R E F E R E N C E S Short References: Where a Single Work by One Author

R E F E R E N C E S Short References: Where a Single Work by One Author

REFERENCES Short references: Where a single work by one author is cited, the author's name is used as the short reference in the notes. Please consult bibliography for details. 3G7 Chapter I 1. Gibb, H.A.R.and J.H. Kramers, et al. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Leiden, 1979, Vol.1, A-B, p.177. 2. Ibn Qutayba. Ma'arif (Gottingen), p.9, Al-Maqdisi, Ahsan al-Taqasim, p. 13, Yaqut' s Mu'jam, V., p.74 and Hamadani's Kitab al-Baldan, p. 163. 3. Gulam'Ali Azad Bilgrami. Subhat al-Marjan fi Athar Hindustan, Bombay, p.45 4. Stuart Piggott. Pre-historic India to 1000 B.C., Lond. 1961, pp.117-118, 207. 5. Jairajbhoy, R.A. Foreign Influence in Ancient India, Bombay, 196 3, p.3. 6. Studies in Foreign Relations of India, Ed.by Joshi, P.M. and M.A. Na^eem, Hyderabad, 1975, p.46. 7. Ibid. p.6. 8. Majumdar, R.C. The History and Culture of the Indian People, II, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,Bombay, 2nd Ed; 1953, pp.611-613. 9. Studies in Foreign Relations of India. Ed. by Johsi P.M. and M.A. N/yeem, Hyderabad, 1975, p.47. 10. Gazetteer of Bombay Presidency, I, i. History of Gujarat. Bombay, 189 6, 11, 4.2. 3Gh r . ' 11. Hadi Hasan. A History of Persian Navigation, « London, 1928, p.22. 12. Ibid. p.47. 13. Hitti, P.K. A short History of Lebanon, New York, -1965, p.29. 14. The Age of Imperial Unity, Gen. Editor, R.C.Majumdar, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 19 60, pp.611-12. 15 Tirmidhi, B.M. Contribution of Gujarat Scholars to Arabic Language and literature (Ms. Thesis unpublished) Bombay University, 1947, p.10. 16. Ibid. p.14. 17. Maqbul Ahmad, S. Indo Arab Relations, New Delhi 1978, p.79. 18. Encyclopaedia Britannica (11th Ed.), Vol.11, p.264. 19 Tabari. Tarikh as quoted by Sulaiman Nadvi m Arab-o-Hind ke Ta'aluqat (Eng.tr), p.29. 20. Ibid. p.29. 21. Maqbul Ahmad, S., op.cit. p.80. 22. Hadi Hasan. A history of Persian Navigation, Lond. 1928, p.76. Si^\i 23. Hadi Hasan and G.F. Hourani - as quoted by Maqbul Ahmed, p.81. 24. Rawlinson. As quoted by Zubaid Ahmed in Contribution of India to Arabic Literatue, pp.1-9. / 25. Hitti, P.K. History of the Arabs, London, 1961, p.73. 26. Maqbul Ahmed S. op.cit. p.82. 27. Sayyed Sulaiman Nadvi, Arab o'Hxnd ke Ta'alluqat, Allahabad, 1930, p.4. 28. Ibid. Hindustan Arabon ki Nazar mem, Azamgarh, p.163. 29. Ibid. p.163. 30. Ibid. p.38. 31. Ibid. p.40. 32. Maqbul Ahmed S. op.cit. p.82. 33. *Aziz Ahmed. Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian Environment, Oxford, 1964, p. I I 34. AL-Biruni. Kitabul Hind, Lond. p.23. 35. Jurji Zaydan. Adab-al-lughat al-Arabia, Vol.1, p.41. 36. Aziz Ahmed, op.cit. p.73. 370 37. Tirmidhi B.M. Contribution of the Scholars of Gujarat to Arabic language and literature. Bomb. Univ. 1947,p. 38. Sayed 'Abdul Latif. An outline of the Cultural History of India. Hyderabad, 1958, pp. 151-155. 39. Logan, W. Malabar, Madras, 1887-91, i, pp.231-245, Rowlandson, Introduction to his ed. of Shaikh Zayn I r al-Din. Tuhfat al-Mujahedeen, Lond.,1833. 40. Sayyid Sulaiman Nadvi. Arab-o-Hind ke Ta'alluqat, Allahabad, 1950, p. 41. Filliozat J. Ancient Indian Science, ed, Rene Taton, Trans. by A.J. Pomerans, Lond. 196 3, pp.141-145. 42. Nallino, C. 'Ilm al-Falak, Ta'rikhuhu'ind al'Arab fi-'l- Qurun al-Wusta,' Rome, 1911-12, pp.150, . 174-75. 43. Ibid., p.175. 44. Al-Biruni. Al-Biruni's India. Edward C. Sachau, Lond., 1887, pp.152-53. 45. Ibn al-Nadim. The Fihrist of al-Nadim. Eng. Trans. Bayard Dodge, Columbia Univ. Press, New York, 1970, p.57. 46. Hitti, P.K. History of the Arabs, Lond. 1961, p.73. o'-> (7 L1 47. Hadi Hasan. A History of Persian Navigation, Load. 1928, p.22. 48. Sayyid Sulaiman Nadvi. *Ear]y relations between Arabia and India, IC, xi, 1937. 49. Majumdar, R.C. The Age of Imperial Unity, p.616. 50. Ibid. p.615. 51. Siddiqui, M.Z. 'Studies in Arabic and Persian Medical Literature'. Calcutta, 1959, pp.35-38. 52. Ibid. p.42. 53. Ibn'Abi Usaybi'a. 'Uyun al-Anba'fi Tabaqat al-Atibba, Cairo, 1882. 54. Maqbul Ahmed S. op.cit., p.18. 55. Joshi P.M. and Nayeem, M.A. 'Studies in the foreign relations of India'. Hyderabad, 1975, p.i-10 -2 56. Elliot. History of India, Chuchnama, Vol.1, p. 57. Al-Mas'udi. Muruj al-dhahab, Eng. tr. by Sprenger., London, 1841, i, p.169. 58. Ibn al-Nadim. Al Fihrist. (Flugel), p.305 & Passim. 59. Sayyid Sulaiman Nadvi. 'Hindustan Arabon ki Nazar mein', p. 164. 37:^ 60. ''Aziz Ahmed, op.cit. p.11. _ t _ > 61. Al-Mas'udi. Muruj al-Dhahab wa Ma'adin al-Jauhar, Les Prairies d'or, ed. by Barbier de Meynard and Pavet de Courteilles, Paris, 1861-77. 62. Al-Biruni. Al-Biruni's India, ed. by Edward C. Sachau, Lond., 1887. 37.-^ Chapter II 1. Stanley Lane Pole, 'Medieval India under Mohammedan Rule". Delhi, 1963, p.80. 2. Ibid., p.82. 3. Sherwani, H.K, 'The Bahmanis of the Deccan', Hyderabad Deccan, 1953, p.285. 4. Ibid., p.303. 5. Shamsullah Qadri S, 'Malabar', Hyderabad Deccan,p.22 6. Ibn Battuta, 'Rihala', Cairo, 1346 H.II. p.101. 7. Zubaid Ahmed, 'The Contribution of India to Arabic literature', M.S.,Ph.D. Thesis, unpublished. Introduction, pp.1-9. 8. Maqbul Ahmed, 'Indo-Arab Relations', New Delhi-1978, p.8. 9. Ibn-Battuta, Op.cit, pp. 109-110. 10. Ibid., p.m. 11. Ibid., p.113. 12. Ibid., p.113. 13. Ibid., p.113. 14. Ibid., pp.115-116. 15. Khan Abdul Mu'id, 'The Arabian poets of Golkonda', Univ. of Bombay, 1963. p. 16. Zubaid Ahmed, Op.cit. pp.296-97. 17. Ibid., pp.296-297. 18. Ibid., pp.79, 144-145. 19. Zainuddin Ma'bari, Tr. by Shamsullah Qadri, 'A History of the Portugues in Malabar', Hyderabad, 1931, p.13. 20. Al-Mas'udi, 'Al-Mas'udi Millenary Commemoration Volume', pp.105-106. 374 21. Mirza Ibrahim Zubairi, 'Basatinu's Salatin', Sayadi Press, Hyderabad, p.23, Ferishta. I, p,277. 22. Muhammad Qasim Ferishta I, 'Gulshan-i-Ibrahimi'. Calcutta, 1956, p.302. 23. Haig W, 'Cambridge history of India', Vol.Ill,p.385 24. Ferishta I, Op.cit., p.305. 25. Ferishta II, Op.cit. p. 307. 26. Ibid., Op.cit. p. 308. 27. Abdul Gaffur Khan Rampuri, 'Tarikh-e-Deccan', Silsilai Asafia, Hyderabad, p.81. 28. Abdul Haq, Akhbar'ul Akhyar, p.135, Urdu Tr. by M.A. Nizami, Delhi. 29. Abdul Gaffur Khan Rampuri, Op.cit. pp.145-154. 30. Syyed Abdul Hayy, 'Nuzhatul Khwatir', Da'iratul Ma'arif, Osmania Univ.* Hyderabad, 1967, Vol.Ill, p. 23 . 31. Mohammad Ishaque, 'India's contribution to Hadith literature', 1955, p.87. 32. Badruddin Mohd. Al-Damamini, M.S. 'Manhal-al-Safi fi Sharh-i 1 Wafi, Nahw. M.S. Arabic Asafiya, No.132. 33. Abdul Gafur Khan Rampuri, Vol.Ill,Part 1, pp.140-186 34. Mahmud Gawan, 'Riazul Insha' , ed. Chand G. Hussain, Hyderabad, 1948, pp.98, 150. 35. Hakim Shamsullah Qadri, 'Naw^b 'Imadul Mulk Memorial Vol'. Hyderabad, p.116. 36. Sherwani, H.K, 'History of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty', p.326. 37. Ibrahim Zubairy, 'Basatinus Salatin, pp.274-75, 328-336, 349, Sayadi Press, Hyderabad. 38. Zainuddin, Ma'bari, 'Tuhfatul Majahidin', The Tarikh Press, Hyderabad, 1931, p.13. 39. Zubai d Ahmad, Op.cit. p.272. 87[) 40. Ibid., p.412. 41. Ibrahim Zubairi, Op.cit. p.351. 42. Zubaid Ahmad, Op.cit. XXIV (Introduction). 43. Muhmmad Ghauth, 'Jawahir-i-Khamsa', Raza Library, Rampur, I, p.3 34. 44. Kokan Yusuf M. Khanwada-e-Qazi Badruddawla, I, p.59, 45. Ibid., p.67. 46. Zubaid Ahmad, Op.cit. p.356. 47. Copy, 'Tafsir-i-Rahimi', Lib. Darul 'Ulum, Deoband (No.13144) 48. Zubaid Ahmad, Op.cit. p.412. 49. Ferishta, Op.cit.II, p.118. 50. Sherwani, H.K. Op.cit, p.401. 51. Mir 'Alam Abu Turab, 'Hadiqatul 'Alam', p.198. 52. Sherwani H.K., 'Tarikh Muhammad Qutub Shah', p.352. 53. Ibid, 'Cultural Trends in Medieval India', Bombay, 1968, p.91. 54. 'Abdul Mu'id Khan, Op.cit. p.56. 55. Ibid., Fol. 355 of (History of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty). 56. Sherwani, H.K., 'History of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty', pp.537-88. 57. M.S. Salar Jung Museum. 'Tafsir-i-Imamiya'. 58. M.S. Salar Jung Museum. 'Ad'iya', pp.108-110. 58. M.S. Salar Jung Museum, Philosophy. 60. Sherwani H.K., Op.cit. p.539. 61. Ibid., 'History of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty', p.321. 62. Zubaid Ahmad, Op.cit. p.xxx (Introduction). 3 7 h 63. Ibid., Op.cit. p.IV. 64. Ibid., Op.cit. pp.31-32. 65. Ibid., Op.cit. pp.31-32 66. Ibid., Op.cit. p.31-32. 67. Sherwani H.K., Op.cit. p.326. 68. Ferishta, Op.cit. p.301. 69. Ibid., I. p.309. 70. Mahrnud Gawan, 'Riyadul Insha'. Ed. Gulam Yezdani, Preface page 'E', Hyderabad, 1947, 71. Atta Hussain, S., (Ed.). 'Rasail', Hyderabad, 1360 H. 72. Ibid., 'Anisul 'Ushaq', Hyderabad, 1360 H. 73. Sadruddin Abul Fatah Sayyed Mohd. Husaini Gesudaraz, 'Maktubat', Hyderabad, 1362 H., p.86. 74. Ferishta, II, Op.cit. p.13. 75. Ibid., II, p.26.

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