Research Report 2006/2007 Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig Editors: D. Yves von Cramon Angela D. Friederici Wolfgang Prinz Robert Turner Arno Villringer Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Stephanstrasse 1a · D-04103 Leipzig, Germany Phone +49 (0) 341 9940-00 Fax +49 (0) 341 9940-104
[email protected] · Editing: Christina Schröder Layout: Andrea Gast-Sandmann Photographs: Nikolaus Brade, Berlin David Ausserhofer, Berlin (John-Dylan Haynes) Martin Jehnichen, Leipzig (Angela D. Friederici) Norbert Michalke, Berlin (Ina Bornkessel) Print: Druckerei - Werbezentrum Bechmann, Leipzig Leipzig, November 2007 Research Report 2006/2007 The photograph on this page was taken in summer 2007, During the past two years, the Institute has resembled a depicting the building works at our Institute. It makes the building site not only from the outside, but also with re- point that much of our work during the past two years gard to its research profile. On the one hand, D. Yves von has been conducted, quite literally, beside a building site. Cramon has shifted the focus of his work from Leipzig Happily, this essential work, laying the foundations for to the Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research in our future research, has not interfered with our scientific Cologne. On the other hand, we successfully concluded progress. two new appointments. Since October 2006, Robert Turner has been working at the Institute as Director There were two phases of construction. The first results of the newly founded Department of Neurophysics, from the merger of both Institutes and will accommo- which has already established itself at international lev- date two new Departments including offices and multi- el.