
EXPERIMENTAL and MOLECULAR MEDICINE, Vol. 38, No. 4, 333-347, August 2006

Microglia, major player in the : their roles in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease

Yoon Seong Kim* and Tong H. Joh Introduction

Department of and Inflammation is the first response of our body’s im- Weill Medical College of Cornell University mune system to pathogens or irritation. Inflammation New York, NY 10021, USA is a two-edged sword. In acute conditions, it protects *Corresponding author: Tel, 212-746-4505; tissue against invading agents and promotes Fax, 212-746-8276; E-mail, [email protected] healing. On the other hands, when chronically su- stained, it can cause serious damage to host’s own Abbreviations: A , ; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; tissue. While the CNS has been known as an -MSH, alpha-melanocyte stimulating ; BBB, immune privileged organ, increasing evidence de- brain barrier; COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2; IL-1Ra, IL-1 monstrate that inflammation is actively involved in antagonist; iNOS, inducible ; LBP, LPS- pathogenesis of a number of neurodegenerative binding protein; MMP-3, matrix metalloproteinase-3; MPTP, diseases including (MS), Alzhei- 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine; MS, multiple scle- mer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and rosis; NADPHO, NADPH oxidase; NFTs, neurofibrillary tangles; NF- B, nuclear factor B; NO, nitric oxide; PD, Parkinson’s HIV-associated (Raine, 1994; Banati et al., disease; RAGE, receptors for advanced glycosylated end- 1998; McGeer et al., 1988). Chronic inflamma- products; SN, ; Tlr4, toll-like receptor 4; tPA, tion-mediated tissue damage can be particularly tissue plasminogen activator; VIP, vasoactive intestinal peptide harmful to the brain, since are generally irreplaceable. , presenting brain immune cells (or ), are the innate im- Abstract mune components in the CNS . Under normal condition, they may sentinel the CNS Inflammation, a self-defensive reaction against parenchymal integrity. Activated microglia at the site various pathogenic stimuli, may become harmful of inflammation change their morphology, express self-damaging process. Increasing evidence has increased levels of MHC and become linked chronic inflammation to a number of phagocytic (Hayes et al., 1987; 1988). They release neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s inflammatory that amplify the inflammatory disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and multiple response by activating and recruiting other cells to sclerosis. In the central , microglia, the brain lesion. In addition, microglia can release the resident innate immune cells play major role in potent , which may cause neuronal the inflammatory process. Although they form the damage. Sustained overactivation of microglia has first line of defense for the neural parenchyma, been observed in multiple neurodegenerative di- uncontrolled activation of microglia may directly seases. In the following review, we mainly discuss the microglial activation and its implication in the toxic to neurons by releasing various substances pathogenesis of PD. such as inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6), NO, PGE2, and superoxide. Moreover, our recent study demonstrated that activated microglia pha- Unique immune properties of the central gocytose not only damaged debris but also nervous system neighboring intact cells. It further supports their active participation in self-perpetuating neuronal is an important process in the damaging cycles. In the following review, we discuss which links innate immunity to microglial responses to damaging neurons, known adaptive immunity. This process involves APCs ca- activators released from injured neurons and how pable of engulfing foreign pathogens, processing microglia cause neuronal degeneration. In the last and presenting antigen in the MHC molecules on the part, microglial activation and their role in PD are cell surface. Antigens on the surface of APCs are discussed in depth. recognized either by CD4 or by CD8 T cells and they become fully activated only when receiving addi- Keywords: inflammation; microglia; neurodegenera- tional co-stimulatory from APCs. While most tive diseases; Parkinson's disease; ; peripheral tissues are supported by immune sur- stromelysin 1; superoxides veillance coordinated by T cells and APCs such as 334 Exp. Mol. Med. Vol. 38(4), 333-347, 2006 and dendritic cells (professional APCs) (CD45high). In contrast, the levels of CD45 of paren- or B cells and certain stromal cells (non-pro- chymal microglia are relatively low (CD45low). Iso- fessional APCs) (Mellman and Steinman, 2001), lated these CD45high CNS-associated cells showed such sentinels seem limited in the CNS. In fact, to activate both naïve and primed CD4 T cells even allografts were demonstrated to survive longer than more efficiently than CD45low microglia isolated from those on other tissues (Barker and Billingham, the same (Ford et al., 1996; Carson et al., 1977). The blood brain barrier (BBB) consisting of 1998; 1999). endothelial tight junction, parenchymal basement membrane and glial limitans of , restricts the passage of plasma proteins and the immune Microglia: the immune component in the components such as lymphocytes, and CNS parenchyma complements. Furthermore, the CNS was to lack of conventional lymphatic drainage. It was The initial definitive investigation of microglia was reported that a number of anti-inflammatory sub- carried out by del Rio-Hortega early in the 20th stances such as TGF- , Fas ligand and , century. His intensive research described microglia which inactivate or kill immune cells (Becher et al., as a distinct cell type in the 1998; Benveniste, 1998; Irani, 1998; Bechmann et with extensively branched morphology and close al., 1999; Gozes et al., 1999; Pender and Rist, 2001; contact with neurons and astrocytes. He also show- Vitkovic et al., 2001). Increasing reports, however, ed that the cells changed their morphology drama- demonstrate that some degree of immune surveil- tically upon severe brain injuries such as stab lance of the CNS exists and is crucial to prevent wounds and that they migrated to the lesion site, disease development. For instance, some latent proliferated and phagocytosed dying cells and other such as JC or varicella zoster produce debris (del Rio-Hortega, 1932). Microglia comprise clinical syndromes mainly in immuno-compromised about 10% of the total glial population in the CNS individuals. MHC and co-stimulatory molecules are parenchyma (Perry, 1998). Regarding the origin of strongly increased in CNS and a number of microglia, the most widely accepted hypothesis is CNS pathologic conditions, including , neo- that they migrate from yolk sac to the CNS and plasm, traumatic injury and neurodegenerative differentiated into microglia (Alliot et al., 1999). diseases such as AD, PD, MS, HIV-dementia and Microglia, however, are not readily differentiated Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (Maehlen et al., 1989; from -derived during adul- McGeer et al., 1993; An et al., 1996; Graeber et al., thood, suggesting they derive from different mono- 1998; Perry, 1998; Dorries, 2001; Piehl and Lidman, cytic leanage (Hickey et al., 1992; Becher et al., 2001; O’Keefe et al., 2002; Owens, 2002). Recent 2003). Microglia are important to the normal de- evidence has implied that the CNS equips itself with velopment of the embryo. Overproduced neurons a unique defense system with its own molecular and destined to die by are cellular components despite sharing certain pro- thought to be removed by microglia that display an perties with the peripheral immune system. immature, nonramified morphology. After the com- Cellular components involved in the inflammatory pletion of the CNS sculpting, microglia fully di- response associated with com- fferentiate into a ramified resting state. The function prise mainly two parts according to their location: of resting microglia has not been fully elucidated, but resident cell types in the parenchyma such as astro- they may release low levels of growth factors that and microglia; CNS-associated cells, phago- support the survival of neurons and glia. Recent in cytes characterized as macrophages and dendritic vivo imaging studies demonstrate that microglia cells based on molecular and functional phenotype. actively monitor the CNS parenchymal environment They have been recently identified in compartments by continual movement of their fine processes in the associated with the CNS, such as the Virchow-Robin healthy brain (Nimmerjahn et al., 2005). In the (perivascular) space, the leptomeninges, and the cortex, microglial processes and protru- choroids plexus (McMenamin, 1999; Serafini et al., sions directly contact to astrycytes, neuronal cell 2000; Fischer and Reichmann, 2001; Williams et al., bodies and , suggesting close com- 2001). CNS-associated cells are continuously re- munication each others (Nimmerjahn et al., 2005). plenished by bone-marrow derived cells (Hickey et Upon focal stresses, microglial processes extend al., 1992; Bechmann et al., 2001). Under various toward the injured sites and shield the injured area pathologic conditions of the CNS, they are activated from the healthy tissue. It is also suggested that ATP and increase numbers. They constitutively express released from the damaged neurons or astrocytes high levels of MHC II, CD11b, co-stimulatory regulates microglial process dynamics and rapid molecules and leukocyte common antigen CD45 response towards injury (Davalos et al., 2005). The role of microglia in progressive neurodegenerative disorders 335

These results indicate that they form the first line of integrity of the CNS parenchyma is disrupted, defense against and play a role in microglia are rapidly activated, probably as results of maintaining the microenvironmental by both loss of inhibition by neurons or direct activation removing dead cells and microbes and by sup- from neurons (Figure 2). The signals involved porting damaged neurons. However, by excessive in microglial activation will be discussed in detail releasing of substances which may be dangerous to later. cells, microglia might contribute to neurologic dis- orders (Streit and Kincaid-Colton, 1995). Overall the effect of microglia may depend on both pathologic Antigen presentation by Microglia conditions and severity of injuries. Microglia are the only resident cells in the CNS that have the capability to mediate immune responses. Neuronal control of microglial Their antigen presentation in vivo has been de- quiescence under normal conditions monstrated both in the normal brain and inflam- matory conditions caused by LPS injection, neuronal Recent studies have showed that neurons suppress damage or MS lesions (Andersson et al., 1992; microglial activation in coordinate with astrocytes Shrikant and Benveniste, 1996; Krogsgaard et al., under normal physiologic conditions of the CNS. A 2000). To fully activate T-cells, microglia are requir- , CD200 expressed on the surface of ed to express HLA/MHC with members of the B7 neurons, keeps microglia quiescence by enga- and/or CD40 families, the co-stimulatory molecules. gement with its receptor on microglia (Hoek et al., The expression of B7-1, B7-2, B7-3 and CD40 2000). In CD200 knock out mice, microglia were mRNA are shown in microglia, and are up- spontaneously activated as determined by increased regulated by GM-CSF. Cytokines and growth factor- CD11b and CD45 as well as by loss of their ramified mediated regulation of these molecules have been morphology (Hoek et al., 2000). Electrical activity demonstrated. A MHC class II molecule is important and soluble factors released from intact neurons to antigen presentation. The expression of this also maintain microglial quiescence. In -glia molecule in microglia can be regulated by a variety co-culture, blockade of neuronal electrical activity by of agents. IFN- is a potent stimulant of MHC class II or antagonist faci- antigens (Pazmany et al., 2000). Upregualtion of litated microglial activation induced by IFN- (Neu- MHC class II, CD40 and ICAM-1 by IFN- triggers mann, 2001). The soluble molecules from neurons T-cell proliferation and production of IL-2 and IFN- including and trophic factors also by Th1 and IL-4 by Th2 cells (Aloisi et al., 1998). led to suppression of MHC II and co-stimulatory Several molecules including PGE2, , molecules for antigen presentation (Wei and Jonakait, IL-10 and TGF- 1 have also been reported as 1999; Neumann, 2001). Interestingly, astrocytes are suppressors of MHC class II antigens (Suzumura et able to suppress microglial activation by releasing al., 1993; Levi et al., 1998; Neumann et al., 1998; TGF- or IL-10 (Vincent et al., 1997; Aloisi, 2001) Broderick et al., 2000). This body of evidence (Figure 1). Taken together, under normal physiologic delineates microglia as the specific cells which conditions, microglia are maintained quiescence by have the capacity for professional antigen pre- coordinate action of neurons and astrocytes. When sentation.

Figure 1. Maintenance of microglial quiescence under normal physiologic condition of the CNS. Microglia are suppressed by neurons or astrocytes under normal condition. Microglial acti- vation is inhibited by the engagement of CD200, glycoprotein expressed on the surface of neurons and its receptor on microglia. Normal electric activity and soluble factors released from neu- rons (neurotransmitters and neuro- trophic factors) also suppress micro- glial MHC II and co-stimulatory factors such as CD40 and CD86. TGF- and IL-10 secreted from astrocytes also in- hibit microglial activation. 336 Exp. Mol. Med. Vol. 38(4), 333-347, 2006

Figure 2. Microglial activation upon neuronal damage. When neurons are injured, microglia are rapidly activated as a result of both a weakening neuronal inhibitory signals and activating stimulatory signals. Loss of neuronal integrity results in breakdown of microglial inhibitory molecules such as CD200, soluble inhibitors. Instead, microglial stimulatory signals including MMP-3 and substance P are rapidly turned on and activate microglia. Activated microglia phagocytose at sites of neuronal damage, and increase in numbers, either from proliferation or recruitment, in order to remove damaged tissue and promote repair. However, their inappropriate activation as in neurodegenerative disorders causes direct damage to the CNS either by releasing potentially toxic substances such as proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines, NO, superoxide and prostanoids or by early phagocytosis against normal neurons.

Antiinflammatory and proinflammatory development of CNS inflammation through the release by Microglia disruption of the BBB, the induction of adhesion molecules and chemokines from astrocytes and In the normal CNS, brain tissue provides an im- endothelial cells, which facilitate the infiltration of munosuppressive environment, which seems to be leukocytes into the CNS (Oh et al., 1999; Sedgwick important for proper function of the CNS. This et al., 2000). In addition, recent studies employing immunosuppressive environment is supported by TNF- over-expressing mice demonstrate that TNF- several molecules such as TGF- , -MSH, VIP and may directly initiate CNS tissue destruction as well FasL, and also by the BBB (Cserr and Knopf, 1992; as maintain autoimmune inflammation (Taupin et al., Perry, 1998; Bechmann et al., 1999; Flugel et al., 1997; Akassoglou et al., 1998). 2000). Under circumstances that cause the disrup- Although the studies in the past have focused on tion of this environment, such as infectious diseases, microglial production of proinflammatory cytokines, autoimmune diseases or chronic inflammatory con- recently, a large body of evidence has supported the ditions in neurodegenerative diseases, a variety of notion that microglia also produce cytokines with immune regulatory and inflammatory mediators can anti-inflammatory activity, such as TGF- , IL-10, and be activated. Cytokines are key regulators of innate IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra). IL-1Ra coun- and adaptive immune responses. Although various teracts the biological effect of IL-1 by binding to the types of cells including tissue infiltrating immune IL-1 receptor without initiating . cells, neurons, microglia and astrocytes have been Both TGF- and IL-10 inhibit microglial activation identified as sources of cytokines in the CNS, through their ability to inhibit antigen presentation microglia appear to be a principal source of pro- and proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines and inflammatory and immune regulatory cytokines. reactive oxygen intermediates (Frei et al., 1994; IL-1 and TNF- are two main proinflammatory Aloisi et al., 1999a; O’Keefe et al., 1999). Addi- cytokines produced by microglia during CNS inflam- tionally, microglia can release reactive oxygen mation. Pathogens or pathogen components such intermediates that may cause neuronal damage, as LPS can immediately induce IL-1 and TNF- both express Fas and FasL, which mediate of in cultured microglia and in LPS-injected (Appel immune cells by microglia and also express growth et al., 1995; Buttini and Boddeke, 1995). IL-1 and factors that support neuronal survival. TNF- have been shown to be involved in the In summary, a number of studies have demon- The role of microglia in progressive neurodegenerative disorders 337 strated that microglia play an important role in in- receptor associated Jak1 and Jak2. This to the flammatory conditions in the CNS as a principal phosphorylation of a single receptor re- source of a variety of inflammatory and immune sidue, which is then recognized by the SH2 domain regulatory mediators. of Stat. It causes Stat phosphorylation followed by homodimerization, translocation into and induction of GAS (gamma-activation site) driven Molecules involved in microglial target genes (Schindler, 1999). activation and signal transduction Chemokines are small proteins (8 to 10 kDa) that pathways induce , tissue extravasation and functio- nal modulation of a wide variety of leukocytes during Several molecules, including LPS, IFN- , A , CD40L, inflammation (Taub, 1996). More than 40 distinct chemokines, neurotransmitters and , members are divided into 4 families typified by and several such as thrombin, tissue conservation of cysteine residues in the N-terminal plasminogen activator (tPA) and matrix metallo- sequence (Lusti-Narasimhan et al., 1996). Chemo- proteinase-3 (MMP-3) are found to be involved in kines mediate their effects via G protein-coupled microglial activation. Some of them are from neurons receptors of the seven transmembrane domain and others are from pathogens, immune cells or (Horuk, 1994). A number of chemokines are expres- microglia (abd-el-Basset and Fedoroff, 1995; Tsirka, sed in the CNS. They are related to a number of 1997; Suzumura et al., 1998; Tan et al., 1999a; diseases of the CNS including stroke, AIDS demen- Aloisi et al., 1999b; Moller et al., 2000; Kim et al., tia, MS and AD (Mennicken et al., 1999). - 2005). kine/neurotactin is a unique member of CX3C che- LPS, an endotoxin from the gram-negative bac- mokine family which was discovered in 1997 (Bazan terial cell wall, is a potent immunostimulant (abd- et al., 1997). In the CNS, several populations of el-Basset and Fedoroff, 1995). Although it is widely neurons express fractalkine mRNA constitutively that used in brain inflammatory studies, its action is not affected by stimuli such as cytokines, LPS and mechanism and signal transduction pathways are toxic stimuli (A , deprivation or glutamate) not fully elucidated. Several receptors for LPS were (Maciejewski-Lenoir et al., 1999). Membrane-bound identified from a variety of studies. CD14, a GPI- fractalkine protein levels were decreased after anchored glycoprotein expressed in monocytes/ excitotoxic glutamate stimuli (Chapman et al., 2000). macrophages, reacts with LPS (Wright et al., 1990). Its receptor, CX3CR-1 is expressed at high levels in LPS forms a complex with LPS-binding protein microglia (Nishiyori et al., 1998). Through its recep- (LBP) in serum (Wright et al., 1990). Apart from tor, fractalkine induces intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, CD14, CD11c/CD18, a member of the leukocyte ERK activation and PI3-K-mediated PKB activation integrin family, also activates cells in response to in microglia. It might be involved in regeneration of LPS (Ingalls et al., 1998). Recently, toll-like receptor motor neurons after peripheral in facial 4 (Tlr4) was identified by positional cloning as the injury models (Harrison et al., 1998). LPS signal transducer from the Lps locus, mutations Recent study demonstrated that CX3CR-1 deficien- of which abolish responses to LPS (Hoshino et al., cy dysregulates microglial responses, resulting in 1999). A variety of intracellular signaling molecules, (Cardona et al., 2006). Study showed such as protein tyrosine kinases, mitogen-activated that in the absence of CX3CR-1/fractalkine signal- protein kinases, , small G proteins, ing, microglial responses to LPS and neurotoxic and ceramide-activated protein kinase are involved stimuli was altered. Cx3cr1-/- mouse demonstrated in LPS-mediated monocytes/ macrophage activation more neuronal loss in MPTP-treated (Sweet and Hume, 1996). Through different signal Parkinson’s disease model and in a model of genetic transduction pathways, LPS activates transcription motor neuron disease. factors including NF- B, NF-IL6, C/EBP and Fos/ CD40 is a 45-50 kDa , Jun families, and induces iNOS, TNF- , IL-1 , IL-6, which is a member of the TNFR superfamily (Vogel IL-12p40, TGF- and other cytokine genes (Sweet and Noelle, 1998). It has been shown that CD40 is and Hume, 1996). constitutively expressed at low levels on microglia, IFN- , released from activated Th1 and NK cells, and binding of microglial CD40 by CD40 ligand activates macrophages/microglia to increase ex- (CD40L) leads to marked TNF- secretion, which is pression of MHC class I and class II. With LPS, it neurotoxic at such levels (Aloisi et al., 1999b; Tan et synergistically induces IL-12 production from micro- al., 1999a). Activation of ERK1/2 is involved in glia (Aloisi et al., 1997; Suzumura et al., 1998). CD40-CD40L mediated microglial activation (Tan et IFN- -mediated activation involves the JAK-STAT al., 2000a). Interestingly, stimulation with A pep- pathway. Briefly, IFN- stimulates the activation of tides and CD40L results in increased CD40 ex- 338 Exp. Mol. Med. Vol. 38(4), 333-347, 2006 pression on microglia followed by TNF- secretion iNOS, COX-2 and NADPH oxidase-mediated su- (Tan et al., 1999b). Recently, it has been demon- peroxide generation from microglial and subsequent strated that CD45 suppresses CD40L-induced mi- neuronal degeneration (Choi et al., 2003; 2005). croglial activation via negative regulation of the We have recently identified matrix metallopro- Src/ERK1/2 cascade (Tan et al., 2000b). teinase-3 as a signaling molecule that is released Amyloid- peptide (A ) is the principal component from apoptotic cells and elicit microglial activation of the extracellular deposits in AD (Selkoe, 1989). (Kim et al., 2005). This will be discussed in detail A promotes outgrowth, generates reactive later. oxygen intermediates, induces cytotoxic cellular oxidative stress, and microglial activation (Koo et al., 1993; Behl, 1997; Sasaki et al., 1997). Although the Roles of activated microglia in mechanism by which A peptides cause enhanced degenerative disorders expression of proinflammatory cytokines from micro- The most characteristic feature of microglia is their glia, is not fully understood there is evidence that A may interact with cell-surface receptors, including rapid activation in response to pathological change receptors for advanced glycosylated endproducts in the CNS. They respond not only to changes in the (RAGE) and scavenger receptors (El Khoury et al., brain parenchymal integrity but also to very small 1996; Yan et al., 1996). Additionally, -, pro- alterations in their microenvironment, such as im- tein kinase C, and protein tyrosine kinase-dependent balances in homeostasis that precede patholo- second messenger pathways have been postulated gical changes (Gehrmann et al., 1993). Although they have a critical role in host defense by removing in A receptor-mediated signal transduction (Lorton, invading and neoplastic cells, or by 1997; Combs et al., 1999). A peptide activates mi- croglia through these signal transduction pathways secreting , microglia may aggra- to induce the secretion of neurotoxic substances vate the effects of inflammation and cause neuronal degeneration. Activated microglia at the site of including TNF- and IL-1 (Mrak and Griffin, 2001; Smits et al., 2001). It may enhance neuroinflam- inflammation change their morphology, express in- mation in AD brain. creased levels of MHC antigens and become pha- Gangliosides, sialic acid-containing glycosphingo- gocytic (Hayes et al., 1987; 1988). They release in- , have also been reported as microglial acti- flammatory cytokines that amplify the inflammatory vators (Pyo et al., 1999). Gangliosides exist in mam- response by activating and recruiting other cells to malian cell membranes and are particularly rich in the brain lesion. In addition, microglia can release the neuronal . Gangliosides induce potent neurotoxins, such as TNF- and others, which may cause neuronal damage. There are production of nitric oxide, TNF- and cyclooxy- genase-2 (COX-2) in microglia by activation of several neurodegenerative diseases in which micro- MAPKs (Pyo et al., 1999). Recent studies show that glial activation and microglial function may play a signals are released from neurons when they start to more significant role in mediating the diseases than die. Upon deprivation, cerebellar granule in protecting neurons. Among them are HIV infection cells release signal molecules that can activate of the CNS, MS, AD and PD (McGeer et al., 1988; microglia (Tanaka et al., 1998). Supernatant from Raine, 1994; Dickson, 1997; Banati et al., 1998). serum-deprived immortalized motor neurons can also activate microglia and induce release of NO that HIV causes neuronal death (He and Strong, 2000). Approximately 20% of HIV-infected individuals de- These signals from dying neurons may be potent velop a neurological syndrome consisting of motor candidates for microglial activation. dysfunction, cognitive deterioration and in later Thrombin-mediated microglial activation has been stages. The most characteristic feature of HIV-infect- reported (Moller et al., 2000; Suo et al., 2002). ed brain is that virus is concentrated in microglia and Thrombin is generated from the precursor pro- macrophages, with a very limited infection of astro- thrombin that is endogenously expressed in human, cytes, endothelial cells, or neurons (Gabuzda et al., mouse, and rat brain, including dopaminergic 1986; Wiley et al., 1986). Recent studies have sug- neurons in the SN (Dihanich et al., 1991; Soifer et gested the model in which HIV entry into the CNS is al., 1994; Weinstein et al., 1995). Thrombin-induced mediated by circulating lymphocytes or monocytes, microglial activation involves -activated which in turn transmit virus to perivascular macro- receptor-1 (PAR-1) (Suo et al., 2002). Recent stu- phages and microglia (Lane et al., 1996). The virus dies demonstrated that direct injection of thrombin may replicate enough in infected microglia and into various brain parenchyma including hippocam- macrophages to maintain a cycle of new infection. pus and substantia nigra results in induction of Infected microglia secrete several candidate neuro- The role of microglia in progressive neurodegenerative disorders 339 toxins, such as viral proteins (gp120, tat and nef), racterized by the degeneration of dopaminergic cytokines, chemokines, arachidonic acid, and nitric neurons in the substantia nigra oxide, to induce neuronal death or injury. (SNpc) and the consequent loss of their projecting fibers in the (Olanow and Tatton, 1999). The presence of oxidative stress and inflammatory MS activity is one of the significant pathological features Pathological studies on MS brain demonstrate the of PD (Dexter et al., 1994; Hirsch et al., 1998). It has important role of macrophages and microglia in MS been shown that the levels of cytokines such as demyelination. Experimental allergic encephalomy- TNF- , IL-1 and IFN- are elevated by 7- to 15-fold elitis (EAE), a disease induced in rats or mice by in the SN of PD patients (Mogi et al., 1994; Hirsch et immunization against components of , has al., 1998). Since microglia are a principal source of been widely used as an MS model. The these cytokines, the data support microglial involve- earliest lesion in EAE is characterized by T-cell ment in the pathogenesis of PD. Activated microglia- infiltration, which is eventually followed by recruit- mediated dopaminergic neuronal degeneration has ment of inflammatory cells, including activated ma- been demonstrated in recent studies using animal crophages and microglia. These cells secrete cyto- models. Gao et al., (2002) showed that microglia kines and other potent neurotoxins and result in play a pivotal role in -induced dopaminergic neurological damage. Microglia may have a role in neuronal degeneration. Wu et al., (2002) demon- the induction of the initial inflammatory reaction by strated that the inhibition of microglial activation antigen presenting. T-cell recruitment by microglial prevents dopaminergic neuronal loss in MPTP-treat- antigen-presenting activity in turn enhances micro- ed mice. Microglial role in PD patogenesis will be glial activation and they aggravate the damage of discussed in depth (Figure 3). , myelin and by releasing neurotoxins (Raine, 1994). Pathological dynamics of activated AD microglia in pathogenesis of PD AD is a degenerative disorder characterized patholo- Activated microglia have been implicated in the gically by amyloid-containing extracellular plaques and intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) pathogenesis and progress of PD. Characteristic (Goedert et al., 1991). A large number of microglia pathological features of the PD brain are a selective form clusters around senile plaques. Initial detection and progressive loss of neurons of the of activated microglia in AD tissue used antibodies substantia nigra (SN) and focal accumulation of ac- to the class II major MHC protein HLA-DR (McGeer tivated microglia in the SN (McGeer et al., 1988; et al., 1987). They also demonstrated that HLA-DR Forno, 1996; Banati et al., 1998; Knott et al., 2000; protein was more abundantly expressed on micro- Mirza et al., 2000). Activation of microglia also has glia that are closely associated with areas of been identified in the SN and/or striatum of the degenerative lesion in tissue from AD patients. The parkinsonian animal models, such as 1-methyl-4- finding of microglial clustering around senile plaques phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced par- demonstrated that microglia are trying to phago- kinsonian brain (O’Callaghan et al., 1990; Francis et al., 1995; Czlonkowska et al., 1996; Kohutnicka et cytose and remove toxic A plaques. However, microglia are known to produce many cytotoxic al., 1998; Kurkowska-Jastrzebska et al., 1999) or agents including proteolytic enzymes, cytokines, (MFB), which transmits excitatory amino acids, , complement from the nigral dopamine neurons to the proteins, reactive oxygen intermediates, and nitric striatum, axotomized rat brain (Brecknell et al., 1995; oxide (Chao et al., 1992; Cassarino et al., 1997; Revuelta et al., 1999; Sugama et al., 2003). Our recent study elucidated the neuropathological dyna- McGuire et al., 2001; Liu et al., 2002). In addition, A can not only recruit and induce phagocytic activity of mics of activated microglia and their pathophy- siological role during delayed neuronal loss in the microglia, but also synthetic A also can induce the secretion of these cytotoxic agents (Meda et al., SN (Cho et al., 2006). In this study, we examined 1995; Sasaki et al., 1997). Therefore, it is concei- immunophenotypic and morphological changes of vable that microglia, rather than being protective, activated microglia, as well as their temporal and may aggravate neurotoxicity in AD brain. spatial relationship with degenerating dopamine neurons after medial forebrain bundle (MFB) axo- tomy in the rat brain. Activated microglia appeared in PD the MFB and SN as early as 1-3 days post-lesion PD is a common neurodegenerative disorder cha- (dpl), when there was no apparent SN dopamine 340 Exp. Mol. Med. Vol. 38(4), 333-347, 2006

Figure 3. Microglia-mediated self-perpetuating dopamine (DA) neuronal degeneration model of PD. Various stimuli (either internal or external) initiating dopamine degeneration result in microglial activation through stimulatory signaling molecules such as aMMP-3 (active form of MMP-3), -synuclein and neuro- melanin leakage. aMMP-3 induces NADPH oxidase (NADPHO)-derived superoxide release and NF- B-mediated proinflammatory cytokine release through yet undefined pathway, probably pro- tease-activity related receptor. elicits microglial proinflammatory cytokine and NO release through NF- B pathway. It has not been investigated yet whether it causes NADPHO-derived superoxide generation. -synuclein, especially aggregated form causes NADPHO-mediated superoxide release via phagocytosis-dependent pathway. Activated microglia cause dopamine neuronal degeneration either by superoxide, NO and other proinflammatory cytokines or by direct phagocytosis against normal neurons. This self-propelling degeneration cycles sustain chronic inflammatory condition and eventually induce progressive degeneration. neuronal degeneration. Thereafter, a great number early occurring in neuronal degeneration, starting of activated microglia selectively adhered to dege- phagocytosis at the extending fibers, such as neurite nerating axons, and dopamine neuronal extended to the SN reticulata. These results imply somas of the SN. Thereafter, significant loss of that degenerating neurons may release microglia- these fibers and nigral dopamine neurons was activating signals much earlier stages of neuronal observed. Although phenotypical activation of mi- degeneration, and activated microglia start ingesting croglia was most pronounced between 14-28 dpl the nerve fibers piece-by-piece (Sugama et al., and gradually subsided, phagocytic microglia per- 2003). Our recent unpublished data (Cho et al., sisted until 70 dpl. All phagocytic microglia sticking 2006) also showed that ramified microglia, probably to dopamine neurons showed activated but ramified after digestion of pieces of degenerating neurons, form with enlarged somas and thickened processes. increased their sizes, which are nearly equivalent to They were recruited to the SNc from cranial, dorsal the size of neuronal cell bodies (approximately 50 and ventral aspects along various structures and m), and apposed onto neighboring, bystander, non- finally stuck to dopamine neurons of the SNc. degenerating neurons. The electron micrographic Characteristic rod-shaped microglia in the white analysis of these microglia suggested that large, matter were thought to migrate a long distance (Cho ramified microglia phagocytose bystander dopamine et al., 2006). Our results strongly suggests that neurons, suggesting that activated microglial partici- neurons undergoing delayed neurodegeneration may pation in the progressive degeneration of dopamine be phagocytosed by numerous phagocytic, ramified neurons (Cho et al., unpublished). microglia at various sites where specific surface signals are exposed or diffusible molecules are Matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) released. In addition, our earlier results (Sugama et al., 2003) showed that activated microglia were Although a number of studies have demonstrated phargocytosing dopamine neuronal fibers at early microglial activation and its involvement in progres- stage of neuronal degeneration, suggesting that sive neuronal degeneration upon dopamine neuronal microglial phagocytosis of degenerating neurons is damage, molecular mechanism underlying microglial The role of microglia in progressive neurodegenerative disorders 341 activation and signals responsible for chronic mi- ophysiological role of this protein in the dopamine croglial inflammatory response are still disputed. Our degeneration is still not clear, a wealth of evidence previous study identified matrix metalloproteinase-3 suggest that abnormal accumulation and aggrega- (MMP-3), a proteinase known to degrade extra- tion of wild type or mutants (A53T, A30P and E46K) cellular matrix (ECM) component, as a candidate -synuclein may directly cause dopamine neuronal which intermediates neuronal apoptosis and mi- death. -synuclein is generally considered an in- croglial activation. In this study, we demonstrated tracellular protein, because of the lack of signal that catalytically active from of MMP-3 (actMMP-3) is sequence and its abundant presence in the cytosol. released from apoptotic PC12 cells grown in serum- However, recent studies proved that small portion of deprived medium. actMMP-3 release occurred as newly synthesized -synuclein is secreted from early as 2 hr after serum deprivation, even before cells. Interestingly, the intravesicular -synuclein has cellular morphological change. actMMP-3 led to increased aggregation tendency, secretion of both production of microglial inflammatory cytokines such monomeric and aggregated -synuclein is elevated as TNF- through ERK-NF B signal transduction in response to proteasomal and mitochondrial dy- pathway, which in turn exacerbated neural cell sfunction (Lee et al., 2005). Evidence of -synuclein degeneration (Kim et al., 2005). In our current work, release from cells is the presence of full length MMP-3 expression and release were also shown in -synuclein in from Parkinson’s primary mesencephalic culture treated with 1-methyl- disease and normal subjects (Borghi et al., 2000), 4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+), a toxic metabolite of and in human plasma (El-Agnaf et al., 2003). MPTP, a specific dopamine toxin. MPP+ treatment Several studies demonstrated that extracellular Lewy resulted in dopamine cell-specific expression of bodies and -synuclein-immunoreactive nigral aggre- MMP-3 and dose dependent increase of actMMP-3 gates are often surrounded by microglial or inflam- in culture medium. The released actMMP-3 as well matory mediator such as complements (McGeer et as catalytically active recombinant MMP-3 (cMMP-3) al., 1988; Yamada et al., 1992). Recent interesting led to microglial activation and superoxide ge- study by Zhang et al. implies that microglia can neration in microglia and enhanced dopamine cell enhance -synuclein-induced dopamine toxicity (2005). death. cMMP-3 caused dopamine cell death in They also showed that -synuclein aggregates fail to mesencephalic neuron-glia mixed culture of wild- induce dopamine neurotoxicity in microglial-depleted type mice but this was attenuated in the culture of mesencephalic culture at low concentration. -synu- NADPH oxidase (NADPHO) subunit null mice clein aggregates induced intracellular ROS in mi- (gp91phox-/-), suggesting that NADPHO mediated the croglia and superoxide release. Since cytochalasin cMMP-3-induced microglial production of superoxide D, an inhibitor of phagocytosis, inhibited -synu- and dopamine cell death (Kim et al., in press). This clein-mediated ROS generation in microglia, imply- is critical finding to understand microgliosis in PD, as ing that phagocytosis is a critical component of the previous studies have identified that NADPHO-me- -synuclein aggregates-mediated microglial activa- diated microglial superoxide production is a man- tion. datory microglial component to contribute MPP+ and MPTP induced dopamine toxicity both in vivo and in vitro (Wu et al., 2002; Gao et al., 2003). Further- Neuromelanin more, in the MPTP-injected animal model of PD, ni- grostriatal dopamine neuronal degeneration, micro- Neuromelanin is the dark insoluble macromolecule glial activation and superoxide generation were that confers the black (substantia nigra) or grey largely attenuated in MMP-3-/- mice. Together, these () color to monoaminergic basal data indicate that actMMP-3 released from stressed ganglia. Neuromelanin accumulates in normal heal- dopamine neurons is responsible for microglial thy human SN with age. Normally, neuromelanin is activation and generation of NADPHO-derived su- considered to play a protective role intracellularly by peroxide, and eventually propagates nigrostriatal binding toxic metabolite produced in SN cells such dopamine neuronal degeneration. as dopamine and metals (D’Amato et al., 1986; Lindquist et al., 1988; Zecca et al., 1994) and serve as an (Fornstedt et al., 1989; Wilczok et α-Synuclein al., 1999). However, it has been also suggested that neuromelanin can be potentially toxic to dopamine Cytoplasmic accumulation of fibrillar -synuclein in neurons, as excess neuromelanin directly inhibits Lewy bodies (Spillantini et al., 1997), the patho- proteasomal function (Shamoto-Nagai et al., 2004; logical hallmark of PD, may play a pivotal role in the Shamoto-Nagai et al., 2006). Several studies show- onset and progression of Parkinson’s as well as ed that neuromelanin also exists outside dopamine other neurodegenerative diseases. Although path- neurons. 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