
Allyn and Betty Taylor Library

November 2017

Taylor Hours: November 2017

Monday- Friday Saturday Sunday You’ve Got Rhythm By. A. Wetheral Thursday

Taylor 8am- 8am-9pm 10:30am- 10:30am- 11pm 9pm 9pm

InfoDesk 9am-5pm 9am-5pm Closed 10:30am- 5pm

Research 11:30am- 11:30am- Closed Closed Help 3:30pm 3:30pm

Circadian rhythm that is. Thanks to 2017 Winners in and Medicine Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash, and Michael W. Young, we know that our biological plays an important role in our metabolism, body temp., sleep, behaviour, and hormone levels. So, that all-nighter you pulled last week to study for Biochem 2280? Its probably not going to knock you off beat. But, too many all-nighters/late nights will take a toll on your biological

Skelly is so stoked that LG has a fresh new look and is clock, which may lead to an increased risk for various diseas- back open for some studying! Oh, the sound of silence! es. How does it work? Hall, Rosbash and Young discovered a gene that controls the Need research help from expression a called PER. The concentration of PER home? Chat with us! depletes during the day, and is restored at night. As their work Staff are available online to expanded, the laureates discovered more genes (TIM, DBT) help with all of your library and their relationships to our , filling out the questions. . melody that has become known as our . Who could ask for anything more?

The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Press Release. (2017, October 2). Retrieved. http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/ medicine/laureates/2017/press.html www.lib.uwo.ca/taylor @westernulibsTAY www.facebook.com/taylib