Short references: Where a single work by one author is cited, the author's name is used as the short reference in the notes. Please consult bibliography for details. 3G7

Chapter I

1. Gibb, H.A.R.and J.H. Kramers, et al. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Leiden, 1979, Vol.1, A-B, p.177.

2. Ibn Qutayba. Ma'arif (Gottingen), p.9, Al-Maqdisi, Ahsan al-Taqasim, p. 13, Yaqut' s Mu'jam, V., p.74 and Hamadani's Kitab al-Baldan, p. 163.

3. Gulam'Ali Azad Bilgrami. Subhat al-Marjan fi Athar Hindustan, Bombay, p.45

4. Stuart Piggott. Pre-historic to 1000 B.C., Lond. 1961, pp.117-118, 207.

5. Jairajbhoy, R.A. Foreign Influence in Ancient India, Bombay, 196 3, p.3.

6. Studies in Foreign Relations of India, Joshi, P.M. and M.A. Na^eem, Hyderabad, 1975, p.46.

7. Ibid. p.6.

8. Majumdar, R.C. The History and Culture of the Indian People, II, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,Bombay, 2nd Ed; 1953, pp.611-613.

9. Studies in Foreign Relations of India. Ed. by Johsi P.M. and M.A. N/yeem, Hyderabad, 1975, p.47.

10. Gazetteer of Bombay Presidency, I, i. History of Gujarat. Bombay, 189 6, 11, 4.2. 3Gh

r . . . ' 11. Hadi Hasan. A History of Persian Navigation, « London, 1928, p.22. 12. Ibid. p.47.

13. Hitti, P.K. A short History of Lebanon, New York, -1965, p.29.

14. The Age of Imperial Unity, Gen. Editor, R.C.Majumdar, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 19 60, pp.611-12.

15 Tirmidhi, B.M. Contribution of Gujarat Scholars to Language and literature (Ms. Thesis unpublished) Bombay University, 1947, p.10.

16. Ibid. p.14.

17. Maqbul Ahmad, S. Indo Arab Relations, New 1978, p.79.

18. Encyclopaedia Britannica (11th Ed.), Vol.11, p.264.

19 Tabari. Tarikh as quoted by Sulaiman Nadvi m Arab-o-Hind ke Ta'aluqat (, p.29.

20. Ibid. p.29.

21. Maqbul Ahmad, S., op.cit. p.80.

22. Hadi Hasan. A history of Persian Navigation, Lond. 1928, p.76. Si^\i

23. Hadi Hasan and G.F. Hourani - as quoted by Maqbul Ahmed, p.81.

24. Rawlinson. As quoted by Zubaid Ahmed in Contribution of India to Arabic Literatue, pp.1-9. /

25. Hitti, P.K. History of the Arabs, London, 1961, p.73.

26. Maqbul Ahmed S. op.cit. p.82. 27. Sayyed Sulaiman Nadvi, Arab o'Hxnd ke Ta'alluqat, Allahabad, 1930, p.4.

28. Ibid. Hindustan Arabon ki Nazar mem, Azamgarh, p.163.

29. Ibid. p.163.

30. Ibid. p.38.

31. Ibid. p.40.

32. Maqbul Ahmed S. op.cit. p.82.

33. *Aziz Ahmed. Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian Environment, Oxford, 1964, p.

I I 34. AL-Biruni. Kitabul Hind, Lond. p.23.

35. Jurji Zaydan. Adab-al-lughat al-Arabia, Vol.1, p.41.

36. Aziz Ahmed, op.cit. p.73. 370

37. Tirmidhi B.M. Contribution of the Scholars of Gujarat to Arabic language and literature. Bomb. Univ. 1947,p.

38. Sayed 'Abdul Latif. An outline of the Cultural History of India. Hyderabad, 1958, pp. 151-155.

39. Logan, W. Malabar, Madras, 1887-91, i, pp.231-245, Rowlandson, Introduction to his ed. of Shaikh Zayn I r al-Din. Tuhfat al-Mujahedeen, Lond.,1833.

40. Sayyid Sulaiman Nadvi. Arab-o-Hind ke Ta'alluqat, Allahabad, 1950, p.

41. Filliozat J. Ancient Indian Science, ed, Rene Taton, Trans. by A.J. Pomerans, Lond. 196 3, pp.141-145.

42. Nallino, C. 'Ilm al-Falak, Ta'rikhuhu'ind al'Arab fi-'l- Qurun al-Wusta,' Rome, 1911-12, pp.150, . 174-75.

43. Ibid., p.175.

44. Al-Biruni. Al-Biruni's India. Edward C. Sachau, Lond., 1887, pp.152-53.

45. Ibn al-Nadim. The Fihrist of al-Nadim. Eng. Trans. Bayard Dodge, Columbia Univ. Press, New York, 1970, p.57.

46. Hitti, P.K. History of the Arabs, Lond. 1961, p.73. o'-> (7 L1

47. Hadi Hasan. A History of Persian Navigation, Load. 1928, p.22.

48. Sayyid Sulaiman Nadvi. *Ear]y relations between Arabia and India, IC, xi, 1937.

49. Majumdar, R.C. The Age of Imperial Unity, p.616.

50. Ibid. p.615.

51. Siddiqui, M.Z. 'Studies in Arabic and Persian Medical Literature'. Calcutta, 1959, pp.35-38.

52. Ibid. p.42.

53. Ibn'Abi Usaybi'a. 'Uyun al-Anba'fi Tabaqat al-Atibba, Cairo, 1882.

54. Maqbul Ahmed S. op.cit., p.18.

55. Joshi P.M. and Nayeem, M.A. 'Studies in the foreign relations of India'. Hyderabad, 1975, p.i-10 -2

56. Elliot. History of India, Chuchnama, Vol.1, p.

57. Al-Mas'udi. Muruj al-dhahab, Eng. tr. by Sprenger., London, 1841, i, p.169.

58. Ibn al-Nadim. Al Fihrist. (Flugel), p.305 & Passim.

59. Sayyid Sulaiman Nadvi. 'Hindustan Arabon ki Nazar mein', p. 164. 37:^

60. ''Aziz Ahmed, op.cit. p.11.

_ t _ > 61. Al-Mas'udi. Muruj al-Dhahab wa Ma'adin al-Jauhar, Les Prairies d'or, ed. by Barbier de Meynard and Pavet de Courteilles, Paris, 1861-77.

62. Al-Biruni. Al-Biruni's India, ed. by Edward

C. Sachau, Lond., 1887. 37.-^

Chapter II

1. Stanley Lane Pole, 'Medieval India under Mohammedan Rule". Delhi, 1963, p.80. 2. Ibid., p.82. 3. Sherwani, H.K, 'The Bahmanis of the Deccan', Hyderabad Deccan, 1953, p.285.

4. Ibid., p.303. 5. Shamsullah Qadri S, 'Malabar', Hyderabad Deccan,p.22

6. Ibn Battuta, 'Rihala', Cairo, 1346 H.II. p.101. 7. Zubaid Ahmed, 'The Contribution of India to Arabic literature', M.S.,Ph.D. Thesis, unpublished. Introduction, pp.1-9. 8. Maqbul Ahmed, 'Indo-Arab Relations', New Delhi-1978, p.8. 9. Ibn-Battuta, Op.cit, pp. 109-110. 10. Ibid., p.m. 11. Ibid., p.113.

12. Ibid., p.113. 13. Ibid., p.113. 14. Ibid., pp.115-116. 15. Khan Abdul Mu'id, 'The Arabian poets of Golkonda', Univ. of Bombay, 1963. p. 16. Zubaid Ahmed, Op.cit. pp.296-97. 17. Ibid., pp.296-297. 18. Ibid., pp.79, 144-145.

19. Zainuddin Ma'bari, Tr. by Shamsullah Qadri, 'A History of the Portugues in Malabar', Hyderabad, 1931, p.13.

20. Al-Mas'udi, 'Al-Mas'udi Millenary Commemoration Volume', pp.105-106. 374

21. Mirza Ibrahim Zubairi, 'Basatinu's Salatin', Sayadi Press, Hyderabad, p.23, Ferishta. I, p,277. 22. Qasim Ferishta I, 'Gulshan-i-Ibrahimi'. Calcutta, 1956, p.302. 23. Haig W, 'Cambridge history of India', Vol.Ill,p.385

24. Ferishta I, Op.cit., p.305. 25. Ferishta II, Op.cit. p. 307. 26. Ibid., Op.cit. p. 308. 27. Abdul Gaffur Khan Rampuri, 'Tarikh-e-Deccan', Silsilai Asafia, Hyderabad, p.81.

28. Abdul Haq, Akhbar'ul Akhyar, p.135, Tr. by M.A. Nizami, Delhi.

29. Abdul Gaffur Khan Rampuri, Op.cit. pp.145-154. 30. Syyed Abdul Hayy, 'Nuzhatul Khwatir', Da'iratul Ma'arif, Osmania Univ.* Hyderabad, 1967, Vol.Ill, p. 23 . 31. Mohammad Ishaque, 'India's contribution to Hadith literature', 1955, p.87. 32. Badruddin Mohd. Al-Damamini, M.S. 'Manhal-al-Safi fi Sharh-i 1 Wafi, Nahw. M.S. Arabic Asafiya, No.132. 33. Abdul Gafur Khan Rampuri, Vol.Ill,Part 1, pp.140-186 34. Mahmud Gawan, 'Riazul Insha' , ed. Chand G. Hussain, Hyderabad, 1948, pp.98, 150.

35. Hakim Shamsullah Qadri, 'Naw^b 'Imadul Mulk Memorial Vol'. Hyderabad, p.116.

36. Sherwani, H.K, 'History of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty', p.326. 37. Ibrahim Zubairy, 'Basatinus Salatin, pp.274-75, 328-336, 349, Sayadi Press, Hyderabad. 38. Zainuddin, Ma'bari, 'Tuhfatul Majahidin', The Tarikh Press, Hyderabad, 1931, p.13.

39. Zubai d Ahmad, Op.cit. p.272. 87[)

40. Ibid., p.412. 41. Ibrahim Zubairi, Op.cit. p.351. 42. Zubaid Ahmad, Op.cit. XXIV (Introduction). 43. Muhmmad Ghauth, 'Jawahir-i-Khamsa', Raza Library, Rampur, I, p.3 34. 44. Kokan Yusuf M. Khanwada-e-Qazi Badruddawla, I, p.59,

45. Ibid., p.67. 46. Zubaid Ahmad, Op.cit. p.356. 47. Copy, 'Tafsir-i-Rahimi', Lib. Darul 'Ulum, Deoband (No.13144) 48. Zubaid Ahmad, Op.cit. p.412. 49. Ferishta, Op.cit.II, p.118. 50. Sherwani, H.K. Op.cit, p.401. 51. Mir 'Alam Abu Turab, 'Hadiqatul 'Alam', p.198. 52. Sherwani H.K., 'Tarikh Muhammad Qutub Shah', p.352. 53. Ibid, 'Cultural Trends in Medieval India', Bombay, 1968, p.91. 54. 'Abdul Mu'id Khan, Op.cit. p.56. 55. Ibid., Fol. 355 of (History of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty). 56. Sherwani, H.K., 'History of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty', pp.537-88.

57. M.S. Salar Jung Museum. 'Tafsir-i-Imamiya'.

58. M.S. Salar Jung Museum. 'Ad'iya', pp.108-110.

58. M.S. Salar Jung Museum, Philosophy. 60. Sherwani H.K., Op.cit. p.539. 61. Ibid., 'History of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty', p.321.

62. Zubaid Ahmad, Op.cit. (Introduction). 3 7 h

63. Ibid., Op.cit. p.IV.

64. Ibid., Op.cit. pp.31-32.

65. Ibid., Op.cit. pp.31-32

66. Ibid., Op.cit. p.31-32.

67. Sherwani H.K., Op.cit. p.326.

68. Ferishta, Op.cit. p.301.

69. Ibid., I. p.309.

70. Mahrnud Gawan, 'Riyadul Insha'. Ed. Gulam Yezdani, Preface page 'E', Hyderabad, 1947,

71. Atta Hussain, S., (Ed.). 'Rasail', Hyderabad, 1360 H.

72. Ibid., 'Anisul 'Ushaq', Hyderabad, 1360 H.

73. Sadruddin Abul Fatah Sayyed Mohd. Husaini Gesudaraz, 'Maktubat', Hyderabad, 1362 H., p.86.

74. Ferishta, II, Op.cit. p.13.

75. Ibid., II, p.26.

76. Ibid., II, p.27.

77. Dr.Nazir Ahmad, ' Kitab-e-Nawras', Delhi, 1957,Ed.p.1.

78. Ibid., 'Zuhuri, Life and Works', Allahabad, 1953,

79. Ferishta, op.cit. pp.312-18.

80. Devare,T.N., 'A Short History of ' Pune, 1961, pp233-38.

81. Muhammad Hashim Sanjar, M,S, Maulana Azad Lib.Aligarh; Kitab-e-Nawras, Delhi, 1956, pp,19-20.

82. Devare, T.N., Op.cit. pp.239-4; Kitab-i-Nawras,p,20,

83. Qadi Abdun Nabi, 'Maikhana', , ed. pp,477-91,

84. Ma'athir-i-Rahimi, Vol.Ill, p.1600.

85. Ferishta, Op.cit. Vol.11, p.78. 37/

86. Dr. Nazir Ahmed, 'History of Medieval Deccan' ,1974 , p.104. ' 87. Mulla Zuhur M.S. in Maulana Azad Library, Muslim Univ., ' Aligarh; in 'Ajkal', Dec. 1958; Devare, op.cit, pp.325-30. 88. Mohammad Khalidi, 'Tarikh-i-Adil Jhahi' , Hyderabad, 19*65, p.383.

89. Ibid., p.383.

90. Ibid., p.383. 91. Devare, T.N., Op.cit. pp.325-30. 92. Mohammad Khalidi, op.cit, p.383. 93. Zubairi, M.I., op.cit. p. 94. Sayyad 'Ali Taba Taba, 'Burhan-i-Maathir', Hyderabad, 19 36,"Ed. Preface. 95. Shah Tahir, Copy in the oriental public library, Bankip'ur Suppl. Cat. II, pp.94-95. 96. Ibid., Op.cit, pp.97-98. 97. Taqi Kashi, 'Tadhkira', Bankipur. M.S. Follio, No. 354-56 as quoted by Dr. Naz.'.r Ahmad in History of Medieval Deccan, p.89. 98. Nazir Ahmad M., 'Language and literature'- Persian, History of Medieval Deccan, Vol.11, Ed. by H.K. Sherwani and P.M. Joshi, Hyderabad, 1974, p.82.

99. Sherwani, H.K., 'History of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty', New Delhi, 1974, p.330.

100. Nazir Ahmad M. , 'Language and Literature Persian'. History of medieval Deccan, Vol.II, H.K. Sherwani and P.M. Joshi, Hyderabad, 1974, p.82.

101. Ray Choudhury, S.C., 'Social, cultural and economic history of India (medieval age), Delhi, 1983, p.132.

102. Ibid., p.134. 37h

103. Majumdar, R.C., "The ' (Ed) Bombay, 1974, pp.620-627.

104. Ibid., pp. 620-627.

105. ""Abdullah, S.M., 'Adibiyyat-i-Farsi mein Hinduwun ka Hissa', Delhi, 1942, p.30.

106. Joshi, P.M., 'Contemporary source material History of Medieval Deccan ' , Vol.11, pp.570-88.

107. Ray Choudhry, S.C., Op.cit. p.142.

108. Kokan Yusuf M., 'Arabic and Persian in carnatic',Mad

109. Sayyed 'Abdu'l Hayy, Op.cit. Part VIII, pp.22-23.

110. Ibid., pp.291-293.

111. Mohammad Hanif Milli, ' Hadrat ilaulana 'Abdul Hamid Saheb Nu'niani' 'Gulshan' Ma ' had-e-Millat, Malegaon, 1399, A.H., pp.2-24. Ed. by 'Abdul Ahad Azhari and Mohammad Hanif, Milli.

112. 'Abdul Gani Faruq, 'Ek Shakhs Ek Karwan', Ed. Mujeebur-Rehman Shami, Maktaba Nishan-e-Rah, New Delhi, 1981, pp.27-45. 37:)

Chapter III

1. Yusuf Hussain, 'Glimpses of Medieval Indian Culture' Bombay, 1962, p.31, 2. Mir Valiuddin, 'Sufi Movement in India' in 'An outline of the cultural history of India' compiled and Ed. by Sayed Abdul Latif, Hyderabad, 1958, p.221.

3. Ibid., p.222. 4. Shaykh Sihab al-din Suhrawardi,'Awarif al-Ma'arif', Tr. by Shams Brelvi, Pui^. Co., Karachi, 1977, p.145.

5. Ibid., Op.cit., p.136. 6. Nicholson, R.A., 'A Historical enquiry concerning the origin and development of ', FRAS, 1906,i, p.304-5. 7. Ibid., A literary History of the Arabs, Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1969, p.392. 8. Trimingham, J.S., 'Sufi orders in Islam', Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1971, p.l. 9. Arberry, A.J., 'Sufism', Geoge Allen and Unwin, London, 1950, p.12. 10. Nicholson, R.A., 'A historical enquiry etc' pp.

11. Nicholson(Ed), R.A., Gibb Memorial Series, London, 1911. 12. Islamic Culture, Vol.XX, No.i-4, p.373. 13. Yusuf Hussain, Op.cit, p.58.

14. Hassignon, L., 'Essai Sur les origines du Lexique de la Mystique Musuiman, Paris, 1922, pp.132-34. 15. Yusuf Hussain, Op.cit, p.28. 16. Mir Valiuddin, op.cit, p.224. 17. Yusuf Hussain, Op.cit, p.11.

18. ''Aziz Ahmed, 'Studies in Islamic Culture in Indian Environment', Oxford, Lond., 1964, p.121. 380

19. Abu Nu'aim, 'Hilya' II, pp.175-76. 20. Massignon L., Op.cit., p.228. 21. Nicholson, R.A. , 'Legacy of Islam.', pp.213-14. 22. Abu Nu'aim, Op.cit, p.342. 23. Arbery, A.J., Op.cit., p.54. 24. Nicholson, R.A., 'Idea of Personality', p.32. 25. Al-Suhrawardi, 'Awarif al-Ma'arif', Vol.119 , p.127, Sijzi, p.117. 26. Goldziher, 'Muhammad and Islam', New Heaven, 1917, p.175.

27. Ibid., p.175. 28. Ibid., pp.174-75, Nicholson, op.17, Zaehner, p.86-109 29. Al Hujwiri, 'Kashf al-Mahjub', R.A. Nicholson, Lond., 1936, p.45, Nicholson 'The Mystics of Islam' p..176.

30. Goldziher, Op.cit., p.176. 31. Dasgupta, 'Hindu Mysticism', New York, 1959, p.74. 32. Goldziher, Op.cit., p.177. Tarachand, p.82.

33. Ibn al-Arabi, 'Al Futuhat al-Makkiya', pp.445-50, pp.462-78. 34. Ibn al-Arabi, 'Al-Fusus al-Hikam', Eng. Synoptical tr. by Khwaja Khan, Madras, 'l928, p.149. 35. Ibid. "Al-Futuhat al Makkiya', pp.445-50, pp.462, 478. 36. ''Abdur Rehman Parvaz Islahi, 'Mu^hdum Ali Maha' imi ' Bombay, 1976, pp.62-63. 37. Ibid., pp.191-92.

38. Ibid., 'Al-Ratbat al-Rafia' p.320 as quoted by ""Abdul Rahman Islahi, p. 62. 3 81

39. Maulana Shaikh Mohd. Thanawi, 'Tahqeeq wahdat al-Wajud wa al-Shuhud", Pak AcadeTiy. Karachi. 40. Trimingham, J.S., 'The Sufi orders in Islam', pp. 41. 'Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam', Leiden, 1953, p. 65. 42. Nizami, K.A., Some aspects of religion and politics in India during the 13th century, Aligarh, 1961, p.59. 43. Hogdson, 'Unity', pp. 892-94.

44. Broadhurst, R.J.C., 'The Travels of Ibn Jubayr' (Trans) Lond, 1952. 45. Gibb, H.R.A., 'The Travels of Ibn. Battuta ' , Vol.1 & II, Cambridge, 1952 (Trans), pp.1325-54.' 46. Nicholson, R.A. , 'The Kashf al-Mahjub' by Ali B. ' Uthman al-Hujwiri, London, 1936;' Shihab al-Din, 'Awarif al-Ma'rif (Trans). 47. Gibb, H.R.A., 'Studies in the civilization of Islam, p.32. 48. Rahman, F., 'Islam', p.182. 49. Trimingham, J.S., Op.cit., p.34.

50. William Stoddart, 'Sufism'. The Aquarian Press, 1976, pp.56-57. 51. Martin Lings, 'A Sufi saint of twentieth century', Allen and Unwin, London, 1971, pp.232-33. 52. Trimingham, J.S., Op.cit., p.11.

53. Ibid., pp.72-102. 54. Abu-Nasr al-Sarraj. 'Kitab al-Lum'a-fi-al. Tasawwuf, ed. R.A. Nicholson, Leiden, 1963, pp.325, 33. 55. Ibid., p.177. 56. Massignon, L., Op.cit., p.243.

57. Al-Hujwiri, Tr. by R.A. Nicholso.^ (Gibb Memorial Series), 1911. 38-1

58. As quoted by Mir Valiuddin, Op.cit., p.223. 59. Dara Shikoh, 'Safinat al-awliya', Lucknow, 1872; Urdu Tr. Karachi, 1961, p.102. 60. Nizami K.A., 'Tarikh-i-Masha'ikh-i Chisht, Delhi, 1953; idem, 'Chistiyya' in EI2, ii.50-6. 61. Al-Hujwiri. Op.cit., pp.213-14. 'Isami, Futuh as Salatin, Madras, 1948, pp.455-57; Amir Hasan Sijzi, Fava'id al-Fu'ad, Delhi, 1865, pp.133, 137-38 62. Ghulam Sarwar, 'Khazinat al-asfiya', Cownpore, 1902, i, p.289. 63. Amir Khurd, 'Siyar al-awliya', Delhi, 1885, p.130-1, K.A. Nizami, 'Chisti' in Encylopaedia of Islam, Vol.11, pp'.49-50. 64. Shaykh Muhammad Ikram, 'Aabe-Kauthar' , Lahore, 1940, p.32. 65. Al-Hijwiri. Nicholson,Lond.1959, pp.213-14. 66. Ghulam Sarwar, Op. cit., p.268. 67. Nizami K.A., 'The life and times of Shaykh Farid al-din Canj-i-Shakar', Aligarh, 1955. 68. piya' al-din Barani, 'Ta'rikh-i-Firuz Shahi', Calcutta, 1862, i pp.343-4. 69. '"Aziz Ahmad, 'The Sufi and the Sultan in Pre-Mughal Muslim India', Der Islam, 38 (1962), pp.142-53. 70. Amir Khurd, p.237, Sarwar, i. p.353.

71. Ibid., p.500-1; Sijzi, 40-1; K.A. Nizami, 'Some aspects of Religion and politics in India during 13th century', Aligarh, 1961, 257. 72. Ibid., pp.48, 62-63. 73. Nizami K.A., 'The Suhrawardiya Silsila and its influence on Medieval Indian Polities', n.d. 74. Triminghara J.S., Op. cit., p.34.

75. 'Abd al-Haqq Dehalvi, 'Akhbar al-akhyar', Delhi, 1891, 28. 38 a

76. Shams Siraj 'Afif, 'Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi', p.514, Sarwar, ii, p.58. 77. Wa 'iz al-Kashfi, 'Rashat', Cawnpore, 1912, pp.8-9, 18-27'. 78. 'Ala' ad-dawla Simnani, 'Chihil Majalis', BM, Or., MSS, 9725. 79. Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi, 'Maktubat', Lucknow, 1877; *^Aziz Ahmad, Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian Environment, pp.182-89. 80. Shaykh Ahmad Sirhind, 'Muktubat', Lucknow, 1877. 81. Maz'har Jan-i-Janan, 'Kalimat-i-tayyibat', Delhi, 1891, p.26-27 and pcissim. 82. Shah Wall Allah, 'Hujjat Allah al-taaligha', Arabic text and Urdu Tr; Karachi, 1953.

84. Yusuf Hussain Khan, 'Medieval Indian Culture', Lond., 1959, p.53. 84. Dara Shikoh, 'Safinat al-awliya', Urdu Tr. Karachi, 1961, p.102. 85. Ibid., 'Sakinat al-awliya', Rampur MSS, ff. 139-a-b. 86. Al-Mas'udi, 'Al-Mas'udi Millenary Commemoration, Volume, p. 108. 87. Yusuf Hussain Khan, Op.cit., p.B^.. 88. Muhammad 'Abdu'l 'Aziz, 'The Deccan in the fifteenth century' in JASB (Jour. Asiatic Society, Bengal) XXI, n. series (1925), p.570. 89. Abdu'l Jabbar Khan Malkapuri, 'Tadhkira Awliya-i- Dakan', Vol.1, p.460. Urdu Hasan Press, Hyderabad, 1912-13. 90. Ibid., pp.193-99.

91. Ferishta I, 'Tarikh-e-Ferishta'; Nawal Kishor Press, Lucknow, 1864-65, pp.163-172. 92. Ibid. I, pp.172-75.

93. Muhammad Bashir al-din, 'Waqi'al-e-Mamlikat-e- Bijapur', Agra, 1915, p.215. 384

94. Arnold T.W., 'Preaching of Islam', p. 269; 'rarachand Op. cit., p.37.

95. Gaulara 'Ali Azad Bilgrami, 'RaudatuM Awliya, , 1310, A.M., p.14, 'Ferishta, II, pp.819-21. Gazetteer of B'bay Presidencv,Vol.xvi(Nasik ) , 1 58 96 pp.74-75. 97. Gazetteer of Bombay Presidency, Vol.XVr (Nasik) 1883, pp.75-76.

98. Ferishta I, Op.cit., pp.75-76, 67, 8 3; Mohd. Ikrani, 'Raude Kausar', Ta :i Co., New Delhi, 1987, p. 467.

99. Amir Hasan Sijzi, Op.cit., p,161. Amir Khurd, pp. 59 & 295.

100. Nizami, K.A., 'Sufi Movements in tho i:)eccan ' , 'Hist, of the Medieval Deccan (1295-1724)', p.180.

101. Amir Khurd, Op.cit., pp.228, 271-72; Sarv/ar, i. pp.355, 359-60; Muhammad Habib, 'Shaikh Nasiruddin Mahmud Chiragh-i-Dehli as a great historical personality', 'Islamic Culture',' XX(1946), pp.129-53.

102. Sayed Muhammad Gesudaraz, 'Jawami'al Kalim', Ed.M.H. Siddiqi, Kanpur 1356 A.H., p,143.

103. Ferishta I, Op.cit., pp.121-122.

104. Azad Bilgrami, 'Rauza-i-Awliya', Aurangabad, 1892, p. 27 .

105. Ibid., pp.25-26.

106. Sherwani H.K. and Joshi, P.M., 'History of Medieval Deccan', Vol.11, p.182.

107. Syed Ali Tabatabai, Burhan-i-Ma ' th ir, I-ersian !>;;. Delhi, 1936, p.12, Ferishta, [, p.274, Rrigq. Trans., II, p.176.

108. Ferishta, I, p.277.

109. Gulam 'Ali Azad Bilgrami, Op.cit., p. 4 (.. , Aurangabad, Gazetteer, 1884, p.450.

110. Briggs, Op.cit., p.233, Bilgrami, Op,cit., pp.52-55, Raunaq 'Ali, Op.cit., p.203. 385

111. Ibid. (Ferishta) I, p.294, 'Rauza-i-Awliya', p.32. 112. Nizami, K.A., 'Chishtiyya', 'Encyclopaedia of Islam', Vol.11, Leiden, 1965, Pp.s-o-s^. 113. Genealogical table with notes MSS 1209 A.II., 'Rauda-e-Shaykh Collection', Gulbarga. 114. Abu al-Fayd, M. , Shawamil al-Jumal dar Shamail al- Kumal, MSS 'Ala al-Din Junaidi Collection, Gulbarga, Mohd. 'Ali Samnani, 'Siyar-e-Muhammadi', ed and trans. S.S.N. Ahmad Qadiri.- Hyderabad, 1969. Simnani Sayyid Ashraf Jahangir, 'Lata'if-i-Ashrafi', discourses Collected by N. al-Yamani, Delhi 1295 A.H, 'Abdul Aziz, 'Tarikh-e-Habibi', Trans. Ma'shuq yar Jung, Gulbarga, 1368 A.H. 'Abdul Haq Muhadith Dehelwi, Op.cit. Sayid Shah Gulam 'Ali, Op.cit, MSS Gulam 'Ali Azad Bilgrami, Op.cit., 'Abdur Rahman Sabah al-Din, 'Bazme-Sufia', Azamgarh, 1949. K.A. Nizami, 'Gesudaraz', Encyclopaedia of Islam, Vol.11, Leiden 1965, pp.1114-16; Sayed Shah Khusro Hussaini, 'The Life, works and teachings of Khwajah Bandanawaz Gesudaraz', Hyderabad, 1986.

115. Mohd. 'Ali Samani, Op.cit., p.26. 116. Syed Minallah, Op.cit., p.102; Mohd. 'Ali Samani, Op.cit., pp.25-34; 'Abdu'l Aziz, Op.cit, pp.19, 20, 116. 117. Burhan p.44, Ferishta, I, p.316. 118. Mohd. 'Ali Samani, Op.cit., pp.26,35; Syed Minallah, Op.cit., p.102, 'Abdu'l Aziz, Op.cit., pp.59, 63, 70. 119. Shah Muhibbu'1-lah Ilahabadi, 'ilaktubat' M.S. Aligarh Muslim Univ. Library. 120. Mohd.'Ali Samani, Op.cit., pp.132, 40.

121. Ibid., pp.104, 107, 133, Syed Shah Ghulam Ali, Op.cit., 'Mishkast', p.19.

122. Ibid., p.134. 123. Ibid, p.134. 124. Sherwani, H.K., 'Bahmani's, pp.lBlf. 38b

125. Yazdani, G. , "Bidar, its history and Monuments', London, 1947, p.185. 126. Ferishta, 'Tarikh-i-Ferishta' I, pp.328f (Briggs' translation, 11, p.258f) 127. Yazdani G., Op.cit, p.174. 128. Abdul J.Khan Malkapuri, 'Tazkira-yi Awliya', I, p.131, 'Sufi Movement in the Deccan'. 129. Nizami K.A., Quotes from 'Gulzar-i-Abrar' Rotograph in the 'Aligarh Muslim Univ. Library, p.189 (foot note).

130. Yazdani G., Op.cit., p.107. 131. Nizami K.A., 'The Shattari 3aints and their attitude towards the State', 'Medieval India Quarterly', 1, (Oct.1950), p.56. 132. 'Abd al-Qadir Bada'uni, 'Muntakhab al-Tawarikh', Calcutta, 1868, p.9, iii. 4-5.

133. Nizami K.A., 'Sufi Movement in the Deccan' quoted from Gulzar-i-Abrar M.S. and 'Tabaqat-i-Shah Jahani' (MS), p.190. 134. Ibid., p.192.

135. Ibid., p.193.

136. Ibid., 'Tarikh-e-Masha'iq-e-Chist', p.400.

137. Tara Chand, 'Influence of Islam on Indian Culture', Allahabad, 1936, pp.84-85. 138. Ibid., p.86.

139. Ibid., pp.133-34.

140. Ibid., p.107.

141. Ibid., p.107.

142. Ibid., pp.100-1.

143. Macauliffe, M.A., 'The Sikh Religion', Oxford 1909, iv,p.l02. 144. Tarachand, Op.cit., p.154. 38

145. '^Aziz Ahmad, Op.cit., p.140. 146. Tarachand, Op.cit., p.10. 147. Ibid., pp.107-108. 148. Deleury, G.A., 'The Cult of Vithoba', Deccan College, Poona, 1960, pp.9-10. 149. Ashtekar, 'Yadavas', p.566. 150. Nicol Macnicol, 'Psalms of Maratha saints', Calcutta Association Press, 1919, p.24.

151. Nilkanta Sastri K.A., 'Development of Religion in South India', Madras, Otient Longmans Ltd., 1963, p.44.

152. Ranade, M.G., 'Rise of the Maratha Power' Bombay University of Bombay, 1961, Chap.8, p.50. 153. Nicol Macnicol, Op.cit., p.11. 154. Tarachand, Op.cit., p. 155. Godbole, 'Tukaram Abhangas', Poona. 156. Ranade, M.G. Op.cit, pp.50-51. 157. Tarachand, Op.cit., pp.84-85. 158. Ibid, p.107. 159. Brown, 'Telgu and English Dictionary'.

160. Orr, A.A., 16th century India, Mystic, Lond.,1947, p.230. 386

Chapter IV

1. Tarachand, 'Influence of Islam on Indian Culture', Allahabad, 1963, p.37. 2. Arnold, T.W., 'Preaching of Islam', pp.268-69, Ibn Battuta, 'Rehla' English Tr. Mehdi Hasan, Vol.11, p.80. 3. Amir Khurd, 'Sayar al-Awliya', Delhi, 1984-85, pp.39-40; 'Chishtiya', E.I., ii, 1983, pp. 50-56.

4. Amir Hasan Sijzi., 'Fawa'id al-fu'ad', Delhi, 1865, p.70; K.A. Nizami, 'Religion and Polities', Aligarh, 1960, p.*186. 5. Nizami, K.A., 'The life and times of Shaikh Farid- al-din Canj-i-Shakar', Aligarh, 1955. 6. Shafi, M., 'Chiragh-i-Dehli in E.I, ii, Leiden, 1983, pp.47-49. 7. Nizami, K.A., 'The Suhrawardi Silsilah and its influence on Medieval Indian Politics, n.d. 8. Ibid., 'Ta'rikh-i-Masha'ikh-i-Chishf, Delhi, 1953; idem, 'Chishtiyya' in EI, ii, pp.50-56. 9. '^Abdul Rahman Parwaz Islahi, 'Makhdum "Ali Maha ' imi, Bombay, 1976. 10. Tulpule, S.G., 'Language and literature Marathi' , in Hist. of Medieval Deccan, Hyderabad, 1974, Vol.11, pp.63-66; Dhere R.C. 'Musalman Marathi Sant Kavi', Poona, 1967, p.

11. Amir Hasan, Sijzi, Op.cit., p.70. 12. Khwajah Banda Nawaz Gesudaraz, 'Asmar al-Asrar', ed. by S.A. Husayn, Hyderabad, 1350 A.H. 13. Ibid., 'Jawami'al-Kalim' ed. by M.H, Siddiqi, Kanpur, 1356 A.H.

14. Ibid., 'Khatimah', ed. by S.A. Husayn, Hyderabad, 1356 A.H.

15. Makhdum 'Ali Maha'imi, 'An'amal al-Mulk al-'Alam ba ahkam Hukum al-Ahkam'; Awal al-Tawhid' ed. Islahi, Bombay, 1976, pp."91,93. 38[j

16. Khwajah Banda Nawaz, 'Maktubat', ed. S,A. Husayn, Hyderabad, 1362 A.H. 17. Sayed Imamuddin Ahmed Gulshanabadi, 'Tarikh Awliya' Fatah al-Karim, Bombay, 1291 A.H., p.33; Kokan Mohd*. Yusuf, 'Khanwada Badrud Dowla' , Madras, 1965. 18. 'Abd al-Huqq, 'Akhabar al-Akhyar", Urdu Tr. M.A. Nizami, Delhi, n.d. 19. Abu al-Fayd, M., 'Shawamil al-Jumal dar Shamail al- Kulam' MSS 'Ala al-din Junaydi Collection, Gulbarga. 20. Dara Shikoh, 'Sakinat al-awliya', Rampur MSS, p.l39-a-b; Safinat al-awliya', Urdu Trans. Karachi, 1961. 21. Al-Hujwiri, 'Kashf al-Mahjub', Trans, into English by R.A. Nicholsn, Lond., 1959. 22. Shihab al-din Suhrawardi, 'Sharh-i-Rasail-i- Qushaiyriyah', Cairo, 1948. 23. Khwaja Banda Nawaz, ' Tafsir-i-Multaqat' (Arabic) MSS, Vol.1, Nasiriya Library, Lucknow. 24. Makhdum 'Ali Maha'imi, 'Khusus al-Naa'm fi Sharhe Fusu§ al-Hikam' Ed.A. Rahman* Islahi, Bombay, 1976. pp.*98-108. 25. Khwaja Banda Nawaz, 'Mi'raj al *Ashiqin', Ed. Gopichand Narang Azad, Delhi, 1957. 26. Shah Burhanuddin Janam, 'Kalemat al-Haqaiq' ed. Idara-i-Adbiyat Urdu, Hyderabad Deccan, 1961, p. 50 (Ed. Akbaruddin Siddiqi).

27. Shah Turab, 'Man Samjhavan' ed. Dr. Sayyeda Ja'ffar et al, Hyd. Deccan, 1968. 28. Tulpule, S.G., 'Language and literature, in Hist. of Medieval Deccan, Hyderaba, 1974, pp.57-63.

29. 'Aziz Ahmad, 'Intellectual History of Islam in India, Lond., 1969, pp.83-84, 30. Ibid., pp.112-13. 31. Sherwani, H.K., 'The Bahmanis of the Deccan', Hyderabd, 1953, p.285.

32. Tulpule, S.G., Op.cit., p. 390

33. Samarth Tukaram, 'Tukaram Maharajanchi Gatha', ed. Deshpande M.K. nd Dandekar, S.V., Poona, 1926, pp.86, 107. 34. Khwaja Banda Nawaz, 'Jawami'al Kalim', p.143. 35. Ferishta I, 'Tarikh-i-Ferishta', Nawal Kishor Press Lucknow, 1864-65, pp.121-122. 36. Nizami K.H., 'Tadhkirah-i-Khusrawi', pp.25-26. 37. Richard Eaton, 'Sufis of Bijapur', Princton Univ. Press, Princton, 1978, pp.42-43. 38. Ferishta II, Op.cit., Vol.2, p.397. 39. Zaheer Fatehpuri, 'The influence of Amir Khusrau on the development of Indo-Aryan languages' in Amir Khusrau critical studies, 700th Annivarsary of Amir Khusrau, Lahore, 1975, p.98.

40. Muhammad 'Awfi, 'Lubab al-Albab', ed.E.G. Browne (2 vols.; E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1903), part ii, p.246; A. Springer, "Early Hindustany Poetry', Jour, of Asiatic Society, Vol.22, No.5, 1853, pp.242-44.

41. Amir Khurd, Op.cit., p.367.

42. Maulvi 'Abdul Huqq, 'Urdu ki Ibtida'i Nash wo Numa mein Sufiya-i-Kiram ka Kam', Anjuman-i-Tarraqqi-i- Urdu Hind, Delhi, 1939, pp.9-10. 43. Khwaja Banda Nawaz, 'Mi*raj al-Ashiqin' ed. by Maulwi 'Abdul Huqq. 44. Maulwi 'Abdul Huqq, 'Urdu ki Ibtidai Nash wo Numa mein Sufiya'i-Kiram ka Kam', p.76. 45. Ibid., pp.41-42. 46. Yusuf Husain Khan, 'The origin and growth of the Urdu language in Medieval times'. Islamic Culture, Vol.XXX, NO.4, 1956, p.355.

47. Gurbachan Singh Talib, 'Baba Shaykh Farid Shakar Ganj', National Book Trust, New Delhi, 1974, p.l.

48. Annemarie Schimmel, 'Reflections on popular Muslim Poetry', Contributions to Asian Studies, vol.XVII, 1982, p.18, 3 9 J

49. Dar, M.I., 'Gujarat's contribution to Gujari and Urdu' Islamic Culture, Vol.XXVII, No.l, 1953, pp.19-21. 50. Bailey, 'History of Urdu Literature, p.l4f. 51. Khwaja Banda Nawaz, Mi'raj al-Ashiqin, Ed.Maulwi 'Abdul Huqq. 52. Syed Shah Khusro Hussaini, 'The life, works and teaching of Khwaja Banda Nawaz Gisudaraz', Gulbarga, 1986, p.10.

53. Ibid., pp.15-16. 54. Khwaja Banda Nawaz, 'Mi'raj al-Ashiqin' Ed. Gopichand Narang, Delhi, 1957, pp.25-33. 55. Ibl-d., 'Mahnama Shahabaz' , Jan-Feb, 1962, Gulbarga, Ed.Syed Mubaraz al-din Rafa't, pp.23-24. 56. Ibid., p.21. 57. Ibid., 'Risalah Seh Barah', Ed.N. Hashimi, 'Deccan mein Urdu', Lucknow, 1963, pp.30-32.

58. Nasiruddin Hashimi, 'Deccan mein Urdu', Nasim Book Depot, Lucknow, 1963, pp.34-35. 59. Mu'azzam Bijapuri, 'Shajarat al-Atqiya', Dakhni MSS,'*Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad, Tasawwuf and Akhlaq No.131. 60. Sayed Shah Burhanuddin Janam, 'Marsiyat-i-Hazrat Burhanuddin Janam, Dakhni MSS, S.J.M., Hyderabad. 61. Maulwi Abdul Huqq, 'Shams al-Ushaq Shah Miranji' Urdu ki Ibtidai..., pp.35-43.

62. Ibid., p.37. 64. Ibid., p.39.

64. Ibid., p.36.

65. Ibid., p. 36.

66. Ibid., p.39. 67. Ibid., p.41. 39:^

68. Ibid. p. 35. 69. Ibid. p.43. 70. Ibid. p.42. 71. Ibid. p.38. 72. Ibid. p.35. 73. Ibid. p.35. 74. Ibid. p.42. 75. Ibid. p.38. 76. Ibid. p.43. 77. Ibid. p.43. 78. Ibid. p.52. 79. Fehrist Kutub-Khana Salar Jung', p.172. 80. Mohd. Akbaruddin Siddiqi, 'Kalimat al-Haqaiq', Idara-i-Adibiyat Urdu, Hyderabad Deccan, 1941, Preface.

81. Ibid., pp.12-13. 82. Abdul Huqq, Op.cit., p.46. 83. Ibid., Op.cit., p.47.

84. Ibid., Op.cit., p.46. 85. Ibid., Op.cit., p.46. 86. Ibid., Op.cit., p.47. 87. Ibid., Op.cit., p.47.

88. Mohd. Akbaruddin Siddiqi, Op.cit., p.5. 89. Ibid., Op.cit., p.6.

90. Ibid., Op.cit., p.50. 91. Ibid., Op.cit. p.50.

92. Ibid., Op.cit., p.44. 39;^

93. Ibid., Op.cit., p.44. 94. Ibid., Op.cit., p.64. 95. Ibid., Op.cit., p.63. 96. Sayed Nasiruddin Hashmi, Op.cit., p.186.

97. Ibid., Op.cit., p.176. 98. Ibid., Op.cit., p.241. 99. 'Abdul Huqq, Op.cit., p.46.

100. Ibid., Op.cit., p.50. 101. Mohd. Akbaruddin Siddiqi, Op.cit., p.50.

102. Ibid., Op.cit., p.39.

103. Ibid., Op.cit., p.95. 104. Sayed Nasiruddin Hashmi, Op.cit., pp.238-40. 105. Ibid., Op.cit, p.241. 106. Maulvi'Abdul Huqq, Op.cit., p.51. 107. Sayed Nasiruddin Hashmi, Op.cit., p.242.

108. Ibid., Op.cit. p.244. 109. Ibid., Op.cit., p.243. 110. Ibid., Op.cit., p.244. 111. Maulvi'Abdul Huqq, Op.cit., p.51. 112. Ibid., Op.cit., p.52. 113. Sayed Nasiruddin Hashmi, Op.cit., p.244. 114. Ibid., Op.cit., pp.329-30. 115. Shah Turab, 'Man Samjhavan'. Hindi Prachar Sabha, Hyderabad, 1968. Preface Ed. by Dr. Sayyeda Jaffar and Dr. P. Vidhyasagar.

116. Ibid., Op.cit., p.47.

117. Ibid., Op.cit., p.2.

118. Ibid., Op.cit., p.42. 394

119. Ibid., Op.cit. p. 5. 120. Ibid., Op.cit. p.12. 121. Ibid., Op.cit. p. 4 . 122. Ibid., Op.cit. p. 25. 123. Ibid., Op.cit. p.24. 124. Ibid., Op.cit. p.8. 125. Tulpule, S.G., 'Language and literature - Marathi' in History of the Medieval Deccan, Ed. by Sherwani H.K. and Joshi P.M., Hyderabad Deccan, 1974, p.59.

126. Ibid., Op.cit. p.59. 127. Ibid., Op.cit. p.59.

128. Ibid., Op.cit. p.59. 129. Nilkanta Sastri, K.A. 'Development of Religion in South India', Oriental Longmans, Bombay, 1963, pp.125, 133-34.

130. Snat Namdev, 'The Adi-Grantha, Eng.Trans, by Trump, 1877; Macauliffe', The Sikh Religion, Vol.VI.

131. Tulpule, S.G., Op.cit., p.63. 132. Nilkanta Sastri, K.A., Op.cit., pp.133-34. 133. Tulpule, S.G., Op.cit., pp.64-65. 134. Ojah, P.N., 'Aspects of Medieval Indian Society and Culture', B.R. Publication Corporation, Delhi, 1978, pp.8, 37-39.

135. Kulkarni, A.R., 'Social Relations in the Maratha country in Medieval Period', Ind. Hist. Cong. Proc, 1970, pp.234-35 136. Nilkanta Sastri, K.A., Op.cit., pp.133-34. 137. Ibid., Op.cit., pp.l3>34.

138. Tulpule, S.G., Op.cit., p.67.

139. Ibid., Op.cit., p.67. 140. Ibid., Op.cit., p.65. 395

141. Dhere, R.C., 'Musalman Marathi Santa Kavi' Gyanraj Prakashan, Poona, 1967, p.90. 142. Ibid., pp.90-91. 143. Eknath, 'Shri Sakal Santh Gatha Part II', Ed. by Kashinath A. Joshi, Shri Dutt Press, Poona, 1923.

144. Ibid., pp.446, 480, 491-92. 145. Deleury, G.A., 'The cult of Vithoba', Deccan College, Poona, 1960, pp.9-10.

146. Sant Tukaram, 'Santh Tukaram Gatha', Bharat Book Depot, Bombay, 1966, Vol.1, pp.31, 417, 423-25 and 430, Ed. by P.N. Joshi. 147. Deleury, G.A., Op.cit., p.6. 148. Laxman R. Pangarkar, 'Smarth Shri Dasbodha', Mauj Printing Bureau, Bombay, 1984. 149. Dhere, R.C., Op.cit., p.84. 150. Ibid., Op.cit. pp.84, 90,99 & 106.

151. Ibid., Op.cit, p.77. 152. Ibid., Op.cit. pp.73, 74, 75 & 81, 3 fi (>

Chapter V 1. Al-Mas'udi, Muruj al-Dhahab wa Ma'adin al-Jauhar, Ed. by Barbier de Meynord, Paris, 1861-77. 2. Nainar, S.M.H., Arab Geographers' knov/ledge of Southern India, Univ. of Madras, 1942. 3. Tulpule, S.G., 'Prachin Maratn:. Koreo Lekha' , Inscription No.55, Univ. of Poona, 1963, p.284. 4. Ibid., 'Yadav Kalin Marathi Bhasha', Univ. of Poona, 1963.

5. Rajwade, V.K., 'Sources of Maratha History', Bharat Itihas Shanshodhak Mandal, Pune, Vol.VIII(Preface).

6. 'Abdu'l Huqq, 'Influence of Persian on Marathi', Islamic Culture, Vol.X, 1936, p.557. 7. Patwardhan, S.M., 'Farshi-Marathi Kosh', Pune, p.100. 8. Devare, T.N., 'A short History of Persian Literature', Pune, 1961. 9. Tulpule, S.G., 'Yadav Kalin Marathi Bhasha'. 10. Stanley Lane-Poole, 'Medieval India under Mohammedan Rule', Delhi, 1963, pp.133-34.

11. Sayyed Ali Taba Tabai, ' b'Than-i-Ma' thir' , Hyderabad, 1936,' Ed. p.' 12. Tulpule, S.G., 'The History of the Medieval Deccan' 1974, Hyderabad, Vol.11, p.63 & 66. 13. Herwadkar, R.V., 'Language and literature in the eighteenth century' - History and culture of the Indian people, Bombay, 1977, Vol.VIII, pp.666-67.

14. Desouza, J.P. and Kulkarni, CM., 'Historiography in Indian Languages', Oriental Publishers, Delhi, 1974, p.2. 15. Sane, S., 'Shriman Maharaj Sambhaji Raje Yanche Charitra', Bharat Itihas Shanshodhak Mandal, Poona.

16. Sbhasad, K.A., 'Shri Shiv Chattrapatiche Charitra, Poona 39 V

17. Sane S., ' Shri Shivaji Maharajanchi Bakhar', 1761 A.D.

18. Sardesai, G.S., 'Shivaji Souvenir (Ed.) Vaibhav Press, Bombay, Saka, 1849, pp.125-28.

19. Karkun, E.G., 'Peshwanchi Bakhar', 1783 A.D.

20. Sardesai, G.S., Op.cit., pp.115-117.

21. Ibid., p.119.

22. Ibid., p.118.

23. '^Abdul Huqq, Op.cit., pp.37-38.

24. 'Shahus Campaign against the Siddis of Janjira', Peshwa Daftar, Vol.3, Govt.Central Press, 1930. 25. Parasnis, D.B., 'Dilli Yathil Marathayanchi Rajkarne' 1780-1789 A.D.', Nirnay Sagar Press, Bombay, 1913, Vol.1, p.45.

26. Ibid., 'Persian Records of Maratha History', I Delhi Affairs, Bombay, 1953, Introduction, p.VII, Trans, by Jadunath Sarkar.

27. Ibid., p.318.

28. Ibid., p.67.

29. Samarth Tukaram, Ed. Deshpande, M.K. and Dandekar, S.V., 'Tukaram Maharajanchi Gatha', Pune, 1926, pp.86, 107.

30. Dhere, R.C., 'Musalman Marathi .^ant Kavi ' , Poona, 1967, p.90; V.S. Bendre, Shaikh Mohammad Baba Shrigondekar - Krita Yogaasangrara, Bombay, 1961.

31. Sant Tukaram, 'Tukaram Abhang', Godbole,Pune.

32. Zinat Sajida, 'Dakhani Geet', Majallai Osmania, Deccan Adab Number 1963-64, No.65, p.217; Rafia' Sultana, 'Urdu Nasr', p.247; Saiyida Ja'far, Introduction to Abu'1 Hasan Qadiri, ' Sukh Anjan', p.60, Annemarie Schimmel, 'Influence of Sufism', p.196.

33. Saiyida Ja'far, Introduction to Abu'1 Hasan Qadiri, 'Sukh Anjan, p.60,f. 396

34. Deleury, G.A., 'The Cult of Vithoba ' , Deccan College, Poona, 1960, pp.9-10.

35. Sardesai, G.S., Op.cit, pp.l20-.^L and 125-28.

36. Abdullah Ghughtai, 'Some unpublished Muslim Inscriptions from Sholapur', Proc.Deccan Hist. Conference, Hyderabad, 1945, pp.238-240.

37. Joshi, P.N., 'Position of Hindus in the 'Adil Shahi Kingdom of Bijapur', Proc.Deccan Hist. Conference, Hyderabad, 1945, pp.311-312

38. Shaikh, C.H., Some unpublished Inscriptions from Ahmednagar, E.I.M.1939-40, Calcutta, p.30.

39. Quoted from Abdul Majid Siddiqi, 'Impact of Muslim Culture' in 'An outline of the cultural history of India', Hyderabad, 1958, p.160. (Gen.Ed.Sayed Abdul Latif).

40. Shushtery, A.M.A., 'Outline of Islamic Culture', Philosophical and Theological Aspects, Vol.11, pp.757-59. 39:i

Chapter VI

1. 'Al-Qur'an, Chap.96, Ayat 1,3,4 & 5. 2. 'The Encyclopaedia of Islam', Vol.Ill, 1936, London, p.353. 3. Hodgson, 'Unity', pp.892-4. 4. 'Umaruddin, M., 'The Ethical Philosophy of al-Ghazzali', Aligarh, 1962, p.15.

5. 'Abd al-Qadir b. Mohd. Al-Nu'aymi, 'Al-Daris fi Tarikh al-Madaris', Damascus, 1951. 6. Ferishta Muhammad Qasim (Briggs), 'Tarikh-i- Ferishta', Vol.i, Lucknow, 1864--65, pp.464-65.

7. Khan Y.H., 'Glimpses of Medieval Indian Culture', Bombay, 1962, p.72. 8. Stanley Lane-Poole, 'Medieval India under Mohammedan Rule', Delhi, 1963, p.66. 9. Zubaid Ahmad M.G., 'The contribution of India to Arabic Literature', Allahabad, 1946, Introduction, pp.xii-xiii, pp.250-51. 10. Zia al-din Barani, 'Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi', Calcutta, 1862, i, p.46. 11. Zubaid Ahmad, M.G., Op.cit, Introduction, p.xv. 12 Ibid., Op.cit, Introduction, p.xv.

13. Zia al-din Barani, Op.cit., pp.562-66. 14. Ibid., Op.cit., p.564. 15. Al-Qalqashandi, 'Subhu'1 A'sha fi Sina't il insha' (in Arabic), Cairo, 1913, Vol.V, pp.68-69.

16. Zia al-din Barani, Op.cit., p.460.

17. Stan'^ley Lane Pool, Op.cit., p. 112.

18. Zia al-din Barani, Op.cit., pp.343-4.

19. Khan Y.H., Op.cit., p.72. 4on

20. Ibid., p.76.

21. 'Aziz Ahmad, 'Intellectual HiFco-v of Islam in India', Lond., 1969, p.54.

22. Rahman 'Ali, 'Tadkhira-i-'Ulma-i-Hind', Lucknow, 1914, p.101, Ferishta (Briggs), i. pp.581-90; Law, p.74; Yusuf Hussain, Op. cit., p.22.

23. Stanely Lane-Pool, Op.cit., p.22.

24. Ferishta (Briggs), Op.cit., p.

25. Law, N.N., 'Promotion of Learning in India during Muhammadan Rule by Muhammadans, Lend., 1916, pp.126-27.

26. Muhammad Hafiz Allah Phulwarvi, 'Salatin-i-Hind ki 'llm parvari' (Urdu), p. 92.

27. Abul Hasanat Nadwi, 'Hindustan ki qadim Islami Darsgahen, Azamgarh, 1936, p. 24.

28. Syed Abdul Hayy., 'Hindustan Islami ahad main', Lucknow, 1973, p.160.

29. Badayuni Mulla A. Qadir, Vajfikh-e-Badayuni, Calcutta, 1869, Vol.Ill, p.471.

30. Abul Hasanat Nadwi, Op.cit., p.

31. Law, N.N., Op.cit., pp.160-62.

32. Khan Y.H., Op.cit., pp.80-82.

33. Carl Brockelmann, 'Ain-i-Akbari', p.288.

33(a) Abdul Hayy, 'Nuzhat al Khwatir', Vol.IV, p.207, Rud-i-Kauthar, Karachi, p.89.

33(b) Mulla Abdul Qadir Badayuni, Op. cit., Vol.Ill, p.80, Calcutta, 1869.

33(c) Ibid., p.299.

34. Khan Y.H., Op.cit., p.84.

35. Syed Abdul Hayy., Op.cit., p.167.

36. Syed Sabahuddin Ab'dul Rahman, 'Bazme Taimuria' , 1975, Vol.1, p.587 4 0 1

37. Khan Y.H., Op.cit., p.82.

38. Law, N.N., Op.cit., p.175.

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48. Law, N.N., Op.cit., p.

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75. Aziz Ahamd, Op.cit., p.56.

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