37-2752-13-F Junket Cottage Report

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37-2752-13-F Junket Cottage Report Case Officer: Mr Matthew Jones Parish: Newton and Noss Application No : 37/2752/13/F Agent/Applicant: Applicant: Andy Coughlan Mr T Adams Cogi Design 60 Junket Cottage Drake Cottage Pillory Hill Riverside Road West Noss Mayo Newton Ferrers Plymouth Plymouth PL8 1DX PL8 1AP Site Address: 60 Junket Cottage, Pillory Hill, Noss Mayo, Plymouth, PL8 1DX Development: Householder application for refurbishment of cottage and construction of annex Scale 1:2500 This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (c) Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. South Hams District Council 100022628. 2013. Scale 1:2500 For internal reference only – no further copies to be made Reason item is being put before Committee The ward member has requested the application be added to the committee agenda because of concerns regarding the visual impact of the proposed development within the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and because the Planning Inspectorate has previously refused planning permission for the erection of a detached dwelling on the site Recommendation: Conditional approval Conditions Time Accord with plans Annex to remain ancillary to main dwellinghouse Prior to commencement details of landscaping Joinery details No use as balcony Key issues for consideration: The main issues are the impact of the development on the character and integrity of the heritage asset and wider landscape and the principal of erecting an annex structure within residential curtilage, within a development boundary and within the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. A previously refused application and dismissed appeal for the erection of a two storey dwellinghouse are material planning considerations. That previous scheme is considered to be fundamentally different in scale and intensity of use. The scale and design of this proposal is considered acceptable and commensurate to that of past structures within the site. The development is considered to have a limited and, on balance, acceptable impact on the local context and wider South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Site Description: Junket Cottage is a 19C end of terrace two storey dwellinghouse located prominently at Junket Corner, within the village of Noss Mayo. Although the rear is finished in stucco, the remaining flank wall and principal elevations are formed in exposed rubble. The building contains many interesting architectural elements and has largely retained its original character and integrity. For this reason, and is prominent location at the Junket Corner junction, the property is something of a local landmark and its heritage adds positively to the surrounding context which is largely formed of mid to late C20 properties with a mixture of architectural styles. The east flank wall has had a single storey outbuilding added to its exterior, with the mono pitch roof attractively angled parallel to the hillside. The site is within the Development Boundary and South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Although the property is isolated from the village Conservation Area by some distance, it is regarded by officers as an undesignated heritage asset in its own right and worthy of strict protection. Immediately to the front of the property is Pillory Hill which separates the dwelling from its large creek side garden that leads steeply down to the waterside below. Within this garden area is an existing concrete apron and small retaining wall which suggests some previous low level domestic development. Historic photographs do indeed show a number of domestic outbuildings and a greenhouse within the specific area where the annex is to be located. Immediately to the west of the site is a long length of important, undeveloped green space but the area to the east of the site is more developed with a number of C20 large detached dwellings. The cottage is particularly prominent from across the creek in Newton Ferrers. The Proposal: Planning permission is sought for the refurbishment of the cottage and the construction of an annex. The annex is located within the garden area to the front of the property. It is single storey and cut into the existing hillside with a flat green sedum roof. The structure is finished in timber with large glazed windows to the front and an associated decked terrace area. It measures approximately 8.5m x 7.5m with a total height of 3.1m. Due to the lowering of the level of the land the height of the structure above the existing ground level is 2 metres. Consultations : • County Highways Authority No objection • Natural Environment and Recreation No objection but request landscape condition • Newton and Noss Parish Council Objection – Visual impact, Related planning history – development refused on that site by the Planning Inspectorate, AONB area Representations One letter of objection has been received at the time of writing this report. Concerns within the letter are summarised as follows: • Adverse impact on AONB and character and nature of village • Principle of no further development has been established at appeal • Large levels of glass are inappropriate and gives undesirable scale • The dwelling could be subdivided in future doubling parking demand Relevant Planning History 37/1137/13/PREHH – Pre-application enquiry for erection of ancillary accommodation - In principle officer support following basic discussion of merits of scheme and policy context 37/0942/10/F Resubmission of 37/1944/09/F for proposed new dwelling with parking – Refused and subsequent appeal dismissed Analysis Works to the cottage The applicant originally intended to render the existing cottage and provide an extension at first floor level from the east flank wall, above the existing store. However, following the advice of officers this element has now be withdrawn from the application, with no external works to the cottage now proposed. Principle of the annex development and landscape impact The site is established residential curtilage and lies within the Noss Mayo Development Boundary. The principle of domestic development such as the provision of an annex within this area is therefore considered acceptable. However, the comments made by the Planning Inspectorate, when dismissing an appeal for a new separate dwelling at the same site in 2011, need to be carefully considered. In dismissing the appeal the inspector stated that ‘ Newton Creek is not an undeveloped wooded valley, but its remaining open areas are a critical component of the attractive character and appearance retained here, therefore a development on this site would represent and erosion of the open, undeveloped valley sides and an extension of built development, to the detriment of the character and appearance of the AONB. Although the comments of the inspector carry some weight as a material planning consideration, the development under consideration in that instance was a significant two storey dwelling with a pitched roof with associated parking. This large scale development of the site clearly conflicted with the local context by nature of its scale and dominance. The current application proposes a low profile single storey annex, dug substantially into the bank and placed on an existing concrete apron where there is recent evidence of domestic outbuildings of comparable scale. In addition, the building is wholly located within the upper area of the creek side garden, roughly in line with the existing dwellings to the east, filling in a natural gap adjacent these properties and directly below Junket Cottage. For reasons of different scale and nature of development there are considered to be fundamental differences between the current proposal and that previously refused and dismissed at appeal. The current proposal is considered to have an acceptable impact on the surrounding AONB landscape. On balance, the inspector’s comments are not considered directly relevant to this type and scale of development to the extent that refusal could be justified or sustained at appeal. In addition, the landscape officer has offered no objection stating that ‘ The site was viewed from the adjacent side of the estuary in Newton Ferrers and whilst there will be some visual impact from the proposal it is limited in nature and scale, and clearly within the context of the existing development boundary. Effects on the wider landscape character and the AONB are also limited given the location and the single storey elevation which is cut into the slope; overall the current character will be conserved.’ Design and materials The clinical, engineered lines of the annex structure are considered to contrast positively with the above cottage which has a much more vernacular, irregular development. Due to its location immediately below the cottage, the annex will have subservience appropriate for an ancillary building. The development will respect the open aspect of the cottage, allowing it to remain completely visible from the vista across the Creek. This application is therefore considered to conform to the principles of polices DP1, DP2, DP6, CS1, CS7 and CS9. Neighbour impact Overlooking from the annex development is not considered materially different or greater than that which currently occurs from within the existing garden. This application is therefore considered to conform to the objectives of policy DP3. Representations and parish comments The comments of the parish and the letter of objection are considered within the above analysis. A condition is recommended to secure the ancillary nature of the annex meaning that the future subdivision of the main house and its annex would require planning consent in its own right. Conclusion The site is established residential curtilage within the village Development Boundary. The planning inspector’s comments relate specifically to a previous scheme which is considered to be fundamentally different in scale and intensity of use. The scale and design of this proposal is considered acceptable and commensurate to that of past structures within the site.
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