
Les nouveaux Associés étrangers de l’Académie des sciences

Roy ANDERSON Mustapha BESBES Giovanni BIGNAMI Curtis CALLAN Umberto CORDANI Réception sous la Coupole le 15 juin 2010 Vladimir DRINFELD Thomas EBBESEN Leonard GUARENTE Mary-Claire KING Miguel NICOLELIS Christiane NÜSSLEIN-VOLHARD Robert WEINBERG George WHITESIDES Raymond WILLIS Anton ZEILINGER

Les Associés étrangers de l’Académie des sciences élus en 2009 Foreign Associates of the Académie des sciences elected in 2009

Réception sous la Coupole de l'Institut de France le 15 juin 2010 Solemn Induction Ceremony on June 15, 2010

Statuts de l’Académie des sciences

Élection d’Associés étrangers

L’Académie des sciences joue un rôle actif dans le développement des relations scientifiques internationales, notamment européennes, - en établissant avec les académies étrangères des relations pouvant se traduire par des structures communes, par des accords de coopération et d’échange de savants, par l’organisation de colloques ou par la rédaction en commun de rapports, - en assurant la représentation de la France au Conseil international de la science (ICSU), - en élisant des Associés étrangers, - en entretenant des coopérations avec les pays en développement, - en défendant les hommes de science victimes de violations des droits de l’homme à travers le monde. L’Académie compte 150 Associés étrangers au plus, choisis parmi les chercheurs étrangers les plus éminents.

Dix-huit nouveaux Associés étrangers, élus en 2009, ont été nommés par décret du Président de la République le 15 janvier 2010. Ils sont reçus solennellement sous la Coupole de l’Institut de France le 15 juin 2010.

*** Statutes of the Académie des sciences

Election of Foreign Associates

The Academy of Sciences plays an active role in the development of international scientific relations, notably European, - by establishing relations with foreign Academies which may find expression in common structures, in agreements on cooperation and the exchange of scholars, in the organization of colloquia or in the joint publication of reports, - by providing France representation in the International Council of Scientific Unions (I.C.S.U), - by electing Foreign Associates, - by maintaining cooperations with developing countries, - by defending men of science who are victims of human rights violations in the world. The Académie has no more than 150 Foreign Associates, chosen among the most eminent scientists.

Eighteen new Foreign Associates were elected in 2009. The elections were officialized by a decree of the President of the French Republic on January 15, 2010. The solemn induction ceremony takes place on June 15, 2010.


Au terme des élections de 2009, l’Académie des sciences compte neuf nouveaux Associés étrangers dans la première division (sciences mathématiques et physiques, sciences de l’univers, et leurs applications), et neuf dans la seconde division (sciences chimiques, biologiques et médicales, et leurs applications).

After the 2009 election, the Académie counts nine new Foreign Associates in its first class (Mathematics, Physics, Sciences of the Universe and their applications), and nine in the second class (Chemistry, Biology, Medical Sciences and their applications).

Sciences mathématiques et physiques, sciences de l’univers, et leurs applications

section de mathématique David L. DONOHO p. 5 Vladimir DRINFELD p. 6

section de physique Curtis G. CALLAN p. 7 Anton ZEILINGER p. 8

section des sciences mécaniques et informatiques Ingrid DAUBECHIES p. 9 John R. WILLIS p. 10

section des sciences de l’univers Mustapha BESBES p. 11 Giovanni BIGNAMI p. 12 Umberto CORDANI p. 13

Sciences chimiques, biologiques et médicales, et leurs applications

section de chimie Thomas W. EBBESEN p. 14 George M. WHITESIDES p. 15

section de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, génomique Leonard P. GUARENTE p. 16 Christiane NÜSSLEIN-VOLHARD p. 17 Robert A. WEINBERG p. 18

section de biologie intégrative Joanne CHORY p. 19 Miguel A. L. NICOLELIS p. 20

section de biologie humaine et sciences médicales Roy M. ANDERSON p. 21 Mary-Claire KING p. 22



Section de mathématique The Mathematics sub-division

David L. Donoho, né le 5 mars 1957 aux États-Unis, est professeur à l'université de Stanford en Californie. Il développe des objets mathématiques et de statistique mathématique dont les applications sont nombreuses. Ils permettent en particulier d'exploiter de manière spectaculaire le développement des calculs maintenant possibles grâce à l'informatique. Parmi ses thèmes de recherche, on peut mentionner la théorie du signal, l'analyse harmonique et les ondelettes, la géométrie en très grande dimension et la théorie de l'information.

David L. Donoho, born in 1957 in the USA, is a professor at Stanford University in California. He has developed tools for mathematics and mathematical statistics which have found numerous applications. In particular, they can be used to exploit the computational developments available through informatics in a spectacular manner. His research themes include signal processing, harmonic analysis and , very high-dimensional geometry, and information theory.

Curriculum vitae 1983-1997 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, University of California at Berkeley (USA) 1990-2008 Professor at Stanford University 2005-2010 Research Staff at Renaissance Technologies 2009- Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the Humanities and Sciences, and Professor of Statistics, Stanford University

Membership 1990 Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics 1992 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1998 Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)

Awards 1992-1996 John D. and Catherine T MacArthur Prize Fellow 1994 President's Award, Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies 2000 Outstanding Achievement Award, Society Photo. Instr. Eng. 2001 Von Neumann Prize, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) 2002 Plenary Lecturer, International Congress of (Beijing) 2008 Information Theory Paper Award, Information Theory Society 2010 Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics, American Mathematical Society and SIAM

-5- Vladimir DRINFELD

Section de mathématique The Mathematics sub-division

Vladimir Drinfeld, né le 14 février 1954 en Ukraine, naturalisé américain en 2008, est professeur de mathématiques à l'université de Chicago (États-Unis). Ses travaux s'étendent de la géométrie algébrique et de la théorie des nombres à de nombreuses questions mathématiques posées par la physique théorique. Ses contributions majeures sont la preuve de la conjecture de Langlands pour GL(2) sur les corps de fonctions et la théorie des groupes quantiques. Ses recherches ont une influence profonde en mathématique et en physique théorique. Elles lui ont valu de recevoir la médaille Fields en 1990.

Vladimir Drinfeld, born in 1954 in Ukraine, a naturalized American, is professor of mathematics at the University of Chicago (USA). His work ranges from algebraic geometry and number theory to many mathematical questions from theoretical physics. His major contributions are the proof of the Langlands conjecture for GL (2) in the functional field case, and the theory of quantum groups. His research has a profound influence on mathematics and theoretical physics. He was awarded with the Fields Medal in 1990.

Curriculum vitae 1978 Assistant Professor, Bashkir State University (Ufa, USSR) 1980 Lecturer, Kharkov State University (USSR) 1981 Research fellow, Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkov 1998- Professor of Mathematics, University of Chicago

1978 Invited Speaker, International Congress of Mathematicians in Helsinski 1986 Invited Speaker, International Congress of Mathematicians in Berkeley

Membership 1992 Fellow of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences 2008 Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Awards 1990 Fields Medal

Books Chiral algebras (with A. Beilinson) (Ed. AMS, 2004)

-6- Curtis G. CALLAN

Section de physique The Physics sub-division

Curtis G. Callan, né le 11 octobre 1942 aux États-Unis, fondateur et directeur du Centre de Recherches théoriques de Princeton, est un physicien théoricien dont les travaux ont été principalement consacrés à la physique des interactions fondamentales à très haute énergie. On lui doit plusieurs résultats importants dont certains portent son nom. Il est un des auteurs de la célèbre équation "de Callan-Symanzik" qui décrit la réponse d'un système physique aux changements d'échelle et qui a profondément influencé la théorie des transitions de phase. Il a été un des pionniers de l'application de la théorie des cordes à l'étude des propriétés des trous noirs et des problèmes liés à leur entropie. Il se consacre actuellement à créer des ponts entre la physique théorique et la biologie.

Curtis G. Callan, born in 1942 in the USA, founding director of the Princeton Centre for Theoretical Science, is a theoretical whose research has been mainly concentrated on the study of the fundamental interactions at very high energies. He has obtained many important results, some of which are known in the literature under his name. He is one of the authors of the celebrated "Callan- Symanzik equation" which describes the response of a physical system under scale transformations and which has had a profound influence in the modern theory of phase transitions. He pioneered the application of super-string theory to curved spacetimes, and contributed to the study of black holes and their entropy. His current work is focused on building bridges between theoretical physics and the problems of modern biology.

Curriculum vitae 1967-1969 Assistant Professor, Harvard University (USA) 1969-1972 Long-Term Member, Institute for Advanced Study 1971 and 1980 Professeur invité, Université de Paris 1972- Professor, 1986-1995 Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics, Princeton University 1995- James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor, Princeton University 1998-2001, 2008- Chair, Physics Department, Princeton University 2005-2008 Director of Princeton Center for Theoretical Physics 2008-2010 Vice-President, President-Elect and President, American Physical Society

Membership 1974 Fellow of the American Physical Society 1987 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1989 Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)

Awards 2000 Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics, American Physical Society 2004 Dirac Medal, Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics


Section de physique The Physics sub-division

Anton Zeilinger, né le 20 mai 1945 en Autriche, est professeur de physique expérimentale à l'Université de Vienne et directeur scientifique de l'Institut d'optique quantique et d'information quantique (IQOQI) à l'Académie des sciences d'Autriche. Il est mondialement connu pour ses expériences marquantes dans le domaine des fondements conceptuels de la physique quantique, et il a contribué de façon décisive au développement de l'information quantique et de l'optique atomique.

Born in Austria in 1945, Anton Zeilinger is professor of experimental physics at the University of Vienna, and scientific director of the IQOQI (Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He is known worldwide for his groundbreaking experiments on the conceptual foundations of quantum physics. He has made major contributions to the development of quantum information and atom optics.

Curriculum vitae 1972-1981 Senior Research Assistant, Atominstitut Vienna (Austria) 1974-1989 Guest Researcher, Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble 1981-1983 Visiting Associate Professor of Physics, M.I.T. (USA) 1983-1990 Associate Professor, Technical University of Vienna 1988-1989 Full Professor of Physics, Technical University of Munich (Germany) 1990-1999 Full Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck 1995 Professeur au Collège de France (chaire internationale) 1999- Full Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Vienna 2004- Scientific Director, Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information IQOQI, Austrian Academy of Sciences

Membership 1994 Corresponding Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences 1998 Full Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences 1999 Fellow, American Physical Society 2000 Member, Academia Europaea 2002 Member, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften 2005 Honorary Member, Slovak Academy of Sciences 2005 Member, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina 2006 Foreign Member, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Awards 1995 Prix Vinci d'Excellence, Fondation LVMH, Paris 1996 European Lecturer, European Physical Society 1997 European Optics Prize, European Optical Society 2000 Senior Humboldt Fellow Prize, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung 2001 Ehrenzeichen für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Germany 2003 Sartorius Prize, Göttingen Academy of Sciences 2004 Lorenz-Oken-Medal, Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte 2004 Klopsteg Award, American Association of Physics Teachers 2005 Descartes Prize, European Commission 2005 King Faisal Prize, King Faisal Foundation, Saudi Arabia 2007 Quantum Electronics Prize, European Physical Society 2008 Quantum Communication Award, Tamagawa University 2008 Isaac Newton Medal, Institute of Physics 2009 Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2010 Wolf Prize in Physics (with A. Aspect and J.-J. Clauser)

Books Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Theory (with C. Macchiavello, G.M. Palma) (Ed. World Scientific Publishing, 2001) - Quantum [Un]speakables, From Bell to Quantum Information (with R. A. Bertlmann) (Ed. Springer, 2002) - Einsteins Schleier. Die neue Welt der Quantenphysik ( Ed. C.H. Beck, 2003) - Einsteins Spuk - Teleportation und weitere Mysterien der Quantenphysik (Ed. Bertelsmann, 2005)


Section des sciences mécaniques et informatiques The Mechanics and Informatics sub-division

Ingrid Daubechies, née le 17 août 1954 en Belgique, naturalisée américaine en 1996, est professeur de mathématiques à l'Université de Princeton. Elle a initié un important programme de mathématiques appliquées et computationnelles. Ses remarquables travaux sur l'analyse "temps- fréquence" et l'analyse "temps-échelle" ont bouleversé le traitement du signal et de l'image. Les ''ondelettes de Daubechies'' sont utilisées dans le standard de compression d'images JPEG 2000. Ingrid Daubechies a appliqué les ondelettes à de nombreux domaines scientifiques, en mathématiques, en ingénierie et à l'art.

Ingrid Daubechies, born in 1954 in , American citizen, is now a professor of mathematics at Princeton University. She launched an important program in applied and computational mathematics. Her outstanding contributions to ''time-scale'' and ''time-frequency'' analysis opened new avenues in signal and image processing. Daubechies wavelets are now used in JPEG 2000, the new standard in still . Ingrid Daubechies applied her wavelets in many scientific fields ranging from mathematics to art.

Curriculum vitae 1975-1984 Research Assistant, Dept. for Theoretical Physics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) 1984-1987 Research Professor, Dept. for Theoretical Physics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel 1987-1994 Technical Staff Member, Mathematics Research Center, AT&T Bell Laboratories (USA) 1991-1993 Professor, Mathematics Department, Rutgers University (USA) 1994- Professor, Mathematics Department and Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University 1997-2001 Director, Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University 2004- William R. Kenan, Jr. Professorship at Princeton University

Membership 1993 Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1998 Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 1998 Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 1999 Foreign Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 2003 Member of the American Philosophical Society 2007 Honorary Member of the London Mathematical Society 2005 Docteur Honoris Causa, Université Pierre et Marie Curie

Awards 1984 Louis Empain Prize for Physics 1994 American Mathematical Society Steele Prize for Exposition 1994 Plenary Lecturer at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Zurich 1997 American Mathematical Society Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize 1998 The International Society for Optical Engineering Recognition of Outstanding Achievement 1998 IEEE Information Theory Society Golden Jubilee Award for Technological Innovation 2000 National Academy of Sciences Medal in Mathematics (USA) 2000 Eduard Rhein Foundation 2000 Basic Research Award 2005 Gold Medal of the Flemish Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences 2008 Pioneer Prize, International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

-9- John R. WILLIS

Section des sciences mécaniques et informatiques The Mechanics and Informatics sub-division

John R. Willis, né le 27 mars 1940 au Royaume Uni, est professeur émérite de mécanique théorique des solides à l’université de Cambridge. Spécialiste de l’utilisation des techniques mathématiques avancées en mécanique des solides, il a apporté des contributions pionnières pour la prévision de la tenue des matériaux et des structures. Ses travaux en élasticité anisotrope générale ont ouvert la voie à la détermination analytique des champs de contraintes 3D en présence de dislocations ou de fissures d’interface. Il a ensuite posé les bases d’une théorie variationnelle rigoureuse des propriétés effectives des milieux hétérogènes non-linéaires, s’appliquant aux composites, aux polycristaux et aux milieux poreux. Cette théorie a connu un développement exceptionnel depuis les années 90. Enfin ses travaux en élastodynamique ont permis l’analyse de la propagation dynamique de fissures dans les milieux de caractéristiques de fracture hétérogènes, et montré l’existence d’un type nouveau d’ondes, les « ondes de front de fissure ».

John R. Willis, born in 1940 in Great Britain, is Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Solid Mechanics at Cambridge University (UK). As an outstanding specialist of advanced mathematical techniques, he has made pioneering contributions to domains of utmost importance for the prediction of the stress bearing capacity of materials and structures. His works in general anisotropic elasticity have been successfully applied to predict 3D stress fields created by such defects as dislocations or interface cracks. One of his major later contributions lies in the foundation of a rigorous variational theory for the effective properties of nonlinear composites, encompassing polycrystals, composite materials and porous materials. This theory has undergone an exceptional development in the past 20 years. Finally his recent works on elastodynamics have allowed for the analysis of the dynamic propagation of cracks in materials with heterogeneous fracture properties, and evidenced the existence of a new type of waves, henceforth called “crack-front waves”.

Curriculum vitae 1962-1964 Assistant Lecturer, Imperial College, London 1964-1965 Research Associate, Courant Institute, New York University (USA) 1965-1967 Senior Assistant in Research, Cambridge University (UK) 1968-1972 Assistant Director of Research, Cambridge University 1966-1972 Fellow and Director of Studies in Mathematics, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge 1972-1994 Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Bath (UK) 1994-2000 Professor of Theoretical Solid Mechanics, Cambridge University 2000-2001 Professor of Mathematics, University of Bath 2001-2007 Professor of Theoretical Solid Mechanics, Cambridge University 1998-2004 Professeur de mécanique, École Polytechnique

Membership 1966 Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 1992 Fellow of the Royal Society (London) 2004 Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Engineering (USA)

Awards 1961 Governor’s Prize in Mathematics, Imperial College, London 1961 Lubbock Prize, London University 1971 Adams Prize 1997 Timoshenko Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1998 Prager Medal, Society of Engineering Science

-10- Mustapha BESBES

Section des sciences de l'Univers et inter-section des applications des sciences The Sciences of the Universe sub-division, and the Inter sub-division of sciences applications

Mustapha Besbes, né le 9 décembre 1941 en Tunisie, professeur émérite à l'École nationale d'ingénieurs de Tunis, est le spécialiste incontesté de l'hydrologie des pays arides et des aquifères géants du Sahara. Il a notamment développé un modèle original pour l’étude de la recharge des aquifères par infiltration des crues d’oueds. Son équipe a déterminé quelle est l’alimentation actuelle des nappes sahariennes sur la bordure de l’Atlas, alors que ces nappes étaient souvent considérées comme ne contenant que des eaux fossiles. Il a réalisé l'immense tâche de coordonner les travaux sur la modélisation du Système aquifère du Sahara Septentrional (SASS), destinés à permettre la mise en place d’une exploitation harmonieuse par les trois pays concernés (Algérie, Tunisie, Libye) des très grandes réserves de ces nappes du Maghreb, et, actuellement il continue à travailler à ce vaste projet.

Mustapha Besbes, born in 1941 in Tunisia, is emeritus professor at the National Engineering School of Tunis. He clearly is a world leader in the field of arid zone hydrology and of the giant Saharan aquifers. He especially developed an original model to study aquifer recharge by floods in ephemeral streams, and his team was able to estimate the amount of current recharge of Saharan aquifers on their Atlas outcrops, whereas they often were assumed to only contain fossil water. He also undertook the great task of coordinating works on modelling the NWSAS (North Western Sahara Aquifer System) in order to design an optimal exploitation scheme by the three concerned countries (Algeria, Tunisia, Libya) of the very large groundwater reserves of these aquifers in the Maghreb region, and pursues at present his contribution to this ambitious project.

Curriculum vitae 1964-1972 Ingénieur géologue, Bureau d'Inventaire des ressources hydrauliques (BIRH), Tunisie 1972-1979 Ingénieur de recherche, École des Mines de Paris, Centre d'informatique géologique 1979-2002 Professeur d'hydrogéologie, École nationale d'ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT) 1989-1995 Directeur de l'ENIT 1989-1993 Président du Comité des sciences exactes et naturelles, Commission Nationale de l’UNESCO 1996-2000 Membre du Comité National d'Evaluation de l'Enseignement Supérieur 1998-2002 Membre du Comité National d'Evaluation des Activités de Recherche Scientifique (CNEAR) 2002- Professeur émérite à l'ENIT, Université de Tunis El Manar 2006- Membre du Conseil national consultatif de la recherche et de la technologie (Tunisie) 2006- Consultant pour la composante "Gestion des eaux souterraines" dans le projet d'investissement dans le secteur de l'eau en Tunisie (Banque mondiale, Agence française de développement, Banque africaine de développement)

Prix 1991 Chevalier de l'Ordre de la République de Tunisie 1992 Chevalier de l'Ordre du Mérite de l'Éducation (Tunisie) 2005 Prix Paul Doistau-Émile Blutet, Académie des sciences

Ouvrage Hydrogéologie de l’ingénieur (Ed. Centre de publication universitaire, Tunis, 2010)

-11- Giovanni BIGNAMI

Section des sciences de l'Univers The Sciences of the Universe sub-division

Giovanni Bignami, né le 10 avril 1944 en Italie, est Professeur à l'Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS) à Pavie. Il est un des leaders mondiaux de l’astrophysique spatiale des hautes énergies. Il a participé à toutes les missions importantes dans ce domaine, lors de leur conception, leur réalisation, lors des tests ou de l’interprétation des résultats. Il a contribué de façon essentielle à l’identification des différents types d’étoiles à neutron et à l'étude de leur physique. Il a été également un des pionniers de l’identification des sources gamma par des observations multi fréquences. Giovanni Bignami consacre par ailleurs beaucoup de son temps à la vulgarisation de la science.

Giovanni Bignami, born in 1944 in Italy, is a professor at the Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS) in Pavia. He is a world leader in high-energy space astrophysics. He has been involved in all the important projects in this field, in their conception, in their implementation, and in tests and interpretation of the results. He has provided vital contributions to the identification of different types of neutron stars and to the study of their physics. He was also a pioneer in the identification of gamma-ray sources by multifrequency observations. In addition, Giovanni Bignami devotes much of his time to the popularisation of science.

Curriculum vitae 1968-1971 Assistant, Chair of Advanced Physics, University of Milano 1989 Visiting Professor, Université Paris 7 1971-1990 Research Scientist at the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Milano 1990-1996 Full Professor of General Physics, University of Cassino, Italy 1997-2002 Director of Science, Italian Space Agency, Roma 1997-2006 Full Professor of Astronomy, University of Pavia, Italy 2006- Full Professor of Astronomy at IUSS, Pavia 2003-2006 Directeur du Centre d'études spatiales des rayonnements, Toulouse 2004-2006 Membre du Comité stratégique du Centre national d'études spatiales (CNES) 2004-2006 President, ESA's Space Advisory Committee 2005- Member, Programme Committee, Venice World Conference on the Future of Science 2007-2008 President, Italian Space Agency, Roma 2009- Président du Conseil scientifique du Groupement d'intérêt scientifique "La physique des deux Infinis"

Membership 1997 Member (corresponding) of the Accademia dei Lincei (Italy) 2000 Full Member of the International Astronautics Academy 2004 Member of the European Academy of Sciences 2005 Member of the Academia Europaea 2008 Member (corresponding) of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere e Arti (Italy) 2008 Membre titulaire de l’Académie de l’Air et de l’Espace

Awards 1993 Bruno Rossi Prize of the HEAD, American Astronomical Society 2000 Officier de l'Ordre National du Mérite 2002 Cospar Massey Award, Royal Society (UK) 2004 Astronomy Prize, Italian Culture Ministry (Italy) 2006 Premio Lacchini for the Diffusion of Astronomical Culture (Italy) 2006 Officier de la Légion d'Honneur

Books Against the donning of the gown (Translation of "Contro il portar la toga" of Galileo Galilei ; Ed. Moonbooks, 2000) - La storia nello spazio (Ed. Mursia, 2001) - Explorer l'espace pour remonter le temps (Ed. Odile Jacob, 2006) - L'esplorazione della spazio (Ed. Il Mulino, 2006)

-12- Umberto CORDANI

Section des sciences de l'Univers The Sciences of the Universe sub-division

Umberto Cordani, né le 17 mai 1938 en Italie, naturalisé brésilien en 1960, est Professeur émérite à l'Institut des Géosciences de l'Université de Sao Paulo (Brésil). En fondant le laboratoire de géochronologie et géochimie isotopique de cette université, il a été parmi les premiers à lancer la géologie moderne en Amérique Latine. Référence mondiale dans ce domaine, il a reconstitué l'histoire commune des boucliers africain et brésilien, contribuant ainsi à la validité des concepts de la dérive des continents et de la tectonique des plaques. Il a retracé l’évolution tectonique de plusieurs régions sud-américaines.

Umberto Cordani, born in 1938 in Italy, naturalised Brazilian in 1960, is Professeur Emeritus at the Geosciences Institute of the University of São Paulo (Brazil). He created the geochronology laboratory of that University, and was one of the first to use modern geology in Latin America. World reference in the Geosciences, he reconstituted the common history of the African and Brazilian shields, contributing to validate the concepts of continental drift and plate tectonics. He has traced the tectonic evolution of several South American tectonic regions.

Curriculum vitae 1963 Specialization in Geochronology, University of California, Berkeley (USA) 1970-1971 Postdoctoral fellow, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgique) 1975- Professor, University of São Paulo (Brazil) 1987-1991 Director, Geosciences Institute, University of São Paulo 1988-1992 President of the International Union of Geosciences 1993-1997 Director, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of São Paulo 2000 President of the 31th International Geological Congress

Membership 1980 Member of the Academia Brasileira de Ciências 1990 Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences 1994 Member of the Academia Latino-Americana de Ciencias 1997 Membro honorario, Sociedad Geologica Chilena 1998 Honorary Member of the Geological Society of America 2003 Foreign member of the Academia de Ciências de Lisboa (Portugal) 2006 Member (corresponding) of the Academia National de Ciencias (Argentina)

Awards 1966 Prêmio Martelo de Prata (Sociedade Brasileira de Geología 1994 Grã Cruz, Ordem do Mérito Cientifico (Brazil) 1996 Medal Lecture, Third World Academy of Sciences 1997 Medalla Rectoral, Universidad de Chile 1998 Medalha de Ouro José Bonifacio, Sociedade Brasileira de Geología 1999 Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes académiques 2000 Spendiarov Medal, Russian Academy of Sciences 2006 Prize Herbert Thomas, Sociedad Geologica Chilena

-13- Thomas W. EBBESEN

Section de chimie The Chemistry sub-division

Thomas Ebbesen, né le 30 janvier 1954 en Norvège, est professeur à l'Université de Strasbourg et directeur de l'Institut de science et d'ingénierie supramoléculaires (ISIS). Chimiste et physicien, il a réalisé des travaux qui ont eu un impact majeur dans des domaines aussi divers que les sciences des matériaux carbonés et l’optique des métaux. Ses recherches à l'interface des nanosciences et de la photonique touchent à de nombreuses technologies stratégiques, telles l'opto-électronique, les communications optiques et le développement de capteurs de nouvelle génération.

Thomas Ebbesen, born in 1954 in Norway, is professor at Strasbourg University and director of the Institute for Supramolecular Science and Engineering (ISIS). Both a chemist and a physicist, his research has had a major impact in a variety of fields such as the science of carbon materials and the optical properties of metals. His work at the interface of nanosciences and photonics is being applied to numerous strategic technologies, such as optoelectronics, optical communications, as well as new- generation sensors.

Curriculum vitae 1977-1981 Assistant, Département de Biophysique, Université René Descartes, Paris 1981-1988 Member of the Radiation Laboratory, University of Notre-Dame, South Bend (USA) 1985-1986 Foreign Professor, Tsukuba University (Japan) 1988-1999 Member of NEC Fundamental Research Laboratories (Japan) and NEC Laboratories (USA) 1996- Professeur, Université de Strasbourg 2005- Directeur de l'ISIS 2007- Directeur du Centre international de recherche aux frontières de la chimie

Membership 2003 Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2005- Membre de l’Institut Universitaire de France

Awards 1992 Scientific Research Prize, NEC (Japan) 2001 Agilent Europhysics Prize, European Physical Society 2001 Randers Research Prize (Norway) 2005 Prix France Télécom, Académie des sciences 2009 Tomassoni Prize, Università La Sapienza, Rome 2009 Quantum Electronics and Optics Prize, European Physical Society

-14- George M. WHITESIDES

Section de chimie The Chemistry sub-division

George M. Whitesides, né en 1939 aux États-Unis, est Professeur à l’Université de Harvard. On lui doit des contributions majeures dans des domaines très diversifiés tels que la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique nucléaire, la chimie organométallique et la synthèse organique biocatalysée. Ses travaux en science des matériaux, en chimie des surfaces, en microfluidique et en nanotechnologie ont un très fort impact non seulement en chimie, mais également en biologie et en bio-ingénierie. C’est le cas en particulier de la lithographie douce, technique dont il est l’inventeur et qui est fort utile pour des applications de type biopuces. Un des chimistes les plus éclectiques de son temps.

George M. Whitesides, born in 1939 in the USA, is Professor at Harvard University. He made major achievements in very diversified areas, such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, organometallic chemistry, and biocatalyzed organic synthesis. His works on material science, surface chemistry, microfluidic, and nanotechnology have a very strong impact not only in chemistry, but also in biology and bio-engineering. This is namely the case for soft lithography, a technique he invented and which is highly useful in such application as biochips. One of the most eclectic chemists of his time.

Curriculum vitae 1963-1982 Member of the Faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (USA) 1982-1986 Professor, Department of Chemistry of Harvard University (USA) 1986-1989 Chairman, Department of Chemistry of Harvard University 1982-2004 Mallinckrodt Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University 2004- Woodford L. and Ann A. Flowers University Professor, Harvard University

Membership 1968 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (Honorary since 2005) 1977 Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1978 Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 1997 Member of the American Philosophical Society 2001 Foreign Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy 2002 Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 2004 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2005 Member of the National Academy of Engineering (USA) 2006 Member of the New York Academy of Sciences

Main Awards 1975 American Chemical Society Award in Pure Chemistry 1995 Arthur C. Cope Award 1998 National Medal of Science 1999 Award for Excellence in Surface Science, Surfaces in Biomaterials Foundation 2003 Kyoto Prize for Advanced Technology, Inamori Foundation 2004 Paracelsus Prize, Swiss Chemical Society 2005 Dan David Prize, Dan David Foundation; Welch Award; Linus Pauling Medal Award (Portland, Puget Sound and Oregon Sections of ACS) 2006 UAA Dhirumbhai Ambani Award, National Academy of Science (India) 2007 Priestley Medal, American Chemical Society; American Institute of Chemists Gold Medal 2008 Nanoscience Prize, ISNS, Computation and Engineering; Prince of Asturias Award in Science and Technology (Spain) 2009 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry; The Inaugural Dreyfus Prize in Chemical Sciences 2010 The Othmer Gold Medal

-15- Leonard P. GUARENTE

Section de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, génomique et inter-section des applications des sciences The molecular and cellular Biology, Genomics sub-division, and Inter sub-division of sciences applications

Leonard P. Guarente, né le 6 juin 1952 aux États-Unis, est professeur au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Département de biologie, à Cambridge (États-Unis). Il consacre ses recherches aux mécanismes moléculaires du vieillissement et plus particulièrement à la mise en évidence des composants cellulaires responsables des différences de longévité entre les espèces. Il a, le premier, mis en évidence le gène SIR-2, et a montré qu'il est le régulateur clé de la longévité chez la levure et le ver. Il étend ses recherches effectuées sur ce gène aux mammifères. Ses découvertes pourraient accélérer le développement de molécules thérapeutiques actives contre les maladies liées à l'âge.

Leonard P. Guarente, born in 1952 in the USA, is Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Department of Biology, in Cambridge (USA). His research is devoted to molecular mechanisms of aging and, more particularly, to determination of the cellular components responsible for differences in longevity between species. He was the first to identify the SIR-2 gene and he showed that it is the key regulator of longevity in yeast and worms. He is extending his research performed on this gene to mammals. His discoveries could accelerate the development of therapeutic molecules against age-related diseases.

Curriculum vitae 1981-1985 Assistant Professor, MIT, Cambridge 1985-1991 Associate Professor of Biology, MIT, Cambridge 1991- Professor of biology, MIT, Cambridge 2000- Novartis Professor 2008- Director of Paul F. Glenn Laboratory for Science of Aging

Membership 1998 Member of the American Academy of Microbiology 2004 Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Awards 2001 Academy of the American Society for Healthy Aging Investigator 2009 Dart/NYU Biotechnology Achievement Award

Book Ageless Quest: One Scientist's Search for Genes that Prolong Youth (Ed. Cold Spring Harbor Press, 2003)

-16- Christiane NÜSSLEIN-VOLHARD

Section de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, génomique The Cellular and Molecular Biology, Genomics, sub-division

Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, née le 20 octobre 1942 en Allemagne, dirige le Département de génétique au Max Planck Institute pour la biologie du développement à Tübingen en Allemagne. Ses travaux ont révolutionné la biologie du développement. En élaborant et combinant les outils techniques et conceptuels de la génétique et de l'embryologie, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard a découvert, par l'étude de mutants chez la drosophile et le poisson zèbre, les mécanismes génétiques qui contrôlent l’embryogenèse précoce. Elle a reçu le Prix Nobel de physiologie en 1995.

Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, born in 1942 in Germany, is Director of the Department of Genetics at the Max-Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in Tübingen (Germany). She revolutionized developmental biology. By developing and combining the concepts and tools of genetics and embryology, through her systematic analysis of mutations affecting Drosophila and zebrafish development, she discovered the genetic mechanisms that control early embryonic development. She was awarded with the Nobel Prize in 1995.

Curriculum vitae 1975-1976 Postdoctoral fellow in Walter Gehring’s laboratory, Basel (Switzerland) 1976-1977 Postdoctoral fellow in Klaus Sander’s laboratory, Freiburg (Germany) 1978-1981 Group leader, European Molecular Biology laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg 1981-1984 Group leader at the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Tübingen 1985- Director, Max-Planck-Institute of Developmental Biology, Tübingen 1989- Honorary Professorship, University of Tübingen 2004- President-Founder of the CNV-Foundation to support Women in Science 2007- Member of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC)

Membership 1983 Member of the European Molecular Biology Organisation 1989 Member of the Academia Europaea 1989 Member of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 1990 Member of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften 1990 Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 1990 Foreign Member of the Royal Society (England) 1991 Member of the Deutsche Akademie Leopoldina 1992 Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1995 Member of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften 1995 Member of the American Philosophical Society

Main Awards 1986 Leibniz-Preis, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 1988 Carus-Medaille, Deutsche Akademie Leopoldina 1990 Rosenstiel Award, Brandeis University (USA) ; Mattia Award, Roche Institute (USA) 1991 Albert Lasker Medical Research Award (USA) 1992 Prix Louis Jeantet de Médecine (Suisse); Alfred P. Sloan Jr Award., General Motors Cancer Foundation (USA); Otto-Bayer-Preis, Bayer AG; Otto Warburg-Medaille, Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie; Louisa Gross Horwitz Award, Columbia University (USA); Gregor Mendel Medal, Genetics Society (United Kingdom) 1993 Sir Hans Krebs Medal, Federation of European Biochemical Societies 1995 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (with E. Wieschaus and E. Lewis) 1996 Gross Verdienstkreuz mit Stern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2005 Gross Verdienstkreuz mit Stern und Schulterband der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2006 The L’Oréal-UNESCO Tribute for UNESCO’s 60th anniversary 2007 Stifterpreis des Bundesverbands deutscher Stiftungen 2009 Österreichisches Ehrenzeichen für Wissenschaft und Kunst

Books Coming to life: how genes drive development (Ed. Kales Press, 2006) - Von Genen und Embryonen (Ed. Reclam, 2004)

-17- Robert A. WEINBERG

Section de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, génomique The Cellular and Molecular Biology, Genomics, sub-division

Robert A. Weinberg, né le 11 novembre 1942 aux États-Unis, est Professeur de biologie au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), à Cambridge (États-Unis). L'ensemble de ses travaux a conduit à des avancées considérables dans la compréhension des bases moléculaires du cancer. Ceci a permis des progrès majeurs dans la classification et le diagnostic des tumeurs et dans la mise au point de thérapies ciblées, plus efficaces et moins toxiques, de la maladie cancéreuse.

Robert A. Weinberg, born in 1942 in the USA, is Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA), since 1982. The scientific achievements of R. Weinberg have led to seminal advances in our understanding of the molecular bases of cancer. This resulted in major progress in tumor classification and diagnosis and in the design of targeted therapies, more efficient and less toxic.

Curriculum vitae 1969-1970 Postdoctoral Fellow, Weizmann Institute, Rehovoth, Israel 1970-1972 Postdoctoral Fellow, Salk Institute (USA) 1972-1973 Research Associate, MIT, Cambridge (USA) 1973-1976 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology and Center for Cancer Research, MIT 1976-1982 Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Center for Cancer Research, MIT 1982- Professor of Biology, Department of Biology, MIT 1982- Founding Member, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA 1990- Member of the Scientific and Academic Advisory Committee, Weizmann Institute, Israel 2005- Membre du Conseil scientifique international de l'Institut National du Cancer

Membership 1985 Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 1989 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1992 Foreign Member-Medical Sciences of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2000 Member of the American Philosophical Society 2000 Member of the Institute of Medicine (USA) 2008 Docteur honoris causa de l'Université Paris-Descartes

Main Awards 1983 Robert Koch Medal, Robert Koch Foundation 1984 Steel Foundation Award in Molecular Biology, National Academy of Sciences (USA) 1984 Bristol-Myers Award for Distinguished Achievement in Cancer Research 1984 Antonio Feltrinelli Prize, Academia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy) 1987 Sloan Prize, General Motors Cancer Research Foundation 1992 Gairdner Foundation International Awards for Achievements in Medical Science 1994 Harvey Prize, American Society for Technion, Israel Institute of Technology 1996 G.H.A. Clowes Memorial Award, American Association for Cancer Research 1996 Max Delbrück Medal, Max-Delbrück Center 1997 National Medal of Science 1997 Keio Medical Science Foundation Prize 1999 The Order pour le Mérite for Sciences and the Arts (Germany) 2003 Distinguished Scientist Award, Association of American Cancer Institutes 2003 Van Andel Institute’s Daniel Nathans Memorial Award 2004 Wolf Foundation Prize 2004 Prince of Asturias Science Award 2009 Grande Médaille de l’Académie des sciences

Books The Biology of Cancer (Ed. Garland Science, 2007) - One Renegade Cell (Ed. Perseus Books Group, 1999) - Racing to the Beginning of the Road: the Search for the Origin of Cancer (Ed. Harmony Books, 1996) - Genes and the Biology of Cancer (avec H. Varmus) (Ed. Scientific American Library, 1993)

-18- Joanne CHORY

Section de biologie intégrative The Integrative Biology sub-division

Joanne Chory, née le 19 mars 1955 aux États-Unis, est Professeur de biologie à l'Université de Californie à San Diego et directrice du laboratoire de biologie végétale au Salk Institute. Elle est aussi chercheur au Howard Hughes Medical Institute et professeur adjoint à l’université de Californie à San Diego. Elle étudie les mécanismes par lesquels les plantes s’adaptent aux changements de leur environnement lumineux. Ses travaux sur l’espèce modèle lui ont permis d’étudier les rôles respectifs des phytochromes, photorécepteurs de la partie rouge du spectre lumineux. L‘étude moléculaire de mutants dé-étiolés lui a permis de montrer que les signaux lumineux dérépriment la mise en place de l’appareil photosynthétique selon une voie de transduction dont ses travaux ont révélé l’existence. Son équipe a étudié aussi la co-régulation des gènes nucléaires et plastidiaux dans la mise en place de l’appareil photosynthétique. Un dernier thème de recherche concerne la découverte des fonctions d'une nouvelle classe d’hormones, les brassinostéroïdes, dans les processus d’élongation cellulaire, travail remarquable qui lui vaut une reconnaissance internationale.

Joanne Chory, born in 1955 in the USA, is Howard H. and Maryam R. Newman Chair and director of the Plant Biology Laboratory at the Salk Institute. She is also an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and adjunct professor at UCSD. Dr. Chory is interested in identifying the mechanisms by which plants respond to changes in their light environment. She uses genetic, genomic and biochemical approaches in the reference plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, to identify components of the phototransduction pathways, with emphasis placed on the events mediated through a family of red/far-red-light-absorbing receptors named phytochromes. Chory’s lab has also identified mutations in nuclear-localized signalling components and shown that they are involved in degradation of key transcription factors that regulate gene expression in response to light. Her team also found a large number of nuclear and plastidic genes involved in the coordinated regulation of the photosynthetic apparatus. Work in Dr. Chory's lab has also led to the discovery of the roles of a new steroid hormone, brassinolide, that controls plant development in response to light, and has identified the receptor and signaling pathway of brassinolides. This pioneering work has given Joanne Chory an international reputation for excellence.

Curriculum vitae 1984-1988 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School (USA) 1988-1994 Assistant Professor, Plant Biology Laboratory, the Salk Institute 1992-1994 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology Department, University of California, San Diego (UCSD) 1994-1998 Associate Professor, Plant Biology Laboratory, the Salk Institute 1997- Investigator, The Howard Hughes Medical Institute 1998- Professor, Plant Biology Laboratory, The Salk Institute 1998- Director, Plant Biology Laboratory, The Salk Institute 1999- Adjunct Professor, Biology Department, UCSD

Membership 1998 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1999 Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 2005 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2006 Associate Member of the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) 2008 Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

Awards 1994 Award for Initiatives in Research, National Academy of Sciences (USA) 1995 Charles Albert Schull Award, American Society of Plant Physiologists 2000 L'Oréal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science 2003 Scientific American 50-Research Leader in Agriculture 2004 Kumho Award in Plant Molecular Biology

-19- Miguel A. L. NICOLELIS

Section de biologie intégrative The Integrative Biology sub-division

Miguel Nicolelis, né le 7 mars 1961 au Brésil, est professeur de neurobiologie, d'ingénierie biomédicale et de psychologie, et co-directeur du Centre de neuro-ingénierie au Medical Center (États-Unis). La maîtrise de concepts et de techniques multidisciplinaires, - neurosciences computationnelles, physiologie et plasticité des ensembles neuronaux sensori-moteurs, robotique-, lui a permis de devenir le pionnier d'une discipline qui révolutionne les neurosciences, celle des interactions cerveau-machine qui permettent, après une période d'apprentissage, de piloter robots et membres artificiels par la pensée. Ses résultats ouvrent une perspective thérapeutique avec la conception de neuroprothèses.

Miguel Nicolelis, born in 1961 in Brazil, is Professor of Neurobiology Biomedical Engineering and Psychology and Neurosciences, and Co-Director of the Center for Neuroengineering at Duke University Medical Center. His fields of interest are: computational properties of large neural ensembles in behaving animals; sensorimotor plasticity in adult and developing sensory animals; neuronal basis of sensorimotor learning; development of brain-machine interfaces for restoring neurological function; neuronal basis of tactile perception.

Curriculum vitae 1985-1986 Research Associate, Department of Pathology, University of Sao Paulo 1986-1988 Research Instructor, Department of Pathology, University of Sao Paulo 1988-1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Sao Paulo 1989-1994 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physiology and Biophysics Hahnemann University (USA) 1994-1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center (USA) 1998-2001 Associate Professor, Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center 1999-2001 Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and of Experimental Psychology, Duke University 2001- Professor of Neurobiology, Biomedical Engineering, and Psychology and Neurosciences 2001- Co-Director of the Center for Neuroengineering, Duke University 2004- Founder and Director of the Instituto Internacional de Neurociência de Natal (Brazil) 2005- Anne W. Deane Professor of Neurosciences, Duke University Medical Center 2008- Professeur titulaire de la Chaire Blaise Pascal à l’École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la Ville de Paris

Memberships 2004 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2010 Fellow of the Academia Brasileira de Ciências

Awards 1984 Oswaldo Cruz Award for Research Excellence in Internal and Preventive Medicine (Brazil) 1994 Whitehead Scholar Award, Mc Donnell Pew Foundation 1996 Klingenstein Fellowship Award 1999 Human Frontier Research Program Grant Award 2001 MIT Review's Top 10 Emerging Technologies 2002 DARPA Award for Sustained Excellence by a Performer 2004 Scientific American 50-Research Leader in Biomedical Engineering 2005 Robert Dow Neuroscience Award, Neurological Sciences Institutes, Oregon University 2007 DARPA Tech Award for Sustained Excellence by a Performer 2009 Foundation IPSEN Neuronal Plasticity Prize 2009 Sandoz Family Foundation Chair, Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience of Natal, Brazil 2009 Cesar Timo-Iaria Lifetime Achievement Award, Brazilian Society for Neuroscience

-20- Roy M. ANDERSON

Section de biologie humaine et sciences médicales The Human Biology and Medical Sciences sub-division

Sir Roy M. Anderson, né le 12 avril 1947 au Royaume-Uni, professeur d'épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses à l'Imperial College of London, est un pionnier de la modélisation mathématique de la transmission, du contrôle et de l'évolution des maladies transmissibles, humaines ou animales. Ses travaux ont grandement influencé les conceptions sur la nature des relations hôte-pathogènes et leur signification évolutive. Beaucoup ont eu des répercussions importantes en santé publique dans la définition des stratégies de lutte contre quelques grands fléaux infectieux récents.

Sir Roy M. Anderson, born in 1947 in the UK, is Professor of infectious disease epidemiology at Imperial College London. He pioneered the mathematical modeling and population level study of the spread, evolution and control of infectious diseases of humans and animals. He introduced new concepts on the evolutionary consequences of host pathogen interactions. His modeling of the control of infectious diseases has been highly influential throughout the world in important public health problems posed by the major emerging diseases since the 1980's.

Curriculum vitae 1973–1977 Lecturer (Parasitology), King’s College London 1977–1984 Lecturer, Reader and Professor, Imperial College London 1984–1993 Professor and Head of Department of Biology, Imperial College London 1989–1993 Director, Wellcome Research Centre Parasitic Infections, Imperial College London 1993–1998 Head of the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford 1993–2000 Fellow, Merton College, University of Oxford 1993–2000 Director, Wellcome Trust Centre for the Epidemiology of Infectious Disease, University of Oxford - Linacre Professor, University of Oxford 2000–2004 Head, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London 2004–2008 Chief Scientific Adviser, Ministry of Defence, UK 2008–2010 Rector, Imperial College London 2000- Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London 2008- Non-Executive Director GlaxoSmithKline 2008- Trustee of the Natural History Museum 2008- Governor Institute for Government London

Membership 1982 Fellow of the Zoological Society (UK) 1982 Fellow of the Institute of Biology (UK) 1985 Fellow of the Royal Society of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK) 1986 Fellow of the Royal Society (London) 1987 Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (UK) 1998 Fellow of Academia Europaea 1998 Founding Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (UK) 1999 Foreign Associate Member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (USA) 2002 Honorary Fellow, Royal Society of Agriculture (UK)

Main Awards 1988 Chalmers Memorial Medal, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 1989 Weldon Memorial Prize for Biomathematics, University of Oxford 1993 Frink Medal for British Zoologists, Zoological Society of London 1994 Croonian Prize, Royal Society; Joseph Smadel Medal, Infectious Disease Society of America 1998 Distinguished Statistical Ecologist Award, American Society of Ecology 1999 Distinguished Parasitologist award, American Society for Parasitology 2002 Nuffield Medal Lecture, The Royal Society of Medicine (UK) 2005 Ernst Chain Prize, Imperial College 2006 Knighted in the Queen's Birthday Honours list

Book Infectious Diseases of Humans - Dynamics and Control (with R. M. May) (Ed. Oxford Science Publications, 1992)

-21- Mary-Claire KING

Section de biologie humaine et sciences médicales The Human Biology and Medical Sciences sub-division

Mary-Claire King, née le 27 février 1946 aux États-Unis, est Professeur à l'Université de Washington à Seattle, département de génétique médicale et département de sciences du génome. Elle est mondialement connue pour ses travaux sur l'identification de prédispositions génétiques au cancer du sein, qui ont des applications d’importance considérable en médecine et en biologie. Elle a étendu ses recherches au domaine de l'évolution humaine et de la génétique des surdités, et plus récemment à l'autisme et à la schizophrénie. Elle a été une pionnière dans l'utilisation des techniques génétiques et notamment du séquençage de l'ADN mitochondrial pour l'identification de personnes disparues en Argentine et dans des cas de violation des droits de l'homme à travers le monde.

Mary-Claire King, born in 1946, is American Cancer Society Professor, University of Washington at Seattle since 1995. She uses genomics tools to study complex human conditions. Her primary areas of interest were inherited breast and ovarian cancer, inherited hearing loss, and the genetic bases of schizophrenia. Her goals are to identify and characterize critical genes in informative families and populations. She is interested in disentangling heterogeneous genetic influences and understanding the interaction between genetic and environmental influences on these traits. She also applies genomic sequencing to the identification of victims of human rights abuses.

Curriculum vitae 1976–1995 Professor of Genetics and of Epidemiology, University of California, Berkeley 1995– American Cancer Society Professor, University of Washington, Seattle 1998– Affiliate Member, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle 2007-2010 Member of the Advisory Committee to the Director of National Institutes of Health (NIH) 1984- Consultant to National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons, Republic of Argentina 1984- Advisor to the United Nations Forensic Anthropology Team, Genetic Identification Services 1999- Senior Advisor to Beijing and Shanghai Genome Centers, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Membership 1993 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 1994 Member of the Institute of Medicine (USA) 1999 Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 2005 Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)

Awards 1994 Clowes Award for Basic Research, American Association for Cancer Research 1999 Brinker Award for Breast Cancer Research, Komen Foundation 2004 University of California Medal 2004 Genetics Prize, Peter Gruber Foundation 2006 Weizmann Institute Award for Women and Science 2006 A.H. Heineken Prize for Medicine, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 2007 Medal of Honor for Clinical research, American Cancer Society 2008 Basic Science Award, American Society of Clinical Oncology
