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Labour Research Department Archive Labour Research Department Archive Part 2 - Pamphlet collection Compiled by Karen Syrett for the TUC Library Collections, London Metropolitan University, 2010 IDENTITY STATEMENT Held at: London Metropolitan University: Trades Union Congress Library Collections Title: Labour Research Department Pamphlet Collection Date(s): 1887-2002 Extent: c100 boxes Name of creator(s): various CONTEXT Administrative/Biographical history The Labour Research Department had its initial origins in the Fabian Society’s Enquiry into the Control of Industry Committee founded in 1912. In 1913 the Committee took on the form of the Fabian Research Department led by figures including Beatrice and Sidney Webb, George Bernard Shaw and Robin Page Arnot. Originally the department took the form of a forum for competing theories of industrial organisation but then took on the function of providing a service for trade unions by collecting information for them rather than about them and in 1918 its membership was broadened outside of the Fabian Society and became the Labour Research Department. Many influential figures were involved in the Labour Research Department including Barbara Drake, Joseph Rowntree, Leonard Woolf, Archibald Fenner Brockway, Emile Burns, Harry Politt and Noreen Branson. The Labour Research Department carried out investigations into many of the major issues affecting Britain and the wider world, including women, trade unions and strikes, imperialism, the rise of Fascism and the outbreak of war, housing, racism and education. The results of these investigations were often published in their journals, which included Labour Research, Fact Service and Bargaining Report. The Department were one of the chief critics of the Fascist Movement and published a number of publications including Who Backs Mosley? which exposed the Blackshirt Movement and They Helped Hitler which highlighted how the Chamberlain government had supposedly been involved in German rearmament. CONTENT , ACCESS AND USE Scope and content/abstract: This collection consists of pamphlets, reports, periodicals and other printed material collected by the Labour Research Department and deposited in the TUC Library Collections in 2005 System of arrangement: The LRD deposit is arranged into 6 sub-fonds as follows: 1. Institutional Archives; 2. Subject files; 3. Noreen Branson’s personal papers; 4. Elinor Burns’ personal papers; 5. Fabian Society; 6. University Socialist Federation. The pamphlet collection comprises the second sub-fonds and is divided by subject as follows: A. Countries; B. Industries; C. Political Organisations and Movements; D. Subjects; E. Trade Union Organisations. Conditions governing access: Open. RefNo Box Date Title Author Description [inc publisher] Extent 2/A/1/1 1929? Capitalist class character of Australian Labor Party Pamphlet. 1 item industrial laws and others 2/A/1/2 1929? Court-martialofindustry! AustralianLaborParty Pamphlet. 1 item and others 2/A/1/3 1929? Nocompromise!Organise Australian Labor Party Pamphlet. 1 item against Bruce’s Anti-Trade and others Union Bill. 2/A/1/4 May Official Report of the All- All-Australian Trade Pamphlet. 1 item 1927 Australian Trade Union Union Congress? Congress 2/A/1/5 Dec Australian immigration AHCharteris Pamphlet. InternationalConciliationno.235 1item 1927 policy 2/A/1/6 Dec Speech on the Conciliation JGLatham Pamphlet. Speechmadeinparliament. 1item 1927 and Arbitration Bill 2/A/1/7 Oct Official Report of the Rank Australian Workers’ Pamphlet. Report to the Railway Workers’ 1 item 1927 and File Conference Union Industry Branch. 2/A/1/8 June Report on the group WBAmery Pamphlet. ReporttoBritishparliamentbythe 1 item 1926 settlements in Western British Government Representative for Migration Australia in Australia. 2/A/1/9 1929? WhyBrucewantstocontrol Trade Union Defence Pamphlet 1 item trade unions Committee 2/A/1/10 1928 Yearlyreportandbalance Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item sheet for year ending Dec South Wales 1927 2/A/1/11 Feb Report on industrial unrest Canadian Pamphlet. Supplement to The Labour Gazette. 1 item 1924 among the steel workers at Commissioners Sydney 2/A/1/12 April JusticeRaped MJHade Pamphlet.ExposureofIWWframe-up. 1item 1920 2/A/1/13 1945 HistoryoftheAustralian EWCampbell Pamphlet 1item Labor Movement – a Marxist interpretation 2/A/1/14 Dec Thebasicwage TomWright Pamphlet. 1item 1943 2/A/1/15 Jan The case against the crimes Council for Civil Pamphlet 1 item 1937 act Liberties, Melbourne 2/A/1/16 1920 Speechesfromthedock IWWmembers Pamphlet 1item 2/A/1/17 1918 TheOneBigUnionand ErnestHLane Pamphlet 1item Reconstruction (in the light of the war) 2/A/1/18 1954 ArbitrationattheCross MurielAHeagney ExLibrisSeriesNo1 1item Roads 2/A/1/19 1922 Rules FederatedSeaman’s Pamphlet 1 item Union of Australia 2/A/1/20 1916 Rulesandconstitution PoliticalLabor Pamphlet 1 item League, New South Wales 2/A/1/21 March Storm in the Tropics – the PeteThomas Pamphlet 1item 1965 historic Mt Isa struggle 1964-65 2/A/1/22 Nov Reportof proceedings Interstate Congress of Pamphlet 1 item 1913 Trade and Labor Councils 2/A/1/23 Sep Judgement of court on the Court of arbitration, Pamphlet 1 item 1926 44-hour application Western Australia 2/A/1/24 1920 Foolsortraitors? CharlesConroy PamphletinsupportoftheLaborGovernment. 1item 2/A/1/25 1913 Rules LaborCouncilofNew Pamphlet 1 item South Wales 2/A/1/26 1920 Rules LaborCouncilofNew Pamphlet 1 item South Wales 2/A/1/27 1911/ Manifesto Industrial Workers of Pamphlet 1 item 1912? the World, Sydney Local 2/A/1/28 June Fighting and general Australian Labour Pamphlet 1 item 1918 platform as adopted at Party, New South conference Wales 2/A/1/29 June Report and balance sheet Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1918 South Wales 2/A/1/30 Dec Report and balance sheet Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1917 South Wales 2/A/1/31 June Report and balance sheet Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1917 South Wales 2/A/1/32 Dec Report and balance sheet Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1916 South Wales 2/A/1/33 June Report and balance sheet Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1916 South Wales 2/A/1/34 Dec Report and balance sheet Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1915 South Wales 2/A/1/35 Dec Report and balance sheet Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1914 South Wales 2/A/1/36 Dec Report and balance sheet Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1918 South Wales 2/A/1/37 Dec Yearly report and balance Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1919 sheet South Wales 2/A/1/38 Dec Yearly report and balance Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1920 sheet South Wales 2/A/1/39 June Report and balance sheet Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1914 South Wales 2/A/1/40 June Report and balance sheet Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1913 South Wales 2/A/1/41 June Reportandbalancesheet SydneyLaborCouncil Pamphlet 1item 1909 2/A/1/42 June Reportandbalancesheet SydneyLaborCouncil Pamphlet 1item 1908 2/A/1/43 June Report and balance sheet Labor Council of New Pamphlet 1 item 1911 South Wales 2/A/1/44 March The war and the Sydney EEJudd Pamphlet.ReportofanaddressbyMrJudd 1 item 1917 Labor Council published by the Socialist Labor Party of Australia 2/A/1/45 1927 Lang’sgreatpolicyspeech JTLang Pamphlet.Anelectioncampaignspeechbythe 1 item Labor leader. 2/A/1/46 April Armageddon by-passed Mrs Colin (Lilian) Pamphlet on behalf of the religious movement, 1 item 1961 Unwin Unism. 2/A/1/47 1921 Reporton2industrial Commonwealth court Pamphlet. Disputes between the Federated 1 item disputes referred to court of conciliation and Seaman’s Union of Australia and the Treasurer arbitration for New South Wales and others. 2/A/1/48 April Judgementandaward JusticePowers Pamphlet. DisputesbetweentheFederated 1 item 1922 Seaman’s Union of Australia and the Treasurer for New South Wales and others. 2/A/1/49 May Official report All-Australian Trade Pamphlet 1 item 1927 Union Congress 2/A/1/50 Nov Reportof proceedings Interstate Congress of Pamphlet 1 item 1913 Trade and Labor Councils 2/A/1/51 1928 Partytrainingmanual CommunistPartyof Pamphlet 1 item Australia 2/A/1/52 1918 Solidarity or sectionalism? PHHickey Pamphlet(No.2)publishedbytheAustralian 1 item A plea for unity Workers’ Union. 2/A/1/53 1927 LegislativeDigest NewSouthWales Pamphlet. Summaryofprincipalbillsintroduced 1 item and acts passed by the Lang government during 1925, 1926 and 1927. 2/A/1/54 1927 WhatLaborhasdonefor Laborparty PamphletpublishedaspartofLabor’selection 1 item widows and for the campaign. sacredness of home life 2/A/1/55 1927 Labor’sindustrialpolicy MrLang,leaderofthe Pamphlet published as part of Labor’s election 1 item Labor Party campaign. 2/A/1/56 1927 The Industrial Arbitration Labor government, Pamphlet 1 item (Amendment) Act, 1926 New South Wales explained 2/A/1/57 1927 TheWorkers’ Labor government, Pamphlet 1 item Compensation Act 1926- New South Wales 1927. Explanation of benefits 2/A/1/58 1927 TheForty-FourHoursWeek Labor government, Pamphlet 1 item Act 1925-1926 explained New South Wales 2/A/1/59 1927 Woman’sroadtofreedom MilitantWomen’s Pamphlet 1 item Group, Sydney 2/A/1/60 1927 FamilyEndowmentAct Labor government, Pamphlet 1 item 1927. The act explained New South Wales 2/A/1/61 1927 TheRuralWorkers’ Labor government, Pamphlet 1 item Accommodation Act 1926 New South Wales explained 2/A/1/62 1915? TradeunionisminAustralia MeredithAtkinson Pamphlet. Report on a conference in June 1915 1 item (ed.) organised by the Workers’ Educational Association of New South Wales and others. 2/A/1/63 1909 Officialreport Annualcongressof
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