
Inside: l Lies, damned lies and Russian disinformation – page 3 l Evening at the Breakers recalls the Maidan – page 4 l Soyuzivka’s summer camps: a wrap-up – centerfold

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXII No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 $2.00 Mark Paslawsky, known as “Franko” Minsk brings few results, of the Donbas battalion, buried in Kyiv as Putin escalates war

Official Website of the President of Ukraine At the summit in Minsk (from left) are: President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan, President Vladimir Putin of Russia, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka of Belarus, President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine, the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton, Vice- President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Energy Günther Oettinger, and European Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht.

by Zenon Zawada service of the Ukrainian government’s anti- terrorist operation. Those reports were KYIV – Ukrainian President Petro confirmed by the U.S. government. Poroshenko met on August 26 in Minsk with “The new columns of Russian tanks and Russian President Vladimir Putin for the sec- heavy armaments that are crossing Ukraine’s ond time since he took office in June. During border are evidence that a direct counterof- the meeting they reached minor agreements fensive has already begun,” tweeted U.S. but failed to agree to de-escalate the Donbas Serhij Marchenko Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt on war or even seriously discuss a ceasefire. August 26, during the Minsk summit. KYIV – Patriarch Sviatoslav delivers the eulogy as he faces the coffin of Mark Instead, as he shook hands with Mr. Mr. Putin’s decision to escalate the war, Paslawsky at the August 26 funeral at St. Nicholas Ukrainian at Poroshenko with one hand, Mr. Putin was rather than seek a face-saving solution as Askold’s Grave in Kyiv. Born in New York, Paslawsky, 55, took Ukrainian citizen- escalating the armed fighting with the proposed by Mr. Poroshenko at the summit, ship this year and joined the Donbas battalion to fight the Russian-backed forces other as the Russian Armed Forces acceler- renewed the alarm of Western leaders. in the Donetsk region, where he was shot three times in the back on August 19, ated the delivery of military hardware, dying shortly after. He was buried at Askold’s Grave, becoming only the second arms and fighters, according to the press (Continued on page 17) Ukrainian to be accorded that honor. Poroshenko sets early vote, launches political party by Zenon Zawada first time in Ukrainian society, there won’t based on the rules approved in 2012, in Yurii Lutsenko, the former internal be arguments over Ukraine’s geopolitical which half the deputies will be elected by affairs minister who became a political KYIV – President Petro Poroshenko vector.” single-winner, single-mandate districts, prisoner under the Yanukovych adminis- signed a presidential decree on August 27 The most popular political parties are while the other half will be elected on tration, was elected the head of the dismissing the seventh convocation of the the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, the Radical closed party lists (in which voters only Poroshenko Bloc. His name will appear first Verkhovna Rada and setting early parlia- Party of Ukraine led by National Deputy choose a party). in the closed list voting. mentary elections for October 26. Oleh Lyashko, the Batkivshchyna party led The presidential decree also signified “Today we have two fronts: the domestic The elections are expected by political by former Prime Minister Yulia the launch of the campaign season. Mr. one, where criminal officials and the oligar- observers to remove a large chunk of pro- Tymoshenko, the Ukrainian Democratic Poroshenko wasted no time in organizing a chy are trying to maintain the old orders, Russian deputies from Parliament and cre- Alliance for Reform (UDAR) led by Kyiv City congress on August 27 for his Solidarnist and a foreign front, where the children of ate a solid majority that supports Ukraine’s Council Chair Vitali Klitschko, the Civic party, which has been an empty shell ever Genghis Khan are trying to take the best integration into the European Union (EU). Position led by former Defense Minister since it was registered in 2000. sons of Ukraine and its will to a European “For the first time, there won’t be argu- Anatoliy Grytsenko and the Svoboda The congress voted to rename the party future,” he said in his acceptance speech. ments over language, churches and strate- nationalist party led by Oleh Tiahnybok, the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, enabling voters Criticizing oligarchs is part of the stan- gic allies in the new Ukrainian parliament,” according to recent polls. All of these forces to better recognize the pro-presidential dard rhetoric of Ukrainian politicians, yet said Sergiy Taran, a founding member of support EU-integration. party on their voting ballots. Election cam- the signs show that Mr. Poroshenko is quite the Volia political party. “For the first time Given that Parliament failed this month paign staffs tabulated that it stands to earn comfortable in their company and doesn’t in the years of independence, there won’t to approve open-list voting for the election at least 30 percent of the vote, easily finish- much want to upset them. be a political division in Ukraine between (in which voters choose candidates nomi- ing first, reported the Ukrayinska Pravda ‘pro-Russian’ and ‘pro-Western.’ For the nated by parties), the voting will occur news site. (Continued on page 15) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 No. 35


Ukrainians now almost unanimous President urgently convenes NSDC We rededicate ourselves to supporting the search for an end to the violence, as we KYIV – Due to the sharp deterioration of mourn another victim of this manufactured the situation in the Donetsk region, in par- in supporting independent Ukraine conflict.” (U.S. Department of State) ticular the deployment of Russian troops by Paul Goble a result of a deterioration in the standard of on Ukrainian territory, President Petro U.S. cites ‘Russian-directed’ battle living and hyperinflation. But even though Vladimir Putin’s Crimean Anschluss, Poroshenko on August 28 cancelled his the economic situation continued to deteri- WASHINGTON – U.S. State Department which was intended among other things to working visit to the Republic of Turkey. “I orate in the mid-1990s, those who wanted spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on August 27 highlight or promote divisions among have made a decision to cancel my working to rejoin Russia fell significantly after the that reports from eastern and southeastern Ukrainians about the status of their coun- visit to the Republic of Turkey due to the 1994 elections. Ukraine “indicate that a Russian-directed try, has had exactly the opposite effect: It sharp deterioration of the situation in the Following Moscow’s intervention in counteroffensive is likely under way” has boosted the share of supporters of Donetsk region, particularly in Chechnya in 1994-1996, the share of against government forces in Ukraine’s independent statehood from 83 percent to Amvrosiyivka and Starobeshevo, as Ukrainians supporting Ukrainian statehood Russian troops were actually brought into Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Ms. Psaki 90 percent – the highest ever. rose again, to 71 percent; but during the eco- Ukraine,” he stated. Mr. Poroshenko said a said that the reports include descriptions In reporting the poll results, Valery nomic crisis of 1997-1998, it fell to 60 per- meeting of the National Security and of “columns of Russian tanks, multiple Khmelko, president of the Kyiv cent. But in 1999-2000, during Mr. Putin’s Defense Council will be convened to elabo- rocket launchers and armored vehicles International Institute of Sociology, said invasion of Chechnya, Ukrainian support for rate a further plan of actions. “The presi- pushing toward communities in southeast- that external threats have caused those independence returned to 72 percent. who did not support the independence of dent must stay in Kyiv today,” he empha- ern Ukraine.” She said they also include In 2003, Mr. Khmelko continued, during reports of “heavy fighting and shelling near the country to do so because of threats and the Tuzla island crisis, backing among sized. Ukraine will urgently initiate the con- the city and airport in Donetsk.” Ms. Psaki to recognize the value of Ukraine for them- Ukrainians for state independence rose to vocation of a U.N. Security Council meeting. said Washington was “concerned by the selves (zn.ua/UKRAINE/podderzhka-neza- 77 percent, although it fell back to 72 per- “The world must provide an assessment of Russian government’s unwillingness to tell visimosti-ukrainy-vyrosla-do-rekord- cent after the conflict was resolved. Then the sharp aggravation of the situation in nyh-90-151320_.html). in August 2008, when Mr. Putin invaded Ukraine,” Mr. Poroshenko noted. He said the truth, even as its soldiers are found 30 But what the figures also show is that – Georgia, Ukrainian support for indepen- Ukraine will ask its European partners to miles [50 kilometers] inside Ukraine” – entirely unintentionally – Mr. Putin has dence rose from 72 percent to 83 percent, call an emergency meeting of the Council of adding that “Russia is sending its young done more than anyone else to promote receding to 72 percent after the crisis. the European Union. The president noted men into Ukraine but are not telling them Ukrainian nation-building, just as Soviet “Year after year,” the Kyiv sociologist that he had made a decision to cancel his where they are going or telling their par- dictator Joseph Stalin did more than any- says, “support for the sovereignty of visit to Turkey despite seven bilateral ents what they are doing.” She also noted one else to promote Ukrainian state-build- Ukraine by Ukrainians had grown [but] the meetings planned within the framework of “reports of wounded Russian soldiers in a ing by adding territories to it in both the process had stabilized. Now, however, the festivities on the occasion of the Turkish St. Petersburg hospital, and that other east and west. outburst of civic self-consciousness has president’s inauguration. (Press Office of Russian soldiers are returning home to After Ukraine gained independence in occurred in connection with direct attacks Ukraine’s President) Russia for burial.” “These are not steps that 1991, the share of those supporting its new by Russia on the territorial integrity and certainly you take when you are operating Lithuania’s honorary consul killed status fell from 76 percent to 56 percent as sovereignty of the country.” in a transparent manner,” she concluded. WASHINGTON – Lithuania’s honorary (RFE/RL Ukrainian Service) consul in Luhansk, Ukraine, was abducted Fighting on southern front and killed by Russian-backed militants, it was reported on August 23. The following KYIV – Ukrainian security spokesman Russia moves from ‘evil empire’ press statement was given that day by Andriy Lysenko announced on August 27 Marie Harf, deputy spokesperson of the that reinforcements were being sent to the to ‘empire of hatred,’ commentator says U.S. State Department: “Today we were town of Novoazovsk, on the Sea of Azov shocked to hear reports that Lithuanian about 10 kilometers from the Russian bor- by Paul Goble kingdom have found themselves as a result Honorary Consul Mykola Zelenec was der, after the local mayor said pro-Russian of these processes in the most difficult abducted and murdered by separatist fighters had entered the town with support Unless it discriminates against non-Rus- social-psychological state,” Mr. Shro says. groups operating in Luhansk. We extend from dozens of armored vehicles. Reports sian peoples on the basis of cultivating They have been encouraged to think of heartfelt condolences to his family and from correspondents in the area on August hatred against them, an empire like Russia themselves as a great imperial nation that friends. While we are still seeking informa- 27, as well as messages on social media by cannot survive and will collapse, according must “collect under its wing ‘less progres- tion on the circumstances of this tragedy, pro-government Ukrainian fighters, said to Ukrainian commentator Oleg Shro. And sive’ peoples and nations.” one thing is clear: For too long people of government forces had abandoned all of Consequently, when the empire fell because that is the case, Russia today is best courage in Ukraine have risked abduction, their checkpoints on the main road linking apart – and that process, Mr. Shro says, “is described not so much as “the evil empire” torture and even death for their commit- the separatist-held city of Donetsk to but rather as “the empire of hatred.” not yet completed” because there are non- ment to transparency in the face of cynical Mr. Shro argues that the most visible Russian peoples within the borders of the armed attempts to dictate Ukraine’s future. (Continued on page 12) manifestation of this is “Russian propagan- Russian Federation who have never forgot- da spread both officially and by ‘comrades ten that the lands on which they live are with initiative’ in the localities in conformi- their own and that they are distinctive ty with ‘the general line of the party and nations even if they have learned to speak FOUNDED 1933 government.’ ” It “creates an information Russian. The Ukrainian Weekly field of hatred in which Russians live” (nr2. Russia became “the empire of hatred” com.ua/column/Oleg_Shro/Imperiya- because of the sense among Russians that An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., their “accustomed worldview” had lost its a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. nenavisti-78168.html). Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. But “it would be a mistake to consider foundation, and that they have no chance Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. that this hatred is formed artificially,” he “to influence this process,” the Ukrainian (ISSN — 0273-9348) continues. In fact, the situation is “just the commentator argues. That sense of power- reverse: official propaganda is based on the lessness thus has become “the source of The Weekly: UNA: public consciousness of Russians.” And its growing social hatred and heightened Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 “primary source” is “the deep social trauma social aggressiveness.” connected with the collapse of the Soviet That shows itself domestically “in the Postmaster, send address changes to: The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz Union” and the succeeding events of the complex socio-cultural inter-relationships with other peoples of Russia” and gives rise 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas 1990s. P.O. Box 280 “Russians as the skeleton-forming impe- to negative attitudes or even “blind anger” toward them, he says. One need only Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] rial nation, from the times of the Muscovite remember how quickly Russians were will- ing to blame the Chechens for the explo- The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: www.ukrweekly.com Paul Goble is a long-time specialist on sions in Moscow in 1999 despite the ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia absence of evidence against them, he adds. The Ukrainian Weekly, August 31, 2014, No. 35, Vol. LXXXII who has served in various capacities in the And it shows itself most clearly in the Copyright © 2014 The Ukrainian Weekly U.S. State Department, the Central treatment of Russia’s neighbors and in “one Intelligence Agency and the International of the central imperial Russian myths” Broadcasting Bureau, as well as at the Voice about Ukraine, a country which Russians ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio do not view as “a state formation of equal Liberty and the Carnegie Endowment for value to Russia” and a nation which Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 International Peace. Mr. Goble writes a blog Russians are not willing to recognize as e-mail: [email protected] called “Window on Eurasia” (http://windo- independent. Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 woneurasia2.blogspot.com/). The article e-mail: [email protected] above is reprinted with permission. (Continued on page 13) No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 3

HOT ISSUE Lies, damned lies and Russian disinformation by Paul Goble own purposes” because “when propaganda policy and part of a larger policy agenda. It vision is controlled by the Kremlin and that is based on nuances of interpretation, the is not simply dishonesty of this or that offi- few Russians have access to, or at least take The Russian Federation uses extensive chance always remains that someone with cial in response to a particular event. It is advantage of, alternative sources of infor- propaganda, outright lies, and – most a fresh perspective or a critical mindset can implemented with a clear understanding mation. And they have pointed to the importantly – disinformation as part of the cast doubt on those claims.” But, Mr. Malgin that a combination of truth and falsehood increasing repression by the Putin govern- hybrid warfare it is waging against Ukraine says, “when the authorities base their pro- is useful and effective. And it is pursued as ment – to the return of the kind of fear and the West. Disinformation combines paganda entirely on lies, they achieve their long as it is effective, being sacrificed only Russians felt during most of Soviet times – truth, what people want to be true and clev- desired result faster and leave no room for when there are reasons to believe that in order to argue that many Russians may erly disguised outright falsehoods. Moscow doubt” (The Moscow Times, July 30). either it is no longer necessary or it is no be willing to say they support Mr. Putin or has been actively using such disinformation Mr. Malgin is clearly on to something longer being accepted. All of those things agree with him even when they do not. as part of a conscious broader policy on with his suggestion that Mr. Putin is have characterized Mr. Putin’s approach to Both these factors are undoubtedly at Ukraine, and it readily changes or rejects ele- attempting to create “an alternative reality” information about Ukraine, a pattern that work, but neither explains why the ments of the false narrative it has been spin- with lies. But there is more going on than makes what Moscow is doing all the more Kremlin’s disinformation effort has been so ning as political events on the ground shift. that. Indeed, the scale of Moscow’s dishon- disturbing. successful among Russians. That has both Russian disinformation has landed on fer- esty about Ukraine over the last six months Unlike most other governments, the deeper and more superficial causes. Among tile soil domestically because it plays on has been so unimaginably large that many Russian government has a long history of the deeper are a sense of grievance over Russians’ deep-rooted emotions and serves have been driven to compile constantly engaging in disinformation campaigns. The the loss of superpower status and the to turn people’s attention away from more updated lists of the 40, 60 or even 100 tsarist regime did it, the Soviet regime did impression that Russia now has the chance immediate political and economic concerns. most outrageous things Mr. Putin and his it, and Mr. Putin is doing it in spades. to recover that status by using force that Abroad, Moscow’s message is given undue minions have said about Ukraine. [1] During the last six months, the Putin others will not oppose. Russians also fear exposure and lack of questioning due to These observers are shocked that so regime has put out a message about that Ukraine’s turn to the West could fur- some Western journalists’ misunderstanding many people in the Russian Federation Ukraine that contains some true things (if ther isolate them and lead to their decline. of the difference between balance and true appear to accept what the Putin regime is there were no true things, there would be Finally, there is a profound sense among objectivity, as well as the existence of a large saying as true. And at the same time they little basis to build on), some untrue things the Russian population that politics is the constituency whose jobs rely on the West are outraged that so many in the West that people would like to believe because work of elite conspiracies rather than pop- maintaining strong relations with Russia. appear to have fallen victim to Moscow’s they allow them to feel good about them- ular movements – hence, what is happen- In order to limit the spread and impact of lies as well – either out of a confusion selves or to promote their own interests, ing in Ukraine is necessarily the work of disinformation, Western governments will between balance and objectivity, a convic- and some completely false things that peo- outside forces like the gov- need to recognize the difference between tion that all governments lie and that no ple do not reject out of hand because they ernment or the Central Intelligence Agency simple lies and actual disinformation, one should be surprised, or a commitment see them as consistent or at least as not (CIA). acquire expertise to identify disinformation to maintaining good relations with the inconsistent with the other two compo- At a more superficial level, Mr. Putin’s and parse the truths and falsehoods within Russian government no matter what it nents. disinformation campaign has worked because it has played to all of these factors it, as well as develop methods to answer and does. Mr. Putin’s disinformation campaign precisely at a time when things have not counteract such disinformation both at Such reactions are understandable, if about Crimea is particularly instructive in been going well in Russia. The economy has home and abroad. The policy changes neces- not particularly laudable. But they have this regard. His message combined all three been stagnant or declining, and the regime sary to achieve this will require political will combined to distract attention from the fact of these elements. Yes, it is true, as Moscow and many ordinary Russians would like to and some costs, but the costs of doing noth- that what Mr. Putin has been doing, while it insists: Crimea has a longer history of ties have their attention diverted to something ing may be even greater. has its roots in past Russian state practice, to Russia than do other parts of Ukraine. else – the Sochi Olympics or “a good little represents a dramatic expansion. This No, it is not true that Crimea is “Russian” in Introduction war.” Mr. Putin faced a challenge to his rule upsurge includes not just a greater number the same sense that Moscow is. And it is in 2011-2012. Many Russians were fright- Writing in The Moscow Times on July of lies and damned lies, but also more thor- demonstrably not true that ethnic Russians ened that the country might be returning to 30, Andrei Malgin pointed to just how dif- oughness in Moscow’s carefully considered in Crimea were being persecuted and ferently the Russian authorities behaved use of disinformation to advance Russia’s a period of uncertainty and instability. In oppressed and needed to be defended by turn, Putin’s disinformation campaign after the shooting down of the Malaysia interests at home and abroad. No other outside Russian forces. But these three Airlines Flight 17 airliner compared to how government has ever employed this type of about Ukraine provided reasons for themes worked together and even rein- Russians, his entourage and perhaps even Soviet officials reacted when they shot policy with such effectiveness; and few forced one another in the minds of many. down KAL Flight 007 in 1983. At that time, have ever had a greater need to counter it if himself to believe that the Kremlin leader he writes, “Soviet media did not deny the they are to defend both their values and Putin uses disinformation could succeed in leading that country into a incident but focused all its propaganda their interests. because it works brighter future without the risks of instabil- efforts on explaining the context of how it What Mr. Putin is doing prompts three ity that almost all the other courses pro- Both Western observers and many posed would likely entail. happened” (The Moscow Times, July 30). questions: What is disinformation, as com- Russian opponents of the Putin regime But, as effective as Mr. Putin’s disinfor- This time, however, “the Kremlin- pared to simple lies and even damned lies? have been shocked that Moscow’s duplicity mation campaign has been inside Russia, it controlled media has repeatedly [and vari- Why is it so effective? And how can it be regarding the situation in Ukraine has been has been even more successful beyond that ously] claimed that: the airplane was not identified and countered? Those are the so effective and has sent Mr. Putin’s rating country’s borders. This success is not due shot down at all, but fell out of the sky by subjects of this essay. with Russians to unprecedented heights. to all of Moscow’s claims being accepted as itself; a bomb exploded aboard the air- Disinformation They have blamed this on the facts that true – this is certainly not the case. It is also plane; the airplane was hit by a Ukrainian is not the same as lying Russians overwhelmingly rely on Moscow missile fired from the ground; a Ukrainian television for their news, that Moscow tele- (Continued on page 18) air force fighter pursued and then attacked All governments lie at one time or the plane; the [United States] shot down another, either by omission or commission the plane in order to damage Russia’s repu- in the prosecution of policies, covering up tation; no living people were aboard the what they do not want people to know Quotable notes plane as it flew on autopilot from about, or presenting information that is Amsterdam, where it had been pre-loaded false or distorted to distract attention, or “[Vladimir Putin] should be indicted and brought before the International with ‘rotting corpses.’ ” convincing people that what the govern- Criminal Court. Putin is probably guilty of all types of transgressions the court is The Moscow commentator argued that ment wants is justified. But few govern- authorized to prosecute – genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and aggres- under President Vladimir Putin, “it was not ments use disinformation even though it sion. As Russia’s president or prime minister, Putin dispatched Russian armed forces enough to simply twist the facts to their too involves lying and even though it is against the peoples of Chechnya, Georgia and Ukraine while keeping them in a prov- intended to advance a political agenda. ince of Moldova. His troops killed between 100,000 and 200,000 Chechens, split off South Ossetia and Abkhazia from Georgia, and watched as South Ossetians carried Paul Goble is a longtime specialist on eth- As Nathalie Grant, the West’s leading out ethnic cleansing of Georgian villages. Putin’s forces have seized Crimea, putting nic and religious questions in Eurasia and authority on disinformation, routinely put Tatars as well as Ukrainians at risk. Putin has fomented separatism in eastern writes the “Window on Eurasia” series. His it, disinformation can be mostly, even 99 Ukraine and sent several thousand Russians to fight alongside the separatists. He distinguished career includes previously percent, true. What makes it disinforma- may not have intended for his proxies to shoot down a Malaysian airliner, but he pro- working for the Azerbaijan Diplomatic tion is the clever combination of what is vided the equipment and training that permitted them to do so and kill nearly 300 Academy, the U.S. State Department, the true, what people want to be true and what civilians. When weapons based in Russia strike targets inside Ukraine, however, Central Intelligence Agency, the is demonstrably false but which many will there is no doubt about Putin’s intentions.” International Broadcasting Bureau, Voice of not notice if it is cleverly presented. America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Consequently, what defines disinformation – Walter Clemens, a professor emeritus of political science at Boston University and and at the Carnegie Endowment for is not the percentage of truth or the per- an associate of the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University, International Peace. centage of lies it contains but the ways in speaking in an interview with Prof. Alexander Motyl of Rutgers University. The interview The article above is reprinted from the which it is designed, carried out and ulti- was posted on August 13 on Prof. Motyl’s blog, “Ukraine’s Orange Blues” on the World Jamestown Foundation’s “Hot Issues” fea- mately accepted or rejected. [2] Affairs website (http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/blogs/alexander-j-motyl). ture (see www.jamestown.org). Disinformation is always a conscious 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 No. 35 A magical Ukrainian evening at the Breakers recalls the Euro-Maidan by Ulana Baluch Mazurkevich and George Woskob from distant State College, Pa., mingled with members of NEWPORT, R.I. – The legendary Newport society who also came out to pay Breakers of Newport, the former home to tribute to the heroes of the Euro-Maidan. the Vanderbilts, played host on Thursday, The memorial concert was opened by July 28, to the virtuosic performance of Dr. Orest Zaklynsky, who was instrumental acclaimed musical artists from Ukraine in in organizing the event and was host an evening dedicated to the Ukrainian together with his wife, Kaia. He greeted the heroes of the Euro-Maidan, the Heavenly assembled in the gilded grand ballroom of Brigade. the Breakers and noted that the events of At a reception preceding the concert, the Maidan were very moving and tragic. guests from far and near mingled on the “In those harrowing days in late February, beautiful grand terrace overlooking the many lives were cruelly ended by the cow- ocean. Danka and Ihor Chuma, who came ardly flash of a sniper bullet.,” he said. “Let from Toronto, were happy to meet up with the songs and music soothe us and wash old friends Rostyk and Halia Milanytch, away the sorrow we feel.” who came from New Jersey, and were Dr. Zaklynsky continued, “I would like to joined by their daughter Alexa, who came dedicate this evening as well to our par- from Boston for the concert. Former U.S. ents, who instilled in us a sense of history Ambassador to Ukraine William Green and dignity.” Miller and his wife, Suzanne, shared stories Dr. Zaklynsky then introduced Lubomyr In Newport (from left) are: pianist Roman Lopatynsky, bandurist/vocalist Larysa about their service in Ukraine with Danko Demchuk, the co-sponsor of the concert, Dedyuch, host Orest Zaklynsky and bandurist Roman Hrynkiv. Paschyn and his wife, Kvitka. Ukrainian who helped with the organization of the Miller. Noting, “Even though I don’t have gave the performers many standing ova- guests, many from , and Nina event. He, in turn, introduced Ambassador Ukrainian blood I feel I am Ukrainian,” the tions, preventing them from leaving the former U.S. envoy to Ukraine spoke about stage. the dignity and humanity of the Maidan. The longtime former chair of the The concert in memory of Kyiv’s Newport Music Festival, Ruth Orwein, “Independence Maidan Martyrs” featured spoke glowingly about the Ukrainian per- three artists from Kyiv’s Tchaikovsky formers and their music. She told this writ- Conservatory, which is located on the er she was especially enthralled by the ban- Maidan. The memorial concert featured the dura, commenting that the rich sounds of American debut of Ukrainian bandurist/ the bandura filled the hall with orchestral vocalist Larysa Dedyuch, Ukrainian ban- quality. durist Roman Hrynkiv, and the winner of Mr. Demchuk, who booked the artists, the 2012 International Competition for revealed how he had chosen them: “When I Young Pianists in Memory of Vladimir was in Kyiv I asked who are the artists on Horowitz, 21-year-old Roman Lopatynsky. the cutting edge and I was directed to The extraordinary musical beauty of Ms. them.” Dedyuch’s lament was heart-wrenching, as Dr. Zaklynsky stated that he was very was Myroslav Skoryk’s “Melodia” per- pleased with the outcome and success of formed by the acclaimed young piano vir- the concert, and hoped that this would be tuoso Mr. Lopatynsky. The concert-goers the beginning of an annual event. He said were enthralled by the spectacular perfor- his goal was to bring in new and rising tal- mance on the bandura by Mr. Hrynkiv. ent from the music conservatories in Kyiv Ihor Fedoriw Concert-goers (from left): Ihor Chuma, Marta Fedoriw, Ambassador William Green Miller, The concert was haunting in its beauty and Lviv and annually showcase Ukrainian Orysia Hewka and Danka Chuma on the terrace of the Breakers prior to the concert. and was truly poignant. The concert-goers talent in Newport. ‘CTO’ project unveils 100 plaques nationwide to mark centennial of internment operations

by Oksana Zakydalsky Hungarian churches and cultural centers, as well as in local and regional museums TORONTO – At 11 a.m. on Friday, August and other public venues across Canada. 22, 100 commemorative bilingual plaques The project was made possible by a grant were unveiled in 100 establishments from the Endowment Council of the Canadian across Canada – the “CTO” project. They First World War Internment Recognition marked the date 100 years ago that Canada Fund in association with the Ukrainian had passed the War Measures Act and Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation. when, suddenly, many Ukrainian immi- In Toronto, there were 10 such venues, grants found themselves described as one of which was the Plast Ukrainian “enemy aliens.” Scouting Organization home. Several dozen All 100 English-French plaques in the people came to the ceremony at Plast. The CTO project were unveiled on at 11 a.m. plaque was blessed by the Rev. Andriy Figol (local time) in predominantly Ukrainian, and hung in the entrance vestibule of the but also Croatian, Serbian, German and building.

The plaque features a scene in bas-relief from an internment camp. The plaques will serve to remind all described as “Austrian” or “Austro- Canadians about Canada’s first national Hungarian.” Those so categorized, under internment operations and about the need the terms of the War Measures Act, were to remain vigilant in defense of civil liber- labeled as enemy aliens. ties and human rights. Between 1914 and 1920, 8,579 enemy In the summer of 1914, Canada, as part aliens were incarcerated in 24 internment of the British Empire, was in a state of war camps across Canada, among them women against Germany and Austro-. By and children. The majority – some 5,000 – that time, there were about 171,000 were of Ukrainian origin. Ukrainian immigrants in Canada. They had Over 80,000 others, most of whom were generally come to Canada from the also Ukrainian, were categorized as enemy Austrian crownlands of Galicia and Toronto Plast members at the unveiling ceremony of the “CTO” project. Bukovyna, and their citizenship could be (Continued on page 16) No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 5 Poroshenko: We must always be ready to defend independence KYIV – President Petro Poroshenko gratitude to volunteers: “Your help has opened the military parade on Ukrainian been especially important in the first Independence Day, August 24, in Kyiv, stat- weeks of aggression when we inherited the ing, “We swear allegiance to you, Ukraine.” state without army, police, special services, The event marked the 23rd anniversary of weapons.” the re-establishment of Ukrainian state- “Our enemy has been training hard for a hood following the collapse of the Soviet long time to attack Ukraine. And we were Union. not prepared for such insidious treachery,” Addressing his compatriots, Mr. he said. Poroshenko said: “Never in 23 years has Emphasizing that the war was not this day been so majestic as today. People Ukraine’s choice and that it had been have never celebrated it as sincerely as inflicted from abroad, Mr. Poroshenko today, with Ukrainian flags in every win- noted: “Our choice is peace, implementa- dow, on every balcony. And all of it is hap- tion of the peace plan for the Donbas that I pening despite hard times for the country.” elaborated and offered back in June. But Mr. Poroshenko noted that the develop- steps towards peace cannot be unilateral ments of recent months had become a real and cannot be made at the cost of the sov- war for the people of Ukraine, though war ereignty, territorial integrity and indepen- hasn’t been declared. It will probably go dence of Ukraine.” down in history as the Patriotic War of Noting that, unfortunately, Ukraine will 2014, he added. always face a military threat, Mr. This is a “war against foreign aggression. Poroshenko explained that Ukraine must For Ukraine, for its will, dignity and glory, adjust to the new reality. “We must always for the people. For independence,” the Official Website of Ukraine’s President be ready to defend independence,” he stat- president said. President Petro Poroshenko on Ukrainian Independence Day, August 24. ed, pledging $3 billion in increased military Mr. Poroshenko emphasized that the spending through the end of 2017. struggle for victory has become a national er of the Motherland” has become concrete. Mr. Poroshenko thanked Ukraine’s mili- “We will succeed in defending our inde- movement. “I am confident that the battle “There are a lot of battles and dates in tary for their allegiance to the oath, service pendence, the life and security of everyone, for Ukraine, for independence will end up the heroic chronicle of the Ukrainian army to Ukraine and their sacrifice in defense of our right to live freely on our Ukrainian successfully for us due to our nationwide worthy to become the Day of Defender of the country, and noted that he would like to land only at the cost of colossal efforts on solidarity multiplied by the courage and the Motherland. Ukraine will never again bow to every Ukrainian woman “who lost a the part of the entire nation,” the president heroism of our warriors,” he stated. celebrate this holiday under the military- husband or a son, a grandson or a brother, said. He said that a new Ukrainian army has historical calendar of Russia. We will honor who believes in victory and is waiting for been born in the last six months of the defenders of our motherland, not the return of her dear, best, beloved.” Source: Press Office of the President of exhausting battles. The concept of “defend- someone else’s,” the president emphasized. Mr. Poroshenko expressed particular Ukraine

Kerry congratulates the people Embassy in D.C. celebrates of Ukraine on Independence Day Ukraine’s National Flag Day The greeting below was released by U.S. Department of State.

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I congratulate the people of Ukraine as you celebrate the 23rd anniversary of your independence on August 24. During my most recent visit to Ukraine, I was inspired by the remarkable strength of the Ukrainian people. I walked down Instytutska Street and paid my respects to the heroes of the Euro-Maidan. I saw the barricades, the burned tires and the bullet holes in the street lamps. But I also saw the flowers and the photo- graphs of the people who gave their lives for Ukraine. I spoke to the men and women of Kyiv who told me of their commitment to a more prosperous, peaceful future for all Ukrainians. Since your independence, and especially over the past tumultuous year, the people of the United States have stood proudly with the people of Ukraine as you seek a more peaceful, democratic, prosperous and European future. Whether in Kyiv, Crimea, or Donetsk, the United States is firmly determined to support the right of all Ukrainian people to choose your own path.

Yaro Bihun IN THE PRESS: No bargaining with Putin Ukraine’s Ambassador to the U.S. Olexander Motsyk, joined by his diplomatic and military embassy staff and their families, celebrate Ukrainian National Flag Day on August 22. “On Ukraine, any bargain is a bad approach has been terribly sly, from the bargain,” editorial, The Washington “little green men” who took over Crimea by Yaro Bihun and the singing of the Ukrainian national Post, August 21: without noticeable military insignia, to the anthem. Eastern Ukraine remains a violent cal- “uprising” in eastern Ukraine of separatist WASHINGTON – Ukrainian Ambassador After the ceremony, responding to a dron as Ukrainian soldiers shell pro-Rus- fighters who just suddenly happened to Olexander Motsyk, joined by the Embassy’s question from a correspondent of the Voice sian separatists in the cities of Donetsk possess anti-aircraft missiles. Mark diplomatic and military staff and their fam- of America about the role of the Ukrainian and Luhansk. … Galeotti of New York University wrote ilies, celebrated Ukraine’s National Flag American community in helping Ukraine With so many innocent civilians caught recently in Foreign Policy that Mr. Putin Day August 22 on an upper-level terrace of attain its independence, as well as in coun- up in lethal combat, it is tempting to look has demonstrated in Ukraine a method of the Embassy building in Washington. tering Russian efforts to undermine it, for a ceasefire or some kind of time out fighting with his military intelligence ser- With the Ukrainian flag flying at half- Ambassador Motsyk said that he and the that would lead to a period of diplomatic vice that is “a mix of stealth, deniability, staff behind him, the ambassador spoke Ukrainian nation are extremely grateful for negotiation. But what would a pause and subversion, and surgical violence.” We about the significance of Ukraine’s blue- their efforts over decades for Ukraine to diplomacy accomplish? Any negotiations would add: outrageous lies and propagan- and-yellow flag as national symbol and the achieve independence and build a demo- that leave this blight festering in Ukraine da. crisis his country now faces in the east. cratic and free society. must be avoided. The only acceptable solu- The answer to these tactics is not to “I am certain that we shall restore Ukrainian Americans are increasingly tion is for Mr. [Vladimir] Putin’s aggression compromise and legitimatize them. Any peace in eastern Ukraine along with our helping Ukraine and its people to get on to be reversed. discussion that leads to a shred of success territorial integrity, and build, under the their feet and build that free, independent Aggression is the right word. Although for Mr. Putin’s nonlinear war would blue-yellow flag, a flourishing democratic and democratic nation, he said. the separatists may not be wearing encourage the use of such tactics again. Mr. European Ukraine, which will be an inte- “And today, when Ukraine is undergoing Russian military insignia, no one should be Putin must be shown that it does not work gral part of a united Europe,” he said in his this especially trying period of Russian under any illusions: This was a rebellion and that the West has the fortitude to brief remarks preceding the ceremonial aggression, we can feel this strong support with roots in Moscow. …Mr. Putin’s block his subterfuge. … raising of the flag to the top of the flagpole of your Ukrainian community,” he added. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 No. 35

ON UKRAINE’S INDEPENDENCE The Ukrainian Weekly The “CTO” project The three unknowns Something extraordinary happened in Canada on Monday, August 22. On that day, progressing from east to west, at exactly 11 a.m. local time, 100 plaques were by Dominique Arel Things could get really worse, but the unveiled in various public venues – from Amherst, Nova Scotia, to Nanaimo, British alternative reality that Russia has built for Columbia (both sites of first world war-era internment camps) – to mark the 100th The Ukrainian Weekly asked Dr. itself is teetering. Meanwhile, the cultural anniversary of Canada’s first national internment operations of 1914-1920 and the Dominique Arel of the Chair of Ukrainian link between Russians and Ukrainians has 100th anniversary of the War Measures Act. Studies at the University of Ottawa to offer been eroded. Perhaps significantly. Called Project “CTO,” this “wave of remembrance,” as the Ukrainian Canadian Civil his thoughts on “Ukraine’s 23rd anniversary The second unknown is the degree of Liberties Foundation described it, recalled the heinous government operation that of independence, its significance and what national unity that will characterize a post- labeled more than 80,000 immigrants to Canada as “enemy aliens” and interned the near-term expected future holds for war Ukraine, assuming that the war will some 8,500 in 24 camps throughout the country. Why were they considered “enemy Ukraine (and Crimea).” The response was indeed come to an end and that a political aliens”? Simply because of where they came from and, therefore, the twisted think- prepared for The Ukrainian Weekly on settlement will be found in the coming ing went, could be suspected of allegiance with the enemy. There was no evidence, August 21. months (which remains a tall order, since no due process afforded these immigrants. The majority were Ukrainians who Ukraine will negotiate neither with Russian hailed from the Austro-Hungarian crownlands of Halychyna and Bukovyna. Others When Ukraine declared independence citizens nor with local figureheads of were of German, Hungarian, Serbian, Croatian and Armenian descent. 23 years ago, no one died and no one was Russian military counter-intelligence). The project to commemorate the internment operations and its victims – the even injured. When the Orange Revolution The regional split that President brainchild of Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk, professor of political geography at the Royal overturned a fraudulent presidential elec- Vladimir Putin gleefully anticipated back in Military College of Canada – aims to educate the people of Canada about a little- tion in 2004, there were still no casualties. April, with “Novorossiya” going his way, known episode of their history. Indeed, as Dr. Luciuk, who heads the CTO project, President Leonid Kuchma would not use turned in fact into a split within the south- told The Weekly in an interview published on August 17, he himself first learned of violence to have his successor keep power. ern and eastern provinces of Ukraine, with the internment operations in 1978, while doing research for his master’s degree. Ten years later, the same successor, Viktor the huge caveat that the “pro-Russia” con- Many of the internees’ family members were not even aware of the grave injustice Yanukovych, was determined to follow the stituency is definitely not in favor of any done to their kin. Not odd, given that the Canadian government at first denied that model set by the rulers of Belarus and kind of Russian invasion, but of a Ukraine such operations had taken place. Russia and not ever cede power. He broke more closely aligned with Russia. Russian Dr. Luciuk went on to write a book about those operations, and the Ukrainian 22 years of civil peace by having the police policy, and its stealth invasion of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, of which he is a leading member, pressed the use nonlethal violence against demonstra- Donbas, has appeared to crystallize campaign for recognition and redress for this historic wrong. It took many years of tors. When the Maidan turned violent, he Ukrainian identity in the southeast, an effort, but the campaign finally succeeded with the establishment in 2008 of the sent the snipers, causing the first three identity equated with loyalty to the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund, which was endowed with deaths in a political demonstration in the Ukrainian state and not cultural symbols, $10 million from the federal government. But it was never about money or compen- history of post-Soviet Ukraine. A month such as language. Whether in Odesa, sation to those once tarred as “enemy aliens” and their families – only about memo- later, the snipers killed a hundred people, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, and ry. Mary Manko Haskett, one of the victims, underscored that all she wanted was for the police deserted Mr. Yanukovych and the most dramatically in Donbas, Russian- Canadians to remember what had happened. “Remember. Learn. Never forget regime collapsed (there was no coup). speaking “political Ukrainians” have been them…” – that’s the theme of the CTO project. By April political authority in the defending the Ukrainian state (for better or In Toronto alone, home to a huge Ukrainian community, there are 10 venues Donbas, the former Yanukovych fiefdom, worse, as happened in Odesa). where the bilingual – English and French – plaques were unveiled on August 22. One disintegrated and fringe local actors – abet- While the far right will never get the point, of them, as correspondent Oksana Zakydalsky reports, was installed in the head- ted by Russian special forces – launched an this should take care of the long-term convic- quarters of the city’s branch of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization. Thanks to the insurrection that rapidly morphed into an tion among Ukrainian nationalists that giving CTO project, new generations of Canadians throughout the land will be informed undeclared war between Russia and official status to the Russian language is a and will perpetuate the memory of those who came before them. Ukraine. The death toll in the East now threat to Ukraine. These Russian-speakers Also on August 22, Prime Minister Stephen Harper released a statement “in remem- exceeds the Maidan by a factor of 20, with will need a voice in a post-Maidan Ukraine. brance of those interned in Canada during the first world war,” which read, in part: as a bare minimum 1,000 civilian deaths. They will get one in the October parliamen- “Governments have a solemn duty to defend against legitimate threats in wartime, but As independent Ukraine turns 23, it faces tary election, a new one with the extinction we look back with deep regret on an unjust policy that was implemented indiscrimi- three unknowns, each with grim prospects, of the Party of Regions and the Communists. nately as a form of collective punishment and in violation of fundamental principles of yet each with a potential for real change. Decentralization, currently on hold due to natural justice, including the presumption of innocence. In Canada we acknowledge The first unknown is relations with the war, will have to be meaningful, such as the mistakes of the past, and we learn from them. We are also steadfast in our commit- Russia. Russia has crossed three red lines in including eastern and southern Ukraine’s ment to remembering those who suffered. …let us also remember to celebrate the the conflict – breaking a postwar interna- national deputies in the ruling coalition. achievements of the internees and their descendants, who overcame this hardship and tional consensus against annexation The third unknown is whether the politi- contributed so much to the building of our country as loyal and dedicated citizens.” (Crimea); escalating a war by sending per- cal and economic system will truly change. sonnel, “volunteers” and high-tech military This was, after all, why the Maidan hap- hardware (to the Donbas); and demonizing pened in the first place. The grand larceny of Ukrainians (“fascists”) in state-controlled the Yanukovych era has subsided and Prime media – that will have long-standing conse- Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has generally Sept. Turning the pages back... quences in Ukraine. received high marks for his sober gestion of For “realists” and those whose suspicion an economy on the brink. Yet systemic Twenty years ago, on September 6, 1994, a report released to of the United States make them internalize reforms to take on corruption, let alone “lus- 6 diplomats by the U.S. State Department said that the United the Russian hegemonic discourse, the fun- tration,” have not occurred, with so much of States was willing and prepared to accept an expanded Russian damental problem is Russian insecurity the attention and resources shifted to the 1994 sphere of influence that would have included most of the former towards NATO incursion in the East. In this war (under the misnomer of an “anti-terror- Soviet Union, including Ukraine. The Baltics, the report added, view, Ukrainians are condemned to be vas- ist operation”) and with a rump Parliament would only partially fall under Moscow’s influence. The report sals of authoritarian Russia for the sake of that has lost legitimacy. The greatest failure was mentioned in an article featured in The Washington Times. regional, if not international, security. under President Viktor Yushchenko was his The only conditions that the U.S. laid down in the report are that Washington’s interests The reality, however, is that Ukrainians disinterest over the rule of law, and thus not be adversely affected and that norms of international law be upheld. Some in the State are resisting. On the Maidan, they risked tackling corruption (and the will to maintain Department, in an allusion to the Yalta Conference of 1945 that saw Churchill, Roosevelt their lives to prevent Ukraine from being an effective political coalition). and Stalin carve Europe into areas of geopolitical influence, called the report “Yalta II.” like Russia or Belarus. In the east, the con- A new Parliament and a determined The Times said the report came from the office of Peter Tarnoff, undersecretary of tempt initially shown by Russia towards president could lead to the kind of systemic state, and also cleared the office of Secretary of State Warren Christopher’s office, with the demoralized Ukrainian conscripts has reforms that Ukraine never experienced clearance of the White House. An unidentified official quoted in the report said, “It is morphed into grudging respect towards before, the first break with Soviet norms of understood that a Russian sphere of influence is being recognized with Europe extending the high price that Ukrainian soldiers (and conducting politics. But the obstacles are to the eastern border of Poland, leaving the Baltics somewhat up for grabs…” The official volunteer battalions) are ready to pay to formidable. Reforms require a strong state added, “Russian foreign policy based on national interest and power politics is acceptable restore Ukrainian control (and the even – civil service, courts, police – but the insti- to the U.S. as long as vital U.S. interests are not adversely impacted.” higher price inflicted on rebels, the most tutions of the Ukrainian government have Russia could have free reign over the area, given that it does not breach standards of combat-ready of whom are Russian citizens been exposed as weak since the Maidan. international law and “absent of a clear and present danger of resurgent Russian imperial- Far right militias, such as the larger-than- ism,” the State Department report stated. who are no doubt having second thoughts Supporters of the policy paper said it was a pragmatic approach to relations with at their recklessness). life Pravyi Sector, will have to be integrated Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as a timely step as President Russia tested the resolve of Ukrainians into regular structures (or disbanded). And Boris Yeltsin was due in Washington in September 1994. Another reason why support whose character they frankly knew little the oligarchic system will fight hard to was given for the shift in policy toward Russia, was to “prevent further fragmentation of about, and is now testing the resolve of retain opacity in its relations with the state. control of Russia’s nuclear forces.” Still other reasons recognized the decreasing U.S. mili- Europeans, banking that they will eventual- To paraphrase former U.S. Secretary of tary ability to police the world and the need to have others assume responsibility. ly grow tired of Ukraine. This could happen, Defense Donald Rumsfeld, these are the No reaction was given at the time from any of the countries that would have been except that the ambivalence shown by “known unknowns”: we know what affected had the U.S. pursued such a shift in policy. Western European powers has now decid- Ukraine is up against in the coming year. edly shifted against Russia, led by Germany The “unknown unknown” is how far Russia Source: “U.S. appears willing to acknowledge expanded Russian sphere of influence,” The (82 percent of Germans now “don’t trust” is ready to go in its attempt to vassalize Ukrainian Weekly, September 11, 1994. Russia), breaking a 40-year détente trend. Ukraine. No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 7

Ukraine’s energy security (cont’d) Partitioning Ukraine In the previous column (July), I covered tricity demand had fallen to 190 billion This year marks the 100th anniversary union with Ukraine. A similar plebiscite Ukraine’s energy crisis and unhealthy kWh. Electricity demand is forecast to of the first world war, the conflagration that was held on May 8, 1919, by the Central dependence on Russian natural gas, noting increase back to 1990 levels, to 300 billion began with the assassination in Sarajevo of Ruthenian National Council in Uzhorod. that Ukraine has yet to effectively exploit its kWh per year by 2020, and 420 billion Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a With Hungary, Russia and Ukraine in the 400 years of shale gas reserves. Ukraine has kWh by 2030. This is wholly unrealistic Serbian nationalist. throes of Communist revolution, other sources of energy that it has devel- without a major expansion of shale gas pro- Most Europeans expected it to be a short Czechoslovakia became the only viable oped over the past 50 years, and continues duction, for Ukraine can no longer depend war. It wasn’t; it ended six years later. To option. Incorporation of the region was to do so in order to maintain its diverse on a steady flow of Russian natural gas. understand how and why it all began, I rec- officially sanctioned by the Treaty of Saint- energy portfolio. However, because of its So, government policy is to continue ommend “The Sleepwalkers” by Prof. Germaine-en-Laye on September 10, 1919; dire economic situation, there is an ever- supplying half of this projected increase in Christopher Clark; he proposes many cul- Mr. Zatkovich became the first governor of growing gap between energy supplies and energy demand with stepped-up nuclear prits, including a Russia yearning to come Subcarpathian Ruthenia. consumer and industrial demands, since the power development. The new government to the aid of their “little Serbian brothers.” Eastern Ukraine’s fate was sealed once country cannot readily fund expensive con- formed in 2014 has confirmed these tar- By the time the victors completed their the Bolsheviks took over the provisional ventional energy sources such as hydroelec- gets and said that Ukraine aims to integrate deliberations, a new world order had Russian government in a coup d’état in St. tric power and nuclear energy. with the European power grid and gas net- emerged. There were winners and losers. Petersburg. Soon after the Ukrainian Rada in Ukraine’s energy strategy is based on work to make the country part of the Germany was humiliated; the Austro- Kyiv declared its independence, the producing half its energy needs via nuclear European energy market by 2017. Hungarian, the tsarist Russian and the Bolshevik red army invaded. Between 1917 power over the next 25 years. One of the What is potentially problematic for Ottoman empires were no more; new and 1921, the Ukrainian republic had three big problems with Ukraine’s nuclear ener- Ukraine, if the EU chooses to accept nations, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, heads of state: Mykhailo Hrushevsky, gy strategy, which has been continuously Ukraine sometime in the future, is its reli- were created; older nations, Poland, Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky and Otaman updated over the past decade, is that it is ance on an older generation Russian nucle- Lithuania and Finland, were resurrected; Symon Petliura. Ukraine concluded treaties highly dependent on Russian nuclear reac- ar reactor design, which is considered less Estonia and Latvia emerged from the shad- with Germany and Poland, all ultimately to tor technology, fuel processing and mainte- reliable than contemporary designs. When ows of history. no avail. Kyiv was re-captured from the nance services. Uranium concentrate and Slovakia, Bulgaria and Lithuania joined the Tsarist Russia’s disintegration led to a Bolsheviks and, shortly thereafter, lost again. zirconium alloy is mined in Ukraine, but is EU, one of the conditions was that they declaration of independence in eastern The last battle of the UNR army occurred on sent to Russia for fuel fabrication and close their Soviet-era nuclear reactors – the Ukraine on January 22, 1918. With the col- November 17, 1921. The Bolsheviks were enrichment. The nuclear fuel produced same design as those in Ukraine. lapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a victorious. On December 30, 1922, the from these Ukrainian components in Another historically important energy similar declaration of independence was Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was Russia then returns to Ukrainian nuclear source has been hydroelectric power. declared in western Ukraine, creating the established. Eastern Ukraine was now part power plants (NPPs). Hydropower, however, currently represents Western Ukrainian Republic (ZUNR) on of the USSR. Russification became the order Before we begin, a brief review of the only a small part of Ukraine’s total energy November 9, 1918. The two Ukraines were of the day for the next 70 years. bewildering array of electricity units and resources. The U.S. Energy Administration formally united on January 22, 1919. With most of Ukraine back in foreign hands, the last best hope for Ukrainians was figures is needed. One megawatt (MW) of reports that in 2012 Ukraine generated a Ukraine appeared to be a winner. the ZUNR, primarily Galicia. An independent power generation is equivalent to 1 million total of 185 billion (kWh) of electricity, with The Ukrainian National Republic (UNR) Galician Ukraine was better than no watts, or 1,000 kilowatts (kW). A kilowatt- nuclear accounting for roughly half of the fought to maintain its independence as the Ukraine. In an August 5, 1921, article titled hour (kWh) is the amount of energy equiv- total electric power supply. Fossil fuel sourc- Bolshevik army invaded from the east, the “Listen, Ukrainian Immigrant, Your Native alent to a steady production of power of 1 es (mostly coal, 46 percent) and hydropow- tsarist White Russians from the south and, Land Calls,” Svoboda reminded its readers kilowatt running for 1 hour. So a 100-watt er (6 percent) generate the remainder of in time, the Poles from the west. Western that “only that people will attain nationhood bulb that burns for 10 hours consumes Ukraine’s electric power, with marginal con- Ukrainians fought the Poles and, later, the Bolsheviks. When all was said and done, which is willing to sacrifice, to give more 1,000 watts, or 1 kilowatt (kW). Similarly, tributions by solar and wind generation. Ukraine was no more. The winners at than it receives.” Long appeals for assistance 10 100-watt bulbs burning for one hour On December 22, 2009, Prime Minister Versailles had decreed that Ukraine was a appeared in both Ukrainian and English. will consume 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) of Yulia Tymoshenko pressed the start button loser. Ukraine was partitioned, once again. Protest marches condemning Poland’s inva- electricity. on the first turbine unit of Europe’s largest Bukovyna was folded into Romania. sion of western Ukraine were held in front Ukraine has four nuclear power plant pumped storage hydroelectric power plant Carpatho-Ukraine became part of of the Polish Embassy in Washington. Rallies facilities, housing 15 reactor units. (HPP), which is located on the Dnister Czechoslovakia. Eastern Ukraine was con- to raise money for Galicia were organized Khmelnytsky generates 2,000 MW; Rivne – River, just north of the Moldovan border. On quered by the Bolsheviks and eventually throughout America, netting $138,500 by 2800 MW; Zaporizhiye – 6,000 MW and December 25, 2013, President Viktor incorporated into the USSR as the Ukrainian 1923, or $2 million in today’s dollars. It was Yuzhnoukrayinsk on the Buh River – 3,000 Yanukovych launched the second of seven Soviet Socialist Republic. Western Ukraine all for naught. On March 16, 1923, Svoboda MW, for a total capacity of 13,800 MW. planned generating units of this hydropow- became part of Poland. How did this happen? informed its readers that the Council of er plant, scheduled for completion in 2017. Ukraine has plans for adding another 11 On November 3, 1918, the Ukrainian Ambassadors had awarded Galicia to reactor units at these stations, replacing the Pumped storage is a rather simple form National Committee in Chernivtsi demand- Poland. All of Ukraine was now in foreign 4,000 MW lost due to the closing of the of hydropower generation. Essentially, it ed that the Ukrainian part of Bukovyna hands. Chornobyl NPP. Compare this to France, functions like a large battery, which is become part of Ukraine. The Romanian After World War II, most Ukrainian with a nuclear capacity of 63,000 MW, “charged” by storing water at a greater army invaded and occupied Chernivtsi on lands were re-united by Joseph Stalin, of all which generates 75 percent of its electricity height, which is then released back to the November 11. By the end of the month the people. With the disintegration of the USSR via 58 nuclear reactors at 20 sites scattered stream below, generating electricity during new Romanian government declared that in 1991, Ukraine was a winner once again. throughout the country. Russia has an times of peak energy demand. For the HPP, Bukovyna was now part of Romania. The Following 23 years of independence, how- installed NPP capacity of 25,000 MW. water is pumped from up from the Dnister, Treaty of Saint-Germaine, signed on ever, the mobsters of Moscow came knock- In 2004, Ukraine commissioned two about 150 meters (about 500 feet) above, September 10, 1919, recognized Romania’s ing at Ukraine’s door. large new reactors. The government plans to a plateau where a storage reservoir has claim to Romanian Bukovyna. The August Today, Ukraine is once again in danger of to maintain its nuclear share in electricity been built, using hydroelectric energy gen- 10, 1920, Treaty of Sveres recognized partition and Russification. production, which accounts for 50 percent erated during times when power demand Romania’s claim to all of Bukovyna. Ukrainian religious institutions in Crimea of all electricity production, to 2030. This is lower and inexpensive (usually at night). The most vigorous political activity on and eastern Ukraine are under attack and, will involve substantial investment and It is then released back to the river during behalf of Carpatho-Ukraine occurred in the as in tsarist times, the Russian Orthodox expensive technologies from Western the period of peak energy needs (winter United States. American organized Church is participating in the genocide. countries, if Ukraine wants to join the heating and summer cooling). the American National Council of Uhro- This time, fortunately, Poland is on our European Union, because Russian nuclear In order to even out the flows in the Rusyns on July 23, 1918. Their representa- side. The Poles understand that a strong technology is not considered as reliable. In river and reduce the damaging effects of tive, Gregory Zatkovich, conferred with Ukraine is their best bulwark against an mid-2011, Ukraine’s energy strategy to such high-flow surge variability on the President Woodrow Wilson who publicly imperialist Russia. Europe, unfortunately, is 2030 was updated, and in the electricity river ecology, the water is pumped from, acknowledged Rusyns as a separate nation still hedging its bets. sector nuclear power’s role was empha- and discharged to a smaller buffering res- subject to alien domination and, as such, Against all odds, a poorly equipped sized, with improved safety and increased ervoir built on the main stem of the Dnister entitled to the right of self-determination. A Ukrainian army is fighting valiantly to pre- domestic fuel fabrication. In mid-2012, the River, below the plateau. But the reservoirs plebiscite was conducted among Uhro- serve Ukraine’s sovereignty. And so far, policy was again updated, and 5,000 to on the Ukrainian part of the Dnister also Rusyn parishes and Greek Catholic Union they’re winning. Ukrainians around the 7,000 MW of new nuclear capacity was serve an even more important function, members. Only 20 percent of the approxi- world are holding their breath and praying. proposed by 2030, which will cost more benefitting mostly the downstream part in mately 250,000 members of the Uhro- Slava Ukrayini! Heroyam Slava! than $25 billion. Moldova. Those reservoirs prevented cata- Rusyn half of the Greek-Catholic Church In 1990, Ukraine’s electricity generation voted. The results were 735 in favor of Myron Kuropas’s e-mail address is was 296 billion kWh, while by 2013, elec- (Continued on page 16) union with Czechoslovakia; 310 favored [email protected]. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 No. 35 No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 9

Sheptytsky and the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the U.S.

“Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky and the ister to the needs of recent immigrants, in response to a Establishment of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the request by some 60 to 70 Ukrainian families of United States,” by the Rev. Ivan Kaszczak. Toronto: The Shenandoah, Pa. These recently arrived faithful of a “dif- Basilian Press, 2013. 212 pp. ISBN: 978-0-921537-92-2. $25. ferent” rite were not well received by the established Latin Rite clergy and hierarchs, a tension that continued for Catholic historical literature on the Church in America quite some time. focuses almost exclusively on the Latin, or Western, Appointed in 1900 as archbishop of Lviv, successor to Catholic Church, with at most passing references to the newly departed Metropolitan Julian Kuyilovskyj, it was Eastern Catholic Churches. An attempt to fill this gap is Metropolitan Sheptytsky who was most responsible for offered by the Rev. Dr. Ivan Kaszczak in the form of the the canonical establishment of the Church in America. It is book “Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky and the not possible to write a history of the latter without writing Establishment of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the about the life of the former – they are intertwined. In addi- United States.” tion to biographical chapters about Metropolitan Andrey The year 2015 marks 150 years since the birth of and chapters detailing the history, development and Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, and there has been growth of the Church in the U.S., the book covers the life renewed publicity about Metropolitan Sheptytsky’s beatifi- and ecclesiastical work of Bishop Ortynsky, as well as cation, as well as his efforts to protect Ukrainian Jews from those of Bishop Bohachevsky. the Nazis. The book contains a number of photographs, several The book chronicles the development of the Greek- from the Svoboda newpaper’s archives, as well as tran- Catholic Church – Eastern Catholics of the Byzantine rite – scriptions of numerous historical documents. It is an edit- from its beginnings in North America, through the tenure ed version of a master’s degree thesis submitted by the of the Church’s first U.S. hierarch, Bishop Soter Stephen Rev. Kaszczak in 1985 at Oblate College in Washington. Ortynsky, concluding with the Church as it was under The Rev. Dr. Kaszczak is currently pastor of Holy Trinity Bishops Constantine Bohachevsky and Basil Takach. Ukrainian Catholic Church in Kerhonkson, N.Y. The book The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church got its start in the may be purchased for $25, including shipping in the conti- United States with the arrival of the Rev. Ivan Wolansky in nental U.S. and Canada, by contacting Father Kaszczak c/o 1884, who was sent by the Ukrainian metropolitan of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church, 211 Foordmore Halych, Archbishop Sylvester Sembratovych of Lviv to min- Road, Kerhonkson, NY 12446-2914.

A new novel by Alexander Motyl

“Fall River,” by Alexander Motyl. Marlboro, N.J.: States Army, he did have romances with two women Alternative Book Press, 2014. 152 pp. ISBN-13: 978- named Myrtle and Edna, and he was in fact institutional- 1940122137. $14.99. ized in 1951. Manya did indeed have an admirer named

Alexander Motyl’s seventh novel, “Fall River,” has just band, Bohdan, was in fact tortured and killed by the Soviet been released by Alternative Book Press. Based on the life secretStefan andpolice two in best late friends,June 1941. Mańka Most and of Fanka. the other Stefa’s people hus- stories and personal memories of the author’s mother, and places the novel mentions were also real. Everything uncle and aunt, “Fall River” is a multi-dimensional explora- else – the motivations, the fears, the emotions, the expecta- tion of how family history, Ukrainian roots and European tions, the interpretations, the experiences: in other words, war shaped the personal destinies of three Ukrainian everything that makes a novel a work of fiction – is fiction- Americans who were born in Fall River, Mass., grew up in al. It goes without saying that, like any work of fiction, “Fall interwar Poland, and returned to an America that was as River” has no relationship whatsoever to truth or Truth, or alienating as it was welcoming. anything in between. Narrated from different, though intersecting, perspec- “The structure of the novel is simple and straightfor- tives, “Fall River” paints a complex portrait of American ward. Chapter 1 is about Mike and it is written in the sec- emigrants forced by fate to become Ukrainian refugees and ond person. Chapter 2 is about Manya and it is written in European immigrants. the first person. Chapter 3 is about Stefa and it is written in As Prof. Motyl writes in the foreword: the third person. Readers are welcome to guess why and to “The city of Fall River, Massachusetts, has always had a speculate what it all means, although I suspect the exercise special place in my imagination. My mother – who pro- will prove fruitless.” nounced it Foll Reever – was born there and my grand- Prof. Motyl will be doing readings of “Fall River” at the mother is buried there. And because almost all my parents’ Ukrainian Museum in New York on September 21, at St. immediate family and more distant relatives lived under Vladimir’s Institute in Toronto on November 1, at the communist regimes in Ukraine, Poland and Ukrainian Institute of America in New York on November Czechoslovakia, Fall River became, perhaps inevitably, the 7, and at the Ukrainian League in Philadelphia at a date to only immediate connection I had with my family history be determined. and my ‘roots.’ In time, regular visits to Fall River and my Prof. Motyl is a writer, painter and university professor. grandmother’s grave and the little house on Division Street Nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2008 and 2013, he is where my mother grew up became de rigueur and the city the author of seven novels, “Whiskey Priest,” “Who Killed progressively assumed a well-nigh mystical stature as an Andrei Warhol,” “Flippancy,” “The Jew Who Was ‘imagined homeland.’ “Fall River,” the novel, is rather more Ukrainian,” “My Orchidia,” “Sweet Snow” and “Fall River.” in New York and the Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and about that imagined place than about Fall River, the actual His poems have appeared in 34th Parallel, The Battered Educational Center in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His paintings city on Narragansett Bay. Suitcase, Counterexample Poetics, The Green Door, are on display on the Internet gallery, www.artsicle.com. “This novel is, thus, 95 parts fiction and five parts fact. Istanbul Literary Review, The Literary Bohemian, Mayday, He teaches at Rutgers University-Newark and is the Mike, Manya and Stefa were real people – Manya was my New York Quarterly, Orion Headless, Red River Review and author of six academic books, numerous articles and a blog mother, Maria, and Mykhaylo (Mike) and Stefania were her Red Savina Review. He has done performances of his fic- “Ukraine’s Orange Blues,” on www.worldaffairsjournal.org. siblings – and they really were born in Fall River, lost their tion at the Cornelia Street Café and the Bowery Poetry He lives in New York. mother in 1922, traveled to Poland in 1923, and then Club. Prof. Motyl’s artwork has been shown in solo and “Fall River” is available on Amazon; autographed copies returned to the United States in 1938 and 1947. Mike group shows in New York, Philadelphia and Toronto, and is may be acquired directly from the author (ajmotyl@rut- served in the Civilian Conservation Corps and the United part of the permanent collection of The Ukrainian Museum gers.edu).

The Ukrainian Weekly archive Cost of an annual online subscription: To start your online LOG ON TO $90 ($80 for UNA members). (1933-2013) is open to the public. subscription call our our Subscribers to our print edition can subscription department, www.ukrweekly.com The current year’s issues, however, get an additional online subscription are reserved for online subscribers. for only $5. 973-292-9800, ext. 3040. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 No. 35 Chornomorska Sitch hosts 45th Sports School at Soyuzivka

Opening ceremony of the Ukrainian Youth Sports Games led by Teo Bodnar.

by Omelan Twardowsky training in these sports, campers were pro- during the two-day games. On the first day swimming instructor; Lesyk Martynets, and Matthew Dubas fessionally instructed in songs and recita- of competition, Sports School campers vis- counselor and tennis instructor. Other tions. Thanks to this cultural supplement to ited the sports camp at the Ukrainian instructors included: Rob Howell (from KERHONKSON, N.Y. – The official closing the camp, Anglophone campers learned American Youth Association (UAYA) camp England), soccer instructor, and his assis- ceremonies for the 45th Chornomorska Ukrainian songs and poetry. in Ellenville, N.Y., on the second day, the tant, Zack Bakun; Oksana Kurywchak, head Sitch Sports School took place on August 3 During the two weeklong sessions, Sports School hosted the 80 UAYA campers volleyball instructor, with assistant Ivanna at the Soyuzivka Heritage Center. This year, Sports School campers enjoyed two social at Soyuzivka. Grynyk; and Dr. Oleh Slupchynskyj, tennis 64 boys and girls participated in the first evenings, performed songs and recitations The Sitch Sports School was led by instructor during first session, with assis- weeklong session, and 69 took part in the during each session’s conclusion, and held Omelan Twardowsky, president of the tants Lesyk Martynets and Orest Pyndus. second weeklong session. Campers arrived two bonfires. Ukrainian Athletic Educational Association During the second session, tennis instruc- from across the United States, and three Campers also took part in the annual Chornomorska Sitch. Also on staff were: tors were Zenia and Lubomyr Olesnycky. came from Ukraine. Ukrainian Youth Sports Games – sponsored Dmytro Kurywchak, camp director and Innesa Dekajlo and Oksana Telepko taught The Sports School’s instruction program by the Ukrainian Sports Federation of the head counselor; Yaroslav Twardowsky, song and recitation. focused on four sports disciplines – soccer, U.S.A. and Canada (USCAK) – where they camp administrator; Taissa Bokalo, girls’ During the official closing ceremonies of tennis, swimming and volleyball. When not won many gold, silver and bronze medals counselor; Pavlo Kozak, counselor and this year’s Sports School, campers were awarded trophies commemorating Sitch’s 90th anniversary and received copies of the annual journal Our Sport by Chornomorska Sitch. Andrew Petryna was awarded a sports scholarship to the camp. The scholarship was sponsored by Ihor Liashok of the Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union, a former Sitch athlete. Ketryna Trokhymuch and Matthew McKay were recognized for the “best camper” award. Also during the camp’s closing program, three lead workers of Soyuzivka were awarded plaques in recognition of their work for the camp: Nestor Paslawsky, gen- eral manager of Soyzuvka; Sonia Semanyshyn, front desk; and Andrij Participants from the Chornomorska Sitch Sports School and the Ukrainian American Youth Associaiton’s sports camp during the two-day USCAK-sponsored Ukrainian Youth Sports Games at the UAYA camp in Ellenville, N.Y. Sonevytsky, head chef. Chornomorska Sitch Dance Camp has record number of participants recognizes lead workers of Soyuzivka by Omelan Twardowsky KERHONKSON, N.Y. – During the 90th anniversary of the founding of Chornomorska Sitch and the 45th anniver- sary of the Sitch Sports School, which is hosted at Soyuzivka, the executive board of Sitch awarded plaques in recognition of three lead workers of Soyuzivka. Soyuzivka continues to cultivate talent- ed Ukrainians in sports with programs such as the Sports School. Also during the summer, Soyuzivka instructs campers in Ukrainian folk dance at the schools found- ed by Roma Pryma-Bohachevsky. The long- standing success of these institutions of instruction would be impossible without the coordination of the camps with the Soyuzivka staff. Because of this, the Chornomorska Sitch executive board and the Sports School committee decided to officially thank the Soyuzivka staff with the awarding of plaques. The plaques were presented to – Nestor Pasalwsky, general manager of Soyuzivka, Sonia Semanyshyn, Maryna Chuma front desk, and Andrij Sonevytsky, head KERHONKSON, N.Y. – Session 2 of the Roma Pryma Bohachevsky Ukrainian Dance Camp, held at Soyuzivka on August 3-16, chef – during the official closing ceremony recorded the largest group of participants in dance camp history: 104 students. Campers and staff together amounted to 140 people. on August 2 of the two-week Sports School The first session of Dance Camp, held July 2 to August 2, had 80 students. Thus, 2014 was most successful year ever for this most at Soyuzivka. popular camp. Each camp session ended with a grand recital at which students demonstrated what they had learned. Seen above – translated by Matthew Dubas are participants of the Dance Camp’s second session. No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 11 Plast day campers, and their families, enjoy their stay at Soyuzivka

by Chrystyna Nazarewycz-Silecky Campers are divided into groups (“royi”), and each group traditionally takes KERHONKSON, N.Y. – “Tabir Ptashat,” the name of a bird. Each group learns a Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization’s special song about its mascot and each Ukrainian-language day camp for children member wears a hat honoring the mascot. age 4 to 6, was held in two sessions here at The first session of Tabir Ptashat had three the Soyuzivka Heritage Center, which is groups led by parents: Tania Murza and dedicated to maintaining and teaching Irene Skulsky – eagles; Dora Iskalo and Ukrainian traditions. The first session, from Oresta Bilous – owls; and Motria Jaremko – June 22 to June 28, included 24 campers ducklings. The second session had six and their families. The second session, groups led by parents (all members of from June 29 to July 5, included 57 camp- Plast): Katherine Holian – owls; Darka ers and their families. Ruzicka – falcons; Kaya Nynka – nightin- Tabir Ptashat is organized by Pershi gales; Taissa Bushnell – woodpeckers; Ms. Campers, counselors and administrators of Tabir Ptashat’s first session. Stezhi, a Plast sorority that conceptualized Jaremko – ducklings; and Luka and organized the first such camp 26 years Kozheniowsky – cardinals. ago. Some participants of the original Tabir Activities at Tabir Ptashat are conducted Ptashat are now bringing their children to in Ukrainian. A typical day at camp includes one or even both sessions. The camp is spe- singing, storytelling, games, arts and crafts. cial because it brings together two or more The theme of the first session was “Yak generations of campers, parents and vyrostesh velykyi” (When you grow up…). grandparents to enjoy nature and the out- Camp activities were planned around dif- doors in a Ukrainian setting in the scenic ferent career options: doctor, teacher, fire- Shawangunk Mountains. man, etc. For example, campers learned Alexandra Zawadiwska, a member of the about cooks and chefs from Andrey Spartanky sorority, was the camp director Sonevytsky, head chef at Soyuzivka, who for the first session, and Chrystyna led a baking workshop. Each child made his Nazarewycz-Silecky, a member of Pershi or her own puff pastry tart filled with fruit. Stezhi, was the camp administrator. During The campers also benefit from the inter- Campers, counselors and administrators of Tabir Ptashat’s second session. the second session, Ms. Nazarewycz- esting opportunities around Soyuzivka, for Silecky was the camp director, and Oksana example, horseback riding at a dude ranch who greeted the campers and their par- A much-anticipated event of Tabir Isajiw of Pershi Stezhi was the camp just a few miles from Soyuzivka or a sur- ents, distributed a gift bag and encouraged Ptashat is the final campfire at the end of the administrator. Neonila Sochan, a member prise visit from the Kerhonkson EMTs. The the children to continue coming to Tabir week. A special guest visited the campers of of Pershi Stezhi and the founder of Tabir children learned what EMTs do and were Ptashat and later to join Plast. the first session at their campfire: Marta Ptashat, was present at both sessions, lend- able to walk through the back of an ambu- The theme for the second session of Kandiuk Kuzmowycz, head of the governing ing insights and support from her 26 years lance. The campers were also visited by Dr. Tabir Ptashat was “Lisova maysternia” structure for Plast worldwide. She greeted of experience running the camp. Christine Kochan, the head of Plast U.S.A., (Forest workshop), where magical forest the young campers and encouraged them to animals create Ukrainian arts and crafts. join Plast. Campers of the second session Each day of camp had a different theme: held their final campfire indoors due to painting, pysanky, embroidery, ceramics inclement weather. Thanks to the generosity and wood-carving. Campers were visited of the Rev. Dr. Ivan Kaszczak, the chaplain of by special guests Andrij and Luba Plast, and Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Chornodolsky, who brought their storytell- Parish, the campers and parents enjoyed ing exhibition. Children were enchanted songs, dance, humorous skits and stories in with the beautiful, life-like displays illus- the church hall. trating well-known Ukrainian folk tales like On the final morning of Tabir Ptashat, all “Rukavychka” (The Mitten), “Koza Dereza” campers dressed in their camp T-shirts for and “Horishok.” group pictures and the camp’s closing cere- One of the highlights of the second ses- monies. Each camper received a certificate sion was a performance of Ukrainian folk and encouragement to return next year; for dance by the campers. Slawa Halaway and the eldest among the campers there was Irena Shoturma surprised everyone with encouragement to join Plast and begin the hand-made folk dance costumes for the great game of scouting. campers – “sharavary” (traditional pants) Tabir Ptashat’s success, this year as for the boys, and skirts and flowered head- every year, is due to the incredible hard dresses for the girls. Other special activities work and dedication of parents who help included a masquerade ball, a scavenger plan and run all of the camp activities. hunt and a nature walk, during which the (Please start planning for next year’s Tabir children learned how we use nature to cre- Ptashat now. Camp registration fills up Chef Andrey Sonevytsky works with a rapt audience. ate Ukrainian artwork. quickly.)

Campers discover Ukrainian heritage at Soyuzivka

KERHONKSON, N.Y. – The Soyuzivka Heritage Center hosted Heritage Camp and Discover Your Heritage Camp during the month of July, attracting children and teens from age 4 through 15. Christina Danyluk was director of Heritage Camp, a day camp for children age 4-7, while Sandra Lemekha was in charge of Discover Your Heritage Camp (for- merly known simply as Discovery Camp), a sleep- away camp designed for the age 8-15 crowd. Above, campers and coun- serlors of both heritage programs are gathered for a group photo. Tania D’Avignon 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 No. 35

Lavrov speaks of more convoys Luhansk. Mr. Putin said he and Mr. NATO cites breach of commitments NEWSBRIEFS Poroshenko had also agreed to hold talks KYIV – The Russian Foreign Affairs on Russian gas supplies to Ukraine. The BRUSSELS – NATO Secretary-General (Continued from page 2) Ministry “has a reason” to expect that tech- Ukrainian president said the energy talks, Anders Fogh Rasmussen called Russia’s nical and logistical solutions will be found unilateral decision to send more than 130 Novoazovsk. The developments came two which would also involve the European for the next humanitarian aid convoy to be Union, are scheduled for September 6. Mr. trucks filled with what it called humanitari- days after Mr. Lysenko claimed Russian sent by Russia to Ukraine, according to Putin said Russia, Ukraine and the EU an aid into rebel-held areas “a blatant tanks invaded southeastern Ukraine dis- Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei agreed to step up work to allay Moscow’s breach of Russia’s international commit- guised as pro-Russian separatist fighters. Lavrov. ITAR-TASS quoted him on August concerns over Ukraine’s Association ments.” NATO also said Russian artillery is Mr. Lysenko said Russian artillery was con- 27 as saying: “We have reasons to expect Agreement with the EU, reiterating that being used against Ukrainian forces, both tinuing to support the battle on August 27 that constructive technical and logistic Russia would take protective measures if from across the border and from inside by firing across the border from Russian solutions will be found for the second these concerns are not addressed. Mr. Ukraine. NATO also said it has seen “trans- humanitarian convoy to be sent to the territory. He also said a Russian “tactical Poroshenko said the two sides had also fers of large quantities of advanced weap- southeast. I am sure that it will not be the battalion” – a battlefield command-and- agreed to hold military consultations on ons, including tanks, armored personnel last.” Mr. Lavrov said that participants of control unit – was positioned on August 27 border controls between members of both carriers and artillery, to separatists.” the summit in Minsk, held the day before, near Novoazovsk at the Ukrainian village of countries’ general staff and border guard Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy had agreed to this. (Ukrinform) Pobeda. (RFE/RL Ukrainian Service, commands. (RFE/RL, with news service Yatsenyuk said the trucks were half empty Deutsche Presse-Agentur) Poroshenko on ‘tough talks’ with Putin reports) and were not aiming to deliver aid but to create a provocation. Associated Press Russian troops in Ukraine KYIV – Ukrainian President Petro Savchenko: Soon you won’t have Putin reporters following the convoy said they Poroshenko says he will work on an urgent heard the trucks’ contents rattling and slid- KYIV – The Security Service of Ukraine KYIV – Abducted Ukrainian pilot Nadia ceasefire plan aimed at defusing the sepa- ing around, suggesting that many of the (SBU) held a press conference on August Savchenko, who is being held in Voronezh, ratist conflict in the country’s east follow- Russia, said in the courtroom on August 27 vehicles were only partially filled. AP also 26 at which it presented a group of Russian ing talks with Russian President Vladimir that she hopes the Putin regime is about to reported rebel forces took advantage of soldiers captured earlier this week after Putin. Mr. Poroshenko described his two collapse. Hromadske TV quoted her as say- Kyiv’s promise not to shell the convoy to they crossed the border from Russia into hours of face-to-face talks with Mr. Putin on ing: “You do not have justice, you do not drive on the same country roads as the Ukraine. One soldier, identified as Cpl. Ivan August 26 as “very tough and complex,” but have the law. Thank God that we no longer trucks. The agency said some 20 green mil- Romantsev, said the soldiers had not real- said all sides “without exception” had have Yanukovych, we believe that soon you itary supply vehicles were seen traveling in ized they had crossed the border into backed Kyiv’s peace proposals. He told will not have Putin.” According to her law- the opposite direction. Paul Picard, head of Ukraine. He told journalists that what is reporters that a “road map will be pre- yer Mark Feigin, investigators have no evi- an international monitoring team from the being shown on Russian television “is com- pared in order to achieve as soon as possi- dence against his client. Another defense Organization for Security and Cooperation pletely different from what is really hap- ble a ceasefire regime which absolutely lawyer, Nikolai Polozov, added that the in Europe (OSCE), said all of the vehicles must be bilateral in character.” For his part, pening.” Ukraine’s military first released a investigation did not provide any informa- had returned to Russia before sundown on Mr. Putin said the talks in Minsk had been video showing the captured soldiers on tion about Ms. Savchenko’s involvement in August 23. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by positive but that any ceasefire plans were August 26. Russian Defense Ministry offi- the deaths of two journalists, but only alle- the Associated Press) an internal matter for Kyiv and the rebels, cials admitted on August 26 that Russian gations. Mr. Polozov quoted Ms. Savchenko saying “it’s not our business, it’s up to soldiers had crossed into Ukrainian territo- as saying in court: “I do not plead guilty, I Donetsk rebels parade POWs Ukraine itself.” But he said Russia “will do did not kill journalists... I am a soldier of ry but said they had accidentally crossed an everything to support this peace process if PRAGUE – Pro-Russian separatists in unmarked section of the border. German Ukraine and was doing my job. How can eastern Ukraine have paraded dozens of it starts.” The West accuses Russia of sup- foreigners decide how I should defend the Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman, Ukrainian prisoners of war through the plying the separatists with weapons, but motherland?” (Ukrinform) Steffen Seibert, said on August 27 that the Moscow denies that. According to the center of Donetsk, mocking celebrations in flow of Russian forces and weapons into United Nations, more than 2,000 people Obama and Merkel express alarm Kyiv marking Ukraine’s 23 years of inde- Ukraine was a major problem and that have died since April in fighting between pendence from the former Soviet Union. WASHINGTON – U.S. President Barack Moscow must ensure that it stops. (RFE/RL Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian militants Correspondents say people watching the Obama and German Chancellor Angela Ukrainian Service, ITAR-TASS) in the eastern regions of Donetsk and August 24 incident in Donetsk shouted Merkel on August 23 expressed alarm at “Fascists!” – throwing garbage and empty Russian moves inside Ukraine. According to bottles at the prisoners, who walked with the White House, Obama and Merkel said their heads bowed. Most of the prisoners the presence of Russian soldiers in Ukraine, were unshaven and disheveled. They were the build-up of Russian troops along the dressed either in combat fatigues or civilian Ukrainian border and Russian shelling into TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 Ukraine represent dangerous escalations of clothes. Rachel Denber, the deputy director or e-mail [email protected] tensions by Moscow. The White House said of Human Rights Watch, said on Twitter the two leaders agreed that a Russian con- that the event amounted to “humiliating and degrading treatment” of prisoners and SERVICES PROFESSIONALS voy that entered Ukraine without approval is yet another provocation by Moscow that violated the Geneva Convention. Kyiv violates Ukraine’s sovereignty. The two accuses Moscow of sending in weapons leaders spoke by telephone ahead of a and personnel through parts of the border scheduled visit by Ms. Merkel to Kyiv later controlled by the separatists. Russia denies on August 23. Russia says the convoy that the claim. (RFE/RL, with reporting by entered Ukraine on August 22 is for Reuters, the Associated Press, Agence humanitarian purposes, but Ukraine and France-Presse, Deutshche Presse-Agentur the United States say the Russians failed to and Interfax) abide by conditions set by Ukraine and the Pope Francis prays for Ukraine International Red Cross. Mr. Obama and Ms. Merkel agreed that Russia must remove the VATICAN CITY – Following his Angelus convoy and withdraw from Ukrainian terri- address, Pope Francis turned his thoughts tory. Earlier, Ben Rhodes, President to “the beloved land of Ukraine,” which cel- СТЕФАН ВЕЛЬГАШ Obama’s deputy national security adviser, ebrates its Independence Day on August Ліцензований Продавець said Russia would face additional costs if 24. “My thoughts go in a particular way to Страхування Життя the convoy is not removed. He said the the beloved land of Ukraine,” the pontiff STEPHAN J. WELHASCH United States would discuss the matter on Licensed Life Insurance Agent said, “to all its sons and daughters, to their August 22 with its partners on the United Ukrainian National Assn., Inc. yearning for peace and tranquility, threat- Nations Security Council. In that closed- ened by a situation of tension and conflict 548 Snyder Ave., Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 door emergency meeting at the U.N., sever- that continues unabated, causing so much Tel.: 908-508-1728 • Fax: (973) 292-0900 al countries rebuked Russia for “what many suffering among the population.” The holy e-mail: [email protected] called an illegal and unilateral action by the father also appealed for prayer for Ukraine: Russian federation,” British Ambassador “Let us entrust the whole nation to the Lord OPPORTUNITIES Mark Lyall Grant, the council president, Jesus and to the Madonna, and let us pray told reporters. Russian Ambassador Vitaly together above all for the victims, their Churkin said he defended his country dur- families, and all those who suffer.” Earn extra income! ing the discussions, reminding his col- Departing from his prepared remarks, Pope The Ukrainian Weekly is looking leagues that Moscow had received an “offi- Francis spoke of a letter he received from a for advertising sales agents. cial note” from Kyiv welcoming the idea of Ukrainian bishop, recounting the sufferings For additional information contact the Russian convoy. He reiterated Russia’s of the people of Ukraine. “Let us pray Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, stance that Ukrainian border guards were The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. together to the Madonna for this beloved deliberately stalling the convoy. U.N. land of Ukraine, on its Independence Day,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned he said, and led the faithful in praying the that “any unilateral action has the potential Run your advertisement here, “Hail Mary,” concluding, “Mary, Queen of of exacerbating an already dangerous situa- Peace, pray for us.” (Vatican Radio) in The Ukrainian Weekly’s CLASSIFIEDS section. tion in eastern Ukraine.” (RFE/RL, based on reporting by Reuters) (Continued on page 13) No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 13

nel uses a UT logo and is part of Ukraine’s NEWSBRIEFS 1+1 Media Group – which includes eight Ukrainian television channels and five The Executive Committee (Continued from page 12) online news platforms. Oleksandr and the General Assembly of the Stalin tower painted blue/yellow Tkachenko, the general director of the 1+1 Ukrainian National Association Media Group, says Ukraine Today is chal- send our sincerest condolences to MOSCOW – In the latest act of solidarity lenging “a large-scale information war” by Soyuzivka’s General Manager, with Ukraine in Russia, a group of people Russian state media, which he accuses of have apparently scaled the heights of one of Nestor Paslawsky, broadcasting “lies and distortions” about on the death of his brother, Moscow’s iconic Stalin-era skyscrapers, Ukraine to support the agenda of Russian hoisted a Ukrainian flag over it, and painted President Vladimir Putin. The new channel the Soviet star at its peak yellow and blue. is headed by Ukrainian journalist Tetyana Mark Paslawsky The incident took place under cover of Pushnova, a former editor for the 1+1 darkness in the early morning hours of Media Group’s TSN website. The channel Mark died defending Ukraine’s independence. He was a true August 20 at a massive 32-floor elite apart- reportedly plans to start satellite broad- American and Ukrainian patriot who loved and supported both ment building on the Kotelnicheskaya casts to the United States in the future and countries. Embankment in downtown Moscow in the to eventually broadcast in the Russian lan- vicinity of both the Kremlin and the Federal Our sincere sympathies go out to his mother Irene (known as Orysia), guage (RFE/RL, with reporting by 1+1 sisters Olena and Irene and his large extended Paslawsky, Hunczak and Security Service headquarters. It is not yet Media, ITAR-TASS and Interfax) clear who was behind the stunt, although Melnyk families. AA to be ratified in September police have reportedly arrested four young Вічна Йому пам’ять! Russians with climbing gear, all of them KYIV – Ukraine will ratify the believed to be residents of Moscow and the Association Agreement (AA) with the surrounding region. It is unclear whether European Union in September and will the detained climbers will be charged with immediately send the relevant ratification vandalism. To hoist the flag and paint the instruments to Brussels, President Petro The Board of Directors of the star, the climbers presumably would have Poroshenko noted at his August 26 meet- had to scale the 176-meter building – or New York Ukrainian Sports Club ing with High Representative of the Union with sadness informs its members find another way to reach its peak. Some for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy media reports suggested that the perpetra- Catherine Ashton. He expressed belief that and the Ukrainian community, that tor might be the Ukrainian stunt daredevil parliamentary elections would not hinder Mustang Wanted. But he has denied the ratification of the agreement and Jaroslaw Tomorug involvement on his Facebook page. Despite emphasized that the text of the agreement the confusion, the caper was welcomed by remained unchanged and its adoption liberal bloggers, many of whom have would facilitate the implementation of real former member of the Board of Directors of the NY USC watched uneasily for months as the Kremlin reforms in Ukraine. (Press Office of and a community sports activist, has annexed Ukrainian territory and sup- President of Ukraine) passed away on July 25, 2014. ported a separatist uprising in its east. In another example of an act of solidarity with Armenian community sends aid The Board of Directors wishes to convey Kyiv in Russia, some opposition activists KYIV – The Armenian community of its deepest condolences to wife Maria. have taken to singing the Ukrainian national Kyiv and the Kyiv region handed over 20 anthem when they are arrested. In a post tons of humanitarian aid for police workers We will miss him dearly. on his Facebook page, Ukrainian President in the area of Ukraine’s anti-terrorist oper- Petro Poroshenko lauded the stunt, which ation (ATO). A handing-over ceremony Вічна Йому пам’ять! came just days before his country cele- took place at the Internal Affairs Ministry brates Independence Day on August 24: “… of Ukraine in Kyiv on August 27. “Members it is symbolic that, on this day, our colors of the community gathered the necessary have been painted on what is perhaps the products – canned food, cereals, sugar, У глибокому смутку повідомляємо рідних, приятелів greatest skyscraper in Moscow. I urge water, which we will send by trucks jointly Ukrainians throughout the world, wherever тa знaйомих, що 24 серпня 2014 року відійшлa with the Internal Affairs Ministry to the від нaс у вічність нaшa нaйдорожчa they are, on the eve of the anniversary of Donetsk and Luhansk regions,” the head of our independence, to decorate their homes, the community, Norik Gevorgyan, said. In МAМA, БAБЦЯ, СЕСТРA, ТЕТA і КУЗИНКA offices and cars in our national colors.” addition, he said the Armenian community (Tom Balmforth of RFE/RL) in Kharkiv, which is part of the Union of св. п. Ukraine Today channel is launched Armenians of Ukraine, that morning had sent 100 tons of humanitarian aid under МAРТA КAССAРAБA KYIV – A new 24-hour English-language the auspices of the Red Cross. Such actions з Гaляревичів television channel called Ukraine Today will continue, Mr. Gevorgyan said, as mem- began satellite and Internet broadcasting bers of the Armenian community, who care вдовa по св. п. Ромaнові Кaссaрaбі, плaстункa, сеніоркa, член куре- from Kyiv on August 24 with news stories about what is happening in Ukraine, are ня „Буриверхи”. about developments in Ukraine. The chan- asking us about this. (Ukrinform) ПAНAХИДA - в четвер, 28 серпня, о год. 7-ій веч. в похоронному зaведенні Колодій-Лaзутa, 5677 State Rd., Пaрмa, Огaйо. Happily, there are some exceptions Russia moves... among Russians with regard to ПОХОРОН - в пятницю, 29 серпня. о год. 10-ій рaнку в Кaтедрі св. Йосaфaтa, a опісля нa цвинтaрі свв. aпп. Петрa й Пaвлa в Пaрмі Ukrainophobia, Mr. Shro says. There are (Continued from page 2) Огaйо. even some who are prepared to demon- Rather, for Russians, “Ukraine is consid- strate in opposition to it, but “carrying out Горем прибиті: ered exclusively ‘as a prodigal younger sis- such actions in Moscow is incomparably донькa - Рома Кассараба з Бет Бирд ter of the Russian world,’ ” and when easier than at the regional level,” given the син - Нестор Кассараба з дружиною Минді і Ukrainians resist that classification, fears of regional Russian officials of getting дітьми Ромaном і Клaрою “Ukrainophobia as cultivated in the Russian in trouble and their ability to engage in брaт - Aдріян Гaляревич з дружиною Мaртою world exceeds all imaginable limits.” repression. тетa - Богдaннa Мaєр Thus, at present, it is no accident that An especially welcome example was вуйко - Стaх Сохa Ukraine now occupies in the ranking of provided in mid-August in Volgograd by a швaґерки - Іренa Рaдзикевич з чоловіком Мироном Russia’s enemies second place “just after small group of activists led by Mikhail - Ольгa Кaссaрaбa the United States.” And that placement says Yasin-Panin and Anatoly Boltytkhov in кузинки - Мaртa Мaєр зі сином Мaтейом - Дaрія Федорів зі синaми Aндрієм і Юрієм a lot too: Russians want to view Ukraine “as response to an appeal by the Ukrainian з родинaми the embodiment of Absolute Evil” but “at National Cultural Autonomy of St. - Мaртa Коцюмбaс з родиною the same time,” they want to denigrate Petersburg to President Putin to fight rath- брaтaнки - Aндрій Гaляревич з дітьми Стефaном, Ukraine by ranking it only second. er than promote anti-Ukrainian attitudes. Aдріяном і Лялею - Юрко Гaляревич - Мирон Кaссaрaбa з дружиною Еллен і дітьми Лaрою і Aнною DEATH ANNOUNCEMENTS - Христинa Кaссaрaбa - Нaтaлкa Лaскaріс з мужем Теодором Death announcements should be sent to the Advertising Department by сестрінки - Петро Рaдекевич e-mail to [email protected] or by fax to 973-644-9510. - Ромaн Рaдекевич з дружиною Селлі Deadline: Tuesday noon before the newspaper’s date of issue. свaти - Вил і Доннa Филипс For further information call 973-292-9800, ext. 3040. Вічна Їй пам’ять! 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 No. 35

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Ukrainian National Museum celebrates the start of summer by Kristina Zaluckyj Along with networking and catching up with friends, guests toured the museum and – In the spirit of Kupalo and took in a final view of the currently show- the summer solstice, the Young cased exhibit – oil paintings by Roman Vovk. Professionals group of the Ukrainian An array of cocktails, appetizers and des- National Museum hosted a Black and serts was served to satiate pallets. White Cocktail Party. This was the first social networking On Friday, June 20, the Young event in two years hosted by the Young Professionals welcomed over 70 people to Professionals. The group was established the museum. Among the guests were mem- several years ago to welcome the younger bers of the board and President Lydia generation of museum members and Tkaczuk. Guests socialized and networked encourage their participation at the with fellow young and executive-level pro- Ukrainian National Museum. Furthermore, fessionals. the group unites members of Plast

Ukrainian National Museum Guests in attendance at the Black and White Cocktail Party at the Ukrainian National Museum socialize and enjoy the event. Ukrainian Scouting Organization, the Roksolana Kozyckyj, Katya Magee, Nina Ukrainian American Youth Association and Prybula and Kristina Zaluckyj. other sectors of the community, while pro- The Ukrainian National Museum’s Young moting and preserving the Ukrainian cul- Professionals is an open organization and ture and arts. welcomes participation of Ukrainian Previous events sponsored by the Young American community members. For addi- Professionals include folk art workshops tional information on joining the Young (pysanky and gerdany) and an annual open Professionals, e-mail admin@ukrainianna- house weekend featuring a photo booth tionalmuseum.org or call 312-421-8020. and free tours of the museum for the pub- The Ukrainian National Museum is locat- lic. The Black and White Cocktail Party was ed at 2249 W. Superior St., Chicago, IL Organizers of the Ukrainian National Museum Young Professionals cocktail party organized by: Christina Drozd, Ksenia 60612. Information on upcoming events can (from left): Ksenia Hankewych, Christina Drozd, Tamara Hankewych, Kristina Zaluckyj, Roksolana Kozyckyj, Katya Magee and Nina Prybula. Hankewych, Tamara Hankewych, be found via the museum’s Facebook page. Ukrainian Technological Society awards scholarships to 10 undergrads – The Ukrainian and the Ukrainian Language Program at the of Ukrainian Studies) of Pittsburgh and students. The UTS gave an additional $500 Technological Society (UTS) of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh,” Dr. Kyshakevych dedicated individuals in the community are to Smoloskyp Inc. to fund scholarships for presented its 2014 Scholarship awards to spoke about the history of these two com- now spearheading a large fund-raising students in Ukraine. 10 undergraduate students from Western munity projects. effort that would establish a permanent The Taras Shevchenko Commemorative Pennsylvania and Ohio in ceremonies at He noted that the idea for a Ukrainian Ukrainian language program at the Scholarships, awarded to the highest Posvar Hall on the University of Pittsburgh Nationality Room at the University of University of Pittsburgh. ranked high school senior and highest campus on Sunday, August 3. Pittsburgh had its inception in 1973 with Dr. Kyshakevych noted that both these ranked current college student, were made Students, family members, UTS mem- the completion of construction and dedica- efforts required sustained involvement by possible through a donation by the Maria bers and guests were welcomed by UTS tion of the room, taking place in 1990. Over many individuals in the service of preserv- Hulai Lion Foundation of Brooklyn, N.Y. Executive Board President Dr. Roksana those 17 years, the project required many ing Ukrainian culture. He encouraged the They were awarded to Juliana Kochis and Korchynsky, who provided an overview of tasks – establishing a work group, fund- scholarship recipients to continue in this Michael Kochis of Coraopolis, Pa. the UTS – now in its 45th year – and its raising, selecting an architect, final con- tradition – to “carry the torch” – and The Chester and Olga Manasterski activities. Dr. Korchynsky was joined at the struction – and thousands of hours by become involved in the efforts to preserve Memorial Scholarship, underwritten by ceremony by UTS board members Nickolas many individuals to complete. their Ukrainian culture and heritage. sons Myron and Gregory Manasterski, was C. Kotow, Motria Hodowanec and Michele Dr. Kyshakevych also noted that the Dr. Korchynsky and Mr. Kotow, UTS sec- awarded to Maria Kalymon of Carnegie, Pa. Corba Kapeluck. Ukrainian language program at the retary and treasurer, then awarded the 10 The Dr. Michael Kutsenkow Memorial In her opening remarks, Dr. Korchynsky University of Pittsburgh started in 1975 scholarships totaling $6,000. This marked Scholarships, underwritten by Rose thanked the many donors who have gener- and continued for 36 years through the the 42nd year of the UTS Scholarship Kutsenkow, were awarded to Allison Cross of ously offered their financial support to the dedicated effort of Kateryna Dowbenko, Program, with 411 separate awards total- Pittsburgh; Kateryna Czuczman of Pittsburgh, scholarship program, which has helped stu- who is now retired. Ridna Shkola (School ing $186,700 presented to 267 different PA; Ostap Lernatovych of Carnegie, Pa.; and dents pursue higher education in a variety Stephanie Russick of Ford City, Pa. of fields. Dr. Korchynsky noted that the Ukrainian Technological Society society is an organization of Ukrainian pro- Scholarships were awarded to Andriy fessionals and businesspersons interested Lasiychuk of Pittsburgh, and Christina in cultivating Ukrainian culture and social Pierko and John Pierko, both of Niles, Ohio. awareness, and strengthening the Refreshments and a social hour followed Ukrainian community through active par- the program in the Posvar Hall Galleria. ticipation and leadership. She invited the To learn more about the UTS, its scholarship recipients to join the UTS to Scholarship Program and other activities, contribute their own ideas and talents to readers may visit their website www.utsp- keep the society relevant for them and to gh.org, or “friend” the UTS on Facebook at the wider community. “Ukrainian Technological Society (UTS) of The featured speaker for the award cere- Pittsburgh.” mony was Dr. Roman Kyshakevych, a Donations toward the 2015 Scholarship licensed professional geologist with 30 Program are being accepted. Donations are years of experience in the gas and petro- tax-deductible, as provided by law, as the leum industry who currently works for the UTS has Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3) geological consultancy Allegheny GeoQuest. designation. Donations or inquiries may be Dr. Kyshakevych is also a longtime leader sent to the UTS at P.O. Box 4277, Pittsburgh, and supporter of Ukrainian community PA 15203. Donations can also be made efforts. securely via PayPal by visiting the UTS In his presentation, titled “On Becoming Recipients of Ukrainian Technological Society scholarships: (front row) Maria website and clicking on the “Support” page. Involved in the Ukrainian Community: The Kalymon, Allison Cross, Christina Pierko, Stephanie Russick, (back row) Kateryna For further information, e-mail the UTS at Cases of the Ukrainian Nationality Room Czuczman, Juliana Kochis, John Pierko and Ostap Lernatovych. [email protected]. No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 15

Our community celebrates Ukrainian Independence Day 2014

determined to maintain the internationally August 22, to hear a proclamation read on recognized territorial integrity of Ukraine behalf of Mayor Ann Thane by city histori- AMSTERDAM, N.Y. as sovereign and inviolable, and are com- an Robert von Hasseln. TUCSON, Ariz. mitted to democracy, sovereignty and At Amsterdam’s City Hall, the blue-and- AMSTERDAM, N.Y. – After centuries of national unity. yellow Ukrainian flag flew draped with a TUCSON, Ariz. – Parishioners at St. foreign domination under both the Russian To recognize this reality and the 23rd black ribbon of mourning to recognize the Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in empire and then the Soviet totalitarian anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence on thousands who have lost and continue to Tucson, Ariz., celebrated Ukrainian regime, unfortunately, Ukrainians today August 24, the Amsterdam Ukrainian com- lose their lives in the fight for freedom and Independence Day with special prayers for continue to struggle against Russian- munity, international friends and a visiting dignity. The flag flew for one week. a just and peaceful resolution to the conflict sponsored attempts to eradicate their priest from Ukraine all gathered at The Ukrainian community has been in in eastern Ukraine caused by Russian nation of close to 50 million. Ukrainians are Amsterdam’s historic City Hall on Friday, Amsterdam for over 100 years. aggression. Parishioners dressed in their Ukrainian embroidered finery, children crafted Ukrainian flags, and a program was held in the church hall after the divine litur- gy. Led by Pastoral Council Chair Dr. Ihor Kunasz, the program included the reading of greetings from Ukraine’s consul general in San Francisco, the recitation by Ksenia Lutz of a poem sent from the front in east- ern Ukraine and the airing of C-SPAN’s Aspen Institute Conference, which featured former Secretaries of State Madeleine K. Albright and Condoleeza Rice and former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. A collection was taken up for humanitar- ian aid to Ukraine and over $2,000 was raised that day. Two Tucson television stations, KVOA and KOLD, covered the event. Thus, Tucson’s small but vibrant Ukrainian com- munity once again demonstrated that even a numerically limited parish can have a Ukrainian community members of Amsterdam, N.Y., gather to mark the 23rd anniversary of Ukraine’s independence proclama- broad impact on the surrounding commu- tion on August 24, 1991. nity.

threatens the foundation of Ukrainian the party, was Mr. Turchynov’s refusal to pean forces united during the election and Poroshenko sets... statehood,” said Mr. Lutsenko. “These two begin investigations of Mr. Poroshenko dur- not competing against the Poroshenko ailments on the road to democracy should ing the campaign’s peak. Ms. Tymoshenko Bloc. (Continued from page 1) be cured by a sober-minded, reform-orient- demanded that he file criminal charges “I respect that opinion of my friends and ed force, which relies on the course sup- against her opponent, accusing him of coop- politicians in Batkivshchyna who believe Mr. Poroshenko (whose estimated ported by the country’s majority, as demon- erating with the separatists, and even arrest the opposition to Poroshenko brings more wealth is $1 billion) has a tight alliance strated by the presidential elections.” him, he reported. “Turchynov declined and good to the country,” he wrote on his with Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Yet, Kyiv political consultant Sergei joined the ranks of her enemies.” Ukrayinska Pravda blog. “I understand the Administration Chair Igor Kolomoisky Gaiday, who has worked on several political Others abandoning Batkivshchyna logic of their answers and arguments. I ($3.5 billion) and Donetsk State Oblast campaigns alongside Mr. Poroshenko, has include Social Policy Minister Liudmyla understand the shades and conditions of a Administration Chair Serhiy Taruta ($660 said the president isn’t capable of the sys- Denysova, Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko, possible unification. But I honestly express million). He also recruited MHP Board temic reforms that Ukraine needs. National Deputy Lilia Hrynevych, and for- my opinion that it’s not right and unaccept- Chairman Yuriy Kosyuk ($1.1 billion) to Meanwhile, Mr. Lutsenko is remembered mer National Security and Defense Council able in the current situation. Only unity, serve as his first deputy head of the for failing to adopt any significant reforms Head Andrii Parubii, among others. above all. To overcome one’s own ego and Presidential Administration. in the police force when he served as inter- It’s not clear whether they will join the persuade others of the tactic of alliances. I Meanwhile, Mr. Lutsenko is remembered nal affairs minister for nearly four years, same party, but their new political forces wasn’t able to convince my friends. Time for trying to ingratiate himself with Rinat though it’s been observed that his con- are likely to be aligned with the will pass and I will try again.” Akhmetov ($18.3 billion) at the president’s science was awakened while behind bars. Poroshenko Bloc, observers said. Mr. Avakov also proposed that Mr. inauguration banquet, days later describing Besides the launch of the Poroshenko Kyiv political expert Vadym Karasiov Yatsenyuk lead the election campaign as the sponsor of the Party of Regions and Bloc, the other factor shaking up Ukraine’s predicted that Mr. Yatsenyuk will lead the first on the party list, while Ms. suspected financer of the separatists as a political scene this week was Interior Democratic Alliance party (not to be con- Tymoshenko remained the party chairman. “fellow traveler” in the Ukrainian revolu- Minister Arsen Avakov’s announcement on fused with UDAR), consisting of young In the meantime, despite the Verkhovna tion and “economic nationalist.” August 27 that he was abandoning the reformers. Rada’s dismissal, Mr. Poroshenko said it It remains unclear whether Parliament Batkivshchyna party along with more than The reason for the exodus identified by will still be responsible for approving need- will approve legislation to allow blocs of a dozen other key leaders. Mr. Avakov was the failure of a recent meet- ed legislation, particularly the ratification of parties to compete, in which case several While it was widely expected that Prime ing of Batkivshchyna’s political council to the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement, parties might unite with the Poroshenko Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk would be approve his proposal of signing an agree- which will require a constitutional majority Bloc, including UDAR. among those leaving, it came as a shock that ment to form a wide coalition of pro-Euro- of 300 votes. Yet it’s already apparent which parties also parting ways was Ms. Tymoshenko’s won’t be uniting with the Poroshenko Bloc. closest confidante and long-time political The Radical Party already declared its ally, Oleksandr Turchynov, who currently opposition to the pro-presidential majority serves as Verkhovna Rada chair. BacK to ScHooL SPEciaL: in the Kyiv City Council and is likely to take Ms. Tymoshenko and Mr. Turchynov have the same approach on the national level. been tight political partners since 1997. Yet In his remarks to the party congress, Mr. when Ms. Tymoshenko was imprisoned by A subscription – print and online – Lutsenko took dead aim at the Radical former President Yanukovych, Mr. Party, which political observers have identi- Turchynov was accused by some of her to The Ukrainian Weekly! fied as a populist political project spon- allies of not doing enough to release her, or sored by Ukraine’s natural gas interests. even benefitting from her absence. Give the college students in your family their own nine-month gift subscrip- (An audio recording leaked on the Internet After her release, “the conflict between tions to The Ukrainian Weekly. The Weekly is a great resource for students who revealed that Mr. Kolomoisky believes Mr. Turchynov and Tymoshenko emerged dur- plan to write college papers on topics about Ukraine, and helps students keep in Yanukovych’s Presidential Administration ing the presidential campaign,” reported touch with the Ukrainian community throughout the United States and Canada, Chair Serhiy Lyovochkin is the key sponsor of Serhiy Leshchenko for the Ukrayinska and gives students the opportunity to keep learning about their Ukrainian heri- the Radical Party. Mr. Lyovochkin has close Pravda news site. “Tuchynov advised tage once they leave home. relations with natural gas kingpins Dmytro Tymoshenko to drop this election in order The price for the academic year is only $65 ($60 if the student is a member of Firtash and Yurii Boiko.) to avoid condemning the whole party for a the UNA) – and that includes both print and online subscriptions! An online “The main threat to post-maidan loss ahead of the parliamentary elections. subscription alone for the same nine-month period is $30. Ukraine is a paralysis in conducting In turn, Tymoshenko accused Turchynov of To take advantage of this special offer, phone The Weekly’s Subscription reforms. As a result, we see how populism playing in Poroshenko’s favor.” Department at 973-292-9800, ext. 3040, and charge the subscription to your is enveloping Ukraine, taking on a threaten- The last straw, according to Mr. credit card. ing scale, as well as radicalism, which Leshchenko’s anonymous sources within 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 No. 35

meter long canal. That reservoir, as with all tocol that outlined the timetable for the Ukraine’s energy... the others on the Dnipro, is very shallow, implementation of many reforms. The ‘CTO’ project... averaging only 8.5 meters in depth (about changes sought would require a major (Continued from page 7) (Continued from page 4) 30 feet). As a consequence, all the hydro- revamping of Ukraine’s energy policy strophic flooding and damage downstream power facilities on the Dnipro produce less framework. This would include: (1) pro- aliens and obliged to report regularly to in Moldova during the great flood of 2008 than 4,000 MW of power. gressively removing subsidies for gas con- their local police authorities or to the North and again in 2010 and 2012. How is Ukraine to extricate itself from sumption in households and district heat- West Mounted Police. They were issued The Dnister HPP station is one of the its largely self-inflicted energy problems? ing systems, and a move to market-based identity papers that had to be carried at all largest pumped storage electric power In the most recent International Energy prices; (2) instituting a tariff system that is times, the penalty for noncompliance being plants in the world. With its full comple- Agency report on Ukraine (2012), a com- consumption-based and reflects full costs, arrest and possible imprisonment. ment of seven pump-turbines, the Dnister prehensive program of reforms was pre- which would attract investments to mod- For Ukrainian immigrants who were HPP will be able to generate 2,268 MW of sented to move Ukraine out of its depen- ernize aging facilities and increase efficien- caught in Canada’s first internment opera- electric power. For comparison, the world’s dency on Russian gas, and to increase self- cy; (3) designing and implementing an tions the immediate loss was emotional, largest pumped storage reservoir is on the sufficiency and energy security. It noted effective regulatory framework that financial, medical and social. For the border of Virginia and West Virginia, and is that Ukraine’s economy remains one of the increases competition in Ukraine’s state- Ukrainian Canadians as a community, it rated at 3,000 MW. most energy-intensive in the region, based companies that manage oil, gas and took generations to get over the feeling of To put all this in context, Ukraine has a despite progress in energy efficiency in the electricity sectors, and makes it more deep injustice, humiliation, denial and fear. series of six very large reservoirs and industry sector and closure of some of the attractive to investors; (4) improving the In the late 1980s the Ukrainian pumped storage facilities on the Dnipro most energy intensive industries in the investment climate, i.e., adopting good Canadian Research and Documentation River, stretching from Kyiv, through Kaniv, 1990s. Still, it takes more than three times business practices that include transpar- Center (UCRDC) conducted about 35 inter- Kremenchuk and Khakhovka. Kakhovka is the energy for Ukraine to produce the same ency, accountability, contract law and price views with Ukrainian Canadians who had the largest reservoir in the system, stretch- unit of economic output as the average EU regulation – a necessary framework condi- joined the Canadian Armed Forces during ing some 225 kilometers, with a width of country. There is still a great deal of room tion for attracting investment. World War II. When asked the reason for about 20 kilometers. Until the Crimean for increased efficiencies. There is much to be done to bolster volunteering for service, several said it was occupation, 80 percent of Crimea’s water Ukraine formally became a member of Ukraine’s energy security. President Petro because they wanted to do something for resources needs were supplied from the the EU Energy Community Treaty in Poroshenko, as a businessman, under- Canada to get rid of the bad reputation that Kakhovka reservoir through a 200-kilom- September 2010 with the signing of a pro- stands these needs. their parents’ generation had to bear because of the experience of first world war-ear internment. Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk has been working on ways to encourage Canadians to remember this shameful historical episode. Beginning in 1994, together with the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association (UCCLA), he began placing his- torical markers at the locations of the for- mer camps to recall the internment opera- tions. As the CTO project leader, Dr. Luciuk secured funding from the Endowment Council of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund to cover the costs of producing and distributing plaques, and helping to support their unveiling The UCRDC has also been active in mak- ing information on the internment opera- tions widely available. In 1995 UCRDC built a travelling exhibit, “The Barbed Wire Solution,” which went to various museums and municipal institutions across Canada. A slide show of this exhibit can be seen on UCRDC’s website: www.ucrdc.org/ Exhibits-Internment.html. The website also provides the full text of the exhibit, a com- prehensive recounting of the internment process and an account of life in the intern- ment camps. In addition, the UCRDC partly financed a film about the internment operations, “Freedom Had a Price” by Yurij Luhovy, which he co-produced with the National Film Board of Canada. It premiered at the St Lawrence Center for the Arts in Toronto on May 27, 1994, and was later shown on the CBC network.

LIKE The Ukrainian Weekly on Facebook! www.facebook.com/ TheUkrainianWeekly No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 17

took control of six villages near the Russian the news, doesn’t correspond with reality.” on Ukrainian territory.” Minsk brings... border, according to Roman Bochkala, a The Russian Defense Ministry explained The same day, the Russian government reporter with the Inter television network. that the captured paratroopers entered released its three demands to amend the (Continued from page 1) The Information Resistance website Ukrainian territory by mistake, as reported Ukraine-EU Association Agreement, the first European Council President Herman van (sprotyv.info) reported that two Russian by the RIA Novosti news agency, citing an being a review of the parameters and dead- Rompuy and British Prime Minister David battalion tactical groups entered Ukrainian anonymous source in the ministry. lines of reducing Ukrainian duties on EU Cameron said on August 28 they will advo- territory. Defense officials also confirmed to the goods, which affect a quarter of trade with cate further increasing pressure on Mr. In a change of strategy to avoid defeat by paratroopers’ relatives that they were in Russia, reported the Russian news site Putin to de-escalate the war. the Ukrainian forces, Russian generals decid- Ukraine, not the Rostov Oblast for training, vedomosti.ru, citing an anonymous high- Meanwhile, NATO said it would be willing ed to replace the disorganized and ineffective also confirming several deaths, tyzhden.ua ranking source. to sell Ukraine the necessary arms for its separatists – often more concerned with reported. Before their dispatch, the contract Secondly, the EU’s technical require- defense if the request is made at the looting than fighting – with Russian military soldiers were ordered to submit their docu- ments are too strict and need to be relaxed, September 4-5 summit in Newport, Wales, personnel, the National Security and Defense ments and arrive in camouflage (instead of otherwise Russian goods won’t be able to Stanislaw Koziej, the head of National Council reported on August 28. their army uniforms), and paint over the enter the Ukrainian market. Also, sanitary Security Bureau of Poland, said on August 28. The Russian military brought a large col- license plates of their military vehicles. norms need to be unified or Russian norms The Minsk trilateral summit – which umn of military hardware to the border As of August 28, the U.S. government con- need to be recognized by the EU. These included leaders of Ukraine, the European crossing of Gukovo the evening of August firmed at least 1,000 Russian soldiers on demands could be resolved during a transi- Union and the Eurasian troika (Russia, 26, with the likely aim of transferring this Ukrainian territory, Russian non-governmen- tion period, the anonymous official said. Belarus and Kazakhstan) – attempted to make hardware to fighters, reported Andriy tal organizations estimated about 15,000, and Fulfilling the Russian proposals would progress on the war, a new natural gas agree- Lysenko, the spokesman for the National the Russian government confirmed 10, report- not only require a full review of the Free ment and the remaining issues surrounding Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. ed Evgen Vorobiov, an analyst at the Polish Trade Area of the Ukraine-EU Association the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement. The column includes 100 units of hard- Institute of International Affairs in Warsaw. Agreement, but also a review of the EU Yet, as widely expected, the players ware, including tanks, trucks, Grad rocket Aleksandr Zakharchenko, the latest prime trade rules altogether, the report said. Yet reached only minor arrangements, which launchers and infantry vehicles. minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the EU and Ukrainian government long ago consisted of consultations between the Russian soldiers had taken control of the told a Russian state TV network that 3,000 to stated their positions that Russia can’t Ukrainian and Russian joint chiefs of staff Donetsk town of Novoazovsk (population 4,000 Russians have fought in the Donbas amend the agreement. and border agencies to address the war, 12,000) by the next day, setting up a blockade war since it erupted in April. “There are “There’s no need to portray what’s activating the work of a trilateral contact and removing all those not registered locally, active soldiers fighting among us who pre- desired by our Russian colleagues as reality, group to produce a road map for peace, and the Ukrainian News agency reported (un.ua). ferred to spend their vacation not on the We won’t change the text of the agreement. renewed gas talks. Also on August 26, about 100 injured beach, but with us, among their brothers, We will ratify and implement it,” Ukrainian “The meeting is devoted to economic Russian soldiers were transported to St. who are fighting for their freedom,” he said. Foreign Affairs Minister Pavlo Klimkin issues, above all,” correctly predicted Kost Petersburg, according to an interview on Russia’s envoy to the OSCE, Andrei Kelin, tweeted on August 27. Bondarenko, the head of the Ukrainian the Russian-opposition TV network Dozhd told the OSCE on August 28 that there are The Russian government is seeking to Politics Institute, in an interview with with a representative of the local soldiers’ no Russian soldiers in Ukraine, RIA Novosti amend the agreement and its implementa- segodnya.ua. “It was initiated by Europe mothers organization. reported. tion program by September 12, when the and Russia, which mutually don’t want to The smoking gun was video-recorded At the same time, U.S. State Department next trilateral negotiations will be held in lose their markets. The Ukrainian issue will interviews released on August 26 that were spokeswoman Jen Psaki reported heavy Brussels, said Russian Economic be considered there no more than the issue conducted by the Security Service of Ukraine fighting in the vicinity of Donetsk city and Development Minister Aleksei Uliukayev on of a tennis match during Wimbledon.” (SBU) with 10 Russian paratroopers cap- its airport, “invasions that indicate a direct August 27, as reported by RIA Novosti. Indeed, Mr. Putin avoided any serious men- tured in the Donbas region the prior day. Russian counterattack in the Donetsk and Messrs. Poroshenko and Putin also tion of the war, news reports said, barely men- Some claimed they weren’t told where Luhansk regions.” reached an agreement to renew the stalled tioning it in his formal remarks that were they were going to be dispatched, while oth- “Tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and negotiations on natural gas issues, Mr. Putin focused on the damage the Association ers said they were told they were going for reactive anti-aircraft systems, being sup- told reporters after the summit. “To be frank, Agreement would do to the Russian economy. training in the Rostov Oblast. plied by Russia, aren’t enough to defeat the it’s a difficult issue that’s in a dead end, but “Early takeaway from meeting: Putin “We were sent to military action against Armed Forces of Ukraine,” Ambassador discussing it is needed all the same,” Mr. ignores elephant in the room (war in people that we shouldn’t be fighting in theory,” Pyatt tweeted on August 28. “Therefore, a Putin said. They also agreed to cooperate on Ukraine) and rants about trade, mentions said a paratrooper named Romantsev. “Our larger amount of Russian armies is needed the delivery of humanitarian aid for the war only in passing,” tweeted Nataliya propaganda, what is shown on television, on to be directly enlisted in the military actions Donetsk and Luhansk regions, he said. Vasilyeva, the Associated Press correspon- dent who reported on the summit for the leading U.S. news agency. During the private, one-on-one meeting, UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Inc. however, a peaceful resolution to the Donbas war was the main topic, Mr. Poroshenko told reporters after the summit, referring to the negotiations as “very complicated.” He CONTEST offered some hope, stating, “I can say that the logic of the peace plan was finally supported FOR by all the heads of state, without exception,” CHILDREN referring to Mr. Putin. The few concrete steps that were Last year’s Christmas Card Project with children between the Project Fund-Raiser. The winning designs will be recognized on the reached consisted merely of immediate ages of 6-18 was very successful. And thus the Ukrainian National reverse side of the card with the name, age, city, state of the artist. Over consultations between border agencies on Association will again hold a contest to select young artists to 150,000 cards are mailed each year to members in the community. establishing control on the Ukrainian- participate in the project. We hope to inspire younger artists to use The proceeds from the sale of these cards are allocated to support the Russian border and between the respective their creative talents in a meaningful way. As always the theme of the renaissance of Soyuzivka, the cultural center of our community. Over joint chiefs of staff to ensure peace in the Christmas card will be “Ukrainian Christmas”. Please check details: the years the community has been very supportive especially when Donbas region. Children between the ages of 6-12 (Group 1) and between 13-18 the community’s youngest talents are recognized. The funds received A road map will be developed, possibly (Group 2) are invited to participate in the UNA’s annual Christmas Card from this project are assigned to Soyuzivka with other donations to the UNA publications – Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly and the UNF within the consultations of a trilateral con- Project. Each child is encouraged to enter the contest by creating one (1) original color artwork to be considered by our judges. The artists general fund. All participants will have their art work published in both tact group, in order to achieve a ceasefire should depict their idea of a Ukrainian Christmas. The winning designs Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly. regime as quickly as possible, Mr. will be reproduced and used by the UNA in its annual Christmas Card To enter the contest, please read the contest rules listed below: Poroshenko said. The exclusively bilateral ceasefire regime 1. The cards selected will best refl ect the theme of a Ukrainian Christmas 7. Artists must be advised that entry into this contest constitutes between Ukraine and Russia would be 2. The young artist’s name, age and city, state will be printed on (1) a waiver of all copyrights artists have in their entries, and (2) ensured by the representatives of a monitor- the backside of the card. permission to republish entries without compensation. ing mission from the Organization for Security 3. One (1) original art work may be entered per artist. Art work 8. Winners will be notifi ed by October 30, 2014. must be no larger than 8.5” x 11”. When printed the art will be reduced 9. All entries must be received at the Ukrainian National and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), he said. to card size. Association, 2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ, 07054, Attn. O. Trytjak Meanwhile, Mr. Poroshenko reminded 4. Drawings must be properly labeled on the reverse of the art or [email protected] by Tuesday, October 13, 2014; Mr. Putin of the need to release all hostages, entry: PRINTED - name of artist (IN BOTH LANGUAGES), full address, late entries will not be considered. Tel. 973 292-9800 x3071. as well as close the border to transfers of including telephone and e-mail, attach completed entry form. 10. Judges’ decision will be fi nal. arms and military hardware from Russia. 5. Artists may use any medium: watercolors, markers, oils, crayons, on 11. All proceeds are dedicated to educational and cultural programs These demands fell on deaf ears as Mr. white paper. Bold colors reproduce best in the printing process. for children at Soyuzivka. Putin repeated his official position on the 6. Entries will not be returned to the artists, they will be the property 12. Donations are tax exempt as permitted by law. Donbas war at his press conference after- of the UNA. wards. “We, Russia, can’t talk about some PLEASE PRINT ceasefire conditions or possible agreements NAME:______between Kyiv, Donetsk and Luhansk,” he said, ДРУКОВАНИМИ ЛІТЕРАМИ В УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ МОВІ repeating the official Kremlin line that it’s an NAME:______internal matter for Ukraine, not Russia. PRINTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Yet, further evidence surfaced the very ADDRESS:______same day that the Russian government is indeed directly involved in the Donbas war. TEL:______E MAIL:______Border agents and the fighters of volunteer DATE OF BIRTH______NAME OF SCHOOL______battalions reported that Russian army sub- units entered Ukrainian territory that day and 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 No. 35

whose positions, profits or careers are tion works, there will be more of it, and the these will be relatively small. Lies, damned lies... dependent on the maintenance of good world will be a place where trust will deterio- The real challenge is the third one: coun- relations with the Russian Federation that rate and violence and the threat of violence tering disinformation campaigns. That is (Continued from page 3) they not only are unwilling to challenge become that much more common. both a technical issue and a political one. not because of the presence of a network of Russian disinformation. In fact, they are Technically, it requires the development of Identifying and countering Russian agents in Western countries – often prepared to promote Russian claims, channels to deliver alternative messages, disinformation is hard although such a network definitely exists again however untrue and outrageous. including international broadcasting. If the but necessary work and, thanks to Moscow’s confidence that These people are not agents of Moscow, as U.S. had in place the capacity to broadcast this network will not be challenged, much some suggest, or even “the useful idiots” Because the use and even more the in Russian to Russian speakers in Ukraine, of it is now operating quite openly. Rather, Vladimir Lenin talked about. Instead, they spread of disinformation carries with it Mr. Putin could not have achieved what he Mr. Putin’s disinformation campaign has are a significant constituency, and few of such risks, it is critically important that has. And if the U.S. had a capacity to broad- worked because of a fundamental change them are prepared to sacrifice their next Western countries respond in ways that will cast to the Russian people directly, Moscow in Western journalism and analysis; the promotion in government, their next quar- limit such possibilities. That is going to would not have been able to shape Russian existence of a large number of people in terly profits, or their standing as public require three steps: first, it will require that public opinion in the way that it has. government, the business community and intellectuals by calling Moscow on its dis- these governments recognize they are deal- The era of shortwave broadcasting is the academy whose careers are dependent honesty. And by not doing so, or even more ing with disinformation rather than just over, and FM broadcasting requires that on maintaining ties with the Russian by repeating Moscow’s line in whole or in lies; second, it means that they will have to stations in most cases be on the territory of Federation; and the desire of many part, such people ensure that the Kremlin’s develop the kind of expertise to identify the country to which it is directed. That Western governments not to infuriate Mr. disinformation campaign works. specific cases of disinformation and the inevitably gives the host government the Putin by calling him on his lies lest he And third, as is tragically the case, many truths and falsehoods within them; and whip hand. The development of the behave even worse, cutting off gas supplies Western governments will not challenge third, it will necessitate the consideration of Internet is important, but it is not the to Europe or invading yet another country. what Moscow is doing because of fears that methods to deliver its response both with stand-alone technological solution many None of these is pleasant to talk about, they will be subject to cutoffs in the supply regard to foreign audiences and domestic imagine. What is necessary is to invest in but each must be faced. First of all, many of gas or be viewed as wanting to restore ones. None of these will be easy to assure; satellite direct-to-home television broad- Western journalists confuse balance with the Cold War. (The charge that the West is some may prove impossibly difficult. casting so that the U.S. and the West can objectivity. That means if anyone is in a reviving the Cold War is an integral part of Recognizing disinformation as a strategy deliver messages to peoples like the position to put out a version of the story, Moscow’s disinformation campaign and tactic is the easiest, although few Russians who are now captives of their however outrageous, journalists will often because it distracts attention from what Western governments have been prepared own government’s dis-informing media. report it as one of the points of view out Moscow is doing, justifies Russian actions to do so, at least in the case of Mr. Putin’s Again, accomplishing this will not be free, there, especially if the situation is confused and, most importantly, constrains Western Russia. The definition of disinformation but the costs of not doing it will be higher. or uncertain. And they may do so in ways politicians who do not want to be thought offered above is one place to start. But And they will be higher still if Russia or that work particularly to Moscow’s advan- of as people of the past.) Consequently, what will make it hard for Western govern- China develops this capacity first. tage. Thus, many Western outlets report most but not all Western governments have ments to take this step is that disinforma- But the hardest task will be countering what Moscow “says,” while describing any refused to point out what Moscow is saying tion is part of information war, and infor- disinformation being rebroadcast within Ukrainian government statement as is a lie even as they have refused to take the mation war is an ever more important Western countries by interested elites. “claims.” Invariably, doing so is called objec- kinds of actions that this situation would aspect of war itself. [3] To say that a gov- Closing down openly declared institutions tivity, but in fact it is anything but. Instead, appear to demand. ernment is using disinformation as like Andrannik Migranyan’s operation in it gives an opening to governments like Mr. What makes this pattern inside Russia and opposed to lying is something few national New York [4] is easy, but getting the gov- Putin’s, which are prepared to lie and to abroad so disturbing is that, unless some- leaders and even fewer diplomats are pre- ernment involved in countering disinfor- spread their lies widely, confident that thing fundamental is changed, it virtually pared to do. mation within the U.S. is going to be more what they say, however untrue or outra- guarantees that the Kremlin will have every However, assuming that political chal- difficult. That will require a willingness on geous, will be reported. incentive to engage in more, not less, disinfor- lenge can be overcome – with the risks of the part of the government to speak out Second, as is common knowledge, there mation and that other governments will con- not declaring something to be a disinfor- about themes, if not individuals, because, are now so many people in government, clude that such a strategy is something they mation campaign properly recognized as again, the costs of not doing so will be high- the business community and the academy could employ as well. As long as disinforma- greater than the risks of doing so – Western er than those involved in taking such steps. governments need to develop the kind of Notes: expertise that will allow them to analyze specific cases of disinformation. That will 1. See, for example, the continually updated list Дирекція Школи Українознавства of exposed Russian propaganda lies at: “Russia’s require the development of linguistic and top 100 lies about Ukraine,” The Examiner, при ОУА „Самопоміч“ area expertise that has languished for too August 11, 2014, (http://www.examiner.com/ в Ню-Йорку long. The United States needs people who list/russia-s-top-100-lies-about-ukraine), understand not only the language but also accessed August 2, 2014. подає до відома, що the history and culture of major countries 2. For a concise summary of her views, see: around the world and their potential Nathalie Grant, “Disinformation,” National НАВЧАННЯ adversaries. Given the decay in such exper- Review, November 1960, (http://www.unz.org/ tise over the last generation, that will not Pub/NationalRev-1960nov05-2g00041), В НОВОМУ ШКІЛЬНОМУ 2014/2015 РОЦІ be easy. At a minimum, it will require the accessed August 12, 2014. restoration of the National Defense 3. On this point, see the various works of Paul W. розпочнеться Education Act (NDEA) Title VI program Blackstock, especially “The Strategy of в суботу, 13 вересня 2014 року and the development of career paths in all Subversion” (Chicago, 1964). parts of the government that will allow 4. Andranik Migranyan is director of the за адресою individuals to have a full career without Institute for Democracy and Cooperation in having to shift out of their area of expertise. New York, which is responsible for promoting Схід 7-ма вулиця, Moscow’s views in the United States. He gained And it will require the restoration of gov- notoriety earlier this year when he suggested Ню-Йорк, Н.Й. 10003 ernment translation programs like the that Adolf Hitler would have gone down in his- Foreign Broadcast Information Service. tory as the greatest German leader of all time if There will be financial costs attached, but he had stopped before invading Poland. Збір учнів у клясах о 9:00 год. ранку Навчання розпочнеться після Літургії і триватиме до 12:00 год. дня. Lesia Ukrainka School of Ukrainian Studies Запис нових учнів від 1-12-ої кляс та передшкілля in Morris County, NJ відбуватимуться announces в перші суботи місяця вересня в канцелярії школи. the beginning of the school year Вхід до школи з Тарас Шевченко Плейс for children from pre-kindergarten (age 5) through 12th grade (між 6-ю і 7-ю вулицями) on September 6, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. При школі існує СВІТЛИЧКА Parents’ meeting at 9:45 a.m. під опікою 83-го Відділу Ukrainian American Cultural Center Союзу Українок Америки (СУА) 60-C N. Je“ erson Road Whippany, NJ 07881 За дальшими інформаціями глядіть на веб-сторінку Online registration available as of August 24th at www.ukrainianschool.nyc.org. www.ridna-shkola.net Дирекція і Адміністрація Школи Anya Tershakovec Tomko, Head of the Parents’ Committee No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 19

Through Art exhibit, “Masters of Ukrainian Impressionism,” September 8 Book presentation by Timothy Snyder, “Ukraine, Russia September 13 Ukrainian Cultural Center of Los Angeles, Silvania New York and Eurasia: At the Tipping Point,” Ukrainian Institute of Glendale, CA Gallery, 818-662-7070 America, 212-288-8660

September 4 Networking night, “Network to Success,” with Dr. Daniel September 12 Presentation by Ukraine’s Minister of Education Serhiy New York Swistel, Laryna Grynkiv, Orest Walchuk, Ukrainian Whippany, NJ Kvit, “Renaissance of Education in Ukraine – Enlightened Institute of America, 212-288-8660 Students Ignited the Spirit of the Maidan,” Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey, September 5-7 Montreal Ukrainian Festival, Parc de L’Ukraine, www.facebook.com/uaccnj or 973-585-7175 Montreal www.ukefestmontreal.org or [email protected] September 12-14 Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival, September 5-28 Art exhibit, “Retrospective: Maria ‘Mika’ Harasowska- Toronto 416-410-9965 or [email protected] Chicago Daczyszyn,” Ukrainian National Museum, 312-421-8020 September 13 Parish festival, St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church, September 6 Golf tournament, Ukrainian Golf Association of Canada, Campbell Hall, NY 845-496-5506 Caledon, ON Osprey Valley Resorts Golf Club, 519-927-9034 or www.ugolf.ca September 13-14 Washington Ukrainian Festival, St. Andrew Ukrainian September 6 Golf tournament, Chicago Plast Open, Pobratymy Silver Spring, MD Orthodox Church, www.standrewuoc.org Oak Brook, IL Foundation, Oak Brook Country Club, [email protected] September 14 Connecticut Ukrainian Day Festival, St. Basil Seminary, or www.golfinvite.com Stamford, CT 203-269-5909 September 6 Ukrainian Festival, Ukrainian Heritage Center of Northern September 14 Anniversary celebration, “Salute to Ukraine: Building a Davis, CA California, Veterans Memorial Center, Chicago Nation Through Education,” Kyiv Mohyla Foundation, [email protected] or 916-771-2402 University Club – Cathedral Hall, [email protected] September 6-7 Ukrainian Nationals season opener weekend, Ukrainian Horsham, PA American Sports Center – Tryzub, www.tryzub.org September 16 Anniversary celebration, “Salute to Ukraine: Building a Washington Nation Through Education,” Kyiv Mohyla Foundation, September 6-7 Ukrainian Village Fest, Ss. Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Cannon Building – Caucus Room, Chicago Catholic Church, 312-829-5209 or [email protected] [email protected] September 17-18 Advocacy event, “Ukrainian Days,” Ukrainian Congress September 6-7 Open House, Ukrainian National Museum, Washington Committee of America and the Ukrainian National Chicago 312-421-8020 Information Service, Capitol Hill, 202-547-0018 or [email protected] September 6-7 Baltimore Ukrainian Festival, Patterson Park, Baltimore, MD www.ukrainianfestival.net Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events September 7 Golf tournament, Dennis Czar Memorial, Ukrainian Youth advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions Edmonton, AB Association in Canada, Raven Crest Golf Course, from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors 780-408-8687 and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE November 15, 2014

90th Anniversary Celebration of “Chornomorska Sitch”

To be held at: Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey 60 N. Jefferson Road, Whippany, N.J.

Further information to be announced 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2014 No. 35


Saturday-Sunday, September 13-14 Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee SILVER SPRING, Md.: Bring your family and at St. Basil’s Seminary, will begin at 9 a.m. friends to the 12th annual Ukrainian with over 20 Ukrainian vendors. At 11 a.m., Festival of the Washington, D.C., a liturgy will be celebrated by Bishop Paul Metropolitan Area, at noon to dusk on the Chomnycky. Afterwards, there will be grounds of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Ukrainian and picnic foods, and children’s Cathedral, 15100 New Hampshire Ave, activities. At 2:15 p.m., enjoy a program fea- Silver Spring, MD 20905. Admission and turing the dance ensembles Zolotyi Promin free parking are free. There will be wonder- (Hartford, Conn.), Barvinok (South Bound ful Ukrainian artists and dancers, crafts, Brook, N.J.), Vesna (Spring Valley, N.Y.), vendors, children’s activities, delicious Chervoni Maky (Trenton N.J.), Kalynonka Ukrainian food and a Kozak beer garden. (Stamford), Chornobryvtsi (Staten Island, Saturday evening continues with a party by N.Y.) and School Yunist (Long Island); plus the lake, at 6-9 pm. For more information, Max Lozynskyj (guitar); Valeriy Zhmud (vio- contact Iryna Trypupenko, festival director, lin); and the singers Popovichi; Family Kit; 301-414-5458 or [email protected], or the Halychanka Choir of Hartford. At 5-8 visit www.standrewuoc.org. p.m. there will be a “zabava” with Halychany. Admission for those age 12 and over: in Sunday, September 14 advance, $5; $10 at the gate. Parking is free. STAMFORD, Conn.: The 47th Connecticut For tickets, information or to volunteer call Ukrainian Day Festival, sponsored by the 203-269-5909.

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph that includes the date, place, type of event, sponsor, admission, full names of persons and/or organizations involved, and a phone number to be published for readers who may require additional information. Items should be no more than 100 words long; longer submissions are subject to editing. Items not written in Preview format or submitted without all required information will not be published. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication. No information will be taken over the phone. Items will be published only once, unless otherwise indicated. Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address. Information should be sent to: [email protected]; payment should be sent to Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments; simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message.