
County Geological Sites or Regionally Important Geological / Geomorphological Sites - Rigs

Site reference no. SX55SE 2 Name: Eastern Torrs (Elliot's) Quarry

District: South Hams Parish:

National grid ref: 587 519 OS sheets: 1: 50k 202 1:25k 1356 1:10k SX55 SE GS 1: 50k 349

GridRef x y Lat Long SX587519 258700 51900 50.350015 -3.9874405

Locality description(address): Eastern Torrs Quarry, south side of the A379, 250m west of Yealmbridge.

Nature of site : Quarry (D), medium size on two levels.

Geological / geomorphological features: Middle Devonian Limestone. The limestone is mainly fine grained and some may be detrital. It is foliated with strongly transposed bedding. Pink coloured dolomite is developed in places and in one specimen, preceded the formation of the foliation. Foliation dips at c.500 N with transposed bedding dipping north at a slightly shallower angle. Inversion of the bedding is indicated. A prominent bedding /foliation lineation is developed, plunging west at 200. Stromatoporoids have been recorded from these limestones. A cave formerly existed in this quarry. The Pleistocene deposits of the cave were excavated between 1954 and 1962 and mammalian teeth and bones recovered. The cave and remaining deposits were subsequently quarried away. A new , near vertical solution fissure c.0.75m wide and 4m long, has opened beneath head deposits on the east side of the quarry road 25 m from the quarry. The fissure is blocked by collapsed debris at a depth of c.3m.

Reasons for registration as a Regionally Important Geological / Geomorphological Site: The quarry provides good evidence of the structural relationships of the limestones in the area which adds significantly to the understanding of the regional structure. The probable presence of further caves and associated deposits on the site could be of considerable significance.

Site sensitivity: None

Safety: Generally safe. Indications of falls from the main - southern - face in places.

Interest groups: Schools. Primary - Secondary - 6th Form . University. Undergraduate - Research Professional geologists - Amateur geologists - General public.

Access and Parking: Easy access along quarry track. Parking difficult; no local parking possible on A379

Date of assessment (V = visited) : V 7th September 1994. R T Taylor.

Site owner : Camas Aggregates Ltd , Hill Quarry, . Tel. 01404-822494

Other comments: It is believed that Camas Aggregates Ltd., under its former name of ECC Quarries Ltd., has sought planning permission to use this quarry for tipping. The prospect of finding further caves and associated bone deposits within the area of the site makes such action undesirable.

References: Bray, R C, The Caves of Yealmpton, . Caving Group Special Publication No. 3.