1,1>N\1( AACHtVES ** Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Massachusetts, Boston http://www.archive.org/details/pocketalmanackfo1808amer ; HUSETTS ttttter UnitedStates Calendar; For the Year of our LORD 13 8, the Thirty-fecond of American Independence* CONTAINING . Civil, Ecclrfaflirol, Juiicial, and Military Lids in MASSACHUSE i'TS ; Associations, and Corporate Institutions, tor literary, agricultural, .nd amritablt Purpofes. 4 Lift of Post-Towns in Majfacjufetts, with the the o s s , Names of P r-M a ters, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, its With feveral Departments and Eftabiifhments ; Tunes of jhc Sittings ol the feveral Courts ; Governors in each State ; Public Duties, &c. USEFUL TABLES And a Variety of other intereftiljg Articles. * boston : Publiflied by JOHN WEtT, and MANNING & LORING. Sold, wholesale and retail, at their Book -Stores, CornhUl- P*S# ^ytu^r.-^ryiyn^gw tfj§ : — ECLIPSES for 1808. will eclipfes .his THERE befiv* year ; three of the Sun, and two of the Moon, as follows : • I. The firit will be a total eclipfe of the Moon, on Tuefday morning, May io, which, if clear weather, will be viiible as follows : H. M. Commencement of the eclipfe 1 8^ The beginning or total darknefs 2 6 | Mean The middle of the eciiple - 2 53 )> iimc Ending of total darkneis - 3 40 | morning. "Ending of the eclipfe 4 ^8 J The duration of this is eclipfe 3 hours and 30 minutes ; the duration of total darkneis, 1 hour 34 minutes ; and the cbfcunty i8| digits, in the fouthern half of the earth's (hatiow. II. The fecond will be an eclipfe of the Sun, on Wed- nei3ay, May 25, about 6 o'clock in the morning ; but the moon's latitude will be fo far to the foutb, that the eclipfe will be invifible to us. III. The third will alfo be of the Sun, on Wednefday October 19, about noon ; but in confequence of the moon's great fouth latitude, it cannot be vifible to any part of the United States. IV. The fourth will be an eclipfe of the Moon, on Thorfday morning, L\o-e,x,bcr 3d, which -.sill be totai, and vifible, if the iky fhould be clear ; the times of which will be as follow : H. M. Commencement of the eclipfe 1 32"] The beginning of total darknefs 2 39 j Mean The middle of the eclipfe - 3 29 } time of total darknefs - End 4 18 | morning. The ending of the eclipfe - 5 2 o) The duration of this eclipfe will be three Hours and 53 minutes; the duration of total darknefs, 1 hour 39 min- utes j and the obfeurity 18 digits, in the northern half of the earth's {hadow. y. The fifth will be an eclipfe of the Sun, on Thurfday, November 17, at 10 o'clock in the evening, confequently invifible to us. 3)7. 1 JANUARY, 1808, begins, on Friday Firir. (Quarter 5th day, 4h. 10m. evening. Full Moon 13th day, ioh. 47m. morning Laft Quarter 20th day, 6h. 22m. morning. New Moon 27th day, 1 ih. 25m. morning -n #>|b.Se; m|wj u m ir.G j. 16 Circumcifion, Fihe weaihtr 3* 8 43 2 16 for January. 1 V 9 41 3 c 2d Sund. paft Chriitmas. 3* 10 40 3 4- C . P . A I Re J . Now comes 30 n 41 4 23 p.P.&S.Bottan. C.S Camb. 3° norn 5 E;,iph. Low Miles. [ D Apog. 20 39 5 47 ;*s lOLuh so 8h; 1.5m. on a 1 3.- 6 3 Lucian. driving Jlorm 28 2 w 7 18 r of fno J) or rain. 28 3 * 8 7 ift Sund. pafl Ep phany. 27 4 2 3 59 Northamp. and 26 C. Pi Warren. ,5 2 9 52 Sharp weather. 2€ 6 1, 10 47 tides for the feafon. e i3 4 Low .5 • n( 11 41 Peace rar. by Oongfdfs, 1784. 24 6 2 morn Clouds up for more 7 34 35 /now. 22 3 45 1 27 17C 2d Sund. paft Epiphany. 21 9 56 2 18 C- S. Northamp. and Warren. 21 18J2 u ; 193 Plea/ant, ]> Perigee. eo mom 204 (Middling tides. 19 17 4 52 Agaesi. Louis VI.beh.1793 18 1 22 6 8iU X .5 4 Vmccnt. yj! jlortri ts J 7 2 30 6 41 near. lb 3 35 7 37 }d Sund. pafl Epiphany. 15 4 3* 8 33 7*s ioutii 7h. Con St.P 4 5 21 9 28 Clear end cold »3 6 3 10 21 12 for Jone da)S. ]) let, 11 u Peter the Great died, 1725. 1 6 J7In 58 Vard L fets 2h. $m. A 10 7 i^ev.44 fudden change 8 19 1 27 |H^i4 ! ind. paft Epiphany 7 9 go 2 Eclipfcs (the molt, remarkable j of the iun, obferved at .ardis, and predicted by Thales, 585 before Chrifr; at Athens, 424 before ChrihV At Rome, which cauicd a otal darknrf* at noon-day, A. D. 291 ; the fame thing happened in France, June 2Q, 1033. In England an "" APRI L, '8o8 , begins on Friday. Firft Quarter 4th day, oh. 44m. morning. Full Moon 10th day, 6h. 42m. evening. Laft Quarter 17th day, oh, 52m. evening. New Moon 25th day, 2h. 44m evening. Ob ile I. •-!• 6 i 1 MAY, 1808, begins on Sunuay. JUNE, 1808, begins on Wednesday. JUL\, iSc8, begins on Friday* x SEPTEMBER, 1808", begins onTfaurfday. Full Moon 4th day, 5b.. 57m. evening. Laft Quarter 12th day, ph. 46m. evening. New Moon 20th day, 2h. 43m. morning. Firft Quarter 26th day, 6h. 1 2m. evening._ |r. M ' W Obter IP 1) ID 8 OCTOBER, i 808, begins on Saturday. Full Moon 4th day, 9I1. 34m. morning. Lnft Quarter 12th day, 2I1. 22m evening. New Moon 19th day, oh. 10m. evening. Firft Quarter 26th day, 4J1. 26m. morning. ! - cjjr ~j "I'-V| '->t> '>' * Ua> ..| .{£> |i« . 17 K'.nnji. (/!««: ccol 6126: 2B 16th Sund. paftTrin. cvcnivgs. C. P. & S. Nantucket. S.J.C.Dedh.&Augu.C.P.Boft Actw comes, on a cold N. E. 7*s rife 5T1. D Apogee.* •Gov. Hancock died, 1703. ijJn. Sund. paftTrin. /form. Clear, zvith high B. J. C.Taunton. C.S. Ipfv Gen. E!ec. Vermont, winds at N. TV. Dull and hazy N. S. intre-du. 1582. jor for,::: t8ih Sund. part Trin. Queen ol days. [France btrh. 1793 18I3 S. J.C. Plym.&Portl. Now in 4 jComw. taken, 1781. cl.inv. o5 'Remarkable cones ]) Perigee 2l'6 high tides. on. a I 22:7 jYard L rififs ph. 4cm. d tiring. 23B j lcjth Sund. part 1 rin. form. 24,2 Grows quite 2p S. J.C Barnft. C P. Tilbury. 264 cool for the 2 75 7*s fouth lh. 20m. feafon. 286 St. Simon and St. Jutje. 297 Cloudy, 30 a 20th Sund. part Trin. 7/ 312 bo* yWe wile. NOVEMBER, 1808, begins on Tuefday. Full Moon 3d day, 3I1. 43m. morning. Laft Quarter nth day, 4I1. 57m. morning. New Moon 17th day, ioh. nm. evening. Firit Quarter 24th day, 6h. 19m. morning. uKirrvMWe Day% &c. Q-Mi |F.Seat S.J.C.Cainb&Altr. CP.&J> 6" 10 2 5 55 Grows warmer [Edgar ton. 6 56 6 11 91 D Apogee, eclipfed vifible. 5 57 6 ®rif< 11 55 - zi/7 ^ Joint 6 59 6 5 5* morn. rain. 5 642 47 sill Sund. paft Trin. Cotf&r, 7 3i 1 2q C. P. Nortbamp. ^2/£ ^«f 2 8 26 2 It S. 2 ? ( J. C, Salem. C.P.CaiHne 4 9 3 6 C?.pe Cod fettled, 1620. days 10 2', h 3 54 Clauds up Mi 11 25 4 4i norn. St. Martin. for a long 7 7 5 3 Bull's Eye fouth 9b. o 6 r 7 « 30 19 Sund. 22d pall Trin. Jlorm. 7 9 3, 7 //?>/* winds. 7 10 2 48! 8 o C .?. Plym.'&Pcml. C.S.Caft 7 it 4 ° M fome » Ve;y htifth tides for days. 7 13 5 4 9 49 i D Peiigee. 0ecl. 1UV.I7 14 D I ei 10 48 n Great Earthquake, N. E. 1755.7 15 11 5°: lx PLeafant for a few [7 16 6 34 SV.$2 J 23d Sund. paft Trin. <:a;'j. [7 17 7 35 1 54 Gr«i< //^/?y 7 18 8 42 2 52 V 26 SJ.C.Rofton&Nant. Cecilia 7 19 9 49 3 46 2 St. Clement. of J'now 7 20 5 io 54 4 37 fouth »i 7*5 nh. 26m. or \7 21 59 5 25 V\ Catherine's day. rain 7 22 norn. 6 10 Low tides. Changes 7 22 1 c 65 to B Advent Sund. 7 «3 1 5« 7 3 u e#2 mere agreeable 7 24 8 1 weather. , 7 25 3 55 u 04 Sr. Andrew. 7 26 4 53 q 46 etired public from life. Died December 14, 1 799. be fixty-cighth year of his age. The molt remaikable eras in hiftory. The Chriflians nake their era from the birth of Chrilt, which happened u the:he yearvear of 'he world 3962. This was not ufed till ibout (j»e year 600. The Mahomeran" rompu+e their 1808.J B DECEMBER, 1808, begins on Thurfday. Full Moon 2d day, ioh. 51m. evening. Laft Quarter 10th day, 5I1. 8m. evening. New Moon 17th day, 8h. 52m. morning. Firft Quarter 24th day, nh, 59m. morning. Ubiti vable bays', dsc.
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