World War I and the Triumph of a New Japan, 1919–1930 Frederick R
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03770-0 - World War I and the Triumph of a New Japan, 1919–1930 Frederick R. Dickinson Index More information Index 9/11, 1 Austria-Hungary, 14, 22, 86 defeat, 88, 89, 109 A Fool’s Love (Chijn no ai), 58 Ayusawa Fukuko, 10, 160 Abe Hirozumi, 29 Abe Iso¯, 168 Baba Tsunego, 148, 169 Aburaya Kyo¯ichi, 120 Balkans, 22 active duty rule, 115, 132 Bank of Japan, 79 Adachi Kenzo¯, 148 baseball, 161, 162 Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium Basic Plan of National Defense and Other Dangerous Drugs, 70 1907, 139, 140 Advisory Council on Foreign Affairs, 128 1923, 113, 126, 139, 140 Aird, Sir John, 80 Belgium, 126, 148 Aizawa Hiroshi, 131 Best, Antony, 74 Akami, Tomoko, 79, 80, 148 Big Ben, 180 Akiyama Yoshifura, 60 Bix, Herbert, 55, 62 Akutagawa Ryu¯ nosuke, 168 Bluestocking Society, 158 Aleutian Islands, 41 Bonin Islands, 41, 127 All Japan Student Alliance (Zenkoku gakusei Boy Scouts, 104 do¯meikai), 85 Britain, 14, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 39, 40, 55, 57, Alliance for the Protection of Education 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 71, 74, 75, 77, 80, 82, (Kyo¯iku hogo do¯mei), 149 97,104,109,111,113,118,137,138, Alliance for Universal Suffrage (Fusen 141, 142, 148, 173, 174, 175, 181, 185 do¯meikai), 85 applauds Japanese non-intervention in Amur River Society (Kokuryu¯ kai), 182 China, 130 Anesaki Masaharu, 10, 17, 30, 31, 37, 79, army, 104 148 as model for Japan, 91, 99 Anglo-Japanese alliance, 20, 62, 64, 74, 82, declares war, 13 103, 194, 195 Foreign Office, 185 scholarship on, 75 Imperial Conference (1921), 110 Anglo-Russian
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