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Objekttyp: Group

Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK

Band (Jahr): - (1956)

Heft 1267

PDF erstellt am: 07.10.2021

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Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, Che SiDiss Obserixr

Founded in 1919 by Paul F. Boei-iringer. The Official Organ of the Swiss Colony in Great Britain Atitfïsorjy Coimc/Z : r. de cintra (Chairman); o. f. boehringer, ls. chapuis, j. eusebio, Gottfried keeeer, r. j. keeeer, a. sïauffer, g. e. suter. EDITED BY A. STAUFFER WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF MEMBERS OF THE SWISS COLONY IN GREAT BRITAIN.

Telephone : Clerkenwell 2321/2. Published Twice Monthly at 23, Leonard Street, E.C.2. Telegrams : Freprinco, London. Vol. 41. No. 1267. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1956. Price 11d.

PREPAID SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary of the (Fortnightly issue.) Republic of Peru UNITED KINGDOM f « P°*[ P°® 11/6 Once again, the with pistols AND COLONIES £ playing V 24 issues, post free^ 21/- Canfona/ by a number of young boys has caused issues, post free Frs. 7. 1 AND i a tragedy. As they were handling the SWIT7ERISVVl Z.RKLAJND free Frs. 13.50 ^4 issues, post not that was loaded, a bullet was (Swiss subscriptions may be paid into Po5t5checfe-K"onto weapon knowing it Basic F 57J#-) discharged seriously injuring the ten years old Frs Zihlmann of Gettnau (Ct. Lucerne). He was taken to hospital where he succumbed to his injuries, [a.t.s.] * * * The Indian Ambassador in Berne, Monsieur Mohan Sinha Mehta, has paid an official visit to the Government of the canton of Zurich, [a.t.s.] * * * Dr. Eduard Zellweger, formerly Swiss Dr. Heinrich lleer, aged 56, and since 1940 Fet/era/ Minister to Yugo-Slavia, who was " Landammann " of the , and Mr. elected a Member of Parliament (Na- Bernhard Elmer (63) a member of the Government of tional Council) in the last autumn elections, is relin- the canton of Glarus since 1947, have tendered their quishing his seat, having been asked by the President resignations for reasons of health, [a.t.s.] of the Government of Lyliia to act as his adviser on » * constitutional matters. During the year 1955, 527,332 persons visited the Zurich Zoo. Entrance fees to His successor in the National Council will be amounting 605,890.— frs. were collected (1954 : 528,750.—frs.). [a.t.s.] Rudolf Welter (Socialist), Central Secretary of the » * » " Schweiz. Kaufmännischer Verein (born, 1911). In December, 1955, 414 traffic accidents occurred • # * in the canton of Berne. 303 persons were injured Colonel Jaques Bullet (Estavayer-le-Lac) has been and 18 killed, [a.t.s.] nominated to the chief of the Swiss Delega- * Deputy A women's tion in Korea. Ile will replace Colonel Albert Meyer. fight for suffrage in community affairs if if * in the canton of Berne, is to he decided at the polls on March 4th. [a.t.s.] Arrangements to govern Anglo-Swiss trade for * # * the remainder of 1956 were made during recent dis- M. Ed. Coendet of Burg, near Morât, the oldest eussions in London between Swiss and United King- Swiss, has celebrated his 105th birthday, [a.t.s.] dom delegations. Most imports from the United Kingdom into and from Switzerland into the United Kingdom are free from quantitative restrictions. The current trade arrangements make CITY SWISS CLUB provision for bilateral quotas for the products which are neither liberalized nor the subject of global quotas. • # » OUR NEXT Mr. Sean O'Kelly, President of Eire has arrived in Zurich for a holiday in Switzerland. The Govern- SOIRÉE FAMILIALE ment of the canton of Zurich has given a reception and banquet in his honour. at which Ladies will be most welcome, is * * * to take place on Tuesday, 14th February, Monsieur Raoul Aguirve Molina, has presented the Dorchester his credentials as Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy 1956, at Hotel (6.30 p.m. for Extraordinary of the Republic of Argentina to Dr. 7 p.m.). Markus Feldmann, President of the Swiss Confedera- tion. After Dinner, Mr. ALBERT LERBER, the -X- * » well known artist, will give us a pianoforte The President of the Swiss Confederation, Dr. recital. Markus Feldmann, has received Monsieur William THE COMMITTEE. Fry Valle-Riesta at the Palais Fédéral, on the occasion of his presenting his credentials as Minister 8200 THE SWISS OBSERVEE February 10th, 1956.

The town of Fribourg numbered at the beginning bank : 6 per cent (1954 : 6%) ; Bank in Burgdorf : 6 of the current year 30,563 inhabitants (January, 1955 : per cent (1954 : 6%); Volksbank Willisau,, S.A.: 5 30,000). [a.t.s.] per cent (1954 : 5%). [a.t.s.] * * * * * * The population of the canton of Basle Town ANNIVERSARIES numbered 210,125 on the 1st of January, 1956. Hans Bänninger (60), Zurich. Vice-Director of [a.t.s.] Radio Zurich. He started his career as a teacher and * * * later on became the The commune of Tavetsch an actor appearing at Municipal (Ct. Orisons) has Theatre and " Pfauentheater Zurich. entered elected Mr. E. Bernasconi (Lugano) chief ", Ile formerly into the service of Radio Zurich in 1936. From 1950- engineer of the " Rhätischen " railways, an honorary citizen, [a.t.s.] 1955 Mr. Bänninger presided over the " Schweizerische * * # Gesellschaft für Theaterkultur ". [a.t.s.] On December 3.1st, 1955, the of the population DIAMOND WEDDING town of St. Gall numbered 71,767. [a.t.s.] ANNIVERSARIES. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Alois Hermann-Wildhaber of The paper " Revue Indépendante " of Paris lias (St. Gall). They have had 15 children of Avhom 13 awarded a prize to M. Georges Rigassi, formerly are still alive. Mr. and Mrs. I. Scola-Scola, of Director of the " Gazette de Lausanne " for his work . Mr. and Mrs. F. Glaser-Oelhafen, of " Ce qu'il faut savoir de la presse moderne Riehen, [a.t.s.] [a.t.s.] * * * Swissair has signed an agreement in Moscoav with Two persons were killed, and one seriously injured Aeroflot, the Soviet air lines, allowing passengers of when two motor-cars collided in Pally (Ct. Vaud). both nationalities to purchase tickets for flights The names of the killed are : André Muguet. (41) com- between Moscow and Zurich in their OAvn currency. mercial traveller of Lausanne, and Mme. Marguerite * * * The three Christian communities Gobalet (49) garage proprietor of Ouchy. [a.t.s.] principal in * * * Switzerland have just sent a joint appeal to the civil The Population of the canton of Neuchâtel at authorities to ban motor racing. the end of last year numbered 137,541 inhabitants The Swiss Catholic Popular Association, the (December 31st, 1954: 135,701). [a.t.s.] schismatic Old and the Council of the * * * Churches The Swiss, Federation of Protestant in Switzerland, police are still without any clue as have taken this action after the announcement -that to the £100,000 bars which gold disappeared at Geneva the Grand de Berne is to be held again. in transit from Paris. reward of Prix A 100,000.—frs. The race was cancelled after the Le Mans disaster for the recovery has been offered, [a.t.s.] * * * last year. LEGACIES AND DONATIONS. Dr. Schiess of Flawil has made a donation of 20,000.—frs. to the " Schiessstiftung " of Trogen (Ct. Friends Await You! Appenzell A.Rh.) and 10,000.—frs. for renovating the Australian church bells of Trogen. Mr. Georges Galay, Industrialist, of Chenit, has Make friends by correspondence, ladies given an amount of 10,000.—frs. to the hospital of and gentlemen, 1 8 years and up, all faiths and La Vallée. [a.t.s.] walks of life in cities, sheep stations, etc. * * BANK DIVIDENDS. World-wide membership. For FREE The following SAviss Banks have declared their BROCHURE sent under plain sealed wrapper dividends for 1955 : Genossenschaftliche Zentralbank, (NO OBLIGATION, CONFIDENTIAL) write Basle : 4 per cent (1954 : 4%) ; Gewerbekasse. Berne : to Milton's Friendship Club (Reg.), Dept. 8 per cent (1954: 8%); Hypothekarkasse, Fribourg: Ill, Box 2871, G.P.O., Sydney, Australia, 5 cent (1954 : : Schweizerische per 5%) Hypothegken- stating age, sex, languages, etc. bank, Solothurn : 5 per cent (1954 : 5%) ; Gewerbebank, Zurich : 6 per cent (1954 : 6%) ; Solothurner Handels-


F/RST CONSULT GENERAL MEETING on A. W. SOMMER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1956 8-9, KINGSBURY PARADE, N.W.9. 3.30 Phone: COLindale 4314 at p.m. February 10th, 1956. THE SWISS OBSERVER 8201

The appeal says that in motor races " the sons were killed, and 866 (1954: 811) were injured. machines test men beyond their capacities * [A.T.S.j It also points out the incongruity of public cam- Zw-ncli/s i/ain->Sffatton /testaarant — Largest on t/ie paigns for safe driving, which churches are asked to Continent. and in of permission for these races support, granting Zurich's Main-Station Restaurant, known " which excite precisely those passions which are locally as " Bahnhofbuffet ", is said to be the largest eating bloodying our highways the Continent. Crack Swiss hotelman * * * place on Primus Bon has for 32 and made Britain was the fourth biggest exporter of cans run it years it, despite its mammoth size, a of Switzerland in 1955, 6,340 cars. West gourmets' paradise to exporting distinction. Each of the witli 31,106 cars was tre biggest exporter, many dining-rooms, tea-shops , and cafés has its own atmosphere which is enhanced followed by the United States and France. * * * by permanent exhibits of works by well-known Swiss The cost of sending a Stviss contingent of 60 to painters and sculptors. Rudolf Candrian, a member of a Swiss is the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne will be about distinguished hotelier family, now sue- Mr. Bon " " and £33,500, the Swiss Olympics Committee estimates. ceeding as railway station innkeeper The Swiss sport-tote football pools fund will cover will endeavour to live up to the traditions of Swiss hospitality. All Swiss stations feature 90 per cent of travel expenses, 80 per cent of major railways modation in the Olympic village, and all " buffets " which are not only high-class restaurants, expenses but also islands of and recreation amidst insurance and vaccination expenses. peace The Swiss contingent will comprise 42 competi- hustling and bustling surroundings. tors, 12 officials, two gymnastic judges, and four other people. * * * TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS. Traffic accidents in Switzerland are unfortunately still increasing, as the following figures show : Canton. Lncerwe : 1,989 accidents were reported in 1955 (1954 : 1,912). 52 persons were killed (1954 : 50) and 1,224 were injured (1954 : 1,222). Canton 441 accidents (1954: 408), 7 persons THE LONDON SHOE GO. LTD. killed and 324 injured (1954: 289). 116/7 New Bond St. W.I: 260 Regent St. W.1: 21/22 Stoane St. S.W.1 Canton VeacMtet: 961 accidents (1954 : 913), 26 per-



Agents /'n Switzerland : GOTH & CO. LTD. BALE - ZURICH ST. GALL - GENEVA, etc.