Selection of Liturgical Music
TI'IVII•Anr.l."'"fi'\II' I B\, ·Ll ·il ;t)\ 'p _,;_ d I~ r~~~· s.,:.~:-"· -~->~::: :~~;~,:_·-~~ ~-:;."'" .: . ~ -· ,~ ,C :: """:''·: ..:-_·_,. .::.... Church of Saint Peter with the obelisk after 1600 . SACRED MUSIC Volume 101, Number 1, Spring 1974 GERHARD TRACK 3 Rev. RalphS. March, S.O.Cist. CMAA CENTENNIAL 6 VirRinia A . Schubert IN MEMORIAM: John Singenberger, 1848-1924 8 F. J. Boerger THE GREGORIAN HIGH MASS AND ITS PLACE 10 IN THE UNIVERSITY William Peter Mahrt SELECTION OF LITURGICAL MUSIC 17 Ita Vellek MESSAGE FROM POPE PAUL 22 MUSICAL SUPPLEMENT 24 REVIEWS 28 NEWS 37 OPEN FORUM 39 FROM THE GENERAL SECRETARY 41 FROM THE EDITOR 43 SACRED MUSIC Continuation of Caecilia, published by the Society of St. Caecilia since 1874, and The Catholic Choirmaster, published by the Society of St. Gregory of America since 191 5, Published quarterly by the Church Music Association of America. Office of publication: 548 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103. Editorial office: Route 2, Box I, Irving, Texas 75062 . Editorial Board Rev . RalphS. March, S.O .Cist., Editor Rev . Msgr. Richard J. Schuler Rev . John Buchanan Mother C. A. Carroll, R.S.C.J. Cal Stepan Editorial correspondence: Rev . RalphS. March, S.O.Cist., Route 2, Box I , Irving, Texas 75062 News: Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Sc huler, 548 Lafond Avenue, , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 Music for Review: Arthur C. Becker, 1357 Arthur Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60626 Mother C. A . Carroll, R.S.C.J., Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, Purchase, New York 10577 Paul Salamunovich, 10828 Valley Spring Lane, N .
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