18 New 'Domestic Churches' Getting to Know

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18 New 'Domestic Churches' Getting to Know the official newspaper of the archeparchy of pittsburgh vol. 55 no. 6 sunday, may 2, 2010 parish news get digital final curtain Events, celebrations, Scouting Holy Father’s message for 44th 34th Annual Concert dedicated to achievements, insights World Communications Day late Slavjane director, founder Pages 4-5 Page 9 Page 11 Inside Getting to Another know God Chapter retreat master urges deacons to in Basilian look in mirror Sisters’ by Deacon Raymond Zadzilko Deacons and wives of the history Archeparchy of Pittsburgh and osbm leadership the Eparchy of Parma gathered re-elected April 16-18 at the Antiochian Village in Latrobe, Pa. for The weekend of April 16-18 their annual retreat. They were found the Uniontown Province joined by Seminarians Deacon of the Order of Sisters of St. Basil William Rupp and Subdeacon the Great (OSBM) meeting for a Diodoro Mendoza, who were multi-dimensional purpose: to on retreat for their upcoming review goals and shared vision; ordinations. to assess spiritual, apostolic, The retreat master was financial and administrative Reverend Philaret Littlefield, momentum, and to elect pastor of St. George Melkite leadership. In monastic com- Church Milwaukee, Wis., munities, this special gathering, and former Hegumen of which takes place every five Christ Our Savior Monastery, years, is known as a Provincial Steubenville, Ohio. The theme Chapter - formal times of of his presentation, and his meeting for the objectives Michael Haritan Photography challenge to his listeners, was outlined above. to live a life pleasing to God. Preparation for the 2010 Father Littlefield expressed Chapter began two years in our current predicament as advance of the chosen date and one of a broken relationship was in the hands of a Chapter between ourselves and the Preparatory Committee, Com- Lord. On our journey of prised of Sister Monica Huso- faith we should not make the Hundreds filled the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Munhall, Pa. for the vich, Chairperson, Sister Susan April 18 choral presentation “He Granted Life: Songs of Pascha,” hosted by the Harvey, Sister Susan Sisko mistake of pleasing people or Archieparchial Choir, whose members were joined by four choirs from Eastern even ourselves but to take the Orthodox churches in the Greater Pittsburgh area. Story and photos on pages 6-7. and Sister Barbara Swindells. highest path, to please God. Mary Ann Pobicki, a planning We need to get to know God, Chapter continued on page 3 to develop our relationship with Him in the present and, ultimately, to renounce our own will in favor of God’s Under construction: commandments. Change is required not by our will but God’s will. Obedience to the 18 new ‘domestic churches’ Lord is based not upon fear of pre-cana couples learn god’s plan punishment or hope of reward by Sister Marion Dobos, OSB but upon doing good for the Sister Monica Husovich, OSBM sake of good. To be closer to The daily presence of Christ marriage. God we must be closer to our can make a difference in a Father Jim Hess, OCarm neighbor. marriage. Eighteen engaged spoke to the couples about the Although it is difficult, if couples in the Archeparchy journey through which they not almost impossible, Father came together in Munhall, Pa. can grow closer to one another Littlefield admitted we need to during the months of February and to God. He emphasized distance ourselves from worldly and March at the Cathedral the spiritual component of Sister Seraphim addresses the of St. John the Baptist to Sisters of St. Basil at the beginning of Deacons continued on page 3 learn about God’s plan for Pre-Cana continued on page 2 their Provincial Chapter, April 16. page 2 sunday, may 2, 2010 Pre-Cana continued from page 1 UPS 081500 ISSN 07442289 marriage, telling the couples that prayer and reliance on Official publication of the God is absolutely essential. Archeparchy of Pittsburgh “Ideas for Creating a Sacred Byzantine Catholic Press Associates Space to Make Your Home 66 Riverview Avenue a Domestic Church” was a Pittsburgh, PA 15214 presentation in the beautiful Tel: 412.231.4000 cathedral given by Deacons Fax: 412.231.1697 Dennis Prestash and John E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.archeparchy.org Petrus. It was also a wonderful learning opportunity for some Annual Subscription Rates of the participants who were US $12.00 not well-acquainted with the Canadian $14.00 Byzantine Church and its International $16.00 iconography. Engaged couples of the Archeparchy gather with Archpriest Dennis Bogda (back Published every three weeks During their engagement, row, left) for a group photo following Pre-Cana instruction at St. John the Baptist by Pittsburgh Byzantine Catholic Cathedral Saturday, March 20. Photos courtesy of Sister Marion Dobos, OSB Press Associates couples should work toward developing a clear and com- President prehensive understanding of Family Planning (NFP), works Father Dennis explained His Eminence, Metropolitan Basil for the (Latin) Diocese of the threefold meaning of the Copy Editor Greensburg in the Office of Crowning — first is the state of Sister Elaine Kisinko, OSBM Family Life. She acquainted becoming the king and queen Layout and Graphics the couples with the Catholic of their miniature church, the Darlene Fejka Church’s teaching on morality domestic church, which is Circulation Manager in marriage. The Archeparchy beginning to form. The second Donna Obsincs of Pittsburgh Office of Religious meaning is that of representing Business Manager Education provided a packet the crowns of martyrdom, who Steven Horger containing materials from the are witnesses to the faith and so Web Manager and Photographer United States Conference of too must they be witnesses in Timothy Weber Catholic Bishops (USCCB) their own marriage to succeed. and the Diocese of Pittsburgh Third and finally, receiving the Address manuscripts and business which address the topics reward – the crowns of Victory communications to: of NFP, contraception and – the final reward after leading The Byzantine Catholic World 66 Riverview Avenue cohabitation. a full and holy life according to Pittsburgh, PA 15214 The Ritual of Marriage in the will of the Lord. each person’s expectations, the Byzantine Catholic Church Coming in together as a Change of Address/Postmaster hopes and plans for marriage. speaks about the promises couple, and not as with the Send all changes to: Father Joseph Raptosh, Adjunct of God’s presence that raises father walking down the The Byzantine Catholic World ATTN: Donna Professor of Pastoral Theology marriage to a newer and higher aisle – this is actually part of 66 Riverview Avenue at SS. Cyril and Methodius level. The entire service is a the Engagement Ceremony. Pittsburgh, PA 15214 Seminary, spoke to the couples prayer to God to receive the The ring is worn on the right Please allow two to three weeks about the importance of honest couple’s gift of love, to bless it hand, symbolizing the hand for changes of address. communication and trust. He and perfect it through the Holy of the glory of the kingdom of Member of Catholic Press Association emphasized that they need to Spirit. Marriage is to be a living God, and not on the left, as is Associate Member of Associated Press prepare for a marriage, not just witness to the love of Christ for widely and popularly believed a wedding, and to be aware of His Church. Archpriest Dennis that wearing the ring on the the challenges of left hand is related marriage. to a direct line to the The myths of heart. “happily ever At the conclusion of Periodicals Postage Paid at Pittsburgh, PA after” or “love the program, Deacon conquers all” can Dennis Prestash, with fade quickly after the help of his wife, the wedding. Patty, who serve the mission Psychiatrist Dr. Hawk Run, Pa. parish The mission of The Byzantine Sharon De Lauro of St. John the Baptist, Petrus facilitated distributed certificates Catholic World is to teach discussions with signed by Archbishop the Gospel message in the couples on Basil to all of the the reality of the rich tradition of the couples. marriage and the Evaluations offered Byzantine Catholic Church; elements needed by the couples for this to encourage people to for a healthy marriage. M. Bogda, Rector of St. John year’s program expressed deep A financial partnership in the Baptist Cathedral guided gratitude for the experience reflect the image of Christ marriage is crucial. Mr. Jack the couples through the Ritual and an eagerness to continue in everyday activities of life; Miller, Development Consult- of Marriage in the cathedral their preparation on the parish to offer spiritual formation ant for the Byzantine Catholic (above). Facial expressions level. Seminary provided input on of the couples become very Couples of the Archeparchy through changing times; how to formulate a budget. serious during this part of the of Pittsburgh planning to get and to celebrate community He distributed worksheets and program, and the words of St. married in 2011 are urged to among Byzantine Catholics tempered his presentation with Paul begin to become a reality: check the Office of Religious the fact that a couple must “For this reason a man will Education page on the around the Archeparchy of spend less than what they earn leave his father and mother Archeparchy’s website, www. Pittsburgh and throughout if they are to be financially fit. and be joined to his wife, and archeparchy.org in the near Mary Ann Newhouse, Coun- the Metropolitan Church. the two will become one flesh.” future for the 2011 Pre-Cana selor and Specialist for Natural (Ephesians 5:31) Program dates. n the byzantine catholic world sunday, may 2, 2010 page 3 Deacons Chapter continued from page 1 continued from page 1 concern and values.
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