


According to the of Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome, and the Usage of the Western Rite Vi- cariate General of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

Revised Translation blessed for Use by Metropolitan PHILIP

May 2012

Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & 2 ORDINARY OF THE MASS When the priest, having vested, cause against the ungodly peo- approaches the , he makes ple: O deliver me from the the due reverence, and signs him- deceitful and wicked man. self with the M. For thou art the God of from forehead to breast, and says my strength: why hast thou in the clear voice: put me from thee, and why N the name of go I so heavily, while the en- the Father, and emy oppresseth me? of the Son, and P. O send out thy light and of the Holy Ghost. thy truth, that they may lead Amen. me: and bring me unto thy Then with hands joined before holy hill and to thy dwelling. his breast he begins the : M. And that I may go unto I will go unto the altar of the altar of God, even unto God. the God of my joy and glad- The ministers respond: ness: and upon the harp will I give thanks unto thee, O Even unto the God of my joy God, my God. and gladness. P. Why art thou so heavy, O Then, alternately with the Minis- my soul: and why art thou so ters, he says the following: disquieted within me? ¶ In Masses for the Dead, and in M. O put thy trust in God: Masses of the Season from Passion for I will yet give him thanks, Sunday to exclusive, which is the help of my the Psalm Give sentence is omitted countenance, and my God. together with Glory be and the repetition of the Antiphon. But af- P. Glory be to the Father, ter In the Name and I will go, Our and to the Son, and to the help and I confess are said. Holy Ghost. M. As it was in the begin- PSALM 42, 1-6 ning, is now, and ever shall IVE sentence with me, O be: world without end. Amen. God, and defend my G

3 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass The Priest repeats the Antiphon: LMIGHTY God have mer- = I will go unto the altar of A cy upon thee, forgive God. thee thy sins and bring thee to everlasting life. + Even unto the God of my joy and gladness. + Amen. The priest signs himself, saying: The Priest says Amen, and stands erect. = Our help is in the Name of the Lord: The ministers repeat the Confes- sion. And where the priest said + Who hath made heaven you, brethren, the ministers say and earth. thee, father. Then, with hands joined, bow- Then the priest, with joined ing profoundly, he makes the hands, makes the absolution, say- Confession. ing: CONFESS to Almighty God, LMIGHTY God have mer- I to Blessed Mary Ever Vir- A cy upon you, forgive you gin, to blessed the your sins, and bring you to Archangel, to blessed John everlasting life. the Baptist, to the holy Apos- tles Peter and Paul, to all the + Amen. , and to you, brethren, He signs himself with the sign of that I have sinned exceeding- the cross, saying: ly in thought, word and HE almighty and merciful deed, (he strikes his breast thrice T Lord grant unto us par- saying) by my fault, by own don, absolution and remis- my fault, by my most griev- sion of our sins. ous fault. Wherefore I beg blessed Mary Ever , + Amen. blessed Michael the Archan- And bowing he proceeds: gel, blessed , = Wilt thou not turn again the holy Apostles Peter and and quicken us, O God? Paul, all the Saints, and you, brethren, to pray for me to + That thy people may re- the Lord our God. joice in thee. The ministers respond saying: = O Lord, show thy mercy upon us. Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 4 + And grant us thy salva- ÝRIE, eléison. Kýrie, eléi- tion. K son. Kýrie, eléison. = O Lord, hear my prayer. Christe, eléison. Christe, eléi- + And let my cry come unto son. Christe, eléison. thee. Kýrie, eléison. Kýrie, eléison. = The Lord be with you. Kýrie, eléison. + And with thy spirit. Then, in the midst of the Altar, Extending and joining his extending and joining his hands, hands, he says in the clear voice: and bowing his head slightly, he Let us pray. And ascending the says, if it is to be said, Glory be to altar, he says in the voice: God on high, and continues with joined hands. When he says, we AKE away from us, we be- worship thee, we give thanks to T seech thee, O Lord, our thee, Jesus Christ and receive our iniquities, that we may enter prayer, he bows his head; and at the holy of holies with pure the end, when he says with the minds. Through Christ our Holy Ghost, he signs himself Lord. Amen. from forehead to breast. Then, bowing with hands joined lory be to God on high: upon the altar, he says: And on earth peace, to- E beseech thee, O Lord, G 1 wards men of good will. W by  thy Saints (he kiss- We praise thee. We bless es the altar in the middle) whose thee. We worship thee. We relics are here, and of all thy glorify thee. We give thanks Saints, that thou wouldest to thee for thy great glory. O vouchsafe to forgive me all Lord God, heavenly king, my sins. Amen. God the Father almighty. O Then the celebrant, signing the Lord, the only begotten Son, book with the sign of the cross, Jesus Christ. O Lord God, begins the . When the In- of God, Son of the Fa- troit is finished, with joined ther. That takest away the hands, the celebrant says alter- sins of the world, have mercy nately, with the ministers: upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that 1 Originally, “by the merits of thy Saints” sittest at the right hand of (“per merita Sanctorum tuorum”) 5 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass the Father, have mercy upon Afterwards he takes the book us. For thou only art holy. from the Altar, and kneeling Thou only art the Lord. again, asks a blessing from the Thou only, O Jesus Christ, Priest, saying: Bid, sir, a blessing. with the „ Holy Ghost, art The priest answers: most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. he Lord be in thy heart T and on thy lips, that thou Then he kisses the altar in the mayest worthily and fitly middle, and turning to the people, proclaim his : In the says: Name of the Father, and of = The Lord be with you. the „ Son, and of the Holy + And with thy spirit. Ghost. Amen. Then he says: Let us pray, and Having received the blessing, the the , one or more as the kisses the hand of the order of the Office requires. Celebrant. And going with the other ministers, with the Then follow the , , and the lights, to the place of the and the , or with the Gospel, he stands with joined Verse, or , as the season hands, saying: or quality of the Mass require. = The Lord be with you. These being ended, if it be a , the Deacon places + And with thy spirit. the book of the on the He announces: middle of the Altar, and the Cel- The continuation (or The ebrant blesses incense as above. beginning) of the holy Gospel Then the Deacon, kneeling before according to N. the Altar, says with joined hands: He signs the book with the LEANSE my heart and my thumb of his right hand at the C lips, Almighty God, who beginning of the Gospel which he didst cleanse the lips of is to read, then himself on the the prophet with a live coal, forehead, the mouth, and the so of thy gracious mercy breast. And while the ministers vouchsafe to cleanse me that respond, Glory be to thee, O I may worthily proclaim thy Lord, he censes the book thrice, Holy Gospel. Through Christ then reads the Gospel with joined our Lord. Amen hands. Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 6 The Gospel ended, the Subdea- ¶ In Masses of the Dead, con carries the book to the Priest, Cleanse my heart is said, but a who kisses the Gospel text, saying: blessing is not asked, lights are Through the words of the Gospel not carried, and the Celebrant may our sins be blotted out. does not kiss the book. Then the Priest is censed by the Then, in the midst of the Altar, Deacon. extending, raising, and joining his If, however, the priest celebrates hands, he says, if it is to be said, I without deacon and , believe in one God, and proceeds when the book has been carried with joined hands. When he says to the other corner of the altar, he God, he bows his head to the bows in the midst, and with Cross: which he does likewise joined hands says, Cleanse my when he says Jesus Christ, and heart, as above. Then Bid, Lord, together is worshipped. But at a blessing. The Lord be in my the words and was incarnate, he heart and on my lips, that I may genuflects until and was made worthily and fitly proclaim his man has been said. At the end of Gospel. Amen. the words and the life of the world to come, he signs himself Then, turning to the book, with with the sign of the Cross from hands joined he says: The Lord forehead to breast. be with you, and then announc- es: The continuation (or The be- believe in one God: ginning) of the holy Gospel ac- I The Father almighty, Mak- cording to N. He signs the book er of heaven and earth, and with the thumb of his right hand of all things visible and invis- at the beginning of the Gospel ible. And in one Lord Jesus text which he is to read, then Christ, the only-begotten Son himself on the forehead, the of God. Begotten of his Fa- mouth, and the breast. [Then he ther before all worlds. God of reads the Gospel as above.] When God, Light of Light, very God the Gospel is ended, the Minister of very God. Begotten, not responds: Praise be to thee, O made, being of one substance Christ, and the Priest kisses the with the Father: by whom all Gospel, saying: Through the things were made. Who for words of the Gospel as above. us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven. (Here he genuflects:) And was 7 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass incarnate by the Holy Ghost the with the host to the cele- of the Virgin Mary: and was brant. If it be a , the made man. And was crucified priest himself takes the Paten with also for us: under Pontius Pi- the host, which he offers, saying: late he suffered and was bur- ECEIVE, O Holy Father, ied. And the third day he rose R almighty and everlasting again according to the Scrip- God, this spotless victim tures. And ascended into which I, thine unworthy serv- heaven: and sitteth on the ant, offer unto thee, my living right hand of the Father. And and true God, for my innu- he shall come again with glo- merable sins, offences and ry, to judge both the quick negligences, and for all here and the dead: whose kingdom present; as also for all faithful shall have no end. And I be- Christians, both living and lieve in the Holy Ghost, the dead, that to me and to them Lord and Giver of life: who it may avail for salvation unto proceedeth from the Father. life everlasting. Amen. Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped Then, making a cross with the and glorified: who spake by same Paten, he places the Host the prophets. And I believe upon the . The Deacon one holy Catholic and Apos- ministers the wine, the Subdea- tolic Church. I acknowledge con the water in the (or if one for the remis- it be a Low Mass, the Priest pours sion of sins. And I look for in both). The Priest blesses the the resurrection of the dead. sign of the Cross the water to be And the life of the „ world to mixed in the Chalice, saying: come. Amen. ¶ In Masses of the Dead, the fol- Then he kisses the altar, and lowing Prayer is said: but the wa- turning to the people says: ter is not blessed. = The Lord be with you. GOD, who didst won- And with thy spirit. O drously create and yet + more wondrously renew the Then he says: Let us pray, and dignity of human nature, the . grant that by the mystery of Which having been said, if it is a this water and wine we may Solemn Mass, the Deacon presents be made co-heirs of his divini- ty, who vouchsafed to be Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 8 made partaker of our human- (He blesses the :) and ity, even Jesus Christ, thy Son bl„ess this sacrifice prepared our Lord, who with thee in for thy holy Name. the unity of the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth God; Then, if he is celebrating sol- world without end. Amen. emnly, he blesses incense, saying: HROUGH the intercession Then he receives the Chalice, T of blessed Michael the and offers it, saying: archangel standing at the right E offer unto thee, O hand of the altar of incense, W Lord, the Chalice of sal- and of all His elect, may the vation, beseeching thy clem- Lord vouchsafe to bl„ess this ency, that it may ascend in incense, and receive it as a the sight of thy divine majes- sweet smelling savor. Through ty as a sweet smelling savor, Christ our Lord. Amen. for our salvation and for that Receiving the from the of the whole world. Amen. deacon, he censes the Oblations, Then he makes the sign of the in the manner prescribed in the cross with the Chalice, and places general rubrics, saying: it upon the Corporal, and covers AY this incense which it with the Pall. Then, with hands M Thou hast blest, O Lord, joined upon the altar, he says, ascend to Thee, and may Thy bowing slightly: mercy descend upon us. N a humble spirit and with I a contrite heart, let us be Then he censes the altar, saying: accepted of thee, O Lord; PSALM 140:2-4 and grant that the sacrifice ET my prayer be set forth we offer this day in thy sight L in thy sight as the incense; may be pleasing unto thee, O and let the lifting up of my Lord God. hands be an evening sacrifice. Set a watch, O LORD, before Standing erect, he extends his my mouth, and keep the hands, raises them and joins door of my lips. O let not them; and lifting his eyes to heav- mine heart be inclined to any en and lowering them immediate- evil thing; let me not be oc- ly, he says: cupied in ungodly works. OME, O Sanctifier, al- C mighty everlasting God, 9 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass While he returns the thurible to As it was in the beginning, the deacon, he says: is now, and ever shall be: HE Lord enkindle within world without end. Amen. T us the fire of his love, and ¶ In Masses of the dead, and the flame of everlasting chari- during in Masses of ty. Amen. the Season, Glory be is omitted. Afterwards, the priest is censed Then bowing slightly, in the by the deacon. Then the priest middle of the altar with hands washes his hands saying: joined upon it, he says: PSALM 25:6-12 eceive, O Holy Trinity, WILL wash my hands in R this which we of- I innocency, O LORD, and so fer thee in memory of the will I go to thine altar. Passion, Resurrection, and That I may show the voice Ascension of our Lord Jesus of thanksgiving, and tell of Christ, and in honor of all thy wondrous works. blessed Mary ever Virgin, of LORD, I have loved the habi- blessed John the Baptist, of tation of thy house, and the the Holy Apostles Peter and place where thine honor Paul, of these and of all the dwelleth. Saints; that it may avail to O shut not up my soul with their honor and our salva- the sinners, nor my life with tion: and may they vouchsafe the bloodthirsty. to intercede for us in heaven, In whose hands is wicked- whose memory we keep on ness and their right hand is earth. Through the same full of gifts. Christ our Lord. Amen. But as for me, I will walk Then he kisses the Altar, and innocently: O deliver me and turning to the people he extends be merciful unto me. and joins his hands, and says rais- My foot standeth right, I ing his voice a little: will praise the LORD in the congregations. ray, brethren: that my sac- Glory be to the Father, and P rifice and yours may be to the Son: and to the Holy acceptable to God the Father Ghost: almighty. Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 10 The minister, or those near the Facing the altar he begins the altar, respond (otherwise the with both hands placed priest himself): apart on the altar; and raises he Lord receive the sacri- them a little when he says: Lift up T fice at thy (or my) hands, your hearts. He joins them before to the praise and glory of his his breast, and bows his head, name, to our benefit also, and when he says: Let us give thanks that of all his holy Church. unto our Lord God. The priest in the medium voice Then he separates his hands, says: Amen. and holds them separated till the end of the Preface: which ended, Then with hands extended, im- he again joins them, and says, mediately (without Let us pray) bowing: Holy. And when he says, he adds the Secret Prayers. When Blessed is he that cometh, he these are ended, he says in the stands erect and makes the sign of clear voice: Throughout all ages the Cross on himself from fore- of ages. head to breast.

11 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass THE PREFACES

THE PREFACES WITH SOLEMN CHANT THE PREFACES WITH FERIAL CHANT are to be used in all Masses of any are to be used in all Masses of simple Double or Semidouble Office, and in rite, and in Votive Masses, which are Votive Masses for a grave and at the not for a grave and at the same time same time public cause. They are public cause. A , never used in Masses of Simple rite, however, or , enjoying its own or in Votive Masses which are not for Preface, although according to the a grave and at the same time public Rubrics it retains its right to it as re- cause. A Commemoration, however, gards the text, does not retain it as re- or Octave, enjoying its own Preface, gards the solemn chant, unless such although according to the Rubrics it chant agrees with the Mass which is retains its right to it as regards the being celebrated. But if the ferial text, does not retain it as regards the chant is to be used within the Octaves solemn chant, unless such chant of the Nativity, Pascha, and Ascen- agrees with the Mass which is being sion, the prayers In and celebrated. Which oblation (as below in the Can- on) are said in all Masses, in which Commemoration of the Octave or Sunday within the Octave is not to be omitted.

Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 12 PREFACES WITHOUT CHANT THE PREFACE OF Ad libitum

THE ADVENT PREFACE may be said, at the option of the Priest (ad libitum): 1. In all Masses of the Season, until the Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord inclu- sive; 2. It may also be said on Feasts occurring in that Season which have no Preface. hroughout all ages of ages. ised as Savior to the lost race T + Amen. of man: with his truth to in- = The Lord be with you. struct the ignorant, with his + And with thy spirit. holiness to justify the impi- ous, and with his power to = Lift up your hearts. strengthen the infirm. Now + We lift them up unto the that the time draweth nigh Lord. that he whom thou art to = Let us give thanks unto send should come, and the our Lord God. day of our deliverance shin- + It is meet and right and eth forth, with faith in thy right so to do. promises, we rejoice with ho- It is very meet, right, just and ly exultation. availing unto salvation, that And therefore with Angels we should at all times, and in and Archangels, with all places, give thanks unto Thrones and Dominations, thee, O Lord, holy Father, and with all the company of almighty, everlasting God: the heavenly host, we sing Through Christ our Lord: the hymn of thy glory, ever- Whom thou, in thy mercy more praising thee, and say- and faithfulness, hast prom- ing:

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts: Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

13 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass PREFACE OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD

THE PREFACE OF THE NATIVITY is said: 1. In Masses of the Nativity of the Lord; of the Sunday within the Octave (even if it is to be resumed after January 1st); of a day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; and of the Vigil of the of the Lord; as also in Masses of the Circumcision of the Lord, of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, of the Most Holy of the , of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 2. It is said also, according to the Rubrics, in all Masses, which are celebrated within the Octave of the Nativity, including those which otherwise would have a proper Preface, provided that a Commemoration is made of the Octave or of the Sunday within the Octave, and that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, does not require some other Preface of the divine Mysteries or Per- sons. 3. It is also said, according to the Rubrics, in all Masses in which Com- memoration is made of one of the aforesaid Mysteries of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, provided likewise that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, does not require another Preface; and it is also said, according to the same rule, and apart moreover from its Commemoration, within a Octave of any of the aforesaid Mysteries of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, as also from January 2–4 inclusive, provided further that, if it is a question of sung and conventual Masses, there be no other sung or conventual Mass of the Season or Octave, or with Commemoration therefore, and provided that the Preface of the Season or Octave for the said three days of January has not been said in one of the sung or conventual Masses. hroughout all ages of ages. Because through the mystery T + Amen. of the Word made flesh, the = The Lord be with you. light of thy glory hath shone + And with thy spirit. anew upon the eyes of our mind: that as we acknow- = Lift up your hearts. ledge God, made visible to + We lift them up unto the man, we may through him be Lord. caught up to love of things = Let us give thanks unto invisible. our Lord God. And therefore with Angels + It is meet and right and and Archangels, with Thrones right so to do. and Dominations, and with It is very meet, right, just and all the company of the heav- availing unto salvation, that enly host, we sing the hymn we should at all times, and in of thy glory, evermore prais- all places, give thanks unto ing thee, and saying: thee, O Lord, holy Father, Holy, Holy, Holy &c. almighty, everlasting God: Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 14 Infra Actionem In communion pro- Nativity of the Lord inclusive, in all per, as below in the Canon. In the Masses which are celebrated of the first Mass of the Nativity of the Octave or of the Sunday within the Lord is said: this most sacred night. Octave, or which have a Commem- Thereafter is always said: this most oration of either or both. sacred day, until the Octave of the PREFACE OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD

THE PREFACE OF THE EPIPHANY is said: 1. In Masses of the Epiphany of the Lord, of the Sunday within the Octave and of the Octave Day of the Epiphany, as also in Masses of the Holy Family, even if they are to be celebrated within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; 2. It is said also, according to the Rubrics, in all Masses, which are celebrated within the Octave of the Epiphany, provided that a Commemoration be made of the Octave or of the Sunday within the Oc- tave, and that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, do not require another Preface; 3. It is said also, according to the Rubrics, in all Masses, which are celebrated with a Commemoration of the Holy Family, provided likewise that the Mass itself or the Commemoration first made do not require another Preface; and it is said, according to the same rule, and even apart from its Commemoration, within the common Octave of the Holy Family wherever cel- ebrated, provided further, if it be a question of conventual Masses, that there be no other sung or conventual Mass of the Holy Family, or with Commemoration thereof, and provided that the Preface of the Octave has not been said in one of the sung or conventual Masses. hroughout all ages of ages. thee, O Lord, holy Father, T + Amen. almighty, everlasting God: = The Lord be with you. Because that when thine on- + And with thy spirit. ly-begotten Son manifestly = Lift up your hearts. appeared in substance of our + We lift them up unto the mortal nature, he restored us Lord. by the new light of his im- mortality. = Let us give thanks unto our Lord God. And therefore with Angels + It is meet and right and and Archangels, with right so to do. Thrones and Dominations, and with all the company of It is very meet, right, just and the heavenly host, we sing the availing unto salvation, that hymn of thy glory, evermore we should at all times, and in praising thee, and saying: all places, give thanks unto Holy, Holy, Holy &c. 15 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass Infra Actionem In communion pro- Octave, or which have a Commem- per, as below in the Canon. And it oration of either or both. is said throughout the Octave in all Masses, which are celebrated of the Octave or of the Sunday within the PREFACE OF

THE PREFACE OF LENT is said: 1. In Masses of the Season from until the Saturday within the fourth week of Lent inclusive; 2. It is said also, ac- cording to the Rubrics, in all Masses which are celebrated in that Season and which do not refer to any Feast or Mystery of the Lord, provided that the Mass itself or the Commemoration first made do not require another Preface. hroughout all ages of ages. Who, by bodily fasting dost T + Amen. overcome vice, dost raise the = The Lord be with you. mind, and dost bestow on us + And with thy spirit. virtue and heavenly rewards: through Christ our Lord. = Lift up your hearts. + We lift them up unto the Through whom the Angels Lord. praise, the Dominations adore, the Powers fear thy = Let us give thanks unto Majesty. The Heavens and our Lord God. the heavenly Virtues, and the + It is meet and right and blessed Seraphim together right so to do. sing thy praise with exulta- It is very meet, right, just and tion. With whom, we be- availing unto salvation, that seech thee, bid that our voic- we should at all times, and in es also be admitted, humbly all places, give thanks unto praising thee, and saying: thee, O Lord, holy Father, almighty, everlasting God: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts: Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 16 PREFACE OF THE HOLY CROSS

THE PREFACE OF THE HOLY CROSS is said: 1. In Masses of the Season from Pas- sion Sunday until Maundy Thursday inclusive: and in all Masses, even when celebrated within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord, which are of the Holy Cross, the Passion of the Lord, or the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; 2. It is also said, according to the Rubrics, in all Masses, in which a Commemoration is made of the Season or of any of the aforesaid Mysteries, provided that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, do not require another Preface; and it is said, according to the same rule, and even apart from its Commemoration, within the common Octave of any of the aforesaid Myster- ies wherever celebrated, provided further, that if it be a question of conventual Masses, there be no other conventual or sung Mass of the Octave, or with Commemoration thereof, and provided that the Preface of the Octave has not been said in one of the sung or conventual Masses. hroughout all ages of ages. Who by the Tree of the Cross T + Amen. didst give salvation unto = The Lord be with you. mankind: that whence death + And with thy spirit. arose, thence life might rise again: and that he who by a = Lift up your hearts. tree overcame might also by a + We lift them up unto the Tree be overcome: through Lord. Jesus Christ our Lord. = Let us give thanks unto Through whom the Angels our Lord God. praise, the Dominations + It is meet and right and adore, the Powers fear thy right so to do. Majesty. The Heavens and It is very meet, right, just and the heavenly Virtues, and the availing unto salvation, that blessed Seraphim together we should at all times, and in sing thy praise with ex- all places, give thanks unto ultation. With whom, we be- thee, O Lord, holy Father, seech thee, bid that our voic- almighty, everlasting God: es also be admitted, humbly praising thee, and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts: Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

17 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass PREFACE OF PASCHA The Preface of Pascha is said: 1. In Masses of the Season from Holy Saturday until the Vigil of the Ascension of the Lord inclusive, and in the Masses of the Greater and Lesser ; 2. It is also said, according to the Rubrics, in all Masses which are celebrated at this Season, provided that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, do not require another Preface, and provided, if it be a question of sung and conventual Masses, that there be no other conventual or sung Mass of the Season, or with Commemoration thereof, and provided that the Preface of the Season has not been said in one of the sung or conventu- al Masses. In the Mass of Holy Saturday is said chiefly on this night; but from the Feast of Pascha until the following Saturday inclusive, even in the Mass of the Greater Litanies, if it be celebrated within the Octave of Pascha with Commemoration thereof: chiefly on this day; otherwise, and moreover in the Mass of the Greater Litanies, if it be celebrated within the Octave of Pascha without Commemora- tion thereof: chiefly at this time. hroughout all ages of ages. But chiefly on this day (or, T + Amen. chiefly at this time) when = The Lord be with you. Christ our Passover is sacri- + And with thy spirit. ficed. For he is the very Lamb which hath taken away = Lift up your hearts. the sins of the world: Who + We lift them up unto the by his death hath destroyed Lord. death, and by his rising again = Let us give thanks unto hath restored life. our Lord God. And therefore with Angels + It is meet and right and and Archangels, with right so to do. Thrones and Dominations, It is very meet, right, just and and with all the company of availing unto salvation, that the heavenly host, we sing the we should at all times indeed hymn of thy glory, evermore glorify thee, O Lord: praising thee, and saying:

Holy, Holy, Holy &c. Infra Actionem In communion and Which oblation proper, as below in the Canon. It is thus said from Holy Saturday until Saturday in Paschal Week inclusive, in all Masses which are celebrated of the Octave, or which have a Commemoration thereof. But in the Mass of Holy Saturday infra Actionem is said: we celebrate this most sacred night.

Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 18 PREFACE OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD

THE PREFACE OF THE ASCENSION is said: 1. In Masses of the Ascension of the Lord, of the Sunday within the Octave and of the Friday after the Octave of the Ascension; 2. It is also said, according to the Rubrics, in all Masses, which are celebrated within the said Octave, provided that Commemoration is made of the Octave or of the Sunday within the Octave, and that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, do not require another Preface; and it is said, ac- cording to the same rule, even apart from its Commemoration, on the Friday after the Octave, provided further, that if it is a question of sung and conventual Masses, there be no other conventual or sung Mass of the , or with Com- memoration thereof, and provided that the Preface of the Ascension has not been said in one of the sung or conventual Masses. hroughout all ages of ages. thee, O Lord, holy Father, T + Amen. almighty, everlasting God: = The Lord be with you. Through Christ our Lord: + And with thy spirit. Who after his Resurrection = Lift up your hearts. manifestly appeared to all his + We lift them up unto the disciples, and in their sight Lord. ascended up into heaven, that he might make us par- = Let us give thanks unto takers of his Divinity. our Lord God. + It is meet and right and And therefore with Angels right so to do. and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominations, It is very meet, right, just and and with all the company of availing unto salvation, that the heavenly host, we sing the we should at all times, and in hymn of thy glory, evermore all places, give thanks unto praising thee, and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts: Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Infra Actionem In communion pro-per, as below in the Canon. And it is said throughout the Octave in all Masses, which are celebrated of the Octave or of the Sunday within the Octave, or which have a Commemoration of both or either.

19 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass PREFACE OF THE MOST Ad libitum

THE PREFACE OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT may be said, at the option of the Priest (ad libitum): 1. On the Feast of the Most Holy (Corpus Christi) and throughout its Octave, even on occurrent Feasts, if there be no prop- er Preface; 2. It may also be said in Votive Masses of the Most Blessed Sacrament. hroughout all ages of ages. alone hath been pleasing un- T + Amen. to thee. Wherefore, in this = The Lord be with you. mystery of thine inscrutable + And with thy spirit. wisdom and boundless chari- ty, that very work which he = Lift up your hearts. accomplished upon the + We lift them up unto the Cross, ceaseth not its won- Lord. derful operation, he himself = Let us give thanks unto offering, he himself the Ob- our Lord God. lation. Who inviteth us, + It is meet and right and made one Victim with him, right so to do. to that sacred Banquet, in It is very meet, right, just and which he is received as our availing unto salvation, that Food, the memory of his Pas- we should at all times, and in sion is renewed, the mind all places, give thanks unto with grace is filled, and a thee, O Lord, holy Father, pledge of future glory is be- almighty, everlasting God: stowed upon us. Through Christ our Lord: And therefore with Angels Who, having abolished the and Archangels, with empty shadows of fleshly vic- Thrones and Dominations, tims, commended his own and with all the company of Body and Blood as a sacrifice the heavenly host, we sing the for us: that in every place hymn of thy glory, evermore may be offered to thy Name, praising thee, and saying: that clean Oblation, which

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. &c.

Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 20 PREFACE OF THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS

THE PREFACE OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS is said: 1. In Masses of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; 2. It is said also, according to the Rubrics, in all Masses which are celebrated within the Octave of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, pro- vided that a Commemoration is made of the Octave, and that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, do not require another Preface; 3. It is said al- so, according to the Rubrics, in all Masses, which are celebrated with a Com- memoration of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, provided likewise that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, do not require another Preface. hroughout all ages of ages. upon the Cross, should be T + Amen. pierced by the soldier’s spear: = The Lord be with you. that his Heart thus opened, + And with thy spirit. the shrine of divine bounty, might pour forth upon us = Lift up your hearts. streams of mercy and of + We lift them up unto the grace; and, burning with un- Lord. ceasing love for us, might = Let us give thanks unto likewise be a place of rest for our Lord God. the godly, and an abiding + It is meet and right and refuge of salvation for the right so to do. penitent. It is very meet, right, just and And therefore with Angels availing unto salvation, that and Archangels, with we should at all times, and in Thrones and Dominations, all places, give thanks unto and with all the company of thee, O Lord, holy Father, the heavenly host, we sing the almighty, everlasting God: hymn of thy glory, evermore Who didst will that thine on- praising thee, and saying: ly-begotten Son, as he hung Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts: Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

21 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass PREFACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING

THE PREFACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING is said: 1. In Masses of our Lord Jesus Christ the King, even when they are celebrated within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; 2. It is also said, according to the Rubrics, in all Mass- es, which are celebrated with a Commemoration of Jesus Christ the King, pro- vided that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, do not require another Preface; and it is said, according to the same rule, and even apart from its Commemoration, within the common Octave of Jesus Christ the King wher- ever celebrated, provided further, that if it be a question of sung or conventual Masses, there be no other conventual or sung Mass of the Octave, or with Commemoration thereof, and provided that the Preface of the Octave has not been said in one of the sung or conventual Masses. hroughout all ages of ages. world: that, offering himself T + Amen. a spotless Victim and sacri- = The Lord be with you. fice of peace upon the altar + And with thy spirit. of the Cross, he might ac- complish the mysteries of the = Lift up your hearts. redemption of mankind: and + We lift them up unto the making all creatures subject Lord. to his governance, might de- = Let us give thanks unto liver up to thine infinite our Lord God. Majesty an eternal and uni- + It is meet and right and versal kingdom: a kingdom right so to do. of truth and life: a kingdom It is very meet, right, just and of sanctity and grace: a king- availing unto salvation, that dom of justice, love and we should at all times, and in peace. all places, give thanks unto And therefore with Angels thee, O Lord, holy Father, and Archangels, with almighty, everlasting God: Thrones and Dominations, Who didst anoint thine only- and with all the company of begotten Son, our Lord Jesus the heavenly host, we sing the Christ, with the oil of glad- hymn of thy glory, evermore ness, to be a Priest for ever praising thee, and saying: and the King of all the Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. &c.

Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 22 PREFACE OF THE HOLY GHOST

THE PREFACE OF THE HOLY GHOST is said: 1. In Masses of the Season from the Vigil of until the following Saturday inclusive; and in Votive Masses of the Holy Ghost, even when they are celebrated within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord: in which, however, outside the Vigil and Octave of Pentecost, the words as on this day are omitted; 2. It is also said, according to the Rubrics, in all Masses, which are celebrated on the Vigil and within the Octave of Pente- cost, provided that Commemoration be made of the Vigil or of the Octave, and that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, do not require another Preface; and it is said, according to the same rule, in Masses, in which Com- memoration is to be made of the Holy Ghost. hroughout all ages of ages. thee, O Lord, holy Father, T + Amen. almighty, everlasting God: = The Lord be with you. Through Christ our Lord: + And with thy spirit. Who, ascending above all = Lift up your hearts. heavens and sitting at thy + We lift them up unto the right hand, poured forth (as Lord. on this day) the promised Holy Ghost upon the sons of = Let us give thanks unto adoption. Wherefore with our Lord God. exceeding joy the whole + It is meet and right and round world exulteth. right so to do. The heavenly Virtues also It is very meet, right, just and and the Angelic Powers to- availing unto salvation, that gether sing the hymn of thy we should at all times, and in glory, evermore praising thee, all places, give thanks unto and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts: Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Infra Actionem In communion and Which oblation proper, as below in the Canon. And it is said only from the Vigil of Pentecost until the following Saturday inclusive in all Masses, which are celebrated of the Vigil or the Oc- tave, or with Commemoration of either.

23 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass PREFACE OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY

THE PREFACE OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY is said: 1. In Masses of the Most Ho- ly Trinity, even when celebrated within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord, of the greater Sundays of Advent, , Sexagesima, and Quinquages- ima, and of the lesser Sundays, even when anticipated on Saturday, after the Octave of the Epiphany and Pentecost; excluding the Masses of any of the afore- said Sundays resumed in the week, for in these, if there be no proper Preface of the Mass or the Office, even commemorated, the Common Preface is said; and likewise excluding the Mass of the 2nd and 3rd Sundays after Pentecost, in which, if the Commemoration of the Octave of Corpus Christi or of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is not to be omitted, the Preface of the respective Octave is used; 2. It is said also, according to the Rubrics, in all Masses, which are cele- brated with a Commemoration of the Most Holy Trinity, or of any of the afore- said Sundays, whether occurring or anticipated, provided that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, do not require another Preface: and it is said, according to the same rule, even separately from its Commemoration, within the common Octave of the Most Holy Trinity, wherever celebrated, provided further, that if it be a question of sung and conventual Masses, there be no oth- er conventual or sung Mass of the Octave, and provided that the Preface of the Octave has not been said in one of the sung or conventual Masses. hroughout all ages of ages. only Person, but three Per- T + Amen. sons in one Substance. For = The Lord be with you. that which by thy revelation + And with thy spirit. we believe of thy glory, the same we believe of thy Son, = Lift up your hearts. the same of the Holy Ghost, + We lift them up unto the without any difference or in- Lord. equality. That in the confes- = Let us give thanks unto sion of the true and everlast- our Lord God. ing Godhead, distinction in + It is meet and right and Persons, unity in Essence, and right so to do. equality in Majesty may be It is very meet, right, just and adored. availing unto salvation, that Which the Angels and Arch- we should at all times, and in angels, the Cherubim also all places, give thanks unto and Seraphim praise: who thee, O Lord, holy Father, cease not daily to cry out, almighty, everlasting God: with one voice saying: Who with thine only-begotten Holy, Holy, Holy Son and the Holy Ghost art Lord God of hosts. &c. one God, one Lord: not one Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 24


THE PREFACE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, outside of the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord, if the Commemoration of the said Octave or of the Sunday within the Octave is not to be omitted, and outside of the Feast and Octave of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, wherever celebrated, in which cases the Preface of the Nativity is said, as also outside the Vigils of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and outside the Masses of the of Advent,in which, if there be no proper Preface of any other Mass or Office, even commemorated, or of a common Octave, or for Vigils, even of the Season, the Common Preface is used, is said: 1. In Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary; 2. It is said, also according to the Rubrics, in all Masses which are celebrated with a Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and do not re- fer to any Feast or Mystery of the Lord, provided that the Mass itself, or the Com- memoration first made, do not require another Preface; and it is said, according to the same rule, and even apart from its Commemoration, within a common Octave of the Blessed Virgin Mary, provided further that, if it be a question of sung and conventual Masses, there be no other conventual or sung Mass of the Octave, or with Commemoration thereof, and provided that the Preface of the Octave has not been said in one of the sung or conventual Masses. And there is said moreover either And that on the Annunciation or Visitation or Assumption or Nativity or Presentation or Conception according to the name of the Feast. But in Masses of the Seven Sorrows is said: And that in the Transfixion. On other Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary is said: And that on the Festivity. In the Mass of Saint Mary on Saturday and in Votive Masses, in which a special Mys- tery has not been expressed, is said: And that in the Veneration. hroughout all ages of ages. thee, O Lord, holy Father, T + Amen. almighty, everlasting God: = The Lord be with you. And that  of blessed Mary + And with thy spirit. ever-Virgin, we should praise, = Lift up your hearts. bless and magnify thee. Be- + We lift them up unto the cause by the overshadowing of Lord. the Holy Ghost she conceived thine only-begotten Son: and, = Let us give thanks unto the glory of her maidenhood our Lord God. yet abiding, shed forth upon + It is meet and right and the world the light eternal, right so to do. even Jesus Christ our Lord. It is very meet, right, just and Through whom the Angels availing unto salvation, that praise, the Dominations we should at all times, and in adore, the Powers fear thy all places, give thanks unto majesty. The Heavens and the heavenly Virtues and the 25 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass blessed Seraphim together be admitted, humbly praising sing thy praise with exulta- thee, and saying: Holy. &c. tion. With whom, we beseech thee, bid that our voices also

Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 26 PREFACE OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST Ad libitum

THE PREFACE OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST may be said, at the option of the Priest (ad libitum), on the Feasts of Saint John Baptist and throughout their Octaves, even on occurrent Feasts, if there be no proper Preface; as well as in Votive Masses of the Saint. hroughout all ages of ages. with prophetic exultation the T + Amen. advent of man’s salvation: = The Lord be with you. Whose conception removed + And with thy spirit. the barrenness of his mother, and whose birth loosed the = Lift up your hearts. tongue of his father: To + We lift them up unto the whom, among all the Proph- Lord. ets, it was given not only to = Let us give thanks unto foretell but also to point out our Lord God. in very flesh the world’s Re- + It is meet and right and deemer: And, that the nature right so to do. of water might receive the It is very meet, right, just and power to cleanse from sin availing unto salvation, that those to be baptised therein, we should at all times, and in he washed in the flow of the all places, give thanks unto Jordan he who is the Author thee, O Lord, holy Father, of Baptism himself. almighty, everlasting God: And therefore with Angels And that we should praise and Archangels, with thy magnificence also in the Thrones and Dominations, blessed Forerunner, John the and with all the company of Baptist: Who, yet unborn, the heavenly host, we sing the discerned the voice of the hymn of thy glory, evermore Lord’s Mother; and yet en- praising thee, and saying: closed in the womb, foretold Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. &c.

27 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass PREFACE OF SAINT , SPOUSE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY

THE PREFACE OF , SPOUSE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, outside of the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord, in which, if the Commemoration of the Octave or of the Sunday within the Octave or of the Sunday within the Octave is not to be omitted, the Preface of the Nativity is used, is said: 1. In Masses of Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary; 2. It is said also, according to the Ru- brics, in all Masses, which are celebrated with Commemoration of Saint Joseph, and which do not refer to any Feast or Mystery of the Lord, provided that the Mass itself, or the Commemoration first made, do not require another Preface; and it is said, according to the same rule, and even apart from its Commemora- tion, within the common Octave of Saint Joseph, provided further, if it be a ques- tion of sung and conventual Masses, that there be no other conventual or sung Mass of the Octave, or with Commemoration thereof, and provided that the Preface of the Octave has not been said in one of the sung or conventual Masses. And in Votive Masses is said: And that in the Veneration. hroughout all ages of ages. being a just man, was given T + Amen. by thee for a Spouse to the = The Lord be with you. Virgin Mother of God, a + And with thy spirit. faithful and wise servant, made ruler over thy House- = Lift up your hearts. hold: that in the office of a + We lift them up unto the father he should guard thine Lord. only-begotten Son, conceived = Let us give thanks unto by the overshadowing of the our Lord God. Holy Ghost, even Jesus + It is meet and right and Christ our Lord. right so to do. Through whom the Angels It is very meet, right, just and praise, the Dominations availing unto salvation, that adore, the Powers fear thy we should at all times, and in majesty. The Heavens and all places, give thanks unto the heavenly Virtues and the thee, O Lord, holy Father, blessed Seraphim together almighty, everlasting God: sing thy praise with exulta- And that on the Festival (or tion. With whom, we be- in the Veneration) of blessed seech thee, bid that our voic- Joseph, we should, with due es also be admitted, humbly exaltation, praise, bless and praising thee, and saying: magnify thee. For that he, Holy, Holy, Holy. &c. Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 28


THE PREFACE OF THE HOLY APOSTLES, outside the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord, in which, if a Commemoration of the same Octave or of the Sunday within the Octave is not to be omitted, the Preface of the Nativity itself is used, also outside Vigils of the Apostles or Evangelists, in which if the proper Preface of another Mass or Office even if commemorated, or of a common Octave or of the Season be wanting, the common Preface is used: 1. In Masses of the Apostles or Evangelists and in a Mass of the Election and Enthronement of the and their anniversaries; 2. It is said also, according to the Ru- brics, in all Masses which are celebrated with a Commemoration of the Apos- tles or Evangelists themselves, or with a Commemoration of a Mass for the Pa- triarch as above mentioned and impeded on that day, and which are not of any Feast or Mystery of the Lord, provided that the Mass itself, or a Commemora- tion already made, do not demand another Preface. hroughout all ages of ages. everlasting Shepherd, do not T + Amen. forsake thy flock: but = The Lord be with you. through thy blessed Apostles + And with thy spirit. keep it by thy continual pro- tection. That it may be gov- = Lift up your hearts. erned by those same rulers + We lift them up unto the whom, in thy stead, thou Lord. hast appointed for thy work = Let us give thanks unto as shepherds of thy people. our Lord God. And therefore with Angels + It is meet and right and and Archangels, with right so to do. Thrones and Dominations, It is very meet, right, just and and with all the company of availing unto salvation: that the heavenly host, we sing the we, O Lord, should humbly hymn of thy glory, evermore entreat thee, that thou, the praising thee, and saying:

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts: Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

29 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass PREFACE OF ALL SAINTS AND HOLY PATRONS Ad libitum

THE PREFACE OF ALL SAINTS AND HOLY PATRONS may be said, at the option of the Priest (ad libitum): 1. On the Feast of All Saints, and throughout its Oc- tave, even on occurrent Feasts, if there be no proper Preface; 2. On the Feasts of the Patron or Titular Saint of a proper church (except Angels), if there be no proper Preface; and in Votive Masses of the same. hroughout all ages of ages. in their communion, and T + Amen. succour in their intercession: = The Lord be with you. That being compassed about + And with thy spirit. with so great a cloud of wit- nesses, we might run with = Lift up your hearts. patience the race that is set + We lift them up unto the before us, and together with Lord. them may receive the crown = Let us give thanks unto of glory that fadeth not away. our Lord God. Through Jesus Christ our + It is meet and right and Lord, by whose Blood we right so to do. have entrance into the ever- It is very meet, right, just and lasting Kingdom. availing unto salvation, that Through whom the trem- we should at all times, and in bling Angels adore thy majes- all places, give thanks unto ty, and all the of the thee, O Lord, holy Father, heavenly spirits together sing almighty, everlasting God: thy praise with exultation. Who art glorified in the With whom, we beseech council of thy Saints, and in thee, bid that our voices also crowning their merits, be admitted, humbly praising crownest thine own gifts: thee and saying: Who offereth us an example in their conduct, fellowship Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts: Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 30 PREFACE OF THE DEDICATION OF A CHURCH Ad libitum

THE PREFACE OF THE DEDICATION OF A CHURCH may be said, at the option of the Priest (ad libitum), on the Feast of the Dedication of a Church and also on the Anniversary of the same, and throughout the Octave, even on occurrent Feasts, if there be no proper Preface. hroughout all ages of ages. of everlasting love. This is the T + Amen. Ark which bringeth us, who = The Lord be with you. are delivered from the deluge + And with thy spirit. of the world, into the haven of salvation. This is the be- = Lift up your hearts. loved and only Bride which + We lift them up unto the Christ hath purchased with Lord. his Blood and quickened by = Let us give thanks unto his Spirit; in whose bosom our Lord God. we, who have been regenerat- + It is meet and right and ed by thy grace, are fed with right so to do. the milk of the Word, are It is very meet, right, just and strengthened with the Bread availing unto salvation, that of Life, and are comforted by we should at all times, and in the help of thy mercy. This is all places, give thanks unto that Bride that contendeth thee, O Lord, holy Father, faithfully on earth, being almighty, everlasting God: holpen by her Bridegroom, and being crowned by him, Who as the Giver of all good rejoiceth triumphant forever things dwellest in this House in heaven. of Prayer built by human hands, and by thy unceasing And therefore with Angels operation dost sanctify the and Archangels, with Church which thou thyself Thrones and Dominations, hast founded. For this is the and with all the company of true House of Prayer, of the heavenly host, we sing the which these visible buildings hymn of thy glory, evermore are but the figures. This is the praising thee, and saying: Temple of the habitation of Holy, Holy, Holy. &c. thy glory, the throne of un- changing truth, the sanctuary

31 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass


THE COMMON PREFACE is said, according to the rubrics: 1. In all Masses which have no proper Preface, and in which the Preface of some commemorated Mass of Office, or of a common Octave, or of the Season occurring, is not to be used; 2. In Masses of the Dedication of a Church and of any other Feast or Mystery of the Lord, celebrated in any place, which lacks a proper Preface, in which Masses the Preface is never used of the Season of Lent or of any commemorated Office or Octave, which is not of the Lord himself; 3. In Masses of the Ferias of Advent and of the Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord falling outside Sunday, if a Com- memoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary is to be made, and there is no proper Preface belonging to some other commemorated Mass or Office. hroughout all ages of ages. all places, give thanks unto T + Amen. thee, O Lord, holy Father, = The Lord be with you. almighty, everlasting God: + And with thy spirit. Through Christ our Lord. = Lift up your hearts. Through whom the Angels + We lift them up unto the praise, the Dominations Lord. adore, the Powers fear thy majesty. The Heavens and = Let us give thanks unto the heavenly Virtues and the our Lord God. blessed Seraphim together + It is meet and right and sing thy praise with exulta- right so to do. tion. With whom, we be- It is very meet, right, just and seech thee, bid that our voic- availing unto salvation, that es also be admitted, humbly we should at all times, and in praising thee, and saying:

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts: Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 32 PREFACE OF THE DEAD

THE PREFACE OF THE DEAD is said in all Masses of the Dead. hroughout all ages of ages. the resurrection: that they T + Amen. who bewail the certain con- = The Lord be with you. dition of their mortality may + And with thy spirit. be consoled by thy promise of immortality to come. For = Lift up your hearts. the life of thy faithful people, + We lift them up unto the O Lord, is changed, not tak- Lord. en away: and at the dissolu- = Let us give thanks unto tion of the tabernacle of this our Lord God. earthly sojourning, a dwell- + It is meet and right and ing-place eternal is made right so to do. ready in the heavens. It is very meet, right, just and And therefore with Angels availing unto salvation, that and Archangels, with we should at all times, and in Thrones and Dominations, all places, give thanks unto and with all the company of thee, O Lord, holy Father, the heavenly host, we sing the almighty, everlasting God: hymn of thy glory, evermore Through Christ our Lord: praising thee, and saying: In whom hath shone forth unto us the blessed hope of

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts: Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

33 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass CANON OF THE MASS The Preface being ended, the priest, extending, slightly raising and joining his hands, raises his eyes to heaven, and immedi- ately lowers them. Bowing profoundly before the altar with his hands placed upon it, he says (in the secret voice): HERE- unite and govern her FORE, most through-out the whole merciful world: together with Father, we thy servant N. our humbly Metropolitan, and N. pray and beseech thee our , and all through Jesus Christ, the Orthodox who up- thy Son, our Lord, He hold the Catholic and kisses the altar, and, with Apostolic Faith. hands joined before his EMEMBER breast, says: that thou ac- , O cept and bless He signs Lord, thy serv- thrice over the host and ants and hand- Chalice together saying: maids N. and N., he these „ gifts, these „ joins his hands and prays a offerings, these „ holy while for those for whom he spotless sacrifices, With intends to pray. Then with extended hands he contin- hands extended, he contin- ues: which we offer ues: and all here pre- thee in the first place sent, whose faith and devotion are known for thy holy Catholic and manifest unto Church, that thou thee, for whom we of- vouchsafe to keep her fer, or who themselves in peace, to guard, offer to thee, this sac- Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 34 rifice of praise for nus, John and Paul, themselves and those Cosmas and Damian, belonging to them, for and of all thy saints, the redemption of through whose  2 their souls, for the prayers grant that in hope of their health all things we may be and welfare, and who guarded by the help of pay their vows to thee, thy protection. He joins the eternal, living and his hands. Through the true God. same Christ our Lord. Amen. INFRA ACTIONEM Proper feasts, p. 34. Holding his hands spread out over the oblations, he says: N communion with, and ven- E therefore pray erating first, the thee, O Lord, memory of the glori- mercifully to ac- ous and Ever Virgin cept this offering of Mary, Mother of our our service and that of God and Lord Jesus all thy family: Order Christ: and also of thy our days in thy peace, blessed Apostles and and bid us to be deliv- Martyrs Peter and ered from eternal dam- Paul, Andrew, James, nation and to be num- John, Thomas, James, bered in the ock of Philip, Bartholomew, thine elect. He joins his Matthew, Simon and hands. Through Christ Thaddæus, Linus, Cle- our Lord. Amen. tus, Clement, Xystus, Nativity and Pentecost, p. 34.

Cornelius, Cyprian, Lawrence, Chrysogo- 2 The text (5th century): “merits and prayers” (meritis precibusque). 35 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass On the NATIVITY OF THE LORD, On the RESURRECTION OF THE and in all Masses throughout the LORD, from Holy Saturday until Octave, inclusive: the Saturday in White, inclusive: N communion with, N communion with, and celebrating the and celebrating the I most sacred day (most I most sacred day (most sacred night), whereon the sacred night) of the Resur- undefiled virginity of rection of our Lord Jesus blessed Mary brought Christ according to the forth the Savior to this flesh: and moreover vener- world: and moreover ven- ating first, the memory of erating first, the memory the same glorious ever- of the same glorious ever- Virgin Mary, Mother of Virgin Mary, Mother of the same our God and the same our God and Lord Jesus Christ: † Lord Jesus Christ: † On the ASCENSION OF THE On the EPIPHANY OF THE LORD, LORD, and in all Masses through- and in all Masses throughout the out the Octave, inclusive: Octave, inclusive: N communion with, N communion with, and celebrating the and celebrating the I most sacred day, where- I most sacred day, where- on our Lord, thine only- on thine only-begotten begotten Son, set at the Son, co-eternal with thee right hand of thy glory the in thy glory, visibly ap- substance of our frailty peared in the body, in the united to himself: and true substance of our flesh: moreover venerating first, and moreover venerating the memory of the same first, the memory of the glorious ever-Virgin Mary, same glorious ever-Virgin Mother of the same our Mary, Mother of the same God and Lord Jesus our God and Lord Jesus Christ: † Christ: † Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 36 On PENTECOST, from the Vigil hands. Through the same until the following Saturday, in- Christ our Lord. Amen. clusive: Holding his hands spread out over N communion with, the oblations, he says: and celebrating the I most sacred day of Pen- E therefore pray tecost, whereon the Holy thee, O Lord, mer- Spirit appeared to the W cifully to accept Apostles in tongues innu- this offering of our service merable: and moreover and that of all thy family: venerating first, the me- On the Feasts of PASCHA and mory of the glorious ever- PENTECOST only and throughout Virgin Mary, Mother of their Octaves, inclusive: the same our God and Which we offer unto thee Lord Jesus Christ: † on behalf also of these whom thou hast vouch- AND also of thy blessed safed to regenerate by wa- † Apostles and Martyrs ter and the Holy Ghost, Peter and Paul, Andrew, granting them the remis- James, John, Thomas, sion of all their sins: James, Philip, Bartholo- mew, Matthew, Simon and RDER our days in thy Thaddæus, Linus, Cletus, O peace, and bid us to Clement, Xystus, Corne- be delivered from eternal lius, Cyprian, Lawrence, damnation and to be Chrysogonus, John and numbered in the flock of Paul, Cosmas and Damian, thine elect. He joins his hands. and of all thy saints, Through Christ our Lord. through whose  3 prayers Amen. grant that in all things we may be guarded by the help of thy protection. He joins his

3 The Latin text (5th century): “merits and prayers” (meritis precibusque). 37 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass HICH offering, brake and gave it to his we beseech thee, disciples, saying: Take O God, He signs and eat, ye all, of this, thrice over the oblations to Holding the host with both ble„ss, ap„prove, ra„ hands between the thumbs tify, make reasonable and forefingers, he utters the words of in a the and acceptable in eve- secret voice distinctly and at- ry way; He signs once tentively over the host, and at over the host, that it may the same time over all, if more become for us the are to be consecrated. Bo„dy and once over the FOR THIS IS MY Chalice and Blo„od of thy most beloved Son, BODY. He joins his hands, our Having uttered these words, Lord Jesus Christ. he immediately adores the consecrated host by genuflect- HO, the day be- ing. He rises, shows It to the people, replaces It upon the fore he suf- corporal, and again adores by fered, He takes genuflecting. From henceforth the host, took bread in- he does not separate his to his holy and vener- thumbs and forefingers, except when the host is to be han- able hands He raises his dled, till after the ablution of eyes to heaven, and with his fingers. his eyes lifted up to Then, having uncovered the heaven unto thee, Chalice, he says: God, his almighty Fa- N like manner ther, He bows his head, after he had giving thanks unto supped, he takes thee, He signs over the the Chalice in both host, he bles„sed, hands, taking also this Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 38 excellent chalice into Having uttered these words, he sets down the chalice upon his holy and venerable the corporal, and says in the hands, he bows his head, secret voice: again giving thanks unto thee, holding the As oft as ye shall do Chalice in his left hand, he these things, ye shall signs over it with his right, do them in remem- he bles„sed it, and brance of me. gave it to his disciples He adores by genuflecting, rises, and shows It to the peo- saying: Take and ple, sets it down, covers it, and drink, ye all, of this, again adores by genuflecting. He utters the words of conse- Then with hands extended he cration over the Chalice, atten- says: tively, continuously and in the HEREFORE, O secret voice, holding the Chal- Lord, we thy ice slightly raised. servants, as also FOR THIS IS THE thy holy people, call- CUP OF MY ing to mind the BLOOD OF THE blessed Passion of the NEW AND ETER- same Christ, thy Son our Lord, his Resur- NAL TESTAMENT, rection from the dead THE MYSTERY OF and glorious Ascen- FAITH, WHICH sion into heaven, offer SHALL BE SHED unto thy most excel- FOR YOU AND lent majesty of thy FOR MANY UN- gifts bestowed upon us TO THE REMIS- He joins his hands, and then signs thrice over the SION OF SINS. host and Chalice together, 39 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass saying: a pure „ Vic- ND we beseech tim, a holy „ Victim, thee, O Lord, a spotless „ Victim, he to send down signs once over the host, thy Holy Spirit upon saying: the holy „ bread us and upon these of- of eternal life, and once ferings, he signs once over over the Chalice, saying: the host: that he would and the chalice „ of make this bread the everlasting salvation. precious Bo„dy of thy With extended hands he pro- Christ, and that which ceeds. is in this cup he signs PON which once over the Chalice: the vouchsafe to look precious Blo„od of with a favorable thy Son our Lord Jesus and serene counte- Christ, he signs once over nance, and to accept the host and Chalice to- them as thou wert gra- gether: changing them ciously pleased to ac- „ by thy Holy Spirit. cept the gifts of thy He adores by genuflecting, just servant Abel, and rises, and then, again bowing profoundly, with hands joined the sacrifice of our pa- upon the altar, he says: triarch , and that which thy high E humbly be- priest Melchisedech seech thee, al- offered unto thee, a mighty God, to command that these holy sacrifice, a spot- things be borne by the less Victim. hands of thy holy An- gel to thine altar on high, into the pres- Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 40 ence of thy divine ma- Lord, and to all who jesty, that so many of rest in Christ, grant us he kisses the altar, as we pray thee a place of shall partake at this al- refreshment, light and tar of the most sacred peace. He joins his hands, he joins his hands, and and bows his head, saying: signs once over the host, Through the same and once over the Chalice, Christ our Lord. Amen. Bo„dy and Blo„od He strikes his breast with his of thy Son, he signs him- right hand, raises his voice self, saying: may be filled slightly, saying: with all heavenly ben- O us sinners al- ediction and grace. He so, With hands ex- joins his hands. Through tended as before, the same Christ our he proceeds in the secret Lord. Amen. voice: thy servants, con- E mindful also, fiding in the multi- O Lord, of thy tude of thy mercies, servants and grant some lot and fel- handmaids N. and N., lowship with thy holy who are gone before apostles and martyrs; us with the sign of with John, Stephen, faith, and who rest in Matthias, , Ig- the sleep of peace. He natius, Alexander, Mar- joins his hands and prays a cellinus, Peter, Felici- while for those departed for tas, Perpetua, Agatha, whom he intends to pray; Lucia, Agnes, Cecilia, then with hands extended, Anastasia, and with all he proceeds: To them, O thy saints, into whose 41 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass company we pray thee between the thumb and fore- finger of his right hand: and of thy mercy to admit holding the Chalice with his us, not weighing our left, he signs with the host merits, but granting thrice from lip to lip of the us forgiveness. He joins Chalice, saying: his hands. Through OR by „ him, Christ our Lord. and with „ him, and in „ Y whom O him is to thee, He signs Lord, thou dost with the host itself between ever create, He himself and the Chalice say- signs over the host and ing: God the Father „ Chalice together, saying: almighty, in the unity san„ctify, quic„ken, of the Holy „ Ghost, ble„ss and bestow up- elevating the Chalice slight- on us all these good ly with the host, he says: all things. honor and glory: He uncovers the Chalice, genuflects, and takes the host He replaces the host, covers the Chalice with the Pall, genu- flects, rises and says in an audible voice, or sings: Vcaxvbbdcvfctfcdcfcrdcvdvv}cvdcvDRcv}cxô hrough-out all a - ges of a - ges. + A-men.

He joins his hands: VvvfcDRcvvfc]vfvfvfxxxxvvfxdc{vvfcvgvgvgxxbbõ Let us pray. Instructed by saving pre-cepts and following di Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 42 Vvvgcvbbfcgcfcvdc{vvdcvfxgcvfcfc]côc vine in-sti-tu-tion, we are bold to say: He extends his hands: VcRcvgcvvgvv[cbbgcvvfcgcvbbfcvbdmvv{cfcvvfcvdcfcvgxvf,cv]vvbõ Our Fa-ther, who art in hea-ven: Hal-low-ed be thy Name, Vvvgccfxfxvbdmcv{cgccgcbfxgc[vbfxdcvvfvvbfvvdvvbbfcvõ Thy king-dom come: Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Vvvgcvbbf,vvb]cbdcvbbfcvvgcvbbfcvvgcvvgcfccf,c]cdcvvbfcvvgcvfcvbõ hea-ven. Give us this day our dai-ly bread: And for-give us Vvvgcvvfcvvdcvbdvb{vfcbdcvfcvvgxfxvfcvvbgcvvfcvdcvfccf,bb]ñ our tres-pass-es, as we for-give those who tres-pass a-gainst us. Vvvbbaxdcvbfcvgcbbfcdcvvfcvbbrdcbbdmc}cóc And lead us not in-to temp-ta-tion. Vxbdcvdvvbfvvvfcvfcvbgcvvrdvvdmx} + But de-li-ver us from e- vil. The priest says in the secret voice: Amen. Then he takes the Paten be- ELIVER us, we tween the fore and middle fin- beseech thee, O gers of his right hand, and Lord, from all holding it upright upon the al- evils, past, present, tar, says the secret voice: and to come: and at the intercession of the 43 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass blessed and glorious hands over the Chalice, breaks Ever Virgin Mary, It in the middle, saying: Mother of God, with Through the same Je- thy blessed Apostles sus Christ, thy Son Peter and Paul, and our Lord with Andrew and all He places the half which he holds in his right hand on the thy Saints, He makes the Paten. Then from the part sign of the Cross on himself which remains in his left hand, with the Paten, from fore- he breaks a particle, saying: head to breast: graciously who with thee in the give peace in our days, unity of the Holy He kisses the Paten: that Ghost, liveth and aided by the help of reigneth, God, thy loving-kindness, we He joins the other half, which may both be ever free he holds in his left hand, to from sin and safe from the half laid upon the Paten, and retaining the small particle all disquietude. in his right hand over the He puts the Paten under the Chalice, which he holds with host, uncovers the Chalice, his left by the knob below the genuflects, rises, takes the host, cup, he says in an audible and holding It with both voice, or sings: Vxaxvvdcvfctfcdcfcrdcvdvv}vvbvbdcvvDRcv}cõ Through-out all a - ges of a - ges. + A-men. With the particle Itself, he signs thrice over the chalice saying: VvvfxDRxcbfcvfxgxcfvvbdcvfxcvrdcvvdmc}có The peace „ of the Lord „ be al-ways „ with you. Vcvvdxfcvvdcvvfcbfc}c + And with thy spi-rit. Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 44

He puts the same particle in- ¶ Also, in Masses of the Dead, to the Chalice saying in the the is not given, or is the fol- secret voice: lowing Prayer said. AY this com- Then, bowing with hands joined mixture and upon the Altar, he says in the se- consecration of cret voice the following Prayers: LORD Jesus Christ, the Body and Blood of who saidst to thine our Lord Jesus Christ Apostles: Peace I leave be for us who receive with you, my peace I give unto you: regard not my sins, but it unto life eternal. the faith of thy Church; and Amen. vouchsafe to grant her peace He covers the Chalice, genu- and unity according to thy flects, rises, and bowing to the will. Who livest and reignest, sacrament, joins his hands, and world without end. Amen. strikes his breast thrice, says in an If the Pax is to be given, he kisses audible voice: the Altar, and giving the Pax, says: LAMB of God, that Peace be to thee. + And with thy O takest away the sins of spirit. the world: have mercy upon LORD Jesu Christ, us. Son of the living God, O Lamb of God, that takest who by the will of the away the sins of the world: Father, and the cooperation have mercy upon us. of the Holy Ghost, hast through thy death given life O Lamb of God, that takest unto the world: deliver me by away the sins of the world: this thy most sacred Body grant us thy peace. and Blood from all mine in- ¶ In Masses of the Dead, Have iquities and from every evil: mercy upon us is not said, but in and make me ever to cleave its place is said: Grant them rest, unto thy commandments, and the third time is added ever- and suffer me never to be lasting. separated from thee:, who with the same God the Fa- ther and the Holy Ghost, 45 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass livest and reignest God, After signing himself with his world without end. Amen. right hand with the host over the Paten, he says: ET the partaking of thy Body, O Lord Jesu HE Body of our Lord Christ, which I, un- Jesus Christ preserve worthy presume to receive, my soul unto life ever- turn not to my judgment and lasting. Amen. condemnation: but of thy And bowing, he reverently takes goodness let it avail unto me both parts of the host. After con- for protection of soul and suming It, he places the Paten body, that I may receive thy down upon the Corporal, and healing, who with God the raising himself, joins his hands, Father, in the unity of the and is still for a short time in Holy Ghost, livest and meditation on the Most Holy reignest, God, world without Sacrament. Then he uncovers the end. Amen. Chalice, genuflects, collects the fragments, if there be any, and He genufects, rises and says: cleanses the Paten over the Chal- WILL receive the bread ice, saying meanwhile: of heaven, and call up- HAT reward shall I give on the name of our unto the Lord for all the Lord. benefits he hath done Then bowing slightly, he takes unto me? I will receive the cup both parts of the host between of salvation, and call upon the the thumb and forefinger of his name of the Lord. I will call left hand, and places the Paten upon the Lord which is worthy between the same forefinger and to be praised, so shall I be safe the middle finger, and striking his from mine enemies. breast three times with his right He takes the Chalice in his right hand, he says thrice, devoutly and hand and signing himself with it, humbly, raising his voice slightly: says: ORD, I am not worthy: and he proceeds in the se- HE Blood of our Lord cret voice: that thou Jesus Christ preserve shouldest come under my my soul unto life ever- roof, but speak the word only lasting. Amen. and my soul shall be healed. Holding the Paten under the Chalice with his left hand, he rev- erently receives the Blood with Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 46 He returns to the altar. If other prayers are the particle. Having received It, if permitted by the Ordinary, then he waits un- there be any to be communicated, til they are ended. let him communicate them before Then he proceeds to administer Commun- ion. If they are to communicate, he first he purify himself. communicates the Sacred Ministers, and THE ORDER FOR ADMINISTERING then other priests and clerics in . (Priests HOLY COMMUNION and shall wear a either of white color or of the same color as the administer- If there are any to be communicated, the ing Priest wears.) And last of all, he proceeds priest shall genuflect and place the consecrat- to communicate the others, beginning with ed particles in a , or if there are few those on the Epistle side. to be communicated, on the Paten, unless If the Body and are to be from the beginning they had been placed in a administered by , then the priest, Ciborium or another Chalice. If the priest when giving the Sacrament to each one, in- will administer communion from the Re- tincts the Host into the Chalice; then makes served Sacrament, he opens the tabernacle with It the sign of the Cross over the chalice, and genuflects; takes out the Ciborium and and places It on the tongue of each commu- places it upon the corporal. nicant while saying: Meanwhile the minister spreads out the lin- The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus en or white for the communicants, and Christ preserve thy soul unto life everlast- makes the confession for them saying: I con- ing. Amen. fess to Almighty God, etc. Then the priest again genuflects, and with joined hands, However, if both kinds are to be adminis- turning to the people (taking care not to turn tered separately, the Priest, when giving the his back upon the Sacrament) at the Gospel Body, makes with It the sign of the Cross side says: over the Ciborium, and places It on the tongue of each communicant while saying: Almighty God have mercy upon you, forgive you your sins, and bring you to everlasting The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve life. thy soul unto life everlasting. Amen + Amen. And then, while administering the Chalice to each communicant, shall say: He signs those who are to be communicat- ed with his right hand in the form of a The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve Cross., saying: thy soul unto life everlasting. Amen. The almighty and merciful Lord grant unto Afterwards he says: us , absolution and remission of our sins. RANT, O Lord, that + Amen. what we have taken Then he turns to the Altar, genuflects, and with his left hand takes the Ciborium; and with our mouths, we with his right hand takes one particle, which may receive in purity of he holds between his thumb and forefinger slightly raised above the Ciborium: and turn- heart, and let this temporal ing to the people in the midst of the Altar, he gift avail for our healing unto says in the clear voice: life eternal. Behold the Lamb of God; behold Him who taketh away the sins of the world. Meanwhile he presents the Chal- Then these words, repeating them thrice: ice to the minister, who pours in Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest a little wine, wherewith he purifes come under my roof, but speak the word only and my soul shall be healed. himself. Then he continues: 47 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass ET thy Body, O Lord, Having said after the last Prayer, which I have taken, [again kissing the altar, he turns and thy Blood, which toward the people and says]: I have drunk, cleave unto my = The Lord be with you. members; and grant that no stain of sin may remain in + And with thy spirit. me, whom thou hast re- Then, as the quality of the Mass freshed with these pure and require, he shall say: holy . Who livest Ite, Missa est. and reignest, throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Or: He washes and wipes his fingers, Benedicámus Domino and takes the ablution. Then he + Deo grátias. wipes his mouth and the Chalice. (Or, he may use this : After folding the Corporal, he co- Depart in peace or Let us bless vers the Chalice and places it on the Lord. Thanks be to God.) the altar as before. Then he pro- + ceeds with the Mass. In Masses of the Dead, he shall [Then the celebrant, standing say: with hands joined, reads the Requiescant in pace. Communion Antiphon. After- (Or he may say: May they rest in wards, again with hands joined peace.) before his breast, he goes to the midst of the altar, kisses the altar + Amen. and turns toward the people, and In Paschaltide, that is, from the says: Mass of Holy Saturday to the Sat- = The Lord be with you. urday in White, inclusive, in Masses of the Season, he shall say: + And with thy spirit. Ite, Missa est, alleluia, alleluia. Then, turning back to the book, he says, Let us pray and says the + Deo grátias. Post-Communion in the (Or, he may say: Depart in peace, same manner, number and order alleluia, alleluia. + Thanks be to as Collects at the beginning of the God, alleluia, alleluia.) Mass.] Having said the dismissal, the Priest bows before the midst of Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass 48 the altar, and with hands joined Then the Priest, at the Gospel thereon, says in the secret voice: corner, says with hands joined: ET this my bounden = The Lord be with you. duty and service be + And with thy spirit. pleasing to thee, O holy Trinity: and grant; that And signing with the sign of the the sacrifice, which I, unwor- Cross first the altar or the book, thy, have offered before the then himself on forehead, mouth, eyes of thy majesty, may be and breast, he says: acceptable to thee, and THE beginning of the through thy mercy obtain thy Holy Gospel according gracious favor for me and all to„ John. for whom I have offered it. Or, if another Gospel is to be Through Christ our Lord. read, The Continuation of the Amen. holy Gospel according to N. Then he kisses the Altar. And + Glory be to thee, O Lord. raising his eyes, extending, raising, He proceeds with hands joined: and joining his hands, and bowing his head to the Cross, he says: JOHN 1.1-14 N the beginning was lmighty God bless the Word, and the you: And turning to Word was with the people, blessing God, and the Word was God. them once only, even The same was in the begin- in solemn Masses, he proceeds: ning with God. All things the Father, the Son, „ and were made by him; and the Holy Ghost. + Amen. without him was not any- ¶ In Pontifical Masses, the Bless- thing made that was made; in ing is threefold, as ordered in the him was life, and the life was Pontifical. the light of men; and the ¶ In Masses of the Dead, the light shineth in darkness, Blessing is not given, but having and the darkness compre- said Requiéscat in pace, and Let hended it not. There was a this my bounden duty, he kisses man sent from God, whose the Altar and reads the Gospel of name was John. The same Saint John. came for a witness, to bear witness of the light, that all men through him might be- 49 Rite of St Gregory: Ordinary & Canon of the Mass lieve. He was not that light, of the will of the flesh, nor of but was sent to bear witness the will of man, but of God. of that light. That was the He genuflects saying: and the true light, which lighteth Word was made flesh, And ris- every man that cometh into ing proceeds: and dwelt among the world. He was in the us; and we beheld his glory, world, and the world was the glory as of the Only- made by him, and the world begotten of the Father, full of knew him not. He came unto grace and truth. his own, and his own re- + Thanks be to God. ceived him not. But as many as received him, to them gave When the Gospel of Saint John he power to become the sons has ended, as he departs from the of God, even to them that be- altar, he says, for the Act of lieve on his Name; which Thanksgiving, the antiphon Let were born, not of blood, nor us sing with the rest.