E Golden Rose Set Aside Lenten Pastoral National
est Catholic Paper U Notlting is more desirahle than that Catholic papers llnit~ ~tates should ha<ve a large circu Estahlished lation, so tnat e<veryone THE ,CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH may na<ve good reading." tober 22, 1831 , -PotJt Btnedict XV In Essentials, en til·.... Unit,; Non-Essentials, Libert,; in All Things, Charity. i============================~(1) VOL. LXXXXII No. ~ 10 CINCINNATI, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1923 PRICE SEVEN CENTS ~~~~~~~~7 ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cr~ MINISTER UNACCOMPANIED, BLIND CATHOLIC CHARITIES E GOLDEN ROSE til PAPAL DELEGATE PRIEST WILL VISIT EUROPE W. BOURKE COCKRAN AMSTERDAM Declar\ ~~ .Catholic Bible May Win Allotted Big Increase From the Detroit Community Fund. ni- ~ Protestants. Rev Theophllus Beusen, of Coving .\> Renowned Orator and Statesman Dies Proposed as Scene 01 Eucharistic Con be Conferred Upon Queen 01 Receives Warm Welcome at New ton, Ky, \\ ho has been stone-bhnd for [N C, W C. News ServIce) [N C W C News ServIce] 1\\ enty ) ears, wlll make a tour of ain by Pope. Archbishop London, Feb 21.-The possibihty of York, Distinguished Churchmen Northern Europe dunng the coming Suddenly Alter Celebrating Iris DetlOlt, Mar. 1,-Catholic chanties .gress 01 1924. This Year's Meet Protestants beIng blOught back to the Summer He will VlSlt BelglUm, Hoi and institutions affiliated in the Detroit Community Union and supported by ing 'Will be Held at Paris. Filippi in Audience. Bible by means of the revised version Greet Him at the Dock. land, Germany and France, and 'mil Sixty-Ninth Birthday. uet bemg prepated at the Vahcan, IS a make the entire Joutney unaccompanied the DetrOIt Community Fund have been al10tted $370,25426 m the budget for entnnent entertamed by Rey Chad b) any personal gtl1de Tlus will be hi s Stricken With Apoplexy.
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