

TWENTY-FOURTH c.' R-Na 2 (No. 1202) DUNCAN. B, C, THURSDAY. MAY 3rd. 1928. Sal>Khption $200 Yearly ia Advi SHEEP SHEARING CONTEST! VlCMmviStr LUMBER AND LOGGING HOME EMNOMICS Oaidn ai«l Suut. Wdcon. P.*T. A. Favour Rc-Introduc« tion — Duwor Spuki icenfnl Denontralioas - Eipert Gres OrfhMhl tofermabty otortid toa Progress and Ontimkof Indnstry In Cowichan At the tact mreufu of tor Parmt* MUfraM thrautb toe dictnrt on Tracber AmcuUan Mr A. W ieka« PoiRers On Gra&g and Maiiets Balmday af Ba EkaOmey toe Oo»- —Two Bnosand Employed i. u enae-Oeoetei and Udy WiBincda. BBC. dltrctmof bom s vMsb MM beta* iha vho inapectod Ouidn and BeauU.ai An tndtoitiM of toa inetMHni ten paM i t to toa verb Ctaeaalaaa. ttorscan and Ooutchan Bprliit brupa May IM and ouiput will be incmied by tventy to vho epokr on -Home Bconomica I wrw at ttair _ pepnlamy of aiunp raiatoc to Um dl»> dona by Hr. OUbart BobtoMB. vbo, Bay. Pram Quaiiniai Beach they ' for bumlito. one of tor fsety per cenL dunnt the tatter pan toe Behoola.- IML Mr R.a.TbMM trtet VM tlran to the totenot dl«lay. ha Mid. VM a oood ftnt. Ha raBiark. had mMorad to Udytmito for a atm- nan, , toM to praaarra the di- of loa She mrnUoctd tor cardtani wla> WM rmiTCd Uiat tb* pMtta tat ad to the ihaap abaaru* eoaitaata. da. ad partleolarly upaci toa vay to which Itor froctma and. afttr naau« Che-; Thnr pment Unuu betai DMrIy Mpka of adurawm. aa lUlad by Or. tttrUwr natatac rartricitaM at Craf> drailona and totta r*n> to (ha ha ImM toa ahaop. polaUat out that matoua. came o Indnatry. vlth nood ibminrt. vm to- Umber In toa neck of Block 79 tec fttrt aan thirty BrevMat. under MimBM.Mn i( Bra k—u DMIi baisf lat el a lae paMMt:— dtaaiad by Mr. Heaton, who aaM that MeOanaM Merphy la la aaktof rapid aaeanaunmns MtawaMa i NcaL Baovn Out. betiic toroMhoul toe pnretoe*. vaa rhlnvl MaebtM ahaarttM-l. I R. m.*3: Mat year vitoaaHd a four par atat. Cauadtan Puftt Souad aSact Ita o a aad «aa *a«M 1. OapL i. D. Orvm. M: I. Oapi R. The Seonu muatrrrd only aoBw Bflma by toe apeaker There are at praaenf haaa avan let. toop to pradBctbo. Ptecka vm uadet lA^tai J a > M The CTMieat ecUhty la a The PWflt OeUlM I M. Bactlar. taf iBcriMiit to Iha UiUiad Btaba. 97 home acmiomin eentm In the On iha a aaraalarMaaB. Band -I. Olkatl ItaMv (The Rev A. Wtvhlicef. 8M. UUv. (be rtm ralhy a^ rmwhan Laho pnrTtnea. emptoyttf M leaehen am4 much had 04 mfen haM m a< avBfi. Mr. B- T. ______At Ite take toa taptn Uam- aaw of toe tartat Uand (irtBc toanctloti to om SAW BipB aeo. 17; B d. H. m. M. \ Oi**- unb caautocticna la tota dtaCtet Bv* OtaiM. M. tbr *-«—■* bet Oa UA. ihraoch Iti school pupth and S.OW PuUtr School a too laaeai over- atorly Tfaa aSaK vaabMd « tortf MbaMtarr. (ta pupih. each year mm Uw maO at Bra aUBan B. C. bM ISO.- aueav then at praaent. vtto Mr O C Laectoc Oo. aytratad ol Charter, but ptoM of (ha cowhan OM ahaep «M taato. an tnrrrara of of aeeeral new mbm aa pmph be> Taunt aa Uw ctawrul manicff of aO now two rampi arc betac run. one pa to mlim tor bmrflti tSwA an to Beetatr aad iha Vana tvontp per cent, erer tact ymr. and iMd. ran Mtietuaa Mr O B Bouton la toe iwad of Oovtoban Labe, vhleb br dertrad from meb iMgucttaa TBH H VM hoped to oonttBM toe*Mab bHMaaa with laM af Uatr wraDa hla own nlMBi m Buaicx Be ca- ML recently uarud vart.'uM toe oCher year prtmiati fair u be veil ahead D cf the H O BtaarM Pyv Hi naHimS the Om opportune MMhm tatt (hat Ihar vasM 8k« premed toa Btpe (hat toe next Om The pnnmpal aubaMtary la Bkv adaa Rlrar paat yean tt Ifata rmpeci fltobe B elart to toaap rahtoc. to hm aaBBh raOv tahaviMtoB an ha etaitod DMcaa be voaM aee toa LocMnc Oo Lid. (hreuch vhleb the perarni each camp baa An ttoportani rtep taevard vaa tlw vtoton aad a Dr KBMbl aho apoba bneOy. Be Beuuu on (he umr taDdnc aa the npenuoM of OovKhan Lake U«lnc Ml vitoin a lev veefca the eempuay taken vhen toe Ontrarnty of B O. aaM toot mutton vat. af ooutM Onldm. -The tadka bara cut ua fair- Oo ua and Toubou BawmlOa. Ud. vtn bara tvo tMm to averauen ceeaceud to tram mitrfcuiaUoa aloMr; Mr. Arthur Marten. DomMlni bIWBiata and of ahaep raUtne. end hr are handled under eoo tract rach ptacw. maklnc four In an. tvina and abaap proamter ta B O ly beaten. taomiT tlieyr- vm hla n* credit to toe aubRrt Thta owam oouM nat iDum too aaonciy toa need lulpmcnt betoc the property of jpmesi mm Charter vaa . Iiud iitodu. thtoftotad IB thaprlDiet. and Mr. O. B. MbIHryOrfBiha. «ac mark. Ur. Racnihia aprwd aad (hat a Ctrl ■tleiMtof a Hlfb Betuad. vW be aabad w MMk ee (he aauar lor can In braodinc aad taedliM In addltton to irmruport of tortr toe Lake Devlehan vhen iMtructlon li rataiy of Varanarr tnaOtutaa van coed Bn VM aaianttal WherMC own output, tola coneare handica toe vhere. at toe praaent lime, the lofi at Iha aiMoal wtoHnt of Iha Ohaai- prManl to taka aa aeCao part. la fIrvB. may mv take thu iub)art IB ava car* only one. two oe tone taraba. tovtia and loadlnc out of an bruf dumped into itae taka. Hov- bar. vhleb la to be held nast aoBth. Itora Ta Be niU plan of a acienn or extra tancuase. Thla vUi be (ha tvenUeth aoiili>m- a ram VM toa un of Afiy or aUty from toa aeratal companlea vhteta rvrr. at uao aa toe C N R Mtonilon thua temoruif It (ram the ruafea of arr or (ha onaalmtlcB and it vh de- 5Cr. blorton uptaUnd (hat ihh wa tambe in a aMnn Thua. with a lev dump into Oovlrhan Uta. Two (ajB< ta romplrtod to toe head of toe take, -extra aubjocta- vhleb It lormarty oo* ■he ouiput vtU be loaded na of eiedUe nMcUact to ba IwM extra pnonde par lamb, at IS ccau work day and ntabl. intoc tare cwptcd and (or vhkh no erodll vm brraiohout toa tatand and U. a and. pound. It v«a aacy to ma that a rud accord tooiluc to C R R can and ahlpprd by tota ikfla a dcmonatratlon of machina ciro VM arorth while. recallad toeldmM of their pevttoua At the loot of toa lake ta tor route to lalt voter at Oovtehaa Bay. Refcrttof to tor criUrtam teraOed abaaitac vba belnp glrm by Mr. A. Ha aho laonilonad Ihi Domi vttli to Duncaii The company had a monto clam, 1 the uacbini of heme mnomln to O. MeVlcker. of Mbtchama. ha Mr* Both praeud the retem, otneera aad and tvo erann. Ur Doe* MadiO dovn durtof toa paat year. rartoui poMlm. memben of toe L O. D. a and algzwd handtaa toa loadint under eontrael At Jordan Bleer an enUraly nev art Vito what ntlpbt br eonaUend (Iw Xb tacard to (ha ahaeii bainc elMBr* Inc Boeka and laauad eerUflmlM. Or. auimraph botAa fee OuMea. and tvanly mao an ------of cantpe haa been bulll and nev (VO main erllieUffii. that of rxpeBM. ad.*Ur. Moftna noted, toa yuba VM KiU«hi touched upon IMduc and m- panda aaac the Rsltanal Anthem end. April Iftb a record ta betof put to. and that of toe cutUbiUiy of (ha not yat up la the wool vhleb toe M an example a bolUa tad lamb after Uitm hearty obem and a Hper. In toe paat ivtiee monilu nev rqulp- :boal aa the place for trot hint the thorataav net la toad eondtUon far too which VM In toa itnc. outltoad toe toe vtee.r«cal party beaded for Cow MbieeL Bucb erltletaiM come chiefly braofbl op bf Mr. J. A. Kjrla. who . Warm vMtocr vm niriawiy pood polale nrtutnd In a ibaep. Icban Bay. tunof ipent aoana fiftoan frara toom vbo neerr rraeleed any of wlahad to baov hev iha adene ■lO' for ihcMtiM. baaald. WaMkS Itar Maibal mtoutca to Duncan. Tte lofa. haded dtnet OB to a and UntrueUoo. aad tcry imie rrani (ton. paaad br Iba OhaMer at l.a Ba potBMd UUI tout. In abaarlac. told that wbrna R. R cara. r> by Ibta route to Crof- ! Who recctrvd ll Thoumndi of teal aaMttd. bad beta broncht about, toe Mm VM to tat toa (baca eS In ninety peunda had bom a daCrabla too. vbera toe tanoUiw la dcae b* lofftot catL 1 mertof ear and S fM f bmimvlTM win taatlfy to tlH lie iboiMht II bad pnaublT beau pat ptoee. and. vben off. to r«D it vUh veltbL new toa market demanc. vaa Blaa vtto Ur OaaVon Ualtary 10 alwrata benedti they alb nev petltof fron Ihiaagh viiheui itu Utoatlao btoat toe cut aMe out eo M to prMnt toa imbi fraan arraaty to aercniyflra DUNCANJOUNCIL ehorta of a rtrw af fifteen to In tacpwf. IW men an employed ipent at acbool on arartap and iiBdtoaduil At laaat. the nattar bad beat appcuranca to the cradar. In da. drmtod thirty-Bra to tbtrty. Durlnt Uarab taunarn mllben and toe monihly output ta about alt cooktop not bam referrad to the trao«orta- tytt.C toa (bfcc. be aaM. ttadcr rvtnr I aad a ball Thh vouM preh- Mfike* Cram To Eotcrtain. bat af kM boaarwd by tota ov** oiilban feel The IffS output war No rauey Bewloa foety-aiae mllBon. Ur. W. D. Con- Dan aatotoinae. ol whicb he la chair. UmuM an no aaeouat ba Mad. a* aMy maaa nmed.mnc toMdlac to tnent of Inctitutes TtM Crafun BoeoUcf Oo. vito 5tr Ttw brtef that an etahorata equip, ptacM oMt pot into the Baeea. Vapn Harry Pattenon to eharvt. handle ■an*. H neoMry for toe ■wimftil Se eddad that be Ml the {Cneh rtna vm boat. Bean Oty Onunetl, on UcaMay half mil cer. mUanl tMcbinp e« toe mbRet la loop «ne« of pMBM atovtoa. The n«Qlar claic CbpiBim etmoM ba dona an a etma m- tvtod a ernat of S3S wvarM monto. abtppad dovn by the tatand an rxpkMfd (aOmy vhiSr toe eb)ar- ttna VM timed br lav hi the toattor acr end toa roQtoc dona IMi LU d Iha Haa vtenatimwt it Irnirtuni of the Lofftof Oo Ltd The peoduct ttmn a j I uea that extrarapaat rewtpm an mad MvmtS company hai the ■ at (he vaibrr el |BMfi|in. Mead iMcb b the oaek tdaca There BM to toe dmrtot Wmts'a In- all tSw other lake rampi la boama ' mt and manaper. vtto and Utoto el anteal and daparhae: tour QuahtM of voDl to meh t • apaaber alatad that dhiairi to ceeJeraneu to be bcM to Dun- ko aM thla etoaa of ato adMd tomea vaa and thu toetbod ol iMBac vouM appeurod to be inenadne The dr. Three SUaa At Wota Dan Mujdlt aa miB aupertoUndrai and Ur P W Bavea laM n liUiilrad to ba >n»arBtoiBi bonded. brtoc toa beat to toa outoMa In end- purtcMni hod many aucMrtaa aad (ha icaen t^Hoaad Iwanm of o The ntevalra aparauona af The phato could rvB vhan and vtatov top Uv bandtaa were not undone petnelpal eauae aaemad to be mten- n from the cnmmlUn of ar. Orate haa Lake liiprai Oe Ud att EarD to i»r> a iS-tneb Sob be dkad and CM Into (ha rapulaMd IM IM hand aheart^ Mr. Mor- irauiaa Or Kaiv aad a re tdptx and -automaUr tnmmrr vm iwtallrd The enUre %Tir-|— otthaut raatttetloo or bond. Mn. O. P. Daeto and Utl Oltaen and Mr Wa* UcCtoy. *tto a vw atao . rmemMUr. he ihooght (hat a pnir. P. O ChrtttBua. peramnet of l»l swn Three Lcdfrr- arty nmdatod tanrhlae ahonM ba hr the inupmn BL tMwimm The am eamad ouUinad Un wmd tkMdrr aMto art ruaniap. vnb trMUt Since, toe rain baa ran atead- watarvaya vhkb venM iMioei the _ _ an output of about ai mil- •nmad to amune vho had the Bum- lactt of iMtUato weak—ter home and euipul of abont ctsbt aad Screral tBttonm were quotod when burden of eoet ftran toe taxpaym. that It half mirnra. fmt The IPS7 ouiput ' tkm fmi mcnthly The output tor tor ;taurt in tota vork vere. after paw With M evB atode Bne M hada ptr- TM tact (bat tMla vera dmrpad far mtaomueb Utom mranty -eWIrr. (art w«»ha run to tm vxa ftetr- curlni toe nemaary equipawnl. and IM Of itmiMx panntae, racb aa toa Bra minion freL Oue ai*» ml ___ _ I mmUflcatloita. and Wonten'a IniUhile eonfcmicv. Tnuu* drlrtfi. but ba (houpbl Iha DranchlM on toad pattun and not aOovIni tlw The company Trpart* a pood rail, h,,, ,„f|,*uon to piie toe ptrU raquaata wbteb bad coano before the purution for a drira In the dUlitoi. rttand to bacoma eontamlnatad. demand rxporu quiet and all price* matniriira naormary atanf ihr- probably to the Bolartum. will be ar> ______toll the Vancourcr, vllh Ur Deboe m ru.ll. ■'•vh The taiilook ta not found tinea, and fev ptrfe W to-day hare Uw DurtMn aad Horih Oovlrhan eoun- A Bit of lllalary clh vere a dlflcnni mauer, for. le adaUttad u vm a bic a In ncard to the fhh- lane ba ' monto The mill ran caniinueitaty homra the Vancmirar bland Ptoekmaateri- tlow each of which etnployi about quMiloa but poln'ad out that the liif area at Crofton aume la a lattor Ameclallcn u an Interaeitnc chapter opeewd from the Iiland Hlshvay to ' i»zi. with but four week* ihut-<5ran. ftebwwh The ftaca Uw Bravnmy and Stacey prop* and turned oul nilren million feet A Bftmn men The •cbraili Uw taM. air Uw iul« buve iiaae buatoa npnaentod an to- from Mr. W. A. Pound, dinctoe of In the acrteultural hhb at Uw KMto end r| nimprlenl aa v*a i •aubbabed a aUca Bm ^ ^ Uwrefore. toat they near toe fooa of (be take, loadup d> MUwprapet place for ^ Mae PolaL durtof toe time meh aal- [ crcaniaM meettac be heU In Out- Oanwtt Road and bnrnh ataebed on TTwre ate fUe Bm aid man aeai- am van rrmuliic. ahouM be twptaeod ■ TprcB BOeci Tte ptreaeii leMoaBblt ured torouphowi Uw eampk vmk. aU «1 to Uw B and N R l ir»jntnp (oe toe preataat of aU IhOM ' a bond to one caaa and by one which vnuM prohUratt Bah-, The tone umc Ihmi anSad on tor vin be required to remora tome ob- of vham are paid catra fee Bril aid The a and K. Lonm CO jprofemaww. toat of hnmemahinp* Bamer Shaathneray and Mut any- I In ctaalBs. (he qwakrr urped ihoia ■e VM dMMadh unfah. at than at aO tonca- It eonUnuad; cupk Barkhy aad amodM t . Mr. taytha ijm i t d bM neelrad conalder . ^ mmcipc at Iha rp—— I Iron raikas la to ha i I plaesd it tvo palata alens the caMtnt one aerrea to turn Uw afpeaatmm'k ------> aad •!»«*to obtain home aoM. atlon; Mt ao taop m toe i . At tota m «pmp at uw bead 01 the take for:^ ^ erato- ■aanvh toarddpaiutr. vhan han- renfamiiii li piren to Itae fitomlea. ' aidevalk oo Uw Trunk Road Tht betop madt at pnwral -rafety- maet. ahUM hate baoi to affart tar i Uw Mpartment ta eonetooed toot toe trader of J U Bird aiM Son. tSa«. mo. vbtrb are all veO alietMM aea. under contract (mp tor pirta of loMay to boroaw hrt- VM accepted. The oovtohan Leader, Tlw cummitlee'* duty la to meet BetteM-SSoehi 1 ter qqallCrd bouieviraa of toe fuMre. UMa ThU vfB bi dona. puMlc IntciMt would nek be meeod by Ur a R LbMb Aakiwtoe taaeea rradaca Maabattof quoaauon of MS tor pettily *hen- nen veek. dtarvm vaya and nw*M cf Rftroxw.Uertn i ti trwtor kqftof. an ruisntiw Uw | to 51 Ratarrtoc to the oenhaenM « tana vhara ba vOI act m Buropean term vm aho apfena A Tlc(cria pmUbs Uw veak lairr. and raU at. Ann quetid S4aW. I lanttan to any defreta ta vork ae a of toe lUI- I tor (act toat thta wtoKrl vm « am marteltnt. (ha praMMnt mM ton*, ramapoodani far toa SonUtom proup the toaattot bad indnevd Iha i ofnrvMapara Bla ftteiMi bara vtah Mayor MoUer maaUtaewd a reUef rquipmeet la peaeeal tor MB UuBlwT CO Ud. at Bin so. under ■ diuptwd fram Uw nirneulnm « tSie at bato Mdto but (hare had ■aatotts ta that whole area ta dm ___ and. vben too qwpUoai of a ' u direetad tovarde eentnet |local ■cbeeta. and fepemwl itae hapi I iiitilni winUinUra aa to the | permlUad to b«tn until CtataMr UL nwiMrb riniliBi ter Uw wocnaa vm 'acettrnt ronacioui * BuUeUn board* Ttaa Arm >( which Ur Joaeph Ker- j (Mt tor tinw vm not far duunt vtw nto fVBoaal of toa dUtonllM by vtdeh time ttaa nmi o< ttae oUwr totrodncmLdrptarad (far fact toat pen. roord aacMtnta and IbMr JO* li paeMdniL 5lr P r. a ilarn. tarpaiy into aad -aafety- poalm an dlMtayM elae-pfieltavL and Hr C W. OTtaUL Mra bnad. Ua UmmM (hat the a Midaa bnev ao far ademaad Ibat OtomlaL Ba aUattad tfaa rank cf thouM ba teDovad up vllh (hit and tomo ruuld not bi naaocHMe ok|m. oalor to toa C. a r. to mnee and. rtary. empleya about thirty mm. apoke Btrenply to faeoair af Ita raM* in new and nantoBad iha aui tlira to iDovtop a llmltad amount of Mnee (ha var. ba^ barn on The Daily Ttw Chantom tt Comawrot vete At Uw band of Uw lake Uw output ap- tndMttaai. Other metahm *aka am Uom to rapard to a pod or locm : Bibtop for ehmn mtanon. Omm. Uw practed uaa of the court iobm to tor The McOonaU Murphy Unstop Oo. toe anbjrct aad toe optoton of Itat bai Ha theudhi It vooM bo rood fee la net Bn tmD (or meettoM- proeidM (hat Ud ran thrauph IRT vllb a bceab Bwattop VM toat rerrytoltm pomlbta (or the toatitct U the retaHan and and to ba In toa toiacMta of Iha In- Johnaton la alaytap to Wtorto unill tor Bremen did not require l( and toil of

I ‘Ml 1^' PigeFocr THB OOWICHAN------UUin DUNCAN, VANOOiniai—------■UMD^aC TliWPday. May 3rd. ' HufUfiF. N»7 9ti, im. THE COWICHAN LRADES, DUNCAN, VAlQCOUVER ISLAND. B. C Pbgg.Flvu Canada differ to aptote cMcaral^ thb tie^. Aa- CBVUCB SBRVICBB PRIVATB SCHOOLS I.EOSBIfN k too eKfrkgM sad Bapa and Okry." iwHteil k* tta t cardJai ta Mr. Daria, than who da not agiaa wito GNaWRCDP ^ -ertktea: sang, Mr* mdr. sang. -At CA( CoiPkhaM Ctader otnw a C. LAND SURVEYOR EMPIRE SHOPPING Oawnhte.- Mr* Pwan; aeog. “nKia* tha “party* are thaiefoie nppartlng Ubtral party Wirt af toe tottery. HMDnnkpNen- Ota Itog^ Cowkbma District durtag AfwlL DuacAB Mgcchuts Praigad ~ Und.- and cnaarr. -Ckarr Op ~ The Mountain Won ’t Btr« Ml tk4 IVMt tM PtopVt ■■*i ti<». rbwa. nd art idntUbd with thaet - ttnto has ato. abtomto ntt bast Ktaammi t-d to toe Offkat I goMkr Soy. ’ Mr* B. U ■ odtotobrbttbMt,to«toarla- PriM Amnia Dmwtd h iM/htmm «UotMM »y ^; an the traaty'a affect n WbMatos Bleek. DUNCAN. E C Ui* Bury and hsr taughicr. to- song, -in pa Oardan of Tour BcarT Ittn hBk atottot afi UK ww- Be at- H«r« rnlA W fbrfMu prw«pO tffW. J snrilta Bttte tee I Waaa U Dunen •nd anaoe*. -Prrtty Mary PBwaatt.- a and dbragatd af Its affect, gaod and bad. r u roll art pkywwef aHAWMIOAN LAiCB taod: Mog. -Un m-m. • utui PM^ f* fffNrto*. I^r Mrf U«. oMbar fttbtebta UMsry. k on rlaw a aaw toon, aa* at Idto 'j G)me to aothac anrntr. aad on l-partol ntotfnblp. Joati- SCHOOL DOUGLAS/AMIS gnittytag and ycaterwortby wm Uk —I9tnk8*»r9. AJJ.SrT*. to TtoldaAB.gMpp. ndgm Kto wto balk fythaa a that they aie-playtaCpaiMcn'' go was: BtetaiA lltoSO: Oar- Ab taaSte Ek *Hb stt Ustott to -Barry Dam.- Un. J. B. OWagi: UK sM*fl pttm wtB to tto ■ . ktod a nry capabk a«rk itoa. SMS. Tto ttum wm; anwsicBa Uka. B. C ARCHITECT r ahaaM attend ta tba pnbi— af bb brttod Iba pkte. Bs k CM Stott w*a kragbt tt Tte Landtt - regm B. toiiMni p. >■ Mt- taka by Mr. w. B. Pumr. wbe 1 ' q Mahomet -«‘SrSJ=^~ bftotota idBiifw to too c. Bte anna ib. tarry Tsl- WhMam BMb, DubOk. wifi ttcktta^^m ate mtt DUNCAN OmAMMAM lio Mahomet mutt fo to ily ta tha altiHn of their wtmi T to tha Bean af bel to, D. Mrrt tot a TMal to. J. way tt UK tete ktend centra* Tie- r bUd to Tktetia »■ at U WiftBir ft a Mten- SCHOOL 0W gmad Ml. Prieto on Hu Iota and Btaatnw la bet. U k gar- D and tew tea gan% DEN1T8TS T» Ml* Dnwaen-TkoBto for U LO. naaa. to tha hnad paUcy af ttarat waa ttCM.. gi^ab wm ~ D. B. aad Mr. B B. Ehbbam br tbs trour favoorite cUuic, grit bnoks. Bibles, prayer and Kaay af tb«aa baya aamd la Uw war aad Buiy . inUTHCOHA MOOL Utap Bedal Ckto bald aaoibcr an- hymn books, and s hundi^ and one of the different vel- llaa. Tha Awtrallaa Trade Treaty toeaU do nacb oalUad baaam ai Bk ttcMUa BOM are dM to Ibm wbeanb- ■arrlnc Uwlr caaalry la tbaaa daya af pMca. la war Or.liCTM DiPiteh ■uHe eld torn dann en tattaday. nmea that go lo make up an up-to-date bonk department, tathbreapact Nabady aapactad It ta ha perfect en- ^wnlte lBh« A a rllh the «aal eSkiak tt tbav- ■d HIM to Ok L O. Ol B and or to paan tba tratali« they ncatoad made tbaa May 1 tans 11 ■ DUNCAN. I. C. luit pubtished—Points West. Bower: Red Rnsi, CgfUMii; til It WH triad. Eiparincabaanawathatitnawto err to me fkemMr af Oetemaa mat dwl of ban ank n the Ore- May 1 Am ll Bttanta r. Bated Om Ok% fund. Ol«i «a M iba te m* *m- They Abo Serve, Kyne; Delufe. Wri|iit. b thaaa daya aba Daacaa had a CadM Carpa bat, aa It ttanda, tt baa already broaght May 11. tarn to. Owepm r. PtatoM lOAMOAK SCHOOL d tt foer ctom TM ItogrlAAmM. BPk p. w. tattSte Dr. V. W. TARLTON taaaaaacttoawtthy^hUcacbaati. TMa alaa yiwridad • of trade and bnedt ta tba tl Kra natttoa Mn m Itay lA ter to. Oaitam »- W n » Dtatato'A C DENTIST Ckthteg. '*y poods, beak and SOUTH COWICHAN a faad MBtoc fer fatara ctttoaaa. Ciw|itadwhk a raaOy UnaMM nak m^n; Mi*. Itoy tl Mr A PUmta r. toBBsat Psttsnn Beck Dtacn iMa* Igmw* teal and lliiittiten H. F. PREVOST K w. Hnl hMkai aflw aardn: Itay H. tok 1 Olimi r. Bttmto Office Phans Itl ReMdenca MT L Tte B. Md B. B. grapto an M«y nry bktdy ceteandM lor patrtelM w«yafatlt^ UtUa ta batot daa far O. B. Trwnnl Miffp; anO Mn. P- BOOKS AMD 8TATI0NERT May to. My le. tonmta r. Oangm Op« E*mta«i hy Appotottotot tord to rtaags me Irain Umm n that diter. Ostoebaa UetebaBta Ud. baya aow. Why b UOaT DESERVES WELL OF COWICHAN tana 1. Mr 11 Mwisl r. Btoirnn Oreotoa* TM Duncan Oroacry. er*. wMi aahMt an hnnn tana 1 tak n. aobtott r. Oangm b aat thia a aiMlar La wbkh a«aiy paiaat la an- total m, Btft Dta- Ur. R. W. Octnr. preprKter: hlgbty with nawhff ataBi and MUa* tato 1 tair to. iktato f. BkMtota Bttg tntt at I pto. Instead of I pja. bb Eight yoan af qabt, Bnebtrwin bat aptedhUy ELECTRICIAN II Uelm. caiMdt Rara wa aaw aa yoi^ aaa ea aaf- WWb nbewna la Bany btoewa woe ry rt Pfito Bnas et W. T. fitop- ■Ub eerrenenAns ebanas ai Sun- tord lb. P. Waato If. B. UcBwn Jk lOBN DICK L. Ur. H. Sdaatly ytraar ta haa;« ta darato a UlUa af tbair affhctlra woik to tba ncard aa wbkb tha Oawfchan Budi by mien patticalar lobrstt B a gaod alM- tin Cdutral Haim J.Otor ami hlgbly ( Uk Buses VlsU Itt- hovn to two Mg t* mb of craon a. BtaMfi to. lllpimin c. OoMk Haut WMip op4 Erpakg tel to btepoct Uk local genute and tbM to leadiTabip aawni Uyat Roallh Oentn dnarroa pehlle emcntolstlOB. In tha D. R PnSk tend Drug O*. Mr. a L Burkham. tovcriab aad a boBM of ptot crytb- Dales Light wad PHfUairt TMy wan nettrad by Ur. flatatday'a patada bafora tba Ooi lepieoantoUn nstan af lU dented eoamlttaa, tba rooluai ■aimi (deg-loe(h diUM). Mr. A H. PetefMA. waO known at H. T. BCMCAB WBATtata P.*0. Bai m Dtoki Harduara. taninm and houatMH ■aalou effarts af Ita ptattdaat, and tba prafenlcaal Mr. U W. Wnttogin, ctoUnnaa of bm Bi. W. B ibaitewi 1 > nerebnnt of thirty rmtw iliiltiB ato Itt. o. Wameh. gmoldnn af Uk ■baaad that SeoaUac aaada caara to taiaat bora- uteadk, Mr. B. A TlMpe: highly Thorpe ’s Windows et p. f. pgmttd lb. a Ctoowortb e. aUll af Ita aUff, llaa nock af lb atrength. D Oancta telWh wlUi Oewtehto cemmendad. Mr. FbU. Csyaci. omeeteBon. ato by Un. 0.1 abaata. Tba laland CenoaMonar baa daoa waB to A num b. p. Dckauit f m%rm Ml* A gtennard, Ur* MoOu Rgctlvnd FIm Prise for Pumitttrt sod Kartfwarg dgaa ANNOUNCEUENTS AUTO EXPRESS SMtoto Dtepter* Ttetarta. It aaay ba hapad that he wfll daaate a Uttia Tba bate todicatlan af pabUc appraetotba caaM Mr. B. M. tod a Tcry bna- It. >. liniMito ft A Babirtsm p. mm UMgrava. of IM OM C Oik af IM teH sod Uacmilten Display hi Empire ffheppiag Wank CempetMen «Maa Una ta tbla aacliaa af hto territair aad that by tawreaaod grarta aad nanhatpnt kf*t MMMt. etohk, haacfcr. aea dto- Pltatarte. to Ute I liiWiI to MptoMn beeam H aa- We got some valodble advertising for our effons, as pamta aad athara ban wU aoaparata wttb Maa to a af gaaanl nppact. Charity ndgbt bagto ARMOUR BIOS. well as the price. Many people came to look at o«r r~ da^ a iBod tan far aar baya by Mtttoc Scaathw ■an aftaa. Man toadi waaU Jaslify wa­ an oaard et MClt fi AI.C% Ssraito tend Steer dows for the firstr time.• ~They will snrely com agsia. Aik For Prim. ■M With a btetecy. and oUkt arttetea PhteBf HetarPteMltlL ef Mn. B a gprlngitt. with Him aa a proper faatiat. Than abaabl ha thraa or faar tt mat ntoaUo wetk. Tha iiiilaUiiii af Ote fteUdhg waa ditoayad te Uk Ottnean Onlted Cksrcb Uutaava M Brown Owl TMy |wa- Our windows are alwaysrays worth yonr inspectioa.ins| Bar- -nitrT-T to tha acbeela farm laipiatoat to- aacand wndow. w«lku both Uu pU- tnepa at boat to Daacaa. FOB SALE scated wiU firmn tt Lady WIStog- gains arc often on display there that art not advertised fetmUn ta tha npait pdatod hen. Oto ao- rSAlUNG. TRUCKING elsewhere. Justnow they feature.: igBrtllll Mr. W. B Holawtob pat — Bath rnwgiiiilio wan campB- qaalntodNrtth RaaHh Ontn work and yaa will np- fOB m TBAB8 tt IM dteptey. Tbte ts Ms bfth *K- AUSTRALIAN TRADE TREATY Poiaitura, Ptanw. Etc. wq aMt nu*f dggvaed ter torwettn 3su-jsrt.7u*wvah teey tt few kind weeds wm Walout Flaiabad paittt- AT THB SBAVICB OF THB WM ginn by Mn. rAnm. finr. aad I member. Abani a buadnd CHUBCHILLW Mn. O. O. Badmon npertad on (M Mr. Darla dan net 0ra a direct anawar bat the Ottor rnelinei wtaacri ewas— COWICHAN PUBUC AS MS US rr 4Tt L Duncan Dded to greet TMtr ta Bedroom Pumltun. Dr. P. T. Btoidar. toit fbr narem ytertel cneuUn mooting TM eeUoMla* wM chatted wlUi iMm br Many raggosUna by tba Canadian Ugiaa ware Ouota WM rapnaanted. and ateMol Beds, Dreaaera aad HaUeeal Dairy Council new cUtn that It la net pro- paMleu*). first (or dhpiv of hardy FiHMnd Dlmtor oevoral aittuteo bebn patong on tt Bccaptad and tocarpantad to the neeamendatiens of ovary port of Uk BBpire:.Omt Brll- tcattof afatoit tha atlrlaBca of the AaitnUaii ntBUlM. laond tor dtopUv of *aan- u MATOm or P MILL WOOD ain. Auatnlk. Bate Zealand, ttwth Vklarte. Chiffonlgres: also nn; Mie D. IdaaHk first ta bael dal aerrtca' by Hr* Ooergo Owon* TM vKw from Uk betel lltateio Treaty but wanta N. 2. bolUr ImporU stappad. Erl- lha cpadal ceaunlttaa appatotad by tbs Boasa af Hauttaf — Tnirtint AMcA intfte. gtniu getilett C^U Spring! aad of urelittand bawl of poly- iMt welt tM B. ef P. OBipo*. wealed to Lord WUUngdto os 0 dently -Fm Trade wllhto tba Capira" wlU Bad They an of the utmt [apgttoaea ta B. H. WHIDDEN Strrifi FaentUrr aMbn: Hr* Lnaw. aerna tor baiU 0000 TUACtRto. tsunAe,- wtib Chib Cteoted Hr. Andrew Sprinc-Pilled Mat- eppedtian to Canada. > ud tbair dapendanb and will, to dee CM. B. P. Macki*. tniid PhteTdB ertn T. 8HADDICK Dnplto Mr. Bannatt'a atataaaent. wbkb eadU caojeo. >Uw. Tb'. to another toataneaef lha tordhptoyef * J Uabff KMhwip, Dutok. PhiM T« Atae tMU year. Hr. P. Hierhrea •• itca-yrto- a IM bmaty of bte ■ Be Pumn aad Iba E. W. Dui dtot aad Mr. Arthur Butchlam aa rrferann ta tha piaitabta Waat Indba treaty. Can­ dantlan af tha beadied* af breachea of the Leglao B and Ite ray* aa- alMtotwe TM cam baa had tte mto ada aardy baa ctalOMBcn who to Canada to tha aarrka af their ftOaw* aad » to- SC'S,-;: O. a BROWN toaensa tar and. wttb (M ea af tha affaetfrenna af nlty to soeartag gar- ta (■■ rOTATte ttt PtaTOk. d mara gmm wttb Nanai- g thb or ny athar trade treaty. BUILDINO CONTRACTOR lete.- TM gBOtartewB fin par otoL Ckm L cMb arttcla d that CaaMcmtlna I anuant aetton. rti.-artiwrsas*' TM Sowtb Cewteban Weaenb Om- W. DOBSON AQ need Jala AttamM Ta. marbad wita a Ottl CLARB BROS. ONIHEDiANOND ______my. mTik*'■fTTE « et tovatlM Cteb mcong u tte C A aad tM batenea BMUsh. martod with P..O. Boi SI A O Ban test ~ ' ' Jotted the club as cauntry mn «Dwn and la new only a *MT n.gal- (toy UBten tart. . Spitadid Uaaof Dincba Stuts Vfcli->DcicAto etsty psopi* pment, wttb I to apeoaay ttWiad to partlalpau m far tto bast. Tto dUIames of LABS ITAOB ABB BOAT Mr. TMipo bad to om w ONTHEGOifUNKS eider to meet ottor mimbw Itid ts boTM ^ tto rsUtto to laH TTmterkadfi 3-3 dbpky of badruoes fttralton Mr. a P. Oiidia AagUm' gate CiiOril Mr. O. P. DavK. U. L. A.. Mr. B. Utacbib. n li bopad that tbm « ' ' ca agatoat tto nr tnimadni °?s: HILL BBd STOVE WOOD Ticurta aad Tsaeaum: and tt Um Ladka Win DavU Byen TraMpte^ Stem Oomard Twigg. M. A A and Uk try meadna wtn endnroar la aKSsrsB-i-i-:;;;; To ece rtttne of these articles is to desire them. .\ny of Cup-RoUnwn Finn) to at Imt two cards of algblaan holm turn petral itaUon to Ihounndi an mm rary ARHODB DROK Hon. T. O. Oovestry. U. L. A gave 3sr-"r Mr. O. Oerden te new aok gnprl- •ddreme* and Mb* L. Buwitei. mto day wton (hto bml them ran be had on the Easy Payment Plan, nr tiheral In order to ebbto baadkap. Ito couotiT. Pmlbly. tbm *«ssj£rs,ts.£r:sf; At dtp am of tM ODwfcban Ubo atago. Mr- AU Ute I e uen* monthly msdal aompaU- tto of pttfol pomp* ol a fiw In aa ashlUUeo '' ll. Vktorte Wemcab O aUscounts given fur rash. fiffd s.ir" PhanatM Bouae Photo UlL lag aaquirad cM ttteito at hte tar- ctegani aad bunitag or 01* apprapri' Clul opok* en enpm Bbopping Wttb. Ucs Is Ktedulad be Bniday. mtoutoi tobrral aO along ito main P, O. Bob 122, Dibmu. &C Bte to Ute ooeatton. mar paitiKr. Mr. Tteter Rundgaltl. k bawiw drfroM Mrs. W. M. HadacA- tuato. win to one of (to meat toprm- K jBdgH were Ur. lerwafi M. ~ a WM nrvod to U stag* bp te. - FOR YOUR FLOORS iSLsrtTr."i.'Tu* “ ta teak am teiUittf to April 1st B W. Oote. te B MeOennefl. Ur* lao to (to final ataleh. Oanarafbla- tag wuscBlra that anyema ratnnitog SprmU. window teimr br Uk BUd' TM tosttm ooteti of a madarn ■irab and Ur* UaswoB tt bona Inlaid er Primed Liaeleum Uoa aie oa«r«d to bar upaa her aue- to rldt Iba «M Oouatry aflar a par- TRUCKING. HAULING i-a Bay Oo, tectotte; Mn. a Um lad ef years wQ carry bach wlib Mu* Rtawa Ward ai^ MQI Weed I Ur* T. a Robson. un. Tokak. Mn. Twigg. Un. Oav- Lioeletmi and Cecigoleum Ruga een thi* bunt (to Mcaad cup tto LONDON NOTES U Ydtt An Thkikii^ «f mbT. te Paotey and OoL C W. haa en eUbiti as aMatha. la aplta far Rale WE L.^V IT FOR VOL- TM wort WM I ~ T. a te Bowd) Patt* tto of toTin OM at ito me« baadkapt. Bw0.tSM. ANDMSW T. W. DOWD Hr* M. ttads song oak* wbOs te Ottor Ban hhBMlf n a wMr. canastad BUILDING Photo am (rack ibat run flat aad deadly dafi StitSUV. S-” • CbabMii L O. n. B to IM Odd PIri. R H. BTateto pteyed tM vtodA 1 nuad Mil. HMtaa beat WANTED aa tM Wbite.gttt atega and bah TM tod tOghtend Irrmber Ckt mOl. R. A THORPE toto t.cnntntan. Miv Maelae&laB X to fibham. Meng tto berdw teHtata ite POVATPSka WAL- HeoMi, Banto, Odncdd. die. OBUniy tt Mr. nundgMal On taa- teWB- Ban to ItelMriay Bfltetoto, Over IM pcrmo^ibdr* Itetetod loan abtol Ito totea fnm bna np tti t. Mrs. and roOT ef Ito nm aM tod CeUBh oary tel of U(urn yaar Mr. Rote UttM Rond. hM been tod to Ur. John brick rilto an ipriiigltig out of tto A. J. CASTLE 1 DUNCAN FURNITURE STORE trott Ur*. Bwptr by dtiasU. Mr* aoM baB bk t wto te Mr. Ol PartH. TKUrt* wM to tt nwvr aO JohMUa baat Mn Claib. for Ito UneeltolMrt cpmad the fist Acid* At tolarrmM betwaa Ito ill- S%«s.'wtss.'’i2^ HAULING end TRUCKING of UK stega WM At 4JS pjB. Uk oTUk OPPOSITE POST OFFICE PHONE 148 ladBg mtoa with an ouWdar ftrrt iM nan tt Vamiufor. TM ptent boo Srau-Ita*)»-Mi* MMlaehlan baat factory or nearaton gnv E^.LEE rhangid After Ibna monUK tt p*n- nol boon working (er fin year* past the poat; and « Prldsy Ito on to put OM up. Loedn makn a tatadse. Bay itih SsIm Winsail too. UiU end Stow* Wood. Un. R. R 0*mrd.'}iMnt. and Mn Piimilure Packing — Ctatinc — Shipping Un. Mortrn. Mr* BMtoa bni Mn. Builder Md Cufitncter nanbtp. Ur. Ocwdim. wha Ian TM eU Napter Lunber Company at Oread Nattanal ees wan by a Ito-l wito exit for ttoelf and tton pruciani Phone 4< Night Phone 401 R eparated brtwvcn lammlme fttbaon nad IM rrport tt IM 1. O. Ui«l Gnoda Taken in Trada ouUldcr. Tba NaUooal Ud* year «to D. B test by Mr. SpratL wbo bad MU* 11. 0. N. R. has boen mid tt a Brat Nsatoaw Mat* to crawl along tto border out In Jp.tto Bos 29S DtuiCPB Oourtanay. eegtUnd tall mnni af logging campony who plan tt nbuJd a record to many nay* tl tod a ra- ilry tm It. pcRbanoa. Hoto up kindly gtfcn Us snvtte* 8tm ab, To (to ladtr* of CUwKhen OoU UK ODwlchaa UM stega. k wm cofd fieU out of which only six spoke on Baptn Bhopplnd Week and U mUL whkh burned down two Oub toaa lha honour of Itnt whuUng with a tomcr town, which It ^SSf^sssSSin^sSsI* J. U BIRD A BON Mr. Vkter Riinitgiilal bas tekm yean og* Thna leggingtruck* ean« itotr fact after Ito I ntn niNM cm Ite kteone ol patriouem. the 0*«d Bpmerr Ud cap. to awallow and caotoam en funtor. Ik m M SUM watts UA rnus rar IM taardlag hauw tarmtoy on- by ocww tttt Oowichaa Bay on fiat- final ttma round the count. Mr. taratt opn**d eurpclso end NtonUimly. tttt tto cauntry agatt. crated at UM Orwteban'by wday (nm Port Bngkwood faboui ^UHBING epiaiitelh*i at Uk OMnner tt whicb The wtnner, Ttppaiary Ttm. was atr. OBcar Itandeattt, IM ate up IM lilandi br Utt com- MRS. A. G. TOWNSEND ladla*' goU tatcB* of Coelchan and Ito cBly bone ihal dtdnt fall, aad DISIAMS Of TBOtntB ^'^j^^isrsa.^^wsss C. Bazelt eepcan. Md iMpondrt tt (M sMp PMty- KtiuMtli Snaat. Dimcan. PHONE 273 KualBw. Ui hoira and hem gsoM bat tor BUy Barton* ridtr catching AAti«tiu.dVUiK TM UacPirteM Tuwttg Cak taa each year, total poUiU to count. at tba pttg wart tppaoL f—Tb Ur. and Ur* B U. T canU net help but bal IM ota Tee etcki agii. at WaniUno. the toU fence. wuaM tos4bm Ito only An ctaueb. of ibkfi coa-. B«, pour Spring Hnta. in .41 tha namt itpita. at hanat KaoaMv laam cauiad a iMd af Utme ducted. Ctdh Advboced oo THE DUNCAN STUDIO ”.TC5Se*5°IB^5IS; day. April Mrt. UMl r -Lnolhcr lot ol very eacvllml m.illcn Thrcc-Picce Salta. patau. »4t u Ito ratura aaldi ‘a I caom* ga to Atnirw. t aat ftoad - toodi AND ART SHOP M Cnfitei and Uk Ooittg bm of fir b Mr. and Un. B t te and Ibttk bow truly paktotte aad «IUng lapidl, al SI940 up. OaoStry Oittcy gate aa a dmubUan TweatF-dfht 7C«n' eiperi- Drreioplto and Printing I...... state In a wiactod iaa law Umr aSua SSw t.t.Tsr'jxi MryagM g. on Tkmtoay. Aprt Mth. -• brtMdk- of Ito race, rtdm and tam «BC«in Cowlclun District. Ptetaios and Pleturs Framing im a I ugtater. At Otacnn Be*. Only Ihrcc Sumn-CT.ivcighl Shuwar.pn.d C.al«. Mae butlttotni* car OB tto ptey* mart Mve been, ______«.u ttSW‘ — Photo SIB PttaL ad noar lu jancBan utUi tla OU 3S. iMtw on hand. that one can m naarly antto UirUto badly ibmigrd and rtaOng against a B. M. D. 1. Doocaa ptey k one of Uk mart vatoabk od- et Ute proMDl tay. tafteta Roto. New dltcMa haw to Ml* Boyd Watt* Oowichaa ladM* af being OP tto spot thU way. Oim rack wbkb peavented it frm gottg n.'sucrs'n aopT rtmg M. TuoMi waUAM oa PVrilBAl. IM firrt thing wc m tt n pat tt ato (M raad witaned cen- caputn. atmi'x much appbusa. at ito could toar ite groaii ol tto crowd aa over ito embankment, la tto car CHIHNET SWEEPING n el |day. found a botUc of teganberry ttraagb a dty or town k Ite wttdow* ~E*s5ir«=-~ Stota Pipe* Plttgd gttd of IM Ur. tt. B RowcD PalM ntwiKd At the >amr uma Mr* J. B floblu- kadlng tto field. feU at tto ■ssswa fe-tsufsi m at IM lUMral of Uk tele Ur An bur son piTsented her cup aad a aovtanlf OAPAbtp ooeKdnasKppgn row and a tt Duncan wooM do credit tt a ttoch The Beat Baca, rowad ysalrrday, 1 Jay, at Vtoterii ill iir GARBAGE COLLECTOR teifv dty “ cup to Mrs Easton; and a prtac of ! «: wcolUk of btoatlfttl fiowora ptecad In a drtotk. wa* a walk-oter lor Oaa- Ur. Rpnu uretd Umm wbo dM not . Hr. ttm. Bartkii k Mm fnm balh to ibr nianrr-up. Hr* Macladt- md te tan dQi 1 Sktoden ft Gren J. F, LE QUESNE open IM euna. 8 mvK bridgr. wto tod tto race wtD In hand ____ wttnotttbedi Vanoouvn en a VKK to Ma parent* gaol far drtrttg a ear whiK InteM- PhoM 73 ChrteUaa Setenea Soeirty wm MM ac Mr. and Un. O. Bartklt. from tto start. Durtag tto wash csiad and was fined MS with aa al- a very bard mttcr n Tto erattef on Monday was loclla- Itor* bar*' been bom over (to south Fiiatcn and Ddcentsn Uk Brartway puncral Parteur. Ur. P. On Saturday Ur. A P. Korte and lanatlra of one maeth In tool bw TO RENT ill award IM prtM.n. iM polnte Mtag so fd to be btaislary and ihowcry but Ukbcltt. keal loader. ofnaaUag. QuaGty Groceries lagtoaod Uk* Uinca Host* kR br Seoitend: at an tm. ems a o. nswnn •* boih cm of tto caglM. after a day or tws PbperitaBflllc KbUomining A,O.P. ''At Mowntatt Vkw OmoOory. wkwa captain ato Ui* tabna ato Pater ptodto gwDty to being In leyah!: dey La.-icb was caiaa at Ito a rwturntd to tto Eao. wbkb ^VST ALTBA. Na tSM tttetttOBt teak pkc*. Tompk Uta* fc Cit and calad aad was fliMd til with an al- li ill GIam Cal to Site nod Fitted iOaii.Ar.BndAH.bad iMrm Lat ua ha-a pow orden. The goallp ia right aad tha awral or my d* Tto tt not bsea i-v (M very toorgstk om. af te R B BmcnaA left br tac- ebb tousr. undrr ito s lemnttr* of coe month. ii liii of Uk knttl sMvta* Mr. W. B Bar- otter K too picktBg op lamba to U mitto of UK Baugbtem of Uk tai- prices are right. r. B. CorfiaM. Mr* I Pbfltogss dokm Pte. W. tL, nfftrteted TM pafibOM- Tatoy. Bralm. (to abe-baa OM UK rn ngteoBflu of tM Ur. and un. Oinrr MO lliaai a W. Dte* J. OteA ttlOl- whkh cacaped an to (to Dawns i b M to Iba ar- LOST Strawberry Jam. Alb. tins . Bilgbun. to* bean an tto kom tar G. B. JOHNffrON. r---- * — kmpbUL J. P. TbrnbnB A i. am pomt* Ur. and Un. R Slr^ I s.-:;.; raat of tea Ita wto la ■ Cherry Jam,Alb. tins ...... baa bean aUa I noy. Orwieban Bay. Ur. ttlDamhM ban MU UK * catch tor yet. jart rrUOMd bom Okigew wttb Uk Mayflower Marmitade. Alb. timi Ur* oisMto , Kn Msn atoedbr. Tto » TBB TAM n Mn rs»d I Mr* tsM Pomibls MtartloDa to LendnU n*f- a* A. £ GREEN ttaong, WlUi bawk and large vam MW 0. P. B ettamcr aa. PrtnoaK .Nice Fresh Sultanas, 2 lb* for . . fie appear from ttiae to Um. tore L T» PAirTT wno matt 0 of pear bkaom. wbtte arabte. blue, Un. ttUIttm* hu bfcn Oeur- SS SK"» K 1X1 A. Chitfy M. L B. T. tbk M WM a Btotte marttrr. R k ttglntagtend. Nice Ripe Bananas. 2 lbs. for . Mrs. OsrS-U t Mrs B Uwlr Bttia day and dlaappaar. Aaeth- Bnry badreon &0OM be to ar- ban* rod tuBpi and Japook* Thr Kn CwkliBf t Ult M>* ttUiMtIite to tote Uki IM vami S R >yal City Peas, No. 2 tins...... cr and rmlly fraalbis plan haa now rangrd ttol tl has craw-nnUlatlon. awen to Uk tta UUm conttd out Kn mt«)una yTKk- EtectrtMl Contnetor LADIES' AND OENPS opoo whkta Mr. Pofo wm aoeond mate TM Rev. Pr. Henry LemnHOs knne bam put forward by a wall known K earn rto wUlo aad btoo mMok. Quick Quaker Oats, with china .. WM Ute earn m Uiot on wbkb Mr. Duncan itnl Suntay aneraaoo on a archltact. Ur. Boaaen. Hto Mae la u PRACTICAL TAILOR k Taisl Bd. IHTtet. lOTbanA bod Mrvod hte TM lea wu under U abte toper- vkU tt bis btMf m Lbnberg pror- Quick Quaker OaU. nnn-prrmium . hoiBt UK padettnam up to tto mbiy toon ef Kn B fiobA. who WM M- House Wiring Duacu Nm Post Office tottcashlp Buny yosn osrtter. Inc* Hotknd. Hk brotMr. Uk Rev. Pure Lanl, per Ih..... I af tto flru floor aad laara tto graund rted tn iM kltebeB bp Un. P. W apoca brtwTCD Ito bourn fw A ptTKtn who k nry thad k apt Pr. ttUUaa LenuKiK. Brooklyn, wb-) Soap Flakes, per Ib. . Plante Iiuulkd OBATB SUnbapr. Mr* L. O. Brotkway. Un wifi Jrtnhim at isrw York aad aecom- Kn. -KKrtiik a wtocb of chance and molar a^ tniorwity e-ul Ube Dawooa-TMmai. n*"to jS'ijr.a.tsvTJt Work CuATiitteed Otmldoiea'g Evtolng Dress him hem* kft here tt Ills al­ Sesqui Matches, per packet Can you Imaglna Osford Siraac be Onste-TM daaUi oceuend an Tboo- Woartiia badgn of rad. sUtt and “l.'SS't. . rr's.'srvis.aj'cj ilirsilliri f-,— —------I, tAS a« sit SSllAM Baits A IfMdshy ter II yonis- wmk on (M Istead. Imh Red .Am>w SixlaI Biscuits,. ____ ...we______redeem coupons cisupto. wtih aU tto atop •ttdaat rsm 1 u smusItm ttiiis Bob 70 DuacaB, B. C ky moratag of Mn. Imm Oonv bto* IM toCawing aetto M cm Sour and a tan fm bal- rldsw of Ute late taabw Dart* at Ut* R W. ttlea. Ur* R P. Dnoesn. .Sugar Cri.p Corn FlakrM prr packcl I .s h V-* m .•» •’«• » Un P R OtedUg. Un. W. B Bar- SirteM wtOM tt ebarp* Mrv C.,npbrir,T.>ina,oSn.p.2,i..l„, Otaaa Tsssl n -'rsto rsasl :i* ably, (hare would be bilbm acn s«% smsa'lS£mk!sjKj*m im*K f fill i|i iif y 0 gteUea. at Uk tot Pte. Mn J. A Byte. Mn. P. W. gun- r. Limnwni' itmaro aad wifi s ams^SSakSSLv? bop* Un R n. ttrbm and Un. W Snniight S.MP. pc packc...... Ta Pby CUtoead Utorrato and. t suppeac. u aa T u'TdK'ktasMtetoSTnrn£ d by (M Rev pr. L U. Crr. On May ITib iba ttcura few year* wton tto trafik tterTOKJ s ssJai^rI F. SARGENT L. B Toto*. wlOi Mo. a B Dray- Knral Cn.»n Sap. p'-r patkn i^aicb With Oolwaed Is to be playtd. a UUk mac. tto nfirruu ptoml iilli L C BROCKWAY l)rlM,«,irPran.v31l«.lor...... s tend, and U Oalwaod. Aa unuuan has been siffjnjritr.■storm tomasin. ■«!-■.« Miens is snito»aui»:iyisisiiwis-;:u Pnml DliBCtar Heahby oowa an not ttjurrd tt anv SHOE REPAIR SHOP Mto yean ago ^ ten yam altse Mr* R B Oonurd. nteUThg wer* Broken W alnnts. new itock, per Ib. 40V raeelscd frm (to Oak Bay Ohib to wards toam aiU Ito Ogbt motor * fo ms IK -...... — m I a:M ill tto ailiaai t< m way by IM ttbctvuba tert. even wMn and a ladJa*' Mm for an ttsblara- uaffk takr UMir plae* on Ito first •mtCAH panniryBAteB Aaen m asSTAK P^tokuS; Crklf Stmt Duncan Uk dcaUi of Mr tttsMnd Un. O. P. Dari* Ur* B A OariKT. Mavy wlUi call Carey ’e Bulk Tea. per Ib...... SOV an.l 80V mmmi TM tanoral wUI UM pteae M-mar- Od J.B Redding and Pal Oarrard hob natch on May Mth At ihli ficnw kvrL By that Uma tto raad Personil Attention Given Ito frn Uma ito Oowlehsn club have k«rl wouU be ao dart with orer. si^‘M KMm TWimSs^m Your Pfitronege SoUcifed: raw tPrtdayi at tJC pja. at at TM ubk Bowers um arraiuod by Rubbttg atek brand 1 ir’V-jsrr CsDs gnemled to promptly k had lha pWasura of OMeltng UiU club banging balconla* brldm. padmlri. Jnbnb Chorrt. Oobbk ttlU. with U Mn. Oooding and Mr* DuiKan. mikd spate on wan paper tto ladle* arc hnklng foaesrd to ana' umbrtlla* ate. that (to heavy gt any hour. Rav. W. B A dillghttal and highly appeaetetH Uma. DUNCAN GROCFRY dh^%at^ sS"m *wtfc**Sk** r&U^ will ba Umr* O. W. MUk. tnlarratlng malcb. motor trallb would taarato um band- PraagtiyTn^ed To. H. W. DRIVER Tm tow earittd oat U ta hoped to •rrang* to tto iMOr Ugbla an day. Ja* wood. Bd. ■brartng and Bdwln oqh m Tajloc. Mr. L. c. as* UooA Free Delivery fottire a frtendiy gama to wbkb aB Tattttg ttotara, again tto Mg J. «. PteU. .'w f . (to CbaouiiCbamlttai b< patrol Lumtini haa puC tis prtaw AdmrtlK! p. a PSB (gi. (—■» -J cbantaflMamnaei gong. Mn. W. Oohsoa -land ol .j

4*L'J __ .if THE COWICHAN LEADEK, DUNCAN, VANCOUTEB BLAND, H C. Thoraday. May 3nl. 1928. P>ce SU na OOWiCHAN leaphb, duncan, Vancopveh island, h C Page Seven COBBLE HILL NEWS P to aoaMa ite baxiui I tor tot toealamie sebeeb:- cmtaiw KDHun. iMiD DOING SPLENDID WORK Sfiw HHlal aarrtn rtow sfe me mpply of haWlb I w. A. otMt Mn. i*asarfi Mirmia to aa tndaMrtal atsnx 1 (an Laks. OebHs BUL Broth. Oyt- May Bargains At a MeUac teM In lEs Ciimm T ttte aamBea m Staas uw diMs Mz wtam Iba mad bar artton aw nw tty Btu OB maar. tm oeau* oa ma CowicliuHeattCerire-EiibYean ’Ser- tiara) alaa« to bapetiwaa. bea fiwa bare actod |■m^lUJ aad wseit e DMitet wwBcn's Oarnwrams CM Uto mwa af tonaar. the res to s Maya and ■iwkirtM «M (orwa Wtin u MUai wmEw- CbNorean Uaprmorti sir Mm ATmREXALLSTM I to lereid lu IT iwpoMinr. Tke Abmk (Urti aM h Homes awaUtty foUawW by a heatth latt. Kknto Tooth P«teud Carry-Ell Ca»e;60c value, TUt oaterfS tSwMi «snMrs. & P PUpMto U pfaiaiitabli total Ol- w lintmltas fwtwa M Tht cwmui an wmtwd' aad nam- b wbeel sarrtca b tm -"r ~r Milk of Marneua Tooth Paste and Tooth Brash Ttamlr sn4 Mtv n. a PmSey. beow- OBwtebea: un. c. Uon, Mn. OMm anas nertrm ftom Uw faDewtn* pah- errd iwr a mr. aad mdsUtty If wy jetudent; Ma. O. A Ctmto. •m tatrty pwiims. Utendm the d«bih Ow work tor Uw pato aifbs ymn „.„toto ar amactim rblti'^ to be bodm: TXW prartnelal toeard of more Iban ID par cmL under wciabt Big Tum-Over Determines Mn. W . a. OOMaiL Mn. H. bas bam aairtad an by Mfhly tralmd aebeob aad ancTwaiUi to Uw fa IMUeni: Mis. Tootar. •weiary: Kara, aouui Oowlcban. Htobh. Uw tobwattwi DtoOrtawnl. In easr of an spWrnilc. ihry arr to- Shaving Lotion and After Shave Talcum, 75c vilue B3< Mn. Memtnen. Mn o. Mlatitum)*. ttnue «aPridaj. .t wWeta tbej bMud publte baalib tointo. aeuaf odto uw af Uw poplkk Uw local Ocfaoo) Beam. Uw CUy of spfcWd neenmUy AD Uw ehlldrm Ttwto. wiUi Uw foDowtato. fom _ Omat MPtortBan ct Uw Piwsteetol TWi toOow-up work Is nact nUe- l.rat Noll Book wilh Refill end Pencil. Speciel UMikDl nport* of the pMt mra •towral emnuitos; Mrs. B. B. Wbld- Dnnaao. Uw UiintetpaUI* oZ Hcrth an ttna a physical cuaunaUon WW*. Un. O. Hoto. pnsSdttt. WH BsalUi DapaittomS and ttw bmttb of ablt. tor II soabm Uw paimSs OawtrUn. Uw Oowlcban aad 8U CUrr yrarty by Uw artwel (ordlca) afTkrr at ...... — ...... —— ...... Wv dm. Mn. O. r. Darto. Mn. L. T. *rtot eaeunmiiy aad frearteni Craca uw w uunufmiiy toe ta Iht ettolr. ud primtod Um enm- Mrs- O. n. aito. Mix B. A. iSeMUtor PblUIpps-WoUsy Cbapme ol Uw LO. appaiAUd to Uw tofftmi sebool du- Sulphur or Molasses, 35c value —t...... Do^ uw Tinws *M un. a ■iUM'* nparl Mn. T. Pto. hemr- mica ipaaAs tor IMU a< Uw w paod eZ Iba ebOd aad taaldmtoUy OB.. Uw Omiehaa. CbbtUt HUL VUny metx aamtsd ^ Uw ouno. PODow- Mn. r O. OtetMiaax Mix K » . zramMlto Dwwa to tbccbiMnB TWU an nadt in Uw baows u No, 6 Disinfccuni, kills germs and odours, 50c value Pootrr Mn SIcOMiwn. Mn. Our Low Selling Prices anr tn—ifii. read Uw Hnaacto] itoto- Mn. r M. OaaiMX Mix O. MePtwr- Most Canadian for______—------mard. Mn Mu sad Mn. Mu- mot, sDd Mki M. olasUB. MittoTto. I Orela ef •emainl Iba parmla aZ any to «« wtended rraa taUt Oewknas tod nm. pnMXtod Uw mart of mla Mssmtiea wwk cm faa dnw. Egyptian Bouquet Talcum, 2Sc value------1T< -A Mr. O. sic-cxrsKsr.* cbs ywr-i warfe. la miy. Mka Mwy TbM too pafabc W wakte op ta ms Housewives Kotea, reguUr slae, 3 for ------fl-09 ______sad 1». a Tlitra Id NO SECRET aboot the Toraevtr volunt in modem mer- During the month ol April deflniu MBs Ofv. __ Orwom. tut, ww aroMfism staS rakta aZ MaBh asoaow waa wl- a peobv. MAA. sad Mr. Tvtaa. fhanrtMng ah*m detennina the teats svere made by custoaen ol ■eMac. OWnnity of B. O: Md Dr. - - ( bat to ■nesnibto i^iwS drocad toSBy fay cbs ie«MC af the use fact that ear prices are AS LOW a a Omwot Ormpiny. Ud. U«saw Ml.*. iSftviS im BBwUa*. Plus iriMag pttoa. Oar big anmial tarn- this store, by coenpariag our prices IL K Twnw. fWtoxi nwUBe M lbs ani___ UH wttt ncMnd fn— Dr 1. P. 1«- BmiM ran Bwabtotea aad and Bt many caaca LOWER than over enables us to ^ DIRECT with those of the larger dty firms, MIX Him iwniami. MIX nu, a bmbta aZ Uw totwei mW. Um Hsu Mr Oenatiy sad Mr. WITH THE MANUFACTURERS aTuMsT *" ratoaS'^ii? mc r ton totrcuaosi MAGIC tfaoaa 'pnrwmtig in Vtetoria. and Ttw Btr. A. lltorhleerr ahe nfrrt- rwy tr—uu: Mn. Betooe. ------1 sm of tboat ef pi*- Iwnw setaeal rwu. DPS: hntah talks HtnaKlUrs that eUmlnating Jobbers’ and mid- and In each case the teal abowed rstofT Mr. m. J. Berts aaala Madly r. KIto L M. Ml- A. R. MANN An mpvmMs IM followed. that the cuetooer could do as well, Ud Ms taaMHir to aitond and toto ------aw la Uiii way a iww dls- 0*m tn itsamiiu. 3PI: ernnw Deal On -nsndu MMnwea • Mrs* that CosHchan Valley reridcots can dlunaa ’a praStA Our overhead, topportanlt* to vetos s|i*rsttiU>*i of tnas hoa bsm addtd to Ibs tom of wnix ». SucccsMr to J. W. Curria with the coDcantratlen of seven im- end with eoene Items better, by dash Omtal Wwk BAKING muater sUaadtd tM mwUnt M *■ obtain quality merchandise at this Its *tov tfnetoDi wort of Ulw ctax- wbeas dinaUm Uw work . of tba The Rexall Prcaeription Drugglat John-1 Womeo-s AusItlArr potUnl departmeata under one roof. inghere. Tbla 1s eur contttinraoB tO idB and MBS M. Tlwtebcr. whkta had IVtO-Boby CItoii A drnlal surveyry wat« mad, of all Uw f Hott. Mn TholBf prw •ten oo favorable terma Is very low. Community Development oans nedto bn elwmatlen dortito HaaUb Omua bad toowwm m —wsUtoaby ellam bare bsm ehlldim altmdicw Pbonca 1» and 315 L. oealy. liZt os to ba nnrM aiM _ hsM toiitat tbs past j^r. tad Uw to Ths Oowteban Lander, far ttw «• School. A merd was kept of Uw k o. O. Bcbeoeld. tnetosts, rtad wlUi bar Uw nerctx Uwaka and POWDER Um wwh o( Uw W. A lUlos «d Bwen mch app coweeiiie pablkUy etna to an m larUi of tach etalU. and ' tmaedUta Attention to MaU Ordera ihnoatiMt Uw dixmo tad otao an wlabm U bto amimlttox • MBtoM of Drx WatHO. t un iBaUle to tba Haaltb Otntzx oZ Uw dctsru smt to Uw paimi*. W- to assure the nhn of raiuMa rvodta«. Aa In- I waa awaardad by mim MwW to aad Btoalar to ptitae so am- Tba I—iitaa anw a dnp dms bepa to Mart Uw dmtal etaUe s«ato looa plwt MIS. hair «r lbs rniiiwitiii. prmewd Mix m. Bit- a fratoiato oZ Owyls p ef Ibm torabnUs ttar and wattMOs to m. p. J, Borto. wte has ibertly. wbUb wtD fiv* amrka to SUCCESSFUL No Better Footwear daL Iwndtok. wtaa bm wecki a emtotoOBf Urns eamex wbfato leatotr ptren Ms towactol mrlu twb town aad ratal wmaU. Men wnb a um oatortto. Mix Owem iba prertom far Uw pact aaeen yean BAKING ■ads tosctol tvfrriBti to Uw real to llllll■um ftatan w ow aad nacb rabmta tm to katploi CWH Wsitws ■ totto Uw Pnbbe BaaXh nptom. Vhaafas an sm tow to Uw tbs BmMb Oiasn aaeawm dwtm ibi Owtaa to UW toetaatup M On, Uanal Shirt Vihet Yihes Aajwhere •■mas eZ Utos wbleb Mn. Mon atna •z Iba OWfenily of ■rUMi Otow w*fl.bnby ritale undrv Uw aw / - Cana.la ■taunt the card party. ***** wOtaab to Uw Bsabb cmin west yaw. piroB ef Uw Wanme taauUMc »brU Our wide and varied stock enables everr memember of ■ I ■ — ■ - II IP .,1,1—,» m ton brid to tho Cliianiiliy for Men tnd Boys and. la paytaa iwtbcr erlbeto. «M a r—mil tokw ibu eppsrta at Uw HmIUi CMtie srvry UUrd wm- Ao Alum KMI on Prtdu. dM not toko ptoM and the family to be outfitted here, from the lightilerdrett Uwt wlUtoul iwr. Ow stntn wooM wwk or Iba Wtohh Omtn la < tl of too ebnm. sad to Mix ity af leeamiae itt itaanks to Uw Piw lot ai eZ of* Hatogr to Uw awaUi frcaa Z to S pjx rat pottaenad utfl sobs fuMra dato. Some fsmoui makes are repre: ed in this unique Shirt boots and stonier work ooou for men, to the daln^ Ml ban sttotoed weh'a bUh Maad- anawsd Uwt protolm-wtil ftr Uw fn- XL Mrs W. K OorOrld rtnetol Bmllb OMaw. wtUunt wbor E W GiLLETT CC LTl torsWIbsiaea. Bat «»] rmUx m totse Iand qatol. p snd Mix Oaiby for Wrrlnt tsa 1 Drs Oanwf, Swan aad WbIsgd eir- At tbt hcetlMltaral oiIAIUob la Event—Arrow, Tooke, Strand, etc.—and the values are and captivating Temintne footwear that Fashion fa aid er lbs wiUttosH sotk lw«s tom toe Uwir.smien In tom. Oa Uw gapilo l tiKafre TMwia tart weak otvtiaJ total ml- offering in such an cndleu variety, to say nothing of a wbMx ean only tw aUatiwdJZ wwtrj nwpln Uw aaDOdmes oMwr can artoas oacaBanx oUwr Wtdnwday aftrniopna a mtrw dmto «*i* eshtbitora. Mr. a M. PM- tempting and Kldom to be obtained at this season ol the Ur and ttw potaU atUx nmssi Cksir* aunne blm of Ito teyaUp and oo-emn- boots and shoes for boys and girls and tiny totA Hlto Bdrab Araatfanf. BJI, m. Mftae uw paet mi dmtal ellnka IS at Uw llMlUi Ontre far Uw pur- nrra duptor of «ad flewen year. There are such radiant materials as Msdras and Our price* arc very rcaaensbie. paw of wrlebtof babSsx and flrtne a asimuuUr bas Uw ae_wbobmbamanUwtoaaiBromr rrre toseaII 1*1nlteiMd. III -~*but 1 uaiwiia* -w To our suparrtsosx part and pna- Zephyr in sll'iring patterns, and fine Broadclothi in white .taarx eanUmas to fire ?«ycZ- Of (bW part of ow work bdat reaBssd adrtea to any mol ban wbo cart to ndrr Or Osnwr. aad orw at Baa mURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ladies' Tan CaU Sevan-Bye Tiea, tn a neat and ef­ ant aad Uwlr nansa* atoff. am to Wt bops shartly to twke Uww man in Marrh under Or Stonier. and the wanted shadea In attached antj separate collar flrtml ssrvka to all dspartomito aZ ‘ r Uw PitoC - - - Dr O M. Piaaeb. Uw iWMlBai fective cutout design, with round toe and spika part and toaeb endtt B tow to -—-was an appartonlty for a atovt CtuU w-tfarr rtaiu paid. I.VT3. Thnraday and Friday S p.n.. Satorday 2J0; 7 and 9 pm styIcA heel.. Their taalcfuT appearance is altogether out hMc fttUy aliH to tbs inpectoma of * um to bs civm by Uw an. Mtowd Mra. J.A Pwtto. ■*• baa bam tn ItoMWM. ptthibim la tbs PM J- bto tar Uw IwM sbi bas gtsen ta U» Ctowr* nrtaaiwd by Uw Wnn Saturday Matinee. 2.30 pjn. of proportion to the exceedingly low pnee to ma sOtoto M tbs am . V. L. oliM*- Ciwwtii sZ Uw BmIUi Oram. •reata caa ba obtslnsd has bw& eea>- • -yesosraldmwtoea. fawUtotn of cmMr MiU aad ntwarii (er Ite pml ma wsm wm vUSlM Mena Sites dJOOC Boys' Sites CA mtoo. Ttw nm pwMto bsaXb d Htos to tUto. articbs teton wtaa cn Baamp by a ankin of Vtctocto baaMb nausn and mm a rmmi peb* niritoSif. Mm Mwmnt a. pirue aad Or. Pleach wio imrUy r«- Tsar-s WacSaa Bspm Cbam bsM darus ibs y«w. *. tan Lake raatplrtsd tbrtr cam I me laM. wto MBs antsr nox L. T. tato. B.M. was spmtotsd to ms bii werk to Uw setosata. lo •dmuaa to tmw s cBole ww m irnmiM im m. PiUnr. lAyi-\7yi ...... 12J4-14H___ «>loUU Lndtea’ Black Kid OxfordA the "Aunt Uaiy" style. mss), aew a amtow tt tbs 1 Bcaum I mM tbs Mowtor with cushion soles, reinforced arches, and tp^ Mm Ttaaumv Jws fasd exrtsd btU as OeaUtab-Pafamr to onstai “TWiMsamt Canada ym wfS MM mas af nntoae and teldi Ibs Bar. of wtsm On Is , ally modelled on a loot-comfort last, with EB fit­ Tbs am. K M. Gto*. Cbnaattow. a fleas rartaism as to bmbb esMI- Ttw Hto irh OtoUn IS to agntoitan Urns bttwem pSMm Itet ^ bs lito- : BsaWta mplstoa eZ im VMC. etoh Uw DaitwHIy of Bmwb Oekm and Mn. Tnmdak. b ting front and I) back. Per pair, only " “ a twtow rtes-pruldcnl. • letmsd to •wk tonca sbs Biaad a bas bwn bto and. aa In past yaarx iba atatont Mr. flar. PTIcndi ef Mn ______with toe-0 k. U4: mtsranaaaeua vwa. M: tmitmrtii, will . ______dots of the Psoli lulisn Silks, the more subdued tones of the ‘Beefy nuata abanH b»Nne aa to yno that by ,lu-kin( faithfully to It 1 The Fameoa Britiab-made "K” Boot for men, styl­ • scbaal rwtx MS. Tesal rtots . tfaiag to Bsa was aa ointi for a thort while yoor •km troxblaa The names of Charlie Murray, Fred Kelsey and Alkt Silk and Wool Crepes, and the brighter notes of the Uogador ish and durable, tnd the utmost in footwear valtM. ttw baatb ataadtof a( bto ban* town or sahre (wws of Dwm air rerr will tw a Uiiny of (he part. to cmniy, And oet hew u enpM faad) bwt to Um bi« maiority af Day are snffkieni guarantee of uproarious mirth in tbit -nn denaad fee ftod typa URs- la both brown and black calf, and ralMined J. MalUand.Dmmn. Mn. B. a Mae- wttb wstwn. aaf than fwnaem M Uw Rrawmhrr that Moaae's EmU sensational thriller, which also pravides a most exciting pradaetne Jentyt wat ksmw ttaa throoghout. Per pair...... 3*0-*0 w«*w. rtty of Dnooto: Mn. P. A. casm Uwaa sticky sxlvw timply Oil !• a dran. iwwrrful pcnetiatto g ■tw aad iba ktsodw wtn emOomOy $1.50™ $1.00 to towftoclal baahb (bpart- doc ths pmes sad Uw rewliUm Anti-wptw Oil (hat itor* not stain hunt after the kidnapping gorilla. Beys ’ Brown CaU Boeti. Panco soles and robber Wimiijtwii, MIX o. A. Tisma mix . Btery ctUnn Bwuld ato bin- primarily remalas the renw. or tcavv a irra*y irridoe end Uial SBOowed op Un on of wtn.bnd Ona, We also have Spur Ties and Nu-Way Bows, ready for insUnt heels. An extremely Krviceable boot un^ all T. o. BUiiit. Mbs rmm. iwb a*U wbalbto ba aad m Pdtow ctu- Co to any food drvegirt to-day it mo-t give rompic.r satUfaettaa aad only raM fnm hOb-pridurtm and get an ariflnaPbocUe ef ADDED ATTRACTION son found s ready nortert let use, at each...... ------—------.503 conditions. Per pair------23.06 or your nwnry rhcerfolly rvfundrd. hli sarplos laenosr- Sbownican. In nid. wm parUm- Mrly wen Otiutod lo supply Un eror KecpTValYoadifBlFigare! Heeney-Delaney Fight omiiui msrkrt breoden of tbit dutrlei should pm- Wev “Lo»«re-Fonn” (>irmta Laics’ Rnd;4(hWear Krect Boxing fans should seize this opMrtunity to see Keeney too hlfta eloai typo for wbleb in view of his approaching match for the world's eham* UUi maitrt catnd. Ttils «nuld bo ...... ^___ s for the pionthip with Tunn^. only by sUrUnc wlU> woU-to- Duncan districi tot "Lovers-Form. ” the fam­ from Fashion ’s Centra ous boneless Corset. Soft and Sexible as silk, SAVE THE FORESTS EVERY WEEK! ALSO DOROTHY DEVORE IN it always gives perfect physical freedom, and Ladlen' Smart Spring Coats, in the prevailing modes, with ill remains snugly lo place wlwther bending, sit­ those little touches of design and artistrv that are fesures ting or standing. It supplies a youthful sup­ of fashion's trend. ConMrvatively prked, "KILTIES” pleness that takes years off froen ______33^*50 lo 343.50 Dorothy Devore i« the highest rated star in comedies. MUUONSLOST Ladlsa ’ Wool Czepe Drmnii in shades of N'a%7, Powder, Blue, Uilliefu and niilkMu of dollar* ’ worth of erealth be- No Forests for Your I rtx'J; BEWARE Sand. Cooseber^ and Tan. Sizes 54 to 42. Justtaken Five Spedeli In Staplee bnging to the people of Canada have been lott be- A dgarette butt is not out when you throw h away itewod that Unrt wat em a ready from their wrappings—new, fresh and entrancing. Prices caiiae men thought camp ftrea would bora oat by Barfcrt for Ihla data of ttorb. and. oo Sheet!, ready for use. ^ach Sl.50, $1.75, 33.85 range from ...... 323.00 to 313.60 unless you know it is out. That’s the only i>a(e rale theniMlve*. Sometimea they do. But if they don't Youngsters When to go by. Millions ami million!i more acre* <•( gixMl MONDAY AND TUESDAY proven tim could only bi oMalntd Hematiubed Sheets, eacli $2.25, $2.95, 33.50 from R. O. P- record*, || foUerwm Uwt Pillow Cottons by the yard, 42 inches w idc, per A Splendid Selection of Afterrwon Frocks, in plain and print- we pay dear (or it forest would be available if ftraokei* had always 8 pm Jeney breeden tbouM han R. O. P. yard ...... 493 and 603 ed Sllk.s and Georgettes, new and distinctive and gorreflly A pail of water costa nothing in Canada aa a rale but practiced that safe rale. dt to bath mch tucb at Uny Bmutiful Embroidered Pillow SUpA 42 - liKh. styled. Included in the selection are some ret^ exguiiltc the trouble of dipping it up. Fat out your camp fire They Grow Up! If pipe ashes bum the palm of your hand they arc Imt N) to dupoom of creations. Prices range from...... 340.00 to 30.50 help save Caaada%diminiahingldf«Ma. Twelve . H. H. Bantt atao tbowod Un Specie! at...... ------enough to ki f re to the bush Watch out. It doesn't New Crinklcttc Bedepreada, lull site, 'A 'very special showing of pretty Floral Organdie Dretnea, milliOQ dollar* worth of timber la beteg burnt op take much to start a mtlUon-dqllar fire some limvs atoee of Un a O. P. Tbit did every year eiaiply for lack of a few poila of nrater at man fotclBC any anlswl to ob- for ...... —...... — lace trimmed and alecvelesA Sites 54 to 38. Wonderful and places. Once burnt over a forest area may l>c the proper time. useless (or generations. my demand caM for a urnttout Cunpkif Time AlnHMt Heral Heurn Dresses in til sizes from 54 to 44. in a variety of styles fodatre. ' TheFlagUeutenant Our contritiotioni to your camp life will be all and mateTialf. and in popuUr shades, at______aprafclat akwg Unat Itoot Mr. W. the more welcome because they are economic- mmantk drama oi the British Navy. from ------3820 to 31-35 DnlessFiresArePrevented H. 8W0R ibowed Uwt H wat akaoM rily prked. mbl* to br«m op toMkpsMty Advance shipment of Ladies' Spun 8Uk DrcMca, in a Sptenaid DONT BE AN AHAIEDR IN CANADA’S LEADERS GIVE THEIR Mcniirv Edwardi. l)im>thy Seacoml>c, Hayford Hobbs wlUwBt a Inn record botog kept of Unless the remainder of our forest caphal can be protected and wisely 2,1(1 >luml>crifilone Wright are some of the all-British cast Good Si«'woolta« OtSTJurini piir ^95 variety ofj^des and ip thrw different styles. Very^c^ value for Friday and Saturday at WOODCRAFT used, .in twenty-five year*, at the present rate of destruction by fire B.'d OPINIONS hod a icenrd of avtry pound of but* W.n-filltd Comlorttn, «>x72. covered with axe, we will have used up all our avaifable timber. Special Note-MATINBE WEDNESDAY. 3.1S pm torfat prodinad and retry pound of cretonne, only ...... — S8.9S CUIdren'a MilUaery from „693 to 32-23 "We are the trustees, not the owners •■( our f.irest fod to Un Otonartnay Pillow Slips for general use. each. When a man who Is not used to the woods UghU a Yet, (orestiY experts claim, if fire caa be kept out, Canada ’s forest heritage: to keep iaiih with the future we tiiuoi use berd Ham lu mtflaattan Bto yean 653, 483> ^ and 253 match and later throws it 00 the ground, be expect* KTOWth ach vear will provjde all the timber and pulp wood required. it wiMly and guard it from waste thrnui2h iirwent- The chief problem, hewevtr, is not how to firtt fire, but how to prevent ««■ Pillows for esmp uSe..... 003, 31-36, 32.00 PntaluHUn* Valae, bi Our it to go out. But when an experienced woodsman is able forest fires." Durlnc New Shipment it Every man. woman aad child wbo goes Into the woods thonld know W. L. M.\CKE.N'ZIK KI.VG. WEDNESDAY EVENIG AND Dofotby and Jaak •uirt a ttvely dU- See TheM New Spun SiUu through with bis raateh it ia out. He does not leave the danger and feel the rc^KmsfbllBy. emnou torn plao on Bm btoa' it to expectation.' He knowx "Forest loss by fire is total waste. Indu-trial deple­ The irearinf qualities of Spun Silks have prov- Of Waih Goods Hardware Department tion can be replaced by yearly growlh and reiore-la- FOUjOWING THREE DAYS a O. P. wwk. ett. Tbaaka wen KiU the Plies with Ptit It also means mrdrn Ux —Mra. U M. 8Ui- oH their worth to such an exleut that this fine We have just received a EveryosM in B. C ahooU be familiar with the cle- tion. arv The otnem of itao Bbawc fabrk is now being used in every-dsy froclcA death to mosquitoes. mothA ants, bed­ R. II. BENNETT. new ahipment of Wash bugs and roaches. In various sizes. mcatary potnu

Arraaecd By Bum* Cbaptor, OJU, iSId ZZ.ZZIZ.JZZ.fS} ALL CANADIANS PAY A SHARE OF FOREST FIRE LOSS Bl^^ Netting, 24-inch, yard 8O3 A food Bsmbm otundad aad meat Uimirpassed Grocery Vaba Here is a list of the Forest Ofneers redding in the Duncan HONOBABY FXBB WABDBNS This faifonaation is f iven you by the co-operation of a plnnni nialne at Un card party 56-inch, yard . Forest Ranger District: A, Gregaoo, Dnncaa (Meoxk* Boad), Md by awnet Cbaptor. O I. R. in P.&G. Soap. 6 bars for .— 253 ■ BOXINO - Ibe Odd Pitlowe- Ban on Umb Del Moote Pineeppla. 2s - 273 Pheoe Dnncan 1S7L2 Kemme-Horin Logging C41. Ltd. Mn. i. W. Otorte. worttay bmUoa m«- 2J4. ------883 Royal Crown Oatmeal Soap, six CAMP FURNITURE J. B. Satith. OwmaiBaa. Pbooe Owm. 72 British Columbia Forest Serrice Cowichan Uader, Ltd. AGRICULTURAL HALL, DUNCAN DISTRICT SUPERVISOR New Shipment just received of Pirid- J. B. Conway. 696 Albert St, Nanaimo. Phone Nan. 696 I. D. Marktnri*. Maple, Bay. Ceylon Coeoanut. per lb. - 203 Guest Ivory Soap, per dot. 453 ing SteolA Folding Chain, Deck Phofto Duncan 281 R I Eleo Loffginff Co. Ltd, SATURDAY, MAY 12th Chairs. Porch Chairs and Cota. All ----- 0.15 P.M, ------Rownlree's Blrot Cocos. % - lb. pfebttoy Soap, 4 (or ------8O3 reasonably priced. F. C Uoyd. Crofioo. McDonald Murphy Logging Co. Ltd. FOREST RANGER E. C Hawkins. Crofton. Pbone Cbem. 17 Grand Champlonahip Match—10 Rounda-To Dedtlon ,tins, each------183 Canadian Puffet Sound Lumber and Timber ('o. Ltd. ----- For Junior Lightweight Title of B. C. - - Brawn: non't finl. Mr. S. A Kirk' Don ’t miss the Hazola Oil de- Per Ona Week Only, 80% DiKount on Robert Murray, Duncan, Phone 840 Y 2 Duncan B. W. Devitt. Westholme. Phone Chem. 60 X J^-lb. tins, each . -...... 253 111 SMOKING nPES in stock. Values Tommy Fielding, Victoria vn Dave Lesria, Victoria bam: domolotton. Ur. O. W. O-NdlL G. B. Simpson, Lake Cowichan. Mayo Lumber Co. Ltd. Hillcreat Lumber Ca Ltd. ArraiMnnnto wore In ebarft of Uu from BO3 to M.00. It will pay you to Challenger Champion eatartalnawnt cmudlWt; Mn. A Nabo ‘> Marmilade. 4-0' tin 50e Special trial price— throw Ihst old briar away. * ASSISTANT FOREST RANGER , B. C. Boyd. Uke C^owichan. Cowichan Lake Loffginff Co. Ltd. Utaa May Tomfaa and Ur. I 1- lb. tins______853 Ready Cut Macaroni, Ih. . _ 100 Pnt StuMhlae in Your Hems With Val- D. V. Porteoua, Cowichan StatioiL Phone 88 R1, puncan \V. B. Buckmasler, Maple Bay. Jack McIw“dS!!!m** ”*^S* "“iJZSftUr, Victoria 2- lb. tios______spar yandah and063 Valapar Qnick-Drylag Phone Duncan 280 XI Youbou Sawmills Ltd. W. F, GroaskleR ----- Also Four Other Good BouU ------French Macaroni, per lh — 103 Lacquer. H. D. Morphy. Lake Cowichan. FIRE PREVENTION OFFICERS Fairservice Guerin Timber Co. Ltd. Seat Plan at Powcl & Macmillan's Store closes on May D. Rolhday. Ockiom. lull, but will be on sale all day Saturday. May 12th . , cuBbat wdn la fnn. brah A. Palmer, Soottish-Palmer Logging Co. Gamp. W. Weeks. C>wkhaa Stttieo. Hemmingsen Loffginff Co. T.td. at the Agricultural Halt PhooeDancaB267L2 tbcflo Un wrest way and oamlM Pw Lehman, Fairaervke Guerin Logging Co. Camp. Shawnigan Lake Lumber Co. Ltd. PRICES: hide for ons. wbSoh Mww as ttoy COWICHAN MERCHANTS, LTD. W. May. Cobble Hitt. Phone C H. 57 wbitoMNCfca R. Feifuson, Ferguson's Sawmill, Deeriiobne. W. Alsdorf, Cobble Hill. Phone C H. 54 W RINOSIDP. - fl.00 TIERSIDE - 31.00 Cowklua VaOv ’, Bi* Dqnrtmail Stora Victoria Lumber and Manufacturing Co, Ltd. OKNKRAI. -31.10 UNDER 16-35^ AMni and Mumtiia are food nwlh THE COWICHAN DUNCAN, VANCOUVER BLAND, a & ThBTwfay, M«y 3rd. 1W8. Pt. Eight Tburatlsr Msy 3nl. 1928. THE COWICHAN LEADER, DUNCAN. VANCOUVER ISLAND, a C. Page Nine Kars nanahtaw ataUand CSrala. SHAWNIGAN LAKE as. Itort Oaaitoy. II. and DenUo SIXTY YEARS OF SERVICE Doisg Spiaidid Work Letten to Ae Editor FOR SALE Kcractnber that thli is U» DUmoad JuMm Year el PtoBteOaOvay the Cowichui Orrutintiaa. ADBTBAUAN TBAOB TBBATT LETS GET ORGANIZED •aatd. la; UN Actaa MB MnUtobaw. 4S: tt. Tl»e Hortictilturel Branch merit* evcryem** coo- 1 Board. MS. Mate M. A. wbD te km Sb.—I m not «Wi to eaaiy m psatotod B te M to* wtem te ---- FOR THE rratulMtens on wirtninf second prise, district ex ­ i« (Mi bam. _ aaiMs St OM mri Dsosh- Quamichan Lake tba enoowyta OBte holtom to tba Tta lo *taM aas Shti 5 rooms. Bern for 6 hesd; Pate with aupptotoniab; S. Oor* will appreciate. Popularly priced. Dart ray taply. You aay. “Would Kr. over te earna iiiuaUacL Dear art COWICHAN AGRICULIHRAL SOdETY Bbawaitta Lake, aha Brat aid Oavla hoTt tba tfoaty aboUabad or ra- chicken house for 300 birds. dm Manny. C. ffugh Baker. «: ptootlAil-tao ptotiUfnl te lomt 7. Richard Ouppy. S3, te TTwreta Face Powder...... _ 7ST Rouge...... tIO, ata to lbs Otfl (hddM tX (~ naadr Good sdL inw. BBd to a sroop of aabeol I Quail art nuD- 'nurtoirti. U: P. Oeuxtoa Maltory. W. toy trah b (boklMba Ttoalir eooM I. Pbmmnu are BMdmtalr ao. Cream...... _ SO< Corapaet...... fl.OO aa to ranara tba Purchsse price on terms. and Rebwt Waltoo. M; II. BdlUi with bkw sroma rater Ortvn. 17; II. Waltor Curry. S4. te Barn Dance Brilliantiue ...... SOg Perlumea. I or ,2.00 fa,660.00 Mtoate to a r*at manarw Met- DmaM PtU. M: lA Mato acjrup. II todtety. It eoeU ba a odaotod tbtoe. Shampoo ...... T5< Hair Tortie...... 75, I rvpMlwrtae tote « aD rtea Partial Maattt«: 13. Oaratd iilUhmi. SSIM: amea rmt. Bet, Btfamnatoty. Ibat eamn* -- to OBtertol OwyoB. 4P; Ifi Otodyv fliiinibii - TO-MORROW - Fact Aatringent _ ,1.00 Dental Cream ____ 50# ibiMbb aaoBM. SIMS; ad- J. O. Bai 17. Mary MUar. U; lA Patrick Oar* tae. snjs: alaamT wafrtd A. WiSett Ptota aa tvar- rard. ti: IS. Itea Bnrkwiiarr. W: sC SSI JS: tataas, haabb ai Bsutc, Piotncikl sod lasBf* Ska. Tha BaeiBlty te a rural k Katbtom Mcnmald. M: 31. Yl> to tobaoK sma: tobaO aaee, Auctioneer snd Vtlo- daSvwry to te « Ptotahar. 37. eoa, taJS;Maam la bask at ApHI Stor, Kotsry Poblic. ttS Atobeaum to Ottawa te Orada XL—Pate: 1. OaraU Prv* iMda frequmUy of toto te Mr. Friday, May 4 l4a^ im. suTJS. iDtoi issoess. Block. DtuMtoB. C. K. DIckla. M.P. te 3. Oladyi nrkhaB. M: A Clirtottna PboM 106 vnm Iba suUar. MeRenrtr. M; 4. ADaa Melmea. U: K. of P. lUH, Dnaean to tba oouna of iba bedfOt dtoato Dwtof te aIntoT nontht a JuaJor Ueattasa attoodad, Sl' 3. Anew Jaam. H. and Oordon KING WIUPW NOW at Ottan tut Ifaicb ba mid. “AO bona iHiitom te tort aid elaaa Thomaoa. 14: 7. Maurice PIrtA M. esh ibaae tiaate tara matolMa played vtUi vaxlota ordmeiy brands I ante: wllUntly eaaad. You aay that I ap- not ion tba dmui of tba amlon tolb CapL B. B. Bark' FARMER, LOGGER, ROAD BUILDER, Chiba Tha Shawntoan taama have jay aa Ttra raptaln bfr. H. It Orolt to ptar to taa anxloua to Idaouty |W van over fifty pw emt. «f an s b MINER, FREIGHTER, end MUNICIPAUTV BOAR’S wnta Ubaral pothte. t am M at aU played. Tha club haa pnvtdad te Res. Phones 336R snd 457 to oa that 1 ahooM taa aoM —wherever rnned power and perfoniiance ere Btajar aortal atIracUm (or dvaDm at THE MODERN REMEDY' ptoaatd to bava you euppert tba views tba taka durlito te wutor iw ,i-®.TfTV"*“mT5r¥ -SRS WESTHOLME NOTES COAL DEPOT HktXlNX BEST SAKINC rO«OCk~ of Hm. H. B BaOMtl. Bm. Or Tot* II WM dartdad' to bold a wte-up mie. Ur. Otofeto aad aytoif-wbkb (OngMlbUMvami JtearW. A. CtoM SI...... Bato daaca to tba B U A A. Ran m May an tbe views af U» O Literature sod Prices oa Rcqsest nib. Vartow rnBaitmn wm Party. Sols Distributors far B. C.: BEST ISLAND COAL lb Aatfbary btod You. bovavtr. do lat •« your way Ibatr aaaoal ala of weak to Wait- ekw to m (Ida aad. tbmCon. la da- LUMP AND NUT botaa Ban m Batorday. Tba a4aOi tendiBS tba traaty. ym arv mppte- Merrisoii Tractor & Eqaiiiiint Co, Hi aito too tabla te tm rtewi of (be Ubaral Party nar. Aaom tbaa ehUdrta. vbo had whteir broHShl tha maty into estot- ante UN cllate f* atvatsl yara. 1U5 STANDARD BANK BUILDING Truck For Hire cnc*. Bava ym nnt. Ibenton.----- ___ y wa at a alnlnwra: but la iba VBiKouver, B. C. Duncan High School and doftootta vtototo. fsva Uflad yourself wlUi Iboar vlawtl JOHN SUTHERLAND }uite crsda. in tha ni|h Bebool and And whan you bear the Oonierva In Oua ehlldrtn who waa aawcmi- car aiMl aUraeUva appaan fUf- ADCrtONBER AND VALUER Uia arsaaaiA. to It qulto fair to BEST J. BOAK, Prep. Tht rtMlto of te'Bwtor tumlat- CORRECTLY ATTIRED I Kolway’s | ■r*. denial demy wa isaipant and a - . - Mrt- HOLT Uom. tt DOW tnnoutte by Mr. a B ceetpartaon ton would coavlna aav Mrs. U BToeUMBk and m Blabank. to to taka ap tba prob* Phone 120 P. O. Box 41 Therp. prtortral. tr* m (oltowt: it whst you want people to ' ar of tba taailaabto vahra uf lcafo^.r--l No(a Addrms- vbo pewead to ba aoeta ca«Bbto tow OiwS* n-Ptte vuh toxaxn: say of you, and it what (hey MAY 22rd TO SEPT. 30th toteawa Tba bcauUfUl Mbs. donat- but tba aatoberf Why to tba advoM' I. PlervDct tanoa. St ptr emt.; A will say if you nake/this UanVt Aoetton Mart. la 111497 pi Uon of tbte isaadlal inaaaaa vMrh ad by Mrs. Oibto. was aueb aoueb; Bxttt Thorpt. S3. tiore your elothlng head- x CHEVROLET Company ’s water available N«r mat Lower Price* Mipervisioo of our bccvinBastcr. L MOBT IClJa TBB SOUftB ^batHfon Piiaener Lager com mort to brew, ^ Ute Thit Coupon/ PONTIC SIX For prices and particulars but to sold St the mac price as TK* YAMCOtnflB «m, •PPlT- nr : l“S IffeiHl ordinary bean. Trythtooew W«1I Ptear to, Vaaaawnr. AC. _‘rlrea_^ PONTIAC SALES LTD, C WALUCH NANAIMO, B. C yire^one GREGORY TIRES AND TUBES THOS PITT. LIMITED VANCOUVj^R^ESVg^ES. LlMirED Real Eetata and Inxuraace mgSTOME BOILOe THE ONLY ODU-DIPPBD 71X0 Art Sold By DUNCAN. E a a tobai te kakad ate Agent E. P. PHILLIP II ANDERSON ft PLA8KETT This idvertiseaenl ■ not Cootrel Board, or by the PBOOUCT oe nmvBAL motors o* Canada, aoiitiq Cowieban Station. E. ft N.R. Lanffton Motors, Duncan Dancao, B. C. || Duncan, & C PBODUCT OF GIN8IAL MOTOBS OF CANADA. LIHITBO ■r"' ) •

THE COWICHAN LEADER, DUNCAN, VANCOUVER ISLAND. R C. Thur«l.r, Mv 3nl. I92A Page Ten , t pamtl of e«w um BOMb lo i1bp—i1 SCHOOL MY DAY etnoo Ibo itart of opa rt thM at Trustees Notified — Junior Higb-Tenders-Salariea km vaiuf of MJdome. -nw km ra TIM ectefersUoc of Usr Dsjr «1UI to Naaotoo. Vroooutsr, VlrtorU and Motorists ! Um Annual iiirclwt and emoMr mo to otbor Pu«st porta win taka plaet im Ma^ Wa li> UM tbo HWW at Ibo bar sn bocaod Ladies Must Dross: Try Foi's OUR ALL IN ONE POUCY INSURES AGAINST To Dre« Woll and Economically la both wlao and eooentlal, an articio well PabUc UabOhy (involving personal iniuriet to the pub­ fciMol Board tar Mr. M. OVtUl imndpaL GO Timhy MUae. AB bought ^veo the buyer doublo oatlafaction, Inoimoch aa both Quality and lic). Protecting you igsmst any claim that may be BMiU ■ftaiw wm pnami. mm made against you by reason of an accident causinc per­ mR a. TBofpt to ow mat Price are arared when bought from ua. “Wo Invito Comparfaon." Our sonal injory or death to any OMmber of the public. .. «ntna jMfeSSB iMi taM m UR oou lumbM owl UMJM too* of moKhandlM la oxchiaivo end marked at priooo that wOl aaoure you of the MMa}«Mo:aadmews«^l DwBage to Property, covering you agiinst claims b» the on an Maatna Wwtau. njim i utmoot worth for your dollar. pobGc (or to their cars or to property of any KSIMWB Bsttls. Kamwtas Am cm mm. m urt. i At tbo b Dnoce to Yow Own C« by Co lHNwi. covering yoo lotallod tmmr BiBan took against loss or damage to yoor Aatomobilc caused by ir. wntoB R Maotoo b obi . collision with another object, either moving or aution- rt ibb WOMB «ia bo r im oo^mgr: Mr. S. m. BOewsst Everything For Spring and Summer Neadd ma ■IMBW: m. J. L. Mbad motoSmdmt: ktr. a O. n M CawlBar wUta ttM euwaUm ^ oodi lutiftiinuf i; Mr. w. A. Mo- OF SPECIAL INTEREST _ .gMoL BvUmUr U» mmaw SPECIAL PSICBSON DAINTY ^*«nn FOR an kawilr tstw-wd fa um ~ta)aet SPRING COATS ALL OCCASIONS TO THE HOME ' Tranportadeo. covering you againat lou from acciden­ Bom Mr. A. R ttwp. HUh amool DRESSMAKER tal damage to your automobile while in transit within pAdml. and Mr. OTOdD Am Owing to the Utenets of the EahMd Silk DrtaaaR in all the limits of Canada or the United Stales by road, rail i Batten with Um board to sesaon we arc offering ottr season** shade*, all aizce: For Yottr Torada Frock or inland waterway. t. tB llW RpWt MbBUI alock of Spring CokU at Whlto Spun SUka in a vari­ adopud U» vrar* Tbo Ooitodtof praOWa oaMara price* that will move them DioaaaB of Crepe de CUme. Oanida aad.Uw ooMdlr ototos prortdo ety of qualitiea. from Fire, including loss or damage caused by Sctl-Igniiioii. Uttar » mtaltod riBlonasei: scr.' Dooian SiiisR LDWTTED fwrana: Mr TWb wSeds aun fhim too markrt qiikt at natr-fnir Biman foH for tan rtatonrant; Mr. ObtU Miloa PHONR 9 DUNCAK. R C onllM of epacaUaa. BbtpBOBt* for IPTI tolaDod iRIia,- I FwsoMi ora too ForpartoflttribtalBranamifl SM Tort, ton bbM bdac Sbtoftr I Fbtnervtos Otorto Ttabw Oa and o ball rBptomc IM bm. wlto BBtrto. oaatofb OBiBda Ba« U. a V. U *«R IL OA UR. located oa the a H. R s» lake IM odditlooal . la Un mom. l*ou. potato. Tbo BIO rai* fw Tbi Ttcttrto Lonbtr aad Mbb- Oowtebaa. an tnnitec wt shoot torw 1*0 tblfto an batog run. - -Braad but with aDtoraovraunt fseantaa Ob. wltt Us Me* Otoetrte- BlOSoa fast of kr a Boellv AmuM Tbs BID wU etosad doyn la Domb- OtoehraBA and to* troa DwiBtuf ISIb to Jaaaarr bsr aad Jaamir latt. Tmotdballsn toto* wtto wo hl*b toad M. R Y. LuaBf Os. to ruBBtoC St wlto BOW orNs aad MU* «t. otoTMoeiB Tba bfbitBr 1Mb. win totlr oalr mutRiuM due- nUB. tot ka* botoc brwRbl dswa toe toot iwstoe oaoatoa aad tbdr ton BUB of toM rora M too toto LoBbor Oa to opwohot toe Ooto- Cowichan Creamery ns la bR A DM Blow BUS taM BMB aun si Mm u. lor bBDdaO too «B Btoo pot tB. Muto btora pwettosur sB br Tbs Bram Bm.' Mffl ts Bobihcs LBt r*Bt s ton* RnS wBsbpitt to TbDsatout of to* utotow rreitHi-m to nm tossaur but toe Association m toiiiiS bBibrr. Tbs «mT , ca—sbiB tts Bteto port to T|** Laaobw OaS aUD ot Tyw li to tfttIB BM atoBtt* to BOB ar of twi^ to to* B«*toeV. M ^BMl tout dOWA TbSs sad to* IBV of lbs BUB snOB bM B e OoaoB BBT Mia ora ton Bto Mis ESTABLISHED ISM K'w

------BUTTER AND EGOS ------Atoo OB tto c. N. R to* am Reliabu Pern! and PtrtOI«fu wtowr UtoBnt Oa on turalai Cowichan Welcomes Its First etoato sooMD ■*» wlto MO Household Coal Brooder Coal ■ OpOfBtiBB Hr. A. a PBlBW Is toe BMliBW BiH Bbest lie BB BN teaptoyod. Mr. Dtwr PBTkB to weeds anpwto- - Cash and Service Stores - BL taAitaa rcptoced Mr. R i- Deibr. «bo k takliif s Irtp to Now — PHONE 37 — ark. to g,d«itlai to Uw keslnt. tor WS DELIVER wwnUl U bttof niB wttb an oulput of about la.' IhmiBfMl fret • day. No S and poorer trad* k*s ontj ara can afford, and eventually have more money to buy with. msnufseturoR torn ratrtertat

BUY COWICHAN BUTTER to-flr* BCD ora etapleyod In tot sUO. TlMK II quite a arUkaMDl st Um eaatp. with about lw*ntr-B»o »“* Ten Specittl Values for Friday, Saturday and Monday - tok >w»p win wBptoto tbs cutUac of lU priBsi BflUt to Btptewtow BraM-. B«t T» Bin. Ub«l, regnUr Mb. p«ck« Woton ’i Bn|UWi Q It la ufldintoiid ‘ Braproa 2s, per tin - Loganberry, *-ii». |,«» __ A New 2H*. per tin - Old Dutch CleBitaer, 3 tint for ~ y> CriMO, •Mron toto. -ntobw Oa UR Pom Lasd, 2 lb*, for ------ban* rwmUr Uken wnr to* epwo. 3 lb. tin for UMM of to* BMWtowi Loottc (to at Service Mlk ta. (L H. R. BDd on prodDctm Si^ Crisp Com Flakca, 3 pa^ OKANAGAN CANNED RIPE itraiUp. 4 TOMATOES Tbr aabttoto BM to Doorty cm Royal Pivple Brand, wboleaome Lax Trikt Bom, 3 cakes ronS39 Quaker Com. per tin------179 out but UM cMpBir bBo B btsB O^lrie'a Wheat HeaitR 6-tb. sack We have added to our extensive equipment a special Bits Bfflke tBt of UM- food, ri'h in vitaraine B— ___ Pore Castfla Se^ 6 cakes for 899 VACUUM CLEANER for the Interior of closed anlooio- bw botwooD to* arapBB oDd acB- Pennttt Butter, S^irrel brand, bring tm ototoM. Tbo kas vm oom* out your container, per lb. ...._. 189 MaikiaV Bm CefifcR 679 bUeA ore to* and* bB br too atbuora 2s. 6 tins for ...... ' AyliBCr SoopR Tomato, Green Pea, MaxwaU House CofftR per lb. 709 AroaraguR Vegettble, Ox Tail, Snow Flake Partry Fleur, 10-tb. ak. This apparatus remove* every particle of dust and 12 for...... Ai wBMt on* sM* k btona « Cel^. Coniomme; per Un .119 for ...... 689 embedded grit from the upbolslcry. sloR omptoytaa abonl BRr CaopbiO'a SeopR assorted, tin 149 B. 4 K. Paatry Flour. 10-lb, *k. 569 wtto Mr. Barrr Kllrt oa fora Sbradded Wheat. 2 large pkts 969 Snap Hand Cleaner, per Un —899 operoikia of bdoUmt sM* to Ut us clwn your ear interior by the latest Kientifie system. A thorough job at small expenie. At aoBeiMD BAT tIdovBter. O-wkbSD BAT BoouUaf AiBelAl This service can be obuined at the An bADdbm too booiBlnc of top ■hIpiMd br FalrsoTTk* Okrtn. Boot- lah-Palmer *nd Oomewo BroA Th* DUNCAN GARAGE LTD. Kirkham’s Grocerteria DUNCAN, B. C. Phoacs 47 and 48. COWICHAN STATION. Phone 325 X 2 or COWICHAN GARAGE