Preamble. His Excellency. Most Reverend Dom. Carlos Duarte
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Preamble. His Excellency. Most Reverend Dom. Carlos Duarte Costa was consecrated as the Roman Catholic Diocesan Bishop of Botucatu in Brazil on December !" #$%&" until certain views he expressed about the treatment of the Brazil’s poor, by both the civil (overnment and the Roman Catholic Church in Brazil caused his removal from the Diocese of Botucatu. His Excellency was subsequently named as punishment as *itular bishop of Maurensi by the late Pope Pius +, of the Roman Catholic Church in #$-.. His Excellency, Most Reverend /ord Carlos Duarte Costa had been a strong advocate in the #$-0s for the reform of the Roman Catholic Church" he challenged many of the 1ey issues such as • Divorce" • challenged mandatory celibacy for the clergy, and publicly stated his contempt re(arding. 2*his is not a theological point" but a disciplinary one 3 Even at this moment in time in an interview with 4ermany's Die 6eit magazine the current Bishop of Rome" Pope Francis is considering allowing married priests as was in the old time including lets not forget married bishops and we could quote many Bishops" Cardinals and Popes over the centurys prior to 8atican ,, who was married. • abuses of papal power, including the concept of Papal ,nfallibility, which the bishop considered a mis(uided and false dogma. His Excellency President 4et9lio Dornelles 8argas as1ed the Holy :ee of Rome for the removal of His Excellency Most Reverend Dom. Carlos Duarte Costa from the Diocese of Botucatu. *he 8atican could not do this directly. 1 | P a g e *herefore the Apostolic Nuncio to Brazil entered into an agreement with the :ecretary of the Diocese of Botucatu to obtain the resi(nation of His Excellency, Most Reverend /ord. Carlos Duarte Costa as Diocesan Bishop of Botucatu. *his sneaky act by the secretary in the daily documents and reports that Most Reverend /ord Carlos Duarte Costa always had to si(n placed the resi(nation letter within a series of documents which His Excellency, Most Reverend Dom. Carlos Duarte Costa si(ned as a result of the deception. *he Diocesan secretary of Botucatu informed the Holy :ee of Rome that His Excellency, Most Reverend Dom. Carlos Duarte Costa had si(ned the document mista1enly without his excellency reading it. *he Holy :ee of Rome renounced claims that Most Reverend Dom. Carlos Duarte Costa letter of resi(nation was a forgery based on the verbal evidence of the :ecretary of the Diocese. His Excellency's resi(nation was accepted by His Holiness Pope Pius +, on the %%nd :eptember #$-.. After the acceptance of his resi(nation His Excellency, Most Reverend /ord Carlos Duarte Costa was appointed *itular Bishop of Maura, an extinct diocese of Africa. He was permitted to have his full sacramental privile(es by His Eminence" Most Reverend Cardinal :ebastião /eme da :ilveira Cintra, until his eminence the cardinal passed away in #$&%. *he Roman Catholic Church hierarchy decided that now the bishops spiritual protector was dead, they would persecute Bishop Carlos Duarte Costa openly and that is exactly what happened and continues to this day to his successors. After the forced resi(nation and alle(ed excommunication. Archbishop Carlos Duarte Costa made a speech on the #!th Au(ust #$&> which contained some ## pages for brief it stated: 2 | P a g e @, consider today one of the happiest days of my life.@ Excommunication may it be 1nown to the Brazilian public that the Bishop of Rome" Eu(enio Pacelli" has no authority to excommunicate me and in accord with what , have made public" , am a more authentic Archbishop of Rio de Aaneiro, as , was elected by popular acclamation of the Brazilian people" than he" the Bishop of Rome" elected by ,talian Cardinals. Nor does the present century accept excommunication, a political tool of the Middle ;(es when the Bishop of Rome" seemingly oblivious to the evangelical Magna Carta contained in the :ermon on the Mount" spewed forth his hatred against emperors and 1ings" who did not submit to the will of him..... A few months prior to an attempt to excommunicate him by the Bishop of Rome. Archbishop Duarte Costa founded as His Excellency the Archbishop of Rio de Aanerio by reBestablishing the Catholic Apostolic Church of Brazil 2,(reCa Católica Apostólica Brasileira) on the > Auly #$&> and he published his Manifesto on Auly %>" #$&>. He was the was the main founder and first Patriarch of the Brazilian Catholic Church and its international extension, the Eorldwide Communion of Catholic Apostolic National Churches. *his is the reason why the Bishop of Rome in late Au(ust #$&> threatened to excommunicate him for founding a new catholic church which would implement changes such as? #. Clerical celibacy was abolished, thou(h he himself never married and remained celibate. 3 | P a g e %. Rules for the reconciliation of divorced and remarried persons were implemented. 2although in August 2015 the Roman Catholic Church Vatican II has taken the same stand in regards this3 -. *he liturgy was translated into the vernacular. &. Clergy were expected to live and work among the people" and support themselves and their ministries" by holding secular employment Fpon Archbishop Carlos Duarte Costa's death in #$G#. Archbishop /uis 7ernando Castillo MHnde was elected president of the Episcopal Council" and was desi(nated Patriarch of ,CAB and ,CAN 2the international church communion). H.E" Bishop Castillo Mende as a young bishop was tortured on orders of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of 8ene uela, he was imprisoned and his flesh was severally burned with hot irons and told to (ive up his faith" vocation and office. He refused and was rescued by Archbishop Duarte Costa wee1s later by hiding in an airport toilet and he was smu((led on to private airplane and taken to Brazil where he undertook Brazilian citi enship. He never once thou(ht that his friend and principal consecrator would one day be an inspiration to the reli(ious world and that he would be the Patriarch of the Brazilian Catholic Church to succeed Archbishop Duarte Costa. His Holiness Patriarch /ord /uis Fernando Castillo Mende was in private tal1s with His Holiness" Pope Aohn Paul ,, in a vision on returning the Brazilian Catholic Church bac1 to Rome as an Autocephalous Catholic Church not to dissimilar to that what the :yriac Irthodox Church of Antioch did. 4 | P a g e However the Council of Bishops of the new ,CAB had voted against reCoining the Roman Catholic Church 8atican ,,. *he bishops claimed that much suffering and torture had been inflicted upon them largely at the urging of the Roman Catholic Church and that unless they purged their actions and sou(ht forgiveness for their years of actions" then they could not Coin as one as the split caused by the Roman Catholic Church remains even to this day. His Holiness" Patriarch /uis Fernando Castillo Mende served as Patriarch of Brazil and the Catholic Church of England J Eales founded by him as a :ui Auris until his death on the %$th Ictober %00$. Archbishop Aames At1inson-Eake was the former :ecretary of Doctrine J Faith of the Brazilian Catholic Church Patriarchate from %00> to %00$ appointed by Patriarchal decree. He was elevated as Archbishop and then as Cardinal of the Fnited Kingdom by His Holiness" Patriarch /uis 7ernando Castillo Mende . Archbishop Aames At1inson-Eake entered in to private tal1s with the Roman Catholic Church then under H.H. Pope Benedict +8, from %00! to %0##. ;fter many years of secret tal1s and co-celebrating many Masses at :t Peter's Basilica" Rome and only after these tal1s bro1e down. He decided that the Church at that time that appointed by decree as Primate L :uperior 4eneral by Patriarch /uis Fernando Castillo Mende have to many differences. Archbishop Aames At1inson-Eake decided that the Church was better off without being in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church 8atican ,,. As lawful Catholics or even as Catholic Irthodox bishops not a part of the Roman Catholic Church 8atican ,, who assumed the sole name Catholic Church which is really the RIM;< Catholic Church. 5 | P a g e *o this day the various Roman Catholic Bishops play with words and tell untruths including twist words such as MArchbishop Atkinson-Wake can not be officiall recognised M but unofficially he can beNO Due to these actual matters and facts which has made a large impact of this statement and for this story to be told by the 8atican Curia that Archbishop ;t1inson-Eake firstly did not and was not introduced to H.H. Pope Benedict +8, as per published photographs. Fpon the newspapers pushing further the Roman Catholic Church 8atican ,," they then stated that he did meet the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church only in a crowd of thousands at a (eneral audience within a crowd of people cheering the Pope. However" the Photograph that we have published on our website clearly shows the untruth of this statement. *he actual photograph shows Archbishop At1inson-Eake and another one of his bishops sat near the Papal Platform away from the faithful" protected by 8atican :ecret :ervice and actually wal1ing in line" onto the papal platform and being presented to His Holiness Pope Benedict +8, by the Protocol Bishop. Not forgetting the other photographs which shows Archbishop At1inson- Eake and other bishops of the church vested and co-celebrating Mass with the fellow Roman Catholic 8atican ,, Bishops at :t Peters Basilica in Rome. *o be precise it is to difficult for them to play down the real truth. *heir is not less than on G separate occasions that Archbishop At1inson-Eake and his bishops have at one time or another co-celebrated Mass with the Roman Bishops L Cardinals at :t Peters Basilica at the personal invitation of various 8atican Curia officials.