237 Albert, Hans, 152 Allais, Maurice, 29 Allen, R. G. D., 23 American
Index Albert, Hans, 152 Boyle, Andrew, 192 Allais, Maurice, 29 Breuer, Josef, 5 Allen, R. G. D., 23 British Connection (McCormick), 184, American-Austrian School, 2, 8–11 190–4 anarchy, 221–2 British Empire, 32 Ancien Régime, 1, 4 British School, 7, 8, 25, 75 Arrow, Kenneth, 23 Buchanan, James, 29 Attlee, Clement, 52–3, 186 Burgess, Guy, 189 Austrian Institute for Business Cycle Burns, Arthur, 28 Research, 82 Austrian School, 19, 32, 128 Caldwell, Bruce, 43, 57n4, 90 and Hayek, 1–15 The Cambridge Apostles (McCormick), members of, 2, 15–18 194–5 origins of, 2 Cambridge School, 7, 8, 25, 75 rise of, 5 Campbell, Glenn, 181 Ayer, A. J., 217 Cannan, Edwin, 7–8 capitalism, 51, 56, 78, 127, 132 Bartley, William Warren III, 2, 3, capital theory, 4, 66, 74 22, 36–7, 109, 147–209, 213–24, cartels, 36 234–6 Cecil, Robert, 189 biography of Erhard by, 174–7 central planning, 44–50, 66 biography of Popper by, 177–8 Chamberlin, Henry, 50 biography of Wittgenstein by, Chicago School, 25, 26, 27, 132 171–4 Churchill, Winston, 52–3 break with Christianity by, 159–62 citations, 61–5, 67–9 Collected Works, 196–202 classical economics, 3–4, 36, and Hayek, 178–202 77, 128 and justificationism, 213–18 Coase, Ronald, 24–6, 29 and Lakatos, 162–71, 200, 202 Coase Theorem, 24–5 and Popper, 162–71, 177–8, 200, Cold War, 1, 29 202, 213–14, 216 The Collected Works of F.A. Hayek Bass model, 63–5, 68 (Bartley), 2, 196–202, 229–30 Battle of Solferino, 5 communism, 5, 49, 186 Becker, Gary, 29 The Communist Manifesto (Marx and Belcredi, Richard, 15 Engels), 4, 5 Besters, Hans, 101, 102 competition, 98, 131–2, 135 Beveridge, William, 28, 51 Conservative party, 55 Beves, Donald, 186–7 The Constitution of Liberty Bismarck, Otto von, 4, 127 (Hayek), 49 Block, Walter, 99 constructivist rationalists, 214 Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von, 2, 4, 11, Cox, Archibald, 179 16–17 critical rationalists, 218 Bork, Robert, 35 Cubitt, C.
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