January 2013 Issue Of

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January 2013 Issue Of Eastern Catholic Life “In the beginning was the Word ... “ VOL. XLIX, NO. 1 JANUARY, 2013 The Theophany of Our Lord By Father Joseph Bertha, PhD cons illustrating the Baptism of Our Lord in the River Jor- being clothed with the white garment, the chrisma after our baptism, dan, which is commemorated on January 6th, depict Our Lord which signifies our being clothed with the new garment of Resurrec- Istanding in the waters of the Jordan River. These baptismal tion, after being baptized into His death. After His Baptism Christ is waters recall the safe crossing of the Red Sea by God’s chosen people, clothed with a cloth, thereby covering the nakedness of Adam, and and their entrance into the Promised Land forty years later across the with him the whole of mankind, in the garment of glory and incorrupt- Jordan River. Sometimes depicted in the Jordan River are two figures ibility. as explained in Psalm 114:4 “The The arrangement of the fig- sea beheld and fled; Jordan turned ure of Christ being baptized and back.” The male figure personifies clothed with the garment of salva- the Jordan River, he has his back tion also mirrors His depiction on turned to Christ, indicating the the Cross. Baptism is our death to change of direction taken by the sin, as we die we go under the wa- river after the Baptism of Christ. ter, and rise again to new life in the The female figure signifies the sea Resurrection. Christ is shown in the and refers to the prefiguration of the Baptism icon in the same manner: Mystery (Sacrament) of Baptism by He is depicted as on the Cross, dy- the crossing of the Red Sea by the ing to sin, rising to new life in the Jews. Resurrection. Theophany, which means mani- Angels minister to Christ hold- festation of God, is literally depict- ing cloths for drying and clothing ed as Christ, the Son of God, is in Him. Curiously, in both the gospels the very center of the icon, being of Saint Mark and Saint Matthew baptized by John the Baptist. The angels are not mentioned serving skies of heaven open above and the the Lord until after His forty-day hand of God the Father extends to- period of fasting in the desert, which wards the earth. In a ray of light ex- immediately follows His baptism. tending to Christ, a dove signifying the Holy Spirit, is shown. The Holy John the Baptist wears a hair Trinity is openly revealed to all the shirt stands on the bank of the Jor- earth. dan River and extends his right hand over the head of Christ. This Both Mark and Matthew de- is the liturgical gesture for the sac- scribe the Baptism of Our Lord as rament (Mystery) of Baptism. This the manifestation of the divinity of is the crowning moment in the life Christ, the Son of God, as the Holy of John the Baptist, to baptize Our Spirit descends as a dove. Then a Lord; from this time onwards, he voice from heaven, the Father, says: fades in importance to allow the “This is My beloved Son. My favor Light of the world, Jesus Christ to rests on Him.” The icon depicts this shine ever so brightly. moment in the baptism event: the manifestation of Christ as the Son of God. Actually, several moments are conflated together in the Theophany icon. Jesus Christ is baptized in Christ is shown either without clothing, or clothed with a loin cloth. the Jordan River, the Holy Trinity is manifest to the world, salvation Interestingly, both depictions have profound significance. In the earli- shines forth from the darkness of this world of sin. This event is apt- est icons of the Theophany Our Lord is depicted in the waters of the ly summarized in a verse from Great Compline at the Litija: “Today Jordan River wearing no clothes. In this manner iconographers depict Christ is baptized; He emerges from the waters and uplifts the world the humanity of the New Adam indicating how Christ empties Himself with Him. He beholds the opening of the heavens which Adam had of His divinity (kenosis).When Christ is depicted without clothing He closed for himself and his descendants. The Spirit testifies to his di- represents the verse from Vespers: “He strips himself, who clothes the vine nature, for He is in accord with his own. A voice is heard from the heavens with clouds.” heavens, giving witness to the One who has descended; for He is the On the other hand, when Christ wears a loin cloth, it reminds us of Savior of our souls.” Eparchial Deacons Retreat Story and Photos on pages 8-9 Page 2 Eastern Catholic Life January, 2013 New Rector Appointed for Byzantine Catholic Seminary parents settled in Houston, Texas where they be- In 1998, Father Kurt was appointed the Ad- came founding members of Saint John Chrysos- ministrator of Saint Irene’s Byzantine Catholic tom Byzantine Catholic Parish. Church in Portland, OR. While in Portland, he taught Mathematics and Computer Science at the Father Kurt received his elementary and sec- University of Portland. He was also appointed a ondary education in Texas. He received a B.A. member of the Advisory Board of Saints Cyril Degree in Mathematics and Electrical Engineer- and Methodius Seminary in Pittsburgh. ing from Rice University in Houston. He received a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from the Univer- In 2004, Bishop William Skurla, then Bishop sity of Utah in Salt Lake City in 1986. He entered of the Eparchy of Van Nuys, sent him to study Saints Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Canon Law at the Pontifical Oriental Institute Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA in the Fall of 1985. in Rome, Italy where he earned a Licentiate de- He was ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ gree in Canon Law in 2007. After returning from in 1989 for the Holy Protection of Mary Eparchy Rome, he was appointed the Pastor of Our Lady of Phoenix (formerly the Eparchy of Van Nuys). of Perpetual Help Parish in Albuquerque, NM. He was also appointed Adjutant Judicial Vicar, a After ordination, he was appointed Admin- PITTSBURGH. PA - Metropolitan William, member of the College of Consultors and a mem- istrator of Saint Nicholas Church in Fontana, with the consent of Bishop Gerald, Bishop of the ber of the Pension Committee for the Holy Pro- CA and the Byzantine Catholic Mission in Palm Holy Protection of Mary Eparchy of Phoenix, tection of Mary Eparchy of Phoenix. The Roman Springs, CA. While in Fontana, he was also ap- has appointed Very Reverend Kurt Burnette, un- Catholic Archdiocese of Santa Fe, NM, the Dio- pointed Assistant Chancellor, Financial Officer, til now the Pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help cese of Las Vegas, NV and the Diocese of Gallup, Consultor and Defender of the Bond for the Ep- Parish in Albuquerque, NM, the new Rector of NM also appointed him judge and Defender of the archy. One of his proudest achievements was to Saints Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Bond for their Tribunals. Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA. This is an historical be named a Chaplain for the Fontana Police De- appointment since it is the first time that a priest partment. During that time, he also earned a Doc- outside of the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh has been torate in Law at Newport University in Newport appointed the Rector of the seminary. Beach, CA, where he also became the Dean of the School of Religion in 1995. He was appointed Father Kurt was born on November 7, 1955 a Spiritual Director for seminarians of the Ro- on the Sculthorpe Royal Air Force Base in Nor- man Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino, CA and folk County, England, the son of Richard and taught Mathematics at California State University Cynthia Burnette. He was baptized in the Roman at San Bernardino and at the University of Cali- Rite Chapel on the military base. Eventually his fornia at Irvine. +Sister Isidore Maruhnic, OSBM Completes Her Earthly Journey UNIONTOWN, PA – The heav- managed this department before ill Eugene stated, “None of us know enly ranks were increased in number health required her retirement. Sis- when he or she will die. The one on the prefestive day of the Entrance ter’s handiwork can be seen in the who is most healthy among us may of the Mother of God into the Tem- many churches of our Metropolitan go tomorrow; the most infirm may ple. Early that morning of Novem- Province, giving evidence of her be present for all of our funerals. We ber 20, 2012, Sister Isidore made giftedness and expertise. don’t know.” He went on to say that her own personal entrance into the if we did know, for example, that we One of Sister Isidore’s favorite eternal temple. As she was very de- had a week yet to live, the thought of activities during the many years that voted to the Mother of God, it was a facing God would cause us, instinc- her ministry placed her at the Mount fitting day for Sister to complete her tively, to take inventory of our souls, was her daily walk to the Lourdes earthly journey. The daughter of the and, whatever we would find lack- Grotto. Often she was accompanied late George and Marie (Romanko) ing by way of virtue, we would cer- by one her friends among the Sisters, Peter and her sister Anne (Staryak). Maruhnic, Sister Isidore was born in tainly seek to supply.
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