100Th Anniversary of the Founding of Bauhaus Come to Bauhaus! –The Basis of Education in Art and Design
100th anniversary of the founding of bauhaus come to bauhaus! ―the basis of education in art and design― July 17 ― September 6, 2020 List of Works Notes *denotes related materials. [D] = design, [P] = product, [PM] = product model, [M] = model, [RP] = remake / reprint / reproduction, [orig.] = original [blank] = Misawa Homes Co., LTD., [MOMAT] = The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, [UMOA] = Utsunomiya Museum of Art, [Private]=Private Collection, [KCM] = Kawasaki City Museum, [TOP] = Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, [TUA] = Tokyo University of the Arts, [SYC] = Shimada Yasuhiko Collection, [MAU M&L] = Musashino Art University Museum & Library, [KHP] = Kamakura Heritage Project no. artist title year collection I Bauhaus as a School Walter Gropius (text) Lyonel Feininger 1-2 Program of the State Bauhaus in Weimar a.k.a. the Bauhaus Manifesto with an Illustration of Cathedral 1919 (illustration) 2 Walter Gropius Program of the Bauhaus Weimar/Curriculum and Teachers 1922 3-1~4 W.Gropius, L.Moholy-Nagy, ed. Bauhaus Magazines bauhaus 1, I, 1926 1926, 1927 3-3b Bauhaus Magazines bauhaus 3, I, 1927 1927, 1976RP W.Gropius, L.Moholy-Nagy, ed. Cover Design: 3-5 Bauhaus Magazines bauhaus 1, II, 1928 1928 Herbert Bayer 3-6, 7 Ernst Kallai, ed. Cover Design: Herbert Bayer Bauhaus Magazines bauhaus 2/3, II, 1928 1928 3-8~11 Ernst Kallai, ed. Cover Design: Joost Schmidt Bauhaus Magazines bauhaus 1, III, 1929 1929 3-12 Ludwig Hilberseimer, ed. Bauhaus Magazines bauhaus 1, IV, 1931 1931, 1976RP 3-13 Josef Albers, ed. Bauhaus Magazines bauhaus 2, IV, 1931 1931 3-14 Wassily Kandinsky, ed. Bauhaus Magazines bauhaus 3, IV, 1931 1931, 1976RP 4-1 Walter Gropius International Architecture Bauhaus Books 1 1925 4-2 Paul Klee Pedagogical Sketchbook Bauhaus Books 2 1925 4-3 Adolf Meyer, ed.
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