ttPKdlAL NOTICES. advices reach the middle of The time and has spent one-third of his life in iaboi and fall Into York CONGREGATIONALISTS AT ROCKLAND April. they quickly rally ranks; whom | and, equally with us, the Democracy Mahone and carry Virginia, North Carolina, for the construction of coast left upon a farm. He acquired nature and have followed in fierce canvasses more concedes that fortification, the deserters Stanley is uncertain. READY FOR A BALLOT. by they the result must be determined Alabama, Tennessee and Florida. modern ordnance and other education a profound belief iu the funda- than once to the crowned there. Tbe contest will be bitter and the approved “Gov. Janssen left the on the I5tl desperate charge John C. Harry,of North Carolina, a young, modern means of the Congo mental doctrines of. and the with defence, for protection government victory. fiercest waged since the war. Outside of coal black negro, paid a tribute to .Sherman s of our of the Last of th< > inst. on his way to to re defenceless harbors and cities, for Proceedings Day Europe consult union of the States, “one and inseparable,” Standing here on behalf of a man who, dis- I her one great New York is more Re- love for and to the city, fidelity the colored race. the payment of Just pensions to our soldiers, Conference. gardlng the sending of assistance to Stan as taught by lives of Washington and daining ail adventitious helps, has risen to publican than any of the New England Charles Emory Smith, editor of the Phila- for necessary works of national Hamilton, Clay and Webster, Lincoln and distinction the force of his own I States. in as else- Importance ley.” by merits, ; Labor New York City in the of and Thad Stevens, and u disbelief and aver- Press, made a short and improvement the harbors _ The Candidates All Presented to the In should regard myself unchivalric did I not where, lias become at the base be- delphia forcible the frightened channels of internal, coastwise and The Officers the sion for political heresies o# John C, recall at least some of the worthy trayal of its market to the argument the nomination of Ed- foreign Chosen for Ensuini MAINE. public foreign capital by favoring commerce, for encouragement of the sbip- Calhoun, Ureckiuridge, Jeff Davis and achievements of his ancestors. Whatever ; Democracy, and its sturdy blows will be de- Year. Great of ward li. Filler, mayor of . ping interest of the Gulf Convention Lamar, property in man aud in the right tends to show that a life which has been livered for our side in this vital contest. It Atlantic. [ Senator and Pacific States, as well as for of secession, and he has always been an un- strong and useful has a foundation In trails will us to name the and 1 as- Spooner, of Wisconsin, put Gov. Building in Augusta. help candidate, the payment of the maturing public debt. wavering and indexible Republican. It is not that have long to the stock from which sure you we shall need the force of all the Itusk in nomination and the roll call was the citing This policy will give to our la- Rev. C. M. Howe and Mr. Loring Dis [Special to Press.1 in bis military career, and briilianl the man is in the nature of a employment dashing sprang, guaran- .sentiment we can command. We propose a completed without further bor, to various as that is, that we find the reasons response. activity Industries, increase cuss the Pastoral Relation. Augusta, June 21.—The secretary’s re crowning ty that he may be trusted under all trials. candidate who Jwill be an inspiration to our the his nomination. Warner Miller, at 7.30 p. m., moved to ad- security of our country, of the As for For him, “peace bath It is something that the public, who are In- couutry. flis name is dear to us all promote trade, port Augusta Loan and Building Amid the Enthusiastic Plaudits ol open new and direct markets for our her victories, no less renowned than war.'" terested in arc en- His counsel journ until eleven o'clock tomorrow, and the produce sociation for teu 31 being faithfully served, has led us and will guide us. and cheapen the cost of months euding May After his relations with the armv were titled to kuow. We stand here transportation. We June 21.—This ses today in the His eloquence lias electrified and will con- motion was carried. aflirm this Rockland, morning's was he to be far better for the 1888, made at the annual meeting lasl Their Admirers. voluntarily severed, was called bv Presi- imperial city of the Northwest. The name tinue to inspire us. His broad and states- country sion of the Maine .State Con Arthur into his than the Democratic policy of the Congregational night. The total were $6,974.07, viz dent cabinet, to be tbe of no family has ever been more identified manlike utterances have long commanded loaning receipts General. money, without to ference at Rockland opened with a praye Postmaster Here he greatly pro- with the Northwest than tlie family of Geu- tbe respect of the people. As chief magis- THE PLATFORM. jtovernment’s interest, Capital dues, $6,769; interest, $147.75; prem moted the pet banks.'’ rapid expedition of the mails, eral . It is woven into trate, Ids superb abilities, bis matchless ex- The meeting. iums, $44.59; lines, treasurer’s fees on conducting of affairs the 10.73; shortening materially the time of their tran- the very fabric of the history of her people, ecutive equipment, his knowledge Republican Policy National Issues foreign by After devotional exercises at 8.30 the ques sit the thorough present administration has been distin- $2. The disbursements were: Permanenl across Continent. He also aided in and now today, Indiana, among a people es- of affairs, his broad comprehension of Presented. tion the Men Who pub- Forcibly aud its cow- of “The Relation of Pastor and People 1 Telling Speeches by reducing the letter, aud parcel timating highly the character and services ol lic interests and tbe nation’s bis Hn.uJT1 uy iits l"*®<;l«ncy expense, $216,33; shares and dividends with- newspaper capacity, fr°m “>« How It Can be Made More Effective by thi postage, thereby saving liiillli ns to the General benjamin Harrison and holding in Perfect and consideration Chicago, 111., June 21.—The great con- :fc,,u*ring.,wiiyra’'n »«Aie real estate loans secured public integrity, justness all pending treaties effected a drawn, $125.40; b> aud encouraging the dissemination of litera- affection the meuiury of “Old oi the of bis Re- by Republican Pastor,” was, by mutual consent of thosi ! Named the Contestants. Tippecanoe,’1 rights men, and fidelity to vention hall filled quickly this morning, and administration for the removal of mortgage, $6450; cash on hand, $182.34; tota: ture anu intelligence. the latch strings of the people are hospita- publican principles would assure an admin- foreign the so modified as ti there was more of a business like air to the burdens and restrictions upon our commerce opening discussion, $6,974.07. It is, however, hi the discharge cf his bly out to you, and their doors are waiting istration of national prouiotive development and for its extension into better it bring out more fully the thoughts as to hov Notes. duties as United .States judge that the higliet to tly open at touch to let in the joyful and progress. His business relations have opening proceedings which occurred at five markets, Augusta your has neither effected nor proposed any others the and thi aud crowning glories of his character appear. air that shall hear upon its wings the mes- hem urged against him. If the most bril- minutes ten. laymen could strengthen help [Special to the Press.1 past in their stead. Professing adherence to the The image of justice among the Greeks was sage that benjamin Harrison, their soldier- liant careers and achievements of busi- in his work. after the Chaiunan Monroe it has seen pastor Augusta, June 21.—John the for Was as the has ness men Immediately prayer doctrine, with idle com- Flowery, Cheers the Leader Who Not represented blindfolded, holding statesman, been nominated for Presi- known in our country Is a just the Rev. G. M. Howe of in ! scales balanced in her dent of Estee called upon the placency, extension of foreign influence Lewiston, openini Italian scissors grinder who made such s hand, but unabie to the United States. cause uf criticism, then he merits it for bis secretary in Central see tne rank or of the be- to the America, and of foreign trade the subject, briefly commented upon and il sensation in Augusta by sev- standing parties success lias been phenomenal and his call roll of States for members of everywhere recently, firing Put in Nomination. fore her. Gresham has liv- THE AFTERNOON SESSION. among our Leighbors. It has lustrated the Judge been the achievements unsurpassed. His life has al- the national committee. J. Manchester refused to POWDER following points: eral shots with a pistol |at different indi- ideal charter, sanction or encourage any of this ing Grecian figure. Unmoved Fresh breezes from the lake rendered the so been signally pure and stainless. Yes American The laity can help and encourage the pas was the Uayues, of Augusta, was announced as the organization for the construction viduals, taken from jail yesterday and by threatenings of power, he has gone there is nut a farmer, freighter, mechanic or Pure. atmosphere in the auditorium more endur- of the N icaragua Canal, a work of vital Im- Absolutely tor in his work by recognizing more fulli committed to the insane asylum for observa- straight on in the line of his duty to the in- common laborer in New York who will vote member from Maiue. and of able this afternoon. There were fewer fans portance to the maintenance of the Monroe This powder never varies. A marvel of purity the of their covenant vows. tegrity right the question under con- against him because he is the president of a chairman of the com- sanctity tion as to his sanity. Congress McKinley, doctrine and of national influence in strength and wholesomeness. More economical Eoraker’s Words Create a sideration, and has administered justice to and less display of shirt sleeves. The au- great railroad corporation. He has gaiueil pur Ilian the and cannot be sold In By being watchful and solicitous for thi Mr. an Eloquent mittee on resolutions, took the stand and Central and South and ordinary kinds, Howard Owen has accepted invita- the high and low, the rich and poor, with a the confidence and holds the of America, necessary imuetltlon wltb the multitude of low short ditorium was slow in filling and, at 3 o’clock, respect all for the test, spiritual prosperity of the church. tion to deliver the of oration al but hand. He has our amid loud cheers began to read the plat- development of trade with onr Pacific alum or Sold in Fourth July steady, impartial, always the people. Laborers and wage workers weight phosphate powders. only Storm of for Sherman. had the of galleries and delegates’ seats were nearly will territory, with South America and with the v vs. Koval By occasionally speaking an encouragini a. faculty quietly doing the not be repelled the candidate we pro- form. Baking Powdeb Co., 106 wall Fryeburg, and will speak at 11 m., deliv- Applause happy by I and further coasts of the Pacific 8 N. T. right thing at tbe right time, and he posses- empty. The chairman carried out his threat but such has been his service and fidel- *J>»nds

« Boston r UK ph k:b^ Stock Markot. Niagara.New York..Havana.Jne 30 Oily Rio Janeiro..New York..AsplnwalI.. .Jne 30 WANTED. [BylTelegraph.] DIALE HELP. INLAND NTKA.UKKS following quotations ol stocks are MTEAJIKKS. FRIDAY MORNING, JDNE 22. dauv* receiver “‘H.KOUW. MINIATURE ALMANAC.JUNE 22. H°"t and Bell SA'ft ! W Shoe Salesman f<> FOR Telephone. 234 Sunrises.3 571, .034 AaVBlng. familiar witl 0IAM0ND ISLAND AND DIAMOND COVE. Mexican Central High i °",e thoroughly ; THE PRESS. .*777. 14V* Sunsets.7 281 945 price««» aml a good established trade well Stcauiboat water} L _ ,toryi hav*pe ami after Harps Co. Ruuiford Falls k n>H' York and Newl.Knaland Kail road. Sac*size*make* a Ubera! WIU be MONDAY, June lltb, and unt| Budfield Railroad. 38^4 salary paid; applications fron further May be obtained at tlie Periodical Depots of N. donrei such will be ON notice, the ntramer I nit will run a1 114 M^'sets dH>. ...’I wll° wear only answered. LAMKIN «“> *TEAM EH O. Fessenden. Horse Railroad Station; and Santa fre g5!u^‘s..»g W* mediuii 174 follows: (Sundays excepted.) laiave MM«Yr3£Syf£Y Maata.er InUfHMM-l. Iftm Marquis, 4.tcn.,lopeka Railroad 83% boots to look in FOSTER, Congress St., Boston. 21-1 Burnham’' 2V^*8’leave Custom House Way ill, 78 St.; Armstrong. M. C. U. R. De- C. B. & P^c®^ the show window o j Wharf at 6.00, 7.00 io.OO a. and "!fl Exchange J.A Q. 112 our Men s Department store 8.4\ m., 12.20 Wharf, Portland, toi and see — wiVi Portland John in the dally, Sundays excepted, pot! Hodgson, St.; Cox. 660 Wisconsin central.* displa man v ho has had soun and. 6.16 p. m. Leave Case. 1 7 Young ?-00,8.00,6.00 Little Chebeague, Island Leave Congress SI.; Costello, Exchange 8t.; Holden. Calumet & RENTE NEWS. WANTEDexperience as core maker in Wharf, Diamond Island, at 6.80, 7.40, 9.16,10.21 V°n£ ,l!dar,di Hope Portland, via U. T. Railway, 7.1o» m Hecla.7.7 241 alAveare bru'S foundry • East Chel»eague: and 47 Middle St.; Jewett, 604 Peter- W Is* onsln Central MlM? desired a. m„ and 1.30, 5.46 and 6 46 m. ww5? Lewiston 7.30 ; Mechanic Kalis imixed Congress 8t.; preferred..7. 35 SHOPpS and experience Address I) M 2.30, 3.20, p. m‘ andk!>d ">• H or llarpswell train St.; corner Cal 11 oruia HSJ £»y The 10.00 a. r*™0 Bailey’s amlOrr’s 8.00. at tV. Minot K. son,2 Exchange Goold, Congress and Southern Railroad. PORT OF PORTLAND uka^mo»- HOLMAN, 473 Portland street, Portland, Me. in. and 3.00p. m. trips will be madi u.uo p. m. Arriving 8.16; Hebroi Chestnut Bis.; Chisholm, 109 St.; Hop- Boston a Maiue £?5‘,g lslan<1 at Diamond Cove. 8.62: BuckBeld 10.00; K. Sumner 10.46; llart Congress It. 211 20-1 touching Returning for Portland, leave Orr’s Island «.1B Commercial, corner — __ lord Canton m. kins, Park; Morrill, 248 Con- Mexicau Central c« TET ANTED You A. GOUDY. a. m.; Island 0.30 10.66; 11.16 A Ross, 1 S'3 4s.7.7... THURSDAY, May 21. all to know that greate Jelldtf_ _LEWIS Manager. Bailey’s a. m.: llarpswell « 4fi Leave Portland Congress St.; Beardsworth, school *** 1.S0 p. m.; Lewiston 3.00, Me 7 India St; 243 aml slloes can Im' secure, TA7ANTED-High boy to work in ai p’m’; St 7 IB chanle Kails KressSt.; Abbott, Spring and of Chis- Arrived. at■it TiiRVKHr4'3|!r,'I,rJtS1 L It V ItK 65J a 2’’ 2.00 m.: *?* QbehSaJue 3.16. at W. Minot 8.30 s{.; Now York Stock and Carnot S, Congress corner Oak streets apothecary store during the suinme denks' 7.30a. 2.IS p Arriving holm Bros.’agents on all trains out of Money Steamer 1 ”, jr, K. Hebron BuckBeld K. Sumne running Cumberiand, Thompson, St John, NB, titan at any other place Hi vacation. Address P. 0. BOX 20-1 2,20 3.40; 3.60; the cltv [By via Eastport for Portland ig 1 1170, City. Casco ; Llttl« CheJ Hartford Telegrapn.] Boston. Bay Steamboat Co., *’nl” i-*a-Jin’ H' 4.10; Canton 4.36. NEW SSwui^s/tJm P- m. ; Long Island 8.1B Auburn, Haskell A kOKK, June 21, on cal Barque Alice, Swalu, Boston, to load for RKTURNINU— Leave Canton 6.00, 9.10 A m. Reynolds. 1888.—Money South man to taka o CUSTO.n HOUSE WHAKF. p arrive at Portland 8.45 a. Augusta. J. nas been easy, from 1 1 America. To Leavitt & curt. Addres young care m. arriving at Portland 8.46 A m. F. Pierce. ranging to %; last loan at Chase, Co. WA7Tn,wF., This oSte“.y caFFlaPa,1<1 WANTED-Asmall and make himself 3*30 p^n° m„ 12.16 p. 1%. closing at cent. Sch Crown Office, with description and yacht general!' BaUi.J. o. Shaw. 1®1% per Prime mercantile Prince, Cole, Dorchester, NB -R R price useful about the house the 1T*«g Ifll.HU lUVS. at lies 10 t> & ivi Kit. for summer, light wor! WEEK Day"tLSIE Blddeford, K. M. Burnham. paper 4®0 per cent. Sterlln- Exchange dull ____10-1 aud wages TABLE, DAILY and Government Sell Elorida, accordingly; references required; ad On FALMOUTH FOSESIUE LINE. Krom W. Minot 10.00 a. m. and 3.30 p A. L. Jellerson. steady. bonds dull but firm. Kail- Priest, Boston. dress and After APRIL 1888. m. lor road bonds dull and 0llver troubled with rlieu stating wages expected; also servant fo 30th, STKA I1KB Hebron Academy; Huckfleld 3.60 p. m Boston, Mass., American House. generally firm. The stock U,er' Emerson, Saco, to load for New WANTED-liverybodysm' general housework. AI.ICE, for W. market closed uull but firm York gout, jattudlce, kidue' ARTHUR B. HOMER Sumner and Turner; Canton 4.27 n. m. Bruns* i K. 1 | Dennison. at about best Bgures ui iivee.“'ef 11 disease ‘tyjPcPsih. Prout’s Neck. Portland for Peak's will Sell dropsy, erysipelas eczema n j y_, 6.46, 6.80. 8.00 9.00 leave Town landing arriving at Perv Dlxfleld reached. Golden Belt, Swinn, Sheet NS— skill *10. JO a. m„ WhiTf Si,tl” 6.30; d.OO; Mexico Cumberland Mills, K. 8. Kavinond. Harbor, any disease, malaria, ulcers tumor. 2.1A, *8.16. 6.00, 6.10, 7.30 p. m. every (Sundays exceptedi, 7.00 p m.; also tor Brettun’s xne transactions at the -toes tairr caimed goods to Burnham & lii£ * 2tn (gi J.wi o’li1.1' di,‘y’ Mills, L/vermore Dainariscotta. E. W. Dunbar. Psenanae Morrill. TAT ANTED- A young man witl ,‘rtland for 9.00, <‘’tK,and J3oa. in., and 5.00 m. tor Return 134.029 Sch Olive bronchitis, acquainted ... £Y® Cushing’s, 6.30, 8.00. ■ p. Port mg, leave Mexico B.OO, Dlxfleld 7 00 a W. A. Mitchell. gated shares. Branch. Huntley, Cutler. etc., all caused asthma,’coughs,’colds ” the retail and lo.30 a. in., 2.15, *3.16, Freeport, Tue Sell by impure blood, to call and In grocery provision busines: 6.00, 6.10 p. m. w' Steamboat Co.’s Landing m.; arriving at Portland 13.16 m. J. C. louowmg are lo-aav’s nictations ot Govern- Exact, Rice. Prospect Harbor. at as partner; a stand u‘av« Portland for CustomI J‘'uve House p. Fryelmrg, Gerry. merit Sch vesligate 413 CONCIKKSS STKKKT. 15-2 good small amount of capita Long Island 8.00, *10.30 a Wharf. Portland, for Falmouth Falrtteld, E. H. Evans. securities: Essex, Alley, Jonesport. required; references In., 2.00, 4.20 in. and Intermediate United Sch exchanged. Address BOJ p. foreshle landings at 8.30 a. m., On Saturdays, an extra train leaves Wli'te & Marwick. Stales 3s...4 Linthe, Lindsay, Prospect Harbor. 1-eave Portland for «J.4U UlHl 0.10 III. only, Canton Farmington, one to 16-1 Little and Great Diamond p. ! with train & New 4s, .. m Sch E Waterman, Hallowed for know that largi 1887-___ Trcfethen s and connecting due In Lewis Gardiner, Palmer Co. Black, Bostou. WANTED-Everystores at reut. Evergreen, 5.46, 8.00 Je21dtf ISAIAH DANIKLS. Manager ton 6.16, and New 4s, coup. Sch Globe, for large require large profits to • 1'> 6.46, Portland 6.45 p. m. Returning Gorham, Jas. 11. Irlsb A Co. i;8 Hutchinson, Bangor Boston. our tow rent and small collect small pictures ft 30 a. III., 2.00, 4.20, p. m. from train * Lewiston. Chandler & Sch Collins Howe, expenses enable us to sel WANTED—Meuand iu leaving Portland 6.16 d. m Estes. New/Vis.reg. lo7% Orne, Southport. you first-class hoots and copy enlarge crayon, India Ink am KKTUKNlNO-Leave Peaks’ lor Portrlauc T. M. New 4%s, Sells George W with 25 shoes at verv smal water and LINCOLN, Bupt. Long Island, Gleudennlng. coup. lo7Vs Cusbmg, 000 lbs Itish; a"<' color; salary paid outfit free. Adders' 9-'O’T.OO, 8.30, *10.60 a. '3.45 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S it.K c.C lixnvnsn .i b Central Paclflc do. get at J- P- « 9.20, m., 2.35, BKADKORD. U. T.k A. Mechanic Falls, A. W. MeritllA ists. ny Montecello, 13,000 Fir partlculsrs EASTERN COPY 6.25. 6.30, 8.30 in. royl7dtf Bridge, Den- Denver Sch &s^ SVf rs ers?c.e.8 p. -LIN* FOR— ning. & It. Gr.tlsts. j 19% Elizabeth Smith, shore, wlthBbbls mack- ING CO., 21 Main St., Bangor, Me. 14-tf Leave for Erie Cushing’s Portland, 6.50, 8.20. 9.30 Norway, 8. L. Crockett. 2ds...... 94% erel. •l A. O. Noyes. 1.00a. m., 2.45, *3.35. p. m. California, Cnntral+i Old Orchard, Geo. E. Kansas Pacific iConsols.108 Cleared. 1-eave Japan, China, Fogg. BOOKKEEPER Long Island for Portland, 8.45, *11.16 a. ■iUl CENTRAL Orrs Island 8. C. Oregon Nav. Sch & WANTED in and RAILROAD Prince A Son. Ists.111% Appbla Amelia, Willard, Y & those used to 2.46, 6.05 p. m. South America and Msilco. Onion Pacinc isi 115 Me Albany-N the business need a »d1v C F Leave Richmond, G. A. Beale. Granite Paving Co. our Biddeford and Little Diamond for °" wd after HON IS ao Land Grants WHITNEY, fit Preble St- Portland Rockland Urauct Portland, 6.20, 7.20, Vor*, pier foot of Canal North A V. April 3d, I NSW, °'8'AndreW9’K-H- A Florlda’ driest, M? ill 9.10, *11.40 a. 8.10 JES®. NeJr 8t.. I Burnham Wm. do Slnklne Maitland, NS-Gallagher FORStores; l.ndy preferred; but imisi m.,3.10, 5.30, 6.60, p.m. uiver. for Mhm Frnx in. *i« The Fiaeacpr rnia. will Irnrf Funds. &bCo oe Youug Great Diamond l.il.mu. l|RHyden<1, thoroughly posted In double entry for Portland, 6.16, 7.16, •f Hiiuumii, ParllNUii iu W. The are Sen bookkeep 9.05, *11.36 a. Saccarappa, B. Boothby. lollow.ug closing quotations 01 stocks: Pioneer, Hamilton, Halifax, N8-master. ASSENTS* WANTED. ing. Apply In person at 111., 3.06, 6.26. 6.30, 7.60 p. m. Bacm H. B. COLORADO.sails •-**» *••••. 7.00 8.36 a m. Kendrick A Co., Wm. Stackpole. June 21. .'une 20 for Portland. 6.10, 7.10 Saturday, June 30, Noom Kl{» So. A. „I*efethen’s 13.60 4.80 p. m.; l,ewiaiaa via Hruu. Paris, M. Gerry. Adams FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT. 9.01). *11.30 a. in., 3.00, 6.20, 6.86, 7.65 p. m. Prom San Prancisco. 1st and Exnress.142 141 — THE Branuan Sts. 8.46 C. H. Pierce. Special agents to show ATKINSON HOUSE FURNISHING CO, Leave for wick, Am., 13.66 tll.14p.rn. Kor Hath Am. ... ever] Evergreen Bpringvale, Express. 107 107 W1SCASSET, June 21—Ar, sch .1 S man til Portland, 6.06, 7.06, 8.56, Por and •>.46 a 12.65 A Terry, Kay- WANTEDMaine where to obtain the mosi •11.26 a. m., Japan China. hi., and 4.66 p. ro., and on Satur Bkowhegan—Bfxby Buck. Oentrai Pacific.. 30% 29% tier, Haverhill; Belle, Duutou, Boston, 41ur. Heart aa.l middle 2.66, 6.16,6.40, 8.00 p. m. Tliomasloii, S. Delano. economical life Insurance; a State Institution Mu. Hurlluud, Vie. CITY OP RIO DE JANEIRO, sails days only at 11.16 p. m. Hacklaad and Chesapeake & Ohio bid, sch NatMeader, Duutou, MONDAY TLTIE Saturday Kaox aad A. B. Newport. chartered by act of reserve Jefldlf TABLE, June 3 m. fiat-ala It. R.. e.46 a. m. and Vlnalliaven, Vlual. Chicago A Alton. 138 133 Legislature; fund It 30, p. 12 66 G. 21—1L’ld, sch E A Gar State treasury; lowest death Leave Portland for Peaks’, 10.30 a.m. p. m., Braa.wirk, lli.lla- Waldoboro, Bliss. dopref .166 166 Dennison, rate; fewest assess *9.00, Pfelght, Passage, or general Intorination Uardiaer, lan^itoston'116 meats. For information apply to THE provi 2.16. 5.00 p. in. well, uad tHguaiR, «. 45 a m.t 12.55 4 55 Watervllle, C. H. Hayes. Chicago, Bujllngton a Quincy....111% HEMAl.E HELP. apply to or address the Ueneral Eastern 111% Leave Portland for a Agents. via l.ewi.- Yarmouth. W. K. BenneU. Delaware & Hudson Canal 10s Cusning’s,*9.00,10.30 m., toa Co....108% FROM MERCHANTS’ «x^ufk 2.16, 6.00 p. m. K. A. ADA.HN A CO.. ...8,35 a. u.., 12 50 via Lacka. & EXCHANGE. mndA,^.8oc'iETY’% p. in.; Hr.a.wick. Delaware, Western_128% 128% Leave Portland for 113 Slaw Denver A Kio 16 A capable girl for general house- Long Island, 10.30 a. m Wtreet, Car. Hraad Ik. Maeiaa. Hialtrip Grande. 16 12' 8"'P ‘'UCy Nlckels’ work 2.i 4), 4 20 m. Ji-WeMotaalfc,Oaklaad WIT Erie. 24s/* N® hoi™ New YorkMay WANTED—A; must be a good cook and laundress p. Rraddrld, aad Nartk iu.., AND WISDOM. 23% at No, 7 Leave Portland for __ 7 a. m., 12.60 Water Erie loth, wssgjMSi? Apply CARROLL ST.al l Little and Great Diamond p. m., rill, aad Nltaw pref.. |]64% barque Talisman, Baker, for tide on ria j^Lld^itrldaye earth. Address Evergreen and Trefethen’s, *9.00, 10.30 a. m krgaa, I.rwi.t.a, 7 a. m. 13.60, Illinois Cential.116% — 116% A competent for 2.00 4.20 p.m. rla 8.46 A m., 13.66 being out walking with bis mother, lnd. Bloom & West .I L'isse(I Dover 20th, ship Patrician. .... KMP1BK CO., YVanted girl general Aaga.ta, and lll.lfi Tommy, 10% |10% , Kenney,3 jelSdlw 381 housework; must be a ItETUltNING—Leave Peaks’ P' Water.111. was much scared at a tliafbarkeg at him. Lake Erie & West. Loudon for New York. Canal Bt„ N. Y. ”, good cook, wastiei for Portland, only 1.66 dog 14% ]|I4% City. and house Is new a. BOSTON m. Saturdays Ironerj and has all modern con- *9.90, 10.50 6.26 m. p. Bella.t aad "Why, you are a regular little coward. Don’t Lake Shore.. 91 Newport. K, 2Ctli Inst, ^* in., 2.36, p. Dexter, 13.60 and til.18 89% ship Riverside, veniences, and is a Leave for Via know that the never Rawley, San Francisco. family small; permanent place Cushing’s Portland, *9.30. 11.00 a. I.rwi.t.a, 7.00 A m. you barking dog bites?” Louis a Nash...|164% 63% SMOKING, YOU’LL HAVE EITHER LOST Arvo FOVND. and for fiS; said the maternal ancestor. good wages the right person. Apply al m., 2.46,6.36 p. in. 8 46 *• 12.68 Manhattan Elevated. 83 82% M K H'^'is, Strick- once to STEAMERS. AW***“’ “I know the land.st A POOR CHEW OR A POOR SMOKE. MRS. M. R. HOBBS, North Berwick, Me Leave Long Island for 11.15 a. P- “‘■"•■gwe * barking dog never bites, but how Michigan Central. 78% 70% Um"“*y30'*Ch Portland, m., aildill‘i«R. Pla.l.g.l, 18. either 2.4o, 6.06 m. R.,6.46 and7.00a. m. and 111.16 in. do I know that the dog knows It?” was the tear- Mmu AN. Louis. 414 41— in Grand Trunk Denot ___20-1 p. p. IF YOU CHEW, LO*T-Juneor in frout of tbeFalmouth Leave Little Diamond for Portland. *9.36, SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. »larb.r. 111.II ful reply. dopref... 10 10% Memoranda. Hotel a mxiicet- — A “'.'•.TTV* ® sum °* good capable girl for general 11 4’>, 3.10, 6.30 p. m. and 12.66 p. m. vancrbar. 8.46 and 7.0C Missouri Paclflc. 72% 72% Be nut to box Congress p. JOHN BROoks and TREMO NT Francis and Ts°S*=£LW-*« Small price. Margie Smith, •On and weather not New York. Chicago A St. Louis.. 14 14 mackereliug. stormy foggy ‘trips will be alternately leave CONOKESS Ai at Gloucester 20th, schs Emma W riace-___20-1 run. FRANKLIN WHARP, Portland, ST. STATION. do prel. 63 63 Brown Congres3 street- FKKXALD& WANTED-Au week “Yes, several members of our have won 1,1,18 mack*rel SAWDER?*697 experienced every day evening at 7 o’clock; arrlvlngiin a few minutes later where and family Ohio & Miss.. 19 I914 i J<“m H fancy goods FAKES. (eason for through tickets Illustrious names.” Mcguinn,ydo 2®6edni.k A MACHIAS STBT CO. oret. 63 62 NEWPORT cv/ui*. w xyiopoiCOKCI 903,_20-1 seaside; Falmouth wtll NEWS—Sid 19th, steamer _ Returning leave Burnhams wharf. Steaoipr proaches.” Wells, Fargo Express. 188 186 Walker coreside, near Town Lauding Wharf, the terminus Portland, City of Riihmonil, He was scared halt out ot wits, and bounced Arniingtou, Driubwater, Providence. MAI.K—Pasture and wood on the or steamer: at 3 p in E. B. Oregon Nav... 92 91% lot, Alice’s route. For particulars, take MALLETT, Jr., Manager, CAPT. WJI. B. around like a ben with her bead cut off. Then he Ar 20tli, sch Rosa York FORCape about 3 miles from Portland aprlldtf DKNNIMN, Houston & Texas. 13 13 Mueller, McLean, New Bridge, steamer Alice, Custom House Wharf, and see for eontalnfng from 50 to 60 acres. __Freeport. (weather and rushed to the telegraph office and seut this an- Mobile 4 Ohio GEORGETOWN, DC-Ar 20lh, sch Hei£» H The owner yourself or address E. H. Internationa! permitting), until further notice 7 71* New Benedict. Kennebec. Prank A. Hauuaford. in health KAMSDELL, edit leave Portland and swer: Metropolitan Matison, failing compels a Casco, Me. 20-1 Tuesdays Fridays at 11 I ot El..127% 127% CAPE HENRY—Passed 111 sch ld cattle and * horses. N. Portland and o’clock p. m. leave "Thought that had three days grace. Alton A l erre Haute. 39 18th, JanieiK M1iin?S’.J5st,Srln£ S. Boothbay Steamboat Co STEAMSHIP Returning, Macblasport 38 Lowell, from Bath for GARDINER, No. 40 20-1 CO., and at 6 Don't let It to Coming on the next Washington. Exchange8t. — Mondays Thursdays o'clock con- go protest. do pref.. 76 74 Convenient lower tenement FOB — Am., train." BALTIMORE—Old 20111. sell Warren Adams, STEAMER necttng at Portland with the 7.80 a. m. for ^The curtain T®„*JS'*'—$226.27 May street, 2d door from 8t„ 7 ERTERPRISEHJAPT. ALFRED RACE. train The wedding was but it was a one, Colcord, Boston. formerly used back Spring Boston, arriving at Boston at 11.10 a. m. late, merry of the in the Sebago, gas and cement cellar, Ac. SI. (i, EASTPORT. CALAIS ST. JOHN N. and all was New York Mining Stocks. #°tb, sell Edw C A True, Ken- pulpit second parish church is and after B.. HALIFAX N. S PAYSON TUCKER, General forgiven. McLaughlin, sale Saturday, May 6th, Steamer will — Manager. on reasonable terms. at 232 AJTD ALL FAJITS OF — P. E. BOOTH Gen’l [By Telegrapu.J n^Ar Apply ONleave branklln Wharf every and Sat- BY, Pass, and TieketAirt. JOHNSON1 0F 9 DEERING 8T or Tuesday PH1LADELPH1A—Old schs * for New Portland. March 80. 1888. NEW YOKE, J une 21 1888. The loUowli 19th, G B Rey- ' LET-Two desirable lirdy 8«|ulrrel Island. Boothbay, Heron Island, Hraa.wlck, Neva Sc.ll., Frl.ee U4- octaidt. gar nolds, Snow, Saco; Jona GRESsIt’ 306^00N- rents ot six rooms South East to the Last. Bourne, Thompson, for and Bristol, Boothbay, Clark’s Cove and w*rde lelaad, aad t slrrtea. Clinging closing quotations for mining stocks to-day: Bostou; 1 T Campbell, do. TOeach; up-stairs down; centrally located: Damarlscotta. ape Matthews, good cemented cellar; BOSTON AND MAINE l»Tl» The virus of rheumatism often remains in the Colorado Coa!. Old 20th. brig Marla W for WAI'IS CHEAP—a Sheridan Patent Sebago, garden and barii at 8.30 33% Norwood, Atwood, ANODYNE room for sun Every Thursday a.m. for SPRING AND la effect Oct. all dav. Squirrel Island, SUMMER Ssadsr, A3, lusty. when it does not cut the Hocking Coal Bangor; Havllah, Newell, New schs Geo storage; Apply to N. 8. Heron ARRANGEMENTS. 18M. system through life, 1»% Haven; An«i^2?ato iSd95v5^Ste8Ma«hlne;second-hand. (■AKDINER. No. 40 street. Boothbay, Island, South Bristol. East Homestake.. 10 M Adams. Apply 8.H. COLES 81 Oxford St. Exchange 20-1 and The Steamers of this Line WESTERN as is Standlsli, Boston; Ariadne, Colby, for WORTHY, Boothbay Pemaquld. will leave Rail- DIVISION. thread of existence suddenly, it always liable Portland. road Per Heete. Ontario .2D 60 __ Returning win teave Wharf, foot of State street, every 7.80, 8.40 A m.. 18.40 8.84 to do the the _20-1 LET-Lower hall of house No. 6 Wilmot Damarlscotta every Mon- MONDAY, p. n>. by attacking heart. Kre grip of ... Sid fin Delaware and WEDNESDAY and ■eetea fer (Julokstlver 10 Breakwater 21st, barque Nel- TO 7 rent day Wednesday at 7.00 a. m., for Portland FRIDAY at 5.30 p. for Pertlaad 7.80. 8.80, A m., 1.00. this tensciouv disease it should De un- do lie K waIaE— Blacksmith aud Mreet; rooms, |20 i>er month. Apply and 4.00 tightens, preferred. 36% Riiniball, Rumhall, Boston. shop tools; to L. 386 Intermediate Landings. BASTPORT and ST. JOHN, with above cornice p.m. (5.00 p. m. arriving He. Berwick at loosed by that beneficent liberator from disease, 1*ERTU stable and 14 acre of TAYLOR, Congress street. 18-1 tlons. 8.00 Amador. 2 00 AMBOY—Sid 19th, sch H T Townsend, land; pleasantly Every Frldy it 7.00 a. in., will leave p. m., connecting with 9.36 p, m. train (or .Stomach which will free • near office aud Pemaquld Hostetter’s Bitters, the El Smith, Boston. church, post Va — tickets Mcarere Crlsto. 06 school; LET Remington typewriter No. 2 witn Intermediate Landings, Through issued and baggage checked to Pertlaad.) Brack Pier Peiel sufferer at the outset from subsequent pain and 81d sch Olive 5™ ine Central station; seven miles In Portland aboutS01* 2.30 arriving estinatlon. 19th, Elizabeth, Randall, Port- 6®2i IlOpatent knee-shift and copy holder, all In good p. m.. connecting with Bos- gp-Freight receivernpto 4.00 F. M. danger. No purer or more agreeable blood de- land. Address or call on, GEO. W. ton boats from For rickets and m. 12?- Boston Produce Market. al2?.?ortla?d*c condition; writes and small letters. Portland. Through tickets sold on staterooms, apply at the Union p. Old Orchard, 7.30, 8.40. purent exists, as multitudes of the rheumatic and Sid FOB SNELL, or A. S. NOYES, West Me. capitals Ap- the 20th, sch Edward Rich, tor Bar Harbor. LINIMENT Falmouth, plyto W. E. No. 188 boat to Boston. Ticket (Knee, 40 Exchange St., or for other infor- m. Nerth have ascertained certified “^EXUSTAI, ULMER, Middle street, ii* t “•t,13-40.3.3‘J.*5.30,8.15 p. neuralgic by BOSTON .June 21.1888—The are NEW YORK—Ar 19-2 mation at experi- lollowing to- 19th, schs 8 A Reed, Aylward ______Canal Bank Positively no freight received after 8.15 at Port- Company's Offlce, Railroad foci Berwick,(.real PeII., Herr, 7.30, 8.40 Am. ence. It Is the medium of a action building, jB-1 Wharf, through regular day’s quotations ut Provisions. 4c.: Calais; E A Magse, Keefe, Ellsworth tor Kondout; -AXs.^ land on the of sailing. of State street. J. B. COYLK, 18.40,3.30, *5.30 p.m. Ktrier, Igarerbill! of the kidneys and bladder that an outlet is af- horse, six day Lucy, Wooster, Somerset. S00*1 years old, TO LET-Westbrook Freight received and delivered W. ailiiwm. Lswrrsct, I.owrll, 8.40 a tile of cut 17 cuts 17 EXTERNA. and kind in I’ark, by1 H. Boha- 7.30, m., 13 40 forded for escape Impurities wbich beget Pork—Long 00®17 60;short 50® Ar 20tli. bcIis Lady of Ihe Ocean, and uiro^ 1 every way, weighs about COTTAGEHFalmouth, Me., miles non on the wharf. 8.30 p. m. lackrurr 17 76; bucks 17 00; Kleetwing. XJSE. t200. Also a first 4Vi from Fortlaud; Paretiaalaa, Alice not only rheumatic, but gouty ailments, and drop- 75®18 light backs 17 00: from Ann ciass express wag- near fine beach for 3-40 A 18 00. Rockland; Eliza, Helen, Nautilus, and The Most Wonderful Bei on as goodJjjjj* as uew. used ten water; battling and boating. my-AdtfA, MONTGOMERY, Pres. * m., 18.40, 8.80 p, m. JSaaeheetsr sical effusions. To these organs the Bitters gives pork tongues Family only days. Apply af- and f earer I Susan, do; Glenullen, Boston; Ellen Merriman. K,,0Wn• ternoons at 57 Ashing ;pure spring water; stable to accommodate (via Lawrence) 8.40 a m., (via So. an never on the bounds of Lard—Choice 9%®9%c nib lutes; or CURES SPRING 19-1 impulse, verging irrita- 9%®»%c Wareham: Sea Bird, New Bedford. Diphtheria, Croup J STREET, City. 6 horses; steamer Alice will touch at Newmarket Junction) 8.80 m. in H-tb pa!is;io®lo%c III 6-lb chitis, Neuralgia, this place 4'irv p. tion. but sufficiently vigorous to cause them and paiis, 10%wlo% Also ar 20th, sells from M Rheumatism, BMhma, Bron- four times each tUVKKTINKnEVT.. •Via Eastern Civ. to In 8-lb Margaret, Addison; Dungs, at day. Address K. T. MERRILL Moo! Scar boro the bowels to their functions with clock- pails. B Hoarseness, Influenea, Hacting the Crossing. perform Mahoney, Augusta; Izetta. Bangor; Empress, Whooping Cough, Portland, Me. j5_l like lTse It also for bilious- Hogs—Choice city dressed hog- % c- it n Catarrh, Cholera 1M Cough, * Philadelphia MUNUAY TRAINS preelslon. dyspepsia, do; Sarah A and Sami entery, Chronio coumrv do at 7c Blaisdeli, Hart, BluehUl; Diarrhoea, Kidneybus. Dya- €IT* or PORTLAND. DIRECT STEAMSHIP LINE. ness, fever and ague and debility. Selli M DiBeaB®B. Sciatica, Lame LET-House ”•m K"t Todd,Calais; Leonora. Ellsworth; Kenne- 8pi o Back, Roubles, I No. 71 Cray street, a con p- wlT*40 Hams at ll®12c, to size and and Soreness an or according bec, trom Hallowell; H 0 BocLy jLimba. Circulai^eneaa IJALE-Two TO ‘u,‘1 desirable rent. of F. s. ZTSSSSf*'4-16 cure; pressed hams 12®12%c. Chester, Machias; E I. S. JOHNSON & house lots on Pearl street. Inquire From BOSTON WEDNESDAY im Nelson, Portland; Ada Ames, and Jennie A CO., BOSTON, ft®® FOBand one on Lincoln WATERHOUSE, 98 St. 15-if COAL. ororj SATUHOAY. “Can that little that the or- Buuer— Western, fresh made Che- street, at *500 each; also Exchange PROPOSALS_FOR EASTERN you play polonaise [creamery at 20® •------68. tour of DIVISION. extra ney, Rockland; Caroline Knight, and Mary J Lee, the best corner lots in tile of rilHK chestra rendered last night?” 21c; first Western creamery at ao vicinity Port- LET-In the Committee ou Public will receive From a.m 19®20c; do; Abide Bursley, T P Dixon, Laconia. Jennie G land; one of them has a centre of the city a good con- Buildings PHILADELPHIA omt Tuesdar and Friday. dallv.t9.00 Ain., "No. Mamma never allows me to firsts in®l8%c;do fresh Imitation fronting on Pearl street A scaled until J te.oo m. Jl.oo, learn polo- fancy ermey at Ella Yankee and Grant IlO venient down stairs rent of nine rooms proposals Fridav, une 29, 1888, p. Beaten far Pertlaad 9.00 a do Plllsbury, Prances, Maid, Sardinian, street of about 360 feet, and contain very at 4 o clock for From 3 l J 7.80, naises." 00® 18c; seconds 16c; do factory, choice fresh and t from pleasant and sunny with p. m., seven hundred and fifty tons Long Wharf, Boston, m. (~7.00 p.m. t Hire • Arcularlus, Rockland; H s Boynton, a * of gas, Sebago, and m. !“;. 30p. dally), ape net?” do fair to l6®l6c;N amt Ver- lalld; the elevation Is cemented of best quality coal, and two /...■ P. Prom Pine Street Wnarf, A m. Why 18®l7c; good York G B ?an130 a3h®the a3d «lf cellar; price also one Lehigh broken, hun- • (5.80 p. m. West. iflv. ltockporl; McFarland, Thomaston; Tele- feet, view is line; you cau look over *16.00; large dred and A at 13 m. t* Pass.) "Doe of papa's sisters is a dressmaker, and it inout freshjoxtra emry 2l®2; %o; do ext firsts 19 the room, furnished or fifty tons of best coal, jFfcsMBs Philadelphia, 100 graph. do; Diadem, Mary B Smith, and Helen onto the ocean and down the unfurnished in same house. quality Lehigh ?“C* t'SS i'Ui’ P-m- Middcferd 3.00, a. (Ml might be considered you know.” ®20c. The above quotations are receivers’ ^Ity harbor as lar as to D. egg size, 2240 pounds to the to be delivered -Pi ■’nWlWd' Insurance one-half the rate of Atm, 1.00,8.00 m ‘shop’ Thompsou, J I. can Apply KAY FROHOCK, 203 Oxford St. ton, s't ii p. Penaaesik. INrwbarr prices for wholesale Thomaston; Newton, Boston: Ira eye reach; this is the place to build a flue and put in and trimmed sailing vessel. strictly lots. Jobbing prices E New Bedford. pe In the bins at such of the pert, "elrat, l.raa 3.00, 9.00 a. m., 8.00 higher. Wight, la»d enough to have a fine lawn and Freights for the West the Penn. R. 1.00, l(®2c Cld 20tll. sell Alfaretta (’amnhpll r’uim.iw.n (nr fet*f,®naD.l ____12-2 public buildings and school houses of the city, by H., and p. m. Aaeekorv 8.00 3*“ the next two lots are small South U.OOAro., 1.00, p. m. Cheese—Northern choice at do new but desirable LET-A of 10 and at such times as may be The by connecting lines, forwarded free of com- tConnects with Rail ll®12c; Demerara. — cottage rooms at Scar designated. coal Unesfor New York. -«v »w» mission. at 8@8% c; lower as to new ,— uittiu sirtjci aim bo TO to be in all respects of the best with rnanciaTand- commercial grades, quality; Wes- Passed the Gate 19th, schs E H Pearl borough Beach, with large stable. For quality, and In the VLonnects Sound Lines for New York. tern new King,from New and P street, with a French rooted best to 6®8%c; sage 9c. Jobbing prices %c York for house to FETkR order, and be well screened on the wharf Passage 010.00. Kamil OIK- D,T,*,on—North Berwick to Eastport; Kit from O’CONNOR, l»Pfnr« llollvurv and iu«l..knd i_. _i Trie Hcarboro higher. Carson, Hoboken (or PARSONS houstP|fi; good garden. 17 pear trees In bearing: United5,T^f,harf.aIitlc'llars,apply States Hotel. Bangor; Eleanor, do for Gardiner; Express, do lar anfiutalus nine finished 9.2 Meals and Boom Included. Crossing* Eggs—Eastern extrs 17® 18c: some ne&r- rooms, cemented cel- such weigher and inspector as the committee Through Tickets to all PORTLAND WHOLESALE MARKET. fancy for Haverhill; .las Nichols, do for do; Mar. Lvm- water liPrnace, marble Foe freight or passage apply to points West and Sooth higher; Eastern firsts 16%c; ex Vt mantles, Ac.; Sebago I.ET—For two years furnished house, pos- may designate. 11 "laIlea Ticket by[stock buruer. Elizabethport for Salem. this ut G,nn..t.n tttu.r and June 21.1888. and N H at choice fresh Western the city # street; Is situated on TO session irivon Opt Separate bids will be received «• JSV*1?at La lea 2*'11**11 FOBTLAND, 17®18c; 16® PKOVJDENCE-Ar sch F property at the same time „.M "AMPWOSI, Ageat, Ticket BBce, 40 K Nlreet* 20th, Nickerson,Mar- from Woodfords’ about a for 81du 71* t mehaage me an ms of 17c; N Saud N Bat 16%®17c; Michigan choice Cltjp of,, Corner, mile or MBS- I- T. nve hundred tons of Cumlierland coal, suitable sag WSsrfM «.!.»■ 3Ah. I, following to-aay's closing quoiatl shall, Philadelphia. horse and three RRnwN 99. spring chickens Andrews, Watts, Apalachicola for V1,'1t* H'uj.tbesold mortgage. BE right reject any* or Sl'.nnEK J. KLANUKRS, Iren. P.1I.A choice at Northern Boston; schs PERKINS, 489 street. LET—Old a furnished cot- all bids. Address K1.SI1HTS. 26®80; fresh killed fowls at Ellsworth for New Congress Orchard; CHAS. J. CHAPMAN " ^ °‘,n’1 Western Iced Miueola, Smith, Haven. T®tage, on sea 10 of S*lLtlAMS' 8>iper1lu?anur* HMxdCorn* 63006 12%«14c; fowls 11c; live fowls at sch CUIK wall, rooms, cellar, nice water, Chairman Committee ou Public Buildings. 00 Bailed, Miuueola. MALBt------1 good and _oct31dtf 1 low grades. 2 »5@4 Corn,|bag lots.. .07008 lip; Uv« chickens spring chickens 20®26o; live Ar drainage, first-class neighborhood, with Portland, June Id, 1888. MAINE’S 20th, sch Eliza Tliomas- X gola Button rJdles’ Flue Style Glazed I),m- to Jeldtd MOST POPULAR RESORT. X aud Meal, bag lots .. (56*66 ducks Levenseller, Keller, litviNo bUkk. 17 church Spring spring 12@13c. ton for New York. B, C, D, E and at $2 per pair; A. “'“i'ir- .Apply XX 4 3604 00 Oats,car|lots44 @16 Beans—cnoice small N Y hand W.^s, widths, street, Cambridge, Mass., or LEONARD JOR- flKAW Soriug.. picked pea at Sid 20th, Levi S Andrews. the and Common Sense corner MM KAMA! 0! Oats, bag lots 2 90@3 00 bush: choice New barque styles. Also, lai*iPera DAN, Free and Centre streets, Fortland CATAiA patent soring 149060 Jp York large hand BOSTON—Ar 20th, sch in Portland. We stock of Front Lace Boots “THE BLUFFS." 60 Cotton Seed. picked do 2 85® 2 90; small Minetta, Crockett, from ml) Wheats.6%@6 Vermont handpick Elizabeth pori. tender feet. Low of boots for __3-tf CHANGE OF I car lots..2? 00*26 60 ed do at 3 16. ties'.specialty TI.YIE. Mien, straight 10®3 Cld F>ill£ 45.1 and LET — mount desert 20th, schs Tookalita, (Br, late Am) Nicker- 465 Congress d11 styles. DEAN BROS., 8tore Nos. 117 and 119 Middle ferry. roller .6 0006 251 do bag 2C 00027 00 Hay—Choice prime hay 19 00; some fancy *20; ——-»et. Ob aad son, 8t John, NF; Mary J Cook, lloffses, Fernan- 16-1 TOstreet; one of tlie finest stores In the city; ARE after n«l«feir, clear do.... 4 oOlSack’dBr’n fair to good at A new matt, 7606 *18 00®*18 00; Eastern fine *14 H M OK suitable for house, the seat •raia. will raa a* diua; Howes, Handy, Portland. Make Rich Blood! SALE-AIVi t-:-- wholesale or retail, or with a You a overlooking all modern fallawa ■ car lots.. to both; sufferer stone ground 4 60*4 761 19.00020 00 ®»16; poor ordinary *13®*16: Eastlswale 10 New, on from any of this list of In full Sid 20th, Alice; schs 8 P These pills were a wonderfhl discovery. No others built, Melbourne sfT bouse, thoroughly lovely basement, and on symptoms, conveniences; view ol Bar Harbor; boating Ht Louis st'gi I do ..21 00023 00 ®»11. straw, at barque Thurlow. and dry lighted three sid-s, some of which and depaktihem, bag. Kye choice, 24 60®*2C 00; oat James like them in the world. Will positively cure or relievo House has eight witl* lot 4Ux86. almost equal to the first warn you that you are liable to an llshing unsurpassed; One lawns for teunis and 00 Young. rooms, mcl1' story: rent low to the righ ► • t roller.6 13*6 26!Mlddl ugs. 21 00024 straw 10 00®11 00. all manner of disease. The information around 011 the attack of croquet. Aabara aad l.ewiatea, Ar 21 st. barque Levi S each lot. Price low and ei^hished; work shop “quire of H. E. 184 Braek- Apoplexy ? Dizziness or Pressure In the 7.10 and 9 16 ■dear do....6 26 do bag lots,22 00 Potatoes—Choice old New Andrews, Watts, Apa- box is worth ten times the cost of a box of pYty- THOMPSON. a. m. and 12.46 and 6.16 m. OOgG 00028 Maine, Brunswick lachicola 22 pills. Find sold immediately. JOHN F terms. Must be ett street. Head, Spots Before Pain I>- B. STOCKHAM St CO., p. Winter Wheat days; Essex, Perry, Calais; New out about and will be apr28-2m Eyes, Around or Palplta- ... Proprietors. Provisions. and Nova Scotia burbanks, aud nrolifics 60ci them, you always thankful. Onb nial Block. XOCTOK. Centeu _ (latbaM, 9.16 a.m. and 1.30and Boxor, Anthony. Franklin: Essex, pill a dosr. tlon of Heart Tolu In of 6.16p. Patents.6%05 50 Pork— uiumiinous in at ouc; CJIC1 Perry,Calais; Illustrated pamphlet free. Sold every- Region Heart with Feeling I*18___dim ^«er ua^s inner SIOCK Susan and EET—Up stairs rent of six Hacks ...18 25,alb 50 40 50C. Frances, Sadier, Arboreer, Clark, Ells- where, or sent by mail for 25 cts. in stamps. Dr. I. 8. rooms, and of Suffocation, Ringing Sound In "•■*r**l pish. ft worth IIO water in Ears, Numbnossor and ; shipments —; slow and steady: na- LY'NN—Ar 19th, schs Port ABRirue, flake.2 0002 261 Lard- tives 3 Mary Jane, Gilbert, sal.K-A desirable One of the most 87%@6 Oil; cows and mixed 1 76*'4 DO; NS; Jane, and F property"-T-!— popular summer resorts on Cas- I Tubs** p .8%09%'- Mary Sylvl, Calais; T Drisko, IjiORof two wooden co *.aw»ataa aad Aabara, 6.46 A A. Hernng Stockers 2 36®3 26; Texans at 2 10®3 76. New York. story house and I?onsistlng Bay; unequalled as a quiet resort for families; 12.15, 3.lo bx..l8,a22c Tierces-abVaC Hotel accommodations and 6.38 p. m. Hraed* Hogs receipts 10,000; shipments; easy; heavy PORTSMOOTH- SU1 sch M A TO strictly Hrst-class; pure Fraa. No 1.. Palls.8»/**s*i*c at 6 1 20th, Trainer, LET. spring tiarbaai, 8.45a.m.. 12.16and ...48 p. b). 00000 >f>®5 70; light at 6 40®6 60; pigs and culls. Wolston, Damariscotta, to load for Charleston. water; perfect drainage superior facilities Mackerel * bin— Hams ** It* 11%®12 known as the International YOU for and 16 and BATH—Ar schs Honse, bathing, boating Oshlug. Open June 37th. shore is. 18 Coreredl2%014 19th, Normandy, Rivers, Bos HOTEL,conier India and Aap",tfclcm** 00@20;00 do Hannah Commercial streets, con- can be cured a Domestic markets. ton; D, Campbell, do; Fannie Hodgkins, about by purchasing bottle of A NTI- Je4eod3m J. B. RUED, Manager. Fraai Mae bee. 18.16 m. Shore 2a. 16 00017 00 Oil. taining forty rooms, including on the first p. Kimball. New York for Augusta. noor APOPEEf’TINE and taking It Fraat l.laa.l Paad. Mec. s. Kerosene— |By Telegraph.] two good stores and a room, suitable fora according to (Mixed) 6.55 p. m. Ar 20th, schs Annie T nut directions. It Is Fraat Una. ilia .. Bailey, Marsou, Boston; barber the endorsed the Jaacliaa, 7.46 Am. Large Po Bet. Pet. 7 NKW tfOBK. /me 21, 1888.—Flour market- J 8AL«_4„J shop; upper stories can be disconnect- strongly by leading THE (Mixed) Nancy Fountain, Bristol. •• > Day, Hokskdriver; atraid of notliLr. or ed and are well physicians of ATLANTIC HOUSE -Pullman P»l*ce Sleeping car* un nigm train and produce). receipts 9.27H packages; exports 11,034 bids Sid schs safB ananged for a small hotel or Montreal, aa>" the only Apoplexy Pre- goth, Jona Sawyer, Reynolds. Plilladel- kind; weighs about 1060 ud the °° **** 1,8111 b*tww,n Portland and Oanboriies— IPratt'sAst’l.Wbbl. 1(1% and 1060 sacks; active and sales lbs.i;0!Jie,l“‘1n“ ,luIf™Jshed) b‘*rd- “r s lady and 8TBI-HKN1W sm.l Apples. 'Clover. 8%@12%c extra at 2 OO.lBoutlieru flour is Sydney, NSW, May 8, barque Julia.Smith A. F. laughter. Address 85@5 steady com- San Francisco. 11UNT, Stroudwater. B., Post Office Box 1038, Russets, @4 76' Cheese. mon to fair extra at 3 90; to choice do ---16-3 30®3 good Ar al Nanaimo Util Fancy Baldns @ I Vermont.. ..9*5011 4 Oi'.®6 10. Kye flour steady. U hrsi- rrcelots iust, ship Reuce, Adams, K and land at Trd- "lty-__20-1 EDCCATIOI3AA. Sail Francisco. SALK—Cottage Evaporated *>lb 8@10c N.Y. factory 9V5011 87,000 bush; exports 109.906 bush ; sales FOLandiiig, Peaks Island; has eight ruoif.oh’s DIZZY? 199.000 l'BVKB< Hi; Ar at Sierra Leoue to location 1 noise, Fryeburg, Sage.11 012 hush: more weak; No l hard at 88 previous 18tli inst, barque at the lauding. to JOHN F.'fest E now au5 active,closing Boston. Apply Maine; open; beautiful situation; moun- MWFly I Butter. ®90c; No 2 Bed at store and Arlington, Leach, TOR, Centennial Block. )C I 68%®88%c eiev, Sid fm l many pleasant resorts; piazzas ustructioh in mim am» Lemons. ICreamery *> !b...20*22 May 31, sch JC Gregory, Kil- "i*-S)U.?haded £cenery i am 89% ®|90c fob. B\e Tampico afloat, 89®90c dull. Bar- by magnificent elms; orderly house meat i Palermo.6 0o«6 601 GUI Edge ver—20022 ley dull. len, Chester, Pa. SALE—Stock and 'fixtures of re 1 Clara—receipts 12.660 bush; exports ooms; pure spring water and good fare; at re* Messina.6 60@0 OOlChOlce.17018 8778 sales Sid fm Port Elizabeth FOKgrocery and will sell 1 bush, 62,000 hush; lower, dull and May 18, barque Evanell, provision store; onable rates; send for circular. M. P. JOHN- ICAL STUDIES Malagers.... IGood..—115*17 weak; No 2at Colcord, Guam. actual value If for soon. F. A. BIL 1 56% ®&6c delivered. Class-re- gofrguH applied ION, Proprietor. 20-4 Sid fm Rosario 6, D A 1NGS, 380 Cumberland St. Olven to Oranges. IBtore.16016 ceipts 27,(X 0 bush .exports 100 hush ; sales 108,- May barque Brayton. 15-1 private pupils by the subscriber, * < Boston. Florida ... ! Eggs. 00 bush; fairly active and lower, closing weak: Huntley, i™"** BOAKDEBN-Parties 0 ex” 17*18 Ar at Campeache 2d Inst, SALE—The very best shod wishing Valencia | Eastern No 3 at 33Vkc. do White at 3s u38%c; No|2 at brig Hattie, Coombs, gent’s $8.00 country board, please address M. C. BUK- J. Messlna'and Pa- St Thomas, to load lor North of Halteras. FOKto be found in this bals and ^ W. COLCORII ICan&Western 17018 34®34%e;White do at No 1 White COOKING city; congress, Me., Box 4, one and one 38%®39%c; RANGE. this ii •’ (jr°Jlia,n* half Sid fm Caibarieu button; shoe is Palermo Vbx.5 6006001 Limed...,,. 436; Mixed Western at 32®37c; White uo 16th lust, sch Scotia, Shearer, warranted lu every respect, le from depot. references. at 40® Baltimore. solid leather Insoles City 18-3 M3 I’EARI, 47c; No 2 Chicago nominal at 86%. Coffee—fair With Low End Hearth and counters, neat top, seam- STREET. Sid fm sole. J. I NI 181134 Klo nominal at 16c. Cardenas 16th Inst, sch Mina Belle, less. Single F. WELCH. 421 Congress St. TIER BOARD—Pleasant near e Worms a tVormi WHKAT. •'•riuhu to Liverpool steady. May 3, latJ6S, Ion 30 W, barque Evle making complete MALE—A good and hall house St-ecialty Tape i.Iulv. Dec. Reed, cooki story removed in from oo^nour antltbl^.y minute# June. CHICAGO. 21 Whittier, from New York for NSW. ig apparatus yet produced. Made FO«with 2',* acres land, five minutes walk to tu*~& 8 Juno 1888—The Flour market Is Sydney, by to three hours. .... 80% 81 /a >% skilful horse ODonillK unchanged. Wheat weak and lower :No 2 mechanics frcm the best materials. car, school house aud hall. Fofpartlculars Spring of PRICES FOR FAMILIES AND OFFICES: Wheat No 2 Red 81 Corn 2 Inquire CHARLES G. WOODMAN, Lunt’s )an!3 , Jun3 79vie; V4c. weak; No EVERY RANGE Cor., Ocean eod2m SS » at 48»/»c. >iats lower—No 2 at 31V4C. WARRANTED. St., East Deering, Me. Also cottage lb. DAILY, PEK 84% on JO ** nONTR, ||.j« Closiug 80% 81%Jtt Sold Long island to 14-4 ■_ I •# «* *< AA Receipts—Flour, 12,u* « »• college. 192,000 tiiisb; oats,117,000 bu; rye sale in your send address MALE—The stock and fixtures of a flrst- Office of the Sheriff l ush; I ush. vicinity, your for B. of Cumberland County. State June. July. Aug. 1,000 bailey, 2,00o FOKclass grocery and business in one son Justed, and John- information to the manufacturers provision of Maine, Cumberland, ss., June 14, A. 1). 1888. T?XAMlNTIONS for admission to College will Opening. -61 61% 62. .thipmeuts—Flour, 18,000 bbls; wheal, 10,000 ol the best locations In the of fix- «4>i Best city Portland: Teeth, Customers can commence Is to Lecture Highest. 49 61% 62 hi sh /corn, ;80,ooo bush; oats, 165,000 bush: rye tures stock rent taking Ice at an* time give notice, that on the fourteenth M™i»^ir“vtMHna Boom, new, clean, low; this is goiug to Jiev autl °o FbiDav and Lowest. 61 4 000 hush, busb. be desire, delivery will be continued until THISday of A. 1). a Hs^;!.wett® sati'iciiay 49% 60% barley 1,000 sold at once and Is a rare chance lor anyone June. 1888. Warrant m Closing. 60% $5.00 »aotice to slop is received at the office was Issued on* 49 49% ST. LOUIS June 21,1888 —The Flour market Is wishing to go Into a well established business. my!6d«w insolvency the Court of insol- OATS. BISHOP ,ER SET> for said WOOD, & GO. Address c. X., care of This vency County of O jerland, the very easy and lower, Wheat and Office.13-2 are the bet against au June. demoralised These Q)n Accounto (the estate of «*“•* lower—No 2 Red at 84g84V4c. Corn lower 45c. BANGOR. ME. and the the Death ofSenior Partner IheStockof ^wa ... world, prieeeth manufactured In the Opening... 31% MALE—In new jftMSsrfi, Oats lower at 32V4e. Whiskey at 114, Provis- Freeport village, a 1V4 teen have FRANK L. BOWIE, of DkW. Highest. 32 years ranhese teeth the Dast flf Portlaud, n HYDE, Presidentn, u- ions steady. Pork at 4 10. Lard at 7 75. ihhv4 oodOin FOKstory house, pleasantly situated on one of the and even be an Brunswick, May 24th, 18«8. Lowest. .. Ury *20.00 pefrom *10.00 to (is oo Insolvent 81% sailed meats—shoulders 6 b7Vk; long clear 7 principal streets; plenty of good water carried into set. Debtor.petition 60; *4.00 per Gasfrt*. Teeth S* which petltlun was Hied on the Closing 81% at 7 short 7 Thisis the Top of the Genuine the house; three minutes walk from church Wilmington R. STANLEY & J~i2»_d&wtjunao clear ribs 02V4; clears 76*7 87V4 depot, one or more teeth extrasu who wish to SON. fourteenth day of June, A. D. to Thursday’s quotations. and one of the best schools in the State. have 1888. which Bacon—shoulders 8 76; long clear 8 37 Vi; clear For fur- *1.00 and V date Interest on claims is to Pearl ther information address L. M. Filling upwawithout pain. Gold will he wold low In (he be computed. WHEAT. ribs 8 37 Vi 40; short clear at 8 60. Hams at BAILEY, Free- cts. to 76 cts. Cement or original the ALICE C. @8 Top Lamp Chimney. Me. silver Fillings 60 nVj*t payment of any debts to or by said HOKES, 10 00. port, 4-4 mall wilt package io close Hie Debtor and the June. July. Uecl 75&11 All are Appointments by Killings 60 cents. estate.) transfer and delivery of any prop- bbls,wheat 34,000 hush, others, similar imitation. •'on- him are 3 DEERINC Opening.... 79% 80% 83% Receipts—Flour, 2,000 MALE OK KENT-A desirable fur- prompt atten- erty liy forbidden by law. PLACE. corn oats 0000 __We That a Highest.... 80% 80% H3% 25,0001bush. 19,000;bush.f barley, nislied cottage near the Beach meeting of the Creditors of said Debtor 0000 bush. exact FOK at Ocean to their Lowest. 79% 79% 82% bush,rye .This Label Park R. R. near Old Orchard. prove debts and choose one or more assig- Shipments—Flour bbls, wheat 20,000 Station, nees of his Elocution Closiug. 80% 80% 83% 7,000 WOODMAN. estate, will be held at a Court of Insol- and Literature. hush, corn 39,000 bush, oats 10,000 bush, •arley isoneach Pearl 1-*_ALFRED * vency to be hotden at Probate COHN. S. Court Room in Oolsarte 00. 000 Dr, F. J. STANLEY a 4 said bush, rye 0,000 busb. Portland, on the second Expression June. July. Aug. MALE.—My residence at Gorham VII BONNET, SON, day of July A I) Specialty. at 10 NEW ORLEANS, June 21. 1888.-Cotton Is Top 130Klage; also 34 acres good laud near ^ 1888, o'clock In the forenoon. M°M'* TrU® Opening.... 48% 49% 49% Chimney. village; IMPORTERS. Given hand Br0Wn' Bo“on 60 Drill; middling avse. II acre field at Mallison Falls, Gorham: will be under my the date llrst above wrtt- Highest.... 48% 48% A 4991-2 Cor. _ ScEShSoKto^ dealer sold separate or together. A can be Congress,8 H. R. U Lowest. 48% 49% 49% Ja,w 21’ 1888.—Cotton is firm; may say bargain had, mar29 5?"' .. SARGENT, sodtf as 1 ain about to leave the 8tate. >own. Deputy Sheriff, as of the _ Closing. 48% 49 49»A m?ddltagNs5* and think he has GARDINER Messenger Court of In- _ PARCHED FARINOSE M. PARKER or N. 8. GARDINER,' 40 Exchange 4 solvency for said County of Cumberland oai*. IIOForoSt., Portland, Me. Jm>e21-1888.~i;>tton quiet; others as Street, Portland. 23-6 June. uiPddHnRgL“tTc?N’ good, Prepared for table in two mlnutee. White J _ •_lel6&22 SCHOOLS. Wheat Graham — _ BUT HE HAS NOT. Flour, roller process. Onenlng.... JU'‘e *1, !888.—Cotton mid- MALE Pleasant residence at Nason’s EXAMHUTIGNJF Be eure 8JJ* firm; you get Schumacher'* Oat Meal, Rolled LADIES ! sub-committee on Highest. d“f“FMfce. Insist upon the Exact X.abel and FOKCorner; good 2Vi story house and a nice sta examination of candi- "9% Top. Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Pearl Rolled Bar- REVERE dates for Lowest. Barley, hie; also small house and store, and about three Do own at home, TUIK teaching in the school* R' '^'lllie 21, For Sale Everywhere. Made only by Rolled Yellow *" your Dyeing, with Peerless public of 81 s* 1886.—cotton to firm; mid- ley, Oats, Hominy, Granulated Corn acres of land. ot O. B. will Dyes d mg 9VV Inquire WISH, Argus BOSTON.HOtf They everything. They are sold every of teach Closing.., Meal, in original packages. Sold by all Grocers. office. dye ers. at Highi.rh Hchoolli h‘examination MACBETH & oil where. Price lOc. a package—40 oolors. They Building, on MONDAY the GEO. A. CO., fr 2nd day of 0 Stock List. European Pittsburgh, S. M. Pcnnork k Son, N. E, Act’s, Boston. Boston and have no equal for July next, at a. m. Applicants ’mimt Portland Dally Proas Markets. MALE—l 12 Near Maine, Eastern, Kite bin Htreugth, Brightness, Amount second-hand horse power In or for Fastness of ,n ™e By feb Lowell depots, centres of business w A packages Color, or non-fad- ®*amln'**l°" fo»"wlng Swan a Bankers and Telegraph.] FOKengine, and one 14 horse power boiler with (Juairtles. CS»ncah“Bw““>ry Corrected by B#bkktt, Junl F.M&WGm and places of amusement. lug They do not crock or smut. For LIVnRP.OL June 2l.-Tlie Cotton heated pump, inspirator and all fittings at a har- sale D. W. «P«lllng, Brokers, 188 Middle street. market- In all rnara of pimply eruptions the salutary by Heseittne 4i Co., Druggists, corner Arithmetic, deluding the middling uplands at 6Vbd: do Orleans 6 Address, BIDDEFORD STOVE FOUN- 9-ied- eflcet of Skin-Success Soap is quickly apparent. Congress and Myrtle streets; N. G. Drug- and measures. Book- 8 T O C K B. sales 12,000 bales; speculation and eiport Biln.RY, Biddeford. Me. oc6tf Kt-inodelled, Refurnished, Dec B Nichols, klVnlng^Ph'i1 I01ea* ,w*l*ht? an<1 2(kii'i Skin Mod Mralp diseases can be cured by Newly 1st, 787 Congress, corner Grove street; K W t^Neriothe Geography Value. Bid. Asked bales; 12,000bales, now English Descriptions. Par receipts g Palmer’s Skin-Success. Soap cleanses, ointment ated, and kept on the ■ 8teveus. Druggist, corner Congress and Parris Orammar, l.icluding Composition, I'nited 167 169 MALE —House aud lot 180 State St. htates Canal National Bank.109 LIVERPOOL,June 21. 1888—Quotations— WIl- heals. " streets; Fred. A. Turner, corner Con- History, Physiology and Hviilene u/ith 146 148 FOKBrick house aud very desirable lot, number Druggist, special reference to Oaseo Nat. Bank. ..100 ter wheat at 6s edges 8d; weatat 6s gress and Washington T. J. the effects of Uriuks 117 Spring Od State street, side, near Pine lor streets; L ooney stimulants alclmlle First National Bank.100 116 ®6s 8d; Club wheat at 6s 8d. westerly street; EUROPEAN PLAN. Druggist, corner MUMle and ami narcotics upon the human 61 7d@6s Corn- HIGHLY ENDORSED terms to J. 8. RICKER. Frankliu streets; D.’ system' National Bank.. 40 60 mixed Western 4s at 5s apply feh22tf P. r>38 Element,,,f Music, Elementary 7Vid; peas lOVid. Pro- Rooms all and suites Iforr, Druggist, Cougress street; William Kree-I a nl yMrtw' 76 123 124 ■ V THE large comfortable; elegant lug, and and euniierlanderchants’ National Bank.. visions, *«.—Pork at 70s. Bacon at 41 sod lor s Banks, Druggist Junction and Free Theory Practice of Teaching 136 138 Horse For Sale. with baths attached; ample public parlors; gentle- Congress All he National Traders'Bank.100 short clear and 30* 6d for clear. Chcsseat Medical Profession. StreWs; T. B. rollartl, 212 aupllcants must preseut on the morning 96 100 long men’s cafe and billiard-room added, and tlrst-class DniKulst, Danforth above Fortlaud Company. 44s Cd for white. Lard at 41s 3d. Tallow 23s Gd. horse, 8 years old, found and kind and streetjCook, Everett* W. specified, and the examination .25 In every respect. Pennell;John Perkins tlnue two Jim * Portland Gas Company. 60 70 76 FOR about 876 stands with days unless sooner rough or scaly BAYweighs pounds: 8o"' anU A- w amlth,Drug- No finished a Can be seen at HITCUING’S STA- glsi 107 Portland other examination will take nine, b;o n d b. skin. Indispensable weight. KOO.T1M PKO.11 1*1.00 A DO UP. St., Portland. Maine, to. W the plac® prlor *° ■AILING DAYS OF 8TEAMSHIP8. BLE, Green Street. A Co., 21 Market openlag of the schools. State ol Maine 6s. due 1889 ,...102 103 for the Toilet. Peer- Whipple Square, and Wood- FROM FOB dtf ford's Corner. Deerlng, Me. THOMAS Fortlaud Bs.Municlp’l variouslOO 116 less as a Preservative. mays___ Jlylleodly TASH City Valencia.New Jne 21 ^"‘''"dent of 6s, R. R. aid 1907...123 126 York.,Laguayra Perfect as a PIANO! tkhdol. Portland City healer. Portland. June «, , Manhattan.New York..Havana Jne 21 MERROW — H*7dtd Portland City Funding 4s.101% 102% world MIMCELLANEOI'B. j. F. & CO., Proprietors. —— ... Jne 21 The ,ole agency ol this renowned Instru- Bath Olty 6s, Mun. various.102 106 Alps.New York..Kingston apr27 eod3m Umbria.New York..Liverpool,...Jne 23 At druggist!*, ‘Skln-Suoces*' ment. Bath City 6s R. R. aid various.... 101 108 85c. A 75c. *8k in-SucooH* ANNIE K. JOHNMON—Will receive R^g_WK&Meowtf of Chester .. Soap’ ■ City New York Jne 23 Bangor City 6s, long R. R. ai*1... 118 116 ..Liverpool.... 85c. palmer ChemJcalCo.,N.Y. for instruction at her II ka cure, I without the use of knife Samaria.Boston.Liverpool....Jne 23 Minnpupils piano home SOUTHERN f DR. E. B. Bangor City 6s, long Mun.. ...120 '22 TOETURK of Skin the No. 137 PARK A UllilTr DIN mrn I ■ ■■or ligature, or detention from REED, Circassia.New York..Glasgow.. A.Jne 23 eruption Is allayed by STREET._21-1 < Clairvoyant Belfist City 6s, R. R. aid. 104 c06 use of Skin-Success j| ■ % Imsiness. All diseases of the Fulda.New York..Bremen Jve 23 Soap. Try it. — A WIN I tfl And. & Ken. R. R. 6s, various. 108 104 HEALTH is UTli'K The steamer EUROPE I L nlli'i'lmn successfully treated Sueva.New York. Ine 23 Impossible If the pores be clogged. SAMUEL \1 Greenwood, lighted sails Dec. 29 for the Sooth of ■ and Portlaud & Ken, R. R. 6s, 1896 109 111 .Hamburg Skin-Success THURSTON, XI by electric lights cau be chartered for eve- Aparty FRANCE, D„ r. T. ri.H, ft Botanic Saratoga.New York..Havana Ine 23 Soap cleanses and stimulates them. ITALY, SICILY, and other delightful resorts. Jbv Physician. Leeds A Parmlng’tn R. R. 6s.109 111 ning sailing parties until the 22d Inst. Apply on Cure guaraiReirn.nni Ml..Auburn,.He cto>y~' Rotterdam.New York..Rotterdam. Jne 23 eodly-cMnrm A Second for the Booms 93 Frar Maine Central R. R. 1st mtg 7s.. 118 120 oct3__ hoard, to I’. N. WEEKS. j5-l 1’arty «-8‘ Hotel kiln St.. Portlaud. Me. 1. a Bourgogue.. New York..Havre Jne 23 HOLT LAND, GREECE, Portland.Boom KKKD treats Maine Central H. B. Ccnsol 7s—130 182 Ho. 3 Free Street inies^Tven""'' ^ ^ ni. , all chrome diseases that flesh Claribel....New York.. &c.. Jne 2G Block, Portland. TURKEY, The and hi io vt* ii h h*1** P- Kofpr* Fund 6s. 106 106 Jacniel. complaints ol non-removal of NILE, Y OMedicalisimir to; all cases that are Mains Central R. R. Skg the chief free. Send for In all colors. The Art Shades are Decorate! given up as in- Cliy Alexandria..New York.. tiav&VCruz.Jne 26 IndestniitaMe Well offal or on account of drivers not countries and cities sep# J*l‘ou uamph irame ny the and Portlana Water Co. NOTICE—All performing ■ —--Scp. Huudrpds and allopathic homeopathic phy- u Nevada.Now York Jne 26 Pipes. work to be left with of Europe, sails same date. Send for Circular. ciirnd. Transparent. All hi met to uctans, 1 will 2d mtg 6s. ...106 106 .Liverpool... ff. B.-A.k for the BUKUKTT OK«l IH their properly the under- Shades. Plain take their esse to treat and cure " Atlas.New York..Haytl.Jne 27 In making complaints number of or Decorated, are •bein. 1 Bud that about 3d mtg 6s... .110 112 Blgued. give E.TOURJEE, Franklin Sq., Boston, unsurpassed m Beauty four-fifths of the cases * « 30 cart. G. M. STAN WOOD & 263 and ffTTIS TA%-^ pven to die can he cured. Consol 4s. 98 Cephalouta.Boston.Liverpool....Jne I TUNING TO OBDKlt. CO., 201, W foumi o* and Finish. up Kxamliiatlons at a Jyl6 dtf St. wfTertuilng Bureau, IlnatOo Durability Mounted on first- iistance 24 PLUM STREET. 2G6 Commercial Telephone 88U. loll eod3tn uua >v"~ Rowel IA Co's by letter with their full name and may2d3m •OOLQP^U lA NnwHpape class Boiler to place Spring ready hang. if residence nad one 2 cent stamp ami $2.00 Ex- 'S,triiV^‘v tenuation at the office. $1.00. CunsulUtloo free. **>r6 1 Office hours 0 a. m. tccifnicsC, to 2 p. ra. sepl4tt WESTBROOK SEMINARY. PERSONAL. THE STATE. RAILWAY MATTERS. NEW AOtEBTIgENENTR. THE PRESS. NEW tDtKKTIMfc.TIK VI M. Graduating Exercises of the Class of Kx-Governor H. M. Plaisted FRIDAY 22. was at the ANBBOSCOOGIN COUNTY. NOTES. MORNING, JUNE United States 1888. Hotel last night. Seven men rafting lumber on the Andros- The adjourned annual meeting of the Mon- Hon. Roscoe Bowers, railroad commission- coggin river In Dixfield Wednesday were son Railroad Company was held at the Lake thrown into the water the of a PORTLAND AND VICINITY. Fifteen young ladies and gentlemen gradu, er, was in town by upsetting Hebron Hotel in Monson, June 14th. All of MORE yesterday’. boat, and alonzo a man the stock was ROOM~! Kennedy, young The ated from Westbrook Seminary yesterday Hon. Ossian G. represented. following Ray, of New Hampshire, is from Phillips, was drowned. directors were elected: H. A. Whiting, John French Clocks and Bronzes. the fifty-seventh anniversary of this institu- at the h. Falmouth Hotel. AHOOSTOOK COUNTY. Kimball, George S. Cushing, John F. OITR BREAD IN DANGER. Especial attention Is invited to the auction sale tion. The exercises were held in All Souls’ Mr. Sprague, Albert W. A. Mat- Frank F. Doyle of Lewiston, was in This bids fair to be a prosperous season Chapin, George & on of F. by Messrs. F. O. Bailey Co., account the at 9.30 a and notwith- farmers thews, George Jackson. The report of Church, Deering, m., the city yesterday. forthe of Aroostook. Hon. S. W. the at storo No. 228 Middle street, of a has treasurer was read and accepted. Subse- Importers, standing the rain, every available space was Col. L. M. Matthews, who just returned from a t Montgomery, special of ■ quently a of the directors was held large assortment of French clocks, all warranted agent visit to that county, tells tli t he saw pota- meeting taken. The church was at the same officers handsomely deco- "Hhe United States is at toes in blossom in the of one place, and the following the finest French movements, striking the hour Treasury, registered garden gentle- elected: rated. The are the J. F. Sprague, clerk 11. A. Whit- The United States Government in their hour on rich cathedral following graduates: the Falmouth. man and also peas eighteen inches in length Chemists, and half gongs. They are ney, J. F. J. R. Annie W. also in blossom. The grass is in a president; Kimball, treasurer; encas ed in real French marble frames, artistic Reginald Goodell, Akers, Ella Roland A. Kent has passed his physical very r. Kimball, The flourishing condition and a is general manager. resigna- examinations of articles of food offered in and warranted H. Buckhaui, Everett B. large hay crop tion of G. A. for Government and elegant design, reliable Currier, Margaret examination before the police examining promised. Matthews as general manager, a E. was presented, read and An exec- time keepers; also, great variety of artistic Moulton, David D. Moulton, Frederick E. board. HANCOCK COUNTY. accepted. use, have the fact that bronzes. All utive committee, consisting of H. A. Whit- developed almost all the baking persons desiring to purchase tirst- Moulton, George H. Moulton. Herbert F- Rev. E. L. of the While Hiram Decker and Warren, recently pastor Nathaniel Crow- ing, G. S. Cushing and J. F. Kimball, was nl- class goods at low prices are Invited to attend Ervin of Gouldshoro were off Moulton, Nichols, Celia May Staples, church at Presque Isle, has received a call to ley, fishiug Indian so chosen. powders the market are made from alum or this sale held daily at 10 a. m., 3 and 8 o'clock Harbor, their boat was upon phos- p. James B. Soule, F. Ina M. Mechanic FalR capsized. Crowley m. See Lydia Willis, succeeded id auction column. reaching shore, almost exhaust- Resolutions of THE G. Buffum. Respect. or STORY Annie At New contain of or TOLD IN Wilson, Hampshire Conference Seminary. ed, but Decker was drowned. phates, large quantities lime other adulter- FIGDRES! Advice to .VIother.. MBS. WINSLOW’S After prayer by the Rev. Dr. J. of At the annual meeting of stockholders of president, Emery Bradford, Brookline, of the Ju- The people of Ellsworth are having quite a fcOOTHING SYRUP should be used the Cumberland ants. As a matter of of always when Weston, the class of ’88, In turn delivered nior class, took first prize for excellence in lively time about water works. They held Bone Company, held at the fact, the samples analyzed, the children a are cutting teeth. It relieves the little their essays and orations, all of oration. meeting Tuesday in Hancock Hall at company’s office in Portland, June 19th, 1888, through original which sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep they defeated a resolution that the the resolutions Royal was the found free from all which there seemed to be a strong undercur- The people of Fryeburg are to be congratu- following were passed: only baking powder of the child Irotn and the little Mayor and Aldermen should make a con- by relieving pain, rent of Whereas. It hath pleased the Divine Providence solid, substantial thought. lated on their Fourth of July orator, who is tract with some water as soon us cherub, awakes as “bright as a button.” It Is compauy to call from among us to the higher life, one of these deleterious and practicable for a of ingredients, absolutely pure. After the awarding of diplomas by Dr. to be, we understand, Howard Owen, system works. The the earliest and most honored and useful of our CLARK’S to taste. It soothes the Esq., CLOTHING very pleasant child, soft- HOUSE Ellsworth American says: “The meeting number; it is ens the all relieves Weston, the audience adjourned to the Semi of Augusta. Alum is as a gums, allays pain, wind, regu- which was a turbulent and very Resolved, That we desire to testify to the uni- used substitute for cream of tartar to for the alumni and Rev. II. disorderly form The lates the bowels, and Is the best known remedy nary building dinner, J. White, of Augusta, has been one would allow of no discussion, thougu manifestation by John Farwell Anderson, of Best Place to Purchase for the highest traits of character iuthe various ela diarrhoea, whether arising from or during the next hour examined the art called to the pastorate of the Pleasant street Squire Sowle attempted to speak, but it a The of teething tlons of life, t social and produce cheap baking powder. effect alum other forced a vote without debate. A committee public, domestic, justice upon causes Twenty-five cents a bottle. rooms, where exhibitions of the work in Baptist church in Mass. It is un- truth and faithfulness with the Worcester, to sort and to duty, courage of ianl6 receive, count votes was appoint- his ever FM&W&wly crayons and oils done the year were derstood that he will call. convictions, courteous, friendly and help the system has been ascertained to be and over- _ during the accept ed, those in favor of the resolution to vote fnl. trusted and beloved all who knew him. poisonous, shown. by Bitter, is known as the This is the first exhibit that has Charles H. and those That we Angostura great Pepper, son of Dr. Pepper, “Yes,” opposed “No.” The vote Resolved, express to Ills family our doses have been regulator of digestive organs all over the world. been made in this branch of work. Mrs. of resulted as follows: Yes, 105; no. 307. deep|sorrow at his departure, and lender to them attended with fatal results. The president Colby University, was in the our phosphate Ask heartfelt and profound sympathy with them Have it in your house. for the genuine arti- Allan, who is instructor in deserves KENNEBEC COUNTY. 111 painting, city yesterday, on his way home from the their bereavement. are cle, manufactured Dr. J. G. St Sons. next to the alum in contain by Siegert very much praise for the unusual artistic where he the winter. The Waterville and Fairfield Horse Kail- Resolved, That these resolutions be placed n powders cheapness. They Azores, spent the records ATVD junelS eod&wlw road contemplate ruuuing their cars next of the company, and a copy of th« _ proficiency of her pupils. The Monson Slate s that General Man- same be sout to a say season by electricity, the power to lie fur- the family of Mr. Anderson, and large amount of lime. The sold w ith a If are tired the old- The work Miss also published m tile baking powders you taking large, crayon by Mary L. Stevens ager G. A. Mathews, of the Monson Railroad, nished at each end of the route by the Fair- daily papers. fashioned griping pills, try Carter’s Little Liver was Several has field and Wateiville especially good. paintings by resigaed his position on account of in- Electric Light Compa- James are of the aliim or class. Pills and take some comfort. A mnn can't nies. Cordon Bennett Sr., In Maine. gift phosphate Minnie Marble were also flowers inrivcu in tne dumihi oc One admirable; junco iumue acci- everything. pill a dose. Try them. is made that gas escaping from [Ellsworth American.] by Julia Stevens, Addie Brightman and dent near Haverhill last winter. Complaint Lime when to heat off a certain amount me mains nas so James subjected gives junel9 A 1:_a.... a s ■»-» saturated the earth, at the Gordon Benuett, father of the pres- _d&wlw vwivuo IIVIU f,ouu, XJIhMC i>GOt ouun At Bradford Female Academy graduation south end of State street in Augusta, as to ent proprietor of the New York Herald. ed a and kill some of carbonic acid but a is one of the A WARNINC. good landscape Annie Akers some exercises, held Wednesday, Miss M. A. of the shade trees there. Dr. Wil- gas, quicklime left, Gents’ Mr. taught school at one time in Steuben for Goods attractive lilies and der, Homan and Mr. Blaine have lost The modes of death's are pond double roses; Miss Jones, of and Miss Caroline B. twelve dollars approach various, and Fortland, some of their per month. most Furnishing stately elms and beautiful ma- caustics known. Chemists have found statistics show that more die Lizzie Best’s figure pieces were more than Jones, of Milford, N. If., gave a duet, powerful conclusively persons piano ples, the growth of years. This is certainly from diseases of the Throat and than well done, and Maud Stevens and Lou Beale and other Included a much Index wears Lungs any graduates Isabelle Lor- public calamity, to be regretted, us Soap best of any. twelve or of the of some of other. It in summer per cent., one-eighth weight, IN NEW is probable that everyone, without ex- both were proficient with crayons; Miss meyer Hall, of Ellsworth, Edith Gertrude the shade trees arc one of the ENGLAND. ception, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs Beale leading features of Augusta’s charms. showing a unique landscape. Humphrey, of Yarmouth, and Sarah Nich- MARRIAGES. the advertised as to be lime. into the and where these fall KNOX COUNTY. baking powders pure system, germs upon At 1 o’clock the alumni dinner took place ols, South Freeport. a _ ■ aa a a a suitable soil they start into life and at The house and at .■ MlLICU9UIi w«u'v mi* iM ii < oii'iani uim develop, in the dinning hall, where a col- outbuildings Thomastun In this city. June 20, by Rev. F. T. Buyley. Au- The absolute and wholesomeness of the rap- first very ample owned purity Royal business it is slowly, aud is shown by a slight tickling sen- WEDDINCS. by Mrs. Elsie Robinson burned last gustine P. Mitchell ol Appleton, Wis.. and Miss absolutely uecessary id. From $3,036.14 for lation was served. Dr. Weston, who most Elizabeth Stone Hay, sation in the throat, and if allowed to continue night. Loss 81500 on buildings, 8500 on fur- Myrttlla of Portland. for us to have more lu this June Powder—now' affirmed chemist and food room, and we 1996, they leaped to $6,636.11 for tlielr accepted!}' filled the position of niture; insured for 8800. city, 20, by Rev. J. M. Bowden, Baking by every ravages they extend to the luugs, producing toastmaster, Marr Bickford and shull have our addressed MITCHELL—STONE. Mr. H. Llewellyn Emma Gertrude basemeut com- Hay, 1997, ou again will* a rush Consumption, and to the head, causing Catarrh. the assembly, speaking of the M. Lord, of the Courier-Gazette, Lewis, both of Portland. the numerous who of and conceded all manufacturers pleted in season for our Among weddings occurring delivered a very able memorial address In this city, June 20. Rev. A. T. analyst prominence, by Full busi- to $6,612.97 for 1999. Now all this is dangerous, and if allowed to pro- encouragement all should feel, mentioning by Dunn. Hay, on the 20tli was one at before E. H. of George Wilhelm Friedrich Louis when we ceed in inst., No. 91 Pine Bradstreet Post, Liberty, has Sopus Kettembrll ness, shull put in a It will the will, time, cause death. At the onset you the improvements in the introduction of of New York and Fraucine Lulse Clarke larg- help reader to digest street the residence of the bride’s father. generously presented the amount given him of Port of other brands—arise from the exclusive use of cream of er stock must act with a cold to land. than ever, and we promptness; allowing go Sebago water, the new heating apparatus I* expenses to tiie post on tbe condition intend these astonishing figures, und to without attention is The contracting parties were Mr. :[!, In this city, June 20, Rev. A. T. John to dangerous, and may lose you and other works. He then most Augustine that it be devoted to the creation of a war by Dunn, make feelingly H. Foreun of Mitlbrldge and Frances E. dud of tartar which is refined that appreciate the wonderful growth your life. As soon as you feel that something is P. Mitchell, of Appleton, Wis., and Miss library. Portland. specially by patent processes alluded to the many true friends who “had of which they are the wrong with your Throat, Lungs or Nostrils, ob Elizabeth Myrtilla, only daughter of B. Penobscot county. lu Deering. June 20, Rev. Q. II. John evidences, gone on in terms to C, by Shinn, remove the lime and all other tain a bottle beyond,” alluding fitting The of H. Moore and Miss Etta E. botii of Deer- totally If we them in a of Boscliee’s German Syrup. It will Stone, of this city. The was people North Brewer will celebrate Lepliart, impurities. arrange progres- Anson P. David and Esq., ceremony the iug. Lower Prices give you immediate relief. Morrill, Torrey Gov. Fourth of July with a salmon dinner sive table that can be nov8-dly-cT performed by Bev. Frank T. Bayley, pastor At Woodford’s Corner, June 20, Rev. Edwin In his taken In at Bodwell. He gave the following toast: and a dance in the The will by report, the United States Government Chemist evening. day P. Wilson, Fred H. Morrill and Carrie A. Clark a of State street church. No invitations were probably be celebrated at THAN EVER glance, as follows: Westbrook Seminary—Honored for what it has East Eddington. both of Deering. “ BEFORE. issued PORTLAND PIONEERS. done, aud may it increase in strength and useful- and the ceremony took place in the SAGADAHOC CQUNTT. In North Conway, N. H., June 20, by llev. R. H. says: The Royal Baking Powder is pure, for ness. H. absolutely presence of the immediate family The Davis, Boardmau Fifleld of Conway and Helen This seems to be a good time to All only. Gteorge Scully, aged 15, was drowned yes- M. Gibson of North present and former members of For,land Ex-Gov. Sidney Perham, president of the afternoon at Conway. I have so found it in tests made for look back and observe newly married couple were the recipients of terday Bath, while bathing in In Bath. June 18, Win. F. Gardner of Boston many the United States the growth Pioneers and all voters who desire to are board of the Kennebec river. join trustees, responded, and urged all many and valuable and Miss Martha 0. Hitchcock of Bath. of our business. to elegant presents. Mr, In requested meet at Park Garden, Federal St., the to work for The old Standish Biddeford, June 16, William Parker and Miss Government. I will still further and graduates the Seminary that and Mrs. Mitchell left after the cer- homestead in Bath, built Nellie go state that it is June at 8 shortly 100 Bridges. Friday evening, 22d, o’clock. its students years ago and owned by Gilbert Stand- lb might be increased. emony for New a sail Biddeford, June 19, Edward Ferrln and Miss A. H. SPEAR, Clerk. York, contemplating ish, was destroyed fire morn- Educatire men and women. leaders and con- by yesterday Annie Wynn. the and most reliable up the and ing. undoubtedly purest baking powder THE STORY IN FIGURES. servators in the advancement of society. Hudson, visiting Niagara Falls, other of and is a Rev. and places interest, making an ex- ,.™s very busy season at offered to the Our cash sales MUNICIPAL COURT. Henry Blanchard responded pic- Beach. Popham DEATHS public.” for the month of tended trip to Appleton where they will Quite n number of cottages a’-e now tured the uneducated masses and contrasted in of May, 1882, were and reside. process building. Mr. T. if. Rollins is $1,487.20, BEFORE JUDGE GOULD. the advantages enjoyed at Westbrook and build ng cottages for Jefferson In this city. June 21, Olive W., widow of the had Higgins, of late only Increased to $2,611.15 Thursday—Augustus Gustine. Intoxication. Corham Normal School Mr. Willard Brackett, aged 74 years 9 mouths impressed upon them the privileges they Maryland, Richardson, of Melrose. 24 for Fined fit and costs. Mass., Clark & days. May, 1885. May, 1886,showed It only needs a at The Milliken, of Richmond, and on glance these Ambrose Quain. Common drunkard. Four were enjoying. He then alluded with pride graduating exercises of the Gorham [Funeral Saturday afternoon at 2.80 o'clock, expects to build one for Hon. T. J Southard from her late residence. a small Increased to $3,036.14. I figures to show the reader months in the county jail. to the competency of the the board Normal School will take place at 8.30 of Richmond. 1 why Samuel O. True. teachers, today Win. Wing, Jr., of In Gorham, June 30, Franklin, son of Mrs. Eli- From Larceny. Fined 810 and is Augusta, that time to this the ad- we need more room. costs. of trustees and of the graduates of 1888. o’clock, ns follows: building a very fine cottage for an zabeth H. and the late Capt. G. L. Stanwood, aged himself, 30 Martin Wall. Fined The Good Morning.Miss elegant one for Mayor and one years. Illegal transportation. other toasts and responses were as Kimball Macomber, at the 8oO aud costs. Auualsof Cla s.Miss Elder for Frank Ward, of Augusta, Mr. Stacy is [Funnral residence of Mrs. Stanwood, John follows; Examination of State street, Gorham, Saturday next, at 2 P. M. W. Haley. Common nuisance. Bound Class.Mr. Luce building a cottage for Mrs. Goodsell, of Uti- over to the grand jury in the sum of 8600. Our Trustees. faithful aud efficient; held in Llbylliue heaves.Miss Cartls N. ca, Hon. William Rogers, of Batb, fuueral service of the late John W. Sullivan. Search aud seizure. Dis- much honor for their M. H. Confeirlug Diplomas. has [The Stillman A. El- efficiency. Coolidge. bought a lot and will build a beautiful den will take tills charged. The Association of Graduates—A baud of lov- GoodBie.Miss Davis place Friday afternoon at 3 cottage and stable this season. Messrs. o’clock, at High Street Church. ing children. Dr. Fuller. Class Hong.Written by Miss Hhapleigb M IRA F. Our hew G. Shaw & Sons have given their contract [The funeral service of the late John Ayer will BRIEF JOTTINCS. Trustees—May they equal their prede- The are as CLARE, graduates follows: tane place tills afternoon at 2.30 cessors In zeal and efficiency. Augustus F. Moul- for their cottage to Mr. Haley, of Bath. o’clock at his late ton, Esq. Chaplin, Nellie T. Hellen, Katie A. residence, No. 43 Cedar street. Curtis. Belle M. WALDO COUNTY. Tlic alarm striking 33 at noon Our Old Students-Steadfast and helpful Kilgore. George yesterday friends. F. M. Kay. DavU. Laura A. Kimball, Susie P. Ship Oneida, of Searsport, now at New hate announced one been telling: you is the session of school. Education and Reform—In this legitimate work Edgecomb Vesla F. McRae, Cora B. orb, has been sold to San F'rancisco only Elder, Aunie M. i par- SPOT CASH The Y’s desire flowers sent to the Flower each a helper of the other. Kev. Q. A. Shinn. Kunueils, Flora N. ties. The Oneida is near twelve hundred CLOTHIER, The Press—A potent factor in the work Feoderson, Albion L. Sawyer. Floreuee M. Biliousness of edu- tons burden, and was launched in 18(ii> from Mission, 51$ Exchange St., Saturday as early cation. Kev. I. J. editor of die Goddard, Lucy S. Shapleigh, Annie E. Meade, Gospel McGilvery s yard in Searsport. Is more at this season as 9 a. m. Banner. Grant, Ida F. Shaw, Sarah L. general than any other. The Hardy Aume L. Hattie L. The Belfast bitter taste, offensive coated DESTRUCTIBLE FUEL The Class of ’88—Courage, truth, faithfulness Shenault, Progressive Age appears this breath, tongue, slok The 32d Maine As-ociation will Haskell. C. E. week that 1. sure to Regiment and fidelity. Mr. E. P. Currier, of the class. Mary Whitten, Mary with rules turned out of headache, drowsiness, dizziness, and loss of do tbe work required. Made Our respect appe in hold Us annual reunion at Greenwood Gar- Visiting friends—We are glad to see them The Gorham Normal School had its usual for its late editor and proprietor, Hon. Win tite make the blocks 3 inches square and 10 inches 482 and to victim miserable, and disagreeable long. Portland. hope hear from them. Hou. Charles Buff- M. Rust. The U Street, den, 23d. luck a paper will now be in the to others. Je22 Congress August am, Mrs. Crockett, Hon. Mr. Graffam. yesterday, downpour during grad Hood’s Sarsaparilla combines the best <11» charge of Mr. Eugene Rust, son of the late WILL BURN FREELY ONE HOUR! Messrs. R. O. Conant, H. N. Jose and J. uating exercises. to some auti-blllous remedies of the vegetable In Prof. Allan, principal of the boys’ depart- Owing unexplain- editor. Mr. Lucius U. Murch, for a long time kingdom, B. Pike will tomorrow the able such proportion as to derive their best medicinal 2 1-2 report place and ment, spoke of the need of a hardwood floor cause, nearly every graduation week is associate editor of the age. will manage the J Inches square and 8 inches long will burn 35 to 40 Minutes. time for the York reunion. editorial effects with the least disturbance to the whole “ Society in the art department and of an organ to stormy, either wholly or in part. In conse- department. sys- 2 .8 20 "30 v uviv/u MARK DOWN ia aw GREAT me K* )iui well UAiiimiCU 111 " “ winning scores, at the Portland Gun take the of a qnence or the rain, very few visitors in I l-z place thing called a inelodian put actions the 41-2 15“ 20 of a upon alimentarv canal, the liver, tl " " Club shoot, held Wednesday, were made by j. that wished to an appearance on the of the 21st Something Stampede. 1 “ they move into the natural morning kidneys, the stomach, the bowels and the clrcul .4 10“ 15 F. J. N. B. but later the What might be called a occurred tion Previous to Stock. Randall, Morton, J. Willard, C. history department, among the relics. One during forenoon they began to stampede ot the blood, that it brings about a liealtl If Taking F. on action of the entire human Thus it will be seen lire can be Thornton and T. B. Davis. hundred and gather. Among those were Messrs. Congress street ypsterdav afternoon. organism, restores tl ? kept up any desired twenty dollars was needed, of present appetite, and overcomes that tired of While on the down feeling. X •y length time without the use of other fuel The New York boat brought another crew which were Luce, Miner, Richardson and of way town the Globe Tea it this season. any $5 pledged. Over $85, was given Hinkley, and the blocks can be used of Italians to this who are en the Prin. Company’s team at the head of street "I indefinitely. city route to on the spot, with promises of more trustees, Woodbury of the Castine High have taken not quite a bottle of Hood’s 8a and the Canadian Pacific railroad in the north of Normal School, Mr. Lord of the Governor’s lost a nut off one of the axles, and a wheel saparillla. must say It is one of the best me Ladies’ and TBUBTEE8’ MEETING. clues for an Children’s and Outside Garments came off. giving appetite regulating the the State. and Prin. Davis of This let one corner of the that I ever From the report of the treasurer, it appears Council, Deering. wagon gestive organs, heard of. It did deal of Dr. G. H. State that the has a fund of The examination was fall to the pavement, but the driver to great good.” Mits. N. a. Stanley, r Bailey, Veterinary Sur- Seminary $18,000,well conducted in the clung ota. N. Y. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. invested. The income of this his geon, is going to Presque Isle and other parts fund, with the usual manner, and showed the school to be horse and endeavored in vain to stop tuition paid by the students, pays the run- of Aroostook, the last part of this to fully up to its usual standard. The him. The animal was frightened and ran Hood’s One lot reduced to week, ning lexpenses of the institution. teaching “ from.$7.50 $1.00 During into Sarsapar^ “ look ud several cases of the the exercises members of the A class Doten’s Bros.’ phaeton, two Sold all six for “.0.00 to 5.00 alleged glanders. past year, nearly $5000 has been laid by were in- containing by druggist. $1; $5. Ma3s C. I. Si PvaninSl1 Mr. C. L. Goodridge’s new kerosene launch out in repairing the buildings, which are teresting and indicated that those conducting boys, upsetting the carriage and throwing by HOOIX CO., Apothecaries, If*"’ OTHER LOTS EQUALLY CHEAP. now in tine condition. The of •*G. O. has been much larger part the exercises had a firm •lie boys out. The driver of the Globe team Dress Goods and Silks to be Closed Out the T,” showing speed in this grasp of both the 100 Doses One V tlalw Regardless of Sacrifice. sum was raised by private subscriptions ,arlt&w 54 inch recent and can and of and the little son of Mr. Weeks, of the apr23 Newmarket Cloths reduced from to trials, easily log twelve knots The old corps of teachers were re-elected theory practice teaching. One of the “ $4.00 $1.00 To make the handling of the blocks 56 reduced from ...... an hour. for anotiier year. It was voted to give the most interesting exercises was that of Miss Globe Tea Company, were thrown out, and convenient, tongs 1.50 to .75 are furnished with each 54 Inch Hair Line preceptress. Miss a the boy was package. Ladies' Cloth reduced from 1.00 to .50 The gold medal to be given to the winner Morton, year's vacation, Shaw in singing. very badly hurt, blood gushing If want the to study in France and with the you best, cheapest and handiest lire ever One lot of Gray Dress Goods ut half price. in the individual Germany, In tlie from his nose and mouth. The of the competition drill of the that at the end of the evening the graduating class gave a top made (that furnished the oil store Black Silk understanding year ICARTERS1 by ... Warp Henriettas greatly under price. Latin School wagon was thrown off, and this today, can be seen In A. M, she resumes her connection witli the Semi- reception at Normal Hall. frightened not excepted) try the 45 inch Black Surah Silk ...... 75 cents the horse still more. A little One Wentworth’s window. nary. further down piece 44 inch Satin Duchess reduced from • $4.00 t» $1.30 Portland Mechanic Blues Associa- the street the horse and of Mr. INDESTRUCTIBLE FUEL ! There was a fine display of eleven salmon FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. buggy Saw- Hamburgs marked down. of the Ladies’ and Underwear at Lombard’s Congress street store, last tion. yer, firm of Sawyer* Dyer,was stand- Hosiery at less than hair prlee for some lots. Job lot of about The of ing, the horse being fastened to a hitch- Parasols half price. night, caught by Mr. Frank Crocker of this A Treat for the Ladles and Girls and eighty-first anniversary the Port- The Atkinson House An examination of our stock and will convince one that The salmon three land Mechanic Blues will be celerated at weight. The noise made by the Furnishing Co., prices auy city. weighed hundred the Men and Boys-Speclal to Fire- approaching we are determined to reduce it. Island next runaway team frightened Mr. AGENTS FOR pounds. men. Long Monday, June 25th. Sawyer’s PORTLAND, and he The city com mittee on new wooden build- There will be a short parade through the horse, started on the run, dragging Corner Pearl and Middle Streets, Portland. ings has granted permission to Joshua Davis Boston, June 21. — Another astounding following streets before to the island: the hitch-weight. The Globe team ran into going INAAC C. ATHIKSOS, Urnrral Tlnuagrr. dtf success was an out-of-town team _)e22 to repair a wooden building at No. 64 Brown recorded by Tiie Boston Sun- Leaving their temporary armory, that was standing in CURE City Hall, 40(1 relieve all the troubles inci- and to J. D. day Globe last Sunday, and the circulation at headed front of X. John Little & Co.’s demob a* t» Vb0 street, Johnson to erect a stable 7.45, by Chandler’s full band of 25 store, ^X^oilious state of the system, such TURNER BROS. in is still the As the Distress after the rear of No. 42 Bracket street. bounding upward. pieces and Drum Major Bean, they will pro- ishing wagon. horse turned upon Nausea, Drowsiness. in the Bide, Ac. While their most dtf Dexter H. of Allen’s Next Sunday’s Globe will have a rich ceed down street to the horse car track be fell, and the horse of /?~e*in : O Hamilton, Middle to Corner, Exchange remar'bl° success has been shown in caring SI ERY has the treat for in addition to the the out-of-town team clear over first native strawberries in the mar- every family reg- Free street, through Free to Congress Square jumped him, Dye Houm> For Sale. ular features and all the news. For the la- and would have continued had ket, as he has for several years past. In 1885 and down Congress street to the Preble not some men PORTLAND & WORCESTER LINE. Newbnryport Dye House of Xcwburyporr, he offered them June 22d, in 1886, June 12th, dies and girls there will be |a complete story House where the honorary members and in- stopped him. As it was, he was cut in sev- THEMass.; established eight years, Dtted with SICK very modern facility for doing work and doing a in by Edith Sessions ‘‘The vited eral places and had a number of » 1887, June 17th, and in 1888, June20th. Tupper, entitled, guests will be received thence to Pearl teeth Ijadacbe. yet Carhr Little Lirer Pilla are AT LESS THAN COST. Portland & Rochester R. R good paying business: extra chance for good ilyer. of knocked out. inJonetijiation, on ring and pre Address A. M. TCKTS Saturday evening Geo. F. Stetson, in be. Backsliding Deacon Budge.” A very en- street to Custom House Wharf where they Mr. Sawyer’s team ran into malty valuable & CO, Newburyport, another renting this aonomg complaint, while they alm> Mass.jeiadlm* half of Ancient Brothers’ Lodge, No. 4, I. O. tertaining, witty and instructive tale, which will take the boats of the Casco Bay Steam- team, taking off a wheel aud doing correcfalldieoti,™0*theatomach,,tiimiute the STATION, FOOT'oTpREBLE STREET. the On and after Monday. J»ar O. will interest all classes. boat other damage. Mr. llver and bowels. Even if they onl* J.1, l««S, LKT-A large two story noose In perfect F., presented Henry C. Bagley, P. G. and Company to the island. at Sawyer’s wagon was reguP0 to reduce our stock of Trains will Arriving "* Wishing Cotton and Lisle Passenger Leave Portland: TOrepair, with large stable, water, with For the the next Sunday Globe the island broken and his horse's cut. Par Wonder, Sebago Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of boys to breakfast after which there badly feet A Clinton, Ayer Jauction, one acre land, at Wood fords, street cars pass the Thread Hose we have decided to offer Naahua, Windham will have a and team to Mr. Frank was run sixteen and lipping at *.30 house: SIS per month. Apply to W. H. WA1. Maine, who is about to leave the with complete thrilling story, by will be t get shooting for the belonging Libby *• city, elegant prizes and 19/19 p ■§. PRON, 180 Middle or No. el Ocean Horatio into in front of Frank B. i different lots at an actual as street, street, a beautiful silver service which was pur- Alger, Jr., entitled, “Charley Dean’s which fc»Te been provide by the committee, Clark’s store, and MEAD loss, follows: pouts North Peering, after 8 p. 2S-1 Ache they almost priceless to thoso who i* **“l1 m._ chased of the well known firm of A. M. Success." It is one every boy in New Eng- a game of base ball between the actives and a wheel taken off, and a team owned at Care '^dbeui* fro distressing complaint; but fort u Oar Kochearer, daring rale, Alfred, Wairn YACHT FOR SALE The Win- land should Elizabeth was also notenu Wentworth of this city. read. honoraries, foot all and other games. wrecked. nately tb uere.and those Two lots Ladies’ here, and Mace hirer at *.30 a. m., 13.33 STKAMona, will be sold at a low new steel theae little Fancy Striped Cotton Hose marked price, For men A horse car who one? pilla valu- and (mixed) at «.:t« a. m. boiler ami otherwise, JOHN the The Globe will have a very Dinner 'will he sprvpd nt. 2 n’plnek at chanced to be passing, and it wiU?udthat will thoroughly equipped. able in"W they not be wiK down from 25 cents to 19 at *.30 a. as., 13.33, 3.00, MARSHALL BROWN. 22-1 The Pet. was run into but Wlt^out them. But cents per P«,««hdm Skipper’s chatty and correct article on what sort of Ponce’s Cafe. not damaged to any grea ling tc after all sick head pair. 0.30, and (mixed) at 0.30 p. m. Seven lots Ladies’ Oer dacearappa .Cumberland Weib A seal about two months old was seen hats, collars, cuffs, neckties, etc., etc., men The has extent, although the horses barely escaped Cotton Hose mark- MI1U, AUCTION MMIS yes- company been working hard and Fancy Striped braak Junction and Woolford’i at ».3d on serious A terday the deck of the schooner Arizona should wear. this promises to be the best celebration that Injury. woman with a baby in her ed down from 38 cents to 25 cents and 10.00 a. m., 13.33, 3.00, 0.30 and per pair. H.I» m. which was moored at fireman in New will want arms narrowly escaped run and (mixed) p. F. 0. BAILEY Commercial Wharf. He Every England the Blues have ever had. being over, ACHE Per Ford t CO. AUCTIONEERS. One lot Ladies’ A 'rune (Doeriag) 10.00 a. m. is for some time the °f *0 many Uvea that here is Drop Stitch Cotton Hose in the skipper’s pet and a favorite with the next Sundat Globe, because it will The members and greatest excitement pre- \ !>““« where Fancy 3.00 and 0.30 m. great honorary invited guests b°"t‘ 0UX p. pm* cure “ whUa marked The 13.33 p. aa. train from Portland the crew. The captain said: “i have had have illustrations of the fire apparatus used are requested to be at the Preble House at 8 vailed. Five different teams started to run «°»U„rtgrert Stripes down from 38 cents to 25 cents oonnectaat Ayer Janet, with "Home Taaael Beale” HORSES AND CARRIAGES the little fellow but all were in the artor’a Little Liver Pills are about six weeks, having in tile middle ages. File your orders today. o’clock sharp, All and mem- away, stopped vicinity of very small and per pair. for the West, and at Kaiaa Worm, past honorary e“y totake. One or two diaiiea, him at Sable Island. the Moore & Co.’s store after had pilla make a doae. ter, fer Providence and New York rla caught He was asleep And, by way, more than 5000 “Wants” bers who have not received invitations are Owen, they vvtiej are strictly vegetable and do not One BY AUCTION, gripe or lot Ladies’ Boot Pattern Cotton Hose “Providence Mar for Nerwiek and New when I came him and are in The been more or less i- mrge. bat by their gentle action pleise marked upon before he knew printed Boston Globe each cordially invited to attend. damaged. all who via "Nfwrwlch Line", with Beetua A isethem. In viaisat 25cent« ; flv„ f,.r tl down Saturday. Jnne23d, at n o'clock, it 1 had him in arms. Sold from 38 cents to 25 cents Albany B. B. for the Wd and New my In three days week, making it the “Want" medium of y or pair. York, Nextat the Mart, Plum street. Hoof Prints. druggists everywhere, sent by mail. VW from the New One “djsriagdeld also with N. Y. A ■4horses, weighing from 1100 to 1250 time he was taken he was as tame England. It pays to read the "Wants” Reception to Rev. J. R. Crosser. lot Ladies’ Drop Stitch Cotton Hose marked N. K. K.H. (“Steamer pounds: Gienarm, the famous Lewiston stallic CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. Maryland Home”) for nrst class workers; sold for no fault, only change as a dog and will now follow me all over the In The Globe. At Williams Hall Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waohiaglaa, in this Wednesday evening the down from 50 cents to 38 and business; beginning sale at 10.30. has been entered to start in the 2.22 race cents per pair. the death. 2 Plano Box vessel. In the morning at about 3 o’clock members of the First church Top Buggies. Democratic State Presbyterian One lot TH HOKUM PULLMAN PA K S Corning Top Buggies. the seal takes Committee. Mystic and also at Beacon. Ml PHI, Snail Bose, Small Ladies’ Lisle Thread Hose LAC his position over the hatch tendered a reception to Rev. J. R. Crosser, Fancy Striped dLKBPINU CABS 1 Plano Box Open Buggy. The members of the Maine State Demo- A good story is told about an Auburr. 2 and there he will until some one of their who marked down from 50 cents to are run Wagons. cry the pastor, has just returned from AfKW 38 cents per dally (except Sundays) via this route, be- 2 cratic Committee met at the Falmouth Hotel hjs who offered to bet $50 to $100 that ADVEKTINKJIBNTg. pair. tween 2d-hand Carryalls. crew goes on deck and feeds him. When we European trip. Rev. J. S. Cogswell Sts^e One lot Men’s Black Cotton Hose 3 Phaetons. last to make for the would not get a heat in the marked down Bar are outside I throw him overboard and let evening, arrangements acted as chairman. free-for-^ j iTEAMER Harbor, Portland and Wash- Lot 2d hand Carriages. Remarks were made ^ CREENWOOD. from 25 IS New him campaign. those were the The owner of the horse offered to H.i cents to 15 cents ing, D. C. without Harnesses. dlDerent trimmings, double swim until he is tired and then he is on- Among present Rev. A. K. P. a; mhoui's Wharf, l*erltiiu,l. per pair. change. and by Small and Close single. jra 1 d3t too to members of the committee from all the coun- bet, but the Auburn gentleman, a- I etween Custom House and Bostou One lot Men’s connection made at Westbrook J»or- ly glad be taken on board again." The Rev. Mr. Deacon Setli own[,r Steamers For Cotton Hose marked llaa with Frost, i.arrabee, El- Treletlien’s and .Jones' Fancy Striped through trains of Maine "estral K.K. and little fellow seemed ties except Piscataquis, Franklin and Wash- say, “squealed.” Then the Landings at Grand Trunk to enjoy himself on the der Kenneth McDonald aud Mr. Hans Han- Stargjg evgu and Greenwood Garden. down from 25 cents to 15 cents per Transfer Portland, with through offered to bet the Auburn man « pair. trains of Grand Trunk vessel's deck and was fond ington—although two of the connties were .,. Ballway. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. very of the ca- son. Mr. Crosser with 1 s * Tickets to replied appropriate that Ills horse would win the UMMER TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE One lot Men’s Black Though Ml points West and South resses of the crew. represented by proxies—Hon.W. L. Putnam, 23,1888 Bicycle Hose marked down be had When he saw one of the remarks expressive of his appreciation of may of 8. H. HT-iLL&N,Ticket Agent, Port, GREAT COLLECTION OF ex Gov. was not and the h eave Portland 5.60. C.45 land. men him he would Plalsted, Messrs. S. S. Brown, T. j. taken, 8.30, 9.45,11 00a. m froml68 cents to 45 cents approaching hobble to- the expressions of regard. The Aubo^ *12.00 111., 1.56. per pair. •Does not William C. E. company has been the 3.00, 4.45, 6.10,7.5b;*9 30pn.' stop at Woodford’s. ward him and tease for a mouthful Stewart, Emery, Allen, Arthur treating boys L save Jones’HGreenwood Jeaadtt of fish then sat down to a banquet of ice cream, evetors at th Gardenl at 0 25 7 16- We J. w. PBTEKit Suut. Hon. S. J. the interested 8.50, 10.66. 11.20 a. feel sure that will that was Sewall, Anderson, non. J.S. Among of 111.; 12.20, 2.16. 4 15 6 20’ you agree with us, when we generally forthcoming. cake and lemonade, provided by the ladies of =Teditor the at Palmer, Hon C. H. Chase. Geo. F. Clifford races was Mr. J. W. Thompy. nient P'l°r cl®se of entertain-' say that no such values the society. A large number were f00’ltUG have been offered in FRENCH MARBLE present Maine Horse Breeders’ [n L tave Grand Army. and others. Mijce the four iVefethen’s, 6.15, 7.05, 9.00, 10.15, 11 30 Portland and R. R. and the occasion was a welcome to Chance, who took seconj,n of his a. m.; 2.26, Portland this season as at Hon. S. S. Brown was happy sire 3.30, 6.05, 6.30, 7.55, 9.60 p. m. this sale. Ogdensburg A meeting of the Council of Adminis- chairman, and A. years old race, is a the returned pastor. wortj no accidents Ml'NDAY SUMMER W. Von and is TIME TABLE. ARRANGEMENT. tration of the Department of Maine, Q. A. Madigan secretary. Moltke, certf horse. He is a CLOCKS It was that occur to him, to make u Leave It., was held at the Falmouth last decided the old State Commit- Sneak Thieving. Portland, 8.66,10.15,11,30 a. m.; 1.65 June 85. 1883. Hotel very four year <- 3. LIU, 4.45 p. ID. Commencing tee should run the speedy evening. Department Commander Burbank coming campaign, as Yesterday afternoon the house of 11. M. 25’ 10-36, 11-60 _ Didn’t a-m-; aiB- Passenger trains will leave Union Sta! Port- there had been no action taken --rising Ap- 4 16*6 20°U m’’9 Ion, was authorized to make all necessary ar- by the Demo- Elweil, No. 1 Stetson's Court, was entered by A Case Where A^;. RINES land, as follows: cratic State Convention iTretetWg,9.16,10.4512.00,a.m.; 2.26, BROS. rangements for the attendance of the Maine relieving them from a sneak thief while the family was upstairs, pe« 3. 30, 6.05 p. in. for all stations on through Hue, all Vernal.y;, i >F°r White Vlouutaia that duty. Jones’ only. tin sormv or weather Heart., connecting with BRONZES, Department at the national in and a quantity of jewelry and silver ware lBc.'1; w foggy all encampment ,u.rjved at this rU" t0 at points In Northern New Hnmp.bire anil An executive committee was port Tre,ethen'8’ only option of the SOLD BY OROER OF Columbus, Ohio, next The com- appointed, taken. Two vessles cs plain Vermaat. This train runs through to Meat- THE liPORTER. September. wi»0ne wag at the wharf real, mander was also consisting of Arthur Sewall, T. J. Stewart, About ten minutes of live the house of Burlington. Ogden.burg. Niagara authorized to procure a the other at FARES Pall, and Weal. Friday ®nd Jane Slst and William C. E. Mr. W. C. 81Si Saturday, silk banner for the Emery, Allen, S. S. Brown Harrison ofbwan't Z^d igle ticket, round trip, adult.s .20 ■ 3.30 p.m. for (lira ■«», •'«»- -~nd. Maine Department as Richardson, No. 7, Anderson at express Morning, Afternoon and Even- and several members of &MHtThemaii the lldreu under twelve. .10 ford'-. Fnbyaa*-, Prodle Manor. Meant voted at the State the State Committee. was entered and a locket w ing, at 10 o’clock a. 3.00 encampment in February street, gold and Marshall’s Jwn [t dmlsslon to Garden, Adults 10 Children Belblrbrlni, Jt lfer.oa and m„ This committee with wUh p,acardg au_ cents. Wn.hiagton, last. A committee was raised to organized the choice of some silver ware taken. Mr. Richardson floode 6 cents, at the Praacaaia. and N.00 p. in., confer with place nd but T reive gate.] these officers: ,)rjcej through be- rides.'...... 1 00 B.I3 p. m. for Ne. Ceaway, Crawfnrd’e, the trustees of the saw the man the house as he Maine State Fair and ar- leaving arrived nouncing said his vessel was at Mar- T’ rides, Littleton. Welle’ Chairman—Hon. 8. 8. Brown. * renty scholars...*1.00 (for residents and Fabian',, Hirer, Ac., with them for an and him as a small man ing misin he 81 tty rides, adults. 3.00 arrives Maairral 91.33 a. m. Buns range encampment on the Treasurer—Hon. William (i. Davis. home, describes with Saturday morning got J cottagers only. dally, AT shall 8 but no HASEHEFIT Inclutletl. STORE 228 MIDDLE fair State Charles E. Allen. a css, customers came, F- N. Manager. OEPARTMEHT. Sunday STREET, grounds during the fair, the same Secretary—Hon. light moustache. M WEEKS, Parlor Montreal on ready If* wever, that a large crowd of f. M. WKBBEK, Clerk. Je22dtf Kara r.r 8J50 a. m., ar- as last year. A number of sub-committees were rive Montreal,N.30 p. m. Corner of appoint- He notUvomine from the wharf above ^ Union. A Thief. lOK Wagaer Palare Kara far Pall, on ed. Young people '.an had a fish. He maIaE—At appraisal stock and fixtures TO-DAY we Niagara investigated f of snail begin a special sale of Ham- 8.00a. in., arrive at Valla 14 of and e-,ie had been a strictly first class grocerv store, Niagara 10.40 A Narrow Escape. It was voted that the Frederick Russell, years old, Dover, the other family the a. in., for executive committee advertising im uness of over $200 mocks,Including following noticeable bargains: connecting all points Wiist. N. and fie said over a few per day, oil the principai W Palare The H., stole $35 in that aud came to cuss words and sti eetina smart A iigarr Kara for Pubyan’o on 12.80 workmen engaged on the stone quar- meet again in Portland soon for arranging city city with 20 miles of Boston: strong, handsome, woven Hammock, in sizes This sals oilers inducements to the citizens fellofn future to find out his tri 11 :i‘,s,'ll~er* this train reach all gnat Portland. location be- Place; run owner 15 suitable for ,, by ry on New street had a narrow and the of On his arrival here yesterday, he ,!!*e by present Ladies and Children, 75 cents. lurai. High escape completing plan the campaign. rescertlslng. ye irs; ill health cause of sale: Meoart, before evruing. ot Portland and vicinity to purchase First-Class Fnnch was investigation will Double gy-Thls train willm from death. After the work arrested by officers Hanson and Frank for pre rePresented or no thread, Gloucester, netted not stop at Hiram. Special Officer Fierce noticed of the committee was con- sale; capital required Hammocks, p*' Marble Clocks and Bronzes. at the 000 to w. full size, desirable and will ar dleepere for Moalroal on that the rock above a Boston & Maine station. He had 820, pillars Dirve Men Out of p,°0(. F, CAK1UJTHKKS, 11 colors, Strong, be sold the workmen jutted out cluded. handsome collation was served in Forty ft irt St., Boston. lit -Waatreal d.33 a. m all a f 22-1 r' n' ar,r T® such a he revolver and a knife on him. Dover offi- the w Itli H A 8. CLOCKS WARRARTEO THE FINEST FRENCH in way that feared it might fall Parlor No. 2. Woods. A U iilp fttrnnor nrnVAn IT a intn/xol. ...U-Ll e nn/—.at Brtdgton Janet, ceis win M -, iiiiirMou ail u nairr and do The workmen rather pooh- laae mm to tnat place. > [Monson Slate.) E.K-S18U0, stock amt fixtures of cash Men or for)| muicmcma, oiniMUb int nuun ARU int damage. grocery, fitted Women, price $1.25. Steamer Creenwood. finely throughout; well select- A"‘Tili ■■ at his fears but one of them e caterpillars are great in ed stock 8.3ft a. mM 1 8.35, 7.50 HALF HOUR ON RICH CATHEORAL GONGS. IN poohed finally SUBURBAN NEWS. Droving pests ; established 40 years; location corner 2 Large, closely woven with made-in P* m. The time table good streets Hammocks, went and struck his crowbar into the of the steamer Greenwood .Join. Many trees have their leaves en- West End. W. F. CAMCUTHERS, handsome Parlor REAL FRENCH MARBLE up 11 Court pillows, styles, $2.00. and Car accommodatlo os secured CASES. MASSIVE. AR- will into effect St., Boston, 22-1 Sleeping about two tons of go Saturday, and it will be >/jly eoten off, and some houses in the vil- to M. I,. Williams, A, rent, Port- TISTIC ANO ELEGANT DESIGNS. WARRANTED ground. Immediately (10UUAM. HAMMOCK ROPES. found in our advertising columns. This are so covered °yap£licatlM rock was detached and came thundering June 20th, if the day is fair, and '.ge thnt passing in and out SAI.K—$800; first-class route; fine PERFECT ANO RELIABLE TIMEKEEPERS steamer is an fine if/ FOBhorse and team; set HAMMOCK HOOKS. down into the where the men had especially boat, and cannot the next fair ms decidedly disagreeable to those people who splendid customers; very place day, Kev. John Cobb pickles, mustards, preserves, «c.; trade HAMMOCK o2*.H.\'ov*.n.T.LJ.HAmLTOS’liuvt- fail to prove past^ ketchups, SPREADERS. Also handsome Bronzes in Beautiful been at work. highly popular. As the pro- object to caterpillars on their collars. A per week; 30 W. F. Portland, June 22,1888. je22dtf great variety. the School Street Methodist church I17? per cent, UAKKUTH- HAMMOCK prietors of the line were unable to make a iu^ crew of forty men, In EKS, ll Court street, Boston. 22 1 PILLOWS. French Scenes. will celebrate his 8OII1 engaged cutting pop- Placques, Hunting ham, birthday |g lar near here were driven out of the HAMMOCKS FOR DOLLS. im mkrkky uivkm that the Fish Arrivals. satisfactory arrangement with the proprie- MAIjK Noticksubscriber has been duly appotu.ted Exec- residence on South street when he rto- woods, and one train a few ago had *1400 buys fixtures and fuml- FOR tors of Greenwood Garden in to days FOBture of first-class HAMMOCKS BABIES. utor ot the WUl of Yesterday the schooner Montieello landed regard estimable will be hard work to get through or over a body of lodging house. 16 rooms; companion very present owner 11 3 HAMMOCKS FOR CHILDREN. MARY MAS< I tickets of admission to that the h;any them on to oocupledby years; rears IN, late of Fortlan i, Don t thts to purchase a 14,000 pounds of cod and haddock and there resort, price moving fresh grounds. lease; located in one neglect great opportunity receive and enjoy the company of tpeet- of the best sections fn the lu the of dece and of tickets has been reduced on the Green- city of Boston to let County Cumberland, ased, fine clock or a finest lot were also landed about of fresh friends in and out of Gorham. It from rooms, and always let at good has taken himself that t pretty piece ot Bronze. The 3,000 pounds Maine State for upon rust by wood so as to cover transportation and ad- ed that a number of College- fce.Jo.V?, bargain somebody. W. F. CAK- giving bonds as the law directs. AIL ot in ever in this mackerel. J. W. Trefethen «fc Co. received a large Clergaswell KI li Court persons gems this line ottered at public sale will be nr and vi- Lieutenant K. TE. THEliS, street, Boston. 221 demands the estate of said mission to the Garden at as low rates as the Maine Conference Hatch of the 18th United BASEMENT DEPARTMENT. having upon deceased, swordfish weighing 373 the first by are required to exhibit the same, and aU city. pounds, as the resident clergymen of Gorved at States has been persons other line of steamers. Infantry, temporarily de- naI,K—0x10 printing foot indebted to said estate are called to the that has been landed here this season. any cinlty. A picnic dinner wilLble occa- press, power, upon make I Sale. Positive orders to dose out tached from his regiment and be sta- FOBself inking, in good running order; will be payment to TwoOays one o’clock a * will p. m. and very cash. Apply to or address F. (>. BAI- entire stock of prices. Naomi *— tioned at jo'.'jlowfpr FRANCIS M. of Me regardless Lodge. sion is Orono at the State College for the EEY& CO., 18 Me. 22-1 BENNETT, Hollis, ll3t Bryant Chautauqua Circle. anticipated. next Exchange 8t., Portland, Portland. June 10,1888. Executor 1 The following officers of Naomi Lodge, No. -On. three years. Lieutenant Hatch Is a na- The Circle has tive of and OWEN, MOORE & C9. dlawMwF Bryant Chautauqua chosen ACrand Liberty, Me., is now visiting at Etrrnlshed rooms at Sti PAKK CO. 1, D. of K., Saccarappa, were elected Combj bis old home. F. O. BAILEY & the following officers for the coming year: T° MKHiUl. ‘22-1 SAI.K-The most desirable evening: [Kennebec Dcione day last Mr. Charles S. building lots President—Bev. A. T. Dunn. Wednesday Bickford of Belfast, will FOKIn Deerlng. each lot has line large shade I Merchants N. A runner was in Wate' deliver the oration Auctioneers and Cownmion Vice President—Mrs. ft. W. Noyes. G.—Mrs. Emina L. Clements. Z3H Hquor house, ou the twelfth annual re- AAI.K—West end Cougress street, new trees, many of tho lots liave plenty of fruit trees, V. G.—Mrs. Smith. union of the house, 8 and small Secertary—Mrs. Mabel Kicker. Lydia week drumming for a Riy at the same Orono chapter of the Beta IjSOB rooms, bath, bard wood and cherry apple, pear fruits, all on street car Hue Sales room 18 Exciiesffe Street. Secretary—Mrs. Ella E. Swett. and a Life Insurance (hd combination, Theta Pi Society. nuish, steam heating; Price *3 760. W. H. 1 mile out. Apply to W. H. W AI.DRtIN, 180 The circle now numbers 35 members. Treasurer—Mrs. Paulina Hazeltou. 180 Middle or No. 61 m. o. uAsi.tr. «• w- as.i-.biv time. He said it was WALbKlWf, Middle St. 22 1 8t., LiceauSt., Uwerlug, after 6 p. m. 22-1 mar 14 till