Opening Is Postponed |,,D $3,100,000 High
Complete News, Pictures Our Family o! over 35,000 Presented Fairly, Clearly Readers is a Valuable Market uil Impartially Each Week enbent - leaber for All Our Advertisers. XI.VIII—NO. 30 Entered as flewrtilt Cllta Matter WOODBRIDGE, N. J , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1956 Published I»»»y Thuradiy t the Po«t OfHc«. WoodbrMge, N. J, «t 18 Orwn HtrMt. Woodhridne, M J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS iweetness Town Loses Building Incomplete,* and Plant, Land Light Title Vague Desks Lacking, WHS; E. GREGORY $2,O()O,O(M) Industry ,,iiiy-finished, part- Seen Abandoning Plan For Big Factory Here Opening Is Postponed |,,d $3,100,000 high ,,. nrd the other day WOODBRTDOE~~- TWO title :, vv moments. companies, after pouring over pld Township records, have refused'to Mayor Sees Parley Tonight |students Sent guarantee title to lands believed • as so much confu- to hav? been owned all these l.s Start on Revaluation years by the Trustees of Free Home to Waitj I ;o fdw chairs that School Lands with the result that WOODBRIDOE—The mayor Mayor ciulgley said yesterday iv had to go home, it now appears as If a large plant and Town Committee will meet he hoped to gain a great deal tonight with Martin Miller, i three janitors are which was to have been construct- of Information at tonight's Board Silent ed by the 'American Homes representative of J. L. Jacobs conference and expressed confi- & Co., 53 West Jackson Boule- in ported and nine Products Company in Iselln will dence it would mark the begin- WOODBRIDOE - A series of, vard, Chlcaigo, 111,, to discuss unexplained circumstances hat who are still mlsa- not materialize.
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