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UnitedStates Calendar; For the Year of our LORD 13 8, the Thirty-fecond of American Independence* CONTAINING

. Civil, Ecclrfaflirol, Juiicial, and Military Lids in MASSACHUSE i'TS ; Associations, and Corporate Institutions, tor literary, agricultural, .nd amritablt Purpofes.

4 Lift of Post-Towns in Majfacjufetts, with the

the o s s , Names of P r-M a ters,

Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT,

its With feveral Departments and Eftabiifhments ;

Tunes of jhc Sittings ol the feveral Courts ;

Governors in each State ; Public Duties, &c. USEFUL TABLES And a Variety of other intereftiljg Articles. *

boston : Publiflied by JOHN WEtT, and MANNING & LORING. Sold, wholesale and retail, at their Book -Stores, CornhUl-

P*S# ^ytu^r.-^ryiyn^gw tfj§ : —

ECLIPSES for 1808.

will eclipfes .his THERE befiv* year ; three of the Sun, and two of the Moon, as follows :

• I. The firit will be a total eclipfe of the Moon, on Tuefday morning, May io, which, if clear weather, will

be viiible as follows : H. M. Commencement of the eclipfe 1 8^ The beginning or total darknefs 2 6 | Mean The middle of the eciiple - 2 53 )> iimc Ending of total darkneis - 3 40 | morning. "Ending of the eclipfe 4 ^8 J

The duration of this is eclipfe 3 hours and 30 minutes ; the duration of total darkneis, 1 hour 34 minutes ; and the cbfcunty i8| digits, in the fouthern half of the earth's (hatiow. II. The fecond will be an eclipfe of the Sun, on Wed- nei3ay, May 25, about 6 o'clock in the morning ; but the moon's latitude will be fo far to the foutb, that the eclipfe will be invifible to us. III. The third will alfo be of the Sun, on Wednefday

October 19, about noon ; but in confequence of the moon's great fouth latitude, it cannot be vifible to any part of the . IV. The fourth will be an eclipfe of the Moon, on Thorfday morning, L\o-e,x,bcr 3d, which -.sill be totai, and vifible, if the iky fhould be clear ; the times of which will be as follow : H. M.

Commencement of the eclipfe 1 32"] The beginning of total darknefs 2 39 j Mean The middle of the eclipfe - 3 29 } time of total darknefs - End 4 18 | morning. The ending of the eclipfe - 5 2 o) The duration of this eclipfe will be three Hours and 53 minutes; the duration of total darknefs, 1 hour 39 min- utes j and the obfeurity 18 digits, in the northern half of the earth's {hadow. y. The fifth will be an eclipfe of the Sun, on Thurfday, November 17, at 10 o'clock in the evening, confequently invifible to us. 3)7.


JANUARY, 1808, begins, on Friday

Firir. (Quarter 5th day, 4h. 10m. evening. Full Moon 13th day, ioh. 47m. morning Laft Quarter 20th day, 6h. 22m. morning.

New Moon 27th day, 1 ih. 25m. morning

-n #>|b.Se; m|wj u m ir.G j. 16 Circumcifion, Fihe weaihtr 3* 8 43 2 16 for January. 1 V 9 41 3 c 2d Sund. paft Chriitmas. 3* 10 40 3 4-

C . P . A I Re J . Now comes 30 n 41 4 23 p.P.&S.Bottan. C.S Camb. 3° norn 5 E;,iph. Low Miles. [ D Apog. 20 39 5 47 ;*s lOLuh so 8h; 1.5m. on a 1 3.- 6 3 Lucian. driving Jlorm 28 2 w 7 18 r of fno J) or rain. 28 3 * 8 7 ift Sund. pafl Ep phany. 27 4 2 3 59 Northamp. and 26 C. Pi Warren. ,5 2 9 52

Sharp weather. 2€ 6 1, 10 47 tides for the feafon. e i3 4 Low .5 • n( 11 41 Peace rar. by Oongfdfs, 1784. 24 6 2 morn Clouds up for more 7 34 35 /now. 22 3 45 1 27 17C 2d Sund. paft Epiphany. 21 9 56 2 18 C- S. Northamp. and Warren. 21 18J2 u ; 193 Plea/ant, ]> Perigee. eo mom 204 (Middling tides. 19 17 4 52 Agaesi. Louis VI.beh.1793 18 1 22 6 8iU X .5 4 Vmccnt. yj! jlortri ts J 7 2 30 6 41 near. lb 3 35 7 37 }d Sund. pafl Epiphany. 15 4 3* 8 33 7*s ioutii 7h. Con St.P 4 5 21 9 28 Clear end cold »3 6 3 10 21 12 for Jone da)S. ]) let, 11 u Peter the Great died, 1725. 1 6 J7In 58 Vard L fets 2h. $m. A 10 7 i^ev.44 fudden change 8 19 1 27

|H^i4 ! ind. paft Epiphany 7 9 go 2

Eclipfcs (the molt, remarkable j of the iun, obferved at .ardis, and predicted by Thales, 585 before Chrifr; at Athens, 424 before ChrihV At , which cauicd a otal darknrf* at noon-day, A. D. 291 ; the fame thing happened in France, June 2Q, 1033. In England an ""

APRI L, '8o8 , begins on Friday. Firft Quarter 4th day, oh. 44m. morning. Full Moon 10th day, 6h. 42m. evening. Laft Quarter 17th day, oh, 52m. evening. New Moon 25th day, 2h. 44m evening.

Ob ile I. •-!• 6 i


MAY, 1808, begins on Sunuay. JUNE, 1808, begins on Wednesday.

JUL\, iSc8, begins on Friday* x

SEPTEMBER, 1808", begins onTfaurfday. Full Moon 4th day, 5b.. 57m. evening. Laft Quarter 12th day, ph. 46m. evening. New Moon 20th day, 2h. 43m. morning.

Firft Quarter 26th day, 6h. 1 2m. evening._

|r. M ' W Obter IP 1) ID

8 OCTOBER, i 808, begins on Saturday. Full Moon 4th day, 9I1. 34m. morning. Lnft Quarter 12th day, 2I1. 22m evening. New Moon 19th day, oh. 10m. evening. Firft Quarter 26th day, 4J1. 26m. morning.

! - cjjr ~j "I'-V| '->t> '>' * Ua> ..| .{£> |i« . 17 K'.nnji. (/!««: ccol 6126: 2B 16th Sund. paftTrin. cvcnivgs. C. P. & S. Nantucket. S.J.C.Dedh.&Augu.C.P.Boft Actw comes, on a cold N. E. 7*s rife 5T1. D Apogee.* •Gov. Hancock died, 1703. ijJn. Sund. paftTrin. /form. Clear, zvith high B. J. C.Taunton. C.S. Ipfv Gen. E!ec. , winds at N. TV. Dull and hazy

N. S. intre-du. 1582. jor for,::: t8ih Sund. part Trin. Queen ol days. [France btrh. 1793 18I3 S. J.C. Plym.&Portl. Now in 4 jComw. taken, 1781. cl.inv.

o5 'Remarkable cones ]) Perigee 2l'6 high tides. on. a I 22:7 jYard L rififs ph. 4cm. d tiring.

23B j lcjth Sund. part 1 rin. form. 24,2 Grows quite 2p S. J.C Barnft. C P. Tilbury. 264 cool for the 2 75 7*s fouth lh. 20m. feafon. 286 St. Simon and St. Jutje. 297 Cloudy, 30 a 20th Sund. part Trin. 7/ 312 bo* yWe wile.

NOVEMBER, 1808, begins on Tuefday. Full Moon 3d day, 3I1. 43m. morning. Laft Quarter nth day, 4I1. 57m. morning. New Moon 17th day, ioh. nm. evening. Firit Quarter 24th day, 6h. 19m. morning. uKirrvMWe Day% &c. Q-Mi |F.Seat S.J.C.Cainb&Altr. CP.&J> 6" 10 2 5 55 Grows warmer [Edgar ton. 6 56 6 11 91 D Apogee, eclipfed vifible. 5 57 6 ®rif< 11 55 - zi/7 ^ Joint 6 59 6 5 5* morn. rain. 5 642 47 sill Sund. paft Trin. Cotf&r, 7 3i 1 2q C. P. Nortbamp. ^2/£ ^«f 2 8 26 2 It S. 2 ? ( J. C, Salem. C.P.CaiHne 4 9 3 6 C?.pe Cod fettled, 1620. days 10 2', h 3 54 Clauds up Mi 11 25 4 4i norn. St. Martin. for a long 7 7 5 3 Bull's Eye fouth 9b. o 6 r 7 « 30 19 Sund. 22d pall Trin. Jlorm. 7 9 3, 7 //?>/* winds. 7 10 2 48! 8 o C .?. Plym.'&Pcml. C.S.Caft 7 it 4 ° M fome » Ve;y htifth tides for days. 7 13 5 4 9 49 i D Peiigee. 0ecl. 1UV.I7 14 D I ei 10 48 n Great Earthquake, N. E. 1755.7 15 11 5°: lx PLeafant for a few [7 16 6 34 SV.$2 J 23d Sund. paft Trin. <:a;'j. [7 17 7 35 1 54 Gr«i< //^/?y 7 18 8 42 2 52 V 26 SJ.C.Rofton&Nant. Cecilia 7 19 9 49 3 46 2 St. Clement. of J'now 7 20 5 io 54 4 37 fouth »i 7*5 nh. 26m. or \7 21 59 5 25 V\ Catherine's day. rain 7 22 norn. 6 10 Low tides. Changes 7 22 1 c 65 to B Advent Sund. 7 «3 1 5« 7 3 u e#2 mere agreeable 7 24 8 1 weather. , 7 25 3 55 u 04 Sr. Andrew. 7 26 4 53 q 46 etired public from life. Died December 14, 1 799. be fixty-cighth year of his age. The molt remaikable eras in hiftory. The Chriflians nake their era from the birth of Chrilt, which happened u the:he yearvear of 'he world 3962. This was not ufed till ibout (j»e year 600. The Mahomeran" rompu+e their

1808.J B DECEMBER, 1808, begins on Thurfday. Full Moon 2d day, ioh. 51m. evening. Laft Quarter 10th day, 5I1. 8m. evening. New Moon 17th day, 8h. 52m. morning. Firft Quarter 24th day, nh, 59m. morning.

Ubiti vable bays', dsc. jr.'CO s.|v.j|»: K.Me; u

THE ^atofrafects 3£egife,

Governors, &c- fmce the frfl fetthment of Plymouth and Mauachuietts.

Governors of Plymouth Colony, from 1620 to 3602, eicfted by the Peopie tor 71 years.

I Edward Winilow Jofiab Window John Carver j

V/iiiiam Bradford } Thomas Prince j Thomas Hinkiey MalTachutetts Governors, fiom 16 8 to 1692, elected by frrre People. (The figuresJhew the number cj years each governed.) Governors. 1 6 Civil Government in Mafiachufttts.

Governors. Licvtevavt Gcvrrncrs. 1-jPoJohn Hancoi k, to 1785 1780 1 homas Cufliiqg 1 785 James Eowdoin, 2 years 17S8 Benjamin Lincoln 1787 , to 1793 1789 8:j rr.ue! Ad?ms,toi;p| 3704 Samuel Adams, 3 years 1 794 Mofes Gill, to 1800 J797JncreafeSumner,tp 1799 lfcol Samuel Phillips 1800 Caleb Strong, to 1807 ]8o2Ea.H. RobbinSjtO 1806 1807 James Sullivari 1807 Levi Lincoln Civil Government in Massachusetts, For the Political Year, commencing May, 1807, and ending May, 1 808. His Excellency James Sulj ivan, Efq. ll.d. G venter and Commander in Chief.

— His Honor Lf v 1 Lincoln, E(q. Lieutenant Governor. COUNCIL. —Hon. Samuel Fowler Hon. Thomas Hazard, jr. /illiam Widgery Marfha! Spring —Daniel KiUiam —Benjamin J. Porter i iiam Laliis —Timothy Newell — Nathan We {ton SENATE. Hon. , Prefidcnt* ^ Suffolk. — Hon.'Karrilon Gray Otis, "Chriltopher Gort%Jorm Phil- lipsT^VVilham Spooner, anfiSPeter C. Brooks,

-.Essex. „ -- . -v., .. s Hon. T^noch 1 itqomb, John Heard, John Phillips, jr. Na- thaniel Thurllon, luael Thorndike, ancl William Gray. MlDl.LESEX. v — Hon^Jonathan Maynard, ftaron Hill, vVilliam Hildreth, and Samupi^Dana. -*. York. - v — Hon. John Woodman and Jofeph Storer. w Hampshire, •—Hon. 'John Haflings zra MaiKwakweaihei^Hugh M'Lellan, and Cieorge Blifs. ^ Pl.YMOUTH, - - Hen. Nathan Willis, ancLSeth Sprague.

. Bristol ^_ --^ Hon. Nathaniel Morton, jr. andDavid Perry. Barnstable. —Hen, James Freeman. Maiktchu&tts Reprefentatives. J 7

Duke's Cgun'ty and Nt antucket. *-44on. Ifanc Coffin. .\Vorcester. Hon^Salem Towne^, Thomas Hale, and "" -. Cumberland. .—-"""Hon. amTJames Means. Lincoln, Hancock, and Washington.

, .~~^Hon. George Ulmcr, andWilliam King. Berkshire.

. ~^~H ^p. Timothy Chi Ids, anchAzariah Egglefton. . Norfolk. Hon. John Howe, ana Ebenczer FiPner. Ke nn ebeck. — Hon.. Barzttlai Gannet. Thomas Baldwin, d.d. Chaplain to the Council, Senate, and Houfe of ReprefentatJvcs. John D. Dunbar, Efq. Clerk.


£|F* The Counties are arranged according to the time of their incorporation. Principal Towns are in small cap- itals. Figures at the end of lines denote the diftance of miles from Bolton. Date of iacorporzliaa. 1643, SUFFOLK COUNTY. 163c, Sept. 7,«—-BosTON^jfonathan MafonT^William Smiib^Jonathan Hunnewei!,^ Samuel v< Parkman, William Sullivan, *^Ed ward Tuckerman,"^John Welles, "^William Phillips, Francis Wright^John Winf- low^Stephen Codman^Redford Web- {ler/^Simon Elliot/^Thomas Perkins, *SBenj. Ruffel^Baniel Sargent^Thomas W. Surnne r^jarnes Lloyd, jr.Nfohn Cal lender, Thomas H. PerkinsTThohias v K. Jones, ^3enjamiu Goddard^Benj. WhitraanSlohn T. Apthorp.^Thomas DanfortlvChaiies Davis, ancTWililam Brown. 1738. Jan. to, Cketfcd, 1808.J B 3 8 —

1 MafTachufetts Reprefentatives. '

1643, ESSEX COUNTY. s 29, June 24r-SAi.EM^ Jobn Hathome^AVilbani Oeveland^ohn Southwick,*5o{hua Ward.^Wni. StearnsT^Joleph Story, "^-Jofeph >Vinn,"Jo!eph Sprague, jr. ancT^Benjamin Crowpinfhield, jr. 13 34, Aug. 5.—ih»s\v 1 ch,Nathaniel Wade^Jona- than Cogfwell^Jcfeph Swafey 29 Newbury, Little 46 35, May 6t — Jofiah 37, No\. —Lynn, &c>$v(. FulleiCSklicajah New- hali,N\aron ijreed^benezer Hart 8 39, May Zif—GIoucefle^VJm. Pearfon^John Somes, NDanie} Rogers, jr.~~"Wm. Pearce, jr. XJaleb Norwood, jr. 34 26 39> 4, Rowley. Thomas Gage, jr. 40, 7, —Sfl/^Hrv^Jonathan Morrill,"" Jonathan Webfler 46 10, IVmkam, 26 14, Manchfjttr, 3© —Haverhill, James Smilcv, 32 G,—74r/dcver,hhH. Kiuierige^Jb. Kneeland22 Zf—Marbl, heqdp$ohx\ Prince,'sNathau B. Mcirtin,TPhilip Befom^jMw Bailey, ^Afa Hooper, antPJofliua Prcntifs, jr. 15

,50, Oft, i% r-2'<''psfl c/d, Nathaniel Hammond 39 6S, April £9,- Amt/bury, Chiillopher Sargrnt 45 Oct. 1 4»— 68, #rtfcr/v f**fhs. Davis,Sfcbner Chapman 15 75 Srad/ord, Samuel Webftcr 3 2 85, Aug. \i,—£oxjord, Thomas Feriev 3° J 725, Dec. Sr Methi«n, Benjamin Oigood 3 l 26, June 20, Middltion, 28 June 16,— 57, Danvcrs, Nathan Fulton x *7 64, Jan. 28, —N EWBURYPOR T^-iark Fitz, An- dre.w Frothingham^onathan Gage, " -Edward Little^Stephen Howard, ^John Pearion 4° 82, July 3, Lynn/rdd, (Diftria) unites with Lynn 93, June Stir-Hamltos, Robert Dodge 26 1643. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. ^0, June 2i<-C-H ari.es to WN'^Thomas Harris, NMaithew BiidgejN^avid Goodwin,

'^"Richd . Froth ingham^vNathl. Hawkins 30, Sept. 7, —fPatertown, Jonas White 7 30, Sept. 2$,-~Medfcrd, Nathaniel Hall 4 ——— 6

Maffachufetts Reprefentatives. r9

1633, Sept. ^—Cambridge, Samuel ButterfieldyNatbl. P. Watfon, Jcfiah Mafon, jrTStephen Dana zh 1635, Sept. 2,— Concord, Jofeph Chandler 18 39, Sept. 4,- Sudbury, William Hunt 25 42, May 18,—Wcbvrn, Bill Ruffe! 1 Jo 44, May 29; Reading, Timothy Wakefield 14 49, May 2, —Maiden, Jonathan Oakes 4 £5, May 29,-^o^s/rWrWrn. Adams^ich. Gibfon 26 55, May 29; -Rillerica, Jofeph Locke 20 A5, May 29,- Grcton, Jofeph Moors 35 £0, May 31,---Marlborough, John Loring 28 73, Oft. \5r—Dunft able, &c. Ifaac Wright 37 74, May 27, Sherburne 22 83, May 16,'StouK &c. Ephraim Wircomb 25 91, Dec. 15, Newton, Timothy Jackfon 9 1700, June 25, Framing ham, 84 I, Feb. 2bj Dracm, IfYael Hildrcth 30 12, Jan. 1« JVejlon, Ebenezer Hpbbs 15 j 2, Mar. 20, Lexington, Nathan Chandler 10

3,5, Dec. 3; hittleion, Simon Hartwell 28

1,5, Dec. 13,—Hopkinton, Walter M'Pariancl 32 24, Dec. fy*-Hotlijlon.) Jai'on Chamberlain 27 25, Dec. 17, Stoneham, 10 29, Sep;. 23^ Wfjfvrd, Thomas Fletcher, jr. 28 29, Sept. 23, r^yJ'-s', 13 30, Sept. 25,- Wilmington, Samuel Jaques J 32, June 29,—*?\zcnJJtend, Abner Adarhs 45 34, Dec. 23^ Tac!:jbu:\, William Simonds 24 35» J u 'y 3»—«^p^» Jonas Brooks 24 Ah.-er 37, Jan. 4, Waliham, Ssnderfon H 53. Jan. 5r-.S''//r/o, Nathaniel Koldea 41 53, April, —Peppertil, Jofeph Heald 40 10" ^4, April l^^-feffCfl/n, Samuel Hear 6, A/kby, 50 67, Mar. ^ 80, April to* ka ? Sudbury, Jacob Reeves 19 81, Feb. 19, Natick, 18 83, Feb. 25, Boxtorough, (Diilr.) unites with Stow 30 89, June 22, Tyngficrcagh, unites wi;h Dutiable 31 Jo 09, Feb. 24, tiuriingtcn, 20 l£oj, Feb. i$,-4ar!?jle, Ephraim Rabbins

1653, YORK COUNTY. Alexander M'Intire 53, May 18, -York, 75 .^Vry, Alexander Rice bj 53, May i8,»-K ————

20 Maflachufetts Reprefentatives,

1653, Aug. 30? Wells, John Storer 88 3713, June 9, Berwick, 85 18, Nov. 17, Biddefcrd, 105 19, June 5, Arundel, Eliphalet Perkins 96 62, June 9,— * SacoTWm. MoodyvBenj. Pike 109 67, June 15, Lebanon, David Legro loo 68, Feb. 27, Sanjord, £?c.vNathaniel Conant, jr. ^Thomas Kceler 98 72, July 14,— Buxton^Szm. Merrill/} os. Woodman 1 18 7&, Mar. 11, Lyman, 88 85, Mar. 5, Shapleigk, John Leighton 108 85, Mar. 9,—Parfonsjield, David Marfton 118 87, Mar. 6, Waterborougk 1 10 87, Mar. 6, Limerick, 114 92, Feb. 9, Limington, James Kettcl, 110 94, Feb. 4, Alfred, (diftj unites with Sanjord 8R 94, Feb. 26, Ntwficld, 108 94, Feb. 27, Cornijk, 1 18 98, Feb. 27, Phillipfbvrg, Jcfeph Atkinfon 12.1 1662, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY. 35 or 45, MarchT-SpRiNGFiELD, John Hooker 97 £4, Oct. 187—^fo rth, and East Hampton, ^Solomon Stoddard^Thaddeus Clap loo 61, May 22, Hadhy, Charles Phelps 97 69, May ig,—We/lfield^A{hbe\ Eager^Jed. Taylor 105 70, May 11, Hatfield, i 0o 82, May 24^ -Beerfield, Ephrajm Williams 109 1713, Feb. 22, Northfield, Medad Alexander 100 18, Nov. 12, Sunderland, loo 31, July 14^—Brimfield, William Eaton yc 41, April joj Blandford, William Knox ! i(> 42, Jan. 15, Ptlham, 85 52, Jan. 3^ Palmer, Aaron Merrick 8s 53, Jan. 5, -Southampton, Frederick Judd toq 53, April i2,-~Soutk Hadley, Ruggle* Woodbridge 90 513, June 9,- Greenfield, Mofes Bafcom . 114 53, June \$,—Neu> Salem^Saml. C. Allen, Varncy Pea ice 8.5 53, Dec. 22^-^Aontagve, Nathan Ch°.nery 97 54, Jan. 25,—G > anville^Abvaham Granger, \Enoch Pnincrofr . i^cj 54, April 93, Gwcnwfck, 7c r " 59, Feb. 13;—Tfw/urr/?, Samuel F. D.'c'c:n on ( "* At this original daie, it was A.-inu-j P

MafTachufetts Representatives. 21

^o 760., April 25, Monfion, » v , _ 61, June 30, &khertowtt^%Xv^sxm Phelps, illdad Paribus 85 . 61, June Sof—Fo'rarne, David Smith 12o 61, June go, Skutapjury 9° 61, Nov. 25, Ware, v 7° 62, Mar. 6,—Sarna rd^own, &e7jiczkh. Newcomb, jr^Stepbrn Webfter no -62, June 11,- €hejlrrf.cld, Benjamin Parfons 113 62, Sept. iSr~Sovt/: Brw-fit/d,'&c. Cyrus Munger 80

63, Feb. iy9 <~Warwick i &c Jofiah Cobb 9» 63, June 15,-—/f7#rtf/*<2wrAViiham Rindge^Solo- mon Wright 89 64, June 2T,- -Afifidd, Ephraim Williams 117 65, June 21, Claremont, 120 65, Oct. 31,—€/;cfter, Martin Phelps 120 165 1*5 67, June Conway , John Barm Iter 68, June 11,—Granby, David Smith 9° 68. June 21, Shelourne, l-° m Jonathan Woodbridge 120 68, June ^p{rWoTthingtm% Jc, Nov. 7, Southtvick, Jo'eph Forward no 71, April 24, Wkately, ' 105 71, April 24, Wiliiamjburgh, >°» 73, June 29, ^Norwich, J1 4 74, Feb. %%,—4,v.dlaw, Incrcafe Sikes 9<* 74, Feb. 2.0,—WeJl Springfield^ Jonathan Smith, jr. Timothy Horton.NLuke Parfon* 100 74, Mar. *,,-~leverett, Tames Curtis 95 79, Sept. 29, Weft Hampton, 109 79, April ia, Buckland, *»0 79, June 23, Cummirtgton, 12 o 80, Nov. 28, Montgomery, 100 81, M.-y, 8, JJWe//, 80 81, May 14, Gojlien, 1 19 83, Mar. 1 2, -Middlefe/d, Uriah Church 125 83, GO. 13,—Long Meadow, Ethan Ely 97 83, OQ. 15, Orange, (Dili.) unites with Warwick, 7,5 84, Mar. 12, Ley den, unites with Barnardjlcwn ioq 8,5, Feb. 9, /foarc, 130 85, Feb. 14, Heal A, 125 85, June 17, Eaft Hampton, unites with Nortkampt. 105 92, Feb. 7, Hawley, 120 92, Feb. 25, .tfw/

22 Mafikchufetts Reprefentatives.

J 807, June 15, Plainfidd, 120 Holland, (Dift.) unites with £. Brimjitld 1685, PLYMOUTH COUNTY. eo, Dec. lr; Plymouth, i>Iathaniel Goodwin, ^^phraim Spooner, 42 3.5, Sept. 2,—fIJngkanuHzvcY.ts Fearing 19 36, Oft. 5, ^eituate^Q,lnxt\e& Tamer, jrNEnoch Caliamore 27 37, June 7; Buxborc? Adam Fifh 38 40, Mar. .«, Marfhjield, Nathaniel Clift 36 44, May 29, HuH, 9 —Bridrewater, 56, June fy Daniel Mitchell 50 60 June, —Middleboroug £"""5ohn TinkhamT^evi Peirce/Jac. CufhmanT^am. Pickens 40 86, June 4, Pochefter^Q'^zon Barftow, jr>-Je{Ie Hafkell 53 1707, June 4, Plympton, 45 21, Mar. 21,— Pembroke^lfacB. B3rker>Bailey Hall 3! 12, June 10, Abivgton, Nath?n Guvney, jr. 22 s6, June 1 6r—Kingston, John Faunce 58 27, June 14, Hanover, 25 34, July 4, Halifax, Nathaniel Morton 35 39, July 10, Wareham, 60 90, June 9, Carver, 50 3685, BRISTOL COUNTY.

39, Sept. 3, T-aukt ON', Jonas Godfrey g5 45, June 4, Rehoboth, E'kanah French, jr. 44 64, June 8,-— Dartmouth, Holder Slocum 70 67, Oft. 30? Swavzey, Daniel Hale 51 83, July, ^-—Freetown, William Rounfeville '50 9.1, Oft. 19, Attleborough, Ebenezer Bacon '36 1711, June 12,—-Norton, 33 12, May ^Qi—Dighton, John Hathaway 43 2,5, Dec. 21, Eaflon, JohnTifdale 37 31, April 2, Raynham, Ifrael Wafhbum 36 35, April 18,— Berkley, Apollos Tobey 30 70, April 26, Mansfield, 30 '87, Feb. 23, -~New Bedford, John Hawes ^ 87, July 2, Wcflport, < 70 90, Feb. zofScmerfet, Clark Purrington 52 z6 —Troy Abraham Bowen 1803, Feb. t t \$ ——

Maflachufettis Reprefentatives. 23

1685, BARNSTABLE COUNTY. 39, Sept. 3,—-Bar n stable,,Eben. Lothrop, Jonas Whitmans-Richard Lewis 6j 39, Sept. 3y Sandwich, john Freeman, ^Benjamin Percival 59 gq, Sept. 3, Yarmouth, Elifha Doane no 46, June 2, Eaftkam., 100 86, June ^.—fa/mout/t^BaiVid NyeVfiraddock Dim- mock 77 94, Sept. 14,— Harwich, Benjamin Bangs, 88 1709, July 16, Truro, 1 1-£ 12, June u,—€hatham, Reuben Ryder 9,5 27, June 14, Picvincetcwn* 126 63, June 14, Marjhpee, 63, June 16, Welljiett, 105 93, June 19, —Dennis, judah Paddock no 97, Mar. 3, Orleans, loo 1803, Feb. 19, Brczujler, 88


71, July 8— Ed garton, Thomas Cooke, jr. 94 7 1, July 8,—Tifbury, John Davis 97 1714, Oct. 30, Chilmark, 99


87, June 27, Nantucket, Micajah Coffin 1731, WORCESTER COUNTY. 16.53, M a y 18, £ancajler, Eli Stearns 35 67, May x^'—frlendon, Jofeph A^lams 37 84, Oct. 15,*—Worc este r, Edward Bangs, ^^Cphraim Mowef>&muei Flagg 45 1713, —Oxford, Abij ah Davis />4 j 3, Feb. 1,5, Leicefltr, 54 13, Feb. 23, RutlaiyL . 56 ; I,, June 21,-—Sutton,,jon as Sibly, jt)fiih Stiies 46 rough, 3 7, Nov. 18, Wcjl bo Nathan Filher 34 18, Nov. 12, ~~B rook field, Oliver Crolby 64.

27, June 27, Uxundg e, 41 27, July 6, Southborough 30 27, Dec. lgr—Shrezv/bury, Jonah Howe 40 28, Aug. 1, Lunenburg, Edmund Cuming 45 51, Feb. 2,—-Dudley, Thomas Lamed 55 * This was the firlt port ente*d by the Engliih, when they came to fettle in New-England, in 1620. ————

24 Maflachufetts Representatives.

1732, June 29,- Harvard^ onaihan Wctherbee^Jon- aihan Symonds 35, 35, April 18,- Grafton, Eleazer Lei and 40 35, June i4,"~tfpton, Ezra Wood, jr. 38 30, Jan. loj Hardwick, Timoihy Page 70 38, June 2'\,~—Bolton, &c Silas Hoi mart 33 38, June 2^~—Siurbrid?e, Oliver Plympton 70 40, Jan. 9, —Holder/, William Dairy ^j 40, June 23, Leornmjler, 46 41, Jan. 16, Wcftern, Jofcph field 73 46, Douglafs 47 5*> Jan « %\,~New-Braintrec, Jofeph Bowen, jun. 66 53, April Sr~Spt?/cer, Benjamin Dairy $8 54, April 20, piterjliam, Nathaniel Chandler 66 54, Nov. v.,~~-Cha,rleton, John Spurr 60 62, Mar. 6, Temphton, 63 62, Mar. 6, Athoi, 72 62, June 7, Oakham, 62 64, Feb. 3, Pitchburg, Samuel Gibfqn _ 42 64, June 14,- Winchendon, William Whitney 6 65, Feb. 12, Paxton, 5^ 65, Feb. 16,—Royal/ion, Ifaac Gregory 7o 6,5, Feb. 22, Ajliburnham 55 66, Jan. i^-^Nor'.hborough, James Keyes 36 \ ,'---Hubbardftonr 60 70, April 261, Wejhninjler, Jonas- Whitney ^ 71, April.24, Princeton, ^2 72, July 14, Northbndge, 45 74, July 14, -ifar^rElijah Caldwell,^* Walker 65 78, April 10, Ward ^5 80, April 1 i,—Milford, Samuel Jones 34 81, April Q^r—Sterling, Ifrael Alien 46 84, Mar. 16, Berlin, (Diftiift) unites with Bolton 8.5, June 27, Gardier, Jonathan Ofgood ^8 86, Mar. i,-^Boyl/lu'n, James Longley 45 86, Oft. 20, Gerryi 66? 580 1, Feb. 18, Dana, y^ ,760, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. T 1658, Oft. ig^J>car!'G->o ,lhn]. Larrabee^Geo. Hig'it 131 J713, Oft. 3!, North Yarmouth^ Ammi R. Mitchell 140

18, Nov. i2 t ^—Falf/icutA,S4oha Waite*^John Jones, ~~"S;:inuel Bu:ts7^famv-s Mo; rill 120 38, Jan. i6,r-8-<-Hnfwick, Robert Givt:a 151 58, Jan. 2£, Ha^fwcll, 165 ——

Maifachufetts Reprelentatives. 25

1762, June 12, Windham, 134 64, Oct.. 30, Gorham, Lothrop Lewis 13© Nov. 1, Cape Elizabeth. 126 6,5, ^ 74, Mar. 8,—Niw Gloucefter,lh*c Parfons; Jofcph E. Foxcroft 146 78s June 19, --Gray, Jofeph M'Lellan 141 85, Nov. 3®, — Standifi ,. 163 86, July 4, 9> :> r r lan d, (, Jo- fvph H. Jngraham^"jofeph Tiicomb, """William JenkS^Matthew Cobb 143 89, Feb. 14, fret-port, Nathan VVeiTcri 140 89, Feb. 17, Durham, 16,5 Feb. Bridgetown, 94, 7, — 156 95, Feb. 17, -Poland, Samuel Andrews 150 9,5, Feb. 18, Leivifiown, 167 98, Feb. 19. Otisfield, 152- 1802, Feb. 18, tfjirf, 2, Mar. 6, Pejepfeot, 2, June 93, Baldwin, 3, June 21, Raymond, 5, Mar. 8, Hani[on, J76o, LINCOLN COtfNTY. 16, June 13, Georgetown, 170 53, June ig,*+Newca/i/e, David Murray iq.2 Oct. 2c, WoolwUk, . 59, v 167 60, Feb. i3r-AV:scAS<;ET7 Mofe$ Carleton, jr. **Abiel Wood, jr. 178 62. Sept. 18, Bowdoinham, 171

. STo //^-«, Benjamin Hafey 64, Jan 3 1 ,— 156 64, Nov. 3, Booihbay, 190 6,5, June 18, *-BriJlol, Simon Elliot 204 73, June 29, Waldoborcugh, 2ro 74, Mar. 5, EI; comb, 180 76, Nov. j, -—Warren, , 203 77, Mar. 20, nrf^iom^Jiown^AdXon. Whcaton/Ezek. L-^dge G. 21 5 81, Feb. ij^atk, Peieg Tall man 165 86, Ocl. zo^r-Urnon, Edward Jones 210 88, Mar. 2t, Rowdoin, 166 88, Nov. ii*—Nohkborough, James Perkins 199 8o, Jan. 28, Cu/hing, 207 91, Feb. \~f~-£amden, Farnham Hall E28 94, June 2j, Drefdcn, Samuel T. Goodwin 180 i3o8.j e ———

46 MafTachufetts Reprefentatives.

1794, June 2,5, Nezu-htilford, Mofes Carleton 191 95, Feb. 18, —-Lewi/Ion, Joel Thompfon 95, Feb. 18, -^Litchfield, John Neal 220 99, June 22, Lijbon 1803, Feb. 7, &. George, 210 4, June 2o, #

33, June 22, Sheffield, &c. 145 39, June 22,—Stockbridge, John Bacon 141 ,59, June l^r—ASra; Marlborough, Zenas Wheeler 144 60, Feb. 13? Fgremont, James Baldwin 145

6i, April 2i 1*rPztts/ield,'**Simcon Giifwold,^Jehn Churchill 140 61, June 30, Great Barrirmgtcn, John Nichols 150 62, Mar. 6,^~Sandisfield, &c. John Picket 135 62, Mar. 6,—Tyringham, Jofeph Wilfon 140

1 65, June 20, Lane/borough, &c. Sam . H. Wheeler 144 r 65, June 2o,-~Wzlliamfown^A i\]\am YoungT^m. Towner 150 65, June 20, Becket, George Conant 130 _ 65, June sir—Richmond, Zechariah Peirfon 150 67, Feb. 26, Lex o x, Jofiah Newell 145 dj • 71, July 2,—Win 'or, Amos Hoi brook 136 71, July 4, Peru, (was Partridgefield) 128 73, Feb. 16, Afford, 145 73, Feb. 24, Loudon, 124 74, Feb. 23, Weft Stockbri$lge, Samuel Barftow 1,50 76, July 2, Hancock, 150 77, April! 2, Wajhington, 145 77, Oct 21/—Ltjt, jared Bradley _ 140

78, Oa. ifr~-Adams, Elifha Wells _ 140 79, June 2t, Aft. Waftiington, unites with Sheffield 84, Mar. 20," Walton, John Chamberlain, jr. 13,5 89, June 24, Bethlehem, 130 -93, Mar. \\r~~£h.cftiire, Daniel Brown 140 97, Feb. 2or—8nvoy, Jofeph Williams 97, June 19, Southfield, unites with Sand/sfield 98, Mar. 2, Clarhjburg 1801, Feb. 26, New Ajliford, unites with hanejboi 01 4, June 2 1, Hinfdale, 5, June 15, Florida ——

MafTachufetts Reprefentatives. 27

3789, HANCOCK COUNTY. 73, June 22, '-Belfafl, Thomas Whittier, 246 87, Feb. 23, Penobfcot, 263 88, Mar. 2 i£-firrington, Francis Carr, 305 89, Jan. 12, Sdgu'kk, 3*5 89, Jan. 28, Iflc/borcugky 260 89, Jan. 30, Dcer-Ifle, 305 89, Jan. 30, Bluehill, 344 89, Feb. 16, Trenton, 286 89, Feb. 16, Sullivan, 3 JO 89, Feb. 16, Goldfborovgh, 330 89, Feb. 17,—Mount Defert, Davis Wingate 335 89, June 25, Vinalhaven, William Vinal 250 89, June 25,^ frankjort, Abner Bicknell 238 91, Feb. 25,' -Bangor, James Thomas 280 92, June 27,—BvcA/lown, Caleb B. Hall 260 94, Feb. 2^,—Profpeel, Henry Black 250 94, Feb. 24, Hamden, Seth Kempton 300 96, Feb. jo?—Cast 1 ne, Oliver Mann 263 96, Feb. 13,— Northport, Ebenezer Frye 258 96, Feb. 23, Eden, 335 1800, Feb. 21, Orland, o, Feb. 26, Ellfworth, 2, June i^r-Lincolnvilk, Philip Ulmer 3, June 21, Surry, 6, Mar. 1 2, Orono,


84, June 23,—-Mac h 1 as, John Dickinfon 400 9,5, Feb. 87, Steuben, 37° 96, Feb. 8, Columbia, 380 97, Feb. 14, Addifon, 375 97, June 17, Harrington, 37° 98, Feb. 2\,-JLajlport, Oliver Shead 450 1793, NORFOLK COUNTY. Tol- 1630, Sept. j,"~E)orche^er , Jperez MortorvEzekiel man, Fhineas Holderi 3 30, Sept. 28,'—^xWvrjofeph Heath/Wiri. Brewer, TBlima Whitney^alph Smith

3,5, Sept. 2, —Weymouth, Chriftopher Webb 14 36, Sept. 8, —DEDHAM,*~John Endicot, ufaac Bul- lardT^Samuel H. Dean. 10 40, May lfc—Brain tree, Benj. Hayden, jr. 8 £t. May 2%,—MedJield, &c> Ephraim Chenery 20 ———— 1

2 8 Maffachufetts Reprefentatives.

6a, May *], J u ty 7, Xtoaer, (uukes with Medjield) 18 92, Feb. 23, £a7zry, 10 £3, Mar. 9,—-Randolph, Thorn as French 15 97, Feb. 2$,—€antcn, Jofeph Bemis *799> KENNEBECK COUNTY. 71, April 26; Hallawell, Samuel Moody 195 71, April 26,- Winthrop, Samuel Wood 185 71, April 26; Vajjalbor&ugk, Abie'f Getchell 204

71, April v&f—Winflow, Eieazer W. Ripfey 2 1 70, Feb. 4,^ Piitftowih Thomas Eidred 187 88, June 18,- Greene, Luther Robbins 164 SB, June 18,-—Canraart, B

, Mar. 1 , 9 1 1 Readjield, 1 90 92, Jan. 20, Monmouth, Simon Dearborn, jr. 180 92, Jan. 30, Sydney, 203 92, June 27, Mount-Vernon, John Hovey 2oo 94, Feb. l, Farming ton, Zachariah Norton 20 \ 94, June 20, New-Sharon, 100 95, Feb. 28, Glinton, Aiher Hinds 222 go, Feb. 28, Starts, 230 95, Feb. 28,— -Fayette, Solomon Bates 200 96, Feb. %—Betgrade, Mofes Carr 96, Feb. 8, Harlem, 213 - 97, Feb. 20, Augusta, Jofhua Gage 192 98, Feb. 12, Wayne, 98, Feb. 24, Cornville, 98, Mar. 1, Anfcn, 1800, Fib. i6^Leeds, Daniel Lothropjr. 1, Jan. 31, Strong, 2, Feb. 20, ClKJltrvillc, 1 ———

Maffachufetts Reprefentatives. £9

1802, Feb. 20, Vienna, 2, Feb. 22, Avon, 2, Feb. 22, New- Vineyard, 2, June 23, —Walerville, Elnathan Sherwin 3, Feb. 17* Gardiner, Samuel Jewett 1 3, June L%, Harmony, 3, Tune 20, Temple, 3, June 20, Induflry, 3, June 23, Wilton, 4, Mar. 7, Athens, 4, Mar. 7, Madifon, 4, Mar. 7, i?ww

7r June 20, Palmyra, 1805, OXFORD COUNTY. 1777, Jan. u,*~~Fryeburgh, John M'Milhn 120 86, July 7, Turner, John Turner 172 92, Mar. 6, Hebron, 167 93. Mar. 16, Buckfield, Enoch Hall 173 93, June 20, , Elias Stowell 175

9,5, Feb. 26. Jay, , 395 95, Feb. 28* htvermore, Nathaniel Perley 195 96, June 10 r-Bet/iel, Eliphaz Chapman 97, Mar. 2, Waterford, «. Ho 97, Mar. 9, Norway, 152 98, June 13, Hartford, 98, Sumner, 183 800, Rumford, 0, Lovell, 2, B>'czunfield, Albany, Dixjicld, Ea/i-Andover, Gilead, Ncwry 93 Denmark, Hiram, Mejfenger to the Houft, Jacoh Kuhn. 74- finger to the Governor and Council., William Galr. 1808. C 2 3© Standing Committees.

Secretary of the State. '—Jonathan Loring Aullin. \fl Clerk, Edward M'Eane. I %d Clerk, John Devotion.

%d Clerk, Samuel AuRin. | Treafurer and Receiver-General. —Tompfon J. Skinner, of Bofton. Clerfi, Laughton. zd Clerk, Fofter. if Jofeph J James (p^* Offices are kept in the New State-Houfe, Bofton. STANDING COMMITTEES FOR THE YEAR 1807. On Accounts, Of the Senate, Hon. Thomas Hale and David Perry. Of the Houfe, Meffrs. Young, of Williamttown, Hol- man, of Bolton, 3nd Fjfhcr, of Weftborongb, " who are the Committee for the prefent year to examine all accounts that may be exhibited for t'ie fupport of fuch indi- gent perfons as are by law the proper charge of this Com- monwealth, and ail other accounts which may be exhibited for fervices performed, cafh advanced, or any property fup- plied for the ufe of this Commonwealth, purfuant to any

law, refolve, or order of the General Court ; and to make out a roll, arranged under general he ids, fignifying the names of the refpe&ive perfons or towns whofe acccunts fball be properly vouched, together wi h the amount of the fums, which may be found due on fuch accounts, and lay the fame before this Court for their coniideration and allowance." On Neiv Trials. Of the Senate, Hon. John Phillips, Hon. George Blifs. Of the Houfe, Meffrs. Bangs, of Woicefler, Moody, of Hallowell, and Wheeler, of Lanefborough. On Incorporation of Towns. Of the Senate, Hot. Salem Towne, Hon. John Howe. Of the Houfe, Meflrs. Brewer, of Roxbury, Lewis, of Gbrham, and Simonds, of Tewkfbury. On Turnpikes, Bridges, and Canals. Of the Senate, Hon. Ezra Starkweather, Hon. Azariah Eglefton. Of the Houfe, Meffrs. Coffin, of Nantucket, Hunnevrell, of fcoflon, and Crowninihidd, of Salem. Standing Committees. 31

On Incorporation of Pari/hes, and Religious Societies. Of the Senate, Hon. Ifaac Coffin, Hon. F.noch Titccmb. Of the Houfe, Meflrs. Hathorne, of Salem, Spooner, of Plymouth, and Day, of Wrentham. On Interior Fi/heries. Of the Senate, Hon. Tames Freeman, Hon. Ebenezer Fiiher, Of the Houfe, Meflrs. ^Godfrey, of Taumon, Mitchell, of North-Yarmouth, and Smiley, of Haverhill. On Elections. Of the Hcufr, Meflrs. Bangs, of Worcefter, Wboaton, of Norton, Hail, of Backdown, Wheeler, of Lantfborough, and Davis, of Bolton. On Finance. Of the Houfe, MeflVs. Smith, of Weft-Springfield, Wells, of Boilon, Cleveland of Salem, Thatcher, of Warren, and Kittendge, of Andover.

On Bills in the Third Reading. Of the Houfe, Meffrs\ Chamberlain, of Dalton, Smith> of bollon, andVinal, of Vinalhaven. On Engrojfed Bills. Of the Houfe* Meffrs. Prince, of Maiblehead, Locke, of Billerica, and Kneeland, of Andover. On Eajlern Lands. Of the Sf7?tfrf,Hon.Jon.Maynaid,HonJohn Phillips (E.j Of the Houfe, Metfrs. Turner, of Scituate, Lewis, of Gorham, and Tallman, of Baih. On Banks and Infurance Companies. Of the Houfe, Mi-flrs. Tallman, cf Bath, Wheaton, of Norton, and Bangs, of Wcrcefter. On Change of Names. Of the Houfe, Meffrs. Flagg, of Worcefter, Smith, of Eofton, and French, of Rehoboth. On Military Applications. Of the Houfe, Meffrs. Spurr, of Charkcn, Lewis, of Gorham, and, Hawkins, of Charleftown. Notaries Public. 3 2

On County EJlimates. Of the Houfe, Meffrs. Sm'-th,of Weft-Springfield, Wade, of Ipfwich, andVinal, of Vinalhaven. Notaries Public in MafTachufetts.* Suffolk. Robert Gardner Bofton Edward Bojlon j Jones Benjamin Romans Jofeph Loring, jun. | Essex. Beverly Jofeph Wood Newburyport Jonas Kettel Gloucejler John Rogers Stephen Crofs Haverhill Stephen Minot Salem John Punchard Ipfioich Robert Farley Levi Maxcy Lynn James Gardner William B. Dodge Marblehead John Bond John Saunders Ifaac Mansfield Salifbury Samuel Nye Middlesex. Cambridge James Greene Groton John L. Tuttle Chartejlown Timo. Fuller Wattrtown John Rockwood Concord Levi Thaxter York.

Biddefiord Jeremiah Hill I York Samuel Derby Wells Jonas Clark | Hampsh ire. Jona. Leavitt, jr. W. Springfield] uft\n Ely, jr. Greenfield j

Springfield jom. Dwightjr. | Plymouth. tyxboro* Studley Sampfon Plymouth David Bacon HingHum Jeife Dunbar Wareham Jonathan Lincoln Plymouth Ebenezer White Bri tol. Dartmouth EphraimTrip N. Bed/. John M. Williams Dikhton Tho. B. Richmond Taunton Barney Corey Kezo Bedford EliHafkell Wejtjord Simeon Tifdale Barnstable. Barnflablt James Hinckley Provincetown Jona. Cook Chatham Jonas Whitman Wellfleet Samuel Waterman /a/wauMSalathial Nickerfon Duke's County. Tijhury William Athearn Edgarton William Mayhew John Dunbar * Public Notaries are appointed for the purpsfe of mak- ing protefts, giving certificates under the.feal of office, and

entering and regifteringprotefls and o:her notarial writings : alfo for altering the fame. — N

Notaries Public. —Infpectors of Beef. 33 Nantucket. Nantucket Ifaac Coffin Nantucket Daniel Ceilin. W O R C E S T E R .

Brookfield Cheney Reed I Sterling Mofes Smith

Mendon Jofeph Adams /Torqy?

Peter/ham J CUMB E K I AN n. Brunfwick John Babfon Portland Samuel Homer /7ar/>/aW/Adw.Duming,jr. N. Yarmouth Daniel Stone Portland Jofeph C. Boyd Li nc 01. Path William Webb T/wmaJiown Baniel Rofe Boothbay Jackfon Duram Waldobord1 Walcrm.Thomas NezucajUe Daniel Water-; Wifcajjet Jof. Chiiftopher Berks URE. Lenox Thomas Williams Sandisfield Ephm. A.Judfon Pittifield Jofeph Danforth Hancock.

Belfajl James Nelmith Frankfort Y . L. B. Goodwin Buckjlowif Moody Pilifbury Sullivan Pan, D. Sargent Caftine Jcfr.ua Woodman Surry Geo^e Herbert Deer-ljle Thomas Jofeph Tyler . James

Wash 1 not on Columbia Jofeph Patten . No. 5. Head of Salt Loll port William Allen Water Shubne.l Dcwnes bclwodick River Plantation Machias Jerel O'firiari, jr. John Brewer Steuben William Campbell Nor folk. r. Rlxhtry Nathl. Rubles | IVeymaut, /Jas. Humphreys,] Kb n n ebec k. Hallowell Eleazer W. Ripley.

Appointments under State Authority. By the Gcfcernor and Council. in[peeler Gen . oj Beef and Pork, Jofeph RucrKs, of Boflon [Office is kept at No, 5}, India Wharf.] Deputies. Ameflniry Richard Sawyer #era/;o4Banholomew Nafon Augujla James Chi ids Bcverlv B.obert Porter Bath Benjamin Fofler Biddford Robert Cleaves Bcljaft Nathl. Emeifon BofiCtt John Dakivs Marblehead Jona. Roundy James Barry Medford Jonathan Warner Thomas Emmons j 34 Infpeclors.

Bradford David Walker Newburyport NicbolasBrown

Brunfwich Jeremiah Hacker Northft eld Jabrz Whiting Cambridge William Mafon N. Yarmouth John Thomas CharUflown James Smith Orrington Jeremiah Burr Ifaac Smith Portland Shirley Erving Thomas Gould Roxbury George Zeigler Danvers Daniel Goldrhv.'ait John Wells Bedham Abijah Parker Salem Jonathan Ropes Falmouth Jofeph Marean Jofhua Phippin Glouccjler Benjamin Stacy Salifbury Ezukiei Worthen Gorham ' Royal Lincoln Seth Clark Hallozoell Jofeph Smith Benjamin Lurvey George Bartlet Nathaniel Ring Haverhill Nathaniel Ayer Scituate Caleb Ray Ipfwich Benjamin Averill Somerfet Ezra Chaie Kennebunk Timothy Keezer Springf. Jeduth. Sanderson Lanefbord Samuel Bacon Wateriown Peter Wheeler New Bedford Samuel Taber Samuel Holt Newbury John Ofgood Winthrop John Wadfworth Caleb Kimball Wifcefftt Jeremiah Berry Newburyport John Tracy Infpetl. of Pot & Pearl Afhes, David Townfend, of Boiton. [Office kept oppofite South Burying Place, Pleafant ftfeet.J Deputies. Bath Benjamin Fofler 1 Haverhill Phineas Carlton Medford Andrew Blanchard Newburyport Jonathan Call Charlef.own John A^iftin j Portlaiid Shirley Erving Infpeclor of Nails, Gen. John Winflow, ofBofton. [Office is kept at No. 2, South Row.]

Afa Danforth, at Taunton, his Deputy.

Infpeclor of Tobacco, , and Lard, Francis Wright* of Bottom [Office is kept in High ftreet, near RulTeli's wharf.] Deputies.

(fiarlejlown Nathan Adams I Newburyport James Locke jjallowcjl Jofeph Smith Portland Samuel Hoit j jyedford Jonathan Warner Salem Jofhua Phippin | Roundy j^ewburyport John Tracey { Marblehcad Jor.a. Keeper of the Standards of Weights & Meafures, and (ex- officio} as Treafurer, Tompfon J. Skinner, of Bofton. Richard Auftin, his Deputy, at Boilon. .

Infpectors. 3J

In.fpeBor-Gene.ra I of Fijh, Henry Purkitt, of Boflon. Ajfijlant, Henry Purkitt, jr. [Office i« kept at No. 5, Doane's Street.] Deputies Boflon Beiij. Clark Hingham William Hatch Samuel Abbot Ipfwick Benjamin Averill James Eunfon & Son L\nn John Downing Howe & Tower Marblehcad Jona. Roundy Hezekiah Hud (on Ncwburyport Nich. Brown Ephraim B. Hutchinfon Orrington & ) Stephens Lemuel Gardner Eddin°ton ) Spooner Benjamin Owen Orrington Jonas Bicod Bath Benjamin Fofter Plymouth Matthew Cufhing Bangor Sylvanus Palmar Portland Anthony Fernald Buckjlozon John N. Swanzey Provincctown Reuben Orcott Cambridge Gilbert Dickfon Salem Jonathan Ropes Charicji own ) T T ° Schoodick PI. No. 4 & 5 J°naS J° n s & Mtdford \ Samuel Jones Cohajjet John Beal Sdtuate Caleb Ray Eajiport Jeffe Stephe ifon w/^£*> SamK M Samuel Earl r retport ) Edgarton Cornel. Mai chant Swanzey & Peleg Gardner Franhjort ? ., _ Dih hton Abnerlurner & Pro/peal Taunton Afa Danforth HidiozvdL Mofes Palmer Vafjalborovgk ) William

Haverhill ) . . & Augvjla ) Palmer Wmxr Dav,s & Bradford $ ' Warren Joleph Copdand Hingham Ifaac Waters IVoteitown bamuel Hult

Maflachufetts Medical Society at Bofton.

Incorporated November 1, l"8l Officers eleBedon the \fl Wedncfday in June annually. Prefident, Tohn Warren, m.d. ViCe-Prefidrvt, Joifma Fifher, M.D. Trcafunr, James Jackfon, ftf.B. Ccrrefponding Secretary, Thomas Welch, A.m. Recording Secretary, John C Warren, m.d. Librarian and Cabinet Keeper, John Fleet, m.d. Counfeilors and Feilows in the different counties may be known by applying to the Recording Secretary. There is a meeting of the Cenfors once in four months, for the examination of Candidates for the practice of phyfie. 36 Medical Societies.

Branch of Maffachuf.Medi cal Society atWorcefter. Iiitiituied ,n 180J. Prefident, Oliver Fifke. Vice-Prefidmt, Ifraei Whitton. Tnafurer, . Corresponding Secretary, Eben. H. Phillips. Recording Secretary, John Green.

Branch of Maflachuf. Medical Society in. Eflex. luthtuted in the year 180.5. PrefidenU Edward A. Holyoke, m.d. Vice Prefident, Jofhua Fifher, m.d. Treafurcr, James Gardner, m.b. Librarian, Benjamin L. Oliver, a.m. S-.crctary, John D. Treadwell, a.m.

Bofton Medical Difpenfary. Inftituted October, 1796. Incorporated beb. 26, 1801* Officers elected on 2d Thurfday in Qclcber. Prefident, Treafarer, William Smith, Efq. Seci'etary, John Andrews, Efq.

Con/idling Phyficiems% Lames Lloyd, M.D.Ifaac Rand, m.d, ( Thos.I. Parker, m.b. Southern DifV. Vifiling Phyficians, < Middle Diftna. (Horace Bean, a.m. Northern Diflr. I Stephen Thayer, Southern Diftrift. Apothecaries, < Thomas Bartlet, Middle Diftrift. ( Robert Fennel ly, Northern Diftrift. Managers, John Andrews, Efq. Capt. Samuel Dunn, Jon- athan ^Amory, Efq. Henry Hill, Efq. Mr. Sam. Salifbury, Mr. AdamEabcock, Sam. Cobb, Efq. Mr. Sam. Snelling, Mr. Heridcrfon Inches, and Mr. Ebenezer L. Boyd. The Manners meet quarterly on the 2d Friday in each month, at the fign of the Good Samaritan, No. 13, Cornhill. N. B. The Southern Diftri& comprehends all the fouth part of the town from the fouth fide of Winter and Sum- to the fouth fides mer {beets ; and extends of School and Milk Uresis, down to the water. The Middle Diftrict from thence to the Mill-Bridge, including Weft Befton.—The Northern Diftrift, all the north part of the town from the Mill-Bridge. . . . r The above tnftuution, though yet in its infancy, has af- forded the means of relief to many neceflitous perfons, Charitable Societies. 37 among other*, whofe feelings would have been hurt by an application for aflifta nee from the Alms-Houfe ; as they are by this charity attended, free of any expenfe, by aa able Pbyfician, either at their own houfesor at the Dilpen- fary, as the cafe may require, and furniflied with whatever medicine they may need, and with wine, if neceffary.

Bofton Medical Library*

Iniiituted July 1, 1805. Librarian, John Fleet, m.d. Secretary, Doft. John G. Coffin. Treasurer, Do&. Afa Bui lard. Tfujlces, Dr. John C. Howard, and John C. Warren, m.*d,

Kennebeck Medical AfTociation. Inftituted 1797. Officers defied id Wcdncfday in June annually. Prefident, Hon. Daniel Cony. Vice- Pnf dent, Dr. John Hubbard. Treafurer, Dr. Peltg Benfon. Secretary, Dr. Mofes Appleton* Librarian, Dr. Ariel Mann.

MaiTachufetts Charitable Society* Fountlcd in Boflo^, Sept. 6ih, 1762. Iiicoipoiated March 15, 1780. Yearly Meeting for the choice of Officers, *Jl Monday in Sept. Prefident, Jonathan L. Auftin, Efq. Vice- Prefident, Mr. John Simpkir.s. Treafurer, Capt. James Prince. Secretary, Dr. Nathaniel Noyes. Trujlees, Benjamin Auftin, Samuel HewCs, Jofeph Shed,' Ebene^er Rhoad..j s, James Ridgway, George Homer, Amos- Bin ney, Mejfenger, John Low.

Iriih Charitable Society at Bofton. Inftituted March 17, 1737. Yearly Meeting for the choice of Officers, 17th of March* Pre/ident, Simon Elliot. Vict-PrefidcrA, Thomas Englifh. Treafurer. John Magner.- *8o8.] i> 2$ Charitable. Societies*

Keeper of the Silver Key, Andrew Dunlap. Recording Secretary, John Beane. Correfponding SecreHry, Shubael Bell. T/ufiees, Timothy Hunt,. John Gillis, and Wm. Daily.

Bofton Epifcopal Charitable Society. Inftituted, 1724. Incorporated February 12, 1784.

Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers', on Eqfier Tuefday*, Prefidtnt, Samuel Dunn. Vice- Prefident, Rev. J. S. J. Gardner. Treafurer, Benjamin Greene* Secretary, John R. Parker. Trufiee^ Richard Green, George Deblois, Jofeph Head\, Rev. Afj Eaton, Jofeph Fofter, and Mr. John Amory.

Scots Charitable Society at Bofton.

Inftituted 1684. Incorporated March 16, 1786.

Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, ift Tuefday rV May* Prcfidait, Andrew Ritchie. Vice- Prefident, William Clowfton. Treafurer, William M'Kean. Secretary, Thomas Semple. Aftjlants, John M'Farlane, William Lamb, Robert Wayet, and William Meflon.

Maffachufettt Congregational Charitable Society*

For the Relief of Dcjlitute Widows and Children of deceafed Miniprs, Incorporated March 24, 1786.

Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, on the Monday preceding the lafi IVedncfday in May. Prefidcnt, John Lathrop, D.D. Vice-Prefjutni, Samuel Eliot, Efq. Treafurer, Eliphalet Porter, D. d. Secretary, Jofeph Eckley, d.d. Council, Rev. Dr. Lathrop, Rev. Dr. Eliot, Hon. Geo. Cabot, Hon. Thcophilus Parfons, Rev. Dr. Jofeph Dana, Rev. D.. Eliphalet Porter, Rev. Dr. Barnard.. Charitable Societies. 39

Ma/Tachufetts Charitable Fire Society.

Incorporated June 25, 1794. Yearly Meeting Jcr choice of-Officers) on the Friday next after the laji Wcdncfday in May. Semi-annual Meeting 3d IVtdnefday in November. Prc/idcnt, Arnold Welles, Eiq. Vice-PrefiderJ, Thomas K. Jones, Efq. Correfpending Sec. Rev. Jofeph S. Buckminfter. Recording Secretary, William Aliine, Elq. Treafurer, Dr. Joftiua Thomas. Trujlees, John Eliot, u. d. Mr. James White, Shu- baet Bell, Efq. Benjamin RuiTeil, Elq. Mr. Enoch Hule, Mr. Jofeph Lovering, Frauds Wright, Efq. and Rev. William Emerfon.

Roxbury Charitable Society.

Instituted January, 1794. Incorporated February 26, 179$. Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, %d Monday in Sept. Prep dent, Hon. John Read. Williams. Firfl Vice-Prcfident, Capt. Jofeph .. Second Vice-Prcfident, Rev. Dr. Eliphalet Porter. Treafurer, Jofeph Ruggles, Efq. Secittary, , Efq. Standing Committee, Deacon Joihua Felton, Mr. George Zeigler, Rev. Dr. Eliphalet Porter, Mr. Thomas T. Rob- jnfon,Mr. John "Williams.

Tru (lees ofJ 0* n Bo y l s t o n ' s CharitableDonation s, lor the Benefit and Support of aged poor Perfons, and of Orphans and deferted Children. The Selectmen of the Town of Boilon. Incorporated Feb. 3, 1803.

Truftees of the Franklin Donation. The Selectmen of Boilon. Rev. James Freeman. Rev. William Emerfon.

Maflachufetts Charitable Mechanic AfTociation at Bolton. In-ftituted March i£, 1795. Incorporated March's, ioc-6. 4° Charitable Societies.

Yearly Meeting Jot the choice of Officers, 3d Thurfday in Dec. Prefident, Jonathan HunnewcH, Efq. Vice-Prefidtnt. Maj. Benjamin RuIIell, Treafurer, Francis Wright, Efq. Secretary, Mr. Thomas Welis. Truflecs, Capt. Samuel Todd, Msj. Charles Clement, Capt. David Cobb, Mr. James Barry, Capt, John Cotton, Capt. Ephraim Thayer, Major Peter Oigood, Mr. Jona. Jtiiharn, and Mr. Ch'riftopher Smith.

Boflon Female Afylum.

Inftituted Sept. 23, i8co. Incorporated Feb. 26", 1803. Officers chofcn on the lajl Tuefday in September. Firjl Dircclrefs, Mrs. Hannah Still man. Second Dircclrefs, Mrs. Mary Hubbard. Treafurer, Mrs. Eleanor Davis. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Eliza Lincoln. Collecting Secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth Thurfton. Managers, Catherine Codman, Elizabeth Dorr, Mary Gray, Ann Green, Mary Grew, Abigail May, Hannah farkman, Sarah Perkins, Hannah Smith, Elizabeth Thuif- ton, Margaret Whitwell. Mifs Rebecca Rockwell, Govervefs.

fj^T The Afylum is kept at No. Q, South Street.*

Salem Female Charitable Society.

Inftiruted July 1, 1801. Incorporated June 2,3, 1804, Yearly choice of Officers, ijl IVednefday in May.

Firft Dinare/s, Mrs. Elizabeth White. Second Direcirefs, Mrs. Eunice Richardfon. Treafurer, Mrs. Margaret Kolyoke. Secretary, Mrs. Abigail Ma'fon Dabney. Managers, Mrs. Rebecca Cabot, Preferved Eikins, Deb* orah Hovey, Catharine Piefcott, Lois Palling, L> dia Townfend, Sarah Ward, Dorcas Woodbiidge.

* Thirty-tuo children are njw in the Afylum; four have died fines its injlitution ; and twenty-three have hem placed in families. Treatment with Drowned Perfons. 41

Portland Benevolent Society.* Incorporated Feb. 15, 180,5. Yearly meeting for the choice of Officers, \Jl Wednesday in Ocl. Prefident, Samuel Deane, d.d. Vice- Prefident, Rev. Elijah Kellog. Secretary, Stephen Longfellow, Efq. Treafurcr, Samuel Freeman, Efq. Managers, Matthew Cobb, Samuel Deane, Samuel Fieeman, Timothy Hilliard, Jofeph H. Ingraham, Elijah Kellog, Stephen Longfellow, Robert Boyd, and Ebenezer Storer.

* The defign of this Society is t» relieve and afEft thofe objefts of compafiion, whofe circumfiances may require relief in a manner different from that which is by Law pro- vided for the fupport and employment of the poor ; com- prehending therein, the widow and the fatberleis, the delli- tute and helplefsftranger, and all who, by ficknefs, infirm- ity, or misfortune, may be reduced to indigence.

Newbury-Port Female Charitable Society. Incorporated March 15, 180,5. Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, id Tuefday in June* Fir/} Direclrcfs, Mrs. Hannah Balch. Second DireBrefs, Mrs. Sarah Thorn pfon. Trcajurer, Mrs. Margaret Atwood. Secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth Noyes. Managers, Mrs. Elizabeth E. Carter, Sufanna Coffin, Ann Norton, Dorcas Noyes, jun. Ann Wheelwright, jane GreenJeaf, Elizabeth Coombs, and Mifs MaryWoart.

Summary of the Method of Treatment to be ufed with Perfons apparently dead from drowning,Scc. THE RESUSCITATIVE PEOCESS, Recommended by the Humane Society. CONVEY the perfon to the neareft convenient houfe, as with his head raifed : ftrip and dry him as qu-ck poffible : clean the mouih and noflrils from froth and mud. If a child, let him be placed between two perlbrs naked, in a hot bed. If an adult, lay him on a hot blanket or bed, and, in cold weather, near afire—in warm weather, 1808.] D2 43 Treatment with Drowned Perfons. the air mould be freely admitted into the room. The body is next to be gently iubbed with warm woollen cloths, fprinkled with fpirits, if at hand, otherwife dry. A heated warming-pan may be now lightly move d over the back, properly covered with a blanket—and the body, if of a child, is to be gently fhook every few minutes. Whilft thefe means are tiling, let a clyfter of warm water with as much

common fait as it will diffolve, be thrown into the bowels. Bathe the bread with hot rum, and pcrfift in the uie of thefe means for feveral hours. If no figns of life mould then appear, let the body be kept warm feveral hours longer, with hot bricks, or veflels of hot water, applied to the palms

of the hands and foles or the feet ; and this for a longer or fhorter time, as the circuraftances of the cafe may dictate. The too cuftornary method of rolling on a barrel, tuf- pending b}' the feet, and every other violent mode of agna- tion, particularly in removing the body from the water, fhould be moft carefully avoided. To reftore breathing, introduce the pipe of a bellow*

(when no apparatus is at hand) into one of the ncftnis, the

other and mouth being elofed ; inflate the lungs, until the

bre^ft is a little railed ; the mouth and noitms mud then be Jet free, Kcpeat this procefs until life appear. Electricity is recommended to be early employed by judicious practitioners.

General Obfervai ions. ? Refv[citation* On the dawn or fir ft indication of returning life, the pru- dent practitioner will refign the office, of Art to Nature. It is evident that art has contributed her fhare by enabling Nature to druggie with the immediate caufe of oppreffion. It is in fact this judicious blending of Nature with Art that gives to the latter all its efficacy.

Onfigns of returning life,

A tea-fpoonful of v^arni wa-er may be given ; and if (wallowing be returned, warm wine or diluted brandy. The patients muft be laid in a warm bed, and if difpofed to fleep, they will generally awake perfe £t ly rcftored. The plans above recommended are to be ufed three or four hours.— It is an abfurd and vulgar opinion, to luppofc perfons irrecoverable, becaufe life docs not foon make its appearance. fcf Bleeding never to be employed, unlefs by the direc- tion of a phyfician* Humane Societies. 43

Maflachufetts Humane Society, at Bofton. Incorporated tebruaiy 23, 1791. Officers chofen at tin: fem'-annual Meeting, 2d Tuefday of Dec, Prefident, John Warren, m. d. Firfi Vite-Prefident', John Lathrop, D.D. Second Vice Preji dent., Aaron Dexter, M.D.

Treafurtr, John Ehot, d.i . Cvrrefponding Secretary, William Spooner, M.D. Recording Secretary, Edward Gray. Truflees, Jeremiah Allen, Efq. Samuel Prrkman, Efq. James Sen, Eiq. Edward Giay, Eiq. William Phillips, JTq. Jofeph Cooiidge, Efq. and Rev. William Emerfon,

Merrimack Humane Society at Newburyport,

If.ilituted in 1S02. Incorporated March 7, 1804. Officers annually ckcledton theftrjl Tuefday iuSept niber. Prefident, Mtcajah Sawyer, Vice- P ref dent, Nicholas Johnfon, Efq. Treafurcr, Jonathan Gage, Eiq. Cornj"ponding Secretary, Nathi. Bradftreet, M.B, Recording Secretary, William Woart, Eiq. Truflees, William Coombs, Eiq. Rev. Thomas Caryv Nathaniel Salionftail, m.d. Samuel Nye, Efq. Rev. Ifaac Smith, Rev. Daniel Dana, Rev. Saraud spring, Rev. John Andrews, Rev. Jofeph Dana, d.d. Rev. James Morfe, Rev. Jonathan Allen, Rev. John Giles, Rev. Charles W. Milton, Di, Bifhop Norton, John Pearlon, Efq. Thomas M.Clark, Efq. Daniel A. White, Eiq. Deac. Eu.ard Dorr, Rev. jono S. Popkin, aad William Eartlett, Efq.

Society for propagating the Gofpel among the Indians, and others, in North America.

Incorporated November 19, 1787. Yearly choice of Officers, day after General ELclion, P>efidcnt, William Phillips, Eiq. Vice-Prefident, John Lathrop, d.d. Secretary, Jedidiah Morfe, d.d. Affiji'ant Secretary, Abiel Holmes, d.d, Tieofarer, Mr. Samuel H. WaKey. Vice-Treafurer, John Eliot, d.d. Selecl Committee, Mr. Samuel Salifbury, Jofeph Eckley, jd.d. Hon. Dudley A. Tyng, Hon. John Davis, and Jedi- diah Morle, d.d. .

44 Miffionary Societies.

Board of Commiffioners of the Society in Scot' land for promoting Chriftian Knowledge.

Officers chofen May 27, 1806. Prefident, Hon. Oliver Wendell. Vice- Prefident, John Eliot, d,d. Treafurer, William Phillips, Efq. Secretary, Jedidiah Morfe, d.d. Standing Committee, Jofeph Eckley, D. d. Eliphaler Porter, D d .WilliamPbillips, Efq. and JedidiahMorfe, d.d.

MafTachufetts Miffionary Society. Inftituted at Rofloo, May 28, 1799. Yearly choice of Officers, lajl Tuefday in May. Prefident, Nathaniel Emmons, d.d. of Franklin. Secretary, Rev. Jacob Norton, of Weymouth. Treafurer, Deacon , of Bofton. Truftees, The Prefident ex officio, David Sanford, of Med- way, Daniel Hopkins, of Salem, Samuel Niles, of Abmg- ton, Samuel Spring, of Newburyport, Samuel Auttin, of Worceftcr, John Lrane, of Northbridge, Samuel Worccf- ter, of Salem, Jonathan Strong, of Randolph, Elijah Par- ifh, of Byfield, and Jacob Norton, of Weymouth. Honorary Members of the Board of Trujiees. The Prefident of the Miffionary Society. The Prefident of the Miffionary Society. The Prefident of the Connecticut Miffionary Society. The Prefident of the Hampfhire Miffionary Society. The Prefident of the Berkfhire and Columbian Miffion- ary Society.

g^lT Rev. Jonathan Strong, of Randolph, is chofen the firii, and Rev. Samuel Worcester, of Salem, the fecond preacher.

The MafTachufetts Society for promoting Chriftian Knowledge. Inftituted in September, 1803. Yearly choice of Officers, in May, Prefident, Eliphalet Pearfon, ll.d. Vice-Prefident, Hon. John Treadwell. Treafurer, Caleb Gannett, Efq. Clerk, Abiel Holmes, d.d. Secretary, Jedidiah Morfe, d.d. Librurianj Rev. William Greenovigh- Miffionary Societies. 45:

Directors, The above officeis, including fhe Rev. Joihua Bates, Thomas. Pjrentii's, of Mcdfield; and Mi. Samuel H. Walley.

MafTachufetts Baptiti Miffionary Society. tnlhmted May '2b, 1802.

Yearly choice iff Officers, laji Wednefday in May. Chairman, Thomas Baldwin, d.d. Secretary, Rev. William Collier. Treafurer, Mr. Oliver Holden. Tru/las, Thomas Baldwin, D. d. Rev. Jofeph Grafton, Rev. Stephen Gano, Rev. Willi :n Williams, Rev. Val- entine W. Rathbun, Deacon John Wait, John Kenrick,

Efq. Rev. Eliflia Williams, Rev. John Pe ti k, Rev. Win. Collier. Rev. Wm. Batchelder, Rev. Lucius Bolles.

Berkshire and Columbian Miffionary Society. Officers chofen $d Tuejday in September. PreftdtTtty Stephen Weft, d.d. _ Via-PrefuUni, Hon. Timothy Edwards. Treafurer, Hon. William Walker. Secretan Jfcey. A Ivan Hyde. , Clerk, Rev. Oliver Aye;. Truftees, Rev. Aaron Bafccm, Stephen Wefl, d.d. Rer. Eprrraim Judfon, Rev. /VKai Hyde, Rev. David Perry, Rev. Daniel Col lias, Hon. William Walker, bU n. Timothy Edwards, YLto., David Rofletei, Deacon Levi Nye, and ObaiHah Wa d, Efq.

Haropfbire Miffionary Society at Northampton. Incorporated Feoru ny 21, 1804. Yearly choice of Officers, on the Tkurjei'ay vf ike week take*

Common Pleas is, heLi, in the the Court of month of Au&ujt % at Uoi o'clock. P. M.

Prefidevt, Hon. C -\ I. k 3 Strong. VicfrPr/fidtnt, Rev, S;:o)ue) Hopkins, Triafurer, Ru^g'es Woodbridge, E«q, Corrcjponding Secretary, Rev. Enoch Hale. Recording Surctar), Rev, Samuel Tageart. Truftees, Hon. John Haflings, JoJeph LatVop, p, p. Hon. Ebenezer Hunt, Jofeph Lyman, d. d. Juftin Ely, Efq. Rev. Solomon Williams, William Biliings, Em, David Pearfou, d.d. Charles Phelps, Efq, Rev, Richard p, Storrs. o

4& Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Baptift Education Fund.

Incorpoiated Feb. 26, 1794.

Yearly choice of Officers, Tuefday after \Jl Wcdnefday in Sep.t* Chairman^Thomzs Baldwin, d.d. Treasurer, Ebene&er Little Boyd. Secretary, Mr, James Harrilon. Trvftees, Re.v. William Williams, Rev. Stephen Gano, Rev. Joitffff Grafton, Rev. George Robinfon, Stephen Dana, Efq. Rev. Joel Briggs, Mr. Daniel Wild, Mr. Ebenezer L. Boyd, Rev. Eiifha Williams, Rev. Jofeph Clay, Deacon Joiiab C. Ransford. This Society meets in Bcfton, annually, the laft Wed- nesday in May, and at fuch other times and places as the ^Society may judge proper.

The Warren AlTociation Will meet at Newton, the Tuefday after the firft Wed- oefday in September, at % o'clock, P. M. Rev. Jofeph

Ciay is appointed to preach the introductory fermon ; in «afe of failure, Rev. Wm. Barchelder of Haverhill.

American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Incorporated May 4, 1780.

Yearly Meeting for ckoice of Office-rs, ±tk Tuefday in May. Prefidtni, J h n Adams, li..d. Vkc-P ref dent, Samuel Webber, d.d. Recording Secretary, Hon. John Davis. Currcfponding Secretary, Hon. John Q. Adams*. Treafurcr, Rev. James Freeman. Vice-Treafurer, William Spooner, M.D. Librarian, John La:hrop, D.D. Caoinet-Krefer, Mr. Allan Pollock. Ccunfellers, Hon. Robert T. Paine, Francis Dana, ll.d. Benjamin Lincoln, Efq. Cotton Tufts, Efq. John Lathrop, D.d. John Warren, M.D. Caleb Gannet, Efq. Loammi fialdvvin, Efq. and Hon. John Davis.

Maflachufetts Hiflorural Society.

Inflituted at Bofion, January, 1791.

Incorporated Feb. 19, 1794. Libraries, &c. 47

Yearly meeting for choke of Officers, lafi Tuefday in Aprit, Prefiditit, Hon. Chriiiopher Gore. Tnafurer, Hon. Joiiah Quincy. Correfponding Secretary, John Eliot, d.d. Recording Secretary, Rev. James Freeman. Librarian, William S. Shaw, Efq. Cabinet Keeper, Mr. Samuel Turell. Standing Committee,. Hon. James Winthrop, Mr. Red- ford Webfter, Hon. John Davis, Rev. Wm. Emerion, and J. T. Kirkland, d.d. Committee for Publications, Abiel Holmes, D.D.Thomas L. Wintbrop, Efq. Hon. John Q. Adams, and Rev» Thaddeus M. Harris.

Bofton Library.

Incorporated June 17, 1 794. Yearly meeting for choice of Offers, \Ji Monday in. March* Librarian, Lawfon Lyon.

Treasurer y Mr. Allan Pollock. Secretary, Mr. Nathan Webb. Trujiees, John Eliot, d.d. John T. Kirkland, d. d.. Hon. John Davis, William Spooner, M. D. John Phil- lips, Efq. Mr. Redford Webfter, Rev. Afa Eaton, Mr. William Walter, and Doft. John G. Coffin.

Social Law Library. Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, %d Wednefday in July. Prcfident, Hon. Theophiius Parfons. Treafurer, Charles J^ckfon, Efq. Clerk, Francis D. Channing, E(q. Trujiees, Hon. Chriftopher Gore, Jofeph Hall, and William Sullivan, Riquires.

Bofton Aqueduct Corporation, Incorporated Feb. 27, 1795. Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, en if Saturday in May. Quarterly meetings on if Tuefdays in Feb. May, Augufl and' November. Prefident, Hon. John Davis.

Vice-Pref den t, Dr. Aaron Dexter. Treafurer arid Secretary, Mr. Andrew Cunningham. Direclors, Dr. Aaron Dexter, Hon. John Davis, Mr. Johih Knapp, Mr. William Hammatt, Mr. Gideon Snow, Mr. Triftram Barnard, and Mr. Andiew Sigouruey. 43 Agricultural Societies.

MaflTachufetts Agricultural Society.

Incorporated March 7, 1792. Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, zdlVednefday in June. prefident, Hon. John Adams, ll.d. Firjl Vice- Prefidtnt, Aaron Dexter, M-D. a.A.s. Second Vice-Prefident, Theodore Lyman, Efq. Treafurer, Thomas L. Winthrop- Correfponding Secretary, John Lowell, Efq* Recording Secretary, Dudley Atkins Tyng, A.A.S. Trufl>es, John Warren, m.d. A.a.S. Samuel W. Pome* roy, Efq. Hon. Jofiah Ouincy, A.A.s. John Kirkland, d.d. Rev. William Emeifon, A.A.S. and Ebenezer Preb!e,Efq.

Vifitors of the MaiTachufetts Profeflbrfhip of Natural Hiftory. Founded at Harvard College, Cambridge. The Prefidents of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of Harvard Univerfity, and of the MaflTachufetts Medical Society; and the Trufiees erf the MaiTachufetts Society for promoting Agriculture, for the time being. prefidtnt, Hon. John Adams, l.l.d. Secretary, Dudley A. Tyng, a.a.s.

Kennebeck Agricultural Society at Augufla. Infti tuted, 1800. Incorporated Feb. 17, 1801. Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, Prejidcnt, William Howard, Efq.

Firft Vice- P reft devt, Jofeph North, Efq.

Second Vice- Pre fi dent, Nathaniel Dummcr, Efq. Treafurer, Daniel Cony, Efq. Recording Secretary, Henry Sewall, Efq. ohn M< Tr k > «* Corresponding Secretaries, I i . /r 6 ' f y James Bridge, Elquires. Trvjlees, Charles Vaughan, Efq. Arthur Lithgow, Elq. Robert Page, Efq. Rev. Daniel Stone, Chandler Robbins, Efq. John Davis, Efq. Rev. Eliphalet Gil let.

Weftern Society of Middlefex Hufbandmen. Incorporated Feb. e8, 1803

Yearly meeting for choice of Officers is held on the \Jl Tuefday in September, at Wefiford, Littleton and Graton in rotation, at 10 o'clock-, A.M". Mafonic Societies. 49

Prefdf.nt, Hon. Ebenezer Bridge. r F'rH Vice-Prefident, Ziccheus Wright, E q. Second Vice- Pnfi dad, Rev. John Bullard. Retirding S cretaiy, .Vr. David Lawrence. Currcfpondmg Secretary, Rev. Edmund Fofter.

[Who are Truftees ex officio.'] Treifurer, Cap*. Francis Kidder. Truftees, Hon. Timothy Bigelovv, Mr. Ebenezer Ban- croft, and Deacon Abel Fietche'.

Society of Printers in Bofton and its Vicinity*

Inftituted Auguft 2, 180,5.

Annual mating \fl Tuefday in Oclober. Pnbdent, Major Benjamin Rufieil. Secretary, Mr. David Francis. Treafurer, Mr. Enlign Lincoln. Librarian, Mr. Edmund Munroe.

Grand Lodge of MafTachufetts.

The firft Mafon's Lodge in America was held in Bofton, }] J 'Y 3°» 5733» by virtue of a commiflicn from the Right Hmoroble and Right Worfbipful Amhony Lord Vifcount M mtague, Giand Mafler of England. —The Maflachufetrs Grand Lodge (alfo holden at Bolton) was firft eftablifhedon December 27, ,5769, and defcended from the Grand Mafter of Scotland. —On the 19th of June, 5792, a Grand Mafonic Un on was formed by the two Grand Lodges, and all dif- tinttions between ancient and modern Mafons abolifhed.

(£$T The Quarterly Communications are held at Vila's H'U, in Bofton, on the evenings of the 2d Mondays in M rch, June, September, and December.

Yearly choice of Officers is in the month of December. GRAND OFFICERS. R. W. and Hon. Timo. Bigelow, G-and Mafler.* R. W. Simon Elliot, Efq. D. G. M. * " A Grand Mafter fnall he annually chofen, on the evening of the fecond Monday in December ; and no per- fon (hall be ei'gible for the office more than three years fucceflively." Corftitution, chap. iii. feci. 3.

i8c8.J & s° Mafonic Societies.

R. W. John Soley 5. G. W. R. W. Shubael Bell h Q. W. R. W. Allen Crocker G. T. W. TobnProaor G.S. R. W. Henry Fowle S. G. D. R. W. Edward Goodwin 7. G. D. R. W.ThaddeusM. Harris 'a G. S. R. W. Benjamin Ruflell G. M. W. John May, jr. G. S. B. Rev. Br. John Murray, Bojlon Rev. Br. A fa Eaton, Bojlon > Grand Chaplain* Rev. Br. Ezekiel L. Bafcom, Gerry

") Grand Chaplains Rev. Br. Jacob Herrick, Durham > for thr. Mafonic Rev. Br. Thurfton Whiting, Warren ) DiJlri&s{Mainc). Br. Thomas Redman > Grand Stewards, Br. Stephen Bad lam Br. Eb'phalet Hale > G. Purfuivants Br. Robert Lath, jr. > Br. William Eaton, Gr. Tyler Who were all proclaimed in tke Lodge by the Grand Marfh.,11.

The following is a lid of the Lodges under the jurifdic- »onofthe Grand Lodge of Maflachufetts. The Lodges are divided ino twelve diftrirts; and a Diftrift Deputy Grand Matter appointed to each diiirift, by the prefem viz* Grand Matter, , First District. R. W. and Ho*. Daniel Davis, of Bojlon, D. D. G. MV St. John's Hiram " Lexington. Meridian Wattrtoicn- Mount Mori ah Reading Mount Lebanon Bojlon- Rural Onincy Confrellation Dfdham Amicable Qambridgeport Second District. R. W. Jonathan Gage, Efq. of Nmburypt. D. D. G. M.

St. John's Newburyport I St. Peter NcwburxporZ, Tyrian Gl*u

Unity If/wkh St. Mark Newburyport Effex Salem Mount Carmcl Lynn Merrimack Haverhill Third District. R. W. Hector Orr, Efq. of Brzdgewater, D.D.G.M.

Old Colony Hanover j Forefathers' Rock Plymouth King Hiram Provincetctun Fraternal Barn/table Adams Welijlect Sumner Dennis FVilowfhip Bn'dgeuater Corner-ltone Duxborough

Marine(Barnf.co J Falmouth Fourth District. R. W, James Ellis, Efq. of Rehoboth, D. D. G. M Briftol Norton Riling Star Stoughton Montgomery Franklin Wafhington Remembered Eallern Star Rehoboth New Bedford King David Taunton Fifth District. R.W. &Hen. Jon. Maynard, of Framingham, D.D.G.M Trinity Lancafier Social ifhby Middlcfex Framingham Aurora Leominfler St. Paul Groton Pentucke* CJielmsjord Corinthian Concord Sixtm District, R. W. & Rev. Ezekiel L. Bafcoro, of Gerry, D.D.G.M. Worcefler Meridian Sun B rochfield Fayette Charlton Mount Zion Hardwick Thomas Monfon Harris Athd Olive Branch Oxford Charity Mendon Seventh District. R. W. Daniel Stebbins, Efq, of South Hadley, D.D.G.M.

Federal Blandford I Pacific Amherjl % Repubii:an Greenfield Mountain Roive Harmony Northfield Mount-Vernon Belchertown Sylv.in Lodge Southzuick jerufalcm. Northampton j Eighth District. R. W. Robert Walker, Efq. of Windfor, D. D. G. M. Fneurlfhip Williamftown Sincerity Peru Stockbrid^e Franklin ... Chejler Wifdoin Wejt Evening Star Lenox Sht4held ShcJfieLi

Cinciunaius Gr. Barring Ion [ J ) r 2 Mafonic Societies.

Ninth District. R. W.&Hon. Woodbuiy Storeroi Portland, D.D.G.M. Portland Pathagorean ehurgk Portland \ Fr Lincoln Wijcajjrt Cumberland Nc w-Glcuujlcr Kennebeck HaUowdl Oriental Bridgetown United ToiJham Solar Bath

Saco Saco j AncientLandMark Portland Tenth District. R. W. & Hon. Geo. Ulroer of Lmcolnville, D. D. G. M. Hancock Cajh'ne Orient Thomafown Amity Camden St. George Warren Riling Virtue Hamdcn Eleventh District. R. W. John Cooper, Efq. of Machias, D, D. G. M.

Warren Machias I Eaflern Eaftport Tufcan Columbian Ionic SLuben ( Tw elfth District. R. W. John Brock, jr. of Nantucket, D. D. G. M. Union Nantucket King Solomon's in Perfection Holmes's Hole Out cj Commonwealth, but under the Jurifdi&im. American Union* Marietta ( State of .)

St. Tohnt Stahrock (DemararaW.1 ) Sciot*. CiullicvUie (State of Ohio.

St. Andrew's Ledge meets at the Green Dragon, in Bofton,

on the ev, mug of toe 2d Thurfday in each month ; and the Royal Arch at the fame place, on Wednesday evening preceding the Hiling of the Moor.. * Original Chartn da-ed in February, A. L. 5776, f Charier dated September 12, A. L. 5801.

Grand Royal Arch Chapter.*

St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter. Mabliflied in the year 17(9. [This Chapter meets regularly in the town of BoCon, at Mafon's Hall, on the evening of the Wednefday preceding the full moon.

* See a corrett lifl at the end of the Rcgifter, United States' Bank/ 53

King Cyrus's Royal Arch Chapter. [This Chapter meets in the town of Newburyport, on the evening of the 2d Tuefday in each month.] St. John's Royal Arch Chapter. [This Chapter meets regularly at Mafon's Hall, Groton, on the Tuefday preceding the full moon, except the full moon is on a Tuefday, and then they meet on that day.] Mount Vernon Royal Arch Chapter. [This Chapter meets regularly at Wafhington's Hall, Portland, on the evening of the 3d Monday in each month.] Xing Solomon's Royal Arch Chapter. [This Chapter meets in the Town of Charleton.J

The Bofton Encampment of Knights Templars meets regularly at Maions' Hall, Bollon, on the Wednefday evening iucceeding the full of the moon.

A Council of Knights of the Red Cross is regularly held in the town of Portland.

The African Lodge in Bofton meets regularly on the evening of the lft Tuefday in each month.

Bank of the United S ites at .

Thomas Willing, Prefident. | George Simpfon, Calhier. This Bank was incorporated by an acl of Congrefs, Feb.

£5, 1791 ; and to continue until the 4th of March, 1811. It is under the direction of a Prefident, and twenty-four Di- jettors, chofen yearly on the lft Monday in January. There are eight branches or this Bank eftabliihed, viz. — Bofton, New York, Baltimore, Charlefton (S. C) Norfolk, Wafh- ingtcn, Savannah (Georgia) and .

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Bofton. Capitol— 700,000 Dollars.

George Cabot, Prefident. | Peter Roe Dalton, Calhier- 1808.] E 2 54 Banks in MafTachufetts.

T Dircttc x, Jofeph Cooli' ge, jr. Samuel P. Gardner, Gardner G eerie, Jofeph Hurci, John Joy, Hairifon G. Otis, John Paker, Samuel Pakman, Thomas H. Perkins, Thomas Perkins, David Sears, and Timothy Williams. Firft Teller, Samuel Payfon. S cond Teller, Wm. Coffin, jr. Firft Book-Keeper, John W> Blancbard. Second Book -Keeper, Turner Phillips. Difcount Clerks, John H. Bowes, and John Call. Interej} Clerk, Samuel Brewer. AJfiftant Clerk, Henry Cufhing. MeJJ'rnger, Nathaniel Biown. Porters, William Hunt and John Holbrook. of difcount are ffc$f Diys Mondays and Thurfdays.

Branch of the U. S. Bank at New-York. Cornelius Ray, Prehdent. Jonathan Burrai, Cafhier. |

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Baltimore.

JohniSwan, Prcfident. ! David hanis, Caihier.

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Charlefton. Adam Gilchult, Prelident. Joiiah Smith, Cafmer, |

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Norfolk. Robert Taylor, Puiiaent. Robert Oiiphant, Caihier* |

Branch of the U. S; Bank at Wafhiugton. Jos. Carlton, Prefident. James Davidfon, jr. Caflm-r. j

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Savannah. Prefident. Cafhier. JofphHaberfham, J Thos.Menoe.jhail,

Branch of the U. S. Bank at New-Orleans. Benjamin Morgan, Prefident. Saui, Caihier. j Jofeph

MaiTachufetts Bank at Bofton. Capital, 800,000 Dollars.

Iffues 5, lo, 9.0, 30, ,50, and loo Dollar Bills. Incorpoiatcd Feb. 7, 1784. J

Banks in MaflUchufetts. 5$

Officers eletled on the \fl Wednefday in January. William Phillips, Prefident. } James Thwing, Cafhier. Dinclors, Rufus G. Amorv, Jo'eph Coolidue, Thomas Dawes, Aaron Dexter, William Parfons, John Phillips, and Samuel Salifbury. Firji Teller, Nathaniel Foffer. Second Teller, Thomas Chafe. Firjl book-Keeper Nathaniel H. Furnefs. Second Book-Keeper, Edward Sharp. Difcount Clerk, Miles Greenwood. Mejfenger, James Kill. fli3r Day of Difcount is Monday.

Union Bank at Bofton. [Capital, 1200,00c dollars. Iffues l, 2, 3, 5, io, 20, 30, 50, and 100 Dollar Bills.

Incorporated June 25, 1792 ; and to continue until the id Monday in Ottober, 1802. Charter renewed to the ill Mi today in Oclober, 1812,

Officers defied on \Jl Monday in September. Wendell, Prefidenr. George Burroughs, Oliver | Cafhier. Directors choftn by the Stockholders, Samuel Brown, Ben- jamin Buffey, Stephen Codnian, Gardner L. Chandler, Edward Gray, Jofeph Head, Benjamin Joy, John Welles, Thomas L. Winthrop. Directors chofen by the Legiflature, Triftram Barnard, Matthew Bridge, Samuel Dana, Jonathan Harris, Eben- ezer Laikin, John Brazer, and Jonathan L. Auftiii, ex off- C20, as S 'cixtary of the Commonwealth. Firft Teller, John Brown. Second Tiler, Thomas Swan-

Firft Book- Keep6$, Nathaniel Emmons. Second Book-Keeper, Johnfon Jackfon. Difcount ClerkSy Wm. Furnefs and Henry Stevenfon, AMftant Clerk, Afher-Aduns. M'.'jjtnger, Charles Stimpfon. Porter, Benjamin White. £3f Day of Difcount isTuefday.

Bofton Bank. [Capital, 1800,000 dollars.]

Iffues t.2,3. .5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 DollarBills, Incorporated March 4, 1803; and to continue from the ift day of June, 1803, to the id Monday in Oft, 1812. 5 6 Banks in Manachufetts.

Officers eUtledon if Monday in June. Jonathan Jackfon, President, Joleph Chapman, Cafhier. j Directors chofen by the Stockholders, Jonathan Amory, jr. John T. Apthorp, Ifaac P. Davis, Stephen Higginfon, jun. James Lloyd, jun. William Pickman, William Pratt, Ebenczer Preble, John Prince, jr. William Sullivan, Daniel Sargent. Diretfors chofen by the Legiflature, William EuOis, Aaron K-il, Thomas Harris, David Bradlee, Ralph Smith, David Tilden, a idTompfon J. Skinner, ex officio, asTreai- mer of the State. Firjl Teller, Robert Lafli, jr. Second Teller, Thomas Powars. Firji Rock Keeper, James E Hi fori. Second Book- Keeper, O&avius Piummer. Difcaunt Clerk, Matthew S. Parker.

AJfiJlan erkt Chefter Adams. Meffenger, Timothy Green, jun.

Porii , : ofeph Badger.

|£3r Days or Difcount, Mondays, Wedn'efdays and Fridays. atdtciioi Jar loans oj this Hank within andfor Suffolk Co. William Sullivan ot Bofton.

Bofton Exchange Office, or AfTociation Fund, [Capital 200,000 dollars.]

Incorporated June 23, 1804 ; and to continue from the lft

Monday in Aug. 1804, to the 1 ft Monday in Aug. 1812. Officers eletled on the \jl Monday in Augufi. Samuel Clap, Piefident. George Odiorne, Treafurer. | Dircclors, Dudley S. Bradfrreet, Andrew Dexrer, Crow- ell Hatch, James Prince, William Ritchie, Nathaniel Ruggles, Aromas Ward, Thomas Coffin, jr. Abraham Touro. Firjl Teller, John Pitman Clark. Second Teller, Eliphalet Hale. Firjl Book-Keeper, John Pickens, jr. Second Book-Keeper, Samuel Norwood. Difcount Clerk, William Abrams. Mcfenger, John Fullerton. Solicitor, Andrew Dexter, jun.

(£f=* Difcount Days, Tuefdays and Fridays.

Nantucket Bank. IiTues 5, io, 2©, 30, and 40 Dollar Bills. Banks in Maflachufetts. 57

Incorporated Feb. 27, 1795; and to continue from May 1, 1795, to May 1, 1J805. Renewed to the firft Monday in Oftober, 1812.

Officers elctled on the \Jl Monday in January.

Jofepfi Chafe, Prefident. j George Folger, jr. Cafhier,

Nantucket Pacific Bank. I dues 1,2, 3,4,5, 10, 20, 30, and 50 Dollar Bills. Incorporated March 3, 1804; and to continue from the lft Monday in July, 1804, to the firft Monday in October, 1812. Officers defied on the \(l Monday in July. Hulfey, Prefident. Nathan Triftram j Comftock, Cafhier.

Newburyport Bank, [Capital, 500,000 dollars.] Iffaes t, 2, 3, 10, 40,50, and 100 Dollar Bills. Incorporated March 8, 1803, and united with Merrimack

Bank, June 14, 1805 ; to continue to the firft Monday in October, 1812. Officers elected en the 1/? Monday in Otlober. William Bartlett, Prefident. William W, Prout, Cafhier, J

Portland Bank.

Iffiies 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20., 30, and 50 Dollar Bills, Incorporated June 15, 1799; ana* to continue from July f, >799. 10 July 1, 1819 Officers cletled on the \Jl Monday in Janvarv. Hugh M'Lellan, Prefident. Joleph Swift, Cafhier. I

Maine Bank at Portland.

Bills. Iffues 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 r 8, 9, to, 20. 50, and ieo Dollar

Incorporated Ipne 23, 1802 ; and to continue from the ill day of April, 1802, to the firft Monday in Oft. 1812.

Officers elefled on the \fi Mondax in June. Samuel Freeman, Preiident. D. Hale, Cailiier. j

EfTex Bank at Salem.

Ifuirs 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9.10,20,30,40,50, and ico Dollar BiHs. Incorporated June 18, 1799; a°d to continue from July 1, 1799, to July 1, 1819.

Officers elecled en the \Ji Monday in June.

William. Gray, Prcudent. \ William S. Gray,Cafhjer, 58 Banks in MafTachufetts. Salem Bank.

1'flues 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10/20,30.50, and ico Dollar Bill*.

Incorporated March 8, 1803 » ^'d to continue from the ill Monday in June, 1803,10 the lft Monday in Oft. 1812.

Officers e.kEltd on the \fl Monday in June. Benj. Pickman, jr. Prefident. Hodges, Caibiet, | Jonathan

Glouceftcr (Cape Ann) Bank. LTues I, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, and 50 Dollar Bills.

Incorporated January 27, 1800 ; and to continue from FeB* ruary 1, i8co, to February 1, 1810. Officers tidied on the %d Tuesday in April.

John Somes, Prefident. | Jofeph AUen, Cafhier.

Beverly Bank. Iflues 1, 2,3,5,6, 7,8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 Dollar Bills.

Incorporated June 23, 1802 ; and to continue from October 1, 1802, to October 1, 1812. Officers elccltd on the iji Monday in OElober. IfraelThomdike, Preiid&nt. Gould, Cafhier. J Jofiah (JdT Days to apply for Loans and Dilcounts, are Monday* and Thurfdays.

Lincoln and Kennebeck Bank at WifcalTet-

IU'ues 1, a, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, *o, and 100 Dollar Biiis. the lft Incorporated June 23. 1802 ; and to continue from Monday in Oct.. 1802, to the ill Monday in Oft. 1812.

Officers elected on the xfi Monday in September. , Pnfident. Henry Roby, Cifllier. |

Northampton Bank. [Capua!, 150.000 Dollars.] Iflues 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 Dollar Bills. lft Incorporated March i, 1803 ; and to continue from the Monday in Oft. 1803, K» the lft Monday in Oft 1810. Officers elettai m the \fl Wcdnefday in Oclober.

Samuel Hcnihaw, Preiident. | Levi Lyman, Caftiisr.

Bedford Bank at New-Bedford. IfTues I, 2, 3, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, and 50 Dollar Bills. from the id Incorporated March 7, 1803 ; and to continue Mdnday in June, 1803, to the id Monday in Oft. 18 12.

Officers elecledon the xft Monday in Oclober. Thomas Hazard, Pickens, Cafhier, Prefident. | John Banks in MafTachufetts. 59

Saco Bank.

IfTup? 1, 2, % 3, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 20, and 50 Dollar Bills.

Incorporated Ma-rh 8, 1B03 ; and to continue to the- firft Monday in Oftober. 1812. Offcers clecled on the \fl Mondav in Oclol/er. Cafhier. Thomas Cutts, Prefident. | Samuel Peirfon,

Plymouth Bank. Bills. Iflues t, 2, 3, 5i 10, 20, 30, and 50 Dollar

Incorporated June 23, 1803 ; and to continue from January j, 1804, to July 1, 1812. Offcrrseletledor) the \fl Monday in January. Goodwin, Cafhier. William ]}avis, Prefident. | William

Hallowell and Augufta Bank at Hallowell. Bills. IfTues i, 2, 3, ,5, 10, 20, and 50 Dollar

Incorporated March 6, 1804 ; and to continue from Octo- ber I, 1804, tc Oftober 1, 1812. Offens declrd on the lji Monday in January. John O. Page, Prefident. Jeremiah Dummer, Cafhier. j

Worcefter Bank. I flues k Dollar Bills, Stereotype impreffion. v Incorporated "nrch 7, 1804 ; and to continue from the lft Monday in Oft. 1804, to the 1ft Monday in Oft. 1812. Oficers rleFled on the \Jl W,dnefdav in Sober. Daniel Waldo, jr. Pteildent. Levi Thaxter, Cafhier. |

Marblehead Bank.

IfTues 1, 2, 3. 5, 10, 20, and 50 Dollar Bills. Incorporated March 7, 1804: and to continue from Octo- ber 12, 1804, to Oftober 12, l8l2.

Officers el'ftedon the \ft Monday in January. Jo&ph Barker, Prefident. John Pediick, 3d. Cafhier. |

Befkfhire Bank at Pittsfield.

[Capital, 7,5,000 Dollars.] Incorporated Feb. 26, i8c6: and to continue from the \fi Monday in Oft. 1806*, to the ill Monday in Oft. 1812,

Officers clcclcd en the \fi W dnefday in OBcbcr. £iirton Lamed, Prefident. Ebenezer Center, Cafliier. | Solicitor, John W. Huibert, Ef\. 60 Infurance Companres.

Penobfcot Bank at Buckftown. [Capital, dollars, 150,000 j

Incorporated March 14, 1806 ; and to continue from March 90. lBcfi, to the lfl Monday in October, 1812. Officers elected on the <>d Monday after \th Tuefdav in May, John Crofby, Prdident. Jahaziah Shaw, Caftuer. |

MafTachufetts Fire andMarine Infurance Company at Bofton. [Capital, 600,000 dollars.] Incorporated (originally June 25, 1795) February 13, 1799; and to continue until Tune 25, 1815. Officers elecled on the lafl Wednefday in Augujl.

Arnold Welles, Prefident. j Edward Horfmao, Secretary. Direclors, John Andrews, John Q. Adams, William H. Bordman, Gamaliel Bradford, Benj. Buffey, Samuel Cobb, Strphen Codman, Jona. Chapman, Jofeph Hull, Jofeph Head, Benj. Joy, Jona. Mafon, Samuel Parkman, Ig- natius Sargent, William Smith, John Welles.

MafTachufetts Mutual Fire Infurance Company, at Boilon— -"Capital, 300,000 dollars.] Incorporated Match I, 1798. Officers elected on thefirjl Tuefday in June, tm rvt: n r 1 . ? Andrew Cunningham, Ebenezer Oliver, Prefident. £ Secretary and Trea furer / Directors, Triftram Barnard, Jofeph Coolidge, jr. Eben- ez r Gay, Samuel Gore, Henry Hill, William Hammatt, Jonathan Hunnewell, John Lowell, John May, Daniel Meffinger, John Ouborn, Ruffell Sturgis, Samuel Sndling, Ehfha Ticknor, and John Winilow. Mejenger, William Mills.

Boflon Marine Infurance Company. [Capital, ,500,000 doilars.J

IncorporatedFeb.13, 1799 ; and to continue to Feb. 13, 181c,

Officers eleiled on ike \fi Monday in January. SamuJ Cabot, Prefident. JoTeph May, Secretary. | Direclors, Thomas C. Amory, Adam Babcock, jonathaa Davis, James Lloyd, jun. William Parfons, Thomas Per- kins, William Pickman, Ebenezer Preble, John Prince, jr. Daniel Sargent, Timothy Williams. Mejenger, Samuel GoJclaid. jj

Insurance Companies. 61

Suffolk Infurance Company at Bofton. [Capital, 225.000 dollars.] Incorporated February 12, 1803; and to continue 20 years. Officers e/ecled, 2d Monday in January. Epcs Sargent, Prefident. John B. Bowen, Secretary. | Diretlors, George Cabot, Ifaac P. Davis, Samuel P. Gardner,Charles Jackfon, John Parker, Thomas H.Perkins.

New-England Marine Infurance Com'y at Bofton* [Capital, 300,000 dollars.

Incorporated March 5, 1803 ; and to continue 20 years. Officers eletled on \jl Monday in January, Peter Brooks, Prelidcni. James Hall, Secretary. C. | Diretlors, Gardner L. Chandler, Gardner Green, Ozias Goodwin, John Holland,. William V. Hutchings, Nehe- miah Parfons, Wm. Phillips, John Phillips, Jofeph Tilden,. Thomas L. Winthrop, Samuel Swett. Mejjengtr, Thomas Chapman.

Union Infurance Company at Bofton. [Capital, 300,000 dollars.

Incorporated March 28, 1804 '> and to continue 20 years. Officers eletled on 2d Monday in January.

David Green, Prefident. | Samuel King, Secretary. Direclors, Matthew Bridge, Thomas Dennie, Jonathan Harris, Thomas K. Jones, Caleb Loring, Thomas Lamb.

Private Infurance Offices in State-Street, Bofton. Abraham Nathaniel Ruffell. Thomas Burley. j Touro. | P.

Newburyport Marine Infurance Company.

Incorp. June 18, 1799 > to continue until June 18, 1819. Officers cli tied on l/l Monday in January. Prefident. William Woart, Secretary. Jonathan Gage, |

Merrimack Marine and Fire Infurance Company, at Newbury pert.

Inccrp. Feb. 15, 1803 j to continue until Feb. 15, 1823. Officers ekclcd on \Jl Tuefday in January. Secretary, Thorras M. Clark, Prefident. } Samuel Cutler,

1808 ] 1 62 Insurance Companies.

Maine Fire and Marine Infurance Co. at Portland.

Incorp. Feb. 7, 1800; to continue until Feb. 7, 1820. Officers elected on iff Tuefday in January.

Woodbury Storer, Prefident. \ Levi Cutter, Secretary.

United Marine and Fire Infurance Company, at Portland. Incorp. Feb. o, 1807; to continue until Feb. 9, 1827. Officers eiecled on iff Tuefday in April. James Neal, Prefident. John Watfon, Secretary. |

Salem Marine Infurance Company. Incorp. June 9, 1800; to continue until June 9, 1820. Officers eiecled on iff Monday in July.

Jacob Afhton, Prefident. | Sumuel C. Ward', Secretary.

Efiex Fire & Marine Infurance Company at Salem. Incorp. March 7, 1803; to continue until M.irch 7, 1823. Officers eiecled on iff Monday in July.

Nathl.Bowditch, Prefident. j Leonard Kimball, Secretary.

Union Marine Infurance Company at Salem.

Incorporated Feb. 29, 1804 ; to continue 20 years. Officers eiecled on zd Monday in April.

Mofes Towfllend, Prefident. [ Joihua Dodge, Secretary.

Lincoln 8c Kennebeck Marine Infurance Company atWifcaflet. Incorporated Feb. 12, 1803; to continue until Feb. 12, 1823.

Officers eiecled iff Tuefday in March. , Prefident. John Merrill, Secretary. |

Marblehead Infurance Company. Incorporated March 8, 1803. Charter extends for a te«m not exceeding 20 years.

Officers eiecled on iff Monday in January, Robert Hooper, Prefident. John Bond, Secretary. J

Gloucefter Marine Infurance Corrfpany. Incorporated June 22, 1803. Charter extends for a term not exceeding 20 years. Officers tlcElcd on i[l Monday in May.

William Pearce, Prefident* [ William Savitle, Secretary. Marine Societies. 63

Nantucket Marine Infurance Company.

Incorpoiafd March g, 1804 ; to continue 20 years.

Ojficrs eUEted on 2

Nantucket Union Marine Infurance Company.

Incorporated June 21, 1H04. Charter extends tor 20 y ears. Officers tieFled on 2d Monday in January. William Coffin, Prefident. John Cartwright, Secretary. |

K«nnebunk Marine Infurance Company, at Wells,

Incorp. March 9, 1804 ; to continue not exceeding 20 years. Officers eletled on \jl Monday in January.

, Prefident. J , Secretary.

Hampfnire Fire Infurance Comp'y at Northampton.

Incorporated March 9, 1804 : to continue 20 years. Officers eleded on the \Jl Wednesday in Otloht r. Prefident. Secretary, , | ,

Bedford Marine Infurance Company. Incorporated Feh. 11, 1805; to continue 2o years. Officers cliitrd on the Qd Monday in April. Jofeph Ricketfon, Prefident. j , Secretary.

Boflon Marine Society. Infiirured 1742. Incorporated 1754. Officers elccled on the if Tuefdayin November, Mafler, Nathl .Goodwin, Trcafurer, Win. Smith. j Dp. Mafler, Oz\?.s Goodwin | Secretary, Win. Fuineis. Committee of Relief, Capt. Jona. Chapman, Capt. John Holland, Capt. Mungo Mackay, Capt. 1 'nomas Dennie.

Salem Marine Society.

Inftituted March y.j, 1706. Incorporated in 1771. Officers eletled on the loft Thvrfday in Ocloher. Mafler, Benjamin Weft, Treafurer, Jona. Gardner, j Dtp. Mafte^ Peter Lander, j Oerjk, John Collins,

Salem Eaft-India Marine Society.

Inftituted in Nov. 1799. Incorporated March 3, 180;* rfecled Officers on if Wednefday in January , Prrfdcnt, Benjamin Carpenter. ;

64 Marine Societies.

Secretary, Nathaniel Apple ton. Treafurer, Jacob Crowninihiv'd. To vnfpeB and arrange the Journals from abroad, Nathaniel Bowditch. Committee of Obftrvation, John Ofgood, John Collins, and John Ropes. This Society confilis of fuch as have actually navigated the feas near or beyond the Cape of Good Hope, or round Cape Horn, as matters or commanders of veiTels, and fuch as have bsen factors or fupercargoes of veffels employed in the Eaft India trade. It was inftituted for the purpofeof collecting together fuch obfervations, difcoveries, books, papers, charts, and valuable publications, in every language, as might tend to facilitate the navigation of the Eaftern and Southern Oceans. Every member returning from fea, is bound to prefent to the Society an abftract of the journal of bis voyage, and to communicate in writing, his obfervations of the bearings and diftances of all capes and headlands the latitude and longitude of iflands, rocks and fhoals ;

unufual occurrences ; ftorms and accidents ; with all other obfervations which he may judge ufeful to be recorded. The Muieum of the Society already exhibits a handfome collection of curiolities.

Nevvburyport Marine Society. Inftituted Nov. 13, 1772. Incorporated Oct. 11, 1777. Oj'icers defied on the lajl Thurfday in November. Mafler, Michael Hodge. Treafurer, Benj. Wyatt. |

Pep.MaJlcr, Nich. Johnfon. | Secretary, A. Wheelwright.

Portland Marine Society. Incorporated Feb. 26, 1790. Oj'icers elected on the 3d Tuejday in December. ofe Stephen Waite. Prefident, J ph Titcomb. j Treafurer, yice-Pre/ident,KobQ\t Iifley. Secretary, Woodman. | John

Marblehead Marine Society. Incorporated Feb. 11,1799. Prefident, John Baily Secret Ifaac Mansfield. j -" Treajurer, Eben. G Evans. |

Salem Iron Factory Company. Incorporated March 4, 1800.

Treafurer, Johhua Goodale. | Clerk, Samuel Putnam. Du colors, Ichabod Nichols, Jos. Peabody,and John Ofgood. Towns and Poft-Mafters. $5

Danvers and Beverly Iron Factory Company. Incorporated June 23, 1803.

Officers elected on \Jl Tuefday of September.

Samuel Page. , Prefident, | a Nathaniel Putnam. Stcrdary, Thomas Putnam. | Dircclors, George Johonnot, Samuel Endicot, Ebcnezer Scccomb.

AmeiDury Iron Factory Company. Incorporated March 26, 1805.

Clerk* Samuel Putnam. | AgmU Ebeoezer Fellon. Dir Abel Lawrence and Edward Southwick.

A TABLE fliewing all the Towns in the State of Maffachuietts, and the County they belong to, with Poftmafters' Names. Places where Poll Offices are kept have this mark.f Un- incorporated places are marked thus.* Abington, Plym. Avon, Kennebk. Afton, Midd. Baldwin, Oumb. Adams, Berkfli. Ballft< Line. Addifon, Wafli. Bangor,! Hanc. Bulkeley Albany, Oxf. Emerfon. Alforct, Berkfli. [Emerfon. Barnftable,tBarnft. Richard Alfred, (dift.) York, Jofeph Bourne. Amefbury, Eflex. Bane.T Wore. Luther PeitVV Amherft, Hampfh. Bath,tLin. DummerSewail. Andover,iEiix. I taac Abbott. Becket, Berkfh. Anfon, Kennebk. Bedford, Midd. Arundel, York. Belcher-to«M8,t Hampfh. Jo- Aihburnham, Wore. feph Bredgman, jr. Afhby, Midd. Beliaft,t Han. Jas. Nafmith. Afhfield, Hampfh. Belgrade, Kennebk. Athens, Kennebk. BelJingham, Norf. Athol,+ Wore. Sol. Strong. Berkley. Briftol. Att!cborough,t Brift. Philip Berlin, (dift.)Worc. Mafon. Bernardftown, Hampfh. Augulra,T Kennebk. Sam- Berwick.tYk. Wm. Morris. uel Titconab. Bethel, Oxf.

1808.] F 2 66 Towns and Pofl-Maflers.

Bethlehem, Rerkfh. Carlifle, (dift.) Midd. Beverly,* EfTex, A fa Leech. Carver, Plym. Biddeford,* York, Wm. P. Caftine,*Hanc. Ben. Hook. Hooper. Chandlerfville,** Warning. Billerica,+Mid. Ifc. Bowers. Anfel Tupper. Blandford,* Hampfh. Charlemont, Hampfh. Bluehill,* Hanc. Andrew Charleftown, Midd. Witham. Charleton, Wore. Bolton, Wore. Chebacco, EiTex. Boothbay, Line. Chatham,* Bar. E. Crowell. Bofton,*Suff.Jona.Haftings. Chelmsford,* Midd. Jona, Bowdoin, Line. P>3rron. Bowdoinham, Line. Chelfea, SufF. Boxborough, (dift.jMidd. Chefhire, Berkfh. Boxford, EfTex. Chefter, Hampfh. Boylfton, Wore. Chefterfield, Hampfh. Bradford, EfTex. Chefterville,* Kennebeck, Braintree, Norf. Dummer, Sewall, jr. Brewfter,* Barnft. [Sears. Chilmaik, Duke's cc. Bridgetown,* Cumb. Jofeph Clarkfburg, Berkfh. Bridge water,* Plym. Afa Clinton, Kennebk. Mitchell. Cohaffet,* Norf. Brimfield, Hampfh. Colraine, Hampfh. [Paften. Briftol,*Linc. Marius How. Columbia,* Wafh. Jofeph Brookfield,* Wore. Cheney Concord,* Midd. William Reed. Parkmarv. Brookline, Norf. [ard. Conway, Hampfh. Brownfield, Oxf. Jos.How- Cornifh, York. Brunfwick,* Cumb. Henry Cornville, Kennebk. Quimby Cummingion, Hampfh. Buckfield,* Oxf. Cuming, Line. Buckland, Hampfh. Dalton, Berkfh. Buckftown,* Hanc. John Dana, Wore. Benfon. Dnnvers, Eflex. Burlington, Midd. Dartmouth, Brifl. [tleworth. Burnt CoatHland,* H?.nc. Dedham,* Norf. Jer. Shut- Butterfield,* Cumb. Dee rfie Id,* Hampfh. Epa- Buxton,* York, Th. Merrill. phras Hoyt. Cambridge,* Midd. Eben. Deerifle, Hanc. Stedman. [Cuming. Denmark, Oxf. Camden,* Line. Benjamin Dennis,* Barnft. N. Stone. Canaan,* Ken. Eli Wefton. Dcnnyfville,** Wafh. Wm. Canton,* Norf. Kilby. [Andrews. Cape*Elizabeth, Cumb. Dighton,* Briftol, David Towns and Pofl-Mafters. 67

Dixfield, Oxf. Gardner, Wore. Dorchefter, Norf. Georgetown,! Line. Mark Douglafs, Wore. [Savage. L. Mill. Douty's Falls,*! York. Jos. Gerry, Wore. Dover, (dift.J Norf. Gilead, Oxf. Dracut,Mid.tW.Hildreth. Gill, Hampfh. [Phelps. Drefden,! Line. Edmund GloucetTer,! Effex, Henry Bridge, jr. Goldfhorough,! Hanc. TK. Dudley. Wore. Hill. [Prenfifs. Dunftable, Midd. Gotham,! Cumb. Samuel Durham, Cumb. [Winfor. Gofhen, Hampih. Duxborough,! Plym. Th. Grafton, Wore. Eaft-And#er, Oxf. Granby, Hampfh. Eaftham,+ Barnft Granville, Hampfh. : Eafthampton,!(dift.) Hamp. Gray,!Cd. Jos.M'Lel)an,jr. W. My rick. Great-San ington,f Berkfli. Eauport,!Waih.01r.Shead. Greene,! fvennebk. Luther Eaflon,!Brittol. Robbins. Eatt. Sudbury, Mid. Greenfield,! Hampfh. Eden, Hanc. Greenwich, Hampfh. Edgarton,! Duke's co. Be- Groton,! Midd. Wm. M. riah Norton. Richard ron. fir. Edgcomb, Line. Hadley,! Hamp. E. White, Egremont, Berkfh. Halifax, Plym. [Winkle. Ellfworth, Hanc. Hallowell,!Ken-bk. jofhua Emden, Kennebk. Hamden,! Hk. M. Kinfley. Fairfax, (a) Kennebk. Hamilton, Effex.! Fairfield, Kennebk. Hancock, Berklh. Falmouth,! Bar. T. Palmer. Hanover,!P!ym. Rbt.Eells. Falmouth, Cumb. [ling. Hardwick,! Wore. Wm. Farmington, !Kk. Mos.Star- Cutler. Fayette,! Kenbk. Sol.Bates. Harlem, Kennebk. Fitchburgh,! Wore. Harmony, Kennebk. Florida, Berkfli.. HarpJwell, Cumb. Foxborough, Norf. Hnrrifon, Cumb. Framingham, Midd. [Jones. Harrington, Walh. Frankfort,! Hanc. Archibald Hartford, Oxf. Franklin, Norf, Harvard, Wore. [ Brooks. Freeport,!Cd. Ntn.Weffon. Harwi' h,! Barnf). Ebenezcr Freetown, Briffol. Hatfield, Hampfh. [gate.

Frenchman's Bay.* Haverhill,!Effx . Mofes Win- Fryburgh,!Oxf. Ms. Ames. Hawley, Hampfli. Gardiner!, Kbk. B.Gannett. Heath, Hampfh.

(a) The Poft-Offke is now kept at Saccacrappe. (58 Towns and Foft.Mafters.

Hebron, Oxf. Lincoln, Midd. Hingham+.Ply.Th.Thaxter. Limolnville,! Hanc. Geo. Hmfdale, Berkfh. Ulmer. Hiram,*!York,Tim. Cutler. Lifbon, Line. Holden, Wore. Litchfield, Line. Holland, Hampfh. Littleton, Midd. Hollifton, Midd. [Spalding. Livermore, Oxf. HoltncJ"Iiole,*+Duke's, R. Longmeadow, Hampfh. Hope, Line. Loudon, Berkflnre. Hopkinton, Midd. Lovell, Oxf. Hubbardi'lon, Wore. Ludlow, Hampfh. Hull, Plym. Lunenburg, Wore. Induftry, Kennebk. Lyman, York. Ipfwich,t Elfex, Jos, Lord. Lynn,tErTx. Sam.Mulliken. Iflefborough, Hanc. Lynnfield, (d^ft.) Eflex. I{lc-Shoals,*York. Machias,t Warning. Ralph IflcWetmore,* Hanc. Hart Bowles. Jay, Oxf. Madifon, Kennebk. Jetferfon, Line. Maiden, Midd. [Bingham. Kennebunk (c)^ York, Jos. Manchtfier,! Efiex, D. Storer. Mansfield, Briftoi, Kingfton,! Pirn. Seth Drew. Marblehead.t EfTex, Wood* Kittery, York. [Whiting. ward Abraham, [ham, jr. Lancailer,TWorc. Timothy Marlboro',! Mid. Jos. Brm- Lanefborougb,t Berkfh. Marflifield,! Plym. Joleph M. Wei is. Hunt. Lebanon,! Yk. Ifaac Hafey. Marfhpee, Barnft. Lee, Berklh. Martha's Vineyard,* Duke's. § Leeds, Kennbk. [Adams. Medfield, Norf. Leice(ler,+ Wore. Ebenezer Medford,+ Mid. Sam. Buel. Lenox,t Berkshire, Daniel Medway.t Norf. Wm. Felt, Williams, jr. Mendon.t Wor, R. George, LcominIler,t Wore. John Mercer, Kennebk. Gardner. Methuen, Elfex. Leverett, Hampfh. Middleboro',t Plym. James JLcwi (Ion,! Lincoln, J. Read. Wafhbum. Lewiltown,t Curnb. Middlefield, Hampfh. Lexington, Midd. Middleton, Eflex. Leyden, (dill.) Hampfh, Milford, Wore. [Glover. LimerickjtYk.AbijahFitch. Mihon,+ Norf. Samuel K, LiTnington,t York, Jacob Minot.f Cumb. Duff. Quincy.

(i?/ Properly a part of the town of Wells. Towns and Pod-Mailers. 69

Monmouth,T Kennbk. John Northampton, + Hampshire, Chandler. Daniel Wright. Monfon, Hampfh. Northborough, Wore. Montague, Hampfh. Northbiidge, Wore. Montgomery, Hampfh. Northfield,+ Hampfh. John Mount-Defert, Hanc. Nevers. Mount-Vernon,t Ken. Sam- North port, Hanc'. uel King. [Berklh. North-Yarmouth,+ Cumb. Mount Wafhington, (dift.) David Drinkwater. Nantucket, + Nant. William Norton, Briftol. Coffin. [Archbald. Norway, + Oxf. Wm.Reed. Narraguagus,*t Wafh. Th. Norwich, Hampfh. Natick, Midd. Oakham, Wore. Needham, Norf. Orange, (dift.) Hampfh. New-Aihford,(di.fl.) Berkfh. Orangetown,* Wafh. New-Bedford^Briftol, Abra- Or! and, Hanc. [Kinfmam ham Smith. Orleans, t Bafnft. Simeon New-Braintree, Wore. Orringion,+ Kanck. John Newbury, Eflcx. f'Crofs. Brewer. Newburyport,t Eflex,~Steph. Otisfit-ld, Cumb. New-Calco, Cumb. Oxford, Wore. New-Cattle, + Line. Jofeph Palermo, Line. Farley. Peru, Berkfh, Newfield, York. Palmer, Hampfli. New-Gloucefter,t Cumb. Palmyra, Kennbk. Nathl. C.Allen. Parish Oxf. Caleb Prentifs. New-Marlborough, Berkfh. PaHonsfield,t York, Nich. New-Milford.t Lincoln, J. Emery. r Stebbins. Panndgefield, Berkfh. Newry, Oxf. Paffamaqhaddy,*+ Warning. New-Salem,f Hampfli. Lewis F. Delefdernier. New-Sbaron,t Kenncbk. P. Patucket, (d) Briltol, Afahel Barker. Stearns. Newton, Midd. Paxton, V/orc. New-Vineyard, Kennbk. Pejepfcot, Cumb. Nobleborough, Line. Pe!ham, Hampfh. Norridgewock.tKennebeck, Pembroke, Plym. John Ware. Penobfcot, Hanc. (

7o Towns and Pod- Matters.

!Pepperell, Midd. Rutfell, Hampfh. Peterfnam,!Woic.Hutchins Rutland,! Wor. M. White. Hapgood. Saccacrappc,*tCumberland, Philhpfburg, York. Enoch Freeman. Pittsfield,!Berkfhire, Jofhua Saco,!Yk. Wm.P. Hooper. Danforth. [Loud. Salem,!Effex, JohnDabney. Pittftown,! Kennbk. Jacob Salifbury,! EiTex, Jofepb. Plainfield, Hampfh. Wadleigh. Plymouth,! Piyra. James Sandisfield, Berkfh. Warren, jr. Sandwicht, Bamft.William Plympton, Plyra. FeiTenden.

Poland, Cumb. [gate, j r « Sanford,! Yk. Ths. Keeler. Portland,!Cmb. Join. Wm- Savoy, Berkfli. Princeton, Wore. Scarborough,! Cumb.

Profp f a,tHk.Sam1. Shute. Schoodick,*!(V)Jno.Br?wer„ Provincetown,! Barnft. D. Schoodick Falls,! Wafh. Peafe. [Cranch. Stephen Brewer. Quinq-,! Norfolk, Richard Scituate,+(/jPlym. A. Clap. ^Randolph,! Norf. Wm. P. Sedgwick, Hanc. Whiting. Shapleigh,! York, Jonah Raymond,! Cumb. P. W'oodbury. Raynhann, BriOol. Sharon, Norf. Re^dfield,! Kennbk. Saml. Sheffield,! Beikfh. Cunur. Shelbume, Hampfh. Reading, Midd. [Perry ,jun. Sherburne, Midd. Rehoboth,! Briftol, Bavrd Shirley, Midd. Richmond, Berkfh. Shrewsbury,! Wore. John Rochefter,! Plyra. Nathan Stone Willis. Shute (bury, Hampfh.

Rome, Kennbk. Sorncrfet,! Ml . Jos.Kcllog* Rawe, Hampfh. Southampton, Hampfh. Rowley,! EtTex, Jas. Smith. Sourhborough, Wore. Roxbury,Lpxuury NorF. South-Brirnfield, Hampfh. Royalllon, Wore. SouthfiHd. (dift.) Berkfh. Rumford, Oxf. South-Hadley,! Hampfh.

(e) Schoodick lies in Wafhington county and is finja.- ted on the boundary line and the end of Maine route oi the United States, being the Office of delivery of Britifh letters is direclly op- for Nova-Scotia and New Brunfwick ; and polite St. Andrews, where a packet arrives weekly from St. John's, and from thence there is a direct communication through both Provire_>s. Polt-Oifice is kept at the houfe of Mr, Cla^ (J) The who does die bufmefs for Mr. Charles Turner, Towns and Poft-Mafters. 71

Southwick. Hampfn. Unity, Kennbk. Spencer, Wore. Upton, Wore. [WillarcL Springneld,tHampfh. James Uxbridge,+ Wore. Samuel Byers, jr. ValTalboro', Kennbk. Tho&. vSt. George, Line. Odiorne. Standifh,t Cumb. William Vienna, Kennbk. Lam Ton. Vinalhaven, Hanc. Starks, Kennbk. Wakioborough,t Lincoln, Sterling,! Wore. Tohn Head. Steuben.-f Waili. Jacob Walpole, Norf. Townfley. [Jones. Waltham, Midd. Stockbridge,+ Berk. Horatio Ward, Wore. Stoneham, Midd. Ware, Hampfli. Stoughton, Norf. Wareham,-r P!v. B. Fearing." Slow, Midd. Warren,+Lin. Rufus Crane. Strong, Kennbk. Warwick,+ Hampfh. Win. Sturbridge, Wore. Cobb, jr. Sudbury, Midd. Wafnington, Berkfh. Sullivan, t Hanc. Paul D. Waterborough,t York, An- Sargtnt. drew Burley. [Longley* Sumner, Oxf. Watcrford,t Oxford, Lit Sunderland, Hampfli. Watertown,+ Midd. Edward Surry, Hanc. Loud. [*# Sutton, Wore. fChace. Waterville,tKbk.Afa Red- Swanzey,+ Biillol, Reuben Wayne, Kennbk. Sydney, Kennbk. We) Meet, t Barnft. Lewis Taunton, t Bun. J. Hodges. Hamlin. Temple, Kennbk. Welis.t Yk. Sam. Bartlett. Templeton,f Wore Lovell Wendell, Hampfli. Walker. Wenham, Eflex. Tewkfbu.y, Midd. Weftborough, Wore. Thomaftown,t Line. David We ft em, Wore. Fales,jr. Weflfield+, Hampfli. Tilbury, Duke's co. Wefifbrd,tiVIid.J no. Abbott Topsfield, Eflex, Wefthampton, Hampfli. Topfham, Line. Weflon, Midd. Townfend, Midd. [Jones. Weftport, Briftol.fBartletf. Trenton,t Hanc. Theodore Weftminfter,t Wore. Dan. Troy.Briflol. Weft-Spring{ieJd 3 t Hamp. Truro, Barnft. Stebbins. Turner,+ Oxf. Ieh. Bonney. Weft-Stockbridge, Berkfli. Tyngfborough, dill. Midd. Weymouth, t Norf. Joha Tyringham, Berkm. Coak. Union, Line. Whaiely, Hampfli. 72 Supreme Judicial Courts.

Wilbraham, Hampfh. Winraffet,T Line. Ebenezer Wjlliamfburgh, Hampfh. Whiitier. fParker. Wihivrr fto\vn,+ Berkfnire, Woburn,t Midd. Ichabod Ezekicl Bacon. Woolwich, Line. W:iniiiigt(':i, Midd. Worcefter,t Wore. James Wilton, Kernblc. Wllfon. TBigelow. "Wincaeiidor:, "Wore Worthingron,+ Hampfh. A. Windham f Cumb. Wrentham,t Norf. David Windfor, Berkfh. Fifher. [Thacher. WinflqwAt Kennbk. Nath. Yarmouth,! Barnflable, T.

B. Dibgley. j L^rnbert. York,+ York, Dan. SewalL Winthrop.t Kermbl". Silas

CalendarofSupremeJiidicialCourts,Mafrachufetts» Suffolk and Nantucket. J-oJlon 2d Tuefday in March and 4th Tuefd. in Nov.- Essex. Ipfzoick 4th Tuefday in April; Salem 5;h Tuefd. next after the 4th Tuefd. of Sept. Mi ddlesex. Concord 2d Tuefday in April. Cambridge 5th Tuefd. next afrer the 4th Tuefd. of Sept. York. York 3d Tuefday in May. Alfred 6th Tuefd. next after the 3d Tuefday of Sept. Hampshire. Northampton 4th Tuefd. in April, and 3d Tuefd. of Sept. Plymouth. Plymouth 3d Tuefday of May, and third Tuefday next after the 4th Tuefday of Sept. Bristol Taunton 2d Tuefday next after the 4th Tuefd. of Sept. Barnstable and Duke's County. Barnflable 4th Tuefd. next after the 4th Tuefd. of Sept. Worcester. Worcejler 3d Tuefday in April, and 4th Tuefday in Sept. Cu met. R land and Oxford. Portland 4th Tuefday in May, and 4th Tuefday next after the 3d Tueiday of Sept. Li ncoln. Wiftajftt 2d Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in May, and on the 3d Tuefday of Sept. Berkshire. after 4th ^Lcnox 1 ft Tuefday next Tuefday in April, ai.d on the 2d Tuefday in Sept. Common Pleas, &c. In MafTachufetts. 73

Hancock and Washington. Cajlint 3d Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in May. Norfolk. Dedham lft Tuefday in March, and lft Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in Sept. K E N N E B E C K. Augujla lft Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in May, and on the 2d Tuefday next after the 3d Tuefday of September.

Calendar o/Comm. Pk»s and Seffions, Majachufetts, SUFFOLK, Bojlon ft Tuefday of Januarv, 3d Tuefday of April, .ft Tuefday of July, and lft Tuefday of Oa. General Seffions lame times and places. ESSEX. lpftoick Laft Mond. of March, and laft Mond.of Dec. General Seffions 2d Tuefday of April, and 2d Tuefday of October. Sakm Laft Monday in June. Newburyport Laft Monday of September. MIDDLESEX. Concord On the Monday next preceding the 3d Tuef- day of March, on the Monday n^xt preceding the lft Tuefday of June, and on the Monday next preceding the 2d Tuefday of Sept. General Seffions, 3d Tuefday of Sept. Cambridge On Monday next preceding 3dTuef. of Dec. General Seffions lft Tuefday of January. YORK. York 3d Monday of April. General Seffions, on Thurfday next preceding -}d Monday in April. Alfred lft Monday in Jan. and 2d Monday of Sept. General Seffions, on the Thurfday next pre- ceding the 2d Monday of September. HAMPSHIRE. Northampton 2d Monday of January, and 3d Monday in May, 4th Monday in Auguft, and lit Mon- day in November. General Seffions, on the 3d Monday of Janu- and on the firft Monday Iter tae 411 iary, Monday in Auguft.

1808.] 74. Common Pleas, &c. in Maflachufetts. PLYMOUTH. Plymouth ad Tuefday of April, 2d Tuefday of Auguft, and 3d Tuefday of November* General Seffions, 3d Tuefday in March, and lft Tuefday in Auguft. BRISTOL* Tauplcn 2d Monday of March, 2d Monday of June. Monday of September, and 2d Monday of DeceWber. Gene: a! Seffions, 4th Wednefday of March, and Aih Wednefday of September. BARNSTABLE. Ba nip able I. aft Tutfd. in March, and 3dTuefd.of Sept. General Seffions, -ame times and places. DUKES COUNTY. Edg arton 3d Tuefday in May, and id Tuefday in Nov. J ybttry Lad Tuefday in O&ober. General Seflions, fame times and places- NANTUCKET. Nantucket Tuefday next preceding the laft Tuefday of March, and on the lft Tuefday in October. General Seffions, lams times and places. WORCESTER. JVorcefier Oh the Monday next preceding the 4th Tuef- day of March, Monday next preceding the 2d Tuefday of June, Monday next preceding

the 1 ft Tuefday of September, and on Mon- day next preceding the lft Tuefday in Dec. General Seffions,2d Tuefday of March, and 2d Tuefday of September. CUMBERLAND. Portland lft Tuefday of March, 3d Tuefday of June, and 3d Tuefday of November. General Seffions, 4th Tuefday of March, and lft Tuefday of September. LINCOLN. Wifcajet 2d Monday of May. General Seffions, Monday next after 2d Mon- day in May. Warren 2d Monday in January. General Seffions, Monday next after 2d Mon- day in January. Topjjiam 4th Monday of Auguft. General Seffions, Monday next after 4th Monday in Auguft. Common Pleas, &c. in MafTaehufetts. 75 BERKSHIRE. Lenox 2d Monday of April, 4th Monday of Auguft, and laft Monday of December. General Seflions, fame times and places. HANCOCK,

Cajline ft Tuefday in May, 2d Monday in Auguft, and 2d Tuefday in November. General Seflions, 2d Tuefday in May, and 3d Tuefday in November. WASHINGTON. Machias 34 Tuefday of March, and 3d Tuefdsy m A.uguft. General Seffions, ?d Tuefday in Auguft. NORFOLK. Dcdhavi Laft Monday of April, 3d Monday of Sep- tember, and on 3d Monday of December. General Seflions, 4th Monday in April, and 3d Monday in September. KENNEBECK. Augujla 3d Tuefday of May, and 3d Tuefday of Aug. General Seflions, lafl Tuefday in^April, and

1 ft Tuefday in December. OXFORD. % Paris 2d Tuefday of May, and 4th Tuefday of Sept. General Seflions, 3d Tuefday of March, and ift Tuefday of September. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS.

jfujlices. Theophilus Parfons, u. d. of Bofton, Chief Jvjlkc* , i.l. d. of Stockbridge. Hon. , of Marblehead. Hon. George Thacher, ofBiddeford. Hon. Ifaac Parker, of Bofton. Attorney-General, Hon. , of Stockbridge, Solicitor-General, Hon. Daniel Davis, of Bofton. Reporter of Decificns, Dudley Atkins Tyng, Efq. of Bofton. Circuit Clerk of the S. J. Court, for the County of EJJ'ex and Di/lricl of Maine. Edward P. Hayman, Efq. of Berwick.

Justices throughout the Commonwealth,

Elifha May Aiileborough John Haftings Hatfield Daniel Cony Augvjla Nathaniel Marfti Haverhill George Thacher Biddeford Stephen Choate Ipfzuich Robt.'T. Paine, ll.d. Bojlon William Sever Kingston Thomas Dawes do Jofiah Stearns Lunenburg Oliver Wendell do Samuel Sewall Marblehead James Bowdoin do Edward H. Robbins Milton Thomas Dawes, jr. do George Leonard Norton Theophilus Parfons do Rthoboth Daniel Davis do William Heath Roxbury Harrifon Gray Otis do John Read do Ifaac Parker do , jr. do Ebenezer Thayer Braintree Benjamin Picknun Salem* ' Beza H;iyward Bridgewater Nathan Cufhing Scituate Francis Dana Cambridge Daniel Whitney Sherburne

Jofiah Bartlett Charlejlown Alexander Campbe 1 Stiuhm

Arternas Ward do Theod. Sedgvj\ckStocKbridge£ \ Salem Towne Ckarldon John Bacon do Ebenezer Bridge Chelmsford Bezaleel Taft Uxbridge Samuel Ho! ten Banters Nathaniel Wells Wells Fifher Ames Dedkam Elijah Brigham Weflborough Simon Frye Fryhurgh Samuel Fowler Wtjlfuld David Cobb Goldfborovgh David Sewall York Juftices. 77 SUFFOLK COUNTY.

Jujlices of the Common Pleas. William Wetmore, of Bofton, Chief Jttftke. William Donnifo.-i and Samuel Cooper, of Bofton. Special Jujice, Jofeph Ward, of Bofton. Clerks of Sup remc judicial Court, and Common Picas. Charles Cufhing and John Tucker, of Bofton.

Clerk of Court of General Sejftoms, Edwd. Jackfon, of Bofton.

Judge of Probate. I Regtjler of Rrebate. Thomas Dawes, jr. of Bofton. John Heard; of Bofton. j (p3~ Probate Courts in this County are held every Mon- day in the year, except the firft Monday in each month, on the lower floor of the Court Houfe,in Court-Street, Bofton.

County-Treafurcr. Regifler of Deeds. , of Bofton. William Alliric, of Bofton. jfufllces of the Peace and of the Quorum*, in Bofton, Jofeph Greenleaf Wm. Tudor John Hurd Charles Cufhing John O. Adams John Lowell Wm. Donnifon John C. Jones John Tucker Saml. Cooper David Tilden John Phillips

Edward Gray Steph. ITgginfon . Rufus G. Amory

John Davis j Wm. Wetmore Dudley A. Tyng *That Jufliccs of the Peace andof the Quorum may not miftake, and think their names are omitted, they are re- quefted to obferve, that when they are admitted as Juftices throu^i the Commonwealth, their names are to be found under that head only. Jujlices of the Peace In Bojlon.

Samuel Gardner Arnold Welles Jofiah Ooincy Jofeph May William Spooner Charles Paine William Smith WHliam Scollay Edward Jackfoa William Phillips William Alline JoGrph Pcirce Samuel Eliot Ehenezcr Gay Ifaac Rand r«hn Andrews Wm. Sullivan John Ca-1 lender

Nathaniel Balch David Greene ! Charles Srorrr Samuel Cl.'.p Samuel Parkman i Charles Rul finch Ebenezer Seaver George Blake ! Charles Ta- kfei; Simon Elliot [ofeph Hail : j Jo'ephI I-,d C808.] G y, 78 Juftlces in Suffolk Co.

Samuel Brown 1 William Taylor Peter Thacher Thomas Perkins William Brown John Heard, jr. Samuel Cobb Robert Gardner Jonathan Bird Peter Dnlton Lemuel Roe Hayward | John Welles Timo. Williams John Gardner Benja. Whitman Jona. Hunnewell CharlcsCufiYmg.jr Tames Prince Abiel Smith Th. L. Winthrop Saml. M. Thayer Daniel D- Rogers Fr. D. Channing Gardner Greene John Window James Robinfon Stephen Gorham J oft ph Ruffe 11 Charles Davis Edward Jones J J jfujlices of the Peace in Chelfea.

Jofiah Batchelder | Nathaniel Hall | Samuel Carey

Atiomies at the Supreme Judicial Court in Bojlotu Chriuopher Gore Charles Paine Warren Dutton Daniel Davis Wm. Thuifton John Knapp Samuel Dexter Charles J ackfon Ifrael Munroe Rufus G. Amory John Heard, jr. Saml. D. Parker Jofeph Hall Edward J ackfon Benjamin Welics Dudley A. Tyng Charles Davis Thomas Welfh Edward Gray Fr. D. Channing Andrew Ritchie Harrifon G. Otis CharlesCn(hing,jr Benj. F. Bourne Benj. Whitman Peter Thacher Alex. Townfend John Lowell Charles P.Sumner Fr. Blanchard John Phillips Th. O. Sdfridge Eben. Rockwood George Blake Wm.Stackpole,jr James T. Auflin Afaph Churchill Richard Sullivan William Minot Ebenezer Gay James Allen, jr. James Savage John Calender LufherRich;;idfonirRich.udfon Jofeph E. Smith Jofcph Roue Robt. T. Paine,jr. William Su'iivan Wm. H. Sumner Williams j Andr. Dexter, jr John J Attornies at the Common Pleas in Bofion Cabot John A. Brimmer Saml. M. Ciocker Henry J Stephen Bean Robert Fie Ids Wm. S. Shaw Adam Winthrop Benjamin Buifey George Sullivan Lemuel Shaw Henry Faks William Auftin James H. Elliot Coroners. Bcjlon Bo/ten C/idfca JohnW. Folfom Robert Gardner David Floyd William Fcr:cr Sheriffs, &c. 79

Sheriff-—Jeremiah Allen, of Boflcn.

Deputy Sheriff's in Bojlon.

Oliver Hartfhome* (who is alfo Jailer.)

Shubael Bell | Bradifh Billings , George Jackfon |

* Mr. Hartfhorne is alfo Crier of all the Courts held in Suffolk County. ESSEX COUNTY. Jujlices of the Common Pleas.

Timothy Pickering, of Beverly, Chief juji ice. Ebcn'r. March, of Newbury, and John Tread well, ofSalem.

Special Jujliies.

Nathan Read Danvers Samuel Nye Salifbury j Cogfwell,jr. Jona. Ipfwich J

Chief Jufiice of Court of Sejfions, Natha • Dane, of Beverly.

AJfociate Jujlices. Thomas Kitteridge Andcver Jofiah Smith Newbury port j William Pearfon Gloucejler Punchard j John Saitm

Clerk of S. jf. Court, Common Pleas, and Sejpons. Ichabod Tucker, oi Salem. Judge of Probate. RcgiJUr of Prolate. , of Danvers. Noyes, of Ipfwich. | Daniel

[JJr Probate Courts are held at the Probate Office in Jpf- 7rhh, on the firft Monday in every month in the year, and the. Tuefday and Wedncfday following, except the firfl bnday in April, when the Court will not begin until Tuefday morning—At the laid Office, on the laft Mondays of March and December, and Tjuefdayjj and Wcdnefd j» following; at the Court-Houfe in Newburypert, on tne Thurldays and Fridays following the firil Mondays in March, June, September and December; at the dweih'hg- honfe of Mr. Lewis Tucker, innholder, in Salem, on the 3d Mondays of January, April, July and October, and Tuef- days following; at the Town-Houfe, in Marb!cheadt on Wedneldays and Thursdays following the 3d Mondays of

January, April, July and October ; and at the dweiling- houfe of Mr. Ifaac Parker, innholder, in Andcver, on Thurs- days and Fridays following the lft Mondays of May, Auguft and November. 8o Juftices in EJfex Co.

Rcgifter of Deeds. County -Treafu rer, Amos Choate, of Salem, Stephen Choate, of Ipfwich,

jfujlices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Nathaniel Lovejoy Andover Ebenezer March Newbury Jofhua Holt do Nicolas Pike Newburyport Ifaec Ofgood do Enoch Titcomb do Jofiah Batchelder Beverly Edward St. Loe Livermore Nathan Dane do John Treadwell Salem William Burley do John Pickering do Thomas Perley Pcxford do Henry Phelps Gdoucejler William Prefcott do Daniel Noyes Ipfzvkh Richard Manning do Afa Andrews do Bcnj. Toppan Pickman do Jonathan Cogfwell, jr, do Ichabod Tucker do John Heard do Thomas Bancroft do William Tuck Vianch/Jlcr Samuel Nye Salifhury . Nathan Bowen Marblehead'\ Nehem. Cleveland Topsjield John Prince do 1 imothy Pickering Wenham (

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Samuel Holten, Stephen Choate, Ebenezer March, John Treadwell, Nathan Dane, and Daniel Noyes.

Jujlices of the Peace. Chrifto. Sargent Amejbury John Rowe Glcucefler Benjamin Lurvey do Nathaniel Warner do John L. Abbot Andover William Pearion do Samuel Abbot do Jofhua Giddings Hamilton Samuel Farrar do Enoch Faulkner do Thomas Kitteridge do Ifrael Bartlett Haverhill John Phillips do James Duncan, jr. do Jofeph Wood Beverly Mofes Moody ' do Moles Brown do Leonard White do. T homas Davis do do Ifrael Thomdike do Daniel Rogers Ipfwich Jonathan Smith do John Choate do John Rcbinfon Boxford Naihaniel Wade do Stephen Peabody do Jofeph Swazey do Nathanl. Thurfton Bradford Abner Cheever Lynn 1 homas Savory do J as. Gardner, Fred. Breed do Eieazer Putnam Danvcrs Aaron Sumner iif> Gideon Fofler do Daniel Needham Lynnficla) John Manning, jr. Gloucejlcr Jofhua P:en.t its Marblckad Ju ftices in EJfex Co. 8i

Ifaac Mansfield Marbkhead Samuel Putnam Safer,

P.alph H. French do Ezek 1 . Savage,Wm . Gray do Stephen Barker Meihuen John Prince, jJ. do Peter Marfton do Ebenezcr Beckford do Enoch Sawyer, jr. Newbury John Norris do Silas Little, Jofiah Little do Jofeph Sprague do John Ofgood do William Pickman do Edward Little Newburyport Edward A. Holyoke do J ona.Marfb,Saml. A.Otis do Amos Choate do Jo{ephDaua,Steph.Crofs do John Pickering, jr. do Jeremiah Nelfon, do Jofeph Story do Michael Hodge, jr. do John Punchard do Daniel A. White do Edmund Noyes Salt/bury Wm.WoartJofiahSmith do Jacob Brown, Benj. Evans do Parker Cleveland Rowley Nathl. Hammond Topsfie/d Benjamin Proctor do Samuel Blanchard Wenham Moody Spafford do Tyler Porter do

Attornles at the Supreme Judicial Court,

Samuel Farrar Andover Edward Little Newburyport Na.han Dane Beverh Jofeph Dana do John Rowe Gloucejler Edward St. Loe Livermore John Varnum Haverhill William Prefcott Salem Afa Andrews lpfwkh \ Saml. Putnam, Joleph Story

Attornles at the Common Pleas.

Lonfon Nafii Gloucejler DanielA.White Ntwburypt. Nathan Psrks do E. Mofely do Stephen Minot Haverhill John Pickering,jr. Salem Dearborn do John Prince, jr. do Ifaac Mansfield Marbkhead Samuel Swett do Ralph R. French do Leveret Saltonfiall do

Coroners. jchabodB. Sargent Amefbury Samuel Walker Havethill Putnam Ingalls Andover James Smiley do John Low, Ifaac Rea Beverly Enoch Bradley do

Lemuel Wood Boxford Stephen Choate, j r. Ipjtvu h Jonathan Kimball Bradford Ephraim Kendall, jr. do Eliphalet Rollins do David Choaie do Hi. Hutchinfon,jr. Danvers Ezekiel Cheever Lynn William Pearfon Gloucejler Ephm. Breed, Amos Rhod- s John Rogers, Wm. Dane do John Upton Lyntrfietd

•*.'. win. i White, jr. Haverhill Ifaac Mansfield Marbkhead 82 Coroners in EJfex Co.

John Sargent, jr. Methuen William Lang Salept Stephen Ilfley Newbury John Punchard do David Little do Jonathan Smith Salifbury Daniel Hoi ton Newburyport Daniel Bixby Topsfeld Jofhua Pickard Rowley Jofeph Fairfield Wenham Jofeph Pike do Sherijf—, of Haverhill.

Deputy - Sheriff's* Jeduthun Abbot Andovtr Ammi Brown Ipfwich Benjamin Stacey Gloucejler William Mansfield Lynn David Bradley Haverhill Philip Bagley Newburyfort Daniel Dutch Ipfwich John Hutfon Salem Crier of the Courts—Philip Bagley, of Newburyport.

Prifon- Keepers,

Jeremiah Stamford Ipfwich I John Hutfon Salem Philip Bagley Newburyport \ MIDDLESEX COUNTY. Jujlices of the Common Pleas* James Prefcott, of Groton, Chief fuflice. James Winthrop, of Cambridge, Eph. Wood, of Concord.

Special Jujlices* Phillips Loammi Baldwin Payfon Charleftown j Woburn B. Varnum Dracut Jofeph j Chief Jirfice ofCourt of Sefions, Jos. B. Varnum, of Dracut. AJfociate Juflices.

Aaron Hill Cambridge | Amos Bond Watertown Glerk of S. J. Court, Common Pleas, and Sejfwns* Abraham Biglow, of Cambridge.

fudge of Probate. Regijler of Probate. James Prefcotr, of Groton. Jas. Winthrop, Cambridge. | g^~ Probate Courts are held at Cambridge, on the ad Tueidays in January, May, November, December, and on the laft Tuefday in Auguft. At Concord, on the ed Tues- days of April and June, and on the firft Tuefdays of Oc- tober and December. At Groton, on the 4th Tuefday in May, and 3d Tuefday in October. At Framingham, on the 3d Tuefday in June, and 2d Tuefday in October. At Woburn, on the 4th Tuefday in April. At Chelmsford^ on the 3d Tuefday in September, Juftices in Middlefex Co. «3

Regijler of Deeds. County Treafurer. _ Samuel Bartlett, Cambridge. John L. Tuttle, Concord,

jfujlices of the Peace and of the Quorum.

Ifaac Stearns Billerica James Prefcott Framingham Wm. Winthrop Cambridge Samuel Dana do James Winthrop do John Stone Hollijlon Abraham Biglow do Duncan Ingraham Medford Stephen Dana do Samuel Swan do Samuel Bartlett do Nathan Fuller Newton Jonathan Heald Carlijle Timothy Jackfon do Phillips Payfon Ckarleflown Jofeph Cordis Reading Aaron Putnam do James Bancroft do Ephraim Wood Concord Jofhua Longley Shirley AbielHeywood do John Pitts Tyngfborough Jofeph B. Varnum Dracut Amos Bond Watertown Parker Varnum do Zaccheus Wright Weftford William Hildreth do Loammi Baldwin Woburn Jona. Maynard Framingham

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Ebenezer Bridge, John Brooks, Jofiah Bartlett, Abraham Biglow, James Brazer, James Prefcott, James Winthrop, and Ephraim Wood. Jujlices of the Peace. Winthrop Faulkner AElon Oliver Keating Charlejlown Jonas Brooks John Kettell do Matthew Bridge do Oliver Barron Chelmsford William Adams do Afahel Stearns do Jonathan Fay Concord William Parkman do John L. Tuttle do Joel Parkhurft Dunjlable Micah Eldridge do Nathl. Reeves Eajl- Sudbury Eli Bullard Framingham Oliver Prefcott Grot&rt Samuel Lawrence do Thomas Gardner do Ephin. Littlefield Hollijlon James Mel len do Matthew Metcalf Hopkinton Jeremy Stimfon 84 Juftices in Middle/ex Co.

Walter M'Farlandfltyfonto* William Rice Sudbury Ifaac Bowman Lexington Jonathan Brown Tcwkfoury Nathan Chandler do William Brown do John Mil liken do William Brown, jr. do Ifaac Haftings do Daniel Adams Townjhend Eleazer Brooks Lincoln Ifnae Mulliken do Saml.HoarJos. Adams do Eben. Bancroft Tyngjboro* Sampfon Tuttle Littleton Calvin Thomas do David Lawrence do Eben. Bancroft, jr. do Jonathan A. Newell do Theodore Lyman Waltham Barnard Greene Maiden Jonathan Coolidge do | Benjamin Blaney do Abner Sanderfon do Ezra Sargent do John Sanderfon do

Peter Wood Marlborough N . R. Whitney Watertown Benjamin Hall Mcdjord Marfhall Spring do Nathaniel Hall do Nathaniel Bemis do Stephen Hall, jr. do Thomas Clark do Hezekiah Broad Natick Jed. WillingtonJFe/? Camb. William Boden do Jofeph Brigham Wejlford Simon Jackfon Newton Benjamin Ofgood do John Kenrick do John Abbot do Samuel Murdock do Ebenezer Hobbs Weft on Jofeph Heald Pepperdl Amos Bancroft do - John Walton do John Slack ,1 faac Frfke do Benjamin Upton Reading Timothy\Va\kcrWilmington John Hart do Benjamin Walker do Jofeph Ware Sherburne William Bianchard do Thomas Whitney- Shirley William Blanchard, jr. do Wall is Little do Samuel Thorn pfon Woburn Jofeph Bryant Stoncham Jeremiah Clap do Ephraim RufTell Stow Jofeph Lawrence do Attornies at the Supreme Judicial C»urt. John Locke Afcby Samuel Dana Groton Jofeph Locke Billcrica Luther Lawrence do Loa. Bald\vin,jr. Cambridge Wra. M. Richardfon do Samuel P. P. Fay do Walter Haftings Marlbou* Charlejlown Abner Bartlett, Medford Daniel Parker do Rufus Hofmer Stow do Othniel Tyler Sudbury William Aufiin do Walter Haftings Town/herd Afahel Stearns Ch'lmsford Tyler Bigelow Watertoton John L. Tuttle Concord Levi Thaxter do Jona Fay, Thos. Heaid do John Abbot, jr. Weftford Eli Bullard Framingham ifaac Filkc ' Wejlm 7 amcsPrefcott Groton 1

Attomies in MiJdkJix Co. Sj

Attomies at the Common Pleas.

Samuel Jones Aclon Concord Ala Peabody Cambridge jofeph Adams do Abram Hilliard do Daniel Warren Hopkinton Owen Warland do Benjamin Merrill Marlboro* A^xonH.Vw^mmCharlejlown William Draper do Henry Adams do , jr. do Abner Rogers do Danl.Richardion Tyngsboro' Coroners.

Alexander T.Willard AJhby Silas Gates Marlborough Ephm. Kidder, jr. Billaica Nathan Waite Medfard Benjamin Bowers do Jofeph Jackfon, jr. Newton Saml. Sparhawk Cambridge John Sheple PcppenU Abel Blood Carhjle John Temple, jr. Reading Frederick Blood do James Bullard Sherburne OliverRichardfonC/^/?«i/07"^ John Bullard do Ebenezer Parker do Stephen Longley Shirley Reuben Bryant Concord John Patch Stow Ifrael Hildreth Diacut Thomas Clark Tewksbury Leonard Parkhurft Dunjiable Stephen Bruce Townjhtnd Collins Damon Eaji -Sudbury Shobal C. Allen do John Fifke Framingham Ezra Blodget Ty ngsborough Aaron Bui lard do Jonathan Keyes WePford James Lewis, jr. Groton John Leigh: on do William F. Brazer do Nathan Fifk Wejlon John Stoae, jr. Hollifton Joel Jenkins Wilmington John Stedman do Noah Richardfon Woburn Samuel Haven Hopkinton Edmund Richardfon do Jofeph Valentine, jr. do Jonathan Thompfon do Jona. Whetcomb Littleton Sheriff—Jofeph Hofmer, of Concord Deputy-Sheriffs.

Stephen Wyman AJliby Ephraim Littlefield Hollifton Zaccheus Shed Billerica Eliel Littlefield do Stephen Mfad Cambridge Danl. Stephens, jr. Marlboro* Peter Edes Charleftown Jonathan Waicu:t Stow

Joffph Moors Groton John Flagg Wefton Sampfon Woods do Abijah Thompfon Woburn Benjamin Farnfworth do

Keeper of the Powder-Houfe in Charleftown. Peter Tufts, jr. of CharJeitown. l8o8. H U 86 Juftices. « YORK COUNTY.

Juflices of the Common Pleas, Nathaniel Wells, of Wells, Ckief Juflke. Edward Cutts, of Kittery, Jonas Clark, oi Well*, and John Woodman, of Buxton,

Special Juflices.

John Lord Berwick I Jofeph Bragdon York

Benjamin Greene do j Andrew P. Fernald do Court ChiefJujlice of ofSeJions, JohnWoodman, ofBuxtoii. \

Affoctate Jujlicss.

Richard F. Cutts Berwick | Thomas Keeler

Clerk of the S. J. Court, Common Pleas and Seffions* Daniel Sewall, of York.

Judge of Probate. I Regifter of Probate, Stephen Thacher, of Wells. J Daniel Sewall, of York.

(p4f* Probate Courts, on the Saturdays immediately pre- ceding the Mondays on which the Courts of Common Pieas are held, and at the fame places : [See Table of Courts, »ag« 73. 74-] and at ^c Probate-Ofhce in York, on the 3d Mondays in January, February and Match ; on the Mond,y

preceding the 3d Tuefday in May ; on the rt 3d Mondnys i"a September, % July, October and November. At Berwick, on' 'the 3d Monday in June. At Alfred, on the Mondav pre- ceding the time of S.J. Court : See S.J .Court mAlfred' t p.ya. Regifter of Deeds and County-Treafurer. William Frott, of York.

Jujl'ices of the Peace and of the Quorum,

William Paribus Alfred joihua Hubbard Kitterv Abiel Hall do Thomas Parfons Parfons field John Hovey Arundcll Caleb Emery Sa>iford John Hill Berwick Jofeph Shapleigh Shapkigk John Lord,Jofeph Savage do Andrew Burley Waterborf Dudley Hubbard do Jonas Clark ' W,!ls Jeremiah Hill Biddeford Daniel Sewall York Rifh worth J 01 don do David Sewall do Jacob Bradbury Buxton Wil! : am Frofl do John Fro ft Kittery Jole^h Bragdoa. do r

Juftices in Tori Co. 87

appointed to qualify Civil Officers.

Jofeph Bragdon, Jonas Clark, Edward Cutts, T^remiah Hill, John Holmes,Wm. Parfons, Danl. Scwall, Nathl.Wclls.

Juftices of the Peace. Jofeph Emerfon Alfred John Low Lyman John Holmes do Elijah Drew Netufietd Thomas Perkins, 3d. Arundell Joleph Parfons Parfonsfield Seth Burnham do John Paine, Nich. Emery do Robe it Tow ne do Samuel Garland do Thomas Darrell do Andrew M'Clary Chapman Benjamin Greene Berwick Saco Dominions Goodwin do T. G. Thornton do Richard F. Cults do Tames Gray, Ricfcd. Cutts do Edward P. Hav man do Jofeph Leiand do Peter Merrill, John Cuming Daniel Granger do Ivory Hovey, Jofeph Prime J. Chadboum Philipfburgh Samuel Pearfon Biddeford Wm .Thompfon Gernfh do Ralph T. Jordan do William Rogers Skapleigk n Porter, Danl. Cleves Andrew Rogers do John Woodman Buxton John Lelghion, Jer. Emery Charles Coffin, ZenasP:ine Benj am inWarren Waterbord* Afahel Cole (hrnifh Jofeph Thomas Wells William T. Gerrifh Kittery Jacob Fofter do Andrew P. Fernald do GrorgeW.Wallingford do Alexander Rice do Jofeph Moody do Samuel Leighton do Nathaniel Wells, jr. do T. M. Wentwonh Lebanon John Store do Nathaniel Chamberlain do Samuel Emerfon do Dc-.niel Wood do John Kingfbury York John Morrill Limerick Ehhu Bragdon do Abner Lihbey Liming ton Mofes Lyman do Ezra Davisjames Kettle do Buikiey Emerfon do Saml. Low Ilavmond Lyman Jonathan S. Barrell do

Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court, John Holmes Alfred Cyrus King Saco Dud fey Hubbard Berwick Jofeph Bartlett do Benjamin Greene do Jofeph Thomas IVclls Wiiliam Lambert do GeorgeW.Wallingford do Charies Coffin Buxton Jofeph Dane do Nicholas Em»ry Parfonsfietd Attornies at the Common Pleas. Samuel Hubba»d Biddeford Jeremiah Bradbury J

John Burnham Limerick j 88 Tork County.


John Sayward Alfred Samuel Burbank Ncwfield Joieph Prime Berwick Andrew M'Clary Chap- Batchelor Bunker Biddeford man Parfcnsficld Bettes do Jeremiah George Froft PhilipfhurL Nathaniel Goodwin do Ezra Thompfon Sanford Thomas A. Johnfon Qornifh Samuel Moulton do Damei Pierce Kittery John Bodwell Shapleigft Wiliiam Leighton do John Scribner Waterborougm Jofeph Hammond do Stepberi Perkins Wells r Benjami'i Parker do John Cole do

Din! 1 Wood Lebanon Samuel Moody York Ifaac Mitchell Liming ton Samuel Sayward do Sheriff—-lchzhodi Goodwin, of Berwick.

Deputy Sheriffs. Ebenezer Sayward Alfred Boardman Johnfon Limerick Enoch Hardy Arundel/. John McArthur Limington Mark Lord Berwick Parfonsfield Ich?bod Goodwinj jr. do John S. Wedgewcod do Ichabod Fairfield Biddeford Benjamin Patterfon Saco Ichabod Jordan do liam Emery San/crd Samuel Cults Buxton Jolhua Trafton Shaplpgk Samuel Wat's do Abiel Kelley Welts ] Joft ph Frofft Kittery Jofhua Clark do j Jofeph Langton Lebanon ' Young do


jfujlices of the Common Pleas,

MofesBIifs, Spiingfield, and Saml.Hen(haw,Northampton.

Special jfiflices

John Haftings Hatfield JuflinEly Wejl Springfield Ebenezer Hunt Northampton Abraham Burbank do Wrn. Pynchon Springfield Clerk of S. J. Court, Common Pleas and SeJJicns* joieph Lyman, oi Northampton. Probate. Judge of Prolate. I Regifter of Samf. Henfhaw, Northamp. Saml. Hinckiey, Northamp. j in £f- Probate Courts, at Deerfield, on the lft Tuefdays January, May and Augufl, at the hcufe of Mr. LrciluS Juflices in Rampflnre Co.

Barnard. At Northampton, on the lft Tuefdays of March and December, and on the laft Tuefday in each month, except the laft Tuefdays in May and Augufi, at the houfe of Mrs. Abigail Lyman. In Springfield, on the lit Tuef- days in February, June and October, at the Houfe of Mr. Eleazer Williams. In Hadley, on the lft Tuefday in April and July, and the ad Tuefday of November, at the heule of Mr. Elifha Cook. N. E. The Court will be opened oe each day fpecifced as above, at 9 o'clock. Pegifters of Deeds, % Southern Dijt'rt'3, "William Pynchon, of Springfield. Miadlc DiftriB, Levi Lyman, of Northern; Northern Di/tric~l, Epaphras Hoyt, of Beerfield.

jfufiices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Zebina Montague Amher/i Ruggles Wootibndge South-. Abner Morgan Brimjield Hadlcy Wiliiam Eaton do Mpfcs Blifs Sp ringfield Hugh M'Lellan Colrainc Wm.PynchonJohn Hooker William Billings Conway Thos. Dwight, Wm. Eii do John Williams Deerficld Chaunccy Brewer do Ephraim Williams do George Blifs do Charles Phelps Hadley Jofhua Greene, jr. Wendell John Barrett Northjicld Samuel Mather Weffield Ebenczer Hunt Northampton do Samuel Henfhaw dc Samuel Fowler do Samuel Hinckley do Juflin Ely^ Weft-Springfield Jofeph Lyman do Abraham Bui bank do Jofeph Metcalf Orange Ezra Starkweather Worth- Jonathan Judd Southampton ing ton

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers, Mofes Bins, Thomas Dwight, EbenezerHunt Jofeph Lyman, jr. and Samuel Mather. jfufnees of the Peace.

Sam. F. Dirkinfon Amherfl J o fe ph B rown i n g B rinfcld Ephraim Williams Apifield Dariim Munger do Elijah Paine do Stephen Pynchon do Henry Dwight Belchertcwn Samuel Taylor Bucklr.nd Elcazer Clark do Abel W ilcScr Cha rl went kideon Rytber Bernafdfion Sylvefler Emmons Chejtcr Jedidiah Smith Blandford Martin Phelps do

V i P. Amman d*> Bcnj. Parlous Qktjicrj-eld :8o8 3" i H 9o Juftices in ttampfiire Co.

Benjamin Phelps Cheperfidd Edward Taylor Mcntgomevy

*: Jonathan Magee Cclrame Lze k. Ke 1 ! og, j r. New-Saiem Samuel Ware, jr. Conway Varney Pearce do Elifha Billings do Daniel Wright Northampton , Ebenezer vSncll Cummington Levi LymanJobnTaylor do 4 do jr. do Adam Packard Solomon Stoddard, . v Wm. S. \W\\\\z.ms Deerjidd Elilha Hunt Nortkfield Mezekiah W. Strong d<> Obadiah Dickinfon Jo Winks Bafcomb GiU Medad Alexander do

Gilbert Sracey do Aaron Merrick _ Palmer William White Gofh-n Ifaac Abeicrombie Ptlham*

David Smith Granby Tames Richards Plain fi -Id Jofiah Hervey Granville "John Wells Howe Titus Fowler do Titus Doolittle Rufclt John Phelps do Aaron Skinner Shdburn&TL" Ifrael Parfons do William Waid Shut'/burf

David Curtis do Lcml. Pomrroy Southampton , Jerome Ripley Greenfield Saul Fowler Souiliwidt Jonathan Leavitt do Ifaac Coit do Solomon Smead do JofephWilliams Spring/idd, | Richard E. Newcomb do Jonathan Dwight do Robert Field Greenwich Danl.Whitmore Sunderland' Ifaac Powers do Lemuel Barnard do, Samuel Porter Hadle.y Willia.n Bowdoin Wars, Benjamin Smiih Hatjield Caleb Mayo Warwick Edmund Longley Hawley James Goklfbury do Afaph White Heath John Ingerfoll Wejljidd Ebenezer Tucker do ifrael Afliley " do John Pol ley Holland Sylvefter Judd Wrflliarnptonj^ Jacob Thompfon do Eliph. LeomxdWcJl-Spnngf. Rufus Graves LcvereU Pelatiah Bills do Eemuel Poller Ley den Lucas Morgan *io Hczekiah Newcomb do do

Gideon Burt Longmeadom ! Jonathan Smith, jr, do Nathaniel VJy do Jeremiah Stebbins do D ivid Mack WdJhf.dd i'hos. Saunderfou Whatdy 'm.]io'.imar/f'V///a' Abel IV < Goodell Men/on j - Abner Brown do Aida White da Elifca Root Montague Jona. Wobdbridge Tfo Henry Welis do ing:<*\

Attormcs at the Sup •erne Judicial Ccurt. Saml.F. Dickinfon Amhen't Jds.Bridgman,jr BdxhertnMk

Simeon Strong do Abner Morgan B i Elijah Paine Ajhjield | Stephen Pyuchoii Attornies in Hampfoire Co. 9*

Sylveft. Maxwell Chart mant TheodoreStrong North amfrt. Benj. Parfons Chefterfield Elilha P. Amman do Wm. Billings, jr. Conway John Barrett Northfield Hezek. W. Strong Deerfield John Nevers do Pliny Arras do Tohn Hooker Springfield John Phelps Granville George Blifs,Wm. Ely do R. E. Newcomb Greenfield Jonathan Dwight, jr. do Jonathan Leavitt do Edmund Dwight do Elijah Alvord Greenwich Oliver B. Morris do Saml.C. Allen New-SaUm Henry Barnard Sunderland Saml.Hir :k!ey Northampton Tohn FhgeTfoll WeJIJield Solomon Stoddard, jr. do Elijah Bates do John Taylor, Lewis Strong Samuel Lathrop W. Spring. Elijah Hunt Mills do Jon.WoodbriigQlVcrlhingt.

Attornies at the Common Pleas, Noah D. Mattoon Amherjl Jona. H. Lyman Hatfield Alvan Coe Chefcr IfaacC Bates Northampton Afahel Wright do John M. Gannet Northfield James M. Cooley Granville Mark Doolittle South- EHhu Lyman Greenfield Hadley Hooker Leavitt do Deodotus Dutton Springfield Giles C. Kellogg Hadley Samuel Orne do

Coroners- Jarcb White Amherjl Ede Whitaker Monfon J ufl usForward,j rife/c/zif rtawrc Jofeph Gunn Montag ue bamuel Bates Brimfield Wm. Butler Northampton Ezra Hitchcock do Wm. Pomeroy Nofthfield Jonathan Ma gee Co'raine Saville Metcalf Orange Wiliam Caldwell do Ifraei Conkey Pelham Reuben Baidwell Conway Zebulon Benton Rowe Bela Norton Gumming ton John Pynchon Springfield George Arms Deerfield Benjamin Prefcott do Ambrofe Stone Gojlicn Edward Morris Wilbraham Ezra Baldwin, jr. Granville Tofiah Langdon do Caleb Clap Greenfield Elillia Brewfter IVorthmgton Eliel Gilbert do Joliah Mills do Alden Lathrop Greenwich

Sheriff- Ebenezer Maftoon, of Amherft.

Deputy Sheriffs.

Tuftus Williams, r. Amherjl I Afa Smith Blandford

.XX Mattoon jr. do ! John Moore Brimfield G2 Sheriffs in Hampshire Co.

David Cbiids Coniojdy Ala Ward Palmer Springfield Ruius Saxton Dee tfield Thomas Barnard Oliver Wilkinfon Grctnjield Simon Ballard Sunderland Luke Stone Greenwich Samuel Dough* Wejlfitld Sylvanus Maxwell Htath Fred. Palmer Wji-Sp^&P' Zebina Diekiofon New-Salem Newcomb Cleveland Worth* Cecil Dwight Northampton ington Cal e b Ly m aa No rthfi eld Jofeph Cook, Jailer.


jfujlices of the Common Pleas. William Watfori, of Plymouth, Daniel Howard, of Bridge- water, and Epbiaim Spooner, or Ply mouth.

Special jvjlices.

Ifaac Thorn pfon Middleboro" I Jofhua Thomas Plymouth Pembroke Kilborn Whitman \ Clerk of S. j. Court, Common Pleas, and Seffions. joiiah Cotton, or Plymouth.

Probate, I Regiflcr of Probate. Judge of r Ifaac Lathiop, Jofhua Thomas, ot Plymouth. | of Plym. on the ill (J^" Probate Courts at Sa'tuate, Mondays in March, June, September and December. NtPlympton, on the lit Mondays in January, February, May, July, Auguit, October and November, and on the id TueUlay in ApriL

Regiflcr of Deeds. I County Traifvcr. of RolTcter Cotton, of Ply mouth. | Ephm. Spooner, PJytnft.

jfvftices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Bridgcwat. Tolbua Thomas ply, Daniel Howard do Ephiaiuj Sp< oner do Samuel Norton Hingham Nathaniel Goodwin 99 Ha Ifaac Thompson Middlebord' Joiiah Cotton tie Kiiborn Whitman Pea, broke Abraham Holmes Rochefter- William Watfon Plymouth Charles Turnc-i, jr. Scituate.

Appointed to qualify Civil :Jf;cc? s. William Wat (on, Ephra'im Spooner, jofhua 1 homas, Ifaac Thomplon, Daniel Howard, and Beza Hay ward. 2 Juftices in Plymouth Co. 93 Juftices of the Peace. Luke Bicknell Abington William White Marflifield Samud Norton do Nehem. Bennett Middlebord1 Aaron Hohart, jr. do Wilkes Wood Jonathan Crane Bridgezvater Danl. Snow, Heclor Orr do Gideon Howard do Samuel Shaw dp Daniel Howard, jun do do Nathan Mitchell do Caleb Howard, 2d. do Howard Cary do Nehemiah Cobb Carver Judah Aiden Duxborovgk Jc* do 'Jonah Thompfon Halifax David Stockbridge Hanover Horatio Cufhing do Narhan Rice Hingham Daniel Shut:- do Abner Lincoln do Robert Gould Hull Seth Drew Kingston Jedidiah Holmes do Jas. Sever, John Thomas do Martin Parris do Elifha Phillips Mar/kfield

Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court. 94 Coroners in Plymouth Co.

John Gray, jr. Kingston Thomas Jackfon jr Plymouth William Lewis Marjhfield Elias Churchill Plympton James Dingley do Thomas Sturtevant, jr. do Mark Hafkeli Middbbord William Crapo Rochcfter Il'aac B. Barker Pembroke Nathaniel Hafkell do Charles Little do Peleg Whiti ridge do Nathaniel Loring do Lemuel Turner Scituate David Bacon Plymouth Samuel Waterman do Stephen Sampfon do Samuel Savory Wareham S/ierif—, of Duxborough.

Deputy Sheriffs,

Micah White Abington Lemue 1 Brig^s Middleloro Simeon Pratt Bridgewater Nathaniel Wilder, jr. do Darius Howard do Jonathan Standifti do Ifaac Wilder, \u Hingham David Oldham Pembroke

John Adams, jr. Kingston. \ Noah Dexter Rochejler Jedidiah Little Mar/kfieltLi, James Sparreli Scituate - BRISTOL COUNTY.

jfujlices of the Common Pleas,

Samuel Fales, of Taunton, Chief fuf ice. Stephen Bullock, of Rehoboth, Samuel Tobey, of Berkley.

Special jfuflices.

Eliflia May Attleborougk I James Williams Taunton Alden Spooner New~Bcdford \

Chief jujl ice ofCourt qfScJfions, Jofiah Dean, of Raynham.

Affbciate Jufllccs.

Nathl. Morton, jr. Freetown 1 James Godfrey- David Perry Rehoboth \ Clerk S, Court Pleas, of J. , Common and Seffions, Nathaniel Faies, of Taunton. Judge of Probate. Regifter of Probate. Padelfoid, of Seth Taunton. | Wm. Baylies, of Dighton.

Probate Courts at Taunton, on the i(t Tuefdays in (f^H ' January, March and Auguft. At Norton, on the ii> Tuef- days in July and December. At Rehoboth, on the lft Tuefdays in Aprii and September. At Dighton, on the lft Tuefdays in June and November. At Niw-Bcdjord, on the lft Tuefdays in May and October. And at Freetown* en the id Tuefday in Februaiy. 4- in Brijlol Co. 95

Regijltrof De.°ds. County-Trcafurer. James Williams, of Taunton. Saml. Crocker, of Taunton.

Jufllces of the Peace and of the Quorum.

Samuel Tobey Berkley Laban Wheaton Norton

William Bayiics Dighton Ephm * Starkweather/??hoboth Edward Pope New-Bedford Scth Padelford Taunton Alden Spooner do Samuel Fales do do James Williams do Seth Spconer do Foiler Swift, Jas. Sproat do

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers.

Samuel Fales, Seth Padelford, Seth Spooner, Fofter Swift, Samuel Tobey, and Lemuel Williams.

Jujlices of the Peace.

C. Richardfon, jr. Attlcboro' Samuel Morey Joel Read, Noah Claflin do Holder Slocum Dartmouth Joel Packard do Elihu Slocum do John Rogers do David Thacher do Hodijah Baylies Dighton Samuel W. Baylies do Thomas B. Richmond do Samuel Guild Eajlon Elijah Howard do Danl.Wheaton, John Pool Nathl. Morton,^d. Freetown Ephraim Winllow do Benjamin Weaver do Wafhington Hathaway do Benjamin Bates Mansfield Daniel Gilbert do David Gilbert do Rowland Green, jr. do Samuel Perry New-Bedford Benjamin Church, jr. do Rounfevil Spooner do Rodolph H. Williams do John M. Williams do Ephraim Raymond Norton. 96 Attornies in Brijlol Co.

Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court. Samuel W. Baylies Dighton Laban Wheaton Norton Daniel Wheaton Eajion James El lis Rehcbotk Wafh. Hathaway Freetown Seth Padelford Taunton David Gilbert Mansfield Nicholas Tillinghaft do R.H. Williams NewBedford James Sproat do

Attornies at the Common Pleas.

J. M. WilliamsAfc^^/br^ I P. C. Shaw Raynhcm Silas jr. Wm. A. Leonard Raynham \ Cobb, Swanzey Coronors.

Peter Thacher Attlebero' Ifaac Hodges, jr. Norton

\ Walter Tyler do Elkanah Fiench Rehobotk Levi French Berkley Thomas Carpenter, 3d. do Benja. Tucker Dartmouth John Brown do Rowland Howard Eajion Elijah A. Read do Daniel Macomber do William Mafon Swanzey Gardner Weaver Freetown Afa Danfonh Taunton Simeon Green Mansfield Abiezer Dean do Sirnpfon Hart New Bedford | Sheriff—-Zephaniah Leonard, of Raynham.

Deputy Sheriffs. Jofiah Allen Attleborough Ebenezer Titus Norton Noab Tiffany do Eliphalet Slack R

Jujlices of the Common Pleas.

Nathaniel Freeman, of Sandwich, Chief Jufiice. Ebenezer Bacon, of Barnftable, and Samuel Waterman, of Wellfleet.

Special Jujlices. Davis Scudder John Bamjlablc J David BarnjlabU. Juftices in Barnjlable Co. 97

AJfociate Jujliees of the Court of Seffions. John Davis Barnjlable | James Freeman Sandwich

Clerk of Supreme Judicial Court and Common Pleas. Wm. Otis of Barnftable, for Barnftable and Duke's Co. Clerk of the Sefions, David Scudder, of Barnftable.

Judge of Probate. I Regijler of Probate. Davis, of Barnftable. John j Nathl. Freeman, of Sandwich.

(J^f- Probate Courts at Barnjlable, on the 2d Tuefdays of April, May, June and September. At Great-Marfies, on the 2d Tuefdays of January, February, July and De- cember. At Yarmouth, on the 2d Tuefday of Auguft. At Sandwich, on the 2d Tuefday of November. At Fal- mouth, on the day after the court is held at Sandwich. At Brewjler, on the 3d Tuefday of March, and 2d Tuefday in Oclober. At Harwich, the day before each time laft mentioned. At Eajlham, on the Wednefday next follow- ing the 3d Tuefday in March, and 2d Tuefday in Oftober. At WeUfleet, on the day after each laft mentioned times.

Regijler of Deeds and County Treafuret\ Ebenezer Bacon, of Barnftable.

Jujliees of the Peace and of the Quorum. Jofeph Otis Barnfable Solomon Freeman Brewjler John Davis, Eben. Bacon do Nathl. Freeman Sandwich David Scudder do Samuel Waterman Welljleet

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Nathaniel Freeman, Solomon Freeman, Samuel Savage, John Davis, and Ebenezer Bacon. Jujliees of the Peace. Samuel Savage Barnjlable Jofeph Doane Chatham Holmes Allen do Richard Sears do David Parker do Jeremiah Howes Dennis Jofiah Samfon do Stephen Homer do Timothy Phinney do Ifaac Sparrow Eejlham Ebenezer Crocker do Elima Mayo do , Solo. Freeman, jr. Brewjler Jofeph Palmer, jr. Falmouth Sylvan us Stone do David Nye da Iiaac Clark do Thomas Jones do John Dillingham do Francis Weeks d>

1*08.] 1 9 8 Juflices in BarnJlabU Co.

Wendell Davis Juflices in Dukes' Co, 99

Clerk of the Pleas and Seffions. Cornelius Merchant, jr. of Edgarton.

Judge of Probate. , Regifler of Probate. James Atbearn, of Ti&ury. Thomas Cooke, of Edgarton. Regifler oj Deeds. County-Trea furer. Samuel Smith, of Edgarton. ' Ths. Jernegan, of Edgarton,

jfujllces of the Peace and of the Quorum. Matthew Mahew Chilmark William Jernegan Edgarton Benjamin Bjfet do James Athearn Tijbury Benah Norton Edgarton Shuhael Cottle do

appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Jas. Athearn, Shubael Cottle, Beriah Norton, Thos. Cooke jfujlices of the Peace.

Allen Mayhew Chilmark I Cor. Marchant,jr. Edgarton

Zebulun Allen do James Coffin ' do | Thomas Cooke Edgarton Rufus Spalding1 Tijbury j

Wm, Butler, Wm. Mahew • Benjamin Allen do Attornies at the Common Pleas*

Ebenezer Skiff Chilmark I Thomas Cooke Edgarton William Jernegan Edgarton \ Coroners. Simon Mayhew Chilmark Coffin j James Edgarton S/for^f--Benjamin Smith, of Edgarton.


William Mayhew Chilmark I Thomas Jones Tiflury Benja. jr. Edgarton Smith, \ NANTUCKET COUNTY.

jfujlices of the Common Pleas. Jofiah Coffin, Jofiah Barker, and James Coffin. Special Jujlices, Kaac Coffin and Charles Folger. Clerk Court) Common Pleas and Sejions^ of S. J. t Benjamin Gardner. Judge of Probate. Reg ifler of Probate. Jethro Huffey. joiiah Barker.

r Comity furer Regifl- of Deeds. -Treo % William Huffey, jr. Jcfiah Cofim. I op Juftices in Nantucket Co.

Juflices of the Peace and of the Quorum* Ifaac Coffin and Jofiah Barker.

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Jofiah Coffin, Ifaac Coffin, j ofiah Barker, Jethro Hufiey, Zaccheus Hulfey, and James Coffin. Juflices of the Peace, Jofiah Coffin, Jethro Huffey, Zaccheus Hufley, and Walter Folger, jr. Attornies at the Common Pleas. Jofiah Huffey, Ifaac Coffin, William Coffin, 2d. Coroners. Caleb Bunker and William Colman.

Sheriff, Jeremiah Lawrence. | Deputy-Sheriff, David Allen.


Juflices of the Common Pleas.

Dwight Fofter, of Brookfield, Chief Juji ice. Elijah Brigham, of Weftboro',Benja. Hey wood, of Worceft.

Special Juflices.

Benjamin Kimball Harvard | Oliver Fifke Worcefter Affociatejujlia o/CourtqfSeffwns,F\'my Merrick,Brookfield. Clerk of the S. J. Court, Common Pleas and SeJJions. Jofeph Allen, of Worcefter. Crier of the Courts, Ephraim Mower, of Worcefter. Judge of Probate. Regifier of Probate.

NathK Paine of Worcefter. j Theop. Wheeler, Worceft.

fl^T Probate Courts, at the Probate Office in Worcefter, on the lft Tuefday in each month. At Tcmpleton, on the Thurfday next after the 3d Tuefday in May, and 3d Tuef- day in Oftober, at the houfe. of Mr. Jofhua Wright inn- holder. At Brookfiddy (Weft Parifh) on the sd Tuefday in April, and 4th Tuefday in October, at the houfe ofCapC David Hitchcock, innholder. At Lancafter,ox\ the 3d Tuef- day in May and November, at the houfe of James Elder, innholder. At Uxbridge, on the 4th Tuefday in May, and November, at the houfe of Meffrs. Carpenter & Cu tu- rnings, innholders. Regijler of Deeds. County -Treafurer.

Daniel Clap, of Worcefter. | Samuel Allen, of Worcefter. Juftlces in Worcejter Co. 10*

Jujliccs of the Peace and of the Quorum. Eleazer James Barre Petirfliam ; Dwight Fofter Brook field Michael Gill Princeton JoJeph Dorr, Thos-Hale do Jofnua Her.fhaw Shrew/hury John Spurr C/? arte ton Timothy Newell Stur b ridge Henry Bromfield Harvard John Prcntifs Ward Wm. Stedman Laneafter Jofeph Allen Wcrcejler Samuel Ward do Nathaniel Paine do John Whiting do Benjamin Heywood do David Henfhaw Lcicejler OHvcrFifke, Sami.Flagg do William Henfhaw do Theophilus Wheeler do Jonas Kendall Leominjler

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers, Dwight Fader, Elijah Brighim, Benjamin Heywood, Salem Towne, Joi'eph Alien, and Nathaniel Paine.

jfujlices of the Peace, Jacob Willard AJIiburnhani Simon Goddard Gerry Abraham Low do Benjamin Goddard Grafton Joftph Jevvttt do Jofcph Wood do James Humphries AUiol Nathaniel Adams do Benja.Jenkins, Joel Bent do John Mailings Hardzvhk Amos Tohnfon Berlin Timothy Paige do Jonathan Whitcpmb Bolion Benjamin Kimball Harvard Silas Holman do John My call do Nathaniel Longley, jr. do William Drury Ho/den Ezra Bcaman Boylflon Lemuel Davis do Janus Longley clo EYAlrjWcodwTdHitbbardft. John Cutler Broohfeld Ifrael Atberton Lancojler PlinyMerrick, Danl.Foi bes Jofiah Flagg do Jabez Upharri do Timothy Whiting do Oliver Crofby do Jofcph Wales do Salem Towne, jr. Charl.eion Thomas Denny Leicfler

Oliver Hams Dona Nathaniel. P.' Denny do Aaron Marfh Douglafs " Williams Nichols Leominft John Chamberlain Budic\ John Gardner do Aaron Taft do W. Cunningham Lvnmburg Daniel Putnam Fitchburgk Seth Ha flings Mcndon Jofcph Fox, KiraclTurner do Andrew Dexter do Aaron Wood Gardner Ric hard George do Charles Baker Gerry Na:h a) Verry' d) Ithamar Waid do Jofeph Adams d > Elijah Gould do Samuel Jones Milford 1808.J 1 2 102 Juftices in Worcejler Co.

Adam Cbapin Milford Aaron Peirce Sutton Araariah Froft do Solomon Lei and do Benj. Joflyn New-Braintree Ebenezer Waters do Abijah Bigelow do do Nahum Fay Northborough Stephen Munroe do Paul Whiting Northbridge Silas Cutler Templeton JefTe Allen Oakham Thomas Fiftier do Sylvanus Towne Oxford Lovell Walker do Sylvanus Learned do Ezra Wood, jun. Upton Nathaniel Crocker Paxton Benjamin Adams Uxbridgc John Chandler Peterfiam James Hawfe Wejlborovgh Nathaniel Maccarty do Andrew Peters do William Dodds Princeton Erafmus Babbitt do Ifaac Gregory Royal/Ion Nathan Fifher do Mofes White Rutland Danforth Keyes WJltrn Jonas Howe •do Nicholas Dike Wejiminjler Jonah Howe Shrew(bury Abel Wood do Ezra Taylor Southborough Jonas Whitney do Trowbridge Taylor do Samuel Crcfby Winchendvn John Bifco Spencer Ifrael Whiton do. Benjamin Drury do Edward Bangs Worcejler Benj. Richardfori Sterling Abraham Lincoln do JohnRobbins.IfraelAUen do Ifaiah Thomas do Oliver Plympton Sturbridgc Daniel Clap, Saml. Allen do Djvid Wight do Francis Blake do Thomas Upham do Jofeph Trumbull do Nathan Putnam Sutton Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court Jofeph Proctor Athol Seth Bailings Mmdon EJeazer James Barre Richard George do Luther Perry do William C. White Rutland Brookjield Bartholomew BrownSterling Pliny Merrick do Lovell Walker Templeton Liberty Bates Charlton Benjamin Adams Uxbridgc Lancajler Erafmus Babbitt Weflborcu^ h Merrick Rice do Wejiminjler Mofes Smith, jr. do Nathaniel Paine Worcejler Nathaniel P. Denny Leicejler Edward Bangs do Afa Johnfon Leominjler Francis Blake do Abijah BJgelow do William E. Green do Attornies at the Common Pleas.

Amos Crofby Brookjield • Luke Brown Hardwick do Dunftin Harvard Daniel Gilbert j Alexander Frederick Bottom Charlelon Eftes Howe Sutton J Jofeph B.Caldwell Grafton ' Levi Lincoln, jr. Worcejler Worcefler County. T03


Wm. Stearns Afliburnham Hutchinfon HapgnodP^r/%. Jofeph Peirce Athid Daniel Woodbury Royaffton Elijah Caldwell Barre Zadock Gates Rutland

Levi Pierce BoyIfton JofephSumner,jr.dVmT//£ttry Simeon Draper Brovkjield Eliot Mafon Spencer Thompfon Rawfon do Robert B. Thomas Sterling Aaron Whcelock, Charlton Moles Smith do John Farnham D uglas Fifkc Sturbridge Jabez Day Dudley David P. Chafe Sutton Simeon Goddard Gerry James Sibley do Aaron Kimball, jr. Grafton Timothy Lampfon do Seth Hinckley Hardzm'ck Ezra Farrar Upton Henry Bui lard lioldm jofeph Taft do V\fa Wheeler Hubhardfton Peter White Uxhridgc Benjamin Wyman Lancaper Jofiah H. Prentifs Ward William SprajMie Lcicejler Ifaac Fnrbufli Weftborough Bezaieel LawrenceLeomin/ier Jofiah Putnam WefieTn Peter Brown Luthuh rg Jonas Miles Weftminft'-r Seth Davenport, jr. Mendx/h Heywood Kidder Wmchcndcn Nathaniel Paikhuift Muford Jouiua Whitney Wbrcejler Robert Saunders do John Peirce do Jonathan Barr Newbraintrce Ephraim Mower do Jonathan Harris Oxford

Sheriff—Thomas W. Ward, of Shrewfbury.

Deputy Sheriffs.

Jofeph Peirce Athol David Davenport Mendpn Samuel Henry Barre Jotham Bowker Peterjli&n Seth Pratt do Jonas Stearns Princeton Robert Cutler BrooAfield John Peltcc Royal/Ion John Muzzey do Timothy Ruggles Rutlan/ Sibley Barton C/iarie£on Jonas Howe, jr, do Amaziah Howard Grafton Shepard Pratt Shrcxv/Jntr Samucl Hinckley Hatdwick Moles Thomas Sievting Jonathan Simonds Harvard John Moibrook Sturbridge Oliver Hill do Gibbs Sibley Sutton Solomon Carter Lancajler Frederick Taft Vxbridgt Robert Townfend do Zadoc Sawyer Weflminficr Jofeph Wafhhurn Leicejler William Eaton Woicejhr Jofeph Darling LtontThJler William Caldwell cb .


jfujlices of the Common Pleas, Stephen Longfellow, of Gorham, Robert Southgate, 5 of Scarboro , and John Frothingham, of Portland. Special Juflices,

Ifaac Parfons New-Gloucejler | Woodbury Storer Portland

Affociate Jujllces of the Court of Seffions.

Tofeph E. Foxcroft New-Giouc. | Theodore hluiTey Stand?JIt Clerk of the Pleas—Samuel Freeman, of Portland. Judz e of Proba te Regijler of Probate. Samuel Freeman, Portland. JohnFiothingham, Portland. |

(J^= Probate Courts at Portland, on the 2d and 4th Wednefdays of January, February, April, July, Auguft, September, Oftober and December; the 4th Tucfday of

March ; and the 2d Tuefdays of May, June and Novem* ber. At Gorham, on the lft Wednefday of February. At North-Yarmouth, on the id Tuefc;:y of May. At Brunf tvick, on 3d Wednefday of May. At Standijli, on the lft Wednefday of Auguft. At New-Ghucfer, on the lft Wednefday of Oftober. And at Frceport, on the lft Wednefday of November.

Rcgifcer of Deeds. 1 County Treafurer.

£lias Merrill, of Portland. | Jofeph M'Lellen, Portland.

'Juflices of the Peace and of the Quorum. John Culhing Frrcport Peleg Wadfworth Portland Stephen Longfellow Gorham John FrorL'ingham do Ifaac Parfons Nczv-G/ouctfler Prentils Mellen do A. R. Mitcheil Ncrthyarm. Robert Southgate Scarbord' Samuel Freeman Portland Peter T. Smith Windham William Wedge ry do

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Stephen Longfellow, Robert Southgate, Siimuel Freeman. John Frothingham, and Woodbury Storer.

Juflices of the Peace. Jonah Peirce Baldwin John Dunlap Brunfwick Enoch Perley Bridgetown John Perry, jr. do Samuel Farnfworth do Robert Thorn pfon 60 Peter O. Aiden Brurfuick Dominicus Record Buckfcid Jttftices in Cumberland Co. 105

Ifeac Sturtevant Butt, Tames Prince Northyartnoutk Eben.Thrafher Cape-Eli tab. Andr. R. GiuJi igs Pej tpfcU George E. Vaughan go Samuel Andrews Poland Jofiah Burnam Durham John K. Smith between Po Fofter Waterman do [land and Raymond Archelaus Lewis Falmouth Woodbury Storer Portland Job Eaftman do Ifaac IMley, Wm. Martin do Mofes Merrill do Ebenezer Mayo do Timothy Pike do Barret Potter do telatiah March «io Richard Hunnewell do Edmund Phmney Gorham Hun- M'Lellan do George Lewis do Jofeph C. Boyd do Lothrop Lewis do Elias Merrill do John Park Little do do Jofeph M'Lellan Gray James Burnham do Samuel Perley do Jofeph Emerfon Scarborough Benja. Dunning Harpfwdl William Hafty do Stephen Purrington do Wm. Thomplon Standijh Michael Little Minot Theodore Muffey do Jefle Rice do John Dean do N-dih\.C.A]\cx\Ni'W'Gleuce/i J. Thompfon Thompfon P£. Peleg Chandler, jr. do Paul Little Windham Jofeph E. Fexcroft do James Paine do Jacob Mitchell Northyarmc.

Aftamies at the Supreme Judicial Court, Hopkins Portland Peter O. Alden Brunfwick I James D. Benjamin do "Stephen Longfellow do Orr j

Geo.EA'aughanCa^-£//.ztf. I Oliver Bray, JofephPope do Fofter Waterman Durham Nathan Kinfman Peter Thacher Falmouth Prentifs Mellen Leonard Morfe Freeport Horatio Southg?*" John Park Little Gorham Barret Potter Samuel Whitmore, jr. do Thomas Hopkins, jr. Ezekl. Whitman New-Glouc. Woodbury Storer, jr. Nathan Wefibn, jr. do Daniel W. Lincoln Eliflia P. Cutler Northyarmo. Henry A. S. Dearborn James C. Jewett Portland

Attornies at the Common Pleas, Stephen Chafe Bridgetown Wm. T. Vaughan Portland Iiaac Gates Brunfwick Samuel D. Freeman do Henry Putnam, Arte. Sawyer William Freeman rio J6fiah Mitchell Fret-port Simon Grccnleaf Standtjh Afa King Gray Barker Curtis Windham 10$ Cumberland County.

Coroners. Noah Melcher Brunfzoick Afa Chafe North-Yarmouth Jonathan Sparrow Falmouth Daniel Holden Otisfield James Bailey do James Shaw Poland James Curtis Freeport Steph. M'Lellan Portland Royal Lincoln Gotham George Warren do James Irifh, jr. do John Dean, Saml.Hoit do

Samuel A. Nam Gray S a m ] . Thom pfon Sea rbo ro' Steph. Punington Harp[well James March do William Tarr do Edmund Muffey Standifi Afaph Howard Minot Samuel Barker Windham Philip Chandler N.GlouceJlcr Sheriff—John Wait, of Portland Deputy-Sheriffs.

Thos. Thompfon BrunJ'wick Stephen Knight Otisfield Secomb Jordan do Benjamin Arnold Pejcpjcot James Emerfon Bridgetown Jacob Thurlo Poland William Newell Durham Caleb Graffam Portland Ebenezer Kollock Falmouth Ezra Gibbs. Steph. Lee do Jofiah Reed Freeport Thomas B. Wait do Ellis Standifh Gorham Jonathan Lund do John Cloutman do Edmund March do David Jordan Gray Jofeph M'Gerrifh do Daniel W. Green do Lewis Gay Raymond Henry Jackfon Minot Richard Libby Scarborough Bezal.Loring New-Glcuccjler Edward Thompfon Standifh William Warner do Thomas Chute. Windham Amos Clough Nortk-Yarm. Samuel Barker do Beth Mitchell do LINCOLN COUNTY.

Jujtices of the Common Pleas. Thomas PJce, Nathaniel Thwing, of Woolwich, and Orchard Cooke, of Wifcaffet.

Special Jujlices.

DummerSewall Bath I David Fales Thomajlown. Hill Georgetown Jonathan Ellis Topjham, MarJkL- j Clerk of Supreme Judicial Court and Common Pleas* Alden Bradford, of Wifcaffet. Clerk of the General SeJJions of the Peace. William Bowman, of Wifcaffet. Juftices in Lincoln Co, 107

fudge of Probate. Regifler of Probate-

Silas Lee, of Wifcaffet. | Alden Bradford, of Wifcaffet.

#^r Probate Courts in this County, as follows : At Wi/cajfct, on Wednefday preceding 2d Monday of Janu- ary ; on id Monday of March ; on Saturday preceding 2d Monday of May; and on Saturday after lft Tuefday of September. At New-Cajilc, on Thurfday preceding 2d

Monday of January ; and on the 5th Thurfday after the 4th Tuefday of May. At Waldoborough, on Friday before the 2d Monday of January ; and on the. 5th Wednefday after the 4th Tuefday in May. At Warren, on Saturday before the 2d Monday of January ; and on the 4th Tuefday after the 4th Tuefday in May. At Thomaflown, on 2d

Monday of January ; and on the 4th Monday after the 4th Tuefday in May. At Dnfden, on the Mondays after the ift Tfcnj'fyys of March and September. At Bath, on 2d Tacfdays of March and September. At Topjkam, on the Wednefdays after 2d Tuefdays of March and September. Regijlcr of Deeds. County-Treafurer. of Nathl. Thwing, Woolwich. Warren Rice, Wifcaffet. j

JuJliCes of the Peace and of the Quorum, Francis Winter Bath David Fales Tkomaflown. Duramer Sewall do joiiah Reed do Wiiiarn M'Cobb Boothbay Orchard Cooke Wifcaffet Ja-nvs Rogers Bowdoin , do Mark L.Hill Georgetown Alden Bradford do John Farlt-y NcwcajlL Thomas Rice do Jofiah Stebbins New-Miford Nathl. Thwing Woolwich

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Thomas Rice, Nathaniel Thwing, Orchard Cooke, Dummer Sewall, and Mark Langdon Hi

Jujlices of the Peace. Andrew Greenwood Bath James Nichols Brijlol William King do William M'ltitire do William Webb do Robert Huffon do Peleg Tallman do David Blodget Qamdcn Jona. Sawyer Boothba\ Samuel Jacobs do Daniel Rofe do Jofeph C:i filing do Thomas Read Eowdoinham John Pendleton do Zaccheus Beal do E alius Foote do Thomas J okafon Brijlol William -Paikraaa do io8 Juftices in Lincoln Co.

James Malcom Cujhing Hezekiah Prince St. George Jonathan Bowman Drcfdm Jofhua Adams Thomajlown Mofes Davis Edgcomb Jofeph Ingraham do Edward Jones Friendjhip Mafon Wheaton do Denny M'Cobb Georgetown Otis Robbins, jr. do Wm. Lee, Lewis Thorp do Benjamin Hafey Top/ham James N. Lithgow do Jonathan Ellis do Benjamin Briggs do Ezra Smith do Samuel Brown Hope Benjamin J. Porter do Samuel Waters Jejferfon Stephen March Union John Herrick Lewifton Nathaniel Robbins do Joel Thompfon, Dan Read Jacob Ludwig Waldoborough Noah Jourdon Lifbon Jofhua Head, Jofeph Farley Samuel Tibbitts do James Witherell Wales James Shurtleff Litchfield James W. Head Warrtn John Neal do Mofes Cope land. Vti Abijah Richardfon do Samuel Thatcher J. Purrington Little RiverPL Ebenezer Thatcher do Samuel Kennedy Newcafik Patrick Pebbles do David Murray do Benjamin Bracket do JeremiahPieribnA^M/^r^ Jonathan Bowman Wifcaffet Mofes Carlton do Jofeph Chriftopher do David Dennis Nobleborough John Merrill, jr. do Elijah Davis, Geo. Read do Teremiah Bailey do Jonathan Greeiey Palermo David Pay fon do Richard Meagher Pinhook Abner Wade Woolwich Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court. Andrew Greenwood Bath Ebenezer Thatcher Warren Fofter Waterman Bowdoinh. Manafleh Smith, jr. do Kraftus Foote Camden Jeremiah Bailey Wifcajfet Jofiah Stebbim Nen>-Mi(ford Silas Lee do George Read Nobleborough John Merrill, jr. do Benjamin Hafey Topflum FJias Phinney do Benjamin Orr co Frederick Allen do Samuel Thatcher Warren Sammel Ballard do Attornies at the Common Pleas.

E.C.Clap Bath I Frederick Allen Waldoborc? Nathaniel Coffin do I Manaffeh Smith Wifcafjet Samuel Bellard Newcafile I Coroners. Bath Calvin Day Bath Wm. Brown j do Bowdoin Edward Hall Page J Hugh Maloy Coroners in Lincoln Co.. tog

tohnDenfmore Bowdoi>?Aam Robert Robjnfon NezocafiU Robert Thomp'on. Briftul George Erfkine Newmi/fordIfon £phrdim Wood Camden J. hn Dole do Ifaiah Wyman Georgetown Nathaniel Bryant Nobleboro* Charles Couillard do ;acob Greley, jr. PaU-mo Benjamin Briggs do David Fales, 3d Thomajlown Abraham Choate Jejferfon Otis Robbins, jr. do Oliver Hefrick Lewijlor* Henry Wiiioh TopJIiam Dan Read do Chdrks Sampfon Waldoboro? Seth Hinckley Lifbon Samuel Davis Warren

Ezeki.ThompfonZif . Riv. PL ^ymphas Stacy JVifcaJfel SAerif—Edmund 3 ridge, of Drefden* Deputy-Sheriffs. Stephen Winfhip Hath Joint. Norris Nezvmilford John McClentock Boothba\ George R. Freeman do William Maxwell Read do John Glidden Palermp Jas. Bowker, jr. Boiodoinham Wil lard Fales Thomajlozan ^fofhua Palmer Camdm Hezekiah Wyman TopJIiam Farnham Hall do Humphrey Purrwigton da John Lewis Cvjhing Obed Burnham do Louis Houdlette, jr. Drefden William Boggs Union Timothy Clary Jejferfon Jeremiah Luce do Phineas Jones Lifbon Nathan Sprague tValdoboro* John Owen Litchfield George Reed do Jas. Purringtort Litt.Riv.PL Jelfe Page Warred Seth Curtis Newcajile Samuel Sevey WifcaJJet Jofiah Jones do TKos.M.Cargill&Ja^cr do BERKSHIRE COUNTY. Jujlices of the Common Pleas. Wm.Walkcr, at Lenox, and Nathi. B.fliop, of Richmond.

Special Jujlices*

Timothy Childs Pittsfieid Timothy Edwards Stockbridgt j Strong do Win, Towner Afhbel | WiUiamJlown \ Chief Jujlict of Court of S /pons, Nathi. Bifliop, ofRichm. sJJbciate Jujlices. SamLH.Wh?e\e\lMnc/i>oo' jolhua Danforth Pittsfieid | Clerk of S. J. Court, Common Pleas end Sejfions* Jofeph Woodbridge, of Stock' riuge. Judge of Probate. Rcg/fter of Probat*.

Win . Walker, of Lenox. Nathl, Eifhou. of Richmond -MO Berkjhtre County.

Regifters of Deeds. Southern Difirifi, M >fes ri jpkins, of Great-Barrington.. Middle DiftriH, J ofephr Tucker of Lenox. Nonkrn Diftnci, Samuel Bacon, of Lan fbcough. County Treasurer, Barnabas Bid of Stockbridge. Jujlices of the Peace and of the Quorum, w «m Williams Dalton John G. Williams Pittsficld

Thos . Ives Great-Barrington "Nathaniel BiSiop Richmond

G ; d; on Wheeler Lanefborc' John Bacon Stockbridge Azariah Egglefton Lenox Timothy Edwa r ds do W. -Va ker,Elda:i Lewis do Wm, Towner Williamjlown Afhbel Strong Pittsfcld Djniel Dewey do Timo.hy Chi Ids d--

Appointed to qualify Civil Officer*.

John Bacon, N :ua Pi ih p. V m. i kei , Azan. Egglefton. Jufiicessof the Peace. Shuba^l Willrnarrb Adams Gyrus v towelI Peru jtraeljones, Danl.Noble do HenryVan Sehaack Pittsfe/d Abnei KeHogg A/ford Jofhua Danforth do Philander Hnlbert do John W. Hulbert do Nathaniel Kingfley Becket Z-cHariah Peirfon Richmond George Conant d< Hugo Bughardt do Daniel Fowler Bttklrhtm Noah Roffeter do Daniel Brown Qhtjlur, Drake Mills Sandisfteld Ezra Ba.ker do John CanfiV.ld, John H.Allen Calvin Waldo Daitor ^ne'lum Babbitt Savoy Seneca Tuller Ep, remmt Elifha Lee Sheffield'

" Mole s II o pki T&Crcatba rring Mofes Hubbard do JbhnWh.ting, SupH. Sibley WrmB'uel,Strph. Dewey do Gideon Martin Hancock Barnabas Bidwell Stockbridge Theodore ITmfdalc HinJ'daU jofeph Woodbridge do Hufus Ivlarfh do Giles Jackf >n Tyringham Nehemiah Ball Lanesb»rd' Adonijah Bidwell do Woolcot Hubbell do ElnathanPratt, John Garfield Peter Bun Curtis do lerem. Lawe.nceIVqfkr.ng ton Ebenezer Jenkins-- Lee C. French IVeJi-Stockbridge Jonah Yale, Jofepfc Whiton Enoch W. Thayer do Jedidiah Crocker do Obad. Ward, Saml. Barftow Jofeph Goodwin Lenox Wm .Young Williamjlown Charles Patterfon Mt.Washi. William Starkweather do Efbon Gregory NewAJkford Deodotus Noble do Ebenr, Smith New Marlboro 1 Robert Walker Windfor Danl.Taylor, Benj. Wheeler Dennifon Robinfcn do J.arvii Mudge d* Henry Brewflet &c Berjblre County. Hi

Attormes at the Supreme Judicial Court. Daniel Noble Adams Thomas Gold Pittsfdd Thos. Ives Great-Barring ton Afhbel Strong do John Whiting do John W. Hut be it do Caivin Waldo Dahov dn Sam I. H.Wheeler Lanesboro' Barnabas Bidwell Stockbridge Samuel Qnincy Lenox Enoch W. Thayer Weft do John C. Williams Pittsfidd Dan!. Dewey Williamjlown Attornies at the Common Pitas. Thomas Allen Hinfdale Chants Dewey Sheffield

Luther Wafhburn Lanesboro* ! Robert F. Barnard do do John Hunt Stockbridgc William P. Walker Lenox Samuel Howe do Thomas B. Strong Pittsfield Ezra Kellogg Weji do David B. Curtis Sandisfield Ambrole Hall Williamft 010% Coroners. Elias Jones Adams William Granger SandisfieId Stc ph. Sibley Grealk&rring ton Andrew Andrews ShjJiJd William Stevens Peru Den ni fori Kobinfon Wind/or Ephraim Mead Pittsfidd Sheriff— S'unon Lamed, of Pittsfield

Deputy Sheriffs. ^Arthur Field Adams Fhos. Hinfdale, jr. Pittsfield Heniy Marfh Daltou Wm.S Leadbetter Richmond r EzraKe Wog&Greatba ring ton I tephen Palmer bandisfield Artemas Thorn pfon Hinfdale John Habbasd hcfffeld John Hail Lanesbo rough S e^pheAWillard Stockbndge

Sherman Bofworth Lenox fain ii, g Wi: Ton West 40 Stephen Pel ion Loudon DarJ.Boynton WiUiamjtoun

Daniel Williams, jr. : ifid Whelple) Jailer. Crier Wai. , HANCOCK COUNTY. Jnjlicxs of the Common Pleas. David Cobb, of Goldfborough, Chief Jujlice. Oliver Parker 2nd Francis L. B. Goodwin, of Frankfort. Special fujlices.

Ebenezer Floyd bluJnll > 'I llamas Cobb Qaflint

Caleb Brooks Hall Buck ft cwv \ Clerk S. Court Pitas of J. y Common ami Sejfons. I'homas Cobb, of Caftine. Judge of Probate. Kezi of Probate. Job Nellbn, of Cafiinc. William Abbot, of Cailint. fl* Hancceh County.

%$T Probate Cm ts, at the Probate Office in C&fline, or tbt 4th Tuefday of every month, ejoccpt September. At frankforty at the office of Archibald Jones, Efq. on the sd following the of S. Monday term J. Court in this County ; and on the day following, at the houfe of Mr. Samuel Green- leaf in Bangor. In Belfaji, at the houfe of 7 homas Whit- tier, Efq- on the Tuefday preceding the 2d Monday in Au- gufl. In Bluehilly at the houfe of Andrew Witham, Efq,

on the 2d Tuefday in Oftober ; and on the day following, at the office of George Herbert, Efq. in Surry. —The above Courts open on each of faid days at 10 o'clock, A. m. Re.JJle r cf Deeds. Couvty-Treafurer.

Bradfhaw Hal*, of Cafltnc. j Ebenezer Floyd, of BluehiU. jfujlices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Samuel E. Djuton Bangor Job Nelfon Cafline Ebenezer Floyd Bluehill Frankfort Jonathan Buck Buckflown Francis Le B. Goodwin do Caleb Brooks Hall do Oliver Parker do Thomas Cobb Cajline Simeon Fowler Qrrington David Howe do Oi-ver Leonard dp

appointed to qualify Civil Officers.

David Cobb. Oliv 1 Parker, f rinds Le Barron Goodwin, Caleb Brooks Hail, Job Nelfon, Thomas Cobb, Oliver Leonard, David Howe, nd Samuel E. Dutton. jfufllces of the Peace, Allan GPman Bangor Patk Holland Eddington Ames Patten, Joseph Carr Melatiah Jordan ElijwortJi Jacob McGaw 1 heodore Jonc« do Bohan P. F.eld Bdfafl William M 'Lathy Frankfort James N"efmith,Wm.Crefby Daniel Livermore do Robt.Houfton, Jona.Wilfon 7 homas Hill Gold/borough Thomas Whittier do Martin K'nfley Hamden John Peters Bluehill John Crofby do Jahaziah Shaw Buckflown John Gilkey Ijlefborovgk Stephen Peabody do Mofes Hodfdon Kendufkeag Jpfeph Lee do George Ulmer LincolnvilU

Wilifam Abbot Cafline Thomas Know 1 ton Northport Bradfhaw Hall, Oliver Mann Richard Window Orono Thomas Stinfon Derrifle\ William Rice Orrington Jofeph Tyler do Jeremiah Wardwel) Penolfcot j Benjanin Nathaniei Kidder Pro/peel Brown J)ixmont | Ezra Young Eden ! Jofeph Crary do

Royal Gurley do I David Thurflon Sedgwick Hancock County. "J

Samuel Holde« Sedgwick T .rob FoOer Trenton jabez Simpfon Sullivan William Vinal Vinalhavtn Jefle Button Surry Counfellors at Laiv, Allan Gilman Bangor William Crofby Belfaft Samuel E. Dutton do lob Nelfon Cajlint Jacob M'Gaw do WjlHam Abbot do Bohan P. Fi Id Bdfaft Oliver Leonard Orring ton Attornles at the Supreme Judicial Court. John Wi Hon Bdjafl John Godfrey Hamden Samuel Liitle Buckjlown Enoch Brown do Archibald Jones Frankfort George Herbert Surr\ Philo H. Wafhbum do Attornles at the Common Pleas.

Luther Emerfon Bangor I Samuel M. Pond Euckjiown Oakes Angier Belfafl j Coroners. Thaddeus Hubbard Belfaft Rowland Tyler Hamden Joft-ph Houflon do Thomas Buckmer Noriliport

Daniel Buck Buckftown Amos Dole Orring ton Do y Little Cajline Jofiah Brewer do Thomas Robbins Dee rifle John Beau SnUivau Peter Hardy "do Jacob F.fter Ti en ton Enoch Sampfon Frankfort j her.jj

Deputy Sheriff's. John Hufe V'j-jl Samuel Merrill Frank/err Francis Anderfon uo George SparJiawk do j

Thomas Cunningham, jr. do f JamesW. Mentil llundeti. ElialhibAdams* Buckjlown Joisn Whiting Qrringtsn. j Jofliua Pa.mer Camden ' Alfred Lan'gdbq Surry John Minott Cqftine Benjamin Googins Tunton

Dccrijle i Afa Greene J o leph Bol'wc i Vajjalborou%h JeiTe Craige Dixmout

Alfo Crier of the Courts. t Alfo Jailer.

WASHINGTON COUNTY. Jujlices of the Common Pleas. Stephen Jones, of Machias, ChieJ ~fuflice. Alexander Campbell, of Steuben, and Theodore Lincoln, of Dennyfville. 1808.3 K s 114 Wafiingtan County^

Special jfuflices. Machias james Lemuel Trefcot J Campbell Harrington Clerk of the PLas and Sejions, Jofiah Harris, of Machias. Judge, Probate. Regi.fter Probate. of _ of of Machias. Stephen Jones, | Jofiah Harris, of Machias, Deeds. Regifter of _ | County-Treafurer. S. Smith, of Machias. John Cooper, of Machias. Geo. j

jfuftices cf the Peace -and of the Quorum,

Theodore \l\x\o.'S\x>DenyfviUe i Stephen Jones Machias Lemuel Trefcot Machias \

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers,

Stepher; Jor^es, Alexander Canipbcli, Joliah Harris, Theo? dore Lincom, James Campbell, John Brewer, Lemuel Trefcot, John Burgin, and Obver Shead.

jfuflices of the Peace, Thomas Ruggles Columbra Gideon Obnan Machias Jofeph Patten do John Brewer Schoodick No.$. John Burgin Eajiport Stephen Brewer do No 5. Oliver Shead do Thomas Archibald Steuben James Campbell Harrington Alexander Campbell do Jofeph Wall is, jr. do J ,»cob Townilcy do jofiah Harris Machias Jlttornies at the Common Pleas, Jona. D. Welton Eajlport John Dtckinfon Machias Coroners. Peter Talbot, William Patten Columbia , jr. Machias, David Wafs do Benja.R. Jones Plant. No. 1.0 John C. Todd Eaftpon Shuba^l DovincsSchood-No.ij Stephen Parker Mat hias Alexander NickeU Steuben Jeremiah Obrian do S^r^-John Cooper, of Machias,

Deputy Sheriffs,

John Coffin Addifon John D. Folfom Mackiaj James Bailey Columbia William Cb^ loner do Jofeph L'.vermorc Ea/iport Saml Jones,]x. SchoodieANo.4 Henry Waid do Robert Moore Stctiben WHtfam C^aloner, of Machias, Jailen? t 5

1 Juftlces. 1 NORFOLK COUNTY.

jfuflices of the Common Pleas,

Samuel Haven, of Dedham, Chief Juf.ice.

Eben'r.Warren,ofFoxboro\ \ Mofos Everett, of DorcciW,. Special Jujllces Horatio Townfend Dedham DavidS.Greenough Roxbury Thomas Greenleaf Quincy Thomas Williams, jr. dp Samuel Bats Randolph

ChiefJujlice of Court ofS<;fions, Eben'r, Seaver, of Roxbury. Affociate Juflices*

Tojeph Berrus Canton I Nathaniel Ruggles Roxbury

John Ellis Medway \ Samuel Day Wrenthav} Clerk of the SeJJions, Nathaniel Ames, of Dedham. Clerk of S. J* Court and Common Pleas, Horatio Townfend, of Dedham.

Jvigc of Probate* Regijier oj Probate. of Wm. Heath, of Roxbury. | Samuel Haven, Dedham. f£f» Probate Courts are held at the Probate Office in Dedham, on the ifl Tuefday in each monih ; and at New- comb's Tavern, in Quincy, the 2d Tuefdays in February, May, Augnft and November. Rrgifter of Deeds. County-Treafurer. of Dedham. Eliphalet Pond, of Dedham. | Ifaac Bultard, Juflices of the Peace and of the Quorum, Wm. Afpinwall Braokiine John Whiting Franklin Nathaniel Ames Dedham Thomas B Adams Quincy Ebenezcr Wight do Nathaniel Ruggles Roxbury Samuel Haven do David S. Grcenough do Horatio Townfend do Thomas Williams, jr. do Stephen Badlam Dorckejler Ebenczer Seaver do Mofes Everett do Cotton Tufts Weymouth Eben'r. Warren Foxborough

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers.

Fifner Ames, j an Read, ar&l Ebenezcr Warren Juflices of the Peace. Laban Bates filing ham Eaac :>. Gardner Brooklint Eliab Wright do Stephen Sharp do DamebFogg Braintree E!ij \h Crane Canton "Stephen Perjjiiman do Eliiha/tooanq Cohajfet ii6 Juftices in Norfolk Co.

Thomas Lathrop Cohafjet Mofes Black Quincy Nathl. Kingfbury Dedham Samuel Bafs Randolph. Thomas Tileflon Dockejter Samuel Linfield, jr. do Aaron Everett Foxbo rough John Parker Roxbury Pelatiah F fher Franklin William Brewer do John Boyd do Benjamin Randall Sharon Elijah Adams Medfield Jofeph Hewins do John Baxter do Peter Adams Stought. n

Abijah Richardfon Medway J abez Talbot do Jo'eph Level do Seth Bui lard WtUpok Eliakim Adams do Daniel KiuguSury do Jobi* Ellis, jr. do Eliphalet Loud Weymouth. Ifaac Davenport Miit on AfaWhite. James Lovell do Jam^s Ford do James Humphreys, 2d. do Ifaac Shepard Needkam David Ho brook Wrcntham B. njamin Slack do Cornelius Koiiock do Peter B. Adams Quincy [aims Ware do Barr'ijlers at Law. Hitchborn Dorc-'ujier Morton Dorchcftet Benja. \ Perez

Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court, William Dunbar Canton Wm. P. Whiting Randolph Either Ames Dedham lhos. Williams, jr. RoxOury James Richardfon do John Shirley Williams do Jabez Chickering, jr. do jofeph Harrington do Daniel Adams Medfield Gideon L. 1 hayer Wcwwuth Henry M- Lifle Milton Jairus Ware IVrent/iam Thomas B. Adams Quincy Seth Ncwc.omb

Attorney at the Common Pitas, Melatiah Everett Foxboreugh. Coroners. Caleb French Braintrte Phinehas Davenport Milton Thomas White BroohLne David Smith, jr. Needkam \ Ebenezer Davis do 1 Jonathan Rawfon Q/iincy Ebenezer Heath do Nathaniel Ru^gies Roxbury Ji»bin Fifher Canton William Heath, jr. do Thomas Bourn Cohafjet William Brewer do E.Withington^d.Dorc^^r Dagget do Jell'e ^ JelFe Pratt Foxborough Francis Curtis Sharon Amafa Richardfon Franklin Samuel Capen, jr. Stougkton George Ellis Medfield Samuel Bailey Weymouth

Adam Adams Medway D . Ho b rook, j 1 . Wruitham Ralph Buliard do Paul Fiflier do Ruius Pcirce Milton Jofeph Ware dry Norfolk and Kennebeck Co, llj

Skerijf—Benjamin Clark Cu^'er, af Roxbury.

, Deputy-Sheriffs. Elias Cook Cellingham Thomas Kollock Shatvn John Guild Pcdham Nathaniel Bui lard Nccdkam Jofeph N. Arnold Quincy Ti mo P.Whitney Wrouham Deputy-Jail-Keeper, Samuel Daggett, of Dedham. Keeper of the Powder-Ifoufe, John Read, jr. of Roxbury.

KENNEBECK COUNTY. jfujlices of jhe Common Pleas* Jofeph North and Danl. Cony, of Augufta, Nathl. Dump mer and Chand'er Robbins, ot Hallowcll.

Special jfujlices. William Brooks Augujla Robert Page Rradfield j

Samuel Moody HallowM \ Wi^iam Swan Winflow

Clerk of S. jf. Court, and Court of Common Pleas, John Davis, of Augulta. Clerk of the Sejfions, Barzillai Gannett, of Gardiner. Judge of Probate, fygifter of P robate. Daniel Cony, of Augufta.i Chandler Robbtns, ol HallowelK (gr Probate Courts are held at the office of the Judge of Probate, in Augujla, on the laft Tuefdaysof each month,

1 except June, and on the ad Tuefdays of Apri , May, Octo- ber, November and December, In Monmouth, at the dwell- ing-houfe of John Chandler, El,q. on the lft Monday in June. In Winthrop, at the dwell ing-houfe of Jeremiah Glidden, on the ifl Tuefday \a June. In Mount-Vemov* at the houfe of Jofhua Stevens, on the lO Monday of Aug. In Farmington, at the houfe of John Church, on the lft Tuefday in Auguft. In Rcadjicld, at the houfe rf Jofhua Hay ward, on the lftThurfday in Auguft. In Waterville, at the dwelling-houfe of Ebcritzer Bacon, on the ed Monday of September. In Norridgezvock, at the dwelling-houle of Richard Sawtell, on the 2d Tuefday of September. Jn Canaan, at the dwelling-houfe of Salmon White, on the ed Wednesday in September. In JVinflow, at the dwelling- houfe of Richard Thomas, on the 2d Thurfday of Septem- ber, In Vajfallxoiougk, at the dwelling-houfe oi William Getchell, on the 2d Eriday in Sepiemher. Regijier of Deeds. County -Treafurer, Henry bewail, of Howard, ofAugufla. Augufta. | Samuel n8 Kennebech County.

Jujlices of the Peace and of tie Quorum* Jofeph North Avgujla Cnand'er Robbins Halloweli

win. Brooks, Danl. Cony do John Chand I er Monmouth Wm. Howard, John Davis do Jedidiah Jewett Pittd&wn Henry Sewall, Saml. Howard Robert Page Readjield Supply Belcher Farming ton John Hubbard do Solomon Adams do Reuben Kidder Waterviiie vVilliam Swan Gardiner Jeremiah Fairfield do Barzillai Gannett do Nathl. Fairbanks Wintkrop Nathl. Dummer Halloweli Samuel Wood do Charles Vaughan do William Swan Winjlow

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Jofeph North, Dmiel Cony, N thamel Dummer, Chandler Robbins, William Howard, and Henry Sewall

jfuflices of the Peace. Dominicus Getchell An[on Samuel b. Wilde Halloweli B. Bryant, John Moore do Jeremiah Dummer do Philip Leavitt Athens John Odlin Page do Samuel Titcomb Augujla Nathaniel Parley do Jas. Bridge, Sam! Cory do Thomas Fillebrown do feenj.Whitwell,Solo.Vo'e John Sewall do Thomas Bowman do John Merrick do John Rockwood Belg rad> Jacob Smiih do lyce McLellan Canaan'. Abraham Burrell Harlm

Seth Currier, EliWefton do I James Leigh ton Harmony

Dummer Sewall CkeJlerviUe Abie I Dai ley Leeds Jonah Crolby, jr. Clinton James Jones Madi/m James Noitb, Ezkl. Biown Simon Dearborn M.m mouth Benjamin Dowe CornvUlt Jedi. Prefcott Mount-Vernon Saml. Eikens,Robt. Evans do John Hovey do Samuel Tobey Fairfieid\ Samuel Prefcott New Sharon William Kendall do jofeph \Vingate, jr do StephenTitcomb Farndngtcn Cornl Norton New Vineyard Mofes Sterling do Samuel Daggett, jr. do Solomon Adams do John Hariow Norridgewock Benjamin Whiuier do JohnWare, Wm.Jones do Solomon Bates Fayette Richard Sawtell do Nathan Bridge Gay diner David Jewett Palmyra Benjamin Merrill Greene Samuel Ojkman Pittjiown Joieph Herrick do Thomas Eidied do Samuel Moody Halloweli Peter Norton Readheld Joieph Wingate \ Spauldiv%» Jofeph Heald David Sewall £ I Town PL Juftlces in Kenneled Co. 119

James Waugh Starks Afa Reddington Watcrville Thomas McKechnie do E!na han Sherwin do William Read Strong Mofes Appleton do Jrh shod Thomas S\dney Jofeph Lam fen Wayne

Benjamin Abbot Tempi J ohn Lock Weft Pond Plant. Ebenczer Pattee Unity Ofg -od' Carlton do Benjamin Barlett do Ebeneze; Eaton Wilton John GttchQ.\\Va[Jalborough Ezekiei Patree Win/low William Farwell d Thomas Rice do James Brackett do Ephraim Town do Philip Colby do annuel Pa-e Winthrop Samuel Reddington do Dudley Todd do Gideon Wells Vienna Attornies at the Supreme "Judicial Court.

James Bridge Augufla Thomas Bond, jr. Hallowell Benjamin Whitwell do Wra. Jones Norridgewock Solo.Vofe, H/W.Fuller do Sam!. P. Glidden Readfield

Reuel Wnhams do Daniel Campbe 1 do Farmington Philip Leach Vcjfalhorougk

Nathan Bridge Gardiner Reuben Kuid. 1 Watcrville Sanford Kingfbury do Timothy Boutcll da Nathaniel Perley Ha'Jowell Thomas R.ce,jr. Winflow Sam ae! S. Wilde do E. W. Ripley do Oliver Whipple do Dudley Todd Winthrop

E. T. Warren do i Attornies at the Common Pleat Thomas Bowman Augufta Jeremiah Perley Hallowll Auguftus Alden do Sylvanus G Whi pple do Judah McLUan Canaan Samuel Bifhop Pittftown RuiTell Freeman Clinton Luihef Emerlon Vafjalboro" Matthias Weeks do Thomas A. Hill Wat rville Warren Prefton do Bartlett Allen Winflow Zechariah Soule Farmington Belcher Winthrop Coroners. Ifaiah Wood Anfo. William Dalton Fairfield El ias Craig Augufta Jofhua Blackwell do Abraham Page Belgrade Francis Hubbard Fayette Brooks Dafcomb Canaan Rufus Gay Gardiner Ephraim Getchell Clinton Alfred Martin Hallowell Amos Barton do Samuel Burrett Harlem Jotham Smith Farmington Daniel Evans do Andrew Norton do Jefle Robinfon do Enoch Craig do Jofeph Chandler Monmoutk 126 Coroners in Kennebeck Co.

Robert Blake Mount-Vernon Wm. Getchell Vajfalborf' C. Norton New-Vineyard Abiel Getchell do Silas Wood Norridgewock William Farwell do John Loring do Jas. Sackpole, jr. Waterville Jacob Loud Pittftown A His Sweet Wayne, Icha, od Simmonds Readjield Ezekiel Pattee, jr. Win/low Jacob Basford - do Elijah Wood Winthrop David H;inter Strong Jofeph Tinkham do Daniel Whitmore Unity Sheriff—-Arthur Li thgow, of Augufta. Deputy Sheriffs. Amos Partridge. Augujia $t£\M.S>CT\bnctMount-Vernon James Black do Caleb Philbrick^ do jafon D- Cory do Peter Gilman Norridgewock Wm. Gower Farming ton Jacob Loud Pittftown Do'Have Norton do James Waugh, jr. Starts Jelfe Jewett Gardiner Jofeph Bofwell Vajfalboro' Benja. Colby Green]} own PL Abijah Smith Waterville, Stevens Smith Hallowell Henry Johnfon Winflow Jefle Rjbinfon do John May Winthrop Nathanie) Tilton Monmouth OXFORD COUNTY.

jfujlices of the Common Pleas* Simon Frye, of Fryburgh, Luther Gary, of Turner, and Samuel Parris, of Hebron. Special Jujlices. Paris— Darnel Stowell Paris'

Clerk of S. jf. Court, Common Pleas and SeJJions, Cyrus Hamlin, of Piris.

Jud^e of probate. I Rcgijl/r of Probate. Dana, of Fryburgh. Saml. Bradley, ofFryburgh. Judah | A.

f£^" Probate Courts are held at Waterford, on the Sat- urdays, and at Buckfield, on the Mondays next preceding the

Courts of Common Pleas ; at Paris, on the firft day of

the fitting of the Common Pleas ; and at Fryburgh, on the 2d Tuefdaysof Feb'y, April, June, Auguft, O&ober & Dec'r. Regijlers of Deeds. John Bradley, for the Wefterrt Diftrift. Office at Fryburgh. John Ruft, for the Eailern DiftricL Office at Parish Oxford County. tti

jfuflius of the Peace and of the Quorum* Simon Fiye Fryburgk Daniel Stoweii Paris Judah Dana do Cyrus Hamlin ' do Samuel P-irris Hebron Luther Cary Turner William Livermore Jay

appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Simon Frye, Luther Cary, Samuel Parris, Judah Dana, Daniel Ntowell and Cyrus Hamlin.

jfupket of the Peace,

Uriah Holt Albanx Nfachl. Perley Livermore Eli TwitchelT Bethel Ifaac Livermore do Timothy Carter do Job Eaftman Norway Jofeph Howard Broionfield Caleb Prcntifs Pans Abijah Buck Buckfie/d Jofiah B-fco do Daniel Howard do Cyrus Hamlin do Dominicus Record do Seth Morfe do Ho'mes Thomaf Dixfield Pleaf Mount Elias Berry \ Ezekl. Merrill Eafi-A:dover and (ore Ebenezer Poor do Nathl. Merrill Porterfield Mofes Ames Fryburgk James Coffin Porter William RufleU do Francis Keyes Rumford Timothy Ofgood do Ifaac Stu'tevant Sumner Samuel Ayer Bradley do JohnThompfonTVww/^ Pt. Arvida Hayford Hartford John Turner Turner John Greenwood Hebron Ichabod Bonney do Thomas Spring Hiram Eber Rice Water]ord Edward Richardfon Jay Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court

Daniel Howard. Buckfield 1 Luther Farrar Norway Judah Dana Attornies at the Common Pleas, Saml.AyerBradleyFr)'/;&r3radley Fryburgk^ Zechaiiah SouleSou! Paris 6 j

Luther Emerfon Livermore \ Henry Farwell Waicrjord

Coroners. Ezra Twitchell Bethel Aiexr.Alex'r. Greenwich\jrreenwicn Hebron Theodore Ruflell do Jofeph Haven Hall Paris

• , James Walker 60 Abner Thayer Tv ner

. Robert Page Fryburgk vid Chaplin WaLerford Edward Blake. Hartford Eli Longley do

! 1808.1 lit Sheriffs in Oxford Co«

Sheriff-— David Learned, of Livennore.

Deputy-Sheriffs. John Cafely Buckjield Alvan Eoyden Paris Philip Page Fryburgh Waterford Jonathan Bemis Paris

State-Prison at Cbarlejlotvn.

Vifitors. Hon. Jofiah Bartlett, Andrew Craigie & Jofeph Hurd, Ef<|S. Phyjician, Hon. Jofiah Bartlett. Superintendant, Daniel Jackfon,. Efq. Keeper, Mr. John Pelham.

(j^T The following is the population of the twelve largeft. towns in F.hode-Ifbad, viz. Providence, 7614 fouls;

Newport, 6739 ; Gloucejler, 4009 ; South Kingston, 3438 ; Smithfield, 3120; Nortk-Kingston, 2 704 ; Tiverton ,2717; Warwick, 2532 ; Sciiuate, 2523; Exeter, 2476; Fofter,

24^7 i and Coventry, 2423.

The Fraternity of PHI BETA KAPPA hold their An- niverfary at Cambridge, or. the day afier Commencement. Preftdevt, Rev. Jofeph M'Kean. Vice-Prcftdent, Mr. Andrew Ritchie. Corresponding and Recording Secretary, Peter Nu?fe, a* M. Harvard Univerfity at Cambridge.

Founded A. /). 1638. Named Harvard College, to perpetuate the name and liberality of its piincipal individual benefu&or. Made a Corporation by Charter, 16,50.

The following are the names of the Presidents, from the -\ear 1640 to the prefent time.

(fd* Thofe in italic* were not Miniftcrs of ihe Gofpel. Appointed. Died or nfigned* 1640 Rev. Henry Dunfter, 1054 16.54 Rev. Charles Chauncey 1671 1672 Rev. Leonard Hoar, m. d. 1674 1675 Rev. Urian Oakes, A. U. 1681 1682 Dott. John Rogers, a. m. 1684 168.5 Increafe Maihe^, d. d. 1701 1701 Rev. Samuel Willard, A. M. Vice-Pref. 1707 1708 Hon. John Leverett, A. m. r. r. s. 1724 1725 Rev. Benjamin Wadfworth, A. M. 1736 1737 Rev. Edward Hoiyoke, A- M. 1769 1770 Samuel Locke, d. x>. 1773 1774 Samuel Langdon, D. d. 1780 178! Joftph Willard, D. D. LL. D. 1804 1806 Samuel Webber, d. d. Board of Overfeers. His Excellency the Governor, His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor, The Honorable the Council and Senate, and The Minifters of the Congregational Churches in the towns ofBofton, Charleftown, Cambridge, Water town, Rox- bury, Dorchefler, and Brighton. John Lathrop, d. d. Secretary.

Corporation. Samuel Webber, d. d. Prejident. Fellows. Oliver Wendell John Eliot, r>. D. Hon. j

John Lathrop, D. D. \ Hon. John Davis, LL. Hon.Th.Partons, ll.d. | Hon- Jonathan Jackfon, Jreafurer. j 2-f Harvard Univeriltr.

ProfefTors in Harvard Univerfityv

Herfey Profeffor of Anatomy and Surgery. John Warren, m. d.

ilerfey Profeffor of the Theory and Practice of Phyfic. Benjamin Waterhoufe, M. D,

Erving Profeffor of Chemifiry and Materia Medicd. Aaron Dexter, m. d.

HoUis Profeffor of Theology, Henry Ware, d . d . Maffachuf. Profefforuf Natural Hifiory,Wm. D. Peck, A.M.

Boy Ifon Profeffor of Rhetorick and Oratory. Hon. . Hancock Profeffor of the Hebrew and Oriental Language's, and the Englijh language, Sidney Willard, a. m Mollis Profeffor of Mathematics and Natural Phibfopky. John Farrar, A. m.

Tutors in the Univerfity. Logic, Metapk\fics, and Ethics, Levi Hedge, A. M. The Latin Language, Levi Frifbie, a. m. The Greek Language, Amur Ware, A. M.

. Geography, Geometry, and the Elements of Natural Philofophy and AJircnomy, Icbabod Nichols, A. m.

Librarian, Peter Nut fe, a.m. I Protlnrs,

Regent, William Allen.A.M. j Steward, Caleb Gannet,ef*q. (£3= The Library contains 15,000 Volumes. A Medical Library is lattth founded diJlinBfrcm this.

Vacations. firfl 4 weeks From Commencement. Second 7 weeks from the 4'fi Wednefday in December. Third 2 weeks from the 3d Wednefday in May. ' {j

The Medical Lectures in the Univerfity of Cambridge commence on the frrCt Wednefday in October yearly* The [.p&ures on Natural Histo&y, by Doctor "Vyateijhouie, in April, yearly. Colleges. i ^f

Williams' College, at Williamftown. Berk/hire County. Incorporated as an Academy, March 8, 178$. Incorporated as a College, June 22, 1793. Ebenezer Fitch, d. d. Prefident. Stephen Weft, r>. b. Vice-Prefident* , Efq- Treafurer. Daniel Noble, Secretary. ProfejforoJLaw & CivitPolity, Hon.Thtod. Sedgwick, ll.d.

Prqfejfor of Mathematics and Natural Philqfophy. Gamaliel S. Olds. Tutors, Frederick Perry and Timothy Gillet. Preceptor of the Grammar Sc/vol, Corporation, Hon. Theodore Sedgwick Rev. Daniel Collins Tompfon J. Skinner, Elq. Hon. Stephen Van Ranfalaw Rev. Ammi Robbins Rev. Ebcmzei Fitch Rev. Alvan Hyde Rev. Stcph n Weft Ifrael Jones, Elq. John Williams, Efq. Henry Van Schaack, Efq. Daniel Dewey, Elq. William Wiiiiams, Efq. Jofeph Woodbridge, Efq, Samuel Henfhaw, Efq. Rev. Jacob Catlin Vacations* Firft 5 weeks fr< m Commt nceraeni. Second 3 weeks from *he 3d Wednefday in January. Third 3 weeks from the ill Wednefday in iMay.

Commeneement is on the 1 ft Wednefday in September

Yale College at New-Haven,

Founded in the Year 1700. Presidents. Appointed. Died or rcfigned* 1701 Rev. Abraham Pearfon, 1707 1719 Rev, Timothy Cutler, d. d. 1722 1727 Rev. Eliftia Wiiiiams, 1739 Rev. Thomas Clap, 1706 m Rev. Naphtali Daggett, d. d. 1777 r Rev. Ezi-i Stiles, o. d. ll.d. *7-J-£ Rev. Timothy Dwighr, d* d. L 2 .

12^5 Colleges.

Fellows. The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and fix feniof Aflift- ants, in the Council of the State, together with the fol- lowing Clergymen : Enoch Huntington Timothy Dwight, D. D. Jofiah Whitney, d. n, James Dana, d. D.- David Ely John Marfh Nathan Williams, D. D. Noah Benedict Hezekiah Ripley, d. d. Nathan Strong, d. d.

' Levi Hart, d . D Profeffort*

P rofefor of Divinity, Timoxhy Dwight, v> r>. Profefor of Mathematics and Natural Phi/ofop hy,]ereh. Day Projefor of Law, Hon. Eiizur Goodrich.

Profefor of' Ck-mi/lry, Benjamin Silliman. Proftjjor of Oriental Languages, James Luce Kingfley. Tutors. James Luce Kingfley Noyes Darling Streno Edward Dwight John Hall

Mills Day | David Auftin Sherman Treafurer, Hon. James Hiilhoufe.

There are at prefent eight College edifices ; three of them each loofeet long and 40 wide, are inhabited by the tutors ami iludents. Each of them contains 32 chambers and 64 ftudies. The other buildings are a chapel, library, dining halls, houfe for the prefidem, and another for the profeffor of divinity. The Library contains about 5000 Volumes. Vacations. Firfl 6 weeks from Commencement. Second 3 weeks from the 2d Wednefday in January. Third 3 weeks from the Wednelday preceding the fecond Thurfday in May. Commencement is on the fecond Wednefday in September.

Bowdoin College at BrunfwicL

Incorporated June 24, 1794. JefTe Appleton, Prefdent. Projefor of Languages, John Abbot, A. m. Tutor, Nathan Parker. Profefor of Mathematics and Natural PhilofotL^ Parker Cleveland, a. m. '

Colleges. J^gj

Beard ofTruftees)

Jelfe Apple ton, Pre[identity, officio,- Samuel Dean, i>. d. Vice-PrefidenU Charles Coffin. Efq. Secretary. Benjamin J. Potter, Efq. Treafurer. Iion.JohnFrothingharn,Efq. Rev. Jofiah Windflnp Rev. Thomas Lancafter Hon. Ifaac Parker, Efij«? Alden Bradford, Efq. Hon. Silas Lee Elijah Kellog Wm. Martin, Efq, Alfred J ohnlon Board of Overfcers. Hon. James Bowdoin. Pre//dent. John Abbot, A.M. Vice-Preft dent. , Efq. Secretary. Vacations. Tirft 4 we^ks ftom Comm.ncement. Sccnvd b weeks from the lft Wednefday in January. Third 3 weeks from the 3d Wednefday in May.

Commencement is on the lft Wednefday in Sep;ember.

Brown Univerfity at Providence,

The firft {tone of this College was laid in May, 1770. Hon. Jabez Boweu, ll. d. Chancellor. Afa Mefler, d. d. Prefident. The whole number of the Corporation is 48, of whom 36 areTruftees, and 12 are Fellows; the latter muft be per- forms of public education, and are ftyled The Learned Faculty y whofe bulinefs it is to judge of the qualifications or candi- dates for degrees, and by tueir authority they are conferred. They meet annually totranfacl buiinels. Fellows, Afa Meffer, D. D. Prep dent Mr. Robert Rogers Rev. William Williams Hon. David L Barnes Hon. David Howell, LL.D. R.ev. Mr. White Rev. Perez Fobes, LL.D. Rev. Abraham L- Clark Solomon Drown, m.d. Samuel Eddy, Elq. ll.d, James Brown, Efq.

' Calvin Park, a. m. Profeflor cf the. Learned Languages. Tutors. Emmons, a. p. Jevit, jr. a. M. Williams J Paul j* 8 Colleges.


Firfi 4 weeks from Commencement. Second 8 weeks from the laft Wednefday in December. Third 3 weeks from the firft Wednefday in May.

Commencement is on the id Wednefday in September*

The Univerfity is Unrated in the town of Providence, and is a large and elegant building, on a hill at the eaft part of the town, which renders it delightful by commanding an ex- tenfive, variegated profpeft of the country adjacent ; the edifice is of brick, 150 feet long, and ,55 broad, four ftorie* high, and contains 60 rooms. Upwards of fix hundred perfons have bee-i graduated there finer the inftitution, al- though the fludies were interrupted by the Coliege being ufed by the French and American troops for an hofpital and barracks, from 1776 to 1782. It is now very flourifhing. They have a Library of about 3000 volumes of valuable an- cient and modern authors. The philofophical apparatus is in a very good ilaie, fitted to give a full courfe ofexperiments.

Dartmouth College, New-Hampjhire.

Founded 1769, under the patronage of Lo.-d Dartmouth, from whom it derives its name. It ispleafantly lituat dm the town of Hanover,about half a mile eaft of Couivfticut River. Profe[for of Civil and Ecclcfiafiral Hijlory. Hon JohnWheelock, ll.d. President.

Profejfor of the Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and other Oriental Languages, Rev. John Smith, s. t. d. Profejfor of Mathetnatics and Natural Philofophy, Hon. John Hubbard, a. m. Profejfor ofChemijiry and MatrriaMcdica,Ndi\hzuSm\ih,u.v>. Profepr of Divinity, Rofwell Shirtleff, A. M. Tutor, Elifha Rockwood, a.m. Preceptor oftheAcadcmy conncEleduiith the CollegeWin. Hayes


FirJ 4i weeks from Commencement. Second 85 weeks from the lft Monday in January. Commencement is on the 4th Wednefday in Augufl. Academies. 12Q


Dummer Academy at Newbury.

?nftitiited March i, 1753. Incorporated October 3, 1782. So named in honour of the liberal founder, the Honorable William Dummer, formerly Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony of Malfachufetts Bay

j There are 4 Truftees. | Rev. Ifaac Smith, PreCeptcrt

Phillips 1 Academy at Andover.

Inftituted 1. Ottober 1789. April 1778. | Incorporated 4, So named in honour of the family of that name, to whofe; liberal benefactions it owes its very rcfpeclable endowment!.'


EliphaletPeorln,,, l n, Prefident.

Hon Oliver Wendv l , Vict P-eJidcnt. Rev. Jonathan French, Secretary. Samuel Farrar, Efq. Treafurer. William Phillips, Efq. Hon Jofiah Quincy # Samuel Abbot, Efq- Hon. John Phillips, jf. Mr. Nehemiah Abbot Mark Newman, a. m. Jedidiah Morfe, D. 0. Rev. Daniel Dana Hon. John Phillips Preceptor, Mark Newman, A. M. Afjiftant, Jonathan Cogfwell, A. B. writing Majler, Amos B'anchard. Mr. Burnfide is Preceptor of Andover Academy, N. Parifn,

(fc§T To tne foregoing Trufte-vs, His Honour the late Liriitenant-Govenor Phillips committed the fum of 5,000 dollars, the income to be expended in part for reli- gious books and tracls for charitable diftribution.

1784, March 23. Ldcejler Academy. Rev. Zeph. S. Moore.* 1791. March 5. Hallowell Academy. Kenney. 1791. March it. Berwick Acade?n\. —Jofiah W. Seaver. 1792, Feb. 8. Fryeburgh Academy. Amos J, Cook, a.m. 1792, March 7. Wafhrngton Academy at Machias. 1792, Nov. 17. Marblehead Academy.— Thomas Cole. Academy. HoratioWaldo, a.b. 1793, J une 1 7' Weftfield . 179}, Sept; 28. Groton Academy.—Caleb Butler. J 793t Sept. 28. Wtftford Academy. B^njanuuBwgc, A.B, 1793, March 19. Plymouth Academy, at Bridgexvater^ Richard Sanger, A. M. .

I^o Academies

1794, Feb. *7* Portland Academy.—Eben. Adams, a.m.. 179.3, Feb. 2,5. Nr.w-SaUm Academy —William Ritchie. 1797, March 1. DeerjieldAcad.my.*-- rio'ea HilrJrethjA.ft. 179;, June 17. Derby Acadany at Hin^ham.—J as. Day, A. B. Mary Cufhing, Prcctptreji.

So named in honour of Madam Derby, its founder.

J7q8, March 3. Milton Academy. Warren Pierce, a. m^a. b. 1799, March 1. Framingham Academy —Benj. H. lower, 1801, Febr'y. 23. Lincoln Academy a* Ncwcaflle. — Daniel 1801, March 3. Nantucket Academy. friafkel 1803, Feb. 22. Berk/hire Academy at Lenox. — L. Gleaion. 1803, Gorham Academy. —Reuben Nafon,A.M. Ham den. Academy. 8. B'ue-Hill icadcmy.--1L\\te Upton. Bradford Academy.—Mr. Burnham. Hebron Acadtmy. Monj'on Academy. 16. L\nn Academy.—Abiel Chandler, A. B. Bath Academy. Bay's Academy. Middle /ex Female Academy. Farming ton Academy. Canaan Academy. Taunton Academy.—Simeon Doggett, A. H»

Sandwich Academy.

Preceptor, Elifha Clap, a. m. Prccrptnfs, Bathflieba Whitman. Prefident, Rev. Joatrnn Burr. Secretary, Wendall Davi\ Efq. Treafurer, William Felfcnden, of Sandwich.


David Scudder Barnjlahle James Freeman Sandwich j John Simpkins Breo/fler William Bodfifh do Richard Sears Chatham Stephen Bafleu do

Hewry Lincoln Falmouth \ Jude Damon Trurd Thomas Jones do Thomas Thatcher Yarmouth. Nam). Freeman Sandwich Levi Whitman li'ellfeti j (in John Leonard [ Churches and Minifters. l$i

Churches y Mini/bers ofthe Go/pel andReltgi* ous Societies, in thefeveralTowns in Majfachufetts.

Note. Congregationlifts, the mod numerous denomi- nation, have no diftmclive letter. E (lands for Episco- palian. P for Prefbyterran. B for Baptift. U for Univerfalift. Towns in each County are arranged in alpha-* bctical order. SUFFOLK COUNTY.

Churches, Minifters, &c in the town of Bojlon.. Arranged according to the time the Churches were founded,

Firft Church in Cornhill, William Emerfon. Second, or Old North Church, * John Lathrop, D. r>* Firft Baptift Church, Back-Street, Jofeph Clay, a. m. Old South Church, Marlboro'-Street, Jofeph Eckley. D.D. Stone Chapel, E. South School-Street, James Freeman. Church in Brattle-Street, Jofeph Stevens Buckminjler. Friends' Meeting-Houfe, Cong^efs-Street. New North Church, North-Street, John Eliot, d. d. New South Church, Summer-Street, JohnT.Kirkland,D.De Chrift Church, E. Salem-Street, Afa Eaton. Church in Federal-Street, William E. Channing. Church in Hollis-Street, South End, Samuel Weft, D.n. Trinity Church, E. Summer-Street, John $ J. Gardner. Weft Church, Lynde-Street, Charles Lowell. Second Baptift Church, Back-Street, Thomas Baldwin, d.d. Sandemamans. Univerfalift Church, Bennett-Street, John Murray. Roman Cath. Church, Franklin-Street, F.AMatij>non,D. D. John Cheverus, Aftiftant Minifter. African Baptift Society, Weft-Bofton, Thomas Paul. Methodift Society, Bromfield's-Lane.t Society in Friends-ftreet, Trav. lling Preachers. Third Baptift Society, Charles Street, Caleb Blood. Minifter zlChelfca, Jofeph Tuckerman.

* The ancient Meeting- Hon fe being deft rayed, in the year \T?$,the Members of that Society have fines united with the Church in Middle Street. t The Methodi/ls have no fettled Minifters, but their So- cieties are generally fup plied, according to their rules, by itin- erant Preachers, who being frequently changed, their name*, are not inferted at the Towns where they have meetings.. 2$2 •Ghiixches and Minifters.

ers who officiate at the Public Ltclure, in Bo/ion, on Thurfdapt arranged according to their fcniority. Doft. Weft DoB. Morfe Mr. Pierce Do£l. Lathrop Mi Harris Mr. Charming Doft. Enot tr. Emerfon Mr. Tuckerman Dot*. Eckley Doft. Kirkland Mr. Buckm after Doft. Porter M.. Gray Mr. Lowell ESSEX COUNTY.

Amefiury, Stephen Hull Marblekead, Hez. May Samuel Mead Tamfs Bowers E Andcver, Muhodifts Jonathan French Mthuen, Humph. C Perley Beverly, Abiel Abbot Middl'tori, Solomon Adams Mofes Dow Newbury, John S. Popkin Jofcph Emerfon Elijah Pa ifh Elifha Williams B Leonard Woods Borford, Samuel Tomb P Peter Eaton Newbunport, Thos. Gary > Bradford, Jonathan Allen John Andrews, aflift. $ Ebenezer Dutch John Peak B B Samuel Spring Ckebacco, B C. W, Milton Danvers, Benj. Wadfworth Daniel Dana P Samue! Walker John Giles P Jeremiah Chap!in B James Morfe E Cfioucefler, P-n-;z Lincoln Rowley,, David Tullar Daniel Fuller Ifaac Braman Ezra Leonard GilbeitT. Williams Jewetx Shubael Lovell B Thomas Jones U Salem, John Prince, L L. d* Hamilton, M. Cutler, ll.u. William Bentley Haverhill, Ifaac Tomkins Samuel Worcefter William Batcheldcr B Thomas Barnard, D.D.' B Daniel Hopkins Jpfwick, David T. Kimball Brown Envrfon JofephDana, d. d. Nathaniel Filher E B Lucuis Bolles Ji< Lynn, Thomas C. Thacher Jolhua Spalding William Frothingham Friends Friends and M^thodilts Salisbury, William Balch Zynnfic-ld, Jofeph Mottey Toi'sfiJ'd, A. Huntington Maic/icfter, Abrm. Ra-'dall Wenkam, Rufus AnderliaJi Mirb'i'i.'flJ. Sajruuel Daha .

Churches and Ministers, m MIDDLESEX COUNTY.

.4Tfon, Mofes Adams Maiden, Aaron Green A/libv, Cornelius Waters Henry Pottle B Bedford, Samuel Stearns Marlborough, d. d. M*dfo*d% D. Ofgood,

Billerica, H . Cumings, d . d . Naiick, Freeman Sears Boxboro\ Jofeph Willard Newton; Jonathan Homer Burlington, John Marret William Greenough

Camb ridg e, A . Ho 1 mes, d . D Jofeph Grafton B Thaddeus Fiflce Pepperdl, John Bullard John Fofter Reading, Reuben Emerfon John L. Abbot E Eliab Stone B PeterSanborn Carlijle, Paul Litchfield Ebenezer Nelfon B Charieflown, J-Morfe, d.d. Shcrburve, Elijah Browne William Collier B Shirley, Phineas Whi'ney Chelmsford, Wilkes Allen Stoneham, John H. Steveni John Pickens B Stow, Jonathan Newell B Sudbury. Jacob Bigelow Concord, Ezra Ripley Tewkjhurx, Jacob Coggm Dacvt, So'omon Arkin Townjhcnd, David Palmer

Dunftable, Jofhua Hey wood Tyngfboro, N. Lawrence Lap Sudbury, Joel Fofter Waltham, Jacob Cufhirig Framingkam, D. Kellog Wateitown, Rich. R; Elior Edward Clark B Weftford, Caleb Blake Groton, Daniel Chaplin Weflon, Saml. Kendall, D.D. P B Hclliflon, Timo. Dickinfon Methodifts Hopkinton, Nathaniel Howe Wilmington, F. Reynolds Lexington, Woburn, Jofeph Chickerin$ Lincoln, Charles Stearns B Littleton^ Edmund Fofter YORK COUNTY.

Alfred, Jofeph Brown leftn Arundel, Silas Moody John Turner Andrew Sherburne B Buxton, Paul Coffin ' Berwick, John Thompfon Abner Flanders B Jofeph Hilhard Lyman, Simon Lock B William Hooper B Jonathan Calef

B Kittery, Wi 1 liam Briggs Nathaniel Lord B Samuel Chandler Friends Jofeph Luchfield 1 SoB.j M Friend .

*34 Churches and Miniflers.

Lebanon, -Ifaac Hafev Sanford, Mofes Swett Zebedee Delano B Oils Rob in Con B Limerick, Edmd. Eaftman B Shapleigk, Ebenezer Kinfman Tozer Lord B Limington, Jona. Atkinfon B s Stephen Webber B Water boro , Henry Smith B

B Wells. M. Hemmenway o . D Newfield, Wentw. Lord B N.ithl. H. Fletcher Parfonsfield, Benjamin Rolf Jofeph Eaton B Samuel Wv.j eks B Jofhua Roberts B B York, Ifaac Lyman Saco, E. Whitcomb Rofwell Meffenger HAMPSHIRE COUNTY.

Amhe^Ji, D. Parfons, d. d. Granville, Timo* M. Cooley Ichabod Draper Joel Baker AJkfield, Nehemiah Porter Roger Harrifon Enos Smith B Chriftopher Minor B Belchertown. Juftus Forward Greenfield, Roger Newton Jeremiah Hafkeli B Greenwich, Jofeph Blodget Samuel Bigeiow B Jofhua Croiby Bernard/town, Hadley, Sam 1. Hopkins, d.d* Stanford, John Keepe Hatfield, Tof. Lyman, b. u» Brimfield, Haw ley, Jonathan Grout Buckland, Jofiah Spaulding Heath, Mofes Miller B Holland, Ezra Reeve Charlcmont, Jofeph Field Levcrett, Henry Williams James Wheeler B Elijah Montague B Ckejler, Aaron Bafcom Ley den, Afa Hibberd £ Zaccheus Colby Long-Meadow, R. S. Storrs Chejlerfield, Ifaiah Waters Middl'fcld, Jonathan Naflt Afa Todd B B Colraine, Samuel TaggartP Monfort, B Edmund LittlefieH B Montague, Thos. Purrington B B Conway, John Emerfon New-Salem, Robert Keyes B Paul Davis B Cutnmington, James Briggs Northampton, S. Williams

Deerfield, Samuel Willard Northfi-eld, Thomas Mafou Eaflhampton, P- Willifton Norwich, S.Woodbridge Gill, Orange, Methodiits Jofiah D. Cannon Palmer, Mofes Baldwin Gojhen, Samuel Whitman P'.iham, Elijah Brainard F Granby, Elijah Gridley Plain/ eld, Mofes HaliocH Churches and Mftiifters. 135

; liozce, Weftfield, lfaac Knapp /in/fell, Lbenezer Stow B U'e/l-rJariipioa, Enoch Hale Sktlburne, Theoph. Packard W.&pringf.] .Lathrop, d. d. David Long Jefle \Vkhtman B Shutc/iury, Sine liege B Thomas Rand B Southampton, Vinfon Gould Methodifis S. B'imfuld, E. Codding B Whately, Rufus Wells South-Hadlt\, Joel Hayes B Soutkwick, lfaac Clinton Wiibraham, Mofes Warren Springfield, B. Howard Ezra Witter Sunderland, D.H. Wiiiiilon Stephen Shepard B James Taylor Seth Clark B Ware, Reuben Muls Terry

Warwick, Samuel Reed Me t hod i lis Levi Hodge B Wot thing ion, J. L. Pomroy Wendell, Jofeph Kilburn M 'illiamfiurg h, Henry Lord Samuel King B PLYMOUTH COUNTY. Abington, Samuel Niles Marfhfuld, B

Bridgewattr, John Reed Middlebord'', Jofeph Barker Zed.-kiah Sanger Thomas Crabs Tames Flint David Gurney Ala Mce'ch B V. W. Ra.hbun B Samuel Nclfori B Carver, Simeon Combs B David Burfe! B Samuel Abbot B Wuxborough, John AMyn Pembroke, Morrill. Allen

Han I'm, Ab \ Ri hmoiid Geoige Baiflow Hanover, Calvin Chadv/ick Plymouth, Janus Kendall Barnabas Perkins B Seth Stetibn ffingbam, Jol. RteharJfoQ Adowiram Judfori Ntchoitis ]i. Whitney PI mptou, John Briggs Henry Co'.en.an Rcchcfier, Lemuel LcBarron Hull, B Oliver Cobb Kingston, ZephaniahWillis P»

Ezra Kendall B Scituate, David Barnes, n . o.. Marfiijxeld, William Shaw Nehemiah Thomas Elijah Leonard W.W. Wheeler E B » Warcham, Noble Everett BRISTOL COUNTY. jiUlebdrcvgh, Join: Wilder Attltboru' James R.rad B

Hoi in an Be > kip, Thnmas Ai dtos Dartmouth, Daniel Hicks. B 136 Churches and Minifters.

Dartmouth, Arnold Bhfs B Norton, Pitt Clark Friends Rawham, P. Fobes, ll. Dighton, William Warren Rehoboth, John Hill Abraham Gufhee Otis Thompfon Enoch Goffe B Sylvefter Round 1 Eqfton, William Reed John Pitman B Methodi fts Jacob Hicks B Freetown, Philip Hathway Preferved Pearfe B John Lawrence B Philip Pearfe B B Friends &B Somerfet, B Mansfield, Roland Green Swanzey, Saml. Northup B New-Bedford Philip Slade B Ifaiah Wefton Taunton, John Pipoa John Lawrence B Friends Troy, Job Borden B BARNSTABLE COUNTY.

Barnftable, Jotham Water- Harwich, Abner Lewis B Enoch Pratt [man Marfhpee, John Freeman B B Orleans, Brewfter, John Simpkins ProvincetQivn, Saml, Parker Chatham, Ephraim Briggs Methodifts Dennis, Caleb Holmes "Sandwich, Jonathan Burr Eajlham, Philander Shaw Friends and Methodifts Falmoutk, Henry Lincoln 7>fcr0,Jude Damond Friends Methodifts Harwich, NathLUnderwood Wdljlect, Levi Whitman Methodifts Yarmouth, Timothy Alden Gideon Hawley, Miffionary to the MarJIipee Indians. DUKESCOUNTY.

Chilmark, Jonathan Smith I Tiflury, Nymphas Hatch Edg art on, Jofej)h Thaxter & Gay-head, Z. How wool wee Sampfou B John Jeffe.s | NANTUCKET. Nantucket, James Gurney Friends and Methodifts Ifaiah Alden WORCESTER COUNTY. Aftiburnham,U John Culhing I AJhburnham, Methodifts B Athol, Jofcph Ettabrock J Churches and Mini Iters. *3F

Barre, James Thorn Ton MiIford, David Long Berlin, Reuben Puffer New- Hi aintree, John Fifk Bolton, If-ac Allen Nor/hboro', Peter Whitney

Boy If oyi, Ward Cotton Northbridge, J . Crane, d . r>. William Nam Joho Cooper B feookfield, Ephraim Ward Oakham, Daniel Tomlinfon Thomas Sneil Oxford, J oft ah Mou'ton Mlcah Stone Oxford, U Laban Thurber B Peicrfiiam, Fed us Fofter Ciarlion, Edward Whipple P James Boomer B Princeton, James Murdock Methodifls Ro\al[ion, JoCephLee liana, Jacob Whipple B B . . las Doug y Rutland, HezekiabGoodrich S h re u ry ofeph Sumner B wfb , J Dudley, Abie! Williams Southboro' Jeroboam Parker Fitchhurg, Wm. Bafcom Spencer, Jofejph Pope Titus T. Barton Sterling, Reub.n Hokomb Methodifls Sturbridgc, Otis Lane Gardner, Jonathan Osgood Zcnas L. Leonard B Gerry, Ezekiel L. Bafcorn Edward Tu: ner U Grafton, John Miles, Sutton, Edmund Mills B jofeph Qofie Zephaniah. Lathe U Samuel Waters B Hardvnck, W. B. Weffon Wm. Batchclder B Ebenezer Burt B TempUtcv, Chs. Wellington Methodifls Elifha Andrews B Harvard, Stephen Bern is Upton, Benjamin Wood George Robinfon B B V Uxbridge, Samuel Judfon

Holden, Jofeph Avery ) Ward, LaciL Bayley

Hubbardjl on, David Kendall j IVc/i borough, Lancaflcr, Nathaniel Thayer 1 Wcjhrn, S) lvefler Burt i^ice/?^,ZephaniahS.|vloore Wflminfter, Alaph R>cq Peter Rogers E Wvckendon, Levi Pi four^r Leominfer, IVorajter, Samuel Auilii} lunenburg, Timothy Flint Aaron Bancioft Utndoti, Preferved Smith CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Bridgetown, Nathan Church Falmouth, Caleb Bradley Ztowyb/MjBenj.TitcombB JolmWait* U Capc-Elizabeth,\Vm. Gregg Friends and MethcdiB* |

Durham, Jacob Herrick I Frceforl, Samuel Viezie Falmouth, Wm. Mihemore Gorham, B #&] M 2 H» Churches aivd Minifters.

Gorham, Wm. Confon B Otisfcld, Thomas Roby Gray., Daniel Wefton Poland, Jonathan Scott Jiarpfwell, Samuel Eaton Methodifts

Samuel Mariner B Portland,$an\\ . Dean, D.D. Minot, Jonathan Scott Elijah Kellog

New-GlovceJler,E. Mofe\ey P Timothy Hi I Hard E Robert Low B Friends, Nletho. and B Thomas Barnes U Scarboro' Thomas Lane after North-Yarmouth, T.Gilman Nathan Tilton Amafa Smith Standi/k, Daniel Marret Thomas Green B Windham. B Oteorge Dutton B LINCOLN COUNTY.


B Nichols , B ' B Hancock, Clark Rogers ' B Ballon, Ebenezer Jennings Lanejbcrd', Daniel Collbs

(a) At* Damarifcotta-Mills here is a Roman , where the Rev. John Cheveru>, of Bolton, of- ficiates about four mouths every year. Churches and Minifters. m

Lee, Alvan Hyde Sandrsfield, Benj\ Baldwin B Methodifts Jeffe Hartwell B Lenox, Samuel Shepard Savov, B B Sheffield. Ephraim Judfon Methodifts Methodifts Mt.Wafliington, Methodifts Stocks ridge, S. Weft, d. d.. B New-A(li ford, Methodifts 1 ', New-Marlboro JacobCatlin Tyrinjrftam % Jofeph Avery Nathaniel Turner Methodifts PitLsfteld, Thomas Allen WaJJiington, W. Ballantine John Francis B J. Nichols B Methodifts Methodifts Ptru, John Leland W.f.-Stockbridgc, B Ebenezer Smith B IVilliamjlown, Richmond, Daviu Perry Dyer Stark B

Sandisfe/d, Levi Whire Method i fts Windjor, Gordon Darranc'e HANCOCK COUN1Y.

Rdfajl, Alfred Johnfon Q rring ton , E noch Mu dge Bint-Hill, Jonathan Fifher Paiobjcoty

BuckJlowr/t MighiU Blood t Jonathan Powers Cajline, William Mafon Sedgwick, Daniel Merrill B Dixmont, Sullivan, B Jjlebo>o\ Thomas Eames B Vinaluaven, A.Cummin&s B Alt. Dejtrt, B WASHINGTON COUNTY. Eaflport, 3 Mackias, Methodifts ]

Maduas, Maifhfieid Steele {

C^r There is a Roman Catholic Church at Pleafant Pi mn (between Eaftport and Robinftown) for the Paflariia- buaddy Indians ; Rev. James Renatus Romagne, who alto viiits the Penobfcot Indians. NORFOLK COUNTY. Belling ham, B Dedham, Thomas Thacher Braintrcc, Ezra Weld William Montague E Brookline, John Pierce Dorckejler, Thadd.M.Harris Canion, William Ritchie Dovr, Benjamin Caryl Coha/Jet, Jacob Flint Foxbo rough, Dedham, Jofhua Bates Franklin, N. Emmons, r>.D„ Jabez Chickering- Ma/field, Thomas Prentifs

+ Mr. Blood is fettled over Baatifts and Congregation aln^s united,- 140 Churches and M'miflers.

Medfield, B Roxbury, E!iph.Porter„D.&» Medryay, Luther Wright John Bradford David Sanford Thomas Gray Milton, Samuel Gile Sharon, Jonathan Whitakep Needham, Stephen Palmer Stough ton, Edw. Richmond Thomas Noyes WaJpok, George Morey Methodifls Weymouth, Jac oh Norton Quincy, Peter Whitney Simeon Williams Wrentham. Eli&a Fifke Randolph^ Jonathan Strong Johohn Cleveland Joel Briggs B Wiilliam Williams B

KENNEBECK COUNTY. Augu/la, Daniel Stone Mount-Vernon, B Chejlerville, Jotham Sewall New-Vineyard, B

Clinton, McphibofbethCain B P>.ttftownh Cornville, Palmer B Readfield, M&B Fairfax, Jabez Lewis B Strong, Methodifls Farmingion, B Sydney, A fa Wilbtr B y Fayette, Oliver Billings B Vajfalbo ro , Nehem. Gould B Gardner, Samuel Hafkell E Friends. Greene, B Vienna, Methodifls Hailcwcll, Eliphalet Giliet Wayne, William Godding S. Chadwick B Harlem, Job \ Winfiow, Jo&ua Cummau Leeds, Thomas Francis B Winthrop, New-Sharon, B David Thurflon Monmouth, Methodifls

OXFORD COUNTY. Bethel, Daniel Gould

Brownfit Id'Jacob Rice Jofeph Adams B Buckjietd, Nathl. Chafe B Livermore, Syl. Boardman B George Recker B Paris, James Hooper B Samuel Woodward B Porter, Fryeburgh, Z. Richaidfcn B Sumner, Thos. MaeombcrB Turner,. Amafa Smith Htbrcu, John Tripp B Ifaac Root ty Methodifls Waterjerdy Lincoln Ripley Hiram,

(£fr Pews and Rights in Houfes of Public Worfhip are coniidered and deemed in Law, to be Real Eftate, except in the Town of Boflon, where they are to be cenfjdered as PcTfonal Eflate only. Convention . of Mlnifters. 144 CONVENTION

Of the CO N G R F. G A T : O N A L M I N I S T E R S ill tfio Commonwealth oj Majjachufuts.

THEIR Meeting is held in Boj.on, in the afternoon of ..he laft Wednefday in May, (or day of Eleclion) annu- ally ; -and on the following day at noon, after trajnfa&ing the ufual bufinefs of Convention, a term on is delivered in public before them, and a collection made for the charita- ble purpofe of relieving the indigent widows of decealed Clergymen. The Convention is a voluntary Afibciation, embracing all '.he Congregational Clergy ol the Commonwealth, and veiled with no particular authority or control over the Churches. They have opened a friendly cor refponde rice •with the General Aflembly of the Prefbyterian Church, in the Middle and Southern States, and with the repreienrative bodies of the Congregational Mintfters in Connecticut* New-Hampfoire, and Vermont, for the purpofes of commu- nicating and jreceiving from them whatever may tend to promote the common inteiell of ChriUianity. A Standing Committee of Convention have been appoint- ed for thepuipofe of certifying the goodch.ua&er andqual* ifiicationsof Mini (lers and Candidates who may travel inic

other ftates ; and an agreement has been entered into be-

tween the Convention and the other reprefeMative t odiesof Minifters in other States, mutually to communicate the names of their Committees for this purpofe. Every certifi- cate mud be figned by one gentleman at leaft of that Lnm. rnittee, from whofe bounds the pcifon recommended travels*

The Committee in Mas saciiu setts conjrjls oj thefolkfu;- ing gentlemen. Rev. Rev. iStcp.Weft, D.D.Stocko?idgc Ezra Weld, Braintret

Seth Swift, Williamjiown JohnRead, d . n.Bridg ewater J . Lathrop, d. d.W* Sp ring/'. Perez Fobet., l l. D.Ra nham Joleph Lyman, d . p .Hatfield Sam 1. Weft. d. v. bi. Bedford ' Roger Newton, Greenfield Zephaniah Willis, Kingston, John Cuming, AJhburnham Jonathan French, An a over Ezra Ripley, Concord Thus. Barnard, l». D. Salem Daniel Chaplin, Groton Saml. Spring, Newburyport Ephraim Wajd, Brookjield Saml. Dcane, D.D.Portlaifjd

John Lathrop, d.d Bojlon M . Hemmenway , D . D\Wtlts j ed JVlqrfe, £> . d . Charlejtown i>4* ^ifliops m America,

John Eliot, d.d. of Bofton, Treafurer. John T.Kirkland, d.d. Scribe of the Convention. The Convention " earneilly recommend to all young gentlemen* who defign to devote themfclves to the work of theminiftry, to fpend that poition of time in the ftudy of

divinity, which improved and judicious advifers fha 11 think neceflary to qualify them for pubiick teachers. The Congregational Miniftets throughout the Common- wealth, with fome exceptions, are aflbciated and have regu- lar and ftated meetings for fellowship and mutual imp^ove- xnent. The Convention has palled a vote, requeuing the Moderator or Scribe of the fevcral Aflbciations throughout the Commonwealth, to forward to the Scribe of the Con* vention, a correal lift of the members of their refpeftive Aflbciations^ with the name of the Scribe of each, and o^"

the Candidates licenfed by them ; and have directed that the Scribe of the Convention procure the infertion of the fevera! lifts in the Maffachufetts Regifter. The Convention, folicitious to colleft and preferve accu- rate documents for a Hijlory of their Churches, have pafTed a vote, that each of the Congregational Minifters in MaiTa-. chufctts be reiiuefted to compile a biflory of his own Church, and ot thofe in his vicinity which may happen to be vacant, and to make returns to the Scrihe of the Converts tion. It is hoped this important requeft will not pals un- noticed, but be productive of great good.

Epifcopalian Bifhops /* America.

Abraham Jatvis, d. d.. Bifhop in Connecticut, N

Benjamin Moore > d.d. Bifhop in N . York, N'tv-York City, "William White, Bifhop in Pennfylvania, Philadelphia. Thos. J. Clagget, Bifhop in Maryland, Ercam, V- Marthro* James Mad; for,, Bifhop in Virginia, Richmond^ Jacob Mountain, Bifhop in , limbec* Charlc* Inglis, Bifhop in Nova-Scotia* Halifax.

Methodift Epifcopal Bifnops. Thomas Coke and Fiaocis Albury.

Roman Catholic Bifhops,. iohnCarroll, Baltimore ,eonard $Jea]e,.his Coadjutor Georfttowy*. Revenue Officers. »4S Revenue officers in Massachusetts,

DiftricT: of Bofton and Charleftown. Lincoln. ColleBor y Benjamin Deputx-Col!c6ior, Benjamin Weld, Naval-OJpccr, James Love 11. Surveyor and Injptelor, Thomas Melvilk


jofeph Otis BarnPable \ Daniel Coffin Nantucket Jofhua Wingate, ]r. Bath Edward Pope New-Bedford Jere. Hill Sac? & Biddeford Ifaat Iifley, jr. Portland Hodijah Baylies D'gfiton Jofiah Hook. Penobfcot John'Peafe Fd^arton L.F. Delifdernier Paffamaq. M. Jordan Frenchman's Bav Henry Warren Plymouth. Ala Andrews Ihfwich Jcfeph Farley IValdoborougk Jonas Clatk Kcvncbunk Francis Cook Wifcafet

Lemuel Trefcott Mackias \ Jeremiah Clark York Jona.D.Wefton Moofelfland

InjpsSors dnd Meafurers for Bofton, &V, Mino: Jofhua Thaxter Jonas C. Edward Carneau ohn F. Barber OltverP.Holyoke AdamW.Thaxrer 'nomas Edes John Wllifton Azor G. ArchbaM Benjamin Eaton Samuel Prince William Bradford Beza Lincoln Saml. W. Hunt Ifaac Cooper John Popkin John N.Welch Jofhua Walker Weighers and Gtiagerx. SamL Wheelwright, Peter Dolliverjohn Bray, SethWells.

Occafional Infpe8ors of Outpojts. Henry Thaxter and Martin Lincoln, of Hingkain, Levi Bate's, Weymouth*

Collrflor ^ *• - William R. Lee } - Samuel Navat Officer Ward > Salem and Bet\ rh " purveyor - « * Barthol. Putnam ) * Surveyor * - Jofiah B;nchelder Beverly - - Cdletlor . - Jofeph Wilfon Marblehead Surv?yor&. Infptclor Jofliua Prentifs Marblekead tolleBor -- Ralph Crofs NavalOfiicer - Jonath. Titcomh Im toturypcrt" Surveyor * - Michael Hedge £^4 Surveyors, &c.-

Collector - - John Kk'redge ? riMir0n,- \<*l0UceJte* Surveyor &h ft -ttor Zee ha. Stevens Surveyor & Infpeclor Jonah Reed ThcmaflozoK. Infpector - - Henry Warren Plymoutk Infpector - - Jeremiah Clark KorA


[Carefully revifed by the Adjutant-General, O&. 1807.}

General Staff Officers.

Captain-General and Commander in Chief, His Excellency JAMES SULLIVAN. Aid-de-Camps. John L. Sullivan and . Adjutant- General.

Brigadier-General 'villiam Donnifon of Bofton,

[Office is kep it No. 18, Winter-Street.] Quarter-Mafter* General. Brigadier-General Amala Davis, of Bolton.

LOmce No. 129, Oange-Street.J

Divisionary Staff-Officers. Counties of Suffolk ana Norfolk. FIRST DIVISION.

Major-Genera!. Sun on Elliot, ofBoflon. Aid<-dr-Camp. Major John T. Sargent. 7udge-Advocate*. Charles Davis, ofBofton.



Aid-dc-Camps . Majo- Panl. Sweet, Math. Cogfwel! fudge-Advocate^ John Varnum of Haverhill. D.ivifiojiary Suff-Officera. 145

THIRD DIVISION.— Middlefex. Major-General. Jofeph Bradley Varnunv'of Dracuf. A/d-de-Camps. Maj. Danl.Varnum and John L.Tuttle.

Judge-Advocate .

FOURTH DIVISION.—Hampfhire. Major-General. Ebeirezer Mattoon, of Amherft.

Aid-dc-Camps. Maj. Saml.G unwell, Eben'r.Mattxui, j;;. fad^e Advocate. Jcjhn M. Gannett, of Northricld. FIFTH DIVISION. Counties of Plymouth, Briftol, Bamftablfc, Dukes County' and Nantucket. M.-jor-Gevxral. Nathaniel Goodwin, of Plymouth. Aid-df-C.amp. Major Harry Padelford. Judge-Advocate. Nathan fdhyward, of Plymouth.

SIXTH DIVISION.—York, Cumberland, & Oxford.

- Major-Genentj. Ichabod Goodwin, of Berwick.

. [id-de- Vamp. Major Ichabod Goodwin, jr. judge. Advocate. Dudley Hubbard, of Berwick.

SEVENTH DIVISION.—Worcefter. Nai^MencraL Jonathan Davis, of Oxford. Ard-de-Camps. Majors Eftes Howe and John Spurr, jf Judge-Advocate. Levi Lincom, jr. of Worcefter.

EIGHTH DIVISION.— Lincoln and Kennebeck. . Major-Gene ral. Henry Sewalt, of Augufta. Aid-de-Camps. Majors Barzillai Gannett, John O.'Page* Judge+Advo.cate. Benjamin Whitweli of Augufta.

NINTH DIVISION.—Berkftire. Major-Central. Thomas Ives, of Great Barrington. Aid-de-Camtps. Eli Enfign and Thomas Williams. Judge-Advocate. John W. Hulbert, of Sheffield.

TENTH DIVISION.—Hancock and Wafhington. Major-Gin era/. George Ulmer, of Lincolnvilje. Aid-de-Camps. Majors John Wiifon (af i,inc«hv!dW| and Charles Ulmer. Judge-AdvQcalt fnbu Wi'tliin, 0! 8cif

i+6 Brigade Staff Officer-flr


Counties of Suffolk and Norfolk.- LEGIONARY BRIGADE. John Winflow, of Bofton Brigadier-General. Bryant P. Tilden, Brigade Major. James Phillips^ Brigade-Quarter-Mafter.

*\ Clfaac S« Gardner, of Brookline, Brigadier- General'-- < Samuel M. Thayer, Brigade-Major. jfe ' **' ( James Blake Howe, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter. ari Crane, of Canton, Brigadier-General. sd ^E''J « • < Timothy Whiting, Brigade-Major. '•' i Elijah Crane, jr<- Brigade-Quarter-Mafter*, SECOND DIVISION. Eftex. ,a C Elias H. Derby, of Salem, Brigadier-General. • fohn Prince, jr. Brigade-Major, Brig " I jonnohn Winchefter,Winchelter, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter.xirigade-^uarter-ivialter. j C Nathaniel Lovejoy, ofAndovcr, Brigadier-General, James Ayer, Brigade-Major. Brig John Adams, jr. Brigade-Quarter-Mafter. - THIRD DIVISION. Middlefex. a C Ebenezer Chcjieyof Newton, Brigadier-General. A ^Jeremiah Clap, Brigade-Major. • g " I Timothy Walker, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter. ad (* William Hildceth, of Dracur, Brigadier-General.. Brig. < Sarnpfon Woods, Brigade- Major. i Jonathan Hildreth, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter. FOURTH DIVISION. Hampfhire. C Samuel Porter, of Hadley, Brigadier-Genera *ltft j Eraftustr.^n... Smith,q~:.i. Brigade-o,:«-j a, Major.n*..:~.. Brig Arcbippus Morgan, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter.

, C [ona. Woodbridge ofWorthington, Brigadier-Gen.

. < Epaphras Hoyt, Brigade-Major. iJr,u K* ( Daniel Butler, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter, FIFTH DIVISION. Plymouth, &c. f Ifrael Fearing, of Wareham, Brigadier-General. ft -*r 4 William Hammatt, Brigade-Major. Bri£- / ElilhaRugqles, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter.

, C Benjamin Bates, of Mansfield, Brigadirr-GenSrai. ft? } William Sever, Brigade-Major. Wfr ( Gilbert Everett, Bngade-Quarter-Mafter. Brigade Staff Offictrs. H7

i K Ebenczer Lathrop, of Barnftahle, Brigadier-Geneml. Jokph Bliih, juu- Brigade-Major, R r ) *>"*»• { Andrew Garrett, Brigadc-Qiiarter- Mailer. .SIXTH DIVISION. York, Cumberland, and Oxford. John Lord, of Berwick, Brigadier-General. William Hight, Brigade-Major. Thomas Leigh, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter. Nathaniel C. Allen, of New-Gloucefter, Brig. Gen. William Goddard, Brigade-Major. Godfrey Grofvenor, Brigade-QuarteT-Mafter. David Lamed, of Livermore, Brigadier-General. Hannibal Hamlin, Brigadier-Gener,al. Benjamin Prefcot, Bngade-Quartcr-Mafter. SEVENTH DIVISION. Worcefter. « ( Caleb Burbank, of Sutton, Brigadief-Gerieraf*

• < Sumner Baftow, Brigade*Major. *nJng ' ( Archibald Campbell, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter.

, ( Silas Holman, of Bolton, Brigadier-General. png« • s Jacob Fifher, Brigade-Major. * ( Thomas L. Whitney, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter. EIGHTH DIVISION. Lincoln and Kennebeck. « C Abiel Wood, of Wifcaflet, Brigadier-General. £ < Seth Tinkham, Brigade-Major. g* ( John Merrill, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter. C John Chandler, of Monmouth, Brigadier-General.

j, • < Samuel Howard, Brigade-Major. £* < ( Jofeph Chandler, Bngade-Quarter-Maftef. NINTH DIVISION. Berkfhirc. o(>feph Whiton, of Lee, Brigadier-General, m S!fared Curtis, Brigade -Major.

w Samuel Rofleter, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter. Wm. Towner, of Williamftown, Brigadier-General _*d ^ «•• < Henry C. Brown, Brigade-Major. ^* C Jofiah Talmage, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter. TENTH DIVISION-Hancock and Wafhington.

trt ( Tohn Blake, of Orrington, Brigadier-General. J * < Robert Wheeler, Brigade-Majorf *"&( John Crofby, jr. Brigade-Quarter-Mafter.

, C John Cooper, of Machias, Brigadier-General. Peter Talbot, Brigadc»Major. -Bri? ; g ' C John DicfcTnfon, Brigade-Quarter: Mafter. tfjP Field Officers of Infantry,


Thomas Badger, Lieutenant- of Infantry ^

Firji Sublegioh. —Petei Olgood, Majo*.

Second SubUgion.—Jacob Stearns, iMIjor. Third Suttlrgion. —Jofeph Stodder, Major. 5UBLECION OF LIGHT INFANTRY, J)aniel Meflinger, Major.

Firjl Brigade.

lft) % William Barns, Lieutenant-Colonel. R eg- < Jofeph Jones and Samuel Payfon, Majors. 2d \ John Barker, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Jedidiah Lincoln and Lemuel Lovell, Majors 3d ( Benjamin Hay den, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Barnabas Clark and Jofeph Bent, Majors. Setond Brigade.

id ^ Johnfon Mafon, Lieutenai.t-Colonel. Reg. ( George Ellis and John Burndge, Majors, cd \ Nathaniel Whiting, Lieutenant-Colonel. Rig. / Milton Sfratton and Ilaac Billings, jr. Majors. George Hawes, Lieutenant-Colonel.

5^g. I Luther. Metcalf and Cyrus Comflock, Majois. SECOND DIVISION —EiTex.

F'irjl Brigade. lft ? Samuel Atchei, 3d. Lieu enant-Colonel. Reg. } George Dean and Samuel S\vet:, Majors. ed ( Jacob Smith. Lieutenant-Colonrl. Reg. ? Nathaniel Barker ami Daniel Steel, Majorat 3d 5 JonathaH H. Lovrtt, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg ( Ifael Fofterand Levi Dodge, Majois. 4th i William Mansfield, Lieutenant-Colonel. Majors. R< g ( Jfonn Ome and Jonathan Makepeace, 5th 5 Ehcnezer Goodale, Lieutenant Colonel.

i\eg. ( Elias Wilkins and Dav\d Putnam, Majors.? Field Officers ©f Infantry. 149

Second Brigade,

lft \ Somerby Chafe, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. i Benjamin Stickney and Samuel Bailey, Majors 2cT 5 Thomas Wade, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. t Jofeph Dorman and Thomas Gage, Majors. 3d 5 .fames Kimball, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( John Phillips, jr. and Benjamin Jenkins, Majors. 4th C Jona. Barnard, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. \ Thomas Hoyt and Richard Curiier, Majors. ,5th < Richard Kimball, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg, f Evan Merrill and Benjamin Ofgood, Majors. 6th 5 John P«body, Lieutenant-Colonel. R^eg. % Stephen Bartlett and Robert Fofter, Majors. THIRD DIVISION.—Middlefex. Firjt Brigade. tft { William Bond, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Walter Froft and Benjamin Holten, Major:. 2d S Amos Boardman, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Samuel Hopkins and Benjamin Y. Baldwin^ Majors. 3d S John Butt rick* Lieutenan'-Co'.onel. Reg. ( James Barrett and Jonas Buttrick, Majors. 4th 5 J oe ^ Norcrofs, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Aaron Kinfman and Ebenezer M. Ballard, Majors, 5th 5 Nathaniel Auftin, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. < Abraham Butterfield and Jona. Locke, jr.- Majors. Second Brigade*

ift ^ Jofeph Whitman, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. I Jedidiab Brigham and Lovell Barnes, Majors. ed ( Jonathan Bancroft, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. I Stephen Longlcy and Rogers King, Majors. 3d ^ John Parker, Lieutenant-Colonel. Hc^. I Samuel Parker and Prefcott Varnum, Majoj* FOURTH DIVISION.—Hampfhire. Firji Brigade.

tft ^ Alexander Field, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. < Auguftus SifTon and Eliphax Moody, Major?. 2d i Roger Cooley, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg* < Job Langdon and Julius. Morgan, Majors. 3d ^ Thomas Powers, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I Mcles Haftingsand Melzhr Hunt, Majors. »$t>8.] N E 1

15© field Officers of Infantry-.

4'th CSeth Parfor.s, Lieutenant-Colonel. . Reg. ( Simon E. Holland and Frederick Fallry, Majorsf ,5th K '\-non kforgap, Lieut nant-Colonel.

Reg. ^ Jofiah Gardner and John Shnw, Majors; Second Brigade. iff 1 ra?c Maltby, Li««t'civ.tnt-Colonel. Reg. ^ Stvh P >mroy and Charles Chapman, Majors. 2] $ Richard E. Newromb, Lieutenant-Colonel. Re;_>. J Cbik Chandler, Major. 3d \ Medid Alexander. Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg ( Jacob Putnam and Ephraim Whacler, Majors, 4th \ John Reed, Lieutenant-Coiorel.

Reg. ( Thaddeus Baker and Patrick Bryant, Majors.

,yh ^ John Ames, Lieutenrnt-Colonel. Reg. < Roger Leavitt and Thomas Longley, Majors/ FIFTH DIVISION— Plymouth, &c. Firft Brigade. ill ^ John Thomas, Lieuu i

4th S Abiel Wafhburn, Lieutenant-Colonel.

, Majors. Reg. I _ Setond Brigade.

tft S Jofeph Kelrog, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Allen Munroe and Abel Shorey, Majors. 2d S Benjaroin Lincoln, Lieutenant-Colonel. Majors. Reg. } j tepti E. Read and Henry Smith, Ad S Thomas Lincoln, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Nathaniel Fales and Ifroel Dean, 2d. Major.*. 4th 5 Jfjio Williams, Lieutenant-Colonel. Majors. Reg. < Ebenezei Bacon and 7?b\Aon White, Third Brigade.

ifl 5 David Nye, Lieutenant-Colonel. R-g. 2 Nathaniel Jenkins and John Freeman, Msjors. ed 5 Tr,na:han Snow, Lieutenant-Colonel. WitherelL, Majcrs. Reg. ? Jabez Sparrow and John SIXTH DIVISION.—York, Cumb. and Oxford.. Firft Brigade. Lieutenant- Colonel. tft

fed < Samuel Leigh ton, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Samuel Remick and William Lambert, Majors. 3d S John Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel, Reg. ( Stephen Briant and Thomas Harmon, Majors. 4th < William Froft, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Benjamin Peirce and Darling Huntrefs, Majois. 5th ^ Jofeph Parions, Lieutenants Colonel. Reg. ( Paul Burnham and Jofiah Fowle, Majors. 6th i John Mitchell, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. I David Harch and John Taylor, jr. Majors. Second Brigade. ll < James Merri'i, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg } Kaac Gage and Jofiah Hobbs, Majors. 2d S Charier Thomas, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Lemuel Swift a*.d Elijah Hal!, Majors. 3d 5 Nathaniel Froft, L •eu;enat:t-Colone|. Reg. ( Jonathan Moulton and Nathaniel Warren, Majors. 4th 5 rhomas Chute, Lieuttiiant-Colonel. ' Reg. ( William True and Saml. Downing, Majors,. <>th S David Potter, Lieutenant-Colonel. R#g. ( Jacob Smith and Daniel Maybury, Majors, 6th C John Lawrence, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. X l'homas Means and Samuel Baker, Majors. Third Brigade. lft 5 Levi Hubbard, Lieutenant-Colonel.

R<*K« < Jonathan Cummings, Major. 2d < Amos Haft ings, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg.} William Ruffell, Major. '^d { JefFe Stone, Lieutenant Colonel.

R^g- c John Turner and Amos Trafk, Major.s, 4th { John McMillen, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Elias Berry and Samuel Nivers, Majors. SEVENTH DIVISION.—Woicdler, Firjl Brigade. lft % Lieutenant- Colonel. ReS- C John Brigham and Ifaac Lamb, Majors. 2d \ John Farnham, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ A fa Childs and Hemy Sweeting, Majors. 3d ( Oliver Crofby, Lieurenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Henry Penniman and Timothy Billings, Majors,*, 4th (" Ebenezer Stone, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ^Oliver Morfe and Zephaniah Brown, Majors. v -\' 5tn 5 I>au ' Whiting, Lieutenant- CoioneJ.. c ^ g ( Jofiah Woodward, Mejoi. *i$2 Field Officers Qf Infantry.

Second Brigade. lft < Jam« Wilder, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I Stephen P. Gardner and Barnard Nurfe, Majors. ad % William Eager, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Barnam Blake and Jofeph Meriam, Majors. 3d i Samuel Lee, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Abiel Farmenter and Joel Amfden, Majors. 4th i Benjamin Marfliall, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Edmund Cufhing and Edward Bacon, Majors. 5th < Benjamin Adams, LieutenanuColonel.

Reg. If Simeon H.White and Arna Bacon, Majors. EIGHTH DIVISION.-Lincoln and Kenncbeck. Firjl Brigade. rft \ Denny M'Cobb, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ David Shaw and Andrew Reed, Majors. ed \ David Payfon, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \. David Payfon, jr. and Abiel Wood, jr. Majors.. 3d \ Daniel Waters, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Charles Razor and John Perkins, Majors. 4th \ Samuel Thatcher, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. ( Jofeph Maxcy and Jofhua Adams, Majors. .5th ( James Rogers, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Alexander Rogers and Noah Jordan, Majors. Second Brigade. id ^ Thomas Fillebrown, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. < Samuel Cony and Benjamin White, Majors. 2d < Elnathan Sherwin, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Abner Weeks and Herbert Moors, Majors. 3d < William Sprague, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I Brown Baker and Thomas Atkinfon, Majors. 4th < William Jones, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Re8- < John Moor and Eli Wcflon, Majors; .5th \ Oliver Bailey, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. 1 Jofeph Fairbanks aud William Gould, Majors. NINTJ1 DIVISION.—Berkshire. Firfi Brigade. lft ( David Tracy, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. -J John AnHley, 3d, and John Whiting, Majors. 2d 5 Francis Herrick, Lieutenanr-Colonel. Reg. J Wm. Ingerfoll and Benjamin C. Perkins, Majors 3d 5 Eliphalet Baker, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. X Nathaniel Bird and Lemuel Kjngfbury, Majors.* Field Officers of Infantry. 153

Second Brigade.

ill 5 MarfliaH Jones., Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. I Ala Clothier and Calvin Hubbel, Majors. !d Abfalajn Ford, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. ( John WjlJard and Levi Belden, Majors. ad Amos Holbrook, Lieutenant-Colonel. I Peg. ( Peter Warden, jr. and Ward Cotton, Majo,.i>. TENTH DIVISION.—Hancock and Waijirngtof. Firjl Brigade.

id $ loleph Lee, Lieutenani-Ccionel. Reg- ^ Nathan Lowe and Ofgood Frye, Major.,.

2d S Thorn « Knowiton, Lieutenani-Coionei.

Reg. ( Jon„ihan Wilfon, Major.


Reg. I Nathan Hopkins and Andrew Tyler, Majors. , Second Brigade.

ifl < Jofcph Wal'act, Lieutenant- Colonel. lnglee, jyifcjors, JRcg. I jam's Campbell and Ebenezer

9d *\ Melatjah Jordan, Lieutenant-Colonel.

fteg. c TeiT- Duttonand Amos Ames, Majors

3d $ John Brewer, Lieuiemnt-Colonel. Reg. ( Oliver Shead and John Balcom, Majors. CAVALRY.

Officers cvmwending Corps of Cavalry.


' ' - taiu iPhsne'aj h'A , j

irkitt • iW

F .< DiVjSlO'N.

Major ., ade, 1 battalion. Ca-r.. r. Co.. Molb Bafccock

I Wh"temore Cap 1 . Jam'< Major Jofiah Cap,i, Captain John Jiefrimemvsy

. 'ori. Captain George W. Read Swpy I Richardfoa Majdi Nathan : j Captain Eben; CaptatrjWtll a a •' apen Captain Eben. Thompfon

Capt. in S; inus Adams | Second B>ignde, 3 TrocpSA Ca; fain lot: ih Newdl Captain joleph Wood Warren SECOND DIVISION. | Captain Aaion

Second Brigade, 1 Suadr&n. Captain Noah Spaulding J M*jor Daniel Carlton '54 Officers of Cavalry. FOURTH DIVISION. SEVENTH DIVISION. Firji Brigade, l Battalion. Firji Brigade, i Battalion. Lieut. Col. Reuben Patrick Lt. Col. Jer. Kinglbury, jr. Major Mofes Porter Major Mofes Healy Captain AfaSlayton Captain Elijah Waters

Captain Calvin Merrill Captain Calvin Amm i don Captain Nathaniel Parker Captain Ignatius Goulding Captain Parmenas King Captain Maynard Wood Captain Amzi Stanl -y 'Captain William Ay res. 2d Second Brigade, l Battalion. Second Brigade, l Battalion. Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Stephen Haftings fvfajor Thomas Kidd Major Daniel Putnam Captain Jabez Newell Captain William Taylor Captain John Putnam Captain Edward Goodwin

Captain .Salmon Graves Captain William Edge 11, jr^. Captain Stephen French Captain Phinehas Whitney Captain Captain FIFTH DIVISION. EIGHTH DIVISION. Firji Brigade, 1 Squadron. Firji Brigade, i Squadron* Major Thomas Bennett Major Silas Lee Captain Daniel Mitchell Captain William Gregory Captain Captain Thomas M'Crate Second Brigade, l Squadron. Second Brigade, i Battalion, Major Daniel Gilbert Major Peter Grant Captain Lewis Wheaton Captain Afher Spaujden Captain Jofeph Tiffany Captain Sewall Prelcott Captain Ezra Deane Captain Thomas Eaftman SIXTH DIVISION. Captain Amos Barton Firji Brigade, 1 Squadron,. NINTH DIVISION. Major Alezander fyce Firji Brigade, I Squadron. Captain George Froft Major Henry Brown Captain Naihaniel Froft Captain Daniel Sears

Second Brigade, l Battalion. Captain Azariah Root Lieut. Co'l. Lothrop Lewif Captain Ehenezer Jenk«ns,jr. Major William Bracket Second Brigade, \ Squadron. Captais Thonus Chafe Major Thomas Gould Captain Elijah Elder Captain John B. Root Captain Robert Anderfon Captain Eraitus Dav Captain John Q. Keith TENTH DIVISION. Captain Jedidiah Leighton Firji Brigade, I Squadron Third Brigade* a Troop& Captain James Thomas ' Captain JoeJ Robinfbn Captain Abel Baker Captain Samuel Atwood Oncers of Artillery* <# ARTILLER T. Cfficers commanding Corps of Artillery. FIRST DIVISION. FOURTH DIVISION. legionary Brigade, 1 Battal. Firft Brigade, l Battalion. Major Oliver Johomiot Major Jacob Blifs Captain David Cobb Captain Mofes Butt, jr. Captain John Binney Captain Jafon Walker

Firft Brigade, 1 Battalion. Captain John Mather Major James Robinfon Second Brigade, \ Battalion. Captain Nathaniel Shaw Lieut. Corl. Nehemiah May Captain John Robinfon Major William Edwards Captain Humphry Bicknell Captain Julia Smead Second Brigade, i Battalion. Captain John Brick Major Abner Morfe Captain Luke Carter Captain David Hartfhorn Captain Perez Packard Captain Tefle Hartfhorn FIFTH DIVISION. SECOND DIVISION. Firft Brigade^ l Battalia Firft Brigade, 1 Battalion. Major Jofeph Thomas Major Amos Hovey Captain Noah Ford Captain A fa Brooks Captain George Drew Captain Daniel Hayes Captain Albert Smith Captain Ebenezcr Safford Second Brigade, 1 Battalion. Major Bryan Hall Captain William Story Captain Thos. Danforth, 2$. Captain John Teder Captain John Coggefhall

Third Brigade f l Company. Second Brigade, l Battalion. Captain Wfflcrn Jenkins Major Ephraim Brown SIXTH DIVISION. Captain James Potter Firft Brigade, 1 Battalion^ Captain Daniel Cummings Major Jeremiah Clark Captain George Sawyer Captain James Carlifle THIRD DIVISION. Captain Daniel Clark Firft Brigade, t Battalion. Stcond Brigade, 1 Battalion' Lieut Col. Jofhua Ruflell Major Lemuel Weeks

Major' Jofiah Stone Captain James D. Hopkins Captain Thomas Heald CaptainCornel .Dillingham*

Captain Jofeph Reed Third Brigade, l Company* Captain Daniel Bond Captain Jonathan Bemis Captain Peter Harrington SEVENTH DIVISION. Captain Lawfon Nurl'e Firft Brigade, 1 Ramiicn\ Second Brigade, i Battalion. Major Perley Hunt Major Jofeph Dows Capt.Gerthom Plympton.jr. Captain James Lewis, jr. Captain Samuel Curtis, jr. Captain Thomas SpauMing Capt. John Claflen, jr.

*Alfo Captain Samuel Hoit , and Captain P^tcr O. A.' fen <&F Officers of Artillery.

Second Brigade, l Battalion, Captain Enoch W. Thtyet M ij<>r Solomon Carter Captain Elnathan Judd Captain Jokn Hills Second Brigade, l Battalion. Captain Jonas Eaton, jr. MajorMelantlhonW.Wells Captain Caleb Lincoln Captain Jofhua Whitney,jr, EIGHTH DIVISION. Captain E'ijah Bagg Firjl Brigade, l Battalion* TENTH DIVISION. k Lieut. Col. Samuel Seavey Firjl Brigade, l Battalion. Major Jofhua Shaw Major Thomas Stevens Captain Daniel Holden Captain Henry Dillingham Captain Wm. S. Blafl ind Captain Otis Little Ciptain Ebenezer Thatcher Captain Thos. Cunningham

Captain Zebediah Thayer Second Brigade, t Battalion. t Second Brigade, 2 Companies. Major Levi Fairbanks j

Captain Jonathan Pulien I Captain JoGah Dana Captain Wm. H. Pa^e Captain George S. Smith j NINTH DIVISION. Firjl Brigade, l Battalion. Major Dudley Woodworth

OFFICERS of the LEGIONARY BRIGADE in Bqflon. Brigadier-General - John Winflow Brigade-Major -- - Bryant P. Tilderr Brigad.-Q_uarter-Majler - - James Phiiiips

Troop of Cavalry. Captain Lieut. Abel Wheelock Cornet. j Henry Purkitt Lieut. John Roulftone Andrew Ivlpaor* |

Sublegion of Light Infantry.

Daniel Me (linger, Major. John Wnaflow, jr. Adjutant;- J

Captains. LieuVnar.ts. Enffgns. George Wheeler James Eunfon, ji. David C. MofcW Henry Sargent Mofo Poor N. P'.Riilieij Edmund Quiney Thomas Howe S AthertonPemii nun \ James Ridgway

Sublegion of Artillery. Major* Adjutant. Quarter-Mafter. j

Oliver Johoonot Abraham Edwards ( Nathaniel Brow 3 Captains. Lieutenants. David Cobh Nicholas Pc irce and Nathw' Parker. John Binney William Harris and Elilba k'v«*r«h Legionary Brigade in Bo&on. >r

IN FA NT R T Sublegions. Thomas Badger, Lieuttnant-Colonel. George Bals, Adjutant.

% Surgeon. Stephen Yh.iytx Surgeon s Mat John V>\\vit\\ y \ t r„ First SuBLEGro.v. Peter Ofgood, Major.

Captains. I . Lieutenants. Lnfigns. Snejjjjng, jr. Zeph. Sampfon Amos Binney | Jofiah |

Daniel Badger \ Samuel Howe Edward Childs

Jofiah Cuming • Barzillai Hudlbn j Henry Morgan

ErJenezer Rhoades | Edward Hart James Alexander Second Sub legion Jacob Stearns, Major.

Captains, Lieutenants. Enfigns. Ilaac'Cufhing Tohn A. Parkman Benjamin Ilurd Jacob Canterbury LFnnk Rob-its William Barry Turner Crooker John Goodwin William Simonds- Thomas Dean Charles P. Sumner Jofeph Gardner Third Sub leg ion. Jofeph Stockier, Major.

Captafos. Lieuttnants. Enfig vs. Feriuel B. Rogers Jabe* Ellis Simon Halbngs Sarriuel Curtis Frink Stratton John Fairbanks Charles Curtis James B. Maifton Mofes Everett Epes Ellery Nathan Heard Wentw. Knights Fourth Sublegion.

, Major

Captains. Lieutenants*. Lnfo ns . C Pratt (Chelfea) David Province Jofeph Homer Lc murl Coiburn John S. Perkins Samuel Hewes form S. Lillie Ammi Cutler William Snow Clark

INDEPENDENT CADETS. Governor's Efcort. Captain Lieutenant-Colonel John T. Apthorp; IneuUnant M;

Evfign Major Jofeph I i den. Adjutant* Captain Lewis Glover. r Su geon Doctor John C. Warren. ,. O J 8 Town- Officers in Boftoru < 5


[Incorporated 1638.]

Captain. Mr. Edmund Bowman. Lieutenant Major Jonathan Loring. Mr. Jonathan Whitney £nftgn : Treafurcr Gen. John Window. Clerk Capt. Thomas Clark. Firji Serjeant Mr. William Howe. Second Serjeant Mr. Nathaniel Clarke Third Serjeant Mr. Henry Fowle. Fourth Serjeant Mr. Nathaniel Brown*



Charles Bulfinch Ebenezer Oliver Francis Wrighf David Tilden Jona. HunneweU Jofeph Kettcll William Porter John May Jona. Chapman

The Seleftmen meet at their Chamber in FaneuiU

Hall, every Wcdnefday afternoon, for tranfa&inj; the pruT dential affairs of the town ; and on the lajt. Monday in each month, for the purpofe of examining and allowing ac- counts againft the town. Matthew Nazro is the attendant on the Selectmen.

Totun-Clerk, William Cooper.

Town-Treafurer and ColleBor of Taxes.

State Street, William Smith. Office No. 53, .. , g Overfeers of the Poor. Samuel plan Edward Proftor | Redford Wepfter | O.cias Henry Hill | Thomas Pe; kins j Goodwin

William Smith 1 Samuel Sneliinjr 1 William Mackay

William Phillips Benja. Goddard j JofephC.oolicJge.jr J

Majte r of the Alms- Hrufe. Phyfcfon and Surgeon. G.^rge Deh'.ris. DoQbr P. te r St. Nfedsffc T«wn-Officer$ in Bofton. «J9


[The Figures allude to the time when chofen.J Thomas Melvill i?79 Simon Elliot 1800 Amafa Davis i7Qo Jonathan Hunnewell 1802 H

School- Committer. The SelecVnrm, together with the Hon. John Davis', Charles Davis. Efq. Dr. Aaron Dexter, Jofeph Eckley, d.d. Rev. Wm. Emerfon, David Greene and Tohn Heard, Efqs, JohnT.Kirkland, d-d -John Phillips & Wm. Smith, Eft;* Doflor Thomas We'fli, and Arnold Welles, Efq.

JnflruBon in the Public Schools* Latin Gramma^ Majler, Wm. BigloWj Centre School. fnglifh Grammar Ma/icr, Afa Bullard, South School- ngltfk Grammar Ma/ler, John Hafkell, Centre School. ZngHJh Grammar Waller, Ej"kie! Little, North School.

f.ngtjjh Grammar Majiert Cyrus Perkins Hawkins-Street* Writing Mafcr, - - John Tiieftone, North School. Writing Majztr, - - Rufus Webb, South School. - - Writing HajUry Jona. Snelling, Centre School.' Writing liajfr, - - Benja. Holt, K«iwkins-Street.

Board of Health. Benjamin RuSTell, Pnfidcnt Nathl.Greenough, Sec'ry.

Ward 1, AmosBinney Ward 7. Benjamin RufTell S, Jacob RhoaaVs 8, Robert Williams g, Edward Staples 9, Daniel Tuttle 4, John Odin to, Wm. V. Hutchins |, EteneZer Larkin 11, John Be .'lows o, N'athl. Freeman 12, Nathaniel Meriam

ViJitingPlvftcian of the Port. Meffev«er to the Board. Do&. Thomas 'Welfli. Mr. William Phillips. Office No. /y^tatc-Streef, corner of Wilfon's Laf$sv r6b Town- Officers 'in Bofton*

Superintendant of Police, Charles &a] finch, Elq.— Office ,in Sele&rcrn's Chamber. jc^iu W. ioU'om, his Afli'ttant, No. 30, Ucaon-Sueei.

AJ'eJfors of Taxes. Joifah Snelling, Samuel Dunn, and John Boyle.

AJfipni AJfeJfors. Secretary. T,»hn Witafldw, Pnfideut. | Nathan Webb,

W,;rd No. 1, Tho-nas Badger and John W. Quiney 2, Hertry Fewle aiid William Dodd. ford. 3, Tir.>:has Page and Jo(iah C. Rans 4, Eben. Fiothinghain and Jacob Wellh.

*,, Jofiah Marfhafi and John Brown. 6, Hawlces Cufhing and James Ridgway. 7, John Baxter and "William Walter. 8, Enoch Hufe and Abraham Wild. 9, John Window and Arthur Fcflenden. , 10., Jofeph Fofier and Samuel Swett.. Daniel Bates. 1 1, Benjamin Wheeler and 12, Barzillai Homes and Ikar Vof$. Auditors of Accounts of the Town-Treafurer, Sele3> Board Health* m>n y Uvcrfeers of the Poor, and of Hon. Thomas Dawes, Jofeph Rufiell, arvd Samuel Bfowri.

AJay Af<2y?m.~John Wells,' and William C. Huimemari. Gooch, Clerk and InJpeStor of the Market.-^William

Conjlables. Twift (i) Amos Lewis (g) Solomon (Uj Samuel White (n) Mok-s Thayer

{(. ) rhom is StevenO Levi Joy ~ fi). Bats Leeds U) J .rah Hoi brook (k) Benjamin : Jc) Elifli 1 Cope land (I) John.Deverell (i; Hemy Lane (mj James Sumner -

Cullers of Dry Fiji. Jona. Gifting, Jofeph Doble, Eliiha Turner.

N.Sqtiarr. la) Houft N. Square, (h) Pro&orsLane. (c) : Brattlt-S? ,ci)!

Fence Viewers. Benjamin White and Mofes Eayres. Hay-Wards and Hog-Reeve's:

Barney Connor I John Delufe Cobit Jofeph Bacon Jofeph I Ha\-Weigher. InfpcBor of Sf one-Lime. George Trott Edward -Rumney Jlfeafurert of Wood and Barh at the WharvTfs* Jofeph Gleafon—North End of the Town. William Andrews—South End of the Town. Mea/urers of Wood coming by Land. John Hall—South End of the Town. .Tirah Holbrook—North End of the Town. Mofes Hadley and Samuel Carteret— Weft-Boflon Bri^jge, Surveyors of Boards and Shingle*.

Edward Alline William Ell i ion John Butterfield William Green Nathaniel Bradley, jr. Eleazcr Homer "William Cloufton Benjamin White John Cogfwell Jofeph Stodder Thdmas Chriftie Benjamin Rice Caleb Coolidge Allen Bouker Noah Daggett, jr.

Surveyors of Flaxfeed. Samuel Blagge and Arthur Langford.

Surveyors of Hop*, &fc. Henry Purkitt Thomas Barber J

Lemuel Gardner | James Eunfon

Surveyors of the Highways—The Selectmen. Surveyors of Hemp. Samuel Emmons and James Phillips.

Surveyors of Wheat— Edw. Tuekerman and Jofi;ih SneJUng. Scalers of Weights and Meafures. '1 •Richrl.Auiiin, for own & State, j Tmio.Green, for Town, Tow-Crier—JohnS. Green, Hawkins-Street. i9bB i o 2 \6i Town-Officers in fiofton.

Municipal Court for the Town. Eftablifbed by a Law paired the 4th of Match, 1800. Hon- Thomas Dawes, jr. Judge. Peter Thacher, Et'q. Advocate. Edward Jackfon, Efq. Clerk.

(f4jr The Municipal Court is holden at Bofton, on the ill Monday in each month, except March and September.

Au&ioneers in Bojlon. Samuel Clap Lewis Hayt Nathl. P."Hewes T. K. Jones & Co. Jofeph Ripley William Leverctt Samuel Bradford Cornel. Coohdge Benja. Sweetl'er Barker & Bridge John W. Quincy Allen & Williams Samuel Blagge John Jutau Geo. Burroughs, ft Caleb Hayward John Ciiadwick Silas Pie Id Robert Gardner Benjamin Tucker

Ebenezer Ciafleu Beikwap-Strei t. Comfort ClaHen North-Street.- David Clafien Temple-Street,

Wardens far the Ports of Bojlon and Charleflovun* - Ilaac Cutter, and Nehemiah Somes.

Phyjtcians, Surgeons, &c. praBifmg in Bojlon. *James Lloyd, m. d.—n.ar Concert-Hall. Samuel Danlorth, m. d. — Common-Street. *Ifaac Rand, m, d.—Atkinfon-Street. *John Jeffries, M. d. — Fianklin-Street. Charles Jarvis, a. m. Hanove-r-Street, head of Cold-Lane. * Lemuel Hayward, A. M. — Newbury-Street. Thomas Kaft, a. m. —No. 18, Hanover-Streej- * fielfavs of the MafachicfdtsMcxlkcd Society Physicians hv Bofton. s .\6$

John Warren, m* d. School-Street, near.Stone Chapel. William Euftis, a. m. —Sudbury -Street. Thomas Welfh, A. m. No. 53, Hanover-Street. --* Aaron Dexter, m. d. —Lower end of Milk-Street. William Spooner,M.D.-Bulfinch-Street,Bowdoin-Squarr: Abijah Cheever, A. M.-»-Mrs. Carter's, Southack's Courtl John Fleet, m. d. —Milk-Street. *Ifaac Rand, jr. a. m.—RandV Corner. William Ingalls, m. d. — School-Street. Thomas Danfdrth, a. m —Bowdoin-Square. Afa Ballard, A.m —No. 83, Newbury-Street. *tohn Gorham Coffin.-^No. 70, Orange-Street. Jacob Gates—No. 13, Franklin-Street. *John Dixwell, M. B. — Corner of Frienrls'-Sfreet. James Jackfon, .\i. B. — No. 34, Hanover-Street. Benjamin ShurtlcfF, m. b. — No. 7, Union-Street. John,C Howard, Lynde-Street, Wcft-Boflon. John C. Warren, m. u . — Park-Street,near theOldGranacy". *Cyrus Perkins, iM. B. — No. 6, Pinckney-Street. Horace Bean, a. m.—No. 53, Middle-Street. •John Gorham, m. b. — Milk-Street. William Gamage, m. b. — next to Concert-Hall. Thomas Ives Parker, m. B. — Fond-Street. Paniel Adams, M. b- South-RufTell-Street. Do&or Jofhua Thomas—bottom of Centre-Street. John Randall, m. b. — No. 5, Winter-Street. George Bates.—No. 8, Cornhill. Daniel Newcomb, M. d. — Cambridge-Street. Doftor PeicivalHall.— No. 7, Crofs-Strect. Dq&or Frederick J. Enflin— Pleafant-Strect. Doctor Wm. Hunt Chamberlain.—No. 46, Hanover S^. Doftor Edward Creamore— Middle-Street. Doftor P. Deane.—Brattle-Square. Doctor Peter St. Medard. —Back St. neat French's Tav* Doctor Augude Lsmofy— No. 4, Bofton-Stone. Do£ior Jofeph Evans. — Market-Square. Do£lor John Keliey • — Clark-Street. Dotior Rufus Barrus. — FinVStreet. Dottor Hnikell. — No. 23, Prince-Stjreet. Doftor John Tucker. — Leverett-Street. Dotlor Amos Winfliip.— No. 69, Fifh-Street,

Surgeons Dentijl in Bqfion, William P. Greenwood. —Houfe Cold-Lane, Thomas Parfons— No. 34, iMrulboro'-Strcet. . ig4 Pilots, &^*

Branch Pilots in the State of Majachufetts. pilotsfor the Inward Divifion of Port and Harbou r qfBoftc* Thomas Knox, Charles Cole, Robert Knox. Pilotsfor the Outward Divifion of the Port and Harbour c? Bo/ion. jofiah Ayres, Nathl. B. Lyde, Leml. Ayres, JohfiTilley.

By a late law of this Commonwealth, the Pilotage of the harbour of Bofton is formed into two divifions, Outward and Inward. The Outward divifion confiftsof four branch- cs ; and the Inward divifion confifts of three branches; and no perfonlo commiflioned as a Pilot, or his deputy, fhal! ijndereake to bring in or carry out of faid harbour any vefle! drawing of nine foet of -water, (coafters and fiihing-veffels excepted) except in his own particular branch, under the penalty of fijty dollars. The Governor and Council determine and fix tlie fee of pilotage of the feveral pilots for the harbour of Bojlon, from time to time, having refpeft to the different rifle and hazard of the inward and outward divifions, and according as the circumftances of peace or war, and the feafons of the year, may feverally require j and the fame to be fpecifieo on their ^efpeftive warrants. A fchedule of theif fees, to be hung up in the Cullom-Houfe for the port of Bofton and C/iarleJiown, for public infpefti on and information.

Rath* of OUTWARD Pilotage for ike Port ct Boflon.

VejfeTs Pilotage; &f. »6s

Rates of INWARD Pilot ace for the Port cf Bo/toru

Ve[feVs\ Rate per Fsot, if Rate per Feet, Draft] At ri! to Nivcmb'rr to November* j April.

Feet. . Ajfi Wharfage, Storage *6. 16;

The whaffage.of goods landed, to be paid by the feller j

of it. This method may fave much trouble, and expenfe. The fame fteps fhould be taken with, creditors, when an es-

tate is infolvent : that is, they mull be notified as aforefaid, or they muft certify as aforefaid. Admiuiftratorswho wifh not to account with the Judge of Probate for the perfonal eftate of the deceafed, -as the faruemaUbe appraifed, fliowld give notice thereof at the time they return the inventory, and then obtain an order for the fate of the whole, or fuch part thereof as the Judge fhall direft; and the heirs alfo,

if they apprehend .the perfonal eftate is appi a i fed too low, fhould reprefent the fame to the Judge, and requeft to have it fold at public auftion,- or at private fale, as will bed fe*ve the intereft of all. perfons concerned.

CENSUS of the federal TOWNS in MASSA- CHUSETTS DISTRICT. Taken in 1800. County of S Genius of MafTachufetts. *

Afliby 941 Brimfield, 1,384 Bedforjf, 5$ Granby, 786 Billerica, 1.383 Greenwich, 1,460 Boxborcif^h, 3$7 Had iey, ',073 Buriington, 534 Holland, 445 Cambridge, M53 Leveret, 711 Cariifk, 634 Longmeadow, 973 Charlefipwn, 2,751 Ludlow, 650 Chelmsford, 1,290 Monfon, i»^35

Concord, 1,679 Montague, . 1,22a Dr.u, 1,274 New-Saiem, 1,949 Dunftable, Northfield, 1,047 Eaft-Sudbury, IS Orange, 766 Framingham, 1,625 Palmer, 1,389 Groton, 1,802 Pelham, 1,144 Holliflon, 783 Shutefbury, 930 Hopkinton, 1,372 Soufh-Hadley, 801 Lexington, 1,006 Scuth-Brimfield, 774 Lincoln, 7/>6 Sunderland, 537 Littleton, 9^4 Springfield, 2,312 Maiden, 1,059 Ware, 997 Marlborough, ',735 Warwick, 1,233 Medfojd, Wendell, 737 Natick, 694 Wilbraham, 1,743 Newton, 1491 Wefl fide ojCcmicHicut River* '

Pepperdl, 1,198 Afhheld, . 1,741 Reading, 2,025 Barnardftown 780 Sherburne, 775 Blandford, 1,778 Shirley, 713 Buckland, 1,041 Stoncham, qHo Charlemont, 87,/} Stow, 890 Chefier, *>542 Sudbury, i,303 Chetterfield, 1,323 Tewkfbury, 944 Colraine, 2,014 Town friend, 1.149 Conway, 2,013 Tyngfborough Cummington, p 696 984 Waltham, 903 Deerfield, 1,5 -U Watertown, 1,207 Eallhampton ,586 Weftlbrd, 1,267 Gill, 700 Wetton, 1,027 Gcfhen, 724 VVilrrnngtori, 797 Granville, 2,309 Woburn, 1,228 Greenfield, 1,254 -46,928 Hatfield, 809 County of Ham p s h. 1 r e Hawley, 878 Amh;-ili/ i»358 Heath, 604, Belchcvtown, 1,878 Leydea, 1,00^, * 18,8,1 p 17* Ceafii's of Maffichdlert?.

Middleffeld, $77 Sandwich, Montgomery, 560 Northampton^ 2^190 Norwich, 959 Plainfield 797 Rowe, 575 Rufleil, 431 Shelburne\ 1,079 Southampton, 983 Southwick, 867 Weftfield, s,i85 Weft-Hampton, 756 W.Springficld, 2,835 Whatcly, 773 Williimfburgh 1,179 Worthington, 1,22} 2 ; -7M3 County ©/"Plymouth. Abtngton, 1,623 Bridgewater, 5,200 Carver, 863 Duxborough, 1,664 Halifax, 642 Hanover, 958 Hingham, 2,112 Hull, 117 Kingfton, 1,037 Marlhfield, 1,256 Middleboro' 4,458. Pembroke, 1,943

Plymouth, 3, 52 \ Plympton, 861 Rocheftcr, &540' Scituate, 2,728

Wareham,, - 770* 3^'3o e County) ©/Barnstable. Barnftable, 2,964 Chatham, 1,351 Dennis, 1,408 Eaftham, 659 Falmouth, 1,802. Harwich, 2,857 Mai (h pee, 155 Orleans, i,c$>5 Jriovir.cetovrn, 8: a Cenfus pt" M»ffashufjetts._ m Harvard, V 2 Cerrfus of U. States, &c. Waipol*e, 089 Wrentham, Weymouth, i,8c 3 27/>ia"

Total, 422,843 CENSUS of the COUNTIES in the . County of York. Parfonsfiehl, 1,352

Berwick, 3,042 Saco, I 1,849 Wells, 3,700 Biddeford, 1,903 Kitrery, 3.120 Lebanon, 1,676 York, 2,826 Limingtort, 1,324 Shap>igh, 1,766 Limerick, 829 Arund-ll, 1,910 Newfield, 575 Phillipfburg, 1,096 San ford, 1,374 Lyman, 997 Alfred^ 897 Buxton, 1,940 Cornifti 736 Waterboro', 1,096 -34,3o8 Cumberland, --• 37,921 Lincoln, - 30,100 Hancock, 16,316 .Washington, k 4.436 T E

New-Hnmpfhire, 10*3. 858 1 South-Caroling 345,501 Rhode-Ifl.nid, 60,122 Georgia, 192,686 M^Rc hufetts, Kentucky, • 220,955 Conne&icut, 2,51,002 Tenncflee, loo.oo Vermont, Territory, Miffifippi, 8,8 so New-York, 586,050 N.ofOhio,45. 365 New-Jerfey, 211,149 Indiana, 3,075 Pennfylvauia 602,365 Michiliraacinac,&c. 760 Delaware, 64,274 Diftrift of Columbia, 14,093 Maryland, 310,704 Virginia, 878.950 Total, 5,276,786 North-Caiolina, 478,103

POPULATION of AUSTRIA. According to a ww cenfas, Aullria now contaim 11,608 fa tea re leagues', and a population of twenty-three and an naif mi! lions of fouls; of which 17,551,800 areCath' oiks ; 1,650,000 Lutherans; 1800,000 oj the Reformed

Church ; 260,000 Greeks ; 43.000 Unitarians ; 3,500 Meno- nijls, and 452,000Jews. Th- Nobility form about 600,000 fouls ; and the Clergy 90,000 individuals. The Revenue of the State amounts to 103 millions per annum, and the D'bts t.v 1 12 millions offmns.} GU^ernor* in the United State,* 17^

GOVERNORS in the f,vtral STATES, John Lanedon New-Htimpfhire. James Sullivan MaiLchufetts. James Fcnner Rhode-Ifland, &c. Jonathan Trumbull Connecticut. ifrael Smith Vermont. £)aniel D. Tomlcins New-York. Jofeph Bloomfield New-Jerfey. Thomas fyl'Kcan Pennfylvania. George Truitt Delaware. Robert Wright Maryland* William H.Cabell Virginia. Nathaniel Alexander North-Carolina, Charles Pinckney South-Carolina. John Milledge Georgia. Chriftopher (>eenup Kenturky. John Sevier TenneiTee. Robert Williams M>flifippi Territory. Kirker Ohio. r William C' G. Claiborne Territory of Orleans. William Hull * Michigan. V Meriwether Lewis Upper Louifiana. *Vra. Henry Harrifon Indiana.

DIRECTIONS FOR MARINERS. Mr. William Lord, 01 Stonington-Point,\ haserefled aq iron fptar, about 13 feet long, with a white vane on the top, 3 upon the rock of Latimer, in Fijher s-JJlandSqund. 1 he tleepcfr. channel is to the ncnthward of the rock. This gentleman has it in ccntimplatipn, if fuitable encourage- ment (bould be given by gentlemen from the Eaflwatd and Weftward (who are owners of navigation, and aiccor.fiantly pafiing the Sound) to ereel a fpear upen what is called The Tail of Watch Hill Reef—another upon Katitwatut-Rock, upon the fame Reef— one upon Ellis's Reef, which lies off

Ram-ip.andy and is almoft in the Middle of the Sound. 1 hele rocks are feldcm. any of them, out of water, and much in the way of coafters up and down the Sound, who are unacquainted. * Alfo appointed a Commiflioner to treat with certain In- dian tribes in the vicinity of Detroit.

+ Stonington is a poll-town and port, in New-London County (Connecticut) 14 miles JE. by S. of New-London. 2808J p 2 174 Table of Interefl,

at Six per Cent. A TABLE of SIMPLE INTEREST, y calculated in Dollars, Cents and Milks.

*?rinci- i i months, 6 months, I year, J week month, 3 pal. fd in. d. c. m. d. c. m. d. c. m. d. c. m. Cts.io o o o o 20 O D O I 3° O O O I 40 O O O 2 50 o o O 2 60 o o o 3 70 o o o 3 80 Q I o 4 90 O I o 4 Dol. 1 O I o 5 2 O 2 o 3 O 4 5 4 o 5 o 5 o 5 6 o 7 o 8 I 9 I 10 I 20 2

30 3 40 050 50 062 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 joo 600 700 800 900 1000 —

Table of Intereft. 175

A 'CONCISE AND CORRECT METHOD of Computing the Intereft of Dollars and Centfs, at the Rate of 6 per Cent, per annum.

A yf ULT1PLY (according ro trie rule of cori- 1R u LE * 1VJL tracted multiplication} the principal by half

the time, reduced to m >nths and decimals of a month ; ob- fei ving to place the unit figure of the half time under the unit figure of the dollars, and reverting the other figures The -product will be the intereft in dollars and cents. KxaMpi.es. (t) (4 Piijcjpil dolls. 186 19 Principal dolls.sS 18

Timet y.6m.i2da. = i8 12 Time 3 6 24 = 43 24

Half of Do. in m.& da. 9 6 HalfofDo. 21 12

Do^expreflcdin decim. 92 Do.exprefTedin decim. •21.4.

Operation. Operation. 186. t 9 . 8&t8: 29 41 2

1676 j— 37 °20 — 10 W- »7 »3 ApJ*. 5 60

A' B. The decimals of a month may be eafilv fdupd by

confidering 3 days as one tenth of a month : half a day may l>e called two hundredths, or (more exactly) 16 thou- exa&ly) sands : One day three hundredths, or ^more 33 thoufands. Two days, feven hundredths, or (more exatfiy)

66 thoulands. Thus : Days. 1 7$ Great- Britain & Coins.


For receiving and paying the Gold Coins of GREAT- BRITAIN and PORTUGAL,* of their prefent fland- ard, accoiding to the A£l of Congrefs, regulating Fo= reign Coins. Passed thegth Ft&rxary, 1793. Carefully" revifed.

Grains. Cents. French & Spanifh Coins, *7f

•• > » . • A TABLE

4* 'For receiving 'and pay : ng the Gold Coins of FRANCE MAIN, and the DOMINIONS of SPAIN, of their prdftit Standard, according to the Aft -of Congrefs, re- gulating Foteigo Coins raffed the gtk F/.bruary, 1793. Calculated for rhe ufe of the B^nk of the United States.

Gravis. *7« American Coins* kc.

A TABLE of the Weight and V.aht of' thi Amertcty CoiffS. Names. dwts: grs. Dolls. Cts\ Eagle, 11 6 10 00 Half Eagle, 5 00 T euarter Ei)g ,q; 2 m i $ rown, 18 % 10 Do! lar, 1 CO Half Dollar, 'I o *8 Quarter Dollar, - 4 o «3 Dime, 1 I* 10 Half Dime, o 21 5

'\ • ...... ;. L..J- .}}? .. .

A TABLE of the MEASURE of LENGTH of the prin- cipal places in Europe, compared with, the American Yard. Yara\$, 100 Aunes or Ells of England, * - «* 125 Joo •»», of Holland or Amfterdam, Ifaerlein, J| Ley den, the H ague, Rotterdam, Nu->** 73 remburg, and other chief of Holland, } loo —— of Brabant or , 76 Joo —— of France and Oznaburg, < * _ Leipfic.Bern) log — ofHimburg.Fiaokfort, — 6s{ and Br .Til, - - S j 00 ——. of Breflau, - *=6o j 00 —fu of Damfcick, • >.4 JOO of Bergen arid Dronthefn, joo — * ' of Sweden and Stockholm, joo —— of Sr. Gall, tor Linens, joo -*i— St. Gal!, for Cloths, joo of Geneva, -. - Montpe'ier, loo Canes of Marseilles and -f 214J 100 —-r of Thouloufe and High Languedoe, = 200 jpo —- of Genoa, of 9 palrns, - «• jco of Rome, - • 22?i joo Varas of Spain, - 9H joo of Porugai, — 123 ioo Cavidos of Portugal,. — 75 100 Braflcs of Venice, - 73i lop of Bergamo, 6. joo •»- ' of Florence and Leghorn, = joo * of Milan,

* The French £11 is^ ufuatly ejimated ti 'yards;. Rate.s ctf Letters, &c. J79 RATES OF LETTER POSTAGE. Every letter compofed of a fingle ih,et of paper conveyed t»jt above 40 mik-s, 8 as. Over 40 miles, ami not ex- reeding 90 miles, 16 cts. Qyet 90 miles, and not ex- ceeding 1*0 miles, 12$ cts. Ovrr 150 miles, and not ex- ceeding 3I0 mites, 17 cts. Over 300 miles, and not ex- ceeding $00 miles, 20 cts. Over 500 miles, 25 Cts. Every letter compofed of two pieces of ppcr, double thofe rates. Every letter compofed 6f three pieces of paper, triple thofe rates. Every letter compofed of four pieces of paper, weighing l oz. quadruple thufe rates, and at the rate of four fingle letters for tich oU nee any letter or packet may weigh. Every (hip-letter originally received at an of-

fice for delivery, 6 cents. . Magazines and Painpfreti, per fheet, not over 50 miles,

1 cent. Over 50 miles, and not exceeding 100 miles, i£ cent. Over 100 miles, 2 cenw. The Pott-Office docs not infure money, or any other thing conveyed by Poft. The General Poll-Office is kept at the feat of Government. The Rates at ziihich dUJarngi Coins <™d Currencies are cfti* mated al the Cujlom-HoufesJ J ofJ the United States.

, Dolls. Cti. Each pound fterling of Great-Britain, at 4 44 tach pound fterling of Ireland, V 4 10 achlivre tournois of Fiance, - lofc Each florin or guilder of the United Netherlands, 40 Each mark banco of Hamburgh, - - 33I -Each rix dollar of Denmark, - l 00 ' - i-> "Each rial of plate of Spain, - « - - Each rial of vellon of Spain, 5 4 - •Each Mil ree of Portugal, . 1 e£ •Each tale of China, - - 1 4" Each pagoda of.Inaia, -. I 84 - - .. -. . ^ach rupee of Begal , 5° kules for reducing the Currcna.1 of the different States into each other. ilh To red&ce the currencies of New-Hamplhire, Mai- fachufetts, Rhode-IfiarVi, Connecticut, Vermont and Vir- to the




Z. S O £ c ***


c .2 « c


U* CO o W —

Currencies reduced. 181

Rules for reducing Currencies.

injto \ 2d. To reduce New-York and North-Carolina New- Hampfhire, Maffachufetts, Rhode-Uland,Conn< tticutj Ver- mont and Virginia, from the given fum dedutt \xh thereof. Into Pennlylvania, New-Jerfey, Delaware and Mary- land, from the fum given deduft l-i6th thereof.

. Into South-Carolina and Georgia, to the fum given, add j-6th, and then take half of the whole.

. 3d. To reduce Pennfylvania, New-Jerfey, Delaware and Maryland, into New-Ham plhi re, Maffachufetts, Rhode- Ifland, Connecticut, Vermont and Virginia, from the fum given declucl i-5th thereof. Into New-York and North-Carolina, to the fum given add 1-1 5th thereof. Into South-Carolina and Georgia, multiply by 3 and 9th, and divide the product by 5 ; or multiply by 20, and •divide by 45. 4th. To reduce South-Carolina and Georgia into New- Hampfhire, Maffachufetts, Rhode-Ifland, Connecticut and Virginia, to the given fum add 2-7ihs thereof.

Into Pennfylvania, New-Jerfey, Delaware and Maryland9 Multiply the give- n fum by 45, and divide by 28. Into New-York and North-Carolina, from the given fum fubtract i-7th, and double the remainder.


BEDFORD BANK. Counterfeit Five dfallar bills have been feen, figned K. Pane, Prefident John Marjh, Cafhier, dated June 6, 1805—poorly done, on an irupreffion and paper fimilar to mod of the counterfeit of Richmond, Scitu-

%te, Philadelphia Union Bank, Lankifter, and Fredericktozvii Banks. They appear all on one kind of paper, which is light, [pongy, and clumfily done. There is a Bedford Bank in Maffachufetts, and the true names are T/ios. Hazard, Pref-

denr, and John Pickens, Cafhier.. , CHESHIRE BANK, Keene, (N. H.) Four, Ten, and word " rhirty ; Tens of the firft impreflion. The TEN." n capitals in the margin, not well done, and the word* ' Chefhire Bank," which lean on the left, in the fecond line, not fo fair as the genuine. Two's are altered to Ten, and Threc'i to Thirty. Font's, alio of thtf fiitt ix.pfcWapjr .

2 82 Counterfeit Bills;

dated July 9, 1805, and payable to ^.Alexander; paper lighter and more fpongy than the genuine. Another de- nomination of Four are in circulation, payable to James thinner than the genuine. Fives, dated Munn ; paper much Keene, Oft. 10, 1804, Badly executed. (j^The lad im- preflion of this Bank are all Stereotype. COOS BANK, Haverhill, (N.H.J One dollar bills of the Stereotype, altered to Four and Six, and equally as well done as thofe altered on Exeter Bank. EXCHANGE BANK, Providence, (R. I J Five'*, than the genuine. Fifty's, al- poor'} done ; paper darker

tered from fmaller ones, well dpne ; they bear, however, a light-houfe on the left, which .the good do not. EXETER BANK, (N. ffj Stereotype Four's, badly altered from One.. The interfecling lines are not parallel, and the " Four," and letter 5 in the word Dollars, can be readily deteBtd by the eye. Stereotype Six's, altered from

one, and extremely veil <£one. . . FARMER'S EXCHANGE BANK, £butefler,(R.I.) All denominations counterfeited. In the Two's the A in * demand' proiecls above the other letters. In the true Five's the word FIVE in large capitals, extends over the in three ^/hole bill ; and the /continues all the way down into two ftrokes ftrokes ; in fo'meof the counterfeits, it goes when it enters the a in " Exchange" but not'in all. The imprefHon of the Ten's is fmaller, and not fofair as the gen- uine. This Bank now iifues Stereotype bills. fc$T Since the above detection, the Five's have had all the errors cor- will bear a clofc reeled j the lerfm are cut handfome, and examination. The plough, however, joins the tails of the oxen* which in the genuine does not ; the engraver's name is done with a pen, and hardly legible. Some counterfeit

Three's are alfo in circulation, well imitated ; the One's art wel.1 done. JJ FARMER'S BANK, Troy, (N. Y.) Two and Ten, dollar bills, counterfeited. The Two's are ftruck on a plate which is about the eighth of an inch {hotter than the impref- : Con of the genuine. The paper of the Ten's as well as Two's'is of a lighter complexion, and irnpreffion generally fainter than the true ones. GLOUCESTER BANK, (Cape-Ann) Five's and Ten's/ paper of a much darker complexion, and poor imitation. HARTFORD BANK, (Conn.) Three's altered to clof together, that Thirty j but the letters added are fo they are eafily known. Three's are counterfeited, badly done. Some Two's have juft appeared, the paper of which .

^Counterfeit Bills. t%$ as lighter than the genuine, and the letters larger affd mofe cJ unify LINCOLN and KENNEBECK BANK, Wifcajfrt. Five and Ten. The true Ten's, near the vcflel on the

flocks, have a work-{hop with windows ; the falfe have a than Ihop without windows ; paper whiter and morefpongy the true. The Five's poorly imitated; plate larger and more clumfy than the genuine. Another denomination of Five's are in circulation, which bear a tolerable compan- ion with the true ones. The words " Lincoln and

of the letter a in the word flank, in the fecond line ; but in the counterfeit the black ground is placed farther forward, fo as to bring the fore part under the fpace be-

tween a and i in ' Maine,'' and the other part between K and Kin 'Bank/ Sevens—the full point, at the end of 1 Seven Dollars? in,<£erman text, is left out in the falfe bill. Nines— the words " company of the," appear crooked and ' in capitals, is crowded ; and the Q in the word Dollars' higher than t^e other letters ; the true bills fair, and the letters handfome. ' Fifty's-r-altered from Five. MANHATTAN and MERCHANTS' BANKS, Nert- York. Five dollar bills of the former Bank, and Five's and Ten's of the latter Bank are in circulation poorly imitated, ? j and eafily known from the genuine. MASSACHUSETTS BANK, Bojton. Ten's—in the word Dollars at the top, the two /A and the a and r join ; in the true bills they do not. The B, in 'Bofton,' is not fo handfome, the o is upiight, s not fo good, and the

t more doped ; the whole word, in faQ, badly imitated. In the ornamental part of the true bills ' Ten, lo,' at each

end, are thick black hnes ; in the falfe t^ey are only cbjik {haded. NANTUCKET BANK. Two, Three, and Five. The Five's are on a dark cjlifh paper, and apparently done with a pen. The Two's are a tolerable imitation, impref- fion fmaller, and the iignatures poorly done. The letters of

the Three's arc larger than the true ones ; but on compan- ion are eafily detected. (£f- Many Ten dollar bills are alio in circulatipn,. altered from a Two. 184 Counterfeit Bills.

NEW-BEDFORD BANK. Nine ; in the rn<*to * Peace to the world,' the Id in wo>ld is in the made ; the true bills have only the d; paper whiter and moie fpongy. NEW-HAMPSHIRE BANK, Portfmouth. Five and Ten; payable at the Bank of the United States at Philadel-

phia : the letters poorly done, and fome quite crooked. NEW-LONDON BANK (Conn.) Ten and Twen-

ty ; altered from fmaller bills, and hard to be discovered. NEW-YORR STATE BANK, The two figures of $ at each top end of the bill look thick and bluu'd, the wri-

ting is crooked, and the paper fo'ft and fpongy. NORWICH BANK, (Conn.) Five's altered to Twen-

tv-five ; the 25, in German text, is ihaded by a fcrawl ; in the genuine it is not. One's to Ten, well done. Thofe Five's, which have letters palling through the bill, alfo counterfeited, badly done, particularly in the penmanfhip. PACIFIC BANK, Nantucket. Tens—clumfily exe-

cuted ; the cafliier's name (pelt Triftrwm inftead of Triftram Huffey. Five's of this Bank have lately got into circula- tion; paper and irnpreffion much like the genuine; figna- tures well done; but in the 3d line of the bill, the word "Nantucket,* is much more crooked than the true ones,

PLYMOUTH BANK. Five's of the firft irnpreffion 5 imitation tolerable ; but they want a pine tree, which is in the true bills under the word 'bearer.' The fecond im- preffions are ftereotype. But few in circulation. PORTLAND BANK. Sevens—irnpreffion poor, and the Prefident's name fpelt M'Lellen inftead of Lellan.

PORTSMOUTH BANK, (N. H.) Three's ; paper whiter, but the fignatures badly imitated, and the Cafhier's name fpelt wrong; it mould be Halliburton. They are figned by the former pr-fident, B. Conner. PORTSMOUTH BANK, (N. H.) One's Three's and Four's, figned T on; $ Sheafe. Paper of the genuine, dark complexion, andoiied; whereas the counterfeits are done with fweet oil, which gives them a yellowifti caft. In the true Four's, the woid Dollars, in capital letters in the firft line, is exaftly even with the word Four. In the bad bills the D in dollars projefts higher. The Three's may be known by the word demand, which is too final!, the d's be- ing alfo too fmall for the other letters in the fame word. The One's, in the word Dollar acrofs the left margin of the bill, the lowr part does not form a ftraight line. PROVIDENCE BANK, (R. I.) John I. Clark, prefi- dent, Olney Winfor, cafhier. Two's, figned John Innes Clark, prcfident, dated Jan. 9, 1805, and better executed ;

Counterfeit Bills. 485

than the original. In the word Five in large c3pitals arrcjs the bill, the ^completely covers the fmall letter in the

word Five, 2d line from top ; in the genuine, it is covered but in part. Some Ten dollar bills are in circulation, a!- tered from a fmaller denomination. RHODE-ISLAND UNION BANK, NtzoforV~ Three's, poorly done. The words ' Three dollars,* in rapi- fals at the top, badly imitated, particularly the S. Tens lately got into circulation. SALEM BANK, (MaJ.J Benj. Pickman, jr. prefidem, and Jona. Hodges, cafhier ; Four and Six. No Four's are iffued by the Bank ; and the Six bears Eaitious fignatures of prefident and cafhier. SMITHFIELP UNION BANK, (R. I.J Three, 4 Five, and Seven ; in the Three's the words bearer' and * demand' are not cut fo ftrajght as in the genuine, which pe dated June 3, 1805, and have not been numbered highef than 600 ; but "the ba,d ones are, and the red ink has a yel- lowifh caft. The Five's are of the firft imprefnon, and wUi compare clofely ; fignatures poorly done, and others therr. are well imitated by copperplate writing, dated Aug. BS, i8c6. The true Sevens, have five or fix water-rrarks, the bad none; the flukes of tjie anchor higher and narrower,

• {he foot of the female dimmer, and the toes turning up ; a which are not in the genuine. Twenty, altered from one : execution good, but may be d teft'd from the word twenty mfgures, which u very crow ded. One dollar bills arc alio counterfeited, and many are in circulation. STRAFFORD BANK, Dover, (N. H.J Two's badly executed ; letters thicker than the true bills. Stereotype One dollar bills altered to a Four, are in circulation. TRENTON BANK, f N.J.J One, Three, anrj Five dollars, counterfeited ; fignatures executed with great awk- wardnefs; impreffion much heavier and blacker than the genuine. UNION BANK, Bofion. Five's executed with a per, and eafily diftinguifhed ; the Indian fcarcely vifible. One Hundred' dollar counterfeit bill of this Bank has been feen but hardly an imitation of the genuine ; apparently deline- ated by a hair penoi. ; UNITED STATES BANK. Five, Ten, Twenty, Fifty, and One Hundred dollar counteifeit bills, are in cir- culation, of the various Branches. The paper in general is not ot lo good 3 quality as the true bills, and the engraving not fo handfeme ; (ignatures in forne inilar.c^s well fraitat- V. 1808.J q ft ;

1 86 Counterfeit Bills, &c ed, and in others, appear to be made with a ftiff pen. At- tention mould be paid by thofe who receive thefe bills. WASHINGTON BANK, Wejlerly, (R. I.) Five's impreflion (mailer, and paper of a yellowifh complexion. Twenty-Five, alfo, altered from one.

fl^f- According to law, all bills in MafTachufetts, under Fi\e dollars, muft be of an oval form, with the denomina- tion at each of the corners outlide of the rim j moft of which are'ftereotype.


Incorporated June 2o, 1807. Annual meeting ad Monday in July.

Prefident, Hon. Edward St. Loe Livermorc. Treafurer, John Peabody, Efq. Clerk, Mr. Seth Sweetfer. Trustees.

Tofhua Carter, Efq. Samuel A. Otis, Efq. Rev. Daniel Dana, Jonathan Gage, Efq. Rev. James Morfe, William Woart, Efq. Mr. Richard Pike, William Bartlet. Efqr. Mr. Edward Rand, Capt. Eben.r 3 Wheelwright Thomas M. Clark, Efq,


Incorporated June 1, 1807.

Meetings are held on \Jl Thwfday in each mont.% Prefident, John Lathrop, n. D.

Treafurer\ Jofeph Eckley, d. d. Secretary, Rev. Jofeph M'Kean, Trustees.

Morfe, r>. D John Eliot, d. d. I Jedidiah Rev. James Freeman, John T. Kirkland, d. d.

$^ The Library is krpt in the building joining the PoJ-OJiecj THE

Winittti states Calendar*


THOMAS JEFFERSON, LL. D. Prefdent. GEORGE CLINTON, Vke-Prefidcnt of 0. States, and Prefdent of the Senate*

Samuel A. Otis, Secretary.

S E N A T E. t New-Hampfhire, and Nahum Parker. Rhode-I/land, Benja. Howland and Elifha MatthewCbn Majjachufetts, John Q. Adams and - Connecticut, James Hillhoufe and Chauncey Goodrich- Vermont, Stephen R. Bradley and Jona. Robinfoi;. New-York, Samuel L. Mitchell and John Smith.

New-Jerfey, John Condit and Aaron Kitchell. Pennsylvania, Samuel Maclay and Andrew Gregg, Delaware, Samuel White and James A. Bayaid Mary/and, Samuel Smith and Philip Read. Virginia, William B. Giles and Andrew Moore. North-Carolina, James Turner and JeiTe Franklin. South-Carolina, Thomas Sumpter and John Gaillard. Georgia, John Mi Hedge and George Jones. Kentucky, John Buckner Thui don and John Pope. TennrJJee, Jofeph Anderfon and Daniel Smith. Ohio, Edward Tiffin and John Smith.

* By the Confitutien the Vice-Prefident is Prefdent of the Senate, but has no voice unlefs the Senate is equally divided.

t Gorreftly taken from the National IntelligenceF, printed at Wafhington, 27th Oftober, 1807. 188 Tenth Congrefs. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Jofeph B. Varnurh, Speaker.


|*eter Carlton, I Francis Gardner I Clement Storei Daniel M. Durell Jedid. H. Smith J J MASSACHUSETTS, 17. >- Tofiah Quincy jrfabez Upham Oofiah E>eane Jacob Crownmfhield. jtfofeph Barker rEbenezer Seaver rlfaiah L. Greene Daniel Ilfley ^jofeph B. Varnum ,* John Chandler •/-Edw.S.L.Livermore Ezekiel Bacon x.1Vi!liain Stedman j/


tyehemiah Knight | Ifaac Wilbour


Benja. Tallmadge I Timothy Pitkin, jr Epaphroditus^ Samuel W. Dana Lewis B. Sturges Champion

John Davenport j Jona. Q. Mofeley


James Elliot I Martin Chittenden

James W.thorall f James Fifk NEW-YORK, 17. J>hilipV.Cor{landt GurdonS. Mumford John Thorn pfpn ianl.C.Verplank George Clinton, jr. Peter Swart David Thomas Barent Gardiner Samuel Riker John Blake, jr. James J. Van Allen John Harris Jofiah MarhVrs Wm. Kirkpatrick KilianK. Van •John RuiTell Reuben Humphreys Renflelaer NEW-JERSEY, 6.

£zra Darby I William Helms Henry Southard

| Jam^s Sloan Thos. Newbold John Lambert I

PENNSYLVANIA, 18. David Bard Tames Kellv Samuel Smith ' Robert Brown William Milner Tohn Rea Jofeph Clay Tohn Porter Matthias Richards Wm. Find ley, Tohn Pugh Dan'. Montgomery John Heifter Robert Wlmehill Tarob Richard* 1 William Hoge John Smiley Robert Jeakins. Tenth Congrefs. i$9

DELAWARE. Nicholas Vandyke.

MARYLAND, 10. Wm. McCrcery Archib. V. Home John Montgomery Nicho. R. Moore Roger Nelfon Edward Lloyd Philip B. Key John Campbell C. Goldib.rough

VIRGINIA, 82. Burwell BafTer John W. Eppes John Randolph John Claiborne Peterlbn Goodwin John Smith John Morrow Edwin Gray Abram Trigg AlexV. WHfeii David Holmes Wm. A. Bui well J as. M. Gannett John G. Jackfon John Love Matthew Clay Walter Jones WilfcnC.Nicholas John Clopton Jofepb Lewis, jr. John Dawfon Thos. Newton, jr. NORTITCAROLINA Nathaniel Macon Wm. Blackledge Lemuel Sawyer Willis Altfion, jr. Evan Alexander John Culpeper Jlichard Stanford Thomas Blount Mefhach Franklin James Holland Thomas Kenan Marm. Williams

SOUTH-CAROLINA, 8. Robert Marion Thomas Moore John Taylor Tofeph Colhoun David R.WilHams Lemuel J. Alftoja William Butler Richard Winn

GEORGIA, 4. William W.Bibb Dennis Smelt Geo. M. Troup. Howell Cobb

KENTUCKY, 6, John Boyle Benjamin Howard R. M. JohnfoA j

Jofeph Defha | Matthew Lyon John Rowan

TENNESSEE, 3, Q. Campbell Jeffe Wharion Rhea, W. j John OHIO. Jeremiah Morrow.

MISSISIPPI TERRITORY, 1. George Ppindexter.

NEW-ORLEANS, 1. Danl. Clark.

INDIANA TERRITORY. k Benjamin Parke. ic£> Heads of pepartmen(. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Madifon, James Secretary. | Jacob Wagner, Chief Clerk. Department oftheTreafury of th# United State** Secretary, Albert Galiatin. Comptroller, Gabriel Duvall. Auditor, Richard Harrifon. Commiffioner of the Revenue, William filler. Tresfurer, Thomas T. Tucker. Regtjler, Jofeph Nourfe. DireSlor of the Mint, Robert Patterfon.

}Var Department. Secretary, . Accountant, William Simmonds, Purveyor oj Public Supplies, Tench Coxe. Navy Department,

Robert Smith, Secretary. | f hos. Turner, Accountant^ Jofeph Fox, Qhief Builder and Conjlrutlor.

fofl-OJice EJlabliJhmenU Gideon Granger, Poft-Mafter-General. Abraham Bradley, Aflilhnt ditto. JUDICIARY. Supreme Court. John Mar&all, Chief Juftice A/fociats Juftkes, Wm.Cuyh'mgjMafachufelts BuihroctWafhington, Virgin, Samuel Chale, Maryland Wm. Jchnlon, 5. Carolina, £rockholft Livmgflon, JV.J, Attorney -General, Qjefar A. Rodney, of Wafhington. OrA—Elias B. Caldwell, of Wafhingtqn (City.

[The Records of the Courts of Errors and Appeals, in cafe, of Capture, are lodged in the Clerk's Office of this Court. DISTRICT OFFICERS.

IJiftritf of Maine.

Judge. Attorney. I Marflial.

^avid Sewall j Silas Lee J Thos.G.Thornroi Diftria Officers. i#2

Diftria of New-Hampfhire. Marjhat. Judge. I Attorney. M'Clary John S. Sherburne | Danl. Humphries | Michael Diftria of Maflachufetts. Attorney. Marjkal. Judge. j

John Davis I George Blake I Tames Prince Diftria of frhode-Ifland. Marjtial. Judge. Attorney. | j

David L. Barnes | David Howell | William Peck Diftria of Conneaicut. Attorney. Marfhal. Judge. j

Prerpont | Hez. Huntington Wilcox Edwards | Jofeph Diftria of Vermqnt.

Judge. Attorney. I Marjhal. j Elijah Paine David Fay John Willard j Diftria of New-York.

, Judge. Attorney. Marjkal.

M. B- Talmage j Nathan Sandford | Peter Curtcnius Diftria of New-Jerfey. Attorney. Judge. , Marfhal.

Robert Morris j Jofeph M'llvaine | Oliver Barnett Diftria of Perinfylvania. Richard Peters, Judge. Alexander J. Dallas, Attorney for the Eaflern DiftriSl, John Smith, Marfhallfor the Eaflern Diflricl. Diftria of Delaware. Judge. Attorney. Mar/Jial.

Cuffarng Bedford | George Read, jr. | Joel Lewis.' Diftria of Maryland. Attorney. Marfhal. Judge. |

Jof.H.Nicholfon | Z. Hollingfworth | Reuben Etting Diftria of Columbia. Chief Judge. Judges.

William Cranch | James Marlhall and Allen B. DuckeV, Diftria of North-Carolina. Judge. Attorney. Marjhal. J

I Edmund Blount Diftria of Kentucky.

Judge. | Attorney. Marfhal, J

Harry Inrfcs j ;

192 Circuit Courts.

SITTINGS of the FEDERAL COURTS in the U. S. STATES of AMERICA. SUPREME COURT. the feat of Government, on the firft Monday in ATFebruary, annually. circutFcourts. When any of the following days happen on a Sunday, the Court is to be holden on the Monday following. Firft Circuit. In Rhode-IJland. at Providence, on the 15th day of No-

vember ; and at Newport, on the 15th day of June.

In Majfcchufctts, at Bofton, June 1 ft and October 2 ill. , In New-Hamffhire, at Portfmoutb, on the 20th day of

May ; and at Exeter, on the 2d day of November. Second Circuit. I» Connecticut, at New-Haven, on the 13th day ofApril and at Hartford, on the 17th day of September. In Vermont, at Windfor, on the lft day of May ; and at Rutland, on the 3d day of October.

In New-York, at New-York, April 1 and September 1. Third Circuit.

In New-Jerfey, at Trenton, April 1 and October !»

at the 1 i In Pennsylvania, city of Philadelphia, April s sind Oclob. 11. Fourth Circuit. In Delaware, at Dover, June 3, and October 27. In Maryland, at Baltimore, Mav 1 and November 7. Fifth Circuit. In Virginia, at Richmond, May 22 and November 22. In North-Carolina, at Raleigh, May 12 and Nov. ie. Sixth Circuit.

In South-Carolina, at Charlefton, May 20 ; and at Colum- bia, November 30. In Georgia, at Savannah, May 6 ; and at Louifville, December 14. In Columbia, for the county of Alexandria, on the firtl

Monday of July, and 4th Monday of November ; for the county of Wafhiugton, on the lft Monday of June and 4th Monday of December. Seventh Circuit. In Kentucky, at Frankfort, on the lft Mondays in May and November. In TenneJJee, at KnoxvilJe and Nafh- ville, alternately, lft Mond. in June, and 3d Mond. in Oft. In Ohio, at Chilicothe, on the lft Mondays in January and September. . ;

Diftricl Courts. 19J DISTRICT COURTS. the Diftria of M<«W, at Portland and Wifcaffet alter- IN of nately, on the fi:ft Tuefday of M ircb, lufi. Tuefday May, and fiift Tuefday in September and December. In NathHaihpJkire, alternately at FoMfmouth and Exeter, on the third Tuefday in March, June," September, and Dec, In Vermont, at Rutland, on the ;cth day of Oftober and at Windfor, the 7th day df May annually. in June In Mafachu felts, at Baflon, on the 4th Tuefday 3d Tuefday and firft in December ; and at Salem, on the in March, and zd in September. In Rhode-Ifiand, at Newport, on the 2d Tuefday in May, and 3d Tuefday in O&ober; and at Providence, the ift Tuefdav m February, and the ift Tuefday in Auguft. In Connecticut, alternately at Hartford and New-Haven on the 3d Tuefdays of February, May, Auguft, and Nov'r. In New-Yoik, at rhe city of New-York, on the firft 1 uel- daysol February, May, Auguft and November. In New-fcrfey, at New-Brunfwkk, on the 4th Tuefdays in May and November; and at Burlington, on the 4th Tuefdays in February and Auguft. In Pennfylvania, at Philadelphia, on the 3d Mondays in

February, May, Auguft, and November. . In Delaware, alternately ar Dover and New-CahMe, on the 4th Tuefdays of February, May, Auguft, and Nov'r. In Maryland, at Baltimore, on the firft Tuefdays in March, June, September, and December. the ift Tuefdays In Potomac Dift 'til, at Alexandria, on In April :%Oc\ober. In Vir- fJKaj Norfolk, on the 15th day of Jure, and the 19th Ljth day o .....ribei ; and at Richmond, on (ay of May, im fgth day of November. In Norfolk Diftricl, at Noifolk, on the ift Tuefdays in February, May, Auguft, and November. In Kentucky at Frankfort, on the firft Mondays in June and December. In North-Carolina, Albemarle Di/lricl, at Edenton, on the ift Tuefday which fhall follow the Friday next after the ift Mondays in February, June, and Oftober. Pamf- Ucg Dijlricl, at Newbern, on the Friday next after the ift Mondays in February, June and October. Cafe-Fear Dif- tricl, ar Wilmington, on the ift Mondays of February,, June, and October. In South-Carolina, at Charlefton, on the 3d Mondays in March & Sept. ift Mond.in July, and 2d Mond, in Dec, K08.] R i94 Counfellors, Attornies, &c.

In Georgia, at Savannah, on the fid Tuefdays in February, May, Auguft and November. In Columbia, on the ift Tuefdays of April and Oftober.

. In EaJl-TenneJJee, at Knoxville, on the 3d Monday of April, and 2d Monday in O&ober. In WeJl-TenneJJee, at Nalhville, on the 4th Mondays of May and November. m In the Territory of Orleans, at the City of Orleans, on the 3d Mondays of O&ober, January, April and July.

, In Ohio, at Chilicothe, on the lft Mondays of February; June, and Oclober.

Counfellors and Attornies in the Circuit Court, Majfachufetts Diflrid. Wra.Wetmore HoratioTowfend Ebenezer Gay* EbenezerBradifh John Lowell Wm. Sullivan Jonathan Fay John Q. Adams Jofeph Bartlett RufusG.Amory John Phillips Charles Paine Samuel Dexter Barna. Bi dwell Francis Blake Jofeph Hall George Blake Charles Jackfon Edward Gray Benja. Whitman John Heard, jr. Harri Ion G.Otis John Caliender Wm. Thurfton Wm. Prefcot Jofiah Quincy Edward Jackfon

Th.Williams jr. Samuel Haven T. O. Se I fridge Timo. Bigelow Jofeph Rowe Robert T. Paine, jr.

County Attornies in Majfachufetts,

lames T. Auftin Suffolk Ezekiel Bacor\ ** Etrhjhire Samuel Dana Middle/ex John Tay'loj Hamfffiire Edward Bangs Worcefter John S. WAliams Norfolk Jptph Story Efjex EteazerW. Ripley Ki jwebrck John D. Dunbar Plymouth Lincoln

mmijfioners of Loans States. New-Hampfhire, Mallachufetts, Rhode-HIand^ Connefticut, New-York, New-Jerfey, Pennfylvaua, Uelavtere. U. S. Minifters in other Countries, *9S

^Maryland, Benjamin Howard, looo Dollars. Virginia, John Page 1500 North-Carolina, Sherwood Haywood, looo South-Carolina, 1000 Georgia, James Alger, 700 Ohio,

MINISTERS of the UNITED STATES, jr-jesi- dent in FOREIGN COUNTRIES. James Munroe, Minifier Plenipotentiary London •William Pickney, Envoy Extraordinary John Armftrong, Minifier in France Pari* Thomas Sumpter, jr. Secretary. James Bowdoin, Miniifer P'enipotentiary George W. Erving, Secretaiy of Legation George Sullivan, Private Secretary.

CommiJJioners at Paris, under the Loutjiana Tf'£*t$* Ifaac Coke Barnett. and Fulwar Skipwith. A COMPLETE LIST Of the Confute and American Agents of the United States,

In Great-Britain and i/s Dominions. JofepS W. Rofe Antigua John Gavino Gibratter James Holmes Belfajl George Johnfon Glafgow Elias Vanderhoft Briftol James Maury Liverpool John Church Cork William Lyman London Joleph Wilfon Jofcph Pulis Malta 'jlobffrt W. Fox falmouth fhos.Aldjo,Vice-OL Poole

In France and its Dominions* Commercial Agents.

Jacob Ridgeway Antwerp I Lewis Forman IJl.ojGuadal William Lee Bourdtaux I'aac C .BametiHav-de-Gract William ) L/les of France Aaron Vale LOrient Buchanan \ and Bourbon Etiemie Cathalan Marfeilles John Appleton Calais William Patterfon Nantz James Anderlon* Cett'e Henry Wilfon Ojtend Francis Coffrn Dunkirk Fulwar Skipwith Pari*

John Mitchell Hav de-Gract Vice-Commercial Agents. Thomas Aborn Cavmnei\

* AlfOy Agent. Jo*- Seamen and Commerce, at Havannah and Navy Department, in IJland oj Cuba. 396 U. S. Minifters in other Countries.

In Spain and its Dominions. Consuls. Robt. MoHtgomery Alka tie Lki:iy Hill Havanvah John Leonard Barcelona Mofes Young Madrid Jofeph Yznardi Cadiz Wm. Kirkpatrick Malaga Lewis Meagher O'Bnan - - St. Avde/o Maurice Rogers S? Jago de Cuba John James Armthong - Ijland ofTenen/fe John Martin Baker Ifles of Majorca, Minorca, and Yvica.

In Portugal and its Dominions.

Con s us. John B. Dabney Liflon Faxal | William Jarvis George D. Welfli, pro hate vice, - Madeira

Within the Baiavian Republic and its Dependencies 9

Sylvanus Bourne, Conful-Ceneral, - Amjitidam Thomas He.wes, Gondii, - - Batavia for the George Keid, Confui of the Bitavian Republict 'States of South-Carolina '::d Georgia,

In Denmark and its Dominions.

Co N S V LS. Rodolph Saabye Cy^. '///-^ en Thos. Gamble St.Croix Hans | In Prujia.

Co \ s ; ! s. Lutze Stettin William Clarke Embden Frederick W. j In Germany. Co x su i.s. Frederick J. Wich- > D John M. Forbes Hamburgh , > Bremen , V lcihaulen > William Riggin Triefie Philip Marck Franconia

In the Kingdom of Sweden.

C G N S U L S .

David Aii th Go.'tenburg J Ifaac Prince^Z. St. Bartholw,

In the Italian States. Consuls. Peter Kuhn, jr. Genoa Frederick Degan Naples Thomas Appleton Leghorn Abraham Gibbs Palermo John Broadbent Mc/lina In Rujfia. Levitt Harris, Gondii at St. Peterjlurg. J

Minifters and Confute, iyj

In Turhey. William Stuart, Confu! at Smyrna. In Algiers* Tobias Lfnr, Conful-General. George Davis, of New-York, Confu! at Tripoli. In the IJland of Jamaica. James M. Henry, Agent.

In China—Edward Currirgton, Conful at Canton*

MINISTERS and CONSULS of FOREIGN POWERS reft dent in the UNITED STATES. From the Kingdom of Great-Britain* Anthony Merry, Envoy Extraordinary and Minifter Pleni- !*• potentiary to the United States. Edward Thornton, Charge' d' Affaires. Alfo appointed in the fame character to the Court of Berlin. Thomas Barclay, Conful-General for the Eaftern States. Phineas Bond, Conjul-Gencral for the Middle and. Southern States. Andrew Allen, jr. Conful for Maffachufetts, New-Hamp- {lure, Rhode-lfland, and Conne&icut. Benjamin Mootiic, Conful for North and South-Carolina^ and Georgia. John Gilpin, Vice-ConfulTor Rhode-Iiland. Gabriel Wood, Vice-Conful for Baltimore. From the French Empire. Gen. Turreau, Envoy Extraordinary and Minifter Plenipo- tentiary to the United States. Monf. Petrie, Secretary of Legation. Monf. Beaujour, Conful-General at Philadelphia. Marc-Antoine Felix Giraud, Confulhr N.E. States, Boftoi> Gen. Ray, Conful for N. York and N. Jerfry, at New-YJj:. Louis Arcambai, Conful for Maryland, at Baltimore. Girard Cazeaux, Vice-Conful at Portfmouth, (N, H.j ' Monf. Tefte, pro tern. Vice-Conful, at Newport. Monf. Fourcroy, do. Vicr-Corfuf, at Philadelphia. Monf. Delille, 'Vice-Conful, at Wilmington, (N. C.}. Monf. Ofter, Vice-Conful, at Norfolk. Monf. Sotin, Vice-Conful, at Charlefton, (S. C.) Monf. Soult, Vice-Conful, at Savannah, (Georgia.) Colonel Toufard, Conful for Kentucky, at New-Orleans* >8o8 R e \

198 Foreign Minifters in U. States.

From the Kingdom of Spain. Nicholas Blafco de Orozco, {nominated} Mini/ler Plenipo- tentiary, near the United State?.

Chevalier de ¥oTGrM,Conful-General and Charge d''Affair est at Philadelphia. Sig. Don Juan Stoughton, Conful, for New-Hampfhire, Connefticut, Rhode-Ifland, Vermont, and Maflachufetts. Alfo tranfacts the buiinefs in the room of Sig. Don. Jo- feph Wifeman, of Newport, (R. I.J deceafed, at Bofton. Sig. Don Juan Baptifta Bernabeu, Vice-Ccnful, for Mary- land, at Baltimore; Sig. Don Antonio Argote Villalobos, Vice-Conful, for Vir- ginia and Kentuky, at Norfolk. Sig. Don Pablo Chacon, Vict-Ccnjul, at Alexandria. Sig. Don Diego Murphy, Conful, for North and South- Carolina and Georgia, at CharleOon, (S. C.) Sig. Don Felipe Fatio, Conful, at Savannah, {Georgia.}

From the Kingdom of Portugal, Jofeph Radermaker, Charge d' Ijfaires and Conful-GeneraL James Barry, Conful, for the States of New-York, Rhode- Ifland, MajTachufetts, and Connecticut. Mr. Suvaro, Vice-Conful, for Pennfylvania. James F. Vcrnock, Vice-Conful, for South-Carolina.

From the Kingdom of Holland Adrian Valck, Conful, for Maryland and Virginia. J. H. C. Heinekn, Commercial Agent, for Pennfylvania^ John G. Bogert, ViceXommtrcial Agnit, for New-York* -

From Prujfia. johann Ernft Chriflian Schultz. Conful, at Baltimore. From the Kingdom of Denmark. Peter Ptuerion, Charge cf.ija; res to the United States.


Jsrob E. A. Steinmeirz, for Sourh-Carolina. William Scarborough, for Georgia." Erich Bollman, for Pennfylvania. jon-uhon Swifr, for Diftrei of Columbia. David Greene, for Bofton, (MaflTai hufetts.) George Hammerkin, Covful, for the New-England States* J. F. Echard, Conful, for the Middle States. Duties on Goods, &c. 19$ From Sweden* Richard Soderftrom, Govjut-General. JofephWinth'rop, Vio-(.\nful, CharleSon* Sbuth-CarolIftW- Jona. Swift, Vice-Conful, Colurr bia, & Ports on the Potomac. John C. Hauff, pro tern. Yice-Ctmfvt, New-H&sipftwe, Maf- fachufetti, and Rhode-Ifland. Henry G h«, Vicc-ConjxiL for New-York and Conn tlicut. John Baritz, Vict~Con[ul, for North-Carolina. Peter Collin, Vice-Conful, for Maryland. John Cowper, Vice-Conful, for Norfolk, and all other Ports in Virginia, excepi thole on the Potomac. DUTIES PAYABLE BY LAW ON ALL GOODS, WARES, and MERCHANDIZE, lmpoited into the United States, fiom and after the lait day of June, 180^.

$5" If imported inforeign Ships or Vejfels, an addition is made of 10 per centum on the amount of Duties.

Note. Articles on which the duties arc eftjmated per centum, are understood to be ad valorem ; except when otherwise particularly expreffed, as, per cwt. per gallon, per pound, per dozen.

ALE, beer and porter, in cufks or bottles, 8 cents per gall, on the bottles, if black glafs, quart .bottles, - - :> cts. pergrofs, Ahnonds, - acentsperlb. Anchors, - - Jg cents per lb. Annileed, - - 175 per cent,. Antimony, regulus of, - free. Apparatus, philosophical, fpicially im- ported for any feminary of learning, fret. Apparel, wearing. See Wearing apparel. Aqua fortis, - - free. Arms, fire and fide, not otherwife enu- merated, or parts thereof, - 17^ per cent. Articles of all kinds, of the growth, cr manufacture}', of the United States, or their territories, upon which r ^ no drawback, bounty or allowance has been paid orQ ? admitted, - - J Artificial flowers, feathers, and other orna- rnen s for womens' head-dreffes, 17^ per cent. oo Duties on Goods, &c*J

BAGGAGE, pcrfonal. See Wearing Apparel, &c. v Bails and Balfams. Sec Powders, Paftes, &c. Bark of the cork tree, - - free. Beer, ale, and porter. See Ale. Beads, viz. horfes, cattle, {heep, fwine, or other ufeful onrs, imported tor breed, free. Bohea teas. See Teas. Bonnets, hats, and caps of ever^ kind,- 17! per cec% Books, blank, - ,! - 15 per cent. Boots., - - '.-_- 75 cts. perpair;* Bottles, black glafs quart, 60 cts. pergro!sv Brafs cannon, 17$ per cent, Brafs teutenage and wire, * free. Brafs, all other manufactures of brafs, 1 7^ per cent. Brafs, irofi, or fteel locks, hinges, boes, anvils and vifes, 15 percent. Bricks and tiles, \j\ per cent- Briftles of (wine, jree. - - Brumes, - 1,5 per cerrt- - Buckles, fhoe and knee, 1 7>| per cent. Bullion, - Jree. Burgundy wine. See Wines.

Burr-ftones, umvrought, -» free. Buttons of every kind, - ' 17-$ per cent. wa>es, CABINET 1 7£ per cent. Cables and taired cordage, 2 eents per lb. CambrLks, - - 15 per cent. Caadles of tallow, 2 cents per lb. ' Candles of wax or fpermaceti, » 6 cents per lb. Canes, walking flicks or whips, 15 per cent. Cannon of brafs, cent. 17-I per Capers, 17% per cent. Caps, hats, and bonnets of every kin4, 17-I per cent. Cards, wool and cotton, 50 cents per doz. Cards, playing, 25 cts. per pack. Carpets and carpeting, 17^ per cent. Carriages, or pai ts of carriages, 22^ per cent. Cartridge paper, - * iy\ per cent. Caflia, Chinefe, - - 4 cents per Jb. Champaign wine. See Wines.

' Cheefe, - 7 cents per lb. China - ware. ... 1 ?h per t ent. .

Duties on Goods, &c, foi

Chintzes and coloured calicoes or m;iilins, and all print- ^ ~ ed, flaiied,flaii -ed, or coloured goods or manufactures, or j| y *> - not being piinted, flamed, or coloured, of cotton,j, ofol )> ^ Iinrn. nr r>f KntVi r»r nf w,l->irh rntton nr linen IS the I «£ -.if material of chief value, - J ^ Chocolate, - 3 cents per ib. Cinnamon and cloves, - 20 cents per lb. Clay, unwrought, - - free. Clocks and watches, or parts of either. See Watches. * Clo£s ano Golofhocs. See Shoes. Clothing ready made, - 15 per cent. Coaches, chariots, phaetons, chairs, chaifes, foiQs, or other carriages, or parts of either, 22$ per cent. Coal, =. 5 cts. pr.buipel. Cocoa, - - - 2 cents per lb. Coffee, - - 5 cents per lb. Colours. See Painters' Comfits, - - 175 per cent. Compoiitiori for the teeth or gums. See Dentifrice. Copper manufactures, - - iy§ per cent. Copper in plates, pigs, a;id bars, - free. Cordage, tarred, - 2 cents per lb. Cordage untarred, - 2^ cents per lb. Cork tree, bark of, - - - free. Cofmetics = - 17$ per cent. - - Cotton, - - - . 3 cents per lb. Cotton Rags. See Rags. Cotton Or linen manufactures, or of both, or of which cotton or linen is the mete- rial of chief value, whether printed^ ftained, coloured, or otherwife, 15 percent. Curran s, - "- - 2 cents per lb. Cutlaffes, or parts thereof, - • 17$ per cent. DATES, - - .' per cent. m \l\ Dentifrice, powders, tinctures, preparations and compofuions for the teeth and gums, - - - 17I per cent. Dimes, pewter, - 4 cen,s Per ^° Dolls, drefTrd&undreiTed, or parts thereof, \-]\ per cent. Drugs and woods for dyeing, - free. Drugs, medicinal, except thofe commonly u!ed for dyeing, - - -*7i Per ceflt * EARTHEN and (tone ware - 17$ per cent. Efienccs. See Powders, Pailes, &c. 1 .202 Duties on Goods, &c.

thereof, - - ctxa . FANS, or parts 17I per : Fayal wine. See Wines. Feathers, and other ornaments for womens*

: head-drelTes, - - - 17^ per cent. Figs, - - r 2 cents per lb Filh. dried, foreign caught, - 50 cts.pr.quintaL Fifh, mackarcl, - - - 60 cts.pr. barrel. Fifh, falmon, - - - loocts. pr. bariek Fifli, all other pickled, - - 40 cents per bbl. Floor-cloths and mars, or parts of either, 17$ per cent. - Flowers, artificial, . 17^ per cent. J'ringes commonly ufed by upholftereis, coachmakei.sand i'addlcis. ? ' - 17^ per cent. of ail kinds, except tjiofe otherwife particularly enumerated, - 17J per cent. furs of every kind, uudrelled, •» free. - GAUZES, - - j 5 per cent. Geneva fpirits. See Spirits. Ginger, - - - 17^ percent- Girandoles, or parts thereof, *• 2?£ per cent. £-lafs, black quart bottles, - - 60 cents pr.gTofs. Glafs, window, not above 8 by 10 inches, t6octs. ^ pr. ico Glafs, window, no)t above 10 by 12 inches i7,«j cis. > fquare Glafs, window, above 10 by 12 inches 225 cts. ) feeu Glafs, all other glafs, and manufactures -' thereof, 4 * - 22 £ per cent. Glauber falts, - - 200 cents perewt,- Gloves and mittens of every kirtd, ij\ per cent. G!u

States, or of their territories, upon which no draw- J back, bouniy or allowance has been paid or admitted, J Duties on Gocdfe;- &cv 203

Gum, chiefly ufed in preparing muflins, cottons or linens, for receiving colours or dyes, - free. Qum Arabic, fr^- Gunpowder, 4 cents per lb* HANGERS, or parb thereof 17I per cent. Hair-powder, - 4 cents per lb. Hats, caps, and bonnets of every kind, 17'^ per cent. Hemp, - - 100 cents per cw£ - - Hempen r?gs, J rt e- - - Hides, raw, J ree ° Hoop-iron 1 cent per lb. IMPLEMENTS or tools of a mechanical trade only, of peifons who arrive in the United States, - free. Indigo, - -25 cents per lb. Iron wire, - - jrr,e Iron, meet, - - i£ cents per lb

lion, flit and hoop, r 1 cent per lb. lion, Heel, or brals locks, hinges', hoes, anvils and vifes, - - 15 per cent. Iron, caft, and all rrianufa&ures of iron, Reel tor brafs, or of which either of thefe metals is the article of chief value, not being othcrwife particularly enu-

- - merated. , 17$ per cent, JEWELRY and parte work, 17^ per cent. KID and morocco (hoes. See Shoes. LACE of gold and filver, - 17I per cent. Laces and lawns, - - 1^ per cent. Laces, lines, fringes, taflfels and trimmings, commonly ufed by upholfterers-, coacti- makers and faddlers, - j 7I per cent. Lampblack, - - 35 per cent. Lapis Caliminaris, - - ./**<-*•.

Lead aud mufket ball, - l cent per lb. Lead, white and red, - 2 cents per lb. Lead, other manufactures* of lead, or in

which lead is the chief article, 1 cent per lb* Leather, tanned and tawed, and all manu- factures of leather, or of which leather is the article of chief value, not other- wile particularly enumerated, 175 per cent- - Lemons and limes, . 17^ per cent. '-.', I foreign, in calks of 6© gallons, 50 cents per calk. 3 ©4 Duties on Goods, &c.

Linen or cotton manufactures, or of both, or of which cotton or linen is the. mate- rial of chief value, whether printed,

. ftained, coloured, or otherwife, 1,5 per cent. - Linen rags Jree ' Lifbon and Oporto wines. Mee Wines. Looking glafs,' - - - £2^ per cent, MACE, - 125 cents per lb.' Mackarel, - - - 60 cents per bbl. Madeira, Malaga, and other wines. See Wines. - - locts.pr.bufheL Malt, . Manufactures of tin, pewter, and copper, except pewter plate's and dimes, 17 |per cent. Manufactures of iron, fteel, or brafs, not otherwife particularly enumerated, 17^ per cent. Manufactures of leather, no't otherwife par- ticu'arly enumerated, - - 17^ per cent. Manufactures of lead, notothrwife partic-

ularly enumerated, - , - 1 cent per lb. Manufa&ures of cotton or linen, or of both, whether printed, ftained, coloured or otherwife, 15 per cent. Manufactures of Glafs 5^ Glafs. Manufactures of tobacco. See Snuff, Se- gars, and Tobacco. Manufactures of wood. See Cabinet wares' and Wood. Manufactures of the United States, or their territories, upon which no drawback, bounty, or allowance has been paid or admitted, - - . fret Marble, flate, and other flone, bricks, tiles, tables, morters, and other utenfils of marble or flate, and generally all ftone and earthen ware, - - \"\ per cent.

Mats and floor-cloths, or parts of either, 1 7^ per cent. Medicinal drugs, except thofe commonly ufed in dyeing, - - i7-§ per cent. Merchandize, goods and wares imported dncctiy .rom} £ **" China or India, in (hips or veffe s not of the United £ States, except teas, China ware, .ind a;' other articles^ | fe n> higher rates of Mattes; - » S £>utie§ on Goods, &c. 2©£

Merchandize, goods and wares, intended to be re-ex-'' ported to a toeign port or place in the fame fhipor

veife! in which they fhail be imported ; and all arti- S«, ties of the or of the United growth manufa&ure [ ? States, or of their territories, upon which no draw- has been paid or admitted, back, bounty or allowance t Merchandize, goods and wares, not herein otherwife particularly enumerated and defcribed, - - - 15 per cent. Millenary ready made, - 17I per cent, Mittens and gloves of every kind, i"| per cent. Mo'affps, - - 5 cents per gait. Morocco and kid fhoes. See Shoes. Mufkets and firelocks, with or without bayonets, or parts of either, - 17$ per cent. Muflins and Muflinets, whether printed, Itained, coloured or otherwife, 15 per cent. Muftard in flour, - - 17I per cent. NAILS, - 2 cents per lb* Nankins, - - 15 per cent. Nutmegs, - 50 cents per lb. OCHRE, yellow, dry, - - 1 cent per lb.. Ochre, yellow, inoi), - - i£ cents per Ibi Oil, - - . 17^ per cent. Oil of vitriol, - - free. Ointments, oils and odours. See Pow- ders, paftes, 8cc. Old Pewter, - - free. Olives, - - - 17^ per cent. Oporto and Lifbon wine, - 30 cts. per galU Oranges, - - 17$ percent. Ornaments for womens' head-drefTes, 17I per cent. PACKTHREAD and twine, - 400 cents per cwr# Painters' colours, whether dry or ground in oil, except thofe otherwife enume- rated, and thofe commonly ufed in dyeing, - - 17A per cent, Paper hangings, - - 17J per cent. Paper, writing and wrapping, . 13 per cent. Paper, fheathing and cartridge, . 17! per cent. Pafteboard, parchment or vellum, 15 per cent. Paftework and jewelry, - 17 £ per cent. Pepper, - 6 cents per lb. Pe imes, • - 17! per cenu- 18*84 s 2o5 Duties on Goods, &c.

Pewter inaniifa&ures, except plates and - - - « difhes, I7ip-rt' Pewter plates and difhes, - 4 cents plt lb Pewter, old, - » free. Phaetons or parts thereof, - 22^ per cent. Philofophical. apparatus, fpecially import* ed for any feminary of learning, free* Pickled fifh of every kind, except macka- rel and falmon, - - 40 cents per bbl. Pickles of all forts, . - 17! per cent. Pi&u res and prints, - 15 percent. - - Pimento, . » 4 cents per lb. Piftols or parts thereof, - - lj& per cent. PI aider of Paris, - - free.

Plums and prunes, - -> 2 cents per lb., Porter, beer, or ale, in calks or botj.es, 8 cents per gal!. on the bpttles,if black glafs quart bottles, 60 cts. per grofs. Powder, hair, 4 cents per lb.

. Powder, gun, . - . - 4 cents per lb. Powders, partes, balls, balfams, ointments, oils, waters, \ £

wafhes, tin&ures, efl'ences, or other preparations, or | u compofitions, commonly called fweet fcents, odours, ) a.

perfumes or cofmetics, apd all powders or prepara- ) .*£ tions for the teeth or gums, - - j •" Printed, Rained or coloured goods, or or manufa&ures of cotton, or of linen, , - - of both . 15 per cent* Printing types, • 15 per cent. QUICKSILVER, - - 6 cents per lb, RAGS of cotton, of hempen, of linen, and woollen cloth,' - - of . free, Raifins imported in jars and boxes, and mufcadel raifins, - - 2 cents pf-r th] Raifins, all other kinds of, - 1^ cents per lb Raw hides and fkins, - - free. - - lb.. Red lead, . 2 cents per Regulus of antimony - » free. Rum. See Spirits. SADDLES, or parts thereof, * 15 per cent.. Saffron, - - - free. Sail-cloth, - - 15 per cent. Salmon, - - loo cents per bbl Salt, weighing more than fifty-fix pounds perbufhel, - - 12 cts. pr. 56 lbf Salt, weighing fifty-fix pounds per bufhel, or lefs, = 12 cts. pr. buftisj Duties on Goods, &c. 2C 7

SaJt-petre, ~ 15 percent. Salts, glauber, - fioo cents per cwt. Satins and other wrought filks, 15 per cent. Soa-ftores of (hips or veffeis - jrec. t Sc-gnrs, - - ' - 200'cents per lcco Seines, ... 4 c;nts per lb. Sheathing and cartridge paper, - i/£ percent. Sheet iron, - - - 1^ cento per lb. Sherry and other wines. See Wines.

Shots, kid and morocco, - .- 15 cts. per pair. Shoes and flippers of (ilk, - £5 cts. per pair. Shoes, other fhoes- and flippers for men and women, clogs or golofhoes, 15 cts. per pair. Shoes, other fhoes & flippers for children, 10 cts. per pair.. Silver lace, - - - 175 percent. Silver and plated ware, - \j-$ per cent. Skins and hides, raw, - - jree. Slate, (lone, and ftone ware, - 17^ per cent. Slit and hoop iron, - - 1 cent per lb. Snuff, • 10 cents per lb-

Soap, ••-•.'• " 2 cent$ P61" lb. Solos and other carriages, or parts thereof, 22§ per cent. jSpanifh brown, - ' «. 1 cent per lb. Spermaceti candles, . =6 cents per lb, - - jSpjkes, ,.-.=. I cent per lb. Spirits diflilled in foreign countries, viz.' From .

jfl proof, 28 cents per gall. I 4th proof, 34 cents per gall, 2d proof, 29 cents per gall. 51b proof, 40 cents per gal), cents per gall, 6th proof, 3d proof, 31 j 50 cents per gall, From other materials. lft proof, 25 cents per gall. 4th proof, 32 cents per gall, sd proof, 25 cents per gall. 5th proof cents t 38 per gall. proof, 28 cents per ga! 6th proof 46 cents per gall. Spirits diflilled in the United States, imported in the fame

• fhipor vefTel in which they had been prcvioufly exported from the United States, viz. From Molajfes. lfl proof, i£ cents per gall, 4th proof, 19 cents per gall, j fid proof, 16 cents per gall. 5th proof, 23 cents per gall, 3d proof, cents per gall. 6th proof, 17 J 30 cents per gall. From materials of the growth and produce of the l). States. lfl proof, 7 cents per gall. 4th proof, 11 cents per gall. fid proof, 8 cents per gall. 5th proof, 13 cents per gall„ 3d proof, 9 cents per gall: 6th proof, to cents per galh 2©8 Duties on Goods, &c.

Stained, printed or coloured foods, or manufactures of cotton, or o linen, or of both, 15 percent. Starch, 3 cents per lb. Steel, 100 cents per cwt. Steel, iron or brafs locks, hinges, hoes, anvils and vifes, - 15 per cent. Steel, all other manufactures of fteel, 17^ per cent. Stockings, '- - 17! per cent. Stone and earthen ware, - 17! per cent. Stones burr, unwrought, - * • free. Sugars, brown, - - events per lb. Sugars, white, clayed, - 3 cents per lb. Sugars, white, powdered, - 3 cents per lb. Sugars, all other clayed or powdered, e£ cents per lb. Sugar, lump, - 6£ cents per lb. Sugar, loaf, - - - 9 cents per lb. Sugar, other refined, - 6£ cents per lb.. Sugar, candy, - - 115 cents per lb..

Sulphur, - - 1,5 per cent. Sweet fcents. See Powders, &c. Swine, briftles of, - - ree. Swords, cutlafTes, or parts of either, ,{'per cent. TABLES of marble, flate and other ftone, or parts thereof, - 17$ per cent. Tallow ... if cents per lb« Tallow candles, * 2 cents per lb. Tarred cordage, 2 cents per lb. Taflels and trimmings commonly ufed by upholfterers, coachmakers and laddlers, 178 per cent. Teas from China and India, or from any IJland lying caji. zvawdly of the Cape of Good Hope. Tea, Bohea, - - 12 cents per lb. Tea, Souchong and otljer black teas, 18 cents per lb. Tea, hyfon, imperial, gunpowder, or gomee, - 32 cents per lb. Tea, other green teas, - Co cents per lb. From Europe. Teas, Bohea, - « 14 cents per lb. Teas, Souchong and other black teas, 21 cents per lb. Teas, hyfon, imperial, gunpowder, or gomee, - 40 c^nts per lb. Teas, other green teas, - • 24 - nts per ib. From any othtr place* Teas, Bohea, ? * 17 cents per Ik. Duties on Goods, &c. 200

Teas, Sotichong and other black teas, 27 cents per lb. Teas, hyfon, imperial, gunpowder, or gomee, - - 50 cents per lb. Teas, other green teas, - - 30 cents per lb. Teneriffe and Tokay wines. See Wines. Tiles and bricks, - - 17^ per cent. rin manufactures, - - 17^ per cent. Tin, in pigs and plates, - * Jree. Tinctures. See Powders, partes, Sec. Tobacco, manufa£lured (other than muff and fegars) - - 6 cents per lb*. Tools or implements of a mechanical trade only, of perfons who arrive in the Unit- ed States, » - free. Toys, not otherwife enumerated, 15 per cent. Tumeric, - ' - 1 free. Twine and packthread, - 400 cents per cwt«

Types for printing, - - i£ per cent.. ' UNMANUFACTURED wood, free. Unmanufacluied wool, - free. Untarred cordage, - - ?-\ cents per lb. Qmarred yarn, - - 225 cts. per cwt, Unwrought clay, - - free. Rnwrou&ht burr flones, - free. VELVETS and velverets, - 15 per cent.

verdigris, - - • jree. Vitriol, oil of, ^ - Jree. Wafers, ... 17^ per cent* Walking flicks, whips and canes, 15 per cent.* Wares of tin, pewter, and copper, except pewter plates and dirties, - i"/\ per cent, Wares, earthen or fione, - - 173 percent. 4 Wares, China, - - i;| percent. Waies, gold, (ilver and plated, - 17$ per cent. Wares, goods and merchandize, imported directly ^ ~ from China or India, in mips or veti'els not of the ( ~ United States, except teas, China ware, and all othei t^ articles liable to higher rates of duties, 3 !£" Wares, goods and merchandize, of the growth or Jj manufacture of the United States, or of their territo-Y £ ries, upon winch no drawback, bounty or allowance T ^ has been paid ov admitted J Watches and clocks, or parts of either, 175 per cent. Waters and wafkes. Sec Fowders, partes, &c. Wax candles, - - 6 cents per lb.

*8ctf. I s 2 2io Duties on Goods, kc ?

Wearing apparel and other perfonal bag- gage, of perfons who arrive in the United States, - - free. White and red lead, ? :J - 2 cent* per lb* Window glafs. See Glafs. cajks bottles, vejfels. Wines in % or other Wines, Malmfey, Madeira, and London particular Madeira, 58 cents per gall. Wines, all other Madeira wine, - 50 cents per gall. Wines, Burgundy, Champaign, Rhenifti, and Tokay, - 45 cents per gall. Wines, Sherry, and St. Lucar, - 40 cents per gall.- Wines, Claret and other wines, not enumer- ated, when imported in bottles or cafes, 35 cents per gall. Wines, Lifbon, Oporto, and other Pprtu- gal wines, - - 30 cents per gall. Wines, Sicily, - - 30 cents per gall. Wines, Teneriffe, Fayal, Malaga, St. George, and other wefternifland wines, 28 cents per gall. Wines, all other wines, when imported, otherwife than in bottles or cafes, 23 cents per gall. On the bottles, if b,lack glafs quart bottles, 60 cents per grofs, If other than black glafs quart bottles, 22& per cent. Wire of brafs and iron, - - free. Wood unmanfaftured, - - Jree ' Wood manufactured, exclufive of cabinet wares, - - - 15 per cent. Woods, dyeing, - - free. Woollen rags, - - free. YARN, untarred, - - 225 cents per cwu, ALL other goods not before particularly enumerated and defcribed, 15 per cent, gdf* All parts of articles to be fubjett to the fame duties. as U'c entire article is fubjeft to. On all ad valorem articles, imported from any foreign por within the Cape of Good Mope, 10 per cent, to be added to the a&ual coft, including all charges, (oudfide packages, commiffions and infurance only excepted) before the riuties are calculated, and 20 per cent, if from any port beyond fa id Cape, All dutied articles, imported into the Uni'ed States, nor having been landed 'nop- than pne year, are allowed a craw- back of the duties, Tubjett to a deduction of 3$ yer crnt. per. except fpi 1 its, which is half a cent per gallon,

The bottles in which liquors are imported, to pay the fame duly as empty Lotties. No merchandize to be imported in any vefTel belonging in whole or in part to a citizen or inhabitant of the United States, unlefs the mafler of fuch vefTel (hall have on board a Manifeft in writing, figned by fuch mailer, or other pei- fon having the command, containing the name of the port, or place where fuch merchandize was received, and the port where consigned or deflined to, within the United States, particularly noting the merchandize deflined for each port

refpe&ively ; and every package on board fuch vefTel to be

particularly defcribed ; —to whom configned, or if to order, with the name s of all paffengers, diftinguifhing whether cabm or fleerage paffengers, or both, with their baggage, and an account of all remaining fea-flores, (if any.) No goods, wares, or merchandize, of foreign growth or manufacture, fubjeft to the payment of duties, fhall be brought into the United States from any foreign port or

place, in any other manner than by fea ; nor in any fhip Or vefTel of lefs than Thirty Tons Lurllvn, agreeably to the mode of afcertaining American tonnage, except in certain

fhip or veflel, and the loat or lump fugar imported, t erein, except in iuch calks or packages as aforelaidv Nodifliiled fpirits, (arracK and fweet cordials excepted) to be imported in calks or veflels of lefs capacity than Ninety

i'-.e gallons wine iheafure, on pain of forfeaure s with fhip m veflel, nor in cafks or veffels which have been marked puifuant to any law of iho United States, on pain of for- feiture of the laid refined loaf or lump fug^r and (difijlicd

fpirits, together with the (aid fhip or veflel : Provided, that the forfeiture fhall not be incurred on " any fliips imported or brought into the United States, in other cafks or vt iicls aforeiaid, or the fiup or vefTel in which they fhall be brcuglir- .

2 12 Ports of Entry and Deliverer iffech fphit-s (hall be for the ufe of the feamen on beard of fuch fhip or veffel, and Ihall not exceed the quantity of four gallons for each teaman," and which Jhall, at the time of the entry of the /aid veffel, be injertcd in themanifejl asihefta- [lores of fuchjkip or veffel. " No fhip or vefleffrom foreign ports, or coming by fea from any port of the United States, ihall be permitted to re- port, make entry, or break bulk, till the mafter Ihall deliver to the poft-mafter all letters under his care, or within his power, other than fuch as are directed to the owner or owners of fuch Jhip or veffel, and on oath or affirmation, to be taken of fuch delivery, the mafter to receive two cents for every letter fo delivered." [p Jl Office Law.

Ports of Entry and Delivery for Foreign Vejfeh,

No veffel not wholly'belonging to a citizen or citizens of the United States, (haft be admitted to unload at any port * or place, except the following : New-Hampshire, at Port/mouth Massachusetts, at Portland and Falmouth, New- Bedford, Dighton, Salem and Beverly, Glcucefier, Newbury- pert, Marblehead, Nantucket, Bojlon, Rbxbury, Charkfl&wn, Cambridge, Plymouth, Bath, FrenchmanVBay, Wifcaffet, Machias, Paftamaquoddy, PehobTcor, Biddeford, and Saco. Rhode-Island, at Newport, Providence, and ErifloL Connecticut, at New- London, and New-Haven. New-York, at New-York. NewvJersey, ztjerfey, Pe^th-Amboy, Burlington. Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia. Delaware, at Wilmington, New-Caftle, Port-Penn. Maryland, at Baltimore, Annapolis,Vieana, Oxford, Georgetown on Potomaok, Cheflertown-Creek, Notting- ham, Nangemcy,Digge's-Lauding,Snow-hil!, Carrol (burgh. Virgi n i a, at Alexandria, Kinfale, Newport, Tappa- hannock, Port-Royal, Frederi'-klburgh,Uihanna,Yorktown, Weft-Poini,HamptonBcrmuda-Hundred,City-Poim,Rock- et's- Landing, Norfolk, and Portfmouth. North -Ca roi.ina, at Wilmington, Newbetn, Beau- fort, Wafningtcn, Edinton, and Plankbridge. iSouTK-CAROi in a, Cha lejlon, Georgetown, Beaufort. Georgia, at Savannah, Sunbury, Brunfwick, Freder- ica, and St. Mary's. * Noi ihall any veffel from the Cape of Good-Hope, or beyond the fame, he admitted to enter, except at the pons in "the above lifts, which are diftinguifted by Italics. Tonnage, &c. • 213 TONNAGE. Sy A3, of Congrefs, approved id oj March, 1799, to be pfcid at the time of entering the veflel, and before any permit {hali be granted for unloading any part of the c<;rgo. (ilecl. the See Aft, 20 uly 1791. 63. j following rates. ( alfo J

On alljhipspr vejfels, enteringfrom any foreign port biace. Per To: s Ships or veflel* of the United States, - 6 built within the United States, after £ July, 1789, but belonging wholly, or in part 'O foreign powers, duly recorded, 3* On other fhipt or vefleU, 50 Additional tonnage on foreign vefTels denominated Li^hc money, {ByAclof Congrefs, 25th March, 1804.) 50 Vtffeis of the United States, employed in the coafting trade or Fifheiies, duly licenfed, per annum, $- VefTels of the United States, (other than licenied) taking in merchandize in a dittnft in one State, to be deliv- ered in a diftritr. in another State, other than an ad- joining State, on the lea-coaft, or on a navigable river, 6 Other fhips or veffels taking in merchandize to be deliv- ered in another diftrict, - - 5» FEES or OFFICE. Tv the ColUclor and Naval Officer. Do/Is. Cenii. Entry of a veflel of loo tons or upwards, 2 Clearance of do. do. do. Entry of a veflel under 100 tons, Clearance of do. do. Every poft-entry, Permit to land goodi, - • Every bond taken officially, Permit to land goods for exportation for drawback, ^Debenture or other official certificate, B.il of health, Official document (except regiftcr required by any pcrfon,)* - »o

To the Surveyor. Admeafuring and certifying the fame, of every (hip

or vefTei 01 100 tons and under, per ton, l oo Admeaf urement of every fhip or veflel above loo tona, and not exceeding 200 uns, - 15© Above 8©o tons, - - - a 00 214 Fees arid Allowancesr _',,,.. .' d r«- Tor all o;her fervices on board any fhip or vefTel of ico tons or upwards, having on hoard goods, wares or merchandize, fubj eft to duty, 3 00 For like fen ices on board any {hip or vefTel of Jefs

than ico tons, - ' _ „ 1 50 On all veflels, not having on hoard goods, wares and merchandize, fubjeft to duty, • 66^

Allowancefor Draught. lb

Any quantity of i cwt. or 11 21b. 1 Above 1 and under 2 cwt. 2 2 and under 3 cwt. 3 3 and under 10 cwt. 4 lb and under 18 cwt. 7 18 and upwards, 9

Tare. On every whole cheft of Rohea tea, - 70 On every half ditto, 36 th. quarter-ditto, - 20 On every cheft of Hyfon or other green tea, of 70 lb. orupwaids, «» _. _ 2o On every box of other tea, between 50 and 70 lb. 18

On every box if 80 lb. 20 ; if 80 lb. and upwards, 26 The above to include ropes, canvas and other «overings. On all other boxes of teas, according to the invoice or ac- tual weight thereof, # Percent. On coffee, in bags, 2; in bales, 3; in cafks, 12 On fugars, other than loaf fagar in cafks, - 12 fugars, in boxes, in bngs or mats, - On 15 ; 5 pimento, in cafks, bags, On 16 ; in 3

On cocoa, in cafks, 10 ; in bags, - 1

On cheefe, in hampers or b;

On candles, in boxes, 8 ; chocolate in boxes, 16

! On cotton in ba es 2 ; in feroons, - 6 ? On Gbuber falts, in cafk.>, - - •> -* On indigo, in barrels, 12; in other cafks, - 1,5

On indigo, in feroons, 10 ; in bags or mats, - $ On nails, in cafks, .8 c On pepper, in cifks, 12; in bales, 5; in bags, - ->. cafks, g.8 On lugar candy, in boxes, 10 ; fegars, in boxes or

On foap, in boxes, 10 ; on (hoc, in cafks, - 3 " On twine, in cafks, 12; in bales, - $ On all other goods according to the invoice thereof, as ac- tual weight, Allowances, #c. 215

Allowance for Leakage and Breakage. « Two per cent, allowed on the guagc on ai. merchandize, paying duty by the gallon, contained in cafks. Ten per cent, on all beer, ale and porter in bottles, and five per cent, on all other liqours in bottles, to be deduced from the invoice quantity, in lieu of breakage; or it fhall be lawful to compute the duties on the aclual quantity by tale, at the option of the importer at the time cf entry.

Bounty on Salted Proviftons and Fifh of the United States*

An allowance of thirty cents per barrel is granted on pkk- led fifh of the United Stares, and twent\-five cents per bar- rel on all proviiions laired within the United States, without any dedu&ion, if the fame fhall amount to ten dollars. — And in order to obtain fuch bounty, the exporter to make an entry thereto-,; with the collector—but no ensry will be received where fuch pickled fifh or faked provifions have not been infpecled and marked agreeably to the laws of the re- fpe£uve States;, where luch laws are in force. Such bounty- is payable in fix months from the date of the bond to be giv-

en ; and in no cafe, unlefs the certificates of landing at a for- eign port, as in ofrher cafes, are produced. The bond to be in double the amount of fuch bounty — conditioned that the fame fhall be landed and left at fome foieign port.

Form of the Entry.

Entry cf intended to be exportedfor the Benefit cf Bounty, by in the whereof is majler, bound for "J Marks as Defer pt. and Number of branded on fpecies of fifh Quali harrels, y the rafU or orov'fiorS.


The want of certificates of diRilled Spirits, wines or teas, fubjeclfuch articles to feizure, and fifty dollars fine, if fuch delivered to the certificates are not purchafcr ; and if any cafk, chefr, vefTel or cafe, copiaining inch articles, dial] be found in the poffeffion-oi any perfou, without bein*» marked

and not being accontpanied with A certificate, thp u i i • .

2i6 Commercial Information.

On rhe (ale of any caff, &c. which has been marked, th< flia-'o to be defaced in prefence of fome officer of infpe&ioM or lofrfjms ; and the certificate of the fame to be delivered up u ider the penalty of one hundred dollars,and cofls of fuit^ G >^as from foreign ports, not to be unladen but between fur-riie and fun-fet, without fpecial licenfe, under a penalty of four hundred dollars on the mailer and every other per- fon concerned, difabiliry from holding any office under the government of the United States for feven years, and be- ing adverted in the newfpapers, with forfeiture of the goods : and if above four hundred dollars, value of veffel and apparel Goods, removed before guaged and weighed; and, if wines, fpirits or teas, before being marked, without permif- fion, are forfeited. Perfons giving or offering a bribe, forfeit from two hunr died to two thcufand dollars. Infpeftors and officers of rever.ue cutters may go on board, examine and fearch vef- fels, have acc^fs to the cabin, and feal packages ; and after fun-fet fecure hatches, &c. Perfons in charge of veffels, for breaking fafienings, but in prefence of an officer, forfeit two hundred dollars. Officers may feize within or without their diftri£fs. Per- fons refitting or imp-ding them forfeit four hundred dollars. The matter or commander of any veffel, that fhall ob- ftruflor hinder, (or be ihecaufe thereof,) any officer of the revenue, ingoing on board his (hip or veffel, for I he pur- pole of carrying into effeft ar.y of the revenue laws of the United States, forfeits from fifty to five hundred -dollars. Every owner of a veffel refiding within the limits of the United States, to fwearto the regifter within ninety days af- ter its being granted, or it becomes void, and the veffel and cargo pays foreign tonnage and duty Returned Cargo. (If any articles of an outward cargo are brought back, they are to be detailed. Specified by whom Jhipped outward^ and to whom configned ivzoard.}

MINT of the UNITED STATES. IN the year 1806- there were coined 64,003 Half Eagles, 1/16 Quarter Eagles; 839,576 Half Dolfar* ; 206,124 Cents — Quarter Dollys ; 348.000 Cents ; 356,000 Half The -unount of Coins ftruck is double the former average Annual amount ; the number of ^pieces quadruple the for- met average. .

REGISTER of the ARMY of the U. STATED GENERAL S TA FF. [Revifed by Capt. Freeman, in October, 1807.] James Wiikinfon, Brigadier-General, Abim. Y. Nicoll, Adjutant and Itifpeclojr. Caleb Swan, Pay-Majler. James B. Wiikinfon, Aid-de-Camp. DiJiriH Pay-Mafiers.

Nehem. Freeman,! John Miller, I Jona. Eafrman,

Ninian Pinkney, I.Ambr. Whitlock, | William Carfon, T Ienry Burbeck, Colonel. | Conftant Freeman, Limt. Cof>

Mofes Purter Major I Abim. Y. Nicoll Major

William M'P.ea do | One vacancy George Peters, Adjutant, REGIMENT OF ARTILLERISTS. Field- Officers—Staff, Captains. Firft Lieutenants. Second Lieutenants John B. Walbach Mofes Swett Jona. Eallman a fames Read George Peters Jul.F.Hielemen b Lloyd Beall Charles Mulford William Gates c Nathl. Leonard JofephCrofs Pafcal V. Bonis d John Fergus William Wiifon John Ganfcvoort e James B. Many Wm. A. Murray Jacob Jackfon / Chs.Woleftoncraft Enoch Humphrey Efaias Preble g Wm. L. Cooper Francis Newman Hapley Yeaton h George Armlitead James Swearinger Alex.Lunenvilie i John Saunders Thomas A. Smith Tbos.N. Vaughn £ Richard Whiley Hannibal M.Allen Samuel Maclay / Lewis Howard James A. Smith Jofeph Proveant m- Tames Houfe Jofeph Kimball Thomas Bennett » Michael Kalteifen Robert Robtru E. A. Allen Nehemiah Freeman James R.Hanham Robert Lucas p

Addi. Armfitead Michael A. . B Walfh J Windham q Amos Stoddard James Reed Archi. Darrah r Samuel T. Dyfon Porter Hanks D. C. Taylor s Jofiah Dunham P. O. Barmen t Wiiiiam Cocks ! Thomas Murray a Detroit. h Ft. Nelfon, Vug.,/) St. Louis. b Ft.Wolcor,R.I. i Nachitoche*. \q Ft.joh:iion,S..C. c Ft. Mifflin, Perm. k S.W.poiotjTcn.! r IVIichiiimackin. d New-Orleans. /Ft.Columh.Nyk. ; i Chicafaw B!i e Niagara. m New-Orleans, j t Nuchitocl f New-Orleans. v Ft. Indep. Maff. tt Na "i Ft. Adams, M. fif. oft, Confti. N.H. 1808/J 21 8: Army of United States. FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY,

Colonel. Thomas Hunt. Lieutenant- Colonel, Jacob Kingfbury. Mojo', Z^bulon Pike. Adjutant, Daniel Hughes.

Captains. RufTel Biflel Elijah Mfong Nathaniel Healcl John Whiftler John Mci/lary Erii B- Clem fon Benj. L'nkwood Mofes Hook EfcuieJ Biflel 7 e bul. M. Pile- Flrji Lieutenants James 'sLhea Horatio Starks Ambrofe Whi'tlock Wii'i -m Swan Simon Owens William Whiftler

Nmian Pifikney I Daniel Hughes Dan -^ B

John C. Syrrfmes . >nn lone} John Magower _ j Jofc >h D irr :zek. fohnfon John F. Brouill Simon Knight Benj MY 'hall- >rm B< •* Ton Alpha Kinflcy | f Enfgns. joh.: Thomas Hamirron i a a Philip O. Strands

JflfepH McKean j Auguf. Chautiil John Carter Louis James R P-.yt- n j Loromie

Albright | Nicholas King Jacob | SECOND REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel, Thomas H. Cufhing. Li vtenant-Colonel, Major, Richard Sparks. Adjutant, William Lawrence. Captains. l -v Jjehn Bowyer Thomas ain j John Brahan Hugh McCall fohn Campbell I Edmd. P. Gaines- Francis Johnfon Ffeter P. S« huv.'cr Wra, K. Boote Math Arbuckle Firji Lieutenants.

Bart. B. Arm fiteadl William Lawrence Reu. Chamberlatf |as B. WllkinfonjHenry Brevoort Gil C. Ruifci Btxtry R. GfahamUohn Miller William Piatt |Wm. P. ClymeT Army of United States 219

Second Lieutenants.

Alfred Sebaftian Benj. S. knu 1 William Mead •Geo. W Sevier Charles Magnan j.ohn Pembejton J. R. N. Lucket John J Duforefl Robe u Peyton John Hackett


Francis W. Small William .1. Ware Wm. B. McNutt T AuguO. Chouteau i\ a-hl Ryer (JohnDavi* David C Dean Wm W(»thingtonj 3am 1. H. Mkcheiv Samuei Miller

CORPS of ENCXVEERS. Lieutenant-Colonti Commandant, Jonathan Williams. Major, Jared Mansfield.

Captains. Firjl Lieutenants. Second LiutenaniU Alex. Macomb , George Bomtord Charles Gratift Jofe'ph G. Swift Wm MeRee Eleazer D. Wood W.K.Armfitead Alden Partridge Wm. Partridge Prentice Wiliianjs

MEDICAL STAFF. Surgeons— David Davis and Oliver H. Spencer. Thirty-One Surgeon'* Mates, attached to Garrifonjs or Poll?, and to Con s.


ADAMS-Street, late Miller's-lane, leads fouth froui ' Liberty-fqunre to Milk-Strert. Alden's-lane leads N. E. from Weft-row Cambridge flreet,

, to Sudbury-ftreet. Allcn-ftreet N. ) leads weft from Wiltfhire-ftreet to Allen-ftreet S. £ Charles-river. 4-nn-ftreet leads N. E. from Market-fquare to Fifh-ftreet. Arch-ftreet from centre of Franklin-place to Summer-ftreet. Atkinfon-ftreet, (formerly Green's lane,) from Milk-ftreet

: to Ruflell's wharf. • t

BATH-Street or Horn-lane, oppofiti* N. end of Pearl-ftreet. Back-ftreet leads North 'from Middle-ftreet, near Mill- bridge, to Pnnce-ftreet. Bangs's-alley, from Kirby-ftreet, north of Central-ftreet, to- ward Broad-ftreet. Barton's-Poinr, near the new Alms-Houfe. Batterymarch-ftreet leads from Liberty-fquare to Fofter's wharf. Battery-alley leads fromNorth-ftreet eaftward to Ship-ftre'et. Beach-ftreet leads eaft fromOrange-ftreet acrofs Rainsford's- lane. Beacon-ftreet leads from the Stone Chapel paft the State- Houfe to Charles river. Belknap-ftreet leads north from Beacon to C^mbridge-ftraer.

Bennett-ftreet (South) leads eaft from Oraqge-ftreet, • at No. 96, to Front-ftreet. Bennett-ftreet (North) leads weft from Rev. Mr. Murray's meeting-houfe to Salem-ftreet. Berry-ftrcet leads from the Meeting-houfe Federal-ftreet to Atkinfon-ftreet. Blind-lane, now enft end of Pond-ftrect. Bloffom-ftreet leads north from Cambridge-ftreet oppofite * Garden-ftreet to Allen-ftreet. Bowdoin-ftreet, fouth end of Middlecot-ftrect,. from Derne

• to Beacon-ftreet. Bowcloih-Square, between Cambridge and Court-ftraets. Defcriplion of Bcfton Stre< 2.H

Brattle-ftreer-fqusre, fvom the Market toy the Meeting- houfe to Elm-fireet. Bromheiri's lane leads weftward from Marlhorough-ftreet to Common-ftreet. Buifinch-ftreet leads fouth from B .wuoip.-Squa/e toward: Beacon-Hill, and weft into Middlecoi-ftreet. Bulfinch-p'ace, or Clap's Buildings, between Bulfinch and ' Middlecot-firec-LS. Bumftead-placc, near the head of Brom field's lane, Com- mon-ftreet. Broad-flreet from State-flreet to Batterymarch-ftreet. 3"tolph, Buttolph, or Botolph-ftreet (next wefl ofRuiTell-

! ftreet) leads South from Cambridge-ftVet to Myrile-ftr. Butler's-row leads from Merchants'-row to Spear's wharf.

CARVER-Street, from Pleafant-ftrect North acrois Elliot* ftreet to Frog-lane. Cart-lane, fiom Leveret-ftreet paft the e.aft end of the Alms- houfc, Caftle-firect leads eaft and weft acrofs Orange-ftrcet from

• Charles-river to Front-ftreet. Cambridge-ftreet leads from Bowdoin-fquare to W. BoOon bridge. Central-ftreet (late Central-wharf) leads from Kilby- ftreet *o India-ftreet. Central-Court on the eaft fide of Newbury-ftrecr, between T £ cs. 51 and 52. Cewer-ftreet (Weft) leads fouth from Cambridge-ftreet near the head of the biidgeto Myrtle-iheet. Center-ftreet (North) leads fcutb-eail (rum Middle to Ann-ftreet. Chefnut-flreet leads weft from Walnut-ftreer. to Charles-flr. Charober-ftrcet leads North from Cambridge-ilreeVoppofitc Bclknap-lireet to Wiitftire-ftreet. Chardon's-iane leads north- eaft from the weft e»d of Bowdcin-fquare to Hawkins-ftreet. Ch;irles-ftreet leads from the Weft-End of Beacon-ftreet North to Weft-Bofton-Bfidge. Charter-ftrect leads northweft Irom North-ft;eet to Lynrt- ftreet, bottom of Copp's-hill. Church-Square, back of Old Brick Meeting-houfe,Cornhill. Cl?rk-ftreet leads eaft from New North Meeting-hbufe to Ship-ftreet. Cornhill leads northward from, Marlbro'-ftr*,to M*rket-fq. ^gcgj T 3 2 2*2 Defcrlption of Bofton Street,

Gommon-ftreet ]e»ds from the Stone-Chapel paft the Mali to Naffiu-ftreet. Congrcfs-flreet (late Quaker-laneJ leads fouth from Sate,- ftreet to Milk-ftreet. Cold-Ian^ leads north weft from Hanaver-ftreet, near Eira^ ftreet to the Miil-pond. Copper-ftreet leads from the weft end of Leveret-ftreet tc Poplar-ftreet. Corn-Courtis oppofite the South fide of Faneuil-Hall. Court-Street leads weft from the Old State-Houfe to Bow- doin-Square. Creek-fquare, fouth fide Mill-creek, back of Union and Ann-ftreets. Crofs-ftreet crofTes Middle-ftreet, Back-ftreet and Fifti-ftrce; from the Mill-pond to the Harbour.

DAGGET's-aliey, fee Battery-alley. Devonfhire-ftreet leads fouth from eaft end of Old State- Houfe to Milk-Street. Deming's-court. eaft fide of Newbury- ftreet, between Nos. 54 and 55. Derne- ftreet, from Midd!ecot-ftr. back of Beacon-hill fteps to Hancock-ftreet. Diftill-Houfe-fquare, from the bottom of Sudbury-ftrep: north-weft to Hawkins-ftreet. Doane-ftreet (late Doane's wharf) from Kiiby-ftreet to Broad-ftieet. Dock-fquare, from Elm-ftreet, fouthward to Cornhi!l,»and eaftward to the corner oppofite the weft end of Faneuil- hall, including the block of (lores in the centre. Dorfett's-lane lead$ horn trie Coui t-houle to Brattle-fquare,

EATON-Street leads from RuOell to Wiltfliire-fireet. El hot- ftreet leads weft from Orange-ftreet, acrols NaiTau- ftreet to Pleafant-ftreet. Elm ftreet, (late Wing's lane) leads north-weft from Dock-fquare to Hanovei -ftreet. Efiex-ftreet leads eaft from Newburj'-ftreet to South-fheet. Exchange (or Shrimpton's) lane leads north from Union Bank, State-ftreet, to Dock-Square.

FEDERAL-ftteet leads from Milk-ftreet paft the Theatre to High-ftreet. Federal-court, (South) on the weft £de and near the fouth en(J of Federal-ftreet. DeTcriptfon of Bofton Streets. €2

Tv.leral-court (North) formerly Link-alley, leads from Union and Hanover-ftreets to the Mills. Fifn-(treet if ads northward from Crofs-llreet, paft North- fquare, to Ship-Street. Fitch's alley, (fee Pierce's alley.) Flcer-ftreet' leads eaft from Univerfalifl: Meeting-houfe to Fifh fireer. Fofkr-ftreer, from Charter ftreet north-eaft to Lynn-ftreet, Franklin-ftreet leads from 47 Marlborough-ftreet to Franklin-Place (fqrnierly pontine buildings.)

Friends-ftreet leads from Hanover-ftree t juft weft of Union ftreet to Mill-pond. Frog-lane leads weft from Orange and Newbury-ftreets, paft the fouth end of the Mall to Pleafant-ftreet. Fron-flreet leads fouth from Rainsford's-lane to South- bridge.

GARDEN-ftreet leads fouth from Cambridge-dree!, op- polite Blonom-flreet to Myrtle-ftreet. Girdm-Court leads from weft fide of North-fquare tcf Fieer-ftreet. Gallop's alley leads from Middle to Filh-ftreet. George-Street, (fee Hancock-ftreet.) Gibbs' lane leads north-eaft from Fort-hill to Sears' or Fqro hill wharf. Gravel-ftreet leads from Leveret-ftreetto the ropewalks. Griffin's-!ane leads from High ftreet, hmd of Pearl-ftreet, to* Harris' Wharf. Gridley's-iane leads from High-ftreet to Purchafe-ftreet. Gr^enough's-lane leads north from Charter-ftreet, oppofite Unity-ftieet to Lynn-ftreet. G;een-ftreet kads N. W. from Bowdoin-f pare to Wilt- flrre-ftreet. Green-lane, fee Allen-ftreet. Grove-ftreet leads fouth from Weft-Bofton bridge to' Pinckney-ftreet. Governors-alley from School-ftreet to Bromfield's-lane. Gouch-lane, from Green-ftieet to Mill-pond. Gibbon's-court, on Weft fide of Newbury-ftreet, througlf the Arch, at No, 7.

HAMILTON-place, eaft fide Common-ftreet, nearly op- pofite Park-ftrcet. Hanover-Street leads north-eaft from Court and Sudbury1- ftreets to Middle-ftreet. 1868.3 1 4 :

224. Defcription of Bofton Streets

Hancock-ftreet leads north fiom Sumner-ftreet, hack c State to . New houfe Catnbridge-ftreet.

Hafvard-ftreet leads eafi from Orange -ftreer, tti No. §• to Front-ftreet. Kawkins-ftrtet leads N. W. fcom Sudbury fireet to Chai tlon's-iafie. Haymarket-place, S. fide of Sheaf's-lane, near the W. end HawL-y-ftrett, (late Biffeop's-al ley) leads N. from Trinity church, Summer- (frets t, to Milfc-ftreet. HalfCourt-fquare, back of Poft-Office, State ftreet. Henchman's-lanc leads North from Charter to Lyftfi-fireet High-fireet (formeily Cow lane) leads from Summer-jiret to Fort-hill. Hollis ftreet leads weft from Oraiige-ftreet, paft Scut Meeting-Houfe to Nauau-ftreet. Horn-iane leads from Miik-ftreet to Congrefs-ftreet.

JIull-ftreet leads weft from Chrift Church, Salem Street, t Burying-Ground, Copp's-hill.

IMDIA-Rreet leads from head of I ong-whf. to India--*,,-.;-

J*ARVTS's-row on eaft ficle of Newfeury-ftreet, oppohi Lamb tavern. •

KINGSTON-ftreet leads S.W. from Summer to Pond ft; Kilby-ilreet leads S. from State-ftreet to Liberty-Square.

LENDELL's lane leads from Congrefs ftreet to Kilby fir Leverett ftreet, leads N. and N.W. from Green ftreet, pa;

,. the Alms-Houfe, to Charles River.

Liberty fquare, the junction of Kilby, Water, and Adams ft> Lincoln ftreet leads S. from Dr. Kirkland's meeting-houic Summer ftreet, to Effex flreet. Link alley, fee North Federal Court.

Love lane leads north-weft from Middle fireet to Salem fit Lowell's court on the S. fide of Frog lane, near Nalfau flier

Lynde ftreet leads north from Cambridge ftreet paft th; Meeting-houfe to Green ftreet. Lynn ftreet leads W. from Wmnefimit fefr. toCharlef br

MARGARET lane leads from Prince ftreet to Sheafe fl-. Mad borough ftreet leads N. £,. from Summer to School Or Ma.fh lane leads from Union ftreet to Cre; k fquare. Marshall's lane leads N. fromUnion ftreet to ffanover1 Rr -.. Way ftreet leads W, from S. Ruffe'. I It&ei Ufc iri& thee: !

Description of Bofldn Street'?; 225

Merchant's row \tifc N from State ftreet to Codman ? s whf. Methodift alley, from North ftreet, paft Methodift Meet- ing-noufe, to Ship ftreet. Midd'e-ftreet 1 -ads N. E- from Mill creek to North ftreet. Middlecot-Street leads from Cambridge-ftreet, to Beacon- Street, eaft of Beacon-hill. Milk-ftreet leads eaftward from Marlbro' ftreet to India ftr. Mil! lane leads from Middle ftreet to the Mills. Mil' pond ftreet leads from the Mills near Middle ftreet to the Mills near Prince ft-eet Moon ftreet leads from eaft fide of North fquare to Fleet ftreet. Mount Vernon, the buildings on north fide of Olive ftreet.

Myr tie ftreet leads from Hancock (Jr. weft to Charles {frost.

NASSAU ftreet leads W. & N. from 45, Orange ftreqf to the head of the Mall. Newbury fir. from the head of Effex to the head of Summer ftreet. N-.'wbuiy-place h on call fide of Newbury ftr. at No. 88. Nor-h ftreet, from the Univerfal meetiug-houfe to Winuc- fimit ferryway. North (quare lies between Middle, Fifb, and Fleet ftreets. North row, tbe new brick buildings, in Fifh ftreet. New ftreet, Fort hill, from Battery march ftr. to Fort hill wharf.

OLIVE ftreet leads weft from Belknap to Charles ftreetf, diver ftreet leads from Milk ftreet to Fort hill. Orange ftreet, from Wafhington to Newbury ftreet. Oid State houfc, head of State ftreet.

PARK place, or Park ftreet, from head of Mall to State Houfe. Pearl ftreet leads from Milk to High ftreet. Peck's lane, from Ellex ftreet to Wharf. Phillips' Buildings on Kilby and Water ftreet. Pierce's alley, (or Fitch':) leads from 70, S sate ftreet to Market fquare. Pinckney ftreet leads weft from Belknap to Charles ft reel. Pitts' lane leads from Green ftreet to Mill-pond. Pierian t ftreet leads weft and north from 35, Orange ftreet to ropcwalk.% bottom of the Common. Pond ftreet (late Rowe's lane) leads eaftward 4rom JN«w- bury ftre.t ro Dr. Kirklanofc meetiiJg-hoafe* *8c3. T A 226 Defer iption of Bofton Streets poplar ftr=et leads W. from Wiltfhire ftreet, by the rope- vaiks, to Charles river. Prince-ftreet leads from Middle-fir. to Charlcfiown bridge, Proclor's-lane (or Wood-lane) leads from Middle to Fifafir. Purchafe-flreet leads north eaft from Summer-itrect to B3ttery-march-ltreet, head of India wharf.

RAINSFORPVLane leads fouth from EiTex toFront-

SALEM-ftreet leads N. E. from Prince to Charter flreeC Salt bne leads from Union ftreet or to Creek fquare. Salutation-alley leads from North to Shipftrrtr. School flreet leads well from Corn hill to the Chapel.

Scott's court leads from 7, Union ftreet, W. toward Elm- ftreet. Sea-flreet, S. from bottom of Summer flreet, round Wheel- er's-point, to South -ftreet. £heafe flreet leads N. W. from Salem to Snowbill flreet. Sbeafe's lane leads from Newbury ftreet to Hay Market tavern. Ship llreet, from Fifh flreet to Winnefimit fcrryway. Short ftreet leads. S. from Pond flreet to the Glals works. S«fler-fireet, from Round-lane to Bony-flu et. Snowhi!l-rt,cet leads froaa Prince flreet acrofsCopp'J hill to Charter flreet. Somerlet ftreet N. from Beacon ftreet to Soutback's comt. Somerfet place leads from Somerfet to Midiilecot fist-et. South ftreet leads S. from Summer ftr. oppofite High ft?. Sou.-h.row, in Maribro' (freer, next to Old South meeting houfe. Southack's ftreet leads weft from Butolph acrofs Garden, Center, and Grove ftveets, and fouth acrofs May to Myrtle ftreet. Southack's court lead:; weft from Court to Bulfir.ch ftreet.

Spring-lane leads from 1 Cornhill to Devonftwe llreet, Spring ftreet leads from Aims houfe to Fuplai: ft?e*t; jDefcription of Bofton Streets. 22 j

State, fl reer, from Old State bouic eA he-.d of Long wharf* Stamford (treer, N. from Cambridge, oppofite Temple, to Green ftreet. Suffolk court on caft fide Newbury ftreet, at No. 67. Suffolk buildings, corner of Congreis and irate llreeis. Sumner lifcet leads from Beacon ftreet, back of State Houfe. Summer ftreet leads from Maflb*o' ftreet, pad Trinity Church, to Feffenden's wharf. Sudbury ftreet from Concert hall northward to Cold lan

TEMPLE Ilreetj from Cambridge ftf. to Bearon hill ftepr. Theatre alley leads from Miik fti. to rear of Federal ftree'.

Theatre. - , Tremont ft reer, from the Chapel, over Pemberton's hill, to SoutHacK's court. "Fremont plac:, oppofite the Chapel, Tremont ftreet. Tucker's pafture, on the eaft iic£ of Green and Leverett.

. ftreets, at their junction. Tudor's-buiklings, next the Court-houfe, Court-ftreet.

UNION ftr. from Market fquare northward to Mill pond.

Unity-ftrcet from Charter-ftreet to Love-lane. ,. VINE-ftreet leads weft from Ruffell acrofs BlofTom- ftreet.,

WALNUT-ftreet, from Beacon to Olive ftreet. Warren ftreet, from 39, Orange to Elliot-ftreet. Wafhington-ftreet, from Orange-ftree: to the Neck, Water-ftreet, from Cornhill eaftward to Liberty-fquare. Weft-Greet, from Newbury, oppofite Pond-ftreet to the Mall. Weft-row, Cambridge or Court-ftreet, near Bowdoin-fquare Winter-ftreet, from Newbury, oppofite St namer ftr. to the Mall. Wiltihire-ftreet, from Chamber-ftreet north to Poplar-fir Whitebread-alley, from North to Ship ftreet. Williams'-court, through the arch at 65 Cornhill. Wilfon's-lane, from eaft end of Old State houfe to Dock fquare. WingVlane (fee Elm-ftreet.) Wood-lane (tee Proctor's-lane.) Windmill-walk, from Middle-Greet to the Milt's, 4rt. Corrc<5tions, &c.


Page . 33 T5ENTAMlNAtr.es is Notary Public at Bath, ia J3 room of William Webb.

34 Add Infpcftor of Hops, Samuel Jaques, jr . of Charlef- town. Office in Lynn-Street, near Copp's Hill, Bof- ton Mofes Abbot, his Deputy, at Salem. 40 Mss Maiy .Afiderfon, is Sec'y of trrr Salem F?m. Soci. 57 Wm. Bartlet, is the right fpelling of the Prefidt's name. Difcount days ar Effex Bank at Salem, Wed. & Mond,. 58 Difcount days at Salem Bank Mondays and Thurfdays. 61 Union Marin and Fire Infurance Co. at Newbuiyport.

Incorp. Feb. 26, 1807 5 an ^ t0 continue 20 yfei's. James Prince, Balch, Secr'y. P'fefuU. | Jofeph 63 Capt. Trift ram Barnard is Mailer of Bofton Marine So- ciety, and Benjamin Honians, Secretary. 63 Clerk of Salem Marine Society is Benjamin Peirce. 64 Committee of Obfervation are, Benjamin Crownln- fhield, Jonathan Mtfon. and Samuel G. Derby. Directors of Salem Iron Factory Company aie, Jacob .Afiiton, Nathan Peirce and Jerathe Peirce. 65 David Stinfon is the P.'.ft-Mafler at Bath. 69 Jofeph Chandler is Pod-Mailer at Monmouth. In the room of the Note at the bottom, read, " A fmali village in the northerly part of Chelmsford, where there is a bridge acrofs the Merrimack Rivers." 71 Sterling is now not a poft-town. 86 Thomas Keeler, Affociate Juflice, is of Alfred.

87 Dele Dominicus; -Goodwin and Pe»er Merrill, of Ber-

wick, and Tohn Paine, of Parfonsfield ; James Gray, of Saco, and Andrew Rogers, of Sbapleigh. 88 Jabez is the given name of Young, .md is of York. Ebenezer Say ward, of Alfred, and Timothy Baker, of York, are Deputy-jailers 89 Of the Civil Officers, read Jofeph Lyman, not jr. Of the Peace, E!i P. Afhman, is of Northampton. 90 Firft line, rea'd Spencer Phelps. At New-Salem, add StitMfel Cleffen Allen. At Granville, dele J oilah Herve'y, deceafed. Court.- 91 Ifaac C. Bates, at Com. Pleas, is admitt. toS. J. Apollos Cufhman, Attorney at Com. Picas, Piainfidd. Beodo'us Dutton, do. isofMonfon. r 98 Infert, a t?r Special Tuftices, Benjamin Ballet, ofChd-

mark, Chief luftic^ of Court ot Seflions ; khabod Norjton, of Edgarton, and John Davisj of T Affociate Jufticcs, Corrections, &c. ?^9

09 Add Benjamin Ch«ec, a Deputy-Sheriff, at Tilbury. Add, aftet the 5th line in Nantucket County, Walter Folder, jr. Chief Jullice of Court oJ Seflicrys, Francis Macy and Daniel CofEn, Alfociate Jufhces, If.ac Coffin is Clerk of the Seflions. lot Dele Jonathan Grout, of the Quorum, decerned. 102 Elilha Hammond, is Attorney at S. J. C Broi>kheld. Zabdicl B Adams, do do Lunenbuigh. Era funis Babbitt, do do is of Grafton. Elies Howe, and Levi Lincoln, jr. are of S. J. Court. 103 Mofes Thomas, of Sterling, is a Coroner. 103 Lad Ijne, dele Afa King, and infert Simon Gieei tic if, do dele Barker Curtis, do Hezekiah FroH. ic8 Denny M'Cobb* is a Jullice of the Peace at Bath. Benj. Ames, infer' as Attorney at S.J. Court, at Bail). Nathaniel Coinn, is an Attorney at the S. J. Court. Elias Phinney, of Thomaflown, do do 113 Phineas Afhmum, is an Attorney at S. J C. atBelfafl. 113 Add Johj^Yhfting, Deputy-Sheriff, at Edenton.

{ 24 Proffers, John L- Abbot, a.m. and John Bartlett, A.M. SaiPfcel Swan, of Hubbardfton, , of Peterlham, Mr. Morgan, of Shrewsbury, John Paine, of Sturbiidge, and Joleph B. Caldwell, is of Rutland.. 127 Add Rev. Wm. Jenks, as a Truliee to Bcwdoin Col(. Geo. Burge and Jona. Cogfwell, do do do J30 Rev. Warren Peirce, Preceptor of Milton Academy. 138 Dele Wm. Riddel, and infert Jonathan Bclding. Infert John R. Cuttings, at Waldo-borough, Read John inlteadof George Dutton, at NorthvYarm. 139 Dele Jonathan Powers, at Pfcnobfcot. 140 Dele Jotham Sewai] at Cheftervilie. 144 Read James H. Elliot, as the Aid-de-Campof lfh Div.

162 Wardens and Surveyors for the Pott ( f Bolton, die, Captains Nchemiah Soines, Elilha Crocker, and James Freeman. 1S7 Obadiah Brown, Chaplain to Congrefs.

WARREN BANK. One Dollar Counterfeit Bills of this Bank have jutt made their appearance. The ieiteis are very clumlily engraved. The words WARREN BANK in capitals aie uneven, and fliikingly different horn the genuine, as is the whole face of the bill. Some Thiee's are a!fp circulating. •23© Corrections, &c\

AT the Annual Communication of the GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER oF Maffachufetts, held at Newburyport, oh Sept'r. 15, 1807, were chofen,

M. E- Ifaiak Thomas, Ifq. G. H. P. E- Benjamin Rujjdl, Efq. D. G. H. P. E. Oliver Pre/colt, Efq. G. K. E. Thomas Carey, jr. G. S. Andrew Sigourney, G. T.

Edward HorJman , G. S. Rev. Afa Eaten, G. C, Henry 'Pvrkitt, G. M. Thomas Redman, } Jacob Perkins, f n c ~ tj b% ' 'James Locke, £ ' Scth John/on, j William Tompkins, G. I. Gent*

William Eaton, i ~ .

INDEX to the Register and Calendar,

Fsj-e. F2g« ACADEMIES in Massachusetts, 12$ Counterfeit Bills, - '&1 Agricultural Societies, 48 Civil Government in Massachusetts, 10 Allowance for Draught, &c. 214 Clerk of the House ofRepresentatives,! 7 American Coins, Table of, I ~Z Coins, (Tables of) - l 7- Alms-House, Master of, 153 Collectors of the Revenue, 1 1 - American Acad of Arte S Altornies in Suffolk County, 73 Consuls, &c. in the United States, I$>7 Attornies (County) I« Convention of Cor.grega. Ministers, 14

Aafti..•r.eers in Boston, 16* Corgr.ers in Suffolk C( uni. , 78

Auditors of Account* of the Town [6O Corrections a;-, j Additions, 228 BANK of U. 3. and its Branches, 53 Council and .Senate of Massachusetts, lO Banks in Massachusetts, 55 Counsellors at Law, Hancock Co. 1 13 Baptist Education Fund, - 46 Counsellors ojc. in Circuit Court, 194 Barnstable County, Representatives,^ County Attornies of Massachusetts, 194 Bamst. Co. Justices, Attornies, &c. 96 Courts, Probate, Suffolk County, 77 Barnst. Co. Ministers & Churches, 136 Courts, Circuit, &c. United States, iy* 1- Barristers at Law, Norfolk County, 116 C< urts, Table of. in Massachusetts 7 Bedford Bank, at New-Bedford, 53 Cullers of Dry fish, - 160 Bedford Marine Insurance Company, 63 Cumberland Co. Representatives, 34 Uerkshire County, Representatives, 20 Cutnb. Co. Justices, Attornies, &.c. IC4 teikshireCo.Attornies,Justices,&c. 109 Cumb. Co. Ministers and Churches, 137 - Berkshire Co.Ministers&Churches, 1 38 Custom-House Fees, *'3 Berkshire Bank at Pitlsfitld, - 59 DARTMOUTH College, 128 Berkshire & Cjiumt, Miss. Society, 45 Dentist, (Surgeons) - l<53 Factory Co. 65 Beverly Bank, - . - S8 Danvers & Beverly Iron Bishops in the United States, 14a Department of Stati, - 190 Board of Commissioners of the So- Deputy Sheriffs, Suffolk County, 79 ciety for promoting Christian Description of Counterfeit Bills, 181 v Knowledge, - 44 Description of the Streets in Boston 220 Boston Aqueduct Corporation, 47 Directions for Mariners, 173 Boston Bank, 55 Dispensary, Boston Medical, 36 Joston Board of Health, - 1 59 District officers of Doited States, ICO loston Episcopal Charitable Society, 38 District Courts of United Stales, 193

Boston Exchange Office, - 56 . Lodges, - 5» ioston Female Asylum, . 40 Divisioriary Staff Officers, »44 ?o«ton Library, - 47 Divisions of Infantry, - MS

Boston Marine Insurance Company, 60 I liery, - iSi Boston Marine Society, - 63 Dockage, Wbai fage* (kc. 16$ loston Medical Dij;ier.sary, 36 Drowned Persons, Treatment of, 4« loston Medical Library, . 37 Bukes County, Representatives, 23 , -' 1 26 Dalres Co. Justice-, Attornies, &c 98 loylston's Charitable Donations, 39 0, Ministers and Churches, j ,