't W0ftLuM0UR1f$

PoPEJ0llt xxru BULLETIN The conclave lo elect a successor io John XXlll will open on Wednesday evening, June 19. Ballot- ing is scheduled to begin lhe next morping.

VA'I'ICAN CIl'Y-'Ihc body of Pope .Iohn XXIII rvas carried into St. Petcr"s basilica along thc same roulc ovcr which thc Portiff hart been ttot'ne on his nortablc thloue niue rnonths earlier to opeu the ecttmenicai council. Despite ovelcerst skies, hundrcds of thousancls of Romans and visitors lillcd the vast scluare in front of thc basilica to pay tribute to tlteir belovcrl Pope John, rvho dietl on Pentecost l,lonelay evening (Junc 3) at 7:49 p.m. after four days of suffering. L,ong before the proce,ssion cmcrgerl (June 4) florn the grcat bronze dool's of thc apcstolic palacc at thc right oI r|||ilil1iltilllltiliit|illiit||||itilt||||||||||illll||illllli|||||Illl|||llIit||||||i|||||r||Iilllit|||||llIllIllIr||[i1ii Editor's Nole-A four.plge supplemenlconlaining stories and piclureson the life of PopeJohn XXlll is includedwilh this issue of The Crilerion, Also see lrlicler on Prge 2 rnd editorialcom" ment on Prge 4.

the basilictr, thc pcople ltoarrl tlte sorrorvful IIT]CIIA[tISl'IC ORSIIR VAI\C U the Julian Choir. 'fhe rvorcls of the pcuitcntial Psalm, I\'Iiserele, carlicd "llave into thc scplare: tnclcy on rne, O fiocl, accorcling to thy gLcat mercy." POPE JOHN XXIII The proeession fotrrretl in tlrc Royal llall of the \raticarr T.'hreedeuneries set 'fhc Palaca, Popc's borly rvrs brought dorvn ll'om thc lloor "scdiari." above on a bict' carlicd bv tlte thc men rvho llore thc prqial tlrlorre cluling Fope John's lifctirne. ,A CAUSE TO ilIOTJITI{' As thc proccssiou urovcrl slorvly ortt of the llronze tlools, the '['heir bclls of St. Pctcr's bcgan tlrcir luneral tolling, rlcep notcs "Citst rites minglcrl rvith the cltartt: utc not arvay lrom tlty lacc; and Christi joy Corpus takr: not the lloly Spilit florn ntc, Iteslore unto ttre tlte of Ilty stlvation antl str'cnglhcn ttre nitlt r pet'fcct spirit." Iteligious,civic leaders Cltt'isli Ilallies at'c Corpus THE PROCE55IQN rvas a spectacle of Rcnaissnnce beauty antl being planncd rvithitt titc ponrp. It was lctl lry :r squad o{ Palltirte (luar


i.l:i.i;l:i:;: THE POPEOF TJI\ITY

responded by telling the pontift lou'ing.November, ga'e 'I'hey Univcrsally hailed as the Pope the Pope hcard the pontiff decrare XXIII added that it was a great privilege for a special audience to 28 "hoth of Unity, John a Japanese that Butrtlhii,rr ;;d c;ii;ii-i;; grcet spccial distinction to his pontifi- hinr to Pope John as a Iluddhist monks who had gone to cisnr honor "Icllow Gotl antl ;"rk and Christian." peace catc by the nttrnber variety jIr"_{I1_11i",::.rn tour. and the good oi mantlnO.; of non- cltut'cltuten whom hc pcrsonally wclcorned within tlre ancient rvalls of thc Vatican FRIDAY... Palace. Thc guests ineltttletl ttot only lhc (lelegate-0bsel'vers to GrumilnT8.ierstute (.louncil--39 thc Vatican in all-- ALL CAN EAT but those rvho rvct'c rcccived by FISH,., YOU Irirrr in spccial plivatc audicnccs, Yes,there's a feastof f ish everyFriday night at the 'l'he Marott's I'ope's visitot's rvet'e not GermanBierstube . . . herringand sardinestor appetizer, lcstrictcd to Pt'otcstants and Iiasteln Oltlrorlox; tltet'c \\'ere then poachedfilet of sole in hollandaisesauce, followed nlflnI' notr-(lhlistians .Iervs, by smokedfish anda varietyof friedfish, lloslcrns, antl cve n ..laPancsc tluddlrists atttl Shintois"ts. I{is All this,in an authenticGerman atmosphere, with a German I)r'otestant callct's incltttletl Angli- band!And of course,frosty steins of beer,too. rlns, Lutlterans. I\letlrodists, 13aptists, Itcforrncd, I'resb1'ter'- fhc rrrenolf hotcl will spend fwo monlhs DancingftomgP.M,Nocoverchargr. * SUMMER lN EUROPE-Five studenls fronr St. Benedicf College, Ferdinand, ians, Conqlcgatiotralists, Quak- -8Uffi forreseruations,catlWA6.45tl lhis summer working and lravrling in Europe. The grouP includes lwo nalives of lhe Archdiocese els, ()ld Catlrolics, Disciplcs artd *sharon Lrulner, aboye cenfer, of Tell Clty, rnd Sandra Fifter. second ironr righf, of 5t' Meinrad. Unilali:rns. Antottg countrics tlrc visilols t'oprcscntctl wcfc thc Others.in lhe groupr rre, from leltr Carol Harlweck, Evansville; Gloria Wollenlnann, Ferdinand; and Evrlyn Dilger, Mariah Hill, llnitcrl Statcs, Canatla, , li'r'ance. (ltrntanl,, Switzct'land, Ilollanrl, l)nAlanrl, Scotland, Iltrs- lllllllllllllllllllllll!!: :lililliliiliiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiilfiiiiillltllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll sia. Bg1'pt, Almt:nia, South r\rica, =tIl=-Pr:esiclcnt I)tlriopia anrl Cc1'lon. recoru POP E JOHN harl onll' jr:st = A cctpsule = lrcr:rr clcelerl rvhen Pt'olcssor mHH'Ts =''=saysPo pr: l,eonc l,cotti, Clticf Ilabbi of Ven- ?sN icc. flgv lo llonre trt deliver a spcr:ial grceting on behitlf of tlrc 5ALE5& SERVICE ''lcgacy' ,lcrvish cornnrunity in lhc city ofa Poyte'sillness Sintilal apprcciation tvas voiccd =t ==! ulrt're tlrc ncu'ponti[f hatl spcnt =lcft also by Ilabbi Ablalr:rnr L, !'ein- =-Iivc as ['atl'irtfch, 1,t,lrs btlg, a lcarlcl of tho Canadiarr Goodall f trrlrrrllllltrrlrrlllmnmmnulimllltnmmnnuiiiiliiliiiminmltltiunnmtt|lllG W;\Stl lN( l'l'()N---l't'csirlettl l(cn- An


;\lbanr'; li'atht r I)alrick Glcason, (1938.42), antl St. Ambrosc, Sey- Scclctary of thc Conflatclnity o[ pastol of St. pastol par- (194$). l.0r yoars ol St. [Jaltltolonlerv nrouf, foul Cltt'istian Doctrinc. {lonsor of rcnecl)ufg. (1942-4{i), ish, Colrrnrbrrsi I,'allrer I'attl B. he ryas a chlplain in Ilooks. IIe was namctl a Papal Ciootee. pastor of St. I)attl's par- thc nrilitaly, Cltanrbcllain rvith thc titlc of ish. Sellclsburg. I''athilr Robert In 19.td hc bcgun gluttuatc Vet'y Ileverenrl llonsignor ill 1958. .Ilinlon. pastor of IIoll' I,'anrily sturlies at tlrc Cat.holic [Jnivclsity llsgr. Galvin oflclcrl a Solenrn pali.sh. llichnronrl: ["atltcl Ilay. 'lhanksgivirrg of Anrclica s'hcle he reccived :r lla"^s of on Srrrrrlitr'. mond illoll, pastot' of St. r\ugus- rloctolal tlcglce in cclucation, Junr'2, in Irnrnacrrla{e IIcar'{ of tinc's pn1i511, Lcrtpolrll anrl lra- Iirtttr 1'eltts latcl llsgr. Gah'irt t\lary Chrrrch. Inrlianapolis, rr'helc tlrcr' (lhallcs Scxton. pastol o{ St. was nanrcd srrpclintenrlcnt of Itt-' has lt'sirlcrl sincc l{)5,1. ;\ prrlr- llartin's parish. Martinsville. Catht:rh'al IIigh Sclrool, Inrlianap- lic reception tvas ltt'kl irr thc pnr'- THE JUBTLARIANS aIe:1lsgr, olrlained at St. trleinurd Sern- olis. IIe bccan.rc r\r'chcliocesan islt auditolium that aflclnoon. Jarnes I'. Clalvin. .,\r'r:lrrliocesan inaly in I938 b1'Caldinalb1'(jat'dinal Joseph Msgr. Galvin Supelintcnrlcrr{ ol' Schools in l1)5'1. Falher Barthel Supclintcndcnl of Schools; i'-al.lter Ililt('r, then Ilishop of Intlianap- A nativo rrl lnrlilrrapolis, llsgr. Otlrcl positions lrcld inclur!,:: llaltlrcl. paslor of Sl. olis. cltose to lroltl thcir' (lalyirr Alol'sius tlrt'gt'rtttp ,lanrcs [r. r.ga

'l'he i Vn11.,,rn {lit1, I'ost Olficc is issuing spccial stanrps [o conr- nrernorate tlre alrival of SS. C5'r'il The Finest ln Aluminum Producis an

Where Service is Parl ol lhe Sele

| \\tr\llSA\V-r\l least l (lozt'n (lallttrlit: priesls in Wcstcnr I'olattrl lt;rvc ltcclr ottlcLcrl to 95O ON YOUF? DIAL starrrl tlill lirr lclirsing lo suhrnit Io ncrv goverrrrncnt r.rt{rrlations filfoctil]A rclil{iorrs irrslr.rtr:tiorr, I N D I A N A P O L I S . I N D I A N A accot'rling [o rr'1lor'ls hot't'.'l'ht: pricsts alc acctrscrl sllccil'ieall,r, of lcfusint{ to strbnrit to krcal (btn nrttnist Parl.r, officials lists of prrpils attcnding tlrc r.cli(iorrs classcs lrclrl in t,ltttrclrcs, clrrrr.r.lr Iralls anrl cvcn in plivirtc llorncs, Unalllc to pl1' tlrc lart{c fincs inr. post'rl, llrc pliests lrnve lrarl all lltcir' llrivalc ht'lorrgilrgs, int:lurl- irrg books, confiscatorl lt5, thc lu. I CLIllV14t,ANl)-iltolc thlrr t4.- t hol'it ics. 0{JU rrnacconlpanicrl Crrltan clril. rllcn havc llccn assistcrl in lhcir I (lOL0llB(). Cc-1'lorr- (it.vlon's lliglrt lrout conrrnunisnt b-r' thc I't'otcstarrt lca

THE CRITERION.JUNE 7, 1963 PAGE FIVE O TI{B YAIIT}STIT]K . WIIAT OTTTI{E DAY 'The Q.riet Revolution' The work of Popelohn termed disappointing

of a plofessional scnsc of dttly. Bv MSGR.GEORGE HIGGINS nevcf be an- Nly objcctions tr-r the pt'ograttt other just like fronr tho point o[ victv o{ sttb- hinr. Gorl rloes stance or c0nt0nt al'e 0[ alr cven nol seelll to I'c- ntore scriotts llalul'0. peat Uimself in lfirst of all, il rlirln't contplctcly the making of livc up to its arlr,anee billittg as htttttatrs, an inter-faith pt'ogl'flrn. It is trtttr, At the deatlr oI coursc, thaI r't'prcscrttatives of of a I'ope the thc lhrcc maior' [aiths rvcrc ltcarrl pcople of tlre Corporal proglant, punislnnent florn ou tlrc but all of "lt:tion" rvorld secnr to its shots, *ithout cxccp- return to this so lion. involvcc[ I'rotestant .social siutple saying, itnrl I'entat'k lltat action plojccts. Not a single Ca. lhclc u'ill ncvt'r bc flllotll0r likc tholic ot Jcrvish projcct *as so is i,n sc/tools IIolt' [''ltltet' tt'ltuse lt'igtt opplse(l thc nrut'lt us rrrcntionrrl on tltc pro- thcn cntilng. Tlris is tlttc. l'laclt iilaur, Popc s'ill not be t't'pr:attrd: but Nli\\' YOIIK-A pricst.e(hrcator a hc rvill bo curttrnuctl. s;ritl hele that colpolrtl punish- I'ire n ir{ tlrc lisk of :rppcarinil "a When I'opc ,lolttl s'lts elt'clcd rnerrl in schools is nronsttorts to lle boolish ol h1'pcrsensitivc FATHER llagnuricl arlrlr.rl: antl catttc so sootl to bc appt'c' l)clvr,fsion of sorrnd teachirtg." "'l'o tlurirrg tlris periorl of ecunrenical trtt'r.l r'iultttrr. u'ilh r ro. ciated b1' thc rvlttrltt rvtlt'ltl, sotrtc (i gtrod sill. I rvould say thaI tltis li;rthrr' r'o t'g r: llagurair:r'. lence invitcs tlrc Icaclrcl to.iorrr rvlitels secrletl to thittk iI tleccs- ('.S.1),. uils ir sr'r'iotrs rlellirress irt a of tlrc l)aulist lnstilutc fol tlrc rlr:lirrrlut'trl. II corr[ilurs tlrc 1lro. llt' elitit'al of I'trpc.l'itts siu'y to Ilcligiorrs Ilescilr'ch note(l that the glanr rvlrich purportcrl to tcll thc glosittgly alrcarl5 rlistor'!rtl nolir,lr oI tlrt' \ll itr olrk'r' to ut'itt' tl.S. IIousc of 'l'lris Itclllcscntativt's Jrloblcrn arlolescrnt llrnt'nriglrI of Popc ,Iolrn. t)pc of t:on- loccntlr'passerl a bill to pclrnit nrakes light.' Il cun hr trnoliorr. tt'ast.st'ekittg \\'its tl('itllol' lto(i('s- 'l'hough t'orporal purrishnrcnt in Distlict ally crpkrittrl lrl tht. satlistic or sal'y llor fait'. I)tt1tt' Joltn of {blurrrbia public scltotrls. lnl nlatuft tcitt'ltt'r'. \vas an cntilely tli{lt't'cttt ntfln "lt '' fli{lrtt'tts tht' irrrrort'nt slrr- than I'o1rc l)iu.s, he rvits ['itts' lt is not sur'plising that orrr' tlettl, llitt'tlt'tti llr(' (lr'lt:lll1 (,nIs, r:ont intrat ion. ttatiottal lcgislatols hirlc hccn so gt rrnsrrccesslirl in t,rrlhing thtr atttl itt ttclul t'r'ipplt's tlrt. t gt'ott'tlt sprcarl ol irtrtrt' tlit'rction :rntl sr'li of ,iuvenilc rlclittrlut'n('f iI " l)o1le Pirts. lltc tt':rt:ltr:t. hutl lhis i-s a slniplc of thc liintl of r:rltttt'01. (lttsltcl llu'orvtt the ligltt ol tlte lhinhirr{ lhoJ'aro tloing on thc tuotletn on so llany tlil'lclent strll.ioct." l.'athcl Ilaqrnaicl sairl, ploblcnrs. ltrdcerl, tlrc volutnes rrf ltis slleccltt's cttttl:titt I)ltllal THE PRIEST, lrrltllcssirrg ir "Soera['l'hclnpy Co Lr,t't, c i I st ct,te rrt,e nt tcaclrirtrj oll scorc.\ ot' tlil'lelerrt t,orrlt'rorrct' 0n Dr.Joseph E, Kernol subiccts. tcachiltgs rt'lticlt tt ill lor'\'outlr" at Lincolu IIall, an Optouretrist rt'arlttally fil{ct'tLrrvtt to lltc lost- ilrstitulion lbl tlclinclucnt l;o1's lroolis. l)ope l'itts' encl clit'als arlnrirrrstt'r'ctl lry thc Chlistian Dr. Lcottattl Iict'rrr-'l o r7, ,teclo nt urged tlte rvity lirr ntttclt of l'ttpe Illotht'r's. sairl corpolal punish- llavcrl 'l'he "lltc I.)r'. Liluncltc liclncl .l ,loltn's ar-:tiott. tcrtcltcL rvrts rront is of lhe 1lt't'r'ogativc Kcatiltg pulent. rvho ntill' ocelsrorrirlly S'l'r\NIOItlr. (irtlil. -- Nolltittg lollorvetl. anrl lltis is tlte t'igltt I)r'. I'irrrl li. Iiclrrt'! oldcr of tlrittgs. bv tltc urttt ol ctrrpkry il tvitlt rlelratlblc suc. rtottlrl rlo tn{}t(' lo tr'liltc itttIttr'- " ('t'ss. Dr'. Jttlcs'l'rttrlcr' diate Ir'ttsirrtrs lrt'trvecn (]atltolics ilctlon. "('or'ltolnl "ex- prrrri:ltrrrcnt ltlrrtirts. antl non-flatholics than an Popc .lolrrt n,ill lrt' r't'rut'urlrt'r'ttl. tclr:tl ltl tcuclrcrs is a clcal plicit, concili*r statcm{rnt on t'cli- I feel sult:, as the l,lt:urnenit'al atl- " rrrission of failulc-on lhc palt gious libcrty lll' Ihc Sccontl I'o111', not ottll' r,crtnronir:rtl tn of (.luuncil, thtr tcachtl rrho uses it and thc V:iticart l{obcrt I\lcAft'c tlral hc callcrl thr: Sceorrrl Valir:;rrt lJron'rr ol Slanfotrl Uttivt'r'sity (lorrncil. huI irr his sgrilit {o*'llrl (lotrtact l'iltt:il sa irl lrct'c. all ()hlistians ol'lltc rvolld. Lett:cs And thtrlt: art,sevtt'nl intlica' HOURS8 A.M..5 P.M. r,,\ lLrn 0lf. A lrrving, ollott'hr';rr'1r'

S'l'. LOtllS.-.'l'he ltcatlqtraltet's ' " ol Sttrtrrrtr.r (lat.lt- AscunrionDay tltt: Schools ol' :li :: olir: Ar:tion slirl lrt'Lc tl'rlt sonrc 10,{X)0 pt'r'sons are cxpectcrl at i'iff :ili[ lu,l* In Mexico To -d,-Jfi its cottt'scs to lur ollclr.d in trinc A GIFTwllr BE SENT il"t\.'.ll lf citics this sur)lll('f. THOSETAKING PART lN THE \\ rlr / t\ l,'ntltct ,llrncs A. Conrlorr, S,1., SOLEMN NOVENA rlilcctol oI tlrt' tlavcling lclrktr.. ^'1.i'llil,ff slrip ttaining (!ollfs('s sporrsorcr{ AIARK PTI'TIONs,T'II 'N, CI,'PIND AIA'T rJAl!'af1'\l by tltr: Slotlitlitics ol Orrr Lurly, t")fAR '"ArrtfR RotltRI: PttASt PtACf l"lY Plltl{ONS B!lr)tE lHt sairl spc

HONOR PRESIDENT rv;RVllofill! MURPHY'S OIL SOAP Nl4W YOIIK-I,resitlcrrt Kcn. ond rcnevt floor to nerly has been nanrerl as thc first clconr MONS I GNOTBGOOSS I'ITS S.I}'S: non.Protestant to be awarded thc ceifing. Pwa vogctoblo rooP. rlistinguishcd servicc Sold ovaryyhcle, I,'A'lllUtl'S DAY IS SUi.ltlAY luNll 16. Whv not arvnrd of tlrc Protcstant Council oll e Mass said fol his ilrtcntion? A l\tllilloIlIAt, Gtl"f Ncrv ,IAURPHY'S IAUNORY AtD CLUBDINING ROOM York City. Prcscntation SCENEIN THEINDIANAOPLACE ATHTETIC too will kcep on I'olncltr[]cfing hlrn rvhcn plnccd ln rvill bt: A;;;n;rt, crtf t-h";"ilt sorne mission chapcl. lVc'll scnd e lovely !'ATIILR'S j,.,! t'rgi:1'!gi_.1_1Ti: roiled loundry wilhoul rubbing. __ Any afternoon, 5:30 P.m. DAY cIF'f CARD to let hirn knorv rvhat you havt qmon 0t{ .S!tq tid bdth, ll.?l done. \Ve suggcst: XourcwrrerDepl. ol Vestments ($S01. I\lonstrance {fi40), Chalicc (940), ,,what going to order, Joe?" asked Mike Muchmoney as he pulled his TheCriterion l. $. AYRTS& e0., wM. 11.ltocr are you Ciboriutrr (940), Tabernacle ([i25], Censcr (920), & c0,, ll. P wAssoN & c0., "This rnighty good lo Stations of the Oross (925, Altar Linens (gl5), Ollicial Nctuspalter of tlrc rnd lerding nelghbofhoodllotel chair closer lo the table. beef lenderloin with mushrooms looks Sanctua|y Lanrp t{il5), Salrct0ary Bell {g5). Ar chd,ioceseof lrtdianaDolis MURPHY.PHOINIXC0., Clcvehnd cr|,Sq*{e ,.t}.r"t.*+ me. And il's only $4.00, too." {.+fi #{,f {} *.* 124W, Gcorgir, P.O. Box l7f "What's "l'll ,.QtJO'trlRLE QUOTE, wanted now ls a tot ot tililG Indhnepolis 6, Ind. "Looks good lo me, loo," said Joe. lake mine medium rare"' Deople, ln r lot of littlo places, dolng a tot ol little thlngs." MElrorr 5'{53I Lulet Llguttl, quoted In AltnttICA maAazine. ftIember Audit 6 SOIIIE LITTI,E WAYS 1'O IIEI,I' ,Eai, Bureau of 2313W. WASH.ST. ME. 2-e352 Same afternoon, P.m' Join one of our I\IISSION CLUllS. !'or a dollar a tnollth, circulations you can help any of these: 1f,,[fL\ beef l\Icmbcr Catholie ,,What slays me." said Mike Muchmoney as he deftly carved an inch-fhick IIAI\IIEN LllPBIt CLUII (cnres for tcpors) \dllf1L"..-d (Drovidcs I,rcss Assoeiation "What missionaries PAI-,ACl: Ol,. CiOLD for ace(l) lenderloin ($4.00 a plate, well-done), slays me is lhe way lhese OItPIIANS IIItEAD (lecd ort)hausl 'ftIE Like lo' IIASII,IANS (supports mission schools) get you on lheir mailing list and try to put lhe bee on you for a donaliorr' (plovi

Price l'1.00| YGrr. Publirhcd Weekly Exccpf CA'l'lIOLlC rJt?,ti,"IlllSSlONS Lrrf Wcck In Dcccmber. Frank E. Johnr POSTOFFICE BOX 302 TNDIANAPOLIS6, INDIANA @,,

I t PAGE SIX THE CR|TER|ON, JUNE 7,1963 CYO announces full summer activity calendar

lJusvslatc Cadet kickhall .i again goes Eelited by lhr: Cleric Seminarian: of Wesl Baden College orl t:rp fol: inr-ttltr'catt'cltisttt to ptrblic sc'hrxll to St. Catherinc ,!l ttcttt tt'ttrlrl r,lrilrlr.r,' t,\.1,f). 1'rck fr)r four I gS l,(-'rs of 0t-ll .r't-als, tltc lrrost faillrfrrl thc ) By RAFAEt. tsORRoMEo,S'J. s('ll()()l'.slht'oc lttlttrlt'r'tlo?ll0('hlsls. Orrc of llttt I-tiggc.ststllllmer l,itrt l"t'l,t'ttitt':l a|ilkt' l{t ) r}lt N{r \r'{)ll(i('t'ite s'lttlrl ltkt lo lrrl- "l!Lrl rctivily itt CY:O Irlr,,rii \Dt:r,1,'. lil{' r','('olllll l}l('li' lrlnlc il lclcltot', I hll c to I)l'ogt'allts {.r'{ !rrii r.1i1',111 I !rt:t':ltl tll st'lto,rl f:tt't a ttfn'lrle ltrrl I rtcw I)frll)' Iristrll'.1'\i'lls rtnllotlllct-tl this !"i,i r"lt lt,'s lltl. 'l'ltc l,lrlk lt,.rt:,' i lrlrr,'' lrr i'n(i{ lll) lftli'l'. \\'(.cli. sllttc opctts tvith A}l{)tl' :lltltrir {';l;;';;1,, .\|iilirl\lrrf (-arlct oI thc suntnlcl' bascltall i.lr,'rl }r' $iilr iit. llllt:l{'l-\' AS THE SCHOOL J 0:tr e{)nrt's l.rr,.tij.!t :rrrrl tlrI i:ir:!t tltlttl;. ltrl l1) ;l t'l{rsI trt tlrr' I nrilrl Sl;itt's, l)fograll.l ill)ollt ,ltlllc lll ancl lirt' r"j'i' :i:':titl<1 l:!tl. ill tr;',',rli ()f -',,rr I lilinli ih{r cottnl li'is .\r)lltl!{ r:.xtcutlstlit'ottglli lllltt ;\ttgttst, Itiltt J l, :,1 it,''.r ll;: Ii(11t'i !)' ;lrrretic;rns tr'ho llso hirr t' to Iitt'r: a l)t'c-Sclttlol rty rq f,, rr 'rri, I lLl \ ( lll l 1r'{i {'li lllc lr'inrlirt( ttp rt'itlt ihc ittr",ilirble (lttttsliuttt .\li{.'l I;.llil r,,: i;i. r'riii1 itl:',ll Ifl]lll {lil)' I.lvt'ning rrf lil'collt:t:tiott for luqlr sr'ltrrrrl, rlh;rt.' llul :r'..:;rittI t,r riir'. ::lri.i rr !:,1:'l iill!i \\'''lllill)' ,lunior CY(l'ers 0ll Attgtlst ' ,i :' r';ur't ltolp rt'lttirlitt! lltt' tt'lr':titl liiitll :i: i, i ir-. l,,i ili. rtllrrill' "\'ott .)lt riI lltat olrl lrtli trtnt'. tlrttt'l Itl r: linr)\!' Il()w luckl' ;rrt, . ." 'l'*o 'r -r,rtt 'll";rnrl "C" : .' ,r l r' ll',llt .\ltt;trlo. ltro loallttes J lii-i I ttlrkc ,\ntirrlo. Iror'('ttJ' lrtl't \\:rii l', l,;' :r) ril;ilrlli i1.1' Ir,' t'r- irrclrttlttl irt tlrt hlrscball stt- ) i'ttL pLolrlclrr, iio ttr;rn1' oJrlror- ar-c j: , ',',i :'; r ttl iit c:tt' I'l;,.' r' tittttlii's tn erlttt'itlt,rtt ilt{' i}i){'tl l{) rrp, rrltir'lt is lrt'itrg ol)cl'ittod in 'r','. 'l'llof0 lr,'t \ r'rr i r',ri:l,i n,ri tltail "firsl" .\'rlu ill lhi.q l'it'll r'{rttt}lt}'. c11i1lr{'lrorl rvith thc Irttlrartapolis ST. BRIDGET'S TRACK CHAMPIONS-These overioyed girls have iusl won r for Sl. Bridsel llrr, ir..:r,: lllirilir, I lt:ttl lli) ll{, si' lntn:' sclrrilrrt'sllipsirflt'rltl, leam thantpionship rt lhe ]963 CYO Cadet Girls'Trrck "rvor ,ltrrrilr lja

THE COLLEGE arvutrlr'rl lii.: rlr'!'t'rt,s nl its 2t;llt ( (rrur('n( r'-

ntt'rtt cttlrrron5'.'l'll' llt'arlrurtt's 'l'(r ltlrtlittt,' Iot'tr';tttl \1(,l't' It lsr,nl(,tl lr]' 1l;rt ilrtt s I't'r':i' Al'it(lttltt(':: lrltt I{} tk.nt. llrr' \'r't'r' llot'. ]ls:lf. l"fiilr('is n',l I(i l)lrrl{lillll il \\r}ll{1, littttill', I';tlltIr IJiltlltc ,1. Ik'irtt', lttrl tliplrrtrt;rs\\'l'rc lll\'!'rt Iiii{il}g il st t' s:ll{l: "llos *'l:il ll,-ill l,l'll'l:',,''l'rrt lirrt lr lropl lo;rcltiott, il \\'(rl'l(l Iorrrrritttrili if $ tl t'rrtlltrrt GIVEN YOUTH POST r.,.r,il ('l'r':ltr, :r r'iltiltriltttil1 itt r,til' ()l' \\';\Sl llN(i'l'{ )\ -- l"atltor"l'lront- 0rrrt lrafirlt. tI(.illlll)orll0oti, ot' as .1. Lr,onlt'rl of l'ltil;rrlr,lplrr;rlt;rs rrll;rqo, {rl' l(}\t.tl') (}}lr lirt'n}lng lrr,r,tt aplrrrittlt,{l ils:lsl;tilt (lit(,r'lor' h:rrrr. rttttltililtt'tl hl' il I llrltlsiilltl ol tlrt: \'rirrtlr l)('l);u'tur(.'!ii, \;t ll r rrrr r n tlluurrs, tlrir kr's t)nc t lli)tt' tiounl ('trtltolic 1\'r'lirt'r' ('!)lrli'r- sirntl ltit'tttitt!{lt;tttts. ll tloos ttot

urr'{'. lls;lt'. l't'r'tlt,t'itli .l str,r ilt,rlir' il ('{ll}lllltlllll}'. "S() ('ns('t), (l('l)i!r'lrrtr,nltittr,r'lof. s;rtil :.{rrl lr'r\'{' \'{rtil' l)ill'l l{, l}l;r}', [,'atlrr.,r l,t'ottlt'rl rt ill ii\silrnl lli.J \'lril' ({rn{l'il)ttlitln ttt ttt;rltr', rot15 Ircry duttes ou Jurtc l"l, clrllk;ttge to accr)[)l or rcject." THE CRITERION,JUNE 7,1963 PAGE SEVEN

ln{ O FAMILY CLINIC WORKING TO BBAT HELL ,:i:' cfEly0FlHE '\. SACRED HIAIT A searchitg question Don't be o sheep! i,

By JOSEPH T. McGLOIN' S.J. "feed When Christ told Peter to about family planning my sheep," He was using a ligure of speech, but, being Christ, IIe too, that plenty FR. WALTER W. tMBIORSKI, ycars old) into our traditional other and tlteir family to sane. certainly realized, of those under the care of Peter Guecf Columnisf leat:hin; aboul tnarriage and tity, can in one sense, be called his for Fr. John L. Thomrs, S.J' familv size? the chief reason for matrimonY. and succes- sors were going of nrarital cltas' Thus in the day-to-day world of wc,vc been mrrriod five years ,,,Th!.,9^n-nttpt - moving anrl nrortgagcs, diapers to have more in rndhrve rhree chirdrerii'bJ;i;: :tl.#iJ'i, ii.'l'J*i'".1,.n1i1':l anrl nrarkets, you, ils a couple, common with comc lr rdequate il we skimp a-n-d src committcd to all of these sheep than I i"_iiiii'rr.',ri,i.i accorrting to ttre ;;;i;".f;ii. srarein rire. goals. The use ol your sexual metaphor. H e illr"',l,ll"ji;,"*Jil'ni'iJ',,|.il polvsrs must be guided not had often no- rnnr,o"tmyriaee r19 mcrely by thc goal of procrcatlon, ticed the sheep lT'righf ffi,t#iiif 'abouiill.ilri*l whcn,we but also by that of mutual love, around IIis that its goal$ and pttrposcs - i to think f"mili scc sanctification, and the proper countryside at'c scv.et'al' -I'irst' there- is tho sirc ind hmily planniigf a"a, development of your children. all of them hrtd- p.ocrOation- an6 education of lortdmouth-the ntllc spccir:s rvho In onc rval' or. lhc other, sonrc il-io, *r,.t tr.rn^ ao"ie i1ive dlcd togther*real in- "provc" o has to rvhat hc consid- childrcn, When rve talk allottt or inragined- trotthle' r'cn altl \\,oln3n, tecn.agetl male lo consider? Now rvhat about family sizo! .urc of "nuttthoorl," crlttcalion. rve tlo not ntean scnd' hill for no et's ltis ol llrc {enrtlc .....r ..... -r. Mary S aif enttoping over a lttttl fcntnle typcs' have been Theoretically a large lantily is typc rvho cultivatcs "'rrnt rri.'.i,n'- irtg Ceorgie or Sttsic to collegc' at soon as one of raotou .,t a-il "Ilnlghty- tloing thc samc sott oi thing ever plinrarily abottt bctter than n srnaller one because sitlels an illisistilllc Dear l\Iary: Wc't'c not talking tlccitlccl to start runnlng' trvo etcrnal pch^ons cnjoying cre- thcnr " problcrn tt'oubles ntany education. We are talking llut-niccncss. sincc-aflaitl to refuse anything Your {olrnal anrl, in gencral, rloing anYtlting.- about giving lovc, ation and etelnity are better than or lhilt's- nffeletl. couples bccausc of talk about clrildren the stupirl or Pointlcss But llris typc of char.acttr. is, sinrply because it one. Ilut eouples do not live jn hovcvcr- over-population, rising prices, and tlaining, antl gtridance rlecessary one of runfortunatclyj rnr.o 6n' jusi is ol[cr crl anrl a t'efttsal might theory nor in the pagcs of moral cvcn ttangerous-whenever a score of othcr l'casons. Lct's to bccornc, as canon larv speci- go into action on kooky, It ii no cxaggct'atiori to hrrlL thc' tcelings of the olferer' books. ilrern rvoirltl see if wc can set up sontc guitlc fics, nratulc antl cffcctive pcr- This ioirie sittv inrprrlse or other' say tlrat the guy ot' gal rvlro tlic's O good In thc context of their daily lines. sonalitics, citizens and cotn- nt:ctl a slrephertl- to nlake vice vit'tttotts anrl lit'ttte Iivcs, (for clnrrrplc, circunr. it-*itr; sieep- So, tlol'I lle strt.e it's really First, is it a rcal qttcstion? Is nrittetl Cilrtistians' the goofs frottt conlntit' only the cos'attlice ! ut' url1utt i.i..ii.tt of sheeP. We nrorally ac' childlett. The propcr ctlucalion rhythm rve lrave :r iort oI sheePish' Satan has alrval's llct'n thc uras- itrt rr'lren failerl? ifltnt ittral goorl of our marriage and nee(l o ileu) t1Jpe of erhtt:rLLion lor girls, nrtrL the rtr:cessitil of iciins tor this 1'ott 1'ott cebterl anrl effective rtcatrs t0 of chiltlrcrr lerlttires that htrsbatttl for ttP nriglrt best be served?" ness, oI cotlrse-it's kecPing tcr of ntaking good sacltt r-ot't o[ still *'orrltln't nrakc tlrc slightcst flnother tlt:eply' fanrily conLbating the ef of J(lnscrrii-rrl, anrl tlttt tcrt'or.s of I"renclt regulato farnily size, ,\s slttrly nnd tvifc love one lects or, tliilct't'ttcc-1'ottt'sort['s salvation Iarniy sizc is not something a 'fhe rvitlr the Joneses or thc titttes, silly, lk: c()nnc(l l'llc into surn- anil rcsearch continue, thc nrtrans so that thcir love rvill radiatc Iteuohttiorr., ethu,ntiot ot' ilIu

RURATINN o"n'ifl'"f,T"#:'"o0" Mixed Drinks o Wine o Cold lmported Baer Cold Champagne a Visit Yct thc movic's basic llarv is Our Unusuai Car.ry-OutDent. at'tistic. Oncc again a nrovie 25?Brands of Lirruorsautl has given sccontl shr.ift to inter- 45 ar.ands of COLD BIIER csting pcople norntal (the youth NEW GIANT ICE VENDDR * Iltock, Bag in the turntoil of grorving up, the antl Crystal Clcar lcc Cubcs aging misrrsed nontan scar.ching 2723 E. Michigan (at Rural) Free parking Ior rcal lovc, the okl rnan facing disnster) and concentlated on a psychopath, It's as il'all thcatcl pcnplc wcfe sulfer.ing f ronr a O BOOKSOF TI{II HO{JR ncurotic lenr that only ilrc abnor. nral can llc irrtclesting. FoodService Iror IIud is a psycholrath, rviilr traits lifted rlilcctly flnut clinical notcl)ooks. IIe lras no consciencc, Equipmentand Supplies only a latlrcr. shallorv irntrulsc to br: likcrl. If ch:rlk:ngcrl, irc pro i. sociology guilt Everything for the prepqrqtion Religious ccts his on a tlir.ty rvor'kl: ond "I{orv lltany hone st rlrcn -vorl knorv? I urcan, st:rlt takirr' iervice food of thcir pcoplc's attittrrles tottartl the rlay of cnrphasiziug tlte prac. S'ou of snd beveroger inr the sinncls florn thtt their fcllotvs, espccially those of tical inrplications for tlaily living saints anrl luck.v to rvinrl up other raccs, nationalities, ancl rc- of thc tloctrincs thcy profess; on- 1'ou'r'c s,ilh r Schoolr r Reslaurrnlr Abrlham Lincoln." ligiotts. ly thrrs lhoy pl'ovc to Atncricarts r that thcy fulfill an it'rcplaccablc llc is unlovetl hy his fatlrer, Churcher r Hofeh #ili'rTili:rli;:frlfhc .l*sttit sociologist nnd Ct'i' Iunction, but thc filrn horrcstlf itnplics it ' Inrlilulionr r Moleb ili;'ffi It'riorr coltttttttist ["r. Joltn L. 'I's,o "Rcligion lllaJ' hovc llecn lris trl{ur.c that Whik' adnritting lhat hc catt 'l'honras prcsel)ts, itr rece ttt sytnposilt by Plo- . Indvrlrial Plrnfr . Horpitrh testant. Catltolir:, nnd Jervislt cotn- causctl thr: rrnlove r.athcr. tharr aud the Antet'icatt I'eople" (Narv' . Public FoodingFacilitier r Clubr nrentators itnplenrcnt tltc kittd of vice vclsa. IIurl is incalrnblc of nrau, $4,50) the resttlts of ncarly real enrotion. \\thcn his ncnherv rvitlt,r\ntericans information of fered by [i'1. lillr*;'r;;&,ffiry 3,000 intclvicrvs "Rcliltion Thornas. In and Cou- confesscs lris aflectiorr for, hirrr. lltose rvltlst' cx- W ,.W of all faiths, to dctct'ntitte jttst Chino .- Glqss .. Silver -. Utensilr Iltttl stt;151r-stsnroLe heer' ''to tcrttal rllilltntts (;0(l tenU)orilry Socicly," ctlitcd by rvor'li ff;*, *^",..'.H ru'ltrt rcligiott all(l iltciln t0 Ilarold Stahnre.r' (i\lar:urillan, up soluc lantily'lcrlin'." As i\lnra lhcrn, u'hat tltoy ttnrlerstand by Furniture .- Kitchen Equipment clotlr, papet', scvcu gcts on hcr bus, slre soar.ches hi_s Ll;l:J.:',ilJll,1W!::'",t';',"1 churclt tuctrtbr-'t'sltip, horv lhcy $4.05, $1.05) rcligious thirrkcrs cvalultc the to- face lol sorrrc sign of lcal fot'linj.{. f ce I totyald trtt-'nrbcls of othct' tality of Protostarrt, Catholic, and IIis onl."" collrtlcnt is st'lf.ccn- l,i,t',"i,,:;lli::ri:: faitlts, and so on, "l'll W 4 .Iolish crrlturcs in their offect on tct'cd: nlrvtl's rentcnrltcr a "Anttrt'iciln ,.--..,^.,ffiE the way of life." J'otl as tlrc onc that grli arvu1,." Spccificall)', Iltorie intet'vit:tvetl -..:'^"_.,'i...,.:f Citl ll('ll) Io;: 7,)t'ffiw- In thc second half of tlrc book. Scicncc l'r'cugrrizt's llrr: pst.cho. ti ru'erc askcrl altorrt tltcir Itcliefs p;tstols in tellirrg tltctn sourctlting tlrcy discuss sorrrc particular motl. path as a sick, inrnratul'c l)rrfson. roncerning tltc cxistettce o[ (iorl, ern U.S, casc stutlics: chulch- nlity rvho is not lcllll r'tsponsiblc J lis lovinrt I''athet'hootl, tlte cxis- 'l'r'inity, state rclationships. thc school trctl:11s,ltc1ll1r's stl|11 tencc of thc tltc divinity --T-'-.-]'i' rlucstion, thc cffcct of tlrc lg{iO of Clrrisl, thc cxistetrcc of ltcavctt clection. anrl ltcll, thc possibility o{ cxtcr'. The aulhors'prlint of lgree- nal danrnatiott. Iteu. [,ea A. I]retnd tucn[ is the grorving irtrpoltanee Again, they u'ct'c aslce


Assurnption plarrs "Free Pick"up Service" ann-rtal fish fry

'l'asty INDIANAPOLIS - footl anrl rvholcsonre ftrn rvill be servcd up toniglrt, .ttlnc 7, at thc annttal fish fry .sponsorctl by Assttntplion parish. Tltr: event bcgins at 4 Itaclioand'I'elevision p.nr. in thc school ltall, 1105 S. lJlainc Avc. Also on tltt: ntcntt rvill be french fries, slaw antl tNDrAxAPout AttA Rrdio-Sundry llakcd beans, ham sitndrviches txcrusrvr Sunday lclevision 6rl5 r.m.-Hour ol $f. tr.rncls ...... 9/KL0 EWrA anrl honrc mutle pies and cnkcs. @clrAr{rNc 8:30 a.m.-Chrisloptrers ...,....,.,.,.(l3l 7:45 o.n).-S,rcrcd lledrl ... ,...,,.. .WKl-N ?:00 a,nr.-Sucred lledrl ...... ,.... 8rl5 d.nl,-Sd(rcd lhd.l Hour ,,..,,.WllAS tncludctl in the e ntertainment Fur .,..{B) {): @':ri::il:r:I":,: sroragcancl r)ickup-.cL s 3r6l 10,00 a.rn.-llour ot St. froilcis .,..,,..(6) l5 d.n.-Your Callrolic Visilot ....lVllAS p.tn.-Sdcred lor young and oltl will bc a lancy lO:30 a.nr.--l nnr Willt You ,,.., -..,,.,(l3l 6.,15 lle0rl Hour ..,.,..WAX! p.nr,-Catholic 10,30 a.nt.-Look Up ail{l liye ..,. ,,...(B} 7,30 llout,.,...... IVAVE goods booth, tltc Pcrennial cottn' Mondry thru Saturdry Sundrt Radl! try storc, ham booth, PonY rides l0:45 r.m.-'lhrough for loday ...... WXYW 6:15 a.m.-Socred lleart .,.,...,,,.,WtSH 6r,15 p.nl.*Rolary ll0u. .,.....,,,...W|-RP for the kitldics, and a fislt Pond 8r30 p.m.*Avc Mdrid llouf .....,,.,,VJt0C lur3drt the fish reallY bite. 9:30 p.m.-Calholic llour wlrelc . .,.,....,.WlR€ ol New! p.m,-llour (rucif 7,30 o.m,-Morrl Side .. .. .WH \5 lOr30 ol ie(l , ,...... WlSC I'rocceds from the a{fnir will IIIOBItHEAT l0!45 o.m.-llour of Frnrrci! St...... ,WFlttui ntcHMo|tD ARIA hc ttserl for thc school intprovc' BUDGETPAYMENT PLAN l'f r00 lloon-Tribute lo fop{r Joho ,...W1G0 trdio-Srultdry 6rl5 t.nl.-.H0ur ol St. frdncii ...... WK8v mcnt Ittn(l. The Pttblic is cor' frldry lcdio "Our tundry invited. Oil IIettL,Can't lle [Jeut', 6:00 a.nr,-$acred llcdrt dially .,...,.,,,.,WtMs 7rl5 r.nt.-Socred |ledrt,,.,..,.....IVKBV /:30 s,m,-sJ[rc(, lle.]rl Uond.V thru frlday ,... , ,. ,. .. ,yy(BV .7r30.p.m.-lho thrlrlophil lrogrrn ytkfv itr45 llour .,.....,....W1R8 D.m,-Ro:ary 10130.p.n.-Avr Mrrir llour Wcltt! c0ltil:n3vtU.E AltA SAI.fM AFEA Presic[ent o Ecnquel Roonr tITZEtft{AN lrdio-tundry nrdio-.t!nd.v 12,00 p.m.-Socred Hoarl ..,....,...,WNCF 9:30 r.m,-Hour ot 51. froricir ...... WSLM r Fonily Enfroncc fs$d.y l.dlo tvAt{3vlu,r Ar:A 9:30 a,m,-Wcst Sddon Collcgr- r Sirrling Steok: Coal& Oil Corp. Suldry tcleviriotr Words aild Music .,...... WS[M " ll:30 t,m.-Chrisioollcrs .,..,,..,.,,...(t! e (hicken Iieep Irull S!t.utce,, Sxfl,BYVtttI ARtA S.turday tutrdry flrdlo r Seo food p.n),-llour .l'l5 ...... ,{t{} l2rl5 of Sl. frdncis ..,,..V/SVI t.nr.-Cr.do o Complele Menu lrdlo troqrrmr til,t cllY ArrA Sundr y I.dlo-Orllt 6,00 p.n.-lha Ro5ory . . . , , 6130 a.nr.-Avr 1,,\dri. tto(,r ...... V.rJlS .. .. ,. .. .WICJ 8:i5 a.m.-Hour ot St. Frdilcis ...... WE0A l.did-.3undry l:31 p,nr.-(olholic liour .....,..,.WG8F 7r00 a,m,-Sacrctj lr.arl .,..,.,,....9r112 7:15 o.n.-lha Chrislotrhcrs,..,.....WlIZ 7:30 d.nl,-llour of thr Cruclfird ....WlTZ 9:30 d.rn.-Ave ly\arl. Hour ,. . . , ,..,,WITZ I l:00 a.nr,-Sludcnls of W. Eaden ..,,WllZ rlrl5 a.nr.-Horrr of St, francis ,.....W|T2

lrdio-Sundry 7rl5 r,m.-lhe Chrislollhcrs ...... ,,UJIH1

Irfltt ltAUtt Arft Sundrt-Trlcvirlon 9:30 a.m.-Look Up and Liva ,,.,,WIHI.IV 9r30 a,rn,-lomp Unlo l,ly fc?l ...... (10] flrdio-$undrr A.M.,l,lON. TIIRU sAT. etostDSUNDAYS. l40l W, 30th Slreet a 8502Wesflield 8lvd., Norr 9:,15 r,m.-Rcligion .,....,,....,,,.WIH1 Rrdio-0rily 8r15 r.rn.-('alholic Hour .,...... WIH| THE CRITERION,JUNE 7, T963 PAGE NINE Acloration attcndancc 'i\\\rsssr;rlt$\!s,tsrrsrsart ,,,, Calendar i Tic Tacker (st:,ssss awards to be srsrssxi\sts$stlc FRIDAY,JUNE 7 The Annual Fish Fry at As. suurptionpar.islr bcgir;s at ,{ p.nt. on the sehool grountls, .l105 S. IllaittcAtc. Calr}' 0n1r.

St. Rito'r SoJJbegin"- at ri:ito D.nl. in tlre parish hall, l0th antl Alscnul-

NAMES lN THE NEWS-Silvot' .lubilarian Father Prul B. Goolec, pastor of Sl. Paul'r prrish, Sellelsbulg, has spcnt l7 of ltis 25 ycars priest Marvin Gudorf has as a in Clark County. r\nrl ltc likcs it. . . THURSDAY, JUNE 13 been named to leceivc the scholalship nrvat'tlerl hy Ilislrop Cltaltt'and Holy Angels Social begins tt 'l?ll PROGRESS REp0qTS tlouncil :117?. ('it1'. Ik' rvill rltcnd st. .foseph's Collcge, lterrs- Nocturnal rvill lrc {i::10 l).|lr, in thc school atrdi- given tluling the rlltrterly salaer. . . . Sister Mary Anthony, C.M,P,, tlattglttcr of Mr, and Mrc. be nrarle ntcet. toliunr, 28th and Nolthrvestcr.n. ine lry thc chair.rncn of thlce Jrmcr J. Crllahrn of Sl. Francir de Sales prrish, rvill have a six- lll. llosler, DCCTI projor:ts-the Latin Sehoot rlay visit honre bcginning,Ittnt: lt). r\ grflduate of the old Sl. John'r Acrdamy, shc is a nrt'r'rrbt'l of tlrc I'allottittc Ordcr of Ilutttirtgtolt, W. Va., and a gratlr schrxrl {t'aclurl in Snling Lakc, lliclr, Adilrcss of the Callahans is it{)?$N, :\rluttts Sl. . . . J. Herman Schauinger, an tndianapolis n;rtive ald fluthof (lf trt,o bor-rks on Catholic Itistory itt Kentucky, r'eceived lhe il-azat'etlt IIcdal of llct'it ft'our thc Sistct's of Charity of Nazalcth duling lcccnt corlllrlcncement exerciseg lhcre. 'fhontas lIe ls r professor of histor'1' at thc Oollege of St. in St" Paul, llinn. * Ncrvcst rricnrlrt'r of tltc prcsirlent's council antl board of ntlvisols at Brebeuf Prep School is Noble L. Biddinger, pr:csi- tlent of (lity Sccttritir:r (.'ot poraliott. ['opr.:'slast prayer

(tjolltinucd ft'ont pugc l) lrnd !ee1 kept lo,v in tftc Popr:'s lltt'ough the loudspcakels and last agony antl notv were tur.ncrl W""s'ltw,#"41 ecltoed tltrouBlt Fjt. Petcr's Srluare (lirrrrrcliIrrs trp as his 5orl1, rvns prcparc6 t. slale rvlrclc an Wol'lcl tnourns cstinratcd 100,000 $'erc reccivc the r.enr_.ration of t.hc lir.st 'llltr:y gatltet'etl. harl just finisIed Il]ottlners. 'fltc (t'olltlnue(l [ronl pn(c 1) gcttctal ltsscrulrll' rtlso l1t s{}l(.nnt ;t .{litss offerctl for Pope John on ['l'escnt itt lltc I'opo's rrtttnl itf l)t'{}l'ossiort lllt lllonlt'ltl (.'ar- Ir'Inrnrctl .silli capc. l.tchintl hirrr lrtovtts lltu lrttrlgel plrtpost'tl Iirt' the [r'ont stcps of St, Peter'r- of rlcatlt tt'cnr: ;ilJJ:ffff, 'l'urg- (,ricogltani. HERE AND THERE,.-St. Mary's Academy Class of 1I0,18reunion u'clc lhc mort lltln liO clt'tlirtals Ilrtr r'.tpcttsls of lltrt cuttt'littt' atttl basilica by Cardintl Luigi tlinal r\tnle to ltis Scc" )l,lS -- 'llltrst: I \ lllAN,\l'( Sister l,iliza- rctlt'1' rvill be held JuIrc 6 in tltt' llalotI llolel, lntlianapolis, prt-'sr:ttl. in ltotnc. r,vet'u autltorizt's issttattt't' of t'oitts irnrl Iia, the I)opc's Pro-Vicar.(lcncr.nl oI State: I]islrrrp r\lflotlo . . , r\s a rcsrrll. Letlt ol' tltc Sucrcr-l Ilualt,

llrt'ir .-r(lllr;rrrnivlrs:rfl ort Surrrlal', 'l'hlnksqivirrg ,,ltn(: l). r\ llass ol tt tll lrt, ollIr'r,rl irt :,.:;r) ;r,ttr. irt St. lllu) s t'lrrrr.r:h. 'l'ltc Zoellcls alc tlrr,p;trnnls of The Dearborn Gravel s.\vtrrnru s,\r'r,rlV six <'lrilrllt,n: ,l;rr.lr, ol r\r'ratla, i nrmQDEL ('llif.: ,lirn, ol ('l;1pl;;;fillo. n1111 Co., Inc. I .llolr, ol l\';rshirri{lort, I).(.'.; " * Rr.,n,r,ins* Masorrry l)lvc, [IIl tlDY MIX CONCllll'I'l:i' DiatBUtler 3-5688 | .lrrnic arrrl Sissir., ;rll o[ Ncw .* r Painling | Roofing i\ |ba n-r'. SAND_GRAVEL-FILL DIRT * siaino * wirinE Call*208._Call I100 TAXI, lnc. | A lt't:t';lliort u.ill bc lreltl at thr: * carpctttrY * Flooring Ncrv Allr:rrrr' (:outllf.v (.lltrll f r.orn 135W. Cour.rAve. | :l::t{} [{) ]-rlr.nr. No lirr.nral int,it;r- Jeffersorrvine,lnd. Lumber Co. tions lravc lrccn issrtctl, lFrederick l@ O\'cr ll{)Ycrtls Cotttiuuous !1601Spring St, 8U 3.6683 l{.w Alb.ny. I Phon"WH 4-2285 I .tu l'crvicc Jcffersorrville Ind, 8U.21394

HargoOil Company

Clcrtttr'rl I"l/tr'r'cti Gene's Bakery and Delicatessen TellCily Federal FISCHER'S FUEL OIL For MEN'S and BOYS' Spccktl Col;cs & Pusfrje.s MITCHELL OIL CO. Furniture and Appliancas C LOTH ING "1,'rt!/ttlrtilc llor'";,flilffiffi-"r S,& L,Assn, otttl illttylrtlT InCOLUMBUS,,.SsT 525Wrshinglon St. 379.4828 NrrD FUEL Olt? lJisIr'r{rirIur" NrrD 602 lloin Ph. Kl.7-1636 ilRES? 910 Mrin 5t. K | 7.2351 FR E E Scleen wif h Phone8R,5.574f TELLCITY Pulchrse ol Any Movic Western Aulo NATIONALBANK Associale Store "Drive.ln Servicc" "Lt:clyllrittll Banking lor tltc ..liilo" Russell's FREE PARKING TELL CITY and CANNELTON CameraShop, Inc. I\r trtttt i.:t, Louolctce JOECHRISMAN Palntni.re wH 4"6317 Our Dauby's Dept. Store ()ur Hardware & Electric Co. - .- ,.1r/t'r,r'ltst'ls Clothier 3 Slocks Off Mrin 2529Centrrl Av:. 379.4537 AURORA,INDIANA in Tell Cily Aduerliset's Puul l/. IIutrtt, CARPENTER'5REXALL DRUG STORES Pu.tronize Zoercher-GilliclcFunerol Home 5th& WASHINGTONST.-2t3t CENTRALAVE. Our Amhulance $ervice .-" Pltotre l)lrolriSnlrlrlrc:r * Suntlr.ics-- Gilts Phone 379-4427 l,r.r,-rr.rptrglls*- I)11!s -- Cosrrretiqs 372-7851 Ailuerlisers KI 7.15II TELL CITY, IND' THE CRITERION, JUNE 7, 196T PAGE ELEVEN

t Itarenls of priest Remember them in prayers Jlour to nrark jubilee

INDIANT\Ptll,lS-illr. and Nrs. ILrlv-v (leolgc J. Iloffrnan, Sr.., rvill cclc. brlrtc ilreir' 50tlr rvetkling unnir.cr- sflry on Saturday, Juno 15. r\ son, Rcv. Janrcs R, Iloffnran, assistant pastor of St. l\Ialy,s Chtrlch, Ilichnrontl, ryill oiier a illass of Thanksgir.ing at St. Joan o[ r\re Clrurch at ll:30 p.nt. on that tlatc.

lbllorving Ihc llass a reception for rtlatives anrl flicntl.s rvill be held at St. I,ius X K of C, ?150 N, t 0fA A. tYN(H, 79, St, Atatthew's Church. Kc-.r'stone, ulttil .l p.llt. No invi{.a- June l. Holy (rosr Cenretery. Survivor, tions u'ill bc issuerl. ncphcw, Robert B. --_- Lvnch, llcsides I.'ittht'r. lloffrufln, t nilNA l. l.ll!XE, 7.1, St. JarDrs thf Grcstrl thc (lrur(h, Parish List June l. lloly CrOss CCIletety. Suf. .jrrhilarians at.r. thc par-enls Indianapolis Shoppitg ttl vrvorr sisler, [\rs. A. R._fleitz. (ieolge, O O Jr'., antl John E. IIoft- rnarr. antl llls. llalold,I. f ltOSE l(tNNlNGIOil, 6t, St. PtritiF ltrfi Niessc. Lnurclr, . JUne I, St. Jo!rph Cent€lery. Sur. vrvors: wile, l_orelldi 5orr, Ca0l. Idwdrd R. - Xennin9l0rl. l,SA; hrOllrers, Anlltony Wnr. - A., J,, ind JdDreS W.; jislcrs, Mary 5tandish, lf arnong @ w grn(luatcs d - ruI St. Joselrhos Brown'g Service Slalion DAVIS GROCERY CO. ELDER'S Regional nreeting -a l?10 s. llAlolllcsl' Flower& GardenShop clf Grocrrlrt, Mraf5, fruif! & Vtgrlrbl!| Rli\SSlil.r\ltlt, _-,l.lrr.cc /R s..Yicc,Acc.ssotils, grkrrv CASI dnd CARRY Sp[Ct^t- lntl. Goodr 70.0_ U S 3l t{o.lh /fj::l'-T i{.rh. Boad srrti(e "wE - Greenwood, Ind. scheduletl stu

SCHWINN ElCYCttS 336.95 .nd u|'.-tarY lcrm -::T::"'l*l*ltl_-_l'_ orer) i';30 a.n. to 6 0.n1.--ClOsed Wcd, @ 4132 t. Mich'q.n 5t, fl 6.021? Furnaces - Air Conditioning - SHOP.RITE 2,1 ltr. Scrvicc WORTH'SMARKET ntloP SOUTHPORTHEATING torMrnY I 3H0?, & cooLtNG, tNc. lSlh I MoliI(AtM Mt, 1.5/011 W 4401 S. New York --..._-26!9$hcl!y tt,, Indplr.3, Ind. Only 1J.5, Good or {holct Brlf 0fflCtr 51 7.9439 NlItSr lU l.l50t * open 0aily ? A.f,t. lo l2 fJrd.Nite fr lfiondry'fhurrd!t. I !,m, lo 6 p.|n. lrd?pcndcnlly 0wnrd rnd 0t.rrtrd PAT'S COIN-OPLAUNDRY hlday, I to 8-trlurdrv. N lo 6 - and DRY CLEANING ffi PARKWAY PIZZA lnd,rn6rJ0lir' !srqesl (:oin'01) Dr0D 0ff Srrvlcc Clcaning rnd l,rurdry Dry Timc Al,cndrnt BRAUN A SCHOTT 0!livorv 6l Snrall (horce "Ih! ooen 2,1 Hrs.*7 Ddys @TI,ISTIFIEDADg@ Irrtiert PIZIA tycil,' VERA's REGALMARKET MARKET 5ll4 E. Micl.rigan Si, 5l0l tNGtlSH AYE,, rl lnrnon ft t{610 An InerpenriveWant Ad 1164w. 30lh$t. tYA,6'{{}6J 2106E. lofh sr. FL 7-t586 MONTE'S PIZZA Doesa Big Job * Fine Meats * (At Hrmllton) l7l2 f, Minncrolr Qurlily fruitt rnd veteldbitt I{O PA(XAGTMtAI - AI,T IIISii CUT CALL ME 5.453I * flrE ofl.|YIRY * - sT 4-lt47 * Shop!y Phon. fr.r Dcliyily * Ask for an Ad-Taker GAMBRALLPHARMACY ,Guaranleed To l,lcasc" {'lql l. Wrrhlncton ll. li .t_1111_* - - fL t^t670 ln/hnr2ollr Ino. - Wolfe ffi rRrf ?t€tcRtPItoNofl.tVERY Shelt Service Station frchor tlquort - Mont ordrn w Irlr r. mtcilgAtl - STAN'5 r lnAKI YOUR 0Wll PlRS0l'lAI c|oica frorrr our txp. Ltub, Ilrc. Ballcrt ldrgc sclcclion of SCliwllrN .nd RAl.flGll S.r% - W6$h.St|nohhr orcyclcs. SHELLSERVICE W * IrRVr(E CAU,S* Svpreme Bicycle Store ME t{05t "Srrvlng ItAXf rrd M0I0t tUHt-UP STRVICI lhc Southsido Since 190O" 5506.08M.di3on AY., Sr 5.t2{4 ClXlnAt(ll end $lArlltR ltPAlR WHTIT RATAIICI HIMMEL'S Terrace at Madison Ave. (hurthn.n I Frymond tt ,(.0040 PURE OIL

-----t,r*.rt,t ** ERAKI f,EPAIR GTNIRAIOR.NO M0TOS TUNT.UP ,,,^-**t ,till l. lortt tr. IRINO YOURPRTsCRIPIION TO U3 Wilh lh..ssur.rc. thrt it *lll DUGGERT.V. Br fllkd r'[xrclly r! Writtrn" TOT TENDERS SALES& SERVICE 5601 H. llllholr CL J.5tlt Adult lrhy titllr tAtts - tADl0 - Itttvtst0x - suRVrct Yr€.llon rnd Mrt.rnit! Safyi.r 3829 lrrnswor,hAv.. Cl{ ,l'8661 HOUR_DAY-WTTT W sT 6-0346

SCHULTZ SHOE REPAIR X766 N. Sherman Dr. 0r'l.hopedir:Work 8 6 0'rily.-8.5 Solutriry * HUEBNER'S REAL ESTATffi* W SHELLSERVICE 1422 ltrl tr,nth ttrr.t fl 74392 REALES'O"]I @ McKEANDDRUG STORE TOM rnd IIARRY 0.lco ,,your prrlsh Srtteri!s-Goodyerr llrtt LEON'STV ShopptngCrntct T',no,tlr-0rrko Selriro REI.!TS,INSURANCE PRESCRtPl|0H,StCx c00M r,rFFD$ Lron lloyrland c05f,1[Ttcs,f0Y5, GRt[ilil6 rAR03 - rAilItID $mVt(l ThomasA. WelchCo. .11" -':9:!:t 3: -_-_1.1'LL w 80{ Inland Blds. ME 8'6564 (HU . HaNcocK's RCHSCHOOI, HO'NE -flIAINTENANCE A StandardService K Conlraclors - Suppliers - Electricians- Carpenters ry t'Wherc Plumbers - - - tubricallon lt Morc fhan A Onrse Job' Plaslerers Painters Fencing /lrl rnd (ollrqr Ct.5.587f @ I lorrr 3.1,t'jrr,r. ho'r\t\ \!rlrr lifctll't.fs iil{, I - I lanrily roorrrr. 1'1'1q'i !.'.1Al\0 to lll5,c00. I (AN Geo.Moreland Co. Cook'sGlass & Mirror Co. w I wr InAot I Glass loor - All Klnds I O"n" Leak Realty,lnc, I wA3.6309 Miffors-llew and Refinirhcd CAPITOTGTASS w Any Kifld Gl.rr R€old(cd I rr. r.rtrr I * - Woodcroft Pharmacy To Rent Buy Sell AUIO GTAIS or T rade PATRICKMORIARIY, OwnI' BUYINGor SELLING COMPANY,INC. 9345 MAotSoll st. 6.18?l PRESTON'S o ExPTRI PRESTRtPTt0NStRVtCE Real Eslalo . QUAI"III DRU6S SUPERMARKET n00t, ,. tilcHAil,t O Store Fronls CALL I lhr flNltt NAMI In MIAIS rnd PRoDUCI O Furniture Topr i-;rrnrsi* JOSEPI{ H. ryw General Contraclor I' frcth Cul Cholc! Morlt MERIDIANMEAT MARKET AROUS m-- comptete o Window Glass t0ll ll. Xcyitont Phoir C! 3{t0l 2 or3 tlnorocnr,lullb5rl., corrr,act 180 n o' I Remodolings"."i." I i ir749 5. Mrrldirn 5t. lU. l.tt00 Inquirc | I | ,rr, ,;rr----;;l I ttlih.t.r (hesrlully oiy.n I treerat Proc,- Dcllcatcsscn cboul 29?5 N, Trcoma O Mirrors our Hio S. RICHLAND 6805Twirrbrooks Drive | | : tprc.-ComplEt.Sh0Doing frcllitirt home lradc. I I | I a 8cLlrooilrt,. s.ll on Srr t' .\r |,.\flr t,, ,.ns I crtt Ur- wA 3.25m li o Alsynite Fibre Glass @ in plon. I _coillr6rl, | | I t_ ll GeneLeakr.Realfy, lnc. Leat,.Re.rlty,lnc. ..-: O Bailey Glass Sliding - Gene r, MORAN'S I I I I I SUMMERSPECTAL li Doors lurnaca I Clooli,r! drid Retldirioq I I SranqarqServtce e,,"cJlti,,"",,L,', I Thermopane /"ffi \iq rtrelrdrlit I :itliililii",i'"i.,*.,I i - @ I Any furnacc Cleaned-iervlcll I I SPIVEY I A_ACME HEATING I I & cooltNG sPEclALrSrS I l: LEADED GLASS r@ Noom lulli Mr ..3086 o I | I I NO CLOSTNGCOST! I /litlcr llDlrb- | {rrurrrc trrrlir'l lgdtr. {.{,c'1,,,,\. a3'1'alrd I -l STAINED o6 ad. Ctlttln, GLASS t ' For a NEW or I l;v. tm., Irtaplice. lull ,"tt,t t I'attrr' I x Plumblnt, I ui""',r.t.i"'",1";i t "'i "" lurn rccr, Ilanrl.Pairtctl Spccial Dcsigrrs |,lvil,. l1',lln, l i';'i'.'l I G rrrflr, wooDs ELECTRTC TRADEDHome...l S0,UTl|P0RT'S il$ a I lr l\ladc lror Chulch Windon's I O'ConnorRealfy I triendly D Honrt f)orr 204 S. , I Audubon Roed I I I wA 5.1?64 vr 6.8719 (t 3-0s95| I ELFcTDta wrDtNa ll Clurlclr 1\'inrlorvs lir:pailcd Call Today! B E t PrtmaDta U {32 S. Missouri ME 5.1301 oI lndianrpolir Ll 7-5491 "A *, *. ^*r rr*rt" ea,,ffi* TI'lu Completc Sorvice" I I I lrrutitul, 8ii frm. llonrl I r l,l rucker l'55C1 I l.Bcdrms., l bJtrr!, rlod. lr'(lr. Hcr'se I I | ol R.V. Welch Assot., Inc. I rr Lr'.tt'ri cond Only 5i?,5CO. tow l-.H.\, I lrilrrs. fL 69555. I PATRONIZE I cr ti.l. rttrt'|. I THE Dcuclopcrs& liuildct's PATRONIZETHE #l I Chas,B. Campbell I 38th ADVERTISERS 8939E. St., Indirnapolir I a'rltrr i ADVERTiSERS PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION. JUNE 7, 1963 ]ITEET SENARITA'T,EJ'TY' Bolivian sttrdent takes For Fatheres llry . o o Fridoy, June 7-West Baden, to Hoosier hospitality Ordinations; Paoli, AN IDEAL AND Christ the LASTING GIFT FOR DAD King, ?:30 p.m. hopes lo see ht'fole fcturning to Salurday. June 8-West Baden. hel natir,e Jlolivia. rrench__Lick, Our l,cttf is onc rrf cight intelna. :O-1{gLions; tiolnl sturlcnts n'ho aLc conrlllet- [iA8 il{r Nrw inA a ycar's stutlf in thc Unitcd Wlnlrr Spln.t Slates as qucsts of Catholic fanr' ilics in thc Alchtlioccsc. Thc WinterSpinet Pianos "tfith allangrments wore rnatltr thlouglt lhrt 0rrnd fonr', tlre Intcrnational IIiglt Scltool Stu- MARION MUSIC CO dent I'r'oglarn of the National 106 s. Pil{HtttvAiltA (-'al.lrolic Welfare (bltfercncc.

Slrc arlrnittc

Falher Glerson Cutholic SupplyIlouse Inc.

tr'athcl Patlick J. Gleason, a WHOURS: I::F5 DAILY (!'z Block Southof Ayres) na{ive of Ncrvark, N.J,, rcatl his WEDNESDAY !:iGlt;ilt ME g-1416 I Iirst illass in St. llcncdict X, PENNSYLVAHIA AAE }9{29 Il9 S. Meridian Indianapolis ME 8-34t2 Chrrlr:h, llvattsvillc. IIe lras scrr.crl as nssistrnt pastor oI the lollorvinA palislre s: St. fllrallcs llor|ornco, llloonlin:1{on, ( 1038) i 'I'cllc [t]r,cningIurrcral VIass St. I'atlich's, Ilarrtt', 'I'he (1931)); Sl. l'lrilip Ncri, Inrlilrnap- otlrel strrrk-'nts resirling in olis, (1942) lnrl (l$,lti): St. the r\rclrrliocese inchrdr:: Ilicr trl;rri"s, (lreensbrrr(, (ll|,17), Itc. vi fcgc Anrllt,a I'ir,rrcci, from ltal.v, gucst JUNEIS THE is ex tcndcd tw{rcn 19'1,1 nn


EARt.Y LIFE OF POPE JOHN--ln these early pholos lhe fulure Pope .loltrt XXlll is shown as he sppeared on lris ortli11ation {ay, August 10,190d; in lhe uniform o{ o trredical sergeartt in llra ltalian arlry {uring World War I in l9li (the only lirne he worc a tnust.rche); anrl as lte looked on March 3, 1925, when l:ope Pius X I r'aisetl lrirrr lo lhr. orrircopale,

PARENTS Of: POPE.tOHN XXlll.-Thesr-. reploductiorrs of oil painfings show llto parenls o{ Popr Jolrrr XXlll. }lis rtrolher, Maria l\trtt,r Marrolt Rottc,rlli, tlierl at llro ar;r: of 96. l'1ir f.rlhcr, (iiovrnni lJalista Ronc,rlli, tlied al lhc aqc of 9ll. [)opo Jc,lur's I]itrcrll\ woro f arrrror s n{:r-}rlh{} lowrr of Sollo il Monir: irr t-,:lntblltly, ltaiy.

ENROUTF TO CONCI.AVN_., Clrelinal Arrgolo Roncalli, soon io lrc rrarrrcelPope by flrc Collcllt' of C.rrtlinals, is orr hir way lo.rl- lanrl a nrr.-elin<; of C.rrdinals shorlly before tlrc Corrclave which worrld clecl hinr Porrc Jolrrr XXlll. flc harl irrsl arrivr:rl fronr Vqricc followinq the

FORMAL PORTRf\lT-*This appcalin{r plroloqraph of Pope John w.rs lakctr oltlv a fcw tlortllrr br,'fore his de.rlh-