Denver Catholic Register WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1976 VOL

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Denver Catholic Register WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1976 VOL Denver Catholic Register WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1976 VOL. LIV NO. 7 Colorado's Largest Weekly 40 PAGES 25 CENTS PER COPY The scene in the Sistine Chapel as the Cardinals prepared to elect a new Pope. I/Osservatore Romano photo VOCATIONS AWARENESS WEEK Dear Family in Christ: In the development of vocations awareness, however, the individual During the week of October 15, the Catholic Church in the United States Catholic fam ily has a crucial role. It is within the family that each of us first celebrates Church Vocations Awareness Week. Its purpose is to provide an experiences God’s unique and special call to follow His Son — for who will opportunity for Catholics of all ages to grow in awareness of their own minister to others, if not to father, mother, brother or sister? personal vocation to serve their brothers and sisters in the Church today. Together, let us pray during Vocations Awareness Week that the Lord Because the effectiveness of Christian ministry depends on our willingness may find faithful, dedicated men and women for His ministry among the to continue the Lord’s work. I invite every Catholic to participate in the people of Northern Colorado. Vocations Awareness programs offered through the parishes and schools of Your brother in Christ, < 4 the Archdiocese. James V. Casey Archbishop of Denver Our Priests and Family Ministry Page 3 i?' , T I - - t , r » I j 1' . > • ; < - Pag* 2 — THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER. Wad.. Octobw 11. 1978 AKCHBISHOF’.S OFFICE Deacons To Hold Convention 200 .lospphine .Street Denver. CO 80206 "Spirituality and Scripture" is the theme of the Fifth responsibility of bringing about within the community a Rocky Mountain Area Convention of Permanent Deacons confrontation between God's Word and the individual. O ffic ia l being held October 27-29 at the Bethlehem Center in The convention will offer talks and discussions on Broomfield. More than 170 deacons, their wives, priests, such topics as "Spirituality In and Through Ministry,” ARCHBISHOF' .lAMES V. CASEY and other interested parties are expected to attend. ■’Aspects Of Spirituality," "Spirituality and Health,” and Sunday. Oct. 15. 11:15 a m. — Greeley. St. Peter's "Spirituality and Scripture" is most relevant since at "Cross Cultural Approaches to Spirituality." Church. Concelebrated Mass. 75th Anniversary of the the deepest level of his ministry, the deacon shares in the The Keynote Address will be given by Father John Parish. Dinner to follow. Krenzke, O.P., who is presently preaching and teaching Wednesday. Oct. 18. 11:00 a.m. — Denver. St. Scripture courses for Adult Formation in the Denver area Thomas Seminary. Concelebrated Mass. Annual Seminary Alumni and Parish "Renewal of Faith” programs. Alumni Days. Luncheon to follow Father Krenzke has also made several retreat studies at the University of San Francisco and in Jerusalem. BISHOP GEORGE R. EVANS To Meet Oct. 17-18 Other speakers include Father Paul Wicker, pastor of Friday. Oct. 13. 12 noon — Denver. St. Dominic’s mg the Seminary. All Saints Church, Sister Helen Flaherty, Vicar for Church Leadership Conference of Women Religious. St. Thomas Seminary A reception will follow at Religious Women in the Archdiocese of Denver, Mrs. Sunday. Oct. 15. 2 p.m. — Wray. St. Andrew’s alumni from throughout the 6:15 p.m. in Bonfils Hall for Marie Sevier of Denver, and Father John Hatcher, S.J., Church. Concelebrated Mass and Confirmation. country have been invited to all alumni. Permanent Diaconate Program, Sioux Spiritual Center, Tuesday. Oct. 17. 12 noon Lakewood. AMC return to their alma mater On Oct. 18. the Archbishop Diocese of Rapid City, Cancer Research Center and Hospital. Clergy for a two-day visit on Oct. James V. Casey, of Denver The principal celebrant at the closing liturgy will be I.unch(!on. 17th and 18th. A program will be the principal the Reverend Msgr. William H. Jones. Wedne.sday. Oct. 18 11 a m. — Denver. St. Thomas will be presented to afford celebrant at the 11 a m. The convention will open with registration starting at Seminary. Annual Alumni Meeting. Concelebrated alumni the opportunity to liturgy, followed by a 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 27. The general chairman will be Mass. learn about current seminary programs, future luncheon honoring retired Nathan Coursev. deacon. Blessed Sacrament Parish. programs and to visit Bishop Hubert M. .Newell of For more information, inquiries may be made to the with old friends. the diocese of Cheyenne, and Office of the Permanent Diaconate, Catholic Pastoral The prograjBi beings on the golden and silver Center, 200 Josephine Street, Denver, Co. 80206, or by Charismatic Oct. 17 at 4:00 p m when the jubiliarians will be honored calling the Center at 388-4411, ext, 217. rector, Father Paul L. Golden. C M., and the deans of the seminary will be Renewai Set available to answer ques­ A day of renewal will be held Oct. 15 by charismatics tions from alumni concern- in Uie at Spirit of Christ church. 7400 W. 80th Ave. in Arvada. Famiiles Can The renewal day. with the theme "Reconciliation." is Help Students sponsored by the Servants of the Lord, composed of Are you the kind of person charismatic prayer group leaders under the leadership of The International Student Bethlehem Father Anton Borer. Father Borer is Exchange Program, in as- Archbishop James V. (Casey’s liaison with charismatics in •sociation with Intercambio w ho should invest the archdiocese. Internacional De Estudiantes, A C , is now- The (lay will start at 1 30 p.m. with a prayer service. receiving applications in municipal bonds At 2 p m . Dominican Father Robert F’opovich will give Families who can host a the keynote talk on the theme of reconciliation. boy or girl (age 12-16) from A Eucharistic celebration is schedulcxi for 4:30 p.m.. w ith Dosworth Sullivan? .Mexico may now apply for with Father David Sobieszczyk. pastor of Spirit of Christ, the winter program. as celebrant. November and December The Northglenn prayer group will provide the music. Interested families There will be babysitting and activities for children The answer please contact: Howard and at the renewal day. Shirley Johnson 667-2564. Further information can be obtained from Father Loveland or Lorraine lies behind this door. Borer at the Bethlehem Center. 451-1371. or from Dennis Schumacher at 343-7254. Wedig. 452-1259. Aurora. It depeniJs on your tax better those municipals begin SifUQMOn to look. For exam ple if you re Of course, there ore other retired and no longer in o factors to consider, too. high fox brocket then Duf the point is thot, os perhops municipals oren f with most investment for you situations, there isn't usuolly But if you're currently in one cut-ond-dried onswer your peak earning years which fits everyone. and need an income tox Which is why you need shelter, m unicipals m ight the odvice of investment be just the ticket professionals. Decouse if Uncle Som is Like the ones you'll toking 40% of your find behind the door to earnings, o municipal your nearest Dosworth with a 6% yield gives you Sullivan office. o return equol to thot of o foxoble 1 0% dividend. If you're in the 50% tox brocket, thot 6% is equol Denver: 950 Seventeenth Street to 1 2% toxoble 14 odditionol offices In sum, the bigger the throughout Colorodo. bite Uncle Som is toking Wyoming, Idaho ond Utoh. out of your income, the Dosvopm SULLI\AN DIVISON Of C^^M KALMAN Cj (PUAH INC m e m k h n e w YortK s t o c k e x c h a n g e Helping people invest in the West And the World THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER, W»d., October 11,1978 — Page 3 Parents and Children Told: 'Waste Time Together' World By James Fiedler can be there to listen and to encourage and to bring con­ Register Staff cern and compassion; we can serve them by bringing the Parents and children should “ waste time” together presence of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ to their as a family, a lay theologian told the Presbyterate, the solution-seeking process.” annual meeting of Archbishop James V. Casey and priests News in the archdiocese. Consumerism Love and friendship. Dr. David M. Thomas told the Dr. Thomas told the priests that one of today’s priests, have “ to be nurtured . or they die.” greatest “ counter-Christian attitudes is consumerism.” (Compiled from NC News Service) But for some people, he said, that nurturing seems Too many, he said, believe that the “ health of family life “ so non-productive . it’s like wasting time” for them. is proportionate to what we own . where we live . We But Dr. Thomas, associate professor of theology at are being victimized by the media . Teen Pregnancy Bill Passed St. Meinrad’s Seminary in Indiana, insisted that from “ We still call success money . You must have the The Senate has passed a bill to provide services to time to time family members should “waste time capacity to buy whatever you want whenever you want prevent teenage pregnancies and to help pregnant together” . to play with each other . it.” teenagers deliver their babies. “ They need to sit down together and talk about what’s So many families, he said, “ are working themselves The bill would create a new program to help fund most important in our lives’ .” ' to the bone to get something . They’re working comprehensive centers to provide family planning in­ Challenge themselves to death. ’ ’ formation, sex and family life education and health But Dr.
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