
'l'$'() rrrillion sc() r'ornaitts Largest conclavein history to openballoting June 20 VrYflCr\N Cl'l'Y-Tlte c(,u{:iavc of crlrlinals lo elcct a stt(:cessot'ttl Pope Joltn X.{III tt,ill begin trl ti 1l.ru. on.lurrc 19 irr tlre Vilticirn's Sistine chirpcl. llalloting ii,ill bcgin ilrc I'ol[orviug morning. Il. is cxpcct.ed to llc lltc llrgcsI concltrr.rrin lhc lri.stor.l' ol. thc Chulch, n'ith 82 clrrlinals eliglblc l.o attentl anrl r.otc. Nlicrophoncs rvill be uscd fol the filst tirrrt' ut il colt- 'l'he clal'e. Sistine challel u'ill be rvircd for. surrntl iu nrrrclt thc srrrttc rtay as thc ectt- tnenical cotrrtcil lrall so thitt ASstsTtNG ilrt' r:irr.rlinllsal lhe cat'rlinals attd officials tlrrrir.[i1strlcr]trps.f llrt,srr-c.llcrl n'ill not slt0ttl- Lo harre [o be inrcr.r.t'grlrnr-rrrtlrcr.irrl rrt,tr't,.rr hcarrl' ihc tlcatlrof a prrpcln{l ilt(,r, l(,(.- '['lrr. conclaVedatc rga-ss0t at tion 0[ ltis surc('.ssot,-\\.('r.t',.\r'rlr- the filst gcnrtral ntttetingol tlrr- [islurp l''r'arrlcsr:e(';rr,pirrg, Srt(:- cardinlrlsfollorvin( tlrc rlclllr ol r.ot^r.r.oI tltc Sirr.r.r,rl(irll.ll*f ['ol)o,lolln. (.'lrrrlcltf('tiulllior]s .,-,, (lar(lil)ills: '\rcltlrisltolt J'illIico rorluir.cllral a conclato,lii,'ii n',t - lcss than l5 rla1"san<[ ilt,t nr0r.,' [)artto.I't't'fPt'{ rtl llrt' I'rrttlificitl lltan l8 (llys at'tt'l' a '\[asIers ttl' (]i'tt'ttlilttics:llsqr'. l)opr,"s ('lr.rlrnale. rl.alh. Sincc llc I'opc rlicrl rin .lgirro ('hict rrI I'Lolorol ol lhe I)il[,.] St'ct'r'1aIiltlof Slittc. .lrrnc'it.thc earrlinalst:orrkl lrat.e -' ald sevt't'al lllilslcl s tthoserr an}. date betrvcen .lrrn0 lB ltontilitral 1 vOL' lll, NO' 36 arl(l 21. o[ c('rolu()tllcs. {l tl Il D L\rtl L C U,SIIL\IG . llrJ rges easrngtlI laws EMPTY PAFAL THRONE-The Fope's llrrorre-rrovr ernply vrilh thc tlcalh of Pope John XXlll*was constructed of gilderl w,rod irr IlJl9 tor Pope Pius Vll, The Collcgc of Cardinals vrill nrcc't in solcnrn eorrclave on Jurre l9 to elecl a new oqcuttaltl for llrc Pontiff's flrrortc. 'Olrl Suurkcv', \\ ill asa(/ irr siSn rl I Pop{.) s t lrr:I iorr 8y MSGR, JAMES l. TUCEK {rut ,)l ilt,'r.ltrrnr,r.rirllrr.i,. \\in'rr:r intelvicrv lte[olt thc tlclth t.lurrr ll l 1v1'Irql1.t1' .]ohn ]i-.\ l ll anrl t lro ittltonriltic srtspt'nsion ot lhr. Sr,t. ottrl \':tlit,atr ('r)lult'il.'lir r.,r111i1111,' ils not'h, thc t:orrncil nlnsl lrrr rccottvulicrl b5, I'opc,lrrlrrr's .rrr.- a'ci-s() l" R EGAR0ING tirt. pr t'-rulrrri:rl ptrrtttiscs itt nrixt'tl uurrnlrqt's. lrt' "'l'lrr']' l.ir'r. l)orr:rlrjSt'lrrturllrtt.,\1.,\.. slrrl: llo itn ilutirnl l,I 1l S S \\'.. r- ir,'r't.lr] trlnl{'(l ..\f('lt- Ittanl. attrl sttrrtc. it is t.lr';rt llorrt tll,rr't'srdl l)tfr'( lrrl' rll ( llilt lttr's, s'ltitl happt'ns subst'rlurrrtlr. nrllit, r.ltt't'lrrt, .l.rrr' l:i. lllti:i tltt' ptrrtttists itt lrirtl lirillt. Il r r, ('.S rl(t lr)llq(,t' rtrltttt'r.rl lll(, IfrInilS{'r. lir,r. l'lrluirr,l lt \\'ct,.t'1. t , rvo rtill llol l11 1'1'1,'1'1n*;lllv r,, lir lrr' r'lutIl:rttt rtl (itlrltttll Sclt,rol 'l'i'r'r'r' Iril' llrrs. lllrttli'. ltril,. tr'- '*h:,:ll*;;lri:r,itt;l lit'r ,l;rrtrr's Illitttt.:. (l.S (', '. '.. ,",,,iu,,u,,,,,,,.; Ii r'r . l lriu rrr r Il;rrrr'r . ('.S.( lo Papal memorial ,.ii;l'li-|lrlfil'li ('rrtlterlt rurj'i*ltll*f- i:;,'i;111*',11;11'q;;,i1 lrl r'lurIl:rrrr ;ri itl lliglt r'\1'r'ri i"i1il' ffiilr Sr'ltrrrrl. l'('Illl('tt),' IIOME*Sf. Paul's Episcopal- Ii corrntrilrh:rlls lttrlnttt.rlr,tlt.. ,,,.,,,',,,,, 'i"llil,lll '1iir"l'lXlllii FATBETCLARX (, (.S.('. i;rr churclr lor Arncricans here . i{,iil',i\rr .r'r'r'r'',',il'h'.:.,'il1r i;il:''.;i:;'liii'rj"',,'"'i1li:',i'i,:i.'l:'lir,r l'r'lnl, lilirrrt. pl.rrrr lo pul up a rrrenrorial lo o f'opr: Johrr XXlll, l oll,r\ tttrl r\ lll(' l{'\1 rrl lt t'itlrle- It v:ill llc' ,r sel of tloors, of :lr':riI ld .\t ( l]l)i:lrr)l)Sr'lrrrltc l|orrt eitlrer glass.rnd brorrre or glass llr(' \ irlr('iilr.rirrlcLl .lrrttt' ;, lll{i:i: arrcl vrroughl irort, lo replace "S11c f ed Collt'9e sirrcerelY ihe vroodor do<rrs of llre church gralie on Vir Narionala. {ul Your- E xcellcttcy. Arch' diocese lrrdi,rrtapolis prayerful Rcv. Wilbur Charles Wood. corrdolenccs clcatlr latc HolY harns, reclor of St. Paul,s, said F a lhcr. lh,rt lhe cloors will syrnbolire "Crrdin,rl lhc Aloisi Maselll. door tlral Pope John opened " lo lhc Prol0sfarrls, C a lnr c le.ngo. 'l'llr' ( llillt(('t'\ ()llir'o 126artend an nual VacationBibie Schoolin Scottsburgparish i \ K ;b+ "t;*,-.&'. O'S'B'' lhe WE SING, TOO*With the heln of Sislcr Marv Xavier' young people learn lo sing the Mass and f.rvorile ltyttrtts' Sotne of lhem come r dislance of 35 miles by bus each day for lhe religious Atnelican instruclions. There rre a lotal of 70 catlrolic farnilie.- itr SrIetrt' MrrrIyrs parish and 50 f.rnriIies irt St, Au0usIitte''s lrarisIr, fourllt Thc total populrlion o{ lhe lwo'counly irea is 3?,500' Thl Eenedicfine is Sisler Forturratr, O.S'8. (Pholo'story by Paul 6' Fox) PAGE TWO THE CRITERION,JUNE 14,196T llt:por:tPope 5r-rr-----= trxtracts from the diary of Pope bcgar: study ! John = - o{ Russian VATIC N Ctlt'V Nolos th{t all_.pleiled to n. v.ry.'i iirnir'ii-piii"-i"i':"*,li;,fr"dDrk. th. €tfod ro rlproNh !brt. rhd In rhe.ense of huc jnd \r,\'fICAN CII'Y - I'ope John nt l*",!wL"l,l*"+,-,lltfli:ii"li;Tf,"j:'aau n",,,,,.*.". *ls -sltrrll'inB liussian in the last r'6No' ,,"11'::lil[:""ix;"f'"11"",ilii: r,*g,rre"_d.il;,ii;,-iir,.fitj;:,il;IylTi;n: i_l" I fl,. da1's br.fole thc final ltenlth crisis flil1,:l'l*,,1'earrv";.f,;i;.-"""'*."'*.lilii"l"ll*irI"ii:l$H:.illl'"1".l*s.]."]"j1^j"l11111i...;l:"f,i::f'f"*""lljilI"Tg*I$]ii::""''.;?"';"ifflti ii"",iii'i]:f,;"*;'*f0'f ib,e.boLh.rs, srire r !e rc llrir: took ltis life. Asel'|esotpefS0tl:llflotositll(tslopesoftlteholymorrntain.l\Iay..It|sweJltoletoneselfbeu::!y.lnlt:adthewarwiilonlyttre'',(l)cc.zs,-is.idI 'l'his rvas revealcd in the recol- reflectiorrsryerejottetltlorvn.b1'1lrc,Lordsr.lP'ot|^t]*anobrinciligrountl.upPypainantlbydeath It'ctions of the Pope's confessor, to a gootl co'clusion"' ro rise again,,, (Feb. 22, llishop Alflcdo Cavagna, pub. 11|i,.,',,1?n[:l'fill'T:-::t,fi1;i-til ig^::1930) I nrrrE e urur"c cE,,rrrrF .),,. lishcd b1' the Vatican City daily, r*r''r.r**.i,iii"ititii"l" illncss. lN ocToBER,19311, the future BIUE& WHITESERVICE, INC. "I'lf .rrl.^^^'l'hese L^r'^ bccnl.^,.'. publishctlr-..1-li.l.^'l here,l','-^ !)opeI),rii.r uotetlrr^{^.t on^n lcavingl^^.'l-d hisI'i^ r,^-..- preferr to continue my elfort l.'OsscLvatore Romano. havc horne 8 LOCATIONSTO SERVE YOU "Only in the Pontiff's hanrlrvriting, by to return to his post in Athens; to be quiet without bitterness, Sairl 13ishop Cavagna: in "The the Vatican daily, L'Osservatore farcwcll to my loved ones rure that thls mortificetion wili ALWAYSOPENT t lrqr last fe rv nronths he showed Itornnno, aud tny tlotlter, rvl.onr perhaps I prove edilying ln its own time." wA rnc a Iirrssian gramnrar, saying (llarch 4-5381 pope Johu s,rote nt ilrat limc: tvou't scc agaitt on this eartli, is 23, 1939) that since lre knr:rv a little of the "I ,,ALL Slalic langungc, it rvottld be easy noticcin my boclythe.Lregiu-ilil."iriijill'i,';::,,;;;'f;t r'j'il KNow HoW to sussesr fol hirn to learn at least a few ning of some tloublc rvhich rnrrst liiY-,,i.,i"'"'],u"Iil,:"'r':,ji"::"'".:,I and more than a few had to criti- ruolrls of Russian. IIe hoped to 1",:"'-lt1.|tIpe'ar:c, :.1.91'1,'11tj-l-b::l "":l::::-:,:.:t,'l'11Y:""""riii'lj'1,"!liir,ii,'il .hor,; in this rvay horv nrttch he it in tlrough it nn.noys.nre _^,- useful and simple service: this is great r: 8p,0sl Ilucs tlrat nation, for he sometirues auri hccluse.it allorvs ,..,i:.:':l:t-1{,.:u,-.t,t:,..I91:^ "",ti;l-another thing." $tay 10, lo3r}) {r}n-rlanll}' lepeated the words ol mc ro re'r rrrarir i- b;.;;,i;is ir;;e;, he-;ko :tli:i., r'#'1,#;.jitio \vl'ot{Jl.y.l:^.r.:li{ll:-i,i lll t'cl'oDel" .tlliJu: I Flt,i$f;[t,//F,fl{iili%p'j! tlrr-' l)ivine Iic(leemer:'I have rvorsc. It is nol Pleasattt to tltinlr Byzantine cttlture is "What.is &n ortra. r'(,nle lo call sinnels, not the of it too nrtrt:lt, bttt once again I lnrportant is the un. rnent of my sacred ministry. put. rirst."' nnr reatly for everything." iotr.
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