The times they aren’t a-changin’ Why working hours have stopped falling in London and the UK George Bangham January 2020 @resfoundation The times they aren’t a-changin’ | 2 Why working hours have stopped falling in London and the UK Acknowledgements Thanks to Laura Gardiner, Maja Gustafsson and Torsten Bell at the Resolution Foundation for their help with the analysis included in this report, to Jonathan Gershuny and colleagues at the UCL Centre for Time Use Research for ideas and advice, and to Bharat Mehta, Manny Hothi and the trustees at Trust for London for their support for the project. Any errors or omissions remain the author’s alone. Download This document is available to download as a free PDF at: Citation If you are using this document in your own writing, our preferred citation is: G Bangham, The times they aren’t a-changin’: Why working hours have stopped falling in London and the UK, Resolution Foundation, January 2020 Permission to share This document is published under the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 England and Wales Licence. This allows anyone to download, reuse, reprint, distribute, and/or copy Resolution Foundation publications without written permission subject to the conditions set out in the Creative Commons Licence. For commercial use, please contact:
[email protected] Resolution Foundation The times they aren’t a-changin’ | 3 Why working hours have stopped falling in London and the UK Contents Acknowledgements 2 Executive Summary 4 Section 1 Introduction 11 Section 2 A snapshot of paid working hours today 13 Section 3 Drivers of the long-run fall in working hours 36 Section 4 Why working hours are no longer getting shorter 52 Section 5 Conclusion 65 Resolution Foundation The times they aren’t a-changin’ | Executive Summary 4 Executive Summary Today’s working patterns are the outcome of 200 years of change For the typical British adult, paid work takes up more time than any other activity save sleep.