Austrian Neutrality in Postwar Europe
67 - 12,294 SCHLESINGER, Thomas Otto, 1925- AUSTRIAN NEUTRALITY IN POSTWAR EUROPE. The American University, Ph.D„ 1967 Political Science, international law and relations University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan © Copyright by Thomas Otto Schlesinger 1967 AUSTRIAN NEUTRALITY IN POSTWAR EUROPE BY THOMAS OTTO SCHLESINGER Submitted to the Faculty of the School of International Service of The American University In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Signatures of Committee: RttAU Chairma Acting Dean: yilember Member auu. 2 rt£ 7 Datete Approved 2 , 7 June 1967 The American University AMERICAN UNIVERSITY LIRPAOY Washington, D. C. MAY 2 a mi A crMn PREFACE In thought, this dissertation began during the candi date's military service as interpreter to the United States military commanders in Austria, 1954-1955, and northern Italy, 1955-1957. Such assignments, during an army career concluded by retirement in 1964, were in part brought about by the author's European background— birth in Berlin, Ger many, and some secondary schooling in Italy and Switzerland. These circumstances should justify the author's own trans lation— and responsibility therefor— of the German, French, and Italian sources so widely used, and of the quotations taken from these. As will become obvious to any reader who continues for even a few pages, the theoretical conception for this study derives in large part from the teachings of the late Charles O. Lerche, Jr., who was Dean of the School of Inter national Service when the dissertation was proposed. While Dean Lerche's name could not appear in the customary place for approval, the lasting inspiration he provided makes it proper that this student's deepest respect and admiration for him be recorded here.
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