212 Meredith Street • Kennett Square, PA 19348 www.stpatrickkennettsquare.org

MASSES July 16, 2017 Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM and Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12 Noon Weekday Mass: 7:30 AM Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM Saturday

CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM Holy Days of Obligation - See Sunday bulletin.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Mondays 8 AM to 7 PM “A sower went out to sow; ...some seed fell on rich soil

and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.” Parish Office 205 Lafayette Street (Gospel) Telephone: 610-444-4364 Fax: 610-444-2129 Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday Clergy

Rev. Christopher B. Rogers, Pastor Religious Ed. Center Rev. Victor F. Sharrett, Pastor Emeritus 210 Meredith St. Rev. Andres Garcia, In Residence Buffington House Oblates of St. Francis DeSales, Sunday Assistance 227 Lafayette Street 236 Deacons James K. Madonna and James J. Elliott

MISSION STATEMENT St. Patrick Church, in the process of strengthening its Catholic Community, seeks to make the gospel of Jesus Christ better known and loved through prayer, stewardship and good works ST. PATRICK CHURCH, KENNETT SQUARE, PA PRAYER INTENTIONS

All praise and glory is yours, Lord our God, for You have called us to serve You in love. Bless our sick: Helen Scotese, Jeanne Harkins, Ro Teel, James Killias, Ray Patterson, William Adair, Monday, July 17, Weekday 7:30AM In Thanksgiving Joshua Brown, Neal Reynolds, Gweneth Mal- r/o Tony & Suki Family chione, Bill Ewell, Ronald Hall, Frank Reck, Mi- Tuesday, July 18, St. Camillus de Lellis chael Odorisio, Sr., Mario Lorenzut, Ginny Basilio, 7:30AM Helen Citino Pastor Dan Nicewonger, Steve Briley, Ana Teresa r/o Bobbie O’Sullivan Encarnacion, Robert “Mack” Marc-Aurele, Dennis Wednesday, July 19, Weekday Kelleher, Adriano D’Angelo, Judy Fritz, Clara 7:30AM & Elizabeth Szablewski Dunlap, Phil Morehead, Rosemary F. Madrigale, r/o C. Szablewski Tim Ewell, Ida DiNorscia, Mary R. Basilio, Betty Thursday, July 20, St. Apollinaris Ann Sweet, Rosa Maria Santos so that they bear 7:30AM George M. Burke this illness in union with Your Son’s obedient suf- r/o Ray & Maura Burke fering, restore them to Friday, July 21, St. Lawrence of Brindsi 7:30AM Helen Citino health, and lead them to r/o St. Patrick Rosary Group glory. Amen. Saturday, July 22, St. 8:00AM Special Intention Vigil, Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time OUR FAITHFUL DEPARTED: May the souls 5:00PM Mario Raimato of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of r/o Wife & Children God, rest in peace. Amen. Sunday, July 23, Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM Mass for Parishioners 9:00AM Edward Perron r/o Wife, Carol Good and loving Father, 10:30AM Artie D’Andrea r/o Parents watch over and protect 12:00PM Mike Nice all who serve in the r/o Ladies of St. Patrick Armed Forces of our nation. Surround them with your love and care and bring them safely home. Children’s Rosary Monday, July 17, 2017 SSGT Richard Baffa 5:45-6:15 PM in church SGT Raymond Burke III LT Crawford

Capt. Dominic Paul DellaPelle, USMC ______PFC Ben Farrell It is time to submit your scheduling dates Chief Petty Ofcr 1st Cl Shauna McNeely for the upcoming fiscal year and reserve SFC Tyler Nellens your meeting space. The calendar covers E1 Airman 1st Cl Andrew Szonntag from August, 2017 through July, 2018. Please submit your requirements no later than July 31, 2017 to en- sure that the space you require is available. Schedul- 236 ing is done on a first come first served basis, not auto- matically. Submit your request to the parish office. FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 16, 2017

FROM THE PASTOR My Dear Parishioners, Greetings! Last week I shared with you the miracle story of Jake Finkbonner and the powerful intercession of the North American , . This week, I want to share the witness of some other of North America, men and women who were born in the USA and who now live in heaven. Any one of their life stories are worth knowing and their friendship...well, that would be worth knowing too. In these summer weeks, pursue a new adventure: Get to know and befriend an American Saint! Peace, Fr. Rogers ______St. Elizabeth Ann Seton born in City to Episcopalian parents; her husband was also Episcopalian. It was after her husband’s death in Italy from tuberculosis that his business partners, who took her and her daughter in, introduced her to Catholicism. St. Katharine born in Philadelphia to a wealthy family. She is the only canonized saint to be born an American citizen! Blessed Solanus Casey, born in Wisconsin. He left home at 17 to work odd jobs around Wisconsin and Minnesota, including being a lumberjack. He was the first born man to be declared venerable. He will be beatified in November of this year. Blessed Stanly Rother born in Oklahoma, was a Catholic priest from the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. He served and was martyred in a church mission in Guatemala. The first U.S. born Martyr, will be beatified soon. Venerable Fulton J. Sheen was born in Illinois and was a diocesan priest and later archbishop. He wrote 73 books, had a very popular radio show during World War II, and later a television program. His cause of is moving forward. Vincent Capodanno born in Staten Island, New York. After being ordained a priest, he joined the Navy Chaplain Corps and was sent to Vietnam in 1966. There, during Operation Swift, Fr. Vincent went among the wounded and dying administering Last Rites. Fr. Vincent was awarded a Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and the Medal of Honor. Servant of God Fr. Emil Kapaun was born on a farm in Kansas in 1916 and was ordained a priest in 1940. He became an Army chaplain in 1944 and was sent to the Burma theater the next year. He served again in the Korean War where he was captured and remained a POW until his death. Among other honors, Fr. Emil was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously. Servant of God Dorothy Day was born in Brooklyn and became well known after her conversion for her social activism. A convert to the faith, she began the Catholic Worker Movement. Servant of God Mother Mary Alphonsa (Rose Hawthorne) was born in Massachusetts. In 1851, she married author . Rose trained as a nurse and then became a Dominican tertiary and from then on was known as Mother Mary Alphonsa. She founded an order now known as the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne and died peacefully in her sleep. Servant of God Augustus Tolton was born in Missouri in 1854 to parents who were slaves. His mother had been raised Catholic, and had Augustus baptized. While working in a factory, Augustus met a priest who encouraged his vocation and eventually backed his studies in Rome. Augustus was ordained a priest and is the first black Roman Catholic priest in the United States.

Fr. Rogers’ homilies are available online:




Kennett Area Food Cupboard Sunday, July 16 The Food Cupboard is in dire need of food. The truck will be outside of church at all the Masses on July 29 Monday, July 17 and July 30. Children’s Rosary 5:45-6:15PM C A list of items that are needed follows. Please check Tuesday, July 18 the dates on your food donations, they cannot use ex- pired items. Wednesday, July 19 Please be generous. Thursday, July 20 The following items are in highest demand: Friday, July 21 Pantry items: Saturday, July 22 Canned low sodium vegetables, especially lima beans, Rosary 8:30AM & 4:30PM C carrots, peas, and mixed vegetables. C-Church Tomato Sauce, whole, stewed, and diced tomatoes. Canned low sodium soups, canned fruits-light in sug- ar, canned 100% juice, jelly.

Fresh items, which will handle one week of storage Bag of apples, oranges, grapefruit, potatoes & onions. Chester County Prayer Communities Grains Rice, spaghetti and pasta noodles, low-sugar cereals such as Cheerios, Rice Krispies, Rice Chex, Wheat Chex, oatmeal. Milk Products Canned or boxed milk-low fat-no condensed milk. Charismatic Mass and Healing Service Non-dairy, shelf stable milk options (soy, almond). Proteins Wednesday, July 26, 2017 Dried beans, tuna, canned meats-low sodium, peanut Sacred Heart butter. 203 Church Road Oxford, PA 19363 Let’s work together to support the Food efforts to fight hunger and feed hope! Together we can make a Praise and Worship at 7:00PM difference! Mass at 7:30PM Kennett Area Community Service Celebrant: Rev. Christopher Rogers 136 West Cedar Street All are welcome! Kennett Square For more information or directions email Jean Gottel 610-925-3556 at [email protected] or call 610-255-4655 www.KACSonline.net



4. Period of Mystagogia: Begins with the recep- tion of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist during the Easter Season*Time

of reflection on the commitment made to the Lord, the Church, and the faith community*Time of finding a place in the community and getting in- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults volved. ARE YOU Many people who want to join the Catholic Church Interested in becoming Catholic? have already been baptized in another Christian A Catholic who wishes to receive church. They do not need to be rebaptized. They will follow a form of these four steps adapted to their par- First Eucharist and/or Confirmation? ticular needs and concerns. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a pro- Others may have been baptized in the Catholic Church gram for adults who desire to become fully initiated and need to complete the sacraments of Initiation by members of the Catholic Church. The goal of the receiving First Eucharist and/or Confirmation. All will RCIA process is full, conscious and active participa- have an opportunity to grow in their relationship with tion in an exciting life with Jesus Christ within His God and learn more about the faith before receiving Catholic Church. RCIA helps adults grow in their these sacraments. relationship with God, become families with Catholic

teachings and practices, get acquainted with the faith If you are interested in learning more about RCIA or...if you are a fully initiated Catholic interested in community, and get involved in service within the sponsoring an RCIA candidate… community as a whole. Please call Marianne Kane in the parish office at 1. Period of inquiry: Unique to each individu- 610-444-2214. al*time for asking questions*time to intensely examine one’s personal relationship with St. Patrick Parish God*ends when inquirers become firm in their 205 Lafayette Street desire for initiation and for the study of Catholic teachings and practices. Kennett Square, PA 19348 2. Period of Catechumenate: Time of learning ______the teachings of the Church and beginning to ac- cept Catholic Teachings and practices*Sponsors Children’s Liturgy of the Word accompany catechumens and candidates on their Like to help in the Religious Formation journey*Length of Catechumenate period can of our parish children but have limited vary from person to person*Ends when the cate- time? chumens discern that God is calling them to re- ceive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist We are now forming new teams of Chil- and Confirmation; the candidates, when they dis- dren’s Liturgy of the Word families. It involves a commitment of once a month at the 9:00AM Sunday cern that God is calling them to make a profes- Liturgy. Please call the Office of Religious Educa- sion of faith in the Catholic Church. tion at 610-444-2214 for more information. 3. Period of Purification and Enlightenment: Begins with the Rite of Election*Catechumens Feast of the Assumpon-Sunday, August 13, 2017 fol- are now called the Elect*Time of intense prepa- lowing the 9:00AM Mass at St. Agnes Church in West ration during Lent to Celebrate the Resurrection Chester. Solemn Procession at 2:30PM in front of St. of Jesus at Easter and to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist and Confirmation. Agnes Church. Benedicon following the Procession.

236 Parish Staff SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Candace Malchione Bapsm: celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each Month. Pre-Jordan class is Secretary required and held on the 2nd Monday of each month. Please call the parish office Marie Ellio to schedule. Business Manager Confirmaon: celebrated annually at the Parish with our Bishop. For more infor- Marianne Kane maon, please contact Religious Educaon office. Dir. of Religious Educaon Dave Cavanaugh Matrimony: celebrated regularly throughout the year. Engaged couples must Cemetery Coordinator meet with the pastor at least six months prior to the wedding, to arrange for the Annemarie McCarthy Sacrament. Music Director Anoinng of the Sick: celebrated regularly throughout the year in hospitals, Kurt Smith homes or a er Mass. Please contact the Parish Office to arrange for the Sacrament Parish Facilies in mes of sickness, prior to surgery or in emergency. Pastoral Council: Holy Orders: Please visit www.HeedTheCall.org for informaon about priestly Fr. Christopher Rogers vocaons Deacon Jim Madonna Deacon Jim Ellio RCIA: Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of Adults. For informaon about becoming Marie Ellio Catholic, please contact the Religious Educaon Office. Marianne Kane PARISH REGISTRATION Horace Scherer Jim Jennings Registraon is held on the First Sunday of Each Month or at the parish office. Ro- Warren BeVard man Catholics who live within the boundaries of the parish should register in the Megan Cascarelli parish. This will regularize one’s status and allow for the issuance of cerficates and Anne Marie Gillinger make possible the arrangements for Bapsm, Weddings and Confirmaons. Michael Curry Robert Bertrando RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Jeffrey Pysher Formal Religious Educaon and Sacramental Preparaon is provided for children grades 1 thru 6. Classes are held on Sunday Mornings and Monday Evenings. Con- Brian Raffety tact Marianne Kane for more informaon at 610-444-2214. Marge Korn

Mike Weber Sunday Celebrant Schedule Sunday Collecon Finance Council Subject to Change July 8-9, 2017 Fr. Christopher Rogers July 22-23, 2017 Regular-$15,340.00 Marie Ellio Campaign for Human Development-$2,445.00 Doug Singo Bill Teel 5:00 Fr. Connolly Last year-$14,030.00 Arlene Schock 7:30 Fr. Rogers Michael Piergalline 9:00 Fr. Rogers Flock Note Sign Up: Get important updates from St. Patrick’s Building & Grounds 10:30 Fr. Morrissey in a mely and convenient way. Sign up by vising www. Michael Miller 12:00 Fr. Morrissey flocknote.com/StPats or text the message 31716 to the Kurt Smith John LaPelusa Number 84576 from your cell phone. Ray Gamble 236 Like ST. PATRICK’S on FACEBOOK Michael Spaziani PA4240 Since 1961 Barretta’s Heating Oil - Propane WAYWOOD Furnaces-Boilers • Air Conditioners Specialist in Orthodontics for Children & Adults BEVERAGE CO., INC. Sales / Service / Installation 624 Miller’s Hill, Kennett Square, PA 19348 “Our Roots are here, ITALIAN UNIONVILLE / KENNETT SQUARE JENNERSVILLE / WEST GROVE 610.444.BEER others only have Branches” 610-444-9952 610-869-5850 Mon-Thurs: 8am-8pm Fri-Sat: 8am-9pm Sun: 12noon-5pm Call today for a price quote Restaurant www.superiorsmiles.com www.waywoodbeverage.com 610-692-3388 PROFESSIONAL PODIATRY LLC & Pizzeria Dr. ERIN Kutvoelgyi has recently opened her IMPORTED ITALIAN MEAT, own pracƟ ce in KenneƩ Square. She has Setting the Standard over 15+ years of experience and is board for Quality CHEESE & GROCERIES cerƟ fi ed in Foot Surgery and Wound Care. • Rou ne Foot Care Family Roofing Contractors Over 3 Decades NEW GARDEN PLAZA II • Diabe c Foot Care KENNETT SQUARE • Digital X-Ray in the offi ce • Custom Ortho cs • Wound Care 610-925-5540 • Ingrown Toenail Treatments Roofing • Siding • Gutters John L. Ross Sr., Owner • Surgical and Non-Surgical treatments ASE Certifi ed Master Mechanic for Bunions and Hammertoes Longwood Tire & Service LLC New PaƟ ents Welcome!! 484-568-4457 Emission & State Inspections Complete Repair & Maintenance Service 500 Orchard Ave, Suite B Best Prices & Warranties in the Business Cars & Trucks Gasoline & Diesel 4x4 & AWD Kennett Square, PA 19348-1812 Fully Licensed & Insured Full Brand name tire line, great prices 610-388-TOES (8637) www.longwoodtireandservice.com morganroofingpa.com 443 McFarlan Rd., Kennett Sq., PA 19348 ProfessionalPodiatry.com 610-444-6000 What’s important to you? Let’s talk. Birthright Donald G Sellers, AAMS® Financial Advisor 701 E. Baltimore Pike Suite A2 Kennett Square, PA 19348 610-444-5220 302 731 0001 www.edwardjones.com “It is the right of every pregnant 39 Omega Drive, Bldg G, Newark woman to give birth, and the right Member SIPC 701 Foulk Road, Ste 1A, Wilmington of every child to be born.” 2600 Glasgow Ave, Ste 103, Newark Birthright Charter 112 S. High Street West Chester, PA 19382 610-436-0773 529 E. Lincoln Highway Coatesville, PA 19320 610-384-3020 Free & Confi dential 302 731 0001 Pregnancy Services 40 Omega Drive • Building G • Newark 24 Hour Hotline: 1-800-550-4900 www.birthrightofwestchester.org FREE SCREENINGS Richard’s AUTOMOTIVE 961 West Baltimore Pk. Kennett Square PA 19348 610-444-4158 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards In Our 4th Decade of Quality Service

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