t»r»t>*t» Court ¥I«us«


of November, 1864, ho was irra.nte(l OVER THEIR GRAVES. THE REUNION. iiis first leave oi absence—20 days— Over their graves rang once the buelc's call. (lose tip! The lines are lessening fast; with per mission to ask the Secretary The searching shrapnel,and the crashing ball The blasts of death are sweeping past, of War for triv days extension. The The shriek, the shock of battle and the neigh And he who missed us on the field Of horse; the cries of anguish and dismav ; Where shot and shell his track revealed tern days extension was granted, and And the loud cannon's thunders that appall. With silent tread is stealing on. in the evening of its receipt in Detroit, Our ranks are thinned,our comrades gone; The bugle call will sousd retreat— news came that the troops at Chat- Now through the years the brown pine-needles We onward move our foes to greet— , tanooga

PILES STATIONS. ai l "- * .M were thrown from a road cart at Bu- deposits. law jumped and was fatally injured. fi "P. " ~~* as-a MAKING A ford, Ga., and both were killed. ROBERT STEVENSON, paymaster of the W. C. ERSKINE, of Pittsburgh, Pa., was z~ EAILWAY Empire State Phosphate Company, and A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. rates for taking exhibits to knocked down by footpads and robbed Detroit.. Lv. 8 20 7.40 120 8 00 9 26 9 15 4 45 the world's fair have been fixed at full Mr. Payne, a mail carrier, were mur- of $1,000 in money and other valuables. Wayne J'n.. 900 8 88 955 5 19 BEAUTIFUL HOME price going to Chicago and free return. dered near Hernando, Fla., for their Ypsilauti... 9 22 8 25 205 900 10 15 540 IS not a Question of money. Taste, experience and IN a disreputable house in Provi- A.M A.M P. U. P. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. kill have much to do with it. If you intend to build, !t will be a mistake not to send for our books of SEN- THOUSANDS of acres of land in the money. dence, R. I., Adair Simoni shot and Ann Arbor.. 9 35 8 40 2 19 11 is10 1910 32 592 SIBLE LOW-COST HOUSKS, now arranged in three vol- Jim river valley in South Dakota were ROBERT NEAL and an unknown miner killed Mary Marrigan during a quarrel Dexter 9 55 9 45 L0 5S 6 07 umes. In them you-will und perspective views, floor Rubber Shoes unless worn uncomfortably tight, Chelsea 10 10 9 58 1107 6 18 plans descriptions, and estimates of costs for 105 under water. The property loss by the were instantly killed by falling slate in and then took his own life in the same generally slip off the feet. Jackson 1100 (1 85 314 10 40 ii 15 1166 0 55 tasteful, new design for houses. They also give our 2 06 1150 100 12 55 •2 IS 9 30 Drives for complete working Plans. Details, and Spec- Mississippi floods was estimated at over a coal mine at Brazil, Ind. manner. THE '• COLCHESTER" ETJBBEK CO. Kalamazoo.. ifications, which enable you to build without delays, ja.qoo.ooo. R. G. DUN & Co. report that the vol- Chicago. Ar. 755 355 900 6 50 4 50 755 mistakes or quarrels with your builder, and which SAMUEL JACKSON, the most famous make all ttielr shoes with Inside of heel lined with any one can understand. Good builders reecomend NEAR Wildie, Ky., the residence of ume of trade this year exceeds that of manufacturer of fireworks in the coun- rubber. This clinjica to the shoo and prevents the G. \V. RUGGLES, H. \V. HAYES, these plans. Testimonials from all parts of the conn- Mrs. John Coffey was destroyed by tire rubber from slipping off. G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor try. Vol. I contains 3f> copyrighted designs of houses any other year. Western cities were try, died in Philadelphia. Call for the " Colchester " costing between 9500 and S18UO. Vol. II contains 35 and she and her 8-year-old child were copyrighted designs, 31S00 to&KKX). Vol. Ill contains gaining almost without exception. IN retaliation the saloonkeepers at 35 copyrighted designs, $3u00 to SiXJOO. Price, by mail, burned to death. SUPERINTENDENT BYRNE, the new "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." NEW TIME TABLE. «1.00 each, or gtf.UO for the set. Sioux City, la., stopped all the street "We also publish "COLONIAL HOUSES." a volume FIRE in the building of the Washing- chief of police of New York city, has is- ciirs on Sunday and compelled the clos- FOR SALE BY In effect December 6,1891. showing Perspectives and Floor Plans of houses ar- ton (D. C.) Star damaged the plant of sued an order that all saloons must be ranged in the inimitable style of the Colonial Archi- ing of all places of business. WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, tecture, and having all modern arrangements for that paper to the extent of $25,000. closed on Sunday. IN a jealous rage John E. Geist, a comfort. Price 82.00 JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&.CO. Toledo, Ann Arbor and PIOTUKKSQUE HOUSES FOR FOREST AND Louis AUBERTIN, who murdered Mrs. carpenter, shot and killed his wife at SHORE:—This shows Perspectives and Floor Plans PERSONAL AND POLITICAL of new designs for Summer Cottages, which are ro- Charles T. Leonard November 27, 1891, Dayton, ()., and then took his own life. DOTY&FEINER, A. D.SEYLER &SON mantic, convenient, and cheap. Price 81.00 by mail. was hanged at Freehold, N. J. MRS. A. S. HOLMES, the first white North Michigan R'y. Address woman born in Chicago, and who it INCENDIARY fires at San Antonio, ARBOR. THE house of Mrs. Henry Nierman Tex., destroyed the offices of the Daily GOING NORTH. at St. Louis took fire during her was expected would be an attraction at No. NATIONAL ARCHITECTS'UNION, the world's fair, died suddenly at Hamp- Democrat and Daily News and several 120N. Seventh Philadelphia, St.. Pa. absence and her two children, aged 2 other buildings. 1.—Mail Express 7 27 a. m. and 4 years, were burned to death. ton, la. 3.—Passenger Ann Arbor Accom 12 m. THE Delaware democrats will hold JAMES ABBOT confessed at Newark, 5.—Mail Passenger 4 25 p.m.. H. WILTSHAW, bookkeeper in the N. J., to having seven wives in differ- GOING SOUTH. United States bank of New York, is a their state convention in Dover May 17, No. SAW MILLS. and the Connecticut democrats will ent parts of the country. Jerome Freeman! 2.—Mail Passenger 11 18 a, m defaulter to the extent of $40,000. Reports show an average decrease of 4.—Mail Express 8 40 p. m. MARY STANTON, a young actress, died convene at New Haven May 10. 6.—Passenger Toledo Accom 7 00 a. SOL WILLIAM RIGHTSEINR, the last but one about 30 per cent, in the cotton acreage All trains daily except Sunday. ENGINES, in New York from excessive cigarette of the south. Trains 3 and 6 run between Ann Arbor and smoking. member of the jury that convicted JohD Toldo only. Central Standard Time. Improved Variable Friction Feed* Brown, died at Shepherdstown, W. Va., JOHN LYLE KING, one of the most THE richest gold strike in the history W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A. Send for catalogue and special orices. at the age of 84. prominent lawyers in the west, died at of the Black Hills was struck in the K. S. GREENWOOD, AQT. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Tom, PKeystone mine near Rapid City, S. D. FRANC B. WILKIE, the veteran journal- his home in Chicago, aged 67 years. JOHN LANGTONE and his wife and DURING the month of March 1,085,997 ist and war correspondent, died at his i flO a wet) twelve children were drowned in the by earnest bushels of wheat were marketed in residence at Norwood Park, 111., aged Honestne Workn We furnish! Z£ the ,capital! Ii Michigan. The condition of the grow- •0 years. flood in Marengo county, Ala. yomeun meaandn womebusinessn W-, droc furnishp us athe car cd and get THE democrats of the Fourth Indiana LEW BACH and Jeu Geng, both Chris- POSTOFFICE some facts that will open your eyes I A legiti- ing crop was reported to be excellent. LUMBER! mate line of gojds, and honest men wanted to IN Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota se- district have renominated W. S. Hol-tian Chinamen, were shot and mortally introduce them in town and country. Don't vere snowstorms prevailed, the heaviest man for congress. wounded by highbinders in St. Louis. Wait! Address at once, P O Box 649, Cincin- THE white republicans of Texas met ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, ex-premier nati, O. ever known at this season of the year. of Canada, died in Toronto, aged 70 LUMBER! ANNIE KIRKWOOD, 11 years old, of Up- in state convention at Dallas and nomi- nated a full state ticket with Andrew years. BEAL & POND, land, Ind., and Minnie Tucker, 7 years LUMBER! old, of Ada, Mich., were burned to J. Houston, of Dallas, for governor. THE Iowa weather bureau states that death while playing around burning VEBMONT republicans in state conven- the season in the state is fully two If you contemplate building, call at brush heaps. tion at Montpelier elected delegates in weeks late. INSURANCE AGENTS A MAN named Pearson, his four sons favor of Harrison's renomination and IN the Nationalleague the percentages FERDON'S Courier Office, 41 and 43 North Main St., and a man named Dempsey were ar- adopted resolutions indorsing his ad- of the baseball clubs for the week ended (Successors to C. H. Millen.) rested in Winston county, Miss., forministration, favoring protection for on the 16th were: New York, 1.000; robbing the mails. American industries, an honest dollar Boston, 1.000; Pittsburgh, .750; Chicago, JEFF WEAVER, of Center, Ala., who and an honest ballot. .667; Brooklyn, .667; Louisville, .667; The oldest agency in the city. Established THE democrats in state Philadelphia, .500; St. Louis, .333; Cleve- over a quarter of a century ago. Representing cruelly ill-treated his 5-year-old daugh- the following first-class companies, with over ter, was given 100 lashes by his neigh- convention adopted resolutions favor- land, .333; Cincinnati, .250; Baltimore, bors and driven from home. ing the nomination of Cleveland for 000; Washington, .000 Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get out $60,000,000 Capital and Assets. president and declaring for the gold figures for all kinds of W. HENRY, Frank Josett and David Good Looks. HOME INS. CO., of New York. Hogan, of Lima, O., were killed by an Good looks aa'e more than skin deep, CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. explosion in Hardy's machine shop. and silver coinage of the constitution depending upon a healthy condition NIAGARA INS. CO., of New York. THE Moosic powder mill near Scran- and for a currency convertible with such of all the vital organs. If the Liver be GIBARD INS. Co., of Philadelphia. ton, Pa., blew up, and nine employes coinage without loss, and for the speedy Inactive, you have a Billions Look, if LUMBER! ORIENT INS. CO., of Hartford. were killed and twenty others were in- abatement of all forms of needless and your stomach be disordered, you have ROOMS. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London We manufacture our own Lumber and guaran- jured. oppressive taxation. Christian Hey- a Dyspeptic Look, and if your Kidneys tee LIVERPOOL, LONDON aud GLOBE. fro affected, you have a Pinched Look. THE lowest estimate placed on thedrick was nominated for supreme judge Secure £jood health and you will have loss of life in the flooded district of Mis- and G. A. Allen and T. P. Merritt for a;imil looks. Electric Bitters is the VERY LOW PRICES congressmen at large. Rates Low as the Lowest, Losses Liber- sissippi was 250, almost all of whom are great alterative and Tonic acts di- THfc_ Give us a call and we will make it to ally Adjusted and promptly Paid. negroes. More than 3,000 families in THE Michigan republicans in conven- rectly on these vital organs. Cures your interest, as our large and well graded the counties of Lowndes, Monroe and tion at Detroit adopted resolutions in- Pimples, Blotches, Boils and gives a stock fully sustains our assertion. Telephone good complexion. Sold at Eberbach Connections with office. Noxubee were homeless and suffering dorsing the present administration; the j& Son, and Geo. T. Haussler, of Man- BEIL «£ POND. for the necessaries of life. nomination of Gen. Russell A. Alger aa Ichester. Price 50c. Der bottle. BOOD SUOB ud HOT BATES! T. J. KEECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop Thanking your honorable body, as the same to the council on the first Monday in 229 lbs. waste The next meeting of the Saline Farm- polish ^ "^ •ell as other city officers and the May. chemicais""i:~" 10 20 'er's Club will tie held at tli eresldence Which resolution prevailed. freight and express charges 8 1ft ublic in general to whom we are un- III of Mr. A. S. Oobb, on May 13. H. By Aid. Ferguson: Tire and Water Journal, one year— 3 00 er many obligations for courtesies I W. Basset* will furnish a paper and Resolved, That the deed of the Ann Arbor one pair cKppers ml confidence, I very respectfully one shovel 858 Gas Company of lauds between Detroit and 35 "Mrs. Norman Wood give a recita- pails and sprinkler ubm.it the above report. o «? 2 Beakes streets be accepted aud recorded. repairing tools 1 M tion. Which resolution prevailed. 1 15 FRED SIPLEY. salt - I Si r-1 Below is a. table, taken from the By Aid. Wines: Chief of Fire Dep't. 1 r^. Saline Observer, giving the record of Resolved, That the City Attorney is hereby Total On motion the report was received instructed to Immediately take the necessary RECEIPTS OF THE DEPARTMENT. nd filed and ordered printed. of the sheep shearing done at the fes-slo;,< to finish the opening of South 4th Ave.For building permits — $ 5 00 tival held in thai place on April 8th. from Madison to Bill St., and that Hie neces- 5th ward engine house bell 10 0>) g JSS 5SG ^ :r x. ^ i - sary cost for the same bespread on the general lumber wagon 24 95 ANNUAL I1EPORT OF THE TREASURER. The figures bring out some pretty tax list, and that the original motion creating hand engine hose cart and hose 435 00 Annual report of the city treasurer fine sheep: a sjiccinl assessment district be reemded. AM Martin moved that Aid. Wines Total *«J 95 £ Ann Arbor for the year ending 8 S33& resolution be laitl on the table. ATPAUATUS. [arch 1, 1892. Which motion prevailed as follows: The apparatus of the department b the Common Council: iln actual service consists o{ two hose Name of Owner. Sex. Yeas—Aids. Martin, Herz, Fillrnore, I herewith submit my annual report i Know, O'Mara. Kchbers", Taylor, Pres. •wagons and one hook and ladder or the year ending March 1, 1892. Cooley—8. truck, carrying 211 feet of ladders, to- CONTINGENT FUND. Naye—Aide. Wines. Schairer, Fergu- gether with ropes, hooks, axes, crow- arch 1,1891. Balance over- drawn 8>i POWDER 23 05 son, Kitson. J'retiyman—5. bars, etc., all of which are in first A. A. Wood Ram 7 l.W XK By Aid. Ferguson: class condition, with the exception Receipts. Absolutely Pure. 21)04 1S6 1114 860 Resolved. That the City Clerk be and is here- of hose wagon Xo. 1, from which the ounty Treasurer — Liquor A (S-epm of tartar baking: powder. Highest 157 163 8588 25 05 Tax * 8,062 69 C. H. Parsons... iSZ 12 03 by ordered and directed to procure a gold of all in leaving strength.—Latest U. S. Uuvern- 21! SO SI.') dollar and have the same suitably inscribed, paint is peeling, althugh I think it avings Rank -Interest 2115 987 ,T. E. Smith 803 - 2V| 2fl 05 Can lie run another year without much ity Clerk—Licenses --- 76 00 a ROYAL BAKINa POWDER Co., 106 VI all St., N. \. :;7.-> 2 Ur aid, aud if the said superintendent shall HOSE. 118 860 IS 10 ud that she shall be entitled thereto, then he, STHEET FOND, 2'! i le said superintendent, is hereby authorized N. A. Wood Ewe 85 885 We have at present, 2,650 feet of March 1, 1891. Balance on EXPERT WRITERS 106858 2 111 18 o grant such aid, not exoeeding the sum of six Vubber-lined cotton hose in good con- . 154:3.58 2U 222 14 ollars per month, in money. That said super- hand * 94-11 ,j 1511 .!5N SUI2I 4 00 utendent do draw an order for such aid, so by dition, although some of it has been Receipts. 2 1222 0 808 im to be granted, to be signed by the City )T in use 10 or 12 years. When asking irt and stone sold 420 10 ACCOUN- J. S. Wood 96 891 2!4|8 04 lerk and Mayor, on the City Treasurer, and 84374 2U IB 09 nclude all such aid so granted in his monthly the council for an appropriation for uthcrland's services 23 40 Kespectf ulJy submitted, TANTS A. A.. Wood 2% 20 03 eports to the Common Council. Appropriation - 9,000 00 186 861 tlie ensuing year, we based our esti- S. W. BRAKES, Ira E. Wood 2K M! U9 Which resolution prevailed by a yea ppropriation, sidewalks 290 60 _ 186 851 V-A 19 06 mates upon only absolutely necessary City Treasurer. CORRES- S. K. Crittenden . I i It? I I E 2 106358 18 04 nd nay vote as follows: Requirements, which included 1,000 feet Total receipts. 10,676 21 PONDENTS 31030 :»- 14 08 Yeas—Aide. Wines, Schairer, Fergu- On motion the report was accepted C. R. Parsons.— 1 12 09 of hose. But owing to the fact that Disbursements. 8S)i35C 14 06 and filed and ordered printed. 1 84!S7 exn, O'Mara, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. the committee on finance recommended 10,094 29 By Aid. Snow: RAPID JYAUPEN Cooley—7. a cut therein, and to the further fact

.; •_... Resolved, That ;i special co.mmit- No, id "A Treatise on Mortgage Invest- Nays—Aids. Martin, Herz, Fillmore, that your honorable body, as well as Balance on hand Mar. 1,'92 581 92 WRITING ee of three be appointed by the presi- ments, applicable to farm and city now. Rehberg, Taylor—0. (myself, have a desire to see the -de- SOLDIEKS' RELIEF FUND, lent and charged with the duty of property, and showing how to make NNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE COMMISS- partment out of debt at the begin- farch 1, 1891. Balance on 604 40 nvestiig-ating , conditions of the Al- ENGROSSING No. 38 tin intelligent and judicious selection IONERS. lilng of another year, I recommended hand of such securities," is a new work 'o the Common Council: 5'ou purchase only as much hose an Receipts. ens icreek Mill race, and report Appropriation 600 00 vhat arrangement can be made for SOLO BY STATIONERS EVERYWHERE. just published by Edwa.rd N. Darrow, The annual report of the chief of can be paid for with the amount re- 600 U0 he discontinuance of the same. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage, 2 cents. of Minneapolis. The subject is treat- he. lire department, containing the ceived for the fire engine sold to the 1 204 40 ed practically and thoroughly for the Jeipts and expenses of the depart- village of Milan, relying upon the pres- Total receipts Which resolution prevailed. 810 BROADWAY, nent tor the year is hereby respect- Di&hursemcnts. The chair appointed the following SPENCERIAN PEN CO., NEW YORK. benefit of investors. Its chapters treat ent council to devise means of furnish- rderspaid 139 0° of the business, the application, de- ully submitted. ing us the necessary equipments for 188 00 omniittee: Aids. Snow, Wines, anil 'rettymian. bentures, guaranty and mortgage pa- GEO. H. POND, Pres. putting the department on first-class, Balance on hand Mar. 1, 92 1,065 40 COUNTY AND VICINITY. A communication of Mrs. Foley was pers. The points are clearly and con- WM. J. MILLER, Clerk. practical footing. BRIDGE, CULVEKT AND CROSSWALK FUND. cisely stated, so that any one may •ead, and on motion was laid on the Saline sighs for a band of wind in- Ann Arbor, April 15th, 1892. Receipts. readily understand them. This val- HYDRANTS. Appropriation 4,000 00 able. struments. 'o the Honorable Board of Fire Com- uable work is for sale at $1.00 ,by The number of hydrants lias been Disbursements. Pres. Cooley, after Bomc remarks, The early farmer is getting His oats missioners. the author, 201 Hennepiii ave., Minn. Gentlemen:—I again have the hon-increased from 117 to 123, exclusive Vone imade the following- appointments of In—not the wild variety. of the one on the hospital grounds, -— r of submitting to you my annual re- Balance on hand Mar. 1,'92 4,000 00 landing committees for the coming The Normal students are having a "whicli is maintained by the state. Run by electricity—Lightning. )ort, (this being the third) as chief DOG TAX FUND. ear. vacation this week also, and Ypsi. Just oversight—The eyebrows. There have also been about three miles Finances—W. L. Taylor, Wm. Herz, A. H ie quiet. >f the, Fire Department. I assure larch 1, 1891. Balance on 'lllmore. Paper weights—Sunday issues. ou that the monotony apparent in of water mains laid, making a total The Plymouth Mail scores a con- of about 27 1-2 miles. The water hand 100 00 Ordinances—L. D. Wines, C. Martin, Wm. he similarity of the reports is great- larch 1, 1892. Balance on Q. Snow. temporary for publishing spring po- Supply has been increased by the dril- 100 00 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. y relieved in the actual performance hand Streets—C. Martin, A.I'. Ferguson. Wm. G. vtry. It certainly in a great provo- ling of several wells, furnishing an yi duty. I will endeavor to show DELINQUENT TAX FUND, Snow, H. G. Prettyman, W. L. Taylor, L. D. cation. liibundance of water which is unexcelled 623 37 Wines. n detail the work performed by the larch 1, '91. Bal. overdrawn At the Dexter high school Prof. (OFFICIAL. 1 5ii quality. Sidewalks—A. J. Kitson, E. Rehberg, A. H. department during the year ending Receipts. fillmore, Wm. Herz, D. F. Schairer, John- Clark is preparing a cantata of 100 O'Mara. Council Chamber. 4.pril 1st, 1892, also make a state- HORSES. 'ounty Treasurer 255 49 voices Jor aai entertainment to be giv- 371 27 Fire Department—Jno. O'Mara, E. Rehberg. Ann Arbor, April IS, 1892. ment of losses by fire, the insurance There are in the service five horses ppropriation, rejected tax. 15 78 en eoon by the senior class. Disbursements. I. G. Prettyman. Regular meeting. •aid thereon and tli ecause of fires all of which at present are doing very Water—A. P. Ferguson, E. Rahberg, A. H The Normal Choir, assisted by the teal estate tax returned 2S2 52 ^illmore. Called to order by Pres. Cooley. s far as can be ascertained, together well. teal estate tax rejected 6112 Police—Wm. G. Snow, A. J. Kitson, W. L. Detroit orchestra, is preparing for a Roll called. A full board present. vith such other information as I trust MEX. -"ersonal tax retained 406 12 {rrand concert June <3, of which F. 749 76 Taylor. Aid Kitson moved that the old rules be of interest to your honorable The jmanual force consists of eight Lighting—Wm. Herz, D. F. Schairer A. J. H. Pease will be the conductor. Bal, overdrawn Mar. 1, '92. ],101 86 Kitson. governing ftlie last year's council be body. full-time men (including the chief) and April 26th, being the anniversary adpoted Ito govern this council. FIRF.MENS' FUND. Bonds—A. H. Fillmore, Jno. O'Mara, H. G. s"o. of alarms responded to 45 five call men. There have been, dur- rettyman. fif the birth of Win.. Shakespeare and Aid. Taylor moved as an amend- fires destroying property 30 ing the year, five resignations from the ilarch 1,1891. Balance on hand 3,960 69 *>f David Hume, the Dexter high school chimney fires 12 Licenses—D. F. Schairer, Wm. Herz, A. P. ment (that we proceed to business un- burning' rubbish 3 service, 24 days time lost on account Receipts. erguson. will hold special exercises on that r fier the old rules for this evening. alue of property destroyed % 4,470 00of sickness, and three men have serv- BuildingPermits 5 00 Parks—H.G. Prettyman, Jno. O'Mara, D. F Schairer. day. i Which amendment prevailed. us. pd. on :/) ed as substitutes. Fortunately none Saleof Bell 10 0« in excess of insurance paid 1,206 50 Appropriation- 7,000 00 Poor—E, Rehburg, C. Martin, L. D. Wines. April 28th the governor lias pro- Minutes of April 5th and 7th meet- of the nicn or property of the depart- 'otal amount of insuranci e ou propertt 7,015 00 Ou motion the council adjourned. claimed as Arbor Day. Can you and ings approved. in which the above losses occurred &),&*> umenu t have met with serious accident •will you not plant a tree on that Total receipts 10,975 09 WM. J. MILLER, Clerk. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. This shows a slight increase over during- tbe year. Bay ? It will benefit the whole hu- A petition signed by Ada.m Mager he losses of last year, also an in- Wm. 'H. Carroll a former member of Disbursements. ta.in family. and several other residents and prop- rease in the amount of losses in(.ex- ihe department, died Jan. 17th, '92,Orders paid 6,300 16 The Leader Wii-nte that Dexter vii- erty .holders of the. city of ess erf. insurance paid, which may having resigned fro'm the service on Balance on hand 4,675 53 8age and township better join together ie ascribed to the burning or suffo- Ann Arbor, asking that a sidewalk account of sickness, in June '91. This POLICE FUND. 'and purchase the opera house, for their be ordered built on the east side of ating of 'Horses (on which there was is ihe only occurance of death to ;a •use .as a town hall, and place for pub- Traver st.. in front of the property 10 insurance), in the barn of H. Kit-•member of the department, since its March 1,1S91. Balance on hand 1,525 28 lic entertainments. «rf J .C. Aillpiendingcr, Nelson Rogers, Ige, the building itself receiving slight organization, thre eycars ago. Meceeipts. Eay ISuckalew bought the last of W. N. Cooper, 3. McXally and T., A. in mage. Officers' fees 16 95 January 40 coarse, wool lambs for ACCIDENT FUND. •Vppropriation 2,250 00 A. & N. M. E. R. While under the head of losses I On Oct. 3d "Jl, at 3.40 a. an., there 2,266 95 $120, and sold them a few days ago Referred to sidewalk co.mmittee. mention the deplorable fact that, with- Total receipts 3,792 as for $245.77. A handsome profit •Was a fire in the house of Mrs. Isreal Claims of Mary Dangler, et. al. Spen- n tlie la.st year, two human beings in Hall, on Washtenaw ave. Mrs. Hall, Disbursements. lor two months feeding. jur city have lost their lives through Orders paid 2,094 75 — cer Crawford and John F. Walter, om account of the prompt response of 2,094 75 The annual shoot of the Manchester Betting forth that their property had lie medium of fire. Let us hope that the department, made the boys a gun club occurs on the 20th insr., been dajnaged to the amount of $500 heir loss may prove beneficial to the present of $25.00, which was deposit- Balance on hand March 1, 1S92... 1,697 48 entries open to the world. The list each.by the lowering of the grade and community by J'urnfehing an example ed in the Savings Bank as an accident POOR FUND. of prizes is a very long one, and the cutting down of N. Fifth nve. 11 the danger in careless handling of fund, to be drawn on only in case of March 1,1891. Balance on hand 1,812 09 Occasion will be a grand one., as it ;asolime, the number of fires from Aid Ferguson moved that the sev- Injury to some of the firemen. Receipts. always is. eral claims be laid on the table. which has greatly increased over those The conference of the Evangelical of the previous year. KIKE LIMITS. Appropriation 1,259 00— Whiten ,niiotion prevailed by a yea 1,250 00 association to Whittaker; Rev. J. Orth and nay vote as follows: CAUSES OF FIRES. The enforcing of the ordinance rel- defective chimneys 5 Monroe county, sent Rev. I). W. Gani- Yeas—Aids. Wines, Hchairer, Fill- Sasoline stoves..' 4 ative to wooden buildings within fire Total receipts 3,062 09 mertsfelder to Whittaker; Rev. J. Orth more, 8now, Ferguson, O'Mara, Reh- children with matches 'i Idtnrte, has proven quite a task, and Disbursements. to Ridge way; and Rev. N. Wunder- jamp explosions 2 !n some eases has met with opposition Iberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. electric wires during storm 2 Orders paid , 1,262 50 aick to Washtenaw. Cooley—11. ;igar stubs 2 from persons whose philanthropy Cigarettes 2 1,262 50 Last week Tuesday, a house own- Nays—Aids. Martin, Herz—2. ncendiary l should have dictated the contrary, *'d by E. W. Wallace, in Saline, and but I am pleased to state that in all Balance on hand March 1,1892.. 1,799 59 JAMES TANNER EX-COMMISSIONER OF PEN- The following constable bonds were Stove pipe falling down 1 SIONS. •occupied by Wm. Derendinger, was des- Tipping over lantern l WATER FUND. accepted and approved with the se-Spark from locomotive . 1 cases we have been able to gain the troyed by fire. Wallace had $500 in- curities named: Spark from chimuey 1 desired end without recourse to theMarch 1,91. Bal. on hand.. 3,559 71 Teachers' Association. surance on the building. There was ias jet in contact with window curtain... 1 courts. Receipts. PRINCIPAL. SURETIES. Jarelessness in exterminating vermin from !no insurance on contents. J. A. Herbert, Appropriation .. 5,500 00 hen house 1 I IKE ESCAPES. The Waslitenaw County Teacher'-. Died dn Lyndon, April 12, 1892, J. A. Herbert. (J. H. Rhodes. Unknown -i 5,500 00 Association •will hold a meeting at- E, Wagner, No. of miles traveled responding to alarms Ziyi I will again call your attention (Mrs. Polly Davidson Clark, wife of Total receipts 9,059 71 the high ecliool chapel, in Ann Arbor, Paul Schall. (). 0. Sorg. No. of feet of hose laid 10,500 to the question of fire escapes for Wm. Clark, aged 8G. Mrs. Clark came J. J. Parshall, Disbursements. nn Saturday, May 7th, at 10.30 a. into this state sixty years ago. Her Geo. W. Brown. W. H. Mclntyre. No. of chemicals used 23 hotels and places of amusement, (the Philip Bach. ordering of which I have heretofore Orderspaid 5,270 00 ' m., commencing sharp at that hour. • aily home was in the town of Sylvan, Thomas F. Leonard. Of the above alarms, 29 were by 5,270 00 John Eisele, reeomended). There are a number of PROGRAM. 5n the immediate vicinity of Chelsea. Charles Fox. E. P. Mason. telephone, the others were carried di- these buildings in our city which at Bal. on hand Mar. 1,1892... 3,789 71 10:30 A. M., Sharp. —Standard. Henry Marsh. i has. H. Worden. 4-ectly to the engine house. I again A. F. Martin. tiny time may prove crematories for CEMETERY FUND. MUSIC. :all your attention to the necessity, Geography in the Rural Schools, - This story is told by the Dexter unfortunate occupants, if the owners Mar. 1,'91. Balance on hand 189 66 Leader man, with never a quiver MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. for some form of fire alarm, either tele- Miss L. G. MAKKIIAM, Ann ArbOJ phone or telegraph. nre not compelled to provide adequate Receipts. 'on liis face: "Alex. Mallion brought By Aid. Martin: , Resolved, That the President do appoint a VALUE OF DEPT. PROPERTY. means of escape. Manly& Speedily,sale of lots 85 00 PROF. P. R. CLEAKY, Ypsllanti. to this office on Monday (April 10) a Appropriation 50 00 committee of three members of the council to Real estate and buildings $18,000 00 MUSIC. (-talk of corn 5 1-1 inches high, grown be called Committee on Liquor Bonds, aud Uparatus and tools 2,>wo uo STREET OBSTRUCTION". 136 00 that such committee be a.standing.committee b'lve horses :»00 00 Primary Ideals, ------out of floors iliis spring, on of this council. i'wo sets double harness 210 00 Another matter of no small Impor- Total receipts - 324 66 Miss MARY WHEELER, Chelsea the C, C. Waite far.in." One single harness 75 00 tance to which, ii may be pardoned, (iUESTION BOX. Which resolution prevailed. 20U bushels oats tj>> 00 Disbursements. I will call your attention, i.s tin I:J0 P. .1/. The last Vpsilantian gives an arti- By Aid. Martin: Six horseblaukets :si> oo Orders paid 19273 Ml'SlC. cle descriptive of tile new Dump lae- Whips,*curry combs and brushes .'> ooquestion of street obstruction. I^ast 192 73 Resolved, That the amount of the liquor 3850 ft. hoe« 1,600 00 Solo, - - - - PHOF. A. A. HAL... Itory which has been started ill that bonds be fixed at ?3,000 and druggist bonds a Thirteen beds n-5 00 season especially, many of our streets Sa.uoa for the coming year. Bal. on hand Mar. 1, '92.... 13193 Seeing They See Not, .... city, of which Wilfred Barnes in that Four stove- „_ :c> 00were at times in an almost impassable Chairs :> no UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL AID BOND FUND. MISS .N'I.NA VAXDEWALKEP., of the Normal. Which resolution prevailed. condition, caused by the placing of dent, and B. I'. Goodrich secretary. Brooms, tow els, etc 5 00 Mar. 1,'91. Balance on hand 840 00 Language and Grammar in the Public School?, By Aid. Taylor: I'M lbs. waste at '" C 20 (X)building material therein. I would The capital stock is $25,000, and when Receipts. Miss ClABA DOIE, Ypsilanti. •the factory is in running order will em- Resolved, That the sum of J300 be and th suggest that you ask the council to Errors in Teaching, - - - IMPROMPTU. same is appropriated from the Bridge, Culver Total .*v>4,058 0J Appropriation 3,840 CO ploy 15 or 20 bands. and Cross-walk Fund for the purpose of re impress iipon police officers aud U\< Music for the occasion will be fur- planking bridges No. 1-5. EXPENSE OF THE DEPARTMENT. 3,840 00 They are talking of gelling up a For salaries - street commissioner, the necessity o bished by the Misses Nellie M. Horner. Aid. Wince moved that the appro •'shake purse" to have tin' Lake Shore one new H. aud L. truck - 1.000 (10 strictly enforcing the ordinance rela Total receipts 4,680 00 Lillian Schlee, Edith Cnse, Klla Nix- •ps'iniinn be made from 111.' street func l, bedding and towels 52 SI "depot"*/.) in this village photograph- washing " " " iS 00 tlve .thereto. It seems unnecessary Disbursements. on, Kate Krause and Florence Bach- brooms ed and placed on exhibition at the insteadot the bridgf, culvert and cross tor me to state that negligence in this Orderspaid 3,S40 00 man. soap, scrub brushes, etc.. — 3,840 0( World's Fair in competition witli all walk fund. oil.'lautern globes and wicks"!"!! 21 88matter may cause loss of life and Let every teacher attend this meet- matches Which amendment prevailed by ; 1 30 Bal. on hand Mar. 1, '92.... ing. It will be tile ino.-M important miserable hovels of a like nature in repairs to stoves U 10 property, as can readily be seen In the country. Underneath the picture yea vote as follows: i anyone giving it a thought. I wil OPENING DIVISION STRF.ET FUND. tend interesting of the year. gats — — 289 66 should 1>e inscribed the well known in- Yeas—Aids. Wines, Schairer, Martin also mention street railway crossings Mar. 1, '91. Bal. on hand... . Commissioner Cavanaugh is desir- Ilerz, Ferguson, O'Mara, Kitson, Pret hay ._ 95 t;h straw 18 27 some of which are very bad. Disbursements. ous of haviiifr a full attendance, and Kcription, •The public be d d,"— bran i 53 tyman, 1'res. Cooley—9. 3 Orders paid 375 00 every teacher in the county will sure- Manchester Enterprise. corn.. — a 00 REPAIRS. Nays—Aids. Fillmore, Hnow, Reh ly be benefited by the meet ing. The The nev. meeting of the Webster OLlmeal 5 75 375 00 berg, Taylor—4. carrots — 7 02 It will be lurissaiy to repair floor. The actual amount of cash paid out teachers are rapidly learning, that Farmer's Club will be held a I medicine and medical attendance two of the apparatus rooms, ale* handsome new residence of Mrs. A. The original resolution as amendec for horses :,( j.-, from March 1st, 1891, to March 1st, .'in unity and frequent conference with M. Chamberlain, on Saturday, May iprevaUed ae follows: one new collar '27 75 to thoroughly ventilate the building each other there ii wisdom. repairs on harness 9 70 I further recommend that before an 1892, was as follows: 14th. The programme consists of Mu- Yeas—Aids. Wines, Schairer, Mar whips, currycombs and brushes 8 50 Contingent Fund $ 12,357 The Ann Arbor Typographical Union sic. Prayer. Paper by Mrs. E. N. tin, Herz, FiUmore, Snow, Ferguson blankets 7 50 • winter, the doors on the fron Street Fund.. 10,094 21 met Monday evening and elected of- Ball. Recitation by Dorr Queal. Mu- horse shoeing 48 08 of the engine house be replaced by Firemen's Fund 6,300 1 ficers for the ensuing year as follows: O'Mara, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyjnan general blaeksmithing o 75 Police Fund 2,094 7 sic. Question Box. Music. Ques- brake for H. aud L. truck 17 00 lighter and better fitting ones. I President, Karl C. Kern; vice-presi- Tres. Cooley—12. Poor Fund - 1,262 5C dent; rec. secretary, John 0. Jenkins: tion for Discussion—Led by R. C. Reeve: Nays—Aid. Rehberg—1. pair shafts 8 00 •would be advisable too, to considc Water Fund 5,270 0C "Are there people who get no bene- repairs on aparatus 7 83 City Cemetery Fund 192 r secretary and treasurer, B. F. Ohlln.- By Aid. Martin: paint aud glass 24 24 the question of steam or water heat Opening Division StreetFund 375 «. E