aldrich, Minneapolis Samuel C. Pomeroy,29 Atchison Thomas H. Hicks,4' Cambridge William Windom, Winona James H. Lane,'° Lawrence Anthony Kennedy, Ellicotts Mills MISSISSIPPI REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Martin F. Conway, Lawrence Charles B. Calvert, Bladensburg SENATORS John W. Crisfield, Princess Anne Albert G. Brown,52 Terry KENTUCKY Cornelius L. L. Leary, Baltimore Jefferson Davis,52 Hurricane SENATORS Henry May, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES Lazarus W. Powell, Henderson Francis Thomas, Frankville Vacant

Resigned April 2, 1862. 25 Took his seat July 4, 1861; term to expire, as deter- °° Resigned May 26, 1862. °Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John mined by lot, March 3, 1867. ° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of A. Logan, and took his seat June 2, 1862. °° Took his seat July 4, 1861; term to expire, as deter- Charles W. Walton, and took his seat December 1, 1862. ° Resigned October 28, 1861. mined by lot, March 3, 1865. Election unsuccessfully con- ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John tested by Frederick P. Stanton 42 Died December 20, 1862. A. McClernand, and took his seat December 12, 1861. "Expelled by resolution of December 4, 1861. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of James A. 22 Resigned January 29, 1863, having been elected Sena- 52 Elected to fill vacancy caused by expulsion of John C. Pearce, and took his seat January 14, 1863. tor. Breckinrid5e and took his seat December 23, 1861. "Resigned May 1, 1861, having been appointed minis- 23 Expelled February 5, 1862. ' Expelled by resolution of December 3, 1861. ter to England. 24 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by expulsion of Jesse 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by expulsion of Henry "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of D. Bright, and took his seat March 3, 1862. C. Burnett, and took his seat March 10, 1862. Charles F. Adams, and took his seat July 4, 1861. 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by expulsion of Jesse D. '° Resigned December 13, 1861, to enter the Union "Resigned September 27, 1861. Bright, and took his seat January 22, 1863. Army (killed at the battle of Perryville, Ky., October 8, Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- Resigned August 4, 1861. liam Appleton, and took his seat December 2, 1861. 27 Elected to 1111 vacancy caused by resignation of 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James S. 48 Died May 8, 1862. Samuel R. Curtis, and took his seat December 2, 1861. Jackson, and took his seat December 1, 1862. 49 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Goldsmith 2sTook his seat July 4, 1861; election contested by Le r Seat declared vacant by resolution of March 14, 1861. F. Bailey, and took his seat December 1, 1862. Grand Byington. By resolution of January 20, 1863, House 55Credentials presented December 19, 1862; declared en- ° Died October 5, 1861. declared contestee had not been entitled to a seat since titled to his seat by resolution of February 17, 1863, and '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Kinsley S. September 24, 1861, the day he was mustered tote the took his seat February 23, 1863. Bingham, and took his seat January 17, 1862. military service of the United States as a colonel of volun- ' Credentials presented December 22, 1862; declared en- teers. Case of contestant remained undisposed of at close titled to his seat by resolution of February 17, 1863, and 52 Did not attend during this Congress; seat declared of the Congress. took his seat the same day. vacant by resolution of March 14, 1861. Thirty-Seventh Congress 173

MISSOURI Isaac C. Delaplaine, New York City John Hutchins, Warren James R. Morris, Woodsfield SENATORS Alexander S. Diven, Elmira R. Holland Duel!, Cortland Warren P. Noble, Tiffin Trusten Po1k,St. Louis Alfred Ely, Rochester Robert H. Nugen, Newcomerstown John B. Henderson,54 Louisiana Reuben E. Fenton, Frewsburg George H. Pendleton, Cincinnati Waldo Porter Johnson,55 Osceola Richard Franchot, Schenectady Albert G. Riddle, Cleveland Robert Wilson,56 St. Joseph Augustus Frank, Warsaw Samuel Shellabarger, Springfield REPRESENTATWES Edward Haight, West Chester Carey A. Trimble, Chillicothe Francis P. Blair, Jr.,57 St. Louis James E. Kerrigan, New York City Clement L. Vallandigham, Dayton John W. Noel!, Periyville William E. Lansing, Chittenango Chilton A. White, Georgetown Elijah H. Norton, Platte City James B. McKean, Saratoga Springs John Sherman,72 Mansfield John S. Phelps, Springfield Moses F. Ode!!, Brooklyn Samuel T. Worcester,73 Norwalk John W. Reid,58 Jefferson City Abram B. Olin, Troy Thomas L. Price,59 Jefferson City Theodore M. Pomeroy, Auburn OREGON James S. Rollins, Columbia Charles B. Sedgwick, Syracuse SENATORS John B. Clark,6° Fayette Sacrates N. Sherman, Ogdensburg Edward D. Baker,74 Oregon City William A. Hall,61 Huntsville Edward H. Smith, Smithtown Benjamin Stark,75 Portland Elbridge G. Spaulding, Buffalo Benjamin F. Harding,76 Salem NEW HAMPSHIRE John B. Steele, Kingston James W. Nesmith, Salem SENATORS Burt Van Horn, Newfane REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John P. Hale, Dover Robert B. Van Valkenburg, Bath Daniel Clark, Manchester Charles H. Van Wyck, Bloomingburg Andrew J. Thayer,77 Corvallis Chauncey Vibbard, Schenectady George K. Shiel,78 Salem REPRESENTATWES William Wall, Brooklyn Thomas M. Edwards, Keene Elijah Ward, New York City PENNSYLVANIA Gilman Marston, Exeter William A. Wheeler, Malone SENATORS Edward H. Rollins, Concord Benjamin Wood, New York City Simon Cameron,79 Harrisburg NEW JERSEY NORTH CAROLINA65 David Wilmot,8° Towanda , Greens burg SENATORS SENATORS John R. Thomson,62 Princeton Thomas L. Clingman,66 Asheville REPRESENTATIVES Richard S. Field,68 Princeton Thomas Bragg,67 Raleigh Sydenham E. Ancona, Reading James W. Wall,64 Burlington REPRESENTATIVES Elijah Babbitt, Erie Joseph Bailey, Newport John C. Ten Eyck, Mount Holly Vacant REPRESENTATIVES E. Joy Morris,8' Philadelphia Charles J. Biddle,82 Philadelphia George T. Cobb, Morristown OHIO Samuel S. Blair, Hollidaysburg John T. Nixon, Bridgeton SENATORS Nehemiah Perry, Newark James H. Campbell, Pottsville Benjamin F. Wade, Jefferson Thomas B. Cooper,83 Coopersburg William G. Steele, Somerville Salmon P. Chase,68 Cincinnati John D. Stiles,84 Allentown J. L. N. Stratton, Mount Holly John Sherman,69 Mansfield John Covode, Lockport Station NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVES William Morris Davis, Milestown William Allen, Greenville Galusha A. Grow, Glenwood SENATORS James M. Ashley, Toledo James T. Hale, Bellefonte Preston King, Ogdensburg John A. Bingham, Cadiz John Hickman, West Chester Ira Harris, Albany Harrison G. 0. Blake, Medina Philip Johnson, Easton REPRESENTATIVES Samuel S. Cox, Columbus William D. Kelley, Philadelphia Stephen Baker, Poughkeepsie William P. Cutler, Constitution John W. Killinger, Lebanon Jacob P. Chamberlain, Seneca Falls Sidney Edgerton, Tallmadge Jesse Lazear, Waynesburg Ambrose W. Clark, Watertown John A. Gurley, Cincinnati William E. Lehman,85 Philadelphia Frederick A. Conkling, New York City Thomas Corwin,7° Lebanon Robert McKnight, Pittsburgh Roscoe Conkling, Utica Richard A. Harrison,71 London Edward McPherson, Gettysburg Erastus Corning, Albany Valentine B. Horton, Pomeroy James K. Moorhead, Pittsburgh

55 Expelled by resolution of January 10, 1862. s6 Seceded from the Union May 21, 1861. Charles Henry 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward Appointed to fill vacancy caused by expulsion of Trus- Foster claimed the right to represent the first congression- D. Baker; took his seat February 27, 1862. ten Polk, and took his seat January 29, 1862; subsequently al district. 76 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward D. elected. Withdrew March 28, 1861; expelled by resolution of Baker, and took his seat December 1, 1862. 55 Expelled by resolution of January 10, 1862. July 11, 1861. " Served until July 30, 1861; succeeded by George K. s6 Appointed tofill vacancy caused by expulsion of °' Withdrew March 8, 1861; expelled by resolution of Shiel, who contested his election. Waldo P. Johnson, and took his seat January 24, 1862. July 11, 1861. '5 Successfully contested the election of Andrew J. Resigned in July, 1862. 68 Resigned March 6, 1861, having been appointed Secre- Thayer, and took his seat July 30, 1861. s Did not occupy his seat after August 3, 1861; expelled tory of the Treasury. Resigned March 4, 1861, having been appointed Secre- by resolution of December 2, 1861. ° Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of tory of War. s9 Elected to fill vacancy caused by expulsion of John Salmon P. Chase, and took his seat March 23, 1861. '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Simon W. Reid, and took his seat January 21, 1862. o Resigned March 12, 1861, having been appointed min- Cameron, and took his seat March 18, 1861. ° Expelled by resolution of July 13, 1861, never having ister to Mexico. 56 Resigned June 8, 1861, having been appointed minis- qualified. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of ter resident to Turkey. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by expulsion of John B. Thomas Corwin, and took his seat July 4, 1861. 52 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of E. Joy Clark, and took his seat January 20, 1862. Morris, and took his seat December 2, 1861. Died September 12, 1862. 72 Resigned March 21, 1861, having been elected Sena- tor. Died April 4, 1862. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John R. 84 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas B. Thomson, and took his seat December 1, 1862. '3 Elected to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of 64 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John R. John Sherman, and took his seat July 4, 1861. Cooper, and took his seat June 3, 1862. Thomson, and took his seat January 21, 1863. ' Died October 21, 1861. 85 Election unsuccessfully contested by John M. Butler. 174 Biographical Directory

PENNSYLVANIA-Continued TEXAS Walter D. Mclndoe,112 Wausau REPRESENTATIvE5-CONTJNIJED SENATORS John F. Potter, East Troy A. Scott Sloan, Beaver Dam John Patton, Curwinsville John Hemphill,98 Austin Thaddeus Stevens, Lancaster Louis T. Wigfall,99 Marshall REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF John P. Verree,86 Philadelphia COLORADO113 John W. Wallace, New Castle Vacant George W. Scranton,87 Scranton DELEGATE Hendrick B. Wright,88 Wilkes-Barre VERMONT Hiram P. Bennett,114 Denver SENATORS RHODE ISLAND Solomon Foot, Rutland TERRITORY OF DAKOTA"5 Jacob Collamer, Woodstock DELEGATE SENATORS REPRESENTATWES John B. S. Todd,116 Fort Randall James F. Simmons,89 Providence Portus Baxter, Derby Line Samuel G. Arnold,90 Providence Justin S. Morrill, Strafford TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA Henry B. Anthony, Providence Eliakim P. Walton, Montpelier DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES George H. Browne, Providence VIRGINIA'°° Samuel G. Daily,117 Peru William P. Sheffield, Newport SENATORS James M. Mason,101 Winchester TERRITORY OF NEVADA"8 SOUTH CAROLINA Waitman T. Willey,'°2 Morgantown DELEGATE Robert M. T. Hunter,103 Lloyds John Cradlebaugh,119 Carson City SENATORS John S. Carlile,'°4 Wheeling James Chesnut, Jr.,9' Camden REPRESENTATIVES 005 TERRITORY OF NEW Vacant William G. Brown, Kingwood MEXICO John S. Carlile,106 Wheeling REPRESENTATIVES Jacob B. Blair,'°7 Parkers burg DELEGATE Vacant Joseph E. Segar,108 Elizabeth City John S. Watts, Santa Fe Charles H. Upton,'°9 Falls Church TENNESSEE92 Lewis McKenzie,11° Alexandria TERRITORY OF UTAH Kellian V. Whaley, Ceredo SENATORS DELEGATE Andrew Johnson,93 Greeneville WISCONSIN John M. Bernhisel, Salt Lake City Alfred 0. P. Nicholson,94 Columbia SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES James R. Doolittle, Racine TERRITORY OF George W. Bridges,95 Athens Timothy 0. Howe, Green Bay WASHINGTON Andrew J. Clements,96 Lafayette REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE Horace Maynard,97 Knoxville Luther Hanchett,'1' Plover William H. Wallace, Steilacoom

Election unsuccessfully contested by John Kline. °° Seceded from the Union April 17, 1861. ed memorial denying right of Upton, and claiming seat ' Died March 24, 1861. iii Withdrew March 28, 1861; expelled by resolution of under an election held October 24, 1861, but on March 31, Elected to fill vacancy caused by the death of George July 11, 1861. 1862, was declared not entitled to same. W. Scranton, and took his seat July 4, 1861. Elected to fill vacancy caused by withdrawal of 220El,d to fill vacancy caused by the unseating of s Resigned August 15, 1862. James M. Mason, and took his seat July 13, 1861. Charles H. Upton, and took his seat February 16, 1863. so Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James '° Withdrew March 28, 1861; expelled by resolution of " Died November 24, 1862. F. Simmons, and took his seat December 1, 1862. July 11, 1861. 212 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Luther ' Did not attend during this Congress; expelled by reso- 204 Elected to fill vacancy caused by withdrawal of lution of July 11, 1861. Robert M. T. Hunter, and took his seat July 13, 1861. Hanchett, and took his seat January 26, 1863. 92 Seceded from the Union June 24, 1861. °° J. B. McCloud and W. W. Wing both claimed election Took his seat December 2, 1861. 9 Resigned March 4, 1862, to become military governor from the second district, but on February 14, 1863, the "2Formed from portions of the territory ceded to the of Tennessee. House decided that neither was entitled to the seat; Chris- United States by Franca by the treaty of Paris of April 30, Did not attend during this Congress; expelled by reso- topher L. Graflin presented credentials from the eighth 1803, and of that ceded by Mexico by the treaty of Guada- lution of July 11, 1861. district, but on March 3, 1863, was declared not entitled to lupe Hidalgo of February 2, 1848, and granted a Delegate Elected August 1, 1861; took his seat February 25, seat. in Congress by act of February 28, 1861. 1863. '°° Resigned July 9, 1861, having been elected Senator. 120 Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the 99Elected August 1, 1861; presented memorial on De- '°' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John United States by France by treaty of April 30, 1803, and camber 3, 1861, claiming seat, and by resolution of Janu- S. Carlile, and took his seat December 2, 1861. granted a Delegate in Congress by act of March 2, 1861. ary 13, 1862, was declared entitled to the same; took his ''° Declared not entitled to his seat under first creden- U Took his seat December 9, 1861. seat same day. tials by resolution of February 11,1862; subsequently " Election unsuccessfully contested by J.Sterling °' Elected August 1, 1861; took his seat December 2, elected and declared entitled to seat under second creden- Morton. 1861. tials by resolution of May 6, 1862; qualified and took his 118 Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the Did not occupy his seat after March 4, 1861; expelled seat the same day. United States by Mexico by the treaty of Guadalupe Hi- by resolution of July 11, 1861. 209 Presented credentials of an election held May 23, dalgo of February 2, 1848, and granted a Delegate in Con- ° Did not occupy his seat after March 23, 1861; expelled 1861, and took his seat July 4, 1861; declared not entitled gress by act of March 2, 1861. by resolution of July 11, 1861. to the seat February 27, 1862. S. Ferguson present- 218 Took his seat December 2,1861. THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1863, TO MARCH 3, 1865

FIRST SESSION-December 7, 1863, to July 4, 1864 SECOND SESSION-December 5, 1864, to March 3, 1865 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1863, to March 14, 1863



ALABAMA James Dixon, Hartford GEORGIA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Vacant Augustus Brandegee, New London Vacant REPRESENTATIVES Henry C. Deming, Hartford REPRESENTATIVES Vacant James E. English, New Haven Vacant John H. Hubbard, Litchfield ARKANSAS ILLINOIS SENATORS SENATORS DELAWARE Vacant Lyman Trumbull, Alton William A. Richardson, Quincy REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Vacant 6 James A. Bayard,7 Wilmington Isaac N. Arnold, Chicago George R. Riddle,8 Wilmington John F. Farnsworth, St. Charles CALIFORNIA Willard Saulsbury, Georgetown Elihu B. Washburne, Galena SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles M. Harris, Oquawka James A. McDougall, San Francisco Owen Lovejoy," Princeton John Conness, Sacramento William Temple,9 Smyrna Ebon C. Ingersoll,'2 Peoria REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Nathaniel B. Smithers,'° Dover Jesse 0. Norton, Joliet John R. Eden, Sullivan Cornelius Cole, Santa Cruz FLORIDA John T. Stuart, Springfield William Higby, Mokelumne Hill Lewis W. Ross, Lewistown Thomas B Shannon, Quincy SENATORS Anthony L. Knapp, Jerseyville Vacant James C. Robinson, Marshall CONNECTICUT William R. Morrison, Waterloo SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William J. Allen, Marion La Fayette S. Foster, Norwich Vacant At Large-James C. Allen, Palestine

'Elected March 4, 1863 (special session of the Senate); 'James M. Johnson, T. M. Jacks, and Anthony A. C. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James December 18, 1863; February 23, 1864; March 11, 1864; and Rogers presented credentials as Members-elect, but their A. Bayard, and took his seat February 2, 1864. April 11, 1864. claims were not finally disposed of. By resolution of March °' Died May 28, 1863, before Congress assembled. 'Elected April 26, 1864; February 9, 1865. 3, 1865, each was allowed the sum of $2,000 for 'compen- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William Temple, and took his seat December 7, 1863. 7Elected December 7, 1863. sation, expenses, and mileage." "Died March 25, 1864. Elected December 8, 1863. Resigned January 29, 1864. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by the death of Owen Elected December 8, 1863. Lovejoy, and took his seat May 20, 1864.

[175] 176 Biographical Directory

INDIANA LOUISIANA Fernando C. Beaman, Adrian SENATORS John F. Driggs, East Saginaw SENATORS Francis W. Kellogg, Grand Rapids Henry S. Lane, Crawfordsville Vacant John W. Longyear, Lansing Thomas A. Hendricks, Indianapolis REPRESENTATIVES Charles Upson, Coidwater REPRESENTATIVES Vacant 15 Schuyler Colfax, South Bend MINNESOTA James A. Cravens, Hardinsburg MAINE SENATORS , Indianapolis SENATORS Morton S. Wilkinson, Mankato Joseph K. Edgerton, Fort Wayne William Pitt Fessenden,'6 Portland Alexander Ramsey, St. Paul Henry W. Harrington, Madison Nathan A. Farwell,'7 Rockland REPRESENTATIVES William S. Holman, Aurora Lot M. Morrill, Augusta Ignatius Donnelly, Nininger George W. Julian, Centerville REPRESENTATIVES William Windom, Winona John Law, Evansville James G. Blame, Augusta James F. McDowell, Marion Sidney Perham, Paris MISSISSIPPI Godlove S. Orth, La Fayette Frederick A. Pike, Calais SENATORS Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute John H. Rice, Foxcroft Vacant Lorenzo D. M. Sweat, Portland REPRESENTATIVES IOWA Vacant SENATORS MARYLAND James Harlan, Mount Pleasant SENATORS MISSOURI James W. Grimes, Burlington Thomas H. Hicks,18 Cambridge SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Reverdy Johnson, Baltimore John B. Henderson, Louisiana William B Allison, Dubuque REPRESENTATIVES Robert Wilson, St. Joseph Josiah B. Grinnell,'3 Grinnell John A. J. Creswell, Elkton B. Gratz Brown,2° St. Louis Asahel W. Hubbard, Sioux City Henry Winter Davis, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES John A. Kasson, Des Moines Benjamin G. Harris, Leonardtown Francis P. Blair, Jr.,2' St. Louis , Davenport Francis Thomas, Frank ville Samuel Knox,22 St. Louis James F. Wilson, Fairfield Edwin H. Webster, Bel Air Henry T. Blow, St. Louis Sempronius H. Boyd, Springfield KANSAS MASSACHUSETTS William A. Hall, Huntsville Austin A. King, Richmond SENATORS SENATORS Benjamin F. Loan,23 St. Joseph Samuel C. Pomeroy, Atchison Charles Sumner, Boston Joseph W. McClurg,24 Linn Creek James H. Lane, Lawrence Henry Wilson, Natick James S. Rollins, Columbia REPRESENTATIVES John W. Noell,25 Perryville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John B. Alley, Lynn John G. Scott,26 Irondale A. Carter Wilder, Lawrence , North Easton John D. Baldwin, Worcester NEVADA27 KENTUCKY George S. Boutwell, Groton SENATORS SENATORS Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield William M. Stewart,28 Virginia City Lazarus W. Powell, Henderson Thomas D. Eliot, New Bedford James W. Nye,29 Carson City Garrett Davis, Paris Daniel W. Gooch, Melrose REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Samuel Hooper, Boston Henry G. Worthington,3° Austin REPRESENTATIVES Alexander H. Rice,'9 Boston , Mayfield William B. Washburn, Greenfield Brutus J. Clay, Paris NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATORS Henry Grider, Bristol MICHIGAN Aaron Harding, Greensburg John P. Hale, Dover Robert Mallory, La Grange SENATORS Daniel Clark, Manchester William H. Randall, London Zachariah Chandler, Detroit REPRESENTATIVES Green C. Smith, Covington Jacob M. Howard, Detroit Daniel Marcy, Portsmouth William H. Wadsworth, Maysville REPRESENTATIVES James W. Patterson, Hanover George H. Yeanian,14 Owensboro Augustus C. Baldwin, Pontiac Edward H. Rollins, Concord

'Election unsuccessfully contested by Hugh M. Martin. "unsuccessfully contested by John S. Sleeper. 2Election unsuccessfully contested by Thomas L Price. 14ElectionunsuccessfullycontestedbyJohnH. '°Elected, on November 13, 1863, to fill vacancy caused 22 Died March 14, 1863. McHenry, Jr. by expulsion of Waldo Porter Johnson, in preceding Con- 26 Elected to fill vacancy caused by the death of John 6M. F. Bonzano, A. P. Field, W. D. Mann, T. M. Welles, gress, and took his seat December 14, 1863; Robert Wilson, W. Noell, and took his seat December 7, 1863; election and Robert W. Taliaferro presented credentials as Mem- Senator-designate in previous Congress, attended on De- unsuccessfully contested by James Lindsay. bers-elect, but their claims were not finally disposed of. cember 7, 1863, but the following day was declared not 27 Admitted as a State into the Union October 31, 1864. '6Resigned July 1, 1864, to become Secretary of the entitled to a seat. 56Took his seat February 1, 1865; term to expire, as Treasury. 22Served until June 10, 1864; succeeded by Samuel "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Knox, who contested his election. determined by lot, March 3, 1869. William Pitt Fessenden, and took his seat December 5, 25Successfully contested the election of Francis P. Blair, his seat February 1, 1865; term to expire, as 1864; subsequently elected. Jr., and took his seat June 15, 1864. determined by lot, March 3, 1867. s Died February 14, 1865. ' Election unsuccessfully contested by John P. Bruce. '° his seat December 21, 1864. Thirty-Eighth Congress 177

OHIO Glenni W. Schofield, Warren NEW JERSEY Thaddeus Stevens, Lancaster SENATORS SENATORS John D. Stiles, Allentown John C. Ten Eyck, Mount Holly Benjamin F. Wade, Jefferson Myer Strouse, Pottsville William Wright, Newark John Sherman, Mansfield M. Russell Thayer,37 Chestnut Hill REPRESENTATWES REPRESENTATWES Henry W. Tracy, Standing Stone George Middleton, Allentown James M. Ashley, Toledo Thomas Williams, Pittsburgh Nehemiah Perry, Newark George Bliss, Wooster Andrew J. Rogers, Newton Samuel S. Cox, Columbus RHODE ISLAND John F. Starr, Camden Ephraim R. Eckley, Carroliton William G. Steele, Somerville William E. Finck, Somerset SENATORS James A. Garfield, Hiram Henry B. Anthony, Providence NEW YORK Wells A. Hutchins, Portsmouth William Sprague, Providence SENATORS William Johnston, Mansfield REPRESENTATIVES Ira Harris, Albany Francis C. Le Blond, Celina Nathan F. Dixon, Westerly Edwin D. Morgan, New York City Alexander Long, Cincinnati Thomas A. Jenckes, Providence REPRESENTATIVES John F. McKinney, Piqua James Brooks, New York City James R. Morris, Woodsfield SOUTH CAROLINA Warren P. Noble, Tiffin John W. Chanler, New York City SENATORS Ambrose W. Clark, Watertown John O'Neill, Zanesville Freeman Clarke, Rochester George H. Pendleton, Cincinnati Vacant Erastus Corning,3' Albany Robert C. Sehenck, Dayton REPRESENTATIVES John V. L. Pruyn,32 Albany Rufus P. Spalding, Cleveland Vacant Thomas T. Davis, Syracuse Chilton A. White, Georgetown Reuben E. Fenton,33 Frews burg Joseph W. White, Cambridge TENNESSEE Augustus Frank, Warsaw John Ganson, Buffalo OREGON SENATORS John A. Griswold, Troy SENATORS Vacant Anson Herrick, New York City James W. Nesmith, Salem REPRESENTATIVES Giles W. Hotchkiss, Binghamton Benjamin F. Harding, Salem Vacant Calvin T. Hulburd, Brasher Falls REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Martin Kalbfleisch, Brooklyn Orlando Kellogg, Elizabethtown John R. McBride, Lafayette TEXAS Francis Kernan, Utica PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS De Witt C. Littlejohn, Oswego Vacant James M. Marvin, Saratoga Springs SENATORS Samuel F. Miller, Franklin Edgar Cowan, Greens burg REPRESENTATIVES Daniel Morris, Penn Yan Charles R. Buckalew, Bloomsburg Vacant Homer A. Nelson, Poughkeepsie REPRESENTATIVES Moses F. Odell, Brooklyn Sydenham E. Ancona, Reading VERMONT Theodore M. Pomeroy, Auburn Joseph Bailey, Newport SENATORS William Radford, Yonkers John M. Broomall, Media Solomon Foot, Rutland Henry G. Stebbins,'4 New Brighton Alexander H. Coffroth, Somerset Jacob Collamer, Wood,stock Dwight Townsend,35 Clifton John L. Dawson, Brownsville John B. Steele, Kingston Charles Denison, Wilkes-Barre REPRESENTATIVES Robert B. Van Valkenburg, Bath James T. Hale, Bellefonte Portus Baxter, Derby Line Elijah Ward, New York:City Philip Johnson, Easton Justin S. Morrill, Strafford Charles H. Winfield, Goshen William D. Kelley, Philadelphia Frederick E. Woodbridge, Vergennes Benjamin Wood, New York City Jesse Lazear, Waynesburg Fernando Wood, New York City Archibald McAllister, SpringfieldFurnace VIRGINIA William H. Miller, Harrisburg SENATORS NORTH CAROLINA James K. Moorhead, Pittsburgh SENATORS John S. Carlile, Clarks burg Amos Myers, Clarion Lemuel J. Bowden,38 Williamsburg Vacant Leonard Myers,86 Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES Vacant Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia Vacant

35 37Election unsuccessfully contested by Charles W. Car- Joseph E. Segar, from the first district, Lucius H. Resigned October 5, 1863, before Congress assembled. Chandler, from the second district, and Bethuel M. Kitch- °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of rigan. en, from the seventh district, presented credentials. They Erastus Corning, and took his seat December 7, 1863. ° Died January 2, 1864. On February 17, 1865, the cre- were declared not entitled to seats, the first two by resolu- ° Resigned effective December 20, 1864. dentials of Joseph E. Segar, to fill vacancy caused by the tion of May 17, 1864; the last named by resolution of April ° Resigned October 24, 1864. death of Lemuel J. Bowden, were presented but were or- 16, 1864. Lewis McKenzie alas claimed to have been elect- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry dered to lie on the table; no further action taken. State ed from the seventh district, and was declared not entitled G. Stebbins, and took his seat December 5, 1864. unrepresented in this class from this date to October 20, to the seat by resolution of February 26, 1864. The first 36Election unsuccessfully contested by John Kline. 1869. three claimants were subsequently allowed mileage and pay to the dates of the adoption of the resolutions. 178 Biographical Directory

WEST 40 TERRITORY OF ARIZONA44 TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA SENATORS DELEGATE DELEGATE Peter G. Van Winkle,4' Parkers burg Charles D. Poston,4' Tubac Samuel G. Daily, Peru Waitman T. Willey,42 Morgantown REPRESENTATWES TERRITORY OF COLORADO TERRITORY OF NEVADA DELEGATE Jacob B. Blair,43 Parke rs burg DELEGATE William G. Brown,4' Kingwood Hiram P. Bennet, Denver Gordon N. Mott,52 Carson City Kellian V. Whaley,4' Point Pleasant TERRITORY OF DAKOTA TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO DELEGATE WISCONSIN DELEGATE SENATORS William Jayne,46 Yankton Francisco Perea,'3 Bernalilla James R. Doolittle, Racine John B. S. Todd,41 Yankton Timothy 0. Howe, Green Bay TERRITORY OF UTAH TERRITORY OF IDAHO48 REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE DELEGATE James S. Brown, Milwaukee John F. Kinney, Salt Lake City Amasa Cobb, Mineral Point William H. Wallace,49 Lewiston TERRITORY OF Charles A. Eldridge, Fond du Lac 50 Walter D. Mclndoe, Wausau TERRITORY OF WASHINGTON Ithamar C. Sloan, Janesville DELEGATE DELEGATE Ezra Wheeler, Berlin Samuel McLean,5' Bannack George E. Cole, Walla Walla

4°Formed from a portion of the State of Virginia and 44Formed from a portion of the Territory of New 45Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the admitted into the Union June 19, 1863. Mexico and granted a Delegate in Congress by act of Feb- United States by France by treaty of April 30, 1803, and 41Took his seat December 7, 1863; term to expire, as ruary 24, 1863. granted a Delegate in Congress by act of March 3, 1863. determined by 1t, March 3, 1869. 45Took his seat December 5, 1864. his seat February 1, 1864. 40Took his seat December 7, 1863; term to expire, as °°Servuntil June 17, 1864; succeeded by John B. S. °°Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the determined by lot, March 3, 1865. Todd, who contested his election. United States by France by treaty of April 30, 1803, and 43Took his seat December 7, 1863. ° Successfully contested the election of William Jayne, granted a Delegate in Congress by act of May 26, 1864. °' Took his seat January 6, 1865. and took his seat June 17, 1864. 50Served until October 31, 1864, when the Territory of Nevada was granted statehood. Election unsuccessfully contested by José Manuel Gallegos. THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1865, TO MARCH 3, 1867

FIRST SESSION-December 4, 1865, to July 28, 1866 SECOND SESSION-December 3, 1866, to March 3, 1867 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1865, to March 11, 1865



ALABAMA James Dixon, Hartford GEORGIA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Vacant Henry C. Deming, Hartford Vacant REPRESENTATIVES6 Samuel L. Warner, Middletown REPRESENTATIVES Vacant Augustus Brandegee, New London Vacant John H. Hubbard, Litchfield ARKANSAS ILLINOIS SENATORS SENATORS DELAWARE Lyman Trumbull, Chicago Vacant Richard Yates, Jacksonville REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Willard Saulsbury, Georgetown Vacant John Wentworth, Chicago George R. Riddle, Wilmington John F. Farnsworth, St. Charles CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Elihu B. Washburne, Galena SENATORS Abner C. Harding, Monmouth James A. McDougall, San Francisco John A. Nicholson, Dover Ebon C. Ingersoll, Peoria John Conness, Sacramento Burton C. Cook, Ottawa REPRESENTATiVES FLORIDA Henry P. H. Bromwell, Charleston Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield Donald C. McRuer, San Francisco SENATORS Lewis W. Ross, Lewistown , Chico Vacant 7 Anthony Thornton, Shelbyville William Higby, Calaveras Vacant8 Samuel S. Marshall, McLeansboro Jehu Baker, Belleville CONNECTICUT REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Andrew J. Kuykendall, Vienna SENATORS Vacant At Large-Samuel W. Moulton, Lafayette S. Foster, Norwich Shelbyville

1Became President upon the death of Abraham Lincoln, Reelected December 4, 1865. On January 19, 1866, William Marvin presented cre- April 15, 1865. 'Reelected December 4, 1865. dentials as a Senator-elect for the term ending March 3, Elected March 7, 1865 (special session of the Senate), °Credentials of Thomas J. Foster as Member-elect were 1867, which were ordered to lie on the table and no fur- ther action token thereon. "to serve in the absence of the Vice President," and did presented to the House January 10, 1867, but were not June 6, 1866, presented credentials serve until March 2, 1867. acted upon. as a Senator-elect for the term ending March 3, 1869, 'Elected March 2, 1867. which were ordered to lie on the table and no further action token thereon.

[179] 180 Biographical Directory

INDIANA Green C. Smith,'8 Covington Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield SENATORS Andrew H. Ward,'9 Cynthiana Henry S. Lane, Crawfordsville George S. Shanklin, Nicholasville MICHIGAN Samuel McKee, Mount Sterling SENATORS Thomas A. Hendricks, Indianapolis William H. Randall, London REPRESENTATWES Zachariah Chandler, Detroit William E. Niblack, Vincennes LOUISIANA Jacob M. Howard, Detroit Michael C. Kerr, New Albany SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Ralph Hill, Columbus Vacant Fernando C. Beaman, Adrian John H. Farquhar, Brookville Charles Upson, Coidwater George W. Julian, Centerville REPRESENTATIVES John W. Longyear, Lansing Ebenezer Dumont, Indianapol24 Vacant 20 Thomas W. Ferry, Grand Haven Daniel W. Voorhees,9 Terre Haute Rowland E. Trowbridge,26 Henry D. Washburn,'0 Clinton MAINE Birmingham Godlove S. Orth, La Fayette SENATORS John F. Driggs, East Saginaw Schuyler Colfax, South Bend Lot M. Morrill, Augusta Joseph H. Defrees, Goshen William Pitt Fessenden, Portland MINNESOTA Thomas N. Stillwell, Anderson REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS IOWA John Lynch, Portland Alexander Ramsey, St. Paul Sidney Perham, Paris Daniel S. Norton, Winona SENATORS James G. Blame, Augusta James Harlan,'1 Mount Pleasant John H. Rice, Foxcroft REPRESENTATIVES Samuel J. Kirkwood,'2 Iowa City Frederick A. Pike, Calais William Windom, Winona James W. Grimes, Burlington Ignatius Donnelly, Hastings REPRESENTATIVES MARYLAND James F. Wilson, Fairfield SENATORS MISSISSIPPI Hiram Price, Davenport Reverdy Johnson, Baltimore SENATORS William B. Allison, Dubuque John A. J. Creswell,2' Elkton Vacant Josiah B. Grinnell, Grinnell REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John A. Kasson, Des Moines Hiram McCullough, Elkton Vacant Asahel W. Hubbard, Sioux City Edwin H. Webster,22 Bel Air KANSAS John L. Thomas, Jr.,23 Baltimore MISSOURI Charles E. Phelps, Baltimore SENATORS SENATORS Francis Thomas, Frankville Samuel C. Pomeroy, Atchison Benjamin G. Harris, Leonardtown John B. Henderson, Louisiana James H. Lane,'3 Lawrence B. Gratz Brown, St. Louis Edmund G. Ross,'4 Lawrence MASSACHUSETTS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATWE AT LARGE SENATORS John Hogan, St. Louis Sidney Clarke, Lawrence Charles Sumner, Boston Henry T. Blow, St. Louis Henry Wilson, Natick Thomas E. Noell, Perryville KENTUCKY John R. Kelso,27 Springfield REPRESENTATIVES Joseph W. McClurg, Linn Creek SENATORS Thomas D. Eliot, New Bedford Garrett Davis, Paris Robert T. Van Horn, Kansas City Oakes Ames, North Easton Benjamin F. Loan, St. Joseph James Guthrie, Louisville Alexander H. Rice, Boston REPRESENTATIVES John F. Benjamin, Shelbyville Samuel Hooper, Boston George W. Anderson, Louisiana Lawrence S. Trimble, Paducah John B. Alley, Lynn Burwell C. Ritter, Hopkinsville Daniel W. Gooch,24 Melrose NEBRASKA28 Henry Grider,'5 Bowling Green Nathaniel P. Banks,25 Waltham Elijah Hise,'6 Russellville George S. Boutwell, Groton SENATORS Aaron Harding, Greensburg John D. Baldwin, Worcester John M. mayer,29 Omaha Lovell H. Rousseau,'7 Louisville William B. Washburn, Greenfield Thomas W. Tipton,29 Brownville

9Served until February 23, 1866; succeeded by Henry D. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry 22Resigned in July, 1865, before Congress assembled, to Washburn, who contested his election. Grider, and took his seat December 3, 1866. become collector of the port of Baltimore. 10Successfully contested the election of Daniel W. Veer- 1 Resigned July 21, 1866; subsequently reelected, and "Elected to ifil vacancy caused by resignation of Edwin hees. and took his seat February 23, 1866. took his seat December 3, 1866. H. Webster, and took his seat December 4, 1865. " Resigned May 15, 1865, having been appointed Secre- 1 Resigned in 1866. 24Resigned September 1, 1865, before Congress assem- "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Green bled. tory of the Interior. C. Smith, and took his seat December 3, 1866. 22Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James ' Elected to fill vacancy occasioned by resignation of 0Credentials of Jacob Barker, Robert C. Wickliffe, Daniel W. Gooch, and took his seat December 4, 1865. Harlan, and took his seat January 24, 1866. Louiø St. Martin, John E. King, and John Ray as Mem- "Died July 11, 1866. bers-elect were presented and referred to the Committee ' Election unsuccessfully contested by Augustus C. 14Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of James on Reconstruction; no further action was taken. Baldwin. H. Lane. and took his seat July 25, 1866; subsequently 2Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas H. "Election unsuccessfully contested by S. H. Boyd. elected. Hicks, in preceding Congress, and took his seat December "Admitted as a State into the Union, March 1, 1867. ' Died September 14, 1866. 29Elected, but did not take his seat until March 4, 1867. Thirty-Ninth Congress 181

REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William Radford, Yonkers Ephraim R. Eckley, Carrolton Turner M. Marquette,3° Plattsmouth Charles H. Winfield, Goshen Rufus P. Spalding, Cleveland John H. Ketcham, Dover James A. Garfield, Hiram NEVADA Edwin N. Hubbell, Coxsackie SENATORS Charles Goodyear, Schoharie OREGON William M. Stewart, Virginia City John A. Griswold, Troy SENATORS James W. Nye, Carson City Orlando Kellogg,4' Elizabethtown James W. Nesmith, Salem Robert S. Hale,42 Elizabethtown REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE George H. Williams, Portland Calvin T. Hulburd, Brasher FalLs REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Delos R. Ashley, Virginia City James M. Marvin, Saratoga Springs Demas Hubbard, Jr., Smyrna James H. D. Henderson, Eugene City NEW HAMPSHIRE Addison H. Laflin, Herkimer SENATORS Roscoe Conkling,43 Utica PENNSYLVANIA Daniel Clark,31 Manchester Sidney T. Holmes, Morrisville SENATORS George G. Fogg,32 Concord Thomas T. Davis, Syracuse Edgar Cowan, Greens burg Aaron H. Cragin, Lebanon Theodore M. Pomeroy, Auburn Charles R. Buckalew, Bloomsburg REPRESENTATJVES Daniel Morris, Penn Yan REPRESENTATIVES Giles W. Hotchkiss, Binghamton Gilman Marston, Exeter Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia Hamilton Ward, Belmont Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia Edward H. Rollins, Concord Roswell Hart, Rochester James W. Patterson, Hanover Leonard Myers, Philadelphia Burt Van Horn, Newfane William D. Kelley, Philadelphia NEW JERSEY James M. Humphrey, Buffalo M. Russell Thayer, Chestnut Hill Henry Van Aernam, Franklinville Benjamin M. Boyer, Norristown SENATORS John M. Broomall, Media William Wright,33 Newark NORTH CAROLINA Sydenham E. Ancona, Reading Frederick T. Frelinghuysen,34 Newark SENATORS Thaddeus Stevens, Lancaster John P. Stockton,35 Trenton Vacant Myer Strouse, Pottsville Alexander G. Cattell,36 Camden REPRESENTATIVES44 Philip Johnson,46 Easton REPRESENTATIVES Vacant Charles Denison, Wilkes-Barre John F. Starr, Camden Ulysses Mercur, Towanda William A Newell, Allentown OHIO George F. Miller, Lewisburg Charles Sitgreaves, Phillipsburg SENATORS Adam J Glossbrenner, York Andrew J. Rogers, Newton Benjamin F. Wade, Jefferson Alexander H. Coffroth,47 Somerset Edwin R. V. Wright, Hudson City William H Koontz,48 Somerset John Sherman, Mansfield Abraham A. Barker, Edenburg NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVES Stephen F. Wilson, Wellsboro SENATORS Benjamin Eggleston, Cincinnati Glenni W. Scofield, Warren Rutherford B. Hayes, Cincinnati Charles V. Culver, Franklin Ira Harris, Albany Robert C. Schenck, Dayton Edwin D. Morgan, New York City John L. Dawson,49 Brownsville William Lawrence, Bellefontaine James K. Moorhead, Pittsburgh REPRESENTATIVES Francis C. Le Blond, Celina Thomas Williams, Pittsburgh Stephen Taber, Roslyn Reader W. Clarke, Batavia George V. Lawrence, Monongahela Teunis G. Bergen, New Utrecht Samuel Shellabarger, Springfield City James Humphrey,37 Brooklyn James R. Hubbell, Delaware John W. Hunter,38 Brooklyn Ralph P. Buckland, Fremont RHODE ISLAND Morgan Jones, New York City James M. Ashley, Toledo SENATORS Nelson Taylor, New York City Hezekiah S. Bundy, Reeds Mill Henry B. Anthony, Providence Henry J. Raymond, New York City William B. Finck, Somerset William Sprague, Providence John W. Chanler, New York City Columbus Delano,45 Mount Vernon James Brooks,39 New York City Martin Welker, Wooster REPRESENTATIVES William E Dodge,4° New York City Tobias A. Plants, Pomeroy Thomas A. Jenckes, Providence William A Darling, New York City John A. Bingham, Cadiz Nathan F. Dixon, Westerly

° Took his seat March 2, 1867. ° Died June 16, 1866. 4 Election unsuccessfully contested by Charles Follett. 31 Resigned July 27, 1866. Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of James 46 Died January 29, 1867. 52 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Humphrey, and took his seat December 4, 1866. ' Alexander H. Csffroth and William H. Koontz both Daniel Clark, and took his seat December 3, 1866. 3° Served until April 7, 1866; succeeded by William E. claimed the election, the governor having declined to issue Died November 1, 1866. Dodge, who contested his election. a certificate to either; the House, on February 19, 1866, Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William ° Successfully contested the election of James Brooks, adopted a resolution that Mr. Coffroth had the prima facie Wright, and took his seat December 3, 1866; subsequently and took his seat April 7, 1866. right to and should be permitted to occupy the seat with- elected. Died August 24, 1865. out prejudice to the right to contest; took his seat the Presented credentials and qualified December 4, 1865; Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Orlando same day and served until July 18, 1866, when he was protest of members of New Jersey Legislature against his Kellogg, and took his seat December 3 1866. Reelected to the Fortieth Congress but resigned, effec- succeeded by William H. Koontz, who contested the elec- admission filed the same day; served until March 27, 1866, tion. when the seat was declared vacant. tive March 4, 1867, having been elected Senator. ° Successfully contested the election of Alexander H. 36 Elected to fill vacancy caused by the Senate declaring Credentials of Alexander H. Jones and Lewis Hawes the seat of John P. Stockton vacant, and took his seat were presented and referred to the Select Committee on Coffroth, and took his seat July 18, 1866. December 3, 1866. Reconstruction, but no further action was taken. ° Election unsuccessfully contested by Smith Fuller. 182 Biographical Directory

SOUTH CAROLINA Justin S. Morrill, Strafford TERRITORY OF COLORADO Portus Baxter, Derby Line SENATORS DELEGATE Vacant Allen A. Bradford, Denver REPRESENTATIVES VIRGINIA Vacant SENATORS TERRITORY OF DAKOTA Vacant 50 DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES Walter A. Burleigh, Yankton SENATORS Vacant Joseph S. Fowler,51 Nashville TERRITORY OF IDAHO David T. Patterson,52 Greeneville WEST VIRGINIA DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Edward D. Holbrook, Idaho City Nathaniel G. Taylor,53 Happy Valley Peter G. Van Winkle, Parkersburg Horace Maynard,53 Knoxville Waitman T. Willey, Morgantown TERRITORY OF MONTANA William B. Stokes,53 Liberty DELEGATE Edmund Cooper,54 Shelbyville REPRESENTATIVES William B. Campbell,55 Lebanon Chester D. Hubbard, Wheeling Samuel McLean, Bannack Samuel M. Arnell,56 Columbia George R. Latham, Grafton Isaac R. Hawkins,55 Huntingdon Kellian V. Whaley, Point Pleasant TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA John W. Leftwich,54 Memphis DELEGATE WISCONSIN Phineas W. Hitchcock,61 Omaha TEXAS SENATORS SENATORS James R. Doolittle, Racine TERRITORY OF NEW Vacant Timothy 0. Howe, Green Bay MEXICO REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE Vacant Halbert E. Paine, Milwaukee J. Francisco Chaves, Santa Fe Ithamar C. Sloan, Janesville VERMONT Amasa Cobb, Mineral Point TERRITORY OF UTAH SENATORS Charles A. Eldridge, Fond du Lac DELEGATE Solomon Foot,57 Rutland , Oshkosh William H Hooper, Salt Lake City George F. Edmunds,58 Burlington Walter D. Mclndoe, Wausau Jacob Collamer,59 Woodstock TERRITORY OF Luke P. Poland,6° St. Johnsbury TERRITORY OF ARIZONA WASHINGTON REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE DELEGATE Frederick E. Woodbridge, Vergennes John N. Goodwin, Prescott Arthur A. Denny, Seattle

° Readmitted to representation by joint resolution of Took his seat July 25, 1866. Died November 9, 1865. July 24, 1866. ss Took his seat December 3, 1866. '° to fill vacancy caused by death of Jacob ' Took his seat July 25, 1866; term to expire March 3, Took his seat December 3, 1866; election unsuccessful- Collamer, and took his seat December 4, 1865; subsequent- 1871. ly contested by Dorsey B. Thomas. ly elected. Took his seat July 28, 1866; term to expire March 3, Died March 28, 1866. 1869. s8Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Solomon Served until March 1,1867, when the Territory of ' Took his seat July 24, 1866. Foot, and took his seat April 5, 1866; subsequently elected. Nebraska was granted statehood. FORTIETH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1867, TO MARCH 3, 1869

FIRST SESSION-March 4, 1867, to March 30, 1867; July 3, 1867, to July 20, 1867; November 21, 1867, to December 1, 1867 SECOND SESSION-December 2, 1867, to July 27, 1868; September 21, 1868, for one day only; October 16, 1868, for one day only; November 10, 1868, for one day only THIRD SESSION-December 7, 1868, to March 3, 1869 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-April 1, 1867, to April 20, 1867



ALABAMA7 Benjamin F. Rice,'4 Little Rock CONNECTICUT SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Logan H. Devall Bluff James Dixon, Hartford George E. Spencer,8 Decatur Orris S. Ferry, Norwalk Willard Warner,9 Montgomery James Hinds,'6 Little Rock James T. Elliott,'7 Camden REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES ,'8 Dardanelle Richard D. Hubbard, Hartford Francis W. Kellogg,'0 Mobile Julius Hotchkiss, Middletown Henry H. Starkweather, Norwich Charles W. Buckley," Montgomery CALIFORNIA Benjamin W. Norris," Elmore William H Barnum, Lime Rock Charles W. Pierce,1' Demopolis SENATORS DELAWARE John B. Callis," Huntsville John Conness, Georgetown SENATORS Thomas Haughey,'1 Decatur Cornelius Cole, San Francisco George R. Riddle,2' Wilmington ARKANSAS 12 REPRESENTATIVES 19 James A. Bayard," Wilmington Samuel B. Axtell,'° San Francisco Willard Saulsbury, Georgetown SENATORS William Higby,'° Calaveras REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Alexander McDonald," Little Rock James A. Johnson,'° Downieville John A. Nicholson, Dover

Vice President Andrew Johnson became President in ° Took his seat July 25, 1868; term to expire March 3, 19 Took his seat June 24, 1868. preceding Congress on the death of Abraham Lincoln. 1871. ° Took his seat June 24, 1868; died October 22, 1868. Resigned, effective June 4, 1868. ° Took his seat July 22, 1868. 11 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James Elected June 4, 1868. " Took his seat July 21, 1868. Hinds, and took his seat January 13, 1869. Reelected March 4, 1867; resigned as Speaker March 3, Readmitted to representation, by passage of bill in ii Took his seat June 24, 1868. 1869, having been elected Vice President. both Houses over the veto of President Johnson, June 22, 15 Elected September 4, 1867. Elected March 3, 1869. 1868. 50 Took his seat November 21, 1867. 6 Reelected March 4, 1867. iS Took his seat June 23, 1868; term to expire March 3, Died March 29, 1867. 'Readmitted to representation July 13, 1868. 1871. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of George Took his seat July 25, 1868; term to expire March 3, 16 Took his seat June 23, 1868; term to expire March 3, R. Riddle, and took his seat April 11, 1867; subsequently 1873. 1873. elected.

[183] 184 Biographical Directory

FLORIDA23 Michael C. Kerr, New Albany George M. Adams,39 Barbourville SENATORS Morton C. Hunter, Bloomington Samuel McKee,4° Mount Sterling Thomas W. Osborn,24 Pensacola William S. Holman, Aurora Adonijah S. Welch,25 Jacksonville George W. Julian, Centerville LOUISIANA41 , Indianapolis REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Henry D. Washburn, Clinton SENATORS Charles M. Hamilton,26 Marianna Godlove S. Orth, La Fayette John S. Harris,42 Vidalia ,43 New Orleans GEORGIA27 Schuyler Colfax, South Bend William Williams, Warsaw REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS 28 John P. C. Shanks, Jay Court House J. Hale Sypher,44 New Orleans Vacant James Mann,45 New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES 25 IOWA Joseph P. Newsham,44 St. Francisuille Joseph W. Clift,3° Savannah SENATORS Michel Vidal,44 Opelousas Nelson Tift,3° Albany James W. Grimes, Burlington W. Jasper Blackburn,44 Homer William P. Edwards,3° Butler James Harlan, Mount Pleasant Samuel F. Gove,3° Griswoldville Charles H. Prince,30 Augusta REPRESENTATIVES MAINE Pierce M. B. Young,3° Cartersville James F. Wilson, Fairfield SENATORS Hiram Price, Davenport Lot M. Morrill, Augusta ILLINOIS William B Allison, Dubuque William Pitt Fessenden, Portland , Oskaloosa SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Lyman Trumbull, Chicago Grenville M. Dodge, Council Bluffs Asahel W. Hubbard, Sioux City John Lynch, Portland Richard Yates, Jacksonville Sidney Perham, Paris REPRESENTATIVES KANSAS James G. Blame, Augusta Norman B. Judd, Chicago John A. Peters, Bangor John F. Farnsworth, St. Charles SENATORS Frederick A. Pike, Calais Elihu B. Washburne, Galena Samuel C. Pomeroy, Atchison Abner C. Harding, Monmouth Edmund G. Ross, Lawrence MARYLAND Ebon C. Ingersoll, Peoria REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS Burton C. Cook, Ottawa Sidney Clarke, Lawrence Henry P. H. Bromwell, Charleston Reverdy Johnson,46 Baltimore Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield KENTUCKY William Pinkney Whyte,47 Baltimore Lewis W. Ross, Lewiston George Vickers,48 Chestertown Albert G. Burr, Winchester SENATORS Samuel S. Marshall, McLeansboro Garrett Davis, Paris REPRESENTATIVES Jehu Baker, Belleville James Guthrie,3° Louisville Hiram McCullough, Elkton Green B. Raum, Harrisburg Thomas C. McCreery,32 Owens boro Stevenson Archer, Bel Air At Large-John A. Logan, Carbondale Charles E. Phelps, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES33 Francis Thomas, Frank yule Lawrence S. Trimble,34 Pad ucah Frederick Stone, Port Tobacco INDIANA Elijah Hise,35 Russeliville SENATORS Jacob S. Golladay,36 Allensville Thomas A. Hendricks, Indianapolis J. Proctor Knott,37 Lebanon MASSACHUSETTS Oliver H. P. T. Morton, Indianapolis Asa P. Grover,37 Louisville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Thomas L. Jones,38 Newport Charles Sumner, Boston William E. Niblack, Vincennes James B. Beck,37 Lexington Henry Wilson, Natick

Readmitted to representation June 25, 1868. ' Resigned February 7, 1868. 2s Charges of disloyalty were unsustained, and took his Took his seat June 30, 1868; term to expire March 3, Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James seat December 4, 1867. 1873; on the same day William Marvin presented creden- Guthrie, and took his seat February 28, 1868. 1 Took his seat July 8, 1867. tials dated November 28, 1868, which were read and no On July 3, 1867, it was proposed to seat all the Mem- 40 Successfully contested the election of John D. Young, further action taken thereon because Mr. Osborn was bers-elect from Kentucky, but protests against the manner and took his seat June 22, 1868. seated. of holding the election and charges of disloyal acts by Readmitted to representation July 9, 1868. 25 Took his seat July 2, 1868; term to expire March 3, certain individual members of the delegation were pre- - Took his seat July 17, 1868; term to expire March 3, 1869. sented and a resolution was adopted directing an investi- 1871. 25 Took his seat July 1, 1868. 27 Although Georgia was not formally readmitted to rep- gation and referring to the Committee on Elections the Took his seat July 17, 1868; term to expire March 3, resentation until July 15, 1870 (in the succeeding Con- credentialsof Messrs Lawrence 5. Trimble, John Y. 1873. gress), the Representatives elected to this Congress quali- Brown, J. Proctor Knott, Ass P. Grover, Thomas L. Jones, Took his seat July 18, 1868. fied as indicated. James B. Beck, and John D. Young, who were not permit- Took his seat July 18, 1868; died August 26, 1868; 58 On December 7, 1868, the credentials of Joshua Hill, ted to qualify pending this investigation; Samuel E. Smith Caleb 5. Hunt and J. Willis Menard claimed to have been elected by the legislature to fill vacancy in the term begin- contested the election of John Y. Brown, but the House, elected to fill the vacancy, and Simon Jones claimed he ning March 4, 1867, were presented and referred to the on February 15, 1868, decided that neither was entitled to was elected, instead of Mann, in the first instance. The Committee on the Judiciary; on January 11, 1869, the the seat, which remained vacant throughout the Congress. House decided against all claimants, and the seat re-- credentials of Homer V. M. Miller, elected in the same Election unsuccessfully contested by G. G. Symes; mained vacant for the remainder of the session. manner, for the term beginning March 4, 1865, were pre- took his seat January 10, 1868. Resigned July 10, 1868. sented and were similarly referred; on January 25, 1869, 25 Died May 8, 1867, never having qualified; the election Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of the committee reported that the State of Georgia had not of Mr. Hiss was subsequently unsuccessfully contested by Reverdy Johnson, and took his seat July 14, 1868. complied with the conditions of an act providing for her George D. Blakey. Elected for term beginning March 4, 1867, and took admission to representation, and that Mr. Hill "ought not 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Elijah Hise, his seat March 9,1868. The credentials of Philip F. now to be admitted"; February 17, 1869, the committee and took his seat December 5, 1867; George D. Blakey, Thomas, Senator-elect, were presented March 18, 1867, but reported against admitting Mr. Miller to his seat, and the claiming to have been elected from this district instead of he was not permitted to qualify; on February 19, 1868, the cases remained undisposed of. Mr. Hise, filed a protest against the seating of Mr. Golla- Senate adopted a resslution that he was not entitled to 29 John A. Wimpy and John H. Cristy both claimed day, but this protest was not allowed. qualify as he had voluntarily given aid, countenance, and election from the sixth district, but neither was seated. Charges of disloyalty were unsustained, and took his encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostility to 30 Took his seat July 25, 1868. seat December 3, 1867. the United States." Fortieth Congress 185

REPRESENTATIVES NEBRASKA John A. Griswold, Troy Orange Ferriss, Glens Falls Thomas D. Eliot, New Bedford SENATORS Oakes Ames, North Easton Calvin T. Hulburd, Bras her Falls John M. Thayer,56 Omaha James M. Marvin, Saratoga Springs , Brookline Thomas W. Tipton,57 Brownville Samuel Hooper, Boston William C. Fields, Laurens Benjamin F. Butler, Lowell REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Addison H. Laflin, Herkimer Nathaniel P. Banks, Waltham John Taffe, Omaha Alexander H. Bailey,58 Rome George S. Boutwell, Groton John C. Churchill, Oswego John D. Baldwin, Worcester NEVADA Dennis McCarthy, Syracuse William B. Washburn, Greenfield SENATORS Theodore M. Pomeroy, Auburn Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield William M. Stewart, Virginia City William H. Kelsey, Geneseo James W. Nye, Carson City William S. Lincoln, Owego MICHIGAN REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Hamilton Ward, Belmont SENATORS Lewis Selye, Rochester Delos R. Ashley, Austin Burt Van Horn, Lockport Zachariah Chandler, Detroit James M. Humphrey, Buffalo Jacob M. Howard, Detroit NEW HAMPSHIRE Henry Van Aernam, Franklinville REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Fernando C. Beaman, Adrian Aaron H. Cragin, Lebanon NORTH CAROLINA59 Charles Upson, Coidwater James W. Patterson, Hanover Austin Blair, Jackson REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Thomas W. Ferry, Grand Haven Jacob H. Ela, Rochester Joseph C. Abbott,6° Wilmington Rowland E. Trowbridge, Birmingham Aaron F. Stevens, Nashua ,6' Elizabeth City John F. Driggs, East Saginaw Jacob Benton, Lancaster REPRESENTATIVES MINNESOTA NEW JERSEY John R. French,62 Edenton SENATORS David Heaton,63 New Bern SENATORS Oliver H. Dockery,64 Richmond Alexander Ramsey, St. Paul Alexander G. Cattell, Camden Daniel S. Norton, Winona John T. Deweese,62 Raleigh Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Newark Israel G. Lash,65 Salem REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Nathaniel Boyden,64 Salisbury William Windom, Winona William Moore, Mays Landing Alexander H. Jones,62 Asheville Ignatius Donnelly, Hastings Charles Haight, Freehold Charles Sitgreaves, Phillipsburg OHIO MISSISSIPPI John Hill, Boonton SENATORS George A. Halsey, Newark SENATORS Vacant Benjamin F. Wade, Jefferson REPRESENTATIVES NEW YORK John Sherman, Mansfield Vacant SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Edwin D. Morgan, New York City Benjamin Eggleston, Cincinnati MISSOURI Roscoe Conkling, Utica Rutherford B. Hayes,66 Cincinnati SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Samuel F. Cary,67 Cincinnati John B. Henderson, Louisiana Stephen Taber, Roslyn Robert C. Schenck, Dayton Charles D. Drake, St. Louis Demas Barnes, Brooklyn William Lawrence, Bellefontaine REPRESENTATIVES William E. Robinson, Brooklyn William Mungen, Findlay William A. Pile,49 St. Louis John Fox, New York City Reader W. Clarke, Batavia Carman A. Newcomb, Vineland John Morrissey, New York City Samuel Shellabarger, Springfield Cornelius S. Hamilton,68 Marysville Thomas E. Noel!,50Perryville Thomas E. Stewart, New York City John Beatty,69 Cardington James R. McCormick,5' Ironton John W. Chanler, New York City Joseph J. Gravely, Stockton James Brooks, New York City Ralph P. Buckland, Fremont Joseph W. McClurg,52 Linn Creek Fernando Wood, New York City James M. Ashley, Toledo John H. Stover,53 Versailles William H. Robertson, Katonah John T. Wilson, Tranquility Philadeiph Van Trump, Lancaster Robert T. Van Horn,54 Kansas City Charles H. Van Wyck, Middletown Benjamin F. Loan, St. Joseph John H. Ketsham, Dover George W. Morgan,7° Mount Vernon John F. Benjamin, Shelbyville Thomas Cornell, Rondout Columbus Delano,7' Mount Vernon Martin Welker, Wooster George W. Anderson,55 Louisiana John V. L. Pruyn, Albany

'4Took his seat July 13, 1868. 4°Election unsuccessfully contested by John Hogan. 57Took his seat March 4, 1867; term to expire, as deter- mined by lot, March 3, 1869. 6 his seat July 20, 1868. ° Died October 3, 1867. fill vacancy caused by resignation of 55Resigned July 20, 1867. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas E. "Elected to "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ruth- Noell, and took his seat December 17, 1867. Roscoe Conkling, in preceding Congress, and took his seat November 30, 1867. erford B. Hayes; took his seat November 21, 1867. ' Resigned in 1868. "Readmitted to representation July 4, 1868. 65Died December 22, 1867. 5°Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Cornelius S. Joseph W. McClurg, and took his seat December 7, 1868. his seat July 17, 1868; term to expire March 3, 1871. Hamilton, and took his seat February 5, 1868. "Election unsuccessfully contested by James H. Birch. 0Served until June 3, 1868; succeeded by Columbus ss Election unsuccessfullycontested by William F. °' Took his seat July 17, 1868; term to expire March 3, 1873. Delano, who contested his election. Switzler. "Took his seat July 6, 1868. "Successfully contested the election of George W. °° Took his seat March 4, 1867; term to expire, as deter- Morgan, and took his seat June 3, 1868. mined by lot, March 3, 1871. "Took his seat July 15, 1868. 186 Biographical Directory

OHIO-Continued William Sprague, Providence Waitman T. Willey, Morgantown REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED REPRESENTATIVES Chester D. Hubbard, Wheeling Thomas A. Jenckes, Cumberland Bethuel M. Kitchen, Martinsburg Tobias A. Plants, Pomeroy Daniel Polsley, Point Pleasant John A. Bingham, Cadiz Nathan F. Dixon, Westerly Ephraim R. Eckley, Carroilton SOUTH CAROLINA78 WISCONSIN Rufus P. Spalding, Cleveland James A. Garfield, Hiram SENATORS SENATORS Thomas J. Robertson,79 Columbia James R. Doolittle, Racine OREGON Frederick A. Sawyer,8° Charleston Timothy 0. Howe, Green Bay REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS B. Frank Whittemore,8' Darlington Halbert E. Paine, Milwaukee George H. Williams, Portland Christopher C. Bowen,82 Charleston Henry W. Corbett, Portland Benjamin F. Hopkins, Madison M. Simeon Corley,83 Lexington Amasa Cobb, Mineral Point REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE James H. Goss81 Union Court House Charles A. Eldridge, Fond du Lac Rufus Mallory, Salem Philetus Sawyer, Oshkosh TENNESSEE Cadwallader C. Washburn, La Crosse PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS Joseph S. Fowler, Nashville TERRITORY OF ARIZONA SENATORS David T. Patterson, Greeneville DELEGATE Charles R. Buckalew, Blooms burg REPRESENTATIVES 84 Simon Cameron, Harrisburg Coles Bashford, Tucson Roderick R. Butler,85 Mountain City REPRESENTATIVES Horace Maynard,86 Knoxville TERRITORY OF COLORADO Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia William B. Stokes,86 Alexandria Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia James Mullins,86 Shelbyville DELEGATE Leonard Myers, Philadelphia John Trimble,86 Nashville George M. Chilcott,88 Excelsior William D. Kelley, Philadelphia Samuel M. Arnell,87 Columbia Caleb N. Taylor, Bristol Isaac R. Hawkins,86 Huntingdon TERRITORY OF DAKOTA Benjamin M. Boyer, Norristown David A. Nunn,86 Brownsville DELEGATE John M. Broomall, Media Walter A. Burleigh, Yankton J. Lawrence Getz, Reading TEXAS Thaddeus Stevens,72 Lancaster SENATORS TERRITORY OF IDAHO Oliver J. Dickey,73 Lancaster Vacant Henry L. Cake, Tamaqua DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES Edward D. Holbrook, Idaho City Daniel M. Van Auken, Milford Vacant Charles Denison,74 Wilkes-Barre TERRITORY OF MONTANA George W. Woodward,75 Wilkes-Barre VERMONT Ulysses Mercur, Towanda DELEGATE SENATORS George F. Miller, Lewisburg James M. Cavanaugh, Helena Adam J. Glossbrenner, York George F. Edmunds, Burlington William H. Koontz, Somerset Justin S. Morrill, Strafford TERRITORY OF NEW Daniel J. Morrell, Johnstown REPRESENTATIVES MEXICO Stephen F. Wilson, Wellsboro Frederick E. Woodbridge, Vergennes Glenni W. Scofield, Warren Luke P. Poland, St. Johnsbury DELEGATE Darwin A. Finney,76 Meadville Worthington C. Smith, St. Albans Charles P. Clever,89 Santa Fe S. Newton Pettis,77 Meadville J. Francisco Chaves,9° Santa Fe John Covode, Lockport VIRGINIA James K. Moorhead, Pittsburgh SENATORS TERRITORY OF UTAH Thomas Williams, Allegheny Vacant DELEGATE George V. Lawrence, Monongahela REPRESENTATIVES William H. Hooper,91 Salt Lake City City Vacant TERRITORY OF RHODE ISLAND WEST VIRGINIA WASHINGTON SENATORS SENATORS DELEGATE Henry B. Anthony, Providence Peter G. Van Winkle, Parkersburg Alvan Flanders, Walla Walla

' Died August 11, 1868. s' Took his seat July 25, 1868. 58 George M. Chilcott and A. C. Hunt each presented "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thaddeus The credentials of Thomas A. Hamilton, claiming to credentials on March 5, 1867, which were referred to the Stevens, and took his seat December 7, 1868. be a Member-elect from the State at large, were presented; Committee on Elections; the committee reported that nei- 'Died June 27, 1867. claimant held that, inasmuch as Tennessee had voluntari- ther was entitled to the seat; Chilcott was seated March ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles ly emancipated and enfranchised here slaves, she had 20, 1867, and Hunt subsequently abandoned the contest. Denison, and took his seat November 21, 1867. addedtoher representativepopulation a sufficient Credentials certifying his election on September 2, ' Died August 25, 1868. number to give her nine, instead of eight, Representatives, 1867, were presented November 21, 1867, and referred to "Elected to fill vacanfy caused by death of Darwin A. and he had been elected as such ninth Member. It was the the Committee on Elections, together with letter of secre- Finney, and took his seat December 7, 1868. first of many similar claims made by other readmitted tory of New Mexico claiming fraud in election; was seated 78 Readmitted to representation July 9, 1868. States; the majority report was adverse to the claimant on December 19, 1867, and served until February 20, 1869; 'o Took his seat July 20, 1868; term to expire March 3, and, although the House took no formal action, he was not succeeded by J. Francisco Chaves, who contested his elec- 1871. seated. tion. 80Took his seat July 22, 1868; term to expire March 3, 55 Qualified under act of June 19, 1868, and took his 80Successfully contested the election of Charles P. 1873. seat June 26, 1868. Clever, and took his seat February 20, 1869. ' Took his seat July 18, 1868. his seat November 21, 1867. 81 Election unsuccessfully contestedbyWilliam 58Took his seat July 20, 1868. ' Took his seat November 25, 1867. McGrorty. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1869, TO MARCH 3, 1871

FIRST SESSION-March 4, 1869, to April 10, 1869 SECOND SESSION-December 6, 1869, to July 15, 1870 THIRD SESSION-December 5, 1870, to March 3, 1871 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-April 12, 1869, to April 22, 1869



ALABAMA CALIFORNIA DELAWARE SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS George E. Spencer, Decatur Cornelius Cole, San Francisco Willard Saulsbury, Georgetown Willard Warner, Montgomery Eugene Casserly, San Francisco Thomas F. Bayard, Wilmington IVES5 REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Alfred E. Buck, Mobile Benjamin T. Biggs, Summit Bridge Charles W. Buckley, Montgomery Samuel B. Axtell, San Francisco Aaron A. Sargent, Nevada City Robert S. Heflin, Opelika FLORIDA Charles Hays, Eutaw James A. Johnson, Downiesville Peter M. Dox, Huntsville SENATORS William C. Sherrod, Courtland CONNECTICUT Thomas W. Osborn, Pensacola SENATORS Abijah Gilbert, St. Augustine ARKANSAS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS Orris S. Ferry, Norwalk William A. Buckingham, Norwich Charles M. Hamilton, Jacksonville Alexander McDonald, Little Rock Benjamin F. Rice, Little Rock REPRESENTATWES6 GEORGIA7 REPRESENTATIVES Julius L. Strong, Hartford SENATORS8 Logan H. Roots, DuvalLs Bluff Stephen W. Kellogg, Waterbury Anthony A. C. Rogers, Pine Bluff Henry H. Starkweather, Norwich Joshua Hill,9 Madison Thomas Boles, Dardanelle William H. Barnum, Lime Rock Homer V. M. Miller,'° Rome

Messrs. Hill and Miller were duly elected; that Mr. Hill 'Elected March 23, 1869; April 9, 1869; May 28, 1870; the Senate, were referred again to the Committee on the should be permitted to take his seat, but that Mr. Miller July 1, 1870; July 14, 1870. Judiciary March 9, 1869; they were reported back without was disqualified by reason of his service in the Confeder- 'Elected March 22, 1869. recommendation and ordered to lie on the table March 17, ate Army; this report was adopted February 1, 1871. A Elected March 4, 1869. 1869; they were again referred to the committee February joint resolution prescribing a qualification oath for Mr. Reelected March 5, 1869. 1870. A new election was held in Georgia, and on July Miller was approved February 24, 1871; took his seat the Elected August 3, 1869. 1870, the credentials of Richard H. Whiteley and same day. Elected April 5, 1869. Henry P. Farrow were presented and ordered to lie on the Took his seat under the resolution of February 1, 1871, Formally readmitted to representation by act of July table, but were subsequently referred; on the same day of on that day; term to expire March 3, 1873. 15, 1870. their presentation the act was approved readmitting Geor- Qualified under the terms of the joint resolution ap- 8The credentials of Mr. Hill and Mr. Miller, presented gia to representation in Congress. The committee reported proved February 24, 1871, and took his seat on that date; in the Fortieth Congress and undisposed of on the files of upon all the credentials January 23, 1871, resolving that term to expire March 3, 1871.

[187] 188 Biographical Directory

GEORGIA 7-Continued William Williams, Warsaw Lionel A. Sheldon,32 New Orleans

REPRESENTATIVES , Laporte Chester B. Darrall,33 Bras hear William W. Paine,'2 Savannah Joseph P. Newsham,34 St. Francisville IOWA Frank Morey,35 Monroe Richard H. Whiteley,'3 Bainbridge SENATORS Marion Bethune,'4 Talbotton James W. Grimes,22 Burlington Jefferson F. Long,15Macon MAINE James B. Howell,23 Keokuk Stephen A. Corker,16 Waynesboro James Harlan, Mount Pleasant SENATORS William P. Price,'4 Dahionega William Pitt Fessenden,36 REPRESENTATIVES Portland Pierce M. B. Young,'4 Cartersville Lot M. Morrill,37 Augusta George W. McCrary, Keokuk Hannibal Hamlin, Bangor ILLINOIS William Smyth,24 Marion REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS William P. Wolf,25 Tipton Lyman Trumbull, Chicago William B. Allison, Dubuque John Lynch, Portland Richard Yates, Jacksonville William Loughridge, Oskaloosa Samuel P. Morrill, Farmington Frank W. Palmer, Des Moines James G. Blame, Augusta REPRESENTATIVES Charles Pomeroy, Fort Dodge John A. Peters, Bangor Norman B. Judd, Chicago , Ells worth John F. Farnsworth, St. Charles KANSAS

Elihu B. Washburne,'7 Galena SENATORS MARYLAND Horatio C. Burchard,'8 Freeport Samuel C. Pomeroy, Atchison SENATORS John B. Hawley, Rock Island Edmund G. Ross, Lawrence Ebon C. Ingersoll, Peoria George Vickers, Chestertown Burton C. Cook, Ottawa REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William T. Hamilton, Hagerstown Sidney Clarke, Lawrence Jesse H. Moore, Decatur REPRESENTATIVES Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield Thompson W. McNeely, Petersburg KENTUCKY Samuel Hambleton, Easton Albert G. Burr, Carroliton SENATORS Stevenson Archer, Bel Air Samuel S. Marshall, McLeansboro Garrett Davis, Paris Thomas Swann, Baltimore John B. Hays, Belleville Thomas C. McCreery, Owensboro Patrick Hamill, Oakland Frederick Stone, Port Tobacco John M. Crebs, Cârmi REPRESENTATIVES At Large-John A. Logan,'9 Lawrence S. Trimble, Paducah MASSACHUSETTS Carbondale William N. Sweeney, Owensboro SENATORS Jacob S. Golladay,26 Allensville INDIANA Joseph H. Lewis,27Glasgow Charles Sumner, Boston SENATORS J. Proctor Knott, Lebanon Henry Wilson, Natick Oliver H. P. T. Morton, Indianapolis Boyd Winchester, Louisville REPRESENTATIVES Daniel D. Pratt, Logansport Thomas L. Jones, Newport James B. Beck, Lexington James Buffmgton, Fall River REPRESENTATIVES Oakes Ames, North Easton George M. Adams,28 Barbourville William E. Niblack, Vincennes Ginery Twichell, Brookline John M. Rice,29Louisa Michael C. Kerr, New Albany Samuel Hooper, Boston William S. Holman, Aurora LOUISIANA Benjamin F. Butler, Lowell George W. Julian,2° Centerville Nathaniel P. Banks, Waltham John Coburn, Indianapolis SENATORS George S. Boutwell,38 Groton Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute John S. Harris, Vidalia George M. Brooks,39 Concord Godlove S. Orth, La Fayette William Pitt Kellogg, New Orleans George F. Hoar, Worcester James N. Tyner,2' Peru REPRESENTATIVES ° William B. Washburn, Greenfield John P. C. Shanks, Jay Court House J. Hale Sypher,3' New Orleans Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield

Pierce M. B. Young, Nelson Tift, W. P. Edwards, J. the beginning of the congressional term, who had been '1Contested the election of Louis St. Martin; committee W. Clift, Samuel F. Gove, and C. H. Prince presented elected Senator, and took his seat March 4, 1869. reported in favor of seating Mr. Sypher, and House adopt- credentials alleging their electionas Representatives, Resigned December 6, 1869. ed the report by a vote of 78 to 73, moved to reconsider by April 20 1868, the same election in which they were elect- ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James a vote of 86 to 79, then adopted a substitute resolution ed to the Fortieth Congress; by resolution of January 28, W. Grimes, and took his seat January 26, 1870. 4 declaring the seat vacant by a vote of 96 to 68 (April 20, 1870, the House declared they were not entitled to seats. September 30, 1870. 1870); subsequently elected, and took his seat December 5, Pierce M. B. Young subsequently presented credentials "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William 1870. under a later election and was seated. Smyth, and took his seat December 6, 1870. ' Election unsuccessfully contested by Caleb S. Hunt; Qualified under act of July 11, 1868, and took his seat ° Resigned February 28, 1870; the Governor of Ken- took his seat April 8, 1869. January 23, 1871. tucky peremptorily refused to accept the resignation and "Election unsuccessfully contested by Adolphe Bailey; 13Qualified under act of July 11, 1868, and took his seat requested its withdrawl; the request was complied with; on took his seat July 6, 1870. February 9,1871; electionunsuccessful contested by March 7, 1870, a resolution was presented in the House as a question of privilege, citing these facts and granting him "Successfully contested the election of Michael Ryan Nelson Tift. (who had not been permitted to qualify), and took his seat 14Qualified under act of July 11, 1868, and took his seat the right to resume his seat; the House refused to enter- May 23, 1870. January 16, 1871. tain it. 27Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jacob Morey, G. W. McCranie, and P. J. Kennedy 'Qualified under act of July 2, 1862, and took his seat each presented credentials claiming to be the Member- January 16 1871. S. Golladay, and took his seat May 10, 1870. '5Electionunsuccessfullycontested by Sidney M. elect from the fifth congressional district; by resolution of ° Qualified under act of July 11, 1868, and took his seat Barnes. April 28, 1870, it was declared there was no lawful elec- January 24, 1871; election unsuccessfully contested by 25Seated by resolution of March 5, 1869; election unsuc- tion in the district. Morey presented credentials under a Thomas P. Beard. cessfully contested by John T. Zeigler. subsequent election, and took his seat December 6, 1870. Resigned March 6, 1869. Governor of Louisiana having officially declared "Died September 9, 1869. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Elihu that the election held in the State of Louisiana on Novem- ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William B. Washburne, and took his seat December 6, 1869. '5 ber 3, 1868, 'Did not elicit an honest will of the people, Pitt Fessenden, and took his seat December 6, 1869; subse- Reelected to the Forty-second Congress but resigned, a resolution was adopted on March 9, 1869, directing quently elected. having been elected Senator. the Committee on Elections to inquire into the validity of "Resigned March 12, 1869, having been appointed Sec- ° Election unsuccessfully contested by John S. Reid. the elections of those presenting credentials; all seats were retary of the Treasury. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- contested, and the Members-elect were not sworn pending '° Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of sentative-elect Daniel D. Pratt (January 27, 1869), before the contests. George S. Boutwell, and took his seat December 6, 1869. Forty-First Congress 189

MICHIGAN NEBRASKA Clarkson N. Potter, New Rochelle George W. Greene,55 Goshen SENATORS SENATORS Charles H. Van Wyck,56 Middletown Zachariah Chandler, Detroit John M. Thayer, Omaha John H. Ketcham, Dover Jacob M. Howard, Detroit Thomas W. Tipton, Brownville John A. Griswold, Catskill REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Stephen L. Mayham, Schoharie Fernando C. Beaman, Adrain John Taffe, Omaha Adolphus H. Tanner, Whitehall William L. Stoughton, Sturgis Orange Ferriss, Glens Falls Austin Blair, Jackson NEVADA William A. Wheeler, Malone Thomas W. Ferry,4° Grand Haven SENATORS Stephen Sanford, Amsterdam Omar D. Conger, Port Huron William M. Stewart, Virginia City Charles Knapp, Deposit Randolph Strickland, St. Johns James W. Nye, Carson City Addison H. Laflin, Herkimer REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Alexander H. Bailey, Rome MINNESOTA John C. Churchill, Oswego SENATORS Thomas Fitch, Belmont Dennis McCarthy, Syracuse Alexander Ramsey, St. Paul NEW HAMPSHIRE George W. Cowles, Clyde Daniel S. Norton,41 Winona William H. Kelsey, Geneseo William Windom,42 Winona SENATORS Giles W. Hotchkiss, Binghamton Ozora P. Stearns,43 Rochester Aaron H. Cragin, Lebanon Hamilton Ward, Belmont REPRESENTATIVES James W. Patterson, Hanover Noah Davis,57 Albion REPRESENTATIVES Charles H. Holmes,58 Albion Morton S. Wilkinson, Mankato John Fisher, Batavia Eugene M. Wilson, Minneapolis Jacob H. Ela, Rochester Aaron F. Stevens, Nashua David S. Bennett, Buffalo MISSISSIPPI Jacob Benton, Lancaster Porter Sheldon, Jamestown SENATORS NEW JERSEY NORTH CAROLINA Hiram R. Revels,45 Natchez SENATORS Adelbert Ames,46 Natchez SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Alexander G. Cattell, Camden Joseph C. Abbott, Wilmington John P. Stockton, Trenton George E. Harris,47 Hernando John Pool, Elizabeth City REPRESENTATiVES Joseph L. Morphis,47 Pontotoc REPRESENTATIVES Henry W. Barry,48 Columbus William Moore, Mays Landing George C. McKee,49 Vicksburg Charles Haight, Freehold Clinton L. Cobb, Elizabeth City Legrand W. Perce,49 Natchez John T. Bird, Flemington David Heaton,59 New Bern John Hill, Boo nton Joseph Dixon,6° Hookerton MISSOURI Orestes Cleveland, Jersey City Oliver H. Dockery, Mangum John T. Deweese,6' Raleigh SENATORS John Manning, Jr.,62 Pittsboro Charles D. Drake,5° St. Louis NEW YORK SENATORS Israel G. Lash, Salem Daniel T. Jewett,51 St. Louis Francis E. Shober,63 Salisbury Francis P. Blair, Jr.,52 St. Louis Roscoe Conkling, Utica Alexander H. Jones,64 Asheville Carl Schurz, St. Louis Reuben E. Fenton, Jamestown REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES OHIO Erastus Wells, St. Louis Henry A. Reeves, Greenport Gustavus A. Finkelnburg, St. Louis John G. Schumaker, Brooklyn SENATORS James R. McCormick, Ironton Henry W. Slocum, Brooklyn John Sherman, Mansfield Sempronius H. Boyd, Springfield John Fox, New York City Allen G. Thurman, Columbus Samuel S. Burdett, Osceola John Morrissey, New York City Robert T. Van Horn,53 Kansas City Samuel S. Cox, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Joel F. Asper, Chillicothe Hervey C. Calkin, New York City Peter W. Strader,65 Cincinnati John F. Benjamin, Shelbyville James Brooks, New York City Job E. Stevenson, Cincinnati David P. Dyer,54 Louisiana Fernando Wood, New York City Robert C. Schenck,66 Dayton

49 Qualified under act of July 2, 1862, and took his seat Died June 25, 1870. 40Eeelecthi to the Forty-second Congress but resigned, 60 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of David having been elected Senator. February 23, 1870. Heaton, and took his seat December 5, 1870. 41 Died July 13, 1870. 5° December 19,1870. °°Resigned February 28, 1870; on March 1, 1870, the 4' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Daniel S. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Committee on Military Affairs reported a resolution de- Norton, and took his seat December 1, 1870. Charles D. Drake, and took his seat December 22, 1870. claring that he had made 'an appointment to the United 4' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Daniel S. ° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of States Naval Academy in violation of law, and that such Norton, and took his seat January 23, 1871. Charles D. Drake, and took his seat January 25, 1871. appointment was influenced by pecuniary considerations," 4' Readmitted to representation by act of February 23, 55 Election unsuccessfully contested by James Shields. and condemning the action; upon a roll call the resolution F. 1870. 54Electionunsuccessfullycontested by William was agreed to by a vote of 170 to 0. Took his seat February 25, 1870; term to expire Switzler. Elected to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of March 3, 1871. Served until February 17, 1870; succeeded by Charles John T. Deweese, and took his seat December 7, 1870. 48 Took his seat April 1, 1870; term to expire March 3, H. Van Wyck, who contested his election. 63 ElectionunsuccessfullycontestedbyNathaniel 56 Successfully contested the election of George W. Boyden. 1875. Qualified under act of July 11, 1868, and took his seat Greene, and took his seat February 17, 1870. Election unsuccessfully contested by Plato Durham. 4' Resigned July 15, 1870. °5Election unsuccessfully contested by Benjamin Eggle- February 23, 1870. ston. 48 Took his seat April 8, 1870. 8Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Noah Davis, and took his seat December 6, 1870. Resigned January 5, 1871. 190 Biographical Directory

OHIO-Continued Oliver J. Dickey, Lancaster William B. Stokes, Alexandria REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Henry L. Cake, Tamaqua Lewis Pillman,79 Shelbyville Daniel M. Van Auken, Milford William F. Prosser, Nashville William Lawrence, Bellefontaine George W. Woodward, Wilkes-Barre Samuel M. Arnell, Columbia William Mungen, Findlay Ulysses Mercur, Towanda Isaac R. Hawkins, Huntingdon John A. Smith, Hills boro John B. Packer, Sunbui'y William J. Smith, Memphis James J. Winans, Xenia Richard J. Haldeman, Harrisburg John Beatty, Cardington John Cessna, Bedford TEXAS8° Edward F. Dickinson, Fremont Daniel J. Morrell, Johnstown Truman H. Hoag,67 Toledo William H. Armstrong, Williamsport SENATORS Erasmus D. Peck,68 Peri'ysburg Glenni W. Scofield, Warren Morgan C. Hamilton,8' Austin John T. Wilson, Tranquility Calvin W. Gilfillan, Franklin James W. Flanagan,82 Wallings Ferry Philadelph Van Trump, Lancaster John Covode,73 Lockport REPRESENTATIVES George W. Morgan, Mount Vernon James S. Negley, Pittsburgh George W. Whitmore,83 Tyler Martin Welker, Wooster Darwin Phelps, Kittanning John C. Conner,84 Sherman Eliakim H. Moore, Athens Joseph B. Donley, Waynesburg William T. Clark,83 Galveston John A. Bingham, Cadiz Edward Degener,83 San Antonio Jacob A. Ambler, Salem RHODE ISLAND William H. Upson, Akron SENATORS VERMONT James A. Garfield, Hiram Henry B. Anthony, Providence William Sprague, Providence SENATORS OREGON REPRESENTATIVES George F. Edmunds, Burlington SENATORS Thomas A. Jenckes, Providence Justin S. Morrill, Strafford George H. Williams, Portland Nathan F. Dixon, Westerly REPRESENTATIVES Henry W. Corbett, Portland Charles W. Willard, Montpelier REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SOUTH CAROLINA Luke P. Poland, St. Johnsbury Joseph S. Smith, Portland SENATORS Worthington C. Smith, St. Albans Thomas J. Robertson, Columbia PENNSYLVANIA Frederick A. Sawyer, Charleston VIRGINIA85 SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Simon Cameron, Harrisburg B. Frank Whittemore,74 Darlington John W. Johnston,86 Abingdon John Scott, Huntingdon Joseph H. Rainey,75 Georgetown John F. Lewis,87 Port Republic REPRESENTATIVES Christopher C. Bowen, Charleston REPRESENTATIVES" Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia Solomon L. Hoge,76 Columbia Alexander S. Wallace,77 Yorkville Richard S. Ayer,89 Warsaw Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia James H. Platt, Jr.,9° Petersburg John Moffet,69 Philadelphia TENNESSEE Charles H. Porter,9° Richmond Leonard Myers,7° Philadelphia George W. Booker,91 Martinsville William D. Kelley, Philadelphia SENATORS Robert Ridgway,92 Cool Well John R. Reading,7' Somerton Joseph S. Fowler, Nashville Richard T. W. Duke,93 Charlottesville Caleb N. Taylor,72 Bristol William G. Brownlow, Knoxville William Milnes, Jr.,9° Shenandoah John D. Stiles, Allentown REPRESENTATIVES75 Iron Works Washington Townsend, West Chester Roderick R. Butler, Taylorsville Lewis McKenzie,94 Alexandria J. Lawrence Getz, Reading Horace Maynard, Knoxville James King Gibson,95 Abingdon

"Died February 5, 1870. presented; on June 21, 1870, the House passed a resolution "Took his seat January 28, 1870; term to expire March "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Truman H. citing its previous action, declining to allow him to be 3, 1871. Iloag, and took his seat April 23, 1870. sworn, and directing the return of his credentials. "Took his seat January 27, 1870; term to expire March ' Served until April 9, 1869; succeeded by Leonard "Elected to fill vacancy caused by B. Frank Whitte- 3, 1875. Myers, who contested his election. more being refused his seat; took his seat December 12, "The Virginia constitutional convention called under 70Successfully contested the election of John Moffet, 1870. and took his seat April 9, 1869. reconstruction laws passed an ordinance providing for a "Served until April 13, 1870; succeeded by Caleb N. "Successfully contested the election of J. P. Reed, and ninth Representative at large; credentials of Taylor, who contested his election. took his seat April 8, 1869; the House had refused to as such Representative were presented January 25, 1870; 2 Successfully contested the election of John R. Read- permit Mr. Reed to qualify upon the ground of disloyalty. on July 11, 1870, the House adopted a resolution, without ing, and took his seat April 13, 1870. Successfully contested the election of William D. division, declaring him not entitled to a seat. 'Both John Covode and Henry D. Foster claimed to Simpson, who was not permitted to qualify on his creden- "Qualified under act of July 2, 1862, and took his seat have been elected, while the governor refused to sign a tials, and took his seat May 27, 1870. January 31, 1870. certificate or declare either elected; the House at first "John B. Rogers claimed a seat as Representative at "Qualified under act of July 2, 1862, and took his seat refused admission to either; case was recommitted for in- large, but claim was not seriously considered. January 57, 1870. vestigation and on February 9, 1870, the House declared "Election unsuccessfully contested by C. A. Sheafe. 51 Qualified under act of July 2, 1862, and took his seat Mr. Covode entitled to the seat; took his seat the same '°Readmitted to representation by act of March 30, February 1,1870; election unsuccessfully contested by day; died January 11, 1871. 1870. George Tucker. February 21, 1870, the Committee on Military Affair, "Took his seat March 31, 1870; term to expire March 3, 1871. "Qualified under act of July 2, 1862, and took his seat presented a report showing he had been 'influenced by January 27; 1810; died October 16, 1870. improper pecuniary considerations in making appoint- "Took his seat March 31, 1870; term to expire March 3, 1875. '3 Elected to ff1 vacancy caused by death of Robert ments to the Military and Naval Academies," and a reso- Ridgway, qualified under act of July 11, 1868, and took his lution for his expulsion; pending action he resigned Febru- '3Qualified under act of July 2, 1862, and took his seat ary 24, 1870; following the announcement, the House March 31, 1870. seat December 5, 1870. adopted a resolution, without a dissenting vote, declaring "Qualified under act of July 2, 1862, and took his seat "Qualified under act of July 2, 1862, and took his seat he had made such appointments in violation of law, that March 31, 1870; election unsuccessfully contested by Ben- January 31, 1810; election unsuccessfully contested by they were influenced by pecuniary considerations, that he jamin F. Grafton. Charles Whittlesey. was unworthy of a seat in the body, and condemning his ' Readmitted to representation by act of January 26, "Qualified under act of July 11, 1868, and took his seat conduct. June 18, 1870, credentials of his reelection were 1810. January 28, 1870. Forty-First Congress 191

WEST VIRGINIA TERRITORY OF ARIZONA TERRITORY OF NEW SENATORS DELEGATE MEXICO Waitman T. Willey, Morgantown Richard C. McCormick, Tucson DELEGATE Arthur I. Boreman, Parkersburg J. Francisco Chaves, Santa Fe REPRESENTATWES TERRITORY OF COLORADO Isaac H. Duval, Wellsburg DELEGATE TERRITORY OF UTAH James C. McGrew, Kingwood Allen A. Bradford, Pueblo John S. Witcher, Guyandotte DELEGATE WISCONSIN TERRITORY OF DAKOTA William H. Hooper, Salt Lake City SENATORS DELEGATE Timothy 0. Howe, Green Bay Solomon L. Spink, Yankton TERRITORY OF Matthew H. Carpenter, Milwaukee WASHINGTON REPRESENTATiVES TERRITORY OF IDAHO DELEGATE Halbert E. Paine, Milwaukee DELEGATE Selucius Garfielde, Olympia Benjamin F. Hopkins,96 Madison Jacob K. Shafer, Idaho City David Atwood,97 Madison TERRITORY OF WYOMING98 Amasa Cobb, Mineral Point TERRITORY OF MONTANA Charles A. Eldridge, Fond du Lac DELEGATE Philetus Sawyer, Oshkosh DELEGATE Cadwallader C. Washburn, La Crosse James M. Cavanaugh, Helena Stephen F. Nuckolls,99 Cheyenne

°°Formed from a portion of the territory ceded to the '° Died January 1, 1870. 97Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Benjamin United States by France by treaty of Paris of April 30, F. Hopkins, and took his seat February 23, 1870. 1803, and granted a Delegate in Congress by act of July 25, 1868. °°Took his seat December 6, 1869. FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1871, TO MARCH 3, 1873

FIRST SESSION-March 4, 1871, to April 20, 1871 SECOND SESSION-December 4, 1871, to June 10, 1872 THIRD SESSION-December 2, 1872, to March 3, 1873 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-May 10, 1871, to May 27, 1871



ALABAMA CALIFORNIA DELAWARE SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS George E. Spencer, Decatur Cornelius Cole, San Francisco Thomas F. Bayard, Wilmington George T. Goldthwaite,4 Montgomery Eugene Casserly, San Francisco Eli Saulsbury, Dover REPRESENTATWES Benjamin S. Turner, Selma REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles W. Buckley, Montgomery Sherman 0. Houghton, San Jose Benjamin T. Biggs, Summit Bridge William A. Handley,5 Roanoke Aaron A. Sargent, Nevada City Charles Hays, Eutaw John M. Coghian, Suieun City FLORIDA Peter M. Dox, Huntsville SENATORS Joseph H. Sloss, Tuscurnbia CONNECTICUT Thomas W. Osborn, Pensacola Abijah Gilbert, St. Augustine ARKANSAS SENATORS SENATORS Orris S. Ferry, Norwalk REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Benjamin F. Rice, Little Rock William A. Buckingham, Norwich Josiah T. Walls,'2 Gainesville , Little Rock REPRESENTATIVES° Silas L. Niblack," Gainesville REPRESENTATIVES Julius L. 0 Hartford James M. Hanks, Helena Joseph R. Hawley," Hartford GEORGIA Oliver P. Snyder, Pine Bluff Stephen W. Kellogg, Waterbury SENATORS John Edwards,6 Fort Smith Henry H. Starkweather, Norwich Joshua Hill, Madison Thomas Boles,7 Dardanelle William H. Barnum, Lime Rock Thomas M. Norwood,'4 Savannah

'Elected March 10, 1871; April 17, 1871; May 23, 1871 take his seat, pending further investigations; took his seat "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Julius L. (special session of the Senate); December 21, 1871; Febru- January 15, 1872; no further action. Strong, and took his seat December 2, 1872. ary 23, 1872; June 8, 1872; December 4, 1872; December 13, 'Election unsuccessfully contested by B. W. Norris. "Served until January 29, 1873; succeeded by Silas L 1872; December 20, 1872; and January 24, 1873. 'Served until February 9, 1872; succeeded by Thomas Niblack, who contested his election. 'Reelected March 4, 1871. Boles, who contested his election. "Successfully contested the election of Josiah T. Wails, Reelected March 4, 1871. 7 Successfully contested the election of John Edwards, and took his seat January 29, 1873. 4Credentials presented February 6, 1871, in the preced- 141o,,k his seat December 19, 1871; Foster Blodgett pre- ing Congress; appeared to take the oath of office March 4, and took his seat February 9, 1872. sented credentials as a Senator-elect, but the Seante de- 1871; protest against his being seated presented the same 'Elected September 5, 1871. clared him not elected in accordance with the Constitu- day, and he was not permitted to quali; on January 9, Elected April 4, 1871. tion; vacancy in this class from March 4, 1871, to Novem- 1872, the Senate, by resolution, gave him permission to '° Died September 7, 1872. ber 13, 1871.

[192] Forty-Second Congress 193

REPRESENTATWES George G. Wright, Des Moines James G. Blame, Augusta Archibald T. Maclntyre,'5 Thomasville REPRESENTATIVES John A. Peters, Bangor Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Richard H. Whiteley,'6 Bainbridge George W. McCrary, Keokuk John S. Bigby, Newman Aylett R. Cotton, Lyons MARYLAND Thomas J. Speer,'7 Barnesville William G. Donnan, Independence Erasmus W. Beck,'8 Griffin Madison M. Walden, Centerville SENATORS Dudley M. DuBose,'9 Washington Frank W. Palmer, Des Moines George Vickers, Chestertown William P. Price, Dahlonega Jackson Orr, Montana William T. Hamilton, Hagerstown Pierce M. B. Young, Cartersville REPRESENTATIVES KANSAS Samuel Hambleton, Easton ILLINOIS SENATORS24 Stevenson Archer, Bel Air SENATORS Samuel C. Pomeroy, Atchison Thomas Swann, Baltimore Lyman Trumbull, Chicago Alexander Caidwell, Leavenworth John Ritchie, Frederick John A. Logan, Carbondale REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William M. Merrick, Ilchester REPRESENTATIVES David P. Lowe, Fort Scott MASSACHUSETTS Charles B. Farwell, Chicago SENATORS John F. Farnsworth, St. Charles KENTUCKY Charles Sumner, Boston Horatio C. Burchard, Freeport SENATORS John B. Hawley, Rock Island Henry Wilson,3° Natick Garrett Davis,25 Paris REPRESENTATIVES Bradford N. Stevens, Tiskilwa Willis B. Machen,26 Eddyville Burton C.Cook,2° Ottawa John W. Stevenson, Covington James Buffington, Fall River Henry Snapp,2' Joliet Oakes Ames, North Easton Jesse H. Moore, Decatur REPRESENTATIVES Ginery Twichell, Brookline James C. Robinson, Springfield Edward Crossland, Mayfield Samuel Hooper, Boston Thompson W. McNeely, Petersburg Henry D. McHenry, Hartford Benjamin F. Butler, Lowell Edward Y. Rice, Hilisboro Joseph H. Lewis, Glasgow Nathaniel P. Banks, Waltham Samuel S. Marshall, McLeansboro William B. Read, Hodgensville George M. Brooks,3' Concord John B. Hay, Belleville Boyd Winchester, Louisville Constantine C. Esty,32 Framingham John M. Crebs, Carmi William E. Arthur, Covington George F. Hoar, Worcester At Large-John L. Beveridge,22 James B. Beck, Lexington William B. Washburn,33 Greenfield Evanston George M. Adams, Barbourville ,34 Fitchburg John M. Rice, Louisa Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield INDIANA LOUISIANA MICHIGAN SENATORS Oliver H. P. T. Morton, Indianapolis SENATORS SENATORS Daniel D. Pratt, Logansport William Pitt Kellogg,27 New Orleans Zachariah Chandler, Detroit J. Rodman West, New Orleans Thomas W. Ferry, Grand Haven REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William E. Niblack, Vincennes Michael C. Kerr, New Albany J. Hale Sypher, New Orleans Henry Waldron, Hillsdale William S. Holman, Aurora Lionel A. Sheldon, New Orleans William L. Stoughton, Sturgis Jeremiah M. Wilson,23 Connersville Chester B. Darrall, Bras hear Austin Blair, Jackson John Coburn, Indianapolis James McCleery,28 Shreveport Wilder D. Foster,35 Grand Rapids Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute Aleck Boarman,29 Shreveport Omar D. Conger, Port Huron Mahlon D. Manson, Crawfordsville Frank Morey, Monroe Jabez G. Sutherland, Saginaw James N. Tyner, Peru MINNESOTA John P. C. Shanks, Jay Court House MAINE William Williams, Warsaw SENATORS SENATORS Jasper Packard, Laporte Hannibal Hamlin, Bangor Alexander Ramsey, St. Paul Lot M. Morrill, Augusta William Windom, Winona IOWA REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS John Lynch, Portland Mark H. Dunnell, Owatonna James Harlan, Mount Pleasant William P. Frye, Lewiston John T. Averill, St. Paul

new election; such a bill was rejected February 27, 1873; '5 Election unsuccessfully contested by Virgil Hilyer. of Mr. Pomeroy such charges were totally unsustained; in no further action was taken on the credentials and the 15Election unsuccessfully contested by Nelson Tift. the case of Mr. Caidwell the report was directly to the contrary, and on February 17, 1873, it reported a resolu- seat remained vacant to the close of the Congress. '- Died August 18, 1872. Died November 5, 1871, never having qualified. '5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas J. tion declaring him "not duly and legally elected"; this s' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James Speer, and took his seat December 2, 1872. report was not acted upon during the Congress, but early McCleery, and took his seat December 3, 1872. '° Election unsuccessfully contested by Isham S. Fannin. in the succeeding Congress, during the special session of 55Resigned March 3, 1873, having been elected Vice 20 Resigned August 26, 1871. the Senate, while the report was pending and under dis- President. 21 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of cussion, Mr. CaIdwell resigned (March 24, 1873). ' Resigned May 13, 1872, to become judge of probate Burton C. Cook, and took his seat December 4, 1871. Died September 22, 1872. court. 22 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- 25 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Garrett s2 Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of sentative-elect John A. Logan, in preceding Congress, and Davis, and took his seat December 2, 1872. George M. Brooks, and took his seat December 2, 1872. took his seat December 4, 1871; resigned January 4, 1873. Resigned November 1, 1872; on January 22, 1873, cre- Resigned December 5, 1871, having been elected gov- Election unsuccessfully contested by David S. Good- dentials of John Ray and William L. McMillen, each ernor. 24 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- ing. claiming to have been elected to fill the vacancy, were 24 May 11, 1872, the Committee on Privileges and Elec- presented and referred; February 20, 1873, the committee liam B. Washburn, and took his seat February 14, 1872. tions was authorized to investigate charges of bribery and reported that neither of the claimants was entitled to a 55 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- corruption in connection with the election of both the seat, as no State government existed at the time in Louisi- sentative-elect Thomas W. Ferry, in preceding Congress, sitting Senators; June 3, 1872, it reported that in the case ana, and recommended the passage of a bill ordering a and took his seat December 4, 1871. 194 Biographical Directory

MISSISSIPPI NEW JERSEY Matt W. Ransom,38 Weldon SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Adelbert Ames, Natchez John P. Stockton, Trenton Clinton L. Cobb, Elizabeth City James L. Alcorn,36 Friars Point Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Newark Charles R. Thomas, New Bern Alfred M. Waddell, Wilmington REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Sion H. Rogers,39 Raleigh George E. Harris, Hernando John W. Hazelton, Mullica Hill James M. Leach, Lexington Joseph L. Morphis, Pontotoc Samuel C. Forker, Bordentown Francis E. Shober, Salisbury Henry W. Barry, Columbus John T. Bird, Flemington James C. Harper, Patterson George C. McKee, Vicksburg John Hill, Boonton Legrand W. Perce, Natchez George A. Halsey, Newark OHIO SENATORS MISSOURI NEW YORK John Sherman, Mansfield SENATORS SENATORS Allen G. Thurman, Columbus Carl Schurz, St. Louis Roscoe Conkling, Utica REPRESENTATIVES Francis P. Blair, Jr., St. Louis Reuben E. Fenton, Jamestown Aaron F. Perry,4° Cincinnati Ozro J. Dodds,4' Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Job E. Stevenson, Cincinnati Erastus Wells, St. Louis Dwight Townsend, Stapleton Lewis D. Campbell,42 Hamilton Gustavus A. Finkelnburg, St. Louis Thomas Kinsella, Brooklyn John F. McKinney, Piqua James R. McCormick, Arcadia Henry W. Slocum, Brooklyn Charles N. Lamison, Lima Harrison E. Havens, Springfield Robert B. Roosevelt, New York City John A. Smith, Hills boro Samuel S. Burdett, Osceola William R. Roberts, New York City Samuel Schellabarger, Springfield Abram Comingo, Independence Samuel S. Cox, New York City John Beatty, Cardington Isaac C. Parker, St. Joseph Smith Ely, Jr., New York City Charles Foster, Fostoria James G. Blair, Canton James Brooks, New York City Erasmus D. Peck, Perrysburg Andrew King, St. Charles Fernando Wood, New York City John T. Wilson, Tranquility Clarkson N. Potter, New Rochelle Philadelph Van Trump, Lancaster NEBRASKA Charles St. John, Port Jervis George W. Morgan, Mount Vernon John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains James Monroe, Oberlin SENATORS Joseph H. Tuthill, Ellenville William P. Sprague, McConnellsville Thomas W. Tipton, Brownville Eli Perry, Albany John A. Bingham, Cadiz Phineas W. Hitchcock, Omaha Joseph M. Warren, Troy Jacob A. Ambler, Salem REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John Rogers, Black Brook William H. Upson, Akron John Taffe, Omaha William A. Wheeler, Malone James A. Garfield, Hiram John M. Carroll, Johnstown OREGON NEVADA Elizur H. Prindle, Norwich Clinton L. Merriam, Locust Grove SENATORS SENATORS Ellis H. Roberts, Utica Henry W. Corbett, Portland William M. Stewart, Virginia City William E. Lansing, Chittenango James K. Kelly, Portland James W. Nye, Carson City R. Holland Duell, Cortland REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John E. Seeley, Ovid James H. Slater, La Grande Charles W. Kendall, Hamilton William H. Lamport, Canandaigua Mio Goodrich, Dryden PENNSYLVANIA H. Boardman Smith, Elmira SENATORS NEW HAMPSHIRE Freeman Clarke, Rochester SENATORS Simon Cameron, Harrisburg Seth Wakeman, Batavia John Scott, Huntingdon Aaron H. Cragin, Lebanon William Williams, Buffalo James W. Patterson,37 Hanover Walter L. Sessions, Panama REPRESENTATIVES Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES NORTH CAROLINA John V. Creely, Philadelphia Ellery A. Hibbard, Laconia Leonard Myers, Philadelphia Samuel N. Bell, Manchester SENATORS William D. Kelley, Philadelphia Hosea W. Parker, Claremont John Pool, Elizabeth City Alfred C. Harmer, Germantown

Elected January 18, 1870, for the term beginning 55Joseph C. Abbott was a claimant for this seat; the April 23, 1872, Senate declared, by resolution, that Mr. March 4, 1871. but did not accept or qualify until Decem- Committee on Privileges and Elections reported February Abbott had not been elected, and the day following that ber 4, 1871, preferring to retain the governorship. 28, 1872, that Zebulon B. Vance had received "a majority Mr. Ransom was declared entitled to the seat; took his °TFebruary 5, 1878, a select committee was appointed to of the whole number of votes cast in each house," and Mr. seat April 24, 1872; resolutions were subsequently adopted consider matters presented in a communication from the Abbott received the next highest number of votes; the allowing mileage and salary to Mr. Abbott from March 4, House of Representatives and accompanying testimony, next day Mr. Vance was declared duly elected. Mr. Abbott 1871, to April 23, 1872, and fixing Mr. Ransom's term and reflecting upon the conduct of certain Senators in connec- rested his claim on what he assumed to be the legal result pay as beginning March 4, 1871. tion with the "Credit Mobilier of America"; February 27, of the conceded ineligibility of Mr. Vance, who was barred 5Took his seat May 23, 1872; election unsuccessfully 1873, the committee reported, exonerating other Senators by the provisions of the fourteenth amendment; Mr. contested by James H. Harris. mentioned in the report, and a resolution favoring the Vance made no claim to the seat; on February 5, 1872, Resigned in 1872. expulsion of Mr. Patterson; as the Congress and Mr. Pat- credentials of Mr. Ransom were presented, certifying he ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Aaron terson's term expired simultaneously on March 3, 1873, no had been elected January 30, 1872, "to fill a vacancy exist- F. Perry, and took his seat December 2, 1872. final action was reached. ing by reason of the resignation of Zebulon B. Vance"; '-Election unsuccessfully contested by R. C. Schenck. Forty-Second Congress 195

Ephraim L. Acker, Norristown William W. Vaughan, Brownsville Gerry W. Hazelton, Columbus Washington Townsend, West Chester J. Allen Barber, Lancaster J. Lawrence Getz, Reading TEXAS Charles A. Eldredge, Fond du Lac Oliver J. Dickey, Lancaster SENATORS Philetus Sawyer, Oshkosh John W. Killinger, Lebanon Morgan C. Hamilton,49 Austin Jeremiah M. Rusk, Viroqua John B. Storm, Stroudsburg James W. Flanagan, Flanagans Mills Lazarus D. Shoemaker, Wilkes-Barre REPRESENTATIVES5° TERRITORY OF ARIZONA Ulysses Mercur,43 Towanda William S. Herndon, Tyler DELEGATE Frank C. Bunnell,44 Tunkhannock John C. Conner, Sherman Richard C. McCormick, Tucson John B. Packer, Sunbury William T. Clark,5' Galveston Richard J. Haldeman, Harrisburg De Witt C. Giddings,52 Brenham TERRITORY OF COLORADO Benjamin F. Meyers,45 Bedford John Hancock, Austin DELEGATE R. Milton Speer, Huntingdon Henry Sherwood, Wellsboro VERMONT Jerome B. Chaffee, Denver Glenni W. Scofield, Warren SENATORS Samuel Griffith, Mercer George F. Edmunds, Burlington TERRITORY OF DAKOTA Henry D. Foster, Greens burg Justin S. Morn!!, Strafford DELEGATE James S. Negley, Pittsburgh REPRESENTATIVES Moses K. Armstrong,54 Yankton Ebenezer McJunkin, Butler Charles W. Willard, Montpelier William McClelland, Mount Jackson Luke P. Poland, St. Johns bury DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA55 Worthington C. Smith, St. Albans RHODE ISLAND DELEGATE SENATORS VIRGINIA Norton P. Chipman,56 Washington Henry B. Anthony, Providence SENATORS TERRITORY OF IDAHO William Sprague, Providence John W. Johnston, Abingdon REPRESENTATIVES John F. Lewis, Port Republic DELEGATE Benjamin T. Eames, Providence REPRESENTATIVES Samuel A. Merritt, Idaho City James M. Pendleton, Westerly , Oak Grove James H. Platt, Jr., Petersburg TERRITORY OF MONTANA SOUTH CAROLINA Charles H. Porter, Richmond DELEGATE SENATORS William H. H. Stowell, Burkeville William H. Clagett,57 Deer Lodge Thomas J. Robertson, Columbia Richard T. W. Duke, Charlottesville Frederick A. Sawyer, Charleston John T. Harris, Harrisonburg TERRITORY OF NEW REPRESENTATIVES Elliott M. Braxton,53 Fredericksburg MEXICO William Terry, Wytheville Joseph H. Rainey, Georgetown DELEGATE Robert C. De Large,46 Charleston José Manuel Gallegos,58 Santa Fe Robert B. Elliott, Columbia WEST VIRGINIA Alexander S. Wallace,47 Yorkville SENATORS Arthur I. Boreman, Parkersburg TERRITORY OF UTAH TENNESSEE Henry G. Davis, Piedmont DELEGATE SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES William H. Hooper,59 Salt Lake City William G. Browniow, Knoxville John J. Davis, Clarksburg Henry Cooper, Nashville James C. McGrew, Kingwood TERRITORY OF REPRESENTATIVES48 Frank Hereford, Union WASHINGTON Roderick R. Butler, Taylorsville WISCONSIN DELEGATE Horace Maynard, Knoxville Selucius Garfielde, Olympia Abraham E. Garrett, Carthage SENATORS John M. Bright, Fayetteville Timothy 0. Howe, Green Bay TERRITORY OF WYOMING Matthew H. Carpenter, Milwaukee Edward I. Golladay, Lebanon DELEGATE Washington C. Whitthorne, Columbia REPRESENTATIVES Robert P. Caidwell, Trenton Alexander Mitchell, Milwaukee William T. Jones, Cheyenne

United States; formed from territory ceded to the United ' Resigned December 2, 1872. claiming to be the Senator-elect, were presented; March 18, 1871, the Senate agreed to a reported resolution declar- States by the State of Maryland, legislative act of Decem- "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ulys- Mr. Hamilton duly elected; took his seat March 20, ber 23, 1788; and by the State of Virginia, legislative act of ses Mercur, and took his seat January 7, 1873. in December 3, 1789; cessions accepted by Congress by act of 4 Election unsuccessfully contested by John Cessna. July 16, 1790, and lines and bounds were established b "Election contested by Christopher C. Bowen; seat de- 50Elected October 3 to 6, 1871. 51 Given a seat by resolution of January 10, 1872; served proclamation of the President, George Washington, Marc clared vacant January 24, 1873. 30, 1791. By act of July 9, 1846, Congress retroceded the "Election unsuccessfully contested by Isaac G. McKis- until May 13, 1872; succeeded by De Witt C. Giddings, who county of Alexandria, incocyorated in the District, to the sick. contested his election. State of Virginia; by act of February 21. 1871, a territorial "Thomss H. Reeves clsimed a seat as Representative "Successfully contested the election of William T. Clark, and took his seat May 13, 1872. form of government was provided, with the right to Dele- at large, but claim was not considered. 5' Election unsuccessfully contested by Lewis McKenzie. gate representation in Congress. "Presented himself to take the oath of office March 4, "Election unsuccessfully contested by Waiter A. Bur- "Took his seat December 4, 1871. 1871; a certified copy of a joint resolution of the Texas "Elected August 7, 1871. Legislature declaring his election by the preceding legisla- leigh and Solomon L. Spink. ' Elected September 4, 1871. ture illegal was offered and he was not permitted to qual- ' Established under the seventeenth clause of the 5 Election unsuccessfully contested by G. R. Maxwell. ifs'; March 15, 1871, credentials of Joseph J. Reynolds, eighth section of Article I of the Constitution of the FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1873, TO MARCH 3, 1875

FIRST SESSION-December 1, 1873,to June 23, 1874 SECOND SESSION-December 7, 1874, to March 3,1875 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1873,to March 26, 1873



ALABAMA William W. Wilshire,8 Little Rock William W. Eaton,'3 Hartford SENATORS Thomas M. Gunter,9 Fayetteville REPRESENTATIVES George E. Spencer,5 Decatur At Large-William J. Hynes, Little Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford George T. Goldthwaite, Montgomery Rock Stephen W. Kellogg, Waterbury REPRESENTATIVES Henry H. Starkweather, Norwich Frederick G. Bromberg, Mobile CALIFORNIA William H. Barnum, Lime Rock James T. Rapier, Montgomery SENATORS Charles Peiham, Talladega Eugene Casserly,'° San Francisco DELAWARE Charles Hays, Eutaw John S. Hager," San Francisco SENATORS John H. Caldwell, Jacksonville Aaron A. Sargent, Nevada City Thomas F. Bayard, Wilmington Joseph H. Sloss, Tuscumbia Eli Saulsbury, Dover REPRESENTATIVES At Large-Alexander White, Seirna REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles C. Sheats, Decatur Charles Clayton, San Francisco James R. Lofland, Milford Horace F. Page, Placerville ARKANSAS John K. Luttrell, Santa Rosa FLORIDA SENATORS Sherman 0. Houghton, Sam Jose SENATORS Powell Clayton, Little Rock Abijah Gilbert, St. Augustine Stephen W. Dorsey, Helena CONNECTICUT Simon B. Conover, Tallahassee REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Asa Hodges,6 Marion Orris S. Ferry, Norwalk Josiah T. Walls, Gainesville Oliver P. Snyder,7 Pine Bluff William A. Buckingham,12 Norwich William J. Purman,'4 Tallahassee

1 Elected March 12, 1873, and March 26, 1873 (special the memorial of Mr. Sykes was referred, and April 20, Credentials as Member-elect, together with notice of session of the Senate); December 11, 1873; December 23, 1874, the committee, upon its motion, was discharged from contest by Thomas M. Gunter, were presented and re- 1874. further consideration thereof. ferred to Committee on Elections on December 2, 1873; on 2 Elected January 25, 1875, and February 15, 1875. Credentials as Member-elect, together with notice of recommendation of the committee he was seated on Feb- 'Reelected December 1, 1873. contest by Lucien C. Cause, were presented and referred ruary 18, 1874; served until June 16, 1874, when the Reelected December 1, 1873. to Committee on Elections on December 2, 1873; the House House decided that Mr. Gunter was entitled to the seat. Appeared on March 6, 1873, to take oath of office, adopted resolution reported by committee that Mr. Hedges Successfully contested the election of William W. Wil- having presented credentials in the preceding Congress; was entitled prima facie to the seat without prejudice to shire, and took his seat June 16, 1874. objection was made, as a memorial was on file from Fran- the right of Mr. Cause to contest; took his seat February 10 Resigned November 29, 1873. cis W. Sykes, claiming the seat; on March 7, 1873, a 4, 1874; the Committee reported unfavorably on the con- 11 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of motion to refer the credentials and memorial to the Com- test. Eugene Casserly, and took his seat February 9, 1874. mittee on Privileges and Elections was not agreed to, end 12 Died February 5, 1875. 'Election unsuccessfully contested by Marcus L. Bell. '5Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William Mr. Spencer was permitted to qualify; December 8, 1873, A. Buckingham. Resigned January 25, 1875.

[196] Forty-Third Congress 197

GEORGIA Jeremiah M. Wilson, Conneivville John D. Young,25 Owingsville John Coburn, Indianapolis SENATORS Morton C. Hunter, Bloomington LOUISIANA Thomas M. Norwood, Savannah Thomas J. Cason, Lebanon SENATORS John B. Gordon, Atlanta James N. Tyner, Peru J. Rodman West, New Orleans REPRESENTATWES John P. C. Shanks,2' Portland Vacant 26 Morgan Rawls,'5 Guyton Henry B. Sayler, Huntington Andrew Sloan,'6 Savannah Jasper Packard, Laporte REPRESENTATIVES27 Richard H. Whiteley, Bainbridge At Large-Wffliani Williams, Warsaw J. Hale Sypher,28 New Orleans Philip Cook, Americus Godlove S. Orth, La Fayette Effmgham Lawrence,29 New Orleans Henry R. Harris,'7 Greenville Lionel A. Sheldon,8° New Orleans James C. Freeman, Griffin IOWA Chester B. Darrall, Brashear James H. Blount, Macon SENATORS George L. Smith,3' Shreveport Pierce M. B. Young, Cartersville Frank Morey, Monroe George G. Wright, Des Moines At Large-George A. Sheridan,32 Lake Alexander H. Stephens,'8 William B. Allison, Dubuque Crawfordville Providence Hiram P. Bell, Cumming REPRESENTATIVES George W. McCrary, Keokuk MAINE ILLINOIS Aylett R. Cotton, Lyons SENATORS SENATORS William G. Donnan, Independence Hannibal Hamlm, Bangor Henry 0. Pratt, Charles City Lot M. Morrill, Augusta John A. Logan, Chicago James Wilson, Traer Richard J. Oglesby, Decatur William Loughridge, Oskaloosa REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATWES John A. Kasson, Des Moines John H. Burleigh, South Berwick John B. Rice,'9 Chicago James W. McDill, Afton William P. Frye, Lewiston Bernard G. Caulfield,2° Chicago Jackson Orr, Boone James G. Blame, Augusta Jasper D. Ward, Chicago Samuel Hersey,33 Bangor Charles B. Farwell, Chicago KANSAS Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Stephen A. Hurlbut, Belvidere SENATORS MARYLAND Horatio C. Burchard, Freeport Alexander Caldwell,22 Leavenworth John B. Hawley, Rock Island Robert Crozier,23 Leavenworth SENATORS Franklin Corwin, Peru James M. Harvey,24 Vinton William T. Hamilton, Hagerstown Greenbury L. Fort, Lacon John J. Ingalls, Atchison George R. Dennis, Kingston Granville Barrere, Canton REPRESENTATIVES William H. Ray, Rushville REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Robert M. Knapp, Jerseyville Stephen A. Cobb, Wyandotte Ephraim K. Wilson, Snow Hill James C. Robinson, Springfield David P. Lowe, Fort Scott Stevenson Archer, Bel Air John McNulta, Bloomington William A. Phillips, Salina William J. O'Brien, Baltimore Joseph G. Cannon, Tuscola Thomas Swann, Baltimore John R. Eden, Sullivan KENTUCKY William J. Albert, Baltimore Lloyd Lowndes, Jr., Cumberland James S. Martin, Salem SENATORS William R. Morrison, Waterloo John W. Stevenson, Covington MASSACHUSETTS Isaac Clements, Carbondale Thomas C. McCreery, Owens boro SENATORS Samuel S. Marshall, McLeansboro REPRESENTATIVES Charles Sumner,34 Boston INDIANA Edward Crossland, Mayfield William B. Washburn,35 Greenfield John Y. Brown, Henderson George S. Boutwell,36 Groton SENATORS Charles W. Milliken, Franklin Oliver H. P. T. Morton, Indianapolis William B. Read, Hodgensville REPRESENTATIVES Daniel D. Pratt, Logansport Elisha D. Standiford, Louisville James Buffington, Fall River REPRESENTATIVES William E. Arthur, Covington Benjamin W. Harris, East Bridgewater William E. Niblack, Vincennes James B. Beck, Lexington William Whiting,37 Boston Simeon K. Wolfe, New Albany Milton J. Durham, Danville Henry L. Pierce,38 Boston William S. Holman, Aurora George M. Adams, Barbourville Samuel Hooper,39 Boston

24 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alex- 50Eandall L. Gibson filed a contest, but no further is Served until March 24, 1874; succeeded by Andrew action was taken. Sloan, who contested his election. ander Caldwell, and took his seat February 12, 1874. " Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- 16 Successfully contested the election of Morgan Rawis, unsuccessfully contested by John M. Burns. tive-elect Samuel Peters, before the beginning of the con- and took his seat March 24, 1874. 26 Pinckney B. S. Pinchback and William L. McMullen, gressional term, and took his seat December 3, 1878; E. C. " Election unsuccessfully contested by M. Bethune. were claimants for the seat and the contest continued Davidson filed a contest under the original election, but no 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- throughout the Congress without settlement. further action was taken. tive-elect Ambrose R. Wright (December 21, 1872, before 27 A dual government existed in Louisiana at this time, Took his seat March 3, 1875, after an unsuccessful the beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat and certificates of election for Representative at large and contest by Pinckney B. S. Pinchback. December 1, 1873. for the first, second, and fourth districts, signed by acting Died February 3, 1875, before the commencement of 'Died December 17, 1874. Governor Pinchbsck, were presented by Messrs. Pinch- the Forty-fourth Congress, to which he had been reelected. 2 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John B. back, Lawrence, Gibson, and Davidson, respectively; cre-- "Died March 11, 1874. Rice, and took his seat February 1, 1875. dentials, signed by Governor Warmoth, were also present- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles "Election unsuccessfully contested by John E. Neff ed by Messrs. Sheridan, Sypher, Sheldon, and Smith, and Sumner, and took his seat May 1, 1874. 25 Resigned March 24, 1873, while a resolution was the three last named were seated pending contests. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry pending and under discussion declaring he "was not duly '5Served until March 3, 1875; succeeded by Effingham Wilson, in preceding Congress, and took his seat March 17, 1873. and legally elected." Lawrence, who contested his election. 5 Successfully contested the election of J. Hale Sypher, 27 Died June 29, 1873, before Congress assembled. 2Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by the death of William Alexander Caldwell, and took his seat December 1, 1873. and took his seat March 3, 1875. Whiting, and took his seat December 1, 1873. Died February 13, 1875. 198 Biographical Directory

MASSACHUSETTSContinued Erastus Wells, St. Louis John G. Schumaker, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVEScONTINUED William H. Stone, St. Louis Stewart L. Woodford,46 Brooklyn Robert A. Hatcher, New Madrid Simeon B. Chittenden,47 Brooklyn Daniel W. Gooch, Melrose Richard P. Bland, Lebanon Philip S. Crooke, Flatbush Benjamin F. Butler, Lowell Harrison E. Havens, Springfield William R. Roberts, New York City Ebenezer R. Hoar, Concord Thomas T. Crittenden, Warrensburg James Brooks,48 New York City John M. S. Williams, Cambridge Abram Comingo, Independence Samuel S. Cox,49 New York City George F. Hoar, Worcester Isaac C. Parker, St. Joseph Thomas J. Creamer, New York City Alvah Crocker,4° Fitchburg Ira B. Hyde, Princeton John D. Lawson, New York City Charles A. Stevens,4' Ware John B. Clark, Jr., Fayette David B. Mellish,5° New York City Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield John M. Glover, La Grange Richard Schell,5' New York City Aylett H. Buckner, Mexico Fernando Wood, New York City MICHIGAN Clarkson N. Potter, New Rochelle SENATORS NEBRASKA Charles St. John, Port Jervis Zachariah Chandler, Detroit SENATORS John 0. Whitehouse, Poughkeepsie Thomas W. Ferry, Grand Haven Thomas W. Tipton, Brownville David M. De Witt, Kingston REPRESENTATIVES Phineas W. Hitchcock, Omaha Eli Perry, Albany James S. Smart, Cambridge Moses W. Field, Detroit REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert S. Hale, Elizabethtown Henry Waidron, Hillsdale Lorenzo Crounse, Fort Calhoun William A. Wheeler, Malone George Willard, Battle Creek Henry H. Hathorn, Saratoga Springs Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo NEVADA Wilder D. Foster,42 Grand Rapids David Wilber, Milford SENATORS Clinton L. Merriam, Locust Grove William B. Williams,43 Allegan William M. Stewart, Virginia City Ellis H. Roberts, Utica Josiah W. Begole, Flint William E. Lansing, Chittenango Omar D. Conger, Port Huron John P. Jones, Gold Hill REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE R. Holland Duell, Cortland Nathan B. Bradley, Bay City Clinton D. MacDougall, Auburn Jay A. Hubbell, Houghton Charles W. Kendall, Hamilton William H. Lamport, Canandaigua Thomas C. Platt, Owego MINNESOTA NEW HAMPSHIRE H. Boardman Smith, Elmira SENATORS SENATORS Freeman Clarke, Rochester Alexander Ramsey, St. Paul Aaron H. Cragin, Lebanon George G. Hoskins, Attica William Windom, Winoma Bainbridge Wadleigh, Milford Lyman K. Bass, Buffalo REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Walter L. Sessions, Panama Mark H. Dunnell, Owatonna William B. Small, New Market At LargeLyman Tremain, Albany Horace B. , Shakopee Austin F. Pike, Franklin John T. Averill, St. Paul Hosea W. Parker, Claremont NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS MISSISSIPPI NEW JERSEY Matt W. Ransom, Weldon SENATORS SENATORS Augustus S. Merrimon, Raleigh Adelbert Ames,44 Natchez John P. Stockton, Trenton REPRESENTATIVES Henry R. Pease,45 Jackson Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Newark Clinton L. Cobb, Elizabeth City James L. Alcorn, Friars Point REPRESENTATIVES Charles R. Thomas, New Bern REPRESENTATIVES John W. Hazelton, Mullica Hill Alfred M. Waddell, Wilmington Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Oxford Samuel A. Dobbins, Mount Holly William A. Smith, Princeton Albert R. Howe, Sardis Amos Clark, Jr., Elizabeth James M. Leach, Lexington Henry W. Barry, Columbus Robert Hamilton, Newton Thomas S. Ashe, Wadesboro Jason Niles, Kosciusko William W. Phelps, Englewood William M. Robbins, Statesville George C. McKee, Vicksburg Marcus L. Ward, Newark Robert B. Vance, Asheville John R. Lynch, Natchez Isaac W. Scudder, Jersey City OHIO MISSOURI NEW YORK SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS John Sherman, Mansfield Carl Schurz, St. Louis Roscoe Conkling, Utica Allen G. Thurman, Columbus Lewis V. Bogy, St. Louis Reuben E. Fenton, Jamestown REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATWES REPRESENTATIVES , Cincinnati Edwin 0. Stanard, St. Louis Henry J. Scudder, New York City Henry B. Banning, Cincinnati

40Died December 26, 1874. Resigned January 10, 1874, having been elected gov- 47Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Stew- 41Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alvah ernor. art L Woodford, and took his seat December 7, 1874. Crocker, and took his seat January 57, 1875. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Adel- s Died April 30, 1873. 42Died September 20, 1873, before congress assembled. bert Ames, and took his seat February 12, 1874. 0Etectef to fill vacancy caused by the death of James ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Wilder D. 46Resigned July 1, 1874. Brooks, and took his seat December 1, 1873. Foster, and took his seat December 1, 1873. Died May 23, 1874. 51Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of David B. Mellish, and took his seat December 7 1874. Forty-Third Congress 199

John Q. Smith, Oakland William S. Moore, Washington Burlington Lewis B. Gunckel, Dayton At LargeLemuel Todd, Carlisle Justin S. Morn!!, Strafford Charles N. Lamison, Lima Glenni W. Scofield, Warren REPRESENTATIVES Isaac R. Sherwood, Bryan Charles Aibright, Mauch Chunk Charles W. Willard, Montpelier Lawrence T. Neal, Chillicothe Luke P. Poland, St. Johnsbui'y William Lawrence, Bellefontaine RHODE ISLAND George W. Hendee, Morrieville James W. Robinson, Marysville SENATORS Charles Foster, Fostoria Henry B. Anthony, Providence VIRGINIA Hezekiah S. Bundy, Wellston William Sprague, Providence SENATORS Hugh J. Jewett,52 Columbus REPRESENTATIVES William E. Finck,53 Somerset Benjamin T Eames, Providence John W. Johnston, Abingdon Milton I. Southard, Zanesville James M. Pendleton, Westerly John F. Lewis, Port Republic John Berry, Upper Sandusky REPRESENTATIVES William P Sprague, McConnellsville SOUTH CAROLINA James B. Sener, Fredericksburg Lorenzo Danford, St. Clairsville SENATORS James H. Platt, Jr., Norfolk Laurin D. Woodworth, Youngstown J. Ambler Smith, Richmond James Monroe, Oberlin Thomas J. Robertson, Columbia John J. Patterson, Columbia William H H Stowell, Burkeville James A. Garfield, Hiram Alexander M. Davis,60 Independence Richard C. Parsons, Cleveland REPRESENTATIVES Joseph H. Rainey, Georgetown Christopher Y. Thomas,6' Martinsville OREGON Alonzo J. Ransier, Charleston Thomas Whitehead, Amherst Robert B. Elliott,58 Columbia John T. Harris, Harrisonburg SENATORS , Warrenton James K. Kelly, Portland Lewis C. Carpenter,59 Columbia Alexander S. Wallace, Yorkville Rees T. Bowen, Maiden Spring John H. Mitchell, Portland At LargeRichard H. Cain, Columbia REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE WEST VIRGINIA Joseph G. Wilson,54 The Dalles TENNESSEE SENATORS James W. Nesmith,55 Rickreall SENATORS Arthur I. Boreman, Parkersburg PENNSYLVANIA William G. Browniow, Knoxville Henry G. Davis, Piedmont Henry Cooper, Nashville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Simon Cameron, Harrisburg John J. Davis,62 Clarksburg John Scott, Huntingdon Roderick R. Butler, Taylorsville John M. Hagans,63 Morgantown Jacob M. Thornburgh, Knoxville Frank Hereford, Union REPRESENTATIVES William Crutchfield, Chattanooga Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia John M. Bright, Fayetteville WISCONSIN Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia Horace H. Harrison, Nashville Leonard Myers, Philadelphia Washington C. Whitthorne, Columbia SENATORS William D Kelley, Philadelphia John D. C. Atkins, Paris Timothy 0. Howe, Green Bay Alfred C. Harmer, Germantown David A. Nunn, Brownsville Matthew H. Carpenter, Milwaukee James S. Biery, Allentown Barbour Lewis, Memphis REPRESENTATIVES Washington Townsend, West Chester At LargeHorace Maynard, Knoxville Charles G. Williams, Janesville Hiester Clymer, Reading Gerry W. Hazelton, Columbus A. Herr Smith, Lancaster TEXAS J. Allen Barber, Lancaster John W. Killinger, Lebanon SENATORS Alexander Mitchell, Milwaukee John B. Storm, Stroudsburg Morgan C. Hamilton, Austin Charles A. Eldridge, Fond du Lac Lazarus D. Shoemaker, Wilkes-Barre James W. Flanagan, Flanagans Mills Philetus Sawyer, Oshkosh James D. Strawbridge, Danville REPRESENTATIVES Jeremiah M. Rusk, Viroqua John B. Packer, Sunbury Alexander S. McDill, Plover John A. Magee, New Bloomfield William S Herndon, Tyler John Cessna, Bedford William P. McLean, Mount Pleasant R. Milton Speer, Huntingdon De Witt C. Giddings, Brenham TERRITORY OF ARIZONA Sobieski Ross, Coudersport John Hancock, Austin DELEGATE Carlton B. Curtis, Erie At LargeRoger Q. Mills, Corsicana Richard C. McCormick, Tucson Hiram L. Richmond, Meadville Asa H. Willie, Galveston Alexander W. Taylor, Indiana TERRITORY OF COLORADO James S. Negley, Pittsburgh VERMONT Ebenezer Mcjunkin,56 Butler SENATORS DELEGATE John M. Thompson,57 Butler At LargeGeorge F. Edmunds, Jerome B. Chaffee, Denver

Successfully contested the election of Alexander M. Resigned June 23, 1874. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ebe- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Hugh nezer McJunkin, and took his seat January 5, 1875. Davis, and took his seat March 5, 1874. 55 byBenjamin J. Jewett, and took his seat December 7, 1874. Resigned, effective November 1, 1874. Electionunsuccessfullycontested Died July 2, 1873, before Congress assembled. Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of Wilson; took his seat January 27, 1874. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph G. Robert B. Elliott, and took his seat December 7, 1874. ° Election unsuccessfully contested by Benjamin F. Wilson, and took his seat December 1, 1873. ° Served until March 5, 1874; succeeded by Christopher Martin; took his seat January 27, 1874. ' Resigned January 1, 1875. Y. Thomas, who contested his election. 200 Biographical Directory


'4Temthrjal form of government withdrawn and a gov- appointed by the President, by and with the advice and 65 Served until March 3, 1875, under the provisions of ernment administered by a board of three commissioners, consent of the Senate, established by act of June 20 1874. the act of June 20, 1874. "Election unsuccessfully contested by George R. Max- well. FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1875, TO MARCH 3, 1877

FIRST SESSION-December 6, 1875, to August 15, 1876 SECOND SESSION-December 4, 1876, to March 3, 1877 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 5, 1875, to March 24, 1875



ALABAMA William F Slemons, Monticello CONNECTICUT SENATORS William W. Wilshire, Little Rock SENATORS Thomas M. Gunter, Fayetteville George E. Spencer, Decatur Orris S. Ferry,'2 Norwalk George T. Goldthwaite, Montgomery CALIFORNIA James E. English,'3 New Haven REPRESENTATIVES William H. Barnum,'4 Lime Rock Jeremiah Haralson,7 Selma SENATORS William W. Eaton, Hartford Jeremiah N. Williams, Clayton Aaron A. Sargent, Nevada City REPRESENTATIVES Taul Bradford, Talladega Newton Booth, Sacramento George M. Landers, New Britain Charles Hays, Haysville REPRESENTATIVES James Phelps, Essex John H. Caidwell, Jacksonville William A. Piper, San Francisco Henry H. Starkweather,'5 Norwich Goldsmith W. Hewitt, Birmingham Horace F. Page, Flacerville John Turner 6 Norwich At Large-William H Forney, John K. Luttrell, Santa Rosa William H. Barnum,'7 Lime Rock Jacksonville Peter D. Wigginton, Me reed Levi Warner,'8 Norwalk Burwell B. Lewis, Tuscaloosa ARKANSAS COLORADO8 DELAWARE SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Powell Clayton, Little Rock Jerome B. Chaffee,9 Denver Thomas F. Bayard, Wilmington Stephen W. Dorsey, Helena Henry M. Teller,'0 Central City Eli Saulsbury, Dover REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Lucien C. Gause, Jacksonport James B. Belford," Central City James Williams, Kenton

'Died November 22, 1875. Took his seat December 4, 1876; tern, to expire, as "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Orris S. 'Elected March 9, 1875, and March 19, 1875 (special determined by lot, March 3, 1879. Ferry, and took his seat December 7, 1875. session of the Senate); December 20, 1875. '°Took his seat December 4, 1876; term to expire, as "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Orris S. 'Elected December 6, 1875; died August 19, 1876. determined by lot, March 3, 1877. Ferry, and took his seat May 22, 1876. Elected December 4, 1876. "Presented credentials as a Member-elect on December "Died January 28, 1876. 'Elected December 6, 1875. 4, 1876, which were referred to the Committee on the "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry H. 'Elected December 6, 1875. Judiciary, who reported favorably thereon, and the House, Starkweather, and took his seat April 12, 1876. on January 31, 1877, decided that Colorado was a State, "Resigned May 18, 1876, having been elected Senator. 'Election unsuccessfully contested by Frederick G. and that the Representative-elect should be admitted; took ' Bromberg. his seat the same day. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- Admitted as a State into the Union August 1, 1876. "Died November 21, 1875. liam H. Barnum, and took his seat December 4, 1876.

[201] 202 Biographical Directory

FLORIDA Joseph E. McDonald, Indianapolis Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Milton J. Durham, Danville Simon B. Conover, Tallahassee Benoni S. Fuller, Boonville John D. White, Manchester Charles W. Jones, Pensacola James D. Williams,24 Wheatland John B. Clarke, Brooksville ,25 Linton REPRESENTATIVES LOUISIANA William J. Purman, Tallahassee Michael C. Kerr,26 New Albany Josiah T. Walls,'9 Gainesville Nathan T. Carr,27 Columbus SENATORS Jesse J. Finley,20 Jacksonville Jeptha D. New, Vernon J. Rodman West, New Orleans William S. Holman, Aurora James B. Eustis,3° New Orleans Milton S. Robinson, Anderson GEORGIA , Indianapolis REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Morton C. Hunter, Bloomington Randall L. Gibson, New Orleans Thomas M. Norwood, Savannah Thomas J. Cason, Lebanon E. John Ellis, New Orleans John B. Gordon, Atlanta William S. Haymond, Monticello Chester B. Darrall,31 Brashear REPRESENTATIVES James L. Evans, Noblesville William M. Levy, Natchitoches Julian Hartridge, Savannah Andrew H. Hamilton, Fort Wayne Frank Morey,32 Monroe John H. Baker, Goshen William B. Spencer,33 Vidalia William E. Smith, Albany Charles E. Nash, Washington Philip Cook, Americus Henry R. Harris, Greenville IOWA Milton A. Candler, Atlanta SENATORS MAINE James H. Blount, Macon George G. Wright, Des Moines SENATORS William H. Felton, Cartersville William B. Allison, Dubuque Hannibal Hamlin, Bangor Alexander H. Stephens, Crawfordville REPRESENTATIVES Lot M. Morrill,34 Augusta Benjamin H. Hill,2' Atlanta George W. McCrary, Keokuk James G. Blame,35 Augusta John Q. Tufts, Wilton Junction REPRESENTATIVES ILLINOIS Lucien L. Ainsworth, West Union John H. Burleigh, South Berwick SENATORS Henry 0. Pratt, Charles City William P. Frye, Lewiston John A. Logan, Chicago James Wilson, Traer James G. Blame,36 Augusta Richard J. Oglesby, Decatur Ezekiel S. Sampson, Sigourney Edwin Flye,37 New Castle REPRESENTATIVES John A. Kasson, Des Moines Harris M. Plaisted,38 Bangor James W. McDill, Afton Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Bernard G. Caulfield, Chicago S. Addison Oliver, Onawa Carter H. Harrison, Chicago MARYLAND Charles B. Farwell,22 Chicago KANSAS John V. Le Moyne,23 Chicago SENATORS Stephen A. Huribut, Belvidere SENATORS John J. Ingalls, Atchison George R. Dennis, Kingston Horatio C. Burchard, Freeport William Pinkney Whyte, Baltimore Thomas J. Henderson, Princeton James M. Harvey, Vin ton Alexander Campbell, La Salle REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Greenbury L. Fort, Lacon William A. Phillips, Sauna Philip F. Thomas, Easton Richard H. Whiting, Peoria John R. Goodin, Humboldt Charles B. Roberts, Westminster John C. Bagby, Rushville William R. Brown, Hutchinson William J. O'Brien, Baltimore Scott Wike, Pittsville Thomas Swann, Baltimore William M. Springer, Springfield KENTUCKY Eli J. Henkle, Brooklyn William Walsh, Cumberland Adlai E. Stevenson, Bloomington SENATORS Joseph G. Cannon, Tuscola John W. Stevenson, Covington MASSACHUSETTS John R. Eden, Sullivan Thomas C. McCreery, Owensboro SENATORS William A. J. Sparks, Carlyle REPRESENTATIVES William R Morrison, Waterloo Andrew R. Boone, Mayfield George S. Boutwell, Groton William Hartzell, Chester Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield William B. Anderson, Elk Prairie John Y. Brown, Henderson Charles W. Milliken, Franklin REPRESENTATIVES INDIANA J. Proctor Knott, Lebanon James Buffington,39 Fall River Edward Y. Parsons,28 Louisville William W. Crapo,4° New Bedford SENATORS Henry Watterson,29 Louisville Benjamin W. Harris, East Bridgewater Oliver H. P. T. Morton, Indianapolis Thomas L. Jones, Newport Henry L. Pierce, Boston

'9 Served until April 19, 1876; succeeded by Jesse J. 20 Died August 19, 1876. Successfully contested the election of Frank Morey, Finley, who contested his election. 27 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Michael C. and took his seat June 8, 1876; resigned January 8, 1877. 20 Successfully contested the election of Josiah T. Walls, Kerr, and took his seat December 5, 1876. Resigned July 7, 1876, having been appointed Secre- and took his seat April 19, 1876. is Died July 8, 1876. 22 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- tory of the Treasury. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward Y. 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of tive-elect Qarnett McMillan (January 14, 1875, before the Parsons, and took his seat August 12, 1876. beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat 30 Elected on January 12, 1876, for the term beginning Lot M. Morrili, and took his seat December 4, 1876; subse- December 6, 1875; resigned, effective March 3, 1877, before March 4, 1873, but as his rights were not finally deter- quently elected. the commencement of the Forty-fifth Congress, to which mined until December 10, 1877, the seat remained vacant es Resigned July 10, 1876. he had been reelected, having been elected Senator. throughout the Congress. The contest of Pinckney B. S. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 22 Served until May 6, 1876; succeeded by John V. Le Pinchback and William L. McMillen were continued from G. Blame, and took his seat December 4, 1876. Moyne, who contested his election. the preceding Congress, but on December 14, 1875, McMil- so Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Successfully contested the election of Charles B. Far- len was permitted to withdraw his credentials, and on tive-elect Samuel F. Hersey, in preceding Congress, and well, and took his seat May 6, 1876. March 8, 1876, the Senate adopted a resolution that Pinch- took his seat December 6, 1875. 20 Resigned December 1, 1876, having been elected Gov- back "be not admitted to a seat." Died March 7, 1875, before Congress assembled. ernor. 'Election unsuccessfully contested by J. A. Preux. o Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James Buf- 20 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 52 Served until June 8, 1876; succeeded by William B. finton, and took his seat December 6, 1875. D. Williams, and took his seat December 5, 1876. Spencer, who contested his election. Forty-Fourth Congress 203

Rufus S. Frost,4' Chelsea Rezin A. De Bolt, Trenton John 0. Whitehouse, Poughkeepsie Josiah G. Abbott,42 Boston John B. Clark, Jr., Fayette George M. Beebe, Monticello Nathaniel P. Banks, Waltham John M. Glover, La Grange John H. Bagley, Jr., Catskill Charles P. Thompson, Gloucester Aylett H. Buckner, Mexico Charles H. Adams, Cohoes John K. Tarbox, Lawrence Martin I. Townsend, Troy William W. Warren, Boston NEBRASKA Andrew Williams, Plattsburg George F. Hoar, Worcester SENATORS William A. Wheeler, Malone Henry H. Hathorn, Saratoga Springs Julius H. Seelye, Amherst Phineas W. Hitchcock, Omaha Chester W. Chapin, Springfield Algernon S. Paddock, Beatrice Samuel F. Miller, Franklin George A. Bagley, Watertown MICHIGAN REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Scott Lord, Utica Lorenzo Crounse, Fort Calhoun SENATORS William H. Baker, Constantia Elias W. Leavenworth, Syracuse Thomas W. Ferry, Grand Haven NEVADA Clinton D. MacDougall, Auburn Isaac P. Christiancy, Lansing SENATORS Elbridge G. Lapham, Canandaigua REPRESENTATIVES John P. Jones, Gold Hill Thomas C. Platt, Owego Alpheus S. Williams, Detroit William Sharon, Virginia City Charles C. B. Walker, Corning Henry Waldron, HilLsdale REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John M. Davy, Rochester George Willard, Battle Creek George G. Hoskins, Attica Allen Potter, Kalamazoo William Woodburn, Virginia City Lyman K. Bass, Buffalo William B. Williams, Allegan Nelson I. Norton,46 Hinsdale George H. Durand, Flint NEW HAMPSHIRE Omar D. Conger, Port Huron SENATORS NORTH CAROLINA Nathan B. Bradley, Bay City Aaron H. Cragin, Lebanon SENATORS Jay A. Hubbell, Houghton Bainbridge Wadleigh, Milford Matt W. Ransom, Weldon REPRESENTATIVES MINNESOTA Augustus S. Merrimon, Raleigh Frank Jones, Portsmouth REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Samuel N. Bell, Manchester William Windom, Winona Henry W. Blair, Plymouth Jesse J. Yeates, Murfreesboro Samuel J. R. McMillan, St. Paul John A. Hyman, Warrenton Alfred M. Waddell, Wilmington REPRESENTATIVES NEW JERSEY Joseph J. Davis, Louisburg Mark H. Dunnell, Owatonna SENATORS Alfred M. Scales, Greensboro Horace B. Strait,43 Shakopee Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Newark Thomas S. Ashe, Wadesboro William S. King, Minneapolis Theodore F. Randolph, Morristown William M. Bobbins, Statesville Robert B. Vance, Asheville MISSISSIPPI REPRESENTATIVES Clement H. Sinnickson, Salem SENATORS Samuel A. Dobbins, Mount Holly OHIO James L. Alcorn, Friars Point Miles Ross, New Brunswick SENATORS Blanche K. Bruce, Floreyville Robert Hamilton, Newton John Sherman, Mansfield REPRESENTATIVES Augustus W. Cutler, Morristown Allen G. Thurman, Columbus Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Oxford Frederick H. Teese, Newark REPRESENTATIVES Augustus A. Hardenbergh, Jersey City G. Wiley Wells, Holly Springs Milton Sayler, Cincinnati Hernando D. Money, Winona NEW YORK Henry B. Banning, Cincinnati Otho R. Singleton, Canton John S. Savage, Wilmington Charles E. Hooker, Jackson SENATORS John A. McMahon, Dayton John R. Lynch, Natchez Roscoe Conkling, Utica Americus V. Rice, Ottawa Francis Kernan, Utica Frank H. Hurd, Toledo MISSOURI REPRESENTATIVES Lawrence T. Neal, Chillicothe SENATORS Henry B. Metcalfe, Westfield William Lawrence, Bellefontaine Lewis V. Bogy, St. Louis John G. Schumaker, Brooklyn Earley F. Poppleton, Delaware Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg Simeon B. Chittenden, Brooklyn Charles Foster, Fostoria REPRESENTATIVES Archibald M. Bliss, Brooklyn John L. Vance, Gallipolis Edward C. Kehr, St. Louis Edwin R. Meade, New York City Ansel T. Walling, Circleville Erastus Wells, St. Louis Samuel S. Cox, New York City Milton I. Southard, Zanesville William H. Stone, St. Louis Smith Ely, Jr.,44 New York City Jacob P. Cowan, Ashland Robert A. Hatcher, New Madrid David Dudley Field,45 New York City Nelson H. Van Vorhes, Athens Richard P. Bland, Lebanon Elijah Ward, New York City Lorenzo Danford, St. Clairsville Charles H. Morgan, Lamar Fernando Wood, New York City Laurin D. Woodworth, Youngstown John F. Philips, Sedalia Abram S. Hewitt, New York City James Monroe, Oberlin Benjamin J. Franklin, Kansas City Benjamin A. Willis, New York City James A. Garfield, Hiram David Rea, Savannah N. Holmes Odell, White Plains Henry B. Payne, Cleveland

Election unsuccessfully contested by 5. St. Julien ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Smith Served until July 28, 1876; succeeded by Josiah G. Ely, Jr., and took his seat January 11, 1877. Abbott, who contested his election. Cox. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- ' Successfully contested the election of Rufus S. Frost, ° Resigned December 11,1876, having been elected tive-elect Augustus F. Allen (January 22, 1875, before the and took his seat July 28, 1876. mayor of New York City. beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat December 6, 1875. 204 Biographical Directory

OREGON John J. Patterson, Columbia Robert E. Withers, Wytheville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES James K. Kelly, Portland Joseph H. Rainey,5' Georgetown Beverly B. Douglas, Ayletts John H. Mitchell, Portland Edmund W. M. Mackey,52 Charleston John Goode, Jr.,59 Norfolk REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles W. Buttz,53 Charleston Gilbert C. Walker, Richmond George A. La Dow,4' Pendleton Solomon L. Hoge, Columbia William H. H. Stowell, Burkeville La Fayette Lane,48 Roseburg Alexander S. Wallace, Yorkville George C. Cabell, Danville Robert Smalls, Beaufort John R. Tucker, Lexington PENNSYLVANIA TENNESSEE John T. Harris, Harrisonburg SENATORS Eppa Hunton, Warrenton Simon Cameron, Harrisburg SENATORS William Terry, Wytheville William A. Wallace, Clearfield Henry Cooper, Nashville Andrew Johnson,54 Greeneville REPRESENTATIVES David M. Key,55 Chattanooga WEST VIRGINIA Chapman Freeman, Philadelphia James E. Bailey,56 Clarksville SENATORS Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES Henry G. Davis, Piedmont William D. Kelley, Philadelphia William McFarland, Morristown Allen T. Caperton,6° Union John Robbins, Philadelphia Jacob M. Thornburgh, Knoxville Samuel Price,6' Lewis burg Washington Townsend, West Chester George G. Dibrell, Sparta Frank Hereford,62 Union Alan Wood, Jr., Conshohoc ken Samuel M. Fite,5' Carthage REPRESENTATIVES Hiester Clymer, Reading Haywood Y. Riddle,58 Lebanon Benjamin Wilson, WilLsonburg A. Herr Smith, Lancaster John M. Bright, Fayetteville Charles J. Faulkner, Ma rtins burg William Mutchler, Easton John F. House, Clarksville Frank Hereford,63 Union Francis D. Collins, Scranton Washington C. Whitthorne, Columbia Winthrop W. Ketchum,49 Wilkes-Barre John D. C. Atkins, Paris William H. Stanton,5° Scranton William P Caldwell, Gardner WISCONSIN James B. Reilly, Pottsville H. Casey Young, Memphis SENATORS John B. Packer, Sunbury Timothy 0. Howe, Green Bay Joseph Powell, Towanda TEXAS Angus Cameron, La Crosse Sobieski Ross, Coudersport SENATORS John Reilly, Altoona Morgan C. Hamilton, Austin REPRESENTATIVES William S. Stenger, Chambers burg Samuel B. Maxey, Paris Charles G. Williams, Janesuille Levi Maish, York Lucien B. Caswell, Fort Atkinson Levi A. Mackey, Lockhaven REPRESENTATIVES Henry S. Magoon, Darlington Jacob Turney, Greensburg John H. Reagan, Palestine William P. Lynde, Milwaukee James H. Hopkins, Pittsburgh David B. Culberson, Jefferson Samuel D. Burchard, Beaver Dam Alexander G. Cochran, Allegheny City James W. Throckmorton, McKinney Alanson M. Kimball, Pine River John W. Wallace, New Castle Roger Q. Mills, Corsicana Jeremiah M. Rusk, Viroqua George A. Jenks, Brookville John Hancock, Austin George W. Cate, Stevens Point James Sheakley, Greenville Gustave Schleiçher, Cuero Albert G. Egbert, Franklin VERMONT TERRITORY OF ARIZONA RHODE ISLAND SENATORS DELEGATE SENATORS George F. Edmunds, Burlington Hiram S. Stevens, Tucson Henry B. Anthony, Providence Justin S. Morrill, Strafford Ambrose E. Burnside, Providence REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF COLORADO REPRESENTATIVES Charles H. Joyce, Rutland DELEGATE Benjamin T. Eames, Providence Dudley C. Denison, Royalton Thomas M. Patterson,64 Denver Latimer W. Ballou, Woonsocket George W. Hendee, Morrisuille SOUTH CAROLINA VIRGINIA TERRITORY OF DAKOTA SENATORS SENATORS DELEGATE Thomas J. Robertson, Columbia John W. Johnston, Abingdon Jefferson P. Kidder, Vermilion

' Died May 1, 1875, before Congress assembled. ant nor contestee duly elected and the seat to be vacant; 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel M. 4°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George A. subsequently elected, and took his seat January 23, 1877. Fite, and took his seat January 5, 1876. La Dow, and took his seat December 6, 1875. '° Died July 31, 1875. Jr'° Election unsuccessfully contested by James H. Platt, ° Resigned July 19, 1876. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Andrew °°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Win- Johnson, and took his seat December 6, 1875. Died July 26, 1876. throp W Ketchum, and took his seat December 4, 1876. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Andrew Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Allen T. 51 Caperton, and took his seat December 4, 1876. Election unsuccessfully contested by Samuel Lee. Johnson, and took his seat January 29, 1877. 62 52 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Allen T. Election contested by Charles W. Buttz; seat declared ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Caperton, and took his seat January 31, 1877. vacant by resolution of July 19, 1876. tive-elect John W. Head on November 9, 1874, before the Resigned January 31, 1877, having been elected Sena- ss Contested the election of Edmund W. M. Mackey; by beginning of the congressional term; died October 23, 1875, tor. resolution, July 19, 1876, House declared neither contest- before Congress assembled. asServed until August 1, 1876, when the Territory of Colorado was granted statehood by act of Congress ap- proved March 3, 1876. Forty-Fourth Congress 205

TERRITORY OF IDAHO TERRITORY OF NEW TERRITORY OF WASHINGTON DELEGATE MEXICO Thomas W. Bennett,65 Boise City DELEGATE DELEGATE Stephen S. Fenn,66 Mount Idaho Stephen B. Elkins, Santa Fe Orange Jacobs, Seattle TERRITORY OF MONTANA TERRITORY OF UTAH TERRITORY OF WYOMING DELEGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE Martin Maginnis, Helena George Q. Cannon, Salt Lake City William R. Steele, Cheyenne

° 6SServed until June 23, 1876; succeeded by Stephen S. Successfully contested the election of Thomas W. Ben- Fenn, who contested his election. nett, and took his seat June 23, 1876. FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1877, TO MARCH 3, 1879

FIRST SESSION-October 15, 1877, to December 3, 1877 SECOND SESSION-December 3, 1877, to June 20, 1878 THIRD SESSION-December 2, 1878, to March 3, 1879 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 5, 1877, to March 17, 1877



ALABAMA CALIFORNIA William H. Barnum, Lime Rock SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES George E. Spencer, Decatur Aaron A. Sargent, Nevada City George M. Landers, New Britain John T. Morgan, Selma Newton Booth, Sacramento James Phelps, Essex REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John T. Wait, Norwich Levi Warner, Norwalk James T. Jones, Demopolis Horace Davis, San Francisco Hilary A. Herbert, Montgomery Horace F. Page, Placerville Jeremiah N. Williams, Clayton John K. Luttrell, Santa Rosa DELAWARE Charles M. Shelley,4 Selma Romualdo Pacheco,5 San Luis Obispo SENATORS Robert F. Ligon, Tuskegee Peter D. Wigginton,6 Merced Thomas F. Bayard, Wilmington Goldsmith W. Hewitt, Birmingham Eli Saulsbury, Dover William H. Forney, Jacksonville William W. Garth, Huntsville COLORADO REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS James Williams, Kenton ARKANSAS Jerome B. Chaffee, Denver SENATORS Henry M. Teller, Central City FLORIDA Stephen W. Dorsey, Helena REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS Augustus H. Garland, Little Rock James B. Belford,7 Central City Simon B. Conover, Tallahassee REPRESENTATIVES Thomas M. Patterson,8 Denver Charles W. Jones, Pensacola Lucien C. Gause, Jacksonport REPRESENTATIVES William F. Slemons, Monticello CONNECTICUT Horatio Bisbee, Jr.,° Jacksonville Jordan E. Cravens, Clarksville SENATORS Jesse J. Finley,10 Jacksonville Thomas M. Gunter, Fayetteville William W. Eaton, Hartford Robert H. M. Davidson, Quincy

1 Elected March 5, 1877 (special session of the Senate); 'Served until February 7, 1878; succeeded by Peter D. 'Successfully contested the election of James B. Belford, February 26, 1878; April 17, 1878; and March 3, 1879. Wigginton, who contested his election. and took his seat December 13, 1877. 'Reelected October 15, 1877. 5Successfully contested the election of Romualdo Pa- Served until February 20, 1879; succeeded by Jesse J. Reelected October 15, 1877. checo, and took his seat February 7, 1878. Finley, who contested his election. 4Election unsuccessfully contested by Jeremiah Haral- Served until December 13, 1877; succeeded by Thomas "Successfully contested the election of Horatio Bisbee, son. M. Patterson, who contested his election. Jr., and took his seat February 20, 1879.

[206] Forty-Fifth Congress 207

GEORGIA Milton S. Robinson, Anderson James B. Eustis,'7 New Orleans SENATORS John Hanna, Indianapolis REPRESENTATIVES Morton C. Hunter, Bloomington Randall L. Gibson, New Orleans John B. Gordon, Atlanta Michael D. White, Crawfordsville Benjamin H. Hill, Atlanta E. John Ellis, New Orleans William H. Calkins, Laporte Chester B. Darrall," Brashear REPRESENTATIVES James L. Evans, Noblesville Joseph H. Acklen,'9 Pattersonville Julian Hartridge," Savannah Andrew H. Hamilton, Fort Wayne Joseph B. Elam,2° Mansfield William B. Fleming,12 Savannah John H. Baker, Goshen John E. Leonard,2' Lake Providence William E. Smith, Albany John S. Young,22 Homer Philip Cook, Americus IOWA Edward W. Robertson," Baton Rouge Henry R. Harris, Greenville SENATORS Milton A. Candler, Atlanta William B. Allison, Dubuque MAINE James H. Blount, Macon Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa City William H. Felton, Cartersville SENATORS Alexander H. Stephens, Crawfordville REPRESENTATIVES Hannibal Hamlin, Bangor Hiram P. Bell,'3 Cumming Joseph C. Stone, Burlington James G. Blame, Augusta Hiram Price, Davenport REPRESENTATIVES ILLINOIS Theodore W. Burdick, Decorah Nathaniel C. Deering, Osage Thomas B. Reed, Portland SENATORS , Iowa City William P. Frye, Lewiston Richard J. Oglesby, Decatur Ezekiel S. Sampson, Sigourney Stephen D. Lindsey, Norridgewock David Davis, Bloomington Henry J. B. Cummings, Winterset Llewellyn Powers,' Houlton REPRESENTATIVES William F. Sapp, Council Bluffs Eugene Hale, Ellsworth William Aldrich, Chicago S. Addison Oliver, Onawa Carter H. Harrison, Chicago MARYLAND Lorenzo Brentano, Chicago KANSAS SENATORS William Lathrop, Rockford SENATORS George R. Dennis, Kingston Horatio C. Burchard, Freeport John J. Ingalls, Atchison William Pinkney Whyte, Baltimore Thomas J. Henderson, Princeton Preston B. Plumb, Emporia REPRESENTATIVES Philip C. Hayes, Morris REPRESENTATIVES Greenbury L. Fort, Lacon Daniel M. Henry, Cambridge Thomas A. Boyd, Lewiston William A. Phillips, Sauna Charles B. Roberts, Westminster Benjamin F. Marsh, Warsaw Dudley C. Haskell, Lawrence William Kimmel, Baltimore Robert M. Knapp, Jerseyville Thomas Ryan, Topeka Thomas Swann, Baltimore William M. Springer, Springfield Eli J. Henkle, Brooklyn Thomas F. Tipton, Bloomington KENTUCKY William Walsh, Cumberland Joseph G. Cannon, Danville SENATORS John R. Eden, Sullivan Thomas McCreery, Owens boro MASSACHUSETTS William A. J. Sparks, Carlyle James B. Beck, Lexington SENATORS William R. Morrison, Waterloo REPRESENTATIVES Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield William Hartzell, Chester Andrew R. Boone, Mayfield George F. Hoar, Worcester Richard W. Townshend, Shawneetown James A. McKenzie, Long View REPRESENTATIVES John W. Caldwell, Russeilville William W. Crapo, New Bedford INDIANA J. Proctor Knott, Lebanon Benjamin W. Harris, East Bridgewater SENATORS Albert S. Willis, Louisville Waibridge A. Field,'4 Boston Oliver H. P. T. Morton,'4 Indianapolis John G. Carlisle, Covington ,'5 Boston Daniel W. Voorhees,'5 Terre Haute Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles , Boston Joseph E. McDonald, Indianapolis Milton J. Durham, Danville Nathaniel P. Banks, Waltham REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Turner, Mount Sterling George B. Loring, Salem Benoni S. Fuller, Boonville John B. Clarke, Brooksville Benjamin F. Butler, Lowell Thomas R. Cobb, Vincennes , Newton George A. Bicknell, New Albany LOUISIANA William W. Rice, Worcester , Rushville SENATORS , Fitchburg Thomas M. Browne, Winchester William Pitt Kellogg,'6 New Orleans George D. Robinson, Chic opee

was a final adjudication, and a resolution declaring Mr. "Died January 8, 1879. Kellogg; the report was adopted November 30, 1877; took "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Julian Har- his seat the same day. In the succeeding Congress the case Eustis entitled to his seat, his term of service to date from tridge, and took his seat February 17, 1879. was reopened upon petition of Mr. Spofford and a report January 12, 1876; this report and resolution were adopted 13 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- was made in his favor, but he died August 20, 1880, before December 10, 1877, and Mr. Eustis appeared, qualified, sentative-elect Benjamin H. Hill, in preceding Congress, action was taken. and took his seat the same day. "In the preceding Congress the Committee on Privi- "Sery until February 20, 1878; succeeded by Joseph and took his seat October 15, 1877. H. Acklen, who contested his election. H Died November 1, 1877. leges and Elections twice reported that Pinckney B. S. ' 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Oliver Pinchback was entitled to the seat upon credentials pro-- Successfully contested the election of Chester B. Dar- sented from two elections; the committee, after these deci- rall, and took his seat February 20, 1878. H. P. T. Morton, and took his seat November 12, 1877; 10 Election unsuccessfully contested by George L. Smith. subsequently elected. sions, was instructed to pass upon credentials of James B. Eustis and held that, inasmuch as Mr. Pinchbeck had a ' Died March 15, 1878. "This seat was claimed by Henry M. Spofford; March "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John E. 5, 1877 (in the special session of the Senate), Mr. Kellogg clear title, there was no vacancy; the Senate refused to presented himself to be sworn, but objection was made and adopt the report of the committee and declared Mr. Pinch- Leonard, and took his seat December 2, 1878. his credentials were ordered to lie on the table; October back 'not entitled to the seat" by a vote of 32 to 29. March 3 Election unsuccessfully contested by Charles E. Nash. 17, 1877, the credentials of Mr. Spofford were presented, 9, 1877 (in the special session of the Senate), the creden- '4 Served until March 28, 1878; succeeded by Benjamin and they, with the credentials of Mr. Kellogg, were re- tials of Mr. Eustis were taken from the files and again Dean,' who contested his election. ferred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections; No- referred the committee reported December 1, 1877, hold- Successfully contested the election of Walbridge A. vember 26, 1877, the committee reported in favor of Mr. ing that the Senate's action in the case of Mr. Pinchback Field, and took his seat March 28, 1878. 208 Biographical Directory

MICHIGAN Aylett H. Buckner, Mexico John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains SENATORS George M. Beebe, Monticello Thomas W. Ferry, Grand Haven NEBRASKA Stephen L. Mayham, Schoharie Isaac P. Christiancy,26 Lansing SENATORS Terence J. Quinn,36 Albany Zachariah Chandler,27 Detroit Algernon S. Paddock, Beatrice John M. Bailey,37 Albany Martin I. Townsend, Troy REPRESENTATIVES Alvin Saunders, Omaha REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Andrew Williams, Platts burg Aipheus S. Williams,28 Detroit Amaziah B. James, Ogdensburg Edwin Wihits, Monroe Frank Welch,34 Norfolk John H. Starin, Fultonville Jonas H. McGowan, Coldwater Thomas J. Majors,35 Peru Solomon Bundy, Oxford Edwin W. Keightley, Constantine George A. Bagley, Watertown John W. Stone, Grand Rapids NEVADA William J. Bacon, Utica Mark S. Brewer, Pontiac SENATORS William H. Baker, Constantia Omar D. Conger, Port Huron John P. Jones, Gold Hill Frank Hiscock, Syracuse Charles C. Ellsworth, Greenville William Sharon, Virginia City John H. Camp, Lyons Jay A. Hubbell, Houghton REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Elbridge G. Lapham, Canandaigua Thomas Wren, Eureka Jeremiah W. Dwight, Dryden MINNESOTA John N. Hungerford, Corning SENATORS NEW HAMPSHIRE E. Kirke Hart, Albion William Windom, Winona SENATORS Charles B. Benedict, Attica Samuel J. R. McMillan, St. Paul Daniel N. Lockwood, Buffalo Bainbridge Wadleigh, Milford George W. Patterson, Westerfield REPRESENTATIVES Edward H. Rollins, Concord Mark H. Dunnell, Owatonna REPRESENTATIVES NORTH CAROLINA Horace B. Strait, Shakopee Frank Jones, Portsmouth Jacob H. Stewart, St. Paul James F. Briggs, Manchester SENATORS Henry W. Blair, Plymouth Matt W. Ransom, Weldon MISSISSIPPI Augustus S. Merrimon, Raleigh SENATORS NEW JERSEY REPRESENTATIVES Blanche K. Bruce, Floreyville SENATORS Jesse J. Yeates, Murfreesboro Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Oxford Theodore F. Randolph, Morristown Curtis H. Brogden, Goldsboro REPRESENTATIVES John R. McPherson, Jersey City Alfred M. Waddell, Wilmington Henry L. Muldrow, Starkville REPRESENTATIVES Joseph J. Davis, Louisburg Vannoy H. Manning, Holly Springs Clement H. Sinnickson, Salem Alfred M. Scales, Greensboro Hernando D. Money, Winona John H. Pugh, Burlington Walter L. Steele, Rockingham Otho R. Singleton, Canton Miles Ross, New Brunswick William M. Robbins, Statesville Charles E. Hooker, Jackson Alvah A. Clark, Somerville Robert B. Vance, Asheville James R. Chalmers,29 Vicksburg Augustus W. Cutler, Morristown Thomas B. Peddie, Newark OHIO MISSOURI Augustus A. Hardenbergh, Jersey City SENATORS SENATORS John Sherman,38 Mansfield Lewis V. Bogy,3° St. Louis NEW YORK Stanley Matthews,39 Glendale David H. Armstrong,3' St. Louis SENATORS Allen G. Thurman, Columbus James Shields,32 Carroliton Roscoe Conkling, Utica REPRESENTATIVES Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg Francis Kernan, Utica Milton Sayler, Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Henry B. Banning, Cincinnati Anthony Ittner, St. Louis James W. Covert, Flushing Mills Gardner, Washington Court Nathan Cole, St. Louis William D. Veeder, Brooklyn House Lyne S. Metcalfe,33 St. Louis Simeon B. Chittenden, Brooklyn John A. McMahon, Dayton Robert A. Hatcher, Charleston Archibald M. Bliss, Brooklyn Americus V. Rice, Ottawa Richard P. Bland, Lebanon Nicholas Muller, New York City Jacob D. Cox, Toledo Charles H. Morgan, Lamar Samuel S. Cox, New York City Henry L. Dickey, Greenfield Thomas T. Crittenden, Warrensburg Anthony Eickhoff, New York City J. Warren Keifer, Springfield Benjamin J. Franklin, Kansas City Anson G. McCook, New York City John S. Jones, Delaware David Rea, Savannah Fernando Wood, New York City Charles Foster, Fostoria Henry M. Pollard, Chillicothe Abram S. Hewitt, New York City Henry S. Neal, Ironton John B. Clark, Jr., Fayette Benjamin A. Willis, New York City Thomas Ewing, Lancaster John M. Glover, La Grange Clarkson N. Potter, New Rochelle Milton I. Southard, Zanesville

"Resigned February 10, 1879. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lewis V. "Died June 18, 1878. 27Elected to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Bogy, and took his seat January 27, 1879. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Terence J. Isaac P. Christiancy, and took his seat February 22. 1879. "Richard G. Frost filed a contest, which was referred Quinn, and took his seat December 2, 1878. 22Died December 20, 1878. to the Committee on Elections; the committee reported in "Resigned March 8, 1877, having been appointed Secre- "Election unsuccessfully contested by John R. Lynch. favor of contestee; no further action taken. tery of the Treasury. "Died September 20, 1877. ' Died September 4, 1878. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John "Appointed to ff1 vacancy caused by death of Lewis V. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Frank Bogy, and took his seat October 15. 1877. Welch, and took his seat December 2, 1878. Sherman, and took his seat October 16, 1877. Forty-Fifth Congress 209

Ebenezer B. Finley, Bucyrus Ambrose E. Burnside, Providence Dudley C. Denison, Royalton Nelson H. Van Vorhes, Athens REPRESENTATWES George W. Hendee, Morrisuille Lorenzo Danford, St. Clairsuille Benjamin T. Eames, Providence William McKinley, Jr., Canton Latimer W. Ballou, Woonsocket VIRGINIA James Monroe, Oberlin SENATORS James A. Garfield, Mentor SOUTH CAROLINA John W. Johnston, Abingdon Amos Townsend, Cleveland SENATORS Robert E. Withers, Wytheville OREGON John J. Patterson, Charleston REPRESENTATWES SENATORS Matthew C. Butler,43 Edgefield Beverly B. Douglas,46 Ayletts John H. Mitchell, Portland REPRESENTATiVES Richard Lee T. Beale,47 Hague La Fayette Grover, Salem Joseph H. Rainey,44 Georgetown John Goode, Jr., Norfolk Gilbert C. Walker, Richmond REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Richard H. Cain, Charleston D. Wyatt Aiken, Cokes bury Joseph Jorgensen, Petersburg Richard Williams,40 Portland John H. Evins, Spartanburg George C. Cabell, Danville Robert Smalls, Beaufort John R. Tucker, Lexington PENNSYLVANIA John T. Harris, Harrisonburg SENATORS TENNESSEE Eppa Hunton, Warrenton Simon Cameron,4' Harrisburg SENATORS Auburn L. Pridemore, Jonesville J. Donald Cameron,42 Harrisburg William A. Wallace, Clearfield James E. Bailey, Clarksville Isham G. Harris, Memphis WEST VIRGINIA REPRESENTATWES SENATORS Chapman Freeman, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES James H. Randolph, Newport Henry G. Davis, Piedmont Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia Frank Hereford, Union Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia Jacob M. Thornburgh, Knoxville William D. Kelley, Philadelphia George G. Dibrell, Sparta REPRESENTATIVES Alfred C. Harmer, Germantown Haywood Y. Riddle, Lebanon Benjamin Wilson, Wilsonburg William Ward, Chester John M. Bright, Fayetteville Benjamin F. Martin, Pruntytown I. Newton Evans, Hat boro John F. House, Clarksville John E. Kenna, Kanawha Hiester Clymer, Reading Washington C. Whitthorne, Columbia A. Herr Smith, Lancaster John D. C. Atkins, Paris WISCONSIN Samuel A. Bridges, Allentown William P. Caldwell, Gardner H. Casey Young, Memphis SENATORS Francis D. Collins, Scranton Timothy 0. Howe, Green Bay Hendrick B. Wright, Wilkes.Barre Angus Cameron, La Crosse James B. Reilly, Pottsville TEXAS John W. Killinger, Lebanon SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Edward Overton, Jr., Towanda Samuel B. Maxey, Paris Charles G. Williams, Janesville John I. Mitchell, Welisboro Richard Coke, Waco Lucien B. Caswell, Fort Atkinson Jacob M. Campbell, Johnstown REPRESENTATIVES George C. Hazelton, Boscobel William K Lynde, Milwaukee William S. Stenger, Chambersburg John H. Reagan, Palestine Levi Maish, York Edward S. Bragg, Fond du Lac David B. Culberson, Jefferson Gabriel Bouck, Oshkosh Levi A. Mackey, Lock Haven James W. Throckmorton, McKinney Jacob Turney, Greensburg Herman L. Humphrey, Hudson Roger Q. Mills, Corsicana Thaddeus C. Pound, Chippewa Falls Russell Errett, Pittsburgh De Witt C. Giddings, Brenham Thomas M. Bayne, Allegheny Gustave Schleicher,45 Cuero William S. Shallenberger, Rochester TERRITORY OF ARIZONA Harry White, Indiana VERMONT DELEGATE John M. Thompson, Butler Hiram S. Stevens, Tucson Lewis F. Watson, Warren SENATORS George F. Edmunds, Burlington RHODE ISLAND Justin S. Morrill, Strafford TERRITORY OF DAKOTA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE Henry B. Anthony, Providence Charles H. Joyce, Rutland Jefferson P. Kidder, Vermilion

sideration of Mr. Butler's credentials; November 30, 1877, Senate a letter from Mr. Corbin withdrawing his claim, 45Election unsuccessfully contested by Samuel W. and no further action was taken. McDowell. a resolution that Mr. Butler be sworn in was agreed to by Election unsuccessfully contested by John S. Richard- 41 Resigned effective March 12, 1877. a vote of 29 to 28, the Vice President voting to break a tie; son. 42 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Simon appeared and qualified the same day. On February 4, Died January 10, 1879, before the commencement of Cameron, and took his seat October 15, 1877. 1879, the committee reported that Mr. Corbin was entitled the Forty-sixth Congress, to which he had been reelected. David T. Corbin claimed this seat; his credentials, to the seat, and a resolution that he be sworn; the Senate 45 Died December 22, 1878. with these of Mr. Butler, were referred to the Committee refused to consider this report February 25, 1879, and on Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Beverly B. on Privileges and Elections; November 26, 1877, the coin- February 28 following the Vice President laid before the Douglas, and took his seat February 8, 1879. mittee, upon its request, was discharged from further con- 210 Biographical Directory


FIRST SESSION-March 18, 1879, to July 1, 1879 SECOND SESSION-December 1, 1879, to June 16, 1880 THIRD SESSION-December 6, 1880, to March 3, 1881



ALABAMA Thomas M. Gunter, Fayetteville James Phelps, Essex John T. Wait, Norwich SENATORS CALIFORNIA Frederick Miles, Chapinville John T. Morgan, Selma SENATORS George S. Houston,6 Athens Newton Booth, San Francisco DELAWARE Luke Pryor,7 Athens SENATORS James L. Pugh,8 Eufaula James T. Farley, Jackson REPRESENTATIVES12 Thomas F. Bayard, Wilmington REPRESENTATIVES Horace Davis, San Francisco Eli Saulsbury, Dover Thomas H. Herndon, Mobile REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Hilary A. Herbert, Montgomery Horace F. Page, Placerville William J. Samford, Opelika Campbell P. Berry, Wheatland Edward L. Martin, Seaford Romualdo Pacheco, San Luis Obispo Charles M. Shelley, Selnta FLORIDA Thomas Williams, Wetumpka COLORADO Burwéll B. Lewis,9 Tuscaloosa SENATORS Newton N. Clements,'° Tuscaloosa SENATORS Charles W. Jones, Pensacola William H. Forney, Jacksonville Henry M. Teller, Central City Wilkinson Call, Jacksonville William M. Lowe, Huntsville Nathaniel P. Hill, Denver REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert H. M. Davidson, Quincy ARKANSAS James B. Belford, Central City Noble A. Hull,'3 Sanford SENATORS Horatio Bisbee, Jr.,'4 Jacksonville Augustus H. Garland, Little Rock CONNECTICUT James D. Walker, Fayetteville SENATORS GEORGIA REPRESENTATWES William W. Eaton, Hartford SENATORS Poindexter Dunn, Forest City Orville H. Platt, West Meriden Benjamin H. Hill, Atlanta William F. Slemons,'1 Monticello REPRESENTATIVES John B. Gordon,'5 Atlanta Jordan E. Cravens, Clarksville Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford Joseph E. Brown,'6 Atlanta

'Elected April 15, 1879; April 7, 1880; and May 6, 1880. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George S. '' Served until January 22, 1881; succeeded by Horatio Elected March 24, 1879. Houston, and took his seat December 6, 1880. Bisbee Jr., who contested his election. Elected March 23, 1879. Resigned October 1, 1880. Successfully contested the election of Noble A. Hull, Reelected March 18, 1879. '5Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Bur- and took his seat January 22, 1881. Reelected March 18, 1879. well B. Lewis, and took his seat December 8, 1880. Resigned in May 1880. 'Died December 31, 1879. "Election unsuccessfully contested by John M. Bradley. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of George S. "Elected September 3, 1879; took their seats December John B. Gordon, and took his seat May 261880; subse- Houston, and took his seat January 15, 1880. 1, 1879. quently elected.

[211] 212 Biographical Directory

GEORGIAContinued Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa City George W. Ladd, Bangor Thompson H. Murch, Rockland REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John C. Nicholls, Blacks hear Moses A. McCoid, Fairfield William E. Smith, Albany Hiram Price, Davenport MARYLAND Philip Cook, Americus , McGregor SENATORS Henry Persons, Geneva Nathaniel C. Deering, Osage William Pinkney Whyte, Baltimore Nathaniel J. Hammond, Atlanta Rush Clark,18 Iowa City James B. Groome, Elkton James H. Blount, Macon William G. Thompson,19 Marion William H. Felton, Cartersville James B. Weaver, Bloomfield REPRESENTATIVES Alexander H. Stephens, Crawfordville Edward H. Gillette, Des Moines Daniel M. Henry, Cambridge Emory Speer, Athens William F. Sapp, Council Bluffs J. Fred C. Talbott, Towsontown Cyrus C. Carpenter, Fort Dodge William Kimmel, Baltimore ILLINOIS Robert M. McLane, Baltimore KANSAS Eli J. Henkle, Brooklyn SENATORS Milton G. Urner, Frederick David Davis, Bloomington SENATORS John J. Ingalls, Atchison John A. Logan, Chicago MASSACHUSETTS REPRESENTATIVES Preston B. Plumb, Emporia William Aldrich, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS George R. Davis, Chicago John A. Anderson, Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield Hiram Barber, Jr., Chicago Dudley C. Haskell, Lawrence George F. Hoar, Worcester John C. Sherwin, Aurora Thomas Ryan, Topeka REPRESENTATIVES Robert M. A. Hawk, Mount Carroll William W. Crapo, New Bedford Thomas J. Henderson, Princeton KENTUCKY Benjamin W. Harris, East Bridgewater Philip C. Hayes, Morris SENATORS Walbridge A. Field, Boston Greenbury L. Fort, Lacon James B. Beck, Lexington Leopold Morse, Boston Thomas A. Boyd, Lewiston John S. Williams, Mount Sterling Selwyn Z. Bowman, Somerville Benjamin F. Marsh, Warsaw REPRESENTATIVES George B. Loring,2' Salem James W. Singleton, Quincy William A. Russell, Lawrence William M. Springer, Springfield Oscar Turner, Oscar James A. McKenzie, Long View William Claflin, Newton Adlai E. Stevenson, Bloomington William W. Rice, Worcester Joseph G. Cannon, Danville John William Caldwell, Russellville J. Proctor Knott, Lebanon Ainasa Norcross, Fitchburg Albert P. Forsythe, Isabel George D. Robinson, Chicopee William A. J. Sparks, Carlyle Albert S. Willis, Louisville William R. Morrison, Waterloo John G. Carlisle, Covington John R. Thomas, Metropolis Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles MICHIGAN Richard W. Townshend, Shawneetown Philip B. Thompson, Jr., Harrodsburg SENATORS Thomas Turner, Mount Sterling Thomas W. Ferry, Grand Haven INDIANA Elijah C. Phister, Maysville Zachariah Chandler,22 Detroit SENATORS LOUISIANA Henry P. Baldwin,23 Detroit Joseph B. McDonald, Indianapolis REPRESENTATIVES Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute SENATORS William Pitt Kellogg,20 New Orleans John S. Newberry, Detroit REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin F. Jonas, New Orleans Edwin Willits, Monroe , Evansville Jonas H. McGowan, Cold water Thomas R. Cobb, Vincennes REPRESENTATIVES Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo George A. Bicknell, New Albany Randall L. Gibson, New Orleans John W. Stone, Grand Rapids Jeptha D. New, Vernon E. John Ellis, New Orleans Mark S. Brewer, Pontiac Thomas M. Browne, Wiiichester Joseph H. Acklen, Franklin Omar D. Conger,24 Port Huron William R. Myers, Anderson Joseph B. Elam, Mansfield Roswell G. Horr, East Saginaw , Indianapolis J. Floyd King, Vidalia Jay A. Hubbell, Houghton Abraham J. Hostetler, Bedford Edward W. Robertson, Baton Rouge Godlove S. Orth,17 La Fayette MINNESOTA William H. Calkins, Laporte MAINE Calvin Cowgill, Wabash SENATORS SENATORS Walpole G. Colerick, Fort Wayne Hannibal Hamlin, Bangor William Windom, Winona John H. Baker, Goshen James G. Blame, Augusta Samuel J. R. McMillan, St. Paul REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES IOWA Thomas B. Reed, Portland Mark H. Dunnell, Owatonna SENATORS William P. Frye, Lewiston Henry Poehler, Henderson William B. Allison, Dubuque Stephen D. Lindsey, Norridgewock William D. Washburn, Minneapolis

'7Election unsuccessfully contested by James McCabe. Congress, were presented December 7, 1880; inasmuch as z Died November 1, 1879. "Died April 29, 1879. the Senate had token no action upon the report that was 23Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Zachari- 'Electecf to fill vacancy caused by the death of Rush favorable to Mr. Spofford, no action was taken upon Mr. ah Chandler, and took his seat December 3, 1879; subse- Clark, and took his seat December 1, 1879. Manning's credentials beyond referring them to the com- quently elected. '°The credentials of Thomas C. Manning, appointed to mittee. ' Resigned March 3, 1881, before the commencement of fill vacancy caused by the death of Henry M. Spofford 2iElection unsuccessfully contested by E. Moody Boyn- the Forty-eighth Congress to which he had been reelected, (August 20, 1880), contestant for this seat in the preceding ton. having been elected Senator. Forty-Sixth Congress 213

MISSISSIPPI Henry W. Blair,28 Plymouth Jeremiah W. Dwight, Dryden SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES David P. Richardson, Angelica John Van Voorhis, Rochester Blanche K. Bruce, Floreyville Joshua G. Hall, Dover James F. Briggs, Manchester Richard Crowley, Lockport Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Oxford Ray V. Pierce,34 Buffalo REPRESENTATIVES Evarts W. Farr,29 Littleton Ossian Ray,3° Lancaster Jonathan Scoville,35 Salisbury Henry L. Muidrow, Starkville Henry Van Aernam, Frank linville Vannoy H. Manning, Holly Springs NEW JERSEY Hernando D. Money, Winona NORTH CAROLINA Otho R. Singleton, Canton SENATORS Charles E. Hooker, Jackson Theodore F. Randolph, Morristown SENATORS James R. Chalmers, Vicksburg John R. McPherson, Jersey City Matt W. Ransom, Weldon REPRESENTATIVES Zebulon B. Vance, Charlotte George M. Robeson, Camden MISSOURI REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Hezekiah B. Smith, Smithville Miles Ross, New Brunswick Joseph J. Martin,36 Williamston Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg Jesse J. Yeates,37 Murfreesboro George G. Vest, Kansas City Alvah A. Clark, Somerville Charles H. Voorhis, Hackensack William H. Kitchin, Scotland Neck REPRESENTATIVES John L. Blake, Orange Daniel L. Russell, Wilmington Martin L. Clardy, Farmington Lewis A. Brigham, Jersey City Joseph J. Davis, Louisburg Erastus Wells, St. Louis Alfred M. Scales, Greens borough Richard G. Frost, St. Louis NEW YORK Walter L. Steele, Rockingham Lowndes H. Davis, Jackson SENATORS Robert F. Armfield, Statesville Richard P. Bland, Lebanon Roscoe Conkling, Utica Robert B. Vance, Asheville James R. Waddill, Springfield Francis Kernan, Utica Alfred M. Lay,25 Jefferson City OHIO John F. Phillips,26 Sedalia REPRESENTATiVES Samuel L. Sawyer, Independence James W. Covert, Flushing SENATORS Nicholas Ford, Rochester Daniel O'Reilly, Brooklyn Allen G. Thurman, Columbus Gideon F. Rothwell, Moberly Simeon B. Chittenden, Brooklyn George H. Pendleton, Cincinnati Archibald M. Bliss, Brooklyn John B. Clark, Jr., Fayette REPRESENTATIVES William H. Hatch, Hannibal Nicholas Muller, New York City Aylett H. Buckner, Mexico Samuel S. Cox, New York City Benjamin Butterworth, Cincinnati Edwin Einstein, New York City Thomas L. Young, Cincinnati NEBRASKA Anson G. McCook, New York City John A. McMahon, Dayton Fernando Wood,3' New York City J. Warren Keifer, Springfield SENATORS James O'Brien, New York City Benjamin Le Fevre, Sidney Algernon S. Paddock, Beatrice Levi P. Morton, New York City William D. Hill, Defiance Alvin Saunders, Omaha Waldo Hutchins,32 Kings bridge Frank H. Hurd, Toledo REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains Ebenezer B. Finley, Bucyrus Edward K. Valentine, West Point John W. Ferdon, Piermont George L. Converse, Columbus William Lounsbery, Kingston Thomas Ewing, Lancaster NEVADA John M. Bailey, Albany Henry L. Dickey, Greenfield SENATORS Walter A. Wood, Hoosick Falls Henry S. Neal, Ironton John P. Jones, Gold Hill John Hammond, Crown Point Adoniram J. Warner, Marietta William Sharon, Virginia City Amaziah B. James, Ogdensburg Gibson Atherton, Newark John H. Starin, Fultonville George W. Geddes, Mansfield REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE David Wilber, Milford William McKinley, Jr., Canton Rollin M. Daggett, Virginia City Warner Miller, Herkimer James Monroe, Oberlin Cyrus D. Prescott, Rome Jonathan T. Updegraff, Mount NEW HAMPSHIRE Joseph Mason,33 Hamilton Pleasant SENATORS Frank Hiscock, Syracuse James A. Garfield,38 Mentor Edward H. Rollins, Concord John H. Camp, Lyons Ezra B. Taylor,39 Warren Charles H. Bell,27 Exeter Elbridge G. Lapham, Canandaigua Amos Townsend, Cleveland

"Died December 8, 1879. "Died November 30, 1880. "Resigned September 18, 1880. 25Elected to fill vacancy caused by the death of Alfred '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Evans W. " Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ray M. Lay, and took his seat January 26, 1880. Farr, and took his seat January 8, 1881. V. Pierce, and took his seat December 6, 1880. Appointed to fill vacancy in term beginning March 4, Died February 13, 1881, before the commencement of '° Served until January 29, 1881; succeeded by Jesse J. 1879; credentials presented and referred March 18, 1879; the Forty-seventh Congress, to which he had been reelect- Yeates, who contested his election. majority of Committee on Privileges and Elections report- ed. "Successfully contestedtheelectionof Joseph J. ed resolution, April 2, 1879, declaring him not entitled to "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Martin, and took his seat January 29, 1881. seat; by resolution, April 10, 1879, was declared entitled to tive-elect Alexander Smith (November 5, 1878, before the "Resigned November 8,1880, having been elected seat; appeared and qualified same day. beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat President of the United States. "Elected to fill vacancy in term beginning March 4, December 1, 1879. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James 1879, and took his seat June 20, 1879. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Sebastian Duffy. A. Garfield, and took his seat December 13, 1880. 214 Biographical Directory

OREGON George D. Tillman, F4gefield Frank Hereford, Union SENATORS TENNESSEE REPRESENTATIVES La Fayette Grover, Salem Benjamin Wilson, Wilsonburg James H. Slater, La Grande SENATORS Benjamin F. Martin, Pruntytown REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE James E. Bailey, Clarksville John E. Kenna, Kanawha John Whiteaker, Pleasant Hill Isham G. Harris, Memphis REPRESENTATIVES WISCONSIN Robert L. Taylor, Jones boro PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS SENATORS Leonidas C. Houk, Knoxville George G. Dibrell, Sparta Angus Cameron, La Crosse William A. Wallace, Clearfield Matthew H. Carpenter,42 Milwaukee J. Donald Cameron, Harrisburg Benton McMillin, Carthage John M. Bright, Fayetteville REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John F. House, Clarksville Charles G. Williams, Janesville Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia Washington C. Whitthorne, Columbia Lucien B. Caswell, Fort Atkinson Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia John D. C. Atkins, Paris George C. Hazelton, Boscobel Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia Charles B. Simonton, Covington Peter V. Deuster, Milwaukee William D. Kelley, Philadelphia H. Casey Young, Memphis Edward S. Bragg, Fond du The Alfred C. Harmer, Germantown Gabriel Bouck, Oshkosh William Ward, Chester TEXAS Herman L. Humphrey, Hudson William Godshalk, New Britain Hiester Clymer, Reading SENATORS Thaddeus C. Pound, Chippewa Falls A. Herr Smith, Lancaster Samuel B. Maxey, Paris Reuben K. Bachman, Durham Richard Coke, Waco TERRITORY OF ARIZONA Robert Klotz, Mauch Chunk REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE Hendrick B. Wright, Wilkes-Barre John H. Reagan, Palestine John G. Campbell, Prescott John W. Ryon, Pottsville David B. Culberson, Jefferson John W. Killinger, Lebanon Olin Wellborn, Dallas TERRITORY OF DAKOTA Edward Overton, Jr., Towanda Roger Q. Mills, Corsicana John I. Mitchell, Welisboro George W. Jones, Bastrop DELEGATE Alexander H. Coffroth, Somerset Christopher C. Upson,4' San Antonio Granville G. Bennett, Yankton Horatio G. Fisher, Huntingdon Frank E. Beltzhoover, Carlisle VERMONT TERRITORY OF IDAHO Seth H. Yocum,4° Bellefonte SENATORS DELEGATE Morgan R. Wise, Waynesburg George F. Edmunds, Burlington George Ainslie, Idaho City Russell Errett, Pittsburgh Justin S. Morrill, Strafford Thomas M. Bayne, Allegheny REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF MONTANA William S. Shallenberger, Rochester Charles H. Joyce, Rutland DELEGATE Harry White, Indiana James M. Tyler, Brattleboro Samuel B. Dick, Meadville Martin Maginnis, Helena James H. Osmer, Franklin Bradley Barlow, St. Albans VIRGINIA TERRITORY OF NEW RHODE ISLAND MEXICO SENATORS SENATORS John W. Johnston, Abingdon DELEGATE Henry B. Anthony, Providence Robert E. Withers, Wytheville Mariano S. Otero, Peralta Ambrose E. Burnside, Providence REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Richard Lee T. Beale, Hague TERRITORY OF UTAH Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence John Goode, Jr., Norfolk DELEGATE Latimer W. Ballou, Woonsocket Joseph E. Johnston, Longwood George Q. Cannon, Salt Lake City SOUTH CAROLINA Joseph Jorgensen, Petersburg George C. Cabell, Danville TERRITORY OF SENATORS John R. Tucker, Lexington WASHINGTON Matthew C. Butler, Edgefield John T. Harris, Harrisonburg Wade Hampton, Columbia Eppa Hunton, Warrenton DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES James B. Richmond, Estillville Thomas H. Brents, Walla Walla John S. Richardson, Sumter Michael P. O'Connor, Charleston WEST VIRGINIA TERRITORY OF WYOMING D. Wyatt Aiken, Co kes bury SENATORS DELEGATE John H. Evins, Spartanburg Henry G. Davis, Piedmont Stephen W. Downey, Laramie City

° Electionunsuccessfullycontested by Andrew G. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- 42Died February 24, 1881. Curtin. tive-elect Gustave Schleicher, in preceding Congress, and took his seat June 2, 1879. FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1881, TO MARCH 3, 1883

FIRST SESSION-December 5, 1881, to August 8, 1882 SECOND SESSION-December 4, 1882, to March 3, 1883 SPECIAL SESSIONS OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1881, to May 20, 1881; October 10, 1881, to October 29, 1881



ALABAMA Jordan E. Cravens, Clarksville CONNECTICUT SENATORS Thomas M. Gunter, Fayetteville SENATORS John T. Morgan, Selma Orville H. Platt, West Meriden James L. Pugh, Eufaula CALIFORNIA Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Thomas H. Herndon, Mobile James T. Farley, Jackson John R. Buck, Hartford Hilary A. Herbert, Montgomery John F. Miller, San Francisco James Phelps, Essex William C Oates, Abbeville REPRESENTATIVES John T. Wait, Norwich Charles M. Shelley,'0 Selma William S Rosecrans, San Francisco Frederick Miles, Chapinville Thomas Williams, Wetumpka Horace F. Page, Placerville Goldsmith W. Hewitt, Birmingham Campbell P. Berry, Wheatland DELAWARE William H. Forney, Jacksonville Romualdo Pacheco, San Luis Obispo SENATORS Joseph Wheeler," Wheeler William M. Lowe,'2 Huntsville Thomas F. Bayard, Wilmington COLORADO Eli Saulsbury, Dover ARKANSAS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS Henry M. Teller,'3 Denver Edward L. Martin, Seaford Augustus H. Garland, Little Rock George M. Chilcott,'4 Denver James D. Walker, Fayetteville Horace A. W. Tabor,'5 Denver FLORIDA REPRESENTATIVES Nathaniel P. Hill, Denver SENATORS Poindexter Dunn, Forest City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles W. Jones, Pensacola James K. Jones, Washington James B. Belford, Central City Wilkinson Call, Jacksonville

Became President on the death of James A. Garfield, 5Elected December 5, 1881. fill vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Lowe, and took his September 19, 1881. Elected December 5, 1881. seat January 15, 1883. 'Elected October 10, 1881 (special session of the Senate). 0Election contested by James Q. Smith; report of the "Successfully contested the election of Joseph Wheeler, 'Elected October 13, 1881 (special session of the Senate); committee favorable to contestant, but contestant died and and took his seat June 3, 1882; died August 12, 1882. resigned March 3, 1883. seat was declared vacant July 20, 1882; subsequently elect- "Resigned April 17, 1882, having been appointed Secre- Elected March 3, 1883. ed to fill vacancy thus caused, and took his seat December tary of the Interior. 'Died July 28, 1881. 4, 1882; this election was contested by John W. Jones, but Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Appointed Acting Secretary by resolution of October was undisposed of at close of the Congress. Henry M. Teller, and took his seat April 17, 1882. 24, 1881, to fill vacancy caused by death of John C. Burch; Served until June 3, 1882; succeeded by William M. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry served throughout the Congress. m. Teller, and took his seat February 2, 1883. 'Elected December 5, 1881. Lowe, who contested his election; subsequently elected to

[215] 216 Biographical Directory

FLORIDA-Continued Thomas R. Cobb, Vincennes LOUISIANA REPRESENTATIVES Strother M. Stockslager, Corydon William S. Holman, Aurora SENATORS Robert H. M. Davidson, Quincy Courtland C. Matson, Greencastle William Pitt Kellogg, New Orleans Jesse J. Finley,'6 Jacksonville Benjamin F. Jonas, New Orleans Horatio Bisbee, Jr.,'7 Jacksonville Thomas M. Browne, Winchester Stanton J. Peelle, Indianapolis REPRESENTATIVES GEORGIA Robert B. F. Peirce, Crawfordsville Randall L. Gibson, New Orleans Godlove S. Orth,24 La Fayette E. John Ellis, New Orleans SENATORS Charles T. Doxey,2' Anderson Benjamin H. Hill,'8 Atlanta Chester B. Darrall, Morgan City Mark L. DeMotte, Valparaiso Newton C. Blanchard, Shreveport M. Pope Barrow,19 Athens George W. Steele, Marion Joseph E. Brown, Atlanta J. Floyd King, Vidalia Walpole G. Colerick, Fort Wayne Edward W. Robertson, Baton Rouge REPRESENTATIVES William H. Calkins, Laporte George R. Black, Sylvania MAINE Henry G. Turner, Quitman IOWA SENATORS Philip Cook, Americus SENATORS Hugh Buchanan, Newnan James G. Blame,30 Augusta Nathaniel J. Hammond, Atlanta William B Allison, Dubuque William P. Frye,2' Lewiston James H. Blount, Macon Samuel J. Kirkwood,26 Iowa City James W. McDill,27 Afton Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Judson C. Clements, La Fayette REPRESENTATIVES Alexander H. Stephens,2° REPRESENTATIVES Crawfordville Moses A. McCoid, Fairfield Thomas B. Reed,32 Portland Seaborn Reese,2' Sparta Sewall S. Farwell, Monticello William P. Frye,33 Lewiston Emory Speer, Athens Thomas Updegraff, McGregor Nelson Dingley, Jr.,34 Lewiston Nathaniel C. Deering, Osage Stephen D. Lindsey, Norridgewock ILLINOIS William G. Thompson, Marion George W. Ladd, Bangor Thompson H. Murch, Rockland SENATORS Marsena E. Cutts,28 Oskaloosa David Davis, Bloomington John C. Cook,29 Newton John A. Logan, Chicago John A. Kasson, Des Moines MARYLAND REPRESENTATIVES William P. Hepburn, Clarinda SENATORS William Aldrich, Chicago Cyrus C. Carpenter, Fort Dodge James B. Groome, Elkton George R. Davis, Chicago , Laurel KANSAS Charles B. Farwell, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES John C. Sherwin, Aurora SENATORS George W. Covington, SnowHill Robert M. A. Hawk,22 Mount Carroll John J. Ingalls, Atchison J. Fred. C. Talbott, Towsontown Robert B. Hitt,23 Mount Morris Preston B. Plumb, Emporia Fetter S. Hoblitzell, Baltimore Thomas J. Henderson, Princeton REPRESENTATIVES Robert M. McLane, Baltimore William Cullen, Ottawa John A. Anderson, Manhattan Andrew G. Chapman, La Plata Lewis E. Payson, Pontiac Milton G. Urner, Frederick John H. Lewis, Knoxville Dudley C. Haskell, Lawrence Benjamin F. Marsh, Warsaw Thomas Ryan, Topeka James W. Singleton, Quincy MASSACHUSETTS William M. Springer, Springfield KENTUCKY SENATORS Dietrich C. Smith, Fe kin SENATORS Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield Joseph G. Cannon, Danville James B. Beck, Lexington George F. Hoar, Worcester Samuel W. Moulton, Shelbyville John S. Williams, Mount Sterling REPRESENTATIVES William A J Sparks, Carlyle REPRESENTATIVES William R. Morrison, Waterloo William W. Crapo, New Bedford John R. Thomas, Metropolis Oscar Turner, Oscar Benjamin W. Harris, East Bridgewater Richard W. Townshend, Shawneetown James A. McKenzie, Long View Ambrose A. Ranney, Boston John W. Caidwell, Russellville Leopold Morse, Boston INDIANA J. Proctor Knott, Lebanon Selwyn Z. Bowman, Somerville Albert S. Willis, Louisville Eben F. Stone, Newburyport SENATORS John G. Carlisle, Covington William A Russell, Lawrence Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles John W. Candler, Brookline Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis Philip B. Thompson, Jr., Harrodsburg William W. Rice, Worcester REPRESENTATIVES John D. White, Manchester Amasa Norcross, Fitchburg William Heilman, Evansville Elijah C. Phister, Maysville George D. Robinson, Chicopee

6Served until June1,1882; succeeded by Horatio °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert M. Successfully contested election of Marsena E. Cutts, Bisbee, Jr., who contested his election. A. Hawk, and took his seat December 4, 1882. and took his seat March 3, 1883-closing day of the Con- 'Successfully contested the election of Jesse J. Finley, Died December 16, 1882. gress. and took his seat June 1, 1882. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Godlove S. Resigned March 5, 1881, having been appointed Secre- 'Died August 16, 1882. Orth, and took his seat January 17, 1883. tary of State. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Benjamin 26Resigned March 7, 1881, to become Secretary of the °Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James G. Blame, and took his seat March 18, 1881. H. Hill, and took his seat December 5, 1882. Interior. °° Election unsuccessfully contested by Samuel J. An- °° Resigned November 4, 1882, having been elected gov- °° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of derson. ernor. Samuel J. Kirkwoed, and took his seat March 14, 1881 Resigned March 17, 1881, having been elected Sena- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alex- (special session of the Senate); subsequently elected. tor. ander H. Stephens, and took his seat December 4, 1882. ° Served until March 3,1883; succeeded by John C. °Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- Died June 29, 1882. Cook, who contested his election. liam P. Frye, and took his seat December 5, 1881. Forty-Seventh Congress 217

Elbridge G. Lapham,49 Canandaigua MICHIGAN Lowndes H Davis, Jackson Richard P. Bland, Lebanon Thomas C. Platt,5° Owego SENATORS Ira S. Hazeltine, Springfield Warner Miller,5' Herkimer Thomas W. Ferry, Grand Haven Theron M. Rice, Booneville Omar D. Conger, Port Huron Robert T. Van Horn, Kansas City REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Nicholas Ford, Rochester Perry Belmont, Babylon Henry W. Lord, Detroit Joseph H. Burrows, Cainsville William E. Robinson, Brooklyn Edwin Willits, Monroe John B. Clark, Jr., Fayette J. Hyatt Smith, Brooklyn Edward S. Lacey, Charlotte William H. Hatch, Hannibal Archibald M. Bliss, Brooklyn Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo Aylett H. Buckner, Mexico Benjamin Wood, New York City George W. Webber, lonia Samuel S. Cox, New York City Oliver L. Spaulding, St. Johns NEBRASKA P. Henry Dugro, New York City John T. Rich,35 Elba SENATORS Anson G. McCook, New York City Roswell G. Horr, East Saginaw Alvin Saunders, Omaha John Hardy,52 New York City Jay A. Hubbell, Houghton Charles H. Van Wyck, Nebraska City Abram S. Hewitt, New York City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE4' Levi P. Morton,53 New York City MINNESOTA Edward K. Valentine, West Point Roswell P. Flower,54 New York City SENATORS Waldo Hutchins, Kings bridge Samuel J. R. McMillan, St. Paul NEVADA John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains William Windom,36 Winona SENATORS Lewis Beach, Cornwall Alonzo J. Edgerton,37 Kasson John P. Jones, Gold Hill Thomas Cornell, Rondout William Windom,38 Winona James G. Fair, Virginia City Michael N. Nolan, Albany REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Walter A. Wood, Hoosick Falls John Hammond, Crown Point Mark H. Dunnell, Owatonna George W. Cassidy, Eureka Horace B. Strait, Shakopee Abraham X. Parker, Potsdam William D. Washburn, Minneapolis NEW HAMPSHIRE George West, Ballston Spa Ferris Jacobs, Jr., Delhi SENATORS Warner Miller,55 Herkimer MISSISSIPPI Edward H. Rollins, Concord SENATORS Charles R. Skinner,56 Watertown Henry W. Blair, Plymouth Cyrus D. Prescott, Rome Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Oxford REPRESENTATIVES Joseph Mason, Hamilton James Z. George, Jackson Joshua G. Hall, Dover Frank Hiscock, Syracuse REPRESENTATIVES James F. Briggs, Manchester John H. Camp, Lyons Henry L. Muidrow, Starkville Ossian Ray,47 Lancaster Elbridge G. Lapham,57 Canandaigua Vannoy H. Manning,39 Holly Springs James W. Wadsworth,58 Livingstone Hernando D. Money, Winona NEW JERSEY Jeremiah W. Dwight, Dryden Otho R. Singleton, Canton SENATORS David P. Richardson, Angelica Charles E. Hooker, Jackson John R. McPherson, Jersey City John Van Voorhis, Rochester James R. Chalmers,4° Vicksburg William J. Sewell, Camden Richard Crowley, Lockport John R. Lynch,41 Natchez REPRESENTATIVES Jonathan Scoville, Buffalo George M. Robeson, Camden Henry Van Aernam, Franklinville MISSOURI J. Hart Brewer, Trenton SENATORS Miles Ross, New Brunswick NORTH CAROLINA Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg Henry S. Harris, Belvidere George G. Vest, Kansas City John Hill, Boo nton SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Phineas Jones, Newark Matt W. Ransom, Weldon Martin L. Clardy, Farmington Augustus A. Hardenbergh, Jersey City Zebulon B. Vance, Charlotte Thomas Allen,42 St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES James H. McLean,43 St. Louis NEW YORK Richard G. Frost,44 St. Louis SENATORS Louis C. Latham, Greenville Gustavus Sessinghaus,45 St. Louis Roscoe Conlding,48 Utica Orlando Hubbs, New Bern

Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 35Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- Thomas C. Platt, and took his seat October 11, 1881. sentative-elect Omar D. Conger, in preceding Congress, Allen, and took his seat December 15, 1882. 5'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- and took his seat December 5, 1881. Served until March 2, 1883; succeeded by Gustavus Resigned March 4, 1881, to become Secretary of the Sessinghaus, who contested his election. tive-elect Fernando Wood, in the preceding Congress, and Treasury. 4Successfully contested the election of Richard G. took his seat December 5, 1881. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Frost, and took his seat March 2, 1883. ' Resigned, effective March 21, 1881, before Congress William Windom, and took his seat March 17, 1881. ° Thomas J. Majors presented credentials as a contin- assembled, having been appointed minister to Franca. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by his own resignation, gent (or additional) Representative, but was not permitted SElected to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of and took his seat December 5, 1881. to take a seat. Levi P. Morton, and took his seat December 5, 1881. 39Election unsuccessfully contested by George M. Bu- ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Resigned July 26, 1881, having been elected Senator. chanan. tive-elect Evarts W. Farr, in preceding Congress. ° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of ° Served until April 29, 1882; succeeded by John R. ' Resigned May 16, 1881. Warner Miller, and took his seat December 5, 1881. Lynch, who contested his election. ' Resigned July 29, 1881, having been elected Senator. electionof James R. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Successfully contested the Roscoe Conkling, and took his seat October 11, 1881. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of El- Chalmers, and took his seat April 29, 1882. bridge C. Lapham, and took his seat December 5, 1881. ' Died April 8, 1882. ° Resigned May 16, 1881. 218 Biographical Directory

NORTH CAROLINA- Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia Howell E. Jackson, Jackson Continued William D. Kelley, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES Alfred C. Harmer, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Augustus H. Pettibone, Greeneville William Ward, Chester Leonidas C. Houk, Knoxville John W. Shackelford,Jacksonville William Godshalk, New Britain William R. Cox, Raleigh George G. Dibrell, Sparta Daniel Ermentrout, Reading Benton McMillin, Carthage Alfred M. Scales, Greensboro A. Herr Smith, Lancaster Richard Warner, Lewisburg Clement Dowd, Charlotte William Mutchier, Easton Robert F. Armfield, Statesville John F. House, Clarksville Robert Klotz, Mauch Chunk Washington C. Whitthorne, Columbia Robert B. Vance, Asheville Joseph A. Scranton, Scranton John D. C. Atkins, Paris Charles N. Brumm, Minersville Charles B. Simonton, Covington OHIO Samuel F. Barr, Harrisburg William R. Moore, Memphis SENATORS Cornelius C. Jadwin, Honesdale George H. Pendleton, Cincinnati Robert J. C. Walker, Williamsport TEXAS John Sherman,6° Mansfield Jacob M. Campbell, Johnstown Horatio G. Fisher, Huntingdon SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Frank E. Beltzhoover, Carlisle Samuel B. Maxey, Paris Benjamin Butterworth, Cincinnati Andrew G. Curtin, Bellefonte Richard Coke, Waco Thomas L. Young, Cincinnati Morgan R. Wise, Waynesburg REPRESENTATIVES Henry L. Morey, Hamilton Russell Errett, Pittsburgh John H. Reagan, Palestine Emanuel Shultz, Dayton Thomas M. Bayne, Allegheny David B. Culberson, Jefferson Benjamin Le Fevre, Sidney William S. Shallenberger, Rochester Olin Weliborn, Dallas James M. Ritchie, Toledo James Mosgrove, Kittanning Roger Q. Mills, Corsicana John P. Leedom, West Union Samuel H. Miller, Mercer George W. Jones, Bastrop J. Warren Keifer, Springfield Lewis F. Watson, Warren Christopher C. Upson, San Antonio James S. Robinson, Kenton John B. Rice, Fremont RHODE ISLAND VERMONT Henry S. Neal, Ironton SENATORS George L. Converse, Columbus SENATORS Gibson Atherton, Newark Henry B. Anthony, Providence George F. Edmunds, Burlington George W. Geddes, Mansfield Ambrose E. Burnside,63 Providence Justin S. Morrill, Strafford Rufus R. Dawes, Marietta Nelson W. Aldrich,64 Providence REPRESENTATIVES Jonathan T. Updegraff,6' Mount REPRESENTATIVES Charles H. Joyce, Rutland Pleasant Nelson W. Aldrich,65 Providence James M. Tyler, Brattleboro Joseph D. Taylor,62 Cambridge Henry J. Spooner,66 Providence William W. Grout, Barton William McKinley, Jr., Canton , Providence Addison S. McClure, Wooster VIRGINIA Ezra B. Taylor, Warren SOUTH CAROLINA SENATORS Amos Townsend, Cleveland John W. Johnston, Abingdon SENATORS William Mahone, Petersburg OREGON Matthew C. Butler, Edgefield Wade Hampton, Columbia REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS George T. Garrison, Accomac La Fayette Grover, Salem REPRESENTATIVES John F. Dezendorf, Norfolk James H. Slater, La Grande John S. Richardson, Sumter George D. Wise, Richmond REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Michael P. O'Connor,67 Charleston Joseph Jorgensen, Petersburg Samuel Dibble,68 Orangeburg Melvin C. George, Portland George C. Cabell,72 Danville Edmund W. M. Mackey,69 Charleston John R. Tucker, Lexington PENNSYLVANIA D. Wyatt Aiken, Co kes bury , Harrisonburg John H. Evins, Spartanburg John S. Barbour,73 Alexandria SENATORS George D. Tillman,7° Edgefield , Bristol J. Donald Cameron, Harrisburg Robert Smalls,7' Beaufort John I. Mitchell, Wellsboro WEST VIRGINIA REPRESENTATIVES TENNESSEE SENATORS Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia SENATORS Henry G. Davis, Piedmont Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia Isham G. Harris, Memphis Johnson N. Camden, Parkersburg

° Died January 18, 1883. 64 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Ambrose E. May 31, 1882; succeeded by Edmund W. M. Mackey, who '° Elected for the term beginning March 4, 1881. James Burnside, and took his seat October 11, 1881. had previously contested the election of Mr. O'Connor and A. Garfield was elected but declined December 23, 1880, 6s Resigned October 4, 1881, having been elected Sena- continued the contest against Mr. Dibble. having been elected President of the United States. tor. Os Successfully contested the election of Samuel Dibble, ' Died November 30, 1882, before the commencement of s6 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of as the successor of the original contestee, Mr. O'Connor, the Forty-eighth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Nelson W. Aldrich, and took his seat December 5, 1881. and took his seat May 31, 1882. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by the death of Jona- "Died April 26, 1881, while a contest of his election '°Served until July 19,1882; succeeded by Robert than T. Updegraff, and took his seat January 16, 1883. was pending, instituted by Edmund W. M. Mackey. Smalls, who contested his election. "Died September 13, 1881. "Successfully contested the election of George D. Till- "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Michael P. man, and took his seat July 19, 1882. O'Connor; took his seat December 5, 1881, and served until 72 Election unsuccessfully contested by John T. Stovell. "Election unsuccessfully contested by S. P. Bayley. Forty-Seventh Congress 219

REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF ARIZONA TERRITORY OF NEW Benjamin Wilson, Clarksburg MEXICO DELEGATE John B. Hoge, Martinsburg DELEGATE John E. Kenna,74 Kanawha Granville H. Oury, Florence Tranquilino Luna, Los Lunas WISCONSIN TERRITORY OF DAKOTA TERRITORY OF UTAH SENATORS DELEGATE DELEGATE Angus Cameron,75 La Crosse Richard F. Pettigrew, Sioux Falls John T. Caine,76 Salt Lake City Philetus Sawyer, Oshkosh REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF IDAHO TERRITORY OF Charles G. Williams, Janesuille WASHINGTON DELEGATE Lucien B. Caswell, Fort Atkinson DELEGATE George C. Hazelton, Boscobel George Ainslie, Idaho City Thomas H. Brents, Walla Walla Peter V. Deuster, Milwaukee Edward S. Bragg, Fond du Lac TERRITORY OF MONTANA TERRITORY OF WYOMING Richard W. Guenther, Oshkosh Herman L. Humphrey, Hudson DELEGATE DELEGATE Thaddeus C. Pound, Chippewa Falls Martin Maginnis, Helena Morton E. Post, Cheyenne

election for Delegate to the Forty-eighth Congress, he re- 4Rt to the Forty-eighth Congress, but resigned Allen G. Campbell and George Q. Cannon were con. ceived 15,490 votes to fill the vacancy in the Forty-seventh effective March 4, 1883, having been elected Senator. testants for this seat; by resolution of April 20, 1882, it Congress, no nomination having been made; the petition Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Matthew H. was declared that neither was entitled to qualify and seat was referred to the Committee on Elections, and on Janu- Carpenter, in preceding Congress, and took his seat March was declared vacant; on December 4, 1882, Mr. Caine sub- ary 17, 1883, a resolution was reported and adopted to the mitted a petition stating that on November 7, 1882, at the 14, 1881. effect that he was entitled to the seat; took his seat the same day. FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1883, TO MARCH 3, 1885

FIRST SESSION-December 3, 1883, to July 7, 1884 SECOND SESSION-December 1, 1884,to March 3, 1885



ALABAMA CALIFORNIA Edward W. Seymour, Litchfield SENATORS SENATORS DELAWARE John T. Morgan, Selma James T. Farley, Jackson James L. Pugh, Eufaula John F. Miller, San Francisco SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Thomas F. Bayard, Wilmington REPRESENTATIVES Eli Saulsbury, Dover Thomas H. Herndon,8 Mobile William S. Rosecrans, San Francisco James H. Budd, Stocken REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE James T. Jones,9 Demopolis Charles B. Lore, Wilmington Hilary A. Herbert, Montgomery Barclay Henley, Santa Rosa William C. Oates, Abbeville Pleasant B. Tulley, Gilroy At Large-Charles A. Sumner, San FLORIDA Charles M. Shelley,'0 ,Selma SENATORS George H. Craig," Selma Francisco John R. Glascock, Oakland Charles W. Jones, Pensacola Thomas Williams, Wetumpka Wilkinson Call, Jacksonville Goldsmith W. Hewitt, Birmingham William H. Forney, Jacksonville COLORADO REPRESENTATIVES Luke Pryor, Athens SENATORS Robert H. M. Davidson, Quincy Nathaniel P. Hill, Denver Horatio Bisbee, Jr., Jacksonville ARKANSAS Thomas M. Bowen, Del Norte REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE GEORGIA SENATORS James B. Belford, Central City SENATORS Augustus H. Garland, Little Rock Joseph E. Brown, Atlanta James D. Walker, Fayetteville CONNECTICUT Alfred H. Colquitt, Atlanta REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS John C. Nicholls, Blacks hear Poindexter Dunn, Forest City Orville H. Platt, West Men den Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford Henry G. Turner, Quitman James K. Jones,'2 Washington Charles F. Crisp, Americus John H. Rogers, Fort Smith REPRESENTATIVES Hugh Buchanan, Newnan Samuel W. Peel, Bentonville William W. Eaton, Hartford Nathaniel J. Hammond, Atlanta At Large-Clifton R. Breckinridge, Charles L. Mitchell, New Haven James H. Blount, Macon Pine Bluff John T. Wait, Norwich Judson C. Clements, La Fayette

'Chester A. Arthur became President on the death of Elected December 4, 1883. "Served until January 9, 1885; succeeded by George H. James A. Garfield in preceding Congress. 'Elected December 4, 1883. Craig, who contested his election. 'Reelected January 14, 1884. Died March 28, 1883, before Congress assembled. "Successfully contested the election of Charles M. 'Elected December 18, 1883. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas H. Shelley, and took his seat January 9, 1885. 'Elected December 18, 1888. Herndon, and took his seat December 3, 1883. "Reelected to the Forty-ninth Congress, but tendered 'Elected December 3, 1883. his resignation February 19, 1885, having been elected Senator.

[220] Forty-Eighth Congress 221

Seaborn Reese, Sparta Jeremiah H. Murphy, Davenport Edward T. Lewis,26 Opelousas Allen D. Candler, Gainesville David B. Henderson, Dubuque At Large-Thomas Hardeman, Macon Luman H. Weller, Nashua MAINE James Wilson,'7 Traer SENATORS ILLINOIS Benjamin T. Frederick,'8 Eugene Hale, ElLsworth SENATORS Marshalitown William P. Frye, Lewiston John A. Logan, Chicago Marsena E. Cutts,'9 Oskaloosa REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield John C. Cook,2° Newton John A. Kásson,2' Des Moines Thomas B. Reed, Portland REPRESENTATIVES Hiram Y. Smith,22 Des Moines Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston Ransom W. Dunham, Chicago William P. Hepburn, Clarinda Charles A. Boutelle, Bangor John F. Finerty, Chicago William H. M. Pusey, Council Bluffs Seth L. Milliken, Belfast George R. Davis, Chicago Adoniram J. Holmes, Boone George E. Adams, Chicago Isaac S. Struble, Le Mars MARYLAND

Reuben Ellwood, Sycamore - SENATORS Robert R. Hitt, Mount Morris KANSAS James B. Groome, Elkton Thomas J. Henderson, Princeton SENATORS Arthur Pue Gorman, Laurel William Cullen, Ottawa Lewis E. Payson, Pontiac John J. Ingalls, Atchison REPRESENTATIVES Nicholas E. Worthington, Peoria Preston B. Plumb, Emporia George W. Covington, Snow Hill William H. Neece, Macomb REPRESENTATIVES J. Fred. C. Talbott, Towsontown James M. Riggs, Winchester John A. Anderson, -Manhattan Fetter S. Hoblitzell, Baltimore William M. Springer, Springfield Dudley C. Haskell,23 Lawrence John V. L. Findlay, Baltimore Jonthan H. Rowell, Bloomington Edward H. Funston,'4 lola Hart B. Holton, Powhatan Joseph G. Cannon, Danville Thomas Ryan, Topeka Louis E. McComas, Hagerstown Aaron Shaw, Olney At Large-Edmund N. Morrill, Samuel W. Moulton, Shelbyville Hiawatha MASSACHUSETTS William R. Morrison, Waterloo Lewis Hanback, Osborne - SENATORS Richard W. Townshend, Shawneetown Samuel R. Peters,25 Newton Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield John R. Thomas, Metropolis Bishop W. Perkins, Oswego George F. Hoar, Worcester

- REPRESENTATIVES INDIANA KENTUCKY Robert T. Davis, Fall River SENATORS SENATORS John D. Long, Hingham Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute James B. Beck, Lexington Ambrose A. Ranney, Boston Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis John S. Williams, Mount Sterling Patrick A. Collins, Boston REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Leopold Morse, Boston Henry B. Levering, Lynn John J. Kleiner, Evansville Oscar Turner, Oscar - Thomas R. Cobb, Vincennes James F. Clay, Henderson Eben F. Stone, Newburyport Strother M. Stockslager, Corydon John E. Halsell, Bowling Green William A. Russell, Lawrence William S. Holman, Aurora Thomas A. Robertson, Elizabethtown Theodore Lyman, Brookline Courtland C. Matson, Greencastle Albert S. Willis, Louisville William W. Rice, Worcester Thomas M. Browne, Winchester John G. Carlisle, Covington William Whiting, Holyoke Stanton J. Peelle,'3 Indianapolis Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles George D. Robinson,27 Chicopee William E. English,'4 Indianapolis Philip B. Thompson, Jr., Harrodsburg Francis W. Rockwell,28 Pittsfield John E. Lamb, Terre Haute William W. Culbertson, Ashland Thomas B. Ward, La Fayette John D. White, Manchester MICHIGAN Thomas J. Wood, Crown Point Frank L. Wolford, Columbia SENATORS George W. Steele, Marion Omar D. Conger, Port Huron Robert Lowry, Fort Wayne LOUISIANA Thomas W. Palmer., Detroit William H. Calkins," Laporte SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin F. Shively,'6 South Bend Benjamin F. Jonas, New Orleans William C. Maybury, Detroit Randall L. Gibson, New Orleans IOWA Nathaniel B. Eldredge, Adrian REPRESENTATIVES Edward S. Lacey, Charlotte SENATORS Carleton Hunt, New Orleans George L. Yaple, Mendon William B. Allison, Dubuque E. John Ellis, New Orleans Julius Houseman, Grand Rapids James F. Wilson, Fairfield William Pitt Kellogg, New Orleans Edwin B. Winans, Hamburg REPRESENTATIVES Newton C. I3lanchard, Shreveport Ezra C. Carleton, Port Huron Moses A. McCoid, Fairfield J. Floyd King, Vidalia Roswell G. Horr, East Saginaw

i3Served until May 22, 1884; succeeded by William E. Successfully contested the election of James Wilson, ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Dudley C. English, who contested his election. and took his seat March 3, 1885. Haskell, and took his seat March 21 1884. Died August 31, 1883, before Congress assembled. 2Election unsuccessfully contested by Samuel N. Wood. "Successfully contested the election of Stanton J. 5Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Peelle, and took his seat May 22, 1884. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Marsena E. tive-elect Andrew S. Herron (November 27, 1882, before "Resigned October 20, 1884. Cutts, and took his seat December 3, 1883. the beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- ' Resigned July 13, 1884. December 3, 1883. liam H. Calkins, and took his seat December 1, 1884. 55Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Resigned January 7, 1884. '- Served until March 3, 1885 (closing day of the Con- A. Kasson, and took his seat December 2, 1884. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of gress); succeeded by Benjamin T. Frederick, who contested ' Died December 16, 1883. George D. Robinson, and took his seat January 26, 1884. his election. 222 Biographical Directory

MICHIGANContinued Edward K. Valentine, West Point Newton W. Nutting, Oswego REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED Frank Hiscock, Syracuse NEVADA Sereno E. Payne, Auburn Byron M. Cutcheon, Manistee SENATORS James W. Wadsworth, Geneseo Herschel H. Hatch, Bay City John P. Jones, Gold Hill Stephen C. Millard, Binghamton Edward Breitung, Negaunee James G. Fair, Virginia City John Arnot, Jr., Elmira REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Halbert S. Greenleaf, Rochester MINNESOTA Robert S. Stevens, Attica SENATORS George W. Cassidy, Eureka William F. Rogers, Buffalo Samuel J. R. McMillan, St. Paul Francis B. Brewer, Westfield Dwight M. Sabin, Stiliwater NEW HAMPSHIRE At LargeHenry W. Slocum, Brooklyn SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Henry W. Blair, Manchester NORTH CAROLINA Milo White, Chatfield Austin F. Pike, Franklin James B. Wakefield, Blue Earth City SENATORS Horace B. Strait, Shakopee REPRESENTATIVES Martin A. Haynes, Lake Village Matt W. Ransom, Weldon William D. Washburn, Minneapolis Zebulon B. Vance, Charlotte , Alexandria Ossian Ray, Lancaster REPRESENTATIVES MISSISSIPPI NEW JERSEY Walter F. Pool,3° Elizabeth SENATORS SENATORS Thomas G. Skinner,31 Hertford Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Oxford John R. McPherson, Jersey City James E. O'Hara, Enfield James Z. George, Jackson William J. Sewell, Camden Wharton J. Green, Fayetteville REPRESENTATIVES William R. Cox, Raleigh REPRESENTATIVES Alfred M. Scales,32 Greensboro Henry L. Muidrow, Starkville Thomas M. Ferrell, Glass boro James W. Reid,83 Wentworth James R. Chalmers,29 Sardis J. Hart Brewer, Trenton Clement Dowd, Charlotte Elza Jeffords, Mayersuille John Kean, Elizabeth Tyre York, Trap Hill Hernando D. Money, Winona Benjamin F. Howey, Columbia Robert B. Vance, Asheville Otho R. Singleton, Forest William W. Phelps, Englewood At LargeRisden T. Bennett, Henry S. Van Eaton, Woodville William H. F. Fiedler, Newark Wades boro Ethelbert Barksdale, Jackson William McAdoo, Jersey City MISSOURI NEW YORK OHIO SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg Warner Miller, Herkimer George H. Pendleton, Cincinnati George G. Vest, Kansas City Elbridge G. Lapham, Canandaigua John Sherman, Mansfield REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William H. Hatch, Hannibal Perry Belmont, Babylon John F. Follett, Cincinnati Armstead M. Alexander, Paris William E. Robinson, Brooklyn Isaac M. Jordan, Cincinnati Alexander M. Dockery, Gallatin Darwin R. James, Brooklyn Robert M. Murray, Piqua James N. Burnes, St. Joseph Felix Campbell, Brooklyn Benjamin Le Fevre, Maplewood Alexander Graves, Lexington Nicholas Muller, New York City George E. Seney, Tiffin John Cosgrove, Boonville Samuel S. Cox, New York City William D Hill, Defiance Aylett H. Buckner, Mexico William Dorsheimer, New York City Henry L. Morey,34 Hamilton John J. O'Neill, St. Louis John J. Adams, New York City James E. Campbell,35 Hamilton James 0. Broadhead, St. Louis John Hardy, New York City J. Warren Keifer, Springfield Martin L. Clardy, Farmington Abram S. Hewitt, New York City James S. Robinson,86 Kenton Richard P. Bland, Lebanon Orlando B. Potter, New York City Frank H. Hurd, Toledo Charles H. Morgan, Lamar Waldo Hutchins, Kings bridge John W. McCormick, Gallipolis Robert W. Fyan, Marshfield John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains Alphonso Hart, Hillsboro Lowndes H. Davis, Jackson Lewis Beach, Cornwall George L. Converse, Columbus John H. Bagley, Jr., Catskill George W. Geddes, Mansfield NEBRASKA Thomas J. Van Alstyne, Albany Adoniram J. Warner, Marietta SENATORS Henry G. Burleigh, Whitehall Beriah Wilkins, Urichsville Frederick A. Johnson, Glens Falls Joseph D. Taylor,37 Cambridge Charles H. Van Wyck, Nebraska City Abraham X. Parker, Potsdam Charles F. Manderson, Omaha William McKinley, Jr.,38 Canton Edward Wemple, Fultonville Jonathan H. Wallace,39 New Lisbon REPRESENTATIVES George W. Ray, Chenango Ezra B. Taylor, Warren Archibald J. Weaver, Falls City Charles R. Skinner, Watertown David R. Paige, Akron James Laird, Hastings John T. Springgs, Utica Martin A. Foran, Cleveland

25 Credentials of election regularly issued to Vannoy H. lution declaring Chalmers duly elected, which was adopted '°Served until June 20, 1884; succeeded by James E. Manning were not filed with Clerk of the House, but were by the House June 25, 1884; took his seat the same day. Campbell, who contested his election. presented on December 3, 1883, and referred, with papers °° Died August 25, 1883, before Congress assembled. '° Successfully contestedtheelection of Henry L. of contest by James R. Chalmers, to the Committee on " Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Walter F. Morey, and took his seat June 20, 1884. Elections for report as to the prima facie right of one of Pool, and took his seat December 19, 1883. Resigned January 12, 1885. the contestants; the committee was discharged from fur- Resigned December 30, 1884, to become governor. 37 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- ther consideration of the question of prima facie right on " Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alfred tive-elect Jonathan T. Updegraff, in preceding Congress. February 15, 1884, and on June 20, 1884, reported a reso- °°Served until May 27, 1884; succeeded by Jonathan H. M. Scales, and took his seat January 28, 1885. Wallace, who contested his election. Successfully contested the election of William McKin- ley, Jr., and took his seat May 27, 1884. Forty-Eighth Congress 223

OREGON SOUTH CAROUNA Justin S. Morrill, Strafford REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS SENATORS James H. Slater, La Grande Matthew C. Butler, Edgefield John W. Stewart, Middlebury Joseph N. Doiph, Portland Wade Hampton, Columbia Luke P. Poland, St. Johns bury REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES VIRGINIA Melvin C. George, Portland Samuel Dibble, Orange burg George D. Tillman, ilarks Hill SENATORS PENNSYLVANIA D. Wyatt Aiken, Cokesbury William Mahone, Petersburg SENATORS John H. Evins,47 Spartanburg Harrison H. Riddleberger, Woodstock J. Donald Cameron, Harrisburg John Bratton,48 White Oak REPRESENTATIVES John I. Mitchell, Wellsboro John J. Hemphill, Chester Robert M. Mayo,5' Hague REPRESENTATIVES George W. Dargan, Darlington George T. Garrison,52 Accomac Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia Edmund W. M. Mackey,49 Berkeley Harry Libbey, Old Point Comfort Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia Robert Smalls,5° Beaufort George D. Wise, Richmond Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia Benjamin S. Hooper, Farmville William D. Kelley, Philadelphia TENNESSEE George C. Cabell, Danville Alfred C. Harmer, Philadelphia SENATORS John R. Tucker, Lexington James B. Everhart, West Chester Isham G. Harris, Memphis John Paul,53 Harrisonburg I. Newton Evans, Hat boro Howell E. Jackson, Nashville Charles T. O'Ferrall,54 Harrisonburg Daniel Ermentrout, Reading John S. Barbour, Alexandria A. Herr Smith, Lancaster REPRESENTATIVES , Tazewell William Mutchier, Easton Augustus H. Pettibone, Greeneville At Large-John S. Wise, Richmond John B. Storm, Stroudeburg Leonidas C. Houk, Knoxville Daniel W. Connolly, Scranton George G. Dibrell, Sparta WEST VIRGINIA Charles N. Brumm, Miners yule Benton McMillin, Carthage SENATORS Richard Warner, Lewisburg Samuel F. Barr, Harrisburg Johnson N. Camden, Parkersburg George A. Post, Susquehanna Andrew J. Caldwell, Nashville John E. Kenna, Kanawha William W. Brown, Bradford John G. Ballentine, Pulaski Jacob M. Campbell, Johnstown John M. Taylor, Lexington REPRESENTATIVES Louis E. Atkinson, Mifflintown Rice A. Pierce, Union City Nathan Goff, Jr., Clarksburg William A. Duncan,4° Gettysburg H. Casey Young, Memphis William L. Wilson, Charles Town John A. Swope,4' Gettysburg Charles P. Snyder,55 Charleston Andrew G. Curtin, Bellefonte TEXAS Eustace Gibson, Huntington Charles E. Boyle, Uniontown SENATORS WISCONSIN James H. Hopkins, Pittsburgh Samuel B. Maxey, Paris Thomas M. Bayne, Allegheny Richard Coke, Waco SENATORS George V. Lawrence, Monongahela REPRESENTATIVES Angus Cameron, La Crosse John D. Patton, Indiana Philetus Sawyer, Oshkosh Samuel H. Miller, Mercer Charles Stewart, Houston Samuel M. Brainerd, Erie John H. Reagan, Palestine REPRESENTATIVES At Large-Mortimer F. Elliott, James H. Jones, Henderson John Winans, Janesville Wells boro David B. Culberson, Jefferson Daniel H. Sumner, Waukesha James W. Throckmorton, McKinney Burr W. Jones, Madison RHODE ISLAND Olin Weliborn, Dallas Peter V. Deuster, Milwaukee SENATORS Thomas P. Ochiltree, Galveston Joseph Rankin, Manitowoc James F. Miller, Gonzales Richard W. Guenther, Oshkosh Henry B. Anthony,42 Providence Gilbert M. Woodward, La Crosse William P. Sheffield,43 Newport Roger Q. Mills, Corsicana John Hancock, Austin William T Price, Black River Falls Jonathan Chace,44 Providence Isaac Stephenson, Marinette Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Samuel W. T. Lanham, Weatherford REPRESENTATIVES VERMONT TERRITORY OF ARIZONA Henry J. Spooner, Providence DELEGATE Jonathan Chace,45 Providence SENATORS Nathan F. Dixon,46 Westerly George F. Edmunds, Burlington Granville H. Oury, Florence

Resigned January 26, 1885, having been elected Sena- 1Served until March 20, 1884; succeeded by George T. 40Died November 14, 1884, before the commencement of Garrison, who contested his election. the Forty-ninth Congress, to which he had been reelected. tor. ° Successfully contested the election of Robert M. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William A. 46Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jona- Mayo, and took his seat March 20, 1884. Duncan, and took his seat January 5, 1885. than Chace, and took his seat February 12, 1885. Resigned September 5, 1883, before Congress assem- Died September 2, 1884. Died October 20, 1884. bled; succeeded by Charles T. O'Ferrall, who contested his 45Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry B. -5Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John H. election. Anthony; took his seat December 2, 1884. Evins, and took his seat December 8, 1884. Successfully contested the election of John Paul, and Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry B. Died January 27, 1884. took his seat May 5, 1884. Anthony, and took his seat January 26, 1885. 9°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edmund W. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- M. Mackey, and took his seat March 31, 1884. sentative-elect John E. Henna, in preceding Congress, and took his seat December 3, 1883. 224 Biographical Directory

TERRITORY OF DAKOTA TERRITORY OF NEW TERRITORY OF DELEGATE MEXICO WASHINGTON John B. Raymond, Fargo DELEGATE DELEGATE TERRITORY OF IDAHO Tranquilino Luna,57 Los Lunas Thomas H. Brents, Walla Walla DELEGATE Francisco A. Manzanares,58 Las Vegas Theodore F. Singiser, Boise City TERRITORY OF WYOMING TERRITORY OF UTAH TERRITORY OF MONTANA DELEGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE Morton E. Post, Cheyenne Martin Maginnis,°6 Helena John T. Caine, Salt Lake City

Election unsuccessfully contested by A. C. Botkin. "Served until March 5, 1884; succeeded by Francisco A. SSuccessfully contested the election of Tranquilino Manzanares, who contested his election. Luna, and took his seat March 5, 1884. FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1885, TO MARCH 3, 1887

FIRST SESSION-December 7, 1885, to August 5, 1886 SECOND SESSION-December 6, 1886, to March 3, 1887 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1885, to April 2, 1885



ALABAMA CALIFORNIA Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John T. Morgan, Selma John F. Miller,9 San Francisco John R. Buck, Hartford James L. Pugh, Eufaula George Hearst,'° San Francisco Charles L. Mitchell, New Haven REPRESENTATIVES Abram P. Williams," San Francisco John T. Wait, Norwich James T. Jones, Demopolis Leland Stanford, San Francisco Edward W. Seymour, Litchfield Hilary A. Herbert, Montgomery REPRESENTATIVES William C. Oates, Abbeville Barclay Henley, Santa Rosa DELAWARE Alexander C. Davidson, Uniontown James A. Louttit, Stockton SENATORS Thomas W. Sadler, Prattville Joseph McKenna, Suisun John M. Martin, Tuscaloosa William W. Morrow, San Francisco Thomas F. Bayard,'2 Wilmington William H. Forney, Jacksonville Charles N. Felton, San Francisco ,'3 New Castle Joseph Wheeler, Wheeler Henry H. Markham, Pasadena Eli Saulsbury, Dover REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE ARKANSAS COLORADO Charles B. Lore, Wilmington SENATORS SENATORS Augustus H. Garland,6 Little Rock Thomas M. Bowen, Del Norte FLORIDA James H. Berry,7 Bentonville Henry M. Teller, Central City James K. Jones, Washington SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATiVES Charles W. Jones, Pensacola Poindexter Dunn, Forest City George G. Symes, Denver Wilkinson Call, Jacksonville Clifton R. Breckinridge, Pine Bluff CONNECTICUT REPRESENTATIVES Thomas C. McRae,8 Prescott John H. Rogers, Fort Smith SENATORS Robert H. M. Davidson, Quincy Samuel W. Peel, Bentonville Orville H. Platt, Meriden Charles Dougherty, Port Orange

Died March 8, 1886. Died November 25, 1885. 6Resigned March 6, 1885, having been appointed Attor- Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John F. 2 Elected December 7, 1885; resinged, effective February ney General. Miller, and took his seat Apnl 9, 1886. 26, 1827. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Augus- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John F. Elected February 25 1887. tus H. Garland, and took his seat March 25, 1885. Miller, and took his seat December 6, 1886. Reelected December 7, 1885. 8Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- iil?.esig,led March 6, 1885, having been appointed Secre- 'Reelected December 7, 1885. sentative-elect James K. Jones, in preceding Congress, and tary of State. took his seat December 7, 1885. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Thomas F. Bayard, and took his seat March 19, 1885.

[225] 226 Biographical Directory

GEORGIA Thomas B. Ward, La Fayette James B. Eustis, New Orleans SENATORS William D. Owen, Logansport George W. Steele,18 Marion REPRESENTATIVES Joseph E. Brown, Atlanta Louis St. Martin, New Orleans Alfred H. Colquitt, Atlanta Robert Lowry, Fort Wayne George Ford, South Bend Michael Hahn,'° New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES Nathaniel D. Wallace,2' New Orleans Thomas M. Norwood, Savannah IOWA Edward J. Gay, Plaquemine Henry G. Turner, Quitman Newton C. Blanchard, Shreveport Charles F. Crisp, Americus SENATORS J. Floyd King, Vidalia Henry R. Harris, Greenville William B. Allison, Dubuque Alfred B. Irion, Marksville Nathaniel J. Hammond, Atlanta James F. Wilson, Fairfield James H. Blount, Macon REPRESENTATIVES MAINE Judson C. Clements, La Fayette Benton J. Hall, Burlington SENATORS Seaborn Reese, Sparta Jeremiah H. Murphy, Davenport Allen D. Candler, Gainesville Eugene Hale, Ellsworth David B. Henderson, Dubuque William P. Frye, Lewiston George T. Barnes, Augusta William E. Fuller, West Union Benjamin T. Frederick, Marshailtown REPRESENTATIVES ILLINOIS James B. Weaver,'9 Bloomfield Thomas B. Reed, Portland SENATORS Edwin H. Conger, Des Moines Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston John A. Logan,14 Chicago William P. Hepburn, Clarinda Seth L. Milliken, Belfast Charles B. Farwell," Chicago Joseph Lyman, Council Bluffs Charles A. Boutelle, Bangor Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield Adoniram J. Holmes, Boone REPRESENTATIVES Isaac S. Struble, Le Mars MARYLAND Ransom W. Dunham, Chicago SENATORS Frank Lawler, Chicago KANSAS Arthur Pue Gorman, Laurel James H. Ward, Chicago SENATORS Ephraim K. Wilson, Snow Hill George E. Adams, Chicago John J. Ingalls, Atchison REPRESENTATIVES Reuben Ellwood,'6 Sycamore Preston B. Plumb, Emporia Charles H. Gibson, Easton Albert J. Hopkins,'7 Aurora REPRESENTATIVES Frank T. Shaw, Westminster Robert R. Hitt, Mount Morris Edmund N. Morrill, Hiawatha William H. Cole," Baltimore Thomas J. Henderson, Princeton Edward H. Funston, lola Harry W. Rusk," Baltimore Ralph Plumb, Streator John V. L. Findlay, Baltimore Lewis E. Payson, Pontiac Bishop W. Perkins, Oswego Thomas Ryan, Topeka Barnes Compton, Laurel Nicholas E. Worthington, Peoria Louis E. McComas, Hagerstown William H. Neece, Macomb John A. Anderson, Manhattan Lewis Hanback, Osborne James M. Riggs, Winchester MASSACHUSETTS William M. Springer, Springfield Samuel R. Peters, Newton Jonathan H. Rowell, Bloomington SENATORS Joseph G. Cannon, Danville KENTUCKY Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield Silas Z. Landes, Mount Carmel SENATORS George F. Hoar, Worcester John R. Eden, Sullivan James B. Beck, Lexington REPRESENTATIVES William R. Morrison, Waterloo Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles Robert T. Davis, Fall River Richard W. Townshend, Shawneetown REPRESENTATIVES John D. Long, Hingham John R. Thomas, Metropolis William J. Stone, Kuttawa Ambrose A. Ranney, Boston Polk Laffoon, Madisonville Patrick A. Collins, Boston INDIANA John E. Halsell, Bowling Green Edward D. Hayden, Woburn SENATORS Thomas A. Robertson, Eliza bet htown Henry B. Levering, Lynn Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute Albert S. Willis, Louisville Eben F. Stone, Newburyport Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis John G. Carlisle, Covington Charles H. Allen, Lowell REPRESENTATIVES William C. P. Breckinridge, Lexington Frederick D. Ely, Ded ham John J. Kleiner, Evansville James B. McCreary, Richmond William W. Rice, Worcester Thomas R. Cobb, Vincennes William H. Wadsworth, Maysville William Whiting, Holyoke Jonas G. Howard, Jeffersonville William P. Taulbee, Saylersville Francis W. Rockwell, Pittsfield William S. Holman, Aurora Frank L. Wolford, Columbia Courtland C. Matson, Greencastle MICHIGAN Thomas M. Browne, Winchester LOUISIANA SENATORS William D Bynum, Indianapolis SENATORS Omar D. Conger, Port Huron James T. Johnston, Rockville Randall L. Gibson, New Orleans Thomas W. Palmer, Detroit

14 Died December 26, 1886. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Reuben 15 Election unsuccessfully contested by Frank G. Camp- '5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John A. Ellwood, and took his seat December 7, 1885. bell. Logan, and took his seat January 25, 1887. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Meredith H. ° Died March 15, 1886. 'Died July 1, 1885, before Congress assembled. Kidd. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Michael Hahn, and took his seat December 9, 1886. "Died July 8, 1886. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William H. Cole, and took his seat December 6, 1886. Forty-Ninth Congress 227

REPRESENTATIVES Richard P. Bland, Lebanon Archibald M. Bliss, Brooklyn William C. Maybury, Detroit William J. Stone, Nevada Nicholas Muller, New York City Nathaniel B. Eldredge, Adrian William H. Wade, Springfield John J. Adams, New York City James O'Donnell, Jackson William Dawson, New Madrid Samuel S. Cox,3° New York City Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo Timothy J. Campbell31 New York City Charles C. Comstock, Grand Rapids NEBRASKA Joseph Pulitzer,32 New York City Edwin B. Winans, Hamburg SENATORS Samuel S. Cox,33 New York City Ezra C. Carleton, Port Huron Charles H. Van Wyck, Nebraska City Abram S. Hewitt,34 New York City Timothy E. Tarsney, East Saginaw Charles F. Manderson, Omaha Truman A. Merriman, New York City Byron M. Cutcheon, Manistee Abraham Dowdney,35 New York City REPRESENTATIVES Egbert L. Viele, New York City Spencer 0. Fisher, West Bay City Archibald J. Weaver, Falls City Seth C. Moffatt, Traverse City William G. Stahlnecker, Yonkers James Laird, Hastings Lewis Beach,36 Cornwall MINNESOTA George W. E. Dorsey, Fremont Henry Bacon,37 Goshen John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains SENATORS NEVADA James G. Lindsley, Rondout Samuel J. R. McMillan, St. Paul SENATORS Henry G. Burleigh, Whitehall Dwight M. Sabin, Stiliwater John P. Jones, Gold Hill John Swinburne, Albany REPRESENTATIVES James G. Fair, Virginia City George West, Baliston Spa Milo White, Chatfield REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Frederick A. Johnson, Glens Falls James B. Wakefield, Blue Earth City William Woodburn, Virginia City Abraham X. Parker, Potsdam Horace B. Strait, Shakopee John T. Spriggs,' Utica John B. Gilfillan, Minneapolis NEW HAMPSHIRE John S. Pindar, Cobleskill Knute Nelson, Alexandria Frank Hiscock,38 Syracuse SENATORS Stephen C. Millard, Binghamton MISSISSIPPI Austin F. Pike,26 Franklin Sereno E. Payne, Auburn Person C. Cheney,27 Manchester SENATORS John Arnot, Jr.,39 Elmira Henry W. Blair,28 Manchester Ira Davenport, Bath Lucius Q. C. Lamar,24 Oxford REPRESENTATIVES Edward C. Walthall,25 Grenada Charles S. Baker, Rochester James Z. George, Jackson Martin A. Haynes, Lake Village John G. Sawyer, Albion Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord John M. Farquhar, Buffalo REPRESENTATIVES John B. Weber, Buffalo John M. Allen, Tupelo NEW JERSEY Walter L. Sessions, Jamestown James B. Morgan, Hernando SENATORS Thomas C. Catchings, Vicksburg NORTH CAROLINA Frederick G. Barry, West Point John R. McPherson, Jersey City Otho R. Singleton, Forest William J. Sewell, Camden SENATORS Henry S. Van Eaton, Woodville REPRESENTATIVES Matt W. Ransom, Weldon Ethelbert Barksdale, Jackson George Hires, Salem Zebulon B. Vance, Charlotte James Buchanan, Trenton REPRESENTATIVES MISSOURI Robert S. Green,29 Elizabeth Thomas G. Skinner, Hertford SENATORS James N. Pidcock, Whitehouse Station William W. Phelps, Englewood James E. O'Hara, Enfield Francis M. Cockrell, Warrenburg Wharton J. Green, Fayetteville George G. Vest, Kansas City Herman Lehlbach, Newark William McAdoo, Jersey City William R. Cox, Raleigh REPRESENTATIVES James W. Reid,4° Wentworth William H. Hatch, Hannibal NEW YORK Risden T. Bennett, Wadesboro John B. Hale, Carroliton SENATORS John S. Henderson, Salisbury Alexander M. Dockery, Gallatin William H. H. Cowles, Wilkesboro James N. Burnes, St. Joseph Warner Miller, Herkimer Thomas D. Johnston, Asheville William Warner, Kansas City William M. Evarts, New York City John T. Heard, Sedalia REPRESENTATIVES OHIO Perry Belmont, Babylon John E. Hutton, Mexico SENATORS John J. O'Neill, St. Louis Felix Campbell, Brooklyn John M. Glover, St. Louis Darwin R. James, Brooklyn John Sherman, Mansfield Martin L. Clardy, Farmington Peter P. Mahoney, Brooklyn Henry B. Payne, Cleveland

84 Resigned December 30, 1886. Resigned March 6, 1885, having been appointed Secre- of the legislature; subsequently elected, and took his seat December 7, 1885. 25 Died December 10, 1886; seat vacant for remainder of tary of the Interior. 2 Resigned January 17, 1887, having been elected gov- the Congress. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ernor. ' Died August 10, 1886. Lucius Q. C. Lamar, and took his seat March 12, 1885 ° Resigned May 20, 1885, before Congress assembled, 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lewis (special session of the Senate); subsequently elected having been appointed minister to Turkey. Beach, and took his seat December 6, 1886. Died October 8, 1886. ' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Reelected to the Fiftieth Congress, but resigned, 28 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Austin Samuel S. Cox, and took his seat December?, 1885. having been elected Senator. F. Pike, and took his seat December 7, 1886. Resigned April 10, 1886. 59 Died November 20, 1886; seat vacant for remainder of 25 Appointed March 5, 1885, to fill vacancy in the term ' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of the Congress. beginning March 4, 1885, to serve until the next meeting Joseph Pultizer, and took his seat December 6, 1886. ° Resigned December 31, 1886. 228 Biographical Directory

OHIOContinued Louis E. Atkinson, Mifflintown TEXAS REPRESENTATIVES John A. Swope,43 Gettysburg Andrew G. Curtin, Bellefonte SENATORS Benjamin Butterworth, Cincinnati Charles E. Boyle, Uniontown Samuel B. Maxey, Paris Charles E. Brown, Cincinnati Richard Coke, Waco James E. Campbell, Hamilton James S. Negley, Pittsburgh Charles M. Anderson, Greenville Thomas M. Bayne, Allegheny REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin Le Fevre, Maplewood Oscar L. Jackson, New Castle Charles Stewart, Houston William D. Hill, Defiance Alexander C. White, Brookville John H. Reagan,48 Palestine George E. Seney, Tiffin George W. Fleeger, Butler James H. Jones, Henderson John Little, Xenia William L. Scott, Erie David B. Culberson, Jefferson William C. Cooper, Mount Vernon At LargeEdwin S. Osborne, Wilkes- James W. Throckmorton, McKinney Jacob Romeis,41 Toledo Barre Olin Wellborn, Dallas William W. Ellsberry, Georgetown William H. Cram, Cuero Albert C. Thompson, Portsmouth RHODE ISLAND James F. Miller, Gonzales Joseph H. Outhwaite, Columbus SENATORS Roger Q. Mills, Corsicana Charles H. Grosvenor, Athens Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Joseph D. Sayers, Bastrop Beriah Wilkins, Uhrichsville Jonathan Chace, Providence Samuel W. T. Lanham, Weatherford George W. Geddes, Mansfield REPRESENTATIVES Adoniram J. Warner, Marietta VERMONT Isaac H. Taylor, Carroliton Henry J. Spooner, Providence Ezra B. Taylor, Warren William A. Pirce,44 Olneyville SENATORS William McKinley, Jr. Canton Charles H. Page,45 Scituate George F. Edmunds, Burlington Martin A. Foran, Cleveland Justin S. Morrill, Strafford SOUTH CAROLINA REPRESENTATIVES OREGON SENATORS John W. Stewart, Middlebury SENATORS Matthew C. Butler, Edgefield William W. Grout, Barton Joseph N. Dolph, Portland Wade Hampton, Columbia John H. Mitchell,42 Portland REPRESENTATIVES VIRGINIA REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Samuel Dibble, Orangeburg SENATORS Binger Hermann, Roseburg George D. Tiliman, Edgefield William Mahone, Petersburg D. Wyatt Aiken, Cokesbury Harrison H. Riddleberger, Woodstock PENNSYLVANIA William H. Perry, Greenville REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS John J. Hemphill, Chester J. Donald Cameron, Harrisburg George W. Dargan, Darlington Thomas Croxton, Tappahannock Robert Smalls, Beaufort Harry Libbey, Old Point Comfort John I. Mitchell, Wellsboro George D. Wise, Richmond REPRESENTATIVES TENNESSEE James D. Brady, Petersburg Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia George C. Cabell, Danville Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia SENATORS John W. Daniel, Lynchburg Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia Isham G. Harris, Memphis Charles T. O'Ferrall, Harrisonburg William D. Kelley, Philadelphia Howell E. Jackson,46 Nashville John S. Barbour, Alexandria Alfred C. Harmer, Philadelphia Washington C. Whitthorne,47 Connally F. Trigg, Abingdon James B. Everhart, West Chester Columbia, John R. Tucker, Lexington I. Newton Evans, Hat boro REPRESENTATIVES Daniel Ermentrout, Reading Augustus H. Pettibone, Greeneville WEST VIRGINIA John A. Hiestand, Lancaster Leonidas C. Houk, Knoxville SENATORS William H. Sowden, Allentown John R. Neal, Rhea Springs John B. Storm, Stroudsburg Benton McMillin, Carthage Johnson N. Camden, Parke rs burg Joseph A. Scranton, Scranton James D. Richardson, Murfreesboro John E. Kenna, Charleston Charles N. Brumm, Minersville Andrew J. Caldwell, Nashville REPRESENTATIVES Franklin Bound, Milton John G. Ballentine, Pulaski Nathan Goff, Jr., Clarks burg Frank C. Bunnell, Tunkhannock John M. Taylor, Lexington William L. Wilson, Charles Town William W. Brown, Bradford Presley T. Glass, Ripley Charles P. Snyder, Charleston Jacob M. Campbell, Johnstown Zachary Taylor, Covington Eustace Gibson, Huntington

' Election unsuccessfully contested by Frank H. Hurd. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- "Elected to fill vacancy caused by declaring the seat of 42Elected to fill vacancy in term beginning March 4, tive-elect William A. Duncan, in preceding Congress, and William A. Pirce vacant, and took his seat February 25, 1885, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took his took his seat December 7, 1885. 1887. seat December 17, 1885; vacancy in this class from March "Served until January 25, 1887, when seat was de- Resigned April 14, 1886, to become United States cir- 4, 1885, to November 17, 1885. clared vacant. cuit judge, sixth circuit. "Appñnted to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Howell E. Jackson, and took his seat April 26, 1886; subse- quently elected. ' Reelected to the Fiftieth Congress, but resigned, having been elected Senator. Forty-Ninth Congress 229

WISCONSIN TERRITORY OF ARIZONA TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO DELEGATE SENATORS DELEGATE Curtis C. Bean, Prescott Philetus Sawyer, Oshkosh Antonio Joseph, Ojo Caliente John C. Spooner, Hudson TERRITORY OF DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF UTAH DELEGATE Lucien B. Caswell, Fort Atkinson DELEGATE Edward S. Bragg, Fond du Lac Oscar S. Gifford, '2anton John T. Caine, Salt Lake City Robert M. La Follette, Madison TERRITORY OF IDAHO TERRITORY OF Isaac W. Van Schaick, Milwaukee WASHINGTON Joseph Rankin,49 Manitowoc DELEGATE DELEGATE Thomas R. Hudd,5° Green Bay John Hailey, Boise City Richard W. Guenther, Oshkosh Charles S. Voorhees, Colfax Ormsby B. Thomas, Prairie du Chien TERRITORY OF MONTANA TERRITORY OF WYOMING William T. Price,5' Black River Falls DELEGATE Hugh H. Price,52 Black River Falls DELEGATE Isaac Stephenson, Marinette Joseph K. Toole, Helena Joseph M. Carey, Cheyenne

5'Died December6, 1886,before the commencement of Died January 24,1886. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph the Fiftieth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Rankin, and took his seat March8, 1886. 5°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, William T. Price, and took his seat February 2,1887. FIFTIETH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1887, TO MARCH 3, 1889

FIRST SESSIONDecember 5, 1887, to October 20, 1888 SECOND SESSIONDecember 3, 1888, to March 3, 1889



ALABAMA George Hearst, San Francisco George Gray, New Castle SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John T. Morgan, Selma Thomas L. Thompson, Santa Rosa John B. Penington, Dover James L. Pugh, Eufaula Marion Biggs, Gridley Joseph McKenna, Suisun REPRESENTATIVES William W. Morrow, San Francisco FLORIDA James T. Jones, Demopolis Charles N. Felton, San Francisco SENATORS Hilary A. Herbert, Montgomery William Vandever,5 San Buenaventura William C. Oates, Abbeville Wilkinson Call, Jacksonville Samuel Pasco,6 Monticello Alexander C. Davidson,4 Uniontown COLORADO James E. Cobb, Tuskegee REPRESENTATIVES John H. Bankhead, Fayette SENATORS Thomas M. Bowen, Del Norte Robert H. M. Davidson, Quincy William H. Forney, Jacksonville Charles Dougherty, Port Orange Joseph Wheeler, Wheeler Henry M. Teller, Central City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE GEORGIA ARKANSAS George G. Symes, Denver SENATORS SENATORS CONNECTICUT James K. Jones, Washington Joseph E. Brown, Atlanta SENATORS Alfred H. Colquitt, Atlanta James H. Berry, Bentonville Orville H. Platt, Meriden REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford Poindexter Dunn, Forest City Thomas M. Norwood, Savannah REPRESENTATIVES Henry G. Turner, Quitman Clifton R. Breckinridge, Pine Bluff Robert J. Vance, New Britain Thomas C. McRae, Prescott Charles F. Crisp, Americus Carlos French, Seymour Thomas W. Grimes, Columbus John H. Rogers, Fort Smith Charles A. Russell, Killingly Samuel W. Peel, Bentonville John D. Stewart, Griffin Miles T. Granger, Canaan James H. Blount, Macon CALIFORNIA Judson C. Clements, Rome DELAWARE Henry H. Canton, Athens SENATORS SENATORS Allen D. Candler, Gainesville Leland Stanford, San Francisco Eli Saulsbury, Dover George T. Barnes, Augusta

'Vice President Thomas A. Hendricks died in preceding Elected May 19, 1887, and took his seat December 5, dent pro tempore Ingalls held that it should not be done, Congress. 1887; Jesse J. Finley was appointed by the Governor on as the appointment "was in anticipation of a vacancy, and 'Reelected December 5, 1887. February 28, 1887, to fill the vacancy existing after March not to fill a vacancy that existed, as contemplated by 'Reelected December 5, 1887. 4, 1887, until the next meeting of the legislature, but article 3 of the Constitution"; subsequently the Senate Election unsuccessfully contested by John V. McDuf- never qualified. Upon the request of the financial clerk of fie. the Senate for an opinion as to his authority to pay Mr. adopted a resolution to pay Mr. Finley for services ren- Election unsuccessfully contested by Joseph D. Lynch. Finley the salary due him as a Senator-designate, Pros,- dered from March 4 to May 19, 1887.

[230] Fiftieth Congress 231

ILLINOIS Isaac S. Struble, Le Mars Ephraim K Wilson, Snow Hill REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS KANSAS Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield Charles H. Gibson, Easton Charles B. Farwell, Chicago SENATORS Frank T. Shaw, Westminster John J. Ingalls, Atchison Harry W. Rusk, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES Preston B. Plumb, Emporia Isidor Rayner, Baltimore Ransom W. Dunham, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES Barnes Compton, Laurel Frank Lawler, Chicago Louis E. McComas, Hagerstown William E. Mason, Chicago Edmund N. Morrill, Hiawatha George E. Adams, Chicago Edward H. Funston, lola MASSACHUSETTS Bishop W. Perkins, Oswego Albert J. Hopkins, Aurora SENATORS Robert R. Hitt, Mount Morris Thomas Ryan, Topeka Thomas J. Henderson, Princeton John A. Anderson, Manhattan Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield Ralph Plumb, Streator Erastus J. Turner, Hoxie George F. Hoar, Worcester Lewis E. Payson, Pontiac Samuel R. Peters, Newton REPRESENTATIVES Philip S. Post,7 Gales burg Robert T. Davis, Fall River William H. Gest, Rock Island KENTUCKY John D. Long, Hingham George A. Anderson, Quincy SENATORS Leopold Morse, Boston William M. Springer, Springfield James B. Beck, Lexington Patrick A. Collins, Boston Jonathan H. Rowell, Bloomington Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles Edward D. Hayden, Woburn Joseph G. Cannon, Danville REPRESENTATIVES , Nahant Silas Z. Landes, Mount Carmel William J. Stone, Kuttawa , Salem Edward Lane, Hills boro Polk Laffoon, Madisonville Charles H. Allen, Lowell Jehu Baker, Belleville W. Godfrey Hunter, Burksville , Southboro Richard W. Townshend, Shawneetown Alexander B. Montgomery, John E. Russell, Leicester John R. Thomas, Metropolis Elizabeth town William Whiting, Holyoke Asher G. Caruth, Louisville Francis W. Rockwell, Pittsfield INDIANA John G. Carlisle," Covington SENATORS William C. P. Breckinridge, Lexington MICHIGAN Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute James B. McCreary, Richmond SENATORS David Turpie, Indianapolis George M. Thomas, Vanceburg Thomas W. Palmer, Detroit REPRESENTATIVES William P. Taulbee, Saylersville Francis B. Stockbridge, Kalamazoo Alvin P. Hovey,8 Mount Vernon Hugh F. Finley, Williamsburg REPRESENTATIVES Francis B. Posey,9 Poseyville J. Logan Chipman, Detroit John H. O'Neall, Washington LOUISIANA Edward P. Allen, Ypsilanti Jonas G. Howard, Jeffersonville SENATORS James O'Donnell, Jackson William S. Holman, Aurora Randall L. Gibson, New Orleans Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo Courtland C. Matson, Greencastle James B. Eustis, New Orleans Melbourne H. Ford, Grand Rapids Thomas M. Browne, Winchester REPRESENTATIVES Mark S. Brewer, Pontiac William D. Bynum, Indianapolis Theodore S. Wilkinson, Plaquemines Justin R. Whiting, St. Clair James T. Johnston, Rockville Parish Timothy E. Tarsney, East Saginaw Joseph B. Cheadle, Frankfort Matthew D. Lagan, New Orleans Byron M. Cutcheon, Manistee William D. Owen, Logansport Edward J. Gay, Plaquemine Spencer 0. Fisher, West Bay City George W. Steele, Marion Newton C. Blanchard, Shreveport Seth C. Moffatt,'4 Traverse City James B. White,'° Fort Wayne Cherubusco Newton, Bastrop Henry W. Seymour,'5 Sault Ste. Marie Benjamin F. Shively, South Bend Edward W. Robertson,'2 Baton Rouge Samuel M. Robertson,'3 Baton Rouge MINNESOTA IOWA SENATORS SENATORS MAINE Dwight M. Sabin, Stillwater William B. Allison, Dubuque SENATORS Cushman K. Davis, St. Paul James F. Wilson, Fairfield Eugene Hale, Ellsworth REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William P. Frye, Lewiston Thomas Wilson, Winona John H. Gear, Burlington REPRESENTATIVES , New Ulm Walter I. Hayes, Clinton Thomas B. Reed, Portland John L. MacDonald, Shakopee David B. Henderson, Dubuque Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston , St. Paul William E. Fuller, West Union Seth L. Milliken, Belfast Knute Nelson, Alexandria , Grundy Center Charles A. Boutelle, Bangor James B. Weaver, Bloomfield MISSISSIPPI Edwin H. Conger, Des Moines MARYLAND SENATORS Albert R. Anderson, Sidney Joseph Lyman, Council Bluffs SENATORS James Z. George, Jackson Adoniram J. Holmes, Boone Arthur Pue Gorman, Laurel Edward C. Waithall, Grenada

10Election unsuccessfully contested by Robert Lowry. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward W. 'Election unsuccessfully contested by Nicholas E. Wor- contested by George H. Robertson, and took his seat December 5, 1887. thington. "Electionunsuccessfully Died December 22, 1887. F.esigned January 17, 1889. Thobe. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Seth C. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alvin ii Died August 2, 1887, before Congress assembled. Moffatt, and took his seat March 3, 1888. P. Hovey, and took his seat February 6, 1889. 232 Biographical Directory

MISSISSIPPIContinued , Long Branch John M. Brower, Mount Airy REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Alfred Rowland, Lumberton John M. Allen, Tupelo George Hires, Salem John S. Henderson, Salisbury James B. Morgan, Hernando James Buchanan, Trenton William H. H. Cowles, Wilkesboro Thomas C. Catchings, Vicksburg John Kean, Elizabeth Thomas D. Johnston, Asheville Frederick G. Barry, West Point James N. Pidcock, Whitehouse Station Chapman L. Anderson, Kosciusko William W. Phelps, Englewood OHIO Thomas R. Stockdale, Summit Herman Lehlbach, Newark Charles E. Hooker, Jackson William McAdoo, Jersey City SENATORS John Sherman, Mansfield MISSOURI NEW YORK Henry B. Payne, Cleveland SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg William M. Evarts, New York City Benjamin Butterworth, Cincinnati George G. Vest, Kansas City Frank Hiscock, Syracuse Charles E. Brown, Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Elihu S. Williams, Troy William H. Hatch, Hannibal Perry Belmont,2° Babylon Samuel S. Yoder, Lima Charles H. Mansur, Chillicothe Felix Campbell, Brooklyn George E. Seney, Tiffin Alexander M. Dockery, Gallatin Stephen V. White, Brooklyn Melvin M. Boothman, Bryan James N. Burnes,'6 St. Joseph Peter P. Mahoney, Brooklyn James E. Campbell, Hamilton Charles F. Booher,'7 St. Joseph Archibald M. Bliss, Brooklyn Robert P. Kennedy, Bellefontaine William Warner, Kansas City Amos J. Cummings, New York City William C. Cooper, Mount Vernon John T. Heard, Sedalia Lloyd S. Bryce, New York City Jacob Romeis, Toledo John E. Hutton, Mexico Timothy J. Campbell, New York City Albert C. Thompson, Portsmouth John J. O'Neill, St. Louis Samuel S. Cox, New York City Jacob J. Pugsley, Hilisboro John M. Glover,'8 St. Louis Francis B. Spinola, New York City Joseph H. Outhwaite, Columbus Martin L. Clardy, Farmington Truman A. Merriman, New York City Charles P. Wickham, Norwalk Richard P. Bland, Lebanon W. Bourke Cockran, New York City Charles H. Grosvenor, Athens William J. Stone, Nevada Ashbel P. Fitch, New York City Beriah Wilkins, Uhrichsville William H. Wade, Springfield William G. Stahinecker, Yonkers Joseph D. Taylor, Cambridge James P. Walker, Dexter Henry Bacon, Goshen William McKinley, Jr., Canton John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains Ezra B. Taylor, Warren NEBRASKA Stephen T. Hopkins, Catskill George W. Crouse, Akron SENATORS Edward W. Greenman, Troy Martin A. Foran, Cleveland Charles F. Manderson, Omaha Nicholas T. Kane,2' Albany Algernon S. Paddock, Beatrice Charles Tracey,22 Albany OREGON REPRESENTATIVES George West, Ballston Spa SENATORS John A. McShane, Omaha John H. Moffitt, Chateaugay Lake Abraham X. Parker, Potsdam Joseph N. Doiph, Portland James Laird, Hastings John H. Mitchell, Portland George W. E. Dorsey, Fremont James S. Sherman, Utica David Wilber, Oneonta REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE NEVADA James J. Belden,23 Syracuse Binger Hermann, Roseburg SENATORS Milton De Lano, Canastota John P. Jones, Gold Hill Newton W. Nutting, Oswego PENNSYLVANIA William M. Stewart, Carson City Thomas S. Flood, Elmira Ira Davenport, Bath SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles S. Baker, Rochester J. Donald Cameron, Harrisburg William Woodburn, Virginia City John G. Sawyer, Albion Matthew S. Quay, Beaver John M. Farquhar, Buffalo NEW HAMPSHIRE John B. Weber, Buffalo REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS William G. Laidlaw, Ellicottville Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia Henry W. Blair, Manchester Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia Person C. Cheney, Manchester NORTH CAROLINA Samuel J. Randall, Philadelphia William E. Chandler,'9 Concord SENATORS William D. Kelley, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES Alfred C. Harmer, Philadelphia Matt W. Ransom, Weldon Smedley Darlington, West Chester Luther F. McKinney, Manchester Zebulon B. Vance, Charlotte Robert M. Yardley, Doylestown Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord REPRESENTATIVES Daniel Ermentrout, Reading Louis C. Latham, Greenville John A. Hiestand, Lancaster NEW JERSEY Furnifold MeL. Simmons, New Bern William H. Sowden, Allentown SENATORS Charles W. McClammy, Scotts Hill Charles R. Buckalew, Blooi'nsburg John R. McPherson, Jersey City John Nichols, Raleigh John Lynch, Wilkes-Barre

'Died January 23, 1889, before the commencement of '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Austin F. "Died September 14, 1887, before Congress assembled. the Fifty-first Congress, to which he had been reelected. Pike, in preceding Congress, and took his seat December 5, 22Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Nicholas T. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James N. 1887. Kane, and took his seat December 5, 1887. Burnes, and took his seat February 25, 1889. 00Resigned December 1, 1888, having been appointed ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- "Election unsuccessfully contested by Nathan Frank. minister to Spain; seat vacant for remainder of the Con- sentative-elect Frank Hiscock, in preceding Congress, and gress. took his seat December 5, 1887. Fiftieth Congress 233

Charles N. Brumm, Minersville James Phelan, Memphis WISCONSIN Franklin Bound, Milton TEXAS SENATORS Frank C. Bunnell, Tunkhannock Philetus Sawyer, Oshkosh Henry C. McCormick, Williamsport SENATORS John C. Spooner, Hudson Edward Scull, Somerset Richard Coke, Waco Louis E. Atkinson, Mifflintown John H. Reagan, Palestine REPRESENTATIVES Levi Maish, York REPRESENTATIVES Lucien B. Caswell, Fort Atkinson John Patton, Curwensville Richard W. Guenther, Oshkosh Welty McCullogh, Greens burg Charles Stewart, Houston Robert M. La Follette, Madison , Pittsburgh William H. Martin,25 Athens Henry Smith, Milwaukee Thomas M. Bayne, Allegheny Constantine B. Kilgore, Wills Point Thomas R. Hudd, Green Bay Oscar L. Jackson, New Castle David B. Culberson, Jefferson Charles B. Clark, Neenah James T. Maffett, Clarion Silas Hare, Sherman Ormsby B. Thomas, Prairie du Chien Norman Hall, Sharon Jo Abbott, Hillsboro Nils P. Haugen,27 River Falls William L. Scott, Erie William H. Cram, Cuero Isaac Stephenson, Marinette At LargeEdwin S. Osborne, Wilkes- Littleton W. Moore, Lagrange Barre Roger Q. Mills, Corsicana Joseph D. Sayers, Bastrop TERRITORY OF ARIZONA RHODE ISLAND Samuel W. T. Lanham, Weatherford DELEGATE Marcus A. Smith, Tombstone SENATORS VERMONT Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Jonathan Chace, Providence SENATORS TERRITORY OF DAKOTA George F. Edmunds, Burlington DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES Justin S. Morrill, Strafford Henry J. Spooner, Providence Oscar S. Gifford, Canton Warren 0. Arnold, Gloucester REPRESENTATIVES John W. Stewart, Middlebury TERRITORY OF IDAHO William W. Grout, Barton SOUTH CAROLINA DELEGATE SENATORS VIRGINIA Fred T. Dubois, Blackfoot Matthew C. Butler, Edgefield SENATORS Wade Hampton, Charleston TERRITORY OF MONTANA REPRESENTATIVES Harrison H. Riddleberger, Woodstock John W. Daniel, Lynchburg DELEGATE Samuel Dibble, Orangeburg George D. Tillman, Clarks Hill REPRESENTATIVES Joseph K. Toole, Helena James S. Cothran, Abbeville Thomas H. B. Browne, Accomac William H. Perry, Greenville George E. Bowden, Norfolk TERRITORY OF NEW John J. Hemphill, Chester George D. Wise, Richmond MEXICO George W. Dargan, Darlington William E. Gaines, Burkeville DELEGATE William Elliott,24 Beaufort John R. Brown, Martinsville Antonio Joseph, Ojo Caliente Samuel I. Hopkins, Lynchburg TENNESSEE Charles T. O'Ferrall, Harrisonburg TERRITORY OF UTAH SENATORS William H. F. Lee, Burkes Station DELEGATE Isham G. Harris, Memphis Henry Bowen, Tazewell William B. Bate, Nashville Jacob Yost, Staunton John T. Caine, Salt Lake City REPRESENTATIVES WEST VIRGINIA TERRITORY OF Roderick R. Butler, Mountain City SENATORS WASHINGTON Leonidas C. Houk, Knoxville John R. Neal, Rhea Springs John E. Kenna, Charleston DELEGATE Benton McMillin, Carthage Charles J. Faulkner,26 Martins burg Charles S. Voorhees, Colfax James D. Richardson, Murfreesboro REPRESENTATIVES Joseph E. Washington, Cedar Hill Nathan Goff, Jr., Clarks burg TERRITORY OF WYOMING Washington C. Whitthorne, Columbia William L. Wilson, Charles Town Benjamin A. Enloe, Jackson Charles P. Snyder, Charleston DELEGATE Presley T. Glass, Ripley Charles E. Hogg, Point Pleasant Joseph M. Carey, Cheyenne

Senate adopted a report from the Committee on Privileges ' Election unsuccessfully contested by Robert Smalls. issued a proclamation calling the legislature in extraordi- and Elections, to whom all papers were referred on the "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- nary session for eight specific purposes, the election of 12th, declaring Mr. Faulkner duly elected and entitled to sentative-elect John H. Reagan, in preceding Congress, Senator not being named as one of them; the legislature the seat; appeared, qualified, and took his seat the same and took his seat December 5, 1887. proceeded to choose a Senator, and Charles J. Faulkner day. 26 Legislature of West Virginia had met and ad- was elected; credentials of both Mr. Lucas and Mr. Faulk- 27Elected on January 18, 1887, to fill vacancy caused by journed without electing a Senator for the term beginning ner were presented on December 5, 1887, and Mr. Faulk- death of Representative-elect William T. Price, in preced- March 4, 1887; on March 5, 1887, the governor appointed ner appeared to be sworn, but objection was made and he ing Congress, but on account of illness did not take his Daniel B. Lucas to fill such vacancy; on the same day he was not permitted to qualify; December 14,1887, the seat until January 4, 1888. FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1889, TO MARCH 3, 1891

FIRST SESSION-December 2, 1889, to October 1, 1890 SECOND SESSION-December 1, 1890, to March 2, 1891 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1889, to April 2, 1889



ALABAMA John H. Rogers, Fort Smith CONNECTICUT SENATORS Samuel W. Peel, Bentonville SENATORS John T. Morgan, Selma Orville H. Platt, Meriden James L. Pugh, Eufaula CALIFORNIA Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Richard H. Clarke,7 Mobile Leland Stanford, San Francisco William E. Simonds, Canton Hilary A. Herbert, Montgomery George Hearst,'3 San Francisco Washington F. Willcox, Chester William C Oates, Abbeville Charles A. Russell, Killingly Louis W. Turpin,8 Newbern REPRESENTATIVES Frederick Miles, Chapinville John V. McDuffie,9 Hayneville John J. De Haven,'4 Eureka James E. Cobb, Tuskegee Thomas J. Geary,'5 Santa Rosa DELAWARE John H. Bankhead, Fayette Marion Biggs, Gridley SENATORS William H. Forney, Jacksonville Joseph McKenna, Suisun George Gray, New Castle Joseph Wheeler, Wheeler William W. Morrow, San Francisco Anthony Higgins, Wilmington Thomas J. Clunie, San Francisco REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE ARKANSAS William Vandever, San Buenaventura John B. Penington, Dover SENATORS James K. Jones, Washington COLORADO FLORIDA James H. Berry, Bentonville SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Henry M. Teller, Central City Wilkinson Call, Jacksonville William H. Cate,'° Jones boro Edward 0. Wolcott, Denver Samuel Pasco, Monticello Lewis P. Featherston," Forest City REPRESENTATIVES Clifton R. Breckinridge,'2 Pine Bluff REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert H. M. Davidson, Quincy Thomas C. McRae, Prescott Hosea Townsend, Silver Robert Bullock, Ocala

'Elected March 7, 1889, and April 2, 1889 (special ses- 'Served until June 4,1890; succeeded by John V. term), while case was pending; served until September 5, sion of the Senate); February 28, 1890, and April 8, 1890; McDuffie, who contested his election. 1890, when Clayton was declared to have been elected and resigned as President pro tempore, effective March 2, 'Successfully contested the election of Louis W. Turpin, the seat vacant; subsequently elected tofill vacancy 1891. and took his seat June 4, 1890. caused by death of John M. Clayton, and took his seat 'Elected March 2, 1891. "Served until March 5, 1890; succeeded by Lewis P. Elected June 30, 1890. Featherston, who contested his election. December 1, 1890. 'Elected December 2, 1889. "Successfully contested the election of William H. "Died February 28, 1891. 'Elected December 2, 1889. Cate, and took his seat March 5, 1890. "Resigned October 1, 1890. 'Elected December 2, 1889. "Election contested by John M. Clayton, who died Jan- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 'Election unsuccessfully contested by Frank H. Threet. uary 29, 1889 (before the beginning of the congressional J. De Haven, and took his seat December 9, 1890.

[234] Fifty-First Congress 235

GEORGIA David Turpie, Indianapolis William T. Ellis, Owensboro REPRESENTATIVES Isaac H. Goodnight, Franklin SENATORS Alexander B. Montgomery, Joseph E. Brown, Atlanta William F Parrett,23 Evansville Elizabethtown Alfred H. Colquitt, Atlanta John H. O'Neall, Washington Asher G. Caruth, Louisville Jason B. Brown, Seymour REPRESENTATIVES William S. Holman, Aurora John G. Carlisle,30 Covington Rufus E. Lester, Savannah William W. Dickerson,3' Williamstown George W. Cooper, Columbus William C. P. Breckinridge, Lexington Henry G. Turner, Quitman Thomas M. Browne, Winchester Charles F. Crisp, Americus William D. Bynum, Indianapolis James B. McCreary, Richmond Thomas W. Grimes, Columbus Elijah V. Brookshire, Crawfordsville Thomas H. Paynter, Greenup John D. Stewart, Griffin Joseph B. Cheadle, Frankfort John H. Wilson, Barboursville James H. Blount, Macon William D. Owen, Logansport Hugh F. Finley, Williamsburg Judson C. Clements, Rome Augustus N. Martin, Bluffton Henry H. Carlton, Athens Charles A. 0. McClellan, Auburn LOUISIANA Allen D. Candler, Gainesville Benjamin F. Shively, South Bend SENATORS George T. Barnes, Augusta Randall L. Gibson, New Orleans IOWA James B. Eustis, New Orleans IDAHO'6 SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES 17 William B. Allison, Dubuque Theodore S. Wilkinson, -Plaquemines George L. Shoup,'8 Salmon City James F. Wilson, Fairfield Parish William J. McConnell,'9 Moscow REPRESENTATIVES Hamilton D. Coleman, New Orleans REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John H. Gear, Burlington Edward J. Gay,32 Plaquemine Willis Sweet,2° Moscow Walter I. Hayes, Clinton Andrew Price,83 Thibodaux David B. Henderson, Dubuque Newton C. Blanchard, Shreveport ILLINOIS Joseph H. Sweney, Osage Charles J. Boatner, Monroe Samuel M. Robertson, Baton Rouge SENATORS Daniel Kerr, Grundy 2enter John F. Lacey, Oskaloosa Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield Edwin H. Conger,24 Des Moines MAINE Charles B. Farwell, Chicago Edward R. Hays,25 Knoxville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES James P. Flick, Bedford Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Abner Taylor, Chicago Joseph R. Reed, Council Bluffs William P. Frye, Lewiston Frank Lawler, Chicago Jonathan P. Dolliver, Fort Dodge William E Mason, Chicago Isaac S. Struble, Le Mars REPRESENTATIVES George E. Adams, Chicago Thomas B. Reed, Portland Albert J. Hopkins, Aurora KANSAS Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston Robert R. Hitt, Mount Morris SENATORS Seth L. Milliken, Belfast Charles A. Boutelle, Bangor Thomas J. Henderson, Princeton John J. Ingalls, Atchison Charles A. Hill, Joliet Preston B. Plumb, Emporia Lewis E. Payson, Pontiac MARYLAND REPRESENTATIVES Philip S. Post, Gales burg SENATORS Edmund N. Morrill, Hiawatha William H. Gest, Rock Island Arthur Pue Gorman, Laurel Scott Wike, Pittsfield Edward H. Funston, lola Ephraim K. Wilson,34 Snow Hill William M. Springer, Springfield Bishop W. Perkins, Oswego Jonathan H. Rowell, Bloomington Thomas Ryan,26 Topeka REPRESENTATIVES Joseph G. Cannon, Danville Harrison Kelley,27 Burlington Charles H. Gibson, Easton George W. Fithian, Newton John A. Anderson, Manhattan Herman Stump, Bel Air Edward Lane, Hillsboro Erastus J. Turner, Hoxie Harry W. Rusk, Baltimore William S Forman, Nashville Samuel R. Peters, Newton Henry Stockbridge, Jr., Baltimore Richard W. Townshend,2' Barnes Compton,35 Laurel Shawneetown KENTUCKY Sydney E. Mudd,36 Bryantown James R. Williams,22 Carmi SENATORS Louis E. McComas, Hagerstown George W. Smith, Murphysboro James B. Beck,28 Lexington John G. Carlisle,29 Covington MASSACHUSETTS INDIANA Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute William J. Stone, Kuttawa George F. Hoar, Worcester

' Died March 9, 1889, before Congress assembled. 15 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James B. '° Admitted as a State into the Union July 3, 1890. Beck, and took his seat May 26, 1890. 'In addition to the Senators named the credentials of Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Richard W. 15 Resigned May 26, 1890, having been elected Senator. Fred T. Dubois, who had been elected 'for the term of six Townshend, and took his seat December 2, 1889. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John years from March 4, 1891," were presented December 30, Election unsuccessfully contested by Francis B. Posey. G. Carlisle, and took his seat June 30, 1890. 1890, but the Senate refused to consider them prior to the Resigned October 3, 1890. s Died May 30, 1889, before Congress assembled. beginning of the Fifty-second Congress, when they were to Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Edwin 18 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward J. become effective. H. Conger, and took his seat December 1, 1890. Gay, and took his seat December 2, 1889. '5Took his seat December 29, 1890; term to expire, as Is Resigned April 4, 1889, before Congress assembled. Died February 24, 1891; had been reelected for the determined by lot, March 3, 1895. 11 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of term beginning March 4, 1891. 'Took his seat January 5, 1891; term to expire, as Thomas Ryan, and took his seat December 2, 1889. Served until March 20, 1890; succeeded by Sydney E. 28 Died May 3, 1890. Mudd, who contested his election. determined by lot, March 3, 1891. 15 Successfully contested the election of Barnes Comp- ' Took his seat December 1, 1890. ton, and took his seat March 20, 1890. 236 Biographical Directory

MASSACHUSETTS-Continued Chapman L. Anderson, Kosciusko Gilman Marston,48 Exeter REPRESENTATIVES Thomas R. Stockdale, Summit William E. Chandler,49 Concord Charles E. Hooker, Jackson Charles S. Randall, New Bedford REPRESENTATIVES Elijah A. Morse, Canton MISSOURI Alonzo Nute, Farmington John F. Andrew, Boston Orren C. Moore, Nashua Joseph H. O'Neil, Boston SENATORS Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg Nathaniel P. Banks, Waltham NEW JERSEY Henry Cabot Lodge, Nahant George G. Vest, Kansas City William Cogswell, Salem REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Frederic T Greenhalge, Lowell William H. Hatch, Hannibal John R. McPherson, Jersey City John W. Candler, Brookline Charles H. Mansur, Chillicothe Rufus Blodgett, Long Branch Joseph H. Walker, Worcester Alexander M. Dockery, Gallatin Rodney Wallace, Fitchburg Robert P. C. Wilson,38 Platte City REPRESENTATIVES Francis W. Rockwell, Pittsfield John C. Tarsney, Kansas City Christopher A. Bergen, Camden John T. Heard, Sedalia James Buchanan, Trenton MICHIGAN Richard H. Norton, Troy Jacob A. Geissenhainer, Freehold Samuel Fowler, Newton SENATORS Frederick G. Niedringhaus, St. Louis Nathan Frank, St. Louis Charles D. Beckwith, Paterson Francis B. Stockbridge, Kalamazoo Herman Lehlbach, Newark James McMillan, Detroit William M. Kinsey, St. Louis Richard P. Bland, Lebanon William McAdoo, Jersey City REPRESENTATIVES William J. Stone, Nevada J. Logan Chipman, Detroit William H. Wade, Springfield NEW YORK Edward P. Allen, Ypsilanti James P. Walker,39 Dexter SENATORS James O'Donnell, Jackson Robert H. Whitelaw,4° Cape Girardeau Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo William M. Evarts, New York City Charles E. Belknap, Grand Rapids MONTANA4' Frank Hiscock, Syracuse Mark S. Brewer, Pontiac REPRESENTATIVES Justin R. Whiting, St. Clair SENATORS4' Aaron T. Bliss, Saginaw Thomas C. Power,43 Helena James W. Covert, Long Island City Byron M. Cutcheon, Manistee Wilbur F. Sanders,Helena Felix Campbell, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William C. Wallace, Brooklyn Frank W. Wheeler, West Bay City John M. Clancy, Brooklyn Samuel M. Stephenson, Menominee Thomas H. Carter,45 Helena Thomas F. Magner, Brooklyn MINNESOTA NEBRASKA Frank T. Fitzgerald,5° New York City Charles H. Turner,5' New York City SENATORS SENATORS Edward J. Dunphy, New York City Cushman K. Davis, St. Paul Charles F. Manderson, Omaha John H. McCarthy,52 New York City William D. Washburn, Minneapolis Algernon S. Paddock, Beatrice Samuel S. Cox,53 New York City REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Amos J. Cummings,54 New York City Mark H. Dunnell, Owatonna William J. Connell, Omaha Francis B. Spinola, New York City John Lind, New Ulm James Laird,46 Hastings John Quinn, New York City Darwin S. Hall, Stewart Gilbert L. Laws,47 McCook Roswell P. Flower, New York City Samuel P. Snider, Minneapolis George W. E. Dorsey, Fremont Ashbel P. Fitch, New York City Solomon G. Comstock, Moorhead William G. Stahlnecker, Yonkers NEVADA Moses D. Stivers, Middletown MISSISSIPPI SENATORS John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains SENATORS John P. Jones, Gold Hill Charles J. Knapp, Deposit James Z. George, Carroilton William M. Stewart, Carson City John A. Quackenbush, Stillwater Edward C. Walthall, Grenada Charles Tracey, Albany REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John Sanford, Amsterdam REPRESENTATIVES Horace F. Bartine, Carson City John H. Moffitt, Chateaugay Lake John M. Allen, Tupelo Frederick Lansing, Watertown James B. Morgan,37 Hernando NEW HAMPSHIRE James S. Sherman, Utica Thomas C. Catchings, Vicksburg SENATORS David Wilber,55 Oneonta Clarke Lewis, Cliftonville Henry W. Blair, Manchester John S. Pindar,56 Cobleskill

"Electionunsuccessfullycontestedby JamesR. the floor pending the contest; by resolutions of April 16, Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March Chalmers. 1890, Clark and Maginnis were declared not entitled to 4, 1889, and took his seat December 2, 1889. 38Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- seats and Power and Sanders entitled thereto. 50Resigned November 4, 1889, before Congress assem- tive-elect James N. Burnes, in the preceding Congress, and -' Took his seat April 16, 1890; term to expire, as deter- bled. took his seat December 2, 1889. mined by lot, March 3, 1895. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Frank Died July 20, 1890. Took his seat April 16, 1890; term to expire, as deter- T. Fitzgerald, and took his seat December 9, 1889. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James P. mined by lot, March 3, 1893. ' Resigned January 14, 1891. Walker, and took his seat December 1, 1890. ' Took his seat December 2, 1889. 53Died September 10, 1889, before Congress assembled. °' Admitted as a State into the Union November 8, °° Died August 17, 1889, before Congress assembled. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel S. 1889. ' Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of James Cox, and tookhis seat December2, 1889. ' William A. Clark and Martin Maginnis presented Laird, and took his seat December 2, 1889. Died April 1, 1890. papers purporting to be credentials of their election Janu- Appointed to fill vacancy in term beginning March 4, 5sElected tofill vacancy caused by death of David ary 23, 1890; the four claimants were given privileges of 1889, during the recess of the legislature. Wilber, and took his seat December 1, 1890. Fifty-First Congress 237

James J. Belden, Syracuse James W. Owens, Newark Jonathan Chace,69 Providence Milton De Lano, Canastota Joseph D. Taylor, Cambridge Nathan F. Dixon,'° Westerly Newton W. Nutting,57 Oswego William McKinley, Jr., Canton REPRESENTATIVES Sereno E. Payne,58 Auburn Ezra B. Taylor, Warren Henry J. Spooner, Providence Thomas S. Flood, Elmira Martin L. Smyser, Wooster Warren 0. Arnold, Gloucester John Raines, Canandaigua Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland Charles S. Baker, Rochester SOUTH CAROLINA John G. Sawyer, Albion OREGON SENATORS John M. Farquhar, Buffalo SENATORS John McC. Wiley, East Aurora Matthew C. Butler, Edgefield Joseph N. Doiph, Portland Wade Hampton, Charleston William G. Laidlaw, Ellicottville John H. Mitchell, Portland REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE NORTH CAROLINA Samuel Dibble, Orange burg SENATORS Binger Hermann, Roseburg George D. Tillman, Clarks Hill Matt W. Ransom, Weldon PENNSYLVANIA James S. Cothran, Abbeville Zebulon B. Vance, Charlotte William H. Perry, Greenville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John J. Hemphill, Chester J. Donald Cameron, Harrisburg George W. Dargan, Darlington Thomas G. Skinner, Hertford Matthew S. Quay, Beaver Henry P. Cheatham, Henderson William Elliott,7' Beaufort Charles W. McClammy, Scotts Hill REPRESENTATIVES Thomas E. Miller,'2 Beaufort Benjamin H. Bunn, Rocky Mount Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia John M. Brower, Mount Airy Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia SOUTH DAKOTA73 Alfred Rowland, Lumberton Samuel J. Randall,63 Philadelphia SENATORS John S. Henderson, Salisbury ,64 Philadelphia Richard F. Pettigrew,'4 Sioux Falls William H. H. Cowles, Wilkesboro William D. Kelley,65 Philadelphia Gideon C. Moody,'5 Deadwood Hamilton G. Ewart, Hendersonville John E. Reyburn,66 Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Alfred C. Harmer, Philadelphia Oscar S. Gifford,'6 Canton NORTH DAKOTA59 Smedley Darlington, West Chester John A. Pickier,'6 Faulkton SENATORS Robert M. Yardley, Doylestown Lyman R. Casey,6° Jamestown William Mutchler, Easton TENNESSEE Gilbert A. Pierce,6' Fargo David B. Brunner, Reading Marriott Brosius, Lancaster SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Joseph A. Scranton, Scranton Isham G. Harris, Memphis Henry C. Hansbrough,62 Devils Lake Edwin S. Osborne, Wilkes-Barre William B. Bate, Nashville James B. Reilly, Pottsville OHIO REPRESENTATIVES John W. Rife, Middletown Alfred A. Taylor, Johnson City SENATORS Myron B. Wright, Susquehanna Leonidas C. Houk, Knoxville John Sherman, Mansfield Henry C. McCormick, Williamsport H. Clay Evans, Chattanooga Henry B. Payne, Cleveland Charles R. Buckalew, Bloomsburg Benton McMillin, Carthage REPRESENTATIVES Louis E. Atkinson, Miffintown James D. Richardson, Murfreesboro Benjamin Butterworth, Cincinnati Levi Maish, York Joseph E. Washington, Cedar Hill John A. Caidwell, Cincinnati Edward Scull, Somerset Washington C. Whitthorne, Columbia Elihu S. Williams, Troy Samuel A. Craig, Brookville Benjamin A. Enloe, Jackson Samuel S. Yoder, Lima John Dalzell, Pittsburgh Rice A. Pierce, Union City George E. Seney, Tiffin Thomas M. Bayne, Allegheny James Phelan," Memphis Melvin M. Boothman, Bryan Joseph W. Ray, Waynesburg Henry L. Morey, Hamilton Charles C. Townsend, New Brighton TEXAS William C. Culbertson, Girard Robert P. Kennedy, Bellefontaine Lewis F. Watson,67 Warren SENATORS William C. Cooper, Mount Vernon Charles W. Stone,68 Warren Richard Coke, Waco William E. Haynes, Fremont John H. Reagan, Palestine Albert C. Thompson, Portsmouth James Kerr, Clearfield Jacob J. Pugsley, Hills boro REPRESENTATIVES Joseph H. Outhwaite, Columbus RHODE ISLAND Charles Stewart, Houston Charles P. Wickham, Norwalk SENATORS William H. Martin, Athens Charles H. Grosvenor, Athens Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Constantine B. Kilgore, Wills Point

Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel J. Served until September23,1890;succeeded by 5 Died October 15, 1889, before Congress assembled. Thomas E. Miller, who contested his election. se Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Newton W. Randall, and took his seat May 28, 1890. 2 Successfully contested the election of William Elliott, Nutting, and took his seat December 2, 1889. ° Died January 9, 1890. and took his seat September 24, 1890. Formed from a portion of the Territory of Dakota, 16 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William D. Formed from a portion of the Territory of Dakota, and admitted as a State into the Union November 2, 1889. Kelley, and took his seat February 24, 1890. and admitted as a State into the Union November 2, 1889. 66Took his seat December 4, 1889; term to expire, as ' Died August 25, 1890. Took his seat December 2, 1889; term to expire, as determined by lot, March 3, 1893. 55 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lewis F. determined by lot, March 3, 1895. 61 Took his seat December 4, 1889; term to expire, as Watson, and took his seat December 1, 1890. s Took his seat December 2, 1889; term to expire, as determined by lot, March 3, 1891. Resigned April 9, 1889. determined by lot, March 3, 1891. Took his seat December 2, 1889. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jona- Took his seat December 2, 1889. Died April 13, 1890. than Chace, and took his seat December 2, 1889. " Died January 30, 1891. 238 Biographical Directory

TEXAS-Continued Watson C. Squire,85 Seattle TERRITORY OF ARIZONA REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE DELEGATE David B. Culberson, Jefferson John L. Wilson,88 Spokane Falls Marcus A. Smith, Tombstone Silas Hare, Sherman Jo Abbott, Hilisboro WEST VIRGINIA TERRITORY OF DAKOTA DELEGATE William H. Cram, Cuero SENATORS Littleton W. Moore, Lagrange George A. Mathews,95 Brookings Roger Q. Mills, Corsicana John E. Kenna, Charleston Joseph D. Sayers, Bastrop Charles J. Faulkner, Martinsburg TERRITORY OF IDAHO Samuel W. T. Lanham, Weatherford REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE John 0. Pendleton,87 Wheeling Fred T. Dubois,96 Blackfoot VERMONT George W. Atkinson,88 Wheeling SENATORS William L. Wilson, Charles Town TERRITORY OF MONTANA George F. Edmunds, Burlington John D. Alderson, Nicholas Justin S. Morrill, Strafford J. Monroe Jackson,89 Pa rkers burg DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES Charles B. Smith,9° Parkersburg Thomas H. Carter,97 Helena John W. Stewart, Middlebury William W. Grout, Barton WISCONSIN TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO VIRGINIA SENATORS DELEGATE Philetus Sawyer, Oshkosh Antonio Joseph, Ojo Caliente SENATORS John C. Spooner, Hudson John W. Daniel, Lynchburg John S. Barbour, Alexandria REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF REPRESENTATIVES Lucien B. Caswell, Fort Atkinson OKLAHOMA98 Thomas H. B. Browne, Accomac Charles Barwig, Mayville DELEGATE George E. Bowden, Norfolk Robert M. La Follette, Madison David A. Harvey,99 Oklahoma City George D. Wise,78 Richmond Isaac W. Van Schaick, Milwaukee Edmund Waddill, Jr.,79 Richmond George H. Brickner, Sheboygan Falls TERRITORY OF UTAH Edward C. Venable,8° Petersburg Charles B. Clark, Neenah DELEGATE Ormsby B. Thomas, Prairie du Chien John M. Langston,8' Petersburg John T. Caine, Salt Lake City Posey G. Lester, Floyd Nils P. Haugen, River Falls Paul C. Edmunds, Halifax Myron H. McCord, Merrill Charles T. O'Ferrall, Harrisonburg TERRITORY OF William H. F. Lee, Burkes Station WYOMING9' WASHINGTON John A. Buchanan,82 Abingdon DELEGATE Henry St. George Tucker, Staunton SENATORS John B. Allen,'00 Seattle Joseph M. Carey,92 Cheyenne WASHINGTON83 Francis E. Warren,93 Cheyenne TERRITORY OF WYOMING SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE DELEGATE John B. Allen,84 Walla Walla Clarence D. Clark,94 Evanston Joseph M. Carey,10' Cheyenne

78Served until April 10, 1890; succeeded by Edmond 87 Served until February 26, 1890; succeeded by George Served until July 3, 1890, when the Territory of Idaho Waddill, Jr., who contested his election. W. Atkinson, who contested his election. was granted statehood by act of Congress approved that ° Successfully contested the election of George D. Wise, soSuccessfully contested the election of John 0. Pendle- date. and took his seat April 12, 1890. ton, and took his seat February 26, 1890. ° Served until November 8, 1889, when the Territory of ° Served until September 23, 1890; succeeded by John 89 Served until February 3, 1890; succeeded by Charles Montana was granted statehood by act of Congress ap- M. Langston, who contested his election. B. Smith, who contested his election. It was in connection proved February 22, 1889; subsequently elected the first Successfully contested the election of Edward C. Ven- with the final votes in this case that Speaker Reed, for the Representative from the new State. able, and took his seat September 23, 1890. It was in first time, made his parliamentary ruling regarding the Formed from a portion of Indian Territory and from connection with this case that the minority party adopted "counting of a quorum." 90 Successfully contested the election of J. Monroe Jack- that portion of the United States known as the 'Public for the first time the plan of withdrawing in a body from son and took his seat February 3, 1890. Land Strip," and granted a Delegate in Congress by act of the Hall of the House, to avoid being counted as part of a ' Admitted as a State into the Union July 10, 1890. May 2, 1890. quorum. 92Took his seat December 1, 1890; term to expire, as his seat December 1, 1890. ' Election unsuccessfully contested by Henry Bowen. deternuned by lot, March 3, 1895. °o Served until November 11, 1889, when the Territory 55Admitted as a State into the Union November 11, 53 Took his seat December 1, 1890; term to expire, as of Washington was granted statehood by act of Congress 1889. determined by lot, March 3, 1893. approved February 22, 1889; subsequently elected Senator ° Took his seat December 2, 1889; term to expire, as ° Took his seat December 1, 1890. from the new State. determined by lot, March 3, 1893. 98 Served until November 2, 1889, when the Territory of Served until July 10, 1890, when the Territory of

88Took his seat December 2, 1889; term to expire, as Dakota was divided and granted statehood as the States of Wyoming was granted statehood by act of Congress ap-- determined by lot, March 3, 1891. North and South Dakota by act of Congress approved proved July 10, 1890; subsequently elected Senator from his seat December 2, 1889. February 22, 1889. the new State. FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1891, TO MARCH 3, 1893

FIRST SESSIONDecember 7, 1891, to August 5, 1892 SECOND SESSIONDecember 5, 1892, to March 3, 1893



ALABAMA Charles N. Felton,5 San Francisco DELAWARE SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS John T. Morgan, Selma Thomas J. Geary, Santa Rosa George Gray, New Castle James L. Pugh, Eufaula Anthony Caminetti, Jackson Anthony Higgins, Wilmington REPRESENTATIVES Joseph McKenna,6 Suisun REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Richard H. Clarke, Mobile Samuel G. Hilborn,7 Oakland Hilary A. Herbert, Montgomery John T. Cutting, San Francisco John W. Causey, Milford William C. Oates, Abbeville Eugene F. Loud, San Francisco Louis W. Turpin,4 Newbern William W. Bowers, San Diego FLORIDA James E. Cobb, Tuskegee SENATORS John H. Bankhead, Fayette COLORADO William H. Forney, Jacksonville Wilkinson Call,8 Jacksonville Joseph Wheeler, Wheeler SENATORS Samuel Pasco, Monticello Henry M. Teller, Central City REPRESENTATIVES ARKANSAS Edward 0. Wolcott, Denver Stephen R. Mallory, Pensacola SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert Bullock, Ocala James K. Jones, Washington Hosea Townsend, Silver Cliff James H. Berry, Bentonville GEORGIA REPRESENTATIVES CONNECTICUT SENATORS William H. Cate, Jonesboro SENATORS Alfred H. Colquitt, Atlanta Clifton R. Breckinridge, Pine Bluff John B. Gordon, Atlanta Thomas C. McRae, Prescott Orville H. Platt, Meriden William L. Terry, Little Rock Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford, REPRESENTATIVES Samuel W. Peel, Bentonville REPRESENTATIVES Rufus E. Lester, Savannah Lewis Sperry, Hartford Henry G. Turner, Quitman CALIFORNIA Washington F. Wilicox, Chester Charles F. Crisp, Americus SENATORS Charles A. Russell, Killingly Charles L. Moses, Turin Leland Stanford, San Francisco Robert E. De Forest, Bridgeport Leonidas F. Livingston, Atlanta

'Elected December 8, 1891. ° Election unsuccessfully conteetecl by John V. McDuf- Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of George 'Elected December 8, 1891. Ge. Hearst, in preceding Congress, and took his seat December 'Elected December 8, 1891. 7, 1891. Resigned March 28, 1892. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Joseph McKenna, and took his seat December 5, 1892. Election unsuccessfully contested by Robert H. M. Da- vidson.

[239] 240 Biographical Directory

GEORGIAContinued Daniel W. Waugh, Tipton John H. Wilson, Barboursville REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED David H. Patton, Remington Augustus N. Martin, Bluffton LOUISIANA James H. Blount, Macon Charles A. 0. McClellan, Auburn Robert W. Everett, Fish Benjamin F. Shively, South Bend SENATORS Thomas G. Lawson, Eatonton Randall L. Gibson,'6 New Orleans Thomas E. Winn, Lawrenceville IOWA ,'7 Franklin Thomas E. Watson, Thomson SENATORS Edward D. White, New Orleans William B. Allison, Dubuque REPRESENTATIVES IDAHO James F. Wilson, Fairfield Adolph Meyer, New Orleans SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Matthew D. Lagan, New Orleans George L. Shoup, Salmon City John J. Seerley, Burlington Andrew Price, Thibodaux Fred T. Dubois,9 Blackfoot Walter I. Hayes, Clinton Newton C. Blanchard, Shreveport REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE David B. Henderson, Dubuque Charles J. Boatner, Monroe Willis Sweet, Moscow Walter H. Butler, West Union Samuel M. Robertson, Baton Rouge John T. Hamilton, Cedar Rapids ILLINOIS Frederick E. White, Webster MAINE SENATORS John A. T. Hull, Des Moines SENATORS Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield James P. Flick, Bedford Eugene Hale, Ellsworth John McAuley Palmer, Springfield Thomas Bowman, Council Bluffs William P. Frye, Lewiston REPRESENTATIVES Jonathan P. Dolliver, Fort Dodge George D. Perkins, Sioux City REPRESENTATIVES Abner Taylor, Chicago Thomas B. Reed, Portland Lawrence E. McGann, Chicago KANSAS Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston Allan C. Durborow, Jr., Chicago SENATORS Seth L. Milliken, Belfast Walter C. Newberry, Chicago Charles A. Boutelle, Bangor Albert J. Hopkins, Aurora Preston B. Emporia Bishop W. Perkins," Oswego Robert R. Hitt, Mount Morris MARYLAND Thomas J. Henderson, Princeton William A. Peffer, Topeka Lewis Steward, Plano REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Herman W. Snow, Sheldon Case Broderick, Holton Arthur Pue Gorman, Laurel Philip S. Post, Gales burg Edward H. Funston, lola Charles H. Gibson,'8 Easton Benjamin T. Cable, Rock Island Benjamin H. Clover, Cambridge REPRESENTATIVES Scott Wike, Pittsfield John G. Otis, Topeka Henry Page,'9 Princess Anne William M. Springer, Springfield John Davis, Junction City John B. Brown,2° Centerville Owen Scott, Bloomington William Baker, Lincoln Herman Stump, Bel Air Samuel T. Busey, Urbana Jeremiah Simpson, Medicine Lodge Harry W. Rusk, Baltimore George W. Fithian, Newton Isidor Rayner, Baltimore Edward Lane, Hilisboro KENTUCKY Barnes Compton, Laurel William S. Forman, Nashville SENATORS William M. McKaig, Cumberland James R. Williams, Carmi Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles George W. Smith, Murphysboro John G. Carlisle,'2 Covington MASSACHUSETTS William Lindsay," Frankfort INDIANA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Henry L. Dawes, Pittsfield William J. Stone, Kuttawa George F. Hoar, Worcester Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute William T. Ellis, Owensboro David Turpie, Indianapolis Isaac H. Goodnight, Franklin REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Alexander B. Montgomery, Charles S. Randall, New Bedford William F. Parrett, Evansville Elizabethtown Elijah A. Morse, Canton John L. Bretz, Jasper Asher G. Caruth, Louisville John F. Andrew, Boston Jason B. Brown, Seymour William W. Dickerson, Williarnstown Joseph H. O'Neil, Boston William S. Holman, Aurora William C. P. Breckinridge, Lexington , Waltham George W. Cooper, Columbus James B. McCreary, Richmond Henry Cabot Lodge,2' Na ha nt Henry U. Johnson, Richmond Thomas H. Paynter, Greenup William Cogswell, Salem William D. Bynum, Indianapolis John W. Kendall,'4 West Liberty Moses T. Stevens, North Andover Elijah V. Brookshire, Crawfordsville Joseph M. Kendall,'5 Prestonsburg George F. Williams, Dedham

Election unsuccessfully contested by William H. CIa- "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John W. camber 7, 1891; subsequently elected; vacancy in this class gett. Kendall, and took his seat May 5, 1892. from February 25 to November 18, 1891. '° Died December 20, 1891. 16 Died December 15, 1892. "Resigned September 3, 1892, having been appointed 1 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Preston "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Randall judge of first judicial district of Maryland. B. Plumb, and took his seat January 5, 1892. L. Gibson, and took his seat January 14, 1893; subsequent- '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry "Resigned February 4, 1898. Page, and took his seat December 5, 1892. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John ly elected. "Resigned March 3, 1893, before the commencement of 0. Carlisle, and took his seat February 21, 1898. '5Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Ephraim the Fifty-third Congress, to which he had been reelected, Died March 7, 1892. K. Wilson, in preceding Congress, and took his seat De- having been elected Senator. Fifty-Second Congress 241

Joseph H. Walker, Worcester Robert P. C. Wilson, Platte City Thomas D. English, Newark Frederick S. Coolidge, Ashburnham John C. Tarsney, Kansas City Edward F. McDonald,24 Harrison John C. Crosby, Pittsfield John T. Heard, Sedalia Richard H. Norton, Troy NEW YORK MICHIGAN John J. O'Neill, St. Louis SENATORS SENATORS Seth W. Cobb, St. Louis Frank Hiscock, Syracuse Francis B. Stockbridge, Kalamazoo Samuel Byrns, Potosi David B. Hill,25 Elmira James McMillan, Detroit Richard P. Bland, Lebanon David A. De Armond, Butler REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Robert W. Fyan, Marshfield James W. Covert, Long Island City J. Logan Chipman, DetrOit Marshall Arnold, Benton David A. Boody,26 Brooklyn James S. Gorman, Chelsea Alfred C. Chapin,27 Brooklyn James O'Donnell, Jackson MONTANA William J. Coombs, Brooklyn Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo SENATORS John M. Clancy, Brooklyn Melbourne H. Ford,22 Grand Rapids Thomas F. Magner, Brooklyn Charles E. Belknap,23 Grand Rapids Thomas C. Power, Helena Wilber F. Sanders, Helena John R. Fellows, New York City Byron G. Stout, Pontiac Edward J. Dunphy, New York City Justin R. Whiting, St. Clair REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Timothy J. Campbell, New York City Henry M. Youmans, Saginaw William W. Dixon, Amos J. Cummings, New York City Harrison H. Wheeler, Ludington Francis B. Spinola,28 New York City Thomas A. E. Weadock, Bay City NEBRASKA W. Bourke Cockran,29 New York City Samuel M. Stephenson, Menominee SENATORS J. De Witt Warner, New York City Charles F. Manderson, Omaha Roswell P. Flower,30 New York City MINNESOTA Algernon S. Paddock, Beatrice Joseph J. Little,3' New York City SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Ashbel P. Fitch, New York City Cushman K. Davis, St. Paul William J. Bryan, Lincoln William G. Stahlnecker, Yonkers William D. Washburn, Minneapolis William A. McKeighan, Red Cloud Henry Bacon, Goshen REPRESENTATIVES Omer M. Kern, Broken Bow John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains William H. Harries, Caledonia Isaac N. Cox, Ellenville John Lind, New Ulm NEVADA John A. Quackenbush, Stiliwater Osee M. Hall, Red Wing SENATORS Charles Tracey, Albany John Sanford, Amsterdam James N. Castle, Stiliwater John P. Jones, Gold Hill Kittel Halvorson, North Fork John M. Wever, Plattsburg William M. Stewart, Carson City Leslie W. Russell,32 Ogdensburg MISSISSIPPI REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Newton M. Curtis,33 Ogdens burg SENATORS Horace F. Bartine, Carson City Henry W. Bentley, Boonville George Van Horn, Cooperstown James Z. George, Carroilton NEW HAMPSHIRE James J. Belden, Syracuse Edward C. Walthall, Grenada SENATORS George W. Ray, Norwich REPRESENTATIVES William E. Chandler, Concord Sereno E. Payne, Auburn John M. Allen, Tupelo Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord Hosea H. Rockwell,34 Elmira John C. Kyle, Sardis John Raines, Canandaigua Thomas C. Catchings, Vicksburg REPRESENTATIVES Halbert S. Greenleaf, Rochester Clarke Lewis, Macon Luther F. McKinney, Manchester James W. Wadsworth, Geneseo Joseph H. Beeman, Eley Warren F. Daniell, Franklin Daniel N. Lockwood, Buffalo Thomas R. Stockdale, Summit Thomas L. Bunting, Hamburg Charles E. Hooker, Jackson NEW JERSEY Warren B. Hooker, Fredonia SENATORS MISSOURI John R. McPherson, Jersey City NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS Rufus Blodgett, Long Branch SENATORS Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg REPRESENTATIVES Matt W. Ransom, Weldon George G. Vest, Kansas City Christopher A. Bergen, Camden Zebulon B. Vance, Charlotte REPRESENTATIVES James Buchanan, Trenton REPRESENTATIVES William H. Hatch, Hannibal Jacob A. Geissenhainer, Freehold Charles H. Mansur, Chillicothe Samuel Fowler, Newton William A. B. Branch, Washington Alexander M. Dockery, Gallatin Cornelius A. Cadmus, Paterson Henry P. Cheatham, Littleton

Resigned October 13, 1891, before Congress assen- 30 Resigned September 16, 1891, before Congress assem- Died April 20, 1891, before Congress assembled. bled. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Melbourne bled. 51 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ros- H. Ford, and took his seat December 7, 1891. 27 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of David well P. Flower, and took his seat December 7, 1891. ' Died November 5, 1892; seat remained vacant. A. Boody, and took his seat December 7, 1891; resigned 3Resigned September 11, 1891, before Congress assem- ' Elected January 21, 1891, for the term beginning November16, 1892. bled. March 4, 1891, and took his seat January 7, 1892; governor Os Died April 14, 1891, before Congress assembled. '' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Leslie during interim. a° Elected to fill vacancy caused by- death of Francis B. W. Russell, and took his seat December 7, 1891. Spinola, and took his seat December 7, 1891. 34 Election unsuccessfully contested by Henry T. Noyes. 242 Biographical Directory

NORTH CAROLINA- PENNSYLVANIA John L. McLaurin,42 Bennettsville Continued SENATORS William Elliott, Beaufort REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED J. Donald Cameron, Harrisburg SOUTH DAKOTA Benjamin F. Grady, Wallace Matthew S. Quay, Beaver Benjamin H. Bunn, Rocky Mount REPRESENTATWES SENATORS Archibald H. A. Williams, Oxford Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia Richard F. Pettigrew, Sioux Falls Sydenham B. Alexander, Charlotte Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia JamesH. Kyle, Aberdeen John S. Henderson, Salisbury William McAleer, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE William H. H. Cowles, Wilkes5oro John E. Reyburn, Philadelphia John R. Gamble,43 Yankton William T. Crawford, Waynesville Alfred C. Harmer, Philadelphia John L. Jolley,44 Vermilion John B. Robinson, Media John A. Pickier, Faulkton NORTH DAKOTA Edwin Hallowell, Willow Grove William Mutchier, Easton TENNESSEE SENATORS David B. Brunner, Reading SENATORS Lyman R Casey, Jamestown Marriott Brosius, Lancaster Henry C. Hansbrough, Devils Lake Lemuel Amerman, Scranton Isham G. Harris, Memphis William B. Bate, Nashville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE George W. Shonk,37 Plymouth Martin N. Johnson, Petersburg James B. Reilly, Pottsville REPRESENTATIVES John W. Rife, Middletown Alfred A. Taylor, Johnson City Myron B. Wright, Susquehanna Leonidas C. Houk,45 Knoxville OHIO Albert C. Hopkins, Lock Haven John C. Houk,46 Knoxville SENATORS Simon P. Wolverton, Sunbury Henry C. Snodgrass, Sparta John Sherman, Mansfield Louis E. Atkinson, Miffintown Benton McMillin, Carthage Calvin S. Brice, Lima Frank E. Beltzhoover, Carlisle James D. Richardson, Murfreesboro Edward Scull, Somerset Joseph E. Washington, Cedar Hill REPRESENTATIVES George F. Huff, Greens burg Nicholas N. Cox, Franklin Bellamy Storer, Cincinnati John Dalzell, Pittsburgh Benjamin A. Enloe, Jackson John A. Caldwell, Cincinnati William A. Stone, Allegheny Rice A. Pierce, Union City George W. Houk, Dayton Andrew Stewart,38 Uniontown Josiah Patterson, Memphis Martin K. Gantz, Troy Alexander K. Craig,39 Pittsburgh Fernando C. Layton, Wapakoneta William A. Sipe,4° Pittsburgh TEXAS Dennis D. Donovan, Des hier Eugene P. Gillespie, Greenville SENATORS William E. Haynes, Fremont Matthew Griswold, Erie Darius D. Hare, Upper Sandusky Richard Coke, Waco Charles W. Stone, Warren John H. Reagan,47 Palestine Joseph H. Outhwaite, Columbus George F. Kribbs, Clarion Robert E. Doan, Wilmington Horace Chilton,48 Tyler John M. Pattison, Milford RHODE ISLAND Roger Q. Mills,49 Corsicana REPRESENTATIVES William H. Enochs, Ironton SENATORS Irvine Dungan, Jackson Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Charles Stewart, Houston James W. Owens, Newark Nathan F. Dixon, Westerly John B. Long, Rusk Michael D. Harter, Mansfield Constantine B. Kilgore, Wills Point John G. Warwick,35 Massillon REPRESENTATNES David B. Culberson, Jefferson Lewis P Ohliger,36 Wooster Oscar Lapham, Providence Joseph W. Bailey, Gainesville Albert J. Pearson, Woodsfield Charles H. Page, Scituate Jo Abbott, Hilisboro Joseph D. Taylor, Cambridge William H Cram, Cuero Ezra B. Taylor, Warren SOUTH CAROLINA Littleton W. Moore, La Grange Vincent A. Taylor, Bedford SENATORS Roger Q. Mills,50 Corsicana Tom L. Johnson, Cleveland Matthew C. Butler, Edgefield Edwin Le Roy Antony,5' Cameron John L. M. Irby, Laurens Joseph D. Sayers, Bastrop OREGON REPRESENTATIVES Samuel W. T. Lanham, Weatherford William H. Brawley, Charleston SENATORS VERMONT Joseph N. Dolph, Portland George D. Tiliman, Clarks Hill John H. Mitchell, Portland George Johnstone, Newberry SENATORS George W. Shell, Laurens George F. Edmunds,52 Burlington REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John J. Hemphill, Chester ,53 Proctor Binger Hermann, Roseburg Eli T. Stackhouse,4' Little Rock Justin S. Morrill, Strafford

' Died August 14, 1892. '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alexander "Resigned June 10, 1891. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John G. K. Craig, and took his seat December 5, 1892. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Warwick, and took his seat December 5, 1892. 01Died June 14, 1892. John H. Reagan, and took his seat December 7, 1891. '7Election unsuccessfully contested by John B. Reyn- "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Eli T. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John olds. Stackhouse, and took his seat December 5, 1892. H. Reagan, and took his seat March 30, 1892. Served until February 26, 1892; succeeded by Alexan- "Died August 14, 1891, before Congress assembled. ° Resigned March 28, 1892, having been elected Sena- der K. Craig, who contested his election. tor. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John R. 1 Successfully contested the election of Andrew Stew- Gamble, and took his seat December 7, 1891. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Roger art, and took his seat February 26, 1892; died July 29, Q. Mills, and took his seat July 28, 1892. Died May 25, 1891, before Congress assembled. "Resigned, effective November 1, 1891. 1892. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Leonidas C. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Houk, and took his seat December 7, 1891. George F. Edmunds, and took his seat December 7, 1891; subsequently elected. Fifty-Second Congress 243

REPRESENTATIVES WEST VIRGINIA WYOMING H. Henry Powers, Morrisville SENATORS William W. Grout, Barton SENATORS John E. Kenna,58 Charleston Joseph M. Carey, Cheyenne VIRGINIA Johnson N. Camden,59 Parkers burg Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne SENATORS Charles J. Faulkner, Martinsburg REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John W. Daniel, Lynchburg REPRESENTATIVES Clarence D. Clark, Evanston John S. Barbour,54 Alexandria John 0. Pendleton, Wheeling Eppa Hunton,55 Warrenton William L. Wilson, Charles Town TERRITORY OF ARIZONA REPRESENTATIVES John D. Alderson, Nicholas William A. Jones, Warsaw James Capehart, Point Pleasant DELEGATE John W. Lawson, Isle of Wight Marcus A. Smith, Tombstone George D. Wise, Richmond James F. Epes, Blackstone WISCONSIN TERRITORY OF NEW Posey G. Lester, Floyd SENATORS MEXICO Paul C. Edmunds, Halifax Philetus Sawyer, Oshkosh Charles T. O'Ferrall, Harrisonburg William F. Vilas, Madison DELEGATE William H. F. Lee,56 Burkes Station Antonio Joseph, Ojo Caliente Elisha E. Meredith,57 Brentsville REPRESENTATIVES John A. Buchanan, Abingdon Clinton Babbitt, Beloit TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA Henry St. George Tucker, Staunton Charles Barwig, Mayville Allen R. Bushnell, Madison DELEGATE WASHINGTON John L. Mitchell,6° Milwaukee David A. Harvey, Oklahoma City SENATORS George H. Brickner, Sheboygan Falls John B. Allen, Walla Walla Lucas M. Miller, Oshkosh TERRITORY OF UTAH Watson C. Squire, Seattle Frank P. Coburn, West Salem DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Nils P. Haugen, River Falls John L. Wilson, Spokane Thomas Lynch, Antigo John T. Caine, Salt Lake City

Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John E. ' Died May 14, 1892. ' Died October 13, 1891, before Congress assembled. }(enna, and took his seat January 28, 1893. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John S. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William H. 5°Resigned March 3, 1893, before the commencement of Barbour, and took his seat June 1, 1892; subsequently F. Lee, and took his seat December 23, 1891. the Fifty-third Congress, to which he had been reelected, elected. es Died January 11, 1893. having been elected Senator. FIFTY-THIRDCONGRESS MARCH 4, 1893, TO MARCH 3,1895

FIRST SESSION-August 7, 1893,to November 3, 1893 SECOND SESSION-December 4,1893, to August 28, 1894 THIRD SESSION-December 3,1894, to March 3, 1895 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March4, 1893, to April 15, 1893



ALABAMA John S. Little,'3 Greenwood Edward 0. Wolcott, Denver SENATORS Thomas C. McRae, Prescott John T. Morgan, Selma William L. Terry, Little Rock REPRESENTATIVES James L. Pugh, Eufaula Hugh A. Dinsmore, Fayetteville Lafayette Pence, Denver Robert Neil!, Batesville John C. Bell, Montrose REPRESENTATIVES Richard H. Clarke, Mobile CALIFORNIA Jesse F. Stallings, Greenville CONNECTICUT SENATORS William C. Oates,9 Abbeville SENATORS George P. 0 Opelika Leland Stanford,' San Francisco Orville H. Platt, Meriden Gaston A. Robbins, Selma George C. Perkins,15 Oakland Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford James E. Cobb," Tuskegee Stephen M. White, Los Angeles John H. Bankhead, Fayette REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William H. Denson, Gadsden Thomas J. Geary, Santa Rosa Lewis Sperry, Hartford Joseph Wheeler, Wheeler Anthony Caminetti, Jackson James P. Pigott, New Haven Louis W. Turpin, Newbern Samuel G. Hilborn,16 Oakland Charles A. Russell, Killingly Warren B. English," Oakland Robert E. DeForest, Bridgeport ARKANSAS James G. Maguire, San Francisco SENATORS Eugene F. Loud, San Francisco DELAWARE James K. Jones, Washington Marion Cannon, Ventura William W. Bowers, San Diego SENATORS James H. Berry, Bentonville George Gray, New Castle REPRESENTATIVES COLORADO Anthony Higgins, Wilmington Philip D. McCulloch, Jr., Marianna SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Clifton R. Breckinridge,12 Pine Bluff Henry M. Teller, Central City John W. Causey, Milford

'Resigned as President pro tempore March 22, 1893. Reelected August 7, 1893. 'Elected March 22, 1893 (special session of the Senate), is Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Clif- and January 10, 1895. Elected August 7, 1893. ton R. Breckinridge, and took his seat December 3, 1894. Elected January 7, Resigned, effective November 5, 1894. Died June 21, 1893. 1895; resigned as President pro 0 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation ofWil- s Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Leland tempore January 10, 1895. liam C. Oatee, and took his seat December 3, 1894. Stanford, and took his seat August 8, 1893; subsequently Elected April 6, 1893. " Election unsuccessfully contested by W. W. Whatley. elected. Reelected August 8, 1893. "Resigned August 14, 1894. 'Served until April 4, 1894; succeeded by Warren B. Reelected August 7, 1893. English, who contested his election. iS Successfully contested the election of Samuel (1. Hil- born, and took his seat April 4, 1894. [244] Fifty-Third Congress 245

FLORIDA William S. Forman, Nashville KENTUCKY James R. Williams, Carmi SENATORS SENATORS George W. Smith, Murphysboro Wilkinson Call, Jacksonville At Large-John C. Black,23 Chicago Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles Samuel Pasco,'8 Monticello Andrew J. Hunter, Paris William Lindsay, Frankfort REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Stephen R. Mallory, Pensacola INDIANA William J. Stone, Kuttawa Charles M. Cooper, Jacksonville SENATORS William T. Ellis, Owensboro Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute Isaac H. Goodnight, Franklin GEORGIA David Turpie, Indianapolis Alexander B. Montgomery, SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Elizabethtown Alfred H. Colquitt,'9 Atlanta Arthur H. Taylor, Petersburg Asher G. Caruth, Louisville Patrick Walsh,2° Augusta John L. Bretz, Jasper Albert S. Berry, Newport John B. Gordon, Atlanta Jason B. Brown, Seymour William C. P. Breckinridge, Lexington REPRESENTATIVES William S. Holman, Aurora James B. McCreary, Richmond Rufus E. Lester, Savannah George W. Cooper, Columbus Thomas H. Paynter,27 Greenup Benjamin E. Russell, Bainbridge Henry U. Johnson, Richmond Marcus C. Lisle,28 Winchester Charles F. Crisp, Americus William D. Bynum, Indianapolis William M. Beckner,29 Winchester Charles L. Moses, Turin Elijah V. Brookshire, Crawford.sville Silas Adams, Liberty Leonidas F. Livingston, Kings Daniel W. Waugh, Tipton Thomas B. Cabaniss, Forsyth Thomas Hammond, Hammond LOUISIANA John W. Maddox, Rome Augustus N. Martin, Bluffton SENATORS Thomas G. Lawson, Eatonton William F. McNagny, Columbia City Charles G. Conn, Elkhart Edward D. White,3° New Orleans Farish C. Tate, Jasper Newton C. Blanchard,3' Shreveport James C. C. Black,2' Augusta Donelson Caffery, Franklin Henry G. Turner, Quitman IOWA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES IDAHO William B. Allison, Dubuque Adolph Meyer, New Orleans SENATORS James F. Wilson, Fairfield Robert C. Davey, New Orleans George L. Shoup, Salmon City REPRESENTATIVES Andrew Price, Thibodaux Fred T. Dubois, Blackfoot John H. Gear, Burlington Newton C. Blanchard,32 Shreveport REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Walter I. Hayes, Clinton Henry W. Ogden,38 Benton Charles J. Boatner, Monroe Willis Sweet, Moscow David B. Henderson, Dubuque Thomas Updegraff, McGregor Samuel M. Robertson, Baton Rouge ILLINOIS Robert G. Cousins, Tipton SENATORS John F. Lacey, Oskaloosa MAINE Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield John A. T. Hull, Des Moines SENATORS John McAuley Palmer, Springfield William P. Hepburn, Clarinda Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Alva L. Hager, Greenfield William P. Frye, Lewiston REPRESENTATIVES Jonathan P. Dolliver, Fort Dodge J. Frank Aldrich, Chicago George D. Perkins, Sioux City REPRESENTATIVES Lawrence E. McGann, Chicago Thomas B. Reed, Portland Allan C. Durborow, Jr., Chicago KANSAS Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston Julius Goldzier, Chicago SENATORS Seth L. Milliken, Belfast Albert J. Hopkins, Aurora Charles A. Boutelle, Bangor Robert R. Hitt, Mount Morris William A. Peffer, Topeka John Martin,24 Topeka Thomas J. Henderson, Princeton MARYLAND Robert A. Childs, Hinsdale REPRESENTATIVES Hamilton K. Wheeler, Kankakee Case Broderick, Holton SENATORS Philip S. Post,22 Gales burg Edward H. Funston,25 lola Arthur Pue Gorman, Laurel Benjamin F. Marsh, Warsaw Horace L. Moore,26 Lawrence Charles H. Gibson, Easton Thomas J. Hudson, Fredonia John J. McDannold, Mount Sterling REPRESENTATIVES William M. Springer, Springfield , Topeka Benjamin F. Funk, Bloomington John Davis, Junction City Robert F. Bratton,34 Princess Anne Joseph G. Cannon, Danville William Baker, Lincoln W. Laird Henry,35 Cambridge George W. Fithian, Newton Jeremiah Simpson, Medicine Lodge J. Fred. C. Talbott, Towson Edward Lane, Hills boro At Large-William A. Harris, Linwood Harry W. Rusk, Baltimore

Resigned, effective March 12, 1894, having been ap- 18 Reappointed to fill vacancy in the term beginning 02 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Preston B. Plumb in preceding Congress, and took his seat March 4, pointed Associate Justice of the United States Supreme March 4, 1893, and subsequently reelected. Court. ° Died March 26, 1894. 1893; election unsuccessfully contested by Joseph W. Ady. 31 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Alfred 08 Served until August 2, 1894; succeeded by Horace L. Edward D. White, and took his seat March 12, 1894; subse- H. Colquitt, and took his seat April 9, 1894; subsequently Moore, who contested his election. quently elected. elected. 00 Successfully contested the election of Edward H. Fun- II Resigned, effective March 12, 1894, having been elect- 21 Electionunsuccessfully contested by Thomas E. ston, and took his seat August 2, 1894. ed Senator. Watson. Resigned effective January 5, 1895. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Died January 6, 1895, before the commencement of 00 Died July '1, 1894. Newton C. Blanchard, and took his seat May 12, 1894. the Fifty-fourth Congress, to which he had been reelected. 29 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Marcus C. 04 Died May 10, 1894. Lisle, and took his seat December 3, 1894. 28 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert F. Resigned January 12, 1895. Bratton, and took his seat December 3, 1894. 246 Biographical Directory

MARYLAND-Continued MINNESOTA Marshall Arnold, Benton REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED SENATORS Charles H. Morgan, Lamar Cushman K. Davis, St. Paul Isidor Rayner, Baltimore MONTANA Barnes Compton,36 Laurel William D. Washburn, Minneapolis Charles E. Coffm,37 Muirkirk REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS William M. McKaig, Cumberland James A. Tawney, Winona Thomas C. Power, Helena James T. McCleary, Mankato Lee Mantle,5° Butte MASSACHUSETTS Osee M. Hall, Red Wing REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS Andrew R. Kiefer, St. Paul Charles S. Hartman, Bozeman Loren Fletcher, Minneapolis George F. Hoar, Worcester Melvin R. Baldwin, Duluth Henry Cabot Lodge, Nahant NEBRASKA Haldor E. Boen, Fergus Falls SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES MISSISSIPPI Charles F. Manderson, Omaha Ashley B. Wright, North Adams William V. Allen, Madison Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield SENATORS Joseph H. Walker, Worcester James Z. George, Carroilton REPRESENTATIVES Lewis D. Apsley, Hudson Edward C. Walthall,46 Grenada William J. Bryan, Lincoln Moses T. Stevens, North Andover Anselm J. McLaurin,47 Brandon David H. Mercer, Omaha George D. Meiklejohn, Fullerton William Cogswell, Salem REPRESENTATIVES ,38 Quincy Eugene J. Hainer, Aurora Samuel W. McCall, Winchester John M. Allen, Tupelo William A. McKeighan, Red Cloud Joseph H. O'Neil, Boston John C. Kyle, Sardis Omer M. Kem, Broken Bow Michael J. McEttrick, Boston Thomas C. Catchings, Vicksburg William F. Draper, Hopedale Hernando D. Money, Carroliton NEVADA , Yazoo City Elijah A. Morse, Canton SENATORS Charles S. Randall, New Bedford Thomas R. Stockdale, Summit Charles E. Hooker, Jackson John P. Jones, Gold Hill William M. Stewart, Carson City MICHIGAN MISSOURI REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS SENATORS Francis G. Newlands, Reno Francis B. Stockbridge,39 Kalamazoo Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg John Patton, Jr.,4° Grand Rapids George G. Vest, Kansas City NEW HAMPSHIRE Julius C. Burrows,41 Kalamazoo SENATORS James McMillan, Detroit REPRESENTATIVES William H. Hatch, Hannibal William E. Chandler, Concord REPRESENTATIVES Uriel S. Hall, Hubbard Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord J. Logan Chipman,42 Detroit Alexander M. Dockery, Gallatin REPRESENTATIVES Levi T. Griffin,43 Detroit Daniel D. Burnes, St. Joseph Henry W. Blair, Manchester James S. Gorman, Chelsea John C. Tarsney, Kansas City Henry M. Baker, Bow Julius C. Burrows,44 Kalamazoo David A. De Armond, Butler Henry F. Thomas, Allegan John T. Heard, Sedalia NEW JERSEY George F. Richardson,45 Grand Rapids Richard P. Bland, Lebanon David D. Aitken, Flint James Beauchamp Clark, Bowling SENATORS Justin R. Whiting, St. Clair Green John R. McPherson, Jersey City William S. Linton, Saginaw Richard Bartholdt, St. Louis James Smith, Jr., Newark John W. Moon, Muskegon Charles F. Joy,48 St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES Thomas A. E. Weadock, Bay City John J. O'Neill,49 St. Louis Henry C. Loudenslager, Paulsboro John Avery, Greenville Seth W. Cobb, St. Louis John J. Gardner, Atlantic City Samuel M. Stephenson, Menominee Robert W. Fyan, Marshfield Jacob A. Geissenhainer, Freehold

"Resigned, effective May 15, 1894. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Logan ' Resigned January 24, 1894. ' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Chipman, and took his seat December 4, 1893. ' Elected toifil vacancy causedy resignation of Barnes Compton, and took his seat December 3, 1894. ' Resigned January 23, 1895, before the commencement Edward C. Walthall, and took his seat February 15, 1894. e Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- of the Fifty-fourth Congress, to which he had been reelect- '6Served until April 3, 1894; succeeded by John J. sentative-elect Henry Cabot Lodge, in preceding Congress, ed, having been elected Senator. O'Neill, who contested his election. and took his seat August 7, 1893. 45Credentials presented December 22, 1892; credentials Successfully contested the election of Charles F. Joy, ' Died April 30, 1894. of Charles E. Belknap, issued by new officials, filed Febru- and took his seat April 3, 1894. 40Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Francis ary 20, 1893; resolutions that Mr. Richardson be sworn 50Appointed tofill vacancy in the term beginning B. Stockbridge, and took his seat May 10, 1894. March 4, 1893, caused by failure of legislature to elect; adopted August 8, 1893, and he took his seat; September 9, credentials presented March 9, 1893; on August 28, 1893, Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Francis B. 1893, Belknap was granted right to contest; Committee on the Senate decided he was not entitled to a seat; subse- Stockbridge, and took his seat January 23, 1895. Elections reported in favor of Richardson February 27, 42 quently elected and took his seat February 2, 1895; State Died August 17, 1893. 1895; minority report filed for Belknap; no action by unrepresented in this class from March 4, 1893, to Janu- House. ary 15, 1895. Fifty-Third Congress 247

Johnston Cornish, Washington Jeter C. Pritchard,58 Marshall John H. Mitchell, Portland Cornelius A. Cadmus, Paterson REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Thomas D. English, Newark William A. B. Branch, Washington Binger Hermann, Roseburg George B. Fielder, Jersey City Frederick A. Woodard, Wilson William R. Ellis, Heppner John T. Dunn, Elizabeth Benjamin F. Grady, Wallace Benjamin H. Bunn, Rocky Mount PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK Thomas Settle, Reid.sville SENATORS SENATORS Sydenham B. Alexander, Charlotte J. Donald Cameron, Harrisburg John S. Henderson, Salisbury Matthew S. Quay, Beaver David B. Hill, Albany William H. Bower, Lenoir Edward Murphy, Jr., Troy REPRESENTATIVES William T. Crawford, Waynesville REPRESENTATIVES Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia James W. Covert, Long Island City NORTH DAKOTA Charles O'Neill,65 Philadelphia Robert Adams, Jr.,66 Philadelphia John M. Clancy, Brooklyn SENATORS William McAleer, Philadelphia Joseph C. Hendrix, Brooklyn Henry C. Hansbrough, Devils Lake William J. Coombs, Brooklyn John E. Reyburn, Philadelphia William N. Roach, Larimore Alfred C. Harmer, Philadelphia John H. Graham, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Thomas F. Magner, Brooklyn John B. Robinson, Media Franklin Bartlett, New York City Martin N. Johnson, Petersburg Irving P. Wanger, Norristown Edward J. Dunphy, New York City William Mutchler,67 Easton Timothy J. Campbell, New York City OHIO Howard Mutchler,68 Easton Daniel E. Sickles, New York City SENATORS Constantine J. Erdman, Allentown Amos J. Cummings,51 New York City John Sherman, Mansfield Marriott Brosius, Lancaster W. Bourke Cockran, New York City Calvin S. Brice, Lima Joseph A. Scranton, Scranton William H. Hines, Wilkes-Barre J. De Witt Warner, New York City REPRESENTATIVES James B. Reilly, Pottsville John R. Fellows,52 New York City Bellamy Storer, Cincinnati Lemuel E. Quigg,53 New York City Ephraim M. Woomer, Lebanon Jacob A. Caldwell,5° Cincinnati Myron B. Wright,69 Susquehanna Ashbel P. Fitch,54 New York City Jacob H. Bromwell,6° Cincinnati Isidor Straus,55 New York City Edwin J. Jorden,7° Coudersport George W. Houk,6' Dayton Albert C. Hopkins, Lock Haven William Ryan, Port Chester Paul J. Sorg,62 Middletown Francis Marvin, Port Jervis Simon P. Wolverton, Sunbury Fernando C. Layton, Wapakoneta Thaddeus M. Mahon, Chambersburg Jacob Le Fever, New Paltz Dennis D. Donovan, Deshler Charles D. Haines, Kinderhook Frank E. Beltzhoover, Carlisle George W. Hulick, Batavia Josiah D. Hicks, Altoona Charles Tracey, Albany George W. Wilson, London Simon J. Schermerhorn, Schenectady Daniel B. Heiner, Kittanning Luther M. Strong, Kenton John Dalzell, Pittsburgh Newton M. Curtis, Ogdens burg Byron F. Ritchie, Toledo William A. Stone, Allegheny John M. Wever, Plattsburg William H Enochs,63 Ironton William A. Sipe, Pittsburgh Charles A. Chickering, Copenhagen Hezekiah S. Bundy,6Wellston Thomas W. Phillips, New Castle James S. Sherman, Utica Charles H. Grosvenor, Athens George W. Ray, Norwich Joseph C. Sibley, Franklin Joseph H. Outhwaite, Columbus Charles W. Stone, Warren James J. Belden, Syracuse Darius D. Hare, Upper Sand usky George F. Dribbs, Clarion Sereno E. Payne, Auburn Michael D. Harter, Mansfield Charles W. Gillet, Addison At Large-Alexander McDowell, Henry C. Van Voorhis, Zanesville Sharon James W. Wadsworth, Geneseo Albert J. Pearson, Woodsfield John Van Voorhis, Rochester William Lilly,7' Mauch Chunk James A. D. Richards, New Galusha A. Grow,72 Glenwood Daniel N. Lockwood, Buffalo Philadelphia Charles Daniels, Buffalo George P. Ikirt, East Liverpool RHODE ISLAND Warren B. Hooker, Fredonia Stephen A. Northway, Jefferson William J. White, Cleveland SENATORS NORTH CAROLINA Tom L. Johnson, Cleveland Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Nathan F. Dixon, Westerly SENATORS OREGON REPRESENTATIVES Matt W. Ransom, Weldon Zebulon B. Vance,56 Charlotte SENATORS Oscar Lapham, Providence Thomas J. Jarvis,57 Greenville Joseph N. Doiph, Portland Charles H. Page,73 Providence

Resigned effective May 4, 1894. 62 Died June 23, 1893, before Congress assembled. Resigned November 21, 1894. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 68 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William Resigned effective December 31, 1893. Mutchier, and took his seat August 7, 1893. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John A. Caldwell, and took his seat December 3, 1894. 85 Died November 13, 1894, before the commencement of R. Fellows, and took his seat February 14, 1894. ' Died February 9, 1894. the Fifty.fourth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Resigned December 26, 1893. 52 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George W. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Myron B. vacancy caused by resignationof Houk, and took his seat May 21, 1894. Elected to fill °s Died July 13, 1893, before Congress assembled. Wright, and took his seat February 23, 1895. Ashbel P. Fitch, and took his seat February 14, 1894. 75 Died December 1, 1893. ° Died April 14, 1894. °Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William 11. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Zebulon Enochs, and took his seat December 4, 1893. Lilly, and took his seat March 2, 1894. B. Vance, and took his seat April 26, 1894. ° Died November 25, 1893. April 5, 1893, and took his seat August 7, 6 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Zebulon B. 85 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles Vance, and took his seat January 24, 1895. O'Neill, and took his seat January 3, 1894. 248 Biographical Directory

SOUTH CAROLINA Joseph W. Bailey, Gainesville Johnson N. Camden, Parkersburg SENATORS J0 Abbott, Hills boro REPRESENTATIVES Matthew C. Butler, Edgefield George C. Pendleton, Belton John 0. Pendleton, Wheeling John L. M. Irby, Laurens Charles K. Bell, Fort Worth William L Wilson, Charles Town Joseph D. Sayers, Bastrop REPRESENTATIVES John D. Alderson, Nicholas Waiter Gresham, Galveston James Capehart, Point Pleasant William H. Brawley,74 Charleston William H. Cram, Cuero James F. Izlar,75 Orangeburg Thomas M. Paschal, Castroville WISCONSIN W. Jasper Talbert, Parksville Jeremiah V. Cockrell, Anson Asbury C. Latimer, Belton SENATORS George W. Shell, Laurens VERMONT William F. Vilas, Madison Thomas J. Strait, Lancaster John L. Mitchell, Milwaukee SENATORS John L. McLaurin, Bennettsville REPRESENTATIVES George W. Murray, Sumter Justin S. Morrill, Strafford , Racine Redfield Proctor, Proctor Charles Barwig, Mayville SOUTH DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES Joseph W. Babcock, Necedah SENATORS H. Henry Powers, Morrisville Peter J. Somers,8' Milwaukee Richard F. Pettigrew, Sioux Falls William W. Grout, Barton George H. Brickner, Sheboygan Falls James H. Kyle, Aberdeen Owen A. Wells, Fond du Lac REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE VIRGINIA George B. Shaw,82 Eau Claire John A. Pickler, Faulton SENATORS Michael Griffin,83 Eau Claire William V. Lucas, Hot Springs Lyman E. Barnes, Appleton John W. Daniel, Lynchburg Thomas Lynch, Antigo Eppa Hunton, Warrenton TENNESSEE Nils P. Haugen, River Falls REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS WYOMING Isham G. Harris, Memphis William A. Jones, Warsaw William B. Bate, Nashville D. Gardiner Tyler, Sturgeon Point SENATORS George D. Wise, Richmond Joseph M. Carey, Cheyenne REPRESENTATIVES James F. Epes, Blackstone Clarence D. Clark,84 Evanston Alfred A. Taylor, Johnson City Claude A. Swanson, Chatham REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John C. Houk, Knoxville Paul C. Edmunds, Halifax Henry C. Snodgrass, Sparta Charles T. O'Ferrall,77 Harrisonburg Henry A. Coffeen, Big Horn Benton McMillin, Carthage Smith S. Turner,78 Front Royal James D. Richardson, Murfreesboro Elisha E. Meredith, Brentsville TERRITORY OF ARIZONA Joseph E. Washington, Cedar Hill James W. Marshall, New Castle DELEGATE Nicholas N. Cox, Franklin Henry St. George Thcker, Staunton Marcus A. Smith, Tombstone Benjamin A. Enloe,76 Jackson James C. McDearmon, Trenton WASHINGTON TERRITORY OF NEW Josiah Patterson, Memphis MEXICO SENATORS DELEGATE Watson C. Squire, Seattle TEXAS Antonio Joseph, Ojo Caliente SENATORS John L. Wilson,79 Spokane Richard Coke, Waco REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA Roger Q. Mills, Corsicana John L. Wilson,80 Spokane DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES William H. Doolittle, Tacoma Dennis T Flynn, Guthrie Joseph C. Hutcheson, Houston Samuel B. Cooper, Woodville WEST VIRGINIA TERRITORY OF UTAH Constantine B. Kilgore, Wills Point SENATORS DELEGATE David B. Culberson, Jefferson Charles J. Faulkner, Ma rtins burg Joseph L. Rawlins, Salt Lake City

' Resigned February 12, 1894. having adjourned without electing his successor; creden- Died August 27, 1894. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- tials presented March 20, 1893 (special session of the 85 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George B. liam H. Brawley, and took his seat April 15, 1894. Senate), but he was not permitted to qualif'; on August Shaw, and took his seat December 3, 1894. 78Electjon unsuccessfully contested by P. H. Thrasher. 28, 1893, the Senate decided he was not entitled to the 84Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March ' Resigned December 28, 1898, having been elected gov- seat. Vacancy in this class from March 4, 1893, to January 4, 1893, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took ernor. 31, 1895. his seat February 6, 1895. Asahel C. Beckwith presented Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 80 Resigned, effective February 18, 1895, having been credentials as a Senator-designate March 15, 1893 (special Charles F. O'Ferrall, and took his seat February 12, 1894. elected Senator. session of the Senate), but was not sworn pending investi- '° Elected to fill vacancy in the term commencing ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- gation of his right to the seat; resigned July 11, 1893, March 4, 1893, and took his seat February 19, 1895. John sentative-elect John L Mitchell, in preceding Congress, before fmal action by Senate; vacancy in this class from B. Allen was appointed to fill such vacancy, the legislature and took his seat August 27, 1893. March 4, 1893, to January 22, 1895. FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1895, TO MARCH 3, 1897

FIRST SESSION-December 2, 1895, to June 11, 1896 SECOND SESSION-December 7, 1896, to March 3, 1897



ALABAMA William L. Terry, Little Rock CONNECTICUT Hugh A. Dinsmore, Fayetteville SENATORS SENATORS Robert Neill, Batesville John T. Morgan, Selma Orville H. Platt, Meriden Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford James L. Pugh, Eufaula CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Richard H. Clarke, Mobile SENATORS E. Stevens Henry, Rockville Jesse F. Stallings, Greenville Stephen M. White, Los Angeles Nehemiah D. Sperry, New Haven George P. Harrison,5 Opelika George C. Perkins, Oakland Charles A. Russell, Killingly Gaston A. Robbins,6 Selma Ebenezer J. Hill, Norwalk William F. Aldrich,7 Aldrich REPRESENTATIVES James E. Cobb,8 Tuskegee John A. Barham, Santa Rosa DELAWARE Grove L. Johnson, Sacramento Albert T. Goodwyn,° Robinson Springs SENATORS John H. Bankhead, Fayette Samuel G. Hilborn, Oakland Milford W. Howard, Fort Payne James G. Maguire, San Francisco George Gray, New Castle Joseph Wheeler, Wheeler Eugene F. Loud, San Francisco Richard R. Kenney,'2 Dover Oscar W. Underwood,'° Birmingham James McLachlan, Pasadena REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Truman H. Aldrich," Birmingham William W. Bowers, San Diego Jonathan S. Willis, Milford ARKANSAS COLORADO FLORIDA SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS James K. Jones, Washington Henry M. Teller, Central City Wilkinson Call, Jacksonville James H. Berry, Bentonville Edward 0. Wolcott, Denver Samuel Pasco, Monticello REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Philip D. McCulloch, Jr., Marianna REPRESENTATiVES John S. Little, Greenwood John F. Shafroth, Denver Stephen M. Sparkman, Tampa Thomas C. McRae, Prescott John C. Bell, Montrose Charles M. Cooper, Jacksonville

ported favorably to Mr. du Pont, February 17, 1896, but on Elected February 7, 1896. Successfully contested the election of James E. Cobb, May 15, 1896, the Senate, by a vote of 31 to 30, decided he 2Elected December 2, 1895. and took his seat April 22, 1896. was not entitled to a seat; papers and legislative records 'Elected December 2, 1895. 1 Served until June 9, 1896; succeeded by Truman H. were presented January 21, 1897, attesting the election of Elected December 2, 1895. Aldrich, who contested his election. John Edwards Addicks on the day preceding, for the term 'Election unsuccessfully contested by W. C. Robinson. "Successfully contested the election of Oscar W. Un- beginning March 4,1895;credentials of RichardR. 6Served until March 13, 1896; succeeded by William F. derwood, and took his seat June 9, 1896. Kenney, duly signed by the governor, and certifying to his Aldrich, who contested his election. "A petition and papers, certifying to the election of election on January 19, 1897, were presented on February Successfully contested the election of Gaston A. Rob- Henry A. du Pont for the term beginning March 4, 1895, 5, 1897; appeared, qualified, and took his seat on the same bins, and took his seat March 13, 1896. were presented December 4, 1895; numerous affidavits and day. The contest was continued in the succeeding Con- 'Served until April 21, 1896; succeeded by Albert T. papers challenging the regularity of the election were also gress. Vacancy in this class from March 4, 1895, to Janu- Goodwyn, who contested his election. presented; the Committee on Privileges and Elections re- ary 18, 1897.

{ 249] 250 Biographical Directory

GEORGIA INDIANA William Lindsay, Frankfort SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John B. Gordon, Atlanta Daniel W. Voorhees, Terre Haute John K. Hendrick, Smithiand Augustus 0. Bacon, Macon David Turpie, Indianapolis John D. Clardy, Newstead REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES W. Godfrey Hunter, Burkesville Rufus E. Lester, Savannah James A. Hemenway, Boonville John W. Lewis, Springfield Benjamin E. Russell, Bainbridge Alexander M. Hardy, Washington Walter Evans, Louisville Charles F. Crisp,'3 Arnericus Robert J. Tracewell, Corydon Albert S. Berry, Newport Charles R. Crisp,'4 Americus James E. Watson, Rushville William C. Owens,24 Georgetown Charles L. Moses, Turin , Franklin James B. McCreary, Richmond Leonidas F. Livingston, Kings Henry U. Johnson, Richmond Samuel J. Pugh, Vanceburg Charles L. Bartlett, Macon Charles L. Henry, Anderson Joseph M. Kendall,25 Prestonsburg John W. Maddox,15 Rome George W. Fans, Terre Haute Nathan T. Hopkins,26 Marshall Thomas G. Lawson, Eatonton J. , Williamsport David G. Colson, Middlesboro Farish C. Tate, Jasper Jethro A. Hatch, Kentland James C. C. Black,16 Augusta George W. Steele, Marion LOUISIANA Henry G. Turner, Quitman Jacob D. Leighty, St. Joe SENATORS Lemuel W. Royse, Warsaw IDAHO Donelson Caffery, Franklin Newton C. Blanchard, Shreveport SENATORS IOWA REPRESENTATIVES George L. Shoup, Salmon City SENATORS Fred T. Dubois, Blackfoot Adolph Meyer, New Orleans William B. Allison, Dubuque Charles F. Buck,27 New Orleans REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John H. Gear, Burlington Andrew Price,28 Thibodaux Edgar Wilson, Boise City REPRESENTATIVES Henry W. Ogden, Benton Charles J. Boatner,29 Monroe ILLINOIS Samuel M. Clark, Keokuk George M. Curtis, Clinton Samuel M. Robertson, Baton Rouge SENATORS David B. Henderson, Dubuque Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield Thomas Updegraff, McGregor MAINE John McAuley Palmer, Springfield Robert G. Cousins, Tipton SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John F. Lacy, Oskaloosa Eugene Hale, Ellsworth J. Frank Aldrich, Chicago John A. T. Hull, Des Moines William P. Frye, Lewiston William Lorirner, Chicago William P. Hepburn, Clarinda Lawrence E. McGann,17 Chicago Alva L. Hager, Greenfield REPRESENTATIVES Hugh R. Belknap,'8 Chicago Jonathan P. Dolliver, Fort Dodge Thomas B. Reed, Portland Charles W. Woodman, Chicago George D. Perkins, Sioux City Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston George E. White, Chicago Seth L. Milliken, Belfast Edward D. Cooke, Chicago KANSAS Charles A. Boutelle, Bangor George E. Foss, Chicago SENATORS Albert J. Hopkins, Aurora William A. Peffer, Topeka MARYLAND Robert R. Hitt, Mount Morris , Leavenworth SENATORS George W. Prince,'9 Gales burg REPRESENTATIVES Arthur Pue Gorman, Laurel Walter Reeves, Streator Charles H. Gibson, Easton Joseph G. Cannon, Danville Case Broderick, Holton Vespasian Warner, Clinton Orrin L. Miller, Kansas City REPRESENTATIVES Joseph V. Graff, Pekin Snyder S. Kirkpatrick, Fredonia Joshua W. Miles, Princess Anne Benjamin F. Marsh, Warsaw Charles Curtis, Topeka William B. Baker, Aberdeen Finis E. Downing,2° Virginia William A. Calderhead, Marysville Harry W. Rusk,3° Baltimore John I. Rinaker,2' Carlinville William Baker, Lincoln John K. Cowen, Baltimore James A. Connolly, Springfield Chester I. Long, Medicine Lodge Charles E. Coffin, Muirkirk Frederick Remann,22 Vandalia At Large-Richard W. Blue, George L. Wellington, Cumberland William F. L. Hadley,23 Edwardsville Pleasanton Benson Wood, Effingham MASSACHUSETTS Orlando Burrell, Carmi KENTUCKY SENATORS Everett J. Murphy, East St. Louis SENATORS George F. Hoar, Worcester George W. Smith, Murphysboro Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles Henry Cabot Lodge, Na ha nt

"Died October 23, 1896. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Represents- '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, "Served until February 18, 1897; succeeded by N. T. Charles F. Crisp, and took his seat December 19, 1896. tive-elect Philip S. Post, in preceding Congress, and took Hopkins, who contested his election. '5Electionunsuccessfully contested by William H. his seat December 2, 1895. °°Successfully contested the election of Joseph M. Ken- Felton. '° Served until June 5, 1896; succeeded by John I. Rin- dall, and took his seat February 18, 1897. aker, who contested his election. 27Election unsuccessfully contested by H. Dudley Cole- "Resigned March 4, 1895, subsequently elected to fill man. vacancy caused by his own resignation, and took his seat Successfully contested the election of Finis E. Down- December 2,1895; election unsuccessfully contested by ing, and took his seat June 5, 1896. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Taylor Beattie. Thomas E. Watson. Died July 14, 1895, before Congress assembled. "Election contested by Alexis Benoit; seat declared 'Resigned December 2, 1895; succeeded by Hugh R. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Frederick vacant March 20, 1896; subsequently elected and took his Belknap, who contested his election. Remann, and took his seat December 2, 1895. seat December 10, 1896; this election also unsuccessfully '5 ' Election unsuccessfully contested by George Denny, contested by Alexis Benoit. Successfully contested the election of Lawrence E. "Electionunsuccessfully contested by WilliamS. McGann, and took his seat December 27, 1895. Jr. Booze. Fifty-Fourth Congress 251

REPRESENTATIVES Walter McK Denny, Scranton Henry M. Baker, Bow Ashley B. Wright, North Adams James G. Spencer, Port Gibson Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield NEW JERSEY MISSOURI Joseph H. Walker, Worcester SENATORS Lewis D. Apsley, Hudson SENATORS William S. Knox, Lawrence Francis M.. Cockrell, Warrensburg James Smith, Jr., Newark William Cogswell,3' Salem George G. Vest, Kansas City William J. Sewell, Camden William H. Moody,32 Haverhill REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William E. Barrett, Melrose Charles N. Clark, Hanniba' Henry C. Loudenslager, Paulsboro Samuel W. McCall, Winchester Uriel S. Hall, Hubbard John J. Gardner, Atlantic City John F. Fitzgerald, Boston Alexander M. Dockery, Gallatin Benjamin F. Howell, New Brunswick Harrison H. Atwood, Boston George C. Crowther, St. Joseph Mahlon Pitney, Morristown William F. Draper, Hopedale John C. Tarsney,34 Kansas City James F. Stewart, Paterson Elijah A. Morse, Canton Robert T. Van Horn,35 Kansas City Richard Wayne Parker, Newark , Yarmouth David A. De Armond, Butler Thomas McEwan, Jr., Jersey City John P. Tracey, Springfield Charles N. Fowler, Elizabeth MICHIGAN Joel D. Hubbard, Versailles SENATORS William M. Treloar, Mexico NEW YORK James McMillan, Detroit Richard Bartholdt, St. Louis Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo Charles F. Joy, St. Louis SENATORS Seth W. Cobb, St. Louis David B. Hill, Albany REPRESENTATWES John H. Raney, Piedmont Edward Murphy, Jr., Troy John B. Corliss, Detroit Norman A. Mozley, Dexter George Spalding, Monroe Charles G. Burton, Nevada REPRESENTATIVES Alfred Mimes,33 Coidwater Richard C. McCormick, Jamaica Henry F. Thomas, Allegan MONTANA Denis M. Hurley, Brooklyn William Alden Smith, Grand Rapids SENATORS Francis H. Wilson, Brooklyn Israel F. Fischer, Brooklyn David D. Aitken, Flint Lee Mantle, Butte Horace G. Snover, Port Austin Thomas H. Carter, Helena Charles G. Bennett, Brooklyn William S. Linton, Saginaw James R. Howe, Brooklyn Roswell P. Bishop, Ludington REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Franklin Bartlett, New York City Rousseau 0. Crump, West Bay City Charles S. Hartrnan, Bozeman James J. Walsh,36 New York City John Avery, Greenville John M. Mitchell,37 New York City Samuel M. Stephenson, Menominee NEBRASKA Henry Clay Miner,38 New York City SENATORS Amos J. Cummings,39 New York City MINNESOTA William V. Allen, Madison William Sulzer, New York City SENATORS John M. Thurston, Omaha George B. McClellan,40 New York City Cushman K. Davis, St. Paul REPRESENTATIVES Richard C. Shannon, New York City Knute Nelson, Alexandria Jesse B. Strode, Lincoln Lemuel E. Quigg, New York City Philip B. Low, New York City REPRESENTATIVES David H. Mercer, Omaha George D. Meiklejohn, Fullerton Benjamin L. Fairchild, Pelham Heights James A. Tawney, Winona Benjamin B. Odell, Jr., Newburgh James T. McCleary, Mankato Eugene J. Hainer, Aurora William E. Andrews, Hastings Jacob Le Fever, New Paltz Joel P. Heatwole, Northfield Omer M. Kern, Broken Bow Frank S. Black,4' Troy Andrew R. Keifer, St. Paul George N. Southwick, Albany Loren Fletcher, Minneapolis NEVADA David F. Wilber, Oneonta Charles A. Towne, Duluth SENATORS Newton M. Curtis, Ogdensburg Frank M. Eddy, Glenwood Wallace T. Foote, Jr., Port Henry John P. Jones, Gold Hill Charles A. Chickering, Copenhagen MISSISSIPPI William M. Stewart, Carson City James S. Sherman, Utica SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE George W. Ray, Norwich James Z. George, Carroliton Francis G. Newlands, Reno Theodore L. Poole, Syracuse Sereno E. Payne, Auburn Edward C. Waithall, Grenada NEW HAMPSHIRE REPRESENTATIVES Charles W. Gillet, Addison SENATORS James W. Wadsworth, Geneseo John M. Allen, Tupelo William E. Chandler, Concord Henry C. Brewster, Rochester John C. Kyle, Sardis Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord Thomas C. Catchings, Vicksburg Rowland B. Mahany, Buffalo Hernando D. Money, Carrollton REPRESENTATIVES Charles Daniels, Buffalo John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City Cyrus A. Sulloway, Manchester Warren B. Hooker, Fredonia

3sSuccessfully contested the election of John C. Tars- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- 5'Died May 22, 1895, before Congress assembled. tive-elect Andrew J. Campbell (December 6, 1894, before 52Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William ney, and took his seat February 21, 1896. the beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat Cogswell, and took his seat December 2, 1895. Served until June 2, 1896; succeeded by John M. Mitchell, who contested his election. December 2, 1895. '' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- " Successfully contested the election of James J. Walsh, °Election unsuccessfully contested by Robert A. Chess- sentative-elect Julius C. Burrows, in preceding Congress, brough. and took his seat December 2, 1895. and took his seat June 2, 1896. 41Resigned January 7, 1897, having been elected Gover- 3Election unsuccessfully contested by TimothyJ. 34Served until February 27, 1896; succeeded by Robert nor. T. Van Horn, who contested his election. Campbell. 252 Biographical Directory

NORTH CAROLINA George W. McBride, St. Helens George W. Murray,48 Rembert SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES W. Jasper Talbert, Parksville Jeter C. Pritchard, Marshall Binger Hermann, Roseburg Asbury C. Latimer,49 Belton , Elliott William R. Ellis, Heppner Stanyarne Wilson, Spartanburg REPRESENTATIVES Thomas J. Strait, Lancaster Harry Skinner, Greenville PENNSYLVANIA John L. McLaurin,5° Bennettsville Frederick A. Woodard,42 Wilson SENATORS J. William Stokes,51 Orangeburg John G. Shaw,48 Fayetteville J. Donald Cameron, Harrisburg William F. Strowd, Pittsboro Matthew S. Quay, Beaver SOUTH DAKOTA Thomas Settle, Reid,sville REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS James A. Lockhart,44 Wadesboro Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia Richard F. Pettigrew, Sioux Falls Charles H. Martin,45 Polkton Robert Adams, Jr., Philadelphia James H. Kyle, Aberdeen Alonzo C. Shuford, Newton Frederick Haltermañ, Philadelphia Romulus Z. Linney, Taylorsville John E. Reyburn, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Richmond Pearson, Asheville Alfred C. Harmer, Philadelphia John A. Pickier, Faulkton John B. Robinson, Media Robert J. Gamble, Yankton NORTH DAKOTA Irving P. Wanger, Norristown Joseph J. Hart, Milford SENATORS Constantine J. Erdman, Allentown TENNESSEE Henry C. Hansbrough, Devils Lake Marriott Brosius, Lancaster SENATORS William N. Roach, Larimore Joseph A. Scranton, Scranton Isham G. Harris, Memphis REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John Leisenring, Upper Lehigh William B. Bate, Nashville Martin N. Johnson, Petersburg Charles N. Brumm, Minersville Ephraim M. Woomer, Lebanon REPRESENTATIVES OHIO James H. Codding,46 Towanda William C. Anderson, Newport SENATORS Fred C. Leonard, Coudersport Henry R. Gibson, Knoxville Monroe H. Kulp, Shamokin Foster V. Brown, Chattanooga John Sherman, Mansfield Thaddeus M. Mahon, Chambers burg Calvin S. Brice, Lima Benton McMillin, Carthage James A. Stahle, Emigsville James D. Richardson, Murfreesboro REPRESENTATIVES Josiah D. Hicks, Altoona Joseph E. Washington, Cedar Hill Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati Daniel B. Heiner, Kittanning Nicholas N. Cox, Franklin Jacob H. Bromwell, Cincinnati John Dalzell, Pittsburgh John E. McCall, Lexington Paul J. Sorg, Middletown William A. Stone, Allegheny James C. McDearmon, Trenton Fernando C. Layton, Wapakoneta Ernest F. Acheson, Washington Josiah Patterson, Memphis Francis B. De Witt, Paulding Thomas W. Phillips, New Castle Matthew Griswold, Erie George W. Hulick, Batavia TEXAS George W. Wilson, London Charles W. Stone, Warren Luther M. Strong, Kenton William C. Arnold, Dubois SENATORS James H Southard, Toledo At LargeGalusha A. Grow, Glenwood Roger Q. Mills, Corsicana Lucien J. Fenton, Winchester George F. Huff, Greens burg Horace Chilton, Tyler Charles H. Grosvenor, Athens David K. Watson, Columbus RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATIVES Stephen R. Harris, Bucyrus SENATORS Joseph C. Hutcheson, Houston Winfield S. Kerr, Mansfield Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Samuel B. Cooper, Woodville Henry C. Van Voorhis, Zanesville George P. Wetmore, Newport Charles H. Yoakum, Greenville Lorenzo Danford, St. Clairsville REPRESENTATIVES David B. Culberson,52 Jefferson Addison S. McClure, Wooster Melville Bull, Middletown Joseph W. Bailey, Gainesville Robert W. Tayler, New Lisbon Warren 0. Arnold, Chepatchet J0 Abbott,58 Hills boro Stephen A. Northway, Jefferson George C. Pendleton, Belton Clifton B. Beach, Cleveland SOUTH CAROLINA Charles K. Bell, Fort Worth Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland Joseph D. Sayers, Bastrop SENATORS Miles Crowley,54 Galveston John L. M. Irby, Laurens OREGON William H. Cram,55 Cuero Benjamin R. Tiliman, Trenton Rudolph Kleberg,56 Cuero SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES George H. Noonan, San Antonio John H. Mitchell, Portland William Elliott,47 Beaufort Jeremiah V. Cockrell, Anson

42 Electionunsuccessfully contestedby HenryP. 46 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- ° Electionunsuccessfullycontestedby JoshuaE. Cheatham. tive-elect Myron B. Wright, in preceding Congress, and Wilson. Election unsuccessfully contested by Cyrus Thomp- took his seat December 2, 1895. 6 Election contested by James B. Johnston, but the son. Served until June 4, 1896; succeeded by George W. House on June 1, 1896, declared the election invalid and Served until June 5, 1896; succeeded by Charles H. Murray, who contested his election. seat vacant; subsequently elected and took his seat Decem- Martin, who contested his election. 28 Successfully contested the election of William Elliott, ber 7, 1896. Successfully contested election of James A. Lockhart, and took his seat June 4, 1896. 52 Election unsuccessfully contested by John H. Davis. and took his seat June 5, 1896. 49Election unsuccessfully contested by Robert Moorman. ' Election unsuccessfully contested by J. C. Kearby. Election unsuccessfully contested by A. J. Rosenthal. Died February 10, 1896. 56 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William H. Cram, and took his seat May 5, 1896. Fifty-Fourth Congress 253

Henry St. George Tucker,66 Staunton Samuel A. Cook, Neenah UTAH57 Michael Griffin, Eau Claire SENATORS WASHINGTON Edward S. Minor, Sturgeon Bay Frank J. Cannon,58 Ogden SENATORS Alexander Stewart, Wausau Arthur Brown,59 Salt Lake City John J. Jenkins, Chippewa Falls REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Watson C. Squire, Seattle John L. Wilson, Spokane Clarence E. Allen,6° Salt Lake City WYOMING REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS VERMONT William H. Doolittle, Tacoma Samuel C. Hyde, Spokane Clarence D. Clark, Evanston SENATORS Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne Justin S. Morrill, Strafford WEST VIRGINIA REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Redfield Proctor, Proctor SENATORS Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle REPRESENTATIVES Charles J. Faulkner, Martinsburg H. Henry Powers, Morrisville Stephen B. Elkins, Elkins TERRITORY OF ARIZONA William W. Grout, Barton REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE VIRGINIA Blackburn B. Dovener, Wheeling Nathan 0. Murphy, Phoenix SENATORS Alston G. Dayton, Philippi James H. Huling, Charleston TERRITORY OF NEW John W. Daniel, Lynchburg Warren Miller, Jackson Thomas S. Martin, Scottsville MEXICO REPRESENTATIVES WISCONSIN DELEGATE Thomas B. Catron, Santa Fe William A. Jones,6' Warsaw SENATORS D. Gardiner Tyler, Sturgeon Point William F. Vilas, Madison TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA Tazewell Ellett, Richmond John L. Mitchell, Milwaukee William R. McKenney,62 Petersburg DELEGATE Robert T. Thorp,63 Mecklenburg REPRESENTATIVES Dennis T. Flynn, Guthrie Claude A. Swanson,64 Chatham Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Peter J. Otey,65 Lynchburg Edward Sauerhering, Mayville TERRITORY OF UTAH Smith S. Turner, Front Royal Joseph W. Babcock, Necedah Elisha E. Meredith, Brentsville Theobald Otjen, Milwaukee DELEGATE James A. Walker, Wytheville Samuel S. Barney, West Bend Frank J Cannon,67 Ogden

o Election unsuccessfully contested by James J. McDon- °° Election unsuccessfully contested by George W. Cor- Admitted as a State into the Union January 4, 1896. nell. s Took his seat January 27, 1896; term to expire, as ald. °° Election unsuccessfully contested by J. Hampton OS determined by lot, March 3, 1899. Served until May 2, 1896; succeeded by Robert T. Hoge. ' Took his seat January 27, 1896; term to expire, as Thorp, who contested his election. 6 Election unsuccessfully contested by Jacob Yost. determined by lot, March 3, 1897. ° Successfully contested the election of William H. °° Served until January 4, 1896, when the Territory of 0Took his seat January 7, 1896. McKenney, and took his seat May 2, 1896. Utah was granted statehood; subsequently elected Senator from the new State. FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1897, TO MARCH 3, 1899

FIRST SESSION-March 15, 1897, to July 24, 1897 SECOND SESSION-December 6, 1897, to July 8, 1898 THIRD SESSION-December 5, 1898, to March 3, 1899 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1897,to March 10, 1897



ALABAMA Hugh A. Dinsmore, Fayetteville CONNECTICUT SENATORS Stephen Brundidge, Jr., Searcy SENATORS John T. Morgan, Selma Orville H. Platt, Meriden Edmund W. Pettus, Selma CALIFORNIA Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES George W. Taylor, Demopolis Stephen M. White, Los Angeles E. Stevens Henry, Rockville Jesse F. Stallings,3 Greenville George C. Perkins, Oakland Nehemiah D. Sperry, New Haven Henry D. Clayton,4 Eufaula REPRESENTATIVES Charles A. Russell, Killingly Thomas S. Plowman,5 Talladega Ebenezer J. Hill, Norwalk William F. Aldrich,6 Aldrich John A. Barham, Santa Rosa Willis Brewer, Hayneville Marion De Vries, Stockton DELAWARE John H. Bankhead, Fayette Samuel G. Hilborn, Oakland Milford W. Howard, Fort Payne James G. Maguire, San Francisco SENATORS Joseph Wheeler, Wheeler Eugene F. Loud, San Francisco George Gray, Wilmington Oscar W. Underwood,7 Birmingham Charles A. Barlow, San Luis Obispo Richard R. Kenney, Dover Curtis H. Castle, Merced REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE ARKANSAS Levin I. Handy,8 Newark SENATORS COLORADO James K. Jones, Washington FLORIDA SENATORS James H. Berry, Bentonville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Henry M. Teller, Central City Samuel Pasco, Monticello Edward 0. Wolcott, Denver Philip D. McCulloch, Jr., Marianna Stephen R. Mallory,9 Pensacola John S. Little, Greenwood REPRESENTATWES REPRESENTATIVES Thomas C. McRae, Prescott John F. Shafroth, Denver Stephen M. Sparkman, Tampa William L Terry, Little Rock John C. Bell, Montrose Robert W. Davis, Palatka

Reelected March 15, 1897. Served until February 9, 1898; succeeded by William F. Electionunsuccessfully contested by JonathanS. 2 Reelected March 15, 1897. Aldrich, who contested his election. Willis. 'Election unsuccessfully contested by Thomas H. Clark. Successfully contested the election of Thomas S. Plow- Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March 4, 'Election unsuccessfully contested by George L. Corner. man, and took his seat February 9, 1898. 1897, and took his seat May 28, 1897; John A. Henderson Election unsuccessfully contested by Gratten B. Crowe. presented credentials as a Senator-designate on March 16, 1897, which were referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections; no further action was taken.

[254] Fifty-Fifth Congress 255

GEORGIA Robert W. Miers, Bloomington Thomas Y. Fitzpatrick, Prestonburg William T. Zenor, Corydon David G. Colson, Middles boro SENATORS William S. Holman," Aurora Augustus 0. Bacon, Macon Francis M. Griffith,13 Vevay LOUISIANA Alexander S. Clay, Marietta George W. Fans, Terre Haute SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Henry U. Johnson, Richmond Donelson Caffery, Franklin Rufus E. Lester, Savannah Jesse Overstreet, Indianapolis Samuel D. McEnery, New Orleans James M. Griggs, Dawson Charles L. Henry, Anderson Elijah B. Lewis, Montezuma Charles B. Landis, Delphi REPRESENTATIVES William C. Adamson, Carroliton Edgar D. Crumpacker, Valparaiso Adolph Meyer,15 New Orleans Leonidas F. Livingston, Kings George W. Steele, Marion Robert C. Davey, New Orleans Charles L. Bartlett, Macon James M. Robinson, Fort Wayne Robert F. Broussard, New Iberia John W. Maddox, Rome Lemuel W. Royse, Warsaw Henry W. Ogden, Benton William M. Howard, Lexington Samuel T. Baird, Bastrop Farish C. Tate, Jasper IOWA Samuel M. Robertson, Baton Rouge William H. Fleming, Augusta SENATORS William G. Brantley, Brunswick William B. Allison, Dubuque MAINE John H. Gear, Burlington SENATORS IDAHO REPRESENTATWES Eugene Hale, Ellsworth SENATORS Samuel M. Clark, Keokuk William P. Frye, Lewiston George L. Shoup, Boise George M. Curtis, Clinton REPRESENTATIVES Henry Heitfeld, Lewiston David B. Henderson, Dubuque Thomas B. Reed, Portland REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Thomas Updegraff, McGregor Nelson Dingley, Jr.,'6 Lewiston James Gunn, Boise Robert G. Cousins, Tipton Seth L. Milliken," Belfast John F. Lacey, Oskaloosa Edwin C. Burleigh,'8 Augusta ILLINOIS John A. T. Hull, Des Moines Charles A. Boutelle, Bangor SENATORS William P. Hepburn, Clarinda Alva L. Hager, Greenfield MARYLAND Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield Jonathan P. Dolliver, Fort Dodge William E. Mason, Chicago SENATORS George D. Perkins, Sioux City REPRESENTATIVES Arthur Pue Gorman, Laurel James R. Mann, Chicago KANSAS George L. Wellington, Cumberland William Lorimer, Chicago SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Hugh R. Belknap, Chicago Lucien Baker, Leavenworth Isaac A. Barber, Easton Daniel W. Mills, Chicago William B. Baker, Aberdeen George E. White, Chicago William A. Harris, Linwood REPRESENTATWES William S. Booze, Baltimore Edward D. Cooke,'° Chicago William W. Mclntire, Baltimore Henry S. Boutell,1' Chicago Case Broderick, Holton Sydney E. Mudd, La Plata George E. Foss, Chicago Mason S. Peters, Kansas City John McDonald, Rockville Albert J. Hopkins, Aurora Edwin R. Ridgely, Pittsburg Robert R. Hitt, Mount Morris Charles Curtis, Topeka MASSACHUSETTS George W. Prince, Gales burg William D. Vincent, Clay Center Walter Reeves, Streator Nelson B. McCormick, Phillipsburg SENATORS Joseph G. Cannon, Danville Jeremiah Simpson, Medicine Lodge George F. Hoar, Worcester Vespasian Warner, Clinton At LargeJeremiah D. Botkin, Henry Cabot Lodge, Nahant Joseph V. Graff, Pekin Winfield REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin F. Marsh, Warsaw Ashley B. Wright,'9 North Adams William H. Hinrichsen, Jacksonville KENTUCKY George P. Lawrence,2° North Adams James A. Connolly, Springfield SENATORS Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield Thomas M. Jett, Hills boro William Lindsay, Frankfort Joseph H. Walker, Worcester Andrew J. Hunter, Paris William J. Deboe, Marion George W. Weymouth, Fitchburg James R. Campbell, McLeansboro REPRESENTATWES William S Knox, Lawrence Jehu Baker, Belleville Charles K. Wheeler, Paducah William H. Moody, Haverhill George W. Smith, Murphysboro John D. Clardy, Newstead William E. Barrett, Melrose Samuel W. McCall, Winchester INDIANA John S. Rhea,'4 Russeilville David H. Smith, Hodgensville John F. Fitzgerald, Boston SENATORS Walter Evans, Louisville Samuel J. Barrows, Boston David Turpie, Indianapolis Albert S. Berry, Newport Charles F. Sprague, Brookline Charles W. Fairbanks, Indianapolis Evan E. Settle, Owenton William C. Lovering, Taunton REPRESENTATIVES George M. Davison, Stanford John Simpkins,2' Yarmouth James A. Hemenway, Boonville Samuel J. Pugh, Vanceburg William S. Greene,22 Fall River

"Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Seth L. '° Died June 24, 1897. "Election unsuccessfully contested by W. Godfrey Milliken, and took his seat July 1, 1897. " Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward D. Hunter. "Died August 14, 1897. Cooke, and took his seat December 6, 1897. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Joseph Gazin '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Ashley B. "Died April 22, 1897. and Armand Romain. Wright, and took his seat December 6, 1897. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William S. 0Died January 13, 1899, before the commencement of "Died March 27, 1898. Holman, and took his seat December 6, 1897. the Fifty-sixth Congress, to which he had been reelected. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John Simp- 'Died April 18, 1897. kh,s, and took his seat June 15, 1898. 256 Biographical Directory

MICHIGAN Robert N. Bodine, Paris William J. Seweil, Camden SENATORS Alexander M. Dockery, Gallatin REPRESENTATIVES James McMillan, Detroit Charles F. Cochran, St. Joseph Henry C. Loudenslager, Paulsboro Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo William S. Cowherd, Kansas City David A. De Armond, Butler John J. Gardner, Atlantic City REPRESENTATIVES James Cooney, Marshall Benjamin F. Howell, New Brunswick John B. Corliss, Detroit Mahion Pitney,32 Morristown Richard P. Bland, Lebanon James F. Stewart, Paterson George Spalding, Monroe James Beauchainp Clark, Bowling Albert M. Todd, Kalamazoo Green Richard Wayne Parker, Newark Edward L. Hamilton, Niles Thomas McEwan, Jr., Jersey City Richard Bartholdt, St. Louis Charles N. Fowler, Elizabeth William Alden Smith, Grand Rapids Charles F. Joy, St. Louis Samuel W. Smith, Pontiac Charles E. Pearce, St. Louis Horace G. Snover, Port Austin Edward Robb, Perryville NEW YORK Ferdinand Brucker, Saginaw Willard D. Vandiver, Cape Girardeau SENATORS Roswell P. Bishop, Ludington Maecenas E. Benton, Neosho Edward Murphy, Jr., Troy Rousseau 0. Crump, West Bay City Thomas C. Platt, Owego William S. Mesick, Mancelona MONTANA REPRESENTATIVES Carlos D. Shelden, Houghton SENATORS Joseph M. Belford, Riverhead Denis M. Hurley,33 Brooklyn MINNESOTA Lee Mantle, Butte Thomas H. Carter, Helena Francis H. Wilson,34 Brooklyn SENATORS Edmund H. Driggs,35 Brooklyn Cushman K. Davis, St. Paul REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Israel F. Fischer, Brooklyn Knute Nelson, Alexandria Charles S. Hartman, Bozeman Charles G. Bennett, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES James R. Howe, Brooklyn James A. Tawney, Winona NEBRASKA John H. G. Vehslage, New York City James T. McCleary, Mankato SENATORS John M. Mitchell, New York City Joel P. Heatwole, Northfield William V. Allen, Madison Thomas J. Bradley, New York City Frederick C. Stevens, St. Paul John M. Thurston, Omaha Amos J. Cummings, New York City Loren Fletcher, Minneapolis William Suizer, New York City REPRESENTATIVES George B. McClellan, New York City R. Page W. Morris, Duluth Jesse B. Strode, Lincoln Frank M. Eddy, Glenwood Richard C. Shannon, New York City David H. Mercer, Omaha Lemuel E. Quigg, New York City Samuel Maxwell, Fremont Philip B. Low, New York City MISSISSIPPI William L. Stark, Aurora William L. Ward,36 Port Chester SENATORS Roderick D. Sutherland, Nelson Benjamin B. Odell, Jr., Newburgh James Z. George,23 Carrollton William L. Greene, Kearney John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains Hernando D. Money,24 Carrollton Aaron V. S. Cochrane, Hudson Edward C. Walthall,25 Grenada NEVADA George N. Southwick, Albany William V. Sullivan,26 Oxford SENATORS David F. Wilber, Oneonta REPRESENTATIVES John P. Jones, Gold Hill Lucius N. Littauer, Gloversville John M. Allen, Tupelo William M. Stewart, Carson City Wallace T. Foote, Jr., Port Henry Charles A. Chickering, Copenhagen William V. Sullivan,27 Oxford REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Thomas Spight,28 Ripley James S. Sherman, Utica Thomas C. Catchings, Vicksburg Francis G. Newlands, Reno George W. Ray, Norwich Andrew F. Fox, West Point James J. Belden, Syracuse John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City NEW HAMPSHIRE Sereno E. Payne, Auburn William F. Love,29 Gloster SENATORS Charles W. Gilet, Addison Frank A. McLain,3° Gloster William E. Chandler, Concord James W. Wadsworth, Geneseo Patrick Henry, Brandon Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord Henry C. Brewster, Rochester Rowland B. Mahany, Buffalo REPRESENTATIVES MISSOURI De Alva S. Alexander, Buffalo Cyrus A. Sulloway, Manchester Warren B. Hooker,37 Fredonia SENATORS Frank G. Clarke, Peterboro Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg NORTH CAROLINA George G. Vest, Kansas City NEW JERSEY SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Jeter C. Pritchard, Marshall James T. Lloyd,3' Shelbyville James Smith, Jr., Newark Marion Butler, Elliot

23 Died August 14, 1897. 28 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- Died February 26, 1899. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of James Z. liam V. Sullivan, and took his seat December 5,1898. Resigned September 30, 1897. George, and took his seat December 7, 1897; subsequently Died October 16, 1898. elected. 55Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Fran- 30Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William F. cis H. Wilson, and took his seat December 6, 1897. ' Died April 21, 1898. Love, and took his seat December 12, 1898. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward 58 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- 38 Election unsuccessfully contested by Benjamin L. C. Walthall, and took his seat May 31, 1898; subsequently tive-elect Richard P. Giles (November 17, 1896, before the Fairchild. elected. beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat Resigned November 10, 1898, before the commence-- Resigned May 31, 1898, having been appointed Sena- June 10, 1897. ment of the Fifty-sixth Congress, to which he had been tor. 32R.esigned January 10, 1899: reelected. Fifty-Fifth Congress 257

REPRESENTATIVES Joseph Simon,42 Portland SOUTH CAROLINA Harry Skinner, Greenville REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS George H. White, Tarboro Thomas H. Tongue,43 Hills boro Benjamin R. Tillman, Trenton John E. Fowler, Clinton William R. Ellis, Heppner Joseph H. Earle,48 Greenville William F. Strowd, Fittsboro John L. McLaurin,49 Bennettsville William W. Kitchin, Roxboro PENNSYLVANIA REPRESENTATIVES Charles H. Martin, Polkton William Elliott, Beaufort Alonzo C. Shuford, Newton SENATORS W. Jasper Talbert, Parksville Romulus Z. Linney, Taylorsville Matthew S. Quay, Beaver Asbury C. Latimer, Belton Richmond Pearson, Asheville , Philadelphia Stanyarne Wilson, Spartanburg Thomas J. Strait, Lancaster NORTH DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES John L. McLaurin,5° Bennettsville SENATORS Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia James Norton,5' Mullins Robert Adams, Jr., Philadelphia J. William Stokes, Orangeburg Henry C. Hansbrough, Devils Lake William McAleer,44 Philadelphia William N. Roach, Larimore James R. Young, Philadelphia SOUTH DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Alfred C. Harmer, Philadelphia SENATORS Martin N. Johnson, Petersburg Thomas S. Butler, Westchester Richard F. Pettigrew, Sioux Falls Irving P. Wanger, Norristown James H. Kyle, Aberdeen OHIO William S. Kirkpatrick, Easton Daniel Ermentrout, Reading REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Marriott Brosius, Lancaster Freeman Knowles, Deadwood John Sherman,38 Mansfield William Connell, Scranton John E. Kelley, Flandreau Marcus A. Hanna,39 Cleveland Morgan B. Williams, Wilkes-Barre Joseph B. Foraker, Cincinnati Charles N. Brumm, Minersville TENNESSEE REPRESENTATIVES Marlin E. Olmsted, Harrisburg SENATORS William B. Shattuc, Madisonville James H. Codding, Towanda Isham G. Harris,52 Memphis Jacob H. Bromwell, Cincinnati Horace B. Packer, Wellsboro Thomas B. Turley,53 Memphis John L. Brenner, Dayton Monroe H. Kulp, Shamokin William B. Bate, Nashville George A. Marshall, Sidney Thaddeus M. Mahon, Chambersburg REPRESENTATIVES David Meekison, Napoleon George J. Benner, Gettysburg Walter P. Brownlow, Jones boro Seth W. Brown, Lebanon Josiah D. Hicks, Aitoona Henry R. Gibson, Knoxville Walter L. Weaver, Springfield Edward E. Robbins, Greens burg John A. Moon, Chattanooga Archibald Lybrand, Delaware John Dalzell, Pittsburgh Benton McMillin,54 Carthage James H. Southard, Toledo William A. Stone,45 Allegheny James D. Richardson, Murfreesboro Lucien J. Fenton, Winchester William H. Graham,46 Allegheny John W. Gaines, Nashville Charles H. Grosvenor, Athens Ernest F. Acheson, Washington Nicholas N. Cox, Franklin John J. Lentz, Columbus Joseph B. Showalter,47 Chicora Thetus W. Sims, Linden James A. Norton, Tiffin John C. Sturtevant, Conneautville Rice A. Pierce, Union City Winfield S. Kerr, Mansfield Charles W. Stone, Warren Edward W. Carmack,55 Memphis Henry C. Van Voorhis, Zanesville William C. Arnold, Dubois Lorenzo Danford, St. Clairsville At Large-Galusha A. Grow, Glenwood TEXAS John A. McDowell, Millersburg Samuel A. Davenport, Erie SENATORS Robert W. Tayler, Lisbon Roger Q. Mills, Corsicana Stephen A. Northway,4° Jefferson RHODE ISLAND Horace Chilton, Tyler Charles W. F. Dick,4' Akron REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Clifton B. Beach, Cleveland Thomas H. Ball, Huntsville Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Samuel B. Cooper, Woodville George P. Wetmore, Newport Reese C. De Graffenreid, Longview OREGON REPRESENTATIVES John W. Cranford,56 Sulphur Springs SENATORS Melville Bull, Middletown Joseph W. Bailey, Gainesville George W. McBride, St. Helens Adin B Capron, Stillwater Robert E. Burke, Dallas

Election unsuccessfully contested by W. S. Vander- 49 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph 5° Resigned March 4, 1897, to become Secretary of State. H. Earle, and took his seat June 1, 1897; subsequently 59 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of burg. elected. John Sherman, and took his seat March 5, 1897; subse- "Electionunsuccessfullycontested by Samuel E. '° Resigned May 31, 1897, having been appointed Sena- quently elected. Hudson. tor. ° Died September 18, 1898. Resigned November 9, 1898, having been elected gov- s, Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Stephen A. ernor. L. McLaurin, and took his seat December 6, 1897. Northway, and took his seat December 5, 1898. 6 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- sz Died July 8, 1897. 42 Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March liam A. Stone, and took his seat December 5, 1898. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Isham G. 4, 1897, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took 4 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Harris, and took his seat December 6, 1897; subsequently his seat December 5, 1898. Henry W. Corbett presented tive-elect James J. Davidson (January 2, 1897, before the elected. credentials as a Senator-designate March 15, 1897, but was beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat 54 January 16, 1899, having been elected gov- not sworn; the Senate, on February 28, 1898, decided he May 3, 1897. ernor. ° Died May 20, 1897. s9 Election unsuccessfully contested by Josiah Patter- was not entitled to the seat; vacancy in this class from son. March 4, 1897, to October 7, 1898. °° Died March 2, 1899. 258 Biographical Directory

TEXASContinued William A. Young,°° Norfolk John C. Spooner, Madison REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED Richard A. Wise,6' Williamsburg REPRESENTATIVES John Lamb, Richmond Robert L. Henry, Waco Sydney P. Epes,62 Blackstone Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Samuel W. T. Lanham, Weatherford Robert T. Thorp,63 Mecklenberg Edward Sauerhering, Mayville Joseph D. Sayers,Bastrop Claude A. Swanson, Chat ham Joseph W. Babcock, Necedah Robert B. Hawley, Galveston Peter J. Otey, Lynchburg Theobald Otjen, Milwaukee Rudolph Kleberg, Cuero , Madison Samuel S. Barney, West Bend James L. Slayden, San Antonio John F. Rixey, Brandy James H. Davidson, Oshkosh John H. Stephens, Vernon James A. Walker, Wytheville Michael Griffin, Eau Claire Jacob Yost, Staunton Edward S. Minor, Sturgeon Bay UTAH Alexander Stewart, Wausau John J. Jenkins, Chippewa Falls SENATORS WASHINGTON Frank J Cannon, Ogden SENATORS WYOMING Joseph L. Rawlins, Salt Lake City John L. Wilson, Spokane SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE George Turner, Spokane William H. King, Salt Lake City Clarence D. Clark, Evanston REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne James Hamilton Lewis, Seattle VERMONT William C. Jones, Spokane REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS John E. Osborne, Rawlins Justin S. Morrill,58 Strafford WEST VIRGINIA Jonathan Ross,59 St. Johns bury SENATORS TERRITORY OF ARIZONA Redfield Proctor, Proctor Charles J. Faulkner, Ma rtins burg DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES Stephen B. Elkins, Elkins Marcus A. Smith, Tucson H. Henry Powers, Morri.sville REPRESENTATWES William W. Grout, Barton Blackburn B. Dovener, Wheeling TERRITORY OF NEW Aiston G. Dayton, Philippi MEXICO VIRGINIA Charles P. Dorr, Addison DELEGATE SENATORS Warren Miller, Jackson Harvey B. Fergusson, Albuquerque John W. Daniel, Lynchburg Thomas S. Martin, Scottsville WISCONSIN TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA REPRESENTATWES SENATORS DELEGATE William A. Jones, Warsaw John L. Mitchell, Milwaukee James Y. Callahan, Kingfisher

" Resigned January 16, 1899, having been elected gov- so Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Justin S. °' Successfully contested the election of William A. ernor. Morrill, and took his seat January 16, 1899. Young, and took his seat April 26, 1898. 58 Died December 28, 1898. 00 Served until April 26, 1898; succeeded by Richard A. 02 Served until March 23, 1898; succeeded by Robert T. Wise, who contested his election. Thorp, who contested his election. 8 Successfully contested the election of Sydney P. Epes, and took his seat March 23, 1898. FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1899, TO MARCH 3, 1901



ALABAMA Hugh A. Dinsmore, Fayetteville CONNECTICUT Stephen Brundidge, Jr., Searcy SENATORS SENATORS John T. Morgan, Selma Orville H. Platt, Meriden Edmund W. Pettus, Selma CALIFORNIA Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS E. Stevens Henry, Rockville George W. Taylor, Demopolis George C. Perkins, Oakland Nehemiah D. Sperry, New Haven Jesse F. Stallings, Greenville Thomas R. Bard," Hueneme Charles A. Russell, Killingly Henry D. Clayton, Eufaula Ebenezer J. Hill, Norwalk Gaston A. Robbins,7 Selma REPRESENTATIVES William F. Aldrich,8 Aldrich John A. Barham, Santa Rosa DELAWARE Willis Brewer, Hayneville Marion De Vries,'2 Stockton John H. Bankhead, Fayette Samuel D. Woods,'3 Stockton SENATORS Victor H. Metcalf, Oakland Richard R. Kenney, Dover John L. Burnett, Gadsden Vacant ' Joseph Wheeler,9 Wheeler Julius Kahn, San Francisco William Richardson,'° Huntsville Eugene F. Loud, San Francisco REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham Russell J. Waters, Los Angeles John H. Hoffecker,15 Smyrna James C. Needham, Modesto Walter 0. Hoffecker,'6 Smyrna ARKANSAS SENATORS COLORADO FLORIDA SENATORS James K. Jones, Washington SENATORS James H. Berry, Bentonville Samuel Pasco,17 Monticello Henry M. Teller, Central City James P. Taliaferro'8 Jacksonville REPRESENTATIVES Edward 0. Wolcott, Denver Stephen R. Mallory, Pensacola Philip D. McCulloch, Marianna REPRESENTATIVES John S. Little, Greenwood REPRESENTATIVES Thomas C. McRae, Prescott John F. Shafroth, Denver Stephen M. Sparkman, Tampa William L. Terry, Little Rock John C. Bell, Mont rose Robert W. Davis, Palatka

Resigned April 20, 1900. 'Vacancy in this class from March 4, 1899, to March 2, 'Died November 21, 1899. 1903, because of failure of legislature to elect. Elected January 29, 1900. 10 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Joseph Wheeler, and took his seat December 3, 1900. ' Died June 16, 1900. Elected January 29, 1900. "Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John H. Elected December 4, 1899. 4, 1899, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took Hoffecker, and took his seat December 3, 1900. Reelected December 4, 1899. 1 Reappointed to fill vacancy in the term beginning °Elected December 4, 1899. his seat March 5, 1900; vacancy in this class from March March 4, 1899, to serve until the next meeting of the Served until March 8, 1900; succeeded by William F. 4, 1899, to February 6, 1900. '°Resigned August 20, 1900. legislature. Aldrich, who contested his election. '' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of '° Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March Successfully contested the election of Gaston A. Rob- 4, 1899, and took his seat December 4, 1899. bins, and took his seat March 8, 1900. Marion De Vries, and took his seat December 3, 1900.

[259] 260 Biographical Directory

GEORGIA Albert J. Beveridge, Indianapolis William J. Deboe, Marion SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Augustus 0. Bacon, Macon James A. Hemenway, Boonville Charles K. Wheeler, Pad ucah Alexander S. Clay, Marietta Robert W. Miers, Bloomington Henry D. Allen, Morganfield REPRESENTATIVES William T. Zenor,Corydon John S. Rhea, Russeilville Rufus E. Lester, Savannah Francis M. Griffith, Vevay David H. Smith, Hodgensville James M. Griggs, Dawson George W. Fans, Terre Haute Oscar Turner,25 Louisville Elijah B. Lewis, Montezuma James E. Watson, Rushuille Albert S. Berry, Newport William C. Adamson, Carroilton Jesse Overstreet, Indianapolis Evan E. Settle,26 Owenton Leonidas F. Livingston, ICings George W. Cromer, Muncie June W. Gayle,27 Owenton Charles L. Bartlett, Macon Charles B. Landis, Delphi George G. Gilbert, Shelbyville John W. Maddox, Rome Edgar D. Crumpacker, Valparaiso Samuel J. Pugh, Vanceburg William M. Howard, Lexington George W. Steele, Marion Thomas Y. Fitzpatrick, Prestonburg Farish C. Tate, Jasper James M. Robinson, Fort Wayne Vincent S. Boreing,28 London William H. Fleming, Augusta Abraham L. Brick, South Bend William G. Brantley, Brunswick LOUISIANA IOWA IDAHO SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS William B. Allison, Dubuque Donëlson Caffery, Franklin George L. Shoup, Boise Samuel D. McEnery, New Orleans Henry Heitfeld, Lewiston John H. Gear,'9 Burlington Jonathan P. Dolliver,2° Fort Dodge REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Adolph Meyer, New Orleans Edgar Wilson, Boise REPRESENTATIVES , Burlington Robert C. Davey, New Orleans Joseph R. Lane, Davenport Robert F. Broussard, New Iberia ILLINOIS Phanor Breazeale, Natchitoches SENATORS David B. Henderson, Dubuque Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood Samuel T. Baird,29 Bastrop Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield Joseph E. Ransdell,3° Lake Providence William E. Mason, Chicago Robert G. Cousins, Tipton John F. Lacey, Oskaloosa Samuel M. Robertson, Baton Rouge REPRESENTATIVES John A. T. Hull, Des Moines James R. Mann, Chicago William P. Hepburn, Clarinda MAINE William Lorimer, Chicago Smith McPherson,2' Red Oak SENATORS George P. Foster, Chicago Walter I. Smith,22 Council Bluffs Thomas Cusack, Chicago Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Edward T. Noonan, Chicago Jonathan P. Dolliver,23 Fort Dodge William P. Frye, Lewiston Henry S. Boutell, Chicago James P. Conner,24 Denison George E. Foss, Chicago Lot Thomas, Storm Lake REPRESENTATIVES Albert J. Hopkins, Aurora Thomas B. Reed,3' Portland Robert R. Hitt, Mount Morris KANSAS Amos L. Allen,32 Alfred George W. Prince, Gales burg SENATORS Charles E. Littlefield,33 Rockland Walter Reeves, Streator Lucien Baker, Leavenworth Edwin C. Burleigh, Augusta Joseph G. Cannon, Danville William A. Harris, Linwood Charles A. Boutelle,34 Bangor Vespasian Warner, Clinton Joseph V. Graff, Peoria REPRESENTATIVES MARYLAND Benjamin F. Marsh, Warsaw Charles Curtis, Topeka William E. Williams, Pittsfield Justin D. Bowersock, Lawrence SENATORS Ben F. Caldwell, Chat ham Edwin R. Ridgely, Pittsburg George L. Wellington, Cumberland Thomas M. Jett, Hillsboro James M. Miller, Council Grove Louis E. McComas, Williamsport Joseph B. Crowley, Robinson William A. Calderhead, Marysville REPRESENTATIVES James R. Williams, Carmi William A. Reeder, Logan Chester I. Long, Medicine Lodge John W. Smith,35 Snow Hill William A. Rodenberg, East St. Louis Josiah L. Kerr,36 Cambridge George W. Smith, Murphysboro At Large-Willis J. Bailey, Baileyville William B. Baker, Aberdeen Frank C. Wachter, Baltimore INDIANA KENTUCKY James W. Denny, Baltimore SENATORS SENATORS Sydney E. Mudd, La Plata Charles W. Fairbanks, Indianapolis William Lindsay, Frankfort George A. Pearre, Cumberland

'Died July 14, 1900; had been reelected for the term 25 Election unsuccessfully contested by Walter Evans. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of beginning March 4, 1901. Died November 16, 1899, before Congress assembled. Thomas B. Reed, and took his seat December 4, 1899. 25Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John H. 22 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Evan E. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Gear, and took his seat December 4, 1900. Settle, and took his seat January 15, 1900. tive-elect Nelson Dingley, Jr., in preceding Congress, and "Resigned June 6, 1900. ' Election unsuccessfully contested by John D. White. took his seat December 4, 1899. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Smith Resigned March 3, 1901, before the commencement of McPherson; took his seat December 3, 1900. ' Died April 22, 1899, before Congress assembled. 20Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel T. the Fifty-seventh Congress, to which he had been reelect- ' Resigned August 22, 1900, having been appointed Sen- ed. ator. Baird, and took his seat December 4, 1899. '2Resigned January 12, 1900. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jona- Resigned September 4, 1899, before Congress assem- " Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John than P. Dolliver, took his seat December 4, 1900. bled. W. Smith, and took his seat December 3, 1900. Fifty-Sixth Congress 261

MASSACHUSETTS William V. Sullivan, Oxford William Neville,46 North Platte REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS NEVADA George F. Hoar, Worcester John M. Allen, Tupelo Henry Cabot Lodge, Nahant Thomas Spight, Ripley SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Thomas C. Catchings, Vicksburg John P. Jones, Gold Hill George P. Lawrence, North Adams Andrew F. Fox, West Point William M. Stewart, Carson City Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John R. Thayer, Worcester Frank McLain, Gloster Francis G. Newlands, Reno George W. Weymouth, Fitchburg Patrick Henry, Brandon William S. Knox, Lawrence NEW HAMPSHIRE William H. Moody, Haverhill MISSOURI SENATORS Ernest W. Roberts, Chelsea SENATORS Samuel W. McCall, Winchester Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg William E. Chandler, Concord John F. Fitzgerald, Boston George G. Vest, Sweet Springs Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord Henry F. Naphen, Boston REPRESENTATIVES Charles F. Sprague, Brookline REPRESENTATIVES James T. Lloyd, Shelbyville Cyrus A. Sulloway, Manchester William C. Lovering, Taunton Frank G. Clarke,47 Peterboro William S. Greene, Fall River William W. Rucker, Keytesville John Dougherty, Liberty MICHIGAN Charles F. Cochran, St. Joseph NEW JERSEY SENATORS William S. Cowherd, Kansas City SENATORS James McMillan, Detroit David A. De Armond, Butler William J. Sewell, Camden Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo James Cooney, Marshall John Kean, Ursino REPRESENTATIVES Richard P. Bland,4° Lebanon REPRESENTATIVES Dorsey W. Shackleford,4' Jefferson John B. Corliss, Detroit City Henry C. Loudenslager, Paulsboro Henry C. Smith, Adrian James Beauchamp Clark, Bowling John J. Gardner, Atlantic City Washington Gardner, Albion Green Benjamin F. Howell, New Brunswick Edward L. Hamilton, Niles Richard Bartholdt, St. Louis Joshua S. Salmon, Boonton William Alden Smith, Grand Rapids James F. Stewart, Paterson Samuel W. Smith, Pontiac Charles F. Joy, St. Louis Richard Wayne Parker, Newark Edgar Weeks, Mount Clemens Charles E. Pearce, St. Louis Edward Robb, Perryville William D. Daly,48 Ho bo ken Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw Allan L. McDermott,49 Jersey City Roswell P. Bishop, Ludington Willard D. Vandiver, Cape Girardeau Charles N. Fowler, Elizabeth Rousseau 0. Crump, West Bay City Maecenas E. Benton, Neosho William S. Mesick, Mancelona NEW YORK Carlos D. Shelden, Houghton MONTANA SENATORS SENATORS MINNESOTA Thomas H. Carter, Helena Thomas C. Platt, Owego SENATORS William A. Clark,42 Butte Chauncey M. Depew, Pee ks kill Cushman K. Davis,37 St. Paul REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Charles A. Towne,38 Duluth Albert J. Campbell, Butte Townsend Scudder, Oyster Bay Moses E. Clapp,39 St. Paul John J. Fitzgerald, Brooklyn Knute Nelson, Alexandria NEBRASKA Edmund H. Driggs, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES Bertram T. Clayton, Brooklyn SENATORS James A. Tawney, Winona Frank E. Wilson, Brooklyn James T. McCleary, Mankato John M. Thurston, Omaha Mitchell May, Brooklyn Joel P. Heatwole, Northfield Monroe L. Hayward,43 Nebraska City Nicholas Muller, New Brighton Frederick C. Stevens, St. Paul William V. Allen,44 Madison Daniel J. Riordan, New York City Loren Fletcher, Minneapolis REPRESENTATIVES Thomas J. Bradley, New York City R. Page W. Morris, Duluth Elmer J. Burkett, Lincoln Amos J. Cummings, New York City Frank M. Eddy, Glenwood David H. Mercer, Omaha William Sulzer, New York City John S. Robinson, Madison George B. McClellan, New York City MISSISSIPPI William L. Stark, Aurora Jefferson M. Levy, New York City SENATORS Roderick D. Sutherland, Nelson William A. Chanler, New York City Hernando D. Money, Carroliton William L. Greene,45 Kearney Jacob Ruppert, Jr., New York City

° Elected March 8, 1899, to fill vacancy caused by fail- " Died November 27, 1900. and referred December 4, 1899; while resolution declaring ure of legislature to act in the term beginning March 4, Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Cush- his election void was pending, tendered his resignation 1899, but died December 5, 1899, before qualifying. man K. Davis, and took his seat December 10, 1900. effective May 15, 1900; appointed by the lieutenant gover- Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Monroe ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Cushman nor, as acting governor, to fill the vacancy caused by his L. Hayward, and took his seat December 19, 1899. K. Davis, and took his seat January 28, 1901. own resignation, but did not qualify. Martin Maginnis also Died March 11, 1899, before Congress assembled. °° Died June 15, 1899, before Congress assembled. presented credentials of appointment, signed by the gover- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William L. °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Richard P. nor, but was not permitted to qualify. Seat remained Greene, and took his seat December 4, 1899. Bland, and took his seat December 4, 1899. vacant throughout the remainder of the Congress. Died January 9, 1901. ' Protests and a memorial of certain citizens of Mon- Died July 31, 1900. tana against the validity of the election were presented Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William D. Daly, and took his seat December 3, 1900. 262 Biographical Directory

NEW YORK-Continued John L. Brenner, Dayton Edward D. Ziegler, York REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Robert B. Gordon, St. Marys Joseph E. Thropp, Everett David Meekison, Napoleon Summers M. Jack, Indiana John Q. Underhil, New Rochelle Seth W. Brown, Lebanon John Dalzell, Pittsburgh Arthur S. Tompkins, Nyack Walter L. Weaver, Springfield William H. Graham, Allegheny John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains Archibald Lybrand, Delaware Ernest F. Acheson, Washington Aaron V. S. Cochrane, Hudson James H. Southard, Toledo Joseph B. Showalter, Butler Martin H. Glynn, Albany Stephen Morgan, Oak Hill Athelston Gaston, Meadville John K. Stewart, Amsterdam Charles H. Grosvenor, Athens Joseph C. Sibley, Franklin Lucius N. Littauer, Gloversoille John J. Lentz, Columbus James K. P. Hall, Ridgway Louis W. Emerson, Warrensburg James A. Norton, Tiffin At Large-Galusha A. Grow, Glenwood Charles A. Chickering,5° Copenhagen Winfield S. Kerr, Mansfield Samuel A. Davenport, Erie Albert D. Shaw,5' Watertown Henry C. Van Voorhis, Zanesville James S. Sherman, Utica Lorenzo Danford,55 St. Clairsville RHODE ISLAND George W. Ray, Norwich Joseph J. Gill,56 Steubenville SENATORS Michael E. Driscoll, Syracuse John A. McDowell, Millers burg Sereno E. Payne, Auburn Robert W. Tayler, Lisbon Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Charles W. Gillet, Addison Charles W. F. Dick, Akron George P. Wetmore, Newport James W. Wadsworth, Geneseo Fremont 0. Phillips, Medina REPRESENTATIVES James M. E. O'Grady, Rochester Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland Melville Bull, Middletown William H. Ryan, Buffalo Adin B Capron, Stillwater De Alva S. Alexander, Buffalo OREGON Edward B. Vreeland,52 Salamanca SENATORS SOUTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA George W. McBride, St. Helens SENATORS Joseph Simon, Portland Benjamin R. Tillman, Trenton SENATORS John L. McLaurin, Bennettsville Marion Butler, Elliot REPRESENTATIVES Jeter C. Pritchard, Marshall Thomas H. Tongue, Hilisboro REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Malcolm A. Moody, The Dalles William Elliott, Beaufort John H. Small, Washington W. Jasper Talbert, Parksville George H. White, Tarboro PENNSYLVANIA Asbury C. Latimer, Belton Charles R. Thomas, New Bern SENATORS Stanyarne Wilson, Spa rtanburg John W. Atwater, Rialto Boies Penrose, Philadelphia David E. Finley, Yorkville Matthew S. Quay,57 Beaver James Norton, Mullins William W. Kitchin, Roxboro J. William Stokes, Orangeburg John D. Bellamy, Wilmington REPRESENTATWES Theodore F. Kluttz, Salisbury Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia SOUTH DAKOTA Romulus Z. Linney, Taylorsuille Robert Adams, Jr., Philadelphia William T. Crawford,53 Waynesuille William McAleer, Philadelphia SENATORS Richmond Pearson,54 Asheville James R. Young, Philadelphia Richard F. Pettigrew, Sioux Falls Alfred C. Harmer,58 Philadelphia James H. Kyle, Aberdeen NORTH DAKOTA Edward de V. Morrell,59 Torresdale REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Thomas S. Butler, West Chester Robert J. Gamble, Yorkton Henry C. Hansbrough, Devils Lake Irving P. Wanger, Norristown Charles H. Burke, Pierre Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton Laird H. Barber, Mauch Chunk REPRESENTATWE AT LARGE Daniel Ermentrout,6° Reading TENNESSEE Burleigh F. Spalding, Fargo Henry D. Green,6' Reading SENATORS Marriott Brosius, Lancaster William Connell, Scranton William B. Bate, Nashville OHIO Thomas B. Turley, Memphis SENATORS Stanley W. Davenport, Plymouth James W. Ryan, Pottsville REPRESENTATIVES Joseph B. Foraker, Cincinnati Marlin E. Olmsted, Harrisburg Walter P. Browniow, Jones boro Marcus A. Hanna, Cleveland Charles F. Wright, Susquehanna Henry R. Gibson, Knoxville REPRESENTATIVES Horace B. Packer, Wellsboro John A. Moon, Chattanooga William B. Shattuc, Mad isonville Rufus K. Polk, Danville Charles E. Snodgrass, Crossville Jacob H. Bromwell, Cincinnati Thaddeus M. Mahon, Chambersburg James D. Richardson, Murfreesboro

Died February 13, 1900. 54 Successfully contested the election of William T. subsequently elected and took his seat January 17, 1901; ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles A. Crawford, and took his seat May 10, 1900. vacancy in this class from March 4, 1899, to January 15, Chickering, and took his seat December 3, 1900; died Feb- Died June 19, 1899, before Congress assembled. 1901. ruary 10, 1901, before the commencement of the Fifty- 5s Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lorenzo 58 Died March 6, 1900. seventh Congress, to which he had been reelected. Danford, and took his seat December 4, 1899. s9 Elected to fill vacancy caused by the death of Alfred Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- ' Appointed tofill vacancy in the term beginning sentative-elect Warren B. Hooker, in preceding Congress, March 4, 1899, the legislature having met and adjourned C. Harmer, and took his seat December 3, 1900. and took his seat December 4, 1899. without electing; credentials presented December 25, 1899, '° September 17, 1899, before Congress assembled. "Served until May 10, 1900; succeeded by Richmond but not permitted to qualify; on April 24, 1900, a resolu- 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Daniel Pearson, who contested his election. tion declaring him not entitled to a seat was agreed to; Ermentrout, and took his seat December 4, 1899. Fifty-Sixth Congress 263

John W. Gaines, Nashville William W. Grout, Barton WISCONSIN Nicholas N. Cox, Franklin SENATORS Thetus W. Sims, Linden VIRGINIA John C. Spooner, Madison Rice A. Pierce, Union City Joseph V. Quarles, Milwaukee Edward W. Carmack, Memphis SENATORS John W. Daniel, Lynchburg REPRESENTATIVES Thomas S. Martin, Scottsville Henry Allen Cooper, Racine TEXAS Herman B. Dahie, Mount Horeb SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Joseph W. Babcock, Necedah Horace Chilton, Tyler William A. Jones, Warsaw Theobald Otjen, Milwaukee Charles A. Culberson, Dallas William A. Young,65 Norfolk Samuel S. Barney, West Bend REPRESENTATIVES Richard A. Wise,66 Williamsburg James H. Davidson, Oshkosh Thomas H. Ball, Huntsville John Lamb, Richmond John J. Esch, La Crosse Samuel B. Cooper, Beaumont Sydney P. Epes,67 Blackstone Edward S Minor, Sturgeon Bay Reese C. De Graffenreid, Longview Francis R. Lassiter,68 Petersburg Alexander Stewart, Wausau John L. Sheppard, Texarkana Claude A. Swanson, Chatham John J. Jenkins, Chippewa Falls Joseph W. Bailey, Gainsville Peter J. Otey, Lynchburg Robert E. Burke, Dallas James Hay, Madison WYOMING Robert L. Henry, Waco John F. Rixey, Brandy SENATORS Samuel W. T. Lanham, Weatherford William F. Rhea, Bristol Clarence D. Clark, Evanston Albert S. Burleson, Austin Julian M. Quarles, Staunton Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne Robert B. Hawley, Galveston REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Rudolph Kleberg, Cuero WASHINGTON Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle James L. Slayden, San Antonio SENATORS John H. Stephens, Vernon George Turner, Spokane TERRITORY OF ARIZONA Addison G. Foster, Tacoma DELEGATE UTAH REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John F. Wilson, Prescott SENATORS Joseph L. Rawlins, Salt Lake City Wesley L. Jones, North Yakima TERRITORY OF HAWAII70 Thomas Kearns,62 Salt Lake City Francis W. Cushman, Tacoma DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE WEST VIRGINIA Robert W. Wilcox,71 Honolulu William H. King,63 Salt Lake City SENATORS TERRITORY OF NEW VERMONT Stephen B. Elkins, Elkins MEXICO SENATORS Nathan B. Scott,69 Wheeling DELEGATE Redfield Proctor, Proctor REPRESENTATIVES Pedro Perea, Bernalillo Jonathan Ross, St. Johns bury Blackburn B. Dovener, Wheeling TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA William P. Dillingham,64 Waterbury Aiston G. Dayton, Philippi REPRESENTATIVES David E. Johnston, Bluefield DELEGATE H. Henry Powers, Morrisville Romeo H. Freer, Harrisville Dennis T. Flynn, Guthrie

1899, appeared, qualified, and took his seat, without objec- 6s Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March °°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Justin S. tion; subsequently other memortols were filed and a reso- 1., 1899, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took Morrill, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Decem- ber 3, 1900. lution was introduced declaring him not entitled to a seat; his seat February 4,1901; vacancy in this class from 5° Served until March 12, 1900; succeeded by Richard A. the Committee on Privileges and Elections was directed to March 4, 1899, to January 22, 1901. Wise, who contested his election. investigate the election, and reported, March 20, 1900, 53 Brigham H. Roberts presented credentials as a °° Successfully contested the election of William A. with a resolution declaring Mr. Scott duly elected and Member-elect December 5, 1899, but was not sworn owing Young, and took his seat March 12, 1900; died December entitled to retain the seat; this resolution was agreed to to protests against his eligibility; the House, on January 5, 21, 1900. April 27, 1900, by a vote of 52 to 3. 1900, adopted a resolution declaring he 'ought not to have 6 Died March 3, 1900. °° Formed from the territory of the Republic of Hawaii, or hold a seat, and the seat to which he was elected is °o Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Sydney P. annexed to the United States by act of July 7, 1898, and hereby declared vacant." Mr. King was elected to fill va- granted a Delegate in Congress by act of April 30, 1900. Epes, and took his seat April 28, 1900. °' Took his seat December 15, 1900, after the investiga- cancy caused by action of the House, and took his seat In the preceding Congress memorials were filed re- tion of charges preferred against him as to eligibility. April 25, 1900. monstrating against the seating of Mr. Scott; December 5, FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1901, TO MARCH 3, 1903

FIRST SESSION-December 2, 1901, to July 1, 1902 SECOND SESSION-December 1, 1902, to March 3, 1903 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1901, to March 9, 1901



ALABAMA Stephen Brundidge, Jr., Searcy CONNECTICUT SENATORS SENATORS John T. Morgan, Selma CALIFORNIA Orville H. Platt, Meriden Edmund W. Pettus, Selma SENATORS Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford REPRESENTATIVES George C. Perkins, Oakland REPRESENTATIVES George W. Taylor, Demopolis Thomas R. Bard,. Hueneme E. Stevens Henry, Rockville Ariosto A. Wiley, Montgomery Nehemiah D. Sperry, New Haven Henry D. Clayton, Eufaula REPRESENTATIVES Charles A. Russell,6 Killingly Sydney J. Bowie, Anniston Frank L. Coombs, Napa Frank B. Brandegee,7 New London Charles W. Thompson, Tuskegee Samuel D. Woods, Stockton Ebenezer J. Hill, Norwalk John H. Bankhead, Fayette Victor H. Metcalf, Oakland John L. Burnett,5 Gadsden DELAWARE Julius Kahn, San Francisco William Richardson, Huntsville SENATORS Eugene F. Loud, San Francisco Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham L. Heisler Ball,8 Faulkiand James McLachlan, Pasadena J. Frank Allee,9 Dover James C. Needham, Modesto ARKANSAS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS L. Heisler Ball,'° Faulkiand James K. Jones, Washington COLORADO James H. Berry, Bentonville SENATORS FLORIDA REPRESENTATIVES Henry M. Teller, Central City SENATORS Philip D. McCulloch, Marianna Thomas M. Patterson, Denver Stephen R. Mallory, Pensacola John S. Little, Greenwood James P. Taliaferro, Jacksonville Thomas C. McRae, Prescott REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Charles C. Reid, Morrillton John F. Shafroth, Denver Stephen M. Sparkman, Tampa Hugh A. Dinsmore, Fayetteville John C. Bell, Montrose Robert W. Davis, Palatka

'Became President by the death of William McKinley o Died October 23, 1902. seat March 3, 1903; vacancy in this class from March 4, September 14, 1901. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles A. 1899, to March 1, 1903. 2Reelected March 7, 1901 (special session of the Senate). Russell, and took his seat December 1, 1902. ° Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March 4, 'Elected December 2, 1901. 8Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March 4, 1901, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took his Elected December 2, 1901. 1899, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took his seat March 3, 1903; vacancy in this class from March 4, Election unsuccessfully contested by N. B. Spears. 1901, to March 1, 1903. °Resigned March 3, 1903, having been elected Senator.

[264] Fifty-Seventh Congress 265

GEORGIA Robert W. Miers, Bloomington James B. White, Irvine Vincent Boreing, London SENATORS William T. Zenor, Corydon Francis M. Griffith, Vevay Augustus 0. Bacon, Macon Elias S. Holliday, Brazil LOUISIANA Alexander S. Clay, Marietta James E. Watson, Rushville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Jesse Overstreet, Indianapolis Rufus E. Lester, Savannah George W. Cromer, Muncie Samuel D. McEnery, New Orleans James M. Griggs, Dawson Charles B. Landis, Delphi Murphy J. Foster, Franklin Elijah B. Lewis, Montezuma Edgar D. Crumpacker, Valparaiso REPRESENTATIVES William C. Adamson, Carrollton George W. Steele, Marion Adolph Meyer, New Orleans Leonidas F. Livingston, Kings James M. Robinson, Fort Wayne Robert C. Davey, New Orleans Charles L. Bartlett, Macon Abraham L. Brick, South Bend Robert F. Broussard, New Iberia John W. Maddox, Rome Phanor Breazeale, Natchitoches William M. Howard, Lexington IOWA Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence Farish C. Tate, Jasper SENATORS Samuel M. Robertson, Baton Rouge William H. Fleming, Augusta William B. Allison, Dubuque William G. Brantley, Brunswick Jonathan P. Dolliver," Fort Dodge MAINE IDAHO REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Thomas Hedge, Burlington SENATORS Eugene Hale, Ellsworth John N. W. Rumple,12 Marengo William P. Frye, Lewiston Henry Heitfeld, Lewiston David B. Henderson, Dubuque Fred T. Dubois, Blackfoot Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert G. Cousins, Tipton Amos L. Allen, Alfred Thomas L. Glenn, Montpelier John F. Lacey, Oskaloosa Charles E. Littlefield, Rockland John A. T. Hull, Des Moines Edwin C. Burleigh, Augusta ILLINOIS William P. Hepburn, Clarinda Llewellyn Powers,'6 Houlton SENATORS Walter I. Smith, Council Bluffs Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield James P. Conner, Denison MARYLAND William E. Mason, Chicago Lot Thomas, Storm Lake SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES George L. Wellington, Cumberland KANSAS Louis E. McComas, Williamsport James R. Mann, Chicago SENATORS John J. Feely, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES George P. Foster, Chicago William A. Harris, Linwood Joseph R. Burton, Abilene William H. Jackson, Salisbury James McAndrews, Chicago Albert A. Blakeney, Franklinville William F. Mahoney, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES Frank C. Wachter, Baltimore Henry S. Boutell, Chicago Charles Curtis, Topeka Charles R. Schirm, Baltimore George E. Foss, Chicago Justin D. Bowersock, Lawrence Sydney E. Mudd, La Plata Albert J. Hopkins, Aurora Alfred M. Jackson, Winfield George A. Pearre, Cumberland Robert R. Hitt, Mount Morris James M. Miller, Council Grove George W. Prince, Galesburg William A. Calderhead, Marysville MASSACHUSETTS Walter Reeves, Streator William A. Reeder, Logan Joseph G. Cannon, Danville Chester I. Long,'3 Medicine Lodge SENATORS Vespasian Warner, Clinton At LargeCharles F. Scott, lola George F. Hoar, Worcester Joseph V. Graff, Peoria Henry Cabot Lodge, Na ha nt J. Ross Mickey, Macomb KENTUCKY REPRESENTATIVES Thomas J. Selby, Hardin SENATORS George P. Lawrence, North Adams Ben F. Caldwell, Chatham William J. Deboe, Marion Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield Thomas M. Jett, Hillsboro Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles John R. Thayer, Worcester Joseph B. Crowley, Robinson REPRESENTATIVES Charles Q. Tirrell, Natick James R. Williams, Carmi William S. Knox, Lawrence Frederick J. Kern, Belleville Charles K. Wheeler, Paducah Henry D. Allen, Morganfield William H. Moody,11 Haverhill George W. Smith, Murphysboro John S. Rhea,'4 Russellville Augustus P. Gardner,'8 Hamilton INDIANA J. McKenzie 5 Bowling Green Ernest W. Roberts, Chelsea David H. Smith, Hodgensville Samuel W. McCall, Winchester SENATORS Harvey S. Irwin, Louisville Joseph A. Conry, Boston Charles W. Fairbanks, Indianapolis Daniel L. Gooch, Covington Henry F. Naphen, Boston Albert J. Beveridge, Indianapolis South Trimble, Frankfort Samuel L. Powers, Newton REPRESENTATIVES George G. Gilbert, Shelbyville William C. Levering, Taunton James A. Hemenway, Boonville James N. Kehoe, Maysville William S. Greene, Fall River

Successfully contested the election of John S. Rhea, Appointed tofill vacancy in the term beginning Resigned, effective March 4, 1903, before the com- mencement of the Fifty-eighth Congress, to which he had and took his seat March 25, 1902. March 4, 1901, caused by death of Senator-elect John H. 0Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- Gear, in preceding Congress, and took his seat March 4, been reelected, having been elected Senator. sentative-elect Charles A. B.outelle, in preceding Congress, 1901; subsequently elected. "Served until March 25, 1902; succeeded by J. McKen- and took his seat December 2, 1901. "Died January 31, 1903. zie Moss, who contested his election. "Resigned May 1, 1902, to become Secretary of the Navy. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- liam H. Moody, and took his seat December 1, 1902. 266 Biographical Directory

MICHIGAN William W. Rucker, Keytesville NEW JERSEY SENATORS John Dougherty, Liberty James McMillan,'9 Detroit Charles F. Cochran, St. Joseph SENATORS Russell A. Alger,2° Detroit William S. Cowherd, Kansas City William J. Sewell,27 Camden Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo David A. De Armond, Butler John F. Dryden,28 Newark James Cooney, Marshall John Kean, Ursino REPRESENTATIVES Dorsey W. Shackleford, Jefferson City John B. Corliss, Detroit James Beauchamp Clark, Bowling REPRESENTATIVES Henry C. Smith, Adrian Green Henry C. Loudenslager, Paulsboro Washington Gardner, Albion Richard Bartholdt, St. Louis John J. Gardner, Atlantic City Edward L. Hamilton, Niles Charles F. Joy, St. Louis Benjamin F. Howell, New Brunswick William Alden Smith, Grand Rapids James J. Butler,23 St. Louis Joshua S. Salmon,29 Boonton Samuel W. Smith, Pontiac George C. R. Wagoner,24 St. Louis De Witt C. Flanagan,3° Morristown Edgar Weeks, Mount Clemens Edward Robb, Perryville James F. Stewart, Paterson Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw Willard D. Vandiver, Cape Girardeau Richard Wayne Parker, Newark Roswell P. Bishop, Ludington Maecenas E. Benton, Neosho Allan L McDermott, Jersey City Rosseau 0. Crump,2' West Bay City Charles N. Fowler, Elizabeth Henry H. Aplin,22 West Bay City Archibald B. Darragh, St. Louis MONTANA Carlos D. Shelden, Houghton SENATORS NEW YORK William A. Clark, Butte MINNESOTA Paris Gibson,25 Great Falls SENATORS Thomas C. Platt, Owego SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Chauncey M. Depew, Pee ks kill Knute Nelson, Alexandria CaldweIl Edwards, Bozeman Moses E. Clapp, St. Paul REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES NEBRASKA Frederic Storm, Bayside James A. Tawney, Winona SENATORS John J. Fitzgerald, Brooklyn James T. McCleary, Mankato William V. Allen, Madison Henry Bristow, Brooklyn Joel P. Heatwole, Northfield Charles H. Dietrich,26 Hastings Harry A. Hanbury, Brooklyn Frederick C. Stevens, St. Paul Joseph H. Millard, Omaha Frank E Wilson, Brooklyn George H. Lindsay, Brooklyn Loren Fletcher, Minneapolis REPRESENTATIVES R. Page W. Morris, Duluth Nicholas Muller,3' New York City Frank M. Eddy, Glenwood Elmer J. Burkett, Lincoln Montague Lessler,32 New York City David H. Mercer, Omaha Thomas J. Creamer, New York City MISSISSIPPI John S. Robinson, Madison Henry M. Goldfogle, New York City William L. Stark, Aurora SENATORS Amos J. Cummings,33 New York City Ashton C. Shallenberger, Alma ,34 New York City Hernando D. Money, Carroilton William Neville, North Platte Anseim J. McLaurin, Brandon William Sulzer, New York City REPRESENTATIVES George B. McClellan, New York City NEVADA Oliver H. P. Belmont, New York City Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr., Corinth SENATORS William H. Douglas, New York City Thomas Spight, Ripley John P. Jones, Gold Hill Jacob Ruppert, Jr., New York City Patrick Henry, Vicksburg William M. Stewart, Carson City Andrew F. Fox, West Point Cornelius A. Pugsley, Peeks kill John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Arthur S. Tompkins, Nyack Frank A. McLain, Gloster Francis G. Newlands, Reno John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains Charles E. Hooker, Jackson William H. Draper, Troy NEW HAMPSHIRE George N. Southwick, Albany MISSOURI John K. Stewart, Amsterdam SENATORS Lucius N. Littauer, Gloversville SENATORS Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord Louis W. Emerson, Warrensburg Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg Henry E. Burnham, Manchester Charles L. Knapp,35 Lowville George G. Vest, Sweet Springs REPRESENTATIVES James S. Sherman, Utica REPRESENTATIVES Cyrus A. Sulloway, Manchester George W. Ray,36 Norwich James T. Lloyd, Shelbyville Frank D. Currier, Canaan John W. Dwight,37 Dryden

'Died August 10, 1902. Successfully contested the election of James J. Butler, ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joshua S. ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of James and took his seat February 26, 1903. Salmon, and took his seat January 5, 1903. McMillan, and took his seat December 2, 1902; subsequent- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- " Resigned November 22, 1901, before Congress assem- ly elected. liam A. Clark, in preceding Congress, and took his seat bled. 'Died May 1, 1901, before Congress assembled. December 2, 1901; vacancy in this class from May 16, 1900, 32Elected January 7, 1902, to fill vacancy caused by Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Rosseau 0. to March 6, 1901. resignation of Nicholas Muller, and took his seat January Crump, and took his seat December 2, 1901. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Monroe L. 15, 1902. 25Election contested by William M. Horton; on June 28, Died May 2, 1902. Hayward, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Decem- 34Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Amos J. 1902, resolution adopted declaring no valid election and ber 2, 1901. Cummings, and took his seat December 2, 1902. seat vacant; credentials presented of a subsequent elec- 23Died December 27, 1901. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- tion, and took his seat December 1, 1902; served until 2sElected to fill vacancy caused by death of William J. tive-elect Albert D. Shaw, in preceding Congress, and took February 26, 1903; succeeded by George C. R. Wagoner, Sewell, and took his seat February 4, 1902. his seat December 2, 1901. who contested this election. 29Died May 6, 1902. ° Resigned September 11, 1902. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of George W. Ray, and took his seat December 1, 1902. Fifty-Seventh Congress 267

Michael E. Driscoll, Syracuse Charles W. F. Dick, Akron George P. Wetmore, Newport Sereno E. Payne, Auburn Jacob A. Beidler, Willoughby REPRESENTATIVES Charles W. Gillet, Addison Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland Melville Bull, Middletown James W. Wadsworth, Geneseo Adin B. Capron, Stillwater James B. Perkins, Rochester OREGON William H. Ryan, Buffalo SENATORS SOUTH CAROUNA De Alva S. Alexander, Buffalo Edward B. Vreeland, Salamanca Joseph Simon, Portland SENATORS John H. Mitchell, Portland Benjamin R. Tillman, Trenton NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENTATIVES John L. McLaurin, Bennettsville SENATORS Thomas H. Tongue,4' Hills boro REPRESENTATIVES Jeter C. Pritchard, Marshall Malcolm A. Moody, The Dalles William Elliott, Beaufort Furnifold McL. Simmons, Raleigh William J. Talbert, Parksville REPRESENTATIVES PENNSYLVANIA Asbury C. Latimer, Belton SENATORS Joseph T. Johnson, Spartanburg John H. Small, Washington David E. Finley, Yorkville , Scotland Neck Boies Penrose, Philadelphia Robert B. Scarborough, Conway Charles R. Thomas,38 New Bern Matthew S. Quay, Beaver J. William Stokes,47 Orangeburg Edward W. Pou, Smithfield REPRESENTATIVES Asbury F. Lever,48 Lexington William W. Kitchin, Roxboro Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia John D. Bellamy, Wilmington Robert Adams, Jr., Philadelphia Theodore F. Kluttz, Salisbuty SOUTH DAKOTA Edmond Spencer Blackburn, Henry Burk, Philadelphia SENATORS James R. Young, Philadelphia James H. Kyle,49 Aberdeen Wilkes boro Edward de V. Morrell, Torresdale James M. Moody,39 Waynesuille Alfred B. Kittredge,5° Sioux Falls Thomas S. Butler, West Chester Robert J. Gamble, Yankton Irving P. Wanger, Norristown NORTH DAKOTA Howard Mutchier, Easton REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Henry D. Green, Reading Charles H. Burke, Pierre Henry C. Hansbrough, Devils Lake Marriott Brosius,42 Lancaster Eben W. Martin, Deadwood Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton Henry B. Cassel,43 Marietta REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William Connell, Scranton TENNESSEE Thomas F. Marshall, Oakes Henry W. Palmer, Wilkes-Barre SENATORS George R. Patterson, Ashland William B. Bate, Nashville OHIO Marlin E. Olmsted, Harrisburg Edward W. Carmack, Memphis SENATORS Charles F. Wright, Susquehanna REPRESENTATIVES Joseph B. Foraker, Cincinnati Elias Deemer, Williamsport Rufus K. Polk,44 Danville Walter P. Brownlow, Jonesboro Marcus A. Hanna, Cleveland Henry R. Gibson, Knoxville REPRESENTATIVES Alexander Billmeyer,45 Wash ingtonville John A. Moon, Chattanooga William B. Shattuc, Mad isonville Thaddeus M. Mahon, Chambers burg Charles E. Snodgrass, Crossville Jacob H. Bromwell, Cincinnati Robert J. Lewis, York James D. Richardson, Murfreesboro Robert M. Nevin, Dayton Alvin Evans, Ebensburg John W. Gaines, Nashville Robert B. Gordon, St. Marys Summers M. Jack, Indiana Lemuel P. Padgett, Columbia John S. Snook, Paulding John Daizell, Pittsburgh Thetus W. Sims, Linden Charles Q. Hildebrant, Wilmington William H. Graham, Allegheny Rice A. Pierce, Union City Thomas B. Kyle, Troy Ernest F. Acheson, Washington Malcolm R. Patterson, Memphis William R. Warnock, Urbana Joseph B. Showalter, Butler James H. Southard, Toledo Arthur L. Bates, Meadville TEXAS Stephen Morgan, Oak Hill Joseph C. Sibley, Franklin SENATORS Charles H. Grosvenor, Athens James K. P. Hall,46 Ridgway Charles A. Culberson, Dallas Emmett Tompkins,40 Columbus At Large-Galusha A. Grow, Glenwood Joseph W. Bailey, Gainsville James A. Norton, Tiffin Robert H. Foerderer, Philadelphia William W. Skiles, Shelby REPRESENTATIVES Thomas H. Ball, Huntsville Henry C. Van Voorhis, Zanesville RHODE ISLAND Joseph J. Gill, Steubenville Samuel B. Cooper, Beaumont John W. Cassingham, Coshocton SENATORS Reese C. De Graffenreid,5' Longview Robert W. Tayler, Lisbon Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Gordon J. Russell,52 Tyler

Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of J. William 38Election unsuccessfully contested by John E. Fowler. 43Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Marriott Brosius, and took his seat December 2, 1901. Stokes, and took his seat December 2, 1901. Died February 5, 1903. Died July 1, 1901. 4°Election unsuccessfully contested by John J. Lentz. - Died March 5, 1902. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of James 41Died January 11, 1903, before the commencement of Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Rufus K. H. Kyle, and took his seat December 2, 1901; subsequently the Fifty-eighth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Polk, and took his seat December 1, 1902. elected. Died March 16, 1901, before Congress assembled. 48Resigned November 29, 1902. ' Died August 29, 1902. ° Died July 6, 1901, before Congress assembled. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Reese C. Do Graffenreid, and took his seat December 2, 1902. 268 Biographical Directory

TEXASContinued Harry L. Maynard, Portsmouth Theobald Otjen, Milwaukee REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED John Lamb, Richmond Samuel S. Barney, West Bend Francis R. Lassiter, Petersburg James H. Davidson, Oshkosh John L. Sheppard,53 Texarkana Claude A. Swanson, Chat ham John J. Esch, La Crosse Morris Sheppard,54 Texarkana Peter J. Otey,58 Lynchburg Edward S. Minor, Sturgeon Bay Choice B. Randell, Sherman ,59 Lynchburg Webster E. Brown, Rhinelander Robert E. Burke,55 Dallas James Hay, Madison John J. Jenkins, Chippewa Falls Dudley G. Wooten,56 Dallas John F. Rixey, Brandy Robert L. Henry, Waco William F. Rhea,6° Bristol WYOMING Samuel W. T. Lanham,57 Weatherford Henry D. Flood, Appomattox Albert S. Burleson, Austin SENATORS George F. Burgess, Gonzales WASHINGTON Clarence D. Clark, Evanston Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne Rudolph Kleberg, Cuero SENATORS James L. Slayden, San Antonio George Turner, Spokane REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John H. Stephens, Vernon Addison G. Foster, Tacoma Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE UTAH TERRITORY OF ARIZONA SENATORS Wesley L. Jones, North Yakima Francis W. Cushman, Tacoma DELEGATE Joseph L. Rawlins, Salt Lake City Marcus A. Smith, Tucson Thomas Kearns, Salt Lake City WEST VIRGINIA REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS TERRITORY OF HAWAII George Sutherland, Salt Lake City Stephen B. Elkins, Elkins DELEGATE VERMONT Nathan B. Scott, Wheeling Robert W. Wilcox, Honolulu REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Blackburn B. Dovener, Wheeling Redfield Proctor, Proctor TERRITORY OF NEW Alston G. Dayton, Philippi MEXICO William P. Dillingham, Montpelier Joseph Holt Gaines, Charleston REPRESENTATIVES James A. Hughes, Huntington DELEGATE David J. Foster, Burlington Bernard S. Rodey, Albuquerque Kittredge Haskins, Brattleboro WISCONSIN SENATORS TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA VIRGINIA John C. Spooner, Madison DELEGATE SENATORS Joseph V. Quarles, Milwaukee Dennis T Flynn, Guthrie John W. Daniel, Lynchburg REPRESENTATIVES Thomas S. Martin, Scottsville Henry Allen Cooper, Racine PORTO RICO6' REPRESENTATIVES Herman B. Dahle, Mount Horeb RESIDENT COMMISSIONER William A. Jones, Warsaw Joseph W. Babcock, Necedah Federico Degetau,62 San Juan

'Died October 11, 1902. Resigned January 15, 1903, having been elected Gov- Part of the territory ceded to the United States by Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, ernor. Spain by the treaty of Paris of December 10, 1898; granted John L. Sheppard, and took his seat December 1, 1902. "Died May 4, 1902. a civil government and the right to elect a Resident Com- "Died June 5, 1901, before Congress assembled. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Peter J. missioner to the United States by act of April 12, 1900. 56 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert E. Otey, and took his seat December 1, 1902. "Elected for a term of two years beginning March 4, Burke, and took his seat December 2, 1901. ElectionunsuccessfullycontestedbyJamesA. 1901; granted the privilege of the floor of the House of Walker. Representatives June 28, 1902. FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1903, to MARCH 3, 1905

FIRST SESSION-November 9, 1903, to December 7, 1903 SECOND SESSION-December 7, 1903, to April 28, 1904 THIRD SESSION-December 5, 1904, to March 3, 1905 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 5, 1903, to March 19, 1903



ALABAMA Charles C. Reid, Morrillton Robert W. Bonynge,'° Denver Herschel M. Hogg, Telluride SENATORS Joseph T. Robinson, Lonoke Robert M. Wallace, Magnolia At Large-Franklin E. Brooks, John T. Morgan, Selma Colorado Springs Edmund W. Pettus, Selma CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS CONNECTICUT George W. Taylor, Demopolis George C. Perkins, Oakland Ariosto A. Wiley, Montgomery Thomas R. Bard, Hueneme SENATORS Henry D. Clayton, Eufaula REPRESENTATWES Orville H. Platt, Meriden Sydney J. Bowie, Anniston Joseph R. Hawley, Hartford Charles W. Thompson,4 Tuskegee James N. Gillett, Eureka J. Thomas Heflin,5 Lafayette Theodore A. Bell, Napa REPRESENTATIVES John H. Bankhead, Fayette Victor H. Metcalf,6 Oakland E. Stevens Henry, Rockville John L. Burnett, Gadsden Joseph R. Knowland,7 Alameda Nehemiah D. Sperry, New Haven William Richardson, Huntsville Edward J. Livernash,8 San Francisco Frank B. Brandegee, New London Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham William J. Wynn, San Francisco Ebenezer J. Hill, Norwalk James C. Needham, Modesto At Large-George L. Lilley, Waterbury ARKANSAS James McLachlan, Pasadena SENATORS Milton J. Daniels, Riverside DELAWARE James H. Berry, Bentonville COLORADO James P. Clarke, Little Rock SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES L. Heisler Ball, Faulkland Robert B. Macon, Helena Henry M. Teller, Central City J. Frank Allee, Dover Stephen Brundidge, Jr., rcy Thomas M. Patterson, Denver Hugh A. Dinsmore, Fayetteville REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATWE AT LARGE John S. Little, Greenwood John F. Shafroth,9 Denver Henry A. Houston, Mills boro

Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles W. Election unsuccessfully contested by Julius Kahn. 'Vice President Theodore Roosevelt became President Election contested by Robert W. Bonynge; served until on the death of William McKinley in preceeding Congress. Thompson, and took his seat December 5, 1904. February 15, 1904, when he declared the convictisn that 2Elected November 9, 1903. Resigned July 1, 1904, having been appointed Secre- contestant was duly elected and entitled to seat held by 2Reelected November 9, 1903. tory of Commerce and Labor. him; contestant then seated by unanimous vote. Died March 20, 1904. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Victor "'Successfully contested the election of John F. Sha- H. Metealf, and took his seat December 5, 1904. froth, and took his seat February 16, 1904.

[269] 270 Biographical Directory

FLORIDA Henry T. Rainey, Carroliton James B. McCreary, Richmond SENATORS Ben F. Caldwell, Chat ham William A. Rodenberg, East St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES Stephen R. Mallory," Pensacola Joseph B. Crowley, Robinson 011ie M. James, Marion James P. Taliaferro, Jacksonville James R. Williams, Carmi Augustus 0. Stanley, Henderson REPRESENTATIVES George W. Smith, Murphysboro John S. Rhea, Russeilville Stephen M. Sparkman, Tampa David H. Smith, Hodgensuille Robert W. Davis, Palatka INDIANA J. Swagar Sherley, Louisville William B. Lamar, Monticello SENATORS D. Linn Gooch, Covington Charles W. Fairbanks,'4 Indianapolis South Trimble, Frankfort GEORGIA Albert J. Beveridge, Indianapolis George G. Gilbert, Shelbyville SENATORS James N. Kehoe, Maysuille REPRESENTATIVES Frank A. Hopkins, Prestonsburg Augustus 0. Bacon, Macon James A. Hemenway,' Boonville Vincent Boreing,? London Alexander S. Clay, Marietta Robert W. Miers, Bloomington W. Godfrey Hunter,'8 Burkesville REPRESENTATIVES William T. Zenor, Corydon Francis M. Griffith, Vevay Rufus E. Lester, Savannah LOUISIANA James M. Griggs, Dawson Elias S. Holliday, Brazil Elijah B. Lewis, Montezuma James E. Watson, Rushville SENATORS Jesse Overstreet, Indianapolis Samuel D. McEnery, New Orleans William C. Adamson, Carrollton George W. Cromer, Muncie Leonidas F. Livingston, Covington Charles B. Landis, Delphi Murphy J. Foster, Franklin Charles L. Bartlett, Macon Edgar D. Crumpacker, Valparaiso REPRESENTATIVES John W. Maddox, Rome , Logansport Adolph Meyer, New Orleans William M. Howard, Lexington James M. Robinson, Fort Wayne Robert C. Davey, New Orleans Farish C. Tate, Jasper Abraham L. Brick, South Bend Robert F. Broussard, New Iberia Thomas W. Hardwick, Sandersuille Phanor Breazeale, Natchitoches William G. Brantley, Brunswick IOWA Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence SENATORS Samuel M. Robertson, Baton Rouge IDAHO William B. Allison, Dubuque Arsène P. Pujo, Lake Charles SENATORS Jonathan P. Dolliver, Fort Dodge Fred T. Dubois, Blackfoot REPRESENTATIVES MAINE Weldon B. Heyburn, Wallace Thomas Hedge, Burlington SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Martin J. Wade, Iowa City Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Burton L. French, Moscow Benjamin P. Birdsall, Clarion Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood William P. Frye, Lewiston ILLINOIS Robert G. Cousins, Tipton REPRESENTATIVES John F. Lacey, Oskaloosa SENATORS Amos L. Allen, Alfred John A. T. Hull, Des Moines Charles E. Littlefield, Rockland Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield William P. Hepburn, Clarinda Albert J. Hopkins, Aurora Edwin C. Burleigh, Augusta Walter I. Smith, Council Bluffs Llewellyn Powers, Houlton REPRESENTATIVES James P. Conner, Denison Lot Thomas, Storm Lake Martin Emerich, Chicago MARYLAND James R. Mann, Chicago William W. Wilson, Chicago KANSAS SENATORS George P. Foster, Chicago SENATORS Louis E. McComas, Williamsport James McAndrews, Chicago Joseph R. Burton, Abilene Arthur Pue Gorman, Laurel William rimer,'2 Chicago Chester I. Long, Medicine Lodge REPRESENTATIVES Philip Knopf, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES William H. Jackson, Salisbury William F. Mahoney,'3 Chicago Charles Curtis, Topeka J. Fred. C. Talbott, Towson Henry S. Boutell, Chicago Justin D. Bowersock, Lawrence Frank C Wachter, Baltimore George E. Foss, Chicago Philip P. Campbell, Pittsburg James W. Denny, Baltimore Howard M. Snapp, Joliet James M. Miller, Council Grove Sydney E. Mudd, La Plata Charles E. Fuller, Belvidere William A. Calderhead, Marysville George A. Pearre, Cumberland Robert R. Hitt, Mount Morris William A. Reeder, Logan Benjamin F. Marsh, Warsaw Victor Murdock,'6 Wichita George W. Prince, Galesburg At LargeCharles F. Scott, lola MASSACHUSETTS Joseph V. Graff, Peoria SENATORS John A. Sterling, Bloomington KENTUCKY George F. Hoar,'9 Worcester Joseph G. Cannon, Danville SENATORS Winthrop Murray Crane,2° Dalton Vespasian Warner, Clinton Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles Henry Cabot Lodge, Na ha nt

11Reappointed to fill vacancy in the term beginning 'Resigned, effective March 1, 1905, having been elected 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- March 4, 1903, to serve until the next meeting of the Vice President of the United States. sentative-elect Chester I. Long, in preceding Congress, and legislature; subsequently reelected. "Resigned, effective March 3, 1905, before the com- took his seat November 9, 1903. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Allan C. Dur- mencement of the Fifty-ninth Congress, to which he had '"Died September 16, 1903, before Congress assembled. borow. been reelected, having been elected Senator. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Vincent "Died December 27, 1904. Boreing, and took his seat December 4, 1903. 'Died September 30, 1904. z° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of George F. Hoar, and took his seat December 6, 1904; subsequently elected. Fifty-Eighth Congress 271

REPRESENTATIVES John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City NEW JERSEY George P. Lawrence, North Adams SENATORS Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield MISSOURI John R. Thayer, Worcester John Kean, Elizabeth SENATORS John F. Dryden, Newark Charles Q. Tirrell, Natick Francis M. Cockrell, Warrensburg , Lowell William J. Stone, Jefferson City REPRESENTATIVES Augustus P. Gardner, Hamilton Henry C. Loudenslager, Paulsboro Ernest W. Roberts, Chelsea REPRESENTATIVES John J. Gardner, Atlantic City Samuel W. McCall, Winchester James T. Lloyd, Shelbyville Benjamin F. Howell, New Brunswick John A. Keliher,2' Boston William W. Rucker, Keytesville William M. Lanning,23 Trenton William S. McNary, Boston John Dougherty, Liberty Ira W. Wood,24 Trenton John A. Sullivan, Boston Charles F. Cochran, St. Joseph Charles N. Fowler, Elizabeth Samuel L. Powers, Newton William S Cowherd, Kansas City William Hughes, Paterson William S. Greene, Fall River David A. De Armond, Butler Richard Wayne Parker, Newark William C. Lovering, Taunton Courtney W. Hamlin, Springfield William H. Wiley, East Orange Dorsey W. Shackleford, Jefferson City Allan Benny, Bayonne MICHIGAN James Beauchamp Clark, Bowling Allan L McDermott, Jersey City SENATORS Green Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo Richard Bartholdt, St. Louis NEW YORK Russell A. Alger, Detroit John T. Hunt, St. Louis James J. Butler, St. Louis SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Edward Robb, Perryville Thomas C. Platt, Owego Alfred Lucking, Detroit Willard D. Vandiver, Cape Giradeau Chauncey M. Depew, Peeks kill Charles E. Townsend, Jackson Maecenas E. Benton, Neosho REPRESENTATIVES Washington Gardner, Albion J. Robert Lamar, Houston Edward L. Hamilton, Niles Townsend Scudder, Glen Head William Alden Smith, Grand Rapids MONTANA George H. Lindsay, Brooklyn Samuel W. Smith, Pontiac Charles T. Dunwell, Brooklyn Henry McMorran, Port Huron SENATORS Frank E. Wilson, Brooklyn Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw William A. Clark, Butte Edward M. Bassett, Brooklyn Roswell P. Bishop, Ludington Paris Gibson, Great Falls Robert Baker, Brooklyn George A. Loud, Au Sable REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John J. Fitzgerald, Brooklyn Archibald B. Darragh, St. Louis Joseph M. Dixon, Missoula Timothy D. Sullivan, New York City H. Olin Young, Ishpeming Henry M. Goldfogle, New York City NEBRASKA William Sulzer, New York City MINNESOTA William R. Hearst, New York City SENATORS SENATORS George B. McClellan,25 New York City Knute Nelson, Alexandria Charles H. Dietrich, Hastings W. Bourke Cockran,26 New York City Moses E. Clapp, St. Paul Joseph H. Millard, Omaha Francis B. Harrison, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Ira E. Rider, New York City REPRESENTATIVES William H. Douglas, New York City James A. Tawney, Winona Elmer J. Burkett,22 Lincoln Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Omaha Jacob Ruppert, Jr., New York City James T. McCleary, Mankato Francis E. Shober, New York City Charles R. Davis, St. Peter John J. McCarthy, Ponca Edmund H. Hinshaw, Fairbu,y Joseph A. Goulden, Fordham Frederick C. Stevens, St. Paul Norton P. Otis,27 Yonkers John Lind, Minneapolis George W. Norris, McCook Moses P. Kinkaid, O'Neill Thomas W. Bradley, Walden Clarence B. Buckman, Little Falls John H. Ketcham, Dover Plains Andrew J. Volstead, Granite Falls NEVADA William H. Draper, Troy J. Adam Bede, Pine City George N. Southwick, Albany , Crooks ton SENATORS George J. Smith, Kingston William M. Stewart, Carson City Lucius N. Littauer, Gloversville MISSISSIPPI Francis G. Newlands, Reno William H. Flack, Malone SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE James S. Sherman, Utica Hernando D. Money, Carroliton Clarence D. Van Duzer, Tonopah Charles L. Knapp, Lowville Anselm J. McLaurin, Brandon Michael E. Driscoll, Syracuse REPRESENTATIVES NEW HAMPSHIRE John W. Dwight, Dryden Sereno E. Payne, Auburn Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr., Corinth SENATORS Thomas Spight, Ripley James B. Perkins, Rochester Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord Charles W. Gillet, Addison Benjamin G. Humphreys, Greenville Henry E. Burnham, Manchester Wilson S. Hill, Winona James W. Wadsworth, Geneseo Adam M. Byrd, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES William H. Ryan, Buffalo Eaton J. Bowers, Bay St. Louis Cyrus A. Sulloway, Manchester De Alva S. Alexander, Buffalo Frank A. McLain, Gloster Frank D. Currier, Canaan Edward B. Vreeland, Salamanca

2 Resigned December 21, 1903, having been elected Election unsuccessfully contested by Joseph A. Conry. 2 Resigned June 6, 1904, having been appointed United States district judge for New Jersey. mayor of New York City. Resigned, effective March 4, 1905, before the com- 2 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of mencement of the Fifty-ninth Congress, to which he had °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- George B. McClellan, and took his seat March 9, 1904. been reelected, having been elected Senator. liam M. Lanning, and took his seat December 5, 1904. "Died February 20, 1905. 272 Biographical Directory

NORTH CAROLINA Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland George P. Wetmore, Newport SENATORS OREGON REPRESENTATIVES Furnifold McL. Simmons, Raleigh Daniel L. D. Granger, Providence Lee S. Overman, Salisbury SENATORS Adin B. Capron, Stillwater John H. Mitchell, Portland REPRESENTATIVES Charles W. Fulton, Astoria John H. Small, Washington SOUTH CAROLINA REPRESENTATIVES Claude Kitchin, Scotland Neck SENATORS Charles R. Thomas, New Bern Binger Hermann,37 Roseburg John N. Williamson, Prineville Benjamin R. Tillman, Trenton Edward W. Pou, Smithfield Asbury C. Latimer, Belton William W. Kitchin, Roxboro Gilbert B. Patterson, Maxton PENNSYLVANIA REPRESENTATIVES Robert N. Page, Biscoe SENATORS George S. Legare, Charleston Theodore F. Kluttz, Salisbury Boies Penrose, Philadelphia George W. Croft,46 Aiken Edwin Y. Webb, Shelby Matthew S. Quay,38 Beaver Theodore G. Croft,47 Aiken James N. Gudger, Jr.,28 Asheville Philander C. Knox,39 Pittsburgh Wyatt Aiken, Abbeville REPRESENTATIVES Joseph T. Johnson, Spartanburg NORTH DAKOTA Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia David E. Finley, Yorkville SENATORS Robert Adams, Jr., Philadelphia Robert B. Scarborough, Conway Henry C. Hansbrough, Devils Lake Henry Burk,4° Philadelphia Asbury F. Lever,48 Lexington Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton George A. Castor,41 Philadelphia Robert H. Foerderer,42 Philadelphia SOUTH DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Reuben 0. Moon,43 Philadelphia Thomas F. Marshall, Oakes Edward de V. Morrell, Torresdale SENATORS Burleigh F. Spalding, Fargo George D. McCreary, Philadelphia Robert J. Gamble, Yankton Thomas S. Butler, West Chester Alfred B. Kittredge, Sioux Falls OHIO Irving P. Wanger, Norristown REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Henry B. Cassel, Marietta Charles H. Burke, Pierre Joseph B. Foraker, Cincinnati George Howell,44 Scranton Eben W. Martin, Deadwood Marcus A. Hanna,29 Cleveland William Connell,45 Scranton Charles W. F. Dick,3° Akron Henry W. Palmer, Wilkes-Barre George R. Patterson, Ashland TENNESSEE REPRESENTATIVES Marcus C. L. Kline, Allentown SENATORS , Cincinnati Charles F. Wright, Susquehanna William B. Bate, Nashville Herman P. Goebel, Cincinnati Elias Deemer, Williamsport Edward W. Carmack, Memphis Robert M. Nevin, Dayton Charles H. Dickerman, Milton Harvey C. Garber, Greenville Thaddeus M. Mahon, Chambersburg REPRESENTATIVES John S. Snook, Paulding Marlin E. Olmsted, Harrisburg Walter P. Browniow, Jonesboro Charles Q. Hildebrant, Wilmington Alvin Evans, Ebensburg Henry R. Gibson, Knoxville Thomas B. Kyle, Troy Daniel F. Lafean, York John A. Moon, Chattanooga William R. Warnock, Urbana Solomon R. Dresser, Bradford Morgan C. Fitzpatrick, Hartsville James H. Southard, Toledo George F. Huff, Greensburg James D. Richardson, Murfreesboro Stephen Morgan, Oak Hill Allen F. Cooper, Uniontown John W. Gaines, Nashville Charles H. Grosvenor, Athens Ernest F. Acheson, Washington Lemuel P. Padgett, Columbia De Witt C. Badger, Columbus Arthur L. Bates, Meadville Thetus W. Sims,49 Linden Amos H. Jackson, Fremont Joseph H. Shull, Shroudsburg Rice A. Pierce, Union City William W. Skiles,3' Shelby William 0. Smith, Punxsutawney Malcolm R. Patterson, Memphis Amos R. Webber,32 Elyria Joseph C. Sibley, Franklin Henry C. Van Voorhis, Zanesville George Shiras 3d, Allegheny TEXAS John Dalzell, Pittsburgh Joseph J. Gill,33 Steubenville SENATORS Capell L. Weems,34 St. Clairsville Henry Kirk Porter, Pittsburgh John W. Cassingham, Coshocton James W. Brown, Pittsburgh Charles A. Culberson, Dallas James Kennedy, Youngstown Joseph W. Bailey, Gainesville Charles W. F. Dick,35 Akron RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATIVES William Aubrey Thomas,36 Niles SENATORS Morris Sheppard, Texarkana Jacob A. Beidler, Willoughby Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Samuel B. Cooper, Beaumont

Electionunsuccessfullycontestedby James M. ' Resigned March 23, 1904, having been elected Rena- ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry Moody. tar. Burk, and took his seat February 29, 1904. 25 Died February 15, 1904. 56 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 42 Died July 26, 1903, before Congress assembled. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Marcus A. Charles W. F. Dick, and took his seat December 5, 1904. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert H. Hanna, and took his seat March 23, 1904. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Foerderer, and took his seat November 9, 1903. "Died January 9, 1904. tive-elect Thomas H. Tongue, in preceding Congress, and 44Served until February 10, 1904; succeeded by William 52 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William W. took his seat November 9, 1903. Connell, who contested his election. ' ' Successfully contested the election of George Howell, Skiles, and took his seat December 5, 1904. Died May 28, 1904. and took his seat February 10, 1904. 55Resigned October 31, 1903, before Congress assem- Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Matthew Died March 10, 1904. bled. S. Quay, and took his seat January 25, 1905; subsequently ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, 'Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of elected. George W. Croft, and took his seat December 5, 1904. Joseph J. Gill, and took his seat November 9, 1903. 46 Died December 5, 1903. 48 Election unsuccessfully contested by Alexander D. Dantzler. Election unsuccessfully contested by F. M. Davis. Fifty-Eighth Congress 273

John Lamb, Richmond William H. Stafford, Milwaukee Gordon J. Russell, Tyler Charles H. Weisse, Sheyboygan Falls Choice B. Randell, Sherman Robert G. Southall, Amelia Jack Beall, Waxahachie Claude A. Swanson, Chatham John J. Esch, La Crosse Scott Field, Calvert Carter Glass, Lynchburg James H. Davidson, Oshkosh Alexander W. Gregg, Palestine James Hay, Madison Edward S. Minor, Sturgeon Bay Thomas H. Ball,50 Huntsville John F. Rixey, Brandy Webster E. Brown, Rhinelander John M. Pinckney,5' Hempstead , Big Stone Gap John J. Jenkins, Chippewa Falls George F. Burgess, Gonzales Henry D. Flood, Appomattox Albert S. Burleson, Austin WYOMING Robert L. Henry, Waco WASHINGTON SENATORS Oscar W. Gillespie, Fort Worth SENATORS Clarence D. Clark, Evanston John H. Stephens, Vernon Addison G. Foster, Tacoma Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne James L. Slayden, San Antonio Levi Ankeny, Walla Walla REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John N. Garner, Uvalde REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle William R. Smith, Colorado Wesley L. Jones, North Yakima Francis W. Cushman, Tacoma UTAH William E. Humphrey, Seattle TERRITORY OF ARIZONA SENATORS DELEGATE Thomas Kearns, Salt Lake City WEST VIRGINIA John F. Wilson, Prescott Reed Smoot, Provo SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Stephen B. Elkins, Elkins TERRITORY OF HAWAII Joseph Howell, Logan Nathan B. Scott, Wheeling DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES Jonah K. Kalanianaole, Waikiki VERMONT Blackburn B. Dovener, Wheeling SENATORS Alston G. Dayton, Philippi TERRITORY OF NEW Redfield Proctor, Proctor Joseph Holt Gaines, Charleston MEXICO William P. Dillingham, Montpelier Harry C. Woodyard, Spencer REPRESENTATIVES James A. Hughes, Huntington DELEGATE David J. Foster, Burlington Bernard S. Rodey, Albuquerque Kittredge Haskins, Brattleboro WISCONSIN SENATORS TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA VIRGINIA John C. Spooner, Madison DELEGATE SENATORS Joseph V. Quarles, Milwaukee Bird S. McGuire,52 Pawnee John W. Daniel, Lynchburg REPRESENTATIVES Thomas S. Martin, Scottsville Henry Allen Cooper, Racine PORTO RICO REPRESENTATIVES Henry C. Adams, Madison Joseph W. Babcock, Necedah RESIDENT COMMISSIONER53 William A. Jones, Warsaw Federico Degetau, San Juan Harry L. Maynard, Portsmouth Theobald Otjen, Milwaukee

Election unsuccessfully contested by William M. 1 fill vacancy caused by resignation of '° Resigned effective November 16, 1903. Elected to Cross. Thomas H. Ball, and took his seat December 7, 1903. ' Granted same powers and privileges possessed by Del- egates and made competent to serve as additional member of Committee on Insular Affairs February 2, 1904. FIFTY-NINTHCONGRESS MARCH 4, 1905, TO MARCH 3, 1907

FIRST SESSION-December 4, 1905,to June 30, 1906 SECOND SESSION_-December 3, 1906,to March 3, 1907 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March4, 1905, to March 18, 1905



ALABAMA Joseph T. Robinson, Lonoke At Large-Franklin E Brooks, SENATORS Robert M. Wallace, Magnolia Colorado Springs John T. Morgan, Selma Edmund W. Pettus, Selma CALIFORNIA CONNECTICUT REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS George W. Taylor, Demopolis George C. Perkins, Oakland SENATORS Ariosto A. Wiley, Montgomery Frank P. Flint, Los Angeles Orville H. Platt,6 Meriden Henry D. Clayton, Eufaula REPRESENTATIVES Frank B Brandegee,7 New London Sydney J. Bowie, Anniston James N. Gillett,4 Eureka Morgan G. Bulkeley, Hartford J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette William F Englebright, Nevada City REPRESENTATIVES John H. Bankhead, Fayette Duncan E. McKinlay, Santa Rosa John L. Burnett, Gadsden Joseph R. Knowland, Alameda E. Stevens Henry, Rockville William Richardson, Huntsville Julius Kahn, San Francisco Nehemiah D Sperry, New Haven Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham Evens A. Hayes, San Jose Frank B Brandegee,8 New London James C. Needham, Modesto Edwin W. Higgins,9 Norwich ARKANSAS James McLachlan, Pasadena Ebenezer J. Hill, Norwalk SENATORS Sylvester C. Smith, Bakersfield At Large-George L. Lilley, Waterbury James H. Berry, Ben tonville James P. Clarke, Little Rock COLORADO DELAWARE REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS SENATORS Robert B. Macon, Helena Henry M. Teller, Central City Stephen Brundidge, Jr., Searcy Thomas M. Patterson, Denver J. Frank Allee, Dover Henry A. du Pont,'° Winterthur John C. Floyd, Yeliville REPRESENTATIVES John S. Little,3 Greenwood Robert W. Bonynge, Denver REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles C. Reid, Morriliton Herschel M. Hogg, Telluride Hiram R. Burton, Lewes

'Reelected December 4, 1905. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Resigned May 10, 1905, before Congress assembled, Reelected December 4, 1905. N. Gillett, and took his seat January 3, 1907. having been elected Senator. Resigned, to take effect January 14, 1907, having been Died April 21, 1905. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Frank elected Governor. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Orville H. B. Brandegee, and took his seat December 4, 1905. Resigned November 4, 1906, having been elected Gov- Platt, and took his seat December 5, 1905. iO Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March ernor. 4, 1905, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took his seat December 3,1906; vacancy in this class from March 4, 1905, to June 12, 1906.

[274] Fifty-Ninth Congress 275

FLORIDA Benjamin F. Marsh,11 Warsaw Alfred W. Benson,24 Ottawa Charles Curtis,25 Topeka SENATORS James McKinney,18 A ledo George W. Prince, Gales burg Chester I. Long, Medicine Lodge Stephen R. Mallory, Pensacola Joseph V. Graff, Peoria REPRESENTATIVES James P. Taliaferro," Jacksonville John A. Sterling, Bloomington REPRESENTATIVES Charles Curtis,26 Topeka Joseph G. Cannon, Danville Justin D. Bowersock, Lawrence Stephen M. Sparkman, Tampa William B. McKinley, Champaign Philip P. Campbell, Pittsburg Frank Clark, Lake City Henry T. Rainey, Carroliton James M. Miller, Council Grove William B. Lamar, Monticello Zeno J. Rives, Litchfield William A. Calderhead, Marysville William A. Rodenberg, East St. Louis William A. Reeder, Logan GEORGIA Frank S. Dickson, Ramsey Victor Murdock, Wichita SENATORS Pleasant T. Chapman, Vienna At Large-Charles F. Scott, lola Augustus 0. Bacon, Macon George W. Smith, Murphysboro Alexander S. Clay, Marietta INDIANA KENTUCKY REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Rufus E. Lester,'2 Savannah SENATORS Albert J. Beveridge, Indianapolis Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Versailles James W. Overstreet,'3 Sylvania James B. McCreary, Richmond James M. Griggs, Dawson James A. Hemenway,19 Boonville Elijah B. Lewis, Montezuma REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William C Adamson, Carroliton John H. Foster,2° Evansville 011ie M. James, Marion Leonidas F. Livingston, Covington John C. Chaney, Sullivan Augustus 0. Stanley, Henderson Charles L. Bartlett, Macon William T. Zenor, Corydon James M. Richardson, Glasgow Gordon Lee, Chickamauga Lincoln Dixon, North Vernon David H. Smith, Hodgensville William M. Howard, Lexington Elias S. Holliday, Brazil J. Swagar Sherley, Louisville Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville James E. Watson, Rushville Joseph L. Rhinock, Covington Thomas W. Hardwick, Sandersville Jesse Overstreet, Indianapolis South Trimble, Frankfort William G. Brantley, Brunswick George W. Cromer, Muncie George G. Gilbert, Shelbyville Charles B. Landis, Delphi Joseph B. Bennett, Greenup IDAHO Edgar D. Crumpacker, Valparaiso Frank A. Hopkins, Prestonsburg SENATORS Frederick Landis, Logansport Don C. Edwards, London Fred T. Dubois, Blackfoot Newton W. Gilbert,21 Fort Wayne Weldon B. Heyburn, Wallace Clarence C. Gilhams,22 La Grange LOUISIANA REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Abraham L. Brick, South Bend SENATORS Burton L. French, Moscow Samuel D. McEnery, New Orleans IOWA Murphy J. Foster, Franklin SENATORS ILLINOIS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS William B. Allison, Dubuque Adolph Meyer, New Orleans Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield Jonathan P. Dolliver, Fort Dodge Robert C. Davey, New Orleans Albert J. Hopkins, Aurora REPRESENTATIVES Robert F. Broussard, New Iberia REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Hedge, Burlington John T. Watkins, Minden Martin B. Madden, Chicago Albert F. Dawson, Preston Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence James R. Mann, Chicago Benjamin P. Birdsall, Clarion Samuel M. Robertson, Baton Rouge William W. Wilson, Chicago Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood Arsène P. Pujo, Lake Charles Charles S. Wharton, Chicago Robert G. Cousins, Tipton Anthony Michalek,'4 Chicago John F. Lacey, Oskaloosa MAINE John A. T. Hull, Des Moines William Lorimer, Chicago SENATORS Philip Knopf, Chicago William P Hepburn, Clarinda Walter I. Smith, Council Bluffs Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Charles McGavin, Chicago William P. Frye, Lewiston Henry S. Boutell, Chicago James P. Conner, Denison George E. Foss, Chicago Elbert H. Hubbard, Sioux City REPRESENTATIVES Howard M. Snapp, Joliet Amos L. Allen, Alfred Charles E. Fuller, Belvidere KANSAS Charles E. Littlefield, Rockland Robert R. Hitt,'5 Mount Morris SENATORS Edwin C. Burleigh, Augusta Frank 0 Lowden,'6 Oregon Joseph R. Burton,23 Abilene Llewellyn Powers, Houlton

'Reappointed to fill vacancy in the term beginning 16 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert R. ' Resigned November 6, 1906, having been appointed March 4, 1905, to serve until the next meeting of the Hitt, and teok his seat December 3, 1906. judge in the Philippine Islands. legislature; subsequently reelected. ' Died June 2, 1905, before Congress assembled. 22 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of ' Newton W. Gilbert, and took his seat December 3, 1906. Died June 16, 1906. 65 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Benjamin 25 Resigned June 4, 1906. '' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Rufus E. F. Marsh, and took his seat December 4, 1905. 24 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Lester, and took his seat December 3, 1906. '9 Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of Protests of certain citizens of Fifth District were filed Joseph R. Burton, and took his seat June 14, 1906. ' Charles W. Fairbanks, in preceding Congress, and took his Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of against his being seated upon grounds he was not of legal seat March 4, 1905. Joseph R. Burton, and took his seat January 29, 1907. age and an alien; committee reported resolution declaring 20 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- 20 Resigned January 28, 1907, before the commencement him qualified and entitled to the seat, which was agreed to sentative-elect James A. Ilemenway, in preceding Con- of the Sixtieth Congress, to which he had been reelected, March 6, 1906. 'Died September 19, 1906. gress, and took his seat December 4, 1905. having been elected Senator. 276 Biographical Directory

MARYLAND Moses E. Clapp, St. Paul NEBRASKA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Arthur Pue Gorman,2' Laurel James A. Tawney, Winona Joseph H. Millard, Omaha William Pinkney Whyte,28 Baltimore James T. McCleary, Mankato Elmer J. Burkett, Lincoln Isidor Rayner, Baltimore Charles R. David, St. Peter REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Frederick C. Stevens, St. Paul Loren Fletcher, Minneapolis Ernest M. Pollard,36 Nehawka Thomas A. Smith, Ridgely Clarence B. Buckman, Little Falls John L. Kennedy, Omaha J. Fred. C. Talbott, Towson Andrew J. Volstead, Granite Falls John J. McCarthy, Ponca Frank C. Wachter, Baltimore J. Adam Bede, Pine City Edmund H. Hinshaw, Fairbury John Gill, Jr., Baltimore Halvor Steenerson, 2rookston George W. Norris, McCook Sydney E. Mudd, La Plata Moses P. Kinkaid, O'Neill George A. Pearre, Cumberland MISSISSIPPI NEVADA SENATORS MASSACHUSETTS SENATORS Hernando D. Money, Carroilton SENATORS Anseim J. McLaurin, Brandon Francis G. Newlands, Reno Henry Cabot Lodge, Na ha nt George S. Nixon, Winnemucca W. Murray Crane, Dalton REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr., Corinth Clarence D. Van Duzer, Tonopah Thomas Spight, Ripley George P. Lawrence, North Adams Benjamin G. Humphreys, Greenville NEW HAMPSHIRE Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield Wilson S. Hill, Winona ,29 Worcester Adam M. Byrd, Philadelphia SENATORS Charles G. Washburn,30 Worcester Eaton J. Bowers, Bay St. Louis Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord Charles Q. Tirrell, Natick Frank A. McLain, Gloster Henry E. Burnham, Manchester Butler Ames, Lowell John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City REPRESENTATIVES Augustus P. Gardner, Hamilton Ernest W. Roberts, Chelsea Cyrus A. Sulloway, Manchester Samuel W. McCall, Winchester MISSOURI Frank D. Currier, Canaan John A. Keliher, Boston SENATORS William S McNary, Boston William J. Stone, Jefferson City NEW JERSEY John A. Sullivan, Boston William Warner, Kansas City SENATORS John W. Weeks, Newton REPRESENTATIVES John Kean, Elizabeth William S Greene, Fall River James T. Lloyd, Shelbyville John F. Dryden, Newark William C. Lovering, Taunton William W. Rucker, Keytesville REPRESENTATIVES Frank B. Kiepper, Kingston Henry C. Loudenslager, Paulsboro MICHIGAN Frank B. Fulkerson, St. Joseph John J. Gardner, Atlantic City SENATORS Edgar C. Ellis, Kansas City Benjamin F. Howell, New Brunswick Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo David A. De Armond, Butler Ira W. Wood, Trenton Russell A. Alger,8' Detroit John Welborn, Lexington Charles N. Fowler, Elizabeth William Alden Smith,32 Grand Rapids Dorsey W. Shackleford, Jefferson City Henry C. Allen, Little Falls REPRESENTATIVES James Beauchamp Clark, Bowling Richard Wayne Parker, Newark Edwin Denby, Detroit Green William H. Wiley, East Orange Charles E. Townsend, Jackson Richard Bartholdt, St. Louis Marshall Van Winkle, Jersey City Washington Gardner, Albion John T. Hunt, St. Louis Allan L. McDermott, Jersey City Edward L. Hamilton, Niles Ernest E. WOOd,St. Louis William Alden Smith,33 Grand Rapids Harry M. Coudrey,35 St. Louis NEW YORK Samuel W. Smith, Pontiac Marion E. Rhodes, Potosi SENATORS Henry McMorran, Port Huron William T Tyndall, Sparta Thomas C. Platt, Owego Cassius M. Shartel, Neosho Chauncey M. Depew, Peeks kill Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw Arthur P. Murphy, Rolla Roswell P. Bishop, Ludington REPRESENTATIVES George A. Loud, Au Sable MONTANA William W. Cocks, Westbury Archibald B. Darragh, St. Louis George H. Lindsay, Brooklyn H. Olin Young, Ishpeming SENATORS Charles T. Dunwell, Brooklyn William A. Clark, Butte Charles B. Law, Brooklyn MINNESOTA Thomas H. Carter, Helena George E. Waldo, Brooklyn SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William M. Calder, Brooklyn Knute Nelson, Alexandria Joseph M. Dixon, Missoula John J. Fitzgerald, Brooklyn

2? Died June 4, 1906. " Died January 24, 1907. "Served until June 23, 1906; succeeded by Harry M. 25 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Arthur "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Russell A. Coudrey, who contested his election. Pue Gorman, and took his seat June 11, 1906; subsequent- Alger, and took his seat February 11, 1907. "Successfully contested the election of Ernest E. Wood, ly elected. 3' Resigned effective February 9, 1907, before the com- and took his seat June 23, 1906. 29 Died November 1, 1906. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- mencement of the Sixtieth Congress, to which he had been sentative-elect Elmer J. Burkett, in preceding Congress, '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Rockwood reelected, having been elected Senator. Hoar, and took his seat January 3, 190'?. and took his seat December 4, 1905. Fifty-Ninth Congress 277

Timothy D. Sullivan,37 New York City OHIO Henry W. Palmer, Wilkes-Barre Daniel J. Riordan,38 New York City SENATORS George R. Patterson,49 Ashland Henry M. Goldfogle, New York City Charles N. Brumm,5° Minersville William Suizer, New York City Joseph B. Foraker, Cincinnati Marcus C. L. Kline, Allentown William R. Hearst, New York City Charles W. F. Dick, Akron Mial E. Lilley, Towanda W. Bourke Cockran, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Elias Deemer, Williamsport Herbert Parsons, New York City Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati Edmund W. Samuel, Mount Carmel Charles A. Towne, New York City Herman P. Goebel, Cincinnati Thaddeus M. Mahon, Chambersburg J. Van Vechten Olcott, New York City Robert M. Nevin, Dayton Marlin E. Olmsted, Harrisburg Jacob Ruppert, Jr., New York City Harvey C. Garber, Greenville John M. Reynolds, Bedford William S. Bennet, New York City William W. Campbell, Napoleon Daniel F. Lafean, York Joseph A. Goulden, Ford ham Thomas E. Scroggy, Xenia Solomon R. Dresser, Bradford John E. Andrus, Yonkers J. Warren Keifer, Springfield George F. Huff, Greensburg Thomas W. Bradley, Walden Ralph D. Cole, Findlay Allen F. Cooper, Uniontown John H. Ketcham,39 Dover Plains James H. Southard, Toledo Ernest F. Acheson, Washington William H. Draper, Troy Henry T. Bannon, Portsmouth Arthur L; Bates, Meadville George N. Southwick, Albany Charles H. Grosvenor, Athens Gustav A. Schneebeli, Nazareth Frank J. Le Fevre, New Paltz Edward L. Taylor, Jr., Columbus William 0. Smith, Punxsutawney Lucius N. Littauer, Gloversville Grant E. Mouser, Marion Joseph C. Sibley, Franklin William H. Flack,4° Malone Amos R. Webber, Elyria William H. Graham, Allegheny James S. Sherman, Utica Beman G. Dawes, Marietta John Daizell, Pittsburgh Charles L. Knapp, Lowville Capell L. Weems, St. Clairsville James F. Burke, Pittsburgh Michael E. Driscoll, Syracuse Martin L. Smyser, Wooster Andrew J. Barchfeld, Pittsburgh John W. Dwight, Dryden James Kennedy, Youngstown Sereno E. Payne, Auburn W. Aubrey Thomas, Niles RHODE ISLAND James B. Perkins, Rochester Jacob A. Beidler, Willoughby J. Sloat Fassett, Elmira Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland SENATORS James W. Wadsworth, Geneseo Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence William H. Ryan, Buffalo OREGON George P. Wetmore, Newport De Alva S. Alexander, Buffalo SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Edward B. Vreeland, Salamanca John H. Mitchell,41 Portland Daniel L. D. Granger, Providence John M. Gearin,42 Portland Adin B. Capron, Stiliwater NORTH CAROLINA Frederick W. Mulkey,43 Portland SENATORS Charles W. Fulton, Astoria SOUTH CAROLINA Furnifold McL. Simmons, Raleigh REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Lee S. Overman, Salisbury Binger Hermann, Roseburg REPRESENTATIVES John N. Williamson,44 Prineville Benjamin R. Tiliman, Trenton John H. Small, Washington Asbury C. Latimer, Belton Claude Kitchin, Scotland Neck PENNSYLVANIA REPRESENTATIVES Charles R. Thomas, New Bern SENATORS George S. Legare,51 Charleston Edward W. Pou, Smithfield Boies Penrose, Philadelphia James O'H. Patterson,52 Barnwell William W. Kitchin, Roxboro Philander C. Knox, Pittsburgh Wyatt Aiken, Abbeville Gilbert B. Patterson, Maxton REPRESENTATIVES Joseph T. Johnson, Spartanburg Robert N. Page, Biscoe Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia David E. Finley, Yorkoille E. Spencer Blackburn, Wilkesboro Robert Adams, Jr.,45 Philadelphia J. Edwin Ellerbe, Marion Edwin Y. Webb, Shelby John E. Reyburn,46 Philadelphia Asbury F. Lever,53 Lexington James M. Gudger, Jr., Asheville George A. Castor,47 Philadelphia SOUTH DAKOTA NORTH DAKOTA J. Hampton Moore,48 Philadelphia Reuben 0. Moon, Philadelphia SENATORS SENATORS Edward de V. Morrell, Torresdale Henry C. Hansbrough, Devils Lake Robert J. Gamble, Yankton George D. McCreary, Philadelphia Alfred B. Kittredge, Sioux Falls Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton Thomas S. Butler, West Chester REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Irving P. Wanger, Norristown REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Thomas F. Marshall, Oakes Henry B. Cassel, Marietta Charles H. Burke, Pierre Asle J. Gronna, Lakota Thomas H. Dale, Scranton Eben W. Martin, Deadwood

Resigned July 27, 1906. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John H. "Died March 21, 1906. '5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Timo- Mitchell, and took his seat January 30, 1907. 50 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George R. thy D. Sullivan, and took his seat December 3, 1906. "Never qualified. Patterson, and took his seat December 3, 1906. Died November 4, 1906. "Died June 1, 1906. ' Election unsuccessfully contested by Aaron P. Prio- "Died February 2, 1907. 46 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert leau and John A. Noland. - ' Died December 8, 1905. Adams, Jr., and took his seat December 3, 1906. Election- unsuccessfully contested by Isaac Myers. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John H. "Died February 19, 1906. 0 Electionunsuccessfullycontested by -CharlesC. 48 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George A. Jacobs. Mitchell, and took his seat December 21, 1905. Castor, and took his seat December 3, 1906. 278 Biographical Directory

TENNESSEE William P. Dillingham, Waterbury Henry C. Adams,66 Madison SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John M. Nelson,67 Madison William B. Bate,54 Nashville David J. Foster, Burlington Joseph W. Babcock, Necedah James B. Frazier,55 Chattanooga Kittredge Haskins, Brattleboro Theobald Otjen, Milwaukee Edward W. Carmack, Memphis William H. Stafford, Milwaukee REPRESENTATIVES VIRGINIA Charles H. Weisse, Sheboygan Falls Walter P. Browniow, Jones boro SENATORS John J. Esch, La Crosse Nathan W. Hale, Knoxville John W. Daniel, Lynchburg James H. Davidson, Oshkosh John A. Moon, Chattanooga Thomas S. Martin, Charlottesville Edward S. Minor, Sturgeon Bay Mounce G. Butler, Gainesboro Webster E. Brown, Rhinelander REPRESENTATIVES John J. Jenkins, Chippewa Falls William C. Houston, Woodbury William A. Jones, Warsaw John W. Gaines, Nashville Harry L. Maynard, Portsmouth Lemuel P. Padgett, Columbia John Lamb, Richmond WYOMING Thetus W. Sims, Linden Finis J. Garrett, Dresden Robert G. Southall, Amelia SENATORS Malcolm R. Patterson,56 Memphis Claude A. Swanson,6° Chat ham Clarence D. Clark, Evanston Edward W. Saunders,6' Rockymount Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne TEXAS Carter Glass, Lynchburg James Hay, Madison REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS John F. Rixey,62 Brandy Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle Charles A. Culberson, Dallas Campbell Slemp, Big Stone Gap Joseph W. Bailey, Gainesville Henry D. Flood, Appomattox REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF ALASKA68 Morris Sheppard, Texarkana WASHINGTON DELEGATE Moses L. Broocks,57 San Augustine SENATORS Frank H. Waskey,69 Nome Gordon J. Russell, Tyler Levi Ankeny, Walla Walla Choice B. Randell, Sherman Samuel H. Piles, Seattle TERRITORY OF ARIZONA Jack Beall, Waxahachie REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Scott Field, Calvert DELEGATE Alexander W. Gregg, Palestine Wesley L. Jones, North Yakima John M. Pinckney,58 Hempstead Francis W. Cushman, Tacoma Marcus A. Smith, Tucson John M. Moore,59 Richmond William E. Humphrey, Seattle George F. Burgess, Gonzales TERRITORY OF HAWAII Albert S. Burleson, Austin WEST VIRGINIA Robert L. Henry, Waco SENATORS DELEGATE Oscar W. Gillespie, Fort Worth Stephen B. Elkins, Elkins Jonah K. Kalanianaole,7° Waikiki John H. Stephens, Vernon Nathan B. Scott, Wheeling James L. Slayden, San Antonio REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF NEW John N. Garner, Uvalde Blackburn B. Dovener, Wheeling MEXICO William R. Smith, Colorado Alston G. Dayton,63 Philippi DELEGATE Thomas B. Davis,64 Keyser UTAH Joseph Holt Gaines, Charleston William H. Andrews, Albuquerque SENATORS Harry C. Woodyard, Spencer Reed Smoot, Provo James A. Hughes, Huntington TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA George Sutherland, Salt Lake City WISCONSIN DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Bird S. McGuire, Pawnee Joseph Howell, Logan SENATORS John C. Spooner, Madison VERMONT Robert M. La Follette,65 Madison PORTO RICO SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Redfield Proctor, Proctor Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Tulio Larrinaga, San Juan

Died March 9, 1905. Si Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of Died July 9, 1906. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William B. Claude A. Swanson, and took his seat December 3, 1906. 67 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry C. Bate, and took his seat December 4, 1905. Died February 8, 1907, before the commencement of 5 Resigned November 5, 1906, having been elected gov- the Sixtieth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Adams, and took his seat December 3, 1906. ernor. °' Resigned March 16, 1905, having been appointed s Formed from territory ceded to the United States by Election unsuccessfully contested by A. J. Houston. United States district judge. Russia by treaty of March 30, 1867; granted a civil govern- Died April 24, 1005, before Congress assembled. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alston ment without representation in Congress, by act of May Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John M. G. Dyton, and took his seat December 4, 1905. 17, 1884; granted a Delegate in Congress by act of May 8, Pinckney, and took his seat December 4, 1905. "Elected January 25, 1905, for the term beginning 1906. 60 Resigned to take effect January 30, 1906, having been March 4, 1905, but did not qualify until January 4, 1906, ° Took his seat December 3, 1906. elected governor. preferring to retain the governorship. Election unsuccessfully contested by Curtis P. Iaokea. SIXTIETH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1907, TO MARCH 3, 1909

FIRST SESSION-December2, 1907, to May 30, 1908 SECOND SESSION-December7, 1908, to March 3, 1909



ALABAMA Charles C. Reid, Morrillton CONNECTICUT Joseph T. Robinson, Lonoke SENATORS SENATORS Robert M. Wallace, Magnolia John T. Morgan,4 Selma Morgan G. Bulkeley, Hartford John H. Bankhead,5 Fayette CALIFORNIA Frank B. Brandegee, New London Edmund W. Pettus,6 Selma REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Joseph F. Johnston,7 Birmingham E. Stevens Henry, Rockville REPRESENTATIVES George C. Perkins, Oakland Nehemiah D. Sperry, New Haven George W. Taylor, Demopolis Frank P Flint, Los Angeles Edwin W. Higgins, Norwich Ariosto A. Wiley,8 Montgomery REPRESENTATIVES Ebenezer J. Hill, Norwalk Oliver C. Wiley,9 Troy William F. Englebright, Nevada City At Large-George L. Lilley,'° Henry D. Clayton, Eufaula Duncan E. McKinlay, Santa Rosa Waterbury William B. Craig, Selma Joseph R. Knowland, Alameda J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette Julius Kahn, San Francisco DELAWARE Richmond P. Hobson, Greensboro Evens A. Hayes, San Jose SENATORS John L. Burnett, Gadsden James C. Needham, Modesto William Richardson, Huntsville James McLachlan, Pasadena Henry A. du Pont, Winterthur Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham Sylvester C. Smith, Bakersfield Harry A. Richardson, Dover REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE ARKANSAS COLORADO Hiram R. Burton, Lewes SENATORS SENATORS James P. Clarke, Little Rock FLORIDA Jeff Davis, Little Rock Henry M. Teller, Central City Simon Guggenheim, Denver SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Robert B. Macon, Helena REPRESENTATIVES Stephen R. Mallory," Pensacola Stephen Brundidge, Jr., Searcy Robert W. Bonynge, Denver William J. Bryan,'2 Jacksonville John C. Floyd, Yellville Warren A. Haggott, Idaho Springs William H. Milton,'3 Marianna William B Cravens, Fort Smith At Large-George W. Cook, Denver James P. Taliaferro, Jacksonville

Elected to fill vacancy mused by death of Edmund W. incumbent had entered upon the duties of the office of 'Reelected December 5, 1907. Governor of Connecticut the preceding day. Reelected December 2, 1907. Pettus, and took his seat December 3, 1907. Died December 23, 1907. Reelected December 2, 1907. 'Died June 17, 1908. 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Stephen Died June 11, 1907. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his brother, R. Mallory, and took his seat January 9, 1908; died March Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John T. Ariosto A. Wiley, and took his seat December 7, 1908. 22, 1908. Morgan, subsequently elected, and took his seat January '5By resolution of January 20, 1909, seat was declared 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by deaths of Stephen 13, 1908. to have been vacated January 6, 1909, for the reason that R. Mallory and William J. Bryan, and took his seat April 'Died July 27, 1907. 6, 1908.

[279] 280 Biographical Directory

FLORIDAContinued Henry T. Rainey, Carrollton William A. Calderhead, Marysville REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin F. Caldwell, Chatham William A. Reeder, Logan Stephen M. Sparkman, Tampa William A. Rodenberg, East St. Louis Edmond H. Madison, Dodge City Frank Clark, Gainesville Martin D. Foster, Olney Victor Murdock, Wichita William B. Lamar, Monticello Pleasant T. Chapman, Vienna George W. Smith,'6 Murphysboro KENTUCKY Napoleon B. Thistlewood,'7 Cairo GEORGIA SENATORS SENATORS INDIANA James B. McCreary, Richmond Augustus 0. Bacon, Macon SENATORS Thomas H. Paynter, Greenup Alexander S. Clay, Marietta Albert J. Beveridge, Indianapolis REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES James A. Hemenway, Boonville 011ie M. James, Marion Charles G. Edwards, Savannah REPRESENTATIVES Augustus 0. Stanley, Henderson James M. Griggs, Dawson John H. Foster, Evansville Addison D. James, Penrod Elijah B. Lewis, Montezuma John C. Chaney, Sullivan Ben Johnson, Bardstown William C. Adamson, Carroliton William E. Cox, Jasper J. Swagar Sherley, Louisville Leonidas F. Livingston, Covington Lincoln Dixon, North Vernon Joseph L. Rhinock, Covington Charles L. Bartlett, Macon Elias S. Holliday, Brazil William P. Kimball, Lexington Gordon Lee, Chickamauga James E. Watson, Rushville Harvey Helm, Stanford William M. Howard, Lexington Jesse Overstreet, Indianapolis Joseph B. Bennett, Greenup Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville John A. M. Adair, Portland John W. Langley, Pikeville Thomas W. Hardwick, Sandersville Charles B. Landis, Delphi Don C. Edwards, London William G. Brantley, Brunswick Edgar D. Crumpacker, Valparaiso George W. Rauch, Marion LOUISIANA IDAHO Clarence C. Gilhams, La Grange SENATORS SENATORS Abraham L. Brick,'8 South Bend Samuel D. McEnery, New Orleans Weldon B. Heyburn, Wallace Henry A. Barnhart,'9 Rochester Murphy J. Foster, Franklin William E. Borah, Boise REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE IOWA SENATORS Adolph Meyer,2' New Orleans Burton L. French, Moscow Albert Estopinal,24 Estopinal William B. Allison,20 Dubuque Robert C. Davey,2' New Orleans ILLINOIS Albert B. Cummins,2' Des Moines Robert F. Broussard, New Iberia SENATORS Jonathan P. Dolliver, Fort Dodge John T. Watkins, Minden Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield REPRESENTATIVES Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence Albert J. Hopkins, Aurora Charles A. Kennedy, Montrose George K. Favrot, Baton Rouge REPRESENTATIVES Albert F. Dawson, Preston Arsène P. Pujo, Lake Charles Martin B. Madden, Chicago Benjamin P. Birdsall, Clarion James R. Mann, Chicago Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood MAINE William W. Wilson, Chicago Robert G. Cousins, Tipton SENATORS James T. McDermott, Chicago Daniel W. Hamilton, Sigourney John A. T. Hull, Des Moines Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Adolph J. Sabath,'4 Chicago William P. Frye, Lewiston William Lorimer, Chicago William P. Hepburn, Clarinda Philip Knopf, Chicago Walter I. Smith, Council Bluffs REPRESENTATIVES Charles McGavin,'5 Chicago James P. Conner, Denison Amos L. Allen, Alfred Henry S. Boutell, Chicago Elbert H. Hubbard, Sioux City Charles E. Littlefield,'6 Rockland George E. Foss, Chicago John P. Swasey,27 Canton Howard M. Snapp, Joliet KANSAS Edwin C. Burleigh, Augusta Charles E. Fuller, Belvidere SENATORS Llewellyn Powers,28 Houlton Frank 0. Lowden, Oregon Chester I. Long, Medicine Lodge Frank E. Guernsey,29 Dover James McKinney, Aledo Charles Curtis, Topeka George W. Prince, Galesburg REPRESENTATIVES MARYLAND Joseph V. Graff, Peoria Daniel R. Anthony, Jr.22 Leavenworth SENATORS John A. Sterling, Bloomington Charles F. Scott, lola Isidor Rayner, Baltimore Joseph G. Cannon, Danville Philip P. Campbell, Pittsburg William Pinkney Whyte,'° Baltimore William B. McKinley, Champaign James M. Miller, Council Grove John Walter Smith,3' Snow Hill

14 Election unsuccessfully contested by Anthony Micha- z' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William B. zo Resigned effective September 30, 1908. lek. Allison, and took his seat December 8, 1908. ' Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of 15 Election unsuccessfully contested by Stanley H. Kunz. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Rep- Charles E. Littlefield, and took his seat December 7, 1908. '° Died November 30, 1907, before Congress assembled. resentative-elect Charles Curtis, in preceding Congress, Died July 28, 1908. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George W. and took his seat December 2, 1907. Smith, and took his seat February 26, 1908. ' Died March 8, 1908. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Llewellyn Died April 7, 1908. 14 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Adolph Powers, and took his seat December 7, 1908. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Abraham L. Meyer, and took his seat December 7, 1908. '° Died March 17, 1908. Brick, and took his seat December 7, 1908. s Died Dec. 26, 1908, before the commencement of the "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William o Died August 4, 1908. Sixty-first Congress, to which he had been reelected. Pinkney Whyte, and took his seat March 26, 1908. Sixtieth Congress 281

REPRESENTATIVES Halvor Steenerson, Crookston NEVADA William H. Jackson, Salisbury SENATORS J. Fred. C. Talbott, Towson MISSISSIPPI Francis G. Newlands, Reno Harry B. Wolf, Baltimore SENATORS George S. Nixon, Reno John Gill, Jr., Baltimore Hernando D. Money, Mississippi City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Sydney E. Mudd, La Plata Anseim J. McLaurin, Brandon George A. Pearre, Cumberland George A. Bartlett, Tonopah REPRESENTATIVES MASSACHUSETTS Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr., Corinth NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATORS Thomas Spight, Ripley Benjamin G. Humphreys, Greenville SENATORS Henry Cabot Lodge, Na ha nt Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord W. Murray Crane, Dalton Wilson S. Hill, Winona Adam M. Byrd, Philadelphia Henry E. Burnham, Manchester REPRESENTATIVES Eaton J. Bowers, Bay St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES George P. Lawrence, North Adams Frank A McLain, Gloster Cyrus A. Sulloway, Manchester Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City Charles G. Washburn, Worcester Frank D. Currier, Canaan Charles Q. Tirrell, Natick MISSOURI Butler Ames, Lowell NEW JERSEY SENATORS Agustus P. Gardner, Hamilton SENATORS Ernest W. Roberts, Chelsea William J. Stone, Jefferson City John Kean, Elizabeth Samuel W. McCall, Winchester William Warner, Kansas City Frank 0. Briggs, Trenton REPRESENTATIVES John A. Keliher, Boston REPRESENTATIVES Joseph F. O'Connell, Boston James T. Lloyd, Shelbyville Henry C. Loudenslager, Paulsboro Andrew J. Peters, Boston William W. Rucker, Keytesuille John W. Weeks, Newton John J. Gardner, Atlantic City Joshua W. Alexander, Gallatin Benjamin F. Howell, New Brunswick William S. Greene, Fall River Charles F. Booher, Savannah William C. Lovering, Taunton Ira W. Wood, Trenton Edgar C. Ellis, Kansas City Charles N. Fowler, Elizabeth David A. De Armond, Butler MICHIGAN William Hughes, Paterson Courtney W. Hamlin, Springfield Richard Wayne Parker, Newark SENATORS Dorsey W. Shackleford, Jefferson City Le Gage Pratt, East Orange Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo James Beauchamp Clark, Bowling Eugene W. Leake, Jersey City William Alden Smith, Grand Rapids Green James A. Hamill, Jersey City REPRESENTATIVES Richard Bartholdt, St. Louis Edwin Denby, Detroit Henry S. Caulfield, St. Louis NEW YORK Charles E. Townsend, Jackson Harry M. Coudrey, St. Louis Washington Gardner, Albion Madison R. Smith, Farmington SENATORS Edward L. Hamilton, Niles Joseph J. Russell, Charleston Thomas C. Platt, Owego Gerrit J. Dickema,32 Holland Thomas Hackney, Carthage Chauncey M. Depew, Pee ks kill Samuel W. Smith, Pontiac J. Robert Lamar, Houston REPRESENTATIVES Henry McMorran, Port Huron William W. Cocks, Westbury Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw MONTANA George H. Lindsay, Brooklyn James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon SENATORS Charles T. Dunwell,33 Brooklyn George A. Loud, Au Sable Thomas H. Carter, Helena Otto G. Foelker,34 Brooklyn Archibald B. Darragh, St. Louis Joseph M. Dixon, Missoula Charles B. Law, Brooklyn H. Olin Young, Ishpeming REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE George E. Waldo, Brooklyn Charles N. Pray, Fort Benton William M. Calder, Brooklyn MINNESOTA John J. Fitzgerald, Brooklyn SENATORS NEBRASKA Daniel J. Riordan, New York City Knute Nelson, Alexandria Henry M. Goldfogle, New York City Moses E. Clapp, St. Paul SENATORS William Sulzer, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Elmer J. Burkett, Lincoln Charles V. Fornes, New York City Norris Brown, Kearney James A. Tawney, Winona W. Bourke Cockran, New York City Winfield S. Hammond, St. James REPRESENTATIVES Herbert Parsons, New York City Charles R. Davis, St. Peter Ernest M. Pollard, Nehawka William Willett, Jr., Far Rockaway Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Omaha J. Van Vechten Olcott, New York City Frederick C. Stevens, St. Paul Francis B. Harrison, New York City Frank M. Nye, Minneapolis John F. Boyd, Neligh Charles A. Lindbergh, Little Falls Edmund H. Hinshaw, Fairbury William S. Bennet, New York City Andrew G. Volstead, Granite Falls George W. Norris, McCook Joseph A. Goulden, Ford ham J. Adam Bede, Pine City Moses P. Kinkaid, O'Neill John E. Andrus, Yonkers

"Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles T. " Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- "Died June 12, 1908. sentative-elect William Alden Smith, in preceding Con- Dunwell, and took his seat December 7, 1908. gress, and took his seat December 2, 1907. 282 Biographical Directory

NEW YORK-Continued William E. Tou Velle, Celina John T. Lenahan, Wilkes-Barre REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Timothy T. Ansberry, Defiance Charles N. Brumm,44 Minersville Matthew R. Denver, Wilmington John H. Rothermel, Reading Thomas W. Bradley, Walden J. Warren Keifer, Springfield George W. Kipp, Towanda Samuel McMillan, Lake Mahopac Ralph D. Cole, Findlay William B. Wilson, Blossburg William H. Draper, Troy Isaac R. Sherwood, Toledo John G. McHenry, Benton George N. Southwick, Albany Henry T. Bannon, Portsmouth Benjamin K. Focht, Lewisburg George W. Fairchild, Oneonta Albert Douglas, Chillicothe Marlin E. Olmsted, Harrisburg Cyrus Durey, Johnstown Edward L. Taylor, Jr., Columbus John M. Reynolds, Bedford George R. Malby, Ogdens burg Grant E. Mouser, Marion Daniel F. Lafean, York James S. Sherman, Utica J. Ford Laning, Norwalk Charles F. Barclay, Sinnemahoning Charles L. Knapp, Lowville Beman G. Dawes, Marietta George F. Huff, Greensburg Michael E. Driscoll, Syracuse Capell L. Weems, St. Clairsville Allen F. Cooper, Uniontown John W. Dwight, Dryden William A. Ashbrook, Johnstown Ernest F. Acheson, Washington Sereno E. Payne, Auburn James Kennedy, Youngstown Arthur L. Bates, Meadville James B. Perkins, Rochester W. Aubrey Thomas, Niles J. Davis Brodhead, South Bethlehem J. Sloat Fassett, Elmira L. Paul Howland, Cleveland Joseph G. Beale, Leechburg Peter A. Porter, Niagara Falls Theodore E. Burton,36 Cleveland Nelson P. Wheeler, Endeavor William H. Ryan, Buffalo William H. Graham, Allegheny De Alva S. Alexander, Buffalo OKLAHOMA37 John Dalzell, Pittsburgh Edward B. Vreeland, Salamanca SENATORS James F. Burke, Pittsburgh Thomas P. Gore,38 Lawton Andrew J. Barchfeld, Pittsburgh NORTH CAROLINA Robert L. Owen,39 Muskogee SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES 40 RHODE ISLAND Furnifold McL. Simmons, Trenton Bird S. McGuire, Pawnee SENATORS Lee S. Overman, Salisbury Elmer L. Fulton, Oklahoma City Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence REPRESENTATIVES James S. Davenport, Vinita George P. Wetmore,45 Newport John H. Small, Washington Charles D. Carter, Ardmore REPRESENTATIVES Claude Kitchin, Scotland Neck , Lawton Charles R. Thomas, New Bern Daniel L. D. Granger,46 Providence Edward W. Pou, Smithfield OREGON Adin B. Capron, Stillwater William W. Kitchin,35 Roxboro SENATORS SOUTH CAROLINA Hannibal L. Godwin, Dunn Charles W. Fulton, Astoria Robert N. Page, Biscoe Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Portland SENATORS Richard N. Hackett, Wilkesboro Benjamin R. Tillman, Trenton Edwin Y. Webb, Shelby REPRESENTATIVES Asbury C. Latimer,47 Belton, William T. Crawford, Waynesville Willis C. Hawley, Salem Frank B. Gary,48 Abbeville William R. Ellis, Pendleton NORTH DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES George S. Legare,49 Charleston SENATORS PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS James O'H. Patterson,5° Barn well Henry C. Hansbrough, Devils Lake Wyatt Aiken, Abbeville Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton Boies Penrose, Philadelphia Joseph T Johnson, Spartanburg REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Philander C. Knox,4' Pittsburgh David E. Finley, Yorkville Thomas F. Marshall, Oakes REPRESENTATIVES J. Edwin Ellerbe, Marion Asle J. Gronna, Lakota Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia Asbury F. Lever,5' Lexington John E. Reyburn,42 Philadelphia OHIO Joel Cook,43 Philadelphia SOUTH DAKOTA SENATORS J. Hampton Moore, Philadelphia Reuben 0. Moon, Philadelphia SENATORS Joseph B. Foraker, Cincinnati William W. Foulkrod, Philadelphia Robert J. Gamble, Yankton Charles W. F. Dick, Akron George D. McCreary, Philadelphia Alfred B. Kittredge, Sioux Falls REPRESENTATIVES Thomas S. Butler, West Chester REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati Irving P. Wanger, Norristown Philo Hall, Brookings Herman P. Goebel, Cincinnati Henry B. Cassel, Marietta William H. Parker,52 Deadwood J. Eugene Harding, Excello Thomas D Nicholls, Scranton Eben W. Martin,53 Deadwood

'5Resigned effective January 11,1909, having been ' Resigned effective March 4, 1909, having been ap- ' Died February 20, 1908. elected governor. pointed Secretary of State. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Asbury C. 56 Reelected to the Sixty-first Congress, but resigned ef- 2 Resigned March 31, 1907, before Congress assembled, Latimer, and took his seat March 36, 1908. fective March 4, 1909, having been elected Senator. having been elected mayor of Philadelphia. Election unsuccessfully contested by Aaron P. Prio- "Admitted as a State into the Union November 16, ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John leau. 1907. E. Reyburn, and took his seat December 2, 1907. "Took his seat December 16, 1907; term to expire, as Resigned January 4, 1909. '° Election unsuccessfully contested by Isaac Myers. determined by lot, March 3, 1909. ' Elected to fill vacancy in term beginning March 4, 'Election unsuccessfully contested by Alexander D. '° Took his seat December 16, 1907; term to expire, as 1907, caused by failure of legislature to elect, and took his Dantzer. determined by lot, March 3, 1913 seat January 27, 1908; vacancy in this class from March 4, "Died June 26, 1908. ° All Representatives took their seats December 2, 1907, to January 21, 1908. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William H. 1907. 06 Died February 14, 1909, Parker, and took his seat December 7, 1908. Sixtieth Congress 283

TENNESSEE Carroll S. Page,56 Hyde Park John M. Nelson, Madison William P. Dillingham, Waterbury James W. Murphy, Platteville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES William J. Cary, Milwaukee James B. Frazier, Chattanooga David J. Foster, Burlington William H. Stafford, Milwaukee Robert L. Taylor, Nashville Kittredge Haskins, Brattleboro Charles H. Weisse, Sheboygan Falls REPRESENTATIVES John J. Esch, La Crosse Walter P. Brownlow, Jones boro VIRGINIA James H. Davidson, Oshkosh Gustav Kustermann, Green Bay Nathan W. Hale, Knoxville SENATORS John A. Moon, Chattanooga Elmer A. Morse, Antigo John W. Daniel, Lynchburg John J. Jenkins, Chippewa Falls , Carthage Thomas S. Martin, Charlottesville William C. Houston, Woodbury REPRESENTATIVES John W. Gaines, Nashville WYOMING Lemuel P. Padgett, Columbia William A. Jones, Warsaw SENATORS Harry L. Maynard, Portsmouth Thetus W. Sims, Linden John Lamb, Richmond Clarence D. Clark, Evanston Finis J. Garrett, Dresden Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne George W. Gordon, Memphis Francis R. Lassiter, Petersburg Edward W. Saunders, Rockymount REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Carter Glass, Lynchburg Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle TEXAS James Hay, Madison SENATORS Charles C. Carlin,57 Alexandria TERRITORY OF ALASKA Charles A. Culberson, Dallas Campbell Slemp,58 Big Stone Gap Joseph W. Bailey, Gainesville C. Bascom Slemp,59 Big Stone Gap DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES Henry D. Flood, Appomattox Thomas Cale, Fairbanks Morris Sheppard, Texarkana WASHINGTON Samuel B. Cooper, Beaumont TERRITORY OF ARIZONA Gordon J. Russell, Tyler SENATORS DELEGATE Choice B. Randell, Sherman Levi Ankeny, Walla Walla Marcus A. Smith, Tucson Jack Beau, Waxahachie Samuel H. Piles, Seattle Rufus Hardy, Corsicana REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE TERRITORY OF HAWAII Alexander W. Gregg, Palestine Wesley L. Jones, North Yakima DELEGATE John M. Moore, Richmond Francis W. Cushman, Tacoma George F. Burgess, Gonzales William E. Humphrey, Seattle Jonah K. Kalanianaole, Honolulu Albert S. Burleson, Austin Robert L. Henry, Waco WEST VIRGINIA TERRITORY OF NEW Oscar W. Gillespie, Fort Worth SENATORS MEXICO John H. Stephens, Vernon Stephen B. Elkins, Elkins DELEGATE James L. Slayden, San Antonio Nathan B. Scott, Wheeling William H. Andrews,62 Albuquerque John N. Garner, Uvalde REPRESENTATIVES William R. Smith, Colorado William P. Hubbard, Wheeling TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA63 UTAH George C. Sturgiss, Morgantown Joseph Holt Gaines, Charleston Vacant SENATORS Harry C. Woodyard, Spencer Reed Smoot, Provo James A. Hughes, Huntington PHILIPPINE ISLANDS64 George Sutherland, Salt Lake City RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE WISCONSIN SENATORS Benito Legarda,65 Manila Joseph Howell, Logan Pablo Ocampo,65 Manila John C. Spooner,6° Madison VERMONT Isaac Stephenson,6' Marinette PORTO RICO SENATORS Robert M. La Follette, Madison RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Redfield Proctor,54 Proctor REPRESENTATIVES John W. Stewart,55 Middlebury Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Tulio Larrinaga, San Juan

63 58 Granted statehood November 16, 1907. ° Died March 4, 1908. Died October 13, 1907, before Congress assembled. 64 5sElected to fill vacancy caused by death of Campbell Part of the territory ceded to the United States by ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Redfield Spain by the treaty of Paris of December 10, 1898; granted Proctor, and took his seat March 30, 1908. Slemp, and took his seat January 6, 1908. the right to elect two Resident Commissioners to the °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Redfeild ° Resigned April 30, 1907. United States by act of July 1, 1902. Proctor, and took his seat December 7, 1908. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John C. Spooner, and took his seat December 2, 1907. °' Elected November 22, 1907, for a term of two years; 5'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- granted the privileges of the floor of the House of Repre-- tive-elect John F. Rixey, in preceding Congress, and took 6 Election unsuccessfully contested by Octavius A. Lar- sentatives, with the right of debate, February 4, 1908. his seat December 2, 1907. razola. SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1909, TO MARCH 3, 1911

FIRST SESSIONMarch 15, 1909, to August 5, 1909 SECOND SESSIONDecember 6, 1909, to June 25, 1910 THIRD SESSIONDecember 5, 1910, to March 3, 1911 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATEMarch 4,1909, to March 6, 1909



ALABAMA Robert M. Wallace, Magnolia CONNECTICUT SENATORS SENATORS John H. Bankhead, Fayette CALIFORNIA Morgan G. Bulkeley, Hartford Joseph F. Johnston, Birmingham SENATORS Frank B. Brandegee, New London REPRESENTATIVES George C. Perkins, Oakland REPRESENTATIVES George W. Taylor, Demopolis Frank P. Flint, Los Angeles E. Stevens Henry, Rockville S. Hubert Dent, Jr:, Montgomery REPRESENTATIVES Nehemiah D. Sperry, New Haven Henry D. Clayton, Eufaula Edwin W. Higgins, Norwich William B. Craig, Selma William F. Englebright, Nevada City Ebenezer J. Hill, Norwalk J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette Duncan E. McKinlay, Santa Rosa At LargeJohn Q. Tilson, New Haven Richmond P. Hobson, Greensboro Joseph R. Knowland, Alameda John L. Burnett, Gadsden Julius Kahn, San Francisco DELAWARE Evens A. Hayes, San Jose William Richardson, Huntsville SENATORS Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham James C. Needham, Modesto James McLachlan, Pasadena Henry A. du Pont, Winterthur Sylvester C. Smith, Bakersfield Harry A. Richardson, Dover ARKANSAS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS William H. Heald, Wilmington James P. Clarke, Little Rock COLORADO Jeff Davis, Little Rock SENATORS FLORIDA REPRESENTATIVES Simon Guggenheim, Denver SENATORS Robert B. Macon, Helena Charles J. Hughes, Jr.,3 Denver James P. Taliaferro, Jacksonville William A. Oldfield, Batesville REPRESENTATIVES Duncan U. Fletcher,4 Jacksonville John C. Floyd, Yeliville Atterson W. Rucker, Fort Logan REPRESENTATIVES William B. Cravens, Fort Smith John A. Martin, Pueblo Stephen M. Sparkman, Tampa Charles C. Reid, Morriliton At LargeEdward T. Taylor, Frank Clark, Gainesville Joseph T. Robinson, Lonoke Glenwood Springs Dannitte H. Mays, Monticello

'Reelected March 15, 1909. Died January 11, 1911. 4Appointed to fill vacancy in the term beginning March 'Reelected March 15, 1909. 4, 1909, and took hia seat March 4, 1909; subsequently elected.

[284] Sixty-First Congress 285

GEORGIA INDIANA Augustus 0. Stanley, Henderson Robert Y. Thomas, Jr., Central City SENATORS SENATORS Ben Johnson, Bardstown Augustus 0. Bacon, Macon Albert J. Beveridge, Indianapolis J. Swagar Sherley, Louisville Alexander S. Clay,5 Marietta Benjamin F. Shively, South Bend Joseph L. Rhinock, Covington Joseph M. Terrell,6 Greenville REPRESENTATIVES James C. Cantrill, Georgetown REPRESENTATIVES John W. Boehne, Evansville Harvey Helm, Stanford Charles G. Edwards, Savannah William A Cullop, Vincennes Joseph B. Bennett, Greenup James M. Griggs,7 Dawson William E. Cox, Jasper John W. Langley, Pikeville Seaborn A. Roddenberry,8 Thomasville Lincoln Dixon, North Vernon Don C. Edwards, London Dudley M. Hughes, Danville Ralph W. Moss, Center Point William C. Adamson, Carroliton William 0. Barnard, Newcastle LOUISIANA Leonidas F. Livingston, Covington Charles A. Korbly, Indianapolis John A. M. Adair, Portland SENATORS Charles L. Bartlett, Macon Samuel D. McEnery,15 New Orleans Gordon Lee, Chickamauga Martin A. Morrison, Frankfort Edgar D. Crumpacker, Valparaiso John R. Thornton,'6 Alexandria William M. Howard, Lexington Murphy J. Foster, Franklin Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville George W. Rauch, Marion Thomas W. Hardwick, Sandersville , Angola REPRESENTATIVES William G. Brantley, Brunswick Henry A. Barnhart, Rochester Albert Estopinal,'7 Estopinal Samuel L. Gilmore,'8 New Orleans IDAHO IOWA H.Garland Dupré,'9 New Orleans SENATORS SENATORS Robert F. Broussard, New Iberea Weldon B. Heyburn, Wallace Jonathan P. Dolliver,'2 Fort Dodge John T. Watkins, Minden William E. Borah, Boise Lafayette Young,'3 Des Moines Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence Albert B. Cummins, Des Moines Robert C. Wickliffe, St. Francisville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATiVES Arsène P. Pujo, Lake Charles Thomas R. Hamer, St. Anthony Charles A. Kennedy, Montrose MAINE ILLINOIS Albert F. Dawson, Preston Charles E. Pickett, Waterloo SENATORS SENATORS Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield James W. Good, Cedar Rapids William P. Frye, Lewiston William Lorimer,9 Chicago Nathan E. Kendall, Albia REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John A. T. Hull, Des Moines Martin B. Madden, Chicago William D Jamieson,'4 Shenandoah Amos L. Allen,2° Alfred James R. Mann, Chicago Walter I. Smith, Council Bluffs John P. Swasey, Canton William W. Wilson, Chicago Frank P. Woods, Estherville Edwin C. Burleigh, Augusta James T. McDermott, Chicago Elbert H. Hubbard, Sioux City Frank E. Guernsey, Dover Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago William Lorimer,'° Chicago KANSAS MARYLAND William J. Moxley," Chicago SENATORS SENATORS Frederick Lundin, Chicago Charles Curtis, Topeka Isidor Rayner, Baltimore Thomas Gallagher, Chicago Joseph L. Bristow, Sauna John Walter Smith, Snow Hill Henry S. Boutell, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES George E. Foss, Chicago Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., Leavenworth Howard M. Snapp, Joliet J. Harry Covington, Easton Charles F. Scott, lola J. Fred. C. Talbott, Towson Charles E. Fuller, Belvidere Philip P. Campbell, Pittsburg Frank 0. Lowden, Oregon John Kronmiller, Baltimore James M. Miller, Council Grove John Gill, Jr., Baltimore James MeKinney, Aledo William A Calderhead, Marysville George W. Prince, Galesburg Sydney E. Mudd, La Plata William A. Reeder, Logan George A. Pearre, Cumberland Joseph V. GrafT, Peoria Edmond H. Madison, Dodge City John A. Sterling, Bloomington Victor Murdock, Wichita Joseph G. Cannon, Danville MASSACHUSETTS William B. McKinley, Champaign KENTUCKY SENATORS Henry T. Rainey, Carroilton SENATORS Henry Cabot Lodge, Na ha nt James M. Graham, Springfield Thomas H. Paynter, Frankfort W. Murray Crane, Dalton William A. Rodenberg, East St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES Martin D. Foster, Olney William 0. Bradley, Louisville Pleasant T. Chapman, Vienna REPRESENTATIVES George P. Lawrence, North Adams Napoleon B. Thistlewood, Cairo 011ie M. James, Marion Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield

Mr. Lorimer did not resign his seat in the House until the '° Died June 28, 1910. Died November 13, 1910. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel D. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Alexan- last-named date. McEnery, and took his seat December 12, 1910; vacancy der S. Clay, and took his seat December 6, 1910. '° Resigned, effective June 17, 1909, having been elected from June 29, 1910, to December 6, 1910. ° Died January 5, 1910. Senator. '° Election unsuccessfully contested by Henry C. War- 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James M. 11Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- moth. Griggs, and took his seat February 28, 1910. liam Lorimer, and took his seat December 10, 1909. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Represento- Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March 4, '° Died October 15, 1910. tive-elect Robert C. Davey, in preceding Congress, and 1909, and took his seat June 18, 1909; vacancy in this class Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Jona- took his seat April 22, 1909; died July 18, 1910. from March 4, 1909, to May 27, 1909, because of failure of than P. Dolliver; took his seat December 6, 1910. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel L. legislature to elect; and then until June 17, 1909, because '4Election unsuccessfully contested by William P. Hep- Gilmore, and took his seat December 12, 1910. burn. °° Died February 20, 1911. 286 Biographical Directory

MASSACHUSETTSContinued Thomas Spight, Ripley NEW HAMPSHIRE REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED Benjamin G. Humphreys, Greenville SENATORS Thomas U. Sisson, Winona Charles G. Washburn, Worcester Adam M. Byrd, Philadelphia Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord Charles Q. Tirrell,2' Natick Eaton J. Bowers, Bay St. Louis Henry E. Burnham, Manchester John J. Mitchell,22 Marlboro William A. Dickson, Centerville REPRESENTATIVES Butler Ames, Lowell James W. Collier, Vicksburg Cyrus A. Sulloway, Manchester Augustus P. Gardner, Hamilton Frank D. Currier, Canaan Ernest W. Roberts, Chelsea MISSOURI Samuel W. McCall, Winchester NEW JERSEY SENATORS John A. Keliher, Boston SENATORS Joseph F. O'Connell,23 Boston William J. Stone, Jefferson City John Kean, Elizabeth Andrew J. Peters, Boston William Warner, Kansas City Frank 0. Briggs, Trenton John W. Weeks, Newton REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William S. Greene, Fall River James T. Lloyd, Shelbyville Henry C. Loudenslager, Paulsboro William C. Lovering,24 Taunton William W. Rucker, Keytesville John J. Gardner, Atlantic City Eugene N. Foss,25 Jamaica Plains Joshua W. Alexander, Gallatin Benjamin F. Howell, New Brunswick Charles F. Booher, Savannah Ira W. Wood, Trenton MICHIGAN William P. Borland, Kansas City Charles N. Fowler, Elizabeth SENATORS David A. De Armond,29 Butler William Hughes, Paterson Julius C. Burrows, Kalamazoo Clement C. Dickinson,30 Clinton Richard Wayne Parker, Newark William Alden Smith, Grand Rapids Courtney W. Hamlin, Springfield William H. Wiley, East Orange REPRESENTATIVES Dorsey W. Shackleford, Jefferson City Eugene F. Kinkead, Jersey City James Beauchamp Clark, Bowling James A. Hamil, Jersey City Edwin Denby, Detroit Green Charles E. Townsend, Jackson Richard Bartholdt, St. Louis Washington Gardner, Albion NEW YORK Patrick F. Gill, St. Louis SENATORS Edward L. Hamilton, Niles Harry M. Coudrey, St. Louis Gerrit J. Diekema, Holland Chauncey M. Depew, Peeks kill Politte Elvins, Elvins Elihu Root, New York City Samuel W. Smith, Pontiac Charles A. Crow, Caruthersville Henry McMorran, Port Huron Charles H. Morgan, Joplin REPRESENTATIVES Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw Arthur P. Murphy, Rolla William W. Cocks, Westbury James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon George H. Lindsay, Brooklyn George A. Loud, Au Sable Otto G. Foelker, Brooklyn Francis H. Dodds, Mount Pleasant MONTANA Charles B. Law, Brooklyn H. Olin Young, Ishpeming SENATORS Richard Young, Flat bush Thomas H. Carter, Helena William M. Calder, Brooklyn MINNESOTA Joseph M. Dixon, Missoula John J. Fitzgerald, Brooklyn SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Daniel J. Riordan, New York City Henry M. Goldfogle, New York City Knute Nelson, Alexandria Charles N. Pray, Fort Benton Moses E. Clapp, St. Paul William Suizer, New York City Charles V. Fornes, New York City REPRESENTATIVES NEBRASKA Michael F. Conry, New York City James A. Tawney, Winona SENATORS Herbert Parsons, New York City Winfield S. Hammond, St. James Elmer J. Burkett, Lincoln William Willett, Jr., Long Island City Charles R. Davis, St. Peter Norris Brown, Kearney J. Van Vechten Olcott, New York City Frederick C. Stevens, St. Paul Francis B. Harrison, New York City Frank M. Nye, Minneapolis REPRESENTATIVES William S. Bennet, New York City Charles A. Lindbergh, Little Falls John A. Maguire, Lincoln Joseph A. Goulden, Fordham Andrew J. Volstead, Granite Falls Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Omaha John E. Andrus, Yonkers Clarence B. Miller, Duluth James P. Latta, Tekamah Thomas W. Bradley, Walden Halvor Steenerson, Crookston Edmund H. Hinshaw, Fairbury Hamilton Fish, Garrison George W. Norris, Mc Cook William H. Draper, Troy MISSISSIPPI Moses P. Kinkaid, O'Neill George N. Southwick, Albany SENATORS George W. Fairchild, Oneonta Hernando D. Money, Mississippi City NEVADA Cyrus Durey, Johnstown Anseim J. McLaurin,26 Brandon SENATORS George R. Malby, Ogdensburg James Gordon,27 Okolona Francis G. Newlands, Reno Charles S. Millington, Herkimer George S. Nixon, Reno Charles L. Knapp, Lowville Le Roy Percy,28 Greenville Michael E. Driscoll, Syracuse REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John W. Dwight, Dryden Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr., Corinth George A. Bartlett, Tonopah Sereno E. Payne, Auburn

' Died July 31, 1910. sElected to fill vacancy caused by death of William C. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Anselm J. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles Q. Lovering, and took his seat April 7, 1910; resigned, effec- McLaurin, and took his seat March 15, 1910. Tirrell, and took his seat December 5, 1910. tive January 4, 1911, having been elected governor. Died November 23, 1909. Electionunsuccessfullycontested byJ.Mitchell 26Died December 22, 1909. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Dsvid A. De Galvin. 27Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Anselm Armond, and took his seat February 7, 1910. ' Died February 4, 1910. J. McLaurin, and took his seat January 5, 1910. Sixty-First Congress 287

James B. Perkins,3' Rochester William G. Sharp, Elyria Charles F. Barclay, Sinnemahoning James S. Havens,32 Rochester James Joyce, Cambridge George F. Huff, Greens burg J. Sloat Fassett, Elmira David A. Hollingsworth, Cadiz Allen F. Cooper, Uniontown James S. Simmons, Niagara Falls William A. Ashbrook, Johnstown John K. Tener,44 Charleroi Daniel A. Driscoll, Buffalo James Kennedy, Youngstown Arthur L. Bates, Meadville De Alva S. Alexander, Buffalo William A. Thomas, Niles A. Mitchell Palmer, Strouds burg Edward B. Vreeland, Salamanca L. Paul Howland, Cleveland Jonathan N. Langham, Indiana James H. Cassidy,39 Cleveland Nelson P. Wheeler, Endeavor NORTH CAROLINA William H. Graham, Allegheny SENATORS OKLAHOMA John Dalzell, Pittsburgh SENATORS James F. Burke, Pittsburgh Furnifold McL Simmons, New Bern Andrew J. Barchfeld, Pittsburgh Lee S. Overman, Salisbury Thomas P. Gore, Lawton REPRESENTATIVES Robert L. Owen, Muskogee RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATIVES John H. Small, Washington SENATORS Claude Kitchin, Scotland Neck Bird S. McGuire, Pawnee Charles R. Thomas, New Bern Dick T. Morgan, Woodward Nelson W. Aldrich, Providence Edward W. Pou, Smithfield Charles E. Creager, Muskogee George P. Wetmore, Newport John M. Morehead, Spray Charles D. Carter, Ardmore REPRESENTATIVES Hannibal L. Godwin, Dunn Scott Ferris, Lawton William P. Sheffield, Newport Robert N. Page, Biscoe Adin B. Capron, Stiliwater Charles H. Cowles, Wilkesboro OREGON Edwin Y. Webb,33 Shelby SENATORS SOUTH CAROLINA John G. Grant, Hendersonville Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Portland SENATORS George E. Chamberlain, Portland NORTH DAKOTA Benjamin R. Tiliman, Trenton REPRESENTATiVES Ellison D. Smith, Florence SENATORS Willis C. Hawley, Salem REPRESENTATIVES Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton William R. Ellis, Pendleton Martin N. Johnson,34 Petersburg George S. Legare,45 Charleston Fountain L. Thompson,35 Cando PENNSYLVANIA James O'H. Patterson,46 Barnwell William E. Purcell,36 Wahpeton Wyatt Aiken, Abbeville SENATORS Joseph T. Johnson, Spartanburg Asle J. Gronna,37 Lakota Boies Penrose, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE David E. Finley, Yorkville George T. Oliver,40 Pittsburgh J. Edwin Ellerbe, Marion Louis B. Hanna, Fargo REPRESENTATIVES Asbury F. Lever,47 Lexington Asle J. Gronna,38 Lakota Henry H. Bingham, Philadelphia SOUTH DAKOTA OHIO Joel Cook,41 Philadelphia J. Hampton Moore, Philadelphia SENATORS SENATORS Reuben 0. Moon, Philadelphia Charles W. F. Dick, Akron Robert J. Gamble, Yankton William W. Foulkrod,42 Philadelphia Coe I. Crawford, Huron Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland George D. McCreary, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Thomas S. Butler, West Chester Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati Irving P. Wanger, Norristown Eben W. Martin, Deadwood Herman P. Goebel, Cincinnati William W. Griest, Lancaster Charles H. Burke, Pierre James M. Cox, Dayton Thomas D. Nicholls, Scranton William E. Tou Velle, Celina Henry W. Palmer, Wilkes-Barre TENNESSEE Timothy T. Ansberry, Defiance Alfred B. Garner, Ashland SENATORS Matthew R. Denver, Wilmington John H. Rothermel, Reading James B. Frazier, Chattanooga J. Warren Keifer, Springfield Charles C. Pratt, New Milford Robert L. Taylor, Nashville William B. Wilson, Blossburg Ralph D. Cole, Findlay REPRESENTATIVES Isaac R. Sherwood, Toledo John G. McHenry, Benton Adna R. Johnson, Ironton Benjamin K. Focht, Lewisburg Walter P. Brownlow,48 Jonesboro Albert Douglas, Chillicothe Marlin E. Olmsted, Harrisburg Zachary D. Massey,49 Sevierville Edward L. Taylor, Jr., Columbus John M. Reynolds,43 Bedford Richard W. Austin, Knoxville Carl C. Anderson, Fostoria Daniel F. Lafean, York John A. Moon, Chattanooga

40Died November 13, 1910; vacancy throughout the re- " Died March 11, 1910. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Martin N. Johnson, and took his seat February 2, 1911. mainder of the Congress. 32Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James B. 1911, having been 43Resigned January 17, 1911, having been elected Lieu- Perkins, and took his seat April 29, 1910. ° Resigned effective February 2, tenant Governor. Election unsuccessfully contested by John A. Smith. elected Senator. Resigned January 16, 1911, having been elected Gov- o Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- ° Died October 21, 1909. ernor. e--Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Martin sentative-elect Theodore E. Burton, in preceding Congress, 4°Election unsuccessfully contested by Aaron P. Prio- N. Johnson, and took his seat December 7, 1909; resigned and took his seat April 26, 1909. leau. 4° effective January 31, 1910. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Phi- ° Election unsuccessfully contested by Isaac Myers. '° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Martin lander C. Knox, in preceding Congress, and took his seat 40Election unsuccessfully contested by B. H. Richard- N. Johnson and resignation of Fountain L. Thompson, and March 19, 1909. son. 4 Died December 15, 1910, before the commencement of ssDied July 8, 1910. took his seat February 1, 1910. the Sixty-second Congress, to which he had been reelected. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Walter P. Browniow, and took his seat December 5, 1910. 288 Biographical Directory

TENNESSEEContinued Frank Plumley, Northfield Isaac Stephenson, Marinette REPRESENTATWEScONTINIJED REPRESENTATIVES VIRGINIA Cordell Hull, Carthage Henry Allen Cooper, Racine William C. Houston, Woodbury SENATORS John M. Nelson, Madison Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville John W. Daniel,52 Lynchburg Arthur W. Kopp, Platteville Lemuel P. Padgett, Columbia Claude A. Swanson,Chatham William J. Cary, Milwaukee Thetus W. Sims, Linden Thomas S. Martin, Charlottesville William H. Stafford, Milwaukee Finis J. Garrett, Dresden REPRESENTATIVES Charles H. Weisse, Sheboygan Falls John J. Esch, La Crosse George W. Gordon, Memphis William A. Jones, Warsaw James H. Davidson, Oshkosh Harry L. Maynard, Portsmouth Gustav KUstermann, Green Bay TEXAS John Lamb, Richmond Elmer A. Morse, Antigo SENATORS Francis R. Lassiter,54 Petersburg Irvine L. Lenroot, Superior Charles A. Culberson, Dallas Robert Turnbull,55 Lawrenceville Joseph W. Bailey, Gainesville Edward W. Saunders, Rockymount WYOMING Carter Glass, Lynchburg REPRESENTATIVES James Hay, Madison SENATORS Morris Sheppard, Texarkana Charles C. Carlin, Alexandria Clarence D. Clark, Evanston Martin Dies, Beaumont C. Bascom Slemp, Big Stone Gap Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne Gordon J. Russell,50 Tyler Henry D. Flood, Appomattox REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert M. Lively,51 Canton Frank W. Mondefl, Newcastle Choice B. Randell, Sherman WASHINGTON Jack Beall, Waxahachie SENATORS TERRITORY OF ALASKA Rufus Hardy, Corsicana DELEGATE Alexander W. Gregg, Palestine Samuel H. Piles, Seattle John M. Moore, Richmond Wesley L. Jones, North Yakima James Wickersham, Fairbanks George F. Burgess, Gonzales REPRESENTATIVES 56 TERRITORY OF ARIZONA Albert S. Burleson, Austin William E. Humphrey, Seattle Robert L. Henry, Waco DELEGATE Francis W. Cushman,57 Tacoma Ra'ph H. Cameron, Flagstaff Oscar W. Gillespie, Fort Worth William W. McCredie,58 Vancouver John H. Stephens, Vernon Miles Poindexter, Spokane James L. Slayden, San Antonio TERRITORY OF HAWAII John N. Garner, Uvalde WEST VIRGINIA DELEGATE William R. Smith, Colorado Jonah K. Kalanianaole, Waikiki SENATORS UTAH Stephen B. Elkins,59 Elkins TERRITORY OF NEW SENATORS Davis Elkins,6° Morgantown MEXICO Clarence W. Watson,61 Fairmont DELEGATE Reed Smoot, Provo Nathan B. Scott, Wheeling George Sutherland, Salt Lake City William H. Andrews, Albuquerque REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William P. Hubbard, Wheeling Joseph Howell, Logan PHILIPPINE ISLANDS George C. Sturgiss, Morgantown RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS VERMONT Joseph Holt Gaines, Charleston Benito Legarda,62 Manila Harry C. Woodyard, Spencer Pablo Ocampo,63 Manila SENATORS James A. Hughes, Huntington Manuel L. Quezon,64 Lucena William P. Dillingham, Montpelier Carroll S. Page, Hyde Park WISCONSIN PORTO RICO REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS RESIDENT COMMISSIONER David J. Foster, Burlington Robert M. La Follette, Madison Tulio Larrinaga, San Juan

Resigned June 14, 1910, having been appointed a Fed- ss Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Francis R. 68 Appointed tofill vacancy caused by death of his eral judge. Lassiter, and took his seat March 16, 1910. father, Stephen B. Elkins, and took his seat January 9, "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of ' Heretofore elected from State at large; congressional 1911. Gordon J. Russell, and took his seat December 5, 1910. districts first established in 1909. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Stephen B. "Died June 29, 1910; had been reelected for the term Died July 6, 1909. Elkins, and took his seat February 2, 1911. beginning March 4, 1911. 98 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Francis W. ' Reelected for a term of two years beginning Novem- ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John W. Cushman, and took his seat December 6, 1909. ber 23, 1909. Daniel, and took his seat December 6, 1910. 'Died January 4, 1911. '' Term expired November 22, 1909. ' Died October 31, 1909. ' Elected for a term of two years beginning November 23, 1909. SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1911, TO MARCH 3, 1913

FIRST SESSION-April 4, 1911, to August 22, 1911 SECOND SESSION-December 4, 1911, to August 26, 1912 THIRD SESSION-December 2, 1912, to March 3, 1913



ALABAMA Marcus A. Smith,'5 Thcson CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS SENATORS John H. Bankhead, Fayette ,'6 Phoenix George C. Perkins, Oakland John D. Works, Los Angeles Joseph F. Johnston, Birmingham ARKANSAS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS George W. Taylor, Demopolis James P. Clarke, Little Rock John E. Raker, Alturas S. Hubert Dent, Jr., Montgomei'y Jeff Davis,'7 Little Rock William Kent, Kentfield Henry D. Clayton, Eufaula John N. Heiskell,'8 Little Rock Joseph R. Knowland, Alameda Fred L. Blackmon, Anniston Julius Kahn, San Francisco William M. Kavanaugh,'9 Little Rock Evens A. Hayes, San Jose J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette REPRESENTATIVES Richmond P. Hobson, Greensboro James C. Needham, Modesto John L. Burnett, Gadsden Robert B. Macon, Helena William D. Stephens, Los Angeles William Richardson, Huntsville William A. Oldfield, Batesville Sylvester C. Smith,22 Bakersfield Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham John C. Floyd, Yeliville William B Cravens, Fort Smith COLORADO Henderson M. Jacoway, Dardanelle ARIZONA'3 Joseph T. Robinson,20 Lonoke SENATORS SENATORS Samuel M. Taylor,21 Pine Bluff Simon Guggenheim, Denver Henry F. Ashurst,'4 Prescott William S. Goodwin, Warren Charles S. Thomas,23 Denver

Elected December 10, 1912. 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Jeff 'Died October 30, 1912. Davis, and took his seat January 9, 1913. 'Resigned as President pro tempore April 27, 1911. Elected April 4, 1911. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Jeff Davis, 'Elected to serve December 4 to 12, 1911. '° Elected April 4, 1911. and took his seat January 31, 1913. Elected to serve January 15 to 17, March 11 and 12, ''Elected April 4, 1911. '°Resigi,ed effective January 14,1913, having been April 8, May 10, May 30 to June 3, June 13 to July 5, "Elected July 18, 1912. elected governor. August 1 to 10, August 27 to December 15, 1912; January "Admitted as a State into the Union February 14, "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 5 to 18 and February 2 to 15, 1913. 1912. Joseph T. Robinson, and took his seat January 27, 1913. Elected to serve February 12 to 14, April 26 and 27, 'Took his seat April 2, 1912; term to expire, as deter- 22Died January 26, 1913. May 7, July 6 to 31, August 12 to 26, 1912; December 16, mined by lot, March 3, 1917. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles J. 1912, to January 4, 1913; January 19 to February 1 and "Took his seat April 2, 1912; term to expire, as deter- Hughes, Jr., in preceding Congress, and took his seat Jan- February 16 to March 3, 1913. mined by lot, March 3, 1915. uary 20, 1913; vacancy in this class froth January 12, 1911, Elected to serve March 25 and 26, 1912. ' Took his seat February 19, 1912. to January 14, 1913, because of failure of legislature to 'Elected to serve May 25, 1912. "Died January 3, 1913. elect.

[289] 290 Biographical Directory

COLORADO-Continued Kirtland I. Perky,29 Boise IOWA REPRESENTATIVES James H. Brady,3° Pocatello SENATORS Atterson W. Rucker, Fort Logan William E. Borah, Boise John A. Martin, Pueblo REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Albert B. Cummins, Des Moines At Large-Edward T. Taylor, Burton L. French, Moscow Lafayette Young, Des Moines Glenwood Springs William S. Kenyon,83 Fort Dodge ILLINOIS REPRESENTATIVES CONNECTICUT SENATORS Charles A. Kennedy, Mont rose SENATORS Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield Irvin S. Pepper, Muscatine Frank B. Brandegee, New London William Lorimer,31 Chicago Charles E. Pickett, Waterloo George P. McLean, Simsbury REPRESENTATIVES Gilbert N. Haugen,34 Northwood REPRESENTATIVES Martin B. Madden, Chicago James W. Good, Cedar Rapids E. Stevens Henry, Rockville James R. Mann, Chicago Nathan E. Kendall, Albia Thomas L. Reilly, Meriden William W. Wilson,32 Chicago Solomon F. Prouty, Des Moines Edwin W. Higgins,24 Norwich Horace M. Towner, Corning Ebenezer J. Hill, Norwalk James T. McDermott, Chicago Walter I. Smith,35 Council Bluffs At Large-John Q. Tilson, New Haven Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago William R. Green,36 Audubon Edmund J. , Chicago Frank P. Woods, Estherville DELAWARE Frank Buchanan, Chicago Thomas Gallagher, Chicago Elbert H. Hubbard,37 Sioux City SENATORS Lynden Evans, Chicago George C. Scott,38 Sioux City Henry A. du Pont, Winterthur George E. Foss, Chicago Harry A. Richardson, Dover Ira C. Copley, Aurora KANSAS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles E. Fuller, Belvidere SENATORS William H. Heald, Wilmington John C. McKenzie, Elizabeth James McKinney, Aledo Charles Curtis, Topeka FLORIDA George W. Prince, Galesburg Joseph L. Bristow, Sauna SENATORS Claudius U. Stone, Peoria REPRESENTATIVES Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville John A. Sterling, Bloomington Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., Leavenworth Nathan P. Bryan,25 Jacksonville Joseph G. Cannon, Danville Alexander C. Mitchell,39 Lawrence REPRESENTATIVES William B. McKinely, Champaign Joseph Taggart,4° Kansas City Stephen M. Sparkman, Tampa Henry T. Rainey, Carrollton Philip P. Campbell, Pittsburg Frank Clark, Gainesville James M. Graham, Springfield Fred S. Jackson, Eureka Dannitte H. Mays, Monticello William A. Rodenberg, East St. Louis Rollin R. Rees, Minneapolis Martin D. Foster, Olney Isaac D. Young, Beloit GEORGIA H. Robert Fowler, Elizabethtown Edmond H. Madison,41 Dodge City SENATORS Napoleon B. Thistlewood, Cairo George A. Neeley,42 Hutchinson Augustus 0. Bacon, Macon Victor Murdock, Wichita Joseph M. Terrell,26 Greenville INDIANA Hoke Smith,27 Atlanta SENATORS KENTUCKY REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin F. Shively, South Bend John W. Kern, Indianapolis SENATORS Charles G. Edwards, Savannah Thomas H. Paynter, Frankfort Seaborn A. Roddenbery, Thomasville REPRESENTATIVES William 0. Bradley, Louisville Dudley M. Hughes, Danville John W. Boehne, Evansville William C. Adamson, Carrollton William A. Cullop, Vincennes REPRESENTATIVES William S. Howard, Decatur William E. Cox, Jasper 011ie M. James, Marion Charles L. Bartlett, Macon Lincoln Dixon, North Vernon Augustus 0. Stanley, Henderson Gordon Lee, Chickamauga Ralph W. Moss, Center Point Robert Y. Thomas, Jr., Central City Samuel J. Tribble, Athens Finly H. Gray, Connersville Ben Johnson, Bardstown Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville Charles A. Korbly, Indianapolis J. Swagar Sherley, Louisville Thomas W. Hardwick, Sandersville John A. M. Adair, Portland Arthur B. Rouse, Burlington William G. Brantley, Brunswick Martin A. Morrison, Frankfort James C. Cantrill, Georgetown Edgar D. Crumpacker, Valparaiso Harvey Helm, Stanford IDAHO George W. Rauch, Marion William J. Fields, Olive Hill SENATORS Cyrus Cline, Angola John W. Langley, Pikeville Weldon B. Heyburn,28 Wallace Henry A. Barnhardt, Rochester Caleb Powers, Barbourville

Election unsuccessfully contested by Raymond J. 29Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Weldon ° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Jodoin. B. Heyburn, and took his seat December 3, 1912. Walter I. Smith, and took his seat June 21, 1911. Appointed tofill vacancy in the term beginning 0Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Weldon B. Died June 4, 1912. March 4, 1911, to serve until the next meeting of the Heyburn, and took his seat February 6, 1913. legislature, and took his seat April 4, 1911; subsequently Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Elbert H. Election declared invalid July 13, 1912. Hubbard, and took his seat December 2, 1912. elected. Election unsuccessfully contested by Fred J. Crowley. 26Resigned July 14, 1911. Died July 7, 1911. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Jonathan P. 40 Elected July 12, 1911, to fill vacancy caused by death Dolliver, in preceding Congress, and took his seat April 24, Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alexander of Alexander S. Clay, in preceding Congress, but did not 1911. C. Mitchell, and took his seat December 4, 1911. 41 qualify until December 4, 1911, preferring to retain the ElectionunsuccessfullycontestedbyDanielD. Died September 18, 1911. governorship. Murphy. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edmond H. Died October 17, 1912. Resigned March 15, 1911. Madison, and took his seat January 29, 1912. Sixty-Second Congress 291

LOUISIANA William S Greene, Fall River William W. Rucker, Keytesville Robert 0. Harris, East Bridgewater Joshua W. Alexander, Gallatin SENATORS Charles F. Booher, Savannah Murphy J. Foster, Franklin MICHIGAN William P Borland, Kansas City John R. Thornton, Alexandria SENATORS Clement C. Dickinson, Clinton REPRESENTATIVES William Alden Smith, Grand Rapids Courtney W. Hamlin, Springfield Albert Estopinal, Estopinal Charles E. Townsend, Jackson Dorsey W. Shackleford, Jefferson City H. Garland Dupré, New Orleans James Beauchamp Clark, Bowling REPRESENTATIVES Green Robert F. Broussard, New Iberia Frank E. Doremus, Detroit John T. Watkins, Minden Richard Bartholdt,5' St. Louis William W. Wedemeyer,5° Ann Arbor Theron E. Catlin,52 St. Louis Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence John M. C. Smith, Charlotte Robert C. Wickliffe,43 St. Francisville Patrick F. Gill,53 St. Louis Edward L. Hamilton, Niles Leonidas C. Dyer,54 St. Louis Lewis L. Morgan,44 Covington Edwin F. Sweet, Grand Rapids Arsène P. Pujo, Lake Charles Walter L. Hensley, Farmington Samuel W. Smith, Pontiac Joseph J. Russell, Charleston MAINE Henry McMorran, Port Huron James A. Daugherty, Webb City Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw Thomas L. Rubey, Lebanon SENATORS James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon William P Frye,45 Lewiston George A. Loud, Au Sable MONTANA ,4° Rockland Francis H. Dodds, Mount Pleasant Charles F. Johnson, Waterville H. Olin Young, Ishpeming SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Joseph M. Dixon, Missoula Henry L. Myers, Hamilton Asher C. Hinds, Portland MINNESOTA Daniel J. McGillicuddy, Lewiston SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Samuel W. Gould, Skowhegan Knute Nelson, Alexandria Charles N. Pray, Fort Benton Frank E. Guernsey, Dover Moses E. Clapp, St. Paul REPRESENTATIVES NEBRASKA MARYLAND Sydney Anderson, Lanes boro SENATORS SENATORS Winfield S. Hammond, St. James Norris Brown, Kearney Isidor Rayner,47 Baltimore Charles R. Davis, St. Peter Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Omaha William P Jackson,48 Salisbury Frederick C. Stevens, St. Paul John Walter Smith, Snow Hill Frank M. Nye, Minneapolis REPRESENTATIVES John A Maguire, Lincoln REPRESENTATIVES Charles A. Lindbergh, Little Falls Andrew J. Volstead, Granite Falls Charles 0. Lobeck, Omaha J. Harry Covington, Easton Clarence B. Miller, Duluth James P. Latta,55 Tekamah J. Fred. C. Talbott, Towson Halvor Steenerson, Crookston Daniel V. Stephens,56 Fremont George Konig, Baltimore Charles H. Sloan, Geneva J. Charles Linthicum, Baltimore MISSISSIPPI George W. Norris, McCook Thomas Parran, St. Leonard Moses P. Kinkaid, O'Neill David J. Lewis, Cumberland SENATORS Le Roy Percy, Greenville NEVADA MASSACHUSETTS John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS SENATORS Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr., Corinth Francis G. Newlands, Reno Henry Cabot Lodge, Nahant George S. Nixon,57 Reno W. Murray Crane, Dalton Hubert D. Stephens, New Albany Benjamin G. Humphreys, Greenville William A Massey,58 Reno REPRESENTATIVES Thomas U. Sisson, Winona ,5° Tonopah George P. Lawrence, North Adams Samuel A. Witherspoon, Meridian REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield , Gulfport Edwin E. Roberts, Carson City John A. Thayer, Worcester William A Dickson, Centerville William H. Wilder, Gardner James W. Collier, Vicksburg Butler Ames, Lowell NEW HAMPSHIRE Augustus P. Gardner, Hamilton MISSOURI SENATORS Ernest W. Roberts, Chelsea SENATORS Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord Samuel W. McCall, Winchester William J. Stone, Jefferson City Henry E. Burnham, Manchester William F. Murray, Boston James A. Reed, Kansas City REPRESENTATIVES James M. Curley, Boston Andrew J. Peters, Boston REPRESENTATIVES Cyrus A. Sulloway, Manchester John W. Weeks,49 West Newton James T. Lloyd, Shelbyville Frank D. Currier, Canaan

-' Reelected to the Sixty-third Congress but resigned, ' Electionunsuccessfullycontested by Thomas E. Died June 11, 1912. Kinney. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert C. effective March 4, 1913, having been elected Senator. ss Died September 11, 1911. Wickliffe, and took his seat December 2, 1912. 'Died January 2, 1913. s6Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James P. ' Died August 8, 1911. 5'Electionunsuccessfullycontested by CharlesJ. Latta, and took his seat December 4, 1911. 6Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William Maurer. "Died June 5, 1912. P. Frye, and took his seat December 4, 1911; subsequently 2Served until August 12, 1912; succeeded by Patrick F. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of George elected. Gill, who contested his election. S. Nixon, and took his seat July 13, 1912. "Died November 25, 1912. ' Successfully contested the election of Theron E. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George S. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Isidor Catlin, and took his seat August 12, 1912. Nixon, and took his seat February 18, 1913. Rayner, and took his seat December 3, 1912. 292 Biographical Directory

NEW JERSEY George W. Fairchild, Oneonta Robert M. Switzer, Gallipolis SENATORS Theron Akin, Akin Horatio C. Claypool, Chillicothe Frank 0 Briggs, Trenton George R Malby,7' Ogdensburg Edward L. Taylor, Jr., Columbus

James E. Martine, Plainfield Edwin A. Merritt, Jr.,72 Potsdam Carl C. Anderson,75 Fostoria REPRESENTATWES Charles A. Talcott, Utica William G. Sharp, Elyria Luther W. Mott, Oswego George White, Marietta Henry C. Loudenslager,60 Paulsboro Michael E. Driscoll, Syracuse William J. Browning,6' Camden William B. Francis, Martins Ferry John W. Dwight, Dryden William A. Ashbrook, Johnstown John J. Gardner, Atlantic City Sereno E. Payne, Auburn Thomas J. Scully, South Amboy John J. Whitacre, Canton Henry G. Danforth, Rochester Ellsworth R. Bathrick, Akron Ira W. Wood, Trenton Edwin S. Underhill, Bath William E. Tuttle, Jr., Westfield L. Paul Howland, Cleveland James S. Simmons, Niagara Falls Robert J. Bulkley, Cleveland William Hughes,62 Paterson Daniel A. Driscoll, Buffalo Archibald C. Hart,63 Hackensack Charles B. Smith, Buffalo OKLAHOMA Edward W. Townsend, Montclair Edward B. Vreeland, Salamanca Walter I. McCoy, South Orange SENATORS Eugene F. Kinkead, Jersey City Thomas P. Gore, Lawton James A. Hamill, Jersey City NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS Robert L. Owen, Muskogee NEW 64 Furnifold McL. Simmons, New Bern REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Lee S. Overman, Salisbury Bird S. McGuire, Pawnee REPRESENTATIVES Dick T. Morgan, Woodward Thomas B. Catron,6 Santa Fe Albert B. Fall,66 Three Rivers John H. Small, Washington James S. Davenport, Vinita Charles D. Carter, Ardmore REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Claude Kitchin, Scotland Neck John M. Faison, Faison Scott Ferris, Lawton George Curry,67 Tularosa Harvey B. Fergusson,68 Albuquerque Edward W. Pou, Smithfield Charles M. Stedman, Greensboro OREGON Hannibal L. Godwin, Dunn NEW YORK SENATORS Robert N. Page, Biscoe SENATORS Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Portland Elihu Root, New York City Edwin Y. Webb, Shelby George E. Chamberlain, Portland James A. O'Gorman, New York City James M. Gudger, Jr., Asheville REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Willis C. Hawley, Salem Martin W. Littleton, Port Washington NORTH DAKOTA Abraham W. Lafferty, Portland George H. Lindsay, Brooklyn SENATORS James P. Maher, Brooklyn Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton PENNSYLVANIA Frank E. Wilson, Brooklyn Asle J. Gronna, Lakota William C. Redfield, Brooklyn SENATORS William M. Calder, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Boies Penrose, Philadelphia John J. Fitzgerald, Brooklyn Louis B. Hanna,73 Fargo George T. Oliver, Pittsburgh Henry T. Helgesen, Milton Daniel J. Riordan, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Henry M. Goldfogle, New York City Henry H. Bingham,76 Philadelphia William Sulzer,69 New York City OHIO William S. Vare,77 Philadelphia Charles V. Fornes, New York City SENATORS William S. Reyburn,78 Philadelphia Michael F. Conry, New York City Theodore B. Burton, Cleveland J. Hampton Moore, Philadelphia Jefferson M. Levy, New York City , Canton Reuben 0. Moon, Philadelphia John J. Kindred, Long Island City REPRESENTATIVES Michael Donohoe, Philadelphia Thomas G. Patten, New York City Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati George D. McCreary,79 Philadelphia Francis B. Harrison, New York City Alfred G. Allen, Cincinnati Thomas S. Butler,8° West Chester Henry George, Jr., New York City James M. Cox,74Dayton Robert E. Difenderfer, Jenkintown Steven B. Ayres, New York City J. Henry Goeke, Wapakoneta William W. Griest, Lancaster John E. Andrus, Yonkers Timothy T. Ansberry, Defiance John R. Farr, Scranton Thomas W. Bradley, Walden Matthew R. Denver, Wilmington Charles C. Bowman,8' Pittston Richard E. Connell,7° Poughkeepsie James D. Post, Washington Courthouse Robert E. Lee, Pottsville William H. Draper, Troy Frank B. Willis, Ada John H. Rothermel, Reading Henry S. De Forest, Schenectady Isaac R. Sherwood, Toledo George W. Kipp,82 Towanda

60Died August 12, 1911. 60 Resigned December 31,1912, having been elected " Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry H. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry C. Governor. Bingham, and took his seat May 6, 1912. Loudenslsger, and took his seat December 4, 1911. October 30, 1912; vacancy throughout remainder '5Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- ' Resigned September 27, 1912. of the Congress. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- ' Died July 5, 1912. tive-elect Joel Cook, in preceding Congress, and took his ham Hughes, and took his seat December 2, 1912. 10Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George R. seat' June 2, 1911. Admitted as a State into the Union January 6, 1912. Malby, and took his seat December 2, 1912. Election unsuccessfully contested by Frank H. Haw- °oo his seat April 2, 1912; term to expire, as deter- "Resigned January 7, 1913, having been elected Gover- kins. mined by lot, March 3, 1917. nor. ° Electionunsuccessfullycontested by Eugene C. 60Took his seat April 2, 1912; term to expire, as deter- 'Resigned January 12, i913, having been elected Gov- Bonniwell. mined by lot, March 3, 1913. ernor. 60Electionunsuccessfullycontestedby GeorgeIt. Took his seat January 8, 1912. 'Died October 1, 1912. McLean; seat declared vacant December 12, 1912. 60Took his seat January 8, 1912. 'Died March 22, 1912. Died July 24, 1911. Sixty-Second Congress 293

William D. B. Ainey,8' Montrose William R Webb,9° Belibuckle Frank Plumley, Northfield William B Wilson, Blossburg Luke Lea, Nashville John G. McHenry,84 Benton REPRESENTATIVES VIRGINIA Benjamin K. Focht, Lewisburg Sam R. Sells, Johnson City SENATORS Marlin E. Olmsted, Harrisburg Richard W. Austin, Knoxville Thomas S Martin, Charlottesville Jesse L. Hartman, Hollidaysburg John A. Moon, Chattanooga Claude A. Swanson,99 Chatham Daniel F. Lafean, York Cordell Hull, Carthage Charles E. Patton, Curwensville William C Houston, Woodbury REPRESENTATIVES Curtis H. Gregg, Greens burg Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville William A Jones, Warsaw Thomas S. Crago,85 Waynesburg Lemuel P. Padgett, Columbia Edward E. Holland, Suffolk Charles Matthews, New Castle Thetus W. Sims, Linden John Lamb, Richmond Arthur L. Bates, Meadville Finis J. Garrett, Dresden Robert Turnbull, Lawrenceville A. Mitchell Palmer, Stroudsburg George W. Gordon,9' Memphis Edward W. Saunders, Rockymount Jonathan N. Langham, Indiana Kenneth D. McKellar,92 Memphis Carter Glass, Lynchburg Peter M. Speer, Oil City James Hay, Madison Stephen G. Porter, Pittsburgh TEXAS Charles C. Carlin, Alexandria John Dalzell, Pittsburgh SENATORS C. Bascom Slemp, Big Stone Gap James F. Burke, Pittsburgh Charles A. Culberson, Dallas Henry D. Flood, Appomattox Andrew J. Barchfeld, Pittsburgh Joseph W. Bailey,9' Gainesville WASHINGTON RHODE ISLAND Rienzi M. Jonston,94 Houston Morris Sheppard,95 Texarkana SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Wesley L. Jones, North Yakima George P. Wetmore, Newport Morris Sheppard,96 Texarkana Miles Poindexter, Spokane Henry F. Lippitt, Providence Martin Dies, Beaumont REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES James Young, Kaufman George F. O'Shaunessy, Providence Choice B. Randell, Sherman William E Humphrey, Seattle George H. Utter,86 Westerly Jack Beau, Waxahachie Stanton Warburton, Tacoma Rufus Hardy, Corsicana William L La Follette, Pullman SOUTH CAROLINA Alexander W. Gregg, Palestine SENATORS John M. Moore, Richmond WEST VIRGINIA Benjamin R. Tiliman, Trenton George F. Burgess, Gonzales SENATORS Ellison D. Smith, Florence Albert S. Burleson, Austin Clarence W. Watson, Fairmont REPRESENTATIVES Robert L. Henry, Waco William E Chilton, Charleston Oscar Callaway, Comanche George S. Legare,87 Charleston REPRESENTATIVES James F. Byrnes, Aiken John H. Stephens, Vernon James L. Slayden, San Antonio John W. Davis, Clarksburg Wyatt Aiken, Abbeville William G Brown, Jr., Kingwood Joseph T. Johnson, Spartanburg John N. Garner, Uvalde William R Smith, Colorado Adam B. Littlepage, Charleston David E. Finley, Yorkville John M. Hamilton, Grantsville J. Edwin Ellerbe, Marion James A. Huntington Asbury F. Lever, Lexington UTAH SENATORS SOUTH DAKOTA Reed Smoot, Provo WISCONSIN SENATORS George Sutherland, Salt Lake City SENATORS Robert J. Gamble, Yankton REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert M. La Follette, Madison Coe I. Crawford, Huron Joseph Howell, Logan Isaac Stephenson, Marinette REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Charles H. Burke, Pierre VERMONT Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Eben W. Martin, Deadwood SENATORS John M. Nelson, Madison William P. Dillingham, Montpelier Arthur W. Kopp, Platteville TENNESSEE Carroll S. Page, Hyde Park William J Cary, Milwaukee SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Victor L. Berger, Milwaukee Robert L. Taylor,88 Nashville David J. Foster,9' Burlington Michael E. Burke, Beaver Dam Newell Sanders,89 Chattanooga Frank L. Greene,98 St. Albans John J. Esch, La Crosse

'5Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert ° Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of °Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George W. Joseph W. Bailey, and took his seat February 3,1913. Kipp, and took his seat December 4, 1911. L. Taylor, and took his seat April 11, 1912. °° Elected te fill vacancy caused by death of Robert L. °° Resigned February 3, 1913, having been elected Sena- 0 Died December 27, 1912. tor. °° Election unsuccessfully contested by Jesse H. Wise. Taylor, and took his seat February 3, 1913. °' Died March 21, 1912. 00Died November 3, 1912; vacancy throughout remain- Died August 9, 1911. 05Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of David J. der of the Congress. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George W. Footer, and teok his seat August 14, 1912. °Election unsuccessfully contested by Aaron P. Prio- Gordon, and took his seat December 4, 1911. °° Reappointed to fill vacancy in the term beginning leau; died January 31, 1913, before the commencement of Resigned January 3, 1913. March 4, 1911, caused by death of Senator-elect John W. the Sixty-third Congress, to which he had been reelected. °' Appointed tefill vacancy caused by resignation of Daniel in preceding Congress, to serve until the next °° Died March 31, 1912. Joseph W. Bailey, and took his seat January 7, 1913. meeting of the legislature; subsequently reelected. 0oElection unsuccessfully contested by Rankin Wiley. 294 Biographical Directory

WISCONSINContinued TERRITORY OF ALASKA TERRITORY OF NEW REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED DELEGATE MEXICO James H. Davidson, Oshkosh James Wickersham, Fairbanks DELEGATE Thomas F. Konop, Kewaunee William H. Andrews,'°2 Albuquerque Elmer A. Morse, Antigo Irvine L. Lenroot, Superior TERRITORY OF ARIZONA PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DELEGATE RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS '°' WYOMING Ralph H. Cameron,'°1 Flagstaff Benito Legarda, Manila SENATORS Manuel L. Quezon, Tayabas Clarence D. Clark, Evanston Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne TERRITORY OF HAWAII PORTO RICO REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE DELEGATE RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle J. Kuhio Kalanianaole, Waikiki Luis Muñoz Rivera, San Juan

'°' Served until February 18, 1912, the Territory of Ari- Served until January 7, 1912, the Territory of New O5 By act of Congress approved February 15, 1911, term zona having been granted statehood by act of Congress Mexico having been granted statehood by act of Congress of office increased to four years, beginning March 4, 1913, approved June 20, 1910. approved June 20, 1910. present Commissioners to hold office until successors are elected and qualified. SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1913, TO MARCH 3, 1915

FIRST SESSION-April 7,1913, to December 1, 1913 SECOND SESSION-December 1, 1913, to October 24, 1914 THIRD SESSION-December 7, 1914, to March 3, 1915 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1913, to March 17, 1913



ALABAMA Marcus A. Smith, Tucson Julius Kahn, San Francisco REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John I. Nolan, San Francisco SENATORS Carl Hayden, Phoenix Joseph R. Knowland, Alameda John H. Bankhead, Jasper Denver S. Church, Fresno Joseph F. Johnston,7 Birmingham ARKANSAS Evens A. Hayes, San Jose Frank S White,8 Birmingham Charles W. Bell, Pasadena SENATORS William D Stephens, Los Angeles REPRESENTATIVES James P. Clarke, Little Rock William Kettner, San Diego George W. Taylor, Demopolis Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock S. Hubert Dent, Jr., Montgomery REPRESENTATIVES COLORADO Henry D. Clayton,9 Eufaula Thaddeus H. Caraway, Jones boro SENATORS William 0 Mulkey,'° Geneva William A Oldfield, Batesville Charles S. Thomas, Denver Fred L. Blackmon, Anniston John C. Floyd, Yellville John F. Shafroth, Denver , De Queen J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette REPRESENTATIVES Richmond P. Hobson, Greensboro Henderson M. Jacoway, Dardanelle John L. Burnett, Gadsden Samuel M. Taylor, Pine Bluff George J. Kindel, Denver William S Goodwin, Warren Harry H. Seldornridge, Colorado William Richardson," Huntsville Springs Christopher C. Harris,'2 Decatur CALIFORNIA At Large-Edward T. Taylor, Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham SENATORS Glenwood Springs At Large-John W. Abercrombie, Edward Keating, Pueblo Tuscaloosa George C. Perkins, Oakland John D. Works, Los Angeles CONNECTICUT ARIZONA REPRESENTATIVES William Kent, Kentfield SENATORS SENATORS John E. Raker, Alturas Frank B. Brandegee, New London Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott Charles F. Curry, Sacramento George P. McLean, Sims bury

Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph F. by Senate resolution of February 4, 1914, was declared not Elected March 13, 1913. entitled to a seat. Elected March 13, 1913. Johnston, and took his seat May 22, 1914. Vacancy in this ° Resigned effective May 25, 1914. Elected March 13, 1913. class from August 8,1913, to May 11, 1914; Henry D. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry Reelected April 7, 1913. Clayton was appointed by governor August 12, 1913, to fill D. Clayton, and took his seat July 16, 1914. Reelected April 7, 1913. vacancy; credentials withdrawn October 21, 1913; Frank P. 'Died March 31, 1914. Elected April 7, 1913. Glass was appointed by governor November 17, 1913, but "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William Died August 8, 1913. Richardson, and took his seat May 19, 1914.

[295] 296 Biographical Directory

CONNECTICUT-Continued ILLINOIS Irvin S. Pepper,23 Muscatine REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS ,24 Davenport Augustine Lonergan, Hartford James Hamilton Lewis,2° Chicago , Dubuque Bryan F. Mahan, New London Lawrence Y. Sherman,2' Springfield Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood James W. Good, Cedar Rapids Thomas L. Reilly, Meriden REPRESENTATIVES Sanford Kirkpatrick, Ottumwa Jeremiah Donovan, South Norwalk Martin B. Madden, Chicago William Kennedy, Naugatuck Solomon F. Prouty, Des Moines James R. Mann, Chicago Horace M. Towner, Corning George E. Gorman, Chicago William R. Green, Audubon DELAWARE James T. McDermott,22 Chicago Frank P. Woods, Estherville SENATORS Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago James McAndrews, Chicago George C. Scott, Sioux City Henry A. du Pont, Winterthur Frank Buchanan, Chicago Willard Saulsbury, Wilmington Thomas Gallagher, Chicago KANSAS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Fred A. Britten, Chicago Franklin Brockson, Clayton Charles M. Thomson, Chicago SENATORS Ira C. Copley, Aurora Joseph L. Bristow, Salina FLORIDA William H. Hinebaugh, Ottawa William H. Thompson, Garden City John C. McKenzie, Elizabeth SENATORS Clyde H. Tavenner, Jordova REPRESENTATIVES Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville Stephen A. Hoxworth, Rapatee Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., Leavenworth Nathan P. Bryan, Jacksonville Claudius U. Stone, Peoria Joseph Taggart, Kansas City REPRESENTATIVES Louis FitzHenry, Bloomington Philip P. Campbell, Pittsburg Stephen M. Sparkman, Tampa Frank T. O'Hair, Paris Dudley Doolittle, Strong City Charles M. Borchers, Decatur Guy T. Helvering, Marysville Frank Clark, Gainesville John R. Connelly, Colby Emmett Wilson, Pensacola Henry T. Rainey, Carrollton James M. Graham, Springfield George A. Neeley, Hutchinson At Large-Claude L'Engle, William N. Baltz, Millstadt Victor Murdock, Wichita Jacksonville Martin D. Foster, Olney H. Robert Fowler, Elizabethtown KENTUCKY GEORGIA Robert P. Hill, Marion SENATORS At Large-Lawrence B. Stringer, SENATORS Augustus 0. Bacon,'3 Macon Lincoln William 0. Bradley,25 Beechmont William S West,'4 Valdosta William E. Williams, Pittsfield Johnson N. Camden,26 Versailles Thomas W. Hardwick,'5 Sandersville 011ie M. James, Marion Hoke Smith, Atlanta INDIANA REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Alben W. Barkley, Paducah Charles G. Edwards, Savannah Benjamin F. Shively, South Bend John W. Kern, Indianapolis Augustus 0. Stanley, Henderson Seaborn A. Roddenbery,'6 Thomasville Robert Y. Thomas, Jr., Central City Frank Park,'7 Sylvester REPRESENTATIVES Ben Johnson, Bard,stown Charles S. Crisp, Americus , Rockport J. Swagar Sherley, Louisville William C. Adamson, Carrollton William A. Cullop, Vincennes Arthur B. Rouse, Burlington William S. Howard, Decatur William E. Cox, Jasper James C. Cantrill, Georgetown Charles L. Bartlett, Macon Lincoln Dixon, North Vernon Harvey Helm, Stanford Gordon Lee, Chickamauga Ralph W. Moss, Center Point William J. Fields, Olive Hill Samuel J. Tribble, Athens Finly H. Gray, Connersville Charles A. Korbly, Indianapolis John W. Langley, Pikeville Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville Caleb Powers, Barbourville Thomas W. Hardwick,'8 Sandersville John A. M. Adair, Portland ,'9 Milledgeville Martin A. Morrison, Frankfort John R. Walker, Vakiosta John B. Peterson, Crown Point LOUISIANA George W. Rauch, Marion Dudley M. Hughes, Danville Cyrus Cline, Angola SENATORS Henry A. Barnhart, Rochester John R. Thornton, Alexandria IDAHO Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence SENATORS IOWA REPRESENTATIVES William E Borah, Boise SENATORS Albert Estopinal, Estopinal James H. Brady, Pocatello Albert B. Cummins, Des Moines H. Garland Dupré, New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE William S Kenyon, Fort Dodge Robert F. Broussard, New Iberia Burton L. French, Moscow REPRESENTATIVES John T. Watkins, Minden Addison T Smith, Twin Falls Charles A. Kennedy, Montrose J. Walter Elder, Monroe

'° Reappointed to fill vacancy in the term beginning Resigned effective November 2,1914; subsequently took his seat April 7, 1913; vacancy in this class from July March 4, 1913, to serve until the next meeting of the elected Senator. 14, 1912, to March 25, 1913. legislature; subsequently reelected; died February 14, 1914. '9Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of '° Reoigned July 21, 1914; vacancy throughout remain- 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Augus- Thomas W. Hardwick; took his seat December 7, 1914. der of the Congress. tus 0. Bacon, and took his seat March 6, 1914. °° Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March °° Died December 22, 1913. '5Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Augustus 4, 1913, and took his seat April 17, 1913; vacancy in this ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Irvin S. 0. Bacon, and took his seat December 7, 1914. class from March 4 to 25, 1913, because of recess of legisla- Pepper, and took his seat February 25, 1914. ture. °° Died May 23, 1914. '° Died September 25, 1913. 'Elected to fill vacancy in the term ending March 3, °' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Seaborn A. 1915, caused by action of Senate, in preceding Congress, in 0. Bradley, and took his seat June 18, 1914; subsequently Roddenbery, and took his seat November 20, 1913. declaring invalid the election of William Lorimer, and elected. Sixty- Third Congress 297

Lewis L. Morgan, Covington Thomas C. Thacher, Yarmouth MISSOURI Ladislas Lazaro, Washington SENATORS MICHIGAN James B. Aswell, Natchitoches William J. Stone, Jefferson City SENATORS James A. Reed, Kansas City MAINE William Alden Smith, Grand Rapids REPRESENTATWES SENATORS Charles E. Townsend, Jackson James T. Lloyd, Shelbyville Charles F. Johnson, Waterville REPRESENTATIVES Edwin C. Burleigh, Augusta William W. Rucker, Keytesville Frank E Doremus, Detroit Joshua W. Alexander, Gallatin REPRESENTATIVES Samuel W. Beakes, Ann Arbor Charles F. Booher, Savannah Asher C. Hinds, Portland John M. C. Smith,4' Charlotte William P. Borland, Kansas City Daniel J. McGillicuddy, Lewiston Edward L. Hamilton, Niles Clement C. Dickinson, Clinton Forrest Goodwin,27 Skowhegan Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids Courtney W. Hamlin, Springfield John A. Peters,28 Ellsworth Samuel W. Smith, Pontiac Dorsey W. Shackleford, Jefferson City Frank E Guernsey, Dover Louis C. Cramton, Lapeer James Beauchamp Clark, Bowling Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw Green MARYLAND James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon Richard Bartholdt, St. Louis SENATORS Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City William L. Igoe, St. Louis John Walter Smith, Snow Hill Francis 0. Lindquist, Greenville Leonidas C. Dyer,45 St. Louis William P. Jackson, Salisbury H. Olin Young,42 Ishpeming Michael J. Gill,46 St. Louis William J. MacDonald,43 Calumet Walter L. Hensley, Farmington Blair Lee,29 Silver Spring At Large-Patrick H. Kelly, Lansing REPRESENTATIVES Joseph J. Russell, Charleston Per! D. Decker, Joplin J. Harry Covington,3° Easton MINNESOTA Thomas L. Rubey, Lebanon Jesse D. Price,3' Salisbury SENATORS J. Fred. C. Talbott, Lutherville Knute Nelson, Alexandria MONTANA George Konig,32 Baltimore Moses E. Clapp, St. Paul Charles P. Coady,33 Baltimore SENATORS J. Charles Linthicum, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES Henry L. Myers, Hamilton Frank 0. Smith, Dunkirk Sydney Anderson, Lanes boro Thomas J. Walsh, Helena David J. Lewis, Cumberland Winfield S. Hammond,44 St. James REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Charles R. Davis, St. Peter Frederick C. Stevens, St. Paul John M. Evans, Missoula MASSACHUSETTS Tom Stout, Lewistown SENATORS George R. Smith, Minneapolis Charles A Lindbergh, Little Falls Henry Cabot Lodge, Nahant NEBRASKA John W. Weeks, West Newton Andrew J. Volstead, Granite Falls Clarence B. Miller, Duluth SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Halvor Steenerson, Crookston Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Omaha Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge At Large-James Manahan, George W. Norris, Mc Cook Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield Minneapolis REPRESENTATIVES William H. Wilder,34 Gardner Calvin D. Paige,35 Southbridge MISSISSIPPI John A. Maguire, Lincoln Charles 0. Lobeck, Omaha Samuel E. Winslow, Worcester SENATORS , Lowell Daniel V. Stephens, Fremont Augustus P. Gardner, Hamilton John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City Charles H. Sloan, Geneva Michael F. Phelan, Lynn James K. Vardaman, Jackson Silas R. Barton, Grand Island Frederick S. Deitrick, Cambridge REPRESENTATIVES Moses P. Kinkaid, O'Neill Ernest W. Roberts, Chelsea Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr., Corinth William F. Murray,36 Boston Hubert D. Stephens, New Albany NEVADA Andrew J. Peters,37 Boston Benjamin G. Humphreys, Greenville SENATORS James M. Curley,38 Boston Thomas U. Sisson, Winona Francis G. Newlands, Reno James A. Gallivan,39 Boston Samuel A. Witherspoon, Meridian Key Pittman, Tonopah Pat Harrison, Gulfport John J. Mitchell,4° Marlboro REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE , Brock ton Percy E. Quin, McComb City William S. Greene, Fall River James W. Collier, Vicksburg Edwin E. Roberts, Carson, City

" Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. SO Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- Died May 28, 1913. sentative-elect John W. Weeks, in preceding Congress, and 58 Elected tofill vacancy cauaed by death of Forrest Harry Covington, and took his seat December 7,1914. °° Died May 31, 1913. took his seat April 26, 1913. Goodwin, and took his seat September 22, 1913. 33 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George Si Election unsuccessfully contested by Claud S. Carney. Elected on November 4, 1913, to fill vacancy caused Konig, and took his seat November 26, 1913. Resigned effective May 16, 1913; subsequently suc- by death of Isidor Rayner (in preceding Congress); creden- Died September 11, 1913. ceeded by William J. MacDonald, who contested his elec- tials were presented on December 5, 1913, and referred to as Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William H. tion. the Committee on Privileges and Elections, and pending Wilder, and took his seat November 29, 1913. °Successfully contested the election of H. Olin Young report he did not attempt to qualify; on January 19, 1914, °° Resigned September 28, 1914; vacancy throughout re- (who had resigned effective May 16, 1913), and took his a resolution was reported to the effect that he had been mainder of the Congress. seat August 26, 1913. legally elected and was entitled to the seat; on January 28, " Resigned, effective August 15, 1914, having been ap- Resigned January 6, 1915, having been elected Gover- 1914, the Senate adopted the resolution and he took his pointed Assistant Secretory of the Treasury; vacancy nor. seat the same day. This was the first election by popular throughout remainder of the Congress. °° Served until June 19, 1914; succeeded by Michael J. vote held pursuant to the seventeenth amendment to the 3° Resigned effective February 4, 1914. Gill, who contested his election. 3° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Successfully contested the election of Leonidas C. Constitution. Dyer, and took his seat June 19, 1914. °° Resigned September 30, 1914. M. Curley, and took his seat April 18, 1914. 298 Biographical Directory

NEW HAMPSHIRE Peter J. Dooling, New York City Atlee Pomerene, Canton SENATORS John F. Carew, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Thomas G. Patton, New York City Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord Stanley E. Bowdie, Cincinnati Henry F. Hollis,47 Concord Walter M. Chandler, New York City Francis B. Harrison,58 New York City Alfred G. Allen, Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES Jacob A. Cantor,59 New York City Warren Gard, Hamilton Eugene E. Reed, Manchester Henry George, Jr., New York City J. Henry Goeke, Wapakoneta Raymond B. Stevens, Landaff Henry Bruckner, New York City Timothy T. Ansberry,62 Defiance Joseph A. Goulden, Fordham Simeon D. Fess, Yellow Springs NEW JERSEY Woodson R. Oglesby, Yonkers James D. Post, Washington Courthouse SENATORS Benjamin I. Taylor, Harrison Frank B. Willis,63 Ada James E. Marinte, Plainfield Edmund Platt, Poughkeepsie Isaac R. Sherwood, Toledo William Hughes, Paterson George McClellan, Chatham Robert M. Switzer, Gallipolis Horatio C. Claypool, Chillicothe REPRESENTATIVES Peter G. Ten Eyck, Albany James S. Parker, Salem Clement L. Brumbaugh, Columbus William J. Browning, Camden John A. Key, Marion J. Thompson Baker, Wildwood Samuel Wallin, Amsterdam Edwin A. Merritt, Jr.,6° Potsdam William G. Sharp,64 Elyria Thomas J. Scully, South Amboy George White, Marietta Allan B. Walsh, Trenton Luther W. Mott, Oswego Charles A. Talcott, Utica William B. Francis, Martins Ferry William E. Tuttle, Jr. Westfield William A. Ashbrook, Johnstown Lewis J. Martin,48 Newton George W. Fairchild, Oneonta John R. Clancy, Syracuse John J. Whitacre, Canton Archibald C. Hart,49 Hackensack Ellsworth R. Bathrick, Akron Robert G. Bremner,5° Passaic Sereno E. Payne,61 Auburn Edwin S. Underhill, Bath William Gordon, Cleveland Dow H. Drukker,51 Passaic Robert J. Bulkley, Cleveland Eugene F. Kinkead,52 Jersey City Thomas B. Dunn, Rochester At Large-Robert Crosser, Cleveland Walter I. McCoy,53 East Orange Henry G. Danforth, Rochester Robert H. Gittins, Niagara Falls Richard Wayne Parker,54 Newark OKLAHOMA Edward W. Townsend, Montclair Charles B. Smith, Buffalo John J. Eagan, Weehawken Daniel A. Driscoll, Buffalo SENATORS James A. Hamill, Jersey City Charles M. Hamilton, Ripley Thomas P. Gore, Lawton Robert L. Owen, Muskogee NEW MEXICO NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS SENATORS Bird S. McGuire, Pawnee Thomas B. Catron, Santa Fe Furnifold McL. Simmons, New Bern Dick T. Morgan, Woodward Albert B. Fall, Three Rivers Lee S. Overman, Salisbury James S. Davenport, Vinita REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Charles D. Carter, Ardmore Harvey B. Fergusson, Albuquerque John H. Small, Washington Scott Ferris, Lawton Claude Kitchin, Scotland Neck At Large-William H. Murray, NEW YORK John M. Faison, Faison Tishomingo Joseph B. Thompson, Pauls Valley SENATORS Edward W. Pou, Smithfield Charles M. Stedman, Greensboro Claude Weaver, Oklahoma City Elihu Root, New York City Hannibal L. Godwin, Dunn James A. O'Gorman, New York City Robert N. Page, Biscoe OREGON REPRESENTATIVES Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs SENATORS Lathrop Brown, St. James Edwin Y. Webb, Shelby George E. Chamberlain, Portland Denis O'Leary,55 Douglaston James M. Gudger, Jr., Asheville Frank E. Wilson, Brooklyn Harry Lane, Portland Harry H. Dale, Brooklyn NORTH DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES James P. Maher, Brooklyn SENATORS Willis C. Hawley, Salem William M. Calder, Brooklyn Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton Nicholas J. Sinnott, The Dalles John J. Fitzgerald, Brooklyn Asle J. Gronna, Lakota Abraham W. Lafferty, Portland Daniel J. Griffin, Brooklyn James H. O'Brien, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES PENNSYLVANIA Henry T. Helgesen, Milton Herman A. Metz, Brooklyn SENATORS Daniel J. Riordan, New York City George M. Young, Valley City Henry M. Goldfogle, New York City Patrick D. Norton, Hettinger Boies Penrose, Philadelphia Timothy D. Sullivan,56 New York City George T. Oliver, Pittsburgh George W. Loft,57 New York City OHIO REPRESENTATIVES Jefferson M. Levy, New York City SENATORS William S. Vare, Philadelphia Michael F. Conry, New York City Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland George S. Graham, Philadelphia

Elected March 13,1913, for the term beginning ' Resigned October 3, 1914. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Fran- March 4, 1913, and took his seat March 15, 1913. 54Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Walter cis B. Harrison, and took his seat November 29, 1913. Died May 5, 1913. I. McCoy, and took his seat December 7, 1914. 50 Died December 4, 1914, before the commencement of Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lewis J. ° Resigned December 31, 1914. the Sixty-fourth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Martin, and took his seat August 12, 1913. ' Died August 31, 1913. Died December 10, 1914, before the commencement of 50 Died February 5, 1914. si Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Timothy D. the Sixty-fourth Congress, to which he had been reelected. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert G. Resigned January 9, 1915. Sullivan, and took his seat November 29, 1913. s3 Resigned, effective January 9,1915, having been Bremner, and took his seat April 22, 1914. ' Resigned, effective September 1, 1913, having been elected Governor. Resigned February 4, 1915. appointed Governor General of the Philippine Islands. Resigned, effective July 23, 1914. Sixty-Third Congress 299

J. Hampton Moore, Philadelphia Asbury F. Lever, Lexington George Sutherland, Salt Lake City George W. Edmonds, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Michael Donohoe, Philadelphia SOUTH DAKOTA Joseph Howell, Logan J. Washington Logue, Philadelphia SENATORS Jacob Johnson, Spring City Thomas S. Butler, West Chester Coe I. Crawford, Huron Robert E. Difenderfer, Jenkintown , Vermilion VERMONT William W. Griest, Lancaster REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS John R. Farr, Scranton Charles H. Dillon, Yankton John J. Casey, Wilkes-Barre William P. Dillingham, Montpelier Charks H. Burke, Pierre Carroll S. Page, Hyde Park Robert E. Lee, Pottsville Eben W. Martin, Deadwood John H. Rothermel, Reading REPRESENTATIVES William D. B. Ainey, Mo ntrose TENNESSEE Frank L. Greene, St. Albans Edgar R. Kiess, Williamsport SENATORS Frank Plumley, Northfield John V. Lesher, Sunbu,y Luke Lea, Nashville Frank L. Dershem, Lewisburg VIRGINIA Aaron S. Kreider, Annville John K. Shields, Knoxville Warren W. Bailey, Johnstown REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Andrew R. Brodbeck, Hanover Sam R. Sells, Johnson City Thomas S. Martin, Charlottesville Charles E. Patton, Curwensville Richard W. Austin, Knoxville Claude A. Swanson, Chatham Abraham L. Keister, Scottdale John A. Moon, Chattanooga REPRESENTATIVES Wooda N. Carr, Uniontown Cordell Hull, Carthage William A. Jones, Warsaw Henry W. Temple, Washington William C. Houston, Woodbuiy Edward E. Holland, Suffolk Milton W. Shreve, Erie Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville Andrew J. Montague, Richmond A. Mitchell Palmer, Stroudsburg Lemuel P. Padgett, Columbia Walter A. Watson, Jennings Ordinary Jonathan N. Langham, Indiana Thetus W. Sims, Linden Edward W. Saunders, Rockymount Willis J. Hulings, Oil City Finis J. Garrett, Dresden Carter Glass, Lynchburg Stephen G. Porter, Pittsburgh Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis James Hay, Madison M. Clyde Kelly, Brad4ock TEXAS Charles C. Carlin, Alexandria James F. Burke, Pittsburgh C. Bascom Slemp, Big Stone Gap Andrew J. Barchfeld, Pittsburgh SENATORS Henry D. Flood, Appomattox At LargeFred E. Lewis, Allentown Charles A. Culberson, Dallas John M. Morin, Pittsburgh Morris Sheppard, Texarkana WASHINGTON Arthur R. Rupley, Carlisle REPRESENTATIVES Anderson H. Walters, Johnstown SENATORS Horace W. Vaughan, Texarkana Wesley L. Jones, North Yakima Martin Dies, Beaumont RHODE ISLAND James Young, Kaufman Miles Poindexter, Spokane SENATORS , Bonham REPRESENTATIVES Henry F. Lippitt, Providence Jack Beall, Waxahachie William E. Humphrey, Seattle LeBaron B. Colt, Bristol Rufus Hardy, Corsicana Albert Johnson, Hoquiam REPRESENTATIVES Alexander W. Gregg, Palestine William L. La Follette, Pullman Joe H. Eagle, Houston At LargeJames W. Bryan, Seattle George F. O'Shaunessy, Providence George F. Burgess, Gonzales Jacob A. Falconer, Everett Peter U. Gerry, Providence Albert S. Burleson,66 Austin Ambrose Kennedy, Woonsocket James P. Buchanan,67 Brenham WEST VIRGINIA Robert L. Henry, Waco SItNATORS SOUTH CAROLINA Oscar Callaway, Comanche SENATORS John H. Stephens, Vernon William E. Chilton, Charleston Benjamin R. Tiliman, Trenton James L. Slayden, San Antonio Nathan Goff,68 Clarksburg Ellison D. Smith, Florence John N. Garner, Uvalde REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William R. Smith, Colorado John W. Davis,69 Clarksburg Richard S. Whaley,65 Charleston At LargeDaniel E. Garrett, Houston Matthew M. Neely,7° Fairmont James F. Byrnes, Aiken Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas William G. Brown, Jr., Kingwood Wyatt Aiken, Abbeville Samuel B. Avis, Charleston Joseph T. Johnson, Spartanburg UTAH Hunter H. Moss, Jr., Parkersburg David E. Finley, Yorkville SENATORS James A. Hughes, Huntington J. Willard Ragsdale, Florence Reed Smoot, Provo At LargeHoward Sutherland, Elkins

° Elected February 21, 1913, for the term beginning ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- 5Resigned March 6, 1913, having been appointed Post- March 4, 1913, but did not qualify until April 7, 1913, tive-elect George S. Legare, in preceding Congress, and master General. preferring to retain the judgeship. took his seat May 9, 1913; election unsuccessfully contest- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Albert 59Resigned August 29, 1913, having been appointed So- ed by John P. Grace. S. Burleson, and took his seat April 17, 1913. licitor General of the United States. o Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John W. Davis, and took his seat November 1, 1913. 300 Biographical Directory

WISCONSIN James A. Frear, Hudson TERRITORY OF HAWAII SENATORS Irvine L. Lenroot, Superior DELEGATE Robert M. La Follette, Madison Isaac Stephenson, Marinette WYOMING J. Kuhio Kalanianaole, Waikiki REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Clarence D. Clark, Evanston PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Michael E. Burke, Beaver Dam Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS John M. Nelson, Madison REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Manuel L. Quezon, Tayabas William J. Cary, Milwaukee Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle Manuel Earnshaw, Manila William H. Stafford, Milwaukee Michael K. Reilly, Fond du Lac John J. Esch, La Crosse TERRITORY OF ALASKA PORTO RICO Edward E. Browne, Waupaca DELEGATE RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Thomas F Konop, Kewaunee James Wickersham, Fairbanks Luis Muñoz Rivera, San Juan SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1915, TO MARCH 3, 1917

FIRST SESSIONDecember 6, 1915, to September 8, 1916 SECOND SESSIONDecember 4, 1916, to March 3, 1917



ARKANSAS Evens A. Hayes, San Jose ALABAMA Charles H. Randall, Los Angeles SENATORS SENATORS William D. Stephens,8 Los Angeles James P. Clarke,6 Little Rock John H. Bankhead, Jasper H. Stanley Benedict,9 Los Angeles William F. Kirby,7 Little Rock William Kettner, San Diego Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES COLORADO Oscar L. Gray, Butler Thaddeus H. Caraway, Jones boro SENATORS S. Hubert Dent, Jr., Montgomery William A Oldfield, Batesville Charles S. Thomas, Denver Henry B. Steagall, Ozark John N. Tiliman, Fayetteville John F. Shafroth, Denver Fred L. Blackmon, Anniston Otis Wingo, Dc Queen REPRESENTATIVES J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette Henderson M. Jacoway, Dardanelle Samuel M. Taylor, Pine Bluff Benjamin C. Hilliard, Denver William B. Oliver, Tuscaloosa William S Goodwin, Warren Charles B. Timberlake, Sterling John L. Burnett, Gadsden Edward Keating, Pueblo Edward B. Almon, Tuscumbia CALIFORNIA Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs George Huddleston, Birmingham At LargeJohn W. Abercrombie, SENATORS CONNECTICUT John D. Works, Los Angeles Tuscaloosa James D. Phelan, San Francisco SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Frank B. Brandegee, New London ARIZONA George P. McLean, Simsbury William Kent, Kentfield REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS John E. Raker, Alturas Charles F. Curry, Sacramento P. Davis Oakey, Hartford Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott Richard P. Freeman, New London Marcus A. Smith, Tucson Julius Kahn, San Francisco John I. Nolan, San Francisco John Q. Tilson, New Haven REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John A. Elston, Berkeley Ebenezer J. Hill,'° Norwalk Carl Hayden, Phoenix Denver S. Church, Fresno James P. Glynn, Winsted

Resigned July 22, 1916. 'Reelected December 6, 1915; died October 1, 1916. Reelected December 6, 1915. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 'Elected December 14, 1916. Died October 1, 1916. liam D. Stephens, and took his seat December 4, 1916. Reelected December 6, 1915. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James P. 10Election unsuccessfully contested by Jeremiah Dono- Reelected December 6, 1915. Clarke, and his seat December 5, 1916. van. 302 Biographical Directory

DELAWARE George E. Foss, Chicago Charles Curtis, Topeka SENATORS Ira C. Copley, Aurora Charles E. Fuller, Belvidere REPRESENTATIVES Henry A. du Pont, Winterthur Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., Leavenworth Willard Saulsbury, Wilmington John C. McKenzie, Elizabeth Clyde H. Tavenner, Cordova Joseph Taggart, Kansas City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Edward J. King, Galesburg Philip P. Campbell, Pittsburg Thomas W. Miller, Wilmington Claudius U. Stone, Peoria Dudley Doolittle, Strong City John A. Sterling, Bloomington Guy T. Helvering, Marysville FLORIDA Joseph G. Cannon, Danville John R. Connelly, Colby SENATORS William B McKinley, Champaign Jouett Shouse, Kinsley Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville Henry T. Rainey, Carroilton William A. Ayres, Wichita Nathan P. Bryan, Jacksonville Loren E. Wheeler, Springfield REPRESENTATIVES William A Rodenberg, East St. Louis KENTUCKY Martin D. Foster, Olney SENATORS Stephen M. Sparkman, Tampa Thomas S Williams, Louisville Frank Clark, Gainesville Edward E. Denison, Marion 011ie M. James, Marion Emmett Wilson, Pensacola Burnett M. Chiperfield, Canton Joseph C. W. Beckham, Frankfort William J Sears, Kissimmee At LargeWilliam E. Williams,'3 REPRESENTATIVES Pittsfield Alben W. Barkley, Paducah GEORGIA David H. Kincheloe, Madisonville SENATORS INDIANA Robert Y. Thomas, Jr., Central City Hoke Smith, Atlanta SENATORS Ben Johnson, Bardstown Thomas W. Hardwick, Sanders yule Benjamin F. Shively,'4 South Bend J. Swagar Sherley, Louisville REPRESENTATIVES ,'5 French Lick Arthur B. Rouse, Burlington Charles G. Edwards, Savannah James E. Watson,'6 Rushville James C. Cantrill, Georgetown Frank Park, Sylvester John W. Kern, Indianapolis Harvey Helm, Stanford Charles R. Crisp, Americus REPRESENTATIVES William J Fields, Olive Hill William C. Adamson, Carrollton Charles Lieb, Rockport John W. Langley, Pikeville William S Howard, Kirkwood William A Cullop, Vincennes Caleb Powers, Barbourville James W. Wise, Fayetteville William E. Cox, Jasper Gordon Lee, Chickamauga Lincoln Dixon, North Vernon LOUISIANA Samuel J. Tribble," Athens Ralph W. Moss, Center Point SENATORS Tinsley W. Rucker,'2 Athens Finly H. Gray, Connersyille Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville , Indianapolis Robert F. Broussard, New Iberia Carl Vinson, Milledgeville John A. M. Adair, Portland John R. Walker, Valdosta Martin A. Morrison, Frankfort REPRESENTATIVES Dudley M. Hughes, Danville William R. Wood, La Fayette Albert Estopinal, Estopinal George W. Rauch, Marion H. Garland Dupré, New Orleans IDAHO Cyrus Cline, Angola Whitmell P. Martin, Thibodaux SENATORS Henry A. Barnha.rt, Rochester John T. Watkins, Minden William E Borah, Boise Riley J. Wilson, Harrisonburg James H. Brady, Pocatello IOWA Lewis L. Morgan, Covington SENATORS Ladislas Lazaro, Washington REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Albert B Cummins, Des Moines James B. Aswell, Natchitoches Robert M. McCracken, Boise William S. Kenyon, Fort Dodge Addison T. Smith, Twin Falls REPRESENTATIVES MAINE ILLINOIS Charles A. Kennedy, Mon trose SENATORS Harry E. Hull, Williamsburg SENATORS Charles F. Johnson, Waterville Burton E. Sweet, Waverly Edwin C. Burleigh,'7 Augusta James Hamilton Lewis, Chicago Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood Bert M. Fernald,'8 West Poland Lawrence Y. Sherman, Springfield James W. Good, Cedar Rapids REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES C. William Ramseyer, Bloomfield Martin B. Madden, Chicago Cassius C. Dowell, Des Moines Asher C. Hinds, Portland James R. Mann, Chicago Horace M. Towner, Corning Daniel J. McGillicuddy, Lewiston William W. Wilson, Chicago William R. Green, Council Bluffs John A. Peters, Ellsworth James T. McDermott, Chicago Frank P Woods, Estherville Frank E Guernsey, Dover Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago Thomas J. Steele, Sioux City James McAndrews, Chicago MARYLAND Frank Buchanan, Chicago KANSAS SENATORS Thomas Gallagher, Chicago SENATORS John Walter Smith, Snow Hill Fred A. Britten, Chicago William H Thompson, Garden City Blair Lee, Silver Spring

Died December 8, 1916, before the commencement of IS Election unsuccessfully contested by J. McCan Davis. 15 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Benjamin the Sixty-fifth Congress, to which he had been reelected. 15 Died March 14, 1916. F. Shively, and took his seat December 5, 1916. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel J. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Benja- ii Died June 16, 1916. Tribble, and took his seat January 15, 1917. min F. Shively, and took his seat March 27, 1916. iS Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edwin C. Burleigh, and took his seat December 5, 1916. Sixty-Fourth Congress 303

REPRESENTATIVES Halvor Steenerson, Crookston NEVADA Jesse D. Price, Salisbury Thomas D. Schall, Excelsior SENATORS J. Fred. C. Talbott, Lutherville Francis G. Newlands, Reno Charles P. Coady, Baltimore MISSISSIPPI Key Pittman, Tonopah J. Charles Linthicum, Baltimore SENATORS Sydney E. Mudd, La Plata REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City Edwin E. Roberts, Carson City David J. Lewis, Cumberland James K. Vardaman, Jackson MASSACHUSETTS REPRESENTATIVES NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATORS Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr., Corinth SENATORS Henry Cabot Lodge, Nahant Hubert D. Stephens, New Albany Jacob H. Gallinger, Concord John W. Weeks, West Newton Benjamin G. Humphreys, Greenville Henry F. Hollis, Concord Thomas U. Sisson, Winona REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Samuel A. Witherspoon,2° Meridian Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge William W. Venable,2' Meridian Cyrus A. Sulloway, Manchester Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield Pat Harrison, Gulfport Edward H. Wason, Nashua Calvin D. Paige, Southbridge Percy E. Quin, McComb City Samuel E. Winslow, Worcester James W. Collier, Vicksburg NEW JERSEY John Jacob Rogers, Lowell SENATORS Augustus P. Gardner, Hamilton MISSOURI James E. Martine, Plainfield Michael F. Phelan, Lynn SENATORS William Hughes, Paterson Frederick W. Dallinger, Cambridge REPRESENTATIVES Ernest W. Roberts, Chelsea William J. Stone, Jefferson City Peter F. Tague, Boston James A. Reed, Kansas City William J. Browning, Camden Isaac Bacharach, Atlantic City George H. Tinkham,'9 Boston REPRESENTATIVES James A. Gallivan, Boston Thomas J. Scully, South Amboy James T. Lloyd, Shelbyville Elijah C. Hutchinson, Trenton William H. Carter, Need ham Heights William W. Rucker, Keytesuille Richard Olney, Dedham John H. Capstick, Montville Joshua W. Alexander, Gallatin Archibald C. Hart, Hackensack William S. Greene, Fall River Charles F. Booher, Savannah Joseph Walsh, New Bedford Dow H. Drukker, Passaic William P. Borland, Kansas City Edward W. Gray, Newark Clement C. Dickinson, Clinton MICHIGAN Richard Wayne Parker, Newark Courtney W. Hamlin, Springfield Frederick R. Lehlbach, Newark SENATORS Dorsey W. Shackleford, Jefferson City John J. Eagan, Weehawken William Alden Smith, Grand Rapids James Beauchamp Clark, Bowling James A. Hamill, Jersey City Charles E. Townsend, Jackson Green REPRESENTATIVES Jacob E. Meeker, St. Louis NEW MEXICO William L. Igoe, St. Louis Frank E. Doremus, Detroit SENATORS Leonidas C. Dyer, St. Louis Samuel W. Beakes, Ann Arbor Thomas B. Catron, Santa Fe John M. C. Smith, Charlotte Walter L. Hensley, Farmington Joseph J. Russell, Charleston Albert B. Fall, Three Rivers Edward L. Hamilton, Niles REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids Perl D. Decker, Joplin Patrick H. Kelley, Lansing Thomas L Rubey, Lebanon Benigno C. Hernandez, Tierra Louis C. Cramton, Lapeer Amarilla Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw MONTANA James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon SENATORS NEW YORK George A. Loud, Bay City Henry L. Myers, Hamilton SENATORS Frank D. Scott, Alpena Thomas J. Walsh, Helena James A. O'Gorman, New York City W. Frank James, Hancock REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Groveland Charles A. Nichols, Detroit John M. Evans, Missoula REPRESENTATIVES Tom Stout, Lewistown Frederick C. Hicks,22 Port Washington MINNESOTA Charles P. Caldwell, Forest Hills SENATORS NEBRASKA Joseph V. Flynn, Brooklyn Knute Nelson, Alexandria Harry H. Dale, Brooklyn Moses E. Clapp, St. Paul SENATORS James P. Maher, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Omaha Frederick W. Rowe, Brooklyn George W. Norris, McCook Sydney Anderson, Lanes boro John J. Fitzgerald, Brooklyn Franklin F. Ellsworth, Mankato REPRESENTATIVES Daniel J. Griffin, Brooklyn Charles R. Davis, St. Peter C. Frank Reavis, Falls City Oscar W. Swift, Brooklyn Carl C. Van Dyke, St. Paul Charles 0. Lobeck, Omaha Reuben L. Haskell, Brooklyn George R. Smith, Minneapolis Daniel V. Stephens, Fremont Daniel J. Riordan, New York City Charles A. Lindbergh, Little Falls Charles H. Sloan, Geneva Meyer London, New York City Andrew J. Volstead, Granite Falls Ashton C. Shallenberger, Alma George W. Loft, New York City Clarence B. Miller, Duluth Moses P. Kinkaid, O'Neill Michael F. Farley, New York City

° Died November 24, 1915. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel A. Electionunsuccessfullycontested by FrancisJ. Witherspoon, and took his seat January 17, 1918. Horgan. Election unsuccessfully contested by Lathrop Brown. 304 Biographical Directory

NEW YORKContinued OHIO J. Hampton Moore, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED SENATORS George W. Edmonds, Philadelphia Peter E. Costello, Philadelphia Michael F. Conry,23 New York City Atlee Pomerene, Canton Warren G. Harding, Marion George P. Darrow, Philadelphia Peter J. Dooling, New York City Thomas S Butler, West Chester John F. Carew, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Henry W. Watson, Langhorne Thomas G. Patten, New York City Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati William W. Griest, Lancaster Walter M. Chandler, New York City Alfred G. Allen, Cincinnati John R. Farr, Scranton Isaac Siegel,24 New York City Warren Gard, Hamilton John J. Casey, Wilkes-Barre G. Murray Hulbert, New York City J. Edward Russell, Sidney Robert D. Heaton, Ashland Henry Bruckner, New York City Nelson E. Matthews, Ottawa Arthur G. Dewalt, Allentown Joseph A. Goulden,25 Ford ham Charles C. Kearns, Batavia Louis T. McFadden, Canton William S Bennet,26 New York City Simeon D. Fess, Yellow Springs Edgar R. Kiess, Williamsport Woodson R. Oglesby, Yonkers John A. Key, Marion John V. Lesher, Sunbury James W. Husted, Pee kskill Isaac R. Sherwood, Toledo Benjamin K. Focht, Lewisburg Edmund Platt, Poughkeepsie Robert M. Switzer, Gallipolis Aaron S. Kreider, Annville Charles B. Ward, Debruce Edwin D. Ricketts, Logan Warren W. Bailey, Johnstown Rollin B. Sanford, Albany Clement L. Brumbaugh, Columbus C. William Beales, Gettysburg James S. Parker, Salem Arthur W. Overmyer, Fremont Charles H. Rowland, Philips burg William B. Charles, Amsterdam Seward H. Williams, Lorain Abraham L. Keister, Scottdale Bertrand H. Snell,27 Potsdam William C. Mooney, Woodsfield Robert F. Hopwood, Union town Luther W. Mott, Oswego Roscoe C. McCulloch, Canton Henry W. Temple,29 Washington Homer P. Snyder, Little Falls William A. Ashbrook, Johnstown Michael Liebel, Jr., Erie George W. Fairchild, Oneonta David A. Hollingsworth, Cadiz Henry J. Steele, Easton Walter W. Magee, Syracuse John G. Cooper, Youngstown S. Taylor North, Punxsutawney Norman J. Gould,28 Seneca Falls William Gordon, Cleveland Samuel H. Miller, Mercer Harry H. Pratt, Corning Robert Crosser, Cleveland Stephen G. Porter, Pittsburgh Thomas B Dunn, Rochester Henry I. Emerson, Cleveland William H. Coleman, McKeesport Henry G. Danforth, Rochester John M. Morin, Pittsburgh S. Wallace Dempsey, Lockport OKLAHOMA Andrew J. Barchfeld, Pittsburgh Charles B. Smith, Buffalo SENATORS At LargeThomas S. Crago, Daniel A. Driscoll, Buffalo Thomas P. Gore, Law ton Waynes burg Charles M. Hamilton, Ripley Robert L. Owen, Muskogee Mahlon M. Garland, Pittsburgh REPRESENTATIVES Daniel F. Lafean, York NORTH CAROLINA James S. Davenport, Vinita John R. K. Scott, Philadelphia SENATORS William W. Hastings, Tahlequah RHODE ISLAND Furnifold McL Simmons, New Bern Charles D. Carter, Ardmore Lee S. Overman, Salisbury William H Murray, Tishomingo SENATORS Joseph B. Thompson, Pauls Valley Henry F. Lippitt, Providence REPRESENTATIVES Scott Ferris, Lawton LeBaron B. Colt, Bristol John H. Small, Washington James V. McClintic, Snyder REPRESENTATIVES Claude Kitchin, Scotland Neck Dick T. Morgan, Woodward George E. Hood, Goldsboro George F. O'Shaunessy, Providence Edward W. Pou, Smithfield Walter R. Stiness, Warwick OREGON Ambrose Kennedy, Woonsocket Charles M. Stedman, Greensboro SENATORS Hannibal L. Godwin, Dunn George E. Chamberlain, Portland SOUTH CAROLINA Robert N. Page, Biscoe Harry Lane, Portland Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs SENATORS Edwin Y. Webb, Shelby REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin R. Tillman, Trenton James J. Britt, Asheville Willis C. Hawley, Salem Ellison D. Smith, Florence Nicholas J. Sinnott, The Dalles Clifton N. McArthur, Portland REPRESENTATIVES NORTH DAKOTA Richard S. Whaley,3° Charleston SENATORS PENNSYLVANIA James F. Byrnes, Aiken Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton SENATORS Wyatt Aiken, Abbeville Asle J. Gronna, Lakota Joseph T. Johnson,3' Spartanburg Boies Penrose, Philadelphia Samuel J. Nicholls,32 Spartanburg REPRESENTATIVES George T. Oliver, Pittsburgh David E. Finley,33 Yorkville Henry T. Helgesen, Milton REPRESENTATIVES Paul G. McCorkle,34 York George M. Young, Valley City William S Vare, Philadelphia J. Willard Ragsdale, Florence Patrick D. Norton, Hettinger George S. Graham, Philadelphia Asbury F. Lever, Lexington

'° Died March 2, 1917, before the commencement of the ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- beginning of the congressional term(, and took his seat Sixty-fifth Congress, to which he had been reelected. tive-elect Edwin A. Merritt, Jr., in preceding Congress, December 6, 1915. '° Election unsuccessfully contested by Jacob A. Cantor. and took his seat December 6, 1915. '° Election unsuccessfully contested by Aaron P. Prio- a' Died May 3, 1915. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- leau. 06Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph A. tive-elect Sereno E. Payne, in preceding Congress, and Resigned April 19, 1915. Goulden, and took his seat December 6, 1915. 'Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of took his seat December 6, 1915. Joseph T. Johnson, and took his seat December 6, 1915. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- '° Died January 26, 1917, before the commencement of tive-elect William M. Brown (January 31, 1915, before the the Sixty-fifth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of David E. Finley, and took his seat February 24, 1917. Sixty-Fourth Congress 305

SOUTH DAKOTA UTAH William G Brown, Jr.,37 Kingwood George M. Bowers,38 Martins burg SENATORS SENATORS Adam B. Littlepage, Charleston Thomas Sterling, Vermilion Reed Smoot, Provo Hunter H. Moss, Jr.,39 Parkersburg Edwin S. Johnson, Yank ton George Sutherland, Salt Lake City Harry C. Woodyard,4° Spencer REPRESENTATIVES Edward Cooper, Bram well REPRESENTATIVES Joseph Howell, Logan At LargeHoward Sutherland, Elkins Charles H. Dillon, Yank ton James H. Mays, Salt Lake City Royal C. Johnson, Aberdeen WISCONSIN Harry L. Gandy, Rapid City VERMONT SENATORS SENATORS TENNESSEE Robert M. La Follette, Madison William P Dillingham, Montpelier Paul 0. Husting, Mayville SENATORS Carroll S. Page, Hyde Park REPRESENTATIVES Luke Lea, Nashville REPRESENTATIVES John K. Shields, Knoxville Frank L. Greene, St. Albans Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Porter H. Dale, Island Pond Michael E. Burke, Beaver Dam REPRESENTATIVES John M. Nelson, Madison Sam R. Sells, Johnson City VIRGINIA William J. Cary,4' Milwaukee Richard W. Austin, Knoxville SENATORS William H Stafford, Milwaukee John A. Moon, Chattanooga Thomas S. Martin, Charlottesville Michael K. Reilly, Fond du Lac Cordell Hull, Carthage Claude A. Swanson, Chatham John J. Esch, La Crosse William C. Houston, Woodbury Edward E. Browne, Waupaca Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville REPRESENTATIVES Thomas F Konop, Green Bay Lemuel P. Padgett, Columbia William A Jones, Warsaw James A. Frear, Hudson Thetus W. Sims, Linden Edward E. Holland, Suffolk Irvine L. Lenroot, Superior Finis J. Garrett, Dresden Andrew J Montague, Richmond Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis Walter A. Watson, Jennings Ordinary WYOMING Edward W. Saunders, Roe kymount Carter Glass, Lynchburg SENATORS TEXAS James Hay,35 Madison Clarence D. Clark, Evanston SENATORS Thomas W. Harrison,36 Winchester Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne Charles A. Culberson, Dallas Charles C. Carlin, Alexandria REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Morris Sheppard, Texarkana C. Bascom Slemp, Big Stone Gap Henry D. Flood, Appomattox Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle REPRESENTATIVES Eugene Black, Clarksville WASHINGTON TERRITORY OF ALASKA Martin Dies, Beaumont SENATORS DELEGATE James Young, Kaufman Wesley L. Jones, North Yakima James Wickersham, Fairbanks Sam Rayburn, Bonham Miles Poindexter, Spokane Hatton W Sumners, Dallas REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF HAWAII Rufus Hardy, Corsicana Alexander W. Gregg, Palestine William E. Humphrey, Seattle DELEGATE Lindley H. Hadley, Bellingham J. Kuhio Kalanianaole, Waikiki Joe H. Eagle, Houston Albert Johnson, Hoquiam George F. Burgess, Gonzales William L La Follette, Pullman PHILIPPINE ISLANDS James P. Buchanan, Brenham Clarence C. Dill, Spokane Robert L. Henry, Waco RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS Oscar Callaway, Comanche WEST VIRGINIA Manuel L. Quezon,42 Tayabas John H. Stephens, Vernon Manuel Earnshaw, Manila James L. Slayden, San Antonio SENATORS John N. Garner, Uvalde William E Chilton, Charleston PORTO RICO William R. Smith, Colorado Nathan Goff, Clarks burg At LargeA. Jeff. McLemore, Houston REPRESENTATIVES RESIDENT COMMISSIONER James H. Davis, Sulphur Springs Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont Luis Muñoz Rivera,43 San Juan

Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William G. Election unsuccessfully contested by Winfield R. Gay- ' Resigned October 1, 1918. lord. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Brown, Jr., and took his seat May 18, 1916. Resigned October 15, 1916; vacancy throughout re- Hay, and took his seat December 4, 1916. s Died July 15, 1916. mainder of the Congress. Died March 9, 1916. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Hunter H. Died November 15, 1916; vacancy until August 6, Moss, Jr., and took his seat December 4, 1916. 1917. SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1917, TO MARCH 3, 1919

FIRST SESSIONApril 2, 1917, to October 6, 1917 SECOND SESSIONDecember 3, 1917, to November 21, 1918 THIRD SESSIONDecember 2, 1918, to March 3, 1919 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATEMarch 5, 1917,to March 16, 1917



ALABAMA ARKANSAS Evens A. Hayes, San Jose SENATORS Charles H. Randall, Los Angeles SENATORS Henry Z. Osborne, Los Angeles John H. Bankhead, Jasper Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock William Kettner, San Diego Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham William F Kirby, Little Rock REPRESENTATIVES COLORADO REPRESENTATIVES Thaddeus H. Caraway, Jonesboro SENATORS Oscar L. Gray, Butler William A. Oldfield, Batesville Charles S. Thomas, Denver S. Hubert Dent, Jr., Montgomery John N. Tillman, Fayetteville John F. Shafroth, Denver Henry B. Steagall, Ozark Otis Wingo, De Queen REPRESENTATIVES Fred L. Blackmon, Anniston Henderson M. Jacoway, Dardanelle Benjamin C. Hilliard, Denver J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette Samuel M. Taylor, Pine Bluff Charles B. Timberlake, Sterling William B Oliver, Tuscaloosa William S. Goodwin, Warren Edward Keating, Pueblo John L. Burnett, Gadsden Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs Edward B. Almon, Tuscumbia CALIFORNIA George Huddleston, Birmingham SENATORS CONNECTICUT William B Bankhead, Jasper James D. Phelan, San Francisco SENATORS Hiram W. Johnson,3 San Francisco Frank B Brandegee, New London ARIZONA REPRESENTATIVES George P. McLean, Simsbury Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS John E. Raker, Alturas Augustine Lonergan, Hartford Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott Charles F. Curry, Sacramento Richard P. Freeman, New London Marcus A. Smith, Tucson Julius Kahn, San Francisco John Q. Tilson, New Haven John I. Nolan, San Francisco Ebenezer J. Hill,4 Norwalk REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John A. Eiston, Berkeley Schuyler Merritt,5 Stamford Carl Hayden, Phoenix Denver S. Church, Fresno James P. Glynn, Wins.

Reelected April 2, 1917. Elected November 7,1916, for the term beginning Died September 27, 1917. Reelected April 2, 1917. March 4, 1917, but did not qualify until April 2, 1917, Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Ebenezer J. preferring to retain the governorship. Hill, and took his seat December 3, 1917.

[306] Sixty-Fifth Congress 307

DELAWARE Charles Martin,1' Chicago C. William Ramseyer, Bloomfield John W. Rainey,'2 Chicago Cassius C. Dowell, Des Moines SENATORS Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago Horace M. Towner, Corning Willard Saulsbury, Wilmington James McAndrews, Chicago William R Green, Council Bluffs Josiah 0. Wolcott, Dover Niels Juul, Chicago Frank P. Woods, Estherville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Thomas Gallagher, Chicago George C. Scott,'6 Sioux City Albert F. Polk, Georgetown Fred A. Britten, Chicago George E. Foss, Chicago KANSAS FLORIDA Ira C. Copley, Aurora SENATORS SENATORS Charles E. Fuller, Belvidere William H. Thompson, Kansas City John C. McKenzie, Elizabeth Charles Curtis, Topeka Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville William J Graham, Aledo Park Trammell, Lakeland Edward J. King, Gales burg REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Clifford Ireland, Peoria Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., Leavenworth Herbert J. Drane, Lakeland John A. Sterling,'3 Bloomington Edward C. Little, Kansas City Frank Clark, Gainesville Joseph G. Cannon, Danville Philip P. Campbell, Pittsburg J. Walter Kehoe, Pensacola William B. McKinley, Champaign Dudley Doolittle, Strong City William J. Sears, Kissimmee Henry T. Rainey, Carrollton Guy T. Helvering, Marysville Loren E. Wheeler, Springfield John R. Connelly, Colby GEORGIA William A. Rodenberg, East St. Louis Jouett Shouse, Kinsley SENATORS Martin D. Foster, Olney William A. Ayres, Wichita Hoke Smith, Atlanta Thomas S. Williams, Louisville Thomas W. Hardwick, Sandersville Edward E. Denison, Marion KENTUCKY At LargeMedill McCormick, Chicago SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES William E. Mason, Chicago James W. Overstreet, Sylvania 011ie M. James,'7 Marion Frank Park, Sylvester INDIANA George B. Martin,'8 Catlettsburg Joseph C. W. Beckham, Frankfort Charles R. Crisp, Americus SENATORS William C. Adamson,6 Carrollton James E. Watson, Rushville REPRESENTATIVES William C. Wright,7 Newnan Alben W. Barkley, Pad ucah William S. Howard, Kirkwood Harry S. New, Indianapolis REPRESENTATIVES David H. Kincheloe, Madisonville James W. Wise, Fayetteville Robert Y. Thomas, Jr., Central City Gordon Lee, Chickamauga George K. Denton, Evansville Ben Johnson, Bardstown Charles H. Brand,8 Athens Oscar E. Bland, Linton J. Swagar Sherley, Louisville Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville William E. Cox, Jasper Arthur B. Rouse, Burlington Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Lincoln Dixon, North Vernon James C. Cantrill, Georgetown John R. Walker, Valdosta , Terre Haute Harvey 9 Stanford William W. Larsen, Dublir Daniel W. Comstock,'4 Richmond William J. Fields, Olive Hill Richard N. Elliot,'5 Connersville John W. Langley, Pikeville IDAHO Merrill Moores, Indianapolis Caleb Powers, Barbourville SENATORS Albert H. Vestal, Anderson Fred S. Purnell, Attica William E Borah, Boise William R Wood, La Fayette LOUISIANA James H. Brady,9 Pocatello , Peru SENATORS John F. Nugent,'° Boise Louis W. Fairfield, Angola Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Henry A. Barnhart, Rochester Robert F. Broussard,'° New Iberia Burton L. French, Moscow ," Napoleonville Addison T. Smith, Twin Falls IOWA Edward J. Gay,22 Plaquemine SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES ILLINOIS Albert B. Cummins, Des Moines Alber Estopinal, Estopinal SENATORS William S Kenyon, Fort Dodge H. Garland Dupré, New Orleans James Hamilton Lewis, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES Wlhitmell P. Martin, Thibodaux Lawrence Y. Sherman, Springfield Charles A. Kennedy, Montrose John T. Watkins, Minden REPRESENTATIVES Harry E. Hull, Williamsburg Riley J. Wilson, Harrisonburg Martin B. Madden, Chicago Burton E. Sweet, Waverly Jared Y. Sanders, Bogalusa James R. Mann, Chicago Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood Ladislas Lazaro, Washington William W. Wilson, Chicago James W. Good, Cedar Rapids James B. Aswell, Natchitoches

° Resigned December 18, 1917. °° Died October 28, 1917. "Died August 28, 1918. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of 011ie M. Martin, and took his seat April 16, 1918. James, and took his seat September 17, 1918. liam C. Adamson, and took his seat January 24, 1918. 3,1919, before the commencement of the Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- " Died October 17, 1918; vacancy throughout remainder '° Died March of the Congress. Sixty-sixth Congress, to which he had been reelected. tive-elect Samuel J. Tribble, in preceding Congress, and °° Died April 12, 1918. took his seat April 2, 1917. "Died May 19, 1917. ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert Died January13,1918. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Daniel W. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of James Comstock, and took his seat July3,1917. F. Broussard, and took his seat April 24, 1918. 30, '°Electionunsuccessfullycontestedby ThomasJ. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert F. H. Brady, and took his seat January 1918; subsequent- Brsussard, and took his seat December 2, 1918. ly elected. Steele. 308 Biographical Directory

MAINE Mark R. Bacon,27 Wyandotte Joshua W. Alexander, Gallatin SENATORS Samuel W. Beakes,28 Ann Arbor Charles F. Booher, Savannah John M. C. Smith, Charlotte William P. Borland,32 Kansas City Bert M. Fernaid, West Poland Edward L. Hamilton, Niles Clement C. Dickinson, Clinton Frederick Hale, Portland Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids Courtney W. Hamlin, Springfield REPRESENTATIVES Patrick H. Kelley, Lansing Dorsey W Shackleford, Jefferson City Louis B. Goodall, Sanford Louis C. Cramton, Lapeer James Beauchamp Clark, Bowling Wallace H. White, Jr., Lewiston Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw Green John A. Peters, Eflsworth James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon Jacob E. Meeker,33 St. Louis Ira G. Hersey, Houlton Gilbert A. Currie, Midland Frederick Essen,34 Clayton Frank D. Scott, Alpena William L Igoe, St. Louis MARYLAND W. Frank James, Hancock Leonidas C. Dyer, St. Louis SENATORS Charles A. Nichols, Detroit Walter L. Hensley, Farmington John Walter Smith, Snow Hill Joseph J. Russell, Charleston Joseph I. France, Port Deposit MINNESOTA Perl D. Decker, Joplin REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Thomas L. Rubey, Lebanon Jesse D. Price, Salisbury Knute Nelson, Alexandria J. Fred. C. Talbott,23 Lutherville Frank B Kellogg, St. Paul MONTANA Carville D. Benson,24 Halethorpe REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Charles P. Coady, Baltimore Sydney Anderson, Lanesboro Henry L. Myers, Hamilton J. Charles Linthicum, Baltimore Franklin F. Ellsworth, Mankato Thomas J. Walsh, Helena Sydney E. Mudd, La Plata Charles R. Davis, St. Peter REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Frederick N. Zihiman, Cumberland Carl C. Van Dyke, St. Paul John M. Evans, Missoula , Minneapolis Jeannette Rankin, Missoula MASSACHUSETTS Harold Knutson, St. Cloud SENATORS Andrew J. Volstead, Granite Falls NEBRASKA Henry Cabot Lodge, Nahant Clarence B. Miller, Duluth John W. Weeks, West Newton Halvor Steenerson, Crookston SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Thomas D Schall, Excelsior Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Omaha George W. Norris, McCook Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge MISSISSIPPI Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield REPRESENTATIVES Calvin D. Paige, Southbridge SENATORS C. Frank Reavis, Falls City Samuel E. Winslow, Worcester John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City Charles 0. Lobeck, Omaha John Jacob Rogers, Lowell James K. Vardaman, Jackson Daniel V. Stephens, Fremont Augustus P. Gardner,25 Hamilton REPRESENTATIVES Charles H. Sloan, Geneva Willfred W. Lufkin,26 Essex Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr., Corinth Ashton C. Shallenberger, Alma Michael F. Phelan, Lynn Hubert D. Stephens, New Albany Moses P. Kinkaid, O'Neill Frederick W. Dallinger, Cambridge Benjamin G Humphreys, Greenville Alvan T. Fuller, Malden Thomas U Sisson, Winona NEVADA Peter F. Tague, Boston William W. Venable, Meridian SENATORS George H. Tinkham, Boston Pat Harrison, Gulfport Francis G. Newlands,35 Reno James A. Gallivan, Boston Percy E. Quin, McComb City Charles B. Henderson,36 Elko William H. Carter, Needham Heights James W. Collier, Vicks burg Key Pittman, Tonopah Richard Olney, Dedham William S. Greene, Fall River MISSOURI REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Joseph Walsh, New Bedford SENATORS Edwin E. Roberts, Carson City William J Stone,29 Jefferson City MICHIGAN Xenophon P. Wilfley,3° St. Louis NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATORS Selden P. Spencer,3' St. Louis SENATORS William Alden Smith, Grand Rapids James A. Reed, Kansas City Jacob H. Gallinger,37 Concord Charles E. TOwnsend, Jackson REPRESENTATIVES Irving W. Drew,38 Lancaster REPRESENTATIVES Milton A. Romjue, Macon George H. Moses,39 Concord Frank E. Doremus, Detroit William W. Rucker, Keytesville Henry F. Hollis, Concord

z' Died October 5, 1918. Successfully contested the election of Mark B. Bacon, "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Jacob E. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Fred. C. and took his seat December 13, 1917. Meeker, and took his seat November 11,1918. '° Died April 14, 1918. "Died December 24, 1917. Talbott, and took his seat November 18, 1918. ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Francis Resigned May 15, 1917. 50 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William G. Newlands, and took his seat January 24, 1918; subse- °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Au- J. Stone, and took his seat May 7, 1918. quently elected. gustus P. Gardner; took his seat December 3, 1917. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William J. "Died August 17, 1918. "Served until December 13, 1917; succeeded by Samuel Stone, and took his seat November 21, 1918. Os Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Jacob H. W. Beakes, who contested his election. " Died February 20, 1919. Gallinger; took his seat September 11, 1918. "Died October 16, 1918. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Jacob H. Gallinger, and took his seat November 18, 1918. Sixty-Fifth Congress 309

REPRESENTATIVES City Asle J. Gronna, Lakota Cyrus A. Sulloway,4° Manchester Fiorello H. LaGuardia, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Sherman E. Burroughs,4' Manchester Thomas F. Smith,5' New York City Edward H. Wason, Nashua Peter J. Dooling, New York City Henry T. Helgesen,59 Milton John F. Carew, New York City John M. Baer,6° Fargo NEW JERSEY George B. Francis, New York City George M. Young, Valley City SENATORS Walter M. Chandler, New York City Patrick D. Norton, Hettinger William Hughes,42 Paterson Isaac Siegel, New York City G. Murray Hulbert,52 New York City OHIO David Baird,43 Camden Jerome F. Donovan,53 New York City Joseph S. Frelinghuysen, Raritan Henry Bruckner,54 New York City SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Anthony J. Griffin,55 New York City Atlee Pomerene, Canton William J. Browning, Camden Daniel C. Oliver, New York City Warren G. Harding, Marion Isaac Bacharach, Atlantic City Benjamin L. Fairchild, Pelham Thomas J. Scully, South Amboy James W. Husted, Pee ks kill REPRESENTATIVES Elijah C. Hutchinson, Trenton Edmund Platt, Poughkeepsie Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati John H. Capstick,44 Montville Charles B. Ward, Debruce Victor Heintz, Cincinnati William F. Birch,45 Dover Rollin B. Sanford, Albany Warren Gard, Hamilton John R. Ramsey, Hackensack James S. Parker, Salem Benjamin F. Welty, Lima Dow H. Drukker, Passaic George R. Lunn, Schenectady John S. Snook, Paulding Edward W. Gray, Newark Bertrand H. Snell, Potsdam Charles C. Kearns, Batavia Richard Wayne Parker, Newark Luther W. Mott, Oswego Simeon D. Fess, Yellow Springs Frederick R. Lehibach, Newark Homer P. Snyder, Little Falls John A. Key, Marion John J. Eagan, Weehawken George W. Fairchild, Oneonta Isaac R. Sherwood, Toledo James A. Hamill, Jersey City Walter W. Magee, Syracuse Robert M. Switzer, Gallipolis Norman J Gould, Seneca Falls Horatio C. Claypool, Chillicothe NEW MEXICO Harry H. Pratt, Corning Clement L. Brumbaugh, Columbus SENATORS Thomas B. Dunn,56 Rochester Arthur W. Overmyer, Fremont Archie D. Sanders, Stafford Albert B. Fall, Three Rivers Ellsworth R. Bathrick,6' Akron S. Wallace Dempsey, Lockport Martin L. Davey,62 Kent Andrieus A. Jones, East Las Vegas Charles B. Smith, Buffalo REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William F. Waldow, Buffalo George White, Marietta William B. Walton, Silver City Charles M. Hamilton, Ripley Roscoe C. McCulloch, Canton William A. Ashbrook, Johnstown NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA David A. Hollinsworth, Cadiz John G. Cooper, Youngstown SENATORS SENATORS William Gordon, Cleveland James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Groveland Furnifold McL. Simmons, New Bern Robert Crosser, Cleveland William M. Calder, Brooklyn Lee S. Overman, Salisbury Henry I. Emerson, Cleveland REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Frederick C. Hicks, Port Washington John H. Small, Washington OKLAHOMA Charles P. Caldwell, Forest Hills Claude Kitchin, Scotland Neck Joseph V. Flynn, Brooklyn George E. Hood, Goldsboro SENATORS Harry H. Dale,46 Brooklyn Edward W. Pou, Smithfield Thomas P. Gore, Lawton James P. Maher, Brooklyn Charles M. Stedman, Greensboro Robert L. Owen, Muskogee Frederick W. Rowe, Brooklyn Hannibal L. Godwin, Dunn John J. Fitzgerald,47 Brooklyn Leonidas D. Robinson, Wadesboro REPRESENTATIVES John J. Delaney,48 Brooklyn Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs Thomas A. Chandler, Vinita Daniel J. Griffin,49 Brooklyn Edwin Y. Webb, Shelby William W. Hastings, Tahlequah William E. Cleary,5° Brooklyn Zebulon Weaver,57 Asheville Charles D. Carter, Ardrnore Oscar W. Swift, Brooklyn James J. Britt,58 Asheville Thomas D. McKeown, Ada Reuben L. Haskell, Brooklyn Joseph B. Thompson, Pauls Valley Daniel J. Riordan, New York City NORTH DAKOTA Scott Ferris, Lawton Meyer London, New York City SENATORS James V. McClintic, Snyder Christopher D. Sullivan, New York Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton Dick T. Morgan, Woodward

"Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Henry "Died March 11, 1917. Bruckner, and took his seat March 14, 1918. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Cyrus A. J. Fitzgerald, and took his seat March 14, 1918. so Election unsuccessfully contested by Jacob Gerling. Sulloway, and took his seat June 7, 1917. "Resigned December 31, 1917. "Served until March 1, 1919; succeeded by James J. "Died January 20, 1918. o Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Britt, who contested his election. 4S Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William Daniel J. Griffin, and took his seat March 14, 1918. so Successfullycontestedtheelectionof Zebulon Hughes, and took his seat March 7, 1918; subsequently ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Weaver, and took his seat March 1, 1919. elected. tive-elect Michael F. Conry, in preceding Congress, and °° Died April 10, 1917. "Died March 17, 1918. took his seat April 18, 1917. 80 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry T. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John 31. s2 Resigned January 1, 1918. Helgesen, and took his seat August 10, 1917. Capstick, and took his seat November 21, 1918. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of G. ' Died December 23, 1917. "Resigned January 6, 1919. Murray Ilulbert, and took his seat March 14, 1918. °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Ellsworth "Resigned December 31, 1917. "Resigned December 31, 1917. R. Bathrick, and took his seat December 2, 1918. 310 Biographical Directory

OREGON RHODE ISLAND Morris Sheppard, Texarkana SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES George E. Chamberlain, Portland LeBaron B. Colt, Bristol Eugene Black, Clarksville Harry Lane,63 Portland Peter G. Gerry, Warwick Martin Dies, Beaumont Charles L. McNary,64 Salem James Young, Kaufman Frederick W. Mulkey,65 Portland REPRESENTATIVES Sam Rayburn, Bonham Charles L. McNary,66 Salem George F. O'Shaunessy, Providence Hatton W Sumners, Dallas REPRESENTATIVES Walter R. Stiness, Cowesett Rufus Hardy, Corsicana Ambrose Kennedy, Woonsocket Willis C. Hawley, Salem Alexander W. Gregg, Palestine Nicholas J. Sinnott, The Dalles Joe H. Eagle, Houston Clifton N. McArthur, Portland SOUTH CAROLINA Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus SENATORS James P. Buchanan, Brenham PENNSYLVANIA Benjamin R. Tillman,71 Trenton Tom T. Connally, Marlin SENATORS ,72 Columbia James C. Wilson, Fort Worth Boies Penrose, Philadelphia William P. Pollock,73 Cheraw Marvin Jones, Amarillo Philander C. Knox, Pittsburgh Ellison D. Smith, Florence James L. Slayden, San Antonio REPRESENTATIVES John N. Garner, Uvalde REPRESENTATIVES Thomas L Blanton, Abilene William S Vare, Philadelphia Richard S. Whaley, Charleston At Large-A. Jeff. McLemore, Houston George S. Graham, Philadelphia James F. Byrnes, Aiken Daniel E. Garrett, Houston J. Hampton Moore, Philadelphia Fred H. Dominick, Newberry George W. Edmonds, Philadelphia Samuel J. Nicholls, Spartanburg UTAH Peter E. Costello, Philadelphia William F Stevenson,Cheraw George P. Darrow, Philadelphia J. Willard Ragsdale, Florence SENATORS Thomas S Butler, West Chester Asbury F. Lever, Lexington Reed Smoot, Provo Henry W. Watson, Langhorne William H. King, Salt Lake City William W. Griest, Lancaster SOUTH DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES John R. Farr, Scranton SENATORS Milton H. Welling, Fielding Thomas W. Templeton, Plymouth Thomas Sterling, Vermilion James H. Mays, Salt Lake City Robert D. Heaton, Ashland Edwin S. Johnson, Yankton Arthur G. Dewalt, Allentown VERMONT REPRESENTATIVES Louis T. McFadden, Canton SENATORS Edgar R. Kiess, Williamsport Charles H. Dillon, Yank ton William P Dillingham, Montpelier John V. Lesher, Sunbury Royal C. Johnson, Aberdeen Carroll S. Page, Hyde Park Benjamin K. Focht, Lewisburg Harry L. Gandy, Rapid City Aaron. Kreider, Annville REPRESENTATIVES John M. Rose, Johnstown TENNESSEE Frank L Greene, St. Albans Porter H. Dale, Island Pond Andrew R. Brodbeck, Hanover SENATORS Charles H. Rowland, Philipsburg John K. Shields, Knoxville VIRGINIA Edward E. Robbins,67 Greens burg Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis Bruce F. Sterling, Uniontown SENATORS Henry W. Temple, Washington REPRESENTATIVES Thomas S Martin, Charlottesville Henry A. Clark, Erie Sam R. Sells, Johnson City Claude A. Swanson, Chat ham Henry J. Steele, Easton Richard W. Austin, Knoxville REPRESENTATIVES Nathan L. Strong, Brookville John A. Moon, Chattanooga Cordell Hull, Carthage William A Jones,75 Warsaw Orrin D. Bleakley,68 Franklin Schuyler Otis Bland,76 Newport News Earl H. Beshlin,°9 Warren William C Houston, Woodbury Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville Edward E. Holland, Suffolk Stephen G. Porter, Pittsburgh Andrew J. Montague, Richmond M. Clyde Kelly, Braddock Lemuel P. Padgett, Columbia Thetus W. Sims, Linden Walter A. Watson, Jennings Ordinary John M. Morin, Pittsburgh Edward W. Saunders, Rockymount Guy E. Campbell, Crafton Finis J. Garrett, Dresden Hubert F. Fisher, Memphis Carter Glass,77 Lynchburg At Large-Thomas S. Crago, James P. Woods,78 Roanoke Waynesburg Thomas W. Harrison, Winchester Mahlon M. Garland, Pittsburgh TEXAS Charles C. Carlin,79 Alexandria Joseph McLaughlin, Philadelphia SENATORS C. Bascom Slemp, Big Stone Gap John R. K. Scott,7° Philadelphia Charles A. Culberson, Dallas Henry D. Flood, Appomattox

° Died May 23, 1917. ° Resigned April 3, 1917, never having qualified. Died April 17, 1918. ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Harry °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Orrin 00 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William A. Lane, to serve until the next general election, and took his D. Bleakley, and took his seat December 3, 1917. Jones, and took his seat July 3, 1918. seat June 8, 1917. 00 Resigned effective January 5, 1919. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of Harry "Died July 3, 1918. Resigned December 16, 1918, before the commence- Lane, and took his seat December 9, 1918; resigned, effec- Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Benja- ment of the Sixty-sixth Congress, to which he had been tive December 17, 1918. min R. Tillman, and took his seat July 8, 1918. reelected, having been appointed Secretary of the Treas- °° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of " Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Benjamin ury. Frederick W. Mulkey, and took his seat December 17, R. Tillman, and took his seat December 2, 1918. 00 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Carter 1918. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Glass, and took his seat March 1, 1919. "Died January 25, 1919, before the commencement of tive-elect David E. Finely, in preceding Congress, and took "Resigned March 3, 1919, before the commencement of the Sixty-sixth Congress, to which he had been reelected. his seat April 2, 1917. the Sixty-sixth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Sixty-Fifth Congress 311

WASHINGTON WISCONSIN John B. Kendrick, Sheridan REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS SENATORS Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle Wesley L. Jones, Seattle Robert M. La Follette, Madison Miles Poindexter, Spokane Paul 0. Husting,8' Mayville Irvine L. Lenroot,82 Superior TERRITORY OF ALASKA REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE John F. Miller, Seattle Lindley H. Hadley, Bellingham Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Charles A. Sulzer,87 Sulzer Albert Johnson, Hoquiam Edward Voigt, Sheboygan James Wickersham,88 Fairbanks William L La Follette, Pullman John M. Nelson, Madison William J Cary, Milwaukee TERRITORY OF HAWAII Clarence C. Dill, Spokane William H. Stafford, Milwaukee James H. Davidson,83 Oshkosh DELEGATE WEST VIRGINIA Florian Lampert,84 Oshkosh J. Kuhio Kalanianaole, Waikiki SENATORS John J. Esch, La Crosse Nathan Goff, Clarksburg Edward E. Browne, Waupaca PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Howard Sutherland,80 Elkins David G. Classon, Oconto RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS89 REPRESENTATIVES James A. Frear, Hudson Jaime C. de Veyra, Leyte Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont Irvine L. Lenroot,85 Superior Teodoro R. Yangco, Zambales George M. Bowers, Martinsburg Adolphus P. Nelson,86 Grantsburg Stuart F. Reed, Clarks burg WYOMING PORTO RICO Harry C. Woodyard, Spencer RESIDENT COMMISSIONER90 Edward Cooper, Bramwell SENATORS Adam B. Littlepage, Charleston Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne Felix Cordova Davila,9' San Juan

Successfully contested the electionof Charles A. 50 Election unsuccessfully contested by William E. Chil- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James H. Sulzer, and took his seat January 7, 1919. ton. Davidson, and took his seat December 2, 1918. 0 By act of Congress approved August 29, 1916, term of Si Died October 21, 1917. 5° Resigned April 17, 1918, having been elected Senator. office decreased from four to three years beginning March °Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Paul 0. 55 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Irvine 4, 1917. L. Lenroot, and took his seat December 2, 1918. °5 By act of Congress approved March 2, 1917, term of Husting, and took his seat April 18, 1918. 1921. Died August 6, 1918. Served until January 7, 1919; succeeded by James office increased to four years beginning March 4, Wickersham, who contested his election. 5 Elected July 16, 1917, to serve from August 7, 1917, to March 3, 1921. SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1919, TO MARCH 3, 1921

FIRST SESSION-May 19, 1919, to Not'ember 19, 1919 SECOND SESSION-December 1, 1919, to June 5, 1920 THIRD SESSION-December 6, 1920, to March 3, 1921



ALABAMA ARKANSAS Charles H. Randall, Los Angeles SENATORS SENATORS Henry Z. Osborne, Los Angeles John H. Bankhead,7 Jasper Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock William Kettner, San Diego Braxton B. Corner,8 Birmingham William F. Kirby, Little Rock J. Thomas Heflin,9 Lafayette REPRESENTATIVES COLORADO Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham Thaddeus H. Caraway, Jones boro SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES William A Oldfield, Batesville Charles S. Thomas, Denver John McDuffie, Monroeville John N. Tillman, Fayetteville Lawrence C. Phipps, Denver S. Hubert Dent, Jr., Montgomery Otis Wingo, De Queen Henry B. Steagall, Ozark Henderson M. Jacoway, Dardanelle REPRESENTATIVES Fred L. Blackmon,'° Anniston Samuel M. Taylor, Pine Bluff William N Vaile, Denver J. Thomas Heflin," Lafayette William S Goodwin, Warren Charles B. Timberlake, Sterling William B Bowling,'2 Lafayette Guy U. Hardy, Canon City William B Oliver, Tuscaloosa CALIFORNIA Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs John L. Burnett,'3 Gadsden SENATORS Lilius B. Rainey,'4 Gadsden James D. Phelan, San Francisco CONNECTICUT Edward B. Almon, Tuscumbia Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco George Huddleston, Birmingham SENATORS William B. Bankhead, Jasper REPRESENTATIVES Frank B Brandegee, New London Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa George P. McLean, Simsbury ARIZONA John E. Raker, A ituras REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Charles F. Curry, Sacramento Julius Kahn, San Francisco Augustine Lonergan, Hartford Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott John I. Nolan, San Francisco Marcus A. Smith, Tucson Richard P. Freeman, New London John A. Elston, Berkeley John Q. Tilson, New Haven REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Henry E. Barbour, Fresno Schuyler Merritt, Stamford Carl Hayden, Phoenix Hugh S. Hersman, Gilroy James P. Glynn, Winsted

'Elected May 19, 1919. 'Died March 1, 1920. "Resigned November 1, 1920, subsequently elected Sen- 'Elected May 19, 1919. 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John H. ator. 'Elected May 19, 1919. Bankhead, and took his seat March 15, 1920. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. Elected May 19, 1919. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John H. Thomas Heflin, and took his seat December 29, 1920. 'Elected May 19, 1919. Bankhead, and took his seat December 6, 1920. "Died May 13, 1919, before Congress assembled. 'Elected May 19, 1919. '° Died February 8, 1921. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John L. Burnett, and took his seat October 13, 1919.

[312] Sixty-Sixth Congress 313

DELAWARE Ira C. Copley, Aurora Edward C. Little, Kansas City Charles E. Fuller, Belvidere Philip P. Campbell, Pittsburg SENATORS John C. McKenzie, Elizabeth Homer Hoch, Marion Josiah 0. Wolcott, Dover William J. Graham, Aledo James G. Strong, Blue Rapids L. Heisler Ball, Mars hailton Edward J. King, Galesburg Hays B. White, Mankato REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Clifford Ireland, Peoria Jasper N. Tincher, Medicine Lodge Caleb R. Layton, Georgetown Frank L Smith, Dwight William A. Ayres, Wichita Joseph G. Cannon, Danville FLORIDA William B. McKinley, Champaign KENTUCKY SENATORS Henry T. Rainey, Carrollton SENATORS Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville Loren E. Wheeler, Springfield Joseph C. W. Beckham, Frankfort Park Trammell, Lakeland William A Rodenberg, East St. Louis Augustus 0. Stanley,'7 Henderson REPRESENTATIVES Edwin B. Brooks, Newton Thomas S. Williams, Louisville REPRESENTATIVES Herbert J. Drane, Lakeland Edward E. Denison, Marion Alben W. Barkley, Paducah Frank Clark, Gainesville At LargeRichard Yates, Springfield David H. Kincheloe, Madisonville John H. Smithwick, Pensacola William E Mason, Chicago Robert Y. Thomas, Jr., Central City William J Sears, Kissimmee Ben Johnson, Bardstown INDIANA Charles F. Ogden, Louisville GEORGIA SENATORS Arthur B. Rouse, Burlington SENATORS James E. Watson, Rushville James C. Cantrill, Georgetown Hoke Smith, Atlanta King Swope,'8 Danville William J. Harris, Cedartown Harry S. New, Indianapolis William J. Fields, Olive Hill REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John W. Langley, Pikeville James W. Overstreet, Sylvania Oscar R. Luhring, Evansville John M. Robsion, Barbourville Frank Park, Sylvester Oscar E. Bland, Linton James W. Dunbar, New Albany LOUISIANA Charles R. Crisp, Americus John S. Benham, Benham William C. Wright, Newnan Everett Sanders, Terre Haute SENATORS William D. Upshaw, Atlanta Richard N. Elliott, Connersville Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence James W. Wise, Fayetteville Edward J. Gay, Plaquemine Gordon Lee, Chickamauga Merrill Moores, Indianapolis Charles H. Brand, Athens Albert H. Vestal, Anderson REPRESENTATIVES Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville Fred S. Purnell, Attica Albert Estopinal,'9 Estopinal Carl Vinson, Milledgeville William R Wood, La Fayette James O'Connor,'° New Orleans William C. Lankford, Douglas Milton Kraus, Peru H. Garland Dupré, New Orleans William W. Larsen, Dublin Louis W. Fairfield, Angola Whitmell P. Martin, Thibodaux Andrew J. Hickey, La Porte John T. Watkins, Minden IDAHO Riley J. Wilson, Harrisonburg IOWA SENATORS Jared Y. Sanders, Bogalusa SENATORS Ladislas Lazaro, Washington William E Borah, Boise James B. Aswell, Natchitoches John F. Nugent,'5 Boise Albert B. Cummins, Des Moines William S Kenyon, Fort Dodge Frank R Gooding,'6 Gooding MAINE REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Burton L. French, Moscow Charles A. Kennedy, Montrose SENATORS Addison T. Smith, Twin Falls Harry E. Hull, Williamsburg Bert M. Fernald, West Poland Burton E. Sweet, Waverly Frederick Hale, Portland ILLINOIS Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood REPRESENTATIVES James W. Good, Cedar Rapids SENATORS Louis B. Goodall, Sanford C. William Ramseyer, Bloomfield Wallace H. White, Jr., Lewiston Lawrence Y. Sherman, Springfield Cassius C. Dowell, Des Moines Medill McCormick, Chicago Horace M. Towner, Corning John A. Peters, Ellsworth REPRESENTATIVES William R Green, Council Bluffs Ira G. Hersey, Houlton Martin B. Madden, Chicago Lester J. Dickinson, Algona James R. Mann, Chicago William D Boies, Sheldon MARYLAND William W. Wilson, Chicago SENATORS John W. Rainey, Chicago KANSAS John Walter Smith, Snow Hill Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago SENATORS Joseph I. France, Port Deposit James McAndrews, Chicago Charles Curtis, Topeka REPRESENTATIVES Niels Juul, Chicago Arthur Capper, Topeka Thomas Gallagher, Chicago William N Andrews, Cambridge Fred A. Britten, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES Carville D. Benson, Halethorpe Carl R. Chindblom, Chicago Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., Leavenworth Charles P. Coady, Baltimore

Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Resigned, effective January 14, 1921. Elected November 5, 1918, for term beginning March tive-elect Harvey Helm, in preceding Congress, and took Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 4, 1919, but did not qualify until May 19, 1919, preferring his seat August 19, 1919. John F. Nugent, and took his seat January 15, 1921. to retain the governorship. i Died April 28, 1919, before Congress assembled. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Albert Esto- pinal, and took his seat June 10, 1919. 314 Biographical Directory

MARYLANDContinued Oscar E. Keller,27 St. Paul Albert W. Jefferis, Omaha REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED Walter H. Newton, Minneapolis Robert E. Evans, Dakota City. Harold Knutson, St. Cloud Melvin 0. McLaughlin, York J. Charles Linthicum, Baltimore Andrew J. Volstead, Granite Falls William E. Andrews, Hastings Sydney E. Mudd, La Plata William L. Carss, Proctor Moses P. Kinkaid, O'Neill Frederick N. Zihiman, Cumberland Halvor Steenerson, Crooks ton Thomas D. Schall, Excelsior MASSACHUSETTS NEVADA SENATORS MISSISSIPPI SENATORS Henry Cabot Lodge, Nahant SENATORS Key Pittman, Tonopah David I. Walsh, Fitchburg John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City Charles B. Henderson, Elko REPRESENTATIVES Pat Harrison, Gulfport REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge REPRESENTATIVES Charles R. Evans, Goldfield Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr., Corinth Calvin D. Paige, Southbridge Hubert D. Stephens, New Albany NEW HAMPSHIRE Samuel E. Winslow, Worcester Benjamin G. Humphreys, Greenville John Jacob Rogers, Lowell Thomas U. Sisson, Winona SENATORS Willfred W. Lufkin, Essex William W. Venable, Meridian George H. Moses, Concord Michael F. Phelan, Lynn Paul B. Johnson, Hattiesburg Henry K. Keyes, Haverhill Frederick W. Dallinger, Cambridge Percy E. Quin, McComb City REPRESENTATIVES Alvan T. Fuller,2' Malden James W. Collier, Vicks burg John F. Fitzgerald,22 Boston Sherman E Burroughs, Manchester Peter F. Tague,23 Boston MISSOURI Edward H. Wason, Nashua George H. Tinkham, Boston SENATORS James A. Gallivan, Boston James A. Reed, Kansas City NEW JERSEY , Waltham Selden P. Spencer, St. Louis SENATORS Richard Olney, Dedham REPRESENTATIVES Joseph S. Frelinghuysen, Raritan William S. Greene, Fall River Walter E. Edge, Atlantic City Joseph Walsh, New Bedford Milton A. Romjue, Macon William W. Rucker, Keytesville REPRESENTATIVES MICHIGAN Joshua W. Alexander,28 Gallatin William J. Browning,32 Camden Jacob L. Milligan,29 Richmond Francis F. Patterson, Jr.,33 Camden SENATORS Charles F. Booher,3° Savannah Charles E. Townsend, Jackson Isaac Bacharach, Atlantic City William T Bland Kansas City Thomas J. Scully, South Amboy Truman H. Newberry, Grosse Pointe Clement C. Dickinson, Clinton Farms Elijah C. Hutchinson, Trenton Samuel C. Major, Fayette Ernest R. Ackerman, Plainfield REPRESENTATIVES William L. Nelson, Columbia John R. Ramsey, Hackensack Frank E. Doremus, Detroit James Beauchamp Clark,3' Bowling Amos H. Radcliffe, Paterson Earl C. Michener, Adrian Green Cornelius A. McGlennon, East Newark John M. C. Smith, Charlotte Cleveland A. Newton, St. Louis Daniel F. Minahan, Orange Edward L. Hamilton, Niles William L Igoe, St. Louis Frederick H. Lehlbach, Newark Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids Leonidas C. Dyer, St. Louis Marion E. Rhodes, Potosi John J. Eagan, Weehawken Patrick H. Kelley, Lansing James A. Hamill, Jersey City Louis C. Cramton, Lapeer Edward D. Hays, Cape Girardeau Isaac V. McPherson, Aurora Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw NEW MEXICO James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon Thomas L Rubey, Lebanon Gilbert A. Currie, Midland SENATORS Frank D. Scott, Alpena MONTANA Albert B. Fall, Three Rivers W. Frank James, Hancock SENATORS Andrieus A. Jones, East Las Vegas Henry L. Myers, Hamilton Charles A. Nichols,24 Detroit REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Clarence J. McLeod,25 Detroit Thomas J. Walsh, Helena Bendigno C. Hernandez, Tierra REPRESENTATIVES Amarilla MINNESOTA John M. Evans, Missoula SENATORS Carl W. Riddick, Lewistown Knute Nelson, Alexandria NEW YORK Frank B Kellogg, St. Paul NEBRASKA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Groveland Sydney Anderson, Lanesboro Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Omaha William M. Calder, Brooklyn Franklin F Ellsworth, Mankato George W. Norris, Mc Cook REPRESENTATIVES Charles R. Davis, St. Peter REPRESENTATIVES Frederick C. Hicks, Port Washington Carl C. Van Dyke,26 St. Paul C. Frank Reavis, Falls City Charles P. Caldwell, Forest Hills

' Resigned January 5, 1921, having been elected Lieu- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles A. Electedtofillvacancy caused by resignation of tenant Governor. Nichols, and took his seat December 6, 5920. Joshua W. Alexander, and took his seat March 20, 1920. °' Served until October 23, 1919; succeeded by Peter F. "Died May 20, 1919. '° Died January 21, 1921. Election unsuccessfully con- Tague, who contested his election. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Carl C. Van tested by Albert L. Reeves. Successfully contested the election of John F. Fitzger- Dyke, and took his seat July 28, 1919. 'Died March 2, 1921. Election unsuccessfully contested ald, and took his seat October 23, 1919. '° Resigned December 15, 1919, having been appointed by James D. Salts. °° Died April 25, 1920. Secretary of Commerce. "Died March 24, 1920. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William J. Browning, and took his seat December 6, 1920. Sixty-Sixth Congress 315

John MacCrate,34 Brooklyn Hannibal L. Godwin, Dunn John W. Harreld,46 Oklahoma City Thomas H. Cullen, Brooklyn Leonidas D. Robinson, Wadesboro Scott Ferris, Lawton John B. Johnston, Brooklyn Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs James V. McClintic, Snyder Frederick W. Rowe, Brooklyn Edwin Y. Webb,4' Shelby Dick T. Morgan,47 Woodward James P. Maher, Brooklyn Clyde R. Hoey,42 Shelby Charles Swindall,48 Woodward William E. Cleary, Brooklyn Zebulon Weaver, Asheville David J. O'Connell, Brooklyn OREGON Reuben L. Haskell,35 Brooklyn NORTH DAKOTA SENATORS Lester D. Volk,36 Brooklyn SENATORS Daniel J. Riordan, New York City George E. Chamberlain, Portland Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton Charles L. McNary, Salem Henry M. Goldfogle, New York City Asle J. Gronna, Lakota Christopher D. Sullivan, New York REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES City Willis C. Hawley, Salem Fiorello H. LaGuardia,37 New York John M. Baer, Fargo George M. Young, Valley City Nicholas J. Sinnott, The Dalles City Clifton N. McArthur, Portland Nathan D. Perlman,38 New York City James H. Sinclair, Kenmare Peter J. Dooling, New York City Thomas F. Smith, New York City OHIO PENNSYLVANIA Herbert C. Pell, Jr., New York City SENATORS SENATORS John F. Carew, New York City Atlee Pomerene, Canton Boies Penrose, Philadelphia Joseph Rowan, New York City Warren G. Harding,43 Marion Philander C. Knox, Pittsburgh Isaac Siegel, New York City Frank B. Willis,44 Delaware REPRESENTATIVES Jerome F. Donovan, New York City REPRESENTATIVES William S. Vare, Philadelphia Anthony J. Griffin, New York City Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati Richard F. McKiniry, New York City Ambrose E. B. Stephens, North Bend George S. Graham, Philadelphia James V. Ganly, New York City J. Hampton Moore,49 Philadelphia Warren Gard, Hamilton Harry C. Ransley,5° Philadelphia James W. Husted, Peeks kill Benjamin F. Welty, Lima Edmund Platt,39 Poughkeepsie George W. Edmonds, Philadelphia Hamilton Fish, Jr.,4° Garrison Charles J. Thomson, Defiance Peter E. Costello, Philadelphia Charles B. Ward, Debruce Charles C. Kearns, Batavia George P. Darrow, Philadelphia Rollin B. Sanford, Albany Simeon D. Fess, Yellow Springs Thomas S. Butler, West Chester James S. Parker, Salem R. Clint. Cole, Findlay Henry W. Watson, Langhorne Frank Crowther, Schenectady Isaac R. Sherwood, Toledo William W. Griest, Lancaster Bertrand H. Snell, Potsdam Israel M. Foster, Athens Patrick McLane,5' Scranton Luther W. Mott, Oswego Edwin D. Ricketts, Logan John R. Farr,52 Scranton Homer P. Snyder, Little Falls Clement L. Brumbaugh, Columbus John J. Casey, Wilkes-Barre William H. Hill, Johnson City James T. Begg, Sand usky John Reber, Pottsville Walter W. Magee, Syracuse Martin L. Davey, Kent Authur G. Dewalt, Allentown Norman J Gould, Seneca Falls C. Ellis Moore, Cambridge Louis T. McFadden, Canton Alanson B. Houghton, Corning Roscoe C. McCulloch, Canton Edgar R. Kiess, Williamsport Thomas B. Dunn, Rochester William A. Ashbrook, Johnstown John V. Lesher, Sunbury Archie D. Sanders, Stafford B. Frank Murphy, Steubenville Benjamin K. Focht, Lewisburg S. Wallace Dempsey, Lockport John G. Cooper, Youngstown Aaron S. Kreider, Annville Clarence MacGregor, Buffalo Charles A. Mooney, Cleveland John M. Rose, Johnstown James M. Mead, Buffalo John J. Babka, Cleveland Edward S. Brooks, York Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Henry I. Emerson, Cleveland Evan J. Jones, Bradford John H. Wilson,53 Butler NORTH CAROLINA OKLAHOMA Samuel A. Kendall, Meyersdale SENATORS SENATORS Henry W. Temple, Washington Furnifold McL Simmons, New Bern Thomas P. Gore, Lawton Milton W. Shreve, Erie Lee S. Overman, Salisbury Robert L. Owen, Muskogee Henry J. Steele, Easton REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Nathan L. Strong, Brookville John H. Small, Washington Everette B. Howard, Tulsa Willis J. Hulings, Oil City Claude Kitchin, Scotland Neck William W. Hastings, Tahlequah Stephen G. Porter, Pittsburgh Samuel M. Brinson, New Bern Charles D. Carter, Ardmore M. Clyde Kelly, Braddock Edward W. Pou, Smithfield Thomas D. McKeown, Ada John M. Morin, Pittsburgh Charles M. Stedman, Greensboro Joseph B. Thompson,45 Pauls Valley Guy E. Campbell, Crafton

Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Edwin '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Dick T. ° Resigned December 30, 1920. Morgan, and took his seat December 6, 1920. "Resigned December 31, 1919. Y. Webb, and took his seat January 5, 1920. Resigned January 4, 1920. '° Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of '° Resigned, effective January 13, 1921, having been ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. Reuben L. Haskell, and took his seat December 6, 1920. elected President of the United States. Hampton Moore, and took his seat December 6, 1920. "Resigned effective December 31, 1919. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ''Served until February 25, 1921; succeeded by John R. 0Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Fior- Warren G. Harding, and took his seat January 14, 1921. Farr, who contested his election. ello H. LaGuardia, and took his seat December 6, 1920. Died September 18, 1919. "SuccessfullycontestedtheelectionofPatrick Resigned June 7, 1920. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph B. McLane, and took his seat February 25, 1921. '° Electedtofill vacancy caused by resignation of Thompson, and took his seat November 17, 1919. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Edmund Platt, and took his seat December 6, 1920. °' Died July 4, 1920. tive-elect Edward E. Robbins, in preceding Congress, and Resigned November 10, 1919. took his seat May 19, 1919. 316 Biographical Directory

PENNSYLVANIA-Continued Ewin L. Davis, Tullahoma Carter Glass,62 Lynchburg REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville Claude A. Swanson, Chatham Lemuel P. Padgett, Columbia REPRESENTATIVES At Large-William J. Burke, Thetus W. Sims, Linden Pittsburgh Finis J. Garrett, Dresden Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News Thomas S. Crago, Waynesburg Hubert F. Fisher, Memphis Edward E. Holland, Suffolk Mahion M. Garland,54 Pittsburgh Andrew J. Montague, Richmond Anderson H. Walters, Johnstown Walter A. Watson,63 Jennings TEXAS Ordinary RHODE ISLAND SENATORS Patrick Henry Drewry,64 Petersburg Charles A. Culberson, Dallas Edward W. Saunders,65 Rockymount SENATORS Morris Sheppard, Texarkana LeBaron B. Colt, Bristol Rorer A. James,66 Danville Peter G. Gerry, Warwick REPRESENTATIVES James P. Woods,67 Roanoke Eugene Black, Clarksville Thomas W. Harrison, Winchester REPRESENTATIVES John C. Box, Jacksonville R. Walton Moore,68 Fairfax Clark Burdick, Newport James Young, Kaufman C. Bascom Slemp, Big Stone Gap Walter R. Stiness, Cowesett Sam Rayburn, Bonham Henry D. Flood, Appomattox Ambrose Kennedy, Woonsocket Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas Rufus Hardy, Corsicana WASHINGTON SOUTH CAROLINA Clay Stone Briggs, Galveston SENATORS SENATORS Joe H. Eagle, Houston Wesley L. Jones, Seattle Ellison D. Smith, Florence Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus Miles Poindexter, Spokane Nathaniel B. Dial, Laurens James P. Buchanan, Brenham REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Tom T. Connally, Marlin John F. Miller, Seattle Richard S. Whaley, Charleston James C. Wilson,59 Fort Worth Fritz G. Lanham,6° Fort Worth Lindley H. Hadley, Bellingham James F. Byrnes, Aiken Albert Johnson, Hoquiam Fred H. Dominick, Newberry Lucian W. Parrish, Henrietta Samuel J. Nicholls, Spartanburg Carlos Bee, San Antonio John W. Summers, Walla Walla William F. Stevenson, Cheraw John N. Garner, Uvalde J. Stanley Webster, Spokane J. Willard Ragsdale,55 Florence Claude B. Hudspeth, El Paso Philip H Stoll,56 Kingstree Thomas L. Blanton, Abilene WEST VIRGINIA Asbury F. Lever,57 Lexington Marvin Jones, Amarillo SENATORS Edward C. Mann,58 St. Matthews Howard Sutherland, Elkins UTAH Davis Elkins, Morgantown SENATORS SOUTH DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES Reed Smoot, Provo SENATORS Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont Thomas Sterling, Vermilion William H King, Salt Lake City George M. Bowers, Martinsburg Edwin S. Johnson, Yankton REPRESENTATIVES Stuart F. Reed, Clarks burg REPRESENTATIVES Milton H. Welling, Fielding Harry C. Woodyard, Spencer Charles A. Christopherson, Sioux Falls James H. Mays, Salt Lake City Wells Goodykoontz, Williamson Royal C. Johnson, Aberdeen Leonard S. Echols, Charleston Harry L. Gandy, Rapid City VERMONT SENATORS WISCONSIN TENNESSEE William P Dillingham, Montpelier SENATORS SENATORS Carroll S. Page, Hyde Park Robert M. La Follette, Madison John K. Shields, Knoxville REPRESENTATIVES Irvine L. Lenroot, Superior Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis Frank L Greene, St. Albans REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Porter H. Dale, Island Pond Clifford E. Randall, Kenosha Sam R. Sells, Johnson City Edward Voigt, She boygan J. Will Taylor, La Follette VIRGINIA James G. Monahan, Darlington John A. Moon, Chattanooga SENATORS John C. Kleczka, Milwaukee Cordell Hull, Carthage Thomas S. Martin,6' Charlottesville Victor L. Berger,69 Milwaukee

Died November 19, 1920, before the commencement of 2, 1920; Secretary of the Treasury during interim; subse- °° By resolution of the House adopted November 10, the Sixty-seventh Congress, to which he had been reelect- quently elected. 1919, Victor L. Berger was declared "not entitled to take ed. °Died December 24, 1919. the oath of office as a Representative, or to hold a seat ° Died July 23, 1919. °Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Walter A. therein as such"; election unsuccessfully contested by Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Willard Watson, and took his seat May 10, 1920. Joseph P. Carney, and seat declared vacant; Victor L. Ragsdale, and took his seat October 30, 1919. ° Berger again presented credentials as Representative-elect ° Resigned August 1, 1919. Resigned February 29,1920, having been elected judge of the circuit court of appeals. to fill vacancy occasioned by resolution of November 10, ° Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of ° Elected 1919, declaring Mr. Berger not eligible to hold seat; on Asbury F. Lever, and took his seat October 21, 1919. tofillvacancy caused by resignation of January 10, 1920, House again declared Victor L. Berger ° Resigned March 13, 1919, before Congress assembled. Edward W. Saunders, and took his seat December 6, 1920. "not entitled to a seat in the Sixty-sixth Congress and SO Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- declined to permit him to take the oath or qualify as a C. Wilson, and took his seat May 19, 1919. sentative-elect Carter Glass, in preceding Congress. Representative"; Henry H. Bodenstab unsuccessfully con- Died November 12, 1919. °Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation sf Repre- tested the election of Victor L. Berger, who had been e-Appointed November 18, 1919, to fill vacancy caused sentative-elect Charles C. Carlin, in preceding Congress, declared ineligible, and by resolution of House adopted by death of Thomas S. Martin, and took his seat February and tsok his seat June 3, 1919. February 25, 1921, seat was again declared vacant. Sixty-Sixth Congress 317

Florian Lampert, Oshkosh TERRITORY OF ALASKA PHILIPPINE ISLANDS John J. Esch, La Crosse Edward E. Browne, Waupaca DELEGATE RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS David G. Classon, Oconto Charles A. Sulzer,7° Sulzer Jaime C. de Veyra, Manila James A. Frear, Hudson George B. Grigsby,7' Juneau Teodoro R. Yangco,73 Zambales Adoiphus P. Nelson, Grantsburg James Wickersham,72 Fairbanks Isauro Gabaldon,74 Nueva Ecija WYOMING SENATORS TERRITORY OF HAWAII PORTO RICO Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne DELEGATE RESIDENT COMMISSIONER John B. Kendrick, Sheridan J. Kuhio Kalanianaole, Waikiki Felix Cordova Davila, San Juan REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle

Successfully contested the election of Charles A. ° Died April 15, 1919, before Congress assembled and seat July 1, 1919; served until March 1, 1921, succeeded by James Wickersham, who contested the election of Mr. Sulzer and George B. Grigsby, and took his seat March 1, pending a contest for the seat. 1921. si Presented credentials as a Delegate-elect to fill vacan- Sulzer in the first instance, and continued the contest iSTerm expired March 3, 1920. cy caused by the death of Charles A. Sulzer, and took his against Mr. Grigsby. ° Elected for a term of three years beginning March 4, 1920. SIXTY-SEVENTHCONGRESS MARCH 4, 1921, TO MARCH 3, 1923

FIRST SESSION-April 11, 1921,to November 23, 1921 1 SECOND SESSION-December 5, 1921,to September 22, 1922 2 THIRD SESSION-November 20, 1922,to December 4, 1922 FOURTH SESSION-December 4, 1922,to March 3, 1923 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1921,to March 15, 1921



ALABAMA ARKANSAS Charles F. Curry, Sacramento SENATORS SENATORS Julius Kahn, San Francisco Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock John I. Nolan," San Francisco J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette Thaddeus H. Caraway, Jones boro Mae E. Nolan,'2 San Francisco REPRESENTATIVES John A. Elston,'3 Berkeley REPRESENTATIVES John McDuffie, Monroeville James H. MacLafferty,'4 Oakland John R. Tyson, Montgomery William J Driver, Osceola Henry E. Barbour, Fresno Henry B. Steagall, Ozark William A. Oldfield, Batesville Arthur M. Free, San Jose Lamar Jeffers,7 Anniston John N. Tillman, Fayetteville Walter F. Lineberger,'5 Long Beach William B Bowling, Lafayette Otis Wingo, De Queen Henry Z. Osborne,'6 Los Angeles William B. Oliver, Tuscaloosa Henderson M. Jacoway, Dardanelle Philip D. Swing, El Centro Lilius B. Rainey,8 Gadsden Samuel M. Taylor,9 Pine Bluff Edward B. Almon, Tuscumbia Chester W. Taylor,'0 Pine Bluff COLORADO George Huddleston, Birmingham Tilman B. Parks, Hope William B Bankhead, Jasper SENATORS CALIFORNIA Lawrence C. Phipps, Denver ARIZONA SENATORS Samuel D. Nicholson, Leadville SENATORS Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco REPRESENTATIVES Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott Samuel M. Shortridge, Menlo Park Ralph H. Cameron, Phoenix William N. Vaile, Denver REPRESENTATIVES Charles B. Timberlake, Sterling REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa Guy U. Hardy, Canon City Carl Hayden, Phoenix John E. Raker, Alturas Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs

'In recess from August 24, 1921, until September 21, Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Fred L. ii Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- 1921. Blackmon, in preceding Congress, and took his seat June band, John I. Nolan; took her seat February 12, 1923. The House of Representatives was in recess from June 27, 1921. 5 Died December 15, 1921. 30, 1922, until August 15, 1922. Election unsuccessfully contested by Charles B, Ken- iS Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John A. Reelected March 7, 1921. namer. Elston, and took his seat November 20, 1922. Reelected March?, 1921. i Died September 13, 1921. ii Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Reelected April 11, 1921. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, tive-elect Charles F. Van de Water November 20, 1920, Reelected April 11, 1921. Samuel M. Taylor, and took his seat Octsber 31, 1921. before the beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat April 11, 1921. Died November 18, 1922, before the commencement of ie Died February 8, 1923, before the commencement of the Sixty-eighth Congress, to which he had been reelected. the Sixty-eighth Congress, to which he had been reelected.

[318] Sixty-Seventh Congress 319

Addison T. Smith, Twin Falls William S. Kenyon,3° Fort Dodge CONNECTICUT Charles A. Rawson,3' Des Moines SENATORS ILLINOIS Smith W. Brookhart,32 Washington Frank B. Brandegee, New London George P. McLean, Simsbury SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Medill McCormick, Chicago William F. Kopp, Mount Pleasant REPRESENTATIVES William B McKinley, Champaign E. Hart Fenn, Wethersfield Harry E. Hull, Williamsburg Richard P. Freeman, New London REPRESENTATIVES Burton E. Sweet, Waverly John Q. Tilson, New Haven Martin B. Madden, Chicago Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood Schuyler Merritt, Stamford James R. Mann,23 Chicago James W. Good,33 Cedar Rapids James P. Glynn, Winsted Elliott W. Sproul, Chicago ,34 Cedar Rapids John W. Rainey,24 Chicago C. William Ramseyer, Bloomfield DELAWARE Adolph J. Sabath,25 Chicago John J. Gorman, Chicago Cassius C. Dowell, Des Moines SENATORS M. Alfred Michaelson, Chicago Horace M. Towner, Corning Josiah 0. Wolcott,'7 Dover Stanley H. Kunz,2° Chicago William R. Green, Council Bluffs T. Coleman du Pont,'8 Wilmington Fred A. Britten, Chicago Lester J. Dickinson, Algona Thomas F. Bayard, Jr.,'9 Wilmington Carl R. Chindblom, Chicago William D. Boies, Sheldon L. Heisler Ball, Mars hallton Ira C. Copley, Aurora REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles E. Fuller, Belvidere KANSAS Caleb R. Layton, Georgetown John C. McKenzie, Elizabeth William J Graham, A ledo SENATORS FLORIDA Edward J. King, Gales burg Charles Curtis, Topeka SENATORS Clifford Ireland, Peoria Arthur Capper, Topeka Frank H. Funk, Bloomington Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville Joseph G. Cannon, Danville REPRESENTATIVES Park Trammell, Lakeland Allen F. Moore, Monticello Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., Leavenworth REPRESENTATIVES Guy L. Shaw,27 Beardstown Edward C. Little, Kansas City Herbert J. Drane, Lakeland Loren E. Wheeler, Springfield Philip P. Campbell, Pittsburg Frank Clark, Gainesville William A. Rodenberg, East St. Louis Homer Hoch, Marion John H. Smithwick, Pensacola Edwin B. Brooks, Newton James G. Strong, Blue Rapids William J. Sears, Kissimmee Thomas S. Williams, Louisville Hays B. White, Mankato Edward E. Denison, Marion Jasper N. Tincher, Medicine Lodge GEORGIA At Large-Richard Yates, Springfield Richard E. Bird, Wichita SENATORS William E Mason,28 Chicago William J. Harris, Cedartown Winnifred S. M. Huck,29 Chicago KENTUCKY Thomas E. Watson,2° Thomson Rebecca L. Felton,21 Cartersville INDIANA SENATORS Walter F. George,22 Vienna SENATORS Augustus 0. Stanley, Henderson REPRESENTATIVES James E. Watson, Rushville Richard P. Ernst, Covington Harry S. New, Indianapolis James W. Overstreet, Sylvania REPRESENTATIVES Frank Park, Sylvester REPRESENTATIVES Alben W. Barkley, Paducah Charles R. Crisp, Americus Oscar R. Luhring, Evansville William C. Wright, Newnan Oscar E. Bland, Linton David H. Kincheloe, Madisonville William D. Upshaw, Atlanta James W. Dunbar, New Albany Robert Y. Thomas, Jr., Central City James W. Wise, Fayetteville John S. Benham, Benham Ben Johnson, Bardstown Gordon Lee, Chickamauga Everett Sanders, Terre Haute Charles F. Ogden, Louisville Charles H. Brand, Athens Richard N. Elliott, Connersville Arthur B. Rouse, Burlington Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville Merrill Moores, Indianapolis James C. Cantrill, Georgetown Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Albert H. Vestal, Anderson Ralph Gilbert, Shelbyville William C. Lankford, Douglas Fred S. Purnell, Attica William J. Fields, Olive Hill William W. Larsen, Dublin William R. Wood, La Fayette John W. Langley, Pikeville Milton Kraus, Peru John M. Robsion, Barbourville IDAHO Louis W. Fairfield, Angola SENATORS Andrew J. Hickey, La Porte LOUISIANA William E. Borah, Boise Frank R. Gooding, Gooding IOWA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence Burton L. French, Moscow Albert B. Cummins, Des Moines Edwin S. Broussard, New Iberia

° Died June 16, 1921. " Resigned July 2, 1921, having been appointed State dentials until November 22, 1922 (Rebecca L. Felton having qualified on the day preceding), and took his seat ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her father, chancellor. William E. Mason, and took her seat November 20, 1922. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of the same day. ° Resigned February 24, 1922. Josiah 0. Wolcott, and took his seat July 26, 1921. i Died November 30, 1922, before the commencement of the Sixty-eighth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of is Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Josiah Election unsuccessfully contested by John Golom- William S. Kenyon, and took his seat February 24, 1922. 0. Wolcott, and took his seat November 21, 1922. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- ° Died September 26, 1922. biewoki. ham S. Kenyon, and took his seat December 2, 1922. ii Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas Election unsuccessfully contested by Jacob Garten- stein. Resigned June 15, 1921. F. Watson, and took her seat November 21, 1922. Election unsuccessfully contested by Dan Parillo. iElected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Elected November 7, 1922, to fill vacancy caused by W. Good, and took his seat July 28, 1921. death of Thomas E. Watson, but did not present his cre- e- Election unsuccessfully contested by Henry T. Rainey. 320 Biographical Directory

LOUISIANA-Continued Joseph Walsh,36 New Bedford MISSOURI Charles L. Gifford,4° Cotuit REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS James O'Connor, New Orleans James A. Reed, Kansas City H. Garland Dupré, New Orleans MICHIGAN Selden P. Spencer, St. Louis Whitmell P. Martin, Thibodaux SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John N. Sandlin, Minden Charles E. Townsend, Jackson Riley J. Wilson, Harrisonburg Frank C. Millspaugh,45 Canton Truman H. Newberry,41 Grosse Pointe William W. Racker, Keytesville George K. Favrot, Baton Rouge Farms Henry F. Lawrence, Cameron Ladislas Lazaro, Washington James Couzens,42 Detroit James B. Aswell, Natchitoches Charles L. Faust, St. Joseph REPRESENTATIVES Edgar C. Ellis, Kansas City George P. Codd, Detroit William 0 Atkeson, Butler MAINE Roscoe C. Patterson, Springfield SENATORS Earl C. Michener, Adrian William H. Frankhouser,43 Hillsdale Sidney C. Roach, Linn Creek Bert M. Fernald, West Poland John M. C. Smith,44 Charlotte Theodore W. Hukriede, Warrenton Frederick Hale, Portland John C. Ketcham, Hastings Cleveland A. Newton, St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids Harry B. Hawes,46 St. Louis Carroll L. Beedy, Portland Patrick H. Kelley, Lansing Leonidas C. Dyer, St. Louis Wallace H. White, Jr., Lewiston Louis C. Cramton, Lapeer Marion E. Rhodes, Potosi John A. Peters,35 Ellsworth Joseph W. Fordney, Saginaw Edward D. Hays, Cape Girardeau John E. Nelson,36 Augusta James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon Isaac V. McPherson, Aurora Ira G. Hersey, Houlton Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City Samuel A. Shelton, Marshfield Frank D. Scott, Alpena MARYLAND W. Frank James, Hancock MONTANA SENATORS SENATORS Vincent M. Brennan, Detroit Joseph I. France, Port Deposit Henry L. Myers, Hamilton Ovington E. Weller, Baltimore MINNESOTA Thomas J Walsh, Helena REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS T. Alan Goldsborough, Denton Knute Nelson, Alexandria Washington J. McCormick, Missoula Albert A. Blakeney, Ten Hills Frank B. Kellogg, St. Paul Carl W. Riddick, Lewistown John Philip Hill, Baltimore J. Charles Linthicum, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES NEBRASKA Sydney E. Mudd, La Plata Sydney Anderson, Lanesboro SENATORS Frederick N. Zihlman, Cumberland Frank Clague, Redwood Falls Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Omaha Charles R. Davis, St. Peter George W. Norris, McCook Oscar E. Keller, St. Paul MASSACHUSETTS REPRESENTATIVES Walter H. Newton, Minneapolis SENATORS Harold Knutson, St. Cloud C. Frank Reavis,47 Falls City Henry Cabot Lodge, Nahant Andrew J. Volstead, Granite Falls Roy H. Thorpe,48 Lincoln David I. Walsh, Fitchburg Oscar J. Larson, Duluth Albert W. Jefferis, Omaha Robert E. Evans, Dakota City REPRESENTATIVES Halvor Steenerson, Crooks ton Thomas D Schall, Excelsior Melvin 0. McLaughlin, York Allen T. Treadway, Stock bridge William E. Andrews, Hastings Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield Moses P. Kinkaid,49 O'Neill Calvin D. Paige, Southbridge MISSISSIPPI Augustin R. Humphrey,5° Broken Bow Samuel E. Winslow, Worcester SENATORS John Jacob Rogers, Lowell NEVADA Willfred W. Lufkin,37 Essex John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City A. Piatt Andrew, Jr.,38 Gloucester Pat Harrison, Gulfport SENATORS Robert S. Maloney, Lawrence REPRESENTATIVES Key Pittman, Tonopah Frederick W. Dallinger, Cambridge John E. Rankin, Tupelo Tasker L. Oddie, Reno Charles L. Underhill, Somerville Bill G. Lowrey, Blue Mountain REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Peter F. Tague, Boston Benjamin G Humphreys, Greenville Samuel S. Arentz, Simpson George H. Tinkham, Boston Thomas U. Sisson, Winona James A. Gallivan, Boston Ross A. Collins, Meridian NEW HAMPSHIRE Robert Luce, Waltham Paul B. Johnson, Hattiesburg SENATORS Louis A. Frothingham, Easton Percy E. Quin, McComb City George H. Moses, Concord William S. Greene, Fall River James W. Collier, Vicksburg Henry W. Keyes, Haverhill

Resigned January 2, 1922. °° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William H. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Joseph Walsh, and took his seat November 20, 1922. Frankhouser, and took his seat July 20, 1921.

A. Peters, and took his seat March 27, 1922. ' Election unsuccessfully contested by Henry Ford; re- ° Resigned December 5, 1922; vacancy throughout re-- °° Resigned June 30, 1921, to become collector of the signed November 18, 1922. mainder of the Congress. port of Boston. °' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ° Election unsuccessfully contested by Bernard P. Bogg. °° Electedtofill vacancy caused by resignationof Truman H. Newberry, and took his seat December 7, 1922; ° Resigned June 3, 1922. Willfred W. Lufkin, and took his seat October 10, 1921. subsequently elected. 40 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of C. S Resigned August 2, 1922. Frank Reavis, and took his seat November 27, 1922. ° Died May 9, 1921; illness prevented his taking his ° Died July 6, 1922. seat. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Moses P. Kinkaid, and took his seat November 20, 1922. Sixty-Seventh Congress 321

REPRESENTATIVES Isaac Siegel, New York City Frank B. Willis, Delaware Sherman E. Burroughs,5' Manchester Martin C. Ansorge, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Edward H. Wason, Nashua Anthony J. Griffin, New York City Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati Albert B. Rossdale, New York City Ambrose E. B. Stephens, North Bend NEW JERSEY Benjamin L. Fairchild, Pelham Roy G. Fitzgerald, Dayton SENATORS James W. Husted, Peeks kill John L. Cable, Lima Joseph S. Frelinghuysen, Raritan Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison Charles J. Thompson, Defiance Walter E. Edge, Atlantic City Charles B. Ward, Debruce Charles C. Kearns, Batavia Peter G. Ten Eyck, Albany REPRESENTATIVES Simeon D. Fess, Yellow Springs James S. Parker, Salem R. Clint. Cole, Findlay Francis F. Patterson, Jr., Camden Frank Crowther, Schenectady William W. Chalmers, Toledo Isaac Bacharach, Atlantic City Bertrand H. Snell, Potsdam T. Frank Appleby, Asbury Park Israel M. Foster, Athens Luther W. Mott, Oswego Edwin D. Ricketts, Logan Elijah C. Hutchinson, Trenton Homer P. Snyder, Little Falls Ernest R. Ackerman, Plainfield John C. Speaks, Columbus John D. Clarke, Fraser James T. Begg, Sandusky Randolph Perkins, Woodcliff Lake Walter W. Magee, Syracuse Amos H. Radcliffe, Paterson Charles L. Knight, Akron Norman J Gould, Seneca Falls C Ellis Moore, Cambridge Herbert W. Taylor, Newark Alanson B. Houghton,56 Corning Richard Wayne Parker, Newark Joseph H. Himes, Canton Lewis Henry,57 Elmira William M. Morgan, Newark Frederick R. Lehlbach, Newark Thomas B Dunn, Rochester B. Frank Murphy, Steubenville Archibald E. Olpp, West Hoboken Archie D. Sanders, Stafford Charles F. X. O'Brien, Jersey City John G. Cooper, Youngstown S. Wallace Dempsey, Lockport Miner G. Norton, Cleveland Clarence MacGregor, Buffalo Harry C. Gahn, Cleveland NEW MEXICO James M. Mead, Buffalo Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland SENATORS Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Albert B. Fall,52 Three Rivers OKLAHOMA Holm 0. Bursum,5' Socorro NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS Andrieus A. Jones, East Las Vegas SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert L. Owen, Muskogee Furnifold McL. Simmons, New Bern John W. Harreld, Oklahoma City Nestor Montoya,'4 Albuquerque Lee S. Overman, Salisbury REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES NEW YORK Hallett S. Ward, Washington Thomas A. Chandler, Vinita SENATORS Claude Kitchin, Scotland Neck Alice M. Robertson, Mu.skogee James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Groveland Samuel M. Brinson,58 New Bern Charles D. Carter, Ardmore William M. Calder, Brooklyn Joseph C. Pringey, Chandler Charles L. Abernethy,59 New Bern Fletcher B. Swank, Norman REPRESENTATIVES Edward W. Pou, Smithfield Lorraine M. Gensman, Lawton Frederick C. Hicks, Port Washington Charles M. Stedman, Greensboro James V. McClintic, Snyder John J. Kindred, Astoria Homer L. Lyon, Whiteville Manuel Herrick, Perry John Kissel, Brooklyn William C. Hammer, Asheboro Thomas H. Cullen, Brooklyn Robert L. Doughton,6° Laurel Springs OREGON Ardolph L. Kline, Brooklyn Alfred L. Bulwinkle, Gastonia Warren I. Lee, Brooklyn Zebulon Weaver, Asheville SENATORS Michael J. Hogan, Brooklyn Charles L. McNary, Salem Charles G. Bond, Brooklyn NORTH DAKOTA Robert N. Stanfield, Portland Andrew N. Petersen, Brooklyn SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Lester D. Volk, Brooklyn Porter J. McCumber, Wahpeton Willis C. Hawley, Salem Daniel J. Riordan, New York City Edwin F. Ladd, Fargo Nicholas J. Sinnott, The Dalles Meyer London, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Clinton N. McArthur, Portland Christopher D. Sullivan, New York Olger B. Burtness, Grand Forks City George M. Young, Valley City PENNSYLVANIA Nathan D. Perlman, New York City SENATORS Thomas J. Ryan, New York City James H. Sinclair, Kenmare Boies Penrose,6' Philadelphia W. Bourke Cockran,55 New York Ctty OHIO Ogden L. Mills, New York City George Wharton Pepper,62 John F. Carew, New York City SENATORS Philadelphia Walter M. Chandler, New York City Atlee Pomerene, Canton Philander C. Knox,63 Pittsburgh

"Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel M. "Died January 27, 1923. "Died March 1, 1923, before the commencement of the Brinson, and took his seat November 20, 1922. Resigned March 4, 1921, having been appointed Secre- Sixty-eighth Congress, to which he had been reelected. 00 Election unsuccessfully contested by James I. Camp- tary of the Interior. Resigned February 28, 1922. bell. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alan- ' Died December 31, 1921. Albert B. Fall, and took his seat April 11, 1921; subse- son B. Houghton, and took his seat April 21, 1922. 00 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Boies quently elected. "Died April 13, 1922. Penrose, and took his seat January 10, 1922; subsequently 5i Died January 13, 1923. elected. 00 Died October 12, 1921. 322 Biographical Directory

PENNSYLVANIA-Continued Nathaniel B. Dial, Laurens Lucian W. Parrish,7' Henrietta SENATORS-CONTINUED REPRESENTATIVES Guinn Williams,72 Decatur W. Turner Logan, Charleston Harry M. Wurzbach, Seguin William E. Crow,64 Uniontown John N. Garner, Uvalde David A. Reed,65 Pittsburgh James F. Byrnes, Aiken Fred H. Dominick, Newberry Claude B. Hudspeth, El Paso REPRESENTATIVES John J. McSwain, Greenville Thomas L. Blanton, Abilene William S. Vare,66 Philadelphia William F. Stevenson, Cheraw Marvin Jones, Amarillo George S. Graham, Philadelphia Philip H. Stoll, Kingstree Harry C. Ransley, Philadelphia Hampton P. Fulmer, Norway UTAH George W. Edmonds, Philadelphia James J. Connolly, Philadelphia SOUTH DAKOTA SENATORS George P. Darrow, Philadelphia Reed Smoot, Provo Thomas S. Butler, West Chester SENATORS William H. King, Salt Lake City Henry W. Watson, Langhorne Thomas Sterling, Vermilion William W. Griest, Lancaster Peter Norbeck, Redfield REPRESENTATIVES Charles R. Connell,67 Scranton REPRESENTATIVES Don B. Colton, Vernal Elmer 0. Leatherwood, Salt Lake City Clarence D. Coughlin, Wilkes-Barre Charles A. Christopherson, Sioux Falls John Reber, Pottsville Royal C. Johnson, Aberdeen Fred B. Gernerd, Allentown William Williamson, Oacoma VERMONT Louis T. McFadden, Canton SENATORS Edgar R. Kiess, Williamsport TENNESSEE I. Clinton Kline, Sunbury William P. Dillingham, Montpelier Benjamin K. Focht, Lewisburg SENATORS Carroll S. Page, Hyde Park Aaron S. Kreider, Annville John K. Shields, Knoxville REPRESENTATIVES John M. Rose, Johnstown Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis Frank L Greene, St. Albans Edward S. Brooks, York REPRESENTATIVES Porter H. Dale, Island Pond Evan J. Jones, Bradford B. Carroll Reece, Butler Adam M. Wyant, Greensburg J. Will Taylor, La Follette VIRGINIA Samuel A. Kendall, Meyersdale Joseph Brown, Chattanooga Henry W. Temple, Washington Wynne F. Clouse, Cookeville SENATORS Milton W. Shreve, Erie Ewin L. Davis, Tullahoma Claude A. Swanson, Chatham William H. Kirkpatrick, Easton Carter Glass, Lynchburg Nathan L. Strong, Brookville Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville Harris J. Bixier, Johnsonburg Lemuel P. Padgett,69 Columbia REPRESENTATIVES Stephen G. Porter, Pittsburgh Clarence W. Turner,70 Waverly Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News M. Clyde Kelly, Edgewood Lon A. Scott, Savannah Joseph T. Deal, Norfolk John M. Morin, Pittsburgh Finis J. Garrett, Dresden Andrew J. Montague, Richmond Guy E. Campbell, Crafton Hubert F. Fisher, Memphis Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg At Large-William J. Burke, Rorer A. James,73 Danville Pittsburgh TEXAS James M. Hooker,74 Stuart Thomas S. Crago,68 Waynesburg SENATORS James P. Woods, Roanoke Joseph McLaughlin, Philadelphia Charles A. Culberson, Dallas Thomas W. Harrison,75 Winchester Anderson H. Walters, Johnstown Morris Sheppard, Texarkana John Paul,76 Harrisonburg R. Walton Moore, Fairfax RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATIVES Eugene Black, Clarksville C. Bascom Slemp, Big Stone Gap SENATORS John C. Box, Jacksonville Henry D. Flood,77 Appomattox LeBaron B. Colt, Bristol Morgan G. Sanders, Canton Henry St. George Tucker,78 Lexington Peter G. Gerry, Warwick Sam Rayburn, Bonham REPRESENTATIVES Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas WASHINGTON Clark Burdick, Newport Rufus Hardy, Corsicana SENATORS Walter R. Stiness, Cowesett Clay Stone Briggs, Galveston Ambrose Kennedy, Woonsocket Wesley L. Jones, Seattle Daniel E. Garrett, Houston Miles Poindexter, Spokane Joseph J Mansfield, Columbus SOUTH CAROLINA James P. Buchanan, Brenham REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Tom T. Connally, Marlin John F. Miller, Seattle Ellison D. Smith, Lynchburg Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth Lindley H. Hadley, Bellingham

"Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Philan- Os Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Died August 6, 1921. der C. Knox, and took his seat October 24, 1921; died tive-elect Mahlon M. Garland, in preceding Congress, and "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Rarer A. August 2, 1922. took his seat October 10, 1921. John P. Bracken filed a James, and took his seat November 21, 1921. Os Appointed to fill vacancy caused by deaths of Philan- memorial claiming a seat in the Sixty-seventh Congress. "Served until December 15, 1922; succeeded by John der C. Knox and William E. Crow, and took his seat Died August 2, 1922. Paul, who contested his election. August 16, 1922; subsequently elected. 00 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lemuel P. Successfully contested the election of Thomas W. Har- °° Resigned January 2, 1923. Padgett, and took his seat November 20, 1922. rison, and took his seat December 15, 1922. ° 00 Died March 27, 1922. Died December 8, 1921. Died September 26, 1922; vacancy throughout remain- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lucian W. 05 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry D. der of the Congress. Parrish, and took his seat May 22, 1922. Flood, and took his seat March 25, 1922. Sixty-Seventh Congress 323

Albert Johnson, Hoquiam Irvine L. Lenroot, Superior TERRITORY OF ALASKA John W. Summers, Walla Walla REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATE J. Stanley Webster, Spokane Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Dan A. Sutherland, Juneau Edward Voigt, She boygan WEST VIRGINIA John M. Nelson, Madison TERRITORY OF HAWAII SENATORS John C. Kleczka, Milwaukee William H. Stafford, Milwaukee DELEGATE Howard Sutherland, Elkins Florian Lampert, Oshkosh Davis Elkins, Morgantown J. Kuhio Kalanianaole,79 Waikiki Joseph D. Beck, Viroqua Henry A. Baldwin,80 Paia REPRESENTATIVES Edward E. Browne, Waupaca Benjamin L. Rosenbloom, Wheeling David G. Classon, Oconto George M. Bowers, Martinsburg James A. Frear, Hudson PHILIPPINES Stuart F. Reed, Clarksburg Adoiphus P. Nelson, Grants burg RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS Harry C. Woodyard, Spencer Jaime C. de Veyra, Manila Wells Goodykoontz, Williamson WYOMING Isauro Gabaldon, Nueva Ecja Leonard S. Echols, Charleston SENATORS Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne PORTO RICO WISCONSIN John B. Kendrick, Sheridan RESIDENT COMMISSIONER SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert M. La Follette, Madison Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle Felix Cordova Davila, San Juan

80Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Kuhio ' Died January 7, 1922. Kalanianaole, and took his seat April 18, 1922. SIXTY-EIGHTHCONGRESS MARCH 4, 1923, TO MARCH 3,. 1925

FIRST SESSION-December 3, 1923,to June 7, 1924 SECOND SESSION-December 1, 1924,to March 3, 1925



ALABAMA ARKANSAS Henry E. Barbour, Fresno SENATORS Arthur M. Free, San Jose SENATORS Walter F. Lineberger, Long Beach Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock John D. Fredericks," Los Angeles J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette Thaddeus H. Caraway, Jones boro Philip D. Swing, El Centro REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William J. Driver, Osceola COLORADO John McDuffie, Monroeville William A. Oldfield, Batesville John H. Tyson,5 Montgomery SENATORS John N. Tillman, Fayetteville Lawrence C. Phipps, Denver Lister Hill,6 Montgomery Otis Wingo, De Queen Henry B. Steagall, Ozark Samuel D. Nicholson,'2 Leadville , Clarksville Alva B. Adams,13 Pueblo Lamar Jeffers, Anniston Lewis E. Sawyer, Hot Springs William B. Bowling, Lafayette Rice W. Means,'4 Denver James B. Reed,8 Lonoke REPRESENTATIVES William B Oliver, Tuscaloosa Tilman B. Parks, Hope Miles C. Aligood, Aligood William N. Vaile, Denver Edward B. Almon, Tuscumbia CALIFORNIA Charles B. Timberlake, Sterling George Huddleston, Birmingham Guy U. Hardy, Canon City William B Bankhead, Jasper SENATORS Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco Samuel M. Shortridge, Menlo Park CONNECTICUT ARIZONA REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS SENATORS Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa Frank B Brandegee,'5 New London Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott John E. Raker, Alturas Hiram Bingham,'6 New Haven Ralph H. Cameron, Phoenix Charles F. Curry, Sacramento George P. McLean, Simsbury Julius Kahn,9 San Francisco REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Mae E. 0 San Francisco E. Hart Fenn, Wethersfield Carl Hayden, Phoenix James H. MacLafferty, Oakland Richard P. Freeman, New London

'Became President upon the death of Warren G. Har- o Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lewis E. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- ding, August 3, 1923. Sawyer, and took his seat December 5, 1923. tive-elect Henry Z. Osberne, in preceding Congress, and Reelected December 17, 1923. o Died December 18, 1924, before the commencement of took his seat December 5, 1923. Reelected December 3, 1923. the Sixty-ninth Congresss, to which he had been reelected. "Died March 24, 1923. Reelected December 3, 1923. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel Died March 27, 1923, before Congress assembled. band, Representative-elect John I.Nolan, in preceding D. Nicholson, and took his seat December 3, 1923. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of JohnH. Congress. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel D. Tyson, and took his seat December 5, 1923. Nicholson, and took his seat December 1, 1924. 'Died May 5, 1923, before Congress assembled. "Died October 14, 1924. ii Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Frank B. Brandegee, and took his seat January 9, 1925. Vacancy from October 15, 1924, to December 17, 1924.

[324] Sixty-Eighth Congress 325

John Q. Tilson, New Haven Morton D. Hull,2' Chicago Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood Schuyler Merritt, Stamford Elliott W. Sproul, Chicago Cyrenus Cole, Cedar Rapids Patrick B. O'Sullivan, Derby John W. Rainey,22 Chicago C. William Ramseyer, Bloomfield Thomas A. Doyle,23 Chicago Cassius C. Dowell, Des Moines DELAWARE Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago Horace M. Towner,26 Corning SENATORS James R. Buckley,24 Chicago Hiram K. Evans,27 Corydon L. Heisler Ball, Mars hailton M. Alfred Michaelson, Chicago William R. Green, Council Bluffs Thomas F. Bayard, Jr., Wilmington Stanley H. Kunz, Chicago Lester J. Dickinson, Algona William D. Boies, Sheldon REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Fred A. Britten, Chicago Carl R. Chindblom, Chicago William H. Boyce, Dover Frank R Reid, Aurora KANSAS Charles E. Fuller, Belvidere FLORIDA John C. McKenzie, Elizabeth SENATORS SENATORS William J. Graham,25 Aledo Charles Curtis, Topeka Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville Edward J. King, Galesburg Arthur Capper, Topeka Park Trammell, Lakeland William E. Hull, Peoria REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Frank H. Funk, Bloomington Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., Leavenworth Herbert J. Drane, Lakeland William P. Holaday, Georgetown Edward C. Little,28 Kansas City Frank Clark, Gainesville Allen F. Moore, Monticello Ulysses S. Guyer,29 Kansas City John H. Smithwick, Pensacola Henry T. Rainey, Carroliton William H. Sproul, Sedan William J. Sears, Kissimmee J. Earl Major, Hillsboro Homer Hoch, Marion Edward E. Miller, East St. Louis James G. Strong, Blue Rapids GEORGIA William W. Arnold, Robinson Hays B. White, Mankato SENATORS Thomas S. Williams, Louisville Jasper N. Tincher, Medicine Lodge William J. Harris, Cedartown Edward E. Denison, Marion William A. Ayres, Wichita Walter F. George, Vienna At Large-Richard Yates, Springfield REPRESENTATIVES Henry R. Rathbone, Kenilworth KENTUCKY R. Lee Moore,'7 States boro INDIANA SENATORS Frank Park, Sylvester Charles R. Crisp, Americus SENATORS Augustus 0. Stanley, Henderson William C. Wright, Newnan James E. Watson, Rushville Richard P. Ernst, Covington William D. Upshaw, Atlanta Samuel M. Ralston, Indianapolis REPRESENTATIVES James W. Wise,'8 Fayetteville REPRESENTATIVES Alben W. Barkley, Pad ucah Gordon Lee, Chickamauga William E. Wilson, Evansville David H. Kincheloe, Madisonville Charles H. Brand, Athens Arthur H. Greenwood, Washington Robert Y. Thomas, Jr., Central City Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville Frank Gardner, Scottsburg Ben Johnson, Bardstown Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Harry C. Canfield, Batesville Maurice H. Thatcher, Louisville William C. Lanklord, Douglas Everett Sanders, Terre Haute Arthur B. Rouse, Burlington William W. Larsen, Dublin Richard N. Elliott, Connersville James C. Cantrill,3° Georgetown Merrill Moores, Indianapolis Joseph W. Morris,3' New Castle IDAHO Albert H. Vestal, Anderson Ralph Gilbert, Shelbyville SENATORS Fred S. Purnell, Attica William J. Fields,32 Olive Hill William E. Borah, Boise William R Wood, La Fayette Fred M. Vinson,33 Louisa Frank R. Gooding, Gooding Samuel B. Cook, Huntington John W. Langley, Pikeville REPRESENTATIVES Louis W. Fairfield, Angola John M. Robsion, Barbourville Burton L. French, Moscow Andrew J. Hickey, La Porte Addison T. Smith, Twin Falls LOUISIANA IOWA SENATORS ILLINOIS SENATORS Joseph B. Ransdell, Lake Providence SENATORS Albert B. Cummins, Des Moines Edwin S. Broussard, New Iberia Medill Mcrmick,'9 Chicago Smith W. Brookhart, Washington Charles S. Deneen,2° Chicago REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William B. McKinley, Champaign William F. Kopp, Mount Pleasant James O'Connor, New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES Harry E. Hull, Williamsburg H. Garland Dupré,34 New Orleans Martin B. Madden, Chicago Thomas J. B. Robinson, Hampton J. Zach Spearing,35 New Orleans

"Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John W. s5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward C. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Don H. Clark. Little, and took his seat December 1, 1924. "Never qualified owing to prolonged illness. Rainey, and took his seat December 5, 1923. '° Died September 2, 1923, before Congress assembled. "Died February 25, 1925. 'Election unsuccessfully contested by John J. Gorman. Si Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James C. 0 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Medill 5' Resigned June 7, 1924; vacancy throughout remainder Cantrill, and took his seat December 5, 1923. Mccormick, and took his seat February 28, 1925. of the Congress. Resigned December 11, 1923. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- '° Resigned April 1, 1923, before Congress assembled. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- tive-elect James R. Mann, in preceding Congress, and took ' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of liam J. Fields, and took his seat January 31, 1924. his seat December 5, 1923. Horace M. Towner, and took his seat December 5, 1923. 'Died February 21, 1924. "Died May 4, 1923. ' Died June 27, 1924. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of ,H. Garland Dupré, and took his seat May 15, 1924. 326 Biographical Directory

LOUISIANAContinued Woodbridge N. Ferris, Big Rapids Clement C. Dickinson, Clinton REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED REPRESENTATIVES Samuel C. Major, Fayette Robert H. Clancy, Detroit Sidney C. Roach, Linn Creek Whitmell P. Martin, Thibodaux Earl C. Michener, Adrian Clarence Cannon, Els berry John N. Sandlin, Minden John M. C. Smith,42 Charlotte Cleveland A. Newton, St. Louis Riley J. Wilson, Harrisonburg Arthur B. Williams,43 Battle Creek Harry B. Hawes, St. Louis George K. Favrot, Baton Rouge John C. Ketcham, Hastings Leonidas C. Dyer, St. Louis Ladislas Lazaro, Washington J. Scott Wolff, Festus James B. Aswell, Natchitoches Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids Grant M. Hudson, East Lansing James F. Fuibright, Doniphan Joe J. Manlove, Joplin MAINE Louis C. Cramton, Lapeer Bird J. Vincent, Saginaw Thomas L. Rubey, Lebanon SENATORS James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon Bert M. Fernald, West Poland Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City MONTANA Frederick Hale, Portland Frank D Scott, Alpena SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES W. Frank James, Hancock Thomas J. Walsh, Helena Carroll L. Beedy, Portland Clarence J. McLeod, Detroit Burton K. Wheeler, Butte Wallace H. White, Jr., Lewiston John E. Nelson, Augusta MINNESOTA REPRESENTATIVES Ira G. Hersey, Houlton SENATORS John M. Evans, Missoula Knute Nelson,44 Alexandria Scott Leavitt, Great Falls MARYLAND ,45 Kimball SENATORS , Minneapolis NEBRASKA Ovington E. Weller, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS William Cabell Bruce, Baltimore Sydney Anderson, Lanes boro George W. Norris, Mc Cook REPRESENTATIVES Frank Clague, Redwood Falls Robert B. Howell, Omaha T. Alan Goldsborough, Denton Charles R. Davis, St. Peter Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace Oscar E. Keller, St. Paul REPRESENTATIVES John Philip Hill, Baltimore Walter H. Newton, Minneapolis John H. Morehead, Falls City J. Charles Linthicum, Baltimore Harold Knutson, St. Cloud Willis G. Sears, Omaha Sydney E. Mudd,36 La Plata 0. J. Kvale, Benson Edgar Howard, Columbus Stephen W. Gambrill,37 Laurel Oscar J. Larson, Duluth Melvin 0. McLaughlin, York Frederick N. Zihlman, Cumberland Knud Wefald, Hawley Ashton C. Shallenberger, Alma Thomas D. Schall, Excelsior Robert G. Simmons, Scottsbluff MASSACHUSETTS SENATORS MISSISSIPPI NEVADA Henry Cabot Lodge,38 Nahant SENATORS SENATORS William M. Butler,39 Boston Pat Harrison, Gulfport Key Pittman, Tonopah David I. Walsh, Fitchburg Hubert D. Stephens, New Albany Tasker L. Oddie, Reno REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge John E. Rankin, Tupelo Charles L. Richards, Reno Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield Bill G. Lowrey, Blue Mountain Calvin D. Paige, Southbridge Benjamin G. Humphreys,46 Greenville NEW HAMPSHIRE Samuel E. Winslow, Worcester William Y. Humphreys,47 Greenville John Jacob Rogers, Lowell SENATORS A. Piatt Andrew, Jr., Gloucester T. Jeff. Busby, Houston Ross A. Collins, Meridian George H. Moses, Concord William P Connery, Jr., Lynn Henry W. Keyes, Haverhill Frederick W. Dallinger, Cambridge T. Webber Wilson, Laurel Charles L. Underhill, Somerville Percy E. Quin, McComb City REPRESENTATIVES Peter F. Tague, Boston James W. Collier, Vicksburg William N Rogers, Sanbornville George H. Tinkham, Boston Edward H. Wason, Nashua James A. Gallivan, Boston MISSOURI Robert Luce, Waltham SENATORS NEW JERSEY Louis A. Frothingham, Easton James A. Reed, Kansas City William S Greene,4° Fall River Selden P. Spencer, St. Louis SENATORS Robert M. Leach,4' Taunton REPRESENTATIVES Walter E. Edge, Atlantic City Edward I. Edwards, Jersey City Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit Milton A. Romjue, Macon Ralph F. Lozier, Carroliton REPRESENTATIVES MICHIGAN Jacob L. Milligan, Richmond Francis F. Patterson, Jr., Camden SENATORS Charles L. Faust, St. Joseph Isaac Bacharach, Atlantic City James Couzens, Detroit Henry L. Jost, Kansas City Elmer H. Geran, Matawan

Died October 11, 1924. Died September 22, 1924. "Died April 28, 1923. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Sydney E. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William S. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Knute Mudd, and took his seat December 1, 1924. Greene, and took his seat December 1, 1924. Nelson, and took his seat December 3, 1923. "Died November 9, 1924. "Died March 30, 1923, before Congress assembled. '° Died October 16, 1923, before Congress assembled. '5Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John M. C. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, Cabot Lodge, and took his seat December 1, 1924. Smith, and took his seat December 5, 1923. Benjamin G. Humphreys, and took his seat December 5, 1923. Sixty-Eighth Congress 327

Charles Browne, Princeton Thaddeus C. Sweet,57 Phoenix James T. Begg, Sandusky Ernest R. Ackerman, Plainfield Homer P. Snyder, Little Falls Martin L. Davey, Kent Randolph Perkins, Woodcliff Lake John D. Clarke, Fraser C. Ellis Moore, Cambridge George N. Seger, Passaic Walter W. Magee, Syracuse John McSweeney, Wooster Frank J. McNulty, Newark John Taber, Auburn William M. Morgan, Newark Daniel F. Minahan, Orange Gale H. Stalker, Elmira B. Frank Murphy, Steubenville Frederick R. Lehlbach, Newark Meyer Jacobstein, Rochester John G. Cooper, Youngstown John J. Eagan, Weehawken Archie D. Sanders, Stafford Charles A. Mooney, Cleveland Charles F.X. O'Brien, Jersey City S. Wallace Dempsey, Lockport Robert Crosser, Cleveland Clarence MacGregor, Buffalo Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland NEW MEXICO James M. Mead, Buffalo SENATORS Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk OKLAHOMA Andrieus A. Jones, East Las Vegas SENATORS Hoim 0. Bursum, Socorro NORTH CAROLINA Robert L. Owen, Muskogee REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS John W. Harreld, Oklahoma City John Morrow, Raton Furnifold McL. Simmons, New Bern REPRESENTATIVES Lee S. Overman, Salisbury Everette B. Howard, Tulsa NEW YORK REPRESENTATWES William W. Hastings, Tahlequah SENATORS Hallett S. Ward, Washington Charles D. Carter, Ardmore James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Groveland Claude Kitchin,58 Scotland Neck Thomas D. McKeown, Ada Royal S. Copeland, New York City John H. Kerr,59 Warrenton Fletcher B. Swank, Norman REPRESENTATIVES Charles L. Abernethy, New Bern J. W. Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park Robert L. Bacon, Westbury Edward W. Pou, Smithfield James V. McClintic, Snyder John J. Kindred, Astoria Charles M. Stedman, Greensboro Milton C. Garber, Enid George W. Lindsay, Brooklyn Homer L. Lyon, Whiteville William C. Hammer, Asheboro OREGON Thomas H. Cullen, Brooklyn Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs Loring M. Black, Jr., Brooklyn Alfred L. Buiwinkle, Gastonia SENATORS Charles I. Stengle, Brooklyn Zebulon Weaver, Asheville Charles L. McNary, Salem John F. Quayle, Brooklyn Robert N. Stanfield, Portland William E. Cleary, Brooklyn NORTH DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES David J. O'Connell, Brooklyn , Brooklyn SENATORS Willis C. Hawley, Salem Daniel J. Riordan,48 New York City Edwin F. Ladd, Fargo Nicholas J. Sinnott, The Dalles Anning S. Prall,49 West New Brighton Lynn J. Frazier, Hoople Elton Watkins, Portland Samuel Dickstein, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Christopher D. Sullivan, New York Olger B. Burtness, Grand Forks PENNSYLVANIA City George M. Young,6° Valley City SENATORS Nathan D. Penman, New York City Thomas Hall,61 Bismarck George Wharton Pepper, Philadelphia John J. Boylan, New York City James H. Sinclair, Kenmare David A. Reed, Pittsburgh John J. O'Connor,5° New York City Ogden L. Mills, New York City OHIO REPRESENTATIVES William S. Vare, Philadelphia John F. Carew, New York City SENATORS Sol Bloom,5' New York City George S. Graham, Philadelphia Fiorello H. LaGuardia,52 New York Frank B Willis, Delaware Harry C. Ransley, Philadelphia City Simeon D. Fess, Yellow Springs George W. Edmonds, Philadelphia Royal H. Weller,53 New York City REPRESENTATIVES James J. Connolly, Philadelphia Anthony J. Griffin, New York City Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati George A. Welsh, Philadelphia Frank Oliver, Bronx Ambrose E. B. Stephens, North Bend George P. Darrow, Philadelphia James V. Ganly,54 Bronx Roy G. Fitzgerald, Dayton Thomas S. Butler, West Chester Benjamin L. Fairchild,55 Pelham John L. Cable, Lima Henry W. Watson, Langhorne J. Mayhew Wainwright, Rye Charles J. Thompson, Defiance William W. Griest, Lancaster Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison Charles C. Kearns, Batavia Laurence H. Watres, Scranton Charles B. Ward, Debruce Charles Brand, Urbana John J. Casey, Wilkes-Barre Parker Cornig, Albany R. Clint. Cole, Findlay George F. Brumm, Minersville James S. Parher, Salem Isaac R. Sherwood, Toledo William M. Croll, Reading Frank Crowter, Schenectady Israel M. Foster, Athens Louis T. McFadden, Canton Bertrand H. Snell, Potsdam Mell G. Underwood, New Lexington Edgar R. Kiess, Williamsport Luther W. Mott,56 Oswego John C. Speaks, Columbus Herbert W. Cummings, Sunbury

°° Died April 28, 1923, before Congress assembled. December 5, 1923; election unsuccessfully contested by "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Luther W. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Daniel A Walter M. Chandler. Mott, and took his seat December 5, 1923. Riordan, and took his seat December 5, 1923. ' Election unsuccessfully contested by Henry Frank. ° Died May 31, 1923. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- °' Election unsuccessfully contested by Martin C. An- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Claude tive-elect W. Bourke Cockran, in preceding Congress, and sorge. Kitchin, and took his seat December 5, 1923. took his seat December 5, 1923. ° Died September 7, 1923, before Congress assembled. ° Resigned September 2, 1924. °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James V. °' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of tive-elect Samuel Marx (November 29, 1922, before the Ganly, and took his seat December 5, 1923. George M. Young, and took his seat December 1, 1924. beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat ° Died July 10, 1923, before Congress assembled. 328 Biographical Directory

PENNSYLVANIAContinued Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis Carter Glass, Lynchburg REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED REPRESENTATIVES B. Carroll Reece, Butler Edward M. Beers, Mount Union J. Will Taylor, La Follette Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News Frank C Sites, Harrisburg Sam D. McReynolds, Chattanooga Joseph T. Deal, Norfolk George M. Wertz, Johnstown Cordell Hull, Carthage Andrew J. Montague, Richmond J. Banks Kurtz, Altoona Ewin L. Davis, Tullahoma Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg Samuel F. Glatfelter, York Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville James M. Hooker, Stuart William I. Swoope, Clearfield William C. Salmon, Columbia Clifton A. Woodrum, Roanoke Samuel A. Kendall, Meyersdale Gordon Browning, Huntingdon Thomas W. Harrison, Winchester Henry W. Temple, Washington Finis J. Garrett, Dresden R. Walton Moore, Fairfax Thomas W. Phillips, Jr., Butler Hubert F. Fisher, Memphis George C. Peery, Tazewell Nathan L. Strong, Brookville Henry St. George Tucker, Lexington Harris J. Bixler, Johnsonburg TEXAS Milton W. Shreve, Erie SENATORS WASHINGTON Everett Kent, Bangor Morris Sheppard, Texarkana Adam M. Wyant, Greensburg Earle B. Mayfield,64 Austin SENATORS Stephen G. Porter, Pittsburgh REPRESENTATIVES65 Wesley L. Jones, Seattle M. Clyde Kelly, Edge wood Eugene Black, Clarksville Clarence C. Dill, Spokane John M. Morin, Pittsburgh REPRESENTATIVES James M. Magee, Pittsburgh John C. Box, Jacksonville Guy E. Campbell, Crafton Morgan G. Sanders, Canton John F. Miller, Seattle Sam Rayburn, Bonham Lindley H. Hadley, Bellingham RHODE ISLAND Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas Albert Johnson, Hoquiam Luther A. Johnson, Corsicana John W. Summers, Walla Walla SENATORS Clay Stone Briggs, Galveston LeBaron B. Colt,62 Bristol J. Stanley Webster,7° Spokane Daniel E. Garrett, Houston Samuel B. Hill,7' Waterville Jesse H. Metcalf,63 Providence Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus Peter G. Gerry, Warwick James P. Buchanan, Brenham REPRESENTATIVES Tom T. Connally, Marlin WEST VIRGINIA Clark Burdick, Newport Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth SENATORS Richard S. Aldrich, Warwick Guinn Williams, Decatur Davis Elkins, Morgantown Jeremiah E. O'Connell, Providence Harry M. Wurzbach, Seguin Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont John N. Garner, Uvalde SOUTH CAROLINA Claude B. Hudspeth, El Paso REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Thomas L Blanton, Abilene Benjamin L. Rosenbloom, Wheeling Ellison D. Smith, Lynchburg Marvin Jones, Amarillo Robert E. L. Allen, Morgantown Nathaniel B. Dial, Laurens Stuart F. Reed, Clarksburg REPRESENTATIVES UTAH George W. Johnson, Parkersburg W. Turner Logan, Charleston SENATORS Thomas J. Lilly, Hinton James F. Byrnes, Aiken Reed Smoot, Provo J. Alfred Taylor, Fayetteville Fred H. Dominick, Newberry William H. King, Salt Lake City John J. McSwain, Greenville REPRESENTATIVES WISCONSIN William F Stevenson, Cheraw Don B. Colton, Vernal SENATORS Allard H. Gasque, Florence Elmer 0. Leatherwood, Salt Lake City Hampton P. Fulmer, Norway Robert M. La Follette, Madison VERMONT Irvine L. Lenroot, Superior SOUTH DAKOTA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS William P. Dillingham,66 Montpelier Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Thomas Sterling, Vermilion Porter H. Dale,67 Island Pond Edward Voigt, She boygan Peter Norbeck, Redfield Frank L Greene, St. Albans John M. Nelson, Madison REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John C. Schafer, Milwaukee Charles A. Christopherson, Sioux Falls Frederick G. Fleetwood, Morrisville Victor L. Berger, Milwaukee Royal C. Johnson, Aberdeen Porter H. Dale,68 Island Pond Florian Lampert, Oshkosh William Williamson, Oacoma Ernest Willard Gibson,69 Brattleboro Joseph D. Beck, Viroqua Edward E. Browne, Waupaca TENNESSEE VIRGINIA George J. Schneider, Appleton SENATORS SENATORS James A. Frear, Hudson John K. Shields, Knoxville Claude A. Swanson, Chatham Hubert H. Peavey, Washburn

°' Died August 18, 1924. census of 1920, in accordance with which no reapportion- Resigned August 11, 1923, before Congress assembled; °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by the death of Le- ment law had been enacted; House, by resolution adopted subsequently elected Senator. Baron B. Colt, and took his seat December 1, 1924. June 3, 1924, declared him not entitled to a seat. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Porter Election unsuccessfully contested by George E. B. OsDied July 12, 1923. H. Dale, and took his seat December 5, 1923. Peddy. °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William P. 0Resigned May 8, 1923, before Congress assembled. K W. Cole presented credentials and claimed a seat Dillingham, and took his seat December 3, 1923. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. as a Representative at large, based upon the official Stanley Webster, and took his seat December 5, 1923. Sixty-Eighth Congress 329

WYOMING TERRITORY OF ALASKA PHILIPPINE ISLANDS RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS SENATORS DELEGATE Dan A. Sutherland, Fairbanks Isauro Gabaldon, Nueva Eca Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne Pedro Guevara, Santa Cruz John B. Kendrick, Sheridan TERRITORY OF HAWAII REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE PORTO RICO DELEGATE RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Charles E. Winter, Casper William P. Jarrett, Honolulu Felix Cordova Davila, San Juan SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1925, TO MARCH 3, 1927

FIRST SESSION-December 7, 1925, to July 3, 1926; Noc'ember 10, 1926 1 SECOND SESSION-December 6, 1926, to March 3, 1927 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1925, to March 18, 1925



ALABAMA Thaddeus H. Caraway, Jones boro Philip D. Swing, El Centro SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Oscar W. Underwood, Birmingham William J. Driver, Osceola COLORADO William A. Oldfield, Batesville J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John N. Tillman, Fayetteville Otis Wingo, De Queen Lawrence C. Phipps, Denver John McDuffie, Monroeville Heartsill Ragon, Clarksville Rice W. Means, Denver Lister Hill, Montgomery James B. Reed, Lonoke Henry B. Steagall, Ozark Tilman B Parks, Hope REPRESENTATIVES Lamar Jeffers, Anniston William N. Vaile, Denver William B. Bowling, Lafayette CALIFORNIA William B Oliver, Tuscaloosa Charles B. Timberlake, Sterling Miles C. Ailgood, Aligood SENATORS Guy U. Hardy, Canon City Edward B. Almon, Tuscumbia Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs George Huddleston, Birmingham Samuel M. Shortridge, Menlo Park William B Bankhead, Jasper REPRESENTATIVES CONNECTICUT Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa ARIZONA John E. Raker,7 Alturas SENATORS SENATORS Harry L. Englebright,8 Nevada City George P. McLean, Simsbury Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott Charles F. Curry, Sacramento Hiram Bingham, New Haven Ralph H. Cameron, Phoenix Florence P. Kahn,9 San Francisco Lawrence J. Flaherty,'° San Francisco REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Richard J. Welch," San Francisco Carl Hayden, Phoenix E. Hart Fenn, Wethersfield Albert E. Carter, Oakland Richard P. Freeman, New London Henry E. Barbour, Fresno ARKANSAS Arthur M. Free, San Jose John Q. Tilson, New Haven SENATORS Walter F. Lineberger, Long Beach Schuyler Merritt, Stamford Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock John D. Fredericks, Los Angeles James P. Glynn, Winsted

'The Senate met pursuant to adjournment for the pur- Elected December 7, 1925. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her husband, pose of sitting as a court of impeachment in trial of Judge Reelected December 7, 1925. Representative-elect Julius Kahn, in preceding Congress, George W. English; adjourned sine die the same day. Owing to illness, oath of office administered at his and took her seat December 7, 1925. Elected March 6, 1925. residence on January 7, 1926; died January 22, 1926. '° Died June 13, 1926. 3Reelected March 6, 1925; died April 24, 1925. Elected to fill vacancy mused by death of John E. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lawrence J. Elected December 7, 1925. Raker, and took his seat December 6, 1926. Flaherty, and took his seat December 6, 1926.

[330] Sixty-Ninth Congress 331

DELAWARE M. Alfred Michaelson, Chicago Lester J. Dickinson, Algona Stanley H. Kunz, Chicago William D. Boies, Sheldon SENATORS Fred A. Britten, Chicago Thomas F. Bayard, Jr., Wilmington Carl R. Chindblom, Chicago KANSAS T. Coleman du Pont, Wilmington Frank R Reid, Aurora SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles E. Fuller,'6 Belvidere Charles Curtis, Topeka Robert G. Houston, Georgetown William R Johnson, Freeport John C. Allen, Monmouth Arthur Capper, Topeka FLORIDA Edward J. King, Gales burg REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS William E. Hull, Peoria Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., Leavenworth Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville Frank H Funk, Bloomington Chauncey B. Little, Olathe Park Trammell, Lakeland William P. Holaday, Georgetown William H. Sproul, Sedan Charles Adkins, Decatur Homer Hoch, Marion REPRESENTATIVES Henry T. Rainey, Carroliton James G. Strong, Blue Rapids Herbert J. Drane, Lakeland Loren E. Wheeler, Springfield Hays B. White, Mankato Robert A. Green,12 Starke Edward M. Irwin, Belleville Jasper N. Tincher, Medicine Lodge John H. Smithwick, Pensacola William W. Arnold, Robinson William A. Ayres, Wichita William J Sears, Kissimmee Thomas S. Williams, Louisville Edward E. Denison, Marion KENTUCKY GEORGIA At Large-Richard Yates, Springfield SENATORS SENATORS Henry R. Rathbone, Kenilworth William J. Harris, Cedartown Richard P. Ernst, Covington Walter F. George, Vienna INDIANA Frederic M. Sackett, Louisville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Charles G. Edwards,'3 Savannah James E. Watson, Rushuille Alben W. Barkley, Paducah Edward E. Cox, Camilla Samuel M. Ralston,'7 Indianapolis David H. Kincheloe, Madisonville Charles R. Crisp, Americus Arthur R. Robinson,18 Indianapolis Robert Y. Thomas, Jr.,23 Central City William C. Wright, Newnan REPRESENTATIVES John W. Moore,24 Morgantown William D. Upshaw, Atlanta Harry E. Rowbottom, Evansville Ben Johnson, Bardstown Samuel Rutherford, Forsyth Arthur H. Greenwood, Washington Maurice H. Thatcher, Louisville Gordon Lee, Chickamauga Frank Gardner, Scottsburg Arthur B. Rouse, Burlington Charles H. Brand, Athens Harry C. Canfield, Batesville Virgil M. Chapman, Paris Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville Noble J. Johnson, Terre Haute Ralph Gilbert, Shelbyville Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Richard N. Elliott, Connersville Fred M. Vinson, Louisa William C. Lankford, Douglas Ralph E. Updike, Indianapolis John W. Langley,25 Pikeville William W. Larsen, Dublin Albert H. Vestal, Anderson Andrew J. Kirk,26 Jenkins Fred S. Purnell, Attica John M. Robsion, Barbourville IDAHO William R. Wood, La Fayette LOUISIANA SENATORS Albert R. Hall, Marion William E. Borah, Boise David Hogg, Fort Wayne SENATORS Frank R. Gooding, Gooding Andrew J. Hickey, La Porte Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence Edwin S. Broussard, New Iberia REPRESENTATIVES IOWA REPRESENTATIVES Burton L. French, Moscow SENATORS Addison T. Smith, Twin Falls Albert B. Cummins,'9 Des Moines James O'Connor, New Orleans David W. Stewart,2° Sioux City J. Zach Spearing, New Orleans ILLINOIS Smith W. Brookhart,2' Washington Whitmell P. Martin, Thibodaux SENATORS Daniel F. Steck,22 Ottumwa John N. Sandlin, Minden William B. McKinley,'4 Champaign Riley J. Wilson, Ruston REPRESENTATIVES Bolivar E. Kemp, A mite Frank L Smith,'5 Dwight William F. Kopp, Mount Pleasant Charles S. Deneen, Chicago Ladislas Lazaro, Washington F. Dickinson Letts, Davenport James B. Aswell, Natchitoches REPRESENTATIVES Thomas J. B. Robinson, Hampton Martin B. Madden, Chicago Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood MAINE Morton D. Hull, Chicago Cyrenus Cole, Cedar Rapids Elliott W. Sproul, Chicago C. William Ramseyer, Bloomfield SENATORS Thomas A. Doyle, Chicago Cassius C. Dowell, Des Moines Bert M. Fernald,27 West Poland Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago , Osceola Arthur R. Gould,28 Presque Isle John J. Gorman, Chicago William R Green, Council Bluffs Frederick Hale, Portland

Election unsuccessfully contested by H. 0. Brown. "Died October 14, 1925. Successfully contested the electionof Smith W. ' "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel Brookhart, and took his seat April 12, 1926. Election unsuccessfully contested by Don H. Clark. Died September 3, 1925, before Congress assembled. ' Died December 7, 1926. M. Ralston, and took his seat December 7, 1925; subse- ' fillvacancy ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert Y. CredentialsasSenator-designateto quently elected. Thomas, Jr., and took his seat December 7, 1925. caused by death of William B. McKinley were presented " Died July 30, 1926. Resigned January 11, 1926, never having qualified. on January 19, 1927, and were referred to the Committee Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Albert B. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John on Privileges and Elections for report; meanwhile Mr. Cummins, and took his seat November 10, 1926; subse- W. Langley, and took his seat February 25, 1926. Smith was not permitted to qualify. No further action was quently elected. Died August 23, 1926. taken. ' i Served until April 12, 1926; succeeded by Daniel F. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Bert M. Died June 25, 1926; vacancy throughout remainder of Stock, who contested his election. Fernald, and took his seat December 6, 1926. the Congress. 332 Biographical Directory

MAINE-Continued Grant M. Hudson, East Lansing Harry B. Hawes,4' St. Louis Louis C. Cramton, Lapeer John J. Cochran,42 St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES Bird J. Vincent, Saginaw Carroll L. Beedy, Portland Leonidas C. Dyer, St. Louis James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon Charles E. Kiefner, Perryville Wallace H. White, Jr., Lewiston Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City John E. Nelson, Augusta Ralph E. Bailey, Sikeston Frank D. Scott, Alpena Joe J. Manlove, Joplin Ira G. Hersey, Houlton W. Frank James, Hancock Thomas L. Rubey, Lebanon MARYLAND Clarence J. McLeod, Detroit SENATORS MONTANA MINNESOTA SENATORS Ovington E. Weller, Baltimore SENATORS William Cabell Bruce, Baltimore Thomas J. Walsh, Helena Henrik Shipstead, Minneapolis Burton K. Wheeler, Butte REPRESENTATIVES Thomas D. Schall, Excelsior T. Alan Goldsborough, Denton REPRESENTATIVES Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace REPRESENTATIVES John M. Evans, Missoula John Philip Hill, Baltimore Allen J. Furlow, Rochester Scott Leavitt, Great Falls J. Charles Linthicum, Baltimore Frank Clague, Redwood Falls Stephen W. Gambrill, Laurel August H. Andresen, Red Wing NEBRASKA Frederick N. Zihlman, Cumberland Oscar E. Keller, St. Paul Walter H. Newton, Minneapolis SENATORS MASSACHUSETTS Harold Knutson, St. Cloud George W. Norris, McCook SENATORS 0. J. Kvale, Benson Robert B. Howell, Omaha William L Carss, Proctor William M. Butler, Boston REPRESENTATIVES Knud Wefald, Hawley John H. Morehead, Falls City David I. Walsh,29 Fitchburg Godfrey G. Goodwin, Cambridge Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield Willis G. Sears, Omaha REPRESENTATIVES Edgar Howard, Columbus MISSISSIPPI Melvin 0. McLaughlin, York Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge SENATORS George B. Churchill,30 Amherst Ashton C. Shallenberger, Alma Henry L. Bowles,3' Springfield Pat Harrison, Gulfport Robert G. Simmons, Scottsbluff Frank H. Foss, Fitchburg Hubert D. Stephens, New Albany George R. Stobbs, Worcester REPRESENTATIVES NEVADA John Jacob Rogers,32 Lowell John E. Rankin, Tupelo SENATORS ,33 Lowell Bill G. Lowrey, Blue Mountain Key Pittman, Tonopah A. Piatt Andrew, Jr., Gloucester William M. Whittington, Greenwood Tasker L. Oddie, Reno William P. Connery, Jr., Lynn T. Jeff. Busby, Houston Harry I. Thayer,34 Wakefield Ross A. Collins, Meridian REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Frederick W. Dallinger,35 Cambridge T. Webber Wilson, Laurel Samuel S. Arentz, Simpson Charles L. Underhill, Somerville Percy E. Quin, McComb City John J. Douglass, Boston James W. Collier, Vicksburg NEW HAMPSHIRE George H. Tinkham, Boston SENATORS James A. Gallivan, Boston MISSOURI George H. Moses, Concord Robert Luce, Waltham SENATORS Henry W. Keyes, Haverhill Louis A. Frothingham, Easton James A. Reed, Kansas City REPRESENTATIVES Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro Selden P. Spencer,38 St. Louis Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit Fletcher Hale, Laconia George H. Williams,39 St. Louis Edward H. Wason, Nashua Harry B. Hawes,4° St. Louis MICHIGAN REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS NEW JERSEY Milton A. Romjue, Macon SENATORS James Couzens, Detroit Ralph F. Lozier, Carrollton Woodbridge N. Ferris, Big Rapids Jacob L. Milligan, Richmond Walter E. Edge, Atlantic City REPRESENTATIVES Charles L. Faust, St. Joseph Edward I. Edwards, Jersey City John B. Sosnowski, Detroit Edgar C. Ellis, Kansas City REPRESENTATIVES Earl C. Michener, Adrian Clement C. Dickinson, Clinton Francis F. Patterson, Jr., Camden Arthur B. Williams,36 Battle Creek Samuel C. Major, Fayette Isaac Bacharàch, Atlantic City Joseph L. Hooper,37 Battle Creek William L. Nelson, Columbia Stewart H. Appleby,43 Asbury Park John C. Ketcham, Hastings Clarence Cannon, Els berry Charles A. Eaton, North Plainfield Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids Cleveland A. Newton, St. Louis Ernest R. Ackerman, Plainfield

°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry "Died March 10, 1926. O Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Selden P. Cabot Lodge, in preceding Congress, and took his seat "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Harry I. Spencer, and took his seat December 6, 1926. December 6, 1926. Thayer, and took his seat December 6, 1926. 'Resigned October 15, 1926, having been nominated for '° Died July 1, 1925, before Congress assembled. '° Died May 1, 1925, before Congress assembled. the Senate. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George B. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Arthur B. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Harry Churchill, and took his seat December 7, 1925. B. Hawes, and took his seat December 6, 1926. "Died March 28, 1925, before Congress assembled. Williams, and took his seat December 7, 1925. '° Died May 16, 1925. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- Representotive-elect T. Frank Appleby (December14, band, John Jacob Rogers, and took her seat December 7, '° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Selden 1924, before the beginning of the congressional term), and 1925. P. Spencer, and took his seat December 7, 1925. took his seat December 7, 1925. Sixty-Ninth Congress 333

Randolph Perkins, Woodcliff Lake S. Wallace Dempsey, Lockport OKLAHOMA George N. Seger, Passaic Clarence MacGregor, Buffalo SENATORS Herbert W. Taylor, Newark James M. Mead, Buffalo John W. Harreld, Oklahoma City Franklin W. Fort, East Orange Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk William B. Pine, Okmulgee Frederick R. Lehlbach, Newark Oscar L. AufderHeide, West New York NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENTATIVES Mary T. Norton, Jersey City SENATORS Samuel J. Montgomery, Bartlesville William W. Hastings, Tahlequah NEW MEXICO Furnifold McL. Simmons, New Bern Charles D. Carter, Ardmore Lee S. Overman, Salisbury SENATORS Thomas D. McKeown, Ada Andrieus A. Jones, East Las Vegas REPRESENTATIVES Fletcher B. Swank, Norman Sam G. Bratton,44 Albuquerque Lindsay C Warren, Washington J. W. Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John H. Kerr, Warrenton James V. McClintic, Snyder Charles L. Abernethy, New Bern Milton C. Garber, Enid John Morrow, Raton Edward W. Pou, Smithfield NEW YORK Charles M. Stedman, Greensboro OREGON Homer L. Lyon, Whiteville SENATORS SENATORS William C. Hammer, Asheboro James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Groveland Charles L. McNary, Salem Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs Robert N. Stanfield, Portland Royal S. Copeland, New York City Alfred L. Bulwinkle, Gastonia REPRESENTATIVES Zebulon Weaver, Asheville REPRESENTATIVES Robert L. Bacon, Westbury Willis C. Hawley, Salem John J. Kindred, Astoria NORTH DAKOTA Nicholas J. Sinnott, The Dalles George W Lindsay, Brooklyn SENATORS Maurice E. Crumpacker, Portland Thomas H. Cullen, Brooklyn Edwin F. Ladd,46 Fargo PENNSYLVANIA Loring M. Black, Jr., Brooklyn Gerald P. Nye,47 Cooperstown Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn Lynn J. Frazier, Hoople SENATORS John F. Quayle, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES George Wharton Pepper, Philadelphia William E. Cleary, Brooklyn David A. Reed, Pittsburgh David J. O'Connell, Brooklyn Olger B. Burtness, Grand Forks Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn Thomas Hall, Bismarck REPRESENTATIVES Anning S Prall, West New Brighton James H. Sinclair, Kenmare William S. Vare, Philadelphia Samuel Dickstein, New York City George S. Graham, Philadelphia Christopher D. Sullivan, New York OHIO Harry C. Ransley, Philadelphia Benjamin M. Golder, Philadelphia City SENATORS Nathan D. Penman,45 New York City James J. Connolly, Philadelphia Frank B Willis, Delaware George A. Welsh, Philadelphia John J. Boylan, New York City Simeon D. Fess, Yellow Springs John J. O'Connor, New York City George P. Darrow, Philadelphia Ogden L. Mills, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Thomas S. Butler, West Chester John F. Carew, New York City Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati Henry W. Watson, Langhorne Sol Bloom, New York City Ambrose E. B. Stephens,48 North Bend William W. Griest, Lancaster Fiorello H. LaGuardia, New York City Roy G. Fitzgerald, Dayton Laurence H. Watres, Scranton Royal H. Weller, New York City William T. Fitzgerald, Greenville Edmund N. Carpenter, Wilkes-Barre Anthony J. Griffin, New York City Charles J. Thompson, Defiance George F. Brumm, Minersville Frank Oliver, Bronx Charles C. Kearns, Amelia Charles J. Esterly, Reading Benjamin L. Fairchild, Pelham Charles Brand, Urbana Louis T. McFadden, Canton J. Mayhew Wainwright, Rye Thomas Brooks Fletcher, Marion Edgar R. Kiess, Williamsport Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison William W. Chalmers, Toledo Frederick W. Magrady, Mount Carmel Harcourt J. Pratt, Highland Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton Edward M. Beers, Mount Union Parker Corning, Albany Mel! G. Underwood, New Lexington Joshua W. Swartz, Harrisburg James S. Parker, Salem John C. Speaks, Columbus Anderson H. Walters,49 Johnstown Frank Crowther, Schenectady James T. Begg, Sand us ky J. Banks Kurtz, Altoona Bertrand H. Snell, Potsdam Martin L. Davey, Kent Franklin Menges, York Thaddeus C. Sweet, Phoenix C. Ellis Moore, Cambridge William I. Swoope, Clearfield Frederick M. Davenport, Clinton John McSweeney, Wooster Samuel A. Kendall, Meyersdale Harold S. Tolley, Binghamton William M. Morgan, Newark Henry W. Temple, Washington Walter W. Magee, Syracuse B. Frank Murphy, Steubenville Thomas W. Phillips, Jr., Butler John Taber, Auburn John G. Cooper, Youngstown Nathan L. Strong, Brookville Gale H Stalker, Elmira Charles A. Mooney, Cleveland Harris J. Bixler, Johnsonburg Meyer Jacobstein, Rochester Robert Crosser, Cleveland Milton W. Shreve, Erie Archie D. Sanders, Stafford Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland William R Coyle, Bethlehem

"Died February 12, 1927. before the commencement of ElectionunsuccessfullycontestedbyHoIm0. ° Died June 22, 1925. ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Edwin F. the Seventieth Congress, to which he had been reelected. Bursum. Ladd, and took his seat January 12, 1926; subsequently 'Election unsuccessfully contested by Warren Worth Election unsuccessfully contested by William I. Siro- Bailey. vich. elected. 334 Biographical Directory

PENNSYLVANIAContinued Earle B. Mayfield, Austin Lindiley H. Hadley, Bellingham REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED REPRESENTATIVES Albert Johnson, Hoquiam Eugene Black, Clarksville John W. Summers, Walla Walla Adam M. Wyant, Greensburg Samuel B. Hill, Waterville Stephen G. Porter, Pittsburgh John C. Box, Jacksonville Morgan G. Sanders, Canton M. Clyde Kelly, Edgewood WEST VIRGINIA John M. Morin, Pittsburgh Sam Rayburn, Bonham James M. Magee, Pittsburgh Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas SENATORS Guy E. Campbell, Crafton Luther A. Johnson, Corsicana Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont Clay Stone Briggs, Galveston Guy D. Goff, Clarks burg Daniel E. Garrett, Houston RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATIVES Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus SENATORS James P. Buchanan, Brenham Carl G. Bachmann, Wheeling Peter G. Gerry, Warwick Tom T. Connally, Marlin Frank L. Bowman, Morgan town Jesse H. Metcalf, Providence Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth John M. Wolverton, Richwood REPRESENTATIVES Guinn Williams, Decatur Harry C. Woodyard, Spencer Clark Burdick, Newport Harry M. Wurzbach, Seguin James French Strother, Welch Richard S. Aldrich, Warwick John N. Garner, Uvalde J. Alfred Taylor, Fayetteville Jeremiah E. O'Connell, Providence Claude B. Hudspeth, El Paso Thomas L. Blanton, Abilene WISCONSIN SOUTH CAROLINA Marvin Jones, Amarillo SENATORS SENATORS Robert M. La Follette,5° Madison Ellison D. Smith, Lynchburg UTAH Robert M. La Follette, Jr.,5' Madison Coleman L. Blease, Columbia SENATORS Irvine L. Lenroot, Superior REPRESENTATIVES Reed Smoot, Provo REPRESENTATIVES Thomas S. McMillan, Charleston William H. King, Salt Lake City Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Butler B. Hare, Saluda REPRESENTATIVES Edward Voigt, She boygan Fred H. Dominick, Newberry Don B. Colton, Vernal John M. Nelson, Madison John J. McSwain, Greenville Elmer 0. Leatherwood, Salt Lake City John C. Schafer, Milwaukee William F. Stevenson, Cheraw Victor L. Berger, Milwaukee Allard H. Gasque, Florence VERMONT Florian Lampert, Oshkosh Hampton P. Fulmer, Orangeburg Joseph D. Beck, Viroqua SENATORS Edward E. Browne, Waupaca SOUTH DAKOTA Frank L Greene, St. Albans George J. Schneider, Appleton Porter H. Dale, Island Pond SENATORS James A. Frear, Hudson Peter Norbeck, Redfield REPRESENTATIVES Hubert H. Peavey, Washburn William H McMaster, Yankton Elbert S. Brigham, St. Albans REPRESENTATIVES Ernest Willard Gibson, Brattleboro WYOMING SENATORS Charles A. Christopherson, Sioux Falls VIRGINIA Royal C. Johnson, Aberdeen Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne William Williamson, Custer SENATORS John B. Kendrick, Sheridan Claude A. Swanson, Chat ham REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE TENNESSEE Carter Glass, Lynchburg Charles E. Winter, Casper SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News TERRITORY OF ALASKA Lawrence D. Tyson, Knoxville Joseph T. Deal, Norfolk DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVES Andrew J. Montague, Richmond Dan A. Sutherland, Juneau B. Carroll Reece, Butler Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg J. Will Taylor, La Follette Joseph Whitehead, Chatham Clifton A. Woodrum, Roanoke TERRITORY OF HAWAII Sam D. McReynolds, Chattanooga DELEGATE Cordell Hull, Carthage Thomas W. Harrison, Winchester Ewin L. Davis, Tullahoma R. Walton Moore, Fairfax William P Jarrett, Honolulu Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville George C. Peery, Tazewell Edward E. Eslick, Pulaski Henry St. George Tucker, Lexington PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Gordon Browning, Huntingdon RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS Finis J. Garrett, Dresden WASHINGTON Isauro Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija Hubert F. Fisher, Memphis SENATORS Pedro Guevara, Santa Cruz Wesley L. Jones, Seattle TEXAS Clarence C. Dill, Spokane PORTO RICO SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Morris Sheppard, Texarkana John F. Miller, Seattle Felix Cordova Davila, San Juan

00 Died June 18, 1925. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, Robert M. La Follette, and took his seat December 7, 1925. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1927, TO MARCH 3, 1929

FIRST SESSIONDecember 5, 1927, to May 29, 1928 SECOND SESSIONDecember 3, 1928, to March 3, 1929



ALABAMA ARKANSAS Arthur M. Free, San Jose SENATORS William E Evans, Glendale SENATORS Joe Crail, Los Angeles J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock Philip D. Swing, El Centro Hugo L. Black, Birmingham Thaddeus H. Caraway, Jones boro REPRESENTATIVES COLORADO REPRESENTATIVES William J Driver, Osceola SENATORS John McDuffie, Monroeville William A Oldfield,7 Batesville Lawrence C. Phipps, Denver Lister Hill, Montgomery Pearl Peden Oldfield,8 Batesville Charles W. Waterman, Denver Henry B. Steagall, Ozark John N. Tillman, Fayetteville Lamar Jeffers, Anniston Otis Wingo, De Queen REPRESENTATIVES William B Bowling,5 Lafayette Heartsill Ragon, Clarksville William N. Vaile,9 Denver LaFayette L. Patterson,6 Alexander James B. Reed, Lonoke S. Harrison Denver City Tilman B Parks, Camden Charles B. Timberlake, Sterling William B. Oliver, Tuscaloosa Guy U. Hardy, Canon City Miles C. Aligood, Allgood CALIFORNIA Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs Edward B. Almon, Tuscumbia SENATORS CONNECTICUT George Huddleston, Birmingham Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco William B Bankhead, Jasper Samuel M. Shortridge, Menlo Park SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES George P. McLean, Simsbury ARIZONA Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa Hiram Bingham, New Haven REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Harry L. Englebright, Nevada City Charles F. Curry, Sacramento E. Hart Fenn, Wethersfield Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott Richard P. Freeman, New London Carl Hayden, Phoenix Florence P. Kahn, San Francisco Richard J. Welch, San Francisco John Q. Tilson, New Haven REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Albert E. Carter, Oakland Schuyler Merritt, Stamford Lewis W. Douglas, Phoenix Henry E. Barbour, Fresno James P. Glynn, Winsted

Resigned August 16, 1928, having been appointed a Died November 19, 1928, before the commencement of 'Reelected December 15, 1927. the Seventy-first Congress, to which he had been reelected. 'Reelected December 15, 1927. justice of the circuit court of the State of Alabama. o Elected to fill vacancy mused by death of her husband, Reelected December 5, 1927. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- William A. Oldfield, and took her seat January 11, 1929. Reelected December 5, 1927. liam B. Bowling, and took his seat December 3,1928. Died July 2, 1927, before Congress assembled. 0 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William N. Vaile, and took his seat December 5, 1927.

[3351 336 Biographical Directory

DELAWARE Elliott W. Sproul, Chicago C. William Ramseyer, Bloomfield SENATORS Thomas A. Doyle, Chicago Cassius C. Dowell, Des Moines Thomas F. Bayard, Jr., Wilmington Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago Lloyd Thurston, Osceola T. Coleman du Pont," Wilmington James T. Igoe, Chicago William R. Green,2° Council Bluffs Daniel 0. Hastings,'2 Wilmington M. Alfred Michaelson, Chicago Earl W. Vincent,2' Guthrie Center Stanley H. Kunz, Chicago Lester J. Dickinson, Algona REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Fred A. Britten, Chicago William D. Boies, Sheldon Robert G. Houston, Georgetown Carl R. Chindblom, Chicago Frank R Reid, Aurora KANSAS FLORIDA John T. Buckbee, Roe kford SENATORS William R Johnson, Freeport SENATORS Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville John C. Allen, Monmouth Charles Curtis,22 Topeka Park Trammell, Lakeland Edward J. King,'8 Galesburg Arthur Capper, Topeka REPRESENTATIVES William E. Hull, Peoria REPRESENTATIVES Herbert J. Drane, Lakeland Homer W. Hall, Bloomington Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., Leavenworth Robert A. Green, Starke William P Holaday, Georgetown Ulysses S. Guyer, Kansas City Thomas A. Yon, Tallahassee Charles Adkins, Decatur William H. Sproul, Sedan William J. Sears, Kissimmee Henry T. Rainey, Carroilton Homer Hoch, Marion J. Earl Major, Hillsboro James G. Strong, Blue Rapids GEORGIA Edward M. Irwin, Belleville Hays B. White,23 Mankato William W. Arnold, Robinson SENATORS Clifford R. Hope, Garden City Thomas S. Williams, Louisville William A Ayres, Wichita William J Harris, Cedartown Edward E. Denison, Marion Walter F. George, Vienna At Large-Richard Yates, Springfield KENTUCKY REPRESENTATIVES Henry R. Rathbone,'9 Kenilworth Charles G. Edwards, Savannah SENATORS Edward E. Cox, Camilla INDIANA Frederic M. Sackett, Louisville Charles R. Crisp, Americus SENATORS Alben W. Barkley, Paducah William C. Wright, Newnan James E. Watson, Rushville REPRESENTATIVES Leslie J. Steele, Decatur Arthur R. Robinson, Indianapolis William V Gregory, Mayfield Samuel Rutherford, Forsyth REPRESENTATIVES David H. Kincheloe, Madisonville Malcolm C. Tarver, Dalton John W. Moore, Morgantown Charles H. Brand, Athens Harry E. Rowbottom, Evansville Arthur H. Greenwood, Washington Henry D. Moorman, Hardinsburg Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville Maurice H. Thatcher, Louisville Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Frank Gardner, Scottsburg Harry C. Canfield, Batesville One S. Ware, Covington William C Lankford, Douglas Virgil M. Chapman, Paris William W. Larsen, Dublin Nobel J. Johnson, Terre Haute Richard N. Elliott, Connersville Ralph Gilbert, Shelbyville Fred M. Vinson, Louisa IDAHO Ralph E. Updike, Indianapolis Albert H. Vestal,Anderson Katherine Langley, Pikeville SENATORS Fred S. Purnell, Attica John M. Robsion, Barbourville William E Borah, Boise William R. Wood, La Fayette Frank R. Gooding,'3 Gooding Albert R. Hall, Marion LOUISIANA John Thomas,'4 Gooding David Hogg, Fort Wayne SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Andrew J. Hickey, La Porte Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence Burton L. French, Moscow Edwin S. Broussard, New Iberia Addison T. Smith, Twin Falls IOWA REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS James O'Connor, New Orleans ILLINOIS Daniel F. Steck, Ottumwa SENATORS J. Zach Spearing, New Orleans Smith W. Brookhart, Washington Whitmell P. Martin, Thibodaux Charles S. Deneen, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES John N. Sandlin, Minden Frank L. Smith,'5 Dwight William F Kopp, Mount Pleasant Riley J. Wilson, Ruston Otis F. Glenn,'6 Murphysboro F. Dickinson Letts, Davenport Bolivar E. Kemp, A mite REPRESENTATIVES Thomas J. B. Robinson, Hampton Ladislas Lazaro,'4 Washington Martin B. Madden,'7 Chicago Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood René L. DeRouen,25 Ville Platte Morton D. Hull, Chicago Cyrenus Cole, Cedar Rapids James B. Aswell, Natchitoches

''Resigned December 9, 1928. '' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Frank so Resigned March 31, 1928, having been appointed a "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of T. L. Smith, and took his seat December 3, 1928. judge of the Court of Claims of the United States. Coleman du Pont, and took his seat December 13, 1928. '° Died April 27, 1928; vacancy throughout remainder of 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 'Died June 24, 1928. the Congress. liam R. Green, and took his seat December 3, 1928. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Frank R. Died February 17, 1929, before the commencement of "Resigned effective March 3, 1929, having been elected Gooding, and took his seat December 3, 1928; subsequently the Seventy-first Congress, to which he had boon reelected. Vice President of the United States. "Election unsuccessfully contested by W. H. Clark. elected. Vacancy in the Seventieth Congress not filled. 'Died March 30, 1927, before Congress assembled. A Senator-elect whom the Senate refused to seat and '° Died July 15, 1928; vacancy throughout remainder of '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Ladislas who resigned February 9, 1928. the Congress. Lazaro, and took his seat December 5, 1927. Seventieth Congress 337

MAINE Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids Clyde Williams, Hillsboro Grant M. Hudson, East Lansing James F. Fulbright, Doniphan SENATORS Louis C. Cramton, Lapeer Joe J. Manlove, Joplin Frederick Hale, Portland Bird J. Vincent, Saginaw Thomas L. Rubey,34 Lebanon Arthur R. Gould, Presque Isle James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon REPRESENTATIVES Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City MONTANA Carroll L. Beedy, Portland Frank P. Bohn, Newberry SENATORS Wallace H. White, Jr., Lewiston W. Frank James, Hancock Thomas J. Walsh, Helena John E. Nelson, Augusta Clarence J. McLeod, Detroit Burton K. Wheeler, Butte Ira G. Hersey, Houlton REPRESENTATIVES MINNESOTA John M. Evans, Missoula MARYLAND SENATORS Scott Leavitt, Great Falls SENATORS Henrik Shipstead, Minneapolis William Cabell Bruce, Baltimore Thomas D. Schall, Excelsior NEBRASKA Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Allen J. Furlow, Rochester George W. Norris, McCook T. Alan Goldsborough, Denton Frank Clague, Redwood Falls Robert B. Howell, Omaha William P. Cole, Jr., Towson August H. Andresen, Red Wing REPRESENTATIVES Vincent L. Palmisano, Baltimore Melvin J. Mans, St. Paul John H. Morehead, Falls City J. Charles Linthicum, Baltimore Walter H. Newton, Minneapolis Willis G. Sears, Omaha Stephen W. Gambrill, Laurel Harold Knutson, St. Cloud Edgar Howard, Columbus Frederick N. Zihlman, Cumberland Ole J. Kvale, Benson John N. Norton, Polk William L. Carss, Proctor Ashton C. Shallenberger, Alma MASSACHUSETTS Conrad G. Selvig, Crookston Robert G. Simmons, Scotts bluff SENATORS Godfrey G. Goodwin, Cambridge NEVADA Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield MISSISSIPPI David I. Walsh, Fitchburg SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Key Pittman, Tonopah Pat Harrison, Gulfport Tasker L. Oddie, Reno Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge Hubert D. Stephens, New Albany Henry L. Bowles, Springfield REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Frank H. Foss, Fitchburg REPRESENTATIVES Samuel S. Arentz, Simpson George R. Stobbs, Worcester John E. Rankin, Tupelo Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell Bill G. Lowrey, Blue Mountain NEW HAMPSHIRE A. Piatt Andrew, Jr., Gloucester William M. Whittington, Greenwood SENATORS William P. Connery, Jr., Lynn T. Jeff. Busby, Houston Ross A. Collins, Meridian George H. Moses, Concord Frederick W. Dallinger, Cambridge Henry W. Keyes, Haverhill Charles L. Underhill, Somerville T. Webber Wilson, Laurel John J. Douglass, Boston Percy E. Quin, McComb REPRESENTATIVES George H. Tinkham, Boston James W. Collier, Vicksburg Fletcher Hale, Laconia James A. Gallivan,26 Boston Edward H. Wason, Nashua John W. McCormack,27 Dorchester MISSOURI Robert Luce, Waltham SENATORS NEW JERSEY Louis A. Frothingham,28 Easton James A. Reed, Kansas City SENATORS Richard B. Wigglesworth,29 Milton Harry B. Hawes, St. Louis Walter E. Edge, Atlantic City Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro Edward I. Edwards, Jersey City Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit REPRESENTATIVES Milton A. Romjue, Macon REPRESENTATIVES MICHIGAN Ralph F. Lozier, Carrollton Charles A. Wolverton, Camden Jacob L. Milligan, Richmond Isaac Bacharach, Atlantic City SENATORS Charles L. Faust,32 St. Joseph Harold G. Hoffman, South Amboy James Couzens, Detroit David W. Hopkins,33 St. Joseph Charles A. Eaton, North Plainfield Woodbridge N. Ferris,30 Big Rapids George H. Combs, Jr., Kansas City Ernest R. Ackerman, Plainfield Arthur H. Vandenberg,3' Grand Clement C. Dickinson, Clinton Randolph Perkins, Woodcliff Lake Rapids Samuel C. Major, Fayette George N. Seger, Passaic REPRESENTATIVES William L. Nelson, Columbia Paul J. Moore, Newark Robert H. Clancy, Detroit Clarence Cannon, Els berry Franklin W. Fort, East Orange Earl C. Michener, Adrian Henry F. Niedringhaus, St. Louis Frederick R. Lehlbach, Newark Joseph L. Hooper, Battle Creek John J. Cochran, St. Louis Oscar L. Aufder Heide, West New York John C. Ketcham, Hastings Leonidas C. Dyer, St. Louis Mary T. Norton, Jersey City

52Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Wood- so Died April 3, 1928. 29Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Louis A. Frothingham, and took his seat December 3, 1928. bridge N. Ferris, and took his seat April 5, 1928; subse- 5°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James A. quently elected. Gallivan, and took his seat December 3, 1928. °° Died March 23, 1928. 52Died December 17, 1928, before the commencement of 28Died August 23, 1928. the Seventy-first Congress, to which he had been reelected. '' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles L. Faust, and took his seat February 20, 1929. °Died November 2, 1928; vacancy throughout remain- der of the Congress. 338 Biographical Directory

NEW MEXICO John Taber, Auburn James T. Begg, Sand usky SENATORS Gale H. Stalker, Elmira Martin L. Davey, Kent Andrieus A. Jones,35 East Las Vegas Meyer Jacobstein, Rochester C Ellis Moore, Cambridge Bronson M. Cutting,36 Santa Fe Archie D. Sanders, Stafford John McSweeney, Wooster Octaviano A. Larrazolo,37 Albuquerque S. Wallace Dempsey, Lockport William M. Morgan, Newark Sam G. Bratton, Albuquerque Clarence MacGregor,44 Buffalo B. Frank Murphy, Steubenville James M. Mead, Buffalo John G. Cooper, Youngstown REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Charles A. Mooney, Cleveland John Morrow, Raton Robert Crosser, Cleveland NORTH CAROLINA Theodore E. Burton,49 Cleveland NEW YORK SENATORS SENATORS Furnifold McL. Simmons, New Bern OKLAHOMA Royal S. Copeland, New York City Lee S. Overman, Salisbury Robert F. Wagner, New York City SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES William B. Pine, Okmulgee REPRESENTATIVES Lindsay C. Warren, Washington J. W. Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park Robert L. Bacon, Westbury John H. Kerr, Warrenton John J. Kindred, Astoria Charles L. Abernethy, New Bern REPRESENTATIVES George W. Lindsay, Brooklyn Edward W. Pou, Smithfield Everette B. Howard, Tulsa Thomas H Cullen, Brooklyn Charles M. Stedman, Greensboro William W. Hastings, Tahlequah Loring M. Black, Jr., Brooklyn Homer L. Lyon, Whiteville Wilburn Cartwright, McAlester Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn William C. Hammer, Asheboro Thomas D. McKeown, Ada John F. Quayle, Brooklyn Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs Fletcher B. Swank, Norman Patrick J. Carley, Brooklyn Alfred L. Bulwinkle, Gastonia Jed Johnson, Anadarko David J. O'Connell, Brooklyn Zebulon Weaver, Asheville James V. McClintic, Snyder Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn Milton C. Garber, Enid Anning S. Prall, West New Brighton NORTH DAKOTA Samuel Dickstein, New York City SENATORS OREGON Christopher D. Sullivan, New York Lynn J. Frazier, Hoople SENATORS City Gerald P. Nye, Cooperstown Charles L. McNary, Salem William I Sirovich, New York City REPRESENTATIVES John J. Boylan, New York City Frederick Steiwer, Portland John J. O'Connor, New York City Olger B. Burtness, Grand Forks REPRESENTATIVES William W. Cohen, New York City Thomas Hall, Bismarck Willis C. Hawley, Salem John F. Carew, New York City James H. Sinclair, Kenmare Nicholas J. Sinnott,5° The Dalles Sol Bloom, New York City Robert R. Butler,5' The Dalles Fiorello H. LaGuardia,38 New York OHIO Maurice E. Crumpacker,52 Portland City SENATORS Franklin F Korell,53 Portland Royal H. Weller,39 New York City Frank B. Willis,45 Delaware Anthony J. Griffin, New York City Cyrus Locher,46 Cleveland PENNSYLVANIA Frank Oliver, Bronx Theodore E. Burton,47 Cleveland James M. Fitzpatrick, New York City Simeon D. Fess, Yellow Springs SENATORS J. Mayhew Wainwright, Rye REPRESENTATIVES David A. Reed, Pittsburgh Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati William S Vare,54 Philadelphia Harcourt J. Pratt, Highland Charles Tatgenhorst, Jr.,48 Cleves REPRESENTATIVES Parker Corning, Albany Roy G. Fitzgerald, Dayton James M. Hazlett,55 Philadelphia James S. Parker, Salem William T. Fitzgerald, Greenville James M. Beck,56 Philadelphia Frank Crowther, Schenectady Charles J. Thompson, Defiance George S. Graham, Philadelphia Bertrand H. Snell, Potsdam Charles C. Kearns, Amelia Harry C. Ransley, Philadelphia Thaddeus C. Sweet,4° Phoenix Charles Brand, Urbana Benjamin M. Golder, Philadelphia Francis D. Culkin,4' Oswego Thomas Brooks Fletcher, Marion James J. Connolly, Philadelphia Frederick M. Davenport, Clinton William W. Chalmers, Toledo George A. Welsh, Philadelphia John D. Clarke, Fraser Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton George P. Darrow, Philadelphia Walter W. Magee,42 Syracuse Mell G. Underwood, New Lexington Thomas S. Butler,57 West Chester Clarence E. Hancock,43 Syracuse John C. Speaks, Columbus James Wolfenden,58 Upper Darby

"Died December 20, 1927. °-' Resigned December 31, 1928, having been appointed a "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Niche- ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Andrieus justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York; las J. Sinnott, and took his seat December 3, 1928. A. Jones, and took his seat January 4, 1928. vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. "Died July 24, 1927, before Congress assembled. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Andrieus A. ° Died March 30, 1928. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Maurice E. Jones, and took his seat December 7, 1928. °5Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Frank B. Crumpacker, and took his seat December 5, 1927. '' Election unsuccessfully contested by H. Warren Hub- Willis, and took his seat April 16, 1928. °° Credentials as Senator-elect were presented and re-- bard. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Frank B. ferred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections for '° Died March 1, 1929, before the commencement of the report; meanwhile Mr. Vare was not permitted to qualify. Willis, and took his seat December 15, 1928. No action taken during the session. Seventy-first Congress, to which he had been reelected. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- OsResigned October 20, 1927, before Congress assem- Vacancy in the Seventieth Congress not filled. tive-elect Ambrose E. B. Stephens in preceding Congress, bled. '° Died May 1, 1928. and took his seat December 5, 1927. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thaddeus Resigned December 15, 1928, having been elected to M. Hazlett, and took his seat December 5, 1927. Election C. Sweet, and took his seat December 3, 1928. the Senate; vacancy throughout remainder of the Con- unsuccessfully contested by House Resolution No. 9. °' Died May 25, 1927, before Congress assembled. gress. "Died May 26, 1928. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Walter W. so Resigned May 31, 1928, having been appointed a 5°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas S. Magee, and took his seat December 5, 1927. judge of the Court of Claims of the United States. Butler, and took his seat December 3, 1928. Seventieth Congress 339

Henry W. Watson, Langhorne Lawrence D. Tyson, Knoxville Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg William W. Griest, Lancaster REPRESENTATWES Joseph Whitehead, Chat ham Laurence H. Watres, Scranton B. Carroll Reece, Butler Clifton A. Woodrum, Roanoke John J. Casey, Wilkes-Barre J. Will Taylor, La Follette Thomas W. Harrison, Winchester Cyrus M. Palmer, Pottsville Sam D. McReynolds, Chattanooga R. Walton Moore, Fairfax Robert G. Bushong, Sinking Spring Cordell Hull, Carthage George C. Peery, Tazewell Louis T. McFadden, Canton Ewin L. Davis, Tullahoma Henry St. George Tucker, Lexington Edgar R. Kiess, Williamsport Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville Frederick W. Magrady, Mount Carmel Edward E. Eslick, Pulaski WASHINGTON Edward M. Beers, Mount Union Isaac H. Doutrich, Harrisburg Gordon Browning, Huntingdon SENATORS J. Russell Leech, Ebensburg Finis J. Garrett, Dresden Wesley L. Jones, Seattle J. Banks Kurtz, Altoona Hubert F. Fisher, Memphis Clarence C. Dill, Spokane Franklin Menges, York TEXAS REPRESENTATIVES J. Mitchell Chase, Clearfield SENATORS John F. Miller, Seattle Samuel A. Kendall, Meyersdale Lindley H. Hadley, Bellingham Henry W. Temple, Washington Morris Sheppard, Texarkana Albert Johnson, Hoquiam J. Howard Swick, Beaver Falls Earle B. Mayfield, Austin John W. Summers, Walla Walla Nathan L. Strong, Brookville REPRESENTATIVES Samuel B. Hill, Waterville Thomas C. Cochran, Mercer Eugene Black, Clarksville Milton W. Shreve, Erie John C. Box, Jacksonville WEST VIRGINIA Everett Kent, Bangor Morgan G. Sanders, Canton Adam M. Wyant, Greensburg Sam Rayburn, Bonham SENATORS Stephen G. Porter, Pittsburgh Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont M. Clyde Kelly, Edgewood Luther A. Johnson, Corsicana Guy D. Goff, Clarksburg John M. Morin, Pittsburgh Clay Stone Briggs, Galveston REPRESENTATIVES Harry A. Estep, Pittsburgh Daniel E. Garrett, Houston Guy E. Campbell, Crafton Carl G. Bachmann, Wheeling Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus Frank L. Bowman, Morgantown RHODE ISLAND James P. Buchanan, Brenham William S. O'Brien, Buckhannon Tom T. Connally, Marlin James A. Hughes, Huntington SENATORS Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth Peter G. Gerry, Warwick James French Strother, Welch Guinn Williams, Decatur Edward T. England,59 Charleston Jesse H. Metcalf, Providence Harry M. Wurzbach, Seguin REPRESENTATIVES John N. Garner, Uvalde Clark Burdick, Newport Claude B. Hudspeth, El Paso WISCONSIN Richard S. Aldrich, Warwick Thomas L. Blanton, Abilene SENATORS Louis Monast, Pawtucket Marvin Jones, Amarillo Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Madison John J. Blame, Boscobel SOUTH CAROLINA UTAH REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS SENATORS Henry Allen Cooper, Racine Ellison D. Smith, Lynchburg Reed Smoot, Provo Coleman L Blease, Columbia Charles A. Kading, Watertown William H. King, Salt Lake City John M. Nelson, Madison REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John C. Schafer, Milwaukee Thomas S. McMillan, Charleston Don B. Colton, Vernal Victor L. Berger, Milwaukee Butler B. Hare, Saluda Elmer 0. Leatherwood, Salt Lake City Florian Lampert, Oshkosh Fred H. Dominick, Newberry Joseph D. Beck, Viroqua John J. McSwain, Greenville VERMONT Edward E. Browne, Waupaca William F. Stevenson, Cheraw SENATORS George J. Schneider, Appleton Allard H. Gasque, Florence Frank L Greene, St. Albans James A. Frear, Hudson Hampton P. Fulmer, Orangeburg Porter H. Dale, Island Pond Hubert H. Peavey, Washburn REPRESENTATIVES SOUTH DAKOTA WYOMING SENATORS Elbert S. Brigham, St. Albans Peter Norbeck, Redfield Ernest Willard Gibson, Brattleboro SENATORS William H. McMaster, Yankton Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne VIRGINIA REPRESENTATIVES John B. Kendrick, Sheridan SENATORS Charles A. Christopherson, Sioux Falls REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Royal C. Johnson, Aberdeen Claude A. Swanson, Chat ham Charles E. Winter, Casper William Williamson, Rapid City Carter Glass, Lynchburg REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF ALASKA TENNESSEE Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News SENATORS Joseph T. Deal, Norfolk DELEGATE Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis Andrew J. Montague, Richmond Dan A. Sutherland, Juneau

Election unsuccessfully contested by J. Alfred Taylor. 340 Biographical Directory

TERRITORY OF HAWAII PHILIPPINE ISLANDS PORTO RICO RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS DELEGATE RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Victor S. K. Houston, Honolulu Isauro Gabaldon,6° Nueva Ecfa Pedro Guevara, Santa Cruz Felix Cordova Davila, San Juan

°° Resigned July 16, 1928, having been nominated for election to the Philippine House of Representatives; vacan- cy throughout the remainder of the Congress. SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1929, TO MARCH 3, 1931

FIRST SESSIONApril 15, 1929, to Nooember 22, 1929 SECOND SESSIONDecember 2, 1929, to July 3, 1930 THIRD SESSIONDecember 1, 1930, to March 3, 1931 SPECIAL SESSIONS OF THE SENATEMarch 4, 1929, to March 5, 1929; July 7, 1930, to July 21, 1930



ALABAMA ARKANSAS Henry E. Barbour, Fresno Arthur M. Free, San Jose SENATORS SENATORS William E. Evans, Glendale Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock Joe Crail, Los Angeles J. Thomas Heflin, Lafayette Thaddeus H. Caraway, Jones boro Hugo L. Black, Birmingham Philip D. Swing, El Centro REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William J. Driver, Osceola COLORADO John McDuffie, Monroeville Pearl Peden Oldfield,3 Batesville SENATORS Lister Hill, Montgomery Claude A. Fuller, Eureka Springs Lawrence C. Phipps, Denver Henry B. Steagall, Ozark Otis Wingo,4 De Queen Charles W. Waterman, Denver Lamar Jeffers, Anniston Effiegene (Locke) Wingo,5 De Queen Heartsill Ragon, Clarksville REPRESENTATIVES LaFayette L. Patterson, Alexander City William R. Eaton, Denver William B. Oliver, Tuscaloosa David D. Glover, Malvern Tilman B. Parks, Camden Charles B. Timberlake, Sterling Miles C. Aligood, Ailgood Guy U. Hardy, Canon City Edward B. Almon, Tuscumbia CALIFORNIA Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs George Huddleston, Birmingham SENATORS William B. Bankhead, Jasper Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco CONNECTICUT Samuel M. Shortridge, Menlo Park SENATORS ARIZONA REPRESENTATIVES Hiram Bingham, New Haven Frederic C. Walcott, Norfolk SENATORS Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott Harry L. Englebright, Nevada City REPRESENTATIVES Carl Hayden, Phoenix Charles F. Curry,6 Sacramento E. Hart Fenn, Wethersfield Florence P. Kahn, San Francisco Richard P. Freeman, New London REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Richard J. Welch, San Francisco John Q. Tilson, New Haven Lewis W. Douglas, Phoenix Albert E. Carter, Oakland Schuyler Merritt, Stamford

Reelected April 15, 1929. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her husband, Died October 21, 1930. 2 Representative-elect William A. Oldfield,in preceding 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her husband, Reelected April 15, 1929. Otis Wingo, and took her seat December 1, 1930. Congress. ° Died October 10, 1930; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress.

[341] 342 Biographical Directory

CONNECTICUT-Continued Morton D. Hull, Chicago C. William Ramseyer, Bloomfield REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Elliott W. Sproul, Chicago Cassius C. Dowell, Des Moines Thomas A. Doyle, Chicago Lloyd Thurston, Osceola James P. Glynn,7 Winsted Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago Charles E. Swanson, Council Bluffs Edward W. Goss,8 Waterbury James T. Igoe, Chicago Lester J. Dickinson, Algona M. Alfred Michaelson, Chicago Ed H. Campbell, Battle Creek DELA WARE Stanley H. Kunz, Chicago SENATORS Fred A. Britten, Chicago KANSAS Daniel 0. Hastings, Wilmington Carl R. Chindblom, Chicago John G. Townsend, Jr., Selbyville Frank R. Reid, Aurora SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John T. Buckbee, Rockford Arthur Capper, Topeka Robert G. Houston, Georgetown William R Johnson, Freeport Henry J. Allen,'6 Wichita John C. Allen, Monmouth George McGill,'7 Wichita FLORIDA Burnett M. Chiperfield,'2 Canton William E Hull, Peoria REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Homer W. Hall, Bloomington William P. Lambertson, Fairview Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville William P. Holaday, Georgetown Ulysses S. Guyer, Kansas City Park Trammell, Lakeland Charles Adkins, Decatur William H Sproul, Sedan REPRESENTATIVES Henry T. Rainey, Carroilton Homer Hoch, Marion Herbert J. Drane, Lakeland Frank M. Ramey, Hillsboro James G. Strong, Blue Rapids Robert A. Green, Starke Edward M. Irwin, Belleville Charles I. Sparks, Goodland Thomas A Yon, Tallahassee William W. Arnold, Robinson Clifford R. Hope, Garden City Ruth Bryan Owen,9 Miami Thomas S. Williams,'3 Louisville William A Ayres, Wichita Claude V. Parsons,'4 Golconda GEORGIA Edward E. Denison, Marion SENATORS At Large-Richard Yates, Springfield KENTUCKY William J. Harris, Cedartown Ruth Hanna McCormick, Byron SENATORS Walter F. George, Vienna Frederic M. Sackett,'8 Louisville REPRESENTATIVES INDIANA John M. Robsion,'9 Barbourville Charles G. Edwards, Savannah SENATORS Ben M. Williamson,20 Ashland Edward E. Cox, Camilla James E. Watson, Rushville Alben W. Barkley, Pad ucah Charles R. Crisp, Americus Arthur R. Robinson, Indianapolis REPRESENTATIVES William C. Wright, Newnan REPRESENTATIVES Leslie J. Steele,1° Decatur Harry E. Rowbottom, Evansville William V Gregory, Mayfield ," Decatur Arthur H. Greenwood, Washington David H. Kincheloe,2' Madisonville Samuel Rutherford, Forsyth James W. Dunbar, New Albany John L. Dorsey, Jr.,22 Henderson Malcolm C. Tarver, Dalton Harry C. Canfield, Batesville Charles W. Roark,23 Greenville Charles H. Brand, Athens Noble J. Johnson, Terre Haute John W. Moore,24 Morgantown Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville John D. Craddock, Munfordville Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Richard N. Elliott, Connersville ,'5 Indianapolis Maurice H. Thatcher, Louisville William C Lankford, Douglas J. Lincoln Newhall, Covington William W. Larsen, Dublin Albert H. Vestal, Anderson Fred S. Purnell, Attica Robert E. Lee Blackburn, Lexington Lewis L. Walker, Lancaster IDAHO William R Wood, La Fayette Albert R. Hall, Marion Elva R. Kendall, Carlisle SENATORS David Hogg, Fort Wayne Katherine Langley, Pikeville William E Borah, Boise Andrew J. Hickey, La Porte John M. Robsion,25 Barbourville John Thomas, Gooding Charles Finley,26 Williamsburg REPRESENTATIVES IOWA Burton L. French, Moscow SENATORS LOUISIANA Addison T. Smith, Twin Falls Daniel F. Steck, Ottumwa SENATORS Smith W. Brookhart, Washington ILLINOIS Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence REPRESENTATIVES Edwin S. Broussard, New Iberia SENATORS William F Kopp, Mount Pleasant Charles S. Deneen, Chicago F. Dickinson Letts, Davenport REPRESENTATIVES Otis F. Glenn, Murphysboro Thomas J. B. Robinson, Hampton James O'Connor, New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood J. Zach Spearing, New Orleans Oscar De Priest, Chicago Cyrenus Cole, Cedar Rapids Whitmell P. Martin,27 Thibodaux

Died March 6, 1930. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Fred- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James P. Thomas S. Williams, and took his seat December 1, 1930. eric M. Sackett, and took his seat December 1, 1930. Glynn, and took his seat December 1, 1930. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Ralph E. Updike. Resigned October 5, 1930, having been appointed a Electionunsuccessfullycontestedby WilliamC. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of judge for the United States Customs Court. Lawson. Charles Curtis, in preceding Congress, and took his seat "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of David O Died July 24, 1929. April 15, 1929. H. Kincheloe, and took his seat December 1, 1930. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Leslie J. "Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of "Died April 5, 1929, before Congress assembled. Steele, and took his seat November 11, 1929. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles W. Charles Curtis, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Roark, and took his seat June 19, 1929. Elected to to fill vacancy caused by death of Repre- December 1, 1930. "Resigned January 10, 1930, having been appointed a sentative-elect Edward J. King, in preceding Congress, and "Resigned January 9, 1930, having been appointed am- Senator. took his seat December 1, 1930. bassador to Germany. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Resigned November 11, 1929, having been appointed a "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of M. Eobsion, and took his seat March 1, 1930. judge of the Court of Claims of the United States. Frederic M. Sackett, and took his seat January 11, 1930. "Died April 6, 1929, before Congress assembled. Seventy-First Congress 343

Numa F. Montet,28 Thibodaux Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand Rapids Ralph F. Lozier, Carroliton John N. Sandlin, Minden REPRESENTATIVES Jacob L. Milligan,36 Richmond Riley J. Wilson, Ruston Robert H. Clancy, Detroit David W. Hopkins,37 St. Joseph Bolivar E. Kemp, Amite Earl C. Michener, Adrian Edgar C. Ellis, Kansas City René I. DeRouen, Ville Platte Joseph L. Hooper, Battle Creek Thomas J. Halsey, Holden James B. Aswell, Natchitoches John C. Ketcham, Hastings John W Palmer, Sedalia Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids William L. Nelson, Columbia MAINE Grant M. Hudson, East Lansing Clarence Cannon, Els berry SENATORS Louis C. Cramton, Lapeer Henry F. Niedringhaus, St. Louis Frederick Hale, Portland Bird J. Vincent, Saginaw John J. Cochran, St. Louis Arthur R. Gould, Presque Isle James C. McLaughlin, Muskegon Leonidas C. Dyer, St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City Charles E. Kiefner, Perryville Dewey Short, Galena Carroll L. Beedy, Portland Frank P. Bohn, Newberry Wallace H. White, Jr., Lewiston W. Frank James, Hancock Joe J. Manlove, Joplin John E. Nelson, Augusta Clarence J. McLeod, Detroit Rowland L. Johnston, Rolla Donald F. Snow, Bangor MINNESOTA MONTANA MARYLAND SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Henrik Shipstead, Minneapolis Thomas J. Walsh, Helena Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace Thomas D. Schall, Excelsior Burton K. Wheeler, Butte Phillips Lee Goldsborough, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Victor Christgau, Austin John M. Evans, Missoula T. Alan Goldsborough, Denton Frank Clague, Redwood Falls Linwood L. Clark, Baltimore August H. Andresen, Red Wing Scott Leavitt, Great Falls Vincent L. Palmisano,29 Baltimore Melvin J. Maas, St. Paul J. Charles Linthicum, Baltimore Walter H. Newton,32 Minneapolis NEBRASKA Stephen W. Gambrill, Laurel William I. Nolan,33 Minneapolis SENATORS Frederick N. Zihiman, Cumberland Harold Knutson, St. Cloud George W. Norris, McCook Ole J. Kvale,34 Benson Robert B. Howell, Omaha MASSACHUSETTS Paul J. Kvale,35 Benson SENATORS William A Pittenger, Duluth REPRESENTATIVES Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield Conrad G. Selvig, Crookston John H. Morehead, Falls City David I. Walsh, Fitchburg Godfrey G. Goodwin, Cambridge Willis G. Sears, Omaha Edgar Howard, Columbus REPRESENTATIVES MISSISSIPPI Allen T. Tredway, Stockbridge Charles H. Sloan, Geneva William Kirk Kaynor,3° Springfield SENATORS Fred G. Johnson, Hastings William J Granfield,31 Longmeadow Pat Harrison, Gulfport Robert G. Simmons, Scottsbluff Frank H. Foss, Fitchburg Hubert D. Stephens, New Albany George R. Stobbs, Worcester REPRESENTATIVES NEVADA Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell John E. Rankin, Tupelo SENATORS A. Piatt Andrew, Jr., Gloucester Wall Doxey, Holly Springs William P. Connery, Jr., Lynn Key Pittman, Tonopah William M. Whittington, Greenwood Tasker L. Oddie, Reno Frederick W. Dallinger, Cambridge T. Jeff. Busby, Houston Charles L. Underhill, Somerville Ross A. Collins, Meridian REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John J. Douglass, Boston Robert S. Hall, Hatties burg Samuel S. Arentz, Simpson George H. Tinkham, Boston Percy E. Quin, McComb John W. McCormack, Dorchester James W. Collier, Vicksburg Robert Luce, Waltham NEW HAMPSHIRE Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton MISSOURI SENATORS Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro George H. Moses, Concord Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit SENATORS Harry B. Hawes, St. Louis Henry W. Keyes, Haverhill MICHIGAN Roscoe C. Patterson, Kansas City REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Fletcher Hale, Laconia James Couzens, Detroit Milton A. Romjue, Macon Edward H. Wason, Nashua

Si Resigned June 30, 1929, having been appointed Secre- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Whitmell P. Ole J. Kvale, and took his seat November 11, 1929. Martin, and took his seat October 14, 1929. tary to the President. resignationof Election unsuccessfully contested by Henry F. Law- ° Election unsuccessfully contested by John P. Hill. Electedtofillvacancy caused by rence. ° Died December 20, 1929. Walter H. Newton, and took his seat October 14, 1929. :15 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William °Died September 11, 1929. tive-elect Charles L. Faust, in preceding Congress. Kirk Kaynor, and took his seat February 17, 1930. 344 Biographical Directory

NEW JERSEY Fiorello H. LaGuardia, New York City OHIO SENATORS Joseph A. Gavagan,4 New York City SENATORS Walter E. Edge,38 Atlantic City Anthony J. Griffin, New York City Frank Oliver, Bronx Simeon D. Fess, Yellow Springs David Baird, Jr.,39 Camden Theodore E. Burton,52 Cleveland Dwight W. Morrow,4° Englewood James M. Fitzpatrick, New York City Hamilton F. Kean, Elizabeth J. Mayhew Wainwright, Rye Roscoe C. McCulloch,53 Canton Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison Robert J Bulkley,54 Cleveland REPRESENTATIVES Harcourt J. Pratt, Highland REPRESENTATIVES Charles A. Wolverton, Camden Parker Corning, Albany Nicholas Longworth, Cincinnati Isaac Bacharach, Atlantic City James S. Parker, Salem William E Hess, Cincinnati Harold G. Hoffman, South Amboy Frank Crowther, Schenectady Charles A. Eaton, North Plainfield Roy G. Fitzgerald, Dayton Bertrand H. Snell, Potsdam John L. Cable, Lima Ernest R. Ackerman, Plainfield Francis D. Culkin, Oswego Randolph Perkins, Woodcliff Lake Charles J. Thompson, Defiance Frederick M. Davenport, Clinton Charles C. Kearns, Amelia George N. Seger, Passaic John D. Clarke, Fraser Fred A. Hartley, Jr., Kearny Charles Brand, Urbana Clarence E. Hancock, Syracuse Grant E. Mouser, Jr., Marion Franklin W. Fort, East Orange John Taber, Auburn Frederick R. Lehlbach, Newark William W Chalmers, Toledo Gale H. Stalker, Elmira Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton Oscar L. Aufder Heide, West New York James L. Whitley, Rochester Mary T. Norton, Jersey City Mell G. Underwood, New Lexington Archie D. Sanders, Stafford John C. Speaks, Columbus NEW MEXICO S. Wallace Dempsey, Lockport Joseph E. Baird, Bowling Green Edmund F. Cooke, Alden Francis Seiberling, Akron SENATORS James M. Mead, Buffalo C. Ellis Moore, Cambridge Sam G. Bratton, Albuquerque Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Charles B. McClintock, Canton Bronson M. Cutting, Santa Fe William M. Morgan, Newark REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE NORTH CAROLINA B. Frank Murphy, Steubenville Albert Gallatin Simms, Albuquerque John G. Cooper, Youngstown SENATORS Charles A. Mooney, Cleveland NEW YORK Furnifold McL Simmons, New Bern Robert Crosser, Cleveland SENATORS Lee S. Overman,46 Salisbury Chester C. Bolton, Cleveland Carmeron Morrison,47 Charlotte Royal S. Copeland, New York City Robert F. Wagner, New York City REPRESENTATIVES OKLAHOMA REPRESENTATIVES Lindsay C. Warren, Washington SENATORS Robert L. Bacon, Westbury John H. Kerr, Warren ton William B. Pine, Okmulgee William F Brunner, Rockaway Park Charles L. Abernethy, New Bern J. W Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park George W. Lindsay, Brooklyn Edward W. Pou, Smithfield REPRESENTATIVES Thomas H Cullen, Brooklyn Charles M. Stedman,48 Greensboro Franklin W. Hancock, Jr.,49 Oxford Charles O'Connor, Tulsa Loring M. Black, Jr., Brooklyn William W. Hastings, Tahlequah Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn J. Bayard Clark, Fayetteville William C Hammer,5° Asheboro Wilburn Cartwright, McA lester John F. Quayle,4' Brooklyn Thomas D. McKeown, Ada Patrick J. Carley, Brooklyn Hinton James,5' Laurinburg Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs Ulysses S. Stone, Norman David J. O'Connell,42 Brooklyn Jed Johnson, Anadarko Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn Charles A. Jonas, Lincolnton George M. Pritchard, Asheville James V. McClintic, Snyder Anning S. Prall, West New Brighton Milton C. Garber, Enid Samuel Dickstein, New York City Christopher D. Sullivan, New York NORTH DAKOTA OREGON City SENATORS William I. Sirovich, New York City SENATORS John J. Boylan, New York City Lynn J. Frazier, Hoople Charles L. McNary, Salem John J. O'Connor, New York City Gerald P. Nye, Cooperstown Frederick Steiwer, Portland Ruth S. B. Pratt, New York City REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John F. Carew,43 New York City Olger B. Burtness, Grand Forks Willis C. Hawley, Salem Martin J. Kennedy,44 New York City Thomas Hall, Bismarck Robert R. Butler, The Dalles Sol Bloom, New York City James H. Sinclair, Kenmare Franklin F Korell, Portland

Resigned November 21, 1929, having been appointed Died December 29, 1930, before the commencement of ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Lee S. ambassador to France. the Seventy-second Congress, to which he had boon re- Overman, and took his seat December 17, 1930. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of elected. Vacancy in the Seventy-first Congress not filled. Died September 23, 1930. Walter E. Edge, and took his seat December 9, 1929. Resigned December 28, 1929, having boon appointed a Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles M. ° Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignationof justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Stedman, and took his seat December 1, 1930. Walter E. Edge, and took his seat December 3, 1930. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John ° Died September 26, 1930. Died November 27, 1930, before the commencement of F. Carew, and took his seat April 16, 1930. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William C. the Seventy-second Congress, to which he had been re- Hammer, and took his seat December 1, 1930. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- ° Died October 28, 1929. elected. Vacancy in the Seventy-first Congress not filled. tive-elect Royal H. Weller, in preceding Congress, and took ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Thee- his seat November 21, 1929. dore E. Burton, and took his seat November 12, 1929. ° Died December 12, 1930. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Theodore E. Burton, and took his seat December 1, 1930. Seventy-First Congress 345

PENNSYLVANIA Richard S. Aldrich, Warwick Hatton W Sumners, Dallas Jeremiah E. O'Connell,66 Providence Luther A. Johnson, Corsicana SENATORS Francis B. Condon,67 Central Falls Clay Stone Briggs, Galveston David A. Reed, Pittsburgh Daniel E. Garrett, Houston William S Vare,55 Philadelphia SOUTH CAROLINA Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus Joseph R. Grundy,56 Bristol SENATORS James P. Buchanan, Brenham James J. Davis,57 Pittsburgh Oliver H. Cross, Waco REPRESENTATIVES Ellison D. Smith, Lynchburg Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth James M. Beck, Philadelphia Coleman L Blease, Columbia Guinn Williams, Decatur George S. Graham, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES Augustus McCloskey,7° San Antonio Harry C. Ransley, Philadelphia Thomas S McMillan, Charleston Harry M. Wurzbach,7' Seguin Benjamin M. Golder, Philadelphia Butler B. Hare, Saluda John N. Garner, Uvalde James J. Connolly, Philadelphia Fred H. Dominick, Newberry Claude B. Hudspeth, El Paso George A. Welsh, Philadelphia John J. McSwain, Greenville Robert Q. Lee,72 Cisco George P. Darrow, Philadelphia William F. Stevenson, Cheraw Thomas L. Blanton,73 Abilene James Wolfenden, Upper Darby Allard H. Gasque, Florence Marvin Jones, Amarillo Henry W. Watson, Langhorne Hampton P. Fulmer, Orangeburg William W. Griest,58 Lancaster UTAH J. Roland Kinzer,59 Lancaster SOUTH DAKOTA SENATORS Laurence H. Watres, Scranton SENATORS John J. Casey,6° Wilkes-Barre Reed Smoot, Provo Peter Norbeck, Redfield William H King, Salt Lake City C. Murray Turpin,6' Kingston William H. McMaster, Yankton George F. Brumm, Miners yule REPRESENTATIVES Charles J. Esterly, Sally Ann Furnace REPRESENTATIVES Don B. Colton, Vernal Louis T. McFadden, Canton Charles A. Christopherson, Sioux Falls Elmer 0. Leatherwood,74 Salt Lake Edgar B. Kiess,62 Wulliamsport Royal C. Johnson, Aberdeen City Robert F. Rich,63 Woolrich William Williamson, Rapid City Frederick C. Loofbourow,75 Salt Lake Frederick W. Magrady, Mount Carmel City Edward M. Beers, Mount Union TENNESSEE Isaac H. Doutrich, Harrisburg SENATORS VERMONT J. Russell Leech, Ebensburg Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis J. Banks Kurtz, Altoona SENATORS Lawrence D. Tyson,68 Knoxville Frank L. Greene,76 St. Albans Franklin Menges, York William E Brock,69 Chattanooga J. Mitchell Chase, Clearfield Frank C. Partridge,77 Proctor Samuel A. Kendall, Meyersdale REPRESENTATIVES Porter H. Dale, Island Pond Henry W. Temple, Washington B. Carroll Reece, Butler REPRESENTATIVES J. Howard Swick, Beaver Falls J. Will Taylor, La Follette Sam D. McReynolds, Chattanooga Elbert S. Brigham, St. Albans Nathan L. Strong, Brookville Ernest Willard Gibson, Brattleboro Thomas C. Cochran, Mercer Cordell Hull, Carthage Ewin L. Davis, Tullahoma Milton W. Shreve, Erie VIRGINIA William R. Coyle, Bethlehem Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville Adam M. Wyant, Greensburg Edward E. Eslick, Pulaski SENATORS Stephen G. Porter,64 Pittsburgh Gordon Browning, Huntingdon Claude A. Swanson, Chatham Edmund F. Erk,65 Pittsburgh Jere Cooper, Dyers burg Carter Glass, Lynchburg M. Clyde Kelly, Edgewood Hubert F. Fisher, Memphis REPRESENTATIVES Patrick J. Sullivan, Pittsburgh TEXAS Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News Harry A. Estep, Pittsburgh Menalcus Lankford, Norfolk Guy E. Campbell, Crafton SENATORS Andrew J. Montague, Richmond Morris Sheppard, Texarkana Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg RHODE ISLAND Tom T. Connally, Marlin Joseph Whitehead, Chat ham SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Clifton A. Woodrum, Roanoke Jesse H. Metcalf, Providence , Texarkana Jacob A. Garber, Harrisonburg Felix Hébert, West Warwick John C. Box, Jacksonville R. Walton Moore, Fairfax REPRESENTATIVES Morgan G. Sanders, Canton Joseph C. Shaffer, Wytheville Clark Burdick, Newport Sam Rayburn, Bonham Henry St. George Tucker, Lexington

° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Law- ° Credentials as Senator-elect were presented, in pre- 00 Died May 5, 1929. o Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John J. rence D. Tyson, and took his seat September 9, 1929; sub- ceding Congress, and referred to the Committee on Privi- sequently elected. leges and Elections for report; meanwhile Mr. Vare was Casey, and took his seat June 11, 1929. 00 Served until February 10, 1930; succeeded by Harry not permitted to qualify, and by Senate Resolution No. °° Died July 20, 1930. M. Wurzbach, who contested his election. 111, of December 6, 1929, was declared not entitled to a ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edgar R. Si Successfullycontestedtheelectionof Augustus seat. Kiess, and took his seat December 1, 1930. McCloskey, and took his seat February 10, 1930. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by refusal of the ° Died June 27, 1930. Died April 18, 1930. Senate to seat William S. Vare, and took his seat Decem- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Stephen G. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert Q. ber 12, 1929. Porter, and took his seat December 1, 1930. Lee, and took his seat June 2, 1930. Elected to fill vacancy caused by refusal of the Senate 06 Resigned May 9, 1930, having been appointed an asso- Died December 24, 1929. to seat William S. Vare, and took his seat December 2, ciate justice of the Superior Court of Rhode Island. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Elmer 0. ° Leatherwood, and took his seat December 1, 1930. 1930. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jere- Died December 5, 1929. miah E. O'Connell, and took his seat December 1, 1930. 5 Died December 17, 1930. °Died August 24, 1929. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Frank L. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William W. Greene, and took his seat January 5, 1931. Griest, and took his seat February 4, 1930. 346 Biographical Directory

WASHINGTON Joe L. Smith, Beckley Patrick J. Sullivan,84 Casper SENATORS Robert D. Carey,85 Careyhurst Wesley L. Jones, Seattle WISCONSIN John B. Kendrick, Sheridan Clarence C. Dill, Spokane SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Madison Vincent M. Carter, Kemmerer REPRESENTATIVES John J. Blame, Boscobel John F. Miller, Seattle Lindley H. Hadley, Bellingham REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF ALASKA Albert Johnson, Hoquiam Henry Allen Cooper,8° Racine DELEGATE John W. Summers, Walla Walla Charles A. Kading, Watertown Dan A. Sutherland, Juneau Samuel B. Hill, Waterville John M. Nelson, Madison John C. Schafer, Milwaukee TERRITORY OF HAWAII WEST VIRGINIA William H. Stafford, Milwaukee Florian Lampert,8' Oshkosh DELEGATE SENATORS Michael K. Reilly,82 Fond du Lac Victor S. K. Houston, Honolulu Guy D. Goff, Clarks burg Merlin Hull, Black River Falls Henry D. Hatfield, Huntington Edward E. Browne, Waupaca PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REPRESENTATIVES George J. Schneider, Appleton RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS Carl G. Bachmann, Wheeling James A. Frear, Hudson Pedro Guevara, Santa Cruz Frank L. Bowman, Morgantown Hubert H. Peavey, Washburn Camilo Osias, Balaoan John M. Wolverton, Richwood James A. Hughes,78 Huntington WYOMING PORTO RICO Robert L. Hogg,79 Point Pleasant SENATORS RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Hugh Ike Shott, Bluefield Francis E. Warren,83 Cheyenne Felix Cordova Davila, San Juan

Died March 2, 1930. 80Died March 1, 1931, before the commencement of the °Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Florian Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James A. Seventy-second Congress, to which he had been reelected. Lampert, and took his seat December 1, 1930. Hughes, and took his seat December 1, 1930. Vacancy in the Seventy-first Congress not filled. ° Died November 24, 1929. ' Died July 18, 1930. 80Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Francis E. Warren, and took his seat December 9, 1929. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Francis It. Warren, and took his seat December 1, 1930. SEVENTY-SECOND CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1931, TO MARCH 3, 1933

FIRST SESSIONDecember 7, 1931, to July 16, 1932 SECOND SESSIONDecember 5, 1932, to March 3, 1933



ALABAMA Thaddeus H. Caraway,' Jones boro Philip D. Swing, El Centro Hattie W. Caraway,6 Jones boro SENATORS COLORADO Hugo L. Black, Birmingham REPRESENTATIVES John H. Bankhead 2d, Jasper William J Driver, Osceola SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John E. Miller, Searcy Charles W. Waterman,7 Denver John McDuffie, Monroeville Claude A. Fuller, Eureka Springs Walter Walker,8 Grand Junction Lister Hill, Montgomery Effiegene (Locke) Wingo, De Queen Karl C. Schuyler,9 Denver Henry B. Steagall, Ozark Heartsill Ragon, Clarksville Edward P. Costigan, Denver David D. Glover, Malvern Lamar Jeffers, Anniston REPRESENTATIVES LaFayette L. Patterson, Gadsden Tilman B. Parks, Camden William B. Oliver, Tuscaloosa William R Eaton, Denver Miles C. Ailgood, Gadsden CALIFORNIA Charles B. Timberlake, Sterling Edward B. Almon, Tuscumbia SENATORS Guy U. Hardy, Canon City George Huddleston, Birmingham Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs William B. Bankhead, Jasper Samuel M. Shortridge, Menlo Park CONNECTICUT ARIZONA REPRESENTATIVES Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa SENATORS SENATORS Harry L. Englebright, Nevada City Hiram Bingham, New Haven Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott Charles F. Curry, Jr., Sacramento Frederic C. Walcott, Norfolk Carl Hayden, Phoenix Florence P. Kahn, San Francisco REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Richard J. Welch, San Francisco REPRESENTATIVES Lewis W. Douglas,4 Phoenix Albert E. Carter, Oakland Augustine Lonergan, Hartford Henry E. Barbour, Fresno Richard P. Freeman, New London ARKANSAS Arthur M. Free, San Jose John Q. Tilson,'° New Haven SENATORS William E. Evans, Glendale William L Tierney, Greenwich Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock Joe Crail, Los Angeles Edward W. Goss, Waterbury

'Died August 27, 1932. Elected December 7, 1931. had been reelected, having been appointed Director of the Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles Elected December?, 1931. Bureau of the Budget. W. Waterman, and took his seat December 5, 1932. 'Elected December 7, 1931. Died November 6, 1931. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles W. Resigned, effective March 4,1933, before the com- Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Thaddeus Waterman, and took his seat December 7, 1932. mencement of the Seventy-third Congress, to which he H. Caraway, and took her seat December 8, 1931; subee- io Resigned December 3, 1932; vacancy throughout re- quently elected. mainder of the Congress.

[347] 348 Biographical Directory

DELAWARE Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago KANSAS SENATORS James T. Igoe, Chicago SENATORS Daniel 0. Hastings, Wilmington Leonard W. Schuetz, Chicago John G. Townsend, Jr., Selbyville Peter C. Granata,2° Chicago Arthur Capper, Topeka Stanley H. Kunz,2' Chicago George McGill, Wichita REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Fred A. Britten, Chicago Robert G. Houston, Georgetown Carl R. Chindblom, Evanston REPRESENTATIVES Frank R. Reid, Aurora William P Lambertson, Fairview FLORIDA John T. Buckbee, Rockford Ulysses S. Guyer, Kansas City SENATORS William R. Johnson, Freeport Harold McGugin, Coffeyville Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville John C. Allen, Monmouth Homer Hoch, Marion Burnett M. Chiperfield, Canton James G. Strong, Blue Rapids Park Trammell, Lakeland Charles I. Sparks, Goodland REPRESENTATIVES William E. Hull, Peoria Homer W. Hall, Bloomington Clifford R. Hope, Garden City Herbert J. Drane, Lakeland William P. Holaday, Georgetown William A. Ayres, Wichita Robert A. Green, Starke Charles Adkins, Decatur Thomas A. Yon, Tallahassee Henry T. Rainey, Carroilton KENTUCKY Ruth Bryan Owen, Miami J. Earl Major, Hills boro SENATORS Charles A. Karch,22 East St. Louis GEORGIA William W. Arnold, Robinson Alben W. Barkley, Paducah SENATORS Claude V. Parsons, Golconda Marvel M. Logan, Bowling Green William J. Harris," Cedartown Kent E. Keller, Ava REPRESENTATIVES John S. Cohen,'2 Atlanta At Large-Richard Yates, Springfield William V. Gregory, Mayfield Richard B. Russell,'3 Winder William H. Dieterich, Beardstown Glover H. Cary, Owensboro Walter F. George, Vienna John W. Moore, Morgan town REPRESENTATIVES INDIANA Cap R. Carden, Munfordville Charles G. Edwards,'4 Savannah SENATORS Maurice H. Thatcher, Louisville Homer C. States boro James E. Watson, Rushville Brent Spence, Fort Thomas Edward E. Cox, Camilla Arthur R. Robinson, Indianapolis Virgil M. Chapman, Paris Charles R. Crisp,'6 Americas REPRESENTATIVES Ralph Gilbert, Shelbyville Bryant T. Castellow,'7 Cuthbert John W. Boehne, Jr., Evansville Fred M. Vinson, Ashland William C. Wright, Newnan Arthur H. Greenwood, Washington Andrew J. May, Prestonsburg Robert Ramspeck, Atlanta Eugene B. Crowe, Bedford Charles Finley, Williamsburg Samuel Rutherford,'8 Forsyth Harry C. Canfield, Batesville W. Carlton Mobley,'9 Forsyth Courtland C. Gillen, Greencastle LOUISIANA Malcolm C. Tarver, Dalton William H. Larrabee, New Palestine SENATORS Charles H. Brand, Athens Louis Ludlow, Indianapolis John S. Wood, Canton Albert H. Vestal,23 Anderson Edwin S. Broussard, New Iberia Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Fred S. Purnell, Attica Huey P. Long,24 New Orleans William C. Lankford, Douglas William R. Wood, La Fayette REPRESENTATIVES William W. Larsen, Dublin Glenn Griswold, Peru Joachim 0. Fernandez, New Orleans David Hogg, Fort Wayne Paul H. Maloney, New Orleans IDAHO Samuel B. Pettengill, South Bend Numa F. Montet, Thibodaux SENATORS John N. Sandlin, Minden William E Borah, Boise IOWA Riley J. Wilson, Ruston John Thomas, Gooding SENATORS Bolivar E. Kemp, A mite REPRESENTATIVES Smith W. Brookhart, Washington René L. DeRouen, Ville Platte Burton L. French, Moscow Lester J. Dickinson, Algona James B. Aswell,25 Natchitoches Addison T. Smith, Twin Falls REPRESENTATIVES John H. Overton,26 Alexandria William F Kopp, Mount Pleasant ILLINOIS Bernhard M. Jacobsen, Clinton MAINE SENATORS Thomas J. B. Robinson, Hampton SENATORS Otis F. Glenn, Murphysboro Gilbert N. Haugen, Northwood Frederick Hale, Portland Cyrenus Cole, Cedar Rapids Wallace H. White, Jr., Auburn J. Hamilton Lewis, Chicago C. William Ramseyer, Bloomfield REPRESENTATIVES Cassius C. Dowell, Des Moines REPRESENTATIVES Oscar De Priest, Chicago Lloyd Thurston, Osceola Carroll L. Beedy, Portland Morton D. Hull, Chicago Charles E. Swanson, Council Bluffs Donald B. Partridge, Norway Edward A. Kelly, Chicago Fred C. Gilchrist, Laurens John E. Nelson, Augusta Harry P. Beam, Chicago Ed H. Campbell, Battle Creek Donald F. Snow, Bangor

" Died April 18, 1932. "Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Died November 6, 1932; vacancy throughout remain- Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William Charles R. Crisp, and took his seat December 5, 1932. der of the Congress. J. Harris, and took his seat April 27, 1932. "Died February 4, 1932. Died April 1, 1932 vacancy throughout remainder of "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William J. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel the Congress. Harris, and took his seat January 12, 1933. Rutherford, and took his seat March 7, 1932. '° Elected November 4, 1930, for the term beginning "Died July 13, 1931. 00Served until April 5, 1932; succeeded by Stanley H. March 4, 1931, but did not qualify until January 25, 1932, Elected ts fill vacancy caused by death of Charles G. Kunz, whs contested his election. preferring to retain the governorship. Edwards, and took his seat December 7, 1931. ° Died March 16, 1931. "Resigned October 7, 1932, having been appointed a Successfully contested the election of Peter C. Gran- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James B. member of the United States Tariff Commission. ata, and took his seat April 5, 1932. Aswell, and took his seat December 7, 1931. Seventy-Second Congress 349

MARYLAND MINNESOTA MONTANA SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace Henrik Shipstead, Minneapolis Thomas J. Walsh,4° Helena Phillips Lee Goldsborough, Baltimore Thomas D. Schall, Excelsior Burton K. Wheeler, Butte REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES T Alan Goldsborough, Denton Victor Christgau, Austin John M. Evans, Missoula William P. Cole, Jr., Towson Frank Clague, Redwood Falls Scott Leavitt, Great Falls Vincent L. Palmisano, Baltimore August H. Andresen, Red Wing J. Charles Linthicum,27 Baltimore Melvin J. Maas, St. Paul NEBRASKA Ambrose J. Kennedy,28 Baltimore William I. Nolan, Minneapolis SENATORS Stephen W. Gambrill, Laurel Harold Knutson, St. Cloud George W. Norris, McCook David J. Lewis, Cumberland Paul J. Kvale, Benson Robert B. Howell, Omaha William A Pittenger, Duluth MASSACHUSETTS Conrad G. Selvig, Crookston REPRESENTATIVES Godfrey G. Goodwin,33 Cambridge John H. Morehead, Falls City SENATORS H. Malcolm Baldrige, Omaha David I. Walsh, Fitchburg MISSISSIPPI Edgar Howard, Columbus Marcus A. Coolidge, Fitchburg SENATORS John N. Norton, Polk REPRESENTATIVES Ashton C. Shallenberger, Alma Pat Harrison, Gulfport Robert G. Simmons, Scotts bluff Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge Hubert D. Stephens, New Albany William J. Granfield, Springfield Frank H Foss, Fitchburg REPRESENTATIVES NEVADA Pehr G. Holmes, Worcester John E. Rankin, Tupelo SENATORS Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell Wall Doxey, Holly Springs Key Pittman, Tonopah A. Piatt Andrews, Jr., Gloucester William M. Whittington, Greenwood Tasker L. Oddie, Reno William P Connery, Jr., Lynn T. Jeff. Busby, Houston Frederick W. Dallinger,29 Cambridge Ross A. Collins, Meridian REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles L. Underhill, Somerville Robert S. Hall, Hattiesburg Samuel S. Arentz, Simpson John J. Douglass, Boston Percy E. Quin,34 McComb George H. Tinkham, Boston Lawrence Russell Ellzey,35 Wesson NEW HAMPSHIRE John W. McCormack, Dorchester James W. Collier, Vicksburg SENATORS Robert Luce, Waltham George H. Moses, Concord Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton MISSOURI Henry W. Keyes, Haverhill Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro SENATORS Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit REPRESENTATIVES Harry B. Hawes,36 St. Louis Fletcher Hale,4' Laconia Joel Bennett Clark,31 St. Louis MICHIGAN William N. Rogers,42 Sanbornuille Roscoe C. Patterson, Kansas City Edward H. Wason, Nashua SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES James Couzens, Detroit Milton A. Romjue, Macon NEW JERSEY Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand Rapids Ralph F. Lozier, Carrollton SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Jacob L. Milligan, Richmond Hamilton F. Kean, Elizabeth Robert H. Clancy, Detroit David W. Hopkins, St. Joseph Dwight W. Morrow,43 Englewood Earl C. Michener, Adrian Joseph B Shannon, Kansas City W. Warren Barbour,44 Locust Joseph L. Hooper, Battle Creek Clement C. Dickinson, Clinton John C. Ketcham, Hastings Samuel C. Major,38 Fayette REPRESENTATIVES Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids Robert D. Johnson,39 Marshall Charles A. Wolverton, Camden Seymour H. Person, Lansing William L. Nelson, Columbia Isaac Bacharach, Atlantic City Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron Clarence Cannon, Elsberry William H. Sutphin, Matawan Bird J. Vincent,30 Saginaw Henry F. Niedringhaus, St. Louis Charles A. Eaton, North Plainfield Michael J. Hart,31 Saginaw John J. Cochran, St. Louis Ernest R. Ackerman,45 Plainfield James C. McLaughlin,32 Muskegon Leonidas C. Dyer, St. Louis Percy H. Stewart,46 Plainfield Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City Clyde Williams, Hillsboro Randolph Perkins, Woodcliff Lake Frank P. Bohn, Newber,y James F. Fuibright, Doniphan George N. Seger, Passaic W. Frank James, Hancock Joe J Manlove, Joplin Fred A. Hartley, Jr., Kearny Clarence J. McLeod, Detroit William E. Barton, Houston Peter A. Cavicchia, Newark

°° Died February 16, 1933; vacancy throughout remain- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel C. r Died October 5, 1932. Major, and took his seat December 7, 1931. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Charles der of the Congress. °° Died February 4, 1932. ° Died March 2, 1933; vacancy throughout remainder of Linthicum, and took his seat December 5, 1932. the Congress. 29Resigned October 1, 1932, having been appointed a Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Percy B. ° Died October 22, 1931. judge of the United States Customs Court; vacancy Quin, and took his seat March 30, 1932. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Fletcher throughout remainder of the Congress. ° Resigned February 3, 1933. Hale, and took his seat January 20, 1932. ° Died July 18, 1931. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ° Died October 5, 1931. " Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Bird J. Harry B. Hawes, and took his seat February 3, 1933; was Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Dwight Vincent, and took his seat December 7, 1931. previously elected for the term commencing March 4, W. Morrow, and took his seat December 8, 1931; subse- ° Died November 29, 1932; vacancy throughout remain- 1933. quently elected. '° Died July 28, 1931. ° Died October 18, 1931. der of the Congress. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Ernest B. Ackerman, and took his seat December 7, 1931. 350 Biographical Directory

NEW JERSEY-Continued John Taber, Auburn Charles B. McClintock, Canton REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Gale H. Stalker, Elmira Charles West, Granville James L. Whitley, Rochester Frank Murphy, Steubenville Frederick R. Lehibach, Newark Archie D. Sanders, Stafford John G. Cooper, Youngstown Oscar L. Auf der Heide, West New York Walter G. Andrews, Buffalo Charles A. Mooney,54 Cleveland Mary T. Norton, Jersey City Edmund F. Cooke, Alden Martin L. Sweeney,55 Cleveland James M. Mead, Buffalo Robert Crosser, Cleveland NEW MEXICO Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Chester C. Bolton, Cleveland SENATORS Sam G. Bratton, Albuquerque NORTH CAROLINA OKLAHOMA SENATORS Bronson M. Cutting, Santa Fe SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Cameron Morrison,50 Charlotte J. W. Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque Robert R. Reynolds,5' Asheville Josiah W. Bailey, Raleigh Thomas P Gore, Oklahoma City NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Wesley E. Disney, Tulsa SENATORS Lindsay C. Warren, Washington John H. Kerr, Warrenton William W. Hastings, Tahlequah Royal S. Copeland, New York City Charles L. Abernethy, New Bern Wilburn Cartwright, McAlester Robert F. Wagner, New York City Edward W. Pou, Smithfield Thomas D. McKeown, Ada REPRESENTATIVES Franklin W. Hancock, Jr., Oxford Fletcher B. Swank, Norman Robert L. Bacon, Westbury J. Bayard Clark, Fayetteville Jed Johnson, Anadarko William F Brunner, Rockaway Park J. Walter Lambeth, Thomasville James V. McClintic, Snyder George W. Lindsay, Brooklyn Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs Milton C. Garber, Enid Thomas H Cullen, Brooklyn Alfred L. Bulwinkle, Gastonia Loring M. Black, Jr., Brooklyn Zebulon Weaver, Asheville OREGON Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn SENATORS Matthew V. O'Malley,47 Brooklyn NORTH DAKOTA Charles L. McNary, Salem John J. Delaney,48 Brooklyn SENATORS Frederick Steiwer, Portland Patrick J. Carley, Brooklyn Lynn J. Frazier, Hoople Stephen A. Rudd,49 Brooklyn Gerald P. Nye, Cooperstown REPRESENTATWES Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn REPRESENTATWES Willis C. Hawley, Salem Anning S Prall, West New Brighton Robert R. Butler,56 The Dalles Olger B. Burtness, Grand Forks Charles H. Martin, Portland Samuel Dickstein, New York City Thomas Hall, Bismarck Christopher D. Sullivan, New York James H. Sinclair, Kenmare City PENNSYLVANIA William I. Sirovich, New York City SENATORS John J. Boylan, New York City OHIO John J. O'Connor, New York City SENATORS David A. Reed, Pittsburgh Ruth S. B. Pratt, New York City Simeon D. Fess, Yellow Springs James J. Davis, Pittsburgh Martin J. Kennedy, New York City Robert J. Bulkley, Cleveland REPRESENTATIVES Sol Bloom, New York City REPRESENTATIVES James M. Beck, Philadelphia Fiorello H. LaGuardia. New York City Nicholas Longworth,52 Cincinnati George S. Graham,57 Philadelphia Joseph A. Gavagan, New York City John B. Hollister,53 Cincinnati Edward L. Stokes,58 Philadelphia Anthony J. Griffin, New York City William E. Hess, Cincinnati Harry C. Ransley, Philadelphia Frank Oliver, Bronx Byron B. Harlan, Dayton Benjamin M. Golder, Philadelphia James M. Fitzpatrick, New York City John L. Cable, Lima James J. Connolly, Philadelphia Charles D. Millard, Tarrytown Frank C. Kniffin, Napoleon George A. Welsh,59 Philadelphia Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison James G. Polk, Highland Robert L. Davis,60 Philadelphia Harcourt J. Pratt, Highland Charles Brand, Urbana George P. Darrow, Philadelphia Parker Corning, Albany Grant E. Mouser, Jr., Marion James Wolfenden, Upper Darby James S. Parker, Salem Wilbur M. White, Toledo Henry W. Watson, Langhorne Frank Crowther, Schenectady Thomas A. Jenkins, Iron ton J. Roland Kinzer, Lancaster Bertrand H. Snell, Potsdam Mel! G. Underwood, New Lexington Patrick J. Boland, Scranton Francis D. Culkin, Oswego Authur P. Lamneck, Columbus Murray Turpin, Kingston Frederick M. Davenport, Clinton William L. Fiesinger, Sandusky George F. Brumm, Minersville John D. Clarke, Fraser Francis Seiberling, Akron Norton L. Lichtenwalner, Allentown Clarence E. Hancock, Syracuse C. Ellis Moore, Cambridge Louis T. McFadden, Canton

Elected February 17, 1931, to fill vacancy caused by ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Lee S. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles A. death of Representative-elect John F. Quayle, in preceding Overman in preceding Congress. Mooney, and took his seat December 7, 1931. Congress; died May 26, 1931, before Congress assembled, ' Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of Lee S. ° Died January 7, 1933; vacancy throughout remainder and was therefore not sworn in. Overman, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Decem- of the Congress. °' Elected to fill vacancy cauoed by deaths of Represent- ber 5, 1932. ' Died July 4, 1931. atives-elect John F. Quayle and Matthew V. O'Malley, and ' Died April 9, 1931. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George S. Graham, and took his seat December 7, 1931. took his seat December 7, 1931. °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Nicholas °° Resigned May 31, 1932, having been appointed judge ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Longworth, and took his seat December 7, 1931. of the United States district court, eastern district of tive-elect David J. O'Connell, in preceding Congress, and '° Died May 29, 1931. Pennsylvania. took his seat December 7, 1931. 00 Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of George A. Welsh, and took his seat December 5,1932. Seventy-Second Congress 351

Robert F. Rich, Woolrich William Williamson, Rapid City VERMONT Frederick W. Magrady, Mount Cannel TENNESSEE SENATORS Edward M. Beers,61 Mount Union Porter H. Dale, Island Pond Joseph F. Biddle,62 Huntingdon SENATORS Frank C. Partridge,74 Proctor Isaac H. Doutrich, Harrisburg Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis Warren R. Austin,75 Burlington J. Russell Leech,63 Ebensburg Cordell Hull,66 Carthage Howard W. Stull,64 Johnstown REPRESENTATWES REPRESENTATIVES J. Banks Kurtz, Altoona Oscar B. Lovette, Greeneville John E. Weeks, Middlebury Harry L. Haines, Red Lion J. Will Taylor, La Follette Ernest Willard Gibson, Brattleboro J. Mitchell Chase, Clearfield Sam D. McReynolds, Chattanooga Samuel A. Kendall,65 Meyersdale John R. Mitchell, Cookeville VIRGINIA Henry W. Temple, Washington Ewin L. Davis, Tullahoma SENATORS J. Howard Swick, Beaver Falls Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville Nathan L. Strong, Brookville Edward E. Eslick,67 Pulaski Claude A. Swanson,76 Chatham Thomas C. Cochran, Mercer Willa M. B. Eslick,68 Pulaski Carter Glass, Lynchburg Milton W. Shreve, Erie Gordon Browning, Huntingdon REPRESENTATIVES William R. Coyle, Bethlehem Jere Cooper, J)yersburg Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News Adam M. Wyant, Greensburg Edward H. Crump, Memphis Menalcus Lankford, Norfolk Edmund F. Erk, Pittsburgh Andrew J. Montague, Richmond M. Clyde Kelly, Edgewood TEXAS Patrick J. Sullivan, Pittsburgh Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg Harry A. Estep, Pittsburgh SENATORS Thomas G. Burch, Martinsville Guy E. Campbell, Crafton Morris Sheppard, Texarkana Clifton A. Woodrum, Roanoke Tom T. Connally, Marlin John W. Fishburne, Charlottesville RHODE ISLAND REPRESENTATWES Howard W. Smith, Alexandria John W. Flannagan, Jr., Bristol SENATORS Wright Patman, Texarkana Martin Dies, Jr., Orange Henry St. George Tucker,77 Lexington Jesse H. Metcalf, Providence Joel W. Flood,78 Appomattox Felix Hébert, West Warwick Morgan G. Sanders, Canton REPRESENTATIVES Sam Rayburn, Bonham Hatton W Sumners, Dallas WASHINGTON Clark Burdick, Newport Luther A. Johnson, Corsicana SENATORS Richard S. Aldrich, Warwick Clay Stone Briggs, Galveston Francis B. Condon, Central Falls Wesley L. Jones,79 Seattle Daniel E. Garrett,69 Houston Elijah S. Grammer,8° Seattle Joe H. Eagle,7° Houston Clarence C. Dill, Spokane SOUTH CAROLINA Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus SENATORS James P. Buchanan, Brenham REPRESENTATIVES Ellison D. Smith, Lynchburg Oliver H. Cross, Waco Ralph A. Horr, Seattle James F. Byrnes, Spartanburg Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth Lindley H. Hadley, Bellingham REPRESENTATIVES Guinn Williams, Decatur Albert Johnson, Hoquiam Thomas S. McMillan, Charleston Harry M. Wurzbach,7' Seguin John W Summers, Walla Walla Butler B. Hare, Saluda Richard M. Kleberg,72 Corpus Christi Samuel B. Hill, Waterville Fred H. Dominick, Newberry John N. Garner,73 Uvalde John J. McSwain, Greenville R. Ewing Thomason, El Paso WEST VIRGINIA Thomas L. Blanton, Abilene William F. Stevenson, Cheraw SENATORS Allard H. Gasque, Florence Marvin Jones, Amarillo Hampton P. Fulmer, Orangeburg Henry D. Hatfield, Huntington UTAH Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont SOUTH DAKOTA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Reed Smoot, Provo Carl G. Bachmann, Wheeling Peter Norbeck, Redfield William H. King, Salt Lake City Frank L. Bowman, Morgan town William J. Bulow, Beresford REPRESENTATIVES Lynn S. Hornor, Clarksburg REPRESENTATIVES Don B. Colton, Vernal Robert L. Hogg, Point Pleasant Charles A. Christopherson, Sioux Falls Frederick C. Loofbourow, Salt Lake Hugh Ike Shott, Bluefield Royal C. Johnson, Aberdeen City Joe L. Smith, Beckley

'° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- had been reelected, having been elected Vice President of Died April 21, 1932. the United States. 6 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward M. band, Edward E. Eslick, and took her seat December 5, Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Frank L. Beers, and took his seat December 5, 1932. 3932. Greene in preceding Congress. °Resigned January 29, 1932, having been appointed a 0 Died December 13, 1932, before the commencement of "Elected March 31, 1931, to fill vacancy caused by member of the United States Board of Tax Appeals. the Seventy-third Congress, to which he had been reelect- death of Frank L. Greene, in preceding Congress. His term °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. ed. commenced April 1, 1931. Russell Leech, and took his seat May 6, 1932. " Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Daniel E. ° Resigned, effective March 3, 1933, having been ap- °Died January 8, 1933; vacancy throughout remainder Garrett, and took his seat February 7, 1933. pointed Secretary of the Navy. of the Congress. " Died November 6, 1931. " Died July 23, 1932. Resigned, effective March 3, 1933, having been ap- o Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Harry M. " Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry St. pointed Secretary of State. Wurzbach, and took his seat December 7, 1931. George Tucker, and took his seat December 5, 1932. °' Died June 14, 1932. "Resigned, effective March 3,1933, before the com- ° Died November 19, 1932. mencement of the Seventy-third Congress, to which he 00 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Wesley L. Jones, and took his seat December 5, 1932. 352 Biographical Directory

WISCONSIN James A. Frear, Hudson TERRITORY OF HAWAII SENATORS Hubert H. Peavey, Washburn DELEGATE Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Madison John J. Blame, Boscobel WYOMING Victor S. K. Houston, Honolulu REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Thomas R. Amlie,81 Elkhorn John B. Kendrick, Sheridan Charles A. Kading, Watertown Robert D. Carey, Careyhurst RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS John M. Nelson, Madison Pedro Guevara, Santa Cruz John C. Schafer, Milwaukee REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Camilo Osias, Balaoan William H. Stafford, Milwaukee Vincent M. Carter, Kemmerer Michael K. Reilly, Fond du Lac PUERTO RICO82 Gardner R. Withrow, La Crosse TERRITORY OF ALASKA RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS Gerald J. Boileau, Wausau DELEGATE Felix Cordova Davila,83 San Juan George J. Schneider, Appleton James Wickersham, Juneau José L. Pesquera,84 Bayamon

5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- ' The spelling of this name was changed from Porto tive-elect Henry Allen Cooper, in preceding Congress, and ' Resigned April 11, 1982. took his seat December 7, 1931. Rico to Puerto Rico by an act of Congress (47 Stat 158), Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of approved May 17, 1932. Felix Cordova Davila, and took his seat April 28, 1932. SEVENTY-THIRD CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1933, TO JANUARY 3,' 1935

FIRST SESSION-March 9, 1933, to June 15, 1933 SECOND SESSION-January 3,1 1934, to June 18, 1934 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE-March 4, 1933, to March 6, 1933



ALABAMA Hattie W. Caraway, Jones boro John H. Hoeppel, Arcadia SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Charles Kramer, Los Angeles Hugo L. Black, Birmingham William J. Driver, Osceola Thomas F. Ford, Los Angeles John H. Bankhead 2d, Jasper John E. Miller, Searcy William I Traeger, Los Angeles REPRESENTATIVES Claude A. Fuller, Eureka Springs John F. Dockweiler, Los Angeles John McDuffie, Monroeville William B. Cravens, Fort Smith Charles J. Colden, San Pedro Lister Hill, Montgomery Heartsill Ragon,'° Clarksville John H. Burke, Long Beach Henry B. Steagall, Ozark David D. Terry,11 Little Rock Samuel L. Collins, Fullerton Lamar Jeffers, Anniston David D. Glover, Malvern George Burnham,'2 San Diego Miles C. Aligood, Gad,sden Tilman B Parks, Camden William B. Oliver, Tuscaloosa COLORADO William B Bankhead, Jasper CALIFORNIA Edward B. Almon,7 Tuscumbia SENATORS SENATORS Archibald H. Carmichael,8 Tuscumbia Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco Edward P. Costigan, Denver George Huddleston, Birmingham William Gibbs McAdoo, Los Angeles Alva B. Adams, Pueblo REPRESENTATIVES ARIZONA REPRESENTATIVES Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa SENATORS Harry L. Englebright, Nevada City Lawrence Lewis, Denver Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott Frank H Buck, Vacaville Fred Cummings, Fort Collins Carl Hayden, Phoenix Florence P. Kahn, San Francisco John A. Martin, Pueblo REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Richard J. Welch, San Francisco Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs Isabella S. Greenway,9 Albert E. Carter, Oakland Ajo Ralph R. Eltse, Berkeley CONNECTICUT John J. McGrath, San Mateo ARKANSAS Denver S. Church, Fresno SENATORS SENATORS Henry E. Stubbs, Santa Maria Frederic C. Walcott, Norfolk Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock William E. Evans, Glendale Augustine Lonergan, Hartford

I Pursuant to the twentieth amendment to the Constitu- Reelected March 9, 1933. 10 Resigned June 16, 1933, having been appointed a tion, the regular sessions of Congress will hereafter begin Died June 22, 1933. judge of the United States district court, western district on January 3 of each year. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward B. of Arkansas. 2 Elected March 9, 1933. Almon, and took his seat January 3, 1934. II Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Heart- 'Unanimously elected March 9, 1933. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- sill Ragon, and took his seat January 3, 1934. Elected March 9, 1933. sentative-elect Lewis W. Douglas, in preceding Congress, 12 Election unsuccessfully contested by Claude Chan- Elected March 9, 1933; died August 19, 1934. and took her seat January 3, 1934. dler.

[353] 354 Biographical Directory

CONNECTICUTContinued ILLINOIS Richard Louis Murphy, Dubuque REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Herman P Kopplemann, Hartford J. Hamilton Lewis, Chicago Edward C. Eicher, Washington William L. Higgins,13 South Coventry William H. Dieterich, Beardstown Bernhard M. Jacobsen, Clinton Francis T. Maloney, Meriden REPRESENTATIVES Albert C. Willford, Waterloo Fred Biermann, Decorah Schuyler Merritt, Stamford Oscar De Priest, Chicago Edward W. Goss,'4 Waterbury Lloyd Thurston,22 Osceola Patrick H. Moynihan, Chicago Cassius C. Dowel!, Des Moines At LargeCharles M. Bakewell, Edward A. Kelly, Chicago New Haven Otha D. Wearin, Hastings Harry P. Beam, Chicago Fred C. Gilchrist, Laurens Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago Guy M. Gillette, Cherokee DELAWARE Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago SENATORS Leonard W. Schuetz, Chicago Daniel 0. Hastings, Wilmington Leo Kocialkowski, Chicago KANSAS John G. Townsend, Jr., Selbyville Fred A. Britten,'8 Chicago SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE James Simpson, Jr.,'9 Wadsworth Arthur Capper, Topeka Wilbur L. Adams, Frank R. Reid, Aurora George McGill, Wichita Wilmington John T. Buckbee, Rockford REPRESENTATIVES Leo E. Allen, Galena William P. Lambertson, Fairview FLORIDA Chester C. Thompson, Rock Island Ulysses S. Guyer, Kansas City SENATORS J. Leroy Adair, Quincy Harold McGugin, Coffeyville Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville William Randolph Carpenter, Marion James Frank Gillespie, Bloomington William A. Ayres,23 Wichita Park Trammel!, Lakeland James A. Meeks, Danville REPRESENTATIVES Kathryn E. O'Loughlin,24 Hays Donald C. Dobbins, Champaign Clifford R. Hope, Garden City J. Hardin Peterson, Lakeland Henry T. Rainey,2° Carroilton Robert A. Green, Starke J. Earl Major,2' Hills boro KENTUCKY Millard F. Caidwell, Milton Edwin M. Schaefer, Belleville J. Mark Wilcox, West Palm Beach William W. Arnold, Robinson SENATORS At LargeWilliam J. Sears, Claude V. Parsons, Golconda Alben W. Barkley, Pad ucah Jacksonville Kent E. Keller, Ava Marvel M. Logan, Bowling Green At LargeMartin A. Brennan, REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE GEORGIA Bloomington Fred M. Vinson, Ashland SENATORS Walter Nesbit, Belleville John Y. Brown, Lexington Walter F. George, Vienna Andrew J. May, Prestonsburg Richard B. Russell, Winder INDIANA Brent Spence, Fort Thomas REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Virgil M. Chapman, Paris Homer C. Parker, States boro Arthur R. Robinson, Indianapolis Glover H. Cary, Owensboro Edward E. Cox, Camilla Frederick Van Nuys, Indianapolis William V. Gregory, Mayfield Bryant T. Castellow, Cut hbert REPRESENTATIVES Cap R. Carden, Munfordville Finley Hamilton, London Emmett M. Owen, Griffin William T. Schulte, Hammond Robert Ramspeck, Decatur George R. Durgan, La Fayette Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Samuel B. Pettengill, South Bend LOUISIANA Malcolm C. Tarver, Dalton James I. Farley, Auburn SENATORS Braswell D. Deen, Alma Glenn Griswold, Peru Huey P. Long, New Orleans John S. Wood, Canton Virginia E. Jenckes, Terre Haute John H. Overton, Alexandria Charles H. Brand,'5 Athens Arthur H. Greenwood, Washington Paul Brown,'6 Elberton REPRESENTATIVES John W. Boehne, Jr., Evansville Joachim 0. Fernandez, New Orleans Eugene B. Crowe, Bedford IDAHO Paul H. Maloney, New Orleans Finly H. Gray, Connersville Numa F Montet, Thibodaux SENATORS William H. Larrabee, New Palestine John N. Sandlin, Minden William E Borah, Boise Louis Ludlow, Indianapolis Riley J. Wilson, Ruston James P. Pope, Boise Bolivar E. Kemp,25 A mite REPRESENTATIVES IOWA Jared Y. Sanders, Jr.,26 Baton Rouge Compton I. White, Clark Fork SENATORS René L. DeRouen, Ville Platte Thomas C. Coffin,'7 Pocatello Lester J. Dickinson, Algona Cleveland Dear, Alexandria

"Election unsuccessfully contested by William C. Fox. '° Electionunsuccessfullycontested by CharlesH. ' Resigned August 22, 1934, having been appointed a "Election unsuccessfully contested by Martin E. Gorm- Weber. member of the Federal Trade Commission; vacancy ley. '° Died August 19, 1934; vacancy throughout remainder throughout remainder of the Congress. "Died May 17, 1933. of the Congress. ' After election was married and name changed to '5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles H. 1933, having been appointed a Kathryn O'Loughlin McCarthy. "Resigned October 6, "Died June 19, 1933. Brand, and took his seat January 3, 1934. judge of the United States district court, southern district '° Contested the election of Mrs. Bolivar E. Kemp, who "Died June 8, 1934; vacancy throughout remainder of of Illinois; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. had presented credentials as a Member-elect to fill the the Congress. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Lloyd Ellis. vacancy caused by the death of her husband, Bolivar E. 'Election unsuccessfully contested by James McAn- Kemp, but who was not permitted to qualify, the seat drews. being declared vacant; subsequently elected to fill this vacancy, and took his seat May 21, 1934. Seventy-Third Congress 355

MAINE Harry W. Musselwhite, Manistee MONTANA Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City SENATORS SENATORS Prentiss M. Brown, St. Ignace Frederick Hale, Portland W. Frank James, Hancock Burton K. Wheeler, Butte Wallace H. White, Jr., Auburn Clarence J. McLeod, Detroit John E. Erickson,3' Kalispell REPRESENTATIVES Carl M. Weideman, Detroit James E. Murray,32 Butte Carroll L. Beedy, Portland John D. Dingell,29 Detroit REPRESENTATIVES Edward C. Moran, Jr., Rock land John Lesinski, Dearborn Joseph P. Monaghan, Butte John G. Utterback,2' Bangor George A. Dondero, Royal Oak Roy E. Ayers, Lewistown MARYLAND MINNESOTA NEBRASKA SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace Henrik Shipstead, Miltona George W. Norris, McCook Phillips Lee Goldsborough, Baltimore Thomas D. Schall, Excelsior Robert B. Howell,33 Omaha REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE William H. Thompson,34 Grand Island T. Alan Goldsborough, Denton Magnus John, Kimball Richard C. Hunter,35 Omaha William P Cole, Jr., Towson Paul J. Kvale, Benson REPRESENTATIVES Vincent L. Palmisano, Baltimore Henry Arens, Jordan Ambrose J. Kennedy, Baltimore Ernest Lundeen, Minneapolis John H. Morehead, Falls City Stephen W. Gambrill, Laurel , Minneapolis Edward R. Burke, Omaha David J. Lewis, Cumberland Einar Hoidale, Minneapolis Edgar Howard, Columbus Ray P. Chase, Anoka Ashton C. Shallenberger, Alma MASSACHUSETTS Francis H. Shoemaker, Red Wing Terry M. Carpenter, Scotts bluff Harold Knutson, St. Cloud SENATORS NEVADA David I. Walsh, Fitchburg Marcus A. Coolidge, Fitchburg MISSISSIPPI SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Key Pittman, Tonopah Patrick A. McCarran, Reno Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge Pat Harrison, Gulfport William J Granfield, Springfield Hubert D. Stephens, New Albany REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Frank H. Foss, Fitchburg REPRESENTATIVES James G. Scrugham, Reno Pehr G. Holmes, Worcester John E. Rankin, Tupelo Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell Wall Doxey, Holly Springs NEW HAMPSHIRE A. Piatt Andrew, Jr., Gloucester William M. Whittington, Greenwood William P. Connery, Jr., Lynn T. Jeff. Busby, Houston SENATORS Arthur D. Healey, Somerville Ross A. Collins, Meridian Henry W. Keyes, Haverhill Robert Luce, Waltham William M. Colmer, Pascagoula Fred H. Brown, Somersworth George H. Tinkham, Boston Lawrence Russell Ellzey,3° Wesson REPRESENTATIVES John J. Douglass, Boston William N. Rogers, Sanbornville John W. McCormack, Dorchester MISSOURI Charles W. Tobey, Temple Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton SENATORS Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro Roscoe C. Patterson, Kansas City NEW JERSEY Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit Joel Bennett Clark, St. Louis SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE MICHIGAN Hamilton F. Kean, Elizabeth John J. Cochran, St. Louis W. Warren Barbour, Locust SENATORS James R. Claiborne, St. Louis James Couzens, Detroit Joseph B. Shannon, Kansas City REPRESENTATIVES Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand Rapids Clyde Williams, Hilisboro Charles A. Wolverton, Camden REPRESENTATIVES Clarence Cannon, Els berry Isaac Bacharach, Atlantic City George G. Sadowski, Detroit Frank H. Lee, Joplin William H. Sutphin, Matawan John C. Lehr, Monroe James E. Ruffin, Springfield D. Lane Powers, Trenton Joseph L. Hooper,28 Battle Creek Ralph F. Lozier, Carroliton Charles A. Eaton, North Plainfield George E. Foulkes, Hartford Jacob L. Milligan, Richmond Donald H. McLean, Elizabeth Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids Reuben T. Wood, Springfield Randolph Perkins, Woodcliff Lake Claude E. Cady, Lansing Milton A. Romjue, Macon George N. Seger, Passaic Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron Richard M. Duncan, St. Joseph Edward A. Kenney, Cliffside Park Michael J. Hart, Saginaw Clement C. Dickinson, Clinton Fred A. Hartley, Jr., Kearny

°° Died March 11, 1933. Election unsuccessfully contested by Ralph 0. Brew- 3'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas J. Walsh, in preceding Congress, and took his seat March 3°Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert ster. B. Howell, and took his seat May 26, 1933. Died February 22, 1934; vacancy throughout remain- 20, 1933. 32Elected November 6, 1934, to fill vacancy caused by °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert B. der of the Congress. death of Thomas J. Walsh, and took his seat January 3, Howell, and served from November 7, 1934, to January 3, ° Election unsuccessfully contested by Charles Bowles. 1935. 3°Election unsuccessfully contested by L. G. Reese. 1935. 356 Biographical Directory

NEW JERSEY-Continued Marian W. Clarke,42 Fraser Dow W. Harter, Akron REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Clarence E. Hancock, Syracuse Robert T. Secrest, Senecaville John Taber, Auburn William R. Thom, Canton Peter A. Cavicchia, Newark Gale H. Stalker, Elmira Charles West, Granville Frederick R. Lehibach, Newark James L. Whitley, Rochester Lawrence E. Imhoff, St. Clairsuille Mary T. Norton, Jersey City James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Geneseo John G. Cooper, Youngstown Oscar L. Auf der Heide, West New Walter G. Andrews, Buffalo Martin L. Sweeney, Cleveland York Alfred F. Beiter, Williamsville Robert Crosser, Cleveland James M. Mead, Buffalo Chester C. Bolton, Cleveland NEW MEXICO Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk At Large-Charles V. Truax, Bucyrus SENATORS At Large-Elmer E. Studley, Flushing Stephen M. Young, Cleveland Sam G. Bratton,36 Albuquerque John Fitzgibbons, Oswego Carl A. Hatch,37 Clovis OKLAHOMA Bronson M. Cutting, Santa Fe NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque Josiah W. Bailey, Raleigh J. W. Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park Robert R. Reynolds, Asheville Thomas P. Gore, Oklahoma City NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Lindsay C. Warren, Washington Wesley E. Disney, Tulsa Royal S. Copeland, New York City John H. Kerr, Warrenton William W. Hastings, Tahlequah Robert F. Wagner, New York City Charles L. Abernethy, New Bern Wilburn Cartwright, McAlester REPRESENTATIVES Edward W. Pou,43 Smithfield Thomas D. McKeown, Ada Robert L. Bacon, Old Westbury Harold D. Cooley,44 Nashville Fletcher B. Swank, Norman William F. Brunner, Rockaway Park Franklin W. Hancock, Jr., Oxford Jed Johnson, Anadarko George W. Lindsay, Brooklyn William B. Umstead, Durham James V. McClintic, Snyder Thomas H Cullen, Brooklyn J. Bayard Clark, Fayetteville Ernest W. Marland, Ponca City Loring M. Black, Jr., Brooklyn J. Walter Lambeth, Thomasville At Large-Will Rogers, Oklahoma City Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs John J. Delaney, Brooklyn Alfred L. Bulwinkle, Gastonia OREGON Patrick J. Carley, Brooklyn Zebulon Weaver, Asheville SENATORS Stephen A. Rudd, Brooklyn Charles L. McNary, Salem Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn NORTH DAKOTA Frederick Steiwer, Portland Anning S. Prall, West New Brighton SENATORS Samuel Dickstein, New Yorl City Lynn J. Frazier, Hoople REPRESENTATIVES Christopher D. Sullivan, New York Gerald P. Nye, Cooperstown James W. Mott, Salem City Walter M. Pierce, La Grande REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Charles H. Martin, Portland William I. Sirovich, New York City James H. Sinclair, Kenmare John J. Boylan, New York City William Lemke, Fargo John J. O'Connor, New York City PENNSYLVANIA Theodore A. Peyser, New York City Martin J. Kennedy, New York City OHIO SENATORS Sol Bloom, New York City SENATORS David A. Reed, Pittsburgh James J. Lanzetta, New York City Simeon D. Fess, Yellow Springs James J. Davis, Pittsburgh Joseph A. Gavagan, New York City Robert J. Bulkley, Cleveland REPRESENTATIVES Anthony J. Griffin, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Harry C. Ransley, Philadelphia Frank Oliver,38 Bronx John B. Hollister, Cincinnati James M. Beck,45 Philadelphia James M. Fitzpatrick, New York City William E. Hess, Cincinnati Alfred M. Waldron, Philadelphia Charles D. Millard, Tarrytown Byron B. Harlan, Dayton George W. Edmonds, Philadelphia Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison Frank L. Kloeb, Celina James J. Connolly, Philadelphia Philip A. Goodwin, Coxsackie Frank C. Kniffin, Napoleon Edward L. Stokes, Philadelphia Parker Corning, Albany James G. Polk, Highland George P. Darrow, Philadelphia James S. Parker,39 Salem Leroy T. Marshall, Xenia James Wolfenden, Upper Darby William D. Thomas,4° Hoosick Falls Thomas Brooks Fletcher, Marion Henry W. Watson,46 Langhorne Frank Crowther, Schenectady Warren J. Duffey, Toledo Oliver W. Frey,47 Allentown Bertrand H. Snell, Potsdam Thomas A Jenkins, Ironton J. Roland Kinzer, Lancaster Francis D. Culkin, Oswego Mell G. Underwood, New Lexington Patrick J. Boland, Scranton Fred J. Sisson, Whitesboro Arthur P. Lamneck, Columbus C. Murray Turpin,48 Kingston John D. Clarke,4' Fraser William L. Fiesinger, Sandusky George F. Brumm,49 Minersville

56 Resigned June 24, 1933, having been appointed a 40 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James S. Election unsuccessfully contested by John J. Shana- judge of the Circuit Court of Appeals of the United States. Parker, and took his seat February 5, 1934. han; resigned September 30, 1934; vacancy throughout re- " Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of °' Died November 5, 1933. mainder of the Congress. Sam G. Bratton, and took his seat January 3, 1934; subse- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- ° Died August 27, 1933. quently elected. band, John D. Clarke, and took her seat January 3, 1934. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry W. 56 Resigned June 18,1934, having been appointed a Watson, and took his seat January 3, 1934. magistrate in the city of New York; vacancy throughout ' Died April 1, 1934. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward W. Election unsuccessfully contested by John J. Casey. remainder of the Congress. Died May 29, 1934; vacancy throughout remainder of Died December 19, 1933. Pou, and served from July 7, 1934, to January 3, 1935. the Congress. Seventy-Third Congress 357

William E. Richardson, Reading Nathan L. Bachman,5' Chattanooga Charles A. Lumley,6° Northfield Louis T. McFadden, Canton REPRESENTATIVES Robert F. Rich, Woolrich B. Carroll Reece,52 Johnson City VIRGINIA J. William Ditter, Ambler J. Will Taylor, La Follette SENATORS Benjamin K. Focht, Lewisburg Sam D. McReynolds, Chattanooga Isaac H. Doutrich, Harrisburg John R. Mitchell, Cookeville Carter Glass, Lynchburg Thomas C. Cochran, Mercer Joseph W. Byrns, Nashville Harry Flood Byrd,6' Berryville Francis E. Walter, Easton Clarence W. Turner, Waverly REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Harry L. Haines, Red Lion Gordon Browning, Huntingdon Clifton A. Woodrum, Roanoke J. Banks Kurtz, Altoona Jere Cooper, Dyersburg Andrew J. Montague, Richmond J. Buell Snyder, Perryopolis Edward H. Crump, Memphis Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News Charles I. Faddis, Waynesburg Thomas G. Burch, Martinsville J. Howard Swick, Beaver Falls TEXAS A. Willis Robertson, Lexington Nathan L. Strong, Brookville SENATORS Howard W. Smith, Alexandria William M. Berlin, Greensburg Morris Sheppard, Texarkana Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg Charles N. Crosby, Meadville Tom T. Connally, Marlin Colgate W. Darden, Jr., Norfolk J. Twing Brooks, Sewickley REPRESENTATIVES John W. Flannagan, Jr., Bristol M. Clyde Kelly, Edgewood Wright Patman, Texarkana Michael J. Muldowney, Pittsburgh Martin Dies, Jr., Orange WASHINGTON Henry Ellenbogen,5° Pittsburgh Morgan G. Sanders, Canton Matthew A. Dunn, Pittsburgh Sam Rayburn, Bonham SENATORS Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas Clarence C. Dill, Spokane RHODE ISLAND Luther A. Johnson, Corsicana Homer T. Bone, Tacoma SENATORS Clay Stone Briggs,53 Galveston REPRESENTATIVES Clark W. Thompson,54 Galveston Jesse H. Metcalf, Providence Marion A. Zioncheck, Seattle Felix Hébert, West Warwick Joe H. Eagle,55 Houston Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus Monrad C. Wallgren, Everett REPRESENTATIVES James P. Buchanan, Brenham Martin F. Smith, Hoquiam Francis B. Condon, Central Falls Oliver H. Cross, Waco Knute Hill, Prosser John M. O'Connell, Westerly Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth Samuel B. Hill, Waterville William D. McFarlane, Graham Wesley Lloyd, Tacoma SOUTH CAROLINA Richard M. Kleberg, Corpus Christi SENATORS Milton H. West,56 Brownsville WEST VIRGINIA Ellison D. Smith, Lynchburg R. Ewing Thomason, El Paso SENATORS James F. Byrnes, Spartanburg Thomas L. Blanton, Abilene Marvin Jones, Amarillo Henry D. Hatfield, Huntington REPRESENTATIVES At LargeGeorge B. Terrell, Alto Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont Thomas S. McMillan, Charleston Sterling P. Strong, Dallas REPRESENTATIVES Hampton P. Fulmer, Orangeburg Joseph W. Bailey, Jr., Dallas Robert L. Ramsay, Follans bee John C. Taylor, Anderson , Elkins John J. McSwain, Greenville UTAH Lynn S. Hornor,62 Clarks burg James P. Richards, Lancaster SENATORS Andrew Edmiston,63 Weston Allard H. Gasque, Florence William H. King, Salt Lake City George W. Johnson, Parkersburg Elbert D. Thomas, Salt Lake City SOUTH DAKOTA John Kee, Bluefield REPRESENTATIVES Joe L. Smith, Beckley SENATORS Abe Murdock, Beaver Peter Norbeck, Redfield J. W. Robinson, Provo WISCONSIN William J. Bulow, Beresford SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES VERMONT SENATORS Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Madison Fred H. Hildebrandt, Watertown F. Ryan Duffy, Fond du Lac Theodore B. Werner, Rapid City Porter H. Dale,57 Island Pond Ernest Willard Gibson,58 Brattleboro REPRESENTATIVES TENNESSEE Warren R. Austin, Burlington George W. Blanchard, Edge rton SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles W. Henney, Portage Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis Ernest Willard Gibson,59 Brattleboro Gardner R. Withrow, La Crosse

59 5° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Resigned October 19, 1933, having been appointed Election unsuccessfully contested by Harry E. Estep. Senator. 51Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of tive-elect Daniel E. Garrett, in preceding Congress. °' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Cordell Hull, and took his seat March 4, 1933; subsequent- 56Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- Ernest W. Gibson, and took his seat January 18, 1934. ly elected. sentative-elect John N. Garner, in preceding Congress, and Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ' Election unsuccessfully contested by 0. B. Lovette. took his seat May 2, 1933. Claude A. Swanson, and took his seat March 4,1933; Died April 29, 1933. Died October 6, 1933. subsequently elected. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Clay Stone 5Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Porter Died September 23, 1933. Briggs, and took his seat January 3, 1934. H. Dale, and took his seat February 1, 1934; subsequently 63Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lynn S. elected. Hornor, and took his seat January 3, 1934. 358 Biographical Directory

WISCONSINContinued WYOMING TERRITORY OF HAWAII REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED SENATORS DELEGATE Raymond J. Cannon, Milwaukee John B. Kendrick,64 Sheridan Lincoln L. McCandless, Honolulu Joseph C. O'Mahoney,65 Cheyenne Thomas O'Malley, Milwaukee PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Michael K. Reilly, Fond du Lac Robert D. Carey, Careyhurst RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Gerald J. Boileau, Wausau Pedro Guevara, Santa Cruz James F. Hughes, De Pere Vincent M. Carter, Kemmerer Camilo Osias, Balaoan James A. Frear, Hudson Hubert H. Peavey, Washburn TERRITORY OF ALASKA PUERTO RICO DELEGATE RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Anthony J. Dimond, Valdez Santiago Iglesias, San Juan

° Died November 3, 1933. ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John B. Kendrick, and took his seat January 3, 1934; subsequently elected. SEVENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1935, TO JANUARY 3, 1937

FIRST SESSIONJanuaiy 3, 1935, to August 26, 1935 SECOND SESSIONJanua,y 3, 1936, to June 20, 1936



ALABAMA Hattie W. Caraway, Jonesboro John M. Costello, Hollywood REPRESENTATIVES John F. Dockweiler, Los Angeles SENATORS William J Driver, Osceola Charles J. Colden, San Pedro Hugo L. Black, Birmingham John E. Miller, Searcy Byron N. Scott, Long Beach John H. Bankhead 2d, Jasper Samuel L. Collins, Fullerton Claude A. Fuller, Eureka Springs George Burnham, San Diego REPRESENTATIVES William B. Cravens, Fort Smith John McDuffie,5 Monroeville David D. Terry, Little Rock COLORADO Frank W. Boykin,6 Mobile John L. McClellan, Malvern Tilman B. Parks, Camden SENATORS Lister Hill, Montgomery Edward P. Costigan, Denver Henry B. Steagall, Ozark Alva B. Adams, Pueblo Sam Hobbs, Selma CALIFORNIA Joe Starnes, Gun tersville SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES William B. Oliver, Tuscaloosa Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco Lawrence Lewis, Denver William B. Bankhead, Jasper William Gibbs McAdoo, Los Angeles Fred Cummings, Fort Collins Archibald H. Carmichael, Tuscumbia REPRESENTATWES John A. Martin, Pueblo Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs George Huddleston, Birmingham Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa Harry L. Englebright, Nevada City CONNECTICUT ARIZONA Frank H. Buck, Vacaville Florence P. Kahn, San Francisco SENATORS SENATORS Richard J. Welch, San Francisco Augustine Lonergan, Hartford Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott Albert E. Carter, Oakland Francis T. Maloney, Meriden Carl Hayden, Phoenix John H. Tolan, Oakland REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John J. McGrath, San Mateo Herman P. Kopplemann, Hartford Isabella S. Greenway, Ajo Bertrand W. Gearhart, Fresno William L. Higgins, South Coventry Henry E. Stubbs, Santa Maria James A. Shanley, New Haven John S. McGroarty, Tujunga Schuyler Merritt, Stamford ARKANSAS John H. Hoeppel, Arcadia J. Joseph Smith, Waterbury SENATORS Charles Kramer, Los Angeles At LargeWilliam M. Citron, Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock Thomas F. Ford, Los Angeles Middletown

Resigned March2, 1935,having been appointed a 'Reelected January7, 1935. Elected June4, 1936. Reelected January3, 1935. judge in the United States District Court. 'Elected January3, 1935;died June4, 1936. Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignationofJohn McDuffie, and took his seat August12, 1935.

[3591 360 Biographical Directory

DELAWARE William H. Dieterich, Beardstown Richard Louis 7 Dubuque SENATORS REPRESENTATWES Guy M. Gillette,18 Cherokee Daniel 0. Hastings, Wilmington Arthur W. Mitchell, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES John G. Townsend, Jr., Selbyville Raymond S. McKeough, Chicago Edward A. Kelly, Chicago Edward C. Eicher, Washington REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Bernhard M. Jacobsen,'9 Clinton John G. Stewart, Wilmington Harry P. Beam, Chicago Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago John W. Gwynne, Waterloo Fred Biermann, Decorah FLORIDA Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago Leonard W. Schuetz, Chicago Lloyd Thurston, Osceola SENATORS Leo Kocialkowski, Chicago Hubert Utterback, Des Moines Duncan U. Fletcher,7 Jacksonville James McAndrews, Chicago Otha D. Wearin, Hastings William L. Hill,8 Gainesville Ralph E. Church, Evanston Fred C. Gilchrist, Laurens Claude Pepper,9 Tallahassee Chauncey W. Reed, West Chicago Guy M. Gillette,2° Cherokee Park Trammell,1° Lakeland John T. Buckbee,'3 Rockford Scott M. Loftin," Jacksonville Leo E. Allen, Galena KANSAS Charles 0. Andrews,'2 Orlando Chester C. Thompson, Rock Island REPRESENTATIVES J. Leroy Adair, Quincy SENATORS J. Hardin Peterson, Lakeland Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin Arthur Capper, Topeka Robert A. Green, Starke Leslie C. Arends, Melvin George McGill, Wichita James A. Meeks, Danville Millard F. Caldwell, Milton REPRESENTATIVES J. Mark Wilcox, West Palm Beach Donald C. Dobbins, Champaign At Large-William J. Sears, Scott W. Lucas, Havana William P. Lambertson, Fairview Jacksonville Harry H. Mason, Pawnee Ulysses S. Guyer, Kansas City Edwin M. Schaefer, Belleville Edward W. Patterson, Pittsburg GEORGIA William W. Arnold,'4 Robinson William Randolph Carpenter, Marion John M. Houston, Newton SENATORS Claude V. Parsons, Golconda Kent E. Keller, Ava Frank Carison, Concordia Walter F. George, Vienna Clifford R. Hope, Garden City Richard B. Russell, Winder At Large-Martin A. Brennan, Bloomington REPRESENTATIVES Michael L. Igoe,'5 Chicago KENTUCKY Hugh Peterson, Ailey Edward E. Cox, Camilla INDIANA SENATORS Bryant T. Castellow, Cut hbert SENATORS Alben W. Barkley, Paducah Emmett M. Owen, Griffin Marvel M. Logan, Bowling Green Robert Ramspeck, Atlanta Frederick Van Nuys, Indianapolis Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Sherman Minton, New Albany REPRESENTATIVES Malcolm C. Tarve', Dalton REPRESENTATIVES William V. Gregory,2' Mayfield Braswell D. Deen, Alma William T. Schulte, Hammond Glover H. Cary,22 Owensboro B. Frank Wheichel, Gainesville Charles A. Halleck,'6 Rensselaer Emmet O'Neal, Louisville Paul Brown, Elberton Samuel B. Pettengill, South Bend Cap R. Carden,23 Munfordville James I. Farley, Auburn Edward W. Creal,24 Hodgenville IDAHO Glenn Griswold, Peru Brent Spence, Fort Thomas SENATORS Virginia E. Jenckes, Terre Haute Virgil M. Chapman, Paris William E. Borah, Boise Arthur H. Greenwood, Washington Andrew J. May, Prestonsburg James P. Pope, Boise John W. Boehne, Jr., Evansville Fred M. Vinson, Ashland Eugene B. Crowe, Bedford John M. Robsion, Barbourville REPRESENTATIVES Finly H. Gray, Connersviile Compton I. White, Clark Fork William H. Larrabee, New Palestine D. Worth Clark, Pocatello Louis Ludlow, Indianapolis LOUISIANA SENATORS ILLINOIS IOWA Huey P. Long,25 New Orleans SENATORS SENATORS Rose McConnell Long,26 New Orleans J. Hamilton Lewis, Chicago Lester J. Dickinson, Algona John H. Overton, Alexandria

'Died June 17, 1936. 'Resigned September 16, 1935, having been appointed 'Died June 30, 1936; vacancy throughout remainder of Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Duncan a member of the United States Board of Tax Appeals; the Congress. U. Fletcher, and served from July 1, 1936, to November 3, vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. Resigned November 3, 1936; subsequently elected Sen- 1936, but was unable to be sworn in as Congress was not "Resigned June 2,1935, having been appointed a ator; vacancy throughout the remainder of the Congress. in session. United States attorney, northern district of Illinois; vacan- 2Died October 10, 1936; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Duncan U. cy throughout remainder of the Congress. 22 Fletcher, and took his seat January 5, 1937. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- Died December 5, 1936, before the commencement of '° Died May 8, 1936. the Seventy-fifth Congress, to which he had been reelect- tive-elect Frederick Landis (November 15, 1934, before the ed; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Park beginning of the congressional term), and took his seat "Died June 13, 1935. Trammell, and took his seat May 27, 1936. February 5, 1935. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Cap R. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Park Tram- "Died July 16, 1936; vacancy in this class from July 17, Carden, and took his seat January 3, 1936. mel1, and took his seat January 5, 1937. 1936, to November 3, 1936. Died September 10, 1935; vacancy in this class from ''Died April 23, 1936; vacancy throughout remainder of "Elected November 3, 1936, to fill vacancy caused by September 11, 1935, to January 30, 1936. the Congress. death of Richard Louis Murphy, and took his seat January "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- 5, 1937. band, Huey P. Long, and took her seat February 10, 1936; subsequently elected. Seventy-Fourth Congress 361

REPRESENTATIVES Earl C. Michener, Adrian Reuben T. Wood, Springfield Joachim 0. Fernandez, New Orleans Henry M. Kimball,30 Kalamazoo Dewey Short, Galena Paul H. Maloney, New Orleans Verner W. Main,3' Battle Creek Clyde Williams, Hillsboro Numa F. Montet, Thibodaux Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan Clarence Cannon, Elsberry John N. Sandlin, Minden Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids Orville Zimmerman, Kennett Riley J. Wilson, Ruston William W. Blackney, Flint Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., St. Louis Jared Y. Sanders, Jr., Baton Rouge Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron James R. Clairborne, St. Louis René L. DeRouen, Ville Platte Fred L. Crawford, Saginaw John J. Cochran, St. Louis Cleveland Dear, Alexandria Albert J. Engel, Lake City Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City MONTANA MAINE Prentiss M. Brown,32 St. Ignace SENATORS Frank E Hook, Ironwood SENATORS Frederick Hale, Portland Clarence J. McLeod, Detroit Burton K. Wheeler, Butte Wallace H. White, Jr., Auburn Louis C. Rabaut, Detroit James E. Murray, Butte REPRESENTATIVES John D. Dingell, Detroit REPRESENTATIVES Simon M. Hamlin, South Portland John Lesinski, Dearborn Joseph P. Monaghan, Butte Edward C. Moran, Jr., Rockland George A. Dondero, Royal Oak Roy E. Ayers, Lewistown Ralph 0. Brewster, Dexter MINNESOTA NEBRASKA MARYLAND SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Henrik Shipstead, Minneapolis Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace Thomas D. Schall,33 Excelsior George W. Norris, McCook George L. Radcliffe, Baltimore Elmer A. Benson,34 Appleton Edward R. Burke, Omaha REPRESENTATIVES Guy V. Howard,35 Minneapolis REPRESENTATIVES T. Alan Goldsborough, Denton REPRESENTATIVES Henry C. Luckey, Lincoln William P. Cole, Jr., Towson August H. Andresen, Red Wing Charles F. McLaughlin, Omaha Vincent L. Palmisano, Baltimore Elmer J. Ryan, South St. Paul Karl Stefan, Norfolk Ambrose J. Kennedy, Baltimore Ernest Lundeen, Minneapolis Charles G. Binderup, Minden Stephen W. Gambrill, Laurel Melvin J. Maas, St. Paul Harry B. Coffee, Chad ron David J. Lewis, Cumberland Theodore Christianson, Minneapolis Harold Knutson, St. Cloud NEVADA MASSACHUSETTS Paul J. Kvale, Benson SENATORS William A. Pittenger, Duluth SENATORS David I. Walsh, Fitchburg Richard T. Buckler, Crookston Key Pittman, Tonopah Marcus A. Coolidge, Fitchburg Patrick A. McCarran, Reno REPRESENTATIVES MISSISSIPPI REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge SENATORS James G. Scrugham, Reno William J. Granfield, Springfield Pat Harrison, Gulfport Joseph E. Casey, Clinton Theodore G. Bilbo, Poplarville NEW HAMPSHIRE Pehr G. Holmes, Worcester REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell John E. Rankin, Tupelo A. Piatt Andrew, Jr.,27 Gloucester Wall Doxey, Holly Springs Henry W. Keyes, Haverhill William P. Connery, Jr., Lynn William M. Whittington, Greenwood Fred H. Brown, Somersworth Arthur D. Healey, Somerville REPRESENTATIVES Richard M. Russell, Cambridge Aaron Lane Ford, Ackerman George H. Tinkham, Boston Aubert C. Dunn, Meridian William N. Rogers, Sanbornville John P. Higgins, Boston William M. Colmer, Pascagoula Charles W. Tobey, Temple John W. McCormack, Dorchester Dan R. McGehee, Meadville NEW JERSEY Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton MISSOURI Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro SENATORS Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit SENATORS Joel Bennett Clark, St. Louis W. Warren Barbour, Locust MICHIGAN Harry S. Truman, Independence A. Harry Moore, Jersey City SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES James Couzens,28 Detroit Milton A. Romjue, Macon Charles A. Wolverton, Camden Prentiss M. Brown,29 St. Igmace William L. Nelson, Columbia Isaac Bacharach, Atlantic City Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand Rapids Richard M. Duncan, St. Joseph William H. Sutphin, Matawan REPRESENTATIVES C. Jasper Bell, Kansas City D. Lane Powers, Trenton George G. Sadowski, Detroit Joseph B. Shannon, Kansas City Charles A. Eaton, North Plainfield

32Resigned November 18, 1936, having been appointed a "Died June 3, 1936; vacancy throughout remainder of 0Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of James Couzens, and served from November 19, 1936; was previ- Senator; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. the Congress. "Died December 22, 1935. 2Died October 22, 1936; vacancy in this class from ously elected for term commencing January 3, 1937. ' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas October 23, 1936, to November 18, 1936. '° Died October 19, 1935. D. Schall, and took his seat January 3, 1936. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry M. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas D. Kimball, and took his seat January 3, 1936. Schall, and served from November 4, 1936, to January 3, 1937, but was unable to be sworn in as Congress was not in session. 362 Biographical Directory

NEW JERSEY-Continued Philip A. Goodwin, Coxsackie Frank L. Kloeb, Celina REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Parker Corning, Albany Frank C. Kniffin, Napoleon William D. Thomas,45 Hoosick Falls James G. Polk, Highland Donald H. McLean, Elizabeth Frank Crowther, Schenectady Leroy T. Marshall, Xenia Randolph Perkins,36 Woodcliff Lake Bertrand H. Snell, Potsdam Thomas Brooks Fletcher, Marion George N. Seger, Passaic Francis D. Culkin, Oswego Warren J. Duffey,46 Toledo Edward A. Kenney, Cliffside Park Fred J. Sisson, Whitesboro Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton Fred A. Hartley, Jr., Kearny Bert Lord, Afton Mell G. Underwood,47 New Lexington Peter A. Cavacchia, Newark Clarence E. Hancock, Syracuse Peter F Hammond,48 Lancaster Frederick R. Lehlbach, Newark John Taber, Auburn Arthur P. Lamneck, Columbus Mary T. Norton, Jersey City W. Sterling Cole, Bath William L. Fiesinger, Sandusky Edward J. Hart, Jersery City James P. B. Duffy, Rochester Dow W. Harter, Akron James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Geneseo Robert T. Secrest, Caidwell NEW MEXICO Walter G. Andrews, Buffalo William R. Thom, Canton SENATORS Alfred F. Beiter, Williamsville William A. Ashbrook, Johnstown Bronson M. Cutting,37 Santa Fe James M. Mead, Buffalo Lawrence E. Imhoff, St. Clairsville Dennis Chavez,38 Albuquerque Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk John G. Cooper,49 Youngstown Carl A. Hatch, Clovis At Large-Matthew J. Merritt, Martin L. Sweeney, Cleveland REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Flushing Robert Crosser, Cleveland John J. Dempsey, Santa Fe Caroline O'Day, Rye Chester C. Bolton, Cleveland At Large- NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA Charles V. Truax,5° Bucyrus SENATORS SENATORS Daniel S. Earhart,5' Columbus Royal S. Copeland, New York City Josiah W. Bailey, Raleigh Stephen M. Young, Cleveland Robert F. Wagner, New York City Robert R. Reynolds, Asheville OKLAHOMA REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Robert L. Bacon, Old Westbury Lindsay C. Warren, Washington SENATORS William F. Brunner,39 Rockaway Park John H. Kerr, Warren ton J. W. Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park William B. Barry,4° Hollis Graham A. Barden, New Bern Thomas P. Gore, Oklahoma City Joseph L. Pfeifer, Brooklyn Harold D. Cooley, Nashville Franklin W. Hancock, Jr., Oxford REPRESENTATIVES Thomas H. Cullen, Brooklyn Wesley E. Disney, Tulsa Marcellus H. Evans, Brooklyn William B Umstead, Durham J. Bayard Clark, Fayetteville Jack Nichols, Eufaula Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn Wilburn Cartwright, McAlester John J. Delaney, Brooklyn J. Walter Lambeth, Thomasville Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs P. L. Gassaway, Coalgate Richard J. Tonry, Brooklyn Josh Lee, Norman Stephen A. Rudd,4' Brooklyn Alfred L. Bulwinkle, Gastonia Zebulon Weaver, Asheville Jed Johnson, Anadarko Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn Sam C. Massingale, Cordell James A. O'Leary, West New Brighton NORTH DAKOTA Phil Ferguson, Woodward Samuel Dickstein, New York City At Large-Will Rogers, Oklahoma City Christopher D. Sullivan, New York SENATORS City Lynn J. Frazier, Hoople OREGON William I. Sirovich, New York City Gerald P. Nye, Cooperstown SENATORS John J. Boylan, New York City REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John J. O'Connor, New York City Usher L. Burdick, Bismarck Charles L. McNary, Salem Theodore A. Peyser, New York City William Lemke, Fargo Frederick Steiwer, Portland Martin J. Kennedy, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Sol Bloom, New York City OHIO ,42 New York City James W. Mott, Salem Joseph A. Gavagan, New York City SENATORS Walter M. Pierce, La Grande Anthony J. Griffin,43 New York City Robert J Bulkley, Cleveland William A. Ekwall, Portland Edward W. Curley,44 New York City A. Victor Donahey, Huntsville, R.F.D. Charles A. Buckley, New York City REPRESENTATWES PENNSYLVANIA James M. Fitzpatrick, New York City John B. Hollister, Cincinnati SENATORS Charles D. Millard, Tarrytown William E Hess, Cincinnati James J. Davis, Pittsburgh Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison Byron B. Harlan, Dayton Joseph F. Guffey, Pittsburgh

'Died May 25, 1936; vacancy throughout remainder of 'Died March 31, 1936; vacancy throughout remainder "Resigned effective April 10, 1936, having been ap- the Congress. of the Congress. pointed a judge of the United States District Court for the 'Died May 6, 1935. Election unsuccessfully contested by James J. Lan- Southern District of Ohio on February 12, 1936. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Bronson zetta. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mehl M. Cutting, and took his seat May 20, 1935; subsequently "Died January 13, 1935. G. Underwood, and served from November 3, 1936, to Jan- elected. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Anthony J. uary 3, 1937, but was unable to be sworn in as Congress Resigned September 27, 1935, having been nominated Griffin, and took his seat January 3, 1936. was not in session. and elected sheriff of County, N. Y. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Locke Miller. "Died May 17, 1936; vacancy throughout remainder of Died August 9, 1935. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- the Congress. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles V. ham F. Brunner, and took his seat January 3, 1936. "Died July 7, 1936; vacancy throughout remainder of Truax, and served from November 3, 1936, to January 3, the Congress. 1937, but was unable to be sworn in as Congress was not in session. Seventy-Fourth Congress 363

REPRESENTATIVES Allard H. Gasque, Florence Elbert D. Thomas, Salt Lake City Harry C. Ransley, Philadelphia SOUTH DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES William H Wilson, Philadelphia Abe Murdock, Beaver Clare G. Fenerty, Philadelphia SENATORS J. W. Robinson, Provo J. Burrwood Daly, Philadelphia Peter Norbeck,56 Redfield Frank J G. Dorsey, Philadelphia Herbert E. Hitchcock,57 Mitchell Michael J. Stack, Philadelphia William J. Bulow, Beresford VERMONT George P. Darrow, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS James Wolfenden, Upper Darby Fred H. Hildebrandt, Watertown Warren R. Austin, Burlington Oliver W. Frey, Allentown Theodore B. Werner, Rapid City Ernest Willard Gibson, Brattleboro J. Roland Kinzer, Lancaster Patrick J. Boland, Scranton TENNESSEE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE C. Murray Turpin, Kingston SENATORS Charles A. Plumley, Northfield James H. Gildea, Coaldale Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis William E. Richardson, Reading VIRGINIA Elmer Dietrich, Tunkhannock Nathan L. Bachman, Chattanooga Robert F. Rich, Woolrich REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS J. William Ditter, Ambler B. Carroll Reece, Johnson City Carter Glass, Lynchburg Benjamin K. Focht, Lewisburg J. Will Taylor, La Follette Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville Sam D. McReynolds, Chattanooga Isaac H. Doutrich, Harrisburg REPRESENTATIVES J. Driscoll, St. Marys John R. Mitchell, Cookeville Francis E. Walter, Easton Joseph W. Byrns,58 Nashville Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News Harry L. Haines, Red Lion Clarence W. Turner, Waverly Colgate W. Darden, Jr., Norfolk Don Gingery, Clearfield Herron Pearson, Jackson Andrew J. Montague, Richmond J. Buell Snyder, Perryopolis Jere Cooper, Dyersburg Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg Charles I. Faddis, Waynesburg Walter Chandler, Memphis Thomas C. Burch, Martinsville Charles R. Eckert, Beaver Clifton A. Woodrum, Roanoke Joseph Gray, Spangler TEXAS A. Willis Robertson, Lexington William M. Berlin, Greens burg SENATORS Howard W. Smith, Alexandria Charles N. Crosby, Meadville Morris Sheppard, Texarkana John W. Flannagan, Jr., Bristol J. Twing Brooks, Sewickley Tom T. Connally, Marlin James L. Quinn, Braddock REPRESENTATIVES WASHINGTON Theodore L. Moritz, Pittsburgh Wright Patman, Texarkana SENATORS Henry Ellenbogen, Pittsburgh Martin Dies, Jr., Orange Matthew A. Dunn, Pittsburgh Homer T. Bone, Tacoma Morgan G. Sanders, Canton Lewis B. Schwellenbach, Neppel Sam Rayburn, Bonham RHODE ISLAND Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Luther A. Johnson, Corsicana Marion A. Zioncheck,59 Seattle Jesse H. Metcalf, Providence Nat Patton, Crockett Monrad C. Wallgren, Everett Peter G. Gerry, Warwick Joe H. Eagle, Houston Martin F. Smith, Hoquiam REPRESENTATIVES Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus Knute Hill, Prosser Francis B. Condon,52 Central Falls James P. Buchanan, Brenham Samuel B. Hill,60 Waterville Oliver H. Cross, Waco Wesley Lloyd,6' Tacoma Charles F. Risk,53 Saylesville Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth John M. O'Connell, Westerly William D. McFarlane, Graham Richard M. Kleberg, Corpus Christi WEST VIRGINIA SOUTH CAROLINA Milton H. West, Brownsville SENATORS SENATORS R. Ewing Thomason, El Paso Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont Ellison D. Smith, Lynchburg Thomas L. Blanton, Abilene Rush P. bit,62 Weston James F. Byrnes, Spartanburg Marvin Jones, Amarillo REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES George H. Mahon, Colorado Thomas S. McMillan, Charleston Maury Maverick, San Antonio Robert L. Ramsay, Follans bee Hampton P. Fulmer, Orangeburg Charles L. South, Coleman Jennings Randolph, Elkins John C. Taylor, Anderson Andrew Edmiston, Weston John J. McSwain,54 Greenville UTAH George W. Johnson, Parkersburg G. Heyward Mahon, Jr.,55 Greenville SENATORS John Kee, Bluefield James P. Richards, Lancaster William H King, Salt Lake City Joe L. Smith, Beckley

3, 1937, but was unable to be sworn in as Congress was not ° Resigned effective June 25, 1936, having been ap- Resigned January 10, 1935, having been appointed an pointed a member of the United States Board of Tax Ap- associate justice of the Supreme Court of the State of in session. 5°Died December 20, 1936. peals on May 21, 1936; vacancy throughout remainder of Rhode Island. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Peter the Congress. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Norbeck, and took his seat January 5, 1937. °' Died January 10, 1936; vacancy throughout remain- Francis B. Condon, and took his seat August 19, 1935. w Died June 4, 1936; vacancy throughout remainder of der of the Congress. Died August 6, 1938. the Congress. °° Elected for the term commencing January 3, 1935, "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John J. 9Died August 7, 1936; vacancy throughout remainder but not having attained the age required by the Constitu- McSwain, and served from November 3, 1936, to January of the Congress. tion, did not take his seat until June 21, 1935. 364 Biographical Directory

WISCONSIN Bernard J. Gehrmann, Mellon, R.F.D. TERRITORY OF HAWAII SENATORS DELEGATE Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Madison WYOMING F. Ryan Duffy, Fond du Lac Samuel W. King,63 Honolulu SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Robert D. Carey, Careyhurst PHILIPPINE LANDS64 Thomas R. Amlie, Elkhorn Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne Harry Sauthoff, Madison RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS Gardner R. Withrow, La Crosse REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Pedro Guevara,64 Santa Cruz Raymond J. Cannon, Milwaukee Paul R. Greever, Cody Francisco A. Delgado,64 Bulacan Thomas O'Malley, Milwaukee Quintin Paredes,65 Bangued, Abra Michael K. Reilly, Fond du Lac Gerald J. Boileau, Wausau TERRITORY OF ALASKA PUERTO RICO George J. Schneider, Appleton DELEGATE RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Merlin Hull, Black River Falls Anthony J. Dimond, Valdez Santiago Iglesias, San Juan

'Electionunsuccessfullycontested by LincolnL. of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands was inau- reduced from 2 to 1 the number of Resident Commission- McCandless. gurated; both served until February 14, 1936, when a se- ers. The terms of office of the Resident Commissioners of lected successor qualified. (See 48 Stat. 456.) This law also '° Appointed December 21, 1935, tofill the vacancy the Philippine Islands expired when the new government caused by the expiration of the terms of Pedro Guevara and Francisco A. Delgado, due to the new form of govern- ment, and took his seat February 14, 1936. SEVENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS JANUARY 3,' 1937, TO JANUARY 3, 1939

FIRST SESSION-January 5,1 1937, to August 21, 1937 SECOND SESSION-November 15, 1937, to December 21, 1937 THIRD SESSION-January 3, 1938, to June 16, 1938



ALABAMA Carl Hayden, Phoenix Thomas M. Storke,'3 Santa Barbara REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS John R. Murdock, Tempe Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa Hugo L. Black,4 Birmingham Harry L. Englebright, Nevada City Dixie Bibb Graves,5 Montgomery ARKANSAS Frank H. Buck, Vacaville Lister Hill,6 Montgomery Franck R. Havenner, San Francisco John H. Bankhead 2d, Jasper SENATORS Joseph T. Robinson,9 Little Rock Richard J. Welch, San Francisco REPRESENTATIVES John E. Miller,'° Searcy Albert E. Carter, Oakland Frank W. Boykin, Mobile Hattie W. Caraway, Jonesboro John H. Tolan, Oakland John J. McGrath, San Mateo Lister Hill,7 Montgomery REPRESENTATIVES George M. Grant,8 Troy Bertrand W. Gearhart, Fresno William J Driver, Osceola Henry E. Stubbs,'4 Santa Maria Henry B. Steagall, Ozark John E. Miller," Searcy Sam Hobbs, Selma Alfred J. Elliott,'5 Tulare Claude A. Fuller, Eureka Springs John S. McGroarty, Tujunga Joe Starnes, Guntersville William B Cravens, Fort Smith Pete Jarman, Livingston H. Jerry Voorhis, San Dimas David D. Terry, Little Rock Charles Kramer, Los Angeles William B. Bankhead, Jasper John L. McClellan, Malvern John J. Sparkman, Huntsville Thomas F. Ford, Los Angeles Luther Patrick, Birmingham Wade H. Kitchens, Magnolia John M. Costello, Hollywood John F. Dockweiler, Los Angeles CALIFORNIA Charles J. Colden,'6 San Pedro ARIZONA SENATORS Byron N. Scott, Long Beach SENATORS Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott William Gibbs McAdoo," Los Angeles Edouard V. M. Izac, San Diego

By joint resolution (Pub. Law No. 120, 74th Cong.) the o Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignations of ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph T. Hugo L. Black and Dixie Bibb Graves, and took his seat Robinson, and took his seat November 15, 1937; vacancy in date of assembling the first session of the Seventy-fifth this class from July 15, 1937, to November 14, 1937. Congress was fixed for January 5, 1937. January 11, 1938; subsequently elected. Resigned November 14,1937, having been elected Reelected January 5, 1937. 'Resigned January 11,1938, having been appointed Senator; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. 'Reelected January 5, 1937. Senator. Resigned November 8, 1938. Resigned August 19, 1937, having been appointed an ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Lister iS Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Hill, and served from June 14, 1938, to January 3, 1939, William Gibbs McAdoo, and served from November 9, States. but was not sworn in as Congress adjourned shortly after 1938, to January 3, 1939, but was unable to be sworn in as Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of his election. Congress was not in session. Hugo L. Black, and took her seat August 20, 1937; re- Died July 14, 1937. iS Died February 28, 1937. signed January 10, 1938. s Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry E. Stubbs, and took his seat June 7, 1937. ii Died April 15, 1938; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress.

[365] 366 Biographical Directory

COLORADO IDAHO Louis Ludlow, Indianapolis SENATORS SENATORS Alva B. Adams, Pueblo William E. Borah, Boise IOWA Edwin C. Johnson, Denver James P. Pope, Boise SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Guy M. Gillette, Cherokee Lawrence Lewis, Denver Compton I. Wlhite, Clark Fork Clyde L. Herring, Des Moines Fred Cummings, Fort Collins D. Worth Clark, Pocatello John A. Martin, Pueblo REPRESENTATIVES Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs Edward C. Eicher,'7 Washington ILLINOIS William S Jacobsen, Clinton SENATORS CONNECTICUT John W. Gwynne, Waterloo J. Hamilton Lewis, Chicago Fred Biermann, Decorah SENATORS William H. Dieterich, Beardstown Lloyd Thurston, Osceola Augustine Lonergan, Hartford REPRESENTATIVES Cassius C. Dowel!, Des Moines Francis T. Maloney, Meriden Arthur W. Mitchell, Chicago Otha D. Wearin, Hastings REPRESENTATIVES Raymond S. McKeough, Chicago Fred C. Gilchrist, Laurens Herman P Kopplemann, Hartford Edward A. Kelly, Chicago Vincent F. Harrington, Sioux City William J. Fitzgerald, Norwich Harry P. Beam, Chicago James A. Shanley, New Haven Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago KANSAS Alfred N. Phillips, Jr., Stamford Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago SENATORS J. Joseph Smith, Waterbury Leonard W. Schuetz, Chicago At LargeWilliam M. Citron, Leo Kocialkowski, Chicago Arthur Capper, Topeka Middletown James McAndrews, Chicago George McGill, Wichita Ralph E. Church, Evanston REPRESENTATIVES DELAWARE Chauncey W. Reed, West Chicago William P. Lambertson, Fairview SENATORS Noah M. Mason, Ogles by Ulysses S. Guyer, Kansas City John G. Townsend, Jr., Selbyville Leo E. Allen, Galena Edward W. Patterson, Pittsburg James H. Hughes, Dover Chester C. Thompson, Rock Island Edward H. Rees, Emporia REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Lewis L. Boyer, Quincy John M. Houston, Newton William F Allen, Seaford Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin , Concordia Leslie C. Arends, Melvin Clifford R. Hope, Garden City FLORIDA James A. Meeks, Danville Hugh M. Rigney, Arthur KENTUCKY SENATORS Scott W. Lucas, Havana Charles 0. Andrews, Orlando Frank W. Fries, Carlinville SENATORS Claude Pepper, Tallahasse Edwin M. Schaefer, Belleville Alben W. Barkley, Paducah REPRESENTATIVES Laurence F. Arnold, Newton Marvel M. Logan, Bowling Green J. Hardin Peterson, Lakeland Claude V. Parsons, Golconda REPRESENTATIVES Robert A. Green, Starke Kent E. Keller, Ava Noble J. Gregory, Mayfield Millard F. Caidwell, Milton At LargeEdwin V. Champion, Peoria Beverly M. Vincent,'8 Brownsville J. Mark Wilcox, West Palm Beach Lewis M. Long, Sandwich Emmet O'Neal, Louisville Joe Hendricks, De Land Edward W. Crea!, Hodgenville INDIANA Brent Spence, Fort Thomas GEORGIA SENATORS Virgil M. Chapman, Paris SENATORS Frederick Van Nuys, Indianapolis Andrew J. May, Prestonsburg Walter F. George, Vienna Sherman Minton, New Albany Fred M. Vinson,'9 Ashland Richard B. Russell, Winder REPRESENTATIVES Joe B. Bates,2° Greenup REPRESENTATIVES William T Schulte, Hammond John M. Robsion, Barbourville Hugh Peterson, Ailey Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer Edward E. Cox, Camilla Samuel B. Pettengill, South Bend LOUISIANA Stephen Pace, Americus James I. Farley, Auburn SENATORS Emmett M. Owen, Griffin Glenn Griswold, Peru John H. Overton, Alexandria Robert Ramspeck, Atlanta Virginia E. Jenckes, Terre Haute Allen J. E!lender, Houma Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Arthur H. Greenwood, Washington Malcolm C. Tarver, Dalton John W. Boehne, Jr., Evansville REPRESENTATIVES Braswell D. Deen, Alma Eugene B. Crowe, Bedford Joachim 0. Fernandez, New Orleans B. Frank Whelchel, Gainesville Finly H. Gray, Connersville Paul H. Maloney, New Orleans Paul Brown, Elberton William H Larrabee, New Palestine Robert L. Mouton, Lafayette

"Resigned December 2, 1988, having been appointed a 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- "Resigned May 12, 1938, having been appointed an commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission; tive-elect Glover H. Cary, in preceding Congress, and took associate justice of the United States Court of Appeals for vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. his seat March 11, 1937. the District of Columbia. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Fred M. Vinson, and took his seat June 9, 1938. Seventy-Fifth Congress 367

Overton Brooks, Shreveport Paul W. Shafer, Battle Creek Orville Zimmerman, Kennett Newt V. Mills, Mer Rouge Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., St. Louis John K. Griffith, Slidell Carl E. Mapes, Grand Rapids C. Arthur Anderson, St. Louis René L. DeRouen, Ville Platte Andrew J. Transue, Flint John J. Cochran, St. Louis A. Leonard Allen, Winnfield Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron Fred L. Crawford, Saginaw MONTANA MAINE Albert J. Engel, Lake City SENATORS SENATORS Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City Burton K. Wheeler, Butte Frederick Hale, Portland John Luecke, Escanaba James E. Murray, Butte Wallace H. White, Jr., Auburn Frank E Hook, Ironwood George D. O'Brien, Detroit REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Louis C. Rabaut, Detroit Jerry J. O'Connell, Butte James C. Oliver, South Portland John D. Dingell, Detroit James F. O'Connor, Livingston Clyde H. Smith, Skowhegan John Lesinski, Dearborn Ralph 0. Brewster, Dexter George A. Dondero, Royal Oak NEBRASKA SENATORS MARYLAND MINNESOTA George W. Norris, McCook SENATORS SENATORS Edward R. Burke, Omaha Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace Henrik Shipstead, Minneapolis REPRESENTATIVES George L. Radcliffe, Baltimore Ernest Lundeen, Minneapolis Henry C. Luckey, Lincoln REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Charles F. McLaughlin, Omaha T. Alan Goldsborough, Denton August H. Andresen, Red Wing Karl Stefan, Norfolk William P. Cole, Jr., Towson Elmer J. Ryan, South St. Paul Charles G. Binderup, Minden Vincent L. Palmisano, Baltimore Henry G. Teigan, Minneapolis Harry B. Coffee, Chadron Ambrose J. Kennedy, Baltimore Melvin J. Maas, St. Paul Stephen W. Gambrill,2' Laurel Dewey W. Johnson, Minneapolis NEVADA David J. Lewis, Cumberland Harold Knutson, St. Cloud Paul J. Kvale, Benson SENATORS MASSACHUSETTS John T. Bernard, Eveleth Key Pittman, Tonopah SENATORS Richard T. Buckler, Crookston Patrick A. McCarran, Reno David I. Walsh, Fitchburg REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Beverly MISSISSIPPI James G. Scrugham, Reno REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge Pat Harrison, Gulfport NEW HAMPSHIRE Charles R. Clason, Springfield Theodore G. Bilbo, Poplarville SENATORS Joseph E. Casey, Clinton REPRESENTATIVES Fred H. Brown, Somersworth Pehr G. Holmes, Worcester John E. Rankin, Tupelo H. , East Concord Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell Wall Doxey, Holly Springs REPRESENTATIVES George J. Bates, Salem William M. Whittington, Greenwood Arthur B. Jenks,26 Manchester William P. Connery, Jr.,22 Lynn Aaron Lane Ford, Ackerman Alphonse Roy,27 Manchester Lawrence J. Connery,23 Lynn Ross A. Collins, Meridian Arthur D. Healey, Somerville William M. Colmer, Pascagoula Charles W. Tobey, Temple Robert Luce, Waltham Dan R. McGehee, Meadville George H. Tinkham, Boston NEW JERSEY John P. Higgins,24 Boston MISSOURI SENATORS Thomas A. Flaherty,25 Boston SENATORS A. Harry Moore,28 Jersey City John W. McCormack, Dorchester Joel Bennett Clark, St. Louis John Milton,29 Jersey City Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton Harry S. Truman, Independence W. Warren Barbour,3° Locust Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro REPRESENTATIVES William H. Smathers,3' Atlantic City Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit Milton A. Romjue, Macon REPRESENTATIVES MICHIGAN William L. Nelson, Columbia Charles A. Wolverton, Camden Richard M. Duncan, St. Joseph Elmer H. Wene, Vineland SENATORS C. Jasper Bell, Kansas City William H. Sutphin, Matawan Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand Rapids Joseph B. Shannon, Kansas City D. Lane Powers, Trenton Prentiss M. Brown, St. Ignace Reuben T. Wood, Springfield Charles A. Eaton, North Plainfield REPRESENTATIVES Dewey Short, Galena Donald H. McLean, Elizabeth George G. Sadowski, Detroit Clyde Williams, Hills boro J. Parnell Thomas, Allendale Earl C. Michener, Adrian Clarence Cannon, Elsberry George N. Seger, Passaic

8Resigned January 18, 1938, having been elected Gov- 'Died December 19, 1938, before the commencement of °' Resigned September 30, 1937, having been appointed chief justice of the Superior Court of Massachusetts. ernor of New Jersey. the Seventy-sixth Congress, to which he had been reelect- 0Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of A. ed; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Harry Moore, and took his seat January 24, 1938. "Died June 15, 1937. P. Higgins, and took his seat January 3, 1938. '° Elected November 8, 1938, to fill vacancy caused by Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his brother, '° Served until June 9,1938; succeeded by Alphonse resignation of A. Harry Moore, and took his seat January William P. Connery, Jr., and took his seat November 15, Roy, who contested his election. 3, 1939. 1937. ° Successfully contestedtheelectionof Arthur B. "Elected November 3, 1938, for the term beginning Jenks, and took his seat June 9, 1938. January 3, 1937, but did not qualify until April 15, 1937, serving as a State senator until that time. 368 Biographical Directory

NEW JERSEY-Continued Lewis K. Rockefeller,42 Chatham Herbert S. Bigelow, Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED William T. Byrne, Loudonville Byron B. Harlan, Dayton E. Harold Cluett, Troy Frank L. Kloeb,44 Celina Edward A. Kenney,32 Cliffside Park Frank Crowther, Schenectady Walter H. Albaugh,45 Troy Fred A. Hartley, Jr., Kearny Bertrand H. Snell, Potsdam Frank C Kniffin, Napoleon Edward L. O'Neill, Newark Francis D. Culkin, Oswego James G. Polk, Highland Frank W. Towey, Jr., Caidwell Fred J. Douglas, Utica Arthur W. Aleshire, Springfield Mary T. Norton, Jersey City Bert Lord, Afton Thomas Brooks Fletcher, Marion Edward J. Hart, Jersey City Clarence E. Hancock, Syracuse John F. Hunter, Toledo John Taber, Auburn Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton NEW MEXICO W. Sterling Cole, Bath Harold K. Claypool, Chillicothe SENATORS George B. Kelly, Rochester Arthur P. Lamneck, Columbus Carl A. Hatch, Clovis James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Geneseo Dudley A. White, Norwalk Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque Walter G. Andrews, Buffalo Dow W. Harter, Akron REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Alfred F. Beiter, Williamsville Robert T. Secrest, Caldwell John J. Dempsey, Santa Fe James M. Mead,43 Buffalo William R. Thom, Canton Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk William A. Ashbrook, Johnstown NEW YORK At Large-Matthew J. Merritt, Lawrence E. Imhoff, St. Clairsville Flushing SENATORS Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Caroline O'Day, Rye Martin L. Sweeney, Cleveland Royal S. Copeland,33 New York City Robert Crosser, Cleveland James M. Mead,34 Buffalo NORTH CAROLINA Anthony A. Fleger, Parma Robert F. Wagner, New York City SENATORS At Large-John McSweeney, Wooster REPRESENTATIVES Josiah W. Bailey, Raleigh Harold G. Mosier, Cleveland Robert L. Bacon,35 Old Westbury Robert R. Reynolds, Asheville William B. Barry, Hollis OKLAHOMA Joseph L. Pfeifer, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES Thomas H. Cullen, Brooklyn Lindsay C. Warren, Washington SENATORS Marcellus H. Evans, Brooklyn John H. Kerr, Warrenton J. W. Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn Graham A. Barden, New Bern Josh Lee, Norman Harold D. Cooley, Nashville John J. Delaney, Brooklyn REPRESENTATWES Donald L. O'Toole, Brooklyn Franklin W. Hancock, Jr., Oxford Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn William B. Umstead, Durham Wesley E. Disney, Tulsa Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn J. Bayard Clark, Fayetteville Jack Nichols, Eufaula James A. O'Leary, West New Brighton J. Walter Lambeth, Thomasville Wilburn Cartwright, McAlester Samuel Dickstein, New York City Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs Lyle H. Boren, Seminole Christopher D. Sullivan, New York Alfred L. Bulwinkle, Gastonia Robert P. Hill,46 Oklahoma City City Zebulon Weaver, Asheville Gomer Smith,47 Oklahoma City William I. Sirovich, New York City Jed Johnson, Anadarko John J. Boylan,36 New York City NORTH DAKOTA Sam C. Massingale, Cordell John J. O'Connor, New York City SENATORS Phil Ferguson, Woodward Theodore A. Peyser,37 New York City Lynn J. Frazier, Hoople At Large-Will Rogers, Oklahoma City Bruce Barton,38 New York City Gerald P. Nye, Cooperstown Martin J. Kennedy, New York City REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE OREGON Sol Bloom, New York City Usher L. Burdick, Bismarck SENATORS James J. Lanzetta, New York City William Lemke, Fargo Charles L. McNary, Salem Joseph A. Gavagan, New York City Frederick Steiwer,48 Portland Edward W. Curley, New York City OHIO Alfred Evan Reames,49 Medford Charles A. Buckley, New York City Alexander G. Berry,5° Portland James M. Fitzpatrick, New York City SENATORS Charles D. Millard,39 Tarrytown Robert J. Bulkley, Cleveland REPRESENTATIVES Ralph A. Gamble,4° Larchmont A. Victor Donahey, Huntsville, R.F.D. James W. Mott, Salem Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison REPRESENTATIVES Walter M. Pierce, La Grande Philip A. Goodwin,4' Coxsackie Joseph A. Dixon, Cincinnati Nan W. Honeyman, Portland

°41Died January 21, 1938; vacancy throughout remain- 38 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Theodore A. Resigned August 19, 1937, having been appointed a der of the Congress. Peyser, and took his seat November 15, 1937. judge of the United States district court, northern district ' Died June 17, 1938. 5° Resigned September 29, 1937, having been elected of Ohio. c Elected November 8, 1938, to fill vacancy caused by surrogate of Westchester County, N. Y. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Frank death of Royal S. Copeland, and took his seat January 3, 40 Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of L. Kloeb, and served from November 8, 1938, to January 3, 1939; vacancy in this class from June 18, 1938, to Decem- 1939, but was unable to be sworn in as Congress was not Charles D. Millard, and took his seat November 15, 1937. in session. ber 2, 1938. ' Died June 6, 1937. ° Died October 29, 1937. 'Died September 12, 1938; vacancy throughout remain- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Philip A. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert P. der of the Congress. Goodwin, and took his seat November 15, 1937. Hill, and took his seat January 3, 1938. '° Died October 5, 1938; vacancy throughout remainder Resigned December 2, 1938, having been elected Sena- 48 Resigned January 31, 1938. of the Congress. tor; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of esDied August 8, 1937. Frederick Steiwer, and took his seat February 11, 1938. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Fred- erick Steiwer, and served from November 9, 1938, to Janu- ary 3, 1939, but was unable to be sworn in as Congress was not in session. Seventy-Fifth Congress 369

PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH CAROLINA Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas Luther A. Johnson, Corsicana SENATORS SENATORS Nat Patton, Crockett James J. Davis, Pittsburgh Ellison D. Smith, Lynchburg Albert Thomas, Houston Joseph F. Guffey, Pittsburgh James F. Byrnes, Spartanburg Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus J. Burrwood Daly, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES James P. Buchanan,61 Brenham Thomas S. McMillan, Charleston Lyndon B. Johnson,62 Johnson City REPRESENTATIVES Hampton P. Fulmer, Orangeburg William R. Poage, Waco Leon Sacks, Philadelphia John C. Taylor, Anderson Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth James P. McGranery, Philadelphia G. Heyward Mahon, Jr., Greenville William D. McFarlane, Graham Michael J. Bradley, Philadelphia James P. Richards, Lancaster Richard M. Kleberg, Corpus Christi Frank J. G. Dorsey, Philadelphia Allard H. Gasque,54 Florence Milton H. West, Brownsville Michael J. Stack, Philadelphia Elizabeth H. Gasque,55 Florence R. Ewing Thomason, El Paso Ira W. Drew, Philadelphia Clyde L. Garrett, Eastland James Wolfenden, Upper Darby SOUTH DAKOTA Marvin Jones, Amarillo Oliver W. Frey, Allentown George H. Mahon, Colorado J. Roland Kinzer, Lancaster SENATORS William J. Bulow, Beresford Maury Maverick, San Antonio Patrick J. Boland, Scranton Charles L. South, Coleman J. Harold Flannery, Pittston Herbert E. Hitchcock,56 Mitchell James H. Gildea, Coaldale Gladys Pyle,57 Huron UTAH REPRESENTATIVES Guy L. Moser, Douglassville SENATORS Albert G. Rutherford, Honesdale Fred H. Hildebrandt, Watertown Robert F. Rich, Woolrich Francis H. Case, Custer William H. King, Salt Lake City J. William Ditter, Ambler Elbert D. Thomas, Salt Lake City Benjamin K. Focht,5' Lewis burg TENNESSEE REPRESENTATIVES Richard M. Simpson,52 Huntingdon SENATORS Abe Murdock, Beaver Guy J. Swope, Harrisburg Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis J. W. Robinson, Provo Benjamin Jarrett, Farrell Nathan L. Bachman,58 Chattanooga Francis E. Walter, Easton George L. Berry,59 Pressmen's Home VERMONT Harry L. Haines, Red Lion Tom Stewart,6° Winchester SENATORS Don Gingery, Clearfield Warren R. Austin, Burlington J. Buell Snyder, Peri-yopolis REPRESENTATIVES Carroll Reece, Johnson City Ernest Willard Gibson, Brattleboro Charles I. Faddis, Waynesburg REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles R. Eckert, Beaver J. Will Taylor, La Follette Joseph Gray, Spangler Sam D. McReynolds, Chattanooga Charles A. Plumley, Northfield John R. Mitchell, Cookeville Robert G. Allen, Greensburg VIRGINIA Charles N. Crosby, Meadville Richard M. Atkinson, Nashville Peter J. DeMuth, Pittsburgh Clarence W. Turner, Waverly SENATORS James L. Quinn, Braddock Herron C. Pearson, Jackson Carter Glass, Lynchburg Herman P. Eberharter, Pittsburgh Jere Cooper, Dyersburg Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville Henry Ellenbogen,53 Pittsburgh Walter Chandler, Memphis REPRESENTATIVES Matthew A. Dunn, Pittsburgh TEXAS Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News Norman R. Hamilton, Portsmouth RHODE ISLAND SENATORS Andrew J. Montague,63 Richmond Morris Sheppard, Texarkana Dave E. Satterfield, Jr.,64 Richmond SENATORS Tom T. Connally, Marlin Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg Peter G. Gerry, Warwick REPRESENTATIVES Thomas G. Burch, Martinsville Theodore F. Green, Providence Wright Patman, Texarkana Clifton A. Woodrum, Roanoke REPRESENTATIVES Martin Dies, Jr., Orange A. Willis Robertson, Lexington Aime J. Forand, Central Falls Morgan G. Sanders, Canton Howard W. Smith, Alexandria John M. O'Connell, Westerly Sam Rayburn, Bonham John W. Flannagan, Jr., Bristol

1938, to January 3, 1939, but was unable to be sworn in as "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Nathan ''Died March 27, 1937. L. Bachman, and took his seat May 10, 1937. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Benjamin Congress was not in session. 60Elected November 8, 1938, to fill vacancy caused by K. Focht, and took his seat May 24, 1937. 6Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Peter death of Nathan L. Bachman, and took his seat January "Resigned January 3, 3938, having been elected judge Norbeck in preceding Congress. 16, 1939. of the common pleas court of Allegheny County, Pa.; va- Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Peter Nor- "Died February 22, 1937. cancy throughout remainder of the Congress. beck, in preceding Congress, and served from November 9, 62Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James B. "Died June 17, 1938. 1938, to January 3, 1939, but was unable to be sworn in as Buchanan, and took his seat May 13, 1937. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- Congress was not in session. 03Died January 24, 1937. band, Allard H. Gasque, and served from September 13, "Died April 23, 1937. 04Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Andrew J. Montague, and took his seat November 15, 1937. 370 Biographical Directory

WASHINGTON Joe L. Smith, Beckley H. H. Schwartz, Casper SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Homer T. Bone, Tacoma WISCONSIN Paul R. Greever, Cody Lewis B. Schwellenbach, Neppel SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Madison TERRITORY OF ALASKA Warren G. Magnuson, Seattle F. Ryan Duffy, Fond du Lac DELEGATE Monrad C. Waligren, Everett Anthony J. Dimond, Valdez Martin F. Smith, Hoquiam REPRESENTATWES Knute Hill, Prosser Thomas R. Amlie, Elkhorn TERRITORY OF HAWAII Charles H. Leavy, Spokane Harry Sauthoff, Madison John M. Coffee, Tacoma Gardner R. Withrow, La Crosse DELEGATE Raymond J. Cannon, Milwaukee Samuel W. King, Honolulu WEST VIRGINIA Thomas O'Malley, Milwaukee SENATORS Michael K. Reilly, Fond du Lac COMMONWEALTH OF THE Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont Gerald J. Boileau, Wausau PHILLIPPINES Rush D. Holt, Weston George J. Schneider, Appleton RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Merlin Hull, Black River Falls Quintin Paredes,65 Bangued Abra REPRESENTATIVES Bernard J. Gehrmann, Mellon, R.F.D. Robert L. Ramsay, Follans bee Joaquin M. Elizalde,66 Manila Jennings Randolph, Elkins Andrew Edmiston, Weston WYOMING PUERTO RICO George W. Johnson, Parkersburg SENATORS RESIDENT COMMISSIONER John Kee, Bluefield Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne Santiago Iglesias, San Juan

6SResigned September 29, 1938. ° Appointed September 29, 1938, to fill vacancy caused ary 3, 1939, upon the convening of the Seventy-sixth Con- by resignation of Quintin Paredes, and took his seat Janu- gress. SEVENTY-SIXTH CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1939, TO JANUARY 3, 1941

FIRST SESSION-January 3, 1939, to August 5, 1939 SECOND SESSION-September 21, 1939, to November 3, 1939 THIRD SESSION-January 3, 1940, to January 3, 1941



ALABAMA John E. Miller, Sea rcy H. Jerry Voorhis, San Dimas Charles Kramer, Los Angeles SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Ezekiel C. Gathings, West Memphis Thomas F. Ford, Los Angeles John H. Bankhead 2d, Jasper John M. Costello, Hollywood Lister Hill, Montgomery Wilbur D. Mills, Kensett Clyde T. Ellis, Bentonville Leland M. Ford, Santa Monica REPRESENTATIVES William B Cravens,8 Fort Smith Lee E. Geyer, Gardena Frank W. Boykin, Mobile Fadjo Cravens,9 Fort Smith Thomas M. Eaton,1° Long Beach George M. Grant, Troy David D. Terry, Little Rock Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa Henry B. Steagall, Ozark William F. Norrell, Monticello Edouard V. M. Izac, San Diego Sam Hobbs, Selma Wade H. Kitchens, Magnolia Joe Starnes, Gun tersville COLORADO Pete Jarman, Livingston CALIFORNIA William B. Bankhead,6 Jasper SENATORS Zadoc L. Weatherford,7 Red Bay SENATORS Alva B. Adams, Pueblo John J. Sparkman, Huntsville Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco Edwin C. Johnson, Denver Luther Patrick, Birmingham , A therton REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES ARIZONA Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa Lawrence Lewis, Denver SENATORS Harry L. Englebright, Nevada City Fred Cummings, Fort Collins Frank H. Buck, Vacaville John A. Martin,11 Pueblo Henry F. Ashurst, Prescott William E. Burney,'2 Pueblo Carl Hayden, Phoenix Franck R. Havenner, San Francisco Richard J. Welch, San Francisco Edward T. Taylor, Glenwood Springs REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Albert E. Carter, Oakland John R. Murdock, Tempe John H. Tolan, Oakland CONNECTICUT John Z. Anderson, San Juan Bautista ARKANSAS Bertrand W. Gearhart, Fresno SENATORS SENATORS Alfred J. Elliott, Tulare Francis T. Maloney, Meriden Hattie W. Caraway, Jones boro Carl Hinshaw, Pasadena John A. Danaher, Hartford

Died November 10, 1940. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William B. '° Died September 16, 1939; vacancy throughout remain- 'Elected November 19, 1940. Bankhead, and took his seat November 11, 1940. der of the Congress; election unsuccessfully contested by 'Reelected January 3, 1939; died September 15, 1940. 6Died January 13, 1939. Byron N. Scott. Elected September 16, 1940. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, ''Died December 23, 1939. 'Reelected January 3, 1939. William B. Cravens, and took his seat September 21, 1939. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John A. 6Died September 15, 1940. Martin, and took his seat November 28, 1940.

[371] 372 Biographical Directory

CONNECTICUTContinued ILLINOIS Clyde L. Herring, Des Moines REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES William J. Miller, Wethersfield J. Hamilton Lewis,'9 Chicago Thomas E. Martin, Iowa City Thomas R. Ball, Old Lyme James M. Slattery,2° Chicago William S. Jacobsen, Clinton James A. Shanley, New Haven Wayland Brooks,2' Chicago John W. Gwynne, Waterloo Albert E. Austin, Old Greenwich Scott W. Lucas, Havana Henry 0. Talle, Decorah J. Joseph Smith, Waterbury REPRESENTATIVES Karl M. LeCompte, Corydon Cassius C. Dowell,22 Des Moines At LargeBoleslaus J. Monkiewicz, Arthur W. Mitchell, Chicago New Britain Robert K. Goodwin,23 Redfield Raymond S. McKeough, Chicago Ben F. Jensen, Exira Edward A. Kelly, Chicago DELAWARE Fred C. Gilchrist, Laurens Harry P. Beam, Chicago Vincent F. Harrington,24 Sioux City SENATORS Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago John G. Townsend, Jr., Selbyville Anton F. Maciejewski, Cicero KANSAS James H. Hughes, Dover Leonard W. Schuetz, Chicago SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Leo Kocialkowski, Chicago James McAndrews, Chicago Arthur Capper, Topeka George S. Williams, Milisboro Ralph E. Church, Evanston Clyde M. Reed, Parsons Chauncey W. Reed, West Chicago REPRESENTATIVES FLORIDA Noah M. Mason, Ogles by SENATORS William P. Lambertson, Fairview Leo E. Allen, Galena Ulysses S. Guyer, Kansas City Charles 0. Andrews, Orlando Anton J. Johnson, Macomb Thomas D. Winter, Girard Claude Pepper, Tallahassee Robert B. Chiperfield, Canton Edward H. Rees, Emporia REPRESENTATIVES Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin John M. Houston, Newton J. Hardin Peterson, Lakeland Leslie C. Arends, Melvin Frank Carison, Concordia Robert A. Green, Starke Jessie Sumner, Milford Clifford R. Hope, Garden City Millard F. Caldwell, Milton William H. Wheat, Rantoul Arthur P. Cannon, Miami James M. Barnes, Jacksonville KENTUCKY Joe Hendricks, De Land Frank W. Fries, Carlinville Edwin M. Schaefer, Belleville SENATORS Alben W. Barkley, Paducah GEORGIA Laurence F. Arnold, Newton Claude V. Parsons, Golconda Marvel M. Logan,25 Bowling Green SENATORS Kent E. Keller, Ava Albert B. Chandler,26 Versailles Walter F. George, Vienna At LargeJohn C. Martin, Salem REPRESENTATIVES Richard B. Russell, Winder Thomas V. Smith, Chicago Noble J. Gregory, Mayfield REPRESENTATIVES Beverly M. Vincent, Brownsville Hugh Peterson, Ailey INDIANA Emmet O'Neal, Louisville Edward E. Cox, Camilla SENATORS Edward W. Creal, Hodgenville Stephen Pace, Americus Frederick Van Nuys, Indianapolis Brent Spence, Fort Thomas Emmett M. Owen,'3 Griffin Sherman Minton, New Albany Virgil M. Chapman, Paris Sidney Camp,'4 Newnan REPRESENTATIVES Andrew J. May, Prestonsburg Robert Ramspeck, Atlanta Joe B. Bates, Greenup Carl Vinson, Milledgeville William T Schulte, Hammond John M. Robsion, Barbourville Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer Malcolm C. Tarver, Dalton Robert A. Grant, South Bend W. Benjamin Gibbs,'5 Jesup George W. Gillie, Fort Wayne LOUISIANA Florence R. Gibbs,'6 Jesup SENATORS Frank Whelchel, Gainesville Forest A. Harness, Kokomo Noble J. Johnson, Terre Haute John H. Overton, Alexandria Paul Brown, Elberton Gerald W. Landis, Linton Allen J. Ellender, Houma John W. Boehne, Jr., Evansville REPRESENTATIVES IDAHO Eugene B. Crowe, Bedford SENATORS Joachim 0. Fernandez, New Orleans Raymond S. Springer, Connersville Paul H. Maloney,27 New Orleans William E. Borah," Boise William H. Larrabee, New Palestine Robert L. Mouton, Lafayette John Thomas,'8 Gooding Louis Ludlow, Indianapolis Overton Brooks, Shreveport D. Worth Clark, Pocatello Newt V. Mills, Monroe REPRESENTATIVES IOWA John K. Griffith, Slidell Compton I. White, Clark Fork SENATORS René L. DeRouen, Ville Platte Henry C. Dworshak, Burley Guy M. Gillette, Cherokee A. Leonard Allen, Winnfield

' '5 Died February 4, 1940. Died June 21, 1939. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William '5 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Emmett M. E. Borah, and took his seat February 6, 1940; subsequently Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Cassius C. Owen, and took his seat August 5, 1939. elected. Dowell, and took his seat March 12, 1940. 'Died August 7, 1940. "Died April 9, 1939. 24Election unsuccessfully contested by Albert F. Swan- '°Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Ham- son. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- ' Died October 3, 1939. band, W. Benjamin Gibbs, and took her seat October 3, ilton Lewis, and took his seat April 24, 1939. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Marvel 1940. ' Elected November 5, 1940, to fill vacancy caused by M. Logan, and took his seat October 10, 1939; subsequently 'Died January 19, 1940. death of J. Hamilton Lewis, and took his seat November elected. 22, 1940. 27Resigned December 15, 1940; vacancy throughout re- mainder of the Congress. Seventy-Sixth Congress 373

MAINE William W. Blackney, Flint Orville Zimmerman, Kennett Thomas C. Hennings, Jr.,37 St. Louis SENATORS Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron Fred L. Crawford, Saginaw Arthur Anderson, St. Louis Frederick Hale, Portland Albert J. Engel, Muskegon John J. Cochran, St. Louis Wallace H. White, Jr., Auburn Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City REPRESENTATIVES Frederick V. Bradley, Rogers City MONTANA James C. Oliver, South Portland Frank E. Hook, Ironwood SENATORS Clyde H. Smith,28 Skowhegan Clarence J. McLeod, Detroit Burton K. Wheeler, Butte ,29 Skowhegan Louis C. Rabaut, Detroit James E. Murray, Butte Ralph 0. Brewster, Dexter John D. Dingell, Detroit John Lesinski, Dearborn REPRESENTATIVES MARYLAND George A. Dondero, Royal Oak Jacob Thorkelson, Butte SENATORS James F. O'Connor, Livingston Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace MINNESOTA George L. Radcliffe, Baltimore SENATORS NEBRASKA REPRESENTATIVES Henrik Shipstead, Minneapolis SENATORS T Alan Goldsborough,3° Denton Ernest Lundeen,35 Wayzata, R.F.D. George W. Norris, McCook David J. Ward,3' Salisbury Joseph H. Ball,36 St. Paul Edward R. Burke, Omaha William P. Cole, Jr., Towson REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr., Baltimore August H. Andresen, Red Wing George H. Heinke,38 Nebraska City Ambrose J. Kennedy, Baltimore Elmer J. Ryan, South St. Paul John Hyde Sweet,39 Nebraska City Lansdale G. Sasscer,32 Upper Marlboro John G. Alexander, Minneapolis Charles F. McLaughlin, Omaha William D. Byron, Williamsport Melvin J. Maas, St. Paul Karl Stefan, Norfolk Oscar Youngdahl, Minneapolis Carl T. Curtis, Minden MASSACHUSETTS Harold Knutson, St. Cloud Harry B. Coffee, Chadron SENATORS H. Carl Andersen, Tyler David I. Walsh, Fitchburg William A. Pittenger, Duluth NEVADA Richard T. Buckler, Crookston Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Beverly SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES MISSISSIPPI Key Pittman,4° Tonopah Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge SENATORS Berkeley L. Bunker,4' Las Vegas Charles R. Clason, Springfield Patrick A. McCarran, Reno Pat Harrison, Gulfport Joseph E. Casey, Clinton REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Pehr G. Holmes, Worcester Theodore G. Bilbo, Poplarville Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell REPRESENTATIVES James G. Scrugham, Reno George J. Bates, Salem John E. Rankin, Tupelo Lawrence J. Connery, Lynn Wall Doxey, Holly Springs NEW HAMPSHIRE Arthur D. Healey, Somerville William M. Whittington, Greenwood SENATORS Robert Luce, Waltham Aaron Lane Ford, Ackerman H. Styles Bridges, East Concord George H. Tinkham, Boston Ross A. Collins, Meridian Charles W. Tobey, Temple Thomas A. Flaherty, Boston William M. Colmer, Pascagoula REPRESENTATIVES John W. McCormack, Dorchester Dan R. McGehee, Meadville Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton Arthur B. Jenks, Manchester Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro MISSOURI Foster Stearns, Hancock Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit SENATORS NEW JERSEY Joel Bennett Clark, St. Louis MICHIGAN Harry S. Truman, Independence SENATORS SENATORS William H Smathers, Atlantic City REPRESENTATIVES W. Warren Barbour, Locust Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand Rapids Milton A. Romjue, Macon Prentiss M. Brown, St. Ignace William L. Nelson, Columbia REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Richard M. Duncan, St. Joseph Charles A. Wolverton, Camden Rudolph G. Tenerowicz, Detroit C. Jasper Bell, Kansas City Walter S. Jeffries, Atlantic City Earl C. Michener, Adrian Joseph B. Shannon, Kansas City William H. Sutphin, Matawan Paul W. Shafer, Battle Creek Reuben T. Wood, Springfield Lane Powers, Trenton Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan Dewey Short, Galena Charles A. Eaton, North Plainfield Carl E. Mapes,33 Grand Rapids Clyde Williams, Hills boro Donald H. McLean, Elizabeth Bartel J. Jonkman,34 Grand Rapids Clarence Cannon, Elsberry J. Parnell Thomas, Allendale

37Resigned December 31, 1940, to become circuit attor- 2Died April 8, 1940. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- tive-elect Stephen W. Gambrill in preceding Congress, and ney for the city of St. Louis; vacancy throughout remain- band, Clyde H. Smith, and took her seat June 10, 1940. took his seat February 16, 1939. der of the Congress. °° Died December 12, 1939. °° Died January 2, 1940. 3°Resigned April 5,1989, having been appointed an °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Carl E. 3°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George H. associate justice of the District Court of the United States Mapes, and took his seat February 29, 1940. Heinke, and took his seat April 17, 1940. for the District of Columbia. °° Died August 31, 1940. °° Died November 10, 1940. 3'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of T. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Ernest 4'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Key Alan Goldsborough, and took his seat June 13, 1939. Lundeen, and took his seat October 17, 1940. Pittman, and took his seat December 12, 1940. 374 Biographical Directory

NEW JERSEY-Continued Wallace E. Pierce,47 Plattsburgh Clarence J. Brown, Blanchester REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Clarence E. Kilburn,48 Malone Frederick C. Smith, Marion Francis D. Culkin, Oswego John F. Hunter, Toledo George N. Seger,42 Passaic Fred J. Douglas, Utica Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton Frank C. Osmers, Jr., Haworth Bert Lord,49 Afton Harold K. Claypool, Chillicothe Fred A. Hartley, Jr., Kearny Edwin Arthur Hall,50 Binghamton John M. Vorys, Columbus Albert L. Vreeland, East Orange Clarence E. Hancock, Syracuse Dudley A. White, Norwalk Robert W. Kean, Livingston John Taber, Auburn Dow W. Harter, Akron Mary T. Norton, Jersey City W. Sterling Cole, Bath Robert T. Secrest, Caldwell Edward J. Hart, Jersey City Joseph J. O'Brien, East Rochester James Seccombe, Canton James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Geneseo William A. Ashbrook,54 Johnstown NEW MEXICO Walter G. Andrews, Buffalo J. Harry McGregor,55 West Lafayette SENATORS J. Francis Harter, Eggertsville Earl R. Lewis, St. Clairsville Carl A. Hatch, Clovis Pius L. Schwert, Buffalo Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Martin L. Sweeney, Cleveland At Large-Matthew J. Merritt, REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert Crosser, Cleveland Flushing Chester C. Bolton,56 Lyndhurst John J. Dempsey, Santa Fe Caroline O'Day, Rye Frances P. Bolton,57 Lyndhurst At Large-George H. Bender, NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA Cleveland Heights SENATORS SENATORS Lycurgus L. Marshall, Euclid Robert F. Wagner, New York City Josiah W. Bailey, Raleigh James M. Mead, Buffalo Robert R. Reynolds, Asheville OKLAHOMA REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Leonard W. Hall, Oyster Bay Lindsay C. Warren,5' Washington J. W Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park William B. Barry, St. Albans Herbert C. Bonner,52 Washington Josh Lee, Norman Joseph L. Pfeifer, Brooklyn John H. Kerr, Warrenton Thomas H. Cullen, Brooklyn Graham A. Barden, New Bern REPRESENTATIVES Marcellus H. Evans, Brooklyn Harold D. Cooley, Nashville Wesley E. Disney, TuLca Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn Alonzo D. Folger, Mount Airy Jack Nichols, Eufaula John J. Delaney, Brooklyn Carl T. Durham, Chapel Hill Wilburn Cartwright, McAlester Donald L. O'Toole, Brooklyn J. Bayard Clark, Fayetteville Lyle H. Boren, Seminole Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn William 0. Burgin, Lexington A. S. , Oklahoma City Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs Jed Johnson, Anadarko James A. O'Leary, West New Brighton Alfred L. Bulwinkle, Gastonia Sam C. Massingale, Cordell Samuel Dickstein, New York City Zebulon Weaver, Asheville Phil Ferguson, Woodward Christopher D. Sullivan, New York At Large-Will Rogers, Oklahoma City City NORTH DAKOTA William I. Sirovich,43 New York City SENATORS OREGON M. Michael Edelstein,44 New York City Lynn J. Frazier, Hoople SENATORS Michael J. Kennedy, New York City Gerald P. Nye, Coopers town Charles L. McNary, Salem James H. Fay, New York City REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Rufus C. Holman, Portland Bruce Barton, New York City Martin J. Kennedy, New York City Usher L. Burdick, Williston REPRESENTATIVES Sol Bloom, New York City William Lemke, Fargo James W. Mott, Salem Vito Marcantonio, New York City OHIO Walter M. Pierce, La Grande Joseph A. Gavagan, New York City Homer D. Angell, Portland Edward W. Curley,45 New York City SENATORS Walter A. Lynch,46 New York City A. Victor Donahey, Huntsville, R.F.D. PENNSYLVANIA Robert A. Taft, Cincinnati Charles A. Buckley, New York City SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES James M. Fitzpatrick, New York City James J. Davis, Pittsburgh Ralph A. Gamble, Larchmont Charles H. Elston, Newtown, R.F.D. Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison William E Hess, Cincinnati Joseph F. Guffey, Pittsburgh Lewis K. Rockefeller, Chat ham Harry N. Routzohn, Dayton REPRESENTATIVES William T. Byrne, Loudonville Robert F. Jones, Lima Leon Sacks, Philadelphia E. Harold Cluett, Troy Cliff Clevenger, Bryan James P. McGranery, Philadelphia Frank Crowther, Schenectady James G. Polk,53 Highland Michael J. Bradley, Philadelphia

°' Died August 26, 1940; vacancy throughout remainder °' Died January 3, 1940. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Lind- of the Congress. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Wallace E. say C. Warren; took his seat November 11, 1940. °' Died December 17, 1939. Pierce, and took his seat February 21, 1940. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Emory F. Smith. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William I. °° Died May 24, 1939. "Died January 1, 1940. Sirovich, and took his seat February 14, 1940. 50 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Bert Lord, Elected to vacancy caused by death of William A. Ashbrook, and took his seat March 5, 1940. Died January 6, 1940. and took his seat January 3, 1940. Died October 29, 1939. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward W. ' Resigned October 31, 1940, having been appointed "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- Curley, and took his seat March 4, 1940. Comptroller General of the United States. band, Chester C. Bolton, and took her seat March 5, 1940. Seventy-Sixth Congress 375

J. Burrwood Daly,58 Philadelphia James P. Richards, Lancaster Clyde L. Garrett, Eastland John Edward Sheridan,59 John L. McMillan, Florence Marvin Jones,7' Amarillo Philadelphia George H. Mahon, Colorado City Fred C. Gartner, Philadelphia SOUTH DAKOTA Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio Francis J. Myers, Philadelphia SENATORS Charles L. South, Coleman George P. Darrow, Philadelphia William J Bulow, Beresford James Wolfenden, Upper Darby J. Chandler Gurney, Yankton UTAH Charles L. Gerlach, Allentown SENATORS J. Roland Kinzer, Lancaster REPRESENTATIVES Karl E. Mundt, Madison William H. King, Salt Lake City Patrick J. Boland, Scranton Elbert D. Thomas, Salt Lake City J. Harold Flannery, Pittston Francis H. Case, Custer Ivor D. Fenton, Mahanoy City REPRESENTATIVES Guy L. Moser, Douglassville TENNESSEE Abe Murdock, Beaver Albert G. Rutherford, Honesdale SENATORS J. W. Robinson, Provo Robert F. Rich, Woolrich Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis J. William Ditter, Ambler Tom Stewart,62 Winchester VERMONT Richard M. Simpson, Huntingdon REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS John C. Kunkel, Harrisburg Carroll Reece, Johnson City Warren R. Austin, Burlington Benjamin Jarrett, Farrell J. Will Taylor,63 La Follette Ernest Willard Gibson,72 Brattleboro Francis E. Walter, Easton John Jennings, Jr.,64 Knoxville Ernest William Gibson,73 Brattleboro Chester H. Gross, Manchester Sam D. McReynolds,65 Chattanooga REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE James E. Van Zandt, Altoona ,66 Chattanooga J. Buell Snyder, Perryopolis Albert A. Gore, Carthage Charles A. Plumley, Northfield Charles I. Faddis, Waynesburg Joseph W. Byrns, Jr., Nashville Louis E. Graham, Beaver Clarence W. Turner,67 Waverly VIRGINIA Harve Tibbott, Ebensburg Wirt Courtney,68 Franklin SENATORS Robert G. Allen, Greensburg Herron Pearson, Jackson Carter Glass, Lynchburg Robert L. Rodgers, Erie Jere Cooper, Dyers burg Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville Robert J. Corbett, Bellevue Walter Chandler,69 Memphis REPRESENTATIVES John McDowell, Wilkinsburg Clifford Davis,70 Memphis Herman P. Eberharter, Pittsburgh Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News Joseph A. McArdle, Pittsburgh TEXAS Colgate W. Darden, Jr., Norfolk Matthew A. Dunn, Pittsburgh Dave E. Satterfield, Jr., Richmond SENATORS Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg RHODE ISLAND Morris Sheppard, Texarkana Thomas G. Burch, Martinsville SENATORS Tom T. Connally, Marlin Clifton A. Woodrum, Roanoke Peter G. Gerry, Warwick REPRESENTATIVES A. Willis Robertson, Lexington Theodore F. Green, Providence Wright Patman, Texarkana Howard W. Smith, Alexandria John W. Flannagan, Jr., Bristol REPRESENTATIVES Martin Dies, Jr., Orange Lindley Beckworth, Gilmer Charles F. Risk, Saylesville WASHINGTON Harry Sandager, Cranston Sam Rayburn, Bonham Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas SENATORS Luther A. Johnson, Corsicana Homer T. Bone, Tacoma SOUTH CAROLINA Nat Patton, Crockett SENATORS Lewis B. Schwellenbach,74 Neppel Albert Thomas, Houston Monrad C. Wallgren,75 Everett Ellison D. Smith, Lynchburg Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus James F. Byrnes, Spartanburg Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William R Poage, Waco Warren G. Magnuson, Seattle Thomas S. McMillan,6° Charleston Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth Monrad C. Wallgren,76 Everett Clara G. McMillan,6' Charleston Ed Gossett, Wichita Falls Martin F. Smith, Hoquiam Hampton P. Fulmer, Orangeburg Richard M. Kleberg, Corpus Christi Knute Hill, Prosser Butler B. Hare, Saluda Milton H. West, Brownsville Charles H. Leavy, Veradale Joseph R. Bryson, Greenville R. Ewing Thomason, El Paso John M. Coffee, Tacoma

"Resigned November 20, 1940, having been appointed ' Died March 12, 1939. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Will judge of the United States Court of Claims; vacancy Elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of J. Taylor, and took his seat January 8, 1940. throughout remainder of the Congress. Burrwood Daly, and took his seat January 3, 1940. "Died July 11, 1939. "Died June 20, 1940. '° Died September 29, 1939. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Sam D. 7'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of his ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- McReynolds, and took his seat September 21, 1939. father, Ernest Willard Gibson, and took his seat July 3, band, Thomas S. McMillan, and took her seat January 3, "Died March 23, 1939. 1940. 1940. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Clarence W. "Resigned December 16, 1940, having been appointed "Elected November 8, 1938, to fill vacancy caused by Turner, and took his seat May 24, 1939. United States district judge for the Eastern District of death of Nathan L. Bachman in preceding Congress, but "Resigned January 2, 1940, to serve as mayor of Mem- Washington. did not qualify until January 16, 1939; vacancy from No- phis, Tenn. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of vember 9, 1938, to January 15, 1939. Election unsuccessful- 0Electedtofillvacancy caused by resignation of Lewis B. Schwellenbach, and took his seat December 19, Walter Chandler, and took his seat February 21, 1940. 1940. ly contested by John R. Neal. "Resigned December 19, 1940, having been appointed "Died November 14, 1939. United States Senator; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. 376 Biographical Directory

WEST VIRGINIA Harry W. Griswold,77 West Salem TERRITORY OF HAWAII SENATORS John C. Schafer, Milwaukee DELEGATE Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont Lewis D. Thill, Milwaukee Rush D. bit, Weston Frank B. Keefe, Oshkosh Samuel W. King, Honolulu Reid F. Murray, Waupaca REPRESENTATIVES Joshua L. Johns, Appleton COMMONWEALTH OF THE Andrew C. Schiffler, Wheeling Merlin Hull, Black River Falls Jennings Randolph, Elkins Bernard J. Gehrmann, Mellon, R.F.D. PHILIPPINES Andrew Edmiston, Weston RESIDENT COMMISSIONER George W. Johnson, Parkersburg WYOMING John Kee, Bluefield Joaquin M. Elizaide, Manila Joe L. Smith, Beckley SENATORS Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne PUERTO RICO WISCONSIN H. H. Schwartz, Casper RESIDENT COMMISSIONER SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Madison Frank 0 Horton, Saddlestning Santiago Iglesias,78 San Juan Alexander Wiley, Chippewa Falls Bolivar Pagan,79 San Juan REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF ALASKA Stephen Bolles, Janesville DELEGATE Charles Hawks, Jr., Hon con Anthony J. Dimond, Valdez

"Died July 4, 1939; vacancy throughout remainder of '° Died December 5, 1939. Appointed December 26, 1939, to fill vacancy caused the Congress. by death of Santiago Iglesias, and took his seat January 3, 1940. SEVENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1941, TO JANUARY 3, 1943

FIRST SESSION-January 3, 1941, to January 2, 1942 SECOND SESSION-Janua'y 5,1 1942, to December 16, 1942



ALABAMA John E. Miller,1' Searcy Carl Hinshaw, Pasadena George Lloyd Spencer,'2 Hope H. Jerry Voorhis, San Dimas SENATORS Charles Kramer, Los Angeles John H. Bankhead 2d, Jasper REPRESENTATIVES Lister Hill, Montgomeiy Ezekiel C. Gathings, West Memphis Thomas F. Ford, Los Angeles REPRESENTATIVES Wilbur D. Mills, Kensett John M. Costello, Hollywood Frank W. Boykin, Mobile Clyde T. Ellis, Bentonville Leland M. Ford, Santa Monica George M. Grant, Troy Fadjo Cravens, Fort Smith Lee E. Geyer,'4 Gardena Henry B. Steagall, Ozark David D. Terry, Little Rock Cecil R. King,'5 Los Angeles Sam Hobbs, Selma William F. Norrell, Monticello Ward Johnson, Long Beach , El Dorado Joe Starnes, Guntersville Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa Pete Jarman, Livingston Edouard V. M. Izac, San Diego Walter W. Bankhead,9 Jasper CALIFORNIA Carter Jasper SENATORS John J. Sparkman, Huntsville Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco COLORADO Luther Patrick, Birmingham Sheridan Downey, Atherton SENATORS ARIZONA REPRESENTATIVES Alva B. Adams,'6 Pueblo Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa Eugene D. Millikin,'7 Denver SENATORS Harry L. Englebright, Nevada City Carl Hayden, Phoenix Frank H. Buck,'3 Vacaville Edwin C. Johnson, Denver Ernest W. McFarland, Florence Thomas Rolph, San Francisco REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Richard J. Welch, San Francisco Lawrence Lewis, Denver John R. Murdock, Tempe Albert E. Carter, Oakland William S. Hill, Fort Collins John H. Tolan, Oakland ARKANSAS John Z. Anderson, San Juan Bautista J. Edgar Chenoweth, Trinidad SENATORS Bertrand W. Gearhart, Fresno Edward T. Taylor,'8 Glenwood Springs Hattie W. Caraway, Jonesboro Alfred J. Elliott, Tulare Robert F. Rockwell,'9 Paonia

' 'Reelected January 3, 1941. Died September 17, 1942; vacancy throughout remain- By joint resolution (Pub. Law 395, 77th Cong., 1st sess.) der of the Congress. the date of assembling the second session of the Seventy- Reelected January 3, 1941. '5Died October 11, 1941. seventh Congress was fixed for January 5, 1942. Resigned February 1, 1941. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lee H. 'Pursuant to the twentieth amendment to the Constitu- " Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of Geyer, and took his seat October 12, 1942. tion, the term of the Vice President expires or begins, as Walter W. Bankhead, and took his seat July 3, 1941. "Died December 1, 1941. the case may be, at noon on January 20, and does not run 'Resigned effective March 31, 1941, having been ap- Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Alva B. concurrently with the terms of Congress. pointed United States district judge for the Western Dis- Adams, and took his seat January 5, 1942; subsequently Term expired at noon on January 20, 1941. trict of Arkansas. elected. Term began at noon on January 20, 1941. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 'Died September 3, 1941. Elected January 6, 1941; died June 22, 1941. John H. Miller, and took his seat April 2, 1941. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Edward T. Elected July 10, 1941. Taylor, and took his seat January 5, 1941.

[377] 378 Biographical Directory

CONNECTICUT Wayland Brooks, Chicago Ben F. Jensen, Exira SENATORS REPRESENTATWES Fred C. Gilchrist, Laurens Francis T. Maloney, Meriden Arthur W. Mitchell, Chicago Vincent F. Harrington,24 Sioux City John A. Danaher, Hartford Raymond S. McKeough, Chicago Harry E. Narey,25 Spirit Lake REPRESENTATIVES Edward A. Kelly, Chicago Herman P. Kopplemann, Hartford Harry P. Beam,22 Chicago KANSAS William J. Fitzgerald, Norwich Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago SENATORS James A. Shanley, New Haven Anton F. Maciejewski,23 Cicero Le Roy D. Downs, South Norwalk Leonard W. Schuetz, Chicago Arthur Capper, Topeka J. Joseph Smith,2° Prospect Leo Kocialkowski, Chicago Clyde M. Reed, Parsons Joseph E. Talbot,21 Naugatuck Charles S. Dewey, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES At LargeLucien J. Maciora, New George A. Paddock, Evanston William P. Lambertson, Fairview Britain Chauncey W. Reed, West Chicago Ulysses S. Guyer, Kansas City Noah M. Mason, Oglesby Thomas D. Winter, Girard DELAWARE Leo E. Allen, Galena Edward H. Rees, Emporia SENATORS Anton J. Johnson, Macomb John M. Houston, Wichita, R.F.D. James H. Hughes, Dover Robert B. Chiperfield, Canton Frank Carlson, Concordia James M. Tunnell, Georgetown Everett M. Dirksen, Fe kin Clifford R. Hope, Garden City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Leslie C. Arends, Melvin Philip A. Traynor, Wilmington Jessie Sumner, Milford William H. Wheat, Rantoul KENTUCKY FLORIDA James M. Barnes, Jacksonville SENATORS Evan Howell, Springfield SENATORS Alben W. Barkley, Paducah Edwin M. Schaefer, Belleville Albert B. Chandler, Versailles Charles 0. Andrews, Orlando Laurence F. Arnold, Newton Claude Pepper, Tallahassee James V. Heidinger, Fairfield REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Cecil W. (Runt) Bishop, Carterville Noble J. Gregory, Mayfield J. Hardin Peterson, Lakeland At LargeStephen A. Day, Evanston Beverly M. Vincent, Brownsville Robert A. Green, Starke William G. Stratton, Morris Emmet O'Neal, Louisville Robert L. F. Sikes, Crestview Edward W. Creal, Hodgenville Arthur P. Cannon, Miami INDIANA Brent Spence, Fort Thomas Joe Hendricks, De Land Virgil M. Chapman, Paris SENATORS Andrew J. May, Prestonsburg GEORGIA Frederick Van Nuys, Indianapolis Joe B. Bates, Greenup SENATORS Raymond E. Willis, Angola John M. Robsion, Barbourville Walter F. George, Vienna REPRESENTATIVES Richard B. Russell, Winder William T. Schulte, Hammond LOUISIANA Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Hugh Peterson, Ailey Robert A. Grant, South Bend Edward E. Cox, Camilla George W. Gillie, Fort Wayne John H. Overton, Alexandria Stephen Pace, Americas Forest A. Harness, Kokomo Allen J. Ellender, Houma Sidney Camp, Newnan Noble J. Johnson, Terre Haute REPRESENTATIVES Robert Ramspeck, Atlanta Gerald W. Landis, Linton F. Edward Hébert, New Orleans Carl Vinson, Milledgeville John W. Boehne, Jr., Evansville T. Hale Boggs, New Orleans Malcolm C. Tarver, Dalton , Huron James Domengeaux, Lafayette John S. Gibson, Douglas Raymond S. Springer, Connersville Overton Brooks, Shreveport Frank Wheichel, Gainesville William H. Larrabee, New Palestine Newt V. Mills, Monroe Paul Brown, Elberton Louis Ludlow, Indianapolis Jared Y. Sanders, Jr., Baton Rouge Vance Plauché, Lake Charles IDAHO IOWA A. Leonard Allen, Winnfield SENATORS SENATORS D. Worth Clark, Pocatello Guy M. Gillette, Cherokee MAINE John Thomas, Gooding Clyde L. Herring, Des Moines SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Compton I. White, Clark Fork Wallace H. White, Jr., Auburn Thomas E Martin, Iowa City Ralph 0. Brewster, Dexter Henry C. Dworshak, Burley William S Jacobsen, Clinton John W. Gwynne, Waterloo REPRESENTATIVES ILLINOIS Henry 0. Talle, Decorah James C. Oliver, South Portland SENATORS Karl M. LeCompte, Corydon Margaret Chase Smith, Skowhegan Scott W. Lucas, Havana Paul Cunningham, Des Moines Frank Fellows, Bangor

o Resigned November 4, 1942. "Resigned December 6, 1942; vacancy throughout re- "Resigned December 8, 1942; vacancy throughout re-- 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. mainder of the Congress. mainder of the Congress. Joseph Smith, and took his seat February 5, 1942. Resigned September 5, 1942. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Vin- cent F. flarrington, and took his seat November 16, 1942. Seventy-Seventh Congress 379

MARYLAND MINNESOTA James F. O'Connor, Livingston SENATORS SENATORS NEBRASKA Henrik Shipstead, Minneapolis Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace SENATORS George L. Radcliffe, Baltimore Joseph H. Ball,32 St. Paul George W. Norris, McCook REPRESENTATIVES Arthur E. Nelson,33 St. Paul REPRESENTATIVES Hugh A. Butler, Omaha David J. Ward, Salisbury REPRESENTATIVES William P. Cole, Jr.,26 Towson August H. Andresen, Red Wing Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr., Baltimore Joseph P. O'Hara, Glencoe Oren S. Copeland, Lincoln John A. Meyer, Baltimore Richard P. Gale, Mound Charles F. McLaughlin, Omaha Lansdale G. Sasscer, Upper Marlboro Melvin J. Maas, St. Paul Karl Stefan, Norfolk William D. Byron,27 Williamsport Oscar Youngdahl, Minneapolis Carl T. Curtis, Minden Katharine E. Byron,28 Williamsport Harold Knutson, St. Cloud Harry B. Coffee, Chadron H. Carl Andersen, Tyler MASSACHUSETTS William A. Pittenger, Duluth NEVADA Richard T. Buckler, Crookston SENATORS SENATORS David I. Walsh, Fitchburg MISSISSIPPI Patrick A. McCarran, Reno Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Beverly Berkeley L. Bunker,4° Las Vegas SENATORS James G. Scrugham,4' Reno REPRESENTATIVES Pat Harrison,34 Gulfport REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge James 0. Eastland,35 Ruleville Charles R. Clason, Springfield Wall Doxey,36 Holly Springs James G. Scrugham,42 Reno Joseph E. Casey, Clinton Theodore G. Bilbo, Poplarville NEW HAMPSHIRE Pehr G. Holmes, Worcester REPRESENTATIVES Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell John E. Rankin, Tupelo SENATORS George J. Bates, Salem Wall Doxey,37 Holly Springs H. Styles Bridges, Concord Lawrence J. Connery,29 Lynn Jamie L. Whitten,38 Charleston Charles W. Tobey, Temple Thomas J. Lane,3° Lawrence William M. Whittington, Greenwood REPRESENTATIVES Arthur D. Healey,31 Somerville Aaron Lane Ford, Ackerman Thomas H. Eliot, Cambridge Arthur B. Jenks, Manchester Ross A. Collins, Meridian Foster Stearns, Hancock George H. Tinkham, Boston William M. Colmer, Pascagoula Thomas A. Flaherty, Boston Dan R. McGehee, Meadville John W. McCormack, Boston NEW JERSEY Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton MISSOURI SENATORS Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro SENATORS William H. Smathers, Atlantic City Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit W. Warren Barbour, Locust Joel Bennetib Clark, St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES MICHIGAN Harry S. Truman, Independence REPRESENTATIVES Charles A. Wolverton, Camden SENATORS Elmer H. Wene, Vineland Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand Rapids Milton A. Romjue, Macon William H. Sutphin, Matawan Prentiss M. Brown, St. Ignace William L Nelson, Columbia Richard M. Duncan, St. Joseph D. Lane Powers, Trenton REPRESENTATIVES C. Jasper Bell, Blue Springs Charles A. Eaton, North Plainfield Rudolph G. Tenerowicz, Detroit Joseph B. Shannon, Kansas City Donald H. McLean, Elizabeth Earl C. Michner, Adrian J. Parnell Thomas, Allendale Philip A. Bennett,39 Springfield Gordon Canfield, Paterson Paul W. Shafer, Battle Creek Dewey Short, Galena Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan Frank C. Osmers, Jr., Haworth Clyde Williams, Hillsboro Fred A. Hartley, Jr., Kearny Bartel J. Jonkman, Grand Rapids Clarence Cannon, Els berry William W. Blackney, Flint Orville Zimmerman, Kennett Albert L. Vreeland, East Orange Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron John B. Sullivan, St. Louis Robert W. Kean, Livingston Fred L. Crawford, Saginaw Mary T. Norton, Jersey City Walter C. Ploeser, St. Louis Edward J. Hart, Jersey City Albert J. Engel, Muskegon John J. Cochran, St. Louis Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City Frederick V. Bradley, Rogers City MONTANA NEW MEXICO Frank E. Hook, Ironwood SENATORS SENATORS George D. O'Brien, Detroit Burton K. Wheeler, Butte Carl A. Hatch, Clovis Louis C. Rabaut, Detroit James E. Murray, Butte Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque John D. Dingell, Detroit REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John Lensinki, Dearborn REPRESENTATIVES George A. Dondero, Royal Oak Jeannette Rankin, Missoula Clinton P. Anderson, Albuquerque

° Appointedinpreceding Congress tofillvacancy Resigned September 29, 1941, having been elected 25 Resigned October 26, 1942; vacancy throughout re- Senator. mainder of the Congress caused by death of Ernest Lundeen. 3° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wall °' Died February 27, 1941. 3Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of Ernest Doxey, and took his seat November 14, 1941. 28 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- Lundeen, in preceding Congress, and took his seat Novem- '° Died December 7, 1942, before the commencement of band, William D. Byron, and took her seat June 11, 1941. ber 18, 1942. the Seventy-eighth Congress, to which he had been reelect- 2 Died October 19, 1941. °° Died June 22, 1941. ed; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lawrence J. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Pat Har- °° Appointed inpreceding Congress tofill vacancy Connery, and took his seat January 12, 1942. rison, and took his seat June 30, 1941. caused by death of Key Pittman. °' Resigned August 8, 1942; vacancy throughout remain- °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Pat Harri- 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Key Pitt- der of the Congress. son, and took his seat September 29, 1941. man in preceding Congress, and took his seat December 7, 1942. 22 Resigned December 7, 1942, having been elected Sena- tor; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. 380 Biographical Directory

NEW YORK Robert R. Reynolds, Asheville Josh Lee, Norman SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Robert F. Wagner, New York City Herbert C. Bonner, Washington James M. Mead, Buffalo John H. Kerr, Warrenton Wesley E. Disney, Tulsa Jack Nichols, Eufaula REPRESENTATIVES Graham A. Barden, New Bern Harold D. Cooley, Nashville Wilburn Cartwright, McAlester Leonard W. Hall, Oyster Bay Lyle H. Boren, Seminole William B. Barry, St. Albans Alonzo D. Folger,49 Mount Aiiy Joseph L. Pfeifer, Brooklyn John H. Folger,5° Mount Aiiy A. S. Mike Monroney, Oklahoma City Thomas H. Cullen, Brooklyn Carl T. Durham, Chapel Hill Jed Johnson, Anadarko James J. Heffernan, Brooklyn J. Bayard Clark, Fayetteville Sam C. Massingale,53 Cordell Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn William 0. Burgin, Lexington Victor Wickersham,54 Mangum John J. Delaney, Brooklyn Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs Ross Rizley, Guymon Donald L. O'Toole, Brooklyn Alfred L. Buiwinkle, Gastonia At LargeWill Rogers, Oklahoma City Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn Zebulon Weaver, Asheville Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn OREGON James A. O'Leary, West New Brighton NORTH DAKOTA Samuel Dickstein, New York City SENATORS SENATORS Louis J. Capozzoli, New York City Gerald P. Nye, Cooperstown Charles L. McNary, Salem M. Michael Edelstein,43 New York City , Bismarck Rufus C. Holman, Portland Arthur G. Klein,44 New York City Michael J. Kennedy, New York City REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES William T Pheiffer, New York City Usher L. Burdick, Williston James W. Mott, Salem Kenneth F. Simpson,45 New York City Charles R. Robertson, Bismarck Walter M. Pierce, La Grande Joseph Clark Baldwin,46 New York Homer D. Angell, Portland City OHIO Martin J. Kennedy, New York City SENATORS PENNSYLVANIA Sol Bloom, New York City Robert A. Taft, Cincinnati Vito Marcantonio, New York City Harold H. Burton, Cleveland SENATORS Joseph A. Gavagan, New York City REPRESENTATIVES James J. Davis, Pittsburgh Walter A. Lynch, New York City Joseph F. Guffey, Pittsburgh Charles A. Buckley, New York City Charles H. Elston, Newtown, R.F.D. James M. Fitzpatrick, New York City William E. Hess, Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES Ralph A. Gamble, Larchmont Greg J. Holbrook, Hamilton Robert F. Jones, Lima Leon Sacks, Philadelphia Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison James P. McGranery, Philadelphia Lewis K. Rockefeller, Chat ham Cliff Clevenger, Bryan Jacob E. Davis, Waverly Michael J. Bradley, Philadelphia William T. Byrne, Loudonville John Edward Sheridan, Philadelphia E. Harold Cluett, Troy Clarence J. Brown, Blanchester Frank Crowther, Schenectady Frederick C. Smith, Marion Francis R. Smith, Philadelphia Clarence E. Kilburn, Malone John F. Hunter, Toledo Francis J. Myers, Philadelphia Francis D. Culkin, Oswego Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Philadelphia Fred J. Douglas, Utica Harold K. Claypool, Chillicothe James Wolfenden, Upper Darby Edwin Arthur Hall, Binghamton John M. Vorys, Columbus Charles L. Gerlach, Allentown Clarence E. Hancock, Syracuse Albert D. Baumhart, Jr.,51 Vermilion J. Roland Kinzer, Lancaster John Taber, Auburn Dow W. Harter, Akron Patrick J. Boland,55 Scranton W. Sterling Cole, Bath Robert T. Secrest,52 Caidwell Veronica G. Roland,56 Scranton Joseph J. O'Brien, East Rochester William R. Thom, Canton J. Harold Flannery,57 Pittston James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Geneseo J. Harry McGregor, West Lafayette Thomas Byron Miller,58 Plymouth Walter G. Andrews, Buffalo Lawrence E. Imhoff, St. Clairsville Ivor D. Fenton, Mahanoy City Alfred F. Beiter, Williamsville Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Guy L. Moser, Douglassville Pius L. Schwert,47 Buffalo Martin L. Sweeney, Cleveland Albert G. Rutherford,59 Honesdale John C. Butler,48 Buffalo Robert Crosser, Cleveland Wilson D. Gfflette,6° Towanda Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Frances P. Bolton, Lyndhurst Robert F. Rich, Woolrich At LargeMatthew J. Merritt, At LargeGeorge H. Bender, J. William Ditter, Ambler Flushing Cleveland Heights Richard M. Simpson, Hüntingdon Caroline O'Day, Rye Stephen M. Young, Cleveland John C. Kunkel, Harrisburg Benjamin Jarrett, Farrell NORTH CAROLINA OKLAHOMA Francis E. Walter, Easton SENATORS SENATORS Harry L. Haines, Red Lion Josiah W. Bailey, Raleigh J. W. Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park James E. Van Zandt, Altoona

"Died June 4, 1941. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his brother, "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- 44Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of M. Michael Alonzo D. Folger, and took his seat June 20, 1941. band, Patrick J. Boland, and took her seat November 19, Edeistein, and took his seat August 7, 1941. 'Resigned September 2, 1942; vacancy throughout re- 1942. "Died January 25, 1941. mainder of the Congress. "Resigned January 3, 1942. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Kenneth F. "Resigned August 3, 1942; vacancy throughout remain- Simpson. and took his seat March 19. 1941. der of the Congress. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. ' Died March 11, 1941. "Died January 17, 1941. Harold Flannery, and took his seat June 15, 1942. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Pius L. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Sam C. "Died August 10.1941. Schwert, and his seat May 5, 1941. Massingale, and took his seat April 14, 1941. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Albert C. "Died April 30, 1941. "Died May 18, 1942. Rutherford, and took his seat December 4, 1941. Seventy-Seventh congress 381

J. Buell Snyder, Perryopolis Tom Stewart, Winchester VERMONT Charles I. Faddis,6' Waynesburg REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Louis E. Graham, Beaver Carroll Reece, Johnson City Warren R. Austin, Burlington Harve Tibbott, Ebensburg John Jennings, Jr., Knoxville George D. Aiken,7' Putney Augustine B. Kelley, Greensburg Estes Kefauver, Chattanooga REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert L. Rodgers, Erie Albert A. Gore, Carthage Charles A. Plumley, Northfield Thomas E. Scanlon, Pittsburgh J. Percey Priest, Nashville Samuel A. Weiss, Glassport Wirt Courtney, Franklin VIRGINIA Herman P. Eberharter, Pittsburgh Herron Pearson, Jackson Joseph A. McArdle,62 Pittsburgh SENATORS Jere Cooper, Dyersburg Carter Glass, Lynchburg Elmer J. Holland,63 Pittsburgh Clifford Davis, Memphis James A. Wright, Carnegie Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville TEXAS REPRESENTATIVES RHODE ISLAND Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News SENATORS SENATORS Colgate W. Darden, Jr.,72 Norfolk Morris Sheppard,68 Texarkana Winder R. Harris,73 Norfolk Peter G. Gerry, Warwick Andrew Jackson Houston,69 La Porte Dave E. Satterfield, Jr., Richmond Theodore F. Green, Providence W. Lee O'Daniel,7° Fort Worth Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg REPRESENTATIVES Tom T. Connally, Marlin Thomas G. Burch, Martinsville Aime J. Forand, Cumberland REPRESENTATIVES Clifton A. Woodrum, Roanoke John E. Fogarty, Harmony Wright Patman, Texarkana A. Willis Robertson, Lexington Martin Dies, Jr., Orange Howard W. Smith, Alexandria SOUTH CAROLINA Lindley Beckworth, Gilmer John W. Flannagan, Jr., Bristol SENATORS Sam Rayburn, Bonham WASHINGTON Ellison D. Smith, Lynchburg Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas James F. Byrnes,64 Spartanburg Luther A. Johnson, Corsicana SENATORS Alva M. Lumpkin,65 Columbia Nat Patton, Crockett Homer T. Bone, Tacoma Roger C. Peace,66 Greenville Albert Thomas, Houston Monrad C. Waligren, Everett Burnet R. Maybank,67 Charleston Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City Warren G. Magnuson, Seattle William R Poage, Waco Henry M. Jackson, Everett L. Mendel Rivers, North Charleston Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth Hampton P. Fulmer, Orangeburg Martin F. Smith, Hoquiam Ed Gossett, Wichita Falls Knute Hill, Prosser Butler B. Hare, Saluda Richard M. Kleberg, Corpus Christi Joseph R. Bryson, Greenville Charles H. Leavy,74 Spokane Milton H. West, Brownsville John M. Coffee, Tacoma James P. Richards, Lancaster R. Ewing Thomason, El Paso John L. McMillan, Florence Sam M. Russell, Step henville WEST VIRGINIA Eugene Wcrley, Shamrock SOUTH DAKOTA SENATORS George H. Mahon, Colorado City Matthew M. Neely,75 Fairmont SENATORS Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio Joseph Rosier,76 Fairmont William J. Bulow, Beresford Charles L. South, Coleman Hugh Ike Shott,77 Bluefield J. Chandler Gurney, Yankton Harley M. Kilgore, Beckley REPRESENTATIVES UTAH REPRESENTATIVES Karl E. Mundt, Madison SENATORS Robert L. Ramsay, Follans bee Francis H. Case, Custer Elbert D. Thomas, Salt Lake City Jennings Randolph, Elkins Abe Murdock, Beaver Andrew Edmiston, Weston TENNESSEE REPRESENTATIVES George W. Johnson, Parkersburg SENATORS Walter K. Granger, tedar City John Kee, Bluefield Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis J. W. Robinson, Provo Joe L. Smith, Beckley

6 "Resigned March 1, 1941. 6iResigned December 4, 1942; vacancy throughout re- Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Col- mainder of the Congress. F. Byrnes, and took his seat November 5, 1941. gate W. Darden, Jr., and took his seat April 15, 1941. ° Resigned January 5, 1942. Died April 9, 1941. " Resigned August 1, 1942; vacancy throughout remain- ° Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignationof 69Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Morris der of the Congress. Joseph A. McArdle, and took his seat June 15, 1942. Sheppard, and took his seat June 2, 1941; died June 26, 7 Resigned January 12, 1941. 5Resigned July 8, 1941, having been appointed Associ- 1941, while serving as an appointee. " The outgoing Governor of West Virginia having ap- ate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. 5°Elected June 28, 1941, tofill vacancy caused by pointed Clarence E. Martin and the incoming Governor Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of deaths of Morris Sheppard and Andrew Jackson Houston, Joseph Rosier to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation James F. Byrnes, and took his seat July 22, 1941; died but did not qualify until August 4, 1941; vacancy from of Matthew M. Neely, the Senate decided on May 13, 1941 August 1, 1941, while serving as an appointee. June 27 to August 3, 1941. (S. Des. 106), that Joseph Rosier was entitled to a seat as a 55Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of " Elected November 5, 1940, to fill vacancy caused by Senator from West Virginia, and he took his seat May 14, death of Ernest Willard Gibson in preceding Congress, but 1941. James F. Byrnes and death of Alva M. Lumpkin, and took °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mat- his seat August 6, 1941. did not qualify until January 10, 1941; vacancy from Janu- ary8to9, 1941, thew M. Neely and took his seat November 18, 1942. 382 Biographical Directory

WISCONSIN Joshua L. Johns, Appleton TERRITORY OF HAWAII SENATORS Merlin Hull, Black River Falls DELEGATE Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Madison Bernard J. Gehrmann, Mellon, R.FD. Samuel W. King, Honolulu Alexander Wiley, Chippewa Falls WYOMING REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Stephen Bolles,78 Janesville COMMONWEALTH OF THE Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne PHILLIPPINES Lawrence H. Smith,79 Racine H. H. Schwartz, Casper Harry Sauthoff, Madison RESIDENT COMMISSIONER William H. Stevenson, La Crosse REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Joaquin M. Elizalde, Manila Thaddeus F. B. Wasielewski, John J. McIntyre, Douglas Milwaukee Lewis D. Thill, Milwaukee TERRITORY OF ALASKA PUERTO RICO Frank B Keefe, Oshkosh DELEGATE RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Reid F. Murray, Ogdens burg Anthony J. Dimond, Valdez Bolivar Pagan, San Juan

' Died July 8, 1941. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Stephen bibs, and took his seat September 16, 1941. SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1943, TO JANUARY 3, 1945

FIRST SESSION-January 6,1 1943, to December 21, 1943 SECOND SESSION-January 10,2 1944, to December 19, 1944



ALABAMA John L. McClellan, Camden John M. Costello, Hollywood REPRESENTATIVES Will Rogers, Jr.,'° Culver City SENATORS Cecil R. King, Los Angeles Ezekiel C. Gathings, West Memphis Ward Johnson, Long Beach John H. Bankhead, 2d, Jasper Wilbur D. Mills, Kensett Lister Hill, Montgomery J. William Fuibright, Fayetteville Chet Holifield, Montebello Carl Hinshaw, Pasadena REPRESENTATIVES Fadjo Cravens, Fort Smith Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa Frank W. Boykin, Mobile , Little Rock William F. Norrell, Monticello John Phillips, Banning George M. Grant, Troy Edouard V. M. Izac, San Diego Henry B. Steagall,6 Ozark Oren Harris, El Dorado George W. Andrews,7 Union Springs CALIFORNIA COLORADO Sam Hobbs, Selma SENATORS Joe Starnes, Guntersville SENATORS Pete Jarman, Livingston Hiram W. Johnson, San Francisco Edwin C. Johnson, Craig Carter Manasco, Jasper Sheridan Downey, Claremont Eugene D. Millikin, Denver John J. Sparkman, Huntsville REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John P. Newsome, Birmingham Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa Lawrence Lewis,-' Denver Harry L. Englebright,8 Nevada City Dean M. Gillespie,12 Denver ARIZONA ,9 Red Bluff William S Hill, Fort Collins Leroy Johnson, Stockton J. Edgar Chenoweth, Trindad SENATORS Thomas Roiph, San Francisco Robert F. Rockwell, Paonia Carl Hayden, Phoenix Richard J. Welch, San Francisco Ernest W. McFarland, Florence Albert E. Carter, Oakland CONNECTICUT REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John H. Tolan, Oakland SENATORS Richard F. Harless, Phoenix John Z. Anderson, San Juan Bautista Francis T. Maloney, Meriden John R. Murdock, Tempe Bertrand W. Gearhart, Fresno John A. Danaher, Portland Alfred J. Elliott, Tulare George E. Outland, Santa Barbara REPRESENTATIVES ARKANSAS H. Jerry Voorhis, San Dimas William J Miller, Wethersfield SENATORS Norris Poulson, Los Angeles John D. McWilliams, Norwich Hattie W. Caraway, Jones boro Thomas F. Ford, Los Angeles Ranulf Compton, Madison

° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Harry L. 'By joint resolution (Pub. Law 819, 77th Cong., 2d .) Reelected January 6, 1943. Englebright, and took his seat September 23, 1943. the date of assembling the first session of the Seventy- Reelected January 6, 1943. '° Resigned May 23, 1944; vacancy throughout remain- eighth Congress was fixed for January 6, 1943. Died November 22, 1943. der of the Congress. By joint resolution (Pub. Law 210, 78th Cong., 1st sess.( 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henry B. ''Died December 9, 1943. the date of assembling the second session of the Seventy- Steagall, and took his seat March 20, 1944. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lawrence eighth Congress was fixed for January 10, 1944. Died May 13, 1943. Lewis, and took his seat March 30, 1944. Elected February 1, 1943. [383] 384 Biographical Directory

CONNECTICUTContinued William A. Rowan, Chicago KANSAS REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED Fred E. Busbey, Chicago Martin Gorski, Chicago SENATORS Clare Boothe Luce, Greenwich Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago Arthur Capper, Topeka Joseph E. Talbot, Naugatuck Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago Clyde M. Reed, Parsons At LargeBoleslaus J. Monkiewicz, Leonard W. Schuetz,'6 Chicago REPRESENTATIVES New Britain Thomas S. Gordon, Chicago William P. Lambertson, Fairview Charles S. Dewey, Chicago Ulysses S. Guyer,'2 Kansas City DELAWARE Ralph E. Church, Evanston Errett P. Scrivner,2' Kansas City SENATORS Chauncey W. Reed, West Chicago Thomas D. Winter, Girard James M. Tunnel!, Georgetown Noah M. Mason, Oglesby Edward H. Rees, Emporia C. Douglass Buck, Wilmington Leo E. Allen, Galena Clifford R. Hope, Garden City Anton J. Johnson, Macomb Frank Carlson, Concordia REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Robert B. Chiperfield, Canton Earle D. Willey, Dover Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin KENTUCKY Leslie C. Arends, Melvin FLORIDA Jessie Sumner, Milford SENATORS SENATORS William H. Wheat,'7 Rantoul Alben W. Barkley, Paducah Charles 0. Andrews, Orlando Rolla C. McMillen,'8 Decatur Albert B. Chandler, Versailles Claude Pepper, Tallahassee Sidney E Simpson, Carroilton REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Evan Howell, Springfield Noble J. Gregory, Mayfield J. Hardin Peterson, Lakeland Calvin D. Johnson, Belleville Beverly M. Vincent, Brownsville Emory H. Price, Jacksonville Charles W. Vursell, Salem Emmet O'Neal, Louisville Robert L. F. Sikes,'3 Crestview James V. Heidinger, Fairfield Edward W. Creal,'4 Hodgenville Arthur P. Cannon, Miami Cecil W. (Runt) Bishop, Carterville Chester 0. Carrier,25 Leitchfield Joe Hendricks, De Land At LargeStephen A. Day, Evanston Brent Spence, Fort Thomas At LargeRobert A. Green,'4 Starke Virgil M. Chapman, Paris INDIANA Andrew J. May, Prestonsburg GEORGIA SENATORS Joe B. Bates, Greenup SENATORS Frederick Van Nuys,'9 Indianapolis John M. Robsion, Barbourville Walter F. George, Vienna Samuel D. Jackson,'° Fort Wayne Richard B. Russell, Winder William E. Jenner,2' Bedford LOUISIANA Raymond E. Willis, Angola REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Hugh Peterson,'5 Ailey REPRESENTATIVES John H. Overton, Alexandria Edward E. Cox, Camilla Ray J. Madden, Gary Allen J. Ellender, Houma Stephen Pace, Americus Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer REPRESENTATIVES Sidney Camp, Newnan Robert A. Grant, South Bend F. Edward Hébert, New Orleans Robert Ramspeck, Atlanta George W. Gillie, Fort Wayne Paul H. Maloney, New Orleans Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Forest A. Harness, Kokomo James Domengeaux,'6 Lafayette Malcolm C. Tarver, Dalton Noble J. Johnson, Terre Haute Overton Brooks, Shreveport John S. Gibson, Douglas Gerald W. Landis, Linton Charles E. McKenzie, Monroe Frank Whelchel, Gainesville Charles M. La Follette, Evansville James H. Morrison, Hammond Paul Brown, Elberton Earl Wilson, Bedford Henry D. Larcade, Jr., Opelousas Raymond S. Springer, Connersville A. Leonard Allen, Winnfield IDAHO Louis Ludlow, Indianapolis SENATORS MAINE IOWA D. Worth Clark, Pocatello SENATORS SENATORS John Thomas, Gooding Wallace H. White, Jr., Auburn Guy M. Gillette, Cherokee REPRESENTATIVES Ralph 0. Brewster, Dexter George A. Wilson, Des Moines Compton I. White, Clark Fork REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATWES Henry C. Dworshak, Burley Robert Hale, Portland Thomas E. Martin, Iowa City Margaret Chase Smith, Skowhegan ILLINOIS Henry 0. Talle, Decorah Frank Fellows, Bangor SENATORS John W. Gwynne, Waterloo Karl M. LeCompte, Corydon Scott W. Lucas, Havana Paul Cunningham, Des Moines MARYLAND C. Wayland Brooks, Chicago Fred C. Gilchrist, Laurens SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Ben F. Jensen, Exira Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace William L. Dawson, Chicago Charles B. Hoeven, Alton George L. Radcliffe, Baltimore

16 20 "Resigned October 19, 1944; vacancy throughout re- Election unsuccessfully contested by James C. More-- Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Freder- mainder of the Congress. land. Died February 13, 1944; vacancy throughout remain- ick Van Nuys; took his seat January 31, 1944. 'Resigned November 25, 1944; vacancy throughout re- der of the Congress. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Frederick mainder of the Congress. "Died January 16, 1944. Van Nuys, and took his seat November 14, 1944. 'Electionunsuccessfullycontestedby Edward T. is Elected to fill vacancy caused by death sf William H. ' Died June 5, 1943. McEvoy. Wheat, and took his seat August 1, 1944. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Ulysses S. Guyer, and took his seat September 28, 1943. '° Died January 25, 1944. " Died October 13, 1943. 'Elected ts fill vacancy caused by death of Edward W. Creal, and took his seat December 10, 1943. '° Resigned April 15, 1944; subsequently reelected, and took his seat November 20, 1944. Seventy-Eighth Congress 385

REPRESENTATIVES Melvin J. Maas, St. Paul James G. Scrugham, Reno David J. Ward, Salisbury Walter H. Judd, Minneapolis REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE H. Streett Baldwin, Towson Harold Knutson, St. Cloud Maurice J. Sullivan, Reno Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr., Baltimore H. Carl Andersen, Tyler Daniel Ellison, Baltimore William A. Pittenger, Duluth NEW HAMPSHIRE Lansdale G. Sasscer, Upper Marlboro Harold C. Hagen, Crookston J. Glenn Beau, Frostburg SENATORS MISSISSIPPI H. Styles Bridges, Concord MASSACHUSETTS SENATORS Charles W. Tobey, Temple SENATORS Theodore G. Bilbo, Poplarville REPRESENTATIVES David I. Walsh, Clinton James 0. Eastland, Ruleville Chester B. Merrow, Center Ossipee Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.,27 Beverly REPRESENTATIVES Foster Stearns, Hancock Sinclair Weeks,28 West Newton John E. Rankin, Tupelo REPRESENTATIVES Jamie L. Whitten, Charleston NEW JERSEY Allen T. Treadway, Stockbridge William M. Whittington, Greenwood SENATORS Charles R. Clason, Springfield Thomas G. Abernethy, Okolona W. Warren Barbour,3' Locust Philip J. Philbin, Clinton W. Arthur Winstead, Philadelphia Arthur Walsh,32 South Orange Pehr G. Holmes, Worcester William M. Colmer, Pascagoula H. Alexander Smith,83 Princeton Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell Dan R. McGehee, Meadville Albert W. Hawkes, Montclair George J. Bates, Salem MISSOURI REPRESENTATIVES Thomas J. Lane, Lawrence SENATORS Charles A. Wolverton, Camden Angier L. Goodwin, Melrose Elmer H. Wene, Vineland Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit Joel Bennett Clark, St. Louis Harry S. Truman, Independence James C. Auchincloss, Rumson Christian A. Herter, Boston D. Lane Powers, Trenton James M. Curley, Boston REPRESENTATIVES Charles A. Eaton, North Plainfield John W. McCormack, Boston Samuel W. Arnold, Kirksville Donald H. McLean, Elizabeth Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton Max Schwabe, Columbia J. Parnell Thomas, Allendale Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro William C. Cole, St. Joseph Gordon Canfield, Paterson C. Jasper Bell, Blue Springs Harry L. Towe, Rutherford MICHIGAN Roger C. Slaughter, Kansas City Fred A. Hartley, Jr., Kearny SENATORS Marion T. Bennett,29 Springfield Frank L. Sundstrom, East Orange Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand Rapids Dewey Short, Galena Robert W. Kean, Livingston Homer Ferguson, Detroit William P. Elmer, Salem Mary T. Norton, Jersey City Clarence Cannon, Elsberry Edward J. Hart, Jersey City REPRESENTATIVES Orville Zimmerman, Kennett George G. Sadowski, Detroit Louis E. Miller,30 St. Louis NEW MEXICO Earl C. Michener, Adrian Walter C. Ploeser, St. Louis Paul W. Shafer, Battle Creek John J. Cochran, St. Louis SENATORS Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan Carl A. Hatch, Clovis Bartel J. Jonkman, Grand Rapids MONTANA Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque William W. Blackney, Flint SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron Burton K. Wheeler, Butte Clinton P. Anderson, Albuquerque Fred L. Crawford, Saginaw Antonio M. Fernandez, Santa Fe Albert J. Engel, Muskegon James E. Murray, Butte Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City REPRESENTATIVES Frederick V. Bradley, Rogers City , Missoula NEW YORK John B. Bennett, Ontonagon James F. O'Connor, Livingston SENATORS George D. O'Brien, Detroit Robert F. Wagner, New York City Louis C. Rabaut, Detroit NEBRASKA James M. Mead, Buffalo John D. Dingell, Detroit SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John Lesinski, Dearborn Hugh A. Butler, Omaha Leonard W. Hall, Oyster Bay George A. Dondero, Royal Oak Kenneth S. Wherry, Pawnee City William B. Barry, St. Albans REPRESENTATIVES Joseph L. Pfeifer, Brooklyn MINNESOTA Carl T. Curtis, Minden Thomas H. Cullen,34 Brooklyn SENATORS Howard H. Buffett, Omaha John J. Rooney,35 Brooklyn Henrik Shipstead, Carlos, R.F.D. Karl Stefan, Norfolk James J. Heffernan, Brooklyn Joseph H. Ball, St. Paul Arthur L. Miller, Kimball Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES John J. Delaney, Brooklyn August H. Andresen, Red Wing NEVADA Donald L. O'Toole, Brooklyn Joseph P. O'Hara, Glencoe SENATORS Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn Richard P. Gale, Mound Patrick A. McCarran, Reno Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn

Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, Appointed tofill vacancy caused by death of W. 27Resigned February 3, 1944. Warren Barbour, and took his seat December 2,1943. 22Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Philip A. Bennett, in preceding Congress and took his seat Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of W. Warren Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., and took his seat February 15, January 21, 1943. 5° Barbour, and took his seat December 7, 1944. 1944. Election unsuccessfully contested by John B. Sullivan. 51 'Died March 1, 1944. Died November 22, 1943. 7 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas H. Cullen, and took his seat June 15, 1944. 386 Biographical Directory

NEW YORKContinued Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs Ross Rizley, Guymon REPRESENTATIVEScONTINUED Cameron Morrison, Charlotte Alfred L. Buiwinkle, Gastonia OREGON James A. O'Leary,36 West New Zebulon Weaver, Asheville Brighton SENATORS Ellsworth B. Buck,37 NORTH DAKOTA Charles L McNary,44 Salem Samuel Dickstein, New York City SENATORS Guy Cordon,45 Roseburg Louis J. Capozzoli, New York City Gerald P. Nye, Cooperstown Rufus C. Holman, Portland Arthur G. Klein, New York City William Langer, Bismarck REPRESENTATIVES Thomas F. Burchill, New York City James H. Fay, New York City REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James W. Mott, Salem Usher L. Burdick, Williston Lowell Stockman, Pendleton Joseph Clark Baldwin, New York City Homer D. Angell, Portland Martin J. Kennedy, New York City William Lemke, Fargo So! Bloom, New York City Harris Ellsworth, Roseburg Vito Marcantonio, New York City OHIO Joseph A. Gavagan,38 New York City SENATORS PENNSYLVANIA James H. Torrens,39 New York City Robert A. Taft, Cincinnati SENATORS Walter A. Lynch, New York City Harold H. Burton, Cleveland James J. Davis, Pittsburgh Charles A. Buckley, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Joseph F. Guffey, Pittsburgh James M. Fitzpatrick, New York City Charles H. Elston, Cincinnati Ralph A. Gamble, Larchmont William E. Hess, Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES Hamilton Fish, Jr., Garrison Harry P. Jeffrey, Dayton James Gallagher, Philadelphia Jay LeFevre, New Paltz Robert F. Jones, Lima James P. McGranery,46 Philadelphia William T. Byrne, Loudonville Cliff Clevenger, Bryan Joseph M. Pratt,47 Philadelphia Dean P. Taylor, Troy Edward 0. McCowen, Wheelersburg Michael J. Bradley, Philadelphia Bernard W. Kearney, Gloversville Clarence J. Brown, Blanchester John Edward Sheridan, Philadelphia Clarence E. Kilburn, Malone Frederick C. Smith, Marion C. Frederick Pracht, Philadelphia Francis D. Culkin,4° Oswego Homer A. Ramey, Toledo Francis J. Myers, Philadelphia Hadwen C. Fuller,4' Parish Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Philadelphia Fred J. Douglas, Utica Walter E. Brehm, Logan James Wolfenden, Upper Darby Edwin Arthur Hall, Binghamton John M. Vorys, Columbus Charles L. Gerlach, Allentown Clarence E. Hancock, Syracuse Alvin F. Weichel, Sandusky J. Roland Kinzer, Lancaster John Taber, Auburn Ed Rowe, Akron John W. Murphy, Dunmore W. Sterling Cole, Bath Percy W. Griffiths, Marietta Thomas Byron Miller, Plymouth Joseph J. O'Brien, East Rochester Henderson H. Carson, Canton Ivor D. Fenton, Mahanoy City James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Geneseo J. Harry McGregor, West Lafayette Daniel K. Hoch, Reading Walter G. Andrews, Buffalo Earl R. Lewis, St. Clairsville Wilson D. Gillette, Towanda Joseph Mruk, Buffalo Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Thomas E. Scanlon, Pittsburgh John C. Butler, Buffalo Michael A. Feighan, Cleveland J. William Ditter,48 Ambler Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Robert Crosser, Cleveland Samuel K. McConnell, Jr.,49 Penn Wynne At LargeMatthew J. Merritt, Frances P. Bolton, Lyndhurst Richard M. Simpson, Huntingdon Flushing At LargeGeorge H. Bender, John C. Kunkel, Harrisburg Winifred C. Stanley, Buffalo Cleveland Heights Leon H. Gavin, Oil City Francis E. Walter, Easton NORTH CAROLINA OKLAHOMA Chester H. Gross, Manchester SENATORS James E. Van Zandt,5° Altoona SENATORS D Emmert Brumbaugh,5' Claysburg Josiah W. Bailey, Raleigh J. W Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park J. Buell Snyder, Perryopolis Robert R. Reynolds, Asheville Edward H. Moore, Tulsa Grant Furlong, Donora REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Louis E. Graham, Beaver Herbert C. Bonner, Washington Wesley E. Disney, Tulsa Harve Tibbott, Ebens burg John H. Kerr, Warrenton Jack Nichols,42 Eufaula Augustine B. Kelley, Greens burg Graham A. Barden, New Bern William C. Stigler,43 Stigler Robert L. Rodgers, Erie Harold D. Cooley, Nashville Paul Stewart, Antlers Samuel A. Weiss, Glassport John H. Folger, Mount Airy Lyle H. Boren, Seminole Herman P Eberharter, Pittsburgh Carl T. Durham, Chapel Hill A. S. Mike Monroney, Oklahoma City James A. Wright, Carnegie J. Bayard Clark, Fayetteville Jed Johnson, Anadarko At LargeWilliam I. Troutman,52 William 0 Burgin, Lexington Victor Wickersham, Mangum Shamokin

Died March 16, 1944. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Francis D. ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James A. Culkin, and took his seat November 10, 1943. L. McNary, and took his seat March 13, 1944; subsequent- O'Leary, and took his seat June 14, 1944. °° Election unsuccessfully contested by E. 0. Clark. Re- ly elected. '° Resigned December 30, 1943, having been elected a signed July 3, 1943. Resigned November 17, 1943. justice of the New York Supreme Court. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jack Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James °° Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Nichols, and took his seat April 12, 1944. P. McGranery, and took his seat February 8, 1944. Joseph A. Gavagan, and took his seat March 9,1944. Died February 25, 1944. ° Died November 21, 1943. °° Died August 4, 1943. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of J. William Ditter, and took his seat February 8, 1944. ° Resigned September 24, 1943. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James E. Van Zandt, took his seat November 23, 1943. '° Resigned January 2, 1945. Seventy-Eighth Congress 387

RHODE ISLAND Nat Patton, Crockett John M. Coffee, Tacoma Albert Thomas, Houston SENATORS Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus WEST VIRGINIA Peter G. Gerry, Warwick Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City SENATORS Theodore F. Green, Providence William R. Poage, Waco REPRESENTATIVES Harley M. Kilgore, Beckley Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth Chapman Revercomb, Charleston Aime J. Forand, Cumberland Ed Gossett, Wichita Falls REPRESENTATIVES John E. Fogarty,53 Harmony Richard M. Kleberg, Corpus Christi Milton H. West, Brownsville Andrew C. Schiffler, Wheeling SOUTH CAROLINA R. Ewing Thomason, El Paso Jennings Randolph, Elkins SENATORS Sam M. Russell, Stephenville Edward G. Rohrbough, Glenville Ellison D. Smith,54 Lynchburg Eugene Worley, Shamrock Hubert S. Ellis, Huntington Wilton E. Hall,55 Anderson George H. Mahon, Colorado City John Kee, Bluefield Burnet R. Maybank, Charleston Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio Joe L. Smith, Beckley REPRESENTATIVES 0. Clark Fisher, San Angelo WISCONSIN L. Mendel Rivers, North Charleston Hampton P. Fulmer,56 Orangeburg UTAH SENATORS Willa E. Fulmer,57 Orangeburg SENATORS Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Madison Butler B. Hare, Saluda Elbert D. Thomas, Salt Lake City Alexander Wiley, Chippewa Falls Joseph R. Bryson, Greenville Abe Murdock, Beaver REPRESENTATIVES James P. Richards, Lancaster REPRESENTATIVES Lawrence H. Smith, Racine John L. McMillan, Florence Walter K. Granger, Cedar City Harry Sauthoff, Madison J. W. Robinson, Provo William H. Stevenson, La Crosse SOUTH DAKOTA Thaddeus F. B. Wasielewski,64 SENATORS VERMONT Milwaukee J. Chandler Gurney, Yankton SENATORS Howard J. McMurray,65 Milwaukee Harlan J. Bushfield, Miller Warren R. Austin, Burlington Frank B. Keefe, Oshkosh REPRESENTATIVES George D. Aiken, Putney Reid F. Murray, Ogdensburg Karl E. Mundt, Madison REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE LaVern R. Dilweg, Green Bay Francis H. Case, Custer Charles A. Plumley, Northfield Merlin Hull, Black River Falls Alvin E. O'Konski, Mercer TENNESSEE VIRGINIA SENATORS SENATORS WYOMING Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis Carter Glass, Lynchburg SENATORS Tom Stewart, Winchester Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Edward V. Robertson, Cody Carroll Reece, Johnson City Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News REPRESENTATWE AT LARGE John Jennings, Jr., Knoxville Winder R. Harris,59 Norfolk Frank A. Barrett, Lush Estes Kefauver, Chattanooga Ralph H. Daughton,6° Norfolk Albert A. Gore,58 Carthage Dave E. Satterfield, Jr., Richmond TERRITORY OF ALASKA Jim Nance McCord, Lewisburg Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg J. Percy Priest, Nashville Thomas G. Burch, Martinsville DELEGATE Wirt Courtney, Franklin Clifton A. Woodrum, Roanoke Anthony J. Dimond, Valdez Thomas J. Murray, Jackson A. Willis Robertson, Lexington Jere Cooper, Dyersburg Howard W. Smith, Alexandria TERRITORY OF HAWAII Clifford Davis, Memphis John W. Flannagan, Jr., Bristol DELEGATE Joseph R. Farrington, Honolulu TEXAS WASHINGTON SENATORS SENATORS COMMONWEALTH OF THE Tom T. Connally, Marlin Homer T. Bone,6' Tacoma PHILIPPINES W. Lee O'Daniel, Fort Worth Warren G. Magnuson,62 Seattle RESIDENT COMMISSIONER REPRESENTATIVES Monrad C. Wallgren, Everett REPRESENTATIVES Joaquin M. Elizakle,66 Manila Wright Patman, Texarkana Carlos P. Romulo,67 Manila Martin Dies, Jr., Orange Warren G. Magnuson,63 Seattle Lmdley Beckworth, Gilmer Henry M. Jackson, Everett PUERTO RICO Fred Norman, Raymond Sam Rayburn, Bonham RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Hatton W. Sumners, Dallas Hal Holmes, Ellensburg Luther A. Johnson, Corsicana Walter F. Horan, Wenatchee Bolivar Pagan, San Juan

- Resigned December 7, 1944; vacancy throughout re- Resigned December 4, 1944; vacancy throughout re-- "Resigned December 13, 1944; vacancy throughout re- ' mainder of the Congress. mainder of the Congress. mainder of the Congress. "Election unsuccessfully contested by John C. Schafer. Died November 17, 1944. ' Resigned September 15, 1944. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Ellison 0Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of "Election unsuccessfully contested by Lewis D. Thill. D. Smith, and took his seat November 27, 1944. Winder R. Harris, and took his seat November 14, 1944. "Resigned August 9, 1944. '° Died October 19, 1944. Resigned November 13, 1944. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Hampton P. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Joaquin M. Elizalde, and took his seat August 21, 1944. Fulmer, and took her seat November 16, 1944. Homer T. Bone, and took his seat December 14, 1944. SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1945, TO JANUARY 3, 1947

FIRST SESSION-January 3,1945, to December 21, 1945

SECOND SESSION-January14,1 1946, to August 2, 1946



ALABAMA ARKANSAS John Z. Anderson, San Juan Bautista SENATORS SENATORS Bertrand W. Gearhart, Fresno John H. Bankhead 2d," Jasper John L. McClellan, Camden Alfred J. Elliott, Tulare J. William Fuibright, Fayetteville George E. Outland, Santa Barbara George R. Swift,'2 Atmore H. Jerry Voorhis, San Dimas John J. km Huntsville REPRESENTATIVES Ned R. Healy, Los Angeles Lister Hill, Montgomery Ezekiel C. Gathings, West Memphis Helen Gahagan Douglas, Los Angeles REPRESENTATIVES Wilbur D. Mills, Kensett Gordon L. McDonough, Los Angeles James W. Trimble, Berryville Frank W. Boykin, Mobile Ellis E. Patterson, Los Angeles Fadjo Cravens, Fort Smith Cecil R. King, Los Angeles George M. Grant, Troy Brooks Hays, Little Rock George W. Andrews, Union Springs Clyde G. Doyle, Long Beach William F. Norrell, Monticello Chet Holifield, Montebello Sam Hobbs, Selma Oren Harris, El Dorado Albert Rains, Gadsden Carl Hinshaw, Pasadena Pete Jarman, Livingston CALIFORNIA Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa Carter Manasco, Jasper John Phillips, Banning John J. Sparkman,'4 Huntsville SENATORS Edouard V. M. Izac, San Diego Luther Patrick, Birmingham Hiram W. Johnson,'5 San Francisco William F. Knowland,'6 Piedmont COLORADO Sheridan Downey, Laguna Beach SENATORS ARIZONA REPRESENTATIVES Edwin C. Johnson, Craig SENATORS Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa Eugene D. Millikin, Denver Carl Hayden, Phoenix Clair Engle, Red Bluff Ernest W. McFarland, Florence Leroy Johnson, Stockton REPRESENTATWES Franck R. Havenner, San Francisco Dean M. Gillespie, Denver REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Richard J. Welch, San Francisco William S. Hill, Fort Collins Richard F. Harless, Phoenix George P. Miller, Alameda J. Edgar Chenoweth, Trinidad John R. Murdock, Tempe John H. Tolan, Oakland Robert F. Rockwell, Paonia

'By joint resolution (Pub. Law 289, 79th Cong., 1st sess.) 'Elected acting secretary January 29, 1945; elected sec- "Elected November 5, 1946, to fill vacancy caused by the date of assembling the second session of the Seventy- retary February 8, 1945. death of John H. Bankhead 2d, but was unable to be ninth Congress was fixed for January 14, 1946. Reelected January 3, 1945. sworn in as Congress was not in session. 'Term expired at noon on January 20, 1945. Reelected January 3, 1945; died November 23, 1946. 'Term began at noon on January 20, 1945. '°Harry Newlin Megill, Assistant to the Clerk, acted as "Resigned November 5, 1946, having been elected Sen- Became President upon the death of Franklin D. ator. Clerk during the interim. "Died August 6, 1945. Roosevelt, April 12, 1945. ''Died June 12, 1946. ' 'Elected January 6, 1945. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John H. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Hiram Died January 29, 1945. Bankhead 2d, and took his seat June 20, 1946. W. Johnson, and took his seat September 5, 1945.

[388] Seventy-Ninth Congress 389

CONNECTICUT Henry C. Dworshak,26 Burley IOWA Glen H. Taylor, Pocatello SENATORS SENATORS Francis T. Meriden REPRESENTATIVES George A. Wilson, Des Moines Thomas C. Hart,'8 Sharon Compton I. White, Clark Fork Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Cedar Rapids Raymond E. Baldwin,'9 Stratford Henry C. Dworshak,27 Burley REPRESENTATIVES Brien McMahon, Norwalk Thomas E. Martin, Iowa City REPRESENTATIVES ILLINOIS Henry 0. Talle, Decorah Herman P. Kopplemann, Hartford SENATORS John W. Gwynne, Waterloo Mrs. Chase Going Woodhouse, New Karl M. LeCompte, Corydon Scott W. Lucas, Havana Paul Cunningham, Des Moines London C. Wayland Brooks, Chicago James P. Geelan, New Haven James I. Dolliver, Fort Dodge Clare Boothe Luce, Greenwich REPRESENTATIVES Ben F. Jensen, Exira Joseph E. Talbot, Naugatuck William L. Dawson, Chicago Charles B. Hoeven, Alton At Large-Joseph F. Ryter, Hartford William A. Rowan, Chicago Edward A. Kelly, Chicago KANSAS DELAWARE Martin Gorski, Chicago SENATORS SENATORS Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago Arthur Capper, Topeka James M. Tunnell, Georgetown Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago Clyde M. Reed, Parsons C. Douglass Buck, Wilmington William W. Link, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES Thomas S. Gordon, Chicago REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Alexander J. Resa, Chicago Albert M. Cole, Holton Philip A. Traynor, Wilmington Ralph E. Church, Evanston Errett P. Scrivner, Kansas City Chauncey W. Reed, West Chicago Thomas D. Winter, Girard FLORIDA Noah M. Mason, Oglesby Edward H. Rees, Emporia SENATORS Leo E. Allen, Galena Clifford R. Hope, Garden City Charles 0. Andrews,2° Orlando Anton J. Johnson, Macomb Frank Carison, Concordia Spessard L. Holland,2' Bartow Robert B. Chiperfield, Canton KENTUCKY Claude Pepper, Tallahassee Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Leslie C. Arends, Melvin J. Hardin Peterson, Lakeland Jessie Sumner, Milford Alben W. Barkley, Paducah Emory H. Price, Jacksonville Rolla C. McMillen, Decatur Albert B. Chandler,3° Versailles Sidney E. Simpson, Carrollton William A. Stanfill,31 Hazard Robert L. F. Sikes, Crestview ,32 Somerset Arthur P. Cannon, Miami Evan Howell, Springfield Joe Hendricks, De Land Charles , East St. Louis REPRESENTATIVES Dwight L. Rogers, Fort Lauderdale Charles W. Vursell, Salem Noble J. Gregory, Mayfield James V. Heidinger,28 Fairfield Earle C. Clements, Morganfield GEORGIA Roy Clippinger,29 Carmi Emmet O'Neal, Louisville Cecil W. (Runt) Bishop, Carterville SENATORS Frank L. Cheif, Lebanon At Large-Emily Taft Douglas, Brent Spence, Fort Thomas Walter F. George, Vienna Chicago Richard B. Russell, Winder Virgil M. Chapman, Paris Andrew J. May, Prestonsburg REPRESENTATIVES INDIANA Joe B. Bates, Greenup Hugh Peterson, Ailey SENATORS John M. Robsion, Barbourville Edward E. Cox, Camilla Stephen Pace, Americus Raymond E. Willis, Angola Homer E. Capehart, Washington LOUISIANA A. Sidney Camp, Newnan SENATORS Robert Ramspeck,22 Atlanta REPRESENTATIVES Helen Douglas Mankin,23 Atlanta John H. Overton, Alexandria Ray J. Madden, Gary Allen J. Ellender, Houma Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer Malcolm C. Tarver, Dalton Robert A. Grant, South Bend REPRESENTATIVES John S. Gibson, Douglas George W. Gillie, Fort Wayne F. Edward Hébert, New Orleans John S. Wood, Canton Forest A. Harness, Kokomo Paul H. Maloney, New Orleans Paul Brown, Elberton Noble J. Johnson, Terre Haute James Domengeaux, Lafayette Gerald W. Landis, Linton Overton Brooks, Shreveport IDAHO Charles M. La Follette, Evansville Charles E. McKenzie, Monroe SENATORS Earl Wilson, Huron James H. Morrison, Hammond John Thomas,24 Gooding Raymond S. Springer, Connersville Henry D. Larcade, Jr., Opelousas Charles C. Gossett,25 Nampa Louis Ludlow, Indianapolis A. Leonard Allen, Winnfield

Resigned November 5, 1946, having been elected Sen- "Died January 16, 1945. Resigned December 31, 1945. ator; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Francis 2 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of ' Died March 22, 1945. T. Maloney; took his seat February 15, 1945. Robert Ramspeck, and took her seat February 25, 1946. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James V. 'Elected November 5, 1946, to fill vacancy caused by ' Died November 10, 1945. Heidinger, and took his seat November 26, 1945. death of Francis T. Maloney, but was unable to be sworn Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John '° Resigned November 1, 1945. in as Congress was not in session. Thomas, and took his seat November 29, 1945. Si Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of '° Died September 18, 1946. Elected November 5, 1946, to fill vacancy caused by Albert B. Chandler, and took his seat November 23, 1945. Appointed September 25, 1946, to fill vacancy caused death of John Thomas, but was unable to be sworn in as Elected November 5, 1946, to fill vacancy caused by by death of Charles 0. Andrews, but was unable to be Congress was not in session. resignation of Albert B. Chandler, but was unable to be sworn in as Congress was not in session. sworn in as Congress was not in session. 390 Biographical Directory

MAINE Frederick V. Bradley, Rogers City MONTANA SENATORS Frank E Hook, Ironwood George D. O'Brien, Detroit SENATORS Wallace H. White, Jr., Auburn Burton K. Wheeler, Butte Ralph 0. Brewster, Dexter Louis C. Rabaut, Detroit John D. Dingell, Detroit James E. Murray, Butte REPRESENTATIVES John Lesinski, Dearborn REPRESENTATIVES Robert Hale, Portland George A. Dondero,34 Royal Oak Mike Mansfield, Missoula Margaret Chase Smith, Skowhegan James F. O'Connor,38 Livingston Frank Fellows, Bangor MINNESOTA Wesley A. D'Ewart,39 Wilsall MARYLAND SENATORS NEBRASKA SENATORS Henrik Shipstead, Carlos, R.F.D. Joseph H. Ball, St. Paul SENATORS Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace Hugh A. Butler, Omaha George L. Radcliffe, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES Kenneth S. Wherry, Pawnee City REPRESENTATIVES August H. Andresen, Red Wing REPRESENTATIVES Dudley G. Roe, Sudlersville Joseph P. O'Hara, Glencoe Carl T. Curtis, Minden H. Streett Baldwin, Hydes William J Gallagher,35 Minneapolis Howard H. Buffett, Omaha Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr., Baltimore Frank T Starkey, St. Paul Karl Stefan, Norfolk George H. Fallon, Baltimore Walter H. Judd, Minneapolis Arthur L. Miller, Kimball Lansdale G. Sasscer, Upper Marlboro Harold Knutson, St. Cloud J. Glenn Beall, Frostburg H. Carl Andersen, Tyler NEVADA William A. Pittenger, Duluth MASSACHUSETTS Harold C. Hagen, Crookston SENATORS SENATORS Patrick A. McCarran, Reno MISSISSIPPI James G. Scrugham,4° Reno David I. Walsh, Clinton Edward P. Carville,41 Reno Leverett Saltonstall,33 Chestnut Hill SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Theodore G. Bilbo, Poplarville Berkeley L. Bunker, Las Vegas John W. Heselton, Deerfield James 0. Eastland, Ruleville Charles R. Clason, Springfield REPRESENTATIVES NEW HAMPSHIRE Philip J. Philbin, Clinton Pehr G. Holmes, Worcester John E. Rankin, Tupelo SENATORS Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell Jamie L. Whitten, Charleston H. Styles Bridges, Concord George J. Bates, Salem William M. Whittington, Greenwood Charles W. Tobey, Temple Thomas G Abernethy, Okolona Thomas J Lane, Lawrence REPRESENTATIVES Angier L. Goodwin, Melrose W. Arthur Winstead, Philadelphia William M. Colmer, Pascagoula Chester E. Merrow, Center Ossipee Charles L. Gifford, Cotuit Sherman Adams, Lincoln Christian A. Herter, Boston Dan R. McGehee, Meadville James M. Curley, Boston NEW JERSEY MISSOURI John W. McCormack, Boston SENATORS Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton SENATORS Albert W. Hawkes, Montclair Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro Harry S. Truman,36 Independence H. Alexander Smith, Princeton Frank P Briggs,37 Macon REPRESENTATIVES MICHIGAN Forrest C. Donnell, Webster Groves SENATORS Charles A. Wolverton, Camden REPRESENTATIVES T. Millet Hand, Cape May City Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand Rapids Samuel W. Arnold, Kirksville James C. Auchincloss, Rumson Homer Ferguson, Detroit Max Schwabe, Columbia D. Lane Powers,42 Trenton REPRESENTATIVES William C Cole, St. Joseph Frank A. Mathews, Jr.,43 Riverton George G. Sadowski, Detroit C. Jasper Bell, Blue Springs Charles A. Eaton, North Plainfield Earl C. Michener, Adrian Roger C. Slaughter, Kansas City Clifford P. Case, Rahway Paul W. Shafer, Battle Creek Marion T. Bennett, Springfield J. Parnell Thomas, Allendale Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan Dewey Short, Galena Gordon Canfield, Paterson Bartel J. Jonkman, Grand Rapids Albert S. J. Carnahan, Ellsinore Harry L. Towe, Rutherford William W. Blackney, Flint Clarence Cannon, Els berry Fred A. Hartley, Jr., Kearny Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron Orville Zimmerman, Kennett Frank L Sundstrom, East Orange Fred L. Crawford, Saginaw John B. Sullivan, St. Louis Robert W. Kean, Livingston Albert J. Engel, Muskegon Walter C. Ploeser, Clayton Mary T. Norton, Jersey City Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City John J. Cochran, St. Louis Edward J. Hart, Jersey City

w Elected November 7, 1944, to fill vacancy caused by Resigned January 17, 1945, having been elected Vice °° Died June 23, 1945. resignation of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., in preceding Con- President of the United States. ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of James G. gress, and took his seat January 10, 1945. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Scrugham, and took his seat July 26, 1945. Election unsuccessfully contested by John W. L. Harry S. Truman, and took his seat January 22, 1945. Resigned August 30, 1945. Hicks. °' Died January 15, 1945. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of D. Died August 13, 1946; vacancy throughout remainder '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James F. Lane Powers, and took his seat November 27, 1945. of the Congress. O'Connor, and took his seat June 25, 1945. Seventy-Ninth Congress 391

NEW MEXICO Walter G. Andrews, Buffalo Alvin F. Weichel, Sandusky Edward J. Elsaesser, Buffalo Walter B. Huber, Akron SENATORS John C. Butler, Buffalo Percy W. Griffiths, Marietta Carl A. Hatch, Clovis Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk William R Thom, Canton Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque J. Harry McGregor, West Lafayette REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE NORTH CAROLINA Earl R. Lewis, St. Clairsville Clinton P. Anderson,44 Albuquerque SENATORS Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Antonio M. Fernandez, Santa Fe Josiah W. Bailey,48 Raleigh Michael A. Feighan, Cleveland William B Umstead,49 Durham Robert Crosser, Cleveland NEW YORK Clyde R. Hoey, Shelby Frances P. Bolton, Lyndhurst SENATORS At Large-George H. Bender, REPRESENTATIVES Robert F. Wagner, New York City Cleveland Heights James M. Mead, Buffalo Herbert C. Bonner, Washington John H. Kerr, Warrenton OKLAHOMA REPRESENTATIVES Graham A. Barden, New Bern Edgar A. Sharp, Patchogue Harold D. Cooley, Nashville SENATORS Leonard W. Hall, Oyster Bay John H. Folger, Mount Airy J. W Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park Henry J. Latham, Queens Village Carl T. Durham, Chapel Hill Edward H. Moore, Tulsa William B Barry,45 St. Albans J. Bayard Clark, Fayetteville REPRESENTATIVES James A. Roe, Flushing William 0 Burgin,5° Lexington James J. Delaney, Long Island City Eliza Jane Pratt,5' Lexington George B. Schwabe, Tulsa John J. Delaney, Brooklyn Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs William G. Stigler, Stigler Joseph L. Pfeifer, Brooklyn Joe W. Ervin,5' Charlotte Paul Stewart, Antlers Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn Lyle H. Boren, Seminole Sam J. Ervin, Jr.,53 Morganton A. S. Mike Monroney, Oklahoma City Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn Alfred L. Bulwinkle, Gastonia James J. Heffernan, Brooklyn Zebulon Weaver, Asheville Jed Johnson, Anadarko John J. Rooney, Brooklyn Victor Wickersham, Mangum Donald L. O'Toole, Brooklyn NORTH DAKOTA Ross Rizley, Guymon Leo F. Rayfiel, Brooklyn SENATORS Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn OREGON William Langer, Bismarck Ellsworth B. Buck, Staten Island SENATORS Joseph Clark Baldwin, New York City John Moses,54 Hazen Vito Marcantonio, New York City Milton R. Young,5' Berlin Guy Cordon, Roseburg Samuel Dickstein,46 New York City REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Wayne L. Morse, Eugene Arthur G. Klein,47 New York City William Lemke, Fargo REPRESENTATIVES Sol Bloom, New York City Charles R. Robertson, Bismarck James W. Mott,'9 Salem James H. Torrens, New York City A. Walter Norbiad, Jr.,°° Astoria Adam C. Powell, Jr., New York City OHIO Lowell Stockman, Pendleton Walter A. Lynch, New York City SENATORS Homer D. Angell, Portland Benjamin J. Rabin, New York City Robert A. Taft, Cincinnati Harris Ellsworth, Roseburg Charles A. Buckley, New York City Harold H. Burton,56 Cleveland Peter A. Quinn, New York City James W. Huffman,'7 Columbus PENNSYLVANIA Ralph W. Gwinn, Bronxville Kingsley A. Taft,58 Shaker Heights Ralph A. Gamble, Larchmont SENATORS Augustus W. Bennet, Newburgh REPRESENTATIVES Joseph F. Guffey, Pittsburgh Jay LeFevre, New Paltz Charles H. Elston, Cincinnati Francis J. Myers, Philadelphia Bernard W. Kearney, Gloversville William E. Hess, Cincinnati Edward J. Gardner, Hamilton REPRESENTATIVES William T. Byrne, Loudonville William A Barrett, Philadelphia Dean P. Taylor, Troy Robert F. Jones, Lima Clarence E. Kilburn, Malone Cliff Clevenger, Bryan William T Granahan, Philadelphia Hadwin C. Fuller, Parish Edward 0. McCowen, Wheelersburg Michael J. Bradley, Philadelphia Clarence E. Hancock, Syracuse Clarence J. Brown, Blanchester John Edward Sheridan, Philadelphia Edwin Arthur Hall, Binghamton Frederick C. Smith, Marion William J Green, Jr., Philadelphia John Taber, Auburn Homer A. Ramey, Toledo Herbert J. McGlinchey, Philadelphia W. Sterling Cole, Bath Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton James Wolfenden, Upper Darby George F. Rogers, Rochester Walter E. Brehm, Logan Charles L. Gerlach, Allentown James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Geneseo John M. Vorys, Columbus J. Roland Kinzer, Lancaster

°° Resigned September 30, 1945, having been appointed °° Resigned June 30, 1945; vacancy throughout remain- °° Died April 11, 1946. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William 0. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United der of the Congress. States. °° Died October 20, 1946; vacancy throughout remainder Burgin, and took her seat June 3, 1946. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of of the Congress. ° Died December 25, 1945. Harold H. Burton, and took his seat October 9, 1945. °° Resigned December 30, 1945. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joe W. 5Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of Ervin, and took his seat February 4, 1946. Harold H. Burton and served from November 6, 1946, to Samuel Dickstein, and took his seat March 4, 1948. °° Died March 3, 1945. January 3, 1947, but was unable to be sworn in as Con- Died December 15, 1946. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John gress was not in session. Appointed December 18, 1946, to fill vacancy caused Moses, and took his seat March 19, 1945; subsequently Died November 12, 1945. by death of Josiah W. Bailey, but was unable to be sworn elected. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James W. in as Congress was not in session. Mott, and took his seat January 29, 1946. 392 Biographical Directory

PENNSYLVANIA-Continued SOUTH DAKOTA UTAH REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED SENATORS SENATORS John W. Murphy,61 Dunmore J. Chandler Gurney, Yankton Elbert D. Thomas, Salt Lake City James P. Scoblick,62 Archbald Harlan J. Bushfield, Miller Abe Murdock, Beaver Daniel J. Flood, Wilkes-Barre REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Ivor D. Fenton, Mahanoy City Karl E. Mundt, Madison Walter K. Granger, Cedar City Daniel K. Hoch, Reading Francis H. Case, Custer J. W. Robinson, Provo Wilson D. Gillette, Towanda Robert F. Rich, Woolrich TENNESSEE VERMONT Samuel K. McConnell, Jr., Penn Wynne SENATORS Richard M. Simpson, Huntingdon SENATORS Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis Warren R. Austin,69 Burlington John C. Kunkel, Harrisburg Tom Stewart, Winchester Leon H. Gavin, Oil City Ralph E. Flanders ,70Spri ngfield Francis E. Walter, Easton REPRESENTATIVES George D. Aiken, Putney Chester H. Gross, Manchester Carroll Reece, Johnson City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE D Emmert Brumbaugh, Claysburg John Jennings, Jr., Knoxville Charles A. Plumley, Northfield J. Buell Snyder,63 Perryopolis Estes Kefauver, Chattanooga Carl H. Hoffman,64 Somerset Albert A. Gore, Carthage VIRGINIA Harold H. Earthman, Murfreesboro Thomas E. Morgan, Frederick town SENATORS Louis E. Graham, Beaver J. Percy Priest, Nashville Wirt Courtney, Franklin Carter Glass,7' Lynchburg Harve Tibbott, Ebensburg Thomas G. Burch,72.Martinsville Augustine B. Kelley, Greensburg Thomas J Murray, Jackson Jere Cooper, Dyersburg A. Willis Robertson,73 Lexington Robert L. Rodgers, Erie Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville Howard E. Campbell, Pittsburgh Clifford Davis, Memphis Robert J. Corbett, Bellevue REPRESENTATIVES James G. Fulton, Dormont TEXAS Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News Herman P Eberharter, Pittsburgh SENATORS Ralph H. Daughton, Norfolk Samuel A. Weiss,65 Glassport Tom T. Connally, Marlin Dave E. Satterfield, Jr.,74 Richmond Frank Buchanan,66 McKeesport W. Lee O'Daniel, Fort Worth J. Vaughan Gary,75 Richmond Patrick Henry Drewry, Petersburg REPRESENTATIVES Thomas G Burch,76 Martinsville RHODE ISLAND Wright Patman, Texarkana Thomas B Stanley,7 Stanleytown SENATORS Jesse M. Combs, Beaumont Clifton A. Woodrum,78 Roanoke Peter G. Gerry, Providence Lindley Beckworth, Gladewater J. Lindsay Almond, Jr.,79 Roanoke Theodore F. Green, Providence Sam Rayburn, Bonham A. Willis Robertson,8° Lexington Hattan W. Sumners, Dallas Burr P. Harrison,8' Winchester REPRESENTATIVES Luther A. Johnson,67 Corsicana Howard W. Smith, Alexandria Aime J. Forand, Cumberland Olin E. Teague,68 College Station John W. Flannagan, Jr., Bristol John E. Fogarty, Harmony Tom Pickett, Palestine Albert Thomas, Houston WASHINGTON Joseph J. Mansfield, Columbus SOUTH CAROLINA Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City SENATORS SENATORS William R Poage, Waco Warren G. Magnuson, Seattle Burnet R. Maybank, Charleston Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth Monrad C. Wallgren,82 Everett Olin D. Johnston, Spartanburg Ed Gossett, Wichita Falls Hugh B. Mitchell,83 Everett John E. Lyle, Jr., Corpus Christi Harry P. Cain,84 Tacoma REPRESENTATIVES Milton H. West, Brownsville REPRESENTATIVES L. Mendel Rivers, North Charleston R. Ewing Thomason, El Paso Hugh De Lacy, Seattle John J. Riley, Sumter Sam M. Russell, Stephenville Henry M. Jackson, Everett Butler B. Hare, Saluda Eugene Worley, Shamrock Charles R. Savage, Shelton Joseph R. Bryson, Greenville George H. Mahon, Colorado City Hal Holmes, Ellensburg James P. Richards, Lancaster Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio Walter F. Horan, Wenatchee John L. McMillan, Florence 0. Clark Fisher, San Angelo John M. Coffee, Tacoma

Resigned July 17, 1946. SO Appointed November 1, 1946, to fill vacancy caused Elected November 5, 1946, to fill vacancy caused by ° Elected on November 5, 1946, to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Warren R. Austin, but was unable to be resignation of Thomas B. Burch, but was unable to be by resignation of John W. Murphy, but was unable to be sworn in as Congress was not in session. sworn in as Congress was not in session. swsrn in as Congress was not in session. ' Died May 28, 1946. Resigned December 31, 1945. ° Died February 24, 1946. 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Carter SO Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Clif- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Buell Glass, and took his seat May 31, 1946. ton A. Wosdrum, and took his seat February 4, 1946. Snyder, and tosk his seat June 11, 1946. Elected November 5, 1946, to fill vacancy caused by 00 Resigned November 5, 1946, having been elected Sen- ° Resigned January 7, 1946. death of Carter Glass, but was unable to be swsrn in as ator. °° Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of 0i Elected November 5, 1946, to fill vacancy caused by Congress was not in session. resignation of A. Willis Robertson, but was unable to be Samuel A. Weiss, and took his seat June 19, 1946. Resigned February 15, 1945. sworn in as Congress was not in session. Resigned July 17, 1946. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Dave 00 Resigned January 9, 1945. ° Elected August 24, 1946, to fill vacancy caused by E. Satterfield, Jr., and took his seat March 16, 1945. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of resignation of Luther A. Johnson, but was unable to be ° Resigned May 31, 1946, having been appointed Sena- Monrad C. Wallgren, and took his seat January 18, 1945; sworn in as Congress was not in session. tor. resigned December 25, 1946. Resigned August 2, 1946. s Appointed December 26, 1946, to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Monrad C. Wallgren and Hugh B. Mitch- ell, but was unable to be sworn in as Congress was not in session. Seventy-Ninth Congress 393

WEST VIRGINIA Robert K. Henry,85 Jefferson TERRITORY OF ALASKA SENATORS William H. Stevenson, La Crosse DELEGATE Thaddeus F. B. Wasielewski, Harley M. Kilgore, Beckley Edward L. Bartlett, Juneau Chapman Revercomb, Charleston Milwaukee Andrew J. Biemiller, Milwaukee TERRITORY OF HAWAII REPRESENTATIVES Frank B. Keefe, Oshkosh Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont Reid F. Murray, Ogdens burg DELEGATE Jennings Randolph, Elkins John W. Byrnes, Green Bay Joseph R. Farrington, Honolulu Cleveland M. Bailey, Clarksburg Merlin Hull, Black River Falls Hubert S. Ellis, Huntington Alvin E. O'Konski, Mercer COMMONWEALTH OF THE John Kee, Bluefield PHILIPPINES Erland H. Hedrick, Beckley WYOMING RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Carlos P. Romulo,86 Manila WISCONSIN SENATORS SENATORS Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne PUERTO RICO Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Madison Edward V. Robertson, Cody Alexander Wiley, Chippewa Falls RESIDENT COMMISSIONER REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Jesus T. Pinero,87 canovanas Lawrence H. Smith, Racine Frank A Barrett, Lusk A. Fernós-Isern,88 San Juan

Resigned September 2, 1946. 5Died November 20, 1946; vacancy throughout remain- 88Office of Resident Commissioner terminated on July s Appointed September 11, 1946, to fill vacancy caused der of the Congress. 4, 1946 Public Law 127, 73d Cong.) by resignation of Jesus T. Pinero, but was unable to be sworn in as Congress was not in session. EIGHTIETH CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1947, TO JANUARY 3, 1949

FIRST SESSIONJanuary 3, 1947, to December 19, 1947 SECOND SESSIONJanuary 6, 1948,1 to December 31, 1948



ALABAMA Wilbur D. Mills, Kensett Chet Holifield, Montebello SENATORS James W. Trimble, Berryville Carl Hinshaw, Pasadena Lister Hill, Montgomery Fadjo Cravens, Fort Smith Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa John J. Sparkman, Huntsville Brooks Hays, Little Rock John Phillips, Banning William F. Norrell, Monticello Charles K. Fletcher, San Diego REPRESENTATIVES Oren Harris, El Dorado Frank W. Boykin, Mobile COLORADO George M. Grant, Troy CALIFORNIA George W. Andrews, Union Springs SENATORS SENATORS Sam Hobbs, Selma Edwin C. Johnson, Craig Albert Rains, Gadsden Sheridan Downey, San Francisco Eugene D. Millikin, Denver Pete Jarman, Livingston William F. Knowland, Piedmont Carter Manasco, Jasper REPRESENTATWES REPRESENTATIVES Robert E. Jones, Jr.,8 Scottsboro Clarence F. Lea, Santa Rosa John A. Carroll, Denver Laurie C. Battle, Birmingham Clair Engle, Red Bluff William S. Hill, Fort Collins Leroy Johnson, Stockton J. Edgar Chenoweth, Trinidad ARIZONA Franck R. Havenner, San Francisco Robert F. Rockwell, Paonia SENATORS Richard J. Welch, San Francisco Carl Hayden, Phoenix George P. Miller, Alameda CONNECTICUT Ernest W. McFarland, Florence John J. Allen, Jr., Oakland SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Z. Anderson, San Juan Bautista Brien McMahon, Norwalk Richard F. Harless, Phoenix Bertrand W. Gearhart, Fresno Raymond E. Baldwin, Stratford John R. Murdock, Tempe Alfred J. Elliott, Tulare Ernest K. Bramblett, Pacific Grove REPRESENTATIVES ARKANSAS Richard M. Nixon, Whittier William J. Miller, Wethersfield SENATORS Norris Poulson, Los Angeles Horace Seely-Brown, Jr., Pornfret Helen Gahagan Douglas, Los Angeles Center John J. McClellan, Camden Gordon L. McDonough, Los Angeles Ellsworth B. Foote, North Branford J. William Fulbright, Fayetteville Donald L. Jackson, Santa Monica John Davis Lodge, Westport REPRESENTATIVES Cecil R. King, Los Angeles James T. Patterson, Naugatuck Ezekiel C. Gathings, West Memphis Willis W. Bradley, Long Beach At LargeAntoni N. Sadlak, Rockville

'By joint resolution (Pub. Law 358, 80th Cong., 1st Harry S. Truman became President on the death of Elected January 4, 1947. sees.), the date of assembling the second session of the Franklin D. Roosevelt in the preceding Congress. Elected January 3, 1947. Eightieth Congress was fixed for January 6, 1948. Elected January 4, 1947. Elected January 3, 1947. Elected January 4, 1947. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Repre- sentative-elect John J. Sparkman, in preceding Congress, and took his seat February 5, 1947.

[394] Eightieth Congress 395

DELAWARE Thomas L. Chicago Clyde M. Reed, Parsons Thomas S. Gordon, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Robert J. Twyman, Chicago Albert M. Cole, Holton C. Douglass Buck, Wilmington Ralph E. Church, Evanston Errett P. Scrivner, Kansas City John J. Williams, Millsboro Chauncey W. Reed, West Chicago Herbert A. Meyer, Independence REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Noah M. Mason, Ogles by Edward H. Roes, Emporia J. Caleb Boggs, Wilmington Leo E. Allen, Galena Clifford R. Hope, Garden City Anton J. Johnson, Macomb Wint Smith, Mankato FLORIDA Robert B. Chiperfield, Canton SENATORS Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin KENTUCKY Leslie C. Arends, Melvin SENATORS Claude D. Pepper, Tallahassee Edward H. Jenison, Paris Spessard L. Holland, Bartow Rolla C. McMillen, Decatur Alben W. Barkley, Paducah REPRESENTATIVES Sidney E. Simpson, Carroliton John Sherman Cooper, Somerset J. Hardin Peterson, Lakeland Evan Howell," Springfield REPRESENTATIVES Emory H. Price, Jacksonville Charles Melvin Price, East St. Louis Noble J. Gregory, Mayfield Robert L. F. Sikes, Crestview Charles W. Vursell, Salem Earle C. Clements,'5 Morganfield George A. Smathers, Miami Roy Clippinger, Carmi John A. Whitaker,'6 Russeilville Joe Hendricks, De Land Cecil W. (Runt) Bishop, Carterville , Glenview Dwight L. Rogers, Fort Lauderdale At LargeWilliam G. Stratton, Morris Frank L. Chelf, Lebanon Brent Spence, Fort Thomas GEORGIA INDIANA Virgil M. Chapmah, Paris SENATORS SENATORS W. Howes Meade, Paintsville Walter F. George, Vienna Homer E. Capehart, Washington Joe B. Bates, Greenup Richard B. Russell, Winder John M. Robsion,'7 Barbourville William E. Jenner, Bedford William Lewis,'8 London REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Prince H. Preston, Jr., Statesboro Ray J. Madden, Gary LOUISIANA Edward E. Cox, Camilla Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer SENATORS Stephen Pace, Americus Robert A. Grant, South Bend A. Sidney Camp, Newnan John H. Overton,19 Alexandria George W. Gillie, Fort Wayne William C. Feazel,2° West Monroe James C. Davis,9 Stone Mountain Forest A. Harness, Kokomo Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Noble J. Johnson,'2 Terre Haute Russell B. Long,2' Baton Rouge Henderson L. Lanham, Rome Gerald W. Landis, Linton Allen J. Ellender, Houma William M. Wheeler, Alma Edward A. Mitchell, Evansville REPRESENTATIVES John S. Wood, Canton Earl Wilson, Bedford F. Edward Hébert, New Orleans Paul Brown, Elberton Raymond S. Springer,'3 Connersville T. Hale Boggs, New Orleans ,'4 New Castle James Domengeaux, Lafayette IDAHO Louis Ludlow, Indianapolis Overton Brooks, Shreveport SENATORS Otto E. Passman, Monroe Glen H. Taylor, Pocatello IOWA James H. Morrison, Hammond Henry C. Dworshak, Burley SENATORS Henry D. Larcade, Jr., Opelousas A. Leonard Allen, Winnfield REPRESENTATIVES George A. Wilson, Des Moines Abe McGregor Goff, Moscow Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Cedar Rapids MAINE REPRESENTATIVES John C. Sanborn, Hagerman SENATORS Thomas E Martin, Iowa City ILLINOIS Wallace H. White, Jr., Auburn Henry 0. Talle, Decorah Ralph 0. Brewster, Dexter SENATORS John W. Gwynne, Waterloo REPRESENTATIVES Scott W. Lucas, Havana Karl M. LeCompte, Corydon C. Wayland Brooks, Chicago Paul Cunningham, Des Moines Robert Hale, Portland Margaret Chase Smith, Skowhegan REPRESENTATIVES James I. Dolliver, Fort Dodge Ben J. Jensen, Exira Frank Fellows, Bangor William L. Dawson, Chicago Charles B. Hoeven, Alton Richard B. Vail, Chicago MARYLAND Fred E. Busbey, Chicago KANSAS SENATORS Martin Gorski, Chicago Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago SENATORS Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago Arthur Capper, Topeka Herbert R. O'Conor,2' Baltimore

'5Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John M. ° Election unsuccessfully contested by Helen Douglas °Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Raymond S. Robsion, and took his seat May 3, 1948. Mankin and Wyman C. Lowe. Springer, and took his seat November 17, 1947. '° Died May 14, 1948. °° Died June 7, 1948. Resigned January 6, 1948. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of John H. '° Resigned October 5, 1947. '5Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Earle Overton, and took his seat May 24, 1948. '° Resigned July 1, 1948. C. Clements, and took his seat April 26, 1948. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John H. °° Died August 28, 1947. "Died February 17, 1948. Overton, and took his seat December 31, 1948. OsElection unsuccessfully contested by David J. Markey. 396 Biographical Directory

MARYLANDContinued Joseph P. O'Hara, Glencoe Arthur L. Miller, Kimball REPRESENTATIVES George E. MacKinnon, Minneapolis Edward T. Miller, Easton Edward J. Devitt, St. Paul NEVADA Hugh A. Meade, Baltimore Walter H. Judd, Minneapolis Harold Knutson, Manhattan Beach SENATORS Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.,23 Baltimore H. Carl Andersen, Tyler Patrick A. McCarran, Reno Edward A. Garmatz,24 Baltimore George W. Malone, Reno George H. Fallon, Baltimore John A. Blatnik, Chishoim Lansdale G. Sasscer, Upper Marlboro Harold C. Hagen, Crookston REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE J. Glenn Beall, Frostburg Charles H. Russell, Ely MISSISSIPPI MASSACHUSETTS SENATORS NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATORS Theodore G. Bilbo,29 Poplarville SENATORS Leverett Saltonstall, Dover John C. Stennis,3° De Kaib, James 0. Eastland, Doddsville H. Styles Bridges, Concord Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Beverly Charles W. Tobey, Temple REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John W. Heselton, Deerfield John E. Rankin, Tupelo REPRESENTATIVES Charles R. Clason, Springfield Jamie L. Whitten, Charleston Chester E. Merrow, Center Ossipee Philip J. Philbin, Clinton William M. Whittington, Greenwood Norris Cotton, Lebanon Harold D. Donohue, Worcester Thomas G. Abernethy, Okolona Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell W. Arthur Winstead, Philadelphia NEW JERSEY George J. Bates, Salem William M. Colmer, Pascagoula SENATORS Thomas J. Lane, Lawrence John Bell Williams, Raymond Angier L. Goodwin, Melrose Albert W. Hawkes, Montclair Charles L. Gifford,25 Cotuit MISSOURI H. Alexander Smith, Princeton REPRESENTATIVES Donald W. Nicholson,26 Warehai'n SENATORS Christian A. Herter, Boston Charles A. Wolverton, Merchantville John F. Kennedy, Boston Forrest C. Donnell, Webster Groves James P. Kem, Kansas City T Millet Hand, Cape May City John W. McCormack, Dorchester James C. Auchincloss, Rumson Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton REPRESENTATIVES Frank A. Mathews, Jr., Riverton Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro Samuel W. Arnold, Kirksville Charles A. Eaton, Plainfield Max Schwabe, Columbia Clifford P. Case, Rahway MICHIGAN William C. Cole, St. Joseph J. Parnell Thomas, Allendale SENATORS C. Jasper Bell, Blue Springs Gordon Canfield, Paterson Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand Rapids Albert L. Reeves, Jr., Kansas City Harry L. Towe, Rutherford Homer Ferguson, Detroit Marion T. Bennett, Springfield Fred A. Hartley, Jr., Pittstown REPRESENTATIVES Dewey Short, Galena Frank L. Sundstrom, East Orange George G. Sandowski, Detroit Parke M. Banta, Arcadia Robert W. Kean, Livingston Earl C. Michener, Adrian Clarence Cannon, Eleberry Mary T. Norton, Jersey City Paul W. Shafer, Battle Creek Orville Zimmerman,3' Kennett Edward J. Hart, Jersey City Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan Paul C. Jones,32 Kennett Bartel J. Jonkrnan, Grand Rapids Claude I. Bakewell, St. Louis NEW MEXICO William W. Blackney, Flint Walter C. Ploeser, Chesterfield Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron Frank M Karsten, St. Louis SENATORS Fred L. Crawford, Saginaw Carl A. Hatch, Clovis Albert J. Engle, Muskegon MONTANA Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Frederick V. Bradley,'7 Rogers City James E. Murray, Butte Antonio M. Fernandez, Santa Fe Charles E. Potter,28 Cheboygan Zales N. Ecton, Manhattan Georgia L. Lusk, Santa Fe John B. Bennett, Ontonagon Howard A. Coffin, Detroit REPRESENTATIVES Harold F. Youngblood, Detroit Mike Mansfield, Missoula NEW YORK John D. Dingell, Detroit Wesley A. D'Ewart, Wilsall SENATORS John Lesinski, Dearborn Robert F. Wagner, New York City George A. Dondero, Royal Oak NEBRASKA Irving M. Ives, Norwich SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES MINNESOTA Hugh A. Butler, Omaha SENATORS W. Kingsland Macy, Islip Kenneth S. Wherry, Pawnee City Leonard W. Hall, Oyster Bay Joseph H. Ball, Stillwater REPRESENTATIVES Henry J. Latham, Queens Village Edward J. Thye, Northfield Carl T. Curtis, Minden Gregory McMahon, Ozone Park REPRESENTATIVES Howard H. Buffett, Omaha Robert Tripp Ross, Jackson Heights August H. Andresen, Red Wing Karl Stefan, Norfolk Robert J. Nodar, Jr., Maspeth

Resigned May 16, 1947. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles L. Died August 21, 1947. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Gifford, and took his seat November 28, 1947. 0Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Theodore G. Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr., and took his seat July 24, 1947. Died May 24, 1947. Bilbo, and took his seat November 17, 1947. Died August 23, 1947. 25Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Frederick ' Died April 7, 1948. V. Bradley, and took his seat November 17, 1947. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Orville Zimmerman, and took his seat December 31, 1948. Eightieth Congress 397

John J. Delaney,33 Brooklyn Alfred L. Buiwinkle, Gastonia Wayne L. Morse, Eugene Joseph L. Pfeifer, Brooklyn Monroe M. Redden, Hendersonville REPRESENTATIVES Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn NORTH DAKOTA A. Walter Norblad, Jr., Astoria Andrew L. Somers, Brooklyn Lowell Stockman, Pendleton James J. Heffernan, Brooklyn SENATORS Homer D. Angell, Portland John J. Rooney, Brooklyn William Langer, Wheatland Harris Ellsworth, Roseburg Donald L. O'Toole, Brooklyn Milton R. Young, Berlin Leo F. Rayfiel,34 Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE PENNSYLVANIA Abraham J. Multer,35 Brooklyn William Lemke, Fargo Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn Charles R. Robertson, Bismarck SENATORS Ellsworth B. Buck, Staten Island Francis J. Myers, Philadelphia Frederic R. Coudert, Jr., New York OHIO Edward Martin, Washington City SENATORS Vito Marcantonio, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Robert A. Taft, Cincinnati James Gallagher, Philadelphia Arthur G. Klein, New York City John W. Bricker, Columbus Sol Bloom, New York City Robert N. McGarvey, Philadelphia Jacob K. Javits, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Hardie Scott, Philadelphia Adam C. Powell, Jr., New York City Charles H. Elston, Cincinnati Franklin J. Maloney, Philadelphia Walter A. Lynch, New York City William E. Hess, Cincinnati George W. Sarbacher, Jr., Benjamin J. Rabin,35 New York City Raymond H. Burke, Hamilton Philadelphia Robert F. Jones,4° Lima Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Philadelphia Leo Isacson,37 New York City Charles A. Buckley, New York City William M. McCulloch,4' Piqua E. Wallace Chadwick, Rose Valley David M. Potts, New York City Cliff Clevenger, Bryan Charles L. Gerlach,42 Allentown Edward 0. McCowen, Wheelersburg Franklin H. Lichtenwalter,43 Center Ralph W. Gwinn, Bronxville Clarence J. Brown, Blanchester Ralph A. Gamble, Larchmont Valley, Frederick C. Smith, Marion Paul B. Dague, Downingtown Katharine St. George, Tuxedo Park Homer A. Ramey, Toledo Jay LeFevre, New Paltz James P. Scoblick, Archbald Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton Mitchell Jenkins, Trucksville Bernard W. Kearney, Gloversville Walter E. Brehm, Logan William T. Byrne, Loudonville John M. Vorys, Columbus Ivor D. Fenton, Mahonoy City Dean P. Taylor, Troy Alvin F. Welchel, Sandusky Frederick A. Muhlenberg, Wernersville Clarence E. Kilburn, Malone Walter B. Huber, Akron Wilson D. Gillette, Towanda Hadwen C. Fuller, Parish Percy W. Griffiths, Marietta Robert F. Rich, Woolrich R. Walter Riehlman, Tully Henderson H. Carson, Canton Samuel K. McConnell, Jr., Wynnewood Edwin Arthur Hall, Binghamton J. Harry McGregor, West Lafayette Richard M. Simpson, Huntingdon John Taber, Auburn Earl R. Lewis, St. Clairsville John C. Kunkel, Harrisburg W. Sterling Cole, Bath Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Leon H. Gavin, Oil City Kenneth B. Keating, Rochester Michael A. Feighan, Cleveland Francis E. Walter, Boston James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Geneseo Robert Crosser, Cleveland Chester H. Gross, York Walter G. Andrews, Buffalo Frances P. Bolton, Lyndhurst James E. Van Zandt, Altoona Edward J. Elsaesser, Buffalo At LargeGeorge H. Bender, William J. Crow, Uniontown John C. Butler, Buffalo Cleveland Heights Thomas E. Morgan, Fredericktown Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Louis E. Graham, Beaver OKLAHOMA Harve Tibbott, Ebensburg NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS Augustine B. Kelley, Greensburg SENATORS J. W. Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park Carroll D. Kearns, Farrell Edward H. Moore, Tulsa John R. McDowell, Wilkinsburg Clyde R. Hoey, Shelby Robert J. Corbett, Bellevue William B. Umstead,38 Durham REPRESENTATIVES James G. Fulton, Dormont J. Melville Broughton,39 Raleigh George B. Schwabe, Tulsa Herman P. Eberharter, Pittsburgh REPRESENTATIVES William G. Stigler, Stigler Frank Buchanan, McKeesport Herbert C. Bonner, Washington , McAlester John H. Kerr, Warrenton Glen D. Johnson, Okemah RHODE ISLAND Graham A. Barden, New Bern A. S. Mike Monroney, Oklahoma City Harold D. Cooley, Nashville Toby Morris, Lawton SENATORS John H. Folger, Mount Airy Preston E. Peden, Altus Theodore F. Green, Providence Carl T. Durham, Chapel Hill Ross Rizley, Guymon J. Howard McGrath, Providence J. Bayard Clark, Fayetteville REPRESENTATIVES Charles B. Deane, Rockingham OREGON Robert L. Doughton, Sparta SENATORS Aime J. Forand, Valley Falls Hamilton C. Jones, Charlotte Guy Cordon, Roseburg John E. Fogarty, Harmony

'SElected to fill vacancy caused by death of Josiah W. °' Died November 18, 1948. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Benja- Bailey, in preceding Congress, and took his seat December min J. Rabin, and took his seat March 1, 1948. Resigned September 13, 1947. 31, 1948. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Leo F. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Josiah °Resigned September 2, 1947. Rayfiel, and took his seat November 17, 1947. W. Bailey, in preceding Congress. 41Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of ' Resigned December 31, 1947. Robert F. Jones, and took his seat November 17, 1947. ' Died May 5, 1947. 4Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles L. Gerlach, and took his seat November 17, 1947. 398 Biographical Directory

SOUTH CAROLINA Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City Fred B. Norman,59 Raymond SENATORS William R. Poage, Waco Russell V. Mack,6° Hoquiam Burnet R. Maybank, Charleston Wingate H. Lucas, Grapevine Hal Holmes, Ellensburg Olin D. Johnston, Spartanburg Ed Gossett, Wichita Falls Walter F. Horan, Wenatchee John E. Lyle, Jr., Corpus Christi Thor C. Tollefson, Tacoma REPRESENTATIVES Milton H. West,5° Brownsville L. Mendel Rivers, North Charleston Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr.,51 McAllen WEST VIRGINIA John J. Riley, Sumter R. Ewing Thomason,52 El Paso W. J. Bryan Dorn, Greenwood Kenneth M. Regan,53 Midland SENATORS Joseph R. Bryson, Greenville Omar T. Burleson, A neon Harley M. Kilgore, Beckley James P. Richards, Lancaster Eugene Worley, Shamrock Chapman Revercomb, Charleston John L. McMillan, Florence George H. Mahon, Colorado City REPRESENTATIVES Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio Francis J. Love, Wheeling SOUTH DAKOTA 0. Clark Fisher, San Angelo Melvin C. Snyder, Kingwood SENATORS Edward G. Rohrbough, Glenville J. Chandler Gurney, Yankton UTAH Hubert S. Ellis, Huntington Harlan J. Bushfield,44 Miller SENATORS John Kee, Bluefield Vera C. Bushfield,45 Miller Elbert D. Thomas, Salt Lake City Erland H. Hedrick, Beckley Karl E. Mundt,46 Madison Arthur V. Watkins, Orem REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES WISCONSIN Karl E. Mundt,47 Madison Walter K. Granger,54 Cedar City SENATORS Francis H. Case, Custer William A. Dawson, Layton Alexander Wiley, Chippewa Falls Joseph R. McCarthy, Appleton TENNESSEE VERMONT REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS SENATORS Lawrence H. Smith, Racine Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis George D. Aiken, Putney Glenn R. Davis,6' Waukesha A. Tom Stewart, Winchester Ralph E. Flanders, Springfield William H. Stevenson, La Crosse REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John C. Brophy, Milwaukee Dayton E. Phillips, Elizabethton Charles A. Plumley, Northfield Charles J. Kersten, Milwaukee John Jennings, Jr., Knoxville Frank B. Keefe, Oshkosh Estes Kefauver, Chattanooga VIRGINIA Reid F. Murray, Ogdensburg Albert A. Gore, Carthage SENATORS John W. Byrnes, Green Bay Joseph L. Evins, Smithville Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville Merlin Hull, Black River Falls J. Percy Priest, Nashville A. Willis Robertson, Lexington Alvin E. O'Konski, Mercer Wirt Courtney, Franklin REPRESENTATIVES WYOMING Thomas J. Murray, Jackson Schuyler Otis Bland, Newport News Jere Cooper, Dyersburg Porter Hardy, Jr., Churchland SENATORS Clifford Davis, Memphis J. Vaughan Gary, Richmond Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne Patrick Henry Drewry,55 Petersburg Edward V. Robertson, Cody TEXAS Watkins M. Abbitt,56 Appomattox REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS Thomas B. Stanley, Stanleytown Frank A. Barrett, Lusk Tom T. Connally, Marlin J. Lindsay Almond, Jr.,57 Roanoke W. Lee O'Daniel, Fort Worth Clarence G. Burton,58 Lynchburg TERRITORY OF ALASKA REPRESENTATIVES Burr P. Harrison, Winchester Howard W. Smith, Alexandria DELEGATE Wright Patman, Texarkana Edward L. Bartlett, Juneau Jesse M. Combs, Beaumont John W. Flannagan, Jr., Bristol Lindley Beckworth, Gladewater TERRITORY OF HAWAII Sam Rayburn, Bonham WASHINGTON J. Frank Wilson, Dallas SENATORS DELEGATE Olin E. Teague, College Station Warren G. Magnuson, Seattle Joseph R. Farrington, Honolulu Tom Pickett, Palestine Harry P. Cain, Tacoma Albert Thomas, Houston REPRESENTATIVES PUERTO RICO Joseph J. Mansfield,48 Columbus Homer R. Jones, Bremerton RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Clark W. Thompson,4° Galveston Henry M. Jackson, Everett A. Fernós-Isern, San Juan

° Died September 27, 1948. °° Died October 28, 1948. s Resigned April 17, 1948. ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Harlan °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Milton H. °8 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. J. Bushfield, but did not take her seat as Congress was not West, and took his seat December 31, 1948. Lindsay Almond, Jr., and took his seat December 31, 1948. in session; resigned December 27, 1948. ° Resigned July 31, 1947. °° pied April 18, 1947. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Harlan J. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of R. Bushfield, and took his seat December 31, 1948. Ewing Thomsson, and took his seat November 17, 1947. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Fred B. °° Resigned December 30, 1948. ° Election unsuccessfully contested by David J. Wilson. Norman, and took his seat June 25, 1947. Died July 12, 1947. °° Died December 21, 1947. °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph J. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Patrick H. tive-elect Robert K. Henry, in preceding Congress, and Mansfield, and took his seat November 17, 1947. Drewry, and took his seat February 26, 1948. took his seat May 5, 1947. EIGHTY-FIRST CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1949, TO JANUARY 3, 1951

FIRST SESSION-January 3, 1949, to October 19, 1949 SECOND SESSION-January 3, 1950, to January 2, 1951



ALABAMA J. William Fulbright, Fayetteville Richard M. Nixon,7 Whittier REPRESENTATIVES Norris Poulson, Los Angeles SENATORS Ezekiel C. Gathings, West Memphis Helen Gahagan Douglas, Los Angeles Lister Hill, Montgomery Wilbur D. Mills, Kensett Gordon L. McDonough, Los Angeles John J. Sparkman, Huntsville James W. Trimble, Berryville Donald L. Jackson, Santa Monica REPRESENTATIVES Boyd Tackett, Nashville Cecil R. King, Los Angeles Frank W. Boykin, Mobile Brooks Hays, Little Rock Clyde G. Doyle, Long Beach George M. Grant, Troy William F Norrell, Monticello Chet Holifield, Montebello George W. Andrews, Union Springs Oren Harris, El Dorado Carl Hinshaw, Pasadena Sam Hobbs, Selma Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa Albert Rains, Gadsden CALIFORNIA John Phillips, Banning Clinton D. McKinnon, San Diego Edward deGraffenried, Tuscaloosa SENATORS Carl A. Elliott, Jasper Sheridan Downey,3 San Francisco Robert E. Jones, Jr., Scottsboro COLORADO Richard M. Nixon,4 Whittier SENATORS Laurie C. Battle, Birmingham William F. Knowland, Piedmont Edwin C. Johnson, Craig REPRESENTATIVES ARIZONA Eugene D. Millikin, Denver Hubert B. Scudder, Sebastopol REPRESENTATWES SENATORS Clair Engle, Red Bluff Carl Hayden, Phoenix Leroy Johnson, Stockton John A. Carroll, Denver Ernest W. McFarland, Florence Franck R. Havenner, San Francisco William S. Hill, Fort Collins John H. Marsalis, Pueblo REPRESENTATIVES Richard J. Welch,5 San Francisco John F. Shelley,6 San Francisco Wayne N. Aspinall, Palisade John R. Murdock, Tempe George P. Miller, Alameda Harold A. Patten, Tucson John J. Allen, Jr., Oakland CONNECTICUT John Z. Anderson, San Juan Bautista SENATORS ARKANSAS Cecil F. White, Fresno Brien McMahon, Norwalk SENATORS Thomas H. Werdel, Bakersfield Raymond E. Baldwin,8 Stratford John L. McClellan, Camden Ernest K. Bramblett, Pacific Grove William Benton,9 Southport

'Elected Vice President and took the oath of office Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 'Resigned November 30, 1950; vacancy throughout re- Sheridan Downey, and took his seat December 4, 1950. mainder of the Congress. January 20, 1949. Resigned December 16, 1949. 2Elected January 3, 1949. Died September 10, 1949. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Re - 'Resigned November 30 1950. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Richard J. mond E. Baldwin, and took his seat January 3, 1950; su Welch, and took his seat January 3, 1950. sequently elected.

{399] 400 Biographical Directory

CONNECTICUTContinued Paul H. Douglas, Chicago Ben F. Jensen, Exira REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Charles B. Hoeven, Alton Abraham A. Ribicoff, Hartford William L. Dawson, Chicago Mrs. Chase Going Woodhouse, Sprague Barratt O'Hara, Chicago KANSAS Neil J. Linehan, Chicago John A. McGuire, Wallingford SENATORS John Davis Lodge, Westport James V. Buckley, Lansing James T. Patterson, Naugatuck Martin Gorski,'2 Chicago Clyde M. Reed,'5 Parsons At LargeAntoni N. Sadlak, Rockville Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago Harry Darby,'8 Kansas City Adolph J. Sabath, Chicago Frank Carlson,'7 Concordia DELAWARE Thomas S. Gordon, Chicago Andrew F. Schoeppel, Wichita SENATORS Sidney R. Yates, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES John J. Williams, Mills boro Richard W. Hoffman, Berwyn Albert M. Cole, Holton J. Allen Frear, Jr., Dover Chester A. Chesney, Chicago Errett P. Scrivner, Kansas City Edgar A. Jonas, Chicago Herbert A. Meyer,'8 Independence REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Ralph E. Church,13 Evanston J. Caleb Boggs, Wilmington Myron V. George,'9 Altamont Chauncey W. Reed, West Chicago Edward H. Rees, Emporia FLORIDA Noah M. Mason, Ogles by Clifford R. Hope, Garden City Leo E. Allen, Galena Wint Smith, Mankato SENATORS Leslie C. Arends, Melvin Claude D. Pepper, Tallahassee Harold H. Velde, Pekin Spessard L. Holland, Bartow Robert B. Chiperfield, Canton KENTUCKY REPRESENTATIVES Sidney E. Simpson, Carroilton SENATORS J. Hardin Peterson, Lakeland Peter F. Mack, Jr., Carlinville Alben W. Barkley,2° Pad ucah Charles E. Bennett, Jacksonville Rolla C. McMillen, Decatur Garrett L. Withers,2' Dixon Robert L. F. Sikes, Crestview Edward H. Jenison, Paris Earle C. Clements,22 Morganfield George A. Smathers, Miami Charles W. Vursell, Salem Virgil M. Chapman, Paris Albert S. Herlong, Jr., Lees burg Charles Melvin Price, East St. Louis Dwight L. Rogers, Fort Lauderdale Cecil W. (Runt) Bishop, Carterville REPRESENTATIVES Noble J. Gregory, Mayfield GEORGIA INDIANA John A. Whitaker, Russeliville SENATORS SENATORS Thurston Ballard Morton, Glenview Walter F. George, Vienna Homer E. Capehart, Washington Frank L. Chelf, Lebanon Richard B. Russell, Winder William E. Jenner, Bedford Brent Spence, Fort Thomas Thomas R. Underwood, Lexington REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Carl D. Perkins, Hi nd man Prince H. Preston, Jr., States boro Ray J. Madden, Gary Joe B. Bates, Greenup Edward E. Cox, Camilla Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer James S. Golden, Pineville Stephen Pace, Americus Thurman C. Crook, South Bend A. Sidney Camp, Newnan Edward H. Kruse, Jr., Fort Wayne LOUISIANA James C. Davis, Stone Mountain John R. Walsh, Anderson Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Cecil M. Harden, Covington SENATORS Henderson L. Lanham, Rome James E. Noland, Bloomington Allen J. Ellender, Sr., Houma William M. Wheeler, Alma Winfield K. Denton, Evansville Russell B. Long, Baton Rouge John S. Wood, Canton Earl Wilson, Bedford Paul Brown, Elberton Ralph Harvey, New Castle REPRESENTATIVES , Sr., Indianapolis F. Edward Hébert, New Orleans IDAHO T. Hale Boggs, New Orleans SENATORS IOWA Edwin E. Willis, St. Martinville Glen H. Taylor, Pocatello SENATORS Overton Brooks, Shreveport Otto E. Passman, Monroe Bert H. Miller,'0 Boise Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Cedar Rapids Henry C. Dworshak," Burley Guy M. Gillette, Cherokee James H. Morrison, Hammond REPRESENTATIVES Henry D. Larcade, Jr., Opelousas REPRESENTATIVES A. Leonard Allen, Winnfield Compton I. White, Clark Fork Thomas E. Martin, Iowa City John C. Sanborn, Hagerman Henry 0. Talle, Decorah MAINE Harold R. Gross, Waterloo ILLINOIS Karl M. LeCompte, Corydon SENATORS SENATORS Paul Cunningham,'4 Des Moines Ralph 0. Brewster, Dexter Scott W. Lucas, Havana James I. Dolliver, Fort Dodge Margaret Chase Smith, Skowhegan

10 Died October 8, 1949. 1 Electionunsuccessfullycontested by VincentL. '5 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Herbert A. 11 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Bert H. Browner. Meyer, and took his seat November 27, 1950. Miller, and took his seat October 15, 1949; subsequently Died November 8, 1949. ° Resigned January 19, 1949, having been elected Vice elected. 10 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Clyde M. President of the United Stotes. 10 Died December 4, 1949; vacancy throughout remain- Reed, and took his seat January 3, 1950. z' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of der of the Congress. 17 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Clyde M. Alben W. Barkley, and took his seat January 20, 1949. 17 Died March 21, 1950; vacancy throughout remainder Reed, and took his seat November 29, 1950. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alben of the Congress. 18 Died October 2, 1950. W. Barkley, and took his seat November 27, 1950. Eighty-First Congress 401

REPRESENTATIVES MINNESOTA Kenneth S. Wherry, Pawnee City Robert Hale, Portland SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Charles P. Nelson, Augusta Edward J. Thye, Northfield Carl T. Curtis, Minden Frank Fellows, Bangor Hubert H. Humphrey, Minneapolis Eugene D. O'Sullivan, Omaha REPRESENTATIVES Karl Stefan, Norfolk MARYLAND Arthur L. Miller, Kimball SENATORS August H. Andresen, Red Wing Joseph P. O'Hara, Glencoe NEVADA Millard E. Tydings, Havre de Grace Roy W. Wier, Minneapolis Herbert R. O'Conor, Baltimore Eugene J. McCarthy, St. Paul SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Walter H. Judd, Minneapolis Patrick A. McCarran, Reno Edward T. Miller, Easton Fred Marshall, Grove City George W. Malone, Reno William P. Bolton, Towson H. Carl Andersen, Tyler REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Edward A. Garmatz, Baltimore John A. Blatnik, Chishoim Walter S. Baring, Reno George H. Fallon, Baltimore Harold C. Hagen, Crookston Lansdale G. Sasscer, Upper Marlboro J. Glenn Beau, Frostburg MISSISSIPPI NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATORS SENATORS MASSACHUSETTS James 0. Eastland, Doddeville H. Styles Bridges, Concord SENATORS John C. Stennis, De Kalb Charles W. Tobey, Temple Leverett Saltonstall, Dover REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Beverly John E. Rankin, Tupelo Chester E. Merrow, Center Ossipee REPRESENTATIVES Jamie L. Whitten, Charleston Norris Cotton, Lebanon John W. Heselton, Deerfield William M. Whittington, Greenwood , Longmeadow Thomas G. Abernethy, Okolona NEW JERSEY Philip J. Philbin, Clinton W. Arthur Winstead, Philadelphia SENATORS Harold D. Donohue, Worcester William M. Colmer, Pascagoula H. Alexander Smith, Princeton Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell John Bell Williams, Raymond Robert C. Hendrickson, Woodbury George J. Bates,23 Salem William H. Bates,24 Salem MISSOURI REPRESENTATIVES Thomas J. Lane, Lawrence SENATORS Charles A. Wolverton, Merchantville Angier L. Goodwin, Melrose Forrest C. Donnell, Webster Groves T. Millet Hand, Cape May City Donald W. Nicholson, Wareham James P. Kern, Kansas City James C. Auchincloss, Rumson Charles R. Howell, Pennington Christian A. Herter, Boston REPRESENTATIVES John F. Kennedy, Boston Charles A. Eaton, Plainfield John W. McCormack, Dorchester Clare Magee, Unionville Clifford P. Case, Rahway Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton Morgan M. Moulder, Camdenton J. Parnell Thornas,27 Allendale Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro Philip J. Welch, St. Joseph William B. Widnall,28 Saddle River Theodore Leonard Irving, Gordon Canfield, Paterson MICHIGAN Independence Harry L. Towe, Rutherford Richard W. Bolling, Kansas City SENATORS Peter W. Rodino, Jr., Newark George H. Christopher, Amoret Hugh J. Addonizio, Newark Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand Rapids Dewey Short, Galena Robert W. Kean, Livingston Homer Ferguson, Detroit Albert S. J. Carnahan, Ellsinore Mary T. Norton, Jersey City REPRESENTATIVES Clarence Cannon, Els berry Edward J. Hart, Jersey City George G. Sadowski, Detroit Paul C. Jones, Kennett Earl C. Michener, Adrian John B. Sullivan, St. Louis NEW MEXICO Raymond W. Karst, St. Louis Paul W. Shafer, Battle Creek SENATORS Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan Frank M. Karsten, St. Louis Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Grand Rapids Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque William W. Blackney,25 Flint MONTANA Clinton P. Anderson, Albuquerque Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Fred L. Crawford, Saginaw James E. Murray, Butte Antonio M. Fernandez, Santa Fe Albert J. Engel, Muskegon Zales N. Ecton, Manhattan John E. Miles, Santa Fe Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City REPRESENTATIVES Charles E. Potter, Cheboygan Mike Mansfield, Missoula NEW YORK John B. Bennett, Ontonagon SENATORS George D. O'Brien, Detroit Wesley A. D'Ewart, Wilsall Robert F. Wagner,29 New York City Louis C. Rabaut, Grosse Pointe Park NEBRASKA John D. Dingell, Detroit John Foster Dulles,3° New York City John Lesinski,26 Dearborn SENATORS Herbert H. Lehman,3' New York City George A. Dondero, Royal Oak Hugh A. Butler, Omaha Irving M. Ives, Norwich

26 Died May 27, 1950; vacancy throughout remainder of 2 Resigned June 28, 1949. 23 Died November 1, 1949. 3° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 24 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, the Congress. Robert F. Wagner, and took his seat July 8, 1949. George J. Bates; took his seat February 28, 1950. 27 Resigned January 2, 1950. '5Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 25 Election unsuccessfully contested by George D. Ste- Robert F. Wagner, and took his seat January 3, 1950. vens. Parnell Thomas, and took his seat February 14, 1950. 402 Biographical Directory

NEW YORKContinued ,4° Raleigh Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City REPRESENTATWES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Herbert C. Bonner, Washington W. Kingsland Macy, Islip William Franklin (Dixie) Gilmer, Leonard W. Hall, Oyster Bay John H. Kerr, Warrenton Graham A. Barden, New Bern Tulsa Henry J. Latham, Queens Village William G. Stigler, Stigler L. Gary Clemente, Ozone Park Harold D. Cooley, Nashville T. Vincent Quinn, Jackson Heights RichardThurmondChatham, Winston- Carl Albert, McAlester James J. Delaney, Long Island City Salem Thomas J. Steed, Shawnee Louis B. Heller,32 Brooklyn Carl T. Durham, Chapel Hill A. S. Mike Monroney, Oklahoma City Joseph L. Pfeifer, Brooklyn F. Ertel Carlyle, Lumberton Toby Morris, Lawton Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn Charles B. Deane, Rockingham Victor E. Wickersham, Mangum Andrew L. Somers,33 Brooklyn Robert L. Doughton, Sparta George H. Wilson, Enid Edna F. Kelly,34 Brooklyn Hamilton C. Jones, Charlotte James J. Heffernan, Brooklyn Alfred L. Bulwinkle,4' Gastonia OREGON John J. Rooney, Brooklyn Woodrow W. Jones,42 Rutherfordton Donald L. O'Toole, Brooklyn Monroe M. Redden, Hendersonville SENATORS Abraham J. Multer, Brooklyn Guy Cordon, Roseburg Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn NORTH DAKOTA Wayne L. Morse, Eugene James J. Murphy, Staten Island SENATORS Frederic R. Coudert, Jr., New York William Langer, Wheatland REPRESENTATWES City Milton R. Young, La Moure A. Walter Norblad, Jr., Astoria Vito Marcantonio, New York City REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Lowell Stockman, Pendleton Arthur G. Klein, New York City William Lemke,43 Fargo Homer D. Angell, Portland Sol Bloom,35 New York City Usher L. Burdick, Williston Harris Ellsworth, Roseburg Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.,36 New York City OHIO PENNSYLVANIA Jacob K. Javits, New York City SENATORS Adam C. Powell, Jr., New York City Robert A. Taft, Cincinnati SENATORS Walter A. Lynch, New York City John W. Bricker, Columbus Francis J. Myers, Philadelphia Isidore Dollinger, New York City Edward Martin, Washington Charles A. Buckley, New York City REPRESENTATWES Christopher C. McGrath, New York Charles H. Elston, Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES City Earl T. Wagner, Cincinnati William A. Barrett, Philadelphia Ralph W. Gwinn, Bronxville Edward F. Breen, Dayton William T. Granahan, Philadelphia Ralph A. Gamble, Larchmont William M. McCulloch, Piqua Hardie Scott, Philadelphia Katharine St. George, Tuxedo Park Cliff Clevenger, Bryan Earl Chudoff, Philadelphia Jay LeFevre, New Paltz James G. Polk, Highland William J Green, Jr., Philadelphia Clarence J. Brown, Blanchester Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Philadelphia Bernard W. Kearney, Gloversville Frederick C. Smith, Marion William T Byrne, Loudonville Thomas H. Burke, Toledo Benjamin F. James, Rosei-nont Dean P. Taylor, Troy Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton Franklin H Lichtenwalter, Center Clarence E. Kilburn, Malone Walter E. Brehm, Millersport Valley John C. Davies,37 Utica John M. Vorys, Columbus Paul B. Dague, Downingtown R. Walter Riehlman, Tully Alvin F. Weichel, Sandusky Harry P. O'Neill, Dunmore Edwin Arthur Hall, Binghamton Walter B. Huber, Akron Daniel J. Flood, Wilkes-Barre John Taber, Auburn Robert T. Secrest, Senecaville Ivor D. Fenton, Mahanoy City W. Sterling Cole, Bath John McSweeney, Wooster George M. Rhodes, Reading Kenneth B. Keating, Rochester J. Harry McGregor, West Lafayette Wilson D. Gillette, Towanda James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Geneseo Wayne L. Hays, Flushing Robert F. Rich, Woolrich William L. Pfeiffer, Kenmore Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Samuel K. McConnell, Jr., Wynnewood Anthony F. Tauriello, Buffalo Michael A. Feighan,44 Cleveland Richard M. Simpson, Huntingdon Chester C. Gorski, Buffalo Robert Crosser, Cleveland John C. Kunkel, Harrisburg Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Frances P. Bolton, Lyndhurst Leon H. Gavin, Oil City At LargeStephen M. Young, Francis E. Walter, Easton NORTH CAROLINA Cleveland James F. Lind, York SENATORS James E. Van Zandt, Altoona Clyde R. Hoey, Shelby OKLAHOMA Anthony Cavalcante, Uniontown J. Melville Broughton,38 Raleigh SENATORS Thomas E. Morgan, Fredericktown Frank P Graham,39 Chapel Hill J. W. Elmer Thomas, Medicine Park Louis E. Graham, Beaver

32 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Del Bloom, ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Melville tive-elect John J. Delaney in preceding Congress, and took and took his seat June 14, 1949. Broughton, and took his seat November 27, 1950. his seat February 28, 1949. 3 Electionunsuccessfullycontestedby Radwen C. i Died August 31, 1950. '' Died April II, 1949. Fuller. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alfred L. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Andrew L. 38 Died March 6, 1949. Bulwinkle, and took his seat November 30, 1950. Somers, and took her seat January 8, 1950. '° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of J. Mel- ' Died May 30, 1950; vacancy throughout remainder of Died March 7, 1949. ville Broughton, and took his seat March 29, 1949. the Congress. Electionunsuccessfullycontestedby JamesF. Thierry. Eighty-First Congress 403

Robert L. Coffey, Jr.,45 Johnstown Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City Harry P. Cain, Tacoma John P. Saylor,46 Johnstown REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Augustine B. Kelley, Greens burg Wright Patman, Texarkana Carroll D. Kearns, Farrell Hugh B. Mitchell, Seattle Jesse M. Combs, Beaumont Henry M. Jackson, Everett Harry J. Davenport, Pittsburgh Lindley Beckworth, Gladewater Robert J. Corbett, Pittsburgh Russell V. Mack, Hoquiam Sam Rayburn, Bonham Hal Holmes, Ellensburg James G. Fulton, Pittsburgh J. Frank Wilson, Dallas Herman P. Eberharter, Pittsburgh Walter F. Horan, Wenatchee Olin E. Teague, College Station Thor C. Tollefson, Tacoma Frank Buchanan, McKeesport Tom Pickett, Palestine Albert Thomas, Houston RHODE ISLAND Clark W. Thompson, Galveston WEST VIRGINIA SENATORS W. Homer Thornberry, Austin SENATORS Theodore F. Green, Providence William R Poage, Waco Harley M. Kilgore, Beckley J. Howard McGrath,47 Providence Wingate H. Lucas, Grapevine Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont Edward L. Leahy,48 Bristol Ed Gossett, Wichita Falls John 0. Pastore,49 Providence John E. Lyle, Jr., Corpus Christi REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr., McAllen Robert L. Ramsay, Follansbee Kenneth M. Regan, Midland Harley 0. Staggers, Keyser Aime J. Forane, Valley Falls Omar T. Burleson, Anson Cleveland M. Bailey, Clarksburg John E. Fogarty, Harmony Eugene Worley,5° Shamrock Maurice G. Burnside, Huntington Ben H. Guill,5' Pampa John Kee, Bluefield SOUTH CAROLINA George H. Mahon, Colorado City Erland H. Hedrick, Beckley SENATORS Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio Burnet R. Maybank, Charleston 0. Clark Fisher, San Angelo WISCONSIN Olin D. Johnston, Spartanburg SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES UTAH SENATORS Alexander Wiley, Chippewa Falls L. Mendel Rivers, Charleston Joseph R. McCarthy, Appleton Hugo S. Sims, Jr., Orange burg Elbert D. Thomas, Salt Lake City James B. Hare, Saluda Arthur V. Watkins, Orem REPRESENTATIVES Joseph R. Bryson, Greenville REPRESENTATIVES Lawrence H. Smith, Racine James P. Richards, Lancaster Walter K. Granger, Cedar City Glenn R. Davis, Waukesha John L. McMillan, Florence Reva Z. B. Bosone, Salt Lake City Gardner R. Withrow, La Crosse Clement J. Zablocki, Milwaukee SOUTH DAKOTA VERMONT Andrew J. Biemiller, Milwaukee SENATORS SENATORS Frank B. Keefe, Oshkosh J. Chandler Gurney, Yankton George D. Aiken, Putney Reid F. Murray, Ogdensburg Karl E. Mundt, Madison Ralph E. Flanders, Springfield John W. Byrnes, Green Bay REPRESENTATIVES Merlin Hull, Black River Falls REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Alvin E. O'Konski, Mercer Harold 0. Lovre, Watertown Charles A. Plumley, Northfield Francis H. Case, Custer VIRGINIA WYOMING TENNESSEE SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis A. Willis Robertson, Lexington Lester C. Hunt, Lander Estes Kefauver, Chattanooga REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Schuyler Otis Bland,52 Newport News Frank A. Barrett,54 Lusk Dayton E. Phillips, Elizabethton Edward J. Robeson, Jr.,53 Newport John Jennings, Jr., Knoxville News TERRITORY OF ALASKA James B. Frazier, Jr., Chattanooga Porter Hardy, Jr., Churchiand Albert A. Gore, Carthage J. Vaughan Gary, Richmond DELEGATE Joseph L. Evins, Smithville Watkins M. Abbitt, Appomattox Edward L. Bartlett, Juneau J. Percy Priest, Nashville Thomas B. Stanley, Stanleytown James P. Sutton, Lawrenceburg Clarence G. Burton, Lynchburg TERRITORY OF HAWAII Thomas J. Murray, Jackson Burr P. Harrison, Winchester DELEGATE Jere Cooper, Dyersburg Howard W. Smith, Alexandria Joseph R. Farrington, Honolulu Clifford Davis, Memphis Thomas B. Fugate, Ewing TEXAS WASHINGTON PUERTO RICO SENATORS SENATORS RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Tom T. Connally, Marlin Warren G. Magnuson, Seattle A. Fernós-Isern, Santurce

Died April 20, 1949. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. ' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of 46Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert L. Howard McGrath; took his seat August 24, 1949. Eugene Worley, and took his seat May 15, 1980. Coffey, Jr., and took his seat September 28, 1949. Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of J. Died February 16, 1950. ' Resigned August 23, 1949. Howard McGrath, and took his seat December 19, 1950. ' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Schuyler Otis Bland, and took his seat May 11, 1950. ° Resigned April 3, 1950. Resigned December 31, 1950; vacancy throughout re- mainder of the Congress. EIGHTY-SECOND CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1951, TO JANUARY 3, 1953

FIRST SESSIONJanuary3, 1951, to October 20, 1951 SECOND SESSIONJanuary8, 1952,1 to July 7, 1952



ALABAMA Wilbur D. Mills, Kensett Chet Holifield, Montebella SENATORS James W. Trimble, Berryville Carl Hinshaw, Pasadena Boyd Tackett, Nashville Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa Lister Hill, Montgomery Brooks Hays, Little Rock John Phillips, Banning John J. Sparkman, Huntsville William F. Norrell, Monticello Clinton D. McKinnon, San Diego REPRESENTATIVES Oren Harris, El Dorado Frank W. Boykin, Mobile COLORADO George M. Grant, Troy CALIFORNIA SENATORS George W. Andrews, Union Springs SENATORS Edwin C. Johnson, Craig Kenneth A. Roberts, Piedmont William F. Knowland, Piedmont Eugene D Millikin, Denver Albert Rains, Gadsden Richard M. Nixon,3 Whittier REPRESENTATIVES Edward deGraffenried, Tuscaloosa Thomas H. Kuchel,4 Anaheim Byron G. Rogers, Denver Carl A. Elliott, Jasper REPRESENTATIVES Robert E. Jones, Jr., Scottsboro William S. Hill, Fort Collins Laurie C. Battle, Birmingham Hubert B. Scudder, Sebastopol J. Edgar Chenoweth, Trinidad Clair Engle, Red Bluff Wayne N. Aspinall, Palisade ARIZONA Leroy Johnson, Stockton Franck R. Havenner, San Francisco SENATORS CONNECTICUT John F. Shelley, San Francisco SENATORS Carl Hayden, Phoenix George P. Miller, Alameda Ernest W. McFarland, Florence John J. Allen, Jr., Oakland Brien McMahon,5 Norwalk REPRESENTATIVES John Z. Anderson, San Juan Bautista William A Purtell,6 West Hartford Allan 0. Hunter, Fresno Prescott S. Bush,7 Greenwich John R. Murdock, Tempe William Benton, Southport Harold A. Patten, Tucson Thomas H. Werdel, Bakersfield Ernest K. Bramblett, Pacific Grove REPRESENTATIVES ARKANSAS Patrick J. Hillings, Arcadia Abraham A. Ribicoff, Hartford SENATORS Norris Poulson, Los Angeles Horace Seely-Brown, Jr., Pomfret Samuel W. Yorty, Los Angeles Center John L. McClellan, Camden Gordon L. McDonough, Los Angeles John A. McGuire, Wallingford J. William Fulbright, Fayetteville Donald L. Jackson, Pacific Palisades Albert P. Morano, Greenwich REPRESENTATIVES Cecil R. King, Los Angeles James T. Patterson, Naugatuck Ezekiel C. Gathings, West Memphis Clyde G. Doyle, Long Beach At LargeAntoni N. Sadlak, Rockville

'By joint resolution (Pub. Law 244, 82d Cong., let sess.), Resigned January 1, 1953. 5Appointed August 29, 1952, to fill vacancy caused by the date of assembling the second session of the Eighty- Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of death of Brien McMahon, but was unable to be sworn in second Congress was fixed for January 8, 1952. Richard M. Nixon, and took his seat January 3, 1953. as Congress was not in session. Reelected January 3, 1951. Died July 28, 1952. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Brien McMa- hon, and took his seat January 3, 1953.

[404] Eighty-Second Congress 405

DELAWARE Thomas S. Gordon, Chicago Errett P. Scrivner, Kansas City SENATORS Sidney R. Yates, Chicago Myron V. George, Altamont Richard W. Hoffman, Berwyn Edward H. Rees, Emporia John J. Williams, Mills boro Timothy P. Sheehan, Chicago Clifford R. Hope, Garden City J. Allen Frear, Jr., Dover Edgar A. Jonas, Chicago Wint Smith, Mankato REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Marguerite Stitt Church, Evanston J. Caleb Boggs, Wilmington Chauncey W. Reed, West Chicago KENTUCKY Noah M. Mason, Ogles by FLORIDA Leo E. Allen, Galena SENATORS SENATORS Leslie C. Arends, Melvin Virgil M. Chapman,'° Paris Spessard L. Holland, Bartow Harold H. Velde, Fe kin Thomas R. Underwood," Lexington George A. Smathers, Miami Robert B. Chiperfield, Canton John Sherman Cooper,12 Somerset Sidney E. Simpson, Carroliton Earle C. Clements, Morganfield REPRESENTATIVES Peter F. Mack, Jr., Carlinville Chester B. McMullen, Clearwater William L. Springer, Champaign REPRESENTATIVES Charles E. Bennett, Jacksonville Edward H. Jenison, Paris Noble J. Gregory, Mayfield Robert L. F. Sikes, Crestview Charles W. Vursell, Salem John A. Whitaker,'3 Russeilville William C. Lantaff, Miami Springs Charles Melvin Price, East St. Louis Garrett L. Withers,14 Dixon Albert S. Herlong, Jr., Leesburg Cecil W. (Runt) Bishop, Carterville Thruston Ballard Morton, Glenview Dwight L. Rogers, Fort Lauderdale Frank L. Chelf, Lebanon INDIANA Brent Spence, Fort Thomas GEORGIA SENATORS Thomas R. Underwood,15 Lexington SENATORS Homer E. Capehart, Washington John C. Watts,'6 Nicholasville Walter F. George, Vienna William E. Jenner, Bedford Carl D. Perkins, Hindman Richard B. Russell, Winder REPRESENTATIVES Joe B. Bates, Greenup James S. Golden, Fineville REPRESENTATIVES Ray J. Madden, Gary Prince H. Preston, Jr., States boro Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer Edward E. Cox,8 camilla Shepard J. Crumpacker, Jr., South LOUISIANA Elijah L. Forrester, Leesburg Bend SENATORS A. Sidney Camp, Newnan E. Ross Adair, Fort Wayne John V. Beamer, Wabash Allen J. Ellender, Sr., Houma James C. Davis, Stone Mountain Russell B. Long, Baton Rouge Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Cecil M. Harden, Covington Henderson L. Lanham, Rome William G. Bray, Martinsville REPRESENTATIVES William M. Wheeler, Alma Winfield K. Denton, Evansville F. Edward Hébert, New Orleans John S. Wood, Canton Earl Wilson, Bedford T. Hale Boggs, New Orleans Paul Brown, Elberton Ralph Harvey, Mount Summit Edwin E. Willis, St. Martinsville Charles B. Brownson, Indianapolis Overton Brooks, Shreveport IDAHO IOWA Otto E. Passman, Monroe SENATORS James H. Morrison, Hammond SENATORS Henry D. Larcade, Jr., Opelousas Henry C. Dworshak, Burley Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Cedar Rapids A. Leonard Allen, Winnfield Herman Welker, Fayette Guy M. Gillette, Cherokee REPRESENTATWES REPRESENTATIVES MAINE John T. Wood, Coeur d'Alene Thomas E. Martin, Iowa City Hamer H. Budge, Boise Henry 0. Talle, Decorah SENATORS Harold R. Gross, Waterloo Ralph 0. Brewster,'7 Dexter ILLINOIS Karl M. LeCompte, Corydon Margaret Chase Smith, Skowhegan SENATORS Paul Cunningham, Des Moines REPRESENTATIVES Paul H. Douglas, Chicago James I. Dolliver, Fort Dodge Robert Hale, Portland Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin Ben F. Jensen, Exira Charles P. Nelson, Augusta REPRESENTATIVES Charles B. Hoeven, Alton Frank Fellows,18 Bangor William L. Dawson, Chicago KANSAS Clifford G. Mclntire,'9 Perham Richard B. Vail, Chicago SENATORS Fred E. Busbey, Chicago MARYLAND William E. McVey, Harvey Andrew F. Schoeppel, Wichita John C. Kluczynski, Chicago Frank Carlson, Concordia SENATORS Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES Herbert R. O'Conor, Baltimore Adolph J. Sabath,9 Chicago Albert M. Cole, Holton John Marshall Butler, Baltimore

8Died December 24, 1952, before the commencement of 'Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Virgil M. "Elected August 2, 1952, to fill vacancy caused by the Eighty-third Congress, to which he had been reelected. Chapman, and took his seat March 19, 1951. death of John A. Whitaker, but was unable to be sworn in "Elected November 4, 1952, to fill vacancy caused by as Congress was not in session. Vacancy in the Eighty-second Congress not filled. Resigned March 17, 1951. 9Died November 6, 1952, before the commencement of death of Virgil M. Chapman, and took his seat January 3, "Elected April 14, 1951, to fill vacancy caused by resig- the Eighty-third Congress, to which he had been reelected. 1953. 13 nation of Thomas R. Underwood, and took his seat April Vacancy in the Eighty-second Congress not filled. Died December 15, 1951. 23, 1951. '°Died March 8, 1951. 'Resigned December 31, 1952. Died August 27, 1951. 19Elected October 22, 1951, to fill vacancy caused by death of Frank Fellows; took his seat January 8, 1952. 406 Biographical Directory

MARYLAND-Continued MINNESOTA Wesley A. D'Ewart, Wilsall REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS NEBRASKA Edward T. Miller, Easton Edward J. Thye, Northfield James P. S. Devereux, Stevenson Hubert H. Humphrey, Minneapolis SENATORS Edward A. Garmatz, Baltimore Hugh A. Butler, Omaha REPRESENTATIVES Kenneth S. Wherry,27 Pawnee City George H. Fallon, Baltimore August H. Andresen, Red Wing Lansdaie G. Sasscer, Upper Marlboro Frederick A. Seaton,28 Hastings Joseph P. O'Hara, Glencoe Dwight P. Griswold,29 Scotts Bluff J. Glenn Beall, Frost burg Roy W. Wier, Minneapolis Eugene J. McCarthy, St. Paul REPRESENTATIVES MASSACHUSETTS Walter H. Judd, Minneapolis Carl T. Curtis, Minden Fred Marshall, Grove City Howard H. Buffett, Omaha SENATORS H. Carl Andersen, Tyler Karl Stefan,3° Norfolk Leverett Saltonstall, Dover John A. Blatnik, Chisholm Robert D. Harrison,3' Norfolk Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Beverly Harold C. Hagen, Crookston Arthur L. Miller, Kimball REPRESENTATNES NEVADA John W. Heselton, Deerfield MISSISSIPPI Foster Furcolo,2° Longmeadow SENATORS SENATORS Philip J. Philbin, Clinton James 0. Eastland, Doddsville Patrick A. McCarran, Reno Harold D. Donohue, Worcester John C. Stennis, De Kaib George W. Malone, Reno Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William H. Bates, Salem John E. Rankin, Tupelo Walter S. Baring, Reno Thomas J. Lane, Lawrence Jamie L. Whitten, Charleston Angier L. Goodwin, Melrose Frank E. Smith, Greenwood NEW HAMPSHIRE Donald W. Nicholson, Wareham Thomas G. Abernethy, Okolona SENATORS Christian A. Herter, Boston W. Arthur Winstead, Philadelphia H. Styles Bridges, Concord John F. Kennedy, Boston William M. Colmer, Pascagoula Charles W. Tobey, Temple John W. McCorrnack, Dorchester John Bell Williams, Raymond Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton REPRESENTATIVES Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro Chester E. Merrow, Center Ossipee MISSOURI Norris Cotton, Lebanon SENATORS MICHIGAN James P. Kern, Kansas City NEW JERSEY SENATORS Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., St. Louis SENATORS Arthur H. Vandenberg,21 Grand REPRESENTATIVES H. Alexander Smith, Princeton Rapids Clare Magee, Unionville Robert C. Hendrickson, Wood bury Arthur Edson Blair Moody,22 Detroit Morgan M. Moulder, Camdenton REPRESENTATIVES Charles E. Potter,23 Cheboygan Philip J. Welch, St. Joseph Charles A. Wolverton, Merchantville Homer Ferguson, Detroit Theodore Leonard Irving, T. Millet Hand, Cape May City Independence REPRESENTATIVES James C. Auchincloss, Rumson Richard W. Boiling, Kansas City Charles R. Howell, Pennington Thaddeus M. Machrowicz, Hantramck Orland K. Armstrong, Springfield George Meader, Ann Arbor Charles A. Eaton, Watchung Dewey Short, Galena Clifford P. Case, Rahway Paul W. Shafer, Battle Creek Albert S. J. Carnahan, Ellsinore Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan William B Widnall, Saddle River Clarence Cannon, Els berry Gordon Canfield, Paterson Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Grand Rapids Paul C. Jones, Kennett William W. Blackney, Flint Harry L. Towe,32 Tenafly John B. Sullivan,25 St. Louis Frank C Osmers, Jr.,33 Haworth Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron Claude I. Bakewell,26 St. Louis Fred L. Crawford, Saginaw Peter W. Rodino, Jr., Newark Thomas B. Curtis, Webster Groves Hugh J. Addonizio, Newark Ruth Thompson, Whitehall Frank M Karsten, St. Louis Roy 0. Woodruff, Bay City Robert W. Kean, Livingston Alfred D. Sieminski, Jersey City Charles E. Potter,24 Cheboygan MONTANA John B. Bennett, Ontonagon Edward J. Hart, Jersey City George D. O'Brien, Detroit SENATORS Louis C. Rabaut, Grosse Pointe Park James E. Murray, Butte NEW MEXICO John D. Dingell, Detroit Zales N. Ecton, Manhattan SENATORS John Lesinski, Jr., Dearborn REPRESENTATIVES Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque George A. Dondero, Royal Oak Mike Mansfield, Missoula Clinton P. Anderson, Albuquerque

Resigned September 3(1, 1952; vacancy throughout re- ' Resigned November 4, 1952; vacancy throughout re-- "Elected November 4, 1952, to fill vacancy caused by mainder of the Congress. mainder of the Congress. death of Kenneth S. Wherry, and took his seat January 3, "Died April 18, 1951. Died January 29, 1951. 1953. '° Died October 2, 1951. Appointed to if! vacancy caused by death of Arthur '° Elected March 9, 1951, to fill vacancy caused by death "Elected December 4, 1951, to fill vacancy caused by H. Vandenberg, and took his seat April 25, 1951. of John B. Sullivan, and took his seat March 19, 1951. death of Karl Stefan, and took his seat January 8, 1952. "Elected November 4, 1952, to fill vacancy caused by "Died November 29, 1951. "Resigned September 7, 1951. death of Arthur H. Vandenberg; also elected to full term, ss Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Kenneth "Elected November 6, 1951, to fill vacancy caused by and took his seat January 3, 1953. S. Wherry, and took his seat January 8, 1952. resignation of Harry L. Towe, and took his seat January 8, 1952. Eighty-Second Congress 407

REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE NORTH CAROLINA OKLAHOMA Antonio M. Fernandez, Santa Fe SENATORS SENATORS John J. Dempsey, Santa Fe Clyde R. Hoey, Shelby Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City NEW YORK Willis Smith, Raleigh A. S. Mike Monroney, Oklahoma City REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Irving M. Ives, Norwich Herbert C. Bonner, Washington George B. Schwabe,41 Tulsa Herbert H. Lehman, New York City John H. Kerr, Warrenton William G. Stigler,42 Stigler Graham A. Barden, New Bern Carl Albert, McAlester REPRESENTATIVES Harold D. Cooley, Nashville Thomas J. Steed, Shawnee Ernest Greenwood, Bay Shore RichardThurmondChatham, Winston- John Jarman, Oklahoma City Leonard W. Hall,34 Oyster Bay Salem Toby Morris, Lawton Henry J. Latham, Queens Village Carl T. Durham, Chapel Hill Victor E. Wickersham, Mangum L. Gary Clemente, Ozone Park F. Ertel Carlyle, Lumberton Page H. Belcher, Enid T. Vincent Quinn,35 Jackson Heights Charles B. Deane, Rock ingham Robert Tripp Ross,36 Jackson Heights Robert L. Doughton, Laurel Springs OREGON James J. Delaney, Long Island City Hamilton C. Jones, Charlotte Louis B. Heller, Brooklyn Woodrow W. Jones, Rutherfordton SENATORS Victor L. Anfuso, Brooklyn Monroe M. Redden, Hendersonville Guy Cordon, Roseberg Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn Wayne L. Morse, Eugene Edna F. Kelly, Brooklyn NORTH DAKOTA REPRESENTATIVES James J. Heffernan, Brooklyn SENATORS A. Walter Norbiad, Jr., Astoria John J. Rooney, Brooklyn William Langer, Wheatland Lowell Stockman, Pendleton Donald L. O'Toole, Brooklyn Milton R. Young, La Moure Homer D. Angell, Portland Abraham J. Multer, New York City Harris Ellsworth, Rose be rg Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James J. Murphy, Staten Island Usher L. Burdick, Williston Frederic R. Coudert, Jr., New York Fred G. Anadahl, Litchville PENNSYLVANIA City SENATORS James G. Donovan, New York City OHIO Edward Martin, Washington Arthur G. Klein, New York City SENATORS James H. Duff, Carnegie Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., New York Robert A. Taft, Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES City John W. Bricker, Columbus Jacob K. Javits, New York City William A. Barrett, Philadelphia Adam C. Powell, Jr., New York City REPRESENTATIVES William T. Granahan, Philadelphia Sidney A. Fine, New York City Charles H. Elston, Cincinnati Hardie Scott, Philadelphia Isidore Dollinger, New York City William E. Hess, Cincinnati Earl Chudoff, Philadelphia Charles A. Buckley, New York City Edward F. Breen,39 Dayton William J. Green, Jr., Philadelphia Christopher C. McGrath, New York Paul F. Schenck,4° Dayton Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Philadelphia City William M. McCulloch, Piqua Benjamin F. James, Rosemont Ralph W. Gwinn, Bronxville Cliff Clevenger, Bryan Albert C. Vaughn,43 Fullerton Ralph A. Gamble, Larchmont James G. Polk, Highland Karl C. King,44 Morrisville Katharine St. George, Tuxedo Park Clarence J. Brown, Blanchester Paul B. Dague, Downingtown J. Ernest Wharton, Richmondville Jackson E. Betts, Findlay Harry P. O'Neill, Dunmore Bernard W. Kearney, Gloversville Henry Frazier Reams, Toledo Daniel J. Flood, Wilkes-Barre William T. Byrne,37 Loudonville Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton Ivor D. Fenton, Mahanoy City Leo W. O'Brien,38 Albany Walter E. Brehm, Millersport George M. Rhodes, Reading Dean P. Taylor, Troy John M. Vorys, Columbus Wilson D. Gillette,45 Towanda Clarence E. Kilburn, Malone Alvin F. Weichel, Sand usky Joseph L. Carrigg,46 Susquehanna William R. Williams, Cassville William H. Ayres, Akron Alvin R. Bush, Muncy R. Walter Riehiman, Tully Robert T. Secrest, Senacaville Samuel K. McConnell, Jr., Wynnewood Edwin Arthur Hall, Binghamton Frank T. Bow, Canton Richard M. Simpson, Huntingdon John Taber, Auburn J. Harry McGregor, West Lafayette Walter M. Mumma, Harrisburg W. Sterling Cole, Bath Wayne L. Hays, Flushing Leon H. Gavin, Oil City Kenneth B. Keating, Rochester Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Francis E. Walter, Easton Harold C. Ostertag, Attica Michael A. Feighan, Cleveland James F. Lind, York William E Miller, Lockport Robert Crosser, Cleveland James E. Van Zandt, Altoona Edmund P. Radwan, Buffalo Frances P. Bolton, Lyndhurst Edward L. Sittler, Jr., Uniontown John C. Butler, Buffalo At Large-George H. Bender, Chagrin Thomas E. Morgan, Frederick town Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Falls Louis E. Graham, Beaver

°° Died August 21, 1952; vacancy throughout remainder Resigned December 31, 1952; vacancy throughout re- 5°Elected April 1, 1952, to fill vacancy caused by death 1952. of the Congress. mainder of the Congress. of William T. Byrne, and took his seat April 9, Died September 1, 1951. 'Resigned December 80, 1951. ° Resigned October 1, 1951. °° Elected November 6, 1951, to fill vacancy caused by S Elected February 19, 1952, to fill vacancy caused by °° Elected November 6, 1951, to fill vacancy caused by death of Albert C. Vaughn, and took his seat January 8, resignation of T. Vincent Quinn, and took his seat Febru- resignation of Edward F. Breen, and took his seat January 1952. ary 26, 1952. 8, 1952. Died August 7, 1951. c, Died January 27, 1952. Died April 2, 1952; vacancy throughout remainder of °° Elected November 6, 1951, to fill vacancy caused by the Congress. death of Wilson D. Gillette, and took his seat January 8, 1952. 408 Biographical Directory

PENNSYLVANIAContinued Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City Harry P. Cain, Tacoma REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John P. Saylor, Johnstown Wright Patman, Texarkana Hugh B. Mitchell, Seattle Augustine B. Kelley, Greens burg Jesse M. Combs, Beaumont Henry M. Jackson, Everett Carroll D. Kearns, Farrell Lindley Beckworth, Gladewater Russell V. Mack, Hoquiam Harmar D. Denny, Jr., Pittsburgh Sam Rayburn, Bonham Hal Holmes, Ellensburg Robert J. Corbett, Pittsburgh J. Frank Wilson, Dallas Walter F. Horan, Wenatchee James G. Fulton, Pittsburgh Olin E. Teague, College Station Thor C. Tollefson, Tacoma Herman P. Eberharter, Pittsburgh Tom Pickett,49 Palestine Frank Buchanan,47 McKeesport John V. Dowdy,5° Athens WEST VIRGINIA Vera D. Buchanan,48 McKeesport Albert Thomas, Houston Clark W. Thompson, Galveston SENATORS W. Homer Thornberry, Austin Harley M. Kilgore, Beckley RHODE ISLAND Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont SENATORS William R. Poage, Waco Theodore F. Green, Providence Wingate H. Lucas, Grapevine REPRESENTATIVES John 0. Pastore, Providence Ed Gossett,5' Wichita Falls Robert L. Ramsay, Follans bee Frank N Ikard,52 Wichita Falls Harley 0. Staggers, Keyser REPRESENTATIVES John E. Lyle, Jr., Corpus Christi Cleveland M. Bailey, Clarks burg Aime J. Forand, Cumberlañd Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr., McAllen Maurice G. Burnside, Huntington John E. Fogarty, Harmony Kenneth M. Regan, Midland John Kee,53 Bluefield Omar T. Burleson, Anson Maude Elizabeth Kee,54 Bluefield SOUTH CAROLINA Walter E. Rogers, Pampa Erland H. Hedrick, Beckley SENATORS George H. Mahon, Lubbock Burnet R. Maybank, Charleston Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio WISCONSIN Olin D. Johnston, Spartanburg 0. Clark Fisher, San Angelo SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES UTAH Alexander Wiley, Chippewa Falls L. Mendel Rivers, Charleston Joseph R. McCarthy, Appleton John J. Riley, Sumter SENATORS W. J. Bryan Dorn, Greenwood Arthur V. Watkins, Orem REPRESENTATIVES Joseph R. Bryson, Greenville Wallace F. Bennett, Salt Lake City Lawrence H. Smith, Racine James P. Richards, Lancaster REPRESENTATIVES Glenn R. Davis, Waukesha John L. McMillan, Florence Gardner R. Withrow, La Crosse Walter K. Granger, Cedar City Clement J. Zablocki, Milwaukee SOUTH DAKOTA Reva Z. B. Bosone, Salt Lake City Charles J. Kersten, Milwaukee SENATORS William K. Van Pelt, Fond du Lac VERMONT Reid F. Murray,55 Ogdensburg Karl E. Mundt, Madison SENATORS Francis TI. Case, Custer John W. Byrnes, Green Bay George D. Aiken, Putney Merlin Hull, Black River Falls REPRESENTATIVES Ralph E. Flanders, Springfield Alvin E. O'Konski, Mercer Harold 0. Lovre, Watertown Ellis Y. Berry, McLaughlin REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Winston L. Prouty, Newport WYOMING TENNESSEE SENATORS SENATORS VIRGINIA Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne Kenneth D. McKellar, Memphis SENATORS Lester C. Hunt, Lander Estes Kefauver, Chattanooga Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES A. Willis Robertson, Lexington William H. Harrison, Sheridan B. Carroll Reece, Johnson City REPRESENTATIVES Howard H. Baker, Huntsville Edward J. Robeson, Jr., Newport News TERRITORY OF ALASKA James B. Frazier, Jr., Chattanooga Porter Hardy, Jr., Churchland DELEGATE Albert A. Gore, Carthage J. Vaughan Gary, Richmond Edward L. Bartlett, Juneau Joseph L. Evins, Smithville Watkins M. Abbitt, Appomattox J. Percy Priest, Nashville Thomas B. Stanley, Stanleytown TERRITORY OF HAWAII James P. Sutton, Lawrenceburg Clarence G. Burton, Lynchburg Thomas J. Murray, Jackson Burr P. Harrison, Winchester DELEGATE Jere Cooper, Dyersburg Howard W. Smith, Alexandria Joseph R. Farrington, Honolulu Clifford Davis, Memphis Thomas B. Fugate, Ewing COMMONWEALTH OF TEXAS WASHINGTON PUERTO RICO56 SENATORS SENATORS RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Tom T. Connally, Marlin Warren G. Magnuson, Seattle A. Fernós-Isern, Santurce

7Died April 27, 1951. '°Elected September 28, 1952, to fill vacancy caused by °' Elected September 8, 1951, to fill vacancy caused by ' Elected July 24, 1951, to fill vacancy caused by death resignation of Tom Pickett, but was unable to be sworn in resignation of Ed Gossett, and took his seat September 17, of Frank Buchanan, and took her seat August 1, 1951. as Congress was not in session. 1951. Resigned June 30, 1952. °° Resigned July 31, 1951. Died May 8, 1951. ° Elected July 17, 1951, to fill vacancy caused by death of her husband, John Kee, and took her seat July 6, 1951. °° Died April 29, 1952; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. °° Became a Commonwealth by enactment of Public Law 447, 82d Congress (66 Stat. 327), effective July 25, 1952. EIGHTY-THIRD CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1953, TO JANUARY 3, 1955

FIRST SESSION-January 3, 1953, to August 3, 1953 SECOND SESSION-January 6, 1954,1to December 2,2 1954



ALABAMA J. William Fuibright, Fayetteville Gordon L. McDonough, Los Angeles REPRESENTATIVES Donald L. Jackson, Pacific Palisades SENATORS Ezekiel C. Gathings, West Memphis Cecil R. King, Los Angeles Lister Hill, Montgomery Wilbur D. Mills, Kensett Craig Hosmer, Long Beach John J. Sparkman, Huntsville James W. Trimble, Berryville Chet Holifield, Montebello REPRESENTATIVES Oren Harris, El Dorado Carl Hinshaw, Pasadena Frank W. Boykin, Mobile Brooks Hays, Little Rock Edgar W. Hiestand, Altadena George M. Grant, Troy William F. Norrell, Monticello Joseph F. Holt, Van Nuys George W. Andrews, Union Springs Clyde G. Doyle, South Gate Kenneth A. Roberts, Piedmont CALIFORNIA Norris Poulson,9 Los Angeles Glenard P. Lipscomb,'° Los Angeles Albert Rains, Gadsden SENATORS Patrick J. Hillings, Arcadia Armistead I. Selden, Jr., Greensboro William F. Knowland, Piedmont Carl A. Elliott, Jasper Samuel W. Yorty, Los Angeles Thomas H. Kuchel, Anaheim Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa Robert E. Jones, Jr., Scottsboro REPRESENTATIVES Laurie C. Battle, Birmingham James B. Utt, Santa Ana Hubert B. Scudder, Sebastopol John Phillips, Banning Clair Engle, Red Bluff Robert C. Wilson, Chula Vista ARIZONA John E. Moss, Jr., Sacramento SENATORS William S. Mailliard, San Francisco COLORADO Carl Hayden, Phoenix John F. Shelley, San Francisco Barry M. Goldwater, Phoenix Robert L. Condon, Walnut Creek SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John J. Allen, Jr., Oakland Edwin C. Johnson, Craig George P. Miller, Alameda Eugene D. Millikin, Denver John J. Rhodes, Mesa J. Arthur Younger, San Mateo Harold A. Patten, Tucson Charles S. Gubser, Gilroy REPRESENTATIVES Leroy Johnson, Stockton Byron G. Rogers, Denver ARKANSAS Allan 0. Hunter, Fresno William S. Hill, Fort Collins SENATORS Ernest K. Bramblett, Pacific Grove J. Edgar Chenoweth, Trinidad John L. McClellan, Camden Harlan F. Hagen, Hanford Wayne N. Aspinall, Palisade

Served from July 8, 1953, to September 15, 1953, to fill 'By joint resolution (Pub. Law 199, 83d Cong., 1st sess.) 'Term expired at noon January 20, 1953. Term began at noon January 20, 1953. vacancy. the date of assembling the second session of the Eighty- 8Appointed September 15, 1953. third Congress was fixed for January 6, 1954 'Elected January 3, 1953. Resigned July 11, 1953. The House adjourned sine die August 20, 1954, and the 'Elected January 3, 1953; died July 7, 1953. '°Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Norris Senate adjourned sine die December 2, 1954. Poulson, and took his seat January 6, 1954.

[409] 410 Biographical Directory

CONNECTICUT Hamer H. Budge, Boise Harold R. Gross, Waterloo SENATORS Karl M. LeCompte, Corydon Prescott S. Bush, Greenwich ILLINOIS Paul Cunningham, Des Moines William A. Purtell, West Hartford SENATORS James I. Dolliver, Fort Dodge REPRESENTATIVES Paul H. Douglas, Chicago Ben J. Jensen, Exira Charles B. Hoeven, Alton Thomas J. Dodd, West Hartford Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin Horace Seely-Brown, Jr., Pomfret REPRESENTATIVES Center William L. Dawson, Chicago KANSAS Albert W. Cretella, North Haven Barratt O'Hara, Chicago SENATORS Albert P. Morano, Greenwich Fred E. Busbey, Chicago Andrew F. Schoeppel, Wichita James T. Patterson, Watertown William E. McVey, Harvey Frank Carison, Concordia At LargeAntoni N. Sadlak, Rockville John C. Kluczynski, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago Howard S. Miller, Hiawatha DELAWARE James B. Bowler,'5 Chicago Errett P. Scrivner, Kansas City SENATORS Thomas S. Gordon, Chicago Myron V. George, Altamont John J. Williams, Milisboro Sidney R. Yates, Chicago Edward H. Rees, Emporia J. Allen Frear, Jr., Dover Richard W. Hoffman, Riverside Clifford R. Hope, Garden City Timothy P. Sheehan, Chicago REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Wint Smith, Mankato Edgar A. Jonas, Chicago Herbert B. Warburton, Wilmington Marguerite Stitt Church, Evanston Chauncey W. Reed, West Chicago KENTUCKY FLORIDA Noah M. Mason, Oglesby SENATORS SENATORS Leo E. Allen, Galena Earle C. Clements, Morganfield Spessard L. Holland, Bartow Leslie C. Arends, Melvin John Sherman Cooper, Somerset George A. Smathers, Miami Harold H. Velde, Pekin REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Robert B. Chiperfield, Canton Noble J. Gregory, Mayfield Courtney W. Campbell, Clearwater Sidney E. Simpson, Carroliton Peter F. Mack, Jr., Carlinville Garrett L. Withers,'6 Dixon Charles E. Bennett, Jacksonville William H. Natcher,' ' Bowling Green Robert L. F. Sikes, Crestview William L. Springer, Champaign John M. Robsion, Jr., Louisville William C. Lantaff, Miami Springs Charles W. Vursell, Salem Frank L Cheif, Lebanon Albert S. Herlong, Jr., Lees burg Charles Melvin Price, East St. Louis Brent Spence, Fort Thomas Dwight L. Rogers," Fort Lauderdale Cecil W. (Runt) Bishop, Carterville John C. Watts, Nicholasville James A. Haley, Sarasota Carl D. Perkins, Hindman Donald R. Matthews, Gainesville INDIANA James S. Golden, Pineville SENATORS GEORGIA Homer E. Capehart, Washington LOUISIANA SENATORS William E. Jenner, Bedford SENATORS Walter F. George, Vienna REPRESENTATIVES Richard B. Russell, Winder Allen J. Ellender, Sr., Houma Ray J. Madden, Gary Russell B. Long, Baton Rouge REPRESENTATIVES Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer Prince H. Preston, Jr., Statesboro Shepard J. Crumpacker, Jr., South REPRESENTATIVES John L. Pilcher,'2 Meigs Bend F. Edward Hébert, New Orleans Elijah L. Forrester, Leesburg E. Ross Adair, Fort Wayne T. Hale Boggs, New Orleans A. Sidney Camp,' S Newnan John V. Beamer, Wabash Edwin E. Willis, St. Martinville John James Flynt, Jr.,'4 Griffin Cecil M. Harden, Covington Overton Brooks, Shreveport James C. Davis, Stone Mountain William G. Bray, Martinsville Otto E. Passman, Monroe Carl Vinson, Milledgeville D. Bailey Merrill, Evansville James H. Morrison, Hammond Henderson L. Lanham, Rome Earl Wilson, Bedford T. Ashton Thompson, Ville Platte William M. Wheeler, Alma Ralph Harvey, Mount Summit George S. Long, Fineville Phillip M. Landrum, Jasper Charles B. Brownson, Indianapolis Paul Brown, Elberton MAINE IOWA SENATORS IDAHO SENATORS Margaret Chase Smith, Skowhegan SENATORS Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Cedar Rapids Frederick G. Payne, Waldoboro Henry C. Dworshak, Burley Guy M. Gillette, Cherokee REPRESENTATIVES Herman Welker, Fayette REPRESENTATIVES Robert Hale, Portland REPRESENTATIVES Thomas E. Martin, Iowa City Charles P. Nelson, Augusta Gracie B. Pfost, Nampa Henry 0. Talle, Decorah Clifford G. Mclntire, Perham

''Died December 1, 1954, before the commencement of 12Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- 12Elected November 2, 1954, to fill vacancy caused by the Eighty-fourth Congress to which he had been reelect- tive-elect Edward E. Cox, in preceding Congress, and took death of A. Sidney Camp, but was unable to be sworn in ed. Vacancy in the Eighty-third Congress not filled. his seat February 9, 1953. as Congress was not in session. "Died July 24, 1954. 15Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- tive-elect Adolph J. Sabath, in preceding Congress, and took his seat July 13, 1953. "Died April 30, 1953. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Garrett L. Withers, and took his seat January 6, 1954. Eighty-Third Congress 411

MARYLAND Louis C. Rabaut, Grosse Pointe Park MONTANA John D. Dingell, Detroit SENATORS SENATORS John Lesinski, Jr., Dearborn John Marshall Butler, Baltimore James E. Murray, Butte Charles G. Oakman, Detroit Mike Mansfield, Missoula J. Glenn Beall, Frostburg George A. Dondero, Royal Oak REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Edward T. Miller, Easton MINNESOTA Lee Metcalf, Helena James P. S. Devereux, Stevenson Wesley A. D'Ewart, Wilsall Edward A. Garmatz, Baltimore SENATORS George H. Fallon, Baltimore Edward J. Thye, Northfield NEBRASKA Frank Small, Jr., Clinton Hubert H. Humphrey, Minneapolis SENATORS DeWitt S. Hyde, Bethesda REPRESENTATIVES Hugh A. Butler,'9 Omaha Samuel N. Friedel, Baltimore August H. Andresen, Red Wing Sam W. Reynolds,2° Omaha Roman L. Hruska,2' Omaha Joseph P. O'Hara, Glencoe Dwight P. Griswold,22 Scotts bluff MASSACHUSETTS Roy W. Wier, Minneapolis SENATORS Eugene J. McCarthy, St. Paul Eva K. Bowring,23 Merri man Leverett Saltonstall, Dover Walter H. Judd, Minneapolis Hazel H. Abel,24 Lincoln John F. Kennedy, Boston Fred Marshall, Grove City Carl T. Curtis,25 Minden REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES H. Carl Andersen, Tyler John W. Heselton, Deerfield John A. Blatnik, Chishoim Carl T. Curtis,26 Minden Edward P. Boland, Springfield Harold C. Hagen, Crookston Roman L. Hruska,27 Omaha Philip J Philbin, Clinton Robert D. Harrison, Norfolk Harold D. Donohue, Worcester MISSISSIPPI Arthur L. Miller, Kimball Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell SENATORS NEVADA William H. Bates, Salem Thomas J. Lane, Lawrence James 0. Eastland, Doddsville SENATORS Angier L. Goodwin, Meirose John C. Stennis, De Kaib Patrick A. McCarran,28 Reno Donald W. Nicholson, Wareham REPRESENTATWES Ernest S. Brown,29 Reno , Boston Thomas G. Abernethy, Okolona Alan H Bible,3° Reno Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Cambridge Jamie L. Whitten, Charleston George W. Malone, Reno John W. McCormack, Dorchester Frank E. Smith, Greenwood REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton John Bell Williams, Raymond Clifton Young, Reno Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro W. Arthur Winstead, Philadelphia William M. Colmer, Pascagoula NEW HAMPSHIRE MICHIGAN SENATORS SENATORS MISSOURI H. Styles Bridges, Concord Homer Ferguson, Detroit SENATORS Charles W. Tobey,3' Temple Charles E. Potter, Cheboygan Robert W. Upton,32 Concord Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., St. Louis Norris Cotton,33 Lebanon REPRESENTATIVES , Creve Coeur Thaddeus M. Machrowicz, Ham tramck REPRESENTATIVES George Meader, Ann Arbor REPRESENTATIVES Chester E. Merrow, Center Ossipee Paul W. Shafer,'8 Battle Creek Frank M. Karsten, St. Louis Norris Cotton,34 Lebanon Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan Thomas B. Curtis, Webster Groves Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Grand Rapids Leonor Kretzer Sullivan, St. Louis NEW JERSEY Kit Clardy, East Lansing Jeffrey P. Hillelson, Independence SENATORS Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron Richard W. Bolling, Kansas City H. Alexander Smith, Princeton Alvin M. Bentley, Owosso William C. Cole, St. Joseph Robert C. Hendrickson, Woodbury Dewey Short, Galena Ruth Thompson, Whitehall REPRESENTATIVES Elford A. Cederberg, Bay City Albert S. J. Carnahan, Elisinore Victor A. Knox, Sault Ste. Marie Clarence Cannon, Elsberry Charles A. Wolverton, Mere ha ntville John B. Bennett, Ontonagon Paul C. Jones, Kennett T. Millet Hand, Cape May City George D. O'Brien, Detroit Morgan M. Moulder, Camdenton James C. Auchincloss, Rumson

29 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Patrick Died August 17, 1954; vacancy throughout remainder 24 Elected November 2, 1954, to fill vacancy caused by A. McCarran, and took his seat November 8, 1954. of the Congress. death of Dwight P. Griswold, and took her seat November '° Elected November 2, 1954, to fill vacancy caused by '° Died July 1, 1954. 8, 1954; resigned December 31, 1954. death of Patrick A. McCarran, and took his seat December 25 Appointed January 1, 1954, to fill vacancy caused by ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Hugh A. 2, 1954. Butler, and took his seat July 7, 1954. resignation of Hazel H. Abel, but was unable to be sworn ' Died July 24, 1953. 21 Elected November 2, 1954, to fill vacancy caused by in as Congress was not in session. 82 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Charles death of Hugh A. Butler, and took his seat November 8, ° Resigned December 31, 1954; vacancy throughout re- W. Tobey, and took his seat January 6, 1954. 1954. mainder of the Congress. °° Elected November 2, 1954, to fill vacancy caused by Died April 12, 1954. 2 Resigned November 8, 1954; vacancy throughout re-- death of Charles W. Tobey, and took his seat November 8, 23 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Dwight mainder of the Congress. 1954. P. Griswold, and took her seat April 26, 1954. 28 Died September 28, 1954. °° Resigned November 7, 1954; vacancy throughout re- mainder of the Congress. 412 Biographical Directory

NEW JERSEYContinued J. Ernest Wharton, Richmondville Henry Frazier Reams, Toledo REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED Leo W. O'Brien, Albany Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton Dean P. Taylor, Troy Oliver P. Bolton, Mentor Charles R. Howell, Pennington Bernard W. Kearney, Gloversville John M. Vorys, Columbus Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen, Jr., Clarence E. Kilburn, Malone Alvin F. Weichel, Sandusky Morristown William R. Williams, Cassville William H. Ayers, Akron Clifford P. Case,35 Rahway R. Walter Riehlman, Tully Robert T. Secrest,47 Senecaville Harrison A. Williams, Jr.,86 Plainfield John Taber, Auburn Frank T. Bow, Canton William B. Widnall, Saddle River W. Sterling Cole, Bath J. Harry McGregor, West Lafayette Gordon Canfield, Paterson Kenneth B. Keating, Rochester Wayne L. Hayes, Flushing Frank C. Osmers, Jr., Haworth Harold C. Ostertag, Attica Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Peter W. Rodino, Jr., Newark William E. Miller, Lockport Michael A. Feighan, Cleveland Hugh J. Addonizio, Newark Edmund P. Radwan, Buffalo Robert Crosser, Cleveland Robert W. Kean, Livingston John R. Pillion, Lackawanna Frances P. Bolton, Lyndhurst Alfred D. Sieminski, Jersey City Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk George H. Bender,48 Chagrin Falls Edward J. Hart, Jersey City NORTH CAROLINA OKLAHOMA NEW MEXICO SENATORS SENATORS SENATORS Clyde R. Hoey,39 Shelby Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque Samuel J. Ervin, Jr.,4° Morganton Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City Clinton P. Anderson, Albuquerque Willis Smith,4' Raleigh A. S. Mike Monroney, Oklahoma City REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Alton A. Lennon,42 Wilmington REPRESENTATIVES Antonio M. Fernandez, Santa Fe W. Kerr Scott,43 Haw River Page H. Belcher, Enid John J. Dempsey, Santa Fe REPRESENTATIVES Edmond Edmondson, Muskogee Herbert C. Bonner, Washington Carl Albert, McAlester NEW YORK Lawrence H. Fountain, Tarboro Thomas J. Steed, Shawnee John Jarman, Oklahoma City SENATORS Graham A. Barden, New Bern Harold D. Cooley, Nashville Victor E. Wickersham, Mangum Irving M. Ives, Norwich Richard Thurmond Chatham, Elkin Herbert H. Lehman, New York City Carl T. Durham, Chapel Hill OREGON REPRESENTATIVES F. Ertel Carlyle, Lumberton SENATORS Stuyvesant Wainwright 2d, Wainscott Charles B. Deane, Rock ingham Steven B. Derounian, Roslyn Hugh Q. Alexander, Kannapolis Guy Cordon, Roseburg Frank J Becker, Lyn brook Charles Raper Jonas, Lincolnton Wayne L. Morse, Eugene Henry J. Latham, Queens Village Woodrow W. Jones, Rutherfordton REPRESENTATIVES Albert H. Bosch, Richmond Hill George A. Shuford, Asheville A. Walter Norblad, Stayton Lester Holtzman, Rego Park Samuel H. Coon, Baker James J. Delaney, Long Island City NORTH DAKOTA Homer D. Angell, Portland Louis B. Heller,37 Brooklyn SENATORS Harris Ellsworth, Roseburg Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn William Langer, Wheatland Edna F. Kelly, Brooklyn Milton R. Young, La Moure PENNSYLVANIA Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn Francis E. Dorn, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE SENATORS Abraham J. Multer, Brooklyn Usher L. Burdick, Williston Edward Martin, Washington John J. Rooney, Brooklyn Otto Krueger, Fessenden James H. Duff, Carnegie John H. Ray, Staten Island OHIO REPRESENTATIVES Adam C. Powell, Jr., New York City William A. Barrett, Philadelphia Frederic R. Coudert, Jr., New York SENATORS William T. Granahan, Philadelphia City Robert A. Taft,44 Cincinnati James A. Byrne, Philadelphia James G. Donovan, New York City Thomas A. Burke,45 Cleveland Earl Chudoff, Philadelphia Arthur G. Klein, New York City George H. Bender,46 Chagrin Falls William J. Green, Jr., Philadelphia Franklin D. Roosevelt,Jr., New York John W. Bricker, Columbus Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Philadelphia City REPRESENTATIVES Benjamin F. James, Rosemont Jacob K. Javits,38 New York City Gordon H. Scherer, Cincinnati Karl C. King, Morrisville Sidney A. Fine, New York City William E. Hess, Cincinnati Paul B. Dague, Downingtown Isidore Dollinger, New York City Paul F. Schenck, Dayton Joseph L. Carrigg, Susquehanna Charles A. Buckley, New York City William M. McCulloch, Piqua Edward J. Bonin, Hazleton Paul A. Fino, New York City Cliff Clevenger, Bryan Ivor D. Fenton, Mahanoy City Ralph A. Gamble, Larchmont James G. Polk, Highland Samuel K. McConnell, Jr., Wynnewood Ralph W. Gwinn, Bronxville Clarence J. Brown, Blanchester George M. Rhodes, Reading Katharine St. George, Tuxedo Park Jackson E. Betts, Findlay Francis E. Walter, Easton

Resigned August 16, 1953. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Clyde R. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Clif- Hoey, and took his seat June 11, 1954; subsequently elect- A. Taft, and took his seat January 6, 1954. ford P. Case, and took his seat January 6, 1954. ed. ° Elected November 2, 1954, to fill vacancy caused by Resigned July 21, 1954; vacancy throughout remain- Died June 26, 1953. death of Robert A. Taft, but was unable to be sworn in as der of the Congress. -' Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Willis Congress was not in session.

' Resigned December 31, 1954; vacancy throughout re- Smith, and took his seat July 15, 1953. Resigned September 26, 1954; vacancy -throughout re-- mainder of the Congress. °' Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of Willis mainder of the Congress. ° Died May 12, 1954. Smith, and took his seat November 29, 1954. 40Resigned December 15, 1954; vacancy throughout re- Died July 31, 1953. mainder of the Congress. Eighty-Third Congress 413

Walter M. Mumma, Harrisburg James B. Frazier, Jr., Chattanooga A. Willis Robertson, Lexington Alvin R. Bush, Muncy Joseph L. Evins, Smithville REPRESENTATIVES Richard M. Simpson, Huntingdon J. Percy Priest, Nashville Edward J. Robeson, Jr., Warwick S. Walter Stauffer, York James P. Sutton, Lawrenceburg Porter Hardy, Jr., Churchland James E. Van Zandt, Altoona Thomas J. Murray, Jackson J. Vaughan Gary, Richmond Augustine B. Kelly, Greensburg Jere Cooper, Dyersburg Watkins M. Abbitt, Appomattox John P. Saylor, Johnstown Clifford Davis, Memphis Thomas B. Stanley,54 Stanleytown Leon H. Gavin, Oil City William M. Tuck,55 South Boston Carroll D. Kearns, Farrell TEXAS Richard H. Poff, Radford Louis E. Graham, Beaver SENATORS Burr P. Harrison, Winchester Thomas E. Morgan, Frederick town Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City Howard W. Smith, Broad Run James G. Fulton, Pittsburgh Marion Price Daniel, Liberty William C. Wampler, Bristol Herman P. Eberharter, Pittsburgh Joel T. Broyhill, Arlington Robert J. Corbett, Pittsburgh REPRESENTATIVES Vera D. Buchanan, McKeesport Wright Patman, Texarkana WASHINGTON Jack B. Brooks, Beaumont SENATORS Brady P. Gentry, Tyler RHODE ISLAND Warren G. Magnuson, Seattle SENATORS Sam Rayburn, Bonham J. Frank Wilson, Dallas Henry M. Jackson, Everett Theodore F. Green, Providence Olin E. Teague, College Station REPRESENTATIVES John 0. Pastore, Providence John V. Dowdy, Athens Thomas M. Pelly, Seattle REPRESENTATIVES Albert Thomas, Houston Alfred John Westland, Everett Aime J. Forand, Cumberland Clark W. Thompson, Galveston Russell V. Mack, Hoquiam John E. Fogarty, Harmony W. Homer Thornberry, Austin Hal Holmes, Ellensburg William R. Poage, Waco Walter F. Horan, Wenatchee SOUTH CAROLINA Wingate H. Lucas, Grapevine Thor C. Tollefson, Tacoma SENATORS Frank N Ikard, Wichita Falls At LargeDon Magnuson, Seattle John E. Lyle, Jr., Corpus Christi Burnet R. Maybank,49 Charleston WEST VIRGINIA Charles E. Daniel,5° Greenville Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr., McA lien James ,5' Aiken Kenneth M. Regan, Midland SENATORS Olin D. Johnston, Spartanburg Omar T. Burleson, Anson Harley M. Kilgore, Beckley Walter E. Rogers, Pampa Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont REPRESENTATIVES George H. Mahon, Lubbock L. Mendel Rivers, Charleston REPRESENTATIVES Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio Robert H. Mollohan, Fairmont John J. Riley, Sumter 0. Clark Fisher, San Angelo W. J. Bryan Dorn, Greenwood At LargeMartin Dies, Jr., Lufkin Harley 0. Staggers, Keyser Joseph R. Bryson,52 Greenville Cleveland M. Bailey, Clarksburg William E. Neal, Huntington Robert T. Ashmore,53 Greenville UTAH James P. Richards, Lancaster Maude Elizabeth Kee, Bluefield John L. McMillan, Florence SENATORS Robert C. Byrd, Beckley Arthur V. Watkins, Orem SOUTH DAKOTA Wallace F. Bennett, Salt Lake City WISCONSIN SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Alexander Wiley, Chippewa Falls Karl E. Mundt, Madison Douglas R. Stringfellow, Ogden Francis H. Case, Custer William A. Dawson, Salt Lake City Joseph R. McCarthy, Appleton REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES VERMONT Lawrence H. Smith, Racine Harold 0. Lovre, Watertown Ellis Y Berry, McLaughlin SENATORS Glenn R. Davis, Waukesha George D. Aiken, Putney Gardner R. Withrow, La Crosse Ralph E. Flanders, Springfield Clement J. Zablocki, Milwaukee TENNESSEE Charles J. Kersten, Milwaukee SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William K. Van Pelt, Fond du Lac Estes Kefauver, Chattanooga Winston L. Prouty, Newport Melvin R. Laird, Mars hfield Albert A. Gore, Carthage John W. Byrnes, Green Bay REPRESENTATIVES VIRGINIA Merlin Hull,56 Black River Falls B. Carroll Reece, Johnson City SENATORS Lester R. Johnson,57 Black River Falls Howard H. Baker, Huntsville Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville Alvin E. O'Konski, Mercer

Appointed December 24, 1954, to fill vacancy caused °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph R. 'Died September 1, 1954. Bryson, and took his seat June 15, 1953. 5°Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Burnet by the death of Burnet R. Maybank, but was unable to be °° Resigned February 3, 1953. R. Maybank and took his seat November 8, 1954; resigned sworn in as Congress was not in session. °' Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of December 23, 1954. °° Died March 10, 1953. Thomas B. Stanley, and took his seat April 21, 1953. °° Died May 17, 1953. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Merlin Hull, and took his seat January 6, 1954. 414 Biographical Directory

WYOMING TERRITORY OF ALASKA COMMONWEALTH OF SENATORS DELEGATE PUERTO RICO Lester C. Hunt,58 Lander Edward L. Bartlett, Juneau RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Edward D. Crippa,59 Rock Springs Joseph C. O'Mahoney,6° Cheyenne TERRITORY OF HAWAII A. Fernós-Isern, San turce Frank A. Barrett, Lusk DELEGATE REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Joseph R. Farrington,6' Honolulu William H. Harrison, Sheridan Mary Elizabeth Pruett Farrington,62 Honolulu

° Died June 19, 1954. 5°Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Lester C. °° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of her hus- ° Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Lester C. Hunt, and took his seat November 29, 1954. band, Joseph R. Farrington, and took her seat August 4, Hunt, and took his seat June 28, 1954. °' Died June 19, 1954. 1954. EIGHTY-FOURTH CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1955, TO JANUARY 3, 1957

FIRST SESSIONJanuary 5,1 1955, to August 2, 1955 SECOND SESSIONJanuary 3, 1956, to July 27, 1956



ALABAMA Wilbur D. Mills, Kensett Edgar W. Hiestand, Altadena James W. Trimble, Berryville Joseph F. Holt, Van Nuys SENATORS Oren Harris, El Dorado Clyde G. Doyle, South Gate Lister Hill, Montgomery Brooks Hays, Little Rock Glenard P. Lipscomb, Los Angeles John J. Sparkman, Huntsville William F. Norrell, Monticello Patrick J. Hillings, Arcadia REPRESENTATIVES James Roosevelt, Los Angeles Frank W. Boykin, Mobile CALIFORNIA Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa George M. Grant, Troy SENATORS James B. Utt, Santa Ana George W. Andrews, Union Springs William F Knowland, Pied mont John Phillips, Banning Kenneth A. RoI'erts, Anniston Thomas H. Kuchel, Anaheim Robert C. Wilson, Chula Vista Albert Rains, Gadsden REPRESENTATIVES COLORADO Armistead I. Selden, Jr., Greensboro Hubert B. Scudder, Sebastopol Carl A. Elliott, Jasper Clair Engle, Red Bluff SENATORS Robert E. Jones, Jr., Scottsboro John E. Moss, Jr., Sacramento Eugene D. Millikin, Denver George Huddleston, Jr., Birmingham William S. Mailliard, San Francisco Gordon L. Allott, Lamar John F. Shelley, San Francisco REPRESENTATIVES ARIZONA John F. Baldwin, Jr., Martinez SENATORS John J. Allen, Jr., Oakland Byron G. Rogers, Denver Carl Hayden, Phoenix George P. Miller, Alameda William S Hill, Fort Collins Barry M. Goldwater, Phoenix J. Arthur Younger, San Mateo J. Edgar Chenoweth, Trinidad Wayne N. Aspinall, Palisade REPRESENTATIVES Charles S. Gubser, Gilroy Leroy Johnson, Stockton John J. Rhodes, Mesa CONNECTICUT Stewart L. Udall, Tucson Bernice F. Sisk, Fresno Charles M. Teague, Ojai SENATORS ARKANSAS Harlan F. Hagen, Hanford Prescott S. Bush, Greenwich Gordon L. McDonough, Los Angeles William A. Purtell, West Hartford SENATORS Donald L. Jackson, Pacific Palisades John L. McClellan, Camden Cecil R. King, Los Angeles REPRESENTATIVES J. William Fulbright, Fayetteville Craig Hosmer, Long Beach Thomas J. Dodd, West Hartford REPRESENTATIVES Chet Holifield, Montebello Horace Seely-Brown, Jr., Pomfret Ezekiel C. Gathings, West Memphis Carl Hinshaw,2 Pasadena Center

By joint resolution (Pub. Law 700, 83d Cong., Zd Sess.) Elected January 5, 1955. ° Died August 5, 1956; vacancy throughout remainder of the date of assemblying the first session of the Eighty- the Congress. fourth Congress was fixed for January 5, 1955.

[415] 416 Biographical Directory

CONNECTICUTContinued Barratt O'Hara, Chicago Errett P. Scrivner, Kansas City REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED James C. Murray, Chicago Myron V. George, Altamont William E. McVey, Harvey Edward H. Rees, Emporia Albert W. Cretella, North Haven John C. Kluczynski, Chicago Clifford R. Hope, Garden City Albert P. Morano, Greenwich Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago Wint Smith, Mankato James T. Patterson, Watertown James B. Bowler, Chicago At LargeAntoni N. Sadlak, Rockville Thomas S. Gordon, Chicago Sidney R. Yates, Chicago KENTUCKY DELAWARE Richard W. Hoffman, Riverside SENATORS SENATORS Timothy P. Sheehan, Chicago Earle C. Clements, Morganfield Charles A. Boyle, Chicago Alben W. Barkley,6 Paducah John J. Williams, Milisboro Marguerite Stitt Church, Evanston J. Allen Frear, Jr., Dover Robert Humphreys,7 Frankfort Chauncey W. Reed,5 West Chicago John Sherman Cooper,8 Somerset REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Noah M. Mason, Oglesby Harris B. McDowell, Jr., Middletown Leo E. Allen, Galena REPRESENTATIVES Leslie C. Arends, Melvin Noble J. Gregory, Mayfield FLORIDA Harold H. Velde, Pekin William H. Natcher, Bowling Green Robert B. Chiperfield, Canton SENATORS John M. Robsion, Jr., Louisville Sidney E. Simpson, Carroliton Frank L. Cheif, Lebanon Spessard L. Holland, Bartow Peter F. Mack, Jr., Carlinville George A. Smathers, Miami Brent Spence, Fort Thomas William L. Springer, Champaign John C. Watts, Nicholasville REPRESENTATIVES Charles W. Vursell, Salem Carl D. Perkins, Hindman William C. Cramer, St. Petersburg Charles Melvin Price, East St. Louis Eugene Suer, Williamsburg Charles E. Bennett, Jacksonville Kenneth J. Gray, West Frankfort Robert L. F. Sikes, Crestview LOUISIANA Dante B. Fascell, Miami INDIANA Albert S. Herlong, Jr., Leesburg SENATORS SENATORS Paul G. Rogers,4 West Palm Beach Homer E. Capehart, Washington Allen J. Ellender, Sr., Houma James A. Haley, Sarasota William E Jenner, Bedford Russell B. Long, Baton Rouge Donald R. Matthews, Gainesville REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Ray J. Madden, Gary GEORGIA Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer F. Edward Hébert, New Orleans T. Hale Boggs, New Orleans SENATORS Shepard J. Crumpacker, Jr., South Bend Edwin E. Willis, St. Martinville Walter F. George, Vienna Overton Brooks, Shreveport Richard B. Russell, Winder E. Ross Adair, Fort Wayne John V. Beamer, Wabash Otto E. Passman, Monroe REPRESENTATIVES Cecil M. Harden, Covington James H. Morrison, Hammond Prince H. Preston, Jr., States boro William G Bray, Martinsville T. Ashton Thompson, Ville Platte John L. Pilcher, Meigs Winfield K. Denton, Evansville George S. Long, Pineville Elijah L. Forrester, Lees burg Earl Wilson, Bedford John James Flynt, Jr., Griffin Ralph Harvey, Mount Summit MAINE James C. Davis, Stone Mountain Charles B. Brownson, Indianapolis Carl Vinson, Milledgeville SENATORS Henderson L. Lanham, Rome IOWA Margaret Chase Smith, Skowhegan Iris F. Butch, Homerville SENATORS Frederick G. Payne, Waldoboro Phillip M. Landrum, Jasper Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Cedar Rapids REPRESENTATIVES Paul Brown, Elberton Thomas E. Martin, Iowa City Robert Hale, Portland REPRESENTATIVES Charles P. Nelson, Waterville IDAHO Frederick D. Schwengel, Davenport Clifford G. Mclntire, Perham SENATORS Henry 0. Talle, Decorah Henry C. Dworshak, Burley Harold R. Gross, Waterloo MARYLAND Herman Welker, Fayette Karl M. LeCompte, Corydon SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Paul Cunningham, Des Moines James I. Dolliver, Fort Dodge John Marshall Butler, Baltimore Gracie B. Pfost, Nampa Ben F. Jensen, Exira J. Glenn Beau, Frost burg Hamer H. Budge, Boise Charles B. Hoeven, Alton REPRESENTATIVES ILLINOIS KANSAS Edward T. Miller, Easton SENATORS James P. S. Devereux, Stevenson SENATORS Edward A. Garmatz, Baltimore Paul H. Douglas, Chicago Andrew F. Schoeppel, Wichita Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin George H. Fallon, Baltimore Frank Carison, Concordia Richard E Lankford, Annapolis REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES DeWitt S. Hyde, Bethesda William L Dawson, Chicago William H Avery, Wakefield Samuel N. Friedel, Baltimore

Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, Died February 9, 1956; vacancy throughout remainder Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Alben W. Representative-elect Dwight L. Rogers, in the preceding of the Congress. Barkley, and took his seat June 25, 1956, Congress, and took his seat January 13, 1955. Died April 30, 1956. o Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alben W. Barkley, and took his seat January 3, 1957. Eighty-Fourth Congress 417

MASSACHUSETTS John C. Stennis, De Kalb NEW JERSEY SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Leverett Saltonstall, Dover Thomas G Abernethy, Okolona H. Alexander Smith, Princeton John F. Kennedy, Boston Jamie L. Whitten, Charleston Clifford P. Case, Rahway REPRESENTATIVES Frank E Smith, Greenwood John W. Heselton, Deerfield John Bell Williams, Raymond REPRESENTATIVES Edward P. Boland, Springfield W. Arthur Winstead, Philadelphia Charles A. Wolverton, Merchantville Philip J. Philbin, Clinton William M. Colmer, Pascagoula T. Millet Hand," Cape May City Harold D. Donohue, Worcester James C. Auchincloss, Rumson Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell MISSOURI Frank Thompson, Jr., Trenton William H. Bates, Salem SENATORS Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen, Jr., Thomas J. Lane, Lawrence Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., St. Louis Morristown Torbert H. Macdonald, Maiden Stuart Symington, Creve Coeur Harrison A. Williams, Jr., Westfield Donald W. Nicholson, Wareham William B. Widnall, Saddle River Laurence Curtis, Boston REPRESENTATIVES Gordon Canfield, Paterson Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Cambridge Frank M. Karsten, St. Louis Frank C Osmers, Jr., Tenafly John W. McCormack, Dorchester Thomas B. Curtis, Webster Groves Peter W. Rodino, Jr., Newark Richard B. Wigglesworth, Milton Leonor Kretzer Sullivan, St. Louis Hugh J. Addonizio, Newark Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro George H. Christopher, Butler Robert W. Kean, Livingston Richard W. Bolling, Kansas City Alfred D. Sieminski, Jersey City MICHIGAN William R. Hull, Jr., Weston T. James Tumulty, Jersey City SENATORS Dewey Short, Galena Charles E. Potter, Cheboygan Albert S. J. Carnahan, Ellsinore NEW MEXICO Patrick V. McNamara, Detroit Clarence Cannon, Elsberry REPRESENTATIVES Paul C. Jones, Kennett SENATORS Thaddeus M. Machrowicz, Ham tramck Morgan M. Moulder, Camdenton Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque George Meader, Ann Arbor Clinton P. Anderson, Albuquerque MONTANA August E. Johansen, Battle Creek REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan SENATORS Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Grand Rapids Antonio M. Fernandez,'2 Santa Fe James E. Murray, Butte John J. Dempsey, Santa Fe Don Hayworth, East Lansing Mike Mansfield, Missoula Jesse P. Wolcott, Port Huron Alvin M. Bentley, Owosso REPRESENTATIVES NEW YORK Ruth Thompson, Whitehall Lee Metcalf, Helena Elford A. Cederberg, Bay City Orvin B. Fjare, Big Timber SENATORS Victor A. Knox, Sault Ste. Marie Irving M. Ives, Norwich John B. Bennett, Ontonagon NEBRASKA Herbert H. Lehman, New York City Charles C. Diggs, Jr., Detroit Louis C. Rabaut, Grosse Pointe Park SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John D. Dingell,9 Detroit Roman L. Hruska, Omaha Stuyvesant Wainwright, Wainscott John D. Dingell, Jr.,'° Detroit Carl T. Curtis, Minden Steven B. Derounian, Roslyn John Lesinski, Jr., Dearborn REPRESENTATIVES Frank J. Becker, Lynbrook Martha W. Griffiths, Detroit Phillip H. Weaver, Falls City Henry J. Latham, Queens Village George A. Dondero, Royal Oak Jackson B. Chase, Omaha Albert H. Bosch, Richmond Hill Robert D. Harrison, Norfolk Lester Holtzman, Rego Park MINNESOTA Arthur L. Miller, Kimball James J. Delaney, Long Island City SENATORS Victor L. Anfuso, Brooklyn Edward J. Thye, Northfield NEVADA Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn Edna F. Kelly, Brooklyn Hubert H. Humphrey, Minneapolis SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn George W. Malone, Reno Francis E. Dorn, Brooklyn August H. Andresen, Red Wing Alan H Bible, Reno Joseph P. O'Hara, Giencoe Abraham J. Multer, Brooklyn Roy W. Wier, Minneapolis REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John J. Rooney, Brooklyn Eugene J. McCarthy, St. Paul Clifton Young, Reno John H. Ray, Staten Island Walter H. Judd, Minneapolis Adam C Powell, Jr., New York City Fred Marshall, Grove City NEW HAMPSHIRE Frederic R. Coudert, Jr., New York City H. Carl Andersen, Tyler SENATORS John A. Blatnik, Chisholm James G. Donovan, New York City Mrs. Coya G. Knutson, Oklee H. Styles Bridges, Concord Arthur G. Klein,'3 New York City Norris Cotton, Lebanon Irwin D. Davidson,'3 New York City MISSISSIPPI REPRESENTATIVES Herbert Zelenko, New York City SENATORS Chester E. Merrow, Center Ossipee Sidney A. Fine,'4 New York City James 0. Eastland, Doddsville Perkins Bass, Peterbo rough James C. Healey,'5 New York City

"Died November 7, 1956, before the commencement of Died September 19, 1955. "Died December 26, 1956, before the commencement, of the Eighty-fifth Congress to which he had been reelected. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of his father, the Eighty-fifth Congress to which he had been reelected. vacancy in the Eighty-fourth Congress not filled. John D. Dingell; took his seat January 3, 1956. vacancy in the Eighty-fourth Congress not filled. Resigned December 31, 1956; vacancy throughout re- mainder of the Congress. 'Resigned January 2, 1956. IS Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Sidney A. Fine, and took his seat February 20, 1956. 418 Biographical Directory

NEW YORKContinued William E. Hess, Cincinnati Benjamin F. James, Rosemont REPRESENTATIVESCONTINUED Paul F. Schenck, Dayton Karl C. King, Morrisville William M. McCulloch, Piqua Paul B. Dague, Downingtown Isidore Dollinger, New York City Cliff Clevenger, Bryan Joseph L. Carrigg, Susquehanna Charles A. Buckley, New York City James G. Polk, Highland Daniel J. Flood, Wilkes-Barre Paul A. Fino, New York City Clarence J. Brown, Blanchester Ivor D. Fenton, Mahanoy City Ralph A. Gamble, Larchmont Jackson E. Betts, Findlay Samuel K. McConnell, Jr., Wynnewood Ralph W. Gwinn, Bronxville Thomas L. Ashley, Toledo George M. Rhodes, Reading Katharine St. George, Tuxedo Park Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton Francis E. Walter, Easton J. Ernest Wharton, Richmondville Oliver P. Bolton, Mentor Walter M. Mumma, Harrisburg Leo W. O'Brien, Albany John M. Vorys, Columbus Alvin R. Bush, Muncy Dean P. Taylor, Troy Albert D. Baumhart, Jr., Vermilion Richard M. Simpson, Huntingdon Bernard W. Kearney, Gloversville William H. Ayres, Akron James M. Quigley, Highland Park Clarence E. Kilburn, Malone John E. Henderson, Cambridge James E. Van Zandt, Altoona William R. Williams, Cassville Frank T. Bow, Canton Augustine B. Kelley, Greensburg R. Walter Riehlman, Thlly J. Harry McGregor, West Lafayette John P. Saylor, Johnstown John Taber, Auburn Wayne L. Hays, Flushing Leon H. Gavin, Oil City W. Sterling Cole, Bath Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Carroll D. Kearns, Farrell Kenneth B. Keating, Rochester Michael A. Feighan, Cleveland Frank M Clark, Bessemer Harold C. Ostertag, Attica Charles A. Vanik, Cleveland William E. Miller, Lockport Thomas E. Morgan, Fredericktown Edmund P. Radwan, Buffalo Frances P. Bolton, Lyndhurst James G. Fulton, Pittsburgh John R. Pillion, Lackawanna William E. Minshall, Rocky River Herman P. Eberharter, Pittsburgh Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Robert J. Corbett, Pittsburgh OKLAHOMA Vera D. Buchanan,'8 McKeesport NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS Elmer J. Holland,'9 Pittsburgh SENATORS Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City Samuel J. Ervin, Jr., Morganton A. S. Mike Monroney, Oklahoma City RHODE ISLAND W. Kerr Scott, Haw River REPRESENTATWES SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Page H. Belcher, Enid Theodore F. Green, Providence Herbert C. Bonner, Washington Edmond Edmondson, Muskogee John 0. Pastore, Providence Carl Albert, McAlester Lawrence H. Fountain, Tarboro REPRESENTATIVES Graham A. Barden, New Bern Thomas J. Steed, Shawnee John Jarman, Oklahoma City Aime J. Forand, Cumberland Harold D. Cooley, Nashville John E. Fogarty, Harmony RichardThurmondChatham, Winston- Victor E. Wickersham, Mangum Salem Carl T. Durham, Chapel Hill OREGON SOUTH CAROLINA F. Ertel Carlyle, Lumberton SENATORS SENATORS Charles B. Deane, Rockingham Wayne L. Morse, Eugene Olin D. Johnston, Spartanburg Hugh Q. Alexander, Kannapolis Richard L. Neuberger, Portland James Strom Thurmond,2° Aiken Charles Raper Jonas, Lincointon REPRESENTATWES Thomas A Wofford,2' Greenville Woodrow W. Jones, Rutherfordton A. Walter Norblad, Stayton James Strom Thurmond,22 Aiken George A. Shuford, Asheville Samuel H. Coon, Baker REPRESENTATIVES Edith S. Green, Portland L. Mendel Rivers, Charleston NORTH DAKOTA Harris Ellsworth, Roseburg SENATORS John J. Riley, Sumter W. J. Bryan Dorn, Greenwood William Langer, Wheatland PENNSYLVANIA Milton R. Young, La Moure Robert T. Ashmore, Greenville SENATORS James P. Richards, Lancaster REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Edward Martin, Washington John L. McMillan, Florence Usher L. Burdick, Williston James H. Duff, Carnegie Otto Krueger, Fessenden REPRESENTATIVES SOUTH DAKOTA OHIO William A. Barrett, Philadelphia SENATORS William T. Granahan,'6 Philadelphia SENATORS Karl E. Mundt, Madison Kathryn E. Philadelphia John W. Bricker, Columbus James A. Byrne, Philadelphia Francis H. Case, Custer George H. Bender, Chagrin Falls Earl Chudoff, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES William J. Green, Jr., Philadelphia Harold 0. Lovre, Watertown Gordon H. Scherer, Cincinnati Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Philadelphia Ellis Y. Berry, McLaughlin

'° Died May 25, 1956. ° Died November 26, 1955. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of " Elected November 6, 1956, to fill vacancy caused by "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Vera D. James Strom Thurmond, and took his seat April 9, 1956. death of her husband, William T. Granahan, but was Buchanan, and took his seat February 8, 1956. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by his own resignation, unable to be sworn in as Congress was not in session. 50Resigned April 4, 1956. and took his seat January 3, 1957. Eighty-Fourth Congress 419

TENNESSEE Wallace F. Bennett, Salt Lake City Chapman Revercomb,26 Charleston REPRESENTATIVES Matthew M. Neely, Fairmont SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Estas Kefauver, Chattanooga Henry Aldous Dixon, Ogden William A. Dawson, Salt Lake City Robert H. Mollohan, Fairmont Albert A. Gore, Carthage Harley 0. Staggers, Keyser REPRESENTATIVES VERMONT Cleveland M. Bailey, Clarksburg B. Carroll Reece, Johnson City SENATORS Maurice G. Burnside, Huntington Howard H. Baker, Huntsville George D. Aiken, Putney Maude Elizabeth Kee, Bluefield James B. Frazier, Jr., Chattanooga Ralph E. Flanders, Springfield Robert C. Byrd, Beckley Joseph L. Evins, Smithville J. Percy Priest,23 Nashville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE WISCONSIN Ross Bass, Pulaski Winston L. Prouty, Newport SENATORS Thomas J. Murray, Jackson Alexander Wiley, Chippewa Falls Jere Cooper, Dyersburg VIRGINIA Joseph R. McCarthy, Appleton SENATORS Clifford Davis, Memphis REPRESENTATIVES Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville A. Willis Robertson, Lexington Lawrence H. Smith, Racine TEXAS Glenn R. Davis, Waukesha SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Gardner R. Withrow, La Crosse Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City Edward J. Robeson, Jr., Warwick Clement J. Zablocki, Milwaukee Marion Price Daniel, Liberty Porter Hardy, Jr., Churchland Henry S. Reuss, Milwaukee REPRESENTATIVES J. Vaughan Gary, Richmond William K. Van Pelt, Fond du Lac Watkins M. Abbitt, Appomattox Wright Patman, Texarkana Melvin R. Laird, Mars hfield William M. Tuck, South Boston John W. Byrnes, Green Bay Jack B. Brooks, Beaumont Richard H. Poff, Radford Brady P. Gentry, Tyler Lester R. Johnson, Black River Falls Burr P. Harrison, Winchester Alvin E. O'Konski, Mercer Sam Rayburn, Bonham Howard W. Smith, Broad Run Bruce R. Alger, Dallas William Pat Jennings, Marion WYOMING Olin E. Teague, College Station Joel T. Broyhill, Arlington John V. Dowdy, Athens SENATORS Albert Thomas, Houston WASHINGTON Frank A. Barrett, Lusk Clark W. Thompson, Galveston Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne SENATORS W. Homer Thornberry, Austin REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William R. Poage, Waco Warren G. Magnuson, Seattle E. Keith Thomson, Cheyenne James C. Wright, Jr., Weatherford Henry M. Jackson, Everett Frank N. Ikard, Wichita Falls REPRESENTATIVES TERRITORY OF ALASKA John J. Bell, Cuero Thomas M. Pelly, Seattle DELEGATE Joe M. Kilgore, McAllen Alfred John Westland, Everett Edward L. Bartlett, Juneau J. T. Rutherford, Odessa Russell V. Mack, Hoquiam Omar T. Burleson, Anson Hal Holmes, Ellens burg TERRITORY OF HAWAII Walter E. Rogers, Pampa Walter F. Horan, Wenatchee George H. Mahon, Lubbock Thor C. Tollefson, Tacoma DELEGATE Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio At LargeDonald H. Magnuson, Mary Elizabeth Pruett Farrington, 0. Clark Fisher, San Angelo Seattle Honolulu At LargeMartin Dies, Jr., Lufkin WEST VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH OF UTAH SENATORS PUERTO RICO SENATORS Harley M. Kilgore,24 Beckley RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Arthur V. Watkins, Orem William R. Laird 3d,25 Fayetteville A. Fernés-Isern, Santurce

Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Harley 22 24Died February 28, 1956. Died October 12, 1956; vacancy throughout remainder M. Kilgore, and took his seat March 15, 1956. of the Congress. 20Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Harley M. Kilgore, and took his seat January 3, 1957. EIGHTY-FIFTH CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1957, TO JANUARY 3, 1959

FIRSTSESSIONJanuary 3, 1957, to August 30, 1957 SECOND SESSIONJanuary 7,1958,1to August 24, 1958



ALABAMA Wilbur D. Mills, Kensett Edgar W. Hiestand, Altadena SENATORS James W. Trimble, Berryville Joseph F. liolt, Van Nuys Lister Hill, Montgomery Oren Harris, El Dorado Clyde G. Doyle, South Gate John J. Sparkman, Huntsville Brooks Hays, Little Rock Glenard P. Lipscomb, Los Angeles William F. Norrell, Monticello REPRESENTATWES Patrick J. Hillings, Arcadia James Roosevelt, Los Angeles Frank W. Boykin, Mobile CALIFORNIA Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa George M. Grant, Troy SENATORS James B. Utt, Santa Aria George W. Andrews, Union Springs Dalip S. Saund, Westmorland Kenneth A. Roberts, Anniston William F. Knowland, Piedmont Albert Rains, Gadsden Thomas H. Kuchel, Anaheim Robert C. Wilson, Chula Vista Armistead I. Selden, Jr., Greensboro REPRESENTATIVES Carl A. Elliott, Jasper Hubert B. Seudder, Sebastopol COLORADO Robert E. Jones, Jr., Scottsboro Clair Engle, Red Bluff SENATORS George Huddieston, Jr., Birmingham John E. Moss, Jr., Sacramento Gordon L. Allott, Lamar William S. Maffliard, San Francisco John A. Carroll, Denver ARIZONA John F. Shelley, San Francisco John F. Baldwin, Jr., Martinez REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS John J. Allen, Jr., Oakland Byron G. Rogers, Denver Carl Hayden, Phoenix George P. Miller, Alameda William S. Hill, Fort Collins Barry M. Goldwater, Phoenix J. Arthur Younger, San Mateo J. Edgar Chenoweth, Trinidad REPRESENTATIVES Charles S. Gubser, Gilroy Wayne N. Aspinall, Palisade John J. Rhodes, Mesa John J. McFall, Manteca Stewart L. Udall, Tucson Bernice F. Sisk, Fresno CONNECTICUT Charles M. Teague, Ojai SENATORS ARKANSAS Harlan F. Hagen, Hanford Gordon L. McDonough, Los Angeles Prescott S. Bush, Greenwich SENATORS William A. Purtell, West Hartford John L. McClellan, Camden Donald L. Jackson, Pacific Palisades J. William Fuibright, Fayetteville Cecil R. King, Los Angeles REPRESENTATIVES Craig Hosmer, Long Beach Edwin H. May, Jr., Wethersfield REPRESENTATIVES Chet Holifield, Montebello Horace Seely-Brown, Jr., Pomfret Ezekiel C. Gathings, West Memphis H. Allen Smith, Glendale Center

'By joint resolution (Pub. Law 85-290, 85th Cong., 1st 2 Elected January 3, 1957. sess.) the date of assembling the second session of the 2Reelected January 8, 1957. Eighty-fifth Congress was fixed for January 7, 1958.

[420] Eighty-Fifth Congress 421

Albert W. Cretella, North Haven Emmet F. Byrne, Chicago Frank Carlson, Concordia Albert P. Morano, Greenwich William E. McVey,6 Harvey REPRESENTATIVES James T. Patterson, Watertown John C. Kluczynski, Chicago William H. Avery, Wakefield At LargeAntoni N. Sadlak, Rockville Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago Errett P. Scrivner, Kansas City James B. Bowler,7 Chicago Myron V. George, Altamont DELAWARE Roland V. Libonati,8 Chicago Edward H. Rees, Emporia SENATORS Thomas S. Gordon, Chicago J. Floyd Breeding, Rolla John J. Williams, Millsboro Sidney R. Yates, Chicago Wint Smith, Mankato J. Allen Frear, Jr., Dover Harold R. Collier, Berwyn Timothy P. Sheehan, Chicago KENTUCKY REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Charles A. Boyle, Chicago Harry G. Haskell, Jr., Wilmington Marguerite Stitt Church, Evanston SENATORS Russell W. Keeney,° Wheaton John Sherman Cooper, Somerset FLORIDA Noah M. Mason, Ogles by Thruston B. Morton, Glenview SENATORS Leo E. Allen, Galena REPRESENTATIVES Spessard L. Holland, Bartow Leslie C. Arends, Melvin Nobel J. Gregory, Mayfield George A. Smathers, Miami Robert H. Michel, Peoria William H. Natcher, Bowling Green REPRESENTATIVES Robert B. Chiperfield, Canton John M. Robsion, Jr, Louisville William C Cramer, St. Petersburg Sidney E. Simpson,'° Carroilton Frank L. Chelf, Lebanon Charles E. Bennett, Jacksonville Peter F. Mack, Jr., Carlinville Brent Spence, Fort Thomas Robert L. F. Sikes, Crestview William L. Springer, Champaign John C. Watts, Nicholasville Dante B. Fascell, Miami Charles W. Vursell, Salem Carl D. Perkins, Hindman Albert S. Herlong, Jr., Leesburg Charles Melvin Price, East St. Louis Eugene Siler, Williamsburg Paul G. Rogers, West Palm Beach Kenneth J. Gray, West Frank fort James A. Haley, Sarasota LOUISIANA Donald R. Matthews, Gainesville INDIANA SENATORS SENATORS Allen J. Ellender, Houma GEORGIA Homer E. Capehart, Washington Russell B. Long, Baton Rouge SENATORS William E. Jenner, Bedford REPRESENTATIVES Richard B. Russell, Winder REPRESENTATIVES F. Edward Hébert, New Orleans Herman E. Talmadge, Lovejoy Ray J. Madden, Gaiy T. Hale Boggs, New Orleans REPRESENTATIVES Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer Edwin E. Willis, St. Martinville Prince H. Preston, Jr., States boro F. Jay Nimtz, South Bend Overton Brooks, Shreveport John L. Pilcher, Meigs E. Ross Adair, Fort Wayne Otto E. Passman, Monroe Elijah L. Forrester, Leesburg John V. Beamer, Wabash James H. Morrison, Hammond John James Flynt, Jr., Griffin Cecil M. Harden, Covington T. Ashton Thompson, Ville Platte James C. Davis, Stone Mountain William G. Bray, Martinsville George S. Long,'2 Pineville Carl Vinson, Milledgeville Winfield K. Denton, Evansville Henderson L. Lanham,4- Rome Earl Wilson, Bedford MAINE Harlan Erwin Mitchell,5 Dalton Ralph Harvey, New Castle SENATORS Iris F. Blitch, Homerville Charles B. Brownson, Indianapolis Margaret Chase Smith, Skowhegan Phillip M. Landrum, Jasper Frederick G. Payne, Waldoboro Paul Brown, Elberton IOWA REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Robert Hale,'3 Portland IDAHO Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Cedar Rapids Frank M. Coffin, Lewiston SENATORS Thomas E. Martin, Iowa City Clifford G. Mclntire, Perham Henry C. Dworshak, Burley REPRESENTATIVES Frank Church, Boise Frederick D. Schwengel, Davenport MARYLAND REPRESENTATIVES Henry 0. Talle, Decorah SENATORS Gracie B. Pfost, Nampa Harold R. Gross, Waterloo John Marshall Butler, Baltimore Hamer H. Budge, Boise Karl M. LeCompte," Corydon J. Glenn Beall, Frostburg Paul Cunningham, Des Moines REPRESENTATIVES ILLINOIS Merwin Coad, Boone Edward T. Miller, Easton SENATORS Ben F. Jensen, Exira James P. S. Devereux, Stevenson Paul H. Douglas, Chicago Charles B. Hoeven, Alton Edward A. Garmatz, Baltimore Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin George H. Fallon, Baltimore REPRESENTATIVES KANSAS Richard E. Lankford, A'inapolis William L. Dawson, Chicago SENATORS DeWitt S. Hyde, Bethesda Barratt O'Hara, Chicago Andrew F. Schoeppel, Wichita Samuel N. Friedel, Baltimore

StevenV. Died November 10, 1957. 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James B. Electionunsuccessfullycontestedby 'Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Henderson Bowler, and took his seat January 7, 1958. Carter. L. Lanham, and took his seat January 13, 1958. 5Died January 11, 1958; vacancy throughout remainder Died March 22, 1958; vacancy throughout remainder Died August 10, 1958; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. of the Congress. of the Congress. " Died October 26, 1958; vacancy throughout remainder '' Election unsuccessfully contested by James C. Oliver. Died July 18, 1957. of the Congress. 422 Biographical Directory

MASSACHUSETTS MISSISSIPPI Norris Cotton, Lebanon SENATORS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Leverett Saltonstall, Dover James 0. Eastland, Doddsville Chester E. Merrow, Center Ossipee John F. Kennedy, Boston John C. Stennis, De Kalb Perkins Bass, Peterborough REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES John W. Heselton, Deerfield Thomas G. Abernethy, Okolona NEW JERSEY Edward P. Boland, Springfield Jamie L. Whitten, Charleston SENATORS Philip J. Philbin, Clinton Frank E. Smith, Greenwood H. Alexander Smith, Princeton Harold D. Donohue, Worcester John Bell Williams, Raymond Clifford P. Case, Rahway Edith Nourse Rogers, Lowell W. Arthur Winstead, Philadelphia William H. Bates, Salem William M. Coimer, Pascaqoula REPRESENTATIVES Thomas J. Lane, Lawrence Charles A. Wolverton, Merchantville Torbert H. Macdonald, Malden MISSOURI Milton W. Glenn,'7 Margate City James C. Auchincloss, Rurnson Donald W. Nicholson, Warehai'n SENATORS Laurence Curtis, Boston Frank Thompson, Jr., Trenton Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Cambridge Thomas C Hennings, Jr., St. Louis Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen, Jr., John W. McCormack, Dorchester Stuart Symington, Creve Coeur Morristown Richard B. Wigglesworth,'4 Milton REPRESENTATIVES Florence P. Dwyer, Elizabeth Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro Frank M. Karsten, St. Louis William B. Widnall, Saddle River Thomas B. Curtis, Webster Groves Gordon Canfield, Paterson MICHIGAN Leonor Kretzer Sullivan, St. Louis Frank C. Osmers, Jr., Tenafly Peter W. Rodino, Jr., Newark SENATORS George H. Christopher, Butler Richard W. Boiling, Kansas City Hugh J. Addonizio, Newark Charles E. Potter, Cheboygan William R. Hull, Jr., Weston Robert W. Kean, Livingston Patrick V. McNamara, Detroit Charles H. Brown, Springfield Alfred D. Sieminski, Jersey City REPRESENTATIVES Albert S. J. Carnahan, Ellsinore Vincent J. Dellay, West New York Thaddeus M. Machrowicz, Hamtramck Clarence Cannon, Elsberry George Meader, Ann Arbor Paul C. Jones, Kennett NEW MEXICO August E. Johansen, Battle Creek Morgan M. Moulder, Camdenton SENATORS Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Grand Rapids MONTANA Clinton P. Anderson, Albuquerque Charles E. Chamberlain, East Lansing SENATORS Robert J. McIntosh, Port Huron REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James E. Murray, Butte John J. Dempsey,'8 Santa Fe Alvin M. Bentley, Owosso Mike Mansfield, Missoula Robert P. Griffin, Traverse City Joseph M. Montoya,'9 Santa Fe Elford A. Cederberg, Bay City REPRESENTATIVES Victor A. Knox, Sault Ste. Marie Lee Metcalf, Helena NEW YORK John B. Bennett, Ontonagon LeRoy H. Anderson, Conrad SENATORS Charles C. Diggs, Jr., Detroit Irving M. Ives, Norwich Louis C. Rabaut, Grosse Pointe Park NEBRASKA Jacob K. Javits, New York City John D. Dingell, Jr., Detroit SENATORS John Lesinski, Jr., Dearborn Roman L. Hruska, Omaha REPRESENTATIVES Martha W. Griffiths, Detroit Carl T. Curtis, Minden Stuyvesant Wainwright, Wainscott William S Broomfield, Royal Oak Steven B. Derounian, Roslyn REPRESENTATIVES Frank J Becker, Lynbrook MINNESOTA Phillip H. Weaver, Falls City Henry J. Latham,2° Queens Village Glenn C. Cunningham, Omaha SENATORS Albert H. Bosch, Woodhaven Robert D. Harrison, Norfolk Lester Holtzman, Rego Park Edward J. Thye, Northfield Arthur L. Miller, Kimball James J. Delaney, Long Island City Hubert H. Humphrey, Minneapolis Victor L. Anfuso, Brooklyn REPRESENTATIVES NEVADA Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn August H. Andresen," Red Wing SENATORS Edna F. Kelly, Brooklyn Albert H. Quie,16 Dennison George W. Malone, Reno Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn Joseph P. O'Hara, Glencoe Alan H. Bible, Reno Francis E. Dorn, Brooklyn Roy W. Wier, Minneapolis Abraham J. Multer, Brooklyn Eugene J. McCarthy, St. Paul REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE John J. Rooney, Brooklyn Walter H. Judd, Minneapolis Walter S. Baring, Reno John H. Ray, Staten Island Fred Marshall, Grove City Adam C. Powell, Jr., New York City H. Carl Andersen, Tyler NEW HAMPSHIRE Frederic R. Coudert, Jr., New York John A. Blatnik, Chishoim SENATORS City Mrs. Coya G. Knutson, Oklee H. Styles Bridges, Concord Alfred E. Santangelo, New York City

"Resigned November 13, 1958; vacancy throughout re- 'Elected to till vacancy caused by death of Representa- '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Representa- mainder of the Congress. tive-elect T. Millet Hand, in the preceding Congress, and tive-elect Antonio M. Fernandez, in the preceding Con- "Died January 14, 1958. took his seat January 7, 1958. gress, and took his seat April 29, 1957.

"Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of August H. "Died March 11, 1958; vacancy throughout remainder ° Resigned December 31, 1958; vacancy throughout re-- Andresen, and took his seat March 6, 1958. of the Congress. mainder of the Congress. Eighty-Fifth Congress 423

Leonard Farbstein, New York City Frank J. Lausche, Cleveland Robert N. C. Nix,27 Philadelphia Ludwig Teller, New York City REPRESENTATIVES William J. Green, Jr., Philadelphia Herbert Zlenko, New York City Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Philadelphia Gordon H. Scherer, Cincinnati Benjamin F. James, Rosemont James C. Healey, New York City William E. Hess, Cincinnati Isidore Dollinger, New York City Willard S. Curtin, Morrisville Paul F. Schenck, Dayton Paul B. Dague, Downingtown Charles A. Buckley, New York City William M. McCulloch, Piqua Paul A. Fino, New York City Joseph L. Carrigg, Susquehanna Cliff Clevenger, Bryan Daniel J. Flood, Wilkes-Barre Edwin B. Dooley, Mamaroneck James G. Polk, Highland Ralph W. Gwinn, Bronxville Ivor D. Fenton, Mahanoy City Clarence J. Brown, Blanchester Samuel K. McConnell, Jr.,28 Katharine St. George, Tuxedo Park Jackson E. Betts, Findlay J. Ernest Wharton, Richmondville Thomas L. Ashley, Waterville Wynnewood Leo W. O'Brien, Albany John A. Lafore, Jr.,29 Haverford Thomas A. Jenkins, Ironton George M. Rhodes, Reading Dean P. Taylor, Troy David S. Dennison, Warren Bernard W. Kearney, Lake Pleasant Francis E. Walter, Easton John M. Vorys, Columbus Walter M. Mumma, Harrisburg Clarence E. Kilburn, Malone Albert 0. Baumhart, Jr., Vermilion William R. Williams, Cassville Alvin R. Bush, Muncy William H. Ayres, Akron Richard M. Simpson, Huntingdon R. Walter Riehlman, Tully John E. Henderson, Cambridge John Taber, Auburn S. Walter Stauffer, York Frank T. Bow, Canton James E. Van Zandt, Altoona W. Sterling Cole,2' Bath J. Harry McGregor,25 West Lafayette Howard W. Robison,22 Owego Augustine B. Kelley,3° Greens burg Wayne L. Hayes, Flushing John H. Dent,3' Jeannette Kenneth B. Keating, Rochester Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Harold C. Ostertag, Attica John P. Saylor, Johnstown Michael A. Feighan, Cleveland Leon H. Gavin, Oil City William E. Miller, Lockport Charles A. Vanik, Cleveland Edmund P. Radwan, Buffalo Carroll D. Kearns, Farrell Frances P. Bolton, Lyndhurst Frank M. Clark, Bessemer John R. Pillion, Hamburg William E. Minshall, Rocky River Daniel A. Reed, Dunkirk Thomas E. Morgan, Fredericktown OKLAHOMA James G. Fulton, Dormont NORTH CAROLINA Herman P. Eberharter,32 Pittsburgh SENATORS Robert J. Corbett, Ben Avon Heights SENATORS Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City Elmer J. Holland, Pittsburgh Samuel J. Ervin, Jr., Morganton A. S. Mike Monroney, Oklahoma City W. Kerr Scott,23 Haw River REPRESENTATIVES RHODE ISLAND B. Everett Jordan,24 Saxapahaw Page H. Beicher, Enid SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Edmond Edmondson, Muskogee Theodore F. Green, Providence Herbert C. Bonner, Washington Carl Albert, McAlester John 0. Pastore, Providence Lawrence H. Fountain, Tarboro Thomas J. Steed, Shawnee REPRESENTATIVES Graham A. Barden, New Bern John Jarman, Oklahoma City Aime J. Forand, Cumberland Harold D. Cooley, Nashville Toby Morris, Lawton John E. Fogarty, Harmony Ralph J. Scott, Danbury Carl T. Durham, Chapel Hill OREGON SOUTH CAROLINA Alton A. Lennon, Wilmington SENATORS SENATORS A. Paul Kitchin, Wadesboro Wayne L. Morse, Eugene Olin D. Johnston, Spartanburg Hugh Q. Alexander, Kannapolis Richard L. Neuberger, Portland James Strom Thurmond, Aiken Charles Raper Jonas, Lincolnton Basil L. Whitener, Gastonia REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES George A. Shuford, Asheville A. Walter Norblad, Stayton L. Mendel Rivers, Charleston Albert C. Ullman, Baker John J. Riley, Sumter NORTH DAKOTA Edith S. Green, Portland W. J. Bryan Dorn, Greenwood Charles 0. Porter, Eugene Robert T. Ashmore, Greenville SENATORS Robert W. Hemphill, Chester William Langer, Wheatland PENNSYLVANIA John L. McMillan, Florence Milton R. Young, La Moure SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Edward Martin, Washington SOUTH DAKOTA Usher L. Burdick, Williston Joseph S. Clark, Philadelphia SENATORS Otto Krueger, Fessenden REPRESENTATIVES Karl E. Mundt, Madison William A. Barrett, Philadelphia Francis H. Case, Custer OHIO Kathryn E. Granahan, Philadelphia REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS James A. Byrne, Philadelphia George S. McGovern, Mitchell John W. Bricker, Columbus Earl Chudoff,26 Philadelphia Ellis Y. Berry, McLaughlin

29 Elected tofill vacancy caused by resignation of Resigned December 1, 1957. 25 Died October 7, 1958; vacancy throughout remainder Samuel K. McConnell, Jr., and took his seat January 7, 22 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Ster- of the Congress. 1958. ling Cole, and took his seat January 20, 1958. 26 Resigned January 5, 1958. '°Died November 20, 1957. "Died April 16, 1958. 27 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Earl SI Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Augustine 2 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of W. Kerr Chudoff, and took his seat June 4, 1958. B. Kelley, and took his seat January 27, 1958. Scott, and took his seat May 5, 1958; subsequently elected. ' Resigned September 1, 1957. "Died September 9, 1958; vacancy throughout remain- der of the Congress. 424 Biographical Directory

TENNESSEE Wallace F. Bennett, Salt Lake City Chapman Revercomb, Charleston SENATORS REPRESENTATWES REPRESENTATWES Estes Kefauver, Chattanooga Henry Aldous Dixon, Ogden Arch A. Moore, Jr., Glendale Albert A. Gore, Carthage William A. Dawson, Salt Lake City Harley 0. Staggers, Keyser REPRESENTATIVES Cleveland M. Bailey, Clarks burg B. Carroll Reece, Johnson City VERMONT William E. Neal, Huntington Howard H. Baker, Huntsville SENATORS Maude Elizabeth Kee, Bluefield James B. Frazier, Jr., Chattanooga George D. Aiken, Putney Robert C. Byrd, Beckley Joseph L. Evins, Smithuille Ralph E. Flanders, Springfield J. Canton Loser, Nashville REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE WISCONSIN Ross Bass, Pulaski Thomas J. Murray, Jackson Winston L. Prouty, Newport SENATORS Jere Cooper,33 Dyers burg Alexander Wiley, Chippewa Falls Robert A. Everett,34 Union City VIRGINIA Joseph R. McCarthy,4' Appleton Clifford Davis, Memphis SENATORS William Proxmire,42 Madison Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville REPRESENTATIVES TEXAS A. Willis Robertson, Lexington Lawrence H. Smith,43 Racine SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Donald E. Tewes, Waukesha Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City Edward J. Robeson, Jr., Warwick Gardner R. Withrow, La Crosse Marion Price Daniel,35 Liberty Porter Hardy, Jr., Churchland Clement J. Zablocki, Milwaukee William A Blakley,36 Dallas J. Vaughan Gary, Richmond Henry S. Reuss, Milwaukee Ralph W. Yarborough,37 Austin Watkins M. Abbitt, Appomattox William K. Van Pelt, Fond du Lac REPRESENTATIVES William M. Tuck, South Boston Melvin R. Laird, Marshfield Wright Patman, Texarkana Richard H. Poff, Radford John W. Byrnes, Green Bay Jack B. Brooks, Beaumont Burr P. Harrison, Winchester Lester R. Johnson, Black River Falls Lindley G. Beckworth, Gladewater Howard W. Smith, Broad Run Alvin E. O'Konski, Mercer Sam Rayburn, Bonham William Pat Jennings, Marion Bruce R. Alger, Dallas Joel T. Broyhill, Arlington WYOMING Olin E. Teague, College Station SENATORS John V. Dowdy, Athens WASHINGTON Albert Thomas, Houston Frank A. Barrett, Lusk SENATORS Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne Clark W. Thompson, Galveston Warren G. Magnuson, Seattle W. Homer Thornberry, Austin Henry M. Jackson, Everett REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE William R. Poage, Waco E. Keith Thomson, Cheyenne James C. Wright, Jr., Fort Worth REPRESENTATIVES Frank N Ikard, Wichita Falls Thomas M. Pelly, Port Blakely TERRITORY OF ALASKA John A. Young, Corpus Christi Alfred John Westland, Everett Joe M. Kilgore, McAllen Russell V. Mack, Hoquiam DELEGATE J. T. Rutherford, Odessa Hal Holmes, Ellensburg Edward L. Bartlett, Juneau Omar T. Burleson, Anson Walter F. Horan, Wenatchee Walter E. Rogers, Pampa Thor C. Tollefson, Tacoma TERRITORY OF HAWAII George H. Mahon, Lubbock At LargeDonald H. Magnuson, Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio Seattle DELEGATE 0. Clark Fisher, San Angelo John A. Burns, Honolulu At LargeMartin Dies, Jr., Lufkin WEST VIRGINIA SENATORS COMMONWEALTH OF UTAH Matthew M. Neely,38 Fairmont PUERTO RICO SENATORS John D. Hoblitzell, Jr.,3° Ravenswood RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Arthur V. Watkins, Orem Jennings Randolph,4° Elkins A. Fernós-Isern, Santurce

Died December 18, 1957. "Elected tofillvacancy caused by resignation of '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Matthew Elected tofill vacancy caused by death of Jere Marion Price Daniel, and took his seat April 29, 1957. M. Neely, and took his seat January 7, 1959. Cooper, and took his seat February 10, 1958. "Died January 18, 1958. ' Died May 2, 1957. " Resigned January 14, 1957. "Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Matthew "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joseph R. Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of M. Neely, and took his seat January 27, 1958. McCarthy, and took his seat August 29, 1957. Marion Price Daniel, and took his seat January 17, 1957. "Died January 22, 1958; vacancy throughout remain- der of the Congress. EIGHTY-SIXTH CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1959, TO JANUARY 3, 1961 FIRST SESSIONJanuary 7, 1959,' to September 15, 1959 SECOND SESSIONJanuary 6, 1960,2 to September 1, 1960



ALABAMA ARKANSAS Charles M. Teague, Ojai SENATORS SENATORS Harlan F. Hagen, Hanford Gordon L. McDonough, Los Angeles Lister Hill, Montgomery John L. McClellan, Camden John J. Sparkman, Huntsville Donald L. Jackson, Pacific Palisades J. William Fuibright, Fayetteville Cecil R. King, Los Angeles REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATWES Craig Hosmer, Long Beach Frank W. Boykin, Mobile Ezekiel C. Gathings, West Memphis Chet Holifield, Montebello George M. Grant, Troy Wilbur D. Mills, Kensett H. Allen Smith, Glendale George W. Andrews, Union Springs James W. Trimble, Berryville Edgar W. Hiestand, Burbank Kenneth A. Roberts, Anniston Oren Harris, El Dorado Albert Rains, Gadsden Joseph F. Holt, Van Nuys T. ,8 Little Rock Clyde G. Doyle, South Gate Armistead I. Selden, Jr., Greensboro William F. Norrell, Monticello Carl A. Elliott, Jasper Glenard P. Lipscomb, Los Angeles Robert E. Jones, Jr., Scottsboro CALIFORNIA George A. Kasem, West Covina George Huddleston, Jr., Birmingham James Roosevelt, Los Angeles SENATORS Harry R. Sheppard, Yucaipa ALASKA4 Thomas H. Kuchel, Anaheim James B. Utt, Santa Ana SENATORS Clair Engle, Red Bluff Dalip S. Saund, Westmorland Edward L. Bartlett,5 Juneau REPRESENTATWES Robert C. Wilson, Chula Vista Ernest Gruening,6 Juneau Clement W. Miller, Corte Madera REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Harold T. Johnson, Roseville COLORADO John E. Moss, Jr., Sacramento Ralph J. Rivers,7 Fairbanks William S. Mailliard, San Francisco SENATORS ARIZONA John F. Shelley, San Francisco Gordon L. Allott, Lamar John F. Baldwin, Martinez John A. Carroll, Denver SENATORS Jeffery Cohelan, Berkeley Carl Hayden, Phoenix George P. Miller, Alameda REPRESENTATIVES Barry M. Goldwater, Phoenix J. Arthur Younger, San Mateo Byron G. Rogers, Denver REPRESENTATIVES Charles S. Gubser, Gilroy Byron L. Johnson, Denver John J. Rhodes, Mesa John J. McFall, Manteca J. Edgar Chenoweth, Trinidad Stewart L. Udall, Tucson Bernice F. Sisk, Fresno Wayne N. Aspinall, Palisade

By joint resolution (Pub. Law 85-819 85th Cong., 2d 'By joint resolution (Pub. Law 86-305, 86th Cong., 1st 5Took his seat January 7, 1959; term to expire, as deter- seas.) the date of assembling the first session of the Eighty- seas.) the date of assembling the second session of the mined by lot, January 3, 1961. Eighty-sixth Congress was fixed for January 6, 1960. Took his seat January 7, 1959; term to expire, as deter- sixth Congress was fixed for January 7, 1959. mined by lot, January 3, 1963. 'Reelected January 7, 1959. 'Took his seat January 7, 1959. 4 Admitted as a State into the Union January 3, 1959. Election investigated by order of the House (H. Res. 1). H. Res. 380 declared T. Dale Alforci was entitled to his seat.

[425] 426 Biographical Directory

CONNECTICUT Frank Church, Boise Leonard G. Wolf, Elkader SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Harold R. Gross, Waterloo Prescott S. Bush, Greenwich Gracie B. Pfost, Nampa Steven V. Carter,'4 Leon Thomas J Dodd, West Hartford Hamer H. Budge, Boise John H. Kyl,15 Bloomfield Neal Smith, Altoona REPRESENTATIVES ILLINOIS Merwin Coad, Boone Emilio Q. Daddario, Hartford Ben F. Jensen, Exira Chester Bowles, Essex SENATORS Charles B. Hoeven, Alton Robert N. Giaimo, North Haven Paul H. Douglas, Chicago Donald J. Irwin, Norwalk Everett M. Dirksen, Pekin KANSAS John S. Monagan, Waterbury REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS At LargeFrank Kowaiski, Men den William L. Dawson, Chicago Andrew F. Schoeppel, Wichita DELAWARE Barratt O'Hara, Chicago William T. Murphy, Chicago Frank Carison, Concordia SENATORS Edward J. Derwinski, Chicago REPRESENTATIVES John J. Williams, Milleboro John C. Kluczynski, Chicago William H Avery, Wakefield J. Allen Frear, Jr., Dover Thomas J. O'Brien, Chicago Newell A. George, Kansas City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Roland V. Libonati, Chicago Denver D. Hargis, Coffeyville Harris B. McDowell, Jr., Middletown Daniel D. Rostenkowsk.i, Chicago Edward H. Rees, Emporia Sidney R. Yates, Chicago J. Floyd Breeding, Rolla FLORIDA Harold R. Collier, Berwyn Wint Smith,'6 Mankato SENATORS Roman C. Pucinski, Chicago Spessard L. Holland, Bartow Charles A. Boyle,'3 Chicago KENTUCKY Marguerite Stitt Church, Evanston George A. Smathers, Miami SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Elmer J. Hoffman, Wheaton Noah M. Mason, Ogles by John Sherman Cooper, Somerset William C. Cramer, St. Petersburg Thruston B. Morton, Glenview Charles E. Bennett, Jacksonville Leo E. Allen, Galena Robert L. F. Sikes, Crestview Leslie C. Arends, Melvin REPRESENTATIVES Dante B. Fascell, Miami Robert H. Michel, Peoria Frank A Stubblefield, Murray Albert S. Herlong, Jr., Leesburg Robert B. Chiperfield, Canton William H. Natcher, Bowling Green Paul G. Rogers, West Palm Beach Edna Oakes Simpson, Carrollton Frank W. Burke, Louisville James A. Haley, Sarasota Peter F. Mack, Jr., Carlinville Frank L. Chelf, Lebanon Donald R. Matthews, Gainesville William L. Springer, Champaign Brent Spence, Fort Thomas George E. Shipley, Olney John C. Watts, Nicholasville GEORGIA Charles Melvin Price, East St. Louis Carl D. Perkins, Hindman SENATORS Kenneth J. Gray, West Frankfort Eugene Siler, Williamsburg Richard B. Russell, Winder INDIANA Herman E. Talmadge, Lovejoy LOUISIANA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Homer E. Capehart, Washington Prince H. Preston, Jr., Statesboro Allen J. Ellender, Houma John L. Pilcher, Meigs Vance Hartke, Evansville Russell B. Long, Baton Rouge REPRESENTATIVES Elijah L. Forrester, Leesburg REPRESENTATIVES John James Flynt, Jr., Griffin Ray J. Madden, Gary James C. Davis, Stone Mountain Charles A. Halleck, Rensselaer F. Edward Hébert, New Orleans Carl Vinson, Milledgeville , South Bend T. Hale Boggs, New Orleans Harlan Erwin Mitchell, Dalton E. Ross Adair, Fort Wayne Edwin E. Willis, St. Martinville Iris F. Butch, Homerville J. Edward Roush, Huntington Overton Brooks, Shreveport Phillip M. Landrum, Jasper Fred Wampler, Terre Haute Otto E. Passman, Monroe Paul Brown, Elberton William G. Bray, Martinsville James H. Morrison, Hammond Winfield K. Denton, Evansville T. Ashton Thompson, Ville Platte HAWAII , Hope Harold B. McSween, Alexandria SENATORS Randall S. Harmon, Muncie MAINE Hiram L. Fang,'° Honolulu Joseph W. Barr, Indianapolis Oren E. Long," Honolulu SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE IOWA Margaret Chase Smith, Skowhegan Daniel K. Inouye,1' Honolulu SENATORS Edmund S. Muskie, Waterville Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Cedar Rapids REPRESENTATIVES IDAHO Thomas E. Martin, Iowa City James C. Oliver, South Portland SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Frank M Coffin, Lewiston Henry C. Dworshak, Burley Frederick D. Schwengel, Davenport Clifford G. Mclntire, Perham

o Admitted as a State into the Union August 21, 1959. "Took his seat August 24, 1959; term to expire, as '' Died November 4, 1959; vacancy throughout remain- '° Took his seat August 24, 1959; term to expire, as determined by lot, January 3, 1963. der of the Congress. determined by lot, January 3, 1965. '° Took his seat August 24, 1959. '° Died November 4, 1959. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Steven V. Carter, and took his seat January 6, 1960. "Election unsuccessfully contested by Elmo J. Ma- honey. Eighty-Sixth Congress 427

MARYLAND Eugene J. McCarthy, St. Paul Lawrence Brock, Wakefield Donald F. McGinley, Ogallala SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES John Marshall Butler, Baltimore Albert H. Quie, Dennison NEVADA J. Glenn Beau, Frostburg Ancher Nelsen, Hutchinson REPRESENTATIVES Roy W. Wier, Minneapolis SENATORS Thomas F. Johnson, Berlin Joseph E. Karth, St. Paul Alan H. Bible, Reno Daniel B. Brewster, Glyndon Walter H. Judd, Minneapolis Howard W. Cannon, Las Vegas Edward A. Garmatz, Baltimore Fred Marshall, Grove City REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE H. Carl Andersen, Tyler George H. Fallon, Baltimore Walter S. Baring, Reno Richard E. Lankford, Annapolis John A. Blatnik, Chishoim John R. Foley, Kensington Odin Langen, Kennedy Samuel N. Friedel, Baltimore NEW HAMPSHIRE MISSISSIPPI SENATORS MASSACHUSETTS SENATORS H. Styles Bridges, Concord SENATORS James 0. Eastland, Doddsville Norris Cotton, Lebanon Leverett Saltonstall, Dover John C. Stennis, De Kalb REPRESENTATIVES John F. Kennedy,17 Boston REPRESENTATIVES Chester E. Merrow, Center Ossipee Benjamin A. Smith II,' $ Gloucester Thomas G. Abernethy, Okolona Perkins Bass, Peterborough REPRESENTATIVES Jamie L. Whitten, Charleston Silvio 0. Conte, Pittsfield Frank E. Smith, Greenwood NEW JERSEY Edward P. Boland, Springfield John Bell Williams, Raymond SENATORS Philip J. Philbin, Clinton W. Arthur Winstead, Philadelphia Harold D. Donohue, Worcester William M. Colmer, Pascagoula Clifford P. Case, Rahway Edith Nourse Rogers,'9 Lowell Harrison A. Williams, Jr., Westfield William H. Bates, Salem MISSOURI REPRESENTATIVES Thomas J. Lane, Lawrence Torbert H. Macdonald, Maiden SENATORS William T. Cahill, Collingswood , West Bridgewater Thomas C. Hennings, Jr.,2° St. Louis Milton W. Glenn, Margate City Laurence Curtis, Boston Edward V. Long,2' Bowling Green James C. Auchincloss, Rumson Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Cambridge Stuart Symington, Richmond Heights Frank Thompson, Jr., Trenton Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen, Jr., John W. McCormack, Dorchester REPRESENTATIVES James A. Burke, Milton Morristown Joseph W. Martin, Jr., North Attleboro Frank M. Karsten, St. Louis Florence P. Dwyer, Elizabeth Thomas B. Curtis, Webster Groves William B. Widnall, Saddle River MICHIGAN Leonor Kretzer Sullivan, St. Louis Gordon Canfield, Paterson George H. Christopher,22 Butler SENATORS Frank C. Osmers, Jr., Tenafly William J Randall,23 Independence Peter W. Rodino, Jr., Newark Patrick V. McNamara, Detroit Richard W. Bolling, Kansas City Philip A. Hart, Mackinac Island Hugh J. Addonizio, Newark William R. Hull, Jr., Weston George M. Wallhauser, Maplewood REPRESENTATIVES Charles H. Brown, Springfield Cornelius E. Gallagher, Bayonne Thaddeus M. Machrowicz, Hamtramck Albert S. J. Carnahan, Ellsinore Dominick V. Daniels, Jersey City George Meader, Ann Arbor Clarence Cannon, ELs berry August E. Johansen, Battle Creek Paul C. Jones, Kennett NEW MEXICO Clare E. Hoffman, Allegan Morgan M. Moulder, Camdenton Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Grand Rapids SENATORS Charles E. Chamberlain, East Lansing MONTANA Dennis Chavez, Albuquerque James G. O'Hara, Utica SENATORS Clinton P. Anderson, Albuquerque Alvin M. Bentley, Owosso REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Robert P. Griffin, Traverse City James E. Murray, Butte Elford A. Cederberg, Bay City Mike Mansfield, Missoula Joseph M. Montoya, Santa Fe Victor A. Knox, Sault Ste. Marie REPRESENTATIVES Thomas G. Morris, Tucunwari John B. Bennett, Ontonagon Lee Metcalf, Helena Charles C. Diggs, Jr., Detroit LeRoy H. Anderson, Conrad NEW YORK Louis C. Rabaut, Grosse Pointe Park SENATORS John D. Dingell, Jr., Detroit NEBRASKA Jacob K. Javits, New York City John Lesinski, Jr., Dearborn SENATORS Kenneth B. Keating, Rochester Martha W. Griffiths, Detroit William S. Broomfield, Royal Oak Roman L. Hruska, Omaha REPRESENTATIVES Carl T. Curtis, Minden Stuyvesant Wainwright, Wainscott MINNESOTA REPRESENTATIVES Steven B. Derounian, Roslyn SENATORS Phillip H. Weaver, Falls City Frank J. Becker, Lynbrook Hubert H. Humphrey, Waverly Glenn C. Cunningham, Omaha Seymour Halpern, Forest Hills

"Appointed September 23, 1960, to fill vacancy caused "Resigned December 22, 1960. Died September 10, 1960; vacancy throughout remain- der of the Congress. by death of Thomas C. Hennings, Jr.; subsequently elect- 'Appointed December 27, 1960, to fill vacancy caused ed. by resignation of John F. Kennedy but was unable to be 'a Died September 13, 1960. "Died January 23, 1959. sworn in as Congress was not in session. "Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George H. Christopher, and took his seat March 9, 1959. 428 Biographical Directory

NEW YORK-Continued A. Paul Kitchin, Wadesboro Thomas J. Steed, Shawnee REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED Hugh Q. Alexander, Kannapolis John Jarman, Oklahoma City Charles Raper Jonas, Lincolnton Toby Morris, Lawton Albert H. Bosch,24 Woodhaven Basil L. Whitener, Gastonia Lester Holtzman, Rego Park David M. Hall,29 Sylva OREGON James J. Delaney, Long Island City Roy A. Taylor,30 Black Mountain Victor L. Anfuso, Brooklyn SENATORS Eugene J. Keogh, Brooklyn NORTH DAKOTA Wayne L. Morse, Eugene Edna F. Kelly, Brooklyn SENATORS Richard L. Neuberger,37 Portland Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn William Langer,3' Wheatland Hall S. Lusk,38 Portland Francis E. Dorn, Brooklyn Maurine B. Neuberger,39 Portland Abraham J. Multer, Brooklyn C. Norman Brunsdale,32 Mayville John J. Rooney, Brooklyn Quentin N. Burdick,33 Fargo REPRESENTATIVES John H. Ray, Staten Island Milton R. Young, La Moure A. Walter Norblad, Stayton Adam C. Powell, Jr., New York City REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Albert C. Ullman, Baker John V. Lindsay, New York City Quentin N. Burdick,34 Fargo Edith S. Green, Portland Alfred E. Santangelo, New York City Don L. Short, Medora Charles 0. Porter, Eugene Leonard Farbstein, New York City Ludwig Teller, New York City OHIO PENNSYLVANIA Herbert Zelenko, New York City SENATORS James C. Healey, New York City SENATORS Frank J. Lausche, Cleveland Joseph S. Clark, Philadelphia Isidore Dollinger,25 New York City Stephen M. Young, Cleveland Jacob H. Gilbert,26 New York City Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Philadelphia Charles A. Buckley, New York City REPRESENTATIVES Gordon H. Scherer, Cincinnati REPRESENTATIVES Paul A. Fino, New York City William A. Barrett, Philadelphia Edwin B. Dooley, Mamaroneck William E. Hess, Cincinnati Paul F. Schenck, Dayton Kathryn E. Granahan, Philadelphia Robert R. Barry, Yonkers James A. Byrne, Philadelphia Katharine St. George, Tuxedo Park William M. McCulloch, Piqua Delbert L. Latta, Bowling Green Robert N. C. Nix, Philadelphia J. Ernest Wharton, Richmondville William J. Green, Jr., Philadelphia Leo W. O'Brien, Albany James G. Polk,35 Highland Dean P. Taylor, Troy Ward M. Miller,36 Portsmouth Herman Toll, Philadelphia Samuel S. Stratton, Schenectady Clarence J. Brown, Blanchester William H. Milliken, Jr., Sharon Hill Clarence E. Kilburn, Malone Jackson E. Betts, Findlay Willard S. Curtin, Morrisville Alexander Pirnie, Utica Thomas L. Ashley, Waterville Paul B. Dague, Downingtown R. Walter Riehlman, Tully Walter H. Moeller, Lancaster Stanley A. Prokop, Lake Ariel John Taber, Auburn Robert E. Cook, Ravenna Daniel J. Flood, Wilkes-Barre Howard W. Robison, Owego Samuel L. Devine, Columbus Ivor D. Fenton, Mahanoy City Jessica McC. Weis, Rochester Albert D. Baumhart, Jr., Vermilion John A. Lafore, Jr., Haverford Harold C. Ostertag, Attica William H. Ayres, Akron George M. Rhodes, Reading William E. Miller, Olcott John E. Henderson, Cambridge Francis E. Walter, Easton Thaddeus J. Dulski, Buffalo Frank T. Bow, Canton Walter M. Mumma, Harrisburg John R. Pillion, Hamburg Robert W. Levering, Fredericktown Alvin R. Bush,4° Muncy Daniel A. Reed,27 Dunkirk Wayne L. Hays, Flushing Herman T Schneebeli,41 Williamsport Charles E. Goodell,28 Jamestown Michael J. Kirwan, Youngstown Richard M. Simpson,42 Huntingdon Michael A. Feighan, Cleveland Douglas H. Elliott,43 Chambersburg NORTH CAROLINA Charles A. Vanik, Cleveland J. Irving Whalley,44 Windber James M. Quigley, Camp Hill SENATORS Frances P. Bolton, Lyndhurst William E. Minshall, Rocky River James E. Van Zandt, Altoona Samuel J. Ervin, Jr., Morganton John H. Dent, Jeannette B. Everett Jordan, Saxapahaw OKLAHOMA John P. Saylor, Johnstown REPRESENTATIVES Leon H. Gavin, Oil City Herbert C. Bonner, Washington SENATORS Carroll D. Kearns, Farrell Lawrence H. Fountain, Tarboro Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City Frank M Clark, Bessemer Graham A. Barden, New Bern A. S. Mike Monroney, Oklahoma City Thomas E. Morgan, Fredericktown Harold D. Cooley, Nashville REPRESENTATIVES James G. Fulton, Dormont Ralph J. Scott, Danbury Page H. Belcher, Enid William S Moorhead, Pittsburgh Carl T. Durham, Chapel Hill Edmond Edmondson, Muskogee Robert J. Corbett, Pittsburgh Alton A. Lennon, Wilmington Carl Albert, McAlester Elmer J. Holland, Pittsburgh

Resigned December 31, 1960; vacancy throughout re- 22 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of William "Elected November 8, 1960, to fill vacancy caused by mainder of the Congress. Langer, and took his seat January 6, 1960. death of her husband, Richard L. Neuberger, for the term "Resigned December 31, 1959. 3' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of William ending January 3, 1961, but was unable to be sworn in as 25 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Isi- Langer, and took his seat August 8, 1960. Congreas was not in session. dore Dollinger, and took his seat March 11, 1960. Resigned August 8, 1960, having been electedSena- 40 Died November 5, 1959. 27 Died February 19, 1959. tor; vacancy throughout remainder of the Congress. ° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Alvin R. '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Daniel A. Bush, and took his seat May 5, 1960. " Died April 28, 1959. 42 Died January 7, 1960. Reed, and took his seat June 2, 1959. '° Elected November 8, 1960, to fill vacancy caused by °' Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Richard M. Died January 29, 1960. death of James G. Polk but was unable to be sworn in as Simpson, and took his seat May 5, 1960. Died June 19, '° Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of David M. Congress was not in session. 1960. Hall, and took his seat July 2, 1960. "Died March 9, 1960. "Elected November 8, 1960, to fill vacancy caused by " Died November 8, 1959. as Appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of Richard death of Douglas H. Elliott, but was unable to be sworn in L. Neuberger, and took his seat March 23, 1960. as Congress was not in session. Eighty-Sixth Congress 429

RHODE ISLAND Sam Rayburn, Bonham Henry M. Jackson, Everett Bruce R. Alger, Dallas REPRESENTATIVES SENATORS Olin E. Teague, College Station Thomas M. Pelly, Port Blakely Theodore F. Green, Providence John V. Dowdy, Athens Alfred John Westland, Everett John 0. Pastore, Cranston Albert Thomas, Houston Russell V. Mack,45 Hoquiam REPRESENTATIVES Clark W. Thompson, Galveston Julia Butler Hansen,46 Cathlamet Aime J. Forand, Cumberland W. Homer Thornberry, Austin Catherine D. May, Yakima John E. Fogarty, Harmony William R. Poage, Waco James C. Wright, Jr., Fort Worth Walter F. Horan, Wenatchee Thor C. Tollefson, Tacoma SOUTH CAROLINA Frank N. Ikard, Wichita Falls John A. Young, Corpus Christi Donald H. Magnuson, Seattle SENATORS Joe M. Kilgore, McAllen Olin D. Johnston, Spartanburg J. T. Rutherford, Odessa WEST VIRGINIA James Strom Thurmond, Aiken Omar T. Burleson, Anson SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Walter E. Rogers, Pampa Jennings Randolph, Elkins L. Mendel Rivers, Charleston George H. Mahon, Lubbock Robert C. Byrd, Sophia Paul J. Kilday, San Antonio John J. Riley, Sumter REPRESENTATIVES W. J. Bryan Dorn, Greenwood 0. Clark Fisher, San Angelo Robert T. Ashmore, Greenville Robert R. Casey, Houston Arch A. Moore, Jr., Glendale Robert W. Hemphill, Chester Harley 0. Staggers, Keyser John L. McMillan, Florence UTAH Cleveland M. Bailey, Clarks burg SENATORS Kenneth Hechler, Huntington SOUTH DAKOTA Wallace F. Bennett, Salt Lake City Maude Elizabeth Kee, Bluefield John M. Slack, Jr., Charleston SENATORS Frank E. Moss, Salt Lake City REPRESENTATIVES Karl E. Mundt, Madison WISCONSIN Francis H. Case, Custer Henry Aldous Dixon, Ogden David S. King, Salt Lake City SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES Alexander Wiley, Chippewa Falls George S. McGovern, Mitchell VERMONT William Proxmire, Madison Ellis Y. Berry, McLaughlin SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES TENNESSEE George D. Aiken, Putney Winston L. Prouty, Newport Gerald T. Flynn, Racine SENATORS Robert W. Kastenmeier, Watertown REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Gardner R. Withrow, La Crosse Estes Kefauver, Chattanooga William H. Meyer, West Rupert Albert A. Gore, Carthage Clement J. Zablocki, Milwaukee Henry S. Reuss, Milwaukee REPRESENTATIVES VIRGINIA William K. Van Pelt, Fond du Lac B. Carroll Reece, Johnson City SENATORS Melvin R. Laird, Marshfield Howard H. Baker, Huntsville Harry Flood Byrd, Berryville John W. Byrnes, Green Bay James B. Frazier, Jr., Chattanooga A. Willis Robertson, Lexington Lester R. Johnson, Black River Falls Joseph L. Evins, Smithville REPRESENTATIVES Alvin E. O'Konski, Mercer J. Canton Loser, Nashville Thomas N. Downing, Newport News Ross Bass, Pulaski WYOMING Thomas J. Murray, Jackson Porter Hardy, Jr., Churchland Robert A. Everett, Union City J. Vaughan Gary, Richmond SENATORS Watkins M. Abbitt, Appomattox Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Cheyenne Clifford Davis, Memphis William M. Tuck, South Boston Richard H. Poff, Radford Gale W. McGee, Laramie TEXAS Burr P. Harrison, Winchester REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS Howard W. Smith, Broad Run E. Keith Thomson,47 Cheyenne Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City William Pat Jennings, Marion Ralph W. Yarborough, Austin Joel T. Broyhill, Arlington COMMONWEALTH OF REPRESENTATIVES WASHINGTON PUERTO RICO Wright Patman, Texarkana SENATORS RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Jack B. Brooks, Beaumont A. Fernós-Isern, Santurce Lindley G. Beckworth, Gladewater Warren G. Magnuson, Seattle

Elected November 8, 1960, to fill vacancy caused by Died December 9, 1960; vacancy throughout remain- ' Died March 28, 1960. death of Russell V. Mack, but was unable to be sworn in der of the Congress. as Congress was not in session.