'l'$'() rrrillion sc() r'ornaitts Largest conclavein history to openballoting June 20 VrYflCr\N Cl'l'Y-Tlte c(,u{:iavc of crlrlinals lo elcct a stt(:cessot'ttl Joltn X.{III tt,ill begin trl ti 1l.ru. on.lurrc 19 irr tlre Vilticirn's Sistine chirpcl. llalloting ii,ill bcgin ilrc I'ol[orviug morning.

Il. is cxpcct.ed to llc lltc llrgcsI concltrr.rrin lhc lri.stor.l' ol. thc Chulch, n'ith 82 clrrlinals eliglblc l.o attentl anrl r.otc. Nlicrophoncs rvill be uscd fol the filst tirrrt' ut il colt- 'l'he clal'e. Sistine challel u'ill be rvircd for. surrntl iu nrrrclt thc srrrttc rtay as thc ectt- tnenical cotrrtcil lrall so thitt ASstsTtNG ilrt' r:irr.rlinllsal lhe cat'rlinals attd officials tlrrrir.[i1strlcr]trps.f llrt,srr-c.llcrl n'ill not slt0ttl- Lo harre [o be inrcr.r.t'grlrnr-rrrtlrcr.irrl rrt,tr't,.rr hcarrl' ihc tlcatlrof a prrpcln{l ilt(,r, l(,(.- '['lrr. conclaVedatc rga-ss0t at tion 0[ ltis surc('.ssot,-\\.('r.t',.\r'rlr- the filst gcnrtral ntttetingol tlrr- [islurp l''r'arrlcsr:e(';rr,pirrg, Srt(:- cardinlrlsfollorvin( tlrc rlclllr ol r.ot^r.r.oI tltc Sirr.r.r,rl(irll.ll*f ['ol)o,lolln. (.'lrrrlcltf('tiulllior]s .,-,, (lar(lil)ills: '\rcltlrisltolt J'illIico rorluir.cllral a conclato,lii,'ii n',t - lcss than l5 rla1"san<[ ilt,t nr0r.,' [)artto.I't't'fPt'{ rtl llrt' I'rrttlificitl lltan l8 (llys at'tt'l' a '\[asIers ttl' (]i'tt'ttlilttics:llsqr'. l)opr,"s ('lr.rlrnale. rl.alh. Sincc llc I'opc rlicrl rin .lgirro ('hict rrI I'Lolorol ol lhe I)il[,.] St'ct'r'1aIiltlof Slittc. .lrrnc'it.thc earrlinalst:orrkl lrat.e -' ald sevt't'al lllilslcl s tthoserr an}. date betrvcen .lrrn0 lB ltontilitral 1 vOL' lll, NO' 36 arl(l 21. o[ c('rolu()tllcs.

{l tl Il D L\rtl L C U,SIIL\IG . llrJ rges easrngtlI laws

EMPTY PAFAL THRONE-The Fope's llrrorre-rrovr ernply vrilh thc tlcalh of Pope John XXlll*was constructed of gilderl w,rod irr IlJl9 tor Pope Pius Vll, The Collcgc of Cardinals vrill nrcc't in solcnrn eorrclave on Jurre l9 to elecl a new oqcuttaltl for llrc Pontiff's flrrortc. 'Olrl Suurkcv', \\ ill asa(/ irr siSn rl I Pop{.) s t lrr:I iorr

8y MSGR, JAMES l. TUCEK {rut ,)l ilt,'r.ltrrnr,r.rirllrr.i,. \\in'rr:r

intelvicrv lte[olt thc tlclth t.lurrr ll l 1v1'Irql1.t1' .]ohn ]i-.\ l ll anrl t lro ittltonriltic srtspt'nsion ot lhr. Sr,t. ottrl \':tlit,atr ('r)lult'il.'lir r.,r111i1111,' ils not'h, thc t:orrncil nlnsl lrrr rccottvulicrl b5, I'opc,lrrlrrr's .rrr.- a'ci-s() l"

R EGAR0ING tirt. pr t'-rulrrri:rl ptrrtttiscs itt nrixt'tl uurrnlrqt's. lrt' "'l'lrr']' l.ir'r. l)orr:rlrjSt'lrrturllrtt.,\1.,\.. slrrl: llo itn ilutirnl l,I 1l S S \\'.. r- ir,'r't.lr] trlnl{'(l ..\f('lt- Ittanl. attrl sttrrtc. it is t.lr';rt llorrt tll,rr't'srdl l)tfr'( lrrl' rll ( llilt lttr's, s'ltitl happt'ns subst'rlurrrtlr. nrllit, r.ltt't'lrrt, .l.rrr' l:i. lllti:i tltt' ptrrtttists itt lrirtl lirillt. Il r r, ('.S rl(t lr)llq(,t' rtrltttt'r.rl lll(, IfrInilS{'r. lir,r. l'lrluirr,l lt \\'ct,.t'1. t , rvo rtill llol l11 1'1'1,'1'1n*;lllv r,, lir lrr' r'lutIl:rttt rtl (itlrltttll Sclt,rol 'l'i'r'r'r' Iril' llrrs. lllrttli'. ltril,. tr'- '*h:,:ll*;;lri:r,itt;l lit'r ,l;rrtrr's Illitttt.:. (l.S (', '. '.. ,",,,iu,,u,,,,,,,.; Ii r'r . l lriu rrr r Il;rrrr'r . ('.S.( lo Papal memorial ,.ii;l'li-|lrlfil'li ('rrtlterlt rurj'i*ltll*f- i:;,'i;111*',11;11'q;;,i1 lrl r'lurIl:rrrr ;ri itl lliglt r'\1'r'ri i"i1il' ffiilr Sr'ltrrrrl. l'('Illl('tt),' IIOME*Sf. Paul's Episcopal- Ii corrntrilrh:rlls lttrlnttt.rlr,tlt.. ,,,.,,,',,,,, 'i"llil,lll '1iir"l'lXlllii FATBETCLARX (, (.S.('. i;rr churclr lor Arncricans here . i{,iil',i\rr .r'r'r'r'',',il'h'.:.,'il1r i;il:''.;i:;'liii'rj"',,'"'i1li:',i'i,:i.'l:'lir,r l'r'lnl, lilirrrt. pl.rrrr lo pul up a rrrenrorial lo o f'opr: Johrr XXlll, l oll,r\ tttrl r\ lll(' l{'\1 rrl lt t'itlrle- It v:ill llc' ,r sel of tloors, of :lr':riI ld .\t ( l]l)i:lrr)l)Sr'lrrrltc l|orrt eitlrer glass.rnd brorrre or glass llr(' \ irlr('iilr.rirrlcLl .lrrttt' ;, lll{i:i: arrcl vrroughl irort, lo replace "S11c f ed Collt'9e sirrcerelY ihe vroodor do

K ;b+ "t;*,-.&'.

O'S'B'' lhe WE SING, TOO*With the heln of Sislcr Marv Xavier' young people learn lo sing the Mass and f.rvorile ltyttrtts' Sotne of lhem come r dislance of 35 miles by bus each day for lhe religious Atnelican instruclions. There rre a lotal of 70 catlrolic farnilie.- itr SrIetrt' MrrrIyrs parish and 50 f.rnriIies irt St, Au0usIitte''s lrarisIr, fourllt Thc total populrlion o{ lhe lwo'counly irea is 3?,500' Thl Eenedicfine is Sisler Forturratr, O.S'8. (Pholo'story by Paul 6' Fox) PAGE TWO THE CRITERION,JUNE 14,196T

llt:por:tPope 5r-rr-----= trxtracts from the diary of Pope bcgar: study ! John = - o{ Russian VATIC N Ctlt'V Nolos th{t all_.pleiled to n. v.ry.'i iirnir'ii-piii"-i"i':"*,li;,fr"dDrk. th. €tfod ro rlproNh !brt. rhd In rhe.ense of huc jnd \r,\'fICAN CII'Y - I'ope John nt l*",!wL"l,l*"+,-,lltfli:ii"li;Tf,"j:'aau n",,,,,.*.". *ls -sltrrll'inB liussian in the last r'6No' ,,"11'::lil[:""ix;"f'"11"",ilii: r,*g,rre"_d.il;,ii;,-iir,.fitj;:,il;IylTi;n: i_l" I fl,. da1's br.fole thc final ltenlth crisis flil1,:l'l*,,1'earrv";.f,;i;.-"""'*."'*.lilii"l"ll*irI"ii:l$H:.illl'"1".l*s.]."]"j1^j"l11111i...;l:"f,i::f'f"*""lljilI"Tg*I$]ii::""''.;?"';"ifflti ii"",iii'i]:f,;"*;'*f0'f ib,e.boLh.rs, srire r !e rc llrir: took ltis life. Asel'|esotpefS0tl:llflotositll(tslopesoftlteholymorrntain.l\Iay..It|sweJltoletoneselfbeu::!y.lnlt:adthewarwiilonlyttre'',(l)cc.zs,-is.idI 'l'his rvas revealcd in the recol- reflectiorrsryerejottetltlorvn.b1'1lrc,Lordsr.lP'ot|^t]*anobrinciligrountl.upPypainantlbydeath It'ctions of the Pope's confessor, to a gootl co'clusion"' ro rise again,,, (Feb. 22, llishop Alflcdo Cavagna, pub. 11|i,.,',,1?n[:l'fill'T:-::t,fi1;i-til ig^::1930) I nrrrE e urur"c cE,,rrrrF .),,. lishcd b1' the Vatican City daily, r*r''r.r**.i,iii"ititii"l" illncss. lN ocToBER,19311, the future BIUE& WHITESERVICE, INC. "I'lf .rrl.^^^'l'hese L^r'^ bccn l.^,.'. publishctl r-..1-li.l.^'l here, l','-^ !)ope I),rii.r uotetl rr^{^.t on ^n lcavingl^^.'l-d his I'i^ r,^-..- preferr to continue my elfort l.'OsscLvatore Romano. havc horne 8 LOCATIONSTO SERVE YOU "Only in the Pontiff's hanrlrvriting, by to return to his post in Athens; to be quiet without bitterness, Sairl 13ishop Cavagna: in "The the Vatican daily, L'Osservatore farcwcll to my loved ones rure that thls mortificetion wili ALWAYSOPENT t lrqr last fe rv nronths he showed Itornnno, aud tny tlotlter, rvl.onr perhaps I prove edilying ln its own time." wA rnc a Iirrssian gramnrar, saying (llarch 4-5381 pope Johu s,rote nt ilrat limc: tvou't scc agaitt on this eartli, is 23, 1939) that since lre knr:rv a little of the "I ,,ALL Slalic langungc, it rvottld be easy noticcin my boclythe.Lregiu-ilil."iriijill'i,';::,,;;;'f;t r'j'il KNow HoW to sussesr fol hirn to learn at least a few ning of some tloublc rvhich rnrrst liiY-,,i.,i"'"'],u"Iil,:"'r':,ji"::"'".:,I and more than a few had to criti- ruolrls of Russian. IIe hoped to 1",:"'-lt1.|tIpe'ar:c, :.1.91'1,'11tj-l-b::l "":l::::-:,:.:t,'l'11Y:""""riii'lj'1,"!liir,ii,'il .hor,; in this rvay horv nrttch he it in tlrough it nn.noys.nre _^,- useful and simple service: this is great r: 8p,0sl Ilucs tlrat nation, for he sometirues auri hccluse.it allorvs ,..,i:.:':l:t-1{,.:u,-.t,t:,..I91:^ "",ti;l-another thing." $tay 10, lo3r}) {r}n-rlanll}' lepeated the words ol mc ro re'r rrrarir i- b;.;;,i;is ir;;e;, he-;ko :tli:i., r'#'1,#;.jitio l.y.l:^.r.:li{ll:-i,i\vl'ot{J lll t'cl'oDel" .tlliJu: I Flt,i$f;[t,//F,fl{iili%p'j! tlrr-' l)ivine Iic(leemer:'I have rvorsc. It is nol Pleasattt to tltinlr Byzantine cttlture is "What.is &n ortra. r'(,nle lo call sinnels, not the of it too nrtrt:lt, bttt once again I lnrportant is the un. rnent of my sacred ministry. put. rirst."' nnr reatly for everything." iotr. of fhe bishops antl the ex. ting Jestrs- in the cepter, every- tcrior .r\nrong otlter cotnnterrts rvlitten sien. rvhich is the presence thing is ligtrtetl rrp antl' entbel. BISHOP Cavasna reealled that tlorvn at a latcr lrelio

' rrre\r s,uuea;rf,rr\r ,.rrrrl l;rrn trtrablc to speak orte tllcll""iii'",.;l;li:;i}Jl],:l]lll.:i'J',.[.i:;..'1'l,r\'it"f",i$#l.'11Hl,"i,lill"lll"'i.lliii"1lli:]l]lllll!!!|Ill!l]]]]!l]l|lll!llu lVlll Ol {rf}(l. at\fil.VS, Al\\'itl-S, rr,!'rr(:rY .rrwdJD lllul trlus$ Afe *llic'lt rtits'trl1' tlte.rnontents .";,:"i::J:r.o I plty for thc {jhur.cti, tor cliit. ou'tt antl spent it best spcnt in nry r1.en,'for prit'sls anrl for 5isholrr- lor tlrings thirt.rvill ttot be.tttinc life." (Oct,6, 1939) conier. so tltat tltey rr,ay be holy :rtttl for l)tlt tlle.Ulltllcll's' seelll$ to rtle Wltat ttore "hir J]rincely Chigi _lt can I wish for in sor qaid of him thrlr"*,: whoh fcttttilv ('unrinri olf n/ O J ./ the s'hokr n,orltl. " , . :i. .fj]lll. .:,1{.-_?.|..1::t_,!llt,$ life? Nothingr beyonrt a grenrer lik' was an effgrf, rn enxiely fror' po'cr.t1,^'rt ttro *;;ii;;;-; tl'uglrts of i'ariciottsness.; i,Ti*t ,ii'ii.ri..ii;ir"il'ri"i;]s:llil ,l' ('l'he aclrievin;i so{to ll llonitr Prrpe's ln l9d0 hir rhnrrnhrr rfr' my obligations irs ltith. ilri,r; havc srrught op attd ;'iTita': bittlrplacc), I ncvcr fls servant of the rurnea'io l";; o; ;;i";h;';; ltoly " cls nc tllttrrch, rc lu, forgct thcur. gltut pupul Dc to Sonretinres I.-r or,r' rnt'eiing rvith I ;lr"-.^ I arn strrng l::^. "\Vhat"\\'hat wrole such rcmrrkr-rr grcat glacc lrrshrs tlrc L,ortl olsoalso ltyl)y poverty, ;,rr lriilication f()r me. I rlottld L,ortl to"o;;;;-j;;;,,;-;".;:."*,;-^J wirtouf irifiiiiftl-'dlJ that rvhich ren. ..-. '{'he given pastols, rri,r rt.iqrt to fail in rlrrlicaey ctin- Vr[l'l(.]r\N C'l1lY flag ruc: lroly excur. ;-,i;";';;;; r",-}'"J,... I]] ders ute irnpotentto help nly o\yn i { ,!rrnr: lht' spiIitual rclalions I rvhich rvill fly ovcr the Valican i;i,-iii.;,;,.;;;.i";i,'i;;,.,.i;,;;l';;;;,l:i'5LJi;fi#i'-li.*i*jiliii'i;,=",,;;.,'i;;i-;i.;;i;il;;;w!ffii'Get|hese'iil";-1llli,;,'',j'X?.""" fll!',ili"i?,;"ll,illl,,iil"i,jiii"flll',lll'i'i;'1.l,ill',iil"i:{';;' ;;rrrii;ii,..;iiirnn iiJ'i: ," l[d-ri $l!ffi uMlPoF]lI/tNl[ .,HE pREFERRED or rhe scs- Fr.irra.v.In 5;l,il.Iill.'jii,il,:i'Jl" THE SINGLE rlrlr!.of lho con- ilrIulrll t' of llrr, l,assirrn clat'e at'r'a is lo lrr gtr;u.rlcrl '" of Jestts. 'l'lrc on \\lrr'tt tlris uas irnJrossible hecnusc fl-virrg of the flag is s1'lr,- the insirie hl llrc r.lrrtllrrol of the the grt'at r-'ottclat't,, ( Edfit?,S'illl" boltr:0f atttl re' R:'n,,"tfrt ol 'pecial llor','er ills(r' lJt,rlcrico ltrloti lti,,,i*iil::lilinllt arrrlienees :l1iilet*di.$,1.ii and other il'iifdtd,,';,$",:,,..,l,"";$; Ttre lbpe no{ed th. drlTtior$ on thc n$!s of the "r xd' Nt or obodiauca"'tlei o. ,liili***::.|:Sl&*r rlrriri':, llrln he liked Satltt.(lar,., spotrsibtlity conclave's tli \';rgrr;rlr.. rllrosr'trirllo is i':rsl. \vxich\ilricl Iexe Indrnd hdhnd rromlroN boyhond. ,", lilnd *",,*";'j,Jff,,f,Xllinb (ieunnn [iilds.', 1030) HoMIrrvlllE LoAt{tvill Ilrrrelr'$rrrrdal'nrorning anrl oniy nrll'shal, who gttards the otttside ott the inleuegnllll coiturgc ',TIe "Io* of inchrlhl derotiotr tu thc sacrcd lJe illso rvr{Le h }toy: mu& light to tl i,ri t!r.{} or llrrec ocelsions rloor of thc conclave cltatnber.s. \,'alrcarr (iitr-. (iualrlin( tlirl iri 'I'h0 tlre rtut. It:rIr' t.) I)r).!tponc the rneeting ntaIsltal's attthority, in thosa sitlc i-t tltt' rtt;rt-s[:rl, :r lrcrrrlrlf I,ldyn|s|'JD|{pt.t[tt[rIusl's|||b40l|i|4I|cr$1|i;ih!illl'a.'Tl.mxp""i"Lri'ii,ii.ll. ,rrrrri .\l,,rnrla,v lrlaltcr'.s pertainirtg to his posi- o{ (jlrigi {lrrrrll'. ''l;ut -"------*--^ th(! following I'riday he Lii'l:"i':r;l::)l: il'he filst collclale rrrarslrals 5r, n[N trr^rhcrs,rvrv4s,l,d irno, fuilcrinn ie to airf $nt.r li, flll. \r,,rii.l fitll rnt: again. IIis confcs- hava workcd hrrd end lala fhr rvele rrterttlti'rs of tlre Savr'lli iatrt- .r,'!1 $'ai u'cckly rvi!hout Iail nntl nighi before. rh il1-. rvlro gu;rltlcrl lltc rlllt s itt rn(cl ilnl drilt Anrun,i rxr $hrt surrost,. otr tte henrt o( r s.;nrp ee,rs ro rcAsl'r schrdulc. ,rlr,,,-t ai,.var'.,ilrc $'otrl(l reneat "'l'his papal cloct-itrns in Vitellro, lt aly, :nrr':ilrnr;rhlv in lIe sairl: tarly rising en' lris saclamcntal which (j61t1itionl lastcrl llorrr l!{il{ !r, t3ll, .\r'i of tlrt' rvords r,rl ablcd him lo attend to his piorrs '['lte ,llor Save lli ltrrq ciunl lo int {,n(l tlrr {)ff111e1y of the }1as,s: nxercises and to rccite thc h JIno h sroro: in l?{)$ antl Ilrrr lrlr.crlitlrr.;,title scc,. rtrd-rhc itcrr I;ulh$s ,,r rn.. ,,\1'n t'rttrntlcss sins, transgres. breviary as far as Vespcrs, as (to thcrl passe(l orr ltl llrrl oI llulplat'ia tltosc 1r.,rrr well as saying thc Jtosary before rvifc lhc 'l'url

Compare fftese monthly payments before you buy

New cAl:

I llADltlD -'l'htr k'rrtler,s oI Spairt's (latholit: r\ction lrar,c [1ural lifeleaderhails t'alled on the olganirliir)n's llloln bcls to help propnl'c nlcn lo "Christianize thc s,ot'l(|." ,,\rr 0pcn lcttcr u'as publislr(]rl ht' llrC Icatlct's in llrc Cltholic Actirrn's bt,.accr0 tvcekll' nragazinc Ilcclcsia.'['lrt' prograrnclefeat ot'ganization coollelatcs rvitlr trll inlcrttational (latlrolic olglnizu. tiorts and. ilrrorrglr thcnr. rl'ith tlrr. lidilorial,P.rgc 4 Ir':rt oI tlto llcrir.utt rr.otkcls irrr It;rrt' ;rsslilctl allclrrl nlallrcat. spceializctl agcncics of the Urrilt'rl potlatirrn l)l'1Ufiun. tttt'trl ol tht',\lcrrcitns tlrcrtrst'lvt's, \\.\Slll\(;'l'O\ .\ ('irllro- '['ltr: Naliotts. li'alhcr' \'izztlrl is rlrt.cctor. lf rl;r1 bclolc tltr Ilousc' r'ote, lic nrlitl Irlc it'irrlt'r'hzrilctl tltc \\ilslrirrtton oilit'o of lltr: llt,p. lir.rt.itrtttin S. lkrsrnthal oI ('rrrr- ilrc llorrsr,s ;rlliorr irr liillirrg Natirutal Catlrolir Iirrlll l,ilc \crr' \'or'li t'ullctl tht. ;tttcrrtion ol It'rcnr:e, ulrich along rlith ollrcl Iir'plcscnlirlivcs tht, :\lt'xir'itrrIirrrrr lrrltor. to lr,ilr:rs oppus. 1tr.o- clttttt'lt grottlts lr;rs long ollposcrl ittg t'xtt'ttsion ol lhc brar,r't.o 1.rto. gllrrn brrl u;rt rrcrl llrirl cort- tlro trrrrler jrtarlr l)fogfant rrlrir,h ]lt,xi. l rorri l.'utlrt.r \jizzirr.rl lrttrl lndiana National,s Finance ln Advance plan tirrrrcrlviqillrrrr,c etrrt rr ot'kt,ts, "llt'itcct'os." ( is ucetlerlto t,rrllcri lolrn lhc llt,r. lrrx'r.orr I,. llull . llrvr lleurr SIMPLE As ABc I Arrangefor the approxinrateanrount you,ll lvant . kcrclr il tlt:rrrl. irrrpor.lcrl to rlorh orr ol thc Naliurr;rl (lrrrrn<.il of to financo Ll.S. falrns. ('lt tt t'ch t's. we hold the nroney g0 Ijlrlltt,l',l;urrr,r L. \'rzzirt.rl.S,1., '['lro in reservelor you up to crays. wlren you'roready to buy,wo'll Itlso,igrlrt':rltrl l(,r llorrsr', irr a srrr,pr.isc174 lo l)itssit!ltol lt,Ais- haveyour checkrcady in .r ntatterof nrinutes. l:rlrolt lo l,('tl(.ltl rlr'tu{'hlt{ tlllIt.iiltl lJll lolc. rlt'lratr'

futrrrc religious history, tlrlt of Goodall tlte uuivcrsnlit5, of the Catholit: 'l'hat faith? of Rottratt ccllnrclt. " Rotary Mower i;nt ? 19"lo 32"Cur Cardinal illontini sritl that. "Pope Jsh11 pclsonifie

{lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllililililiitiiiliiitiiilliiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiliiitl work on American farms at substandard wages and living the end of this year, more job opportunities will open near Gqxrd rirldance facilities. Public Law 78 was ilren renewecl by Congresi the homes of our migrant workers. Corrrrrent year after year because of the clemancls Public Law TB is rlcad at last. Mcn of iustice are re- by those who stood gain However, a spokesman for the Bishops' Committee The opiniont expressed ln fhese cditorirl columns rep. joir:ing. to from its continualion. for i\,Iigrant Workers has urged continued vigilance against resenl r Catholic 'l'he public vlewpolnl-nol necersarily THE Cethotic action to defcat the extension of the Mexican farnt Chiclly affected by Ltrw ?B were thousancls of similar legislation and support for six bills currenfly b'efore viewpoint, Thay rrc efforlr of lhe edilors lo serve public Iabor progrllln \vas takcn (ilIay 28) by the I{ouse of Repre- Arnerican farm laborers in the Souilrrvest, largely Spanish- the Senate Labor and Welfare Committee which seek to opinion within fhc Church rnd within fhe Nation. scutativcs ovcr tho lotrrl lrrotests of large corporate farm speaking, were forced to look -tvho for emplovrncnt"lrlanv else- help our agricultural workers o\\'ncrs in {hc Sotttltrvest, rvhere to keep $m.eriqpp and their families their families fe(l and clotheil. iiu"_ to live a better life. drecls ot thcse families I(nou,rr as thc lJraccro I'rograrn, the Iaw rvas initiated have trekked to Indiana anci other Nlidwest states in years These six measures,{S. rluring thc Iiolenn conllict to correct an alleged farm labor recent to fincl seasonat tarm rvoit<. . S2f through S. 526)'J.., have been iltroduced. by Senator Hb*ison a. Wittiami, ;i ife; shortage. Il alloled thous;rtrcls of Mexican nationals to Perhaps rvith the demise of the Bracero program at Jersey. Righteous-minded persons should supporf them, c QUESTIONBOX 6iANT 5rnp5 O CONTROVERSY Asks about school 'I'he Catholics lagging othel night, Brinkley tvas at his bcst. Aftcr dctain- ing r.rs sliglttly rvitlr sornething trbout an llastern countly day school rvlrcle snrall chiltlren al'e taught to typc anrl problcrn in South rvlite lucirlly (appurently as an antidote fol the less lucid as moral leaders? jargon By MSGR.J. O. CONWAY of the faculty), NIr. Brinkley brought to our atturtiou By DONAID McDONALD "rvholc, gaud.y thc eyesore of cornmel'cializcd touLisur" (ln fhc Ncw Orlcanr Clrrlon) thrcatcning cffolts to plcscrve the battlefiekl at {iettysburg. The other day, a friend of mine rvho happens \Vhcu it was ovcr, maylle 1ve shoul(l have pickctl up thc to be a Jewish convert to Catholicism said the only rest of llen Casey. Ilorvcver, rve nceclcd somebody to stop way Americao Catholics can be persuadetl to nrake our stotttacll tufning and make us not so sick at hcalt. \Vc their actions conform to the moral principles of rvcre {lizz1', also. quick, Those darting shots-the sirnulated their faith is to change the secular culture, 1'hird Day-rvcre too much. (Curiously, rve rccallcrl lhat the eally, pre-(lhancy horror films used lhe tcchnicluc of It is the secular ctrlture, he said, rviilr its norms, jerky, values, penalties rapi(l shots.) and rewards, which to a great ex- tent tlrat tlre venelable Archbishop oi determines Catholic attitutlcs and actions in Blinkley partisans probably recognized a familiar clc- the "'l'he Ntriv ()t'lcans lvas receive

Nclof sllJ' l)r.:r].er.sor,cr bcctrtrsc I,ott fintl yottrscl{ tla.1'.rllt'anring; srrnpl.v gr:[ )'our nrinrl back on the go track an(l on, t13ing to (:onccntl,ate, l'lrcn rcpeat thc lllocr:ss-tlrc conct,ntr.atirrg process*lrtrt ne vcr thc pral'cls. a

O. My wife and I have iusl been tolking rboul_ of all things-nudism, Our queslion for you_puraly academic. I assure ycu*is, mry | €afhollc ioin a nudist camp?

We look forwrrd to a delighlful rnswer on lhlr , one. Q|ICR IT.AUREEN! I YOU MU'f I{AVEA qET A. No. M6..AT IEAST A ELACKOf{E." THE CRITERION,JUNE I4, 1963 PAGE FIVE O TTIII YART}STICK Impact of Popelohn in socio-economicfield

By MSGR. GEORGE F Il trIater et l\lagistra he point. cd out that "it is nnt the decis. I'ope Jolttt XIIII harl lhe slttlll.- ions marle within the individual est rcigtt of an1' l'ontiff in reccttt prorluctive units that are the Itistor.y. \'cl his inllucnce for nrost effective irt the econonric gootl itt lhc [cnrporal as r'.'ell as rvorld, but rather those made by tlte spiritttal ortlcl rvas phenour- public authorities or by institu- :1111,::l:l.:']liff:ffif$ tions at a world-rvide,regional, or national level. f,::':jii,I'l;;ji|ffil lJ'^,t,,,1f, ",11,,|',lili ;.ff:ltffi l,:;i,ll tj\li,i:: ;?,,,ffi 'nnirlst'"'ilili;'.i,,,,*',,",',of ,,r"i,"jr,,'ri4,ffi.fi ffi and is sub,icct to cot't'ct:tiott lry a pt'ofessiottll clrureh ltistoti;rns. I O1e t,xlrurplc rvill srrfficc to il- tloubl, lrour:r't'r'. ilta[. .ltt1'one lustra{c rny poi1t, I1 lt,rth of 6e rvoulrl seliousll- tlueslion tlrc ttrot'c abo'c.ureniionerl elc.vclicals pope carcfully rlualifierl .iurlgntcnt tltlt, Johu cnrphasizetl 6e crucial ii1" in thc Iielrl oI srr<'io'r'corlorrric |t'" por.lrnct'-.i Ilbor's roln, not only Iotur antl thc tclatcrl fit:kl of in- in the farniliaf area of collcctive l.erttatiorrll af[ails, ['ope ,lohu's bargaining, but also at the level inrpact lr:rs bet'r'r urrllLucc


Precli,ctsc0 tttinuatio rt 9 DAYPITGRIMAGE &TOUR frorrl ciricago (Escortcd) to OUR I.ADY OF TH€ CAPE ST. ANNE DE BEAUPRE ST. JOSEPHORATORY ftn llrovincc rogrunr of n,ti, Cnl)ndir of p Quebcc, t'f:'s fron Chicago vir lir Gonditioncd Bus ftlV[]n t"i)nl:lS'l', ltl.- i\ lt'lrl- Also inclurlcrl ilr tllL' tbove toll| of: Otttr$a, IUotrtreal. Quebcc Cily. tnd inq Cltltolic ctltlrtr 1lt't:tlictt'rlltet'c licNYork & \vash. thtt t he l)tot r.rttcttt ol' t'cttt'rval P,,.;,,HI:,rlti*r, rlithirr lhc Ulrtrt'ch lrclluu lry ['ope -i::::r-DillY:i:'::'I:-o-,:::t* .lohn ,\\lll uill continut: rlcspite Wttul'%]_a*t Itis tkratlt. AVE MARIATOURS rcll brlanild pilflfimrgrs lo frtimr- Lourdca - Romc - Pldrc Pio - lhr lloly knd rnd Mcriro. Ask for freo folrlcr on lhe sDeial llu(ltl(,ttoul. irn(l i\[r(lit0rr.|ltcanCrrrisc ;il#?riff, li\'.) \'ccks, illl jrrcl., -\\t. olrl). S1U9.00.- ;; ;il; [;il;;- ;;"-; i,-T;; Lild.y ot tlu'r;Irr\rs, llclhtilltr, Illinoh, !:corlrrrrly l)il(t inrit(e tours to . -0-: I'j'_ :t_0i:d::!:,-:.i !: : _cil1,9- bfocl\urclor eonrpletede. Wgr*^,Sffi lliir,.,rrl" 5T. JUOE & ST" ANTHONY PII.GRIMAGES& IOURS Wm.(?rr.r'ucilotsWeber & Sons of !'irlr:]lfcrrfs" -lEij-1'-11gtti9:!!i::tlj:lt Bcoch Grovc, Indlcnr M sT 7.139t Breaded l'ish Portions tr'or *ll;l,i,i; I'ish I'ries ",J',1:"

PRITSENTIAIG 'oS^tlfiT'fs ilLlVE" 'r',\KE I u;ililiifiiriiilr iiv n IITJNDRET) ASPHALT e k,l('w ol pricst .11 a rvlro hrs a simple nteillod of seeking help (4lron DR,IYEWAYS FathsJohn LaBauve, S.V.D. rr! n0cd firrurr<:ially. Ife sa1,s a l)raycrr offers a illass irr- tr:nlion, ral{.u}ot{,t llrc slrnl rrrrerlcrl, (li!,i(lc:s by a httntlrctl nnd lhori s(fl(irj rq, tt' tllc hundro(jtll part to Urc poor_imme

arlnounced at Marian @| 2s50il.ilffdtscl|0um I Al(.r-nes, l" l I lg0{trr. M0RR|$ sT.,. I I ME8.2388 I

ilf r"".'r:hJrr"'k]li.T:iiu':ri:l:",,niri #llt:kli+.T,iixil{ffi'i*rTl,.:[:llTii#,:::'tl:'i: gradu" in lhe first round of the play.offs. Holding lhe trophy are the leam's lwo inalinq-seniors, Chrisf the King, Division One titleholders,6.0, (left) Brady, who also coaches fhe parish's chanrpionship Cadel Kickball leam. Coach aling Mary Cunningham lnd Eileen . Franciscan 1.,. SisterlI Moderalor at St, Calherine. yot'ltst.:t.t.' I r; tt'lr"c trr a life I I cornplt,tt'ly rlorlit,:rtrrlto thc sal.l bnsc tttnncts, thrce enenrl' I i'iltioll o[ srruls tht.orrglt I Ill losinq, St. tlhlistopher's lost theil lrirl lo rvri.rl)ttp tlttet' ltta.int' cadeI charnpionships itt onc sca. son, ilnrliel thel' rvon the frrotball Ii-iH iiliiiii- iiil5*$i I artd 1t'ack rliatlttns. olrl-t' pat'islt Brothers of Holy to rvitt a lliplc ct'orltt itt nta,jor "Tt,,...,,, w Cross Iirlr'i lli;.il;[] 'n"ilrlrri'fiil | rvas Inrrrraeulatc IIeal't of sports I r\l(,ilsi'rn lf r)llt \\'{rlli rn the I illar1', u'iro trrrrk thc tt'ophy in , Il'l;$,T'li,l"i::''jf,jl,'l:('nlt'r'lrctlcirl rrrrrl Social i,..:,1.1, S n ";r.1.'"'^.".i;"":" | Srlvice I foothall, haskclball ond bascball ..'..,,.]\' l"l.l." ''reteis no srearer rl the Jgi;1.{i2seas(}tl. *46 Ili:iilr, I (Wrile-0ivinr, rq!.-lo Votrtion Dl. lN THE CONSOLATION garne ffiry i:,Xllli:11Xi1,1":' Jllif;;I ;our I Soflbctll leugut:s tl l{olt Crorr. lil l0lofntlior rad lit.rrtur. rrttr' I rEclor, 767.301h St., Ro.k l!lrild. tllin0ir. I ilt Flllcnh('r'tlr'r' ljunda}', St, I}crna" for furthcr dcl,rilr ol lhis h,rppy li{t.) I | dcttc's *on thilrl plar:c by dis- posirrg of a !'oung, rrp.anrl-conring tui I I open Sun tlay l:]llry-:i-^--l:liiq,g^ : + St. l,rrkc'.s tcanr, l.l to,l, in tlre ,|'hcttttrttt;rlstlllllIlcrlntIian-a1l.ffi,J',.',..',,,.''),'l r:orrsolation tilt. rrlist)clncly JurriolCio iryi' [ 5ummer Term Entrance I Serli-final rosttlts: St. Clrt'is- .10, antl rills' softball rcagrres-tiii"ific f June 17 and ?4 I (l)ivrsion lopher"s t) St. lirl ott Sutirlill', .lttttc 16, rvittr Ital' f l]]tilit,tc :ipplicunts lr.c int.itcd t() clll I)(,r.sr)t]lrllv for, . ,1,.- I J,11Ps's6f)ivision II) 4; lnd St. 'fhc scltt'rlttlcrl thfotlgh Jttly iltt. cttssiotr of cotti'ies anrl registlation. (tfficc nptn s:,rti lo l:liri und ( ! I Itoch',s l)ivisiotr III ) 5, St. ller" (:ustonraf,\, pla1'olfs u'itl follov., Satttt'tla1 s. Diy antl cvcninil stis-.i,,ns. lirrllt,tin on ( . I lljl!^ ll..tt I nadettc's l)ivision l\r) {}. Thif ty- Sc|t,nlt'cu tcilrrrs rvill ho ficklcrl I reqtlest. i ! t*'n tcarns cornpctctl in lcaguc i1 5.tll tl.r l161,s, arrrl girls' D _. Iltts is tltc INDI.{Nr\ BUSINIISS COt,t.laGl;l 1r{.l11ii1n11n1t,rtrc I)lay. r,,;r,ru,,srrlrrrrri, ",.f.1.'li.':r I [],.";:ti.,,',:,t,tt"}.1l,ifrli X,llli,',l,till*iilt;ii ,,lllfl;li;jit;I"[]jlil.i i g,rri*,ssrarcrr nrr? p.'r, .';;i"ip.,';: I i-":llifl*ti,lliil:-',i,,?l..lll:"d.fliil:t3ll i\l'll,..t;i"";"'ii;i, I ,"'t S,t,t,tr,tl,lllllllllllllllll' the lob:rtion pr.cfcrr.erl,or _.,t1.1."1,,,.,'::_.-__-_, I Cy Cipher: f ? rr LoNG's-i !:.T.tj:1,1H:T"i:,S:jk::I olis, following their unbeafen season in Division One competilion and lhc subsc'quetrt loss lo 51. C.tllrolirrc's trcw cltanrpions itr tlte fittal girls Barber&Beautyshop|Lw#;'}1"1'I.r;;,'.,,,l,y,*.:Ll JUNIOR CYO SWIM MEET-- ganre. The rrice lhing aboul lhe reason from lhe viewpoinl of an lnrrrraculalc Hcalt farr is tlrat tlost of lhesc lre freshtrrc-tt atrd -=- lintly hlarrhs u'ill hc nrailurl rc:

DIlIIDTND (';tll ;ll*;tls rs'l)t 0tl Yott Shirlc.i' llt'otltct's lo riivc tltt'r t rrl lt'st tll('il:,trl'(\ tll' attctltt

'l'lrr: ln

By FR. WALTER lMglORSKl, young mrn shc hrs chosqn ir nicc Guesl Columnlst enough, buf rhc ir our only girl for Fr. John L. Thomrs S.J. rnd we havo bcen vory clorc rnd conccrnod. Any ruggcglionr My wife rnd I rre in our mlddle are forlies and our daughler is getfing for u: fulurr in'lrwr? married in lwo mo"lL_]h" *:tt,n a. _ *. _. . .. N rHE wHoLE cHR rsrlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg =+1ilililililililililililililililililIr -r-r/ntT)TJ llJ = = lIHl lJ-'t Dr

There rre many varielies of discipline, some lougher lhln olhors. 'l'u Hope is a certitude IIe clentes nnd I'ou tcens some. tcrcd. put it nrildly, hc just tirues Iravc tloublc ol;ef ing pco. rlotrsn't havr: tlxr courage 1l'lro bcliever livcs in constanl fcar of not being allle to pre- to be plc rvho hntl a lot to tlo rvitlr lunl'tltirrg bul st'll'islr, to go orrt of serve llrosc invisiblt lnd ctclual bentfits revealcd to him lly faith. creutittg youl )ris r,a1', sa1', to be a gcnrtinc When hc looks into his orvn soul, hc finds only uncertainty, rnisery, o Ir ierrrl to solncone elsc, or to the kno*'lerlgc of lus rvcakncss, the virulcnce of his passions, tlte (3) Clearing Frlhsl ,(iornc par. If you think long arrrlhnld scr.k lris datc's cnjoyrucnt rathcr nrultiplicity antl llre forct: rrf his tcttrptations, tltc battlc l-rctwtrcn cnts tly to euslriorr thcir chil

By D. B. THEALL, O.S.B. Scotland Yard classic By JAMES W. ARNOLD CUnnI;N?' RECOIIIilIENDEI) l.ILnf,s

tr'or euer yone :'I'he trl iracle ll orl;' 'l'o er, KilL a trIoclcirtgbttitd, Lawrence of Arabia, Giglt.

l"or conttoisscttrs: Stlrtrlrt3's tttttl Cybele, I'otrg DtlY's JourncY irrto Nigltl.

l]etter than rttoslr ?fte Longest Dag, llequien for a lleouY' LUNCIT IIY YOUR CAR . . . u;eig1ltt ltlutirtlJ ott tln llofiItlJ, BilI11 Butld, DaUs ol Wine nnrl at the Steer-ln Drive-ln at 10th aud Emelson Iioses, rl CltilLLIs lYaitingl. i u,hele a , i,iil tfi,,,ffi"'li the foott is LAUCIITNER-delicious. Cornplcte luuchcous gct thttsc gintnticks' ffi,,, Now to to LOURDES MOTHERS PLAN DANCE-The Mothers Club of Our "morlus 'Itvin-Steer il'he operantli" of this plus specialties such as he:rrty, srlcculcnl. Lady of Lourdes parish, Indianapolis, will sponsor lheir annual paltictrlal mastcr climinttl is tltat dance al 9 p.m. Salurday, June 15. in the parish hall. Music will lca

o 2906S. tRWtN ST.

"Ali cltstotn bullt homes a *lth Irrsa l!nrllcaped lotr on I'evcd 6trectr. fhlr Ilornc cquipped wfih lVcrllnghouEG bulll-lll olcn rId t!lllrcrstor, blrch csblnetr. Bprckru, o llvlnc roon1,3 bedrootnr, lettc clorets, tfrrarro cntty, l1'r llnthr, 3-c. llnlihed s6rr(c, schml bu. rl door, bur trallst)ortrtlon to Rummage sale o clty, Clos, to rlt crst6ldc lndustrlcr. LOW DOWNPAYMTNT WITH Mrr, Philip Mollingly ir ro cheirman of lhe newly formed FASYMONT HLY'NSTATTMENIS Mothers'Club ot Sl. Mary,s Child Cenler, Indianapolis. Mrs. i. W. J. Pepe is vice.chairman Tl" PED|00BUI.DER!, H[. and represenlative on lhe board lo of the Guardion Angels Guild. il Solesby Tha first fund raising proiecl sponsored by the group will be ii. a rummrge slle on Srlurday, th_ (0. June 15, Irom 7 a.m. lo 6 p.m. ia It TIRTIU]II(}]I REATIY I\tt ME6.348I WE TIADE in Sl. Mary's Child Center, 3ll FL6.219? N. Naw Jeruey Sl. Mrc. Joreph TIiEI C. Finneran il chairman, as- Poptlrocapoffmo|elreerdrinkingenjoyntent'..F'alIsCityBeer,City.s|ively sisled by Mrs. Brandon Green, 0ity [3eet' rrtoreftlll toyotrrgoocltirrte's Drirlk it " ' Falls o o-?--?..o Mrs, Roberl W. Hatch rnd Mrs. fiff cshittgfl;ivoracltls $,r,i*Lg-.1! o.. o.. Willicm A. Bookor, tgt,i'JiAllsclfYER|irIl{q.cQ|.{i'AriY,LQUiSYiLlEll.irY.tt'.]r'l!.! THE CRITERION,JUNE 14,1963 PAGE NINE Two million see remains Festiual slated Conclave Previously, were brrrietl at St, Philip Neri Tic Tacker the immediatcly lrom the center of the the aisle jnto thc crypt beneath, their bo*ies being lowered FOLLOW.UP-Twclvc boys frorn Holy Crosr School, Indianapolis, through an opening into the crypt are spending rext rveek at St. Jude's Claretian Seminary, Illomence, in lront of the main altar. "tastc" Illinois, for or[entation antl a of seminary Iife. Interest in Only last year, Pope John aI- "Vocation permit rcligious vocations *,as slralpcned at a special Day" held tered the regulations to the actual entomtrnrent to per- SATURDAY, JUNE at Iloly Closs on l\lay 7. be 15 formed privately. A Rummage Sale from ? a,m. HERE AND THERE-Officials of the Indianapolis Warriors, pro- A procession now formed to to 6 p.m. at St, I\lary's Child Cen. fessional football team, arc negotiating with the Catholic Youth Or- carry the coffin out of the church terr 311 North New Jersey St. ganization for use of the CYo Stadium during the coming professional and into the crypt, It was exactly 'l'he p,m., The Serurdaf,oclal Iootball se&son. games would be played on Saturday nights. . . . 6:47 about an horrr and a at Holv half rfter the Pope'.s body was Crossbegins at 6:30p.m. in the New address aftcr Scptenrber 1 lor Father John F. Drde, 5,S., a priest pa-ish shown to the faithtul in St. Peter's hall, 12SN. Oriental St. o{ the Archdioccse rvho is a mcmber of the 'Society of St. Sulpicel St' Sqtrare. John's Provincial Seminary, l',O. Box 298, Plymottth, Illichigan. . . . TUESDAY,JUNE 18 According to directives issued Sudden thought: Catlrolic lrigh schools jn Marion County graduated 827 A Social Evening in St. Berna. by the of Papal Ccre- tlettc's seniors dulilg Lhe past {crv tlays. Thcre rvcre 1,$14 who linished the school hall, 4810 Fletcher monies, the body was now placed Ave., beginning at p.m. gradc ycar parish in the county. Tight 6:30 cighth this in 37 schools in the two remaining colfins and SISTERCLOTILE T)I squeeze. rvheeled through a side door of the basilica - called the Santa DOOKS Marta door - and into tha crypt Nun pharmacist (Continued from page 8) bcncath the basilica. There thc synpathetic atten-rpts to under- thlce lids rvete placcrl on thc takes many honors starrtl his posilion. three coffins and sealcd. Basici.lly, the Cardinal in this New chapter is hamntcring arvay at the same lrrndamental point cmpha. "Ihc Or sized by Fr. llans Kucng in FORD? Cottncil, Ilclolnt and Retrnion"l Used that, in thc last annlysis, thc gt'eatcst contributiou to Church unity is going to conlc altout through thc indivitlual practice The honors inclutlcrl: ,{old by Calholics of their l..aith to thc nredal anrl plaquc given by LlSn fttll'..Nttt only dognratic ttntler' stiln(ling is neccssary, brtt a bttrn' Alter Popc John's body was & Fink Company lor thc |iglest ittg lovc Ior-Cltrisl. thlt rvill tnani' plrced in fho coffin, a Lalin scholalsltip in pliarnracy cuuis.'.; l\Iclck Arvnrtl for high scholarslrip fcsl.- itsclf iu outs'nrd bchavior, eulogy summrriring hir life "separated to tlte extcnt that the wrs rerd by Msgr, Amlelo Ton. ft'ottr thc l\Ierck, Sharp & Dohrne brctlrrcn" rrill see for thetnselves dini, Secrelary ol Briefs fo Contpany; antl an arvalrl flonr thc $'llat \ron(lerful things thc Church Princes. lt said, in lhe words stutlent llrancl of 6e A'rc.icrn "lhe pha|nraceutical doos for tlrose rvho love her anrl of fhe Scriptures, lhal Association, She hcr Ilastcr, Lord widened his heerl with wls llr;o clcetctl to PIri Kappx Ilhi, national collegiatc honor Approxirnatt:ly ioy, ro wids wrs hir life for so- the second half clcty, "expensive men." nnd lVho's lVho in Anrcri- of tha book is davototl to rlcscrib. LosTAND FoUND-".Thc CYO Office rep0rts that an eln Collcgas and Univcrsitics. ing rvhrt has bccn done olficially BILLQUIGLEY Stadittm Sttntlay's looking" r()sary \\'as frrund in thc CYO folloling last Aftcr this, the Rogi{o, thc offi- Duling by tltc Catholic Chttreh in the 'i'hc thc sttnnter nronths she orvner rnay call the CYO Offiee, ME 2.9311. Corpus Clrlisti Iially, cial notalial net of bulial, rvas lvill sorvn nn apprenticcship at Ditst stlvcr:tl years to foster Clrris' 'fhc rearl by lVIsgr. Nicolo I\Ictta, As St, Vincctrt's ttospitat. tirtrt rrltity'. invitation of HatfieldFord this rvas bcing rcad, the car- Plotcstant obscrvcrs to thc Courr. dinals, about 30 in all, rentovctl 623N. Capitol their bilettas and passcd by the NAMEoFFlcERs lJl,,,':,11,.,i,.;i',1..Jt";,lj$.,.i1111;,::il body to pay their last ltontagc INDII\NAPOLIS - Agnes Stev- has a right to expect the Council antl givc it their blcssing. etts is thc ncrvly clcctcd prcsirlcnt to nrctrr lo tlrcrtr, ME 9-558r of St. I-]crnadcttc's Worncn's 1'rvo chaptcrs, in thc lornr of Cottncil. Othtrr officcrs includc question-an-austvcrintervic*'ryiilr I.STOP SALES Jcanctte Schcib, first vicc-prcsi- the Cardinal,

A A4ESSAGEfor Cstholic fqmilies easingof laws having at Ieast the whole first part of the l{ass in the vernacu- # o lar" and also "the priest's daily s G Divine Offiee." s e Thc firul and public parl of He alro bcllevsd thct lhcrc -. lhe, clremony wtt now com' 0 CI should bc gomc rlatomcnl nn pleted. All lefl the basilica and the church.strrs qu"rrion ii rtic s € who werc r,rming scsslon oi tho ;;;ii :nl.y.lhoce.remrlned lo fake part in lha privafo ccrr. s € "There should not be any tle- mony of cnlombment. s s -_- nial of rcligious liberty in the s s political and social order," lre "I rleclarcrl. ccrtainly would not s9 s rvant anything dono by lhe council Old Srnokev s s tlrat woukl give the impression that Catholic doctrine rlcnrands (Continuod from page l) s s Iull religious lihcrty for Catho- lhrough, one could not bc sure & s lics where they constitute a wltat tlrc color of the snrokc rvoukl nrinor.ity, brrt denies it to others be whcn it got to thc top. s$ G whcn Catholics Lynrlon Ll. Johnson eonstitutc a ma. It is a matter of fact, horvevcr, s s jolity. Wc should stress that no. tltat Vaticatt Ilatlio anrl a letrling s & botly is to come to thc faith ncrvs scrvice werc so conftrscrl by a[ Pontiff's ritcs cxccpt voluntarily, because G faith the stove's antics that both issrtcrl s is a lrce gift of God, lYc tlo not prcuraturc rcports that a pope s s want the authority of the state had bcen clcctcd. coming in to defend the Church ONE,.. s TWo.". s THREE... against other religious confes- THIS TIME the conclavists ale s s sions, . . . Wc mtrst rcspcct per. prcparcd, Thc stove rvill snrokc sonal conscience and thc dignity as alrvays, but n plan is bcing s s of every man created in God's consirlelcd Io install a buttorr in- s inrage*therefore free." sirlc thc Sistinc clrapcl so that osss#sesss€ss*ss'"s sss$sssssse6ro{seolo osllaesss6ssssco whcn the snrokc eonring out of ihe stovepipe is meant to be rvhitc, s sorllconc rvill prrsh tho button s and signal Vntican Ra

NORTHWEST: I Hornr.Tmt /Yfeodowood 3000N. HighSchool Rd. PlrorreAX l-2562 EAST: Tempo E,rstl6th St. ot Fr,rnklirrRcl. sootr. Corrrl-rlcle ""'ith {ull GE Phone Fl-7 -1 | 9?. So plarr lo clrive. irr lo arry of our 3 preslige conrnturrilies thc l;ig.1c-st homr-- ancl pricc.d as lorv.rs $?6,150. Other F.-rlertde'r tr RECOLLECTION SET kitchen, Mapleton is our )k ?liroilrtacar Afl o ritcaa SOUTH: tr nroclc.ls drc yours Ior as littlc as $16,.100, irt Meaclou'oocl' liiilirliSiiJ[,:l$ tr I INDTANA l[ $fl liii .f Ord Orchord HoMEs oPEN DAILYand Sunday, Noon to 8 p,nt. r Theater lil:,plh*';*iifr* B300 So, MericlianSl, MoDEL TNDTANAPOUS4, tNotANA it,$,$ iifi Phone -598I * * TU I SaturdaYs,from 10 a.m, to 6 P.m. * t * rk)ttrt(*)k* rr*** * ****r***{**,**fr***,i * PAGE TEN THE CRITERION,JUNE 14,1963

AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Nr:u,r\lberny DCCW Corp us Chr isti rallies Io prortrote final relreal lt fialilnu

NlrW i\Lllr\NY, ltttl.--Tltc la- tlics of thc Ncw Albany Dcattct'y ancl Ketttttckiatta Alca rvill pro- nrotc tlrc last lctt'eat to be ltcld at {ho plcsent Iratittr:t Rctt'cat flousc. llt W. Ilaj'nrontl St.. In. 'l'his tlianapolis. rctl'cat rvill bc contluctctl lltc tveck-cnd of Junc 'lhc ztl-3()th. 1t)63. ller'. Jantcs f), illoliart5', l)ilcctor of tltc Itetrcat llousc. rvill bc tltc Ilctt'citt llas- t (,r'. 'l'hc lctlcat rvill take tlrc place of thc two r'(rtl'eats [olrrrrrlly pro- Rushville nrotctl in Scptcmbcr and Octobcr. HoosierDoiry i\ll latlirs ft'onr this al'ca iiLc S*, Service Shop ProductsCo. ru|gcrl to attcn(l that lctrent, who I rlt -Dislributorr Plumbing. ol- tlirl not makc thc illay Ilctlcat, as Heorins >p qnd Crconr tltis rvill bc thc last tinrc a gloup n Wirins PosleurizedMilL [t'orn this ilrcii ciln go this 1'car'. 'l-hc Horiy 5t.rretf, Prop. Ph, 2882 nctrr llctroat llousu rvill open 507 t. I trh 5t. Ph. 3255 222 N, liorgdn Sf. loo lltc {ol onc tu l;c ulonrolcd ft'otn this distancc.

r\tlain. a clraltclctl lxrs rvill lcavc l)iglrth antl lllnr Stlccts on ,lune 28th at 5:t5 p.nr. antl flour St. Anllurnl's, Clalksville, at 5i3{} p.rrt. An5'onc rlt'siling btrs tlans- pot'tation is ttr;1crl to srrnrl lescL- valiotr at ortctr tr) rletclrninc if strflicient nrrrnlrcl rvill $,ilrr'ilnt elralttling thc lrrts, llrrs lesclva. 'JAVTI TIIIE S.\ITBLY tions and lcgistration {ce slrould UNITEDHOME Dr:ancry 1fonlcn be scrrt rlircct to llls. Louisc [,it'. rngst()n. l3ll It. i\laIkct St|ret, DialBUtler 3-6688 FURNISHINGCO. Nc\r, /\ll):urt', nlr(,ltc $llI srts sl)ecial ptrly 11ltt8:l?: ll00 TAXI, Inc. "li'enrous "(ict Ilrunds lNllli\N'\l'()t,lS A '.llHr+-i+lii$+ii\iiif*iil 135W, Court Ave. Aerlrrainlcrl I';rr{y" rlill be givcrr Jeffersonville,lnd. lrl I lrt: oft iccr.s t.rf t ltc rcccnt ly oJ: I"ut.ttiture tY [ulrrrcri lrr

((lorttirtuerl tt'onr ptrgc ?) tllotnerl Ihc pulsuing Iigyptilrts SUNDAY (li.x. 14: l5-21). H A R P E R'S 'prrsslr4 lMadison (,). .4llcr' [ltrotr!tlr llta (), FlRsrFEDERAL JUNE16 r//r1(l'ji llrtr Iirttl Srtrt. tltrl Islrtr:l trEl I l3th Annual Old-Time ttttt'(h. tlit'(uly Lo I.lrc /'fotttisrrri & Loan Assn' LttutI') DRUG STORE lSavings j Main & Je:ffcrsotr Sls, Fh, 888 Main St. phorre 16 No.'l'lrc,lcrls n'r'Lt' 1lt'olcrrtt'rl , lly tlrt hoslilc lt'ibes tltcy oneoult.

ffil"l*I*, l30t l. llcw Albrny. @wlNTRV tct'ctl ft'onr t'ca<:ltittq Illlcstirtc irtt- KALB ,,r.r,ro. PhoneWH 4-2285 I soLiNDolrt sr/ric,, RIDESFOR rncrlilrtcly. Itrrluctl tltc lst'ar:litt's Spring $t. Ind. Slale and Main Streelr rvcLe r:trtlllcllctl trl u irlttlct' fot' Standard I wH.566i9 8U.21394 0pcn [,vcnrnrlsby Ap!oitrlnrcnt KIDDIES! rrr;rtrl'rlcr:irrles itr tltr: rlcsct'I ol' service McCaulevInsurance Sutlt, I ion Oul Spccrllt.v i : and...our femou3 Q. I)trrtng 1fur'li'pr'i iotl r)l' r'otrr,r. & Main Phone 55 ,ll0 Mulberry St. Phorro 546 irr1,l rrr lhtr tlt:.scil, lorr; drtl lhtr HargoOil Company nnrer 5PM r'lrtlrlitrn of lstrtol rrirtrrirtJootl? 'l'hoy Clcurtctl l;'tllt'rctl t rmPuY;/ ffil; - (HICKEN s'clc l'r'tl on fuod o[ utat- \\ nr*t D*1xsri iT; ti- ^ftvftf l6.il,c r t'lotrs srvcr'trrt,ss ;rutl stfcugth- FUEL OIL \ t, givitr;1 r1tt:rIitics,uIrielt t'ittttc tlorltl .\:wz:' ,,"?11;l*-'il,r, DlNN ER Itorn Itt,;rvctt; ;rttrl tllticlt \rls (iitllo{l r}}irnnl ( l,ls. l{i; l-3{i). i'JlFr'.-ffi +.'ssr AIL THE CHICKENYOU llo'';;,f CAN EATI front "Ihir ir Catholitism"by JohtrJ. Wnlrh,S.J. (opyriqhl 1159by WdstonCol. A Real Fether'r Day Trert For Drd -.And All The Ftmily lor1c.I'uhlishcrl by Douhlcdryand Comprry, Inc. rrtn AvAcATtoN .l)nl i,;e IYIN Our lSrh& shclbyst. wH 4.6457 INHAWAII 5 t!llAN(,t ?.,.t - (',.ir,.,l(j!!,1 Rit. OUR LADYOF tld utrtiset's tt0YirS till0tiS BRAlilil PERPETUATHEIP CHURCH Puul l/. Shrarler ['urrorill Ilornp SchellerLane, Jusl off Highway 3l.W - New Albrny .Pulro n,ixe Iisttll)lisl.rll lS l{} Oxygon Equipnrent Two'WrY Radio Our -.- .\tllluL.\NCl'; Sl:liVl(llJ -- Admtrtisers l7l5 oAK ST. r,i,,'.ri,, .1;i# i i,11u.,r.ri, : i' arilil*ff i1,",: il. l,'i"r i : li l',,t'ii.,lr: SIRABERS BLANK,S 6650 frj,,;ifffiiir*i.;,#ii+ffi+ Phclrmocy ott co. Morolhon C & E DRUGS Pslrolcum I'tcs c ri pt lon Produclr and SHADYACRES Stleciolistr 628 t. Perrl PHARMACY F. M. DREYTING ,l I llluin & Feorl h. lkrall lJtoro Ph.3575 "Prescriplion Specialisls" Hoosier Plumbing Hr"tran's Garage ,,/NSURANCE" l'r'ct: l.)clivcr'.y Sulvrcc & Heating Co. I ll4 E. Main St. TE 9.6802 GENERAL AUTO I 731 Moin Kl. Z'5156 BLUET@'TLAME lhe RipleyCounly lI'ttfr:t'Suslrlttts I nePArRlNc I'l u tttb irr11 lrr.slttlltrlions I iBlue RidgeRd. Ph. Ex, 8.4212 EULK and BOTTLE GAS Be'rerageCo., InG. 138 E, Jackson Ph. EX. 2.2616 !'rrrrraccsand Installaturn i-- EvrardIns. Agency Inc. I Highway 46 Phone 412 5050 E. Peqrl Ph,2775 j - Warbte ,lr\CK l.]VItr\lll) WERNERDRUG CO. ouffy 907 Main St. Kl 7'248 fi#$ Putronize I t Wrtlgt ot't' A[:ency) Insurance, Inc. Tell City, Ind. INI)lANr\l)Ol,lS---Ilt'- irutl r\[r's. I C, F. tlornor. Jl. & R, v. Schncidat (ltutninilltluu l"t'artt:is .1. u ill olr. Our I(trrlnlttc INSllllANUli)Sct'vicc Phone Kl /-558d scrvc tltcit' 25llt ttcrlrlrrt;; irrrrrilt,r'- PADGETT I ts euuticsq. shelbyville 27 Main Sl. I ELL Cl IY, lND. .sirl'y orr Strntlal , ,lurrc lti, A AcltsertisPrs I PhnneEX.8'4156 Solcntn lli.qlt Xlass ol''l'hanks:jit,. ChevroletSales ittg u ill be oflr:r'crl trl l0:45 l.rn. ALVEY CLEANERS in Sl. Sinrorr I lrc .,\posllc Clrrrrclr. 'I'O "il l"Ii/l'iNI)L\ Waltermann,Inr. Junc lt;. I'l,tlCI,) roOt 'I'RtlDE" _ IiD SISLHY & FURRIERS I VENT A t'r'r'r'p{iryt Iof rt'lirlrvr:s lrrtl Ho-e For Funerals 00fr Atvtr foNf tls(Hl.t 1p-A i alu-inu- Awnings ft'ictttls rlill lrc hclrl irr llrc sclrool 632 Main .} :606 Marn 5t, Phone Kt /'4386 3?south llth sireet Itall {t'onr 2 to 1l.rn. Telephone RO 3.4235 flifii"ln I r,nnr,vLAlui]r,\N. o\v.cr t--.=.-- K4!t r\rrrl;ulauccsc|vrce Morristown, Indiana | ,oro*"r. Rd.wesr ph.2.626, PILGRIMAGE SET TheEger Studio LutgringBros., Inc. INI)IANAPOLIS --'l'lro lunrritl HayesPharmacy, Inc. lhelps Drug Store I I "l)()) pilgt'inragc to thc national slrrinc 'J'loDrc,s ")'olrI s[trt d" l rrrlts -,lUt'tltiittgs" j Crushed Stone McBANE Airseol s ,/olrrr I'fdscrtpltott of Ottt' Lird.y of thc Snorvs, llcllc. clcttc llulte | Lime villr', Ill,. lras bcen sr:lrc

5IgTER JU5T READ OFF YOUR NAME FOR gUMMER SCHOOL CLASSES. YOU SHOULDC 6IUDIED I{ARDER/ @&[g$FrEDlDs@ An Inexpensive Want Ad Does a Big Job ffi @ CALL ME 5-/t531 ffi - to your rofii,,..rr$ Ask for an Ad-Taker ,ro r,"igliao,tt'ncrion i-y'lti"'': "i:'":: - ffi IHE ,\iAIT IAtEOt HoUSE hrt ltrntted lrrlilil.l @ (Elnolic lor 0r notr.fdlllolic men wlrO hrve jjr;lj.'J,o'1.Jo,ll,l, r^11n,...r. pfoblim. - *. r,1;,* | 0rinkrng Roont and borrd crn bc 6nang?d tor. th0 dalermincd ntan who wlshes ro - reg_arn ht3 !0lf.respect, Cotrlactt Manrger, l42i Cintrrl Avr., t1E +1t92. "lVe Are Aluttgs llere" Drily or Weekly Rater :ri't;*i:,lr-i;fi ff'l,illi f,tii'Jirl j,o Jrj;: ro' inro' ltIit; Centrally Located i:l'i'dl:' rfllXljl;ro.o',illln' 2226S, Shelby St. ST 6.t296 - ffi SCHOTNTI'SPIATMACI r Parish IRING YOURPRESCRIPTION IO US t4[rtFi,!:ff,, Indianapolis List trf DeEor3$. Shoppirg simotrr Wllh tha casurdncethrt lt will schoor, O O ttr Filtqd ,,Exacilv,s Wrilten,, 160l H. lllinoir (t J.58gl (luties li0USt(EEIER. liglrr rnd care of cl,.ierlv In.n, tivc In. Catl l,4t 1..t832 aller 9 p.rI. -l-

@lw * SECRETARIES * -l- {6?? txf Jrnth tlr"f SouthlownVacuum Salcr I ptC ,N pAy /-c-\\ and Service d foOD MARKET AUIH0RIlD H00Vrt rtRvrct Cholil (uJlom Cul $.ats llTTl I LEoN'srv f$rh All Mrlil Yrcuum Clr|ncn 3032W. t6lh sr. ME 2.0739 r I r'' ]t O Pick.up .nd Drlivary \Jrr lcon ]lowrdnd a Haffi l{niarn -.-- aUAtAHrttD SrnVtCt -" l1'_::'.i:: __ ****:'::': -;ril;ta*'ryT;il;-- ;;,;,;;;,;;;;;; lllts AVS. rl tAfAIttIl nD, DoNI l{olYl RAy Ross Choh "frush $.|!El Irod trtert frbaltr A Cut" M..rtr --s A. & B. UPHOLSTERING sta-dard servicc -" W Exibaii* MoiitR-sA LE s tsllnrlfr! futnirhed il a accrstontls a ilrlt a Santiltt l?l |i. 0tAY 5r- MI. 8.4000 snAXt Satvtct tItIrr utEp eAns RrymondSl. & Churrhfi.n Aya, tl 40027 {t0l Crrwfordlvillctd. 5perdwryCily. Ind. cI t.t07J C'T BELL r.Tr-{-Ir.TIEI,ffi i panxwAY PtzzA i rL 9'826s ! \ RefrigerationCo. * l--:} * ,,!;:';:i''ll,'iil'1oe!l:li,,"Iha ttlet tnd ltrvi(o REAL MULHERN'sSTANDARD Trtliest - PIIIA lverl" filic

Wooderofl Pharmacy pAtRtCKlrloRtARly. Own$ 534r MADlto)i st. 0.r8tl . fXPfRl PREScRIPTIONSIRVICT O QUAIIIY ORUGS llflftSl rn6 ftttttt MORAN'S t00K MERIDIANMEAT A4ARKET A stansarq Servrce A a BtruMtNous /7{9 t. l,hrldlrn 3f. tU. l.9t00 ffi1 frftrar Proc. .- .] Dollcrlarsrn ..! rplLrdr!.d 3:!. i PAVING $ttc,*CoiltDlirtr ShoDDtnqfrcltilk! la lloul wnI(xER tttYlcE E{. 4200 5. l{trldl.n [Fa ExcAvAroNs Dry-St a.0946 lllfr-Iu l.tl1t Flo = E ROAD OILING F. S. GRADY "flIlH cut MtAlt' & SONS,Inc. PAT DOLLEN'S 9.|5S_. PATRONIZETHE !Y6 brry our o*n ltuttr ind v?.j6tJblr1 lfdrn Somerser CH 4.3343 Grov,,crn. Ihi! Inruttr Itrsll|fs3 {ild qood (P.O. Vou rRoM 5 li:l.yi"ili-."ED'or Bor 2t004,fv.t. irailon) ADVERTISERS nUal llY, $$$$$14,57 4907 N. Penn. AT 3-6371 * -- " ";;[i]o;ii roi" otiifrrv; OPEtJ DAILY and SUN9AY BO.KA FLORIsT

Otrt' HOMEBUILDING CORP. Soulhotn Ave. ond 5. Shermqn Dr, Advertiscr,s i s I. 4.4660 I PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION, JUNE 14, 1963 Editors debateu.S. spaceprogram value

hcIp trntlcltlevclopc([ nirtiolls "take-off leach llrc poinl." ol' pay. ing theil o\\'n w:ll' in tlrc conrltrcst of l)ovcl t.v. llrngrr', igrtorancc antl tlisclsc.

I$ YOURHOM E ah.,i.,r,.rv .6 rh.r..,v qr*,m{, srD'di,nn'rli,lll ;:;;t;;ii.i;;tli:_.ti".il,;:rii.;":i rri'"'i-i;i'i':'ii'ii'i'iry--- 1i..Oi.lp CnflffO F'R HEtp? llllirl:r:^mlurilrHli"ln milUilililllililililillililrrillillililrHttflillilti:i::":::",:-::""""-" ran asi.lcd. i $orkl v[ich rr .. 1 -r, il is Incc,r wirh nri$ Inhcry strd rlc Unircd irtrtcs uus cloosc Yilltctn lO tSSuO ycr ftilrv i;;i'";; ;ipb;l;;,;;;;"; i;i;: rcrorilion ca what€vor ,.pahs or improvenents your he hay l9lll'r:lpir')r(i {'I "'";;l:;l;"T,':;,,,iii:',ijil: ingii,]G:tiiiiiii,iiir'ii'i*rii;"i;;;. trvo.tlrirrlsof thc rvor.ltt's re'. tlll"_1',:Tljlll"{..'f^.lll)-tll: IfC\V new slarrrrrStiillll) SCfiOS serios need-insidene€d-insideo,ourside.bi{o.sm,tr-d..!rd,f}h.h or outside,bigor small-don't put them plc lcach an nrletlrratestrrrrialrl 1]:]l'_,:1,,)l'"t 'lhc dilcctetl,"(tlfcctc(|" off for lack of cash. uf living. goals atc;,.;'l;;;;;i: incortr- \j,\,rrfl^\,\T,.r^ir r\T.rrrn\, .r,.1\, ^ ..^.. Come in for a low.cost home par.brc,[c sant. Nerrx il,r..d,nlmrc d,t'.1"".1 ,i,:iii,l;ii'",iirl,i^ril: 8iil:ii improvementtoan with paymenrsr6irored to your budsetandtimedtovou,.onveniencs ',,,:l'.lil;,3,"1'i'^k.llll:llj;-',i,;;"l"ii'iii"l,i,'lliiT;;iifi';il- * 1,.:lli:',',,,:^^:r:,^*';*li llilllll:""l;'"",1};:**"iiili!rlui::{,,"Ji'i!tii "r,,ill[:,*"];,:;ill"xil]J* '={t PEoPLESBANK t"l;lj*l *iisiffl,;*:';,q4i1g jiiTfi'*i,t"l!!,,,i{'i;{'i,:,il.|\rt|it}',''bytltrlet|itot'sofAnret.-..IthastodorvttlttIlefacttlratirrsigniao{thct\postolic(jarner.aIrK|tNULI|FEL|xT.Cl^'::.:""'.:-: l"o,lln,r't*,TL#,*.p_g*ff;"; ica..l.|tetrvo.rlitvl)rogl'am1vastrursociety' pope ! lohn'slast lerter =i$#*;-,,l,,,,,ffi q*1i*t'ffi+u$,,;1ffi-# vA1'lt',\\(.|I'\-'lll|'ci.'i|rirdr'''||x|bx''wiltinlrdvdil|'isi||hlIN:tU',""il,lllI;1i,;il[

I Ihrt rrrr rr/r. tirr\ hrtr ilrr rrrdnr Ir' rirD' \{l ;.;;i."li".il'ii'.''i,ui.'tutl",u'r":l',ll.l:'.:''i,.lll,.;.i.l1lii{:illi..l,litTf1J rli; kl l,rr"i ",inxirr,irri,,lhl,lrilTiriir; ;ii.r:i,,i'irr*il,;i:ii,rli*lii;,$l$lili'1ffi 1;|::-",,,,";.",;. Sitc of permanenttomb i,1i1j[i1;iq1i;r;,1i'iir,:ri:*ri,rilqit;i1t irr;,"*uf*.:u;*lirr for Popc is undccid",l[,*,T,;'#";,j!; uufi,;;11,'iirri,1ii;rl*ria*i.;Ilii-* ..i']ll,ff}:;iih*idl$$ig;liifi$ii,r,y,",,1p * (ltrrcl. l**;1,*T{tf[ lr"rD,nrl"Iihir rlr rlc ll'h Linr.. -riij:x,iJr*,r llc\rrnrr. In,n.nil' sis broilllr to lhc

..- NIail Ot'tlct's Protttptly, l"illctl *" Knmc Bnos. Estabtishedraez Cutholic Sultplylloust: Iilt:, l'l(',lhi|lh3IlNndnoIinJn'im|dwrsjnulgdfdhn'$'.*..:':i1iu:]l..]#lH::qutlilolloo|fTlelilcB (l'r Block Southof Ayre:) Busy .s | .n, .i yov *nov, brs rotkf of. Irndonna s,ilt (hikt (srit rDy tilnrc rccotrslnkrion is ME g.J4l6 H€ MARV€L€D .r rh. In.r in ' s.rvi.. to import.nl th.l TXESE PAST & rears srr ro and trro atrlds by r,ii4i crp0oni. coqilL;d lqn llns ioniU iiU ll9 S. Meridian fndianapolir ME 8-3417 (llonirlrn. oTflEls SAID lroil ltrs(r, rnd lhc on il, I c.nhot lorg.t my b.- k' flll otrrs, lhrt strnl counts lle , thnl .thc. lhpc (;!Dl.

]iq|lsahol'lhtd]rrctsU(ccs-'hoUghk|orndU.inglh.d.'.wcl|pr.!nrcd.!opn""*uulonivn'.st'..Johtr|,r|crnilhils|llCil'|_rl EASTSIDE "lll"l.llll.';l'iil, PRESCRIPTIONSHOP "Llrlrcra P/rolllacU Is rl I'toJrrsn'io rr" -VlTqUy w,4,"r$* 5317E. t6th 'qi$.i5+[j#'l i1ilT*$'L',.'.lW:L';:ffi::]l(Atljitccnt to Conrnr, llosp.) ,ri'i":sirr"\",,,l,1**:'r';ri,fq',,,,'** *ir*fir,1*'ffi i:fqth$ii.'i,-"'Wil FL9-8278 +Iff $,,ru. .l-l+,r1." nrr r.mily u,,,r.ir,r*.,, )i'i::.ii**iil'i..:'.*-'jiii-rf*:;'t-'lli':llilllli*}dr ll11,ftlii11.p ;#H##ll .*i:*iTfri,, llltllirtrri|.vllI;rl',.rvltatcottn|slltc,l.ltisslrt:t.iticrltt,llicltlitttllo:stl'it


ol (!cl{lll sentrrnt'rrt. O tlrt' clril- rllon, rr'lrat a liclrncss lhc chiklr.crr 4[ImmmumHwKids! Br11 for_ Dad's ffi*w' rl f''r'rrl.s irll (,1 t'{)v{,f{,n(:o antl afl.cti'n il*$iiffialc. rvhaI l blcssinr{. lirt, llrc llc llrr.'rrlrrlrrt,rl to a nolr: rvlrich I,ope orr *fifr1;;;*'l'.1g SIDING iffi*mthr: ar.r'ival oI t]rt: u()tlr W] Drv...atAyr-Way il14il#il"'',iffiffi+Iffl$;li'fffi:ffi'"*r'"'i'],l.i]i,';j,,iijl,'ilii.i,jiiilli,:;',l'lili'.l'"".]..i".l.,"|.llcl,otlwhom;'l;';,;:.rl;;:;;i,.,.Ii.f.,.;Iil "ffill WON'T PEEL OR CRACK! ;*, lHbj1[[L'"':-ffi..r$ll$zIlB{) *"r"r'i"$"I Sundav.June16 *ilr:**n:ur,ffir**$$ilffi1ffii#1*-llaRcHDrocEsAN *rp;4iut, sl*iiil GE N E RA t f,,t:"n .,u1,.,0*:.Ck:::::::,:r,:::: :."i"i*"""-, II#i,;llctltnlri$"$":il:'',llPHONE ME 8-3408 +f6,f1l fnE[[sIlMAIES".r.tHtRit IfrMS

- \- ',u','il,,;:::T.ll'ff::,,*l0Nsi'{-'nll:lliii$:il:Tidh,':ffim[lsttnOi COfVflif g EVSNTS lN fit*fimffii,t,',":"''*lrr,lli,n at tlrc lrarrdsof thosc rvho 1{)[email protected];.->1, .ffi[.#r";;;k"r WISHING WELL DANCE ' "-:t*r,"$'*:nili$i$iT;it'', iil*ll*ni*r$tii;tli %, :ffiil:: ,,J, 1,4*f;"n:"_-k.l{.il* li:i'fi T,,,,- rENYEAR cLAss REUNToN ,,''''lil:'i,;'li"l:::il,,l,!Jl"l,:,,1'",,iilltEii roR A REVELATToNtN THE ['t '53 '"'"'o,ff,'.1".,T'ft":39:rcLAssHIGH ScHOoL CLASS OF,51oF anrrr.r,cilrlrrrl lillcs of [,or.rr, .l'hnr.htt E:l' ,, r\,r ;llli",i'il,l",,1il,X;,,i'1,,l,iilil pLEAsuREoF "DrNrNGouT" saturday' June 22 - ? P'M' - 5 P'M' Ai $i Upon my crearhrhere wiil nor $y 1,,./



nltnrcs \\'r'rtr('n()n lnitr'l)lc. irll ,r;r. ,l'ltI,; liI,,J:li',..:llIl.')'],li'l,,lii],],.'],l.,i,]l;li.\),Iil#,t,ltt,.t\.t}l{\l'rJlI|s'|l.:s'r,\l.li'\\,rNt)/ ll tf 0 l.\trt.\r..\l,ot.ts ';;;;'i;'i;;""Iil.tst',\t'li.\r..'r ,\"i tloarl:'d;Tiilii',ll',1i,,),i,i"'illl;:1.'',li,.,.li, gluttrlllllrt'r' i\ngt.l, rt'r'r'r' ^ rA'L'o\A;' (iiovitnni, $l Illotlrcr' -si:ili.r.'l'cl.csil,'lJ. T/ K i\ncilla, llaria anrl linr.ica. E {) \\fhal a hr,arrtilrrl clurr.trs uf srrtrls rtlil artri Pr.al lirt.tt:;l I W---/lalrr'ir1'st|iirrlirrl'tht.ttt..lilr.t.. MERIDIAN AT,lgth STREET nronrtrt,t.ttr|if irr grr.ilr,r,r.givt,s ln(! (:oul ilgc arttl l'ills llt{.1 \\'ith