
't W0ftLuM0UR1f$ PoPEJ0llt xxru BULLETIN The conclave lo elect a successor io Pope John XXlll will open on Wednesday evening, June 19. Ballot- ing is scheduled to begin lhe next morping. VA'I'ICAN CIl'Y-'Ihc body of Pope .Iohn XXIII rvas carried into St. Petcr"s basilica along thc same roulc ovcr which thc Portiff hart been ttot'ne on his nortablc thloue niue rnonths earlier to opeu the ecttmenicai council. Despite ovelcerst skies, hundrcds of thousancls of Romans and visitors lillcd the vast scluare in front of thc basilica to pay tribute to tlteir belovcrl Pope John, rvho dietl on Pentecost l,lonelay evening (Junc 3) at 7:49 p.m. after four days of suffering. L,ong before the proce,ssion cmcrgerl (June 4) florn the grcat bronze dool's of thc apcstolic palacc at thc right oI r|||ilil1iltilllltiliit|illiit||||itilt||||||||||illll||illllli|||||Illl|||llIit||||||i|||||r||Iilllit|||||llIllIllIr||[i1ii Editor's Nole-A four.plge supplemenlconlaining stories and piclureson the life of PopeJohn XXlll is includedwilh this issue of The Crilerion, Also see lrlicler on Prge 2 rnd editorialcom" ment on Prge 4. the basilictr, thc pcople ltoarrl tlte sorrorvful IIT]CIIA[tISl'IC ORSIIR VAI\C U the Julian Choir. 'fhe rvorcls of the pcuitcntial Psalm, I\'Iiserele, carlicd "llave into thc scplare: tnclcy on rne, O fiocl, accorcling to thy gLcat mercy." HIS HOLINESS POPE JOHN XXIII The proeession fotrrretl in tlrc Royal llall of the \raticarr T.'hreedeuneries set 'fhc Palaca, Popc's borly rvrs brought dorvn ll'om thc lloor "scdiari." above on a bict' carlicd bv tlte thc men rvho llore thc prqial tlrlorre cluling Fope John's lifctirne. ,A CAUSE TO ilIOTJITI{' As thc proccssiou urovcrl slorvly ortt of the llronze tlools, the '['heir bclls of St. Pctcr's bcgan tlrcir luneral tolling, rlcep notcs "Citst rites minglcrl rvith the cltartt: utc not arvay lrom tlty lacc; and Christi joy Corpus takr: not the lloly Spilit florn ntc, Iteslore unto ttre tlte of Ilty stlvation antl str'cnglhcn ttre nitlt r pet'fcct spirit." Iteligious,civic leaders Cltt'isli Ilallies at'c Corpus THE PROCE55IQN rvas a spectacle of Rcnaissnnce beauty antl being planncd rvithitt titc ponrp. It was lctl lry :r squad o{ Palltirte (luar<ls wlto sct :t slol lntt next tcn days irt tltree tlean- rucasured pace. Next carnc {ottr Srviss Grtaltls itt uni{olnrs snirl to eries ai. thc Archtlioce sc. havc becu tlttsigrrctl lr.y tht: at'tist llnpltittrl. 'J'hesc (lcndarnres. work of thc spiritu:.tl oh- Pclpe Sponsors b]' uttt"..r of tlte Pityritl extoll rvcre follorvcrl tlre lohn's servancesh0noring the Ilalatirre (lrraltl of llonor, lhc Srviss tiuarrls ttul tlte Noble (luartls. the to mouln his passing fot no otre Illesserl Sar:ranrettt are uut of l;ronzc doors, tlte processiou Aftcr corrring llre lulnc<l ritllrt in oul tinre hus cxcltt,tl t grottel District Coturcils of Catltolic arrd rrxrvctl torvaltl thc obclisli in thc center of St. I'ctcr"s srlulrc, ittfluenct: for gootl than l'ope.lohn Men tn Indiartetpolis, New rvhcrc it turnr:d right agaitt itnrl urovcrl lolwitr<l to ctrtcl tltc nraiu XXIII. I{r'cn nort-Cirtholics hayc Albany anrl Tcll City. tloors of the basilica, Lrcen decpl-v itnpressccl lry ltis cver gr.r.iotts .rtttl kit,tlll' t'ccrp" The t'east ol Corpus Christi is Pcrrnission is grantcd tiorr antl his tlecll altpt'ccintiott of celcbratcd on the lirst Tltttrsday ,,,f,*,',:H:'ijf-i,,:;H""1,iJ,,;ll,i,jll,li"l;tl'li,,l;i:i,:li'il!J,i,,:lij:thcir coruntott Droblcttts, rfter Petrlccost. llclrind thenr cnnrc tlul sturlcnts of the Rornan Scruinary. Governor Matlhew E. Welsh- Sevcral thousand pcl'sionsarc for: cYcning Mass Nexl, in black and gold veslmenti, crme fhe celebrant of lhe expocteti to altend thc fCttchar- €eremony, Bishop Peler C. Vrn Lierde, thc Paprl Socristan, who Iloosicrs of itll laitlts joiu with istic devotionsin Inrliatlapolis,to laler imparfed rbsolulion lo the body rfter it wrs placed in St. Iionuru Llatholics tltlougltout tlte (iYO only on lrirst Ii'r'idays, oncc a he heltl at thc Sta(litlrrl,1502 Peler's. s'olld in uroulniuq the dcrth of rvcck rluling Lctrt anrl on special lV. l6th St., at 7 1l.ttt. SttntlaY, l)ope Jolur. IIls st'r'r'icc to pcacc, 0ccasl()ns. 'I'hc "tt,tr.olanti" Sclrullc*- June 9. llislrop rvas frrllou'ccl ll), tlto of thc papul pal. Archbishop to lrurnanitl', and to Itis F aith ace, thc urur rvho rvcal thc rcrl clintsott costuntcs rvitlt kncc bt'itcl:cs have carnorl lrirn tlte rcspt'cl, ntttl The celcbllnt will br: thc \ict'y \\Ic fr'cl tllill No at'c Yoicirtti llttt and rvho alc on tluty irr thc statc apaltrnents of tltc popcs, Ilcltinrl arlrrrilatiott of rtrt'tt of gootl tvill Ilcv. Iticlralrl I(avauaglt, V.If., sctttitttcttl ol' five lttttttltt'rl tttilliott 'l'hc evclyllrertr. rvot'kl has lost a pastor of St, llichar:l's parish thetn citrne llrc Klrigltts of Capc atul Sloltl irt blatrk vclvct ttltifot'nts Ontholics lltlotrgltottt {lttr rvltole Bishop Fichard C, Raines, head glcat religious Ieltltr. and rlern of thc Not'tlt Indiannp" with rvlrite ruffs. rvot'ltl u'ltt'n wt' say ilr;tt irt tlltr of the lndiana Area ol tho I'opt',lolttt X\lll' n't' olis rlcanu'v, 'I'ltcsc rlt'ath oI wctc follorvcrl by officials of lltc Vatit:al) cotrt't, irt<'lrrtlirrll Meihodirt Church_. havt losl unt' of tltt Al'oilttsl spir' Mayor Alberl Losche- 1\ls61r. Mario Nascnlli llocca (li Cotncliano, NIastc.f of lltc r\postolic ilttal lelttlols llrirt ltlrs lilt' gt'ltct'rl L-harnllet's. ilchinrl ltiln wct'c nrlrlitional rncnrltet's of thc Nolllc (itrltt'tl, tllc l()nrl litr,' trl l'otrliIfs, clatl itt black ittstca<l of the usual ct'itusolt, Alllrottglt lris ptttttificltle \\'illJ lclutivoll' sltot't. ltr' ltirs ltitrl it lt't" lll('ll(li)us itttPlrcl ttlron tltc tttotlt't'tt Pnpc'slast lr'ot'lrl. IIis gttirlitttt'tl illl(l pr{}' 'I'he lloullc(!lllr'tlts ltitvt' llct'tt Il sotll'ct] satne loutinc rvill be fol. of assrtLittt<rt'. irntl at titttcs a lorvcrl in tlrc Ncrv Albany and Tcll glcal ,io1' lo li(lrt ()tlr \\'ilJ' itt tlttsc (Jity Deancry obselvanccs. 'In praycr wiLs tlitls so lillt'rl rt'illr tkrttlll. ittttl ctttt' ('rrtlrttlic rvill fot'l lhousnnds knelt frrsion. l')tt't1' Wt-' can onll' ltopc tlral lris sttc' pctlo' As lhe body was borne lhrough lhe vast square, 'le.'{lt, lhc intpitt'l of lris lrtttl al" cr.ssor tvill follou'tltc llatlt I)o1le rlmosl as if lo receive fhe blessing of lhe Pope who four and a half tlrough sirrlrli';tt'tl ltv ltis tlt'tttist', ,lohn hits piortt'ct'ttl atttl cart'1- ntt yedrr ago had given it so gladly and freely rl lhe lirne of his elec" '.r'itt'ks rvill irr a spilil of l't'sit.ltlltlitittltt tht' ttoblc ltc ltas str cottt'- lion rnd eoronalion, (lotl's (iotl frrt' ls IIolr'\\'ill, tharrli allcottsll' lttrl.itttt. clll'clina havittg Irtctt lrittt trl tts tlttt'tltg Ittttnt--tlirtt'ly bohirtrl tltc ltotly s'ns (inrdinal I)aokr llat'clla, t\t'clt' thc past lt\'() )'oilrs, An:hbishop offcr:s plicst of thc Vaticart basilica, rvcnrittg thc cappn tttilHtlit, ittt cllltitltl' Fafher Joseph M' Shaheen, Paslor 'l'lrc SYrian Orlhodox (Continue([ on pngc g) rrolkl rtt lat'!te ltlts tlct'astott of St. George no[ ntulrcd Church-. Itecluienrfor Pope 'l' '['he \',\Tl(f ,\N f l'f \f --- lt r c tr carrsc of t]lrlis{ian llttitv chttrelttttctt tt'ltottt l'tlpc Jolttt hlrs lost its {fclttcst scl'rillll \\'i1h X\lll picliott to bt't'ontt' titt'tlitlitls tlrt' passittg of I'optr .loltrt NNIII. potttiff llttt't'r't'ttt's ilIt] l(rst lltoir ltrrts' E In his fov slurtt !t'ltt's as pcct tif joirtitt:: tlrt'('ollcgc of 'l'he = Itc llts (lottc tttot't' to sit'ctllltlten I'ontif['s last lrlca{h h'ccrl Pnpe's death ('lt'rlittirls i poses rrrllt Ilis tk';tllt. ihc hontls of llaslet'tt allltl \\'t'slorll hinr of lh(' a(ony rvlrich blorrght - iluestions ('hristeltrlrtttt tllitrt irt)r' ('llo sillLllt' lhc rvollrl lo lris sirlr: hy r:vcry E uls al lho cottsistorv r'l' {ltc It nran. Ilo ltas ertlightonetl pttlt' nrorlcrn meals of t:orrtrnrrnieation * llllch !tl, ltlti{). \fhcn ltt: rror'ltl of {lhlis{inns to tltt' propo' fol a fotrr'-rlly solrorvfrrl vigil. lisltotl thc ltittttts of st'r'ctl olltt'r = sil irrrr rrl rtttil]'. Nr) oslll'ossi{}ll rtcrv c:tt'tlittltls, lhilt l'ttpc 'Iohtr the ltoltts llttl Withirr urinutcs aftcr the I'opc's 3 council carr fLtlll'r'cflecl cltost'tt tltt'ce of the alsrl about ltatl future lte Lcvcalctl ('lrttl'ch lt:td 'l'hc dcath Vatican Rarlio announcud: € l,lastoln Oltlrorkrx "ill l( l't)l is itll ils pt't'st'ttI ofltr'rs Icttrr." By MSGR, JAMEs l. TUcEK ALTHOUGH il. is tt'rrc, itccott[- keep the rouncil rlive, it could l0 hr.irr!l tlrt'cottucil to rrlacotl otl lltt- rvorks of ltollt'.Iolttt "irt Itllilrn otlt) trtollttittg tltc (jltrrlch stlte' ol horv sa<l rro fecl at tht' knorvl- 'I'hc ing to tlrc pt'ttvisiotts of nol be laken lightly. brcitsi."-oi r;cct't't l1'. l)ope is tleatl! Long live q'111;qrthat ltt: rvas ttot ablc lo ctttll' Iaw, that thc cottncil dics rvitlt llttr {llrtt the l)ope! ll rvas lrirlhll' ptoltlhlc also plrtr: tlris gt't'at trsk, If a Ilrllttltt I'ontilf itlltlotltlces Itopc, tlrcrc wcfe tll:rtty ctlttsitl.
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