The Clinton Independent, VOL
w The Clinton Independent, VOL. XXVII—NO. 8. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1892. WHOLE NO-1361. Buy your gold tilled watches of Krepps, —XXI November, ye Kynge ’s Maid Common Council. Rupture Cured, or No Pny for Service*. The best of work at modest prices a DeWitt Sc Co., leading jewelers, and ens' day. DEMOCRACY WILL CELEBRATE Dr. Miller, the celebrated rupture the St. Jobns Steam Laundry. —Be sure and come November XXI, Rkgdlar Mkktino , Nov . 7, 1892. specialist from the O. E. Miller Rupture save money. Meeting called to order by Prooident Bun- TieatmentCo., 102 to 106 Michigan Ave., for ye Kynge ’s Maides need you. Saturday Evening, November A good, clean Bed for 25 cents at the homi Tmatters . day. Detroit, Mich., will be in Ionia, at the Central House. —In this issue we publish the official 19, 1892. Preaent, Trustee* DeWitt, Fowler, Hulae and Bailey House from Thursday morning, Wolcott. Corpata. Brovltl**. canvass of the votes cast in this county Nov. 24tb to Wednesday night, Nov. 30. ^/-Krepps, DeWitt Sc Co. defy compe At a meeting of enthusiastic demo On motion, the Board adjourned to meet and in Owosso at the Wildennuth House The largest and best assorted stock of —Fiske Jubilee Singers next Satur crats held at the club-room last Monday November 9,1893. Dec. 1st to 7th inclusive. The Miller carpets in St. Johns is at Kendrick ’s. day evening. tition in fine engraving, finest in town. IntWITT H. HUNT. Co. is the largest organization in the —Morning and evening services will evening, over which Mr.
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