
FMR 27 Comprehensive Reproductive Health in Crises 71 n gender-based violence: medical sexual and reproductive health from the field, highlight advocacy response and referral. centre in Nairobi to build the and policy experience and clinical skills of partners. communicate research findings. The CRHC Programme is implementing these important n Emergency fund: CRHC manages We welcome comments and feedback, services through: a fund to enable rapid response and look forward to your involvement to RH needs in emergencies, as we embark on this critical journey. n Advocacy: CRHC will including natural disasters. facilitate widespread support Therese McGinn (tjm22@columbia. for comprehensive RH in n Research: In collaboration with edu) is CRHC Director at crises. CRHC works with UN leading research institutions, Columbia University. Samantha agencies, international bodies CRHC will identify research Guy ([email protected]. and humanitarian agencies, priorities and develop a uk) is CRHC Deputy Director at governments and private programme of operations Marie Stopes International. donors to influence the policy research. The findings will further and funding environment. strengthen the evidence base for For further information about the the provision of comprehensive programme, please register on the n Technical assistance and support RH in crisis settings. CRHC website (www.crhcprogramme. to partners: CRHC provides org) to receive our regular e-letters. assistance to partners to support The CRHC Programme is committed programme development, to facilitating the dissemination of 1. www.mailman.hs.columbia.edu/popfam/index.html 2. www.mariestopes.org.uk identify training needs, research and programme findings. 3. www.womenscommission.org carry out monitoring and The CRHC website will contain 4. www.unfpa.org/emergencies/manual evaluation activities, identify technical resources, programme 5. Inter-Agency Working group on Reproductive Health opportunities for collaboration, updates and links to other useful sites. in Refugee Settings.Reproductive Health Services for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Geneva, 2004. and coordinate research. Updates of activities and findings will www.rhrc.org/resources/iawg be published in professional journals. 6. Therese McGinn, Sara Casey, Susan Purdin and Mendy n Clinical Training: CRHC Marsh, ‘Reproductive health for conflict-affected people: combines on-site training There will be a CRHC Programme policies, research and programmes’, Humanitarian and follow-up with clinical update in each issue of FMR, Practice Network, Overseas Development Institute, May 2004 www.odihpn.org/documents/networkpaper045.pdf training at MSI’s comprehensive which will present lessons learned Displacement and difference in by Aurelia Wa Kabwe-Segatti and Loren B Landau

who deserted Mobutu’s army in the Signs on the outskirts of the second largest city in the mid-1990s were assisted in Camp Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) welcome visitors Uilo in , approximately 300 to ‘the city of peace’. Lubumbashi has a reputation as a km away from Lubumbashi, tens haven of tolerance in a violent nation but how are displaced of thousands of IDPs from across the country’s war-torn east sought people treated? protection and aid in the city itself. The first IDPs to arrive came from For people from eastern Congo who in a city that he conquered early , a city near have lived through more than a in his successful campaign to oust that experienced at first hand the decade of violence, the city – located Mobutu Sese-Seko, the despot who brutality of the militias who have in the vast country’s far southwestern ruled DRC for over three decades. killed and displaced millions of corner – offers an undeniable allure. Congolese. Those from Kalemie were The copper-mining city serves as the Kabila’s movement, the Alliance soon followed by people from the capital of the relatively prosperous des Forces Démocratiques pour country’s more northern provinces: and has escaped la Libération du Congo (AFDL), Equateur, Province Orientale, the direct effects of the country’s civil began its rebellion in 1996 by Ituri, the Kivus and . wars. Laurent Kabila, the assassinated dismantling Rwandan refugee camps former president whose son won on the eastern border. Kabila later In a migrant labour system DRC’s first-ever democratic election established the Commissariat à la inspired by the South Africa in November 2006, invited war- Réintégration to assist both soldiers model, mineworkers have long affected people to find protection and displaced persons. While soldiers been drawn from across Congo 72 Displacement and difference in Lubumbashi FMR 27

(especially Maniema and Kasai to block assistance – at times using machetes – but most have accepted Provinces), and what is now , subterfuge by registering relatives as the kit and then remained in Malawi, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, IDPs in order to collect food rations. Lubumbashi.3 Many of those we , Mozambique and .1 The mayor remains hostile, regularly spoke to indicated they are likely to Compromised by this diversity, using pejorative terms like uchafu stay in Lubumbashi for the long term the city has developed a rhetoric (dirty) or mbalimbalikuja (those who although some plan on returning of tolerance and inclusion that is a have come from far away) to describe home if conditions improve, while proud part of its ‘Lushois’ identity. and dissociate IDPs. A local politician others dream of resettling to Zambia, In line with these principles, urban is reported to have banned locals South Africa or even outside Africa. sites designated for IDPs’ settlement from marrying displaced women, and assistance were located in the alleging they are responsible for The central government in heart of the city’s residential areas. bringing HIV/AIDs into the city as has created a specialised agency The majority of the city’s IDPs soon a result of having been raped by to assist people displaced by the found shelter with members of their Rwandan soldiers, government troops war but local politicians have not immediate or extended families or mayi-mayi militias in the north.2 The supported the initiative. Many urban that had already settled in the city. governor of Katanga has also accused IDPs and refugees live without IDPs were encouraged to organise IDPs of disturbing the province, an direct humanitarian assistance. politically in order to articulate unfair charge from a man widely their interests with the local and held to have close relations with The profile of IDPs rose in 2006 as national governments and in 1998 the mayi-mayi militias originally ambitious politicians became keen formed the Comité Provincial des responsible for the persecution and to secure their votes; one candidate Personnes Déplacées de Guerre. displacement of many of those who even undertook his own IDP census have sought refuge in Lubumbashi. in order to boost his electoral Rhetoric and formal policy suggest chances. IDPs have still not found a a progressive and inclusive city, yet IDPs report daily discrimination, true champion, however, and now Lubumbashi has a repeated history chastised for speaking grammatically the election is over they continue proper Swahili instead of to face ongoing discrimination Lubumbashi’s distinctive Swahili and political scapegoating. IDPs … continue dialect and abused by local Lushois to face ongoing who are not themselves eligible Aurelia Wa Kabwe-Segatti (aurelia@ for aid distributed by the World ifas.org.za.) is Research Director of discrimination Food Programme or other relief the Institut Français d’Afrique du and political organisations. There is also tension Sud in Johannesburg. Loren B Landau between groups of IDPs. Jacques ([email protected].) is scapegoating. Kabulo, formerly the provincial Director of the Forced Migration secretary of the IDP committee, Studies Programme, University of reports that the IDPs who first the Witwatersrand, South Africa of sometimes violent xenophobia arrived in Lubumbashi from (www.migration.wits.ac.za). against both IDPs and long-term Kalemie tried to exclude other residents with origins elsewhere IDPs from services and land. Research for this article was done in Congo – particularly those as part of an ongoing comparative from the country’s Kasai Province. Former hosts who have been project on displacement and Zambians have lived in the Congo negatively affected by the city’s urbanisation conducted in for generations but few have become economic crisis have also tired of collaboration with Joseph Kanku Congolese citizens or learned to hosting IDPs. In some instances, Mukengeshayi and Donatien Dibwe speak French, instead using Bemba, a they have asked IDPs to leave their dia Mwembu of the University language spoken on both sides of the homes, violating traditional norms of of Lubumbashi. We are also border. Moreover, almost none of the hospitality and generating ruptures grateful for the cooperation of Zambians have Congolese citizenship. within extended families. Many IDPs Jacques Kabulo, former provincial report trouble accessing health and secretary of the IDP committee. education services. UNICEF provided Discrimination against IDPs textbooks for a new school for IDP A fuller version of this article is children but the government failed online at: www.fmreview.org/ In discussion with IDPs in to pay the teachers. Since many pdf/kabwe-segatti&landau.pdf Lubumbashi, we heard that when IDPs cannot afford school fees their the first trains carrying displaced children remain out of the classroom. 1. For more details, see D Dibwe dia Mwembu, Histoire des Conditions De Vie Des Travailleurs de L‘Union Minière du people organised by the government Haut-Katanga/Gécamines (1910-1999), Presse Universitaire arrived from Kalemie, the city’s Formal IDP settlements were closed in de Lubumbashi, 2001. mayor not only immediately relocated 2001, obliging most IDPs to survive as 2. For an account of the current situation of HIV-infected them to Kamalongo but prevented best they can in the informal economy. IDPs in Lubumbashi, see ‘RDC Survivre au viol et au déracinement’, www.irinnews.org/FrenchReport. IDPs from getting the food aid to Small numbers have returned home, asp?ReportID=7067&SelectRegion=Grands_ which they were entitled. Although receiving only token support from lacs&SelectCountry=RDC the IDPs were later resettled in the the government and Jesuit Refugee 3. According to Faustin Kitenge Katoto in July 2006 there city, there have been repeated cases Services – a $50 grant and a departure were 26,000 IDPs in Lubumbashi. Information sent by where local elites have attempted kit of cooking pans, blankets and email 21.08.2006.