UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS Of AMERICA A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of

The John F. Kennedy National Security Files General Editor: George C. Herring

AFRICA National Security Files. 1961-1963

Microfilmed from the holdings of The John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts

Project Coordinator Robert E. Lester

Guide compiled by Blair Hydrick

A microfilm project of UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA An Imprint of CIS 4520 East-West Highway • Bethesda, MD 20814-3389 Library of Congress Cataloglng-in-Publlcation Data

The John F. Kennedy national security files. Africa [microform].

"Microfilmed from the holdings of the John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts; project coordinator, Robert E. Lester." Accompanied by printed reel guide compiled by Blair D. Hydrick. Includes index. 1. Africa-National security-Sources. 2. United States-National security-Sources. I. Lester, Robert. II. Hydrick, Blair. III. John F. Kennedy Library. IV. University Publications of America. [UA855] 355'.03306 88-119 ISBN 1 -55655-001 -4 (microfilm) CIP ISBN 1-55655-003-0 (guide)

Copyright® 1993 by University Publications of America. All rights reserved. ISBN 1-55655-003-0. TABLE OF CONTENTS

General Introduction•The John F. Kennedy National Security Files: "Country Files," 1961-1963 v

Introduction•The John F. Kennedy National Security Files: Africa, 1961-1963 ¡x

Scope and Content Note xi

Source Note xii

Editorial Note xii

Security Classifications xiii

Key to Names xv

Abbreviations List xxix

Reel Index

Reel 1 Africa 1

Reel 2 Africa cont 15 Algeria 25

Reel 3 33 Chad.. ; 41 Congo•General 43

Reel 4 Congo•General cont 50

Reel 5 Congo•General cont 73 Congo•Cables 84

Reel 6 Congo•Cables cont , 98

m Reel 7 Congo•Cables cont :..: 129 Dahomey 146 Ghana 151

ReelS Ghana cont 155

Reel 9 Ghana cont 184 '194

Reel 10 Guinea cont 208 Ivory Coast 214 Libya 221 Mali 221 Morocco... 228 Mozambique 228 Rhodesia 229 Rwanda-Burundi 233

Reel 11 Rwanda-Burundi cont 234 Sierra Leone 245 South Africa 247

Reel 12 South Africa cont. 252 Tanganyika 253 Tunisia 268

Author Index 277

Subject Index 289


The John F. Kennedy National Security Files: "Country Files," 1961-1963

When John F. Kennedy died in 1963, he left an uncertain legacy in the area of foreign policy. Kennedy had taken office committed to pursuing the cold war more vigorously than had the Eisenhower administration. During his first year he launched a major military buildup, enlarged American foreign aid programs, and undertook new foreign policy commitments in various parts of the world. This Kennedy offensive dramatically worsened relations with the Soviet Union and helped bring about the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. In the aftermath of that frightening confronta- tion, Kennedy seemed to shift from the militant approach that had marked his first years in office and began taking the first steps toward what would later be called détente. It can never be known how far Kennedy might have gone in this direction had his presidency not been cut short by an assassin's bullet. Kennedy took office during a time of rising international tension. The struggle of many newly formed nations to break from their colonial pasts and establish modern institutions set loose chaos across key parts of the globe. The rhetoric and actions of the erratic Soviet premier suggested a new Communist boldness, even recklessness, and a determination to exploit the prevailing instability. The development of new weapons systems added an especially frightful dimension. The fate of the world thus seemed to hang in the balance, and Kennedy assumed power certain that the survival of the United States depended upon its ability to defend free institutions. Should America falter, he warned, 'the whole world, in my opinion, would inevitably begin to move toward the Communist bloc." ' Calling upon his countrymen to become the "watchmen on the walls of freedom" and promising to assert firm, vigorous leadership, Kennedy committed his administration to facing the perils of the new era. He enlisted a youthful, energetic, and intelligent corps of advisers from the top positions in academia and industry•men who shared his determination to get the country moving again. These New Frontiersmen accepted without question the basic assumptions of the containment policy of Truman and Eisenhower but also believed it was necessary to challenge rather than merely react to its moves. They were alarmed by the dangers of a global war but were also exhilarated by the prospect of leading the nation through perilous times and winning the ultimate victory. They shared a Wilsonian view that destiny had singled out their nation to defend and spread the democratic ideal. , ¡ To meet the challenges faced by his administration, Kennedy revamped the machinery of U.S. foreign policy. Contemptuous of the State Department, which he once labeled a "bowl of jelly," he reportedly fantasized about establishing a small, secret office underhis personal contralto runforeign policy. He contented himself with remodeling the National Security Council (NSC) to enhance his personal control. As his special assistant for national security affairs he chose McGeorge Bundy, formerly a Harvard dean. Bundy and his deputy, Walt Whitman Rostow, eliminated Eisenhower's cumbersome committee system and made the NSC ä compact body of eleven people. The White House established its own situation room and installed equipment that gave it direct access to State Department, Defense Department, and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) cables.

1 Seyom Brown, The Faces of Power (New York: Columbia University Press, 1969), p. 217. Although it comprised a "little State Department," thus posing a threat to its entrenched rival, the NSC under Bundy's direction maintained an effective liaison with the State Department bureaucracy. Bundy managed the flow of information, intelligence, and decision papers to the president and monitored the operations of other agencies. Ratherthan simply acting as a neutral clearinghouse, the NSC also lobbied for policies it preferred. 'The energy, small size, and bureaucratic compactness of the NSC staff allowed it to run rings around State in the competition for influence."2 It remained, throughout the Kennedy years, the president's major foreign policy instrument. With the White House leading the way, the Kennedy administration launched a full-scale effort to win the cold war. Kennedy ordered a massive buildup of nuclear weapons to establish a strong deterrent to Soviet nuclear power. Persuaded that Eisenhower's reliance on nuclear weapons had left the United States muscle-bound in many situations, he also expanded and modernized the nation's conventional military forces to permit a "flexible response" to various types and levels of threats. Certain that the emerging nations of the Third World would be the principal focus of the U.S.- Soviet rivalry, the administration devoted much attention to developing an effective response to guerrilla warfare. Kennedy and his advisers also placed great emphasis on devising programs of economic and technical assistance to the Third World that would eliminate the conditions in which communism flourished. The new administration encountered repeated frustration in its first months in office. Kennedy inherited from Eisenhower a poorly conceived plan to overthrow the Cuban regime of Fidel Castro. Although dubious about the morality and workability of the plan, the new president was eager for a foreign policy victory, and he hesitated to scrap it for fear Republican critics would charge him with weakness. Without the air support he refused to provide, however, the plan was doomed to failure. Although Kennedy assumed responsibility for the resulting debacle at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961, his fledgling administration was vulnerable to attack from those who thought the United States had done too little and those who thought it had done too much. At about the same time, the administration decided that Eisenhower's commitment in landlocked Laos could not be upheld militarily and agreed to negotiate a settlement at Geneva. Relations with the Soviet Union deteriorated dangerously. The administration viewed with alarm Khrushchev's January 1961 speech avowing Soviet support for wars of national liberation in the Third World. At their first in Vienna in June, Khrushchev bullied Kennedy by reasserting his commitment to such wars and renewing the ultimatum on Berlin he had first issued in 1958. A shaken Kennedy, upon returning to Washington, stepped up his plans for a military buildup. Within several weeks, Khrushchev escalated the Berlin crisis, sealing off East Berlin from West Berlin with the construction of a concrete wall between the two. Shortly after, the Soviets resumed nuclear testing. The steady increase of tensions led directly to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Upon taking office, Kennedy had learned that a "missile gap" presumed to be in favor of the Soviet Union actually favored the United States. Determined to build on and exploit that lead, he significantly expanded America's already formidable nuclear arsenal. In October 1961, Deputy Secretary of Defense Roswell Gilpatric proclaimed to the world that the United States was invulnerable to a Soviet sneak attack and had a second-strike capability as extensive as the Soviet capability for a first strike. Any move on the Soviets' part would therefore have been an act of self-destruction, according to Gilpatric. Khrushchev appears to have responded to the U.S. challenge by taking the daring and risky gamble of placing offensive missiles in Cuba. Soviet motives for this action will probably never be entirely clear. Khrushchev and others have claimed that they were trying to protect Cuba from an anticipated U.S. invasion, and there were certainly grounds for such fears. Western scholars also speculate that a beleaguered Khrushchev sought to ease pressures from Soviet and Chinese militants and offset his disadvantage in the arms race. Whatever his motives, Khrushchev's actions provoked the most dangerous U.S.-Soviet confron- tation in the history of the cold war. Kennedy responded by "quarantining"Cuba•sealing off the island with a naval blockade•and demanding that the Soviets withdraw their missiles. While the world nervously awaited the Soviet response, tensions mounted. Neither side had total control of its forces in the area, and on several occasions incidents in or around Cuba threatened to trigger a war.

2 Barry Rubin, Secrets of State (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987), p. 101.

VI Eventually Khrushchev relented and agreed to withdraw the missiles; to save face, he demanded a pledge f romthe United States that it would not invade Cuba. The United States accepted the deal and privately assured Moscow that it would remove its own Jupiter missiles from Turkey. The superpowers pulled back from the brink, and the world breathed a sigh of relief. In the aftermath of the missile crisis, both superpowers moved to ease the tensions that had brought them to the verge of nuclearwar. Kennedy and Khrushchev toned down their militant cold war rhetoric and even spoke publicly of moving toward peaceful coexistence. The two nations established a hot line to facilitate communications in times of crisis. The United States agreed to sell its adversary a large supply of desperately needed wheat, and, most important, in the first major effort to slow down the nuclear arms race, the United States and Soviet Union signed a treaty in to end atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. Kennedy's success in turning around the cold warwas not matched by success in other areas. From the time the administration took power, it had promoted with considerable fanfare its so-called Grand Design for Europe. The aims of the Grand Design were to stabilize Europe defensively and, in order to help solve the country's growing economic problems, expand U.S. trade with Europe. The administration promoted tariff reduction and British membership in the European Economic Commu- nity to correct the United States' swelling balance-of-payments deficit. In addition, it sought to encourage the allies to furnish more conventional forces for the defense of Europe while relying exclusively on the United States for nuclear deterrence. These plans ran afoul of European interests and made Europeans suspicious of both U.S. and British intentions. France and Germany feared that Britain, as a member of the Common Market, would be what French leader called a Trojan horse" for the United States. With his usual flair for the grandiloquent, de Gaulle vetoed British admission in January 1963. France, Germany, and Britain hesitated to rely entirely on the United States for nuclear deterrence. Theirfears were underlined by the United States' unilateral cancellation of the Skybolt missile originally offered to Britain and by the failure of the United States to consult the allies before acting in the Cuban Missile Crisis. De Gaulle insisted on an independent nuclear force de frappe tor France. By early 1963 the Grand Design was in a shambles amidst mutual recriminations both from the Kennedy administration and the European allies. In the Third World as well, the Kennedy legacy was at best mixed. In Latin America the administration, with maximum publicity, launched the Alliance for Progress as a way of promoting economic and social development and thereby undermining leftist revolutions. The program made dramatic gains in such areas as tax collection and public health, but its overall progress was disappointing. The pace of agrarian reform was slow, and gains in education were limited. The goals of the program may have been too ambitious, and private capital for development projects was not forthcoming in the amount required. Most important, perhaps, military coups in Argentina, Peru, Guatemala, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras undermined the very political freedoms the Alliance for Progress was supposed to foster. Cuban premier Fidel Castro survived despite the Kennedy administration's near obsession with eliminating him. Before the missile crisis, with the blessings of top U.S. officials, the CIA had launched Operation Mongoose, a multifaceted scheme to destabilize Cuba and overthrow the Castro government. As early as , apparently without explicit presidential sanction, the CIA had formulated a plot to assassinate Castro, and the agency subsequently enlisted the assistance of leading mob figures such as Sam Giancana. Various assassination schemes were actually tried, including poison and exploding cigars. Operation Mongoose accomplished little, the assassination plots failed, and the Castro government remained intact. In Vietnam, Kennedy's legacy was especially uncertain. When Kennedy took office, the Vietcong insurgency supported by North Vietnam threatened the U.S.-backed government of Ngo Dinh Diem. Having suffered major setbacks at the Bay of Pigs, in Laos, and in Berlin, Kennedy decided it was necessary to take a stand somewhere, and Vietnam seemed the most likely place. Thus, in late 1961 the administration dramatically increased U.S. support for the Diem regime, and by 1963 the United States had more than sixteen thousand advisers in Vietnam. Perhaps more important, by the time of Kennedy's death, the United States had assumed growing responsibility for the South Vietnamese government.

VII In the summerof 1963 the predominantly Buddhist population launched a series of protests against the Catholic-led government. The Diem regime responded forcefully, at one point sending armed forces into the pagodas. Concerned about the protests and the regime's reaction to them and increasingly persuaded that Diem and his family were their own worst enemies, the Kennedy administration encouraged dissident South Vietnamese army officers to launch a coup. After several false starts, on November 1,1963, the military overthrew the regime and assassinated Diem and his notorious brother Ngo Dinh Nhu. Whether Kennedy would have eventually extricated the United States from an increasingly untenable situation in Vietnam, as his defenders claim, can, of course, never be known. It is clear, however, that during his brief one thousand days in the White House, Kennedy sharply increased the United States' commitment to South Vietnam. The many facets of the Kennedy administration's foreign policy are documented in UPA's microfilm series The John F. Kennedy National Security Files: "Country Files," 1961-1963. In this series the "Country Files," which McGeorge Bundy's NSC staff maintained, are organized by geographic area. Each "Country File" is divided into a group of file folders arranged chronologically. Included in the "Country Files" are the following types of material: (1 ) extensive cable traffic between the departments and agencies in Washington and embassies and missions abroad; (2) memoranda of conversations between U.S. and foreign officials and among top U.S. officials; (3) intelligence reports assessing foreign policy issues; (4) internal memorandums, including those from Bundy to the president; and (5) agenda for and records of top-level meetings. The "Country Files" provide a clear sense of the way in which the administration both perceived majorforeign policy issues andf ramed its responses to them. The chronological arrangement of each "Country File" permits the researcher to follow on a day-to-day basis the administration's handling of crises and to trace the evolution of major policies. The material included in the "Country Files" covers a variety of important topics. The USSR and Eastern Europe collection, while only comprising three reels, provides valuable insights into such events as the rise of U.S.-Soviet tensions in 1961, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the beginnings of détente. Although rather sparse, the Middle East collection, which also comprises three reels, contains significant material on the steadily expanding U.S. aid program for Israel. The "Country File" collections for Africa (twelve reels), Latin America (ten reels), Western Europe (ten reels), Vietnam (seven reels), and Asia and the Pacific (ten reels) document some of the administration's major foreign policy problems. The Africa collection contains a large volume of information on the Congo crisis and the administration's efforts to win goodwill among the continent's many newly emerging nations: Roughly half of the Latin America collection deals with Cuba; also included in the collection is important documentation on two other key Latin American nations, Brazil and the Dominican Republic. The Western Europe collection documents the formulation and implementation of Kennedy's Grand Design. The Vietnam and Asia and the Pacific collections document the administration's escalation of the Vietnam War and its involvement in other areas, such as the Philippines, Korea, and Indonesia. Some material in the Kennedy "Country Files" presently remains closed to researchers. The UPA National Security Files: "Country Files" series, however, provides an indispensable starting point for studying the foreign policy decisions of John F. Kennedy's administration.

George C. Herring Professor of History University of Kentucky


The John F. Kennedy National Security Files: Africa, 1961-1963

Africa posed uniquely difficult challenges forthe Kennedy administration. Seeking to win friends in the Third World, the administration attempted a sharp break with the policies of its predecessors, endorsing local and even accepting cold war neutralism; however, Kennedy's African policies ran up against numerous problems. America's European allies were the colonial powers in Africa and therefore the major antagonists to African nationalism, and the United States could not take one side without offending the other. Often it took a middle position that offended both. In addition, American efforts to identify with African nationalism were hindered by the persistence of segregation- ist institutions and racial conflict in the United States. Thus, the Kennedy administration's efforts to cultivate good will in Africa enjoyed only limited success. No part of the world was more confusing and chaotic at this time than Africa. The jast continent to break away from colonialism, Africa literally exploded with new nations in the 1960s, sixteen joining the UN in 1960 alone. By 1963 there were thirty-two independent African nations. Many were nations in name only. Boundaries had been imposed artificially by colonial rulers, and the countries were fractionalized by tribal divisions. Most new nations had been at best poorly prepared for indepen- dence, and all lacked capital, technical skills, and viable institutions of government. Eager to channel Third World nationalism in directions favorable to the United States, the Kennedy administration sought to fashion new policies forthe region. Until 1961 the United States had taken little notice of the "dark continent," and President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles had staunchly opposed cold war neutralism. Kennedy had taken an interest in Africa before assuming the presidency, and once in the White House, he assigned the continent a high priority. He invited numerous African leaders to meet with him. He appointed as assistant secretary of state for American affairs Michigan Governor G. Mennen Williams, a liberal known for his support of civil rights for Afro-Americans. Williams made several trips to Africa in 1961 to examine the region's needs and to devise U.S. aid programs. Devising new policies for Africa proved easier than implementing them. Fearful of Soviet and Chinese penetration of an area rich in strategic materials, the United States got deeply entangled in a bloody and dangerous civil war in the former . Woefully unprepared to govern itself at the time of its independence in 1960, the Congo quickly erupted into internal conflict. On one side, the popular, passionately nationalistic premier invited Soviet support, and on the other, secessionist Moise Tshombe attempted to establish an independent government in the mineral-rich Katanga province. The United States backed the central government and in 1961 secured the intervention of a UN peacekeeping force to maintain order. Lumumba was assassinated, allegedly with CIA complicity, and the Congo crisis threatened to provoke a confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. Order was restored only after the UN, with huge American support and Soviet acquiescence, helped the government capture Tshombe and reunite the country. The settlement was of short duration, however, with conflict erupting again in 1964. The United States frequently found itself trapped between African nationalism and its European allies. The Kennedy administration sympathized with independence movements in Algeria and Morocco but could not go too far for fear of alienating its ally France. When those countries achieved independence from France, they naturally spumed the United States and turned toward its antagonists, the Soviet Union and China. The United States also took a middle-of-the-road position

IX on Portuguese Angola for fear of risking access to bases and military installations in the Portuguese Azores, opposing the application of sanctions and trying to persuade to grant reforms. U.S. policy left both sides dissatisfied. Kennedy made a special effort to conciliate Ghana's mercurial and ardently nationalistic leader Kwame Nkrumah. The president opened a personal correspondence with Nkrumah and invited him to the White House. The United States later pledged to assist in the construction of a huge dam and aluminum smelter on the Volta River. When Nkrumah subsequently toured Soviet bloc countries and concluded major economic and cultural agreements with Communist China, American enthusiasm waned. Kennedy refused to cancel the agreement, but the terms were tightened and no additional loans were made. Perhaps the most intractable and explosive of Africa's multifarious problems were the white minority governments of southern Africa, most notably South Africa and Southern Rhodesia. Black Africans and American black leaders condemned those governments' practices of apartheid, and in 1962 the UN General Assembly urged member states to boycott South Africa diplomatically and economically and even to expel it from the international body. The United States deplored apartheid, but Kennedy was skeptical of the value and effectiveness of sanctions, and the United States feared possible loss of military tracking stations in South Africa. Ultimately, to avert a UN area embargo, the United States pledged to sell no arms to South Africa after January 1963. Kennedy was able to register only slight gains in Africa. Untainted by a colonial past in Africa, the Soviet Union could offer unqualified support for independence and nationalism and unqualified opposition to South African apartheid. By contrast, the administration's "moderate" position on such issues as Algeria and South Africa nullified some of the good will earned by its avowed sympathy for African nationalism and its aid programs. The United States could also not win the confidence of the African nations until it did more to solve racial problems at home. A Soviet offensive in Africa in 1962 and 1963 aroused American concern. Thus by the time of Kennedy's assassination, American commentators were asking, in an alarmist tone, "Which way, Africa?"1 The National Security File, Country File, Africa includes twelve reels of microfilm covering the great variety of issues stemming from U .S. involvement in that continent. Approximately four reels deal with the Congo crisis•the largest quantity of material on any single issue. There are roughly two reels on Ghana and one-half reel each on Angola, Guinea, and South Africa. Other countries for which there is material include the Ivory Coast, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Mozambique, Rwanda-Burundi, Mali, Tanganyika, and Dahomey. Topics covered include the problems encountered by African students and in the United States, the formation of the Organization for African Unity (OAU), the role of the Peace Corps in various African countries, and the problems of economic development in Africa. The material in these twelve reels provides a good view of the complexities of Africa in the Kennedy era and of the dilemmas faced by the United States in dealing with these complexities.

George C. Herring Professor of History University of Kentucky

' Richard P. Stebbins, 7776 United States in World Affairs, 1963 (New York, 1964), p. 260. SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE

The National Security Files (NSF) were the working files of John F. Kennedy's special assistant for national security affairs, McGeorge Bundy. Documents In these files originated in the offices of Bundy and his assistants, Walt W. Rostow and Carl Kaysen; in the various departments and agencies, especially those having to do with foreign affairs and national defense; and in diplomatic and military posts around the world. The NSF "Country Files" are arranged alphabetically by country. Memos, cables (telegrams), intelligence reports, correspondence, and special studies are arranged chronologically within each "Country File." This material was originally bound into volumes, each of which was assigned a number. For certain countries, some memos and cables were arranged under agency tabs or embassy tabs. The State Department, Defense Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, and Agency for International Development (previously the International Coop- eration Administration) were the agencies most frequently represented. Some memos, memcons (memorandums of conversations), correspondence, and reports were filed under tabs highlighting selected documents, events, or correspondents. The staff at the John F. Kennedy Library has removed the material from the volumes and filed it into folders. Each folder has been arranged in chronological order and assigned inclusive dates. Most volume numbers have been discarded. In mosteases a "Country File" consists of one or more folders, with separate folders for briefings on heads of state visiting the United States. For those countries in which a high level of diplomatic activity existed or a crisis occurred, documentation may be divided into folders labeled "General," "Cables," or "Subject." In its microfilming, University Publications of America (UPA) has divided the "Country Files" into geographic areas similar to those found in The Lyndon B. Johnson National Security Files series. The following geographic areas are included in The John F. Kennedy National Security Files series: Africa; Asia and the Pacific; Latin America;the Middle East;the USSR and Eastern Europe; Vietnam; and Western Europe. UPA has compiled and included at the beginning of each reel for this NSF collection a folder title list for the collection that will assist the researcher in locating pertinent materials.


The documents reproduced in this publication are donated historical materials from the Presidential Papers of John F. Kennedy in the custody of the Kennedy Library. The donors have dedicated their literary rights to the public.


University Publications of America (UPA) has microfilmed, in their entirety, all NSF "Country Files" documents that were declassified, sanitized, or unclassified as of September 1987. Many individual documents and entire folders of documents remain classified or unprocessed; UPA has therefore included in its NSF microfilm publications the "Document Withdrawal Sheets" for each folder. These withdrawal sheets itemize documents that have been withdrawn from the folders, due to either national security or privacy restrictions, by the staff of the John F. Kennedy Library. For folders in which there are no withdrawal sheets, UPA has included the "Inventory Lists" and "Submission Lists," where available. The inventory lists itemize every document, both open and withdrawn. The submission lists itemize documents that have been submitted to appropriate agencies for review to determine if they can be declassified or sanitized and made available for research. These lists will help the researcher determine which materials are still classified or unprocessed. UPA intends to produce microfilm supplements containing documents from the NSF "Country Files" that become declassified or sanitized in the future. Description of Reel Index The Reel Index for this publication details each microfilmed document in the collection; document listings are arranged numerically by microfilm frame number. Included below is a sample entry from the Reel Index and a description of each of its elements: 0352 Memorandum. Fr: Jerome B. Wiesner. To: McGeorge Bundy. October 18,1961. 1p. JFK#4. S. 9/15/76. U.S. Air Force Tracking Station in South Africa. The first line of the entry contains (left) the frame number at which the document begins and (right) a description of the document, plus its identification number (most telegrams and certain reports have identification numbers). This is followed by the author/sender and receiver, respectively, of the document. The next line contains (1) the document's date, (2) its page count, (3) the number assigned to it by the John F. Kennedy Library (not all documents are assigned JFK numbers), and (4) the abbreviated security classification of the document and its declassif ¡cation date (see p. xiii for an explanation of security classifications). The final lines of the entry give the title or subject of the document (followed in brackets by a list of supporting subjects if the document is lengthy). Note: The notation "NA" in a reel index entry indicates that a particular item of information is not available.


The following key identifies the abbreviated security classifications used in the Reel Index entries for previously classified documents contained in this microfilm publication.

ouo Official Use Only LOU Limited Official Use C Confidential S Secret TS Top Secret

The absence of an abbreviated security classification in a Reel Index entry indicates that the document either was not classified or was labeled "unclassified." Also included in the Reel Index are the dates on which documents with the abbreviated security classification "C," "S," and 'TS" were declassified. For documents in which certain information is still being withheld, the notation "I P" (meaning "declassified in part") appears following the declassif ¡cation date. Documents with the abbreviated security declassification "OUO" and "LOU" have no declassification dates.


The following key identifies, by title or description, significant individuals in this guide.

Abavana, L. R. Augustini, Kmina Minister of information and broadcasting, Ghana Tanganyikan student Abedi, Amry Avriel, Ehud Mayor, Dar-es-Salaam Former Israeli to Ghana and DRC; Abrams, Eugene B. deputy general director, Israeli ministry of foreign Drafting officer, AID, U.S. affairs Achilles, Theodore C. Badibanga, Samuel Special assistant to undersecretary of state for Acting head of government, DRC political affairs, U.S. Bahizi, Cervais Adande, Mr. Member, DRC UN delegation Finance minister, Dahomey Balewa, Abubakr Tafawa Adjei, Ako Prime minister, Nigeria Foreign minister, Ghana Ball, Mr. Adoula, Cyrille U.S. embassy, Conakry Prime minister, DRC Ball, George W. Ahldjo, Ahmadou Undersecretary of state, U.S. President, Bamba, Emmanuel Alexander, Henry Finance minister, DRC British major general; former chief of defense staff, Banda, Hastings Kamuzu Ghana Political leader, Nyasaland Alexander, Paul Bangoura, Karim Missionary pilot Guiñean ambassador to U.S. Almeida, Arminda D. Barbosa, Rafael Student, Angola Nationalist leader, Portuguese Guinea Alport, Lord Cuthbert James McCall Baroan, Berlin British high commissioner to Federation of Rhodesia Aide-de-camp to President Felix Houphouet-Boigny, and Nyasaland Ivory Coast Anany, Jean Barrows, Leland J. Defense minister, DRC U.S. ambassador, Cameroon Anderson, George Bartlett, Frederic P. Duty officer, U.S. State Department U.S. ambassador, Malagasay Applsh-Danquah, Martin Basner, H. M. Secretary general, United Ghana Farmer's Council Columnist; former South African Communist Cooperatives Batson, Douglas N. Armah, Kwesi Counselor; , U.S. embassy, Monrovia High commissioner, Ghana Battle, Lucius D. Arthur, George Assistant secretary of state for educational and Second secretary, Ghanaian embassy, cultural affairs, U.S. Washington, D.C. Beavogui, Louis-Lansana Assogba, Oke Foreign minister, Guinea Minister of state, Dahomey Bed le, Konan Attwood, William H. Ivory Coast ambassador to U.S. U.S. ambassador, Guinea

xv Dean, Johnathan Easum, Donald B. U.S. consul, Elisabethville, DRC First secretary, U.S. embassy, Dakar de Gaulle, Charles Edmondson, William B. President, France Second secretary, U.S. embassy, Accra Dei-Anang, Michael F. Eisenburg, Robert Ambassador-at-large, Ghana; head of African affairs Deputy director, U.S. State Department Office of secretariat, Ghana Central Asian Affairs Delgado, Humberto Eisenhower, Dwight D. General and political leader, Portugal Former president, U.S. Demlng, Oleott H. Ekern, Halvor O. U.S. ambassador, Uganda Counselor; consul, U.S. embassy, Freetown, Sierra Denise, Auguste Leone Minister of state, Ivory Coast Elbrlck, C. Burke Diakite, Moussa U.S. ambassador, Portugal Minister and governor of Bank of Republic of Ghana Elizabeth II Dlallo, Telli B. Queen of England Guiñean ambassador to U.S. Eilender, Allen J. Diarra, Idrissa U.S. senator, Louisiana Political secretary, Bureau Politique of the Union Elliot, Osborn Soudanaise Editor, Newsweek magazine Dickinson, Dwight Emmerson, John K. Counselor for political affairs, U.S. embassy, Rabat U.S. consul-general, Salisbury, Rhodesia Dobson, Frank C. Eng le, James B. Canadian engineer for Voita River project First secretary, U.S. embassy, Accra Dodd, Thomas J. Ensminger, Douglas U.S. senator, Ford Foundation representative in India Donwahi, Charles Erstein, Richard Minister of agriculture and cooperatives. Ivory Coast Public affairs officer, attaché, USÍA; U.S. embassy, Dormán, John Accra U.S. embassy, Benghazi Fekini, Mohieddine Dormán, Maurice Libyan ambassador to U.S. British governor of Sierra Leone Ferguson, C. Vaughan Dorros, Leon G. U.S. ambassador, Malagasay Republic Counselor; consul, U.S. embassy, Ferguson, John H. Douglas-Home, Alexander U.S. ambassador, Morocco Foreign secretary, Great Britain Field, Winston J. Duggan, William R. Prime minister, Southern Rhodesia Chargé d'affaires ad interim, Tanganyika Finietter, Thomas K. Duke, Angler Biddle U.S. representative, NATO Chief of , U.S. Fleming, Robert Dulles, Allen W. Representative of Rockefeller Brother's Fund in Director, CIA Ghana Dumont, Donald A. Flenner, Robert H. U.S. ambassador, Burundi U.S. consul, Luanda, Angola Dungan, Ralph A. Fletcher, Patrick Special assistant to the president, U.S. President, Bulawayo Trade Fair Dunn, L. M. Fliflet, Arne T. U.S. embassy, Monrovia Second secretary, U.S. embassy, Oslo Dutton, Frederick G. Foster, William C. Special assistant to the president; assistant Director, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament secretary of state, U.S. Agency Earman, J. S. Foulon, Robert C. Executive officer, CIA U.S. State Department Bureau of African Affairs

XVIII Fredericks, J. Wayne Greenburg, Harry Deputy assistant secretary of state for African Director, Methodist-Episcopal mission at Chicuque, affairs, U.S. Mozambique Freudenheim, Milt Greene, [?] Journalist U.S. Army colonel in Algeria Freund, Richard Greene, Joseph N., Jr. U.S. consul-general, Kenya Counselor; consul-general, U.S. embassy, Lagos Furnas, Howard GrunKzky, Nicholas Deputy executive secretary, U.S. State Department President, Togo Galbraith, John Kenneth Guirand, [?] U.S. ambassador, India French army colonel; insurgent in Algeria Gallagher, Charles F. Gullion, Edmund A. Field staff, American Universities U.S. ambassador, DRC Gannfer, Andre Gussa, Fatn Counselor to the presidency, Congo (Brazzaville) Tanganyikan student Gardiner, Robert Hablmenshi, Calllxte Chief of UN operations in DRC Foreign minister; minister of information, Rwanda Garvey, Willard W. Halaby, N. E. World Homes, Inc. Administrator, U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Gavin, James M. Halla, Philip J. U.S. ambassador, France Chief, secretariat, Arms Control and Disarmament Gbedemah, K. A. Agency Finance minister, Ghana Halm, W. M. Q. Gbenye, Christophe Ghanaian ambassador to U.S. Minister of interior, DRC Hammarskjold, Dag Geaneas, Zachary P. Secretary general, UN Chief administrative officer, U.S. mission to UN Handley, William J. Gebre, Kebede U.S. ambassador, Mali UN commander-in-chief Hansen, Kenneth R. Geren, Paul F. Deputy director, U.S. Bureau of the Budget U.S. consul-general, Salisbury, Rhodesia Harriman, L. O. Gibson, William G. Acting high commissioner, Nigeria U.S. consul, Luanda, Angola Harriman, W. Averell Gizenga, Antoine Assistant secretary of state for Far Eastern Secessionist (Lumumbist) leader, DRC affairs, U.S. Godley, George McMurtrie Hartke, Vance U.S. , DRC U.S. senator, Indiana Goldberg, Arthur J. Hassan Secretary of labor, U.S. Crown prince of Libya Good, Robert C. Hassan, Moulay U.S. State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Crown prince of Morocco Research Hayes, Leo V. Goodpaster, Andrew J. Lieutenant colonel, GS chief, V&T/FLO/OACS1 U.S. army general; defense liaison officer; staff Hays, Brooks secretary to the president Special assistant to the president, U.S.; Gordon, Abraham L U.S. congressman, Arkansas U.S. ambassador, Brazil Helms, Richard Gore, Albert, Sr. Assistant director, CIA; director of covert U.S. senator, Tennessee operations, CIA Green, James F. Hempstone, Smith Counselor, U.S. embassy, Accra Journalist Green, James W. Henderson, Warren A. Community development adviser, AID Chief, communications center, U.S. State Department executive secretariat

XIX Hennemyer, Robert T. Johnson, C. K. Second secretary, consul, political officer, U.S. Duty officer, U.S. State Department executive embassy, Dar-es-Salaam secretariat Hennlqulau, [?] Johnson, Lyndon B. Colonel; Belgian high representative to Burundi Vice president; president, U.S. Herter, Christian A. Johnson, Richard G. Former secretary of state; special representative for U.S. consul, Algiers trade negotiations, U.S. Johnson, Robert H. Hettinger, Converse Official, U.S. State Department U.S. chargé d'affaires ad interim, Dahomey Johnson, U. Alexis Hilsman, Roger Deputy undersecretary of state for political Director, U.S. State Department Bureau of affairs, U.S. Intelligence and Research Jones, G. Lewis Hodges, Luther H. Minister, U.S. embassy, Secretary of commerce, U.S. Jones, John W. Hoffacker, Lewis U.S. ambassador, Libya U.S. consul, Elisabethville, DRC Jones, Roger W. Holborn, Frederick L. Deputy undersecretary of state for Special assistant, White House office administration, U.S. Hone, Evelyn Jooste, Gerhardus Governor, Northern Rhodesia Secretary for external affairs, South Africa Hood, Lord Samuel Joseph, Susana British ministerio U.S. Tanganyikan student Hope, A. Guy Joxe, Louis Counselor; consul, U.S. embassy, Abidjan Minister for Algerian affairs, France Hornby, Nina Judd, Thomas M. Kaiser Industries Corporation Counselor; consul, U.S. embassy, Magadiscio Houphouet-Boigny, Felix Julian, Hubert F. President, Ivory Coast Arms smuggler Houphouet-Boigny, Marie-Therese Kahama, George Wife of president of Ivory Coast Minister of home affairs, Tanganyika Howe, Fisher Kaiser, Edgar F. Counselor; consul-general, U.S. embassy, Oslo President, Kaiser Industries Corporation Hughes, Thomas L Kaiser, Philip M. Deputy director, U.S. State Department Bureau of U.S. ambassador, Senegal and Mauritania Intelligence and Research Kaldor, Nicholas Humphreys, Ward British economist Kaiser Industries Corporation Kambona, Oscar Hussey, William B. Foreign minister; defense minister, Tanganyika Counselor; consul, U.S. embassy, Lome Kamitatu, Cieophas Hutchinson, Edmond C. Interior minister, DRC Assistant AID administrator for Africa and Europe Kasavubu,Joseph lleo, Joseph President, DRC Prime minister, DRC Kashamura, Anicet Jackson, Barbara Ward Lumumbist leader, DRC Economist Kasongo, Joseph Jackson, Don President, DRC House of Representatives Former U.S. congressman, California Kassem, Abdul Karim el- Jackson, Robert Prime minister, Iraq Chairman, Gold Coast Development Commission Kawawa, Rashidi John, Fides Prime minister; vice president, Tanganyika Tanganyikan student Kayibanda, Grégoire Johnson, Charles E. President, Rwanda Staff, U.S. National Security Council. xx Kayssn, Carl Kolarek, Joseph C. Deputy special assistant to the president for national Public affairs officer; attaché; U.S. Information security affairs, U.S. Agency, U.S. embassy, Conakry Keesing, John M. Komer, Robert W. New York attorney Senior staff member, National Security Council Keita, Modibo Kone, Jean-Marie President, Mali Minister of state, Mali Kelfa-Caulker, Richard E. Kerry, Edward M. Sierra Leone ambassador to U.S. U.S. ambassador, Ethiopia Kellermann, Henry J. Kraft, Joseph Counselor, U.S. , Bern Journalist Kennedy, Edward Kretzmann, Edwin M. J. U.S. senator, Massachusetts Counselor, U.S. embassy, Bern Kennedy, Jacqueline Krim, Belkacem First lady, U.S. Head of provisional Algerian government delegation Kennedy, Robert in Tunis Attorney general, U.S. Krishna Menon, V. K. Kent, Sherman Defense minister, India Chairman, CIA Office of National Estimates Krock, Arthur Kenyatta, Jomo Journalist, New York Times President, Kenya Kronacker, Paul Georges Khiari, Mahmoud Speaker, Belgium House of Representatives Former chief of UN civilian operations in DRC Kuanda, Kenneth Khrushchev, Nikita Political leader, Northern Rhodesia; president, Premier, USSR United National Independence Party (UNIP) Klbangou, Marcel Kumi, Ayeh Deputy, Congo (Brazzaville) National Assembly; Member, Ghana Volta River Authority senator, Kwawa, Rashidi Kldd, Coburn Prime minister, Tanganyika Counselor, U.S. embassy, Bonn Kyaruzi, Vedast Kldder, Randolph A. Permanent secretary for external affairs and Counselor, U.S. embassy, defense, Tanganyika Kimba, Evariste Labouisse, Henry Foreign minister, Katanga Head of International Cooperation Administration King, Martin Luther, Jr. Lalalng, Josse de

Civil rights leader, U.S. Belgian count v King, R. G. O. Lawless, William J. Minister of development, Sierra Leone U.S. AID director, Ghana Kirk, Northrop H. Legum, Colin Counselor; consul, U.S. embassy, Conakry Reporter, London Observer Kirk, Alan Lemarie, P. A., Jr. Former U.S. ambassador, Belgium and USSR Lieutenant colonel, U.S. Marine Corps; chief, Kitenge, Gabriel implementation division, Department of the Army Secretary of state for public works, Katanga LeMay, Curtis E. Kiwanuka, Benedicto Acting chairman, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Prime minister, Uganda Lemnltzer, Lyman L. Klutznick, Philip M. Chairman, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff; U.S. representative, UN Economic and defense representative, North Atlantic Social Council and Mediterranean area Kohler, Foy 0. Leo, Yasinta U.S. ambassador, USSR Tanganyikan student Koinange, Mbiyu Leonhart, William Secretary general, Pan-African Freedom Movement U.S. ambassador, Tanganyika for East, Central, and Southern Africa (PAFMECSA)

XXI Lewis, Irving J. McKeown, Sean Deputy chief, international division, U.S. Irish general; commander of UN military operations Bureau of the Budget in DRC Lewis, Mark B. McKesson, John A. Public affairs officer, U.S. Information Acting executive secretary, U.S. State Department Agency, Accra McKillop, David H. Lewis, W. H. Counselor, U.S. embassy, U.S. State Department Bureau of Intelligence McLeod, lain and Research Secretary of state for colonies, Great Britain Linner, Sture Macmlllan, Harold Chief of UN civilian operations in DRC Prime minister, Great Britain Little, Edward S. McNamara, Francis T. Executive secretary, U.S. State Department U.S. consul, Elisabethville, DRC Lloyd, Rupert A. McNamara, Robert S. Counselor; consul, U.S. embassy, Abidjan Secretary of defense, U.S. Loeb, James I. Maga, Hubert U.S. ambassador, Guinea President, Dahomey Logan, Alan Mahamba, Alexandre Officer in charge, Guinea affairs, U.S. State Minister of land affairs, DRC Department Mahoney, William P., Jr. Loumanza, Albert U.S. ambassador, Ghana Deputy, DRC House of Representatives Maiga, Abdoulaye Lumumba, Patrice Malian ambassador to U.S. Prime minister, DRC Manbey, David Lundula, Victor U.S. chargé d'affaires ad interim, Rwanda General, DRC Manful!, Melvin Luthuli, Albert J. Executive secretary, U.S. State Department Nobel Peace Prize recipient; Zulu chief Mang'enya, Erasto Lyon, Cecil B. UN representative, Tanganyika Minister; deputy chief of mission, U.S. Margal, Albert embassy, Paris Minister of natural resources, Sierra Leone MacArthur, Douglas, II Margal, Milton U.S. ambassador, Belgium Prime minister, Sierra Leone McCafferty, Arthur Martin,[?] Duty officer, White House situation room U.S. embassy, Brussels McClintock, [?] Martin, Graham A. U.S. embassy, Rabat UN European office, Geneva McComas, Ralph W. Massamba-Debat, Alphonse U.S. Department of Health, Education President, Congo (Brazzaville) and Welfare Masumbuko, Pie McConaughy, Walter P. Vice premier, Burundi U.S. ambassador, Pakistan Mathlas, Angelina Matilde McGhee, George C. Tanganyikan student Undersecretary of state for political^affairs, U.S. Mathu, Eliud Wambe McGlauflin, Arthur M. UN representative Acting assistant administrator for Africa Mboya, Tom and Europe, AID Political leader, Kenya Mcllvaine, Robinson Meagher, John P. U.S. ambassador, Dahomey U.S. consul, Ibadan McKelrnan, Thomas D. Mea'ole, Tupua Tamasese U.S. embassy, Bamako King of Western Samoa McKay, Vernon Mensah, J. H. Professor; chairman, Advisory Council Executive secretary, Ghanaian National on African Affairs Planning Commission

XXII Merchant, Livingston T. Mutaka [Mutakawadiloma], Charles U.S. ambassador, Canada President, Katanga National Assembly Meredith, James Mwambutsa IV Black student and U.S. civil rights activist Mwami (king) of Burundi in Mississippi Nairay, Guy Michael, Teresa Cabinet director, Ivory Coast Tanganyikan student Nasser, Gamal Abdel Mikoyan, Anastas President, United Arab Republic Deputy premier, USSR Naude, Willem C. Miller, Francis P. South African ambassador to U.S. Special assistant, U.S. Bureau of Educational Ndele, Albert and Cultural Affairs Governor, DRC Central Bank Minaffet, Leo Ndenzacko, Leon Member, DRC UN delegation Burundi ambassador to U.S. Moanda, Vital Ndwanlye, [?] President, Kongo Central province, DRC Secretary general, Rwandan ministry of social affairs Mobutu, Joseph Desiree and administration Commander-in-chief, DRC national army Nehru, B. K. Mokaddem, Sadok Indian ambassador to U.S. Secretary of state for foreign affairs, Tunisia Nehru, Jawaharlal Mondlane, Eduardo Prime minister, India Head of Mozambique Liberation Front Nemtchlna, Sergei Moor, Carol Carter Soviet ambassador to DRC Foreign affairs officer, U.S. State Department Nendaka, Victor Moose, James S., Jr. Security chief, DRC U.S. ambassador, Sudan Newman, Gloria Morgan, George A. White House staff Acting counselor, U.S. State Department Newsom, David D. Morris, Brewster H. Foreign service officer, Bureau of North African U.S. ambassador, Chad Affairs Moss, Frank Ngalula, Joseph U.S. senator, Utah Minister, DRC Mozon, R. H. Ngendandumwe, Pierre Deputy secretary general, Accra World Prime minister, Burundi Peace Assembly Nitze, Paul Mpakaniye, Lazare Assistant secretary of defense for international Rwandan ambassador to U.S. security affairs, U.S. Muhirwa, Andre Nkomo, Joshua Premier, Burundi Political leader, Southern Rhodesia Mulcahy, Edward W. Nkrumah, Kwame U.S. consul, Salisbury, Rhodesia President, Ghana Mulokozi, Bernard Nogueira, Franco Principal assistant secretary, Tanganyikan ministry Foreign minister, Portugal of external affairs North, Thomas Munanka, I. M. Bhoke Major general, U.S. Army; secretary, Permanent secretary, office of Tanganyikan vice American Battle Monuments Commission president Noyes, Charles P. Munongo, Godefroid Counselor, U.S. mission to UN Interior minister, Katanga Nydell, Carl Murrow, Edward R. U.S. regional medical director, Ghana Director, U.S. Information Agency Nyembo, Albert Mustapha, Mohammed Sanusi Minister, Katanga Deputy prime minister; minister of finance, Nyerere, Julius Sierra Leone Prime minister; president, Tanganyika

XXIII Nzuzl, Alphonse Quaison-Sackey, Alex DRC citizen Chief of Ghana's UN mission Obote, Milton Qulst, Nof Prime minister, Uganda President, Ghanaian students association O'Brien, Lawrence Randall, Clarence B. Special assistant to the president for congressional Head of U.S. mission to discuss Volta River project relations, U.S. in Ghana Olds, Herbert V. Raymond, [?] Chargé d'affaires ad interim, U.S. White House situation room consulate, Usumbura Razafimbahiny, Jules Olympio, Sylvanus Secretary general, African and Malagasay President, Togo Union (OAMCE) Ormsby-Gore, David Read, Benjamin H. British ambassador to U.S. Acting executive secretary, U.S. State Department Osman, Aden Abdullah Reams, R. Borden President, Somalia U.S. ambassador, Ivory Coast O'Sullivan, James L. Redington, Robert J. U.S. counselor; consul, Leopoldville, DRC U.S. counselor; consul, Fort Lamy, Chad Ouegnln, Georges Reed, Henry C. Chief of protocol, Ivory Coast U.S. consul-general, Luanda, Angola Owen, Henry Reeves, Frank D. Policy planning council, U.S. State Department U.S. attorney; civil rights activist Palmer, Joseph, II Reinhardt, George F. U.S. ambassador, Nigeria U.S. ambassador, Italy Partner, Peter Reitsch, Hannah Harper's magazine Confidante of President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana; Penfield, James K. German aviatrix and former private pilot of U.S. State Department Bureau of African Adolf Hitler Affairs; deputy assistant secretary of state Rendahl, John D. for African affairs U.S. vice consul, Durban, South Africa Perelra, Pedro Reuter, Richard W. Portuguese ambassador to U.S. Special assistant to the president; director, Perelra, Theotonio Food for Peace program, U.S. Portuguese ambassador to U.S. Rhetts, Charles E. Peyrefitte, Alain U.S. ambassador, Liberia Parliamentary deputy, French Union for the New Ribelro, Miguel A. Republic (UNR) party Ghanaian ambassador to U.S. Picard, Frederick P., Ill Riches, Derek U.S. chargé d'affaires ad interim, Zanzibar British ambassador to DRC Plenaar, [?] Rikhye, Indar Jit Son of founder of Rhodesian ridgeback dog breed Indian brigadier general Pinto, Louis I. Roberto, Holden Dahoman ambassador to U.S. Leader of Angolan People's Union (UPA) Plimpton, Francis Roberts, Norman Deputy U.S. representative, UN Attaché, U.S. embassy, Leopoldville Polk,W.R. Robeson, Paul Staff, policy planning department, U.S. State American singer and actor Department Roblllart, Herman Porter, William J. Managing director, Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Chargé d'affaires ad interim, Algeria Rogers, Charles E. Pouabou, Joseph U.S. embassy, Mogadiscio Director of presidential cabinet, Congo (Brazzaville) Rolz-Bennet, Jose Poullada, Leon B. UN official in DRC U.S. ambassador, Togo

XXIV Roosevelt, Eleanor Selassie, Halle Former first lady Emperor of Ethiopia Root, John Sendwe, Jason Deputy director, North African affairs, U.S. Vice premier, DRC; extraordinary State Department commissioner to Katanga Ross, Claude G. Sekou Toure, Ahmed Counselor; consul, U.S. embassy, Conakry Premier, Guinea Rostow, Walt W. Seriguefie, [?] Deputy special assistant to the president for national President, Ivory Coast and European Association security affairs, U.S. Sheldon, Huntington D. Rothschild, Robert Assistant director of current intelligence, CIA Chief of cabinet to Belgian foreign minister Shepard, Tazewell T., Jr. Rowan, Carl T. Captain; naval aide to the president, U.S. Deputy assistant secretary of state for public Sheppard, Albert D. relations, U.S. Major; assistant army attaché, Pretoria Rowan, Henry S. Sherman, Joseph P. Assistant secretary of defense, U.S. Second secretary, U.S. , Budapest Rusk, Dean Sherry, G. B. Secretary of state, U.S. U.S. State Department Bureau of African Affairs Russell, Francis H. Shriver, R. Sargent U.S. ambassador, Ghana and Tunisia Director, U.S. Peace Corps Rwagasore, Louis Simms, John W. Prince; prime minister, Burundi U.S. consul, Stanleyville, DRC Salamanca, Carlos Sinlli, Kwispina Chairman, UN subcommittee on Angola Tanganyikan student Salan, Raoul Siryuyumunsi, Thaddee Head of OAS in Algeria President, National Assembly of Burundi Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira Siseo, Joseph J. Premier, Portugal Deputy director, U.S. State Department Office Salinger, Pierre of UN Political and Security Affairs U.S. press secretary Sita, Alphonse Sailer, Raphael Secretary general, DRC social affairs Minister of finance, Ivory Coast Sithole, Ndabaningi Sandys, Duncan National chairman, ZAPU Colonial secretary; secretary of state for Slim, Mongi commonwealth relations, Great Britain Tunisian ambassador to U.S. Sänger, Richard H. Sloan, Frank K. U.S. State Department Bureau of African Deputy assistant secretary for regional affairs, U.S. Affairs; director, Office of Research and State Department Analysis for Africa Smith, Bromley K. Sanjuan, Pedro A. Executive secretary, U.S. National Security Council Assistant chief of protocol, U.S. Smythe, John H. Satterthwaite, Joseph C. Acting attorney general, Sierra Leone U.S. ambassador, South Africa Snyder, Charles K. Scheyven, Louis Deputy Director for Africa, U.S. State Department Belgian ambassador to U.S. Soglo, Christophe Schlegl, [?] , Dahomey West German ambassador to Mali Sorenson, Theodore Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. Special counsel to the president, U.S. Special assistant to the president, U.S. Sow, Malick Adam Seckman, Thelma M. Chadian ambassador to U.S. Secretary, Policy Coordinating Staff, Sow, Ou mar U.S. National Security Council Malian ambassador to U.S.

XXV Spaak, Paul-Henri Timmons, Benson, III Foreign minister, Belgium U.S. counselor; consul-general, New Delhi Springsteen, George S. Tito, Josip Broz Special assistant to the undersecretary Premier, Yugoslavia of state, U.S. Tobriner, Walter Staats, Elmer B. District of Columbia commissioner Deputy director, U.S. Bureau of the Budget Todd, Garfield Stanger, Ernest Le Roy Former prime minister, Southern Rhodesia U.S. counselor; consul, Usumbura Togba, [?] Stanley, Frank L. Head of DRC delegation to Revenue Commission Editor and publisher, Louisvillg Defender Tomas, Americo Stavropoulos, Constantin A. President, Portugal Legal counsel, UN Tombalbaye, François Stevens, Roger President, Chad Deputy undersecretary, British foreign office Troxel, Oliver L., Jr. Stevenson, Adlai E. Counselor, U.S. embassy, Accra U.S. ambassador, UN Tshombe, David K. Steytler, Jan Brother of Moise Tshombe Head of South African Progressive party Tshombe, Moise Stoessel, Walter J., Jr. President, secessionist state of Katanga Director, U.S. State Department executive Tsiranana, Philibert secretariat President, Malagasay Republic Stokes, William N. Tubby, Roger W. First secretary; consul; political officer, U.S. representative, UN European office, Geneva U.S. embassy, Tunis Tubman William Struelens, Michel President, Liberia Director, Katanga Information Service Tumbull, Richard Sugarman, Russell Governor-general, Tanganyika Attorney, Memphis, Tennessee Udall, Stewart L. Sukarno, Achmed Secretary of interior, U.S. President, Indonesia Unwin, T. M. Swart, Charles R. Acting permanent secretary, Tanganyikan ministry President, Union of South Africa of external affairs Taft, William H., Ill Ussopova, Svetlana U.S. consul-general, Lourenco Marques, Soviet school teacher in Guinea Mozambique Valencia, Guillermo Leon Tasca, Henry J. President, Colombia U.S. State Department of African Affairs; Vance, Sheldon B. Deputy assistant secretary of state for African U.S. counselor; consul, Addis Ababa economic afffairs Van Den Haag, Ernest Taylor, Maxwell D. Observer for American Committee to Aid U.S. general; chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Katanga Freedom Fighters Telli, Diallo Van Oss, Hendrlck Guiñean representative to UN Consul-general, U.S. consulate, Kampala Tempelsman, Leon Van Weyenburgh, Maurice Diamond merchant Manager, Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Tevoedjre, Albert Vass, Laurence C. Secretary general, African and Malagasay Union Chargé d'affaires ad interim, Kenya Thant, U Verwoerd, Hendrik F. Secretary general, UN Prime minister, Union of South Africa Thompson, Llewellyn E. Vincenza, Pia U.S. ambassador, USSR Tanganyikan student Timberlake, Clare H. Vreeland, Frederick D. U.S. ambassador, DRC Foreign service officer

XXVI Wachuku, Jajá Williams, G. Mannen Foreign minister, Nigeria Assistant secretary of state for African affairs, U.S. Wadsworth, James J. Wilson, David G. Former U.S. ambassador, UN Chief, Leaders and Specialist Division, U.S. Wallner, Woodruff State Department Bureau of Educational and Deputy assistant secretary for international Cultural Affairs organization affairs, U.S. State Department Wine, James W. Walmsley, Walter N., Jr. U.S. ambassador, Ivory Coast U.S. ambassador, Tunisia Withers, Charles D. Walter, [?] U.S. ambassador, Rwanda U.S. general; special military representative Wolfe, Glenn G. in DRC U.S. State Department Bureau of African Affairs; Warner, Norman E. deputy chief of mission, Pretoria, South Africa First secretary, U.S. embassy, Leopoldville Wright, Thomas K. Weisner, Jerome B. U.S. ambassador, Mali; U.S. consul-general, Special assistant to the president; director, Lau renco Marques U.S. Office of Science and Technology Yameogo, Maurice Welensky, Roy President, Upper Volta Prime minister, Federation of Rhodesia Yates, Polly A. and Nyasaland - Secretary, White House staff Weregemere, J. C. Yates, Sidney R. Minister of agriculture, DRC U.S. representative, UN trusteeship council Wheeler, Earle G. Yav, [?] U.S. general; director, Joint Chiefs of Staff Minister, Katanga White, Lincoln Yost, Charles W. U.S. State Department spokesman Deputy U.S. representative to UN Whitehead, Edgar Youlou, Fulbert Prime minister, Southern Rhodesia President, Congo (Brazzaville) Whitman, W. Zinsou, Emile-Derlln U.S. State Department Dahoman ambassador to France


The following abbreviations are used frequently throughout this guide and are spelled out here for the convenience of the researcher.

AID Agency for International Development ANC Congolese National Army CIA Central Intelligence Agency DRC Democratic ECA Economic Commission for Africa, UN FLN National Liberation Front, Algerian IMF , International Monetary Fund NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization OAS Secret Army Organization OAU Organization of African Unity UAM African and Malagasay Union UN United Nations UNIP United National Independence Party (of Northern Rhodesia) UPA Angolan People's Union USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ZAPU Zimbabwe African People's Union (of Southern Rhodesia)


This microfilm publication consists of twelve reels, which are divided by file folder and subfile titles (indicated in boldface type in this index). For a description of the items included in the document entries below, see the Editorial Note on page xii. Reell Frame Document Frame Document

Africa [General] 0031 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Source and Editorial Note. 1 p. Kennedy. Folder Title List. 9pp. February 3, 1961.1p. JFK#3. C. 4/16/76. Suggested Message to EGA, Addis Ababa 0001 Africa•June 1960-January 1961. 0032 Outgoing Telegram #602. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0002 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. To: U.S. Embassy, Addis Ababa. 0003 Magazine. Fr: African-American Institute. February 5, 1961. 2pp. JFK#4. OUO. To: NA. John F. Kennedy's Message to EGA. March 1961.16pp. JFK#2c. 0034 Suggested Message. Fr: NA. To: NA. Africa Report [Articles Entitled: "Nigeria's NA. 1p.JFK#5. LOU. Youth Speaks Its Mind," "How Seven States Message to EGA. Were Born in Former French West Africa," 0035 Outgoing Telegram #296. Fr: Dean Rusk. and The Communist Party in South Africa"]. To: U.S. Consulate, Dar-es-Salaam. February 25, 1961.1p. JFK#6. C. 11/16/76. 0019 Africa•February 1,1961-March 20, Press Guidance for G. Mennen Williams 1961. regarding U.S. Support for UN Efforts in 0020 Mandatory Review Classification Notice. 2pp. Democratic Republic of the Congo. 0022 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. 0036 Incoming Telegram #327. Fr: William R. To: Andrew J. Goodpaster. Duggan. To: Dean Rusk. February 3,1961.1 p. JFK#1. February 26, 1961. 2pp. JFK#7. S. 4/16/76. Report on EGA. Clarification of Remarks concerning White 0023 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Settlers in Africa Made by Duggan, Charge NA. 2pp. JFK#1a. d'Affaires ad Interim, Tanganyika. EGA. 0038 Incoming Telegram #1831. Fr: Clare H. 0025 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Tlmberlake. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 2pp. JFK#1b. Appreciation of John F. Kennedy's EGA. Expression of Support for G. Mennen 0027 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. Williams at Press Conference. To: Ralph A. Dungan. 0039 Memorandum. Fr: Robert H. Johnson. Februarys, 1961.1p. JFK#2. To: Walt W. Rostow. Housing of African Delegations to UN. March 6,1961. 2pp. JFK#9. OUO. 0028 Memorandum. Fr: Woodruff Wallner. Suggestions for U.S. African Policy. To: Dean Rusk. 0041 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Robert H. January 31,1961. 3pp. JFK#2a. Johnson. To: Walt W. Rostow. Housing for Members of African Delegations March 6,1961. 2pp. JFK#9. OUO. to UN. Suggestions for U.S. African Policy.

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0043 Memorandum. Fr: Henry J. Tasca. To: G. 0079 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. Mennen Williams. To: McGeorge Bundy. MarchQ, 1961. 11 pp. JFK#10. C. 4/16/76. May 19, 1961. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 8/5/76. "An American Economie Posture towards Rapid Transition of Colonial Areas in Africa Africa: Some Reflections." into Independent Nations. 0081 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0054 Africa•March 21,1961-May 30,1961. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0055 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. May 19, 1961. 1 p. JFK#7. 0056 Note. Fr: Henry J. Tasca. To: Walt W. Rostow. Request for Appointment with John F. March 21, 1961.1 p. JFK#1. Kennedy for Philip K. Crowe, Former "You May Find the Attached of Some Interest. Ambassador to Union of South Africa. Let's Have Lunch Sometime." 0082 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0057 Memorandum. Fr: Henry J. Tasca. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#7a. March 9, 1961. 2pp. JFK#1a. OUO. Biographical Sketch of Philip K. Crowe, Some Suggested Principles to Govern the Former Ambassador to Union of South Africa. Bureau of African Affairs regarding Trade and 0083 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. To: NA. Economic Relationships with Western May 30, 1961. 2pp. JFK#8. Europe, Africa, and the United States. Common Market Preferences on Tropical 0059 Memorandum. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: John Products. F. Kennedy. 0085 Outgoing Telegram #66. Fr: Dean Rusk. March 27,1961.1p. JFK#2. C. 4/16/76. To: U.S. Embassy, Cape Town. Analysis of Press in Africa. May 29, 1961. 2pp. JFK#9. OUO. 0060 Memorandum. Fr: Carl T. Rowan. To: John F. Message from John F. Kennedy to President Kennedy. Charles R. Swart on Inauguration of Republic March 27,1961. 6pp. JFK#2a. C. 4/16/76. of South Africa. Analysis of Press in Africa. 0087 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0066 Receipt for Classified Material. Fr: NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Walt W. Rostow. May 25, 1961.1 p. JFK#9a. March 31, 1961.1p. JFK#3. John F. Kennedy's Message to President NA. Charles R. Swart of Republic of South Africa. 0067 Memorandum. Fr: Henry S. Rowen. To: Walt 0088 Draft. Fr: NA. To: Charles R. Swart. W. Rostow. NA. 1p.JFK#9b. March 31,1961.1 p. JFK#3a. Message to President Charles R. Swart on Assuring a Future Base Structure in African- Inauguration of Republic of South Africa. Indian Ocean Area. 0068 Memorandum. Fr: Acting Secretary of State. 0089 Africa•May 31,1961-July 31,1961. To: John F. Kennedy. 0090 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. May 12,1961. 1p.JFK#4. 0091 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Message to Conference of African States on To: McGeorge Bundy. Development of Education. May 31, 1961. 1p. JFK#1. 0069 Presidential Message. Fr: John F. Kennedy. Distribution of African Students in U.S. To: Conference of African States on 0092 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph Development of Education. A. Dugan. NA. 2pp. JFK#4a. May 12, 1961.1 p. JFK#1 a. 0073 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. Distribution of African Students in U.S. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0093 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. May 13,1961. 4pp. JFK#5. S. NA. IP. NA. 3pp.JFK#1b. French President Charles de Gaulle, Africa, Distribution of African Students in U.S. and Southeast Asia. 0096 Table. Fr: Institute for International Education 0077 Outgoing Telegram #4965. Fr: Chester and Department of State. To: John F. Bowles. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. Kennedy. May 17, 1961. 2pp. JFK#6. April 27, 1961.3pp. JFK#1c. John F. Kennedy's Message to Conference of Distribution of African Students in U.S. African States on Development of Education.

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0099 Memorandum. Fr: Philip H. Coombs. 0114 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. June 14, 1961.1p. JFK#2. July 19, 1961. 1p.JFK#7. Problems of African Students in U.S. Visit of Presidents and Deputies of African 0100 Memorandum for the Record. Fr: NA. Assemblies to U.S. To: Watt W. Rostow. 0115 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. June 17,1961. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 8/5/76. NA. 1p.JFK#7a. Remarks of Ehud Avriel, Former Israeli Proposed African Visitors to U.S. Ambassador to Ghana and DRC, on Israel's 0116 Memorandum. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. Experience with Joint Companies in Africa. To: John H. Lennon. 0102 Memorandum. Fr: Angier Biddle Duke. July 24, 1961.1 p. JFK#8. To: McGeorge Bundy. Copies of John F. Kennedy's Book, Strategy June 19, 1961.1 p. JFK#4. of Peace, for Presentation in Africa. Report on Activities of Special Protocol 0117 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Affairs Section in Assisting Diplomats from To: McGeorge Bundy. Newer Nations. July 17, 1961.1 p. JFK#8a. 0104 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Frank Gifts for African Leaders. Church. 0118 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. July 10, 1961.1 p. JFK#5. NA. 1p.JFK#8b. Comments on Church's Speech on U.S. List of African Leaders and British Colonial Policy toward Africa. Administrators. 0105 Draft. Fr: NA. To: Frank Church. 0120 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: U. July 10, 1961.1 p. JFK#5. Alexis Johnson. Comments on Church's Speech on U.S. July 28, 1961.1 p. JFK# 9. C.11/16/76. Policy toward Africa. Guidance relating to Portuguese Territories in 0106 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Africa. To: McGeorge Bundy. July 7,1961.1 p. JFK#5a. 0121 Africa•Selected Aspects of U.S. Suggested Letter from John F. Kennedy to Economic Aid for Africa, July 24, Frank Church regarding References to U.S. 1961. Bases in Morocco. 0122 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0107 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0123 Report. Fr: Policy Planning Council, To: McGeorge Bundy. Department of State. To: NA. July 7,1961.1 p. JFK#5b. LOU. July 24, 1961.43pp. JFK#1.C. 11/16/76. Frank Church's Speech on Africa. Selected Aspects of U.S. Economic Aid 0108 Draft. Fr: NA. To: Frank Church. Policy for Africa [East-West Aid Competition; NA. 2pp. JFK#5c. Aid Coordination; Regional vs. Country Aid Suggested Letter from John F. Kennedy to Programs; Economic Development Planning Church Containing Comments on Speech on and Multi-Year Aid Commitments]. U.S. Policy toward Africa. 0110 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0166 Africa•August 1961. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0167 Mandatory Review Classification Notice. 2pp. July 7,1961.1 p. JFK#5d. LOU. 0169 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Walt Frank Church's Speech on Africa. W. Rostow. 0111 Draft. Fr: NA. To: Frank Church. Augusts, 1961. 1p.JFK#1. NA. 2pp. JFK#5e. Guidelines for U.S. Policy toward Republic of Suggested Letter from John F. Kennedy to South Africa. Church Containing Comments on His 0170 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Speech on U.S. Policy toward Africa. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0113 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. August 4,1961.1p. JFK#2. C. 8/6/76. Kennedy. U.S. Government Actions on Behalf of July 15, 1961.1p. JFK#6. C. 4/14/76. African Students. Visit of Presidents and Deputies of African Assemblies to U.S.

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0171 Memorandum. Fr: Philip H. Coombs. To: NA. 0185 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. NA. 3pp. JFK#2a. C. 8/6/76. To: Philip H. Coombs. U.S. Government Actions on Behalf of August 23,1961.1 p. JFK#5. African Students. U.S. Government Actions on Behalf of 0174 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. African Students. NA. 1p.JFK#2b. 0186. Outgoing Telegram #175. Fr: Dean Rusk. "Annual Totals of Students from Africa South To: U.S. Embassy, Pretoria. of the Sahara and North of the Limpopo, August 22, 1961. 5pp. JFK#6. C. 8/6/76. 1921-22 Through 1960-61." ' U.S. Policy toward South Africa. 0175 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0192 Incoming Telegram #161. Fr: Joseph C. NA. 1p.JFK#2c. Satterthwaite. To: Dean Rusk. "Number of African Exchangees, 1956-57 August 29,1961. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 8/4/76 IP. Through 1960-61." U.S. Policy toward South Africa. 0176 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#2d. 0194 Africa•September 1-10,1961. "Comparison of African and Total Foreign 0195 Mandatory Review Classification Notice. 2pp. Student Population, 1951-52 Through 1960- 0197 Outgoing Telegram #177. Fr: Dean Rusk. 61." To: U.S. Consulate, Dar-es-Salaam. 0177 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. September 8,1961.1p. JFK#2. C. 5/7/76. NA. 1p.JFK#2e. John F. Kennedy's Message to Kenneth "Annual Totals of Students from the Top Ten Kaunda, Leader of the United National Countries." Independence Party, Expressing Regrets 0178 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. over Violence in Northern Rhodesia. NA. 1p.JFK#2f. 0198 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. "Number of African Students According to Kennedy. Financial Support, 1956-57 Through 1960- September 9,1961. 1p. JFK#3. 61." Report on G. Mennen Williams's Trip to 0179 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. Africa. NA. 1p.JFK#2g. 0199 Report. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: NA. "U.S. Institutions Reporting Ten or More NA. 16pp. JFK#3a. S. 5/7/76. African Students." Report on Williams's Trip to Africa 0180 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. [Observations on the Democratic Republic of NA. 1p.JFK#2h. the Congo, Angola, the Federation of "Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Bechuanaland, Grant Program Involving Africans Coming to Basutoland, Swaziland, Gabon, South Africa the U.S." and the Malagasy Republic]. 0181 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0215 Summary. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#2i. NA. 3pp. JFK#3b. S. 5/7/76. "ICA [?] Participants from Africa, FY 57 Report on Williams's Trip to Africa. Through FY 61." 0218 Annex. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: NA. 0182 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 3pp. JFK#3c. NA. 1p.JFK#2j. Editorials from Rhodesian Press. "Private Programs." 0221 Annex. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: NA. 0183 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. NA. 5pp. JFK#3d. To: McGeorge Bundy. Address by Williams to Rhodesia National August 7,1961.1 p. JFK#3. Affairs Association on Basic U.S. Policy in Special Programs for Portuguese Africans. Africa. 0184 Outgoing Telegram #201. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Consulate, Geneva and U.S. 0226 Africa•September 11-28,1961. Embassies, Bern, Paris, London, and Bonn. 0227 Mandatory Review Classification Notice. 2pp. August 15, 1961. 1p. JFK#4. S. 8/6/76. 0229 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Walt White House Interest in African Students W. Rostow. from Portuguese Territories. September 13,1961. 1 p. JFK#1. Air Transportation of East African Students to U.S.

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0230 Memorandum. Fr: Philip H. Coombs. To: Walt 0265 Africa•Guidelines of U.S. Policy and W. Rostow. Operations concerning Africa, September 13,1961. 4pp. JFK#1a. September 22,1961. (Copy I). Federal Support of Third Planeload of African 0266 Mandatory Review Classification Notice. 2pp. Students. 0268 Memorandum. Fr: George C. McGhee. 0234 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. September 22,1961.1 p. JFK#1. September 21,1961.1p. JFK#2. Tuesday Group Luncheon. Presidential Gifts of John F. Kennedy's Book, 0269 Memorandum. Fr: George C. McGhee. Strategy of Peace, to African Leaders. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0235 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. September 22,1961.1p. JFK#1a. NA. 1p.JFK#2a. Tuesday Group Luncheon. Inscriptions for Presidential Gifts of John F. 0271 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Kennedy's Book, Strategy of Peace. September 22,1961. 25pp. JFK#1 a. 0236 Letter. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: McGeorge S. 5/7/76. Bundy. Guidelines of U.S. Policy and Operations September 21,1961. 4pp. JFK#3. concerning Africa [Strategic Concepts; S. 5/7/76. Objectives; Courses of Action; U.S. Policy on South Africa arid Apartheid. Contingencies; and Rationale]. 0240 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Alan 0296 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. B. Shepard, Jr. NA. 1p.JFK#1c. September 25,1961.1p. JFK#4. Africa as Source of Essential Raw Materials. Report on G. Mennen Williams's Trip to Africa. 0297 Africa•Guidelines of U.S. Policy and 0241 Summary. Fr: NA. To: NA. Operations concerning Africa, NA. 4pp. JFK#4a. S. 5/7/76. September 22,1961. (Copy II). Conclusions and Observations on G. 0298 Mandatory Review Classification Notice. 2pp. Mennen Williams's Trip to Africa. 0300 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0245 Copy of Summary. Fr: NA. To: NA. September 22,1961. 25pp. JFK#1. S. 5/7/76. NA. 4pp. JFK#4a. S. 5/7/76. Guidelines of U.S. Policy and Operations Conclusions and Observations on G. concerning Africa [Strategic Concepts; Mennen Williams's Trip to Africa. Objectives; Courses of Action; 0249 Retyped Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Joseph Contingencies; and Rationale]. Satterthwaite, William Attwood, Richard 0325 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. Freund, Philip Kaiser, and Leon Poullada. NA. 1p.JFK#1a. To: G. Mennen Williams. Africa as Source of Essential Raw Materials. NA. 3pp. JFK#5. NA. 5/7/76. [Note: Frame 0325 was inadvertently repeated.] Problems Facing U.S. in Africa. 0253 Memorandum. Fr: Joseph Satterthwaite, 0325 Africa•September 29,1961- William Attwood, Richard Freund, Philip October31,1961. Kaiser, and Leon Poullada. To: G. Mennen 0327 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Williams. 0328 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. NA. 3pp. JFK#5. C. 5/7/76. To: Frederick Dutton. Problems Facing U.S. in Africa. September 29,1961.1 p. JFK#1. 0256 Copy of Statement. Fr: Leon B. Poullada. Dissatisfaction of African Diplomats. To: Lagos Regional African Conference. 0329 Memorandum and Attachments. Fr: Assistant NA. 4pp. JFK#5a. Chief of Protocol Pedro A. San Juan Meeting the Challenge in Africa. [Sanjuan?] To: Angier B. Duke. 0261 Statement. Fr: Leon B. Poullada. To: Lagos September 21,1961.5pp. JFK#1a. Regional African Conference. C. 5/7/76. NA. 4pp. JFK#5a. Continuing Dissatisfaction of African Meeting the Challenge in Africa. Diplomats.

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0334 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0360 Note. Fr: Thelma M. Seckman. To: Bromley To: McGeorge Bundy. K. Smith. October 13,1961. 1p. JFK#2. C. NA. November 15, 1961.1p. JFK#1a. Airgrams pertaining to Visit of Benedicto Reminder regarding Unidentified Message. Kiwanuka, Prime Minister of Uganda 0361 Letter. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: John F. 0335 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Kennedy. To: McGeorge Bundy. Novembers, 1961.1p. JFK#1b. C. 5/13/76. October 13,1961.1p. JFK#3. Possible Message from Kennedy on Award of Report to John F. Kennedy on Sub-Sahara Nobel Peace Prize to Zulu Chief Albert J. African Student Programs. Luthuli of South Africa. 0336 Memorandum. Fr: George Ball. To: John F. 0362 Memorandum. Fr: Charles E. Johnson. Kennedy. To: Samuel E. Belk. October 13,1961. 1p. JFK#3a. November 15, 1961.1p. JFK#2. S. 2/22/77. U.S. Government Assistance to Sub-Sahara Department of State Guidelines for Policy African Students. and Operations. 0337 Summary. Fr: NA. To: John F. Kennedy. 0363 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. NA. 2pp. JFK#3b. Kennedy. Report to President Kennedy on Sub-Sahara November 28, 1961. 1p. JFK#4. African Student Programs. Report on G. Mennen Williams's Third Trip to 0339 Report. Fr: Office of Assistant Secretary of Africa. State for Educational and Cultural Affairs. 0364 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Kennedy. To: John F. Kennedy. October 2, 1961. 13pp. JFK#3c. November 28,1961.1p. JFK#4. U.S. Government Assistance to Sub-Sahara Report on G. Mennen Williams's Third Trip to African Students Seeking Higher Education Africa. in U.S., January-September 1961. 0365 Report. Fr: Ralph W. McComas. To: NA. 0352 Memorandum. Fr: Jerome B. Wiesner. NA. 4pp. JFK#4e. OUO. To: McGeorge Bundy. General Observations in Field of Health in October 18,1961. 1p. JFK#4. S. 9/15/76 IP. Africa during G. Mennen Williams's Third Trip U.S. Air Force Tracking Station in South Africa. to Africa, September 29-October 26,1961. 0353 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. 0369 Report. Fr: Oliver J. Caldwell. To: NA. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 3pp. JFK#4f. OUO. October 19,1961. 1p. JFK#5. Observations on Education in Africa during U.S. Air Force Tracking Station in South Africa. G. Mennen Williams's Third Trip to Africa, 0354 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge September 29-October 26,1961. Bundy. October 25,1961.1 p. JFK#6. OUO. 0372 Africa•December 1961-February Status of Report to President on Sub-Sahara 1962. African Students. 0373 List of Unclassified Documents. 2pp. 0355 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. 0375 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0376 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. October 20,1961. 2pp. JFK#6a. NA. 2pp.JFK#1. Background on State Department's "Report U.S. Aid to Africa•FY 1961. to President on Sub-Sahara African Student 0378 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Ralph Programs." A. Dungan. January 9,1962. 2pp. JFK#2. S. 1 /6/77. 0357 Africa•November 1961. Portuguese Africa. 0358 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. 0380 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0359 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge To: McGeorge Bundy. Bundy. January 13,1962. 1p. JFK#3. November 3,1961.1 p. JFK#1. Suggested Presidential Message for U.S. NA. 9/15/76. Exhibition in Third Central African Trade Fair, Possible Presidential Message to Zulu Chief Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. Albert J. Luthuli.

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0381 Draft. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0392 Incoming Telegram #15. Fr: [?] Rendahl. NA. 1p.JFK#3a. To: Dean Rusk. Suggested Presidential Message for U.S. November 13,1961.1p. JFK#4g. OUO. Exhibition in Third Central African Trade Fair, Telegrams of Congratulations for Zulu Chief Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. Albert J. Luthuli, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, 0382 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. from President Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika To: McGeorge Bundy. and Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. January 18,1962. 1 p. JFK#4. 0393 Incoming Telegram #14. Fr: [?] Rendahl. Letter from Zulu Chief Albert J. Luthuli, Nobel To: Dean Rusk. Peace Prize Winner, to John F. Kennedy, November 13,1961.1p. JFK#4h. OUO. Dated December 14,1961. Travel Plans of Zulu Chief Albert J. Luthuli, 0384 Foreign Service Despatch #272. Fr: Arne T. Nobel Peace Prize Winner. Fliflet. To: Department of State. 0394 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. December 19,1961.1p. JFK#4a. To: McGeorge Bundy. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Zulu Chief October 26,1961.1p. JFK#4i. OUO. Albert J. Luthuli, Nobel Peace Prize Winner. Proposed Presidential Message to Zulu Chief 0385 Letter. Fr: Albert J. Luthuli. To: John F. Albert J. Luthuli, Nobel Peace Prize Winner. Kennedy. 0395 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Consulate, December 14, 1961.1 p. JFK#4a. Durban. Letter from Zulu Chief Luthuli Thanking NA. 1p.JFK#4j. Kennedy for His Message of Congratulations Letter of Congratulations from John F. on Winning Nobel Peace Prize. Kennedy to Zulu Chief Albert J. Luthuli, 0386 Copy of Letter. Fr: Albert J. Luthuli. To: John Nobel Peace Prize Winner. F. Kennedy. 0396 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge December 14, 1961.1p. JFK#4a. Bundy. Letter from Zulu Chief Luthuli Thanking October 26,1961.1p. JFK#4k. Kennedy for His Message of Congratulations Possible Message from John F. Kennedy to on Winning Nobel Peace Prize. Zulu Chief Albert J. Luthuli, Nobel Peace 0387 Incoming Telegram #248. Fr: [?] Howe. Prize Winner. To: Dean Rusk. 0397 Newspaper Article. Fr: New York Times. December 8, 1961.1p. JFK#4b. To: NA. John F. Kennedy's Letter to Zulu Chief October 24,1961.1p. JFK#4I. Luthuli, Nobel Peace Prize Winner. Biographical Data on Zulu Chief Albert J. 0388 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: Lucius D. Luthuli, Nobel Peace Prize Winner. Battle. 0399 Incoming Airgram #A-47. Fr: Joseph C. November 16, 1961.1p. JFK#4c. Satterthwaite. To: Department of State. Release of John F. Kennedy's Letter to Zulu October 26,1961. 2pp. JFK#4m. OUO. Chief Albert J. Luthuli, Nobel Peace Prize South African Reaction to Zulu Chief Albert J. Winner. Luthuli's Winning of Nobel Peace Prize. 0389 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Albert J. 0401 Department of State Airgram #A-360. Luthuli. Fr: John Kenneth Galbraith. To: Department November 15, 1961. 1p. JFK#4d. of State. Message of Congratulations to Zulu Chief March 1,1962. 5pp. JFK#6. S. 5/4/76. Luthuli on Winning Nobel Peace Prize. U.S. Policies in Africa. 0390 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0406 Annex. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. NA. 3pp. JFK#8. OUO. NA. 1p.JFK#4e.OUO. Breakdown of French and U.S. Assistance to Presidential Message to Zulu Chief Albert J. Africa. Luthuli, Nobel Peace Prize Winner. 0391 Draft. Fr: NA. To: Albert J. Luthuli. 0409 Africa•March 1962-April 1962. NA. 1p.JFK#4f. 0410 List of Unclassified Documents. 1p. Suggested Message of Congratulations from 0411 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. John F. Kennedy to Zulu Chief Luthuli on Winning Nobel Peace Prize.

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0412 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0485 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Alan To: McGeorge Bundy. B. Shepard, Jr. Aprils, 1962.1p.JFK#1. April 25,1962. 1p. JFK#9a. OUO. Presidential Gifts of John F. Kennedy's Book, British Role in UN Negotiations for World Strategy of Peace, to African Leaders. Coffee Agreement. 0413 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#1a. 0486 Africa•May 1962. Inscriptions for Presidential Gifts of John F. 0487 List of Unclassified Documents. 1p. Kennedy's Book, Strategy of Peace. 0488 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. 0414 Incoming Telegram #52. Fr: U.S. Embassy, 0491 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph Capetown. To: Dean Rusk. A. Dungan. March 9, 1962. 5pp. JFK#2. S. 6/9/78 IP. May 2,1962. 2pp. JFK#1. LOU. Text of Aide Mémoire from South African Project for American Negro Journalists in Foreign Secretary Jooste. Africa. 0419 Incoming Telegram #67. Fr: Joseph C. 0493 Incoming Telegram #102. Fr: Joseph C. Satterthwaite. To: Dean Rusk. Satterthwaite. To: Dean Rusk. March 24, 1962.5pp. JFK#3. C. 6/12/78. May 5,1962.1p. JFK#1. [Note: Duplicate Impending Clash over Southwest Africa JFK Number.] TS. 11/28/77. Issue. U.S. Provides Educational Opportunities to 0424 Report. Fr: Department of State. To: NA. Potential Future Political Leaders from March 1962. 43pp. JFK#4. S. 5/7/76. Southwest Africa and South Africa. Guidelines for U.S. Policy and Operations 0495 Memorandum. Fr: Glenn G. Wolfe. To: J. Concerning Africa [Basic Approach; Wayne Fredericks and Henry J. Tasca. Background; Objectives; Courses of Action; May 5, 1962. 6pp. JFK#2. C. 7/30/76. and Contingencies]. Countering Soviet Bloc Commercial Airline 0467 Incoming Telegram #3551. Fr: Adlai E. Penetration in Africa. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0501 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. April 26,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. S. 5/7/76. NA. 5pp. JFK#2a. C. 7/30/76. British Positions on and Attitudes toward UN, Commercial Air Service in Africa. Congo, and Rhodesias. 0506 Outgoing Telegram #5925. Fr: George Ball. 0469 Incoming Telegram #2041. Fr: Douglas To: U.S. Embassies, London and Paris. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. May 4,1962.1p. JFK#3. C. 7/30/76. April 27,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 5/7/76. U.S. Policies on Arms Supply, Arms European Integration•African States. Limitation, and Military Training in Tropical 0472 Research Memorandum. Fr: Roger Hilsman. Africa. To: Dean Rusk. 0507 Foreign Service Despatch #910. Fr: Edward April 27, 1962. 8pp. JFK#7. C. 5/7/76. W. Mulcahy. To: Department of State. Soviet Bloc Civil Air Expansion in Africa. May 9, 1962.1p.JFK#4. 0480 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Transmittal of Letter to John F. Kennedy from To: McGeorge Bundy. Sir Patrick Fletcher, President of Bulawayo April 11,1962. 1p.JFK#8. Trade Fair. Suggested Program for Observance of Africa 0508 Department of State Airgram. Fr: George Freedom Day, April 15,1962. Ball. To: U.S. Embassies, London and Paris. 0481 Proclamation. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: NA. May 9,1962. 2pp. JFK#4-1. OUO. April 1962. 2pp. JFK#8a. British Informed of U.S. Thinking on Planned Africa Freedom Day. Bilateral African Aid Talks. 0483 Letter. Fr: Jeannette Rudellat. To: Jay [?]. 0510 Outline. Fr: NA. To: NA. April 16, 1962. 1p. JFK#8b. NA. 1p.JFK#4-1a.OUO. Africa Freedom Day Proclamation. Agenda for African Aid Talks with Great 0484 Note. Fr: W. Michael Blumenthal. To: Bromley Britain. K. Smith. 0511 Copy of Outline. Fr: NA. To: NA. April 25, 1962. 1p.JFK#9. NA. 1p.JFK#4-1a. OUO. Information on Coffee Question. Agenda for African Aid Talks with Great Britain.

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0512 Copy of Outline. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0554 Report. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#4-1a. OUO. NA. 8pp. JFK#9b. C. 7/30/76. Agenda for African Aid Talks with Great Report on Williams's Fourth Trip to Africa. Britain. 0562 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Ralph A. 0513 Outline. Fr: NA. To: NA. Dungan. NA. 1p.JFK#4-1b.OUO. May 19,1962.1p. JFK#10. Preliminary Suggestions for Topics, "Can We Do What's Needed at Top of Page Problems, and Issues for Discussion at 2? And Who is Measuring Promise vs. London Conference on African Aid. Possibility Here?" 0514 Outline. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0563 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#4-1b. OUO. NA. 4pp. JFK#13. S. 1/21/77. Preliminary Suggestions for Topics, Soviet Bloc Aid to Civil Air Activities of Problems, and Issues for Discussion at Emerging African Countries. London Conference on African Aid. 0515 Letter. Fr: N. E. Halaby. To: McGeorge 0567 Africa•June 1962-July 1962. Bundy. 0568 List of Unclassified Documents. 1p. May 10, 1962. 1 p. JFK#5. 0569 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Federal Aviation Agency Study relating to 0571 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. U.S. Policies concerning Civil Aviation in To: McGeorge Bundy. Africa. June 1,1962.1 p. JFK#1. 0516 Letter. Fr: N. E. Halaby. To: McGeorge Return of Joseph C. Satterthwaite from Bundy. Republic of South Africa. May 10, 1962. 1 p. JFK#5. 0572 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Federal Aviation Agency Study relating to NA. 1p.JFK#1a. U.S. Policies concerning Civil Aviation in Biographical Sketch of Joseph C. Africa. Satterthwaite, U.S. Ambassador to South 0518 Memorandum. Fr: Theodore C. Achilles. Africa. To: George C. McGhee. 0573 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: William H. May 10, 1962. 4pp. JFK#6. NA. 2/30/76. Brubeck. Soviet Civil Aviation Penetration in Africa. June 6,1962.1p.JFK#2. 0522 Report. Fr: Department of State. To: NA. "For Recommendation." May 1962. 25pp. JFK#7. S. 6/12/78 IP. 0574 Telegram. Fr: Charles R. Swart. To: John F. Guidelines for U.S. Policy and Operations Kennedy. concerning Republic of South Africa. June 6,1962. 1p.JFK#2a. 0547 Incoming Telegram #5310. Fr: James M. Message of Thanks for John F. Kennedy's Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Good Wishes on National Day of South May 11,1962.1p. JFK#7. [Note: Duplicate Africa. JFK Number.] C. 7/30/76. 0575 Incoming Telegram #175. Fr: Joseph C. Discussions with France regarding UAM. Satterthwaite. To: Dean Rusk. 0549 Memorandum. Fr: Alan S. Boyd. To: NA. June 20,1962. 3pp. JFK#3. C. 5/7/76. May 14, 1962.1p. JFK#8. C. 9/1/76. Official South African Reaction to Members of African Civil Aviation Problem. UN Committee on Southwest Africa. 0550 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Alan S. Boyd. 0578 Memorandum. Fr: Henry Owen. To: NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. May 14, 1962. 1p. JFK#8. C. 9/1/76. July 6, 1962. 1p.JFK#4. African Civil Aviation Problem. Planning Group Meeting, July 10,1962. 0551 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0579 Report. Fr: William R. Duggan and W. H. To: McGeorge Bundy. Lewis. May 17, 1962. 1 p. JFK#9. NA. 7/30/76. June 28, 1962. 27pp. JFK#5. S. 5/7/76. Report on G. Mennen Williams's Fourth Trip 'The White Redoubt" [Racial Problems in to Africa. South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, and 0552 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland; To: John F. Kennedy and Dean Rusk. White Position in South Africa; Rise of African May 15, 1962. 2pp. JFK#9a. C. 7/30/76. Nationalism; U.S. Position on Racial Issue in Report on Williams's Fourth Trip to Africa. Southern Africa]. Africa/Reel 1 Frame Document Frame Document

0606 Outgoing Telegram #22. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0631 Letter. Fr: Joseph C. Satterthwaite. To: J. To: Selected African Diplomatic Posts. Wayne Fredericks. July 6, 1962. 5pp. JFK#6. LOU. June 21, 1962.2pp. JFK#14a. S. 5/7/76. Task Force Convened to Consider U.S. Possible Visit to U.S. by South African Prime Programs in Labor Field in Africa. Minister Hendrik Verwoerd. 0611 Incoming Telegram #159. Fr: James M. 0633 Department of State Airgram #179. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Fr: Randolph A. Kidder. To: Department of July 10,1962. 4pp. JFK#7. C. 5/7/76. State. G. Mennen Williams's Consultations with July 25,1962.10pp. JFK#15. C. 5/7/76. French regarding Africa. Bilateral Talks between France and U.S. on 0615 Incoming Telegram #180. Fr: James M. African Problems. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. July 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 5/7/76. 0643 Africa•August 1962-October 1962. G. Mennen Williams's Consultations with 0644 List of Unclassified Documents. 1p. French regarding Congo Situation. 0645 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0617 Incoming Telegram #134. Fr: [?] Morris. 0646 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Bromley K. To: Dean Rusk. Smith. July 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 5/7/76. August 10, 1962.1 p. JFK#1. G. Mennen Williams's Consultations with 'The Best Way to Get Rid of This Dreary West Germany regarding Africa. Paper Is to Read Department of State Press 0619 Incoming Telegram #137. Fr: [?] Morris. Release (See Clip) and Forget Rest." To: Dean Rusk. 0647 Memorandum. Fr: J. Wayne Fredericks. July 16.1962. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 5/7/76. To: McGeorge Bundy. G. Mennen Williams's Consultations with August 6, 1962. 1p. JFK#1a. OUO. West Germany regarding Portuguese Advisory Council on African Affairs. Territories in Africa. 0648 Report. Fr: Department of State. To: NA. 0622 Department of State Airgram #107. June 13-14, 1962. 21pp. JFK#1b. OUO. Fr: Coburn Kidd. To: Department of State. Proceedings of Advisory Council on African July 16, 1962. 3pp. JFK#11. C. 5/7/76. Affairs [Functions of Advisory Council on G. Mennen Williams's Consultations with African Affairs; Advisory Council on African West Germany regarding Arms Supply and Affairs Committee Reports; U.S. Position on Limitation in Africa. Regionalism in Africa and Racial Question in 0625 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge Southern Africa; U.S. Economic Aid to Africa]. Bundy. 0670 Incoming Telegram #445. Fr: Adlai E. July 17, 1962. 1p.JFK#12. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Report on Lincoln University African Student August 14, 1962.2pp. JFK#2. Center. Activities of UN Committee on Southwest 0626 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Africa. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0672 Department of State Airgram #A-170. July 16, 1962. 2pp. JFK#12a. S. 5/7/76. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, London. Report on Lincoln University African Student September 17,1962. 1p. JFK#3. LOU. Center at Conclusion of First Year. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Federation of 0628 Incoming Telegram #243. Fr: David K. E. All African Students. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. 0673 Incoming Telegram #831. Fr: Adlai E. July 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. C. 5/7/76. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. G. Mennen Williams's Discussions with Great September 20,1962. 1p. JFK#4. C. 7/2/76. ' Britain regarding Congo Situation. Response in UN General Assembly to U.S. 0630 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Objectives in Africa. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0674 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. July 19,1962. 1p. JFK#14. S.5/7/76. To: McGeorge Bundy. South Africa and Prime Minister Hendrik October 5, 1962.1p. JFK#5. Verwoerd. Presidential Message to Annual Meeting of African Studies Association.

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0675 Draft. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0733 Africa•Miscellaneous, August 1962- NA. 2pp. JFK#5a March 1963. (A). Presidential Message to Annual Meeting of 0734 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. African Studies Association. 0736 Information Memorandum. Fr: Edmond C. 0677 Outgoing Telegram #1015. Fr: Dean Rusk. I Hutchinson. To: Fowler Hamilton. To: Adlai E. Stevenson. October 12,1962. 1p. JFK#1. S. 6/14/78. October 17,1962. 3pp. JFK#6. NA. 7/2/76. ' Report of Bureau for Africa and Europe's UN Actions to Terminate South Africa's Actions and Problems for Period Ending Mandate in Southwest Africa. October 12,1962. 0681 Memorandum. Fr: Harlan Cleveland and G. 0737 Report. Fr: NA. To: Fowler Hamilton. Mennen Williams. To: Dean Rusk. October 12,1962. 2pp. JFK#1a. S. 6/14/78. October 3, 1962. 5pp. JFK#6a. C. 7/2/76. Bureau for Africa and Europe's Actions and U.S. Policy on South Africa and Southwest Problems in Somalia, Ethiopia, Mali, and Africa Problem. Mauritania. 0686 Routing Slip. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: NA. 0739 Information Memorandum. Fr: Edmond C. 1p.JFK#6a. Hutchinson. To: Fowler Hamilton. 0687 Note. Fr: Edward S. Little. To: Bromley K. October 26,1962. 1p. JFK#2. S. 6/14/78. Smith. Report on Bureau for Africa and Europe's October 17,1962. 1 p. JFK#6a. Actions and Problems for Period Ending Approval of Unidentified Telegram by Dean October 26,1962. Rusk. 0740 Report. Fr: NA. To: Fowler Hamilton. 0688 Telegraph Branch Work Copy. Fr: NA. October 26,1962. 5pp. JFK#2a. S. 6/14/78. To: Adlai E. Stevenson. Bureau for Africa and Europe's Actions and October 17,1962. 3pp. JFK#6a. C. 7/2/76. Problems in Algeria, Poland, Basutoland, UN Actions to Terminate South Africa's , and Somalia. Mandate in Southwest Africa. 0745 Information Memorandum. Fr: Edmond C. 0691 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. Hutchinson. To: Fowler Hamilton. To: Members of Tuesday Planning Group. November 21, 1962. 1p. JFK#3. S. 6/14/78. October 18,1962.1p.JFK#7. Report on Bureau for Africa and Europe's Tuesday Planning Group Meeting to Discuss Actions and Problems for Period Ending Problems of Southern Africa, October 23, November 23,1962. 1962. 0746 Report. Fr: NA. To: Fowler Hamilton. 0692 Report. Fr: Robert C. Foulon and R. Sänger. November 23, 1962. 2pp. JFK#3a To: NA. S. 6/14/78. October 4,1962. 34pp. JFK#7a. C. 7/2/76. Bureau for Africa and Europe's Actions and Problems of Southern Africa [Geopolitics of Problems in Somalia, Togo, Cameroon, and Africa; White South Africa; White Attitudes Guinea. ' Towards Africans; and U.S. Attitudes Toward 0748 Information Memorandum. Fr: Arthur M. Problems of Southern Africa]. McGlauflin. To: Acting Administrator, AID. 0726 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. December 7, 1962. 1p. JFK#4. S. 6/14/78. To: McGeorge Bundy. Report on Bureau for Africa and Europe's October 18,1962.1 p. JFK#8. C. 5/20/76. Actions and Problems for Period Ending Clearance of Telegram regarding South December 7, 1962. African Issue. 0749 Report. Fr: NA. To: Acting Administrator, AID. 0727 Outgoing Telegram #1015. Fr: Dean Rusk. December 7,1962. 4pp. JFK#4a. S. 6/14/78. To: Adlai E. Stevenson. Bureau for Africa and Europe's Actions and October 17,1962. 3pp. JFK#8a. C. 7/2/76. Problems in DRC, Guinea, Libya, Morocco, UN Actions to Terminate South Africa's Somalia, Tunisia, and Yugoslavia. Mandate in Southwest Africa. 0753 Note. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. To: Carl Kaysen. 0730 Incoming Telegram #1394. Fr: [?] Plimpton. March 1,1963. 1p. JFK#5. To: Dean Rusk. 'The Attached for Your Information." October 20,1962.3pp. JFK#8b. C. 6/29/76 IP. U.S. Position on Southwest Africa Question.

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0754 Information Memorandum. Fr: Edmond C. 0862 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Hutchinson. To: David E. Bell. To: McGeorge Bundy. February 1, 1963.1p. JFK#5. S. 6/14/78. November 22,1962. 1p. JFK#1. Report on Bureau for Africa and Europe's Presidential Message to Fiftieth Anniversary Actions and Problems for Period Ending Banquet of Phelps-Stokes Fund. February 1, 1963. 0863 Draft Message. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0755 Report. Fr: NA. To: David E. Bell. NA. 1p.JFK#1a. February 1, 1963.3pp. JFK#5a. S. 6/14/78. Presidential Message to Fiftieth Anniversary Bureau for Africa and Europe's Actions and Banquet of Phelps-Stokes Fund. Problems in Tanganyika, Algeria, DRC, and 0864 Incoming Telegram #486. Fr: Richard Freund. Nigeria. To: Dean Rusk. Decembers, 1962. Ip. JFK#3. LOU. 0758 Africa•Miscellaneous, August 1962- Allen J. Ellender's Statements on Inability of March 1963. (B). Africans to Govern Themselves. 0759 List of Unclassified Documents. 1 p. 0865 Incoming Telegram #337. Fr: William 0760 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. 0761 Report. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: NA. December 4, 1962. Ip. JFK#4. August 17,1962.1 Qpp. JFK#1. Allen J. Eilender Declared a Prohibited Administration of Rural Development in Immigrant by Government of Tanganyika. Underdeveloped Countries. 0866 Outgoing Telegram #1032. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0771 Subfile: "Bureau for Africa and Europe To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. Actions and Problems Report." ip. December 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. 0772 Information Memorandum. Fr: Edmond C. U.S. State Department Repudiates Hutchinson. To: David E. Bell. Statements Made by Allen J. Eilender February 28, 1963. Ip. JFK#2. S. 1/14/76. regarding Inability of Africans to Govern Report on Bureau for Africa and Europe's Themselves. Actions and Problems for Period Ending 0868 Outgoing Telegram #586. Fr: Dean Rusk. March 1,1963. To: U.S. Embassy, Cairo. 0773 Report. Fr: NA. To: David E. Bell. December 5, 1962.1p. JFK#7. February 26, 1963. 3pp. JFK#2a. S. 1/14/76. John F. Kennedy Sends Message of Bureau for Africa and Europe's Actions and Appreciation to Vance Hartke for Expression Problems in Libya, Ghana, Liberia, and of Confidence in African Leadership. Algeria. 0869 Incoming Telegram #302. Fr: [?] Stanger. 0776 Subfile: "Review of International Civil To: Dean Rusk. Aviation Development in Africa." 1 p. Decembers, 1962. Ip. JFK#8. LOU. 0777 Letter. Fr: Alan S. Boyd. To: Bromley K. Allen J. Eilender Denies Making Statements Smith. Critical of African Leadership. May 25,1962. 1 p. JFK#3. C. 8/31/76. 0870 Incoming Cable #491. Fr: Richard Freund. International Civil Aviation Developments in To: White House. Africa. December 5, 1962. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 11/16/76. 0778 Report. Fr: Civil Aeronautics Board. To: NA. Message from Vance Hartke to John F. May 1962. 81 pp. JFK#3a. C. 8/31/76. Kennedy Urging Him to Issue an Immediate Review of International Civil Aviation Statement on U.S. Interest in Africa to Developments in Africa [U.S. Flag Carrier Counteract Statements Made by Allen J. Sen/ices in Africa; African Air Transport; U.S. Eilender. Aviation Programs in Africa; Regional 0872 Incoming Telegram #488. Fr: Richard Freund. Aviation Developments in Africa; and Airline To: Dean Rusk. Pooling Arrangements in Africa]. December 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#9a. Vance Hartke Reiterates Official U.S. 0859 Africa•November 1962-December Government Position concerning Evolution 1962. toward Self-Government in Africa. 0860 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp.

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0874 Incoming Telegram #492. Fr: Richard Freund. 0886 Outgoing Telegram #1050. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. To: Selected African Diplomatic Posts. Decembers, 1962.1p. JFK#10. December 6,1962.1p. JFK#18. LOU. Tom Mboya, Kenyan Political Leader, Allen J. Ellender's Comments on African Protests Statements Made by Allen J. Leadership in Nations of Former French Eilender Criticizing African Leadership. West Africa and . 0875 Memorandum. Fr: Edward R. Murrow. 0887 Outgoing Telegram #42. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: U.S. , Lourenco Marques and December 5, 1962. 1 p. JFK#11. Luanda. Possible Damage to U.S. Prestige in Africa December 6,1962.1p. JFK#19. LOU. Caused by Allen J. Ellender's Statements Allen J. Ellender's Comments on Portuguese Criticizing African Leadership. Territories of Angola and Mozambique. 0876 Press Statement. Fr: White House. To: NA. 0888 Incoming Telegram #346. Fr: William NA. 1p.JFK#11a. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Reiteration of U.S. Policy That People of December 6,1962.1p. JFK#20. C. 11/16/76. Africa Have Potential to Govern Themselves. Briefing of Allen J. Eilender on U.S. 0877 Incoming Telegram #153. Fr: Albert Sidney Economic Aid to Tanganyika. Johnson Carnahan. To: Dean Rusk. 0889 Outgoing Telegram #93. Fr: Dean Rusk. December 6,1962.1 p. JFK#12. To: U.S. Embassies, Freetown and Monrovia. Allen J. Ellender's Critical Statement on December 6,1962.1p. JFK#22. LOU. African Leadership at Salisbury, Rhodesia, Allen J. Ellender's Comments on African Press Conference. Leadership and Progress of Economic 0878 Incoming Telegram #351. Fr: William Development in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. 0890 Outgoing Telegram #277. Fr: Dean Rusk. December 6, 1962. 3pp. JFK#13. LOU. To: U.S. Embassies, Addis Ababa and African Reaction to Allen J. Ellender's Critical Mogadiscio. Statements on African Leadership and U.S. December 6,1962.1p. JFK#23. LOU. Efforts to Counter Its Effect. Allen J. Ellender's Comments on African .0881 Incoming Telegram #499. Fr: Richard Freund. Leadership and State of Economic To: Dean Rusk. Development in Ethiopia and Eritrea. December 6, 1962. 2pp. JFK#14. 0891 Incoming Telegram #503. Fr: Richard Freund. Reply to Kenyan Political Leader Tom To: Dean Rusk. Mboya's Letter regarding Critical Statements December 6,1962. 1p. JFK#24. C. 11/16/76. on African Leadership Made by Allen J. G. Mennen Williams Informed That He Will Eilender. Be Allowed to Visit Kenya but That Leaders 0883 Outgoing Telegram #397. Fr: NA. To: U.S. of Majority Political Party (Kanu) Plan to Embassy, Pretoria. Boycott Visit. December 6,1962.1 p. JFK#15. C. 11 /16/76. 0892 Incoming Telegram #325. Fr: [?] Vance. U.S. Clarifies Its Position on Southwest Africa To: Dean Rusk. Question for Government of South Africa. Request for Clarification of Flight and 0884 Outgoing Telegram #590. Fr: Dean Rusk. Landing Clearances for Allen J. Ellender's To: U.S. Embassy, Cairo. Aircraft. December 6, 1962.1 p. JFK#16. LOU. 0893 Incoming Telegram #310. Fr: [?] Stanger. Air Attaché, Cairo, Sent to Pick Up Allen J. To: Dean Rusk. Eilender at Addis Ababa Airport. December 6,1962. 1p. JFK#28. C. 11/16/76. 0885 Outgoing Telegram #602. Fr: Dean Rusk. "As Indicated Reference EMBTEL Which To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Drafted Prior Receipt Your 272,1 Do Not December 6,1962.1 p. JFK#17. LOU. Propose Visit Countries but Will Meet With Allen J. Ellender's Comments on President Our Mission Heads at Airport." Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana. 0894 Incoming Telegram #311. Fr: [?] Stanger. To: Dean Rusk. December 7,1962. 2pp. JFK#29. C. 11/16/76. Itinerary for Allen J. Ellender's Trip to Africa.

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0896 incoming Telegram #284. Fr: Oleott H. 0973 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. Deming. To: Dean Rusk. December 17,1962. 3pp. JFK#2a. December 7, 1962. 1 p. JFK#30. C. 11 /16/76. U.S. Peace Corps Program in Africa as of Government of Uganda Refuses to Grant November 30,1962. Permission for Allen J. Ellender's Aircraft to 0976 Memorandum. Fr: Richard W. Reuter. Land. To: Carl Kaysen. 0897 Incoming Telegram #251. Fr: [?] Judd. December 20, 1962. 1p. JFK#3. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. PL-480 Programs in Africa. December 7,1962. 1 p. JFK#31. LOU. 0977 Memorandum. Fr: Harry LeBovit. To: William Government of Somali Republic Refuses to H. McCahon. Grant Permission for Visit by Allen J. November 8, 1962.1p. JFK#3a. Eilender. U.S. PL-480 Title I and IV Programs in Africa. 0898 Incoming Telegram #327. Fr: [?] Vance. 0978 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 4pp. JFK#3b. December 7, 1962. 1p. JFK#32. C. 11/16/76. U.S. PL-480 Title I and IV Programs in Africa. Flight Plans for Allen J. Ellender's African 0982 Memorandum. Fr: Arthur M. McGlauflin. Trip. To: Carl Kaysen. 0899 Incoming Telegram #504. Fr: Richard Freund. December 27, 1962. 1 p. JFK#4. To: Dean Rusk. Proposed Chapter on AID Programs for December 7, 1962. 1p. JFK#33. C. 11/16/76. Annual Report to Congress Covering FY Kenyan Government Cannot Assure Security 1962. for Allen J. Ellender's Visit. 0983 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Arthur M. 0900 Memorandum. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: All McGlauflin. To: Carl Kaysen. Holders of NSC 6028: December 27,1962.1p. JFK#4. December 17, 1962. 1p. JFK#36. S. 6/30/77. Proposed Chapter on AID Programs for U.S. Policy on Horn of Africa. Annual Report to Congress Covering FY 0902 Department of State Airgram #A-278. 1962. Fr: Joseph C. Satterthwaite. To: Department 0984 Report. Fr: Agency for International of State. Development. To: NA. December 18,1962. 21pp. JFK#37. NA. 15pp.JFK#4a. TS. NA. IP. Annual Report to Congress on AID Programs U.S. Overseas Internal Defense Policy• in Africa for FY 1962. South Africa. 0999 Memorandum. Fr: Edmond C. Hutchinson. To: Carl Kaysen. 0923 Africa•Memos and Miscellaneous, January 2,1963.1p. JFK#5. November 1962-February 1963. Chester Bowles's Evaluation of U.S. AID 0924 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. Programs in Africa. 0925 Subfile: "Memos and Miscellaneous." 1000 Letter. Fr: Edmond C. Hutchinson. 0926" Memorandum. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: Carl To: Chester Bowles. Kaysen. Januarys, 1963.1p. JFK#5a. November 13, 1962.1p. JFK#1. Bowles's Evaluation of U.S. AID Programs in Report on Bowles's Trip through Sub-Sahara Africa. Africa. 1001 Letter. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: Edmond C. 0928 Report. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: NA. Hutchinson! NA. 44pp. JFK#1a. S. 4/7/77 IP. November 28, 1962. 1p. JFK#5b. Bowles's Mission to Africa, October 15- Evaluation of U.S. AID Programs in Africa. November 9,1962 [Political and Economic 1003 Memorandum. Fr: David E. Bell. To: G. Assessment of U.S. Relations with Africa]. Mennen Williams. 0972 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: Lee February 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#6. OUO. White. Proposal for Supplying American Officials for December 17, 1962.1 p. JFK#2. African Governments. Meeting between John F. Kennedy and U.S. Negro Leaders regarding Africa and Black Representation in State Department.

14 Africa/Reel 1 Frame Document Frame Document

Reel 2 0031 Outgoing Telegram #2123. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Mission to UN and U.S. Embassies, Africa [General] cont. Capetown and London. February 7,1963. 3pp. JFK#8. C. 8/23/76. Source and Editorial Note. 1 p. U.S. Efforts to Convince South Africa to Seek Folder Title List. 9pp. Political Accommodation with World 0001 Africa•January 1963-February 1963. Community regarding Mandated Territory of Southwest Africa. 0002 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0034 Incoming Telegram #3105. Fr: Adlai E. 0003 Outgoing Telegram #1146. Fr: Dean Rusk. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. To: Selected African Diplomatic Posts. February 21, 1963. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 8/23/76. January 23,1963. 5pp. JFK#2. LOU. U.S. Policy regarding Southwest Africa Itinerary for G. Mennen Williams's Trip to Question in UN. Africa. 0036 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. 0010 Department of State Airgram #A-1194. To: McGeorge Bundy and Carl Kaysen. Fr: Adlai E. Stevenson. To: Department of February 25, 1963. 1 p. JFK#10. OUO. State. Disaffected African Students. January 23,1963.13pp. JFK#2. C. 8/23/76. 0037 Outgoing Telegram #122. Fr: Dean Rusk. Africans at Seventeenth UN General To: Selected African Diplomatic Posts. Assembly, October 19-November 19,1962. February 13,1963. 4pp. JFK#11. LOU. 0023 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Bromley K. Schedule for Special Assistant to President Smith. Brooks Hays's Trip to Africa. January 26,1963. 1p. JFK#3. 0041 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. G. Mennen Williams Requests Appointment To: McGeorge Bundy. with John F. Kennedy. February 28,1963.1p. JFK#12. OUO. 0024 Memorandum. Fr: William». Brubeck. Request for Appointment with John F. To: McGeorge Bundy. Kennedy for Jules Razafimbahiny, Secretary January 26,1963.1p. JFK#3a. General of African and Malagasy G. Mennen Williams Requests Appointment Organization for Economic Cooperation with John F. Kennedy to Discuss African Trip. (OAMCE). 0025 Incoming Telegram #388. Fr: [?] Geren. To: Dean Rusk. 0042 February 1,1963.2pp. JFK#4. C. 8/23/76. Africa•Disaffected Students, September 1962-March 1963. Plans for G. Mennen Williams's Trip to Africa. 0043 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0027 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0044 Subfile: "Disaffected Students." To: Carl Kaysen. 0045 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. February 6,1963.1p. JFK#5. LOU. To: McGeorge Bundy. Presidential Message of Greeting to Fifth September 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#1. Session of EGA. African Students 1962 Summer Program. 0028 Draft. Fr: NA. To: EGA. 0047 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. NA. 1p.JFK#5a. To: McGeorge Bundy and Carl Kaysen. Presidential Message of Greeting to Fifth February 19, 1963. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 6/27/77. Session of EGA. Disaffected African Students. 0029 Incoming Telegram #562. Fr: Joseph C. 0049 Department of State Airgram #CA-5573. Satterthwaite. To: Dean Rusk. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: All European and African February 7, 1963.1p.'JFK#6. Diplomatic Posts. Proposed Gift of Two Ridgebáck Puppies to November 29,1962.3pp. JFK#2a. C. 6/1/76. John F. Kennedy from Colonel Pienaar, Son of Founder of Breed. Disaffected African Students Leaving Sino- Soviet Bloc. 0030 Outgoing Telegram #576. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0052 _ Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: U.S. Embassy, Pretoria. To: McGeorge Bundy and Carl Kaysen. Februarys, 1963.1 p. JFK#7. February 19, 1963. 1 p. JFK#3. C. 6/27/77. White House Regrets Inability to Accept Gift Disaffected African Students. of Ridgeback Puppies from Colonel Pienaar.

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0053 Incoming Cable #369. Fr: Helen Anderson. 0072 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. February 19,1963. 2pp. JFK#3a. C. 6/1 /76. March 16, 1963. 2pp. JFK#7a. S. 5/31/78. African Students Ask for U.S. Assistance to South African Interest in Purchase of U.S. Leave Bulgaria and Apply for Study in Submarines. Western European and American 0074 Outgoing Telegram #421. Fr: Dean Rusk. Universities. To: U.S. Embassies, Monrovia, Freetown, 0055 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. and Abidjan. To: McGeorge Bundy and Carl Kaysen. March 22, 1963.1 p. JFK#8. February 25,1963.1p. JFK#4. OUO. Revised Schedule for Trip to Africa by Brooks Disaffected African Students. Hays, Special Assistant to President. 0056 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. 0075 Report. Fr: Defense Intelligence Agency. To: McGeorge Bundy and Carl Kaysen. To: NA. March 1, 1963.1p. JFK#5. C. 8/30/76. March 1963. 46pp. JFK#10. S. 6/7/76. Disaffected African Students. Military Situation in Ghana, Nigeria, and 0057 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. UAM. To: McGeorge Bundy. March 5, 1963.1p. JFK#6. 0121 Africa•April 1963. Disaffected African Students. 0122 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0123 Note. Fr: Thelma [?]. To: Polly [?]. 0058 Africa•March 1963. NA. 1p.JFK#1. 0059 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. "We Have Notified State Secretariat of Mr. 0060 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. Kaysen's Approval of Attached." To: McGeorge Bundy and Carl Kaysen. 0124 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. March 1, 1963. 1p. JFK#1. C. 8/30/76. To: McGeorge Bundy. Disaffected African Students. April 15, 1963. 1p. JFK#1a. LOU. 0061 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Letter of Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole, To: McGeorge Bundy. National Chairman of Proscribed Zimbabwe March 12, 1963.1p. JFK#4. OUO. African People's Union (ZAPU) to John F. Illness of King Tupua Tamasese Mea'ole, Kennedy. Head of State of Western Samoa. 0125 Letter. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. 0062 Draft. Fr: NA. To: Malietoa Tanumafili II. To: Ndabaningi Sithole. NA. 1p.JFK#4a. NA. 5pp.JFK#1b. Proposed Presidential Message of Reply to Letter of Reverend Ndabaningi Condolence on Death of King Tupua Sithole, National Chairman of Proscribed Tamasese Mea'ole, Head of State of Western Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU), to Samoa. John F. Kennedy. 0064 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0130 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Planning Group Members. March 18, 1963.3pp. JFK#5. S. 1/21/77 IP. April 17, 1963. 1p. JFK#2. C. 3/3/76. Crisis in Horn of Africa. Policy Planning Group Meeting on Problems 0067 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: William H. of Southern Africa, Tuesday, April 23,1963. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0132 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. March 18, 1963.3pp. JFK#5. S. 1/21/77 IP. NA.1 p. JFK#2a.C. 3/3/76. Crisis in Horn of Africa. White Settler Issue in Southern Rhodesia, 0070 Outgoing Telegram #151. Fr: Dean Rusk. Southwest Africa, and Portuguese Africa. To: U.S. Embassies, Freetown and Monrovia. 0133 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. March 20,1963.1p.JFK#6. NA. 1 p. JFK#2a. C. 3/3/76. Revised Schedule for Trip to Africa by Brooks White Settler Issue in Southern Rhodesia, Hays, Special Assistant to President. Southwest Africa, and Portuguese Africa. 0071 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: Dean Rusk. March 22, 1963.1p. JFK#7. S. 8/30/76. John F. Kennedy's Views on Sale of U.S. Submarines to South Africa.

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0134 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0194 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. NA. 26pp. JFK#2a. C. 3/3/76. To: McGeorge Bundy. Problems of Southern Africa [Geopolitics in May 27, 1963. 1p. JFK#2. C. 6/30/77. Africa; White Position and Attitudes towards Mistaken Report of Violent Speech by Africans; and U.S. Approach to Racial Kwame Nkrumah, President of Ghana. Problems in Southern Africa]. 0195 Incoming Telegram #687. Fr: Edward M. 0160 CIA Special Report. Fr: CIA. To: NA. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. April 19, 1963. 6pp. JFK#3. S. 7/15/76 IP. May 24, 1963. 5pp. JFK#2a. C. 7/16/76. Southwest Africa Issue in UN. Activities at Addis Ababa Conference on 0166 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: Carl Kaysen. African Unity. April 25, 1963. 1 p. JFK#4. 0200 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. "You May Find This as Interesting as I Did• Kennedy. En Route to Mr. Clinton in Dan Fenn's June 1,1963. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 1/19/77. Office." Addis Ababa Conference and Related African 0167 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Developments. To: McGeorge Bundy. NA. 1 p. JFK#4a. LOU. 0202 Africa•May 1963. Participation in Journalism Workshop in 0203 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Africa by Dr. Frank L. Stanley, Editor and 0205 Report. Fr: Department of State Policy Publisher of Louisville Defender. Planning Council. To: NA. 0168 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. May 6, 1963. 35pp. JFK#1. C. 11/16/76 IP. To: McGeorge Bundy. Problems of Southern Africa•Basic National April 20, 1963. 1p.JFK#5. Security Policy Task II (G) [Geopolitics of Meeting on African Education, Wednesday, Africa; White Position and Attitudes towards May 1,1963. Africans; and U.S. Approach to Racial 0169 Agenda. Fr: C. K. Snyder and D. G. Wilson. Problems of Southern Africa]. To: NA. 0240 CIA Special Report. Fr: CIA. To: NA. April 25, 1963. 1p. JFK#5a. May 10, 1963. 8pp. JFK#2. S. 6/17/76. Agenda for Interagency Meeting on African Subversive Movements in South Africa. Education, May 1, 1963. 0249 Draft. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Addis 0170 Handwritten Note. Fr: Chester Bowles. Ababa. To: Bromley K. Smith. May 10, 1963. 2pp. JFK#2e. C. 5/17/76. NA. 1p.JFK#6. John F. Kennedy's Message to Addis Ababa Mozambique Memo. Conference. 0171 CIA Memorandum. Fr: CIA. To: NA. 0251 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. April 30, 1963. 17pp. JFK#6a. S. 6/16/76. Kennedy. Prospects for Nationalism and Revolt in May 16, 1963.1p. JFK#3. S. 11/17/76. Mozambique. Conversation with Zulu Chief Albert J. Luthuli, Leader of African National Congress, 0188 Africa•Addis Ababa Conference, and CIA Report on National Movements in May 1963-June 1963. South Africa. 0189 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. 0252 Incoming Telegram #126. Fr: Joseph C. 0190 Subfile: "Addis Ababa Conference." Satterthwaite. To: Dean Rusk. 0191 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. May 6, 1963. 5pp. JFK#3a. C. 2/16/79. To: McGeorge Bundy. ; Meeting between Satterthwaite and Zulu May 11, 1963.1 p. JFK#1. C. 3/9/76. Chief Albert J. Luthuli, Nobel Peace Prize White House Clearance of Telegram. Winner and Leader of African National 0192 Telegraph Branch Work Copy. Fr: NA. Congress. To: U.S. Embassy, Addis Ababa. May 10, 1963. 2pp. JFK#1 a. C. 3/9/76. • Message from John F. Kennedy to Addis Ababa Conference.

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0257 Handwritten Note. Fr: Art [?]. To: Bromley K. 0271 Incoming Telegram #704. Fr: [?] Hussey. Smith. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#4. May 18, 1963. 1p. JFK#8. C. 8/27/76. "I Have Not Been Passing You Traffic on This Arrival of Uninvited Togo Delegation Headed Problem, but Since Ambassador Seems to by President Nicholas Grunitzky in Addis Be in Such a Dilemma and Has Bounced Ball Ababa, Ethiopia, for African Heads of State into Washington I Thought You Might Want to Conference. Be Aware of It." 0272 Incoming Telegram #750. Fr: [?] Batson. 0258 Incoming Telegram #145. Fr: Joseph C. To: Dean Rusk. Satterthwaite. To: Dean Rusk. May 22, 1963. 2pp. JFK#9. May 16, 1963. 3pp. JFK#4a. C. 8/27/76. African Heads of State Conference at Addis South African Prime Minister Hendrik F. Ababa, Ethiopia, Condemns U.S. Racial Verwoerd's Strong Reaction to U.S. Plans to Segregation but Expresses Satisfaction with Hold Multiracial Reception at Embassy. U.S. Government Handling of Birmingham 0261 Outgoing Telegram #605. Fr: Dean Rusk. Racial Discrimination Affair. To: U.S. Embassy, Addis Ababa. 0274 Incoming Telegram #678. Fr: Edward M. May 15, 1963. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 5/13/76. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. John F. Kennedy's Message to Addis Ababa May 23, 1963. 2pp. JFK#10. LOU. Conference. Letter from Ugandan Prime Minister Milton 0263 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Willliam H. Obote to John F. Kennedy regarding U.S. Brubeck. Racial Discrimination and Segregation. May 16, 1963.1 p. JFK#5a. 0276 Incoming Telegram #680. Fr: Edward M. "For Transmittal as Revised by Mr. Kaysen." Korry. To: Dean Rusk. 0264 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. May 23, 1963. 2pp. JFK#11. S. 5/17/76. To: McGeorge Bundy. African Heads of State Conference at Addis May 11,1963. 2pp. JFK#5b. C. 8/27/76. Ababa, Ethiopia, Condemns U.S. Racial Presidential Message to African Heads of Segregation but Expresses Satisfaction with State Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, U.S. Government Handling of Birmingham May 23-25,1963. Racial Discrimination Affair. 0266 Handwritten Note. Fr: Carl Kaysen. 0278 Incoming Telegram #681. Fr: Edward M. To: Bromley K. Smith. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#5c. May 23, 1963. 2pp. JFK#12. "Here Is Somewhat Improved and Shortened Text of Yugoslavian Premier Josip Broz Tito's Substitute Version." Message to African Heads of State 0267 Draft. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Addis Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ababa. 0280 Incoming Telegram #682. Fr: Edward M. NA. 1p.JFK#5d. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. Presidential Message to African Heads of May 23,1963. 2pp. JFK#13. State Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Text of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev's May 23-25,1963. Message to African Heads of State 0268 Outgoing Telegram #609. Fr: Dean Rusk. Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. To: U.S. Embassy, Addis Ababa. 0282 Incoming Telegram #683. Fr: Edward M. May 17, 1963. 1p. JFK#6. C. 5/17/76. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. Presidential Message to African Heads of May 23,1963. 2pp. JFK#14. C. 5/17/76. State Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, African Heads of State Conference at Addis May 23-25,1963. Ababa, Ethiopia, Discusses Ugandan Prime 0269 Incoming Telegram #662. Fr: Edward M. Minister Milton Obote's Letter to John F. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy regarding U.S. Racial Policies. May 18, 1963. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 5/17/76. 0284 Incoming Telegram #760. Fr: William H. Question of Togo's Representation at African Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. Heads of State Conference at Addis Ababa, May 23, 1963. 2pp. JFK#15. C. 5/17/76. Ethiopia. Reports of Guiñean Resolution at African Heads of State Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Criticizing John F. Kennedy.

18 Africa/Reel 2 Frame Document Frame Document

0286 Incoming Telegram #684. Fr: Edward M. 0318 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. i To: McGeorge Bundy. May 23, 1963. 5pp. JFK#16. C. 8/27/76. | May 27, 1963. 1p. JFK#24. C. 6/30/77. Activities of African Heads of State Mistaken Reports of Violent Speech by Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana. 0291 Outgoing Telegram #2019. Fr: George Ball. 0319 Incoming Telegram #687. Fr: Edward M. To: All African Diplomatic Posts. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. May 24, 1963. 3pp. JFK#17. C. 5/17/76. May 24, 1963. 5pp. JFK#24a. C. 8/27/76. Actions of African Heads of State Conference African Heads of State Discuss African Unity at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, regarding at Addis Ababa Conference. Birmingham Incident and Racism in U.S. 0324 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0294 Incoming Telegram #689. Fr: Edward M. To: McGeorge Bundy. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. May 27, 1963. 1p. JFK#25. C. 8/27/76. May 25, 1963. 5pp. JFK#18. C. 8/27/76. Addis Ababa Summit Conference of African Activities of African Heads of State Heads of State, May 22-25, 1963. Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 0325 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0299 Incoming Telegram #693. Fr: Edward M. NA. 4pp. JFK#25a. C. 8/27/76. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. Assessment of Accomplishments of African May 26, 1963. 11 pp. JFK#19. C. 3/9/76. Heads of State Conference at Addis Ababa, Concluding Ceremonies of African Heads of Ethiopia. State Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 0329 Incoming Telegram #4928. Fr: Charles E. and Creation of Organization for African Unity Bohlen. To: Dean Rusk. (OAU). May 29, 1963. 2pp. JFK#26. C. 8/27/76. 0310 Incoming Telegram #694. [Note: Part 1 of 2. Comments on African Heads of State Part 2 is Missing.] Fr: Edward M. Korry. Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, by To: Dean Rusk. President David Dacko of Central African May 27, 1963. 4pp. JFK#20. C. 8/27/76. Republic. Resolutions on Decolonization, Apartheid, 0331 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. Racial Discrimination, General Disarmament, To: Charles R. Swart. Nonalignment, and Economic Problems May 23, 1963. 1p.JFK#27. Adopted by African Heads of State Message of Good Wishes on South Africa's Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Republic Day. 0314 Incoming Telegram #699. Fr: Edward M. 0332 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. I To: McGeorge Bundy. May 27,1963. 1 p. JFK#21. C. 5/17/76. May 28, 1963.1p.JFK#27a. Contributions to African Unity Made by White House Clearance of National Day African Heads of State Conference at Addis Message to President Charles R. Swart of Ababa, Ethiopia, and Emperor Haile South Africa. Selassie. 0333 Draft Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. 0315 Incoming Telegram #351. Fr: C. Vaughan To: Charles R. Swart. Ferguson, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. May 23,1963. 1p.JFK#27. May 27, 1963. 1p.JFK#22. Message of Good Wishes on South Africa's Comments on African Heads of State Republic Day. Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, by 0334 Outgoing Telegram #2051. Fr: Dean Rusk. President Philibert Tsiranana of Malagasy To: Selected African Diplomatic Posts. Republic. May 31,1963. 4pp. JFK#28. LOU. 0316 Incoming Telegram #645. Fr: Oleott H. Major Points Contained in Organization for Deming. To: Dean Rusk. African Unity's Charter. Comments on African Heads of State Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, by Prime Minister Milton Obote of Uganda and President Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika.

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0338 Africa•June 1963. 0368 Tab5.1p.JFK#1i. 0339 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0369 Tab 6.1p.JFK#1j. 0340 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. 0370 Telegram. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: John Kennedy. F. Kennedy. June 1,1963. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 1/19/77. May 24, 1963.1p. JFK#1j. Addis Ababa Conference and Related African Message Thanking Kennedy for U.S. Developments. Assistance to Guinea. 0342 Tab 1. 1 p. JFK#1 a. 0371 Tab 7.1p.JFK#1k. 0343 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0372 Incoming Telegram #869. Fr: William To: McGeorge Bundy. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. May 27, 1963. 1p. JFK#1a. C. 9/10/76. May 30, 1963. 3pp. JFK#1 k. C. 3/9/76. Addis Ababa Summit Conference of African Letter from President Ahmed Sekou Toure of Heads of State, May 22-25,1963. Guinea to John F. Kennedy regarding African 0344 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Heads of State Conference at Addis Ababa, NA. 4pp. JFK#1b. C. 9/10/76. Ethiopia Assessment of Accomplishments of African 0375 Tab8.1p. JFK#1I. Heads of State Conference at Addis Ababa, 0376 Incoming Telegram #678. Fr: Edward M. Ethiopia. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. 0349 Tab 2. 1p.JFK#1c. May 23, 1963. 2pp. JFK#1I. LOU. 0350 Press Release. Fr: NA. To: NA. Letter from Prime Minister Milton Obote of May 25, 1963. 2pp. JFK#1c. OUO. Uganda to John F. Kennedy regarding Resolutions Adopted by African Foreign African Heads of State Conference at Addis Ministers at Addis Ababa Conference. Ababa, Ethiopia. 0352 Tab 3. 1p.JFK#1d. 0378 Incoming Telegram #1837. Fr: Joseph 0353 Incoming Telegram #1323. Fr: William P. Palmer II. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. June 6,1963. 6pp. JFK#2. C. 9/10/76. May 29, 1963. 3pp. JFK#1d. C. 9/10/76. Nigerian Foreign Minister Jaja Wachuku President Kwame Nkrumah's Activities at Discusses African Heads of State African Heads of State Conference at Addis Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ababa, Ethiopia. 0385 Department of State Airgram #A-617. 0356 Incoming Telegram #2922. Fr: Edmond A. Fr: Edward M. Korry. To: Department of Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. State. May 31, 1963. 2pp. JFK#1 e. C. 9/10/76. June 20, 1963. 2pp. JFK#3. Congolese Prime Minister 's Transmission of Official Texts of Resolutions Activities at African Heads of State of African Heads of State Conference at Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 0358 Incoming Telegram #714. Fr: Edward M. 0387 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. June 20, 1963.18pp. JFK#3a. May 29, 1963. 3pp. JFK#1f. C. 3/9/76. Official Text of Resolutions of African Heads Ivory Coast Premier Felix Houphouet- of State Conference at Addis Ababa, Boigny's Comments on African Heads of Ethiopia. State Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 0406 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. and Efforts to Expel Portugal from Africa. May 28,1963. 23pp. JFK#3b. 0361 Incoming Telegram #694. Fr: Francis H. Official French Text of Resolutions of African Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Heads of State Conference at Addis Ababa, May 27,1963. 2pp. JFK#1g. C. 3/9/76. Ethiopia. Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba's 0428 Letter. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. Comments on African Heads of State June 20, 1963. 2pp. JFK#4. LOU. Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Proposal for Creation of African Policy 0363 Tab 4. 1p.JFK#1h. Committee. 0364 Incoming Telegram #705. Fr: Edward M. 0430 Background Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. Korry. To: Dean Rusk. June 18, 1963. 1p. JFK#4a. LOU. May 28, 1963. 4pp. JFK#1 h. C. 9/10/76. Mandate and Functions of African Policy Postscripts to African Heads of State Committee. Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

20 Africa/Reel 2 Frame Document Frame Document

0431 Incoming Telegram #197. Fr: Joseph C. 0448 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. ¡ Satterthwaite. To: Dean Rusk. To: William H. Orrick, Jr. June 21,1963. 1 p. JFK#5. C. 3/9/76. December 20,1962. 1p. JFK#1a. C. 7/9/76. South African Government Officials Boycott Establishment of African Policy Committee. U.S. Embassy, Capetown's Multiracial 0449 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Reception. December 21,1962. 8pp. JFK#1b. C. 7/9/76. 0432 Incoming Telegram #1733. Fr: Roger W. Plan for Improvement of Policy Formulation Tubby. To: Dean Rusk. I and Conduct of Operations in Africa. June 21,1963. 1 p. JFK#6. 0457 Routing Slip. Fr: Edmond C. Hutchinson. international Labor Organization (ILO) To: Carl Kaysen. Conference Invalidates Credentials of South Februarys, 1963.1 p. JFK#2. African Workers Delegations. 0458 Memorandum. Fr: Edmond C. Hutchinson. 0433 Incoming Telegram #4599. Fr: Adlai E. To: G, Mennen Williams. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. February 8,1963. 2pp. JFK#2a. C. 7/9/76. June 21, 1963. 1p. JFK#7. C. 3/9/76. State Department Bureau of African Affairs' Algerian UN Ambassador Abdelkader Proposal to Establish African Policy Chanderli Discusses Joint Position on South Committee and Washington Country Teams. Africa with Other African Delegates. 0460 Letter. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. 0434 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. June 21,1963.1p. JFK#3. LOU. To: McGeorge Bundy. Response to Proposal to Establish African June 21, 1963. 1 p. JFK#8. C. 9/10/76. Policy Committee. East African Federation Movement. ¡ 0435 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0461 Africa•July 1963. NA. 3pp. JFK#8a. C. 9/10/76. 0462 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. East African Federation Movement. 0464 Incoming Telegram #5. Fr: Joseph C. 0438 Incoming Telegram #810. Fr: [?] Geren. Satterthwaite. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. July 1,1963.2pp. JFK#1. C. 10/27/76. June 24,1963.1p.JFK#9. South African Government Urged to Exercise Arrival of Southern Rhodesian African Restraint in Participation in Economic and Opposition Leader Joshua Nkomo in Social Council of UN Meeting. Salisbury. 0466 Outgoing Telegram #12. Fr: George Ball. 0439 Memorandum. Fr: Edward S. Little. To: U.S. Embassy, Algiers. To: McGeorge Bundy. July 1,1963. 3pp. JFK#2. C. 10/27/76. June 26, 1963. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 9/10/76. U.S. Efforts to Moderate South Africa's African Protest of Statements Made by Allen Internal Policies while Maintaining Correct J. Eilender. Relations. 0441 Outgoing Telegram #1018. Fr: George Ball. 0469 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Kennedy. June 25,1963. 3pp. JFK#11. C. 9/10/76. | July 4,1963.1 p. JFK#3. S. 8/30/76. African Protest of Statements Made by Allen U.S. Position at UN Security Council Meeting J. Eilender. on Apartheid and Portuguese Territories in Africa. 0444 Africa•African Policy Committee, 0470 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. December 1962-June 1963. To: Dean Rusk. 0445 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. June 12,1963.2pp. JFK#3a. S. 10/27/76 IP. 0446 Subfile: "African Policy Committee." U.S. Policy toward South Africa. 0447 Note. Fr: J. Wayne Fredericks. To: Carl 0472 Memorandum. Fr: U. Alexis Johnson. Kaysen. To: Dean Rusk. December 28, 1962.1 p. JFK#1. June 14,1963.1p. JFK#3b. S. 10/27/76. "The Enclosed Paper May Be of Interest to U.S. Policy toward South Africa. You. Happy New Year!"

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0473 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: W. Avereil 0499 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. Harriman, U. Alexis Johnson, G. Mennen Kennedy. Williams, William R. Tyler, and Walt W. July 8, 1963. 1p. JFK#9. C. NA. Rostow. African Reactions to Kennedy's Civil Rights June 15, 1963.3pp. JFK#3c. S. 10/27/76. Message. U.S. Policy toward South Africa. 0500 Tab1.1p.JFK#NA. 0476 Letter. Fr: Adlai E. Stevenson. To: John F. 0501 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Kennedy. July 6, 1963. 7pp. JFK#9a. C. 3/9/76. June 26, 1963.3pp. JFK#3d. C. 3/9/76. African Reactions to Civil Rights in U.S. U.S. Position at UN Security Council Meeting 0508 Tab 2. 1p.JFK#NA. on Apartheid and Portuguese Territories in 0510 Outgoing Telegram #2177. Fr: Dean Rusk. Africa. To: All U.S. Diplomatic Posts. 0479 Outgoing Telegram #25. Fr: Dean Rusk. June 19, 1963. 4pp. JFK#9b. C. 3/9/76. To: U.S. Embassy, Pretoria. Effect of Domestic Racial Problems on U.S. July 5, 1963. 3pp. JFK#4. C. 10/27/76. Image Overseas. U.S. Position on Possible Expulsion of South 0514 Outgoing Telegram #2176. Fr: Dean Rusk. Africa from UN. To: All U.S. Diplomatic Posts. 0482 Tab 2. 1p.JFK#NA. June 19, 1963. 3pp. JFK#9c. C. 3/9/76. 0483 Tab3. 1p.JFK#NA. John F. Kennedy Asks Congress for New 0484 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. U.S. Civil Rights Legislation. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0517 Outgoing Telegram #2186. Fr: Dean Rusk. July 7, 1963.1p. JFK#5. C. 3/9/76. To: All U.S. Diplomatic Posts. Status Report of African Reactions to Civil June 19, 1963. 5pp. JFK#9d. C. 3/9/76. Rights in U.S. U.S. Position on Civil Rights. 0485 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0522 Tab3. 1p.JFK#NA. July 6, 1963. 7pp. JFK#5a. C. 3/9/76. 0523 Letter. Fr: Edward M. Korry. To: John F. African Reactions to Civil Rights in U.S. Kennedy. 0493 Memorandum. Fr: Harold Brown. To: Deputy June 28, 1963. 2pp. JFK#9e. C. 3/9/76. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Positive Impact of Kennedy's Civil Rights International Security Affairs. Statements in Ethiopia. July 8. 1963.1 p. JFK#6. S. 4/12/77. 0525 Department of State Airgram #A-636. U.S. Policy towards Portugal and South Fr: Edward M. Korry. To: Department of Africa. State. 0494 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Harold Brown. June 29, 1963. 3pp. JFK#9f. C. 3/9/76. To: Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Ethiopian Reaction to U.S. Racial Problems. for International Security Affairs. 0528 Newspaper Clipping. Fr: Ethiopian Herald. July 8, 1963.1p. JFK#6. S. 4/12/77. June 25, 1963.1p. JFK#9g. U.S. Policy towards Portugal and South John F. Kennedy's Radio and Television Africa. Address on Civil Rights. 0495 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0529 Newspaper Clipping. Fr: NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. NA. 1 p. JFK#9h. JulyS, 1963.1 p. JFK#7. Praise for John F. Kennedy's Stand on Civil Reactions to John F. Kennedy's Civil Rights Rights. Stand. 0530 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0497 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. July 9, 1963.1p.JFK#10. July 8, 1963.1p. JFK#8. C. 10/27/76. Reactions to John F. Kennedy's Civil Rights Boycott of American Independence Day Stand. Receptions in Africa by American Negro 0531 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Community. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0498 Tab 4. 1 p. JFK#NA. July 9, 1963.1p. JFK#11. Joseph C. Satterthwaite Returns to U.S. from South Africa for Consultations.

22 Africa/Reel 2 Frame Document Frame Document

0532 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0566 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. NA. 1p.JFK#11a. To: McGeorge Bundy. Biographical Sketch of Joseph C. July 12,1963.1p. JFK#20. C. 10/27/76. Satterthwaite, U.S. Ambassador to South Status Report of African Reactions to Civil Africa. Rights in U.S. 0533 Incoming Telegram #38. Fr: [?] Clark. 0567 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: Dean Rusk. July 12,1963. 4pp. JFK#20a. C. 11/8/76. July 9, t963. 5pp. JFK#12. C. 2/16/79. African Reactions to Civil Rights in U.S. U.S. Urges Voluntary Nonparticipation by 0571 Incoming Telegram #55. Fr: [?] Clark. South Africa in EGA to Avoid Expulsion from i To: Dean Rusk. UN. July 13,1963. 2pp. JFK#21. 0538 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge South African Police Arrest Black Opposition Bundy. Leaders and Their White Supporters. July 10, 1963. 1p. JFK#13. 0574 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. Message from Costa Rican President To: John F. Kennedy. Francisco Jose Orlich Bolmarcich and : July 13, 1963: ip.JFK#22. Reactions Abroad to U.S. Civil Rights Issue. U.S. Missile Tracking Station in South Africa. 0539 CIA Memorandum. Fr: CIA. To: NA. 0575 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. July 11,1963. 13pp. JFK#14. S. 5/21/76. To: Dean Rusk. African Heads of State Conference at Addis July 15, 1963. 1p. JFK#23. Ababa, Ethiopia, and Its Aftermath. African Policy Committee. 0552 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge 0576 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: NA. Bundy. NA. 1p.JFK#23a. July 11,1963. 1p.JFK#15. "Are You Ready to Name Someone?" Information on South Africa. 0577 Letter. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. 0553 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. June 21,1963. 1p. JFK#23b. LOU. NA. 3pp.JFK#15a. Response to Establishment of African Policy Data on Importance of U.S.-South African Committee. Economic Relations. 0578 Letter. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0556 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge June 20,1963. 2pp. JFK#23c. LOU. Bundy. Proposal for Creation of African Policy July 11,1963.1p. JFK#16. C. 8/30/76. Committee. . UN Security Council Meeting on Apartheid 0580 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. and Portuguese Territories in Africa. June 18,1963. 1p. JFK#23d. LOU. 0557 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Mandate and Functions of African Policy July 11,1963. 5pp. JFK#17. Committee. South African Plan for Development of 0581 Incoming Telegram #259. Fr: Charles E. Separate Semiautonomous Tribal Areas. Bohlen. To: Dean Rusk. 0562 Memorandum. Fr: Stewart L. Udall. July 16,1963. 2pp. JFK#25. C. 2/16/79. To: McGeorge Bundy. France Questions Advisability of Pursuing July 11, 1963.1p.JFK#18. Consultations on Security Council Resolution Information for John F. Kennedy for His Visit against Portugal. with President Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika. 0583 Incoming Telegram #156. Fr: [?] Yost. 0563 Letter. Fr: Stewart L Udall. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. June 28,1963. 1p. JFK#18a. July 17,1963. 2pp. JFK#26. C. 3/9/76. UdalPs Plans to Attend International Union for U.S. Position on UN Security Council Conservation of Nature and Natural Meeting on Apartheid and Portuguese Resources in Nairobi, Kenya. Territories in Africa. 0564 Outgoing Telegram #42. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0585 Incoming Telegram #123. Fr: Roger W. To: U.S. Embassy, Pretoria and U.S. Mission, Tubby. To: Dean Rusk. Geneva. July 22,1963. 1p. JFK#27. C. 3/9/76. July 11,1963. 2pp. JFK#19. C. 3/9/76. U.S. Efforts to Secure South Africa's U.S. Discusses Elements of Resolution Nonparticipation in UN Economic and Social Suspending South Africa from Participation in Council (ECOSOC) and EGA. EGA.

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0709 Algeria•April 24-30,1961. 0728 Outgoing Telegram #4506. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0710 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. 0711 CIA Memorandum. Fr: Allen Dulles. To: John April 24, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 2/15/77. F. Kennedy. French Press Report That General Maurice April 24, 1961. 4pp. [Note: Document Challe, Leader of French Army Insurgents in Retyped. Original First Page Included but Algeria, Had Asked John F. Kennedy for Unreadable.] JFK#1. S. 12/7/77. Support to Block Mediterranean to Situation in France and Algiers regarding Communists. Continuing Rebellion. 0730 Intelligence Information. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0715 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 3pp. JFK#3. S. 7/28/77 IP. NA. 1p.JFK#1a. French Military Insurgent Control of Algeria French Army Distribution as of April 24,1961. and Fears That Insurrection Will Spread to 0716 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. Mainland France. NA. 1p.JFK#1b. French Transport Aircraft Available in Algeria 0734 Algeria•May 1961. according to October 1960 Figures. 0735 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0717 Intelligence Information. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0736 Outgoing Telegram #4658. Fr: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p. JFK#1c. S. 7/28/77 IP. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. Algerian Coup Attempt by French Army May 2, 1961. 2pp. JFK#1. S. 4/5/77. Troops Led by Colonel Guirand. Concern over French Accusations of U.S. 0718 Intelligence Information. Fr: NA. To: NA. Encouragement of Rebellious Generals in NA.2pp.JFK#1d. Algeria. Opposition of French Army and Air Force 0738 Incoming Telegram #4793. Fr: James M. President Charles de Gaulle Due to His Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Policies on Algeria. May 3, 1961. 3pp. JFK#2. S. 4/5/77. 0720 Intelligence Information. Fr: NA. To: NA. French Comment on Alleged U.S. Role in NA. 1p. JFK#1e. S. 7/28/77 IP. Attempted Coup of French Army In Algeria. Situation in Algiers in Wake of Military Coup 0741 Incoming Telegram #4829. Fr: James M. by French General Maurice Challe. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. 0721 Intelligence Information. Fr: NA. To: NA. May5, 1961. 1p. JFK#3. C. 4/5/77. NA. 1p. JFK#1f. S. 7/28/77 IP. Meeting between Gavin and Maurice Couve French Army Insurgents' Control of Algeria. de Murville, French Foreign Minister, 0722 Intelligence Information. Fr: NA. To: NA. regarding Alleged CIA Involvement in French NA. 1p.JFK#1g. Army Insurrection in Algeria. Question of Loyalty of French Troops In 0742 Memorandum. Fr: J. S. Earman. Germany during Algerian Army Coup. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0723 Intelligence Information. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#4. NA. 1p. JFK#1 h. S. 7/28/77 IP. 'The Director Asked That I Forward Two French President Charles de Gaulle Calls for Attached Copies of Report Which Is Being Activation of France's Alert Plans in Disseminated to Members of USIB. He Response to Algerian Army Coup. Thought That President and You Might Find 0724 Intelligence Information. Fr: NA. To: NA. This of Interest." NA. 1 p. JFK#1 i. S. 7/28/77 IP. 0743 CIA Memorandum. Fr: CIA. To: NA. Attempts to Get Arms from French Ministry of May 22,1961.11 pp. JFK#4a. S. 2/7/77 IP. Interior for Paramilitary Organizations in Report on French Army Mutiny in Algeria and France. Its Consequences. 0726 Intelligence Information. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0754 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. NA. 2pp. JFK#1j. S. 7/28/77 IP. To: NA. Possible Attack on Mainland France and September 14,1961. 2pp. JFK#10a. Paris by French Army Insurgents in Algeria. C. 3/14/78. Discussion between Mohieddine Fekini, Libyan Ambassador to U.S., and John F. Kennedy regarding Libya's Role in Algerian Situation.

26 Algeria/Reel 2 Frame Document Frame Document

0756 Algeria•June 1961 -September 1961. 0782 Letter. Fr: Walter N. Walmsley. To: McGeorge 0757 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Bundy. 0759 Incoming Airgram #G-2000. Fr: James M. September 11, 1961. 1 p. JFK#9. C. 2/14/77. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Possible Contact between U.S. and June 21, 1961.2pp. JFK#1. C. 2/14/77. Provisional Government of Algeria. Alain Peyrefitte, Deputy of French Union for 0783 Subfile: "President and Ambassador New Republic (UNR), Comments on Feklni of Libya, September 14,1963." internationalization of Algerian Conflict. 1p.JFK#10. 0761 Incoming Airgram #G-130. Fr: [?] Johnson. 0784 Incoming Telegram #1517. Fr: James M. To: Dean Rusk. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. June 23, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 3/14/78. September 19,1961. 1p. JFK#11. S. 2/14/77. Continuing Malaise of French Army in Algeria French Concern over Implications of U.S. following Collapse of Army Rebellion and Negotiations with Algerian FLN and Unilateral French Interruption of Offensive Provisional Government. Military Operations. 0785 Incoming Telegram #124. Fr: William J. 0763 Incoming Telegram #479. Fr: William J. Porter. To: Dean Rusk. Porter. To: Dean Rusk. September 20, 1961. 2pp. JFK#12. June 28, 1961. 3pp. JFK#3. C. 2/14/77. S. 2/14/77. Points regarding Algerian Situation Made by Violence between European and Moslem French President Charles de Gaulle. Communities in Algeria. 0766 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0787 Algeria•October 1961-November Augusts, 1961. 1p.JFK#4. 1961. Status of Algerian Problem. 0788 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0767 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0789 Mandatory Review Classification Notice. 1 p. NA. 2pp. JFK#4a. C. 2/14/77. 0790 Incoming Telegram #1796. Fr: James M. Negotiations between France and Provisional Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Government of Algeria. October 3,1961. 3pp. JFK#1. C. 4/6/77. 0769 Incoming Telegram #1104. Fr: James M. French President Charles de Gaulle's Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Speech on French Policy and Objectives in August 29,1961. 2pp. JFK#5. S. 2/14/77. Algeria. Discussions with French Foreign Minister 0793 Incoming Telegram #151. Fr: William J. Maurice Couve de Murville regarding Porter. To: Dean Rusk.

"i Leadership of Algerian FLN and Provisional October 5,1961. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 4/6/77. Government. French President Charles de Gaulle 0771 Incoming Telegram #1138. Fr: James M. Announces Intention of Placing Local Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Security Force at Disposition of Provisional August 30, 1961. 4pp. JFK#6. S. 2/14/77. Algerian Authorities. Discussions with Louis Joxe, French Minister 0795 Incoming Airgram #A-46. Fr: William J. for Algerian Affairs, regarding Political Porter. To: Dean Rusk. Situation in Algeria and Prospects for October 12, 1961. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 4/6/77. Reopening Negotiations with Provisional Factors Leading U.S. to Conclude Decisive Algerian Government. Moment in Struggle between French 0775 Incoming Telegram #1189. Fr: James M. Government and OAS Had Arrived. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. 0797 Outgoing Telegram #2432. Fr: Dean Rusk. September 1,1961.4pp. JFK#7. S. 2/14/77. To: U.S. Embassies, Paris, Tunis, and Rabat French Minister of Algerian Affairs Louis and U.S. Consulate, Algiers. Joxe's Negotiations with Algerian FLN. October 26,1961. 4pp. JFK#4. S. 4/6/77. 0779 Incoming Telegram #1197. Fr: James M. U.S. Policy in Algerian Situation. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. 0801 Memorandum. Fr: Major Dalton. To: General September 2, 1961. 2pp. JFK#8. S. 2/14/77. Clifton. Discussions with French President Charles October 31,1961.1 p. JFK#5. de Gaulle regarding Algerian Situation. Algerians Being Treated in U.S. for Wounds Inflicted in Algerian Revolt.

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0802 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0825 Copy of Outgoing Telegram #3417. To: McGeorge Bundy. Fr: George Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. November 1, 1961.1 p. JFK#6. OUO. December 15,1961.1p. JFK#1. C. 4/5/77. Treatment of Severely Wounded Algerian U.S. Investigation into Contributions to OAS Veterans in U.S. by Unidentified Source. 0803 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0826 Incoming Telegram #3085. Fr: James M. NA. 1p.JFK#6a.OUO. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Treatment of Severely Wounded Algerian December 14,1961.1p. JFK#1a. C. 4/5/77. Veterans in U.S. Rumors That John Birch Society Intends to 0804 Incoming Telegram #641. Fr: Walter N. Provide Financial Aid to OAS Extremists. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0827 Incoming Telegram #284. Fr: William J. November 5, 1961. 4pp. JFK#7. S. 4/6/77. Porter. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Evaluation of Political Situation in December 18,1961.1p. JFK#2. OUO. Algeria. Press Reports of Announcement by French 0806 Incoming Telegram #2475. Fr: James M. President Charles de Gaulle of Resumption Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. of Negotiations with Provisional Algerian November 8, 1961. 1p. JFK#8. C. 4/6/77. Government. French President Charles de Gaulle's Efforts 0828 Incoming Telegram #3205. Fr: James M. to Move towards Algerian Settlement. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. 0810 Outgoing Telegram #2904. Fr: Dean Rusk. December 22, 1961. 2pp. JFk#3. C. 4/5/77. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. U.S. Government Informs French November 18, 1961. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 4/6/77. Ambassador That State Department Will No Arab Ask U.S. to Help Solve Longer Refuse to See Provisional Algerian Hunger Strike of Algerian Prisoners in Government Officials. France. 0830 Incoming Telegram #3250. Fr: James M. 0812 Outgoing Telegram #2918. Fr: Dean Rusk. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. December 28,1961.1p. JFK#4. C. 4/5/77. November 20, 1961. 1p. JFK#10. S. 4/6/77. French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de U.S. Discussions with France regarding Murville Asks U.S. State Department to Future Policy toward Algeria. Temporarily Refrain from Meeting with 0813 Incoming Telegram #2759. Fr: James M. Provisional Algerian Government Officials. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. 0831 Incoming Telegram. Fr: CIA. To: Bromley K. November 24, 1961. 2pp. JFK#11. C. 4/6/77. Smith. Speech by French President Charles de Januarys, 1962.1p. JFK#5a. S. 12/13/77. Gaulle Gives New Sense of Mission to Report of Possible OAS Attack on French French Armed Forces. Army Garrisons. 0815 Incoming Telegram #2836. Fr: James M. 0832 John F. Kennedy Library Note. 1 p. JFK#6. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. 'There Is No Document #6." November 30, 1961. 6pp. JFK#12. S. 4/6/77. 0833 CIA Memorandum. Fr: CIA. To: NA. U.S. Embassy Views on Relation of Algerian January 5, 1962. 6pp. JFK#7. NA. 9/7/77 IP. Settlement to France's Future Role in Reports of Imminent OAS Military Attacks on Western Alliance. French Army Garrisons. 0839 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. 0821 Algeria•December 1961-January To: General Clifton. 1962. January 6,1962.1p. JFK#8. S. 12/13/77. 0822 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Report of Possible OAS Attack on French 0824 Outgoing Telegram #3417. Fr: George Ball. Army Garrisons. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. 0840 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: Carl Kaysen. December 15, 1961. 1p. JFK#1. C. 4/5/77. NA. 1p.JFK#9. U.S. Investigation into Contributions to OAS "Mr. Helms's Office Calls Your Attention to by Unidentified Source. This One."

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0841 CIA Information Report #TDCS DB-3/ 0879 Draft Press Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. 649,132. Fr: CIA. To: NA. NA. 1 p. JFK#4b. C. 4/5/77. January 18,1962. 3pp. JFK#9a. NA. 9/7/77 Conclusion of Cease-fire Agreement between IP. France and Algerian FLN. Status of Provisional Algerian Government's 0880 Memorandum. Fr: Robert W. Komer. Negotiations with Government of France. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0844 Incoming Telegram #3503. Fr: James M. February 5, 1962.1p. JFK#5. C. 2/15/77. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Reaction to Possible Algerian January 19,1962. 3pp. JFK#10. C. 4/5/77. Settlement. Desirability of Raising Question with France 0881 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. of Long-Term Aspects of U.S. Aid to Algeria To: McGeorge Bundy. or Multilateral Approach on Aid. February 2, 1962.1p. JFK#5a. C. 4/5/77. 0847 CIA Information Report #TDCS DB-3/ Suggested Text for Use in Event of Algerian 649,153. Fr: CIA. To: NA. Cease-fire Agreement. January 19,1962. 3pp. JFK#11. NA. 9/7/77 0882 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Charles IP. de Gaulle. Status of Provisional Algerian Government's NA. 1 p. JFK#4a. C. 4/5/77. Negotiations with Government of France. Algerian Cease-fire and Settlement. 0850 Incoming Telegram #3632. Fr: James M. 0883 Draft Press Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. NA.1 p. JFK#4b.C. 4/5/77. January 27,1962. 4pp. JFK#12. S. 4/5/77. Conclusion of Cease-fire Agreement between Status of Negotiations between France and France and Algerian FLN. Provisional Algerian Government. 0884 Memorandum. Fr: Robert W. Komer. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0854 Algeria•February 1-14,1962. February 9,1962.1p. JFK#6. S. 4/5/77. 0855 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. White House Statement at Time of Algerian 0856 Incoming Telegram #2640. Fr: Adlai E. Cease-fire. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0885 Incoming Telegram #3779. Fr: James M. February 2,1962.1 p. JFK#2. C. 4/5/77. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Algerian FLN Representative Abdelkader February 8,1962.1p. JFK#6a. C. 4/5/77. Chanderli Discusses Status of Negotiations French Suspicion of U.S. Support of OAS in with France. Effort to Block Implementation of Settlement 0857 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. in Algeria. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0886 Incoming Telegram #3877. Fr: James M. February 2,1962.1 p. JFK#3. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Tuesday Planning Group Meeting on Algeria February 14,1962. 1p. JFK#7. C. 4/5/77. and Punta del Este Conference, February 6, Possibility of Algerian Settlement. 1962. 0887 Outgoing Telegram #4401. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0858 Draft Report. Fr: W. R. Polk. To: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. January 30,1962. 18pp. JFK#3a. S. 4/5/77. February 14,1962. 1p. JFK#8. S. 4/5/77. Objectives of U.S. Policy in Algeria in 1962. Official U.S. Reaction to French Reports of 0876 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. American Involvement in OAS Activities in To: McGeorge Bundy. Algeria. February 2,1962.1p. JFK#4. C. 4/5/77. Suggested Text for Use in Event of Algerian 0888 Algeria•February 15-28,1962. Cease-fire Agreement. 0889 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. 0877 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Charles 0892 Outgoing Telegram #4419. Fr: Dean Rusk. de Gaulle. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris and U.S. Consulate, NA.1 p. JFK#4a.C. 4/5/77. Algiers. Algerian Cease-fire and Settlement. February 15, 1962. 3pp. JFK#1. C. 2/21/78. 0878 Handwritten List. Fr: NA. To: NA. U.S. Public Statement on Algerian Cease-fire NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Agreement. List of Objectives.

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0895 Incoming Telegram #388. Fr: William J. 0911 Incoming Telegram #407. Fr: William J. Porter. To: Dean Rusk. Porter. To: Dean Rusk. February 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 2/21/78. February 23,1962.1p. JFK#10. S. 2/21/78. U.S. Comments on Algerian Cease-fire French Reluctance to Discuss Problems of Agreement. Future U.S. Aid to Algeria. 0897 Incoming Telegram #3912. Fr: James M. 0912 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. February 17,1962. 3pp. JFK#3. C. 2/21 /78. February 23,1962.1p. JFK#11. Tone of U.S. Public Statement on Algerian Standby Oral Messages from John F. Cease-fire Agreement. Kennedy to Algerian FLN Leader Ben 0900 Incoming Telegram #3947. Fr: James M. Youssef Ben Khedda and French President Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Charles de Gaulle. . February 20,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. S. 2/21/78. 0913 Telegraph Branch Work Copy. Fr: NA. Discussions with French Foreign Minister To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. Maurice Couve de Murville regarding U.S. February 22,1962. 3pp. JFK#11a. Relations with Algeria after Settlement. S. 2/21/78. 0902 Incoming Telegram #3957. Fr: James M. Standby Oral Messages from John F. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy to Algerian FLN Leader Ben February 20,1962. 1p. JFK#5. S. 2/21/78. Youssef Ben Khedda and French President Discussions with French President Charles Charles de Gaulle. de Gaulle regarding Algerian Settlement and 0916 Telegraph Branch Work Copy. Fr: NA. Possible U.S. Assistance to New Nation. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. 0903 Incoming Telegram #2830. Fr: Adlai E. February 22,1962.1p. JFK#11b. S. 2/21/78. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Message from John F. Kennedy to French February 20,1962. 1p. JFK#6. C. 2/21/78. President Charles de Gaulle on Date Set for Franco-Algerian Accord and Announcement of Algerian Cease-fire Return of Algerian President Ahmed Ben Agreement. Bella to Algeria. 0917 Memorandum and Copy. Fr: Robert W. 0904 Incoming Telegram #2850. Fr: Adlai E. Komer. To: McGeorge Bundy. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. February 23,1962.1p. JFK#12. February 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 2/21/78. White House Statement on Signing of Possible Repercussions in UN of Franco- Algerian Cease-fire Agreement. Algerian Settlement. 0918 Draft Statement. Fr: W. Whitman. To: NA. 0906 Incoming Telegram #2856. Fr: Adlai E. February 23,1962.1p. JFK#12a. C. 2/21/78. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Statement in Event of Cease-fire February 21,1962. 3pp. JFK#8. C. 2/21/78 Agreement in Algeria. IP. 0920 Outgoing Telegram #4568. Fr: Dean Rusk. Discussion as to Whether Independent To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. Algeria Intends to Vote with Casablanca February 23,1962.1p. JFK#13. C. 2/21/78. Group in UN General Assembly. U.S. Public Statement on Announcement of 0909 Handwritten Note. Fr: Robert W. Komer. Algerian Cease-fire Agreement. To: Bromley K. Smith. 0921 Outgoing Telegram #4554. Fr: Dean Rusk. February 21,1962. 1p. JFK#9. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. Discussion over Clearance of Unidentified February 22, 1962.1p. JFK#14. NA. 2/21/78. Document. Message from John F. Kennedy to French 0910 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. President Charles de Gaulle on Kennedy. Announcement of Algerian Cease-fire February 20,1962. 1p. JFK#9a. S. 2/21/78. Agreement. Use of U.S. Military Forces and Facilities for Emergency Evacuation of U.S. Citizens from Algeria.

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0922 Incoming Telegram #4004. Fr: James M. 0932 Outgoing Telegram #4419. Fr: Dean Rusk. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris and U.S. Consulate, February 24,1962.1p. JFK#15. S. 2/21/78. Algiers. Discussions with French Foreign Minister February 15,1962. 3pp. JFK#2d. C. 2/21/78. Maurice Couve de Murville regarding White House Public Statement in Event of Possible U.S. Cooperation with France on Cease-fire Agreement in Algeria. Program of Assistance to New Algerian 0935 Outgoing Telegram #515. Fr: Dean Rusk. Government. To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. 0923 Outgoing Telegram #NA. Fr: McGeorge February 22,1962. 3pp. JFK#2e. S. 2/21/78. Bundy. To: Andrew Hatcher and Col. John F. Kennedy's Message to Algerian FLN Geoffrey McHugh. Leader Ben Youssef Ben Khedda on Algerian NA. 1p.JFK#16. C. 2/21/78. Cease-fire Agreement. John F. Kennedy's Statement on Signing of 0938 Incoming Telegram #912. Fr: Walter N. Franco-Algerian Cease-fire Agreement. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0924 Incoming Telegram #416. Fr: William J. March 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. S. 2/21/78. Porter. To: Dean Rusk. Provisional Algerian Government Agrees to February 27, 1962. 1 p. JFK#17. C. 2/21/78. Proceed with Public Negotiations with "We Believe Statement Appropriate and France. Useful as Drafted. OAS Resentment 0940 Incoming Telegram #426. Fr: William J. Possible, but We Have No Change to Porter. To: Dean Rusk. Suggest on That Account." March 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. S. 2/24/78 IP. 0925 Incoming Telegram #4040. Fr: [?] Lyon. Information on OAS Activities in Algeria. To: Dean Rusk. 0942 Incoming Telegram #4135. Fr: James M. February 27,1962.1p. JFK#18. S. 2/21/78. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. French Government Informed of John F. March 5,1962.1p. JFK#5. C. 2/21/78. Kennedy's Message to Algerian FLN Leader Suggestion That U.S. Avoid Recognizing Ben Youssef Ben Khedda. OAS in Government Documents due to French Attitude. 0926 Algeria•March 1-9,1962. 0943 Incoming Telegram #4138. Fr: James M. 0927 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. 0928 Outgoing Telegram #4677. Fr: Dean Rusk. March 5,1962.1p. JFK#6. C. 2/21/78. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. "Possible Course of Action Referenced March 1, 1962.1p. JFK#1. S. 2/21/78. Telegram Discussed March 5 with Algeria John F. Kennedy's Message to Algerian FLN Liaison Section Foreign Office Which Found Leader Ben Youssef Ben Khedda on It Satisfactory So Far as Government of Successful Conclusion of Algerian Cease-fire France Concerned." Agreement. 0944 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. 0929 Draft Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: Pierre Salinger. NA. 1 p. JFK#2a.C. 2/21/78. March 5,1962.1p.JFK#7. U.S. Public Statement in Event of Cease-fire Proposed U.S. Statement in Event of Cease- Accord on Algeria. fire Accord in Algeria. 0930 White House Outgoing Message. 0945 Draft Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Andrew Hatcher NA. 1 p. JFK#7b.C. 2/21/78. and Col. Godfrey McHugh. U.S. Public Statement in Event of Cease-fire February 24,1962.1p. JFK#2b. C. 2/21/78. Accord in Algeria. John F. Kennedy's Public Statement in Event 0946 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. of Cease-fire Accord on Algeria. To: Lucius D. Battle. 0931 Draft Statement. Fr: W. Whitman. To: NA. March 5,1962.1p.JFK#8. February 23, 1962.1p. JFK#2c. C. 2/21/78. Proposed U.S. Statement in Event of Cease- U.S. Public Statement in Event of Cease-fire fire Accord in Algeria. Accord on Algeria. 0947 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Pierre Salinger. March 5,1962. 1p.JFK#8a. Proposed U.S. Statement in Event of Cease- fire Accord in Algeria.

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0948 Draft Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0961 Department of State Airgram #A-156. NA. 1p. JFK#8c.C. 2/21/78. Fr: Graham A. Martin. To: Department of U.S. Public Statement in Event of Cease-fire State. Accord in Algeria. March 9, 1962. 5pp. JFK#20. C. 2/21/78. 0949 Incoming Telegram #4149. Fr: James M. Role of International Agencies in Algerian Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Assistance Programs. March 6, 1962. 2pp. JFK#10. S. 2/21/78 IP. Condition of French Military Units in Algeria. 0966 Algeria•March 10-15,1962. 0951 Incoming Telegram #2986. Fr: Adlai E. 0967 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0968 Incoming Telegram #1525. Fr: Phillip W. March 6, 1962. 1p. JFK#11. S. 2/21/78. Bonsai. To: Dean Rusk. Possible Luncheon Invitation to Algerian FLN March 10, 1962.1p. JFK#1. S. 10/11/77. Representative Abdelkader Chanderli. French Security Arrangements for Return of 0952 Incoming Telegram #4202. Fr: James M. Algerian President Ahmed Ben Bella to Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Morocco. March 8, 1962. 1p. JFK#12. S. 2/21/78. 0969 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Possible Date for Signing of Cease-fire To: McGeorge Bundy. Agreement between France and Algeria. March 10, 1962.1p. JFK#2. S. 10/11/77. 0953 Incoming Telegram #3015. Fr: [?] Yost. Proposed U.S. Statement in Event of Cease- To: Dean Rusk. fire Accord in Algeria. March 8, 1962. 2pp. JFK#13. C. 2/21/78 IP. 0970 Outgoing Telegram #4677. Fr: Dean Rusk. Negotiations regarding French Declaration of To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. Intentions with respect to Algeria. March 1, 1962. 1p. JFK#2e. S. 2/21/78. 0955 Incoming Telegram #442. Fr: William J. Message from John F. Kennedy to Algerian Porter. To: Dean Rusk. FLN Leader Ben Youssef Ben Khedda on March 9,1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 2/21/78 IP. Successful Conclusion of Algerian Cease-fire Letter Dealing with OAS Leader Raoul Salan Agreement. and OAS Intentions in Algeria. 0971 Incoming Telegram #448. Fr: William J. 0956 Incoming Telegram #444. Fr: William J. Porter. To: Dean Rusk. Porter. To: Dean Rusk. March 12, 1962. 5pp. JFK#3. C. 10/11/77. March 9, 1962. 1p. JFK#16. C. 2/21/78. Franco-Algerian Cease-fire Negotiations. Suggestion for Increased Algerian FLN 0976 Incoming Telegram #450. Fr: William J. Control over Moslem Masses. Porter. To: Dean Rusk. 0957 Incoming Telegram #4216. Fr: James M. March 13, 1962. 3pp. JFK#4. C. 10/11/77. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. OAS Leader Raoul Salan's Message to March 9, 1962. 1p. JFK#17. C. 2/21/78. Heads of State of U.S., Great Britain, and New Algerian FLN Demands in Cease-fire Italy. Negotiations with France. 0979 Incoming Telegram #458. Fr: William J. 0958 Incoming Telegram #4223. Fr: James M. Porter. To: Dean Rusk. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. March 14, 1962. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 10/11/77. March 9, 1962. 1p. JFK#18. C. 2/21/78. Information regarding Activation of French Greek Embassy Inquiry regarding U.S. Force Locale to Serve under Algerian FLN's Messages of Congratulations to Algerian FLN Provisional Executive. and French Government following Cease-fire 0981 Incoming Telegram #935. Fr: Walter N. Agreement. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0959 Department of State Airgram #A-142. March 14, 1962.1p. JFK#6. S. 2/24/78 IP. Fr: William J. Porter. To: Department of State. Date Set for Signing of Algerian Cease-fire March 9,1962. 2pp. JFK#19. C. 2/21/78. Agreement. U.S. Contacts with Algerian Provisional 0982 Incoming Telegram #4297. Fr: James M. Executive. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. March 14, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 10/11/77. Foreign Embassy Inquiries regarding U.S. Message of Felicitation to France and Algerian FLN on Conclusion of Hostilities.

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0984 Incoming Telegram #936. Fr: Walter N. 0997 Outgoing Telegram #546. Fr: George Ball. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. * To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. March 14,1962. 2pp. JFK#9. S. 10/11/77. March 15, 1962.1p. JFK#17. S. 10/11/77. Agreement between Provisional Algerian U.S. Reviews Terms of Algerian Cease-fire Government and France regarding Return of Agreement before Issuing Instructions to Algerian Refugees from Tunisia and Embassies. Morocco. 0986 Memorandum. Fr: Melvin Manfull. To: Bromley K. Smith. Reels March 14,1962.1p. JFK#10. Anticipated Announcement of Algerian Angola Cease-fire. Source and Editorial Note. 1p. 0987 Incoming Telegram #4297. Fr: James M. Folder Title List. 9pp. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. March 14,1962.2pp. JFK#10b. C. 10/11/77. 0001 Angola•January 1961-June 1961. Foreign Embassy Inquiries regarding U.S. 0002 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Message of Felicitation to France and 0005 Memorandum. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: John Algerian FLN on Conclusion of Hostilities. F. Kennedy. 0989 Incoming Telegram #460. Fr: William J. April 20,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 4/18/76. Porter. To: Dean Rusk. Use of U.S. Military Forces and Facilities for March 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#11. C. 10/11/77. Emergency Evacuation of U.S. Citizens from OAS Intentions on Eve of Expected Cease- Angola. fire Proclamation in Algeria. 0006 Outgoing Telegram #669. Fr: Chester 0991 Incoming Telegram #4311. Fr: James M. Bowles. To: U.S. Embassies, and Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Leopoldville. March 15,1962.1p. JFK#12. OUO. May 8,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/18/76. Rumors of Appointment of French General State Department Orders U.S. Embassy, Pierre Billotte as French High Commissioner Leopoldville Not to Initiate Further Contacts in Algeria. with UPA Leader Holden Roberto. 0992 Incoming Telegram #4314. Fr: James M. 0007 Outgoing Telegram #1649. Fr: Dean Rusk. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. March 15,1962.2pp. JFK#13. C. 10/11/77. May 23,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 5/18/76. Cease-fire Negotiations between France and Question of U.S. Support for Angolan Algerian FLN. Insurgents. 0994 Incoming Telegram #1550. Fr: Phillip W. 0009 Incoming Telegram #820. Fr: C. Burke Bonsai. To: Dean Rusk. Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. March 15,1962.1p. JFK#14. S. 10/11/77. May 1,1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 5/18/76. U.S. Agrees to Refrain from Meeting with Portugal Claims Knowledge of Close Provisional Algerian Government Relationship between U.S. Embassy, Representatives until Normal Relations Leopoldville and UPA Leader Holden Established. Roberto. 0995 Incoming Telegram #940. Fr: Walter N. 0010 Incoming Telegram #1590. Fr: Thomas K. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Finletter. To: Dean Rusk. March 15,1962.1 p. JFK#15. C. 2/24/78 IP. May 19, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 5/18/76. Tunisian Government Planning for U.S. Denies Portuguese Charges of Giving Prospective Release of Algerian President Aid to Angolan Terrorists at North Atlantic Ahmed Ben Bella. Council (NAG) Meeting. 0996 Incoming Telegram #941. Fr: Walter N. 0011 Incoming Telegram #905. Fr: C. Burke Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. March 15,1962.1p. JFK#16. C. 10/11/77. May 18, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. S. 5/18/76. Provisional Algerian Government Expresses Discussions with Portuguese Foreign Regrets over Lack of British and U.S. Minister Franco Nogueira regarding Reports Representation at Airport Departure of of Foreign Participation in Acts of Terrorism in Algerian Ministers. Northern Angola.

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0012 Incoming Telegram #920. Fr: C. Burke 0031 Memorandum. Fr: Kenneth R. Hansen. To: G. Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. Mennen Williams. May 20,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 5/18/76. June 21, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 12/22/76. U.S. Denies Giving Aid to Angolan Terrorists. Draft of "Need for Action" Section for 0014 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Consideration by U.S. Angola Task Force. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. NA. IP. 0032 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Biographical Sketch of Haldane Roberto NA. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 1 /30/79. (Holden Roberto). Situation in Portuguese Africa. 0016 Outgoing Telegram #2362. Fr: Chester 0036 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Bowles. To: U.S. Mission to UN. NA. 6pp. JFK#NA. S. 1/30/79. May 31, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/18/76. Recommendations for Action, regarding Preliminary Guidance regarding Possible UN Reforms in Portuguese Territories in Africa. Security Cou ncil Meeting on Angola. 0042 Memorandum. Fr: Kenneth R. Hansen. 0018 Incoming Telegram #3242. Fr: Adlai E. To: Director [?] and McGeorge Bundy. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. June 28, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. S. 12/22/76. June 2,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. NA. IP. U.S. Task Force on Portuguese Territories in UN Security Council Resolution on Africa. Portuguese Territories in Africa. 0044 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. 0020 Outgoing Telegram #2406. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: U.S. Mission to UN. June 29, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. NA. IP. June 7,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/18/76. U.S. Task Force on Portuguese Territories in U.S. Maneuverability and Leverage in UN Africa Discusses Difference between State Security Council Resolution regarding and Defense Departments regarding Azores Angola. Base. 0022 Outgoing Telegram #774. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0046 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: U.S. Embassy, Lisbon. To: McGeorge Bundy and Walt W. Rostow. June 7,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/18/76. June 30, 1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 3/17/76. Letter from Rusk to Portuguese Foreign Kenneth Hansen Discusses Problems of U.S. Minister Franco Nogueira regarding Greater Task Force on Portuguese Territories with G. Autonomy for Portuguese Territories in Africa. Mennen Williams. 0025 Outgoing Telegram #775. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Lisbon. 0047 Angola•July 1961. June 7,1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. S. 5/18/76. 0048 List of Unclassified Documents. 1p. Discussions between U.S. Ambassador C. 0049 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Burke Elbrick and Portuguese Foreign 0051 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. Minister Franco Nogueira regarding To: McGeorge Bundy. Portuguese Territories in Africa. July 4,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 5/9/79. 0026 Incoming Telegram #998. Fr: C. Burke Background Information for Bundy's Meeting Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. with G. Mennen Williams regarding U.S. Task June 8,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/18/76. Force on Angola. Discussions with Portuguese Foreign 0053 Report. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: NA. Minister Franco Nogueira regarding U.S. July 2,1961. 15pp. JFK#NA. S. 5/9/79 IP. Position on Portuguese Territories in Africa. Report of Chairman of Task Force on 0028 Incoming Telegram #4994. Fr: David K. E. Portuguese Territories in Africa. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. 0068 Report. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: NA. June 8,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. NA. IP. July 4,1961. 20pp. JFK#NA. S. 5/9/79 IP. U.S. Agrees to Vote Affirmatively on Angola Report and Recommendations of Chairman Resolution in UN Security Council. of Task Force on Portuguese Territories in 0030 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. Africa. To: McGeorge Bundy and Walt W. Rostow. 0088 Outgoing Telegram #17. Fr: Dean Rusk. June 21, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 8/30/76. To: U.S. Embassy, Lisbon. First Meeting of U.S. Angola Task Force. July 6,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/21/76. Appointment with Portuguese Premier Antonio de Oliveira Salazar regarding Portuguese Territories in Africa.

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0091 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. 0121 Incoming Telegram #124. Fr: C. Burke To: McGeorge Bundy and Walt W. Rostow. Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. July 10, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 5/9/79. July 22, 1961. 4pp. [Note: Includes Corrected Policy Planning Group Meeting on Retention Page 1.] JFK#NA. C. 5/21/76. of U.S. Azores Base Rights, July 11,1961. Meeting with Portuguese Premier Antonio de 0092 Incoming Telegram #51. Fr: C. Burke Elbrick. Oliveira Salazar regarding UN Interference in To: Dean Rusk. Portuguese Rule in Africa. July 11, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/21/76. 0125 Memorandum. Fr: C. V. Clifton. To: Maxwell Portuguese Foreign Minister Franco D. Taylor. Nogueira Accuses U.S. of Being Chief July 27, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. Architect of Portugal's Difficulties in Africa. The President Read Attached Report and 0095 Department of State Intelligence Note. Made No Additional Comment. Is There Any Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: Dean Rusk. Followup Necessary from Mr. Bundy's Staff." July 12, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/21/76. 0126 Memorandum. Fr: Maxwell D. Taylor. Angola and Portuguese Territories in Asia. To: John F. Kennedy. 0097 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. July 21, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. July 12, 1961. 9pp. JFK#NA. S. NA. IP. Angolan Students in France and . U.S. Efforts to Persuade Portuguese Premier 0127 Incoming Telegram #31. Fr: Graham A. Antonio de Oliveira Salazar to Make Reforms Martin. To: Dean Rusk. in Portugal's African Territories. July 10, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. 0106 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. To: John Angolan Students Studying in Portugal Seek F. Kennedy. Political Asylum in France and Switzerland. July 14, 1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 1/30/79 IP. 0128 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Dean Acheson. Background Meeting for Kennedy's Meeting NA. 1 p. JFK#NA. NA. 6/6/76. on July 14,1961, with Dean Rusk and Robert Review of U.S. Policy toward Portugal and S. McNamara on Angola Problem. Angola. 0110 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. To: John 0129 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Dean Acheson. F. Kennedy. NA. 1p. JFK#NA. NA. 6/6/76. July 14, 1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 1/30/79 IP. Review of U.S. Policy toward Portugal and Background Meeting for Kennedy's Meeting Angola. on July 14,1961, with Dean Rusk and Robert 0130 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. S. McNamara on Angola Problem. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0114 Incoming Telegram #73. Fr: C. Burke Elbrick. July 28, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. To: Dean Rusk. Angolan Students. July 15, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/21/76. 0131 Memorandum. Fr: Francis P. Miller. Portuguese Premier Antonio de Oliveira To: Samuel E. Belk. Salazar's Reply to U.S. Appeal for Reform in July 26, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/21/76. Portugal's African Territories. Report on Sixty-one Angolan Students in 0117 Incoming Telegram #93. Fr: C. Burke Elbrick. France and Switzerland. To: Dean Rusk. 0132 Outgoing Telegram #125. Fr: Dean Rusk. July 18,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/21/76. To: U.S. Embassy, Lisbon. Discussions with Portuguese Premier July 28, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/16/76. Antonio de Oliveira Salazar regarding Use of U.S. Military Assistance Program Portugal's Request for U.S. Material Equipment in Portuguese Territories in Africa. Assistance for Portuguese Africa. 0135 Outgoing Telegram #531. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0119 Incoming Telegram #102. Fr:[?] Greene. To: U.S. Embassy, London. To: Dean Rusk. July 31,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/21/76. July 22, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/21/76. Request for Meeting between Nigerian Meeting with Nigerian Foreign Minister Jaja Foreign Minister Jaja Wachuku and Wachuku regarding Angola. Portuguese Leaders in London to Discuss Angolan Situation.

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0137 Angola•Presidential Task Force 0271 Outgoing Telegram #171. Fr: Dean Rusk. on Portuguese Territories In Africa, To: U.S. Embassy, Lisbon. July 12,1961. August 11, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 5/28/76. 0138 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. U.S. Approach to Vatican regarding 0139 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Developments in Angola. July 12, 1961. 92pp. JFK#NA. S. 12/9/76 IP. 0272 Incoming Telegram #228. Fr: C. Burke Presidential Task Force on Portuguese Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. Territories in Africa [Political Situation in August 14, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/28/76. Portugal and Portuguese Africa; Economic Meeting with Portuguese Foreign Minister Relations between Portugal and Her African Franco Nogueira regarding Possible Publicity Territories; U.S. Military Interests in Portugal on U.S. Policy with respect to Land Grabs and Portuguese Africa; and Psychological against Portuguese Overseas Territories. Impact of Angolan Question]. 0273 Incoming Telegram #25. Fr: [?] Taft. To: Dean 0234 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Rusk. July 12, 1961. 12pp. JFK#1a. S. 12/9/76 IP. August 16,1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 5/28/76. Recommendations of Presidential Task Force G. Mennen Williams's Report of His Trip to on Portuguese Territories in Africa. Angola. 0277 Outgoing Telegram #213. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0247 Angola•August 1961-December 1961. To: U.S. Embassy, Lisbon. 0248 List of Unclassified Documents. 1p. August 22, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/28/76. 0249 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Conversation between Rusk and Portuguese 0251 Outgoing Telegram #132. Fr: Dean Rusk. Foreign Minister Franco Nogueira regarding To: U.S. Embassy, Lisbon. Military Situation in Angola. July 28,1961. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/28/76. 0280 Memorandum. Fr: Robert S. McNamara. Discussion of U.S. Views and Concerns To: John F. Kennedy. regarding Angolan Situation with Portuguese August 25, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 1/24/76. Ambassador Theotonio Pereira. Portuguese Use of U.S. Military Equipment in 0257 Incoming Telegram #328. Fr: [?] Plimpton. Angola. To: Dean Rusk. 0283 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. August 3,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 5/28/76. Kennedy. Recommendations for U.S. Courses of Action August 29, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. S. 5/28/76. in Connection with Portuguese African U.S. Restriction of Arms Shipments to Territories Problem in UN. Portugal and Its Territories. 0260 Incoming Telegram #184. Fr: C. Burke 0284 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Kennedy. August 3,1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 5/27/76 IP. August 31, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 11/29/77 State Department Informed That Portuguese IP. Government Is Entitled to Use U.S. Military Portuguese Use of U.S. Military Equipment in Assistance Program Equipment in Africa Angola. under Terms of Secret Exchange of Letters in 0286 Incoming Telegram #310. Fr: C. Burke 1951. Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. 0264 Incoming Telegram #191. Fr: C. Burke August 31,1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/28/76. Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. Direction of Portuguese Overseas Policy August 5,1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/28/76. toward Evolution of Multiracial Society. Meeting with Portuguese Ambassador 0290 Incoming Telegram #316. Fr: C. Burke Theotonio Pereira to Discuss U.S. Position Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. on Portuguese Territories in Africa. September 1,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. 0268 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. C. 5/28/76. Embassy, Lisbon. Portugal Informed of Plans of Angolan Rebel August 11,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 5/28/76. Movement in Congo for Renewed Military U.S. Complaint That Portuguese Diversion of Offensive. Military Assistance Program Equipment for Use in African Territories without Consent Violates Bilateral Military Defense Agreement.

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0292 Incoming Telegram #150. Fr: William M. Blair, 0325 Incoming Telegram #1204. Fr: C. Burke Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. September 8, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 5/27/76 June 23,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. IP. Former Portuguese Defense Minister Santos Meeting with Portuguese Foreign Minister Costa's Comments on Angolan Conflict. Franco Nogueira regarding His Appearance 0326 Incoming Telegram #65. Fr: Roger W. Tubby. before North Atlantic Council (NAC). To: Dean Rusk. 0295 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. July 17,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/16/76 IP. To: McGeorge Bundy. Possible NATO Discussion of Angolan September 20,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. QUO. Situation. Jailing of Four Methodist Missionaries in 0327 Incoming Telegram #55. Fr: C. Burke Elbrick. Angola. To: Dean Rusk. 0296 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: NA. July 19,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 7/23/76. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Portuguese Government Agrees to Give U.S. Concern over Arrest of Four Methodist Favorable Consideration to Rusk's Missionaries in Angola. "Rapporteur" Suggestion regarding Angola. 0297 Incoming Telegram #418. Fr: U.S. Embassy, 0328 Department of State Airgram #A-78. Fr: [?] Lisbon. To: Dean Rusk. Yost. To: Dean Rusk. September 29,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. July 19, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. C. 6/12/78 IP. List of NATO Arms Allegedly Employed by Portuguese Foreign Minister Franco Portuguese in Angola. Nogueira's Reply to U.S. Urgings to Provide 0330 Incoming Telegram #62. Fr: C. Burke Elbrick. Reforms in Overseas Territories. To: Dean Rusk. 0300 Incoming Telegram #422. Fr: U.S. Embassy, July 20,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. Lisbon. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Caution regarding Any Concentrated September 29,1961. 8pp. JFK#NA. NATO Exert Pressure on Portugal on C. 6/12/78 IP. Subject of Angola. Portuguese Foreign Minister Franco 0332 Outgoing Telegram #253. Fr: Dean Rusk. Nogueira's Letter to Rusk. To: U.S. Mission to UN. July 19, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/16/76 IP. 0308 Angola•January 1962-December Advantages of Possible NATO Discussion of 1962. Angolan Situation. 0309 List of Unclassified Documents. 1p. 0334 Outgoing Telegram #58. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0310 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. To: U.S. Embassy, Lisbon. 0314 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. July 26,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. To: NA. State Department Encouraged by Positive April 3, 1962. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/16/76 IP. Portuguese Response to Rusk's Portuguese Suspicions regarding U.S. Role "Rapporteur" Suggestion regarding Angola. in Angola. 0338 Department of State Intelligence Note. 0318 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: Dean Rusk. To: NA. August 7,1962.1p. JFK#NA. S. 2/15/79. April 4, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/16/76 IP. Leadership Change Spurs Unification of Possible Creation of Commonwealth Angolan Nationalists. Association Including Portugal, Brazil, and 0340 Outgoing Telegram #74. Fr: Dean Rusk. Other Members. To: U.S. Embassy, London. 0321 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. August 8,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. To: NA. Portuguese Government's Response to April 12, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/16/76 IP. Suggestion of UN "Rapporteur" for Angola. Discussion of Political Situation in Angola. 0342 Incoming Telegram #182. Fr: [?] Blue. 0324 Incoming Telegram #4057. Fr: [?] Plimpton. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. August 30, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. June 19, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. Portugal Lacks Confidence in U.S. Motives Question of Portuguese Government's regarding Angola. Cooperation with UN Subcommittee on Angola.

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0344 Outgoing Telegram #670. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0363 Incoming Telegram #1237. Fr: Adlai E. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. September 17,1962.1p. JFK#NA. October 12,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. C. 7/23/76. Portuguese Discussion of Angolan U.S. Intervention in UN Committee Draft on "Rapporteur" Problem in North Atlantic Angola. Council (NAC). 0345 Incoming Telegram #797. Fr: Adlai E. 0364 Incoming Telegram #1262. Fr: Adlai E. Stevenson. To: Deari Rusk. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. September 17,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. October 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. UN General Assembly's Draft Resolution on Text of "Rapporteur" Resolution Acceptable Angola. to Portugal. 0348 Incoming Telegram #806. Fr: Adlai E. 0367 Department of State Airgram #A-118. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Fr: Robert H. Flenner. To: Department of September 18, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. State. C. 7/23/76. October 12,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. UN Subcommittee on Angola Chairman Governmental Apparatus in Angola at Virtual Carlos Salamanca's Reactions on Trip to Standstill. Leopoldville to Meet with Angolan Refugees. 0369 Outgoing Telegram #1263. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0351 Incoming Telegram #813. Fr: Adlai E. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. November 12, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. September 19, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. C. 7/23/76. U.S. Consultations with Latin American, Italy Abstains on Angola Resolution in African, and Asian UN Representatives Committee of Seventeen. regarding "Rapporteur" Approach to 0352 Outgoing Telegram #146. Fr: Dean Rusk. Portuguese Territories in Africa. To: U.S. Embassy, Lisbon. 0370 Incoming Telegram #1748. Fr: [?] Plimpton. September 13,1962. 4pp. JFK#NA. To: Dean Rusk. C. 7/23/76. November 12, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. U.S. Makes Diplomatic Effort at UN in Order C. 7/23/76. to Have "Rapporteur" Appointed for Angola. Chairman of Subcommittee on Angola Carlos 0356 Outgoing Telegram #398. Fr: George Ball. Salamanca Requests Confirmation That U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. Had "Rapporteur" Proposal for Angola. September 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. 0373 Incoming Telegram #433. Fr: C. Burke C. 7/23/76. Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Response to Portuguese Presentation December 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#NAS. 7/23/76. at North Atlantic Council (NAC). Portuguese Government Receives 0358 Incoming Telegram. Fr: [?] Reed. Information regarding Renewed Military To: Department of State. Offensive in Angola. September 25,1962. [Note: Corrected Page 0375 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge 2. Page 1 Missing.] JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. Bundy. Portuguese Army Estimate of Native December 12, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. Population in Angolan Districts Hit by "For Your Information." Terrorists. 0377 Department of State Intelligence Note. 0359 Incoming Telegram #36. Fr: [?] Wright. Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: Acting Secretary of To: Dean Rusk. State. October 3, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. December [14?], 1962.1p. JFK#NA. U.S. Inquiry into Likelihood of Recurrence of S. 2/15/79 IP. Angolan Situation in Mozambique. "Angolan Rebellion May Enter Critical Stage 0361 Outgoing Telegram #488. Fr: Dean Rusk. Early in 1963." To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. 0378 Incoming Telegram #2396. Fr: Adlai E. October 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/23/76. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Statement on Self-Determination for December 18.1962. 4pp. JFK#NA. Angola and Portugal's Difficulties in UN. UN Adopts Angolan Resolution Sponsored by Ten Afro-Asian Countries and Yugoslavia.

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0382 Incoming Telegram #463. Fr: C. Burke 0398 Incoming Telegram #574. Fr: C. Burke Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. Éibrick. To: Dean Rusk. December 20,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. February 18,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. C. 7/23/76. Portugal Criticizes U.S. Statement on Self- Portugal Gives U.S. Further Information on Determination for Angola. "Mystère" Plan lor Attack on Northeast 0399 Outgoing Telegram #400. Fr: Dean Rusk. Angola. To: U.S. Embassy, Lisbon. February 18,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. 0384 Angola•January 1963-July 1963. Portuguese Ambassador to U.S. Discusses 0385 List of Unclassified Documents. 1p. G. Mennen Williams's Remarks on U.S. 0386 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. Support of Self-Determination for Angola. 0387 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0402 Incoming Telegram #433. Fr: [?] Green. To: Bromley K. Smith. To: Dean Rusk. January 31,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. February 19,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. Letter to John F. Kennedy from UPA Leader State Department's Reply to Portuguese Holden Roberto. Inquiries regarding G. Mennen Williams's 0388 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: William H. Remarks on U.S. Support for Self- Brubeck. Determination in Angola. December 28,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. 0403 CIA Special Report. Fr: CIA. To: NA. "For Draft Reply." April 5,1963.8pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/19/76. 0389 Note. Fr: Thelma [?]. To: Polly [?]. Angolan Rebellion and White Unrest. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. 0411 Incoming Telegram #2685. Fr: [?] O'Sullivan. 'This Was Handed to Mr. Kaysen by To: Dean Rusk. Governor Williams. Would You Log in and April 25,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 1 /14/76. Return to Us?" Congolese Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's 0390 Letter. Fr: Holden Roberto. To: John F. Views on Angolan Question. Kennedy. 0413 Incoming Telegram #2936. Fr: Edmund A. December 19, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Indignation of Angolan People over June 1,1963.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. Identification of U.S. Policies with Aims of Congolese Reaction to Algerian President Portugal. Ahmed Ben Bella's Proposals on Angola. 0392 Incoming Telegram #134. Fr: [?] Reed. 0415 Incoming Telegram #541. Fr: W. Wendell To: Dean Rusk. Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. February 4,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. June 27,1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. Angolan Rebels Attack Portuguese Forces at Discussions with Congolese President Cabinda, Angola. Joseph Kasavubu and Prime Minister Cyrille 0393 Outgoing Telegram #1302. Fr: Dean Rusk. Adoula regarding Congolese Decision to To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Recognize Government of Republic of February 16,1963.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Angola in Exile (GRAE). G. Mennen Williams's Press Statement on 0419 Incoming Telegram #542. Fr: W. Wendell U.S. Support of Self-Determination for Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. Angola. June 27,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. 0394 Incoming Telegram #572. Fr: C. Burke Congolese (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. Youiou Discusses DRC's Plan to Recognize February 16,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. Government of Republic of Angola in Exile Portuguese Government's Response to U.S. (GRAE). Statement in Support of Self-Determination 0421 Incoming Telegram #5. Fr: William J. Porter. for Angola. To: Dean Rusk. 0396 Incoming Telegram #2124. Fr: Edmund A. July 1,1963.2pp. JFK#NA. S. NA. IP. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Popular Movement for Liberation of Angola February 18,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. (MPLA) Issues Communiqué Denouncing Text of G. Mennen Williams's Remarks on Congolese Recognition of UPA Leader U.S. Support for Self-Determination for Holden Roberto's Revolutionary Government Angola. of Angola in Exile.

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0423 Outgoing Telegram #28. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0440 Incoming Telegram #42. Fr: [?] Reed. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. To: Dean Rusk. July 3,1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. August 8, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/14/76. U.S. Reaction to Congolese Recognition of Portuguese Government Plans for Government of Republic of Angola in Exile Prosecution of Angolan War. (GRAE). 0441 Incoming Telegram #171. Fr: Charles E. 0427 Incoming Telegram #6. Fr: [?] Reed. Rhetts. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. September 6,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. July 6,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/14/76. U.S. Informed of Plans for New Military Angolan Press Comment on Congolese Action in Angola by UPA Leader Holden Government's Recognition of Government of Roberto's Forces and of African Plans to Put Republic of Angola in Exile (GRAE). Pressure on South Africa and Portugal. 0428 Incoming Telegram #12. Fr: [?] Reed. 0442 Incoming Telegram #62. Fr: [?] Reed. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. July 13, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. September 17,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. Portuguese Authorities Issue Instructions to C. 1/14/76. All Protestant Missions in Angola Forbidding Portuguese President Americo Tomas's Visit Travel outside Mission Area without Written to Angola. Permission. 0444 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge 0429 Incoming Telegram #17. Fr: [?] Reed. Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. October 31,1963.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. July 17, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/30/76. Portuguese Foreign Minister Franco Portuguese Aerial Surveillance Activity along Nogueira Alleges That U.S. Providing Aid to Angolan Border near Cabinda. Angolan Rebels. 0430 Outgoing Telegram #92. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0445 Newspaper Clipping. Fr: Milt Freudenheim. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. October 30,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. July 16, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/14/76. Portugal Says U.S. Providing Aid to Angolan U.S. Refuses to Choose between Rival Rebels. Groups in Angolan Nationalist Movement. 0446 Incoming Telegram #1694. Fr: Adlai E. 0432 Incoming Telegram #149. Fr: Edmund A. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 29,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/14/76. July 18,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/14/76. Portuguese Foreign Minister Franco Nigerian Foreign Minister Jaja Wachuku Nogueira Accuses U.S. of Supporting UPA Recommends That African States Recognize Leader Holden Roberto and Angolan Rebels. UPA Leader Holden Roberto's Angolan 0447 Handwritten Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Government in Exile. To: McGeorge Bundy. NA.1p.JFK#NA. 0433 Angola•August 1963-November Portugal's Ability to Afford Expense of Angola 1963. and Economic Value of Angola to Portugal. 0434 List of Unclassified Documents. 1p. 0449 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0435 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. October 25,1963.17pp. JFK#NA. 0437 CIA Information Report. Fr: CIA. To: NA. S. 7/30/76. August 1963.1p. JFK#NA. NA. 7/9/76 IP. Economic Effects on Portugal of Angolan Possible Future African Military Action Military Operations. against Angola. 0466 Incoming Telegram #791. Fr: Edmund A. 0438 Outgoing Telegram #97. Fr: George Ball. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Lisbon and U.S. October 10,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 4/6/79. Consulate, Luanda. Remarks of Advisor to Ligue Generale des August 3, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/14/76. Travailleurs de L'Angola on Significant Letter to Fulbert Youlou, Congolese Angolan Developments. (Brazzaville) President, from Portuguese Premier Antonio de Oliveira Salazar Announcing General Elections in Angola before End of 1963.

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0468 Department of State Research 0510 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Memorandum. Fr: Thomas L. Hughes. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. February 1,1962.1p. JFK#6a. November 5, 1963. 29pp. JFK#NA. Proposed Reply to Chad's Congratulatory S. 2/11/83 IP. Message from John F. Kennedy to Chadian Prospects for Angolan Nationalist Movement. Ambassador Malick Adam Sow. 0511 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Malick Chad Adam Sow. 0496 Chad•January 1961-June 1962. NA.1p.JFK#6b. 0497 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Acknowledgement of Chad's Good Wishes 0498 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. on Kennedy's First Anniversary in Office. To: Kenneth O'Donnell. 0512 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. June 19, 1961.1 p. JFK#1. To: McGeorge Bundy. Presentation of Credentials by Chadian January 24,1962.1p. JFK#6c. Ambassador Malick Adam Sow. Telegram to John F. Kennedy from Chadian 0499 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Ambassador Malick Adam Sow. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0513 Telegram. Fr: Malick Adam Sow. To: John F. July 11,1961. 1p.JFK#2. Kennedy. Meeting between John F. Kennedy and January 20,1962.1p. JFK#6d. Chadian Ambassador Malick Adam Sow. Chadian Message of Good Wishes on 0500 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Kennedy's First Anniversary in Office. To: NA. 0514 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. June 27, 1961. 3pp. JFK#2a. C. 212177. To: Bromley K. Smith. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and April 12,1962. 1p.JFK#7. Chadian Ambassador Malick Adam Sow. "For White House Approval Prior to 0503 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Transmission." NA. 1p. JFK#2b. C. 1/6/77. 0515 Draft of Outgoing Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Biographical Sketch of Chadian Ambassador Embassy, Fort Lamy. Malick Adam Sow. April 5.1962. 2pp. JFK#7a. C. 1/6/77. 0504 Incoming Telegram #147. Fr: Frederick L. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Chapin. To: Dean Rusk. President Ahmadou Ahidjo of Cameroon December 13, 1961. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 1 /6/77. regarding Trans-Cameroon Railroad to Chad. Chadian President François Tombalbaye 0517 Incoming Telegram #252. Fr: John A. Discusses U.S. Aid Program. Calhoun. To: Dean Rusk. 0506 Incoming Telegram #156. Fr: John A. April 21,1962. 1p. JFK#8. C. 1/6/77. Calhoun. To: Dean Rusk. Chadian President François Tombalbaye December 23, 1961.1 p. JFK#4. QUO. Discusses Overflight Rights and Trade John F. Kennedy Invited to Attend Second Relations with Soviet Ambassador. Chadian National Day Celebration. 0518 Incoming Telegram #310. Fr: John A. 0507 Incoming Telegram #162. Fr: John A. Calhoun. To: Dean Rusk. Calhoun. To: Dean Rusk. June 1,1962. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 1/6/77. January 3, 1962. 2pp. JFK#5. OUO. Extensive Discrimination against U.S. Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Products in New Common External Tariff by between Chad and Nationalist Chinese Four Equatorial States and Cameroon. Government of Taiwan. 0520 Incoming Telegram #364. Fr: John A. 0509 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Malick Adam Calhoun. To: Dean Rusk. Sow. June 30.1962.1p. JFK#10. C. 1/6/77. Februarys, 1962. 1p. JFK#6. Discussions with Chadian President François Acknowledgement of Chad's Good Wishes Tombalbaye regarding Discrimination against on Kennedy's First Anniversary in Office. U.S. Products in New Common External Tariff.

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0521 Chad•July 1962-November 1963. 0537 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0522 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0523 Incoming Telegram #36. Fr: John A. Calhoun. April 5,1963.1p. JFK#8a. C. 4/22/75. To: Dean Rusk. Draft Telegram to U.S. Embassy, Fort Lamy September 5, 1962. 3pp. JFK#1. S. 5/6/77. regarding Offer of Live Addax as Gift for John Chadian President François Tombalbaye's F. Kennedy. Request for U.S. Military Equipment. 0538 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, 0526 Incoming Telegram #46. Fr: John A. Calhoun. Fort Lamy. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p. JFK#8b. C. 4/22/75. September 17,1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 5/6/77. John F. Kennedy Accepts Chadian Gift of Chadian President François Tombalbaye's Live Addax Which He Will Present to Visit to Paris to Discuss Franco-Chad ¡an Washington National Zoo. Relations. 0539 Incoming Telegram #153. Fr: John A. 0527 Outgoing Telegram #27. Fr: Dean Rusk. Calhoun. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Fort Lamy. April 1,1963.2pp. JFK#8c. C. 4/22/75. September 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. S. 5/6/77. Chadian President François Tombalbaye's U.S. Prepared to Consider Valid Military Desire to Present Live Addax to John F. Requests from Chad after Checking with Kennedy. France. 0541 Incoming Telegram #158. Fr: [?] Redington. 0529 Incoming Telegram #60. Fr: John A. Calhoun. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. April 13,1963. 1p. JFK#9. C. 4/22)75. October 6, 1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 5/6/77. Chadian President François Tombalbaye Discussions with Chadian President François Gratified by John F. Kennedy's Acceptance of Tombalbaye regarding Request for U.S. Gift of Live Addax. Military Equipment to Strengthen Internal 0542 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Security Forces. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0531 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. April 18,1963. 1p. JFK#10. To: McGeorge Bundy. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for John December 12, 1962.1p. JFK#5. A. Calhoun, Newly Appointed Chief of Presence in Washington, D.C., of U.S. Mission, Berlin. Ambassador to Chad John A. Calhoun. 0543 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0532 Incoming Telegram #138. Fr: John A. NA. 1p.JFK#10a. Calhoun. To: Dean Rusk. Biographical Sketch of John A. Calhoun, March 22, 1963. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 5/6/77. Newly Appointed Chief of Mission, Berlin. Political Difficulties in Chad Resulting from 0544 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. President François Tombalbaye's Arrest of To: McGeorge Bundy. Principal Northern Moslem Leaders. June 11,1963. 1p.JFK#11. 0534 Incoming Telegram #153. Fr: John A. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for Calhoun. To: Dean Rusk. Brewster H. Morris, Newly Designated U.S. April 1, 1963. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 4/22/75. Ambassador to Chad. Chadian President François Tombalbaye's 0545 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Desire to Present Live Addax to John F. NA. 1p.JFK#11a. Kennedy. Biographical Sketch of Brewster H. Morris, 0536 Outgoing Telegram #101. Fr: Dean Rusk. Newly Designated U.S. Ambassador to To: U.S. Embassy, Fort Lamy. Chad. April 6, 1963.1 p. JFK#8. C. 4/22/75. . 0546 Memorandum. Fr: Edward S. Little. John F. Kennedy Accepts Chadian Gift of To: McGeorge Bundy. Live Addax Which He Will Present to June 28,1963.1p. JFK#12. Washington National Zoo. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for Brewster H. Morris, Newly Designated U.S. Ambassador to Chad.

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Congo•General 0577 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. 0547 Congo•General, January 1961-April Embassy, Leopoldville. 1961. February 6,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. 0548 Withdrawal Sheets. 4pp. Message from John F. Kennedy to 0552 Note. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. To: Andrew J. Congolese President Joseph Kasavubu Goodpaster. regarding Visit of Edward Kennedy and U.S. January 30,1961.1p. JFK#NA. Senate Delegation. "For President. Recommendations regarding 0579 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: NA. Reply Will Be Submitted Shortly." February 8,1961.1p. JFK#NA. 0553 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. Message to Congolese President Joseph NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Kasavubu regarding Visit of Edward Kennedy "Hold for Further Recommendation from and U.S. Senate Delegation. State." 0580 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. 0555 Letter and Translation. Fr: . To: Andrew J. Goodpaster. To: John F. Kennedy. February 8, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. January 23,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. Congratulatory Message to John F. Kennedy Congratulatory Message regarding from Moise Tshombe, President of Kennedy's Inaugural Address. Secessionist State of Katanga. 0557 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. 0581 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Moise Tshombe. Kennedy. To: John F. Kennedy. February 1,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/3/78. Best Wishes to Kennedy on His Assumption Suggested New U.S. Policy on Congo. of Presidency. 0559 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0582 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. NA. 7pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/3/78. To: Andrew J. Goodpaster. Suggested New U.S. Policy on Congo. February 8,1961.1p. JFK#NA. 0567 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. Letter to John F. Kennedy from DRC Vice To: Andrew J. Goodpaster. Premier . February 1,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. 0583 Letter and Translation. Fr: Antoine Gizenga. Legal and Constitutional Positions of To: John F. Kennedy. Congolese Leaders Joseph Kasavubu and December 22,1960. 2pp. JFK#NA. Patrice Lumumba. Message to Kennedy regarding 0569 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Establishment of Congolese Embassy in U.S. NA. 4pp. JFK#NA. OUO. 0586 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. Role of Chief of State and Parliament under To: Andrew J. Goodpaster. Congolese Constitution. February 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. 0573 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Congratulatory Message to John F. Kennedy Kennedy. from Congolese Delegation to UN. February 2,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. 0587 Translation of Letter. Fr: Gervais Bahizi and Suggested Meeting between Kennedy and Leo Minaffet. To: John F. Kennedy. Clare H. Timberlake, U.S. Ambassador to Message of Good Wishes to Kennedy on His DRC. Assumption of Presidency. 0574 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. 0588 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. Kennedy. To: Ralph A. Dungan. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. February 13,1961.1p. JFK#NA. [Note: Document Unreadable.] Statement by Adlai E. Stevenson regarding 0575 Letter. Fr: Allen W. Dulles. To: McGeorge Death of Ex-Congolese Prime Minister Bundy. Patrice Lumumba. February 5,1961.1p. JFK#NA. 0589 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. CIA Coordinates U.S. Course of Action for Stoessel, Jr. To: Ralph A. Dungan. Dealing with Congo Problems. February 13, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. Statement by Adlai E. Stevenson regarding Death of Ex-Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba.

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0590 Statement. Fr: Adlai E. Stevenson. To: UN 0606 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: McGeorge Security Council. Bundy. February 13, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. March 3, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. Statement by Adlai E. Stevenson regarding "Even Though This Dispatch Was Death of Ex-Congolese Prime Minister Summarized in Top Secret Summary, You Patrice Lumumba. Will Find Full Text of Unusual Interest." 0591 Copy of Statement. Fr: Adlai E. Stevenson. 0609 Incoming Telegram #1835. Fr: Clare H. To: UN Security Council. Timberlake. To: Dean Rusk. February 13, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. March 2,1961. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Statement by Adlai E. Stevenson regarding UN Responds to DRC's Call for Assistance. Death of Ex-Congolese Prime Minister 0612 Memorandum. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Dean Patrice Lumumba. Rusk and Robert S. McNamara. 0592 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. March 5,1961.1p. JFK#NA. To: Dean Rusk. Request for Information on Whether U.S. February 14, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. Ambassador to Congo Clare H. Timberlake Meeting between John F. Kennedy and Notified State Department regarding Request Edward Kennedy regarding Congo. for Admiral to Turn His Ships Around. 0593 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0613 Handwritten Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. NA. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. Activities of Congo Task Force and Steering U.S. Naval Task Force Sent to Congo on Committee. Good Will Visit. 0598 [Note: Document Unreadable.] 1 p. 0615 Chronology. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0599 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. Chronology of Events Leading to Change February 15, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. of Orders by U.S. Ambassador Clare H. U.S. Policies toward Congo. Timberlake in Congo for Naval Task 0600 Memorandum. Fr: Barbara Ward Jackson. Force 88. To: John F. Kennedy. 0617 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge February 17, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Bundy. U.S. Policy in Congo Crisis. March 7, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. NA. 1p. 0602 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. NA. 10/29/74 IP. Kennedy. "Per Our Telephone Conversation of February 17, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. S. 3/15/74. Yesterday, There Are Enclosed Three (3) Use of U.S. Military Forces and Facilities for Memoranda Prepared for Secretary Emergency Evacuation of U.S. Citizens from regarding Meeting with President on DRC. March 3." 0603 Handwritten Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. 0618 Memorandum. Fr: George C. McGhee. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. March 3, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. "Perhaps Governor Harriman Would Be Discussions with John F. Kennedy regarding Interested in Halla's Proposal." State Department and Adlai E. Stevenson's 0603 Memorandum. Fr: Philip J. Halla. Efforts to Have Mr. [?] Dyal Replaced as UN To: McGeorge Bundy. Representative in Congo. February 24, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. 0619 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph Possible Use of Iranian Troops in UN Congo A. Dungan. Forces. March 17,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. LOU. 0605 Press Release. Fr: Belgian Home Service. Airlift of Ghanaian Troops to DRC. To: NA. 0622 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Kennedy. Participation of Congolese Prime Minister March 17,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Joseph I leo and Lumumbist Leaders Antoine Financing UN Military Operations in Congo. Gizenga and in Elisabethville Round Table Discussions.

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0624 Outgoing Telegram #1821. Fr: Chester 0638 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph Bowles. To: U.S. Mission to UN. A. Dungan. March 24, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. March 9,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. . Financing UN Congo Military Operation in CY Chronology of Congo Crisis. 1961. 0639 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph 0626 Memorandum. Fr: Elmer B. Staats. To: John A. Dungan. F. Kennedy. March 9,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 6/30/76. March 24, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Analytical Chronology of Congo Crisis. Congo Food Distribution Problems. - 0640 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0627 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph NA. 75pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/8/81 IP. A. Dungan. Analytical Chronology of Congo Crisis March 29, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. [Background and Origin of Congo Crisis; Report on Congo Task Force and Steering Orginal UN Mandate in Congo Crisis; UN Committee Activities. Security Council Meeting on Congo Crisis; 0628 Letter. Fr: Moise Tshombe. To: Ralph Patrice Lumumba's Visit to U.S.; U.S. Policy Bunche. in Congo Crisis; Coup in Leopoldville; Joseph NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Desiree Mobutu v. UN; Belgian Role in Possible Declaration on Unknown Subject by Katanga and Leopoldville; and Developments Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of in Congo]. Katanga. 0717 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph 0629 Letter. Fr: Moise Tshombe. To: Ralph A. Dungan. Bunche. March 11, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 6/30/76. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Analytical Chronology of Congo Crisis. Possible Declaration on Unknown Subject by 0718 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of NA. 11pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/30/76. Katanga. Supplement to Analytical Chronology of 0630 Press Release. Fr: Associated Press. Congo Crisis: January 20-March 6,1961. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Eight-Point Declaration by Moise Tshombe, 0729 Congo•General, May 1961- President of Secessionist State of Katanga, September 1961. Presented to UN. 0730 Withdrawal Sheets. 6pp. 0631 Memorandum. Fr: Irving J. Lewis. 0737 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. To: McGeorge Bundy. Kennedy. March 29, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. May 2,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. Financing UN Congo Military Operation in CY Vist to U.S. by Congolese (Brazzaville) 1961. President Fulbert Youlou. 0632 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph 0738 Memorandum. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: John A. Dungan. F. Kennedy. April 3, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. S. 5/3/74. May 20, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/15/74. Dean Rusk's Conversation with Indian Prime Initial U.S. Contribution to UN Program of Minister Jawaharlal Nehru on Congo. Financial Aid to Government of DRC. 0633 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: Dean 0740 Incoming Telegram #876. Fr: [?] Canup. Rusk. To: NA. To: Dean Rusk. March 30, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. May 23, 1961. 5pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's Letter from Ministers of Katangese Cabinet to Concern regarding UN Effort in Congo. John F. Kennedy regarding Solution to Congo Situation and Arrest of Katangese 0635 Congo•General; Analytical President Moise Tshombe. Chronology of Congo Crisis, March 9, 0745 Copy of Incoming Telegram #876. Fr: [?] 1961. Canup. To: Dean Rusk. 0636 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. May 23, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Letter from Ministers of Katangese Cabinet to John F. Kennedy regarding Solution to Congo Situation and Arrest of Katangese President Moise Tshombe.

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0748 Current Intelligence Weekly Summary. 0766 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: John F. Kennedy. NA. 5pp. JFK#NA. S. 1/13/76. June 10, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. NA. 10/24/74. Biographical Report on Congolese Proposal for U.S. Action in Congo. (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou. 0767 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0753 Incoming Airgram #G-48. Fr: W. Wendell To: McGeorge Bundy. Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. June 23,1961.1p. JFK#NA. May 25,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/15/74. Letter of June 16,1961, from Congolese Talking Points for Congolese (Brazzaville) (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou to President Fulbert Youlou's Visit to U.S. John F. Kennedy. 0756 Memorandum. Fr: David Bell. To: McGeorge 0768 Translation of Letter. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. Bundy. To: John F. Kennedy. May 29, 1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 3/15/74. June 16,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. Initial U.S. Contribution to UN Program of Message of Thanks from Youlou for Welcome Financial Aid to Government of DRC. Accorded Him during Visit to U.S. 0758 Memorandum. Fr: Acting Secretary of State. 0769 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Frank To: John F. Kennedy. D. Reeves. May 20,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/15/74. July 6, 1961.1p.JFK#NA. Initial U.S. Contribution to UN Program of Letter of Thanks from Congolese Financial Aid to Government of DRC. (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou. 0760 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0770 Translation of Letter. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Frank D. Reeves. June 2,1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. June 20, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Godefroid Letter of Thanks and Invitation to Visit Congo Munongo, Katangese Interior Minister. (Brazzaville). 0761 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0771 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. June3,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. July 12,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. Meeting between John F. Kennedy and Letter of Thanks from Congolese Congolese (Brazzaville) President Fulbert (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou to Youlou. John F. Kennedy. 0762 Memorandum. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. 0772 Letter. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: John F. To: Lucius D. Battle. Kennedy. June5,1961. 1p.JFK#NA. June 20, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Godefroid Letter of Thanks. Munongo, Katangese Interior Minister. 0773 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0763 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. June 14,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. June 6,1961. 1p.JFK#NA. Meeting between John F. Kennedy and Papers on Mauritania's Admission to UN for Congolese (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Congolese (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou. Youlou's Visit to U.S. 0774 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. 0764 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge To: NA. Bundy. June 8,1961.4pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/15/74. June 7,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. Conversation between John F. Kennedy and Minutes of Congo Steering Committee Congolese (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Meeting of May 23,1961. Youlou regarding Political Problems of DRC. 0765 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. To: John 0778 Memorandum. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. F. Kennedy. To: McGeorge Bundy. JuneS, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. July 18,1961.1p.JFK#NA. Key Points on Congolese (Brazzaville) Departure of Edmund A. Gullion from U.S. as President Fulbert Youlou's Visit to U.S. U.S. Ambassador to DRC.

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0779 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. 0810 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: Lucius D. Battle. August 8,1961. 6pp. JFK#NA. August2, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. "World Security Implications of Katanga John F. Kennedy's Interest in Activities of UN Problem•And Possible Solution." Troops in Area of DRC Held by Secessionist 0816 Draft. Fr: NA. To: NA. Leader Antoine Gizenga. August 8,1961. 6pp. JFK#NA. 0780 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. "A Chartered Free State Concept•A Kennedy. Possible Solution to Katanga Dilemma." August 3, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. 0822 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Walt Political Situation in DRC under New W. Rostow. Congolese Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. August 23,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 3/15/74. 0782 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Economic Situation in DRC. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. 0825 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Joseph Biographical Sketch of Congolese Prime Kasavubu. Minister Cyrille Adoula. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. 0784 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. To: John Message of Greeting from Kennedy to DRC F. Kennedy. President Kasavubu to Be Delivered by New August 4, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 3/15/74. U.S. Ambassador Edmund A. Gullion. Political Developments in DRC. 0826 Note. Fr: NA. To: Bromley K. Smith. 0786 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. "This Was Approved by Mr. Bundy and August 10, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Copies Typed and Sent up to H. Port for Memorandum of August 2,1961, regarding Signature." Activities of UN Troops in DRC. 0827 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0787 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. September 1,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. Inactivity of UN Troops in Area of DRC Held Suggested Messages from John F. Kennedy by Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga. to DRC President Joseph Kasavubu and 0789 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0828 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Joseph August 10, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. Kasavubu. Edmund A. Gullion's Appointment as U.S. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Ambassador to DRC. Message of Greeting from Kennedy to DRC 0791 Report. Fr: Philip M. Klutznick. To: NA. President Kasavubu to Be Delivered by New August 13, 1961.11 pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. U.S. Ambassador Edmund A. Gullion. Klutznick's Visit to DRC, August 6-11,1961. 0829 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Cyrille 0802 Incoming Telegram #413. Fr: Adlai E. Adoula. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. August 11, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Message of Greeting from Kennedy to DRC Letter from Congolese Prime Minister Cyrille Prime Minister Adoula to Be Delivered by Adoula to UN Secretary General Dag New U.S. Ambassador Edmund A. Gullion. Hammarskjold regarding Support of Central 0830 Copy of Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. Government of DRC. To: Cyrille Adoula. 0804 Handwritten Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. To: Lois Nivens. Message of Greeting from Kennedy to DRC NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Prime Minister Adoula to Be Delivered by 'These Are Papers Lynn Bolinger Gave Walt New U.S. Ambassador Edmund A. Gullion. W. Rostow on Congo. Perhaps They Should 0831 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Joseph Be in Your Files." Kasavubu. 0805 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. August 14,1961. 5pp. JFK#NA. Message of Greeting from Kennedy to DRC "The Katanga Dilemma: The Pending President Kasavubu to Be Delivered by New Debacle and Its International Implications." U.S. Ambassador Edmund A. Gullion.

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0832 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Walt 0852 White House Outgoing Message. Fr: [?] W. Rostow. Raymond. To: [?] Sheppard. September 15,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. September 23,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. C. 3/15/74. Member, Congo Steering Committee Lynn John F. Kennedy to Present U.S. Point of Bollinger's Analysis of Congo Situation. View on Key DRC Issues in Reply to 0835 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. President of Secessionist State of Katanga To: McGeorge Bundy. Moise Tshombe's letter. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. 0853 White House Outgoing Message. Fr: Walt W. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Moise Rostow. To: John F. Kennedy and Pierre Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of Salinger. Katanga, Dated September 22, 1961. September 23,1961.1p. JFK#NA. 0836 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. S. 3/15/74. To: McGeorge Bundy. U.S. Response to Katangese President NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Moise Tshombe's Letter to Kennedy. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Moise 0854 White House Incoming Message. Fr: [?] Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of Emmerson. To: Dean Rusk. Katanga, Dated September 22,1961. September 23,1961. 2pp: JFK#NA. 0837 Incoming Telegram. Fr: [?] Emmerson. Letter from President of Secessionist State of To: Dean Rusk. Katanga Moise Tshombe to John F. Kennedy. September 22,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. 0856 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Moise To: John F. Kennedy. Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of September 25,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Katanga, Annoucing His Acceptance of S. 3/15/74. Cease-fire in DRC. Situation in Congo and Present U.S. Actions. 0839 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: [?] Wallner. 0858 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. September 19,1961.1p. JFK#NA. To: McGeorge Bundy and Walt W. Rostow. C. 3/15/74. September 26,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. Rules of Engagement for U.S. Fighter Aircraft S. 9/3/74. Serving with UN Forces in DRC. Discussions between U.S. and Great Britain 0840 Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. regarding Congo Situation. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. 0860 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. John F. Kennedy Authorizes Dispatch of U.S. To: McGeorge Bundy. Fighter Aircraft to DRC. September 27,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. 0841 Memorandum. Fr: George Ball. To: John F. Letter from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Kennedy. Adoula to John F. Kennedy. September 23, 1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. 0861 Letter (in French). Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: John S. 3/15/74. ^- F. Kennedy. U.S. Position in Katanga Crisis. September 21,1961.1p. JFK#NA. 0842 Memorandum. Fr: George Ball. To: John F. Letter from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Kennedy. Adoula to John F. Kennedy. September 23,1961. 7pp. JFK#NA. S. 3/15/74. 0862 Congo•General; Youlou Briefing U.S. Policy toward DRC-Katanga Problem. Book, June 8-9,1961. 0849 United States Mission to the United Nations 0863 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Incoming Telegram #3621. Fr: State Department. To: U.S. Mission to UN. September 23,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/15/74. Copy of State Department Outgoing Telegram #284 to U.S. Consulate, Elisabethyille Containing Reply to President of Secessionist State of Katanga Moise Tshombe's Letter to John F. Kennedy.

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0866 Briefing Book. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0976 Letter. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: Nikita June 8-9, 1961. 97pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/15/74. Krushchev. Briefing Book for Congolese (Brazzaville) August 28, 1961. 3pp. JFK#2b. President Fulbert Youlou's Visit to U.S. Concern over Prospects for Wo/Id Peace and [Program for Youlou's Visit to U.S.; Invitation to Summit Conference in Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Brazzaville. Youlou regarding Situations in DRC, Angola, 0979 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. and Algeria; Admission of Mauritania to UN; To: McGeorge Bundy. Kouilou Dam Project; U.S. Financial and October 3, 1961. 1 p. JFK#2c. Economic Aid to Congo (Brazzaville); U.S. Suggested Reply by John F. Kennedy to Arms Aid to Congo (Brazzaville); U.S. Letter from Congolese (Brazzaville) President Scholarships for Congolese (Brazzaville) Fulbert Youlou. Students; Security Arrangements for Youlou 0980 Draft of Letter. Fr: NA. To: Fulbert Youlou. Visit; Biographical Sketches of Youlou, NA. 1p.JFK#2c. Ambassador Emmanuel Damongo, Minister John F. Kennedy Declines Meeting with of Public Works Germain Bicoumat, Marcel USSR at Brazzaville Summit Conference. Kibangou, Deputy in National Assembly and 0981 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Senator of French Community, Director of To: McGeorge Bundy. Presidential Cabinet Joseph Pouabou, and NA. 1p.JFK#2b. Counselor to Presidency Andre Gannfer]. Message from Congolese (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou to John F. Kennedy, 0964 Congo•General, October 1,1961 - Dated August 28, 1961. November 2,1961. 0982 Incoming Telegram #189. Fr: W. Wendell 0965 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. 0968 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. September 1, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2e. OUO. Fr: McGeorge Bundy and Walt W. Rostow. Congolese (Brazzaville) President Fulbert October 4,1961. 2pp. JFK#1. S. 3/15/74. Youlou Invites Soviet Premier Nikita Possible Violation of Congo Cease-fire by Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy to Summit Moise Tshombe's Katangese Forces. Conference in Brazzaville. 0970 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. 0984 Incoming Telegram #181. Fr: W. Wendell To: Samuel E. Belk. Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#2. August 31, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2f. OUO. "For Your Clearance and Return." Congolese (Brazzaville) President Fulbert 0971 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. Youlou Announces Invitations to Soviet To: McGeorge Bundy. Premier Nikita Krushchev and John F. NA. 1p.JFK#2. Kennedy to Attend Brazzaville Summit. "Will You Glance at Attached Draft to See If It 0987 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Joseph Accurately Reflects President's Views?" Kasavubu. 0972 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Fulbert October 26,1961. 1p. JFK#3. Youlou. Visit of DRC Cabinet Ministers to U.S. October 10,1961.1 p. JFK#2. 0988 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Possible Summit Meeting between U.S. and To: McGeorge Bundy. USSR at Brazzaville. October 24, 1961. 1p. JFK#3a. 0974 Letter. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: John F. DRC President Joseph Kasavubu's Letter of Kennedy. September 20, 1961, to John F. Kennedy. August 28,1961. 2pp. JFK#2a. 0989 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Joseph Text of Congolese President Youlou's Kasavubu. Message to Soviet Premier Nik'rta Krushchev NA. 1p.JFK#3a. regarding Possible Brazzaville Summit Visit of DRC Cabinet Ministers to U.S. Conference. 0990 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. October 18,1961. 1p. JFK#3b. Letter to John F. Kennedy from DRC President Joseph Kasavubu.

Congo/Reel 3 49 Frame Document Frame Document 0992 Letter. Fr: Joseph Kasavubu. To: John F. Reel 4 Kennedy. September 20,1961.1p. JFK#3c. Message of Good Wishes for Kennedy to Be Congo•General cont. Source and Editorial Note. 1 p. Delivered by DRC Minister of Agriculture Folder Title List. 9pp. J. C. Weregemere. 0993 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0001 Congo•General, November 3-11, 1961. October 30,1961.1p. JFK#4. 0002 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. "Attached Material Is for Your Information. 0005 Press Statement. Fr: Department of State. Also Attached Are Copies for Mr. Dutton, Mr. To: NA. Schlesinger, Mr. Wofford, and Mr. Belk." November 10,1961. 5pp. JFK#1. 0994 Memorandum. Fr: Pedro A. Sanjuan [San Situation in DRC between Central Juan?]. To: Walter N. Tobriner. Government and Secessionist State of October 24,1961. 3pp. JFK#4a. OUO. Katanga. Incident of Racial Discrimination in U.S. 0010 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. against Staff Member of Embassy of Kennedy. Republic of Congo (Brazzaville). November 11,1961. 4pp. JFK#2. C. 9/3/74. 0997 Memorandum. Fr: George Ball. To: John F. Financing UN Peace and Security Kennedy. Operations. October 31,1961.1 p. JFK#5. 0014 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. Draft Press Statement on Outbreak of NA. 1p.JFK#2a. Renewed Hostilities in DRC. Financial Data on UN Peace and Security 0998 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. Operations. To: NA. 0015 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#5-1. NA. 1p.JFK#2b. "Ball's Office Informed of Approval by JFK as Specific Funding Proposed on UN Peace and Revised." Security Operations. 0999 Scribble. 1 p. JFK#5-2. 0016 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 1000 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. NA. 5pp. JFK#2c. C. 9/3/74. To: McGeorge Bundy. Financing UN Peace and Security November 2, 1961.1p. JFK#6. C. 9/3/74. Operations. Status Report on DRC. 0021 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. 1001 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Kennedy. NA. 6pp. JFK#6. November 11,1961. 3pp. JFK#3. C. NA. Politico-Military Situation in DRC. UN Security Council Meetings on Congo 1007 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Crisis. NA. 3pp. JFK#6. C. 9/3/74. 0024 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Order of Battle of Military Forces in DRC. Kennedy. 1010 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. November 11,1961. 6pp. JFK#3a. To: McGeorge Bundy. C. 3/15/74. November 2, 1961. 1p. JFK#6. C. 9/3/74. U.S. Policy toward Congo. Status Report on DRC. 0030 Outgoing Telegram #797^ Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 1011 Copy of Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. NA. 6pp. JFK#6. November 10, 1961. 1p. JFK#4. C. 3/25/74. Politico-Military Situation in DRC. Possible Visit to U.S. by DRC Prime Minister 1018 Copy of Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Cyrille Adoula to Attend UN General NA. 3pp. JFK#6. C. 9/3/74. Assembly. Order of Battle of Military Forces in DRC. 0031 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#4-1. "Leave Intact."

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0032 Outgoing Telegram #1222. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0056 Incoming Airgram #A-21. Fr: [?] Hoffacker. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. To: Dean Rusk. January 4, 1962. 1p. JFK#4a. C. 3/15/74. November 12,1961. 1p. JFK#2. OUO. Possible Visit to U.S. by DRC Prime Minister Katangese Anti-U.S. Congo Policy Cyrille Adoula to Attend UN General Propaganda. Assembly. 0057 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Fulbert 0033 Outgoing Telegram #1264. Fr: Dean Rusk. Youlou. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. November 15,1961.1 p. JFK#3. January 13,1962.1 p. JFK#4b. C. 3/15/74. Kennedy Declines Invitation to Attend Proposed Visit to U.S. by DRC Prime Celebrations in Brazzaville on Congo Minister Cyrille Adoula. (Brazzaville)'s National Holiday. 0034 Incoming Telegram #2374. Fr: [?] Bingham. 0058 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: To: Dean Rusk. McGeorge Bundy. January 11,1962.1p. JFK#4c. C. 3/15/74. November 7, 1961.1p. JFK#3a. C. 3/15/74. Opposition to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Suggested Reply by John F. Kennedy to Adoula's Visits to U.S. and UN. Letter from Congolese (Brazzaville) President 0035 Incoming Telegram #1807. Fr: Edmund A. Fulbert Youlou. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0059 Draft of Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: January 13, 1962. 1p. JFK#4d. S. 3/25/74. Fulbert Youlou. DRC Central Bank Governor Albert Ndele to NA. 1p.JFK#3a. Accompany DRC Prime Minister Cyrille y- Kennedy Declines Invitation to Attend Adoula on Trip to U.S. Celebrations in Brazzaville on Congo 0036 Incoming Telegram #1830. Fr: Edmund A. (Brazzaville)'s National Holiday. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0060 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: January 15,1962.2pp. JFK#4e. C. 3/15/74. McGeorge Bundy. Arrest of DRC Vice Premier and Secessionist November 6, 1961.1p. JFK#3b. Leader Antoine Gizenga. Letter from Congolese (Brazzaville) President 0038 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Fulbert Youlou to John F. Kennedy. McGeorge Bundy. 0061 Draft of Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: November 17, 1961. 1p. JFK#4f. S. 1/15/75. Fulbert Youlou. U.S. Steps to Assist DRC Prime Minister NA. 1p.JFK#3c. Cyrille Adoula against Secessionist Leader Kennedy Declines Invitation to Attend Antoine Gizenga. Celebrations in Brazzaville on Congo 0039 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. (Brazzaville)'s National Holiday. NA. 3pp. JFK#4g. S. 1 /15/75. 0062 Translation of Letter. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: U.S. Assistance to DRC Prime Minister John F. Kennedy. Cyrille Adoula against Secessionist Leader October 17,1961.1p. JFK#3d. Antoine Gizenga. Invitation to Kennedy to Attend Congolese 0043 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Independence Anniversary Celebration in Kennedy. Brazzaville. November 11, 1961. 3pp. JFK#4h. C. NA. 0063 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: UN Security Council Meetings on Congo McGeorge Bundy. Crisis. November 6,1961.1p. JFK#3e. 0046 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Letter from Congolese (Brazzaville) President Kennedy. Fulbert Youlou to John F. Kennedy. November 11,1961. 6pp. JFK#4i. C. 3/15/74. 0064 Outgoing Telegram #2843. Fr: Dean Rusk. U.S. Policy toward Congo. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. November 16,1961. 2pp. JFK#4. OUO. 0052 Congo•General, November 12-30, Letter from John F. Kennedy to Congolese 1961. (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou 0053 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Declining Invitation to Attend Congolese National Holiday Celebrations.

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0066 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0079 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. Kenneth G. O'Donnell. November 17,1961. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 3/15/74. November 25, 1961.1 p. JFK#12. C. 3/15/74. Talking Paper for John F. Kennedy in Edmund A. Gullion, U.S. Ambassador to DRC, Connection with Thomas J. Dodd's Visit to Requests Appointment with John F. Kennedy. White House. 0080 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0068 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: General McGeorge Bundy. Clifton. November 25, 1961. 2pp. JFK#13. November 17,1961. 1p. JFK#6. S. 3/15/74. Papers on DRC and Vietnam Prepared in Report on Additional Pressure against Moise Response to Questions by John F. Kennedy. Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of 0069 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Katanga, by Belgian Foreign Minister Paul- McGeorge Bundy. Henri Spaak's Visit to DRC. November 17, 1961. 1 p. JFK#7. 0082 Outgoing Telegram #462. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: "The Attached Material Is for Your U.S. Embassy, Brazzaville. Information. Also Attached Are Copies for Mr. November 27, 1961. 2pp. JFK#14. Dutton, Mr. Schlesinger, Mr. Wofford, and Mr. Letter of Credence from John F. Kennedy Belk." Appointing W. Wendell Blancke Personal 0070 Memorandum. Fr: Pedro A. Sanjuan [San Representative and Special Ambassador to Juan?]. To: Angier Biddle Duke. Attend Congolese (Brazzaville) National November 17,1961. 1 p. JFK#7a. OUO. Holiday Celebrations. Anonymous Threats Received by Congolese 0084 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: (Brazzaville) Ambassador Emmanuel J. McGeorge Bundy. Dadet. November 28, 1961. 1p. JFK#15. S. 3/15/74. 0071 Letter. Fr: Thomas J. Dodd. To: John F. Comment on Report of Commission of Kennedy. Investigation Established under Terms of UN November 21,1961.1p. JFK#9. General Assembly Resolution 1601 (XV). Discussions regarding Possible Adoula- 0085 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Tshombe Entente in DRC. November 25, 1961. 5pp. JFK#15. S. NA. 0072 Outgoing Telegram #450. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Comment on Report of Commission of U.S. Embassy, Brazzaville. Investigation Established under Terms of UN November 21,1961. 2pp. JFK#10. General Assembly Resolution 1601 (XV). C. 3/15/74. Letter to Congolese (Brazzaville) President 0090 Congo•General, December 1-13, Fulbert Youlou from Rusk regarding 1961. Suggestions for Solution to DRC Problem. 0091 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. 0074 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0094 Memorandum for File. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. McGeorge Bundy. To: NA. November 24,1961. 1 p. JFK#11. LOU. NA. 1p.JFK#1. Telegram from Moise Tshombe, President of "I Asked State to Consider Using Harriman in Secessionist State of Katanga, to John F. This Matter and to Inform Dodd if Harriman Kennedy, Dated November 15, 1961. Was Asked to Send Message to Tshombe." 0075 Translation of Letter. Fr: Moise Tshombe. To: 0095 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Bromley K. John F. Kennedy. Smith. November 15,1961.1p. JFK#11a. December 1,1961.1 p. JFK#1 a. Protests Intervention by UN Army in Katanga. White House Clearance of Draft Message to 0076 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Luanda. McGeorge Bundy. 0096 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Consulate, November 15,1961.1p. JFK#11b. Luanda. Message from Moise Tshombe, President of December 1, 1961. 2pp. JFK#1b. C. 3/15/74. Secessionist State of Katanga, to John F. Message from John F. Kennedy to Thomas J. Kennedy. Dodd regarding His Situation Report from 0077 Telegram (in French). Fr: Moise Tshombe. To: Elisabethville, DRC. John F. Kennedy. November 15,1961. 2pp. JFK#11c.

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0098 Incoming Telegram #674. Fr: [?] Hoffacker. 0119 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. November 30, 1961. 2pp. JFK#1c. C. NA. February 15, 1961. 1p. JFK#5c. S. 3/15/74. Thomas J. Dodd's Report on Situation in Use of U.S. Military Forces and Facilities for Elisabethville between Katangese and UN Emergency Evacuation of U.S. Citizens from Troops. DRC. 0100 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: 0120 Special Report #53. Fr: NA. To: NA. Godfrey McHugh. December 12, 1961. 4pp. JFK#7. NA. 1p.JFK#2. TS. 4/6/76 IP. Background Memo on Politico-Military U.S. Policy on Military Assistance to DRC Situation in Katanga. Government. 0101 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0124 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. December 6,1961. 1p. JFK#2a. December 23,1961.1p. JFK#8. S. 9/3/74. DRC Situation Report. Telephone Conversations between John F. 0103 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: Kennedy and Dean Rusk. Undersecretary of State. 0125 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. December 6,1961. 4pp. JFK#2b. C. 3/15/74. To: NA. Politico-Military Situation in DRC. December 13,1961. 2pp. JFK#8a. S. 9/3/74. 0107 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: Lucius D. Conversation between John F. Kennedy and Battle. Dean Rusk regarding Situation in DRC. December 6, 1961.1 p. JFK#3. 0127 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. "For Translation and Recommendation." To: NA. 0109 Letter (in French). Fr: NA. To: John F. December 13, 1961.1p. JFK#8b. S. 9/3/74. Kennedy. Conversation between John F. Kennedy and December 4, 1961.1p. JFK#3a. Dean Rusk regarding Discussion on Berlin in 0110 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. NATO Council. Kennedy. December 9,1961. 4pp. JFK#4. C. 3/15/74. 0128 Congo•Genera!, December 14-15, Courses for U.S. in View of Fighting in 1961. Katanga. 0129 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. 0114 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0132 Letter. Fr: AGK. To: McGeorge Bundy. NA. 1 p. JFK#4a.C. 3/15/74. December 14,1961.2pp. JFK#1. UN Military Situation in Katanga and U.S. Efforts to Persuade Moise Tshombe, Department of Defense's Views. President of Secessionist State of Katanga, 0115 Note. Fr: Charles E. Johnson. To: Bromley K. to Meet with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Smith. Adoula. December 11,1961. 1p.JFK#5. 0135 Handwritten Letter. Fr: AGK. To: McGeorge "Sam Belk Checked into Need for This Bundy. Statement from White House. Apparently a December 14,1961. 2pp. JFK#1. Memo Along Lines of Attached Draft Would Efforts to Persuade Moise Tshombe, Make Department of State Happy." President of Secessionist State of Katanga, 0116 Draft Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. to Meet with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille To: Lucius D. Battle. Adoula. December 11, 1961.1 p. JFK#5a. S. 3/15/74. 0137 Telegram (in French). Fr: Moise Tshombe. To: Use of U.S. Military Forces and Facilities for John F. Kennedy. Emergency Evacuation of U.S. Citizens from December 14, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2. DRC. 0139 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0117 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: December 14,1961.1p. JFK#2a. McGeorge Bundy. "Inform Tshombe at Once That President Is December 7, 1961.1p. JFK#5b. S. 3/15/74. Proceeding Immediately to Explore Use of U.S. Military Forces and Facilities for Possibilities. Will Communicate Further with Emergency Evacuation of U.S. Citizens from Him Soonest." DRC.

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0140 Translation of Letter. Fr: Moïse Tshombe. To: 0152 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: John F. Kennedy. McGeorge Bundy. NA. 1p.JFK#2b. December 15, 1961. 1p. JFK#6. Protest of Attack on Katanga by UN Troops. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for W. 0141 Letter. Fr: Moise Tshombe. To: John F. Wendell Blancke, U.S. Ambassador to Congo Kennedy. (Brazzaville). December 14, 1961. 1p. JFK#2c. 0154 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Protest of Attack on Katanga by UN Troops. NA. 1p.JFK#6a. 0142 Draft Telegram. Fr: George Ball. To: U.S. Biographical Sketch of W. Wendell Blancke, Embassy, Leopoldville. U.S. Ambassador to Congo (Brazzaville). December 14, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2d. OUO. 0155 Incoming Telegram #NA. Fr: Edmund A. Offer by Moise Tshombe, President of Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Secessionist State of Katanga, to Negotiate Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Offer without Conditions with DRC Prime Minister to Negotiate with Central Government of Cyrille Adoula. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. 0144 Incoming Telegram #1511. Fr: Edmund A. 0156 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Moise Tshombe. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. December 15, 1961. 2pp. JFK#3. S. 3/15/74. December 15, 1961. 4pp. JFK#8. U.S. Mediation for Cease-fire in DRC. Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of 0146 Memorandum. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: Katanga, Criticizes U.S. State Department's Lucius D. Battle. View of Situation in DRC. December 15, 1961.1p. JFK#4. 0160 Telegram (in French). Fr: Moise Tshombe. To: Letters from John F. Kennedy to Presidents Dean Rusk. Ahmadou Ahidjo of Cameroon and Joseph December 15,1961. 3pp. JFK#8a. Kasavubu of DRC. 0163 Outgoing Telegram #1028. Fr: George Ball. 0147 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Joseph To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. Kasavubu. Consulate, Eiisabethville. December 15, 1961.1p. JFK#4a. NA. 2pp. JFK#9. C. NA. Visit to DRC by U.S. Secretary of Labor Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Offer Arthur J. Goldberg. to Negotiate with Central Government of 0148 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Joseph DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Kasavubu. 0165 Outgoing Telegram #1036. Fr: George Ball. NA. 1p.JFK#4b. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Visit to DRC by U.S. Secretary of Labor December 15,1961. 2pp. JFK#10. OUO. Arthur J. Goldberg. Reply to Katangese President Moise 0149 Copy of Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Tshombe's Message to John F. Kennedy Joseph Kasavubu. regarding Offer to Negotiate with DRC Prime NA. 1p.JFK#4b. Minister Cyrille Adoula. Visit to DRC by U.S. Secretary of Labor 0167 Incoming Telegram #1067. Fr: Douglas Arthur J. Goldberg. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 0150 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: December 13,1961.1 p. JFK#11. McGeorge Bundy. Report on Situation in Eiisabethville from December 14, 1961. 1p. JFK#4c. Jules Cousin, Chairman of Board of Directors Proposed Letter from John F. Kennedy to of Union Miniere du Haut Katanga. DRC President Joseph Kasavubu. 0168 Incoming Telegram (unnumbered). Fr: 0151 Incoming Telegram #1080. Fr: Douglas Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. MacArthur II. To: NA. December 15,1961. 1p. JFK#12. S. 3/15/74. December 15, 1961.1p. JFK#5. C. 3/15/74. Special UN Representative to Congo Ralph U.S. Position on Continuation of Hostilities in Bunche Opposes Any Direct Katanga. Correspondence between John F. Kennedy and Katangese President Moise Tshombe.

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0169 Congo•General, December 16-18, oí 87 Outgoing Telegram #1055. Fr: George Ball. 1961. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0170 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. December 17,1961. 1p. JFK#7. QUO. 0173 Telegram #708. Fr: George Ball. To: John F. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Message from Kennedy. DRC President Joseph Kasavubu regarding December 16, 1961. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 3/15/74. U.S. Government Support of UN Operations Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower's in Congo. Statements on DRC-Katanga Situation and 0188 Incoming Telegram #1089. Fr: Douglas Views of U.S. Political Leaders on Kennedy's MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Handling of Situation. December 17,1961. 1p. JFK#8. 0175 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Moise Tshombe, President of Secessionist McGeorge Bundy. State of Katanga, Annouces Readiness to December 16, 1961.1p. JFK#2. Meet with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Joint Cable to John F. Kennedy from 0189 White House Outgoing Message. Fr: Katangese Cabinet Ministers Godefroid McGeorge Bundy. To: John F. Kennedy. Munongo and Evariste Kimba. December 18,1961. 1p. JFK#9. S. 3/15/74. 0176 Telegram (in French). Fr: Evariste Kimba and Message from British Prime Minister Harold Godefroid Munongo. To: John F. Kennedy. Macmillan to Kennedy regarding Negotiations December 6,1961. 2pp. JFK#2a. between Moise Tshombe, President of 0178 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Evariste Kimba Secessionist State of Katanga, and DRC and Godefroid Munongo. To: John F. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Kennedy. 0190 Copy of White House Outgoing Message. Fr: December 6,1961. 1p. JFK#2b. McGeorge Bundy. To: John F. Kennedy. Katangese Secessionist Government December 18,1961. 1p. JFK#9. S. 3/15/74. Protests Use of U.S. Air Force Units in UN Message from British Prime Minister Harold Forces in DRC. Macmillan to Kennedy regarding Negotiations 0179 Telegram. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: John F. between Moise Tshombe, President of Kennedy. Secessionist State of Katanga, and DRC NA. 4pp. JFK#3. C. 3/15/74. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Discussions regarding Negotiations between 0191 Outgoing Telegram #1055. Fr: George Ball. Moise Tshombe, President of Secessionist To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. State of Katanga, and DRC Prime Minister December 17, 1961.1p. JFK#10. OUO. Cyrille Adoula. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Message from 0183 White House Incoming Message. Fr: DRC President Joseph Kasavubu regarding Delegation Permanente du Katanga in U.S. Government Support of UN Operations Brussels. To: White House. in Congo. December 17,1961.1 p. JFK#4. 0192 Note. Fr: Frederick G. Dutton. To: Bromley K. Message from Moise Tshombe, President of Smith. Secessionist State of Katanga, to John F. NA. 1p.JFK#11. Kennedy regarding Negotiations with DRC "Since You Had This Initiated, I Thought You Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Would Be Interested in Finished Product." 0184 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: 0193 Pamphlet. Fr: George Ball. To: NA. George Ball. December 1961. 16pp. JFK#12. December 17, 1961. 1p. JFK#5. Elements in U.S. Congo Policy. U.S. Efforts to Receive Up-to-date, Coordinated, and Accurate Information on 0209 Congo•General, December 19-20, Military Situation in DRC. 1961. 0185 Incoming Telegram #384. Fr: Edmund A. 0210 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Gullion. To: White House. 0213 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: December 17, 1961. 2pp. JFK#6. QUO. McGeorge Bundy. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Message from December 19,1961.1p. JFK#1. Moise Tshombe, President of Secessionist Telegram to John F. Kennedy from DRC State of Katanga. President Joseph Kasavubu, Dated December 16, 1961.

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0214 Telegram (in French). Fr: Joseph Kasavubu. 0237 UN Security Council Resolution S/4741. Fr: To: John F. Kennedy. UN Security Council. To: NA. December 16, 1961. 2pp. JFK#1 a. February 21, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2g. 0216 Incoming Telegram #1532. Fr: Edmund A. UN Urges to Take All Measures to Prevent Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Occurrence of Civil War in DRC and to Effect December 16, 1961. 1p. JFK#1b. OUO. Withdrawal of All Foreign Troops from That Message from DRC President Joseph Country. Kasavubu to John F. Kennedy regarding U.S. 0239 UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/ Support of UN Operations in Congo. 1599 (XV). Fr: UN General Assembly. To: NA. 0217 Incoming Telegram #1532. Fr: Edmund A. April 17, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2h. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. UN Calls on Belgium to Withdraw and December 16, 1961.1p. JFK#1c. OUO. Evacuate All Troops from DRC. DRC Foreign Minister Justin Bomboko 0241 UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/ Relays Message (in French) from President 1600 (XV). Fr: UN General Assembly. To: NA. Joseph Kasavubu to John F. Kennedy. April 17, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2i. 0218 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Joseph UN Calls on DRC Authorities to Desist from Kasavubu. To: John F. Kennedy. Attempting Military Solution to Their December 16, 1961.1 p. JFK#1 d. Problems and Resolve Them by Peaceful Message of Appreciation for U.S. Support of Means. UN Operations in DRC. 0243 UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/ 0219 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 1601 (XV)/ Rev. 2. Fr: UN General Assembly. McGeorge Bundy. To: NA. December 20, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2. May 19, 1961.1 p. JFK#2j. DRC Situation Report. UN Establishes Commission of Investigation 0221 UN Security Council Resolution S/5002. Fr: into Situation in DRC. UN Security Council. To: NA. 0244 Outgoing Telegram #1068. Fr: Dean Rusk. November 24, 1961. 3pp. JFK#2a. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Condemnation of Katangese Secession. December 19, 1961. 5pp. JFK#2k. 0224 UN Security Council Resolution S/4387. Fr: C. 3/15/74. UN Security Council. To: NA. U.S. State Department Ideas on Substance July 14, 1960. 1p.JFK#2b. of Adoula-Tshombe Agreement. UN Military Assistance to DRC Central Government. 0249 Congo•State Department Report: 0225 UN Security Council Resolution S/4405. Fr: "Congo Chronology," December 20, UN Security Council. To: NA. 1961. July 22,1960. 1 p. JFK#2c. 0250 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. UN Calls on Belgium to Withdraw Troops 0253 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: from DRC. McGeorge Bundy. 0226 UN Security Council Resolution S/4426. Fr: December 20,1961.1p. JFK#1. S. 3/15/74. UN Security Council. To: NA. Information on DRC. August 9, 1960. 2pp. JFK#2d. 0254 Outgoing Telegram #1045. Fr: George Ball. UN Calls on Belgium to Withdraw Troops To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. from Katanga and Orders UN Troops into December 15,1961. 2pp. JFK#1a. Province to Restore Order. S. 3/15/74. 0228 Report. Fr: UN General Assembly. To: NA. Establishment of U.S. Intelligence Evaluation September 17-19, 1960. 8pp. JFK#2e. Center to Correlate Intelligence Material from Resolutions on DRC Adopted by UN General DRC. Assembly during Its Fourth Emergency 0256 Report. Fr: Department of State. To: NA. Special Session, September 17-19,1960. NA. 34pp. JFK#2. 0236 UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/ "A Congo Chronology, January 1959- 1592 (XV). Fr: UN General Assembly. To: NA. December 21,1961" [Patrice Lumumba vs. January 11, 1961. 1p. JFK#2f. Secessionists and UN; Governmental Crisis Situation in DRC. in DRC; Power Struggle in DRC; Efforts to Achieve Unity in DRC; and Katanga Issue].

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0290 Note. Fr: NA. To: Bromley K. Smith. 0305 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 2pp. JFK#3. NA. 1p.JFK#5. "Mr. Bundy Sent Gullion Letter Down to "Sent to General Clifton 12:30 PM December President•With No Comment as to Whether 19,1961." Copy Should Be Sent to State. Want to Ask?" 0306 Telegram. Fr: Moise Tshombe. To: John F. 0292 Letter. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: John F. Kennedy. Kennedy. December 29, 1961. 1p. JFK#5. December 21,1961. 2pp. JFK#3a. Protests Agitation by U.S. Ambassador UN Employment of Force in DRC in Face of Edmund A. Gullion to UN Command to Take Katangese Provocation. Military Action to Prevent Meeting of Katangese National Assembly to Execute 0294 Congo•General, December 21-31, Kitona Declaration. 1961. 0307 Outgoing Telegram #1182. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0295 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. 0298 Incoming Telegram #20. Fr: Department of Consulate, Elisabethville. State. To: Dean Rusk (Bermuda). December 29,1961. 2pp. JFK#6. December 21, 1961. 1 p. JFK#1. QUO. U.S. Refutes Charges Made by Moise Telegram from Edmund A. Gullion, U.S. Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of Ambassador to DRC, regarding Kitona Katanga, That U.S. Ambassador Edmund A. Conference. Gullion Interfered with Kitona Talks and 0299 White House Incoming Message. Fr: Urged Resumption of UN Military Action McGeorge Bundy (Aboard Air Force One). against Katanga. To: Bromley K. Smith. 0309 Incoming Telegram #887. Fr: [?] Hoffacker. December 21,1961. 1 p. JFK#2. S. 3/15/74. To: John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy Reviews Terms of Kitona December 28, 1961. 2pp. JFK#6a. Agreement on DRC and Sends His Protests Agitation by U.S. Ambassador Congratulations. Edmund A. Gullion to UN Command to Take 0300 Outgoing Telegram #534. Fr: George Ball. To: Military Action to Prevent Meeting of U.S. Embassy, Brazzaville. Katangese National Assembly to Execute NA. 1p.JFK#3.0UO. Kitona Declaration. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Congolese 0311 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Moise Tshombe. (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou To: John F. Kennedy. regarding Hostilities in DRC and December 29,1961. 1 p. JFK#6b. Reconciliation between Moise Tshombe, Protests Agitation by U.S. Ambassador President of Secessionist State of Katanga, Edmund A. Gullion to UN Command to Take and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Military Action to Prevent Meeting of 0301 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Katangese National Assembly to Execute Bromley K. Smith. Kitona Declaration. December 27,1961. 1 p. JFK#4. 0312 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Fulbert Cable to John F. Kennedy from Civilian Youlou. Doctors of Elisabethville, DRC. December 30,1961.1p. JFK#7. 0302 Telegram (in French). Fr: Civilian Doctors of Efforts to Promote Reconciliation between Elisabethville, DRC. To: John F. Kennedy. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula and Moise December 17,1961. 2pp. JFK#4a. Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of 0304 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Civilian Doctors Katanga. of Elisabethville, DRC. To: John F. Kennedy. 0313 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: December 17,1961.1p. JFK#4b. Melvin Manful!. Request That International Red Cross NA. 1p.JFK#7a. Committee Send Representative to Katanga "Isn't This Now Entirely Out of Date?" to Prevent Violations of [Geneva] 0314 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Convention. McGeorge Bundy. December 16, 1961.1p. JFK#7b. Reply to Telegram Sent by Congolese (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou to John F. Kennedy.

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0315 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Fulbert 0334 Congo•General, January 1-6,1962. Youlou. 0335 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. NA. 1p.JFK#7c. 0338 Outgoing Telegram #556. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Efforts to Promote Reconciliation between U.S. Embassy, Brazzaville. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula and Moise NA.2pp.JFK#1.0UO. Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of John F. Kennedy's Reply to Correspondence Katanga. from Congolese (Brazzaville) President 0316 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. Fulbert Youlou regarding Hostilities in To: John F. Kennedy. Katanga and Reconciliation between Moise December 9, 1961. 2pp. JFK#7d. Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of Appeal for U.S. Intervention to End Fighting Katanga, and Cyrille Adoula, DRC Prime in Katanga. Minister. 0318 White House Incoming Message. Fr: Dean 0340 Note. Fr: NA. To: White House. Rusk. To: White House. Januarys, 1961. 1p.JFK#2. December 9, 1961. 2pp. JFK#7e. 'The Attached File on Tempelsman Proposal Message from Congolese (Brazzaville) Is Returned as Requested." President Fulbert Youlou to John F. Kennedy 0341 Outgoing Telegram #1174. Fr: Dean Rusk. Appealing for U.S. Intervention to End To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Fighting in Katanga. December 29, 1961.1p. JFK#2a. OUO. 0321 Letter. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: John F. Letter from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Kennedy. Adoula to John F. Kennedy regarding November 18, 1961. 1p. JFK#7f. Possible Expansion of U.S. Diamond Barter Appeal to Chiefs of State of Independent Program. Nations of Black Africa to Help Solve DRC 0342 Memorandum. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. To: Problem. Lucius D. Battle. 0322 Copy of Letter. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: John F. December 27,1961.1p. JFK#2b. Kennedy. "I Have Discussed Attached with Stanley November 18, 1961.1p. JFK#7f. Cleveland and It Is to Be Handled in Appeal to Chiefs of State of Independent Accordance with Our Conversation." Nations of Black Africa to Help Solve DRC 0343 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Cyrille Adoula. Problem. NA. 2pp. JFK#2c. 0323 Statement. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: Chiefs of Leon Tempelsman and Son Proposal for State of Independent Nations of Black Africa. Barter of Diamonds from DRC against U.S. NA. 3pp. JFK#7f. Agricultural Commodities. Appeal to Help Solve DRC Problem. 0345 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: 0326 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Fulbert Youlou. McGeorge Bundy. NA. 1p.JFK#7g. NA. 1p.JFK#2d. Reply to Appeal for U.S. to Help End To Note Second Sentence." Hostilities in Katanga. 0346 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: 0327 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: Lucius D. Melvin Manfull. Battle. NA. 1p.JFK#2e. December 5,1961.1 p. JFK#7h. "What Is Timing Recommendation on This "For Translation and Recommendation." Now?" 0328 Letter (in Frenchf. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: 0347 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: John F. Kennedy. Ralph A. Dungan. November 18,1961. 4pp. JFK#7i. NA. 1p.JFK#2e. 0332 Incoming Telegram #1714. Fr: Edmund A. "For Your Clearance. If You Wish You May Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Return Draft Here for Typing, Processing, December 30,1961. 2pp. JFK#8. S. 3/15/74. Etc." Letter from DRC Government Praising U.S. 0348 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Actions but Asking U.S. Policy of Opposition McGeorge Bundy. to Communist Ideology. December 8, 1961.1 p. JFK#2f. Leon Tempelsman Proposal for Barter of DRC Diamonds.

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0349 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Cyrille Adoula. 0361 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: NA. 2pp. JFK#2g. McGeorge Bundy. Leon Tempelsman and Son Proposal for January 5,1962. 1 p. JFK#5. Barter of Diamonds from DRC against U.S. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for W. Agricultural Commodities. Wendell Blancke, U.S. Ambassador to Congo 0351 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, (Brazzaville). Leopoldville. 0362 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#2h.OUO. NA. 1p.JFK#5. John F. Kennedy's Reply to DRC Prime Biographical Sketch of W. Wendell Blancke, Minister Cyrille Adoula's Letter regarding U.S. Ambassador to Congo (Brazzaville). Diamond Barter Proposal. , 0363 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0352 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. January 6,1962. 1p. JFK#6. November 13,1961.1p. JFK#2i. Cable to John F. Kennedy from Joseph F. Telegram from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Cornells, Archbishop of Elisabethville, Adoula to John F. Kennedy. regarding Katanga Fighting. 0353 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Cyrille Adoula. 0364 Telegram (in French). Fr: Joseph Cornelis. To: John F. Kennedy. To: John F. Kennedy. October 24,1961.1 p. JFK#2j. December 24, 1961. 1p. JFK#6a. Conclusion of Agreement between DRC 0365 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Joseph Cornelis. Government and Firm of Leon Tempelsman To: John F. Kennedy. and Son regarding Barter of Diamonds. NA. 1p.JFK#6b. 0354 Telegram (in French). Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: Appeal to Kennedy to Use His Influence to John F. Kennedy. End Fighting and Bloodshed in Katanga. October 24,1961. 1 p. JFK#2k. 0366 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0355 Note. Fr: NA. To: Bromley K. Smith. McGeorge Bundy. NA. 1p.JFK#3. January 11,1962. 1p. JFK#7. 'The Two Senators Were Sent Telegram from [?] Croquez, Attorney from Acknowledgments by Wire•State Will Draft South Kasai Province, DRC, to John F. Replies to Them When They (State) Have Kennedy, Dated December 30,1961. Talked to Ambassador Gullion." 0367 Telegram (in French). Fr: [?] Croquez. To: 0356 Handwritten Note. Fr: JC. To: Polly [?]. John F. Kennedy. Januarys, 1962. 1p. JFK#3 December 30, 1962. 2pp. JFK#7a. "If You Don't Need This, You Can Destroy." 0369 Translation of Telegram. Fr: [?] Croquez. To: 0357 Memorandum. Fr: Harlan P. Bramble. To: [?] John F. Kennedy. Ford. December 30, 1961.1p. JFK#7b. January 4,1962.1 p. JFK#3a. Request for U.S. Intervention in Disturbances Barter Program for DRC Industrial Diamonds. in South Kasai Province, DRC. 0358 Memorandum. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. To: 0370 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. Bromley K. Smith. January 4,1962. 1p. JFK#4. January 11, 1962. 1p.JFK#8. "I've Been Pressing Them on Getting Better Memorandum from British Ambassador to On-the-scene Intelligence and since This Dean Rusk on DRC. Letter Military Attaché Staffs Are Being Augmented." 0371 Congo•General, January 7-23,1962. 0359 Letter. Fr: Lyman L. Lemnitzer. To: U. Alexis 0372 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Johnson. 0375 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: George C. McGhee.

December 29,1961. 2pp. JFK#4a. To: Admiral Kirk. 7 C. 10/11/73. January 12,1962.1 p. JFK#1. U.S. Military Representation in DRC. Union Miniere du Haut Kataga Denies That Belgians Trying to Enter Katanga Were Employees of Theirs.

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0376 Memorandum. Fr: Chester V. Clifton. To: 0393 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Charles John F. Kennedy. Mutakawadiloma. To: John F. Kennedy. January 15,1962. 1p. JFK#2. January 20,1962. 1p. JFK#7c. CIA Investigation into Possible UN Support of Katanga National Assembly Denounces Military Forces of Secessionist Leader Genocide by DRC Central Government in Antoine Gizenga in DRC. Northern Katanga. 0378 Department of Air Force Incoming Message. Fr: Air Attaché, Leopoldville. To: Chief of 0394 Congo•General, January 24-31, Staff, Air Force. 1962. January 13,1962. 4pp. JFK#2a. S. 10/11 /73. 0395 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Possible Involvement of U.S. Aircraft in 0398 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Bombing of Katanga as Part of UN Military NA. 1p.JFK#1. Forces. Biographical Sketch of DRC Prime Minister 0382 Outgoing Telegram #1800. Fr: Dean Rusk. Cyrille Adoula. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. 0399 Memorandum. Fr: Robert Eisenberg. To: January 15,1962. 1p. JFK#3. OUO. Alice Boyce. Letter from Count Josse de Lalaing to White January 24,1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 3/15/74. House regarding DRC. Program for DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0383 Incoming Telegram #606. Fr: [?] Dorros. To: Adoula's Visit to U.S. Dean Rusk. 0400 Handwritten Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#2. January 18, 1962. 1p. JFK#4. 0402 Memorandum. Fr: Sheldon B. Vance. To: G. "Presidential Message Delivered Yesterday Mennen Williams. No Immediate Decision GOC Release." January 24,1962. 3pp. JFK#2a. C. 3/15/74. 0384 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: Lucius D. Tentative Plans for DRC Prime Minister Battle. Cyrille Adoula's Visit to U.S. January 20, 1962. 1 p. JFK#5. 0405 Outgoing Telegram #1956. Fr: George Ball. "For Translation, Per Conversation between To: U.S. Mission to UN. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Collopy." January 26,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. OUO. 0386 Telegram (in French). Fr: [?] Plans for DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Mutakawadiloma. To: John F. Kennedy. Visit to U.S. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. 0407 Incoming Telegram #1910. Fr: Edmund A. [Note: Document Unreadable.] Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0388 Outgoing Telegram #517. Fr: George Ball. To: January 26,1962.1p. JFK#4. C. 3/15/74. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Departure Date for DRC Prime Minister January 24,1962. 1p. JFK#6. Cyrille Adoula's Visit to U.S. Reply to Telegram to John F. Kennedy from 0408 Incoming Telegram #1915. Fr: Edmund A. Archbishop Joseph Cornelis regarding Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Atrocities in DRC. January 26,1962.1p. JFK#5. C. 3/15/74. 0389 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Possible Appearance before UN Security McGeorge Bundy. Council during DRC Prime Minister Cyrille January 29,1962. 1p. JFK#7. Adoula's Visit to U.S. Telegram to John F. Kennedy from Charles 0409 Incoming Telegram #1942. Fr: Edmund A. Mutakawadiloma, President of Katanga Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. National Assembly. January 29,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 3/15/74. 0390 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Plans for DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's McGeorge Bundy. Visit to U.S. January 22,1962. 1p. JFK#7a. 0411 Outgoing Telegram #1340. Fr: George Ball. Telegram to John F. Kennedy from Charles To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Mutakawadiloma, President of Katanga January 29,1962. 2pp. JFK#7. OUO. National Assembly. Program for DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0391 Telegram (in French). Fr: Charles Adoula's Visit to U.S. Mutakawadiloma. To: John F. Kennedy. January 20,1962. 2pp. JFK#7b.

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0413 Outgoing Telegram #1341. Fr: George Ball. 0429 Incoming Telegram #1977. Fr: George To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Views regarding DRC Prime Minister February 1, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 3/15/74. Cyrille Adoula's Speech before UN General Program for DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Assembly. Adoula's Visit to U.S. 0415 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0431 Incoming Telegram #2627. Fr: Adlai E. McGeorge Bundy. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. January 29,1962.1p. JFK#9. QUO. February 1, 1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 3/15/74. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Visit to New York Schedule for DRC Prime Minister U.S. Cyrille Adoula's Visit to U.S. 0416 Incoming Telegram #1947. Fr: Edmund A. 0433 Incoming Telegram #787. Fr: Joseph Palmer Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. II. To: Dean Rusk. January 30,1962.1p. JFK#10. February 1, 1962.1p.JFK#4. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Comments on John F. Kennedy's Invitation to Acknowledges John F. Kennedy's Invitation Visit to U.S. to Lunch at White House. 0417 Incoming Telegram #2599. Fr: Adlai E. 0434 Outgoing Telegram #1361. Fr: George Ball. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. January 30,1962.1p. JFK#11. QUO. February 1, 1962.1p. JFK#5. OUO. Proposal for Informal Stag Dinner in New DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula to Attend York for DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Luncheon with UN Secretary General U during Visit to U.S. Thant. 0418 Outgoing Telegram #1344. Fr: George Ball. 0435 Press Release. Fr: Department of State. To: To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. NA. January 30,1962.1p. JFK#12. OUO. February 2, 1962. 3pp. JFK#6. John F. Kennedy's Official Invitation to DRC Program for DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula to Be His Guest Adoula's Visit to U.S. in Washington, D.C. ' 0438 Incoming Telegram #2649. Fr: Adlai E. 0420 Outgoing Telegram #1347. Fr: George Ball. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. February 4, 1962. 3pp. JFK#7. C. 9/3/74. January 30,1962. 1p. JFK#13. Preliminary Impressions of DRC Prime DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Minister Cyrille Adoula's Visit to U.S. Announces Acceptance of John F. Kennedy's 0441 Outgoing Telegram #1395. Fr: Dean Rusk. ' Invitation to Visit U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0421 Outgoing Telegram #1983. Fr: George Ball. February 7,1962.2pp. JFK#8. OUO. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Success of DRC Prime Minister Cyrille January 30,1962. 1p. JFK#14. Adoula's Visit to U.S. Makeup of DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0443 Outgoing Telegram #1409. Fr: Dean Rusk. Adoula's Party during Visit to U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0422 Incoming Telegram #1961. Fr: George February 8, 1962. 4pp. JFK#9. C. 3/15/74. McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. Summary of John F. Kennedy's Meeting with January 30,1962.1p. JFK#15. OUO. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Informed 0447 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: of UN Security Council Vote on Rejection of McGeorge Bundy. Agenda. February 8, 1962.1p. JFK#9a. 0423 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: Bromley K. Smith. Reporting Telegram on DRC Prime Minister January 31,1962.1p. JFK#16. Cyrille Adoula's Visit to U.S. U.S. Ambassador to DRC Edmund A. 0448 Draft of Outgoing Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Gullion's Schedule while in U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. February 8, 1962. 4pp. JFK#9b. C. 3/15/74. 0424 Congo•General, February 1-12, Summary of John F. Kennedy's Meeting with 1962. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. 0425 Withdrawal Sheets. 4pp.

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0452 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0481 Draft Message. Fr: NA. To: Cyrille Adoula. McGeorge Bundy. NA. 1p.JFK#2. February 12,1962. 1p. JFK#10. Farewell Message and Best Wishes of U.S. John F. Kennedy's Conversation with DRC to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. 0482 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0453 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. February 8,1962. 6pp. JFK#3. C. 3/15/74. To: NA. Proposed Action Program for DRC. February 5,1962. 6pp. JFK#10a. C. 3/15/74. 0488 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Discussions between John F. Kennedy and McGeorge Bundy. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding February 9, 1962.1p. JFK#4. Solution to Katanga Question. Copy of Reply to Letter from Joseph 0459 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Kasongo, President of DRC House of To: NA. Representatives. February 5, 1962. 3pp. JFK#10b. C. 3/15/74. 0489 Letter. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: Joseph Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Kasongo. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding January 29,1962.1 p. JFK#4a. Reorganization of Congolese Armed Forces. Reply to Letter from Kasongo regarding U.S. 0462 Outgoing Telegram #1411. Fr: Dean Rusk. Policy toward DRC. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. 0490 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K; Smith. To: February 10,1962. 3pp. JFK#11. C. 7/6/74. Polly [?]. U.S. Commitment to Full Support of DRC "When Was Letter Answered and What Was Government Through UN with View to Said?" Reintegration of Katanga and Restoration of 0491 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Order and Stability. McGeorge Bundy. February 5,1962.1 p. JFK#4b. 0465 Congo•General, February 13-19, Letter to John F. Kennedy, Dated December 1962. 29,1961, from Joseph Kasongo, President of 0466 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. DRC House of Representatives. 0469 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To:. 0492 Letter (in French). Fr: Joseph Kasongo. To: McGeorge Bundy. John F. Kennedy. February 15,1962. 1 p. JFK#1. December 29, 1961. 4pp. JFK#4c. Memoranda of Conversation between John 0496 Translation of Letter. Fr: Joseph Kasongo. F. Kennedy and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille To: John F. Kennedy. Adoula. December 29,1961. 5pp. JFK#4d. 0471 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Satisfaction of DRC Nationalists with U.S. To: NA. African Policy. February 5, 1962. 6pp. JFK#1 a. C. 3/15/74. 0501 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Discussions between John F. Kennedy and McGeorge Bundy. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding New Year's Greeting to John F. Kennedy Solution to Katanga Question. from Alexandre Mahamba, DRC Minister of 0477 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Land Affairs. To: NA. 0502 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Alexandre February 5.1962.3pp. JFK#1a. C. 3/15/74. Mahamba. To: John F. Kennedy. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and NA. 1p.JFK#5a. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding Expression of Best Wishes for New Year. Reorganization of Congolese Armed Forces. 0503 CIA Intelligence Memorandum. Fr: CIA. 0480 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: To: NA. McGeorge Bundy. February 12,1962. 4pp. JFK#6. February 8,1962.1p. JFK#2. OUO. TS. 1/13/76 IP. Suggested Farewell Telegram from John F. Prospects for New Fighting in Southern Kennedy to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Katanga. Adoula. 0507 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Cyrille Adoula. February 19,1962. 1p. JFK#6a. Greetings and Best Wishes from John F. Kennedy to DRC Prime Minister Adoula.

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0508 Congo•General, February 20,1962- 0535 Department of State Airgram #A-37. Fr: [?] March 9,1962. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. 0509 Withdrawal Sheets. 4pp. February 22,1962. 1p. JFK#3. C. 3/15/74. 0513 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#1. Cable to John F. Kennedy from Katanga 0514 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: National Assembly President Charles Mutaka McGeorge Bundy. [Mutakawadiloma]. February 20,1962.1 p. JFK#1. 0536 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: "Enclosed for Information and Files of White McGeorge Bundy. House Are Reproduced Copies of Four March 7,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. Memoranda of Conversation." UN Assurances to Moise Tshombe, President 0516 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. of Secessionist State of Katanga, regarding To: NA. Security for Meeting with DRC Prime Minister February 5,1962. 6pp. JFK#1a. C. 3/15/74. Cyrille Adoula. Discussions between George Ball and DRC 0538 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding U.S. McGeorge Bundy. Policy toward DRC. March 9,1962. 3pp. JFK#5. 0522 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: Possible Deportation of Michel Struelens NA. from U.S. February 5,1962.3pp. JFK#1 b. C. NA. 0541 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Ralph Discussions between George Ball and DRC A. Dungan. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding Union March6,1962.1 p. JFK#5a. Miniere and Katanga Reintegration. Activities of Michel Struelens in U.S. 0525 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. 0542 Incoming Telegram #1606. Fr: Douglas To: NA. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. February 5,1962.3pp. JFK#1c. C. NA. March 4,1962. 8pp. JFK#5b. C. 6/86 IP. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Discusses Discussions with Belgian Foreign Minister His Call for Increase in Size of UN Force in Paul-Henri Spaak regarding Congo Situation Congo and Problems of Congolese National and Moise Tshombe, President of Army. Secessionist State of Katanga. 0528 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0550 Congo•General, March 10,1962- February 21,1962.1p. JFK#2. April 30,1962. Thank-You Message to John F. Kennedy 0551 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. 0555 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0529 Translation of Afofe Verbale. Fr: Delegation of McGeorge Bundy. DRC to UN. To: NA. March 13, 1962.1p. JFK#1. C. 9/3/74. February 9,1962.1p. JFK#2a. Meeting between Dr. Sture Linner, Chief of Thank-You Message to John F. Kennedy UN Civilian Operations in DRC, and John F. from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Kennedy. 0531 Foreign Service Despatch. Fr: Zachary P. 0556 UN Press Release. Fr: UN To: NA. Geaneas. To: Department of State. January 26,1962.1p. JFK#1. February 14,1962. 1p. JFK#2b. Biographical Note on Dr. Sture Linner, Chief Message from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille of UN Civilian Operations in DRC. Adoula to John F. Kennedy. 0557 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0532 Message (in French). Fr: Delegation of DRC McGeorge Bundy. to UN. To: NA. March 15,1962.1p.JFK#2. February 9,1962.1p. JFK#2b. Letter to John F. Kennedy, Dated February 0533 Outgoing Telegram #2054. Fr: NA. To: U.S. 19, 1962, from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Mission to UN. Adoula. February 8,1962.1 p. JFK#2c. 0558 Translation of Letter. Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: Farewell Message and Best Wishes of U.S. John F. Kennedy. to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoulá. February 19,1962.1p. JFK#2a. 0534 Handwritten Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Visit to U.S.

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0559 Memorandum. Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: Dean 0582 White House Outgoing Message. Fr: Rusk. McGeorge Bundy. To: Tazewell T. Shepard, April 4, 1962.1 p. JFK#3. C. 5/3/74. Jr. Attached Research Memorandum: "Policy April 25, 1962.1p. JFK#5d. C. 4/7/76. Alternatives in Congo." Proposed Letter to DRC Prime Minister 0560 State Department Research Memorandum. Cyrille Adoula. Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: Dean Rusk. 0583 Handwritten Note. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. To: March 29, 1962.11pp. JFK#3a. C. 9/3/74. NA. Policy Alternatives in DRC. NA. 1p.JFK#5e. 0571 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: "Great! Shouldn't We Cable It to Gullion and McGeorge Bundy. Leave Timing of Delivery to His Good April 18, 1962. 1p.JFK#4. Judgment?" Reply to Letter from Emmanuel J. Dadet, 0584 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: Ambassador of Congo (Brazzaville), to John Ralph A. Dungan. F. Kennedy. NA. 1p.JFK#5f. 0572 Letter. Fr: J. Wayne Fredericks. To: 'The President Asked Whether State Emmanuel J. Dadet. Recommended Sending an Encouraging April 17, 1962. 1p.JFK#4a. Letter to Adoula. Here Is Their Reply." Message of Thanks from John F. Kennedy for 0585 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Receipt of Special Edition of Pamphlet McGeorge Bundy. Entitled "The Congo Brazzaville." April 24, 1962. 1p. JFK#5g. C. 4/7/76. 0573 Translation of Letter. Fr: Emmanuel J. Dadet. Draft Letter to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille To: John F. Kennedy. Adoula. April 2, 1962.1 p. JFK#4b. 0586 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Cyrille Gift for Kennedy of Special Edition of Adoula. Pamphlet Entitled "The Congo Brazzaville." NA. 1p.JFK#5g. 0574 Letter (in French). Fr: Emmanuel J. Dadet. Efforts to Reunite DRC. To: John F. Kennedy. 0587 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Cyrille April 2, 1962.1p.JFK#4c. Adoula. 0575 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Cyrille April 26,1962. 1p.JFK#5g. Adoula. Efforts to Reunite DRC. April 26, 1962. 1 p. JFK#5. 0588 Copy of Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Efforts to Reunite DRC. Cyrille Adoula. 0577 Outgoing Telegram #1829. Fr: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Efforts to Reunite DRC. April 26, 1962. 2pp. JFK#5a. C. 4/7/76. 0589 Copy of Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Letter from John F. Kennedy to DRC Prime Smith. To: Ralph A. Dungan. Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding Efforts NA. 1p.JFK#NA. toward Reunification of DRC. The President Asked Whether State 0579 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Tazewell T. Recommended Sending an Encouraging Shepard, Jr. Letter to Adoula. Here Is Their Reply." April 25, 1962. 1 p. JFK#5b. 0590 Copy of Handwritten Note. Fr: Ralph A. Proposed Letter to DRC Prime Minister Dungan. To: NÁ. Cyrille Adoula. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. 0580 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: "Great! Shouldn't We Cable It to Gullion and Tazewell T. Shepard, Jr. Leave Timing of Delivery to His Good NA. 1p.JFK#5b.C. 4/7/76. Judgment?" John F. Kennedy's Concurrence on Proposed 0591 Copy of Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Letter to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Captain Shepard. 0581 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Cyrille April 25, 1962.1p.JFK#NA. Adoula. Proposed Letter to DRC Prime Minister NA.1 p. JFK#5c.C. 4/7/76. Cyrille Adoula. Efforts to Reunite DRC.

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0592 Congo•General, May 1,1962-June 0609 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: William H. 30,1962. Brubeck. 0593 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. May 12,1962. 1p.JFK#6. 0596 Incoming Telegram #3463. Fr: [?] Galbraith. "For Recommendation." To: Dean Rusk. 0611 Letter. Fr: Evariste Kimba. To: Dwight D. May 2, 1962. 3pp. JFK#1. C. 3/4/74. Eisenhower. Letters from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille March 26, 1962.1p.JFK#6a. Adoula to John F. Kennedy and Indian Prime Request That Former President Dwight Minister Jawaharlal Nehru regarding Military Eisenhower Help Katangese President Moise Preparations in Katanga. Tshombe and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0599 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Adoula to Save Peace in Central Africa. Bromley K. Smith. 0612 Memorandum. Fr: WJH. To: NA. May 11, 1962. 1p.JFK#2. NA. 1p;jFK#6b. Instructions for Tripartite Discussion on DRC. "Forwarded from Gettysburg with Note 0600 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Saying We 'Have Hunch That Minister Kimba McGeorge Bundy. Still Thinks That DDE Is President of U.S.'" May 13, 1962. 1p. JFK#3. 0613 Envelope. Fr: Standard Steel Corporation, Suggested Letter to David K. E. Bruce, U.S. Los Angeles. To: Dwight D. Eisenhower. Ambassador to Great Britain. May 2, 1962.1p.JFK#NA. 0601 Memorandum. Fr: George Ball. To: John F. 0614 Memorandum. Fr: Warren A. Henderson. To: Kennedy. Polly Yates. May 13, 1962.1p. JFK#3a. S. 3/15/74. June 12, 1962. 1p.JFK#7. Letter to David K. E. Bruce, U.S. Memoranda on Union Miniere du Haut Ambassador to Great Britain, regarding Talks Katanga Dividend Payments and DRC with British and Belgians on DRC. Legislation regarding Katanga Companies. 0602 Draft of Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: 0615 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: David K. E. Bruce. McGeorge Bundy. NA. 2pp. JFK#3b. S. 3/15/74. June 8,1962.1p. JFK#7a. C. 3/15/74. Tripartite Talks between U.S., Great Britain, Memoranda on Union Miniere du Haut and Belgium on Reunification of DRC. Katanga Dividend Payments and DRC 0604 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Legislation regarding Katanga Companies. McGeorge Bundy. 0616 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. May 15, 1962. 1p.JFK#4. NA. 2pp. JFK#7a. C. 3/15/74. John F. Kennedy's Interest in Report Entitled DRC Legislation regarding Katanga "Next Steps in Congo." Companies. 0605 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0618 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. McGeorge Bundy. NA. 2pp. JFK#7a. C. 3/15/74. May 25, 1962. 2pp. JFK#5. Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Dividend Letter from Hubert F. Julian, Suspected Arms Payments. Smuggler, to John F. Kennedy. 0621 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0607 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. McGeorge Bundy. June 1,1962. 1p.JFK#6. June 8,1962. 1p. JFK#8. QUO. State Department Recommends That No Letter to John F. Kennedy from DRC Prime Reply Be Made to Message from Evariste Minister Cyrille Adoula. Kimba, Katangese Foreign Minister, to 0622 Translation of Letter. Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy. 0608 Note. Fr: ÑA. To: Bromley K. Smith. NA. 1p.JFK#8a. NA. 1p.JFK#6. [Note: Document Unreadable.] "When I Checked State on This I Got Fuzzy 0623 Letter. Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: John F. Answer That S/S Had Sent It to Area Desk Kennedy. for Appropriate Handling. Shouldn't We Know NA. 1p.JFK#8a.OUO. Ultimate Outcome of It? If So, I'll Needle Efforts to Bring about Reunification of DRC Again." Through Peaceful Negotiations.

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0624 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0642 Copy of Outgoing Telegram #6054. Fr: Dean McGeorge Bundy. Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, London. May 28,1962.1 p. JFK#8b. LOU. May 14, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2. S. 3/15/74. Letter to John F. Kennedy from DRC Prime Letter from John F. Kennedy to David K. E. Minister Cyrille Adoula. Bruce, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, 0626 Incoming Telegram #2905. Fr: Edmund A. regarding Tripartite Talks between U.S., Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Britain, and Belgium on DRC. May 23,1962. 1p. JFK#8c. LOU. 0644 Incoming Telegram #4202. Fr: David K. E. Letter to John F. Kennedy from DRC Prime Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding Efforts to May 15, 1962. 1p. JFK#3. S. 3/15/74. Bring about Reunification Through Peaceful Tripartite Talks on DRC. Negotiations. 0645 Incoming Telegram #4204. Fr: David K. E. 0627 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. McGeorge Bundy. May 15,1962. 7pp. JFK#4. S. 9/3/74. June 12, 1962. 1p. JFK#9. OUO. First Session of Tripartite Talks on DRC. Telegram to John F. Kennedy from 0652 Incoming Telegram #4205. Fr: David K. E. "Government of South Kasai," DRC. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. 0628 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Government of May 15, 1962. 6pp. JFK#5. S. 9/3/74. South Kasai. To: John F. Kennedy. Tripartite Talks on DRC. May 30, 1962. 1p.JFK#9a. 0658 Incoming Telegram #4208. Fr: David K. E. Request for U.S. Aid in Wake of Massive Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Influx of Katangese Refugees and over Two May 16, 1962. 4pp. JFK#6. S. 3/86. Years of Violence, Disease, and Hunger. Aide Mémoire Submitted by Robert 0629 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: William H. Rothschild, Chief of Cabinet to Belgian Brubeck. Foreign Minister, to Tripartite Meeting on June 1,1962.1 p. JFK#9b. DRC. "For Translation and Recommendation." 0662 Incoming Telegram #4218. Fr: David K. E. 0630 Telegram (in French). Fr: Government of Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. South Kasai. To: John F. Kennedy. May 16, 1962. 3pp. JFK#7. S. 3/15/74. May 30, 1962. 2pp. JFK#9c. Consideration of Robert Rothschild's Aide 0632 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Mémoire at Tripartite Talks on DRC. McGeorge Bundy. 0665 Incoming Telegram #4223. Fr: David K. E. June 23, 1962.2pp. JFK#9b. S. 3/15/74. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Implementation of Tax Collection Scheme in May 16, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8. S. 9/3/74. Katanga. State Department Disappointment with Results of Tripartite Talks on DRC. 0634 Congo•General; Tripartite Congo 0667 Incoming Telegram #4225. Fr: David K. E. Talks, May 1962 (1 of 2). Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. 0635 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. May 16, 1962. 3pp. JFK#9. S. 9/3/74. 0638 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. Changes in Text of Robert Rothschild's Aide NA. 1p.JFK#1. Mémoire at Tripartite Talks on DRC. Tripartite Congo Talks. 0639 Tabl. 1p.JFK#NA. 0670 Congo•General; Tripartite Congo 0640 Outgoing Telegram #6054. Fr: Dean Rusk. Talks, May 1962 (2 of 2). To: U.S. Embassy, London. 0671 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. May 14, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2. S. 3/15/74. 0673 Department of State Airgram #A-1242. Fr: Letter from John F. Kennedy to David K. E. David K. E. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Bruce, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, May 18, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2. S. 9/3/74. regarding Tripartite Talks between U.S., Principal Highlights of Tripartite Talks on Britain, and Belgium on DRC. DRC. 0676 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. May 21, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. U.S. Congo Policy after London Tripartite Talks.

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0678 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0700 Outgoing Telegram #51. Fr: George Ball. To: McGeorge Bundy. U.S. Mission, Geneva. May 22, 1962.1 p. JFK#4a. July 24,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 3/15/74. Letter from British Ambassador to U.S. David Letter from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Ormsby-Gbre to Dean Rusk regarding Adoulato John F. Kennedy regarding London Tripartite Talks on DRC. Negotiations in Congo Crisis. 0679 Tab 2. 1p.JFK#NA. 0703 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: 0680 Tab 3. 1p.JFK#NA. George C. McGhee. 0681 Outgoing Telegram #6425. Fr: Dean Rusk. July 24, 1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. NA. To: U.S. Embassy, London. Discussion with Belgian, British, and French June 1,1962. 5pp. JFK#7. S. 9/3/74. Embassies on DRC. Letter from John F. Kennedy to British Prime 0706 [Note: Two-Page Document Labeled JFK#4a Minister Harold Macmillan regarding Peaceful Declassified 3/15/74 Is Unreadable.] Solution to Congo Crisis. 0708 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. July 24,1962. 3pp. JFK#4b. C. NA. 0686 Congo•General, July 1-27,1962. Courses of Action in DRC. 0687 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. 0711 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Joseph 0690 Note. Fr: NA. To: Bromley K. Smith. Kasavubu. July 6,1962.1p.JFK#1. July 25,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. Press Statement on Unidentified Subject by Proposed Disposal of Fifty Thousand Tons of State Department. Tin from Strategic Stockpile of U.S. 0691 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: Pierre Salinger. Government. NA. 1p.JFK#1a. 0713 Copy of Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: "I'm Not Convinced This Wouldn't Get as Joseph Kasavubu. Good Play if Handled Properly Thru State. July 25,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. Your Judgment However. If You Want to Pitch Proposed Disposal of Fifty Thousand Tons of It Back Do So." Tin from Strategic Stockpile of U.S. 0692 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Government. McGeorge Bundy. 0715 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: June 25, 1962.1p. JFK#1b. C. 3/15/74. McGeorge Bundy. DRC Aid Statement. July 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#5a. LOU. 0693 Draft Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. Letter to John F. Kennedy from DRC NA.2pp.JFK#1b. President Joseph Kasavubu. U.S. Aid to DRC. 0717 Translation of Letter. Fr: Joseph Kasavubu. 0695 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: To: John F. Kennedy. McGeorge Bundy. NA. 2pp. JFK#5b. July 9, 1962.1p.JFK#2. Congolese Concern over U.S. Plans for Letter to John F. Kennedy, Dated June 25, Disposition of Fifty Thousand Tons of Tin 1962, f rom-Alphonse Nzuzi, Congolese from Strategic Stockpile. Citizen Requesting Financial Assistance. 0719 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0696 Translator's Summary of Communication. Fr: NA. 1p.JFK#5c. Alphonse Nzuzi. To: John F. Kennedy. "Draft Approved by Mr. Dungan." June 25,1962. 1p. JFK#2a. 0720 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Joseph Congolese Citizen Nzuzi's Request for Kasavubu. Financial Assistance from John F Kennedy. NA. 2pp. JFK#5c. 0697 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: William H. Proposed Disposal of Fifty Thousand Tons of Brubeck. Tin from Strategic Stockpile of U.S. July 2, 1962.1p.JFK#2b. Government. "For Translation and Recommendation." 0722 Copy of Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: 0698 Letter (in French). Fr: Alphonse Nzuzi. To: Joseph Kasavubu. John F. Kennedy. NA. 2pp. JFK#5c. June 25, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2c. Proposed Disposal of Fifty Thousand Tons of Tin from Strategic Stockpile of U.S. Government.

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0724 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0739 Translation of Letter. Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: McGeorge Bundy. John F. Kennedy. July 25, 1962. 1p.JFK#6. NA.3pp.JFK#1c. S. NA. Request of Edmund A. Gullion, U.S. Efforts to Negotiate Peaceful Solution to Ambassador to DRC, for Appointment with Katanga Issue. John F. Kennedy. 0741 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0725 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. July 28, 1962. 1p. JFK#1d. C. NA. July 27, 1962. 1p. JFK#7. QUO. Suggested Reply to DRC Prime Minister July 19,1962 Telegram to John F. Kennedy Cyrille Adoula's Letter of July 21, 1962. from Moise Tshombe, President of 0743 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Cyrille Secessionist State of Katanga, Protesting UN Adoula. Action against Demonstrators in Katanga. NA. 1p.JFK#1d. 0726 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Moise Tshombe. U.S. Understanding of Problems Facing DRC To: John F. Kennedy. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula in Dealing with July 19, 1962. 1p.JFK#7a. Katanga Secession Issue. Protest of UN Action against Demonstrators 0744 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: in Katanga in Which Women and Children McGeorge Bundy. Were Killed. August 2, 1962. 1p.JFK#2. 0727 Telegram (in French). Fr: Moise Tshombe. To: Telegrams to John F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy. Jacqueline Kennedy from "Baluba Rallying July 19, 1962. 2pp. JFK#7b. Movement" and "Katangan Women's Federation." 0729 Congo•General, July 28,1962- 0745 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Baluba Rallying August 2,1962. Movement of Katanga. To: John F. Kennedy. 0730 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. July 19, 1962. 1p.JFK#2a. 0733 Note. Fr: NA. To: Ralph A. Dungan. Protest of UN Action in Firing on Unarmed NA. 1p.JFK#1. Civilian Demonstrators in Katanga. "State Asked for Signed Original. Has 0746 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Katangan Already Been Sent by Cable." Women's Federation. To: Jacqueline 0734 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Cyrille Kennedy. Adoula. July 16, 1962. 1p.JFK#2b. July 30, 1962. 1p.JFK#1. Protest of UN Action in Firing on Unarmed U.S. Understanding of Problems Facing DRC Civilian Demonstrators in Katanga. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula in Dealing with 0747 Telegram (in French). Fr: Katangan Women's Katanga Secession Issue. Federation. To: Jacqueline Kennedy. 0735 Copy of Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: July 16, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2c. Cyrille Adoula. 0749 Telegram (in French). Fr: Baluba Rallying July 31, 1962.1 p. JFK#1. Movement of Katanga: To: John F. Kennedy. U.S. Understanding of Problems Facing DRC July 19, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2d. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula in Dealing with 0751 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Katanga Secession Issue. McGeorge Bundy. 0736 Outgoing Telegram #172. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: August 2,1962. 2pR. JFK#3. C. 3/15/74. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Progress Report on Congo Crisis. July 30, 1962. 2pp. JFK#1 a. 0753 Record of Understanding. Fr: NA. To: NA. Letter from John F. Kennedy to DRC Prime NA. 3pp. JFK#3a. C. 3/15/74. Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding Problems in Meeting with John F. Kennedy on July 25, Dealing with Katanga Secession Issue. 1962, to Discuss Situation in DRC. 0738 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0757 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. McGeorge Bundy. NA. 5pp. JFK#3b. C. NA. July 24, 1962. 1p. JFK#1b. C. NA. Proposal for National Reconciliation in DRC. Letter from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0762 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Adoula to John F. Kennedy. NA. 7pp. JFK#3c. C. NA. U.S. Course of Action in DRC.

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0769 Congo•General, August 3-10,1962. 0814 White House Outgoing Message. Fr: Ralph 0770 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. A. Dungan. To: John F. Kennedy. 0773 Memorandum. Fr: George Ball. To: John F. August 24, 1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 3/15/74. Kennedy. "Following Is Letter Senator Dodd Has Sent August 3, 1962. 8pp. JFK#1. C. 3/15/74. to Tshombe." Proposed U.S. Action on DRC. 0815 Memorandum. Fr: George S. Springsteen. 0781 Draft National Security Action Memorandum. To: Ralph A. Dungan. Fr: NA. To: Dean Rusk. August 24,1962. 1p. JFK#2a. August 2,1962. 1p. JFK#1a. C. 3/15/74. Letter from Thomas J. Dodd to Moise John F. Kennedy Approves U.S. Course of Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of Action in Dealing with Congo Crisis. Katanga. 0782 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0816 Letter. Fr: Thomas J. Dodd. To: Moise August 2, 1962. 5pp. JFK#1 b. C. 3/15/74. Tshombe. U.S. Course of Action in Dealing with Congo August 24, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2b. C. NA. Crisis. U.S. Government Position on Finding 0787 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Peaceful Solution to Congo Crisis. August 2, 1962. 4pp. JFK#1c. C. 3/15/74. 0818 Outgoing Telegram #335. Fr: George Ball. To: Proposal for National Reconciliation in DRC. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0791 Memorandum. Fr: George C. McGhee. To: August 24, 1962. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. NA. John F. Kennedy. Letter from Thomas J. Dodd to Moise August 9, 1962. 3pp. JFK#2. S. 3/15/74. Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of U.S. Contact with Moise Tshombe, President Katanga, regarding U.S. Position on Congo of Secessionist State of Katanga, in Geneva, Crisis. Switzerland. 0822 Outgoing Telegram #335. Fr: George Ball. To: 0794 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. McGeorge Bundy. August 24,1962. 4pp. JFK#2c. S. 3/15/74. August 10, 1962.1p.JFK#3. Letter from Thomas J. Dodd to Moise Letter from Sir Alec Douglas-Home to Dean Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of Rusk, Dated August 10,1962, regarding Katanga, regarding U.S. Position on Congo Situation in DRC. Crisis. 0826 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0795 Congo•General, August 11-27,1962. August 28, 1962. 8pp. JFK#3. C. 3/15/74. 0796 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Action Program on DRC, Including U.S. 0799 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Efforts to Persuade Moise Tshombe, John F. Kennedy. President of Secessionist State of Katanga, August 11, 1962. 5pp. JFK#1. C. 9/3/74. to Accept Reconciliation Program. Current Status of Proposed U.S. Action on DRC. 0834 Congo•General, August 28-31,1962. 0804 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0835 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. August 8, 1962. 5pp. JFK#1 a. C. 9/3/74. 0838 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: UN Course of Action in Congo Crisis. McGeorge Bundy. 0809 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. August 30, 1962. 1p. JFK#1. S. 3/15/74. NA. 4pp. JFK#1b. C. 9/3/74. Thomas J. Dodd's Letter of August 17, 1962, U.S. Proposal for National Reconciliation in concerning DRC. DRC. 0839 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: 0813 Aide Mémoire. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. NA. 1p.JFK#1b. C. 9/3/74. August 24, 1962. 2pp. JFK#1a. S. 3/15/74. Sir Alec Douglas-Home Recommends Plan Conversation between John F. Kennedy and for Negotiated Settlement between DRC Thomas J. Dodd regarding His Letter to Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula and Moise Moise Tshombe, President of Secessionist Tshombe, President of Secessionist State of State of Katanga. Katanga.

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0841 Letter. Fr: Thomas J. Dodd. To: Moise 0875 CIA Intelligence Memorandum. Fr: CIA. To: Tshombe. NA. August 24, 1962. 2pp. JFK#1b. September 29,1962. 3pp. JFK#4a. U.S. Government Position on Finding S. 1/13/76. Peaceful Solution to Congo Crisis. Katangese Air Force. 0843 Department of State Research 0878 Incoming Telegram #521. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Memorandum. Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: Dean Dean Rusk. Rusk. September 29,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. QUO. August 31, 1962. 14pp. JFK#2. S. 7/16/76. Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Reply Prospects for National Reunification in DRC. to Letter from Robert Gardiner, UN Representative in DRC, regarding Use of 0857 Congo•General, September 1,1962- Mercenaries. OctoberlG, 1962. 0880 Incoming Telegram #846. Fr: Edmund A. 0858 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. GullJon. To: Dean Rusk. 0861 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: October 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 3/15/74. John F. Kennedy. Message from George C. McGhee to September 17,1962. 1p. JFK#1. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Reply Expressing Concern over Lack of Progress in to Letter from Thomas J. Dodd. Congolese Reunification Negotiations. 0862 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0882 Incoming Telegram #858. Fr: Edmund A. McGeorge Bundy. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. September 25,1962.1p. JFK#2. October 10,1962. 1p. JFK#7. C. 3/15/74. Reply to Thomas J. Dodd's Letter to John F. Message from George C. McGhee to Kennedy, Dated September 18, 1962, Katangese President Moise Tshombe regarding Developments in DRC. Expressing Concern over Lack of Progress in 0863 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Thomas J. Dodd. Congolese Reunification Negotiations. NA. 1p.JFK#2. 0883 Incoming Telegram #865. Fr: Edmund A. Reply to Letter regarding Developments in Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. DRC. October 10,1962. 2pp. JFK#8. LOU. 0864 Note. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. To: Bromley K. Suggested Reply to Letter from Katangese Smith. President Moise Tshombe Concerning U.S. October 1, 1962. 1 p. JFK#3. Provision of Military Equipment to Congolese "Per Conversation with George Ball and National Army (ANC). Frank Sloan, This Airgram Will Be Held until 0885 Incoming Telegram #626. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Further Notice. This Action Is Not Needed at Dean Rusk. This Critical Time." October 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#9. LOU. 0865 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Letter McGeorge Bundy. to Robert Gardiner, UN Representative in September 25,1962.1p. JFK#3a C. 9/3/74. DRC, regarding Katangese Cease-fire and Training of Congolese National Army (ANC). Amnesty. 0866 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Mission to 0887 Incoming Telegram #930. Fr: Edmund A. UN. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. September 21,1962. 7pp. JFK#3b. October 16,1962. 3pp. JFK#10. C. 3/15/74. C. 9/3/74. Letter from George C. McGhee to Katangese Report of Greene Team on Modernization President Moise Tshombe regarding and Training of Congolese National Army Progress toward DRC Reconciliation Plan. (ANC). 0874 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: Bromley K. 0890 Congo•General, October 17-29, Smith. 1962. NA. 1p.JFK#4. 0891 Withdrawal Sheets. 4pp. Draft CIA Special National Security Estimate 0895 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: on Unidentified Subject. McGeorge Bundy. October 17,1962. 1p. JFK#1. S. 3/15/74. Military Situation in DRC.

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0896 Defense Intelligence Agency Report. Fr: 0923 Incoming Telegram #1020. Fr: Edmund A. Defense Intelligence Agency. To: NA. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 9pp. JFK#1a. S. 10/11/73. October 29,1962. 1p. JFK#8. C. 3/15/74. Capabilities of Forces in DRC for Action in Letter from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Katanga. Adoula to John F. Kennedy. 0905 Incoming Telegram #685. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Dean Rusk. 0924 Congo•General, October 30,1962- October 22,1962. 2pp. JFK#2. OUO. NovemberS, 1962. Letter from Katangese President Moise 0925 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Tshombe to Eliud Wambe Mathu regarding 0928 Incoming Telegram #697. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Amendments to DRC-Katanga Cease-fire Dean Rusk. Agreement. October 31,1962. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 3/15/74. 0907 Memorandum. Fr: Howard Furnas. To: Message from Katangese President Moise Bromley K. Smith. Tshombe to John F. Kennedy Expressing October 23,1962. 1p. JFK#3. Support for U.S. Position in Cuban Missile Distribution of Memorandum for President on Crisis. Mission to Congo. 0931 Copy of Incoming Telegram #697. Fr: [?] 0908 Memorandum. Fr: George C. McGhee. To: Dean. To: Dean Rusk. John F. Kennedy. October 31,1962. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 1/25/74. October 22,1962. 6pp. JFK#3a. S. 3/15/74. Message from Katangese President Moise U.S. Mission to Congo, September 25- Tshombe to John F. Kennedy Expressing October19,1962. Support for U.S. Position in Cuban Missile 0914 Outgoing Telegram #388. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Crisis. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. 0933 Memorandum for Record. Fr: Carl Kaysen. October 25,1962.1p. JFK#4. LOU. To: NA. John F. Kennedy Expresses Appreciation for November 1,1962. 3pp. JFK#3. S. 4/6/76. Gift of Mineral Collection from Katangese Meeting with John F. Kennedy on DRC, President Moise Tshombe. Wednesday, October 31,1962. 0915 Outgoing Telegram #390. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0936 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: Dean U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Rusk. October 27,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. LOU. November 1,1962.1p. JFK#4. S. 3/15/74. Message from Thomas J. Dodd to Katangese John F. Kennedy Reviews DRC Situation and President Moise Tshombe regarding Orders George C. McGhee to Return to Progress toward Implementation of UN Congo. Secretary General's DRC Reunification Plan. 0937 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0917 Incoming Telegram #1013. Fr: Edmund A. McGeorge Bundy. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. November 2,1962.1p. JFK#5. October 27,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 3/15/74. "For Approval Prior to Distribution. The Message from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille President's Remarks Have Been Sidelined in Adoula to John F. Kennedy Expressing Blue." Support for U.S. Position in Cuban Missile 0938 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: Crisis. NA. 0919 Memorandum. Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: October 31,1962. 2pp. JFK#5a. C. 3/15/74. McGeorge Bundy. John F. Kennedy Reviews George C. October 29,1962.1p. JFK#7. S. 3/15/74. McGhee's Report on His Mission to DRC and Message from U.S. Consul in Elisabethville, Developments since That Time. Katanga Province, DRC. 0940 Copy of Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: 0920 Message. Fr: U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. NA. To: NA. To: Department of State. October 31,1962. 2pp. JFK#5a. C. 3/15/74. October 26, 1962. 3pp. JFK#7a. S. 3/15/74. John F. Kennedy Reviews George C. Letter from Katangese President Moise McGhee's Report on His Mission to DRC and Tshombe to George C. McGhee regarding Developments since That Time. U.S. Policy on DRC National Reconciliation.

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0942 Department of State Airgram #A-173. Fr: 0952 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: John F. Kennedy. Norman E. Warner. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. Letter from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Novembers, 1962. 1p. JFK#10. TS. 9/3/74. Adoula to John F. Kennedy regarding Rusk and George Ball Asked to Work Out Congolese Government Reactions to Cuban U.S. Alternatives in Event of Collapse of UN Missile Crisis. Effort in DRC. 0943 Outgoing Telegram #406. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0953 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. McGeorge Bundy. Novembers, 1962.1p. JFK#7. C. 3/15/74. NA. 1p.JFK#11.NA. 9/3/74. State Department Decision to Ignore Letter Proposed U.S. Contingency Plan for DRC. from Katangese President Moise Tshombe to 0954 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. John F. Kennedy. November 6, 1962. 8pp. JFK#11a. C. 9/3/74. 0944 Note. Fr: Sarah [?]. To: Polly Yates. Proposed U.S. Contingency Plan for DRC. NA. 1p.JFK#7a. "Mr. Kaysen Cleared This with State on 0962 Congo•General, November 6-10, November 3." 1962. 0945 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0963 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Carl Kaysen. 0966 Outgoing Telegram #414. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: November 2, 1962.1p. JFK#7b. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. White House Approval of Draft Cable to U.S. Novembers, 1962. 4pp. JFK#1. C. 3/15/74. Consulate, Elisabethville and U.S. Embassy, Message from George C. McGhee to Leopoldville. Katangese President Moise Tshombe 0946 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Consulate, regarding Efforts to Implement UN's DRC Elisabethville. Reunification Plan. NA. 1p. JFK#7c. C. 3/15/74. . 0970 CIA Draft Daily Brief. Fr: CIA To: NA. State Department Decision to Ignore Letter November 7,1962.1p. JFK#2a. TS. 1/13/76 from Katangese President Moise Tshombe to IP. John F. Kennedy. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Central 0947 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge Government Exerts Military Pressure on Bundy. Katangese President Moise Tshombe. November 5, 1962. 1 p. JFK#8. C. 3/15/74. 0972 Press Release. Fr: Brussels Domestic "While You Cavort with White Chancellors, I Service. To: NA. Hold Hand of Dark Vice Prime Minister...." November 7,1962.1p. JFK#2a. 0948 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: DRC Attack on Katangese Positions at NA. Kongolo. October 22,1962. 2pp. JFK#8a. C. 3/15/74. 0973 Note. Fr: Sarah [?]. To: Polly Yates. Conversation with Jason Sendwe, Vice Prime November 7,1962.1p. JFK#3. Minister of DRC, regarding Political Events in "First One Cleared with State 11/6 by Mr. Congo. Kaysen. Second One Cleared by President. 0950 Memorandum. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Dean Carl Kaysen Notified State of Clearance on Rusk. 11/7." November 5,1962. 1 p. JFK#9. TS. 9/3/74. 0974 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Rusk and George Ball Asked to Work Out McGeorge Bundy. U.S. Alternatives in Event of Collapse of UN November 5, 1962.1p. JFK#3a. Effort in DRC. "For Approval in White House Prior to 0951 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: John F. Kennedy. Transmission. We Understand That Mr. To: Dean Rusk. Kaysen Would Like to Review These November 5,1962.1p. JFK#9. TS. 9/3/74. Telegrams." Rusk and George Ball Asked to Work Out 0975 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Consulate, U.S. Alternatives in Event of Collapse of UN Elisabethville. Effort in DRC. November 5,1962. 4pp. JFK#3b. C. 3/15/74. Message from George C. McGhee to Katangese President Moise Tshombe regarding Efforts to Implement UN's DRC Reunification Plan.

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0979 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, ROOl 5 Leopoldville. Novembers, 1962. 3pp. JFK#3b. C. 3/15/74. Message from John F. Kennedy to DRC Congo•General cont. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Expressing Source and Editorial Note. 1 p. Appreciation for Congolese Support during Folder Title List. 9pp. Cuban Missile Crisis. 0982 Outgoing Telegram #699. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0001 Congo•General, November 11-30, U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 1962. Novembers, 1962. 3pp. JFK#4. C. 3/15/74. 0002 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Message from John F. Kennedy to DRC 0005 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Expressing McGeorge Bundy. Appreciation for Congolese Support during November 13,1962.1p. JFK#1. Cuban Missile Crisis. Memorandum of Conversation between DRC 0985 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: William Foreign Minister Justin Bomboko and George H. Brubeck. C. McGhee. November 7,1962.1p. JFK#5. S. 3/15/74. 0006 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: John F. Kennedy Reviews Congo Problem NA. and Approves U.S. Contingency Plans for October 31,1962. 9pp. JFK#1a. C. 3/15/74. Dealing with Crisis. U.S. Approves Steps to Strengthen DRC and 0986 Memorandum. Fr: George C. McGhee. To: Help Implement UN's Reunification Plan. Carl Kaysen. 0015 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: November 7,1962. 1p. JFK#6. C. NA. McGeorge Bundy. Correspondence between Thomas J. Dodd November 14,1962. 1p. JFK#2. and Katangese President Moise Tshombe. Letter to John F. Kennedy from DRC Prime 0987 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. Minister Cyrille Adoula. Kennedy. 0016 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: William H. November 7, 1962. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 3/15/74. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. Estimate of Congo Situation and Proposals November 14,1962.1p. JFK#2. for U.S. Course of Action. Letter to John F. Kennedy from DRC Prime 0989 Memorandum for Record. Fr: Carl Kaysen. Minister Cyrille Adoula. To: NA. 0017 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: November 8, 1962. 4pp. JFK#8. S. 9/3/74. McGeorge Bundy. Meeting with John F. Kennedy on DRC and November 16,1962.1p. JFK#3. C. 3/15/74. Proposed U.S. Contingency Plan, November Discussion with UN Secretary General U 7, 1962. Thant. 0993 Memorandum. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Dean 0018 Department of State Airgram #A-107. Fr: W. Rusk. Wendell Blancke. To: Department of State. November 8, 1962.1p. JFK#9. November 15,1962.1p. JFK#4. George C. McGhee's Visit to Belgium and Letter to John F. Kennedy from Congolese Possible Trip to DRC and Katanga. (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou 0994 Outgoing Telegram #718. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Offering Congratulations on Success of U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Democratic Party in U.S. Elections. November 10,1962. 2pp. JFK#10. 0019 Letter (in French). Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: C. 3/15/74. John F. Kennedy. Message from John F. Kennedy to DRC November 13,1962.1p. JFK#4. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Expressing 0020 Translation of Letter. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: Appreciation for Congolese Support during John F. Kennedy. Cuban Missile Crisis. November 13, 1962.1p. JFK#4. Congratulations on Success of Democratic Party in U.S. Elections.

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0021 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0032 Congo•General, December 1-13, McGeorge Bundy. 1962. November 16,1962. 1 p. JFK#5. C. 3/15/74. 0033 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Next Legal Steps in Case against Michel 0034 State Department Research Memorandum. Struelens, Director of Katanga Information Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: Dean Rusk. Service. December 7, 1962. 8pp. JFK#1. S. 2/24/78. 0022 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Thomas J. Possible Soviet Military Assistance to DRC. Dodd. 0044 CIA Draft Memorandum. Fr: CIA. To: NA. November 19,1962.1p. JFK#6. December 11, 1962. 5pp. JFK#2. S. 2/21/78. Progress toward Agreement on Reintegration Certain Consequences of Withdrawal of UN of Katanga into DRC. Forces from DRC. 0023 Letter. Fr: Thomas J. Dodd. To: John F. 0049 Routing Slip. 1p.JFK#3. Kennedy. 0051 Memorandum. Fr: George C. McGhee. To: November 8,1962.1p. JFK#6a. John F. Kennedy. Discussions with George C. McGhee December 13,1962. 4pp. JFK#4. regarding Situation in Congo. S. 12/30/77 IP. 0024 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. Recommended U.S. Course of Action on Kennedy. DRC. November 19,1962. 1 p. JFK#7. C. 3/15/74. 0055 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. Status of Michel Struelens Case. Kennedy. 0025 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: December 13,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. S. 2/16/79. John F. Kennedy. U.S. Alternatives in Congo Crisis. November 19, 1962. 1 p. JFK#7. C. 3/15/74. 0058 Memorandum. Fr: Joseph J. Siseo. To: John Status of Michel Struelens Case. F. Kennedy. 0026 Outgoing Telegram #758. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: December 13,1962. 9pp. JFK#5a. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. S. 2/24/78. November 23, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 3/15/74. New U.S. Policy on DRC. Message from Rusk to DRC Prime Minister 0067 Incoming Telegram #913. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Cyrille Adoula regarding U.S. Support of Dean Rusk. Efforts toward Reunification of Congo. December 13,1962.3pp. JFK#5b. 0028 Outgoing Telegram #224. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: C. 2/24/78. U.S. Embassy, Brazzaville. Letter from Katangese President Moise November 14, 1962.1p. JFK#9. LOU. Tshombe to UN Secretary General U Thant John F. Kennedy's Reply to Congratulatory regarding Proposal on Payment of Union Message on Recent U.S. Election Victories Miniere du Haut Katanga Foreign Exchange from Congolese (Brazzaville) President Earnings to UN Monetary Council. Fulbert Youlou. 0029 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0070 Congo•General, December 14-16, McGeorge Bundy. 1962. November 22, 1962. 1 p. JFK#9a. OUO. 0071 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Suggested Reply from John F. Kennedy to 0074 Memorandum. Fr: Harlan Cleveland. To: Telegram from Congolese (Brazzaville) Undersecretary of State. President Fulbert Youlou. December 16,1962. 11 pp. JFK#1. 0030 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, TS. 12/8/77. Brazzaville. Report of Conversation with UN Secretary November 14,1962.1p. JFK#9a. LOU. General U Thant on DRC. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Congratulatory 0085 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Message on Recent U.S. Election Victories December 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. from Congolese (Brazzaville) President TS. 12/30/77 IP. Fulbert Youlou. U.S. Control over Resumption of Hostilities in 0031 Letter (in French). Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: Katanga. John F. Kennedy. November 9,1962.1p. JFK#9b.

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0087 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. 0142 Letter. Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: John F. Kennedy. Kennedy. December 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. S. 2/28/78. December 11,1962.1p. JFK#2b. Congo Issues Involving Possible Use of U.S. Congolese Government, under Terms of UN Military Force in DRC. National Reconciliation Plan, Imposes 0089 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Copper and Cobalt Embargo on Katanga. NA. 4pp. JFK#5. TS. 12/30/77 IP. 0143 Department of State Airgram #A-1057. Fr: [?] Possible Injection of U.S. Military Force in Plimpton. To: Dean Rusk. DRC to Force Reintegration of Katanga. December 26,1962. 3pp. JFK#3. C. 3/5/79. 0093 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mannen Williams. To: UPA Leader Holden Roberto Explains McGeorge Bundy. Reasons for Opposition to U.S. Rapporteur December 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. LOU. Proposal for Portuguese Territories in Africa. Analysis of December 1961 UN Military 0146 White House Outgoing Message. Fr: Carl Operations around Elisabethville, Katanga, Kaysen. To: John F. Kennedy. DRC. December 28,1962.1p. JFK#4. S. 2/23/78. 0095 Outgoing Telegram #509. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: UN Air Commander at Leopoldville Orders Air U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Attack on Kolwezi, Katanga, DRC. December 17,1962. 3pp. JFK#7. C. 12/8/77. 0148 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Reply to Letter from Katangese President Carl Kaysen. Moise Tshombe regarding Proposal on December 28,1962. 2pp. JFK#4b. Payment of Union Miniere du Haut Katanga C. 6/20/79 IP. Foreign Exchange Earnings to UN Monetary Recent Developments in Elisabethville Council. (Secessionist State of Katanga). 0150 Press Release. Fr: UN. To: NA. 0098 Congo•General, December 17,1962. December 28,1962.2pp. JFK#5a. 0099 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Heavy Fighting Reported between Katanga 0102 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Gendarmes and UN Forces in Katanga. NA. 21 pp. JFK#1. TS. 2/28/78. 0152 Copy of Press Release. Fr: UN. To: NA. U.S. Operating Plan for DRC [Mission of U.S. December 28,1962. 2pp. JFK#5a. Force Elements in Support of UN Operations Heavy Fighting Reported between Katanga in Congo].. Gendarmes and UN Forces in Katanga. 0124 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0154 Telegram. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge NA. 1 p. JFK#2.TS. 2/16/79. Bundy. Military Implementation of U.S. Plan to Force NA. 1p.JFK#6. Reunification of DRC. Letter (in French) from Congolese 0125 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou to NA. 9pp. JFK#2. TS. 2/16/79. John F. Kennedy. U.S. Composite Air Strike Unit in Support of 0155 Telegram. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. UN Operations in DRC. Kennedy. NA. 7pp. JFK#7. S. 2/23/78. 0134 Congo•General, December 18-31, U.S. Gets Assurances on Limited UN Military 1962. Plans and Willingness of UN Secretary 0135 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. General U Thant to Make Statement of 0138 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Political Objectives in DRC. McGeorge Bundy. 0162 Table of Contents. Fr: NA. To: NA. December 24,1962.1p. JFK#2. NA. 1p.JFK#9. Letter to John F. Kennedy from DRC Prime List of Memoranda and Reports Relating to Minister Cyrille Adoula, Dated December 11, DRC. 1962. 0140 Letter (in French). Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: John 0163 Congo•General; George W. Ball's F. Kennedy. Papers, December 1962. December 11,1962.2pp. JFK#2a. 0164 Withdrawal Sheets. 4pp.

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0168 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: 0217 Telegram. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. McGeorge Bundy. Kennedy. December 13, 1962.1p. JFK#1. TS. NA. January 2,1963. 2pp. JFK#2. S. 2/21/78. George W. Ball's Papers on Congo Crisis. Congo Situation Report. 0169 Letter. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: John F. 0220 Memorandum. Fr: Thomas L. Hughes. To: G. Kennedy. Mennen Williams. December 12,1962.1p. JFK#4. January 2,1963. 9pp. C. 12/13/77 IP. Memorandum on DRC. Dangers to UN-U.S. Policy if Katangese 0170 Memorandum. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: John President Moise Tshombe Establishes F. Kennedy. Redoubt in Jabotville-Kolwezi Area or December 12, 1962. 4pp. JFK#5. S. 2/22/79. Returns to Elisabethville to Renew Proposals for Dealing with Congo Crisis. Negotiations. 0174 Tab 3. 1 p. JFK#NA. 0229 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: George 0176 State Department Research Memorandum. W. Ball. Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: Undersecretary of January 2,1963. 2pp. JFK#4. S. 2/21/78. State. Situation in DRC. December 12, 1962. 2pp. JFK#6. S. 2/21/78. 0231 CIA Intelligence Memorandum. Fr: CIA. To: "A Successor Coalition in Leopoldville NA. (Congo•DRC) and Possibility of Katanga January 3,1963. 2pp. JFK#5. S. 12/6/77. Compromise: False Alternative." Consequences of Katangese President 0178 Tab 4. 1p.JFK#NA. Moise Tshombe's Removal from Katanga. 0179 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: 0233 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Dean Rusk. McGeorge Bundy. December 10, 1962. 9pp. JFK#7. C. 2/21/78. NA. 1p.JFK#6. U.S. Policy Alternatives in DRC. Criticism of U.S. Vote in UN on Acceptance 0188 Tab5. 1p.JFK#7. of International Court of Justice Opinion and 0189 Draft Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. Financing Measures for DRC and Middle To: NA. East Operations by Arthur Krock of New York December 12, 1962. 6pp. JFK#8. S. 2/21/78. Times. Proposed Next Steps for U.S. in DRC. 0234 Incoming Telegram #954. Fr: Douglas 0195 State Department Research Memorandum. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: Dean Rusk. January 3,1963.1p. JFK#7. S. 12/13/77. December 7,1962. 8pp. JFK#9. S. 2/24/78. Message to Belgian Foreign Minister Paul- Possible Soviet Military Assistance to DRC. Henri Spaak on Unidentified Subject. 0203 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0235 Outgoing Telegram #976. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0205 Letter. Fr: Paul N'rtze. To: George W. Ball. U.S. Embassy, Brussels. NA. 2pp. JFK#11. NA. 2/17/78. January 3,1963. 2pp. JFK#7a. S. 12/13/77. Deteriorating Situation in DRC. Letter from Rusk to Belgian Foreign Minister 0207 Memorandum. Fr: Curtis E. LeMay. To: Paul-Henri Spaak regarding Situation in Robert S. McNamara. Katanga and Killing of Belgian Citizens by NA. 2pp. JFK#12. TS. 2/17/78. UN Troops. DRC Developments. 0237 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#7b. 0209 Memorandum. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: John 0238 Outgoing Telegram #976. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: F. Kennedy. U.S. Embassy, Brussels. December 12,1962. 4pp. JFK#13. January 3,1963. 2pp. JFK#7c. S. 12/13/77. S. 2/22/79. Letter from Rusk to Belgian Foreign Minister Proposals for Dealing with Congo Crisis. Paul-Henri Spaak regarding Situation in Katanga and Killing of Belgian Citizens by 0213 Congo•General, January 1-15,1963. UN Troops. 0214 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0215 White House Outgoing Message. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. Kennedy. January 1,1963. 2pp. JFK# 1. S. 2/21/78. Military Situation in DRC.

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0240 Memorandum. Fr: Howard Furnas. To: 0253 Draft. Fr: NA. To: NA. Bromley K. Smith. NA.3pp.JFK#11e. January 4,1963. 1p. JFK#8. Joint Declaration of U.S., British, and Belgian The Attached Copy of Memorandum for Governments on UN Military Operations and Secretary Is Enclosed for Your Information. Political Objectives in Katanga. Copy of It Has Been Submitted Directly to 0256 CIA Memorandum. Fr: Sherman Kent. To: Carl Kaysen." John A. McCone. 0242 Memorandum. Fr: Harlan Cleveland. To: January 7,1963. 3pp. JFK#12. S. 12/6/77. Dean Rusk. Soviet View of DRC Situation. January 4,1963. 1 p. JFK#8a. C. 12/13/77. 0259 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Current Developments on DRC. Bromley K. Smith. 0243 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#9. January 9,1963. 1p. JFK#13. 0244 Outgoing Telegram #985. Fr: George W. Ball. Proposed Memorandum on Financing UN To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. Operations in DRC and Middle East. January 3,1963. 1 p. JFK#10. C. 12/13/77. 0261 Outgoing Telegram #1031. Fr: Dean Rusk. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Belgian Foreign To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. Minister Paul-Henri Spaak's Letter on DRC January 11,1963. 2pp. JFK#14. S. 2/21/78. Situation and European Economic Letter from John F. Kennedy to Belgian Community's Agricultural Policy. Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak regarding 0245 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Efforts toward Peaceful Solution to DRC Brussels. Crisis. January 3,1963.1p. JFK#10a. C. 12/13/77. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Belgian Foreign 0263 Congo•General, January 16-31, Minister Paul-Henri Spaak's Letter on DRC 1963. Situation and European Economic 0264 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Community's Agricultural Policy. 0265 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0246 Incoming Telegram #944. Fr: Douglas Carl Kaysen. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. January 16,1963. 1p. JFK#1. January 2,1963. 1p. JFK#10b. C. 12/13/77. Report on Situation in DRC. Discussions with Belgian Foreign Minister . 0266 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Paul-Henri Spaak regarding Situation in January 16,1963. 1p. JFK#1a. LOU. DRC, NATO, and European Matters. Current Situation in DRC. 0247 White House Outgoing Message. Fr: Carl 0267 Outgoing Telegram #284. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Kaysen. To: John F. Kennedy. U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. January 4,1963. 1p. JFK#11a. C. 2/21/78. January 19,1963. 1p. JFK#2. LOU. 0248 Telegram. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. John F. Kennedy's Reply tó Message from Kennedy. Pan-African Freedom Movement of East, January 3,1963. 1p. JFK#11b. C. 2/21/78. Central, and South Africa (PAFMECSA) Joint U.S.-Belgian Statement on Unidentified Conference in Leopoldville, DRC. Subject. 0268 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0249 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassies, McGeorge Bundy. London and Brussels. January 19,1963. 1p. JFK#2a. NA. 3pp. JFK#11c. C. 12/13/77. White House Approval of Draft Telegram to U.S. Press Statement on UN Military Dar-es-Salaam. Operations and Political Objectives in 0269 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Katanga. Dar-es-Salaam. 0252 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: January 19,1963. 1p. JFK#2b. LOU. Bromley K. Smith. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Message from Januarys, 1963. 1p. JFK#11d. Pan-African Freedom Movement of East, Joint Declaration of U.S., British, and Belgian Central, and South Africa (PAFMECSA) Governments. Conference in Leopoldville, DRC.

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0270 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy! To: Dean Rusk. 0291 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Edmund A. January 21,1963.1p. JFK#3pp. Gullion. Letters of Appreciation to George C. January 25, 1963.1p. JFK#8a. OUO. McGhee, Harlan Cleveland, and G. Mennen Letter of Appreciation for Gullion's Role in Williams for Their Efforts on DRC Problem. Implementing U.S. Congo Policy. 0271 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: George C. 0292 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Edmund A. McGhee. Gullion. January 21,1963.1p. JFK#3a. January 25,1963.1p. JFK#8b. OUO. Appreciation of U.S. Achievements in DRC at Letter of Appreciation for Gullion's Role in End of Katangese Secession. Implementing U.S. Congo Policy. 0272 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Harlan 0293 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Edmund A. Cleveland. Gullion. January 21,1963. 1p. JFK#3b. January 25,1963.1p. JFK#8c. OUO. Appreciation of U.S. Achievements in DRC at Letter of Appreciation for Gullion's Role in End of Katangese Secession. Implementing U.S. Congo Policy. 0273 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: G. Mennen 0294 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: William H. Williams. Brubeck. January 21,1963. 1p. JFK#3c. January 30,1963. 1p. JFK#9. Appreciation of U.S. Achievements in DRC at "For Transmittal." End of Katangese Secession. 0295 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: U Thant. 0274 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: January 29,1963. 1p. JFK#9a. Carl Kaysen. Letter of Congratulations on Successful January 22, 1963. 1p. JFK#4. C. NA. Resolution of Problem of Katangese Angolan Refugees in DRC. Secession. 0275 Letter. Fr: George C. McGhee. To: John F. 0296 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Kennedy. Kennedy. January 22,1963.1p. JFK#5. January 28, 1963.1p. JFK#9b. Reply to Kennedy's Letter of Appreciation for Letter to UN Secretary General U Thant on McGhee's Role in Implementing U.S. Congo End of Katangese Secession. Policy. 0297 Draft Letter. Fr. John F. Kennedy. To: U 0276 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Thant. Carl Kaysen. NA. 1p.JFK#9c. January 24,1963.1p. JFK#6. C. 7/9/79. Letter of Congratulations on Successful DRC White Paper. Resolution of Problem of Katangese 0278 White Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. Secession. NA. 8pp. JFK#6a. C. 7/19/79. DRC White Paper [Note: Document Partially 0298 Congo•General, February 1,1963- Unreadable]. Aprll 15,1963. 0286 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. 0299 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. Kennedy. 0300 Letter. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: John F. January 24, 1963. 3pp. JFK#7. Kennedy. Plans for Reducing UN Military Commitment March 1, 1963.1 p. JFK#1. in DRC for Retraining and Reintegrating Reply to Kennedy's Letter of Appreciation for Congloese Army and Establishing "Nation Gullion's Role in Implementing U.S. Congo Building" Programs. Policy. 0289 Outgoing Telegram #1165. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0301 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Carl Kaysen. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. March 5, 1963.1p.JFK#2. January 25, 1963. 2pp. JFK#8. LOU. Possible Withdrawal of Ethiopian UN Letter of Appreciation from John F. Kennedy Battalions from DRC. to Edmund A. Gullion, U.S. Ambassador to 0302 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: DRC, for His Role in Implementing U.S. McGeorge Bundy. Congo Policy. March 21,1963.1p. JFK#3. C. 8/9/77. Briefing Paper on DRC.

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0303 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. 0324 Congo•General; Proposals for U.S. Kennedy. Policy In Congo, February 20,1963. March 25, 1963. 1 p. JFK#4. C. 12/13/77. 0325 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Kennedy's Meeting on Developments in DRC 0326 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. and Possible U.S. Aid. Kennedy. 0304 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. February 21,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/13/80. March 21, 1963. 4pp. JFK#4a. Harlan Cleveland's Report on DRC. C. 11/10/77 IP. 0329 Report. Fr: Harlan Cleveland. To: NA. U.S. Policy toward DRC. February 20,1963. 126pp. JFK#NA. 0308 Memorandum for Record. Fr: Carl Kaysen. C. 5/13/80. To: NA. Proposals for U.S. Policy in DRC [U Thant March 27, 1963. 3pp. JFK#5. C. 7/12/79 IP. Plan for Reunification of DRC; Retraining of Meeting with John F. Kennedy on U.S. ANC; Development of Provincial Police in Achievements and Problems in DRC. DRC; Efforts to Stabilize Inflation in DRC; UN 0311 Memorandum. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Dean Congo Fund; U.S. Economic Assistance to Rusk. DRC; UN Aid Programs for DRC; Force April 1, 1963.1p. JFK#6. S. 12/13/77. Levels of UN Organization to Congo (ONUC); Possible U.S. Action to Slow Withdrawal of and Foreign Aid Contributions to DRC]. Indian UN Troops in DRC due to Ominous News from Katanga. 0456 Congo•General, April 16,1963- 0312 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. May31,l963. Brubeck. 0457 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. March 27, 1963. 1p. JFK#6. 0458 State Department Research Memorandum. "For Appropriate Handling." Fr: Thomas L. Hughes. To: Dean Rusk. 0313 Letter (in French). Fr: President of Grand April 19,1963. 9pp. JFK#1. S. 12/9/77. Council of Katanga. To: John F. Kennedy, U Western Efforts to Alleviate Congo's Political Thant, Joseph Kasavubu, Cyrille Adoula, and Economic Instability. Moise Tshombe, Queen Elizabeth II, Charles 0467 Biographical Sketch. Fr: Leo V. Hayes. To: de Gaulle, Pope John XXIII, and Congolese NA. Leaders. April 29,1963.2pp. JFK#2. C. 2/21/78 IP. March 14, 1963. 2pp. JFK#6a. Biographical Data on General Joseph 0315 Copy of Letter (in French). Fr: President of Desiree Mobutu, Commander in Chief of Grand Council of Katanga. To: John F. ANC. Kennedy, U Thant, Joseph Kasavubu, Cyrille 0469 Memorandum. Fr: William P. Bundy. To: Adoula, Moise Tshombe, Queen Elizabeth II, McGeorge Bundy. Charles de Gaulle, Pope John XXIII, and May 16,1963.1p. JFK#2c. C. 2/21/78. Congolese Leaders. Meeting between John F. Kennedy and March 14, 1963. 2pp. JFK#4a. General Joseph Desiree Mobutu, 0317 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Commander in Chief of ANC. Kennedy. 0470 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: April 6, 1963. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 2/16/79. McGeorge Bundy. UN Troop Withdrawals from DRC. May 7, 1963.1p.JFK#3. 0319 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. Status of ANC Retraining. Kennedy. 0471 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. April 11,1963. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 12/13/77. NA. 3pp. JFK#3a. Problems of UN Troop Withdrawals from Status of ANC Retraining. DRC, U.S. Policy toward DRC, and 0474 Memorandum. Fr: William P. Bundy. To: Retraining of Congolese Army. McGeorge Bundy. 0321 Memorandum. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: May 16,1963.1p. JFK#4. C. 2/21/78. John F. Kennedy. Meeting between John F. Kennedy and April 6, 1963. 3pp. JFK#8a. C. 2/16/79. General Joseph Desiree Mobutu, Suggestions regarding U.S. Policy in DRC. Commander in Chief of ANC.

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0475 Incoming Telegram #444. Fr: W. Wendell 0493 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Fulbert Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. Youlou. May 17, 1963. 2pp. JFK#5. S. 5/17/73. June 4,1963. 2pp. JFK#2a. Letter from Congolese (Brazzaville) President Congratulatory Message on Congolese Fulbert Youlou to John F. Kennedy regarding (Brazzaville) President Youlou's Role at Addis Possible Discussion of U.S. Racial Ababa OAU Conference. Disturbances at OAU Addis Ababa 0495 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Conference. McGeorge Bundy. 0478 Outgoing Telegram #349. Fr: George W. Ball. May 23, 1963. 1p.'jFK#2b. To: U.S. Embassy, Brazzaville. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Congolese May 20, 1963. 1p. JFK#6. S. 5/20/73. (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou, Dated John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter from May 17, 1963. Congolese (Brazzaville) President Fulbert 0496 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Youlou regarding Items for Discussion at McGeorge Bundy. Addis Ababa OAU Conference. June 2,1963. 1p. JFK#2c. 0479 Letter. Fr: William P. Bundy. To: Chester V. Suggested Reply to Congolese (Brazzaville) Clifton. President Fulbert Youlou's Letter of May 17, May 29, 1963. 1 p. JFK#7. C. 5/20/73. 1963. Items for Discussion between John F. 0497 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Fulbert Kennedy and Genera! Joseph Desiree Youlou. Mobutu, Commander in Chief of ANC. June 4,1963. 2pp. JFK#2d. 0480 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Congratulatory Message on Congolese NA. 2pp. JFK#7a. C. 5/20/73. (Brazzaville) President Youlou's Role at Addis Expected Subjects That General Joseph Ababa OAU Conference. Desiree Mobutu, Commander in Chief of 0500 Translation of Letter. Fr: Fulbert Youlou. To: ANC, Will Discuss with John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy. 0482 Letter. Fr: William P. Bundy. To: Chester V. May 17, 1963. 6pp. JFK#2e. Clifton. Items for Discussion at Addis Ababa OAU May 25, 1963. 2pp. JFK#7b. C. NA. Conference, Including U.S. Racial Meeting between John F. Kennedy and Disturbances, Foreign Intervention in DRC, General Joseph Desiree Mobutu, and Problem of Angola. Commander in Chief of ANC. 0506 Outgoing Telegram #379. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Brazzaville. 0484 Congo•General, June 1-30,1963. June 5,1963. 1p. JFK#3. LOU. 0485 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. "President Signed Letter to Youlou June 5 0486 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Which Being Pouched for Delivery with No McGeorge Bundy. Prior Telegraphic Transmission." June 3,1963. 1 p. JFK#1. 0507 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. "Submitted for Approval Prior to Distribution. Kennedy. The President's Remarks Are Sidelined in June 7,1963. 3pp. JFK#4. C. 2/22/79 IP. Blue." Retraining and Modernization of ANC. 0487 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: 0510 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge NA. Bundy. May 31, 1963. 4pp. JFK#1 a. C. 5/31/73. June 10, 1963. 1p. JFK#5. C. 6/10/73. Conversation between John F. Kennedy and "For Your Information." General Joseph Desiree Mobutu, 0511 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: Commander in Chief of ANC, regarding NA. Retraining of ANC. May 31, 1963. 4pp. JFK#5a. C. 6/10/73. 0491 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. Conversation between John F. Kennedy and Brubeck. General Joseph Desiree Mobutu, June5, 1963. 1p. JFK#2. Commander in Chief of ANC, regarding "For Transmittal Via Pouch Only, Per Retraining of ANC. Instructions of Mr. Kaysen."

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0515 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0543 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. June 29, 1963.1p.JFK#6. August 19,1963. 2pp. JFK#6. S. 12/9/77. Transmission of Certificate of Honorary Government Crisis in Congo (Brazzaville) Membership in DRC Welfare Agency from Forces Resignation of President Fulbert Mrs. Cyrille Adoula, Wife of Congolese Prime Youlou and Assumption of Presidency by Minister, to Jacqueline Kennedy. Alphonse Massamba-Debat. 0516 CIA Special Report. Fr: CIA. To: NA. 0545 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. June 14, 1963. 10pp. JFK#7. S. 11/10/77. NA. 2pp. JFK#7. LOU. DRC Economy. New President and Cabinet of Congo (Brazzaville). 0526 Congo•General, July 1,1963- 0547 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. AugustSI, 1963. NA. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 11/7/77 IP. 0527 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Biographical Data on Alphonse Massamba- 0528 Letter (in French). Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: John Debat, New President and Minister of F. Kennedy. Defense of Congo (Brazzaville). July 4, 1963. 1p.JFK#1. 0549 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 0529 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. August 22, 1963.1p.JFK#9. July 23, 1963.1p. JFK#2. LOU. Translation of Telegram to John F. Kennedy Letter to John F. Kennedy from DRC Prime from Alphonse Massamba-Debat, Chief of Minister Cyrille Adoula, Dated July 4,1963. Provisional Government of Congo 0530 Letter (in French). Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: John (Brazzaville). F. Kennedy. 0550 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Alphonse July 4, 1963. 1p.JFK#2a. Massamba-Debat. To: John F. Kennedy. 0531 Translation of Letter. Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: August 18,1963.1p. JFK#9a. John F. Kennedy. Announcement of Resignation of Congolese July 4, 1963. 2pp. JFK#2b. LOU. (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou and DRC Government Lifts Prohibition on Appointment of New Provisional President Importation of Copper or Cobalt from South and Cabinet. Katanga Province. 0551 Telegram (in French). Fr: Alphonse 0533 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Massamba-Debat. To: John F. Kennedy. McGeorge Bundy. August 18,1963. 2pp. JFK#9b. August 7,1963. 1p. JFK#3. C. 2^7/78 IP. 0553 Copy of Telegram (in French). Fr: Alphonse John F. Kennedy's Inquiry regarding Status of Massamba-Debat. To: John F. Kennedy. ANC Retraining. August 18,1963. 2pp. JFK#9c. 0534 Memorandum. Fr: John A. McKesson. To: 0554 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. August 6, 1963. 3pp. JFK#3a. C. 12/9/77. August 26,1963. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 3/2/78. Status of Retraining of ANC. Problem of UN Troop Retention in DRC. 0537 Incoming Telegram #240. Fr: Douglas 0556 Memorandum. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. McGeorge Bundy. August 14,1963. 4pp. JFK#4. C. 8/14/73. August 29, 1963.1p. JFK#11. C. 12/9/77. Letter from Belgian Foreign Minister Paul- Retention of UN Troops in DRC. Henri Spaak to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0558 Outgoing Telegram #544. Fr: George W. Ball. Adoula regarding Monetary Reform. To: U.S. Mission to UN. 0541 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: August 25, 1963.1p. JFK#11a. C. 12/9/77. McGeorge Bundy. Problem of Financing Retention of UN August 15,1963. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 8/15/73. Troops in DRC. Government Crisis in Congo (Brazzaville) Forces President Fulbert Youlou to Call on 0559 Congo•General, September 1,1963- French Troops for Support. OctoberlO, 1963. 0560 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p.

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0561 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 0575 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. McGeorge Bundy. To: NA. September?, 1963.1p. JFK#1. LOU. September 4,1963. 2pp. JFK#4a Establishment of U.S. Congo Advisory C. 12/10/77. Group. Retention of UN Troops in DRC and 0563 Memorandum. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Dean Retraining of Congolese Security Forces. Rusk. 0577 Handwritten Note. Fr: William P. Bundy. January 10,1963. 1p. JFK#1a. To: NA. Memorandum from Adlai E. Stevenson, NA. 1p.JFK#5. Containing Proposal for Formation of Congo "Return to Bromley Smith's File. No Action Advisory Group. Required." 0564 Memorandum. Fr: Adlai E. Stevenson. To: 0578 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. January 10,1963. 1p. JFK#1a. C. 12/10/77. September 13,1963.1p. JFK#5a. Proposal for Establishment of C. 9/13/73. Interdepartmental Advisory Committee on Future of UN Military Force in DRC. DRC. 0579 Memorandum. Fr: John F. Kennedy. 0565 Handwritten Note. Fr: Charles E. Johnson. To: Dean Rusk. To: Bromley K. Smith. September 6,1963.1p. JFK#5b. NA. 1p.JFK#2. Importance of Maintaining UN Troops in 0565 Handwritten Note. Fr: Ina [?]. To: NA. DRC. September 9, 1963. 1 p. JFK#2a. 0580 Incoming Telegram #730. Fr: Edmund A. Telephone Conversation between Carol C. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Moor and Charles E. Johnson. October 4, 1963. 3pp. JFK#6. LOU. 0566 Memorandum. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Dean Letter of Appreciation from DRC Prime Rusk. Minister Cyrille Adoula to John F. Kennedy September 6, 1963. 1p. JFK#2b. for His Support of Congolese Unity and Importance of Maintaining UN Troops in Principle of Self-Government. DRC. 0583 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 0567 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Benjamin H. McGeorge Bundy. Read. October 4, 1963. 1p. JFK#7. C. 12/10/77. September 10,1963. 1p. JFK#3. Request for Appointment with John F. "For Appropriate Handling." Kennedy by DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0568 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Adoula. McGeorge Bundy. 0585 Incoming Telegram #1242. Fr: Adlai E. Septembers, 1963. 1p. JFK#3a. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Albert October 8,1963. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 12/10/77. Loumanza, Deputy to DRC House of DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Visit to Representatives. New York to Address UN. 0569 Translator's Summary of Communication. Fr: 0588 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Albert Loumanza. To: John F. Kennedy. McGeorge Bundy. Augusts, 1963. 1p. JFK#3b. October 9,1963. 3pp. JFK#9. C. 12/10/77. Personal Appeal to Kennedy for Financial Talking Paper for John F. Kennedy's Meeting Aid. with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. 0570 Translation of Letter. Fr: Albert Loumanza. 0591 CIA Biographic Register. Fr: CIA. To: NA. To: John F. Kennedy. October 3,1963.1p. JFK#9a. NA. 11/7/77 IP. August 3,1963. 4pp. JFK#3c. Biographical Sketch of DRC Prime Minister Personal Appeal to Kennedy for Financial Cyrille Adoula. Aid. 0592 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 0574 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. October 8,1963. 3pp. JFK#9b. C. 12/10/77. September 11, 1963. 1p. JFK#4. Talking Paper for John F. Kennedy's Meeting Memoranda of Conversation between Dean with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Rusk and Nigerian Foreign Minister Jaja Wachuku.

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0595 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 0615 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. October 9, 1963.1p. JFK#10. C. 10/9/73. October 22,1963. 1p. JFK#4. C. 2/23/71. Transmittal of Original of DRC Prime Minister Martial Law Established in Leopoldville, DRC, Cyrille Adoula's Letter to John F. Kennedy. on Orders from Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula 0596 Translation of Letter. Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: due to Unrest among Labor Union Leaders. John F. Kennedy. 0616 CIA Intelligence Memorandum. Fr: CIA. To: October 2, 1963. 2pp. JFK#10a. NA. Letter of Appreciation from DRC Prime October 29,1963. 3pp. JFK#5. S. 2/21/78 IP. Minister Adoula to Kennedy for His Support Situation in DRC following Proclamation of of Congolese Unity and Principle of Self- State of Emergency due to Labor Union Government. Unrest. 0598 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 0619 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. October 9, 1963. 2pp. JFK#11. C. 11/10/77 October 29,1963.1p. JFK#6. IP. Gift of Ivory Carving to John F. Kennedy from Retraining and Modernization of ANC. Emmanuel Bamba, DRC Finance Minister. 0600 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0620 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: NA. 4pp. JFK#11a. C. 11/10/77 IP. McGeorge Bundy. Retraining and Modernization of ANC. October 29,1963. 1p. JFK#7. C. 2/23/77. 0604 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Discussions with John F. Kennedy on McGeorge Bundy. Question of Whom U.S. Should Support in NA. 1p.JFK#12. C. 10/9/73. Confused Political Situation in DRC. Possible Discussion of DRC Monetary 0621 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Reform at Meeting between DRC Prime McGeorge Bundy. Minister Cyrille Adoula and John F. Kennedy. October 25,1963. 2pp. JFK#7a. C. 11/10/77. 0605 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Kenneth Political Situation in DRC. O'Donnell. 0623 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. October 10,1963.1p. JFK#13. Read. To: McGeorge Bundy. Possible Subject of Meeting between John F. October 25,1963. 2pp. JFK#7b. C. 11/10/77. Kennedy and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Political Situation in DRC. Adoula. 0625 Incoming Telegram #925. Fr: Edmund A. 0606 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. October 25,1963. 3pp. JFK#7c. C. 11/10/77 October 9, 1963. 4pp. JFK#13a. C. 11/10/77 IP. IP. Arbitrary Measures Taken under DRC Martial Retraining and Modernization of ANC. Law by Defense Minister Jean Anany and 0610 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Justice Minister Justin Bomboko, including McGeorge Bundy. Arrest of Labor Leaders and Tendency to October 10,1963. 2pp. JFK#14. C. 12/10/77. Bypass Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Meeting between John F. Kennedy and DRC 0628 Outgoing Telegram #499. Fr: George W. Ball. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. October 28,1963. 1p. JFK#7d. S. 11/10/77. 0612 Congo•General, October 11,1963- U.S. Would Welcome Any DRC Government November22,1963. Move Limiting Soviet Bloc Embassies'Ability 0613 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. to Interfere in Congo Politics. 0614 Note. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge 0629 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. October 14,1963.1 p. JFK#1. November 12,1963. 1p. JFK#8. "For Approval Prior to Distribution. The Letter to John F. Kennedy from DRC Prime President's Remarks Are Sidelined in Blue." Minister Cyrille Adoula.

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0630 Translation of Letter. Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: 0650 Incoming Telegram #1350. Fr: George John F. Kennedy. McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. October 22,1963. 1p. JFK#8a. December 1,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Message of Thanks from DRC Prime Minister Thomas J. Dodd's Efforts to Bring about Adoula for Courtesy Extended to Him during Better Rapport Between DRC Prime Minister His Visit to U.S. Cyrille Adoula and Katangese President 0631 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Benjamin H. Moise Tshombe. Read. 0651 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#NA. November 6,1963.1p. JFK#8b. 0652 Incoming Telegram. Fr: [?] Gibson. "For Translation." To: Dean Rusk. 0632 Letter (in French). Fr: Cyrille Adoula. To: John December 1, 1961. 5pp. JFK#NA. F. Kennedy. TS. 10/8/74. October 22,1963.1 p. JFK#8c. Thomas J. Dodd's Belief That Basis for Rapprochement Exists in DRC after Congo•Cables Discussions with Congolese Prime Minister 0633 Congo•Cables, January 1,1961 - Cyrille Adoula and Katangese President December 15,1961. Moise Tshombe. 0634 Withdrawal Sheets. 5pp. 0657 Incoming Telegram #145. Fr: [?] Gibson. To: 0639 Note from John F. Kennedy Library. Fr: W. W. Dean Rusk. Moss. To: NA. December 2,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 10/8/74. April 28, 1972.1p.JFK#NA. Thomas J. Dodd Requests That Copies of 'The Following Note Was Found Taped to His Communications with John F. Kennedy Inside Front of Original Folder: 'Previous Be Delivered to His Legislative Assistant Cables Destroyed.'" James Boyd. 0640 Outgoing Telegram #2069. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0659 Incoming Telegram #1372. Fr: George To: U.S. Embassies, New Delhi and Lagos. McMurtrie Godley. To: White House. February 2, 1961.4pp. JFK#NA. S. 3/21/75. Decembers, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. U.S. Efforts to Secure Support of Principal Discussions with Sture Linner, Head of UN Segments of Opinion in Africa and Asia for Economic and Technical Aid, regarding Deteriorating Internal Situation in DRC. Possible Katangese Government Movement 0644 Outgoing Telegram #3802. Fr: Dean Rusk. on Elisabethville Air Field. To: U.S. Embassy, London. 0660 Incoming Telegram #730. Fr: [?] Hoffacker. February 2, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 3/21/75. To: Dean Rusk. British Reaction to John F. Kennedy's New December 5,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Congo Plan. U.S. Air Attaché Planes at Pretoria, 0646 Incoming Telegram #2135. Fr: Adlai E. Leopoldville, and Capetown Directed to Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Stand by for Possible Evacuation due to February 8, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. Military Operations in Elisabethville Area. French President Charles de Gaulle's 0661 White House Incoming Message. Fr: Dean Response to John F. Kennedy's Letter on Rusk. To: White House. DRC. December 5,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. 0647 Memorandum. Fr: Philip J. Halla. To: [?] Lay. Discussions between Charles W. Yost of U.S. February 8, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. S. 3/21/75. Mission to UN and UN Special U.S. Policy Cables on DRC. Representative in Congo Ralph Bunche 0648 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: John F. Kennedy. regarding Developments in Katanga. September 24,1963.1p. JFK#NA. 0664 Department of Army Message. Fr: Joint Statement of State Department's Position on Chiefs of Staff. To: U.S. Commander in Chief, Situations in DRC and Ghana. Europe. 0649 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#NA. Decembers, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/26/74. UN Requests U.S. Support for Intra-Congo Airlift of UN Troops.

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0667 White House Incoming Message. Fr: U.S. 0688 Incoming Telegram #1446. Fr: George Mission to UN. To: White House. McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. December 7, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. December 9,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Conversation between Sture Linner, Head of Evacuation of U.S. Personnel from Katanga. UN Economic and Technical Aid, and DRC 0690 Incoming Telegram #771. Fr: [?] Hoffacker. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding ANC To: Dean Rusk. Assistance to UN in Katanga. December 9,1961. 3pp. [Note: Includes 0668 Incoming Telegram #1995. Fr: Adlai E. Corrected Page 2.] JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. UN Military Leadership, under Chairmanship December 6, 1961. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. of General Sean McKeown, Holds Meeting to Discussions between Stevenson and UN Plan Strategy for Elisabethville Campaign. Secretary General U Thant regarding UN's 0693 Outgoing Telegram #1541. Fr: George W. Handling of Katanga Problem. Ball. To: U.S. Mission to UN. 0673 Incoming Telegram #509. Fr: W. Wendell December 11,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. Malagasy President Philibert Tsiranana's December 7, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. Message to UAM States Deploring War Translation of Telegram from Congolese Waged by UN with Participation of Great (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou to U.S. Powers in DRC. and Other States Requesting Intervention to 0696 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. End Combat in Katanga. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. 0674 Incoming Telegram #1408. Fr: George "Mr. Eisenberg (AFC) Asked Us to Call This McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. to Your Attention Specially Important before December 7, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. Meeting." U.S. Air Force Contingent in DRC Grounded 0697 Incoming Telegram #2070. Fr: Adlai E. during UN Operations in Katanga Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0675 Incoming Telegram #2243. Fr: David K. E. December 11,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Efforts to Arrange Meeting between DRC December 7, 1961. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula and Katangese Report on British Newspaper Comments on President Moise Tshombe Unsuccessful. Recent Events in DRC. 0699 Incoming Telegram SECTO #9. Fr: Dean 0681 Incoming Telegram #1405. Fr: George Rusk, U.S. Embassy, Paris. To: Department McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. of State. December 7, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. December 11,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. Factors Preventing DRC Prime Minister British Position on DRC at Tripartite Meeting Cyrille Adoula's Trip to New York to Attend between U.S., Great Britain, and Belgium. UN General Assembly. 0702 Outgoing Telegram #3192. Fr: George W. 0682 Incoming Telegram #2250. Fr: David K. E. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, London. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. December 7, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. British Sound out UN Secretary General U Discussions regarding British Position on Thant on Possible Cease-fire in Katanga. Katanga Situation. 0704 Outgoing Telegram #42. Fr: George W. Ball. 0684 Incoming Telegram #1365. Fr: Abraham L. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. Gordon. To: Dean Rusk. December 12,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. December 7, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. C. 9/3/74. Brazilian Foreign Ministry Refuses to Grant Dean Rusk's Reply to Belgian Foreign Visa to Katangese President Moise Tshombe Minister Paul-Henri Spaak's Message on to Attend MRA Meeting in Rio de Janeiro. Desirability of Reconciliation between DRC 0685 Incoming Telegram #1024. Fr: [?] McKillop. Government and Katangese Authorities. To: Dean Rusk. 0706 Outgoing Telegram #35. Fr: George W. Ball. December 7, 1961.3pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. Text of Agreement Worked out by Robert December 12,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Rothschild as Possible Basis for C. 9/3/74. Reconciliation between Katangese President U.S. Viewpoints and Projected Actions in Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime Minister Review of Congo Situation with John F. Cyrille Adoula. Kennedy.

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0709 Department of Army Message. Fr: Lyman L. 0724 Outgoing Telegram #1017. Fr: George W. Lemnitzer. To: Earle G. Wheeler. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. December 11, 1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. TS. 3/23/73. U.S. Efforts toward Reconciliation between No Justification Seen for Upgrading Rank of Katangese President Moise Tshombe and U.S. Military Representation in DRC. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. 0710 Incoming Telegram #2304. Fr: David K. E. 0726 Incoming Telegram #391. Fr: James S. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Moose, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. December 13, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. December 14, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. C. 9/3/74. UN Request to Sudan to Provide Retired Parliamentary Reaction to British General for Congo Operation. Government Decision regarding UN 0727 Incoming Airgram #A-121. Fr: Francis H. Operation in DRC. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0712 Department of Army Message. Fr: Earle G. December 14, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Wheeler. To: U.S. Commander in Chief, C. 9/3/74. Europe. Ghana Government Sends Mission to DRC December 13, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. to Investigate Situation and Meet with TS. 3/23/73. Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga. John F. Kennedy Directs Assignment of U.S. 0729 Incoming Telegram #1494. Fr: Edmund A. General Officer to DRC to Assist Ambassador Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. and Provide Supervision for U.S. Military December 14, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. Operations in Support of UN. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville Pleased with 0714 Incoming Telegram #799. Fr: [?] Hoffacker. Dispatch of High Ranking U.S. Military Officer To: Dean Rusk. but Requests No Publicity. December 12, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. 0730 Incoming Telegram #1503. Fr: Edmund A. C. 9/3/74. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Military Situation Report from Elisabethville in December 14, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Katanga. Failure of Scheduled UN Military Attacks on 0716 Incoming Telegram #1480. Fr: Edmund A. Katanga to Begin. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0731 Outgoing Telegram #1128. Fr: George W. December 14, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. Ball. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Asks U.S. December 15,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. to Refrain from Any Move for Cease-fire in Telegram from Katangese President Moise Katanga Operations. Tshombe to John F. Kennedy, Expressing His 0718 White House incoming Message. Fr: Adlai E. Desire to Negotiate with DRC Prime Minister Stevenson. To: White House, Office of Cyrille Adoula. Secretary of Defense, and Departments of 0733 Incoming Telegram #1507. Fr: Edmund A. Army, Navy, and Air Force. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. December 13, 1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. December 14, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. Situation Report on All-out UN Military Attack UN Military Forces Engage in Vigorous on Elisabethville in Katanga. Action Near Elisabethville, Katanga. 0722 Outgoing Telegram #1479. Fr: George W. 0734 Incoming Telegram #1489. Fr: Edmund A. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. December 14, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. December 14,1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. Possible U.S. Economic Pressures against Discussions with UN Officials in Congo Katangese President Moise Tshombe. regarding Prospects for Negotiations 0723 Outgoing Telegram #1470. Fr: NA. To: U.S. between Katangese President Moise Embassy, Brussels. Tshombe and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille December 14, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. Adoula. Acting Secretary of State Explains U.S. Position on DRC to Belgian Ambassador to U.S.

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0738 Incoming Telegram #1505. Fr: Edmund A. 0753 Incoming Telegram #3116. Fr: [?] Gavin. To: Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Dean Rusk. December 14,1961. 3pp. [Note: Page 1 December 15,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Repeated.] JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Discussions with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Willingness to Meet with DRC Prime Minister Adoula regarding Prospects for Negotiations Cyrille Adoula Anywhere outside DRC. with Katangese President Moise Tshombe. 0754 Incoming Telegram #1510. Fr: Edmund A. 0741 Incoming Telegram #817. Fr: [?] Hoffacker. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. December 15,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. White European Organization in Katanga, West German Objections to DRC Mouvement Pour L'lndependence et Negotiations Beginning before UN Forces Resistance (MIR), Calls for Support of Installed in Elisabethville. Katangese President Moise Tshombe and 0755 Outgoing Telegram #1028. Fr: George W. Resistance to UN. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. 0744 Outgoing Telegram #1027. Fr: George W. Consulate, Elisabethville. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. December 14,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. OUO. December 14,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Message from U.S. Attempts to Avoid Political Showdown Katangese President Moise Tshombe between DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula, Offering to Negotiate Unconditionally with Security Chief Victor Nendaka, and Minister DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. of Interior . 0758 Incoming Telegram #1511. Fr: Edmund A. 0745 Incoming Telegram #454. Fr: [?] Emmerson. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. December 15, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. December 14,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Possible U.S. Mediation for Cease-fire in Concern of Sir Roy Welensky, Prime Minister Katanga. of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 0759 Incoming Telegram #1515. Fr: Edmund A. over Situation in Katanga. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0746 Incoming Telegram #834. Fr: [?] Hoffacker. December 15, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. To: Dean Rusk. C. 9/3/74. December 15,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Message from Katangese President Moise C. 9/3/74. Tshombe Expressing Willingness to Begin U.S., Great Britain, and France Agree to Try Negotiations with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille for Meeting between DRC Prime Minister Adoula. Cyrille Adoula and Katangese President 0761 Incoming Telegram #1517. Fr: Edmund A. Moise Tshombe at Kitona and Ask for Cease- Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. fire in Katanga. December 15, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. 0748 Incoming Telegram #2154. Fr: Adlai E. C. 9/3/74. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Discussions with DRC Foreign Minister December 15,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. Justin Bomboko regarding Katangese C. 9/3/74. President Moise Tshombe's Offer to Instructions to UN Commanders in Field in Negotiate with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Katanga Providing Guidelines for Military Adoula. Operations within Limits of UN Policy. 0764 Incoming Telegram #1528. Fr: Edmund A. 0750 Outgoing Telegram #1049. Fr: George W. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. December 15, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Consulate, Elisabethville. "Second Paragraph Elisabethville's 829 to December 15,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. Department Is Indicative of Way We Feared C. 9/3/74. Tshombe Would Play President's Changes Suggested by Ralph Bunche, UN Courageous Action." Special Representative in DRC, in John F. Kennedy's Telegram to Katangese President Moise Tshombe.

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0817 Incoming Telegram #1715152. Fr: John F. 0828 White House Outgoing Message. Fr: White Kennedy. To: George W. Ball. House Situation Room. To: John F. Kennedy. December 17. 1961.1p. ^FK#NA. December 17, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. TS. 9/24/74. i Preparations for Kitona Conference between DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Katangese President Moise Tshombe and Response to Katangese president Moise DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Tshombe's Request for Cease-fire in 0829 Draft Outgoing Telegram #503. Fr: George Katanga. ; W. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Bogota. 0818 Copy of Incoming Telegram #1556. Fr: December 17,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. NA. Edmund A. Gullion. To: De^n Rusk. Preparations for Kitona Conference between December 17, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. NA. Katangese President Moise Tshombe and Katangese President Moise Tshombe DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Requests Assurances of UN Cease-fire in 0830 Incoming Telegram #1559. Fr: Edmund A. Katanga during Meeting with DRC Prime Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Minister Cyrille Adoula. December 18, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. 0820 White House Incoming Message. Fr: Captain C. 9/3/74. Shepard. To: McGeorge Bundy. Instructions for Pickup of Katangese December 17, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. President Moise Tshombe by U.S. Plane for TS. 9/24/74. Transport to Kitona Conference and for U.S. Desires That Katanga Cease-fire and Katanga Cease-firë. Negotiations Proceed Rapidly without Delays 0832 Incoming Telegram #1560. Fr: Edmund A. by DRC Government. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0821 Outgoing Telegram #1058. Fr: George W. December 18,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. C. 9/3/74. December 17, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. U.S. Pressures DRC Prime Minister Cyrille UN Secretary General U Thant Hesitant Adoula into Agreeing to Meet with Katangese about Arrangements for Cease-fire in President Moise Tshombe without Katanga during Negotiations between Conditions. Katangese President Moise Tshombe and 0835 Incoming Telegram #1572. Fr: Edmund A. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula at Kitona. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0822 Outgoing Telegram #462. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: December 18,1961.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. U.S. Consulate, Salisbury. Instructions for Pickup of Katangese Presi- December 17,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. dent Moise Tshombe by U.S. Plane at Ndola, C. 9/3/74. Northern Rhodesia, for Transport to Kitona Letter from G. Mennen Williams to Sir Roy Conference and for Katanga Cease-fire. Welensky, Prime Minister of Federation of 0836 Incoming Telegram #1573. Fr: Edmund A. Rhodesia and Nyasaiand, regarding Efforts Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. to Reunify DRC. December 18. 1961.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. 0824 Outgoing Telegram #502. Fr: George W. Ball. Safe Arrival of U.S. Plane to Pick up To: U.S. Embassy, Bogota. Katangese President Moise Tshombe at December 17, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Ndola, Northern Rhodesia. C. 9/3/74. 0837 Copy of Incoming Telegram #1573. Fr: Situation in DRC regarding UN Military Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Objectives and Cease-fire in Katanga. December 18,1961.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. 0827 Outgoing Telegram #503. Fr: George W. Ball. Safe Arrival of U.S. Plane to Pick up To: U.S. Embassy, Bogota. Katangese President Moise Tshombe at December 17, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Ndola, Northern Rhodesia. Preparations for Kitona Conference between 0838 Incoming Telegram #468. Fr: [?] Emmerson. Katangese President Moise Tshombe and To: Dean Rusk. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. December 18, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. Instruction for Pickup of Katangese President Moise Tshombe by U.S. Plane at Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, for Transport to Kitona Conference.

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0839 Incoming Telegram #472. Fr: [?] Emmerson. 0853 Incoming Telegram #1604. Fr: Edmund A. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. December 18,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. December 21, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Departure of Katangese President Moise C. 9/3/74. Tshombe from Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, En Negotiations between Katangese President Route to Kitona Conference. Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime Minister 0840 Outgoing Telegram #1059. Fr: George W. Cyrille Adoula at Kitona. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0855 Outgoing Telegram #23. Fr: George W. Ball. December 17,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. To: U.S. Delegation, Bermuda. U.S. Efforts to Arrange for Cessation of December 21,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Hostilities in Katanga. UN Press Statement Announcing 0841 Incoming Telegram #1588. Fr: Edmund A. Achievement of Military Objectives of UN Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Force in Elisabethville. December 19,1961.1p. JFK#NA. QUO. 0857 Outgoing Telegram #1536. Fr: George W. Suggestion That First Day of Kitona Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. Conference Be Procedural Only due to December 21. 1961.3pp. JFK#NA. Exhausted Condition of Katangese President C. 9/3/74. Moise Tshombe. U.S. Conveys Appreciation to Belgian 0842 Incoming Telegram #1592. Fr: Edmund A. Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak for His Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Restraint during Congo Crisis. December 19,1961.1p. JFK#NA. 0860 Outgoing Telegram #3379. Fr: George W. UN Military Forces Occupy Union Miniere du Ball. To: U.S. Embassies, London and Paris. Haut Katanga Building in Elisabethville and December 21, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Institute Cease-fire during Kitona British, French, and Belgian Governments Conference. Express Support for Kitona Agreement and 0843 Incoming Telegram #473. Fr: [?] Emmerson. Provide Moral Support to Katangese To: Dean Rusk. President Moise Tshombe. December 19,1961.1p. JFK#NA. 0861 Outgoing Telegram #3375. Fr: George W. Arrangements for Kitona Conference. Ball. To: U.S. Embassies, London, Brussels, 0844 Incoming Telegram #REP 999-2. Fr: and Paris. Commander in Chief, Europe's December 21, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Representative, Leopoldville. To: Dean Rusk. Great Britain Exercises Pressure on December 19,1961.1p. JFK#NA. Katangese President Moise Tshombe to List of Congolese Central Government Implement Kitona Agreement. Participants in Kitona Conference. 0862 Outgoing Telegram #22. Fr: George W. Ball. 0845 CIA Information Report Telegram #TDCS-3/ To: U.S. Delegation, Bermuda. 496,414. Fr: CIA. To: NA. NA. 1 p. JFK#N A.C. 9/3/74. December 19,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. UN Secretary General U Thant Issues Press S. 3/18/74. Statement Continuing Cease-fire in Katanga. Ethiopian UN Troops Attack Union Miniere du 0863 Incoming Telegram #1622. Fr: Edmund A. Haut Katanga Building in Elisabethville. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0847 White House Incoming Message. Fr: Dean December 21, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. NA. Rusk. To: White House. Concessions by Katangese President Moise December 19,1961.1 p. JFK#N A. Tshombe at Kitona Conference. Information on Edmund A. Gullion's 0866 Incoming Telegram #1622. Fr: Edmund A. Negotiations with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Adoula and Katangese President Moise December 21,1961. 6pp. JFK#NA. Tshombe at Kitona. C. 9/3/74. 0848 Outgoing Telegram #1068. Fr: Dean Rusk. Chronological Highlights of Kitona To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Negotiations. December 19,1961. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. U.S. State Department's Ideas on Substance of Adoula-Tshombe Agreement at Kitona.

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0872 Outgoing Telegram #7. Fr: George W. Ball. 0897 Incoming Telegram #1625. Fr: Edmund A. To: U.S. Delegation, Palm Beach. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. December 21, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. December 22, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. U.S. Informed That Accord Reached between U.S. Reply to Communiqué from "Presidency DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula and Elisabethville" Repudiating Points Agreed to Katangese President Moise Tshombe at by Katangese President Moise Tshombe at K'rtona Conference. Kitona Conference. 0873 Incoming Telegram #1610. Fr: Edmund A. 0898 Incoming Telegram #1626. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. December 21, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. QUO. December 22, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Official Text of Kitona Declaration. U.S. Press Statement on Katangese 0876 Telegram. Fr: George W. Ball. To: U.S. Communiqué on Kitona Conference. Delegation, Bermuda. 0900 Incoming Telegram #1627. Fr: Edmund A. December 21, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Issues Statement on Kitona Agreement December 22, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. for Reintegration of Katanga into DRC. U.S. Consultations with British Embassy, 0877 Outgoing Telegram #1087. Fr: George W. Leopoldville regarding Security for Katangese Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. President Moise Tshombe during His Flight December 21, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. from Kitona to Elisabethville. Request for Appraisal of Extent and 0901 Incoming Telegram #1630. Fr: Edmund A. Seriousness of Alleged Excesses by UN and Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Katangese Personnel and Extent to Which December 22, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. UN Military Objectives Exceeded UN DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Ridicules Secretary General U Thant's Limits. Allegations by Katangese Presidency 0878 Incoming Telegram #1615. Fr: Edmund A. [Cabinet] That U.S. Ambassador Was Author Gullion. To: State Department. of Kitona Declaration. December 21, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. 0902 Incoming Telegram #1633. Fr: Edmund A. C. 9/3/74. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Evaluation and Comment on Kitona Accord December 22, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. between DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula C. 9/3/74. and Katangese President Moise Tshombe. Meeting between UN Representative Sture Linner and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0880 Congo•Cables, December 22-31, Adoula regarding Problem Posed by 1961. Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga. 0881 Withdrawal Sheets. 5pp. 0904 Incoming Telegram #2404. Fr: [?] Jones. To: 0886 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#NA. Dean Rusk. 0887 Outgoing Telegram #3149. Fr: Dean Rusk. December 22, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. To: U.S. Embassy, London. Substance of State Department Telegram December 9, 1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. #3379 Presented to British Foreign Office. British Position on Support of UN in DRC, 0905 Incoming Telegram #3203. Fr: [?] Gavin. To: Katangese President Moise Tshombe, and Dean Rusk. Katangese. December 22, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. 0891 Outgoing Telegram #1598. Fr: Dean Rusk. U.S. Urges French to Join Efforts to To: U.S. Embassy, Cairo. Persuade Katangese President Moise February 15, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. Tshombe to Keep to Kitona Agreement. Discussions with United Arab Republic 0906 Incoming Telegram #3204. Fr: [?] Gavin. To: President Gamal Abdel Nasser regarding Dean Rusk. Situation in DRC. December 22, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. 0893 Outgoing Telegram #16. Fr: George W. Ball. French Unable to Accept Kitona Agreement To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. due to Incompatibility with French December 11, 1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. Government Position on UN Resolutions on U.S. Conclusions regarding Limited Military Congo. Objectives of UN Military Forces in DRC.

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0908 CIA Information Report Telegram #TDCS-3/ 0924 Outgoing Telegram #1108. Fr: George W. 497,012. Fr: CIA. To: NA. Ball. To: U.S. Embassies, Leopoldville, December 22,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Brussels, and London. S. 3/18/74. December 22,1961. 5pp. JFK#NA. Katangese Reactions to Agreement between C. 9/3/74. Katangese President Moise Tshombe and Three-Stage Program to Put Pressure on DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula at Kitona. Katangese President Moise Tshombe and 0910 Outgoing Telegram #1098. Fr: George W. Ball. Katanga to Implement Kitona Agreement. To: U.S. Embassies, Leopoldville, Brussels, 0929 Outgoing Telegram #1111. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: and London and U.S. Mission to UN. U.S. Embassies, Leopoldville and London December 22,1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. and U.S. Consulates, Elisabethville and C. 9/3/74. Salisbury. Program to Put Economic Pressure on December 22,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Katangese President Moise Tshombe and Encouragement of Katangese President Katanga to Implement Kitona Agreement. Moise Tshombe's Adherence to Kitona 0915 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: Bromley K. Declaration. Smith. 0930 Incoming Telegram #1635. Fr: Edmund A. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 'This Was Passed to Bermuda•^Transmission December 23, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Completed at 1:37 PM. Ball's Office Notified." Release of General [?] Walter as Special 0916 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassies, Military Representative in DRC. Leopoldville, Brussels, and London and U.S. 0931 Incoming Telegram #1637. Fr: Edmund A. Mission to UN. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. December 23,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Program to Put Economic Pressure on Assessment of Recent Hostilities in Katanga. Katangese President Moise Tshombe and 0933 Incoming Telegram #1637. Fr: Edmund A. •- Katanga to Implement Kitona Agreement. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0920 Outgoing Telegram #3397. Fr: George W. December 23,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, London and U.S. Assessment of Recent Hostilities in Katanga. Consulate, Salisbury. 0935 Incoming Telegram #1641. Fr: Edmund A. December 22,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Expresses Gratitude to British and December 23,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 4/2/75 IP. Rhodesian Governments for Their Help in Possible U.S. Protection for Katangese Making Katangese President Moise President Moise Tshombe. Tshombe's Presence Possible at Kitona 0936 incoming Telegram #1642. Fr: Edmund A. Conference. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0921 Outgoing Telegram #1102. Fr: George W. December 23,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Problems regarding Stationing of ANC in December 22,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Katanga. U.S. Urges DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0939 Incoming Telegram #3213. Fr: [?] Lyon. To: Adoula to Maintain Firm but Conciliatory Dean Rusk. Posture toward Katangese President Moise December 23, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Tshombe. French Efforts to Persuade Katangese 0922 Outgoing Telegram #473. Fr: George W. Ball. President Moise Tshombe to Abide by Kitona To: U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Agreement. December 22,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. 0940 Incoming Telegram #481. Fr: [?] Emmerson. U.S. Urges Katangese President Moise To: Dean Rusk. Tshombe to Fulfill Kitona Agreement without December 23,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Equivocation or Delay. Sir Roy Welensky, Prime Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Offers to Use Influence to Encourage Katangese President Moise Tshombe to Accept Kitona Agreement.

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0941 Outgoing Telegram #1114. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0961 Incoming Telegram #1662. Fr: Edmund A. To: U.S. Embassies, Leopoldville, Brussels, Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Paris, and London, U.S. Mission to UN, and December 26,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Discussions with Sean McKeown, December 23,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Commander of UN Military Forces in DRC, U.S. Opinion of Katangese President Moise regarding Undisciplined Actions of Ethiopian Tshombe's Statement regarding Referral of Contingent. Kitona Agreement to Katangese Assembly for 0962 Incoming Telegram #JCS-2714. Fr: Joint Approval. Chiefs of Staff. To: Dean Rusk. 0943 Outgoing Telegram #1115. Fr: Dean Rusk. December 26,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/26/74. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Queries and Proposals Relative to U.S. December 23,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Military Coverage of DRC. Pressures Put on Katangese President 0965 Outgoing Telegram #3439. Fr: Dean Rusk. Moise Tshombe Not to Renege on Kitona To: U.S. Embassy, London. Agreement. December 26,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. 0945 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John Pressure on Katangese President Moise F. Kennedy. Tshombe by Extremists to Renege on Kitona December 23,1961. 5pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. Agreement. U.S. Department of State's Planning in DRC. 0967 Outgoing Telegram #870. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0950 Incoming Telegram #1647. Fr: Edmund A. U.S. Embassy, Rabat. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. December 26,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. December 24,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Effectiveness of Moroccan Troops in UN Dispute between Left and Moderate Wings of Military Forces in DRC. Adoula Government in DRC. 0968 Outgoing Telegram #1128. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0953 Incoming Telegram #1650. Fr: Edmund A. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. December 26,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. December 25,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. U.S. Efforts to Assure That Kitona Agreement Katangese President Moise Tshombe Is Implemented. Informed of U.S. Katanga Policy. 0970 Outgoing Telegram #3442. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0954 Incoming Telegram #861. Fr: Lewis To: U.S. Embassy, London. Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. December 26,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. December 25,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. British Government Informs Katangese Letter from Katangese President Moise President Moise Tshombe That It Believes Tshombe to UN regarding Situation in That Kitona Agreement Should Be Katanga. Implemented. 0956 Incoming Telegram #1657. Fr: Edmund A. 0972 Outgoing Telegram #1131. Fr: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. December 26,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Consulate, Elisabethville. U.S. Reply to Belgian Request for December 26,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Evacuation of Nationals from Elisabethville, U.S. View of Katangese Assembly's Katanga. Competence to Discuss Kitona Agreement. 0958 Incoming Telegram #1661. Fr: Edmund A. 0973 Outgoing Telegram #1583. Fr: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. December 26,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Discussions with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille U.S. Efforts to Pressure Belgian Government Adoula regarding Kitona Agreement. into Agreement with Program of Economic 0960 Incoming Telegram #868. Fr: Lewis Pressures on Katangese President Moise Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. Tshombe. December 26,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. 0975 Incoming Telegram #SX-7791. Fr: Katangese President Moise Tshombe Commander in Chief, U.S. Army, Europe. To: Requests Additional Assurances from UN Dean Rusk. Representatives regarding Hostilities in December 27,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 3/18/74. Katanga. U.S. Military Advice to U.S. Ambassador to DRC regarding U.S. Support of UN Military Operations in DRC.

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0977 Incoming Telegram #1147. Fr: Douglas 0994 Outgoing Telegram #486. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. December 27,1961.4pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. December 27,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Government of Belgium Agrees to Apply U.S. Response to Criticism of DRC Policy. Economic Pressures on Katangese President 0995 Incoming Telegram #1680. Fr: Edmund A. Moise Tshombe in Event of Rejection of Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Kitona Agreement. December 28,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. 0981 Incoming Telegram #1153. Fr: Douglas Summary of Letters from DRC Vice Premier MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Antoine Gizenga to Prime Minister Cyrille December 27,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Adoula. Adverse Reaction to Acceptance of ANC 0997 Incoming Telegram #1686. Fr: Edmund A. Troops by UN Military Forces in DRC for Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Service in Katanga. December 28,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. 0983 Copy of Incoming Telegram #1153. Fr: Letter from Katangese President Moise Douglas MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Tshombe to John F. Kennedy regarding December 27,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Military Plans and Objectives of UN Forces in Adverse Reaction to Acceptance of ANC DRC. Troops by UN Military Forces in DRC for 0999 Department of State Airgram #A-205. Fr: Service in Katanga. Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0985 Incoming Telegram #1154. Fr: Douglas December 28,1961.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Message of Congratulations on Success of December 27,1961.3pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Kitona Agreement from Lord Alport to Gullion. Discussions with Official of Union Miniere du 1000 Incoming Telegram #886. Fr: Lewis Haut Katanga regarding UN Actions in Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. Katanga. December 28,1961.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. 0988 Incoming Telegram #2414. Fr: [?] Jones. To: Message from Katangese President Moise Dean Rusk. Tshombe to John F. Kennedy Protesting December 27,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Alleged Involvement of Edmund A. Gullion in : U.S. Urges Sir Roger Stevens, Deputy Incidents between UN and Katangese Undersecretary of British Foreign Office, to Military Forces. Send Emissary to Meet with Katangese 1001 Incoming Telegram #1159. Fr: Douglas President Moise Tshombe and Present MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. British Views of Kitona Agreement. December 28,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. 0989 Outgoing Telegram #3458. Fr: Dean Rusk. Visit to Brussels, Belgium, by U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, London. Businessmen to Discuss Necessity of December 27,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/8/74. Implementing Kitona Agreement. U.S. Urges British Government to Approach 1004 Incoming Telegram #1165. Fr: Douglas Board of Tanganyika Concessions to Explain MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Policy regarding Katangese President December 28,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Moise Tshombe's Implementing Kitona Discussions with Robert Rothschild regarding Agreement. DRC Situation and Foreign Minister of 0991 Outgoing Telegram #1595. Fr: Dean Rusk. Katanga Evariste Kimba's Visit to Belgium. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. 1006 Incoming Telegram #1168. Fr: Douglas December 27,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Former U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Alan Discussions between Foreign Minister of Kirk Undertakes Mission to Katanga to Katanga Evariste Kimba and Official of Union Persuade Katangese President Moise Miniere du Haut Katanga. Tshombe and Belgian Business Community 1008 Incoming Telegram #1172. Fr: Douglas to Adhere to Kitona Agreement. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 0993 Outgoing Telegram #1143. Fr: Dean Rusk. December 28,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Belgian Reaction to Resumption of Relations December 27,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. with DRC. U.S. Reply to Letter from Katangese President Moise Tshombe Criticizing U.S. Policy toward Katanga.

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1010 Incoming Telegram #2427. Fr: [?] Jones. To: 1025 Incoming Telegram #1689. Fr: Edmund A. Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. December 28,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. December 29,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Discussions with Sir Roger Stevens, Deputy Discussions with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Undersecretary of British Foreign Office, Adoula regarding Kitona Agreement, regarding Necessity of Implementing Kitona Participation of ANC Troops in UN Agreement. Operations in Katanga, and Congolese 1012 Incoming Telegram #0-377-61. Fr: U.S. Army Purchase of Aircraft. Attaché, Leopoldville. To: Dean Rusk. 1027 Incoming Telegram #1701. Fr: Edmund A. December 28,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/18/74. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Military in DRC Bypassed in Decision to December 29, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Consolidate ANC with UN Forces. Professor Ernest Van Den Haag Arrives in 1014 Outgoing Telegram #1160. Fr: Dean Rusk. DRC as Impartial Observer for American To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Committee to Aid Katanga Freedom Fighters. December 28, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. 1028 Incoming Telegram #1173. Fr: Douglas Report on Bermuda Talks on DRC between MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Rusk and Lord Alexander Douglas-Home, December 29,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. British Foreign Secretary. UN Denial of Mitra Statement. 1017 Outgoing Telegram #504. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 1030 Incoming Telegram #1179. Fr: Douglas U.S. Embassy, Salisbury. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. December 28, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. December 29,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Rhodesia Protests UN Press Release Discussions with Former U.S. Ambassador to Accusing It of Providing Aerial Assistance to Belgium Alan Kirk regarding His Reception Katanga. by Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Officials in 1018 Outgoing Telegram #487. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Elisabethville. U.S. Embassy, Beirut. 1032 Incoming Telegram #1184. Fr: Douglas December 28, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Urges Lebanese Government Not to December 29,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Export DC-4 Aircraft to Qatar due to Fear Travel Plans for Former U.S. Ambassador They Might Be Intercepted by Egypt and Alan Kirk's Visit to Katanga. Sent to Gizenga Secessionist Regime in 1033 Outgoing Telegram #3505. Fr: Dean Rusk. DRC. To: U.S. Embassies, London, Leopoldville, 1019 Outgoing Telegram #1158. Fr: Dean Rusk. Brussels, and Paris, U.S. Mission to UN, and To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Mission to UN. December 29,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. December 28, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Rusk Asks British Ambassador David Planning for U.S. State Department Program Ormsby-Gore to Summarize British Policy to Assure Successful and Expeditious and Objectives in DRC. Implementation of Kitona Agreements in 1036 Outgoing Telegram #1177. Fr: Dean Rusk. DRC. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 1021 Outgoing Telegram #1161. Fr: Dean Rusk. December 29,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. U.S. State Department Response to Letter Mission to UN. Asking for Assistance for Professor Ernest December 28, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Van Den Haag's Visit to Katanga. White House Press Release on New U.S. Aid 1037 Outgoing Telegram #1182. Fr: Dean Rusk. Grant to DRC. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. 1023 Outgoing Telegram #3489. Fr: Dean Rusk. Consulate, Elisabethville. To: U.S. Embassy, London. December 29, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. December 28,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. U.S. Reply to Katangese President Moise Review of U.S.-British Policies on Katanga. Tshombe's Letter to John F. Kennedy Accusing Edmund A. Gullion of Interference with Kitona Talks.

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1039 Incoming Telegram #1186. Fr: Douglas 1052 Congo•Cables, January 1962. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 1053 Withdrawal Sheets. 5pp. December 30,1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. 1058 Outgoing Telegram #1195. Fr: Dean Rusk. Misunderstanding by Belgian Businessmen To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. in Katanga of Extent and Purpose of Former January 2,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. U.S. Ambassador Alan Kirk's Mission. Additional U.S. Military Representation Sent 1042 Outgoing Telegram #1185. Fr: Dean Rusk. to U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville to Gather To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Information on DRC Military and Internal December 30, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Security Situation. Possible Investigation into Question of 1060 Incoming Telegram #922. Fr: Lewis Katanga Atrocities by International Red Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Cross. January 2, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. 1043 Outgoing Telegram #1188. Fr: Dean Rusk. Information on Alleged Misconduct by UN To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Troops during Military Actions in Katanga. December 30, 1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. 1063 Incoming Telegram #923. Fr: Lewis Possiblity of Having Rump Katangese Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. Assembly Ratify Kitona Agreement. January 2,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. 1044 Incoming Telegram #900. Fr: Lewis Comments by UN Officials regarding Alleged Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Atrocities Committed by UN Military Forces in December 30, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Katanga. Katangese President Moise Tshombe's 1065 Outgoing Telegram #1662. Fr: Dean Rusk. Allegations of ANC Troops Being Supported To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. by UN Aircraft. January 2,1962. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. 1045 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#NA. George C. McGhee Reviews U.S. Position 1046 Incoming Telegram #1709. Fr: Edmund A. on DRC Situation with Belgian Ambassador Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Louis Scheyven. December 30, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/3/74. 1069 Outgoing Telegram #1663. Fr: Dean Rusk. Establishment of U.S. Intelligence Evaluation To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. Center in DRC. January 2,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. 1048 Incoming Telegram #1187. Fr: Douglas U.S. Policy toward DRC and Union Miniere MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. du Haut Katanga. December 30,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. 1072 Outgoing Telegram #1204. Fr: Dean Rusk. Belgian Foreign Office and U.S. Embassy, To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. Brussels Has No Knowledge of Professor January 3,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Ernest Van Den Haag's Visit to DRC. Questions Arising out of Controversial 1049 Incoming Telegram #1706. Fr: Edmund A. Speeches by George C. McGhee and Carl T. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Rowan. December 30, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. 1074 Incoming Telegram #1733. Fr: Edmund A. Speech regarding U.S. Position on Katanga Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. by Carl T. Rowan, Deputy Assistant Secretary January 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. of State for Public Affairs. Sture Linner Prepares to Leave DRC to 1050 Outgoing Telegram #1187. Fr: Dean Rusk. Assume New Duties as UN Special To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Representative in Middle East. NA. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. 1077 Incoming Airgram #A-254. Fr: Douglas Former U.S. Ambassador Alan Kirk's Mission MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Limited to Meeting with Union Miniere du January 4,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. NA. Haut Katanga Officials in Brussels, Belgium. Union Miniere du Haut Katanga's Position on 1051 Incoming Telegram #1189. Fr: Douglas Alan Kirk Mission, Reintegration of Katanga MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. into DRC, and Katangese President Moise December 31, 1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 9/3/74. Tshome. Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Denies Aiding Katanga Separatism.

Congo/Reel 5 97 Frame Document Frame Document 1078 Incoming Telegram #1199. Fr: Douglas Reel 6 MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. January 4, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. Congo•Cables cont. Discussions with Officials of Union Miniere du Source and Editorial Note. 1 p. Haut Katanga regarding Reintegration of Folder Title List. 9pp. Katanga into DRC and Handling of Katangese President Moise Tshombe. 0001 Congo•Cables, January 1962 cont. 1080 Incoming Telegram #1206. Fr: Douglas 0002 Incoming Telegram #1752. Fr: Edmund A. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. January 4, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. January 6, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Discussions between Former U.S. DRC Concern regarding Katangese Ambassador to Belgium Alan Kirk and President Moise Tshombe's Proposed Visit to Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak U.S. regarding Union Miniere du Haut Katanga's 0003 Incoming Telegram #1749. Fr: Edmund A. Attitudes on Reintegration of Katanga into Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. DRC. January 6, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 1083 Incoming Telegram #1200. Fr: Douglas Controversy regarding Meeting between MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Thomas J. Dodd and Katangese President January 4,1962. 9pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. Moise Tshombe. Grave Implications in Belgium if U.S. Called 0004 Incoming Telegram #1753. Fr: Edmund A. upon Again to Support UN Military Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Operations in Katanga. January 6, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 1093 Outgoing Telegram #1209. Fr: Dean Rusk. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Concern To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. over Possible Failure of Kitona Agreement. January 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. 0008 Outgoing Telegram #1224. Fr: Dean Rusk. Telegram from UN Official to Sture Linner, To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. UN Representative in DRC, regarding January 5, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Possible Snag in U.S. Aid to DRC Involving U.S. Message to Katangese President Moise Shipping Costs. Tshombe regarding Implementation of Kitona 1095 Outgoing Telegram #1216. Fr: Dean Rusk. Agreement. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0010 Outgoing Telegram #1715. Fr: Dean Rusk. January 4,1962.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. DRC Constitutional Review and January 6,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Reintegration of Katanga. Belgian Government Urges U.S. to Send 1097 Incoming Telegram #1211. Fr: Douglas Message of Encouragement and Support to MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Katangese President Moise Tshombe. January 5, 1962.2pp. JFK#NA. C. NA. 0012 Incoming Telegram #1232. Fr: Douglas Failure of Former U.S. Ambassador to MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Belgium Alan Kirk's Mission to Belgium. January 8,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 1099 Outgoing Telegram #1218. Fr: Dean Rusk. Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Suggests That DRC Prime Minister Cyrille January 5, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/7/74. Adoula and Katangese President Moise Meeting between George C. McGhee and Tshombe Be Provided with Legal Advice on Thomas J. Dodd regarding Dodd's Remarks Implementation of Kitona Agreement. to Katangese President Moise Tshombe. 0013 Incoming Telegram #1764. Fr: Edmund A. 1100 Outgoing Telegram #1708. Fr: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. January 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. NA. January 5,1962.3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Program of Economic Sanctions against Reports of Meeting between Katangese Katangese President Moise Tshombe to President Moise Tshombe and Assistant Bring about Reintegration of Katanga. Director General of Union Miniere du Haut Katanga regarding Implementation of Kitona Agreement.

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0015 Incoming Telegram #964. Fr: Lewis 0031 Incoming Telegram #1825. Fr: Edmund A. Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. January 9,1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. January 15,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. Majority of Doctors in Elisabethville Critical of Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga UN Actions in Katanga. Censured by DRC Parliament and Removed 0016 Incoming Telegram #2343. Fr: Charles W. from His Position as Vice Premier. Yost. To: Dean Rusk. 0032 Incoming Telegram #1839. Fr: Edmund A. January 9,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Possible Visit to U.S. by DRC Prime Minister January 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Cyrille Adoula. Katanga "Committee Report" on Kitona 0017 Outgoing Telegram #533. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Agreement. U.S. Consulate, Salisbury. 0034 Incoming Telegram #2422. Fr: Adlai E. January 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Reply to Letter from Sir Roy Welensky, January 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Prime Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and UN Military Forces in DRC Request Bombs Nyasaland, regarding DRC Situation. from U.S. for Possible Air Operations against 0019 Outgoing Telegram #1750. Fr: Dean Rusk. Katanga. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. 0037 Outgoing Telegram #1271. Fr: Dean Rusk. January 9,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. U.S. Regrets Belgian Press Speculation on January 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Alan Kirk Mission. Use of U.S. Air Force Aircraft within DRC. 0020 Incoming Telegram #526. Fr: [?] Mulcahy. To: 0039 Outgoing Telegram #1273. Fr: Dean Rusk. Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. January 11, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. January 16,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Letter from Sir Roy Welensky, Prime Minister Discussions regarding DRC Prime Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, to Cyrille Adoula's Visit to U.S. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Urging 0040 Outgoing Telegram #1276. Fr: Dean Rusk. Acceptance of Kitona Agreement. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0021 Incoming Telegram #1273. Fr: Douglas January 16,1962.1 p. JFK#N A. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Invites DRC Prime Minister Cyrille January 11, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Adoula to Visit Washington, D.C. Belgian Press Furor over Alan Kirk Mission 0041 Outgoing Telegram #1281. Fr: Dean Rusk. Subsides. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. 0022 Outgoing Telegram #1252. Fr: Dean Rusk. Mission to UN. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. January 16,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. January 12,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. U.S.-BritishTalks on DRC. U.S. Urges DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0044 Outgoing Telegram #1825. Fr: Dean Rusk. Adoula Not to Allow Secessionist Leader To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels and U.S. Mission Antoine Gizenga to Resume Office of Vice to UN. Premier in Event of His Return to January 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Leopoldville. U.S. Refuses to Back off on Program of 0023 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#NA. Economic Sanctions to Force Katangese 0024 Incoming Telegram. Fr: Air Attaché, President Moise Tshombe to Accept Kitona Leopoldville. To: Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force Agreement. and Defense Intelligence Agency. 0046 Incoming Telegram #1863. Fr: Edmund A. January 14,1962. 5pp. JFK#NA. S. 9/17/81. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. UN Military Air Force Operations in Katanga. January 19,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0029 Incoming Telegram #1817. Fr: Edmund A. Proposal for Economic Cooperation between Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. DRC and Katanga Drawn up by U.S. January 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/25/74. Department of State and Presented to DRC DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Orders Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Arrest of Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga.

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0047 Incoming Telegram #1864. Fr: Edmund A. 0059 Incoming Telegram #1331. Fr: Douglas Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. January 19, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. January 20,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. U.S. Urges DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Discussions with Belgian Government Adoula to Take Strenuous Action against regarding Economic Pressure Program to ANC Troops Involved in Kongolo Massacre. Bring End to Katangese Secession. 0048 Incoming Telegram #1865. Fr: Edmund A. 0062 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#NA. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0063 Outgoing Telegram #1297. Fr: George W. January 19, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Asks That January 20,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. U.S. Portion of His Trip Be Played Down in Disposition of DRC Secessionist Leader Press. Antoine Gizenga. 0049 Incoming Telegram #1867. Fr: Edmund A. 0065 Outgoing Telegram #1305. Fr: George W. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. January 19,1962.1p. JFK#NA. TS. 5/30/74. January 23,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Disposition of DRC Secessionist Leader Planning for DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Antoine Gizenga Following His Arrest by Adoula's Visit to U.S. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. 0066 Outgoing Telegram #1309. Fr: George W. 0050 Incoming Telegram #1870. Fr: Edmund A. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. January 23,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. January 19, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Meeting between Katangese President Moise Arrival and Activities of Soviet Doctors in Tshombe and Sir Roy Welensky, Prime DRC. Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and 0052 Incoming Telegram #1024. Fr: [?] Cassilly. Nyasaland, regarding Food Supplies for To: Dean Rusk. Katanga. January 19, 1962.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0068 Outgoing Telegram #1916. Fr: George W. Letter from Katangese President Moise Ball. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Tshombe Requesting U.S. Visa to Participate January 23,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. NA. in Rally on March 7,1962. Adlai E. Stevenson's Discussions with 0053 Outgoing Telegram #1294. Fr: Dean Rusk. Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. regarding Katanga Problem. January 19,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. 0070 Incoming Telegram #2537. Fr: Adlai E. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Requests Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. That UN Send Plane to Bring Arrested January 24,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga to Opposition to Proposed Visit to U.S. by Leopoldville. Katangese President Moise Tshombe. 0055 Outgoing Telegram #1294. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0071 Outgoing Telegram #1942. Fr: George W. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Ball. To: U.S. Mission to UN. January 19,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. January 25,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Requests UN Officials Recommend against Katangese That UN Send Plane to Bring Arrested President Moise Tshombe's Visit to U.S. Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga to Unless Krtona Agreement Implemented. Leopoldville. 0072 Outgoing Telegram #1318. Fr: George W. 0057 Incoming Telegram #1871. Fr: Edmund A. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. January 25,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. January 20,1962.1p. JFK#NA. TS. 7/6/74. State Department Press Statement regarding DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Handling Katangese President Moise Tshombe's of Arrest of Secessionist Leader Antoine Request for Visa to Visit U.S. Gizenga. 0073 Incoming Telegram #1896. Fr: Edmund A. 0058 Incoming Telegram #1872. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. January 25,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. January 20,1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. DRC Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga's UN Reports Katangese President Moise Treatment While under Arrest in Leopoldville. Tshombe's Return to Elisabethville, Katanga.

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0076 Incoming Telegram #1903. Fr: Edmund A. 0098 Incoming Telegram #1916. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. January 25,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. January 27,1962. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. U.S. Urges DRC Prime Minister Cyrille U.S. Problems and Accomplishments in DRC Adoula to Take Decisive Action against in 1961. Outlaw ANC Troops. 0103 Incoming Telegram #1930. Fr: Edmund A. 0078 Outgoing Telegram #1319. Fr: George W. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. January 28,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. January 25, 1962.3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Sture Linner, UN Representative in DRC, Political Problems Posed by Katangese Meets with Katangese President Moise President Moise Tshombe's Request for Visa Tshombe and Katangese Leaders to Discuss to Visit U.S. Progress on Kitona Agreement. 0081 Incoming Telegram #2909. Fr: Edmund A. 0106 Incoming Telegram #1932. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. January 25,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. January 28,1962. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. DRC Interior Minister Christophe Gbenye's Discussions with Director of Société General Press Statement on Arrest and Detention of regarding Relations between Union Miniere Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga. du Haut Katanga and DRC Central 0083 Incoming Telegram #2556. Fr: Adlai E. Government. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0112 Incoming Telegram #743. Fr: Joseph Palmer January 25,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. II. To: Dean Rusk. USSR Requests Meeting of UN Security January 28,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Council to Discuss Situation in DRC. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Agrees to 0085 Outgoing Telegram #1957. Fr: George W. Issue Statement Responding to Soviet Call Ball. To: U.S. Mission to UN and U.S. for UN Security Council Meeting. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0113 Incoming Telegram #2779. Fr: David K. E. January 26,1962.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Opposes Soviet Request for UN January 28,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Security Council Meeting on Situation in British Foreign Office Proposes That DRC DRC. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Request 0087 Incoming Telegram #2570. Fr: Adlai E. Postponement of UN Security Council Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Meeting until His Arrival in New York. January 26,1962.3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0114 Incoming Telegram #1948. Fr: Edmund A. Reaction of Members to Soviet Request for Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. UN Security Council Meeting on DRC January 30,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Situation. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Rebuff 0090 Incoming Telegram #1922. Fr: Edmund A. of Soviet Security Council Move. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0116 Incoming Telegram #1951. Fr: Edmund A. January 27,1962.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Message to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille January 30,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Adoula Informing Him of Soviet Request for Action on Katangese President Moise UN Security Council Meeting regarding Arrest Tshombe's Application for Visa to Visit U.S. of Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga. 0119 Incoming Telegram #1378. Fr: Douglas 0092 Incoming Telegram #2579. Fr: Adlai E. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. January 30,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. January 27,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Agrees with Arrangements for UN Security Council Reintegration of Katanga into DRC but Meeting on DRC Situation. Refuses to Apply Economic Pressure on 0093 Incoming Telegram #1916. Fr: Edmund A. Katangese President Moise Tshombe. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0122 Incoming Telegram #2600. Fr: Adlai E. January 27,1962.5pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Problems and Accomplishments in DRC January 30,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. in 1961. DRC UN Delegation Protests Actions against DRC Central Government by Katanga's Belgian Lobbyist Michel Struelens in U.S.

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0123 Outgoing Telegram #1982. Fr: George W. 0145 Incoming Telegram #1095. Fr: Lewis Ball. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. January 30, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. February 3, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. U.S. Aid Grant to UN Fund for DRC for Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Technical Assistance. Application for Visa for Trip to U.S. 0126 Outgoing Telegram #1352. Fr: George W. 0146 Incoming Telegram #1099. Fr: Lewis Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. January 30, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. February 4, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Announcement of Unidentified Agreement U.S. State Department Informs Katangese between U.S. and UN. President Moise Tshombe That They Can 0128 Department of State Airgram #A-53. Fr: Give No Assurances That He Would Receive Douglas MacArthur II. To: Department of Visa. State. 0147 Memorandum. Fr: George Anderson. To: January 31, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Bromley K. Smith. Letter from Baron [?] Kronacker regarding February 4, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. Famine and Bloodshed in Kivu Province, White House Clearance of Draft Cable to DRC. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. 0148 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Consulate, 0129 Congo•Cables, February 1962. Elisabethville. 0130 Withdrawal Sheets. 4pp. February 2, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0134 Outgoing Telegram #525. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Attempts to Persuade Katangese President U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Moise Tshombe to Cancel Planned Visit to U.S. January 29, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. 0149 Incoming Telegram #1999. Fr: George Telegram to John F. Kennedy from President McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. of Katangese National Assembly regarding February 5, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Alleged Genocide in Northern Katanga. Efforts to Persuade Katangese President 0135 Outgoing Telegram #1367. Fr: Dean Rusk. Moise Tshombe to Cancel Planned Visit to To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. U.S. February 1, 1962.1 p. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. 0150 Incoming Telegram #1106. Fr: Lewis U.S. Responds Favorably to Request to Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Transport UN Troops to Eastern DRC to February 5, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Restore Order. Katangese President Moise Tshombe 0136 Incoming Telegram #1985. Fr: George Requests Permission to Travel to U.S. to McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. Meet with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. February 2, 1962.1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. 0151 Incoming Telegram #1108. Fr: Lewis Samuel Badibanga Appointed Acting Head of Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. DRC Government in Absence of Prime February 5, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Minister Cyrille Adoula. Katangese President Moise Tshombe 0137 Incoming Telegram #1986. Fr: George Reported Enraged by U.S. Refusal to Grant McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. Him Visa without DRC Central Government No DRC Reply to Message from John F. Passport. Kennedy. 0152 Incoming Telegram #1124. Fr: Lewis 0139 Outgoing Airgram #CA-1025. Fr: Dean Rusk. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. February 7, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. February 2, 1962. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Meeting between Katangese President Moise Katangese Committee on Foreign Affairs Tshombe and Sture Linner, UN Report on Kitona Agreement. Representative in DRC, regarding Katanga's 0144 Incoming Telegram #1997. Fr: George Implementation of UN Resolutions. McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. 0153 Incoming Telegram #1127. Fr: Lewis February 3, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. DRC Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga February 6, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Transferred to Detention on Island near Katangese President Moise Tshombe Moanda. Informed That Time Not Right for His Planned Visit to U.S.

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0154 Incoming Telegram #1125. Fr: Lewis 0168 Incoming Telegram #2052. Fr: George Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. February 7,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. February 12, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. Description of Newly Arrived Ghanaian Vote of Confidence in Prime Minister Cyrille Troops of UN Military Force in DRC. Adoula by DRC Parliament. 0155 Outgoing Telegram #542. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0169 Incoming Telegram #1150. Fr: Lewis U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. February 9,1962.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. February 12,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. U.S. State Department Reports on Status of U.S. Disassociates Itself from Accusations Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Visa Made by Katangese Government against UN Application. Official Jose Rolz-Bennett. 0157 Outgoing Telegram #543. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0170 Incoming Telegram #2057. Fr: George U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. February 9, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. February 13, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. U.S. Refusess to Consider Meeting between Press Inquiries regarding Katangese Katangese President Moise Tshombe and President Moise Tshombe's U.S. Visa DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula outside Application. Congolese Territory. 0171 Incoming Telegram #1157. Fr: Lewis 0158 Outgoing Airgram #CA-1077. Fr: Dean Rusk. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. February 13,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. February 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Contantin A. Stavropoulos, UN Legal DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Visit to Counsel, Meets with Katangese President International Monetary Fund (IMF) to Discuss Moise Tshombe and Katangese Officials to Congo's Financial Situation. Discuss Draft Resolution on Kitona 0160 Outgoing Telegram #1408. Fr: Dean Rusk. Agreement for Katangese Assembly. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0172 Incoming Telegram #2060. Fr: George February 9, 1962.4pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. Discussions regarding U.S. Financial Aid to February 14, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. DRC through UN Channels for Settlement of Discussions with UN Representative Robert Demobilized Congolese Soldiers. Gardiner regarding Cyrille Adoula's Talks with 0164 Incoming Telegram #2786. Fr: Adlai E. Press and George C. McGhee. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0174 Outgoing Telegram #553. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: February 15, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville and U.S. Speech by Katangese President Moise Embassy, Leopoldville. Tshombe Denouncing U.S. Role in DRC and February 13, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Refusing to Agree to Stationing of UN Troops Discussions with Katangese President Moise in Katanga. Tshombe regarding Proposed Visit to U.S. 0166 Outgoing Telegram #636. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0176 Incoming Telegram #2770. Fr: Adlai E. U.S. Consulate, Salisbury. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. February 15, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. February 15,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Seeks UN Military Planning in DRC. Advice from Sir Roy Welensky, Prime 0179 Outgoing Telegram #1440. Fr: Dean Rusk. Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Nyasaland, regarding UN Request to Station February 15, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. Troops in Katanga. Press Statement regarding Katangese 0167 Incoming Telegram #2045. Fr: George President Moise Tshombe's Proposed Trip McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. to U.S. February 12, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. 0180 Outgoing Telegram #1443. Fr: Dean Rusk. Meeting between DRC Prime Minister Cyrille To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Adoula and U.S. Labor Leaders. February 14,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. U.S. Emphasizes to UN Secretary General U Thant Importance of Robert Gardiner Remaining as Chief of UN Operations in DRC.

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0181 Outgoing Telegram #558. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0195 Outgoing Telegram #1472. Fr: Dean Rusk. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville and U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Mission to UN. February 20,1962.1p. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. February 15, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Efforts to Utilize Katangese President Moise U.S. Efforts to Disassociate Itself from Tshombe's Desire to Visit U.S. as Lever to Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Advance Katanga's Reintegration into DRC Accusations against UN Representative Jose under Kitona Agreement. Rolz-Bennett. 0196 Incoming Telegram #844. Fr: C. Burke 0183 Incoming Telegram #2800. Fr: [?] Plimpton. Elbrick. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. Difficulties Posed for U.S. Government in February 16, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Renegotiation of Azores Agreement with British Concern regarding Planned UN Troop Portugal by Educational Program for Angolan Movements in Katanga. Expatriate Students. 0186 Incoming Telegram #595. Fr: [?] Emmerson. 0197 Incoming Telegram #2145. Fr: Edmund A. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. February 16, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. February 22, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. U.S. Reply to Rhodesian Inquiry regarding Possible Renewal of Hostilities between UN Discrepancies in Execution of U.S. Visa Forces and Katangese President Moise Procedures in Case of Katangese President Tshombe's Troops in Katanga. Moise Tshombe and Angolan Student 0198 Incoming Telegram #1223. Fr: Lewis Arminda D. Almeida. Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. 0187 Incoming Telegram #2106. Fr: George February 22, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Agrees February 17, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. to Meet with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Proposed Meeting between DRC Prime Adoula if UN Provides Facilities and Security. Minister Cyrille Adoula and Katangese 0199 Incoming Telegram #2140. Fr: Edmund A. President Moise Tshombe. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0188 Outgoing Telegram #2133. Fr: Dean Rusk. February 22,1962. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Effort by Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN February 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. NA. Operations in DRC, to Prevent New Outbreak U.S. Concern over Disproportionate of Hostilities and Arrange Meeting between Emphasis Placed by UN Secretary General U Katangese President Moise Tshombe and Thant on Mercenaries Aspect of UN Mandate DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. in DRC. 0204 Incoming Telegram #1233. Fr: Lewis 0190 Incoming Telegram #1205. Fr: Lewis Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. February 23, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. February 20, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Possible Visit to U.S. by Katangese President Katangese President Moise Tshombe Eager Moise Tshombe if Progress Is Made toward to Meet with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Kitona Goals in Meeting with DRC Prime Adoula if UN Agrees to Provide Security. Minister Cyrille Adoula. 0192 Outgoing Telegram #646. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0205 Incoming Telegram #2148. Fr: Edmund A. U.S. Consulate, Salisbury. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. February 19, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. February 23,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. U.S. Government Explains Reasons for Possible Renewal of Hostilities between UN Refusal to Grant Visa to Katangese President Forces, ANC, and Katangese Troops. Moise Tshombe. 0208 Incoming Telegram #2167. Fr: Edmund A. 0193 Outgoing Telegram #1471. Fr: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. February 24,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. February 19, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Discussions with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille DRC Delegation to U.S. Agrees to Inform Adoula regarding Military Operations in North Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula of U.S. Katanga, Army Reform, and Internal Political Suggestions on Reintegration of Katanga, Problems Posed by DRC Minister of Interior Reorganization of Army, Foreign Aid, and Christophe Gbenye and Secessionist Leader Economic Stabilization. Antoine Gizenga.

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0211 Incoming Telegram #2169. Fr: Edmund A. 0237 Incoming Telegram #2207. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. February 24,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. February 1,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Reply to Katangese President Moise U.S. Alarmed by Widening Gulf between Tshombe's Proposal That U.S. Take Katangese President Moise Tshombe and Responsibility for Security of Meeting with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. 0239 Outgoing Telegram #601. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0213 Incoming Telegram #2170. Fr: Edmund A. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville and U.S. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Embassy, Leopoldville. February 24,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 1,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/5/74. UN and DRC Government Engage in U.S. Informs Katangese President Moise Psychological Warfare Operations to Bring Tshombe That Delay in Reintegration of about Tshombe-Adoula Meeting and Katanga Katanga Could Help Communist Interests in Reintegration. DRC. 0216 Incoming Telegram #2883. Fr: Adlai E. 0240 Incoming Telegram #2210. Fr: Edmund A. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. February 24,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74: March 2,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. U.S. Reactions to UN Press Spokesman's DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Leaves for Statements on UN Conduct in DRC. Trip to Albertville and Stanleyville to Inquire 0217 Incoming Telegram. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. into Projected Balubakat Party and Conakat To: Dean Rusk. Party Reconciliation. February 25,1962. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0241 Incoming Telegram #2214. Fr: Edmund A. U.S. Action Program for Army Retraining in Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. DRC. March 2,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0222 Incoming Telegram #2171. Fr: Edmund A. DRC General Victor Lundula Arrives in Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Albertville to Stop Katanga Gendarmerie February 25,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Aggression against People of Kongolo. Chances of Hostilities between ANC and 0242 Incoming Telegram #1273. Fr: Lewis Katanga Gendarmes Lessen as Prospects Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. for Negotiation between Katangese President March 2,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime Minister Frustration of Katangese President Moise Cyrille Adoula Increase. Tshombe over Lack of Response from DRC 0224 Incoming Telegram #2181. Fr: Edmund A. Government and UN on Security Assurances Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. for Meeting with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille February 26,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Adoula. Joseph Kasongo, President of DRC House of 0244 Outgoing Telegram #1539. Fr: Dean Rusk. Representatives, Supports DRC Minister of To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Interior Christophe Gbenye's Trip to U.S. March 2,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0225 Incoming Telegram #1250. Fr: Lewis DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Seeks to Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Develop and Retrain ANC without UN February 27,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Assistance. Katangese President Moise Tshombe 0245 Incoming Telegram #2221. Fr: Edmund A. Refuses to Fix Date for Meeting with DRC Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula until Receiving March 3,1962. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Security Assurances from U.S. and DRC U.S. Country Team Recommendations for Government. Amending and Extending DRC Action Program. 0227 Congo•Cables, Stogner-Thalng 0251 Outgoing Telegram #1540. Fr: Dean Rusk. Case, February 1962. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. 0228 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Mission to UN. March 3,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0231 Congo•Cables, March 1962. Position of Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN 0232 Withdrawal Sheets. 5pp. Operations in DRC, on Peaceful Reintegration of Katanga and Sucessful Tshombe-Adoula Meeting. Congo/Reel 6 105 Frame Document Frame Document

0253 Outgoing Telegram #2302. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0272 Incoming Telegram #2245. Fr: Edmund A. To: U.S. Embassies, Brussels, London, and Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Leopoldville. March 6, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 3, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. U.S. State Department Opposes Trip to U.S. Katangese President Moise Tshombe by DRC Interior Minister Christophe Gbenye. Informed by Michel Struelens to Avoid 0273 Incoming Telegram #1293. Fr: Lewis Meeting with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Adoula due to Favorable Developments in March 6, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. U.S. Senate. Jose Rolz-Bennet, UN Representative in 0256 Incoming Telegram #2226. Fr: Edmund A. DRC, Gives Katangese President Moise Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Tshombe Security Assurances for Meeting March 4, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Foreign Minister Justin Bomboko Presents 0274 Incoming Telegram #2252. Fr: Edmund A. U.S. with Tabulation of Needs of DRC Air Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Force. March 7, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0258 Incoming Telegram #2229. Fr: Edmund A. Text Adoula Letter Embassy Telegram 2228 Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Released March 6." March 4, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. 0275 Outgoing Telegram #620. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Gullion's Mission to Meet with Katangese U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville and U.S. President Moise Tshombe. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0260 Incoming Telegram #1606. Fr: Douglas March 7, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Confirmation of U.S. Confidence in UN March 4, 1962. 8pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Security Assurances to Katangese President Discussions with Belgian Foreign Minister Moise Tshombe. Paul-Henri Spaak regarding DRC Situation 0276 Outgoing Telegram #1570. Fr: Dean Rusk. and Activities of Michel Struelens. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0268 Incoming Telegram #2232. Fr: Edmund A. March 6, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Suggestions to DRC Prime Minister March 5, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Cyrille Adoula for Meeting with Katangese U.S. Asks UN Representatives in DRC Jose President Moise Tshombe. Rolz-Bennet and Robert Gardiner for Their 0278 Incoming Telegram #2276. Fr: Edmund A. Estimate of Prospects for Tshombe-Adoula Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Meeting. March 9, 1962. 1p.JFK#NA. 0269 Incoming Telegram #2966. Fr: Adlai E. Letter from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Adoula to Katangese President Moise March 5, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Tshombe Giving Assurances of DRC Fighting between UN Ghanaian Patrol and Government Efforts to Guarantee His Katanga Gendarmes in Vicinity of Kamina, Security. DRC. 0279 Incoming Telegram #2278. Fr: Edmund A. 0270 Incoming Telegram #3253. Fr: David K. E. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. March 9, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 5,1962.1p. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. General Joseph Desiree Mobutu's Letter British Foreign Office Agrees to Meet with regarding UN Efforts in Training ANC. Katangese President Moise Tshombe to 0280 Outgoing Telegram #1575. Fr: Dean Rusk. Attempt to Refute Bad Advice from Michel To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Struelens regarding Negotiations with DRC March 9, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Central Government. New York Times Inquiry regarding Secret 0271 Outgoing Telegram #1545. Fr: Dean Rusk. DRC Mission to Purchase Aircraft from U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. and Great Britain. March 5,1962.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0281 Incoming Telegram #2282. Fr: Edmund A. U.S. Supports Robert Gardiner's Suggestion Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. That UN Give ANC Logistic or Food Support March 9, 1962. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Only so Long as Its Mission Consists of Possible Complications of Belgian Technical Garrison Duty in North Katanga. Assistance to DRC.

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0285 Incoming Telegram #2286. Fr: Edmund A. 0307 Incoming Telegram #2338. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. March 9, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 15, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. QUO. U.S. Discussions with DRC Prime Minister Arrival of Katangese President Moise Cyrille Adoula and DRC President Joseph Tshombe in Leopoldville for Talks with DRC Kasavubu regarding Dangers of Military Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Initiative in Katanga by ANC. 0308 Incoming Telegram #1691. Fr: Douglas .0288 Outgoing Telegram #1582. Fr: George W. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. March 13, 1962. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 10, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Discussions with Officials of Union Miniere du Proposed Arrangements for DRC Minister of Haut Katanga regarding Danger Posed by Interior Christophe Gbenye's Visit to U.S. Company's Failure to Meet Responsibilities 0289 Incoming Telegram #2292. Fr: Edmund A. to DRC. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0314 Incoming Telegram #2359. Fr: Edmund A. March 10, 1962.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Expresses Disappointment to DRC March 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Foreign Minister Justin Bomboko regarding Report on Meeting between Katangese Leak of Deal for Aircraft Purchase. President Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime 0290 . Incoming Telegram #720. Fr: W. Wendell Minister Cyrille Adoula. Blancke. To: Deán Rusk. 0316 Incoming Telegram #2366. Fr: Edmund A. March 10, 1962.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Discussions with Congolese (Brazzaville) March 19,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. President Fulbert Youlou regarding Prospects Text of Joint Communiqué Issued by for Tshombe-Adoula Meeting. Katangese President Moise Tshombe and 0292 Incoming Telegram #2337. Fr: Edmund A. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0318 Incoming Telegram #2367. Fr: Edmund A. March 15, 1962. 7pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Discussions with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille March 19,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Adoula regarding Possibility That Katangese Discussions between U.S. and UN Officials President Moise Tshombe Might Cancel regarding Adoula-Tshombe Negotiations in Planned Negotiations. DRC. 0299 Incoming Telegram #1343. Fr: Lewis 0320 Incoming Telegram #2369. Fr: Edmund A. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. March 15,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 19, 1962.2pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. Summary of DRC Economic and Financial Influence of UN Representative Mahmoud Briefing Paper for Use by Katangese Khiary on DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula President Moise Tshombe. regarding Military Initiative in Katanga. 0302 Incoming Telegram #2331. Fr: Edmund A. 0322 Incoming Telegram #2384. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. March 15, 1962.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 21,1962.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Report on Talks between Katangese Position Paper Makes Prospects for President Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime Successful Meeting with DRC Prime Minister Minister Cyrille Adoula. Cyrille Adoula Very Dim. 0324 Incoming Telegram #2402. Fr: Edmund A. 0304 Incoming Telegram #1342. Fr: Lewis Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. March 22, 1962.3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 15, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Report on Talks between Katangese Summary of Briefing Paper on Political and President Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime Judicial Aspects of Accord between Katanga Minister Cyrille Adoula and Mandate of and DRC Central Government. Katangese Delegation.

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0327 Outgoing Telegram #1642. Fr: George W. 0347 Incoming Telegram #3168. Fr: [?] Plimpton. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. To: Dean Rusk. March 23,1962.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 26, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Discussions between Belgium and UN Discussions between Adlai E. Stevenson and regarding Hiring of Belgian Nationals for UN UN Secretary General U Thant regarding Technical Assistance Program in DRC. U.S. Tax Collection Proposal to Force 0328 Incoming Telegram #2424. Fr: Edmund A. Continuance of Adoula-Tshombe Talks. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0349 Incoming Telegram #2432. Fr: Edmund A. March 24,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Report on Talks between Katangese March 27, 1962. 7pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. President Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime Text of Letter from Katangese President Minister Cyrille Adoula. Moise Tshombe to DRC Prime Minister 0329 Incoming Telegram #2417. Fr: Edmund A. Cyrille Adoula regarding Tshombe's Definition Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. of Katanga's Status as Sovereign State. March 24,1962. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0356 Incoming Telegram #2437. Fr: Edmund A. Impasse Reached in Talks between Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Katangese President Moise Tshombe and March 27, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Katangese President Moise Tshombe 0336 Outgoing Telegram #2467. Fr: George W. Announces in Letter to DRC Prime Minister Ball. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Cyrille Adoula That Katanga Prepared to March 24,1962. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Change Governmental Status. Consequences of Probable Failure of 0358 Incoming Telegram #1799. Fr: Douglas Adoula-Tshombe Talks. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 0340 Outgoing Telegram #1651. Fr: George W. March 27,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. U.S. Discussions with Belgian Foreign March 24,1962.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Minister Paul-Henri Spaak regarding Taking U.S. Maintains Contact with Participants on Forceful Action to Assure Reintegration of Both Sides of Adoula-Tshombe Talks and Katanga into DRC. . Plans to Urge Continuance if Negotiations 0361 Outgoing Telegram #2629. Fr: George W. Breakdown. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. 0341 Incoming Telegram #2427. Fr: Edmund A. March 27, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak's March 26,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Reaction to UN Proposals to Halt Breakup of U.S. and UN Efforts to Force Katangese Adoula-Tshombe Talks. President Moise Tshombe to Continue His 0362 Incoming Telegram #2446. Fr: Edmund A. Negotiations with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Adoula. March 28, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0343 Incoming Telegram #2428. Fr: Edmund A. Causes for Optimism of Robert Gardiner, Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Chief of UN Operations in DRC, That Adoula- March 26,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Tshombe Talks Will Continue. Major Points for Talks between Katangese 0363 Incoming Telegram #2447. Fr: Edmund A. President Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Minister Cyrille Adoula. March 28,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0345 Outgoing Telegram #5149. Fr: George W. DRC Central Government Attempts to Prove Ball. To: U.S. Embassies, London and That Significant Part of Katangese Assembly Brussels. Does Not Support Katangese President March 26,1962.2pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. Moise Tshombe's Secessionist Government. U.S. and Great Britain Discuss Measures to 0365 Incoming Telegram #2450. Fr: Edmund A. Be Taken if Adoula-Tshombe Talks Break Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. down. March 28,1962. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. Summary of Developments in Talks between Katangese President Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula.

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0369 Incoming Telegram #1408. Fr: Lewis 0387 Incoming Telegram #2464. Fr: Edmund A. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. March 28, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 30, 1962.3pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. Katangese Foreign Minister Evariste Kimba Report on Talks between Katangese Inquires into Meaning of UN Secretary President Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime General U Thant's Statement That All Means Minister Cyrille Adoula. Would Be Used to Avoid Rupture of Adoula- 0390 Incoming Telegram #2465. Fr: Edmund A. Tshombe Talks. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0371 Department of State Airgram #A-52. Fr: March 30,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Lewis Hoffacker. To: Department of State. UN and DRC Interior Minister Cleophas March 28,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Kamitatu Call for Simultaneous Meetings of Seventh Day Adventist Interest in All DRC Provincial Assemblies Including Continuation of Title III (PL-480) Program in Katanga. Katanga. 0392 Outgoing Telegram #1676. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0374 Department of State Airgram #A-53. Fr: To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. Lewis Hoffacker. To: Department of State and Mission to UN. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. March 30,1962.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 28,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. UN Informs Katangese President Moise Obstructionism of Katangese Interior Minister Tshombe and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Godefroid Munongo. Adoula of Program to Pressure Agreement 0376 Incoming Telegram #3200. Fr: Adlai E. on Reintegration of Katanga. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0394 Outgoing Telegram #1677. Fr: Dean Rusk. March 28, 1962. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Briefing Notes on Brigadier Indar Jit Rikhye's March 29, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Trip to DRC. U.S. Urges DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0382 Incoming Telegram #2451. Fr: Edmund A. Adoula to Take Conciliatory Attitude toward Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Katangese President Moise Tshombe in March 29, 1962.1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. Negotiations. Letter from Katangese President Moise 0396 Outgoing Telegram #1680. Fr: Dean Rusk. Tshombe to DRC Interior Minister Cleophas To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Kamltatu regarding Request That UN DRC Government Loses Substantial Foreign Guarantee Elisabethville Assembly Meeting. Exchange Proceeds due to Illegal Trade 0383 Incoming Telegram #2456. Fr: Edmund A. between Provinces and Neighboring Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Territories. March 29, 1962.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0399 Outgoing Telegram #2528. Fr: Dean Rusk. DRC Interior Minister Cleophas Kamitatu To: U.S. Mission to UN. Conceives Plan regarding Meeting of March 29, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Katangese Assembly. Concern That ANC Units in North Katanga 0384 Incoming Telegram #1420. Fr: Lewis Might Get out of Hand if Not Resupplied. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. 0401 Incoming Telegram #2472. Fr: Edmund A. March 29, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Katangese Foreign Minister Evariste Kimba March 31,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Warns That Katangese Government Will U.S. Military Representatives Informed of Order Katangese President Moise Tshombe Possibility That Hard Line Might Be Taken to Break off Talks if DRC Commissioner against Katangese President Moise Jason Sendwe Comes to Elisabethville. Tshombe. 0385 Incoming Telegram #2461. Fr: Edmund A. 0402 Incoming Telegram #2476. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. March 30,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 7/6/74. March 31, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. British Express Reservations with U.S. Possible Imminent Clash between DRC Proposal to Send DRC Central Government Government and Extremists in Provincial Tax Collectors into Katanga. Governments.

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0404 Incoming Telegram #2478. Fr: Edmund A. 0418 Incoming Telegram #2482. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. March 31. 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. March 31, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Italian.Ambassador to DRC Proposes That Union of Congolese Workers (UTC) Plans to His Government Undertake Training of DRC Call General Strike in DRC in Protest of Air Force under UN Umbrella and Gives Arrest of Union Leader Andre Boboliko. Views on Congo Situation. 0406 Incoming Telegram #2483. Fr: Edmund A. 0421 Congo•Cables, April 1-7,1962. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0422 Withdrawal Sheets. 5pp. March 31, 1962. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0427 Incoming Telegram #1440. Fr: Lewis Report on Talks between Katangese Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. President Moise Tshombe and DRC Prim© April 1, 1962.1p. JFK#1. C. 12/12/78. Minister Cyrille Adoula. British Efforts to Locate and Obtain Status of 0410 Incoming Telegram #1434. Fr: Lewis Charles Mutaka [Mutakawadiloma], President Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. of Katangese National Assembly. March 31, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. 0428 Incoming Telegram #2486. Fr: Edmund A. Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Reaction to Invitation to Another Member of April 1, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 12/12/78. Conakat Political Party to Visit U.S. Concern by Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN 0411 Incoming Telegram #1840. Fr: [?] McKillop. Operations in DRC, That Enforced Tax To: Dean Rusk. Collection in Katanga Could Lead to Military March 31, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. Clashes Involving UN Troops. Belgian View of Talks between Katangese 0430 Incoming Telegram #2487. Fr: Edmund A. President Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Minister Cyrille Adoula. April 1, 1962.1p. JFK#3. C. 12/12/78. 0412 Outgoing Telegram #1682. Fr: Dean Rusk. "Affirmative." To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0432 Foreign Service Despatch #380. Fr: Thomas March 28, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. A. Cassilly. To: State Department. U.S. Asks DRC Government to Implement April 2, 1962. 8pp. JFK#4. C. 12/12/78. Steps to Put Economic Pressure on Katanga Political Developments in Stanleyville, DRC, to Reach Settlement. March 10-22, 1962. 0413 Outgoing Telegram #1684. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0440 Outgoing Telegram #710. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. March 30, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. April 2, 1962. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 12/12/78. U.S. Informs DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Explanation of Tax Collection Plan in Katanga Adoula That U.S. Will Continue Substantial to Force Katangese President Moise Grant Aid for Benefit of Reunified Congo. Tshombe to Implement Kttona Agreement. 0415 Outgoing Telegram #2536. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0442 Outgoing Telegram #1691. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Mission to UN and U.S. Embassy, To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Leopoldville. April 2, 1962.1p. JFK#6. C. 12/12/78. March 31, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. State Department Instructions for Handling of Chief of UN Operations in Congo Robert Donations for Specific Relief Purposes in Gardiner's Concern regarding Prospective DRC. Military Moves UN Might Have to Undertake 0443 Incoming Telegram #1459. Fr: Lewis Following Implementation of Tax Collection Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Scheme in Katanga. April 4, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 12/12/78. 0417 Outgoing Telegram #2682. Fr: Dean Rusk. U.S. Denies Involvement in Contingency To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. Planning for DRC Government Tax Collection March 31, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 7/6/74. in Katanga and Possible UN Military Belgium Reports Rumors in DRC about Initiatives Stemming from It. Possibility of UN Military Actions in Katanga 0445 Incoming Telegram #2501. Fr: Edmund A. Touching off New Outbreak of Hostilities. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. April 4, 1962. 3pp. JFK#9. C. 12/12/78. Survey of DRC Imports Financed by U.S. Aid.

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0448 Incoming Telegram #791. Fr: W. Wendell 0462 Incoming Telegram #1895. Fr: [?] McKillop. Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. April 5, 1962.1p. JFK#10. C. 12/12/78. April 6, 1962.2pp. JFK#18. C. 3/1/79 IP. Congolese (Brazzaville) Press Report Discussions between British and Belgians Meeting with Angolan Insurgents by Special regarding Financial Pressure to Be Brought U.S. Mission Sent by John F. Kennedy. to Bear on Katangese President Moise 0449 Incoming Telegram #793. Fr: W. Wendell Tshombe if Talks with DRC Prime Minister Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. Cyrille Adoula Break down. April 5, 1962.2pp. JFK#11. C. 12/12/78. 0464 Incoming Telegram #1477. Fr: Lewis Leader of Pan African Union from Congo Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. (Brazzaville) Meets with DRC Prime Minister April 6,1962.1p. JFK#19. C. 3/1/79. Cyrille Adoula to Urge Release of Labor DRC Parliamentary Consideration for Leader Andre Boboliko. Dividing Katanga into Additional Provinces. 0451 Incoming Telegram #2511. Fr: Edmund A. 0465 Incoming Telegram #1481. Fr: Lewis Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. April 5, 1962.1p. JFK#13. C. 12/12/78. April 6, 1962.1p. JFK#20. C. 3/1/79 IP. U.S. Urges DRC Foreign Minister Justin Reopening Belgian Consulate in Bomboko to Renounce Proposals of DRC Elisabethville as Symbol of Normalization of Interior Minister Cleophas Kam ¡tatu Calling Belgian-DRC Relations. for Arrest of Katangese President Moise 0466 Incoming Telegram #2521. Fr: Edmund A. Tshombe and Foreign Military Aid. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0452 Incoming Telegram #2513. Fr: Edmund A. April 6, 1962. 2pp. JFK#21. C. 3/1/79. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Title I Food Commodities for DRC. April 5, 1962.5pp. JFK#14. C. 3/1/79. 0468 Incoming Telegram #2525. Fr: Edmund A. Report on Developments in Adoula-Tshombe Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Talks. April 6,1962.1 p. JFK#22. QUO. 0457 Incoming Telegram #2514. Fr: Edmund A. Union of Congolese Workers (UTC) Criticizes Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. for Saying Call for General Strike Was April 5, 1962.2pp. JFK#15. C. 3/1/79. Plot to Overthrow DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Letter from Gullion to DRC Prime Minister Adoula. Cyrille Adoula regarding Proposals of Interior 0469 Incoming Telegram #2530. Fr: Edmund A. Minister Cleophas Kamitatu. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0459 Incoming Telegram #2515. Fr: Edmund A. April 6, 1962.1p. JFK#23. C. 3/1/79. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Contact with Foreign Minister Justin April 5, 1962.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 3/1/79 IP. Bomboko regarding DRC Bond Issue. Hopes of DRC Extraordinary Commissioner 0470 Incoming Telegram #3316. Fr: Adlai E. in Katanga Jason Sendwe That UN Will Keep Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Katangese President Moise Tshombe in April 6,1962.2pp. JFK#24. C. 3/1/79. Leopoldville and Katangese Assembly in Discussions regarding UN Efforts toward Session until Réintégration Agreement Retraining ANC. Reached. 0472 Incoming Telegram #3317. Fr: Adlai E. 0460 Incoming Telegram #1895. Fr: [?] McKillop. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. April 6,1962.1p. JFK#25. C. 3/1/79. April 6, 1962.2pp. JFK#18. C. 11/2/81 IP. Brigadier Indar Jit Rikhye Expresses Discussions between British and Belgians Opposition to New UN Military Operations in regarding Financial Pressure to Be Brought Katanga but Believes Military Aspects of to Bear on Katangese President Moise Katangese Tax Collection Scheme Feasible. Tshombe if Talks with DRC Prime Minister 0474 Outgoing Telegram #2744. Fr: George W. Cyrille Adoula Break down. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels and U.S. Mission to UN. April 6,1962.2pp. JFK#26. C. 3/1/79 IP. U.S. Efforts to Continue UN Military Assistance Program in DRC.

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0476 Outgoing Teleg ram # 1714. Fr: George W. 0491 Incoming Telegram #2552. Fr: Edmund A. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. April 6, 1962.1p. JFK#27. C. 3/1/79. April 10, 1962. 3pp. JFK#4. S. 1/9/79 IP. George Denis's Influence on DRC President DRC Foreign Office Memorandum on Joseph Kasavubu and Prime Minister Cyrille Political Situation In Katanga. Adoula. 0495 Outgoing Telegram #1729. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0477 Outgoing Telegram #1717. Fr: George W. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. April 9,1962. 3pp. JFK#5. C. 1/9/79. April 6, 1962.1p. JFK#28. C. 3/1/79. U.S. Informs DRC Prime Minister Cyrille U.S. Informs DRC Interior Minister Cleophas Adoula of Tax and Foreign Exchange Kamitatu of Its Opposition to Proposed Arrest Collection Plan to Be Used to Get Serious of Katangese President Moise Tshombe and Negotiations Underway with Katangese Imprisonment of Congolese Labor Leader President Moise Tshombe. Andre Boboliko. , 0498 Incoming Telegram #2561. Fr: Edmund A. 0478 Outgoing Telegram #1720. Fr: George W. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. April 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 1/9/79. April 6,1962.1p. JFK#29. C. 3/1/79. Report on Developments in Adoula-Tshombe U.S. Supports Creation of DRC Treasury Talks. Police Force with UN Participation. 0500 Outgoing Telegram #1748. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0479 Outgoing Telegram #1721. Fr: George W. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. April 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 1/9/79. April 6, 1962.1p. JFK#30. OUO. Purpose of Harlan Cleveland's Visit to DRC. U.S. Press Reports That General Strike 0502 Incoming Telegram #2575. Fr: Edmund A. Called by Union of Congolese Workers Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. (UTC) Could Cause Embarrassment during April 13,1962.1p. JFK#8. C. 1/9/79. Adoula-Tshombe Talks. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville Welcomes Visit by Harlan Cleveland but Urges That It Be 0480 Congo•Cables, April 8-17,1962. Kept Unobtrusive due to DRC Fears of U.S. 0481 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p.. Dictation in Adoula-Tshombe Talks. 0482 Incoming Telegram #1486. Fr: Lewis 0503 Incoming Telegram #3382. Fr: [?] Plimpton. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. April 8,1962.1p. JFK#1. C. 3/3/81 IP. April 13,1962.1p. JFK#9. C. 1/9/79. Katangese Assembly President Charles Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Offers Mutaka [Mutakawadiloma] Tells UN Officials Temporary Asylum to DRC Opposition That Assembly Session Will Be Postponed Leader Antoine Gizenga until His Health until Katangese President Moise Tshombe Permits Resumption of Political Activities. Can Participate in Balubakat-Conakat 0504 Incoming Telegram #2583. Fr: Edmund A. Reconciliation. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0483 Corrections to Incoming Telegram #2539. Fr: April 15, 1962. 2pp. JFK#10. S. 5/4/81 IP. Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Intelligence Requirements of Long- April 8, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 1/9/79. range Contingency Plans of Special Defense Report of Developments in Adoula-Tshombe Forces in DRC. Talks in DRC. 0506 Outgoing Telegram #1765. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0485 Incoming Telegram #2539. Fr: Edmund A. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. ApriUS, 1962. 1p. JFK#11. C. 1/9/79. April 8,1962. 4pp. JFK#2. C. 1/9/79. Arrangements for Harlan Cleveland's Visit to Report of Developments in Adoula-Tshombe DRC. Talks in DRC. 0507 Incoming Telegram #2596. Fr: Edmund A. 0489 Incoming Telegram #2544. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. April 16, 1962. 1p. JFK#12. C. 1/9/79. April 9, 1962.2pp. JFK#3. C. 1/9/79. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's British Ambassador to DRC Derek Riches's Opposition to U.S. Concept of Sharing Views on Adoula-Tshombe Talks. Economic Assistance with Katanga.

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0508 Incoming Telegram #2605. Fr: Edmund A. 0535 Incoming Telegram #2622. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. April 17, 1962. 5pp. JFK#13. C. 1/9/79. April 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 1 /9/79. Report on Developments in Adoula-Tshombe U.S. Emphasizes to DRC Foreign Minister Talks in DRC. Justin Bomboko Importance of Allowing 0513 Incoming Telegram #2606. Fr: Edmund A. Katangese President Moise Tshombe to Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Depart Safely from Leopoldville Talks. April 17. 1962. 9pp. JFK#14. C. 1/9/79. 0537 Incoming Telegram #2623. Fr: Edmund A. Letter from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Gullion. To: McGeorge Bundy. Adoula to Katangese President Moise April 18,1962.1p. JFK#7. C. 1/9/79. Tshombe Containing Draft Agreement for U.S. Suggests That UN Secretary General U Reintegration of Katanga. Thant Make Representations to DRC 0522 Incoming Telegram. Fr: CIA. To: Bromley K. Government That Katangese President Smith. Moise Tshombe Be Allowed to Depart from April 17, 1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 4/1/79 IP. Leopoldville in Accordance with Security No Indication That UN Forces in Katanga Assurances. Planning Any Major Military Moves. 0538 Incoming Telegram. Fr: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. To: White House. 0523 Congo•Cables, April 18-23,1962. April 18, 1962.1p.JFK#9. 0524 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. [Text Not Available.] 0525 Incoming Telegram #1962. Fr: Douglas 0539 Incoming Telegram #2626. Fr: Edmund A. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. April 18, 1962.1p. JFK#1. QUO. April 18, 1962. 3pp. JFK#10. C. 1/9/79. MacArthur's Statement on Belgian Discussions with DRC Foreign Minister Justin Contribution to DRC. Bomboko regarding Katangese President 0526 Incoming Telegram #2520. Fr: Edmund A. Moise Tshombe's Plans to Depart Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Leopoldville. April 18, 1962. 3pp. JFK#2. C. 1 /9/79 IP. 0542 Incoming Telegram #C-003. Fr: U.S. Air DRC Adoula Government and ANC Refuse to Attaché, Leopoldville. To: Dean Rusk. Allow Katangese President Moise Tshombe April 19,1962.1p. JFK#11. C. 3/1/79. to Leave Leopoldville despite UN Guarantees Katangese President Moise Tshombe for His Security. Departs from Leopoldville Aboard UN Aircraft. 0529 Incoming Telegram #2609. Fr: Edmund A. 0543 Incoming Telegram #2637. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. April 18, 1962. 1 p. JFK#3. C. 1 /9/79. April 19, 1962. 3pp. JFK#14. C. 1/9/79. Discussions between DRC Prime Minister Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in Cyrille Adoula and UN Representative Robert DRC, Discusses UN Firmness toward DRC Gardiner regarding Katangese President Government in Relation to Katangese Moise Tshombe's Planned Departure from President Moise Tshombe's Desire to Depart Leopoldville. from Leopoldville. 0530 Incoming Telegram #2618. Fr: Edmund A. 0546 Incoming Telegram #1997. Fr: Douglas Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. April 18, 1962. 1p. JFK#4. OUO. April 20, 1962. 2pp. JFK#15. C. 1/9/79 IP. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Reaction DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's to General Strike Called by DRC Labor Displeasure over Request Made by General Unions. Joseph Desiree Mobutu and Foreign Minister 0531 Incoming Telegram #2621. Fr: Edmund A. Justin Bomboko for Belgian Military Mission. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0548 Incoming Telegram #1998. Fr: Douglas April 18, 1962. 4pp. JFK#5. C. 1/9/79. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's April 20, 1962. 2pp. JFK#16. C. 1/9/79 IP. Proposals to Win back His Advantage with UN Representative Sture Linner's Katangese President Moise Tshombe in Reassignment to Brussels, Belgium, and Negotiations for Reintegration of Katanga. Discussions on DRC Situation.

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0550 Outgoing Telegram #1801. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0573 Incoming Telegram #2009. Fr: Douglas To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. April 20, 1962. 3pp. JFK#17. C. 1/9/79. April 24, 1962. 3pp. JFK#1. C. 3/2/79 IP. U.S. Considers Courses of Action to Regain Plan for Hastening Katanga Reintegration by Forward Motion on Reintegration of Katanga Putting Pressure on Union Miniere du Haut Lost during Katangese President Moise Katanga to Withhold Payments from Tshombe Airport Incident. Katangese President Moise Tshombe and 0553 Incoming Telegram #2665. Fr: Edmund A. Katangese Government. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0576 Incoming Telegram #1571. Fr: Lewis April 21,1962. 3pp. JFK#18. C. 1/9/79 IP. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. UN Officials in DRC Discuss Prospects for April 24, 1962. 1p. JFK#2. C. 3/2/79. Resumption of Adoula-Tshombe Talks. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Eager 0556 Incoming Telegram #1563. Fr: Lewis to Resume Negotiations with DRC Prime Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. Minister Cyrille Adoula and Requests April 22, 1962. 2pp. dFK#19. C. 1/9/79. Renewed U.S. and UN Security Guarantees. Katangese President Moise Tshombe's 0577 Incoming Telegram. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. Position on Resumption of Negotiations with To: Dean Rusk. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. April 24,1962. 1p. JFK#3. C. 3/2/79 IP. 0558 Incoming Telegram #1564. Fr: Lewis Statement by DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Adoula Asking for Definition of Role of UN in April 22, 1962. 1p. JFK#20. C. 1/8/79. Congo Intervention. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Asks 0578 Incoming Telegram #2685. Fr: Edmund A. UN Representative Jose Rolz-Bennett to Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Arrange New Security Guarantees for April 24, 1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 3/1/79 IP. Resumption of Talks with DRC Prime Minister Discussion of Critical Statements Made by Cyrille Adoula. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding 0559 Incoming Telegram #2670. Fr: Edmund A. UN and Possibility That He Might Seek Aid Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. from Radical African States. April 22, 1962. 5pp. JFK#21. C. 1/8/79. 0580 Outgoing Telegram #808. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Efforts to Advance Solution to Katanga U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Problem before DRC's Adoula Government April 24,1962. 1 p. JFK#5. C. 3/2/79. Falls or Seeks Aid from African Nations U.S. Expresses Confidence in Renewed UN Supporting Soviet Bloc. Security Guarantees for Katangese President 0564 Incoming Telegram #2669. Fr: Edmund A. Moise Tshombe during His Next Round of Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Negotiations with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille April 23, 1962. 3pp. JFK#22. S. 3/23/79. Adoula. Report on Political and Military Situation in 0581 Incoming Telegram #2696. Fr: Edmund A. Elisabethville, Katanga. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0567 Outgoing Telegram #1807. Fr: Dean Rusk. April 25,1962. 4pp. JFK#6. C. 3/1/79 IP. To: U.S. Embassies, Leopoldville, Cotonou, Discussions regarding New U.S. Aid and Brussels, U.S. Mission to UN, and U.S. Approach to DRC Following Resolution of Consulate, Nairobi. Katangese Secession. April 23, 1962. 3pp. JFK#25. C. 1/8/79. 0585 Outgoing Telegram #2800. Fr: Dean Rusk. Issues in DRC Economic Program for To: U.S. Mission to UN. Discussion during Harlan Cleveland's Visits April 24,1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 3/2/79. to UN, Belgium, and DRC. Discussions between G. Mennen Williams and UN Secretary General U Thant regarding 0570 Congo•Cables, April 24-30,1962. Anticipated Future Developments in DRC. 0571 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. 0587 Incoming Telegram #2036. Fr: Douglas MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. April 27,1962. 3pp. JFK#9. C. 3/2/79. Division in DRC Government over Desirability of Increased Belgian Aid.

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0590 Incoming Telegram #3406. Fr: John Kenneth 0611 Incoming Telegram #3601. Fr: Adlai E. Galbraith. To: Dean Rusk. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. April 27, 1962. 1 p. JFK#11. C. 3/2/79. April 30.1962. 1p. JFK#20. C. 1/9/79 IP. Discussions with Indian Officials regarding U.S. Concern over Alleged Message from UN British Assessment of DRC Situation. Secretary General U Thant to DRC Prime 0591 Outgoing Telegram #1833. Fr: Dean Rusk. Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding Treatment To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. of Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga. April 23, 1962. 1 p. JFK#12. C. 3/2/79. 0612 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. Arrangements for DRC Minister of Interior NA. 2p.JFK#21. Christophe Gbenye's Visit to U.S. 'The President Has Asked That Following 0592 Incoming Telegram #2045. Fr: Douglas Message Be Brought to Secretary's Attention MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. as Additional Indication of Need to Proceed April 28,1962. 5pp. JFK#13. C. 3/2/79 IP. Urgently with Congo Negotiations." U.S. Presents Views on DRC Situation to 0615 Outgoing Telegram #2994. Fr: George W. Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak. Ball. To: U.S. Embassies, Brussels and 0598 Outgoing Telegram #2982. Fr: Dean Rusk. London. To: U.S. Embassies, Brussels and London. April 30,1962. 2pp. JFK#22. C. 1/9/79 IP. April 27, 1962. 4pp. JFK#15. C. 3/2/79 IP. Need for UN Mediation between DRC Prime George C. McGhee Outlines U.S. Policy on Minister Cyrille Adoula and Katangese DRC for Belgian Ambassador Louis President Moise Tshombe due to Economic Scheyven and British Minister Lord Samuel Erosion in Congo. Hood. 0602 Outgoing Telegram #1851. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0617 Congo•Cables, May 1-8,1962. To: U.S. Mission to UN. 0618 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp.

April 28, 1962.1 p. JFK#16f C. 1 /9/79. 0620 Incoming Telegram #3988. Fr: David K. E. U.S. Suggests That UN Use Influence on Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Katangese President Moise Tshombe to May 1,1962.1p. JFK#1. C. 3/1/79. Bring about Implementation of His Promises British Foreign Office Prepares Assessment on Police and Security Files regarding of DRC Situation. Mercenaries and on UN Presence in 0621 Incoming Telegram #2074. Fr: Douglas Katanga. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 0603 Incoming Telegram #2726. Fr: Edmund A. May 2, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 3/1/79 IP. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. and Belgian Officials Discuss Possible April 29, 1962. 5pp. JFK#17. S. 1/9/79. UN Mediation in DRC. Harlan Cleveland Assures DRC Prime 0623 Incoming Telegram #1616. Fr: Lewis Minister Cyrille Adoula of Continued U.S. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Support and Opposition to Katangese May 3,1962.1p. JFK#3. C. 9/29/81 IP. Secession. Progress Reported in Negotiating Sessions 0608 Incoming Telegram #2049. Fr: Douglas with Katangese President Moise Tshombe. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 0624 Incoming Telegram #2085. Fr: Douglas April 30,1962. 2pp. JFK#18. C. 1/9/79 IP. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Belgian Reaction to U.S. Halting DRC May 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 3/1/79 IP. Request for Belgian Military Assistance. Belgian Government Wishes to Avoid UN 0610 Incoming Telegram #2050. Fr: Douglas Recruitment of Technicians and MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Administrators for Their Program from among April 30,1962.1 p. JFK#19. C. 1 /9/79. . Belgians Already Working in DRC Difficulties with UN Secretary General U Government Administration. Thant's Proposal regarding UN Military 0626 Incoming Telegram #4058. Fr: David K. E. Guards for Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Property. May 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#8. S. 3/1/79. Discussions between British and Belgians regarding DRC Question.

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0628 Incoming Telegram #2751. Fr: Edmund A. 0648 Outgoing Telegram #851. Fr: George W. Ball. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville and U.S. May 4, 1962. 1p. JFK#9. C. 3/1/79. Embassy, Leopoldville. Message from DRC Commissioner Jason May 5, 1962. 1 p. JFK#16. C. 2/28/79. Sendwe to Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula U.S. Provides Airlift for Rotation of Swedish Informing Him of Attack by Katanga UN Contingent from Katanga back to Gendarmes on Nyunzu and Attempt to Kamina, DRC. Invade Albertville. 0649 Outgoing Telegram #1310. Fr: George W. 0629 Incoming Telegram #3657. Fr: Adlai E. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Lagos. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. May 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#17. C. 2/28/79. May 4, 1962. 1p. JFK#10. S. 9/86 IP. Discussions between Henry J. Tasca and South African Mining Company Subsidizes Nigerian Ambassador to U.S. regarding Anti-Kuanda Activities of African Congress Deterioration of Negotiations for Party to Stop British Movement toward Reintegration of Katanga into DRC. African Control of Rhodesias. 0651 Incoming Telegram #2766. Fr: Edmund A. 0631 Outgoing Telegram #3693. Fr: George W. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Ball. To: U.S. Embassies, New Delhi and May 6,1962. 1p. JFK#18. C. 2/28/79 IP. Khartoum. Alleged U.S. Assistance Program for Angolan May 4,1962. 4pp. JFK#11. C. 10/22/81. Refugees. George C. McGhee Reviews DRC Situation 0652 Incoming Telegram #2767. Fr: Edmund A. with Indian Ambassador Braj K. Nehru and Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. India's Ambassador Designate to Congo. May 6,1962. 1p. JFK#19. S. 2/28/79. 0635 Incoming Telegram #1625. Fr: Lewis U.S. Urges DRC Foreign Minister Justin Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Bomboko to Discourage Sudanese May 5,1962. 1p. JFK#12. C. 3/1/79 IP. Government from Granting USSR Onward Air Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in Rights into Congo. DRC, Discusses Possible Concessions by 0653 Outgoing Telegram #1876. Fr: George W. Katanga Government with Katangese Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. President Moise Tshombe. Mission to UN. 0636 Incoming Telegram #2753. Fr: Edmund A. May 6,1962.1p. JFK#20. C. 4/20/79. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. to Provide Transport for Airlift of Baluba May 5, 1962. 5pp. JFK#13. C. 3/1/79. Refugees in DRC. Discussions between G. Mennen Williams 0654 Incoming Telegram #2783. Fr: Edmund A. and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. regarding Negotiations with Katangese May 8, 1962. 1p. JFK#22. S. 2/28/79. President Moise Tshombe. U.S. Supports UN Use of Force against 0641 Incoming Telegram #2754. Fr: Edmund A. Katangese President Moise Tshombe to Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Make Him Negotiate Honestly and Make May 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#14. C. 3/1/79. Necessary Concessions. Discussions between G. Mennen Williams 0656 Outgoing Telegram #5949. Fr: George W. and DRC President Joseph Kasavubu Ball. To: U.S. Embassies, London and regarding Negotiations with Katangese Brussels. President Moise Tshombe. May 7,1962. 2pp. JFK#23. NA. 2/28/79. 0643 Incoming Telegram #2755. Fr: Edmund A. Tentative Agenda for British and Belgian Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Talks on DRC. May 5, 1962. 5pp. JFK#15. C. 2/28/79. Discussions between G. Mennen Williams 0658 Congo•Cables, London Talks. and DRC Leaders regarding Solution to 0659 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. Katanga Issue. 0660 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: Evelyn Lincoln. NA. 1p.JFK#1. Dean Rusk's Reply to British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's Letter in DRC.

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0661 List of Telegrams to/from Dean Rusk. 0675 incoming Telegram #3697. Fr: Adlai E. NA. 1p.JFK#2. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0662 Bruce Messages on London Talks. Fr: NA. May 10, 1962. 1p. JFK#8. S. 3/12/79. To: NA. Report on CAC Meeting. NA. 1p.JFK#3. 0676 Incoming Telegram #1658. Fr: Lewis "Sent to President 5/28/62•Returned 5/29." Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. 0663 Incoming Telegram #4202. Fr: David K. E. May 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 3/12/79 IP. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Katangese Government Position in May 15,1962. 1 p. JFK#4. S. 1 /7/79. Negotiation with DRC Central Government. Developments at Tripartite Talks between 0678 Incoming Telegram #1659. Fr: Lewis Great Britain, Belgium, and U.S. on DRC Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. Reconciliation in London. May 11,1962.1p. JFK#10. C. 3/12/79 IP. U.S. Denies Allegations That It Is Searching 0664 Congo•Cables, May 9-13,1962. for "Strong Man" to Head DRC Government. 0665 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0679 Incoming Telegram #1660. Fr: Lewis 0666 Incoming Telegram #4131. Fr: David K. E. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. May 11,1962. 1p. JFK#11. C. 3/12/79 IP. May 9, 1962. 1 p. JFK#2. S. 3/12/79. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Arrangements and Comments on Proposed Announces Intention to Reopen Negotiations Tripartite London Talks on DRC. with DRC Central Government if His Health 0667 Outgoing Telegram #5990. Fr: George W. Improves. Ball. To: U.S. Embassies, London, Brussels, 0680 Incoming Telegram #2797. Fr: Edmund A. and Paris. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. May 9,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. S. 3/12/79. May 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 3/12/79. U.S. State Department Informs Officers of U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville's Comments on Belgian and British Embassies of Planning U.S. Participation in Tripartite London Talks for Tripartite London Talks on DRC. on DRC. 0668 Incoming Telegram #2136. Fr: Douglas 0682 Incoming Telegram #2803. Fr: Edmund A. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. May 10,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 3/12/79. May 11, 1962. 2pp. JFK#13. S. 3/12/79 IP. U.S. Efforts to Get Union Miniere du Haut Concern That Katangese President Moise Katanga and American Companies Operating Tshombe Might Not Be Willing to Make in Katanga to Cut off Financial Support to Concessions to DRC Government as Long Katangese President Moise Tshombe's as His Position Remains Strong and He Government. Continues to Receive Outside Support. 0671 Incoming Telegram #2795. Fr: Edmund A. 0684 Incoming Telegram #4167. Fr: David K. E. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. May 10,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 3/12/79 IP. May 11,1962.1p. JFK#14. S. 3/12/79 IP. Discussions regarding Establishment of British Foreign Office Reaction to Chief of UN Military Officer Training School Run by UN in Operations in DRC Robert Gardiner's Plan DRC in Effort to Block Use of Belgians to for Filling in Transition Period in DRC. Retrain ANC. 0685 Incoming Telegram #5315. Fr: James M. 0673 Incoming Telegram #2796. Fr: Edmund A. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. May 11, 1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 11/7/79. May 10,1962. 1 p. JFK#6. C. 3/12/79 IP. Suggestion That France Be Invited to Attend DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Informs London Talks on DRC. Indian Government of Katangese 0687 Outgoing Telegram #530. Fr: George W. Ball. Government Rearmament. To: U.S. Embassy, Addis Ababa and U.S. 0674 Incoming Telegram #4142. Fr: David K. E. Consulate, Asmara. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 2pp. JFK#16. C. 11/7/79 IP. May 10,1962.1p. JFK#7. S. 3/12/79. U.S. State Department Expresses Concern British Foreign Office Comments on over Lack of Progress on Reintegration of Arrangements and Agenda for Tripartite Katanga with DRC to Ethiopian Ambassador. London Talks on DRC.

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0689 Outgoing Telegram #3089. Fr: George W. 0709 Incoming Telegram #2162. Fr: Douglas Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Bonn. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. May 11, 1962. 1p. JFK#17. C. 11/7/79. May 14,1962.1p. JFK#1. C. 8/28/79. U.S. Receives Information That Former U.S. Explains to Belgian Government Belgian Colonel [?] Cassert Attempting to Reasons Why It's Desirable to Inform DRC Sell German Light Aircraft to Katangese Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula of Tripartite Government. Talks on Congo. 0690 Outgoing Telegram #1899. Fr: George W. 0710 Incoming Telegram #1668. Fr: Lewis Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. May 11, 1962.1p. JFK#18. C. 11/7/79. May 14,1962. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 8/28/79 IP. State Department Receives Information on Discussions regarding Katangese Departure of Four B-26 Aircraft from U.S. for Government Position in Negotiations with DRC. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula and 0692 Outgoing Telegram #6037. Fr: George W. Possible Threat to Apply Pressure to Force Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, London. Reintegration. May 11, 1962. 6pp. JFK#19. S. 11/7/79 IP. 0712 Incoming Telegram #2816. Fr: Edmund A. U.S. Consultations with British and Belgians Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. to Develop Joint Plan Based on UN May 14,1962.1p. JFK#3. S. 8/28/79. Mediation for Overcoming Impasse in Gullion Seeks Appointment with DRC Prime Adoula-Tshombe Negotiations. Minister Cyrille Adoula. 0698 Incoming Telegram #2806. Fr: Edmund A. 0713 Incoming Telegram #2821. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. May 12, 1962. 1p. JFK#20. C. 11/7/79. May 14,1962. 1p. JFK#4. C. 8/28/79 IP. Foreign Minister Justin Bomboko Confirms Discussions with DRC Foreign Minister Justin DRC Purchase of Four B-26 Aircraft from Bomboko regarding DRC Acquisition of U.S. U.S. Aircraft. 0699 Incoming Telegram #2809. Fr: Edmund A. 0714 Incoming Telegram #2823. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. May 12, 1962. 1p. JFK#21. C. 11/7/79. May 14, 1962. 1p. JFK#5. S. 8/28/79 IP. Discussions with ANC Officers regarding Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in Purchase of Aircraft from U.S. DRC, Gives Draft Communiqué and Backup 0700 Incoming Telegram #2812. Fr: Edmund A. Statement on Negotiations with Katangese Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. President Moise Tshombe to DRC Prime May 12, 1962. 2pp. JFK#22. S. 11/7/79. Minister Cyrille Adoula. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Informed 0715 Incoming Telegram #2825. Fr: Edmund A. of Purpose of Tripartite Consultations on Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Congo. May 14,1962.1p. JFK#6. C. 8/28/79. 0702 Correction to Incoming Telegram #2812. Fr: Possiblity That Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Might Ask for DRC Participation in London May 12,1962. 2pp. JFK#22. S. 11/7/79. Talks. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Informed 0716 Incoming Telegram #3610. Fr: John Kenneth of Purpose of Tripartite Consultations on Galbraith. To: Dean Rusk. Congo. May 14, 1962. 1p. JFK#7. C. 8/28/79. 0703 Outgoing Telegram #6049. Fr: Dean Rusk. Suggestion That Indian Government Be To: U.S. Embassies, London, Brussels, and Informed of Purpose of Tripartite London Leopoldville. Talks on DRC. May 12, 1962. 2pp. JFK#25. C. 11 /7/79. 0717 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#8. U.S. Informs DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0718 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#8a. Adoula of Purpose of Tripartite Talks on 0719 Outgoing Telegram #6054. Fr: Dean Rusk. Congo. To: U.S. Embassy, London. May 14, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8b. S. 4/9/76. 0705 Congo•Cables, May 14-19,1962. Letter from John F. Kennedy to David K. E. 0706 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Bruce, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, regarding Tripartite London Talks on DRC.

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0721 Outgoing Telegram #2949. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0734 Incoming Telegram #4224. Fr: David K. E. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. May 14, 1962.1p. JFK#9. C. 8/28/79. May 16,1962.1p. JFK#17. S. 4/9/76. U.S. State Department Skeptical of British Foreign Office Asks That Indian Practicality of UN Secretary General U Government Not Be Informed of Tripartite Thant's Scheme for DRC. London Talks on DRC. 0722 Incoming Telegram #2831. Fr: Edmund A. 0735 Incoming Telegram #3626. Fr: John Kenneth Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Galbraith. To: Dean Rusk. May 15, 1962.1p. JFK#10. S. 8/28/79. May 16, 1962.1p. JFK#18. C. 7/13/79. DRC Foreign Minister Justin Bomboko Sends Indian Brigadier Indar Jit Rikhye Informed by Instructions for Purchase of B-26 Aircraft U.S. Mission to UN of Tripartite London Talks from Allied Sales Corporation of New York on DRC. City. 0736 Incoming Telegram #3755. Fr: Adlai E. 0723 Incoming Telegram #2838. Fr: Edmund A. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. May 16,1962. 1p. JFK#19. S. 7/13/79. May 15,1962.1p. JFK#11. C. 8/28/79 IP. Press Formula for London Tripartite Talks on Feeling by U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville That DRC Conveyed to UN Secretary General U Although DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Thant. Should Be Informed of London Tripartite 0737 Outgoing Telegram #1936. Fr: Dean Rusk. Talks, No Other Publicity Desirable. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. 0724 Incoming Telegram #1681. Fr: Lewis Mission to UN. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. May 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#20. C. 7/13/79. May 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 8/28/79 IP. U.S. State Department Discusses Sale of A-26 Letters from Katangese President Moise Aircraft with Congolese Embassy Officers. Tshombe to UN Secretary General U Thant 0739 Outgoing Telegram #3854. Fr: Dean Rusk. and to DRC Senate Containing Katangese To: U.S. Embassy, New Delhi. Bargaining Position. May 16,1962.1p. JFK#21. C. 7/13/79. 0726 Incoming Telegram #2839. Fr: Edmund A. Conclusion and Results of Tripartite London Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Talks on DRC. May 16,1962.1 p. JFK#13. S. 8/28/79. 0740 Incoming Telegram #2853. Fr: Edmund A. British Inform Katangese President Moise Guliion. To: Dean Rusk. Tshombe of Tripartite London Talks on DRC. May 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#22. C. 7/13/79. 0727 Incoming Telegram #2841. Fr: Edmund A. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Reaction Guliion. To: Dean Rusk. to Information on Tripartite London Talks on May 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#14. S. 8/28/79. Congo. Discussions between Robert Gardiner, Chief 0742 Incoming Telegram #2858. Fr: Edmund A. of UN Operations in DRC, and DRC Prime Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding Security for May 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#23. C. 7/13/79. Negotiations with Katangese President Moise Discussions with DRC Foreign Minister Justin Tshombe. Bomboko regarding UN Efforts to Control 0729 . Incoming Telegram #2845. Fr: Edmund A. Importation of Civil Aircraft into DRC. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0744 Incoming Telegram #3767. Fr: Adlai E. May 16, 1962. 3pp. JFK#15. C. 7/13/79. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Adoula-Tshombe Talks Break down over May 17,1962.1p. JFK#24. C. 7/13/79. Question of How Transition Period before U.S. Discussions with Ralph Bunche Katanga's Reintegration into DRC Is to Be regarding Allegations by DRC Prime Minister Handled. Cyrille Adoula and Indian Government That 0732 Incoming Telegram #4223. Fr: David K. E. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Increasing Strength of Mercenaries. May 16, 1962. 2pp. JFK#16. S. 4/9/76. 0745 Outgoing Telegram #1940. Fr: Dean Rusk. U.S. State Department Disappointed by To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Results of Tripartite Talks between Great May 16, 1962. 2pp. JFK#25. C. 7/13/79. Britain, Belgium, and U.S. on DRC. Note from DRC Government Protesting Holdup of Civil Aircraft Purchased from U.S. until Permission Received by UN.

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0747 Outgoing Telegram #3871. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0768 Incoming Telegram #1705. Fr: Lewis To: U.S. Embassy, New Delhi. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. May 17, 1962. 4pp. JFK#26. S. 7/13/79. May 19, 1962. 2pp. JFK#35. C. 8/28/79. Main Points regarding Indian Government U.S. Efforts to Assess Mood in Katanga and Thinking on Proposal for UN Mediation in Katangese President Moise Tshombe's DRC. Efforts to Work out Compromise with DRC 0751 Incoming Telegram #2205. Fr: Douglas Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 0770 Incoming Telegram #2873. Fr: Edmund A. May 18, 1962. 2pp. JFK#27. C. 7/13/79. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak's May 19, 1962. 3pp. JFK#36. C. 8/27/79. Comments on Memorandum Produced by Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in Tripartite London Talks on DRC. DRC, Concerned That U.S. Activities Might 0753 Incoming Telegram #1131. Fr: Joseph Palmer Conflict with UN Efforts to Achieve Tshombe- II. To: Dean Rusk. Adoula Rapprochement. May 18, 1962. 3pp. JFK#28. S. 7/13/79. 0773 Incoming Telegram #2880. Fr: Edmund A. U.S. Expresses Concern regarding DRC to Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Nigerian Prime Minister Abubakr Tafawa May 19, 1962. 4pp. JFK#37. C. 8/28/79 IP. Balewa and Asks for His Appraisal of Report on Developments in Adoula-Tshombe Situation. Talks. 0756 Incoming Telegram #2869. Fr: Edmund A. 0777 Outgoing Telegram #1951. Fr: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. May 18, 1962.1p. JFK#29. C. 7/13/79. May 18, 1962. 2pp. JFK#38. C. 8/27/79. U.S. Discusses Status of A-26 Aircraft for Discussions between UN and DRC DRC with Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Government regarding Purchase of A-26 Operations in Congo. Aircraft from U.S. Government. 0758 Incoming Telegram #2872. Fr: Edmund A. 0780 Outgoing Telegram #1953. Fr: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassies, Leopoldville and London May 18, 1962. 2pp. JFK#30. C. 7/13/79 IP. and U.S. Mission to UN. U.S. Discussions with DRC Government May 18, 1962. 4pp. JFK#39. C. 8/28/79 IP. regarding Use of Congolese Air Force to U.S. State Department Rejects Final Working Subdue Katanga. Paper on DRC Adopted during Tripartite 0760 Incoming Telegram #2875. Fr: Edmund A. London Talks as Inadequate. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. May 18, 1962. 1 p. JFK#31. 0784 Congo•Cables, May 20-24,1962. Katangese President Moise Tshombe's 0785 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Arrival in Leopoldville, DRC. 0786 Incoming Telegram #1709. Fr: Lewis 0761 Incoming Telegram #2876. Fr: Edmund A. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. May 21, 1962.1.p. JFK#1. C. 7/13/79. May 18. 1962. 3pp. JFK#32. S. 8/27/79 IP. Speculation in Katanga That Katangese U.S. Reaction to Proposal on Transitional President Moise Tshombe Might Succeed Period in DRC Suggested during Tripartite DRC's Cyrille Adoula as Prime Minister. Talks in London. 0787 Incoming Telegram #2889. Fr: Edmund A. 0764 Incoming Telegram #3780. Fr: Adlai E. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. May 21,1962. 5pp. JFK#3. C. 7/13/79. May 18, 1962. 3pp. JFK#33. S. 8/27/79. U.S. Aid Utilized to Purchase Trucks and Stevenson Briefs UN Secretary General U Spare Parts to Resolve Road Transportation Thant on Tripartite London Talks on DRC. Crisis in DRC. 0767 Outgoing Telegram #1948. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0792 Incoming Telegram #2890. Fr: Edmund A. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. May 18, 1962. 1p. JFK#34. C. 8/27/79. May 21, 1962. 3pp. JFK#4. C. 7/13/79. Comments on Implementation of Tax UN Examines Most Effective Use of U.S. Aid Collection Scheme in Katanga at Tripartite to DRC. London Talks on DRC.

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0795 Incoming Telegram #2892. Fr: Edmund A. 0811 Incoming Telegram #2902. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. May 21.1962. 4pp. JFK#5. C. 7/13/79. May 22,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. C. 7/13/79. Documents regarding Economic Subjects in General [?] Kebede's Estimate of UN Military DRC Prepared by Robert Gardiner, Chief of Needs in DRC. UN Operations in DRC, for Adoula-Tshombe 0813 Incoming Telegram #5520. Fr: James M. Talks. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. 0799 Incoming Telegram #2895. Fr: Edmund A. May 22, 1962.1p. JFK#14. C. 7/13/79 IP. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Gives Authorization to Inform French May 21, 1962. 3pp. JFK#6. C. 7/13/79. Government of Substance of Tripartite Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in London Talks on DRC. DRC, Discouraged at Prospects for Talks 0814 Outgoing Telegram #1961. Fr: Dean Rusk. between Katangese President Moise To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Tshombe and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille May 22, 1962. 2pp. JFK#15. C. 7/12/79. Adoula. U.S. Prepared to Give Full Support to UN 0802 Incoming Telegram #3711. Fr: [?] Timmons. Mediatory Effort in DRC Even at Risk of To: Dean Rusk. Incurring Hostilities. May 21,1962. 1p. JFK#7. C. 7/13/79. 0816 Incoming Telegram #2237. Fr: Douglas Indian Ministry of External Affairs Reviews MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Results of Tripartite London Talks on DRC. May 23, 1963. 5pp. JFK#16. C. 7/12/79. 0803 Outgoing Telegram #915. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak's U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Comments on DRC Situation. May 21, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 7/13/79. 0821 Incoming Telegram #2908. Fr: Edmund A. Discussions between George C. McGhee Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. and John Dean, President of Mobil May 23, 1962. 2pp. JFK#17. C. 7/12/79. Corporation, regarding U.S. Position on DRC Report on Developments at Adoula-Tshombe Unification. Talks in DRC. 0805 Outgoing Telegram #1958. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0823 CIA Information Report #TDCS-3/511,903. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Fr: CIA. To: NA. May 21,1962.1 p. JFK#9. C. 7/13/79. May 23, 1962. 2pp. JFK#18. S. 11/4/80 IP. State Department Discussions with John M. DRC President Joseph Kasavubu's Keesing, New York Lawyer Representing Comments on Katanga Question. DRC Government in Matter of Export License 0825 Outgoing Telegram #1970. Fr: Dean Rusk. for A-26 Aircraft Purchased in U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0806 Incoming Telegram #2896. Fr: Edmund A. May 23, 1962.1p. JFK#19. C. 7/12/79 IP. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Discussions of Uses of Paper regarding May 22,1962.1p. JFK#10. C. 7/13/79 IP. Inducements and Pressures to Bring about U.S. Informed That Adoula-Tshombe Talks at Katangese Reintegration Drafted during End due to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Tripartite Talks in London. Adoula's Refusal to Allow Katangese 0826 Incoming Telegram #2917. Fr: Edmund A. Delegation to Freely Circulate in Leopoldville. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0807 Incoming Telegram #2900. Fr: Edmund A. May 24, 1962. 5pp. JFK#20. C. 7/12/79. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Discussions with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille May 22, 1962. 1 p. JFK#11. C. 7/13/79. Adoula regarding Negotiations with Possibility That African Nations Might Aid Katangese President Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula in Security Measures Applied to Katangese Resolving Katanga Problem outside UN. Delegation. 0808 Incoming Telegram #2901. Fr: Edmund A. 0831 Incoming Telegram #3826. Fr: Adlai E. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. May 22, 1962. 3pp. JFK#12. C. 7/13/79. May 24,1962. 2pp. JFK#21. C. 7/12/79 IP. Gullion Meets with DRC Prime Minister Mediation by Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Cyrille Adoula regarding Breakdown of Talks Operations in DRC, in Adoula-Tshombe with Katangese President Moise Tshombe Negotiations and UN Efforts to Pressure due to Confinement of Katangese Settlement. Delegation. Congo/Reel 6 121 Frame Document Frame Document

0834 Outgoing Telegram #1978. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0847 Outgoing Telegram #1983. Fr: George W. To: U.S. Embassies, Leopoldviile and Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldviile and U.S. Brussels. Mission to UN. May 24, 1962. 2pp. JFK#22. LOU. May 25,1962. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 3/15/79. U.S. Position on Reintegration of Katanga U.S. Provides Information to UN regarding intoDRC. Mobil Corporation's Deadline for Paying Katangese Income Tax. 0836 Congo•Cables, May 25-29,1962. 0849 Incoming Telegram #2930. Fr: Edmund A. 0837 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0838 Incoming Telegram #2254. Fr: Douglas May 26,1962.1p.JFK#12. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Agenda for Talks between DRC Central May 25, 1962. 1 p. JFK#1. C. 3/15/79. Government and Katangese Delegation. DRC General Joseph Desires Mobutu 0850 Incoming Telegram #5689. Fr: James M. Ordered Not to Go to Brussels by DRC Prime Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Minister Cyrille Adoula. May 26,1962.1p. JFK#13. C. 6/86 IP. 0839 Incoming Telegram #2255. Fr: Douglas U.S. Discussions with French Foreign Office MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Officials regarding African Developments May 25, 1962. 1 p. JFK#2. C. 3/15/79. Including DRC. Belgian Foreign Office's Efforts to Reassure 0853 Incoming Telegram #5. Fr: [?] Simms. To: DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula to Dean Rusk. Improve Negotiating Position with Katangese May 26,1962.2pp. JFK#14. C. 3/15/79 IP. President Moise Tshombe. DRC Government Plans to Send 0840 Incoming Telegram #2921. Fr: Edmund A. Extraordinary Commission to Orientale Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Province. May 25, 1962. 1 p. JFK#3. C. 3/15/79. 0855 Incoming Telegram. Fr: U.S. Commander in Possible Meeting between General Joseph Chief, Europe. To: Joint Chiefs of Staff. Desiree Mobutu and U.S. Colonel [?] Greene May 26,1962. 3pp. JFK#15. C. 1/29/76. regarding Training of ANC. Situation Report on UN Congo Operations. 0841 Incoming Telegram #2925. Fr: Edmund A. 0858 Outgoing Telegram #3333. Fr: George W. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. May 25, 1962. 1 p. JFK#4. C. 3/15/79. May 25, 1962. 2pp. JFK#16. C. 3/15/79. U.S. Colonel [?] Greene Informed of DRC U.S. Request to Discuss DRC Situation with General Joseph Desiree Mobutu's Belgian Foreign Office. Cancellation of Trip to Brussels and London. 0860 Outgoing Telegram #3341. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0842 Incoming Telegram #2927. Fr: Edmund A. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. Gullion. To: Deán Rusk. May 23,1962. 2pp. JFK#17. C. 2/22/79. May 25, 1962. 1p. JFK#5. C. 3/15/79. U.S. State Department Pleased That Foreign UN Decides Not to Request U.S. Minister Paul-Henri Spaak Heading Belgian Globemaster Aircraft for Baluba Airlift in DRC. Delegation to UN General Assembly Debate 0843 Incoming Telegram #3776. Fr: [?] Timmons. on Ruanda Urundi [Rwanda-Burundi]. To: Dean Rusk. 0862 Incoming Telegram #2942. Fr: Edmund A. May 25, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 3/15/79. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Indian Brigadier Indar Jit Rikhye's Comments May 28,1962. 5pp. JFK#19. C. 2/22/79. on Situation in DRC. Adoula-Tshombe Negotiations Move Ahead 0845 Incoming Telegram #3831. Fr: Charles W. Following U.S. Pledge to Support UN Yost. To: Dean Rusk. Mediatory Efforts Even at Risk of Hostilities. May 25, 1962. 2pp. JFK#9. S. 3/15/79. 0867 Incoming Telegram #3838. Fr: Adlai E. Request from UN for Airlift of Thousand Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Pound Bombs from India for Use in DRC. May 28, 1962.1p. JFK#20. C. 2/22/79. Adoula-Tshombe Talks Proceeding Well but U.S. Urged to Reiterate Inducements to DRC Government.

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0868 Incoming Telegram #2276. Fr: Douglas 0891 Outgoing Telegram #2005. Fr: Dean Rusk. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassies, Leopoldville, Lagos, May 29,1962. 1 p. JFK#21. C. 2/22/79. London, Paris, Brussels, and New Delhi and Belgian Foreign Office Informed That U.S. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Had Told France about Tripartite London May 31,1962. 3pp. JFK#12. C. 11/8/79. Talks on DRC. Efforts to Nail down Agreement with 0869 Incoming Telegram #2948. Fr: Edmund A. Katangese President Moise Tshombe on Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Specific Issues in Katanga Reintegration May 29, 1962. 2pp. JFK#24. S. 2/22/79. Agreement. UN Contingency Plan of Operations in Katanga. 0894 Congo•Cables, June 1-7,1962. 0895 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. 0871 Congo•Cables, May 30-31,1962. 0898 Outgoing Telegram #2019. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0872 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0873 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#1. June 2,1962.1 p. JFK#15. OUO. 0874 Incoming Telegram #2951. Fr: Edmund A. "CBS Reports" Plans for Show on UN Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Operation in DRC. May 30,1962. 3pp. JFK#2. C. 11/8/79. 0899 Incoming Telegram #2982. Fr: Edmund A. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Informed Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. That U.S. Prepared to Give Full Support to June 4,1962.1p. JFK#16. LOU. UN Mediatory Efforts Even at Risk of Efforts by Norman Roberts, Attaché of U.S. Hostilities. Embassy, Leopoldville, to Report Killing of 0877 Incoming Telegram #2952. Fr: Edmund A. Burglar to Proper Authorities in DRC. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0900 Incoming Telegram #2989. Fr: Edmund A. May 30,1962. 3pp. JFK#3. C. 11/8/79. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Discussions regarding Mandate of Military June 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#17. LOU. Commission at Adoula-Tshombe Talks. Press Notified of Killing of Congolese Burglar 0880 Incoming Telegram #2954. Fr: Edmund A. by Norman Roberts, Attaché of U.S. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Embassy, Leopoldville. May 30,1962. 3pp. JFK#4. C. 11/8/79. 0902 Incoming Telegram #2994. Fr: Edmund A. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Satisfied Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. with Joint Communiqué with Katangese June 5,1962.1p. JFK#23. LOU. President Moise Tshombe on Katanga Katangese Delegation Fails to Appear for Reintegration. Adoula-Tshombe Talks Following Threats by 0883 Incoming Telegram #2960. Fr: Edmund A. Jason Sendwe to Arrest Katangese President Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Moise Tshombe. May 31,1962.1 p. JFK#5. C. 11 /8/79. Katangese Foreign Minister Evariste Kimba 0903 Congo•Cables, June 8-13,1962. Announces That Katangese Government 0904 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p: Refuses to Be Bound by Results of Adoula- 0905 Incoming Telegram #1793. Fr: Lewis Tshombe Talks. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. 0885 Incoming Telegram #2961. Fr: Edmund A. June 8,1962.1p. JFK#2. LOU. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Arrival of U.S. Student Group for Visit to May 31,1962. 4pp. JFK#6. C. 12/17/79 IP. Katanga without Proper DRC Government U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville's Comments on Visas. Recommendations on DRC Contained in 0906 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Harlan Cleveland's Report. McGeorge Bundy. 0889 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#8. JuneS, 1962.1 p. JFK#3. 0890 Incoming Telegram #3107. Fr: Llewellyn E. Memoranda on Union Miniere du Haut Thompson. To: Dean Rusk. Katanga Dividend Payments and DRC May 31, 1962. 1p. JFK#9. C. 12/17/79 IP. Legislation regarding Katangese Companies. USSR's Reaction to News of Agreement in Adoula-Tshombe Talks. 0907 Congo•Cables, June 14-15,1962. 0908 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp.

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0910 Incoming Telegram #3056. Fr: Edmund A. 0928 Incoming Telegram #27. Fr: Douglas Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. June 14,1962.1 p. JFK#3. July 5,1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Passage of Budget by DRC Parliament Belgian Cours de Cassation [Court of Final Shows Support for Prime Minister Cyrille Appeal] Gives No Official Answer to DRC Adoula's Efforts to Curb Government Government Request to Handle Trial of Expenditures. Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga. 0911 Outgoing Telegram #2115. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0929 Outgoing Telegram #32. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. June 15, 1962. 1p. JFK#26. LOU. July 6,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Questions by Thomas J. Dodd regarding U.S. Unable to Issue Purchase Security of Katangese President Moise Authorizations for Corn Requested by DRC Tshombe during Talks in Leopoldville with Government to Meet Shortage in Kasai DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Province.

0912 Congo•Cables, June 16-20,1962. 0931 Congo•Cables, July 7-15,1962. 0913 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. 0932 Withdrawal Sheets. 4pp. 0915 Incoming Telegram #3073. Fr: Edmund A. 0936 Incoming Telegram #70. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. June 16,1962. 1p.JFK#3. July 9, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Delegations at Adoula-Tshombe Talks Decide DRC Government Requests for U.S. Corn, to Temporarily Suspend Consideration of Feed Grains, and Tobacco. Monetary Commission Mandate. 0937 Incoming Telegram #57. Fr: Lewis Hoffacker. 0916 Incoming Telegram #3100. Fr: Edmund A. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. July 9,1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. June 20, 1962. 2pp. JFK#25. LOU. Former U.S. Congressman Don Jackson U.S. Note to Katangese Foreign Minister Arrives in Katanga to Prepare Radio and Evariste Kimba regarding Orders to Television Program for Station KIEV. Discontinue Plans to Open U.S. Information 0938 Incoming Telegram #87. Fr: Edmund A. Service Cultural and Information Center in Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Elisabethville. July 11, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. List Containing Names of New DRC Cabinet 0918 Congo•Cables, July 1-6,1962. Officials. 0919 Withdrawal Sheets. 5pp. 0940 Incoming Telegram #58. Fr: Douglas 0925 Incoming Telegram #14. Fr: Lewis Hoffacker. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. July 11, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/86. July 2, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. Current Thinking within Union Miniere du Katangese President Moise Tshombe Offers Haut Katanga and Société Generale on to Name Katangese Members of Military, DRC. Monetary, and Economic Commissions as 0943 Incoming Telegram #115. Fr: Edmund A. Soon as UN Guarantees Received. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0926 Incoming Telegram #3. Fr: W. Wendell July 14, 1962.1p.JFK#NA. Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Submits July 2, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. New Cabinet for Parliamentary Approval. Blancke Requests Additional Staffing to Provide Personnel and Material for Support 0944 Congo•Cables, July 16-23,1962. of Expanded AID Programs in Congo 0945 Withdrawal Sheets. 4pp. (Brazzaville). 0949 Incoming Telegram #24. Fr: [?] Kellermann. 0927 Incoming Telegram #1. Fr: Douglas To: Dean Rusk. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. July 16, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. July 2, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. Discussions with Swiss Officials regarding DRC Foreign Minister Justin Bomboko's DRC Situation, Bond Purchase, and Larger Estimated Time of Arrival in . Aspects of UN Africa Policy.

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0950 Incoming Telegram #148. Fr: Edmund A. 0967 Outgoing Telegram #107. Fr: George W. Ball. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. July 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. July 20, 1962. 5pp. JFK#NA. Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in U.S. Arrangements to Supply Petroleum to DRC, Reports That Two Deaths Have Been DRC. Reported at Katanga Roadblock. 0972 Incoming Telegram #155. Fr: Lewis 0952 Incoming Telegram #149. Fr: Edmund A. Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. July 21,1962.1p.JFK#NA. July 17, 1962. 3pp. JFKäNA^ Major Points Raised at Katangese President UN Press Release regarding Deaths of Two Moise Tshombe's Press Conference. Civilians Killed at Roadblock in Katanga. 0973 Incoming Telegram #159. Fr: Lewis 0955 Outgoing Telegram #75. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. July 23,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. July 17,1962.1p.JFK#NA. Inaccuracies in Memorandum of U.S. State Department Press Statement Conversation between Katangese President regarding Incident at UN Roadblock in Moise Tshombe and Indian Brigadier Indar Jit Katanga in Which Two Civilians Were Killed. Rikhye Published by Tshombe's Office. 0956 Incoming Telegram #162. Fr: Charles W. 0974 Outgoing Telegram #50. Fr: George W. Ball. Yost. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Consulate, Salisbury. July 17,1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. July 23,1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. U.S. Inquiry regarding Report That Irish UN Sir Roy Welensky, Prime Minister of Troops Had Been Dispatched to Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Elisabethville in Katanga. Informed of U.S. Policy on DRC Unity. 0957 Incoming Telegram #127. Fr: Lewis Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. 0975 Congo•Cables, July 24-31,1962. July 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. 0976 Withdrawal Sheets. 4pp. Letter from Katangese President Moise , 0980 Incoming Telegram #210. Fr: George Tshombe Protesting Incident at UN McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. Roadblock in Katanga in Which Two Civilians July 24,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Were Killed. DRC Expects to Apply for Election to ICAO 0959 Incoming Telegram #112. Fr: Douglas [International Civil Aviation Organization?] MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Council. . July 18,1962. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/86. 0981 incoming Telegram #163. Fr: Lewis U.S. Discussions with Representatives of Hoffacker. To: Dean Rusk. Union Miniere du Haut Katanga and Société July 24,1962. 1p.JFK#NA. Generale regarding Situation in DRC and Major Points Raised at Katangese President Katanga Reintegration. Moise Tshombe's Press Conference. 0964 Incoming Telegram #172. Fr: Edmund A. 0982 Incoming Telegram #324. Fr: David K. E. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. July 19,1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. July 24,1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Gullion's Plans to Leave DRC for U.S. British Foreign Office Expresses Regrets 0965 Department of State Airgram #A-26. Fr: over Statement Made by Sir Roy Welensky, Lewis Hoffacker. Tb: State Department. Prime Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and July 20,1962.1p.JFK#NA. Nyasaland, regarding U.S. State Department Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Spokesman Lincoln White. Remarks at Funeral for Victims of Incident at 0983 Incoming Telegram #351. Fr: David K. E. UN Roadblock on July 17, 1962. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. 0966 Outgoing Telegram #99. Fr: George W. Ball. July 25,1962.1p.JFK#NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. British Press Reports on Plan for Putting July 20, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Economic Pressure on Katangese President U.S. Amends Existing Title I Agreement to Moise Tshombe's Government. Provide Ten Thousand Tons of Corn Requested by DRC Government.

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0984 Incoming Telegram #228. Fr: George 1004 Congo•Cables, August 1-6,1962. McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. 1005 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. July 26, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. 1008 Incoming Telegram #218. Fr: Lewis British Foreign Office Asks for U;S. Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. Assistance with Plans to Issue Sequel to August 2, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/86. White Paper on Katanga. Court Case by DRC Government against 0986 Outgoing Telegram #156. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Could Push U.S. Embassy, Brussels. Katangese President Moise Tshombe toward July 26, 1962. 5pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Political Settlement. Text of UN Secretary General U Thant's 1010 Incoming Telegram #201. Fr: [?] McKillop. To: Statement to Congo Advisory Committee. Dean Rusk. 0991 Incoming Telegram #184. Fr: Lewis August 2, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/86. Hoff acker. To: Dean Rusk. Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Officials July 27, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/86. Express Satisfaction with DRC Prime Maurice Van Weyenbergh, Chief Union Minister Cyrille Adoula's Announcement Miniere Officer in Katanga, Urges Katangese regarding Federal Constitution for DRC. President Moise Tshombe to Resume 1012 Outgoing Telegram #185. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Negotiations with DRC Government. U.S. Embassies, Leopoldville and Dakar. 0993 Incoming Telegram #167. Fr: [?] McKillop. To: August 2, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Dean Rusk. U.S. Attempts to Verify Rwandan Foreign July 27, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 3/86. Minister's Arrival Date in U.S. Possible Lawsuit by DRC Government 1013 Incoming Telegram #305. Fr: George against Union Miniere du Haut Katanga. McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. 0994 Outgoing Telegram #158. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: August 4, 1962.1p.JFK#NA. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Adjournment of DRC Parliament. July 27, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. 1015 Outgoing Telegram #218. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. State Department Agrees to Provide U.S. Embassy, Brussels. Documentation Requested by British Foreign August 5,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/86. Office for White Paper on Katanga. U.S. Expresses Hope That Union Miniere du 0995 Incoming Telegram #184. Fr: [?] McKillop. To: Haut Katanga Will Continue to Resist Dean Rusk. Katangese Pressure for Advance Payment of July 30, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/86. Foreign Exchange. Possibility That Belgian Cours de Cassation [Court of Final Appeal] Might Be Implicated in 1016 Congo•Cables, August 7-9,1962. Congolese Decision to Sue Union Miniere du 1017 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Haut Katanga. 1020 Department of State Airgram #A-48. Fr: 0997 Incoming Telegram #290. Fr: Charles W. George McMurtrie Godley. To: State Yost. To: Dean Rusk. Department. July 30, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. LOU. August 7, 1962. 7pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Letter from DRC Foreign Minister Justin Possible U.S. Labor Assistance Programs in Bomboko to UN Secretary General U Thant DRC. Requesting Appointment of Team of Jurists to 1027 Incoming Telegram #229. Fr: [?] McKillop. To: Aid with Congo Constitution. Dean Rusk. 1000 Incoming Telegram #292. Fr: Charles W. August 7, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/86. Yost. To: Dean Rusk. Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Issues Press July 30, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Release Explaining Nature of Agreement DRC Financial Controls. Imposed on Company by Katanga. 1002 Incoming Telegram #269. Fr: George 1030 Outgoing Telegram #229. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: McMurtrie Godley. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Embassy, Brussels. July 31, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. August 7, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/86. Letter from DRC Foreign Minister Justin Union Miniere du Haut Katanga's Decision to Bomboko to UN Secretary General U Thant Make Foreign Exchange Payments to Requesting Appointment of Team of Jurists to Katangese Government in Advance of Aid with Congo Constitution. Mineral Sales.

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1032 Incoming Telegram #326. Fr: Edmund A. 1047 Outgoing Telegram #379. Fr: George W. Ball. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Mission to UN. August 8, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. August 15,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Political Committee of DRC Cabinet UN Reply to Thomas J. Dodd's Inquiry Approves Federal Constitution Proposed by regarding UN Refusal to Allow Missionaries UN. to Fly Supplies to Outlying Stations in 1033 Incoming Telegram #327. Fr: Edmund A. Katanga. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. August 8, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. 1050 Congo•Cables, August 16-21,1962. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Releases 1051 Withdrawal Sheets. 4pp. Three Communiqués on Activities of Political 1055 Incoming Telegram #388. Fr: Edmund A. Committee of DRC Cabinet. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 1035 Incoming Telegram #224. Fr: [?] Dean. To: August 16,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Dean Rusk. DRC Officials to Attend World Bank and Augusts, 1962. 1p.JFK#NA. International Monetary Fund (IMF) DRC Government Forbids Commercial Firms Conference in Washington, D.C. to Operate Simultaneously in DRC and 1056 Incoming Telegram #282. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Katanga and Cuts off Katanga's Dean Rusk. Telecommunications with Outside World. August 16,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. 1036 Incoming Telegram #243. Fr: [?] Dean. To: U.S. Attempts to Obtain Permission from Dean Rusk. DRC Government to Allow Missionary Pilot August 8,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. Paul Alexander to Land at Specified Mission Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Announces Stations in Katanga. Payment of Advanced Export Duties to 1058 Press Release. Fr: Paris AFP. To: NA. Katangese Authorities. August 16,1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. European Mercenary Killed in Fighting 1037 Congo•Cables, August 10-15,1962. between Katanga Gendarmes and ANC. 1038 Withdrawal Sheets. 5pp. 1059 Outgoing Telegram #227. Fr: George W. Ball. 1043 Incoming Telegram #253. Fr: [?] Dean. To: To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Dean Rusk. August 16,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. August 10, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. LOU. Mobil Oil Corporation Decides Not to Form Telecommunications Offices in Brussels and Katanga Subsidiary. Usumbura Refuse to Accept Outgoing 1060 Incoming Telegram #286. Fr: [?] McKillop. To: Telegrams from Katanga. Deah Rusk. 1044 Incoming Telegram #263. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Letters from DRC Interior Minister Cleophas Dean Rusk. Kamitatu to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille August 11, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Adoula regarding Taking Action to Terminate Information Received by Elisabethville Post Katangese Secession by Arresting Office in Katanga Indicates That Brussels Katangese President Moise Tshombe and Will Accept Katangese Outgoing Telegrams His Delegation. for Leopoldville. 1061 Incoming Telegram #429. Fr: Edmund A. 1045 Incoming Telegram #771. Fr: James M. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. August 21.1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. August 13, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. DRC Government Orders Halt to All Travel Plans of George W. Ball. Unauthorized Flights in Katanga Including 1046 Outgoing Telegram #169. Fr: George W. Ball. Those by Missionary Pilots. To: U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. 1062 Outgoing Telegram #421. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: August 15,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. U.S. Mission to UN and U.S. Embassy, Thomas J. Dodd Receives Letter from Leopoldville. Missionary Pilot Paul Alexander Complaining August 21,1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. of UN Refusal to Allow Missionaries to Fly UN Reply to Thomas J. Dodd's Letter Supplies to Outlying Stations in Katanga. regarding Halting of Missionary Flights in Katanga.

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1063 Congo•Cables, August 22-26,1962. 1085 Incoming Telegram #501. Fr: Edmund A. 1064 Withdrawal Sheets. 4pp. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 1068 Outgoing Telegram #204. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: August 29, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. DRC Government White Paper on Katanga. August 20,1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. LOU. 1086 Incoming Telegram #345. Fr: [?] Dean. To: G. Mennen Williams's Message to Bishop [?] Dean Rusk. Booth regarding UN Reconciliation Proposal August 29, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. for DRC. Protests by Katangese Red Cross and 1069 Incoming Telegram #446. Fr: Edmund A. Doctors regarding UN Suspension of Red Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Cross Mercy Flights in Katanga. August 24,1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. 1087 Incoming Telegram #358. Fr: Douglas Congo Press Agency Interview with MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Imprisoned DRC Secessionist Leader August 29,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/86. Antoine Gizenga. Discussions with Herman Robiliart, Managing 1070 Outgoing Telegram #207. Fr: George W. Ball. Director of Union Miniere du Haut Katanga, To: U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. regarding Support for UN Plan for National August 24,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Reconciliation in DRC. "Message May Be Delivered Now." 1089 Incoming Telegram #415. Fr: Walter P. 1071 Outgoing Telegram #331. Fr: George W. Ball. McConaughy. To: Dean Rusk. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. August 29, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. August 25,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. Pakistan Agrees to Issue Statement in UN Secretary General U Thant's Plan for Support of UN Secretary General U Thant's Peaceful Settlement to DRC Problem. DRC Peace Plan. 1073 Outgoing Telegram #333. Fr: George W. Ball. 1090 Incoming Telegram #506. Fr: Edmund A. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. August 25, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. August 30, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Suggestion That Embassies Contact Host DRC Foreign Minister Justin Bomboko to Governments regarding Issuing Statement in Participate as Observer at UAM Conference Support of UN Secretary General U Thant's at , Gabon. DRC Peace Plan. 1091 Incoming Telegram #351. Fr: [?] Dean. To: 1074 Incoming Telegram #468. Fr: Edmund A. Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. August 30,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. August 26,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. Letter from UN Representative Eliud Wambe DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Mathu to Katangese Foreign Minister Statement on UN Secretary General U Evariste Kimba Attempting to Correct Thant's Congo Peace Plan. Misconceptions regarding UN's DRC 1076 Incoming Telegram #326. Fr: [?] McNamara. National Reconciliation Plan. To: Dean Rusk. 1092 Outgoing Telegram #383. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: August 26,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. U.S. Embassies, Brussels and London. Major Points of Katangese Foreign Minister August 30, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/86. Evariste Kimba's Letter to UN Secretary U.S. Expresses Appreciation to Union General U Thant concerning DRC National Miniere du Haut Katanga for Its Support of Reconciliation Plan. UN Secretary General U Thant's DRC Peace Plan. 1078 Congo•Cables, August 27-31,1962. 1079 Withdrawal Sheets. 5pp. 1084 Incoming Telegram #470. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. August 27,1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. Proposed Visit to DRC by Senator Allen J. Eilender of Louisiana.

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Reel 7 0023 Press Release. Fr: Lisbon International Service. To: NA. Congo•Cables cont. September 4, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. Portuguese Press Reports DRC Government Source and Editorial Note. 1p. Offer to Render Assistance in Their Territory Folder Title List. 9pp. to Terrorists Planning to Attack Angolan 0001 Congo•Cables, Hoffacker Mission, Frontier. August 1962. 0003 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. 0024 Congo•Cables, September 6-9, 1962. 0005 Congo•Cables, September 1-5, 0025 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. 1962. 0028 Incoming Telegram #401. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Dean Rusk. 0006 Withdrawal Sheets. 5pp. September 6,1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. 0011 Incoming Telegram #372. Fr: [?] Dean. Katangese Press Communiqué regarding To: Dean Rusk. Plans to Transfer ANC Troops to Kamina September 1,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/86. Base Shortly before Planned Visit by Directors of Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Katangese President Moise Tshombe. Express Hope That Katangese President 0029 Incoming Telegram #396. Fr: Douglas Moise Tshombe Will Accept UN DRC Peace MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Plan and Indicate Their Support for It. September 6, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. 0014 Incoming Telegram #373. Fr: [?] Dean. David K. Tshombe, Brother of Katangese To: Dean Rusk. President Moise Tshombe, Visits Brussels to September 2,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/86. Look up Names of Suppliers of Textile Discussions with Directors of Union Miniere Spinning Mill Equipment. du Haut Katanga regarding Company's 0030 Incoming Telegram #412. Fr: [?] Dean. Financial State and Shutdown of Katangese To: Dean Rusk. Production Facilities. September 7.1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. 0017 Incoming Telegram #535. Fr: Edmund A. Letter from Katangese President Moise Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Tshombe Asking U.S. to Guarantee Fair September 3,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. Application of UN Plan for DRC National Letter from Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Reconciliation. Operations in DRC, to Kantangese Foreign 0032 Incoming Telegram #421. Fr: [?] Dean. Minister Evariste Kimba regarding Decision To: Dean Rusk. to Place ANC Troops under UN Command. September 8,1962.4pp. JFK#NA. OUO. 0019 Incoming Telegram #378. Fr: [?] Dean. Letter from Katangese President Moise To: Dean Rusk. Tshombe Protesting Arrival of ANC Troops at September 3,1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Kamina Base Shortly before His Visit. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Makes Positive Response to UN Secretary General U Thant's DRC Peace Plan. 0036 Congo•Cables, October 1-2,1962. 0037 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. 0020 Incoming Telegram #654. Fr: [?] Noyes. 0038 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#1. To: Dean Rusk. 0039 Incoming Telegram #783. Fr: Edmund A. Septembers, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Press Statement on Katangese Response to October 1,1962. 4pp. JFK#1a. S. 9/12/78. UN Secretary General U Thant's DRC Peace Arrangements for Meeting between Robert Plan. Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in DRC, 0022 Incoming Telegram #392. Fr: [?] Dean. and Katangese President Moise Tshombe To: Dean Rusk. and Possible Use of DRC Prime Minister September 4, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Cyrille Adoula's Letters on Revenue Discussion regarding Katangese President Payments. Moise Tshombe's Letter to John F. Kennedy, Dated December 14,1961.

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0043 Incoming Telegram #785. Fr: Edmund A. 0054 Incoming Telegram #535. Fr: [?] Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 1, 1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 9/12/78. October 1,1962. 1p. JFK#11. LOU. Discussions with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille U.S. Gives Katangese President Moise Adoula regarding Implications of Arrest of ex- Tshombe Letter of Assurance regarding UN's King Albert Kalonji in South Kasai Province. DRC Peace Plan. 0044 Incoming Telegram #786. Fr: Edmund A. 0055 Incoming Telegram #986. Fr: Adlai E. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. October 1, 1962.1p. JFK#3. C. 9/12/78. October 1,1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 9/12/78. U.S. Recommends That Federal Republic of UN Requests U.S. Assistance in Obtaining Germany Not Participate in Assurances Import Credits for DRC Government's Import regarding Execution of UN Peace Plan for Program. DRC. 0057 Outgoing Telegram #531. Fr: George W. Ball. 0045 Incoming Telegram #787. Fr: Edmund A. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 1,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. C. 9/12/78. October 1, 1962. 1p. JFK#4. C. 9/12/78. U.S. to Discuss Reopening of Lubilash DRC Government Military Operations in Bridge and DRC National Route with South Kasai Province. Katangese President Moise Tshombe. 0046 Incoming Telegram #788. Fr: Edmund A. 0059 Outgoing Telegram #532. Fr: George W. Ball. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. October 1, 1962. 1p. JFK#5. C. 9/12/78. October 1,1962.1p. JFK#14. C. 9/12/78. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville Recommends Decision to Hold up Implementation of Reconsideration of Decision to Temporarily Greene Plan in DRC Does Not Affect Impact Halt Delivery of Impact Shipment for Greene Shipment. Plan. 0060 Incoming Telegram #790. Fr: Edmund A. 0047 Incoming Telegram #529. Fr: [?] Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 2, 1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 9/1278. October 1, 1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 9/12/78. Significant Expected Effects if DRC Possibility That Military Force Might Be Used Government's Bakwanga Operations Prove to Pressure Katangese President Moise Successful. Tshombe into Settlement of Katanga 0061 Incoming Telegram #791. Fr: Edmund A. Reintegration Issue. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0049 Incoming Telegram #530. Fr: [?] Dean. October 2, 1962. 1p. JFK#16. C. 9/12/78. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Decides to Postpone Delivery of Impact October 1, 1962. 2pp. JFK#7. OUO. Shipment for DRC until after Rotation of UN Letter from Katangese Foreign Minister Swedish Troops. Evariste Kimba regarding Examination of 0062 Incoming Telegram #538. Fr: [?] Dean. Draft of DRC Federal Constitution. To: Dean Rusk. 0051 Incoming Telegram #531. Fr: [?] Dean. October 2, 1962.1p. JFK#17. C. 9/12/78. To: Dean Rusk. Union Miniere du Haut Katanga's Payment of DRC Minister Joseph Ngalula Seeks Meeting Export Taxes to Katangese Government. with Katangese Minister [?] Yav to Discuss 0064 Incoming Telegram #83. Fr: [?] Flenner. Implementation of UN Peace Plan. To: Dean Rusk. 0052 Incoming Telegram #532. Fr: [?] Dean. October 2, 1962. 1p. JFK#20. C. 9/12/78. To: Dean Rusk. German Consul Provides Information on October 1, 1962.1p. JFK#9. LOU. Buildup of Airplanes by Katangese U.S. Utilizes Figures on Stockpiles of Cobalt Government. and Tarrtalite with Effect in Discussions with 0065 Outgoing Telegram #534. Fr: Dean Rusk. Katangese Government. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0053 Incoming Telegram #534. Fr: [?] Dean. October 1, 1962.1p. JFK#21. C. 9/12/78. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Views on Federal Republic of October 1, 1962. 1p. JFK#10. OUO. Germany's Participation in Assurances to Katangese Press Comments on Case of Katangese President Moise Tshombe Black Mississippi Student James Meredith as regarding UN's DRC Peace Plan. Reflection of State of Civil Rights in U.S.

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0066 Congo•Cables, October 3-4,1962. 0081 Incoming Telegram #541. Fr: Douglas 0067 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 0069 Incoming Telegram #796. Fr: Edmund A. October 3,1962.1p. JFK#9a. S. 3/27/78. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Discussion regarding Weakness of Plan to Octobers, 1962.1 p. JFK#1. Have Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Make George C. McGhee's Departure for Payments to DRC Central Government and Elisabethville in Katanga. Remit 50 Percent of Revenues Promptly. 0070 Incoming Telegram #800. Fr: Edmund A. 0082 Incoming Telegram #811. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 3,1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 3/27/78. October 4, 1962.1p. JFK#10. C. 3/27/78. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula to Discussions between UN Military Forces and Request That Neighboring Countries Help to U.S. Air Force Personnel regarding Need for Control Smuggling and Arms Traffic. Adequate Perimeters and Lack of Agreement 0071 Incoming Telegram #806. Fr: Edmund A. with Katanga to Limit Patrols. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0083 Incoming Telegram #812. Fr: Edmund A. October 3,1962. 1 p. JFK#3. C. 1 /25/79 IP. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. UN Ordinance Signed by DRC President Octobers 1962.1p. JFK#11. C. 1/25/79 IP. Joseph Kasavubu Provides Legal Backing for DRC Opposition to Federal Constitution Requirement That Union Miniere du Haut Supported by Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula. Katanga Pay Customs Duties to DRC Central 0084 Incoming Telegram #814. Fr: Edmund A. Government. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0072 Incoming Telegram #807. Fr: Edmund A. October 4, 1962.1p. JFK#12. C. 3/27/78. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. DRC Monetary Council Concludes October 3, 1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 3/27/78. Arrangement with Leading Exporters Principal Advantages Gained by DRC Returning 20 Percent of Exchange Earnings Government "Coup" in South Kasai Province. to Cover Invisible Payments. 0074 Incoming Telegram #808. Fr: Edmund A. 0085 Incoming Telegram #815. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 3,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. S. 3/27/78. October 4, 1962.1p. JFK#13. C. 3/27/78. Newly Appointed Soviet Ambassador to DRC Specujation concerning Whereabouts and [?] Nemchina Expresses Doubts regarding Condition of ex-King Albert Kalonji Following Execution of UN Secretary General U Thant's His Arrest by DRC Government. DRC Peace Plan. 0086 Incoming Telegram #816. Fr: Edmund A. 0076 Incoming Telegram #539. Fr: [?] Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 4, 1962. 6pp. JFK#14. S. 3/27/78. October 3,1962. 1p. JFK#6. 1/25/79 IP. Discussions between George C. McGhee Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Promises to and DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Use Influence to Get Katangese to Present regarding McGhee's Trip to Katanga to Meet Full Figures on Economic Situation to with Katangese President Moise Tshombe. Commission. 0092 Routing Slip. 1p.JFK#15. 0077 Incoming Telegram #1041. Fr: Adlai E. 0093 Incoming Telegram #541. Fr: [?] Dean. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. Octobers, 1962.1p. JFK#7. C. 1/25/79 IP. October 4, 1962. 4pp. JFK#15a. C. 3/27/78. Katangese Refuse to Cooperate with Efforts George C. McGhee's Report on His Arrival in to Move Ahead with Implementation of UN's Katanga and Meeting with Katangese DRC Peace Plan. President Moise Tshombe. 0078 Incoming Telegram #1047. Fr: Adlai E. 0097 Incoming Telegram.#542. Fr: [?] Dean. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 3, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. NA. IP. October 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#16. C. 3/27/78. UN Secretary General U Thant's Views on George C. McGhee Briefed by UN Officials DRC Situation. on Military Situation in Katanga and 0080 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#9. Katangese Efforts to Delay and Obstruct Implementation of DRC Peace Plan.

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0099 Incoming Telegram #543. Fr: [?] Dean. 0117 Incoming Telegram #821. Fr: Edmund A. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 4, ,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/25/79 IP. October 5, 1962.1p. JFK#2. OUO. Discussions regarding Katangese Military DRC Government's Net Foreign Exchange Buildup and Negotiations on Implementation Reserves. of UN's DRC Peace Plan, 0118 Incoming Telegram #822. Fr: Edmund A. 0100 Incoming Telegram #545. Fr: [?] Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 5,1962.1p. JFK#3. C. 3/22/78. October 4,1962. 5pp. JFK#18. C. 3/27/78. New DRC Ordinance regarding Customs Meeting between Katangese President Moise Treatment of Katangese Exports and Tshombe and George C. McGhee regarding Imports. U.S. Interest in Resolving Problem of 0119 Incoming Telegram #823. Fr: Edmund A. Katanga Reintegration. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0105 Incoming Telegram #1067. Fr: Adlai E. October 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 3/22/78. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Discussions regarding Adoula-Tshombe October 4," 1962. 1p. JFK#19. C. 3/27/78. Negotiations and Position of Union Miniere Discussions between UN and Belgian du Haut Katanga. Government regarding DRC Legislation 0121 Incoming Telegram #824. Fr: Edmund A. Requiring Mining Companies to Pay All Taxes Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. to Congolese Central Government. October 5, 1962. 3pp. JFK#5. C. 3/22/78. 0106 Incoming Telegram #1069. Fr: Adlai E. Report on Results of DRC Government Coup Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. against ex-King Albert Kalonji Regime in October 4, 1962. 1p. JFK#20. C. 1/25/78 IP. South Kasai Province. Meetings between UN Officials and 0124 Incoming Telegram #825. Fr: Edmund A. Katangese President Moise Tshombe. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0107 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#22. October 5,1962.4pp. JFK#6. C. 2/17/78. 0108 Outgoing Telegram #348. Fr: George W. Ball. DRC Monetary Council Controls on Foreign To: U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Exchange and Revenue. October 4,1962. 1 p. JFK#22a. NA. 3/27/78. 0128 Incoming Telegram #546. Fr: [?] Dean. Possiblity That DRC Prime Minister Cyrille To: Dean Rusk. Adoula Might Veto Proposal to Send UN October 5,1962.1p. JFK#7. C. 2/17/78. Consultant to Advise Katangese Authorities UN Representative Ralph Bunche's Concern on Constitutional Problems. regarding George C. McGhee's Visit to 0109 Outgoing Telegram #548. Fr: George W. Ball. Katanga to Meet with Katangese President To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Moise Tshombe. October 4, 1962. 1 p. JFK#24. C. 3/27/78. 0129 Incoming Telegram #547. Fr: [?] Dean. U.S. Offers Mine Detection Equipment to UN To: Dean Rusk. Forces in Elisabethville to Counteract October 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 2/17/78. Katangese Use of Antipersonnel Mines. Report on Meeting between George C. 0110 Outgoing Telegram #869. Fr: George W. Ball. McGhee and Katangese President Moise To: U.S. Mission to UN. Tshombe regarding Background of October 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#25. C. 1/25/79. Katangese Case and Tshombe's Anti- U.S. State Department Approves of Proposal Communist Campaign. for Greater Participation by Moderate African 0131 Incoming Telegram #548. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Nations of Nigeria and Liberia in Support of Dean Rusk. DRC Settlement. October 5,1962.4pp. JFK#9. C. 2/17/78. George C. McGhee Meets with Members of 0112 Congo•Cables, October 5,1962. European Community in Katanga to Discuss 0113 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Their Attitudes and Problems. 0116 Incoming Telegram #818. Fr: Edmund A. 0135 Incoming Telegram #549. Fr: [?] Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. Octobers, 1962. 1p.JFK#1. October 5,1962. 3pp. JFK#10. C. 2/17/78. DRC Government Requests Additional George C. McGhee's Discussions with Supplies of Tobacco from U.S. European Community in Katanga regarding Problems of Division of Foreign Exchange.

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0138 Incoming Telegram #1092. Fr: Adlai E. 0152 Incoming Telegram #827. Fr: Edmund A. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 5, 1962. 1 p. JFK#11. C. 2/17/78. October 6, 1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 3/17/78. UN Secretary General U Thant's Reaction to U.S. State Department Assesses Possible New British Appeal to Katangese President Action with respect to Michel Struelens, Moise Tshombe and His Preparation for Director of Katanga Information Service. Report to UN Security Council. 0153 Incoming Telegram #828. Fr: Edmund A. 0139 Incoming Telegram #187. Fr: W. Wendell Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. October 6,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 3/17/78. October 5, 1962. 1p. JFK#12. C. 2/17/78. Main Points of DRC Prime Minister Cyrille U.S. Government Gives Gift of Five Adoula's Instructions to DRC Minister Joseph Thousand Dollars to Congolese (Brazzaville) Ngalula. People through American Red Cross for 0155 Incoming Telegram #829. Fr: Edmund A. Refugee Aid. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0140 Incoming Telegram #556. Fr: Douglas October 6, 1962. 3pp. JFK#4. C. 3/17/78. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Possible DRC Request for Direct U.S. October 5, 1962. 1p. JFK#13. C. 2/17/78. Military Aid. U.S. Gives Belgian Foreign Minister Paul- 0158 Routing Slip. 1p.JFK#7. Henri Spaak Access to George, C. McGhee's 0159 Incoming Telegram #551. Fr: [?] Dean. Remarks to Katangese President Moise To: Dean Rusk. Tshombe. October 6, 1962.2pp. JFK#8. C. 3/17/78. 0141 Incoming Telegram #563. Fr: Douglas Chief of UN Operations in DRC Robert MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Gardiner's Talks with Katangese President October 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#14. C. 2/17/78. Moise Tshombe regarding Steps Being Taken Role of Union Miniere du Haut Katanga in to Implement UN's DRC Peace Plan. Solution to DRC Problem. 0161 Incoming Telegram #533. Fr: [?] Dean. 0143 Incoming Telegram #237. Fr: [?] Cyr. To: To: Dean Rusk. Dean Rusk. October 6, 1962.4pp. JFK#10. C. 3/17/78. October 5, 1962. 1 p. JFK#15. Discussions between Katangese President Remarks on DRC Situation by Mahmoud Moise Tshombe and U.S. Consul, Khiari, Former Chief of UN Civilian Elisabethville regarding UN's DRC Peace Operations in Congo. Plan. 0144 State Department Intelligence Note. Fr: 0165 Incoming Telegram #554. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Roger Hilsman. To: Acting Secretary of State. Dean Rusk. October 5,1962.1p. JFK#16. C. 2/17/78. October 6,1962.5pp. JFK#11. C. 3/17/78. USSR Offers to Help DRC with Katanga U.S. Efforts to Inspire Katangese President Reintegration. Moise Tshombe's Confidence in New Draft of 0145 CIA Information Report #TDCS-3/524,506. DRC Constitution and UN's DRC Peace Fr: CIA. To: NA. Plan. October 5, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/27/79 0170 Incoming Telegram #1108. Fr: Adlai E. IP. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Katangese Political Attitudes. October 6, 1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 3/17/78. 0147 Outgoing Telegram #357. Fr: George W. Ball. Reaction of Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN To: U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. Operations in DRC, to Meeting with October 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#21. C. 2/17/78. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Letter from Thomas J. Dodd Requesting regarding DRC Peace Plan. Assurances That Michel Struelens, Director 0172 Outgoing Telegram #599. Fr: George W. Ball. of Katanga Information Service, Will Be To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. Allowed Back into U.S. Following Visit to October 5, 1962.1p. JFK#13. C. 3/17/78. Katanga for Consultations with Katangese U.S. State Department Agrees to Make President Moise Tshombe. George C. McGhee's Remarks to Katangese President Moise Tshombe Available to 0149 Congo•Cables, October 6-7,1962. Belgian Government. 0150 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp.

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0173 Incoming Telegram #832. Fr: Edmund A. 0199 Incoming Telegram #842. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 7,1962. 4pp. JFK#14. C. 3/17/78. October 8,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 2/17/78. Intrigue by Katangese President Moise Dilemma for U.S. State Department Posed by Tshombe to Set up Series of Tribal Fiefs in Director of Katanga Information Service DRC Dominated by Himself. Michel Struelens' Case. 0177 Incoming Telegram #N-23-62. Fr: U.S. Naval 0201 Incoming Telegram #843. Fr: Edmund A. Attaché, Leopoldville. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 5,1962.2pp. JFK#15. C. 12/1/78. October 8,1962. 1p. JFK#5. C. 2/17/78. Condition of DRC Inland River Navigation Arrangements for DRC Vice Premier Jason System. Sendwe's Visit to U.S. 0179 Incoming Telegram #556. Fr: [?] Dean. 0202 Incoming Telegram #845. Fr: Edmund A. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 7,1962. 6pp. JFK#16. C. 3/17/78. October 8,1962. 4pp. JFK#6. C. 2/17/78. U.S. Discussions with Katangese President U.S. Evaluation of Katangese President Moise Tshombe regarding Suggestions to Moise Tshombe's Agreement to Begin Give Evidence of His Intentions to Implement Implementation of UN's National UN's DRC Peace Plan. Reconciliation Plan for DRC. 0185 Incoming Telegram #557. Fr: [?] Dean. 0206 Incoming Telegram #559. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 7,1962. 2pp. JFK#17. LOU. October 8, 1962. 3pp. JFK#7. C. 2/17/78. Text of Cease-fire Agreement between DRC Katangese President Moise Tshombe and Katanga. Discusses Grievances at Dinner Party Given 0187 Incoming Telegram #558. Fr: [?] Dean. for George C. McGhee. To: Dean Rusk. 0209 Incoming Telegram #563. Fr: [?] Dean. October 7,1962. 2pp. JFK#18. C. 3/17/78. To: Dean Rusk. UN and DRC Central Government October 8, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 2/17/78. Representatives Present Cease-fire Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Agreement to Katangese President Moise Position on Cease-fire Agreement with DRC. Tshombe. 0211 Incoming Telegram #565. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Dean Rusk. 0189 Congo•Cables, October 8,1962. October 8, 1962. 2pp. JFK#10. OUO. 0190 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. French Text of Katangese Cease-fire 0193 Incoming Telegram #835. Fr: Edmund A. Proposal. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0213 Incoming Telegram #566. Fr: [?] Dean. October 8,1962. 1 p. JFK#1. C. 2/17/78. To: Dean Rusk. Michel Struelens, Director of Katanga October 8,1962. 2pp. JFK#11. OUO. Information Service, Makes Last "Katanga French Text of Revised DRC Government Calling" Radio Broadcast from New York City. Cease-fire Proposal. 0194 Incoming Telegram #837. Fr: Edmund A. 0215 Incoming Telegram #568. Fr: [?] Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 8, 1962. 3pp. JFK#2. C. 2/17/78. October 8, 1962. 3pp. JFK#12. OUO. Meeting between Representative of DRC French Text of DRC Minister Joseph Government and Katangese President Moise Ngalula's Paper on Foreign Exchange and Tshombe regarding Proposed Cease-fire Revenues. Agreement. 0218 Incoming Telegram #568. Fr: Douglas 0197 Incoming Telegram #838. Fr: Edmund A. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 8,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. C. 2/17/78. October 8, 1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 2/17/78. U.S. State Department Urged to Reassess Message from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Reasons for Explusion of Michel Struelens, Adoula to DRC Minister Joseph Ngalula Director of Katanga Information Service. regarding Changes and Corrections to Text of Katanga Cease-fire Agreement.

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0220 Outgoing Telegram #560. Fr: George W. Ball. 0236 Incoming Telegram #849. Fr: Edmund A. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 8,1962. 2pp. JFK#14. NA. 2/17/78. October 9, 1962.1 p. JFK#1. C. 3/22/78. U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville's Reaction to UN Requests Specifications on U.S. Mine Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Detection Gear Being Used in DRC. Disclosure of Deal with Vital Moanda, 0237 Incoming Telegram #852. Fr: Edmund A. President of Kongo Central Province, DRC. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0222 Incoming Telegram #555. Fr: [?] Dean. To: October 9, 1962.1 p. JFK#2. C. 3/22/78. Dean Rusk. Discussions with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille October 7, 1962. 1p. JFK#14a. C. 2/17/78. Adoula regarding Impasse on Katanga Agreement between Katangese President Cease-fire Agreement. Moise Tshombe and Vital Moanda, President 0238 Incoming Telegram #854. Fr: Edmund A. of Kongo Central Province, DRC, to Consult Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. and Agree on DRC Federal Constitution. October 9, 1962.1p. JFK#3. C. 3/22/78. 0223 Incoming Telegram #832. Fr: Edmund A. Katangese Misinterpret UN Patrol Activity as Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Move on Post Office. October 7,1962. 4pp. JFK#14b. C. 3/17/78. 0239 Incoming Telegram #855. Fr: Edmund A. Intrigue by Katangese President Moise Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Tshombe to Set up Series of Tribal Fiefs in October 9, 1962.1p. JFK#4. C. 3/22/78. DRC, Dominated by Himself. U.S. Informed That Part of Malayan 0227 Outgoing Telegram #562. Fr: George W. Ball. Contingent to UN Forces in DRC Will Be To: U.S. Embassies, Leopoldville and Lisbon. Permanently Withdrawn and Patrols in October 8, 1962. 1p. JFK#15. LOU. Goma-Bukavu Area Reduced or American Red Cross Asks if U.S. Would Discontinued. Consider Request for PL-480 Food Aid to 0240 Incoming Telegram #569. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Angolan Refugees in DRC. Dean Rusk. 0228 Outgoing Telegram #563. Fr: George W. Ball. October 9, 1962.1p. JFK#5. C. 3/2278. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Possibility That Katanga Gendarme Units October 8,1962. 1p. JFK#16. NA. 2/17/78. Might Seize UN Hospital in Elisabethville, U.S. State Department Agrees to Airlift in Katanga to Use as Bargaining Point for DRC Pending Formal Request from UN. Withdrawal of UN Roadblocks. 0229 Outgoing Telegram #1996. Fr: George W. 0241 Incoming Telegram #572. Fr: [?] Dean. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, London. To: Dean Rusk. October 8, 1962. 1p. JFK#17. C. 2/17/78. October 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 3/22/78. "Embassy Should Take Action Suggested by Discussions with Katangese President Moise under Secretary McGhee in Final Paragraph Tshombe regarding U.S. Position on Reference Telegram." Implementation of UN's DRC National 0230 Outgoing Telegram #565. Fr: George W. Ball. Reconciliation Plan and Cease-fire To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Agreement. October 8, 1962. 1p. JFK#18. C. 2/17/78. 0243 Incoming Telegram #573. Fr: [?] Dean. U.S. Concludes That DRC Government Now To: Dean Rusk. Has Sufficent Legislative and Regulatory October 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8. LOU. Authority to Control Exports from DRC. Letter from Katangese President Moise 0231 Outgoing Telegram #901. Fr: George W. Ball. Tshombe Protesting Delivery of U.S. Vehicles To: U.S. Mission to UN. for Use by ANC. October 8, 1962.1p. JFK#19. C. 2/17/78. 0245 Incoming Telegram #1133. Fr: Adlai E. U.S. Asks UN Military Advisers if Departure of Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Malayan Troops Represents Permanent October 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 3/22/78. Reduction of Malayan Contingent of UN UN Report on George C. McGhee's Talks Forces in DRC. with Katangese President Moise Tshombe Including Suggestions for Actions to Take for 0232 Congo•Cables, October 9-10,1962. Implementation of UN's DRC Peace Plan. 0233 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp.

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0247 Incoming Telegram #194. Fr: W. Wendell 0258 Incoming Telegram #576. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. Dean Rusk. October 9, 1962.1p. JFK#10. LOU. October 10,1962. 2pp. JFK#20. C. 3/22/78. Travel Arrangements for Chester Bowles. UN Reports No Progress in DRC-Katanga 0248 Outgoing Telegram #615. Fr: Dean Rusk. Implementation Commissions. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. 0260 Incoming Telegram #577. Fr: [?] Dean. October 8, 1962. 1p. JFK#12. C. 3/22/78. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Ambassador Authorized to Inform October 10,1962.1p. JFK#21. C. 3/22/78. Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak of U.S. Repeats Assurances to Katangese Points 1 through 5 of State Department President Moise Tshombe regarding Telegram #585. Possibility of UN Action against Him. 0249 Outgoing Telegram #914. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0261 Incoming Telegram #578. Fr: [?] Dean. To: U.S. Mission to UN. To: Dean Rusk. October 8,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. C. 3/22/78. October 10,1962. 4pp. JFK#22. C. 3/22/78. U.S. State Department Efforts to Recruit Letter from Katangese President Moise Americans for Selected Posts in UN Tshombe to George C. McGhee Containing Operations in DRC. Comments on DRC Constitution and 0251 Outgoing Telegram #2007. Fr: Dean Rusk. Katanga's Insistance on UN Inclusion in To: U.S. Embassies, London and Brussels. Cease-fire Agreement. October 8, 1962.1 p. JFK#14. C. 3/22/78. 0265 Corrected Copy of Incoming Telegram #578. U.S. State Department Briefs Officers of Fr: [?] Dean. To: Dean Rusk. British and Belgian Embassies on George C. October 10,1962. 5pp. JFK#22. C. 3/22/78. McGhee's Talks with Katangese President Letter from Katangese President Moise Moise Tshombe. Tshombe to George C. McGhee Containing 0252 Incoming Telegram #857. Fr: Edmund A. Comments on DRC Constitution and Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Katanga's insistance on UN Inclusion in October 10,1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 3/22/78. Cease-fire Agreement. DRC Government Arrests Minister of Interior 0270 Corrected Copy of Incoming Telegram #578. Christophe Gbenye for Possible Involvement Fr: [?] Dean. To: Dean Rusk. in Secessionist Plot. October 10,1962. 5pp. JFK#22. C. 3/22/78. 0253 Incoming Telegram #860. Fr: Edmund A. Letter from Katangese President Moise Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Tshombe to George C. McGhee Containing October 10, 1962. 2pp. JFK#16. C. 3/22/78. Comments on DRC Constitution and General Motors African Representative Urges Katanga's Insistance on UN Inclusion in British and German Embassies to Give Cease-fire Agreement. Commodity Aid to DRC in Form of Spare 0275 Incoming Telegram #284. Fr: [?] Blue. Parts for Existing Motor Vehicles. To: Dean Rusk. 0255 Incoming Telegram #863. Fr: Edmund A. October 10,1962.1p. JFK#23. C. 3/22/78. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Discussions with Portugal regarding October 10,1962.1p. JFK#17. C. 3/22/78. Transportation of Aircraft from Angola for U.S. Information Service Reports on Mock Katanga. Raid by UN Troops on Central Post Office in 0276 Outgoing Telegram #575. Fr: Dean Rusk. Elisabethville, Katanga. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. 0256 Incoming Telegram #864. Fr: Edmund A. October 10,1962. 4pp. JFK#25. C. 3/22/78. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. State Department Analysis of UN October 10,1962.1p. JFK#18. C. 3/22/78. Experts' Draft Constitution for DRC. UN Disclosure That Extremist Afro-Asian Nations and USSR Prepared to Take Active 0280 Congo•Cables, October 11,1962. Military Role in DRC. 0281 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. 0257 Incoming Telegram #574. Fr: [?] Dean. 0284 Incoming Telegram #866. Fr: Edmund A. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 10, 1962.1p. JFK#19. LOU. October 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 3/17/78. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Flees Repercussions in DRC and Katanga of Elisabethville to Avoid Capture Following James Meredith Incident in Mississippi. Reports of Indian Troop Movements in Area.

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0286 Incoming Telegram #868. Fr: Edmund A. 0300 Incoming Telegram #882. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 11, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 3/17/78. October 11, 1962. 1p. JFK#10. C. 3/17/78. U.S. Repeats Assurances That It Is Prepared George C. McGhee to Remain in DRC to to Utilize All Available Means to Ensure Obtain Chief of UN Operations in DRC Implementation of UN's National Robert Gardiner's Evaluation of His Talks Reconciliation Plan for DRC. with Katangese President Moise Tshombe 0288 Incoming Telegram #869. Fr: Edmund A. on Cease-fire Arrangements. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0301 Incoming Telegram #579. Fr: [?] Dean. October 11, 1962. 1p. JFK#3. C. 3/17/78. To: Dean Rusk. "Affirmative." October 11,1962.1p. JFK#11. C. 3/17/78. 0289 Incoming Telegram #872. Fr: Edmund A. U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville Requests Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Permission to Describe Contents of October 11, 1962. 1p. JFK#4. C. 3/17/78. Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Letter U.S. Reply to Katangese President Moise to British and Belgian Consuls. Tshombe's Protest regarding Alleged Soviet 0302 Incoming Telegram #580. Fr: [?] Dean. To: Aid to DRC. Dean Rusk. 0290 Incoming Telegram #875. Fr: Edmund A. October 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 3/17/78. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Chief of UN Operations in DRC Robert October 11,1962. 1p. JFK#5. C. 3/17/78. Gardiner's Visit to Katanga Set as Deadline U.S. Believes It Inappropriate to Indicate to for Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Katangese President Moise Tshombe Commitment to Implement UN's National Measures UN Plans to Take in Event of Reconciliation Plan for DRC. Failure to Implement DRC National 0304 Incoming Telegram #581. Fr: [?] Dean. Reconciliation Plan. To: Dean Rusk. 0291 Incoming Telegram #876. Fr: Edmund A. October 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. C. 3/17/78. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Report That Katanga Gendarmes Destroyed October 11,1962.1 p. JFK#6. C. 3/17/78. a Section of Elisabethville-Jadotville Road Report by DRC Minister Joseph Ngalula to due to Alarm over UN Patrol Activities. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding 0306 Incoming Telegram #582. Fr: [?] Dean. Disaffection of Katangese Population and To: Dean Rusk. Gendarmerie. October 11,1962.1p. JFK#14. C. 3/17/78. 0292 Incoming Telegram #877. Fr: Edmund A. Impact of Arrest of DRC Minister of Interior Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Christophe Gbenye on Katanga's Mistrust of October 11, 1962. 3pp. JFK#7. C. 3/17/78. DRC Government. Discussions between George C. McGhee 0307 Incoming Telegram #584. Fr: [?] Dean. and Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations To: Dean Rusk. in DRC, regarding Talks with Katangese October 11, 1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 3/17/78. President Moise Tshombe on Implementation Katangese President Moise Tshombe Calls of UN Reconciliation Plan. Meeting of to Discuss Steps 0295 Incoming Telegram #880. Fr: Edmund A. toward Implementation of UN's DRC National Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Reconciliation Plan and Cease-fire. October 11,1962. 1 p. JFK#8. C. 3/17/78. 0308 Incoming Telegram #587. Fr: [?] Dean. DRC Government and UN Agree to Place To: Dean Rusk. Additional ANC Units under UN Control. October 11,1962. 4pp. JFK#16. OUO. 0296 Incoming Telegram #881. Fr: Edmund A. French Text of Katangese President Moise Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Tshombe's Declaration to Consular Corps in October 11, 1962; 4pp. JFK#9. C. 3/17/78. Katanga. George C. McGhee's Report on Principal Katanga-DRC Developments.

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0312 Incoming Telegram #587. Fr: [?] Dean. To: 0327 Outgoing Telegram #577. Fr: Dean Rusk. Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. October 11,1962. 4pp. JFK#17. OUO. October 11, 1962.1p. JFK#26. LOU. English Text of Katangese President Mo ¡se Changes in Suggested Reply to Unidentified Tshombe's Declaration to Consular Corps in Message. Katanga regarding Progress Made toward 0328 Outgoing Telegram #582. Fr: Dean Rusk. Implementation of UN's DRC Reconciliation To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville and U.S. Plan. Mission to UN. 0316 Incoming Telegram #589. Fr: [?] Dean. October 11, 1962. 3pp. JFK#27. C. 3/17/78. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. State Department's Concern regarding October 11, 1962. 2pp. JFK#18. C. 3/17/78. Character of Draft Federal Constitution for Chief of UN Operations in DRC Robert DRC and Desire That Prime Minister Cyrille Gardiner's Reaction to Katangese President Adoula Not Associate Himself with It. Moise Tshombe's Declaration to Consular 0331 Outgoing Telegram #586. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Corps in Katanga regarding Implementation U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. of UN's DRC Reconciliation Plan. October 11, 1962.1p. JFK#28. C. 3/17/78. 0318 Incoming Telegram #590. Fr: [?] Dean. George C. McGhee and J. Wayne Fredericks To: Dean Rusk. Ordered to Remain in DRC until State October 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#19. C. 3/17/78. Department Evaluates Chief of UN Situation Analysis by U.S., British, and Operations in DRC Robert Gardiner's Report Belgian Consuls in Katanga regarding on Talks with Katangese President Moise Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Tshombe. Progress toward Implementation of UN's DRC Reconciliation Plan. 0332 Congo•Cables, October 12,1962. 0320 Incoming Telegram #591. Fr: [?] Dean. To: 0333 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Dean Rusk. 0335 Incoming Telegram #885. Fr: Edmund A. October 11, 1962.1p. JFK#20. C. 3/17/78. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Discussions with Katangese President October 12,1962.1p. JFK#1. C. 2/17/78. Moise Tshombe regarding Cease-fire UN Secretary General U Thant Requests to Agreement and U.S. Military Impact Know Whereabouts of Katangese Minister Shipment to ANC. Albert Nyembo and Whether There Is DRC 0321 Copy of Incoming Telegram #591. Fr: [?] Warrant For His Arrest. Dean. To: Dean Rusk. 0336 Incoming Telegram #889. Fr: Edmund A. October 11, 1962.1p. JFK#20. C. 3/17/78. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Discussions with Katangese President October 12,1962. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 2/17/78. Moise Tshombe regarding Cease-fire U.S. Efforts to Support and Improve UN Agreement and U.S. Military Impact Operations Team in DRC. Shipment to ANC. 0338 Incoming Telegram #893. Fr: Edmund A. 0322 Incoming Telegram #27. Fr: [?] Simms. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 12,1962. 3pp. JFK#3. C. 2/17/78. October 11, 1962. 2pp. JFK#22. C. 3/17/78. U.S. Expresses Confidence in DRC DRC General Victor Lundula Presents Views President Joseph Kasavubu and Discusses on Katanga Problem and Requests U.S. Katanga Problem. Assistance in Ending Secession. 0341 Incoming Telegram #894. Fr: Edmund A. 0324 Incoming Telegram #1208. Fr: Adlai E. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. October 12,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 2/17/78. October 11,1962. 3pp. JFK#24. C. 3/17/78. U.S. Informed of Agreement Reached Discussions between-UN Officials Charles W. between DRC and Katanga on Cease-fire Yost and Ralph Bunche regarding Highly and Oath of Allegiance to Be Sworn by Centralized and Restrictive Nature of Draft Katangese Military to Congolese President Federal Constitution for DRC. Joseph Kasavubu.

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0343 . Incoming Telegram #953. Fr: [?] Dean. 0358 Incoming Telegram #203. Fr: W. Wendell To: Dean Rusk. Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. October 12,1962.1p. JFK#5. C. 2/17/78. October 12,1962. 1p. JFK#13. C. 2/17/78. Progress Made by Katangese President Congolese (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Moise Tshombe toward Cease-fire with DRC Youlou's Views regarding Solution to Problem and Oath of Allegiance to Congolese of Katangese Secession. President Joseph Kasavubu. 0360 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Mission 0344 Incoming Telegram #594. Fr: [?] Dean. to UN. To: Dean Rusk. October 12,1962. 3pp. JFK#16. C. 2/17/78. October 12,1962. 4pp. JFK#6. C. 2/17/78. Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Chief of UN Operations in DRC Robert Performance on Implementation of UN's Gardiner's Report to UN on His Talks with DRC National Reconciliation Plan Does Not Katangese President Moise Tshombe. Require Tougher Measures by UN. 0348 Incoming Telegram #595. Fr: [?] Dean. 0363 Copy of Outgoing Telegram. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Mission to UN. October 12,1962. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 2/17/78. October 12,1962. 3pp. JFK#16. C. 2/17/78. U.S. and British Consuls Meet with Robert Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in DRC, to Performance on Implementation of UN's Help Work out New Draft Cease-fire DRC National Reconciliation Plan Does Not Agreement between DRC and Katanga. Require Tougher Measures by UN. 0350 Incoming Telegram #598. Fr: [?] Dean. To: 0366 Outgoing Telegram #372. Fr: Dean Rusk. Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Consulate, Elisabethville. October 12,1962.1p. JFK#8. C. 2/17/78. October 12,1962. 1p. JFK#18. C. 2/17/78. U.S. Reaction to Katangese Proposal on U.S. Advises Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Foreign Currency. Operations in DRC, Not to Further Upset 0351 Incoming Telegram #599. Fr: [?] Dean. UN's Congo Advisory Committee. To: Dean Rusk. 0367 Outgoing Telegram #593. Fr: Dean Rusk. October 12,1962.1p. JFK#9. C. 2/17/78. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Katangese President Moise Tshombe's Plans October 12,1962. 2pp. JFK#19. C. 2/17/78. to Ceremonially Reopen Telecommunications U.S. Agrees to Provide PL-480 Assistance to with Leopoldville, DRC. DRC Government for Katanga as Soon as 0352 Incoming Telegram #602. Fr: [?] Dean. Reintegration Completed. To: Dean Rusk. 0369 Outgoing Airgram #CA-3935. Fr: Dean Rusk. October 12,1962. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 2/17/78. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Letter from Katangese President Moise October 5,1962.3pp. JFK#21. C. 2/17/78. Tshombe to George C. McGhee regarding U.S. Discusses Belgian Import Aid and Cease-fire with DRC and Execution of UN's Credits for DRC with UN Secretary General National Reconciliation Plan. U Thant. 0354 Incoming Telegram #1220. Fr: Adlai E. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0372 Congo•Cables, October 13,1962. October 12,1962.1 p. JFK#11. C. 2/17/78. 0373 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Possibility That Additional ANC Units Might 0375 Incoming Telegram #900. Fr: Edmund A. Be Placed under UN Control. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0356 Incoming Telegram #1243. Fr: Adlai E. October 13,1962. 1p. JFK#3. C. 1/17/79. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Army, Europe Sends Team to DRC to October 12,1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 2/17/78. Gather Information for Tactical Commanders Discussions with UN Officials regarding Terrain Analysis Studies. Withholding Announcement of Courses of Action in DRC Should Cease-fire and National Reconciliation Plan Fail.

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0376 Incoming Telegram #902. Fr: Edmund A. 0395 Incoming Telegram #608. Fr: [?] Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 13,1962. 1p. JFK#4. C. 1/17/79. October 13,1962. 2pp. JFK#11. C. 1/17/79. Conversation between Katangese President Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in Moise Tshombe and DRC Prime Minister DRC, Considers That Objections Made by Cyrille Adoula to Mark Reopening of DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula to Telecommunications between DRC and Katanga Cease-fire Agreement of Insufficent Katanga. Weight to Change Text. 0378 Incoming Telegram #903. Fr: Edmund A. 0397 Incoming Telegram #609. Fr: [?] Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 13,1962. 4pp. JFK#5. C. 1/17/79 IP. October 13.1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 1/17/79. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Reaction Katangese Delegation Introduces Question to Katanga's Agreement to Cease-fire of Amnesty into Cease-fire Discussions. Proposal Presented by UN. 0399 Incoming Telegram #610. Fr: [?] Dean. To: 0382 Incoming Telegram #904. Fr: Edmund A. Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 13,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. C. 1/17/79. October 13,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 1/17/79. Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in George C. McGhee's Plans to Avoid Further DRC, Agrees to Avoid Extreme Formal Exchanges with Katangese President Recommendations in His Report to UN's Moise Tshombe regarding Execution of UN's Congo Advisory Committee. DRC Reconciliation Plan. 0401 Incoming Telegram #611. Fr: [?] Dean. 0384 Incoming Telegram #905. Fr: Edmund A. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 13,1962. 1p. JFK#14. C. 1/17/79. October 13,1962. 4pp. JFK#7. C. 1/17/79. U.S. Embassy, Leopold vil le's Suggestions for Impasse in Foreign Exchange Commission's Improving Efficiency of UN in Katanga. Principal Obstacle to Implementing UN 0402 Incoming Telegram #612. Fr: [?] Dean. To: National Reconciliation Plan in DRC. Dean Rusk. 0388 Incoming Telegram #907. Fr: Edmund A. October 13,1962. 1p. JFK#15. C. 1/17/79 IP. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Katangese Minister Albert Nyembo Reported October 13,1962. 1p. JFK#8. C. 1/17/79. to Be on Secret Trip to France. U.S. to Boycott Katanga's Reopening of 0403 Incoming Telegram #616. Fr: [?] Dean. Lubilash Bridge if UN Representative Not To: Dean Rusk. Invited. October 13,1962. 1p. JFK#16. C. 1/17/79 IP. 0389 Incoming Telegram #606. Fr: [?] Dean. Effect of Continued Tensions on Katangese To: Dean Rusk. President Moise Tshombe and Katangese October 13,1962. 1p. JFK#9. C. 1/17/79. Populace. Possibility That ex-King Albert Kalonji Might 0404 Incoming Telegram #1247. Fr: Adlai E. Join Other South Kasai Refugees in Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Katanga. October 13,1962. 1p. JFK#17. C. 1/17/79 IP. 0390 Incoming Telegram #607. Fr: [?] Dean. Ralph Bunche's Report on UN's Congo To: Dean Rusk. Advisory Committee Meeting. October 13, 1962. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 1/17/79. 0405 Incoming Telegram #294. Fr: [?] Blue. EnglishText of Katangese Memorandum on To: Dean Rusk. Foreign Exchange. October 13,1962. 1p. JFK#18. C. 1/17/78. 0392 Incoming Telegram #607. Fr: [?] Dean. Portugal's Angolan Military Command To: Dean Rusk. Communiqué on Refugees in DRC. October 13,1962. 3pp. JFK#10a. C. 1/17/79. FrenchText of Katangese Memorandum on 0406 Congo•Cables, October 14,1962. Foreign Exchange. 0407 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp.

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0409 Incoming Telegram #910. Fr: Edmund A. 0427 Incoming Telegram #621. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 14,1962. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 4/19/78. October 14,1962. 1p. JFK#8a. C. NA. Letter to Katangese President Moise "Received Confirming Letter from Tshombe Tshombe Expressing U.S. Concern over 1515 Local October 14." Katangese Foreign Minister Evariste Kimba's 0428 White House Outgoing Message. Fr: Threats to Arrest Foreign Consuls. McGeorge Bundy. To: Godfrey McHugh. 0411 Incoming Telegram #912. Fr: Edmund A. October 14,1962. 1p. JFK#9. C. 1/21/81. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Guarded Optimism by U.S. regarding October 14,1962. 6pp. JFK#2. C. 4/19/78. Negotiations between Katanga and DRC. U.S. Efforts to Obtain Commitments from 0430 Incoming Telegram #610. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Other Donors for DRC Import Program. To: Dean Rusk. 0417 Incoming Telegram #613. Fr: [?] Dean. October 13,1962. 2pp. JFK#9a. C. 4/19/78. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Request That Robert Gardiner, Chief of October 14,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 4/19/78 IP. UN Operations in DRC, Avoid Extreme U.S. Informed That Katanga in Possession of Recommendations on DRC Situation in His Jet Aircraft Supplied and Flown by Report to UN's Congo Advisory Committee. Rhodesian Air Force and That Military 0432 Incoming Telegram #894. Fr: Edmund A. Equipment Arriving by Way of Angola. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0419 Incoming Telegram #614. Fr: [?] Dean. October 12,1962. 2pp. JFK#9b. C. 4/19/78. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Informed of Agreement Reached October 14,1962. 1p. JFK#4. LOU. between DRC and Katanga on Cease-fire "Letter Transmitted to Tshombe 1730 October and Oath of Allegiance to Be Sworn by 13." Katangese Military to Congolese President 0420 Incoming Telegram #617. Fr: [?] Dean. Joseph Kasavubu. To: Dean Rusk. 0434 Incoming Telegram #609. Fr: Jonathan Dean. October 14,1962.1 p. JFK#5. C. 4/19/78. To: Dean Rusk. UN and DRC Officials to Participate in October 13,1962. 2pp. JFK#9c. C. 4/19/78. Ceremonies Marking Katanga's Reopening of Katangese Delegation Introduces Question Lubilash Bridge. of Amnesty into Cease-fire Discussions. 0421 Incoming Telegram #618. Fr: Jonathan Dean. 0436 Incoming Telegram #903. Fr: Edmund A. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 14,1962. 1 p. JFK#6. C. 4/19/78. October 13,1962. 4pp. JFK#9d. C. 4/19/78. Agreement on Katanga Payment of DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's Reaction Revenues. to Katanga's Agreement to Cease-fire 0422 Incoming Telegram #619. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Proposal Presented by UN. To: Dean Rusk. October 14,1962. 1 p. JFK#7. C. 4/19/78. 0440 Congo•Cables, October 15,1962. Katangese President Moise Tshombe Agrees 0441 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. to Sign Cease-fire and Oath Agreement with 0444 Incoming Telegram #909. Fr: Edmund A. Letter on Amnesty. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0423 Handwritten Note from JFK Library. Fr: NA. October 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 4/18/78. To: NA. U.S. Comments on Draft Amnesty for July 18, 1972. 1p. JFK#NA. Katangese President Moise Tshombe. "Date Should Be 10/14/62." 0446 Incoming Telegram #915. Fr: Edmund A. 0424 Incoming Telegram #620. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 15,1962. 3pp. JFK#2. C. 4/18/78. September 14 [October 14], 1962.3pp. Text of DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula's JFK#8. LOU. Proposed Declaration on Agreements with Text of Agreement on Katanga Payment of Katanga. Revenues.

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0449 Incoming Telegram #916. Fr: Edmund A. 0469 Incoming Telegram #629. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 15,1962. 6pp. JFK#3. C. 4/18/78. October 15,1962. 1p. JFK#11. LOU. U.S. Concern That DRC Prime Minister Press Communiqué from Togba, Head of Cyrille Adoula Might Fall behind Katangese DRC Government's Delegation to Revenue President Moise Tshombe in His Efforts to Commission, Denying Full Accord Reached Carry out UN's National Reconciliation Plan. with Katanga. 0455 Incoming Telegram #917. Fr: Edmund A. 0470 Incoming Telegram #630. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 4/18/78. October 15, 1962. 2pp. JFK#12. S. 4/18/78. Results of Meeting between Robert Gardiner, Report of Dissatisfaction among Katanga Chief of UN Operations in DRC, and DRC Gendarmerie Officers and Possible Coup by Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding Them. Reintegration of Katanga. 0472 Incoming Telegram #631. Fr: Jonathan Dean. 0457 Incoming Telegram #919. Fr: Edmund A. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 15, 1962. 2pp. JFK#13. S. 4/18/78 October 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 4/18/78. IP. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Instructs UN Representative Eliud Wambe Mathu DRC Delegation to Sign Cease-fire Criticizes Indian Troops in UN Forces for Agreement with Katanga. Wanting to Start Fighting with Katangese. 0459 Incoming Telegram #622. Fr: Jonathan Dean. 0474 Incoming Telegram #1255. Fr: Adlai E. To: Dean Rusk. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. October 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 4/18/78. October 15,1962.1p. JFK#14. C. 4/18/78. U.S. Informed of Progress in Talks between Problems with UN's DRC Financial Controls Robert Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in Team. DRC, and Katangese President Moise 0475 Incoming Telegram #1272. Fr: Adlai E. Tshombe regarding Signing of Cease-fire Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Agreement. October 15.1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 4/18/78. 0461 Incoming Telegram #623. Fr: Jonathan Dean. U.S. Informed by UN Representative Ralph To: Dean Rusk. Bunche That Cease-fire between DRC and October 15,1962. 3pp. JFK#7. C. 4/18/78. Katanga Not Yet Signed due to Work on Discussions between Robert Gardiner, Chief Amnesty Provisions. of UN Operations in DRC, and Katangese 0476 Outgoing Telegram #603. Fr: Dean Rusk. President Moise Tshombe regarding To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Possibility That DRC Customs and October 15,1962.1p. JFK#19. S. 4/18/78. Immigration Officers Be Sent to Katanga. U.S. Decides Not to Make Diplomatic Protest 0464 Incoming Telegram #624. Fr: Jonathan Dean. regarding Threat by Katangese Official To: Dean Rusk. Gabriel Kitenge to Arrest Foreign Consuls. October 15,1962.1 p. JFK#8. C. 4/18/78. 0477 Outgoing Telegram #608. Fr: Dean Rusk. U.S. Informed That Gabriel Kitenge, To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Katangese Secretary of State for Public October 15,1962. 1p. JFK#20. C. 4/18/78. Works, Rather Than Foreign Minister State Department Encourages U.S. Consul Evariste Kimba Was Responsible for Threat Jonathan Dean to Attend Reopening of to Arrest Foreign Consuls. . Lubilash Bridge by Katanga, Provided UN 0465 Incoming Telegram #625. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Representative Not Excluded. To: Dean Rusk. October 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#9. LOU. 0478 Congo•Cables, October 16,1962. Text of Cease-fire Agreement between DRC 0479 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. and Katanga 0481 Incoming Telegram #920. Fr: Edmund A. 0467 Incoming Telegram #627. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 16, 1962. 5pp. JFK#1. C. 4/14/78. October 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#10. LOU. U.S. Financial Assistance to DRC. Text of Resolution on Foreign Exchange Accepted by Katanga and DRC Government.

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0486 Incoming Telegram #924. Fr: Edmund A. 0501 Incoming Telegram #639. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 16,1962. 1 p. JFK#2. C. 4/14/78. October 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 4/14/78. DRC Press Call on President Joseph Van Roey [Katangese Official?] Invited to Kasavubu to Dissolve Parliament Pending Leopoldville, DRC, to Observe Structure and New Elections. Operations of Monetary Council. 0487 Incoming Telegram #925. Fr: Edmund A. 0503 Incoming Telegram #640. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 16,1962. 1p. JFK#3. C. 4/14/78. October 16,1962. 1p. JFK#11. C. 4/14/78. Comments by Nigerian Chargé regarding Proposed Trip to Katanga by UN U.S. Policy in Africa and DRC Political Representative Ralph Bunche to Discuss Leaders. DRC Constitution and Reintegration of 0488 Incoming Telegram #927. Fr: Edmund A. Katangese Military with Katangese President Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Moise Tshombe. October 16,1962. 1 p. JFK#4. C. 4/14/78. 0504 Incoming Telegram #641. Fr: Jonathan Dean. DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula Presents To: Dean Rusk. New Constitution to Provincial Presidents October 16,1962. 1p. JFK#12. C. 4/14/78. and Assemblies for Approval. Katangese Foreign Minister Evariste Kimba's 0489 Incoming Telegram #929. Fr: Edmund A. Views on Allowing ex-King Albert Kalonji to Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Remain in Katanga. October 16,1962. 3pp. JFK#5. C. 4/14/78. 0505 Incoming Telegram #643. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Discussions between Gullion and DRC Prime To: Dean Rusk. Minister Cyrille Adoula regarding Katanga October 16,1962. 1p. JFK#14. LOU. Talks. Final Text of Cease-fire Agreement between 0492 Incoming Telegram #931. Fr: Edmund A. DRC and Katanga. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0506 Incoming Telegram #1278. Fr: Francis October 16,1962. 6pp. JFK#6. C. 4/14/78. Plimpton. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Evaluation of Positions of DRC and October 14,1962. 1p. JFK#15. C. 4/14/78. Katanga on Cease-fire Agreement and UN Representative Ralph Bunche Plans Trip Amnesty. to DRC to Consult with [UN] General [?] 0498 Incoming Telegram #633. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Kebede. To: Dean Rusk. 0507 Incoming Telegram #1292. Fr: Francis October 16,1962.1p. JFK#7. C. 4/14/78. Plimpton. To: Dean Rusk. Personal Disagreement between Katangese October 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#16. C. 4/14/78. Representative [?} Yav and DRC Minister UN Officials Discuss Question of DRC Joseph Ngalula Delays Signing of Cease-fire Ordinance and Letters on Union Miniere du Agreement. Haut Katanga Taxes. 0499 Incoming Telegram #634. Fr: Jonathan Dean. 0509 Incoming Telegram #1293. Fr: Francis To: Dean Rusk. Plimpton. To: Dean Rusk. October 16,1962. 1 p. JFK#8. C. 4/14/78. October 16,1962. 4pp. JFK#17. C. 4/14/78. U.S. Suggests That Katanga Immediately Letters from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Accept Those Portions of New DRC Adoula to Belgian Foreign Minister Paul- Constitution Already Agreed to and State Henri Spaak, UN Secretary General U Thant, Intention to Submit Counter Drafts on Other and Union Miniere du Haut Katanga Articles. regarding Customs Arrangements. 0500 Incoming Telegram #635. Fr: Jonathan Dean. 0513 Outgoing Telegram #998. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Mission to UN and U.S. Embassy, October 16,1962. 1 p. JFK#9. LOU. Leopoldville. Katanga Attempts to Exclude Arguments over October 16,1962. 1p. JFK#19. C. 4/14/78. Political Entity "North Katanga." Possible Belgian Technical Assistance with Congo River Navigation.

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0514 Congo•Cables, October 17,1962. 0534 Incoming Telegram #648. Fr: Jonathan Dean. 0515 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. To: Dean Rusk. 0516 Incoming Telegram #932. Fr. Edmund A. October 17,1962. 3pp. JFK#9. C. 4/13/78. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. and British Consuls Unable to Attend October 17,1962. 1 p. JFK#1. Katanga's Reopening of Lubilash Bridge due Itinerary for Visit to U.S. by Alphonse Sita, to Transport Difficulties. Secretary General of DRC Social Affairs 0537 Incoming Telegram #615. Fr: Douglas Ministry. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 0517 Incoming Telegram #935. Fr: Edmund A. October 17,1962. 4pp. JFK#10. C. 4/13/78. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Urges Union Miniere du Haut Katanga October 17, 1962. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 4/13/78. to Continue Efforts to Persuade Katangese U.S. Evaluation of Katangese President President Moise tshombe to Bring about Moise Tshombe's Position on New DRC Katanga's Reintegration Based on UN Constitution and Military Reintegration of Reconciliation Plan. Katangese Troops. 0541 Incoming Telegram #1148. Fr: Brewster H. 0519 Incoming Telegram #936. Fr: Edmund A. Morris. To: Dean Rusk. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. October 17,1962. 1p. JFK#11. C. 4/13/78. October 17, 1962. 1p. JFK#3. C. 4/13/78. U.S. Approach to Federal Republic of Letter from DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Germany regarding Economic Aid for DRC. Adoula to George C. McGhee regarding 0543 Press Statement. Fr: Foreign Broadcast Commitments Made by Katangese President Information Service. To: NA. Moise Tshombe. October 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#11. 0520 Incoming Telegram #937. Fr: Edmund A. Statement by DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Adoula regarding Agreements with Katanga. October 17,1962. 3pp. JFK#4. C. 4/13/78. 0545 Outgoing Telegram #1003. Fr: Dean Rusk. George C. McGhee Discusses Means of To: U.S. Mission to UN. Making UN Operation More Effective in October 13,1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 4/13/78. Interior of DRC. UN Response to DRC Fund Technical 0523 Incoming Telegram #938. Fr: Edmund A. Assistance Financing. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0547 Outgoing Telegram #1009. Fr: Dean Rusk. October 17, 1962. 1p. JFK#5. C. 4/13/78. To: U-S. Mission to UN.

U.S. Welcomes Efforts to Ensure Greater October 17,1962: 1p. JFK#13. C. 4/13/78. Participation by Moderate Africans in Effort to UN Asks Malaya Not to Withdraw Its Military Achieve DRC Settlement. Contingent in DRC. 0524 Incoming Telegram #940. Fr: Edmund A. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0548 Congo•Cables, October 18,1962. October 17, 1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 4/13/78. 0549 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Revolt of DRC Cabinet over Dissatisfaction 0552 Incoming Telegram #944. Fr: Edmund A. with Agreements Made with Katanga. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk; 0526 Incoming Telegram #942. Fr: Edmund A. October 18,1962. 3pp. JFK#1. C. 4/13/78. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Letter to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille Adoula October 17,1962. 6pp. JFK#7. C. 4/13/78. from George C. McGhee regarding Efforts to Summary of Status, Problems, and Implement UN's National Reconciliation Plan. Prospects of Work of Katanga-DRC Military 0555 Incoming Telegram #947. Fr: Edmund A. Commission. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. 0532 Incoming Telegram #645. Fr: Jonathan Dean. October 18,1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 4/13/78. To: Dean Rusk. Suggested Changes in Letter to Katangese October 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 4/13/78. President Moise Tshombe. Katanga Fails to Send Representative to Meeting of DRC Provincial Presidents to Receive Draft Constitution.

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0556 Incoming Telegram #949. Fr: Edmund A. 0576 Incoming Telegram #650. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 18,1962. 1 p. JFK#3. C. 4/13/78. October 18,1962.1p. JFK#12. C. 4/13/78, Message from George C. McGhee to Correction in Wording of Consulate Telegram Katangese President Moise Tshombe #608. regarding Handling of Changes in 0577 Incoming Telegram #653. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Agreements Suggested by DRC To: Dean Rusk. Government. October 18,1962. 1p. JFK#13. C. 4/13/78. 0557 Incoming Telegram #955. Fr: Edmund A. Food Relief for Refugees from DRC's South Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Kasai Province Living in Katanga. October 18,1962. 4pp. JFK#4. C. 4/13/78. 0578 Incoming Telegram #654. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Meeting with DRC Prime Minister Cyrille To: Dean Rusk. Adoula regarding Complaints against UN and October 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#14. C. 4/13/78. Dissatisfaction with Wording of Katanga Belgian Consul's Report on Ceremonies Cease-fire and Foreign Exchange Marking Katanga's Reopening of Lubilash Agreements. Bridge. 0562 Incoming Telegram #956. Fr: Edmund A. 0580 Incoming Telegram #656. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 18,1962.1 p. JFK#5. C. 4/13/78. October 18,1962. 1p. JFK#15. C. 4/13/78. DRC Request for U.S. PL-480 Title I U.S. Comments on Speech by DRC Prime Commodities. Minister Cyrille Adoula. 0563 Incoming Telegram #957. Fr: Edmund A. 0581 Incoming Telegram #658. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 18,1962. 1p. JFK#6. C. 4/13/78. October 18,1962. 1p. JFK#16. C. 4/13/78. DRC Request for U.S. PL-480 Title I Corn. Report That Katangese Gendarmerie Have 0564 Incoming Telegram #958. Fr: Edmund A. Mined Lubilash Bridge for Destruction Should Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. ANC Threaten Invasion. October 18,1962.1 p. JFK#7. C. 4/13/78. 0582 Incoming Telegram #659. Fr: Jonathan Dean. U.S. Discusses Possible Peace Corps To: Dean Rusk. Program for DRC. October 18,1962.1p. JFK#17. C. 4/13/78. 0565 Incoming Telegram #959. Fr: Edmund A. U.S. Delivers Message to Katangese Foreign Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Minister Evariste Kimba to Be Forwarded to October 18,1962.1p. JFK#8. C. 4/13/78. Katangese President Moise Tshombe. Ghanaian Chargé d'Affaires Expresses 0583 Incoming Telegram #660. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Pleasure over New Draft of DRC To: Dean Rusk. Constitution. October 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#18. C. 4/13/78. 0566 Incoming Telegram #960. Fr: Edmund A. Katangese Foreign Minister Evariste Kimba's Gullion. To: Dean Rusk. Comments on Cease-fire and DRC Prime October 1.8,1962. 1p. JFK#9. C. 4/13/78. Minister Cyrille Adoula's Efforts to Undermine George C. McGhee Rebukes Katangese Katangese President Moise Tshombe's President Moise Tshombe for Releasing Government. Minutes of Their Conversations to Foreign 0585 Incoming Telegram #661. Fr: Jonathan Dean. Consuls in Katanga. To: Dean Rusk. 0568 Department of State Airgram #A-141. Fr: October 18, 1962. 4pp. JFK#20. OUO. Norman E. Warner. To: State Department. French Text of Katangese Declaration October 18,1962.1p. JFK#10. C. 4/13/78. Presented to Foreign Consuls in Katangese Version of Talks between George Elisabethville by Foreign Minister Evariste C. McGhee and Katangese President Moise Kimba. Tshombe. 0589 Incoming Telegram #662. Fr: Jonathan Dean. 0569 Department of State Airgram #A-148. Fr: To: Dean Rusk. Norman E. Warner. To: Dean Rusk. October 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#21. C. 4/13/78. October 18,1962. 7pp. JFK#11. C. 4/13/78. Foreign Minister Evariste Kimba's Remarks U.S. Report on Deteriorating Conditions in Following Presentation of Declaration of Provinces of DRC. Katanga's Position to Foreign Consuls in Elisabethville.

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0591 Incoming Telegram #1339. Fr: Adlai E. 0612 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Hubert Maga. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. February 14, 1961.1p. JFK#2. October 18,1962. 1p. JFK#22. C. 4/13/78. Letter Expressing Pleasure That Edward Plans for UN Representative Ralph Bunche's Kennedy and U.S. Senate Delegation Had Trip to DRC. Opportunity to Meet and Talk with Dahoman 0592 Incoming Telegram #1348. Fr: Adlai E. President Maga. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0613 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. October 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#23. C. 4/13/78. To: McGeorge Bundy. UN Reaction to DRC Prime Minister Cyrille June 7,1961. 1p.JFK#3. Adoula's Repudiation of Cease-fire and Other Note from Dahoman President Hubert Maga Agreements with Katanga. to John F. Kennedy regarding Adherence of 0595 Department of State Airgram #A-67. Fr: W. Dahomey to Convention on International Civil Wendell Blancke. To: Dean Rusk. Aviation. October 15,1962. 5pp. JFK#24. C. 4/13/78. 0614 Letter (in French). Fr: Hubert Maga. Report on Riot between Congolese To: John F. Kennedy. (Brazzaville) and Gabon over Soccer Match. May 24, 1961.1 p. JFK#3a. 0600 Incoming Telegram #622. Fr: Douglas 0615 Translation of Letter. Fr: Hubert Maga. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Kennedy. October 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#25. C. 4/13/78. May 18, 1961.1 p. JFK#3b. Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak Note regarding Adherence of Dahomey to Informed of George C. McGhee's Evaluation Convention on International Civil Aviation. of DRC Situation and U.S. Talks with Union 0616 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Miniere du Haut Katanga. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0602 CIA Information Report. Fr: CIA. To: NA. June 22, 1961.1p. JFK#4. October 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#26. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for C. 8/24/81 IP. Robinson Mcllvaine, Newly Designated U.S. Dissatisfaction over DRC Government's Ambassador to Dahomey. Handling of Katanga Problem. 0617 Incoming Telegram #184. Fr: Converse 0604 Outgoing Telegram #623. Fr: Dean Rusk. Hettinger. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. January 29,1962.1p. JFK#6. OUO. October 16, 1962. 2pp. JFK#27. C. 4/13/78. Plans for Dahoman Finance Minister [?] Discussions regarding DRC Government's Adande's Visit to U.S. Amnesty for Katangese President Moise 0618 Department of State Airgram #A-59. Fr: Tshombe Specifically and Katanga in Robinson Mcllvaine. To: State Department. General. March 23, 1962.1p. JFK#8. LOU. 0606 Outgoing Telegram #625. Fr: Dean Rusk. Request for "Presidential Guest" Visit for To: U.S. Embassy, Leopoldville. Dahoman President Hubert Maga with John October 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#28. C. 4/13/78. F. Kennedy. U.S. Requests Information and Assessment of Reasons for DRC Prime Minister Cyrille 0619 Dahomey•April 1962-May 1962. Adoula's Repudiation of Cease-fire 0620 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Agreement with Katanga. 0621 Outgoing Telegram #5275. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. Dahomey April 2,1962.1p. JFK#1. C. 8/11/77. 0608 Dahomey•January 1961-March 1962. U.S. Requests French Government's 0609 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. Evaluation of Financial Situation in Dahomey 0611 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Hubert Maga. and Possibility of Political Developments February 2,1961.1 p. JFK#1. against Dahoman President Hubert Maga. Thank-You Letter to Dahoman President 0622 Incoming Telegram #4681. Fr: James M. Maga for Courtesies Extended to U.S. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Senate Delegation and Edward Kennedy. April 3, 1962. 1p. JFK#2. C. 8/11/77 IP. French Government Informs U.S. That Dahomey Is in Acute Financial Crisis due to Political instability.

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0623 Department of State Airgram #A-13. 0636 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Louis I. Pinto. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Cotonou. NA. 1p.JFK#2b. April 4, 1962.1p. JFK#3. C. 8/11/77. Letter from Kennedy to Dahoman UN Request tor Dahoman President Hubert Ambassador Pinto Thanking Him for His Maga to Visit U.S. Attendance at U.S. Naval Maneuvers and 0624 Incoming Telegram #3431. Fr: Francis Apologizing for Elkton, Maryland, Plimpton. To: Dean Rusk. Discrimination Incident. April 18, 1962. 1 p. JFK#4. LOU. 0637 Translation of Letter. Fr: Louis I. Pinto. To: Incident in Which UN Delegates from John F. Kennedy. Dahomey and Central African Republic Were May 11,1962. 4pp. JFK#2c. Refused Service at Elkton, Maryland, Letter to Kennedy from Dahoman UN Dinette. Ambassador Pinto Expressing Thanks for 0625 Incoming Telegram #291. Fr: Robinson Invitation to U.S. Naval Maneuvers and Mcllvaine. To: Dean Rusk. Complaining about Racial Discrimination April 26, 1962.1p. JFK#5. C. 8/11/77. Incident in Elkton, Maryland. French Ambassador to Dahomey Expresses 0641 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Concern over U.S. Military Assistance To: McGeorge Bundy. Program. June 2,1962. 1p.JFK#2a. 0626 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Suggested Reply to Letter from Dahoman To: McGeorge Bundy. UN Ambassador Louis I. Pinto to John F. Aprime, 1962. 1 p. JFK#6. Kennedy. Letter to Kennedy from Dahoman UN 0643 Letter (in French). Fr: Louis I. Pinto. To: John Ambassador Louis I. Pinto Accepting F. Kennedy. Invitation to Attend U.S. Fleet Maneuvers. May11,1962.3pp.JFK#2d. 0627 Letter. Fr: Louis I. Pinto. To: John F. Kennedy. 0646 Incoming Telegram #337. Fr: Robinson March 30, 1962. 2pp. JFK#6a. Mcllvaine. To: Dean Rusk. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Dahoman UN June 7,1962.1p. JFK#3. QUO. Ambassador Pinto Accepting Invitation to UAM Secretary General [?] Tevoedjre Attend U.S. Fleet Maneuvers. Presents Gift to John F. Kennedy. 0629 Incoming Telegram #320. Fr: Robinson 0647 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Mcllvaine. To: Dean Rusk. To: NA. May 25, 1962. 1p. JFK#7. C. 8/11/77. June 15,1962. 4pp. JFK#4. LOU. Plans for Visit to U.S. by Dahoman President U.S. Interest in Proposed Dahoman Hubert Maga. University. 0630 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0651 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. May 25, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 8/11/77. July 12, 1962. 1p. JFK#5. Request for Appointment with John F. Memorandum of Conversation between John Kennedy for Dahoman Goodwill Mission. F. Kennedy and Dahoman Minister of State Oke Assogba. 0632 Dahomey•June 1962. 0652 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. 0633 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. To: NA. 0634 Incoming Telegram #331. Fr: Robinson June 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#5a. LOU. Mcllvaine. To: Dean Rusk. Discussions between U.S. State Department June 4, 1962. 1p. JFK#1. C. 1/6/77. Officials and Dahoman Minister of State Oke Additional Needs for Construction of Assogba regarding Agricultural Production Headquarters for UAM. and Improvement of Education in Dahomey. 0635 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Louis I. Pinto. 0654 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. JuneS, 1962.1 p. JFK#2. To: McGeorge Bundy. Letter from Kennedy to Dahoman UN July 10,1962. 1p.JFK#5b. Ambassador Pinto Thanking Him for His 'The Attached Is for Approval Prior to Attendance at U.S. Naval Maneuvers and Distribution. The President's Remarks Are Apologizing for Elkton, Maryland, Sidelined in Blue." Discrimination Incident.

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0655 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. 0702 Incoming Telegram #14. Fr: Robinson To: NA. Mcllvaine. To: Dean Rusk. June 15, 1962. 2pp. JFK#5c. LOU. August 6, 1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 6/28/77. Discussions between U.S. State Department Consideration Given to Extending Invitation Officials and Dahoman Minister of State Oke to Dahoman President Hubert Maga to Visit Assogba regarding Agricultural Production U.S. and Improvement of Education in Dahomey. 0704 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Dean Rusk. 0657 Dahomey•Goodwill Mission, Augusts, 1962. 1p.JFK#4. June 15,1962. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for 0658 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Robinson Mcllvaine, U.S. Ambassador to 0659 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Dahomey. McGeorge Bundy. 0705 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. June 14, 1962.2pp. JFK#1. C. 9/14/78. NA. 1p.JFK#4a. John F. Kennedy Meets with Dahoman Biographical Data on Robinson Mcllvaine, Goodwill Mission. U.S. Ambassador to Dahomey. 0661 Talking Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0706 Department of State Airgram #A-79. Fr: NA. 3pp. JFK#2. James Carson. To: State Department. Discussion Points for John F. Kennedy's October 5, 1962. 2pp. JFK#5. Meeting with Dahoman Goodwill Mission. Spot Check of Duty Officer Procedures in 0665 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Dahomey. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0708 Incoming Telegram. Fr: Robinson Mcllvaine. June 13, 1962. 1p.JFK#3. To: Dean Rusk. John F. Kennedy Meets with Dahoman February 19, 1963. 2pp. JFK#7. 6/28/77 IP. Goodwill Mission. Dahoman President Hubert Maga Discusses 0666 Briefing Book. Fr: NA. To: NA. Criticism of U.S. at Entente Meeting with U.S. June 8-15,1962. 31pp. JFK#4-#21. C. Ambassador Mcllvaine. OUO. 9/14/78. 0711 Department of State Airgram #A-236. Fr: Briefing Book for Dahoman Goodwill Robinson Mcllvaine. To: State Department. Mission's Visit to U.S. [Itinerary for Dahoman April 5, 1963.1p. JFK#8. OUO. Goodwill Mission's Visit to U.S.; Dahomey Diplomatic Dinner Party Given by Ghanaian Background Paper; U.S. Aid to Dahomey; Ambassador to Dahomey. U.S. Military Assistance to Dahomey; U.S. 0712 Note. Fr: Thelma [?]. To: Polly Yates. Educational and Cultural Program in NA. 1p.JFK#9. Dahomey; and Biographical Sketches of "Mr. Kaysen Did Not Speak to Anyone in Members of Dahoman Goodwill Mission]. State about This. Would You Please?" 0712 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge 0697 Dahomey•July 1962-June 1963. Bundy. 0698 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Aprils, 1963.1 p. JFK#9a. 0699 Incoming Telegram #8. Fr: Robinson "For White House Approval Prior to Mcllvaine. To: Dean Rusk. Transmission." July 19, 1962. 1 p. JFK#1. C. 6/28/77 IP. 0713 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, USSR and Czechoslovakia Offer Financial Cotonou. Aid to Dahoman President Hubert Maga. April 5,1963.1p. JFK#9b. LOU. 0700 Copy of Incoming Telegram #8. Fr: Robinson Possibility That Dahoman President Hubert Mcllvaine. To: Dean Rusk. Maga Might Be Officially Invited to Visit U.S. July 19, 1962. 1p. JFK#1. C. 6/28/77 IP. Appears Remote. USSR and Czechoslovakia Offer Financial 0714 Outgoing Telegram #148. Fr: George W. Ball. Aid to Dahoman President Hubert Maga. To: U.S. Embassy, Cotonou. 0701 Outgoing Telegram #14. Fr: Dean Rusk. April 9, 1963.1p. JFK#10. LOU. To: U.S. Embassy, Cotonou. Possibility That Dahoman President Hubert August 3, 1962. 1p. JFK#2. C. 6/28/77. Maga Might Be Officially Invited to Visit U.S. U.S. Informed That Dahoman President Appears Remote. Hubert Maga Invited to Visit USSR.

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0715 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge 0725 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Hubert Maga. Bundy. July 11,1963.1p.JFK#3b. April 11, 1963.1p.JFK#10a. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Dahoman "For White House Approval Prior to President Maga Declining Invitation to Attend Transmission. Mr. Kaysen Has Been Dahomey's Independence Celebrations. Interested in This." 0726 Memorandum. Fr: Edward S. Little. To: 0716 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, McGeorge Bundy. Cotonou. July 6,1963.1p.JFK#3c. April 9,1963.1 p. JFK#1 Ob. LOU. Suggested Reply from John F. Kennedy to Possibility That Dahoman President Hubert Dahoman President Hubert Maga's Invitation Maga Might Be Officially Invited to Visit U.S. to Attend Dahomey's Independence Appears Remote. Celebrations. 0727 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Hubert Maga. 0717 Dahomey•July 1963-September NA. 1 p. JFK#3d. 1963. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Dahoman 0719 Memorandum. Fr: Edward S. Little. To: President Maga Declining Invitation to Attend McGeorge Bundy. Dahomey's Independence Celebrations. Julyl, 1963.1p.JFK#1. 0728 Letter. Fr: Hubert Maga. To: John F. Kennedy. Letter from Dahoman President Hubert Maga June 19,1963.1p.JFK#3e. Inviting John F. Kennedy to Attend Letter from Dahoman President Maga Dahomey's Independence Celebrations. Inviting Kennedy to Attend Dahomey's 0720 Translation of Letter. Fr: Hubert Maga. To: Independence Celebrations. John F. Kennedy. 0729 Copy of Letter. Fr: Hubert Maga. To: John F. June 19, 1963.1p.JFK#1a. Kennedy. Letter from Dahoman President Hubert Maga NA. 1p.JFK#3f. Inviting Kennedy to Attend Dahomey's Letter from Dahoman President Maga Independence Celebrations. Inviting Kennedy to Attend Dahomey's 0721 Outgoing Telegram #2. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Independence Celebrations. U.S. Embassy, Cotonou. [Note: Document Is Unreadable.] JulyS, 1963.1 p. JFK#2. LOU. 0730 Letter (in French). Fr: Hubert Maga. To: John Anthony J. Celebrezze, U.S. Secretary of F. Kennedy. Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), June 19,1963.1p. JFK#3g. Appointed John F. Kennedy's Personal 0731 Outgoing Telegram #13. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Representative to Dahomey's Independence Embassy, Cotonou. Celebrations. July 30,1963.1p. JFK#4. LOU. 0722 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: U.S. Finds It Impossible to Make McGeorge Bundy. Commitment on Proposed Trip of Dahoman July 6,1963.1p. JFK#2a. LOU. President Hubert Maga. White House Clearance of Outgoing 0732 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Telegram to U.S. Embassy, Cotonou. McGeorge Bundy. 0723 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, July 31,1963.1p. JFK#4a. LOU. Cotonou. White House Clearance of Draft Cable to July 5,1963.1p. JFK#2b. LOU. U.S. Embassy, Cotonou. Anthony J. Celebrezze, U.S. Secretary of 0733 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), Cotonou. Appointed John F. Kennedy's Personal July 30,1963.1p. JFK#4b. LOU. Representative to Dahomey's Independence U.S. Finds It Impossible to Make Celebrations. Commitment on Proposed Trip of Dahoman 0724 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. President Hubert Maga. Brubeck. 0734 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: July 18, 1963.1p. JFK#3. McGeorge Bundy. "For Transmittal." September 11,1963.1p. JFK#5. 0724 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. Visit to U.S. by Dahoman President Hubert NA. 1p.JFK#3a. Maga. "State Asked for Signed Original."

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0735 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0749 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: NA. 1p.JFK#6. McGeorge Bundy. "Did Not See President." October 28,1963. 1p. JFK#10. 0736 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Political Situation in Dahomey Following McGeorge Bundy. Dissolution of Government of Hubert Maga. September 18, 1963. 1 p. JFK#6a. 0750 Memorandum. Fr: Robinson Mcllvaine. To: Robinson Mcllvaine, U.S. Ambassador to John F. Kennedy. Dahomey, Arrives in Washington, D.C., for NA. 2pp. JFK#10a. C. 7/11/78 IP. Consultations. Military Takeover of Government of Dahomey 0737 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. by Colonel Christophe Soglo. NA. 1p.JFK#6b. 0752 Note. Fr: Helen Colle. To: Polly Yates. Biographical Data on Robinson Mcllvaine, November 1,1963.1p. JFK#11. U.S. Ambassador to Dahomey. "Do You Want This[?] Mr. Brubeck Used Attachment as an Attachment to a Memo He 0738 Dahomey•October 1963-November Sent President on This." 1963. 0753 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 0739 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. McGeorge Bundy. 0740 Incoming Telegram #89. Fr: James Carson. October 28,1963. 1p. JFK#11a. To: Dean Rusk. Political Situation in Dahomey Following October 22,1963. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 6/20/77. Dissolution of Government of Hubert Maga. Causes of Antigovernment Rioting in Porto 0754 Incoming Telegram #122. Fr: James Carson. Novo, Dahomey. To: Dean Rusk. 0742 Incoming Telegram #95. Fr: James Carson. October 29,1963. 1p. JFK#12. LOU. To: Dean Rusk. Communiqués Issued by Provisional October 24,1963. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 9/21/76. Government of Dahomey. Military Forces of Dahoman President Hubert 0755 Incoming Telegram #127. Fr: Leon B. Maga Bring Antigovernment Demonstrations Poullada. To: Dean Rusk. under Control. October 29,1963. 1p. JFK#13. C. 9/21/76. 0744 Incoming Telegram #102. Fr: James Carson. U.S. Embassy, Lome Remains in Radio and To: Dean Rusk. Telephonic Contact with U.S. Embassy, October 26,1963. 2pp. JFK#3. LOU. Cotonou and Receives Assurances That All Peaceful Antigovernment Demonstrations Americans Safe. Organized by Labor Unions Continue in 0756 Incoming Telegram #128. Fr: Robinson Porto Novo, Dahomey. Mcllvaine. To: Dean Rusk. 0746 Incoming Telegram #110. Fr: James Carson. October 30,1963. 1p. JFK#14. LOU. To: Dean Rusk. Colonel Christophe Soglo, Dahoman Chief of October 27,1963. 1p. JFK#4. C. 6/20/77. State, and Former President Hubert Maga Dahoman Union Leaders and Demonstrators Leave on Planned Trip to Northern Dahomey. Call for Dissolution of Government and 0757 Incoming Telegram #134. Fr: Robinson Resignation of President Hubert Maga. Mcllvaine. To: Dean Rusk. 0747 Incoming Telegram. Fr: Leon B. Poullada. To: Discussions between U.S. Ambassador Dean Rusk. Robinson Mcllvaine and Colonel Christophe October 27,1963. 1p. JFK#5. Soglo, Dahoman Chief of State, regarding Radio Dahomey Announces Resignation of Military Takeover. President Hubert Maga and Assumption of 0759 Outgoing Telegram #47. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Power by Colonel Christophe Soglo. U.S. Embassy, Cotonou. 0748 Incoming Telegram #108. Fr: [?] Corcoran. November 13,1963.1p. JFK#17. C. 9/21/76. To: Dean Rusk. British Government Announces Intention of October 28,1963. 1p. JFK#8. C. 9/21/78. Recognizing Dahoman Provisional Military Government of Upper Volta Discusses Government Headed by Colonel Christophe Position on Dissolution of Hubert Maga's Soglo. Government in Dahomey.

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Ghana 0778 Incoming Telegram #839. Fr: Francis H. 0760 Ghana•January 1961. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0761 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. January 25,1961. 7pp. C. 5/8/75. 0763 Incoming Telegram #808. Fr: Francis H. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy Offering January 20,1961. 3pp. JFK#1. C. 5/8/75. Congratulations on His Election and U.S. Policy toward Volta River Project In Expressing Concern over DRC Situation. Ghana. 0785 Incoming Telegram #841. Fr: Francis H. 0766 Incoming Telegram #815. Fr: Francis H. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. January 26,1961. 3pp. JFK#8. C. 5/8/75. January 21,1961. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 5/8/75. Extent to Which Ghanaian President Kwame Letter of Greeting from John F. Kennedy to Nkrumah Identifies His Goals with Those of Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Soviet Bloc. 0768 Outgoing Telegram #754. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0788 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. U.S. Embassy, Accra. Kennedy. January 22,1961.1p. JFK#3. C. 5/8/75. January 27,1961. 1p. JFK#9. C. 5/8/75. "You Are Authorized Present Message from Interim Reply to Ghanaian President Kwame President Suggested Your 815x When You Nkrumah's Letter to Kennedy on DRC Crisis. •Present Credentials Tomorrow." 0789 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Kwame Nkrumah. 0769 Note. Fr: Andrew J. Goodpaster. To: Walter J. NA. 1p.JFK#9. C. NA. Stoessel, Jr. Reply to President Kwame Nkrumah's Letter January 24,1961.1 p. JFK#4. on DRC Situation. "For Information." 0790 Outgoing Telegram #787. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0770 Incoming Telegram #825. Fr: Francis H. U.S. Embassy, Accra. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. January 29,1961. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 9/19/75. January 24,1961. 2pp. JFK#4a. C. 5/8/75. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Ghanaian Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame President Kwame Nkrumah regarding DRC Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding Situation. Arrest of DRC Prime Minister Patrice 0792 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. To: Lumumba and Suggestions for Policy in Andrew J. Goodpaster. Congo Situation. January 30,1961.1p. JFK#11. 0772 Note. Fr: Andrew J. Goodpaster. To: Walter J. Signed Original of Ghanaian President Stoessel, Jr. Kwame Nkrumah's Letter to John F. January 24,1961.1p. JFK#5. Kennedy, Dated January 23,1961. "For Your Information." 0793 Incoming Telegram #865. Fr: Francis H. 0773 Incoming Telegram #826. Fr: Francis H. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. January 30,1961. 1p. JFK#12. C. 9/19/75. January 24,1961. 2pp. JFK#5a. C. 5/8/75. U.S. Ambassador Francis Russell Delivers Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame John F. Kennedy's Message to Ghanaian Nkrumah regarding DRC Situation and Volta President Kwame Nkrumah. River Project. 0794 Incoming Telegram #873. Fr: Francis H. 0775 Incoming Telegram #828. Fr: Francis H. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. January 31,1961. 1p. JFK#13. C. 5/8/75. January 24,1961.1p. JFK#6. C. 9/19/75. Developments Indicating Thawing of Results of Casablanca Conference of African Relations between Ghana and U.S. Heads of State. 0776 Note. Fr: Andrew J. Goodpaster. To: Walter J. 0795 Ghana•Volta River Project, 1961. Stoessel, Jr. 0796 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. January 26,1961.1 p. JFK#7. 0797 Letter. Fr: Barbara Ward. To: Walt W. Rostow. "For President." June 2,1961. 2pp. JFK#1. Developments in Ghana and Weakening of Western Influence in Africa.

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0799 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Walt 0827 Memorandum. Fr: J. Wayne Fredericks. W. Rostow. To: Walt W. Rostow. July 18, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 8/17/76. October 10,1961.1p. JFK#8. Background on British Economist Nicholas Articles by Colin Legum on Situation in Kaldor and Ghana's Negotiations with World Ghana in London Observer. Bank. 0828 Routing Slip. Fr: NA. To: Lois Nivens. 0802 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. To: John 1p.JFK#8. F. Kennedy. 0829 Typewritten Copy of Newspaper Article. Fr: September 13,1961. 2pp. JFK#3. S. 8/17/74 Colin Legum. To: NA. IP. October 2, 1961. 5pp. JFK#8a. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's "Is Ghana Going Communist?" [Part I]. Plans to Send Four Hundred Military Officer 0834 Typewritten Copy of Newspaper Article. Cadets to USSR for Training. Fr: Colin Legum. To: NA. 0804 Memorandum. Fr: Murray Balman [Belman]. October 3,1961. 8pp. JFK#8a. To: Donald A. Dumont. "Is Ghana Going Communist?" [Part II]. September 26,1961. 2pp. JFK#4. 0842 Report. Fr: State Department. To: National U.S. Commitment on Volta River Project In Security Council. Ghana. Decembers, 1961.17pp. JFK#10. S. 4/9/76. 0806 Press Release. Fr: United Press International Volta River Project in Ghana. (UPI). To: NA. September 29,1961.1 p. JFK#5. 0859 Ghana•Volta River Project, Kaiser Uncertainty regarding U.S. Aid to Volta River Aluminum Project, January 30,1961. Project in Wake of Ghana's Dismissal of Pro- 0861 Report. Fr: Kaiser Aluminum Corporation. To: Western Cabinet Members. NA. 0807 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: January 30,1961. 74pp. JFK#1-#73. McGeorge Bundy. Volta River Hydroelectric Project and Valco NA. 5pp. JFK#6. S. 4/23/76. Aluminum Smelter Project in Ghana [U.S. Volta River Project and Current Political Interest in Volta River and Valco Projects; Tax Situation in Ghana. Treaty between U.S. and Ghana; Political 0812 Letter. Fr: W. M. Q. Halm. To: Dean Rusk. Risks of Valco Project; Boke Bauxite and September 29,1961. 2pp. JFK#6a. Alumina Project in Guinea; Konkoure Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Hydroelectric Project in Guinea; Valco-Ghana Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding Volta Agreements; Financing Plan for Valco River Project. Aluminum Smelter in Ghana; U.S. 0814 Memorandum. Fr: Donald A. Dumont. <> Government Assistance to Cover Risks of To: G. Mennen Williams. Investment In African Aluminum Projects; September 29,1961. 6pp. JFK#6b. Valco Investment Guaranties; Background S. 4/23/76. Report on Republic of Ghana; Cabinet of Critique of U.S. Ambassador Francis Ghana; History of Ghana]. Russell's Recommendations regarding Conclusion of Volta River Project Agreement 0935 Ghana•February 1-16,1961. with Ghana and Nature of U.S. Commitment. 0936 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0820 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. 0937 Incoming Telegram #2069. Fr: Adlai E. To: George W. Ball. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. September 12,1961. 4pp. JFK#6c. February 1,1961. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 9/19/75. C. 4/23/76. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Pro-Soviet Statements by Ghanaian Nkrumah to Stevenson Asking U.S. President Kwame Nkrumah. Assistance in Releasing DRC Prime Minister 0825 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. To: John Patrice Lumumba. F. Kennedy. 0939 Incoming Telegram #880. Fr: Francis H. October 2, 1961. 2pp. JFK#7. S. 8/17/76 IP. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Decision on Volta River Project in February 2,1961.2pp. JFK#2. OUO. Ghana. U.S. Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah regarding DRC Situation.

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0942 Outgoing Telegram #802. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0963 Incoming Telegram #911. Fr: Francis H. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. February 2, 1961. 5pp. JFK#3. C. 5/8/75. February 9, 1961. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 5/8/75. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Ghanaian Discussions between Ghanaian President President Kwame Nkrumah regarding U.S. Kwame Nkrumah and Crown Prince Moulay Policy on DRC. Hassan of Morocco. 0947 Letter. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. 0965 Incoming Telegram #912. Fr: Francis H. Kennedy. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. January 23,1961. 1p. JFK#3a. February 10, 1961. 1p. JFK#9. S. 5/8/75. Letter of Congratulations on Kennedy's Lack of Response from Ghanaian Assumption of Presidency from Ghanaian Government to Letter from John F. Kennedy President Nkrumah. to Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. 0948 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Kwame Nkrumah. 0966 Incoming Telegram #936. Fr: Francis H. February 2,1961.4pp. JFK#3b. C. 5/8/75. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Ghanaian February 15,1961. 6pp. JFK#10. President Nkrumah regarding U.S. Policy on Radio Broadcast by Ghanaian President DRC. Kwame Nkrumah regarding Assassination of 0952 Outgoing Telegram #807. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: DRC Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0972 Incoming Telegram #940. Fr: Francis H. February 3, 1961.1p. JFK#4. OUO. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Reply to Ghanaian President Kwame February 15, 1961. 2pp. JFK#11. C. 5/8/75. Nkrumah's Message of Congratulations from Anti-American Demonstration at U.S. John F. Kennedy. Embassy in Ghana Following Assassination 0953 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. To: of DRC Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. Andrew J. Goodpaster. 0974 Incoming Telegram #947. Fr: Francis H. February 2, 1961,1 p. JFK#4a. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Congratulatory Message to John F. Kennedy February 15, 1961. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 5/8/75. from Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Note from Ghanaian President Kwame 0954 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Kwame Nkrumah. Nkrumah regarding Scope of U.S. Navy's NA. 1p.JFK#4b. Goodwill Mission to Ghana. Reply to Ghanaian President Nkrumah's 0976 Incoming Telegram #953. Fr: Francis H. Congratulatory Message to John F. Kennedy. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0955 Incoming Telegram #890. Fr: Francis H. February 16,1961. 2pp. JFK#13. S. 9/19/75. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian Government Announces That They February 3,1961.1p. JFK#5. C. 9/19/75. Will Accept No Further Technical Aid from U.S. Ambassador Russell Delivers Letter to U.S. Ghanaian Foreign Minister in Absence of 0978 Incoming Telegram #959. Fr: Francis H. President Kwame Nkrumah. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0956 Incoming Telegram #891. Fr: Francis H. February 16, 1961. 2pp. JFK#14. C. 5/8/75. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Aide Mémoire from Ghanaian President February 4,1961. 5pp. JFK#6. S. 5/8/75. Kwame Nkrumah regarding Statements by Visit of Ghanaian Government Delegation to John F. Kennedy on DRC Situation. U.S. to Discuss Volta River Project and DRC 0980 Incoming Telegram #961. Fr: Francis H. Situation. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0961 Incoming Telegram. Fr: Francis H. Russell. February 16, 1961. 5pp. JFK#15. To: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian Government Press Statement on February 8,1961.2pp. JFK#7. C. 5/8/75. U.S. Policy toward DRC. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame 0986 Incoming Telegram #962. Fr: Francis H. Nkrumah regarding U.S. Navy's Goodwill Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Visit to Ghana. February 16, 1961. 1p. JFK#16. C. 5/8/75. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Expresses Appreciation for Efforts by Adlai E. Stevenson to Find Solution to DRC Problem.

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0987 Ghana•February 17-21,1961. 1002 Outgoing Telegram #862. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0988 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0989 Incoming Telegram #965. Fr: Francis H. February 17, 1961.1p. JFK#25. S. 9/19/75. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. State Department Gives Consideration February 17, 1961. 1p. JFK#17. C. 5/8/75. to Possible Statement on Volta River Project Foreign Ministers of Casablanca in Ghana. Governments Meet in Accra, Ghana, to 1004 Outgoing Telegram #863. Fr: Dean Rusk. Discuss DRC Situation. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0990 Incoming Telegram #972. Fr: Francis H. February 17, 1961. 3pp. JFK#26. LOU. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. State Department Informed of President February 17, 1961. 1p. JFK#18. C. 5/8/75. Kwame Nkrumah's Unhappiness with John F. Discussions with Ghanaian Officials Kennedy's Statement on DRC. regarding U.S. Construction of Housing 1007 Incoming Telegram #982. Fr: Francis H. Project at Tema Harbor. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0991 Text of Message. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: February 19, 1961. 2pp. JFK#27. C. 5/8/75. Dag Hammarskjold. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Given February 18,1961. 2pp. JFK#19. Aide Mémoire on U.S. Interpretation of Legal Ghanaian President Nkrumah Calls for More Position of Kasavubu Government in DRC. Effective Efforts by UN in DRC. 1009 Incoming Telegram #983. Fr: Francis H. 0993 Incoming Telegram #974. Fr: Francis H. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. February 19, 1961. 2pp. JFK#28. C. 5/8/75. February 18, 1961.1p. JFK#20. C. 5/8/75. Discussions with Ghanaian Foreign Minister , U.S. Embassy, Accra Comments on Robert Ako Adjei regarding DRC Situation. Gardiner, Chief of UN Operations in DRC, 1011 Incoming Telegram #984. Fr: Francis H. and Sir Robert Jackson, Chairman of Gold Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Coast Development Commission. February 18, 1961. 1p. JFK#29. C. 9/19/75. 0994 Incoming Telegram #977. Fr: Francis H. Meeting between Ghanaian President Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Kwame Nkrumah and Chad F. Calhoun, Vice February 18,1961. 3pp. JFK#21. President of Kaiser Aluminum Corporation, Message from Ghanaian President Kwame regarding Volta River Project. Nkrumah to UN Secretary General Dag 1012 Incoming Telegram #998. Fr: Francis H. Hammarskjold regarding Effectiveness of UN Russell. To: Dean Rusk. in DRC. February 21,1961. 2pp. JFK#30. 0997 Incoming Telegram #978. Fr: Francis H. Note from Ghanaian Foreign Affairs Minister Russell. To: Dean Rusk. regarding Alleged Delivery of Jet Aircraft for February 18, 1961.1p. JFK#22. S. 5/8/75. Katangesë Government by U.S. Citizens. President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana Informs 1014 Outgoing Telegram #876. Fr: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian Parliament of Status of Volta River To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Project and Main Features of Valco February 21, 1961. 2pp. JFK#31. S. 9/19/75. Agreement. U.S. Discusses New UN Actions on DRC with 0998 Incoming Telegram #980. Fr: Francis H. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 1016 Memorandum. Fr: Frederick G. Dutton. To: February 18,1961. 2pp. JFK#23. OUO. McGeorge Bundy. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's February 21, 1961. 1p. JFK#32. Speech Welcoming Soviet President Leonid Request for Reaction to Ghanaian President Brezhnev. Kwame Nkrumah's Plans to Visit U.S. 1000 Incoming Telegram #981. Fr: Francis H. 1017 Memorandum. Fr: Frederick G. Dutton. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Kennedy. February 18, 1961. 2pp. JFK#24. C. 5/8/75. February 21,1961. 2pp. JFK#32a. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Comments on Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Plans to Visit U.S. and Strengthen UN Role Message to UN Secretary General Dag in Maintaining Peace in Congo. Hammarskjold.

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1019 Incoming Telegram #1000. Fr: Francis H. 0014 Incoming Telegram #1021. Fr: Francis H. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. February 21, 1961. 1p. JFK#33. LOU. February 24,1961. 1p. JFK#40. C. 5/8/75. Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame Sir Robert Jackson's Comments on World Nkrumah regarding Situation in DRC. Bank's Involvement with Volta River Project 1020 Incoming Telegram #1001. Fr: Francis H. in Ghana. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0015 Incoming Telegram #1023. Fr: Francis H. February 21, 1961. 10pp. JFK#34. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Text of Aide Mémoire from Ghanaian February 24,1961. 2pp. JFK#41. C. 5/8/75. President Kwame Nkrumah on Legal Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Use Questions regarding Government of DRC. of Correspondence with U.S. for Propaganda 1030 Incoming Telegram #1005. Fr: Francis H. Purpose. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0017 Outgoing Telegram #886. Fr: Dean Rusk. February 21, 1961. 1p. JFK#35. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah February 25,1961. 2pp. JFK#42. C. 5/8/75. Presents Outline of Volta River Project to U.S. Explains Shipment of Jet Training Ghanaian Parliament. Aircraft for Katanga to Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. 0019 Incoming Telegram #1026. Fr: Francis H. Reels Russell. To: Dean Rusk. February 26,1961. 2pp. JFK#43. S. 9/19/75. Ghana cont. Increasing Soviet Influence in Ghana. Source and Editorial Note. 1p. 0021 Routing Slip. Fr: NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. Folder Title List. 9pp. 1p.JFK#44. 0022 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. « 0001 Ghana•February 22-28,1961. Kennedy. 0002 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. February 26,1961. 1p. JFK#44. S. 5/8/75. 0003 Incoming Telegram #1006. Fr: Francis H. Suggested Reply to Ghanaian President -• Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Kwame Nkrumah's Letter to Kennedy, Dated February 22,1961. 2pp. JFK#36. S. 5/8/75. February 22,1961. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Comments on Volta 0023 Draft Letter. Fr: NÀ. To: Kwame Nkrumah. River Project Situation Following Ghanaian NA. 5pp. JFK#44a. President Kwame Nkrumah's Speech to Reply to Ghanaian President Nkrumah's Ghanaian Parliament. Letter on DRC Crisis and His Plan to Come 0005 Incoming Telegram #1013. Fr: Francis H. to U.S. to Attend UN General Assembly. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0028 Outgoing Telegram #891. Fr: Dean Rusk. February 23, 1961. 1p. JFK#37. C. 5/8/75. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Government of Ghana Concludes Economic February 28,1961.5pp. JFK#45. S. 5/8/75. and Technical Agreement and Trade and John F. Kennedy's Reply to Ghanaian Navigation Agreement with Yugoslavia. President Kwame Nkrumah's Letteron DRC 0006 Incoming Telegram #1015. Fr: Francis H. Crisis and His Plan to Come to U.S. to Attend Russell. To: Dean Rusk. UN General Assembly. February 23,1961. 5pp. JFK#38. C. 5/8/75. 0033 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame To: Ralph A. Dungan. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding DRC February 28,1961. 1p. JFK#45a. C. 5/8/75. Crisis. Signed Original of Ghanaian President 0011 Incoming Telegram #1018. Fr: Francis H. Kwame Nkrumah's Letter to John F. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. February 24, 1961. 3pp. JFK#39. C. 5/8/75. 0034 Letter. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. Developments at Casablanca Foreign Kennedy. Ministers Conference. February 22,1961. 3pp. JFK#45b. Letter to Kennedy regarding DRC Crisis.

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0037 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. 0058 Incoming Telegram #1046. Fr: Francis H. Kennedy. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. February 26, 1961. 1p. JFK#45c. S. 5/8/75. March 2, 1961. 1p. JFK#5. C. 5/8/75. Suggested Reply to Ghanaian President Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame Kwame Nkrumah's Letter to Kennedy, Dated Nkrumah regarding Proposed Meeting with February 22, 1961. John F. Kennedy, Shipment of French Planes 0038 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Kwame Nkrumah. to Katanga, and U.S. Policy toward Belgium. NA. 5pp. JFK#45d. 0059 Incoming Telegram #1047. Fr: Francis H. Reply to Ghanaian President Nkrumah's Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Letter on DRC Crisis and His Plan to Come March 2, 1961. 4pp. JFK#6. C. 9/19/75. to U.S. to Attend UN General Assembly. Assessment of Ghanaian President Kwame 0043 Incoming Telegram #1026. Fr: Francis H. Nkrumah's Objectives for Ghana and Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Strategy regarding DRC. February 26, 1961. 2pp. JFK#45e. S. 9/19/75. 0063 Incoming Telegram #1049. Fr: Francis H. Increasing Soviet Influence in Ghana. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0045 Incoming Telegram #1015. Fr: Francis H. March 2, 1961. 1p. JFK#7. C. 5/8/75. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Choice of Naval Vessel for Goodwill February 23, 1961. 5pp. JFK#45f. C. 5/8/75. Visit to Ghana. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame 0064 Incoming Telegram #1052. Fr: Francis H. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding DRC Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Crisis. March 3, 1961. 1p. JFK#8. LOU. 0050 Incoming Telegram #1035. Fr: Francis H. U.S. Treatment of Ghana's Pro-Soviet Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Minister of Information and Broadcasting February 28, 1961. 1 p. JFK#46. C. 5/8/75. during His Visit. Travel Plans for Ghanaian President Kwame 0066 Outgoing Telegram #905. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Nkrumah's Trip to U.S. U.S. Embassy, Accra. March 3, 1961.1p. JFK#9. C. 9/19/75. 0051 Ghana•March 1-5,1961. Proposed Meeting between John F. Kennedy 0052 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. and Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. 0053 Incoming Telegram #1040. Fr: Francis H. 0067 Incoming Telegram #1060. Fr: Francis H. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. March 1,1961.1 p. JFK#1. C. 5/8/75. March 4,1961.1p. JFK#10. C. 9/19/75. Travel Plans for Ghanaian President Kwame Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Nkrumah's Trip to U.S. Including Possible Informed of Proposed Date for Meeting with Meeting with John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy. 0054 Outgoing Telegram #899. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0068 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. John F. Kennedy. March 1, 1961. 1 p. JFK#2. S. 5/8/75. March 4, 1961.1p. JFK#11. Proposed Meeting between Ghanaian Importance of Meeting with Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah and John F. President Kwame Nkrumah to Reopen Kennedy. Channels of Communications between 0055 Incoming Telegram #1042. Fr: Francis H. Ghana and New U.S. Administration. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0069 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. To: John March 2, 1961. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 5/8/75. F. Kennedy. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's March 4, 1961. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 5/12/75. Support of Soviet Bloc's Position on DRC Interview with Ghanaian Finance Minister Crisis. K. A. Gbedemah. 0057 Incoming Telegram #1044. Fr: Francis H. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0071 Ghana•March 6,1961. March 2, 1961. 1 p. JFK#4. LOU. 0072 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. . U.S. Embassy, Accra Waives Passport and Visa Requirements for Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Trip to U.S.

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0074 Memorandum. Fr: James K. Penfield. To: 0105 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: Selected U.S. Dean Rusk. Diplomatic Posts. March6, 1961.1p. JFK#13. NA.2pp.JFK#13f. Appointment for Ghanaian President Kwame Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Nkrumah with John F. Kennedy. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah 0075 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. regarding African Agreement on Arms Kennedy. Limitation. NA.2pp.JFK#13a. 0108 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. Kennedy's Meeting with Ghanaian President NA. 1p.JFK#13f. Kwame Nkrumah. Disarmament and Situation regarding 0077 TabA. 1p.JFK#13b. Fulfillment of UN General Assembly 0078 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. Resolution 1378 (XIV) of November 20, March 6, 1961. 6pp. JFK#13b. 1959, on Question of Disarmament. Relations between U.S. and Ghana. 0084 Tab B. 1 p. JFK#13c. 0109 Ghana•March 7,1961 -May 31,1961. 0085 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0110 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. March 6,1961.1p. JFK#13c. 0111 Memorandum. Fr: Edward R. Murrow. Question of Federal Structure of Government To: McGeorge Bundy. in DRC. March 7,1961. 2pp. JFK#14. C. 11/17/76. 0086 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. Information on Anti-U.S. Pamphlets in Ghana March 6, 1961.1 p. JFK#13c. for John F. Kennedy's Meeting with Ghanaian UN Position in DRC and Support for Security President Kwame Nkrumah. Council Resolution. 0113 Incoming Telegram #113. Fr: [?] Erstein. 0087 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: U.S. Information Agency. Marchó, 1961.1p. JFK#13c. March 6,1961. 1p. JFK#14a. C. 11/17/76. Proposal for All-African High Command and Ghanaian Censors Reject Film of John F. Advisory Council for DRC. Kennedy's Inauguration. 0088 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0114 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Marche, 1961.1 p. JFK#13c. John F. Kennedy. Belgian Role in DRC. March 8,1961. 2pp. JFK#15. 0089 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. Kennedy Administration's Position on Africa, NA. 1p.JFK#13c. DRC, and Ghana. Recognition of Antoine Gizenga Regime and 0116 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. Question of Unilateralism in DRC. To: John F. Kennedy. 0090 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. MarchS, 1961. 2pp. JFK#15. March 6, 1961. 2pp. JFK#13c. Kennedy Administration's Position on Africa, Soviet Decision to No Longer Recognize Dag DRC, and Ghana. Hammarskjold as UN Secretary General. 0118 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. 0092 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. Embassy, Accra. Marche, 1961.1 p. JFK#13c. March 9,1961. 4pp. JFK#16. S. 9/19/75. Constitutional Issues in DRC. Report on Meeting between John F. Kennedy 0093 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. and Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. March 6,1961. 2pp. JFK#13c. 0122 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: NA. To: NA. Shipment of Jet Aircraft to Katanga by March 9,1961. 2pp. JFK#17. C. 9/19/75. American Airline. U.S. Briefs Belgian Government on 0095 TabC. 1p.JFK#13d. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Trip 0096 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. to U.S. March 6, 1961. 4pp. JFK#13d. C. 5/8/75. 0124 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph Background and Status of Volta River Project A. Dungan. in Ghana. March 13,1961.1 p. JFK#18. 0100 TabD. 1p.JFK#13e. John F. Kennedy's Discussions with 0101 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. NA. 4pp. JFK#13e. S. 5/8/75. Arms Limitation for Africa.

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0125 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. 0148 Incoming Telegram #5. Francis H. Russell. To: NA. To: Dean Rusk. March 8, 1961. 3pp. JFK#18a. S. 10/7/75. July 2, 1961.1p. JFK#1. C. 4/23/76. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Request to Use John F. Kennedy's regarding DRC Situation. Assurances on Volta River Project in Speech 0128 Note. Fr: Chad F. Calhoun. To: McGeorge to Parliament. Bundy. 0149 Incoming Telegram #3. Fr: Francis H. NA. 1p.JFK#19. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 'The Attached Is Sent to You for Your July 1, 1961. 1 p. JFK#1a. C. 4/23/76. Information." Delivery of John F. Kennedy's Letter to 0129 Typed Copy of Magazine Article. Fr: The New Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Republic. regarding Volta River Project. March 13, 1961.1p. JFK#19. 0150 Note. Fr: NA. To: Walt W. Rostow. Results of Ghanaian President Kwame NA. 1p.JFK#1b. Nkrumah's Trip to U.S. "With Reference to Your Request to Mr. 0130 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph Kilduff." A. Dungan. 0151 Outgoing Telegram #1352. Fr: Dean Rusk. March 17, 1961.3pp. JFK#20. LOU. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Soviet Airlift of Ghanaian Troops to DRC. June 30,1961. 2pp. JFK#1c. OUO. 0133 Memorandum. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. Text of Letter from John F. Kennedy to To: Lucius D. Battle. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah April 18, 1961.1 p. JFK#21. regarding Volta River Project. This Does Not Appear to Require Reply." 0153 Copy of Incoming Telegram #5. Francis H. 0134 Letter. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. July 2,1961.1p. JFK#1d. C. 4/23/76. Aprils, 1961.1 p. JFK#21 a. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Thank-You Letter from Ghanaian President Request to Use John F. Kennedy's Nkrumah to Kennedy for Gift of Photo Album. Assurances on Volta River Project in Speech 0135 Message. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: Dag to Parliament. Hammarskjold. 0154 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. February 18,1961. 2pp. JFK#21a. To: McGeorge Bundy. Ghanaian President Nkrumah's Suggestions June 29,1961.1 p. JFK#1e. for Improving UN Efforts in DRC. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame 0137 Incoming Telegram #1339. Fr: Francis H. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Appointment of Chief Executive to Volta May 17, 1961. 2pp. JFK#22. TS. 9/19/75. River Authority. Statements by Ghanaian President Kwame 0155 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Kwame Nkrumah. Nkrumah regarding His Dealings with USSR NA. 2pp. JFK#1f. in His Efforts to Liberate Africa. Letter regarding Selection of Chief Executive 0139 Incoming Airgram #C-149. Fr: Francis H. for Volta River Authority. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0157 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: W. M. Q. Halm. May 18, 1961.1p. JFK#23. QUO. NA. 1p.JFK#1g. U.S. Gift on First Anniversary of Thank-You Letter for Transmitía! of Letter Establishment of Republic of Ghana. from Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah 0140 Outgoing Telegram #1179. Fr: Chester on Volta River Project. Bowles. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0158 Note. Fr: Polly A. Yates. To: Bromley K. May 19, 1961. 3pp. JFK#24. S. 9/19/75. Smith. U.S. Efforts to Get Ghanaian President June 26,1961.1 p. JFK#1h. Kwame Nkrumah to Sign Agreement on Volta "Mr. Bundy Suggested Needling Mr. Ball's River Project before His Departure for USSR. Office regarding Draft Reply on This." 0159 Note. Fr: White House. To: NA. 0144 Ghana•June 1961-August 1961. NA. 1p.JFK#1i. 0145 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah.

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0160 Letter. Fr: W. M. Q. Halm. To: John F. 0173 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Kennedy. To: McGeorge Bundy. June 19,1961.2pp. JFK#1j. July 27,1961.1 p. JFK#6a. Transmittal of Letter from Ghanaian Letter to Ghanaian President Kwame President Kwame Nkrumah to Kennedy Nkrumah from John F. Kennedy regarding regarding Appointment of Chief Executive to Request for U.S. Assistance for Newly Volta River Authority. Established Ghanaian National Institute of 0162 Outgoing Telegram #6. Fr: Dean Rusk. Health and Medical Research. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0174 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Kwame Nkrumah. July 2, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 4/23/76. NA. 1p.JFK#6b. U.S. Sees No Objections in Ghanaian John F. Kennedy's Reply to Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Use of John F. President Nkrumah's Request for U.S. Kennedy's Assurances on Volta River Project Assistance for His Newly Established in His Speech to Parliament. National Institute of Health and Medical 0164 Outgoing Telegram #21. Fr: Dean Rusk. Research. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0175 Letter. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. July 7, 1961.1 p. JFK#3. S. 4/23/76. Kennedy. U.S. Efforts to Get Ghanaian President July 1961. 3pp. JFK#6c. Kwame Nkrumah to Reaffirm Agreement Ghana's Establishment of National Institute That Cold War Be Kept out of Africa. of Health and Medical Research as Part of Its 0165 Incoming Telegram #54. Fr: Francis H. Ten-Year Health Plan. RusselL To: Dean Rusk. 0178 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: John July 10, 1961. 4pp. JFK#4. S. 4/23/76. F. Kennedy. Sir Robert Jackson, Chairman of Gold Coast August 1,1961.1 p. JFK#7. Development Commission, Briefs U.S. Appointment of Canadian Engineer Frank J. Ambassador and British High Commissioner Dobson for Volta River Authority in Ghana. on Developments regarding Volta River 0179 Incoming Airgram #A-37. Fr: Livingston T. Project in Ghana. Merchant. To: George W. Ball. 0169 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: August 2,1961. 1p. JFK#8. OUO. McGeorge Bundy. Ghanaian Government to Employ Frank J. July 21, 1961.1 p. JFK#5. Dobson of Canada to Supervise Volta River Letters to John F. Kennedy from Ghanaian Project. President Kwame Nkrumah regarding Volta 0180 Outgoing Telegram #135. Fr: Dean Rusk. River Project. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0170 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: August 2,1961. 2pp. JFK#9. OUO. McGeorge Bundy. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Ghanaian July 13, 1961.1 p. JFK#5a. President Kwame Nkrumah's Request for Letters to John F. Kennedy from Ghanaian U.S. Assistance for His Newly Established President Kwame Nkrumah. National Institute of Health and Medical 0171 Letter. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. Research. Kennedy. 0182 Outgoing Telegram #145. Fr: George W. Ball. July 4, 1961. 1p. JFK#5b. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Negotiations regarding U.S. Share of August 5,1961. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 4/23/76. Financing for Volta River Project. Ghana Requests U.S. Support for Their 0172 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Kwame Candidacy for UN Security Council and for Nkrumah. Board of Governors of International Atomic July 31, 1961.1 p. JFK#6. Energy Agency. Ghana's Request for U.S. Assistance with Its 0184 Outgoing Telegram #164. Fr: Dean Rusk. Ten-Year Plan to Raise Health Standards. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. August 11.1961.1p. JFK#11.0UO. U.S. Plans to Assist Ghana's National Institute of Health and Medical Research.

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0185 Note. Fr: White House. To: NA. 0199 Incoming Telegram #285. Fr: Francis H. NA. 1p.JFK#12. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. "Mr. Ball's Office Called to Say That August 28, 1961. 2pp. JFK#18. S. 4/23/76. Information about Nkrumah Not Receiving Developments Indicate Increasing Word Yet from Diefenbaker Is Contrary to Orientation of Ghana toward Soviet Bloc. Their Information, and They Are Checking 0202 Incoming Telegram #286. Fr: Francis H. It Out." Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0186 Letter. Fr: Lloyd N. Cutler. To: McGeorge August 28,1961. 3pp. JFK#19. S. 4/23/76 IP. Bundy. Developments Indicate Increasing August 14, 1961. 1p. JFK#12a. Orientation of Ghana toward Soviet Bloc. Notes on Meetings between Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah and Chad F. 0205 Ghana•September 1961. Calhoun, Vice President of Kaiser Industries 0206 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Corporation, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 0208 Outgoing Telegram #282. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0188 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. August 14, 1961. 3pp. JFK#12b. September 6, 1961. 1p. JFK#2. S. 4/23/76. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah "Elaboration Requested Soonest Last Two Considers Locks for Boat Lift over Akosombo Sentences Second Paragraph Reference Dam Extremely Important for Development of Telegram. Can President Be Removed Iron Ore Deposits in North Ghana. Constitutionally." 0191 Incoming Telegram. Fr: Francis H. Russell. 0209 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. August 15, 1961. 4pp. JFK#13. S. 4/23/76. September 7,1961. 1p. JFK#6. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Appraisal of Ghana's Letter to Dean Rusk from Ambassador Position on Berlin Crisis. W. M. Q. Halm of Ghana regarding 0195 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: Appointment of Chief Executive to Volta McGeorge Bundy. River Authority. August 17, 1961.1 p. JFK#14. 0210 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Report on Conversation with Ghanaian To: McGeorge Bundy. President Kwame Nkrumah from Chad F. September 15,1961. 1p. JFK#9. S. 4/23/76. Calhoun, Vice President of Kaiser Industries Intelligence Note Prepared by State Corporation. Department Entitled "Internal Dissension 0196 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, in Ghana." Accra. 0211 State Department Intelligence Note. August 17, 1961. 1p. JFK#14a.OUO. Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: Dean Rusk. Report from Chad F. Calhoun, Vice President September 14,1961. 2pp. JFK#9a. of Kaiser Industries Corporation, That S. 4/23/76. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Had Internal Dissension in Ghana. Received No Reply to Request for Help in 0213 Incoming Telegram #461. Fr: Francis H. Naming Chief of Volta River Authority. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0197 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Bail. To: September 21,1961. 3pp. JFK#11. McGeorge Bundy. TS. 4/23/76. August 22, 1961. 1p. JFK#15. OUO. Actions and Statements of Government of John F. Kennedy Informed That Frank J. Ghana Indicate Alignment with Soviet Bloc. Dobson of Canada Nominated by Ghana to 0216 Incoming Telegram #480. Fr: Francis H. Supervise Volta River Project. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0198 Incoming Telegram #233. Fr: Francis H. September 22,1961.1p. JFK#12. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Announcement That Ghanaian President August 19, 1961.1p. JFK#15a.OUO. Kwame Nkrumah Has Assumed Supreme Government of Ghana Recommends Command of Army. Appointment of Frank C. Dobson of Canada 0217 Outgoing Telegram #387. Fr: Chester to Supervise Volta River Project. Bowles. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. September 22,1961. 1p. JFK#13. S. 4/23/76. U.S. Delays Volta River Project in Reaction to Ghana's International Posture.

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0218 Outgoing Telegram #1579. Fr: Chester 0231 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. Bowles. To: U.S. Embassy, London. To: Bromley K. Smith. September 23,1961. 1p. JFK#16. S. 4/23/76. September 29,1961.1p. JFK#NA. British Assessment of Situation in Ghana in Possible Revisions in Presidential Message Wake of Dismissal of Major General Henry to U.S. Trade Fair at Accra, Ghana. Alexander. 0232 Incoming Telegram #556. Fr: U.S. 0219 Incoming Telegram #494. Fr: Francis H. Embassy, Accra. To: Dean Rusk. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. September 30,1961. 2pp. JFK#29. September 25,1961. 1p. JFK#18. S. 4/23/76. C. 4/23/76. Departure of Ghanaian Army Officer Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Cadets for Training in USSR. Requests Clarification of U.S. Plans 0234 Corrected Page 1 of Incoming Telegram regarding Signing of Agreement for Volta #556. Fr: U.S. Embassy, Accra. To: Dean River Project. Rusk. 0220 Memorandum. Fr: Murray Belman. September 30,1961. 2pp. JFK#29. To: Donald A. Dumont. S. 4/23/76. September 26,1961. 2pp. JFK#20. Departure of Ghanaian Army Officer Cadets Present U.S. Commitment on Volta River for Training in USSR. Project in Ghana. 0235 Incoming Telegram #557. Fr: Francis H. 0222 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. September 30,1961.1p. JFK#30. S. 4/23/76. September 27,1961.1p. JFK#21. S. 4/23/76. U.S. Government Expresses Desire to Send Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah G. Mennen Williams and Other Officials to Removes British Officers from Ghana Army Ghana for Informal Visit with Ghanaian Command. President Kwame Nkrumah. 0223 State Department Intelligence Note. Fr: Roger Hilsman. To: Acting Secretary of State. 0236 Ghana•October 1961. September 27,1961. 2pp. JFK#21 a. 0237 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. S. 4/23/76. 0240 Incoming Telegram #577. Fr: Francis H. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Removes British Officers from Ghana Army October 2,1961. 3pp. JFK#1. S. 4/23/76. Command. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Views on Situation 0225 Incoming Telegram #1063. Fr: Llewellyn E. Developing regarding Timing of G. Mennen Thompson. To: Dean Rusk. Williams's Trip to Ghana and Final Decision September 28,1961. 1p. JFK#27. on Volta River Project. C. 4/23/76. 0243 Incoming Telegram #585. Fr: Francis H. Announcement regarding Delay in Extension Russell. To: Dean Rusk. of U.S. Aid to Ghana for Volta River Project. October 3,1961.1 p. JFK#2. S. 4/23/76. 0227 Outgoing Airgram #A-22. Fr: Chester Bowles. Scheduling of Visit of U.S. Congressional To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Delegation and Congressional Reserve Army September 28,1961. 2pp. JFK#28. OUO. Officers' Visit to Ghana Message from John F. Kennedy for Use at 0244 Outgoing Telegram #1806. Fr: Dean Rusk. Accra Trade Fair in Ghana. To: U.S. Embassy, London. 0229 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. October 4, 1961.1p. JFK#3. C. 4/23/76. To: McGeorge Bundy. British Secretary of State for Commonwealth September 19,1961.1p. JFK#28a. Relations Duncan Sandys's Reaction to Suggested Presidential Message for U.S. Situation in Ghana. Trade Fair at Accra, Ghana. 0246 Incoming Airgram #A-77. Fr: [?] Green. 0230 Draft Message. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Dean Rusk. To: NA. October 5, 1961. 3pp. JFK#4. OUO. NA. 1p.JFK#28a Joint Statement by Ghanaian President Message of Greeting for U.S. Trade Fair at Kwame Nkrumah and Duncan Sandys, Accra, Ghana. British Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, regarding Ghana's Nonalignment and Relations with Great Britain. Ghana/Reel 8 161 Frame Document Frame Document

0249 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0261 Incoming Telegram #249. Fr: Philip M. Kaiser. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. October 6, 1961. 1p.JFK#5. October 5,1961. 2pp. JFK#11d. S. 4/23/76. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Discussions with Economist Barbara Ward Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy. Jackson regarding Possible U.S. Pullout from 0250 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. Volta River Project in Ghana. To: John F. Kennedy. 0263 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. October 6, 1961. 1p. JFK#5a. To: McGeorge Bundy. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Octobers, 1961.1p. JFK#11e. Nkrumah to Kennedy regarding Feelings Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's toward Ghana in U.S. Letter to John F. Kennedy regarding U.S. Aid 0251 Incoming Telegram #280. Fr: John K. to Ghana, Dated September 29,1961. Emmerson. To: Dean Rusk. 0264 Letter. Fr: W. M. Q. Halm. To: John F. October 9, 1961. 1 p. JFK#6. C. 4/23/76. Kennedy. Senator Albert Gore, Sr., of Tennessee Octobers, 1961.1p. JFK#11f. Requests That Decision of U.S. Aid for Volta Transmittal of Letter from Ghanaian River Project in Ghana Be Withheld until His President Kwame Nkrumah to John F. Return from Africa. Kennedy regarding Volta River Project. 0252 Incoming Telegram #4. Fr: Chester Bowles. 0265 Letter. Fr: W. M. Q. Halm. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. September 29,1961. 2pp. JFK#11g. October 9,1961. 1 p. JFK#7. S. 4/23/76. Transmittal of Letter from Ghanaian John F. Kennedy Asks for British Secretary of President Kwame Nkrumah to John F. State for Commonwealth Relations Duncan Kennedy regarding Discussions with U.S. Sandys's Views on Ghana. Prior to Signing of Volta River Project 0254 Outgoing Telegram #50. Fr: Dean Rusk. Agreements. To: U.S. Embassy, Fort Lamy. 0267 Outgoing Telegram #533. Fr: Dean Rusk. October 10,1961. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 4/23/76 IP. To: U.S. Embassy, Lagos. Possible African Reaction if U.S. Decides October 16,1961.1p. JFK#13. S. 4/23/76. against Proceeding with Volta River Project U.S. Defers Final Decision on Volta River in Ghana. Project Pending Report of Review Mission. 0256 Outgoing Telegram #571. Fr: George W. Ball. 0268 Routing Slip. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. NA. 1p.JFK#14. October 13,1961. 1 p. JFK#11. C. 4/23/76. 0269 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Ghanaian To: McGeorge Bundy. President Kwame Nkrumah regarding U.S. October 18, 1961. 1p. JFK#14a. Mission to Discuss Volta River Project. Ghana's Radio Accra Broadcasts Report 0257 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. on U.S. Racial Problem. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0270 Summary of Radio Broadcast. October 6, 1961. 1p.JFK#11a. Fr: Radio Accra. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame October 8,1961. 2pp. JFK#14b. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy. Ghanaian Radio Praises U.S.'s Progress in 0258 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: John Racial Equality. F. Kennedy. 0272 Complimentary Card. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. October 6, 1961. 1p.JFK#11b. To: John F. Kennedy. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame NA. 1p.JFK#15. Nkrumah to Kennedy regarding Feelings 0273 Incoming Telegram #708. Fr: [?] Green. toward Ghana in U.S. To: Dean Rusk. 0259 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Kwame October 18,1961. 1p. JFK#16. C. 4/23/76. Nkrumah. "Letter Delivered to President's Office 1030 NA.2pp.JFK#11c. October 17." U.S. Mission to Discuss Volta River Project. 0274 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. October 18,1961. 1p. JFK#17. Memorandum on Clarence B. Randall.

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0275 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: John 0292 Outgoing Telegram #729. Fr: Dean Rusk. F. Kennedy. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. October 18,1961.1p. JFK#17a. OUO. November 8, 1961.1p. JFK#2. S. 4/26/76. Clarence B. Randall Agrees to Head U.S. No Decision on Volta River Project to Be Mission to Ghana to Discuss Volta River Made by U.S. until after Visit by Great Project. Britain's Queen Elizabeth II. 0276 Incoming Telegram #709. Fr: [?] Green. 0293 Letter. Fr: Albert Gore, Sr. To: John F. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. October 19,1961. 4pp. JFK#18. C. 4/23/76. November 13,1961. 3pp. JFK#4. U.S. Congressional Delegation Meets with Reasons for Tennessee Senator Gore's Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah in Disapproval of U.S. Participation in Volta Ghana. River Project in Ghana. 0280 Outgoing Telegram #609. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0296 Incoming Telegram #840. Fr: Francis H. To: American Embassy, Accra. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. October 19,1961. 2pp. JFK#19. OUO. November 15,1961. 4pp. JFK#5. C. 4/26/76. John F. Kennedy Announces Appointment of Developments in Ghana Having Bearing on Clarence B. Randall to Lead Special Mission U.S. Approval of Volta River Project. to Ghana to Review U.S. Participation in 0300 CIA Report. Fr: CIA. To: NA. Volta River Project. November 16,1961.19pp.JFK#6. 0282 Outgoing Telegram #2144. Fr: Dean Rusk. S. 2/18/76. To: U.S. Embassy, London. Prospects for Political Stability and Foreign Letter to British Prime Minister Harold Policy Orientation in Ghana. Macmillan from John F. Kennedy regarding 0319 CIA Memorandum. Fr: Sherman Kent. Clarence B. Randall Mission to Ghana to To: John McCone. Discuss Volta River Project. November 16,1961. 8pp. JFK#7. S. 3/17/76. 0284 Press Release. Fr: Office of White House Likely Consequences of Various U.S. Press Secretary. To: NA. Courses of Action on Volta River Project in October 20,1961. 1p. JFK#21. Ghana. .^ John F. Kennedy Announces Appointment of Clarence B. Randall to Lead Special Mission 0327 Ghana•December 1-15,1961. to Ghana to Review U.S. Participation in 0328 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Volta River Project. 0331 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. 0285 Incoming Telegram #746. Fr: Francis H. To: John F. Kennedy. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. December 1,1961. 4pp. JFK#i. October 25,1961. 2pp. JFK#22. C. 4/23/76. S. 8/17/76 IP. U.S. Discussions with Ghanaian Defense Volta River Project in Ghana. Minister regarding Modernization of Ghana's 0335 Outgoing Airgram #CA-574. Fr: Dean Rusk. Armed Forces. To: U.S. Embassies, Bonn, Lome, and Paris. 0287 Incoming Telegram #755. Fr: Francis H. December 1, 1961. 3pp. JFK#2. S. 4/26/76. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Policy Recommendations for Possible October 26,1961. 2pp. JFK#23. S. 4/23/76. Conflict between Ghana and Togo. Meeting between Clarence B. Randall and 0338 Report. Fr: State Department. To: National Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Security Council. regarding Volta River Project. December 5, 1961.16pp. JFK#3. S. 4/9/76. U.S. Involvement in and Financing for Volta 0289 Ghana•November 1961. River Project in Ghana. 0290 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0355 Summary of Volta Project Documents. Fr: 0291 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Bromley K. NA. To: NA. Smith. NA. 4pp. JFK#4. S. 8/17/76 IP. November 3, 1961.1 p. JFK#1. Summaries of Reports by Head of U.S. Reports on Volta River Project in Ghana. Mission Clarence B. Randall, U.S. Ambassador Francis H. Russell, U.S. State Department Legal Adviser Abram Chayes, and [?] Shooshan on Volta River Project in Ghana.

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0359 Chronology. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0380 Incoming Telegram #959. Fr: Francis H. NA. 3pp. JFK#4. S. 8/17/76. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Chronology of U.S. Interest in Volta River December 13, 1961. 1 p. JFK#11. Project in Ghana. Ghanaian Government Appoints Members of 0363 Incoming Telegram #927. Fr: Francis H. Volta River Authority and Establishes Fuel Russell. To: Dean Rusk. and Power Secretariat. December 5, 1961. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 4/26/76. 0381 Incoming Telegram #961. Fr: Francis H. Sir Robert Jackson Gives U.S. Background Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Information on Ghanaian President Kwame December 13, 1961. 1p. JFK#12. C. 4/26/76. Nkrumah's Decision to Dismiss British Ghanaian Cabinet Approves New Loans from Officials. Communist Nations. 0365 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: McGeorge 0382 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#13. Bundy. 0383 Outgoing Telegram #939. Fr: George W. Ball. NA. 1p.JFK#6. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Abram Chayes, State Department Legal December 14,1961. 6pp. JFK#13. Adviser, Presents Arguments for and against C. 4/26/76. U.S. Involvement in Volta River Project in John F. Kennedy's Instructions to Head of Ghana to Justice Department. U.S. Mission to Ghana Clarence B. Randall 0366 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#6. and U.S. Ambassador Francis Russell 0367 Memorandum. Fr: Charles E. Johnson. regarding U.S. Participation in Volta River To: Bromley K. Smith. Project for Meeting with Ghanaian President December 7, 1961. 1p. JFK#6a. Kwame Nkrumah. U.S. National Security Council Action relating 0389 Outgoing Telegram #941. Fr: George W. Ball. to Ghana. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0369 Outgoing Telegram #92. Fr: Dean Rusk. December 14, 1961. 2pp. JFK#14. To: U.S. Embassy, Lome. C. 4/26/76. December 8, 1961. 1p. JFK#8. S. 4/26/76. Text of Press Release regarding U.S. U.S. Position regarding Possible Ghanaian Participation in Financing for Volta River Designs on Togo. Project in Ghana. 0370 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: 0391 Copy of Outgoing Telegram #941. Fr: George McGeorge Bundy. W. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. December 11, 1961.1 p. JFK#9. December 14,1961. 2pp. JFK#14. Volta River Project in Ghana. C. 4/26/76. 0371 State Department Research Memorandum. Text of Press Release regarding U.S. Fr: Robert C. Good. To: C. Vaughn Ferguson. Participation in Financing for Volta River December 8, 1961. 4pp. JFK#9a. S. 4/26/76. Project in Ghana. Preliminary U.S. Analysis of Reported 0393 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#15. Ghanaian-Supported Assassination Attempt 0394 Outgoing Telegram #945. Fr: George W. Ball. against President Sylvanus Olympio of Togo. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0375 Incoming Telegram #947. Fr: Francis H. December 15, 1961.1p. JFK#15. C. 4/26/76. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. State Department Announces Decision December 10, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. to Proceed with Volta River Project in Ghana. Ghana Issues White Paper on Alleged 0395 Outgoing Telegram #3285. Fr: George W. Conspiracy Aimed at Coup d'État. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, London. 0377 Incoming Telegram #940. Fr: Francis H. December 15, 1961. 4pp. JFK#16. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. C. 4/26/76. December 8, 1961. 2pp. JFK#9d. C. 4/26/76. Letter from John F. Kennedy to British Prime Ghanaian Allegations regarding Togolese Minister Harold Macmillan regarding Volta Training Camp in Trans-Volta Region. River Project in Ghana. 0379 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0399 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#17. NA. 1p. JFK#9e. C. 4/26/76. Summary of U.S. Economic Assistance to Selected African Countries.

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0400 Outgoing Telegram #1127. Fr: George W. 0417 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Carl Ball. To: All African Diplomatic Posts and U.S. Rowan. Embassies, London and Paris. December 17,1961.1p. JFK#5a. December 15, 1961. 3pp. JFK#17. Remarks by Rowan, Deputy Assistant C. 4/26/76. Secretary of State for Public Affairs, U.S. Decides to Provide Financial Assistance Comparing Ghanaian President Kwame for Volta River Project in Ghana. Nkrumah with Thomas Jefferson. 0403 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#18. 0418 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Rowan. To: 0404 Incoming Telegram #975. Fr: Francis H. McGeorge Bundy. Russell. To: Dean Rùsk. December 13,1961.1p. JFK#5b. December 15,1961.1p. JFK#18. C. 4/26/76. Remarks by Rowan, Deputy Assistant Arrangements for Meeting between Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah and Comparing Ghanaian President Kwame Head of U.S. Mission to Ghana Clarence B. Nkrumah with Thomas Jefferson. Randall to Discuss Volta River Project. 0419 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#6. 0420 Incoming Telegram #314. Fr: R. Borden 0405 Ghana•December 16-31,1961. Reams. To: Dean Rusk. 0406 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. December 18,1961. 1p. JFK#6. C. 4/26/76. 0409 Incoming Telegram #981. Fr: Francis H. U.S. Embassy, Abidjan Presents Points on Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Unidentified Subject to President Felix December 17,1961.1p. JFK#1. C. 4/26/76. Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. Results of Meeting between Ghanaian 0421 Outgoing Telegram #956. Fr: Dean Rusk. President Kwame Nkrumah and Head of U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Mission to Ghana Clarence B. Randall to December 18,1961.1p. JFK#7. C. 4/26/76. Discuss Volta River Project. U.S. Agrees to Signing of Master Agreement 0410 Incoming Telegram #982. Fr: Francis H. between Government of Ghana and Valco Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Aluminum Smelter in Accra, Ghana. December 17,1961.1 p. JFK#2. C. 4/26/76. 0422 Notes for Record. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame To: NA. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding U.S. December 18,1961. 2pp. JFK#8. Decision to Proceed with Financing for Volta TS. 4/20/76. River Project. U.S. National Security Council Meeting on 0411 Incoming Telegram #983. Fr: Francis H. Volta River Project in Ghana. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0424 Department of State Airgram #A-7. Fr: L. M. December 17,1961.1p. JFK#3. C. 4/26/76. Dunn. To: State Department. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah December 19,1961.1p. JFK#9. C. 4/26/76. Indicates Desire to Have Agreements for Liberian Reaction to U.S. Approval of Volta Volta River Project Signed in Accra. River Project in Ghana. 0412 Incoming Telegram #984. Fr: Francis H. 0425 Incoming Telegram #992. Fr: Francis H. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. December 17,1961.4pp. JFK#4. C. 4/26/76. December 19,1961. 2pp. JFK#10. Text of Aide Mémoire of Conversation C. 4/26/76. between Ghanaian President Kwame Political Importance to Ghanaian President Nkrumah, U.S. Ambassador Francis Russell, Kwame Nkrumah of Having Signing and Head of U.S. Mission to Ghana Clarence Ceremony for Volta River Project Agreement B. Randall regarding Volta River Project. in Accra. 0416 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. 0427 Corrected Page 1 of Incoming Telegram To: John F. Kennedy. #992. Fr: Francis H. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. December 17, 1961.1p. JFK#5. December 19,1961.2pp. JFK#10. Remarks by Carl Rowan, Deputy Assistant C. 4/26/76. Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Political Importance to Ghanaian President Comparing Ghanaian President Kwame Kwame Nkrumah of Having Signing Nkrumah with Thomas Jefferson. Ceremony for Volta River Project Agreement in Accra.

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0428 Routing Slip. December 21, 1961. 1p. 0442 Incoming Telegram #369. Fr: Leland J. JFK#12. Barrows. To: Dean Rusk. 0429 Incoming Telegram #298. Fr: [?] Carson. December 20,1961. 2pp. JFK#19. To: Dean Rusk. C. 4/26/76. December 18, 1961. 2pp. JFK#12. Cameroon's Reaction to U.S. Decision to C. 4/26/76. Proceed with Loan to Ghana for Volta River U.S. Informs Government of Upper Volta of Project. Decision to Proceed with Volta River Project 0444 Outgoing Telegram #995. Fr: George W. Ball. in Ghana. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0431 Incoming Telegram #999. Fr: Francis H. December 22,1961.2pp. JFK#20. Russell. To: John F. Kennedy. C. 4/26/76. December 20, 1961. 2pp. JFK#13. Ghanaian Government Desire to Have C. 4/26/76. Master Agreement on Volta River Project Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Signed in Accra. Nkrumah to Kennedy regarding U.S. 0446 Incoming Telegram #163. Fr: Leon B. Decision to Participate in Volta River Project. Poullada. To: Dean Rusk. 0433 Incoming Telegram. Fr: Francis H. Russell. December 22,1961.1p. JFK#21. C. 4/26/76. To: Dean Rusk. Discussions with President Sylvanus Olympic December 20, 1961. 2pp. JFK#14. of Togo regarding U.S. Decision to Proceed C. 4/26/76. with Volta River Project in Ghana. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's 0447 Incoming Telegram #1017. Fr: Francis H. Speech to Nation. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0435 Incoming Telegram #1003. Fr: Francis H. December 22,1961.2pp. JFK#22. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. C. 4/26/76. December 21, 1961.1p. JFK#15. QUO. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Message from Ghanaian President Kwame Informed That U.S. Public and Congressional Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding U.S. Reaction to His Speech Might Endanger U.S. Loan for Volta River Project and Desire to Participation in Volta River Project. Have Agreement Signed in Accra. 0449 Incoming Telegram #1018. Fr: Francis H. 0437 Incoming Telegram #1004. Fr: Francis H. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. December 23,1961.1p. JFK#23. C. 4/26/76. December 21, 1961. 2pp. JFK#16. Government of Ghana Sends Complete Text C. 4/26/76. of Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Changes Made in Draft of Ghanaian Speech on Volta River Project to U.S. for Use President Kwame Nkrumah's Address to by State Department and Press. Nation on Volta River Project. 0450 Routing Slip. December 26, 1961. 1p. 0439 Outgoing Telegram #985. Fr: George W. Ball. JFK#24. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0451 Incoming Telegram #405. Fr: James S. December 21, 1961.1 p. JFK#17. C. 4/26/76. Moose, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Reaction to Ghanaian President Kwame December 23,1961.1p. JFK#24. C. 4/26/76. Nkrumah's Speech to Nation on Volta River Sudanese Government Expresses Project. Satisfaction over U.S. Decision to Grant Loan 0440 Incoming Telegram #1011. Fr: Francis H. to Ghana for Volta River Project. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0452 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. December 22, 1961. 2pp. JFK#18. To: McGeorge Bundy. C. 4/26/76. December 27,1961.1p. JFK#25. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Expresses Concern over Negative U.S. Nkrumah of Ghana to John F. Kennedy Reaction to Portions of His Speech on Volta regarding Volta River Project. River Project.

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0453 Letter. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. 0464 Memorandum. Fr: W. B. Coote. To: NA. Kennedy. NA. 3pp. JFK#29d. C. 4/26/76. December 20, 1961.1 p. JFK#25a. U.S. Analysis of Ghanaian President Kwame Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Radio Speech on Volta River Nkrumah regarding U.S. Decision to Project. Participate in Volta River Project. 0467 JFK Library Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0454 Outgoing Telegram #3478. Fr: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. To: U.S. Embassy, London. "Attached to Item of 12/29/61 in Original December 28,1961.1p. JFK#26. OUO. File." U.S. Seeks Discussions with Ayeh Kumi of 0468 Incoming Telegram #1020. Fr: Francis H. Ghana Volta River Authority regarding His Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Reaction to U.S. Decision to Participate in December 24,1961.11pp. JFK#29e. Project. Text of Ghanaian President Kwame 0455 Incoming Telegram #308. Fr: [?] Carson. Nkrumah's Radio Speech on Volta River To: Dean Rusk. Project. December 29,1961.1 p. JFK#27. C. 4/26/76. 0479 Incoming Telegram #1039. Fr: Francis H. Discussions with President Maurice Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Yameogo of Upper Volta regarding U.S. December 30,1961.1p. JFK#NA. Decision to Proceed with Volta River Project C. 4/26/76. in Ghana. Ayeh Kumi, Ghana Volta River Authority 0456 Outgoing Telegram #1024. Fr: Dean Rusk. Member, Arrives in London to Conclude To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Negotiations for Transfer of Gold Mines from December 29,1961. 2pp. JFK#28. Private British Companies to Ghanaian C. 4/26/76. Government. U.S. Reaction to Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Speech on Volta River Project. 0480 Ghana•January 1962-March 1962. 0458 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0481 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. NA. 1p.JFK#29. 0483 Outgoing Telegram #1052. Fr: Dean Rusk. "Will You Tell S/S How This Was Handled [?]" To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0459 Memorandum. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. To: January 3,1962.1p. JFK#1. OUO. McGeorge Bundy. Latest Estimate of Date for Signing Master December 29,1961.1p. JFK#29. Agreement on Volta River Project in Accra, "I Cleared with Coote at State with Exception Ghana. of Last Paragraph of Cable." 0484 Incoming Telegram #1052. Fr: Francis H. 0460 Handwritten Note. Fr: Melvin L Manfull. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. To: Bromley K. Smith. January 4,1962.1p. JFK#2. OUO. December 28,1961.1p. JFK#29a. Visit to Ghana by Soviet Deputy Premier Request for Clearance of Unidentified Anastas Mikoyan. Document. 0485 Outgoing Telegram #1103. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0461 Memorandum. Fr: To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. January 10,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 12/21/76. December 28,1961. 1p. JFK#29b. Ghanaian Government Has Not Submitted C. 4/26/76. Request for World Bank Resident Telegram to U.S. Embassy, Accra regarding Representative. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's 0487 Incoming Telegram #1099. Fr: Francis H. Speech on Volta River Project. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0462 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: NA. January 17,1962. 1p. JFK#5. NA. 2pp. JFK#29c. C. 4/26/76. Date Set for Signing of Master Agreement on U.S. Reaction to Speech by Ghanaian Volta River Project in Accra, Ghana. President Kwame Nkrumah on Volta River Project.

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0488 Incoming Telegram #1101. Fr: Francis H. 0502 Incoming Telegram #1122. Fr: Francis H. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. January 17,1962.1p. JFK#6. C. 12/21/76. January 20,1962.1p. JFK#16. C. 12/21/76. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Sends Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Letter to Eugene Black, Executive Director of Reply to John F. Kennedy's Concern over World Bank, Requesting World Bank Adviser. Contents of His Speech to Parliament on 0490 Incoming Telegram #1102. Fr: Francis H. Volta River Project. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0503 Incoming Telegram #1123. Fr: Francis H. January 17,1962. 2pp. JFK# 7. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. C. 12/21/76 IP. January 20.1962. 1p. JFK#17. Draft of Ghanaian President Kwame Passages from Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Speech to Parliament on Volta Nkrumah's Speech to Parliament on Ghana's River Project. Assurances against Expropriation of Valco 0492 Outgoing Telegram #1161. Fr: Dean Rusk. Aluminum Smelter and Negotiations To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. regarding Ghana's Participation in Ownership January 18,1962. 3pp. JFK#8. C. 12/21/76. of Valco. Negotiations between Kaiser Industries 0504 Incoming Telegram #1127. Fr: Francis H. Corporation and Ghanaian President Kwame Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Nkrumah regarding Ownership and Earnings January 20,1962. 3pp. JFK#18. C. 12/21/76. of Valco Aluminum Smelter. Message from Ghanaian President Kwame 0495 Incoming Telegram #1109. Fr: Francis H. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Introduction of Master Agreement for Volta January 19, .1962. 1p. JFK#9. C. 12/21/76. River Project into Ghanaian National World Bank Receives Letter from Ghanaian Assembly. President Kwame Nkrumah Requesting That 0507 Incoming Telegram #1128. Fr: Francis H. Bank Representative Be Stationed in Accra. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0496 Outgoing Telegram #1168. Fr: Dean Rusk. January 20,1961. 1p. JFK#19. C. 12/21/76 To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. IP. January 19, 1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 12/21/76. U.S. Objections to Ghanaian Participation in U.S. Concern over Remarks by Ghanaian Ownership of Valco Aluminum Smelter. President Kwame Nkrumah regarding Partial 0508 Incoming Telegram #1156. Fr: Francis H. Ownership of Valco Aluminum Smelter by Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Ghana. January 30,1962. 3pp. JFK#20. C. 12/21/76. 0498 Incoming Telegram #1119. Fr: Francis H. Ghanaian Cabinet Calls for Negotiations with Russell. To: Dean Rusk. View to Purchasing 100 Percent Foreign January 20,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. S. 12/21/76. Investment in Eleven Joint Government- U.S. Discussions with Ghanaian President Private Enterprises. Kwame Nkrumah regarding Ghana's 0511 Outgoing Telegram #2154. Fr: Dean Rusk. Guarantees against Expropriation of Valco To: U.S. Embassy, Bonn. Aluminum Smelter. February 7,1962. 2pp. JFK#21. S. 12/21/76. 0500 Incoming Telegram #1120. Fr: Francis H. U.S. Conditions for Loan to Ghana for Volta Russell. To: Dean Rusk. River Project and Position on Possible January 20,1962.1p. JFK#14. C. 12/21/76. Recognition of East Germany by Ghana. Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame 0513 Memorandum. Fr: Melvin L. Manfull. To: Nkrumah regarding Guiñean Premier Sekou Bromley K. Smith. Toure's Dealings with Soviets. February 9,1962.1p. JFK#22. S. 2/18/76. 0501 Incoming Telegram #1121. Fr: Francis H. Report on Ghanaian Subversion in Africa. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0514 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: January 20,1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 12/21/76. McGeorge Bundy. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's February 12, 1962.1p. JFK#22a. S. 2/18/76. Ideas on African Unity. Ghanaian Subversion in Africa. 0515 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 13pp. JFK#22a. S. 2/18/76. Ghanaian Subversion in Africa.

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0528 Incoming Telegram #1233. Fr: Francis H. 0547 Telegram. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. February 23, 1962. 6pp. JFK#23. January 22,1962. 1p. JFK#24g. C. 12/21/76. Message from Ghanaian President Nkrumah Text of U.S. Aide Mémoireiox Ghanaian Informing Kennedy of Signing of Master President Kwame Nkrumah regarding Agreement on Volta River Project. Adverse American Public Reaction to 0548 Incoming Telegram #1286. Fr: Francis H. Decision to Proceed with Volta River Project. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0534 Memorandum. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. To: March 12, 1962. 2pp. JFK#25. LOU. Bromley K. Smith. Discussions with Ghanaian Foreign Minister February 26,1962.1p. JFK#24. Ako Adjei regarding U.S. Decision to Resume Decision Not to Send Draft Letter from John Atmospheric Nuclear Tests. F. Kennedy to Ghanaian President Kwame 0550 Incoming Telegram #1332. Fr: [?] Green. Nkrumah. To: Dean Rusk. 0535 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. March 27, 1962.1p. JFK#26. OUO. To: McGeorge Bundy. Plans for Ghanaian Foreign Minister Ako February 23, 1962. 1p. JFK#24a. Adjei's Stop in New York City En Route to C. 12/21/76. Celebration of Tenth Anniversary of Bolivian Proposed Letter from John F. Kennedy to Revolution. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah in 0551 Incoming Telegram #1333. Fr: [?] Green. Response to Nkrumah's Recent To: Dean Rusk. Communications. March 27, 1962.1p. JFK#27. C. 12/21/76. 0537 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Kwame Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Nkrumah. Redefines Policy with Respect to Private NA. 2pp. JFK#24b. C. 12/21/76. Enterprise and Investment. Kennedy's Reply to Ghanaian President 0552 Outgoing Telegram #1572. Fr: Dean Rusk. Nkrumah's Messages on Volta River Project. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0539 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: March 28, 1962.1p. JFK#28. LOU. McGeorge Bundy. U.S. State Department Extends Invitation to February 8,1962.1p. JFK#24c. C. 12/21/76. Visit Washington, D.C., to Ghanaian Foreign Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Minister Ako Adjei. Letters to John F. Kennedy regarding Partial 0553 Incoming Telegram #1266. Fr: Francis H. Ghanaian Ownership of Valco Aluminum Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Smelter and Signing of Master Agreement on March 7,1962. 2pp. JFK#29. C. 2/1/79. Volta River Project. Discussions between Ghanaian President 0540 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Kwame Kwame Nkrumah and Chad F. Calhoun, Vice Nkrumah. President of Kaiser Industries Corporation, NA. 2pp. JFK#24b. C. 12/21/76. regarding Political Situation in Ghana. Kennedy's Reply to Ghanaian President Nkrumah's Messages on Volta River Project. 0555 Ghana•April 1962-June 1962. 0542 Incoming Telegram #1127. Fr: Francis H. 0556 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Russell. To: Dean Rusk. 0559 Incoming Telegram #1365. Fr: [?] Green. January 20, 1962. 3pp. JFK#24e. C. 2/21/76. To: Dean Rusk. Message from Ghanaian President Kwame April 3, 1962. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 1/14/77. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding Discussions between Ghanaian President Introduction of Master Agreement on Volta Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and George River Project into Ghanaian National Carter, U.S. Peace Corps Representative in Assembly. Ghana, regarding Alleged Lack of Respect 0545 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. for Africans by U.S. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0561 Incoming Telegram #1376. Fr: [?] Green. January 30,1962.1p. JFK#24f. C. 12/21/76. To: Dean Rusk. Telegram from Ghanaian President Kwame April 5, 1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 1/14/77. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding Volta Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah River Project, Dated January 22,1962. Considers Appointing American Singer and Actor Paul Robeson Professor of Music at University of Ghana. Ghana/ReelS Frame Document Frame Document

0562 Department of State Airgram #A-214. Fr: [?] 0592 Incoming Telegram #1627. Fr: [?] Green. To: Green. To: Dean Rusk. Dean Rusk. April 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. LOU. May 31, 1962. 2pp. JFK#9. LOU. Discussions between Ghanaian President W. M. Q. Halm, Ghanaian Ambassador to Kwame Nkrumah and Robert Fleming, U.S., Meets with Former President Dwight D. Representative of Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Eisenhower at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to regarding Current Projects and Ghana's Extend Invitation to Attend Accra World Portrayal in U.S. Press. Peace Assembly in Ghana. 0564 Incoming Telegram #1480. Fr: [?] Green. 0594 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. May 2,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 1/14/77. Junes, 1962.1 p. JFK#10. State Department's Reply to Ghana's Protest Appointment with John F. Kennedy for of U.S. Nuclear Testing. William P. Mahoney, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to 0566 Outgoing Telegram #1740. Fr: Dean Rusk. Ghana. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0595 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. April 28,1962. 4pp. JFK#4a. C. 1/14/77. NA. 1p.JFK#10a. State Department's Reply to Ghana's Protest Biographical Data on William P. Mahoney, Jr., of U.S. Nuclear Testing. U.S. Ambassador to Ghana. 0571 Outgoing Telegram #1796. Fr: George W. 0596 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. NA. 1p.JFK#10b. May 8, 1962. 3pp. JFK#5. C. 1/14/77. Biographical Data on William J. Lawless, State Department Instructs U.S. Embassy, U.S. Aid Director in Ghana. Accra to Desist from Suggesting Council of 0597 Incoming Telegram #1724. Fr: [?] Green. Foreign Relations or Pugwash as Sources of To: Dean Rusk. Possible Participants in Accra World Peace June 15, 1962. 2pp. JFK#11. C. 1/14/77. Assembly. U.S. Embassy, Accra Suggests That William 0574 Incoming Telegram #1533. Fr: [?] Green. C. Foster, Director of U.S. Arms Control and To: Dean Rusk. Disarmament Agency, Send Message to U.S. Discussions with R. J. Mozon, Deputy Accra World Peace Assembly. Secretary General of Accra World Peace 0599 Incoming Telegram #1731. Fr: [?] Green. Assembly, on Subject of "World without To: Dean Rusk. Bomb." June 15, 1962.3pp. JFK#12. C. 1/14/77. 0576 Foreign Service Despatch. Fr: Mark B. Lewis. L. O. Harriman, Nigerian Acting High To: State Department. Commissioner, Invites Chiefs of Mission in May 29, 1962. 2pp. JFK#7. LOU. Accra, Ghana, to Greet Nigerian Foreign Ghanaian Student's Report to Ghanaian Minister Jaja Wachuku at Airport. President Kwame Nkrumah on Plight of 0602 Outgoing Telegram #6707. Fr: Dean Rusk. African Students in USSR. To: U.S. Embassy, London. 0578 Letter. Fr: Noi Quist. To: Kwame Nkrumah. June 15,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. C. 1/14/77. May 29, 1962. 10pp. JFK#7. C. NA. U.S. Participation in Accra World Peace Report on Problems of African Students in Assembly in Ghana. USSR. 0604 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0588 Memorandum. Fr: George C. McGhee. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. Suggested Letter from John F. Kennedy to May 30, 1962. 1p. JFK#8. C. 1/14/77. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Accra World Peace Assembly, June 21-28, regarding Appointment of William Mahoney, 1962. Jr., as New U.S. Ambassador to Ghana. 0589 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0605 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Kwame NA. 3pp. JFK#8. C. 1/14/77. Nkrumah. Accra World Peace Assembly, June 21-28, NA. 1p. JFK#14a. C. 1/14/77. 1962. Letter from Kennedy to Ghanaian President Nkrumah regarding Appointment of William Mahoney, Jr., as New U.S. Ambassador to Ghana.

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0606 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Kwame 0620 Outgoing Telegram #2140. Fr: Dean Rusk. Nkrumah. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. June 15, 1962.1p.JFK#14b. June 28, 1962.1p. JFK#22. C. 1/14/77. Letter from Kennedy to Ghanaian President U.S. Condemnation of OAS Atrocities in Nkrumah regarding Appointment of William Algeria. Mahoney, Jr., as New U.S. Ambassador to 0621 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Ghana. McGeorge Bundy. 0607 Incoming Telegram #1735. Fr: [?] Green. To: June 28, 1962.1p.JFK#22a. Dean Rusk. White House Clearance of Message to June 16, 1962.3pp. JFK#15. C. 1/14/77. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. U.S. Participation in Accra World Peace 0622 Incoming Telegram #1664. Fr: [?] Green. Assembly in Ghana. To: Dean Rusk. 0610 Incoming Telegram #1788. Fr: William P. June 7,1962.1p. JFK#22c. QUO. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Message from Ghanaian President Kwame June 22,1962.1p.JFK#16. Nkrumah regarding U.S. Condemnation of William Mahoney, Jr., New U.S. Ambassador OAS Atrocities in Algeria. to Ghana, Presents Credentials to Ghanaian 0623 Outgoing Telegram #2113. Fr: George W. President Kwame Nkrumah. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0611 Incoming Telegram #1790. Fr: William P. June 22, 1962. 3pp. JFK#22d. C. 5/12/75. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Replies to Letters from Ghanaian June 23, 1962. 4pp. JFK#17. C. 1/14/77. President Kwame Nkrumah regarding U.S. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Comments on Resumption of Nuclear Testing. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's 0626 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Address to Accra World Peace Assembly. McGeorge Bundy. 0615 Incoming Telegram #1794. Fr: William P. June 23, 1962.1p. JFK#22e. C. 5/12/75. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Proposed U.S. Action regarding Ghanaian June 25,1962. 1p. JFK#18. QUO. President Kwame Nkrumah's Letters to John Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame F. Kennedy. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding 0627 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Appointment of New U.S. Ambassador to Accra. Ghana William Mahoney, Jr. NA. 3pp. JFK#22f. C. 5/12/75. 0616 Incoming Telegram #1809. Fr: William P. U.S. Replies to Letters from Ghanaian Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. President Kwame Nkrumah regarding U.S. June 27,1962.1p.JFK#19. Resumption of Nuclear Testing. Accra World Peace Assembly Accepts 0630 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Accra. Proposal to Send Delegation to John F. June 28,1962.1p. JFK#22f. C. 1/14/77. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita U.S. Acknowledges Receipt of Letter from Khrushchev to Present Assembly's Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Conclusions and Proposals. regarding U.S. Condemnation of OAS 0617 Incoming Telegram #1813. Fr: William P. Atrocities in Algeria. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0631 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: June 27, 1962. 2pp. JFK#20. C. 1/14/77. McGeorge Bundy. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah June 11, 1962.1p.JFK#22g. Expresses Concern over Ghana's Financial Letters to John F. Kennedy from Ghanaian Situation and Requests World Bank Experts President Kwame Nkrumah regarding U.S. to Advise Him. Nuclear Testing and OAS Atrocities in 0619 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Algeria. To: Ralph A. Dungan. 0632 Incoming Telegram #1671. [Note: Part II of II, June 29, 1962.1p. JFK#21. C. 1/14/77. See Frame 0638 for Part I.] Fr: [?] Green. Ghana's Financial Situation. To: Dean Rusk. June 8,1962. 2pp. JFK#22h. C. NA. U.S. Response to Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Appeal to Suspend High- Altitude Nuclear Tests.

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0634 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0647 Draft Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. NA. 1p.JFK#22i. To: Kwame Nkrumah. "Attached to Deptel 2140 (Accra) in Original June 27,1962.1p. JFK#1c. Order." Message of Congratulations on Second 0635 Incoming Telegram #1664. Fr: [?] Green. Anniversary of Founding of Republic of To: Dean Rusk. Ghana. June 7,1962. 1 p. JFK#22i. OUO. 0648 Incoming Telegram #3. Fr: William P. Message from Ghanaian President Kwame Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Nkrumah of Ghana regarding U.S. July 2, 1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 11/11/76. Condemnation of OAS Atrocities in Algeria. Former U.S. Ambassador to UN James J. 0636 Incoming Telegram #1663. Fr: [?] Green. Wadsworth's Impressions of Accra World To: Dean Rusk. Peace Assembly in Ghana. June 7,1962. 1 p. JFK#22j. OUO. 0649 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Appeal to U.S. from Ghanaian President Dean Rusk. Kwame Nkrumah Calling for End to High- July3, 1962. 1 p. JFK#3. Altitude Nuclear Testing. Personal Letter to John F. Kennedy from 0637 Incoming Telegram #1662. Fr: [?] Green. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah, Dated To: Dean Rusk. June 23, 1962. June 7,1962.1 p. JFK#22k. LOU. 0650 Letter. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. Letters from Ghanaian President Kwame Kennedy. Nkrumah Protesting U.S. Nuclear Testing and June 23, 1962.1p.JFK#3a. Complimenting U.S. Position on OAS Appointment of New U.S. Ambassador to Atrocities in Algeria. Ghana William Mahoney, Jr. 0638 Incoming Telegram #1671. [Note: Part I of II. 0651 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. See Frame 0632 for Part II.] Fr: [?] Green. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. July 10,1962.1 p. JFK#5. June 8,1962. 2pp. JFK#22k. C. 1/14/77. Request for Appointment with John F. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Comments on Kennedy for Ambassador W. M. Q. Halm to Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Pay Farewell Call. Appeal to U.S. to Halt High-Altitude Nuclear 0652 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Tests. NA. 1p.JFK#5a. Biographical Sketch of W. M. Q. Halm, 0640 Ghana•July 1962-August 1962. Ghanaian Ambassador to U.S. 0641 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. 0654 Department of State Airgram #A-10. Fr: 0644 Outgoing Telegram #1. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: State U.S. Embassy, Accra. Department. June 29,1962. 1p.JFK#1. July 10,1962. 4pp. JFK#6. C. 11/11/76. Message of Congratulations from John F. U.S. Ambassador William Mahoney, Jr., Calls Kennedy to Ghanaian President Kwame on Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah to Nkrumah on Second Anniversary of Discuss Ghana's Protest of U.S. High- Founding of Republic of Ghana. Altitude Nuclear Tests and U.S. 0645 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. Condemnation of OAS Atrocities in Algeria. To: Kwame Nkrumah. 0658 Incoming Telegram #53. Fr: William P. June 27.1962. 1p.JFK#1a. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Message of Congratulations on Second July 11,1962. 4pp. JFK#7. C. 5/12)75. Anniversary of Founding of Republic of Reply to Ghana's Protest of U.S. High- Ghana. Altitude Nuclear Tests. 0646 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0662 Note. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. To: Bromley K. To: McGeorge Bundy. Smith. June 27,1962. 1p.JFK#1b. July 11,1962.1p.JFK#8. 'The Enclosed Cable Is Transmitted for "Is It True That This Is All Dope Our Clearance as Soon as Possible." Embassies Have on Soviet Testing?"

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0663 Incoming Telegram #21. Fr: William P. 0676 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Accra. July 6, 1962. 1p. JFK#8a. C. 11/11/76. July 12,1962.1p. JFK#11b. C. 5/12/75. Discussions between Ghanaian President Changes in Text of U.S. Reply to Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah and U.S. Ambassador Protest of High-Altitude Nuclear Testing. William Mahoney, Jr., regarding U.S. and 0677 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Soviet High-Altitude Nuclear Testing. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0664 Department of State Airgram #17. Fr: James July 24,1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 11/11/76. B. Engle. To: State Department. Farewell Courtesy Call on John F. Kennedy July 12, 1962. 3pp. JFK#9. by Ghanaian Ambassador W. M. Q. Halm. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's 0679 Incoming Telegram #153. Fr: William P. Letter to John F. Kennedy and Ghanaian Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Newspaper Editorial Protesting U.S. High- July 28,1962. 2pp. JFK#14. C. 11/11/76 IP. Altitude Nuclear Tests. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's 0667 Outgoing Telegram #41. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Plans to Send Delegation to Meet with Embassy, Accra. President William Tubman of Liberia July 10, 1962. 1p. JFK#10. C. 5/12/75. regarding Meeting of Foreign Ministers of John F. Kennedy Does Not Plan to Make Casablanca and Monrovia Groups. Specific Reply to Ghanaian President 0681 Outgoing Telegram #142. Fr: Dean Rusk. Kwame Nkrumah's Letter Protesting U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. High-Altitude Nuclear Tests. August 2,1962.1p. JFK#15. OUO. 0668 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. U.S. Conveys Regrets to Ghanaian To: McGeorge Bundy. Government regarding Assassination Attempt July 10, 1962.1p.JFK#10a. against Ghanaian President Kwame White House Clearance of Draft Telegram to Nkrumah. Accra. 0682 Incoming Telegram #180. Fr: William P. 0669 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Accra. August 3,1962. 6pp. JFK#16. C. 11/11/76 IP. July 10, 1962. 1p. JFK#10b. C. 5/12/74. Report on Assassination Attempt against John F. Kennedy Does Not Plan to Make Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Specific Reply to Ghanaian President 0688 Incoming Telegram #23. Fr: William P. Kwame Nkrumah's Letter Protesting U.S. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. High-Altitude Nuclear Tests. August 9,1962. 2pp. JFK#17. LOU. 0671 Statement. Fr: NA. To: Lincoln White. Ghanaian Government Refuses U.S. September 10,1962. 2pp. JFK#10c. Invitation to Attend Manpower Conference. U.S. Statement on High-Altitude Nuclear 0690 Department of State Airgram #CA-1491. Fr: Testing. Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassies, Athens and 0673 Incoming Telegram #38. Fr: William P. Ankara. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. August 8,1962. 2pp. JFK#18. C. 11/11/76. July 9, 1962.1p. JFK#10d. Possible Ghana Airways Service to Soviet Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Bloc Countries. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy Protesting U.S. 0692 Outgoing Telegram #207. Fr: Dean Rusk. High-Altitude Nuclear Tests. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0674 Outgoing Telegram #48. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: August 17,1962. 1p. JFK#20. LOU. U.S. Embassy, Accra. Executive Board of International Monetary July 12, 1962.1p. JFK#11. C. 5/12/75. Fund (IMF) Approves Ghana's Request for Changes in Text of U.S. Reply to Ghana's $14.25 Million Drawing. Protest of High-Altitude Nuclear Testing. 0693 Department of State Airgram #A-129. Fr: 0675 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. James B. Engle. To: State Department. To: Bromley K. Smith. August 21, 1962. 3pp. JFK#21. C. 11/11/76. July 12, 1962. 1p.JFK#11a. Statement by Ghanaian Government White House Clearance of Draft Telegram Absolving British Government for to Accra. Responsibility for Attempted Assassination of Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah.

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0696 Department of State Airgram #A-102. 0720 Department of State Airgram #A-174. Fr: Fr: James B. Engle. To: State Department. James F. Green. To: State Department. August 23,1962. 8pp. JFK#22. C. 11/11/76. September 6, 1962.1p. JFK#2. QUO. Ghanaian Press Treatment of Attempted Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Assassination of Ghanaian President Kwame Reply to U.S. Ambassador William P. Nkrumah. Mahoney, Jr.'s Message on Assassination 0705 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Attempt. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0721 Outgoing Telegram #318. Fr: Dean Rusk. August 23,1962. 1p. JFK#24. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Text of Letter from Ghanaian President September 10,1962.1p. JFK#3. LOU. Kwame Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy U.S. Expresses Regrets over Attempted regarding U.S. Nuclear Testing in Assassination of Ghanaian President Kwame Atmosphere. Nkrumah. 0706 Letter. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. 0722 Department of State Airgram #A-191. Kennedy. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: State July 9, 1962. 1p. JFK#24a. Department. Ghanaian President Nkrumah Protests U.S. September 13,1962. 6pp. JFK#4. Nuclear Testing in Atmosphere. C. 12/30/76. 0707 Incoming Telegram #302. Fr: William P. Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Nkrumah regarding U.S. Aid Programs and August 27, 1962. 1p. JFK#25. C. 11/11/76 IP. Other Topics. Attempted Assassination of Ghanaian 0728 Incoming Telegram #424n. Fr: William P. President Kwame Nkrumah Causes Ghana Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. to Postpone Sending Delegation to Ask September 15,1962.1p. JFK#6. Liberian President William Tubman to Call C. 12/30/76 IP. Meeting of Casablanca and Monrovia Groups U.S. Fears Racial Violence as Part of Foreign Ministers. Ghana's Anti-Western Campaign. 0708 Incoming Telegram #322. Fr: William P. 0729 Incoming Telegram #434. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. August 30, 1962. 4pp. JFK#26. C. 11/11/76 September 17,1962. 3pp. JFK#7. IP. Ghanaian Press Attacks on U.S., Great Detention of Conspirators in Assassination Britain, and France. Attempt against Ghanaian President Kwame 0732 Incoming Telegram #449. Fr: William P. Nkrumah of Ghana. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0712 CIA Information Report #TDCS-3/521,163. September 17,1962. 2pp. JFK#8. Fr: CIA. To: NA. C. 12/30/76 IP. August 31,1962. 2pp. JFK#27. Anti-Western Press Attacks Ordered by NA. 1/21/76 IP. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Appraisal of Ghanaian President Kwame 0734 Incoming Telegram #446. Fr: William P. Nkrumah's Mental State Following Attempt Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. on His Life. September 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#9. LOU. U.S. Protests Official Ghanaian Government 0713 Ghana•September 1962. Radio and Press Allegations That U.S. 0715 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Government Connected with Attempted 0718 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Assassination of Ghanaian President Kwame To: Ralph A. Dungan. Nkrumah. September 4, 1962.1p. JFK#1. LOU. 0736 Outgoing Telegram #361. Fr: Dean Rusk. Situation in Ghana Following Attempted To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Assassination of Ghanaian President September 18,1962.1p. JFK#11. S. 12/30/76. Kwame Nkrumah. U.S. Reaction to Ghanaian Press and Radio Attacks.

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0737 Outgoing Telegram #362. Fr: Deari Rusk. 0752 Incoming Telegram #471. Fr: William P. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. September 18,1962. 1p. JFK#12. LOU. September 20,1962. 1p. JFK#21. Radio Ghana Attack on U.S. Alleges C. 12/30/76. Connection with Attempted Assassination of Ghanaian Government Fails to Retract Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Allegations against U.S. Made by Official 0738 Incoming Telegram #456. Fr: William P. Radio and Press. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0754 Press Release. Fr: Foreign Broadcast September 19,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. Information Service (FBIS). To: NA. C. 12/30/76. September 20,1962. 1p. JFK#24. OUO. U.S. Protests Official Ghanaian Government Ghana Apologizes to Great Britain for Press Radio and Press Allegations That U.S. and Radio Allegations regarding British Government Connected with Attempted Complicity in Assassination Attempt on Assassination of Ghanaian President Kwame Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Nkrumah. 0755 Incoming Telegram #487. Fr: William P. 0740 Incoming Telegram #464. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. September 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#25. September 19,1962. 1 p. JFK#14. C. 12/30/76. C. 12/30/76 IP. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Comments on Speech by Ghanaian High Commissioner Implications of Ghanaian High Commissioner Kwesi Armah in London regarding Cuba's Kwesi Armah's Remarks at Commonwealth Justification in Buying Arms from USSR due Ministers Conference in London. to Hostile Attitude of U.S. 0757 Incoming Telegram #488. Fr: William P. 0741 Incoming Telegram #466. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. September 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#26. September 19,1962. 1p. JFK#15. C. 12/30/76 IP. C. 12/30/76. Ghanaian Government Disclaims U.S. Ambassador William Mahoney, Jr., Responsibility for Content of Official Press Requests Appointment with Ghanaian and Radio. President Kwame Nkrumah. 0759 Incoming Telegram #489. Fr: William P. 0742 Incoming Telegram #467. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. September 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#27. September 19,1962.1p. JFK#16. C. 12/30/76. C. 12/30/76. U.S. Ambassador Mahoney Protests Official U.S. Demands Retraction of Charges in Press and Radio Attacks on U.S. to Ghanaian Press That U.S. Connected with Ghanaian Minister of Information and Attempted Assassination of Ghanaian Broadcasting L. R. Abavana. President Kwame Nkrumah. 0761 Incoming Telegram #490. Fr: William P. 0743 Incoming Telegram #468. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. September 21,1961.1p. JFK#28. September 19,1962. 8pp. JFK#17. C. 12/30/76 IP. S. 12/30/76. Discussions between Ghanaian Officials and Analysis of Crisis in Relations between U.S. U.S. AID Director William J. Lawless and Ghana. regarding Press Attacks on West. 0751 Outgoing Telegram #379. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0762 Outgoing Telegram #506. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. To: U.S. Embassy, Lagos. September 19,1962.1p. JFK#20. September 21,1962.1p. JFK#30. LOU. C. 12/30/76. Soviet Radio Broadcast Attacks Nigeria as U.S. Lodges Formal Protests over Allegations Accomplice and Conspirator in Attempted in Ghanaian Press regarding U.S. Assassination of Ghanaian President Kwame Connection in Attempted Assassination of Nkrumah. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah.

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0764 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0780 Incoming Telegram #611. Fr: [?] McClintock. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. September 21, 1962. 3pp. JFK#31. September 28,1962. 1p. JFK#42. C. 12/30/76 IP. C. 12/30/76. Anti-Western Campaign in Government- Moroccan Government Asks U.S. for Controlled Ghanaian Press. Information on Attempted Assassination of 0767 Incoming Telegram #510. Fr: William P. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0781 Incoming Telegram #565. Fr: William P. September 23,1962. 2pp. JFK#33. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. C. 12/30/76 IP. September 29,1962.1p. JFK#43. LOU. Ghanaian Press Reports regarding Bomb U.S. Embassy, Accra Requests Summary of Explosions in Accra. International Legal Precedents on Curfew 0769 Incoming Telegram #522. Fr: William P. Situations due to Ghanaian Decision to Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Restrict Curfew Passes to Chiefs of Mission. September 23, 1962. 1 p. JFK#34. 0782 Incoming Telegram #570. Fr: William P. C. 12/30/76 IP. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah September 29,1962. 1p. JFK#44. Refuses to Restrain Anti-Western Campaign C. 12/30/76. in Government-Controlled Press and Radio. Report on Ghanaian President Kwame 0770 Department of State Airgram #A-202. Fr: Nkrumah's First Public Appearance since William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: State Attempt on His Life. Department. 0783 Note. Fr: C. K. Johnson. To: Charles E. September 25, 1962. 5pp. JFK#35. Johnson. C. 12/30/76. September 29,1962. 1p. JFK#45. Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame 'This Memo Was Written before the Letter Nkrumah regarding U.S. Concern over Press Was Received Here (to Explain First and Radio Attacks Linking U.S. with Paragraph)." Assassination Attempt. 0784 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0775 Incoming Telegram #555. Fr: William P. To: McGeorge Bundy. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. September 29,1962.2pp. JFK#45a. September 28,1962. 2pp. JFK#37. Ghanaian Press Criticism of Statements C. 12/30/76. Made by G. Mennen Williams. Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame 0786 Incoming Telegram #571. Fr: William P. Nkrumah regarding Remarks Made by Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. G. Mennen Williams Casting Reflections on September 30,1962. 2pp. JFK#46. Ghana's Neutrality. S. 12/30/76 IP. 0777 Incoming Telegram #561. Fr: William P. Erosion of Popularity of Ghanaian President Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Kwame Nkrumah and Dissatisfaction of September 28,1962.1p. JFK#39. Certain Elements of Population. Government of Ghana Imposes Censorship on All Foreign Correspondents. 0788 Ghana•October 1962. 0778 Incoming Telegram #562. Fr: William P. 0789 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0791 Incoming Telegram #582. Fr: William P. September 28,1962. 1p. JFK#40. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. C. 12/30/76. October 1,1962. 7pp. JFK#1. S. 2/18/76. Dissatisfaction among Populace regarding U.S. Embassy, Accra's Assessment of Police Searches in Accra, Ghana. Political Situation in Ghana for Special 0779 Incoming Telegram #563. Fr: William P. National Intelligence Estimate. Mahomey, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0798 Incoming Telegram #583. Fr: William P. September 28,1962. 1p. JFK#41. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. C. 12/30/76. October 1,1962. 5pp. JFK#2. S. 2/18/76. "Embassy Accra Has No Such Report. Accra U.S. Embassy, Accra's Assessment of Has Been under State of Emergency and Political Situation in Ghana for Special Curfew for Past Week with Presidential Office National Intelligence Estimate. and Residence Heavily Guarded."

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0803 Incoming Telegram #584. Fr: William P. 0825 Incoming Telegram #621. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. October 1,1962.1p. JFK#3. S. 1/20/77. October 9, 1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 1/20/77. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Belief That in U.S. Ambassador Mahoney Meets with Absence of Assassination Ghanaian Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah before President Kwame Nkrumah Will Remain in Returning to U.S. for Consultations. Power in Foreseeable Future. 0826 Department of State Airgram #A-22. Fr: John 0804 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. P. Meagher. To: State Department. To: McGeorge Bundy. October 9,1962. 5pp. JFK#16. S. 1/20/77. October 1, 1962. 1 p. JFK#4. C. 1 /20/77. Ghana's Involvement in Illegal Importation of Situation Report on Developments in Ghana. Arms into Nigeria. 0805 Incoming Telegram #599. Fr: William P. 0831 Memorandum. Fr: William R. Brubeck. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. October 3, 1962. 3pp. JFK#5. C. 1/20/77. October 12,1962.1p. JFK#18. LOU. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Economic Appraisal Appointment with John F. Kennedy for of Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's William P. Mahoney, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to Address to Parliament. Ghana. 0808 Incoming Telegram #600. Fr: William P. 0832 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#18a. October 3, 1962. 6pp. JFK#6. C. 1/20/77. Biographical Data on William P. Mahoney, Jr., Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's U.S. Ambassador to Ghana. Address on Opening of Parliament. 0833 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0814 Incoming Telegram #602. Fr: William P. To: McGeorge Bundy. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. October 16,1962. 1p. JFK#19. LOU. Octobers, 1962. 2pp. JFK#7. S. 1/20/77. Ghana's Voting Record in Sixteenth Session Factors in Potential Power Struggle in Ghana of UN General Assembly. for Special National Intelligence Estimate. 0835 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0816 Incoming Telegram #604. Fr: William P. NA. 2pp.JFK#19a. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. African Voting Pattern for Sixteenth Session October 4, 1962. 1p. JFK#10. C. 5/5/75. of UN General Assembly. Ghanaian Army Units Withdrawn from 0837 Incoming Telegram #677. Fr: James F. "Operation Search" in Accra. Green. To: Dean Rusk. 0817 Department of State Airgram #A-224. Fr: October 19,1962.1p. JFK#20. C. 1/20/77. James F. Green. To: State Department. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's October 4, 1962.1p. JFK#12. OUO. Opposition to Draft Federal Constitution for Visit of F. E. Boaten, General Secretary of DRC. Accra World Peace Assembly, to U.S. 0838 Incoming Telegram #681. Fr: James F. 0819 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Green. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 20,1962.1p. JFK#21. C. 1/20/77 IP. October 4, 1962. 4pp. JFK#13. S. 1/20/77 IP. No Plans for Ghanaian President Kwame Contingencies in Event of Death or Removal Nkrumah to Visit Cuba or Latin America. from Office of Ghanaian President Kwame 0839 Incoming Telegram #696. Fr: William P. Nkrumah. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0823 Incoming Telegram #609. Fr: William P. October 26,1962.1p. JFK#23. LOU. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame October 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#14. C. 1/20/77. Nkrumah regarding Cuban Missile Crisis. Ghana's Economic and Financial Problems 0840 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. and Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's To: McGeorge Bundy. Position on Association of African States with October 10,1962. 1p. JFK#23c. C. 1/20/77. Common Market. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah regarding Criticisms of Ghana by G. Mennen Williams.

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0841 Note. Fr: Polly A. Yates. To: Bromley K. 0863 Letter. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. Smith. Kennedy. NA. 1p.JFK#25. October 25,1962.1p. JFK#3a. "Mr. Kaysen Took Original of This Yesterday." Cuban Missile Crisis. 0842 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0864 Department of State Airgram #A-284. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: State October 27,1962. 3pp. JFK#25a. S. 1 /20/77. Department. Review of Economic and Political November 2,1962. 3pp. JFK#4. C. 11/2/76. Developments in Ghana. Meeting between Ghanaian President 0845 Incoming Telegram #697. Fr: William P. Kwame Nkrumah and U.S. Ambassador-at- Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Large Chester Bowles. October 29,1962. 1p. JFK#26. C. 1/20/77. 0867 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Message from Ghanaian President Kwame To: McGeorge Bundy. Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy on Cuban November 19,1962.1p. JFK#5. C. 2/18/76. Missile Crisis. Crop Damage Caused by Cocoa Capsids in 0846 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. Ghana. Kennedy. 0868 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. October 29,1962. 5pp. JFK#27. C. 1/19/76. NA. 2pp. JFK#5a. C. 2/18/76. Review of U.S. Relations with Ghana. Crop Damage Caused by Cocoa Capsids in Ghana. 0851 Ghana•November 1962-December 0870 Incoming Telegram #713. Fr: William P. 1962. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0852 Withdrawal Sheets. 5pp. November 20, 1962. 2pp. JFK#6. 0857 Incoming Telegram #702. Fr: William P. New Ghanaian Press Campaign against U.S. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0872 Incoming Telegram #714. Fr: William P. November 1, 1962.1p. JFK#1. C. 11/2/76. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Ghanaian November 21, 1962. 3pp. JFK#7. S. 11/2/76. President Kwame Nkrumah. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Comments on Anti- 0858 Incoming Telegram #700. Fr: William P. U.S. Attacks by Ghanaian Press. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0875 Incoming Telegram #717. Fr: William P. October 6,1962.1p. JFK#1a. C. 11/2/76. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Protests Remarks by Alex Quaison- November 21, 1962. 2pp. JFK#9. LOU. Sackey, Chief of Ghana's UN Mission, and Summary of U.S. Ambassador Mahoney's Message from Ghanaian President Kwame Visit to Guinea Press, Official Ghanaian Nkrumah to Soviet Premier Nikita Press Agency. Khrushchev regarding Dismantling of Missile 0877 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. Bases. November 20, 1962.1 p. JFK#10. 0859 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#NA. Ghanaian Press Campaign against U.S. 0860 Outgoing Telegram #565. Fr: Dean Rusk. Policy toward Cuba. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0878 Outgoing Telegram #586. Fr: Dean Rusk. October 31,1962.1p. JFK#1b. C. 11/2/76. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. "Please Report Soonest Whether Text November 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#11. President's Letter Delivered to Nkrumah and S. 11/2/76. His Reaction." Implications of Anti-U.S. Press Campaign in 0861 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Ghana. NA. 1p.JFK#2. 0880 Incoming Telegram #719. Fr: William P. Text of Ghana's UN Resolution on Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Suspension of All Underground Nuclear November 22,1962.1p. JFK#12. S. 11/2/76. Tests. U.S. Policy for Dealing with Ghanaian Press 0862 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Attacks. To: McGeorge Bundy. November 8, 1962.1p. JFK#3. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah.

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0881 Incoming Telegram #720. Fr: William P. 0908 Incoming Telegram #742. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. November 23,1962. 3pp. JFK#13. December 4, 1962. 4pp. JFK#28. C.11/2/76. Text of Ghanaian Times Editorial on Ghana's Policy on Activities of Foreign Louisiana Senator Allen J. Ellender's Cultural and Information Centers. Comments on African Leadership and Dr. 0884 Incoming Telegram #728. Fr: William P. Kofi Abrefa Busia's Statements on Ghanaian Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Troops in Cuba. November 28,1962. 2pp. JFK#18. 0912 Outgoing Telegram #86. Fr: Dean Rusk. C. 11/2/76. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Upset December 4, 1962. 2pp. JFK#29. S. 11/2/76. over U.S. Protests of Attacks by Ghanaian U.S. Position on Peace Corps in Ghana. Press. 0914 Incoming Telegram #70. Fr: William P. 0886 Incoming Telegram #729. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Decembers, 1962. 2pp. JFK#30. C. 11/2/76. November 28, 1962.1p. JFK#19. C. 11/2/76. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's U.S. Discussions with Friendly Chiefs of Attitude toward U.S. Peace Corps. Mission in Accra regarding Situation in 0916 Incoming Telegram #71. Fr: William P. Ghana. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0888 CIA Information Report #TDCS-3/652,381. December 5, 1962. 2pp. JFK#31. S. 11/2/76. Fr: CIA. To: NA. Government of Ghana Considers Removal of November 30,1962. 6pp. JFK#20. U.S. Peace Corps Volunteers Not Engaged S. 9/2/76 IP. in Teaching Science, Math, English, or United Party's Plans for Taking over French. Government of Ghana. 0919 Outgoing Telegram #75. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0894 Incoming Telegram #736. Fr: William P. To: Selected African Diplomatic Posts. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Decembers, 1962. 2pp. JFK#32. S. 11/2/76. December 2, 1962. 4pp. JFK#22. S. 11/2/76. Possibility That Government of Ghana Might U.S. Embassy, Accra's Reflections on Request Removal of Certain U.S. Peace Ghanaian Press Editorial Suggesting CIA Corps Volunteers. Connection with Attempted Assassination of 0921 Incoming Telegram #747. Fr: William P. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0898 Incoming Telegram #66. Fr: William P. December 6, 1962. 2pp. JFK#33. S. 11/2/76. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian Minister of Education Meets with Decembers, 1962. 1p. JFK#23. S. 11/2/76. U.S. Peace Corps Director regarding Change in Ghanaian President Kwame Possible Removal of Certain Volunteers Not Nkrumah's Position toward U.S. Peace Teaching Science, Math, English, or French. Corps. 0924 State Department Intelligence Note. Fr: 0899 Incoming Telegram #68. Fr: William P. Roger Hilsman. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. December 6, 1962. 2pp. JFK#35. S. 11/2/76. December 3, 1962.1p. JFK#24. LOU. Reports of Opposition Plotting in Ghana. Evaluation of Relations between U.S. Peace 0926 Incoming Telegram #748. Fr: William P. Corps and Government of Ghana. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0900 Incoming Telegram #738. Fr: William P. December 7, 1962. 1p. JFK#36. S. 11/2/76. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian Minister of Education Requests December 3,1962. 5pp. JFK#25. S. 11/2/76. Removal of All Peace Corps Volunteers Not Considerations for Evaluating Status of U.S.- Engaged in Teaching Science, Math, English, Ghanaian Relations. or French. 0905 Incoming Telegram #739. Fr: William P. 0927 Incoming Telegram #751. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. December 3,1962. 3pp. JFK#26. S. 11/2/76. December 7, 1962. 3pp. JFK#37. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Recommendations for S. 11/2/76 IP. Dealing with Uncertain Political Situation in Discussions between Ghanaian Minister of Ghana. Education and U.S. Peace Corps Representative regarding Removal of Certain Peace Corps Volunteers. Ghana/Reel 8 Frame Document Frame Document

0930 Outgoing Telegram #605. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0949 Outgoing Telegram #1112. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. U.S. Adopts Policy of "Courteous Aloofness" December 17, 1962. 2pp. JFK#44. toward Ghana. C. 11/2/76. 0931 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Bromley K. Increase in Anti-Western Position of Smith. Government of Ghana Following Attempted December 4, 1962.1p. JFK#38a. Assassination of Ghanaian President Kwame "For Approval Prior to Transmission." Nkrumah. 0932 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, 0951 Incoming Telegram #771. Fr: William P. Accra. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. December 4, 1962.1p. JFK#38b. S. 11/2/76. December 19, 1962. 2pp. JFK#45. U.S. Adopts Policy of "Courteous Aloofness" S. 11/2/76 IP. toward Ghana. U.S. Embassy, Accra Regards It as Unlikely 0933 Memorandum. Fr: Gordon Chase. That Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah To: McGeorge Bundy. Will Be Deposed in Foreseeable Future December 12, 1962.1p. JFK#40. C. 1/21/77. Despite Growing Dissatisfaction. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for Edgar 0953 Incoming Telegram #774. Fr: William P. F. Kaiser, President of Kaiser Industries Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Corporation. December 19.1962. 1p. JFK#46. 0934 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. C. 11/2/76 IP. To: McGeorge Bundy. U.S. Urged to Use Caution When Asking December 12,1962.1p. JFK#40a. African Heads of State to Comment on S. 11/2/76. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Meeting between John F. Kennedy and 0955 Telegram. Fr: Edgar F. Kaiser. To: Kaiser Edgar F. Kaiser, President of Kaiser Industries Corporation. Industries Corporation, regarding Upcoming December 19,1962.1p. JFK#47. Trip to Ghana. Transmittal of Message from Kaiser to 0935 Briefing Paper. Fr: NA. To: John F. Kennedy. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah NA. 2pp. JFK#40b. S. 11/2/76 IP. regarding Progress on Construction of Valco U.S.-Ghanaian Relations. Aluminum Smelter. 0937 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. 0956 Telegram. Fr: Nina Hornby. To: Ward Kennedy. Humphreys. December 13, 1962. 2pp. JFK#41. December 27,1962. 1p. JFK#47. S. 1/21/77. Transmittal of Message from Edgar F. Kaiser, Kennedy's Meeting with Edgar F. Kaiser, President of Kaiser Industries Corporation, to President of Kaiser Industries Corporation. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah 0939 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Requesting to Know if Plans for Visit Are To: Carl Kaysen. Convenient. December 16, 1962. 1 p. JFK#42. C. 2/18/76. 0957 Incoming Telegram #780. Fr: William P. Information Memorandum on Situation in Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Ghana. December 21, 1962. 1p. JFK#48. C. 11/2/76. 0940 Information Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Article in Soviet Weekly Journal New Times NA. 4pp. JFK#42a. C. 2/18/76. Attacking U.S. Peace Corps. Internal and External Developments in 0958 Incoming Telegram #789. Fr: James B. Ghana. . Engle. To: Dean Rusk. 0944 Incoming Telegram #712. Fr: William P. December 23,1962.1p. JFK#50. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. C. 11/2/76 IP. November 20,1962.4pp. JFK#42b. Dahoman Foreign Minister Arrives in Acerato Ghanaian Press Attack on U.S. Ambassador Mediate Dispute between Ghana and Togo. to Ghana Mahoneyi 0948 Outgoing Telegram #665. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. December 17, 1962.1p. JFK#43. C. 11/2/76. President of Kaiser Industries Corporation Edgar F. Kaiser's Planned Trip to Ghana.

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0959 Incoming Telegram #85. Fr: Robinson 0976 Incoming Telegram #852. Fr: William P. Mcllvaine. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. December 26.1962. 1p. JFK#51. C. 11/2/76. January 11,1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/76. Discussions between Dahoman Foreign Ghana Requests That U.S. Recall Dr. Carl Minister [?] Zinsou and Ghanaian President Nydell, U.S. Regional Medical Director, and Kwame Nkrumah regarding Dispute between William Davis, Cultural Affairs Officer. Ghana and Togo. 0980 Outgoing Telegram #686. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0960 Incoming Telegram #803. Fr: James B. To: U.S. Embassies, Accra, London, Paris, Engle. To: Dean Rusk. and Lome. December 30,1962. 2pp. JFK#54. January 13,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. C. 11/2/76 IP. U.S. Reaction to Ghanaian Government Indications That Government of Ghana Request for Recall of Dr. Carl Nydell, U.S. Building up Case That CIA Involved in Regional Medical Director, and William Davis, Attempted Assassination of Ghanaian Cultural Affairs Officer. President Kwame Nkrumah. 0981 Incoming Telegram #917. Fr: William P. 0962 Incoming Telegram #813. Fr: James B. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Engle. To: Dean Rusk. January 16,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. December 31,1962. 2pp. JFK#55. Ghanaian Army and Police Border Sealing C. 11/2)76. Exercise. Arrival of Soviet Arms Shipment in Ghana. 0983 Incoming Telegram #922. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0964 Ghana•January 1-20,1963. January 17,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. 0965 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Ghanaian Government Presents Charges 0967 Incoming Telegram #822. Fr: James B. against Dr. Carl Nydell, U.S. Regional Engle. To: Dean Rusk. Medical Director in Ghana, Leading to January 3,1963.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Request for His Recall. New Year's Greetings from Ghanaian 0984 Incoming Telegram #923. Fr: William P. President Kwame Nkrumah to John F. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. January 17,1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. 0968 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Note from Ghana's Deputy Minister of To: Carl Kaysen. Foreign Affairs Listing Charges against Dr. January 2,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. Carl Nydell, U.S. Regional Medical Director, Meeting between Ghanaian President Leading to Request for His Recall. Kwame Nkrumah and Professor Vernon 0988 Outgoing Telegram #704. Fr: Dean Rusk. McKay. To: U.S. Embassies, Accra and London. 0969 Department of State Airgram #A-158. Fr: January 17,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 4/5/77. William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: State U.S. Expresses Concern over Ghana's Department. Declaring Two American Officials Persona December 18,1962. 5pp. JFK#NA. Non Grata Leads to Review of U.S. Relations C. 4/5/77. and Aid Program. Meeting between Ghanaian President 0990 Outgoing Telegram #1255. Fr: Dean Rusk. Kwame Nkrumah and Professor Vernon To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. McKay. January 17,1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. 0974 Incoming Telegram #837. Fr: William P. Government of Ghana Declares Dr. Carl Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Nydell, U.S. Regional Medical Director, January 8,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. and Requests His Recall. Indications That Political Trial of Conspirators 0994 Incoming Telegram #929. Fr: William P. in Attempted Assassination of Ghanaian Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. President Kwame Nkrumah Will Take Place January 18,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. with Prosecution Attempting to Implicate CIA. U.S. Acknowledges Receipt of Ghanaian Government Note Declaring Dr. Carl Nydell, U.S. Regional Medical Director, Persona Non Grata.

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0996 Incoming Telegram #933. Fr: William P. 1007 Incoming Telegram #940. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. January 18,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. January 19,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. U.S. Publicizes Good Works in Ghana U.S. Embassy, Accra Requests Further Performed by Dr. Carl Nydell, U.S. Regional Instructions for Dealing with Nydell-Davis Medical Director. Cases. 0997 Incoming Telegram #938. Fr: William P. 1010 Incoming Telegram #936. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. January 18,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. January 19,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. Ghana's Foreign Minister Requests That U.S. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Calls Suspend Persona Non Grata Action against U.S. Embassy, Accra Asking if Anything Can George Arthur, Second Secretary of Be Done about Expulsion of Dr. Carl Nydell, Ghanaian Embassy, in Washington, D.C., U.S. Regional Medical Director. until Ghanaian Government Reconsiders 1012 Incoming Telegram #942. Fr: William P. Carl Nydell Case. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0998 Outgoing Telegram #711. Fr: Dean Rusk. January 19,1963. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. U.S. Embassy Officials in Ghana Discuss January 18,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. U.S.-Ghanaian Relations with Edgar F. State Department Issues Statement Kaiser and Chad F. Calhoun, President and Deploring Ghanaian Government Action Vice President of Kaiser Industries Declaring Dr. Carl Nydell, U.S. Regional Corporation, Respectively. Medical Director, Persona Non Grata. 1017 Incoming Telegram #945. Fr: William P. 0999 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. January 19,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. January 18,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. Summary of U.S. Discussions with Ghanaian U.S. Relations with Ghana Following Foreign Ministry regarding Persona Non Request for Removal of Members of U.S. Grata Note on Dr. Carl Nydell, U.S. Regional Embassy Staff in Accra. Medical Director. 1002 Note. Fr: Ghanaian Ministry of Foreign 1020 Outgoing Telegram #1119. Fr: Dean Rusk. Affairs. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. To: U.S. Embassy, Lagos. January 11, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. January 19,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. Ghanaian Government Requests Recall of U.S. Discussions with Nigerian Foreign Dr. Cari Nydell, U.S. Regional Medical Minister Jaja Wachuku regarding Ghana's Director, and William Davis, U.S. Cultural Declaring Dr. Carl Nydell, U.S. Regional Affairs Officer. Medical Director, Persona Non Grata. 1003 Draft Press Release. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. 1021 Ghana•January 21-31,1963. U.S. Statement regarding Ghanaian 1022 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Government Decision to Declare Dr. Carl 1024 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Nydell, U.S. Regional Medical Director, To: McGeorge Bundy. Persona Non Grata. January 21,1963! 1p. JFK#NA. S. 2/18/76. 1004 Incoming Telegram #935. Fr: William P. Contingencies in Event of Death or Removal Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. from Office of Ghanaian President Kwame January 19,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. Nkrumah. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Calls 1025 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. U.S. Embassy, Accra Asking Them to Keep NA. 5pp. JFK#NA. S. 2/18/76. Dr. Carl Nydell on Staff until Further Notice. Contingencies in Event of Death or Removal 1005 Incoming Telegram #937. Fr: William P. from Office of Ghanaian President Kwame Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Nkrumah. -, January 19,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/5/77. Ghanaian Foreign Ministry Note Declaring Dr. Carl Nydell, U.S. Regional Medical Director, Persona Non Grata.

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1030 Incoming Telegram #956. Fr: William P. 1051 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. January 21,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/10/77. January 25,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. Meeting between Ghanaian President Letter to John F. Kennedy from Ghanaian Kwame Nkrumah and Chad F. Calhoun, Vice President Kwame Nkrumah, Dated January President of Kaiser Industries Corporation, 21,1963. regarding Ghana's Declaring Dr. Carl Nydell, 1053 Letter. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. U.S. Regional Medical Director, Persona Non Kennedy. Grata. January 21,1963.1p. JFK#NA. 1032 Incoming Telegram #959. Fr: William P. Reply to Message Sent by Kennedy with Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Edgar F. Kaiser, President of Kaiser January 21,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/10/77. Industries Corporation, on His Trip to Ghana Discussions between Ghanaian President 1054 Incoming Telegram #979. Fr: William P. Kwame Nkrumah and Edgar F. Kaiser and Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Chad F. Calhoun, President and Vice January 29,1963.2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. President of Kaiser Industries Corporation, U.S. Protests Ghanaian Frontier Police's Respectively. Refusal to Allow U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission 1035 Incoming Telegram #960. Fr: William P. at Lome, Togo, to Enter Country as Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. . January 21,1963.1p. JFK#NA. S. 6/10/77. 1057 Outgoing Telegram #730. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Evaluation of Results of Kaiser-Calhoun Embassy, Accra. Talks with Ghanaian President Kwame January 28,1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/10/77. Nkrumah. U.S. State Department to Allow Ghana 1036 Incoming Telegram #961. Fr: William P. Reasonable Time to Demonstrate Good Faith Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. in Relations with U.S. and Ghana's Policies January 22,1963. 5pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/10/77. and Actions toward Rest of Africa. Comments on Kaiser-Calhoun Visit to 1061 Incoming Telegram #582. Fr: William P. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah in Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Relation to Problem of Ghanaian-U.S. January 30,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. Relations. S. 2/21/78 IP. 1041 Incoming Telegram #965. Fr: William P. U.S. Discussions with British Deputy High Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Commissioner regarding Closing of British January 23,1963.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/10/77. Council and U.S. Information Service in Theft of License Plate from Car of Dr. Carl Ghana. Nydell, U.S. Regional Medical Director, in 1063 Incoming Telegram #986. Fr: William P. Ghana. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 1043 Incoming Telegram #962. Fr: William P. . January 31,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/10/77. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Ambassador Mahoney Requests January 23,1963. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/10/77. Summary of John F. Kennedy's Discussions U.S. Embassy, Accra's Appraisal of Ghana's with Edgar F. Kaiser and Chad F. Calhoun, Projected Political Trial and Nydeil-Davis President and Vice President of Kaiser Persona Non Grata Cases. Industries Corporation, Respectively, for Use 1048 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. in Meeting with Ghanaian President Kwame Kennedy. Nkrumah. January 23,1963.1 p. JFK#NA. 1064 Outgoing Telegram #739. Fr: Dean Rusk. Kennedy's Meeting with Edgar F. Kaiser and To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Chad F. Calhoun, President and Vice January 31,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/10/77. President of Kaiser Industries Corporation, President of Kaiser Industries Corporation Respectively, to Discuss Their Visit to Ghana. Edgar F. Kaiser's Comments on His Meeting 1049 Incoming Telegram #970. Fr: William P. with Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. January 25, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/10/77. Status on Developments in U.S. Relations with Ghana.

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Reel9 0032 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. Ghana cont. February 2, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77 IP. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Ghanaian Source and Editorial Note. 1 p. President Kwame Nkrumah. Folder Title List. 9pp. 0033 Incoming Telegram #1001. Fr: William P. 0001 Ghana•February 1-10,1963. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0002 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. February 3, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. 0004 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Kwame Nkrumah. Soviet Mission Arrives in Ghana for Talks on NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. Ghanaian-Soviet Agreement on Economic Letter to Ghanaian President Kwame Cooperation. Nkrumah regarding U.S. Concern over Status 0034 Incoming Telegram #1002. Fr: William P. of Relations and Views on Actions Necessary Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. to Bring about Improvement. Februarys, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77. 0006 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra's Comments on Carl Kaysen. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's February 1, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77. Letters to John F. Kennedy and Chad F. U.S. Criteria for Evaluating Future Ghanaian Calhoun, Vice President of Kaiser Industries Activities and Policies. Corporation. 0010 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0036 Incoming Telegram #1015. Fr: William P. Carl Kaysen. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. February 1, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77. February 6,1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77. U.S. Criteria for Evaluating Future Ghanaian Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Activities and Policies. Informs John F. Kennedy That Ghana Will 0012 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Not Press for U.S. Regional Medical Director Dean Rusk. Dr. Carl Nydell's Recall. February 1, 1963.4pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77. 0040 Incoming Telegram #1016. Fr: William P. Possible U.S. Courses of Action in Ghana. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0016 Incoming Telegram #1091. Fr: William P. February 6, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian Press Attacks U.S. Policy on March 6, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. Africa. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Comments on 0042 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Ghanaian Government's Insistence That UN To: McGeorge Bundy. Security Council Meet to Discuss February 6,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 12/31/76. Investigation of Murder of Patrice Lumumba. Suggested Reply by John F. Kennedy to 0018 Incoming Telegram #988. Fr: William P. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Nkrumah. January 31,1963. 6pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/10/77. 0043 Outgoing Telegram #753. Fr: Dean Rusk. U.S. Reviews Relations with Ghana. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0024 Incoming Telegram #995. Fr: William P. February 7, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/1/77. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter from February 1,1963. 6pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Meeting with Ghanaian President Kwame Seeking Improvement in Ghanaian-U.S. Nkrumah to Review Problems in U.S.- Relations. Ghanaian Relations. 0046 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Carl 0030 Incoming Telegram #997. Fr: William P. Kaysen. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. February 7, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. February 1, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77. 'There Is Enclosed for Retyping Original of Comments of U.S. Ambassador Mahoney on President's Letter to Nkrumah." His Meeting with Ghanaian President Kwame 0047 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Kwame Nkrumah to Discuss Problems in U.S.- Nkrumah. Ghanaian Relations. February 7, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. Kennedy's Reply to Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Seeking Improvement in Ghanaian-U.S. Relations.

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0049 Outgoing Telegram #754. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0073 Incoming Telegram #1036. Fr: William P. U.S. Embassy, Accra. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. February 8,1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77. February 14, 1963.3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/27/77. Letter from Edgar F. Kaiser, President of Discussions between Ghanaian President Kaiser Industries Corporation, to Ghanaian Kwame Nkrumah and Chad F. Calhoun, Vice President Kwame Nkrumah regarding President of Kaiser Industries Corporation, Economic Situation in Ghana. regarding Relations between U.S. and 0053 Outgoing Telegram #1271. Fr: Dean Rusk. Ghana. To: U.S. Embassy, Lagos. 0076 Incoming Telegram #1049. Fr: William P. February 8, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Assures Ghanaian President Kwame February 18,1963. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/27/77. Nkrumah That They Are Not Attempting to Report by Chad F. Calhoun, Vice President of Bring about His Downfall. Kaiser Industries Corporation, on Volta River 0054 Department of State Airgram #A-483. Fr: Authority Meeting. William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0083 Department of State Airgram #A-531 and February 9, 1963. 5pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77. Newspaper Clippings. Fr: William B. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Comments on Edmondson. To: State Department. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's February 18,1963. 9pp. JFK#NA. Letters to John F. Kennedy and Chad F. C. 6/27/77 IP. Calhoun, Vice President of Kaiser Industries Ghanaian Times Laments Murder of Iraqi Corporation. Prime Minister Abdul Karim el-Kassem in Apparent Shift of Attitude toward Situation in 0060 Ghana•February 11-28,1963. Iraq. 0061 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. 0092 Incoming Telegram #1052. Fr: William P. 0063 Incoming Telegram #1025. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. February 19,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/22/77. February 11, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/27/77. Report by Chad F. Calhoun, Vice President of U.S. Ambassador Mahoney Delivers John F. Kaiser Industries Corporation, on Trip to Kennedy's Letter to Ghanaian President Volta Dam Site with Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Kwame Nkrumah. 0065 Incoming Telegram #1027. Fr: William P. 0095 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Carl Kaysen. February 11, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/27/77. February 19,1963.1p. JFK#NA. S. 6/27/77. Discussions between U.S. Ambassador Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- Mahoney and Michael F. Dei-Anang, Head of Ghanaian Relations. Ghana's African Affairs Secretariat, regarding 0096 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. Possibility That Ghana Might Offer NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/27/77. Educational Facilities to James Meredith, Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- Black Student and Civil Rights Activist of Ghanaian Relations. Mississippi. 0098 Incoming Telegram #1055. Fr: William P. 0066 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. February 20,1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/27/77. February 13, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. Meeting with Ghanaian President Kwame Letter to John F. Kennedy from Ghanaian Nkrumah to Discuss Nydell-Davis Persona President Kwame Nkrumah, Dated January Non Grata Cases. 31,1963. 0102 Incoming Telegram #475. Fr: Leon B. 0067 Letter. Fr: Kwame Nkrumah. To: John F. Poullada. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. February 20,1963.2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. January 31,1963. 6pp. JFK#NA. Recommendation That State Department Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Consider Imposing Travel Restrictions or Other Sanctions on Ghanaian Diplomats in U.S.

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0104 Incoming Telegram #1058. Fr: William P. 0124 Incoming Telegram #1083. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. February 21, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/19/77. March 5,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Letter from Ghanaian President Kwame Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Nkrumah to John F. Kennedy regarding Proposal to African Heads of State for Nkrumah's Discussions with U.S. Formation of Bicameral African Parliament. Ambassador Mahoney. 0126 Incoming Telegram #1093. Fr: William P. 0105 Incoming Telegram #1068. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. March 6,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. February 25, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. U.S. Embassy, Accra's Assessment of Kaiser Attack on U.S. Government and CIA in Industries Corporation Vice President Chad Ghanaian Times Article by Former South F. Calhoun's Visit to Ghana and Meetings African Communist H. M. Basner. with Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. 0107 Incoming Telegram #449. Fr: Leon B. 0129 Incoming Telegram #1108. Fr: William P. Poullada. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. February 26,1963.2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. March 13,1963.3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. U.S. Nonprofessional Diplomatic Courier Trial of Alleged Bomb Throwers and Prevented from Entering Ghana at Togo Accomplices in Ghana. Border. 0132 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0109 Outgoing Telegram #793. Fr: Dean Rusk. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- February 26, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/27/77. Ghanaian Relations. U.S. Reaction to Anti-American Article in 0134 Incoming Telegram #1118. Fr: William P. Ghanaian Times by Former South African Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Communist H. M. Basner. March 15, 1963. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. 0110 Incoming Telegram #1070. Fr: William P. Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Nkrumah regarding Funding of UN February 27, 1963. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/27/77. Peacekeeping Operations, Ghanaian Discussions between Ghanaian President Restrictions on U.S. Diplomatic Kwame Nkrumah and Chad F. Calhoun, Vice Communications, and U.S.-Ghanaian President of Kaiser Industries Corporation, Relations. regarding Memorandum on Capital 0139 Incoming Telegram #1116. Fr: William P. Investment Act. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0115 CIA Intelligence Memorandum. Fr: CIA Office March 15,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. of Current Intelligence. To: NA. Discussions with Michael F. Dei-Anang, Head February 27, 1963. 2pp. JFK#18[?]. of Ghana's African Affairs Secretariat, U.S.-Ghanaian Relations regarding Inaccuracies in Louisiana Senator Allen J. Ellender's Report on Africa. 0117 Ghana•March 1963-April 1963. oi 40 Incoming Telegram #1127. Fr: William P. 0118 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0120 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. March 18, 1963. 3pp. JFK#7. C. 2/21/78. To: Carl Kaysen. Efforts to Modify Contract with USSR under March 1, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 6/30/77. Which Independent Geological Survey in Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- Ghana Being Conducted. Ghanaian Relations 0143 Incoming Telegram #1122. Fr: William P. 0121 Incoming Telegram #1084. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. March 18,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. March 4, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. U.S. Embassy, Accra Recommends That Dr. Report on Discussions between Ghanaian Carl Nydell Be Allowed to Resume Duties as President Kwame Nkrumah and Chad F. U.S. Regional Medical Director in Ghana. Calhoun, Vice President of Kaiser Industries Corporation.

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0144 Outgoing Telegram #830. Fr: George W. Ball. 0162 Incoming Telegram #1211. Fr: William P. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. March 19,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. April 14,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. U.S. State Department Concurs with Discussions with Ghanaian Foreign Minister Recommendation That Dr. Carl Nydell Be Kojo Botsio regarding Press Attacks on U.S. Allowed to Resume Duties as U.S. Regional Negroes. Medical Director in Ghana. 0165 Incoming Telegram #1226. Fr: William P. 0145 Incoming Telegram #1136. Fr: William P. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Mahpney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. April 19,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. March 21,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. Discussions with Ghanaian Government Discussions with New Ghanaian Foreign Officials regarding Press Attacks on U.S. Minister Kojo Botsio regarding Ghanaian Negroes. Press Attacks on U.S. and Nydell-Davis 0168 Outgoing Telegram #879. Fr: Dean Rusk. Persona Non Grata Cases. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. 0148 Incoming Telegram #1145. Fr: William P. April 19,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Discusses Press Attacks on U.S. March 23,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. Negroes with New Ghanaian Ambassador to Ghanaian Government Asks U.S. for Proper U.S. Miguel A. Ribeiro. Procedure for Withdrawal of Notes Declaring 0171 Incoming Telegram #1231. Fr: William P. Dr. Carl Nydell, U.S. Regional Medical Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Director, and William Davis, U.S. Cultural April 20,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. Affairs Officer, Persona Non Grata. Article in Newsweek Magazine regarding CIA 0150 Incoming Telegram #1147. Fr: William P. Domination of U.S. Student Exchange Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Program. March 25,1963.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77 IP. 0173 Incoming Telegram #1234. Fr: William P. Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Nkrumah regarding False Charges against April 22,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. CIA in Article in The Spark. Article by South African Columnist H. M. 0151 Incoming Telegram #1152. Fr: William P. Basner in Ghanaian Times on Thresher Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Disaster. March 27, 1963.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. 0175 Outgoing Telegram #881. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra Returns Notes on U.S. Embassy, Accra. Nydell-Davis Persona Non Grata Cases to April 22,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. Ghanaian Foreign Ministry. Message from Lucius Battle to Osborn Elliott, 0152 Incoming Telegram #1167. Fr: William P. Editor of Newsweek, regarding Article on CIA Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Monitoring of U.S. Foreign Student Exchange March 29,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77 IP. Program. Evaluation of Ghanaian President Kwame 0176 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Nkrumah and Ghanaian Government's To: McGeorge Bundy. Attitude toward U.S. April 22,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. 0155 Outgoing Telegram #858. Fr: George W. Ball. Presentation of Credentials by Miguel A. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Ribeiro, Ghanaian Ambassador to U.S. April 9,1963.2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. 0177 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. U.S. Réponse to Ghanaian Press Attacks on To: McGeorge Bundy. U.S. Negroes and Kennedy Administration. April 26,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. 0157 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Presentation of Credentials by Miguel A. McGeorge Bundy. Ribeiro, Ghanaian Ambassador to U.S. April 9,1963.3pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/30/77. 0178 Briefing Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- NA. 1 p. JFK#NA.C. 5/5/75. Ghanaian Relations. Items for Discussion with Miguel A. Ribeiro, 0160 Incoming Telegram #1204. Fr: William P. New Ghanaian Ambassador to U.S. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. April 11,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. Ghanaian Press Attack on U.S. Negroes and Kennedy Administration.

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0179 Incoming Telegram #1241. Fr: William P. 0201 Department of State Airgram #A-531 and Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Newspaper Clippings. Fr: William B. April 25,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. Edmondson. To: State Department. U.S. Protests Ghanaian Press Attacks on February 18, 1963. 8pp. JFK#NA. U.S. Negroes to Ghanaian President Kwame C. 12/10/76. Nkrumah. Ghanaian Times Laments Murder of Iraqi 0181 Incoming Telegram #1247. Fr: William P. Prime Minister Abdul Karim el-Kassem in Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Apparent Shift of Attitude toward Situation in April 26,1963. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. Iraq. U.S. Peace Corps Director Sargent Shriver's 0209 Department of State Airgram #A-538 and Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame Newspaper Clippings. Fr: William B. Nkrumah and Senior Ghanaian Government Edmondson. To: State Department. Officials. February 18,1963. 7pp. JFK#NA. 0186 Incoming Telegram #4213. Fr: David K. E. C. 12/10/76. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian Evening News Editorials Confirm April 26,1963. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. Shift in Attitude toward Iraqi Situation by Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Adoption of Chinese Communist Type Response to Suggestion That He Send Analysis. Ghanaian Teachers of African History to U.S. 0216 Department of State Airgram #A-547 and High Schools. Newspaper Clippings. Fr: William B. 0187 Outgoing Telegram #891. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Edmondson. To: State Department. U.S. Embassy, Accra. February 21, 1963. 5pp. JFK#NA. April 26, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/30/77. C. 12/10/76. Miguel A. Ribeiro, Ghanaian Ambassador to Ghanaian Times Report on Murder of Iraqi U.S., Presents His Credentials to John F. Prime Minister Abdul Karim el-Kassem. Kennedy and Discusses U.S.-Ghanaian 0221 Department of State Airgram #A-551 and Relations. Newspaper Clippings. Fr: James B. Engle. 0189 Department of State Airgram #A-689. Fr: To: State Department. Oliver L. Troxel, Jr. To: State Department. February 26, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. April 28,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77 IP. Radio Ghana Commentary Suggests CIA Reports That Ghana Government Is Adding Complicity in Iraqi Revolution. Facilities and Activities at Bui Dam Site. 0223 Department of State Airgram #A-553 and 0191 Incoming Telegram #1253. Fr: William P. Newspaper Clippings. Fr: James B. Engle. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. To: State Department. April 29, 1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/30/77. February 26, 1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. Discussions with Ghanaian Foreign Minister C. 12/10/76 IP. Kojo Botsio regarding Press Attacks on U.S. Reuter's Correspondent Interviews Ghanaian 0195 Incoming Telegram #1255. Fr: William P. President Kwame Nkrumah regarding Iraqi Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Revolution. April 30,1963. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 6/30/77. 0227 Department of State Airgram #A-539 and Letter from John F. Kennedy to Ghanaian Newspaper Clippings. Fr: James B. Engle. President Kwame Nkrumah Suggesting That To: State Department. Ghana Send Qualified Teachers in African February 26,1963.5pp. JFK#NA. OUO. History to Select U.S. High Schools. Ghanaian Times Charges That U.S. Invented "Neo-Colonialism" and That CIA Arranged 0196 Ghana•Ghanaian Press Review, Murder of DRC Prime Minister Patrice March 6,1963. Lumumba and Iraqi Revolution. 0197 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. 0232 U.S. Information Agency Incoming Telegram 0198 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. #290. Fr: [?] Lewis. To: U.S. Information To: McGeorge Bundy. Agency. March 6, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 12/10/76. February 26, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. U.S. Reviews Articles in Ghanaian Press to Ghanaian Press Coverage of U.S. Determine if Anti-Western Campaign Has Ambassador-at-Large Chester Bowles's Been Renewed. Address at Lincoln University.

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0233 Ghana•May 1963-July 1963. 0259 Incoming Telegram #1334. Fr: William P. 0234 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0237 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: June 3,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76 IP. McGeorge Bundy. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah May 2,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 11 /17/76. Follows Pro-Communist Chinese Policy in Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- Chinese-Indian Dispute. Ghanaian Relations. 0261 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0240 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 11/17/76. June 4,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 11/17/76 IP. Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- Ghanaian Relations. Ghanaian Relations. 0242 Incoming Telegram #1271. Fr: William P. 0263 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 11/17/76. May 7,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- Ghanaian Press Accuses Imperialists and Ghanaian Relations. Neo-Colonialists of Seeking Failure of African 0265 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Unity Conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0244 Incoming Telegram #1280. Fr: William P. June 12,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Memorandum of Conversation between May 9, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 11/17/76. Dean Rusk and Ghanaian Ambassador Ghanaian Press Attacks on U.S. Miguel Ribeiro regarding Presentation of 0247 Incoming Telegram #139. Fr: William P. Letters of Credence and Recall of Former Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Ambassador. May 10, 1963.1 p. JFK#NA. LOU. 0266 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Plans to Bring Ghanaian Peace Corps-Type To: NA. Teachers to U.S. Awaits Correspondence April 19,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76. between John F. Kennedy and Ghanaian Ghanaian Ambassador Calls on Dean Rusk President Kwame Nkrumah. to Present Copies of Letters of Credence and 0248 CIA Special Report. Fr: CIA, Office of Current Recall of Predecessor. intelligence. To: NA. 0268 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: Livingston May 24, 1963. 6pp. JFK#NA. S. 2/12/76. T. Merchant. To: NA. Domestic Opposition to Ghanaian President June 10,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. NA. Kwame Nkrumah. Conversation between Christian Herter, 0254 Outgoing Telegram #946. Fr: Dean Rusk. Special Representative for Trade To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Negotiations, and Merchant, U.S. May 27, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. Ambassador to Canada, regarding Status of Purposes of G. Mennen Williams's Trip to Multi-Lateral Nuclear Force (MLF). Accra, Ghana. 0269 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0256 Department of State Airgram #A-133. Fr: To: McGeorge Bundy. Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. June 17,1963.1p. JFK#NA. S. 11/17/76. May 29, 1963. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. Memorandum of Conversation between Staff Ghanaian Offer of Secondary School Assistant David B. Boien, Bureau of African Teachers for U.S. Affairs, and Executive Secretary J. H. 0257 Incoming Telegram #1326. Fr: William P. Mensah, Ghanaian National Planning Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Commission, on Basic Views and Attitudes of May 30,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 11 /17/76. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Orders 0270 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: David B. Ghanaian Press Not to Give Publicity to U.S. Bohlen. To: NA. AID during Addis Ababa Conference on June 5,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 11/17/76. African Unity. Conversation between Staff Assistant Bolen, Bureau of African Affairs, and Executive Secretary J. H. Mensah, Ghanaian National Planning Commission, on Basic Views and Attitudes of Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah.

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0273 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. 0284 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Kennedy. To: McGeorge Bundy. June 17, 1963. 1p.JFK#NA. June 27, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Kennedy's Meeting with Ghanaian Message to John F. Kennedy from F. E. Ambassador Miguel Ribeiro on June 18, Boaten, General Secretary of Accra World 1963. Peace Assembly. 0274 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0285 Letter. Fr: F. E. Boaten. To: John F. Kennedy. To: Dean Rusk. June 12, 1963. 1p.JFK#NA. June 17, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. Projected Moscow Conference to Discuss John F. Kennedy's Meeting with Secretary Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. General Martin Appish-Danquah, United 0286 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Ghana Farmer's Council Cooperatives, and Accra. Ghanaian Ambassador Miguel Ribeiro. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. LOU. 0275 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. U.S. Government Expresses Appreciation for To: G. Mennen Williams and Edmond C. Support of U.S. Efforts to Conclude Nuclear Hutchinson. Test Ban Treaty from F. E. Boaten, General June 20, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 2/1/77. Secretary of Accra World Peace Assembly. Discussions with Ward Humphreys of Kaiser 0287 Outgoing Telegram #1031. Fr: George W. Industries Corporation regarding Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Construction of Valco Aluminum Smelter in June 28, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76. Ghana. U.S. Follow-up to Proposal That Ghana Send 0276 Incoming Telegram #1409. Fr: William P. Small Group of High School Teachers to Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. American Secondary Schools. June 26, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 11 /17/76. 0288 Incoming Telegram #283. Fr: Charles F. Ghana's Restrictions on U.S. Peace Corps Darlington. To: Dean Rusk. Activities. June 30, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76. 0278 Incoming Telegram #1411. Fr: William P. U.S. Position in Ghana. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0291 Outgoing Telegram #26. Fr: Dean Rusk. June 26, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 11/17/76. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Decision on Future of U.S. Peace Corps in July 11, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. Ghana. U.S. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee 0280 Incoming Telegram #1413. Fr: William P. Releases Testimony by Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia, Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Exiled Ghanaian Opposition Leader. June 26, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76. 0292 Incoming Telegram #25. Fr: William P. Discussions between Ghanaian President Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Kwame Nkrumah and U.S. Ambassador July 12, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76. Mahoney and G. Mennen Williams regarding Possible Dangers to U.S. Position in Ghana Peace Corps in Ghana. Caused by U.S. Senate Release of 0282 Incoming Telegram #1418. Fr: William P. Testimony by Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia, Exiled Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian Opposition Leader. June 28, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76. 0293 Outgoing Telegram #30. Fr: George W. Ball. U.S. Ambassador Mahoney's Impressions of To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. G. Mennen Williams's Trip to Ghana. July 12, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76. 0283 Outgoing Telegram #1027. Fr: George W. U.S. State Department Issues Statement to Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Press regarding U.S. Senate's Release of June 28, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Testimony by Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia, Exiled U.S. Government Expresses Appreciation for Ghanaian Opposition Leader. Support of U.S. Efforts to Conclude Nuclear 0294 Outgoing Telegram #31. Fr: George W. Ball. Test Ban Treaty from F. E. Boaten, General To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Secretary of Accra World Peace Assembly. July 12, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76. U.S. State Department Press Statement Denying Charges by Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia, Exiled Ghanaian Opposition Leader, That Ghana Has Become Soviet Satellite Nation.

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0296 Outgoing Telegram #36. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0312 Report. Fr: Subcommittee to Investigate U.S. Embassy, Accra. Administration of Internal Security Act and July 15,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. Other Internal Security Laws of Committee Thomas J. Dodd Calls Ghana Communist on Judiciary, U.S. Senate. To: NA. Satellite State. Decembers, 1962.167pp. JFK#3. 0298 Incoming Telegram #31. Fr: William P. "Is U.S. Money Aiding Another Communist Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. State?" (Testimony of Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia, July 15,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76. Ghanaian Opposition Leader) [U.S. Financial Meeting with Ghanaian Foreign Minister Kojo Aid to Ghana; Communist Influences in Botsio regarding Thomas J. Dodd's Report Ghana; "Conspiratorial Centralism" in Ghana; on Ghana and State Department's Denial Protests against President Kwame That Ghana Is Communist Satellite State. Nkrumah's Government in Ghana; Volta 0300 Incoming Telegram #38. Fr: William P. River Project in Ghana; Dissatisfaction of Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. People of Ghana; Ghanaian President July 16,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. Kwame Nkrumah's Trip to USSR and Other Ghanaian Press Authorized to Attack Thomas Communist States; Ghanaian President J. Dodd but Not U.S. Government. Kwame Nkrumah Awarded Lenin Peace 0301 Incoming Telegram #53. Fr: William P. Prize; and British View of Activities of Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah]. July 20,1963. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 11/17/76. Meeting between Ghanaian President 0479 Ghana•August 1963-November Kwame Nkrumah and Representatives of 1963. Kaiser Industries Corporation regarding 0480 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Possible Advancement of Date of Completion 0483 Incoming Telegram #76. Fr: [?] Troxel. of Valco Aluminum Smelter. To: Dean Rusk. 0307 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. August 1, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. To: McGeorge Bundy. Ghanaian Government's Decision on U.S. July 25,1963. 1p.JFK#NA. Peace Corps. Memorandum of Conversation between 0485 Incoming Telegram #90. Fr: [?] Troxel. To: G. Mennen Williams and Ghanaian Dean Rusk. Ambassador Miguel Ribeiro regarding U.S. August 5, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. Senate Subcommittee of Judiciary Report on Ghanaian Press Expresses Views on U.S. Testimony by Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia. Embargo on Sale of Arms to South Africa. 0486 Outgoing Telegram #83. Fr: George W. Ball. 0308 Ghana•Aid to Ghana Hearing: To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Senate Judiciary Committee, July August 5, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. 1963. Changing Position of Ghanaian President 0310 Outgoing Telegram #26. Fr: Dean Rusk. Kwame Nkrumah on U.S. Peace Corps To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Presence in Ghana. July 11,1963.1 p. JFK#1. C. 5/5/75. 0487 Incoming Telegram #92. Fr: [?] Troxel. U.S. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee To: Dean Rusk. Releases Testimony by Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia, August 6, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. Exiled Ghanaian Opposition Leader. Algerian President Ahmed Ben Bella's Visit to 0311 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge Ghana. Bundy. 0488 Incoming Telegram #95. Fr: [?] Troxel. July 12,1963. 1p.JFK#2. To: Dean Rusk. Activities of Thomas J. Dodd in African August 6, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. Affairs. Treason Trial of Alleged Conspirators in Attempted Assassination of Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah.

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0490 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge 0507 Incoming Telegram #220. Fr: William P. Bundy. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. August?, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. September 17,1963.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. "Averell Harriman Thinks President Might U.S. Embassy, Accra Suggests That John F. Find Pages 2 and 3 of This Report (on What Kennedy Send Message of Recognition on Makes Nkrumah Run) of Interest and I Agree. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Weekend Reading?" Birthday. 0491 Department of State Airgram #A-71. Fr: 0508 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Oliver L. Troxel, Jr. To: State Department. To: McGeorge Bundy. August 1, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. September 18,1963.1p. JFK#NA. Evaluation of Ghanaian President Kwame Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah's Nkrumah's Personality by His Confidante Comments on U.S. Civil Rights Program. Hannah Reitsch, German Aviatrix and 0509 Incoming Telegram #219. Fr: William P. Former Private Pilot to Adolf Hitler. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0494 Incoming Telegram #103. Fr: Oliver L. Troxel, September 17,1963.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah August 8, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. Requests Permission to Show Rims of John Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Orders F. Kennedy's Address to U.S. on Civil Rights Immediate Start to Treason Trial of Alleged and Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C., Conspirators in Assassination Attempt. to Ghanaian Press Club. 0496 Outgoing Telegram #97. Fr: George W. Ball. 0510 Outgoing Telegram #187. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassies, Accra, Dar-es-Salaam, To: U.S. Embassy, Accra. Kampala, and London and U.S. Consulate, September 18,1963.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Nairobi. U.S. State Department Declines to Set August 9, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77 IP. Precedent by Sending Birthday Message U.S. Concern over Ghana's Attempts to from John F. Kennedy to Ghanaian President Undermine East African Federation. Kwame Nkrumah. 0498 Incoming Telegram #192. Fr: William 0511 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. August 15, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/5/75. October 3,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Memorandum of Conversation between Attacks East African Federation as Part of G. Mennen Williams and Ghanaian Foreign Campaign to Frustrate Regional Minister Kojo Botsio regarding Improvement Development in East and Central Africa. of U.S.-Ghanaian Relations. 0501 Incoming Telegram #131. Fr: Oliver L. Troxel, 0512 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Read. To: McGeorge Bundy. August 17, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. Octobers, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. U.S. Discusses Senate Hearings on Memorandum of Conversation between American Aid to Ghana with Officials of G. Mennen Williams and Ghanaian Foreign Ghanaian Foreign Office. Minister Kojo Botsio regarding Improvement 0504 Department of State Airgram #A-65. Fr: of U.S.-Ghanaian Relations. Joseph P. Sherman. To: State Department. 0514 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. August 28, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. To: NA. Ghana Reported Growing Away from Eastern September 26,1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. Bloc. ,0.6/16/77. 0506 Incoming Telegram #219. Fr: William P. Conversation between G. Mennen Williams Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. and Ghanaian Foreign Minister Kojo Botsio September 17, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. regarding Improvement of U.S.-Ghanaian Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah of Relations. Ghana Requests Permission to Show Films of John F. Kennedy's Address to U.S. on Civil Rights and Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C., to Ghanaian Press Club.

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0518 Copy of Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: 0540 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: NA. To: NA. John F. Kennedy. September 26,1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. October 30,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 1/19/77. C. 6/16/77. U.S. Reviews Volta Dam-Valco Project in Conversation between G. Mennen Williams Light of Political Situation in Ghana. and Ghanaian Foreign Minister Kojo Botsio 0542 Incoming Telegram #324. Fr: William P. regarding Improvement of U.S.-Ghanaian Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Relations. October 31,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. 0523 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Meeting between Ghanaian President McGeorge Bundy. Kwame Nkrumah and U.S. Ambassador October 5, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77 IP. Mahoney to Discuss to Moroccan-Algerian Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- Situation and Communist Chinese-Indian Ghanaian Relations. Dispute. 0525 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0543 Incoming Telegram #325. Fr: William P. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- October 31,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. Ghanaian Relations. Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah 0527 Tab A. 1p.JFK#NA. Suggests That Colombo Conference Powers 0528 Memorandum. Fr: David E. Bell. To: Meet in Accra, Ghana, for Further McGeorge Bundy. Consideration of Sino-lndian Border Dispute. September 20,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. 0544 Incoming Telegram #326. Fr: William P. C. 2/7/79. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Ghana Medical School Project. October 31,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. 0531 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. Discussions with Ghanaian President Kwame NA. 1p.JFK#NA. C.2^/79. Nkrumah regarding Reduction of Tensions in Summary of Estimated Staffing and U.S. Moroccan-Algerian Conflict. Budget for University of Ghana Medical 0546 Incoming Telegram #331. Fr: Oliver L. Troxel, School. Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0532 Incoming Telegram #288. Fr: William P. November 2, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. 6/16/77. Mahoney, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Ghanaian Foreign Minister Kojo Botsio October 10,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/16/77 Leaves for Morocco and Algeria with Special IP. Message from Ghanaian President Kwame Ghanaian Policy on Southern Rhodesia Nkrumah. Issue. 0548 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. 0534 Outgoing Telegram #237. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: To: McGeorge Bundy. U.S. Embassy, Accra. November 9, 1963.1 p. JFK#NA. October 11,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for U.S. Reluctantly Approves Ghana Medical William P. Mahoney, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to School Project. Ghana. 0535 Note. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge 0549 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Bundy. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. October 11, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. Biographical Sketch of William P. Mahoney, 'The Attached Is for White House Clearance Jr., U.S. Ambassador to Ghana. Prior to Transmission." 0550 Incoming Telegram #351. Fr: Oliver L. Troxel, 0536 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Accra. November 12, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. October 11,1963. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 6/16/77. C. 6/16/77. U.S. Reluctantly Approves Ghana Medical Summary of Ghanaian President Kwame School Project. Nkrumah's Speech to Second Conference of 0537 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: African Journalists. McGeorge Bundy. October 25,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. S. 2/18/76. Positive and Negative Factors Affecting U.S.- Ghanaian Relations.

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0553 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. 0565 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#2b. November 19,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. Message of Congratulations from John F. C. 2/18/76. Kennedy to Ahmed Sekou Toure on His Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Inauguration as President of Republic of U.S. Ambassador William P. Mahoney, Jr., Guinea. regarding Situatbn in Ghana 0566 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. 0555 Copy of Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: To: Ralph A. Dungan. NA. To: NA. February 21,1961.1p. JFK#3. C. 11/17/76. November 19,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. U.S. Reply to Messages from Guiñean C. 2/18/76. President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and 0567 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Telli B. Diallo. U.S. Ambassador William P. Mahoney, Jr., NA. 2pp. JFK#3a. regarding Situation in Ghana. U.S. Reply to Letters from Guiñean President 0557 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Ahmed Sekou Toure regarding Murder of To: McGeorge Bundy. DRC Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. November 26, 1963.1 p. JFK#NA. 0569 Translation of Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. C. 2/18/76. To: John F. Kennedy. Memorandum of Conversation between John NA. 1p.JFK#3b. F. Kennedy and U.S. Ambassador to Ghana DRC Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. William P. Mahoney, Jr. 0570 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. 0558 Copy of Memorandum of Conversation. Kennedy. Fr: NA. To: NA. March 17, 1961.1 p. JFK#4. November 19,1963.2pp. JFK#NA. U.S. Sends Congratulatory Message to C. 2/18/76. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure on Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Birth of His Son. U.S. Ambassador William P. Mahoney, Jr., 0571 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. regarding Situation in Ghana. NA. 1p.JFK#4a. Congratulatory Message from John F. Guinea Kennedy to Guiñean President Toure on Birth 0559 Guinea•January 1961-May 1961. of His Son. 0561 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0572 Incoming Telegram #489. Fr: William H. 0562 Translation of Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Kennedy. May 4, 1961. 4pp. JFK#7. S. 7/20/76. January 16,1961.1 p. JFK#1. Discussions with Guiñean President Ahmed Message of Congratulations from President Sekou Toure regarding U.S. Policy and Toure of Guinea to Kennedy on His Planning in Africa. Assumption of Presidency. 0576 Incoming Telegram #494. Fr: William H. 0563 Outgoing Telegram #436. Fr: Dean Rusk. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. May 6, 1961. 3pp. JFK#8. S. 7/20/76. January 20,1961.1p. JFK#2. QUO. Discussions with Guiñean President Ahmed Message of Congratulations from John F. Sekou Toure regarding Possible U.S. Aid to Kennedy to Ahmed Sekou Toure on His Guinea. Inauguration as President of Republic of 0579 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Attwood. To: Guinea. George W. Ball. 0564 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. May 12, 1961. 9pp. JFK#9. S. 7/20/76. Kennedy. Current Situation in Ghana and Its January 27,1961.1p. JFK#2a. Implications for U.S. Policy. Message of Congratulations from John F. 0588 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Kennedy to Ahmed Sekou Toure on His McGeorge Bundy. Inauguration as President of Republic of May 23, 1961.1 p. JFK#10. Guinea. "Mr. Dungan Has Discussed with President Today at Some Length Subject of Attached Memorandum and Would Appreciate Your Calling Him When This Reaches You."

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0589 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. 0607 Note. Fr: Polly A. Yates. To: Bromley K. Kennedy. Smith. May 24,1961. 1p. JFK#10a. C. 7/20/76. June3,1961.1 p. JFK#2. Appointment with Kennedy for Dr. Seydou "Since This Is Something We Had Call on [Saidou] Conte, Guiñean Ambassador to U.S. Yesterday, I Sent It on up to Mr. Dungan." 0590 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0608 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge NA. 1p.JFK#10b. Bundy. Biographical Data on Dr. Seydou [Saidou] June 3,1961.1 p. JFK#2a. Conte, Guiñean Ambassador to U.S. "For Information of Mr. Dungan." 0591 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0609 Memorandum. Fr: R. Sargent Shrlver. May 26, 1961.1p. JFK#12. To: Acting Secretary of State. John F. Kennedy Declines invitation from June 2,1961.1p. JFK#2b. C. 1/31/79 IP. Guiñean President Toure to Visit Guinea. Proposed Visit to Guinea by U.S. Peace 0592 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. Corps Director Shrlver. NA. 1p.JFK#12a. 0610 Divider Sheet. 1 p. JFK#2c. "1.) Conte Showed Letter to Secretary in 0611 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Walt Latter Part. 2.) Letter to O'Donnell 4/28 W. Rostow. Telling Us About...." June 6,1961.1 p. JFK#3. 0593 Memorandum. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: John U.S. Discusses Plans of Congolese F. Kennedy. (Brazzaville) President Fulbert Youlou to May 29,1961.1p. JFK#12b. Build Dam at Kouilou. Proposed Reply to Invitation from Guiñean 0612 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: . President Ahmed Sekou Toure to Kennedy to McGeorge Bundy. Visit Guinea. June 7,1961.1 p. JFK#4. 0594 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Ahmed Guiñean Ambassador Seydou [Saidou] Sekou Toure. Conte's Call to John F. Kennedy on May 26, NA.2pp.JFK#12c. 1961. Kennedy Declines Invitation from Guiñean 0614 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. President Toure to Visit Guinea. To: NA. 0596 Translation of Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. May 26,1961. 2pp. JFK#4a. C. 1/31/79 IP. To: John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy's Response to Guiñean March 9, 1961. 1p. JFK#12d. President Ahmed Sekou Toure's Invitation to Guiñean President Toure Invites Kennedy to Make State Visit to Guinea and Possible U.S. Visit Guinea. Assistance to Guinea. 0597 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Dean Rusk. 0616 Outgoing Telegram #2. Fr: Dean Rusk. May 27,1961. 1p.JFK#14. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. 'The Enclosed Airgram to U.S. Embassy, June 8,1961.1p. JFK#5. OUO. Conakry Is Submitted for White House U.S. Peace Corps Director R. Sargent Clearance." Shriver to Visit Guiñean President Ahmed 0598 Outgoing Airgram #CA-10358. Fr: Dean Sekou Toure as Personal Representative of Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. John F. Kennedy. May 31, 1961. 2pp. JFK#15. QUO. 0617 Note. Fr: MZ [?]. To: Bromley K. Smith. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean June 12,1961. 1p.JFK#6. President Ahmed Sekou Toure Declining "Hopkins Brought This In. Suggests That It Invitation to Visit Guinea. Be Checked Out with State as to What Inscription Goes on Picture•if There Is to Be 0600 Guinea•June 1961-August 1961. One. Mr. H. Said It Would Have to Be 0601 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Inscribed and Framed by 3 PM Tomorrow 0603 Incoming Telegram #537. Fr: William H. Afternoon." Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. 0618 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. June 1,1961. 4pp. JFK#1. S. 12/14/78 IP. NA. 1p.JFK#6a. U.S. Presents Aid Proposal for Guinea to "Mr. Shriver Leaves 3:00 PM. June 13, Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. 1961."

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0619 Incoming Telegram #3. Fr: William H. 0640 Letter. Fr: William H. Attwood. To: John F. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. June 9,1961. 1 p. JFK#6b. OUO. August 7,1961. 3pp. JFK#U. C. NA. Suggestion That U.S. Peace Corps Director Response by Attwood, U.S. Ambassador to R. Sargent Shriver Bring Autographed Photo Guinea, to Remarks Made by Chester of John F. Kennedy and Autographed Copy Bowles, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large, of French Edition of Kennedy's Book 77»© regarding U.S. Policy in Africa. Strategy of Peace for Guiñean President 0643 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Ahmed Sekou Toure. Kennedy 0620 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. July 15,1961. 2pp. JFK#13. S. 1/31/79 IP. June 12,1961.1 p. JFK#7. U.S. AID Program for Guinea. Letter of Introduction of U.S. Peace Corps 0646 Copy of Letter. Fr: William H. Attwood. To: Director R. Sargent Shriver for Trip to John F. Kennedy. Guinea. August 7,1961. 3pp. JFK#14. C. NA. 0621 Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: John F. Response by Attwood, U.S. Ambassador to Kennedy. Guinea, to Remarks Made by Chester JunelS, 1961.2pp. JFK#8. Bowles, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large, Letter from Guiñean President Toure to regarding U.S. Policy in Africa. Kennedy Thanking Him for His Efforts to 0649 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Consolidate Friendship and Cooperation McGeorge Bundy. between Guinea and U.S. August 14,1961. 1p.JFK#15. 0623 Incoming Telegram #557. Fr: William H. U.S. Financing of Boke, Guinea, Bauxite Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. Project. June 16,1961. 6pp. JFK#9. S. 1/31/79 IP. 0650 Report. Fr: George W. Ball. To: Dean Rusk. Guiñean Government's Response to U.S. August 14,1961. 8pp. JFK#15a. S. 1/31/79 AID Program. IP. 0629 Memorandum. Fr: R. Sargent Shriver. To: U.S. Financing of Boke, Guinea, Bauxite John F. Kennedy and Dean Rusk. Project. June 20,1961. 4pp. JFK#10. OUO. 0658 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. U.S. Peace Corps Director Shriver's NA. 6pp. JFK#15b. C. 1/31/79. Impressions of Guiñean President Ahmed Preliminary Report on Outlook for Aluminum, Sekou Toure during His Trip to Guinea. 1961-1970. 0633 Memorandum. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: 0664 Incoming Telegram #61. Fr: William H. McGeorge Bundy. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. June 22,1961. 1p. JFK#11. August 7,1961.1p. JFK#15c. S. 1/31/79. William H. Attwood Takes Initiative for New "Mr. Springsteen's Office (B) Notified 2:55 U.S. AID Program for Guinea. PM 8/7/CWO-JSW." 0634 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge 0665 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. Bundy. June 29,1961. 1p. JFK#12. August 17,1961. 1p.JFK#16. "By Direction of Secretary, Copy of Enclosed "For Information." Memorandum to President on Guinea Has 0666 Incoming Telegram #123. Fr: Philip M. Kaiser. Been Sent to Mr. R. Sargent Shriver." To: Dean Rusk. 0636 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. August 17,1961.1p. JFK#16a. S. 7/20/76. Kennedy. William H. Attwood, U.S. Ambassador to June 26,1961.3pp. JFK#12a. S. 1/31/79 IP. Guinea, Sent to Hospital in Dakar, Senegal, Developments regarding U.S. AID Program for Treatment of Poliomyelitis Syndrome. for Guinea. 0667 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. 0639 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: Dean Rusk. To: Lucius D. Battle. NA. 1p.JFK#12b. August 19,1961.1 p. JFK#17. Government of Guinea Accepts Most Points "Get Well" Message for William H. Attwood, of U.S. Foreign Aid Package. U.S. Ambassador to Guinea.

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0668 Outgoing Telegram #135. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0681 Incoming Telegram #605. Fr: Adlai E. To: U.S. Embassy, Dakar. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. August 19,1961. 1p. JFK#17a. C. 7/20/76. August 31,1961. 1p. JFK#24. C. 1/31/79 IP. "Get Well" Message for William H. Attwood, Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure U.S. Ambassador to Guinea. Orders Withdrawal of Guiñean Students from 0669 Incoming Telegram #136. Fr: Philip M. Kaiser. Soviet Universities. To: Dean Rusk. August 21,1961. 1p. JFK#18. 0682 Guinea•September 1961-March Response from William H. Attwood, U.S. 1962. Ambassador to Guinea, to "Get Well" 0683 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Message from John F. Kennedy. 0685 Incoming Telegram #199. Fr: Thomas K. 0670 Outgoing Telegram #78. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Wright. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Embassy, Conakry. September 1.1961.1 p. JFK#1. OUO. August 5,1961. 3pp. JFK#18a. S. 1/31/79 IP. Protest Note from Government of Mali U.S. State Department Informed of Boke regarding Incident Involving Ambassador Consortium's Proposal for New Program Michel Collet of Guinea in New York City. Concentrating Solely on Financing 0686 Outgoing Telegram #159. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Infrastructure and Mining Operations. U.S. Embassy, Bamako. 0673 Memorandum. Fr: Donald A. Dumont. September 1,1961.1 p. JFK#2. OUO. To: Bromley K. Smith. U.S. Reply to Protest Note from Government August 22, 1961.1 p. JFK#19. of Mali regarding Incident Involving John F. Kennedy's "Get Well" Message to Ambassador Michel Collet of Guinea in New William H. Attwood, U.S. Ambassador to York City. Guinea. 0687 Incoming Telegram #131. Fr: [?] Ross. To: 0674 Incoming Telegram #136. Fr: Philip M. Kaiser. Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. September 8,1961. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 2/1/79. August 21,1961.1 p. JFK#18. U.S. Expresses Regrets over Incident Response from William H. Attwood, U.S. Involving Ambassador Michel Collet of Ambassador to Guinea, to "Get Well" Guinea in New York City. Message from John F. Kennedy. 0689 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#4. 0675 Incoming Telegram #563. Fr: Adlai E. 0690 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. McGeorge Bundy and Walt W. Rostow. August 28, 1961. 2pp. JFK#20. LOU. Octobers, 1961.1p. JFK#4a. Incident Involving Ambassador Michel Collet Guiñean Foreign Minister Louis-Lansana of Guinea in New York City. Beavogui's Visit to U.S. 0677 Incoming Telegram #576. Fr: Adlai E. 0691 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. McGeorge Bundy. August 29, 1961. 2pp. JFK#21. C. 1/31/79. September 30,1961. 1p. JFK#4b. C. 2/1/79. Chronology of Developments in Incident Guiñean Foreign Minister Louis-Lansana Involving Ambassador Michel Collet of Beavogui's Visit to U.S. Guinea in New York City. 0692 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0679 Incoming Telegram #601. Fr: Adlai E. NA. 1 p. JFK#4c.C. 2/1/79. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Biographical Sketch of Guiñean Foreign August 30, 1961. 1 p. JFK#22. Minister Louis-Lansana Beavogui. UN African Group Issues Statement 0693 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: regarding Incident Involving Ambassador McGeorge Bundy. Michel Collet of Guinea in New York City. October 12,1961.1 p. JFK#5. 0680 Incoming Telegram #197. Fr: Thomas K. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's Wright. To: Dean Rusk. Reply to John F. Kennedy's Message of August 31,1961.1 p. JFK#23. Congratulations on Third Anniversary of Statement by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guinea's Independence. Mali regarding Incident Involving Ambassador 0694 Telegram (in French). Fr: Ahmed Sekou Michel Collet of Guinea in New York City. Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. October 10,1961.1p. JFK#5a.

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0695 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Ahmed Sekou 0708 Outgoing Telegram #346. Fr: George W. Ball. To.ure. To: John F. Kennedy. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. NA. 1p.JFK#5b. December 7, 1961. 2pp. JFK#16. C. 7/20/76. Guiñean President Toure's Reply to Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean Kennedy's Message of Congratulations on President Ahmed Sekou Toure regarding Third Anniversary of Guinea's Independence. Guinean-U.S. Relations. 0697 Incoming Telegram #284. Fr: [?] Ross. To: 0710 Outgoing Telegram #368. Fr: Dean Rusk. Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. November 19, 1961. 3pp. JFK#6. C. 2/1/79. December 18, 1961.1p. JFK#17. C. 2/1/79. U.S. Navy South Atlantic Command's Amity Request for Clarification of Remarks by Program Vessels Terminate Courtesy Call to Guiñean Ambassador Seydou [Saidou] Guinea. Conte Contained in Embassy Telegram #339. 0699 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0711 Outgoing Telegram #381. Fr: George W. Ball. McGeorge Bundy. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. November 21, 1961.1p. JFK#7. C. 2/1/79. December 21, 1961. 1p. JFK#20. C. 2/1/79. Developments on Boke and Fria Projects in U.S. Announces New Aid Program for Guinea. Guinea. 0700 Incoming Telegram #310. Fr: [?] Ross. To: 0713 Outgoing Telegram #403. Fr: Dean Rusk. Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. December 1, 1961. 1 p. JFK#9. C. 2/1/79. December 30, 1961.1p. JFK#22. Developments Resulting in Downturn in John F. Kennedy Sends New Year's U.S.-Guinean Relations. Greetings to Guiñean President Ahmed 0701 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Sekou Toure. McGeorge Bundy. 0714 Incoming Telegram #376. Fr: Ahmed Sekou December 5, 1961.1 p. JFK#10. Toure. To: Dean Rusk. Letters from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean December 29, 1961.1p. JFK#22a. President Ahmed Sekou Toure and New Year's Greetings from Guiñean Mohammed Sanusi Mustapha, Acting Prime President Toure to John F. Kennedy. Minister of Sierra Leone. 0715 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Ahmed 0702 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. Sekou Toure. NA. 1p.JFK#24b. NA. 2pp.JFK#10a. Guinean-U.S. Relations. Guinean-U.S. Relations. 0716 Outgoing Telegram #485. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0704 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Ahmed U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Sekou Toure. February 2, 1962.1p. JFK#25. C. 2/1/79 IP. December 9, 1961.1p. JFK#12. U.S. Welcomes Guiñean Mission. Guinean-U.S. Relations. 0717 Department of State Instruction #W-22. Fr: 0705 Incoming Telegram #336. Fr: William H. Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. February 5, 1962.1 p. JFK#26. LOU. December 15, 1961.1 p. JFK#13. LOU. Letter from Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Speech by Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure to John F. Kennedy. Toure regarding Subversive Influence of 0718 Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: John F. French Communists and Criticism of Eastern Kennedy. Bloc Embassies in Guinea. January 4,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. 0706 Incoming Telegram #341. Fr: William H. Guiñean President Toure's Reply to Letter Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. from Kennedy Delivered by Secretary of December 16, 1961. 2pp. JFK#15. C. 2/1/79. Commerce Luther Hodges regarding U.S.- Possibility That Guiñean President Ahmed Guinean Relations. Sekou Toure Might Request Recall of Soviet 0719 Telegram (in French). Fr: Ahmed Sekou Ambassador. Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. October 11,1961.1p. JFK#26b. 0720 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#27. "Please Tell S/S OK."

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0721 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0734 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. McGeorge Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. February 8,1962.1p. JFK#27a. May 12,1962. 1p. JFK#9c. LOU. U.S. Trade and Economic Aid Relations with Proposed Letter to Guiñean President Guinea. Ahmed Sekou Toure from John F. Kennedy in 0722 Incoming Telegram #1266. Fr: Francis H. Response to Guiñean Ministerial Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Delegation's Visit to U.S. March 7, 1962. 2pp. JFK#29. C. 2/1/79 IP. 0735 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Ahmed Discussions between Ghanaian President Sekou Toure. Kwame Nkrumah and Chad F. Calhoun, Vice NA. 2pp. JFK#9d. President of Kaiser Industries Corporation, Guinea's Economic and Financial Situation. regarding Industrialization in Ghana. 0737 Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. 0724 Guinea•April 1962-June 1962. April 25,1962. 1p.JFK#9e. 0725 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Friendship between U.S. and Guinea. 0726 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. 0738 Outgoing Telegram #753. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: To: Ralph A. Dungan. U.S. Embassy, Conakry. April 16,1962.1p.JFK#1. May 14,1962. 2pp. JFK#10. "For Clearance." Activities of Guiñean Mission during Its Visit 0727 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Bromley K. to U.S. Smith. 0741 Outgoing Telegram #758. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: April 13,1962. 1p. JFK#1a. U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Request for White House Approval of May 17,1962. 3pp. JFK#11. OUO. Telegram. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean 0728 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: President Ahmed Sekou Toure regarding McGeorge Bundy. Guinea's Economic and Financial Situation. May 10, 1962.1 p. JFK#7. 0744 Outgoing Telegram #759. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: State Department Memorandum for Reading U.S. Embassy, Conakry. by John F. Kennedy. May 18,1962. 1p. JFK#12. OUO. 0729 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Efforts by Guiñean Mission to Reestablish Bundy. Guinea's Relations with UN Technical May 11, 1962.1p.JFK#8. Assistance Officials. Memorandum of Conversation between 0745 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: Eugene Deputy Undersecretary of State U. Alexis B. Abrams. To: NA. Johnson and Moussa Diakite, Minister and May 23,1962. 4pp. JFK#14. C. 10/13/76. Governor of Bank of Republic of Ghana, on John F. Kennedy's Meeting with Guiñean Guinea's Economic Problems and Needs. Ministerial Delegation on May 10,1962. 0730 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0749 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: May 14, 1962. 2pp. JFK#9. McGeorge Bundy. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean June 14,1962. 1p. JFK#14a. President Toure regarding Guinea's John F. Kennedy's Meeting with Guiñean Economic and Financial Situation. Ministerial Delegation on May 10,1962. 0732 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0751 Copy of Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. 1p.JFK#9a. Eugene B. Abrams. To: NA. "OK." May 23,1962. 4pp. JFK#14b. C. 10/13/76. 0733 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. John F. Kennedy's Meeting with Guiñean To: McGeorge Bundy. Ministerial Delegation on May 10,1962. May 12, 1962.1 p. JFK#9b. 0755 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Letter to Guiñean President Toure. To: McGeorge Bundy. June 7,1962. 1p. JFK#15. Telegram to John F. Kennedy from Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure.

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0756 Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: John F. 0772 Incoming Telegram #50. Fr: [?] Kirk. To: Dean Kennedy. Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#15a. July 28,1962.1p.JFK#5. Message of Thanks from Guiñean White House Informed That Personal Letter Government for Warm Welcome Extended by to William H. Attwood, U.S. Ambassador to U.S. to Guiñean Ministerial Delegation. Guinea, Forwarded for Delivery. 0757 Telegram (in French). Fr: Ahmed Sekou 0773 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#9. Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. 0774 Outgoing Telegram #166. Fr: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#15b. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. 0758 Telegram (in French). Fr: Ahmed Sekou September 7,1962. 1p. JFK#10. S. 6/13/78. Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. Proposed Visit to U.S. by Guiñean President May 23,1962. 1p.JFK#15c. Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0759 Outgoing Telegram #816. Fr: NA. To: U.S. 0775 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#11. Embassy, Conakry. 0776 Incoming Telegram #127. Fr: William H. JuneS, 1962. 1p. JFK#16. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean September 9,1962. 1p. JFK#11a. S. 6/13/78. President Ahmed Sekou Toure Expressing U.S. Discusses Guiñean President Ahmed Hopes for Closer Relations between U.S. Sekou Toure's Proposed Trip to U.S. with and Guinea. Diallo Telli, Guinea's Representative to UN. 0760 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0777 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#15. McGeorge Bundy. 0778 Incoming Telegram #133. Fr: William H. June 7,1962. 1p.JFK#16a. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. Proposed Text of Telegram from John F. September 13,1962. 1p. JFK#15a. Kennedy to Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou S. 6/13/78. Toure. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's 0761 Draft Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Plans to Attend UN Meeting. Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0779 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Bromley K. NA. 1p.JFK#16b. Smith. Kennedy Expresses Hopes for Closer September 14,1962. 1p. JFK#17. Relations between U.S. and Guinea, "For White House Clearance Prior to 0762 Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: John F. Transmission." Kennedy. 0780 Outgoing Telegram #189. Fr: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#16c. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Memorial Day Message from Guiñean May 14,1962.1p. JFK#18. S. 6/13/78. President Toure to Kennedy. U.S. State Department Asks William H. 0763 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: William H. Attwood, U.S. Ambassador to Guinea, to Be Brubeck. Present during Talks between John F. May 31,1962. 1p.JFK#16d. Kennedy and Guiñean President Ahmed "For Recommendation." Sekou Toure. 0764 Telegram (in French). Fr: Ahmed Sekou 0781 Outgoing Telegram #190. Fr: Dean Rusk. Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. NA. 1p.JFK#16f. September 15,1962. 1p. JFK#19. S. 6/13/78. Date for Meeting between John F. Kennedy 0765 Guinea•Guidelines for Policy and and Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Operations, April 1962. 0782 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#20. 0766 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. 0783 Incoming Telegram #146. Fr: William H. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. 0767 Guinea•July 1962-September 1962. September 20,1962. 1p. JFK#23. S. 6/13/78. 0768 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. "Suggestions Pouched A-112 Today." 0770 Department of State Airgram #A-22. Fr: 0784 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#26. William H. Attwood. To: State Department. July 19, 1962. 2pp. JFK#3. QUO. U.S. Delegation to Guiñean Independence Day Celebration.

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0785 Incoming Telegram #166. Fr: William H. 0797 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. Conakry. September 27,1962.1 p. JFK#27. October 2, 1962. 1p. JFK#4e. C. 6/13/78. Arrangements for John F. Kennedy's Meeting France Announces Willingness to Offer with Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Technical Assistance to and Settle Financial [Note Following Documents Filed Out of Order.] Differences with Guinea. 0798 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge 0786 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. Octobers, 1962.1p. JFK#4a. September 27,1962.1p. JFK#28. "May We Have White House Clearance on Memorandum of Conversation between Enclosed Draft Cable to Conakry?" Henry J. Tasca and Seydou [Saidou] Conte, 0798 Note. Fr: Pat [?]. To: NA. Guiñean Ambassador to U.S., regarding NA. 1p.JFK#4c. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's The President Will See Ahmed Sekou Toure Proposed Meeting with John F. Kennedy. at 12 o'Clock on 10 October with Luncheon 0787 Outgoing Telegram #217. Fr: George W. Ball. to Follow. I Have Notified Governor To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Williams:s Office." September 26,1962. 1 p. JFK#29. S. 6/13/78. 0799 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge John F. Kennedy Agrees to Meet with Bundy. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. October 2, 1962. 1p. JFK#4d. 0788 Incoming Telegram #160. Fr: William H. "May We Have White House Clearance on Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. Attached Draft Cable to Conakry?" September 30,1962. 1 p. JFK#32. S. 6/13/78. 0800 Outgoing Telegram #896. Fr: Dean Rusk. Travel Plans of Guiñean President Ahmed To: U.S. Embassies, Bonn, London, and Sekou Toure. Paris. 0789 Incoming Telegram #161. Fr: William H. Octobers, 1962.1p. JFK#5. C. 8/29/77. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Informs Representatives of French and September 30,1962.1p. JFK#33. S. 6/13/78. British Embassies of Guiñean President Plans for a Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Ahmed Sekou Toure's Plans to Visit UN. Toure's Visit to U.S. 0801 Incoming Telegram #172. Fr: [?] Kirk. To: Dean Rusk. 0790 Guinea•October 1-11,1962. October 4,1962.1p. JFK#6. S. 8/29/77. 0791 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Arrangements for Meeting between John F. 0793 Outgoing Telegram #224. Fr: George W. Ball. Kennedy and Guiñean President Ahmed To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Sekou Toure. October 1,1962.1 p. JFK#1. S. 8/29/77. 0802 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To; Arrangements for Meeting between John F. McGeorge Bundy. Kennedy and Guiñean President Ahmed October 4,1962.1p. JFK#7. S. 7/22/76. Sekou Toure. Briefing Papers for John F. Kennedy's 0794 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Meeting with Guiñean President Ahmed McGeorge Bundy. Sekou Toure. October 8, 1962. 1 p. JFK#3. 0803 Incoming Telegram #175. Fr: [?] Kirk. Persons Participating in John F. Kennedy's To: Dean Rusk. Meeting with Guiñean President Ahmed October 5,1962.1p. JFK#8. S. 8/29/77. Sekou Toure. Announcement of Guiñean President Ahmed 0795 Outgoing Telegram #229. Fr: Dean Rusk. Sekou Toure's Address to UN General To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Assembly and Arrangements for His Meeting October 3,1962.1p. JFK#4. S. 8/29/77. with John F. Kennedy. Plans for Meeting between John F. Kennedy 0804 Outgoing Telegram #238. Fr: George W. Ball. and Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. 0796 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, October 5, 1962.1p. JFK#11. S. 8/29/77. Conakry. Arrangements for Meeting between John F. NA. 1p.JFK#4b. Kennedy and Guiñean President Ahmed Plans for Meeting between John F. Kennedy Sekou Toure. and Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Guinea/Reel 9 201 Frame Document Frame Document

0805 Outgoing Telegram #920. Fr: George W. Ball. 0819 Letter. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. Kennedy. To: U.S. Embassy, Bonn. October 11,1962.1p. JFK#22. October 5, 1962.1p. JFK#12. C. 8/29/77. Possibility That Ford Foundation Might U.S. Informs Representative of West German Sponsor Village Development Program in Embassy of Guiñean President Ahmed Guinea. Sekou Toure's Plans to Visit U.S. 0820 Letter. Fr: Douglas Ensminger. To: Chester 0806 Outgoing Telegram #241. Fr: George W. Ball. Bowles. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. September 26,1962. 3pp. JFK#22a. October 5,1962.1p. JFK#13. S. 8/29/77. Ford Foundation Advises Colombia on Plans Arrangements for Meeting between John F. for National Rural Community Development Kennedy and Guiñean President Ahmed Program. Sekou Toure. 0823 Letter. Fr: Douglas Ensminger. To: Guillermo 0807 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Leon Valencia. To: McGeorge Bundy. September 20,1962. 3pp. JFK#22b. October 6, 1962.1p. JFK#14. S. 8/29/77. Colombia's Proposed National Community Possible Attendance of Guiñean President Development Program. Ahmed Sekou Toure at Middle Level 0826 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Manpower Conference in Puerto Rico. NA. 5pp. JFK#22c. 0808 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: William H. Colombia's Proposed National Community Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. Development Program. October 6,1962.1p. JFK#14. S. 8/29/77. 0831 Report. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: NA. Possible Attendance of Guiñean President August 17,1962. 10pp. JFK#22d. Ahmed Sekou Toure at Middle Level Administration of Rural Development in Manpower Conference in Puerto Rico. Underdeveloped Countries. 0809 Memorandum. Fr: Alan Logan. To: NA. 0841 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: October 7, 1962.2pp. JFK#15. Ahmed Sekou Toure. Suggested Talking Points for Toast by John F. October-S, 1962. 1p. JFK#23. Kennedy at His Luncheon for Guiñean Recent Kennedy-Sekou Toure Meeting. President Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0842 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0811 Incoming Telegram #1151. Fr: Adlai E. McGeorge Bundy. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. October 9,1962. 1p. JFK#23a. October 9,1962.2pp. JFK#17. OUO. Farewell Message from John F. Kennedy to Principal Themes of Guiñean President Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Ahmed Sekou Toure's Speech to UN General 0843 Draft Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Assembly. Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0813 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. October 8,1962. 1p. JFK#23b. Kennedy. Farewell Message. October 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#18. S. 3/2/79. Briefing Book for Guiñean President Ahmed 0844 Guinea•Briefing Book for Visit of Sekou Toure's Visit and Memorandum from President Ahmed Sekou Toure, U.S. Ambassador William H. Attwood Octobers, 1962 (Part I). Containing Suggestions for Expansion of 0845 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. U.S. AID Program in Guinea. 0846 Briefing Book (Part I). Fr: NA. To: NA. 0815 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. October 8,1962. 16pp. JFK#1-JFK#28. To: John F. Kennedy. OUO. C. NA. October 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#18. S. 3/2/79. Briefing Book for Guiñean President Ahmed Briefing Book for Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's Visit to U.S. [Program for Sekou Toure's Visit and Memorandum from Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's U.S. Ambassador William H. Attwood Visit to U.S.; Index of Background Papers for Containing Suggestions for Expansion of Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's U.S. AID Program in Guinea. Visit to U.S.; Map of Guinea]. 0817 Tabl. 1p.JFK#18a. 0818 Tab 2. 1p.JFK#18c.

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0862 Guinea•BriefIng Book for Visit of 0894 Department of State Airgram #A-140. Fr: President Ahmed Sekou Toure, William H. Attwood. To: State Department. Octobers, 1962 (Part II). October 23,1962. 1p. JFK#6. 0863 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's 0864 Briefing Book (Part II). Fr: NA..To: NA. Declaration regarding His Visit to U.S. October 8,1962. 22pp. JFK#1 -JFK#24. 0895 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Briefing Book for Guiñean President Ahmed Bundy. Sekou Toure's Visit to U.S. [Index of Public October 29,1962. 1p. JFK#7a. Statements for Guiñean President Ahmed "For White House Approval Prior to Sekou Toure's Visit to U.S.; Talking Points for Transmission." U.S. Statement on Arrival of Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure; Talking 0896 Guinea•November 1962-March 1963. Points for Toast by John F. Kennedy at His 0897 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Luncheon for Guiñean President Ahmed 0898 CIA Cable #TDCS DB-3/652,008. Fr: CIA. Sekou Toure; Dean Rusk's Statement on To: NA. Departure of Guiñean President Ahmed November 2, 1962.2pp. JFK#2. . Sekou Toure; and Photographs of Guiñean NA. 9/14/76 IP. Officials]. Guiñean and Algerian Attitudes toward Establishment of Aircraft Landing Facilities to 0886 Guinea•October 12-31,1962. Service Soviet and Czech Flights to Cuba. 0887 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. 0900 Incoming Telegram. Fr: [?] Kolarek. 0888 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Carl Kaysen. To: Dean Rusk. October 12, 1962. 1p. JFK#1. C. NA. November 16,1962.1p. JFK#4. Memoranda of Conversations Relating to Indiana Senator Vance Hartke's Impressions Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's of His Trip to Guinea. Visit to U.S. 0901 Incoming Telegram #252. Fr: William H. 0889 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. McGeorge Bundy. November 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 3/10/78. October 16,1962. 1 p. JFK#3. Indiana Senator Vance Hartke Recommends Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's U.S. AID Program for Guinea. Farewell Message to John F. Kennedy. 0904 Department of State Airgram #A-175. Fr: 0890 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Ahmed Sekou William H. Attwood. To: State Department. Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. November 20,1962. 5pp. JFK#6. October 11,1962. 1p. JFK#3a. C. 3/10/78 IP. Farewell Message. Indiana Senator Vance Hartke's Visit to 0891 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Guinea. McGeorge Bundy. 0909 Outgoing Telegram #396. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: October 19,1962. 1p. JFK#4. U.S. Embassy, Conakry. 'Thank-You" Message from Guiñean November 20,1962.1p. JFK#7. C. 3/10/78. President Ahmed Sekou Toure to John F. U.S. Receives Report That Guiñean Kennedy. President Ahmed Sekou Toure Badly Burned 0892 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Ahmed Sekou in Accident While Returning from Visit with Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. President William Tubman of Liberia. NA. 1p.JFK#4a. 0910 Incoming Telegram #262. Fr: William H. 'Thank-You" Message. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. 0893 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: November 21,1962.1p. JFK#8. C. 3/10/78. McGeorge Bundy. Report of Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou October 23,1962. 1p. JFK#5. Toure's Involvement in Accident Proves Memoranda of Conversation between John False. F. Kennedy and Guiñean President Ahmed 0911 Incoming Telegram #281. Fr: William H. Sekou Toure, October 10, 1962. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. December 3, 1962.1p. JFK#9. LOU. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure Exposes Major Financial Scandals in Guinea.

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0912 Incoming Telegram #288. Fr: William H. 0923 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. December 5, 1962.1p. JFK#10. C. 3/10/78. Februaiy6,1963.1p.JFK#17. Guiñean Government Demands Extradition Memorandum of Conversation between John from Morocco of Lebanese Traders Involved F. Kennedy and Ambassador Seydou in Financial Scandal. [Saidou] Conte of Guinea. 0913 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0924 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: NA. December 9, 1962.1p. JFK#11. January 23.1962. 2pp. JFK#17a. C. 3/10/78. Status of Oil Extraction and Soap Plant for Farewell Call on John F. Kennedy by Guinea. Guiñean Ambassador Seydou [Saidou] 0914 Memorandum. Fr: Frank M. Coffin. To: John Conte. F. Kennedy. 0926 Memorandum. Fr; William H. Brubeck. December 9,1962.1p. JFK#11a. C. 7/27/76. To: McGeorge Bundy. Status of Oil Extraction and Soap Plant for February 4,1963.1p. JFK#17b. Guinea. Memorandum of Conversation between John 0915 Memorandum. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Dean F. Kennedy and Ambassador Seydou Rusk. [Saidou] Conte of Guinea. January 11,1963.1 p. JFK#12. 0927 Copy of Memorandum of Conversation. U.S. Offers Reciprocal Privileges to Guiñean Fr: NA. To: NA. Government to Establish Radio Station at or January 23.1962. 2pp. JFK#17c. C. 3/10/78. near Their Embassy in Washington, D.C. Farewell Call on John F. Kennedy by 0916 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Guiñean Ambassador Seydou [Saidou] Kennedy. Conte. January 9, 1963.1 p. JFK#12a. 0929 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. Establishment of U.S. Government Radio Brubeck. Station in Guinea. February 8,1962.1p. JFK#18. 0917 Draft Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: Dean Rusk. "For Transmittal, Per Your Memorandum of January 9, 1963.1 p. JFK#12b. January 31,1963, 3/5 1518." U.S. Offers Reciprocal Privileges to Guiñean 0930 Note. Fr: Gloria Newman. To: NA. Government to Establish Radio Station at or February 8,1963.1p. JFK#NA. near Their Embassy in Washington, D.C. "Enclosed Are Copies for Central Files and 0918 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: John F. One Copy for Your Office Files. We Are Kennedy. Finished with Case in Our Office." January 22,1963.1p. JFK#13. C. 1/20/77. 0931 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. Items for Discussions at Farewell Call of NA. 1p.JFK#18a. Guinea's Ambassador to U.S. "Requested and Drafted by Department of 0919 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: State." McGeorge Bundy. 0933 Draft Message. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: NA. January 31,1963.1p. JFK#15. NA. 1p.JFK#18b. John F. Kennedy's Message for U.S. National Kennedy's Message for U.S. National Exhibition at Conakry, Guinea. Exhibition at Conakry, Guinea. 0920 Draft Message. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: NA. 0934 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. NA. 1p.JFK#15a. To: McGeorge Bundy. Kennedy's Message for U.S. National January 31,1963. 1p. JFK#18c. Exhibition at Conakry, Guinea. John F. Kennedy's Message for U.S. National 0921 Incoming Telegram #419. Fr: William H. Exhibition at Conakry, Guinea. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. 0935 Draft Message. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: NA. February 4,1963.2pp. JFK#16. C. 3/10/78. NA. 1p.JFK#18d. USSR Attempts to Force Soviet School Kennedy's Message for U.S. National Teacher Svetlana Ussopova to Leave Guinea Exhibition at Conakry, Guinea. against Her Will.

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0936 Outgoing Telegram #641. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0947 Guinea•April 1963. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. 0948 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. February 11,1963. 2pp. JFK#19. 0949 Incoming Telegram #601. Fr: William H. Text of John F. Kennedy's Message for U.S. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. National Exhibition at Conakry, Guinea. April 6, 1963.2pp. JFK#1. 3/2/79 IP. 0938 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Civil Air Developments in Guinea. Kenneth O'Donnell. 0951 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: February 20,1963.1p. JFK#20. McGeorge Bundy. Presentation of Credentials by Guinea's New April 22,1963.1p.JFK#2. Ambassador to U.S. Karim Bangoura. Memorandum of Conversation between John 0939 Incoming Telegram #512. Fr: William H. F. Kennedy and Karim Bangoura, Guiñean Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. Ambassador to U.S. March 11,1963. 1 p. JFK#21. 0952 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure To: NA. Announces Currency Reform. April 3,1963.3pp. [Page 1 Duplicated.] 0940 Outgoing Telegram #753. Fr: Dean Rusk. JFK#2a. C. 7/27/76. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Guiñean Ambassador Calls on John F. March 16,1963. 1p.JFK#22. Kennedy to Discuss U.S. Economic and Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean Social Assistance to Guinea. President Ahmed Sekou Toure in Reply to 0956 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Message of Sympathy from Guiñean To: McGeorge Bundy. Government regarding Recent Floods in U.S. April 24,1963.1p.JFK#3. 0941 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Memorandum of Conversation between John McGeorge Bundy. F. Kennedy and Karim Bangoura, Guiñean March 15,1963.1p. JFK#22a. Ambassador to U.S. John F. Kennedy's Acknowledgement of 0957 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Message from Guiñean President Ahmed To: NA. Sekou Toure Expressing Sympathy over April 3, 1963.3pp. JFK#3a. C. 7/27/76. Recent Floods in U.S. Guiñean Ambassador Calls on John F. 0942 Telegram. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: John Kennedy to Discuss U.S. Economic and F. Kennedy. Social Assistance to Guinea NA. 1p.JFK#22b. 0959 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Message of Sympathy from Guiñean To: McGeorge Bundy. Government over Recent Floods in U.S. April 1,1963.1p. JFK#4. C. 7/27/76. 0943 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Ahmed John F. Kennedy's Meeting with Karim Sekou Toure. Bangoura, Guiñean Ambassador to U.S. NA. 1p.JFK#22c. 0961 Briefing Memorandum. Fr: Alan Logan. To: Kennedy's Acknowledgement of Message NA. from Guiñean President Toure Expressing April 1, 1963. 2pp. JFK#4a. C. 3/2/79 IP. Sympathy over Recent Floods in U.S. Talking Points for John F. Kennedy's Meeting 0944 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. with Karim Bangoura, Guiñean Ambassador Brubeck. to U.S. March 14,1963.1p. JFK#22d. 0963 Outgoing Telegram #922. Fr: Dean Rusk. "For Translation." To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. 0945 Telegram (in French). Fr: Ahmed Sekou April 23,1963. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 7/27/76. Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. U.S. Procedure for Discussions of Aid for March 13, 1963.1p. JFK#22f. Guinea. 0946 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0965 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge McGeorge Bundy. Bundy. March 26, 1963.1p. JFK#23. April 23,1963. 1p.JFK#5a. Karim Bangoura, New Guiñean Ambassador "For White House Approval Prior to to U.S., Requests Appointment with John F. Transmission." Kennedy.

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0966 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, 0986 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. Conakry. Brubeck. April 23,1963. 2pp. JFK#5b. C. 7/27/76. May 3, 1963. 1p.JFK#4. U.S. Procedure for Discussions of Aid for "For Transmittal." Guinea. 0987 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Ahmed 0968 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#6. Sekou Toure. 0969 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: May 3,1963. 2pp. JFK#4a. McGeorge Bundy. Discussions with Dr. Seydou [Saidou] Conte April 26,1963. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 7/27/76. on Guinea's Problems and Achievements. Request for Appointment with John F. 0989 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Kennedy for Dr. Seydou [Saidou] Conte, McGeorge Bundy. Guiñean Minister of Youth, Education, and May 3,1963. 1p. JFK#4b. LOU. Culture and Special Representative of Revised Text of John F. Kennedy's Letter to President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0971 Tab 1.1 p. JFK#1 Oa. 0990 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0972 Briefing Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 3pp. JFK#4c. NA. 3pp. JFK#10b. C. 7/27/76. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean Talking Points for John F. Kennedy's Meeting President Toure regarding Discussions with with Dr. Seydou [Saidou] Conte, Guiñean Dr. Seydou [Saidou] Conte on Guinea's Minister of Youth, Education, and Culture and Problems and Achievements. Special Representative of President Ahmed 0993 Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: John F. Sekou Toure. Kennedy. 0975 Tab 2.1p.JFK#10d. NA. 1p.JFK#4d. 0976 Outgoing Telegram #14. Fr: George W. Ball. Guiñean President Toure to Send Mission of To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Friendship to U.S. Headed by Dr. Seydou April 25,1963. 1p.JFK#11. [Saidou] Conte, Guiñean Minister of Youth, White House Announces That Peace Corps Education, and Culture, to Discuss Economic Director R. Sargent Shriver Will Be Official Relations between U.S. and Guinea. U.S. Representative at Opening of U.S. 0994 Copy of Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. Exhibition in Conakry, Guinea. To: John F. Kennedy. NA. 1p.JFK#4d. 0977 Guinea•May 1963. Guiñean President Toure to Send Mission of 0978 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. Friendship to U.S. Headed by Dr. Seydou 0979 Outgoing Telegram #977. Fr: NA. To: U.S. [Saidou] Conte, Guiñean Minister of Youth, Embassy, Conakry. Education, and Culture, to Discuss Economic May 2,1963. 3pp. JFK#2. C. 7/27/76. Relations between U.S. and Guinea. Summary of Discussions between John F. 0995 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Kennedy and Dr. Seydou [Saidou] Conte, Dean Rusk. Guiñean Minister of Youth, Education, and April 26, 1963. 2pp. JFK#4e. LOU. Culture and Special Representative of John F. Kennedy's Letter to Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. President Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0982 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0997 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Ahmed To: McGeorge Bundy. Sekou Toure. May 3,1963. 1p. JFK#3. NA. 2pp. JFK#4f. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean Developments in Africa and U.S. Exhibition in President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Guinea. 0983 Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: John F. 1000 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Kennedy. To: McGeorge Bundy. NA. 2pp. JFK#3a. May 4,1963.1p.JFK#5. Guiñean President Toure to Send Mission of Memorandum of Conversation between John Friendship to U.S. Headed by Dr. Seydou F. Kennedy and Dr. Seydou [Saidou] Conte, [Saidou] Conte, Guiñean Minister of Youth, Guiñean Minister of Youth, Education, and Education, and Culture, to Discuss Economic Culture. Relations between U.S. and Guinea.

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1001 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 1017 Incoming Telegram #743. Fr: William H. McGeorge Bundy. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. May 2,1963. 1p. JFK#5b. May 20,1963.1p. JFK#17. C. 7/28/76. Memorandum of Conversation between John U.S. Informed of Progress of Paris Talks F. Kennedy and Karim Bangoura, Guiñean between France and Guinea regarding Ambassador to U.S. Possible Commercial, Cultural, and Technical 1003 Outgoing Telegram #987. Fr: Dean Rusk. Assistance Accords. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. 1018 Incoming Telegram #747. Fr: William H. May 6, 1963. 4pp. JFK#6. C. 7/28/76. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. Good Will Mission to U.S. by Dr. Seydou May 20, 1963. 3pp. JFK#18. C. 7/28/76. [Saidou] Conte, Guiñean Minister of Youth, Discussions with Guiñean President Ahmed Education, and Culture. Sekou Toure regarding U.S. AID to Guinea. 1007 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 1021 Incoming Telegram #753. Fr: William H. To: McGeorge Bundy. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. May 11, 1963. 1p.JFK#10. May 21,1963.1p. JFK#19. C. 7/28/76. Memorandum of Conversation between Discussions with Guiñean President Ahmed George W. Ball and Dr. Seydou [Saidou] Sekou Toure regarding U.S. AID to Guinea. Conte, Guiñean Minister of Youth, Education, 1022 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: and Culture. NA. 1008 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. May 16, 1963. 6pp. JFK#20. C. 7/28/76. To: NA. Discussions with Ambassador Karim April 29, 1963. 3pp. JFK#10a. C. 7/28/76. Bangoura regarding Guinea's Position at Dr. Seydou [Saidou] Conte, Guiñean Minister Addis Ababa Conference and Its Desire to of Youth, Education, and Culture, Calls on Move away from Soviet Bloc. George W. Ball during His Good Will Visit to 1028 Outgoing Telegram #1054. Fr: George W. U.S. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. 1011 Outgoing Telegram #1033. Fr: Dean Rusk. May 21,1963.1p. JFK#21. C. 7/28/76. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. African Foreign Minister's Conference in May 17,1963.1 p. JFK#13. S. 2/9/79. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Adopts Guiñean Timing of White House Announcement of Resolution Requesting John F. Kennedy to Acceptance of William H. Attwood's Intervene against Racial Strife in Southern Resignation as U.S. Ambassador to Guinea. U.S. 1012 Outgoing Telegram #1039. Fr: Dean Rusk. 1029 Incoming Telegram #755. Fr: [?] Ball. To: To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Dean Rusk. May 17, 1963. 3pp. JFK#14. C. 7/28/76. May 22,1963.1p. JFK#22. C. 7/28/76. Message from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean Guiñean Government Denies That Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure regarding President Ahmed Sekou Toure Submitted U.S. Aid Program in Guinea. Resolution on Racial Strife in U.S. at Addis 1015 Telegram. Fr: William H. Attwood. Ababa Conference. To: White House. 1030 Incoming Telegram #760. Fr: William H. May 18, 1963. 1p. JFK#15. S. 1/12/79. Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. "Have Just Seen New York Times Story and May 23,1963. 2pp. JFK#23. C. 7/28/76. Wish to Reiterate That I Would Not Accept Guiñean Government Denies That Guiñean Appointment to Indonesia at This Time." President Ahmed Sekou Toure Submitted 1016 Incoming Telegram #742. Fr: William H. Resolution Criticizing John F. Kennedy at Attwood. To: State Department. Addis Ababa Conference. May 20, 1963.1 p. JFK#16. C. 7/28/76. 1032 Incoming Telegram #766. Fr: William H. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's Attwood. To: Dean Rusk. Plans to Release Text of Letter from John F. May 25,1963. 1p. JFK#25. C. 7/28/76. Kennedy. Letter from Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure Thanking John F. Kennedy for U.S. Interest in Guinea's Economic Development.

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1033 Outgoing Telegram #1084. Fr: Dean Rusk. 1046 Letter (in French). Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. To: Karim Bangoura. May 26,1963. 1p. JFK#26. C. 7/28/76. May 24,1963. 2pp. JFK#30i. Diallo Telii, Guiñean Representative at Addis 1048 Incoming Telegram #869. Fr: William Ababa Conference, Supports Condemnation Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. of U.S. for Racial Discrimination. May 30, 1963. 3pp. JFK#32. C. 7/28/76. 1034 Memorandum. Fr: Gordon Chase. To: Letter Expressing Friendship and Esteem for McGeorge Bundy. U.S. from Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou May 27,1963. 1p. JFK#28. C. 2/2/77. Toure to John F. Kennedy. French Ambassador's Nonattendance at U.S. 1051 Outgoing Telegram #466. Fr: Dean Rusk. Peace Corps Director R. Sargent Shriver's To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Speech at Conakry, Guinea. May 31, 1963.1p. JFK#33. C. 7/28/76. 1035 Incoming Telegram #859. Fr: William Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Concerned over Possible Adverse U.S. May 29,1963.1p. JFK#29. C. 7/28/76. Public Reaction to Presence of DRC Diallo Telli Inquiry regarding Reply to Secessionist Leader Antoine Gizenga in Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's Guinea. Message to John F. Kennedy. 1052 Outgoing Telegram #1111. Fr: Dean Rusk. 1036 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: U.S. Embassies, Conakry and Dar-es- To: McGeorge Bundy. Salaam. May 29, 1963. 1p. JFK#30. May 31, 1963. 2pp. JFK#34. C. 7/28/76. Transmittal of Message from Guiñean John F. Kennedy Expresses Appreciation of President Ahmed Sekou Toure to John F. Kind Messages. Kennedy. 1037 Tab A. 1p.JFK#30a. Reel 10 1038 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. Guinea cont. May 29, 1963. 1p. JFK#30b. LOU. Message to John F. Kennedy from Guiñean Source and Editorial Note. 1 p. President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Folder Title List. 9pp. 1039 Letter. Fr: Karim Bangoura. To: G. Mennen Williams. 0001 Guinea•June 1963-July 1963. May 24,1963. 1p.JFK#30c. 0002 Withdrawal Sheet. 2pp. Transmittal of Message from Guiñean 0004 Incoming Telegram #879. Fr: William President Ahmed Sekou Toure to John F. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. June 2,1963. 3pp. JFK#1. C. 7/28/76. 1040 Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. To: John F. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure Kennedy. Assures U.S. That DRC Secessionist Leader May 24,1963. 1p. JFK#30d. Antoine Gizenga Will Engage in No Activities "Thank-You" Message for U.S. Interest in Inimical to DRC Government While in Guinea's Economic Development. Guinea. 1041 TabB. 1p.JFK#30e. 0007 Routing Sheet. 1p. JFK#2. 1042 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassies, 0008 Incoming Telegram #880. Fr: William Conakry and Dar-es-Salaam. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. May 29,1963. 2pp. JFK#30f. C. 7/28/76. June 3,1963. 1p. JFK#2a. C. 1/30/79. John F. Kennedy Expresses Gratification for Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's Conveys His Thanks for Personal Message Kind Remarks regarding U.S. from John F. Kennedy. 1044 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 000^ Outgoing Telegram #467. Fr: Dean Rusk. McGeorge Bundy. To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. May 24, 1964. 1p.JFK#30g. May 30, 1963.1 p. JFK#2b. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Guiñean William Leonhart, U.S. Ambassador to President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Tanganyika, Asked to Deliver Message in 1045 Letter (in French). Fr: Karim Bangoura. Absence of William H. Attwood, U.S. To: G. Mennen Williams. Ambassador to Guinea. May 24,1963. 1p.JFK#30h. 208 Guinea/Reel 9/Reel 10 Frame Document Frame Document

0010 Outgoing Telegram #1105. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0030 Incoming Telegram #900. Fr: [?] Cassilly. To: To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Dean Rusk. May 30, 1963.1p. JFK#2c. C. 1/30/79. June 29,1963. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 1/20/79. John F. Kennedy Expresses Appreciation for Guinea Signs Aid Agreement with USSR. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's 0032 Outgoing Telegram #23. Fr: Dean Rusk. Comments on U.S. Policy and Purpose on To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Civil Rights. July 4,1963.1p. JFK#13. C. 7/28/76. 0011 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. U.S. Concern regarding Soviet Use of To: William H. Brubeck. Guinea as Fueling Stop for Aircraft En Route May 30, 1963. 1p. JFK#2d. C. 1/30/79. to Cuba. Message from John F. Kennedy Expressing 0033 Memorandum. Fr: Edward S. Little. Appreciation for Guiñean President Ahmed To: McGeorge Bundy. Sekou Toure's Comments on U.S. Policy and July 5,1963. 2pp. JFK#14. C. 7/28/76. Purpose on Civil Rights. Request for Meeting with John F. Kennedy by 0012 Incoming Telegram #882. Fr: William Guiñean UN Ambassador Diallo Telli, Special Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Representative of Guiñean President Ahmed June 3,1963. 1p. JFK#3. C. 7/28/76. Sekou Toure. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure 0035 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. Expresses Hope That Addis Ababa Con- To: Kenneth O'Donnell. ference Will Open New Era of Reconciliation July 9,1963.1p.JFK#16. of Africa and African Relations with U.S. John F. Kennedy Expresses Desire to Meet 0013 Incoming Telegram #816. Fr: [?] Cassilly. with Guiñean UN Ambassador Diallo Telli and To: Dean Rusk. Guiñean Ambassador to U.S Karim June 12, 1963. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 7/28/76. Bangoura. Discussions with Diallo Telli, Guiñean 0036 Outgoing Telegram #65. Fr: Dean Rusk. Representative to Addis Ababa Conference, To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. regarding Resolution Referring to U.S. Racial July 15,1963. 1p. JFK#19. C. 7/28/76. Troubles. U.S. Requests Information on Soviet Flights 0015 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Landing in Guinea for Use at Meeting To: McGeorge Bundy. between John F. Kennedy and Guiñean UN June 15, 1963. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 7/28/76. Ambassador Diallo Telli. Message to John F. Kennedy from Guiñean 0037 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. President Ahmed Sekou Toure regarding To: McGeorge Bundy. Addis Ababa Conference and OAU Charter. July 17,1963.1p. JFK#20. C. 7/28/76. 0017 Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. Meeting between John F. Kennedy and To: John F. Kennedy. Guiñean UN Ambassador and Special May 29, 1963. 2pp. JFK#5a. Diallo Telli. Addis Ababa Conference and OAU Charter. 0038 Table. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0019 Charter. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1 p. JFK#20c. C. 1 /30/79. May 1963. 8pp. JFK#5b. U.S. Assistance to Guinea. OAU Charter. 0039 Incoming Telegram #78. Fr: [?] Cassilly. 0027 Press Release. Fr: Office of White House To: Dean Rusk. Press Secretary. To: NA. July 18,1963.1p. JFK#21. C. 1/30/79 IP. June 21,1963. 1p. JFK#6. U.S. Report on Soviet Aircraft Landing in John F. Kennedy Announces Appointment of Guinea En Route to Cuba. James I. Loeb as New U.S. Ambassador to 0040 Incoming Telegram #82. Fr: [?] Cassilly. Guinea. To: Dean Rusk. 0028 Incoming Telegram #854. Fr: [?] Cassilly. To: July 18,1963.1p. JFK#22. C. 1/30/79. Dean Rusk. U.S. Embassy Officer in Conakry, Guinea, June 22,1963. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 7/28/76. Mistakes Soviet Aeroflot llyushin for Soviet Discussions with Guiñean President Ahmed TU-114 Aircraft. Sekou Toure regarding U.S. Position on Portuguese Colonies in Africa and South Africa.

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0041 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0053 Outgoing Telegram #116. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. July 18, 1963. 1p.JFK#23. July 19,1963. 3pp. JFK#27. C. 7/28/76. Memorandum of Conversation between Highlights of Discussions between John F. Carl Kaysen, Deputy Special Assistant to Kennedy and Guiñean UN Ambassador President for National Security Affairs, and Diallo Telli regarding Apartheid in South Guiñean Ambassador to U.S. Karim Africa and Need for Self-Determination for Bangoura. Portuguese Possessions in Africa. 0042 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0056 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge To: McGeorge Bundy. Bundy. July 11,1963. 1p. JFK#23b. July 19,1963.1p. JFK#27a. C. NA. Memorandum of Conversation between The Attached Is for White House Clearance Carl Kaysen, Deputy Special Assistant to Prior to Transmission." President for National Security Affairs, and 0057 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: Selected U.S. Guiñean Ambassador to U.S. Karim Diplomatic Posts. Bangoura. July 19,1963.3pp. JFK#27. C. 7/28/76. 0043 Incoming Telegram #82. Fr: [?] Cassilly. Highlights of Discussions between John F. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy and Guiñean UN Ambassador July 18, 1963. 2pp. JFK#25a. C. 1/30/79. Diallo Telli regarding Apartheid in South U.S. Embassy Officer in Conakry, Guinea, Africa and Need for Self-Determination for Mistakes Soviet Aerof lot llyushin for Soviet Portuguese Possessions in Africa. TU-114 Aircraft. 0060 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. 0045 Memorandum. Fr: Harlan Cleveland. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. July 25,1963.1p.JFK#29. July 19, 1963. 1p.JFK#26. Memorandum of Conversation between Briefing Note for John F. Kennedy's Guiñean UN Ambassador Diallo Telli and Meeting with Guiñean UN Ambassador John F. Kennedy regarding Delivery of Diallo Telli. Personal Message from Guiñean President 0046 Tab A. 1p.JFK#26a. Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0047 Briefing Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0061 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#26b. To: NA. UN Special Committee on Apartheid July 19, 1963. 5pp. JFK#29a. C. 7/28/76. Proposes Full Embargo of Arms and Guiñean UN Ambassador and Special Envoy Petroleum Products against South Africa. Diallo Telli Meets with John F. Kennedy to 0048 TabB. 1p. JFK#26c. Deliver Personal Message from Guiñean 0049 Incoming Telegram #175. Fr: Sidney R. President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Yates. To: Dean Rusk. 0066 Routing Slip. 1p. JFK#29b. July 18,1963. 1 p. JFK#26d. 0067 Note. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Chairman of UN Special Committee on To: McGeorge Bundy. Apartheid and Guiñean UN Ambassador July 22, 1963. 1p.JFK#29c. Diallo Telli Issues Statement That Racial "For Approval Prior to Distribution. The Policies of South Africa Constitutes Threat President's Remarks Are Sidelined in Blue." to World Peace. 0068 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. 0051 TabC. 1p. JFK#26e. To: NA. 0052 Excerpt from Press Conference. Fr: NA. July 19,1963. 5pp. JFK#29d. C. 7/28/76. To: NA. Guiñean UN Ambassador and Special Envoy July 17, 1963. 1p.JFK#26f. Diallo Telli Meets with John F. Kennedy to John F. Kennedy Discusses U.S. Position Deliver Personal Message from Guiñean on Participation of South Africa in UN and President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Its Agencies. 0073 Incoming Telegram #113. Fr: [?] Cassilly. To: Dean Rusk. July 27,1963.1p.JFK#31. LOU. Portuguese Guiñean Guerilla Leader Amilcar Cabrai Criticizes U.S. Support of Portugal and Use of U.S. Arms in Portuguese Guinea. 210 Guinea/Reel 10 Frame Document Frame Document

0074 Guinea•August 1963. oo89 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Ahmed 0075 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Sekou Toure. 0076 Outgoing Telegram #131. Fr: Dean Rusk. August 23, 1963. 2pp. JFK#7. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Introduction of New U.S. Ambassador James August 1, 1963. 1p. JFK#2. C. 7/28/76. I. Loeb and Appreciation for His Views on John F. Kennedy Conveys Appreciation for Addis Ababa Conference. Letter from Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou 0091 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Toure and Discussion of African Problems To: McGeorge Bundy. with Guiñean UN Ambassador Diallo Telli. July 23,1963.1p. JFK#7a. LOU. 0077 Note. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge Letter to John F. Kennedy from Guiñean Bundy. President Toure. August 1, 1963.1 p. JFK#2a. C. NA. 0092 Translation of Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. The Attached Is for White House Clearance To: John F. Kennedy. Prior to Transmission." June 17,1963. 3pp. JFK#7b. 0078 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Letter from Guiñean President Toure Conakry. regarding Addis Ababa Conference, August 1, 1963. 1p. JFK#2. C. 7/28/76. Decolonization, and Apartheid. John F. Kennedy Conveys Appreciation for 0095 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Ahmed Letter from Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Sekou Toure. Toure and Discussion of African Problems August 23, 1963. 2pp. JFK#8. with Guiñean UN Ambassador Diallo Telli. Introducing New U.S. Ambassador James I. 0079 Memorandum. Fr: John A. McKesson. Loeb and Thanking Him for His Views on To: McGeorge Bundy. Addis Ababa Conference. August 10, 1963. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 7/28/76. 0097 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Request for Meeting with John F. Kennedy To: McGeorge Bundy. by James I. Loeb, New U.S. Ambassador July 26.1963.1p. JFK#8a. LOU. to Guinea. Recommended Reply for John F. Kennedy to 0081 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's NA. 4pp. JFK#3a. Letter on Apartheid and Portuguese Colonies Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean in Africa. President Toure Introducing New U.S. 0098 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. Ambassador James I. Loeb and Thanking NA. 3pp. JFK#8b. Him for His Views on Addis Ababa Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean Conference. President Toure regarding Addis Ababa 0085 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: ÑA. Conference, Decolonization, and Apartheid. NA. 1p.JFK#3b. 0101 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Biographical Data on James I. Loeb, New To: McGeorge Bundy. U.S. Ambassador to Guinea. July 23,1963.1p. JFK#8c. LOU. 0086 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Guiñean To: Kenneth O'Donnell. President Ahmed Sekou Toure. August 13, 1963. 1 p. JFK#4. 0102 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. Efforts to Arrange Appointment with John F. NA. 4pp. JFK#8d. Kennedy for James I. Loeb, New U.S. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean Ambassador to Guinea. President Toure Introducing New U.S. 0087 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Ambassador James I. Loeb and Thanking To: John F. Kennedy. Him for His Views on Addis Ababa August 22,1963.1p.JFK#5. Conference. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for James 0106 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. I. Loeb, New U.S. Ambassador to Guinea. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0088 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. July 23, 1963.1p. JFK#8e. LOU. NA. 1p.JFK#6. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Guiñean "Sam Thinks This Would Be Good Reading President Toure. for President before He Sees Ambassador Loeb Tomorrow at 10."

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0107 Translation of Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0124 Translation of Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou To: John F. Kennedy. Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. June 17, 1963.3pp.JFK#8f. NA. 1p.JFK#3d. Addis Ababa Conference, Decolonization, Letter of Congratulations from Guiñean and Apartheid. President Toure regarding U.S. 0110 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. Government's Attitude in Race Struggle and NA. 3pp. JFK#8g. C. 7/28/76. Position Adopted on Civil Rights March on Letter from John F. Kennedy to Guiñean Washington, D.C. President Toure Introducing New U.S. 0125 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Ambassador James I. Loeb and Thanking McGeorge Bundy. Him for His Views on Addis Ababa Septembers, 1963.1p. JFK#3e. Conference. Translation of Cable to John F. Kennedy 0113 Note. Fr: John A. McKesson. To: McGeorge from Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Bundy. Toure, Dated September 3,1963. August 30, 1963. 1 p. JFK#9. 0126 Translation of Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou "For Approval Prior to Distribution. The Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. President's Remarks Are Sidelined in Blue." NA. 1p.JFK#3f. Letter of Congratulations regarding U.S. 0114 Guinea•September 1963-November Government's Attitude in Race Struggle and 1963. Position Adopted on Civil Rights March on 0115 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. Washington, D.C. 0117 Outgoing Telegram #278. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0127 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Benjamin H. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Read. September 7, 1963. 3pp. JFK#1. September 4, 1963.1p. JFK#3g. C. 2/9/79 IP. "For Translation and Recommendation." U.S. Will Not Attempt to Persuade Guiñean 0128 Telegram (in French). Fr: Ahmed Sekou Government to Reverse Its Decision and Toure. To: John F. Kennedy. Allow Alaska Airlines, Inc. (ASA) to Continue Septembers, 1963.4pp. [Note: Last Page of Operations. Telegram Repeated.] JFK#3h. 0120 Incoming Telegram #277. Fr: James I. Loeb. 0133 Outgoing Telegram #307. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. September 12,1963.1p. JFK#2. C. 7/28/76. September 16,1963. 2pp. JFK#4. Possible Resumption of Soviet Aircraft C. 7/28/76. Landings in Guinea for Flights En Route to Letter of Congratulations from Guiñean Cuba. President Ahmed Sekou Toure regarding 0121 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. U.S. Government's Attitude in Race Struggle To: Dean Rusk. and Position Adopted on Civil Rights March September 13,1963.1p. JFK#3. on Washington, D.C. U.S. Ambassador James I. Loeb to Express 0135 Incoming Telegram #315. Fr: James I. Loeb. John F. Kennedy's Appreciation for Message To: Dean Rusk. from Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. September 20,1963. 1p. JFK#5. C. 7/28/76. 0122 Translation of Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. Director of Shell-Conakry Reports Fueling To: John F. Kennedy. Soviet and Cuban Aircraft in Guinea on NA. 1p.JFK#3b. Orders from Guiñean President Ahmed Letter of Congratulations regarding U.S. Sekou Toure. Government's Attitude in Race Struggle and 0136 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Position Adopted on Civil Rights March on McGeorge Bundy. Washington, D.C. September 27,1963.1p. JFK#6. C. 7/28/76. 0123 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Memorandum regarding Termination of Conakry. Alaska Airlines' Services in Guinea. September 12,1963. 1 p. JFK#3c. C. 7/28/76. 0137 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter from NA. 2pp. JFK#6a. C. 2/9/79. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure on _ Termination of Alaska Airlines' Services in U.S. Position on Civil Rights and March on Guinea. Washington, D.C. 212 Guinea/Reel 10 Frame Document Frame Document

0139 Outgoing Telegram #371. Fr: George W. Ball. 0151 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Benjamin H. To: U.S. Embassy, Conakry. Read. September 30,1963.1p. JFK#7. LOU. November 19, 1963.1p. JFK#13. Changes Made in John F. Kennedy's "For Transmittal." Message to Guiñean President Ahmed 0152 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure on Fifth Anniversary of Guiñean Sekou Toure. Independence. November 19, 1963.1p. JFK#13a. 0140 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. John F. Kennedy Declines Guiñean President To: McGeorge Bundy. Toure's Invitation to Visit Guinea. October 1, 1963. 1 p. JFK#7a. LOU. 0153 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. John F. Kennedy's Message to Guiñean To: McGeorge Bundy. President Ahmed Sekou Toure on Fifth November 16, 1963. 2pp. JFK#13b. Anniversary of Guiñean Independence. C. 7/28/76. 0141 Draft Message. Fr: NA. To: NA. Suggested Reply for John F. Kennedy to NA. 1p.JFK#7b. Letter from Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou John F. Kennedy's Message to Guiñean Toure Containing Invitation to Visit Guinea. President Ahmed Sekou Toure on Fifth 0155 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Ahmed Sekou Toure. Anniversary of Guiñean Independence. NA. 1p.JFK#13c. 0142 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter from Conakry. Guiñean President Toure Containing September 30,1963.1p. JFK#7c. LOU. Invitation to Visit Guinea. U.S. Embassy, Conakry Authorized to 0156 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Transmit John F. Kennedy's Message to To: McGeorge Bundy. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure on Novembers, 1963. 1p. JFK#13d. Fifth Anniversary of Guiñean Independence. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Guiñean 0143 Incoming Telegram #389. Fr: James I. Loeb. President Ahmed Sekou Toure, Dated To: Dean Rusk. October 27,1963. October 12,1963. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 7/28/76. 0157 Translation of Letter. Fr: Karim Bangoura. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure To: State Department. Announces New Changes in Economic November 6, 1963.1p. JFK#13e. Policy. Transmittal of Letter from Guiñean President 0145 Incoming Telegram #495. Fr: James I. Loeb. Ahmed Sekou Toure to John F. Kennedy. To: Dean Rusk. 0158 Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. November 12, 1963. 1p. JFK#10. LOU. To: John F. Kennedy. Discussions between Guiñean President October 27,1963. 1p. JFK#13f. Ahmed Sekou Toure and U.S. AID Officials in Invitation to Visit Guinea. Guinea. 0159 Copy of Letter. Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. 0146 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: John F. Kennedy. To: John F. Kennedy. October 27,1963. 1p. JFK#13g. November 12, 1963. 2pp. JFK#11. Invitation to Visit Guinea. C. 7/28/76. 0160 Letter (in French). Fr: Ahmed Sekou Toure. Guiñean President Ahmed Sekou Toure's To: John F. Kennedy. Unhappiness with U.S. AID Program in October 27.1963. 2pp. JFK#13h. Guinea. 0162 Note. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. 0148 Note. Fr: Helen [?]. To: Polly A. Yates. To: McGeorge Bundy. ». January 28.1964.1p. JFK#12. November 29,1963.1p. JFK#14. "I Am Sorry•I Draw Blank on This One." "The Enclosed Is for White House Clearance 0149 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Prior to Transmission." To: McGeorge Bundy. 0163 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, November 18,1963. 2pp. JFK#12a. Dakar. C. 7/28/76. November 29, 1963.1p. JFK#14a. Request for Appointment with John F. C. 7/28/76. Kennedy for Guiñean Ministerial Delegation Alleged U.S. Interest in Rafael Barbosa, to Discuss Economic Relations with U.S. Portuguese Guiñean Nationalist Leader.

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0165 Department of State Airgram #A-165. Fr: 0178 Translation of Letter. Fr: Felix Houphouet- Donald B. Easum. To: State Department. Boigny. To: John F. Kennedy. November 20, 1963. 1p. JFK#14b. June 15, 1961.1 p. JFK#3c. C. 7/28/76. Invitation to Kennedy to Attend Ivory Coast's Alleged U.S. Interest in Rafael Barbosa, Independence Day Ceremonies. Portuguese Guiñean Nationalist Leader. 0179 Copy of Translation of Letter. Fr: Felix 0166 Department of State Airgram #A-131. Fr: Houphouet-Boigny. To: John F. Kennedy. James I. Loeb. To: State Department. June 15, 1961. 2pp. JFK#3c. U.S. Conversation with Amilcar Cabrai, Invitation to Kennedy to Attend Ivory Coast's General Secretary of African Party for Independence Day Ceremonies. Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde 0181 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. (PAIGC), on October 26,1963. To: Ralph A. Dungan. July 24,1961.1 p. JFK#4. Ivory Coast Attorney General Robert Kennedy and 0169 Ivory Coast•January 1961 - Attorney Russell Sugarman of Memphis, September 1961. Tennessee, Chosen to Represent John F. 0170 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. Kennedy at Ivory Coast Independence Day 0171 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. Celebration. To: Felix Houphouet-Boigny. 0182 Outgoing Telegram #71. Fr: Dean Rusk. February 2, 1961.1 p. JFK#1. To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. Letter from John F. Kennedy to President July 24,1961.1p. JFK#5. LOU. Felix Houphouet-Boigny Expressing White House Announces Composition of U.S. Gratitude for Courtesies Extended to U.S. Delegation to Ivory Coast Independence Day Senate Delegation and Edward Kennedy Celebration. during Visit to Ivory Coast. 0183 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Felix 0172 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. Houphouet-Boigny. To: John F. Kennedy. July 28, 1961.1 p. JFK#6. April 25,1961. 1p.JFK#1a. Kennedy Extends Invitation to Visit U.S. to Proposed Visit to U.S. by President Felix President Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. oí 84 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. 0173 Incoming Telegram #14. Fr: R. Borden To: John F. Kennedy. Reams. To: Dean Rusk. July 31,1961.1 p. JFK#6a. July 7, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2. OUO. Proposed 1962 State Visit to U.S. by Invitation to Former President Dwight D. President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Eisenhower to Attend Ivory Coast's Coast. Independence Day Ceremonies. oi85 Draft Letter. Fr: NÁ. To: Felix Houphouet- 0175 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. Boigny. To: Felix Houphouet-Boigny. NA. 1p.JFK#6b. July 12,1961.1 p. JFK#3. John F. Kennedy Extends Invitation to Visit Kennedy Declines Invitation to Attend U.S. to President Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Celebration on First Anniversary of Ivory Coast. Coast's Independence. 0186 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0176 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. July 27,1961.1 p. JFK#6c. July 11, 1,961.1 p. JFK#3a. John F. Kennedy Extends Invitation to Visit Suggested Reply from John F. Kennedy to U.S. to President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Invitation to Visit Ivory Coast from President Ivory Coast. Felix Houphouet-Boigny. 0187 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0177 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Felix Houphouet-Boigny. To: Felix Houphouet-Boigny. August 2,1961.1 p. JFK#7. NA. 1p.JFK#3b. Letter from John F. Kennedy to President Kennedy Declines Invitation to Attend Houphouet-Boigny Naming Attorney General Celebration on First Anniversary of Ivory Robert Kennedy as U.S. Representative to Coast's Independence. Ivory Coast Independence Day Celebrations.

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0188 Incoming Telegram #97. Fr: R. Borden 0205 Incoming Telegram #378. Fr: R. Borden Reams. To: Dean Rusk. Reams. To: Dean Rusk. August 11,1961. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 1/21/81. February 1,1962.1p. JFK#5. LOU. African Chiefs of State Attempt to Influence Dates for Ivory Coast President Felix France to Undertake Direct Negotiations with Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S. Tunisia to Permit Solution to Bizerte Problem. 0206 Outgoing Telegram #517. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0190 Note. Fr: Theodore Sorenson. To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. To: McGeorge Bundy. February 5,1962.1p. JFK#6. OUO. September 1,1961.1 p. JFK#11. Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix 0191 Letter. Fr: Joseph Kraft. To: Theodore Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S. Sorenson. 0207 Note. Fr: George Anderson. To: Bromley K. August 29, 1961. 2pp. JFK#11a. Smith. Journalist Joseph Kraft of New York February 5,1962.1p. JFK#6a. OUO. Requests Appointment as U.S. Ambassador "Could You Kindly Give Me White House to Tunisia. Clearance on Attached Draft Telegram to 0192 Memorandum. Fr: Joseph Kraft. To: NA. Abidjan?" NA. 1p.JFK#11b. 0209 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, New Leadership of Algerian Rebel Abidjan. Government. February 5,1962.1p. JFK#6b. OUO. 0194 Memorandum. Fr: Joseph Kraft. To: NA. Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix NA. 2pp.JFK#11b. Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S. Political and Economic Situation in Ivory 0210 Outgoing Airgram #A-22. Fr: Dean Rusk. Coast. To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. 0196 Incoming Telegram #190. Fr: [?] Lloyd. February 5,1962. 3pp. JFK#7. OUO. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Procedures for State Visit by President September 23,1961. 2pp. JFK#12. Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. C. 3/12/77. 0213 Incoming Telegram #383. Fr: R. Borden Discussions between President Felix Reams. To: Dean Rusk. Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast and February 8,1962.1p. JFK#8. OUO. Attorney General Robert Kennedy on How Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix U.S. AID Might Best Be Utilized in Africa. Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S. 0214 Incoming Telegram #386. Fr: R. Borden oi 98 Ivory Coast•October 1,1961-March Reams. To: Dean Rusk. 22, 1962. February 9,1962.1p. JFK#9. OUO. 0199 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix 0200 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0215 Outgoing Telegram #532. Fr: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#1. To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan.. "Does President Need to See and Approve?" February 9, 1962.1p. JFK#10. OUO. 0201 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix To: Bromley K. Smith. Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S. Octobers, 1961.1p. JFK#1a. 0216 Incoming Telegram #407. Fr: R. Borden Visit to U.S. by President Felix Houphouet- Reams. To: Dean Rusk. Boigny of Ivory Coast. February 27,1962. 1 p. JFK#11. LOU. 0202 Memorandum. Fr: Chester Bowles. Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix To: John F. Kennedy. Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S. September 30,1961.2pp. JFK#1b. OUO. 0217 Outgoing Telegram #539. Fr: Dean Rusk. Visit to U.S. by President Felix Houphouet- To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. Boigny of Ivory Coast. February 14,1962.1p. JFK#12. LOU. 0204 Incoming Telegram #367. Fr: R. Borden Security for Ivory Coast President Felix Reams. To: Dean Rusk. Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S. January 26,1962.1p. JFK#2. OUO. Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S.

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0218 Incoming Telegram #417. Fr: R. Borden 0232 Outgoing Telegram #662. Fr: Dean Rusk. Reams. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. March 2, 1962. 1p. JFK#13. LOU. April 13, 1962.1p. JFK#11. OUO. Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix John F. Kennedy Announces Ivory Coast Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S. > President Felix Houphouet-Boigny's 0219 Outgoing Telegram #856. Fr: Dean Rusk. Acceptance of Invitation to Visit U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Ottawa. 0233 Incoming Telegram #525. Fr: R. Borden March 2, 1962. 1p. JFK#14. OUO. Reams. To: Dean Rusk. Possible Invitation to President Felix April 16, 1962.1p. JFK#12. OUO. Houphouet-Boigny to Visit Canada. Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix 0220 Outgoing Telegram #580. Fr: George W. Ball. Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. 0234 Incoming Telegram #526. Fr: R. Borden March 12, 1962.1p. JFK#15. OUO. Reams. To: Dean Rusk. Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix April 16,1962.1p. JFK#13. LOU. Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S. Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix 0221 Incoming Telegram #451. Fr: R. Borden Houphouet-Boigny's Appointments in New Reams. To: Dean Rusk. York City. March 16,1962.1 p. JFK#16. 0235 Press Release. Fr: Office of White House Composition of Ivory Coast President Felix Press Secretary. To: NA. Houphouet-Boigny's Party during Trip to U.S. April 18, 1962. 1p.JFK#15. 0222 Incoming Telegram #453. Fr: R. Borden John F. Kennedy Announces Ivory Coast Reams. To: Dean Rusk. President Felix Houphouet-Boigny's March 17, 1962.1p. JFK#17. OUO. Acceptance of Invitation to Visit U.S. Composition of Ivory Coast President Felix 0236 Incoming Telegram #542. Fr: R. Borden Houphouet-Boigny's Party during Trip to U.S. Reams. To: Dean Rusk. April 19,1962.1p. JFK#16. C. 3/28/77. 0223 Ivory Coast•March 23,1962-April 30, "Yes. Now Is Time for All Good Men to Come 1962. to Aid of Their Country." 0224 Withdrawal Sheet. 2pp. 0237 Outgoing Telegram #670. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0226 Incoming Telegram #459. Fr: [?] Kretzmann. To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. To: Dean Rusk. April 17,1962.1p. JFK#16a. C. 3/28/77. March 23, 1962.1p. JFK#1. OUO. U.S. State Department to Use Protocol President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Precedence in Making Accommodations for Coast Informs U.S. of Plans to Vacation in Party of President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Switzerland until Departure for Visit to U.S. Ivory Coast. 0227 Department of State Airgram #A-83. Fr: R. 0238 Copy of Outgoing Telegram #670. Fr: Dean Borden Reams. To: State Department. Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. April 11, 1962. 2pp. JFK#7. LOU. April 17,1962.1p. JFK#16a. C. 3/28/77. Biographical Data on Madame Houphouet- U.S. State Department to Use Protocol Boigny, Wife of President of Ivory Coast. Precedence in Making Accommodations for 0229 Outgoing Telegram #651. Fr: Dean Rusk. Party of President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. Ivory Coast. April 11,1962. 1 p. JFK#8. C. 3/28/77. 0239 Outgoing Telegram #686. Fr: Dean Rusk. Travel Plans for U.S. Ambassador to Ivory To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. Coast R. Borden Reams. April 20,1962. 1p. JFK#19. OUO. 0230 Memorandumr'Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Possibility That University of Pennsylvania To: McGeorge Bundy. Might Confer Honorary Degree on President April 14,1962. 1p.JFK#10. Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet- 0240 Outgoing Telegram #696. Fr: Dean Rusk. Boigny's State Visit to U.S., May 22-24, To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. 1962. April 25, 1962.1p. JFK#20. OUO. Arrangements for Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet-Boigny's Trip to U.S.

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0241 Ivory Coast•May 1,1962-June 4, 0252 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. 1962. To: Dean Rusk. 0242 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. May 24, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8a. C. 9/14/78. 0243 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Discussions with Ivory Coast President Felix To: Ralph A. Dungan. Houphouet-Boigny regarding U.S. AID to NA. 1p.JFK#1. Ivory Coast. Scope Paper for State Visit to U.S. by 0254 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory • To: McGeorge Bundy. Coast. May 25,1962. 1p.JFK#9. 0244 Incoming Telegram #574. Fr: R. Borden John F. Kennedy's Farewell Telegram to Reams. To: Dean Rusk. President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory May 4, 1962. 1 p. JFK#2. QUO. Coast. [?] Normand's Plans to Accompany Ivory 0255 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Felix Coast President Felix Houphouét-Boigny to Houphouet-Boigny. U.S. NA. 2pp. JFK#9a. 0245 Outgoing Telegram #723. Fr: George W. Ball. Kennedy's Farewell Message to President To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. May 7, 1962.1 p. JFK#3. QUO. 0257 Incoming Telegram #626. Fr: [?] Hope. Choice of Gift for President Felix Houphouet- To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. Boigny of Ivory Coast from John F. Kennedy. May 26,1962. 1p. JFK#10. 0246 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory To: McGeorge Bundy. Coast Pleased with Reception during U.S. May 17,1962. 1p.JFK#4. Visit. Briefing Books Prepared for Ivory Coast 0258 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. President Felix Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to To: Felix Houphouet-Boigny. U.S. May 28,1962. 2pp. JFK#11. 0247 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Kennedy's Farewell Message to President To: Ralph A. Dungan. Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. May 21, 1962.1p. JFK#5. 0260 Incoming Telegram #631. Fr: [?] Hope. Amendments to Program of President Felix To: Dean Rusk. Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. May 29,1962. 1p.JFK#13. 0248 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Ivory Coast Minister of State Auguste Denise To: Ralph A. Dungan. Praises Hospitality Received by President May 22, 1962.1p.JFK#6. Felix Houphouet-Boigny from John F. Meetings between John F. Kennedy and Kennedy and American People. President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory 0261 Incoming Telegram #636. Fr: [?] Hope. Coast. To: Dean Rusk. 0249 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. May 31,1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 9/14/78 IP. NA. 1p.JFK#6a. Ivory Coast Minister of State Auguste Denise Participants List for Meetings between John Given Report on President Felix Houphouet- F. Kennedy and President Felix Houphouet- Boigny's Visit to U.S. Boigny of Ivory Coast. 0262 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge 0250 Incoming Telegram #619. Fr: [?] Hope. Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. June 1,1962. 1p. JFK#16. May 23, 1962. 1 p. JFK#7. LOU. "May We Have White House Clearance on Discussions with Ivory Coast President Felix Attached, Please?" Houphouet-Boigny regarding U.S. AID to 0263 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Ivory Coast. Abidjan. 0251 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge NA. 1p.JFK#16a.OUO. Bundy. State Department Thanks Ivory Coast May 24,1962.1p.JFK#8. Minister of State Auguste Denise for His Discussions with Ivory Coast President Felix Expression of Gratitude for U.S. Hospitality Houphouet-Boigny regarding U.S. AID to toward President Felix Houphouet-Boigny. Ivory Coast.

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0264 Incoming Telegram #631. Fr: [?] Hope. 0295 Briefing Book. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: Dean Rusk. NA.42pp.JFK#1-21. May 29, 1962. 1p.JFK#16b. C. 9/13/78 and 9/14/78 IP. Ivory Coast Minister of State Auguste Denise Briefing Book for Ivory Coast President Felix Praises Hospitality Received by President Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S., May 22- Felix Houphouet-Boigny from John F. 24,1962 [Talking Paper for John F. Kennedy and American People. Kennedy's Meeting with Ivory Coast 0265 Outgoing Telegram #780. Fr: Dean Rusk. President Felix Houphouet-Boigny; U.S. AID To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. to Ivory Coast; Talking Paper for Dean Rusk's June 2,1962.1p. JFK#17. OUO. Meeting with Ivory Coast President Felix State Department Thanks Ivory Coast Houphouet-Boigny; Developments toward Minister of State Auguste Denise for His African Unity; Background Paper on Council Expression of Gratitude for U.S. Hospitality of Entente; U.S. Military Assistance to Ivory toward President Felix Houphouet-Boigny. Coast; Background Paper on Ruanda- 0266 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Urundi; U.S. Peace Corps Operations in Ivory To: McGeorge Bundy. Coast; and U.S. Relations with Ivory Coast]. June 4,1962. 1p. JFK#18. Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet- 0338 Ivory Coast•Houphouet-Boigny Boigny's Reply to John F. Kennedy's Briefing Book, May 22-24,1962 Farewell Cable. (Part III). 0267 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Felix Houphouet- 0339 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Boigny. To: John F. Kennedy. 0340 Briefing Book. Fr: NA. To: NA. May 29,1962. 2pp. JFK#18a. NA. 33pp. JFK#1-32. C. 9/13/78 and Ivory Coast President Houphouet-Boigny's 9/14/78 IP. Reply to Kennedy's Farewell Cable. Briefing Book for Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S., May 22- 0269 Ivory Coast•Houphouet-Boigny 24,1962 [Biographical Sketches of Ivory Briefing Book, May 22-24,1962 Coast Officals Including President Felix (Part I). Houphouet-Boigny, Madame Marie-Therese 0270 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Houphouet-Boigny, President of Ivory Coast 0271 Briefing Book. Fr: NA. To: NA. Supreme Court Ernest Boka, Madeleine NA. 22pp. JFK#1-10. C. 5/6/77 IP. Boka, Ivory Coast Minister of Finance Briefing Book for Ivory Coast President Felix Raphael Sailer, Minister of Agriculture and Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S., May 22- Cooperatives Charles Donwahi, Ivory Coast 24,1962 [Map of Ivory Coast; Ivory Coast Ambassador to U.S. Konan Bedie, Ivory Background Paper; and Program for Ivory Coast Cabinet Director Guy Nairay, Chief of Coast President Felix Houphouet-Boigny's Protocol Georges Ouegnin, and Aide-de- Visit to U.S.]. Camp Berlin Baroan].

0293 Ivory Coast•Houphouet-Boigny 0373 Ivory Coast•Houphouet-Boigny Briefing Book, May 22-24,1962 Briefing Book, May 22-24,1962 (Part II). (Part IV). 0294 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. 0375 Briefing Book. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA.28pp.JFK#1-17. Briefing Book for Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet-Boigny's Visit to U.S., May 22- 24,1962 [Public Statements by John F. Kennedy and Dean Rusk during Visit by President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast].

0404 Ivory Coast•June 5,1962-July 31, 1962. 0405 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p.

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0406 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. 0419 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Ralph A. Dungan. To: McGeorge Bundy. NA. 1p.JFK#1. September 27,1962.1p. JFK#10. "For Clearance on Behalf of President." Appointment with John F. Kennedy for Konan 0407 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Bedie, Ivory Coast Ambassador to U.S. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0420 Department of State Airgram #A-296. June5,1962.1p. JFK#1a. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. Memoranda of Conversation between John October 26,1962.1p. JFK#11. F. Kennedy and Ivory Coast President Felix Letter to John F. Kennedy from President Houphouet-Boigny, May 23,1962. Seriguefie of Ivory Coast and European 0408 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Association. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0421 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. JuneS, 1962.1 p. JFK#2. To: McGeorge Bundy. Memorandum of Conversation between John November 6,1962.1p. JFK#12. F. Kennedy and Ivory Coast President Felix Appointment with John F. Kennedy for James Houphouet-Boigny, May 24,1962. W. Wine, U.S. Ambassador to Ivory Coast. 0422 Translation of Letter. Fr: [?] Seriguefie. 0409 Ivory Coast•August 1962-January To: John F. Kennedy. 1963. October 1,1962.1p. JFK#11a. 0410 Withdrawal Sheet. 2pp. Ivory Coast and European Association Offers 0412 Incoming Telegram #45. Fr: [?] Hope. Congratulations to Kennedy for His Stand To: Dean Rusk. against Racial Segregation in U.S. August 2, 1962. 1 p. JFK#1. LOU. 0423 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: William H. U.S. to Send Message to Ivory Coast on Its Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. Independence Day Celebration. November 6,1962.1p. JFK#12. 0414 Outgoing Telegram #57. Fr: Dean Rusk. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for James To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. W. Wine, U.S. Ambassador to Ivory Coast. August 3, 1962. 1 p. JFK#2. LOU, 0424 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. U.S. Procedure on Sending of Congratulatory NA. 1p.JFK#12a. Messages. Biographical Sketch of James W. Wine, U.S. 0415 Incoming Telegram #56. Fr: [?] Hope. Ambassador to Ivory Coast. To: Dean Rusk. 0425 Incoming Telegram #237. Fr: James W. August 10, 1962.1p. JFK#3. S. 8/2/77. Wine. To: Dean Rusk. Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet- December 11,1962. 5pp. JFK#13. Boigny Regrets Invitation to President S. 9/14/78. Modibo Keita of Mali. Meeting with Ivory Coast Finance Minister 0416 Outgoing Telegram #70. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Raphael Sailer to Discuss U.S. Aid Project. U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. 0430 Incoming Telegram #238. Fr: James W. August 10, 1962. 1p. JFK#4. S. 8/2/77. Wine. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Suggestions for Discussions between December 11,1962.1p. JFK#14. S. 8/2/77. Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet- "Would Appreciate Your Informing Yourself Boigny and President Modibo Keita of Mali. Comments of My NIACT Message Today 0417 Incoming Telegram #65. Fr: [?] Hope. Joint/Embassy/AID Telegram #237." To: Dean Rusk. 0431 Incoming Telegram #323. Fr: James W. August 16, 1962. 1 p. JFK#5. S. 8/2/77 IP. Wine. To: Dean Rusk. Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet- January 25,1963.1p. JFK#16. C. 8/2/77. Boigny Expresses Pleasure with U.S. Highlights of Ivory Coast President Felix Reception and Admiration for John F. Houphouet-Boigny's Meeting with Diplomatic Kennedy. Chiefs of Mission. 0418 Incoming Telegram #117. Fr: [?] Hope. To: Dean Rusk. 0432 Ivory Coast•February 1963. September 12,1962. 1 p. JFK#8. C. 8/2/77. 0433 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Farewell Visit of Konan Bedie, Ivory Coast Ambassador to U.S.

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0434 Outgoing Telegram #359. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0450 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Felix To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. Houphouet-Boigny. February 15,1963. 1p. JFK#1. C. 3/28/77. NA. 2pp. JFK#5h. U.S. to Correct Misinformation Spread by Kennedy's Reply to Letter from President Dutch Ambassador to Ivory Coast regarding Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast regarding U.S. Position on West African Issues. His Trip to U.S. and U.S. Economic 0435 Incoming Telegram #379. Fr: James W. Assistance to Africa. Wine. To: Dean Rusk. . 0452 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: William H. February 16,1963. 3pp. JFK#3. C. 8/11/77 Brubeck. IP. Decembers, 1962.1p. JFK#5i. Results of Cabinet Reshuffle in Ivory Coast. "For Translation and Recommendation." 0438 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 0453 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. Carl Kaysen. January 10,1963.1p. JFK#5j. February 23,1963.1p. JFK#5. LOU. "Checked Status." Letter from John F. Kennedy to President 0454 Handwritten Letter (in French). Fr: Felix Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. Houphouet-Boigny. To: John F Kennedy. 0439 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Felix September 2,1962. 7pp. JFK#5k. Houphouet-Boigny. 0461 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. NA. 2pp. JFK#5a. To: Carl Kaysen. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter from February 22, 1963.1p. JFK#6. President Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast Proposed Reply to U.S. Ambassador to Ivory regarding His Trip to U.S. and U.S. Economic Coast James W. Wine's Letter to John F. Assistance to Africa. Kennedy. 0441 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: William 0462 Draft Airgram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, H. Brubeck. Abidjan: February 5, 1963.1p. JFK#5b. NA. 4pp. JFK#6a. C. 11/1276. Letter from John F. Kennedy to President Request for Increased U.S. Economic and Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. Security Assistance to Ivory Coast. 0442 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0466 Ivory Coast•March 1963-November NA. 1p.JFK#5c. LOU. 1963. Letter from John F. Kennedy to President 0467 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. 0468 Incoming Telegram #448. Fr: James W. 0443 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Wine. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. April 1,1963.1p. JFK#1. C. 11/12/76. January 10,1963. 1p. JFK#5d. LOU. Plans for Meeting between President Ahmed Letter from John F. Kennedy to President Sekou Toure of Guinea, President Modibo Felix youphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. Ke'rta of Mali, President Kwame Nkrumah of 0444 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Felix Ghana, and President Felix Houphouet- Houphouet-Boigny. Boigny of Ivory Coast. NA. 2pp. JFK#5e. 0469 Department of State Airgram #A-50. Fr: Kennedy's Reply to Letter from President George W. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast regarding April 4, 1963. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 11/12/76. His Trip to U.S. and U.S. Economic Request for Increased U.S. Economic and Assistance to Africa. Security Assistance to Ivory Coast. 0446 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0471 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. January 10,1963.1p. JFK#5f. LOU. March 29,1963.1p. JFK#2a. C. 11/12/76. Letter from John F. Kennedy to President President Felix Houphouet-Boigny Requests Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast. Increased U.S. Security and Economic 0447 Letter. Fr: Felix Houphouet-Boigny. Assistance to Ivory Coast. To: John F. Kennedy. September 2,1962. 3pp. JFK#5g. African Leaders and U.S. Economic Assistance to Africa.

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0472 Draft Airgram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Libya Abidjan. 0484 Libya•Crown Prince Hassan Briefing NA. 4pp. JFK#2b. C. 11/12/76. Book, October 6-24,1962. Request for Increased U.S. Security and 0485 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Economic Assistance to Ivory Coast. 0487 Briefing Book. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0476 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. October 16-24, 1962. 89pp. LOU. C. To: McGeorge Bundy. S. 9/27/82, 9/29/82, 7/12/83, 7/15/83 IP. August 16, 1963.1p.JFK#3. Briefing Book for Libyan Crown Prince Recommendation on Telegram from Auguste Hassan's Visit to U.S., October 6-24, 1962 Denise, Acting President of Ivory Coast, [Map of Libya; Scope Paper for Visit of Acknowledging U.S. Congratulatory Message Libya's Crown Prince Hassan; John F. on Third Anniversary of Ivory Coast Kennedy's Talking Paper for Libyan Crown Independence. Prince Hassan's Visit; Background Data on 0477 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Auguste Denise. Libya; U.S. Technical and Economic To: John F. Kennedy. Assistance to Libya; U.S. Military Assistance August 9, 1963. 1p. JFK#3a. to Libya; Background Paper on Wheelus Air Message from Auguste Denise, Acting Force Base in Libya; Libyan Petroleum President of Ivory Coast, Acknowledging U.S. Industry; Libyan Reaction to U.S. Decision to Congratulatory Message on Third Sell Hawk Missiles to Israel; U.S. Public Anniversary of Ivory Coast Independence. Statements for Libyan Crown Prince 0478 Telegram (in French). Fr: Auguste Denise. Hassan's Visit to U.S.; Biographical Tó: John F. Kennedy. Information on Members of Libyan Crown August 9, 1963.1 p. JFK#3b. Prince Hassan's Party]. 0479 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge Bundy. Mali August 16, 1963. 1p. JFK#3c. 0576 Mali•January 1,1961-June 30,1961. Recommendation on Telegram from Auguste 0577 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Denise, Acting President of Ivory Coast, 0579 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Acknowledging U.S. Congratulatory Message NA. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/12/79 IP. on Third Anniversary of Ivory Coast Biographical Sketch of President Modibo Independence. Keita of Mali. 0480 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Auguste Denise. 0584 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Modibo Keita. To: John F. Kennedy. Februarys, 1961.1 p. JFK#2. August 9, 1963. 1p.JFK#3d. John F. Kennedy Thanks President Keita of Message from Auguste Denise, Acting Mali for Courtesies Extended to U.S. Senate President of Ivory Coast, Acknowledging U.S. Delegation and Edward Kennedy during Visit Congratulatory Message on Third to Mali. Anniversary of Ivory Coast Independence. 0585 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph 0481 Note. Fr: NA. To: Samuel E. Belk. A. Dungan. August 22, 1963. 1p.JFK#4. March 24, 1961.1p. JFK#3. "Not Unless You Have Some Special Letter to John F. Kennedy from President Reason." Modibo Keita of Mali. 0482 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. 0586 Translation of Letter. Fr: Modibo Keita. To: To: McGeorge Bundy. John F. Kennedy. August 19, 1963.1p. JFK#4a. March 10, 1961.1p. JFK#3a. Presence in Washington, D.C., of James W. Acknowledgement of Letter from Kennedy Wine, U.S. Ambassador to Ivory Coast. Expressing Thanks for Courtesies Extended 0483 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. to U.S. Senate Delegation and Edward NA. 1p.JFK#4b. Kennedy during Visit to Mali. Biographical Sketch of James W. Wine, U.S. Ambassador to Ivory Coast.

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0587 Memorandum. Fr: MZ [?]. To: McGeorge 0605 Incoming Telegram #4. Fr: Thomas K. Wright. Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. April 5, 1961.1 p. JFK#4. July 1, 1961. 3pp. [Note: Page 1 Repeated.] David Barus Brings Washington Post Article JFK#3g. QUO. on Complaints against Use of 2130 R Street Plans for Malian Minister of State Jean-Marie as Chancery for Mali Republic to John F. Kone's Visit to U.S. Kennedy's Attention. 0608 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Modibo 0588 Newpaper Clipping. Fr: Washington Post. Keita. Aprils, 1961.1 p. JFK#4a. July 20, 1961. 1p. JFK#5. "Neighbors Fight Mali Chancery." Possible Meeting between Kennedy and 0589 Memorandum for File. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. Malian Minister of State Jean-Marie Kone. To: NA. 0609 Handwritten Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. April 7, 1961.1p. JFK#5. NA. 5/31/79. To: Bromley K. Smith. Request for Approval of Shipment of U.S. NA. 1p.JFK#5a. Police Arms to Mali. "Good." 0590 Outgoing Telegram #308. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0610 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: U.S. Embassy, Bawako. To: McGeorge Bundy. May 16, 1961. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 5/16/79. July 18,1961.1 p. JFK#5b. Proposed Visit to U.S. by Jean-Marie Kone, Proposed Reply from John F. Kennedy to Malian Minister of State. Letter from President Modibo Ke'rta of Mali 0592 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Modibo regarding Minister of State Jean-Marie Keita. Kone's Visit to U.S. November 21,1961. 2pp. JFK#6b. 0611 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Modibo Ke'rta. Malian Minister of State Jean-Marie Kone's NA. 1p.JFK#5c. Visit to U.S. Letter from John F. Kennedy to President 0594 Incoming Telegram #513. Fr: Thomas K. Keita of Mali regarding Meeting with Minister Wright. To: Dean Rusk. of State Jean-Marie Kone. June 30,1961. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 3/16/79 IP. 0613 Letter. Fr: Modibo Keita. To: John F. Meeting between Presidents Modibo Keita of Kennedy. Mali, Ahmed Sekou Toure of Guinea, and NA. 2pp. JFK#5d. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana to Establish Joint U.S.-Malian Relations and Minister of State Military High Command. Jean-Marie Kone's Visit to U.S. 0615 Handwritten Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. 0596 Mall•July 1961. To: NA. 0597 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. July 22,1961.1 p. JFK#6. 0598 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: "1.) Inform S/S OK. 2.) Make and Send Copy McGeorge Bundy. to Rostow." July 10, 1961. 1 p. JFK#3. C. 4/17/79. 0616 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Possibility of State Visit to U.S. by President McGeorge Bundy. Modibo Keita of Mali. July 21,1961. 1p.JFK#6a. 0599 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Malian Minister of State Jean-Marie Kone's To: McGeorge Bundy. Call on John F. Kennedy. NA. 1 p. JFK#3a. C. 4/17/79. 0617 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: Meeting between John F. Kennedy and NA. Malian Minister of State Jean-Marie Kone. July 12, 1961. 4pp. JFK#6b. C. 4/17/79. 0600 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Malian Minister of State Jean-Marie Kone NA. 4pp. JFK#3b. C. 4/17/79. Calls on John F. Kennedy to Discuss U.S.-Malian Relations and Mali's Situation in Mali. International Relations and Internal Politics. 0621 Incoming Telegram #56. Fr: Thomas J. 0604 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Wright. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. July 21, 1961. 4pp. [Note: Includes Corrected July 1, 1961. 1p.JFK#3e. Page 2.] JFK#7.C. 4/17/79. Courtesy Call of Malian Minister of State Review of U.S. Accomplishments in Mali and Jean-Marie Kone. President Modibo Keita's Appraisal of U.S. Policy toward Africa.

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0625 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. 0638 Incoming Telegram #591. Fr: Graham A. To: Walt W. Rostow. Martin. To: Dean Rusk. July 28, 1961. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 4/17/79. Indian Cabinet Minister V. K. Krishna Guidelines of U.S. Policy and Operations in Menon's Opinion of President Modibo Keita's Mali. Performance at Belgrade Conference. 0640 Outgoing Telegram #472. Fr: NA. 0627 Mali•August 1,1961-September 30, To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. 1961. September 13, 1961. 6pp. JFK#3. 0628 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Letters from John F. Kennedy to Presidents 0629 Outgoing Telegram #115. Fr: Dean Rusk. Modibo Keita of Mali and Achmed Sukarno of To: U.S. Embassy, Bamako. Indonesia regarding Belgrade Conference of August 7, 1961. 2pp. JFK#1. OUO. Nonaligned Nations. Letter from John F. Kennedy to President 0646 Outgoing Telegram #202. Fr: Dean Rusk. Modibo Keita of Mali regarding Visit to U.S. To: U.S. Embassies, Bamako, Dakar, and by Minister of State Jean-Marie Kone. Paris. 0631 Handwritten Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. September 14,1961. 2pp. JFK#4. To: Bromley K. Smith. C. 5/8/80 IP. NA. 1p.JFK#1a. Visit to U.S. by Presidents Modibo Keita of "Things Are Looking Slightly Better for U.S. in Mali and Achmed Sukarno of Indonesia. Mali. I Think Reply Is Good Idea in This 0648 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Case." To: NA. 0632 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. September 14, 1961. 2pp. JFK#5. To: Samuel E. Belk. C. 5/8/80 IP. NA. 1p.JFK#1b. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and "Do You Think Reply Is Required?" President Modibo Keita of Mali regarding 0633 Note. Fr: Polly A. Yates. To: Bromley K. Relations with U.S. and Belgrade Conference Smith. of Nonaligned Nations. NA. 1p.JFK#1c. 0650 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. U.S. Reply to Letter from President Modibo To: McGeorge Bundy. Keita of Mali. September 22, 1961. 1p. JFK#5a. 0634 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. C. 10/18/78. To: McGeorge Bundy. Memorandum of Conversation between John Augusts, 1961.1 p. JFK#1d. F. Kennedy and President Modibo Keita of U.S. Reply to Message from President Mali. Modibo Keita of Mali. 0651 Outgoing Telegram #211. Fr: Chester 0635 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Modibo Keita. Bowles. To: U.S. Embassy, Bamako. NA. 1p.JFK#1e. September 18, 1961. 2pp. JFK#6. Letter from John F. Kennedy to President C. 5/8/80 IP. Keita of Mali regarding Visit of Minister of Malian President Modibo Keita's Farewell State Jean-Marie Kone. Call on John F. Kennedy. 0636 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Modibo Keita. 0653 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: John F. Kennedy. To: Walt W. Rostow. NA. 1p.JFK#1f. NA. 1p.JFK#7. Letter of Thanks from President Keita of Mali "For Clearance." for Cordial Welcome Extended to Malian 0654 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Delegation to U.S. Headed by Minister of To: McGeorge Bundy. A State Jean-Marie Kone. September 20,1961.1p. JFK#7a. 0637 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: C. 10/17/78. McGeorge Bundy. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and August 7, 1961.1p. JFK#1g. President Modibo Keita of Mali. Message to John F. Kennedy from President Modibo Keita of Mali.

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0655 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. 0671 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: NA. To: Modibo Keita. September 13, 1961. 5pp. JFK#7b. NA. 1p.JFK#1e. C. 5/8/80 IP. Kennedy's Reply to Letter of Condolence Discussions between John F. Kennedy and from President Keita of Mali regarding President Modibo Keita of Mali regarding Hurricane Disaster in Louisiana and Texas. U.S.-Malian Relations. 0672 Outgoing Telegram #266. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0660 Incoming Telegram #284. Fr: Thomas K. To: U.S. Embassy, Bamako. Wright. To: Dean Rusk. October 4, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2. OUO. September 23, 1961. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 1/3/79. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter of German Ambassador [?] Schlegl's Protest to Condolence from President Modibo Keita of Malian President Modibo Keita regarding Mali regarding Hurricane Disaster in Remarks Made at U.S. Press Conference on Louisiana and Texas. German Self-Determination. 0674 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0663 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. McGeorge Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. October 9, 1961. 1p. JFK#3. September 25,1961. 1p. JFK#9. Report of Racial Incident Involving Two C. 10/17/78. Visitors from Mali. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and 0675 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Presidents Modibo Keita of Mali and Achmed To: McGeorge Bundy. Sukarno of Indonesia. October 4, 1961.1p. JFK#3a. 'The Attached Material Is for Your 0664 Mall•October 1961. Information." 0665 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. 0676 Memorandum. Fr: Pedro A. Sanjuan. 0666 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Modibo Keita. To: Angier Biddle Duke. NA. 1p.JFK#1. September 23,1961. 2pp. JFK#3b. OUO. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter of Report of Racial Incident Involving Two Condolence from President Keita of Mali Malian Visitors to U.S. regarding Hurricane Disaster in Louisiana 0678 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. and Texas. NA.2pp,JFK#3c. 0667 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Evaluation of U.S. Conference on Protocol To: McGeorge Bundy. for Foreign Guests. September 26, 1961. 1p. JFK#1a. OUO. 0680 Memorandum. Fr: Pedro A. Sanjuan. Acknowledgement of Messages from To: Angier Biddle Duke. President Modibo Keita of Mali. NA. 1p.JFK#4.0UO. 0668 Incoming Telegram #454. Fr: [?] Dickinson. Insults to Wife of Malian Ambassador to U.S. To: Dean Rusk. by U.S. Army Officer. September 16, 1961. 1p. JFK#1b. OUO. 0681 Incoming Telegram #77. Fr: Mercer Cook. Message from President Modibo Keita of Mali To: Dean Rusk. Thanking John F. Kennedy for Welcome October 11, 1961. 6pp. JFK#5. C. 1/2/79. Accorded Him during Visit to U.S. Discussions with President Modibo Keita of 0669 Telegram. Fr: Modibo Keita. Mali regarding Closing of U.S. Cultural To: John F. Kennedy. , Center. NA. 1p.JFK#1c. 0687 Incoming Telegram #84. Fr: Mercer Cook. Message of Sympathy from President Keita To: Dean Rusk. of Mali regarding U.S. Hurricane Disaster. October 12.1961.1p. JFK#6. S. 1/3/79. 0670 Incoming Telegram #281. Fr: Thomas K. Imperative That U.S. International Wright. To: Dean Rusk. Cooperation Administration (ICA) Aid to Niger September 21, 1961. 1p. JFK#1d. OUO. and Upper Volta Arrive as Soon as Possible. Message from President Modibo Keita of Mali 0688 Handwritten Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. Thanking John F. Kennedy for Welcome To: Bromley K. Smith. Accorded Him and President Achmed NA. 1p.JFK#7. Sukarno of Indonesia during Visit to U.S. "We Can Close Books on This One• Temporarily."

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0689 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0714 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: To: McGeorge Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. October 13,1961. 1p. JFK#7a. March 14,1962.1p. JFK#6. C. 2/9/79. Letter to John F. Kennedy from President Request for Appointment for Malian Modibo Keita of Mali, Dated September 20, Ambassador Abdoulaye Maiga to Pay 1961. Farewell Call on John F. Kennedy. 0690 Letter (in French). Fr: Modibo Keita. 0715 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: John F. Kennedy. NA. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/8/79 IP. September 20,1961. 2pp. JFK#7b. Biographical Sketch of Abdoulaye Maiga, 0692 Translation of Letter. Fr: Modibo Keita. Malian Ambassador to U.S. To: John F. Kennedy. 0716 Department of State Airgram #A-135. Fr: September 20,1961.1p. JFK#7c. William J. Handley. To: State Department. Message from President Keita of Mali April 2,1962.2pp. JFK#7. OUO. Thanking Kennedy for Welcome Accorded Meeting with Idrissa Diarra, Political Him and President Achmed Sukarno of Secretary of Bureau Politique of Union Indonesia during Visit to U.S. Soudanaise, regarding Internal Political 0693 Incoming Telegram #362. Fr: Thomas K. Situation in Mali. Wright. To: Dean Rusk. 0718 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. October 21,1961. 5pp. JFK#8. C. 1/3/79. To: Kenneth O'Donnell. U.S. Protests Closing of Cultural Center in April 27,1962.1p. JFK#8. C. 10/18/78. Bamako by Malian Government. Presentation of Credentials by Oumar Sow, Malian Ambassador to U.S. 0698 Mali•November 1,1961-May 31, 0719 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. 1962. To: NA. 0699 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. May 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#9. OUO. 0700 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and To: McGeorge Bundy. Malian Ambassador Oumar Sow on November 16, 1961. 4pp. JFK#1. S. 2/9/79. Presentation of Credentials. Effect on U.S.-Malian Relations of Closing of 0721 Outgoing Telegram #720. Fr: Dean Rusk. U.S. Cultural Center in Bamako and Malian To: U.S. Embassy, Bamako. Request for Withdrawal of U.S. Military May 15,1962. 3pp. JFK#10. C. 1/3/79. Aircraft. Malian Ambassador Oumar Sow Informs U.S. 0704 Incoming Telegram #440. Fr: Thomas K. of Malian Government's Decision to Ask U.S. Wright. To: Dean Rusk. Military Mission to Withdraw. November 28, 1961. 5pp. JFK#2. C. 2/9/79. 0724 Outgoing Telegram #728. Fr: Dean Rusk. AID Program Review in Mali. To: U.S. Embassy, Bamako. 0709 Incoming Telegram #276. Fr: [?] Carson. May 18,1962.3pp. JFK#11. C. 2/9/79. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Reply to Malian Note Requesting December 2, 1961.1p. JFK#3. OUO. Withdrawal of U.S. Military Aid Program. "President's Message Delivered 11:30 GMT 0727 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. December 2. No Decision Yet regarding To: McGeorge Bundy. Publicity. Will Inform as Soon as Possible." May 22,1962.1p.JFK#12. 0710 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Memorandum of Conversation between John McGeorge Bundy. F. Kennedy and Malian Ambassador Oumar January 4, 1962.1p. JFK#4. Sow. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for 0728 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. William J. Handley, New U.S. Ambassador to To: NA. Mali. May 11,1962.2pp. JFK#12a. OUO. 0711 Incoming Telegram #683. Fr: William J. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Handley. To: Dean Rusk. Malian Ambassador Oumar Sow on March 13, 1962. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 2/9/79. Presentation of Credentials. Discussions with Malian Ambassador Designate to U.S. Oumar Sow regarding 0730 Mali•June 1,1962-October 31,1962. Efforts to Improve U.S.-Malian Relations. 0731 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p.

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0732 Incoming Telegram #11. Fr: William J. 0750 Outgoing Telegram #105. Fr: George W. Ball. Handley. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Bamako. July 3,1962. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 5/8/79. August 24, 1962. 2pp. JFK#12. LOU. France's Position on Mali's Establishment of U.S. Protests Mali's Refusal to Grant Their Own and Their Request to Exemption from Customs Duties and Taxes Remain within French Monetary Zone. to Diplomatic Personnel for Official Purposes. 0734 Outgoing Telegram #149. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0752 Incoming Telegram #454. Fr: [?] Dickinson. To: U.S. Embassy, Paris. To: Dean Rusk. July 6,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 5/8/79. September 16,1962.1p. JFK#13. OUO. U.S. State Department Concern over Malian Message of Appreciation from President Government Action in Establishing Its Own Modibo Keita of Mali to John F. Kennedy for Currency. Welcome Accorded Him during Visit to U.S. 0736 Incoming Telegram #37. Fr: William J. 0753 Incoming Telegram #212. Fr: [?] McKeirnan. Handley. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. July 20,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 5/8/79. September 19,1962. 3pp. JFK#14. Demonstrations in Bamako against Cabinet Reorganization in Mali. Consequences of Malian Government Policy 0756 Outgoing Telegram #8. Fr: George W. Ball. of Monetary Reform. To: U.S. Mission to UN. 0738 Incoming Telegram #89. Fr: [?] McKiernan. September 28,1962. 2pp. JFK#15. To: Dean Rusk. C. 5/8/79. August 7,1962. 4pp. [Note: Includes Efforts to Arrange Meeting with Dean Rusk Corrected Page 2.] JFK#5. S. 5/8/79. during Visit to U.S. by Barema Bocoum, Negotiations between France and Mali Malian Minister Delegate to President for regarding Monetary Reform. Foreign Affairs. 0742 Incoming Telegram #96. Fr: [?] McKeirnan. 0758 Department of State Airgram #CA-3765. Fr: To: Dean Rusk. Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Abidjan. August 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#6. S. 5/8/79. October 9,1962.1p. JFK#16. C. 5/8/79. Effects of Malian Government Decision to Letter from Malian Exile to John F. Kennedy. Break off Financial Negotiations with France. 0759 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0744 Incoming Telegram #97. Fr: [?] McKeirnan. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. October 2, 1962.1p. JFK#17. August 9,1962. 1p. JFK#7. S. 5/8/79. Translation of Malian President Modibo French Government Expresses Concern over Keita's Message of September 27,1962. Fate of Two Former Members of French 0760 Translation of Letter. Fr: Modibo Keita. Government of Mali. To: John F. Kennedy. 0745 Outgoing Telegram #80. Fr: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#17a. To: U.S. Embassy, Bamako. Message from Malian President Modibo Keita August 13,1962. 2pp. JFK#9. S. 5/8/79. Conveying Thanks and Wishes for Success U.S. Disinclined to Provide Financial and Prosperity of American People. Assistance to Cover Malian Balance of 0761 Telegram (in French). Fr: Modibo Keita. Payment Deficits. To: John F. Kennedy. 0747 Incoming Telegram #119. Fr: [?] McKeirnan. NA. 1p.JFK#17b. To: Dean Rusk. 0762 Incoming Telegram #240. Fr: William J. August 15, 1962. 2pp. JFK#10. S. 5/8/79. Handley. To: Dean Rusk. Results of Commission of Experts Report on October 4, 1962. 1p. JFK#18. Malian Financial Situation. Request for Confirmation on Whether U.S. 0749 Incoming Telegram #120. Fr: [?] McKeirnan. State Department or White House Received To: Dean Rusk. Letter from Malian President Modibo Keita. August 16, 1962. 1p. JFK#11. LOU. 0763 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Malian Economic Situation. McGeorge Bundy. Octobers, 1962. 1p. JFK#19. Message to John F. Kennedy from President Modibo Keita of Mali.

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0764 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Modibo Keita. 0778 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Modibo To: John F. Kennedy. Keita. October 1.1962.1 p. JFK#19a. NA. 1p.JFK#1d. Efforts to Abolish Racial Segregation in U.S. Kennedy's Reply to Letter from President 0765 Outgoing Telegram #168. Fr: Dean Rusk. Keita of Mali regarding Cuban Missile Crisis. To: U.S. Embassy, Bamako. 0779 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Modibo October 3,1962.1p. JFK#19b. LOU. Keita. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Message from November 29,1962.1 p. JFK#2. President Modibo Keita of Mali regarding Kennedy's Reply to Letter from President Efforts to Abolish Racial Segregation in U.S. Keita of Mali regarding Cuban Missile Crisis. 0766 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: Edward S. 0780 Outgoing Telegram #222. Fr: George W. Ball. Little. To: U.S. Embassy, Bamako. October 3,1962.1p. JFK#19c. December 14,1962.1p. JFK#3. C. 5/12/80. "Will You Please Cable Attached Message, Signing of U.S. Presidential Determination on Making Clear That It Is Not for Publication." Mali. 0767 Draft Cable. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, 0781 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Bamako. To: Bromley K. Smith. October 3,1962.1p. JFK#19d. December 14,1962.1p. JFK#3a. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Message from Approval of Telegram to Bamako, Mali. President Modibo Keita of Mali regarding 0782 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Efforts to Abolish Racial Segregation in U.S. Bamako. 0768 Telegram (in French). Fr: Modibo Keita. December 14,1962.1p. JFK#3b. C. 5/12/80. To: John F. Kennedy. Signing of U.S. Presidential Determination on October 1,1962.1p. JFK#19e. Mali. 0769 Incoming Telegram #271. Fr: William J. 0783 Incoming Telegram #365. Fr: William J. Handley. To: Dean Rusk. Handley. To: Dean Rusk. October 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#20. C. 5/8/79. December 18,1962.3pp. JFK#4. C. 5/12/80. Discussions between U.S. Ambassador Discussions with Malian Government Handley and President Modibo Keita of Mali. regarding U.S. Support of Mali's Case for $15 Million Quota from International Monetary 0771 Mall•November 1,1962- Fund (IMF) and U.S. Presidential DecemberSl, 1962. Determination on Malian Military Aid 0772 Withdrawal Sheet. 1 p. Program. 0773 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0786 Incoming Telegram #388. Fr: [?] McKeirnan. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. November 24,1962. 2pp. JFK#1. LOU. December 29,1962.4pp. JFK#6. C. 5/12/80. Transmittal of Letter to John F. Kennedy from John F Kennedy's Decision to Resume U.S. President Modibo Keita of Mali on Cuba and Military Assistance Program for Mali. Suggested Reply. 0775 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. 0790 Mall•January 1,1963- To: Modibo Keita. December3l, 1963. NA. 1p.JFK#1a. 0791 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Kennedy's Reply to Letter from President 0792 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Modibo Keita of Mali regarding Cuban Missile To: McGeorge Bundy. Crisis. Januarys, 1963.1p. JFK#1. LOU. 0776 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Presence in Washington, D.C., of William J. McGeorge Bundy. Handley, U.S. Ambassador to Mali. November 24,1962. 2pp. JFK#1 b. LOU. 0793 Incoming Telegram #2903. Fr: Charles E. Transmittal of Letter to John F. Kennedy from Bohlen. To: Dean Rusk. President Modibo Keita of Mali on Cuba and January 22,1963. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 1/3/79. Suggested Reply. Monetary Negotiations between France and Mali.

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0795 Incoming Telegram #524. Fr: William J. Morocco Handley. To: Dean Rusk. 0811 Morocco•October 26,1963. March 9, 1963. 4pp. JFK#3. C. 1/3/79. 0812 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Proposed Long-Range U.S. Military Assistance Program for Mali. Mozambique 0799 Incoming Telegram #537. Fr: William J. 0814 Mozambique•1961 -1963. Handley. To: Dean Rusk. 0815 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. March 15,1962.3pp. JFK#4. C. 1/3/79. 0816 Letter. Fr: Chester Bowles. To: McGeorge Discussions between President Modibo Keita Bundy. of Mali and U.S. Ambassador Handley. May 23,1961.1 p. JFK#1. 0802 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Memorandum by Eduardo Mondlane on To: McGeorge Bundy. Situation in Mozambique. October 2, 1963.1 p. JFK#5. C. 10/20/78. 0817 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Request for Meeting with John F. Kennedy May 1,1961.13pp. JFK#1 a. for Malian Minister of State Jean-Marie Kone. Political Situation and Conditions in 0803 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Benjamin H. Mozambique. Read. 0830 Incoming Telegram #153. Fr: Thomas K. December 9, 1963.1p. JFK#6. Wright. To: Dean Rusk. "For Transmittal." June 12,1963.1p. JFK#2. C. 7/17/76. 0804 Letter. Fr: Lyndon B. Johnson. Impact of Decisions Made at Addis Ababa To: Modibo Keita. Conference. December 7, 1963.1 p. JFK#6a. 0831 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. Transmittal of Letter to President Modibo NA. 1p.JFK#3. Keita of Mali from John F. Kennedy Written "Sam Belk Calls This to Mr. Bundy's Just before His Death. Attention." 0805 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0832 Incoming Telegram #159. Fr: Thomas K. To: McGeorge Bundy. Wright. To: Dean Rusk. December 6, 1963.1p. JFK#6c. June 17, 1963.2pp. JFK#3a. C. 7/17/76. 'The Attached Is Self Explanatory. I Think It Portuguese Tactics in Campaign of Is Useful Personal Touch for President Harrassment of American Missionary Johnson with Fairly Difficult African Leader, Operations in Mozambique. Especially at Time When He Is Having Chou 0834 Outgoing Telegram #131. Fr: Dean Rusk. En-lai as Visitor in Very Near Future." To: U.S. Consulate, Lourenco Marques. 0806 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. June 19,1963.1p. JFK#4. C. 7/14/76. To: McGeorge Bundy. U.S. Evaluation of Report by Harry November 7, 1963.1p. JFK#6d. C. 10/20/78. Greenburg, Director of Methodist-Episcopal Suggested Reply to Letter from President Mission at Chicuque, Mozambique, regarding Modibo Keita of Mali to John F. Kennedy. Portuguese Harrassment of American 0807 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: Missionary Operations. McGeorge Bundy. 0835 Incoming Telegram #17. Fr: Thomas K. October 25,1963.1p. JFK#6f. C. 10/20/78. Wright. To: Dean Rusk. Suggested Reply to Letter from President July 29,1963. 1p. JFK#5. C. 7/14/76. Modibo Keita of Mali to John F. Kennedy. Report That Mozambique Liberation Front 0809 Translation of Letter. Fr: Modibo Keita. Will Launch Terrorist Campaign to Attract To: John F. Kennedy. World Attention and Enlist UN Support in Its September 23,1963.1p. JFK#6h. Struggle against Portuguese Rule. Letter of Introduction for Malian Minister of 0836 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge State Jean-Marie Kone from President Bundy. Modibo Keita. September 24,1963.1p. JFK#6. 0810 Letter (in French). Fr: Modibo Keita. "If You Have Time, This Is Remarkably Well To: John F. Kennedy. Done, Fascinating and Rather Horrible Tour September 23,1963. 1p. JFK#6i. Inside Mozambique by Consul General There."

228 Mali/Morocco/Mozambique/Reel 10 Frame Document Frame Document

0838 Department of State Airgram #A-32. Fr: 0876 Outgoing Telegram #1239. Fr: Dean Rusk. Thomas K. Wright. To: State Department. To: U.S. Embassy, London. September 16,1963. 24pp. JFK#6a. September 7, 1961. 1p. JFK#4. C. 4/17/79. C. 8/31/76. Transmittal of John F. Kennedy's Message to U.S. Assessment of Portuguese Rule in Northern Rhodesian Political Leader Kenneth Mozambique. Kuanda. 0877 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Rhodesia To: McGeorge Bundy. 0863 Rhodesia•September 1,1961 - October 3,1961. 1 p. JFK#5b. October 31,1961. Proposed Letter to Governor Evelyn Hone of 0864 Inventory List. 1 p. Northern Rhodesia. 0865 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0878 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Samuel E. Belk. September 2,1961. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 4/17/79. NA. 1p.JFK#5d. Proposed Telegram to Kenneth Kuanda, "Must We Acknowledge?" Northern Rhodesian Political Leader. 0879 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. 0867 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Consulate, To: Bromley K. Smith. Salisbury. Octobers, 1961. 1p. JFK#5e. August 30, 1961.1p. JFK#1a. C. 4/17/79. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Governor Message from John F. Kennedy to Political Evelyn Hone of Northern Rhodesia Leader Kenneth Kuanda Expressing Regrets over Reports of Violence in Northern 0880 Rhodesia•February 1,1962-July 31, Rhodesia. 1962. 0868 Incoming Telegram #128. Fr: John K. 0881 Inventory List. 1 p. Emmerson. To: Dean Rusk. 0882 Incoming Telegram #591. Fr: John K. August 26,1961.1 p. JFK#1 b. C. 4/17/79. Emmerson. To: Dean Rusk. Recommendation That John F. Kennedy Not February 14, 1962. 1p. JFK#1. C. 6/7/79. Reply Directly to Cable from Northern Nyasaland Political Leader Hastings Kamuzu Rhodesian Political Leader Kenneth Kuanda. Banda Tells British Colonial Secretary 0869 Incoming Telegram #835. Fr: David K. E. Duncan Sandys He Expects U.S. to Make up Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Five Million Pound Nyasaland Deficit. August 25, 1961. 1p. JFK#1c. C. 4/17/79. 0883 Incoming Telegram #3280. Fr: David K. E. U.S. Requests Information from British Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Government on Reports of Violence in March 7,1962. 3pp. JFK#2. S. 6/7/79. Northern Rhodesia. Discussions of Questions regarding Northern 0870 Incoming Telegram #96. Fr: John W. Jones. Rhodesia and Federation of Rhodesia and To: Dean Rusk. Nyasaland with British Commonwealth August 30,1961. 4pp. JFK#1d. C. 4/17/79. Relations Office. Message from John F. Kennedy to Political 0886 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph Leader Kenneth Kuanda Expressing Regrets A. Dungan. over Reports of Violence In Northern March 7,1962. 1p. JFK#3. Rhodesia. Possible U.S. Scholarships for Students from 0874 Outgoing Telegram #115. Fr: Dean Rusk. Northern Rhodesia. To: U.S. Consulate, Salisbury. 0887 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph August 30,1961.1 p. JFK#2. C. 4/17/79. A. Dungan. Message from John F. Kennedy to Political March 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#4. Leader Kenneth Kuanda Expressing Regrets U.S. Aid to Education in Northern Rhodesia. over Reports of Violence in Northern 0889 Outgoing Telegram #716. Fr: Dean Rusk. Rhodesia. To: U.S. Consulate, Salisbury. 0875 Incoming Telegram #165. Fr: John K. March 8, 1962. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 6/7/79. Emmerson. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Supports Constitutional Proposals for September 6,1961.1p. JFK#3. C. 4/17/79. Northern Rhodesia as Offering Best Basis John F. Kennedy's Message Transmitted to Possible for Peaceful Political Development. Northern Rhodesian Political Leader Kenneth Kuanda in London. Mozambique/Rhodesia/Reel 10 229 Frame Document Frame Document

0891 Incoming Telegram #699. Fr: Edward W. 0906 Outgoing Telegram #3202. Fr: Dean Rusk. Mulcahy. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Mission to UN. April 2, 1962. 3pp. JFK#6. C. 6/7/79. June 11, 1962. 1p. JFK#12. C. 6/7/79. Discussions, between Nyasaland Political British Request U.S. Help in Floor Fight Leader Hastings Kamuzu Banda and against Inscription of Item on Southern Representatives of Southern Rhodesia's Rhodesia in UN. European Government. 0907 Incoming Telegram #4007. Fr: Adlai E. 0894 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. June 15, 1962. 4pp. JFK#13. C. 6/7/79. April 24, 1962. 1p.JFK#7. British Ask U.S. to Cast Negative Vote on Proposed Letter from John F. Kennedy to Afro-Asian UN Resolution on Southern Kenneth Kuanda, President of UNIP of Rhodesia. Northern Rhodesia. 0911 Incoming Telegram #230. Fr: U.S. Consulate, 0895 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Kenneth Kuanda. Luanda. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 1 p. JFK#7a. C. 6/6/80. June 27, 1962. 1p. JFK#14. C. 6/7/79. Letter from Kennedy to Kuanda, President of London Daily Telegraph Attacks Activities of UNIP of Northern Rhodesia, regarding His U.S. Consulate General, Salisbury Alleging Trip to U.S. Interference in Internal Affairs of Federation 0896 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. A. Dungan. 0912 Incoming Telegram #246. Fr: David K. E. April 26, 1962.1p.JFK#8. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. Memorandum of Conversation between July 17, 1962. 3pp. JFK#16. C. 6/7/79. Ralph A. Dungan, Special Assistant to G. Mennen Williams's Consultations with President, and Kenneth Kuanda, President of British Officials regarding Federation of UNIP of Northern Rhodesia. Rhodesia and Nyasaland. 0897 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0915 Rhodesia•September 1,1962- April 13, 1962. 3pp. JFK#8a. QUO. NovemberSO, 1962. Discussions with Kenneth Kuanda, President 0916 Inventory List. 1 p. of UNIP of Northern Rhodesia, regarding 0918 Incoming Telegram #1006. Fr: Adlai E. Situation in Central Africa. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0900 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. October 2, 1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 8/9/78 IP. To: Kenneth Kuanda. British Policy regarding Southern Rhodesia. April 30, 1962. 1 p. JFK#9. 0920 Incoming Telegram #1070. Fr: Adlai E. Letter from Kennedy to Kuanda, President of Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. UNIP of Northern Rhodesia, regarding'His October 4, 1962. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 8/9/78 IP. Trip to U.S. Irish Government Expresses Concern to 0901 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Great Britain regarding Dangers of Situation Bundy. Developing in Southern Rhodesia. May 7, 1962. 1 p. JFK#10. 0922 Incoming Telegram #1071. Fr: Adlai E. G. Mennen Williams's Paper on Federation of Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Rhodesia and Nyasaland. October 4,1962. 1p. JFK#5. C. 8/9/78 IP. 0902 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. UN Resolution on Southern Rhodesia To: McGeorge Bundy. Prepared by African Delegates. May 7, 1962. 3pp.JFK#10a. 0923 Incoming Telegram #1141. Fr: Adlai E. Racial-Political Situation in Federation of Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Rhodesia and Nyasaland. October 9,1962. 1p. JFK#8. C. 8/9/78 IP. 0905 Department of State Instruction #W-77. Fr: British Efforts to Get Sir Edgar Whitehead, George W. Ball. To: U.S. Consulate, Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia, to Salisbury. Testify before UN. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Kenneth Kuanda, President of UNIP of Northern Rhodesia, regarding His Trip to U.S.

230 Rhodesia/Reel 10 Frame Document Frame Document

0924 Incoming Telegram #1103. Fr: Adlai E. 0962 Incoming Telegram #2175. Fr: David K. E. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. October 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 8/9/78. December 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 5/29/79. Recommendation That U.S. Abstain on UN Message from Ndabaningi Sithole, National Vote on Afro-Asian Resolution on Southern Chairman of ZAPU, to John F. Kennedy Rhodesia. regarding Possible Independence for 0926 Outgoing Telegram #1949. Fr: George W. Southern Rhodesia Based on White Minority Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, London. Rule. October 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#7. S. 8/9/78. 0964 Outgoing Telegram #1704. Fr: Dean Rusk. Message from Dean Rusk to British Foreign To: U.S. Mission to UN, U.S. Embassy, Minister Alec Douglas-Home regarding London, and U.S. Consulate, Salisbury. Election of Sir Edgar Whitehead as Prime December 18,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 5/29/79. Minister of Southern Rhodesia and UN U.S. Position Paper on UN Aspects on Resolution on Southern Rhodesia. Southern Rhodesian Problem for Meeting 0928 Incoming Telegram #1156. Fr: Adlai E. between John F. Kennedy and British Prime Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Minister Harold Macmillan. October 10,1962. 3pp. JFK#9. C. 8/9/78 IP. 0966 Incoming Telegram #265. Fr: Paul F. Geren. Sponsors of UN Resolution on Southern To: Dean Rusk. Rhodesia Seek U.S. Support. December 20, 1962. 3pp. JFK#4. C. 5/29/79. 0931 Incoming Telegram #1166. Fr: Adlai E. Discussions with Sir Edgar Whitehead Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. regarding His Defeat in Election for Prime October 10,1962. 4pp. JFK#10. C. 8/9/78 IP. Minister of Southern Rhodesia. Text of Draft UN Resolution on Southern Rhodesia. 0969 Rhodesia•January 1,1963- 0935 Outgoing Telegram #917. Fr: Dean Rusk. SeptemberSO, 1963. To: U.S. Mission to UN. 0970 Inventory List. 1p. October 10,1962. 2pp. JFK#11. C. 8/9/78. 0971 Department of State Airgram #A-63. Fr: Dean U.S. Presents Alternative Text of UN Rusk. To: U.S. Consulate General, Salisbury. Resolution on Southern Rhodesia That It January 18,1963. 1p. JFK#1. OUO. Could Support to Afro-Asian UN Group. Reply to Telegram from "Rhodesian Women" 0938 Incoming Telegram #1387. Fr: Adlai E. to Jacqueline Kennedy regarding Behavior of Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. UN Military Command in DRC. October 19,1962. 3pp. JFK#12. C. 8/9/78 IP. 0972 Incoming Telegram #445. Fr: Paul F. Geren. Jonathan Bingham, U.S. Representative on To: Dean Rusk. Economic and Social Council of UN, Meets February 20,1963. 6pp. [Note: Page One with Group of Multiracial African Petitioners to Repeated.] JFK#2. C. 12/1/78. Discuss Southern Rhodesian Situation. U.S. Report on Prospects for Northern and 0941 Incoming Telegram #1389. Fr: Adlai E. Southern Rhodesia and Federation of Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Rhodesia and Nyasaland. October 19,1962. 3pp. JFK#13. C. 8/9/78 IP. 0978 Incoming Telegram #454. Fr: Paul F. Geren. Discussions between U.S. and British UN To: Dean Rusk. Delegations regarding Possibility of February 22, 1963. 1p. JFK#3. C. 12/1/78. Mediation by UN Secretary General in Former Prime Minister Sir Edgar Whitehead's Southern Rhodesian Issue. Views of Situation in Southern Rhodesia. 0979 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: William 0944 Rhodesia•December 1 -31,1962. H. Brubeck. 0945 Inventory List. 1 p. March 27, 1963.1p. JFK#4. C. 1/21/81. 0946 Incoming Telegram #225. Fr: Paul F. Geren. Proposed Visit to U.S. by Sir Roy Welensky, To: Dean Rusk. Prime Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and December 5,1962.16pp. JFK#1. OUO. Nyasaland. Louisiana Senator Allen J. Ellender's Remarks on South African Race Problems at Press Conference in Durban, South Africa.

Rhodesia/Reel 10 231 Frame Document Frame Document

0980 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0997 Note. Fr: Helen Colle. To: Polly A. Yates. To: McGeorge Bundy. NA. 1p.JFK#11. March 27, 1963.1p. JFK#5. C. 12/1/78. "Returned with Thanks." Proposed Visit to U.S. by Sir Roy Welensky, 0998 Note. Fr: Polly A. Yates. To: Helen Colle. Prime Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and May 17, 1963.1p.JFK#11a. Nyasaland. White House Special Assistant Carl Kaysen's 0981 Incoming Telegram #3609. Fr: Francis Dealings with J. Wayne Fredericks, Deputy Plimpton. To: Dean Rusk. Assistant Secretary of State for African April 3, 1963. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 12/1/78. Affairs, on Unidentified Memo. Possible Crisis Threatened by Southern 0999 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Rhodesian Prime Minister Winston J. Field's To: McGeorge Bundy. Direct Bid for Independence. April 27,1963. 2pp. JFK#11b. 0983 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Visit to U.S. by Kenneth Kuanda, President of To: McGeorge Bundy. UNIP of Northern Rhodesia. April 6, 1963.1p. JFK#7. C. 3/1/78. 1001 Note. Fr: Polly A.Yates. To: NA. Situation Report on Developments in May 17, 1963.1p.JFK#11c. Southern Rhodesia. Discussions regarding Appointment for 0984 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Kenneth Kuanda, President of UNIP of NA. 3pp. JFK#7a. C. 12/1/78. Northern Rhodesia. Situation Report on Developments in 1002 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Southern Rhodesia. July 12, 1963.1p. JFK#12. C. 3/1/78. 0987 Incoming Telegram #3683. Fr: Charles W. Struggle for Leadership in ZAPU of Southern Yost. To: Dean Rusk. Rhodesia. April 9, 1963. 2pp. JFK#7b. C. 3/1 /78. 1003 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Former Southern Rhodesian Prime Minister To: McGeorge Bundy. Garfield Todd's Views on How Powers July 15, 1963.1p..JFK#13. C. 3/1/78. Should Be Distributed Following Dissolution Struggle for Leadership in ZAPU of Southern of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Rhodesia. 0989 Incoming Telegram #577. Fr: Paul F. Geren. 1004 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#14. C. 3/1/78. Aprils, 1963.1 p. JFK#7c. Struggle for Leadership in ZAPU of Southern Prime Minister Sir Roy Welensky Lays Blame Rhodesia for Failure of Federation of Rhodesia and 1005 Incoming Telegram #65. Fr: Paul F. Geren. Nyasaland on British Government of Harold To: Dean Rusk. Macmillan. July 18,1963. 2pp. JFK#15. C. 3/1/78. 0990 Incoming Telegram #3683. Fr: Charles W. Discussions with Prime Minister Winston Yost. To: Dean Rusk. Field of Southern Rhodesia regarding April 9, 1963.2pp. JFK#8. C. 3/1/78. Relationship with Great Britain. Former Southern Rhodesian Prime Minister 1007 Incoming Telegram #85. Fr: Paul F. Gerens. Garfield Todd's Views on How Powers To: Dean Rusk. Should Be Distributed Following Dissolution July 24, 1963. 2pp. JFK#16. C. 2/28/78. of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Results of Rift between Ndabaningi Sithole 0992 Memorandum. Fr: Carl Kaysen. and Joshua Nkomo Factions of ZAPU. To: John F. Kennedy. 1009 Outgoing Telegram #73. Fr: Dean Rusk. April 11, 1963. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 1/21/81. To: U.S. Consulate, Salisbury. Information Items on African Problems and July 25,1963.1p. JFK#17. C. 3/1/78. U.S. Policy on DRC. Proposed Visit to U.S. by Nyasaland Political 0994 Incoming Telegram #4273. Fr: Adlai E. Leader Hastings Kamuzu Banda. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 1010 Outgoing Telegram #629. Fr: Dean Rusk. May 24,1963. 3pp. JFK#10. C. 3/1/78. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Trip to UN by Kenneth Kuanda, President of September 4,1963. 3pp. JFK#18. UNIP of Northern Rhodesia, to Explain C. 12/1/78. Political Developments in Central Africa. British Government Asks U.S. to Support Efforts to Block Any UN Security Council Resolutions on Southern Rhodesia.

232 Rhodesia/Reel 10 Frame Document Frame Document

1013 Incoming Telegram #289. Fr: Paul F. Geren. 1028 Letter. Fr: Sir Roy Welensky. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. October 21, 1963.1p. JFK#6a. S. 12/18/78. September 24,1963. 1p. JFK#19. S. 3/1/78. Letter from Welensky, Prime Minister of Possible Meeting between John F. Kennedy Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, to and Sir Roy Welensky, Prime Minister of Rusk regarding Southern Rhodesian Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Independence Negotiations. 1014 Outgoing Telegram #237. Fr: George W. Ball. 1030 Department of State Airgram #A-597. Fr: To: U.S. Consulate, Salisbury. Paul F. Geren. To: State Department. September 26,1963.1p. JFK#20. S. 12/1/78. October 25,1963. 2pp. JFK#7. LOU. Purpose of Visits to U.S. by Nyasaland Speech at Salisbury Rotary Club by Sir Roy Political Leader Hastings Kamuzu Banda and Welensky, Prime Minister of Federation of Sir Roy Welensky, Prime Minister of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Reporting His Visit Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. to U.S. 1015 Note. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge 1032 Incoming Telegram #347. Fr: [?] Rogers. Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. September 27,1963.1p. JFK#20a. S. 3/1/78. October 30,1963. 2pp. JFK#8. C. 3/1/78. 'The Attached Is for White House Clearance Discussions with President Aden Abdullah Prior to Transmission." Osman of Somalia regarding U.S. Military 1016 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Consulate, Assistance to Government of Southern Salisbury. Rhodesia. September 26,1963.1p. JFK#20b. S. 12/1/78. Rwanda-Burundi Purpose of Visits to U.S. by Nyasaland 1034 Rwanda-Burundi•January 1,1962- Political Leader Hastings Kamuzu Banda and April 30,1962. Sir Roy Welensky, Prime Minister of 1036 Inventory List. 1 p. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. 1037 Note. Fr: Polly A. Yates. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#1. 1017 Rhodesia•October 1-31,1963. "Mr. O'Donnell's Office Had Word from Mr. 1018 Submission List. 1 p. Manfull That This Visit Has Been Postponed." 1019 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 1038 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge Bundy. McGeorge Bundy. October 4,1963. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 12/18/78. February 2,1962.2pp. JFK#1a. Recommendation That John F. Kennedy Call on John F. Kennedy by Mwami (King) Receive Sir Roy Welensky, Prime Minister of Mwambutsa IV of Burundi. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. 1040 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. 1022 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. NA. 2pp.JFK#1b. To: John F. Kennedy. Background Report on Rwanda-Urundi. October 7, 1963. 3pp. JFK#2. C. 11 /3/80 IP. 1042 Outgoing Telegram #1083. Fr: Dean Rusk. Kennedy's Meeting with Sir Roy Welensky, To: U.S. Consulate, Geneva. Prime Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and February 2, 1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 3/13/79. Nyasaland. Arrangements for Visit to U.S. by Mwami 1025 "10/8/63 MemCon." 1 p. JFK#3. (King) Mwambutsa IV of Burundi. 1026 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Benjamin H. 1043 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Read. To: McGeorge Bundy. October 10, 1963.1p. JFK#5. March 5, 1962.1p. JFK#3. "For Your Information and Files." John F. Kennedy's Reply to Telegram Sent by 1027 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. President Grégoire Kayibanda of Rw;anda. To: McGeorge Bundy. 1044 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Consulate, October 28, 1963.1p. JFK#6. S. 3/1/78. Usumbura. Letter to Dean Rusk from Sir Roy Welensky, March 2, 1962. 2pp. JFK#3a. OUO. Prime Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and Message from President Grégoire Kayibanda Nyasaland, regarding Southern Rhodesia of Rwanda Declining Invitation to Visit U.S. and Independence Negotiations. 1046 Telegram (in French). Fr: Grégoire Kayibanda. To: John F. Kennedy. February 9, 1962.1p. JFK#3b.

Rhodesia/Rwanda-Burundi/Reel 10 233 Frame Document Frame Document

1047 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Grégoire 1063 Outgoing Telegram #434. Fr: George W. Ball. Kayibanda. To: John F. Kennedy. To: U.S. Consulate, Usumbura. February 9, 1962.1p. JFK#3c. January 23,1962.1p. JFK#3I. OUO. Message from President Grégoire Kayibanda U.S. Expresses Regrets That President of Rwanda Declining Invitation to Visit U.S. Grégoire Kayibanda of Rwanda Unable to 1048 Incoming Telegram #3251. Fr: David K. E. Visit U.S. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. 1064 Outgoing Telegram #584. Fr: George W. Ball. March 5, 1962. 2pp. JFK#3d. S. 3/13/79. To: U.S. Consulate, Usumbura. Discussions with British Government March 2,1962. 2pp. JFK#4. OUO. regarding Prospects for Peace in Kenya and President Grégoire Kayibanda of Rwanda Possible Visit to U.S. by Kenyan President Declines Invitation to Visit U.S. Jomo Kenyatta. 1066 Outgoing Telegram #2846. Fr: George W. 1050 Outgoing Telegram #4604. Fr: Dean Rusk. Ball. To: U.S. Mission to UN and U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, London. Embassy, Brussels. February 28,1962.1p. JFK#3e. S. 3/13/79. April 30,1962.3pp. JFK#5. C. 3/13/79. Handling of Kenyan Political Leader Jomo U.S. Alternatives in Approaching Rwanda- Kenyatta's Request for Invitation to Visit U.S. Urundi Problem. 1051 Incoming Telegram #686. Fr: Richard Freund. To: Dean Rusk. March 6, 1962. 2pp. JFK#3f. S. 3/13/79. Reel 11 Disagreement between U.S. and Great Britain as to Jomo Kenyatta's Importance in Rwanda-Burundi cont. Kenya. Source and Editorial Note. 1p. 1053 Outgoing Telegram #4755. Fr: Dean Rusk. Folder Title List. 9pp. To: U.S. Embassy, London. March 7, 1962. 2pp. JFK#3g. S. 3/13/79. 000i Rwanda-Burundi•May 1-31,1962. Handling of Kenyan Political Leader Jomo 0003 Inventory List. 1 p. Kenyatta's Request for Invitation to Visit U.S. 0004 Routing Slip. 1p.JFK#1. 1055 Incoming Telegram #691. Fr: Richard Freund, QQQS Incoming Telegram #3622. Fr: Adlai E. To: Dean Rusk. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. March 6, 1962. 3pp. JFK#3h. S. 3/13/79 IP. May 1, 1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 2/8/80 IP. Kenyan Political Leader Jomo Kenyatta's Governments of Ruanda (Rwanda) and Desire to Visit U.S. Burundi Desire No Foreign Troops after 1058 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Independence and Request Belgian To: McGeorge Bundy. Withdrawal. March 13, 1962.1 p. JFK#3i. 0006 Incoming Telegram #3644. Fr: Adlai E. Invitation to President Grégoire Kayibanda of Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Rwanda to Visit U.S. May 3,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. S. 2/11/80 IP. 1059 Draft Telegram #177. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Report Submitted to UN Commission by Consulate, Usumbura. Military Expert Indicates That Rwanda- October 12, 1961 [Date Earlier Than That on Burundi Military Forces Would Be Ineffective Folder]. 1p. JFK#3j. C. 3/13/79. without Belgian Officers and Technicians. Proposed Visit to U.S. by Mwami (King) QOOS Incoming Telegram #706. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. Mwambutsa IV of Burundi. To: Dean Rusk. 1060 Outgoing Telegram #311. Fr: Dean Rusk. May 3, 1962. 5pp. JFK#4. S. 2/12/80 IP. To: U.S. Consulates, Usumbura and Geneva U.S. View That Retention of Belgian Troops and U.S. Embassy, Brussels. in Rwanda-Burundi under UN Umbrella Most November 30, 1961 [Date Earlier Than That Desirable. on Folder]. 2pp. JFK#3k. OUO. 0013 Incoming Telegram #702. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. Arrangements for Visit to U.S. by Mwami To: Dean Rusk. (King) Mwambutsa IV of Burundi. May 3,1962. 3pp. JFK#5. C. 2/12/80 IP. Activities of UN Commission in Rwanda- Burundi.

234 Rwanda-Burundi/Reel 10/Reel 11 Frame Document Frame Document

0016 Incoming Telegram #708. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. 0048 Incoming Telegram #2339. Fr: [?] Catlett. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. May 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 2/12/80. June 5,1962. 5pp. JFK#3. C. 2/28/79. Discussions regarding Situation in DRC. Discussions with Belgian Foreign Minister 0018 Incoming Telegram #3675. Fr: Adlai E. Paul-Henri Spaak regarding Rwanda-Burundi Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. and Withdrawal of Belgian Troops. May 8,1962. 9pp. JFK#7. S. 2/12/80 IP. 0053 Handwritten Note. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. Military Report on Rwanda-Burundi To: NA. Presented to UN Commission. NA. 1p.JFK#4. 0027 Incoming Telegram #714. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. 'Tell Jones to Hold on This." To: Dean Rusk. 0054 Memorandum. Fr: Roger W. Jones. To: May 7,1962. 2pp. JFK#8. S. 2/12/80. Ralph A. Dungan. U.S. Efforts to Secure Reintegration of June 5,1962.1p. JFK#4a. C. 2/28/79. Katanga with DRC. Proposed Appointment of George McMurtrie 0029 Incoming Telegram #829. Fr: Richard Freund. Godley as Ambassador to Burundi. To: Dean Rusk. 0055 Incoming Telegram #4026. Fr: Adlai E. May 8,1962. 9pp. JFK#9. LOU. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Discussions with Burundi Premier Andre June 15,1962. 3pp. JFK#5. C. 2/28/79. Muhirwa regarding Withdrawal of Belgian Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak Troops and Economic Requirements. Meets with Western UN Delegations to 0038 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. Discuss Soviet Attempt to Force Withdrawal NA. 1p.JFK#11. of Belgian Troops from Rwanda-Burundi. "Checked Dungan's Office Again on 6/7•Per 0058 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Jerry Mr. Dungan Had Asked Mr. Crock in Ralph A. Dungan. State for His Views on Recommendation• June 22,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 2/28/79. They Are Awaiting This." Plans of Other Countries to Establish 0038 Note. Fr: EMP[?]. To: Bromley K. Smith. Diplomatic Missions at Kigali, Rwanda, and NA. 1p.JFK#11a. Usumbura, Burundi. "What Aspect of This Did You Want to Check 0060 Outgoing Telegram #949. Fr: George W. Ball. on?" To: U.S. Consulate, Usumbura. 0039 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: John A June 25,1962. 2pp. JFK#7. LOU. F. Kennedy. Proposed U.S. Statement for Rwandan May 17, 1962. 2pp. JFK#11b. C. 2/12/80. Independence Day Ceremonies. Establishment of U.S. Embassies at 0062 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Usumbura, Burundi, and Kigali, Rwanda. To: Ralph A. Dungan. June 26,1962. 1p.JFK#7a. 0041 Rwanda-Burundi•June 1-30,1962. Suggested Independence Day Statement by 0043 Inventory List. 1 p. Philip M. Kaiser, U.S. Ambassador to 0044 Incoming Telegram #3892. Fr: Adlai E. Senegal and Mauritania, at Kigali, Rwanda, Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. on July 1,1962. June 2,1962. 1 p. JFK#1. C. 2/28/79. 0063 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Belgian Opinion of Recommendations and To: Ralph A. Dungan. Conclusions of UN Commission regarding June 26,1962. 1p. JFK#7b. LOU. Withdrawal of Belgian Troops from Rwanda Suggested Independence Day Statement by and Burundi. Philip M. Kaiser, U.S. Ambassador to 0045 Incoming Telegram #3906. Fr: Francis Senegal and Mauritania, at Kigali, Rwanda, Plimpton. To: Dean Rusk. on July 1,1962. June5,1962. 3pp. JFK#2. C. 2/28/79. 0064 Draft Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. Discussions between U.S. Ambassador to NA. 2pp. JFK#7c. LOU. UN Adlai E. Stevenson and UN Secretary Suggested Statement by Philip M. Kaiser, General U Thant regarding U.S. Ideas on U.S. Ambassador to Senegal and Mauritania, Peace and Security in Rwanda-Burundi after at Rwandan Independence Day Ceremonies. Independence.

Rwanda-Burundi/Reel 11 235 Frame Document Frame Document

0079 Incoming Telegram #4153. Fr: Adlai E. 0067 Outgoing Telegram #950. Fr: George W. Ball. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Consulate, Usumbura. June 29, 1962.4pp. JFK#12. C. 2/28/79. June 25, 1962. 3pp. JFK#8. LOU. Review of Developments Leading to Congratulatory Messages from John F. Adoption of Resolution on Rwanda-Burundi Kennedy to Chiefs of State of Rwanda and by UN General Assembly. Burundi on Their Independence. 0070 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0083 Rwanda-Burundi•July 1-15,1962. To: Ralph A. Dungan. 0085 Inventory List. 1 p. June 26, 1962. 1p. JFK#9. 0086 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Suggested Independence Day Statement by NA. 1p.JFK#1. Philip M. Kaiser, U.S. Ambassador to UN General Assembly Declares Senegal and Mauritania, at Kigali, Rwanda, Independence of Rwanda and Burundi. on July 1, 1962. 0087 Incoming Telegram #4. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. 0071 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Dean Rusk. To: Ralph A. Dungan. July 1,1962. 1p. JFK#2. C. 2/1/79. June 26, 1962. 1p. JFK#9a. LOU. Philip M. Kaiser, U.S. Ambassador to Suggested Independence Day Statement by Senegal and Mauritania, Presents Views on Philip M. Kaiser, U.S. Ambassador to Rwandan Independence Celebrations. Senegal and Mauritania, at Kigali, Rwanda, 0088 Incoming Telegram #1. Fr: David Manbey. on July 1,1962. To: Dean Rusk. 0072 Draft Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. July 3, 1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 2/1/79. NA. 2pp. JFK#9b. LOU. Attendance of Philip M. Kaiser, U.S. Suggested Statement by Philip M. Kaiser, Ambassador to Senegal and Mauritania, at U.S. Ambassador to Senegal and Mauritania, Rwandan Independence Celebrations at Rwandan Independence Day Ceremonies. Creates Favorable Impression on President 0074 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Grégoire Kayibanda. To: Ralph A. Dungan. 0091 Outgoing Telegram #5. Fr: Dean Rusk. June 26,1962. 1p.JFK#10a. To: U.S. Embassy, Usumbura. Letters from John F. Kennedy on Occasion of July3,1962. 1 p. JFK#4. LOU. Rwanda and Burundi Independence, July 1, U.S. Concern over Press Reports That 1962. Mwami (King) Mwambutsa IV of Burundi 0075 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Planning Visit to U.S. Ralph A. Dungan. 0092 Department of State Airgram #A-19. Fr: June 26, 1962. 1p.JFK#10b. Randolph A. Kidder. To: State Department. Letters from John F. Kennedy on Occasion of July 3,1962. 3pp. JFK#5. C. 2/1/79. Rwanda and Burundi Independence, July 1, French Thoughts on Rwanda-Burundi 1962. Independence. 0076 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Grégoire Kayibanda. 0095 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. NA. 1p.JFK#10c. LOU. To: Pierre Salinger. Congratulatory Message from John F. July3,1962. 1 p. JFK#6. Kennedy to President Kayibanda on Press Reports That Mwami (King) Occasion of Rwandan Independence. Mwambutsa IV of Burundi Planning Visit to 0077 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Mwami (King) U.S. Mwambutsa IV. 0096 Incoming Telegram #8. Fr: David Manbey. NA. 1p.JFK#10d. LOU. To: Dean Rusk. Congratulatory Message from John F. July 7,1962. 1p. JFK#7. S. 2/1/79. Kennedy to Mwami (King) Mwanbutsa IV on Report from Belgian Head of Rwandan Occasion of Burundi's Independence. Surete (Security) That Incursion of Tutsi 0078 Outgoing Telegram #960. Fr: George W. Ball. Tribesmen from DRC or Uganda Routed by To: U.S. Consulate General, Usumbura. Rwandan Military Forces. June 28, 1962. 1p. JFK#11. LOU. U.S. Announces Preparations for Discussions with Rwanda and Burundi regarding Financial Training Grants.

236 Rwanda-Burundi/Reel 11 Frame Document Frame Document

0097 Incoming Telegram #22. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. 0120 Incoming Telegram #14. Fr: David Manbey. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. July 9, 1962. 2pp. JFK#8. LOU. July 10, 1962. 3pp. JFK#9. C. 2/1/79 IP. Burundi's Minister of Education Discusses Impressions of Kigali, Rwanda. Plan to Implement U.S. Offer of Financial 0123 Incoming Telegram #20. Fr: David Manbey. Training Grants. To: Dean Rusk. 0099 Outgoing Telegram #33. Fr: Dean Rusk. July 14, 1962. 5pp. JFK#17. C. 2/1/79. To: U.S. Embassies, Usumbura, Kigali, and Preliminary Assessment of Scope of Future Brussels. U.S. Role in Politico-Economic Future of July 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 2/1/79. Rwanda. Role of UN Technical Assistance in Negotiations between Rwanda-Burundi and 0128 Rwanda-Burundi•July 16-31,1962. Belgium regarding Military and Economic 0129 Inventory List. 2pp. Assistance. 0132 Incoming Telegram #25. Fr: David Manbey. 0101 Outgoing Telegram #79. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. To: U:S. Embassy, Brussels and U.S. Mission July 16, 1962. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 3/16/79 IP. to UN. Status of Retention of Belgian Troops in July 11,1962. 2pp. JFK#11. C. 2/1/79. Rwanda after August 1,1962, Unclarified. Rwanda and Burundi UN Membership. 0134 Incoming Telegram #210. Fr: David K. E. 0103 Incoming Telegram #29. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. July 16,1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 3/16/79. July 12, 1962.1p. JFK#12. LOU. G. Mennen Williams Criticizes Report of Discussions with Burundi's Chief of Protocol Conditions at Kigali, Rwanda, Presented by regarding Plans for Mwami (King) David Manbey, Chargé d'Affaires Ad Interim. Mwambutsa IV's Visit to U.S. 0135 Incoming Telegram #29. Fr: David Manbey. 0104 Incoming Telegram #120. Fr: Charles W. To: Dean Rusk. Yost. To: Dean Rusk. July 19, 1962.2pp. JFK#3. LOU. July 12,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. C. 2/1/79. Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda's Consultations with UN Security Council Reception of U.S. Offer of Financial Training Members regarding Rwanda and Burundi's Grants. Applications for Admission to UN. 0137 Incoming Telegram #136. Fr: Douglas 0106 Incoming Telegram #26. Fr: [?] Van Oss. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. July 20, 1962.1p. JFK#4. C. 3/16/79. July 13, 1962.1p. JFK#4. C. 2/1/77. Belgian Difficulties with President Grégoire Uganda's Relations with Rwanda. Kayibanda Concerning Agreement to Retain 0108 Department of State Airgram #A-3. Fr: Belgian Military Forces in Rwanda. Herbert V. Olds. To: State Department. 0138 Incoming Telegram #37. Fr: David Manbey. July 13,1962. 3pp. JFK#5. OUO. To: Dean Rusk. Peace and Harmony in Burundi since July 21, 1962.1p. JFK#5. C. 3/16/79. Independence on July 1,1962. Proposed Visit to U.S. by Rwandan President 0111 Text of Speech (in French). Fr: Colonel [?] Grégoire Kayibanda. Henniquiau. To: NA. 0139 Incoming Telegram #48. Fr: David Manbey. July 1, 1962.3pp.JFK#15a. To: Dean Rusk. 0114 Text of Speech (in French). Fr: Mwami (King) July 27, 1962. 2pp. JFK#6. C. 3/16/79. Mwambutsa IV. To: NA. U.S. Considers Possibility of Reviving Use of July 1,1962.1 p. JFK#15b. Kamembe Airfield out of Question at This 0115 Text of Speech (in French). Fr: Andre Stage of Belgian-Rwandan Negotiations. Muhirwa. To: NA. 0141 Incoming Telegram #168. Fr: David H. July 1,1962. 3pp. JFK#15c. McKillop. To: Dean Rusk. 0118 Incoming Telegram #97. Fr: Douglas July 27, 1962. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 3/16/79 IP. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Offers to Assist Belgian Foreign Office in July 14,1962. 2pp. JFK#16. C. 2/1/79 IP. Ascertaining President Grégoire Kayibanda's Discussions with Rwandan President Intentions regarding Retention of Belgian Grégoire Kayibanda regarding Withdrawal of Troops in Rwanda. Belgian Military Forces. Rwanda-Burundi/Reel 11 237 Frame Document Frame Document

0143 Outgoing Telegram #30. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0157 Incoming Telegram #59. Fr: David Manbey. To: U.S. Embassy, Kigali. To: Dean Rusk. July 27, 1962. 1p. JFK#8. C. 3/16/79. August 3, 1962. 1p. JFK#2. C. 3/13/79. U.S. Discussions with President Grégoire Belgium Announces Withdrawal of All Troops Kayibanda of Rwanda regarding Negotiations from Rwanda by August 31, 1962. with Belgium on Troop Withdrawal. 0158 Incoming Telegram #62. Fr: David Manbey. 0144 Incoming Telegram #50. Fr: David Manbey. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. August 3,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 3/13/79. July 29, 1962. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 3/16/79. Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda's U.S. Embassy, Kigali Unable to Contact Views on Belgian Troop Retention. Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda 0160 Incoming Telegram #214. Fr: [?] Martin. regarding Belgian Troop Issue. To: Dean Rusk. 0146 Incoming Telegram #52. Fr: David Manbey. August 3, 1962. 3pp. JFK#4. C. 3/13/79. To: Dean Rusk. Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak July 30,1962. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 3/16/79. Recommends Withdrawal of All Belgian U.S. Discussions with President Grégoire Troops from Rwanda. Kayibanda regarding Rwandan View of 0163 Outgoing Telegram #216. Fr: Dean Rusk. Belgian Troop Issue. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. 0148 Incoming Telegram #180. Fr: David H. August 4,1962. 1p. JFK#5. C. 3/13/79. McKillop. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Requests Belgian Assessment of Effect July 30, 1962. 1 p. JFK#11. C. 3/16/79. of Withdrawal of Belgian Military Technicians Possible Belgian Economic Assistance to on Rwanda's Capability to Meet Military Rwanda and Burundi. Emergencies. 0149 Incoming Telegram #181. Fr: David H. 0164 Incoming Telegram #63. Fr: David Manbey. McKillop. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. July 30, 1962. 1p. JFK#12. C. 3/16/79. August 6,1962.1p. JFK#6. C. 3/13/79. Negotiations between Belgium and President Number of Belgian Technicians in Rwanda. Grégoire Kayibanda of Rwanda regarding 0165 Outgoing Telegram #223. Fr: Dean Rusk. Belgian Troop Withdrawal. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. 0150 Incoming Telegram #57. Fr: David Manbey. August 6,1962. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 3/13/79. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Expresses Concern to Belgium That July 31, 1962. 1 p. JFK#13. C. 3/16/79 IP. Withdrawal of Military Technicians in Addition Belgium Announces Willingness to Consider to Combat Troops Would Seriously Weaken Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda's Rwandan Military Forces. Proposal for Retention of Belgian Technical 0167 Outgoing Telegram #108. Fr: Dean Rusk. Military Troops. To: U.S. Embassy, Usumbura. 0151 Department of State Policy Directive. August 6,1962.1p. JFK#8. LOU. Fr: State Department. To: Various State Possible World Bank Assistance to Burundi Department Bureaus, U.S. Embassies, for Improvement of Roads. Government Departments and Agencies, and 0168 Incoming Telegram #65. Fr: David Manbey. White House. To: Dean Rusk. July 31, 1962. 1p.JFK#14. August 9,1962.1p. JFK#9. C. 3/13/79. U.S. State Department Rescinds Policy Belgian Troop Withdrawal Status in Burundi. Directives on Rwanda and Burundi. 0169 Incoming Telegram #424. Fr: Adlai E. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0152 Rwanda-Burundi•August 1-19,1962. August 10,1962.1p. JFK#10. C. 3/13/79. 0154 Inventory List. 1 p. Taiwanese Government Receives Invitation 0155 Outgoing Telegram #200. Fr: Dean Rusk. from Uganda to Attend Independence To: U.S. Embassies, Brussels and Kigali. Celebration. August 1,1962. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 3/13/79. 0170 Outgoing Telegram #146. Fr: Dean Rusk. U.S. State Department Concern over To: U.S. Embassy, Dakar. Stalemate on Belgian Troop Issue in August 10,1962.1p. JFK#11. OUO. Rwanda. Arrangements for Rwandan Foreign Minister Callixte Habimenshi's Visit to U.S.

238 Rwanda-Burundi/Reel 11 Frame Document Frame Document

0171 Incoming Telegram #67. Fr: David Manbey. 0192 Incoming Telegram #83. Fr: David Manbey. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. August 11, 1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 3/13/79. August 21,1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 1/4/79. U.S. Informed by Reliable Sources That No Foreign Representation in Famine Conditions Exist in Rwanda. Rwanda. 0173 Incoming Telegram #262. Fr: David H. 0193 Incoming Telegram #92. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. McKillop. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. August 14,1962.1p.JFK#13. August 21, 1962.1p. JFK#3. C. 1/4/79. Belgian Foreign Office Informs U.S. That Foreign Diplomatic Corps Representation in Agreements Made between U.S. and Burundi. Belgium and Now Applicable to Rwanda- 0194 Incoming Telegram #96. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. Burundi Continue in Force. To: Dean Rusk. 0174 Incoming Telegram #74. Fr: David Manbey. August 22, 1962. 1p. JFK#4. C. 1/4/79. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Inquiry regarding Burundi's Position on August 15, 1962. 1p. JFK#14. C. 3/13/79. Recognition of People's Republic of China. Belgians Reluctant to Continue Economic 0195 Press Release. Fr: Office of White House Assistance to Rwanda. Press Secretary. To: NA. 0175 Incoming Telegram #79. Fr: David Manbey. August 22, 1962.1p. JFK#5. To: Dean Rusk. Message of Good Wishes for John F. August 16, 1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 3/13/79. Kennedy and People of U.S. from President Belgian Aircraft at Kamembe Airfield in Grégoire Kayibanda of Rwanda. Rwanda Destined for Sale to DRC Central 0196 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Government. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0176 * Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. August 22, 1962.1 p. JFK#5a. To: McGeorge Bundy. Publication of Letter from Rwandan President August 18, 1962. 1 p. JFK#16. QUO. Grégoire Kayibanda to John F. Kennedy. Meeting between John F. Kennedy and 0197 Translation of Letter. Fr: Grégoire Kayibanda. Rwandan Foreign Minister Callixte To: John F. Kennedy. Habimenshi. NA. 2pp. JFK#5b. 0177 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Message of Good Wishes for Kennedy and NA. 3pp.JFK#16a. People of U.S. Talking Points for Visit of Rwandan Foreign 0199 Letter (in French). Fr: Grégoire Kayibanda. Minister Callixte Habimenshi to U.S. To: John F. Kennedy. 0180 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 2pp. JFK#5c. NA. 1p.JFK#16b. 0201 Incoming Telegram #101. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. Biographical Sketch of Rwandan Foreign To: Dean Rusk. Minister Callixte Habimenshi. August 24, 1962.1p. JFK#6. C. 1/4/79. 0182 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Government of Burundi Pressures U.S. to NA. 5pp.JFK#16c. Appoint Resident Ambassador. Background Report on Republic of Rwanda. 0202 Outgoing Telegram #57. Fr: George W. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Kigali. 0188 Rwanda-Burundi•August 20-31, August 23, 1962. 3pp. JFK#7. C. 1/4/79. 1962. Rwandan Foreign Minister Callixte 0190 Inventory List. 1 p. Habimenshi's Visit to U.S. 0191 Incoming Telegram #39. Fr: Charles F. 0205 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Darlington. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. August 20, 1962. 1p.JFK#1. LOU. August 23, 1962.1p. JFK#7b. C. 10/25/78. Schedule for Attendance at Burundi 'The Attached Draft Cable to Kigali Is Independence Celebrations by Charles F. Fonwarded for White House Clearance Prior Darlington, U.S. Ambassador to Gabon and to Transmission." John F. Kennedy's Personal Representative. 0206 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Kigali. August 23, 1962. 3pp. JFK#7c. C. 1/4/79. Rwandan Foreign Minister Callixte Habimenshi's Visit to U.S.

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0209 Incoming Telegram #103. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. 0223 Incoming Telegram #109. Fr: David Manbey. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. August 24, 1962.1p. JFK#8. C. 1/4/79. September 1, 1962.1p. JFK#1. C. 1/4/79. Burundi Government Decides Not to Accept U.S. Embassy, Kigali Requests Clarification Diplomatic Representation from Either of State Department Position on Residence People's Republic of China or Taiwan. of Rwandan Ambassador in Washington, 0210 Incoming Telegram #333. Fr: Douglas D.C. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 0224 Incoming Telegram #119. Fr: David Manbey. August 27,1962.1p. JFK#9. C. 1/4/79. To: Dean Rusk. Rwandan Foreign Minister Callixte September 5,1962.1p. JFK#2. C. 1/4/79. Habimenshi's Visit to Belgium. U.S. Informs Rwandan Foreign Minister 0211 Incoming Telegram #342. Fr: Douglas Callixte Habimenshi That Rwandan MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Ambassador to U.S. Must Reside in August 28, 1962. 1p. JFK#10. C. 1/4/79. Washington, D.C. Mwami (King) Mwambutsa IV of Burundi 0225 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. Postpones Trip to Belgium due to Crisis NA. 1p.JFK#3. Arising from Quarrel between Burundi "Approved by Mr. Dungan." Government and Chief of Unity and National 0226 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Andre Muhirwa. Progress (UPRONA) Party. September 6,1962.1p. JFK#3a. 0212 Incoming Telegram #344. Fr: Douglas John F. Kennedy Declines Invitation to Attend MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Independence Celebrations in Burundi. August 29, 1962.1 p. JFK#11. C. 1/4/79. 0227 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Belgian Foreign Office Announces That All To: McGeorge Bundy. Military Telex Equipment at Kigali Legally September 4, 1962.1p. JFK#3b. OUO. Turned over to Government of Rwanda. Invitation to John F. Kennedy to Attend 0213 Incoming Telegram #347. Fr: Douglas Independence Celebrations in Burundi from MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Prime Minister Andre Muhirwa. August 29, 1962. 2pp. JFK#12. C. 1/4/79. 0228 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Andre U.S. Expresses Hope That Belgium Will Muhirwa. Provide Economic and Technical Assistance NA. 1p.JFK#3c.OUO. to Rwanda and Burundi. Kennedy Declines Invitation to Attend 0215 Incoming Telegram #98. Fr: David Manbey. Independence Celebrations in Burundi. To: Dean Rusk. 0229 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. August 29,1962. 2pp. JFK#13. C. 1/479. To: Dean Rusk. Belgian Embassy at Kigali Informs U.S. That August 24,1962.1p. JFK#3d. Relations with Rwandan Government at Low Translation of Letter from Prime Minister Ebb. Andre Muhirwa of Burundi to John F. 0217 Incoming Telegram #107. Fr: David Manbey. Kennedy. To: Dean Rusk. 0230 Letter. Fr: Andre Muhirwa. To: John F. August 31,1962. 2pp. JFK#14. LOU. Kennedy. President Grégoire Kayibanda and Other August 8, 1962.1p. JFK#3e. Rwandan Government Officials Plan to Government of Burundi Extends Invitation to Attend UAM Conference in Libreville, Gabon, Kennedy to Attend Independence and UN General Assembly in New York. Celebrations in Usumbura. 0218 Outgoing Telegram #62. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0231 Outgoing Telegram #154. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Kigali. To: U.S. Embassy, Usumbura. August 31,1962.1p. JFK#15. C. 1/4/79. September 6,1962.1p. JFK#4. LOU. Rwandan Government Representation in Arrangements for Burundi Mwami (King) U.S. Mwambutsa IV's Visit to U.S. 0232 Outgoing Telegram #67. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0219 Rwanda-Burundi•September 1-18, To: U.S. Embassy, Kigali. 1962. September 6, 1962.1p. JFK#5. C. 1/4/79. 0221 Inventory List. 2pp. Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda Informed That U.S. Unable to Arrange Official Visit to Washington, D.C, at This Time.

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0233 Note. Fr: William H. BrubeckTo: Dean Rusk. 0243 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. September 7,1962.1p. JFK#5a. To: Bromley K. Smith. C. 10/25/78. September 18,1962. 1p. JFK#12. "May We Have White House Clearance on C. 10/25/78. Enclosed Draft Cable to Kigali?" John F. Kennedy's Meeting with Rwandan 0234 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, President Grégoire Kayibanda on September Kigali. 19,1962. September 6, 1962.1p. JFK#5b. C. 1/4/79. 0245 Scope Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda NA. 2pp. JFK#12a. C. 1/4/79. Informed That U.S. Unable to Arrange Official Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda's Visit to Washington, D.C., at This Time. Visit to U.S., September 19-21, 1962. 0235 Incoming Telegram #122. Fr: David Manbey. 0247 Talking Paper. Fr: NA. To: NA. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 4pp. JFK#12b. C. 1/4/79. September 8,1962.1p. JFK#6. C. 1/4/79. Issues for Discussion during Rwandan Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda's President Grégoire Kayibanda's Visit to U.S. Proposed Visit to U.S. 0251 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0236 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 6/19/79 IP. To: McGeorge Bundy. Biographical Sketch of Rwandan President September 12,1962.2pp. JFK#7. Grégoire Kayibanda. Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda's 0253 Incoming Telegram #468. Fr: Douglas Desire to Meet with John F. Kennedy. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 0238 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. September 17,1962. 1p. JFK#13. C. 1/4/79. NA. 1p.JFK#7a. Belgian Foreign Office Expresses Suggested Guest List for White House Appreciation for U.S. Demarche to Burundi Luncheon for Rwandan President Grégoire Government on Question of Reopening Trial Kayibanda. in Murder of Prince Louis Rwagasore. 0239 Incoming Telegram #149. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. 0254 Incoming Telegram #476. Fr: Douglas To: Dean Rusk. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. September 11, 1962. 1p. JFK#8. September 18,1962. 1p. JFK#14. C. 1/4/79. John F. Kennedy's Message to Government Belgian Technical Assistance to Burundi of Burundi on Occasion of Their Uncertain due to Burundi's Internal Problems. Independence Celebration. 0240 Outgoing Telegram #172. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0255 Rwanda-Burundi•September 19, To: U.S. Embassy, Usumbura. .1962. September 13,1962.1p. JFK#9. C. 1/4/79. 0257 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. U.S. Inquiry to Mwami (King) Mwambutsa IV To: McGeorge Bundy. of Burundi regarding Desire to Have Only September 19,1962.1p. JFK#1. OUO. Minister Accredited to U.S. Rather Than Additional Papers for John F. Kennedy's Ambassador. Meeting with Rwandan President Grégoire 0241 Incoming Telegram #445. Fr: Douglas Kayibanda. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. 0258 White House Press Release. Fr: G. B. September 13,1962.1p. JFK#10. C. 1/4/79. Sherry. To: NA. Belgian Concern regarding Burundi's NA.2pp.JFK#1a.OUO. Decision to Reopen Case against Those Joint Communiqué Issued by John F. Implicated in Assassination of Prince Louis Kennedy and Rwandan President Grégoire Rwagasore. Kayibanda regarding Future of U.S.- 0242 Incoming Telegram #163. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. Rwandan Relations. To: Dean Rusk. 0260 Photograph. Fr: NA. To: NA. September 14,1962.1p. JFK#11. C. 1/4/79. NA. 1p.JFK#1c.OUO. Discussions with Prime Minister Andre Photograph of Rwandan Minister of Muhirwa regarding Level of Diplomatic Information Callixte Habimenshi. Representation in U.S. 0262 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1 p. JFK#1 d. S. 6/19/79 IP. Biographical Sketch of Rwandan Minister of Agriculture Balthazar Bicamumpaka.

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0263 Photograph. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0281 Distribution List. 1p. JFK#2d. NA. 1p.JFK#1e.OUO. 0282 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Photograph of Rwandan Minister of To: McGeorge Bundy. Agriculture Balthazar Bicamumpaka. September 19,1962. 1p. JFK#3. 0264 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Additional Materials for Rwandan President NA. 1p.JFK#1f. S. 6/19/79 IP. Grégoire Kayibanda's Visit to U.S. Biographical Sketch of Rwandan Minister of 0283 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Finance Gaspard Cyimana. NA. 1p.JFK#3a. 0265 Photograph. Fr: NA. To: NA. Rwandan Coffee Production. NA. 1p.JFK#1g.OUO. 0284 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Photograph of Rwandan Minister of Finance NA. 1p.JFK#3b. Gaspard Cyimana. U.S. Economic Assistance to Rwanda. 0266 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0285 Press Release. Fr: Office of White House NA. 1 p. JFK#1h.S. 6/19/79. Press Secretary. To: NA. Biographical Sketch of [?] Ndwaniye, September 19,1962. 1p. JFK#4. Secretary General of Rwandan Ministry of Text of Joint Communiqué Issued by John F. Social Affairs and Administration. Kennedy and Rwandan President Grégoire 0267 Program. Fr: Office of Chief of Protocol. Kayibanda regarding Future of U.S.- To: NA. Rwandan Relations. NA.2pp.JFK#1i. Program for Rwandan President Grégoire 0286 Rwanda-Burundi•September 20, Kayibanda's Visit to Washington, D.C., 1962-October31,1962. September 19-20, 1962. 0288 Incoming Telegram. #492. Fr: Douglas 0269 Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Grégoire MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Kayibanda. September 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#1. C. 2/8/79. NA. 2pp. JFK#1j. OUO. U.S. Demarche to Government of Burundi Kennedy's Farewell Message to President regarding Difficulties with Belgian Technical Grégoire Kayibanda of Rwanda. Assistance Program Which Would Be 0271 Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. Created by Retrial of Persons Implicated in NA.2pp.JFK#1h.OUO. Assassination of Prince Louis Rwagasore. John F. Kennedy's Statement on Departure 0290 Outgoing Telegram #44. Fr: George W. Ball. of Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda To: U.S. Embassy, Libreville. from Washington, D.C. September 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#2. LOU. 0273 Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. Statement to Be Given by Charles F. NA. 1p.JFK#1l. OUO. Darlington, U.S. Ambassador to Gabon and Statement for Presentation of Key to City of John F. Kennedy's Personal Representative, Washington, D.C, by Commissioner Walter at Burundi's Independence Celebration. Tobriner to Rwandan President Grégoire 0292 Memorandum. Fr: Edward S. Little. Kayibanda. To: Bromley K. Smith. 0274 Statement. Fr: NA. To: NA. September 21,1962. 1p. JFK#2a. NA.2pp.JFK#1m.OUO. Statement to Be Given by Charles F. Statement on Arrival of Rwandan President Darlington, U.S. Ambassador to Gabon and Grégoire Kayibanda in Washington, D.C. John F. Kennedy's Personal Representative, 0276 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. at Burundi's Independence Celebration. To: NA. 0293 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, September 19,1962. 3pp. JFK#2/2c. Libreville. C. 6/26/79 IP. September 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#2b. LOU. Meeting between John F. Kennedy and Statement to Be Given by Charles F. Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda. Darlington, U.S. Ambassador to Gabon and 0279 Distribution List. 1p. JFK#2a. John F. Kennedy's Personal Representative, 0280 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge at Burundi's Independence Celebration. Bundy. October 31,1962. 1p. JFK#2b. C. 10/25/78. "For Approval Prior to Distribution. The President's Remarks Are Sidelined in Blue."

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0295 Outgoing Telegram #206. Fr: George W. Bali. 0308 Outgoing Telegram #551. Fr: George W. Ball. To: U.S. Embassy, Usumbura. To: U.S. Embassy, Brussels. September 21,1962.1 p. JFK#3. LOU. September 27,1962. 1p. JFK#8. C. 2/8/79. U.S. Informs Government of Burundi of Its Belgium Informed That Rwandan President Intention to Release John F. Kennedy's Reply Grégoire Kayibanda Meeting with John F. to Invitation to Attend Burundi's Kennedy to Discuss Possible U.S. Economic Independence Celebrations. and Technical Assistance. 0296 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0309 Outgoing Telegram #88. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: U.S. Embassy, Kigali. September 21, 1962.1p. JFK#3a. September 27,1962.1p. JFK#8a. "May We Have Clearance on Enclosed Draft U.S. Informs Rwandan Government of Plans Cable to Usumbura?" to Release Text of Letter from John F. 0297 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Kennedy to Rwandan President Grégoire Usumbura. Kayibanda. September 21,1962.1p. JFK#3. LOU. 0310 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge U.S. Informs Government of Burundi of Its Bundy. Intention to Release John F. Kennedy's Reply September 27,1962.1p. JFK#8b. to Invitation to Attend Burundi's C. 10/26/78. Independence Celebrations. "May We Have White House Approval on 0298 Outgoing Telegram #162. Fr: Dean Rusk. Enclosed Draft Cables to Brussels and To: U.S. Embassy, Usumbura. Kigali?" September 10,1962. 2pp. JFK#3c. LOU. 0311 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, John F. Kennedy's Reply to Prime Minister Brussels. Andre Muhirwa's Invitation to Attend September 27,1962. 1p. JFK#8c. C. 2/8/79. Burundi's Independence Celebrations. Belgium Informed That Rwandan President 0300 Outgoing Telegram #83. Fr: George W. Ball. Grégoire Kayibanda Meeting with John F. To: U.S. Embassy, Kigali. Kennedy to Discuss Possible U.S. Economic September 21,1962. 1p. JFK#4. and Technical Assistance. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Rwandan 0312 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, President Grégoire Kayibanda regarding His Kigali. Recent Visit to U.S. September 27,1962.1p. JFK#8d. 0301 Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Grégoire U.S. Informs Rwandan Government of Plans Kayibanda. to Release Text of Letter from John F. NA. 2pp. JFK#4a. OUO. Kennedy to Rwandan President Grégoire Kennedy's Farewell Message to Rwandan Kayibanda. President Kayibanda. 0313 Outgoing Telegram #88. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0303 Incoming Telegram #504. Fr: Douglas To: U.S. Embassy, Kigali. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. September 27,1962.1p. JFK#8e. September 24,1962. 1p. JFK#5. C. 2/8/79. U.S. Informs Rwandan Government of Plans Belgian Concern over Government of to Release Text of Letter from John F. Burundi's Insistence on Proceeding with Kennedy to Rwandan President Grégoire Retrial in Case of Persons Involved in Kayibanda. Assassination of Prince Louis Rwagasore. 0314 Incoming Telegram #527. Fr: Douglas 0304 Outgoing Telegram #212. Fr: George W. Ball. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Usumbura. September 28,1962.1p. JFK#9. C. 2/8/79. September 25,1962. 2pp. JFK#6. LOU. U.S. Unable to Reply to Belgian Request for Proposed Visit to U.S. by Mwami (King) Information concerning Rwandan President Mwambutsa IV of Burundi. Grégoire Kayibanda's Discussions on U.S. 0306 Incoming Telegram #520. Fr: Douglas Economic and Technical Assistance to MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. Rwanda. September 27,1962. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 2/8/79. U.S. Urges Belgium to Avoid Linking Technical Assistance to Burundi with Retrial of Assassins of Prince Louis Rwagasore.

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0315 Incoming Telegram #205. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. 0329 Outgoing Telegram #94. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Kigali. October 4, 1962. 1 p. JFK#10. S. 2/8/79. November 28,1962. 2pp. JFK#3. C. 2/26/79. U.S. Discussions with Government of Discussions with Rwandan Government Burundi regarding Diplomatic regarding Arrangements for Diplomatic Representation. Representation in U.S. 0316 Incoming Telegram #207. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. 0331 Outgoing Telegram #1001. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Kampala. October 5, 1962.1p. JFK#11. S. 2/8/79. November 28,1962.1p. JFK#4. C. 2/28/79. U.S. Discussions with Government of U.S. Expresses Concern That Any Unrest Burundi regarding Diplomatic Created by Burundi Mwami (King) Representation. Mwambutsa IV's Visit to Uganda Might Stir 0317 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. up Rwandan-Ugandan Border Problems and To: McGeorge Bundy. Endanger Rwanda's Internal Stability. October 12,1962. 1 p. JFK#2. C. 10/26/78. 0332 Incoming Telegram #779. Fr: Douglas Memorandum of Conversation between John MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. F. Kennedy and Rwandan Foreign Minister December 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#5. Callixte Habimenshi. C. 2/28/79 IP. 0319 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. U.S. Expresses Concern regarding Possible To: NA. Suspension of Belgian Aid Program to August 21, 1962. 2pp. JFK#12a. C. 2/8/79. Burundi. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and 0334 Incoming Telegram #317. Fr: Herbert V. Olds. Rwandan Foreign Minister Callixte To: Dean Rusk. Habimenshi. December 6,1962.3pp. JFK#6. 0321 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. S. 2/28/79 IP. • To: McGeorge Bundy. Message from Prime Minister Andre Muhirwa October 10,1962.1p. JFK#12b. C. 10/26/78. of Burundi to Belgian Foreign Minister Paul- Conversation between John F. Kennedy and Henri Spaak Protesting Belgian Complicity in Rwandan Foreign Minister Callixte Assassination of Former Burundi Prime Habimenshi. Minister and Prince Louis Rwagasore. 0322 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. 0337 Incoming Telegram #168. Fr: David Manbey. To: NA. To: Dean Rusk. August 21,1962. 2pp. JFK#12c. C. 2/8/79. December 7,1962.1p. JFK#7. C. 2/28/79 IP. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Discussions with Rwandan Minister of Rwandan Foreign Minister Callixte Agriculture Balthazar Bicamumpaka Habimenshi. regarding U.S. Aid to Rwanda. 0338 Incoming Telegram #1001. Fr: David H. 0324 Rwanda-Burundi•November 1,1962- McKillop. To: Dean Rusk. January31,1963. January 11, 1963.1p. JFK#8. C. 2/28/79. 0326 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. U.S. Demarche to Government of Burundi To: McGeorge Bundy. Urging Clemency for Assassins of Prince NA. 1p.JFK#1. Louis Rwagasore. Request for Appointment with John F. 0339 Incoming Telegram #371. Fr: Donald A. Kennedy for Donald A. Dumont, U.S. Minister Dumont. To: Dean Rusk. to Burundi. January 15,1963. 4pp. JFK#9. C. 2/28/79 IP. 0327 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. U.S. Efforts to Contact Mwami (King) NA. 1p.JFK#1a. Mwambutsa IV of Burundi and Prime Minister Biographical Data on Donald A. Dumont, Andre Muhirwa regarding Clemency for U.S. Minister to Burundi. Assassins of Prince Louis Rwagasore. 0328 Department of State Airgram #A-35. Fr: 0343 Incoming Telegram #1044. Fr: Douglas David Manbey. To: State Department. MacArthur II. To: Dean Rusk. November 14,1962. 1p. JFK#2. January 16,1963. 2pp. JFK#10. LOU. Presentation of John F. Kennedy's Belgian Reaction to Burundi's Execution of Independence Gift to President Grégoire Five Conspirators in Assassination of Prince Kayibanda of Rwanda. Louis Rwagasore.

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0345 Rwanda-Burundi•February 1,1963- 0374 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. November 1,1963. Brubeck. 0346 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. June 14,1963.1p.JFK#7b. To: Kenneth O'Donnell. "For Translation and Recommendation." February 8,1963.1 p. JFK#1. 0374 Telegram (in French). Fr: Thaddee Presentation of Credentials by Rwandan Siryuyumunsi. To: John F. Kennedy. Ambassador Lazare Mpakaniye. June 14, 1963.1p.JFK#7c. 0348 Incoming Telegram #603. Fr: Donald A. 0375 Note. Fr: Helen Colle. To: Polly A. Yates. Dumont. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#8. April 12, 1963. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 10/30/76. "Do You Keep This Kind of Correspondence Discussions with Belgium regarding Political in Your Shop? Otherwise, to Files, I Guess." Situation in Rwanda and Burundi. 0375 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Kenneth 0350 Incoming Telegram #640. Fr: Donald A. O'Donnell. Dumont. To: Dean Rusk. September 30,1963.1p. JFK#8a. April 30,1963. 2pp. JFK#3. LOU. 'This Is of Some Marginal Usefulness If U.S. Aid Program for Burundi. President's Schedule Is Not Heavy Next 0352 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Week." To: McGeorge Bundy. 0376 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. March 12,1963.1p.JFK#4. To: McGeorge Bundy. Request for Appointment with John F. September 27,1963. 2pp. JFK#8b. Kennedy for Charles D. Withers, Newly C. 10/26/78. Designated U.S. Ambassador to Rwanda. Request by Vice Premier Pie Masumbuko of 0353 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Burundi to Call on John F. Kennedy to NA. 1p.JFK#4a. Deliver Message from Mwami (King) Biographical Data on Charles D. Withers, Mwambutsa IV. Newly Designated U.S. Ambassador to 0378 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. Rwanda. To: Mwami (King) Mwambutsa IV. 0354 Incoming Telegram #306. Fr: Charles D. July 1,1963.1 p. JFK#9. Withers. Congratulatory Message from Kennedy to May 22, 1963. 3pp. JFK#5. C. 3/16/79. Mwami (King) Mwambutsa IV on Occasion of Ambassador Withers's Views on U.S. First Anniversary of Burundi's Independence. Assistance to Rwanda. 0379 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0357 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. NA. 1p.JFK#10. Brubeck. "State Is Re-Submitting•Asked O'Donnell's June 4,1963.1p.JFK#6. Office to Return Previous." "For Appropriate Handling." 0380 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 0359 Text (in French). Fr: Grégoire Kayibanda. McGeorge Bundy. To: NA. November 8, 1963.1p. JFK#10a. June 1, 1963.13pp. JFK#6a. Presentation of Credentials by Leon May Day Address by Rwandan President Ndenzacko, Burundi's Ambassador to U.S. Grégoire Kayibanda. 0372 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Sierra Leone McGeorge Bundy. 0381 Sierra Leone•1961-1963. June 19,1963.1p. JFK#7. 0382 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. Telegram from Thaddee Siryuyumunsi, 0384 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Maurice Dormán. President of National Assembly of Burundi, to March 2,1961.1 p. JFK#1. John F. Kennedy Announcing Appointment of John F. Kennedy's Reply to Congratulatory Pierre Ngendandumwe as Prime Minister. Message on His Inauguration by Sir Maurice 0373 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Thaddee Dormán, British Governor of Sierra Leone. Siryuyumunsi. To: John F. Kennedy. 0385 Memorandum. Fr: Chester Bowles. June 14,1963.1p.JFK#7a. To: John F. Kennedy. Announcement of Appointment of Pierre March 30.1961.1 p. JFK#2. Ngendandumwe as Prime Minister of Establishment of U.S. Embassy at Freetown, Burundi. Sierra Leone.

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0386 Memorandum. Fr: Angier Biddle Duke. 0396 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph A. Dungan. To: McGeorge Bundy. April 4, 1961.1p.JFK#3. October 2, 1961.1 p. JFK#11. John F. Kennedy's Gift to Prime Minister Sir Proposed Visit to U.S. by Prime Minister Sir Milton Margai on Occasion of Sierra Leone's Milton Margai of Sierra Leone. Independence. 0397 Incoming Telegram #94. Fr: [?] Ekern. 0387 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Milton Margai. To: Dean Rusk. April 24, 1961.1 p. JFK#4. October 7,1961.1p. JFK#12. OUO. Congratulatory Message from John F. Efforts to Arrange Appointment with John F. Kennedy to Prime Minister Sir Milton Margai Kennedy for Prime Minister Sir Milton Margai on Independence of Sierra Leone. of Sierra Leone. 0388 Memorandum. Fr: Chester Bowles. 0398 Outgoing Telegram #66. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Kennedy. To: U.S. Embassy, Freetown. April 20,1961.1 p. JFK#4a. October 5, 1961.1 p. JFK#13. OUO. Sierra Leone Independence Day Message. Congratulatory Message from John F. 0389 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Milton Margai. Kennedy to Prime Minister Sir Milton Margai NA. 1p.JFK#4b. on Sierra Leone's Admission to UN. Congratulatory Message from John F. 0399 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Kennedy to Prime Minister Sir Milton Margai Mohammad S. Mustapha. on Independence of Sierra Leone. NA. 2pp. JFK#14. 0390 Draft Message. Fr: NA. To: Government and U.S. Secretary of Commerce Luther People of Sierra Leone. Hodges's Trip to Sierra Leone. NA. 1p.JFK#4c. 0401 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Mohammad U.S. Congratulatory Message on Sanusi Mustapha. Independence of Sierra Leone. December 9, 1961.1 p. JFK#15. 0391 Presidential Message. Fr: John F. Kennedy. U.S. Secretary of Commerce Luther To: NA. Hodges's Trip to Sierra Leone. April 27,1961.1 p. JFK#5. 0402 Copy of Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. Kennedy's Message to Flag Raising To: Mohammad Sanusi Mustapha. Ceremony Observing Independence of Sierra December 9,1961.1p. JFK#15. Leone. U.S. Secretary of Commerce Luther 0392 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. Hodges's Trip to Sierra Leone. To: John F. Kennedy. 0403 Outgoing Telegram #98. Fr: George W. Ball. May 22, 1961. 2pp. JFK#6. To: U.S. Embassy, Freetown. Request for Appointment with Kennedy for December 10, 1961. 2pp. JFK#15. OUO. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Letter from John F. Kennedy to Deputy Prime Finance Mohammed Sanusi Mustapha, Minister Mohammad Sanusi Mustapha Minister of Natural Resources Albert Margai, regarding U.S. Secretary of Commerce and Minister of Development R. G. O. King of Luther Hodges's Trip to Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone. 0405 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Bromley K. 0394 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. Smith. To: Dean Rusk. April 20, 1962. 1p.JFK#16. June 17,1961.1 p. JFK#7. 'The Attached Telegram Is for Approval Prior U.S. Agrees to Appointment of Dr. Richard E. to Transmittal." Kelfa-Caulker as Sierra Leone's Ambassador 0406 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, to U.S. Freetown. 0395 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. April 20, 1962. 2pp. JFK#16a. OUO. To: Kenneth O'Donnell. Congratulatory Message from John F. July 6. 1961.1 p. JFK#8. Kennedy to Prime Minister Sir Milton Margai Presentation of Credentials by Dr. Richard E. on First Anniversary of Sierra Leone's Kelfa-Caulker, Sierra Leone's Ambassador to Independence. U.S.

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0408 Outgoing Telegram #164. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0418 Letter. Fr: Albert Sidney Johnson Carnahan. To: U.S. Embassy, Freetown. To: John F. Kennedy. April 20, 1962. 2pp. JFK#16a. OUO. April 18, 1963. 1p.JFK#23b. Congratulatory Message from John F. Excellent Impression Created by Arkansas Kennedy to Prime Minister Sir Milton Margai Congressman Brooks Hays on People of on First Anniversary of Sierra Leone's Sierra Leone. Independence. 0419 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0410 Incoming Telegram #203. Fr: Albert Sidney To: McGeorge Bundy. Johnson Carnahan. To: Dean Rusk. May 15,1963. 1p. JFK#24b. C. 8/13/84. April 25, 1962. 1p.JFK#17. Signed Original Letter from Prime Minister Sir Government of Sierra Leone to Release Milton Margai of Sierra Leone to John F. Congratulatory Message from John F. Kennedy. Kennedy to Prime Minister Sir Milton Margai 0420 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. on First Anniversary of Independence. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0411 Incoming Telegram #7. Fr: Albert Sidney August 27, 1963. 1p.JFK#26a. Johnson Carnahan. To: Dean Rusk. Proposed Meeting with John H. Smythe, July 6,1962. 1p. JFK#19. LOU. Acting Attorney General of Sierra Leone. Queen Elizabeth II Announces Appointment 0421 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: of H. J. L. Boston as Permanent Governor- McGeorge Bundy. General of Sierra Leone. November 7, 1963.1p. JFK#27. LOU. 0412 Note. Fr: Polly A. Yates. To: NA. Presentation of Credentials by Sierra Leone NA. 1p.JFK#20. Ambassador Gershon Collier. "Should We Check Mr. Dungan regarding . This?" South Africa 0414 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0422 South Africa•June 3,1963-July 12, To: McGeorge Bundy. 1963. July 13,1962. 1p. JFK#20a. 0423 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Suggested Congratulatory Message to 0424 Incoming Telegram #4356. Fr: Adlai E. H. J. L. Boston, Newly Appointed Governor- Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. General of Sierra Leone. June 3,1963.1p. JFK#1. LOU. 0415 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: H. J. L. Request by Martin Luther King, Jr., to Appear Boston. before UN Apartheid Committee. NA. 1p.JFK#20b. 0425 Incoming Telegram #4538. Fr: Adlai E. Congratulatory Message from Kennedy to Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Boston on His Appointment as Governor- June 18,1963. 1p. JFK#3. C. 1/5/77. General of Sierra Leone. Compromise UN Security Council Resolution 0416 Outgoing Telegram #18. Fr: NA. To: U.S. on Apartheid. Embassy, Freetown. 0426 Incoming Telegram #1697. Fr: Roger W. July 26,1962. 1p.JFK#22. Tubby. To: Dean Rusk. Congratulatory Message from John F. June 19,1963.3pp. [Note: Page One Kennedy to H. J. L. Boston on His Repeated.] JFK#4. Appointment as Governor-General of Sierra Debate of International Labor Conference on Leone. Participation of South Africa. 0417 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. 0429 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. _, Brubeck. To: John F. Kennedy. April 26,1963. 1p.JFK#23. June 21,1963.2pp. JFK#5. C. 7/20/77. "For Your Information and Files." Appearanceof Martin Luther King, Jr., before 0417 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: UN Apartheid Committee. McGeorge Bundy. 0431 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge April 25, 1963. 1p.JFK#23a. Bundy. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Albert Sidney July 12, 1963.1p.JFK#6. Johnson Carnahan, U.S. Ambassador to Military and Naval Installations in South Sierra Leone. Africa.

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0433 Letter. Fr: Robert S. McNamara. 0456 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge To: Dean Rusk. Bundy. July 11,1963. 2pp. JFK#6a. S. 2/27/78 IP. July 19, 1963. 1p.JFK#5a. U.S. Position on Possible UN Security "The Attached Is for White House Clearance Council Resolutions Calling for Severe Prior to Transmission." Measures against Portugal and South Africa. 0457 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: Selected U.S. 0435 Memorandum. Fr: Maxwell D. Taylor. Diplomatic Posts. To: Robert S. McNamara. July 19, 1963. 2pp. JFK#5b. C. 5/10/77. July 10,1963. 4pp. JFK#6b. S. 2/27/78 IP. U.S. Position in UN Security Council Meeting U.S. Policy toward Portugal and South Africa. on South African Case. 0439 Appendix. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0459 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. NA. 1p. JFK#6c. S. 12/20/78. To: NA. Military Potential of Forces of Portugal and July 20, 1963. 8pp. JFK#6. C. 2/16/79. South Africa. South African Program of Grouping Independent Bantu States. 0440 South Africa•July 13-31,1963. 0467 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. 0441 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0443 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. July 29,1963.1p.JFK#7. To: John F. Kennedy. Memorandum of Conversation between U. July 13,1963. 1p. JFK#1. NA. 3/10/78 IP. Alexis Johnson, Deputy Undersecretary of U.S. Missile Tracking Station in South Africa. State for Political Affairs, and Willem C. 0444 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: John Naude, South African Ambassador to U.S., F. Kennedy. regarding U.S. Arms Embargo against South July 16, 1963. 3pp. JFK#2. C. 5/10/77. Africa. Next Steps with South Africa regarding UN 0468 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Security Council Meeting. To: NA. 0447 Incoming Telegram #154. Fr: Charles W. July 24, 1963. 3pp. JFK#7a. C. 2/16/79. Yost. To: Dean Rusk. U.S. Embargo of Arms to South Africa. July 17, 1963. 2pp. JFK#3. S. 5/10/77. 0471 Incoming Telegram #290. Fr: Adlai E. Memo to John F. Kennedy on Apartheid Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Suggests Partial U.S. Arms Restrictions on July 30,1963.1p. JFK#8. C. 1/6/78. South Africa. UN Security Council Meeting on Apartheid 0449 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. Results in Proposal to Impose Economic To: Dean Rusk. Sanctions on South Africa and July 17, 1963. 1p. JFK#4. C. 3/10/78. Recommendation That It Be Expelled John F. Kennedy's Comments on Memo on from UN. Next Steps with South Africa regarding UN 0472 Incoming Telegram #307. Fr: Adlai E. Security Council Meeting. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0450 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. July 31,1963. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 1/6/78. To: McGeorge Bundy. Draft of African Resolution on Apartheid in NA. 1p.JFK#4a. UN Security Council. "Does President Need to See This before 0474 Incoming Telegram #308. Fr: Adlai E. Rusk Sees South African This Afternoon? Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Brubeck Says Paper Is Meant to Reflect July 31, 1963. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 1/6/77. Decisions Taken Yesterday." Draft of African Resolution on Apartheid in 0451 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: John UN Security Council. F. Kennedy. July 16, 1963. 3pp. JFK#4b. C. 5/10/77. 0476 South Africa•August 1-4,1963. Next Steps with South Africa regarding UN 0477 Incoming Telegram #324. Fr: Adlai E. Security Council Meeting. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0454 Outgoing Telegram #119. Fr: Dean Rusk. August 1,1963. 4pp. JFK#1. C. 1/6/77. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. Draft of African Resolution on Apartheid in July 19,1963. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 5/10/77. UN Security Council. U.S. Position in UN Security Council Meeting on South African Case.

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0481 Incoming Telegram #323. Fr: Adlai E. 0504 Outgoing Telegram #317. Fr: George W. Ball. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Mission to UN. August 1,1963. 3pp. JFK#2. LOU. August 3,1963. 3pp. JFK#10. C. 8/22/77. African Foreign Ministers' Resolution on U.S. Announces Its Willingness to Support Apartheid in UN Security Council. African Resolution Condemning Policies of 0484 Outgoing Telegram #287. Fr: Dean Rusk. Racial Superiority and Apartheid but Refuses To: U.S. Mission to UN. to Condemn South Africa by Name. August 1,1963. 3pp. JFK#3. C. 8/22/77. 0507 Copy of Outgoing Telegram #317. Fr: George Speech by Adlai E. Stevenson, U.S. W. Ball. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Ambassador to UN, on Apartheid during UN August 3, 1963. 3pp. JFK#10. C. 8/22/77. Security Council Debate. U.S. Announces Its Willingness to Support 0487 Outgoing Telegram #288. Fr: Dean Rusk. African Resolution Condemning Policies of To: U.S. Mission to UN. Racial Superiority and Apartheid but Refuses August 1,1963. 6pp. JFK#4. C. 8/22/77. to Condemn South Africa by Name. U.S. Instructions to UN Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson during UN Security Council 0510 South Africa•August 5-6,1963. Debate on Apartheid in South Africa. 0512 Routing Slip. 1p.JFK#1. 0493 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0513 Incoming Telegram #5. Fr: Foy D. Köhler. To: John F. Kennedy. To: Dean Rusk. August 2,1963.1p.JFK#5. August 5,1963. 3pp. JFK#1a. C. 9/13/78 IP. U.S. Position on South African Issue in UN U.S. and British Bilateral Discussions Security Council. regarding South Africa. 0494 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. 0516 Note. Fr: NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. Augusts, 1963.1p.JFK#2. August 2,1963. 1p. JFK#6. C. 8/22/77. 'These Are Cables Referred to by Mr. Transmittal of Memorandum to John F. Brubeck in His Phone Call to You This P.M." Kennedy on British Arms Embargo against 0518 Incoming Telegram #340. Fr: Adlai E. South Africa. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0496 Memorandum. Fr: Harlan Cleveland. To: August 2,1963. 7pp. JFK#2a. C. 9/13/78 IP. Dean Rusk. UN Security Council Debate on Apartheid in August 2,1963. 1p. JFK#6a. C. 8/22/77. South Africa. British Arms Embargo against South Africa. 0525 Draft Statement. Fr: UN Security Council. 0497 Outgoing Telegram #290. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: NA. To: U.S. Mission to UN. NA. 4pp. JFK#2g. NA. 9/13/78. August 2,1963. 1p. JFK#7. C. 8/22/77. Draft UN Security Council Statement on U.S. Instructions for Apartheid Debate in UN Apartheid in South Africa. Security Council. 0529 Outgoing Telegram #32. Fr: George W. Ball. 0498 Outgoing Telegram #291. Fr: NA. To: U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Moscow. Mission to UN. U.S. Position on Arms Embargo against August 2,1963. 4pp. JFK#8. C. 8/22/77. South Africa. John F. Kennedy Reviews Situation in UN 0532 Incoming Telegram #111. Fr: Paul F. Geren. Security Council Debate on Apartheid to To: Dean Rusk. Determine U.S. Voting Position on African August 6, 1963.1p. JFK#4. C. 1/6/77. Resolution. Discussions with Ndabaningi Sithole, 0502 Outgoing Telegram #157. Fr: George W. Ball. National Chairman of ZAPU, regarding To: U.S. Embassy, Pretoria. African Plans for Passive Resistance in August 2,1963. 2pp. JFK#9. C. 8/22/77. Southern Rhodesia. Background on U.S. Arms Embargo against 0533 Incoming Telegram #363. Fr: Charles W. South Africa. Yost. To: Dean Rusk. August 6,1963. 6pp. JFK#5. C. 1/6/77. Activities at UN Security Council Debate on Apartheid in South Africa.

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0539 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. 0577 Incoming Telegram #404. Fr: Adlai E. To: McGeorge Bundy. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Auguste, 1963. 1p. JFK#6. August 9, 1963. 2pp. JFK#4. S. 2/28/78. Enclosed Survey from State Department U.S. Statement to UN Security Council Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) regarding Arms Sales and Shipment to South on Southern Africa. Africa. 0541 State Department Intelligence Memorandum. 0579 State Department Research Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Fr: Thomas L Hughes. To: Dean Rusk. August 1, 1963. 6pp. JFK#6a. C. 3/1/79. August 12, 1963. 11pp. JFK#5. S. 2/28/78 IP. "An Agenda of Research on Southern Africa." U.S. and South African Economic Leverage 0547 Outgoing Telegram #345. Fr: George W. Ball. on Each Other. To: U.S. Mission to UN. August 6, 1963. 5pp. JFK#7. C. 9/13/78. 0591 South Africa•August 13,1963- Draft Explanation of U.S. Vote on Resolution Septembern, 1963. during UN Security Council Debate on 0593 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. Apartheid in South Africa. 0596 Incoming Telegram #440. Fr: Charles W. Yost. To: Dean Rusk. 0552 South Africa•August 7-12,1963. August 13, 1963. 1p. JFK#1. S. 8/11/77. 0554 Withdrawal Sheet. 4pp. U.S. Arms Policy toward South Africa. 0559 Incoming Telegram #31. Fr: Dean Rusk, U.S. 0597 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Embassy, Moscow. To: State Department. To: McGeorge Bundy. August 7, 1963. 1p. JFK#1. C. 2/28/78 IP. August 13, 1963. 1p. JFK#2. U.S.-British Bilateral Discussions on Arms African Reactions to UN Security Council Embargo against South Africa. Debates on Portuguese Territories and South 0560 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Africa. To: Bromley K. Smith. 0598 Incoming Telegram #522. Fr: Adlai E. August 7, 1963. 1p.JFK#2. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 'The President Has Approved This and State August 21, 1963. 9pp. JFK#3. C. 2/20/79. Has Been Notified." Imminent Threat to U.S. Leadership in UN 0561 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. and throughout Africa Posed by Problems of To: John F. Kennedy. South Africa and Portuguese Territories. August 7, 1963. 1 p. JFK#2a. C. 6/30/77. 0607 Incoming Telegram #266. Fr: Gilbert E. Clark. South African Resolution at UN. To: Dean Rusk. 0562 Divider Sheet. 1 p. JFK#2b. August 28, 1963. 3pp. JFK#4. 0563 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: John Speech by South African Prime Minister F. Kennedy. Hendrik F. Verwoerd regarding Possible August 6, 1963. 4pp. JFK#2c. C. 2/27/78. Concessions to U.S. and Great Britain. UN Security Council Resolution on Apartheid 0610 Incoming Telegram #268. Fr: Gilbert E. Clark. in South Africa. To: Dean Rusk. 0567 Tab A. 1p.JFK#2d. August 28, 1963. 2pp. JFK#5. S. 8/11/77. 0568 Resolution. Fr: UN Security Council. Statement by South African Prime Minister To: NA. Hendrik F. Verwoerd regarding Possible August 6, 1963. 2pp. JFK#2e. Concessions by South Africa in Return for UN Security Council Resolution on Apartheid Guarantees by U.S. and Great Britain. in South Africa. 0612 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. 0570 TabB. 1p. JFK#2f. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0571 Note. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge August 29,1963. 1p. JFK#6. C. 2/22/78. Bundy. U.S. Sale of Submarines and C-130 Spare August 7, 1963. 1p.JFK#3. Parts to South Africa. "For Your Information." 0613 Memorandum. Fr: Undersecretary of State. 0572 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: John F. Kennedy. To: NA. August 28, 1963. 8pp. JFK#6a. C. 1/7/77. July 17, 1963. 5pp. JFK#3a. C. 6/30/79. U.S. Sale of Submarines and C-130 Spare South Africa and UN Security Council Parts to South Africa. Meeting on Apartheid.

250 South Africa/Reel 11 Frame Document Frame Document

0622 Incoming Telegram #694. Fr: Francis 0653 Incoming Telegram #834. Fr: Adlai E. Plimpton. To: Dean Rusk. Stevenson. To: NA. September 5, 1963. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 1/7/77. September 16,1963. 1p. JFK#1a. Recommendations Contained in Report of C. 4/21/77. UN Committee on Apartheid. Conclusions and Recommendations of 0624 Incoming Telegram #735. Fr: Francis Report of UN Apartheid Committee. Plimpton. To: Dean Rusk. 0654 Incoming Telegram #694. Fr: Francis September 9, 1963. 3pp. JFK#8. C. 1/7/77. Plimpton. To: NA. Possible Repercussions of Use of U.S. Veto September 5,1963.1p. JFK#1b. C. 1/11/77. in UN Security Council on Either South Conclusions and Recommendations of African or Portuguese Territories Issues. Report of UN Apartheid Committee. 0655 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0627 South Africa•September 12-17, To: McGeorge Bundy. 1963. September 18,1963.3pp. JFK#2. S. 2/28/78. 0629 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. U.S. Arms Embargo and Submarine Sales to 0630 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. South Africa. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0658 Outgoing Telegram #804. Fr: Dean Rusk. September 12,1963.1p. JFK#1. S. 9/15/78. To: U.S. Mission to UN and U.S. Embassies, South African Economic Reprisal Situation. Lagos, Algiers, Monrovia, and Tunis. 0631 Incoming Telegram #816. Fr: Adlai E. September 20,1963. 3pp. JFK#3. Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. C. 4/21/78. September 13,1963. 3pp. JFK#2. S. 4/21/77. Possible Challenge of South African U.S. Arms Policy toward South Africa. Credentials in UN. 0634 CIA Special Report. Fr: CIA, Office of Current 0661 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. Intelligence. To: NA. To: Dean Rusk and Robert S. McNamara. September 13,1963. 6pp. JFK#3. S. 2/18/78. September 23,1963. 1p. JFK#4. S. 2/28/78. "New South African Bid for Western Support." John F. Kennedy Approves Recommendation 0640 Incoming Telegram #834. Fr: Adlai E. to Continue U.S. Sale of Spare Parts for Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. C-130 Aircraft to South Africa. September 16,1963. 2pp. JFK#4. C. 1 /7/77. 0662 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. Conclusions and Recommendations To: Dean Rusk and Robert S. McNamara. Contained in UN Apartheid Committee September 23,1963.1p. JFK#4. S. 3/6/78. Report. John F. Kennedy Approves Recommendation 0642 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. to Continue U.S. Sale of Spare Parts for To: McGeorge Bundy. C-130 Aircraft to South Africa. September 16,1963.1 p. JFK#5. 0663 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. Discussions between John F. Kennedy, Dean To: Dean Rusk and Robert S. McNamara. Rusk, and Robert S. McNamara regarding September 23,1963.1p. JFK#4. S. 3/6/78. Recommendations on South Africa. John F. Kennedy Approves Recommendation 0643 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk and Robert S. to Continue U.S. Sale of Spare Parts for McNamara. To: John F. Kennedy. C-130 Aircraft to South Africa. September 16,1963. 6pp. JFK#5a. 0664 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. C. 1/19/77. To: John F. Kennedy. Proposed U.S. Sale of Submarines to South September 18,1963. 3pp. JFK#4a. Africa. S. 2/28/78. U.S. Arms Embargo and Submarine Sales 0649 South Africa•September 18-29, to South Africa. 1963. 0667 TabA.1p.JFK#4b. 0651 Incoming Telegram #374. Fr: Joseph C. 0668 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Satterthwaite. To: Dean Rusk. To: McGeorge Bundy. September 18,1963. 2pp. JFK#1. S. 4/21/77. September 16,1963.1p. JFK#4c. U.S. Embassy, Pretoria Questions Specific Discussions between John F. Kennedy, Dean Conclusions and Recommendations of UN Rusk, and Robert S. McNamara regarding Apartheid Committee Report. Recommendations on South Africa.

South Africa/Reel 11 251 Frame Document Frame Document

0669 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk and Robert S. 0706 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. McNamara. To: John F. Kennedy. To: McGeorge Bundy. September 16,1963. 6pp. JFK#4d. November 1, 1963. 2pp. JFK#1. NA. 12/6/78. C. 1/11/77. Study on South Africa by Walt W. Rostow, U.S. Sale of Submarines to South Africa. Deputy Special Assistant to President for 0675 TabB. 1p.JFK#4e. National Security Affairs. 0676 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: John 0707 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. F. Kennedy. To: John F. Kennedy. August 28, 1963. 8pp. JFK#4f. C. 1/11/77. October 29,1963.1p. JFK#NA. S. 9/18/79. U.S. Sale of Submarines and Spare Parts for Report on South Africa. C-130 Aircraft to South Africa. 0709 Report. Fr: William R. Duggan and Waldemar B. Campbell. 0684 South Africa•September 30,1963- October 28,1963. 356pp. JFK#3-#3g. October29,1963. S. 9/19/79. 0686 Withdrawal Sheets. 2pp. "National Strategy Series: South Africa" 0688 Incoming Telegram #416. Fr: Joseph C. [Apartheid in South Africa; U.S. Objectives Satterthwaite. To: Dean Rusk. toward South Africa; Economic and Social September 30,1963. 3pp. JFK#1. Profile of South Africa; Political Conditions in C. 9/14/78. South Africa; South Africa's Foreign Discussions with Dr. Jan Steytler, Head of Relations; Internal Security of South Africa; South African Progressive Party, regarding U.S. Interests in South Africa; Relations U.S. Attitudes toward South Africa. between South Africa and U.S.; U.S. Courses 0691 Outgoing Telegram #978. Fr: Dean Rusk. of Action regarding South Africa; Bantustans- To: U.S. Mission to UN. Transkei Partition; Southwest Africa and High October 10,1963. 2pp. JFK#5. C. 9/14/78. Commission Territories]. U.S. Instructions for Dealing with Apartheid Question in UN. 0693 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#6. Reel 12 0694 Outgoing Telegram #720. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. South Africa cont. October 15,1963. 3pp. JFK#7. LOU. Source and Editorial Note. 1p. Possible Expulsion of South Africa from Folder Title List. 9pp. International Labor Organization. 0697 Note. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge 0001 South Africa•October 30,1963- Bundy. Novembens, 1963. October 20,1963.1p. JFK#8. 0003 Withdrawal Sheets. 3pp. 'The Attached Memorandum of Conversation 0006 Incoming Telegram #1726. Fr: Adlai E. May Be of Interest to You." Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. 0698 Routing Slip. 1 p. JFK#9. October 30,1963.3pp. JFK#1. C. 12/20/77. 0699 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Draft UN Security Council Resolution on To: McGeorge Bundy. Apartheid. October 29,1963. 4pp. JFK#10. 0009 Handwritten Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. S. 9/23/81 IP. To: McGeorge Bundy. Recommendation for U.S. Position on South October 30,1963.1p. JFK#2. African Issue in UN Security Council. Recommendations on UiS. Position at UN Security Council Meeting on Apartheid. 0703 South Africa•"National Strategy 0010 Draft Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Series: South Africa," October 28, NA. 5pp. JFK#2a. C. 5/26/78. 1963. UN Policy for Security Council Meeting on 0705 Submission List. 1 p. Apartheid in South Africa. 0016 Draft Resolution. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 3pp. JFK#2b. C. 5/26/78. Draft UN Security Council Resolution on Apartheid in South Africa.

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0019 Outgoing Telegram #498. Fr: George W. Ball. 0047 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. To: U.S. Embassy, Pretoria. To: McGeorge Bundy. October 30,1963. 1p. JFK#3. C. 5/26/78. May 17, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. U.S. Discontinues Exploration on Subject of Senator Frank Moss Asks to Be Considered Joint Action Program with Great Britain on Member of U.S. Delegation to Tanganyikan South Africa. Independence Celebration. 0020 Note. Fr: Helen Colle. To: Polly A. Yates. 0048 Incoming Telegram #569. Fr: William R. NA. 1p.JFK#4. Duggan. To: Dean Rusk. 'The Attachment to This Memo Was Used as June 6,1961.1p. JFK#NA. S. 4/9/76. Attachment to Memo to President." Tanganyika's National Assembly Votes to 0021 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Strengthen Relations with U.S. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0049 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. November 6, 1963. 1p. JFK#4a. C. 5/26/78. To: John F. Kennedy. Student Refugee Problem in Southern Africa. June 9,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. C. NA. 0022 Copy of Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Suggestion That Vice President Lyndon B. Read. To: McGeorge Bundy. Johnson Head U.S. Delegation to November 6, 1963. 1p. JFK#4a. C. 5/26/78. Tanganyikan Independence Ceremonies. Student Refugee Problem in Southern Africa. 0050 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0023 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. NA. 4pp. JFK#4b. C. 5/26/78. U.S. Aid to Africa by Country in FY1961. Student Refugee Problem in Southern Africa. 0051 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0027 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Kennedy. Projected U.S. Aid to Africa by Country in FY November 6, 1963.1p. JFK#5a. C. 5/26/78. 1962. UN Security Council Meeting on Apartheid in 0053 Incoming Telegram #509. Fr: William R. South Africa. Duggan. To: Dean Rusk. 0028 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. May 16, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. NA. 2pp. JFK#5b. C. 5/26/78. Views on Upcoming Tanganyikan U.S. Policy for UN Security Council Meeting Independence Celebrations by George on Apartheid in South Africa. Kahama, Tanganyikan Minister of Home 0029 List. Fr: NA. To: NA. Affairs. NA. 4pp. JFK#5c. 0055 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. Items Used Primarily in Manufacture of Arms, To: John F. Kennedy. Ammunition, and Implements of War. June 9,1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. NA. 0034 Draft Resolution. Fr: NA. To: NA. Suggestion That Vice President Lyndon B. NA. 2pp. JFK#5d. C. 12/20/77. Johnson Head U.S. Delegation to Draft Norwegian Resolution on Apartheid for Tanganyikan Independence Ceremonies. UN Security Council Meeting on South Africa. 0056 Incoming Telegram #602. Fr: William R. 0036 Outgoing Telegram #1404. Fr: Dean Rusk. Duggan. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Mission to UN. June 14,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 4/9/76. November 13,1963.3pp. JFK#6. LOU. Discussions with British Resident in Experiment by U.S. Atomic Energy Tanganyika regarding Situation in Zanzibar. Commission in South Africa. 0058 Letter. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Lyndon B. Johnson. Tanganyika June 22, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. 0039 Tanganyika•1961. John F. Kennedy and State Department Ask 0040 Inventory List. 6pp. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson to Head 0046 Memorandum. Fr: Lawrence O'Brien. U.S. Delegation to Tanganyikan To: McGeorge Bundy. Independence Celebrations. May 19, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. 0059 Incoming Telegram #17. Fr: [?] Hennemyer. "A Cooperative Senator but I Do Not Have To: Dean Rusk. Strong View." July 7,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. Proposed Visit to U.S. by Julius Nyerere, Prime Minister of Tanganyika.

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0060 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0072 Incoming Telegram #543. Fr: G. Lewis Jones. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. July 12, 1961.2pp. JFK#NA. August 4, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Request for Appointment with John F. British Increase Aid Offer to Tanganyika. Kennedy for Julius Nyerere, Prime Minister of 0074 Outgoing Telegram #210. Fr: George W. Ball. Tanganyika. To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. 0062 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. To: McGeorge Bundy. Racial Incident in Which Amry Abedi, Mayor July 15, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika, Was Refused John F. Kennedy's Meeting with Prime Service at Restaurant in Fairfax, Virginia. Minister Julius Nyerére of Tanganyika on 0076 Incoming Telegram #107. Fr: William R. July 17, 1961. Duggan. To: Dean Rusk. 0063 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Augusts, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. To: NA. Tanganyikan Prime Minister Julius Nyerere July 17, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/29/76 IP. Announces New British Aid Offer. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and 0077 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. Prime Minister Julius Nyerere regarding To: McGeorge Bundy. Tanganyika's Development Plan. August 15, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. 0065 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. Draft Memorandum Urging Vice President To: Walt W. Rostow. Lyndon B. Johnson to Attend Tanganyikan NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Independence Day Celebrations. "For Approval." 0078 Draft Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: Lyndon B. 0066 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Johnson. To: McGeorge Bundy. August 15, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. July 25, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. U.S. Representation at Tanganyikan Meeting between John F. Kennedy and Independence Day Functions. Prime Minister Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika. 0079 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0067 Memorandum. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Bromley K. Smith. August 29, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. August 1, 1961. 1p.JFK#NA. Western Aid Offers to Tanganyika. Draft Letter to Prime Minister Julius Nyerere 0081 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. of Tanganyika. NA. 3pp. JFK#NA. LOU. 0068 Memorandum. Fr: Frederick L. Holborn. Western Aid Offers to Tanganyika. To: Bromley K. Smith. 0084 Newspaper Clipping. Fr: Smith Hempstone. July 31. 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. . August 20, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Draft Letter to Prime Minister Julius Nyerere "West's Tanganyika Aid Policy Seen Serious of Tanganyika. Error- 0069 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0086 Colonial Office Information Department Joint To: McGeorge Bundy. Communiqué. Fr: NA. To: NA. July 21, 1961. 1p.JFK#NA. August 4, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Suggested Reply for John F. Kennedy to Joint British-Tanganyikan Communiqué Letter of Prime Minister Julius Nyerere of regarding British Financial Assistance to Tanganyika. Tanganyika Following Independence. 0070 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Julius 0088 Colonial Office Information Department. Nyerere. Fr: NA. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. August 4, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. Tanganyika's Development Plan and Parliamentary Statement by lain MacLeod, Possible U.S. Aid. British Secretary of State for Colonies, on 0071 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Financial Assistance to Tanganyika. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0089 Memorandum. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. July 13, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. To: John F. Kennedy. Letter to John F. Kennedy from Prime September 4,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. Minister Julius Nyerere regarding Possible State Department Comments on Aid to U.S. Economic Assistance to Tanganyika. Tanganyika.

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0090 Incoming Telegram #1025. Fr: David K. E. 0105 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: Carl Kaysen. Bruce. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. September 8, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. "Urgent." Discussions regarding Tanganyika 0106 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Consortium. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0092 Outgoing Telegram #377. Fr: Dean Rusk. December 7, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. To: Embassies in Paris, et al. White House Release of John F. Kennedy's September 1, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Message on Tanganyikan Independence. Development Assistance Group (DAG) 0107 Draft Message. Fr: NA. To: NA. Consortium for Tanganyika. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. 0095 Incoming Telegram #130. Fr: [?] Finletter. John F. Kennedy's Message to Government To: Dean Rusk. and People of Tanganyika on Occasion of September 13,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Their Independence. C. 4/9/76. 0108 Outgoing Telegram #417. Fr: Dean Rusk. Advantages to Consortium for Tanganyika To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Development Plan. December 9, 1961.2pp. JFK#NA. 0096 Handwritten Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. John F. Kennedy's Message to Government To: McGeorge Bundy. and People of Tanganyika on Occasion of NA. 1p.JFk#NA. Their Independence. "Do You Wish to Approve This on Behalf of 0110 Incoming Telegram #398. Fr: William R. President?" Duggan. To: Dean Rusk. 0097 Memorandum. Fr: Chester Bowles. December 12,1961.1p. JFK#NA. S. 4/9/76. To: John F. Kennedy. Activities of Ghanaian Delegation to September 30,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. NA. Tanganyikan Government Independence Establishment of U.S. Embassy at Dar-es- Celebrations. Salaam, Tanganyika. 0111 Incoming Telegram #2092. Fr: Adlai E. 0098 Handwritten Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Stevenson. To: Dean Rusk. Bromley K. Smith. December 12, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. "If There Is Any Difficulty in Getting This Tanganyika's Position on People's Republic Approved, Please Let Me Know." of China's Admission to UN. 0099 Outgoing Telegram #390. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0113 Incoming Telegram #402. Fr: [?] To: U.S. Consulate, Dar-es-Salaam. Hennemeyer. To: Dean Rusk. December 5,1961.1p. JFK#NA. December 13, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Composition of U.S. Delegation to Tanganyika's Reaction to U.S. and West Tanganyikan Independence Celebrations. German Aid Offers. 0100 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Julius 0114 Incoming Telegram #403. Fr: William R. Nyerere. Duggan. To: Dean Rusk. December 5, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. December 13, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Congratulatory Message from Kennedy to Tanganyikan Prime Minister Julius Nyerere's Prime Minister Nyerere on Occasion of Position on People's Republic of China's Tanganyika's Independence. Representation at UN. 0102 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. 0115 Letter. Fr: Julius Nyerere. To: John F. To: McGeorge Bundy. Kennedy. December 4, 1961.1p. JFK#NA. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. John F. Kennedy's Letter to Prime Minister Possible U.S. Aid for Economic Development Julius Nyerere on Occasion of Tanganyika's in Tanganyika. Independence. 0117 Table. Fr: Julius Nyerere. To: NA. 0103 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. To: Julius Nyerere. Functional Analysis of Tanganyika's NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. Development Plan. Congratulatory Message from Kennedy to Prime Minister Nyerere on Occasion of Tanganyika's Independence.

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0118 Letter. Fr: Julius Nyerere. To: John F. 0137 Outgoing Telegram #906. Fr: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. December 20, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. June 1,1962.1 p. JFK#NA. Tanganyika's Independence Celebrations John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter of and U.S. Economic Aid. Condolence from Tanganyikan Prime Minister Rashidi Kawawa on Crash of U.S. Air Force 0120 Tanganyika•1962. Plane in Kenya. 0121 Inventory List. 4pp. 0138 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0125 Incoming Telegram #464. Fr: [?] June 1,1962.1 p. JFK#NA. Hennemeyer. To: Dean Rusk. Message of Condolence from Tanganyikan January 16,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Prime Minister Rashidi Kawawa on Crash of Discussions with Moses Chu, Chinese U.S. Air Force Plane in Kenya. Businessman and Unofficial Representative 0138 Handwritten Note. Fr: NA. To: Bromley K. of Taiwanese Government, regarding Smith. Taiwan's Consular or Diplomatic NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Representation in Tanganyika. "If We Are Sending Reply Would You Ask 0126 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: John State Why It Took So Long to Act•10 Daysl F. Kennedy. Tell S/S OK as Revised." January 24,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 4/9/76. 0139 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Rashidi Kawawa. Use of U.S. Military Forces and Facilities for NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Evacuation of U.S. Citizens from Tanganyika. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter of 0127 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Condolence from Tanganyikan Prime Minister McGeorge Bundy. Rashidi Kawawa on Crash of U.S. Air Force January 26,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Plane in Kenya. Resignation of Tanganyikan Prime Minister 0140 Incoming Telegram #835. Fr: [?] Byrne. Julius Nyerere. To: Dean Rusk. 0128 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. June 4,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. NA. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Draft UN Resolution Submitted by Soviet Resignation of Tanganyikan Prime Minister Union regarding Implementation of Julius Nyerere. Declaration Granting Independence to 0131 Incoming Telegram #795. Fr: [?] Byrne. Nyasaland. To: Dean Rusk. 0142 Incoming Telegram #838. Fr: [?] Byrne. To: May 18, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. Dean Rusk. . Tanganyikan Prime Minister Rashidi Kawawa June 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Expresses Sympathy over U.S. Air Force Draft Consensus Statement regarding Efforts Disaster in Kenya. to Improve Political and Constitutional 0132 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Development of Basutoland, Bechuanaland, To: McGeorge Bundy. and Swaziland. May 25, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. 0144 Incoming Telegram #839. Fr: [?] Byrne. Message of Condolence from Tanganyikan To: Dean Rusk. Prime Minister Rashidi Kawawa on U.S. Air June 5,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Force Disaster in Kenya. UN Committee of 17's Discussions on Future 0133 Incoming Telegram #795. Fr: [?] Byrne. of High Commission Territories and To: Dean Rusk. Nyasaland. May 18, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. 0146 Department of State Airgram #A-191. Fr: [?] Tanganyikan Prime Minister Rashidi Kawawa Byrne. To: Dean Rusk. Expresses Sympathy over U.S. Air Force June 26, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Disaster in Kenya. Tanganyikan Prime Minister Rashidi 0134 Incoming Telegram #821. Fr: [?] Byrne. Kawawa's Policy Speech to National To: Dean Rusk. Assembly. May 31, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. Election and Powers of Tanganyika's First President.

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0149 Incoming Telegram #929. Fr: [?] Byrne. 0163 Handwritten Letter. Fr: Yasinta Leo. To: Dean Rusk. To: John F. Kennedy. June 28, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. May 29,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. Discussions between Tanganyikan and Letter of Thanks to Kennedy for U.S. Famine Burundi Officials regarding Refugee Situation Relief for Tanganyika. and Possible Post-Independence Problems. 0165 Handwritten Letter. Fr: Fatn Gussa. 0152 Letter. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. To: Rashidi To: John F. Kennedy. Kawawa. May 28,1962.1p.JFK#NA. June 29, 1962. 1p.JFK#NA. Letter of Thanks to Kennedy for U.S. Famine Letter to Prime Minister Kawawa Relief for Tanganyika. Acknowledging Receipt of Letters of Thanks 0166 Handwritten Letter. Fr: Teresa Michael. from Girls at St. Mary's Middle School in To: John F. Kennedy. Tanganyika to John F. Kennedy for U.S. Food May 29,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. Shipments during Recent Famine. Letter of Thanks to Kennedy for U.S. Famine 0153 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Rashidi Kawawa. Relief for Tanganyika. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. 0167 Handwritten Letter. Fr: Kmina Augustini. Letter to Prime Minister Kawawa To: John F. Kennedy. Acknowledging Receipt of Letters of Thanks May 30, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. from Girls at St. Mary's Middle School in Letter of Thanks to Kennedy for U.S. Famine Tanganyika to John F. Kennedy for U.S. Food Relief for Tanganyika. Shipments during Recent Famine. 0168 Handwritten Letter. Fr: Pia Vincenza 0154 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Francesca. To: John F. Kennedy. To: McGeorge Bundy. May 29, 1962.1p.JFK#NA. June 27, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. Letter of Thanks to Kennedy for U.S. Famine Letter from Prime Minister Kawawa Enclosing Relief for Tanganyika. Letters from Students of St. Mary's Middle 0169 Incoming Telegram #7. Fr: [?] Byrne. School, Kondoa, Tanganyika, Thanking John . To: Dean Rusk. F. Kennedy for Famine Relief. July 4,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. 0.155 Letter. Fr: Rashidi Kawawa. To: John F. Rwandan-Tanganyikan Relations Including Kennedy. Refugee Problem. June 8,1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. 0170 Incoming Telegram #68. Fr: [?] Byrne. To: Letter from Prime Minister Kawawa Enclosing Dean Rusk. Letters from Students of St. Mary's Middle July 26,1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. School, Kondoa, Tanganyika, Thanking Discussions with Former Tanganyikan Prime Kennedy for Famine Relief. Minister Julius Nyerere regarding Proposal 0156 Handwritten Letter. Fr: Kwispina Sinili. for Economic "Brain Trust" to Advise To: John F. Kennedy. President of Tanganyika. June 1,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. 0173 Incoming Telegram #100. Fr: [?] Byrne. Letter of Thanks to Kennedy for U.S. Famine To: Dean Rusk. Relief for Tanganyika. August 16, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. 0158 Handwritten Letter. Fr: Angelina Matilde Possible Visit to U.S. by Former Tanganyikan Mathias. To: John F. Kennedy. Prime Minister Julius Nyerere. May 29, 1962.1 p. JFK#NA. 0174 Incoming Telegram #109. Fr: [?] Byrne. Letter of Thanks to Kennedy for U.S. Famine To: Dean Rusk. Relief for Tanganyika. August 16,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. 0159 Handwritten Letter. Fr: Fides John. To: John Tanganyikan Minister of Finance Paul F. Kennedy. Bomani's Plans to Visit U.S. to Attend May 29, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. International Monentary Fund (IMF) Letter of Thanks to Kennedy for U.S. Famine Conference. Relief for Tanganyika. 0161 Handwritten Letter. Fr: Susana Joseph. To: John F. Kennedy. May 29, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. Letter of Thanks to Kennedy for U.S. Famine Relief for Tanganyika.

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0175 Incoming Telegram #113. Fr: [?] Byrne. 0189 Outgoing Telegram #214. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. August 16,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. November 2,1962. Ip. JFK#NA. LOU. Discussions with Former Tanganyikan Prime Message of Congratulations from John F. Minister Julius Nyerere regarding Proposal Kennedy to Julius Nyerere on His Election as for Economic "Brain Trust" to Advise President of Tanganyika. President of Tanganyika. 0190 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 0177 Incoming Telegram #121. Fr: [?] Byrne. To: McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. November 1, 1962. Ip. JFK#NA. LOU. August 18, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Proposed Message of Congratulations from Tanganyikan Minister of Finance Paul John F. Kennedy to Julius Nyerere on His Bomani's Report on Promises of Capital and Election as President of Tanganyika. Technical Aid Received during His Trips to 0191 Draft Message. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Eastern and Western Europe. Julius Nyerere. 0180 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: NA. 1p.JFK#NA. McGeorge Bundy. Message of Congratulations from Kennedy to August 28, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. Nyerere on His Election as President of Request for Appointment with John F. Tanganyika. Kennedy for William Leonhart, U.S. 0192 Incoming Telegram #286. Fr: William Ambassador to Tanganyika. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. 0181 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. November 2, 1962. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Summary of Discussions with Tanganyikan Biographical Sketch of William Leonhart, U.S. President-Elect Julius Nyerere regarding His Ambassador to Tanganyika. Plans. 0182 Incoming Telegram #192. Fr: [?] Byrne. To: 0195 Incoming Telegram #293. Fr: William Dean Rusk. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. September 21,1962.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. November 8,1962.1p. JFK#NA. Soviet Embassy Gains Tanganyikan Message of Condolence from Tanganyikan Government Approval for Increase in Size of Government on Death of Former First Lady Staff. Eleanor Roosevelt. 0183 Department of State Airgram #A-195. Fr: 0196 Note. Fr: Ralph A. Dungan. To: Bromley K. William Leonhart. To: State Department. Smith. October 5, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. November 21,1962.1 p. JFK#NA. Presentation of Credentials by William The Attached Okay. Please Send by Leonhart, First U.S. Ambassador to Pouch•No Special Representative Going." Tanganyika. 0197 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Julius Nyerere. 0185 Statement. Fr: William Leonhart. To: NA. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Congratulatory Message from John F. Statement by Leonhart, U.S. Ambassador to Kennedy on Establishment of Republic of Tanganyika, on Presentation of His Tanganyika and Inauguration of Nyerere as Credentials. Its First President. 0186 Statement. Fr: Sir Richard Turnbull. To: NA. 0198 Copy of Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Julius October 3, 1962. ip. JFK#NA. Nyerere. Statement by Turnbull, Governor-General of NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Tanganyika, to U.S. Ambassador William Congratulatory Message from John F. Leonhart on Presentation of His Credentials. Kennedy on Establishment of Republic of 0187 Outgoing Telegram #179. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Tanganyika and Inauguration of Nyerere as U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Its First President. October 14,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. 0200 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Schedule for U.S. Ambassador-at-Large To: McGeorge Bundy. Chester Bowles Visit to Tanganyika. November 21,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. Message of Greeting from John F. Kennedy on Establishment of Republic of Tanganyika and Inauguration of Julius Nyerere as Its First President.

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0201 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Julius 0210 Outgoing Telegram #231. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Nyerere. U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. November 21, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Congratulatory Message from Kennedy on U.S. Ambassador William Leonhart Establishment of Republic of Tanganyika and Designated as John F. Kennedy's Personal Inauguration of Nyerere as Its First President. Representative to Tanganyikan Republic Day 0202 Outgoing Telegram #228. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Ceremonies. U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. 0211 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Bromley K. November 26, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Smith. U.S. Ambassador William Leonhart November 21, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. Designated as John F. Kennedy's Personal "For White House Approval Prior to Representative to Tanganyikan Republic Day Transmission." Ceremonies. 0212 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, 0203 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Dar-es-Salaam. Bundy. November 21,1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. November 26,1962.1p. JFK#NA. U.S. Ambassador William Leonhart "For Approval Prior to Transmission." Designated as John F. Kennedy's Personal 0204 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Representative to Tanganyikan Republic Day Dar-es-Salaam. Ceremonies. November 26, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. 0213 Outgoing Telegram #230. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Ambassador William Leonhart U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Designated as John F. Kennedy's Personal November 27, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Representative to Tanganyikan Republic Day U.S. Ambassador William Leonhart to Deliver Ceremonies. Message from John F. Kennedy to President 0205 Incoming Telegram #315. Fr: William Julius Nyerere at Tanganyikan Republic Day Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Ceremonies. November 26, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. 0214 Outgoing Telegram #233. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Julius Nyerere's Reply to John F. Kennedy's U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Message of Congratulations on His November 28,1962.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Inauguration as President of Tanganyika. White House Announces William Leonhart's 0206 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: William H. Appointment as John F. Kennedy's Personal Brubeck. Representative to Tanganyikan Republic Day November 26, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. Ceremonies. "For Transmittal." 0215 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Bromley K. 0207 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Julius Smith. Nyerere. November 30,1962.1p. JFK#NA. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. "For Approval Prior to Transmission." Congratulatory Message from Kennedy on 0216 Copy of Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Establishment of Republic of Tanganyika and To: Bromley K. Smith. Inauguration of Nyerere as Its First President. November 30, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. 0208 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: "For Approval Prior to Transmission." McGeorge Bundy. 0217 Incoming Telegram #327. Fr: William November 21, 1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Message of Greeting from John F. Kennedy November 30, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. on Establishment of Republic of Tanganyika C. 4/9/76. and Inauguration of Julius Nyerere as Its People's Republic of China Wishes to First President. Negotiate Cultural Agreement with 0209 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Julius Tanganyikan Government. Nyerere. 0218 Outgoing Telegram #242. Fr: Dean Rusk. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Congratulatory Message from Kennedy on December 5, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. Establishment of Republic of Tanganyika and U.S. Ambassador William Leonhart's Letter of Inauguration of Nyerere as Its First President. Credence as John F. Kennedy's Personal Representative to Tanganyikan Republic Day Ceremonies.

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0221 Outgoing Telegram #244. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0231 Incoming Telegram #364. Fr: William To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. December 7, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. December 11,1962. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Congratulatory Message from John F. British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan Kennedy on Establishment of Republic of Agrees to Meet with Prime Ministers Rashidi Tanganyika and Inauguration of Julius Kawawa of Tanganyika and Milton Obote of Nyerere as Its First President. Uganda regarding Suspension of East Africa 0223 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Common Services Authority (EACSA) and McGeorge Bundy. Kenyan Elections. December 6, 1962.1 p. JFK#NA. LOU. 0235 Incoming Telegram #366. Fr: William Recommendation That John F. Kennedy Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Send Revised Message of Greeting on December 12, 1962. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. NA. IP. Establishment of Republic of Tanganyika. Summary of Events at Tanganyikan Republic 0224 Note. Fr: Edward S. Little. To: Bromley K. Celebrations and Julius Nyerere's Smith. Inauguration as First President. December 7, 1962.1 p. JFK#NA. 0241 Incoming Telegram #388. Fr: William "Attached for White House Clearance Prior Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. to Transmission Is Draft Telegram to Dar-es- December 28,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. Salaam." C. 4/9/76. 0225 Copy of Note. Fr: Edward S. Little. Tripartite East African Delegation Made up of To: Bromley K. Smith. Delegates from Tanganyika, Uganda, and December 7,1962.1p. JFK#NA. Kenya to Visit European Capitals to Discuss "Attached for White House Clearance Prior Common Market Problems. to Transmission Is Draft Telegram to Dar-es- Salaam." 0243 Tanganyika•1963. 0226 Incoming Telegram #357. Fr: William 0244 Inventory List. 4pp. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. 0248 Department of State Airgram #A-331. Fr: December 8, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. William Leonhart. To: State Department. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's January 1,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Reaction to Congratulatory Message from U.S. Year-End Assessment of Tanganyika for John F. Kennedy. 1962. 0227 Incoming Telegram #358. Fr: William 0251 Outgoing Telegram #388. Fr: George W Ball. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. To: U.S. Consulate, Salisbury. December 10,1962.1p. JFK#NA. January 4,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. New Cabinet Announced Following Julius Copy of Congratulatory Message from John Nyerere's Inauguration as President of F. Kennedy on Establishment of Republic of Tanganyika. Tanganyika and Inauguration of Julius 0228 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Nyerere as Its First President Sent to To: McGeorge Bundy. Hastings Banda of Nyasaland. December 10, 1962.1 p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. 0253 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Communist Bloc Assistance in Establishing Selected African Diplomatic Posts. Tanganyikan Newspaper. January 10,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. 0229 Incoming Telegram #361. Fr: William John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter from Mbiyu Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Koinange, Secretary General of Pan-African December 11, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Freedom Movement for East, Central, and Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere Southern Africa (PAFMECSA), Supporting Names Cabinet and Appoints Rashidi U.S. Policy in DRC. Kawawa as Vice President. 0255 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Bundy. January 9,1963.1p. JFK#NA. "For Approval Prior to Transmission."

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0256 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: Selected African 0271 Incoming Telegram #531. Fr: William Diplomatic Posts. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. NA. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. February 15,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 3/24/76 John F. Kennedy's Reply to Letter from Mbiyu IP. Koinange, Secretary General of Pan-African Meeting with Tanganyikan President Julius Freedom Movement for East, Central, and Nyerere for General Review of Area Southern Africa (PAFMECSA), Supporting Developments. U.S. Policy in DRC. 0274 Incoming Telegram #650. Fr: William 0258 Incoming Telegram #429. Fr: William Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. March 21,1963.3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. January 17,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Discussions with Eduardo Mondlane, Delivery of John F. Kennedy's Message to President of Mozambique Liberation Front Mbiyu Koinange, Secretary General of Pan- (FRELIMO), regarding Independence of African Freedom Movement for East, Central, Mozambique. and Southern Africa (PAFMECSA), with 0277 Incoming Telegram #690. Fr: William Copies to Tanganyikan Vice President Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Rashidi Kawawa and Other African Refugee April 5,1963.5pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Leaders. Discussions with Tanganyikan President 0259 Incoming Telegram #441. Fr: William Julius Nyerere regarding Threat Posed by Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Continued Portuguese Rule in Mozambique. January 19,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. 0283 Outgoing Telegram #423. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: Tanganyikan Government's Efforts to Carry U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. out Tanganyika African National Union May 3,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. (TANU) Resolution Calling for Government Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere Invited Purchase and Sale of Foodstuffs through to Address Opening Session of World Food Cooperative Supply Association of Congress in Washington, D.C. Tanganyika (COSATA). 0285 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge 0262 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: William H. Bundy. Brubeck. May 6,1963. 1p.JFK#NA. January 22,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. "For Approval Prior to Transmission." "For Your Information and Files." 0286 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, 0263 Letter. Fr: Julius Nyerere. To: John F. Dar-es-Salaam. Kennedy. May 3,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. January 2, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere Invited Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's to Address Opening Session of World Food Reply to Christmas and New Year's Congress in Washington, D.C. Greetings from John F. Kennedy and His 0288 Incoming Telegram #829. Fr: William Wife. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. 0264 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: May 17,1963. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Carl Kaysen. Text of Letter from Tanganyikan President February 1,1963.1 p. JFK#NA. S. 4/9/76. Julius Nyerere to John F. Kennedy regarding Communist Bloc Assistance in Establishing Concern over Situation in South Africa, Tanganyikan Newspaper. Southwest Africa, and Portuguese Colonies 0265 Incoming Telegram #529. Fr: William of Mozambique and Angola. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. 0294 Incoming Telegram #830. Fr: William February 15, 1963. 6pp. JFK#NA. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. C. 3/24/76 IP. May 17,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's Impressions of Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Concern over Situation in Mozambique. Organization (AAPSO) Conference at Moshi, 0297 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: Tanganyika. McGeorge Bundy. June 11,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Letter from Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere regarding Situation in Southern Africa, Dated May 16, 1963. Tanganyika/Reel 12 261 Frame Document Frame Document

0298 Signature Record. 1p. JFK#NA. 0320 Incoming Telegram #966. Fr: William 0299 Incoming Telegram #830. Fr: William Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. June 19, 1963. 5pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. May 17, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's Letter to John F. Kennedy regarding Results Concern over Situation in Mozambique. of Addis Ababa Conference on African Unity, 0302 Signature Record. 1 p. JFK#NA. East African Federation, Situation in 0303 Incoming Telegram #829. [Note: Part One of Southern Africa, and Acceptance of Invitation Two.] Fr: William Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. to Visit U.S. May 17, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. 0325 Incoming Telegram #978. Fr: William Text of Letter from Tanganyikan President Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Julius Nyerere to John F. Kennedy regarding June 21,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. Concern over Situation in South Africa, Arusha, Tanganyika, Chosen as Site for Southwest Africa, and Portuguese Colonies Capital of East African Federation. of Mozambique and Angola. 0326 Incoming Telegram #987. Fr: William 0306 Signature Record. 1 p. JFK#NA. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. 0307 Incoming Telegram #829. [Note. Part Two of June 22, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. Two.] Fr: William Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Arrangements for Tanganyikan President May 17, 1963. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Julius Nyerere's Visit to U.S. Text of Letter from Tanganyikan President 0327 Incoming Telegram #1002. Fr: William Julius Nyerere to John F. Kennedy regarding Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Concern over Situation in South Africa, June 25, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/6/75. Southwest Africa, and Portuguese Colonies Tanganyikan Government's Intention to of Mozambique and Angola. Establish Federal Government in East Africa 0310 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. with Strong Central Powers by End of 1963. Brubeck. 0330 Incoming Telegram #1011. Fr: William May 31, 1963. 1 p. JFK#NA. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. "For Recommendation." June 26, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. 0311 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. Reception in Tanganyika for Committee of Brubeck. Nine to Meet with African Refugee Leaders. June 14, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. 0332 Memorandum. Fr: Edward S. Little. "For Transmittal." To: McGeorge Bundy. 0312 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: June 27, 1963.1p.JFK#NA. McGeorge Bundy. Letter from President Julius Nyerere of May 29, 1963. 1p.JFK#NA. Tanganyika tó John F. Kennedy, Dated June Letter from Tanganyikan President Julius 18,1963. Nyerere to John F. Kennedy. 0333 Incoming Telegram #1023. Fr: [?] Byrne. 0313 Letter. Fr: Julius Nyerere. To: John F. To: Dean Rusk. Kennedy. June 29, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. May 16, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. Dismissal of Tanganyikan Permanent Concern over Situation in South Africa, Secretary of External Affairs and Defense Southwest Africa, and Portuguese Colonies Vedast Kyaruzi. of Mozambique and Angola. 0334 Incoming Telegram #54. Fr: William Leonhart. 0316 Incoming Telegram #951. Fr: William To: Dean Rusk. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. July 10,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. June 17,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Letter from T. M. Unwin, Acting Permanent Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere Secretary of Tanganyikan Ministry of External Receives John F. Kennedy's Invitation to Affairs, regarding Possible Talks with Visit U.S. Portugal about African Colonies. 0317 Letter. Fr: Julius Nyerere. To: John F. Kennedy. June 18, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. Recent Developments in Relation to African Unity.

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0336 Outgoing Telegram #82. Fr: Dean Rusk. 0356 Incoming Telegram #166. Fr: William To: Selected U.S. Diplomatic Posts. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. July 10,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/6/76. August 9,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. U.S. Skeptical of Effect of Intervention with East African Federation Constitutional Portuguese Government regarding Negotiations. Mozambique Nationalist Training Camps in 0357 Incoming Telegram #49. Fr: Frederick P. Tanganyika. Picard III. To: Dean Rusk. 0338 Incoming Telegram #122. Fr: [?] Byrne. August 12, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. To: Dean Rusk. Report That Portuguese Officials in July 29, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/9/76. Mozambique Plan to Seize Shipment of Arms Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere Purchased by Tanganyika for Use by Accepts Invitation to Visit Nordic Council Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). Capitals. 0358 Incoming Telegram #342. Fr: William 0339 Incoming Telegram #126. Fr:[?] Byrne. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. September 28,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. July 30, 1963.1p.JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. President Julius Nyerere Discusses Meeting African Refugee Groups Plan Demonstration with John F. Kennedy at Press Conference in at U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam to Protest Tanganyika on His Return from Visit to U.S. Bombing in Birmingham, Alabama. 0340 Incoming Telegram #155. Fr:[?] Byrne. 0360 Incoming Telegram #244. Fr: William To: Dean Rusk. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. August 7,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. September 28,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. Discussions with Tanganyikan Foreign Tanganyikan Government Halts Minister Oscar Kambona regarding East Demonstration at U.S. Embassy, Dar-es- African Federation. Salaam by African Refugee Groups 0342 Incoming Telegram #153. Fr: William Protesting Bombing in Birmingham, Alabama. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. 0361 Outgoing Telegram #156. Fr: George W. Ball. August 6, 1963. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/75. To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Meeting with Tanganyikan Foreign Minister September 28,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. Oscar Kambona regarding President Julius C. 1/5/76. Nyerere's Visit to U.S. and Developments in Statement by John F. Kennedy regarding Africa. Official U.S. Policy on Bombing in 0348 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Birmingham, Alabama. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0364 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. August 8,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. British Views on France, South Africa, and October 2,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 12/30/75. Portuguese Colonies. Tanganyikan Action to Bar Anti-U.S. 0349 Incoming Telegram #161. Fr: William Demonstration by Southern African Refugee Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Groups in Dar-es-Salaam. August 8, 1963. 6pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. Discussions with Tanganyikan President 0366 Tanganyika•Nyerere Briefing Book, Julius Nyerere regarding Problems of July 15-16,1963. Rhodesia, South Africa, DRC, and 0367 Inventory List. 4pp. Portuguese Territories and Prospects for East African Federation. 0355 Incoming Telegram #165. Fr: William Leonhàrt. To: Dean Rusk. August 9,1963. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 1 /5/76. Discussions between Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere and Portuguese Political Leader General Humberto Delgado regarding Possible Means of Linking Underground Movement in Portugal with Pan-African Movement.

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0371 Briefing Book. Fr: State Department. 0499 Tanganyika•Nyerere Visit, July 1963. To: John F. Kennedy. 0500 Inventory List. 3pp. July 15-16, 1963. 80pp. JFK#NA. LOU. C. S. 0503 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. 1/7/76 and 5/5/76 IP. To: John F. Kennedy. Briefing Book for Visit to U.S. by Tanganyikan June 6,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. President Julius Nyerere, July 8-16,1963 State and Presidential Guest Visits for [Schedule for Tanganyikan President Julius Remainder of 1963. Nyerere's Visit to U.S.; Background Papers 0504 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. on East African Federation, OAU, East NA. 1 p. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. Africa-Northern Rhodesia Railroad Link, Proposed Presidential Guest Visit of Tanganyika, Portuguese Africa, and Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere. Mozambique; Briefing Paper on Situation in 0505 Note. Fr: Carl Kaysen. To: McGeorge Bundy. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland; June 7,1963. 1p.JFK#NA. Kennedy's Statement on Arrival of President Recommendation for Proposed Visit to U.S. Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika; Joint by Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere. Communiqué Issued by Kennedy and 0506 Outgoing Telegram #491. Fr: Dean Rusk. President Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika; To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Kennedy's Farewell Telegram to President June 14, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika; Biographical Letter from John F. Kennedy to Tanganyikan Sketches of Tanganyikan Minister of External President Julius Nyerere Extending Invitation Affairs and Defense Oscar Kambona; to Visit U.S. President Julius Nyerere; I. M. Bhoke 0508 Outgoing Telegram #492. Fr: Dean Rusk. Munanka, Parliamentary Secretary to To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Tanganyikan Vice President's Office; Erasto June 13, 1963. 2pp. [Note: Page Two Is on Mang'enya, Tanganyikan UN Representative; Frame 0510.] JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. Sebastian Chale, Counselor to Tanganyikan Purpose of Proposed Visit to U.S. by UN Mission; Herbert Chitepo, Tanganyikan Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere. Director of Public Prosecutions; Bernard 0509 Incoming Telegram #951. Fr: William Mulokozi, Tanganyikan Principal Assistant Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Secretary in Ministry of External Affairs; and June 17, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. Kennedy's Briefing Paper for Visit of Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere]. Accepts John F. Kennedy's Invitation to Visit U.S. 0451 Tanganyika•Nyerere Briefing 0511 Copy of Incoming Telegram #951. Fr: William Memorandum, July 15-16,1963. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. 0452 Inventory List. 1 p. June 17,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. 0454 Briefing Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: NA. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere July 8-11, 1963. 47pp. JFK#NA. C. S. 4/7/76 Accepts John F. Kennedy's Invitation to Visit and 5/5/76. U.S. Briefing Memorandum for Tanganyikan 0512 Incoming Telegram #965. Fr: William President Julius Nyerere's Trip to U.S., July Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. 15-16, 1963 [Table on U.S. Aid to June 19, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. Tanganyika; Table on Non-U.S. External Aid Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's to Tanganyika; Biographical Sketch of Acceptance of John F. Kennedy's Invitation to President Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika; Visit U.S. Kennedy's Briefing Paper for Tanganyikan 0513 Outgoing Telegram #515. Fr: Dean Rusk. President Julius Nyerere's Visit; Background To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Papers on African Liberation Committee; June 20, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. Tanganyikan Internal Political Situation; White House Agrees to Dates for South Africa; Southwest Africa; and UN Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's Visit Security Council Meetings on Apartheid and to U.S. Portuguese African Territories; and Letters from President Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika to Kennedy].

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0514 Outgoing Telegram #523. Fr: George W. Ball. 0532 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. To: McGeorge Bundy. June 24, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/6/76. June 28,1963.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Arrangements for Tanganyikan President "The Attached Is for White House Clearance Julius Nyerere's Visit to U.S. Prior to Transmission." 0517 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge 0533 Copy of Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. Bundy. To: McGeorge Bundy. June 24, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. NA. June 28,1963.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. 'The Attached Is for White House Clearance The Attached Is for White House Clearance Prior to Transmission." Prior to Transmission." 0518 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, 0534 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Dar-es-Salaam. June 24, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/6/76. June 28, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Arrangements for Tanganyikan President Tentative Schedule for Tanganyikan Julius Nyerere's Visit to U.S. President Julius Nyerere's Visit to U.S. 0521 Memorandum. Fr: Edward S. Little. To: 0536 Incoming Telegram #10. Fr: William Leonhart. McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. June 25, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. July 2,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Visit of Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere Arrangements for Tanganyikan President to Washington, D.C., on July 15-16,1963. Julius Nyerere's Visit to U.S. 0522 Memorandum. Fr: Edward S. Little. To: 0539 Incoming Telegram #17. Fr: William Leonhart. McGeorge Bundy. To: Dean Rusk. June 25, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. July 3, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. Visit of Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere to Washington, D.C., on July 15-16, 1963. Requests That No Representatives of 0523 Outgoing Telegram #529. Fr: George W. Ball. Portuguese or South African Governments To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Attend Any Social Events in His Honor during June 25, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/75. His Visit to U.S. White House Announcement of Tanganyikan 0540 Incoming Telegram #25. Fr: William Leonhart. President Julius Nyerere's Visit to U.S. To: Dean Rusk. 0524 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge July 3, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Bundy. Arrangements for Tanganyikan President June 25, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. NA. Julius Nyerere's Visit to U.S. 'The Attached Is for White House Clearance 0542 Outgoing Telegram #20. Fr: Dean Rusk. Prior to Transmission." To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. 0525 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, July 5, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. Dar-es-Salaam. U.S. Presidential Aircraft Available to June 25, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. NA. Transport Tanganyikan President Julius White House Announcement of Tanganyikan Nyerere's Party to New York City on July 17, President Julius Nyerere's Visit to U.S. 1963. 0526 Outgoing Telegram #23. Fr: George W Ball. 0543 Incoming Telegram #35. Fr: William Leonhart. To: U.S. Embassies, London and Dublin. To: Dean Rusk. June 26, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. July 6, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. White House Announcement of Tanganyikan Suggested Guest List for Reception to Be President Julius Nyerere's Visit to U.S. Hosted by Tanganyikan President Julius 0527 Incoming Telegram #1012. Fr: William Nyerere at Home of Angier Biddle Duke, U.S. Leonhart. To: Dean Rusk. Chief of Protocol. June 26, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/6/76. 0545 Memorandum. Fr: Frederick D. Vreeland. Arrangements for Tanganyikan President To: John F. Kennedy. Julius Nyerere's Visit to U.S. July 11, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. NA. 0530 Outgoing Telegram #546. Fr: George W. Ball. Briefing Book and Memorandum for To: U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's Visit June 28, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. to U.S. Tentative Schedule for Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's Visit to U.S.

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0547 Note. Fr: Samuel E. Belk. To: Captain 0577 Text of Speech. Fr: NA. To: NA. Shepard. May 28, 1963. 5pp. JFK#NA. July 11, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. NA. Speech by Tanganyikan President Julius Views of Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere in Ethiopia at Addis Ababa Nyerere and Political Leader Tom Mboya of Conference. Kenya on Unidentified Topic. 0582 Incoming Telegram #76. Fr: [?] Byrne. 0548 Handwritten Note. Fr: Arthur McCafferty. To: Dean Rusk. To: Bromley K. Smith. July 13, 1963. 1p.JFK#NA. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Travel Plans of President Julius Nyerere of Transmittal of Unidentified Cables to John F. Tanganyika. Kennedy. 0583 Incoming Telegram #77. Fr: [?] Byrne. 0549 Incoming Telegram #40. Fr: Laurence C. To: Dean Rusk. Vass. To: Dean Rusk. July 13,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. July 9, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's Kenyan Political Leader Tom Mboya's Departure for Visit to U.S. Comments on Tanganyikan President Julius 0584 Incoming Telegram #78. Fr: [?] Byrne. Nyerere's Visit to U.S. To: Dean Rusk. 0551 Incoming Telegram #33. Fr: William Leonhart. July 13,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. To: Dean Rusk. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's July 10, 1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. Desire Not to Become Involved in U.S. Civil Discussions with Tanganyikan President Rights Controversy. Julius Nyerere regarding His Upcoming Visit 0585 Memorandum. Fr: Frederick D. Vreeland. to U.S. To: John F. Kennedy. 0554 Press Release. Fr: NA. To: NA. July 13,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 4/21/76. July 12, 1963. 8pp. JFK#NA. Probable Discussions with Tanganyikan Program for Tanganyikan President Julius President Julius Nyerere regarding Situation Nyerere's Visit to U.S. in Southern Africa. 0562 Memorandum. Fr: Office of Chief of Protocol. 0587 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Julius To: NA. Nyerere. July 12,1963. 9pp. JFK#NA. June 14, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 4/21/76. Administrative Arrangements for Tanganyikan Implications of Situation in Southern Africa. President Julius Nyerere's Arrival in 0588 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: John F. Kennedy. Washington, D.C. July 13,1963. 9pp. JFK#NA. C. 2/20/79. 0571 Memorandum. Fr: Frederick D. Vreeland. U.S. Policy on Apartheid in South Africa and To: John F. Kennedy. U.S. Strategy in UN Security Council. July 13,1963.1p. JFK#NA. S. 4/21/76. 0597 Memorandum. Fr: NA. To: John F. Kennedy. Package of Memoranda Relevant to July 13,1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 2/20/79. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere's Visit U.S. Strategy regarding Portuguese African to U.S. Territories in UN Security Council. 0572 Incoming Telegram #33. Fr: William Leonhart. 0601 Tab1.1p.JFK#NA. To: Dean Rusk. 0602 Memorandum. Fr: George W. Ball. To: John July 10,1963. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 1/5/76. F. Kennedy. Discussions with Tanganyikan President July 13, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. Julius Nyerere regarding His Upcoming Visit U.S. Policy regarding Portuguese Territories to U.S. and Apartheid in South Africa. 0575 Incoming Telegram #54. Fr: William Leonhart. 0604 Letter. Fr: Robert S. McNamara. To: Dean To: Dean Rusk. Rusk. July 10,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 4/21/76. July 11,1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. S. 5/3/76. Letter from T. M. Unwin, Acting Permanent U.S. Secretary of Defense McNamara's Secretary of Tanganyikan Ministry of External Conclusions and Recommendations Affairs, regarding Possible Talks with regarding U.S. Position on South Africa. Portugal. 0606 Tab 2.1p.JFK#NA.

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0607 Talking Points Paper. Fr: State Department. 0643 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: John F. Kennedy. To: NA. NA. 2pp.JFK#NA. 0.1/276. July 17, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. Situation in Horn of Africa. Discussions with Portuguese Ambassador 0609 Tab 3. 1p.JFK#NA. regarding Portugal's Policies in Its African 0610 Memorandum. Fr: Walt W. Rostow. Territories. To: Carl Kaysen. 0645 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. July 10, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. S. 5/7/76. To: McGeorge Bundy. Background of South Africa Problem. July 17,1963. 1p.JFK#NA. 0611 Memorandum. Fr: William E. Duggan. Memorandum of Conversation between John To: NA. F. Kennedy and Tanganyikan President Julius July 9,1963. 7pp. JFK#NA. S. 5/7/76. Nyerere. Background of South Africa Problem. 0646 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge 0618 Tab 4. 1p.JFK#NA. Bundy. 0619 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. July 18, 1963.1p.JFK#NA. To: NA. "For Approval Prior to Distribution. The July 15, 1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. President's Remarks Are Sidelined in Blue." Discussions between John F. Kennedy and 0647 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere. To: Julius Nyerere. 0624 Copy of Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: July 18, 1963. 1p.JFK#NA. NA. To: NA. Letter from Kennedy to Tanganyikan July 15, 1963. 4pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. President Nyerere regarding His Visit to U.S. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and 0648 Note. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: McGeorge Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere. Bundy. 0628 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. July 18, 1963. 1p.JFK#NA. To: NA. 'The Attached Is for White House Clearance July 15, 1963. 7pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. Prior to Transmission." Discussions between Dean Rusk and 0649 Draft Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere To: Julius Nyerere. regarding Situation in Southern Africa. July 18, 1963. 1p.JFK#NA. 0635 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Letter from Kennedy to Tanganyikan To: NA. President Nyerere regarding His Visit to U.S. July 16, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. 0650 Note. Fr: Polly A. Yates. To: Samuel E. Belk. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere "State Needs Clearance on Farewell regarding Situation in Southern Africa. Message to Nyerere. Will You Handle and 0638 Copy of Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: Let Me Know When Cleared. If Text Is NA. To: NA. Changed, Please Let Me Have New Version." July 16, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. 0651 Draft Telegram. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Julius Nyerere. Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere July 9,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. LOU. regarding Situation in Southern Africa. Kennedy's Farewell Telegram to Tanganyikan 0640 Press Release. Fr: Office of White House President Julius Nyerere. Press Secretary. To: NA. 0652 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: William H. July 16,1963.1p.JFK#NA. Brubeck. White House Announces That U.S. Peace July 22,1963.1p.JFK#NA. Corps Will Send New Volunteer Teachers to "For Your Information and Files." Tanganyika. 0653 Telegram. Fr: Julius Nyerere. To: John F. 0641 Press Release. Fr: Office of White House Kennedy. Press Secretary. To: NA. July 20, 1963.1p.JFK#NA. July 16, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. Message of Thanks from Tanganyikan Toasts of John F. Kennedy and Tanganyikan President Nyerere to Kennedy for Hospitality President Julius Nyerere at White House Extended during Visit to U.S. Luncheon.

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0654 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 0665 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Habib Bourguiba, Sr. McGeorge Bundy. NA. 1p.JFK#1b. July 22, 1963. 1p.JFK#NA. John F. Kennedy's Reply to Congratulatory Memorandum of Conversation between John Message from President Bourguiba, Sr., of F. Kennedy and Tanganyikan President Julius Tunisia on His Inauguration as President of Nyerere. U.S. 0655 Outgoing Telegram #127. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: 0666 Translation of Letter. Fr: Habib Bourguiba, Sr. U.S. Embassy, Dar-es-Salaam. To: John F. Kennedy. July 22, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. 5/7/76. January 20,1961. 1p. JFK#1c. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Congratulatory Message from President Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere Bourguiba, Sr., of Tunisia to Kennedy on His regarding Situation in Southern Africa. Inauguration as President of U.S. 0657 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 0667 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: John F. McGeorge Bundy. Kennedy. July 24, 1963. 1p.JFK#NA. February 3, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2. Memoranda of Conversations between John Tunisian Ambassador Mongi Sum's Request F. Kennedy and Tanganyikan President Julius to Call on Kennedy. Nyerere and between Deputy Undersecretary 0669 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. of State for Political Affairs U. Alexis Johnson NA. 1p. JFK#2a. C. 7/14/77. and Portuguese Ambassador to U.S. Pedro Biographical Sketch of Mongi Slim, Tunisian Pereira. Ambassador to U.S. 0658 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: 0670 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. McGeorge Bundy. To: Andrew J. Goodpaster. August 24, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. February 7, 1961.1p. JFK#3. Forwarding Letter to John F. Kennedy to John F. Kennedy's Discussions with Mongi Tanganyikan President Julius Nyerere. Slim, Tunisian Ambassador to U.S. 0659 Letter. Fr: Julius Nyerere. To: John F. 0671 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Kennedy. Tunis. August 6, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. February 6, 1961.1p. JFK#3a. C. 7/14/77. Message of Thanks from Tanganyikan John F. Kennedy Extends Invitation to Visit President Nyerere to Kennedy for Warm U.S. to President Habib Bourguiba, Sr., of Welcome Received during Visit to U.S. Tunisia. 0672 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Tunisia Tunis. 0660 Tunisia•January 1961-February February 6,.1961. 2pp. JFK#3b. C. 7/14/77. 1961. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and 0662 Withdrawal Sheet. 1p. Mongi Slim, Tunisian Ambassador to U.S., 0663 Outgoing Telegram #170. Fr: Dean Rusk. To: regarding Algerian Problem. U.S. Embassy, Tunis. 0674 Note. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. To: Andrew J. January 30,1961.1 p. JFK#1. OUO. Goodpaster. Letter from John F. Kennedy to President February 8, 1961.1p. JFK#4. Habib Bourguiba, Sr., of Tunisia regarding "For Information and Files." Achievement of Peace, Freedom, and 0675 Outgoing Telegram #801. Fr: Dean Rusk. Prosperity in Africa. To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. 0664 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. February 6,1961.2pp. JFK#4a. C. 7/14/77. To: Andrew J. Goodpaster. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and January 27,1961.1p. JFK#1a. Mongi Slim, Tunisian Ambassador to U.S., Congratulatory Message from President regarding Algerian Problem. Habib Bourguiba, Sr., of Tunisia to John F. 0677 Outgoing Telegram #802. Fr: Dean Rusk. Kennedy on His Inauguration as President of To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. U.S. February 6, 1961.1p. JFK#5. C. 7/14/77. John F. Kennedy Extends Invitation to Visit U.S. to President Habib Bourguiba, Sr., of Tunisia.

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0678 Incoming Telegram #958. Fr: Walter N. [Note: Following Document Filed out of Order.] Walmsley. To: Dean Rusk. 0700 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, February 15,1961. 1p. JFK#6. OUO. Tunis. Dispute between Tunisian Government and March 6,1961. 1p. JFK#1a. C. 7/14/77. Motion Picture Export Association of America White House Announces Tunisian President (MPEAA) regarding Film Tax. Habib Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Invitation to Visit U.S. 0679 Incoming Telegram #961. Fr: Walter N. 0701 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. A. Dungan. February 15, 1961. 2pp. JFK#7. C. 7/14/77. March 7, 1961. 1p.JFK#2a. Possible Change in Tunisian Government's John F. Kennedy's Letter of Invitation to Policy toward DRC. President Habib Bourguiba, Sr., of Tunisia in 0681 Incoming Telegram #962. Fr: Walter N. Connection with His State Visit to U.S. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0702 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Habib February 15, 1961. 6pp. JFK#8. S. 7/14/77. Bourguiba, Sr. Report on Tunisian President Habib NA. 1p.JFK#2b. Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Meeting in Paris with Kennedy Acknowledges Tunisian President French President Charles de Gaulle. Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Acceptance of His Invitation 0687 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. to Visit U.S. To: John F. Kennedy. 0703 Outgoing Telegram #1777. Fr: Dean Rusk. February 18, 1961. 1p. JFK#9. C. 7/14/77. To: U.S. Mission to UN. Proposed State Visit to U.S. by Tunisian March 17, 1961.1p. JFK#3. C. 7/14/77. President Habib Bourguiba, Sr. U.S. Gives Affirmative Reply to Note From 0688 Incoming Telegram #993. Fr: Walter N. Tunisian Foreign Secretary Requesting U.S. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Support for Mongi Sum's Candidacy for February 23,1961. 2pp. JFK#10. C. 7/14/77. President of 16th UN General Assembly. Provisional Algerian Government's Views on 0704 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba, Sr.'s, A. Dungan. Meeting with French President Charles de Aprils, 1961.1 p. JFK#4. Gaulle. Tunisian Ambassador Habib Bourguiba, Jr., 0690 Memorandum. Fr: Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. Calls on John F. Kennedy. To: Ralph A. Dungan. 0705 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. February 24, 1961. 1p. JFK#11. To: NA. Tunisian Ambassador Mongi Sum's Meeting March 10, 1961. 2pp. JFK#4a. C. 7/14/77. with John F. Kennedy on February 6, 1961. Presentation of Credentials by Tunisian 0691 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. To: Ambassador to U.S. Habib Bourguiba, Jr. NA. 0707 Note. Fr: RHJ[?]. To: Walt W. Rostow. February 7,1961.5pp. JFK#11a. C. 7/14/77. NA. 1p.JFK#5. Discussions between John F. Kennedy and Message from Tunisia Containing Mongi Slim, Tunisian Ambassador to U.S., on Recommendations on Economic Aid. February 6, 1961. 0708 Incoming Telegram #1187. Fr: Walter N. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0696 Tunisia•March 1961-April 1961. April 11,1961. 9pp. JFK#5a. C. 7/14/77. 0698 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. President Habib Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Views on To: Ralph A. Dungan. Tunisian Development and U.S. Aid. March6, 1961.1p. JFK#1. 0717 Letter. Fr: Thomas North. To: Ralph A. Release of Announcement of Tunisian Dungan. President Habib Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Visit to April 26,1961.1 p. JFK#6. U.S. Booklet Describing North Africa American 0699 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Habib Bourguiba, Sr. Cemetery and Memorial at Carthage, Tunisia, MarchS, 1961.1 p. JFK#2. for President Habib Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Visit to John F. Kennedy Acknowledges Tunisian U.S. President Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Acceptance of His Invitation to Visit U.S.

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0718 Booklet. Fr: American Battle Monuments 0759 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: NA. Commission. To: NA. To: NA. 1960. 27pp. JFK#6a. May 9,1961. 4pp. JFK#8. C. 7/14/77 IP. Description of North Africa American Discussions between Walt W. Rostow, Cemetery and Memorial at Carthage, Tunisia. Deputy Special Assistant to President for 0745 Note. Fr: NA. To: Chester V. Clifton. National Security Affairs, and Dr. Sadok April 29, 1961. 1p.JFK#7. Mokaddem, Tunisian Secretary of State for "Mr. Battle's Office Called Yesterday to Say Foreign Affairs, regarding Tunisian Political That No Medal Is Planned for Mr. Bourguiba, and Economic Problems. but That Mr. Conger of Protocol Would Call 0763 Memorandum. Fr: Wart W. Rostow. You about It. Did He?" To: John Root. 0746 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. May 16,1961.1 p. JFK#9. April 14, 1961.1 p. JFK#7a. "Attached Is Telegram from Willard W. Possible U.S. Medal for President Habib Garvey about Which I Spoke to You on Bourguiba, Sr., of Tunisia. Telephone Today." 0764 Outgoing Telegram. Fr: John Root. 0747 Tunisia•May 1961-June 1961. To: Willard W. Garvey.

0749 Inventory List. 2pp. May17>1961.1p.JFK#9a. 0751 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: Ralph Requests Garvey of World Homes, Inc. to A. Dungan. Send Representative to Tunisia to Discuss Mayl, 1961.2pp. JFK#1. Building Low-Cost Housing. State Visit to U.S. by President Habib 0765 Telegram. Fr: Willard W. Garvey. To: Walt W. Bourguiba, Sr., of Tunisia. Rostow. 0753 Memorandum. Fr: Dean Rusk. May 16,1961. 1 p. JFK#9b. To: John F. Kennedy. Request for Information on Visit by Tunisians. May 1, 1961. 2pp. JFK#2. C. 7/14/77. 0767 Outgoing Telegram #1260. Fr: Dean Rusk. State Visit to U.S. by President Habib To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. Bourguiba, Sr., of Tunisia. May 18,1961. 2pp. JFK#12. 0755 Memorandum. Fr: Chester V. Clifton. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Tunisian To: John F. Kennedy. President Habib Bourguiba, Sr., regarding May 2, 1961. 1p. JFK#3. His Visit to U.S. State Department Decides Not to Issue 0769 Incoming Telegram #1352. Fr: [?] Stokes. Medal to Tunisian President Habib To: Dean Rusk. Bourguiba, Sr., during His Visit to U.S. May 22,1961.2pp. JFK#13. 0756 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Cease-fire Negotiations between To: Ralph A. Dungan. Government of France and Provisional May 2,1961. 1p.JFK#5. Algerian Government. U.S. Meetings with Tunisian President Habib 0771 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Economic Staff. To: McGeorge Bundy. 0757 Memorandum. Fr: G. Mennen Williams. May 22,1961. 1p. JFK#14. To: Walt W. Rostow. Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba, Sr.'s, May 2, 1961. 1p. JFK#5a. QUO. Discussions with John F. Kennedy on May 4 U.S. Economic Meeting with President Habib and 5,1961. Bourguiba, Sr., and Other Tunisian Officials. 0772 Incoming Telegram #1370. Fr: Walter N. 0758 Memorandum of Conversation. Fr: Walt W. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Rostow. To: NA. May 31,1961. 2pp. JFK#16. C. 7/14/77. May8, 1961.1 p. JFK#7. OUO. U.S. Discussions with Officials of Provisional Discussions between Walt W. Rostow, Algerian Government in Tunisia. Deputy Special Assistant to President for 0774 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Habib" National Security Affairs, and Tunisian Bourguiba, Sr. Delegation regarding U.S. Economic Aid for NA. 1p.JFK#17. Africa. Letter from Kennedy to Tunisian President Bourguiba, Sr., regarding His Visit to U.S.

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0775 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: 0831 Booklet. Fr: U.S. Operations Mission, Tunisia. McGeorge Bundy. To: NA. May 19, 1961.1p. JFK#17a. NA. 24pp. JFK#NA. Telegram to John F. Kennedy from President U.S. Technical and Economic Cooperation in Habib Bourguiba, Sr., of Tunisia. Agriculture in Tunisia, 1957-1960. 0776 Translation of Telegram. Fr: Habib Bourguiba, 0855 TabB. 1p.JFK#NA. Sr. To: John F. Kennedy. 0856 Text of Speech. Fr: Habib Bourguiba, Sr. May 13, 1961. 1p. JFK#17b. To: NA. Message of Thanks from Tunisian President April 6, 1961.24pp. JFK#NA. Bourguiba on His Departure from U.S. Speech by Tunisian President Bourguiba 0778 Incoming Airgram #G-265. Fr: Walter N. Entitled "Signs of Improvement in Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. International Relations." June 5,1961. 2pp. JFK#18. 0880 Text of Address. Fr: Habib Bourguiba, Sr. Highlights of Editorial in Afrique Action, Dated February 6 and 8,1961. 31pp. JFK#NA. JuneS, 1961. Tunisian President Bourguiba Addresses 0780 Incoming Telegram #1430. Fr: Walter N. Nation's Leaders. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 0911 Article. Fr: Charles F. Gallagher, American June 23, 1961.2pp. JFK#20. S. 7/14/77. Universities Field Staff. Tunisian Foreign Minister Sadok Mokaddem January 30,1961.19pp. JFK#NA. Visits Libya in Effort to Bring about Closer Comments on Address by Tunisian President Collaboration in Foreign Policy. Habib Bourguiba, Sr., Entitled "Building New Tunisia." 0782 Tunisia•Bourguiba Visit Briefing 0930 TabC. 1p.JFK#NA. Book, May 3-5, 1961. 0931 Booklet. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0783 Inventory List. 3pp. NA. 19pp.JFK#NA. 0786 Briefing Book. Fr: NA. To: NA. "Attractive Opportunities for Foreign April 28, 1961. 25pp. JFK#NA. Investment in Tunisia." C. S. 2/3/83 IP. 0950 Article. Fr: Peter Partner. Briefing Book for Tunisian President Habib October 1957. 6pp. JFK#NA. Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Visit to U.S., May 3-5, 1961 Profile of President Habib Bourguiba, Sr.'s, [Scope Paper on Background of Tunisian Regime in Tunisia. President Habib Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Visit to 0956 Fact Sheet. Fr: NA. To: NA. U.S.; Background Papers on U.S.-Tunisian NA. 7pp. JFK#NA. Political Relations; Tunisia in UN; Tunisia's "Mutual Security in Action: Tunisia." Relations with African States; U.S. Position Paper on Algeria; and Discussions with 0963 Tunisia•July 1961-December 1961. Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba, Sr., 0964 inventory List. 4pp. during President Dwight D. Eisenhower's 0968 Memorandum. Fr: George A. Morgan. Goodwill Trip to Tunisia in December 1959]. To: Walt W. Rostow. JulyS, 1961.1p. JFK#1. S. 12/10/82. 0813 Tunisia•Bourguiba Visit Briefing Tunisia Guidelines Paper. Materials, May 3-5,1961. 0969 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. 0814 Tab A. 1p.JFK#NA. NA. 11pp. JFK#1a. S. 12/10/82 IP. 0815 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. Guidelines of U.S. Policy toward Tunisia. January 16, 1961. 5pp. JFK#NA. 0980 Note. Fr: NA. To: NA. U.S. Aid Program to Tunisia. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. 0820 Report. Fr: NA. To: NA. "Cleared by Frederick L. Holborn." March 15, 1961. 7pp. JFK#NA. 0981 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Statistical Summary of U.S. Aid Program to To: McGeorge Bundy. Tunisia. July 14,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. 0827 Report. Fr: U.S. Operations Mission, Tunisia. Suggested Presidential Message for To: NA. International Trade Fair at Tunis. March 1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. U.S. "Food for Peace" Program in Tunisia.

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0982 Draft Message. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: NA. 1001 Tunisia•Bizerte Crisis, June 28, NA. 1p.JFK#NA. 1961-July22,1961. Kennedy's Message to International Trade 1002 Inventory List. 4pp. Fair at Tunis. 1006 Incoming Telegram #45. Fr: Walter N. 0983 White House Incoming Message. Fr: U.S. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Embassy, Tunis. To: White House. July 14,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Text of Letter from Tunisian President Habib Discussions with Tunisian Foreign Minister Bourguiba, Sr., to French President Charles Sadok Mokaddem regarding President Habib de Gaulle regarding Relations between Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Letter to French Tunisia and France. Government Demanding Withdrawal of 0989 Outgoing Telegram #46. Fr: Dean Rusk. Troops from Bizerte Base. To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. 1008 Incoming Telegram #46. Fr: Walter N. July 13, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. John F. Kennedy's Message to International July 15, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. Trade Fair at Tunis. Excerpts from Tunisian President Habib 0991 Outgoing Telegram #66. Fr: Dean Rusk. Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Speech regarding French To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. Refusal to Negotiate on Withdrawal of Troops July 23, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. C. 8/14/83 IP. from Bizerte Base. Letter from John F. Kennedy to Tunisian 1009 White House Incoming Message. Fr: U.S. President Habib Bourguiba, Sr., regarding Embassy, Tunis. To: White House. Problem Posed by French Refusal to July 16,1961. 6pp. JFK#NA. Withdraw Troops from Base at Bizerte, Text of Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba, Tunisia. Sr.'s, Letter to French President Charles de 0994 Incoming Telegram #223. Fr: Walter N. Gaulle Demanding Withdrawal of French Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Troops from Bizerte Base. August 5, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 12/10/82. 1015 Incoming Telegram #50. Fr: Walter N. Establishment of Soviet Credit to Tunisian Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Government for Construction of Dams and July 17, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Schools. Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba, Sr.'s, 0995 Incoming Telegram #263. Fr: Walter N. Speech on Redemption of National Territories Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Including Bizerte Base. August 11, 1961.2pp. JFK#NA. 1017 Incoming Telegram #56. Fr: Walter N. Highlights of Speech to Tunisian People by Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. President Habib Bourguiba, Sr., regarding July 18, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. C. OUO. French Aggression and Bizerte Problem. Provisional Algerian Government Delegation 0997 Outgoing Cablegram. Fr: Henry Labouisse. Headed by Belkacem Krim Leaves Tunis To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. after Exchanging Recriminations with August 18, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Tunisian Government on Principles of U.S. Loan to Tunisia for Tunis and Sfax Territorial Integrity and Algerian Sovereignty. Water Supply Projects. 1019 Incoming Telegram #289. Fr: James M. 0999 Incoming Telegram #511. Fr: Walter N. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. July 19. 1961.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. October 11,1961.1 p. JFK#N A. French Reaction to Tunisian Government Press Reports That John F. Kennedy Has Demand for Withdrawal of Troops from Selected to Be Sent to U.S. Bizerte Base. Embassy, Tunis to Maintain Contacts with 1021 Incoming Telegram #65. Fr: Walter N. Leaders of Provisional Algerian Government. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 1000 Copy of Incoming Telegram #511. Fr: Walter July 20, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. N. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Hostilities Erupt between French and October 11, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. Tunisian Military Forces in Vicinity of Bizerte Press Reports That John F. Kennedy Has Base. Selected Diplomat to Be Sent to U.S. Embassy, Tunis to Maintain Contacts with Leaders of Provisional Algerian Government.

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1022 Incoming Telegram #66. Fr: Walter N. 1038 Incoming Telegram #346. Fr: James M. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. July 20,1961.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. July 21, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Eyewitness Accounts of Fighting in Bizerte French Government Announces Willingness Area. to Negotiate Cease-fire with Tunisia in 1023 Incoming Telegram #67. Fr: Walter N. Bizerte Crisis. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 1040 Memorandum. Fr: Huntington D. Sheldon. To: July 20, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. Allen W. Dulles. Highlights of Tunisian President Habib July 22,1961.4pp. JFK#NA. S. 6/23/83 IP. Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Press Conference Following Crisis between France and Tunisia Fighting Near Bizerte Base. Precipitated by Tunisian Demand for 1025 Incoming Telegram #69. Fr: Walter N. Withdrawal of French Military Forces from Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Bizerte. July 20,1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. 1044 Incoming Telegram #90. Fr: Walter N. Tunisian Government Breaks Diplomatic Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Relations with France. July 22, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. 1026 Incoming Telegram #75. Fr: Walter N. Suggestion That Tourists Be Discouraged Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. from Traveling in Tunisia until Crisis July 20,1961. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Resolved. Tunisian Foreign Minister Sadok Mokaddem 1045 Incoming Telegram #99. Fr: Walter N. Calls U.S. Attention to Worsening Situation at Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Bizerte. July 22,1961.2pp. JFK#NA. 1027 Incoming Telegram #153. Fr: Charles W. Highlights of Speech by Tunisian President Yost. To: Dean Rusk. Habib Bourguiba, Sr., Criticizing U.S. and July 20,1961. 4pp. JFK#NA. Great Britain for Failing to Take Action to Halt Tunisia Requests That UN Security Council French Aggression. Meeting Be Called to Consider French 1047 Incoming Telegram #106. Fr: Walter N. Aggression at Bizerte. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 1031 Incoming Telegram #76. Fr: Walter N. July 22,1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Message from Tunisian President Habib July 21, 1961. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Bourguiba, Sr., to John F. Kennedy regarding Tunisian Government Requests U.S. Tunisian Complaint against French Intervention with French to Halt French Aggression Being Considered by UN Occupation of City of Bizerte. Security Council. 1032 Incoming Telegram #81. Fr: Walter N. 1049 Incoming Telegram #111. Fr: Walter N. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. July 21, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. July 22,1961.1p.JFK#NA. Highlights of Tunisian President Habib French and Tunisian Governments Agree to Bourguiba, Sr.'s, Radio Broadcast on Cease-fire. Fighting at Bizerte and French Ultimatum Demanding Withdrawal of Tunisian Military 1050 Tunisia•Bizerte Crisis, July 23-31, Forces. 1961. 1034 Incoming Telegram #323. Fr: James M. 1051 Inventory List. 6pp. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. 1057 Incoming Telegram #114. Fr: Walter N. July 21, 1961. 3pp. JFK#NA. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Text of French Government's Note Warning July 23,1961.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Tunisia to Cease Efforts to Paralyze Military Diametrically Opposed Approaches by Base at Bizerte. Parties to Franco-Tunisian Cease-fire. 1037 Incoming Telegram #330. Fr: James M. Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. July 21,1961.1 p. JFK#NA. Press Reports on French Military Operations around Bizerte, Tunisia.

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1058 Incoming Telegram #116. Fr: Walter N. 1076 Department of State Airgram #A-216. Fr: Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Walter N. Walmsley, Jr. To: State July 23, 1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. Department. Tunisian Foreign Minister Sadok Mokaddem April 4, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Requests U.S. Intercession with French U.S. Rules for Sending Greetings to Tunisia Government to Bring End to Personal on Moslem Religious Holidays. Reprisals, Pillage, and Destruction of 1077 Incoming Telegram #1040. Fr: Walter N. Property by French Forces in Bizerte. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 1059 Incoming Telegram #181. Fr: Francis April 13, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Plimpton. To: Dean Rusk. Request to Convey Message of Good July 24, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. Wishes from John F. Kennedy to Tunisian UN Initiates DRC Airlift from Tunisia. President Habib Bourguiba, Sr., When 1060 Incoming Telegram #147. Fr: Philip W. Foreign Chiefs of Mission Introduced to His Bonsai. To: Dean Rusk. New Wife. July 27, 1961. 1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. 1078 Outgoing Telegram #613. Fr: Dean Rusk. Moroccan Government Requests That U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. Military Authorities Provide Air Transport for April 12, 1962.1p.JFK#NA. Shipping Medical Supplies from Morocco to Message of Congratulations from John F. Tunisia. Kennedy to Tunisian President Habib 1061 Outgoing Telegram #92. Fr: Dean Rusk. Bourguiba, Sr., on His Recent Marriage. To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. 1079 Note. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. To: McGeorge July 27, 1961. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. Bundy. French Government Agrees to Meet with April 14, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Tunisia to Open Negotiations in Bizerte "For White House Clearance Prior to Crisis. Transmission. Note Cable from Tunis, 1040.' 1063 Incoming Telegram #166. Fr: Walter N. 1080 Draft Telegram. Fr: NA. To: U.S. Embassy, Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Tunis. July 28,1961. 4pp. [Note: Includes Corrected April 12, 1962.1p.JFK#NA. Page Two.] JFK#NA. LOU. Message of Congratulations from John F. Tunisian Government's Posture on UN Kennedy to Tunisian President Habib Security Council Discussions of Complaint Bourguiba, Sr., on His Recent Marriage. against French Aggression. 1081 Incoming Telegram #1040. Fr: Walter N. 1067 Incoming Telegram #20. Fr: [?] Dormán. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. To: Dean Rusk. April 13,1962. 1p. JFK#NA. OUO. July 31, 1961.1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. Request to Convey Message of Good Report That United Arab Republic Military Wishes from John F. Kennedy to Tunisian Vehicles Carrying Arms, Troops, and Signal President Habib Bourguiba, Sr., When Equipment Transiting Libya for Tunisia. Foreign Chiefs of Mission Introduced to His New Wife. 1068 Tunisia•January 1962-December 1082 Incoming Telegram #1046. Fr: Walter N. 1962. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. 1069- Inventory List. 4pp. April 16,1962.1p.JFK#NA. 1073 Incoming Telegram #3469. Fr: James M. Delivery of John F. Kennedy's Message of Gavin. To: Dean Rusk. Congratulations on Recent Marriage of January 16,1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba, Sr. Discussions between French and Tunisian 1083 Department of State Airgram #A-269. Fr: Government Officials regarding Bizerte Walter N. Walmsley, Jr. To: Dean Rusk. Crisis. May 29, 1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. 1075 Memorandum. Fr: Lucius D. Battle. Franco-Tunisian Relations. To: McGeorge Bundy. 1085 Incoming Telegram #128. Fr: [?] Cyr. February 1,1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. To: Dean Rusk. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for Walter August 24,1962.1 p. JFK#NA. LOU. N. Walmsley, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to Possible Discussions between Rusk and Tunisia. Tunisian Foreign Minister Mongi Slim.

274 Tunisia/Reel 12 Frame Document Frame Document

1086 Incoming Telegram #147. Fr: [?] Cyr. 1097 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: To: Dean Rusk. McGeorge Bundy. Septembers, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. OUO. November 21, 1962.1p. JFK#NA. Tunisian Foreign Minister Mongi Slim U.S. Ambassador Walter N. Walmsley, Jr., Expresses Desire to Meet with Rusk to Returns from His Post in Tunisia. Discuss UN Matters and U.S.-Tunisian 1098 Department of Army Message. Fr: Joint Relations. Chiefs of Staff. To: U.S. Commander in Chief, 1087 Outgoing Telegram #129. Fr: George W. Ball. Europe. To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. December 6,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. OUO. September 25,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. U.S. Defense Department Approves Air Statement by Francis H. Russell on Shipment of Fourteen Thousand Blankets for Presenting His Credentials as U.S. Tunisia. Ambassador to Tunisia. 1100 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. To: 1089 Note. Fr: Bromley K. Smith. To: William H. McGeorge Bundy. Brubeck. December 26,1962.1p. JFK#NA. October 5,1962.1p. JFK#NA. Holiday Greetings from President Habib "For Your Information and Files. Signed Bourguiba, Sr., of Tunisia to John F. Original Was Handed to Ambassador Kennedy. Russell." 1101 Incoming Telegram #353. Fr: Francis H. 1090 Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Habib Russell. To: Dean Rusk. Bourguiba, Sr. December 29,1962. 2pp. JFK#NA. LOU. Octobers, 1962. 1p. JFK#NA. Official Account of Military and Civilian Plot Letter from Kennedy Introducing New U.S. against Government of Tunisian President Ambassador Francis Russell to Tunisian Habib Bourguiba, Sr. President Bourguiba. 1091 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. 1103 Tunisia•January 1963-November To: McGeorge Bundy. 1963. October 2,1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. OUO. 1104 Inventory List. 2pp. Suggested Personal Message from John F. 1106 Outgoing Telegram #265. Fr: Dean Rusk. Kennedy to Tunisian President Habib To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. Bourguiba, Sr. February 28, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/28/76. 1092 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Habib John F. Kennedy Declines Invitation to Visit Bourguiba, Sr. Tunisia. October 5,1962. 1 p. JFK#NA. 1107 Outgoing Telegram #79. Fr: Dean Rusk. Letter from Kennedy Introducing New U.S. To: U.S. Embassy, Tunis. Ambassador Francis Russell to Tunisian -" August 27, 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. President Bourguiba. John F. Kennedy's Message to International 1093 Note. Fr: Polly A. Yates. To: NA. Trade Fair at Tunis. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. 1109 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. "Understand Mr. Komer Sent His Copy Back To: Dean Rusk. with Note to Mr. Kaysen. Want to See His August 19, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. Note (I Have Never Seen It but Might Be Able Suggested Presidential Message for U.S. to Locate It) Or Should I Just Ask Mr. Exhibition at International Trade Fair at Tunis. O'Donnell's Office." 1110 Draft Message. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: NA. 1095 Memorandum. Fr: William H. Brubeck. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. To: McGeorge Bundy. Kennedy's Message to International Trade September 19,1962.1p. JFK#NA. Fair at Tunis. Appointment with John F. Kennedy for 1111 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. Francis H. Russell, U.S. Ambassador to To: McGeorge Bundy. Tunisia. October 25,1963.1p. JFK#NA. LOU. 1096 Biographical Sketch. Fr: NA. To: NA. Farewell Call on John F. Kennedy by NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Tunisian Ambassador Habib Bourguiba, Jr. Biographical Sketch of Francis H. Russell, U.S. Ambassador to Tunisia.

Tunisia/Reel 12 275 Frame Document Frame Document

1112 Incoming Telegram #803. Fr: John H. 1117 Draft Letter. Fr: John F. Kennedy. To: Habib Ferguson. To: Dean Rusk. Bourguiba, Jr. November 8, 1963. 1p. JFK#NA. C. 1/28/76. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Tunisian Relations with Government of Kennedy's Reply to Farewell Message from Morocco and President Ahmed Ben Bella of Tunisian Ambassador Habib Bourguiba, Jr. Algeria. 1118 Note. Fr: McGeorge Bundy. To: Benjamin H. 1113 Letter. Fr: Habib Bourguiba, Jr. To: John F. Read. Kennedy. November 12,1963. 1p. JFK#NA. November 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. "For Recommendation." Farewell Message from Tunisian 1119 Letter. Fr: Habib Bourguiba, Jr. To: John F. Ambassador Habib Bourguiba, Jr. Kennedy. 1115 Draft Letter. Fr: NA. To: Habib Bourguiba, Jr. November 1963. 2pp. JFK#NA. NA. 1p.JFK#NA. Farewell Message from Tunisian Kennedy's Reply to Farewell Message from. Ambassador Habib Bourguiba, Jr. Tunisian Ambassador Habib Bourguiba, Jr. 1116 Memorandum. Fr: Benjamin H. Read. To: McGeorge Bundy. November 19, 1963.1p. JFK#NA. Suggested Reply for John F. Kennedy to Letter from Tunisian Ambassador Habib Bourguiba, Jr.

276 Tunisia/Reel 12 AUTHOR INDEX

The following index lists the authors or originators of documents contained inthis collection. The numbers located below each author's name identify where these documents can be found. Each number consists of a reel number located to the left of the colon and a four-digit frame number after the colon. For example, 9: 0287 indicates a document located on Reel 9 at Frame 0287.

Abrams, Eugene B. Ball, George W. 9: 0745, 0751 1: 0336, 0506, 0508; 2: 0291, 0441, 0466, 0824, Achilles, Theodore C. 0825, 0997; 3:0356, 0438, 0841, 0842, 0997; 1:0518 4: 0142, 0163, 0165, 0173, 0187, 0191, 0193, Adoula, Cyrille 0254, 0300, 0388, 0405, 0411, 0413, 0418, 0420, 3: 0861; 4: 0353, 0354, 0558, 0622, 0623, 0739; 0421, 0434, 0601, 0700, 0773, 0818, 0822; 5: 0140, 0142, 0528, 0530, 0531. 0596, 0630, 5:0244, 0478, 0558, 0628, 0693, 0702, 0704, 0632 0706, 0722, 0724, 0731, 0744, 0750, 0755, 0785, African-American Institute 0797, 0800, 0802, 0805, 0821, 0824, 0827, 0829, 1:0003 0840, 0855,0857, 0860, 0861, 0862, 0872, 0876, Agency for International Development (AID) 0877, 0893, 0910, 0920, 0921, 0922, 0924; 1:0984 6: 0063, 0065, 0066, 0068, 0071, 0072, 0078, American Battle Monuments Commission 0085, 0123, 0126, 0288, 0327, 0336, 0340, 0345, 12:0718 0361, 0474, 0476, 0477-0479, 0615, 0631, 0648, Anderson, George 0649, 0653,0656, 0667, 0687, 0689, 0690, 0692, 5:0794; 6:0147; 10:0207 0847, 0858,0966, 0967, 0974,1046,1047,1059, Associated Press 1070,1071,1073; 7:0057, 0059, 0108-0110, 3:0630 0147, 0172,0220, 0227-0231, 0714; 8: 0178, Attwood, William H. 0182, 0195, 0197, 0250, 0256, 0258, 0275, 0370, 1: 0249, 0253; 2: 0284; 9: 0572, 0576, 0579, 0603, 0383, 0389, 0391, 0394, 0395, 0400, 0439, 0444, 0619, 0623, 0640, 0646, 0664, 0705, 0706, 0770, 0571, 0623; 9:0144, 0155, 0283, 0287, 0293, 0776, 0778, 0783, 0785, 0788, 0789, 0894, 0901, 0294, 0486, 0496, 0650, 078, 0711, 0787, 0793, 0904, 0910-0912, 0921, 0939, 0949,1015-1018, 0804-0806, 0976,1028; 10: 0139, 0220, 0245, 1021, 1030, 1032 0469, 0750, 0756, 0780, 0905, 0926, 1014, 1063, Augustini, Kmina 1064, 1066; 11: 0039, 0060, 0067, 0078, 0202, 12:0167 0290, 0295, 0300, 0304, 0308, 0403, 0444, 0451, Bahizi, Cervais 0502, 0504, 0507, 0529, 0547, 0563, 0676; 3:0587 12: 0019, 0074, 0126, 0251, 0361, 0514, 0523, Ball, [?] 0526,0530,0602, 1087 9:1029 Baluba Rallying Movement 4:0745, 0749 Bangoura, Karim 9:1039,1045;10:0157 Barrows, Leland J. 8:0442

Author Index 277 Bartlett, Frederic P. Blancke, W. Wendell 5: 0768 3: 0415, 0419, 0753, 0982. 0984; 5: 0018, 0475, Batson, Douglas N. 0673; 6: 0290, 0448, 0449, 0926; 7: 0139, 0247, 2: 0272 0358, 0595 Battle, Lucius D. Blue, William L. 1: 0081, 0087, 0091, 0092, 0106, 0107, 0110. 0114, 3: 0342; 7:0275, 0405 0117, 0170, 0229, 0234, 0328, 0334, 0335, 0380, Blumenthal, W. Michael 0382, 0390, 0394, 0412, 0480, 0491 ; 2:0702, 1:0484 0766, 0802, 0876, 0881, 0912, 0969; 3:0130, Boaten, F. E. 0295, 0498, 0499, 0510, 0512, 0514, 0617, 0619, 9: 0285 0627, 0632, 0638, 0639, 0717, 0760, 0761, 0763, Bohlen, Charles E. 0764, 0767, 0769, 0771, 0773, 0786, 07889, 0827, 2: 0329, 0581, 0628; 10: 0793 0835, 0836, 0860, 0979, 0981, 0988, 0990, 0993, Bohlen, David B. 1000, 1010; 4: 0038, 0058, 0060, 0063, 0066, 9: 0270 0069, 0074, 0076, 0079, 0080, 0084, 0095, 0101, Bonsai, Phillip W. 0117, 0124,0150, 0152, 0175, 0213,0219, 0253, 2:0968, 0994; 12:1060 0301, 0314, 0348, 0352, 0361, 0363, 0366, 0370, Bourguiba, Habib, Jr. 0389, 0390,0415, 0447, 0452, 0469,0480, 0488, 12:1113,1115,1119 0491, 0501, 0514, 0528, 0536, 0538, 0555, 0557, Bourguiba, Habib, Sr. 0571, 0585, 0600; 7: 0613, 0616, 0626, 0807; 12:0666,0776,0856,0880 8: 0124, 0130, 0154, 0169, 0170, 0173, 0209, Bowles, Chester 0210, 0222, 0229, 0249, 0257, 0263,0269, 0274, 1: 0059, 0077, 0236, 0761, 0926, 0928, 1001 ; 0452, 0461, 0514, 0535, 0539, 0545; 9: 0588, 2: 0170; 3: 0005, 0006, 0016, 0624, 0738; 5: 0169, 0597, 0608, 0612, 0634, 0649, 0665, 0691, 0693, 0170, 0209; 8: 0140, 0217, 0218, 0227, 0252; 0699, 0701, 0721, 0727, 0729, 0733, 0734; 9: 0593, 0831 ; 10: 0202, 0651, 0816; 11: 0385, 10: 0176, 0186, 0230, 0243, 0585, 0598, 0599, 0388; 12:0097 0610, 0616, 0634, 0637, 0650, 0654, 0663, 0667, Boyd, Alan S. 0674, 0675, 0689, 0700, 0710, 0714, 0718, 0865, 1: 0549, 0550, 0777 0877, 0886, 0887, 0894, 0896, 0901, 0902,1038, Bramble, Harlan P. 1043, 1058; 11: 0395, 0396, 0405; 12:0060, 0062, 4:0357 0066, 0069, 0071, 0079, 0102, 0106,0127, 0698, Brown, Harold 0701, 0704, 0751, 0756, 0771, 0775, 0981,1075, 2: 0493. 0494 1079 Brubeck, William H. Belgian Home Service 1: 0551, 0571, 0626, 0630, 0674. 0862; 2: 0023, 3:0605 0024, 0027, 0041, 0045, 0061, 0064, 0067, 0124, Belk, Samuel E. 0167, 0168, 0191, 0264, 0324, 0332, 0343, 0434, 1: 0079, 0169, 0183, 0354, 0355, 0359, 0378, 0396, 0495, 0497, 0530, 0531, 0538, 0566, 0576, 0606, 0625, 0646; 2: 0036, 0047, 0052, 0055-0057, 0630, 0677; 3: 0387, 0447, 0531, 0537, 0542, 0060, 0552, 0556, 0608; 3: 0030, 0044, 0046, 0544; 4: 0599, 0604,0605, 0615, 0621, 0624, 0051, 0091, 0375, 0444, 0603, 0804, 0822, 0832, 0627, 0632, 0676, 0678, 0692, 0695, 0715, 0724, 0858, 0968; 4: 0541, 0947; 5:0301, 0554, 0605; 0725, 0738, 0741, 0744, 0751, 0794, 0799, 0838, 7: 0799; 8: 0231, 0291 ; 9: 0311, 0611, 0690, 0728, 0862, 0865, 0895, 0937, 0945, 0953, 0974; 0888; 10: 0201, 0609, 0615, 0625, 0631, 0688, 5: 0005, 0015-0017, 0021, 0029, 0138, 0148, 0879; 11: 0431, 0612; 12: 0009, 0067, 0077, 0098, 0233, 0252, 0259, 0265, 0268, 0274, 0276, 0302, 0547 0470, 0486, 0495, 0496, 0510, 0515, 0533, 0615, Bell, David E. 0620, 0906; 7: 0630,0641, 0651, 0654, 0659, 1:1003; 3: 0756; 9: 0528 0665, 0704, 0712, 0715, 0722; 8: 0594, 0604, Belman, Murray 0619, 0621, 0626, 0631, 0646, 0649, 0651, 0668, 7: 0804; 8: 0220 0675, 0677, 0705, 0718, 0764, 0784, 0804, 0819, Bingham, Jonathan B. 0831, 0833, 0840, 0842, 0862, 0867, 0931, 0934, 4: 0034 0939, 0968, 0999,1024, 1051; 9: 0006, 0010, Blair, William M. 0012, 0032, 0042, 0046, 0066, 0095, 0120, 0157, 3:0292 0176, 0177, 0198, 0237, 0261, 0265, 0269, 0274, 0284, 0490, 0508, 0540, 0749, 0755, 0760, 0779,

278 Author Index Brubeck, William H. cont. Canup, William C. 0786. 0794, 0798, 0799, 0802, 0807, 0808, 0842, 3:0740, 0745 0889, 0891, 0893, 0895, 0913, 0919, 0923, 0926, Carnahan, Albert Sidney Johnson 0934, 0938, 0941, 0946, 0951, 0956, 0959, 0965, 1:0877:11:0410,0411,0418 0969, 0982, 0989, 0995, 1000, 1001,1007,1036, Carson, [James L?] 1038,1044; 10: 0015, 0037, 0041, 0042, 0056, 8:0429, 0455; 10: 0709 0086, 0087, 0121, 0146, 0181, 0246-0248, 0251, Carson, James 0254, 0262, 0266, 0407, 0408, 0419,0421, 0423, 7:0706, 0740, 0742, 0744, 0746, 0754 0438, 0442, 0443, 0446, 0461, 0471, 0727, 0759, Cassilly, Thomas A. 0763, 0773, 0776, 0781, 0792, 0805, 0836, 0980, 6: 0052, 0432; 10: 0013, 0028, 0030, 0039, 0040, 0983, 0999,1003,1022; 11: 0058, 0062, 0063, 0043, 0073 0070, 0071, 0074, 0075, 0095, 0176, 0196, 0205, Catlett, Don V. 0227, 0229, 0233, 0236, 0243, 0257, 0280, 0282, 11:0048 0296, 0310, 0317, 0321, 0326, 0346,0352, 0372, Chapín, Frederick L. 0375, 0414, 0417, 0419, 0456, 0493,0560, 0561, 3:0504 0630, 0655, 0664, 0699, 0706; 12: 0132, 0154, Chase, Gordon 0180, 0190, 0200, 0203, 0208, 0211, 0215, 0216, 8:0933;9:1034 0223, 0228, 0255, 0264, 0285, 0297, 0312, 0348, CIA 0517, 0524, 0532, 0533, 0645, 0646, 0648, 1091, 2: 0160, 0171, 0240, 0539, 0617, 0678, 0743, 0833, 1095,1097,1100 0841, 0847; 3: 0403, 0437; 4:0503, 0875, 0965; Bruce, David K. E. 5: 0044, 0231, 0256, 0516, 0591, 0616, 0845, 1: 0628; 3: 0028; 4: 0644, 0645, 0652, 0658, 0662, 0908; 6: 0823; 7: 0145, 0602; 8: 0300, 0712, 0888; 0665, 0667, 0673; 5:0675, 0682, 0710; 6: 0113, 9: 0898 0270, 0620, 0626, 0663, 0666, 0674, 0684, 0732, CIA Office of Current Intelligence 0734, 0982, 0983; 9: 0186; 10: 0869, 0883, 0912, 9:0115, 0248; 11:0634 0962,1048; 11: 0134; 12: 0090 Civil Aeronautics Board Brussels Domestic Service 1:0778 4: 0972 Clark, Gilbert E. Bundy, McGeorge 2: 0533, 0571 ; 11: 0607, 0610 1:0120, 0185, 0240, 0353, 0485, 0562; 2: 0263, Cleveland, Harlan 0460, 0574, 0575, 0577, 0685, 0839, 0923, 0930, 1:0681 ; 5: 0074, 0242, 0329; 10: 0045; 11:0496 0944, 0946, 0947; 3: 0284, 0592, 0766, 0779; Clifton, Chester V. 4:0116, 0179, 0184, 0189, 0190, 0299, 0579, 3:0125; 4: 0376; 12: 0755 0580, 0582, 0591, 0861 ; 5: 0312, 0491, 0631, Coffin, Frank M. 0796; 7: 0428, 0724; 8: 0068, 0114, 0116, 0331, 9:0914 0416, 0417, 0422; 9:0667, 0929, 0944, 0986; Colle, Helen 10:0011, 0127, 0151, 0184, 0803,1026; 11: 0357, 7:0752; 10: 0997; 11:0375; 12: 0020 0374, 0394, 0417, 0443, 0449, 0661-0663; Cook, Mercer 12:0058, 0089, 0310, 0311, 0652, 1118 10:0681,0687 Bundy, William P. Coombs, Philip H. 5: 0469, 0474, 0479, 0482, 0577 1:0099,0171,0230 Byrne, Thomas R. Coote, Wendell B. 12:0131, 0133, 0134, 0140, 0142, 0144, 0146, 0149, 8:0464 0169, 0170, 0173-0175, 0177, 0182, 0333, 0338- Corcoran, Thomas J. 0340, 0582-0584 7:0748 Caldwell, Oliver J. Cornells, Joseph F. 1:0369 4:0364, 0365 Calhoun, Chad F. Croquez, [?] 8: 0128 4:0367, 0369 Calhoun, John A. Cutler, Lloyd N. 3: 0506, 0507, 0517, 0518, 0520, 0523, 0526, 0529, 8:0186 0532, 0534, 0539 Cyr, Leo G. Campbell, Waldemar B. 7:0143; 12:1085, 1086 11:0709

Author Index 279 Dadet, Emmanuel J. Dutton, Frederick G. 4: 0573, 0574 4: 0192; 7:1016, 1017 Dalton, Major Earman, J. S. 2: 0801 2: 0742 Darlington, Charles F. Easum, Donald B. 9:0288;11:0191 10:0165 Dean, Johnathan Edmondson, William B. 4: 0878, 0885, 0905, 0928, 0931 ; 5: 0067; 9:0083,0201,0209,0216 6:1035,1036, 1043, 1044, 1056,1086,1091; Eisenburg, Robert 7: 0011, 0014, 0019, 0022, 0028, 0030, 0032, 4: 0399 0047, 0049, 0051-0054, 0062, 0076, 0093, 0097, Ekern, Halvor O. 0099, 0100,0128, 0129, 0131, 0135, 0159, 0161, 11:0397 0165, 0179, 0185, 0187, 0206, 0209, 0211, 0213, Elbrlck, C. Burke 0215, 0222, 0240, 0241, 0243, 0257, 0258, 0260, 3: 0009, 0011, 0012, 0026, 0092, 0114, 0117,0121, 0261, 0265, 0270, 0301, 0302, 0304, 0306-0308, 0260, 0264, 0272, 0286, 0290, 0325, 0327, 0330, 0312, 0316, 0318, 0320, 0321, 0343, 0344, 0348, 0373, 0382, 0394, 0398; 6: 0196 0350, 0351, 0352, 0389, 0390, 0392, 0395, 0397, Emmerson, John K. 0399, 0401-0403, 0417, 0419-0422, 0424, 0427, 3: 0837, 0854; 5: 0745, 0769, 0838, 0839, 0843; 0430, 0434, 0459, 0461, 0464, 0465, 0467, 0469, 6:0186; 8: 0251 ; 10:0868, 0875, 0882 0470, 0472, 0498-0501, 0503-0505, 0532, 0534, Eng le, James B. 0576, 0578, 0580-0583, 0585, 0589 8:0664, 0693, 0696, 0958, 0960, 0962, 0967; Defense Intelligence Agency 9:0221,0223,0227 1:0075;4:0896 Ensminger, Douglas Delegation Permanente du Katanga in Brussels 9: 0820, 0823 4:0183 Ersteln, Richard Deming, Oleott H. 8:0113 1:0896; 2: 0316 Ethiopian Herald Denise, Auguste 2: 0528 10:0477,0478, 0480 Ferguson, C. Vaughan, Jr. Dickinson, Dwight 2:0315 10:0668,0752 Ferguson, John H. Dodd, Thomas J. 12:1112 4:0071,0816,0841;5:0023 Finletter, Thomas K. Dormán, John 3: 0010; 12:0095 12:1067 Flenner, Robert H. Dorros, Leon G. 3: 0367; 7: 0064 4: 0383 Fliflet, Arne T. Duggan, William R. 1:0384 1: 0036, 0579; 11: 0709; 12: 0048, 0053, 0056, 0076, Foreign Broadcast Information Service 0110,0114,0611 7: 0543; 8:0754 Duke, Angler Blddle Foulon, Robert C. 1:0102;11:0386 1:0692 Dulles, Allen W. Fredericks, J. Wayne 2: 0711 ; 3: 0575 1: 0647; 2: 0447; 4: 0572; 7:0827 Dumont, Donald A. Freudenhelm, Milt 7: 0814; 9: 0673; 11:0339, 0348, 0350 3:0445 Dungan, Ralph A. Freund, Richard 1: 0753; 4: 0342, 0358, 0583, 0590, 0814, 0864; 1: 0249, 0253, 0864, 0870, 0872, 0874, 0881, 0891, 8:0133, 0459, 0534, 0662; 11: 0053; 12: 0152, 0899; 10:1051, 1055; 11: 0029 0196 Fumas, Howard Dunn, L. M. 4: 0907; 5: 0240 8: 0424

280 Author Index Galbraith, John Kenneth Gullion, Edmund A. 1: 0401 ; 4: 0596; 6: 0590, 0716, 0735 2: 0356; 3: 0396, 0413, 0432,0466; 4: 0035, 0036, Gallagher, Charles F. 0144, 0155, 0168, 0185, 0216, 0217, 0292, 0332, 12:0911 0407-0409, 0416, 0626, 0880, 0882, 0883, 0887, Garvey, Willard W. 0917, 0923; 5: 0300, 0321, 0556, 0580, 0625, 12:0765 0716. 0729, 0730, 0733, 0734, 0738, 0754, 0758, Gavin, James M. 0759, 0761, 0764, 0767, 0771, 0784, 0788-0792, 1: 0547, 0611, 0615; 2: 0706, 0738, 0741, 0759, 0807, 0809-0813, 0815, 0818, 0830, 0832, 0835- 0769, 0771,0775, 0779, 0784, 0790, 0806, 0813, 0837, 0841, 0842, 0853, 0863, 0866, 0873, 0878, 0815, 0826, 0828, 0830, 0844, 0850, 0885, 0886, 0897, 0898, 0900-0902, 0930, 0931, 0933, 0935, 0897, 0900, 0902, 0922, 0942, 0943, 0949, 0952, 0936, 0950, 0953, 0956, 0958, 0961, 0995, 0997, 0957, 0958, 0982, 0987, 0991, 0992; 5:0753, 0999,1025,1027,1046, 1049, 1074; 6: 0002- 0905. 0906; 6: 0685, 0813, 0850, 1045; 7: 0622; 0004, 0013, 0029, 0031, 0032, 0046-0050, 0057, 12:1019,1034, 1037, 1038,1073 0058, 0073, 0076, 0081, 0090, 0093, 0098, 0103, Geaneas, Zachary P. 0106, 0114, 0116, 0197, 0199, 0205, 0208, 0211, 4: 0531 0213, 0217, 0222, 0224, 0237, 0240, 0241, 0245, General Assembly, UN 0256, 0258, 0268, 0272, 0274, 0278, 0279, 0281, 4: 0228, 0236, 0239, 0241, 0243 0285, 0289, 0292, 0302, 0307, 0314, 0316, 0318, Geren, Paul F. 0320, 0322, 0324, 0328, 0329, 0341, 0343, 0349, 2: 0025, 0438; 10: 0946, 0966, 0972, 0978, 0989, 0356, 0362, 0363, 0365, 0382, 0383, 0385, 0387, 1005, 1007,1013,1030; 11: 0532 0390, 0401, 0402, 0404, 0406, 0418, 0428, 0430, Ghanaian Foreign Affairs Ministry 0445, 0451, 0452, 0457, 0459, 0466, 0468, 0469, 8:1002 0483, 0485, 0489, 0491, 0498, 0502, 0504, 0507, Gibson, William G. 0508, 0513, 0526, 0529-0531, 0535, 0537, 0539, 5: 0652, 0657 0543, 0553, 0559, 0564, 0577, 0578, 0581. 0603, Glzenga, Antoine 0628, 0636, 0641, 0643, 0651, 0652, 0654, 0671, 3: 0583 0673, 0680, 0682, 0698-0700, 0702, 0712-0715, Godley, George McMurtrle 0722, 0723, 0726, 0727, 0729, 0740, 0742, 0756, 4: 0422, 0429; 5:0650, 0659, 0674, 0681, 0688; 0758, 0760, 0761, 0770, 0773, 0787, 0792, 0795, 6: 0136, 0137, 0144, 0149, 0167, 0168, 0170, 0799, 0806-0808, 0811, 0821, 0826, 0840-0842, 0172, 0187, 0980, 0984, 1002, 1013, 1020 0849, 0862, 0869, 0874, 0877, 0880, 0883, 0885, Good, Robert C. 0899, 0900, 0902, 0910, 0915, 0916, 0936, 0938, 8: 0371 0943, 0950, 0952, 0964, 1032, 1033, 1055, 1061, Goodpaster, Andrew J. 1069,1074,1084,1085,1090; 7: 0769, 0772, 0776 7: 0017, 0039, 0043, 0044-0046, 0060, 0061, Gordon, Abraham L 0069, 0070-0072, 0074, 0082-0086, 0116-0119, 5: 0684 0121, 0124, 0152, 0153, 0155, 0173, 0193, 0194, Gore, Albert, Sr. 0197. 0199. 0201, 0202, 0223, 0236, 0237-0239, 8: 0293 0252, 0253, 0255, 0256, 0284, 0286, 0288-0292, Government of South Kasai Province, DRC 0295, 0296, 0300, 0335, 0336, 0338, 0341, 0375, 4: 0628, 0630 0376, 0378, 0382, 0384, 0388. 0409, 0411, 0432, Green, James F. 0436, 0444, 0446, 0449, 0455, 0457, 0481, 0486- 8: 0246, 0273, 0276, 0550, 0551, 0559, 0561, 0562, 0489. 0492. 0516, 0517, 0519, 0520, 0523, 0524, 0564, 0574, 0592, 0597, 0599, 0607, 0622, 0632, 0526, 0552, 0555-0557, 0562-0566 0635, 0636-0638, 0817, 0837, 0838 Gussa, Fatn Green, James W. 12:0165 3:0402 Halaby, N. E. Greene, Joseph N., Jr. 1:0515,0516 3:0119 Halla, Philip J. 3: 0603; 5: 0647 Halm, W. M. Q. 7: 0812; 8: 0160, 0264, 0265

Author Index 281 Handley, William J. John, Fides 10: 0711, 0716, 0732, 0736, 0762, 0769, 0783, 0795, 12:0159 0799 Johnson, C. K. Hansen, Kenneth R. 8: 0783 3:0031,0042 Johnson, Charles E. Hayes, Leo V. 1: 0362; 4: 0115; 5: 0565; 8:0367 5:0467 Johnson, Lyndon B. Hempstone, Smith 10:0804 12:0084 Johnson, Richard G. Henderson, Warren A. 2: 0761 4:0614 Johnson, Robert H. Hennemyer, Robert T. 1:0039, 0041 12:0059,0113,0125 Johnson, U. Alexis Hennlqulau, [?] 2: 0472 11:0111 Joint Chiefs of Staff Hettinger, Converse 5:0664, 0962; 12:1098 7:0617 Jones, G. Lewis Hilsman, Roger 5:0904, 0988,1010; 12: 0072 1: 0472; 3: 0095, 0338, 0377; 4: 0559, 0560, 0843, Jones, John W. 0919; 5: 0034, 0176, 0195; 7:0144; 8: 0211, 0223, 10:0870 0924 Jones, Roger W. Hoffacker, Lewis 11:0054 4: 0056, 0098, 0309, 0535; 5: 0660, 0690, 0714, Joseph, Susana 0741, 0746, 0954, 0960, 1000, 1044,1060, 1063; 12:0161 6: 0015, 0145, 0146, 0150-0154, 0169, 0171, Judd, Thomas M. 0190, 0198, 0204, 0225, 0242, 0273, 0299, 0304, 1:0897 0369, 037Í, 0374, 0384, 0410, 0427, 0443, 0464, Kaiser, Edgar F. 0465, 0482, 0556, 0558, 0576, 0623, 0635, 0676, 8: 0955 0678, 0679, 0710, 0724, 0786, 0905, 0925, 0937, Kaiser, Philip M. 0957, 0965, 0972, 0973, 0981, 0991,1008 1: 0249, 0253; 8: 0261 ; 9: 0666, 0669, 0674 Holborn, Frederick Kaiser Industries Corporation 12:0068 7: 0861 Hope, A. Guy Kasavubu,Joseph 10: 0250, 0257, 0260, 0261, 0264, 0412, 0415, 0417, 3:0992; 4: 0214, 0218, 0717 0418 Kasongo, Joseph Hornby, Nina 3: 0555; 4: 0492, 0496 8: 0956 Katangan Women's Federation Houphouet-Bolgny, Felix 4:0746, 0747 10: 0178, 0179, 0267, 0447, 0454 Kayibanda, Grégoire Howe, Fisher 10:1046, 1047; 11: 0197, 0199, 0359 1:0387 Kaysen, Carl Hughes, Thomas L 1: 0726, 0972; 2: 0071, 0194, 0200, 0251, 0266, 3: 0468; 5: 0220, 0458; 11: 0579 0318, 0340, 0469. 0499; 4: 0933, 0936, 0985, Hussey, William B. 0987, 0989; 5: 0024, 0025, 0055, 0087, 0146, 2: 0271 0155, 0168, 0215, 0217, 0229, 0247, 0248, 0303, Hutchinson, Edmond C. 0308, 0319; 8: 0846, 0937,1048; 9: 0273, 0275, 1: 0736, 0739, 0745, 0754, 0772, 0999,1000; 0813, 0815, 0819, 0918; 10: 0035, 0441, 0979, 2: 0457, 0458 0992;12:0505 Institute for International Education Keita, Modibo 1:0096 10: 0586, 0613, 0636, 0669, 0690, 0692, 0760, 0761, Jackson, Barbara Ward 0764,0768,0809,0810 3: 0600; 7: 0797 Kellermann, Henry J. 6:0949

282 Author Index Kennedy, John F. LeMay, Curtis E. 1: 0069, 0104, 0389, 0481 ; 2:0331, 0333, 0877, 5: 0207 0882; 3: 0509, 0511, 0612, 0825, 0828-0831, Lemnitzer, L. L. 0972, 0987, 0989; 4: 0057, 0059, 0061, 0147- 4: 0359; 5: 0709 0149, 0312, 0315, 0575, 0581, 0586-0588, 0602, Leo, Yaslnta 0711, 0713, 0720, 0722, 0734, 0735, 0743, 0950- 12:0163 0952, 0993; 5: 0022, 0270-0273, 0291-0293, Leonhart, William 0295, 0297, 0311, 0493, 0497, 0563, 0566, 0579, 1: 0865, 0878, 0888; 2: 0372; 9: 0498,1035, 0817; 7: 0612, 0635; 8: 0172, 0230, 0259, 0537, 1048;10: 0004, 0008, 0012; 12: 0183, 0185, 0192, 0540, 0605, 0606, 0645, 0647; 9: 0047, 0594, 0195, 0205, 0217, 0226, 0227, 0229, 0231. 0235, 0702, 0704, 0715, 0735, 0761, 0841, 0843, 0915, 0241, 0248, 0258, 0259, 0265, 0271, 0274, 0277, 0920, 0933, 0935, 0943, 0987. 0997; 10: 0089, 0288, 0294, 0299, 0303, 0307, 0316, 0320. 0325- 0095, 0152, 0175, 0177, 0183, 0255, 0258, 0439, 0327, 0330, 0334, 0342, 0349, 0355, 0356, 0358, 0444, 0450, 0592, 0608, 0671, 0775, 0778, 0779, 0360, 0509, 0511, 0512, 0527, 0536, 0539, 0540, 0900; 11: 0228, 0269, 0301, 0378, 0391, 0399, 0543,0551,0572,0575 0401, 0402, 0415; 12: 0070, 0100, 0103, 0191, Lewis, Irving J. 0201, 0207, 0209, 0587, 0647, 0649, 0651, 0702, 3: 0631 0774, 0982,1090,1092,1110,1117 Lewis, Mark B. Kent, Sherman 8: 0576; 9: 0232 8:0319 Lewis, W. H. Kidd, Coburn 1:0579 1:0622 Lisbon International Service Kldder, Randolph A. 7: 0023 1: 0633; 11:0092 Little, Edward S. Klmba, Evariste 1: 0687; 2: 0439; 3: 0546; 7: 0719, 0726; 10: 0033; 4:0176,0178,0611 11: 0292; 12: 0224, 0225, 0332, 0521, 0522 Kirk, Northrop H. Lloyd, Rupert A. 9:0772,0801,0803 10:0196 Klutznlck, Philip M. Loeb, James I. 3: 0791 10: 0120, 0135, 0143, 0145, 0166 Köhler, Foy D. Logan, Alan 11:0513 9: 0809, 0961 Kolarek, Joseph C. Loumanza, Albert 9: 0900 5: 0569, 0570 Komer, Robert W. Luthuli, Albert J. 2:0880,0884,0909,0917 1:0385, 0386 Korry, Edward M. Lyon, Cecil B. 2: 0195, 0269, 0274, 0276, 0278, 0280, 0282, 0286, 2: 0692, 0698, 0925; 5: 0939 0294. 0299, 0310, 0314, 0319, 0358, 0364, 0376, MacArthur, Douglas, II 0385, 0523, 0525 1: 0469; 4: 0151, 0167, 0188, 0542; 5: 0234, 0246, Kraft, Joseph 0537, 0977, 0981, 0983, 0985,1001, 1004, 1006, 10:0191,0192,0194 1008,1028,1030,1032,1039,1048,1051,1077, Kretzmann, Edwin M. J. 1078, 1080, 1083, 1097; 6: 0012, 0021, 0059, 10:0226 0119, 0128, 0260, 0308, 0358, 0525, 0546, 0548, Kwawa, Rash Id I 0573, 0587, 0592, 0608, 0610, 0621, 0624. 0668, 12:0155 0709, 0751, 0816, 0838, 0839, 0868, 0927, 0928, Labouisse, Henry 0940. 0959,1087; 7:0029, 0081, 0140, 0141, 12:0997 0218, 0537, 0600; 11:0118, 0137, 0210-0213. LeBovit, Harry 0241. 0253, 0254, 0288, 0303, 0306, 0314, 0332, 1:0977 0343 Legum, Colin McCafferty, Arthur 7: 0829, 0834 12: 0548 Lemarie, P. A., Jr. McClintock, [?] 5: 0765 8: 0780

Author Index 283 McComas, Ralph W. Manfull, Melvin 1:0365 2:0986;8:0460,0513 McConaughy, Walter P. Martin, [?] 6:1089 11:0160 McGhee, George C. Martin, Graham A. 1: 0268, 0269; 3: 0618; 4:0375, 0791, 0908, 0986; 2: 0961; 3: 0127; 10:0638 5:0051,0275:8:0588 Massamba-Debat, Alphonse McGlauflln, Arthur M. 5:0550,0551,0553 1:0748,0982,0983 Mathlas, Angelina Matilde Mcllvalne, Robinson 12:0158 7: 0618, 0625, 0629, 0634, 0646, 0699, 0700, 0702, Meagher, John P. 0708, 0711, 0750, 0756, 0757; 8:0959 8: 0826 McKeirnan, Thomas P. Merchant, Livingston T. 10: 0738, 0742, 0744, 0747, 0749, 0753, 0786 8: 0179; 9:0268 McKesson, John A. Michael, Teresa 5: 0534; 10: 0079, 0113 12:0166 McKillop, David H. Miller, Francis P. 5: 0685; 6: 0411, 0460, 0462, 0993, 0995, 1010, 3:0131 1027,1060; 11: 0141, 0148, 0149, 0173, 0338 Minaffet, Leo McNamara, Francis T. 3:0587 6:1076 Moose, James S., Jr. McNamara, Robert S. 5: 0726; 8:0451 3: 0280; 11: 0433, 0643, 0669; 12: 0604 Morgan, George A. Maga, Hubert 12:0968 7: 0614, 0615, 0720, 0728-0730 Morris, Brewster H. Mahamba, Alexandre 1:0619; 2: 0626; 7: 0541 4:0502 Muhirwa, Andre Mahoney, William P., Jr. 11:0115,0230 2: 0353; 8: 0610, 0611, 0615-0617, 0648, 0654, Mulcahy, Edward W. 0658, 0663, 0673, 0679, 0682, 0688, 0707, 0708, 1:0507; 6: 0020; 10:0891 0722, 0728,0729, 0732, 0734, 0738, 0740-0743, Munongo, Godefroid 0752, 0755, 0757, 0759, 0761, 0767, 0769, 0770, 4:0176,0178 0775, 0777-0779, 0781, 0782, 0786, 0791, 0798, Murrow, Edward R. 0803, 0805, 0808, 0814, 0816, 0823, 0825, 0839, 1:0875; 8: 0111 0845, 0857, 0858, 0864, 0870, 0872, 0875, 0880, Mutakawadiloma, Charles 0881, 0884, 0886, 0894, 0898-0900, 0905, 0908, 4:0386,0391,0393 0914, 0916, 0921, 0926, 0927, 0944, 0951, 0953, Mwambutsa IV 0957, 0969, 0974, 0976, 0981, 0983, 0984, 0994, 11:0114 0951, 0953, 0957, 0969, 0974, 0976, 0981, 0983, Newman, Gloria 0984, 0994, 0996, 0997, 1004,1005, 1007, 1010, 9: 0930 1012, 1017,1030, 1032, 1035,1036, 1041, 1043, Newsom, David D. 1049, 1054, 1061,1063; 9: 0016, 0018, 0024, 2: 0609 0030, 0033, 0034, 0036, 0040, 0054, 0063, 0065, The New Republic 0073, 0076, 0092, 0098, 0104, 0105, 0110, 0121, 8: 0129 0124, 0126, 0129, 0134, 0139, 0140, 0143, 0145, New York Times 0148, 0150-0152, 0160, 0162, 0165, 0171, 0173, 1:0397 0179, 0181, 0191, 0195, 0242, 0244, 0247, 0257, Nitze, Paul 0259, 0276, 0278, 0280, 0282, 0292, 0298, 0300, 5: 0205 0301, 0506, 0507, 0509, 0532, 0542, 0543, 0544 Nkrumah, Kwame Manbey, David 7: 0947, 0991; 8: 0034, 0134, 0135, 0171, 0175, 11: 0088, 0096, 0120, 0123, 0132, 0135, 0138, 0139, 0272, 0453, 0547, 0650, 0706, 0863, 1053; 0144, 0146, 0150, 0157, 0158, 0164, 0168, 0171, 9: 0067 0174, 0175, 0192, 0215, 0217, 0223, 0224, 0235, North, Thomas 0328, 0337 12:0717

284 Author Index Noyes, Charles P. Read, Benjamin H. 7: 0020 2: 0484, 0591, 0594, 0596, 0613, 0616; 5: 0529, Nyerere, Julius 0541, 0543, 0549, 0561, 0568, 0574, 0578, 0583, 12: 0115, 0117, 0118, 0263, 0313, 0317, 0653, 0659 0588, 0592, 0595, 0598, 0604, 0610, 0614, 0619, Nzuzl, Alphonse 0621, 0623, 0629; 7:0732, 0734, 0736, 0749, 4: 0698 0753; 9: 0307, 0511,0512, 0523, 0535, 0537, O'Brien, Lawrence 0548, 0557; 10: 0060, 0067, 0077, 0091, 0097, 12:0046 0101, 0106, 0125, 0136, 0140, 0149, 0153, 0156, Office of the Chief of Protocol 0162, 0476, 0479, 0482, 0802, 0806, 0807,1015, 11: 0267; 12: 0562 1019,1027; 11:0376, 0380, 0420, 0421, 0467, Office of White House Press Secretary 0494, 0539, 0571, 0597, 0642, 0668, 0697; 8: 0284; 10: 0027, 0235; 11: 0195, 0285; 12: 0021, 0022, 0364, 0654, 0657, 0658,1109, 12:0640,0641 1111,1116 Olds, Herbert V. Reams, R. Borden 11: 0008, 0013, 0016, 0027, 0087, 0097, 0103, 0108, 8: 0420; 10:0173, 0188, 0204, 0205,0213, 0214, 0193, 0194, 0201, 0209, 0239, 0242, 0315, 0316, 0216, 0218, 0221, 0222, 0227, 0233, 0234, 0236, 0334 0244 O'Sullivan, James L. Redington, Robert J. 3: 0411 3:0541 Owen, Henry Reed, Henry C. 1:0578 3: 0358, 0392, 0427-0429, 0440, 0442 Palmer, Joseph, II Reinhardt, George F. 2: 0378; 4: 0433; 6:0112, 0753 2:0614 Partner, Peter Rendahl, John D. 12:0950 1:0392,0393 Penfield, James K. Reuter, Richard W. 8: 0074 1:0976 Piccard, Frederick P., Ill Rhetts, Charles EL 12:0357 3:0441 Pinto, Louis I. Roberto, Holden 7: 0627, 0637, 0643 3: 0390 Plimpton, Francis Rogers, Charles E. 1: 0730; 3: 0257, 0324, 0370; 5: 0143; 6: 0183, 0347, 10:1032 0503; 7: 0506, 0507, 0509, 0624; 10:0981 ; Root, John 11: 0045, 0622, 0624, 0654; 12:1059 12:0764 Policy Planning Council Ross, Claude G. 1:0123;2:0205,0631 9: 0687, 0697, 0700 Polk, W. R. Rostow, Walt W. 2:0858 1: 0073, 0083, 0691; 2:0130, 0857; 3: 0106, 0110, Porter, William J. 0599, 0765, 0784, 0853; 7: 0802, 0825; 8: 0069; 2: 0763, 0785, 0793, 0795, 0827, 0895, 0911, 0924, 10: 0589; 11:0707; 12: 0607, 0758, 0763 0940, 0955, 0956, 0959, 0971, 0976, 0979, 0989; Rowan, Carl T. 3: 0421 1:0060; 8: 0418 PouHada, Leon Rowen, Henry S. 1: 0249, 0253, 0256, 0261 ; 7:0747, 0755; 8: 0446; 1:0067 9:0102,0107 Rudellat, Jeannette President of Grand Council of Katanga 1:0483 5:0313,0315 Quist, Noi 8: 0578 Radio Accra 8: 0270 Raymond, [?] 3:0852

Author Index 285 Rusk, Dean Rusk, Dean cont. 1: 0031, 0032, 0035, 0085, 0113, 0184, 0186, 0197, 0133, 0172, 0182, 0187, 0206. 0210, 0215, 0217. 0198, 0363, 0364, 0606, 0672, 0677, 0727, 0866, 0219. 0229, 0232, 0237-0240, 0265, 0414, 0416, 0868, 0884-0887, 0889, 0890; 2: 0003, 0030, 0420, 0434, 0590, 0604, 0629, 0646, 0672, 0721, 0031, 0037, 0049, 0070, 0072, 0074, 0261, 0268, 0724, 0734, 0745, 0758, 0765, 0834, 0874, 0876, 0334, 0428,0473, 0479, 0510, 0514, 0517, 0564, 0889. 0906, 0935, 0964, 0971, 1009,1010, 1042, 0578, 0603, 0683, 0689, 0696, 0708, 0728, 0736, 1050,1053,1060; 11:0091, 0099. 0101, 0143, 0797, 0810,0812, 0887, 0892, 0910, 0920, 0921, 0155, 0163, 0165, 0167, 0170, 0218, 0231, 0232, 0928, 0932, 0935, 0970; 3: 0007, 0020, 0022, 0240, 0298, 0309, 0313, 0329, 0331, 0392, 0398, 0025, 0088,0132, 0135, 0251, 0268, 0271, 0277, 0408, 0429, 0454, 0484, 0487, 0497. 0559. 0643, 0283. 0332,0334, 0340, 0344, 0352, 0361, 0369, 0658, 0669, 0691, 0694; 12: 0027, 0036, 0049, 0393, 0423, 0430, 0527, 0536, 0557, 0573, 0574, 0092. 0099, 0108, 01337, 0187, 0189, 0202, 0210, 0577, 0602, 0622, 0633, 0737, 0780; 4: 0010, 0213, 0214, 0218, 0221, 0253, 0336, 0503, 0506, 0021, 0024, 0030, 0032, 0033, 0043, 0046, 0064, 0508, 0513, 0542, 0655, 0663, 0667, 0675, 0677, 0072, 0082, 0110, 0119, 0244, 0307, 0318, 0338, 0687, 0703, 0753, 0767, 0989, 0999,1061, 1078, 0341, 0382, 0441, 0443, 0462, 0577, 0640, 0642, 1106,1107 0681, 0736, 0914, 0915, 0943, 0966, 0982, 0994; Russell, Francis, H. 5: 0026, 0028, 0095, 0154, 0235, 0238, 0261, 2: 0361 ; 5: 0727; 7: 0763, 0766, 0770, 0773, 0775. 0267, 0286, 0289, 0296, 0317, 0326, 0506, 0507, 0778, 0785, 0793, 0794, 0939, 0955, 0956, 0961, 0606, 0640, 0644, 0661, 0699, 0773, 0822, 0847, 0963, 0965, 0966, 0972, 0974, 0976, 0978, 0980, 0848, 0887, 0891, 0929, 0941, 0943. 0945, 0965, 0986, 0989, 0990, 0993, 0994, 0997, 0998,1000, 0967, 0968, 0970, 0972, 0973, 0989, 0991, 0993, 1007,1009,1011,1012,1019. 1020, 1030; 0994, 1014, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1021,1023,1033, 8: 0003, 0005, 0006,0011, 0014, 0015, 0019, 1036, 1037, 1042, 1043, 1050, 1058,1065,1069, 0043, 0045, 0050, 0053, 0055, 0057-0059, 0063, 1072, 1093, 1095, 1099, 1100; 6: 0008, 0010, 0064, 0067, 0137, 0139, 0148, 0149, 0153, 0165, 0017, 0019, 0022, 0037, 0039, 0040, 0041, 0044, 0191, 0198, 0199, 0202, 0213, 0216, 0219, 0235, 0053, 0055, 0134, 0135, 0139, 0155, 0157, 0158, 0240, 0243, 0285, 0287, 0296, 0363, 0375, 0377, 0160, 0166, 0174, 0179-0181, 0188, 0192, 0193, 0380, 0381, 0404, 0409, 0410-0412, 0425, 0427, 0195, 0239, 0244, 0251, 0253, 0271. 0275, 0276, 0431, 0433, 0435, 0437, 0440, 0447, 0449, 0468, 0280, 0392, 0394, 0396, 0399, 0412, 0413, 0415, 0479, 0484, 0487, 0488, 0490, 0495, 0498, 0500- 0417, 0440, 0442. 0470, 0472, 0495, 0500, 0506, 0504, 0507, 0508, 0528, 0542, 0548, 0553; 0550, 0567, 0580, 0585, 0591, 0598, 0602, 0703, 9:0722; 12:1101 0719, 0721, 0737, 0739, 0745, 0747, 0767, 0777, Sänger, Richard H. 0780, 0803,0805, 0814, 0825, 0834, 0860, 0891, 1:0692 0898, 0911, 0929, 0955, 0986, 0994,1012,1015, San Juan [Sanjuan?], Pedro A. 1030, 1062,1068,1092; 7: 0065, 0248, 0249, 1: 0329; 3:0994; 4: 0070; 10: 0676, 0680 0251, 0276, 0327, 0328, 0331, 0363, 0366, 0367, Satterthwaite, Joseph C. 0369, 0476, 0477, 0513, 0545, 0547, 0604, 0606, 1: 0192, 0249, 0253, 0399, 0419, 0493, 0575, 0631, 0621, 0623, 0701, 0721, 0759, 0768, 0788, 0790, 0902; 2: 0029, 0252,0258, 0431, 0464; 11: 0651, 0942, 0952, 1002,1004, 1014; 8: 0017, 0022, 0688 0028, 0037. 0054, 0066, 0075, 0151, 0162, 0164, Seckman, Thelma M. 0180, 0184, 0208, 0244, 0254, 0267, 0280, 0282, 1:0360 0292, 0335, 0369, 0421, 0454, 0456, 0483, 0485, Security Council, UN 0492, 0496, 0511, 0552, 0566, 0602, 0620, 0644, 4: 0221, 0224-0226,0237; 11: 0525, 0568 0674, 0681, 0690, 0692, 0721, 0736, 0737, 0751, Sekou Toure, Ahmed 0762, 0860,0878, 0912, 0919, 0930, 0948, 0949, 2: 0370; 9: 0562, 0569, 0596, 0621, 0694, 0695, 0980, 0988, 0990, 0998, 1020, 1064; 9: 0043, 0714, 0718, 0719, 0737, 0756-0758, 0762, 0764, 0049, 0053,0109, 0168, 0175, 0187, 0254, 0256, 0890, 0892, 0942, 0945, 0983, 0993, 0994, 1040, 0291, 0296, 0310, 0510, 0534, 0563, 0564, 0570, 1046; 10: 0017, 0092, 0107, 0122, 0124, 0126, 0589, 0598, 0616, 0636, 0643, 0668, 0670, 0686, 0128,0158-0160 0710, 0713, 0716, 0717, 0738, 0741, 0744, 0774, Seriguefie, [?] 0780, 0781. 0795, 0800, 0909, 0916, 0936, 0940, 10:0422 0963, 1003, 1011, 1012, 1033, 1051, 1052; 10: 0009, 0010, 0032, 0036, 0053, 0076, 0117,

286 Author Index Sheldon, Huntington D. Stevenson, Adlai E. 12:1040 1: 0467, 0670, 0673; 2:0010, 0034, 0433, 0476, Shepard, Tazewell T., Jr. 0587, 0597, 0601, 0856, 0903, 0904, 0906, 0951; 5: 0820 3: 00018, 0345, 0348, 0351, 0363, 0364, 0378, Sherman, Joseph P. 0446, 0590, 0591, 0802; 4:0417, 0431, 0438; 9: 0504 5: 0564, 0585, 0646, 0668, 0697, 0718, 0748; Sherry, G. B. 6: 0034, 0070, 0083, 0087, 0092, 0122, 0164, 11:0258 0176, 0216, 0269, 0376, 0611, 0629, 0675, 0736, Shriver, R. Sargent 0744, 0764, 0831, 0867; 7: 0055, 0077, 0078, 9: 0609, 0629 0105, 0106, 0138, 0170, 0245, 0324, 0354, 0356, Simms, John W. 0404, 0474, 0475, 0591, 0592, 0937; 9: 0675, 6: 0853; 7: 0322 0677, 0679, 0681, 0811 ; 10:0907, 0918, 0920, Sinlli, Kwispina 0922-0924, 0928, 0931, 0938, 0941, 0994; 12:0156 11: 0005, 0006, 0018, 0044, 0055, 0079, 0169, Siryuyumunsl, Thaddee 0424, 0425, 0471, 0472, 0474, 0477, 0481, 0518, 11: 0373, 0374 0577, 0598, 0631, 0640, 0653; 12: 0006, 0111 Siseo, Joseph J. Stoessel, Walter, J., Jr. 5: 0058 1: 0022, 0027; 2: 0688, 0695; 3: 0552, 0567, 0580, Smith, Bromley K. 0582, 0586, 0588, 0589; 7: 0792, 0953; 8: 0033; 1: 0116, 0388, 0573, 0686, 0900; 2: 0166, 0831, 9: 0566; 12: 0664, 0670, 0674, 0690 0840; 3: 0388, 0606, 0762, 0778, 0970, 0971, Stokes, William N. 0998; 4: 0068, 0094, 0100, 0107, 0146, 0290, 12:0769 0313, 0327, 0345-0347, 0384, 0423, 0490, 0584, Swart, Charles R. 0589, 0609, 0629, 0697; 5: 0294; 6: 0522, 0660; 1:0574 8: 0268; 9: 0633, 0726, 0763; 10: 0200, 0406, Tan, William H., Ill 0452, 0632, 0653, 0766, 0878; 11: 0450; 12: 0065, 3: 0273 0206, 0262, 1089 Tasca, Henry J. Snyder, C. K. 1: 0043, 0056, 0057 2:0169 Taylor, Maxwell D. Sorenson, Theodore 3:0126; 11:0435 10:0191 Thompson, Llewellyn E. Sow, Malick Adam 6: 0890; 8: 0225 3: 0513 Timberlake, Clare H. Springsteen, George S. 1: 0038; 3:0609 4:0815 Timmons, Benson, III Staats, Elmer B. 6: 0802, 0843 3: 0626 Troxel, Oliver L, Jr. Standard Steel Corporation 9: 0189, 0483, 0485, 0487, 0488, 0491, 0494, 0501, 4: 0613 0546, 0550 Stanger, Ernest Le Roy Tshombe, Moise 1: 0869, 0893, 0894 3: 0581, 0628, 0629; 4: 0075, 0077, 0137, 0140, State Department, U.S. 0141, 0156, 0160, 0306, 0311, 0726, 0727 1: 0096, 0424, 0522, 0648; 3:0849; 4: 0005, 0256, Tubby, Roger W. 0298, 0435; 7: 0842; 8: 0338; 11: 0151; 12:0371, 2: 0432, 0585; 3: 0326; 11: 0426 0607 Tumbull, Richard 12:0186 Udall, Stewart L 2:0562, 0563 UN 4: 0556; 5: 0150, 0152

Author Index 287 United Press International (UPI) Washington Post 7: 0806 10:0588 U.S. consulate, Ellsabethvllle Weisner, Jerome B. 4:0920; 6: 0148 1:0352 U.S. consulate, Luanda Welensky, Roy 10:0911 10:1028 U.S. embassy, Accra Wheeler, Earle G. 8: 0232, 0234 5:0712 U.S. embassy, Addis Ababa White House 1:0267 8:0159,0185 U.S. embassy, Capetown White House Situation Room 1:0414 5: 0828 U.S. embassy, Leopoldvllle Whitman, W. 6: 0538 2:0918,0931 U.S. embassy, Lisbon Williams, G. Mennen 3: 0297, 0300 1: 0199, 0215, 0218, 0221, 0361, 0552, 0554, 0681; U.S. embassy, Tunis 2: 0125, 0448, 0470; 3: 0053, 0068, 0856; 12:0983, 1009 4: 0103, 0489, 0703; 5: 0093, 0179, 0189; U.S. Mission to UN 7: 0820; 10: 0252; 12: 0047, 0757 5: 0667; 7: 0360 Wilson, D. G. U.S. Operations Mission, Tunisia 1:0169 12:0827,0831 Wine, James W. Vance, Sheldon B. 10: 0425, 0430, 0431, 0435, 0468 1: 0892, 0898; 4: 0402 Withers, Charles D. Van Oss, Hendrik 11:0354 11:0106 Wolfe, Glenn G. Vass, Laurence 1:0495 12:0549 Wright, Thomas K. Vincenza, Pia 3: 0359; 9: 0680, 0685; 10: 0594, 0605, 0621, 0660, 12:0168 0670, 0693, 0704, 0830, 0832, 0835, 0838 Vreeland, Frederick D. Yates, Polly A. 12:0545,0571,0585 8: 0158, 0841 ; 9: 0607; 10: 0633, 0998,1001,1037; Wallner, Woodruff 11: 0412;12: 0650, 1093 1:0028 Yates, Sidney R. Walmsley, Walter N., Jr. 10:0049 2: 0694, 0782, 0804,0938, 0981, 0984. 0995, 0996; Yost, Charles W. 12: 0678, 0679, 0681, 0688, 0708, 0772, 0778, 2: 0583. 0953; 3: 0328; 6: 0016, 0845, 0956, 0997, 0780, 0994, 0995, 0999, 1000, 1006, 1008, 1015, 1000; 10: 0987, 0990; 11: 0104, 0447, 0533, 0596; 1017, 1021-1023,1025, 1026,1031,1032, 1044, 12:1027 1045,1047,1049,1057, 1058,1063,1076,1077, Youlou, Fulbert 1081-1083 3: 0768, 0770, 0772, 0974, 0976; 4: 0062, 0316, Warner, Norman E. 0321-0323, 0328; 5: 0019, 0020, 0031, 0500 4: 0942; 7: 0568, 0569

288 Author index SUBJECT INDEX

The following index is a guide to the major subjects contained in this collection. The numbers appearing below the subject entries and next to the subentries identify where in the Reel Index documents containing these subjects can be found. Each number consists of a reel number located to the left of the colon and a four-digit frame number located after it. For example, 8: 0759 indicates a document located on Reel 8, Frame 0759. University Publications of America (UPA) has included complete descriptions of the documents contained in this collection in the Reel Index, which begins on page 1. John F. Kennedy is referred to as Kennedy throughout this index.

Abavana, L. R. Balubakat and Conakat political parties reconciliation and Ghanaian media attacks on U.S. 8: 0759 6:0240 Abed!, Amry and Belgian military mission 6: 0546 , refused service in restaurant 12: 0074 biographical sketch of 3: 0782; 4: 0398; 5: 0591 Accra, Ghana Cuban Missile Crisis•support for U.S. position in dissatisfaction with police searches in 8:0778 4:0917 Ghanaian army units withdraw from "Operation and customs arrangements 7:0509 Search" in 8:0816 Denis, George•influence 6: 0476 Ghanaian press reports on bomb explosions in develop ANC without UN assistance 6: 0244 8:0767 discussions U.S. trade fair at 8: 0227, 0229-0231 with Ball, George W. 4: 0516, 0522 Accra World Peace Assembly on Congolese purchase of aircraft 5:1025 Eisenhower, Dwight D. invited to attend 8:0592 with Dodd, Thomas J. 5: 0652 Foster, William C.•and message to 8: 0597 with Gardiner, Robert 6: 0529, 0727 general 8: 0588, 0589 with Kennedy 4: 0452, 0453, 0459, 0469, Nkrumah, Kwame•address to 8:0611 0471,0477 possible delegation to Kennedy and Nikita with Linner, Sture 5:0667 Khrushchev 8: 0616 with McGhee, George C. 6: 0172; 7: 0086 possible participants in 8: 0571 with U.S. 6: 0208 U.S. participation in 8: 0602, 0607 with Williams, G. Mennen 6:0636 Wadsworth, James J.•impressions of 8: 0648 dispute between left and moderate wings of Adande, [?] government 5: 0950 visit to U.S. 7:0617 and DRC Addis Ababa conference cabinet 6: 0943, 1033 see OAU Constitution 6:1010; 7: 0083, 0328, 0488 Adjel, Ako government expenditures 6:0910 and atmospheric nuclear testing 8: 0548 grant aid program for 6: 0413 and DRC situation 7:1009 labor union strike 6: 0530 visit to U.S. 8: 0550, 0552 parliament's vote of confidence 6:0168 Adoula, Cyrille peace plan of U Thant 6:1074 Addis Ababa conference 2:0356 political situation 3: 0780 agenda rejected by Security Council 4: 0422 recognition of Angolan government in exile 3: 0415 aid from radical African states 6: 0578 tripartite talks on 6: 0700, 0702, 0703, 0709, 0715, Angolan question 3:0411 0723, 0740 appointment with Kennedy requested 5: 0583 UN role in 6:0577 arms traffic control requested 7: 0070 UN Security Council meeting on 6:0112, 00113

Subject Index 289 Adoula, Cyrille cent. from Rusk, Dean 5:0026 and Gizenga, Antoine from Spaak, Paul-Henri 5: 0537 aid against, from U.S. 4: 0038, 0039 between Tshombe, Moise and 6: 0349, 0356, 0513 arrest of 6: 0029, 0057, 0090 martial law proclaimed due to labor unrest 5: 0615, attempted takeover of Kivu province 5: 0785, 0616 0797; 0800 meetings as DRC vice premier 6: 0022 with Gardiner, Robert 7:0455 letters from 5: 0995 with Kennedy 4: 0443, 0448; 5:0588, 0592, 0604, meeting with 5: 0767 0605,0610 transported to Leopoldville 6: 0053, 0055 with Linner, Sture 5: 0902 U Thant's message about 6:0611 with Pan-African Union leader 6:0449 and Gullion, Edmund with Tshombe, Moise 4:0536; 5:0746, 0773, 0782, appointment with, requested 6:0712 0790, 0815, 0818; 6: 0150, 0157, 0187, 0190, letters from 6:0457 0198, 0199, 0204, 0211, 0213, 0225, 0242, meeting with 6: 0808; 7: 0489 0251, 0253, 0268, 0276, 0290, 0302, 0314 negotiations at Kitona 5: 0847 with U.S. labor leaders 6:0167 and IMF 6: 0158 message between Kennedy and 4: 0507, 0528, 0529, Kalonji, Albert•arrest of 7:0043 0531,0532 and Katanga message from Sendwe, Jason 6: 0628 agreements with 6: 0392; 7: 0446, 0543 Ngalula, Joseph•instructions to 7: 0153 aid to solving problems outside UN 6: 0807 Ngalula, Joseph•and Katanga cease-fire 7: 0197 ANC and UN operations 5:1025 Mobutu, General•ordered not to go to Brussels cease-fire 5: 0716; 7: 0237, 0378, 0395, 0436, 6: 0838 0457, 0557, 0592, 0606 plot to overthrow 6:0468 delegation movement restricted in Leopoldville rebuffs Soviet's UN Security Council move 6: 0114 6:0806 revenue payments 7: 0039 and DRC 6: 0046, 0193, 0285, 0320 successor to Adoula 6:0786 economic assistance to 6:0507 talks with U.S. press 6:0172 negotiations with 6:0710 and UN Ngalula, Joseph•report on disaffection of complaints 6:0578; 7: 0557 Katangese people 7: 0291 force in DRC•increased size 4:0525 rearmament 6:0673 general assembly speech 4: 0413; 5: 0585 secession 4: 0734-0736, 0743; 6: 0603 mediation with Moise Tshombe 6:0615, 0874 talks•discussion with Edmund Gullion on 7: 0489 Security Council 4:0422 and UN assistance 7:0108 Security Council•appearance before 4: 0408 Kennedy's farewell message to 4:0480, 0481, 0533 and U.S. Kitona agreement alarmed by widening gulf between Moise Tshombe concern of possible failure of 6:0004 and 6: 0237 discussion on 5: 0958,1025 attempts to avoid political showdown 5: 0744 implication of 6: 0012 comments on speech by 7: 0580 and U.S. authorship 5: 0901 invitation to visit 4: 0416, 0418, 0420, 0433; Kongolo massacre and ANC troops 6:0076 6:0040 letters visit to 4:0030, 0032-0035, 0399,0402, 0405, to Hammarskjold, Dag 3:0802 0407-0409, 0411, 0415-0417, 0420, 0421, from Kamitatu, Cleophas 6:1060 0429, 0431, 0435, 0438, 0441, 0447, 0558; between Kennedy and 3:0827,0829, 0830, 0860, 5:0585, 0630, 0681 ; 6:0016,0039, 0048, 0065 0861 ; 4: 0351-0354, 0557, 0575, 0577, 0579, U Thant•luncheon 4:0434 0580-0582, 0585-0588, 0591, 0596, 0621- see also DRC; Tshombe, Moise 0624, 0626, 0700, 0736, 0738, 0739, 0741, Africa 0923, 0942, 0979, 0982; 5: 0015, 0016, 0138, achievement of peace, freedom, and prosperity in 0140, 0142, 0528-0531, 0580, 0595, 0596, 12:0663 0629, 0630, 0632 arms limitation in 8: 0101, 0105 to McGhee, George C. 7:0519, 0552 assemblies•visit to U.S. by presidents and deputies to Nehru, Jawaharlal 4: 0596 of 1:0113-0115

290 Subject Index civil aviation problem in 1: 0549, 0550 Soviet bloc civil air expansion in 1:0472, 0495 and civil rights in U.S. 2: 0484, 0485, 0449, 0501, students 0566, 0567 air transportation to U.S. 1: 0229 colonial areas in 1: 0079 annual totals 1: 0174, 0177 commercial air service in 1:0501 ask U.S. assistance in leaving Bulgaria 2:0053 developments in 2: 0200, 0340; 9:0997; 12: 0342 disaffected 2: 0036, 0047, 0049, 0052, 0055, 0056, developments toward unity in 10:0295; 12:0317 0057, 0060 diplomats•dissatisfaction of 1: 0328, 0329 distribution in U.S. 1:0091-0093, 0096 and DRC problem 4:0321-0323 federal support of 1: 0230 economic problems•Addis Ababa conference numbers 1: 0175, 0178, 0179 resolution on 2: 0310 problems of 1: 0099; 8: 0576, 0578 education•meeting on 2:0168, 0169 programs•report to Kennedy on 1: 0335, 0337, Eilender, Allen 0339, 0355 leadership comments 1: 0864, 0866, 0869, 0870, programs•U.S. summer 2:0045 0874, 0875, 0877, 0878, 0881, 0886, 0889, status report 1:0354 0890; 8: 0908 U.S. government assistance 1:0170, 0171,0185, report 9: 0139 • 0336,0339 statements protested 2: 0439, 0441 threat to U.S. leadership in 11: 0598 French aid to 1: 0406 unity in•Kwame Nkrumah's ideas on 8:0501 general 1:0073; 2: 0685 UN policy on 6: 0949 geopolitics of 1:0692; 2: 0134, 0205 and U.S. Ghana•Volta River project 8:0254 AID program in 1: 0984, 0999-1001 Ghanaian subversion in 8: 0513-0515 aid to 1: 0376, 0406; 10: 0196; 12: 0050, 0051 Ghana's policies toward 8:1057 challenges in 1: 0256, 0261 government•proposal for suppling U.S. officials for economic aid from 1: 0043, 0123, 0648; 8: 0379; 1:1003 10: 0439, 0444, 0447, 0450; 12:0758 joint companies in 1: 0100 interest in 1: 0870 Katanga problem•aid to Cyrille Adoula to solve objectives in 1: 0673 6: 0807 Peace Corps programs in 1:0973 Kennedy administration's position on 8:0114, 0116 policies in 1: 0039, 0104-0108, 0110, 0111, 0221, leaders 0271, 0300, 0401, 0424, 0506; 2: 0449; general 10: 0447 4: 0496; 7:0487; 9: 0040, 0572, 0640, 0646; gifts 1:0117 10:0621 list 1:0118 policies on civil aviation in 1:0515, 0516 military action against Angola 3:0437 problems in 1:0249, 0253 nationalism•rise of 1: 0579 relations with 1: 0928 Nkrumah, Kwame voting pattern for 16th session of UN General efforts to liberate 8: 0137 Assembly 8: 0835 proposal for bicameral parliament in 9:0124 weakening of Western influence in 7:0797 reaffirms agreement to keep cold war out of white settlers•remarks concerning 1: 0036 8:0164 see also Southern Africa; Southwest Africa . press in•analysis of 1:0059, 0060 Africa and Europe, Bureau for problems of 10:0992 actions and problems of 1: 0737, 0739, 0740, 0745, racial issues•U.S. position on 1: 0579, 0648 0746, 0748, 0749, 0754, 0755, 0772, 0773 raw materials•source of 1: 0296, 0325 report of 1: 0736 reconciliation in 10:0012 Africa Freedom Day refugee groups plan anti-U.S. demonstration in proclamation of 1: 0481, 0483 Tanganyika 12: 0358, 0360,0364 program for observance of 1:0480 refugee leaders•meetings with 12:0330 African Affairs, Advisory Council on regional development•Kwame Nkrumah's campaign general 1:0647 to frustrate 9: 0498 proceedings of 1: 0648 regionalism•U.S. position on 1: 0648 relations with U.S. 10: 0012 self-government•U.S. position on 1: 0872, 0876

Subject Index 291 African Affairs, Bureau of AID principles governing trade and economic relationships discussions with Ahmed Sekou Toure in Guinea 1:0057 10:0145 proposal to establish African Policy Committee programs 2:0458 in Africa 1:0999-1001 African Aid, London Conference on in Congo (Brazzaville) 6: 0926 discussion topics 1: 0513, 0514 in Mali 10: 0704 African aid talks, bilateral report to Congress on 1:0982-0984 agenda for 1:0510-0512 Akosombo Dam U.S. thinking on 1: 0508 locks for boat lift over 8: 0188 African and Malagasy Organization for Economic Alaska Airlines, Inc. Cooperation (OAMCE) termination of services in Guinea 10: 0117, 0136, 2: 0041 0137 African Association Albertville, DRC agreement with European Economic Community on Katanga gendarmes attempt to invade 6:0628 economic relations 2: 0617 Alexander, Henry African Congress party dismissal as Ghanaian army commander 8: 0218 anti-Kuanda activities of 6: 0629 Alexander, Paul African group, UN letter to Thomas J. Dodd 6:1046 incident with Michel Collet 9:0679 permission from DRC for landings at mission stations African-Indian Ocean area by 6:1056 future base structure in 1: 0067 Algeria African Journalists, Second Conference of agreement with France on return of refugees from Nkrumah, Kwame•speech to 9: 0550 Tunisia and Morocco 2: 0984 African Liberation Committee aircraft landing facilities to service Soviet and Czech background paper on 12:0454 flights to Cuba 9: 0898 African Policy Committee appointment of Pierre Billotte as French high creation of 2: 0428, 0448, 0458, 0460, 0577, 0578 commissioner in 2: 0991 general 2: 0575 assistance to•international agencies' 2: 0961 mandate and functions of 2: 0430,0580 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems Africans in 1:0740, 0755, 0773 alleged U.S. lack of respect for 8:0559 cease-fire agreement with France 2:0876, 0877, moderate•participation in DRC settlement 7:0523 0881, 0882, 0884, 0892, 0895, 0897, 0916-0918, participants in 17th UN General Assembly 2:0010 0920, 0921, 0923, 0928-0932, 0935, 0944, 0945, Portuguese•special programs for 1: 0183 0947, 0948, 0952, 0958, 0969-0971, 0981, 0986, Portuguese•White House interest in students 0989, 0997 1:0184 cease-fire negotiations with France 12:0769 white attitudes toward 1: 0692; 2: 0134, 0205 condition of French military units in 2:0949 African Studies Association conflict in•internationalization of 2:0759 Kennedy's message to 1: 0674, 0675 conflict in•U.S. role in 2:0694, 0706, 0708 Afrique Action conflict with Morocco 9: 0542, 0544 editorial in 12:0778 de Gaulle, Charles•views on situation in 2: 0763, Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization (AAPSO) 0779 conference of•Julius Nyerere's impressions of discussions 12:0265 between Kennedy and Fulbert Youlou on situation Agricultural commodities, U.S. in 3:0866 diamond barter from DRC against 4: 0343, 0349 between Kennedy and Mongi Slim on problem of DRC government request for 7:0562, 0563 12:0672,0675 Agriculture between U.S. and provisional government of production in Dahomey 7: 0652, 0655 12:0772 U.S. technical and economic cooperation in Tunisia evacuation of U.S. citizens from 2: 0910 12: 0831 France Ahidjo, Ahmadou agreement on return of refugees from Tunisia and discussions with Kennedy 3:0515 Morocco 2: 0984 letter from Kennedy 4: 0146

292 Subject Index armed forces oppose Charles de Gaulle's policies Alport, Lord in 2:0718 congratulations to Edmund A. Gullion on Krtona army insurgents control of 2: 0721, 0730 agreement 5:0999 attack on, by army insurgents 2: 0726, 0730 Aluminum projects, African declaration of intentions on 2: 0953 U.S. government assistance to cover risks of interruption of military operations in 2:0761 investment in 7: 0861 military coup attempt in 2: 0717, 0720, 0722, 0723, American Committee to Aid Katanga Freedom 0736, 0738, 0741, 0743, 0761 Fighters policy on 2: 0704, 0790, 0812 impartial observer for 5:1027 prisoners in 2:0810 Amnesty transport aircraft available in 2:0716 for Katanga 4: 0885; 7:0397, 0434, 0475 Libyan role in 2:0754 for Tshombe, Moise 7:0444, 0604 ministers' departure 2:0996 Anany, Jean Nkrumah, Kwame•message 9: 0546 arbitrary measures taken by 5:0625 OAS activities in 2: 0795, 0885, 0887, 0940, 0955 ANC OAS atrocities condemned 8: 0620, 0622, 0630, Adoula, Cyrille•discusses reform of 6: 0208 0631,0635,0637,0654 Adoula, Cyrille•urged to take action against outlaw OAS attacks on French army garrisons in 2:0831, troops of 6: 0076 0833, 0839 delivery of U.S. vehicles for use by 7:0243 political situation in 2: 0771, 0804 discussions on purchase of U.S. aircraft 6: 0699 provisional government efforts to block Belgian retraining of 6:0671 contacts with U.S. 2:0689, 0692, 0698, 0782, and Katanga 0784, 0959;12:0999, 1000 gendarmes 6: 0222,1058; 7: 0581 leadership of 2:0769 hostilities in 6:0205 negotiations with France 2: 0767, 0771, 0827, military dangers in 6: 0285 0841, 0847, 0850, 0856, 0938 supply of units in 6:0399 security force for 2: 0793 troops in 5: 0936 rebel government•leadership 10: 0192 massacre at Kongolo 6:0047 settlement in 2: 0806, 0815, 0877, 0880, 0882, 0885, meeting about training of 6:0840 0886, 0900, 0902, 0904 modernization of 4: 0865, 0866; 5: 0507 sovereignty of 12:1017 problems of 4: 0525 status of negotiations 2: 0704 retraining of 5:0286, 0319, 0329, 0470, 0471, 0487, status of problem in 2:0766 0507, 0511, 0533, 0534, 0575, 0598, 0600, 0606; treatment of wounded in U.S. 2: 0801-0803 6:0244 Tuesday Planning Group meeting on 2:0857 Tshombe, Moise U.S. departure from Leopoldville refused 6: 0526 aid to 2: 0844, 0902, 0911, 0922 plans to transfer troops to Kamina base before visit policy in 2:0797, 0858 7: 0028 relations with 2: 0900, 0994 protests arrival of troops at Kamina base before State Department agrees to meet with officials of visit 7: 0032 2: 0829, 0830 and UN violence between European and Moslem communities aircraft support by 5:1044 in 2: 0785 assistance in Katanga 5: 0667, 0981, 0983, 1025 Algiers, Algeria consolidation of forces with 5:1012; 7: 0017 situation after French army coup 2:0720 control of units 7:0295, 0354 All-African High Command efforts in training of 6:0279, 0470 meeting to establish 10:0594 logistic and food support for 6: 0271 proposal for 8: 0087 and U.S. Allied Sales Corporation military equipment to 4:0883 purchase of U.S. aircraft from 6: 0722 military impact shipments to 7: 0320, 0321 Almeida, Arminda D. retraining program for 6: 0217 discrepancies in execution of U.S. visa procedures suggestions on reorganization of 6:0193 6:0186

Subject Index 293 Angola rebel movement plans in DRC 3: 0290 Adoula, Cyrille•views on 3: 0411 rebels attack Portuguese forces at Cabinda 3: 0392 African military action against 3: 0437 refugees in DRC 3: 0348; 5: 0274; 7: 0227 arrest of Methodist missionaries in 3:0295, 0296 Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira•announces general change in nationalist leadership in 3:0338 elections 3:0438 conflict•Santos Costa's comments on 3:0325 students discussions on•Kennedy and Fulbert Youlou 3:0866 in France and Switzerland 3: 0126, 0127, 0131 DRC government offers assistance to terrorists general 3:0130 planning attack on frontier of 7:0023 U.S. educational program for 6: 0196 DRC recognizes government in exile of 3: 0415, terrorism•foreign participation in 3: 0011 0419,0421,0423,0427 and UN evacuation of U.S. citizens from 3:0005 "rapporteur" suggested 3: 0327, 0334, 0340 general 3: 0095 resolution on 3: 0345, 0351 governmental standstill 3: 0367 Security Council meeting on 3:0016 indignation over identification of U.S. policies with Security Council resolution on 3: 0020, 0028 aims of Portugal 3:0390 and U.S. insurgents meet with U.S. mission 6: 0448 approach to Vatican on 3:0271 and Katanga•military equipment sent to 7:0417 assistance program for refugees from 6:0651 and Katanga•transport of aircraft for 7: 0275 intervention in UN committee draft on 3: 0344 military action in 3: 0441 policy toward 3: 0128, 0129 military action renewed 3:0373 "rapporteur" proposal for 3:0352, 0370 military situation in 3:0277 self-determination statement 3: 0361, 0393, 0394, nationalist movement in•prospects of 3: 0468 0396, 0398, 0399, 0402 nationalist movement in•U.S. refuses to choose support for insurgents in 3:0007 between rival groups 3: 0430 terrorist aid denied 3:0010, 0012 NATO discussion of situation in 3: 0326, 0332 views of situation in 3: 0251 Nyerere, Julius•concerned over situation in Wachuku, Jaja 12: 0288, 0303, 0307, 0313 general 3:0119 OAU discusses problems of 5: 0500 meeting with Portuguese leaders 3: 0135 political situation in 3:0321 recommends recognition of government in exile and Portugal 3:0432 ability to afford expense of 3:0447 Williams, G. Mennen•observations on 1:0199 accuses U.S. of aiding rebels in 3: 0444, 0445, Angola Task Force, U.S. 0446 discussions on•McGeorge Bundy and G. Mennen aerial surveillance activity in 3: 0429 Williams 3: 0051 army estimate of native population in 3: 0358 first meeting of 3: 0030 economic value to 3: 0447, 0449 general 3:0031 gives U.S. information on plans for attack in Apartheid 3: 0382 letter from Ahmed Sekou Toure to Kennedy on government cooperation with UN subcommittee on 10:0092,0097,0098 3: 0324 resolutions on lacks confidence in U.S. motives in 3:0342 Addis Ababa conference 2:0310 military command communiqué on refugees in Afro-Asian UN 2: 0603 DRC 7: 0405 Norwegian 12: 0034 NATO arms in 3: 0328 UN 11: 0425, 0472, 0474, 0477, 0481, 0504, 0507, NATO pressure on 3: 0330 0547, 0563, 0568; 12: 0006, 0016, 0034 plans for prosecution of war in 3:0440 in South Africa 10: 0053, 0057; 11: 0487, 0518, 0525, President Americo Tomas's visit to 3: 0442 0533, 0547, 0563, 0568, 0709 "rapporteur" problem 3:0363 Stevenson, Adla'•speech on 11: 0484 restricts travel of Protestant missionaries in 3: 0428 suspicions on U.S. role in 3:0314 use of U.S. military equipment in 3: 0280, 0284 racial problems in 1:0579 rebellion in 3: 0377, 0403

294 Subject Index UN Security Council Assogba, Oke debate on 11: 0487, 0497, 0498, 0518, 0533, discussions on agricultural production and 0547, 0691 improvement of education in Dahomey 7: 0652, meeting on 2: 0469, 0476, 0556, 0583, 0587, 0655 0597, 0601; 11: 0572; 12: 0009, 0010, 0027, discussions with Kennedy 7:0651 0028, 0454 Atomic Energy Commission, International statement on 11: 0525 Board of Governors and Ghana 8:0182 UN Special Committee on Atomic Energy Commission, U.S. King, Martin Luther, Jr.•appearance before experiment in South Africa 12: 0034 11:0424,0429 Attwood, William H. proposes embargo of arms and petroleum expansion of U.S. aid program in Guinea 9:0813, products against South Africa 10: 0047 0815 recommendations of 11: 0622, 0640, 0651, "get well" message from Kennedy 9:0667, 0668, 0653, 0654 0669, 0673, 0674 U.S. policy on 1: 0236; 12: 0009, 0028, 0588, 0602 hospitalized for poliomyelitis syndrome 9: 0666 Appish-Danquah, Martin new U.S. aid program for Guinea 9: 0633 meeting with Kennedy 9: 0274 and remarks of Chester Bowles on U.S. policy in Armah, Kwesi Africa 9: 0640, 0646 remarks to Commonwealth Foreign Ministers' resigns as U.S. ambassador to Guinea 9:1011 Conference in London 8:0755 and talks between Ahmed Sekou Toure and Kennedy speech justifying Cuba's purchase of arms from 9:0780 USSR 8: 0740 Aviation, civil Armed forces in Africa 1:0501, 0777, 0778 Air Force, U.S. Dahomey's adherence to international convention on contingent in DRC grounded 5:0674 7:0613,0615 disaster in Kenya 12: 0131-0133, 0137-0139 developments in Guinea 9: 0949 discussions with UN military forces on perimeters Federal Aviation Agency study on African 1: 0515, and agreement with Katanga 7:0082 0516 missile tracking station in South Africa 1: 0352, problem in Africa 1: 0549, 0550 0353; 2: 0574 Soviet bloc aid to emerging African nations 1:0563 use of aircraft within DRC 6: 0037 Soviet bloc expansion in Africa 1: 0472, 0495, 0518 use of units in UN forces in DRC 4:0178 Avriel, Ehud Navy, U.S. remarks on Israel's experience with joint companies in amity program 9: 0697 Africa 1: 0Í00 courtesy call to Guinea 9: 0697 Azores agreement goodwill visit to Ghana 7: 0961, 0974; 8:0063 difficulties for U.S. in renegotiation of 6: 0196 Arms Azores base embargo imposed by U.S. against South Africa Policy Planning Group meeting on retention of 2: 0606; 9: 0485 3:0091 limitation U.S. task force on Portuguese territories 3: 0044 for Africa 8: 0101 Badibanga, Samuel African agreement on 8: 0105 appointed acting head of state in DRC 6: 0136 U.S. policies on 1: 0506 Bakwanga, DRC Williams, G. Mennen•consultations with West DRC government operations in 7:0060 Germany on 1:0622 Balance of payments supplies•U.S. policies on 1:0506 Malian deficits 10:0745 traffic•help requested to control 7: 0070 Balewa, Abubakir Tafawa Arthur, George U.S. expresses concern to, about DRC situation 6:0753 and persona non grata action against 8: 0997 Ball, George W. Arusha, Tanganyika discussions with Cyrille Adoula 4: 0516, 0522 site for capital of East African Federation 12:0325 discussions and meeting with Seydou Conte 9:1007, Asia, Southeast 1008 1:0073 papers on DRC crisis 5: 0168 plan in event of collapse of UN effort in DRC 4:0952 travel plans of 6:1045

Subject Index 295 Balubakat party Bechuanaland projected reconciliation with Conakat party 6: 0240, future of 12:0144 0482 political and constitutional development of 12:0142 Baluba(DRC) Williams, G. Mennen•observations on 1:0199 airlift•UN decides not to request U.S. aircraft for Bed id, Konan 6: 0842 appointment with Kennedy 10:0419 Rallying Movement•telegram to Kennedy 4:0744, biographical sketch of 10: 0340 0745, 0749 farewell visit of 10: 0418 refugees•U.S. provides transport for airlift of 6: 0653 Belgium Bamba, Emmanuel briefed on Kwame Nkrumah's trip to U.S. 8:0122 gift to Kennedy 5:0619 and Burundi Banda, Hastings Kamuzu agreements about 11: 0173 discussions with representatives of European aid program suspension 11: 0332 government of Southern Rhodesia 10: 0891 assassination of Prince Rwagasore 11: 0241, expects U.S. to make up Nyasaland deficit 10:0882 0303, 0334, 0343 sent copy of Kennedy's congratulatory message to economic assistance to 11: 0099, 0148, 0213 Julius Nyerere and Republic of Tanganyika military assistance to 11: 0006, 0099 12:0251 political situation 11: 0348 visit to U.S. 10: 1009, 1014, 1016 technical assistance to 11: 0254, 0288, 0306 Bangoura, Karlm troop retention 11: 0008 appointment with Kennedy requested 9: 0946 troop withdrawal 11: 0005, 0029, 0044, 0048, discussions 0118,0160,0168 with Kaysen, Carl 10: 0041, 0042 discussions on DRC with Kennedy 9: 0951, 0952, 0956, 0957,1001 with Great Britain 6: 0626, 0656 with U.S. on Guinea's position at Addis Ababa with UN•on legislation and mining companies conference 9:1022 7:0105 letter from Ahmed Sekou Toure 9:1046 with U.S. 4: 0703; 6: 0621, 0858 letter to G. Mennen Williams 9:1045 and DRC meeting with Kennedy 9: 0959, 0961 ; 10: 0035 civilians killed in•by UN troops 5: 0235,0238 presentation of credentials by 9: 0938 contribution/aid to 6: 0525, 0587; 7: 0369 Bantustans-Transkei partition military assistance request halted 6:0608 11:0709 military mission in 6: 0546 Bantu states normalization of relations with 6: 0465 South African program for grouping of 2: 0596; resumption of relations with 5:1008 11:0459 retraining of army•efforts to block 6: 0671 Barbosa, Rafael role in 8:0088 U.S. interest in 10: 0163, 0165 suit of Union Miniere du Haut Katanga 6: 0995 Baroan, Bertin technical assistance to 6: 0281, 0327, 0624 biographical sketch of 10: 0340 trial of Antoine Gizenga 6:0928 Basner, H. M. tripartite talks 4: 0601, 0602, 0640, 0642; 5: 0699; anti-U.S. articles in Ghanaian Times by 9:0105, 0109 6: 0663, 0709, 0868 article on Thresher disaster by 9: 0173 UN call for troop withdrawal from 4: 0225, 0226, Basutoland 0239 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems expresses support for Kitona agreement 5: 0860 in 1:0740 and Katanga future of 12:0144 economic pressure on 6: 0059 political and constitutional development of 12: 0142 outgoing telegrams 6:1043,1044 Williams, G. Mennen•observations on 1:0199 UN military operations in 5: 0248, 0252,1083; Battle, Lucius D. 6: 0417 message to Newsweek editor 9: 0175 Kirk, Alan•failure of mission 5:1097 Beavogui, Louis-Lansana requests U.S. help in evacuation of nationals from biographical sketch of 9: 0692 Elisabethville 5: 0956 visit to U.S. 9: 0690, 0691

296 Subject Index and Rwanda Billotte, Pierre agreements about 11: 0173 appointed French high commissioner in Algeria aidfor11:0314 2: 0991 aircraft sale to DRC 11: 0175 Bingham, Jonathan economic assistance to 11: 0099, 0148, 0174, and Southern Rhodesian situation 10: 0938 0213,0308,0311 Birmingham, Alabama military assistance to 11: 0006, 0099 Addis Ababa conference actions on 2:0291 military equipment 11: 0212 bombing in•anti-U.S. demonstrations in Tanganyika political situation in 11: 0348 12:0358,0360,0364 relations with 11:0215 bombing in•Kennedy's statement on official U.S. technical support in 11: 0164, 0213, 0308, 0311 policy 12:0361 troop retention in 11: 0008, 0132, 0137, 0141, racial discrimination affair in 2: 0272, 0276 0150,0158 Blzerte, TUnisia troop withdrawal 11: 0005, 0029, 0044, 0048, Bourguiba, Habib 0118, 0139, 0143, 0144, 0146, 0149, 0155, criticizes U.S. and Great Britain about French 0157,0160,0163,0165 aggression at 12:1045 technical assistance with Congo River navigation demands withdrawal of French troops from base at 7:0513 12:1006,1009, 1019,1040 and Tshombe, Moise speech on 12: 0995,1015 economic pressures on•possible 5: 0973, 0977; and France 6: 0460, 0462 and cease-fire with Tunisia 12:1038,1049,1057, moral support for 5: 0860; 6: 0010 . 1061, 1073 negotiations with 6:0839 fighting with Tunisian forces 12:1021,1022, 1023, remark about, from U.S. State Department 7:0172 1027,1032,1047.1058 talks with Cyrille Adoula 6: 0411, 0460, 0462, 0692 military operations 12:1037 U.S. policy toward 8:0058 negotiations 10: 0188; 12:1034,1061, 1073 see also Burundi (Urundi); Rwanda (Ruanda) occupation at 12:1031 Belgrade Conference of Non-Aligned Nations reprisals 12:1058 discussions between Kennedy and Modibo Keita on troop withdrawal from 12:0991, 1008,1019,1021, 10:0648 1032 Keita, Modibo•performance at 10:0638 worsening situation at 12:1026 letters from Kennedy to Modibo Keita and Achmed Black, Eugene Sukarno on 10:0640 letter from Kwame Nkrumah requesting World Bank Ben Bella, Ahmed adviser 8: 0488 proposals on Angola 3: 0413 Blacks return/release of 2: 0903, 0968, 0995 see Negroes, U.S. visit to Ghana 9:0497 Blancke, W. Wendell Ben Khedda, Ben Youssef and AID programs in Congo (Brazzaville) 6: 0926 Kennedy's message to 2: 0912, 0913, 0925, 0928, appointed U.S. special ambassador to Congo 0935, 0970 (Brazzaville) 4: 0082 Berlin crisis appointment with Kennedy 4: 0152, 0361 appraisal of Ghanaian position on 8: 0191 biographical sketch of 4: 0154, 0362 discussions between Kennedy and Dean Rusk on Boaten, F. E. 4: 0127 message to Kennedy 9: 0284, 0285 Bermuda talks and support of nuclear test ban treaty 9:0283, 0287 discussions between Dean Rusk and Alexander visit to U.S. 8:0817 Douglas-Home on DRC 5:1014 Boboliko, Andre Bicamumpaka, Balthazar arrest of 6:0418 biographical sketch of 11: 0262 imprisonment of 6: 0477 photograph of 11:0263 Pan-African Union leader urges release of 6:0449 U.S. aid to Rwanda 11: 0337 Bocoum, Barema Blcoumat, Germain meeting with Dean Rusk 10:0756 biographical sketch of 3: 0866 Bohlen, David B. discussions with J. H. Mensah 9:0269, 0270

Subject Index 297 Boka, Ernest Kennedy•meetings with 12: 0704,1111 biographical sketch of 10: 0340 presentation of credentials by 12: 0705 Boka, Madeleine Bourguiba, Habib, Sr. biographical sketch of 10: 0340 on Addis Ababa conference 2:0361 Boke Bauxite and Alumina project discussions with Dwight D. Eisenhower 12: 0786 developments on 9: 0699 and fighting at Bizerte general 7: 0861 criticism of handling of 12:1045 proposal for new program 9:0670 press conference 12:1023 U.S. financing of 9: 0649, 0650 radio broadcast 12:1032 Bolivia speech on 12: 0995,1008 10th anniversary celebration of revolution in 8:0550 and Kennedy•correspondence 12:0664-0666, Bollinger, Lynn 0767, 0774-0776. 0991, 1047,1077,1078, 1080- analysis of situation in DRC 3: 0832 1082, 1090-1092, 1100 Bomani, Paul and Kennedy•discussions 12:0771 aid from Eastern and Western Europe•report letter to Charles de Gaulle 12: 0983,1006,1009 12:0177 meeting with Charles de Gaulle 12: 0681, 0688 and IMF conference 12: 0174 military and civilian plot against government of visit to U.S. 12:0174 12:1101 Bomboko, Justin possible U.S. medal for 12: 0746 arbitrary measures taken under DRC martial law by regime of 12: 0950 5: 0625 speech by 12:0856 arrival in New York City 6: 0927 and Tunisia call for arrest of Moise Tshombe 6: 0451 address to political leaders 12: 0880, 0911 and DRC development of, and U.S. aid 12: 0708 aircraft purchase 6:0256, 0289, 0698, 0713, 0722, speech on redemption of 12:1015 0742 U.S. economic meetings with 12: 0756, 0757 air rights into 6: 0652 U.S. State Department decides not to issue medal to bond issue 6: 0469 12:0755 constitution 6: 0997,1002 visit to U.S. 12: 0671, 0677, 0687, 0698, 0699, 0700- discussion about Moise Tshombe's offer to negotiate 0702, 0717, 0751, 0753, 0755, 0767, 0774, 0786 with Cyrille Adoula 5: 0761 Bowles, Chester discussion with George C. McGhee 5:0005 address at Lincoln University in Ghana 9:0232 foreign military aid 6:0451 evaluation of U.S. AID programs in Africa 1:0999- message from Joseph Kasavubu to Kennedy 4:0217 1001 requests Belgian military mission 6: 0546 meeting with Kwame Nkrumah 8:0864 safe departure of Moise Tshombe 6: 0535, 0539 mission to Africa 1: 0926, 0928 UAM conference observer 6: 1090 remarks on U.S. policy in Africa 9: 0640, 0646 Booth, Bishop [?] travel arrangements for 7:0247 letter from G. Mennen Williams 6:1068 visit to Tanganyika 12: 0187 Boston, H. J. L. Brazil as governor-general of Sierra Leone 11: 0411, 0414, refuses visa for Moise Tshombe 5: 0684 0425,0416 Brezhnev, Leonid Botslo, Kojo welcoming speech by Kwame Nkrumah for 7: 0998 discussions with G. Mennen Williams 9: 0511, 0512, British Commonwealth Relations Office 0514,0518 discussions with U.S. on Northern Rhodesia and and Dodd, Thomas J.•report on Ghana 9:0298 Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 10:0883 on Ghanaian press attacks on U.S. 9:0145, 0162, British High Commission Territories 0191 see Basutoland; Bechuanaland; Swaziland leaves for Morocco and Algeria with special message Bruce, David K. E. from Kwame Nkrumah 9: 0546 instructions for tripartite talks on the DRC 4: 0600- and Nydell-Davis persona non grata cases 9: 0145 0602 Bourguiba, Habib, Jr. letter from Kennedy 4: 0640, 0642, 0719 Kennedy•correspondence with 12:1113, 1115-1117, Brussels, Belgium 1119 see Belgium

298 Subject Index Bui Dam pressures U.S. to appoint resident ambassador Ghana adding facilities at site of 9:0189 11:0201 Bulawayo Trade Fair quarrel between government and chief of Unity and 1:0507 National Progress party 11: 0211 Bulgaria refugee problem in 12: 0149 African students ask U.S. assistance in leaving UN 2: 0053 commission in 11:0013 Bunche, Ralph General Assembly consultations with General Kebede 7:0506 adopts resolution on 11:0079 discussions with Charles W. Yost 5: 0661 ; 7: 0324 debate on 6: 0860 and Katanga-DRC cease-fire signing 7: 0475 declares independence of 11:0086 report on UN Congo Advisory Committee meeting technical assistance in 11:0099 7:0404 U.S. and Tshombe, Moise aid program in 11:0350 correspondence with Kennedy 4:0168; 5: 0750 alternatives in approaching problem of 10:1066 discussions with 7:0503 and financial training grants with 11:0078, 0097 meeting with•George McGhee 7: 0128 ideas on peace and security of 11:0045 mercenary strength•discussions of 6: 0744 State Department rescinds policy directives on visit to DRC 7: 0591 11:0151 Bundy, McGeorge World Bank assistance to 11:0167 discussions with G. Mennen Williams on U.S. Angola Busia, Kofi Abrefa task force 3: 0051 charges that Ghana is Soviet satellite state 9: 0294 Burundi (Urundi) statements on Ghanaian troops in Cuba 8: 0908 agreements between U.S. and Belgium in 11: 0173 U.S. Senate internal Security Subcommittee releases application for admission to UN 11: 0104 testimony by 9: 0291-0293, 0310, 0312 appointment of Pierre Ngendandumwe as prime U.S. Senate Subcommittee of Judiciary report on minister 11: 0372, 0373 testimony of 9: 0307 assassinators of Prince Louis Rwagasore 11: 0241, Cabinda, Angola 0253, 0288, 0303, 0306, 0338, 0339, 0343 Angolan rebels attack Portuguese forces at 3: 0392 background paper on 10:0295,1040 Cabrai, Amilcar and Belgium criticizes U.S. support of Portugal 10:0073 aid program 11:0332 discussions with U.S. 10:0166 economic assistance from 11:0099, 0148, 0213 Calhoun, Chad F. military assistance from 11:0099 discussions technical assistance from 11:0213, 0254, 0288, with Kennedy 8:1063 0306 with Nkrumah, Kwame 8: 0195,0197, 0553, 1032, troop withdrawal 11: 0005, 0008, 0029, 0044, 1035, 1036; 9: 0073, 0092, 0110, 0121, 0722 0048,0055,0168 on U.S.-Ghanaian relations 8:1012 diplomatic representation discussions with U.S. letter from Kwame Nkrumah 9:0034, 0054 11:0192,0193,0315,0316 meeting with Kennedy 8:1048 economic requirements of 11:0029 meetings with Kwame Nkrumah 7:1011; 8: 0186, French thoughts on independence of 11: 0092 1030; 9: 0126 independence celebrations 11:0191, 0290, 0292, 0293 reports on Volta River Authority meeting 9: 0076 independence celebrations in•Kennedy and visit to Ghana 9:0126 11: 0067, 0074, 0075, 0077, 0226-0228, 0230, Calhoun, John A. 0239, 0295, 0297, 0298, 0378 appointment with Kennedy 3:0542 level of diplomatic representation in U.S. 11: 0242 biographical sketch of 3: 0543 membership in UN 11: 0101 presence in Washington, D.C. 3:0531 military forces ineffective without Belgian officers and Cameroon technicians 11: 0006 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems military report on 11:0018 in 1:0746 peace and harmony in 11: 0108 discrimination against U.S. products in external tariff political situation in 11:0348 3:0518 post-independence problems 12: 0149 reaction to U.S. loan to Ghana for Volta River project 8:0442

Subject Index 299 Canada request for U.S. military equipment 3:0523, 0526, Houphouet-Boigny, Felix•invited to visit 10: 0219 0527, 0529 reaction to U.S. balance of payments measures U.S. aid program in 3: 0504 2:0596 violence in 2:0626 Capital Investment Act Chale, Sebastian discussions between Kwame Nkrumah and Chad F. biographical sketch of 12: 0371 Calhoun on 9: 0110 Challe, Maurice Carnahan, Albert Sidney Johnson asks for Kennedy's help in blocking communism in letter to Kennedy 11: 0417, 0418 Mediterranean area 2: 0728 Carter, George leads French military coup attempt in Algeria 2: 0720 discussions with Kwame Nkrumah 8:0559 Chanderli, Abdelkader Carthage, Tunisia discusses status of Algerian negotiations with France booklet on North Africa American cemetery and 2: 0856 memorial at 12: 0717, 0718 discusses UN position on South Africa 2: 0433 Casablanca Conference possible luncheon invitation for 2: 0951 developments at 8: 0011 Chayes, Abram results of 7: 0775 and U.S. involvement in Volta River project 8:0355, "Casablanca group" 0365 Algeria's intention to vote with 2: 0906 China, Nationalist meetings of foreign ministers of 7:0989; 8:0679, see Taiwan 0707 China, People's Republic of Cassert, Colonel [?] Burundi's position on recognition of 11: 0194, 0209 attempts to sell German light aircraft to Katangese cultural agreement with Tanganyika 12:0217 government 6: 0689 dispute with India 9:0259, 0542, 0543 "CBS Reports" Tanganyika's position on admission to UN of 12: 0111, show on UN operations in DRC 6: 0898 0114 Celebrezze, Anthony J. Chltepo, Herbert representative to Dahomey's independence day biographical sketch of 12: 0371 celebrations 7: 0721, 0723 Chu, Moses Censorship discusses Taiwan's diplomatic representation in imposed by Ghana on foreign correspondents 8: 0777 Tanganyika 12:0125 Central Africa Church, Frank Kuanda, Kenneth•discusses situation in 10: 0897 comments on U.S. African policy 1: 0104-0108, 0110, political developments in 10:0994 0111 Central African Republic letter from Kennedy 1:0106, 0108, 0111 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems CIA in 1: 0740 allegations discrimination against U.S. products in external tariff of complicity in assassination of Patrice Lumumba 3:0518 9:0227 Central African Trade Fair, Third of complicity in Iraqi revolution 9:0221, 0227 message for Kennedy 1: 0380, 0381 of domination of U.S. student exchange program Chad 9:0171,0175 arrest of principal northern Moslem leaders in 3: 0532 of involvement in attempted assassination of congratulatory message to Kennedy 3:0509-0511, Kwame Nkrumah 8: 0894, 0960, 0974 0513 of involvement in French army coup in Algeria discrimination against U.S. products in external tariff 2: 0741 3:0518,0520 coordinates U.S. course of action for dealing with establishes diplomatic relations with Taiwanese DRC problems 3:0575 government 3: 0507 false charges in The Spark against 9: 0150 French assessment of disturbances in 2: 0628 Ghanaian Times attack on 9:0105 gift of live addax for Kennedy 3: 0534, 0536-0539, investigation into possible UN support of military 0541 forces of Antoine Gizenga 4:0376 national day celebration 3: 0506 report on national movements in South Africa 2: 0251 political difficulties in 3: 0532

300 Subject Index Civil rights•U.S. Communism African reaction to 2: 0484, 0485, 0501, 0538, in Ghana 7: 0829, 0834; 9:0312 0566, 0567 interests in the DRC 6:0239 Kennedy's message on 2: 0495, 0499, 0523, Tshombe, Moise•campaign against 7: 0129 0528, 0529, 0530; 9: 0506, 0509 U.S. policy of opposition to 4: 0332 legislation 2: 0514 Communist party march on Washington, D.C. 9: 0506, 0509; in South Africa 1: 0003 10:0122-0124,0126,0133 Companies, joint Nkrumah, Kwame•comments on 9: 0508 in Africa 1:0100 Nyerere, Julius•desire not to become involved in Conakat party controversy over 12: 0584 projected reconciliation with Balubakat party 6: 0240, position on 2:0517; 10: 0123 0482 Sekou Toure, Ahmed•comments on 10:0010,0011 Congo (Brazzaville) state of 7: 0053 discrimination against U.S. products in external tariff Cleveland, Harlan 3:0518 assures Cyrille Adoula of continued U.S. support expanded U.S. AID program in 6: 0926 6: 0603 government crisis in 5:0541, 0543 letter from Kennedy 5: 0270, 0272 invites Kennedy to attend national day celebration report on DRC 5: 0326, 0329; 6: 0885 4: 0057, 0059, 0061, 0062, 0064 visit to Belgium 6:0567 new president and cabinet of 5: 0543, 0545, 0550 visit to DRC 6: 0500, 0502, 0506, 0567 possible summit meeting between U.S. and USSR in Cobalt 3: 0972, 0974, 0976,0980, 0982, 0984 DRC government embargo on, in Katanga 5:0142, racial discrimination in U.S. against staff member of 0531 embassy 3:0994 stockpiles of 7: 0052 riot with Gabon over results of soccer match 7: 0595 Cocoa capsids U.S. aid to 3:0866; 7:0139 Ghanaian crop damage caused by 8:0867, 0868 Youlou, Fulbert•calls on French troops for support in Coffee agreement 5:0541 information on 1:0484 see also Massamba-Debat, Alphonse British role in UN negotiations 1: 0485 Congo Advisory Committee, UN Collet, Michel Bunche, Ralph•report on meeting of 7:0404 incident in New York City involving 9: 0675, 0677, Gardiner, Robert•recommendations of 7: 0366, 0679, 0680,0685-0687 0399, 0430 Collier, Gershon proposal for 8: 0087 presentation of credentials by 11: 0421 U Thant's statement to 6:0986 Colombia Congo Advisory Group, U.S. National Rural Community Development Program in establishment of 5: 0561, 0563, 0564 9: 0820, 0823, 0826 Congo Press Agency Colombo Conference powers interview with Antoine Gizenga 6:1069 meeting in Accra suggested 9:0543 Congo River Colonial administrators, British Belgian technical assistance with navigation on list of 1:0118 7:0513 Colonialism Conservation UN Security Council meeting on 2: 0587 see International Union for Conservation of Nature Common Market and Natural Resources Nkrumah, Kwame•posKion on association of African "Conspiratorial centralism" states with 8: 0823 in Ghana 9:0312 preferences on tropical products 1:0083 Conte, Seydou problems of 12:0241 biographical sketch of 9: 0590 Commonwealth Association discussions creation of 3:0318 with Ball, George W. 9:1007 Commonwealth Foreign Ministers' Conference with Kennedy 9:0923, 0926, 0979, 0987, 0990,1000 implications of Kwesi Armah's remarks at 8:0755 with Tasca, Henry J. 9: 0786

Subject Index 301 )

Conte, Seydou cont. Curfews heads Guiñean mission of friendship to U.S. 9:0983, Ghanaian, for chiefs of mission 8: 0781 0993, 0994, 1003 international legal precedents on 8: 0781 meeting with George W. Ball 9:1008 Currency, foreign meeting with Kennedy 9:0589, 0612, 0918, 0924, U.S. reaction to Katanga's proposal on 7: 0350 0927 Customs U.S. requests clarification of remarks by 9: 0710 arrangements 7:0509 Cooperative Supply Association of Tanganyika duties•Mali diplomatic personnel exemption (COSATA) 10:0750 Tanganyika African National Union resolution on duties•Union Miniere du Haut Katanga to pay government purchase of foodstuffs through 7: 0071 12: 0259 Cyimana, Gaspard Copper biographical sketch of 11: 0264 DRC government embargo on Katanga 5:0142 photograph of 11: 0265 DRC government lifts prohibition on importation to Czechoslovakia South Katanga province 5:0531 aircraft landing facilities in Algeria and Guinea for Corn flights to Cuba 9: 0898 DRC government request for 6:0929, 0936, 0966 financial aid to Hubert Maga of Dahomey 7:0699, Cornells, Joseph F. 0700 correspondence with Kennedy 4:0363-0365,0388 Dacko, David Costa, Santos comments on Addis Ababa conference 2: 0329 comments on Angolan conflict 3:0325 Dadet, Emmanuel J. Cousin, Jules anonymous threats received by 4:0070 report on situation in Katanga 4: 0167 correspondence with Kennedy 4: 0571-0573 Couve de Murville, Maurice Dahomey asks U.S. not to meet with Algerian officials 2: 0830 adherence to international civil aviation convention discussions 7:0613,0615 on leadership of Algerian provisional government agricultural production in 7:0652, 0655 and FLN 2: 0769 antigovernment demonstrations in 7: 0740, 0742, on possible French cooperation with U.S. in aid 0744 program for Algeria 2: 0922 Celebrezze, Anthony•appointed Kennedy's personal on U.S. relations with Algeria 2:0900 representative to independence day celebrations in meeting with James M. Gavin 2: 0741 7:0721,0723 Croquez, [?] dissolution of Hubert Maga's government in 7:0748, requests U.S. intervention in South Kasai province in 0749, 0753 the DRC 4: 0369 financial aid offer to 7: 0699, 0700 telegram to Kennedy 4: 0366, 0367, 0369 financial situation in 7:0621, 0622 Crowe, Philip K. goodwill mission to U.S. 7:0630, 0659, 0661, 0666 appointment with Kennedy 1: 0081 improvement of education in 7: 0652, 0655 biographical sketch of 1: 0082 Kennedy invited to attend independence day Cuba celebrations 7: 0719, 0720, 0725-0729 aircraft fueling in Guinea 10: 0032, 0135 Maga, Hubert 7: 0746, 0747, 0756 aircraft landing facilities in Algeria and Guinea 9:0898 mediates dispute between Ghana and Togo 8: 0958 general 2: 0685 political situation in 7: 0749, 0753 Ghanaian troops in 8:0908 provisional government•recognition by British purchase of arms from USSR 8:0740 7:0759 U.S. policy toward 8: 0877 provisional government communiqués 7: 0754 Cuban Missile Crisis Soglo, Christophe 7:0750,0756, 0757, 0759 correspondence on 8: 0839, 0845, 0863; 10:0773, union leaders and demonstrators call for dissolution of 0775, 0776, 0778, 0779 government of 7: 0746 DRC government reactions to 4:0942 U.S. position in, support for 4:0917, 0928, 0931, 0979, 0982, 0994

302 Subject Index and U.S. telegram to Kennedy 10:0478 aid to 7:0666 and visit of Felix Houphouet-Boigny 10: 0260, 0261, duty officer procedures 7: 0706 0263-0265 educational and cultural program in 7: 0666 Development interest in proposed university in 7:0647 rural•administration of 1: 0761 ; 9: 0831 military assistance program 7: 0625, 0666 rural, in Colombia 9: 0820, 0823, 0826 safety of Americans 7: 0755 village, in Guinea 9: 0819 Damongo, Emmanuel Development Assistance Group (DAG) biographical sketch of 3: 0866 consortium for Tanganyika 12: 0092 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika Dlakite, Moussa establishment of U.S. embassy at 12:0097 discussions with U. Alexis Johnson 9: 0729 Darlington, Charles F. Diamond barter and Burundi independence celebrations 11:0191, agreement between DRC government and Leon 0290, 0292, 0293 Tempelsman and Son on 4: 0353 Davis, William expansion of U.S. program 4:0341, 0357 persona non grata case against 8: 0976, 0980,1002, Leon Tempelsman and Son proposal 4: 0343, 0348, 1007; 9: 0098, 0145, 0148, 0151 0349 Dean, John letter from Kennedy to Cyrille Adoula on 4: 0351 discussions with George C. McGhee 6: 0803 Diarra, Idrissa Dean, Jonathan and internal political situation in Mali 10: 0716 encouraged to attend reopening of Lubilash Bridge Diplomats 7: 0477 African•dissatisfaction of 1: 0328, 0329 Decolonization assistance for 1: 0102 Addis Ababa conference resolution on 2: 0310 Disarmament resolutions letter from Ahmed Sekou Toure to Kennedy on Addis Ababa conference 2:0310 10:0092,0098 UN General Assembly 8: 0108 Defense Department, U.S. Discrimination, racial approves air shipment of blankets for Tunisia Addis Ababa conference resolution on 2: 0310 12:1098 U.S.•against embassy staff of Congo (Brazzaville) views on UN military situation in Katanga 4: 0114 3:0994 de Gaulle, Charles U.S.•Diallo Telli supports condemnation of 9:1033 and Algeria 2: 0718, 0723, 0763, 0779, 0790, 0793, Dobson, Frank J. 0806, 0827, 0902 and Volta River project 8:0179, 0197, 0198 correspondence/meeting with Habib Bourguiba, Sr. Dodd, Thomas J. 12: 0681, 0688, 0983, 1006,1009 and rapprochement in DRC 5:0652 general 1: 0073; 2:0630, 0813 calls Ghana a Communist satellite state 9:0296 Kennedy's message to 2: 0912, 0913, 0916, 0921 correspondence with Moise Tshombe 4: 0815, 0818, reaction to Kennedy's letter on the DRC 5: 0646 0822,0839,0861,0986 Del-Anang, Michael F. discussions with Kennedy 4:0839 discusses inaccuracies in Allen J. Ellender's report on efforts to bring about better rapport between Cyrille Africa 9: 0139 Adoula and Moise Tshombe 5: 0650; 6: 0911 discussions with William P. Mahoney, Jr. 9: 0065 general 5: 0657; 7: 0147 Delgado, Humberto Ghanaian press authorized to attack 9:0300 discussions with Julius Nyerere 12: 0355 letter from Paul Alexander 6:1046 Democratic party, U.S. letter from Kennedy 4: 0862, 0863 success in U.S. elections 5: 0018, 0020 meeting with George C. McGhee 5:1099 Democratic Republic of the Congo meeting with Moise Tshombe 6:0003 see DRC report on Ghana 9: 0298 Denis, George situation report from Katanga 4: 0096, 0098 influence on Cyrille Adoula and Joseph Kasavubu UN reply to inquiry about not flying supplies to 6: 0476 stations in Katanga 6:1047,1062 Denise, Auguste visit to White House 4: 0066 acknowledges U.S. congratulatory message on 3rd Donwahi, Charles anniversary of Ivory Coast independence 10:0476, biographical sketch of 10: 0340 0477, 0479, 0480 Subject Index 303 Dormán, Maurice commodity aid to 7:0253 congratulatory message on Kennedy's inauguration Communist interests in 6: 0239 11:0384 conciliatory mood toward Moise Tshombe 5:0795 Douglas-Home, Alec constitution discussions in Bermuda with Dean Rusk on DRC announcement by Cyrille Adoula on 6:1010 5:1014 Bomboko, Justin•request for appointment by UN letter from Dean Rusk 10: 0926 of team of jurists to aid with 6: 0997, 1002 letter to Dean Rusk 4:0794 centralized and restrictive nature of 7:0324 recommends plan for negotiated settlement between discussions about 7: 0503 Cyrille Adoula and Moise Tshombe 4: 0813 examined by Evariste Kimba 7:0049 DRC experts proposed by UN 6:1032 adjournment of parliament of 6:1013 opposition to 7: 0083; 8: 0837 Afro-Asian nations and USSR prepared to take active provincial presidents and assemblies review military role in 7:0256 7: 0488, 0532 aircraft purchases 5:1025; 6: 0280, 0698, 0699, role of chief of state and parliament under 3: 0569 0715,0745, 0777;11:0175 support for 7: 0565 air force needs 6: 0256 Tshombe, Moise•comments on 7:0261, 0265, airlift•Baluba 6: 0842 0270 airlift of Ghanaian troops to 3:0619 Tshombe, Moise•position on 7:0517 Angola U.S. attack on frontier 7: 0023 efforts to inspire Moise Tshombe's confidence in government in exile 3:0415, 0419, 0421, 0427 7:0165 proposals on, by Ahmed Ben Bella 3: 0413 State Department analysis of 7: 0276 refugees in 3: 0348; 5: 0274, 7: 0227, 0405 State Department concern 7:0328 appeal to chiefs of state of black Africa to help find constitutional issues in 8: 0092 solution to problem in 4: 0321-0323 constitutional review 5:1095 armed forces•reorganization of 4: 0459, 0477 copper and cobalt embargo on Katanga 5: 0142, 0531 arrest coup in 3: 0640 of Gbenye, Christophe by 7: 0252, 0306 crisis in of Kalonji, Albert by 7: 0085 Ball, George•papers on 5: 0168 of labor leaders in 5:0625 chronology of 3: 0638-0640, 0717, 0718; 4: 0256 atrocities in 4: 0388 governmental 4:0256 Belgium letter from Kwame Nkrumah to Kennedy on aid to 6: 0587 8: 0006, 0023, 0028, 0034, 0038, 0045 contribution to 6: 0525 negotiations on 4:0700 import aid and credits for 7: 0369 restraint during 5: 0857 military assistance from 6: 0608 solution of 3: 0740, 0745; 4: 0072, 0681 ; 5:0170, resumes relations with 5:1008; 6: 0465 0209, 0261 role in 3: 0640; 8: 0088 Soviet bloc position on 8: 0055 technical assistance to 6: 0281 departure of U.S. aircraft for the 6: 0690 Bermuda talks on 5:1014 deteriorating conditions in provinces of 7:0569 Bollinger, Lynn•analysis of situation in 3: 0832 deteriorating internal situation in 5: 0640 bond issue 6: 0469 developments in 4: 0862, 0863; 5:0207, 0242, 0303; briefing paper on 5: 0302 6: 0585; 7: 0296 and British 1: 0467; 5:0699,1037; 6: 0620 diamond barter program 4: 0341, 0343, 0348, 0349, Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems 0351,0353,0357 in 1:0749, 0755 discussions on cabinet between Kennedy and Dean Rusk 4: 0125 activities of political committee of 6:1032, 1033 between Kennedy and Fulbert Youlou 3:0866 general 6: 0938, 0943 between Rusk, Dean and Jawaharlal Nehru ministers visit U.S. 3:0987, 0989 3:0632 cease-fire proposal 7:0213, 0378, 0436 between U.S. and Great Britain 3: 0858 Cleveland, Harlan•report on 5: 0326, 0329 dispute between left and moderate wings of Adoula commercial firms forbidden to operate 6:1035 government 5: 0950

304 Subject Index donations for relief purposes in 6:0442 Kennedy economic aid•West German 7:0541 directs assignment of U.S. general officer to economic and financial briefing paper on 6: 0299 5: 0712 economic commission in 6:0925 expresses appreciation for support during Cuban economic erosion in 6: 0615 Missile Crisis 4: 0979, 0982, 0994 economic program 6: 0567 plan on 5:0644, 0646 economic situation in 3: 0822; 6: 0795 statements on 7: 0978,1004 economic situation in•efforts to ease 5: 0458 support of unity and self-government in 5: 0580, economy of 5: 0516 0596 Eisenhower, Dwight D.•statements on 4: 0173; labor union unrest•state of emergency 5: 0615, 0616 5: 0802 lawsuit against Union Miniere du Haut Katanga establishment of embassy in U.S. 3:0583 6:0993,0995,1008 establishment of U.S. intelligence evaluation center in legislation requiring mining companies to pay all taxes 4:0254;5:1046 to central government 7: 0105 evacuation of U.S. citizens from 3:0602; 4: 0116, marks reopening of Lubilash Bridge 7: 0420 0117,0119:5:0660 martial law in 5: 0625 export license for aircraft purchased in U.S. 6: 0805 medical personnel in, from Soviet Union 6: 0050 exports 7: 0230 meetings between Kennedy and Edward Kennedy on fears of U.S. dictation in Adoula-Tshombe talks 3:0592 6: 0502 memoranda on 4: 0370; 5: 0162, 0169 financial controls 6:1000 military commission in 6: 0877, 0925; 7: 0526 financial situation in 6:0158 military forces•order of battle 3:1007,1018 financing UN peace and security operations in military operations in South Kasai province 7: 0045 4:0010,0014-0016 military situation in 4: 0184, 0895; 5:0215, 1058 fiscal stabilization of 2: 0606 monetary commission 6: 0915, 0925 food distribution problems 3: 0626 monetary council 7: 0084, 0124 foreign aid contributions to 5:0329 monetary reform 5: 0537, 0604 foreign exchange Nasser, Gamal Abdel•views on situation in 5: 0891 proceeds lost 6: 0396 navigation system•inland river 7:0177 reserves 7: 0117 Nehru, Jawaharlal•concern on UN effort In 3: 0633 resolution on 7: 0467 and Nkrumah, Kwame•strategy in 8: 0059 foreign intervention in 5:0500 Nyembo, Albert•arrest warrant 7:0335 Ghanaian government sends mission to investigate Nyerere, Julius•discusses problems of 12: 0349 situation in 5:0727 operations in Bakwanga 7:0060 Gizenga, Antoine•attempted takeover of Kivu ordinance on Union Miniere du Haut Katanga taxes province 5:0785, 0797,0800 7:0507 Gizenga, Antoine•trial of 6: 0928 paper prepared for Kennedy on 4:0068 goodwill visit by U.S. naval task force 3:0613 participation of moderate Africans in effort to achieve government settlement in 7: 0523 coup against Albert Kalonji regime in South Kasai passage of budget by 6: 0910 province 7: 0121 plans for renewed offensive by Angolan rebel exerts military pressure on Moise Tshombe 4: 0965 movement in 3: 0290 legal questions about 7:1020 political instability•efforts to ease 5:0458 participants in Kitona conference 5: 0844 political leaders•comments on 7: 0487 psychological warfare operations 6: 0213 political situation in 3: 0774, 0780, 0784; 4: 0948; structure of-4ederal 8:0085 5:0620, 0621, 0623; 6: 0208 hostilities in 3: 0997; 4: 0300 possible clash with extremists in provincial import program 7: 0055, 0411 governments 6:0402 imports 6: 0445 possible entente between Cyrille Adoula and Moise inflation•efforts to stabilize 5:0329 Tshombe in 4:0071 possible Soviet military assistance to 5: 0034, 0195 possible U.S. Peace Corps program in 7: 0564 possible use of U.S. military forces in 5: 0087, 0089 power struggle in 4: 0256

Subject Index 305 DRC cont. and UN press calls for dissolution of parliament pending new actions in 7:1014 elections 7: 0486 aid programs in 5: 0329 progress report on 4: 0751 airlift of troops 5: 0664; 12:1059 proposals on transitional period in 6:0761 assistance requested 3:0609 protests actions by Michel Struelens against central conduct in 6: 0216 government 6: 0122 course of action in 4: 0804 provincial assemblies' meeting 6:0390 effectiveness of efforts 4: 0950-0952; 7: 0520, provincial police 5: 0329 0991,0994,1017; 8:0135 reaction to Cuban Missile Crisis 4: 0942 efforts to control importation of civil aircraft into reconciliation proposals 4: 0757, 0787, 0809, 0843 6:0742 reduction of Malayan contingent of UN forces in financial aid to 3: 0738, 0756, 0758 7: 0231 financial controls team in 7: 0474 repercussions of James Meredith incident in 7: 0284 investigation commission 4: 0243 reunification•see unification mandate in 3: 0640; 6: 0188 road transportation crisis in 6: 0787 mediation in 6: 0615, 0621, 0747, 0814 security of•internal 5:1058 military assistance to 4: 0224, 0241 ; 6:0474 sends extraordinary commission to Orientale province military assistance to•^financing 3:0622, 0624, 6:0853 0631; 5:0233, 0259, 0558 situation in 3: 0856, 1001, 1011; 4:0005, 0101, 0103, military command 10: 0971 0219, 0236, 0753, 0794; 5: 0205, 0217, 0229, military forces in 3: 0603, 0779, 0786, 0787; 0244, 0245, 0246, 0265, 0266. 0648; 7:1009, 4: 0292, 0525; 5: 0286, 0301, 0329, 0554, 1019; 11:0016 0556, 0558, 0566, 0575, 0578, 0579; 6: 0154; Société General's views on 6: 0940, 0959 7: 0295 Soviet military planning in 6: 0176 aid to 7: 0289 military training school 6: 0671 airlift of Ghanaian troops to 8:0130 operation in 5: 0710; 6: 0855, 0898 view of situation in 5: 0256 PL-480 aid 7:0562, 0563 special defense forces in 6: 0504 political and military objectives and needs in status report on 3:1000,1010 5: 0155, 0824, 0877, 0893, 0997; 6: 0811 Stevenson, Adlai E.•efforts to find solution to position in 8: 0086 problem of 7: 0986 reconciliation plan for 6:1068,1076,1087,1091; strike by Union of Congolese Workers 6:0418, 0468, 7: 0011, 0030, 0044, 0051, 0054, 0074, 0077, 0479 0159, 0161, 0165, 0170, 0179, 0202, 0241, Thant, U•peace plan for 6: 0721,1071,1073, 1074, 0245, 0286, 0290, 0292, 0302, 0307, 0312, 1076, 1089,1092; 7: 0019, 0020 0316, 0318, 0352, 0356, 0360, 0363, 0382, tin stockpile disposition by U.S. 4:0717 0384, 0449, 0537, 0552 tobacco from U.S.•request for 6: 0936; 7: 0016 requests bombs from India for use in 6: 0845 training of air force by Italy under UN umbrella requests that Sudan provide general for operations 6:0404 in 5:0726 treasury police force 6: 0478 resolutions on 4: 0228; 8: 0086 troop withdrawal from 5:0311 role in intervention in 6: 0577 Tunisian government changes policy toward 12: 0679 Security Council meeting on 3: 0640, 4: 0021, 0043; 6:0083, 0085, 0087, 0092, 0112, 0113 support of central government of 3: 0802 technical assistance program in 6:0327 troops sent to restore order in 5: 0967; 6: 0135 troop withdrawals from 4: 0225, 0226, 0237, 0239; 5: 0044, 0317, 0319; 7: 0239, 0547 unification efforts 4: 0256, 0575, 0577, 0581, 0586- 0588, 0602, 0623, 0626, 0880, 0882, 0887, 0915, 0966, 0975; 5: 0006, 0022, 0026, 0124, 0329, 0685, 0822 unilateralism in 8: 0089

306 Subject Index and U.S. steering committee on•minutes of 3: 0764 achievements in 5:0271-0273, 0308; 6:0093, support of UN efforts in 1: 0035; 4: 0187, 0191, 0098 0216, 0218; 5: 0125, 0765, 0975; 7: 0336 action in 3: 0766, 0856; 4: 0482, 0773, 0799, 0826; task force•activities of 3: 0593 5:0706; 6: 0217, 0244 task force•report on 3: 0627 aid to 4:0692, 0693; 5: 0303, 1021,1093; 6:0413, technical assistance to 6: 0123 0445,0581,0787,0792 view of situation in 5: 0706; 6: 0592 aircraft in 3:0839, 0840; 6: 0037 white paper on 5:0276, 0278 arranges to supply petroleum to 6:0967 Williams, G. Mennen and British talks on 6: 0041 consultation with France on situation in 1:0615 cease-fire mediation 4:0144 consultations with Great Britain on situation in commitment of support of 4: 0462 1:0622 contingency plan in 4: 0950-0954, 0985, 0989 observations on 1: 0199 course of action in 3:0575; 4: 0708, 0762, 0781, World Bank and IMF conference 6:1055 0782, 0987; 5: 0051, 0055, 0189 see also Katanga; Katangan Assembly; Tripartite talks denies allegations of search for "strong man" in on DRC; Tshombe, Moise 6:0678 Duggan, William R. discussions with Belgian foreign office on 6:0858 remarks concerning white settlers in Africa 1:0036 economic assistance to 5: 0329; 6: 0193 Duke, Angler Biddle efforts to strengthen 5:0006 reception at home of 12:0543 Europe Army sends team to 7: 0375 Dumont, Donald A. financial aid to 6:0160; 7:0481 appointment with Kennedy 11:0326 food commodities for 6: 0466, 0929, 0936, 0966 biographical sketch of 11: 0327 foreign aid suggestions 6: 0193 Dungan, Ralph A. interpretation of legal position of Kasavubu discussions with Kenneth Kuanda 10: 0896 government in 7:1007 Dyal, [?] labor assistance programs in 6:1020 possible replacement as UN representative in DRC Leopoldville Embassy recommendations on 3:0618 6:0885 East Africa Common Services Authority (EACSA) military suspension of 12:0231 assistance to 4: 0120; 7: 0155 East Africa-Northern Rhodesia railroad link coverage of 5: 0962 background paper on 12: 0371 operations in 5: 0712, 0765 East African Federation representation in 4:0359; 5:0709 Arusha, Tanganyika chosen as site for capital of mine detection gear used in 7: 0236 12:0325 mission to 4: 0907, 0908 background paper on 12:0371 operating plan for 5: 0102 constitutional negotiations 12:0356 PL-480 assistance to 7:0367 Ghana's attempts to undermine 9: 0496 policy alternatives in 4: 0559, 0560; 5: 0179 Kambona, Oscar•discusses 12:0340 policy toward 3: 0559, 0599, 0600, 0640, 0842, letter from Julius Nyerere to Kennedy on 12: 0320 0852; 4: 0024, 0046, 0489, 0516, 0816, 0818, movement toward 2: 0434, 0435 0822, 0841, 0920; 5:0058, 0275, 0289, 0291- Nkrumah, Kwame•attacks on 9: 0498 0293, 0300, 0304, 0319, 0321, 0329, 0647, Nyerere, Julius•discusses prospects for 12:0349 0723, 0994, 1065, 1069; 6: 0598, 0974; Tanganyikan government's intention of establishing 7:0942, 0948, 0980; 10: 0992; 12: 0253, 0256 12:0327 position on unification of 6: 0803, 0974 ECA postpones delivery of impact shipment to 7: 0061 general 1:0023, 0025 problems in 5: 0308; 6: 0093, 0098 Kennedy's message to 1: 0032, 0034; 2:0027, 0028 State Department report on 1:0022 agrees to airlift in 7:0228 South African participation in 2: 0533, 0564, 0585 discusses sale of aircraft to 6:0737 suggested message to 1: 0031 efforts to recruit Americans for posts in UN Economic aid policy, U.S. operations in 7:0249 for Africa 1:0123, 0648 planning in 5: 0945 View of situation in 4:0156

Subject Index 307 Economic and Social Council, UN UN cont. expulsion of South Africa and Portugal from 2: 0594 military forces 6:0956; 7: 0255 South African participation in 2: 0464, 0585 military forces occupy Union Miniere du Haut Economic cooperation Katanga building in 5: 0842, 0845 agreement between Ghana and USSR on 9:0033 military objectives 5: 0855 Economic development planning strategy for campaign against 5: 0690 1:0123 Union Miniere du Haut Katanga officials reception of Economic policy Alan Kirk in 5:1030 U.S., toward Africa 1: 0043 U.S. Information Agency cultural and information Editorials center in 6: 0916 Rhodesian press 1: 0218 U.S. offers mine detection equipment to UN troops in Education 7: 0109 in Dahomey 7:0652, 0655 Elizabeth II (Queen of England) in Northern Rhodesia•U.S. aid to 10:0887 appointment of H. J. L. Boston as governor-general of Education, Conference of African States on Sierra Leone 11:0411 Development of U.S. delays decision on Volta River project until after Kennedy's message to 1: 0068, 0069, 0077 visit to Ghana by 8:0292 Educational and Cultural Affairs, Bureau of Elkton, Maryland grant program for Africans 1: 0180 UN delegates from Dahomey and Central African Educational opportunities, U.S. Republic refused service at dinette in 7: 0624, for potential future leaders of South and Southwest 0635-0637 Africa 1:0493 Eilender, Allen J. Elsenhower, Dwight D. African protests of statements made by 2:0439, 0441 discussions with Habib Bourguiba, Sr. 12:0786 aircraft landing clearances for 1: 0892 goodwill trip to Tunisia 12: 0786 briefed on U.S. economic aid to Tanganyika 1: 0888 invited to attend Accra World Peace Assembly 8: 0592 comments invited to attend Ivory Coast independence day on African economic development 1: 0889, 0890 ceremonies 10:0173 on Angola and Mozambique 1: 0887 meeting with W. M. Q. Halm 8: 0592 critical of African leadership 1: 0864, 0866, 0869, message from Evariste Kimba 4: 0607, 0611 0870, 0874, 0875, 0877, 0878, 0881, 0886, statement praising Kennedy's handling of DRC- 0889, 0890; 8: 0908 Katanga situation 5: 0802 on Nkrumah, Kwame 1: 0885 statements on DRC-Katanga situation 4:0173 on South African race problems 10: 0946 Elbrlck, C. Burke declared prohibited alien by Tanganyika 1:0865 discussions with Franco Nogueira on Portuguese flight plans for African trip 1:0898 Africa 3: 0025, 0026 inaccuracies in report on Africa 9: 0139 Elections, U.S. itinerary for African trip 1: 0894 message from Fulbert Youlou to Kennedy on 5: 0018, Kenyan government cannot assure security of 1: 0899 0028, 0030 Mboya, Tom•protests statements by 1: 0874, 0881 Elisabethville, DRC proposed visit to DRC 6:1084 Belgium requests U.S. help in evacuation of nationals Somalia refuses permission for visit 1: 0897 from 5:0956 State Department repudiates statements of 1: 0866 Cousin, Jules•situation report from 4:0167 Uganda refuses to allow aircraft to land 1:0896 developments in 5: 0148 Elliott, Osborn doctors critical of UN actions in 6:0015 message from Lucius D. Battle 9: 0175 Dodd, Thomas J.•situation report from 4: 0096, 0098 Eritrea military operations in area of 5: 0660 economic development in 1: 0890 military situation in 5: 0714; 6: 0564 Ethiopia round table discussions in 3: 0605 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems Tshombe, Moise•return to 6: 0058 in 1:0737 UN dispute with Somalia over Ogaden 2: 0609, 0613 analysis of military operations 5: 0093 economic development in 1: 0890 attack on 5: 0718, 0733 impact of Kennedy's civil rights statements in 2:0523 hospital seized 7:0240

308 Subject Index possible withdrawal of troops from DRC 5: 0301 FLN reaction to U.S. racial problems 2: 0525 activation of French Force Locale to serve under UN contingent attacks Union Miniere du Haut 2: 0979 Katanga building in Elisabethville 5: 0845 cease-fire negotiations/agreement with France undisciplined actions of UN contingent in DRC 2: 0775, 0879, 0883, 0957, 0992 5: 0961 control of Moslem masses 2:0956 Europe leadership of 2:0769 relations with North Africa 2:0631 U.S. contacts with 2: 0692,0696, 0784 European Economic Community (EEC) U.S. message of congratulations to 2:0958, 0982, agreement with African Association on economic 0987 relations 2: 0617 Ford Foundation agricultural policy of 5: 0244, 0245 advises Colombia on plans for National Rural Exchange, foreign Community Development Program 9: 0820 Adoula, Cyrille•dissatisfaction with wording of sponsors village development program in Guinea agreement with Katanga on 7: 0557 9:0819 division of 7:0135 Foreign Relations, Council of DRC monetary council controls on 7: 0124 possible participant in Accra World Peace Assembly DRC net reserves 7:0117 8: 0571 impasse in commission on 7: 0384 Formosa Katanga and DRC accept resolution on 7:0467 see Taiwan Katangese memorandum on 7: 0390, 0392 Foster, William C. Ngalula, Joseph•paper on 7: 0215 message to Accra World Peace Assembly 8: 0597 Union Miniere du Haut Katanga•payments of France earnings 5: 0067, 0095; 6:1015, 1030 aid to Africa 1: 0406 Export duties Angolan students in 3:0126, 0131 Union Miniere du Haut Katanga payment of 6:1036; Angolan students seek political asylum in 3:0127 7: 0062 army distribution 2: 0715 Exports assessment of violence in Chad 2:0628 DRC control of 7: 0230 bilateral talks with U.S. on African problems 1:0633 DRC customs treatment of Katangese 7: 0118 Bourguiba, Habib, Sr.•criticizes U.S. and Great Federal Aviation Agency Britain for failing to halt aggression by 12:1045 study on U.S. policies on civil aviation in Africa British views of 12: 0348 1:0515,0516 Chad•relations with 3:0526 Federation of All African Students consultations with G. Mennen Williams on Africa letter to Kennedy 1:0672 1:0611,0615 Feklnl, Mohleddine discussions with U.S. discussions with Kennedy 2:0754 on African developments 6:0850 Field, Winston J. on DRC 4: 0703; 6:0685 bid for independence of Southern Rhodesia 10:0981 on UAM 1:0547 on Southern Rhodesia's relationship with Great Britain financial situation in Dahomey 7: 0621, 0622 10:1005 future role in Western alliance 2: 0815 Financial training grants Ghanaian press attacks on 8:0729 Burundi to implement U.S. offer of 11: 0097 Guinea•accords with 9:1017 Kayibanda, Grégoire•reception of U.S. offer of Guinea•financial differences with 9: 0785 11:0135 Kennedy's message to Ben Youssef Ben Khedda U.S. discussions with Rwanda and Burundi on 2: 0925 11:0078 Kitona agreement 5:0860,0905, 0906, 0939 Fleming, Robert loyalty of troops in Germany questioned 2: 0722 discussions with Kwame Nkrumah 8:0562 Maga, Hubert•political developments against Fletcher, Patrick 7: 0621 letter from Kennedy 1:0507 Mali fate of French government members in 10: 0744 financial negotiations with 10: 0742, 0793 monetary zone•request to stay in 10: 0732, 0738

Subject index 309 France cont. meeting with Cyrille Adoula 7:0455 paramilitary organizations in 2: 0724 meeting with U.S. and British consuls to work out new security arrangements for Ahmed Ben Bella's return to cease-fire agreement between Katanga and DRC Morocco 2: 0968 7:0348 shipment of planes to Katanga 8:0058 plan for filling in transition period in DRC 6: 0684 technical assistance to Guinea 9: 0785 position on réintégration of Katanga 6: 0251 thoughts on independence of Rwanda and Burundi reaction to Moise Tshombe's declaration to consular 11:0092 corps in Katanga 7: 0316 Toure, Ahmed Sekou•plans to visit U.S. 9: 0800 reconciliation agreement deadline•visit to Katanga transport aircraft available in Algeria 2: 0716 7: 0302 tripartite talks on DRC 6: 0813, 0868 rejects objections of Cyrille Adoula to Katanga cease- Tshombe, Moise•moral support for 5:0860 fire agreement 7:0395 and Tunisia•relations with 12: 0983,1025, 1083 reports death of two civilians at UN roadblock in on UN resolutions on DRC 5:0906 Katanga 6: 0950 on UN resolutions on Portugal 2: 0581 Tshombe, Moise U.S. military assistance to Dahomey•concern about correspondence with 4: 0878, 0885 7: 0625 meetings with 6:0199, 0268; 7: 0039, 0159, 0170 Youlou, Fulbert•calls for support from troops of talks with 6: 0635; 7: 0330, 0331, 0344, 0459, 5:0541 0461 see also Algeria; Bizerte, Tunisia and U.S. embassy•Accra's comments on 7: 0993 Fredericks, J. Wayne Garvey, Willard W. Kaysen, Carl•dealings with 10: 0998 request to send representative to Tunisia to discuss ordered to remain in DRC 7: 0331 building low-cost housing 12:0764 Freetown, Sierra Leone Gavin, James M. U.S. embassy at 11: 0385 discussions with Maurice Couve de Murville 2: 0741 French West Africa Gbedemah, K. A. seven states formed from 1: 0003 interview with 8: 0069 Gabon Gbenye, Christophe riot with Congo (Brazzaville) over results of soccer arrest of 7: 0252, 0306 match 7:0595 attempt to avoid political showdown between Cyrille Williams, G. Mennen•observations on 1: 0199 Adoula and 5: 0744 Gannfer, Andre DRC internal political problem posed by 6: 0208 biographical sketch of 3: 0866 statement on arrest and detention of Antoine Gizenga Gardiner, Robert 6:0081 Adoula-Tshombe negotiations•role in 6: 0251, 0362, U.S. State Department opposes visit by 6: 0272 0770, 0795, 0799, 0831 visit to U.S. 6: 0224, 0288, 0591 aircraft for DRC•discussions 6: 0756 Gendarmes, Katangan as chief of UN operations in DRC•importance aggression against Kongolo 6:0241 6: 0180 alarm over UN patrol activity 7:0304 concern about UN military moves with Katanga attack on Nyunzu and attempted invasion of 6:0415,0428 Albertville by 6: 0628 and Congo Advisory Committee 7: 0366, 0399, 0430 chances for hostilities with DRC army 6:0222 discussions destruction of section of Elisabethville-Jadotsville road with Adoula, Cyrille 6: 0529, 0727 by 7: 0304 Adoula, Cyrille•talks with press and George disaffection of 7:0291 McGhee6:0172 dissatisfaction among officers of 7:0470 with McGhee, George C. 7:0292 fighting between DRC army and 6:1058 UN firmness toward DRC government in relation to fighting between Ghanaian UN patrol and 6: 0269 Moise Tshombe desire to depart from mine Lubilash Bridge for destruction in event of Leopoldville 6: 0543 invasion by DRC army 7:0581 DRC army support•suggestion about 6: 0271 possible coup by 7:0470 efforts to prevent new outbreak of hostilities in DRC possible seizure of UN hospital in Elisabethville by 6: 0199 7: 0240 letter to Evaristo Kimba 7: 0017

310 Subject Index General Motors Corporation cabinet of•calls for negotiations vyith view to urges commodity aid to DRC 7: 0253 purchasing 100 percent foreign investment in joint Geneva Convention government-private enterprises 8: 0508 possible violations of, in Katanga 4:0304 communications with U.S. administration 8: 0068 Genocide communism in 7: 0829, 0834; 9: 0294, 0296,0298, in Katanga 4:0393; 6:0134 0312 Germany, East congratulatory message from Kennedy on 2nd possible recognition by Ghana 8: 0511 anniversary of founding of Republic of 8: 0644, Germany, West 0645, 0647 aid offerte Tanganyika 12: 0113 "conspiratorial centralism" in 9: 0312 consultations with G. Mannen Williams on Africa contract with USSR for geological survey in 9:0140 1:0617,0619,0622 crop damage caused by cocoa capsids in 8: 0867, DRC peace plan•participation not recommended by 0868 U.S. 7: 0044, 0065 Cuba•troops in 8: 0908 economic aid to DRC 7: 0541 decision to restrict curfew passes to chiefs of mission informed of Ahmed Sekou Toure's plans to visit U.S. 8: 0781 9:0805 developments in 7: 0797; 8: 0296, 0804, 0940 Keita, Modibo•remarks on self-determination for dismissal of pro-Western cabinet members 7:0806 10:0660 dissatisfaction of people of 9: 0312 objections to DRC negotiations beginning before UN DRC constitution•pleased with 7:0565 troops installed in Elisabethville 5: 0754 DRC situation investigated 5: 0727 question of loyalty of French troops in 2: 0722 East Germany•possible recognition of 8:0511 urged by General Motors to give commodity aid to economic and political developments in 8:0842 DRC 7: 0253 economic cooperation agreement with USSR 9: 0033 Ghana economic problems of 8: 0823 airlifts troops to DRC 3: 0619 economic situation in 9: 0049 alignment with Soviet bloc 8: 0213 economic, technical, trade, and navigation anti-American demonstrations at U.S. embassy in agreement with Yugoslavia 7:0005 7: 0972 educational facilities for James Meredith 9: 0065 anti-U.S. pamphlets in 8:0111 educational opportunities for African history teachers anti-Western position of 8: 0949 9:0186, 0195, 0247, 0256, 0287 anti-Western press attacks in 8: 0728, 0729, 0732, financial situation in 8:0617, 0619 0761,0764, 0769; 9: 0198 frontier police refuse entrance to U.S. embassy, Lome armed forces•modernization of 8:0285 official 8:1054 arms importation•illegal 8: 0826 fuel and power secretariat 8: 0380 army units withdrawn from "Operation Search" in Gizenga, Antoine•political asylum offered 6: 0503 Accra 8:0816 government mission meets with Antoine Gizenga attempts to undermine East African Federation 5: 0727 9: 0496 history of 7: 0861 attitude toward U.S. 9: 0152 IMF approves $14.25 million drawing 8: 0692 background report on 7:0861 industrialization in 9: 0722 Ben Bella, Ahmed•visit to 9: 0497 internal dissension in 8: 0210, 0211 and Berlin crisis 8:0191 international posture of 8: 0217 border sealing exercise by 8: 0981 iron ore deposits in 8:0188 British assessment of situation in 8: 0218 Kennedy administration's position on 8: 0114, 0116 British Council closed 8:1061 Kennedy inauguration film rejected by censors British officers removed from army command in 8:0113 8: 0222, 0223 Lumumba, Patrice•investigation into murder 9:0016 Bui Dam site 9: 0189 manpower conference invitation refused 8:0688 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems medical school project 9:0528, 0531, 0534, 0536 in 1:0773 military officer training in USSR 7: 0802; 8:0232, cabinet of•approves new loans from Communist 0234 nations 8: 0381 military situation in 2:0075

Subject Index 311 Ghana cont. prospects for political stability and foreign policy National Institute of Health and Medical Research orientation in 8: 0300 8:0173-0175,0180,0184 protests U.S. nuclear testing 8:0564, 0566, 0654, neutrality of 8: 0246, 0775 0658, 0674, 0676 and news media 8: 0757, 0759, 0777, 0870, 0872, Queen Elizabeth IPs visit to 8:0292 0877, 0878, 0880, 0884; 9: 0040, 0145, 0191, relations with Great Britain 8: 0246 0244; see also Press relations with U.S. 7: 0794; 8: 0078, 0743, 0846, newspaper articles on 7: 0827, 0829, 0834 0900, 0935, 0988, 0999,1012, 1036,1049, 1057; Nkrumah, Kwame 9:0004, 0018, 0024, 0030, 0043, 0047, 0073, address to parliament 8: 0805, 0808 0095, 0096, 0115, 0120, 0134. 0157, 0187, 0237, assumes command of army of 8: 0216, 0222, 0223 0240, 0261, 0263, 0511, 0512, 0514, 0518, 0523, decision to dismiss British officials in 8:0363 0525, 0537 objectives for 8: 0059 requests popularity in 8: 0786; 9: 0248,0312 for U.S. assistance in plan to raise health nonalignment of 8: 0246 standards in 8:0172 nuclear testing underground•resolution 8: 0861 U.S. support for candidacy for UN Security Council Nydell-Davis cases 8: 0976, 0980, 0983, 0984, 0988, and Board of Governors of International Atomic 0990, 0994, 0997,1002, 1003, 1005,1017,1020, Energy Commission 8:0182 1030,1043 ' that U.S. suspend persona non grata action Nydell-Davis cases•withdrawal of persona non grata against George Arthur 8: 0997 notes 9: 0148 Sandys, Duncan•views on 8: 0244, 0252 opposition plotting in 8: 0924 Soviet airlift of troops to DRC 8:0130 orientation toward Soviet bloc 8: 0199, 0202 Soviet arms shipment arrival 8: 0962 Peace Corps in 8: 0899, 0912, 0916, 0919, 0921, Soviet influence in 8:0019, 0043; 9: 0504 0926, 0927; 9: 0276, 0278, 0280, 0486 subversion in Africa by 8: 0513-0515 policies supports assassination attempt against Sylvanus and actions toward Africa 8:1057 Olympic of Togo 8: 0371 on activities of foreign cultural and information tax treaty with U.S. 7:0861 centers 8:0881 technical aid refused 7:0976 on private enterprise and investment 8: 0551 Togo•dispute with 8:0335, 0369, 0958, 0959 on Southern Rhodesia issue 9: 0532 and Togolese training camp 8:0377 political situation in 7: 0807; 8: 0553, 0791, 0798, transfer of gold mines from British companies to 0803, 0905; 9: 0540 8: 0479 portrayal in U.S. press 8: 0562 trial of alleged bomb throwers in 9: 0129 potential power struggle in 8:0814 UN contingent from•arrival in DRC 6: 0154 praises U.S. progress in racial equality 8:0270 United party's plans for taking over government of press 8:0888 accuses imperialists and Neocolonialists of UN patrol fights with Katanga gendarmes 6:0269 seeking failure of OAU conference 9: 0242 and U.S. attacks adopts policy of "courteous aloofness" toward on Dodd, Thomas J. 9: 0300 8: 0930, 0932 on Kennedy administration 9: 0155, 0160 aid program in 8: 0722, 0988; 9: 0257, 0501 on Mahoney, William P., Jr. 8: 0944 courses of action in 9:0012 on U.S. Negroes 9: 0155, 0160, 0162, 0165, criteria for evaluating future policies and activities 0168,0179 of 9:0006, 0010 coverage of Chester Bowles's address at Lincoln diplomatic courier/communications restricted University 9:0232 9: 0107, 0134 criticism of statements by G. Mannen Williams fears racial violence in 8: 0728 8: 0784 feelings toward 8:0250,0258 expresses views on U.S. arms embargo against financial aid to 9: 0312 South Africa 9: 0485 gift on first anniversary of establishment of 8: 0139 reports on bomb explosions in Accra 8: 0767 imposes travel restrictions on diplomats of 9:0102 statement on U.S. policy toward DRC 7: 0980 Information Service office closed 8:1061 loan for Volta River project 8:0435, 0442, 0451, 0511

312 Subject Index National Security Council action against 8:0367 meeting with 5:0767 Navy goodwill visit to 7:0961, 0974; 8: 0063 refuses to allow resumption of office of vice policy toward 9: 0579 premier 6: 0022 position in 9: 0288, 0292 requests UN plane for transportation of, to reactions to media attacks in 8: 0734, 0736, 0738, Leopoldville 6: 0053, 0055 0742,0751,0770 U.S. aid to, against 4: 0038, 0039 reviews articles in press of 9:0198 arrest of 4: 0036; 6:0029, 0049, 0081, 0090 State Department position on situation in 5:0648 attempted takeover of Kivu province 5: 0785, 0797, Valco•agreements with 7: 0861 ; 8:0421 0800 Vaico aluminum smelter in 7: 0861 ; 8: 0492, 0498, censured by Congolese parliament 6:0031 0503, 0955; 9: 0275, 0301 Congo Press Agency interview with 6:1069 Volta River Authority 8: 0154, 0155, 0160, 0178, 0380 DRC government requests that Belgian Court of Volta River project in 7: 0763, 0804, 0806, 0807, Appeals handle trial of 6:0928 0812, 0814, 0825, 0842, 0956, 0997,1002,1011, DRC internal political problem posed by 6: 0208 1030; 8: 0003, 0014,0096, 0140, 0148, 0149, Ghanaian government mission meets with 5:0727 0151, 0153, 0157, 0162, 0165, 0169, 0171, 0179, letter to Kennedy 3:0582, 0583 0197, 0198, 0217, 0219, 0220, 0225, 0251, 0254, offered political asylum in Ghana by Kwame Nkrumah 0256, 0259, 0261, 0264, 0265, 0267,0275, 0280, 6: 0503 0282, 0284, 0287, 0291-0293, 0296, 0319, 0331, participates in Elisabethville round table discussions 0338, 0355, 0359, 0365, 0370, 0383, 0389, 0391, 3: 0605 0394, 0395, 0400, 0410-0412, 0422, 0424, 0425, possible interception of aircraft from Qatar by Egypt 0427, 0429, 0431, 0435, 0437, 0439, 0440, 0442, for use by 5:1018 0444, 0446, 0447, 0449, 0452-0456, 0461, 0462, possible UN support of military forces of 4:0376 0464, 0468, 0483, 0487, 0490, 0498, 0503, 0504, presence in Guinea of 9:1051 0507, 0528, 0537, 0539, 0540, 0542, 0545, 0547; prevented by Ahmed Sekou Toure from engaging in 9: 0312 activities against DRC while in Guinea 10: 0004 voting record in 16th session of UN General Assembly recognition of regime of 8:0089 8: 0833 status of 5: 0049, 0063 white paper on alleged conspiracy for coup d'état transferred to detention on island near Moanda 8: 0375 6: 0144 Williams, G. Mennen•criticism of 8: 0840 treatment while under arrest in Leopoldville 6: 0073, World Bank•negotiations with 7: 0799; 8: 0485, 0495 0611 see also Nkrumah, Kwame Godley, George McMurtrie Ghana, University of proposed appointment as ambassador to Burundi Robeson, Paul•appointment to 8: 0561 11:0054 Ghana Airways Goldberg, Arthur J. possible service to Soviet bloc countries 8:0690 visit to DRC 4: 0147-0149 Ghanaian Evening News Gold mines shift in attitude toward Iraqi situation 9:0209 transfer from British companies to Ghanaian Ghanaian Times government 8: 0479 articles•anti-U.S. 9: 0109, 0227 Gore, Albert, Sr. articles•Thresher disaster 9: 0173 and U.S. participation in Volta River project 8:0251, attack on U.S. government and CIA in 9: 0105 0293 editorial on Allen J. Ellender's comments on African Grains, feed leadership 8: 0908 DRC government request for 6: 0936 and murder of Abdul Karim el-Kassem of Iraq 9:0083, Grants 0201,0216 see Financial training grants Gizenga, Antoine Great Britain activities of UN troops in areas of DRC held by African aid talks 1: 0510-0512 3: 0779, 0787 Afro-Asian UN resolution on Southern Rhodesia Adoula, Cyrille 10:0906,0907 handling of arrest of 6: 0057 aid offer to Tanganyika 12: 0072, 0076 letter to 5:0995 announces intention to recognize Dahoman meeting between Sture Linner and, on problem provisional government headed by Christophe posed by 5:0902 Soglo7:0759 Subject Index 313 Great Britain cont. movement toward African control of Rhodesias arms embargo against South Africa 11: 0494, 0496 6: 0629 army officers removed from command in Ghana Mutaka, Charles•efforts to locate 6: 0427 8: 0222, 0223 Nkrumah, Kwame asks U.S. to support efforts to block UN Security activities of 9:0312 Council resolutions on Southern Rhodesia and attempted assassination of 8: 0693 10:1010 Ghanaian officials dismissed by 8: 0363 coffee agreement•role in UN negotiations 1:0485 policies and objectives in DRC 5:1033 consultations with U.S. on plan for UN mediation to policies on Southern Rhodesia 10:0918 overcome impasse in Adoula-Tshombe positions negotiations 6:0692 on DRC 5:0699 consultations with Williams, G. Mennen•on on support of UN in DRC 5: 0887 Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 10:0912 on UN, Congo, and Rhodesias 1:0467 criticized by Habib Bourguiba, Sr. for failing to halt relationship with Southern Rhodesia 10:1005 aggression by France at Bizerta 12:1045 tripartite talks on DRC 6: 0726 discussions and Tshombe, Moise 5:0805, 0860, 0861, 0887, with U.S. on measures to be taken if Adoula- 0970; 6: 0270, 0460, 0462, 0726, 0983; 7: 0138 Tshombe talks break down 6: 0345 and U.S.•joint action program on South Africa with with U.S. on possible mediation by UN Secretary 12:0019 General in Southern Rhodesian issue 10: 0941 and U.S.•reports of violence in Northern Rhodesia with U.S. on prospects for peace in Kenya and 10:0869 possible visit of Jomo Kenyatta 10:1048 views on France, South Africa, and Portuguese Africa with U.S. on South Africa 11: 0513, 0559 12:0348 and DRC Welensky, Roy•blames failure of Federation of aid to 7:0253 Rhodesia and Nyasaland on 10: 0989 aircraft purchase from 6:0280 Welensky, Roy•and Lincoln White 6: 0982 Kennedy's plan for 5: 0644 Greenburg, Harry situation 1: 0628; 3: 0858; 4: 0703; 6: 0041, 0590, reports Portuguese harrassment of missionary 0620, 0626, 0656 operations in Mozambique 10: 0834 transition period 6: 0684 Greene, Colonel [?] tripartite talks 4: 0601, 0602, 0640, 0642; 5: 0699; informed of cancellation of General Joseph Desiree 6: 0663, 0674, 0726, 0734 Mobutu's trip to Brussels and London 6:0841 UN and 5:0710; 6: 0113 meeting with General Joseph Desiree Mobutu 6: 0840 efforts to get Edgar Whitehead to testify before UN Greene plan 10:0923 decision to hold up implementation of 7: 0059 financial assistance to Tanganyika 12: 0086, 0088 U.S. temporarily halts delivery of impact shipment for Ghana 7:0046 allegations of complicity in attempted assassination Grunitzky, Nicholas of Kwame Nkrumah 8:0754 heads Togo's delegation to Addis Ababa conference press attacks on 8: 0729 2:0271 relations with 8: 0246 Guinea situation in 8:0218 Addis Ababa conference 9:1022 informed Ahmed Sekou Toure of plans to visit U.S. aid agreement with USSR 10:0030 9: 0800 aircraft landing facilities to service Soviet and Czech informed of U.S. thinking on bilateral African aid talks flights to Cuba 9: 0898 1:0508 Alaska Airlines operations in 10:0117, 0136, 0137 and Katanga aluminum in 9: 0658 cease-fire in 5: 0702 Boke and Fria projects in 9:0699 DRC tax collectors to 6: 0385 Boke bauxite and alumina project in 7: 0861; 9:0649, joint declaration on 5: 0248 0650 policies on 5: 0682, 0887,1Ö23 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems and UN troops 6: 0183 in 1: 0746, 0749 white paper on 6: 0984, 0994 civil air developments in 9: 0949 K'rtona agreement 5: 0805, 0860, 0861, 0920, 0970, currency reform in 9:0939 0988, 0989

314 Subject Index economic and financial situation in 9:0730,0735, use by USSR as fueling stop for aircraft enroute to 0741 Cuba 10: 0032 economic policy 10: 0143 withdrawal of students from Soviet universities by economic problems and needs of 9: 0729 9: 0681 extradition from Morocco of Lebanese traders see also Sekou Toure, Ahmed involved in financial scandal 9:0912 Guinea Press [Ghana] financial scandals in 9: 0911, 0912 Mahoney, William P.•visit to 8: 0875 Ford Foundation sponsors village development Guirand, Colonel [?] program in 9:0819 leads French military coup attempt in Algeria 2: 0717 France announces willingness to offer technical Gullion, Edmund A. assistance to 9:0785 and Adoula, Cyrille 6:0457,0712, 0808 France's willingness to settle financial differences with agitation to UN command to prevent meeting of 9: 0785 Katanga Assembly to approve 4: 0306,0307, friendship and cooperation with U.S. 9:0621, 0737 0309, 0311 Kennedy's intervention in U.S. racial problems urged alleged involvement in incidents between UN and 9:1028-1030 Katangese military forces 5:1000 Kennedy's message on 5th anniversary of appointed U.S. ambassador to DRC 3: 0778, 0789 independence of 10: 0139-0142 discussions with Cyrille Adoula on Katanga talks Konkoure hydroelectric project in 7: 0861 7:0489 mission to U.S. Kennedy•correspondence with 4: 0079, 0724; activities of 9: 0738 5: 0289, 0291-0293,0300 efforts to reestablish relations with UN technical Kitona conference 4:0298; 5: 0847, 0999,1037 assistance officials 9: 0744 meeting with Moise Tshombe 6:0258 general 9: 0734 plans to leave DRC from U.S. 6: 0964 meeting with Kennedy 9: 0745, 0749, 0751 visit to U.S. 4:0423 welcome of 9: 0714, 0756 Habimenshi, Calllxte oil extraction and soap plant for 9: 0913, 0914 biographical sketch of 11:0180 possible adverse U.S. public reaction to presence of discussions with Kennedy 11: 0317, 0319, 0321, 0322 Antoine Gizenga in 9:1051; 10: 0004 informed by U.S. that Rwandan ambassador must possible commercial, cultural, and technical reside in Washington, D.C. 11: 0224 assistance accords with France 9:1017 meeting with Kennedy 11: 0176 problems and achievements of 9: 0987, 0990 photograph of 11:0260 radio station near Washington, D.C. embassy visit to Belgium 11:0210 9:0915-0917 visit to U.S. 11: 0170, 0177, 0202, 0206 relations with U.S. 9: 0700, 0702, 0704, 0708,0715, Halm, W. M. Q. 0718, 0759, 0761, 0983, 0993, 0994; 10: 0149 appointment with Kennedy 8: 0650 Soviet aircraft landings in 10: 0036, 0039, 0120 biographical sketch of 8:0652 Soviet bloo•move from 9:1022 farewell call on Kennedy 8:0677 subversive influence of French Communists in letter from Dean Rusk 8:0209 9: 0705 meeting with Dwight D. Eisenhower 8: 0592 and U.S. Hammarskjold, Dag assistance to 2: 0370; 9: 0576, 0603, 0614, 0623, letter from Cyrille Adoula 3: 0802 0633, 0636, 0639, 0643, 0711, 0813,0815, message from Kwame Nkrumah 7: 0994,1000 0901, 0952, 0957, 0963, 0966, 1012,1018, USSR to withdraw recognition of, as UN Secretary 1021; 10: 0038, 0146 General 8:0090 delegation to independence day celebrations in Handley, William J. 9:0770 appointment with Kennedy 10: 0710 interest in economic development in 9:1032,1040 discussions with Modibo Keita 10: 0769, 0799 national exhibition in 9: 0919, 0920, 0933-0936, presence in Washington, D.C, of 10: 0792 0976, 0997 Hansen, Kenneth R. navy courtesy call to 9: 0697 discussions on problems of U.S. task force on Soviet flights landing in 10: 0036 Portuguese territories 3:0046 trade and economic relations with 9:0721 Harriman, L. O. invites chiefs of mission in Accra, Ghana, to greet Jaja Wachuku at airport 8:0599 Subject Index 315 Hartke, Vance Kennedy•invited to attend celebration of Ivory Coast confidence in African leadership 1: 0868 independence day 10: 0175-0179 message from Kennedy 1: 0868 meetings recommends U.S. aid program for Guinea 9: 0901 with diplomatic chiefs of mission 10: 0431 reiterates U.S. position on self-government in Africa with Kennedy 10: 0248, 0249, 0295 1:0872 with Rusk, Dean 10: 0295 urges Kennedy to issue statement on U.S. interest in with Sekou Toure, Ahmed and Kwame Nkrumah Africa 1:0870 10:0468 visit to Guinea 9: 0900, 0904 possible honorary degree from University of Hassan (Crown Prince of Libya) Pennsylvania 10:0239 visit to U.S. 10:0487 U.S. hospitality toward 10: 0260, 0263-0265 Hassan, Mou lay (Crown Prince of Morocco) visit to U.S. 10: 0172, 0184, 0200, 0202, 0204-0206, discussions with Kwame Nkrumah 7:0963 0209, 0210, 0213-0218, 0220-0222, 0226, 0230, Hawk missiles 0233, 0240, 0243, 0244, 0246, 0247, 0257, 0261, sold to Israel by U.S. 10: 0487 0271,0295,0340,0375 Hays, Brooks Houphouet-Boigny, Marie-Thérèse impression on people of Sierra Leone created by biographical sketch of 10: 0227, 0340 11:0418 Housing trip to Africa 2: 0037, 0070, 0074 for African delegations to UN 1:0027, 0028 Henniqulau, Colonel [?] construction of, in Tunisia 12:0764 speech by 11: 0111 Humphreys, Ward Herter, Christian A. construction of Valco aluminum smelter in Ghana discussions on status of Multi-Lateral Force 9: 0268 9: 0275 Hodges, Luther H. lleo, Joseph visit to Sierra Leone 11: 0399, 0401-0403 participates in Elisabethville round table discussions Hoffacker, Lewis 3: 0605 discussions with Moise Tshombe 7:0161 IMF Hone, Evelyn Adoula, Cyrille•visit to 6: 0158 letter from Kennedy 10:0877, 0879 approves Ghana's request for $14.25 million drawing Hood, Lord 8: 0692 told of U.S. policy on DRC 6: 0598 DRC officials attend conference of 6:1055 Horn of Africa Tanganyikan finance minister Bomani's plans to crisis in 2: 0064, 0067 attend conference of 12: 0174 situation in 12: 0607, 0610 U.S. supports Mali's case for quota from 10:0783 U.S. policy on 1: 0900 Imports Houphouet-Bolgny, Felix credits•UN requests U.S. help in obtaining 7: 0055 accommodations for party of 10: 0237, 0238 DRC customs treatment of Katangese 7: 0118 Addis Ababa conference comments 2: 0358 Independence Day reception, American appointments in New York City 10: 0234 boycotted by American Negro community in Africa biographical sketch of 10: 0340 2: 0497 discussions India with Keita, Modibo 10:0416 alleges that Moise Tshombe increasing strength of with Kennedy 10: 0407, 0408 mercenaries 6:0744 with Kennedy, Robert 10: 0196 dispute with People's Republic of China 9: 0259, on U.S. aid to Ivory Coast 10:0250, 0251, 0252, 0542, 0543 0471 and DRC expresses pleasure with U.S. reception and bombs for•UN request 6: 0845 admiration for Kennedy 10: 0417 situation in•assessment of 6: Ó590 gift from Kennedy 10: 0245 tripartite talks 6: 0716, 0734, 0802 invited to visit Canada 10:0219 troop withdrawal from 5:0311 invited to visit U.S. 10:0183, 0185, 0186, 0232, 0235 UN mediation 6: 0747 Keita, Modibo 10: 0415, 0468 and Katanga fighting 6:0673; 7:0472 Kennedy•correspondence with 10:0171, 0187, Integration 0254, 0255, 0258, 0266, 0267, 0438, 0439, 0441, European 1:0469 0442, 0444, 0446, 0447, 0450, 0454

316 Subject Index International Cooperation Administration, U.S. Jackson, Barbara Ward aid to Niger and Upper Volta 10:0687 possible U.S. pullout of Volta River project in Ghana International Court of Justice 8: 0261 U.S. vote in UN on acceptance of opinion of 5: 0233 Jackson, Don International Labor Organization radio and television program in Katanga 6: 0937 conference of•debate on participation of South Africa Jackson, Robert 11:0426 gives U.S. background on decision to dismiss British conference of•invalidates credentials of South officials in Ghana 8:0363 African workers delegation 2:0432 U.S. embassy, Accra's comments on 7:0993 possible expulsion of South Africa from 11:0694 and Volta River project in Ghana 8:0014, 0165 International Union for Conservation of Nature and John Birch Society Natural Resources possible financial aid to OAS in Algeria 2:0826 Udall, Stewart L•plans to attend 2: 0563 Johnson, Charles E. Investment discussions with Carol C. Moor 5:0565 Ghana's policy on 8: 0551 Johnson, Lyndon B. Iran asked to head U.S. delegation to Tanganyikan use of troops from, in UN Congo Force 3: 0603 independence celebrations 12: 0049, 0055, 0058, Iraq 0077 Ghana's attitude toward situation in 9:0209 Johnson, U. Alexis revolution in•alleged CIA complicity in 9: 0221, 0227 discussions revolution in•interview with Kwame Nkrumah on with Diakite, Moussa 9:0729 9:0223 with Naude, Willem C. 11: 0467 Ireland with Pereira, Pedro 12: 0657 dangers of situation in Southern Rhodesia 10:0920 Jooste, [?] UN troops in DRC despatched to Eiisabethville aide mémoire from 1: 0414 6:0956 Journalists, Negro Israel project in Africa for 1:0491 experience with joint companies in Africa 1:0100 Joxe, Louis Libyan reaction to selling U.S. Hawk missiles to negotiations with Algerian FLN 2: 0775 10:0487 political situation in Algeria and prospects for Italy negotiations 2:0771 abstains on UN resolution on Angola 3:0351 Julian, Hubert F. proposal to train DRC air force under UN umbrella letter to Kennedy 4: 0605 6:0404 Kahama, George Ivory Coast views of Tanganyikan independence celebrations background paper on 10: 0271 12:0053 cabinet reshuffle in 10: 0435 Kaiser, Edgar F. economic situation in 10: 0194 discussions Independence Day celebration with Kennedy 8:1063 Eisenhower, Dwight D.•invited 10: 0173 with Nkrumah, Kwame 8:1032,1035, 1036 Kennedy to attend 10: 0175-0179 on U.S.-Ghanaian relations 8:1012 message of congratulations 10: 0412, 0476, 0477, meeting with Kennedy 8: 0933, 0934, 0937,1048 0479, 0480 Nkrumah, Kwame•correspondence with 8: 0955, U.S. delegation to 10: 0181, 0182, 0187 0956,1064:9:0049 Peace Corps operations in 10: 0295 trip to Ghana 8: 0948 political situation in 10:0194 Kaiser, Phillip M. U.S.•aid to 10:0250-0252, 0295, 0425, 0462, 0469, Rwandan independence day ceremonies by 11:0062, 0471,0472 0063, 0064, 0070, 0071, 0072, 0087, 0088 U.S.•relations with 10: 0295 Kaiser Industries Corporation visit of Edward Kennedy and U.S. Senate delegation meeting with Kwame Nkrumah 9:0301 to 10:0171 negotiations with Kwame Nkrumah on Valco Ivory Coast and European Association aluminum smelter 8: 0492 congratulates Kennedy for stand against segregation Kaldor, Nicholas in U.S. 10:0420,0422 background on 7: 0799

Subject Index 317 KalonJI, Albert supports Christophe Gbenye's trip to U.S. 6:0224 arrest of 7: 0043, 0085 U.S. reply to letter from 4: 0488, 0489 DRC government coup against regime of 7:0121 Kassem, Abdul Karlm el- Kimba, Evaristo•views on presence in Katanga of murder of 9: 0083, 0201, 0216 7:0504 Katanga possibility of joining South Kasai refugees in Katanga accusations against Jose Rolz-Bennet 6: 0169 7:0389 Adoula, Cyrille Kambona, Oscar cease-fire and foreign exchange agreements with biographical sketch of 12:0371 5: 0817; 7: 0446. 0543, 0557, 0592, 0606 East African Federation 12:0340 refuses to allow delegation from, to circulate freely Nyerere, Julius•visit to U.S. 12:0342 in Leopoldville 6: 0806 Kamembe Airfield succession to 4: 0734-0736; 6: 0786 sale of Belgian aircraft at, to DRC 11:0175 talks with Tshombe 6: 0883 U.S. considers reviving use of, with Rwanda 11:0139 aggression by gendarmes against people of Kongolo Kamina, DRC 6: 0241 fighting between Ghanaian UN patrol and Katanga aircraft gendarmes near 6:0269 Angolan•transport of 7: 0275 transfer of DRC army troops to 7:0028, 0032 buildup of 7:0064 visit of Moise Tshombe to base at 7:0028, 0032 French•shipment of 8:0058 Kamitatu, Cleophas . possession of jet 7:0417 letter from Moise Tshombe 6:0382 air force 4:0875 letter to Cyrille Adoula 6:1060 air force•DRC 6: 0758 meeting of Katanga Assembly 6:0383, 0390 allegations proposals calling for arrest of Moise Tshombe and of delivery of jet aircraft by U.S. citizens to 7:1012 foreign military aid for DRC 6: 0451, 0457, 0477, of genocide in 6:0134 1060 of involvement of Edmund A. Gullion in incidents Kasal province, DRC between UN and military forces of 5:1000 shortage of corn in 6: 0929 amnesty 4: 0885; 7: 0397, 0434, 0475, 0604 Kasavubu, Joseph and ANC 5: 0981, 0983, 1025; 6: 0222 called on by DRC press to dissolve parliament arguments over political entity "North Katanga" pending new elections 7: 0486 7: 0500 comments on Katanga question 6:0823 arrival of military equipment from Angola for 7:0417 discusses DRC decision to recognize Angolan arrival of U.S. student group for visit without proper government in exile 3: 0415 visas 6:0905 discussions with G. Mennen Williams 6: 0641 assessment of hostilities in 5: 0931, 0933 influence of George Denis on 6: 0476 atrocities in 5:1042 Katanga oath of allegiance to 7: 0341, 0343, 0432 bargaining position of 6:0724 Kennedy•correspondence with 3: 0577, 0579, 0825, Belgian businessmen in 5:1039 0827, 0828. 0831, 0988, 0990, 0992; 4: 0146, Belgian role in 3: 0640 0150; 0187, 0217, 0711, 0713, 0715, 0717, Belgium accepts outgoing telegrams for Leopoldville 0720, 0722 from 6:1044 legal and constitutional position of 3: 0567 bombing of•U.S. involvement in 4:0378 signs ordinance requiring Union Miniere du Haut British Katanga to pay customs duties to DRC foreign office white paper on 6:0984, 0994 government 7: 0071 policy toward 5:1023 U.S. position on sKuation in 5: 0682, 0887 confidence in 7:0338 Cassert, Colonel [?]•attempts to sell German light dangers of DRC military initiative in Katanga aircraft to 6:0689 6: 0285 cease-fire in 4: 0316, 0326, 0338, 0885, 0905; interpretation of legal position of 7:1007 5: 0673, 0702, 0716, 0746, 0824, 0830, 0835, Kashamura, Anicet 0840, 0842; 7: 0185, 0187, 0194, 0197, 0209, Elisabethville round table discussions 3: 0605 0237, 0241, 0300, 0307, 0320, 0326, 0341, 0343, Kasongo, Joseph 0348, 0352, 0356, 0395, 0399, 0422, 0432, 0457, Kennedy•correspondence with 3:0555; 4:0488, 0459, 0465, 0475, 0498, 0505, 0557, 0583, 0592, 0489,0491,0492,0496 0606

318 Subject Index cease-fire proposal 7:0211, 0378, 0397, 0434, 0436 Eisenhower, Dwight D.•statements on 4: 0173; cease-fire violations 3:0968 5: 0802 compromise in 3: 0816; 5: 0176; 6: 0635 exports and imports 7:0118 confinement of delegation from 6:0808 fighting in•prospects for 4:0503 constitutional problems•UN consultant for 7:0108 food relief for South Kasai refugees living in 7:0576 Comelis, Joseph F.•appeals to Kennedy to use food supplies for 6: 0066 influence to end fighting in 4:0363, 0365 foreign exchange/currency 7:0350,0390, 0392, 0467 crisis in•solution to 4:0739 Gardiner, Robert•visit set as deadline for declaration to foreign consuls by 7:0585, 0589 implementation of UN reconciliation plan 7: 0302 developments in 5: 0661 ; 7: 0296 Gbenye, Christophe•impact of arrest of 7: 0306 disaffection of population of 7:0291 Geneva Convention•possible violations 4: 0304 and DRC Indian UN troops criticized for wanting to start fighting accord with 6: 0304 with 7: 0472 army garrison duty in 6: 0271 international implications of the situation in 3:0805, army supplies 6:0399 0810 attack on positions at Kongolo 4:0972 Kasavubu, Joseph•comments on question of cease-fire and amnesty 5:0820; 7:0492 6: 0823 constitution 7:0499 Kasavubu, Joseph•oath of allegiance to 7: 0341, customs and immigration officers sent to 7:0461 0343, 0432 economic cooperation 6: 0046 Kitona agreement 4: 0924; 5: 0897, 0901, 0908, government 0910, 0916; 6: 0032, 0139 agreements with 7: 0524, 0556 Lubilash Bridge reopening 7:0388, 0420, 0477, 0534, cuts off telecommunications of 6:1035 0578 embargo on cobalt and copper against 5: 0142 Lundula, Victor•requests U.S. assistance in ending forbids commercial companies to operate secession of 7: 0322 simultaneously in DRC and 6:1035 Lundula, Victor•views of, on problem 7:0322 orders halt to all unauthorized flights in 6:1061 McGhee, George C.•meets with members of puts economic pressure on 6:0412 European community in 7: 0131, 0135 relations with 6: 0676, 0710; 7: 0306, 0602 Meredith, James 7: 0053, 0284 talks with 6: 0849 military white paper on 6:1085 buildup in 7: 0097 legislation on companies in 4: 0614-0616; 6:0906 preparations of 4: 0596 military initiative in 4:0896; 6:0285, 0320 réintégration of 7:0503, 0517 military operations in 6:0208 situation in 5: 0714; 7: 0097 national army assistance to UN in 5:0667 mines in•antipersonnel 7:0109 negotiations with 6:0676; 7:0428 Mobil Corporation decides not to form subsidiary in parliament considers division into additional 6:1059 provinces 6: 0464 Mobil Corporation's deadline for paying income tax in peace plan 7: 0020, 0077, 0097 6:0847 provincial presidents' meeting 7:0532 opposition to U.S. Congo policy 4: 0056 reconciliation with 5: 0704 payment of revenues by 7: 0421, 0424 réintégration with 4:0462, 0522; 5:0022, 0089, political attitudes in 7:0145 0775, 0876, 1095; 6:0013, 0193, 0195, 0213, political situation in 6: 0491 0239, 0251, 0358, 0392, 0459, 0531, 0550, prepared to change governmental status 6: 0356 0573, 0649, 0687, 0710, 0729, 0825, 0834, radio station KIEV plans program on 6: 0937 0880, 0891, 0959; 7:0047, 0100, 0144, 0367, rearmament by 6:0673 0455, 0537 refugees from 4:0628 revenue commission denies full accord reached réintégration•U.S. efforts for 11:0027 with 7: 0469 réintégration agreement 6: 0513 telecommunications with 7:0376 Rhodesian aerial assistance to 5:1017 troops stationed in 4: 0178; 5:0936 security measures for delegation from 6:0826 economic pressure program to end secession of situation in 4:0005, 0098, 0100; 5:0235, 0238 6: 0059, 0412, 0983 solution to crisis in 4: 0453, 0471 ; 6: 0643 effect of continued tensions on 7:0403 South Kasai refugees in 7: 0389

Subject Index 319 Katanga cont. and U.S. tax collection 4: 0632; 6:0385, 0415,0428, 0440, Air Force contingent grounded during UN 0443, 0472, 0767 operations in 5: 0674 telecommunications offices in Brussels and Usumbura assistance with problem 6: 0559, 0768 refuse to accept outgoing telegrams from 6:1043 attempts to obtain DRC permission to allow Paul Thant, U•hesitant about arrangements for cease-fire Alexander to land at mission stations in 6:1056 in 5: 0821 control over resumption of hostilities in 5: 0085 Thant, U•issues press statement on cease-fire in discussions with 7: 0052 5:0862 economic assistance to 6: 0507 Tshombe, Moise evacuation of personnel 5:0688 declaration to consular corps in 7: 0307, 0308, mediation for cease-fire in 5: 0758 0312,0316 opposition to secession of 6: 0603 definition of status as sovereign state 6:0349 PL-480 program 6: 0371 letter to UN on situation in 5: 0954 policy toward 5: 0953, 0993,1023,1049 protests UN actions 4: 0075, 0140, 0141, 0725, position on crisis in 3: 0841, 0842 0726; 6: 0957 position on fighting in 4:0110, 0151 remarks at funeral 6: 0965 position on réintégration of 6: 0834 removal from 5: 0231 requests appraisal of seriousness of excesses by requests additional assurances from UN on personnel of 5: 0877 hostilities in 5:0960 shipment of jet training aircraft to 8: 0017,0093 requests UN assurances of cease-fire in 5: 0815, support of UN military operations in 5:1083 0818 Welensky, Roy•concern over situation in 5: 0745, and UN 0769 actions in 5: 0768, 0985; 6: 0015 white paper on 6:1085 air operations in 6: 0024, 0034 Youlou, Fulbert•views on solution to secession of attack on Elisabethville 5: 0718, 0733 7: 0358 cease-fire agreement•inclusion in 7:0261, 0265, see also Union Miniere Haut de Katanga 0270 "Katanga Calling" contingency plan of operations in 6:0869 last broadcast of 7: 0193 demonstrators fired on by 4: 0745, 0746 Katangan Assembly efficiency of 7: 0401 and DRC 4:0393; 6: 0363 handling of problem in 5:0668 Kamitatu, Cleophas•conceives plan on meeting of hostilities 6: 0197, 0205 6: 0383 military operations in 5: 0093, 0150,0152, 0249, and Kitona agreement 4:0306, 0307, 0309, 0311 ; 0730, 0748; 6: 0415, 0417, 0428, 0443, 0472, 5:0941,1043 0522 meeting of 6:0390 military situation in 4: 0114 meeting of, until agreement reached 6:0459 patrols 7: 0082, 0238 telegram to Kennedy from president of 6: 0134 political objectives in 5:0249 Tshombe, Moise•and Balubakat-Conakat presence in 6: 0602 reconciliation 6: 0482 resolutions•implementation 6: 0152 Tshombe, Moise•requests that UN guarantee safety roadblock in of meeting of 6: 0382 two civilians killed at 6:0950, 0952 Katangan Women's Federation UN press release on deaths of two civilians at letter to Jacqueline Kennedy 4: 0744, 0746, 0747 6:0952 Kawawa, Rashidi U.S. State Department press statement on appointed vice president of Tanganyika 12: 0229 incident at 6: 0955 condolences on U.S. Air Force disaster in Kenya refusal to allow missionaries to fly supplies to 12:0131-0133,0137,0138 outlying stations in 6:1046, 1047,1062 Kennedy•correspondence with 12:0137, 0139, suspends Red Cross mercy flights to 6:1086 0152-0155 troop movements in 4:0292; 6: 0183 meeting with Harold MacMillan 12:0231 troops in 5:1060,1063; 6: 0164 policy speech to Tanganyikan National Assembly 12:0146

320 Subject Index Kayibanda, Grégoire discussions biographical sketch of 11: 0251 on closing of U.S. cultural center in Mali 10:0681 discussions with Handley, William J. 10: 0769, 0799 with U.S. on Belgian troop issue 11:0144, 0146 with Houphouet-Boigny, Felix 10: 0416 with U.S. on economic and technical assistance for with Kennedy 10: 0648, 0650, 0654, 0655, 0663 Rwanda 11: 0314 farewell call on Kennedy 10:0651 with U.S. on negotiations with Belgium on troop Houphouet-Boigny, Felix•regrets invitation to withdrawal 11: 0143 10:0415 withdrawal of Belgian military forces from Rwanda letters from Kennedy 10: 0592, 0608, 0610, 0611, 11:0118 0629, 0635, 0640, 0666, 0671, 0672, 0765, 0767, favorable impression of Phillip Kaiser's attendance at 0775, 0778, 0779, 0804 Rwandan independence celebrations 11:0088 letters to Kennedy 10:0585, 0586, 0613, 0636, 0637, informed that U.S. unable to arrange official visit 0668, 0669, 0670, 0689, 0690, 0692, 0752, 0760, 11:0232,0234 0762, 0763, 0764, 0773, 0776, 0809, 0810 intentions on retention of Belgian troops in 11:0141 meeting with Ahmed Sekou Toure, Kwame Nkrumah, and Kennedy and Felix Houphouet-Boigny 10:0468, 0594 correspondence with 10:1043,1044,1046,1047; performance at Belgrade Conference of Non-Aligned 11: 0195-0197, 0199, 0258, 0269, 0271, 0285, Nations 10:0638 0300, 0301, 0309, 0312, 0313 remarks on German self-determination 10:0660 giftfrom11:0328 telegram to Kennedy 10: 0761, 0768 meeting with 11: 0236, 0243, 0257, 0276, 0308, thanked by Kennedy for courtesies extended to 0311 Edward Kennedy and U.S. Senate delegation Kennedy's congratulatory message on independence 10:0584 of Rwanda 11: 0076 U.S. reply to letter from 10: 0633, 0634, 0667, 0806, Kennedy's farewell message to 11: 0269, 0271, 0301 0807 Kennedy's reply to telegram from 10:1043 visit to U.S. 10: 0598, 0646, 0668, 0670, 0752 May Day address by 11:0359 Kelfa-Caulker, Richard E. negotiations with Belgium on withdrawal of troops appointment as Sierra Leone's ambassador to U.S. from Rwanda 11: 0137, 0139, 0149 11:0394 plans to attend UAM conference in Libreville, Gabon presentation of credentials by 11: 0395 and UN General Assembly 11:0217 Kennedy, Edward proposal for retention of Belgian technical military meeting with Kennedy 3: 0592 troops in Rwanda 11:0150 visit reception of U.S. offer of financial training grants to Dahomey 7: 0611, 0612 11:0135 to DRC 3: 0577, 0579 views on Belgian troop retention in Rwanda 11:0158 to Ivory Coast 10:0171 visit to U.S. 10:1058; 11: 0138, 0235, 0245, 0247, to Mali 10:0584, 0586 0267, 0274, 0282 Kennedy, Jacqueline visit to U.S.•invitation declined 10:1044,1047, honorary membership in DRC welfare agency 5:0515 1063,1064 letter from Katangan Women's Federation 4:0744, visit to U.S.•key to Washington, D.C. 11: 0273 0746, 0747 White House luncheon for 11: 0238 reply to telegram from Rhodesian women on behavior Kaysen, Carl of UN military command in DRC 10:0971 dealings with J. Wayne Fredericks 10: 0998 Kennedy, John F. discussions with Karim Bangoura 10: 0041, 0042 Accra World Peace Assembly•delegation to 8: 0616 Kebede, General [?] administration of consultations with Ralph Bunche 7: 0506 communications with Ghana 8: 0068 estimate of UN military needs in DRC 6: 0811 Ghanaian press attacks on 9: 0155, 0160 Keeslng, John M. position on Africa 8: 0114, 0116 U.S. State Department discussions with 6:0805 position on Ghana 8: 0114, 0116 Keita, Modibo aircraft part sale to South Africa 11:0661-0663 appraisal of U.S. policy toward Africa 10:0621 Algeria•contact with 12: 0999,1000 biographical sketch of 10: 0579 Angolan insurgents meet with U.S. mission sent by 6:0448

Subject Index 321 Kennedy, John F. cont. with Conte, Seydou 9: 0923, 0926, 0979, 0987, apartheid•UN Security Council debate 11:0498 0990, 1000 appointments with Dodd, Thomas J. 4: 0839 with Adoula, Cyrille 5: 0583 with Fekini, Mohieddine 2: 0754 with Bangoura, Karim 9:0946 on French Algerian policy 2:0704 with Bedie, Konan 10: 0419 with Habimenshi, Callixte 11: 0317, 0319, 0321, with Blancke, W. Wendell 4:0152,0361 0322 with Calhoun, John A. 3: 0542 with Kaiser, Edgar F. 8:1063 with Crowe, Philip K. 1:0081 with Keita, Modibo 10: 0648, 0650, 0654, 0655, with Conte, Seydou 9: 0589, 0969 0663 with Dahoman goodwill mission 7:0630 with McNamara, Robert•on South Africa 11: 0642, with delegation from Sierra Leone 11:0392 0668 with Dumont, Donald A. 11:0326 with Mahoney, William P., Jr. 9: 0553, 0555, 0557, with Guiñean ministerial delegation 10:0149 0558 with Gullion, Edmund A. 4: 0079, 0724 with Mobutu, Joseph Desiree 5: 0479, 0480, 0487, with Halm, W. M. Q. 8:0651 0511 with Handley, William J. 10:0710 with Nkrumah, Kwame 8: 0105, 0124, 0125 with Kaiser, Edgar F. 8: 0933 with Nyerere, Julius 12: 0063, 0619, 0624, 0635, with Kuanda, Kenneth 10:1001 0638, 0645, 0654, 0655, 0657 with Leonhart, William 12: 0180 on political situation in DRC 5: 0620 with Loeb, James 1.10:0086, 0087 with Rusk, Dean 4:0124, 0125, 0127 of Loeb, James I.•as U.S. ambassador to Guinea with Rusk, Dean•on South Africa 11: 0642, 0668 10:0027 with Sekou Toure, Ahmed 9: 0780, 0893 with Mcllvaine, Robinson 7: 0616, 0704 with Slim, Mongi 12: 0670, 0691 with Mahoney, William P., Jr. 8: 0594, 0831; with Sow, Oumar 10: 0719, 0727, 0728 9: 0548 with Sukarno, Achmed 10:0663 with Maiga, Abdoulaye 10:0714 with Telli, Diallo 10: 0053, 0057, 0060, 0076, 0078 with Margai, Milton 11: 0397 on U.S. position on South Africa's participation in with Morris, Brewster H. 3: 0544, 0546 UN 10: 0052 with Nkrumah, Kwame 8:0074 with Youlou, Fulbert 3:0774, 0866 with Nyerere, Julius 12: 0060 and DRC 3: 0779, 0840; 4: 0068, 0173, 0604, 0753, of Randall, Clarence B.•U.S. mission to Ghana 0781, 0907, 0933, 0936, 0938, 0940, 0982, 0985, 8: 0280, 0284 0989, 0994; 5: 0303, 0308, 0533, 0644, 0646, with Razafimbahiny, Jules 2:0041 0706, 0712 with Russell, Francis H. 12:1095 and DRC-Katanga situation 5: 0802 with Walmsley, Walter N., Jr. 12:1075 farewell calls with Williams, G. Mennen 2: 0023, 0024 Conte, Seydou 9: 0918, 0924, 0927 with Wine. James W. 10:0421, 0423 Halm, W. M. Q. 8:0677 with Withers, Charles D. 11: 0352 Keita, Modibo 10:0651 Bunche, Ralph•opposes direct correspondence see also messages•farewell between Moise Tshombe and 4: 0168 Ghana•Carl Nydell recall 9:0036 Challe, Maurice•requests assistance from 2:0728 Ghana•views of Duncan Sandys on 8: 0252 civil rights legislation 2: 0514 Ghanaian censors reject film of inauguration of civil rights message 2: 0495, 0499, 0523, 0528-0530; 8:0113 9: 0506, 0509 gifts to/from 2: 0029, 0030; 3: 0534, 0536-0539, discussions 0541; 4: 0914; 5: 0619; 10: 0245; 11: 0328, 0386 with Adoula, Cyrille 4: 0452, 0453, 0459, 0469, Guiñean resolution criticizes 2: 0284 0471,0477 Houphouet-Boigny, Felix•admiration 10:0417 with Ahidjo, Ahmadou 3:0515 invitations with Assogba, Oke 7: 0651 Adoula, Cyrille•to visit U.S. 4: 0416, 0418, 0420, with Bangoura, Karim 9: 0951, 0952, 0956, 0957, 0433 1001 to attend Burundi's independence celebrations with Bourguiba, Habib 12: 0771 11: 0226-0228, 0230, 0295, 0297, 0298 with Calhoun, Chad F. 8:1063 to attend Chadian national day celebration 3:0506

322 Subject Index to attend celebration of 1st anniversary of Ivory Katanga cabinet ministers 3:0740, 0745 Coast independence 10: 0175-0179 Kawawa, Rashid 12: 0154, 0155 to attend Congo (Brazzaville) national day Kayibanda, Grégoire 11: 0195-0197, 0199 celebrations 4: 0057, 0059, 0061, 0062, 0064 Keita, Modibo 10: 0585, 0586, 0613, 0636, 0637, to attend Dahomey's independence celebrations 0668-0670, 0689, 0690, 0692, 0752, 0760, 7:0719,0720,0725-0729 0762-0764, 0773, 0776, 0809, 0810 to attend summit conference with USSR in Congo Loumanza, Albert 5: 0568-0570 (Brazzaville) 3:0980, 0982, 0984 Luthuli, Albert, Jr. 1: 0382, 0384-0386 Bourguiba, Habib, Sr.•to visit U.S. 12: 0671, Macmillan, Harold 4: 0189, 0190 0677, 0699, 0700, 0701, 0702 Maga, Hubert 7: 0613, 0614, 0615, 0730 Houphouet-Boigny, Felix•to visit U.S. 10:0183, Margai, Milton 11:0419 0185,0186,0232,0235 Muhirwa, Andre 11: 0229 Nyerere, Julius•to visit U.S. 12: 0316, 0506, Munongo, Godefroid 3: 0760, 0762 0509,0511,0512 Nkrumah, Kwame 7: 0770, 0778, 0788, 0789, to visit Guinea 9:0591, 0593, 0594, 0596, 0598; 0792, 0812, 0947, 0952, 0953; 8: 0006, 0022, 10: 0152, 0153, 0155, 0158, 0159 0023, 0028, 0033, 0034, 0037, 0038, 0045, to visit Tunisia 12:1106 0134, 0154, 0155, 0157, 0159, 0160, 0169- Johnson, Lyndon B.•delegation to Tanganyikan 0171, 0249, 0250, 0257, 0258, 0263-0265, independence celebrations 12:0058 0410, 0431, 0435, 0452, 0453, 0504, 0539, joint communiqué with Grégoire Kayibanda 11:0258, 0542, 0545, 0547, 0615, 0626, 0649, 0650, 0285 0664, 0667, 0669, 0673, 0705, 0706, 0840, joint communiqué with Julius Nyerere 12: 0371 0845, 0862, 0863, 1051,1053; 9: 0032, 0034, Kayibanda, George•desire to meet with 11: 0236 0054,0066,0067,0104 Kitona conference•terms of 4:0299 Nyerere, Julius 12: 0069, 0071, 0115, 0118, 0205, letters•replies to 0288, 0297, 0303, 0307, 0312, 0313, 0317, from Bourguiba, Habib, Jr. 12:1115-1117 0320, 0332, 0454, 0653, 0658, 0659 from Kawawa, Rashidi 12: 0137, 0139 Nzuzi, Alphonse 4:0695, 0698 from Koinange, Mbiyu 12: 0253, 0256, 0258 Obote, Milton 2: 0274, 0282, 0376 from Nkrumah, Kwame 7:0788, 0789, 0952, 0954; Pinto, Louis I. 7:0626, 0627, 0637, 0641, 0643 8: 0022, 0023, 0028, 0037, 0038, 0159, 0174, president of Ivory Coast and European Association 0537, 0540, 0623, 0667, 0669; 9: 0042, 0043, 10:0420,0422 0047 Roberto, Holden 3: 0387 from Sekou Toure, Ahmed 9: 0566, 0567; 10: 0097 Sekou Toure, Ahmed 2: 0370, 0372; 9: 0566, 0567, from Spaak, Paul-Henri 5: 0244, 0245 0569, 0621, 0717, 0718, 0737,1032, 1035, letters from 1036, 1038-1040, 1044,1048; 10: 0015, 0017, Adoula, Cyrille 3: 0860, 0861 ; 4: 0341, 0351-0354, 0076, 0078, 0091, 0092, 0101, 0106, 0107, 0557, 0596, 0621-0624, 0626, 0738, 0739, 0121,0156-0160 0741, 0917, 0923, 0942; 5: 0015, 0016, 0138, Sithole, Ndabaningi 2: 0124,0125; 10:0962 0140, 0142, 0528-0531, 0580, 0595, 0596, Tanganyikan schoolchildren 12: 0152, 0153 0629, 0630, 0632 Tshombe, Moise 3: 0835-0837, 0849, 0852, 0853, Baluba Rallying Movement 4: 0744, 0745, 0749 0854; 4:0074-0077,0137, 0183, 0185, 0928, Bourguiba, Habib, Jr. 12:1113, 1115-1117,1119 0931, 0943, 0946; 5:0997,1000,1037; 7: 0022 Bourguiba, Habib, Sr. 12:1047 Wine, James W. 10:0461 Carnahan, Albert Sydney Johnson 11: 0417, 0418 Youlou, Fulbert 3:0767, 0768, 0769, 0771, 0772, Dadet, Emmanuel J. 4: 0571, 0573 0979, 0981 ; 4: 0058, 0060, 0063, 0314, 0318, de Lalaing, Josse 4: 0382 0321, 0326, 0328; 5:0018-0020, 0475, 0495 Federation of All African Students 1: 0672 letters to Gizenga, Antoine 3: 0582, 0583 Adoula, Cyrille 3: 0827, 0829, 0830; 4: 0575, 0577, Houphouet-Boigny, Felix 10: 0439, 0444, 0447, 0579-0582, 0585, 0586, 0736, 0979, 0982 0450, 0454 Ahidjo, Ahmadou 4:0146 Julian, Hubert F. 4:0605 Bourguiba, Habib, Sr. 12:0663, 0767, 0774, 0991, Kasavubu, Joseph 3:0988, 0990, 0992; 4: 0213, 1090-1092 0214,0216,0217,0717 Bruce, David K. E. 4: 0640, 0642, 0719 Kasongo, Joseph 4: 0488, 0489, 0491, 0492, 0496 Church, Frank 1: 0106, 0108, 0111

Subject Index 323 Kennedy, John F. cont. with Bangoura, Karim 9: 0959, 0961; 10: 0035 letters to cont. with Bourguiba, Habib, Jr. 12:0704,1111 Cleveland, Harlan 5: 0270, 0272 w'rth Calhoun, Chad F. 8:1048 Cornelis, Joseph 4:0388 with Conte, Seydou 9: 0612, 0972 Dadet, Emmanuel J. 4:0572 with Dahoman goodwill mission 7: 0659, 0661, Dodd, Thomas J. 4: 0862, 0863 0665 Fletcher, Patrick 1:0507 with Guiñean ministerial delegation 9: 0745, 0749, Gullion, Edmund A. 5: 0289, 0291-0293, 0300 0751 Hone, Governor Evelyn 10:0877, 0879 with Habimenshi, Callixte 11:0176 Houphouet-Boigny, Felix 10: 0171, 0187, 0438, with Houphouet-Boigny, Felix 10: 0250, 0251, 0295 0439, 0441, 0442, 0444, 0446, 0450 with Kaiser, Edgar F. 8: 0934, 0937,1048 Kasavubu, Joseph 3: 0825, 0827, 0828, 0831 ; with Kayibanda, Grégoire 11: 0243, 0257, 0276, 4: 0146, 0150, 0187, 0191, 0711, 0713, 0715, 0308, 0311 0720, 0722 with Kennedy, Edward 3:0592 Kayibanda, Grégoire 11: 0300, 0309, 0312, 0313 with Kone, Jean-Marie 10: 0599, 0604, 0608, 0611, Keita, Modibo 10: 0584, 0586, 0608, 0610, 0611. 0616,0617,0802 0629, 0635, 0640, 0666, 0671, 0672, 0765, with Linner, Sture 4: 0555 0767, 0775, 0778, 0779, 0804 with Loeb, James 1.10: 0079 Kuanda, Kenneth 1: 0197; 10:0867, 0870, 0874- with Macmillan, Harold 10: 0964 0876, 0894, 0895, 0900, 0905 with McNamara, Robert•on Angola 3:0106, 0110 Luthuli, Albert J. 1: 0359, 0361, 0387-0391, 0394- with Mobutu, Joseph Desiree 5:0469, 0474, 0482 0396 with Mwami (King) Mwambutsa IV of Burundi McGhee, George C. 5: 0270, 0271 10:1038 Macmillan, Harold 4: 0681 ; 8: 0395 with Nkrumah, Kwame 8: 0053, 0054, 0058, 0066- Maga, Hubert 7: 0611, 0612 0068,0075,0111,0118 Mustapha, Mohammed Sanusi 9: 0701 ; 11: 0399, with Nyerere, Julius 12: 0062, 0066, 0339, 0371, 0401-0403 0454 Nkrumah, Kwame 7: 0766, 0790, 0793, 0942, with Ribeiro, Miguel A. 9: 0273, 0274 0948, 0965; 8: 0149, 0151, 0172, 0173, 0256, with Rusk, Dean•on Angola problem 3: 0106, 0259, 0534, 0535, 0604-0606, 0857; 9: 0063, 0110 0195 with Sekou Toure, Ahmed 9: 0781, 0786, 0787, Nyerere, Julius 12: 0067-0070, 0587, 0647, 0649 0789, 0793-0797, 0801-0804, 0806, 0841 Pinto, Louis I. 7: 0635, 0636 with Slim, Mongi 12: 0667, 0690 Sekou Toure, Ahmed 9: 0701, 0702, 0704, 0708, with Sow, Malick Adam 3: 0499, 0500 0715, 0730, 0733, 0735, 0741, 0759-0761, with Telli, Diallo 10:0033, 0035, 0036, 0037, 0045, 0841, 0940, 0941, 0943, 0982, 0987, 0989, 0061,0068 0990, 0995, 0997, 1012, 1016; 10: 0081, 0089, with Tlmberlake, Clare H. 3: 0573 0095, 0098, 0102, 0110, 0155 with U.S. Negro leaders 1: 0972 Spaak, Paul-Henri 5:0261 with Welensky, Roy 10:1013,1019,1022 Sukarno, Achmed 10: 0640 with Youlou, Fulbert 3:0761, 0773 Tanganyikan schoolchildren 12: 0152-0156, 0158, messages 0159,0161,0163,0165-0168 to Addis Ababa conference on African unity Thant, U 5: 0295, 0296, 0297 2: 0192, 0249, 0261, 0264, 0267, 0268 Williams, G. Mennen 5: 0270, 0273 from Adoula, Cyrille 4: 0528, 0529, 0531, 0532 Youlou, Fulbert 4: 0300, 0338; 5: 0493, 0497 to Adoula, Cyrille 4:0507 luncheon for Ahmed Sekou Toure 9:0809 to African Studies Association 1:0674, 0675 luncheon for Julius Nyerere 12:0641 to Attwood, William•"get well" 9:0667-0669, McGhee, George C.•reply to letter of appreciation 0673, 0674 from 5:0275 to Ben Khedda, Ben Youssef 2: 0912, 0913, 0925, Mali•U.S. assistance program 10: 0786 0928, 0935, 0970 meetings from Boaten, F. E. 9: 0284, 0285 with Adoula, Cyrille 4: 0443, 0448; 5: 0588, 0592, from civilian doctors in Elisabethville, DRC 4: 0301, 0604,0605,0610 0302. 0304 with Appish-Danquah, Martin 9:0274 to Conference of African States on Development of Education 1: 0068, 0069, 0077

324 Subject Index on death of King Tupua Tamasese Mea'ole of to Nyerere, Julius•as president of Tanganyika Samoa 2:0062 12:0189-0191, 0197, 0198, 0200, 0201, 0205, to de Gaulle, Charles 2: 0912, 0913, 0916, 0921 0207-0209, 0226, 0251 from DRC UN delegation 3:0586,0587 on 2nd anniversary of founding of Republic of to Economic Commission for Africa 1: 0032, 0034; Ghana 8:0644, 0645, 0647 2: 0027, 0028 from Sekou Toure, Ahmed•on assumption to on 5th anniversary of Guinea's independence presidency by 9: 0562 10:0139-0142 from Sekou Toure, Ahmed•on race struggle and to Hartke, Vance 1:0868 civil rights march 10: 0122, 0123, 0124, 0126, for international trade fair at Tunis, Tunisia 0133 12: 0981, 0982, 0989,1107,1109,1110 to Sekou Toure, Ahmed 9: 0563, 0564, 0565, 0570, to Kasavubu, Joseph 3: 0577, 0579 0571 from Kasongo, Joseph 3:0555 on Sierra Leone's admission to membership in UN from Kimba, Evariste and Godefroid Munongo 11:0398 4:0175,0176 on 3rd anniversary of Guinea's independence from Mwami (King) Mwambutsa IV of Burundi 9:0693, 0695 11:0376 messages•farewell for Phelps-Stokes Fund 1:0862,0863 Adoula, Cyrille 4: 0480, 0481, 0533 from Sekou Toure, Ahmed 9: 0762; 10: 0060, 0061, Houphouet-Boigny, Felix 10: 0254, 0255, 0258, 0068 0266, 0267 on South Africa's national day 1:0574; 2: 0331- Kayibanda, Grégoire 11: 0269, 0271, 0301 0333 Nyerere, Julius 12: 0371, 0651 to Swart, Charles R. 1: 0085, 0087, 0088 Sekou Toure, Ahmed 9: 0842, 0843, 0889, 0890- from Tshombe, Moise 3: 0580, 0581 0892 to Tshombe, Moise 5: 0784 messages•holiday 4: 0501, 0502; 8: 0967; 9: 0713, for U.S. exhibition at Third Central African Trade 0714; 12:0263, 1100 Fair 1:0380, 0381 messages•replies to for U.S. national exhibition in Guinea 9: 0919, from Bourguiba, Habib, Sr. 12:0665 0920, 0933-0936 from Kayibanda, Grégoire 10:1043 to U.S. trade fair at Accra, Ghana 8:0227, 0229- from Pan-African Freedom Movement of East, 0231 Central, and South Africa conference 5: 0267, to Welensky, Roy 5:0790 0269 messages•congratulatory from Tshombe, Moise 5: 0755 to Boston, H. J. L.•governor-general of Sierra from Youlou, Fulbert 5: 0028, 0029, 0030, 0478, Leone 11: 0414-0416 0496 from Bourguiba, Habib, Sr.•on inauguration of racial segregation 10: 0422 12:0664,0665,0666 request by Pie Masumbuko to call on 11: 0376 to Bourguiba, Habib, Sr.•on marriage of 12:1077, Sekou Toure, Ahmed•remarks on U.S. 9:1042, 1078, 1080-1082 1052; 10:0010, 0011 Chadian 3: 0509-0511, 0513 South Africa to Dormán, Maurice•inauguration of 11: 0384 arms embargo against 11:0494 on establishment of Republic of Tanganyika submarine sales to 2: 0071 12: 0197, 0198, 0200, 0201, 0205, 0207-0209, UN security meeting 11: 0449 0221,0223,0251 statements on 1st anniversary of Burundi's independence on arrival of Julius Nyerere in U.S. 12: 0371 11:0378 on DRC situation 7: 0978,1004 on 1st anniversary of Sierra Leone's independence on official U.S. policy on bombing in Birmingham, 11:0406,0408,0410 Alabama 12: 0361 on independence of Rwanda and Burundi on signing of Franco-Algerian cease-fire 11: 0067, 0074-0077, 0239 agreement 2: 0923, 0930 on independence of Sierra Leone 11: 0387-0389, during visit of Felix Houphouet-Boigny 10:0375 0390, 0391 Strategy of Peace 1: 0116, 0234, 0235, 0412, 0413; on independence of Tanganyika 12:0100-0103, 9:0619 0106-0108 talking paper for Libyan Crown Prince Hassan's visit 10:0487

Subject Index 325 Kennedy, John F. cont. Khrushchev, Niklta talking paper for Thomas J. Dodd's visit 4: 0066 Accra World Peace Assembly 8:0616 telegrams to attend summit conference with U.S. in Congo from Bourguiba, Habib, Sr. 12: 0775, 0776 (Brazzaville) 3: 0982, 0984 from Cornelis, Joseph 4:0363-0365 letter from Fulbert Youlou 3:0974, 0976 from [?] Croquez 4:0366, 0367, 0369 message from Kwame Nkrumah on dismantling of from Denise, Auguste 10: 0478 missile bases 8: 0858 from government of South Kasai province 4:0627, message to Addis Ababa conference 2: 0280 0628, 0630 Klbangou, Marcel from Kayibanda, Grégoire 10:1043,1044,1046, biographical sketch of 3:0866 1047 KIEV radio station from Keita, Modibo 10:0761, 0768 program on Katanga 6:0937 from Massamba-Oebat, Alphonse 5:0549-0551, Kigali, Rwanda 0553 establishment of U.S. embassy at 11:0039 from Mutakawadiloma, Charles 4: 0386, 0389- foreign diplomatic missions at 11:0058 0391,0393,0535 impressions of 11: 0120 from president of Katanga national assembly Manbey, David•report on conditions at 11:0134 6:0134 Kimba, Evaristo from Sekou Toure, Ahmed 9: 0694, 0695, 0719, Adoula-Tshombe talks 6:0883 0755, 0757, 0758, 0764, 0942, 0945; 10: 0125, draft of DRC federal constitution 7:0049 0128 forwards message from U.S. to Moise Tshombe from Siryuyumunsi, Thaddee 11:0372-0374 7:0582 from Sow, Malick Adam 3: 0512 and Katanga 6: 0384; 7: 0409, 0464, 0504, 0583, from Tshombe, Moise 4: 0725-0727; 5: 0731 0585, 0589 to Tshombe, Moise 5: 0750 letter from Eliua Wambe Mathu 6:1091 thanks Modibo Keita for courtesies extended to letter from Robert Gardiner 7:0017 Edward Kennedy and U.S. Senate delegation lettertoUThant6:1076 10:0584,0586 message to Dwight D. Eisenhower 4: 0607, 0611 U.S. embassy, Accra suggests sending birthday message to Kennedy 4:0175,0176 greetings to Kwame Nkrumah 9: 0507, 0510 requests clarification of remarks by U Thant 6: 0369 Volta River project 8:0148, 0153, 0162, 0197, 0383, Union Miniere du Haut Katanga 5:1006 0502 US Information Agency cultural and information center Williams, G. Mennen•support for 1:0038 in Elisabethville 6:0916 Kennedy, Robert R visit to Belgium 5:1004 discussions with Felix Houphouet-Boigny 10:0196 King, Martin Luther, Jr. represents U.S. at Ivory Coast Independence Day to appear before UN Apartheid Committee 11: 0424 ceremonies 10: 0181, 0187 King, R. G. O. Kenya appointment with Kennedy 11:0392 boycott of G. Mennen Williams's visit to 1: 0891 Kirk, Alan Common Market delegations 12:0241 Kitona agreement 5:0991 elections in 12:0231 mission to Belgium 5:1039,1050, 1097; 6: 0019, Kenyatta, Jomo•importance in 10:1051 0021 prospects for peace in 10:1048 and Union Miniere du Haut Katanga 5:1030,1050, security of Allen J. Eilender during visit 1: 0899 1077, 1080 U.S.Air Force disaster in 12: 0131-0133, 0137-0139 visit to Katanga 5:1032 Kenyatta, Jomo Kitenge, Gabriel importance in Kenya of 10:1051 threat to arrest foreign consuls in Katanga 7:0464, proposed visit to U.S. 10:1048 0476 requests invitation to visit U.S. 10:1050,1053, 1055 Kitona agreement Khiary (Khlari), Mahmoud allegations that U.S. ambassador was author of influence on Cyrille Adoula on DRC military initiative in 5:0901 Katanga 6:0320 British views on 5: 0988 remarks on DRC situation 7: 0143 concerns about 5: 0906; 6:0004 draft resolution on 6:0171

326 Subject Index evaluation and comment on 5:0878 Klutznick, Philip M. implementation of 5: 0861, 0910, 0916, 0924, 0939, visit to DRC 3: 0791 0943, 0970,1010,1100; 6: 0012, 0071, 0103 Koinange, Mbiyu implementation of, and U.S. 5: 0001, 0905, 0922, Kennedy's reply to letter from 12: 0253, 0256, 0258 0968, 0989,1019; 6:0008, 0044 Kolwezi, DRC Katanga assembly and approval of 4:0306, 0307, UN air attack on 5: 0146 0309, 0311; 5:0941,1043 Kone, Jean-Marie Katanga "committee report" on 6: 0032 letter of introduction from Modibo Keita for 10:0809 Katangese reaction to 5:0908 meeting with Kennedy 10: 0599, 0604, 0608, 0611, Kennedy's review of terms of 4:0299 0616,0617,0802 official text of 5: 0873 visit to U.S. 10: 0590, 0592, 0605, 0610, 0613, 0629, pressure on Moise Tshombe by extremists to renege 0635, 0636 on 5: 0965 Kongolo, DRC success of 5:0999 DRC attack on Katangese position at 4:0972 support for 5: 0860, 0929, 0977, 0991 Katangese agression against 6:0241 and U.S. Kouilou dam project discussions with Cyrille Adoula on 5:0958,1025 general 3: 0866 State Department ideas on substance of 5:0848 Youlou, Fulbert•plans for 9:0611 statement on 5: 0876 Kraft, Joseph view of Katangan Assembly's competence to appointment as U.S. ambassador to Tunisia 10: 0191 discuss 5: 0972 Krim, Belkacem Welensky, Roy•urges Moise Tshombe to accept recriminations with Tunisian government 12:1017 5: 0940; 6: 0020 Krishna Menen, V. K. Kltona conference opinion of Modibo Keita's performance at Belgrade arrangements for 5: 0791, 0827-0829, 0843 Conference of Non-Aligned Nations 10: 0638 cease-fire at Katanga during 5:0842 Krock, Arthur British agree to guarantee security of Moise Tshombe criticizes U.S. voting in UN 5: 0233 at 5: 0805 Kronacker, Baron [?] DRC government participants at 5:0844 famine and bloodshed in Kivu province, DRC 6:0128 first day of 5: 0842 Kuanda, Kenneth Katangese cabinet repudiates points agreed to by appointment with Kennedy 10:1001 Moise Tshombe at 5:0897 discusses situation in Central Africa 10:0897 negotiations at 5: 0805, 0821, 0847, 0853, 0866 discussions with Ralph A. Dungan 10: 0896 Tshombe, Moise letter from Kennedy 10: 0867, 0870, 0874-0876, accuses Edmund A. Gullion of interference with 0894, 0895, 0900, 0905 5:1037 letter to Kennedy 1:0197 concessions made by 5: 0863 trip to UN 10: 0994 departure for 5:0839 U.S. reply to message from 10:0865, 0868 to meet Cyrille Adoula at 5: 0812 visit to U.S. 10: 0895, 0900, 0905, 0999 transportation to 5: 0830, 0835, 0838 Kumi, Ayeh U.S. negotiations for transfer of gold mines from British informed that accord reached at 5: 0872 companies to Ghanaian government 8: 0479 interest in successful outcome of 5: 0773 reaction to U.S. decision to participate in Volta River thanks British and Rhodesian governments for project in Ghana 8: 0454 Moise Tshombe's presence at 5: 0920 Kyaruzi, [?] use of Katanga tax collection plan to force Moise dismissal of 12:0333 Tshombe to implement 6:0440 Labor Kivu province, DRC U.S. task force considers programs for African attempted takeover by Antoine Gizenga 5: 0785, 1:0606 0797, 0800 Labor assistance programs, U.S. famine and bloodshed in 6:0128 in DRC 6:1020 Kiwanuka, Benedicto Labor unions visit to U.S. 1: 0334 general strike in DRC 6:0530 unrest in DRC 5: 0615, 0616

Subject Index 327 Lalaing, Josse de meeting letter to Kennedy 4: 0382 with Adoula, Cyrille 5: 0902 Lawless, William J. with Kennedy 4: 0555 biographical sketch of 8: 0596 with Tshombe, Moise 6:0103, 0152 discussions with Ghanaian officials on anti-Western new duties in Middle East 5:1074 press attacks 8: 0761 reassignment to Brussels, Belgium 6: 0548 Lebanon U.S. aid to DRC 5:1093 urged by U.S. not to export aircraft to Qatar 5:1018 Loeb, James I. Legum, Colin appointed U.S. ambassador to Guinea 10: 0027 articles on situation in Ghana 7: 0827, 0829, 0834 appointment with Kennedy 10:0086, 0087 Lenin Peace Prize biographical sketch of 10:0085 awarded to Kwame Nkrumah 9: 0312 expresses Kennedy's appreciation for message from Leonhart, William Ahmed Sekou Toure 10:0121 appointment with Kennedy 12:0180 letter of introduction from Kennedy 10: 0081, 0089, biographical sketch of 12: 0181 0095,0102,0110 delivers message from Kennedy to Julius Nyerere meeting with Kennedy 10: 0079 12:0213 London Dally Telegraph Kennedy's personal representative to Tanganyikan attacks activities of U.S. Consulate General in Republic Day ceremonies 12: 0202,0204, 0210, Salisbury, Rhodesia 10:0911 0212,0214 London Observer presentation of credentials by 12:0183, 0185, 0186 articles on situation in Ghana 7:0827, 0829, 0834 Leopold vil le, DRC Louisiana martial law established in 5:0615 hurricane disaster in 10:0666, 0669, 0671, 0672 Liberia Loumanza, Albert Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems letter to Kennedy 5:0568 in 1:0773 personal appeal to Kennedy for financial aid 5:0569, economic development in 1: 0889 0570 proposal for greater participation in support of DRC Lubilash Bridge settlement by 7: 0110 mined for destruction if DRC army threatens invasion reaction to U.S. approval of Volta River project in 7: 0581 Ghana 8: 0424 reopening of 7: 0057, 0388, 0420, 0477, 0534, 0578 Libya Lumumba, Patrice background data on 10:0487 arrest of 7: 0770 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems assassination of 7: 0966, 0972; 9: 0016, 0227, 0567, in 1:0749. 0773 0569 foreign policy with Tunisia 12: 0780 legal and constitutional position of 3: 0567 petroleum industry in 10: 0487 release of 7:0937 reaction to U.S. decision to sell Hawk missiles to Stevenson, Adlai E.•statement on the death of Israel 10: 0487 3: 0588, 0589, 0590,0591 role in Algerian situation 2:0754 visit to U.S. 3: 0640 U.S. military assistance to 10: 0487 Lundula, Victor U.S. technical and economic assistance to 10:0487 in Albertville to stop Katangese aggression against Wheelus Air Force Base in 10: 0487 Kongolo 6: 0241 Lincoln University views on Katanga problem 7:0322 Bowles, Chester•address to 9: 0232 Luthuli, Albert J. Lincoln University African Student Center biographical data on 1:0397 report on 1:0625, 0626 discussions with 2:0251 Linner, Sture letter from Kennedy 1:0359, 0361, 0387-0389, 0390, biographical sketch of 4:0556 0391,0394-0396 discussion on possible Katangese government letter to Kennedy 1:0382, 0384-0386 movement on Elisabethville air field 5: 0659 meeting with Joseph C. Satterthwaite 2: 0252 discussions with Cyrille Adoula 5: 0667 message of congratulations from Jawaharlal Nehru 1:0392 message of congratulations from Julius Nyerere 1:0392

328 Subject Index South African reaction to winning of Nobel Peace Macmlllan, Harold Prize by 1:0399 letter from Kennedy 4: 0681 ; 8: 0282, 0395 travel plans of 1: 0393 letter to Kennedy 4: 0189, 0190 MacArthur, Douglas, II meeting with Kennedy 10: 0964 statement on Belgian contribution to DRC 6:0525 meeting with Rashidi Kawawa and Milton Obote McGhee, Gsorge C. 12: 0231 briefing by UN on military situation in Katanga 7:0097 Rusk, Dean•reply to letter on DRC from 6: 0660 controversial speech by 5:1072 Welensky, Roy•blamed for failure of Federation of departure for Elisabethville 7: 0069 Rhodesia and Nyasaland 10:0989 discussions McNamara, Robert S. with Adoula, Cyrille 6: 0172; 7: 0086 Angola problem 3: 0106, 0110 with Bomboko, Justin 5: 0005 U.S. position on South Africa 11: 0642, 0668; with Dean, John 6: 0803 12:0604 on DRC situation 5: 0023; 7:0097, 0520 Madagascar with Gardiner, Robert 7: 0292 see Malagasy Republic evaluation of DRC situation 6:0631 ; 7:0600 Maga, Hubert letters•from Adoula, Cyrille 7: 0519, 0552 antigovernment demonstrations 7:0742 letters•from Kennedy 5: 0270,0271 criticism of U.S. at entente meeting 7:0708 meetings•with Dodd, Thomas J. 5:1099 dissolution of government of 7:0746, 0748, 0749, meetings•with members of European community in 0754 Katanga 7: 0131, 0135 financial aid offer to 7: 0699, 0700 ordered to return to DRC by Kennedy 4: 0936 invited to visit USSR 7: 0701 possible trips to DRC and Katanga 4:0993 invites Kennedy to attend Dahomey's Independence reply to Kennedy's letter of appreciation 5: 0275 Day celebrations 7:0719, 0720, 0725-0729 report on mission to DRC 4: 0938, 0940 letter from Kennedy 7:0611, 0612 report on principal DRC-Katanga developments letter to Kennedy 7: 0613-0615, 0730 7: 0296 possible political developments against 7: 0621 reviews U.S. position on DRC with Louis Scheyven proposed visit to U.S. 7:0618, 0623, 0629, 0702, 5:1065 0713, 0714, 0716, 0731, 0733, 0734 and Tshombe, Moise resignation of 7: 0746, 0747 letters from 4: 0920; 7: 0261, 0265, 0270, 0352 trip to northern Dahomey 7: 0756 letters to 4:0880, 0887, 0975; 7:0556 Maghreb states meetings with 7:0086, 0093, 0100, 0128, 0129, political relations and problems within 2: 0631 0245,0251,0292 Mahamba, Alexandre rebuked for release of minutes of conversations New Year's greeting to Kennedy 4: 0501, 0502 7: 0566 Mahoney, William P., Jr. talks with 7: 0140, 0172, 0300, 0331, 0382, 0568 appointment with Kennedy 8:0594, 0831 ; 9: 0548 U.S. policy on DRC 6: 0598 biographical sketch of 8: 0595, 0832; 9: 0549 visit to Belgium 4: 0993 delivers Kennedy's letter to Kwame Nkrumah 9: 0063 Mcllvaine, Robinson discussions appointment with Kennedy 7: 0616, 0704 with Dei-Anang, Michael F. 9: 0065 arrives in Washington, D.C., for consultations 7:0736 with Kennedy 9: 0553, 0555, 0557, 0558 biographical data on 7: 0705, 0737 of Kennedy with Edgar F. Kaiser and Chad F. discussions with Christophe Soglo 7: 0757 CalhounS: 1063 McKay, Vernon with Nkrumah, Kwame 8: 0663; 9: 0104, 0280 meeting with Kwame Nkrumah 8: 0968, 0969 Ghana•U.S. ambassador to 8:0604-0606, 0615, McKeown, Sean 0650 actions of Ethiopian UN contingent 5:0961 Ghanaian media attacks on U.S. 8:0759 strategy for Elisabethville campaign 5:0690 Ghanaian press attack on 8:0944 Macleod, lain impressions of G. Mennen Williams's trip to Ghana statement on British financial assistance to 9: 0282 Tanganyika 12: 0088

Subject Index 329 Mahoney, William P., Jr. cont. Manpower conference Nkrumah, Kwame Ghana refuses U.S. invitation to attend 8: 0688 credentials presented to 8:0610 possible attendance of Ahmed Sekou Toure at meeting with 8:0654, 0741, 0825,1063; 9:0024, 9:0807, 0808 0030, 0542 Margal, Albert reply to message on assassination attempt from appointment with Kennedy 11: 0392 8: 0720 Margal, Milton visit to Guinea Press 8: 0872 appointment with Kennedy 11: 0397 Maiga, Abdoulaye Kennedy's congratulatory message appointment with Kennedy 10:0714 on 1st anniversary of independence of 11: 0406, biographical sketch of 10: 0715 0409, 0410 Malagasy Republic on independence of Sierra Leone 11: 0387, 0389 observations on 1:0199 on Sierra Leone's admission to membership in UN Malaya 11:0398 asked by UN not to withdraw military contingent from Kennedy's gift to 11:0386 DRC 7: 0547 letter to Kennedy 11: 0419 reduction of UN contingent in DRC 7:0231 visit to U.S. 11:0396 withdrawal of UN contingent from DRC 7:0239 Mang'enya, Erasto Mali biographical sketch of 12: 0371 balance of payments deficits 10: 0745 Massamba-Debat, Alphonse Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems biographical sketch of 5: 0547 in 1:0737 presidency of Congo (Brazzaville) 5:0543 cabinet reorganization in 10: 0753 telegram to Kennedy 5: 0549, 0550, 0551, 0553 closing of U.S. cultural center in 10: 0681, 0693, 0700 Masumbuko, Pie currency and monetary reform 10:0732,0734, 0736, message to Kennedy from Mwami (King) Mwambutsa 0738 IV 11:0376 diplomatic personnel denied exemption from customs Mathu, Eliud Wambe duties and taxes 10: 0750 criticizes Indian UN troops for wanting to fight with economic situation 10:0749 Katangese 7:0472 financial negotiations with France 10: 0732, 0738, letter from Moise Tshombe 4: 0905 0742, 0793 letter to Evariste Kimba 6:1091 financial situation in 10: 0747 Mauritania French government staff•fate of 10:0744 admission to UN 3: 0763, 0866 incidents in U.S.•racial 9: 0680,0685; 10:0674, Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems 0676, 0680 in 1:0737 internal politics of 10:0600, 0716 Mboya, Tom international relations 10: 0600 comments on Julius Nyerere's visit to U.S. 12: 0549 relations with U.S. 10: 0600, 0613, 0648, 0655, 0700, protests statements by Allen J. Eilender 1: 0874, 0881 0711 Mea'ole, Tupua Tamasese and U.S. death of 2: 0062 accomplishments in 10: 0621 illness of 2: 0061 AID program review in 10: 0704 Media military aircraft in withdrawal of 10:0700 see Press; names of specific newspapers, etc. military assistance program in 10: 0721, 0724, Mensah, J. H. 0783, 0786, 0795 discussions with David B. Bohlen 9: 0269, 0270 policy in 10:0625 Mercenaries presidential determination on 10:0780, 0782, 0783 allegations that Moise Tshombe increasing strength of reply to protest note on Michel Collet from 9:0686 6:0744 shipment of police arms for 10: 0589 police and security files on 6: 0602 supports Mali's case for quota from IMF 10:0783 Thant, U•emphasis on 6:0188 Manbey, David use in Katanga of 4: 0878 report on conditions at Kigali, Rwanda 11:0134 Merchant, Livingston T. discussions on status of multilateral force 9: 0268

330 Subject Index Meredith, James Malian government policy of 10: 0736 Ghana offers educational facilities to 9: 0065 negotiations between France and Mali on 10: 0738 Katangese press comments on case of 7: 0053 "Monrovia group" repercussions of incident involving 7: 0284 meeting of foreign ministers of 8:0679, 0707 Methodists Moor, Carol C. arrest of missionaries in Angola 3: 0295, 0296 discussions with Charles E. Johnson 5: 0565 Middle East Morocco financing of UN operations in 5:0233, 0259 Algerian refugees in 2: 0984 Linner, Sture•appointed UN special representative in attempted assassination of Kwame Nkrumah 8: 0780 5:1074 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems Mikoyan, Anastas in 1:0749 visit to Ghana 8:0484 conflict with Algeria 9: 0542, 0544 Military assistance program, U.S. effectiveness of troops in UN military forces in DRC in Mali 10: 0783, 0786, 0795 5:0967 use of equipment in Portuguese Africa 3: 0132, 0260 extradition of Lebanese traders from 9:0912 Military training, African Nkrumah, Kwame•message from 9: 0546 U.S. policies on 1:0506 relations with Tunisia 12:1112 Missionaries shipment of medical supplies to Tunisia 12:1060 arrest in Angola of 3:0295, 0296 U.S. bases in 1:0106 flights in Katanga by 6:1061 Morris, Brewster H. Portuguese harrassment of operations in appointment with Kennedy 3:0544, 0546 Mozambique 10:0832, 0834 biographical sketch of 3:0545 supplies to outlying stations in Katanga 6:1046, 1047, Moss, Frank 1062 asks to be member of U.S. delegation to Tanganyikan Mitra statement independence celebrations 12: 0047 UN denial of 5:1028 Motion Picture Export Association of America Moanda, Vital (MPEAA) agreement with Moise Tshombe 7: 0220, 0222 dispute with Tunisian government on film tax 12: 0678 Mobil Corporation Mouvement Pour L'independence et Resistance deadline for paying Katangese income tax 6:0847 (MIR) decides not to form Katangese subsidiary 6:1059 calls for support of Moise Tshombe and resistance to Mobutu, Joseph Desiree UN 5:0741 biographical sketch of 5: 0467 Mozambique cancellation of trip to Brussels and London 6: 0841 Addis Ababa conference 10: 0830 discussions with Kennedy 5:0479, 0480, 0487, 0511 assessment of Portuguese rule in 10:0838 letter to UN on training DRC army 6: 0279 background paper on 12:0371 meeting with Colonel[?] Greene on training of DRC conditions in 10:0817 army 6:0840 independence of 12: 0274 meeting with Kennedy 5: 0469, 0474, 0482 memo on 2:0170; 10: 0816 ordered by Cyrille Adoula not to go to Brussels nationalist training camps in Tanganyika 12: 0336 6:0838 political situation in 10: 0817; 12: 0288, 0294, 0299, request for Belgian military mission 6:0546 0303,0307,0313 UN and 3: 0640 Portuguese campaign of harassment against U.S. Mokaddem, Sadok missionary operations in 10: 0832, 0834 discussions with Walt W. Rostow 12: 0759 prospects for nationalism and revolt in 2: 0171 situation at Bizerte 12:1006,1026,1058 racial problems in 1: 0579 visit to Libya 12:0780 threat posed by continued Portuguese rule in Mond lane, Eduardo 12:0277 independence of Mozambique 12: 0274 U.S. efforts to prevent recurrance of Angolan situation memorandum on situation in Mozambique 10:0816 in 3: 0359 Monetary reform Mozambique Liberation Front letter from Paul-Henri Spaak to Cyrille Adoula on Portuguese officials and arms purchased for 12: 0357 5:0537 terrorist campaign to attract attention to struggle against Portuguese rule 10:0835

Subject Index 331 Mozón, R. J. National Security Council, U.S. discussions with U.S. on world without the bomb actions on Ghana 8:0367 8: 0574 meeting on Volta River project in Ghana 8: 0422 Mpakaniye, Lazare NATO presentation of credentials by 11:0346 and Angolan situation 3:0326, 0328, 0330, 0332 Muhlrwa, Andre discussion of Berlin Crisis 4: 0127 and Burundi 11:0029, 0227, 0242,0298 U.S. discussions with Paul-Henri Spaak on 5: 0246 letter to Kennedy 11: 0229 Naude, Willem C. letter to Paul-Henri Spaak 11: 0334 discussions with Dean Rusk 2:0616 speech by 11:0115 discussions with U. Alexis Johnson 11: 0467 U.S. urges clemency for assassins of Prince Louis Ndele, Albert Rwagasore11:0339 accompanies Cyrille Adoula on trip to U.S. 4: 0035 withdrawal of Belgian troops 11: 0029 Ndenzako, Leon Mulokozi, Bernard presentation of credentials by 11: 0380 biographical sketch of 12:0371 Ndwaniye, [?] Multilateral force (MLF) biographical sketch of 11:0266 status of 9: 0268 Negroes, U.S. Munanka, I. M. Bhoke Ghanaian press attacks on 9:0155, 0160, 0162, biographical sketch of 12:0371 0165,0168,0179 Munongo, Godefroid leaders meet with Kennedy 1:0972 letter to Kennedy 3: 0760, 0762; 4: 0175, 0176 Nehru, B. K. obstructionism of 6:0374 DRC situation 6: 0631 Mustapha, Mohammed Sanusi Nehru, Jawaharlal appointment with Kennedy 11: 0392 concern on UN efforts in the DRC 3: 0633 letter from Kennedy 9: 0701 ; 11: 0399, 0401, 0402, discussions with Dean Rusk on DRC 3: 0632 0403 letter from Cyrille Adoula 4:0596 Mutakawadiloma (Mutaka), Charles message to Albert Luthuli 1: 0392 status of 6: 0427 Nemchina, [?] telegrams to Kennedy 4: 0386, 0389, 0390, 0391, expresses doubts on U Thant's DRC peace plan 0393, 0535 7: 0074 Mwambutsa IV (Mwaml of Burundi) Nendaka, Victor Kennedy's congratulatory message on 1st political showdown between Cyrille Adoula and 5:0744 anniversary of independence of Burundi 11:0378 Neocolonialism Kennedy's congratulatory message on independence Ghanaian Times charges U.S. with inventing 9: 0227 of Burundi 11:0077 Newsweek meeting with Kennedy 10:1038 article on CIA domination of U.S. student exchange message to Kennedy 11: 0376 program 9: 0171, 0175 postpones visit to U.S. 11: 0211 New Times speech by 11:0114 article attacking U.S. Peace Corps 8:0957 U.S. inquiry on desire to have only minister accredited New York Times to U.S. rather than ambassador 11: 0240 inquiry on DRC mission to purchase aircraft from U.S. U.S. urges clemancy for assassins of Prince Louis and Great Britain 6: 0280 Rwagasore11:0339 Ngalula, Joseph visit to Uganda 11: 0331 Adoula, Cyrille•instructions to 7:0153 visit to U.S. 10:1042, 1059, 1060; 11: 0091, 0095, disaffection of Katangese population and gendarmerie 0103,0231,0304 7:0291 Nairay, Guy DRC peace plan implementation 7:0051 biographical sketch of 10: 0340 Katanga cease-fire agreement 7:0197, 0498 Nasser, Gamal Abdel paper on foreign exchange and revenues 7: 0215 discussions with U.S. on DRC situation 5:0891 Ngendandumwe, Pierre National Rural Community Development Program prime minister of Burundi 11: 0372, 0373 in Colombia 9: 0820, 0823, 0826 Niger International Cooperation Administration aid to 10:0687

332 Subject Index Nigeria with Randall, Clarence B.•on Volta River project attempted assassination of Kwame Nkrumah 8:0762 8:0287,0412 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems with Russell, Francis•on Volta River project in 1:0755 8:0287,0412 Ghana's involvement in importation of illegal arms into on Sekou Toure, Ahmed•dealings with USSR 8: 0826 8: 0500 military situation in 2:0075 with Shriver, R. Sargent 9: 0181 support of DRC settlement by 7:0110 with U.S. 8: 0058; 9: 0134 Nkomo, Joshua with U.S. on Cuban Missile Crisis 8:0839, 0845, arrival in Salibury, Rhodesia 2:0438 0863 results of rift with Ndabaningi Sithole faction in ZAPU with Williams, G. Mennen 9: 0280 10:1007 domestic opposition to 9: 0248 Nkrumah, Kwame and DRC 7: 0770, 0773, 0939, 0978, 0986, 0991, activities at Addis Ababa conference 2:0353 0994, 1004, 1007, 1014,1019,1020; 8: 0055, Accra•Colombo conference meeting at 9:0543 0059, 0837 Accra•U.S. embassy 8: 0803, 0951 Eilender, Allen J.•comments on 1:0885 Accra World Peace Assembly 8:0611, 0616 evaluation of 9: 0152, 0491 African heads of state's comments on 8:0953 goals 7: 0785 African parliament•proposal for bicameral 9:0124 Iraqi revolution interview 9: 0223 African states and Common Market 8:0823 Kaiser Industries Corporation and Valco smelter African students in USSR 8: 0576 8:0492 African unity ideas 8:0501 Kennedy assassination attempt•after 8: 0712, 0782 appointment with 8: 0074 assassination attempt on 8: 0681, 0682, 0693, 0696, discussions with 8: 0105, 0124, 0125 0707, 0708, 0718, 0720, 0734, 0737, 0738, 0742, letters from 7: 0766, 0790, 0793, 0942, 0948, 0751, 0752, 0754, 0762, 0770, 0780, 0894, 0949, 0965; 8: 0149, 0151, 0172, 0173, 0256, 0259, 0960, 0974,1043; 9:0488, 0494 0534, 0535, 0537, 0540, 0604-0606, 0857; assassination of Patrice Lumumba 7: 0966 9:0063,0195 attacks East African Federation 9:0498 letters to 7:0770, 0778, 0792, 0812, 0947, 0953; birthday message to•Kennedy 9:0507,0510 8: 0006, 0033, 0034, 0045, 0134, 0154, 0155, British view of activities of 9: 0312 0157, 0160, 0169, 0170, 0249, 0250, 0257, and China-India dispute 9: 0259 0258, 0263-0265, 0410, 0431, 0435, 0452, civil rights address and march in U.S.•films of 0453,0504,0539,0542,0545,0547,0615, 9:0506, 0509 0626, 0649, 0650, 0664, 0667, 0669, 0673, civil rights program of U.S. 9:0508 0705, 0706, 0840, 0845, 0862, 0863,1051, cold war and Africa 8:0164 1053; 9: 0032, 0034, 0054, 0066, 0067, 0104 compared with Thomas Jefferson 8:0416-0418 meetings with 8: 0053, 0054, 0058, 0066-0068, compliments U.S. for condemning OAS atrocities in 0075,0111,0118 Algeria 8: 0630, 0631, 0635, 0637 messages from 8:0644, 0645, 0647 contingencies in event of death or removal from office Lenin Peace Prize 9:0312 of 8: 0819, 1024,1025 letters discussions to Black, Eugene•requesting World Bank adviser with Calhoun, Chad F. 8: 0195, 0553,1032,1035, 8:0488 1036; 9: 0073, 0110, 0121, 0722 to Calhoun, Chad F. 9: 0034 with Carter, George 8: 0559 from Kaiser, Edgar 9: 0049 on false charges against CIA in The Spark 9:0150 to Stevenson, Adlai E. 7:0937 with Fleming, Robert 8: 0562 on U.S. resumption of nuclear testing 8: 0627, with Hassan, Crown Prince Moulay 7:0963 0631 with Kaiser, Edgar 8:1032,1035,1036 Liberia•delegation to 8: 0679 with Mahoney, William P., Jr. 8:0663; 9:0104, Mahoney, William P., Jr.•presents credentials to 0280 8:0610 on Morocco-Algeria conflict 9:0544 Mahoney, William P., Jr.•requests appointment with on Nydell-Davis persona non grata cases 8:1004, 8: 0741 1010; 9: 0036, 0098

Subject Index 333 Nkrumah, Kwame cont. views and attitudes of 9: 0269, 0270 meetings visits to U.S. 7:1016, 1017; 8: 0023, 0028, 0038, with Bowles, Chester 8: 0864 0050, 0053. 0057, 0122, 0129 with Calhoun, Chad F. 7:1011; 8:0186,1030; visits with G. Mennen Williams 8: 0235, 0240 9:0126 World Bank advice requested 8: 0617 with Houphouet-Boigny, Felix 10: 0468, 0594 see also Ghana; Volta River project with Kaiser, Edgar F. 8:1064 Nogueira, Franco with Kaiser Industries Corporation representatives and Angola 3: 0011, 0277, 0444, 0446 9: 0301 appearance before North Atlantic Council 3: 0292 with Keita, Modibo 10: 0468, 0594 letter to Dean Rusk 3:0300 with McKay, Vernon 8: 0968, 0969 and Portuguese difficulties in Africa 3:0022, 0025, with Mahoney, William P., Jr. 8:0654, 0825,1063; 0026, 0092, 0272, 0297 9: 0024, 0030, 0542 Nonallgnment with Randall, Clarence B. 8: 0287, 0383,0404, Addis Ababa conference resolution on 2:0310 0409 of Ghana 8:0246 with Russell, Francis 8: 0383 Nordic Council with Sekou Toure, Ahmed 10: 0468, 0594 Nyerere, Julius•invitation to visit capitals of 12:0338 with U.S. congressional delegation 8:0276 North Africa messages economic and functional cooperation in 2:0631 to Algeria 9: 0546 military relationships in 2: 0631 to Hammarskjold, Dag 7:0994,1000 relations with Europe and Soviet bloc 2: 0631 from Kaiser, Edgar F. 8: 0955, 0956 U.S. interests and prospects in 2:0631 to Khrushchev, Nikita•on dismantling of missile North Atlantic Council (NAC) bases 8: 0858 Angolan "rapporteur" problem at 3:0363 from Mahoney, William P., Jr. 8: 0720 charges of U.S. aid to Angolan terrorists 3: 0010 to Morocco 9: 0546 Nogueira, Franco•appearance before 3:0292 on U.S. condemnation of OAS atrocities in Algeria U.S. response to Portuguese presentation at 3:0356 8: 0622 Norway New Year's greetings to Kennedy 8:0967 resolution on apartheid in UN Security Council nuclear testing•U.S. 8:0632, 0636-0638, 0663, 12:0034 0664, 0667, 0669, 0673, 0705, 0706 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and Peace Corps 8: 0898, 0914; 9: 0486 efforts of F. E. Boaten to conclude 9:0283, 0286 political asylum for Antoine Gizenga 6:0503 letter from Kwame Nkrumah to Kennedy on 9:0067 pro-Soviet statements by 7: 0820 proposed Moscow conference to discuss 9:0285 speeches Nuclear testing general 2: 0194, 0318 underground•Ghanaian UN resolution on to Second Conference of African Journalists suspension of 8: 0861 9: 0550 U.S. welcoming Leonid Brezhnev 7: 0998 decision to resume 8: 0548 triptoUSSR9:0312 discussions on 8: 0663 UN efforts 8: 0135 Ghanaian protest of 8: 0564, 0566, 0637, 0654, UN General Assembly•plans to attend 8:0023, 0658, 0664, 0667, 0669, 0673, 0674, 0676, 0028, 0038 0705, 0706 and U.S. resumption of 8: 0623, 0627, 0631 correspondence with•propaganda 8:0015 statement on 8:0671 protests Ghanaian press attacks on Negroes to suspend high altitude 8: 0632, 0636, 0638 8: 0884; 9: 0179 USSR discussions 8: 0663 reply to letter to Kennedy 7: 0788, 0789,0952, Nyasaland 0954; 8: 0022, 0023, 0028, 0037, 0038, 0159, deficit of 10:0882 0174, 0537, 0540, 0623, 0667, 0669; 9:0042, future of 12:0144 0043, 0047 UN resolution granting independence to 12: 0140 and shipment of jet aircraft to Katanga to 8:0017 and status of Kwame Nkrumah 9: 0053 USSR and liberation of Africa 8: 0137

334 Subject Index Nydall, Carl as president of Tanganyika 12: 0227, 0235 Ghanaian government proposal for economic "brain trust" in Tanganyika asks for recall of 8: 0976, 0980, 0983, 0984, 0990, 12:0170,0175 1002 requests that no representatives of Portuguese or presents charges against 8: 0983, 0984 South African governments attend any social reconsiders case against 8: 0997 events held in his honor 12:0539 and Nkrumah, Kwame 8:1010; 9:0036, 0098 resignation as prime minister of Tanganyika 12:0127, persona non grata case 8: 0988, 0990, 0994, 0998, 0128 1003,1005, 1017,1020, 1030; 9:0145, 0148, and Southern Africa 12:0297, 0585 0151 Tanganyikan cabinet announced 12: 0227, 0229 resumes duties in Ghana 9: 0143, 0144 travel plans of 12:0582 on staff at U.S. embassy, Accra 8:1004 U.S. presidential aircraft available for transport of theft of license plate from car of 8:1041 12:0542 U.S. embassy instructions for case against 8:1007 visit to Nordic Council capitals 12:0338 U.S. publicizes good works in Ghana by 8: 0996 visit to U.S. 12:0059, 0173, 0316, 0320, 0326, 0342, Nyembo, Albert 0371, 0454, 0504, 0505, 0506, 0508, 0509, 0511, secret trip to France 7:0402 0513, 0514, 0518, 0521-0523, 0525-0527, 0530, Thant, U•requests location of 7: 0335 0534, 0536, 0540, 0545, 0549, 0551, 0554, 0562, Nyerere, Julius 0571, 0572, 0583, 0647, 0649, 0653 Addis Ababa conference 2: 0316; 12: 0577 White House luncheon for 12:0641 appoints Rashidi Kawawa vice president of World Food Congress•invited to address 12: 0283, Tanganyika 12: 0229 0286 and area developments 12: 0271 Nyunzu, DRC biographical sketch of 12: 0371, 0454 attacked by Katanga gendarmes 6: 0628 British aid offer 12:0076 Nzuzi, Alphonse civil rights controversy in U.S. 12: 0584 letter to Kennedy 4: 0695, 0698 discussions OAS with Delgado, Humberto 12: 0355 activities in Algeria 2:0940 with Rusk, Dean 12:0628 financial aid from John Birch Society 2: 0826 threat posed by continued Portuguese rule in French army garrisons in Algeria•attacks on 2: 0831, Mozambique 12:0277 0833, 0839 with U.S. 12:0349, 0355 French suspicion of U.S. support of 2: 0885, 0887 guest list for reception hosted by 12:0543 intentions in Algeria 2: 0955, 0989 impressions of Afro-Asian People's Solidarity struggle with French government 2:0795 Organization conference 12: 0265 U.S. and Kennedy avoids mention in government documents 2:0942 appointment with 12:0060 condemns atrocities committed in Algeria by correspondence with 12: 0067-0071, 0115, 0118, 8: 0620, 0622, 0630, 0631, 0635, 0637, 0654 0205, 0263, 0288, 0297. 0303, 0307, 0312, investigation into contributions to 2: 0824, 0825 0313, 0317, 0320, 0332, 0454, 0587, 0649, OAU 0653, 0658, 0659 Addis Ababa conference discussions with 12:0063, 0619, 0624, 0635, accomplishments of 2: 0325, 0344 0638, 0645, 0654, 0655, 0657 activities of 2: 0195, 0286, 0294 joint communiqué with 12: 0371 Adoula, Cyrille•activities at 2:0356 meetings with 2: 0562; 12: 0062, 0066, 0339 Bourguiba, Habib•comments on 2: 0361 messages 12: 0100, 0102, 0103, 0190, 0191, concluding ceremonies 2:0299 0197, 0198, 0200, 0201, 0205, 0207, 0208, condemns U.S. racial segregation 2:0272 0209, 0221, 0226, 0251, 0371, 0651 contribution of 2:0314 statement on arrival in U.S. of 12:0371 correspondence to Kennedy on 2:0282; 10:0015, message to Albert Luthuli 1:0392 0017, 0092, 0098; 12: 0320 and Mozambique 12:0294, 0299 Dacko, David•comments on 2: 0329 People's Republic of China's admission to UN discussion items 5:0478, 0500 12:0114 discussions of African unity 2:0319 as president-elect of Tanganyika 12:0192 general 2: 0200, 0324, 0340, 0343, 0539

Subject index 335 OAU cont. Osman, Aden Abdullah Addis Ababa conference cont. U.S. military assistance to Southern Rhodesia Ghanaian press accuses Imperialists and Neo- 10:1032 Colonialists of seeking failure of 9:0242 Ouegnin, Georges Guiñean resolution criticizing Kennedy 2: 0284; biographical sketch of 10: 0340 9:1028-1030; 10: 0013 Overflight rights Guinea's position at 9:1022 Chad 3: 0517 Houphouet-Boigny, Felix•comments on 2:0358 Pakistan impact of decisions in Mozambique 10:0830 and U Thant's DRC peace plan 6:1089 Kennedy's message to 2: 0192, 0249, 0261, 0264, Pan-African Freedom Movement for East, Central 0267, 0268 and South Africa (PAFMECSA) Khrushchev, Nikita•message to 2: 0280 Kennedy's reply to message from conference 5: 0267, Nkrumah, Kwame•activities at 2:0353 0269 Nkrumah, Kwame•orders Ghanaian press not to supports U.S. policy in DRC 12: 0253, 0256 give publicity to U.S. aid during 9:0257 underground movement in Portugal 12: 0355 Nyerere, Julius•comments on 2:0316 Pan-African Union Nyerere, Julius•speech at 12: 0577 release of Andre Boboliko 6: 0449 Obote, Milton•comments on 2: 0316 Peace Corps, U.S. postscripts to 2:0364 in Africa 1:0973 resolutions of 2: 0310, 0350, 0385, 0387, 0406 in DRC 7: 0564 Sekou Toure, Ahmed•hopes for 10:0012 in Ghana 8: 0899. 0912, 0916, 0919, 0921, 0926, Sekou Toure, Ahmed•views on 10:0081,0089, 0927; 9: 0276, 0278, 0280, 0483 0095,0102 in Ivory Coast 10:0295 Tito, Josip Broz•message to 2: 0278 Nkrumah, Kwame•attitude toward 8: 0898, 0914; Togo's representation at 2: 0269, 0271 9:0486 Tsiranana, Philibert•comments on 2: 0315 Soviet press attack on 8: 0957 Wachuku, Jaja•comments on 2:0378 volunteer teachers to Tanganyika 12:0640 charter of 2:0334; 10: 0015, 0017, 0019 Pereira, Pedro Council of Ministers meeting 2: 0591 discussions with U. Alexis Johnson 12:0657 creation of 2:0299 Pereira, Theotonio possible discussion of U.S. racial disturbances by discussion of U.S. views on Angolan situation with 5:0475, 0478 3: 0251 Obote, Milton discussions on U.S. position on Portuguese Africa comments on Addis Ababa conference 2:0316 3: 0264 letters to Kennedy 2: 0274, 0282, 0376 Petroleum meeting with Harold Macmillan 12:0231 in Libya 10:0487 Ogaden U.S. arranges to provide DRC with 6:0967 dispute between Ethiopia and Somalia over 2:0609, Peyref itte, Alain 0613 on internationalization of Algerian conflict 2: 0759 Olympio, Sylvanus Phelps-Stokes Fund assassination attempt against 8: 0371 50th anniversary of 1: 0862, 0863 discussions with U.S. on decision to proceed with Pienaar, Colonel [?] Volta River project in Ghana 8: 0446 proposed gift for Kennedy 2:0029, 0030 "Operation Search" Pinto, Louis I. Ghanaian army units withdrawn from 8:0816 invited to attend U.S. fleet maneuvers 7:0626, 0627, Orlich Boimarclch, Francisco José 0635-0637 message from 2:0538 letter from Kennedy 7:0635, 0636 Orientale province, DRC letter to Kennedy 7:0626, 0627, 0637,0641, 0643 Congolese plans to send extraordinary commission to PL-480 6:0853 see Public Law 480 Ormsby-Gore, David Poland British policy and objectives in DRC 5:1033 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems letter to Dean Rusk 4:0678 in 1:0740

336 Subject Index Policy Planning Group motives in Angola 3: 0342 meeting on problems of Southern Africa 2:0130 and Mozambique nationalist training camps in meeting on retention of U.S. Azores base rights Tanganyika 12:0336 3: 0091 policy on land grab against overseas territories of Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola 3:0272 (MPLA) policy toward 2: 0493, 0494; 3: 0128, 0129; denouces DRC recognition of Holden Roberto's 11:0435 Angolan government in exile 3:0421 restriction of arms shipments to 3: 0283 Porto Novo, Dahomey support of 10: 0073 antigovemment demonstrations in 7:0740, 0744 urges reforms in overseas territories 3: 0297 Portugal see also Cabinda, Angola; Katanga African plans for putting pressure on 3:0441 Portuguese Africa and Angola 3:0010, 0011, 0135, 0280, 0284, 0314, Afro-Asian UN resolution on 2:0603 0327, 0328, 0334, 0340, 0358, 0373, 0382, 0390, background paper on 12:0371,0454 0394, 0398, 0399, 0402, 0428, 0429, 0440, 0444- British views of 12: 0348 0447 correspondence on 1:0619,0887; 2:0683; 10:0097 Angolan "rapporteur" problem 3:0363, 0364 discussions about 3: 0025,0026, 0088, 0097; Conference on Travel and Tourism 2:0614 12:0334, 0349 difficulties in Africa 3:0092 economic relations with Portugal 3:0139 difficulties in UN 3: 0361 general 1:0378 direction of overseas policy toward multiracial society greater autonomy for 3:0022 3:0286 guidance relating to 1:0120 economic effects of Angolan military operations on political situation in 3: 0139 3:0449 Portuguese policies in 12: 0643 economic relations with African territories 3:0139 "rapporteur" approach in 3:0369; 5:0143 economic value of Angola to 3: 0447 reforms in 3: 0036, 0097, 0114 inclusion in possible Commonwealth Association self-determination for 10: 0053, 0057 3:0318 situation in 3:0032; 12:0288 and Mozambique 10: 0832, 0834; 12:0277 UN Security Council Mozambique Liberation Front 10: 0835; 12:0357 actions 2: 0677 military potential of 11: 0439 debates on 2: 0678; 11: 0597, 0624 NATO effort to exert pressure on 3:0330 meeting on 2: 0469, 0476, 0556, 0583, 0587, Pan-African Movement and underground movement 0597, 0601; 12: 0454 in 12:0355 resolution on 3: 0018 policies in African territories 12: 0643 U.S. political situation in 3: 0139 appeal for reform in 3:0114 presentation to North Atlantic Council 3:0356 courses of action in UN on 3:0257 Tanganyika and African colonies 12:0334, 0575 leadership in, threatened 11:0598 territories in Asia 3: 0095 material assistance to 3: 0117 UN military assistance program equipment in 3:0132, Economic and Social Council•expulsion from 0260, 0268 2: 0594 military interests in 3:0139 interference with rule in Africa 3:0121 position on 3:0264; 10: 0028; 12: 0602 Security Council consultations against 2: 0581 presidential task force on 3:0139, 0234 Security Council resolution against 11:0433 strategy in UN Security Council on 12: 0597 Subcommittee on Angola 3:0324 task force on 3: 0042, 0044, 0046, 0053, 0068 U.S. white settler issue in 2:0132,0133 assessment of rule in Mozambique of 10:0838 see also Angola; Mozambique Azores agreement renegotiation difficulties 6: 0196 Portuguese Guinea complaint of diversion of military assistance use of U.S. arms in 10: 0073 program to African territories 3:0268 Pouabou, Joseph embassy, Leopold vil le 3: 0009 biographical sketch of 3:0866 military assistance in Africa•use of 3: 0260 Press military interests in 3: 0139 in Africa 1: 0059, 0060 Rhodesian editorials 1: 0218

Subject Index 337 Private enterprise Refugees Ghana's policy on 8:0551 effect on relations between Rwanda and Tanganyika Public Law 480 12:0169 U.S. aid to Africa 1:0976-0978 situation in Burundi and Tanganyika 12:0149 U.S. aid to Angolan refugees in DRC 7: 0227 in southern Africa 12: 0021-0023 U.S. aid to DRC 7:0367; 0562, 0563 Reltsch, Hannah Pugwash evaluation of Kwame Nkrumah 9: 0491 participant in Accra World Peace Assembly 8: 0571 Reuters News Punta del Este conference interviews Kwame Nkrumah on Iraqi revolution Tuesday Planning Group meeting on 2: 0857 9:0223 Qatar Revenue payments Lebanese aircraft export to 5:1018 Adoula, Cyrille•letters on 7:0039 Quaison-Sackey, Alex by Katanga 7: 0421, 0424 U.S. protests remarks made by 8: 0858 Rhodesia, Northern Racial equality British movement toward African control of 6:0629 Ghanaian radio praises U.S. progress in 8: 0270 British position on 1: 0467 Racial problems prospects for 10: 0972 effect on U.S. image 2: 0510 reports of violence in 1: 0197; 10: 0867, 0869, 0870, Ethiopian reaction to U.S. 2:0525 0874 in U.S. U.S. attitude toward 10: 0122, 0124, 0126, 0133 aid to education in 10: 0887 discussion by OAU on 5:0475, 0500 discussions on 10:0883 Radio Accra report on 8:0269 scholarships for students from 10: 0886 resolution calling for intervention by Kennedy on supports constitutional proposals for 10: 0889 9: 1028-1030;10:0013 Rhodesia, Southern U.S. approach in southern Africa 2:0134, 0205 African plans for passive resistance in 11:0532 Radio Accra Afro-Asian UN resolution on 10: 0906, 0907, 0922, report on U.S. racial problem 8:0269 0924, 0926, 0928, 0931, 0935 Radio Ghana alleged aerial assistance to Katanga 5:1017 commentary on CIA complicity in Iraqi revolution British movement toward African control of 6: 0629 9: 0221 British policy on 1: 0467; 10:0918 Randall, Clarence B. developments in 10: 0983, 0984 memorandum on 8:0274 discussions between Hastings Kamazu Banda and Nkrumah, Kwame•meeting with 8:0287, 0404, European government of 10:0891 0409,0412 election for prime minister of 10: 0926, 0966 Volta River project in Ghana 8:0275, 0280, 0282, Ghanaian policy on 9:0532 0284, 0355, 0383 independence negotiations 10:0962, 0981,1027, Raw materials 1028 Africa as source 1:0296, 0325 Irish government's concern on dangers in 10: 0920 Razafimbahiny, Jules Nyerere, Julius•on problems of 12: 0349 appointment with Kennedy 2: 0041 possible mediation by UN secretary general in Reams, R. Borden 10:0941 1 travel plans for 10:0229 prospects for 10:0972 Red Cross, American relationship with Great Britain 10:1005 refugee aid to Congo (Brazzaville) 7: 0139 situation in 10: 0938, 0978 refugee aid to DRC 7:0227 UN aspects of problem in 10:0964 Red Cross, International UN Security Council resolutions on 10:1010 investigation into Katanga atrocities 5:1042 U.S. military assistance to 10:1032 UN suspends mercy flights to Katanga by 6:1086 white minority rule•independence based on 10: 0962 Red Cross, Katangese white settler issue in 2: 0132, 0133 protests UN suspension of Red Cross mercy flights Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federation of 6:1086 background paper on 12: 0454 Reeves, Frank D. discrepancies in execution of U.S. visa procedures invitation to visit Congo (Brazzaville) 3: 0770 6:0186 letter from Fulbert Youlou 3: 0770

338 Subject Index distribution of powers following dissolution of Robiliart, Herman 10:0987,0990 support for UN reconciliation plan in DRC 6:1087 interference in internal affairs of 10:0911 Roltz-Bennet, Jose political situation in 10: 0902 accusations against 6:0169, 0181 prospects for 10:0972 talks between Moise Tshombe and Cyrille Adoula racial situation in 1:0579; 10: 0902 6: 0268, 0273, 0558 U.S. discussions with British Commonwealth Roosevelt, Eleanor Relations Office on 10:0883 Tanganyikan condolence on death of 12: 0195 Welensky, Roy•blames British government for failure Rostow, Walt W. of 10:0989 discussions with Sadok Mokaddem 12:0759 Williams, G. Mennen discussions with Tunisian delegation on U.S. consultations with British officials on 10:0912 economic aid for Africa 12:0758 observations on 1:0199 report on South Africa 11: 0706, 0707 paper on 10:0901 Rothschild, Robert Rhodesian Air Force DRC situation and Evariste Kimba's visit to Belgium jet aircraft for Katanga 7: 0417 5:1004 Rhodesia National Affairs Association reconciliation agreement between Cyrille Adoula and Williams, G. Mennen•address to 1:0221 Moise Tshombe 5: 0685 Ribeiro, Miguel A. tripartite talks on DRC 4: 0658, 0662, 0667 discussions with Dean Rusk 9: 0265, 0266 Rowan, Carl T. discussions with G. Mennen Williams 9:0307 compares Kwame Nkrumah with Thomas Jefferson Ghanaian press attacks on U.S. Negroes 9:0168 8:0416-0418 meeting with Kennedy 9:0273, 0274 questions on controversial speech by 5:1072 presentation of credentials by 9:0176, 0177,0187 speech on U.S. position on Katanga 5:1049 relations between U.S. and Ghana 9:0187 Rusk, Dean U.S. items for discussion with 9:0178 British policy and objectives in DRC•summary of Riches, Derek 5:1033 views on Adoula-Tshombe talks 6: 0489 discussions Rlkhye, Indar Jit with Kennedy 4: 0124, 0125, 0127 comments on DRC situation 6:0843 with Kennedy on South Africa 11:0642, 0668 discussions with Moise Tshombe 6:0973 with Naude, Willem 2:0616 informed of tripartite talks on DRC 6: 0735 with Nogueira, Franco on military situation in . opposition to new UN military operations in Katanga Angola 3: 0277 6:0472 with Nyerere, Julius 12: 0628 trip to DRC 6:0376 with Ribeiro, Miguel 9: 0265, 0266 River navigation system, inland with Slim, Mongi 12:1085,1086 condition of DRC 7:0177 with Wachuku, Jaja 5: 0574 Roads and DRC 3:0632, 0633; 4: 0370, 0950-0952; World Bank assistance to Burundi for improvement of 5:1014; 6:0660 11:0167 letters Roberto, Holden to Adoula, Cyrille 5: 0026 Angolan government in exile headed by 3:0421, 0432 from Douglas-Home, Alec 4: 0794 biographical sketch of 3:0014 to Douglas-Home, Alec 10: 0926 letter to Kennedy 3: 0387 to Halm, W. M. Q. 8: 0209 opposition to U.S. "rapporteur" proposal for from Nogueira, Franco 3:0300 Portuguese Africa 5:0143 to Nogueira, Franco•on autonomy for Portuguese plans for new military action in Angola by 3:0441 Africa 3:0022 relationship between U.S. embassy, Leopoldville and from Ormsby-Gore, David 4: 0678 3: 0006, 0009 to Spaak, Paul-Henri 5: 0235, 0238, 0704 Roberts, Norman from Welensky, Roy 10:1027, 1028 killing of DRC burglar 6: 0899, 0900 to Youlou, Fulbert 4:0072 Robeson, Paul appointment at University of Ghana considered 8:0561

Subject Index 339 Rusk, Dean cont. UN meetings admission to 11: 0101, 0104 with Bocoum, Barema 10: 0756 commission in 11: 0013 with Houphouet-Boigny, Felix 10: 0295, 0375 General Assembly adopts resolution on 11:0079 with Kennedy and Robert McNamara on Angola General Assembly debate on 6:0860 problem 3: 0106, 0110 General Assembly declares independence of statement on departure of Ahmed Sekou Toure 11:0086 9: 0864 technical assistance in 11: 0099 suggestion of UN "rapporteur" for Angola 3: 0327, U.S. 0334, 0340 aid to 11: 0337, 0354 telegram from Moise Tshombe 4: 0160; 5: 0788 alternatives in approaching problem of 10:1066 Russell, Francis H. economic assistance to 11: 0284, 0308, 0311, appointment with Kennedy 12:1095 0314 biographical sketch of 12:1096 ideas on peace and security of 11:0045 letter of introduction from Kennedy 12:1090,1092 informed that no famine conditions exist in and Nkrumah, Kwame 7: 0793, 0955; 8: 0412 11:0171 presentation of credentials by 12:1087 role in politico-economic future of 11:0123 Volta River project 7: 0814; 8: 0355, 0383 State Department rescinds policy directives on Rwagasore, Louis 11:0151 assassination of 11: 0334 statement for independence Day ceremonies in assassinators of 11: 0241, 0253, 0288, 0303, 0306, 11: 0060, 0062-0064, 0070-0072 0338, 0339, 0343 Salan, Raoul Rwanda(Ruanda) intentions in Algeria 2:0955 agreements between U.S. and Belgium 11:0173 message to heads of state 2: 0976 background paper on 10: 0295, 1040; 11: 0182 Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira Belgium letter to Fulbert Youlou 3: 0438 economic assistance to 11: 0099, 0148, 0174, and Portuguese Africa 3: 0088, 0097, 0117, 0121 0213 Sailer, Raphael military technicians 11: 0006, 0163-0165 biographical sketch of 10: 0340 troop issue 11: 0146, 0155 U.S. aid project in Ivory Coast 10:0425 troop retention 11: 0008, 0132, 0137, 0141, 0150, Sandys, Duncan 0158 and Ghana 8: 0244, 0246, 0252 troop withdrawal 11: 0005, 0044, 0048, 0055, Nyasaland deficit 10:0882 0118, 0139, 0143, 0149, 0157, 0160 SatterthwaKe, Joseph C. turns over military telex equipment at Kigali to biographical sketch of 1: 0572; 2: 0532 11:0212 meeting with Albert Luthuli 2: 0252 border dispute with Uganda 11:0331 return from South Africa 1: 0571 ; 2:0531 coffee production in 11: 0283 Scheyven, Louis financial training grants 11: 0078, 0135 U.S. policy on DRC 5:1065; 6: 0598 foreign minister's arrival in U.S. 6:1012 Schlegl, [?] incursion of Tutsi tribesmen routed by military forces protests Modibo Keita's remarks on German self- of 11:0096 determination 10: 0660 independence of 11: 0067, 0074-0076, 0087, 0088, Security Council, UN 0092 and Adoula, Cyrille 4:0408, 0422; 6:0113 internal stability of 11:0331 condemns Katangese secession 4:0221 military report on 11: 0018 consultations on Rwanda and Burundi's applications political situation in 11: 0348 for admission to UN 11:0104 relations debates on South Africa and Portuguese territories with Belgium 11:0215 2: 0678; 11:0597 with Tanganyika 12: 0169 and DRC 6: 0092 with Uganda 11: 0106 Ghana•murder of Patrice Lumumba 9:0016 with U.S. 11:0258, 0285 Ghana•U.S. support for candidacy for 8: 0182 representation in U.S. 11: 0218, 0223, 0224, 0329

340 Subject Index meetings and Kennedy on Angola 3:0016 discussions with 9:0780, 0893 on DRC crisis 3: 0640; 4: 0021, 0043 letters from 9:0701. 0702, 0704, 0708, 0715, on South Africa 11: 0444, 0449, 0451, 0454, 0457, 0730, 0733-0735, 0741, 0759-0761, 0841, 0493 0940, 0941, 0943, 0982, 0987, 0989, 0990, and Portugal 2:0581 0995, 0997,1012,1016; 10: 0081, 0089, 0095, and Portuguese territories 2: 0677; 11: 0624 0098,0102,0110,0155 resolutions letters to 2: 0370. 0372; 9: 0569,0717-0719, on Angola 3: 0020, 0028 0737. 1032,1035,1036, 1038-1040,1044, on DRC 8: 0086 1048; 10:0015, 0017, 0076, 0078, 0091, 0092, against Portugal 11:0433 0101, 0106, 0107, 0156-0160 on Portuguese territories 3: 0018 luncheon 9: 0809, 0864 on South Africa 11:0433, 0561 meeting with 9: 0781, 0786, 0787,0789, 0793- on Southern Rhodesia 10:1010 0797, 0801-0804, 0806, 0841 and South Africa 2:0677; 11:0471, 0624 messages with 9: 0562-0565, 0570, 0571, 0693, speech by Adlai E. Stevenson on apartheid 11: 0484 0695, 0762, 0842, 0843, 0889-0892, 1042; Thant, U•report to 7: 0138 10: 0008, 0060, 0061, 0068, 0076, 0078, 0121- Tunisia and French aggression at Bizerte 12:1027, 0124, 0126,0133, 0139-0142 1047,1063 telegrams to 9:0694, 0695, 0719, 0755, 0757, U.S. 0758, 0764, 0942, 0945; 10:0125, 0128 arms sales and shipments to South Africa 11:0577 letters to Bangoura, Karim 9:1046 opposes Soviet request for meeting on DRC manpower conference 9: 0807, 0808 situation 6: 0085 meeting with Kwame Nkrumah, Modibo Keita, and position on South African issue 11: 0699 Felix Houphouet-Boigny 10: 0468,0594 strategy in 12:0588, 0597 meeting with R. Sargent Shriver 9:0616 USSR and DRC situation 6: 0083, 0087. 0090, 0112 plans to attend UN meeting 9:0778 see also Apartheid Shriver, R. Sargent•impressions of 9:0629 Segregation, U.S. travel plans of 9: 0788 Addis Ababa conference condemns 2:0272, 0276 U.S. efforts to abolish 10: 0764-0767 floods in 9: 0940-0943 Kennedy's stand on 10:0422 gifts for 9:0619 letter from Milton Obote to Kennedy on 2: 0274 mission of friendship to 9:0983,0993, 0994 Sekou Toure, Ahmed policy and planning in Africa 9:0572 accident•ialse report of 9: 0909, 0910 and Portuguese Africa 10:0028 Addis Ababa conference 10: 0012, 0081, 0089, 0095, reply to messages from 9: 0566, 0567; 10: 0097 0102 and South Africa 10:0028 address to UN General Assembly 9: 0803, 0811 visit to 9:0774, 0776, 0800, 0805, 0813, 0815, civil rights and strife in U.S. 9:1029, 1030; 10:0010, 0846, 0864, 0888, 0894 0011 USSR 8: 0500; 9: 0706 currency reform in 9: 0939 Selassie, Halle and Guinea contributions to African unity 2:0314 aircraft fueling in•Soviet and Cuban 10: 0135 Self-determination economic policy changes 10:0143 Angolan 3: 0393, 0394, 0396, 0398, 0399, 0402 financial scandals in 9: 0911 German 10: 0660 French Communist influence in 9: 0705 Senate, U.S. Gizenga, Antoine•conduct in 9:1051 ; 10:0004 developments favorable to Moise Tshombe in 6: 0253 Kennedy to visit 9: 0591, 0593, 0594, 0596, 0598, hearings on U.S. aid to Ghana 9: 0501 0614; 10: 0152, 0153, 0155, 0158. 0159 Internal Security Subcommittee•releases testimony students at Soviet universities 9: 0681 by Kofi Abrefa Busia 9: 0291-0293,0310 U.S. AID officials in 10:0145 Subcommittee of Judiciary•report on testimony of U.S. aid to 9: 0576, 0603, 1018, 1021 ; 10: 0146 Kofi Abrefa Busia 9: 0307

Subject Index 341 Senate, U.S. cont. discussions with Kennedy 12: 0670, 0672, 0675, 0691 visit of delegation meeting with Kennedy 12: 0667, 0690 to Dahomey 7:0611, 0612 Smuggling to DRC 3: 0577, 0579 help to control•Cyrille Adoula requests 7: 0070 to Ivory Coast 10:0171 Smythe, John H. to Mali 10:0584, 0586 11:0420 Sendwe, Jason Société General message to Cyrille Adoula 6: 0628 discussions with U.S. on DRC situation and Katanga political events in the DRC 4: 0948 réintégration 6:0959 threatens to arrest Moise Tshombe 6:0902 Union Miniere du Haut Katanga's relations with DRC Tshombe, Moise•and Katanga agreement 6:0384, central government 6: 0106 0459 views on DRC 6:0940 visit to U.S. 7:0201 Soglo, Christophe Seriguefie, [?] discussions with Robinson Mcllvaine 7: 0757 letter to Kennedy 10:0420, 0422 military takeover of government of Dahomey by Settlers, white 7: 0747, 0750 in Africa 1:0036 recognition of Dahoman provisional government issue of 2:0132, 0133 headed by 7: 0759 Seventh Day Adventists trip to northern Dahomey 7:0756 U.S. PL-480 program in Katanga 6: 0371 Somalia Shriver, R. Sargent Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems discussions with Kwame Nkrumah 9:0181 in 1: 0737, 0740, 0746, 0749 gifts for Ahmed Sekou Toure 9: 0619 dispute with Ethiopia over the Ogaden 2: 0609, 0613 impressions of Ahmed Sekou Toure 9:0629 refuses permission for visit by Allen Eilender 1:0897 meeting with Ahmed Sekou Toure 9: 0616 South Africa, Republic of official representative at opening of U.S. exhibition in African boycott against 2: 0606 Guinea 9: 0976 African pressure on 3:0441 speech in Conakry, Guinea 9:1034 apartheid in 10: 0053, 0057; 11: 0487, 0518, 0525, visit to Guinea 9:0609, 0620 0533, 0547,0563, 0568, 0709; 12: 0010, 0016, Sierra Leone 0027, 0028, 0588, 0602 Boston, H. J. L.•appointed governor-general of arms embargo against 10:0047; 11: 0559 11:.0411,0414-0416 background paper on 12: 0454 economic development in 1:0889 black opposition leaders' arrest 2: 0571 impression created by Brooks Hays on people of boycotts multiracial reception at U.S. embassy 11:0418 2:0431 Kennedy's congratulatory message British arms embargo against 11: 0494, 0496 on admission to UN 11: 0398 British views of 12:0348 on 1st anniversary of independence of 11:0406, Communist party in 1:0003 0408,0410 concessions by 11:0607, 0610 on independence of 11: 0387-0391 debate of International Labor Conference on Siryuyumunsl, Thaddee participation of 11:0426 telegram to Kennedy 11: 0372-0374 economic Sita, Alphonse leverage on U.S. 11:0579 visit to U.S. 7:0516 profile of 11:0709 Sithole, Ndabanlngl relations with U.S. 2: 0553 letter to Kennedy 2:0124, 0125; 10:0962 reprisal situation 11: 0630 passive resistance in Southern Rhodesia 11:0532 Eilender, Allen J.•remarks on racial problems in results of rift with Joshua Nkomo faction in ZAPU 10:0946 10:1007 embargo of petroleum products for 10:0047 Slim, Mongl expulsion biographical sketch of 12: 0669 from International Labor Organization 11: 0694 candidacy for president of 16th UN General Assembly from UN 2:0479,0533; 11: 0471 12:0703 from UN Economic and Social Council 2: 0594 discussions with Dean Rusk 12:1085,1086 foreign relations of 11:0709

342 Subject Index information on 2: 0552 Atomic Energy Commission experiment in internal security of 11: 0709 12:0036 Kennedy's message on inauguration of 1:0085, 0087, attitude toward 11: 0688 0088 and British discussions on 11: 0513 Kennedy's message on national day of 2:0331-0333 courses of action in 11: 0709 military and naval installations in 11:0431 educational opportunities to potential leaders of military potential of 11:0439 1:0493 national movements in 2: 0251 efforts to modify internal policies of 2: 0466 Nyerere, Julius•concern over situation in 12: 0288, guidelines for policy and operations in 1:0522 0303,0307,0313 interests in 11:0709 Nyerere, Julius•discusses problems of 12:0349 missile tracking station in 1: 0352, 0353,0574; plans for development of separate semi-autonomous 11:0443 tribal areas 2:0557, 0596 objectives in 11: 0709 political accommodation on Southwest Africa mandate overseas internal defense policy 1:0902 2:0031 policy on apartheid in 12: 0588, 0602 political conditions in 11: 0709 policy toward 1: 0169, 0186, 0192, 0236, 0681 ; possible UN action on 2: 0677 2: 0470, 0472, 0473, 0493, 0494; 10: 0028; problems of 1: 0579; 2:0616; 12: 0610, 0611 11:0435;12:0604 program of grouping independent Bantu states position in UN Security Council on 11: 0699 2: 0596; 11: 0459 position on racial issue in 1: 0579; 11: 0504, 0507 reaction to Albert Luthuli's winning of Nobel Peace recommendations on 11: 0642, 0668 Prize 1:0399 sale of spare aircraft parts to 11: 0612, 0613, reaction to UN Committee on Southwest Africa 0661-0663, 0676 1:0575 submarine sale 2: 0071, 0072; 11: 0612, 0613, refused permission to participate in Conference on 0643, 0655, 0664, 0669, 0676 Travel and Tourism 2: 0614 urges voluntary nonparticipation in ECA 2: 0533, relations with U.S. 11:0709 0585 Rostow, Walt•report on 11: 0706, 0707 and Verwoerd, Hendrik 1: 0630 social profile of 11: 0709 white position in 1: 0579 subversive movements in 2:0240 Williams, G. Mennen•observations on 1: 0199 suspended from participation in ECA 2: 0564 South African Mining Company threat to U.S. leadership in UN and Africa posed by subsidizes anti-Kuanda activities of African Congress 11:0598 party 6:0629 threat to world peace posed by racial policies of Southern Africa 10:0049 boycott of 2:0606 UN Nyerere, Julius•concern over situation in 12: 0288, actions to terminate mandate in Southwest Africa 0320 1:0677,0688,0727 problems of 1: 0692; 2: 0130, 0134, 0205 credentials challenge 11:0658 racial problems in 2:0134 Economic and Social Council 2: 0464 situation in 12: 0587, 0628, 0635, 0638, 0655 economic sanctions on 11: 0471 student refugee problem in 12: 0021-0023 participation in 10: 0052 UN Security Council debates on 2: 0678; 11: 0597 position on 2: 0433 U.S. State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Security Council•U.S. veto in 11: 0624 Research report on 11: 0539 Security Council debates on 2: 0678; 11: 0444, South Kasai province, DRC 0449, 0451, 0454, 0457, 0493, 0597; 12:0034 DRC government coup in 7:0072, 0121 Security Council resolution against 11:0433 DRC military operations in 7:0045 uranium deal 2:0606 food relief for refugees living in Katanga 7: 0576 U.S. implications of Albert Kalonji's arrest in 7:0043 arms embargo against 2: 0606; 9: 0485; 11: 0447, letter to Kennedy from government of 4: 0627, 0628, 0467, 0468, 0502, 0529, 0655, 0664 0630 arms policy toward 11: 0596, 0631 refugees in Katanga 7: 0389 arms sales and shipments to 11: 0577 refugees in Katanga•U.S. aid for 4:0628 request for U.S. intervention in 4: 0369

Subject Index 343 South Katanga province, DRC letters DRC government lifts ban on importation of cobalt from Adoula, Cyrille 7: 0509 and copper from 5: 0531 to Adoula, Cyrille 5:0537 Southwest Africa from Kennedy 5: 0244, 0245, 0261 background paper on 12: 0454 from Muhirwa, Andre 11: 0334 general 11:0709 from Rusk, Dean 5:0235, 0238 impending clash over 1: 0419 message to Dean Rusk 5: 0704 issue in the UN 2:0160 Rwanda-Burundi Nyerere, Julius•concern over situation in 12:0288, discussion on Soviet attempt to force withdrawal of 0303,0307,0313 Belgian troops from 11: 0055 UN actions to terminate South African mandate in discussion on withdrawal of Belgian troops from 1:0677,0688,0727 11:0048 U.S. heads Belgian delegation to UN General Assembly educational opportunities to potential future debate on 6: 0860 leaders of 1: 0493 recommends withdrawal of Belgian troops from efforts to convince South Africa to seek political 11:0160 accommodation on 2: 0031 and UN proposals to halt breakup of Adoula-Tshombe policy on 1: 0681, 0730, 0883; 2:0034 talks 6: 0361 white settler issue in 2: 0132, 0133 U.S. Southwest Africa, UN Committee on appreciation for restraint during DRC crisis by activities of 1: 0670 5: 0857 South African reaction to 1: 0575 discussions with 5:0246 Soviet bloc views on DRC situation to 6: 0592 aid to civil air activities of emerging African countries The Spark 1:0563 false charges against CIA in 9: 0150 civil air expansion in Africa 1: 0472, 0495, 0518 Special Protocol Affairs Section disaffected African students leaving 2: 0049 activities of 1:0102 and Ghana 8: 0199, 0202, 0213; 9: 0504 Stanley, Frank L. Ghana Airways service to 8:0690 journalism workshop in Africa 2: 0167 Guinea's desire to move away from 9:1022 Stanleyville, DRC Nkrumah, Kwame•identifies goals with 7: 0785 political developments in 6: 0432 North African relations with 2:0631 State Department, U.S. position on DRC crisis 8: 0055 Accra World Peace Assembly 8: 0571 Sow, Malick Adam Adjei, Ako•invited to U.S. 8:0552 biographical sketch of 3: 0503 Adoula-Tshombe agreement 4: 0244, 5:0848 meeting with Kennedy 3:0499, 0500 and Algeria 2: 0708, 0828, 0830 presentation of credentials by 3: 0498 Assogba, Oke•discussions with 7: 0652, 0655 telegram to Kennedy 3: 0512 and Belgium 6: 0860; 7:0172. 0251 ; 11:0155 Sow, Oumar and birthday message from Kennedy to Kwame discussions with Kennedy 10: 0719, 0727, 0728 Nkrumah 9: 0510 efforts to improve U.S.-Malian relations 10: 0711 black representation in 1:0972 presentation of credentials by 10: 0718 Bourguiba, Habib•medal for 12: 0755 withdrawal of U.S. military mission 10:0721 Bureau of Intelligence and Research report on Spaak, Paul-Henri Southern Africa 11:0539 discussion on activities of Michel Struelens 6:0260 and DRC 4: 0156, 0665; 5: 0648, 0945; 6: 0046, discussions on Tshombe, Moise 4:0542; 7:0140 0442, 0667, 0690, 0721, 0732, 0737, 0780, 0805 on DRC situation 4: 0542; 6:0260, 0751, 0816; and Ghana 5: 0648; 8: 0210, 0211, 0564, 0566, 0998, 7:0600 1057; 9: 0102, 0144, 0293, 0294, 0298 and DRC visit 4:0080 and Ghana•Volta River project 7:1002; 8: 0394, and Katanga 5:1080; 6: 0068, 0358 0449 Kitona agreement 6: 0012 and Great Britain 6: 0994; 7: 0251 and Houphouet-Boigny, Felix 10: 0237, 0238, 0265 and Katanga 5:1036; 6: 0687, 0955 Kennedy's discussions on 3: 0618

344 Subject Index Kitona agreement 5:1019 Sudan Lubilash Bridge reopening 7:0477 and air rights into DRC 6: 0652 and Mali 10: 0734 UN requests general for DRC operation 5: 0726 policy directives on Rwanda and Burundi 11: 0151 Volta River project 8: 0451 repudiates statements by Allen J. Eilender 1: 0866 Sugarman, Russell residence of Rwandan ambassador in Washington, represents U.S. at Ivory Coast Independence Day D.C. 11:0223 ceremonies 10: 0181 Struelens, Michel•expulsion of 7:0152, 0199, 0218 Sukarno, Achmed and Tanganyika 12: 0058, 0089 discussions with Kennedy 10: 0663 Tshombe, Moise letter from Kennedy 10:0640 correspondence with 4: 0943, 0946 visit to U.S. 10: 0646, 0670, 0692 talks with 7: 0331 Swart, Charles R. visa application 6:0072, 0146 correspondence with Kennedy 1: 0574, 0085-0088 U.S. embassy, Leopoldville and Holden Roberto Swaziland 3: 0006 future of 12:0144 U.S. military assistance program equipment in Africa political and constitutional development of 12: 0142 3: 0260 Williams, G. Mennen•observations on 1: 0199 Stevens, Roger Sweden Kitona agreement 5:1010 rotation of UN contingent from 6: 0648; 7: 0061 meeting with Moise Tshombe 5:0988 Switzerland Stevenson, Adlai E. Angolan students in 3: 0126, 0127, 0131 apartheid speech in UN Security Council 11: 0484, discussions on DRC situation and UN's Africa policy 0487 6:0949 correspondence from Kwame Nkrumah 7:0937, 0986 Taiwan discussions with U Thant 5: 0668; 6:0347; 11: 0045 diplomatic relations Katanga problem 6:0068 with Burundi 11:0209 proposal for formation of DRC Advisory Group with Chad 3:0507- 5: 0563, 0564 with Tanganyika 12: 0125 statement on death of Patrice Lumumba 3: 0588- invited to attend Uganda independence celebrations 0591 11:0169 tripartite talks on DRC 6:0764 Tanganyika and UN representative in DRC 3:0618 cabinet of•new 12:0227, 0229 Steytler, Jan anti-U.S. demonstration by Southern African refugee U.S. attitude toward South Africa 11:0688 groups 12: 0360, 0364 Strategy of Peace background paper on 12: 0371 presentation in Africa 1:0116 British aid offer to 12:0072, 0076, 0086, 0088 presidential gifts of 1: 0234, 0235, 0412, 0413 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems Stravropoulos, Constatin A. in 1:0755 meeting with Moise Tshombe 6:0171 Common Market problems 12: 0241 Struelens, Michel Communist bloc assistance in establishing newspaper activities of 4:0541 ; 6:0260 in 12: 0228, 0264 case against 4: 0021 ; 5: 0024, 0025 consortium for 12:0090, 0092, 0095 consultations with Moise Tshombe 6: 0253, 0270; death of Eleanor Roosevelt•condolence message 7: 0147 12:0195 DRC UN delegation protests actions by 6:0122 development plan 12:0063,0070,0095, 0117 last "Katanga Calling" broadcast from New York City election and powers of first president of 12:0134 7: 0193 evacuation of U.S. citizens from 12:0126 possible deportation from U.S. 4:0538 independence celebrations 12: 0047,0049, 0053, U.S. State Department and 7: 0152, 0199, 0218 0055, 0077, 0078, 0099, 0109, 0118 Student exchange program, U.S. intention of establishing East African Federation by alleged CIA domination of 9:0171, 0175 end of 1963 12:0327 Submarines, U.S. Kennedy's congratulatory message on establishment possible sale to South Africa 2: 0071, 0072; 11: 0612, of republic in 12: 0197, 0198, 0200, 0201, 0207- 0613, 0643, 0655, 0664, 0669, 0676 0209,0221,0223,0251

Subject Index 345 Tanganyika cont. Tax, film Kennedy's congratulatory message on independence dispute between Tunisia and Motion Picture Export of 12: 0100. 0102, 0103, 0106-0108 Association of America 12: 0678 meeting with African refugee leaders in 12: 0330 Tax collection proposal Mozambique Nationalist training camps in 12:0336 in Katanga 4:0632; 6: 0385, 0415, 0428, 0440, 0443, Nyerere, Julius•elected president of 12: 0189-0191, 0472, 0767 0197, 0198, 0200, 0201, 0205, 0207-0209, 0221, used on Adoula-Tshombe talks 6: 0347 0227, 0235, 0251 Tax treaty Nyerere, Julius•proposal for economic "brain trust" in between U.S. and Ghana 7: 0861 12:0170,0175 Telli, Diallo People's Republic of China and admission to UN delivers personal message to Kennedy from Ahmed 12:0111 Sekou Toure 10: 0060, 0061, 0068 People's Republic of China and cultural agreement discusses resolution on U.S. racial troubles 10: 0013 with 12:0217 discussions with Kennedy 10: 0053, 0057, 0060, political situation in 12: 0454 0076, 0078 Portugal talks on African colonies 12: 0334, 0575 discussions with U.S. on Ahmed Sekou Toure's visit Portuguese officials to seize arms purchased by 9:0776 12:0357 meeting with Kennedy 10: 0033, 0035-0037, 0045, post-independence problems 12:0149 0061, 0068 promises of aid from Eastern and Western Europe statement on South African racial policies 10: 0049 12:0177 supports condemnation of U.S. for racial refugee situation in 12: 0149, 0169 discrimination 9:1033 relations with Rwanda 12: 0169 Tema, Ghana relations with U.S. 12: 0048 U.S. construction of housing project at 7:0990 Republic Day ceremonies 12: 0202, 0204, 0210, Tempelsman, Leon, and Son 0212-0214,0218,9235 DRC and barter of diamonds 4:0343, 0348, 0349, Soviet embassy staff 12:0182 0353 Taiwan's diplomatic representation in 12:0125 Terrain analysis studies U.S. U.S. Army, Europe team to DRC to gather information aid to 1: 0888; 12: 0070, 0071, 0089, 0113, 0115, for 7: 0375 0118,0454 Terrorism assessment of 12: 0248 in Angola 3: 0010-0012, 0358; 7: 0023 famine relief in 12: 0152-0156, 0158, 0159, 0161, by Mozambique Liberation Front 10: 0835 0163,0165-0168 Tevoedjre, Albert Peace Corps sends new volunteer teachers to presents gift to Kennedy 7: 0646 12:0640 Texas Western aid offers to 12: 0079, 0081, 0084 hurricane disaster in 10: 0666, 0669, 0671, 0672 West German aid offer to 12:0113 Thant, U Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) and Adoula, Cyrille•correspondence 6:0611 ; 7:0509 resolution on purchase and sale of foodstuffs through and Adoula, Cyrille•luncheon with 4: 0434 COSATA 12: 0259 discussions Tanganyika Concessions, Board of with Stevenson, Adlai E. 5: 0668; 6: 0347; 11: 0045 U.S. policy and K'rtona agreement 5:0989 with U.S. 5:0017, 0074 Tariff with Williams, G. Mennen 6: 0585 discrimination against U.S. products by African and DRC equatorial states and Cameroon 3:0518,0519 aid for 7:0369 Tarrtalite national unification plan 4:0915; 5:0329 stockpiles of, and Katanga government 7:0052 peace plan for 6:1071,1073, 1074, 1089,1092; Tasca, Henry J. 7:0019,0020,0074 deterioration of negotiations for réintégration of tripartite talks 6: 0736, 0764 Katanga 6: 0649 UN and 5: 0155,0877; 6:0180, 0188 discussions with Seydou Conte 9:0786 views on 7: 0078 Katanga cease-fire 5: 0702, 0821, 0862 Kimba, Evariste•requests clarification of statements by 6: 0369

346 Subject Index letters orders arrest of northern Moslem leaders in Chad from Bomboko, Justin•about DRC constitution 3:0532 6:0997,1002 overflight rights and trade relations discussed with from Kennedy 5: 0295-0297 Soviet ambassador 3: 0517 from Kimba, Evariste 6:1076 requests U.S. military equipment 3: 0523, 0529 from Tshombe, Moise 5:0067; 6: 0724 U.S. aid program in Chad 3: 0504 possible mediation in Southern Rhodesia issue visit to France 3:0526 10:0941 Trade and economic relationships reaction to British appeal to Moise Tshombe 7:0138 discussions between François Tombalbaye and Soviet report on Portuguese Africa 2:0683 ambassador to Chad on 3: 0517 report to UN Security Council 7: 0138 with Western Europe, Africa, and U.S. 1: 0057 representation to DRC government that Moise Trans-Cameroon railroad Tshombe be allowed to depart from Leopoldville discussions between Kennedy and Ahmadou Ahidjo 6:0537 on 3:0515 statement to Congo Advisory Committee 6:0986 Travel and Tourism, Conference on Union Miniere du Haut Katanga and UN military African delegates refuse to permit participation by guards 6: 0610 South Africa and Portugal 2: 0614 UN support of Adoula-Tshombe talks 6:0369 Tripartite talks on DRC U.S. State Department skeptical of practicality of Adoula, Cyrille•informed of purpose of 6:0700, scheme for DRC proposed by 6:0721 0702, 0703, 0709, 0723 and whereabouts of Albert Nyembo 7:0335 Adoula, Cyrille•reaction to information on 6:0740 Thresher disaster arrangements for 6: 0666, 0667 Ghanaian Times article on 9:0173 British foreign office comments on 6:0674 Timberlake, Clare H. comments on implementation of tax collection meeting with Kennedy 3: 0573 scheme in Katanga at 6:0767 orders for U.S. Naval Task Force 88 3:0612, 0615 conclusion and results of 6: 0739 Tin developments at 6: 0663 U.S. plans for disposal from strategic stockpile of France invited to attend 6:0685 4:0711, 0713, 0717, 0720, 0722 French government informed of substance of 6:0813, Tito, Josip Broz 0868 message to Addis Ababa conference 2:0278 general 4:0599, 0601, 0602, 0638, 0640, 0642, 0644, Tobacco 0645, 0652, 0658, 0662, 0665, 0667, 0673, 0676, DRC request for 6: 0936; 7: 0116 0678; 5: 0699 Tobriner, Waiter India 6:0716, 0734 key to Washington, D.C. to Grégoire Kayibanda Indian Ministry of External Affairs and results of 11:0273 6:0802 Todd, Garfleld letter from Kennedy to David K. E. Bruce on 6:0719 distribution of powers following dissolution of paper on inducements and pressures to bring about Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 10:0987 Katangan réintégration adopted by 6:0825 Togo possible DRC participation in 6: 0715 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems press formula for 6: 0736 in 1:0746 Rikhye, Indar Jit•informed of 6: 0735 dispute with Ghana 8: 0335, 0958, 0959 Spaak, Paul-Henri•comments on memorandum possible Ghanaian designs on 8:0369 produced by 6:0751 representation at Addis Ababa conference 2:0269, Stevenson, Adlai•briefs U Thant on 6: 0764 0271 transitional period in DRC suggested by 6:0761 and training camp in Trans-Volta region 8:0377 Tshombe, Moise•informed of 6:0726 Tomas, Americo U.S. visit to Angola 3: 0442 participation in 6: 0680 Tombalbaye, François State Department disappointed with results of discrimination against U.S. products by external tariff 6: 0732 3: 0520 State Department rejects final working paper on offer to present live addax to Kennedy 3:0534, 0539, DRC adopted during 6:0780 0541

Subject Index 347 Tropical products British Common Market preferences on 1: 0083 appeal to 7: 0138 Tshombe, David K. and French and Belgian governments provide visit to Brussels 7:0029 moral support to 5: 0860 Tshombe, Moise position on 5:0887 Adoula, Cyrille press reports on plan for putting economic agreement with 4:0071, 0244 pressure on 6: 0983 attitude toward 5: 0921 ; 6: 0237 cease-fire agreement 7:0187, 0194, 0209, 0320, correspondence with 6: 0349, 0356, 0513 0321,0422 efforts to undermine government of 7: 0583 cease-fire violations 3:0968 joint communiqué with 6: 0316,0880 commitments made by 7: 0519 meeting with 4: 0132, 0135, 0253; 5: 0697, 0746, consultations with Michel Struelens 7: 0147 0753, 0773, 0782, 0790, 0809, 0810, 0812, deadline for commitment to implement reconciliation 0815, 0818, 0832; 6: 0150, 0157, 0187, 0190, plan 7: 0302 0198, 0199, 0204, 0213, 0225, 0242, 0251, declaration by 3: 0628-0630 0253, 0268, 0276, 0290, 0302, 0314, 0576 discussions meeting with•security 4: 0536; 5: 0791; 6: 0190, with Bunche, Ralph 7: 0503 0198, 0211, 0225, 0242, 0273. 0275, 0278, with Hoffacker, Lewis 7: 0161 0580,0727,0911 with Rikhye, Indar Jit 6: 0973 negotiations with 4: 0142, 0155, 0163, 0165,0179, with Spaak, Paul-Henri 4: 0542 0183, 0190, 0813; 5: 0731, 0734, 0738, 0755, Dodd, Thomas J. 0759, 0761, 0771, 0789, 0792, 0805, 0807, better rapport with 5: 0650 0811, 0813, 0821, 0853; 6: 0222, 0242, 0270, correspondence with 4:0815, 0816, 0818, 0822, 0318, 0340, 0341, 0394, 0495, 0531, 0556, 0839,0841,0861,0915,0986 0576, 0636, 0641, 0692, 0714. 0729, 0768, meeting with 5:0652; 6: 0003 0826, 0831,0862:7:0119 remarks to 5:1099 reconciliation with 4: 0300, 0312, 0315, 0335; and DRC 5: 0685, 0724, 0872, 0878, 0908; 6: 0770 army troops at Kamina base 7:0028, 0032 response to request for cease-fire in Katanga cease-fire violation 3: 0968 5:0817 cease-fire with 3:0837; 7: 0343 as successor to 6: 0786 constitution 7: 0261, 0265, 0270, 0517 talks with 5:0827-0829; 6: 0307, 0322, 0324, economic and financial briefing paper for use by 0328, 0329, 0336, 0343, 0345, 0347, 0361, 6: 0299 0362, 0365, 0369, 0384, 0387, 0406, 0411, government•correspondence with 6: 0724 0452, 0460, 0462, 0479, 0483, 0485, 0489, government•negotiations with 6: 0679, 0991 0498, 0502, 0508, 0553, 0558, 0773, 0795, government and communism 5: 0788 0799, 0806, 0808. 0821, 0837, 0867, 0877, government exerts military pressure on 4:0965 0883, 0890, 0902, 0915; 7: 0376 peace plan of U Thant 7: 0011, 0019, 0054, 0065 UN mediation with 6: 0615 reconciliation 6: 0682; 7: 0030, 0202, 0318, 0360, agreement with Vital Moanda 7: 0220, 0222 0363, 0449 allegations on support of Congolese national army by Soviet aid to 7: 0289 UN aircraft 5:1044 support for 6:0363 amnesty for 7:0444, 0604 tribal fiefs in 7:0173, 0223 anti-Communist campaign of 7: 0129 tripartite talks on 6:0726 arrest of 3: 0740, 0745 and U.S. 4: 0156; 6: 0002, 0164; 7: 0243 Balubakat-Conakat reconciliation 6:0482 effect of actions on UN-U.S. policy 5:0220 Belgian economic pressure against 5: 0973 effect of continued tensions on 7:0403 Belgian government urges support to 6: 0010 and Elisabethville 5: 0900; 6: 0058; 7: 0257 Brazilian Foreign Ministry refuses visa to 5:0684 and Gardiner, Robert 4: 0878, 0885; 6: 0635; 7: 0039, 0159, 0170, 0331, 0344, 0459, 0461 grievances 7:0206 and Gullion, Edmund A. 4: 0306; 5: 0307, 0309, 0311, 0847,1000,1037;6:0258 Kamitatu, Cleophas•correspondence with 6: 0382

348 Subject Index Kamitatu, Cleophas•proposal calling for arrest of pressure on 6:0451,0457,0477,1060 and DRC visit of Paul-Henri Spaak 4:0080 and Katanga economics: 0722; 6: 0044, 0119, 0460, 0462 cease-fire 5: 0815, 0818; 7: 0307 for settlement 7: 0047 correspondence on 5:0954 Roltz-Bennet•accusations against 6: 0181 declaration to 7: 0308,0312, 0316 Rusk, Dean•telegrams to 4: 0160; 5: 0788 réintégration with 5: 0775; 6: 0239, 0392, 0891 ; Sendwe, Jason•threatens to arrest 6: 0902 7:0517,0537 Union Miniere du Haut Katanga 5:1077,1078; removal from 5: 0231 6:0573,0668,1008 as sovereign state 6:0349 UN UN troops at 4: 0140, 0141, 0725, 0726; 6: 0164, citizens killed at roadblock of 6: 0957 0965 and hostilities at Katanga 5: 0960 and U.S. policy 5: 0953, 0993 and mercenaries police and security files 6:0602 Kennedy•correspondence with 3: 0580, 0581, 0835, reconciliation plan 7:0241 0836, 0837, 0849, 0852-0854; 4: 0074, 0075, uses force against 6:0654; 7:0257 0076, 0077, 0168, 0185, 0727, 0914, 0943, 0946; U.S. 5: 0731, 0750, 0755, 0784, 0997,1000, 1037; acceptance of reconciliation program by 4: 0826 7: 0022 contact with 4: 0791 and Kitona and Cuban Missile Crisis 4:0928, 0931 agreement 5: 0861, 0897, 0905, 0910, 0916, 0922, and DRC peace plan 7:0179 0924, 0929, 0939-0941, 0943, 0965, 0970, expresses concern over Evaristo Kimba's threat to 0991, 1100; 6: 0008, 0020, 0440 arrest foreign consuls 7: 0409 conference 5: 0830, 0835-0839, 0841, 0863, military equipment to DRC national army 4: 0883 0920,1037 reopening of Lubilash Bridge and DRC national flightfrom5:0900 route with 7: 0057 negotiations 5: 0805, 0847 takes hard line against 6:0401 Leopoldville 6: 0526, 0529, 0535, 0537, 0539, 0542, and UN actions against 7:0260 0543, 0760; 7: 0551 visit to U.S. 6: 0002, 0052, 0070-0072, 0116, 0145, letters 0146, 0148-0150, 0151, 0153, 0155, 0170, 0174, to British and Belgian consuls 7:0301 0179, 0186, 0192, 0195, 0204 to Mathu, Eliud Wambe 4:0905 visit to U.S. and Conakat party member 6:0410 toThant, U 5: 0067; 6: 0724 Welensky, Roy 6: 0020, 0066, 0166 and McGhee, George C. Tsiranana, Philibert correspondence with 4:0880, 0882, 0887, 0920, comments on Addis Ababa conference 2:0315 0966, 0975; 7: 0261, 0265, 0270, 0352, 0556 message to UAM deploring war waged by UN and meeting with 7: 0086, 0093, 0100, 0128, 0129, great powers in DRC 5:0693 0245, 0251, 0292, 0300, 0566, 0568 position on UN actions in Katanga 5: 0768 remarks to 7: 0140, 0172, 0382 . Tubman, William meetings Nkrumah, Kwame•sends delegation to meet with with British foreign office officials 6:0270 8: 0679, 0707 with Linner, Sture 6:0103, 0152 Sekou Toure, Ahmed•visits with 9: 0909 with Stevens, Roger 5:0988 Tuesday Planning Group with Stravropoulos, Constantin A. 6: 0171 discussion of problems of Southern Africa 1:0691 with UN officials 7: 0106 luncheon of 1: 0268, 0269 • mercenaries' strength 6:0744 meeting on Algeria and Punta del Este conference Mouvement Pour ('Independence et Resistance calls 2: 0857 for support of 5: 0741 Tunis, Tunisia negotiating sessions with 6: 0623 international trade fair at 12: 0981, 0982, 0989,1107, offers to name Katangese members of military, 1109,1110 monetary and economic commissions 6:0925 Tunisia political status of 5:0795 Algerian refugees in 2:0984 protection for•U.S. 5:0935 asks U.S. to support Mongi Slim's candidacy for press conference•major points raised at 6: 0972, president of Sixteenth UN General Assembly 0981 12:0703

Subject Index 349 Tunisia cont. Tutsi tribesmen Bizerte crisis 10: 0188; 12: 0991,1019, 1021-1023, incursion into Rwanda 11:0096 1027, 1031, 1032, 1040, 1047, 1049, 1057, 1061, UAM 1063,1073 conference of•Grégoire Kayibanda to attend Bourguiba, Habiis•address to political leaders of 11:0217 12:0880,0911 conference of•Justin Bomboko as observer 6:1090 Bourguiba, Habib•regime of 12:0950 discussions between France and U.S. on 1: 0547 breaks diplomatic relations with France 12:1025 headquarters construction 7: 0634 Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems message deploring war waged by UN and great in 1:0749 powers in DRC 5: 0693 changes policy toward DRC 12: 0679 military situation in 2:0075 development of 12: 0708 Udall, Stewart L. dispute with Motion Picture Export Association of plans to attend International Union for Conservation of America (MPEAA) on film tax 12:0678 Nature and Natural Resources 2: 0563 economic aid for 12:0707 Uganda efforts to bring about closer collaboration in foreign invites Taiwan to attend independence celebrations policy with Libya 12: 0780 11:0169 Eisenhower, Dwight D.•goodwill trip to 12:0786 Mwami (King) Mwambutsa IV's visit to 11:0331 foreign investment in 12: 0931 refuses to allow Allen J. Ellender's plane to land guidelines for U.S. policy in 12: 0968, 0969 1:0896 low-cost housing•building of 12:0764 relations with Rwanda 11:0106, 0331 military and civilian plot against government of sends delegation to discuss Common Market 12:1101 problems 12:0241 mutual security in 12: 0956 UN plans for prospective release of Ahmed Ben Bella Africans at 17th General Assembly 2:0010 2: 0995 African voting record in 16th session of General political and economic problems of 12: 0759 Assembly 8: 0835 relations Africa policy of 6:0949 with African states 12: 0786 Afro-Asian resolution on Southern Rhodesia 10: 0906, with Ben Bella, Ahmed 12:1112 0907, 0922, 0924, 0926, 0928, 0931 with France 12: 0983,1083 aid programs in DRC 5: 0329 with Morocco 12:1112 British position on 1:0467 with U.S. 12:0786,1086 "CBS Reports"•report on operations in DRC by Soviet credit for construction of dams and schools in 6: 0898 12:0994 commissions tourists discouraged from traveling to 12:1044 of investigation report on DRC 4: 0084, 0085 UN initiates DRC airlift from 12:1059 in Rwanda-Burundi•activities of 11: 0013 U.S. in Rwanda-Burundi•Belgian opinion of aid to 12: 0708, 0815,0820 recommendations and conclusions of 11:0044 air transport for medical supplies from Morocco to in Rwanda-Burundi•military report presented to 12:1060 11:0006,0018 Defense Department approves shipment of Committee on Southwest Africa•activities of 1: 0670 blanketsfor12:1098 Committee on Southwest Africa•South African discussions with officials of provisional Algerian reaction to 1:0575 government in 12: 0772 EGA•Kennedy's message to 2: 0027, 0028 "Food for Peace" program in 12:0827 EGA•South African participation in 2: 0533, 0564, loan for water supply projects in 12: 0997 0585 position paper on 12:0786 Economic and Social Council•expulsion of South rules for sending greetings on Moslem holidays Africa and Portugal from 2:0594 12:1076 Economic and Social Council•South African technical and economic cooperation in agriculture - participation in 2: 0464, 0585 in 12:0831 expulsion from•South Africa 2:0479, 0533; 11: 0471 Turnbull, Richard financing of operations in Middle East 5: 0233, 0259 statement to William Leonhart 12: 0186 funding for peacekeeping operations of 9: 0134

350 Subject Index Gardiner, Robert•report on talks with Moise ordinance of taxes of 7:0507 Tshombe 7: 0344 peace plan 6:1092; 7: 0011, 0141 General Assembly and Rwanda-Burundi 6:0860; relations with 6:0106 11:0079.0086 responsibilities to 6:0308 General Assembly resolution on disarmament 8: 0108 Ethiopian UN troops attack Elisabethville building of housing for African delegations to 1:0027,0028 5:0845 Italy abstains on Angola resolution 3:0351 financial state of 7:0014 membership in and Katanga Burundi 11: 0101, 0104 agreement with 6:1027 Mauritania 3: 0763, 0866 economic situation 7:0076 Rwanda 11: 0101, 0104 export duties to 6:1036; 7: 0062 Sierra Leone 11: 0398 foreign exchange payments 6:1015,1030 South Africa 10: 0052; 11: 0658 general 4:0375; 5:1051 Mobutu, Joseph Desiree and 3: 0640 production facilities in 7: 0014 Monetary Council•proposal on payment of Union réintégration of 5:1077, 1078,1080; 6: 0119; Miniere du Haut Katanga foreign exchange 7: 0537 earnings to 5: 0067, 0095 and Kirk, Alan 5:1030,1050, 1077 negotiations for world coffee agreement 1:0485 and Kitona agreement•implementation of 5:1100 Portugal's difficulties in 3:0361 position 7:0119 resolutions payment of foreign exchange earnings to UN on Angola 3: 0345 Monetary Council 5: 0067, 0095 on DRC adopted by 4: 0228 payments withheld from Moise Tshombe and Katanga granting independence to Nyasaland 12:0140 6: 0573 Southwest Africa question 2:0034,0160 proposal for UN military guards for property of 6:0610 Special Committee on Apartheid and Tshombe, Moise•economic pressure on 6:0119, embargo of arms and petroleum products against 0668 SouthAfrica10:0047 and Tshombe, Moise•general 5:1077 King, Martin Luther, Jr.'s appearance before UN military forces occupy Elisabethville building of 11:0424,0429 5:0842 recommendations of 11: 0622, 0640, 0651, 0653, U.S. policy toward 5:1069 0654 U.S. talks with 7:0600 Subcommittee on Angola Union of Congolese Workers (UTC) Portuguese government cooperation with 3:0324 criticizes U.S. for saying general strike was plot to trip to meet with Angolan refugees in DRC 3: 0348 overthrow Cyrille Adoula 6: 0468 U.S. "rapporteur" proposal on Angola 3:0370 general strike in DRC to protest arrest of Andre

threat to U.S. leadership in 11: 0598 Boboliko6:0418l0479 see also Security Council, UN; specific countries and United Arab Republic individuals aircraft from Qatar for use by DRC 5:1018 Unilateralism United Party (Ghana) in DRC 8: 0089 plans for taking over Ghanaian government 8: 0888 Union Minlere du Haut Katanga United States customs arrangements 7: 0509 policy in Africa discussions Church, Frank•comments on 1: 0104-0108, between Adoula, Cyrille and George W. Ball on 0110,0111 4:0522 improvement of 2:0449 with Kimba, Evariste 5:1006 suggestions for 1:0039, 0041 with U.S. on situation in DRC and Katanga Williams, G. Mennen•address 1:0221 réintégration 6:0959 see also specific countries, etc. dividend payments 4: 0614, 0615, 0618; 6:0906 U.S. Army, Europe and DRC team to DRC for terrain analysis study 7: 0375 constitution 6:1010 U.S. embassy, Accra customs duties 7: 0071 Accra World Peace Assembly 8: 0571,0597 general 6: 0940; 7: 0081 appraisal of Chad F. Calhoun's visit to Ghana and lawsuit against 6: 0993, 0995, 1008 meetings with Kwame Nkrumah 9: 0126

Subject Index 351 U.S. embassy, Accra cont. Upper Volta appraisal of Ghanaian position on Berlin Crisis International Cooperation Administration aid to 8:0191 10:0687 appraisal of Ghana's political trial 8:1043 position on dissolution of Hubert Maga's government comments in Dahomey 7: 0748 on anti-U.S. attacks in Ghanaian press 8: 0872, Volta River project in Ghana 8: 0429 0894 Uranium on Gardiner, Robert and Robert Jackson 7:0993 deal with South Africa 2: 0606 on Ghana's insistance that UN Security Council Ussopova, Svetlana investigate murder of Patrice Lumumba 9: 0016 attempt by USSR to force departure from Guinea on implications of Kwesi Armah's remarks to 9: 0921 Commonwealth Foreign Ministers' Conference USSR 8: 0755 Adoula, Cyrille•rebuffs UN Security Council move of on Volta River project 8:0003 6:0114 curfew situation legal precedents 8:0781 aircraft landing facilities in Algeria for flights to Cuba Nkrumah, Kwame 9: 0898 address to Ghanaian parliament 8: 0805 Belgian troop withdrawal from Rwanda-Burundi correspondence with Kennedy and Chad Calhoun 11:0055 9: 0034, 0054, 0507 credit for Tunisian government for construction of message to Dag Hammarskjold 7:1000 dams and schools 12: 0994 trip to U.S. 8:0057 Cuba purchases arms from 8: 0740 Nydell-Davis persona non grata cases 8:1004,1007, and DRC 1010,1043:9:0143,0151 aid to 7: 0289 political situation in Ghana 8: 0791, 0798, 0803, 0905, medical staff for 6:0050 0951 military aid to 5: 0034, 0195; 7: 0256 U.S. embassy, Dar-es-Salaam réintégration aid•Katanga 7: 0144 African refugee groups plan anti-U.S. demonstration situation in 5:0256; 6: 0083, 0085, 0087, 0090, at 12: 0358, 0360, 0364 0112 U.S. embassy, Kigali embassy staff in Tanganyika 12:0182 clarification of State Department's position on and Ghana Washington, D.C. residence of Rwandan arms shipment to 8:0962 ambassador 11: 0223 economic cooperation 9: 0033 U.S. embassy, Leopoldville geological survey of 9:0140 recommendations on DRC 6:0885 influence in 8: 0019, 0043 and Roberto, Holden 3: 0006, 0009 troops sent to DRC 8: 0130 U.S. Information Service (USIS) troops trained by 7:0802; 8: 0232, 0234 closing Ghana office 8:1061 and Guinea discontinues plans for cultural and information center aid agreement 10:0030 in Elisabethville, DRC 6: 0916 aircraft at 10: 0032, 0036, 0039, 0120, 0135 reports mock raid on Elisabethville post office by UN and flights to Cuba 9: 0898 troops 7: 0255 recall of ambassador to 9: 0706 Unity and National Progress party (Burundi) students•withdrawal of 9:0681 quarrel between government of Burundi and chief of and Ussopova, Svetlana 9: 0921 11:0211 Hammarskjold, Dag•as UN Secretary General University of Ghana 8: 0090 medical school•estimated staffing and budget for Maga, Hubert•invited to visit 7: 0701 9:0531 Nkrumah, Kwame University of Pennsylvania assassination of 8: 0762 possible honorary degree for Felix Houphouet-Boigny dealings with 7: 0820; 8: 0137 from 10: 0239 tripto9:0312 Unwin, T. M. nuclear testing by 8: 0663 talks between Tanganyika and Portugal on African offers financial aid to Hubert Maga of Dahomey colonies 12: 0334, 0575 7: 0699, 0700 onward air rights from Sudan into DRC 6:0652

352 Subject Index possible summit meeting with U.S. in Congo Voita River project (Brazzaville) 3: 0972, 0974, 0976, 0980, 0982, agreement between U.S. and Ghana on 7: 0814; 0984 8: 0140, 0265, 0296, 0483, 0487, 0504, 0539, press attack on U.S. Peace Corps 8: 0957 0542, 0547 problems of African students in 8: 0576,0578 background and status of 8:0096 reaction to news of agreement in Adoula-Tshombe delayed by U.S. in reaction to Ghana's international talks 6: 0890 posture 8:0217 Sekou Toure, Ahmed•dealings with 8: 0500 discussions between Sylvanus Olympic and U.S. on UN resolution on independence to Nyasaland decision to proceed with 8:0446 12:0140 Dobson, Frank•employed by Ghana to supervise see also Soviet bloc 8:0179,0197,0198 Usumbura, Burundi general 7: 0807, 0842; 8:0331, 0370; 9: 0312 establishment of foreign diplomatic missions at Ghanaian delegation visits U.S. to discuss 7:0956 11:0058 Gore, Albert, Sr.•disapproves of U.S. participation in establishment of U.S. embassy at 11:0039 8:0293 refuses to accept outgoing telegrams from Katanga Jackson, Robert•briefs U.S. ambassador and British 6:1043 high commissioner on developments on 8:0165 Valco aluminum smelter project Kennedy letter to Harold Macmillan on 8: 0395 agreement with Ghana 7:0861, 0997 Kennedy's assurances on 8:0148,0153,0162 construction of 8: 0955; 9: 0275, 0301 Liberian reaction to U.S. approval of 8: 0424 financing plan for 7: 0861 Nkrumah, Kwame Ghana's guarantees against expropriation of 8: 0498, correspondence with Kennedy on 7:0812; 8: 0149, 0503 0151, 0157, 0169, 0170, 0264, 0431, 0435, investment guaranties for 7: 0861 0452, 0453, 0537, 0539, 0540, 0542, 0545 negotiations with Kwame Nkrumah on 8:0492 desires to have agreement signed in Accra ownership and earnings of 8: 0492, 0496, 0503, 0507, 8: 0411, 0425, 0427, 0435, 0444 0539 discusses 7: 0773 political risks of 7: 0861 meeting with Chad F. Calhoun on 7:1011 U.S. presents outline to Ghanaian parliament on agrees to sign master agreement with Ghana in 7: 0997,1030; 8: 0003, 0490, 0502, 0503 Accra 8: 0421 speech on 8: 0433, 0437, 0439, 0440, 0447, 0449, interest in 7: 0861 0456, 0461, 0462, 0464, 0468. 0502 review of 9: 0540 visits Voita dam site 9:0092 Van Den Haag, Ernest possible African reaction if U.S. decides against aid from U.S. State Department for visit to Katanga proceeding with 8:0254 5:1036 possible U.S. pullout from 8:0261 observer in DRC for American Committee to Aid reports on 8:0291, 0355 Katanga Freedom Fighters 5:1027 Sudanese government and U.S. loan to Ghana for Van Weyenbergh, Maurice 8:0451 Tshombe, Moise•and negotiations with DRC and U.S. government 6: 0991 aid to 7: 0806; 8: 0225, 0251 Vatican commitment on 7:0804; 8:0220 approach by U.S. on Angola 3: 0271 courses of action on 8: 0319 Verwoerd, Hendrik decision on 7: 0825; 8: 0240, 0267, 0292, 0429 offers to make concessions to U.S. and Great Britain discussions with Maurice Yameogo on 8:0455 11:0607,0610 embassy, Accra's comments on 8:0003 South Africa and 1:0630 financing of 8: 0171, 0338, 0389, 0391, 0400, Village development program 0410, 0435, 0442, 0451, 0511 in Guinea 9: 0819 interest in 7:0861 ; 8:0359 Voita River Authority involvement in 8: 0338, 0365, 0383, 0447, 0453, Calhoun, Chad F.•report on meeting of 9: 0076 0454 Canadian engineer for 8:0178 mission to discuss 8: 0256, 0259, 0275, 0280, chief executive for 8:0154, 0155, 0160, 0196, 0209 0282, 0284 members of 8: 0380 National Security Council meeting on 8: 0422 U.S. discussions with Ayeh Kumi 8:0454

Subject Index 353 Volta River project cont. consultations and U.S. cont. with British officials on Federation of Rhodesia and policy on 7: 0763 Nyasaland 10:0912 public reaction to 8: 0528 with France on DRC situation 1:0611, 0615 review of 9: 0540 with Great Britain on DRC situation 1:0622 signing of agreement on 8:0219, 0140 with West Germany on situation in Africa 1: 0619, State Department on 7:1002; 8:0394 0622 World Bank involvement with 8: 0014 discussions see also Nkrumah, Kwame with Adoula, Cyrille 6:0636 Wachuku, Jaja with Botsio, Kojo 9: 0511, 0512, 0514, 0518 chiefs of mission at Accra, Ghana, invited to greet with Bundy, McGeorge•on Angola Task Force 8: 0599 3:0035 comments on Addis Ababa conference 2:0378 with DRC leaders on solution to Katanga issue discussions 6:0643 on Angola3: 0119, 0135, 0432 with Hansen, Kenneth 3: 0046 with Rusk, Dean 5: 0574 with Kasavubu, Joseph 6: 0641 with U.S. on Carl Nydell as persona non grata in with Nkrumah, Kwame 9: 0280 Ghana 8:1020 with Ribeiro, Miguel 9: 0307 Wadsworth, James J. with Thant, U on future developments in DRC impressions of Accra World Peace Assembly 8: 0648 6: 0585 Walmsley, Walter N., Jr. Kennedy's support for 1: 0038 appointment with Kennedy 12:1075 Kenyan boycott of visit of 1: 0891 returns from post in Tunisia 12:1097 letter from Kennedy 5: 0270, 0273 Welensky, Roy letter to Bishop[?] Booth 6:1068 concern over situation in Katanga 5:0745, 0769 observations on Africa 1: 0199 informed of U.S. policy on DRC unity 6:0974 paper on Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland lays blame for failure of Federation of Rhodesia and 10:0901 Nyasaland on British government 10:0989 remarks on Ghana 8: 0775, 0784, 0840 letter to Dean Rusk 10:1027,1028 visit to Ghana 9:0254, 0282 meeting with Kennedy 10:1013,1019,1022 visit with Kwame Nkrumah 8: 0235,0240 message from Kennedy 5: 0790 Wine, James W. statement on Lincoln White 6:0982 appointment with Kennedy 10:0421,0423 and Tshombe, Moise biographical sketch of 10: 0424, 0483 advice from 6: 0166 letter to Kennedy 10:0461 correspondence 6: 0020 presence in Washington, D.C. of 10: 0482 Kitona agreement 5: 0940; 6: 0020 Withers, Charles F. meeting with 6: 0066 appointment with Kennedy 11:0352 visit to U.S. 10: 0979, 0980, 1014,1030 biographical sketch of 11: 0353 West Africa views on U.S. assistance to Rwanda 11:0354 U.S. position on issues in 10: 0434 World Bank Wheelus Air Force Base assistance to Burundi for improvement of roads background paper on 10: 0487 11:0167 White, Lincoln DRC officials attend conference of 6:1055 Roy Welensky's statement on 6:0982 Ghanaian government requests resident Whltehead, Edgar representative of 8:0485 asked to testify before UN 10:0923 Ghana's negotiations with 7: 0799 defeated in election for prime minister of Southern involvement with Volta River project in Ghana 8:0014 Rhodesia 10:0966 Nkrumah, Kwame•requests advice from experts elected prime minister of Southern Rhodesia 10: 0926 from 8:0488, 0617 views of situation in Southern Rhodesia 10:0978 Nkrumah, Kwame•requests representative in Ghana Williams, G. Mennen 8: 0495 address to Rhodesian National Affairs Federation World Food Congress 1:0221 Nyerere, Julius•to address opening of 12:0283, appointment with Kennedy 2: 0023, 0024 0286

354 Subject Index Yameogo, Maurice Yugoslavia discussions with U.S. on Volta River project in Ghana Bureau for Africa and Europe's actions and problems 8:0455 in 1:0749 Yav, [?] Ghana concludes agreements with 8:0005 disagreement with Joseph Ngalula delays signing of Zanzibar cease-fire agreement 7: 0498 situation in 12:0056 discusses implementation of UN's DRC peace plan ZAPU 7:0051 general 2: 0124, 0125 Yost, Charles W. plans for passive resistance in Southern Rhodesia discussions with Ralph Bunche 5:0661 ; 7:0324 11:0532 Youlou, Fulbert results of rift between Ndabaningi Sithole and Joshua Adoula-Tshombe meeting prospects 6:0290 Nkomo factions in 10:1007 appeals to U.S. to help end hostilities in Katanga struggle for leadership in 10:1002,1003, 1004 4: 0326; 5: 0673 Zlnsou, Émlle-Derlin biographical report on 3: 0748, 0866 discussions with Kwame Nkrumah 8:0959 calls on French troops for support 5: 0541 mediates dispute between Ghana and Togo 8: 0959 and DRC decision to recognize Angolan government in exile 3: 0419 invites Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev to summit conference in Congo (Brazzaville) 3: 0982, 0984 Kennedy correspondence with 3: 0767-0769, 0771, 0772, 0979, 0981 ; 4: 0058, 0060, 0063, 0064, 0300, 0314, 0318, 0321, 0328, 0338; 5: 0018-0020, 0028-0031, 0154, 0475, 0478, 0493, 0495- 0497, 0500 discussions with 3: 0774, 0866 meeting with 3:0761, 0773 letters to Reeves, Frank D. 3: 0770 from Rusk, Dean 4:0072 from Salazar, Antonio 3: 0438 message to Nikita Khrushchev 3:0974, 0976 plans to build dam at Kouilou 9: 0611 resignation of 5: 0543, 0550 role at OAU conference 5: 0493, 0497 views on solution to problem of Katanga secession 7:0358 visit to U.S. 3: 0737, 0753, 0763, 0765, 0866


Africa: National Security Files, 1961 -1963 Asia and the Pacific: National Security Files, 1961-1963 Latin America: National Security Files, 1961-1963 The Middle East: National Security Files, 1961-1963 U.SiS.R. and Eastern Europe: National Security Files, 1961-1963 Vietnam: National Security Files, 1961-1963


Africa: National Security Files, 1963-1969 Asia and the Pacific: National Security Files, 1963-1969 Latin America: National Security Files, 1963-1969 The Middle East: National Security Files, 1963-1969 The United Nations: National Security Files, 1963-1969 U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe: National Security Files, 1963-1969 Vietnam: National Security Files, November 1963-June 1965 Vietnam, Special Subjects: National Security Files, 1963-1969 Western Europe: National Security Files, 1963-1969