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Title A primary neural culture model to study , , and interactions in .

Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/64t8n3kc

Journal Journal of neuroinflammation, 17(1)

ISSN 1742-2094

Authors Goshi, Noah Morgan, Rhianna K Lein, Pamela J et al.

Publication Date 2020-05-11

DOI 10.1186/s12974-020-01819-z

Peer reviewed

eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12974-020-01819-z

RESEARCH Open Access A primary neural model to study neuron, astrocyte, and microglia interactions in neuroinflammation Noah Goshi1, Rhianna K. Morgan2, Pamela J. Lein2 and Erkin Seker3*

Abstract Background: Interactions between , , and microglia critically influence neuroinflammatory responses to insult in the central . In vitro astrocyte and microglia cultures are powerful tools to study specific molecular pathways involved in neuroinflammation; however, in order to better understand the influence of cellular crosstalk on neuroinflammation, new multicellular culture models are required. Methods: Primary cortical cells taken from neonatal were cultured in a serum-free “tri-culture” medium formulated to support neurons, astrocytes, and microglia, or a “co-culture” medium formulated to support only neurons and astrocytes. Caspase 3/7 activity and morphological changes were used to quantify the response of the two culture types to different neuroinflammatory stimuli mimicking sterile bacterial (lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure), mechanical (scratch), and activity (glutamate-induced ). The secreted profile of control and LPS-exposed co- and tri-cultures were also compared. Results: The tri-culture maintained a physiologically relevant representation of neurons, astrocytes, and microglia for 14 days in vitro, while the co-cultures maintained a similar population of neurons and astrocytes, but lacked microglia. The continuous presence of microglia did not negatively impact the overall health of the neurons in the tri-culture, which showed reduced caspase 3/7 activity and similar outgrowth as the co-cultures, along with an increase in the microglia-secreted neurotrophic factor IGF-1 and a significantly reduced concentration of CX3CL1 in the conditioned media. LPS-exposed tri-cultures showed significant astrocyte hypertrophy, increase in caspase 3/7 activity, and the secretion of a number of pro-inflammatory (e.g., TNF, IL-1α, IL-1β, and IL-6), none of which were observed in LPS-exposed co-cultures. Following mechanical trauma, the tri-culture showed increased caspase 3/7 activity, as compared to the co-culture, along with increased astrocyte migration towards the source of injury. Finally, the microglia in the tri-culture played a significant neuroprotective role during glutamate-induced excitotoxicity, with significantly reduced neuron loss and astrocyte hypertrophy in the tri-culture. Conclusions: The tri-culture consisting of neurons, astrocytes, and microglia more faithfully mimics in vivo neuroinflammatory responses than standard mono- and co-cultures. This tri-culture can be a useful tool to study neuroinflammation in vitro with improved accuracy in predicting in vivo neuroinflammatory phenomena. Keywords: Neuron, Astrocyte, Microglia, Primary cell culture, In vitro model, Neuroinflammation

* Correspondence: [email protected] 3Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California - Davis, 3177 Kemper Hall, Davis, CA 95616, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Background To address the shortcomings of existing in vitro Neuroinflammation is present in most, if not all, patho- models of neuroinflammation, we developed an en- logical conditions in the (CNS), hanced cell culture model comprised of the three major either acting as the primary driver of these conditions or cell types associated with neuroinflammation—neurons, as a response to or disruption of astrocytes, and microglia. Primary cortical cells were following disease progression [1–3]. Follow- maintained in a serum-free culture media developed to ing insult or injury to the CNS, the two primary cell support all three cell types. We demonstrate that this types associated with neuroinflammation, microglia, and “tri-culture” can be maintained for at least 14 days astrocytes become “activated,” as indicated by changes in in vitro (DIV), without any deleterious effect of the con- their morphology and phenotype [4–6]. Previously, acti- tinuous presence of microglia on the overall health of vated astrocytes and microglia were dichotomously clas- the neurons in the tri-culture. The tri-culture contains a sified as either neurotoxic (A1/M1) or neuroprotective similar relative percentage of neurons and displays a (A2/M2) depending on the mode of activation; however, similar amount of neurite growth as compared to the recent evidence suggests that both astrocytes and micro- microglia-free, neuron-astrocyte co-cultures. Further- display a wide range of phenotypes depending on more, we demonstrate that the tri-culture system re- the activating stimuli [7–9]. Furthermore, crosstalk be- sponds to several pro-inflammatory stimuli, including tween neurons, astrocytes, and microglia has been lipopolysaccharide (LPS), mechanical trauma, and exci- shown to play a significant role in the observed neuroin- totoxicity, in a manner similar to that observed in vivo. flammatory response [10, 11]. While there are a number of in vivo models to study Methods neuroinflammation, in vitro models are often used to in- Culture media preparation vestigate specific molecular pathways. Current cell cul- Base media (plating medium and co-culture medium) ture models of neuroinflammation typically consist of were prepared as previously described [25]. Briefly, plat- cultures of individual cell types with conditioned media ing medium consisted of Neurobasal A culture medium from one cell type transferred to cultures of another cell supplemented with 2% B27 supplement, 1x Glutamax, type [12–14]. While these models have provided signifi- 10% heat-inactivated horse serum, and 1 M HEPES at cant insights into neuroinflammatory processes [15], pH 7.5, while the co-culture medium consisted of Neu- these models contain inherent limitations, most notably robasal A culture medium supplemented with 2% B27 the inability to observe the effects of membrane-bound supplement and 1x Glutamax (all from ThermoFisher). or cell proximity-dependent mechanisms and the fact The tri-culture medium consisted of supplementing the that the concentration of secreted cytokines transferred co-culture medium with 100 ng/mL mouse IL-34 (R&D between cultures may not be physiologically relevant. An Systems), 2 ng/mL TGF-β (Peprotech), and 1.5 μg/mL alternative model involves seeding microglia over a pre- ovine wool cholesterol (Avanti Polar ). Due to the viously established primary neuron culture to observe limited shelf life of IL-34 and TGF-β, the tri-culture the effect of this cell-cell interaction over a short period medium was made fresh each week. of (24–72 h) [16–18]. In addition to the limited time-scale of this model, the culture media used to sup- General cell culture port the microglia prior to their addition to the neuronal All procedures involving were conducted in ac- culture typically contains a high concentration of serum, cordance with the National Institutes of Health Guide likely causing the microglia to be in an already activated for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals following state before their addition to the neuronal cell cultures protocols approved by the University of California, Davis [19]. Co-cultures of neurons and astrocytes are another Institutional Care and Use Committee. Timed- established method of studying neuroinflammation pregnant Sprague Dawley rats were purchased from in vitro [20–24]. As the culture conditions for neurons Charles River Laboratory (Hollister, CA). All animals and astrocytes are similar, these co-cultures can be stud- were housed in clear plastic shoebox cages containing ied over extended time scales [21, 24]. However, none of corn cob bedding under constant temperature (22 ± the aforementioned neuroinflammatory models are able 2 °C) and a 12-h light-dark cycle. Food and water were to capture the important interplay between neurons, provided ad libitum. Primary cortical cell cultures were astrocytes, and microglia. Thus, there is a need for new, prepared from postnatal day 0 rat pups as previously de- multicellular culture systems that are capable of model- scribed [26]. Neocortices from all pups in the litter were ing the neuroinflammatory impact of crosstalk between pooled, dissociated, and plated at a density of 650 cells/ 2 different cells in the CNS. This need was highlighted in mm on substrates precoated with 0.5 mg/mL of poly-L- a recent review on the current tools and methods for lysine (Sigma) in B buffer (3.1 mg/mL boric acid and studying glia [12]. 4.75 mg/mL borax, Sigma) for 4 h at 37 °C and 5% CO2 Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 3 of 16

then washed with sterile deionized water and covered DPBS+ (blocking buffer) for 1 h. Following this blocking with plating medium. Primary cortical cells were plated step, samples were incubated for 1 h in primary in plating medium and allowed to adhere for 4 h before solution containing mouse anti-β-III (1:500 dilu- the medium was changed to the co- or tri-culture tion, ThermoFisher), rabbit anti-GFAP (1:100 dilution, medium. Half-media changes were performed at DIV 3, ThermoFisher), and chicken anti-Iba1 (1:500 dilution, 7, and 10 with the respective media types. Abcam) in blocking buffer. Samples were then washed 3 with Tween20 solution before a 1 h incubation Neuroinflammatory challenges with secondary antibody solution containing goat anti- To simulate bacterial infection, cultures were challenged mouse conjugated to AlexaFluor 647 (1:500 dilution, with LPS (3.0 × 106 EU/mg; Sigma) that was reconsti- ThermoFisher), goat anti-rabbit conjugated to Alexa- tuted in sterile Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline Fluor 488 (1:500 dilution, ThermoFisher), and goat anti- solution (DPBS) with and magnesium (DPBS+) chicken conjugated to AlexaFluor 555 (1:500 dilution, (Sigma) as a stock solution of 1 mg/mL and stored at ThermoFisher) in DPBS+. Following incubation with − 20 °C. Following the DIV 7 media change, each well was secondary antibody solution, the samples were washed 3 spiked with LPS solution to a final concentration of 5 μg/ times with DPBS+. Lastly, samples were incubated for 5 mL or an equal volume of sterile DPBS+ as the vehicle min with a 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) solu- control. To simulate mechanical injury, a scratch was tion (1:20,000 dilution in DI H2O, Sigma), followed by made in the tri- and co-cultures following the DIV 7 an additional Tween20 solution wash before mounting media change. A cross (~ 200–300-μm wide) was onto glass slides using ProLong Gold Antifade Mountant scratched in the center of each well using a sterile 200 μL (ThermoFisher). For NG2 staining, instead of mouse micropipette tip. Excitotoxicity was triggered by adding anti-β-III tubulin, the cultures were incubated for 1 h varying concentrations of glutamate to the cultures. Prior with mouse anti-NG2 (1:200 dilution, Abcam) along to each experiment, a fresh 50 mM solution of L-glutamic with the other primary . For f- staining, acid (Sigma) in DPBS+ was prepared. This 50 mM solu- the slides were restained with phalloidin conjugated to tion of L- was diluted with sterile DPBS+ to AlexaFluor-555 (1:25 dilution, ThermoFisher) for 1 h 100 × stocks. At DIV 7, half of the medium was removed following an overnight wash in PBS+ at 37 °C to remove from each well and stored at 37 °C. The glutamate any residual antifade mountant and an additional 5 min solutions were diluted 1:100 directly into the cultures; permeabilization with 0.1% v/v Triton X-100 solution. vehicle controls received an equal volume of sterile DPBS+. Glutamate-exposed cultures were incubated at Morphological analysis 37 °C for 1 h. For co-cultures, the media collected from For morphological analysis, cultures were fixed with a the cultures prior to the addition of glutamate was 4% w/v PFA solution in PBS and immunostained as de- combined with an equal volume of tri-culture medium scribed above. All sample images were acquired with a that had twice the concentration of supplemental factors Zeiss Observer D1 inverted fluorescence microscope at (4 ng/mL TGF-β, 200 ng/mL IL-34, and 3 μg/mL choles- 100x or 200x magnification and analyzed using ImageJ. terol) to create a tri-culture medium that contained any The cell number/mm2 of the different cell types was secreted factors from the co-culture, while the stored tri- determined by manually counting the number of nuclei culture media was combined with an equal volume of that were co-localized with β-III tubulin (neurons), standard tri-culture medium. Following 1 h incubation, GFAP (astrocytes), or Iba1 (microglia) from the 100x the medium from each well was completely removed and magnification images. The average astrocyte/microglia quickly replaced with the appropriate medium type for the areas were determined by manually tracing the outline culture condition. of astrocytes/microglia from 200x magnification images and determining the area inside the trace. For both of Immunostaining these manual quantification methods, the images were At the conclusion of an experiment, cell cultures were de-identified, and the investigator was blinded to the washed 3 times with 37 °C DPBS+ and were fixed using experimental group. Percent area coverage of neurons or 4% w/v paraformaldehyde (PFA; Affymetrix) in PBS for astrocytes was determined through the use of the Huang 1 h. The fixed cells were first washed twice with 0.05% auto-thresholding method [27] on the β-III tubulin v/v Tween20 (Sigma) solution in DPBS+, followed by a (neurons) or GFAP (astrocytes) channel. 3-min permeabilization with 0.1% v/v Triton X-100 (ThermoFisher) solution in DPBS+ and two additional washes with the Tween20 solution. Samples were assay blocked with a solution of 5% v/v heat-inactivated goat Apoptosis was quantified using the Caspase-Glo® 3/7 serum (ThermoFisher) and 0.3 M (Sigma) in Assay System (Promega) according to the manufacturer’s Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 4 of 16

protocol. Luminescence was measured using a H1 hy- used when only two groups were analyzed. For all exper- brid microplate reader (BioTek Instruments). iments, statistical significance was determined by p- values < 0.05. Calcium imaging Prior to imaging, tri- and co-cultures were loaded with Results cell-permeant Fluo-4 AM calcium indicator (Thermo- The tri-culture supports neurons, astrocytes, and Fisher) following the manufacturer’s protocol. To microglia in vitro determine the effect of glutamate on calcium fluxes in Primary cortical cells taken from neonatal rats were cul- the tri- and co-cultures, each culture type was spiked tured in our previously described neuron-astrocyte co- with varying concentrations of L-glutamic acid (Sigma) culture media [25], or in our tri-culture media consisting in DPBS+ or an equal volume of DPBS+. For each well, of the co-culture media supplemented with 100 ng/mL prior to the addition of the glutamate solution, a 200x IL-34, 2 ng/mL TGF-β and 1.5 μg/mL cholesterol. Im- magnification fluorescence image was taken, after which munostaining for Iba1 revealed that there was a signifi- the shutter to the light source was closed, and the glu- cant population of microglia at both DIV 7 and 14 in tamate solution was added to the well. Following a 2- the cultures maintained in the tri-culture media, which min incubation in the glutamate solution, a second are absent from cultures maintained in the co-culture fluorescence image was taken over the same field-of- medium (Fig. 1a–c). A two-way ANOVA did not estab- view with the same exposure time and was used to com- lish a significant interaction between the time in culture pare the change in fluorescence intensity following the and media type on the number of microglia present in addition of glutamate. the culture (p = 0.44). Analysis of the main effects indi- cated that the tri-cultures had significantly more micro- Cytokine profile glia present than the co-cultures (p = 0.0025); however, Following the DIV 7 media change, co- or tri-cultures the time in culture did not impact the number of were incubated with 5 μg/mL LPS or vehicle control for microglia (p = 0.44). The total number of microglia in 48 h. Following incubation, the conditioned media was the tri-culture accounted for ~ 7–8% of the total cell spun down to remove any cells, and the supernatant population (Fig. 1c) in agreement with microglia numbers containing the conditioned media was stored at − 80 °C reported in vivo [28, 29]. until analyzed. The proteome profile was determined Immunostaining for β-III tubulin to label neurons and using a Proteome Profiler Rat XL Cytokine Array (Bio- GFAP to label astrocytes revealed a healthy population Techne) in conjugation with the IRDye® 800CW (Bio- of both neurons and astrocytes in both the tri- and co- Techne) for use with the LI-COR Odyssey® Imaging cultures (Fig. 1a). The number of neurons present was System. Relative concentrations of each cytokine in not affected by either the media type or time in culture conditioned media were determined using ImageJ to (Fig. 1b, p = 0.44 and p = 0.31, respectively). Addition- compare the total pixel intensity from each spot. ally, neurite outgrowth (measured as the percent of the Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed using the area stained for β-III tubulin as compared to the total MATLAB (2019a) bioinformatics toolbox. image area) was not statistically different between the co- and tri-cultures (Fig. 1d, p = 0.13), and the neurons Statistical methods continue to produce new projections through DIV 14 as For all experiments, a minimum of three biological repli- determined by the significant increase in neuron percent − cates was used with a minimum of three technical repli- area coverage from DIV 7 to 14 (p = 1.04 × 10 5). Fur- cates per each biological replicate. Furthermore, unless thermore, by DIV 14, we observed the co-localization of otherwise noted, for experiments requiring image ana- f-actin and β-III tubulin indicating the presence of den- lysis, at least three predetermined fields were analyzed dritic spines (Supplementary Figure 1). As no mitotic in- per technical replicate to account for variability within hibitors were added to the culture media, the number of the culture itself. When comparing the response of the astrocytes significantly increased in both culture types tri- and co-cultures to different treatments, a two-way from DIV 7 to 14 (Fig. 1b, p = 0.0023). While the ana- ANOVA was used. If the interaction was determined lysis of the main effects from the two-way ANOVA did not significant (p < 0.05), then the analysis of the main not reveal a significant difference in astrocyte population effects was used to compare the two treatments. If a sig- between the two culture types (p = 0.062), the results nificant interaction was found, analysis of the simple suggest that the tri-cultures may contain a lower number main effects was conducted via a post hoc Tukey test. A of astrocytes than the co-cultures. Unlike the neurons, one-way ANOVA test was used when comparing mul- the astrocyte percent area coverage showed a significant tiple groups against a single treatment, while a two- interaction between the culture type and time in culture tailed Student’s t-test assuming unequal variances was (Fig. 1d, p = 0.0077), with the tri-culture having a similar Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 5 of 16

Fig. 1 Tri-culture media is capable of supporting neurons, astrocytes, and microglia. a Representative fluorescence images of the tri- and co- cultures at DIV 7 and 14. The cultures were immunostained for the three cell types of interest: neurons—anti-βIII-tubulin (red), astrocytes—anti- GFAP (green), microglia—anti-Iba1 (orange), general nuclear stain DAPI (blue). Microglia are present in the tri-culture at both time points but are absent in the co-culture. Scale bar = 100 μm. b Quantification of the number of each cell type and total number of cells per mm2 for each condition shown in Fig. 1a (mean ± SD, n = 3). c Percent of total cell population represented by each cell type in co-culture vs. tri-culture conditions. d Quantification of the percent area coverage of the neurons and astrocytes in the co- and tri-cultures at DIV 7 and 14 (mean ± SD, n = 3). b, d The letters above the bars indicate statistically distinct groups (p < 0.05), while the points indicate the values of the technical replicates astrocyte percent area coverage to the co-culture at DIV indicated that IL-34 was required for microglia survival 7(p = 0.90), but a significantly higher astrocyte percent (Supplementary Figure 2); however, the additional pres- area coverage at DIV 14 (p = 0.0076). ence of TGF-β or cholesterol did not appear to impact As the three media supplements present in the tri- the number of microglia present in the culture. Add- culture have been shown to support isolated microglia itionally, neither TGF-β nor cholesterol allowed for and are found in astrocyte-conditioned media [19], we microglia survival on their own. In order to determine if were interested to see if the neurons or astrocytes might either TGF-β or cholesterol was required to maintain be constitutively secreting any of these factors in the tri- physiologically active microglia, we challenged cultures culture, thereby making their addition to the tri-culture maintained under different combinations of TGF-β and media redundant. An exploratory study unambiguously cholesterol plus IL-34 with 5 μM of LPS. LPS is a potent Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 6 of 16

activator of neuroinflammation and neuronal apoptosis, of the co-factors (IL-34 alone, IL-34 plus cholesterol, or which acts through the toll-like 4 (TLR4) found IL-34 plus TGF-β) all showed increased caspase 3/7 activ- only on microglia in the CNS [30, 31]. As expected, LPS ity, but a post hoc Tukey test did not reveal any significant did not increase caspase 3/7 activity in neuron-astrocyte differences between these cultures and either the co- or co-cultures relative to the vehicle control. However, cul- tri-culture. However, the fact that the change in caspase tures grown in the presence of different combinations of 3/7 activity of these cultures more closely resembled that the tri-culture factors responded to LPS with increased of the co-culture (p = 0.99, 0.91, and 0.95, respectively) caspase 3/7 activity (Fig. 2b, p = 0.011). In particular, cul- than that of the tri-culture (p = 0.064, 0.16, and 0.16, re- tures exposed to all 3 co-factors (IL-34, cholesterol, and spectively) indicates that the microglia present in these TGF-β) showed a significant increase in caspase 3/7 activ- cultures are most likely not physiologically active. Thus, ity following the addition of LPS (p = 0.0081). Cultures all three factors are required to support a healthy tri- maintained in the co-culture medium spiked with a subset culture of neurons, astrocytes, and microglia.

Fig. 2 Comparing the effect of LPS on the co- and tri-culture models. Comparison of the effect of a 48-h exposure to 5 μM LPS on the co- and tri-cultures. a Representative fluorescence images of the tri- and co-cultures after a 48-h incubation with 5 μM LPS or vehicle. The cultures were immunostained for the three cell types of interest: neurons—anti-βIII-tubulin (red), astrocytes—anti-GFAP (green), microglia—anti-Iba1 (orange), and the general nuclear stain DAPI (blue). Scale bar = 100 μM. b Comparing the effects on apoptosis following a 48-h incubation with 5 μM LPS on DIV 7 cortical cultures maintained in different media types (mean ± SD, n =3–6). c A comparison of the average astrocyte area from different conditions (mean ± SD, n = 3). d Comparing the average microglia size in tri-cultures exposed to LPS vs. vehicle (mean ± SD, n = 3). b–d The letters above the bars indicate statistically distinct groups (p < 0.05), while the points indicate the values of the technical replicates Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 7 of 16

Tri-culture response to LPS begin to migrate towards the injury site in less than 24 h The use of LPS to stimulate a neuroinflammatory re- [6]. We observed this in the tri-culture as astrocytes sponse is used by researchers to study a wide range of began to migrate into the scratched area; in contrast, in neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative conditions the co-culture, the percent area coverage by astrocytes [32], including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) [33], - in the scratched area was almost non-existent (Fig. 3c, p son’s disease (PD) [34], and even mood disorders such = 0.032). Additionally, at 48 h following the scratch as clinical depression [35]. Therefore, we next deter- injury, caspase 3/7 activity was increased in both the tri- mined the response of the tri-culture model to LPS. As and co-cultures; however, the presence of microglia ap- stated previously, a 48-h incubation with 5 μM LPS sig- peared to amplify a neurotoxic inflammatory response to nificantly increased caspase 3/7 activity in the tri-culture the scratch, leading to a greater increase in caspase 3/7 model relative to the neuron-astrocyte co-culture (Fig. activity in the tri-culture (Fig. 3b, p = .035). 2b). This is in agreement with previous studies that show LPS induces a neurotoxic pro-inflammatory condi- Tri-culture response to excitotoxicity tion both in vitro and in vivo via apoptotic caspase-3- At DIV 7, tri- and co-cultures were exposed to varying mediated mechanisms [15, 36, 37]. Immunohistochemi- concentrations of glutamate for 1 h to simulate an exci- cal analyses (Fig. 2a) reveal clear morphological changes totoxic event. Following glutamate exposure, both tri- in both astrocytes and microglia in the tri-culture after and co-cultures were maintained for 48 h in tri-culture exposure to LPS. Astrocytes in the tri-culture showed re- medium to eliminate the additional factors in the tri- duced ramification, increased process length, and hyper- culture medium as potentially confounding factors in trophy, all of which are hallmarks of reactive astrocyte the response. In particular, TGF-β [43] and IL-34 [44] morphology [38]. The increased process length and have been shown to be neuroprotective during excito- hypertrophy result in an overall increase in astrocyte toxicity. We observed no microglia in the co-culture area (Fig. 2c) that was significantly higher in tri-cultures media at the end of the experiment, further confirming exposed to LPS relative to tri-cultures exposed to vehicle that the co-culture medium is incapable of supporting (p = 0.0030) or astrocytes in the co-culture exposed to even an insignificant microglia population. LPS (p = 0.0039). Additionally, there was no change in Our results suggest that microglia in the tri-culture the morphology or average area of astrocytes in the co- play a significant neuroprotective role during excitotoxic cultures exposed to LPS or vehicle (p = 0.90). The size events. We observed significant neuronal cell loss and of microglia also significantly increased in tri-cultures astrocyte hypotrophy in neuron-astrocyte co-cultures exposed to LPS as compared to vehicle control tri- treated with 25 μM glutamate, which is significantly re- cultures (Fig. 2d, p = 0.0052). duced in similarly treated tri-cultures (Fig. 4a and Sup- plementary Figure 4). As glutamate concentrations Tri-culture response to mechanical injury increased, astrocytes in the co-culture became progres- In order to simulate a mechanical injury, we performed sively more reactive, evidenced by increasing hyper- a scratch assay by drawing a pipette tip through co- and trophy and loss of processes. This resulted in a tri-cultures at DIV 7. Scratch assays are a common significant increase in astrocyte surface area following method used to model and measure cell migration [39] treatment with 10 μM and 25 μM glutamate, which is and have also been used to simulate mechanical , not observed in the tri-culture (Fig. 4b and Supplemen- such as the trauma induced by the insertion of thera- tary Data Table 1, p = 0.0022 and p = 0.0010, respect- peutic implants, on cultured neurons and glial cells [40– ively). In order to quantify neuronal cell viability, we 42]. At 48 h following the scratch injury, we see a signifi- compared the percent area of the field-of-view stained cant population of microglia migrated into the damaged for β-III tubulin with a circularity less than 0.2. The cir- area (Fig. 3a). In the tri-culture injury model, while the cularity cutoff was used to eliminate cell debris from microglia that migrate into the injury site do not have a apoptotic/necrotic neurons, which still stained for β-III statistically significant larger surface area than the tubulin, but lacked long cellular processes, and therefore microglia in the control condition (Fig. 3d, p = 0.078), had high circularity values. Across all concentrations of they do show a trend of having a slightly larger surface glutamate that were tested (5, 10, and 25 μM), there was area than microglia in the non-injured tri-culture. significantly more neuronal cell loss in the co-culture Glial scarring is another aspect of the inflammatory re- then in the tri-culture (Fig. 4c and Supplementary Data sponse to mechanical injury, and it consists of the for- Table 2, p = 0.017, p = 0.0010, and p = 0.0017, respect- mation of a glial sheath consisting mostly of reactive ively). Furthermore, we observed that the neuron per- astrocytes that encapsulate the damaged , isolating cent area significantly decreased in the co-cultures upon it from healthy tissue [6]. While the formation of a glial exposure to increasing concentrations of glutamate. In scar may take weeks to fully mature, reactive astrocytes contrast, significant decreases in the neuron percent area Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 8 of 16

Fig. 3 Response to mechanical injury. Comparing the effects from a simulated mechanical trauma (scratch) on co- and tri-cultures. a Representative fluorescence images of the co- and tri-cultures at 48 h following the simulated mechanical trauma. The dashed lines in the image highlight the area that was damaged by the scratch. The cultures were immunostained for the three cell types of interest: neurons—anti-βIII- tubulin (red), astrocytes—anti-GFAP (green), microglia—anti-Iba1 (orange), and the general nuclear stain DAPI (blue). Scale bar = 100 μM. b There was a significant increase in caspase 3/7 activity in the tri-culture as compared to the co-culture 48 h after the simulated mechanical trauma. c Comparing the percent area coverage of astrocytes in the scratched area between the co- and tri-cultures 48 h following the scratch. d Difference in the microglia area in the control and scratched tri-cultures. b–d All graphs display mean ± SD (n = 3), while the points indicate the values of the technical replicates. The letters above the bars indicate statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) as found by a t test assuming unequal variances were observed in tri-culture only at the highest concentra- the presence of microglia in the tri-culture and was not tion of glutamate. Surprisingly, unlike exposure to LPS or due to a depressed neuronal response to glutamate. mechanical trauma, the exposure of the tri-cultures to glu- tamate did not appear to change the morphology of the Tri-culture cytokine profile microglia (Fig. 4d). Specifically, the average microglia area We compared the cytokine secretion profiles of the con- did not change following treatment with different concen- trol and LPS-exposed tri- and co-cultures using the trations of glutamate (p =0.81). proteome profiler rat XL cytokine array (Bio-Techne). We also confirmed that the tri-culture was electro- Of the 79 cytokines detected by the array, 34 were de- physiologically active via calcium imaging. For both the tected at a relative concentration greater than 10% of the co- and tri-cultures, we observed spontaneous calcium maximum in at least one of the samples. A hierarchical influxes at DIV 7. Additionally, we compared the re- cluster analysis was performed on the results from these sponse of both culture types to varying concentrations 34 cytokines (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Data Table 4), of glutamate (Fig. 4e and Supplementary Data Table 3). which revealed three distinct expression profiles. In gen- Analysis of the main effects did not identify a significant eral, these profiles consist of cytokines secreted by both difference in the response of the tri-culture and co- the co- and tri-cultures (green) and those only secreted cultures to different concentrations of glutamate (p = by the tri-culture. This second group of cytokines can be 0.78). Additionally, for both culture types, we observed a further subdivided into cytokines that are secreted in significant change in fluorescence intensity across a wide relatively equal concentrations by the control and LPS- – range of glutamate concentrations (p = 1.73 × 10 15) in- exposed tri-cultures (orange) and cytokines having in- dicating that the neuroprotective effect was a result of creased expression in the LPS-exposed tri-cultures Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 9 of 16

Fig. 4 (See legend on next page.) Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 10 of 16

(See figure on previous page.) Fig. 4 Response to excitotoxicity. a Representative fluorescence images of the co- and tri-cultures at 48 h following exposure to 25 μM glutamate for 1 h. The cultures were immunostained for the three cell types of interest: neurons—anti-βIII-tubulin (red), astrocytes—anti-GFAP (green), microglia—anti-Iba1 (orange), and the general nuclear stain DAPI (blue). Scale bar = 100 μM. Representative images from the other conditions can be found in Supplementary Figure 4. b Comparing the average astrocyte area between the co- and tri-cultures following challenges with different concentrations of glutamate. A full analysis of the simple main effects can be found in supplementary data table 1. c The neuron percent area coverage, with a 0.2 circularity cutoff to eliminate cell debris, following excitotoxic challenge. A full analysis of the simple main effects can be found in supplementary data table 2. d The average microglia surface area did not change following treatment with different concentrations of glutamate. e Calcium imaging results showing the change in fluorescence intensity following treatment with different concentrations of glutamate. A full analysis of the simple main effects can be found in supplementary data table 3. b–e All graphs display mean ±SD(n = 3), while the points indicate the values of the technical replicates. The letters above the bars indicate statistically significant differences (p < 0.05)

Fig. 5 Tri-culture proteomic profile. Comparing the proteomic profile of the conditioned media from co- and tri-cultures after 48 h incubation with 5 μM LPS. a Heat map showing the relative cytokine concentrations scaled from 1 to 100. Proteins with a relative concentration of less than 10% of the maximum for all treatments were not included in the heat map but can be found in (Supplementary Figure 5). Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed three major groups of cytokines consisting of cytokines present in the conditioned media from all culture types (green), cytokines with increased expression in both control and LPS challenged tri-culture (orange), and cytokines with increased expression only in the LPS exposed tri-cultures (purple). b–j The relative concentrations of specific cytokines of interest. All graphs display mean ± SD (n = 3). The letters above the bars indicate statistically significant differences (p < 0.05, 2-way ANOVA with the Tukey test used to analyze the simple main effects if necessary). A full breakdown of the statistical analysis can be found in supplementary data table 4 Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 11 of 16

(purple). As expected, the co-cultures did not respond to indicated that the activation of the colony-stimulating LPS, leading to a nearly indistinguishable cytokine pro- factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) via colony-stimulating factor 1 file as compared to the control co-culture exposed only (CSF1) or IL-34 is required for microglia viability both to vehicle. in vitro and in vivo [57–59], and therefore, its require- All cytokines secreted by both the tri- and co-cultures ment in the tri-culture media was not unexpected. While have been shown to be expressed by either neurons or the addition of TGF-β or cholesterol did not seem to be astrocytes in non-inflammatory conditions [45–49], with a requirement for microglia viability in the tri-culture, the exception of adiponectin, which is found in the CSF both factors proved critical in maintaining physiologic- of healthy individuals but has not been shown to be ally active microglia. It has been shown that TGF-β can expressed by neurons or astrocytes [50]. Additionally, induce a quiescent microglia phenotype in vitro [60], with the exception of CX3CL1, these cytokines appear and it may even be required for cultured microglia to to be constitutively expressed by astrocytes and micro- maintain their profile [61]. Excess chol- glia as neither the media type nor the addition of LPS esterol in the culture media may also be beneficial for had an impact on their concentration in the conditioned maintaining a functional microglia gene expression pro- media. Interestingly, we see a significant decrease in file as it reduces the expression of CX3CL1 concentration in the tri-culture as compared to (ApoE) [62], which is critical for transport, but it is the co-culture (Fig. 5b, p = 0.0051). Additionally, we ob- also inversely correlated with the expression of microglia serve the presence of IGF-1 in the control tri-culture signature genes [61]. conditioned media that is not present in either the co- We hypothesized that these three factors could be in- culture or the LPS-exposed tri-culture (Fig. 5g, p = cluded in a culture medium designed to support neurons 0.0010 and p = 0.0010, respectively). and astrocytes without negatively impacting the overall Of the cytokines present in the tri-culture conditioned health of the culture, as each factor has been associated media that do not increase in expression in response to with improved neuronal health and survival. TGF-β en- LPS, all have been shown to be secreted by microglia hances the effect neurotrophic factors and has been and are also linked to neuroinflammatory states [51–55]. shown to improve the survival of cultured neurons In the case of CCL2, CCL3, and CCL20, the concentra- maintained in low concentrations of [63, tion of these cytokines in the conditioned media are at 64], while exogenous cholesterol is to play a sig- the upper limit of the array under control conditions; nificant role in neural cholesterol homeostasis [65]. Acti- thus, an increase in concentration in response to LPS vation of CSF1R on neurons via CSF1 or IL-34 has been may not have been detected. However, there are a sig- shown to increase neuron survival following - nificant number of pro-inflammatory cytokines that are induced excitotoxicity [44], while activation via CSF1 re- present in the conditioned media only after treatment duces apoptosis in cultured neurons in a dose- with LPS, including many of the hallmark pro- dependent manner [66]. We decided to include IL-34 in- inflammatory cytokines secreted by activated microglia. stead of CSF1 in the tri-culture medium, as IL-34 is In particular, levels of TNF-α, IL-1α, IL-1β, and IL-6 are more widely expressed in the cortex of postnatal mice significantly increased in the conditioned media of tri- [67, 68]. We observed that the tri-culture contains all cultures challenged with LPS (Fig. 5f–j, p = 0.0033, p = three cell types and that the continuous presence of 0.0010, p = 0.0010, p = 0.013, respectively). These four microglia did not impact the number of neurons or cytokines are consistently secreted by microglia in re- neurite outgrowth. However, we did observe a slight de- sponse to LPS in a variety of experimental conditions crease (p = 0.062) in the number of astrocytes in the tri- and are often used as biomarkers to indicate neuro- culture as compared to the co-culture, which might be inflammatory or neurodegenerative disorders [56]. due to the presence of TGF-β in the tri-culture media, which has been shown to reduce astrocyte proliferation Discussion [69]. Additionally, we observed a significant increase in Here, we describe an in vitro model consisting of a tri- the percent area coverage of the astrocytes at DIV 14. culture of neurons, astrocytes, and microglia that more However, this increase is due in part to the large number faithfully mimics neuroinflammatory responses than of fine astrocyte processes seen in the DIV 14 tri- standard mono- and co-cultures. This tri-culture is culture, which is overvalued by the auto-thresholding established by culturing primary cortical cells from neo- process used to calculate these values. We also observed natal rats in a tri-culture medium supplemented with a small portion of cells in both the tri- and co-cultures 100 ng/mL IL-34, 2 ng/mL TGF-β, and 1.5 μg/mL chol- (~ 2%) that were not immunoreactive for antibodies that esterol. These three factors were chosen as they have selectively label neurons, astrocytes, or microglia been identified as key factors in supporting serum-free (Supplementary Figure 6a). These unidentified cells may cultures of isolated microglia [19]. Previous studies have be precursor cells based on Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 12 of 16

immunoreactivity for NG2 (Supplementary Figure 6b) tri-cultures is membrane-bound and is interacting with [70]. It is likely that the lack of a mitotic inhibitor may the microglia in the tri-culture to hold them in a non- have allowed a small number of these cells to survive, as activated state. In response, the microglia secrete the they are not observed in neuron-astrocyte co-cultures neurotrophic factor, IGF-1 [77, 80], which was only treated with mitotic inhibitors [21]. Furthermore, we do found in the control tri-culture conditioned media. IGF- not expect that the presence of NG2-glia would impact 1 has been indicated as a trophic factor produced by the observed differences in the inflammatory response microglia in postnatal (P3-7) mice that significantly in- between the co- and tri-cultures as both cultures have a creases the survival of layer V cortical neurons [77]. This similar population of NG2-immunopositive cells. How- crosstalk between neurons and microglia may have led ever, as there is evidence that NG2-glia can play a role to a healthier neural population, as we observe a signifi- in neuroinflammation [70–72], in future studies, it may cant decrease in caspase 3/7 activity in the tri-culture as be beneficial to attempt to increase the number of NG2- compared to the co-culture (Supplementary Figure 3, p glia to physiologically relevant levels to attain an even = 0.0031). However, we were unable to determine the more complete cell culture model of neuroinflammation. extent to which the presence of microglia versus the The microglia in the tri-culture display an amoeboid additional factors present in the tri-culture medium im- morphology and not the classical ramified morphology proved neural health. associated with phenotypically “resting” microglia in the We characterized the tri-culture under a number of adult CNS. The cytokine profile of the tri-culture does neuroinflammatory scenarios, including exposure to contain molecules associated with neuroinflammatory LPS, mechanical injury, and excitotoxic challenge. We states [51–55], which suggests that the tri-culture is in a compared the response of the tri-cultures to that of the slightly inflamed state, possibly due to trauma associated neuron-astrocyte co-cultures and found that the pres- with dissection to isolated cells from the intact . ence of microglia changes the response to each of these However, we believe that the amoeboid morphology of neuroinflammatory stimuli. Moreover, the response of the microglia is primarily due to the fact that the pri- the tri-culture to these neuroinflammatory challenges mary microglia present in the culture are derived from are more in line with what is reported in vivo and in neonatal rats and therefore are still displaying their slice culture models. neonatal morphology and phenotype [73–75]. This hy- In response to LPS, the tri-culture displays many clas- pothesis is supported by the presence of galactin-3 in sic hallmarks of neuroinflammation including an in- the tri-culture (Fig. 5d). Galactin-3 has been shown to crease in caspase 3/7 activity, astrocyte hypertrophy, and induce an amoeboid morphology in microglia, and the the secretion of a number of pro-inflammatory for galactin-3 is highly expressed in cytokines. However, while we do see evidence of neuro- healthy neonate amoeboid microglia, but not in adult degeneration and neurite loss in the LPS-exposed tri- microglia showing ramified morphologies [76]. Further- cultures (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Figure 7A), the more, IGF-1, which is produced by microglia in early extent of the damage is significantly less severe than postnatal mice, was also present in the tri-culture [77]. what is observed in vivo. This may be because microglia Crosstalk between different cell types in the CNS is in- require co-activation with both LPS and INF-γ (secreted tegral in maintaining homeostasis, and we observe evi- by circulating leukocytes) to produce the severe neuro- dence of that crosstalk in the tri-culture. The tri-culture toxic effects seen in vivo [81]. In the absence of leuko- showed low concentrations of CX3CL1 in the condi- cytes, no INF-γ is produced by the tri-culture in tioned media, which was elevated in both the co-culture response to LPS (Supplementary Figure 5) leading to a conditions and the LPS exposed tri-culture. CX3CL1 is less severe response. We also observe an increase in expressed primarily by neurons in the CNS and is found microglia area in response to LPS, contradictory to the in both a membrane-bound and soluble form. decrease in microglia area typically observed in vivo as Membrane-bound CX3CL1 is important for microglia the microglia transition from a highly ramified to regulation and thought to hold the microglia in resting amoeboid morphology [82]. However, the morphology state, while soluble CX3CL1 acts as a powerful chemo- of the microglia following exposure to LPS is consistent attractant for microglia and is also secreted by neurons with previous in vitro experiments, with the microglia and glial cells during neuroinflammatory conditions [11, showing a distinct polarity and the formation of large la- 78, 79]. As microglia are an integral part of CNS homeo- mellipodia [30, 83, 84], which accounts for the increase stasis, the high concentration of CX3CL1 in the co- in area. We believe that this difference may not be due culture might be a compensatory response to the lack of to a difference in microglia function but a result of the microglia as co-cultures attempt to recruit them. The change from a 3D to 2D environment. In both instances, lack of CX3CL1 in the conditioned media from the con- microglia become activated and prepare to migrate to- trol tri-cultures suggests that the majority of CX3CL1 in wards the site of injury. In the 3D environment, this Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 13 of 16

involves the transformation from a ramified to amoeboid acid (TBOA) to excitotoxicity-induced neural morphology to allow for the free movement through the death in otherwise healthy hippocampal slices [94] and , while in the 2D environment, this involves increased neural death in neuron-astrocyte co-cultures the extension of lamellipodia. exposed to glutamate [95]. While the exact mechanisms The neuroinflammatory response to the mechanical responsible for the neuroprotective effect of microglia in trauma caused by the implantation of therapeutic elec- response to excitotoxicity are not fully understood, it trodes is a highly complex process, with both microglia has been shown that the microglia migrate towards and astrocytes responding to alarmins released by dam- hyperactive neurons in response to ATP and glutamate aged cells to initiate an inflammatory cascade. Activated released by these neurons [96–98]. These microglia have microglia display a wide range of phenotypes with over- been shown to release small quantities of TNF-α that lapping gene expression profiles, and microglia protect neurons against NMDA-induced excitotoxicity polarization is no longer classified along a binary “M1 [99], and to directly contact damaged to repolarize (neurotoxic)/M2 (neuroprotective)” scale based on the and rescue hyperactive neurons [98]. We observed a sig- presence of specific markers [8, 85]. However, following nificant decrease in the number of neurons lost in the the implantation of therapeutic electrodes, it is generally tri-culture as compared to the co-culture following ex- hypothesized that microglia play a pro-inflammatory and posure to glutamate (Fig. 4c and Supplementary Figure neurotoxic role through the secretion of reactive oxygen 7B), indicating that the tri-culture recapitulates the species and pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, complex interactions between the microglia and IL-1β, and IL-6, along with the recruitment of circulat- neurons during excitotoxicity. Additionally, we ob- ing immune cells [6, 86]. The increased caspase 3/7 ac- served that the average microglia area did not change tivity in the tri-culture culture 48 h following the scratch in response to exposure to different concentrations of injury is in line with the hypothesized neurotoxic role of glutamate, which is in line with previous research microglia during these types of injuries. Additionally, the suggesting morphologically resting/ramified microglia tri-culture is capable of modeling the early stages of glial can serve a neuroprotective role during excitotoxic scarring, which is a major factor in the functional recov- events [97]. ery following mechanical trauma [87, 88] and a primary We believe the tri-culture model has multiple advan- reason for the loss of functionality of therapeutic neural tages over other methods used to study neuroinflamma- implants [6, 89]. We observe a significantly higher cover- tion in vitro. The most obvious benefit is the presence of age of astrocyte processes in the scratched area in the neurons, astrocytes, and microglia in the same cell cul- tri-culture as compared to the co-culture. In the tri- ture, which will allow researchers to study the complex culture, we also find microglia in the scratched area, and interplay between these cells that leads to different re- these microglia appear to have a larger surface area, sponses to inflammatory stimuli. Additionally, the use of most likely due to the extension of lamellipodia as the a single culture (as opposed to using conditioned media microglia migrate into the scratched area. Microglia are to mimic the influence of cell types absent in the cul- thought to migrate into the injury site and secrete fac- ture) allows for the observation of cell-cell interactions tors that to increased astrocyte migration towards and other mechanisms with spatiotemporal nuances that the injury [88]. One such factor is matrix metallopro- may be lost when using models involving multiple differ- tease 9 (MMP-9), which is secreted by microglia in re- ent types of cultures. Another major benefit of the tri- sponse to neuroinflammatory factors [90] and has been culture model is its relative simplicity. The only modifi- implicated in the migration of astrocytes and the initial cation needed to establish and maintain the tri-culture formation of the [91]. We observed that MMP- model is the use of a specialized tri-culture medium. 9 is secreted in tri-cultures, but not in co-cultures in Compared to other models that involve multiple cultures response to LPS (Fig. 5a). or the addition of cells at specific time points during cul- The tri-culture model is especially useful in modeling ture, the simplicity of this tri-culture model lends itself the glial response to glutamate-induced excitotoxic to high-throughput experiments, and, therefore, it may events. Both astrocytes and microglia are thought to play be an effective tool in the early screening of potential a neuroprotective role during excitotoxic events through therapeutic molecules. Additionally, this tri-culture model mechanisms that are difficult to capture in other models. is amenable to experiments involving more complex cul- Astrocytes are responsible for maintaining glutamate ture setups, such as microfluidic and organ-on-a-chip de- homeostasis in the CNS through the uptake of extracel- vices [100]. Ultimately, we believe that the neuron, lular glutamate by membrane transporters, and the fail- astrocyte, and microglia tri-culture described in this paper ure of these transporters is linked to excitotoxic can be a useful tool to study neuroinflammation in vitro pathologies [92, 93]. Furthermore, blocking these glu- with improved accuracy in predicting in vivo neuroinflam- tamate transporters with DL-threo-β-benzyloxyaspartic matory phenomena. Goshi et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2020) 17:155 Page 14 of 16

Conclusion receptor; INF-γ: Interferon gamma; TBOA: DL-threo-β-benzyloxyaspartic acid; We have described a primary neural cell culture model ATP: triphosphate; NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate consisting of a tri-culture of neurons, astrocytes, and Acknowledgements microglia. The response of this tri-culture to LPS expos- We would like to thank Sunjay Sethi, Harmanpreet Panesar, and Felipe Da ure, mechanical trauma, and glutamate-induced excito- Costa Souza (University of California, Davis) for their help in obtaining primary cortical cells, along with Barath Palanisamy for his help in image toxicity more faithfully mimicked the in vivo response acquisition and de-identification. than an established neuron-astrocyte co-culture model. We believe that this tri-culture model can be a useful Authors’ contributions All authors designed the experiments. NG performed cell culture, tool to study neuroinflammation in vitro. studies, imaging, and data analysis and wrote the main manuscript text. RKM performed the proteome profile assays and data Supplementary information analysis. ES and PJL contributed to the interpretation of experimental results Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10. and edited the manuscript. The authors read and approved the final 1186/s12974-020-01819-z. manuscript

Funding Additional file 1: Supplementary Data Table 1. Analysis of the We acknowledge funding from the National Science Foundation simple main effects (Tukey test) from Figure 4B. The p-values from each (CBET&DMR-1454426), the National Institutes of Health (R21 EB024635), and pairwise result are shown on the table, with p-values less than 0.05 University of California - Microbiome Special Research Program. NK was highlighted in green. Supplementary Data Table 2. Analysis of the supported by the UC Davis Biotechnology Training Program award. This simple main effects (Tukey test) from Figure 4C. The p-values from each research used the Biological Analysis Core of the UC Davis Institute pairwise result are shown on the table, with p-values less than 0.05 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (U54 HD079125). highlighted in green. Supplementary Data Table 3. Analysis of the simple main effects (Tukey test) from Figure 4E. The p-values from each Availability of data and materials pairwise result are shown on the table, with p-values less than 0.05 The datasets during and/or analyzed during the current study are available highlighted in green. Supplementary Data Table 4. Statistical analysis from the corresponding author on reasonable request. of Figure 5B-J. The p-values from the 2-way ANOVA and simple main ef- fects analysis (Tukey Test) are shown. p-values < 0.05 are highlighted in Ethics approval and consent to participate green. Supplementary Figure 1. Immunostained images of the co- and All procedures involving animals were conducted in accordance with the tri-cultures at DIV 14 showing the co-localization of f-actin (cyan) and β-III National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory tubulin (red) indicative of dendritic spines. Scale bar = 20 μm. Supple- Animals following protocols approved by the University of California, Davis mentary Figure 2. Tri-culture media supplement requirements for Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. microglia survival at DIV 7. The results indicate that IL-34 is required for microglial survival in the tri-culture. The figure shows the mean ± SD of Consent for publication the technical replicates (n = 4) of a single biological replicate. Supple- Not applicable. mentary Figure 3. The tri-culture shows reduced caspase 3/7 activity at DIV 9 (n = 6). The letters above the bars indicate statistically distinct groups (p < 0.05), while the points indicate the values of the technical Competing interests replicates. Supplementary Figure 4. Representative images of the co- The authors declare that they have no competing interests. and tri-cultures 48 h following a 1 h treatment with different concentra- Author details tions of glutamate or vehicle control. The cultures were immunostained 1 – β Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California - Davis, for the three cell types of interest: neurons anti- III-tubulin (red), astro- 2 – – Davis, CA 95616, USA. Department of Molecular Biosciences, University of cytes anti-GFAP (green), microglia anti-Iba1 (orange) and the general 3 nuclear stain DAPI (blue). Scale bar = 100 μM. Supplementary Figure 5 California - Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USA. Department of Electrical and Complete proteomic profile from Figure 5A. Supplementary Figure 6. Computer Engineering, University of California - Davis, 3177 Kemper Hall, There are approximately 2% of the total cell population that was not Davis, CA 95616, USA. clearly identifiable as neurons, astrocytes or microglia. (A) Mean ± SD of cells from each culture type not reactive for antibodies selective for neu- Received: 18 February 2020 Accepted: 17 April 2020 rons, astrocytes or microglia (n = 3). 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