
Enigma in Medieval Slavic Culture Symposium 14 – 16 November 2019

University of , The Slavic Institute Webpage: http://www.slavistik.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/enigma.html ​

Registration is required, please register for free here. ​ ​ ​ ​

Enigma in Medieval Slavic Culture is an interdisciplinary conference which explores the ​ significance, specifics, function and history of riddles in the culture of medieval Rus and, more broadly, Orthodox Slavs. It will bring together early Slavists, Byzantinists, art historians and historians to examine the problem of enigma in literature, art and various cultural phenomena. Through case studies across disciplinary and medial boundaries, it aims to find methodologies by which medieval enigmas, both textual and visual, can be deciphered. It seeks to identify their common characteristics, but also their change and transformation across space and time.

Organiser: Ágnes Kriza (Alexander von Humboldt fellow) Email: [email protected]

Thursday 14 November University of Cologne, Neuer Senatssaal, Main Building, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, Cologne

Welcome - Daniel Bunčić (University of Cologne); Ágnes Kriza (University of Cologne) 10.00 ​ ​ ​ ​

Panel I. Chair: Alexandra Vukovich (University of Oxford) 10.15 ​ ​

Mirela Ivanova (University of Oxford) ​ Hidden Truth: Solomon’s Chalice in the Life of Constantine-Cyril and Ninth-Century Byzantine Thought

Petia Ianeva (Sofia, St. Kliment Ohridski University) ​ The Correlation Between Enigma, Mystery, and Parable as Key Words in Symeon’s Miscellany

Marina Babalyk (Petrozavodsk, Kizhi State Open-Air Museum) ​ Enigmas in the Apocrypha “Conversation of the three saints”

11.45 Coffee

Keynote lecture I. Chair: Daniel Bunčić (University of Cologne) 12.15 ​ ​

Boris Uspenskij (Moscow, National Research University Higher School of Economics) ​ Никодимово евангелие и культ св. Лонгина

13.00 Lunch

Panel II. Chair: Susanne Wittekind (University of Cologne) 14.00 ​ ​ ​

Aleksandr Preobrazhensky (Moscow, Lomonosov State University) ​ Verbal and visual riddles in Medieval Russian iconography

Ágnes Kriza (University of Cologne) ​ Explaining the Visual: Russian Icon Commentaries

Polina Maier (Ostkirchliches Institut an der Universität Würzburg) ​ The Coal of the Enlightenment of Isaiah: Visions and Meanings in late Russian icon-painting

15.30 Coffee Poster Presentation: Lyubov Osinkina (University of Oxford) ​ ​ ​ The Mystery of Job’s Daughters’ Magical Belts: between the Word and the Image

Panel III. Chair: Cornelia Soldat (University of Cologne) 16.00 ​ ​ ​

Igor Danilevsky (Moscow, National Research University Higher School of Economics) ​ Загадки Остромирова Евангелия

Maria Korogodina (St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences Library) ​ Slavic Commentaries on Nomocanon and Sacralization of Canon Law in at the end of 13th – 16th centuries

Priscilla Hunt (Harvard Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies & University of ​ Massachusetts, Five Colleges Inc.) The Riddle and Enigma of the Cross in Muscovite Political Theology

17.30 Drink reception

Friday 15 November Theatre of the Italian Cultural Centre (Italienisches Kulturinstitut), Universitätsstraße 81, Cologne

Panel IV. Chair: Dragana Grbić (University of Cologne) 10.00 ​ ​ ​

Rainer Stichel (Universität Münster) ​ Der Zugang zur Heiligen Schrift – schwierig wie ein Labyrinth

Margaret Dimitrova (Sofia, St. Kliment Ohridski University) ​ Christian exegesis behind the medieval Slavonic translators' choices

11.00 Coffee

Keynote lecture II. Chair: Anna Jouravel (Martin Luther University -Wittenberg) 11.30 ​ ​ ​

Anissava Miltenova (Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) ​ Adelina Angusheva-Tihanov (University of Manchester) ​ The Enigma of the Night: Dream Interpretations in Medieval Slavonic Apocrypha

12.15 Break

Panel V. Chair: Iliana Chekova-Dimitrova (University of Cologne) 12.30 ​ ​ ​

Tatiana Afanasyeva (Saint-Petersburg State University) ​ Толкования на литургию в средневековых славянских источниках: символы и реальность

Fjodor Uspenskij (Moscow, National Research University Higher School of Economics) ​ Культ святых и загадки имянаречения в допетровской Руси

13.30 Lunch

Panel VI. Chair: Beatrice Kitzinger (Princeton University) 14.30 ​ ​ ​

Alexei Lidov (Moscow, Lomonosov State University) ​ Kavod-Doxa. A Jewish enigma in Church Slavonic Iconography

Irina Shalina (St. Petersburg, State Russian Museum) ​ Mysterious motifs in Old Russian icons

Justin Willson (Princeton University) ​ The Four Virtues of Solomon in Ivan IV’s Golden Chambers Frescoes

16.00 Coffee

Panel VII. Chair: Ralph Cleminson (Oxford) 16.30 ​ ​ ​

Alexei Gippius (Moscow, National Research University Higher School of Economics) ​ Savva M. Mikheev (Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences) ​ Enigmas and enigmatic in early Rus’ epigraphy

Dmitrii M. Bulanin (St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences) ​ Cryptography in the East Slavonic Manuscripts of the end of the 14-15th century

Alice Isabella Sullivan (University of Michigan) ​ Visual Riddles and Cryptograms in Medieval Slavic Manuscripts

18.00 Concluding discussion

Saturday 16 November Icon Museum Recklinghausen, Kirchplatz 2A, Recklinghausen

Welcome - Lutz Rickelt (Icon Museum Recklinghausen) 11.00 ​ ​ Eva Haustein-Bartsch (Icon Museum Recklinghausen) ​ Die rätselhaften Ikonen im Ikonen-Museum Recklinghausen


Neuer Senatssaal, Main Building, Albertus-Magnus-Platz