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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-13224-4 - History and Neorealism Edited by Ernest R. May, Richard Rosecrance and Zara Steiner Index More information Index 9/11, 246, 248, 249, 250, 252 Agadir, 116 agency theory, 50, 71–74 absolute evil, 298 agenda absolute monarch, 41 ideological and, 203 absolute monarchies, 38 aggrandizement, 343, 363 absolutism, 84, 96 aggression, 19, 238 Abyssinia, 159, 168 aggressors, 10 academic elite agreement “Westernizing” and, 296 Anglo-American trade, 146 accords Anglo-German naval, 134 Mediterranean, 109, see also agreements: agreements Mediterranean Mediterranean, 108 Acheson, Dean, 237 naval limitation, 191 action agricultural production, 273 offensive, 199 aid actors American, 35 non-state, 52 air armada, 235 rational, 155 air cover unitary, 76, 130 Soviet 217 acts air forces, 132 irrational, 47 British and French, 138 Adenauer, Konrad, 310, 311, 312, 321 Air Raid Precaution (ARP), 138 administration air raids of Bush, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, German, 172 257, 265, see also Bush, George W. aircraft, 179, 239 of Clinton, 256, 257 military 230 of Obama, 256, 261, 265, 266 airlift of Truman, 310 Berlin 236 of Roosevelt, 146 airspace admirals Chinese 217 “treaty faction,” 190 Akhromeyev, Marshal (USSR), 304 Adriatic, 104 Al Qaeda, 246, 249, 251–55, 263 Serbia’s access to, 118 Albania, 116, 117, 120 advancement Albright, Madeleine, 265 intensive means of, 26 Alexander I, 299 advantages Alexander the Great, 201 long-term, 28 Ali, Mehemet, 23, see also Egypt adversary, 202 Alighieri, Dante, 339 intervention in, 249 alliance, 89 military action in, 251 German, 108, 119–121 Soviet occupation of, 300 Polish, 148 Africa, 19, 22 secret, 108 366 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-13224-4 - History and Neorealism Edited by Ernest R.
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