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11 GREEK -reek DICTIONARY atholic • •

By 'Ictionary Rev. Basil Shereghy, S.T.D. and f Rev. Vladimir Vancik, S.T.D. ~. J "

Pittsburgh Byzantine Diocesan Press by Rev. Basil , Pennsylvania Shereghy, S.T.D. 1951 •

Nihil obstat: To Very Rev. John K. Powell Censor. The Most Reverend Ivancho, D.D. : t Daniel Ivancho, D.D. Titular of Europus, Apostolic . of the Pittsburgh Exarchate Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania of the Byzantine.•"Slavonic" Rite October 18, 1951 on the occasion of the solemn of the first Byzantine Catholic Seminary in America this DoaRIer is resf1'eCtfUflY .diditateit

Copyright 1952

First , March, 1952

Printed by J. S. Paluch Co•• Inc .• Greek Catholic Dictionary

~ A

Ablution-The cleansing of the Because of abuses, the Agape and the fin,ers of the was suppressed in the Fifth cen• celebrant at the DiVIne tury. after in to re• As an initial attempt to assemble in dictionary form the more move any particles of the Bless• Akathistnik-A con• common words, usages and expressions of the Byzantine Catholic ed that may be ad• taining a of . Church, this booklet sets forth to explain in a graphic way the termin• hering thereto. The Ablution Akathistos (i.e., )-A Greek ology of Eastern rite and worship. of the is performed by term designating a service dur• washmg the palm of the right ing which no one is seated. This Across the seas in the natural home setting of the Byzantine• hand, into .••••.hich the Body of service was originally perform• Slavonic Rite, there was no apparent need to explain the whats, whys Christ was placed by the ed exclusively in honor of and wherefores of rite and custom. In a Western atmosphere, however, during communion. the Blessed Mother, celebrating it seems necessary to familiarize Catholics of both rites in the practices -Forgiveness df sins the Incarnation of the Son of of Eastern Catholicism. In endeavoring to draw special attention to granted by a priest in the sacra• , the Divine Motherhood ment of . and the VirginitY' of Mary Most both the like and unlike customs of the Eastern and Western Churches, Holy. The mam part of this the authors wish to bring about a more mutual understanding between -A server or attendant service is a long poem composed sister rites. at solemn services. He may of twelve longer and twelve either be a cleric or layman. shorter stanzas, each ending In the transliteration of Greek and Slavonic terms, the simpler His duties are to carry the can• with a . This Akathistos is plan would have been to leave these words in their native alphabets. dles, or ripidion (see-) in one of the most glorious and I Bm the empleymem of these aametimes atreee il:ftd unfamUiaJ' ill- the processi~~~rvethe _~_enserJ. bea\itiful··jewel& _.th& ..~ and in general aSSfStStlle prrest. tine sacred poetry. I phabets would be only a deterrent factor in and study. As a The term "Acolyte" which is de• rived from the Greek, refers On the pattern of this original I solution to the problem the authors have transliterated all Greek also to a minor order in the Akathistos, many others were rite and some Eastern composed celebrating mysteries The authors wish to express their special and grateful thanks to the of our faith and glorifying I and Slavonic words into Roman letters. rites. . Very Rev. John K. Powell and to the Very Rev. Dudick, who Aer (Gr.. air)-Tbe large were kind and willing to read the and to offer their made of the same material as helpful suggestions. , which in the Byzan• Albwhite(Slavlinen••stichar)-Avestment,fulllen~!husuaur tine Liturgy covers the diskos adorned with various embrol• and chalice. The celebrant holds deries. it up before himself while the Alexandria-One of the most im• is recited. portant cities of the ancient Agape-The given to meals world, and one of the five patri. which were prepared from the archal Sees of , offerings of the faithful and today a port and business center were taken to the accompani• of modern . Founded by ment of and songs. the Great and named Their purpose ",as to express after him, in 331 B.C. It was the unity and fraternal love of the scene of the labor of the the members of the Church. Evangelist St. Mark. Among 7 ALEXANDRINE 8 AMERIKANSKY 9 its were St. Athanasius the topmost of which reaches and St. Cyril. Today the Cath• the floor on either side. Sym• now edited by Mr. Michael bim, and Seraphim. These Roman. Contents: Religious ar• form three hierarchies. The ex• olic continuity of the patriarchal bolically they signify the linen ticles and news of fraternal in• See of Alexandria is represented in which the body of Our Lord terest. act number of is un• by the coptic ~atriarchate, was wrapped after His death on known but Holy Scripture which has jurisdiction over the the Cross. The use of cloths Amice (Slav., Naplechnik)-A indicates that their number is Catholic of Egypt. goes back to the early centuries rectangular cloth made of white very great. of the Church. linen, placed around the neck of Anglican Church (The Church of Alexandrine Rite, The-:-It is only the deacon or priest, covering natural that when Altar. Side (Slav.. Zhertvennik: his shoulders, and bound by two England)-A term applied to appeared on the scene in such Gr••Proiesis or Proskomidikon) strings under his arms. It is the established church of Eng• land, founded in 1571. The a powerful center of culture and -The side Altar is the table of of western origin, but recently learning as Alexandria, its Rite preparation. Here the priest pre• has been accepted by some Anglican Church in the main was influenced by the environ• pares and wine which Catholics of the Eastern Rite. follows the but ment. The Liturgy of Alexan• will be consecrated on the Main uses the English language in dria is known by the name of Altar. Above the Zhertvennik (Gr••offering)-A litur• its services. St. Mark, the founder of the there should hang an of gical term used in the Eastern church there. This Alexandrine Annunciaiion of The Blessed Vir. Christ, since the Proskomidia Rites to designate that part of gin Mary-This feast, which is type of Liturgy spread through• repeats by words and actions the the which in• observed on March 25, was es• out Egypt, Ethiopia and adjoin• sacrifice of Golgotha. cludes the prayer of great tablished to commemorate that ing countries, and has under• thanksgiving, and gone considerable development. Amba-A circular in communion. The Anaphora is of happy occasion when the Arch• front of the . The Apostolic origin. In the Eastern brought Mary the (Hebrew, "Praise ye the Ambo is used only for the read• Rites there are several Anap• good news from that Lord:')-An exclamation of joy ing of the and the horas. The in God had chosen her as the and praise found in the preaching of a . - particular uses two. namely, Mother of the Son of God. If and taken over by the Church Besides this Ambo, there was that of St. it occurs on Good , then in her prayers and services. Its in the early churches another and of St. Basil. the Divine Liturgy is celebrated ambo at the left wall of the on this day. The Feast was in• ~use is =cularly, ....WhiCh prominentis Often church. This latter type is still Anathetna-A solemn ban pro• troduced tn the Fourth Century. called "Period of Alleluja." preserved in the Roman Rite nounced by ecclesiastical au• In the Eastern Church it is one This is in contrast to the usage churches, and is called the pul• thorit~ - usually for • of the major holydays. in the Roman Rite, which ex• pit. In many and church and accompanied by excom• cludes the singing of Alleluja the solea (see-) is often munication. Antichrist-The great enemy of during . referred to as the Ambo. Christ and His Kingdom em• Andrew of Creie (c. 650.740)• bodying and personifying the Alpha and Omega-The first and Amen (Hebrew. uSo be ii")-This , confessor hymnographer. hatred and wickedness of the last letters of the Greek alpha• words usually marks the end Born at Damascus in Syria. Kingdom of darkness which is bet. The Apocalypse in these of a prayer. It is an expression of Gortyna in . to be let loose at the end of the terms describes the infinite ma• of assent to the praises and peti• He was the author of many world. His reign of evil and jesty and eternity of God re• tions contained in prayers and spiritual discourses, but is prin• godlessness after a short period vealed to us in the transcendent hymns. cipally famous as the originator of seeming success and victories dignity of the Son of God, equal of the "," a form of hym• will be destroyed by the second in all to . II Amerikansky Russky Viesinik"• nology previously unknown glorious coming of Christ. publication of the Greek among Byzantine Christians. Altar-A table of sacrifice repre• Catholic Union, a fraternal or• Feast Day, October 17. Antidoron-Blessed bread taken senting the table at which Our ganization of the Ruthenian from the loaves used for the Lord instituted and celebrated Angel-Angels are created spirits, the first Eucharistic sacrifice. Greek Catholics in the United celebration of Holy without bodies, having under. and distributed to the people In the Eastern Rite churches StatesThe firstlocatedissueat Homesteadt.,.Pa.of the A.!1..V. standing and free will. As pure at the end of the Liturgy. there is, as a rule, only one spirits they are far to altar in a church. was published March 17, 1892, The Byzantine Rite Slavs its first editor, Paul J. Zat• man. They are divided into distribute Antidoron only on Altar Cloths-Three white linen nine choirs: Angels, , major feasts, when there is an• cloths which cover the altar, ofkovich.this Morepaperthanappear26,000weekly,copies Principalities, Powers, Virtues, nointing with the Holy Oil Dominations, , Cheru- (myrovaniye) . ANTIMENSION 10 APOSTLE APOSTOL 11 Antim.eDSion-A piece of silk or Anti·Pasch (Gr••Anti- opposite to: marily to any of the Twelve -The Fir s t linen cloth, ornamented with Pasch· )-The first Sun• Apostles of Our Lord. In its Christian writers outside of the the picture of the entombment day after Easter. It is also called secondary meaning it is applied authors of the books of the New of Christ, the instruments of the the of St. Thomas the to the first successful Christian Testament. They are known, or Passion, and the four Evange• Apostle, Sunday of Renovation missionary of any country. lists. of some saint are or New Sunday, because the believed to have had personal In the Byzantine Rite, how• contact with some of the sewn into it, and is consecrated of Christ is com• Apostles or to have been so in• by a bishop on Holy Thursday. memorated for the first . ever, the of Apostle is given The antimension is placed be• also to the 72 disciples chosen fluenced by them directly or tween the first and second altar (Gr••alternate chanting) by Christ. indirectly that their writings cloth. The Holy Sacrifice of the -By antiphon in the Liturgy is may be held as echoes of genu• cannot be celebrated with• understood those hymns com• "Apostol" (Book of Episiles)-A ine Apostolic teaching. They Church book consisting of the are distinguished by holiness of out it. It serves the same pur• fromposedtheof psalms.certain versesThese versestaken , the life and of doctrine Romanpose asRite.the altar stone in the are sung with a refrain which of St. James, the two in their writings. The most is repeated after each verse. of St. Peter, the three Epistles prominent of them: St. Clement, of St. John, the Epistle of St. -one of the five patri• There are three in the the ; St. Ignatius, bishop Liturgy, the second of which Jude and fourteen Epistles of and martyr; St. Polycarp; St. archal Sees of Christendom. St. Paul. The ApostollS divided Barnabas and Papias. Formerly the chief city of Syria, founded by Seleucus I in odnyj",closes withinsteadthe ofhymnthe customary"Yedinor• into 339 sections or pericopas. Apostolic Viear-A the year 300 B.C. When Syria refrain. There are three kinds The Apostol is equivalent to or priest, appointed by the Holy was made a of such antiphons: Weekly, Sun• the Epistle in the Roman Litur• See for the purpose of ruling a (64 B.C.), Antioch continued to gy. territory not yet formed into a be the metropolis of the East latterday andbeingFestivesung antiphons.on the feastsTheof . the Nativity of Our Lord, and, after and Alexandria, Apostolic Administrator-(l) OneJ Aprakos-The book of was the third largest city of , , Easter, generally a bishop, appointea with separately printed gospel the empire. Ascension, Pentecostl Transfi-. by the to govern a lessons for every day of the guration and ExaltatIon of the diocese in case of the death or ,. It differs from Christianity. WUu carried to Holy Cross. Besides ~tbere eJl:knde.dabsence .of the r.~• Antioch by some disciples who are different types of antIphons larly appointed. The appomt• the 1egular book of 1he 60Bpel fled from during the sung during solemn Matkins. ment is usually temporary and or Tetraevangelion which con• persecution that followed the its rights and duties are set out tains the full text in its natural martyrdom of St. . St. Apologist-one who both defends in , and the letters . Aprakos opens with Peter himself was in Antioch, and explains the Christian re• of appointment. the Easter lesson; i.e., with the probably in the year 44. The ligion. The best known apologist prologue of St. John. name "Christian" originated in is St. Justine, martyr and (2) An administrator ap• -An Archangel belongs this city (Acts II, 26). St. John philosopher. pointed by the Holy See to to the second in the first Chrysostom preached in Antioch govern or supervise any re• group of angels and are associ• for twelve years. Apolysis (Slav.• Otpusi)-The dis• ligious institution, such as a ated with the execution of the prayer after church , college or seminary. Divine Plan concerning human . The-The origi• services in which the priest asks . nal Liturgy of Antioch is said for grace and help from Jesus Apostolic Delegate-A papal rep• to be the oldest and the most Christ through the prayers of resentative in a country hav• Archbishop-A bishop of a diocese the Blessed Mother, the Angels ing no regular diplomatic rela• which is the center (capital) of apostolic of all . The tions with the Holy See. His so called "Apostolic Constitu• and the Saints. an . In duties are purely ecclesiastical, this case an archbishop is called tions" reflect the structure, -A Greek term for to watch over the state of the also a metropolitan. In ecclesi• spirit and terminology of this the of the feast or of chUrch in the territory assigned, Liturgy. The omission of the asticallegislation the duties and the day. (See Troparion.) and to keep the Holy See in• authorities of an archbishop Lord's Prayer is curious and formed in this regard. unique. This Liturgy was re• Apostasy-An act by which a bap• varied according to and tained by Christians using the tized person, after possessing Even though the delegate be places. Syrian language, while those us• the true Christian faith, entirely not a consecrated bishop. he Archdeacon-In the We s t ern ing the Greek adopted the Lit• rejects it or gives it up. takes precedent over all Ordi• Church it is not much more than urgy of . Apostle-The name is given pri- naries except Cardinals. a . In the East the ARCHIERATIKON 12 ATHANASIUS 13 Archdeacon is really a deacon the bread for the Holy Eucha• the particles. The priest puts . It is a monastic repub• and not a priest. In certain rist. In this case it is called it over the particles durin* the lic composed of about twenty branches of the Eastern Rite Proskomidia while saying: 'And autonomous whose . the star came and stood over he is sort of vicar-general or Among the Slavs the term membership totals about 2,500 administrator without any juris• is applied specifically to the place where the child was". members and which are gov• diction. erned by a council composed of a round loaf of bread impressed Athanasius, St. (298-373)-Bishop twenty members (one from each Among the Greek Catholics with an image of the risen of Alexandria and Doctor of the monastery). in an Archdeacon is a Christ. This is blessed on Church, whose feast is kept on priest having authority over Easter and offered for the ven• May 2nd. Often called "Father Autocephalous (Independent, several . eration of the faithful who kiss of Orthodoxy" as the chief it together with champion of faith in the lousAutonomous)-AnChurch is a ChurchAutocepha•whose Archieratikon-A Church book Book and Cross at the end of containing texts and rubrics of Divinity of Christ. His greatest acknowledges himself services and ceremonies per• every Easter service. This bread achievement was in delivering to be under the actual jurisdic• formed by the bishop; e.g., ordi• is preserved until the Sunday the initial blow against Arian• tion of no other Bishop. He is nation, consecration of a church, of St. Thomas, at which time it ism at the Council of Nicea, a the Chief Bishop of an mdepen• etc. is distributed to the faithful. blow which was carried to dent Church. The term is ap• Ascension of Christ-The feast final victory after an arduous plied to the separate national -Superior of an commemorating the elevation of struggle of fifty years. His most churches which together make Eastern rite monastery, equi• Jesus Christ from this world important work: "Orations up the Eastern Orthodox valent to an in Western against Arians." Church. There has been an im• monasticism. It is also the hon• into heaven, which took place portant increase in the number orary title of certain in the presence of the Apostles Atheism-The denial of the exist• of these independent churches attached to the chanceries of forty days after His Resurrec• ence of God in theory and prac• since the first World War. Eastern . tion. According to tradition this tice. occurred on Mount Olivet. Axios-A Greek word meaning Archipastyr (Slav•• Chief ) Ascetic-One who practices asceti• "worthy". The exclamation used -Today among the Slavs the cism, and voluntarily under• at the ceremony of , bishop is called by this name. takes self c;1isGiplineout of 10m -The heresy teaching for God and a desire for spirit• ofroclaimi~these dependentthat the candidatechurches is really worthy of the order he that Christ is not true God, ual perfection. receives. equal to the Father, but merely Assistant Pastor-A priest ap• a creature, though much more pointed by the bishop to help perfect than other creatures. the pastor in his work. Thu3 it denied the Divinity of Christ. The Father of this He is subject to the pastor. B heresy was Arius, a priest of Assumption of the Blessed Alexandria (250-326). Arian• Mary-The feast, which is ob• Baldachin-A dome-like canopy existence of any impediments ism was attacked by St. Athan• served on August 15, was insti• made of wood, stone or metal which might be known to the asius and condemned at the tuted in of the which rests on four pillars faithful. The faithful have a Council of Nicea in 325, but Holy Death of the Blessed Vir• above the altar. serious obligation in consciense continued to plague the Church gin. According to a very ancient to inform the bishop or pastor for the next fifty years. tradition universally accepted Banner (Slav.. Zavisa. Khoruh.,.a) of the existence of an impedi• Artoklasion (Slav., Vsenoshchnik) in the whole , -A holy picture painted or ment. The Banns are usually -The tray upon which are the body of the Blessed Virgin sewn on a quadrangular piece published on three successive Mary was taken up to heaven. of cloth attached by its edge to Sundays or holydays. placed five prosphoras, wheat, a pole. Banners may be blessed wine and oil for the blessing Asterisk (Gr.. star: Slav.. Zvizda) and admitted into a church. Baptism-A sacrament instituted during the Litia. The Artokla• -It consists of two curved by Christ whereby a man sion is placed upon the tetrapod They are carried during reli• pieces of metal, placed one over gious . through the external washing for the blessing. the other and fastened together, with water together with the Artos-A Greek word meaning thus forming a double arch. A Banns-The public proclamation invocation of the Holy "bread", which in the Eastern small star hangs down from the of a forthcoming marriage, for is designated as a follower of Rite is generally leavened. The top of the arch. It is used to term Arios is used to designate prevent the veil from touching the purpose of discovering the Christ and is also spiritually BASIL 14 BELL 15 BLACHERNAE regenerated. There are three of the Eastern rite who be derived from Roman public scribed for his followers. methods of Baptizing: immer• follow the monastic rules of St. and private halls. may At the present time there is sion, infusion and aspersion, as Basil the Great. be divided into two classes, well as three types of Baptism: Eastern Rite Basilians are di• greater and minor. This is a group of Ruthenian Benedic• water, desire and blood. Direct vided into various groups. The merely a title of honor. The tines at St. Procopius Abbey, proof of this sacrament's insti• greater basilicas in Rome are: Lisle, illinois, and a newly es• tution by Christ is Matt. 28, 19. largest and best organised is tablished Eastern Rite Benedic• The Greek Catholic form of the one comprising Greek-Rite St. John Lateran. St. Peter's, St. tine house near Pittsburgh, , , Hun• Paul's and St. Mary Major. In Penna. Baptism is as follows: "The ser• garians and Rumanians under vant of God (N.N.) is being the name "Order of Saint Basil Romeout theandworldotherthereplacesarethrough•many (Gr••the book)-A collection baptized in the name of the the Great." They are divided churches which are called minor Father, and of the Son, and of into seven provinces, four in basilicas (e.g. the Basilica of the Theof divinelyBible isinspireddivided writings.into the the Holy Ghost. Amen!" Europe and three in the West• Basilian Fathers at Maria Povch, BasiL St.. The Great (330-379)• ern Hemisphere. The Order has ). booksOld Testament,written beforeconsistingtheofIn•45 a general superior under the carnation of Our Lord; and the Bishop of Caesarea in Cappa• Bell-A hollow, cup-shaped, me• docia, great Saint, famous title of Archimandrite or }>ro• , consisting of Father and Doctor of the vincial, while single monas• tallic vessel, which produces a 27 books written after the time teries are ruled by Hegumenos ringing note when struck. It is of Jesus Christ. Church. He left many works or Superior of the house. While used in Greek Catholic Churches which still stir up the admira• in principle they follow the to summon the faithful to Binmon-The offering of the Di• tion of posterity. He Vlirote rules of Saint Basil, actually church, to announce the cele• vine Liturgy twice on the same doctrinal works, letters, and they are guided by constitutions bration of the services and to day by the same celebrant. It . Special mention is adopted in the great reform of call the attention of the faithful is permitted on days when the due his ascetical works which to the principal parts of the considerably influenced the 1880. faithful are obliged to assist at father of Western Monasticism Liturgy. the Liturgy and there are not -St. Benedict. In recent times, in imitation enough for the number of Roman Rite custom, small of LitUrgies needed by the con• He played an important part bells are used in the Greek gregation. ift the de•••elepme&t at the Litur ilUielie ·Churehes durin« the gy which bears his name. opo-A successor of the Apos• theseGreat. nunsIn 1921,wasa establishedcommunity inof benedictioncelebration ofwiththe Liturgythe Blessedand tles in their priestly power and Basil St., Liturgy of-This is the the Byzantine Slavonic Ordin• Sacrament. administration of the Church. so-called "long Liturgy" of the The Bishop is the ruler of an Byzantine Rite. In contrast to theyariate haveof Pittsburgh.approximatelyAt presentone• Bema (Gr•• tribune: Slav., Svja• ecclesiastical territory called a hundred thirty members and tilistthe-The elevated part of diocese. In actual practice every mostSt. Johnof itsChrysostom'sprayers, particularlyLiturgy, have their Motherhouse at the church, beyond the Icono• the Anaphora, are from St. Basil Uniontown, Penna. Their work stasis; the inner . BishopSee. Inistheappointedorder ofbyhierarchythe Holy the Great. This liturgy repre• consists primarily of teaching a Bishop is superior to a priest sents the Anaphora and Liturgy in elementary and catechetical Benedictine&-Religious belonging and in order of jurisdiction he of Cappadocia. As we now have schools, and caring for orphans to the Order of St. Benedict depends on the Roman Pontiff. it, there are no differences in and the aged. They sponsor an (t 547). Male members of this ceremonies from the Liturgy of annual pilgrimage, "Otpust", en• order include choir monks and Bishop, ntular-A Bishop with• St. John Chrysostom. An inter• dowed by the Holy See with lay brothers.. and sisters out a diocese. He is called ti• esting feature of its prayers a Plenary , in honor are commonly referred to as the tular because he carries the title is that in those places where it of the Assumption of the Bless• Sisters of Saint Benedict. With of an extinct diocese. differs from the Liturgy of St. ed Virgin Mary, held for 3 days, the Holy Rule of St. Benedict A titular Bishop is consecra• John Chrysostom it agrees with closing the Labor Day. In recent as their guide, these monks and ted with the title of an extinct the Roman Mass. The Anaphora years over fifty thousand pil• nuns strive for religious perfec• diocese which he does not rule. of St. Basil's Liturgy is a mas• grims attend yearly. tion through the medium of the Auxiliary bishops are ordinarily of poverty, chas• titular Bishops. feeling,terpiece ofexultinghigh theology,praise deepand Basilica (Gr., royal, prince1y)-The tity and obedience; and in ad• adoration. term basilica was given, in an• dition to these the vows of Blachernae (Slav•• Vlakhema)• cient times, to some particular stability and conversion of mor• The northernmost section of Basilians--The name for the churches whose form is said to als which St. Benedict pre- Constantinople. In 447 St. Pul- BLAZHENNA 16 BYZANTINE 17 BYZANTIUM

cheria built a beautiful church solemnly declare that this title veloped in the Church of Con• In 324 A.D. Byzantium was here in honor of the Blessed is not only right but also obli• stantinople and gained world named Constantinople, i.e., city Virgin. This church was the gatory when and his wide importance with the foun• of Constantine, and the gigantic most beloved shrine of the followers attacked the Catholic dation of the Patriarchal See of plan of building a new capital Mother of God in the city. as big and as beautiful as Rome Here the feast of the Patronage sonFaithininChrist.the unityTheof divineCouncilper•of quentConstantinoplegrowth andandexpansionthe subse•of was begun. May 11, 330, the of the Most Pure Virgin (Oct. Ephesus (431) declared that the this See. city was solemnly dedicated, 1) had its origin. The famous Holy Virgin "Mary is truly the Mother of God". Ever since The original language of the and ever since, until 1923when icon of our Lady was known Rite was Greek, but with the was proclaimed a re• also as Nikopoios-The then in the East the name of the Christianization of other non• public, it remained one of the Most Holy Lady of Victory. A Blessed Virgin was as a rule world's most famous capitals. fire destroyed this venerable associated with the title of The• Greek peoples other languages otokos-or the Mother of God. were admitted-Slavonic, Ara• To stress its equality with Rome, and famous church in 1432. bic, Georgian, Romanian, Hun• it was given the additional name garian and some other modern of "New Rome." To adorn "New Blazhenna (Slav.: Gr., Makaris· Bohoroditchen (Slav.: Gr" Theo· Rome" and to make it rival the mos, )-In the By• tokion)-A troparion or a short la~guages. This Rite has several , verse or stanza in honor subdivisions: Byzantine-Greek, old Rome, many cities were ofzantinethe Liturgyrite thecanthirdbe antiphonreplaced of the Mother of God. As a rule Melchite, Georgian, Byzantine• forced to give up their monu• with the recitation of evangeli• any series of hymns, the feasts Slavonic with such minor sub• ments and statues. Succeeding cal beatitudes as contained in of Our Lord usually excepted, divisions as Ruthenian, Russian, centuries saw Constantinople Matt 4, 3-12. To these were concludes with a hymn or pe• Bulgarian, Serbian, Romanian, growing steadily until the relgn tition addressed to the Blessed and Hungarian. of emperor Justinian (527-565), later added short troparia, first when it reached its peak in only for Sundays according to Virgin. Byzantine Catholics in the glory, wealth, learning, and eight tunes, and later for every world number about 8 million, Books, Liturgical-Books contain• of which about 700,000 are in beauty and magnificence in day throughout the eight weeks ing the texts and rubrics of the architecture. It will alwaysre• of the cycle. How• the . main famous for its church of ever these troparia are now church services. These are the Byzantium (more commonly Holy Wisdom (Agia Sophia) aliBi &lesUy QN¥ in monastic , the Book of ~ built by .Justjnjan When dl1 churches, while in parochial ties, the LitUrgtkon, Octo.... , known •• Coawt ••• U" ,pi•.. DOW churches only the Beatitudes Minea, . , Isianbul)-a) A city situated at 'ing the , Rome be• are recited or chanted with the , , Orolo• the point where Asia Minor came neglected, its rival on the addition of "Glory be to the gion, , Archieratikon meets the Balkan peninsula, Bosphorus stood as a marvel of Father" etc. at the end. and . separated from it by the Straits beauty, sumptuousness and of Dardanelles. The extraor• civilization. Contantine forbade Bohachevsky, Mosi Rev. Consian· Borecky, Mosi Rev. Isidore, D.D. dinary geographical position of pagan worship in his new capi• tine, D.D.-Bishop, Titular Bish• -Bishop Ordinary of the U• this tip of the Balkan peninsula tal so that there was never any op of Amisus, Apostolic Exarch krainian Exarchate of Eastern invited early settlers. pagan in it since it had for Ukrainians of the Byzantine Canada. Born October 1, 1911; knows the first settlement as become the imperial city. How• rite in the United States of ordained July 17, 1938; conse• the town of Lygos. About 658 ever, its glory as the first Chris• America; his (Immac• crated Titular Bishop of Ama• B.C. a group of Megarans tian capital of a world empire ulate Conception) is in Philadel• thus, May 27, 1948; enthroned () founded a colony call• came to an end in May, 1453, phia. Born in Manajiw, Arch• May 30, 1948. ed Byzantion, after their leader, when it was conquered by the Turks, and Agia Sophia turned diocese of Lemberg June 17, Bull, Papal-A solemn and impor• Byzas. After various vicissitudes 1884:ordained January 31, 1909; of prosperity and relative great• into a . Thus the Chris· consecrated June 15, 1924. tant papal letter with a leaden ness both as a city of commerce tian New Rome suffered the seal. It always begins with the reverse of the Old Rome, which name of the Pope followed by and of culture, it was chosen as Bohoroclica (Slav" Gr" Theoiokos the attribute "servant of the the most fitting site for a new from the sixth century on, when -birthgiver of God)-The title servants of God". The name is capital of the . the last remnants of given to the mother of Christ. derived from the latin bulla, a Constantine the Great, after finally disappeared, has stood This title is very old and reveals seal. out gloriously as the city of the the faith of the early Church in havingChurch, givenand afterfreedomhavingto em•the Apostolic or Holy See and heart the unity of person in Christ, Byzantine, Rite-The most impor• braced Christianity, decided to of Christendom. and of the dignity of His Mother. tant and the best know rite in found a new capital as the sym• b) Ecclesiastical history. First However the Church had to the Eastern Church. It was de- bol of the Christianized empire. notices mention the of

" BYZANTIUM 18 BYZANTIUM 19 CANON three bishops of Byzantium dur• factors this ambitious attitude off the Mohammedan invasions. ing third century. However the of the Byzantine patriarchs re• Constantinople also gave its todentbethatparticularlythe city whichfavoredclaimedwith authentic list of the occupants sulted in schism, first in the 2nd peculiar form and stamp to the the patronage of the Blessed of this episcopal see begins with half of the 9th century during rite and Christian life as de• Virgin, the , will Metrophanes (306-314). Besides, Photius' , and again veloped under its influence. It again, afer its painful wander• it should be noted that Byzan• in 1054, when Cerularius de• is deplorable that a see which ings, find in a holy embrace, tium was dependent upon • nounced all connections with played so important a role in not just· with its elder sister clea of Thracia in ecclesiastical the by erasing the history of the Catholic but in fact with "the Mother affairs. Only when it became Church and in the shaping of of all Churches," the Church the imperial city did Byzantine thetychs.Pope'sIn turnnamethe fromPapal theLegatesdip• Christian civilization should of Rome, its ancient glory and bishops begin to consider how excommunicated Cerularius. As also have proved a negative and rightful place in the kingdom of to shake off this subordinate one author rightly observes the dividing factor. We are confi- God on this earth! role and position. Impressed Church of Constantinople was with the splendor, unusual neither cut off nor excommuni• growth, and Importance of the cated, but only its chief. How• new capital, Greek ecclesiastics ever the East sided with Ceru• c thought this city should be put larius against the Pop,e. When on an equal level with the Old in 1453 "New Rome' fell into Calendar-In the ecclesiastical difference of 11 minutes and Rome in ecclesiastical matters the hands of the Turks, the sense a list of the days of the 14 seconds in 134 years grows as well. The second ecumenical power and authority of the year with the feasts, saints' into one day. Some Eastern council held in Constantinople days, vigils, fasts, etc. noted Churches still Use the (381) composed exclusively of hepatriarchbecameactuallyto a greatincreasedextent theas as they occur. While the greater Calendar which is already 13 'Eastern bishops, raised this epis• civil head of the Greeks in the part of the Calendar is stabi• days behind the more accurate see to a patriarchal posi• . The price paid lized, Easter and the gov• . tion and made it second only for this dubious privilege was erned by it vary each year to the Old Rome. Finally the frequently too great, for the within specified limits. -The theological sys• council of (451), in sultan many a time deposed a tem begun by John Calvin the famous can. 28 expounds in order to get a tax Calendar. Gregorian-The calen• (1509-64) teachjng rigid pl'e Hom the new' nomillee. Wi dar now In general use, intro-. destination. This theological ingtPJa thattaee;t eatsecondNew HolM,ecumenicalstat>• duced by Pope XIII belief holds that man, after council rightly decreed that the thein thefall20thof thecentury,Ottomanthe author•empire in 1582 to correct a slight error 's fall, has an utterly cor• church and see of New Rome ity and influence of the patri• in the . The rupt nature with no freedom of 'arch was greatly reduced, so date October 5, 1582 was called will, and hence his own efforts shouldand pre-eminencehave the sameas theprivilegeschurch that today the patriarchate is October 15, 1582,thus dropping either in virtue or vice, avail of Old Rome. Thus, Alexandria said to comprise but some 50 ten days. To prevent future him nothing to salvation. Like and Antioch were pushed aside thousand faithful. It is true errors from 1700 on, the leap , Calvinism hold to give this new See a position that the patriarch still exercises year was to be ignored at the that justification with assurance of prestige. Pope Leo the Great his authority over the Mount beginning of every century, ex• of salvation can be effected by rejected this canon, and his re• Athos monastic community and cept every fourth century. This faith only. jection was never de iure dis• Northern Greece, as well as Calendar is used by the whole regarded, but in fact, patriarchs over some churches in the Western Church and is now Canon {Gr•• rule)-This term is of Constantinople acted as Western hemisphere, but it is a used by many Eastern Catholics used in three different mean• though this council definitely far echo from the once-glorious as well. ings. ecumenical see of New Rome. 1. In ecclesiastic legislation, settled their position in the Calendar. Julian-Called also a canon is a paragraph in a Catholic Church. The most famous occupants of "Old Calendar." A calendar series of laws. Ecclesiastical At the end of the 6th century, the patriarchal see of Constan• named after Julius Caesar who legislation is also called Canon Pope St. Gregory the Great tinople were st. Gregory of instituted it in 45 B.C. Accord• Law. brought the whole issue into the Nazianz and St. John Chrysos• ing to this calendar the year 2. In Liturgy, it is a long open when he energetically and tom. In other respects, it can consisted of 365 days, each hymn composed of nine or eight repeatedly objected to the title hardly compare with the "Old" fourth year () having odes and always inspired and of the bishop of Constantinople Rome. Its chief merit lies in 366days, and the months having influenced by ten scriptural as ecumenical patriach. But to its Christianizing the Slavic na• the same names, order, and odes. Each ode follows one no avail. Together with other tions, and for centuties staving length as now. The annual scriptural hymn in this order:

l CANON 20 CATACOMBS CATECHISM 21 CEMETERY First ode-Hymn of from that of St. John Chrysos• of chapels were constructed has come to be the distinguish• (Exodus 15, 1-18); Second ode• tom. over the tombs of the martyrs. ing of the Church of Hymn from Deuter. (32, 1-43); Services were held in the cata• Christ and His Faith: under Third ode-Hymn of Anna (I -A public and offi• combs only on the anniversaries other circumstances its place Kings 2, 1-10); Fourth ode• cial declaration of the heroic of martyrs. The inscriptions might have been taken by Hymn of prophet Habacuc (3, and paintings found there yield "apostolic" or "one". A catholic 2-19); Fifth ode-Hymn of pro• virtueclusion ofofa personhis or andher thenamein• a wealth of evidence concerning is any person who, having been phet Isaias (26, 9-20); Sixth. ode among the Saints. This is the the first Christian centuries. baptized, professes the Catholic -prayer of prophet Jonas (2, conclusion to a long and exact• faith and is subjected to her 3-10); Seventh ode-Hymn of ing search into the life and Catechism (Instruction Book)-A discipline. three youths (Daniel 3, 26-56)·; writings of the candidate. The book by which, in the form of Eighth ode-continuation of process cannot begin until 25 question and answer, the faith• Celebrant-The priest or bishop Daniel (3, 57-90); Ninth ode• years after the person's death. ful are instructed in the funda• who performs the Liturgy or Hymn of the Blessed Virgin Except in the case of martyrs, mental teachings of the Catho• officiates at other ceremonies, (Luke 1, 46-55) and Hymn of there be evidence, in the lic . as distinguished from the other Zacharias (Luke 1, 56-79). form of several miracles, that ministers who only assist him. the person is in heaven. The Cat e c hum e n-A non-baptized 3. A Canon is a priest at• faithful are then obliged to give adult who is undergoing a Celibacy-The state of being un• tached to the Cathedral Church public honor to that Saint. course of instruction prepara• married. In the strict sense, and together with other Canons tory to reception into the it is the renunciation of mar• forms the Cathedral , -The appointed leader of Catholic Church. Should the riage for the sake of Christ, the consultative body of the the faithful in chanting the re• catechumen die, he is entitled made implicitly or explicitly by bishop. sponses in the Holy Liturgy and to ecclesiastical burial. The all those who receive sacred also in the chanting of the other word "Catechumens" occurs in orders. Canon. Easter-Often called the liturgical services, principally Gal. 6,6. Custom introduced the obli• Golden Canon, attributed to St. , and the serv• John Damascene. It is the ices during which the Sacra• Cathedral-The chief or mother firmedgation bywhichwrittenlaterlegislationwas con•of great Resurrection hymn of the ments are administered. He church of the diocese where the . . .._" Pope Gregory the Great, impos• Eastern Church, composed of 27 bishop has his episcopal . ing celibacy on all clwica in verses or stroplie!l <1iYic!et1 Into n is UllUaIIj, bUt not neeesllartIY, major orders in the Western 8 odes. The whole Canon is Cardinal-A member of the Sa• a large church located in the Church. inspired by two famous Easter cred which place of the name applied to of St. Gregory the consist of six cardinal bishops, the diocese. In the Eastern Church, how• Theologian. fifty cardinal priests, and four• ever, celibacy became obliga• teen cardinal . He is Cathedraticum-A contribution tory only for the bishops and Canon Law-See Canon. a counselor and assistant of the made by the faithful towards for those in major orders (dea• Pope in the government of the cons and priests) who had not --The central theOriginally,support theof cathedraticumtheir bishop. been previously married. By and essential part of the Roman Church. He serves as a perma• was a token payment to demon• Rite Liturgy. The Roman Can• nent advisor to the Holy See strate loyalty to the jurisdiction the order of the Holy See, how• on begins with a prayer of and holds the exclusive right to of the bishop. At present it is ever,in thetheU. GreekS. are Catholicbound toclergyceli• thanksgiving and praise (the elect the Pope. In the U. S. at the present time there are used to defray the personal ex• bacy, except those who were Preface), a prayer for the Pope four cardinals. penses of the bishop and main• ordained previous to the procla• and bishop, and all living faith• tain his offices and services for mation of this order or who ful. Its center is the consecra• -A long, close-fitting the government of the diocese. came from Europe already tion and elevation, from which married. it proceeds to prayers for the cloak worn by ecclesiastics. Catholie-The word is derived dead and ends with the Our They vary in color according to from the Greek and means uni• Cemetery-A Greek word mean• the person's ecclesiastical dig• versal. In combination with Father. nity. ing place of sleeping. A piece The Roman Canon shows not the word "Church" it essentially of ground set apart and conse• only identical features in essen• Catacombs--T h e subterranean indicates one of the marks of tials with the Eastern Anaphora cemeteries in which the Chris• the Church, and was used by forcratedthebyburialthe priestof theorfaithful.bishop but, even more interesting, it tians of Rome buried their dead St. Ignatius as early as the be• A part of the cemetery, al• agrees with the Anaphora of during the first three centuries. ginning of the Second century; though not consecrated, is re• St. Basil whenever this differs In these catacombs a number but in the course of history it served for the burial of those

~ 22 CHETYREDESIATNICA CHIROTONY 23 CHURCH to whom ecclesiastical burial is the . It is used from the old Slavonic word XI for the purpose of increasing denied. In places where there in imitation of the cup Christ meaning forty. In the Byzan• devotion to Christ's glory as is no Catholic cemetery, an in• tine Slavonic Rite it is the term King, and thereby to make the dividual grave in a secular usedHe institutedat the LasttheSupperEucharisticwhen used to designate the 40 days of world aware of His royal posi• cemetery may be blessed. Sacrifice. the extending from tion. It is celebrated on the the Monday following the Sun• last Sunday in October. Censer (Slav., Kadilnica)-A ves• Chancellor-The official in charge day of the Cheese Fare to Easter sel suspended by one or more of a diocesan administrative of• Sunday. (See Lent). Christian-A name given to those chains in which is fice in whose care and custody who are baptized, and believe burned. It is used for incensing. are placed official documents Chirotony (Gr.. imposition of in Christ and His teachings. Al• and records. hands)-The rite of , though this name may apply to --An ecclesiastical pun• In the United States especial• the chief act of which is the almost any Christian body in its ishment inflicted on Catholics ly, the powers of the Chancellor laying of hands by the ordain• for obstinate offenses. It con• have been augmented by gen• ing bishop on the head of the properlyfull and betrueappliedmeaning,only itto canthe erous delegations of power from aspirant, thus promoting him to members of the Catholic spiritualsists in therightsprivationuntil theof certainguilty the bishop. one of the major orders (Dia• Church. person repents and is absolved. conate, Priesthood, Episcopate). A censure is inflicted only for Chapel-I) A minor place of wor• "Christifideles Graeci Ritus"-A grave, external, contumacious ship, usually attached to a Choir-A group of singers organ• issued by the Holy See sins. There are three : church or cathedral for reserva• ized and trained to sing at on June 9, 1912, by Pope Pius excommunication, and tion of the , church services. The Church X on the occasion of the estab• . or as a special shrine. choir of its nature should prove lishment of the Greek Catholic Diocese of Hajdudorog, in Hun• Ceremony-Actions, signs, and 2) A smaller church for the a helping hand to the priest in use of a community (seminary, making divine services dignified gary. movements which are used dur• and uplifting. ing divine worship, e.g., lifting hospital, orphanage, school, etc.), Church-The name the earliest up of the arms in prayer. or individual. Chram (Slav., temple. church)• Christians gave to their houses In ancient times such chapels In every day usage it has a of worship. Today the expres• Cerularius. Michael-The chief were ~alled places of prayer two-fold meaning: 1) Designa• sion "church" has two mean- fi&w'e in Ule final act of the tton of the Greek Orthodox Church, plinary and liturgical differ• of Holy Scripture. Every book and as such passed into all lan• which accepts only the first ences he made an issue of ortho• guages. Because the actual seven Ecumenical Councils as doxy, accusing Rome of heresy. chapters.of Holy ScriptureThis divisionis dividedwasintobe• Messiah was much more than a valid and obligatory. These He was excommunicated from gun by Stephen Langton, Arch• special messenger of God, as seven are: Nicaea (325); First the Catholic Church on July bishop of Canterbury, in about foretold by the Constantinople (381); Ephesus 10, 1054 and later was deposed 1206, and was finished by prophets, Le. the Son of God, (431); Chalcedon (451); Second and banished by his own em• Cardinal Hugh of St. Cher in this title already in Apostolic Constantinople (553); Third peror. He died in 1058 a the middle of the 13th century. times became just another name Constantinople (680); and Sec• wretched and unhappy man. . 4) A meeting of religious to of Jesus who is called Jesus ond Nicaea (787). The Catholic decide upon current affairs or Christ, Christ Jesus or Christ. Church recognizes twenty Ecu• Chalice--A metallic cup used in to elect monastic superiors. menical Cou,ncils. the Liturgy to contain the wine Christ The King (Feast)-A feast which by consecration becomes "Chetyredesiatnica" - D e r i v e d instituted in 1926by Pope Pius Church Vestments--G arm e n t s 25 CIBORUIM, 24 COMMUNION in their faith and receive the that are worn by the nunnery when applied to wo• Concelebration-Two or more men religious. Popularly the priests partaking in one and gifts of the . The ices.duringTheirthe publicmaterial,divinecolor,serv•and the same Liturgy, all consecrat• Greek form of this Sacrament form are defined by specific wordby thenunneryword isconvent.now repiacedNon• ing the same bread and wine. is: "The seal of the gift of the church regulations. religious are not granted en• This practice is common in the Holy Spirit. Amen", while trance to a cloister. Byzantine Rite as the continu• the forehead, eyes, nostrils, lips, chest, palms, and -I)vessel fittedAwithchalice-likea lid whichgold Bishop-A bishop ap• ationbut is ofnotthefollowedApostolicin thepractice,Rom• feet. It can be received only is used to contain the Blessed pointed by the Holy See to as• an Rite, except in the consecra• once. Sacrament. sist a in the tion of bishops or ordination of Congregation, Sacred-A depart• 2) A canopy of wood, stone administration of the diocese. priests. ment of the Supreme govern• or marble supported by four or Generally, the Coadjutor has -The treaty or agree• ment of the Church headed by more pillars, covering an altar. the right to succession. ment between the Holy See and the Pope or a cardinal. It origi• (Baldachin) Codex-I) A manuscript in book a sovereign state regulating nated with the necessity of Cincture {Slav., Pojas)-The cinc• form. The great mutual relations between the studying the questions sub• ture is a narrow sash or belt of the Bible are in codex form, Church and civil authorities. mitted for pontifical decision. made of the same material as hence the name (e.g.), Codex The first of such agreements The decisions of the Congrega• the Phelonion, and serves to Alexandrinus, applied to a most made, was the Concordat of tion do not have the force of hold the in place. It is of valuable Greek manuscript of Worms, Sept. 23. 1122,between general law unless issued by ancient origin, and was used the Old and New Testament Pope Callistus II and the Em• special papal mandate. There even in secular dress. The cinc• b r 0 ugh t from Alexandria, peror Henry V of Germany and are eleven congregations: 1) of Egypt. confirmed by the First Lateran the Holy Office; 2) Consistorial; ture generally symbolizes the Council. It terminated the long control of bodily desire&, and 2) An abbreviated form of 3) of the Discipline of the Sacra• especially chastity. the Latin title of the Codex strife over lay investiture. Up ments; 4) of the Council; 5) for Juris Canonici, or Code of to the 18th century there were the Affairs of the Religious; Circumcision of Our Lord-The Canon Law. six ; fifteen were 6) for the Propagation of the feast of the Circumcision is in made during the 18th century, Faith; 7) for the Eastern lmernoration of the fact that Color of the Church Vestments• and a much larger number dur• Church; 8) of Sacred Rites; 9) of rlst was circumcised on the The color of church vestments, ing the 19th and 20th centuries. eremoDiaI; 10) fOr EXtraOrdi• eighth day after his birth in up to the ninth century, was nary Ecclesiastical Affairs; 11) accordance with the prevailing exclusively light; i.e. white, -The disclosure of of Seminaries and of Univer• golden, etc. Since then in the one's sins to a priest in order sities of Study. laws. (Luke 2:21) to obtain their forgiveness in Eastern Church the clergy used Consecration-An ecclesiastical Clapper (rattle: Slav•• Klepalo)• also red (better: Roman purple) the . An instrument which makes a and black. . Confessor-I) a legitimate priest isactdefinitelyby whichseta personapart foror thingsome clapping noise by the sudden A light color is used on Sun• having jurisdictional faculties religious office, state or use. impact of hard surfaces, for in• days and feasts of Our Lord and When the word is used without stance, a wooden hammer on the Blessed Virgin. It typifies fromcese hethe isbishopto hearin whoseconfessionsdio• qualification, the consecration atheboard.bell fromTheGoodclapperFridayreplacesuntil joy and . Red (Roman and absolve penitents of their at Liturgy is generally meant; Resurrection services. purple) must be used on feast sins. i.e., the priest, by the order of days of martyrs and on days of 2) Originally the title given Our Lord at the , Cleric-Any official ecclesiastical . Black is the color of to those saints who suffered changes the bread and the wine person such as bishop, priest, persecution for Christ but did into His Body and Blood. deacon, etc. One becomes a mourningused at funerals.and sadness. It is not die as the result of these cleric by receiving Among Greek Cat h 0 I i c s, sufferings. Later, this term was Consultors, Diocesan-Special ad• which opens the way for him green is used on the feast of applied to all saints who were visors to the Bishop of a diocese to receive higher orders. and blue is used oc• not martyrs. which has no cathedral chapters casionally on feasts of the of canons. Priests appointed Cloister-Generally speaking, a Blessed Virgin. (Slav., Myropomaz• to this office are men known place where religious lead lives aniye)-A Sacrament by which for their piety, virtue, learning. of seclusion from the world. Communion. Holy-The reception through the bishop's or priest's and prudence. They are ap• Specifically, a monastery when and consumption of the Body anointing and prayer, baptized pointed for a period of three applied to male religious; a and Blood of Jesus .Christ. persons are strengthened years. COUNCIL 26 -CYRIL CYRIL 27 Council-A convention of the of the Christian faith. There cheses", treat of the . Scriptures and liturgical books bishops legally convened for the are various types of : For history of Liturgy the 22nd into this language for the Chris• discussion of ecclesiastical af• The Greek Cross has all bars and .23rd are invaluable. In tianization of the Slavs. While fairs. For long centuries only Cross has one bar. The Slav these he explained the rites, on a visit to Rome he died there bishops had the right to vote of equal length. The Latin meaning and symbolism of the and was buried with great and decide at such a council Cross has triple bars. Liturgy. He was privileged to ceremony. but later this privilege was ex• witness the manifestation of the tended to other ecclesiastics. (Slav.• ampulka)-A small cross in the sky in the year 351. Cyrillic Alphabet-The alphabet The Council can be 1) general flask used in the Mass to serve popularly accredited to St. Cyril, or ecumenical, presided over the wine and water. Thou~h Cyril, St. (Apostle of the Slavs, the Apostle of the Slavs. But by the Pope or his representa• usually made of glass, metals 827-869)-Philosopher, priest, scholars today are almost unani• tive, 2) provincial, under the are also used. teacher, missionary and bishop, mous in holding that he com• posed the Glagolitic, and that Metropolitan, 3) diocesan, usu• Cuff (Slav.• Narukavnik)-A nar• ofbornMacedonia.in Salonika,Heprincipalwas citythe ally called a . row band made of the same the Cyrillic was the invention of material as Phelonion to hold younger of St. Methodi• Creed (Latin-, I believe)• us. Cyril, as the son of a noble• his disciples, possibly Clement, the sleeves of the alb. man, received a good education producedMethodius.afterThethealphabetdeath ofcon•St. A formula expressing belief in ~. the principal truths of the "Cum Data Fuerit"-A decree is• ~ at the imperial court of Con• sisted originally of 38 letters Catholic :£aith. A short creed sued by the Holy See on March i stantinople. He was appointed based on the Greek uncials of existed already in Apostolic 1st, 1929. It deals with the librarian to the Patriarch in the the 9th century, to which were times. The first official creed spiritual administration of the ~i church of , but added special signs for the pro• is the one issued by the Council Greek Catholic Ruthenians in finally joined the monastery at nunciation of Slavonic sounds. of Nicaea (325). The Council the United States. I Mt. Olympus where he was or• This alphabet is more easily of Constantinople (381) ampli• dained to the priesthood. By understood and is more legible fied it with a few additions. In (370·444)• request he went on missions to than the Glagolitic. The Bul• this later form it became the Saint, Bishop of Alexandria and i the Crimea and then to the garians, , and Russians of official creed of the universal , whose :~ great Moravian Empire where the Eastern Orthodox Churches, - ~------. he is accredited with having as well as Slavs of the Eastern mained up to the present day. feastFebruaryis k1t9h andin thein W~tthe Easton fOrmUlated the Glagolittc alpha• Catholic Church, tlSe th~ 1""._ This creed, commonly called on June 9th. His chief fame bet of the Church-Slavonic lan• lie in the Liturgy. , is the only one arises from his defense of guage and having translated the used by Greek Catholics. The Catholic teaching against Nes• t Roman Rite Catholics, while torius, who taught there were ~, reciting in their Liturgy the two persons in Christ and M D Nicene Creed, for other pur• denied the Blessed Virgin Mary poses use a shorter text called as Mother of God. He presided the Apostles' Creed (its pres• over the -An external silk gar• Cuffs (Narukavniki), Dalma• ent form dating from the 8th (431) at which Nestorius was ment, reaching below the knees, tic, and . century). In the Christian East condemned. He left many exe• and provided with half-length The first deacons were ap• the creed is known as the "Sym• getical and theological treatises. sleeves. This reminds pointed and ordained by the bol of Faith." Together with St. Athanasius us of the splendid attire of Apostles. he is the greatest glory of the angels. It is worn by the dea• Crosier (Pastoral Staff}-A staff Church in Alexandria. con, sub-deacon, and . Deacon-Doors-The two side• the upper end of which consists doors of the . They of a cross between two serpents , St. (313-386) Deacon (Gr.. Servant)-In the are called deacon-doors because facing each other. Thus, it dif• -Bishop of Jerusalem, Doctor Eastern Rite this order is the the deacons pass through them fers from the Latin crosier or of the Church. He took an first Major Order. The Deacon when serving at divine services. staff, which resembles a shep• active part in the struggle has the right to read the Gospel, herd's fancy crook. The Crosier against Arian heretics. His chief to preach, to give Holy Com• 'Dean-The senior priest of a di• is a symbol of the authority of merit, however, lies in the fact munion and to help the priest ocesan district called the dean• the bishop as of his that he wrote "The Catecheses", in other services. ery, comprising several parishes. flock. 24 in number, in which he ex• The Liturgical dress of the Originally this district num• plained the entire Christian doc• Byzantine Rite deacon is Alb bered ten parishes, and hence Cross-The most common symbOl trine. Four of these "Cate- (), Cincture (Pojas) , the Latin "decanus" meaning DIAKONIKON 28 DOSTO]NO 29 EKTENIA tenth, was used to describe it. life. St. John Chrysostom "Doc• to God in the Highest ... " The Dean's duties are to super• siasticplete form.termsThisextolshymnandinpraiseseccle• vise ecclesiastical life and con• tinetor of"DoctorEucharist"of Grace"and St.areAugus•Doc• the Blessed Virgin as the true Doxology, Lesser-"Glory be to duct, execute episcopal demands tors of the Church. mother of the incarnate Son of the Father and to the Son and and to convoke more or less God. to the Holy Ghost, now and ever frequently, the clergy of his (Gr.• decree, ) and forever and ever. Amen!" district. He is required to make -An article of faith authorita• Doxology-A worshipful greeting This formula of :praise in honor a yearly report to the Bishop. tively defined by the church. A in honor of the Blessed Trinity of the Holy Trimty in all prob• truth pertaining to faith and or anyone of the three Divine ability originated in apostolic Diakonikon-The church book morals revealed by God, trans• Persons. The two main Doxo• times. It is one of the most fre• containing the rubrics for the mitted by the apostles in the logies are "Glory be to the Deacon's part at the Liturgy Scriptures or in tradition, and Father," and "For Thine is the thequentlyHolyusedTrinity.acts of praise of and various other services. proposed by the Church. Dog• Kingdom". Also, a room attached to mas constitute the real corner• Dyptichs (Slav., Hramota)-A rec• either side of the sanctuary cor• stones of the faith and their Doxology, Greater (Slav., Slavos• ord in which the names of responding to the Latin . denial or rejection is a sin loviye)-One of the oldest hymns the parochial deceased are kept against the truthfulness of God for commemoration of the de• Dikirion-The double candle used and the Divine Mission of the ofGodtheandearlythe church,Incarnation,glorifyingand parted souls on "All Soul's Sat• by a bishop when he blesses Church. Example of ending with a prayer. In the urdays". On these days the de• the people. It consists of two are: the Dogma of the Blessed Byzantine Rite it is used at parted souls are mentioned in small candles in a two-branched Trinity, the Incarnation of the every Matins and Comp-lines. the Holy Liturgy, Pannychida, candlestick held in the left hand. Son of God, the Immaculate It starts with the words •Glory and all the prayers. The double candle represents Conception, the Infallibility of the two natures of Our Lord. the Roman Pontiff, etc. Diocese (Bishopric)-The funda• Dogmat (Slav.• from the Greek E mental divisional unit of the dogma)-A hymn sung in the church, headed by a bishop. It middle of great and solemn Ves• Ewer (ResunectioD of Cbrist)• Eastern Church, The- usually comprises a large terri• pers. There are eight "Dog• The first and the .greatest feast 1) A pMral term use4 officially tory with many parishes and mats" according to eight "tones" of the Liturgical Year com• at Rome to designate the Cath• churches. There are more than of the Byzantine-Slavonic mu• memorating the glorious resur• olics of the Eastern Rites. 1500 in the world. sic. All eight of these Dogmats rection of Jesus Christ. It is in 2) All ancient churches which Diskos-A shallow saucer-like glorify the Blesssed Virgin and fact "The Feast of Feasts" and were originally under the jur• vessel used at the Liturgy to Her Son, God Incarnate. Thus the keystone of the Christian hold the species of bread for we can call them hymns of the faith and hope. The joyous Easternisdiction patriarchatesof one of the fourof Alex•great consecration. It corresponds to Incarnation. They remind us of feast of the Resurrection is ob• andria, Antioch, Constantinople, the in the Roman rite. the famous hymn "0 Only-be• served for a three day period and Jerusalem. gotten Son" in the Liturgy. The in the Byzantine Cat h 0 I i c 3) Eastern Orthodox Churches Dispensation-The relaxation of author of Dogmats is said to be which have long been separated an ecclesiastical law in a par• St. . Dogmats Church: on Easter Sunday, from Rome as a result of the ticular case and for special are known for their elaborate turgicallyMonday, andspeaking,Tuesday,throughoutand li• Eastern schism are also called reasons. It can be granted by music as well as for their lofty the entire week. by this term, though inacur• the legislator, his successor or and inspiring thought. rately. superior, and their delegates. Easter Week-The week begin• D 1 S pen sat ion s may not be "Dostojno Jest" (Slav.• It is meet: ning with Easter Sunday and Ektenia-Etymologically this granted without just cause. it is worthy)-The most popular ending with the Sunday of St. word means an assiduous, earn• hymn in honor of the Blessed , or the first est prayer. It is a series of Doctors of the Church-The title Mother. The date of its com• Sunday after Easter. During short petitions sung by the Dea• given to those saints who were position is not known. There this week all are given con or Priest before the altar or outstanding in expounding and seem to be two verses merged in with the Cross. The Royal Royal Doors, to which the defending the Catholic teaching. Doors are continually open until people answer: "Lord Have They are distinguished by two moreone. Thehonorablesecond thanpart, Sera•"The the following . It is Mercy", or "Grant it 0 Lord". traits-orthodoxy of doctrine in phim", is sung separately more There are several Ektenias. 1. their .writings, and holiness of often than as part of the com- permissibleFriday of thisto eatweek.meat even on The Ektenia of Peace or Great 30 EPIPHANY 31 EXARCH Ektenia (Beginning with the Most Holy Mother (The Presen• Sacrifice of the New Testament, words "In peace let us pray to tation)-A feast celebrated in hip.BishopIt likesignifiesa swordtheonsourcethe rightof wherein Christ is really, truly the Lord") 2. The Short Ek• memory of the presentation of truth, and apostolic courage. and substantially present under tenia ("Again and again let us the Blessed Virgin Mary as a the species of bread and wine, pray to the Lord") 3. The Ekte• child in the temple of Jerusalem Epiphany (In Byzantine Rite and whereby Christ offers Him• nia of Petitions ("Let us com• by her parents, and called Theophany)-A feast ob• self as the victim of Sacrifice to plete our prayers to the Lord"). Anna, in fulfillment of a prom• served in commemoration of the His Heavenly Father. The Euch• 4. The Ektenia for the Dead, ise to offer their child to the Baptism of Christ in the river arist was instituted at the Last beginning with the words "Have service of God. This feast was Jordan. (For this reason the S:upper (Matt. 26; Mark 14; mercy on us 0 God". There are in tr 0 due ed in Constantinople feast is called Theophany, which Luke 22; and I Cor. 11); how• also many other occasional about the year 700 and spread means the manifestation of Ektenias. throughout the entire East. It God). On the feast of Epiphany tionever, wasthe Sacrificeoffered inof aRedemp•bloody is celebrated on November 21st. itself, water is blessed. It 1S also manner on the cross (Matt. 27; Encyclical-A solemn letter of the called "Feast of Lights" because Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19). Supreme Pontiff addressed ei• Ephesus-An ancient coastal city on this feast catechumens were By the order of Christ the ther to the universal Church or in Asia Minor. In Apostolic accepted for baptism. Sacramental Rite of the Last to individual national Churches times it became known through Originally under the feast of Supper is being repeated daily (as to the Catholic Church of the labors of St. Paul and later Theophany, the· Christian East as a commemoration of the re• the United States or France). It as the see of St. John the Apos• commemorated the Birth of demptive death of Christ for treats of matters affecting the tle. It was the site of the 3rd Christ, the Adoration of the our . general welfare of the Church in 431. In Magi and the Baptism of Christ. and is ordinarily addressed to the 4th century it was the me• This Feast obtained its present Euchologion (Slav., Trebnik)• the Patriarchs, Primates, Arch• tropolitan see of Asia Minor, character at the end of the 4th The which con• bishops, Bishops and faithful of but later it had to surrender century when the Nativity of tains the rite of administering the universal Church in com• this position to the see of Con• Christ began to be celebrated on the Sacraments and the cere• munion with the Apostolic See. stantinople. Today it is a small December 25th under the influ• monies and formulas of differ• town of 3000 and is without a ence of the custom of the Ro• ent blessings and . , Great-A very solemn resident bishop. man Cftureh. It c-Gl"responds to the Ritual of moment in the Byzantine Litur• the Roman Rite. gies: the transferring of the (Gr.. in vocation)-A ()-A long and bread and wine for the sacrifice prayer said after the consecra• narrow scarf, which descends Exaltation of The Holy Cross• from the table of proskomedia to tion in the Liturgy, invoking in two parallel bands sewn to• The feast introduced in memory the altar. After the Cherubic the Holy Spirit to come down gether from the neck down be• Hymn the celebrant, carrying low the knees. Its name is de• onof thewhichfindingChristof thehadHolydiedCross,for the chalice, the Deacon carrying onprayerthestressesSacredtheSpecies.fact that Thiscon• rived from the Greek trachelos, us. The Holy Cross was found the diskos, and the Sub-deacon secration is not accomplished meaning neck. It is made of by Queen Helen, Mother of with the Aer (veil) and censer, without the Holy Spirit to the same material as the Phel• King Constantine, in the year whom is ascribed the fashion• onion and is adorned. with 326. .. It is called the feast of lightedprecededcandles,by goacolytesin processionwith ing of the sacred humanity of crosses. the Exaltation because, upon to the altar. Jesus Christ. The Epiclesis is its finding, all the people were found in all Eastern Liturgies, The priest may not perform anxious to see it and thereupon Entrance, Small-A technical term and arguments can be mustered any sacred functions without it. the bishop of Jerusalem, Macar• designating a small that traces of it exist in the Eschatology (Gr.. Eschata-Iast ius, "exalted" (raised) it, so around the altar and which Roman Rite (Supplices te). The things)-That branch of theo· that the entire crowd of the takes place immediately after Eastern Orthodox erroneously logy which deals with the last faithful could view it. There the chanting of the third Anti• teach that is a strict fast on the Feast Day phon. In this procession the takes place at the Epiclesis. resurrection,things of man,immortality,that is, death!ana itself. The date of this feast candle-bearers lead, followed by last judgement. Commonly it is September 14 (27). the Sub-deacon, the Deacon, Epigonation (Slav.. Nabedrennik) concerns itself with the four holding the book of Gospels -A quadrangular stiff piece of last things: death, judgment, Exarch (Gr.. exarchos: the first high above his head, and finally silk or velvet, bearing an em• heaven and hell. in rank, chief: Latin-princeps) the celebrant. broidered image of Jesus or a -In the ex• cross. It is fastened with a cord Eucharist (Gr.. thanksgiving)• archs were imperial governors Entrance Into The Temple of The to the , and worn by the Both a Sacrament and the of large provinces. In Ecclesi· EXCOMMUNICATION 32 FEAST 33 astic administration an exarch Extreme Unction-The Sacrament ful are required to assist at Holy Minor and Capuchins are the is a kind of pontifical vicar. in which the sick by the anoint• Mass and abstain from unnec• second and third largest reli· ing with holy oil and the pray• essary servile work~ on the gious orders in the Church. As Exarchsto an areaare whereusuallytheappointedfaithful ers of the priest, receive spirit• latter the Church merely ob• missionaries these have are scattered and the ordinary ual aid and even physical serves the feast in the Office gone to the ends of the earth; diocesan organization would be recovery when such is condu• and Mass. and to them is due the popular• impractical. The exarch is re• cive to their salvation. The izing of such devotions as the gularly a consecrated bishop. essential words of this Sacra• Filioque (Latin. "And from the Stations of the Cross and the ment are: "Cure this thy ser• Son")-A dogma of the Catholic Crib. Recently in the Excommunicaiion (Latin. expul· vant (name) by this anointing." Church teaching that the Holy U. S. some accepted sion, exclusion)-An act of ec• Proof of this Sacrament's ex• Spirit proceeds from the Father the Byzantine Rite. and work clesiastical authority depriving istence from earliest times is and Son. It is on this point among the U. S. Greek Catho• one of the benefits of member• James 5:14-15. that there arose the first dis• lics. They enjoy the privilege ship in the church. In the Earlier in the East this Sacra• sension between the East and of Bi-ritualism. church, just as in any other ment was administered by the West, which finally resulted society, those in authority have in schism. Funeral-A liturgical function seven priests-a fact which ob• performed at the burial of mem• the right and power to exclude viously did not contribute to as Franciscans--The friars minor bers of the Catholic Church. those whose presence is defi• wide-spread and universal use founded by St. Francis of nitely harmful and dangerous of this Sacrament as is desire• to the commonweal. Assisi in 1209. They form one isWhereaccompaniedit is customary,to the theChurch.body able and necessary. Order of Friars Minor, divided The liturgy is celebrated in into three distinct and inde• black as a sign of grief, except pendent branches, of which one when the rank of a feast pre• F is known simply as Friars Mi• cludes its use and requires an• nor, another as Friars Minor other color. White is used at Conventual and the other as the burial of infants. This rite Faith-Faith is a virtue where• Great. Friars Minor Capuchin. To• dates back to the First century by we hold as true all that God gether the three branches num• ofehrtstiantty. The Chtlstian has revealed, not because we Faithful-One who keeps faith, ber about 34,500professed mem• funeral is the last service the understand it, but only because who does not fail, who is loyal. bers, and separately the Friars He-truth Itself-revealed it. In the religious sense one is Church gives to her members. faithful who believes in the Faith is also an act by which truths of God, because He has inweGod.profess and renew our belief revealed them. One who follows G the teaching of Christ and His Church. This name is now given Fathers, Church-The most emi• George, Saint, Great Martyr an and Black Seas. Since nent writers and defenders of only to those who are Catholics, (About 260·304)-An officer in the faith who are distinguished since the other so-called Chris• 1801,it was part of the Russian by the following three charac• tians do not follow fully the the army of Dioc1etian, the per• Empire and now of the Soviet teristics: Orthodoxy of Doctrine teaching of Christ; they reject secuting Emperor. When the Union. Christianity took root some of them. spotless and brave George re• there around 330, owing its in• in all their writings and teach• fused to sacrifice to pagan , troduction to a lady, St. Nino. ings, Holiness of life, and anti• The expression is also used to he was tortured and beheaded quity (up to the sixth century). distinguish the lay members of Up to the 9th century the Geor• at Nicomedia, a town of Asia gian Church was dependent up• The most prominent among the Church from the clergy. Minor. His fame spread quickly the Eastern fathers are: St. on Antioch. left the Feast-A day designated by the throughout the Church so that Catholic unity in the 13th cen• Iraeneus, St. Athanasius, St. Church for giving special honor he became one of the most Basil the Great, St. Gregory popular Saints both in the East ~Ury. In 18Ql the Russians con• Theologian, St. John Chrysos• to God, to the Savior, to the and in the West. He is known querea' Georgia and subjugated tom, St. Cyril of Alexandria, Blessed Virgin, to Saints, and to also as Victorious. it both politically and ecclesi• and St. Ephrem. sacred objects (Holy Cross, Holy Many legends have grown up astically. Old Georgian was re• Among the Western fathers Cincture, ). Feasts about the details of his life. placed with Old Slavonic and a are: St. , St. Hilary, St. are divided into holy days of Russian exarch was appointed , St. Augustine, obligation and ordinary feast Georgia-A country in the Cau• as the head of the Church. How• Leo the Great and Gregory the days. On the former the faith- casus, lying between the Caspi- ever in 1918the church r.egain- GLAGOLITSA 34 GREETING GREGORY 3S HAGIA ed its independence. Georgia Catholics there is a failure to granted an indulgence of 300 tian faith called "Catechetical developed its own Rite, being days. Discourse." A number of his influenced both by Antioch and stressand disciplinethe particularprevailingpracticesin sermons and letters also are ex• Constantinople. their Church. (330-390) tant. Together with other great -Saint, Doctor, great ora• Fathers of his century, he was Glagolitsa-An ancient Slavonic Greek Schism-A term desig• tor and famous writer. The a prominent champion of Cath• alphabet. The origin of this al• nating the final separation of title of "Theologian" he shares olic teaching. phabet is unknown. It is older the Church of Constantinople only with Saint John the than the Cyrillic, and may be a from the Holy See. This great Apostle. His chief merit lies in Groitaferraia-A Basilian mon• modification of Greek cursive Schism, as it is sometimes call• his fight against the Arians and astery situated near Rome .writing. It is used only in the other heretics. He won the re• which was built in the year liturgical books of Dalmatian ed.867wasto 1056,a gradualand stillprocessexists. fromThe putation of a great theologian 1040. This great monastery was . There are two glagolitic Greek Schism began when the because of the clarity of his always in communion with the scripts: one of "round" type or Byzantine Emperor Bardas de• teaching and his accuracy in Holy See. Its two most famous Bulgarian, and the other of posed Ignatius from the Pat• expressing it. Among his fam• members are St. , its found• "square" type or Croatian. At riarchate of Constantinople and ous sermons five excel. In these er, and St. Bartholomew Junior. present only Croatians of the appointed Photius to succeed. he admirably expounds the At Grottaferrata all Slavonic Roman Rite in and When Pope Nicholas I (867) de• books are published. Western Croatia use the square fied Photius, the first serious Trinity.Catholic Theteachingauthor'ofof thetheBlessedvari• glagolitic script, but recent li• break occurred. The evil conse• ous hymns in the Byzantine rite Guarantee (cautiones)-The prom• turgical books are already quences of Photian Schism bore were greatly influenced by his ises which must be given in printed with Latin letters. lethal fruit in the Schism of writings. Together with Saint writing before a non-Catholic is Cerularius in 1054, which per• Basil the Great and St. John permitted to marry a Catholic. Gospel-The English term for sists to the present day. Chrysostom, he formed the trio These declare solemnly that 1.) the Greek Evangelion: glad known as the "Three Hier• The non-Catholic promises he news or message of salvation. Greeting. Church-In the East• archs". will not endanger the faith of a) By this is designated the sav• ern Church the oldest greeting his Catholic spouse. 2.) Both ing teaching of Christ; b) The is: "Christ is among usl", with (33S·39S)-A parties promise that all the chil• four books of the Evangelists, the reply. "He is and will bel" memberQfthe geat Chris• dEal will be baptizedandedu• Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, This salutation is founded upon tian family of Caesarea in Cap• cated as Catholics; 3.) Both par• relating the life and teaching of the promise of the gospel, that padocia, of which his brother, ties promise that no other mar• Christ. These four books were where two or three gather in Saint Basil the Great, is the riage ceremony will take place, always considered as the holi• Christ's name. there He will be most famous. St. Gregory was (as e.g. before a non-Catholic est part of the Bible. among them. This salutary form at first a professor of rhetoric minister;) and 4.) That Catholic The gospel as the Liturgical is used to the present day by and probably was married; later teaching on birth control and book is divided into sections or our Church, namely, for the kiss he was ordained priest, and in the permanence of the marriage of peace during the Divine Li• 372 was appointed Bishopof will be observed. Matthewpericops. hasThe115Gospelsuch sectionsof St. turgy, for the anointment with Nyssa on the edge of lower Ar• The Catholic party is bound or pericops, that of St. Mark has oil (mirovanije), etc.... menia. to prudently encourage the con• 71,that of St. Luke 114,and that In daily life, however, the Of Gregory's writing the chief version of his non-Catholic of the St. John 67. faithful have taken over the is an instruction on the Chris- Latin form: "Glory to Jesus partner. Greek Catholic-The term intro• Christl" and its answer "Glory duced by authorities of the forever!" Austrian Empire to distinguish From the day of Easter to Catholics of the Byzantine Rite Ascension the greeting is: a from those of the Roman Rite. "Christ is risen!" and its an• Later it was applied to all Cath• swer: "He is indeed!" During Hagia Sophia-The Church of for long time second only to St. olics of Byzantine Rite wher• the salutation is: the Holy Wisdom in Constan• John in Lateran and St. Peter's ever they lived. This term "Christ is born!" and the reply: tinople. Holy Wisdom signifies in ecclesiastical importance. It applied to a particular group "Glorify Him!" the Son of God, called so by was built under the Emperor may not be always entirely As many times as the faithful Saint Paul. It is one of the two Justinian in 532-537, and was correct. Thus for instance when greet themselves in turn with largest and most important the Cathedral of the Patriarchs Ruthenians are called Greek any of these greetings, there is Churches in Christendom and of Constantinople. After the HAGIOGRAPHY 36 HERETIC HERMANIUK 37 capture of the city by the Turks . Its first bishop the Pope, and who separate United States or Canada. in .1453, it was turned into a was Stephen Mik10ssywho was themselves from the rest of the 2. In its wide sense, this term mosque. It is now a museum. succeded by Nicholas Dudash, faithful.) applies to all Church dignitaries O.S.B.M., the present bishop. in an ascending line of dignity Hagiography-Writings or docu• His episcopal See is in Nyiregy• Hermaniuk, Most Rev. Maxim, ments about holiness, holy per• C.SS.R., D.D.- haza. The Diocese has approx• of the Ukrainian Exarchate of and authority from Bishops up, sons, or the Saints. Hagiography imately 200,000faithful and 150 Patriarchs;namely: Bishops,the ApostolicArchbishops,Dele• had its origin in the lists and priests. Central Canada. Born in Nowe brief records of those who suf• Selo, Galicia Europe October gates (whether they are Bishops fered for the faith. These writ• Hequmenos (Slav.• Ihumen)-The 30, 1911. Professed in the Order or not), Cardinals, and finally ings later included the lives, The Greek name for a monastic of Ukrainian Redemptorists in the Pope. sufferings, and heroic actions of superior equivalent to or 1932. Ordained September 4, Hiereus (Gr.•Priest: Slav.•Svjash· the Saints. The modern collec• Guardian. He is elected in a , 1938.Consecrated Titular Bishop chennik)-A priest who by his tions began in the 15th century. ballot by the solemnly of Sinna June 29, 1951. ordination to the priesthood re• English readers are acquainted professed members of the com• ceives the power to offer the with Alban Butler's "Lives of munity. His term of office is for J Hierarch (Slav.• Yerarch or Svja• Sacrifice of the Mass and to ad• the Saints", which is a good life, and he has the ecclesi• titel')-Literally, a Bishop, since minister the Sacraments (ex· example. astical status of a . the word itself means a superior cept Holy Orders). He is also in ecclesiastical organization. constituted for the goveltnment Hail Mary-A prayer known also Heresy-False teaching concern• Hierarch is equivalent to a of the faithful. (See: Priest). as the Angelical Salutation. It is ing one or more truths of the bishop. the most popular prayer ad• Catholic Church. An error of Hierodeacon (Slav., Yerodiakon)• dressed to the Blessed Virgin. judgment where a baptised "Hierarchs, Three", Feasts of (St. A person who has been ordained "Hail Mary" are the opening person denies or doubts any re• Basil the Great, St. Gregory the to the deaconship. words of this prayer in the Ro• vealed truth of Catholic faith Theologian, St. .fohn Chrysos• man Rite. The Greek text dif• (cf. C. 1325). Heresy is called tom).-The feast of these three (Slav.•Yeromonach)• fers considerably from the Latin formal when a person knowing• great Saints is celebrated on A who has been ordained one. In the Latin text the Hail ly and deliberately denies or January 30th. As each of these to the priesthood. Mary is composed of three parts: doubts l'e¥ea1ed truth. -.It .3 three ...greai .8aints ..had. many 1) "Hail, Mary full of grace, the called material when a person followers an argument arose in (Or.• iMtruction)-An in• Lord is with thee." (Luke 1, 28) is in ignorance of, or inculpa• the twelfth century as to which formal instruction on a passage 2) "Blessed art thou among bly errs concerning the re• of these Saints was the greatest. of Holy Scripture. Today it is women and blessed is the fruit vealed truth. Formal heresy To put an end to this discussion, used mostly to denote the bibli• of thy womb." (Luke 1, 42) 3) outwardly manifested consti• which was causing real dissen• cal sermons of the Fathers of "Holy Mary, Mother of God, tutes a crime against faith (to sion and division among the the Church. pray for us sinners, now and which is attached an "ipso people, it is related that all three at the of our death," was facto" excommunication, espe• t Saints appeared to the saintly (Slav.. Chasoslov)• added by the Church. cially reserved to the Holy See); Bishop John of Euchaita and The liturgical book containing The Greek text used by all when internally adhered to, it is told him that before God they the text of daily services known Catholics of the Byzantine Rite a sin, but incurs no censure. , were all equal. The faithful ac• as (in Slav. Cer• is as follows: "Hail Mother of cepted this fact with great en• kovnoje Pravilo), that is, ves• God and Virgin Mary, who art Heretic-One, who, having been thusiasm. pers, , the midnight full of ~race the Lord is with validly baptised and professing services, matins; also the first, thee; blessed art thou among Christianity, deliberately denies Hierarchy (Gr.. sacred author- third, sixth, and ninth , women and blessed is the fruit or doubts any article of faith lty)- the midday public service, the of thy womb. For thou hast prescribed by the Catholic 1. Ecclesiastical Hierarchy is communion office. the different born Christ, Savior and Re• Church. Conversely, he is also a term designating all the Bish• tropars and the Church calen• deemer of our souls." a heretic who clings to an error ops of the Catholic Church to• dar. It is a kind of of which is opposed to defined gether with Bishop of Rome as the clergy of the Byzantine Sla• Hajdudorog Diocese-The Diocese Catholic teaching. Heretics dif• divinely constituted authority vonic Rite. of the Byzantine Rite Catholics fer from apostates (who totally over the faithful. It is also ap• which encompasses the entire reject Christianity) and schis• plied to the body of Bishops of Hosanna (Hebrew "Lord Save") territory of Hungary. The Dio• matics (who refuse to give obe• a province or country. Thus we -Found in Psalm 117;25. This cese was established in 1912by dience to the Supreme Pontiff, speak of a hierarchy of the Psalm was recited by one of the HOSPODI 38 ICONOST ASION IDOLATRY 39 INCENSE Jewish priests while they were Greek " eleison" and in its Iliton-A square of linen cloth in procession around the altar Greek form taken over by the doorspermittedare tocalledpass."TheThe twoDeaconsside upon which the sacred vessels during the Feast of the Taber• Roman Rite. It means: "Lord Doors". The number of are placed during the Holy Sac• nacles. When he came to the have mercy". This exclamation varies. The earliest iconostasia rifice of the Mass. Its equivalent words "hoshi'a na" the trumpet is found already in the New had but one row of icons to is the Latin . sounded and all of the people, Testament in different forms, which another was added later. while waving branches of palms such as: "Lord, have mercy on -By the and willows, shouted the words us", "Have mercy on me", iansAmongthetheiconostasionSlavs and wasRuman•ex• together with the priest. Be• "Jesus have mercy on us, etc. panded ever higher and today meantI m m athatcuI atethe BlessedConceptionVirginis cause the words "hoshi'a na" it reaches the ceiling of the Mary from the first instant of were constantly repeated, the ByChrist"Lord"Whoherewas isaddressedmeant Jesusand Church, thus entirely screening her conception was preserved Jews contracted them to Ho• called by the early Christians, the sanctuary from the rest of from all stain of . In sanna and because this word lovingly and reverently, as the Church. This enlarged in• the Eastern Church the Feast of was so closely related to a feel• Kyrios-Lord. In the Byzantine conostasion is usually arranged the Immaculate Conception has ing of extreme joy and exluta• Rite, there is "no rest day or in the following manner: the been observed since the begin• tion, it gradually came to mean night", so to speak, in the ever four main pictures are of St. ning of the 8th century but the equivalent of the English repeated pleading "Lord, have Nicholas, The Blessed Virgin under a different name, namely, "Hail". Thus, when Christ en• mercy". Mary with the Infant Jesus, "The Conception of St. Ann." tered Jerusalem as the Mes• Jesus as 'teacher, and the Pa• This feast is celebrated on De• sianic King, he was greeted with Hymn-A religious song. A verse tron Saint of the Church. cember 9th. joyous shouts of Hosanna: "Ho• sung in honor of God, of his Second row: the twelve main This dogma was officially sanna to the Son of David." This Saints, o~ otherwise of a reli• Feasts with the Last Supper in proclaimed by Pope Pius IX on word is repeated twice in the gious character. Hymns are December 8th, 1854. hymn of "Holy, Holy" sung dur• either liturgical or non-litur• theDoor.centerThirdaboverow: thethe twelveRoyal ing the Liturgy before the con• gical. The hymn is the most apostles. Fourth row: the twelve Immovable Feasts-The feasts secration, thus symbolizing the general designation of any kind Prophets with a cross or Cal• which are observed at the same joyous greeting of the faithful of religious poetry, such as Tro• vary-group at the very top. time every year. In the Byzan• to Christ Who is about to come. parion, Kondakion, tine Rite the cycle of immovable etc. Ic1olatry-Originally, to give Di• f~sts begins with the Nativity "Hospodt Pomnur-From the vine worship to an image or to of the Mother of God (Septem• a statue. This meaning was ber 8, (21), the beginning of the Church year. This cycle ends anyonelater extendedor anythingto worshippingbut God. with the beheading of St. John I Idolatry is a most grievous sin the Baptist (August 29th, resp. and particularly abominable to September 11th), at the conclu• Icon (Gr., image)-Any Eastern plied to those who delight them• God. sion of the Church year. The sacred picture, composed in a selyes in radical views and are major immovable feasts are: peculiar to Eastern eccle• scornful of tradition. The heresy Ikos (Gr., oikos-house)-This Christmas, Epiphany, Presenta• siastical art. of the iconoclasts was con• term is equivalent to "stanza", tion of Our Lord, , demned at the Council of Nice which is nothing more than the Transfiguration, Assumption, Iconoclast (Gr., wrecker of 1m• in 787. The victory over this Italian translation of a Byzan• Exaltation of the Holy Cross. ages)-This title was given to heresy is celebrated in the By• opponents of the of zantine Rite on the First Sun• tineto a longerpoetic hymnterm. whichIt refersfollowsnow Incense--A granulated aromatic holy icons or images. Icono• day of Lent. a Kondakion at the Matins. resin obtained from certain clasm was a heresy that dis• When in recent times there trees in Eastern and tropical turbed the peace of the East• Iconostasion (Gr., picture stand) were recovered several full• countries. When blessed, it be• ern Church in the 8th and the The screen adorned with holy length texts of Kondakia, it be• comes a sacramental. It is sprin• 9th centuries. It rejected both icons separating the sanctuary came evident that these "stan• kled upon a glowing coal in a the use and the veneration of from the nave. Iconostasion is zas" were nothing but opening covered vessel called a censer, images. Iconoclasts, as the always built according to speci• strophes or other strophic units and emits a fragrant smoke. name itself indicates, were not fic regulation. Thus, it has three of the Kondakion. Thus the The incense is kept in a vessel only the enemies, but the actual doors: the central door is called Christmas Kondakion of St. known as a "boat". Its burning wreckers of holy pictures. In "The Royal or Holy Door", Roman numbers 24 ikos' or signifies zeal; its fragrance, vir• modern usage the name is ap- through which only priests are stanzas. tue; and its rising smoke, prayer 40 IS POLA IVANCHO 41 JOHN eral, and the Pope as the visible the end of the celebration of taining the most commonly used God.going Allup beforeEasterntheRitesthronemakeof head of the Church in particu• each solemn Liturgy. It is used use of Incense. lar. The Pope is infallible when• at any ecclesiastic celebration as Pentecostarion,parts of the Orologion,MenaeonTriodion,and ever he officially defines or a greeting to the Bishop, distin• and Liturgicon. Indiction, The Cycle of (In Slav. teaches. in matters concerning guished clerics, etc. Indiktion)-Originally in the faith or morals. "Izhe Cherurimy" (Gr., I ia Ivancho Most Rev. Daniel, D.D.• Roman Empire, the fifteenth This dogma was proclaimed Cheruvim)-Also known as year-when real estate taxes at Vatican Council. Bishop, Titular Bishop of Euro• "Cherubic Hymn". Composed were thoroughly checked and pus, Apostolic Exarch for Sub• and introduced into the Liturgy revised. From the fourth cen• Ipakoj (Gr.• Hypakoe-obedience, carpathian Ruthenians, Hungar• in the 6th century. At first it tury on this term was used also but later also the refrain of ians and Croats of the Byzantine was banned since it implied that to designate a cycle of fifteen hymns or psalms, spelled, also Rite in the United States. He the bread of was al• years. The first indiction is -Epakoe)-One of the eight Sun• was born in Jasina, Subcarpa• ready the living, eucharistic, dated from 313 A.D. It is still day hymns sung at Matins after thian Ruthenia on March 30, Christ. Its introduction into the used in the ecclesiastical cal• the great hymn of the Resur• 1908: ordained September 30, endar both in the East and in rection "Anhelski Sobor"-"An• 1934; appointed Coadjutor Bis• mentLiturgyof occasionedthe great pompthe develop•of the the West. The first official gelic Hosts were astonished" . hop to the Most Rev. Basil "Great Entrance". The first half ecclesiastic acts to use it are the Why these hymns should be Takach August 29, 1946; conse• of this hymn is sung before the Paschal Letters of St. Athana• called "refrains" and as such be crated November 5, 1946; suc- "Great Entrance" and the sec• sius. sung by the entire congregation .ceeded him on May 13, 1948. ond after the deposition of the or at least by the whole choir Gifts. Indulgence (Lat.• remission or re• is unknown. It is improbable Izbornik-The church book con- laxation of penally or duty)• that it ever was a "refrain" The extra-sacramental remis• since all the refrains were short sion of the temporal punish• and served the purpose of giv• ment due to sin, already for• ing the congregation a part in J given by the Church in the hymn-singing, as can be learned Sacrament of Penance. Since from references in St. Athana• Jesuits-The Society, or more frequently as those of the Ro• Christ's sacrifice for our sins sius, st. John Chrysostom, etc. man Rite. Since frequent use was not only sufficient but ~erly.order of ClerkSCompanyRegularof Jesus;institu•an may be considered as less re• ove1'floWingly superabundant, Irmologion-A church book con• ted by St. Ignatius Loyola in spectful, they use Christ or, the Church has power to remit taining all ecclesiastical mel• 1535. Its chief apostolic labors jointly, Jesus Christ, or simply, not only the guilt of sin but also odies of the Eastern chant. are the education of youth and Savior. temporal punishment. This re• Thus, this book is a musical foreign missions. A soldierly mission is called indulgence. epitome of all other church spirit and efficiency are char• John Chrysostom, St. (the Golden• can be gained by books. acteristic of the Society. It is mouthed).-One of the most a person in the state of grace the largest of the religious prominent Fathers of the for himself or for the souls in (Gr., Heirmo~hain, that orders, having about 21,000 Church, and one of the most purgatory. A plenary indul• which sets in a row)-Those members. voluminous writers in the East• gence is the remission of all verses or troparia which serve ern Church. He is one of the temporal punishment due to sin, as the pattern in composition Jesus (Hebrew-Yeshua', God is greatest moralists; a famous while a partial indulgence re• help, Savior)-S t. Matthew commentator on Sacred Scrip• mits this punishment in :part verses.and in Irmosmusicsetsforthefollowingpoetical quotes "an angel of the Lord" tures, particularly on St. Paul; only. Many prayers and pIOUS structure for each ode of the saying to St. : "She (Le. the Doctor of the Eucharist; and acts are enriched with indul• "Canon", outside of which it is Mary) shall bring forth a son, finally, he is the greatest Chris• gences. not used. and thou shalt call his name tian preacher of all times. He Jesus; for he shall save his was born at Antioch in the year Infallibility (Lat., not capable of "Is Pola Eli Despota" (In Lat •••...• people form their sins." (Matt. 347 A.D., became the Bishop of enor)-In ecclesiastical termin• Ad multos annos: In Slav., N'a 1,21). Thus, Jesus means simply Constantinople in 398 A.D., and ology infallibility is freedom mnohaja rUa-for many years) Savior or if we think of its died in 407 A.D. at Comana, from error both in teaching and -A liturgical greeting express• Hebrew origin, Divine Savior. while in the exile imposed by in believing. This infallibility ing a wish for a long life. In It is interesting to remark that the Empress Eudoxia and num• is enjoyed by both the Church some countries these greetings Byzantine Christians do not use erous other enemies. The more as a divine institution in gen- are to be repeated after or at the name Jesus as often and as important of his seven hundred JOHN 42 KEYS 43 KYR and twenty-two preserved writ• choirs on the right and left first strophe of a kondak. This ings (two hundred and twenty• clastLeo thepersecutionIsaurian.propagatedHe enteredby side of the church and to meet type of hymn slowly disappear• two of which are letters) are his the Monastery of near in the middle of the chUrch and ed upon the introduction of the Homilies for the Major Feasts, Jerusalem, where he was or• then sing this hymn together. "Canon". his Book on the Priesthood, his Each ode has a different Kata• 90 Sermons on the Gospel of St. ofdainedJerusalem,a priestJohnby thethePatriarch5th. He vasia. There are seven Kata• Krelos (Krylos)-That part of the Matthew. was the last of the Greek vasia's distributed throughout church adjoining the sanctuary Fathers; he is also considered by the Liturgical Year, each one which is occupied by the clergy John Chrysostom, St., Liturgy of associated with a major feast. -The Byzantine Rite Liturgy lastics,some asandthe precursorby othersofasScho•the The has its own churches,during services.however, theIn Krelosparish attributed to St. John Chrysos• first Scholastic. Some of the Katavasias. is occupied by the Cantor or his tom. Except for the Roman most beautiful hymns of the assistants. Mass, it is the most widely used Greek Rite were written by Keys, Power of The-A symbol Liturgy. Its origin is not too him. of the power and office of Krizhevci Diocese-- The Byzantine clear but seems to represent the Slavonic Diocese in Croatia with Liturgy of the Church of Con• Josaphat. St., Martyr-.'\rchbishop theto whomPope, thethe successorLord said:of PeterJ"Ana its see in Krizhevci (N.E. from stantinople. It is difficult to de• of Polotsk, born in 1584 of Zagreb. It was established by cide whether st. John Chrysos• noble Ruthenian stock in Vol• theI willkingdomgive tooftheeheaven".the keys(Matt.of the Bull of Pope Pius VI, June tom had anything to do with its hynia (Lithuania). In 1604,with 16). 16th, 1777. Its first bishop was composition or arrangement. Benjamin Rutsky (who was Basil Bozhichkovich. In the There is a wide-spread opinion later Abbot) he entered the Kivot (Gr., Kibotos-ark, box) 18th century, the Greek Rite that St. John Chrysostom's Li• Basilian Monastery of the Holy -The ornamental box upon the Ruthenians of Bachka and turgy is but an abbreviation of Trinity at· Vilno, where the altar wherein is reserved the Sriem were joined to it, and St. Basil's Liturgy. However, two revised their monastic rule Blessed Sacrament. It is made after World War I, also the there is no basis for this asser• to stress union with Rome. of stone, metal or wood; usually Ukrainian Catholics in Bosnia tion. Closer study suggests that Josaphat succeeded Rutsky as round, square or polygonal with and . While territori• this Liturgy is earlier than that Abbot in 1614. In 1617, he be• a top that is either dome-shaped ally very large, this Diocese has ofSt.13asiL However there is came Bishop of Vitebsk .....,ith Qf pyramidical. Sometimes it about 50 parishes and about 60 evidence of mutual influence rights of succession to ffie arcn• hutisoaaapeofa Shepherd'& between these two Byzantine bishopric of Polotsk, but the hut. The interior is lined with prieet&,Sineethe:Bishop John Shimrak·GeMh·(Augustef Liturgies. dissident Patriarch of Jerusalem silk. It is kept locked, and the 1945) the See is vacant. The surreptitiously appointed Smo• Diocese of Krizhevci is success• This Liturgy is being cele• keyof theisparish.in chargeIt isofalsothecalledPastor.a or to the Diocese of Marcha brated every day except during tritsky archbishop of that same See. Defending his rights as the tabernacle. 1611A.D. and later of Svidnica the Lent and those days when (1709A.D.). In the U. S. there St. Basil's Liturgy is prescribed. Catholic Archbishop of Polotsk, Kondak (Gr.,)- are two Croatian Parishes of The most outstanding feature of Josaphat was martyred on No• vember 12, 1623~a martyr for 1) In present liturgical use the Greek Rite (, Ohio; it is the brevity of its Anaphora. and termmology it is a hymn of and Chicago, m.) Church Unity. He was beatified about the same length as the John Damascene, SL (680·754)• in 1634 and canonized on June Troparion celebrating a feast. Ktitor (Gr., Ktetor-possessor, Confessor, Doctor and Poet of 29, 1867 by Pope Pius IX. St. Strictly speaking there is no owner)-A church official whose the Church. His feast is kept J osaphat is the first Eastern real difference between the duty it is to attend to the busi• in the Byzantine Rite on De• Catholic to be formally canon• Troparion of a feast and its ness of the local church and its cember 4th. He was born at ized. In the Eastern Church, his Kondak except that the Tro• property. It means also those Damascus in Syria, and was feast is observed on the 12th of parion is more frequently who contributed a large sum for educated by the monk Cosmas. November. chanted or recited. the building or the upkeep of He bitterly opposed the leono- 2) In its genuine meaning as the church, as did, the nobles in a liturgical composition it means Europe. Thus, it corresponds to a chain of many quite long patrons in the Western Church. stanzas or strophes singing of a K theme or feast. It is still pre• Kyr (Slav., In Greek Kyros COD• served in the form of the Acat• tracted from Kyrios-Lorcl)-A Kaiavasia-A hymn sung at the The name is said to refer to the title prefixed to a Bishop's bap• end of an ode of the Canon. custom of singers to leave their histos.dak is actuallyThe _presentnothingdaybutKon•the tismal name as: Kyr Athanasius. LADYKA 44 LITIA LITURGICAL 45 LITURGY It is similar to the Latin Dom, is used also for priests and cation)-The special prayers re• Feasts of Our Lord, feasts of the a contraction of dominus (lord). monks and, as in Spain, even for cited in the vespers on the eve Blessed Mother, feasts of the In the west, however, this title laymen. Saints, pre-festive and post-fes• ofarea recitedmajor feast.in theThesevestibuleprayersof tive periods lenten days, and all the church or in an adjoining soul's days. place. After these prayers and L festal hymns there 18 a blessing Liturgicon-A book containing the of five , oil and wine. the text of three liturgies: the Ladyka, Most Rev. Basil Vladi· thority to read the epistle is in• The bread is distributed to the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, mir OSBM D.D.-Archbishop dicated in the conferring of this faithful as a sign of their shar• St. Basil the Great, and of the Ordinary; Apostolic Exarch of order when he receives the ing in the feast. In monastery liturgy of the Presanctified. It the Ukrainians of the Byzan• epistle book from the hand of churches "Litia" is sung corresponds to the Roman "Mis• tine Rite in Canada. Born the Bishop. throughout the night and thus sal." August 8th, 1884; ordained constitute !the festive vigil. Ves• August 4, 1912; consecrated Lention (Purificator)-A small pers with'litia are most solemn Liturgy, Divine-The Eucharistic Titular Bishop of Abydo, July piece of linen cloth used to and colorful. sacrifice. The usual name for 14, 1929. Named Archbishop of purify the chalice and the liturgy is Divine Liturgy i.e. a Martyropolis June 18, 1948. priest's fingers. Liturgical Books-Books contain• solemn divine service. In the ing the texts of different serv• Byzantine Rite there are three Lance (Slav., Kopiye)-A liturgi• Letter Key (Slav., Bukva Ned'ilna) ices, sacraments and ceremo• different kinds of liturgies: 1. cal knife used at the liturgy to -One of the seven first letters nies. These are: Gospel Book, The liturgy of St. Basil, 2. The cut the particles from the Pros• of the Old Slavonic alphabet by Apostol or Book of Epistles, phora. It represents the which in the calendar of the Liturgicon or Missal, Archierati• 3.LiturgyThe Presanctified.of St. John Chrysostom.That of St. with which Christ's side was Eastern Church, is designated con, Euchologion, Psalter, Okto• Basil is celebrated ten times a pierced. each successive year. With the ichos, Triodion, Pentecostarion, year. That of St. John Chry• help of this key letter one can Minea, Irmologion, Typikon. sostom during the remainder of Laura (Greek Laura. a pass be· establish the various days of the the year except for the specified tween rocks, ravine and later a week. In the liturgical books, Liturgical Year-A logical and days of Lent when the Pre• cave converted into a monastic especially in the Horologion more or less historical arrange• sanctified is held. c:eIL)-A name designating a there is to be found under eaeh ment of the most important The Latin Rite refers to its large and old monastery. Origi• key letter an arrangement or feast during the year in one Liturgy as the Sacrifice of the nally, in Palestine, it meant rotating alphabetical abbrevia• chronological cycle. The litur• Mass, or simply, Holy Mass. a group of cells forming a mon• tions for the days of the week; gical year in the Byzantine astery, whose members were thus P means Monday, V-Tues• Rite begins on the first of Sep• Liturgy of The Catechumens-A not bound to live together. Thus, day, R-Wednesday, C-Thurs• tember. In the term borrowed from the Roman it is a form of semi-eremitic life. it begins on the first Sunday Mass designating that portion of Founders of Palestinian Lauras day,N-Sunday.T.-Friday,This S-8aturday,arrangement of . the Divine Lit u r g y during are St. Chariton and St. Hilar• of letter keys and abbreviations which the Catechumens (those ion. of the days is so constructed, Liturgical Year, Division of-The under instruction to be received When St. Athanasius built his that when the key letter of a liturgical year of the Byzan• into the church) were permitted great monastery 0 n Mount certain year is known, then the tine Rite is composed of three to be present. They were ex• Athos 963 A.D. he called it corresponding abbreviation of cycles: Weekly, each day hav• cluded from the liturgy after the Laura. It seems that from then the day under the key desig• ing its special celebration; An• sermon and had to retire from nual Feast on fixed dates; and the church after the call of the on Slavs who visited Mount nates the day of the week. The Annual Moveable Feasts or Athos began naming their large key letter changes on March Deacon or Priest: "All Catechu• monasteries Lauras. However, 1st. Pascal Cycle Feasts, which mens depart ... " This no longer the famous "Petcherska Laura" dates depend on that of Easter applies in our times and the Lit• in Kiev corresponds rather to Lik (Slav., Choir: Gr., Choros)• urgy of the Catechumens is In rubrics it designates the rationand includefor Lentthe time(threeofweeks),prepa• the early Palestinian Lauras. Lent (six weeks), Passion (Holy that part of the liturgy which choir or the congregation which Week), and the time of Easter consists of petitions, hymns and (Slav., chtetz)-The lowest sings or recites responses to the instructions (reading of the of the sacred orders in the By• priest or Deacon. and Pentecost (eight weeks). scripture and sermon). zantine Rite; the first step to The liturgical year can also the priesthood. The lector's au- Litia (Gr., Lite-prayer, suppli. be divided into the following: Liturgy of The Faithful-A term 46 MASS MASTER 47 METHOOHTS borrowed from the Roman Mass Lutherans-A her e t ic a I sect al}-The name for the eucha• quarrel. They use the Byzan• to designate that portion of the founded by Martin Luther (1483 ristic sacrifice in the Latin tine Rite with minor modifica• divine Liturgy during which, in 1546) in Wittenberg, Germany. Church. tions. Their Liturgical language the early church, only the faith• Its chief tenets are really the is Arabic for those parts which ful were permitted to be pres• Master of Ceremonies-A priest are chanted, for other parts ent. This consists of four main mas.denial Theof severalbasic errorsCatholicare: faithdog• who has charge of the ceremo• Greek. The greater part of Mel• parts: the offering and the is the source of all salvation; nies and all that pertains to kites are Catholics. In the creed; and consecration; Holy good works are not necessary them in the Church. United States there are 35,000 Communion; and thanksgiving for salvation; a denial of Christ's with some 25 priests and the blessing. This real presence in the Blessed Matins (Slav.• Utrenja)-The of• subject to the local Latin Bish• part of the liturgy represents Sacrament; baptism and the ficial morning service of the ops. the life of Jesus Christ from His Eucharist are the only sacra• Church. Matins together with entrance into Jerusalem until ments; and finally private inter• the Liturgy and Vespers form Menaeon (Minea, Monthly Books) His ascension. -It consists of 12 books for 12 pretation of the Holy Scripture. serv.icesthe threeof theprincipalday. Inreligiousancient months. These books contain the times Matins were chanted at text of services of unchanging day-break so that at 6 o'clock in feasts and also the daily office M the morning they might be of each Saint. finished with the office of the first hour. There are two kinds Menologion-The ecclesiastical Magnificat (Lat.•the first word of Christ, it is the holiest name of Matips: Solemn and Week• calendar in the Byzantine Rite. the hymn)-The of our among Christians. While the day Matins. Solemn Matins are It explains the nature of each Lady (Luke I, 46-55) "My soul Catholic West commonly ad• divided into five parts. The feast and day of fasting, and doth magnify the Lord". In the dresses the Blessed Virgin as initial doxology with the recital generally all the liturgical mat• Byzantine Rite it is chanted at Mary, the Eastern usage prefers of 6 psalms, followed by the ters concerning each day. Some• Matins with the well known re• the title Mother of God or The Great Ektenia and Tropars of times it contains also the lives frain: "The more honorable Most Holy, Most Pure, or Ever• the day. The second part con• of the Saints and the history Cherubim ... " Virgin. In liturgical texts the sists of the r.eeitation of eel'• and meaning of each feast. In name Mary rarely stands 1llone. Mandijas (Mantia)-A large, open ~aTn psalms inletchanged With this instance It c6J:'tesp6:ridsto and ground-sweeping mantle or , 51. (5th century)• hymns. Thirdly, the central the Synaxarion. cape of red or violet color, In her youth she lived in Alex• andria. Once she went to Jeru• leos,part isothercomprisedhymns ofandthethePolye•Gos• Metaniye (Gr.• metanoia-repent• which the bishop wears when pel followed by the 50th Psalm. ance-Original1y this word making a solemn entrance into salem to follow the crowds of meant but repentance, or sor• the church or cathedral, during pilgrims on the feast of the Fourthly, the· Canon and the processions and services of dedi• Magnificat. Fifthly, psalms 148• row for sins. In the East, since cation. Exaltation of the Holy Cross. 149-150,concluded with the pro• penitents had to perform var• Suddenly she felt herself barred per hymns, the Great Doxology, ious penitential acts such as from entering the Church of the two Ektenias and the dismiss• deep inclinations and prostra• Martyr (Gr.• witness)-A person Holy Sepulchre. Deeply moved, who, for the Christian faith, she was converted and soon al. Week-day Matins omit the tions were the most prominent, freely and patiently suffers crossed the River Jordan where central part, and are less it slowly began to denote these death at the hands of the per• solemn. penitential acts themselves. she lived in a desert for forty• There is the "small metaniye" secutor. A martyr chooses seven years. St. Zosimus found rather to die than to deny his her before her death and served Meditation-A mental prayer or inclination, and "great met• faith by word or deed. The which consists of reflections on aniye" or prostration. Prostra• her Holy Communion. Some• a given subject with the prac• tions are made only during word itself means a witness who times later her body was found by shedding his blood for Christ in the desert. Her relics were tical aim of stirring the will to Lent. make acts of faith, love, hu• offers supreme testimony to honored in many churches in Methodius, St. (82S-885)-Priest, Him. the East and in the West. Her mility and other virtues and to form resolutions to carry them missionary, archbishop and eld• Mary (In New Testament, Gr., feast is on Apr. 1st. During Lent out. er brother of St. Cyril, both Mariam)-Best known name of at the service of the great can• of whom are known as the the Mother of Jesus. The mean• on her life is read and some nine invocations directed to her. Melkites-Those Syrians who Apostles of the Slavs. Because ing of the root is uncertain. sided with the Byzantine Em• his father was a nobleman, After the blessed name of Jesus Mass, Holy (Lat., Missa-dismiss- peror during the Monophysitic Methodius was educated in law MICHAEL 48 MOVEA8LE MUNKACH 49 NATIVITY

at the imperial court and later size, but receives services from celebration depends on the date sky, Bachinsky, Stojka; its last assumed the governorship of some neighboring priest. of Easter. In the Byzantine Rite bishop Theodore Romza was the province of Strymon in Ma• Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, killed by the communists (Oct. cedonia. He left the governor• (Crown)-Episcopal head• Ascension and Pentecost are the 25, 1947). The diocese has a ship to join the monastery of St. dress. In the Byzantine Rite this principal moveable feasts. half-million faithful, some 350 Basil at Mt. Olympus where he dress is a square shaped crown priests, a major seminary (es• studied Scripture and was then with four rounded corners, Munkach Diocese-The Diocese of tablished 1777) and many var• ordained to the priesthood. He adorned by the Medalions of the the Byzantine Rite which en• ious schools. accompanied his brother Cyril with a cross at compasses the entire territory to the Great Moravian Empire the top. It is worn during of Subcarpathian Ruthenia, a Myro-A mixture of oil of olives to christianize the Slavs. After services, blessings, processions small country at the foot of the and balsam, blessed by a bishop the death of his brother Cyril at and other similar functions. Carpathian Mountains in middle on Holy Thursday and used in Rome, Methodius was appointed . Originally this the administration of the Sac• archbishop of Sirmium (now MoIitvosIov-A breviary for the diocese covered a much larger rament of Confirmation and in Mitrovitsa in Yugoslavia), from Clergy. It is compiled ,on the territory. During the last cen• the Blessing of certain sacred where he carried on his mission· basis of Horologion for the use tury however, the dioceses of vessels and objects (chalice, ary work among the Slavs. He of Priests. (See: Horologion) Prjashev, Hajdudorog, a part of discos). In the Greek Rite about died at Velehrad and his body Monastery-A convent or cloister Krizhevci and Nagyvaroct were forty essences and spices are was transferred to Rome where for religious. (See Cloister) formed from it. Its first bishop used in making myro. It is also it rests in the church of St. was John the 1st mentioned in called Chrism. Clement alongside his brother Monk-One who leads a solitary the Decree of Hungarian King Basil II in 1491. Its ori~inall1ee Myrovaniye (Anointment)-A• Cyril. life. In the early Church the nointing of the forehead with name "Monachos" (Monk) was was Munkach, but in 1780it was blessed oil. This custom is ob• Michael. The Archangel. 8t .•Feast given to those who left the transferred to Uzhorod, which of-The feast in honor of St. world and lived by themselves, is the present location of the served in the Byzantine-Slavo• Michael the Archangel and the usually away from the city. diocese. Its noted bishops were nic Rite on major holydays. rest of the Angelic Hosts is cele• Today it is a member of a Tarasovich, De Kamelis, Olshav- brated on November 8th. This cloistered community who con• feast comes to us tram the times secrates himself to God \Hider of Constantine the Great. It was the vows of religion (poverty, established to pay honor to St. chastity, and obedience) and N Michael, the Archangel (Leader under a rule of spiritual per• of the Angels) who, at the time fection. In the East all religious Nativity Of Our Lord (ChristmasJ the adoration of the Magi on of Lucifer's rebellion, remained are monks, in the West religious -The feast commemorating the Christmas Day. faithful to God. of certain orders only (Benedic• Christ was in• There are two Sundays which "Mir Vsim" ("Peace to alI")-Li• tines, , etc.) are des• troduced in the middle of the prepare the faithful for Christ• ignated with this name. 4th century. The feast itself mas: the Second Sunday before turgical greeting in the Byzan• is of Western origin. The East tine Rite corresponding to the Mount Macrina-An estate located Christmas, called the Sunday of originally celebrated Christ's the Forefathers, and the Sunday "" ("The one mile West of Uniontown, nativity on January 6th and Lord be with you") of the Ro• Pennsylvania, where the Moth· immediately preceding Christ• man Rite. erhouse of the Sisters of Saint this feast was called Theophany mas, the Sunday of the Fathers. Basil the Great is situated. or Epiphany. Three things were On a strict fast Mission-The term is derived from commemorated: the Nativity it• is prescribed. the latin mittere, to send. It re• This branch of the Order was self; the adoration of the Magi; fers to the sending of the apos• founded by Mother Macrina and the Baptism of Christ. Nativity Of The Blessed Virgin Melnychuk OSBM, in 1921 in Mary-The feast is in memory tles (Matt. 28, 19) by Christ, and Cleveland, Ohio. Subsequently Later, several of the Eastern in our own day, of priests by the Motherhouse was moved to Churches introduced Christmas of the birth of Mary, the Mother their superiors to carry the on December 25th. The day of God, born of Joachim and Elmhurst, Pa., thence to Fac• Anna. The Church does not as gospel to new places. toryville, Pa., and finally in preceding the Nativity is called A mission is also used to des• 1934 to its permanent location Christmas eve. In the Byzantine a rule celebrate the birthdays of ignate a parish or community in Uniontown, Pa. Church, the Nativity and ad• her Saints, because on these which cannot have its own pas• oration of the are days they are ushered into the tor, usually because of its small Moveable Feasts-Feasts whose celebrated on Christmas eve, world bearing the stain of origi- !liATCHALO so NOVENA St OCTOIKHOS nal sin. The Mother of God powers of one person could not from the latin novem, meaning -A legate or envoy of the is an exception to this and for be ascribed to the other. In nine. A novena is a religious HolY' See sent to a foreign that reason her birthday is other words they denied that devotion which is extended country as the diplomatic agent remembered in a solemn man- Christ was one individual. They through a period of nine con• of the Pope and accredited nero The Eastern Church in- refused to admit that Mary.was. secutive days, or one particular accordingly to the civil govern• troduced this feast in the 6th the Mother of God, but claImed day in a week through nine con• ment. A nuncio corresponds to century, whereas the Western she was only the Mother of secutive weeks. A novena may an ambassador of a secular Church adopted it in the sev- Christ. be either a private devotion or state. He also has the duty of watching over the welfare of enth century under Pope Ser- Nestorius was condemned by can be a devotion by a group or gius 1. Pope St. Celestine I, at the congregation. Usually a novena the Church within the country This feast is celebrated on Third Ecumenical Council in is performed for some special of his mission. occasion in hope of obtaining a September 8th. Ephesus in 431, and later at the In countries of lesser impor• . . Errors of special grace or object. tance, the legate is called an in• Natch~lo Obytchno)e-The te~m Nestorius were adopted by the Nun-Generally a member of a ternuntio. applied to th?se prayers w!uch Christians of Persia who still religious order of women whose :;>~ecedepr~ctlcally every: I;J.tur- exist as a tiny Nestorian The United States, recognized glcal ServIce, the admmlstra- Church life is either contemplative or the until 1870,and tion of the Sacraments and var- . active. Those members who exchanged envoys with them. have solemn vows and live in a Although the Vatican State is ious blessings. It comprises the Nicholas Of Myra, St.-A bishop papal enclosure are properly following: (a) the initial bless- and confessor, called the Won- called nuns; the others who now again an independent and hg, (b) the giving of honor to der Worker, whose feast is kept have simple vows, are called sovereign state (since 1929), God (Slava Tebi, Bozhe nash, on the 6th of December. The sisters. Sisters are divided in• Slava Tebi), (c) Hymn to the only known fact of his life is Thethereinterestsis no exchangeof the ofHolyenvoys.See Holy Spirit, (d) The , that he was bishop of Myra in to choir or teaching sisters and are taken care of by the Apos• lay sisters. The rules of the tolic Delegate who resides in (e) Prayer to the Holy Trinity, the 4th century, the rest of his monks are usually adopted by (f) The Our Father, (g) "Glory life is legendary. He was and nuns. Washington, D.C. be to the Father ... ", (h) The still is one of the most popular Prayertwelve to"Lordtile Mulyhave Trtmty,mercy",ami(i) saintsRites. es~yS ChUi'Ches,in the Easternconn- (j) "Come let us adore ... " Dur- tries, cities, and classes of peo- o ing , instead of the pIe honor him as their patron. Hymn to the Holy Spirit, the He is best known as the secret ,Easter tropar (Christos Vosk- purveyor of gifts to children Obidnica (Gr., Typica: Slav. also the noon-day prayer of the rese) is read. (Santa Claus). Izobrazitelni)-A short service Church in the Byzantine-Sla• recited after the ninth hour. vonic Rite. "Nebesnaja Carica"-A devotional Ni.ka (Gr••conquers)-The lower It is used on Christmas Eve, on Octoikhos--A liturgical boo k monthlyport, Pennsylvaniapublished in forMcKees-the prosphora.part of the Theinscriptionwhole inscrip-on the Friday.EpiphanyIts eve,structureand consistson Goodof which contains services from American Ruthenian Greek- tion is IESUS CHRISTOS NIKA three psalms, the same ones All Saint's Sunday to the Sun• Catholics. The Ruthenian and -Jesus Christ is ever victor- sung at the liturgy. This makes day of the Publican and Phar• English languages are used, and ious. It is a very ancient Chris- plausable the opinion of those isee in eight tones; hence its it is the official organ of the tian emblem proclaming living who claim that this service was name Octo which means eight. diocesan religious societies. It and unshaken faith in Christ. recited in those chUrches or on Since each tone is used for one was established in 1927 by the the victorious Savior. those days when there was no Most Reverend Bishop Basil week only, the Octoikhos covers celebration of the liturgy. but eight weeks. Consequently Takach D.D. Nimbus (Lat.. cloud)-A halo, Being recited eVel!'yday, it circle or disc surrounding the after each eight weeks the cycle Nestorians--Followers 0 f the consists of psalms 102, 145 with of Octoikhos is repeated. head in images of sacred per• "The Only Begoten Son", beau• heretic Nestorius, Bishop of sons. These are symbolic of vir• Constantinople (451A.D.). Their titudes, a few troparia, Nicene Octoikhos, Sunday's--A liturgical doctrine is that in Jesus Christ tue and grace. A halo with a book containing only the Sun• cross in it is usually reserved pariaCreed,anda fewfinallyprayerspsalmand33.tro• there were two persons joined for Jesus Christ. day sections of the regular together, that is, God the Son Generally it can be said that Octoikhos. It is attributed to and the Man Jesus, and that the Novena-The word is derived Obidnica or Typika is officially St. John Damascene. OIL 52 OUR FATHER PALM 53 PASCH on. Holy-Pure olive oil for bap• The ends of it hang freely in tism and for the anointing of front and on the back. It is the the sick, i.e., Extreme Unction. deacon's stole. The use of holy oil originated in. . p Apostolic times when St. James ~lon-Th~ promotlon of a directed the priests to pray for sUItable candidate to any of the Palm Sunday-The Sunday before the help and protection of the the sick and to anoint him orders which lead from lector Easter, the sixth and last Sun- Blessed Mother. It is composed with oil in the name of Jesus to.0eepiscopa~e. The ordinary day of Lent, and tJ:lebeginnirw of Psalms, Ektenia, Canon, Gos• Christ (James 54) mlnlster of this sacrament is of . ThIS Sunday IS pel, special T r 0 par i a and , . the Bishop. called Palm Sunday or Sunday prayers. Old Slavonic-A term applied to of Flowers in memory of the Parastas--A service for the de• the Slavonic language as con- Orth~ox (G~•.-right b!lie:ver)- celebratio~ of Christ's triump~- tained in the early liturgical ThIS term m the begInnmg of ant entry mto Jerusalem, amid parted souls. It structure cor• responds to Solemn Matins in books translated from Greek Church history was common to the cheers and of the its main outline. and Latin. This language re- all <;:hristians:~ter the E~tern people, who strew~d branc~es mained by no means uniform SchIsm the dISSIdentscontmued of ~rees before Him. ~urmg Parwasnik-A liturgical Book and was stabilized in its pre- to call ~hemselv~s Orthodox. Matms palms or pussywillows containing services for the de- sent form in the 17th century. Hence thIS ~erm 18 commonly are blessed. parted souls. Th~se services are This liturgical language of the used ~ deSIgnate these non- Polyele) (Gr., Abounding mercy)- p~rastas, panachlda, funeral ser- Slavs is more accurately called Cathohcs. 1) A selection 0 f versicles vices and psalms. Church Slavon.ic. The present OrtynskL Most Rev. Soter Steph8b taken fr0!U-Ps~lms 13~ and 135, Parish-A defined territorial dis- Church ~lavomc s~o~ a strong OSBM" S.T.D.-The first Greek ea~h en~:h~gWith a ~rlple Alle- trict, with a chUrch and congre- and manifol~ ~usslan I~uence. Catholic Bishop to be appointed lUla.ThiSISsung durmg Solemn gation, in charge of a priest Its pron~ncIatl?n varies from to the United States of America. MatIns. . . (pastor).w!l0 has care of all who oneThisSlaVIClanguagenatIonwasto.mtroduc-another. Ordainedcrated MayJuly12 1907'18, 1891;died Marchconse- to2)t~os~The feaststerm ISwhich~so cap'apphe~for dIoceseliye wlthmmust thebe a~el;l.diVidedE~erymto eti ill the 9th eetlli'Y 1:Iy the 24, IIU'. ' , !he smi!ng of the PolyeleJ dur- IUtrish.es. ~e. Dishap ~ em Slav apostles St. Cyril and mg MatIns. ~i'ltabhsh, diVIde or unite par- ¥eth~dius who ~ranslat~d the Ot~ye (Gr" -~podos1s)-Sim- Panachida (Slav., from Gr. panny- Ishes. hturgICal books mto thiS lan- ilar to the Latm Octave. The chis--All night wake)-Among Paroemia (Gr proverb)-A lesson guage, in order that the faith final day of the post-festive the Slavs of the Byzantine Rite, from the Old Testament rele- be more readily spread among period is called Otdaniye (re- Panachida is called a short serv- vant to the feast of the day. the Slav peoples. To this day linquishing or surrendering of ice for the depart!,!d souls, Usually there are three of these Old Slavonic has remained the the feast). On this day for the composed of Tropana and a lessons read after "Svite Tichij" liturgical language of the East- greater part services ~e taken special Ektenia. during solemn Vespers. Since ern Church among the Slavs. much the saine as on the day of p.anagla (Gr..- All hI)0 y - 1) A waysone oftakenthe threefrom lessonsthe "Wisdomis al- -A long ~road band the feast. common title of Ou,r Lady .a- Books" (Prov., Eccl., and Wis- of the s.ame mater~al as the Our Father (Slav" Otche Nash)- ~~~g Greek speakmg Chns- dom) the name. "Paroemia" or Sakkos rlcJ:llyembrOidered and It is called the Lord's prayer be- . . proverb was given by exten- adorn.ed With cr:osses, worn by cause it was taught by Jesus 2) A short cere~on! m ho~or sion to all the lessons read at the bls~op on hIS shoulders. It Christ Himself. It is a prayer of .the Bl~ssed Vlrgm, dunng Vespers and other similar serv- symbolizes the lost car- . which a tnangular loaf of bread ices. ried by Jesus Christ, the Good of perfect and 1!nst;lf~shl?ve. is elevated in her honor, invok- Shepherd, upon His shoulders. The Our ~~ther 18 dl~ded mto ing the Holy Trinity and pro- Pasch (Hebrew, Pesakh-pass• seven petltI~ns, the first three tection of the Blessed Mother. over)-A feast celebrated by the Jewish nation at the command Orarion-Ab t.• narrowd 1band ofh'clothh . referd thto God s..honorf and toglory, 3) Also the name g'Iven t0 a a ou .Louryar song, w .IC IS an. e rema.u~mg our o~ of the Blessed Virgin of God to commemorate their made of tI;te same matenal as bodlly and SPlrltual nee?s. It IS worn by Byzantine . deliveran ce from Egyptian the dalmatlc. The deacon wears solemnly chanted durmg the bondage. It was a foreshadow• this around his left shoulder. Liturgy. Parakli&-A devotion imploring ing of the sacrifice of the Im- PASCHALIA S4 PATRIARCH PATROLOGY SS

woul~maculateredeemLambtheofhl;lmanGod Whorace Tuesday,following andmanner:Wednesdayon Monday,the customsown liturgicalfrom whichlanguagethe fiveand ing liturgical functions. from Its bondage of sm. Mass of the Presanctified Gifts principaI rites arose. Pelagians--A heretical sect of the Slav Catholics have a custom is said. On Thursday the Lit- fifth century founded by the of bringing specially prepared urgy of St. Basil the Great is Pairology-A modern term made monk Pelagius. Using the then bread called Pascha to the Res- said, and in the evening the 12 of Greek words meaning the popular pagan Stoic philosophy urrection Service where it is Gospels of the Passion are read. study of the Fathers of the as a basis, Pelagius denied the blessed, and then taken and On no Liturgy is Church and their works. It is Catholic concept of Original sin eaten at their domestic table on said, instead, the Royal Hours a required course in Seminaries. with its many ramifications, Easter. day. . arethe Greatchanted.VespersIn theareafternoonconduct- Patronage Of Blessed M0ther statingAdam's thatsin laytheinsumthe totalbad ex-of Pa:schalia-A chart for determin- ed solemnly with a procession (5Ia~.. Pokrov)-A feast cele- ample it gave. Pelagius was the Ing the dates of EastE;r and the and a placing of the Holy bratIng the unIversal patronage first to claim that faith alone movea~le feasts. It IS usually Shroud (plashtanitsa) in the ?f t!J.e Bles~ed Mother. It was was sufficient for justification. f~und .In the Typicon and other grave. On Saturday the Liturgy InstItu~ed In memory. of t1?-e His teaching was condemned by LIturgICal books. of St. Basil the Great is cele- follOWIngeven.t. On thIS day In the of Milevi and Car- , brated along with Vespers. the year 911, In the Church of thage 416. Ps:schal Leier .(Slav•.XI uch H!an. Blac~ernae, a suburb of Con- In modern times, some Pro- l~nyj)-It IS one of the thlrty- Paslor (Lat., shepherd)-The tittle stantmople, St. Andrew, Fool testants teach a doctrine akin fIve characters of the Old Sla- by which the official head of for the sake of Christ, and St. to Pelagianism von~c alph~bet which indicates the parish is known in the Epiphanius ~a~ the Immaculate . durIng WhICh month and on United States. This term de- and Ever-VIrgIn Mary appear- Pentecost (Gr., SOl-The feast on what ~ay ~aster falls. There notes a priest who has the care ing in a cloud. and there in her which is commemorated the de- are thIrty-fIve days on which of souls, that is who is bound out-stretched hands she held a scent of the Holy Spirit upon Easter4~ andmayMayfall8th.betweenThe thirty-April motein virtuethe spiritualof hi~ officewelfaret~ofpro-the tiansveil (omophor)as a sign ofoverprotection.the Chris-At tongues.the ApostlesThisin thedayformalsoofmarksfiery representfIve charactersnumbers:of the(a-I;alphabetb-2; teringfaithfultheby sacramentspreaching adminis-and ex- ningthat timeto attackthe Turksthe citywereof plan-Con- ingthe inaugurationof the kingdomof theof spread-God a- v-3;.b_4; .•d-5: e 6: zh 7; 2:8; ef'eisiBg cettain po.a. of ex_8E~. The 1ri:ghteBed :mo.ngmen; wiriehidheChtttclt z-9; I-n>; 11-11; k-12; 1-13; m-14; ternal government. people gathered within the through the ministry of the A- n-15; 0-16; p-17; r-18; s-19; t-20; . Ohurch" and there while in postles. This happened on the u-21; f-22; ch-23; wo-24; c-25; Patriarch (Gr., Chief elder, or prayer, the Immaculate Virgin fiftieth day after the resurec- ch-26; sh-27; sc-28; z-29; y-30; ruler of a family)-The title of appeared. The ceremonies for tion; hence the name. b-31; ji-32; ju-33; je-34; ja-35). patriarch was given to the five this feast are like those of other ... ~f ~e pas~hal letter (which is most prominel?-tbishops of epis- feasts of the Blessed Virgin. The Penteco.sl!U'lon-A.llturglcal Book IndIcated In the Horologion) is c<;Jpalsees WhIChwere founded Feast is celebrated on October contaInmg all nte~ from Holy known the can be dIrectly by the Apostles. These 1st. It is kept however only Saturday to All SaInts Sunday. theascertained.paschal letterIf theisnumber10 or lessof salem,are Rome,Alexandria,Constantinople,and Antioch.Jeru- among the Slavs. ' P'erlCOpe (Old 51av., ZatchI)a 0.- than 10, 21 should be added to By the seventh century the -A cross worn over A lesson. fro~ the Holy Scnp- it, and the results show the date whole Church was divided in the breast, hence it~ name. It is t~ule Wh:lch IS re~d at. a par- of Easter in March. If however well defined patriarchal terri- made of a preCIOUS metal, tic ar time. For lIturgICal pur- the number of the pas~hallette~ tories known as Patriarchate in usually , ornamented with poses the whole New Test~mel?-t is larger than 10, then 10 should which the bishop of the patri- prE;ciouss~ones,.and contains a e::ccept.the .A;pocalypse.IS dI- be substracted and the result archal See exercised jurisdic- re~quary In which are enclosed vlded Into , sections.or shows the date in April. tion over all bishops in a terri- rellcs of the holy martyrs, or a l~ssons. Fro~ the very be.gm- . . tory known as the Patriarchate. of the True Cross. It is nIn~, the BIShops and prIests PasSIon Week-The week begin- The Apostolic See however worn suspended from the neck deSignated what was to be read, nin~ with, Palm Sunday and always reigne<;i supreme and br a silk cord or a gold chain. later t~e Chu:ch assumed this en~Ing w~th Easter Sunday. was only one having the privi- It is the emblem of a bishop, authOrIty. Pencopes ~e.ll?-arked ThISweek I~ also ~nown as holy lege to intervene outside of its but it is also worn by cardinals, by .number~. The diVISion of week and IS dedlca~ed to the own patriarchal territory. , etc. Bishops of the By- perlcopes dIffers fr?m that of memory of.the sufferIngs. of our In the course of centuries, zantine Rite wear the pectoral chapters of Holy SCrIpture. Lord. It IS observed In the each patriarchate developed its cross over the omophorion dur- Peter and Paul, Feast of The Holy PETER'S 56 PJATDESJATNICA PLAIN 57 POVETCHERIE

I! Apostles-The chief feast of the Greek Catholic Diocese in the cost. It is known as the Pente• tially of p s a I mrecitation, Apostles kept universally on United States of America)-Es• costal Period. hymns and prayers. The Sun• June 29th, probably the day of tablished on May 28, 1913, and day form contains only one Iii the translation of their relics. has a Catholic population of Plain Chant (Slav., Prostopiniye) psalm along with the Canon of -The official melodies to which the Blessed Trinity. Traditionally, they both suffer• over 300,000( the hymns of the liturgical serv• ed martyrdom in Rome on the 1949) It embraces all Byzantine ices are chanted. The Byzan• Pope, The-The title "Pope", once same day, probably August 1st, Rite Catholics of Ukrainian tine Slavonic chant is based on about the year 67 or 68 in the nationality in the entire United used with far greater latitude, is States of America. There are eight tones. Within the range at present employed solely to persecution of Nero, Peter be• of these eight tones there are denote the Bishop of Rome, who ing crucified head downwards 131 parishes administered by many variations. The melodies in virtue of his position as suc• in the Circus on the Vatican 246priests (secular and regular). of some of these liturgical cessor of St. Peter, is the Chief Hill, Paul being slain by the Chancery office: 815 North hymns for the common use of Pastor of the whole Church, the sword on the Tre Fontane, near Franklin St., 23, the faithful are compiled in a Vicar of Christ upon earth. the Ostian Way. Peter's body Penna. book of chant called the Pro• lies in the basilica of his name, The Pope's full designation is: Paul's in St. Paul's outside the Bishop Ordinary: Most Rev. stopiniye. Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus , D.D. Christ, Successor of the Prince Walls. Plashtanitsa-A winding sheet on The feast is known also as the Auxiliary Bishop: Most Rev. which. there is a picture of of Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of feast of the Apostles. It is pre• Ambrose Senyshyn, O.S.B.M., the Universal Church, Patriarch D.D. Christ's body lying in the grave. of the West, Primate of Italy, ceded by a fast which varies In English it may be called the in length, depending upon the "Holy Shroud". Archbishop and Metropolitan of date of All Saints. Pilgrimage-A journey to a shrine the Roman Province, and Sover• or sacred place undertaken as On Good Friday, immediately eign of the State of the City of Peter's Pence-An annual volun• an act of religious devotion to after the Solemn Vespers, there the Vatican. ' tary contribution mad e by perform an act of veneration, is a procession around the Although elected by the elec• Catholics throughout the world to obtain a favor, to perform an Church with the Plashtanitsa, toral College of Cardinals in a act of penance, or to fulfill a after which it is placed in a conclave, the Pope's authority towards the expense of the Holy vow. See. This contribution. . is .•sent.. reviously prepared grave. The is not derived from them, but is pJ•• htllnitaa i1J lemOyed: lNm gtvenbY' GOd directly .He is ,cese the grave at the beginning of regUlarly collected in the Uni.ted Rite)-=-Established February 25, infallible in teaching, and has States among the Ruthenians on 1924. It embraces all Catholics Resurrection Service and placed full and supreme power of ju• Good Friday. upon the altar where it remains risdiction over the whole of the Byzantine Rite of Ruthe• until the Ascension. Church, and directly and im• Phanar, The-As a result of the nian, Slovak, Hungarian and mediately on every Catholic. Turkish occupation of Constan• Croatian nationalities in the en• Podoben (Slav., sitnilar)-A term tinople, and their desecration tire United States of America. in Byzantine Ecclesiastical chant Post·Festive Period (Slav., Po· of Hal;ia Sophia. the Greek The total catholic population applied to a sample melody prazdens1:vo)-T h e liturgical Orthodox Patriarch was forced is over 300,000. There are 187 other than one of the eight period which follows a feast for to confine himself to the Phanar parishes administered by 165 regular tones. These melodies the purpose of continuing the section of the City of Constan• priests. are generally known to be sung celebration and to retain in our tinople. Since that time the Former Bishop: the Most Rev. with certain hymns, so that memory the fact and impor• Cathedral Church and Patri• Basil Takach, D.D., who died when these same melodies are tance of the feast just past. archal offices were located May 13, 1948. to be used again for other Usually the Post-festive period there. It enjoys an individuality Chancery Office: P.O. Box hymns, the first two words of lasts from one to eight days. comparable in a manner to that 383. Homestead, Penna. the known hymn are quoted as of the Vatican. a key v.g. "House of Euphrat." Povetcherie (Slav••after supper)• Bishop Ordinary: Most Rev. A portion of the daily office Phelonion ()-Outer li• Daniel Ivancho, D.D. Polunoshnitza (Slav., Midnight sung before retiring. There are turgical vestments of a priest or Pjatdesjatnica-An old Slavonic service)-A portion of the daily two types of Povetcherie, the bishop. It is the principal Mass• word meaning fifty. In the By• office sung at midnight. This greater and the lesser. The vestment. It is a great sleeve• zantine Slavonic Rite it is used service has two widely diver• Great Povetcherie is of mo• less vestment, shorter in front, to express the period of fifty gent forms, one for Sundays and nastic origin and quite lengthy. with an opening for the head. days extending from Easter another for weekdays. The The small Povetcherie is the Philadelphia Diocese (Ukrainian Sunday to the Sunday of Pente- week-day form consists essen- short ancient service which was PR.o\VILO S8 PRESENTATION PRIEST ~9 PROSPHORA

actually recited before retiring. relaxation. In Old Slavonic is child Jesus into the temple of mony involving an orderly means simply Holyday or Feast Jerusalem to offer Him to God. movement or walk either of the Pravilo (Church Office)-The total Day. While there, they met the holy clergy or the . Such pro• sum of daily services. The Pra• prophet Simeon, who taking the cessions in the Eastern Rite vilo or Church Office is com• Predestination-In the strict and child in his arms, offered thanks Catholic Church are as follows: prised of those services which theological sense, predestination to God for giving him the priv• a) the great and little entrances are prescribed for the various signifies the supernatural prov• ilege to see the Savior; it is hours of the day. The Pravilo idence of God, decreesing and for this reason that the feast is theof theBishopLiturgy.withb) hisprocessionministersof promoting the eternal salvation called "Meeting" (in Slav., Srit• and servers into the Church for includes: Vesrers, Compline, of men. Predestination implies Midnight Vigi, Matins, First, two essential elements: God's enije). a Pontifical Mass. c) Procession Third, Sixth and Ninth Hours It is on this day that candles around the Church during re• and the Noon Service. The infallible foreknowledge of the are blessed. surrection services. d) Proces• Pravilo is the Priest's Breviary. future and His immutable de• sion with the Holy Shroud on cree of eternal happiness or Priest (Gr•• Presbyteros, elder)• Good Friday. e) Procession a• Pravos1avnyj (Orthodox)-T he condemnation. A man consecrated to the serv• round the Church after Mass word is of Slav derivation, and As it concerns the eternal ice of God and ordained to during certain Sundays and is used in the same sense as the and impenetrable decree of God, Holy Orders, so that he can Feasts. Greek word "Orthodox". Lit• it remains a mystery for men. celebrate the Eucharistic Sac• erally, "Pravoslavnyj" means This doctrine was seriously mis• rifice (Mass). The Catholic Procopius, st. Abbey-Monastery truly praising, one who rightly understood by some Protestants. priesthood is a participation in of Bohemian Benedictins whose praises God. In the early Church a special manner in the eternal location is in Lisle, illinois, this attribute was given to the Pre· festive Period (Slav., Pred· prazdenstvo)-A liturgical peri• priesthood of Jesus Christ, the twenty-five miles west of Chi• faithful members of the Church, chief priest. cago. St. Procopius Abbey main• .however its more general use od which precedes the feast and tains a high school, college and began after the victory over serves the purpose of preparing Pritchasten (Slav.. Communion seminary. In 1926St. Procopius iconoclasts. As the Christian the faithful for a more sincere Verse)-A short versicle sung. Seminary accepted the candi• West, to designate its true faith observance of the feast itself. during the priest's Communion. dates for the priesthood of the used the term Catholic, so the Most major feasts have a one It is usually taken from a Psalm, Byzantine Slavonic diocese of East used the term Orthodox is alw~ condueled wi dayexe~onpre-festiv~er~With~ . Of the .&. ThUS atter the separation it Alleluia. The monastery has a number happened that separated East• Nativity of Christ, Epiphany of members of the Ruthenian ern Christians persisted in call• and Resurrection of Our Lord, Prjashev Diocese-The Greek The pre-festive period of which Catholic Diocese with its center rite at Holy Trinity Priory, near ing themselves Orthodox, al• Pittsburgh, Penna. though they were not Catholics varies in length. at Prjashev, Czechoslovakia anymore. According to the evi• Presanctified Mass-It is the an• founded in Nov. 1815, received Prokimenon-A verse taken from dence of the Old Slavonic man• cient form of the Communion its canonical status on the 29th the Psalm which precedes the uscripts, the earliest translation service for the days when the of September 1818 from Pope reading of the Scripture. Every of the word Orthodox was "Pra• Liturgy was not celebrated. It Pius VII, and from that time feast has its own prokimenon. vovirnyj" which gives the true is a combination of vespers and It is always chanted according sense of the word, while Pra• Liturgy, without the prayers hasbishops.its ownThe firstproperbishopresidentalof the to one of the eight tunes. voslavnyj is a slight mistrans• and rites of consecration. Ac• Prjashev Diocese was George lation. cording to the present discipline, . Tarkovich (1818-1841)followed Proskomidia (Gr., bringing of ·the Presanctified Mass is cele• by Joseph Gaganecz (1842-1875); offerings)-The ceremony of Prayer-The lifting up of our Nicholas Toth (1876-1882); preparing the bread and wine mind and heart to God. It in• brated on Wednesdays and Fri• days during Lenten weeks and John Valyi (1882-1911);Stephen for the celebration of the Holy cludes worship, praise, thanks• Novak (1919-1919); Dionisius Sacrifice of the Mass. The pre• giving, sorrow, reparation, and on Monday, Tuesday and Wed• nesday of the Holy Week. Nyaradi as Apostolic Adminis• paration ends with a prayer of petition. Prayer can either be trator (1922-1927);Paul Gojdich offering to God and with a mental (meditation) or vocal. Presentation of Our Lord (Feast. OSBM.,the present bishop, who petition for Divine blessing up• Prazdnik~The word is derived in Gr•• and Slav., called En• has ruled the diocese since 1927. on the prepared gifts. Proskom• from the Old Slavonic "pra• counter or Meeting)-The feast His Coadjutor is Bishop Basil idia symbolizes Christ's Passion. zden" which means to be with• observed on February 2, com• Hopko. out work, to be occupied with memorating the occasion when Prosphora {Altar bread)-A round nothing, to be in the state of Joseph and Mary carried the Procession-Any religious cere- shaped leavened bread. The PROSVITA 60 RETREAT REVELATION 61 letters IC XC NI KA are im• adopted them for her use. Por• sist in several conferences a day, cipline developed in various re• pressed in the bread, signifying tions of the psalms are used in private spiritual reading, med• ligious centers of the East. The Jesus Christ conquers. This the Liturgy. They comprise the itations on God and His works, most influential of these were bread, at the consecration, be• bulk of the breviary for priests. and copious prayers. The pur• Antioch and Alexandria. The comes the true Body of Jesus pose of a Retreat is to inject rites influenced by Antioch are: Christ. Psalms. Book of-A liturgical book a more ardent Christian spirit Syrian, Maronite, Malabar, Ar• containing all 150 psalms. It in the individual and to increase Prosvita-A paper published by is an inspired hymnal of the menian, and Byzantine. Alex• Old Testament. In the earliest and strengthen his . andria exercised influence on the fraternal organization, "So• In recent years, laymen have the churches of the major part branije", a Ruthenian insurance days of the Church it was used begun to make spiritual re• of Africa, i.e., on the Coptic, and agency located in McKeesport, in various liturgical services. treats, with great profit to Abyssinian rites. Penna. The first issue of this In the Greek Rite there is a themselves. publication appeared in 1903. custom to recite the Psalms over Rites of The West-Liturgical At present the Prosvita appears the dead. For the liturgical pur• Revelation-I. Divine manifesta- ceremonies and ecclesiastical only once a month. Editor: Very pose the Book of Psalms is di• tion or communication as hand- discipline found in Churches Rev. John Kallok Circulation: vided into 20 sections known as ed and transmitted to us by of different Western European 4000. "Kathismata" . means of the spoken word or countries. The most ancient of writing. Written revelation is these is the Rite of Rome. Protomartyr-The title given to Purgatory (Lat.: purgar~, to make contained both in Holy Scrip- Next to the Roman Rite are St. Stephen who was the first clean. to punfy)-It IS.a place ture and in holy tradition. Galican. African, Celtic, Moz- to give witness to our Lord by or state of tempora~ punIshment 2. The prophetic book of St. arabic, and Ambrosian. Of this shedding his blood. for those souls WhIChare saved or Apocalypse. is preserved only but not yet worthy to enter the in two churches of Toledo Psalm-An inspired hymn or kingdom of heaven, due to .the Ring. Episcopal-A ring given. to Spain. The Ambrosian Rit~ prayer composed before the presence of temporal pum.sh- the bishop at his consecratIOn fared much better since it is coming of Christ. There are ment still due for theIr sms. as a mark of his spiritual be- preserved in the large arch- 150 psalms. Because m?re than While heaven an.d hel.l are eter- tr?thal. w~th the c;hurch and diocese of Milan, Italy. Besides, h~f of thE;m were wrItten by ~all purgatory wIll eXIstbut u.n- wIth hIS_.dlOcese. It Isa.~",,-est.e.rn._..there.~er~.tites Xing.'q sefftis'OfBri'fdU.Dallid they ·are WledtilJUdgm~'the 1JOO1'~1:lY0lIl''\¥e-ean-assistpra)'ets _'"_ -_~~ century.~~mwt 1.11 _ 4!HI8e'iCarmelite,. Carthusian,..~. . andniean,Cis- JewsThe inPsalmstheir weredivineusedservices.by the andby havingsufferIngs,the LIturgy~nd especIallyoffered RIJ)ldl0n. . . (Gr•• a fsn)-l. A long tercian. Because of their beauty and for them. han~:lled meta.l .fan 9nce used Roborecky, Most Rev. Andrew, eternal truth, the Church has durmg the DlvlOe LIt~rgy .. It D.D.-Bishop, Exarch of the was part of the Deacon s offIce Ukrainian Diocese of Saskat- to wa,:,eit over the sacred gift to chewan, Canada. Born Decem- R keep ms~cts away. .. ber 12, 1910; ordained Jul;V 18, 2. In Its larger form It IS 1934' consecrated Titular BIShop carried by the Ac~lytes as a of T~nais May 27, 1948. Redemptorists. The (Congregation gation numbers about 5500 part of the processIonal para- of the Most Holy Redeemer)• priests, clerics and lay-brothers. phernalia. Rosary-A string of 59 beads A society of missionary priests, There are also Redemptorists of .. ., arranged according to a set rule founded by st. Alphonsus Li• the Byzantine Rite. Rlie-It IS. a system of ht~g~cal used in counting prayers. The guori, Nov. 9, 1732. The Re• c~re:n~mes and eccleSIastical praying of the rosary is a de- demptorists by their specific Retreat-It is a series of spiritual dlsclplme to any church votion to the Blessed Virgin. excercises which usually last for or a gr~)Upof churches, ~.g. the Out of 59 beads, 53 are for the vocation are a missionary soci• a period of several days, during ety. Acording to their rule they ~yzantlI~e or ~om~n RIte. A recitation of the "Hail Mary", are "to strive to imitate the which time a group of persons rItE;COnsIstsof hturgIcalpray~rs, and six for the "Our Father". shut themselves off from their actIOns and .clfsto~s whIch It is customary to start the virtues and examples of Jesus daily cares and tribulations and make up the dlvlOe.hturgy, the rosary with the Apostolic Creed. Christ, Our Redeemer, conse• place themselves in a spiritual sacr~ments and varIOUSchurch The recital of' the rosary is crating themselves especially to atmosphere in which they com• servIces. accompanied with meditation the preaching of the word of municate directly with God. Rites of The East-Liturgical cer- on the different events of the God to the poor". The congre- These spiritual exercises con- emonies and ecclesiastical dis- life of Christ. These events, 15 ROYAL 62 SCHISM SECT 63 SPONSOR in number, are known as mys• comes forth through them to and in this differs from heresy. United States of America", with teries of the holy rosary. feed the faithful with His Body headquarters in McKeesport, and Blood. These doors are Sect-In a religious sense, a group Penna. Royal Doors-The central doors usually decorated with the pic• of people possessing views con• of the iconostasion. They are tures of the four Evangelists or trary to the Catholic truth. The Sodality-An association of men the Annuncianion. Unordained or women organized for the Doors,called becauseHoly Doorsduringor theRoyalDi• men and women are not allow• firsttimes,sectsas seenappearedfrom intheApostolicEpistles vine Liturgy, the King of Glory ed to pass through them. of St. John and St. Paul. purposeto the Blessedof promotingVirgin Mary.devotion Seminary-An ecclesiastical col· Sojedinenije-Known as "the lege exclusively devoted to the. Greek Catholic Union." A Fra• s training of candidates for the ternal Organization for the mu• priesthood. Students possessing tual benefit of all Carpatho• Sacraments-Outward signs in• Samohlasen (Slav.• having a tone the necessary qualifications are Ruthenian Greek Catholic peo• stituted by Christ to confer of its own)-A hymn having a here trained intellectually, mor• ple, established Feb. 14, 1892,at grace. In each of the Sacra• special melody of its own, pro• ally, and spiritually by a pre• ments there is an outward sign per to its content. The best scribed form of studies and dis• izationWilkes-Barre,is composedPa, Thisoforgan•three called the matter. and a set for• known samohlasens are "Bol• branches (General, Sokol and mula of words known as the gars", because most probably marilycipline underof the thediocesanguidanceBishoppri• Youth) and functions today form. The matter and the form they were sung for the first and competent administrative with its headquarters at Mun• together make up the sign of time in Bulgaria. clergy. The usual course of hall, Pa, During its 56 years of each sacrament. When the sign studies is six years, two of phi• existence, it has performed its is applied to the one who is (Slav.• Svjat)-The first losophy and four of theology, humanitarian tasks among its receiving the sacrament, it sig• word of the Latin text of the during which the student re• members and has helped the nifies inward grace and has the hymn: "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord ceives minor and major orders. widows and orphans of its de• power of producing it in the God of Hosts. Heaven and earth ceased members. soul. Senyshyn. Most Rev. Ambrose are full of Thy glory. Hosanna Andrew OSMB. D.D.-Auxil• There are seven ncrampnt_c:~ in the .highest. ...:E3kssedis He Solea-A space between the sanc• W:1lii:reffles·m lhii. ••••••• of the BiJh9p of the PlUa_lliB_ :.AWif1i.-iiiiir]ftAnjWOf3i1!iifI7=a ~ ..•••··~eiilI,-matleHi.. raiman Greek Catholic Dio• step higher than the naVe and Eucharist, Penance, Extreme -Lord. Hosanna in the highest." In the Roman Rite the words: cese; Titular Bishop of Maina. a step lower than the sanctuary Unction, Holy Orders and Mat• The laymen are not admitted rimony. Baptism, Confirmation "Blessed is He who comes ... " Born in Stary Sambor, Galicia, is sung after the consecration. Europe, February 23, 1903.Pro• on the Solea except to receive and Holy Orders imprint an in• fessed in' the Order of St. Basil holy communion or anointing delible character on the soul Savaryn. Most Rev. Neil Nicholas. the Great August 9, 1931. Or• with the oil and on other special and therefore cannot be re• occasions when the celebrant or peated. OSBM.. D.D.-Bishop ordinary dained at Krechiw, August 23, of the apostolic exarchate of 1931. Consecrated October 22, the bishop invite them there. Sacristy-An apartment adjoin• Western Canada. Born on May 1942. 19, 1905; ordained August 23, Solovjev. Vladimir Sergeyevich ing a church wherein are kept 1931; consecrated titular bish• Sidalen (Gr••. sitting)• (1853-1900)-A Russian ideal• sacred vessels, books, vestments Thus are called TROPARIA and other accessories of divine op of Iotan July 1, 1943;Auxil• istic philosopher, critic, poet and iary Bishop of the Ukrainian which are sung at Matins be• theologian. He was a great and worship. It is also the place Greek Catholic Diocese i n tween the recitation of Psalms. courageous propagator ofChurch where the clergy vest for church The name KATHISMA comes functions. In the Byzantine rite Canada September 1, 1943; Unity. Philosophically, he laid appointed Bishop Ordinary of from the fact that both choir stress on the spirituality of all it is know as . the Apostolic Exarchate of and congregation were allowed being, and the idea of absolute Sakkos-The outer vestment of Western Canada March 3, 1948. to sit during the singing of these oneness. hymns. the bishop, quite similar to the Sponsor-Godfather or God• dalmatic. It resembles the gar• Schism-Aauthority refusalof the toHolyacceptFather,the Sobranije-A Fraternal Organi• mother. One who presents a ment of the Jewish high priest. the Pope, who is the vicar of zation established and.approved person to be Baptized and Con• It consists of two halves, one of Christ, and visible head of the on April 29, 1874 under the firmed, and undertakes the which hangs down in front, the Church. Theoretically it does other in the back. name of "The United Societies second responsibility for the not involve denial of any dogma of Greek Catholic Religion of faith and religious education of - 64 SUNDAY SVITE 65 TAKACH that person. A spiritual relation• this first Archdeacon and Mar• set aside as the Lord's Day or graphies of the Saints. Synax• ship is thereby established. Only tyr "a man full of faith and of the day of rest. This day was the is not used today as a Catholics may be sponsors. the Holy Spirit." Sabbath. In the New Testament separate book; it is incorporated Sponsors have a duty to care however, the Sabbath was re• in the Menea. It corresponds in for their spiritual children by Stipend-A canonical term em• placed by Sunday which is the a way to the of the example and counsel. Should ployed to designate in general day of Christ's resurrection. Roman Rite. the child's natural parents fail the means of support for the Sunday has been chosen by the clergy. At present this term is Church in order to commem• CGr.•assembly, gathering) to provide spiritual training,' -1. Any assembly for Divine the sponsor should, as far as he more frequently and popularly orate, at the beginning of can, remedy the defect. used to signify the offering every week, Christ's victory worship or for any religious made on the occasion of having over sin and death and through function. Spoon. Communion-A somewhat Mass offered for one's intention. His resurrection the inaugura• 2. In the flat spoon of gold gilt, used for tion of a new which is the it is the name of certain festive distributing Holy Communion Strastnik-A church book which New Testament. . days immediately following a under both species to the faith• contains those sections of the major feast and commemorating ful of the Byzantine Rite. It is gospels that are to be read dur• Svite Tichij CGr.• Fos hilaron)• persons connected with the compared to the tongs with ing the Holy Week. The central evening hymn of mystery celebrated on the pre• the Vespers in the Byzantine vious day. Thus the feast "Syn• Studites-1) The monks belonging Rite. Together with the famous axis of the Holy Mother of whichtook a liveone coalof fromthe Seraphimsthe heav• to the great monastery of Stud• enly altar and touched the lips hymn "Glory to God in the God", (Dec. 26th), the Church of the prophet Isaias (Is. 6:6-7). ion at Constantinople, which highest . . ." it is one of the pays a special tribute to the reached the peak of its impor• oldest of Christian hymns. Mother of God. Sprinkler CAspergulum: Slav.• tance and influence during the This hymn is of extraordi• Kropilo)-A short rod with soft nary importance since it sings Synod CGr.• an assembly, a meet· bristles or a perforated metal iconoclasticTheodore the Studitecontroversy.is the mostSt. the praises not only of Christ ing)-An ecclesiastical gather• globe used for sprinking Holy famous among them. He gave a as the Son of God, but of the ing under hierarchical author• water. new constitution to this mo• Blessed Trinity and of Salvation ity, for the discussion and de• nastic group. in Christ. It is known as "Eve- cision of matters relating to 2LThelate- metropolitan -Sze- ~ S...tepenn~;{gr.,pain 1e} TA=t~11 ~ i4ionalLat.. ·pe-.iWd"'tbe'- Studites7 anksglvlng eveningtide ~cis Z:;~as~~~d~ccu- hymns sung on Sunday Matins among the Ukrainian Greek lights." menical, national, provincial, and inspired by Psalms 119-133 Catholics in 1900. and diocesan. Synods are some• from which they derive their Svitilen CGr.• Fotistikon, which times called councils. name. Each of the eight tunes Sub-Deacon-A cleric subordinate concerns light)-It is a verse has three antiphons. They are to a deacon in Holy Orders. In sung at Matins before the reci• Synod, Holy-T h e governing sung before the Prokimenon the Easter Rite it is a minor tation of (i.e. Psalms 148• council of the Orthodox Church. and Gospel. The author is un• order. His duties are to assist 150). Different Saints or feasts Every national or independent known. In the Solemn Matins the priest and Deacon at the have different "Svitilens". The branch of the Orthodox Church other than those on Sundays Divine Liturgy. He chants the name seems to denote a hymn only one Antiphon of the 4th Epistle, the Creed and intones triarchatehas its ownof ConstantinopleSynod. The haspa• tune is sung. The melody of two Ektenias, one preceding sungthe lightat theof whichrisingindicatedof the sun,the a permanent Synod. The Holy these hymns is very elaborate. the Cherubic Hymn and the coming of full daylight. Synod of was established other before the Lord's prayer. by the emperor Stephen Protomartyr, St.-One of His Liturgical vestments in• Synaxarion CGr.. collection)-A in 1721. the seven deacons ordained by clude the Amice, Alb, Cincture, liturgical collection of short bio- the Apostles (Acts 6:5-6) and and Dalmatic. the first whose Sunday-A day instituted for the feast is kept in the Western sole purpose of honoring and T Church on December 26th, and worshipping God. By natural in the Byzantine Rite on the law man should devote a cer• following day (Dec. 27th). His tain amount of time to the Takach, Most Rev. Basil, D.D.• of America. Born in Vuchkovo, life and martyrdom are related service of God. In the Old Tes• First ordinary for Subcarpath• Subcarpathian Ruthenia, Octo• in chapters 6 and 7 of the Acts tament, by Divine institution, ian Ruthenians of the Byzan• ber 27,1879; ordained Decfmber of the Apostles. St. Luke calls the seventh day of the week was tine Rite in the United States 12, 1902; consecrated Titular TETRAPOD 66 TRANSUBSTANTIATION TRIKIRION 67 UKRAINIAN

Bishop of Zela June 15, 1924; Throne, Upper-A chair situated and singular changing of the en• rites, from the Sunday of the died May 13,1948. behind the altar usually flanked tire substance of bread into the Publican and Pharisee, to the by two other chairs, set on a the entire substance of the Body Saturday of Lazarus. lower level. This chair is used of Christ, and the entire sub• Tetrapod-Ain front of smallthe sanctuarytable situatedwith by the celebrant during the stance of wine into Christ's Trisagion (Thrice Holy)-The fol• a holy icon placed upon it. The reading of the biblical passages Blood. (See Eucharist) This lowing text is commonly known picture is changed according to and during most of the hymns. change however is not and can• as Trisagion: "Holy God, Holy the feasts. At the tetrapod are not be perceived by our senses Mighty One, Holy Immortal performed various sacraments Tiara-A round bulbous hat about because the external appear• One, have mercy on us." It is and church services. 15 inches in hight, encircled by ances of br!,!adand wine remain. one of the most frequently used three separate crowns, and be• anthems in the Byzantine Rite. Theologian (Gr., one who speaks decked with many jewels. This Trikirion-It consists of three By this term also is designated about God)-l. A learned Cath• is worn by the Pope at his small candles in a three-branch• the Serafic Hymn: "Holy, Holy, olic man, usually a priest or coronation and at other cele• ed candlestick used by the bish• Holy, is the Lord Sabaoth" (Is. bishop who, under the super• brations. 6:3). vision of the Church, scientifi• representsop in blessingthe Threethe people.Persons ofIt Titla-A sign indicating the o• the Holy Trinity. explainscally studies,the sacredinvestigatesdoctrineandof mission of certain letters of a Troitsa (Little trinity)-A triple the Church. word in books. Trinity, Holy-By the Holy Trin• lizesbranchedthe Blessedcandle Trinity.which symbo•Its use at various services and cere• 2. An aspirant to the priest• This abbreviation is shown by ity is meant one God in three a sign placed above the word. divine persons: The Father, the monies is very common among hood who has completed his There is a small titla which is Son, and the Holy Spirit. The the Slavs of the Byzantine Rite. philosophical course and is now three persons are absolutely studying theology. inserted in place of a vowel, and a large titla which replaces a equal in all things. When we Troparion-A hymn expressing . 3. There are three saints with few letters or a whole syllable. profess three divine persons, we the theme of a Feast or the most the title of "Theologian": St. do not speak of different per• important feature of a Saint. John the Apostle, St. Gregory of Tonsure (Lat., shearing)-The cer• sons but of distinct persons. Tropars have eight melodies. Nazianzus, and in the Western emony whereby a baptized man This distinction in plain lan- Every trop~ is su!,!g_~ccording Church . is made a cle~ and is thereby can be rendered -as~ prell.feiE lei. tb. iewpti"l1 9 . GOd the "athe:t Is as much m_~ pars are SUng at every church ., minor and maior orders. In ad• doctrine about God)-Theology God as God the Son' or God service, different tropars being is either natural or supernatural. ministering the tonsure, the the Holy Spirit. But the dis- sung at different services. The Natural theology is called The• bishop cuts the hair of the tinction of persons does not most important of the tropars candidate in form of a cross. He permit us to say that the Father are the eight resurrection tro- odicy dealing with exiStence who has received tonsure is ISthe Son or the Son is the Holy pars, daily tropars, and the tro- and idea of God as known to us admitted to all the ecclesiastical Spirit, because otherwise there pars of the Feast days. by natural light of reason. The privileges of the clerical state. would be no distinction at all.. . supernatural theology or Chris• The existence of three distinct TYPlcon-Cont.aIns all thos~ rules tian (Catholic) theology discuss• Transfiguration of Our Lord-A es and systematically expounds feast, observed on August 6th, personsof God isinthetheprinCIpalsU1?rememysteryunity whIchanq regulatIo~,al~the lIturgICal~ccor~lDgrI~es ~dto the doctrine about God as found commemorating the event when of the Christian faith. ceremomes o~the Byzant}ne rIte in the revelation. Christ on Mount Thabor glor• must be carrIed out. It IS com- Throne-In liturgy, the perma• iously appeared to His disciples Triodion-Church book contain- parable to the . nent chair or seat of the dio• Peter, James and John, His face ing all Sunday and weekday cesan bishop in the Cathedral shining like the sun and His Church. which is used by him garments white like snow. when he presides at solemn (Matt. 17: 1-8) The feast was u functions. It is placed on the introduced into the Church in right side near the altar; the the 4th century. On this day Ukrainian Exarchate of Eastem times, Nova Scotia, Prince Ed• chair rests on a platform, and is fruits are blessed. Canada-Erected March 3, 1948. ward Island, Newfoundland and covered with a square canopy. Lab r ado r. There are 21 The use of the throne is per• Transubstantiation (Lat., change Embraces all Byzantine Rite of substance)-A theological Catholics living in the Provin• Churches with resident priests. mitted a diocesan bishop ces of Ontario, Quebec, Mari- The total Catholic populapon is throughout his diocese. term denoting the marvellous UKRAINIAN 68 UNION UNION 69 VESPERS 50,000 administered by 62 vious reasons. The word Uniate agreement and signed a Church priests. is a hybrid word. actually a union but the union was not by Bishop Basil Tarasovich. Chancery Office: 61 Glen parody on "United", for which Through his efforts and previ• Edyth Drive, Toronto, Ontario, it supposedly stands, and for accepted by the majority of ous negotiations with the Holy Canada. which it is also too often under- Eastern people when it was pre• See and the Emperor in Vienna, sented to them. But this union, sixty-three priests were gather• .Bishop Ordinary: Most Rev. stood. however, had also its solid ed Uzhorod on April 24, 1646, ISIdore Borecky, D.D. . Unlon. 0f The Churches-- The results; for it won over the last before the representative of the Ukrainian Exarchaie of Central movement for bringing back the emperors of the East, the last Holy See, Gregory J akushich. Canada with the episcopal seat separated churches to the true three Patriarchs under the old They swore obedience, subjec• in Winnipeq. M9n.-It comprises Catholic fold. empire and the two distinguish• tion and loyalty to the Holy all Byzantine Rite Catholics in ed prelates Bessarion of Nicea the Canadian Province of Mani- Union, Church In Brest·Litovsk- and Isidore of Kiev. See. Following this decisionl toba. The Catholic population The :Union of the Orth~dox Ru- throughoutthe Un ionthe Diocesewas accepteaof Mun• is over 150000. It has 50ch'Jrch- themans and the WhIte Rus- Union of Ushorod, The-In the kach. es with resident priest and 287 sians (who had fallen into beginning of the 17th century parishes and missions admin- schism with the rest of ~he the priests of the Diocese of Ustav (Prescription, order)-A istered by 91 priests (69 secular Eastern Church after 1054)wIth Munkach expressed their desire book, containing detailed direc• and 22 regular). the <;atho~ic Church in t?e Li- to return to the Catholic Church tives for church services for a Chancery Office: 235 Scotia tuam?-n city of l?rest-Lltovsk. and to unite spiritually with given year and corresponds to Street, Winnipeg, Man. Canada. The fmal act ?f umo~ took place Rome. The effective step's to• the Ordo of the Western Church. Archbishop Ordinary: Most at the Synod m the Cltvof Brest- ward this union were inItiated (See also Typicon). Rev. Basil V. Ladyka, OSBM. Litovsk in ~he year 1~96. There D.D. were six dioceses ~hlch accept- Auxiliary Bishop: Most Rev. ec!-the church :umon at Brest- V Maxim Hermaniuk, D.D. Lltovsk. The dIOceses of Prz7- . . mysl and Lemherg remained m Ukrauuan ~xarchate .of Central schism until 1720. A large num- Vatican, The-The official resi- Velehra~-The .town in northe!n Canada WIth the epIscopal seat ber of Ruthenians were united dence of the j>_~_.!JRome, =v~~.Wh.ich-was--the ~

._~~:tmi~iB~~~:tr~Ith·--"· ti~=~JiJ1~~~:~,~lt~e~:t W~ SIa7:;o~e~t'Ire~~a~tlt: .. n~ __ '_"'" .- ~~~~ar:e='bfii;··Holy See in the Province of Rome to this day. The others ern bank of the Tiber. Since basilica wherein lie the remains Saskatchewan. The Bishop of fell into schism again led by 1929, the Vatican has been re- of St. Methodius. Today Vele- the new Exarchate is the Most the Prince of Ostrog. Eminent cognized as a Sovereign State. brad is the center of the Church Rev. Andrew Roborecky, D.D., in this labor or preparing the It principally includes the Vati- union movement, and was the pr~vi<;lUsauxiliary Bishop at Union were Bishops Pociej and can Pal.ace (with its w?rld-re- site of several church union Wmmpeg, Man. Terlecki on the part of Ortho- nown , the archives of congresses. Ukrainiand ExarchaieE b ofall WesternB doxSkargaandandtheBenedictJesuits HerbestPeter theof antiquitiesRoman Church,two picture5 museumsgal- VeI'It~h'amye- A v.erse smgmg... the Cana a- m races yzan- . 1 . 1 'I t . t' praIses of a Samt or speakmg tine Rite Catholics of We~tern on the part of CatholIcs. erIes, a po yg 0 ~rm mg-press of the glories of a feast e.. Canadad :. There d'are 71. tparIshesd b UnIon. Church In Ferrara·Flor· tory)and anI'tSAstronomIcalgardens and annexesobserva- Vel't1 chamye. for the feast 0f thge, 51an mISSIons,. t Th a GmInISk Cereth ry ence-By, th'IS term IS. known the Basilica' and piazza of St., EPI?-.'ph ny' "We s'.mg thy .praIses. prIe~ s'. e ree a 0 IC the attempt at a union of the . b 'ld 0 ChrIst, Thou gIver of lIfe who populatIonChanceryISOffIce:43,~17. 6240 Ada Easternwith Romedissidentwhich tookChristiansplace ~eter!mgs, m andall, ancon~mguo.us~rea o.fJust underUl - foraccordingour saketo hasfleshbeenby baptizedJohn in Blv~.. Edmont.on, Alta .. Canada. in Ferrara in 1438 and in Flor- on~ square mIle WIth a popu- the waters of the Jordan". ~lshop Ordmary: Most Rev. pnce in 1439. The Ferrara- lab~n of about 520 souls, mostly . • Nell N. Savaryn, O.S.B.M., D.D. Florence Church Union was clerICS. Vespers (Gr•• Hesperln~s: Slav., " . 1" 1 Vetchernya)-The offiCIal eve- Uniates-;-Thls name IS o~ten used cha~acterIze~ by mere po It~ca Vei~ (Lat.• velum, covering)-A ning service of the Church. It to deSIgnate the CatholIcs of the motIves, whIch proved, as ~Ime pIece of material worn to cover is the first service of the divine Eastern Rites. Howev,:r, no ~ent on, to have no true bmd- or protect an object. Thus the office since the liturgical day groups of .Eastern CatholIcs ac- mg power. The Eastern and aer (chalice veil), funeral veil, is reckoned from the preced- cepted thIS name and for ob- Western Prelates came to an etc. ing evening. There are two VICAR 70 VOZHLAS WATER 71 ZATCHALO

kinds of Vespers: Ordinary and turned his attention toward con- onesExtraordinary.are those whoseThe structuresOrdinary Bulgarsquest, andandattackedthe Byzantinein turn Em-the for the main part are similar. pire. During this period he be- w These may be: Greater, Medium, came interested in Christianity. or Lesser. Later he was baptized, taking Water, HolY-Water blessed by a on August 1st the feast of the The Ordinary Vespers consist the name of, Basil and married priest, used by the priest to seven martyrs of the Maccabees. of the initial doxology, Psalms, .l}nna. the sIster 9f the Byzan- is kept in a "Holy Ektenias Hymns Stichiras and tine Emperor, Basll, II. He used blessed,sprinkle personssuch asorEaster·things foods,to be water font" and used with a Prayers. " all his energies to convert J;1is candles, and also the faithful. sprinkler called "" Th E d· h people and succeeded to baptize At baptism the priest uses holy (in Slavonic· Kropilo). . e xtraor Inary a,re t o~e all his subjects. Vladimir spent water for admirustering this sac• Holy water is an ancient sac• v:hlCh have some specIal addI- the rest of his life building rament. In the Eastern Church ramental of the Church and its tIons or changes. churches, monasteries and water is solemnly blessed twice, proper use is enriched with in• Vicar (Lat.• a deputy)-A repre- schoolsj, His is "Ravno- on Epiphany, January 6th, and dulgences. sentative of a person with or- a~ostol (~qual to the Apostles). dinary ecclesiastical jurisdic- HIS feast IS celebrated on July tion, who acts in his name and 15th. y w!th his authority. For exam~le: Vladyka-Title given by Slavs of VIcar Apost?hc (~epresentatIve the Eastern Rite to their bishops Byzantine emperor Justinian ordinaryof tJ;1ePope.hI~rarchym regIons~aswherenot the~et ortranslationarchbishops.of a VladykaGreek wordis a Yedinorodnyjgenes"-The Only-begotten(Gr.. "0 Mono·Son) (527-565). This hymn was in• been esta~h~hed), VIcar CapIt- "despotes", meaning r u I e r -The famous hymn in honor troduced into the Liturgy in the U!ar (AdminIstrator of a vacant master, lord. Its ecclesiastical of Jesus Christ as the Incarnate 6th century and is sung at the dIocese, elec~ed by a cathedral usage came in later period of Son of God and Savior. Its end of the 2nd Antiphon. c~apte~)j VIcar. general (the the Byzantine Empire. It is the author is said to be the great BIshop s depu~y m the govern- equivalent of the Western ment of the dlOcese). "Dom" (dominus - lord) give to VIgH-The eve Ofa Feast i.e., the pndates and rnotIks. ' z da~ preceding a major. holyd~~. Vozhlas (Gr•• ekfonesis, exclatna. It Introduces. the festive spmt tion)-This term designates the Zadushni Suboty (All Souls Days) called "Diptych", or "Hramoty". an~ creates Its atmosphere. A conclusion of an Ektenia, but is -There are five Saturdays vtgll IS uSl;1ally~ day of fast. in fact the conclusion of the which commemorate the de~ Zatchalo (Section. pericopa)-For Th~ t,~r!D.IS 1,enved from. the prayer which the celebrant parted souls. These are: The latm vigilare. t!>watch, Since priest recites silently, while the Saturday before the Sunday of the Liturgical purpose the Gos• the early C:hnstlans regularly deacon with the congregation, Meat-Fare; the Second, Third, peldividedand theintoBookparagraphs,of Epistlesperi•is ~pent the rught before a feast alternately, sings the ektenia. and Fourth Saturdays of Lent; copys or sections; in the Old In prayer. When the celebrant finishes his and the Saturday before Pente• Slavonic language: zatchalo. ViJ:shnaja Pamjat (Eternal memo prayer and ~~e deacon comes ~o cost. On these particular Satur• The Gospel of St. Matthew ory)-An exclamation, chanted the last petI~lOnof the ek~erua days, in all services there com• has 115 such pericopys ("zat• always in a minor key, remind- the c0J:.1cluslOn.of the sII~nt memorated those who have fall• chalos"); that of st. Mark has ing the participants in services prayer IS sung .m a loud. VOIce. en asleep in the Lord. During 71; that of Luke has 114; and for the dead to remember them These exclamations vary m con- the Panachida which follows the that of St. John has 67. always in their prayers tents but mostly present ex- Mass, a list of the deJ,)arted . panded variations of "Glory be EpistlesThe Bookof theof ApostlesApostles)(Le.,is thedi• Vladimir The Great, St. (956·1015) to the Father etc." The earliest memberscommunityofisaread.givenThisparIshlist oris vided into 339 pericopes. -Grand Duke of Kiev and of "exclamations" akin to Qne we all Russia. He was the first are speaking of are found al. Russian ruler to embrace Chris- ready in the Apocalypse (5, 13 tianity. Vladimir, having estab- where there is also the re- ~ lished his own rule against the sponse: Amen, in verse 14; 7,12; opposition of his stepbrothers, 19,1).