List of declassified files of the

Ministry of External Affairs from 1903‐1972


Compiled by IDSA Library

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Meeting of the Committes of Council and Discussion Progs., regarding summary no 1 of the Commonwealth Nos. PROTOCO 1 1946 Relations, External Affairs, Home and War Dept. for 97(24)- L the month ending 14th July, 1946. P.T, 19467 Progs., Foreign Office Circular regarding the intentions of Nos. PROTOCO 2 H.M.G. in regard to the future of information work in 1946 9735)-P.T, L Foreign countries. 19467 Progs., Disposal of private and official funds of the Japanese Nos. PROTOCO 3 1946 consular officers in . 1(33)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Priority air passage for Mr. P.H. Stent, of Nos. PROTOCO 4 1946 Nanking Embassy, for U.K. 199(124)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Question of flying the Congress flag over India Nos. PROTOCO 5 1946 House London. 10(114)- L PT, 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 6 Polish refugees in India., 1946 10(78)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Seal passages for miss Millson, Sister, and Doctor Nos. PROTOCO 7 Doeu, Lady Medical officer, Bahrain Govt. Hospital, 1946 198(97)- L from Bombay to Bahrain. P.T, 1946 Progs., Re-Organisation of the Central Govt. Deptt. and re- Nos. PROTOCO 8 1946 Allocation of Department business 10(144)- L PT, 1946 Progs., Statement by Cabinet and H.E. the Viceroy 16th Nos. PROTOCO 9 1946 June 1946. 6(46)-PT, L 1946 Enquiry by the A.G.G. Baluchistan regarding flying Progs., PROTOCO 10 of flags by the Chief of Kharan on his Car and Nos. 1946 L Residence in British India. 10(132)-

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public division. For more details visit


PT, 1946 (Secret) Progs., Priority air passage for Sir Allan Mossop, Legal, Nos. PROTOCO 11 1946 Consullor of the British Embassy, Nanking, for U.K. 199(188)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Despatch of tobacco seed from Calcutta to Siam by Nos. PROTOCO 12 air by the Indian leaf Tobacco Development Co. Ltd. 1946 198(35)- L Calcutta. P.T, 1946 Progs., Visit of the to Japan Grant Nos. PROTOCO 13 1946 of Customs Facilities on their arrival in India. 25(19)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Foreign Office Circular regarding the use of official Nos. PROTOCO 14 1946 information in privately published works. 97(30)- L P.T, 19467 Progs., Priority air passage for Mr. Chu Chia Hua, Chinese Nos. PROTOCO 15 Minister, fo Education from Calcutta to the U.K. 1946 199(208)- L Grant of Customs facilities on their arrival in India. P.T, 1946 Progs., Supply of series for maps of Afghanistan to U.S. Nos. PROTOCO 16 1946 Mission for use of the U.S.A , in Kabul. 50(11)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Import Trade Control...... Preparation of shipping Nos. PROTOCO 17 Programme - January/June 1947 from all loading 10(159)- 1946 L areas including European Countries. PT, 1946 Secret Progs., List of the Members of the Indian delegation to the Nos. PROTOCO 18 Food and Agricultural Organisation Conference at 1946 6(27)-PT, L copenhagen 1946 Progs., Foreign Office circular regarding Foreign Service Nos. PROTOCO 19 1946 Handbook. 97(22)- L P.T, 19467 Progs., PROTOCO 20 Weekly information about foo for Sikkim. Nos. 1946 L 34(4)-P.T,

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, division. For more details visit


1946 Progs., Priority air passage for Mr. Scott from Karachi to the Nos. PROTOCO 21 1946 United Kingdom. 199(165)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., List of Important problems that will Confront the Nos. PROTOCO 22 1946 new or Interim Govt. 6(43)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Recommendations for English Honours for the Nos. PROTOCO 23 1946 King`s Birthday Honours List, 1946. 65(27)- L P.T, 1946 Returns of all copies which are in Possession of the Progs., External Affairs Deptt. regarding secret note on the Nos. PROTOCO 24 1946 All India Spinners Association and the All India 6(24)-PT, L Village Industries Association to the Home Deptt. 1946 Progs., Question of Finding Alternative. Accommodation for Nos. PROTOCO 25 1946 Chinese in New Delhi in Place of Jind House. 5(29)-PT, L 1946 Exemption of the Wheel outstanding against Mr. Progs., Mahomed A.El.-Kony Consul for Egypt and Mr. Nos. PROTOCO 26 1946 Ibrahim El-Imam El -Sayed Attache of the 4(17)-PT, L in respect of their motor Cars. 1946 Progs., Foreign Office circular regarding Legislation Nos. PROTOCO 27 1946 Documents. 97(25)- L P.T, 19467 Progs., List of Foreign Office Circular instructions Nos. PROTOCO 28 amendments and c, issued to H.M.`s Consular 1946 6(34)-PT, L Officers during 1946 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 29 Policy to be adopted towards Belgian Imports. 1946 10(75)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Priority air passage for Mr. Hsu Mo Chin from Nos. PROTOCO 30 1946 Calcutta to... 199(180)- L P.T, 1946

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Progs., Nos. Supply of Departmental Monthly summaries to the PROTOCO 107 10(124)- 1946 Cabinet Secretariate. L PT, 1946 (Secret) Progs., Civilians internees in India. Question of the release Nos. PROTOCO 108 1946 of Prince Virginio Borghese a French Nationals. 10(155)- L PT, 1946 Grant fo permission to the High for the U.K. to send foreign state telegrams en clairs or Progs., in code or cypher for official purposes at British Govt. Nos. PROTOCO 109 1946 Rates to all empire countries and Briitsh 9(14)-PT, L and `s Offices in Other Parts of 1946 the World Progs., Foreign Office Circular regarding the trial of the Nos. PROTOCO 110 1946 Japanese war Criminals. 99(39)- L P.T, 19467 S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Priority air passage for Sardar Mohd. Akram Khan Nos. PROTOCO 111 Afghan Minister designate in Rome (Italy) via the 1946 199(137)- L U.K. P.T, 1946 Progs., Policy asked by the A.G.G. Baluchistan regarding Nos. PROTOCO 112 1946 renunciation of titles by the Muslum League. 65(9)-P.T, L 1946 Progs., List of Empire Netural Enemy and Allied countries Nos. PROTOCO 113 1946 prepared by the E.A.Deptt. 6(37)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Arrival of the High Commissioner for U.K.and Party in Nos. PROTOCO 114 1946 India. 10(156)- L PT, 1946 Supply of maps of the Gulf and territory of Aden to Progs., PROTOCO 115 U.S. Mission for transmission to the American Nos. 3(7)- 1946 L Consulate Aden. PT, 1946 Priority air passage for the U. Kingdom, en route to Progs., PROTOCO 116 the U.S.A. for Sir Girja Shanker Bajpai, Indian Agent Nos. 1946 L General in The U.S.A. Family. 199(164)-

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


P.T, 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 117 Analysis of foreign Broadcasts 10(151)- 1946 L PT, 1946 (Secret) Proposal to set up an all India Consultative Progs., Committee Containing representatives of State and Nos. PROTOCO 118 1946 of Central Govt. for Consultation, in matters of 97(11)- L Common concern. P.T, 19467 Cancellation of hotel accomodation in London and Air Progs., Passages from the U.S. to the U.S.A. for members of Nos. PROTOCO 119 1946 the Indian Delegation, to the Economic and Social 198(61)- L Council of the United Nation organisations. P.T, 1946 Progs., Nos. Replacing of the Indian Tri-Colour Flag on the Car of PROTOCO 120 10(127)- 1946 the Indian Consul Nova Goa. L PT, 1946 (Secret)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Courtesies and facilities to be accord to Nos. PROTOCO 121 1946 distinguished Personages, etc. 95(8)-P.T, L 1946 Progs., Allocation of Sites for Foreign Representatives and Nos. PROTOCO 122 Missions and etc, in India in the 1946 5(32)-PT, L Proposed diplomatic block. 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 123 Foreign office circular regarding war Instructions. 1946 97(16)- L P.T, 19467 Progs., Priority air passage for Mr. A.A. Wallak, Nos. PROTOCO 124 Commerical Attache of Swedish Legation, 1946 199(196)- L Nankiing, from Calcutta, to U.K. P.T, 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 125 The foreigners Act (Amendment) Ordinance, 1946. 1946 63(67)- L P.T, 1946 126 Enactment of legislation of the expiry of the Progs., PROTOCO 1946

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


emergency legislation to control the supply of Nos. L electric energy etc. 631(19)- P.T, 1946 Progs., Revised procedure for submitting Nos. PROTOCO 127 recommendations for English Honours and Indian 1946 65(23)- L Titles. P.T, 1946 Progs., General instructions, regarding the grant of Nos. PROTOCO 128 passport facilities for Somaliland to British 1946 214(42)- L Subjects. P.T, 1946 Progs., Extension of powers and jurisiction of the Delhi Nos. PROTOCO 129 Speical Police Establishment of areas other than 1946 63(84)- L the Delhi Provinces. P.T, 1946 Progs., Establishment of a committee of Council which will Nos. PROTOCO 130 1946 be called the Defence Committee of India. 97(17)- L P.T, 19467

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Raising of the Status of the American and Chinese Nos. PROTOCO 131 Mission in India, of the Indian Mission, in the 1946 109(2)- L U.S.A. and China to the Embassies. P.T, 19467 Priority air passage for an Indian Delegation to the Progs., General Assembly of the U.K. Nations, Nos. PROTOCO 132 Organisation for U.K. and onward passages to the 1946 199(161)- L U.S.A. 2. Question of hotek accommodation in P.T, 1946 London for the Delegation. Progs., Priority air passage for General Ho Ying Chi and Nos. PROTOCO 133 1946 Party from India to the U.K. 199(168)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 134 Fortnightly report of food situation in Baluchistan. 1946 6(30)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Agana, and minutes of the meeting of the publicity Nos. PROTOCO 135 1946 Co-ordination, Committee. 97(8)-P.T, L 19467

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Progs., Requisitioned Land (Continuance of Powers) Nos. PROTOCO 136 1946 Ordinance, 1946. 63(57)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Grant of courtesies and facilities to H.R.H. Prince Nos. PROTOCO 137 Peter of Greeece, of present on a visit of Kabul, 1946 95(9)-P.T, L during his stay in India. 1946 Progs., Priority air passage from Karachi to the United Nos. PROTOCO 138 Kingdom, for Lt. General Shanker Shamsher Jung 1946 199(154)- L Bahadur Rana and his party. P.T, 1946 Progs., Foreign Office Circular regarding Consular officers Nos. PROTOCO 139 1946 in the British Empire. 97(27)- L P.T, 19467 Statement showing the amount to be debted to the Progs., Muscat Agency in respect of the transmission of Nos. PROTOCO 140 1946 sealed mail bags received from the Political agent 6(16)-PT, L Muscat. 1946

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., External supplied (Temperary Powers) ordenances. Nos. PROTOCO 141 1946 1946. 63(46)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Priority air passage from Calcutta to Basra for Nos. PROTOCO 142 Messrs. Chichkine and Roubaschkine Soviet 1946 199(149)- L Diplomatic Couriers. P.T, 1946 Arrangement for a special train and other facilities Progs., for the ex- of Nepal and party who Nos. PROTOCO 143 1946 prepose visiting Rameshwar, Kurukshetra and 94(7)-P.T, L Badrinath. 1946 Progs., Certain amendments to the Indian (Foreign Nos. PROTOCO 144 1946 Jurisdiction) Order in Council 1937. 63(73)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Supply of 410 Ball and Blank ammunition of Civil Nos. PROTOCO 145 Police and Indian States Foreces armed with 410 1946 40(27)- L Muskets. P.T, 1946

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Progs., Arrangements for grant of courtesies and facilities Nos. PROTOCO 146 to the Siamese Minister to London on his arrival in 1946 95(10)- L India. P.T, 1946 Progs., Arrival of Mr. Ho Chi Min, President of the visit Nam Nos. PROTOCO 147 1946 Republic in India, Grant of Courtesies to him. 94(5)-P.T, L 1946 Progs., Ordinances issued during the War Emergency--- Nos. PROTOCO 148 1946 Question of continuance after the 30th Sep. 1946. 63(71)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 149 Sugar (Temporary Excise Duty) Ordinance, 1946. 1946 63(64)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Grant of courtesies and facilities to Chinese Foreign Nos. PROTOCO 150 1946 Minister and party on their arrivl in India. 95(11)- L P.T, 1946

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Supply of certain informatin to the Home Dept Progs., Regarding person detained under the orders of teh Nos. PROTOCO 151 1946 external Affairs, Dept. under the restriction and 63(81)- L ddetention Ordinance, 1944. P.T, 1946 Request of the Secy. Frontier Corps, N.W.F. for the Progs., amendment of the Royal Charter of include India Nos. PROTOCO 152 Officers of frontier corps as eligible for Military 1946 63(58)- L Cross and Indian other Ranks of Frontier Corps and P.T, 1946 eligible for the Military Medal. Progs., Record of the informal discussion between the Nos. PROTOCO 153 India, Office representative and the M.O.G. 1946 72(5)-P.T, L Committee heldd on the 26th June. 1946. 1946 Recommendation by the Agent General for Indian in Progs., China for the appreciation fo the help rendered to Nos. PROTOCO 154 British and other prisnors of war in Japanese hands 1946 67(2)-P.T, L by Mr. B.S. Khambata who was employed in 1946 Shanghai Jail Dept. during the war with Japan. Copy of Guie to prominent Newspapers and Progs., PROTOCO 155 1946 Periodicals in India. Nos. L

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


44(6)-P.T, 1946 Secret Progs., Request made by the U.S.A. Military authorities for Nos. PROTOCO 156 the supply of information regarding foreign Military 1946 50(8)-P.T, L Representatives in India. 1946 Progs., Priority air passage for Mr. Peristiany from Karachi Nos. PROTOCO 157 1946 to U.K. 199(197)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Decision that information should be given to Nos. PROTOCO 158 Provincial Govt. about new Consular officers who 10(139)- 1946 L are to be located within their jurisdiction. PT, 1946 (Secret) Arrival of Admiral Thierry D. Argentieu, High Progs., Commissioner for Indo-China, in France, and party Nos. PROTOCO 159 in India, en-route to Saigon. Arrangement for 1946 95(13)- L accommodation reception and customs facilities on P.T, 1946 their arrival in India. Progs., Priority air passage from Delhi to Cairo for Sardar Nos. PROTOCO 160 Najibullah Khan, Afghan, Minister and Abdul 1946 199(150)- L Razzak of the Afghan Air Force. P.T, 1946

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 161 Passage of Siam for Nand Lal Suchdev. 1946 198(45)- L P.T, 1946 Retention by H.E. the Viceroy of India of Certain Progs., articles presented to him by the Nawab of Dir and Nos. PROTOCO 162 1946 the Wali of Swat during his N.W.F.P. tour from the 106(2)- L 14th Nov. to the 19th Nov. 1946. P.T, 19467 Progs., Weekly political Appreciation telegrams from the Nos. PROTOCO 163 Govr. Genl. I.& B. Deptt. to the Secretary of State 1946 9(12)-PT, L for India London. 1946 Progs., PROTOCO 164 Weekly Directive and background. Nos. 1946 L 72(4)-P.T,

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


1946 Progs., Policy to be aopted in the view of the Surrendur of Nos. PROTOCO 165 honours and titles by members of the Muslim 1946 65(10)- L League. P.T, 1946 Progs., Settlement of debts owed by the Italian in Kabul to Nos. PROTOCO 166 1946 Indian Firms. 10(117)- L PT, 1946 Progs., Arrival reception & presentation of credentials by Nos. PROTOCO 167 the American in India the Honourable 1946 3(21)-PT, L Loy W.Henderson. 1946 Progs., Memorandum to the Standing finance committee Nos. PROTOCO 168 Regarding continuance of the Monitoring Office . All 1946 10(122)- L India Radio PT, 1946 Priority air passage from Karachi to the United Progs., Kingdom, for N.J. Wadia who is proceeding to the Nos. PROTOCO 169 1946 Peace Conference as Legal Advisor to the Indian 199(132)- L Delegation. P.T, 1946 Progs., Disposal of the property of the consulate for Lativia Nos. PROTOCO 170 1946 in India. 2(12)-PT, L 1946

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Appointment of Major General H.H. Maharaja Sir Nos. PROTOCO 171 Yadavindra Singh of Patialaas Honorary Col. of Sikh 1946 64(7)-P.T, L Regiments. 1946 Progs., PROTOCO 172 Defence of suits against the Central Govt. Nos. 94- 1946 L P.T, 1946 Progs., Priority air passage from Calcutta to the U.K. for Nos. PROTOCO 173 1946 Professor W.U. Ta-You. 199(185)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Whereshouts of Mr. Jacques Ezzaoui, a French Nos. PROTOCO 174 1946 National, who disappeared from Imphal in 1942. 72(2)-P.T, L 1946

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


1. Accommodation for U.S.A Embassy in New Delhi. Progs., 2. Continued occupation by the US Embassy of Nos. PROTOCO 175 Bahawalpur Huse upto the 31st March 1948 and 3. 1946 50(17)- L Disposal the rent of Bahawalpur House received P.T, 1946 from the the US Embassy. Progs., Sea Passges for Maddame Atrizi, Wife of Afghan Nos. PROTOCO 176 Minister nanking, and her daughters from Bombay 1946 198(95)- L to Shanghai. P.T, 1946 Progs., 1. Passge for Sri V. naimuthu Pillai to French Indo- Nos. PROTOCO 177 China, 2. matters releting to Indian in French Indo- 1946 198(68)- L China. P.T, 1946 Progs., Preparation of a list of problems that will Confront Nos. PROTOCO 178 1946 the New Govt. 6(17)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Air Passage for Sardar Habibulla Khan for Peshawar Nos. PROTOCO 179 1946 to Calcutta Via Delhi. 198(37)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Statement showing names and Particulars of Sealed Nos. PROTOCO 180 1946 Nepalese Indian National Army. 6(29)-PT, L 1946

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exchange of diplomatic representative with Foreign Progs., coutries 2. Enhancement of the status of the Indian PROTOCO 181 Nos. 109- 1946 Agencies General in U.S.A. China to that of L P.T, 19467 Embassies. Progs., The Policy regarding entry of Indians into Foreign Nos. PROTOCO 182 1946 Countries. 10(86)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Grant of customs facilities and Courtesies to King of Nos. PROTOCO 183 Siam and party on their arrival in India on route to 1946 4(26)-PT, L Switzerland. 1946 Progs., Passgages to U.K. route to France for certain French PROTOCO 184 Nos. 1946 officials and Civilians. L 198(76)-

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


P.T, 1946 Progs., Control of civilian travel to territories under Military Nos. PROTOCO 185 1946 Administration in South East Asia. 198(54)- L P.T, 1946 Request of the Swiss Consul genl. For the grant of Progs., interviews with Sir Raghavan Pillai and Mr. Nos. PROTOCO 186 1946 Aminuddin Chief Controller of Exports for discussing 2(32)-PT, L trade relations between India and Switzerland. 1946 Progs., Air passage for Col. G.E. Wheeler from Delhi to Nos. PROTOCO 187 1946 Tehran (Iran) 198(47)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Foreign Office Circular regarding marriages at H.M. Nos. PROTOCO 188 1946 Embassies and Legation. 97(24)- L P.T, 19467 Progs., Grant of permission to Dr. B.Parsad Director of Nos. PROTOCO 189 research of the Indian institute of international 1946 10(175)- L affairs for examination Official record. PT, 1946 Progs., Grant of suitable courtesies and facilities to Chinese Nos. PROTOCO 190 Delegation who is proceeding to Paris to attend the 1946 94(4)-P.T, L Peace conference through India, (Calcutta.) 1946

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Copy of a pamphlet entitled War Crimes -the Nos. PROTOCO 191 Destruction on of the Library of the University of 1946 10(123)- L Louvain received from the Belgium Consul General PT, 1946 Question of withdrawing the exemption from the registeration of Foreigners rules in respect of the Progs., Foreign Military personnel in India Enquiry regarding Nos. PROTOCO 192 the name of the Chinese authority in India who is 1946 33(5)-PT, L competent military movements orders the categories 1946 of the Chinese military personnel who are still entitled to Come to this cournty and stay here. Progs., Classification of telegrams passing between the PROTOCO 193 Nos. 9(8)- 1946 Viceroy and the Secretary of State. L PT, 1946 194 Movement of Allied Nationals in and Ex-India. Progs., PROTOCO 1946

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Nos. L 10(152)- PT, 1946 Progs., Priority air passage for to U.K. for Mr. P.D. Coates, Nos. PROTOCO 195 1946 Secy. of the British Embassy, Nanking. 199(194)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Air Restrictions, Cancellation of the notification of Nos. PROTOCO 196 the Communication, Dept. No. W 10/1, dated the 1946 56(6)-P.T, L 28th Aug. 1939. 1946 Progs., Arrangement for courtesy ranks in the Indian an Nos. PROTOCO 197 1946 Warrant of Precedence to Foreign . 19(3)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Establishment of Civil Dairy Farms in Indian States Nos. PROTOCO 198 1946 by the Military Farms Dept. 22(6)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Report of the Inter deptt. Committee on Official Nos. PROTOCO 199 1946 Statistics. 6(15)-PT, L 1946 Handed over the Charge of the administration of the Progs., Govt. Ceylon to the Honourable Sir John Curtois Nos. PROTOCO 200 1946 Howard Chief justice after the departure of Sir Henry 10(147)- L Monckmason Moor. on leave. PT, 1946

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., List of War Criminals and Material Witnesses Nos. PROTOCO 201 1946 (Japanese.) 6(22)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Foreign Office Circular regarding estimate and return Nos. PROTOCO 202 1946 of expenditure April to Sept. 99(36)- L P.T, 19467 Progs., Priority air passage from Delhi to Peshawar for Nos. PROTOCO 203 1946 Sardar Mohd. Naim Khan Mr. Kizilbash. 199(155)- L P.T, 1946 204 List of the Subjects for which External Affairs Deptt. Progs., PROTOCO 1946

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


is responsible for answering questions in the Central Nos. L Legislative Assembly. 6(32)-PT, 1946 Progs., Notification relating Compulsory insurance of motor Nos. PROTOCO 205 1946 Vehicles against third party risks. 13(4)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Evacuation of internees from the East Nos. PROTOCO 206 1946 Indies 10(161)- L PT, 1946 Progs., Amendment in the Defence Dept. regarding the re- Nos. PROTOCO 207 organisation of the Sailors Soilders and Airmen 1946 63(33)- L Board in India States. P.T, 1946 Progs., Nos. Weekly directly from H.M. for Far Eastern PROTOCO 208 10(131)- 1946 Information New series. L PT, 1946 (Secret) Progs., Priority air Passages for U.K. for Sardar Mohd. Omar Nos. PROTOCO 209 1946 Khan and his wife. 199(123)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Taking over of the Japanese Consular Archievs and Nos. PROTOCO 210 1946 property in India. 1(34)-PT, L 1946

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Request from the Acting Secretary- General of the United Nations Organisation for material for the revision of pamphlet Progs., Nos. 111(11)-PT, 31 PROTOCOL 1947 entitled ``List of Multilateral 1947 (Secret) Conventions, Agreements, etc. relating to Transport and Communications Questions``. Question of Flying the Flags at Progs., Nos. 10(55)-PT, 32 PROTOCOL 1947 the Indian Consulate Generalin 1947

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Pondicherry on the 15th August 1947. List of existing Indian Govt. Trade functioning in Progs., Nos. 6(28)-PT, 33 various countries under the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Control of the Commerce Deptt., Govt. of India. External Services Broadcasts of Progs., Nos. 10(28)-PT, 34 PROTOCOL 1947 All India Radio. 1947 Counter- Signature of Commissions by the Minister of the appointment of Mr. R. A. Baip Progs., Nos. 1(37)-PT, 35 PROTOCOL 1947 as Indian Consul- General at 1947 Pondicherry, for French and Protuguese India. Progs., Nos. 6(8)-PT, 36 Constitutional reforms in Nepal. PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Decision that His Majesty`s approval should be obtained before recognising Heads of Progs., Nos. 109(7)-PT, 37 Foreign Missions accredited to PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) India and that these powers cannot be delegated to the Governor-General. Appointment of Honourable Mr. Progs., Nos. 109(11)-PT, 38 K.P.S. Menon as His Majesty`s PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Ambassador for India on China. External Affairs Department`s Progs., Nos. 6(7)-PT, 39 monthly summaries for the year PROTOCOL 1947 1947 1947. Accommodation for American Progs., Nos. 5(3)-PT, 40 PROTOCOL 1947 Consul General in Bombay. 1947

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Request of the Dominican Republic for the establishment of Progs., Nos. 1(33)-PT, 41 PROTOCOL 1947 a new consulate at Cochin, 1947 Bombay & Madras. Arrival & reception in Delhi of the Progs., Nos. 109(26)-PT, 42 French Ambassador & the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Presentation of credentials. 43 Instrument of Ratification of the Progs., Nos. 10(13)-PT,PROTOCOL 1947

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Chicago Convention of 1947 International Civil Aviation, 1944. Arrangements for delivery of all telegrams addressed to Progs., Nos. 9(9)-PT, 44 ``Thaiduto`` Delhi to the office PROTOCOL 1947 1947 of the Siamese Legation at the Swiss Hotel, Delhi. Precedence for the subordinate Progs., Nos. 19(3)-PT, 45 PROTOCOL 1947 officers of the U.S.A. Embassy. 1947 (Secret) Request of the U.S.A. diplomatice officers in India for exemption from the payment of terminal tax, Progs., Nos. 4(6)-PT, 46 PROTOCOL 1947 imposed by the muncipalty,on 1947 personal effects and provision brought by them in to India. Grant to the Honourable Mr. Asaf Ali and the Honourable Mr. K.P.S. Menon of Oredentails and Progs., Nos. 109(5)-PT, 47 PROTOCOL 1947 Commissions of appointment as 1947 (Secret) His Majesty `s Ambassadors in the U.S.A. and China respectively. Procedure for the reception of 48 distinguished vistors at Civil Progs., Nos. 25-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 aerodromes in India. Customs formalities - Waiving of - Progs., Nos. 4(24)-PT, 49 mails cleared by Foreign PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Consulates. Issue of King`s Commissioner to Progs., Nos. 112(3)-PT, 50 Mr. A.T.G. Wilson as Indian Vice PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Consul at Zahidan.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Statement made by the Br. Foreign Secretary in the House of Common regarding agreement Progs., Nos. 6(15)-PT, 51 PROTOCOL 1947 between H.M.G. in U.K. and the 1947 French Government on terms of Treaty of alliance 1. Observing of Second October as a holiday by Indian 52 Progs., Nos. 75-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 representatives in Foreign Countries in honour of Mahatma

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Gandhi`s Birthday anniversary. 2. Presentation of Scrolls to Mahatma by Dr. Changd tao-fan & Mr. Yseng Chi of China. Arrival of Netheralands Air Delegation in India. 2. Question 53 Progs., Nos. 5-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 of their resendential accommodation in New Delhi. Issue of authority in favour of High Commissioner for India in U. K. to deposit the Instrument of Progs., Nos. 111(10)-PT, 54 PROTOCOL 1947 ratification of the Italian Peace 1947 (Secret) Treaty & to Sign the Proces Verbal. Instruments of Ratification for the `Constitution of the World Health Progs., Nos. 86(3)-PT, 55 Organisation` and `Protocol` PROTOCOL 1947 1947 concerning the office international d` Hygiene Publique. Procedure reg. :- Defence for Progs., Nos. 10(52)-PT, 56 nationals in the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Dominion of India & Vice Versa. Statement made by the Br. Foreign Secretary in the House of Common regarding agreement Progs., Nos. 6(15)-PT, 57 PROTOCOL 1947 between H.M.G. in U.K. and the 1947 French Government on terms of Treaty of alliance Arrival and reception in Delhi of Messer. Arnold Theodor Lamping, Ambassdor - Designate for the Progs., Nos. 109(12)-PT, 58 PROTOCOL 1947 Netherlands in India. 2. 1947 (Secret) Presentation of Credentials by him. Appointment of Mons. Ali Motamedy, C. G. for Iran in India Progs., Nos. 43(3)-PT, 59 PROTOCOL 1947 as Charge d` Affairs of Iran in 1947 (Secret) India. List of existing Indian Govt. Trade Commissioners functioning in Progs., Nos. 6(28)-PT, 60 PROTOCOL 1947 various countries under the 1947 Control of the Commerce Deptt.,

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Govt. of India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Accommodation for the Embassy of France in India. Allotment & Fixation of rent & other charges in Progs., Nos. 110-PT, 61 PROTOCOL 1947 respect of Bunglow No. 2, 1947 Aurangzeb Road occupied by the French Embassy in India. Changes in the personnel of the Progs., Nos. 1(8)-PT, 62 Consulate to for Egypt in India PROTOCOL 1947 1947 during the year 1947. Appointment of Mr. Henry Francis Progs., Nos. 109(9)-PT, 63 Grady as Ambassador of the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) U.S.A. to India. Procedure regarding issue of Commissioners of appointments to our Consular officers and 64 Progs., Nos. 7-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 Exequature to Foreign Consular officers accredited to the Dominions of India. Purchase of ``Bahawalpur Progs., Nos. 5(44)-PT, 65 House`` New Delhi by the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 American Embassy in India. Registration of Foreigners Rules 66 1939 - Exemption - officials of Progs., Nos. 33-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 Afghan Consulates. Grant of exemption of Foreign Progs., Nos. 4(65)-PT, 67 Representatives in Bombay from PROTOCOL 1947 1947 the Bombay Prohibition Act. (1) Appointment of Dr. Thanat Khoman as Charge d` Affairs of Siam in Delhi. (2) Shifting of the Progs., Nos. 43(8)-PT, 68 PROTOCOL 1947 office of the Siamese legation in 1947 India from Maidens Hotel, Delhi to the Swiss Hotel Delhi. Proposed Consular convention between India and the U.S.A. and Progs., Nos. 2(3)-PT, 69 PROTOCOL 1947 Consular Convention between the 1947 U.K. and the U.S.A. Instruments of Ratification for the Progs., Nos. 86(3)-PT, 70 PROTOCOL 1947 `Constitution of the World Health 1947

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Organisation` and `Protocol` concerning the office international d` Hygiene Publique.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Recommendation for English Progs., Nos. 65(12)-PT, 71 Honours for the New Year`s Day PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Honours Dist, 1947. Question of the Government of India`s accession to certain international Sanitary Progs., Nos. 10(17)-PT, 72 PROTOCOL 1947 Conventions and international 1947 Sanitary Conventions for Aerial Navigation. Progs., Nos. 10(14)-PT, 73 Analysis of Foreign Broadcasts. PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Progs., Nos. 10(14)-PT, 74 Analysis of Foreign Broadcasts. PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Report of the Indian Delegation to Progs., Nos. 6(4)-PT, 75 PROTOCOL 1947 the Paris Peace Conference. 1947 Residential and office accommodation in Bombay for Progs., Nos. 5(7)-PT, 76 PROTOCOL 1947 the Italian Representative in 1947 India. and Royal Commission for Sardar Surjit Progs., Nos. 109(16)-PT, 77 PROTOCOL 1947 Singh Majithia, His Majesty`s 1947 (Secret) Ambassador of India in Nepal. Movement of the personnel of the from Simla to Progs., Nos. 57(4)-PT, 78 Delhi by the Evacuees Special PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Trains running between Simla & New Delhi. Relative precedence of the Charge d` Affairs Financial Progs., Nos. 19-PT, 1947 79 Counsellor Military Attache, and PROTOCOL 1947 (Secret) the Secreataries at the Embassy of India, Washington. Credentials for Mr. R. P. Sakrena, Joint Secretary, Ministry of E. A. Progs., Nos. 109(19)-PT, 80 PROTOCOL 1947 & C. R. to enable to participate in 1947 (Secret) the Second Sission of the

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East of the Economic and Socil Council of the U.N.O. due to open at Baguio, Philipians on the 24th November 1947.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Commander Colonel Daman Shum Shere Jung Progs., Nos. 43(7)-PT, 211 PROTOCOL 1947 Bahadur as Charge d` affairs ad 1947 (Secret) interim of Nepal in India. Honours and Awards on King`s Progs., Nos. 65(30)-PT, 212 PROTOCOL 1947 Birthday Honours 1947. 1947 (Secret) Office order reg. :- Official & Social Calls on the Heads of Progs., Nos. 105(4)-PT, 213 Foreign Missions & High PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Commissioners in Delhi by officers of the E.A. & C.R. Deptt. Letter of Credence & Royal Commission for Dr. Syed Hossain Progs., Nos. 109(20)-PT, 214 PROTOCOL 1947 Ambassador- designate of India 1947 (Secret) in Egypt. Reception to be accorded to Heads of Foreign Diplomatic Missions accredited to India on the occassion of :- (a) their arrival at the Airport / Railway Progs., Nos. 109(24)-PT, 215 PROTOCOL 1947 Station. (b) their arrival at the 1947 Ministry of External Affairs & Commonwealth Relations to meet the Hon`ble Minster. (c) Presentation of ordentials. Re-opening of the Consulate General for Peru at Calcutta and Progs., Nos. 1(32)-PT, 216 PROTOCOL 1947 appointment of Seno don Carles A 1947 Pezet as Consul General. Purchase of certain bungalows in Progs., Nos. 5(35)-PT, 217 New Delhi by the American PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Embassy in India. Purchase of ``Bahawalpur Progs., Nos. 5(44)-PT, 218 House`` New Delhi by the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 American Embassy in India.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Proposal of the Swiss Govt. to established new consular Agency Progs., Nos. 1(30)-PT, 219 PROTOCOL 1947 at Cochin & to appoint In Oscar 1947 Kappeler as Consular Agent. Appointment of Mr. Ali Zaheer as Progs., Nos. 109(17)-PT, 220 PROTOCOL 1947 Ambassador of India to Iran. 1947 (Secret)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal to appoint honorary Progs., Nos. 1(35)-PT, 221 Consular Representative for PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Austria in India. Proposal to establish a Consulate Progs., Nos. 1(29)-PT, 222 for Gantemala at Bombay and PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Calcutta. Request made by the Neplese Consul General for the supply of Progs., Nos. 109(25)-PT, 223 the text of letters of Credence PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) and Royal Commissions given to Ambassadors. Request by the Govt. of Iraq for Prior consultations before taking Progs., Nos. 65(27)-PT, 224 any decisions to confer on Iraqui PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Nationals any decorations or medals. Letter of introduction to Sir Benegal Rama Rav on his assuming charge as Head of the Progs., Nos. 27-PT, 1947 225 PROTOCOL 1947 Indian Liaison Mission in Tokyo (Secret) with the personal rank of an Ambassador. 1. Appointment of Mr. A. H. Hrepperts C. G. for Belgium at Calcutta as Charge d` Affairs of the Belgian Embassy at New Progs., Nos. 43(4)-PT, 226 PROTOCOL 1947 Delhi. 2. Our approval to the 1947 (Secret) appointment of Prince Engene de Ligne as Belgian Ambassador in India. Appointment of Mons. Ali Motamedy, C. G. for Iran in India Progs., Nos. 43(3)-PT, 227 PROTOCOL 1947 as Charge d` Affairs of Iran in 1947 (Secret) India.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Arrival, reception and presentation of credentials of Mr. Progs., Nos. 109(29)-PT, 228 J. D. Kearney K. C., High PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Commissioner for Canada to India. A Copy of the pamphlet entitled Progs., Nos. 10(51)-PT, 229 `General index to treaty series PROTOCOL 1947 1947 1939-46`. Preparation of a document giving full powers to India`s nominee to sign the Peace Treaties with Progs., Nos. 111(4)-PT, 230 PROTOCOL 1947 Finland, Italy, Bulgaria Hungary 1947 and Rumania in Paris on 10th February 1947 on behalf of India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Adaptation of the National Flag Progs., Nos. 10(69)-PT, 231 PROTOCOL 1947 for various uses. 1947 Arrival of Netheralands Air Delegation in India. 2. Question 232 Progs., Nos. 5-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 of their resendential accommodation in New Delhi. Arrival and reception of Prince Engene de Ligne, Ambassador- Progs., Nos. 109(15)-PT, 233 designate of Belgium in India and PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) the presentation of Credentials by him to H. E. the G. G. Partition - Emerging of two Dominions India to Pakistan - Progs., Nos. 109(30)-PT, 234 Question whether fresh PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Credentials should be issued to Indian Ambassador etc. Deseription on General liues, of the procedure customarily adoped Progs., Nos. 109(27)-PT, 235 in Foreign Capitals on the arival PROTOCOL 1947 1947 of a new Foreign diplomatic representative. Letter of introduction to Sir Benegal Rama Rav on his Progs., Nos. 27-PT, 1947 236 assuming charge as Head of the PROTOCOL 1947 (Secret) Indian Liaison Mission in Tokyo with the personal rank of an

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Ambassador. Request by the Govt. of Iraq for Prior consultations before taking Progs., Nos. 65(27)-PT, 237 any decisions to confer on Iraqui PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Nationals any decorations or medals. Recommendation for English Progs., Nos. 65(12)-PT, 238 Honours for the New Year`s Day PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Honours Dist, 1947. Residential and office accommodation for foreign Progs., Nos. 5(4)-PT, 239 PROTOCOL 1947 diplomates and Consular officers 1947 in Delhi. Appointment of Mr. Zahid Husain & Mr. Inamur Rahim, I.C.S., as Progs., Nos. 43(13)-PT, 240 High Commissioner & Deputy PROTOCOL 1947 1947 High Commissioner for Pakistan in India at New Delhi, respectively.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Partition - Emerging of two Dominions India to Pakistan - Progs., Nos. 109(30)-PT, 241 Question whether fresh PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Credentials should be issued to Indian Ambassador etc. Re commendation for the Progs., Nos. 65(13)-PT, 242 PROTOCOL 1947 MacGregor Medal for 1946. 1947 (Secret) Procedure regrding disposal of requisitioned houses occupied by Progs., Nos. 5(15)-PT, 243 PROTOCOL 1947 the Foreign Organisation and 1947 Consulates. Appointment of Mr. Ali Zaheer as Progs., Nos. 109(17)-PT, 244 PROTOCOL 1947 Ambassador of India to Iran. 1947 (Secret) 1. Appointment of Mr. A. H. Hrepperts C. G. for Belgium at Calcutta as Charge d` Affairs of the Belgian Embassy at New Progs., Nos. 43(4)-PT, 245 PROTOCOL 1947 Delhi. 2. Our approval to the 1947 (Secret) appointment of Prince Engene de Ligne as Belgian Ambassador in India. 246 Allocation of site for Persian Progs., Nos. 5(13)-PT, PROTOCOL 1947

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Consul General in the Diplomatic 1947 Block. Flight throug India of the Pan Progs., Nos. 10(40)-PT, 247 American Airways Constitution PROTOCOL 1947 1947 airplane, the ``America. Proposal to appoint honorary Progs., Nos. 1(35)-PT, 248 Consular Representative for PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Austria in India. Appointment of Mr. Henry Francis Progs., Nos. 109(9)-PT, 249 Grady as Ambassador of the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) U.S.A. to India. Request of the U.S.A. diplomatice officers in India for exemption from the payment of terminal tax, Progs., Nos. 4(6)-PT, 250 PROTOCOL 1947 imposed by the muncipalty,on 1947 personal effects and provision brought by them in to India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Arrangements for delivery of all telegrams addressed to Progs., Nos. 9(9)-PT, 251 ``Thaiduto`` Delhi to the office PROTOCOL 1947 1947 of the Siamese Legation at the Swiss Hotel, Delhi. Deseription on General liues, of the procedure customarily adoped Progs., Nos. 109(27)-PT, 252 in Foreign Capitals on the arival PROTOCOL 1947 1947 of a new Foreign diplomatic representative. (1) Decision that members of the Indian Foreign Services can not accept or wear foreign decorations or medals without the permission of the Government of Progs., Nos. 67(6)-PT, 253 PROTOCOL 1947 India. (2) Decision that the use of 1947 honorifics and courtesy titles such as ``His Excellency in the case of Ambassador should be avoided as far as possible. Agreement between Government Progs., Nos. 111(5)-PT, 254 of India and the Government of PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Netherlands relating to

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Commercial Air transport services. Award of Permision decorations to Progs., Nos. 65(14)-PT, 255 Mr. K. P. S. Menon, Sir N. R. Pillai PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) and Mr. K. K. Chettur. Accommodation for Dutch Progs., Nos. 5(10)-PT, 256 PROTOCOL 1947 Embassy in New Delhi. 1947 Reception to be accorded to Heads of Foreign Diplomatic Missions accredited to India on the occassion of :- (a) their arrival at the Airport / Railway Progs., Nos. 109(24)-PT, 257 PROTOCOL 1947 Station. (b) their arrival at the 1947 Ministry of External Affairs & Commonwealth Relations to meet the Hon`ble Minster. (c) Presentation of ordentials. Request of the American Embassy for the supply of a report regarding Italian and Germen Progs., Nos. 31(5)-PT, 258 PROTOCOL 1947 prisoners of War and civilian 1947 internees in India for transmission to the U.S. State Department. Request made by the Neplese Consul General for the supply of Progs., Nos. 109(25)-PT, 259 the text of letters of Credence PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) and Royal Commissions given to Ambassadors. Counter- Signature of Commissions by the Minister of the appointment of Mr. R. A. Baip Progs., Nos. 1(37)-PT, 260 PROTOCOL 1947 as Indian Consul- General at 1947 Pondicherry, for French and Protuguese India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Change in the personnel of the Progs., Nos. 1(15)-PT, 261 consulate for China in India PROTOCOL 1947 1947 during the year 1947. Provision of Service attaches at Progs., Nos. 43(5)-PT, 262 Washington - Appointment of PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Colonal Nawabjada Mohd. Sher Ali

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Khan as Indian Military attache washington & directive issued by the Director of Intelligence, Armed Forces Headquarters India. Agreement between Government of India and the Government of Progs., Nos. 111(5)-PT, 263 Netherlands relating to PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Commercial Air transport services. Preparation of a document giving full powers to India`s nominee to sign the Peace Treaties with Progs., Nos. 111(4)-PT, 264 PROTOCOL 1947 Finland, Italy, Bulgaria Hungary 1947 and Rumania in Paris on 10th February 1947 on behalf of India. Question of hoisting the Indian National Flag on the Consulate Progs., Nos. 10(48)-PT, 265 PROTOCOL 1947 Building at Nova Goa on the 15th 1947 August 1947. 1. Proposal from the O.S.A. Embassy to the establishment of a Consular Section in the Progs., Nos. 1(20)-PT, 266 PROTOCOL 1947 Embassy. 2. Proposal for the 1947 establishment of an American consulate at . Preparation of Full Power - Empowering, to Sign the Agreement between Govt. of Progs., Nos. 111(6)-PT, 267 PROTOCOL 1947 India & the Govt. of France 1947 regarding the commercial Air Transport Services. Rank in the Warrant of Precedence for INDIA of - 1. Ambassadors from India and Charged` Affair from India to Foreign Countries. 2. High Commissioners from India to Progs., Nos. 19(5)-PT, 268 PROTOCOL 1947 Foreign Countries. 3. 1947 (Secret) Representation from India with the rank of Ministers to Foreign Countries. 4. Governor- General of Pakistan Dominion. 5. Members or Ministers of Pakistan Dominion.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Allotment of No. 8 Aurangzeb Progs., Nos. 110(4)-PT, 269 Road in lieu of 41- A Prithivi Raj PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Road to the U.S.A. Embassy. Accommodation arrangements for Progs., Nos. 5(34)-PT, 270 the Afghan Consul General & his PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Staff in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Allotment of bunglow No. 10 Aurangzeb Road, New Delhi, as residence of the Ambassador of Netherlands in India. 2. Decision Progs., Nos. 110(12)-PT, 271 PROTOCOL 1947 that the Netherlands Embassy 1947 should be allowed to occupy bunglow No. 4, Ratendone Road, for use as their Chancery. Supply of international Progs., Nos. 10(63)-PT, 272 agreements & documents to the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Pakistan Government. Plan of Liquidation of Progs., Nos. 10(18)-PT, 273 International Commission for Air PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Navigation. Farewell ceremony of Their Excellencies Lord and Lady Wavell Progs., Nos. 25(5)-PT, 274 PROTOCOL 1947 and Swearing in Ceremony of the 1947 (Secret) new Viceroy. Adaptation of the National Flag Progs., Nos. 10(69)-PT, 275 PROTOCOL 1947 for various uses. 1947 S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Accommodation for the Embassy of France in India. Allotment & Fixation of rent & other charges in Progs., Nos. 110-PT, 302 PROTOCOL 1947 respect of Bunglow No. 2, 1947 Aurangzeb Road occupied by the French Embassy in India. Letter of Credence and Royal Commission for Sardar Surjit Progs., Nos. 109(16)-PT, 303 PROTOCOL 1947 Singh Majithia, His Majesty`s 1947 (Secret) Ambassador of India in Nepal. Customs formalities - Waiving of - Progs., Nos. 4(24)-PT, 304 mails cleared by Foreign PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Consulates.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Items on which orders of instructions are required to the Progs., Nos. 63(18)-PT, 305 issued by Departments of the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Central Government after partition. Registeration of International Treaties, Agreements and Progs., Nos. 113(3)-PT, 306 PROTOCOL 1947 Conventions with the United 1947 Nations Organization. Arrival & reception in Delhi of the Progs., Nos. 109(26)-PT, 307 French Ambassador & the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Presentation of credentials. Request from the Acting Secretary- General of the United Nations Organisation for material for the revision of pamphlet Progs., Nos. 111(11)-PT, 308 PROTOCOL 1947 entitled ``List of Multilateral 1947 (Secret) Conventions, Agreements, etc. relating to Transport and Communications Questions``. Issue of authority in favour of High Commissioner for India in U. K. to deposit the Instrument of Progs., Nos. 111(10)-PT, 309 PROTOCOL 1947 ratification of the Italian Peace 1947 (Secret) Treaty & to Sign the Proces Verbal. Statement of Commercial Treaties Progs., Nos. 6(19)-PT, 310 PROTOCOL 1947 and notes affecting India. 1947

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Compilation of a list of Treaties to which India subscribes as a part of British Commonwealth with a 311 view to examining what changes Progs., Nos. 6-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 are necessary for the Assemption of Comparable Treaty Obligation by India as a Separate entity. Question of hoisting the Indian National Flag on the Consulate Progs., Nos. 10(48)-PT, 312 PROTOCOL 1947 Building at Nova Goa on the 15th 1947 August 1947. 313 (1) Appointment of Dr. Thanat Progs., Nos. 43(8)-PT, PROTOCOL 1947

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Khoman as Charge d` Affairs of 1947 Siam in Delhi. (2) Shifting of the office of the Siamese legation in India from Maidens Hotel, Delhi to the Swiss Hotel Delhi. Notes on forms of correspondence Progs., Nos. 10(41)-PT, 314 to be used by Embassies and PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Legation abroad. Accommodation in Delhi to Dr. S. Progs., Nos. 5(16)-PT, 315 Dutt a Cultural Liaison officer in PROTOCOL 1947 1947 the Chinese Embassy. Proposal to send every year a Congratulatory message on the Progs., Nos. 90(10)-PT, 316 PROTOCOL 1947 Centenary Celebrations of the 1947 republic of Liberia. Weekly Political apprecition issued Progs., Nos. 6(13)-PT, 317 by the Information and PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Broadcasting Department. Report of the Indian Delegation to Progs., Nos. 6(4)-PT, 318 PROTOCOL 1947 the Paris Peace Conference. 1947 Allotment of No. 8 Aurangzeb Progs., Nos. 110(4)-PT, 319 Road in lieu of 41- A Prithivi Raj PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Road to the U.S.A. Embassy. Registeration of International Treaties, Agreements and Progs., Nos. 113(3)-PT, 320 PROTOCOL 1947 Conventions with the United 1947 Nations Organization.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Award of Permision decorations to Progs., Nos. 65(14)-PT, 321 Mr. K. P. S. Menon, Sir N. R. Pillai PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) and Mr. K. K. Chettur. Reg:- Enquiry made by the Belgian Charge d` Affairs whether official mails addressed by the Progs., Nos. 4(57)-PT, 322 Minsitere des Affairs Etrangeres, PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Brussles, to the Belgian Consulate in India are exempt from Customs Examination. Procedure regrding disposal of Progs., Nos. 5(15)-PT, 323 requisitioned houses occupied by PROTOCOL 1947 1947 the Foreign Organisation and

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Consulates. Decision regarding the office of the High Commissioner for India in the United Kingdom should Progs., Nos. 10(27)-PT, 324 how be transferred from PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Commerce Department and placed under External Affairs Department. Exemption from Customs duty for Progs., Nos. 4(66)-PT, 325 a motor car belonging to the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Apostolic Delegate. Instruction to Foreign Consul Progs., Nos. 2(10)-PT, 326 regarding addressing Provincial PROTOCOL 1947 1947 and State Governments. Appointment of Commander Colonel Daman Shum Shere Jung Progs., Nos. 43(7)-PT, 327 PROTOCOL 1947 Bahadur as Charge d` affairs ad 1947 (Secret) interim of Nepal in India. Residential office accommodation Progs., Nos. 5(18)-PT, 328 in Delhi to the Indonesian PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Mission. Relative precedence of the Charge d` Affairs Financial Progs., Nos. 19-PT, 1947 329 Counsellor Military Attache, and PROTOCOL 1947 (Secret) the Secreataries at the Embassy of India, Washington. Question of granting the privileges of buying wines, spirits and other liquors ex-bond to all Progs., Nos. 4(3)-PT, 330 officers and clerks attached to the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) American Embassy and American Consular Officers and their clerks in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Office order reg. :- Official & Social Calls on the Heads of Progs., Nos. 105(4)-PT, 331 Foreign Missions & High PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Commissioners in Delhi by officers of the E.A. & C.R. Deptt. Authorization of the consular 332 Progs., Nos. 2-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 representatives of the United

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


States in India to certify consular invoinces covering jute shipment on behalf of the Government of Nicaragua. Accommodation for Chinese Progs., Nos. 110(6)-PT, 333 PROTOCOL 1947 Embassy in New Delhi. 1947 Decision regarding the office of the High Commissioner for India in the United Kingdom should Progs., Nos. 10(27)-PT, 334 how be transferred from PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Commerce Department and placed under External Affairs Department. Provision of Service attaches at Washington - Appointment of Colonal Nawabjada Mohd. Sher Ali Progs., Nos. 43(5)-PT, 335 Khan as Indian Military attache PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) washington & directive issued by the Director of Intelligence, Armed Forces Headquarters India. Allotment of site in New Delhi to Progs., Nos. 110(2)-PT, 336 PROTOCOL 1947 the Apostolic Delegation in India. 1947 Reg:- Enquiry made by the Belgian Charge d` Affairs whether official mails addressed by the Progs., Nos. 4(57)-PT, 337 Minsitere des Affairs Etrangeres, PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Brussles, to the Belgian Consulate in India are exempt from Customs Examination. Instruments of Ratifications of the Treaty of Peace with Italy, Progs., Nos. 111(7)-PT, 338 PROTOCOL 1947 Hungary, Bulgaria, Roumania & 1947 (Secret) Finland. Names of the members of India`s Progs., Nos. 11(2)-PT, 339 PROTOCOL 1947 Trade Mission to Japan. 1947 (Secret) Question of Flying the Flags at the Indian Consulate Generalin Progs., Nos. 10(55)-PT, 340 PROTOCOL 1947 Pondicherry on the 15th August 1947 1947.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 341 Instrument of Ratification of the Progs., Nos. 10(13)-PT,PROTOCOL 1947

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Chicago Convention of 1947 International Civil Aviation, 1944. Supply of international Progs., Nos. 10(63)-PT, 342 agreements & documents to the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Pakistan Government. Health requirements of persons Coming into and leaning India. Progs., Nos. 61(17)-PT, 343 Indian Port Health Rules, 1938 PROTOCOL 1947 1947 and Indian Aircraft (Public Health) Rules 1946. Celebration of August 15th as Indian Independence Day. Progs., Nos. 25(11)-PT, 344 PROTOCOL 1947 Proposal to hoist `National Flag` 1947 (Secret) by India`s representative abroad. Honours and Awards on King`s Progs., Nos. 65(30)-PT, 345 PROTOCOL 1947 Birthday Honours 1947. 1947 (Secret) Movement of the personnel of the Diplomatic corps from Simla to Progs., Nos. 57(4)-PT, 346 Delhi by the Evacuees Special PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Trains running between Simla & New Delhi. Credentials for the Hon`ble C. H. Bhabha, and other members of the Government of India`s Delegation to the United Nations Progs., Nos. 109(18)-PT, 347 PROTOCOL 1947 Conference on Trade and 1947 (Secret) Employment, due to meet at Havana, Cuba, on the 21st November 1947. Registration of Foreigners Rules 348 1939 - Exemption - officials of Progs., Nos. 33-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 Afghan Consulates. Decision of the Union Government of South Africa regarding closure Progs., Nos. 10(22)-PT, 349 PROTOCOL 1947 of `s Office in 1947 India. Flight throug India of the Pan Progs., Nos. 10(40)-PT, 350 American Airways Constitution PROTOCOL 1947 1947 airplane, the ``America.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 351 Supply of list of Staff of Foreign Progs., Nos. 6(23)-PT,PROTOCOL 1947

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Embassies and Consulates in 1947 Delhi to the Intelligence Bureau. Request of the Iranian Consul General for the supply of a copy of a document regarding relations Progs., Nos. 2(7)-PT, 352 PROTOCOL 1947 between employers and the 1947 employees in India for transmission to Iran. Exemption from Customs duty for Progs., Nos. 4(66)-PT, 353 a motor car belonging to the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Apostolic Delegate. Procedure regarding issue of Commissioners of appointments to our Consular officers and 354 Progs., Nos. 7-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 Exequature to Foreign Consular officers accredited to the Dominions of India. Re-opening of the Consulate General for Peru at Calcutta and Progs., Nos. 1(32)-PT, 355 PROTOCOL 1947 appointment of Seno don Carles A 1947 Pezet as Consul General. Rank in the Warrant of Precedence for INDIA of - 1. Ambassadors from India and Charged` Affair from India to Foreign Countries. 2. High Commissioners from India to Progs., Nos. 19(5)-PT, 356 PROTOCOL 1947 Foreign Countries. 3. 1947 (Secret) Representation from India with the rank of Ministers to Foreign Countries. 4. Governor- General of Pakistan Dominion. 5. Members or Ministers of Pakistan Dominion. Arrangements to provide guards for the protection of person and Progs., Nos. 10(50)-PT, 357 property of the Foreign PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Representatives and their staff in India. Plan of Liquidation of Progs., Nos. 10(18)-PT, 358 International Commission for Air PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Navigation. 359 Arrangements to provide guards Progs., Nos. 10(50)-PT, PROTOCOL 1947

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for the protection of person and 1947 property of the Foreign Representatives and their staff in India. Appointment of Mr. Chia Luen Lo Progs., Nos. 109(4)-PT, 360 PROTOCOL 1947 as Ambassador of China to India. 1947 (Secret)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Mr. Bhagwat Progs., Nos. 43(2)-PT, 361 Dayal as Charge or, Affairs ad PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) interin of India in Siam, Bangkok. Credentials for Mr. R. P. Sakrena, Joint Secretary, Ministry of E. A. & C. R. to enable to participate in the Second Sission of the Progs., Nos. 109(19)-PT, 362 Economic Commission for Asia PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) and the Far East of the Economic and Socil Council of the U.N.O. due to open at Baguio, Philipians on the 24th November 1947. Instruction to Foreign Consul Progs., Nos. 2(10)-PT, 363 regarding addressing Provincial PROTOCOL 1947 1947 and State Governments. Farewell ceremony of Their Excellencies Lord and Lady Wavell Progs., Nos. 25(5)-PT, 364 PROTOCOL 1947 and Swearing in Ceremony of the 1947 (Secret) new Viceroy. Request by the Indian Consul at Progs., Nos. 10(60)-PT, 365 Nova Goa for regulations reg.:- PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Hoisting of Indian National Flag. Registration of the word ``Hollandia`` as the telegraphic Progs., Nos. 9(8)-PT, 366 PROTOCOL 1947 address of the Netherlands 1947 Embassy in India at New Delhi. Exchange of Diplomatic Missions with Nepal. Arrival, reception & Progs., Nos. 109(10)-PT, 367 presentation of credentials to H. PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) E. the Governor- General by the Nepalese Ambassador in India. Health requirements of persons Progs., Nos. 61(17)-PT, 368 Coming into and leaning India. PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Indian Port Health Rules, 1938

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


and Indian Aircraft (Public Health) Rules 1946. Items on which orders of instructions are required to the Progs., Nos. 63(18)-PT, 369 issued by Departments of the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Central Government after partition. Request of the Dominican Republic for the establishment of Progs., Nos. 1(33)-PT, 370 PROTOCOL 1947 a new consulate at Cochin, 1947 Bombay & Madras.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year External Affairs Department`s Progs., Nos. 6(7)-PT, 371 monthly summaries for the year PROTOCOL 1947 1947 1947. Precedence for the subordinate Progs., Nos. 19(3)-PT, 372 PROTOCOL 1947 officers of the U.S.A. Embassy. 1947 (Secret) Accommodation arrangements for Progs., Nos. 5(34)-PT, 373 the Afghan Consul General & his PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Staff in India. Proposed Consular convention between India and the U.S.A. and Progs., Nos. 2(3)-PT, 374 PROTOCOL 1947 Consular Convention between the 1947 U.K. and the U.S.A. Accommodation for Dutch Progs., Nos. 5(10)-PT, 375 PROTOCOL 1947 Embassy in New Delhi. 1947 Farewell Kharitas from H. E. Lord Wavell on the termination of his Viceroyality. 2. Assumption Progs., Nos. 90(2)-PT, 376 PROTOCOL 1947 Kharitas from H. E. Viscount Mout 1947 batten on his assumption of office as Viceroy and G. G. of India. Preparation of a list of Secretaries etc. down to Under Secretaries in Progs., Nos. 6(24)-PT, 377 all Ministers of the Govt. of India PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Required by the Chinese Embassy). Statement of Commercial Treaties Progs., Nos. 6(19)-PT, 378 PROTOCOL 1947 and notes affecting India. 1947 Appointment of Mr. Bhagwat Progs., Nos. 43(2)-PT, 379 PROTOCOL 1947 Dayal as Charge or, Affairs ad 1947 (Secret)

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


interin of India in Siam, Bangkok. Request of the Iranian Consul General for the supply of a copy of a document regarding relations Progs., Nos. 2(7)-PT, 380 PROTOCOL 1947 between employers and the 1947 employees in India for transmission to Iran.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Procedure reg. :- Defence for Progs., Nos. 10(52)-PT, 381 Pakistan nationals in the PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Dominion of India & Vice Versa. Change in the personnel of the Progs., Nos. 1(15)-PT, 382 consulate for China in India PROTOCOL 1947 1947 during the year 1947. Appointment of Honourable Mr. Progs., Nos. 109(11)-PT, 383 K.P.S. Menon as His Majesty`s PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Ambassador for India on China. Proposal of the Swiss Govt. to established new consular Agency Progs., Nos. 1(30)-PT, 384 PROTOCOL 1947 at Cochin & to appoint In Oscar 1947 Kappeler as Consular Agent. (1) Decision that members of the Indian Foreign Services can not accept or wear foreign decorations or medals without the permission of the Government of Progs., Nos. 67(6)-PT, 385 PROTOCOL 1947 India. (2) Decision that the use of 1947 honorifics and courtesy titles such as ``His Excellency in the case of Ambassador should be avoided as far as possible. Appointment of Mr. Zahid Husain & Mr. Inamur Rahim, I.C.S., as Progs., Nos. 43(13)-PT, 386 High Commissioner & Deputy PROTOCOL 1947 1947 High Commissioner for Pakistan in India at New Delhi, respectively. Purchase of certain bungalows in Progs., Nos. 5(35)-PT, 387 New Delhi by the American PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Embassy in India. Appointment of Mr. Chia Luen Lo Progs., Nos. 109(4)-PT, 388 PROTOCOL 1947 as Ambassador of China to India. 1947 (Secret)

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Reg. :- Sale of House No. 6 Canning Road belonging to Sir Progs., Nos. 5(26)-PT, 389 PROTOCOL 1947 Abdur Rahim, late President of 1947 the Central Assembly. Changes in the personnel of the Progs., Nos. 1(10)-PT, 390 consulate for Spain in India PROTOCOL 1947 1947 during the year 1947.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exchange of Diplomatic Missions with Nepal. Arrival, reception & Progs., Nos. 109(10)-PT, 391 presentation of credentials to H. PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) E. the Governor- General by the Nepalese Ambassador in India. 1. Observing of Second October as a holiday by Indian representatives in Foreign Countries in honour of Mahatma 392 Progs., Nos. 75-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 Gandhi`s Birthday anniversary. 2. Presentation of Scrolls to Mahatma by Dr. Changd tao-fan & Mr. Yseng Chi of China. Recommendations for the English Progs., Nos. 65(29)-PT, 393 PROTOCOL 1947 Honours for the year 1948. 1947 (Secret) Accommodation for American Progs., Nos. 5(3)-PT, 394 PROTOCOL 1947 Consul General in Bombay. 1947 Residential and office accommodation in Bombay for Progs., Nos. 5(7)-PT, 395 PROTOCOL 1947 the Italian Representative in 1947 India. Residential office accommodation Progs., Nos. 5(18)-PT, 396 in Delhi to the Indonesian PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Mission. Grant of exemption of Foreign Progs., Nos. 4(65)-PT, 397 Representatives in Bombay from PROTOCOL 1947 1947 the Bombay Prohibition Act. Question of granting the privileges of buying wines, spirits and other liquors ex-bond to all Progs., Nos. 4(3)-PT, 398 PROTOCOL 1947 officers and clerks attached to the 1947 (Secret) American Embassy and American Consular Officers and their clerks

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


in India. Re commendation for the Progs., Nos. 65(13)-PT, 399 PROTOCOL 1947 MacGregor Medal for 1946. 1947 (Secret) A Copy of the pamphlet entitled Progs., Nos. 10(51)-PT, 400 `General index to treaty series PROTOCOL 1947 1947 1939-46`.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Decision that His Majesty`s approval should be obtained before recognising Heads of Progs., Nos. 109(7)-PT, 401 Foreign Missions accredited to PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) India and that these powers cannot be delegated to the Governor-General. Change in the Personnel of the Progs., Nos. 1(24)-PT, 402 consulate for Turkey in India PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) during the year 1947. Residential and office accommodation for foreign Progs., Nos. 5(4)-PT, 403 PROTOCOL 1947 diplomates and Consular officers 1947 in Delhi. Notes on forms of correspondence Progs., Nos. 10(41)-PT, 404 to be used by Embassies and PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Legation abroad. Recommendations for the English Progs., Nos. 65(29)-PT, 405 PROTOCOL 1947 Honours for the year 1948. 1947 (Secret) Request of the American Embassy for the supply of a report regarding Italian and Germen Progs., Nos. 31(5)-PT, 406 PROTOCOL 1947 prisoners of War and civilian 1947 internees in India for transmission to the U.S. State Department. Credentials for the Hon`ble C. H. Bhabha, and other members of the Government of India`s Delegation to the United Nations Progs., Nos. 109(18)-PT, 407 PROTOCOL 1947 Conference on Trade and 1947 (Secret) Employment, due to meet at Havana, Cuba, on the 21st November 1947. 408 Allotment of bunglow No. 10 Progs., Nos. 110(12)-PT, PROTOCOL 1947

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Aurangzeb Road, New Delhi, as 1947 residence of the Ambassador of Netherlands in India. 2. Decision that the Netherlands Embassy should be allowed to occupy bunglow No. 4, Ratendone Road, for use as their Chancery. Exemption from the payment of Customs & Excise duties & of the sales tax on Petroleum Products, Progs., Nos. 4(59)-PT, 409 PROTOCOL 1947 to the United States of America 1947 Foreign Service Personnel Stationed in India. Accommodation in Delhi to Dr. S. Progs., Nos. 5(16)-PT, 410 Dutt a Cultural Liaison officer in PROTOCOL 1947 1947 the Chinese Embassy.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Decision of the Union Government of South Africa regarding closure Progs., Nos. 10(22)-PT, 411 PROTOCOL 1947 of Trade Commissioner`s Office in 1947 India. Appointment reception & presentation of credentials etc. by Progs., Nos. 109(19)-PT, 412 PROTOCOL 1947 Soviet Government Ambassador 1947 (Secret) to India. Letter of Credence & Royal Commission for Dr. Syed Hossain Progs., Nos. 109(20)-PT, 413 PROTOCOL 1947 Ambassador- designate of India 1947 (Secret) in Egypt. 1. Proposal from the O.S.A. Embassy to the establishment of a Consular Section in the Progs., Nos. 1(20)-PT, 414 PROTOCOL 1947 Embassy. 2. Proposal for the 1947 establishment of an American consulate at Lahore. Appointment reception & presentation of credentials etc. by Progs., Nos. 109(19)-PT, 415 PROTOCOL 1947 Soviet Government Ambassador 1947 (Secret) to India. Grant to the Honourable Mr. Asaf Progs., Nos. 109(5)-PT, 416 PROTOCOL 1947 Ali and the Honourable Mr. K.P.S. 1947 (Secret)

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Menon of Oredentails and Commissions of appointment as His Majesty `s Ambassadors in the U.S.A. and China respectively. Question of the Government of India`s accession to certain international Sanitary Progs., Nos. 10(17)-PT, 417 PROTOCOL 1947 Conventions and international 1947 Sanitary Conventions for Aerial Navigation. Credentials & Full powers for Progs., Nos. 11-PT, 1947 418 members of Indian delegations PROTOCOL 1947 (Secret) aborad. Change in the Personnel of the Progs., Nos. 1(24)-PT, 419 consulate for Turkey in India PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) during the year 1947. Weekly Political apprecition issued Progs., Nos. 6(13)-PT, 420 by the Information and PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Broadcasting Department.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Assistance in Securing office and residential accommodation in Progs., Nos. 5(11)-PT, 421 Bombay, for the Danish PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Government S Trade Commissioner. Arrival and reception of Prince Engene de Ligne, Ambassador- Progs., Nos. 109(15)-PT, 422 designate of Belgium in India and PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) the presentation of Credentials by him to H. E. the G. G. Arrival and reception in Delhi of Messer. Arnold Theodor Lamping, Ambassdor - Designate for the Progs., Nos. 109(12)-PT, 423 PROTOCOL 1947 Netherlands in India. 2. 1947 (Secret) Presentation of Credentials by him. Letter of credance and Royal Commission for the Hon`ble Mrs. Progs., Nos. 109(13)-PT, 424 Vijayalakshmi Pandit, H. M`s PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Ambassador of India in the U.S.S.R.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Authorization of the consular representatives of the United States in India to certify consular 425 Progs., Nos. 2-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 invoinces covering jute shipment on behalf of the Government of Nicaragua. Allocation of site for Persian Progs., Nos. 5(13)-PT, 426 Consul General in the Diplomatic PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Block. External Services Broadcasts of Progs., Nos. 10(28)-PT, 427 PROTOCOL 1947 All India Radio. 1947 Proposal to send every year a Congratulatory message on the Progs., Nos. 90(10)-PT, 428 PROTOCOL 1947 Centenary Celebrations of the 1947 republic of Liberia. Changes in the personnel of the Progs., Nos. 1(10)-PT, 429 consulate for Spain in India PROTOCOL 1947 1947 during the year 1947. Instruments of Ratifications of the Treaty of Peace with Italy, Progs., Nos. 111(7)-PT, 430 PROTOCOL 1947 Hungary, Bulgaria, Roumania & 1947 (Secret) Finland.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Celebration of August 15th as Indian Independence Day. Progs., Nos. 25(11)-PT, 431 PROTOCOL 1947 Proposal to hoist `National Flag` 1947 (Secret) by India`s representative abroad. Changes in the personnel of the Progs., Nos. 1(8)-PT, 432 Consulate to for Egypt in India PROTOCOL 1947 1947 during the year 1947. Reg.:- A copy of conditions governing the awards of Progs., Nos. 65(25)-PT, 433 compaign stars & medals to PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) civilians, other than those in Military employ. Names of the members of India`s Progs., Nos. 11(2)-PT, 434 PROTOCOL 1947 Trade Mission to Japan. 1947 (Secret) Procedure for the reception of 435 distinguished vistors at Civil Progs., Nos. 25-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 aerodromes in India. 436 Allotment of site in New Delhi to Progs., Nos. 110(2)-PT,PROTOCOL 1947

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the Apostolic Delegation in India. 1947 Assistance in Securing office and residential accommodation in Progs., Nos. 5(11)-PT, 437 Bombay, for the Danish PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Government S Trade Commissioner. Credentials & Full powers for Progs., Nos. 11-PT, 1947 438 members of Indian delegations PROTOCOL 1947 (Secret) aborad. Compilation of a list of Treaties to which India subscribes as a part of British Commonwealth with a 439 view to examining what changes Progs., Nos. 6-PT, 1947 PROTOCOL 1947 are necessary for the Assemption of Comparable Treaty Obligation by India as a Separate entity. Request by the Indian Consul at Progs., Nos. 10(60)-PT, 440 Nova Goa for regulations reg.:- PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Hoisting of Indian National Flag.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Issue of King`s Commissioner to Progs., Nos. 112(3)-PT, 441 Mr. A.T.G. Wilson as Indian Vice PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Consul at Zahidan. Letter of credance and Royal Commission for the Hon`ble Mrs. Progs., Nos. 109(13)-PT, 442 Vijayalakshmi Pandit, H. M`s PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Ambassador of India in the U.S.S.R. Preparation of Full Power - Empowering, to Sign the Agreement between Govt. of Progs., Nos. 111(6)-PT, 443 PROTOCOL 1947 India & the Govt. of France 1947 regarding the commercial Air Transport Services. Reg. :- Sale of House No. 6 Canning Road belonging to Sir Progs., Nos. 5(26)-PT, 444 PROTOCOL 1947 Abdur Rahim, late President of 1947 the Central Assembly. Proposal to establish a Consulate Progs., Nos. 1(29)-PT, 445 for Gantemala at Bombay and PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) Calcutta.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Accommodation for Chinese Progs., Nos. 110(6)-PT, 446 PROTOCOL 1947 Embassy in New Delhi. 1947 Preparation of a list of Secretaries etc. down to Under Secretaries in Progs., Nos. 6(24)-PT, 447 all Ministers of the Govt. of India PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Required by the Chinese Embassy). Farewell Kharitas from H. E. Lord Wavell on the termination of his Viceroyality. 2. Assumption Progs., Nos. 90(2)-PT, 448 PROTOCOL 1947 Kharitas from H. E. Viscount Mout 1947 batten on his assumption of office as Viceroy and G. G. of India. Enquiry made by the Agriculture Department - which officers of Progs., Nos. 109(28)-PT, 449 the Govt. of India Should Call on PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Newly- arrived Foreign Ambassadors in New Delhi. Reg.:- A copy of conditions governing the awards of Progs., Nos. 65(25)-PT, 450 compaign stars & medals to PROTOCOL 1947 1947 (Secret) civilians, other than those in Military employ.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exemption from the payment of Customs & Excise duties & of the sales tax on Petroleum Products, Progs., Nos. 4(59)-PT, 451 PROTOCOL 1947 to the United States of America 1947 Foreign Service Personnel Stationed in India. Progs., Nos. 6(8)-PT, 452 Constitutional reforms in Nepal. PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Registration of the word ``Hollandia`` as the telegraphic Progs., Nos. 9(8)-PT, 453 PROTOCOL 1947 address of the Netherlands 1947 Embassy in India at New Delhi. Arrival, reception and presentation of credentials of Mr. Progs., Nos. 109(29)-PT, 454 J. D. Kearney K. C., High PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Commissioner for Canada to India.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Enquiry made by the Agriculture Department - which officers of Progs., Nos. 109(28)-PT, 455 the Govt. of India Should Call on PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Newly- arrived Foreign Ambassadors in New Delhi. Supply of list of Staff of Foreign Progs., Nos. 6(23)-PT, 456 Embassies and Consulates in PROTOCOL 1947 1947 Delhi to the Intelligence Bureau.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Changes in the personnel of Progs., Consulate for 81 Nos. 2(5)- PROTOCOL 1948 Egypt in India PT, 1948 during the year 1948. Award of M.B.E. to Rai Sahib A.K. Progs., Dass , Head 82 Nos. 11(7)- PROTOCOL 1948 Account , British PT, 1948 Embassy, Bughdad. Proposal to authorise this ministry to issue instructions, direct to the Customs authorities to exempt Progs., 83 distinguished Nos. 5(95)- PROTOCOL 1948 foreign Person in PT, 1948 deporting from India from Payment of customs duty and signing of baggage declaration. Appointment of Dr. Syed Hussain as Progs., 84 India`s Nos. 1(14)- PROTOCOL 1948 representative to PT, 1948 Ethiopia in

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Addition to that of Cairo. Changes in the personnel of Progs., 85 consulate for Italy Nos. 2(19)- PROTOCOL 1948 in India during the PT, 1948 year 1948. Procedure to be observed in Progs., Nanking on 86 Nos. 2(25)- PROTOCOL 1948 appointments on PT, 1948 transfers of Foreign Consuls. Raising of the status of the C.G. for Afghan in India, to that of an Progs., Embassy. 2. 87 Nos. 3(3)- PROTOCOL 1948 Appointment of PT, 1948 Mons Ghulam Mohd. Khan as Charged Affair of Afghan in India. Arrival recepton and Presentation Progs., of Credentials by 88 Nos. 3(22)- PROTOCOL 1948 the Egyption PT, 1948 Ambassador in India. Letter of Introduction to Mr. Progs., B.N.Chakravarti as 89 Nos. 1(51)- PROTOCOL 1948 the Head of the PT, 1948 Indian Liasion Mission in Tokyo. Appointment of Senhor Jose Progs., Cochrane de 90 Nos. 3(10)- PROTOCOL 1948 Abencar as Charge PT, 1948 Affair of Brazil in India.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Rao Progs., Bahadur 91 Nos. 1(62)- PROTOCOL 1948 Swaminatha PT, 1948 Rajarama Aiyer as Acting Consul of India at Songkhla. Request Made by Progs., the Soviet Nos. Embaeey in India 92 12(68)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 for supply of 1948 copies of jail (Secret) manual. Proposal of the Belgian Govt. to award Medaille de Progs., Effort de Guerre 93 Nos. 11(9)- PROTOCOL 1948 Colonial 1940-45 PT, 1948 to Mr. Guma Kassam, an Indiann Vational. Exemptions from taxes registration drising license fees Progs., on motor car Nos. 94 PROTOCOL 1948 belonging to the 5(104)-PT, Italian embassy in 1948 India or its diplomatic officers. Display of registration makes Progs., & exhibition of Nos. idetificatioin plates 95 12(85)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 on the ears of 1948 representations of (Secret) foreign countries in India. Display of Progs., registration makes Nos. 96 PROTOCOL 1948 & exhibition of 12(85)-PT, idetificatioin plates 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


on the ears of (Secret) representations of foreign countries in India. Issue of a circular Reg:- Serving of Progs., Alcoholic drinkers Nos. 97 in Indian 12(55)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 Delegation to 1948 International (Secret) Meeting. Proposal of the Govt.of Cuha to confer upen Mr. Ashfaque Hussain, Progs., an official of the 98 Nos. 11(8)- PROTOCOL 1948 Education Ministry PT, 1948 , the distinction of the order of merit Carlos Manual de Caspends. Rules regarding reception of Foreign Progs., Ambassadors by 99 Nos. 3(15)- PROTOCOL 1948 the Chief of PT, 1948 Protocol on other senior official on arrival in India. 1. Permanent residential accomodation for Progs., 100 foreign missions in Nos. 7(28)- PROTOCOL 1948 India. 2. Office of PT, 1948 a house for the chinese chancery.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Enquiry made by Progs., Chinese Embassy Nos. 101 in India reg:- PROTOCOL 1948 12(49)-PT, Previlages & 1948 immunities

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


accorded to foreign deplomate & Cousular officials in India. Issue of King`s Commission in Progs., favour of captain 102 Nos. 1(60)- PROTOCOL 1948 R.D.Satha as PT, 1948 Consul General for India at Kashgar. Revised instructions, reg. of duty on motor cars imported by Member of Foreign Progs., 103 Nos. 5(97)- PROTOCOL 1948 and consular PT, 1948 officer in Indian Free of duty and subsequently disposal of in India. Exemption from customs duty on Progs., liquors and Nos. 104 Cigarettes PROTOCOL 1948 5(101)-PT, imported by the 1948 Italian Embassy in India. Letter of Credence & Commission of appointment in Progs., favour of Mr. 105 Nos. 1(71)- PROTOCOL 1948 M.Masani, as PT, 1948 India`s Ambassador in Brazil. Proposed delegation of Progs., powers by H.M. 106 Nos. 1(39)- PROTOCOL 1948 the King to the PT, 1948 Governor General of India to make:-

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


(1) diplomatic & Consular Appointments abroad; and (2) to issue to foreign consular officers in India. Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Mr. Progs., 276 S.K.Kirpalani as Nos. 1(45)- PROTOCOL 1948 Consul General for PT, 1948 India at San Franisco. Decision that the use of Honorific prefix ` His Excellency` is Progs., 277 applicable to the Nos. 1(31)- PROTOCOL 1948 Ambassador & PT, 1948 may by courtesy he extended to a Minister. Suggested draft instruction for service attached and or service Advisers on the Progs., 278 staffs of Nos. 10(9)- PROTOCOL 1948 representives PT, 1948 abroad, whether Ambassadors , Ministers of High Commissioners. Original Letters of Credence Progs., presented by 279 Nos. 1(8)- PROTOCOL 1948 Foreign PT, 1948 Ambassadors acfredited to India. Decision that the Progs., 280 use of Honorific Nos. 1(31)- PROTOCOL 1948 prefix ` His PT, 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Excellency` is applicable to the Ambassador & may by courtesy he extended to a Minister.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Change of designation of Mr. Bhagwat dayal, Charge d` Affairs Progs., 281 of India in Siam to Nos. 1(21)- PROTOCOL 1948 that of PT, 1948 Extraordinary & Minister . Motor Vechicles exemption of the staff of the Progs., American 282 Nos. 5(33)- PROTOCOL 1948 Consulate General PT, 1948 from registration and license fees and tax. Registration & Publication of Progs., 283 treaties & Nos. 1(2)- PROTOCOL 1948 International PT, 1948 Agreements. Proposal of the Belgian Govt. to award Medaille de Progs., Effort de Guerre 284 Nos. 11(9)- PROTOCOL 1948 Colonial 1940-45 PT, 1948 to Mr. Guma Kassam, an Indiann Vational. Transmission of a set of Progs., 285 photographic Nos. 1(69)- PROTOCOL 1948 copies of the PT, 1948 German surrender

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


documents by the Secretary of State for desposit with the Govt., of India. Registration & Publication of Progs., 286 treaties & Nos. 1(2)- PROTOCOL 1948 International PT, 1948 Agreements. Letter of Credence & Commission of appointment in Progs., favour of Mr. 287 Nos. 1(71)- PROTOCOL 1948 M.Masani, as PT, 1948 India`s Ambassador in Brazil. Proposal for the Opening of a Consulate at Jedda and Commission of Progs., appointment in 288 Nos. 1(59)- PROTOCOL 1948 favour of Mr. Abdul PT, 1948 Majid Khan as Consul for India in Saudi Arabia at Jedda. Proposal for the Opening of a Consulate at Jedda and Commission of Progs., appointment in 289 Nos. 1(59)- PROTOCOL 1948 favour of Mr. Abdul PT, 1948 Majid Khan as Consul for India in Saudi Arabia at Jedda. Issue of King`s Commission in Progs., favour of Mr. 290 Nos. 1(12)- PROTOCOL 1948 Ramji Ram PT, 1948 Saksena Consul General for India

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


at New York.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., only slip is Nos. 291 PROTOCOL 1948 available. 11(11)-PT, 1948 Exchange of mesages with the Afgans charged Progs., affairs on the Nos. 292 occasion of Afgan 12(39)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 Independence Day 1948 & the King of (Secret) Afgan istan birthday. Channel of correspondence Progs., between the Nos. 293 PROTOCOL 1948 Provincial Govt. & 12(14)-PT, American Cosular 1948 offices in India. Arrival reception and presentation of credentials to Progs., 294 H.E the Governor- Nos. 3(19)- PROTOCOL 1948 General of India, PT, 1948 by the Swedish Envoy to India. Letter of credence & Commission of appointment in Progs., 295 favou of Sir Nos. 1(49)- PROTOCOL 1948 B.Rama Rao as PT, 1948 Ambassador of India in U.S.A. Appointment of Dr. Progs., Renzo Carrohis as 296 Nos. 3(4)- PROTOCOL 1948 Charge affirs of PT, 1948 Italay in India. Presentation of Progs., 297 PROTOCOL 1948 Credentials by Nos. 3(8)-

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Mons Ali PT, 1948 Motamdedy as Ambassador of Iran in India to H.E the Governor General. Letter of Credence & Commission of appointment in Progs., 298 favour of Mr. R.K. Nos. 1(75)- PROTOCOL 1948 Nehru as India`s PT, 1948 Minister in Sweden. Issue of Commission of Progs., appointment to Mr. 299 Nos. 1-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 N.Raghavan 1948 Consul General for India in Batavia. Practice by which Dominion Govt. Progs., keeps H.M.G. in Nos. the U.K.informed 300 12(70)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 of the cover of 1948 their negotiations (Secret) with other countris.

Progs., The Instrument of acceptance of the International 301 Nos. 1(25)- PROTOCOL 1948 wheat Agreement. PT, 1948 Progs., Deposit of the Instruments of ratification on 457 Nos. 1(28)- PROTOCOL 1948 International Civil Aviation 1944, by Various Govts. PT, 1948 Progs., Exemption from customs duty and other taxes 458 Nos. 5(70)- PROTOCOL 1948 admissible to consular officer of Iraq in India. PT, 1948 Exemption from the payment of stamp duty a Progs., registration fees on deeds in respect of certain house 459 Nos. 5(75)- PROTOCOL 1948 properties purchased by the U.S Consul Generla at PT, 1948 madras and Calcutta and Bombay. 460 Letter of eredence & commission of Appointment- Progs., PROTOCOL 1948

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favour of Mr. Dhirajlal Bhulabhai Desai Envoy Nos. 1(7)- Extraordinary & minister Plenipotentiary of India in PT, 1948 Switzerland. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Closing of the vice-Consulate of the republic of 461 Nos. 2(15)- PROTOCOL 1948 Argentine in Calcutta. PT, 1948 Progs., Issue of King`s Commission in favour of captain 462 Nos. 1(60)- PROTOCOL 1948 R.D.Satha as Consul General for India at Kashgar. PT, 1948 Progs., Grant of privilage and immunities to the Untied Nation Nos. 463 for the duration of the third session of the General PROTOCOL 1948 5(113)-PT, Assemby in Paris. 1948 Decisionthat the cost of damages which the premises Progs., may have suffered during treih accupancy by the head 464 Nos. 7(37)- PROTOCOL 1948 of Foreign & Commonwealth mission in India should be PT, 1948 hourned by by them at the time of vacation. Preparation of `Full`Power` for Sir Benegal Narsinga Progs., 465 Ram to sign the Protocol to bring under control drugs Nos. 1(76)- PROTOCOL 1948 which are outside the scope of 1931 Convention. PT, 1948 Progs., Nos. Enquiry made by Indian Cosulates General in U.S.A. 466 12(129)- PROTOCOL 1948 regarding exemption. PT, 1948 (Secret) Exemption from payment of custosm duty on arms and Progs., 467 ammunication intended for the Netherlands embassy in Nos. 5(90)- PROTOCOL 1948 India. PT, 1948 Proposed delegation of powers by H.M. the King to the Progs., Governor General of India to make:- (1) diplomatic & 468 Nos. 1(39)- PROTOCOL 1948 Consular Appointments abroad; and (2) to issue PT, 1948 exequaturs to foreign consular officers in India. Proposal to appoint Mr. M.R. Masani as Ambassador Extraordinary Plenitentiary for inauguration of new Progs., 469 president of Equador. Message from the Prime Minister Nos. 1(56)- PROTOCOL 1948 of India on the occassion of Brazilian National Day & PT, 1948 assumption of office by the President of Ecudor. Full Power for Mr. J.R.K. Modi, Indian Trade Progs., Commission at Buenos Aires to sign a Barter 470 Nos. 1(58)- PROTOCOL 1948 Agreement relating to Jute & wheat with the Govt., of PT, 1948 Argentine Republic on behalf of the Govt., of India.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Letters of Credence and Commission of appointment in Favour of Mr. Nedyam Raghavan as Ambassador of India in Progs., 471 Czechoslovakia. Nos. 1(54)- PROTOCOL 1948 Instructions PT, 1948 regarding presentation of Credentials by foreign Ambassador etc to H.E. the Governor General of India. Exemption from customs duty and Progs., other taxes 472 Nos. 5(70)- PROTOCOL 1948 admissible to PT, 1948 consular officer of Iraq in India. Channel of correspondence Progs., between the Nos. 473 PROTOCOL 1948 Provincial Govt. & 12(14)-PT, American Cosular 1948 offices in India. Decisionthat the cost of damages which the premises may have suffered Progs., during treih 474 Nos. 7(37)- PROTOCOL 1948 accupancy by the PT, 1948 head of Foreign & Commonwealth mission in India should be hourned by by them at the

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


time of vacation. Exemptions from the Madras Progs., Prohibition act to Nos. 475 Members of PROTOCOL 1948 5(154)-PT, Foreign Consular 1948 officers stationed at Madras. Proposal to appoint Mr. M.R. Masani as Ambassador Extraordinary Plenitentiary for inauguration of new president of Progs., Equador. Message 476 Nos. 1(56)- PROTOCOL 1948 from the Prime PT, 1948 Minister of India on the occassion of Brazilian National Day & assumption of office by the President of Ecudor. Ratification of International Telecommunication Convention (1947) by the govt., of India. Decision that registration of the above convention with Progs., 477 the United Nations Nos. 1(81)- PROTOCOL 1948 by the Govt., of PT, 1948 India is not necessary as it is a multilateral convention which should be registered by the Headquarter Govt., i.e. U.S.A.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Facilities for the Carriage of Diplomatic Air Mail bags of the Progs., Legation of India, Nos. 478 PROTOCOL 1948 Ris De janeord 5(149)-PT, from to India. 2. 1948 Similar facilities for the Brazilian Embassy in India. Letter of Credence & Commission of appointment in Progs., 479 favour of Mr. R.K. Nos. 1(75)- PROTOCOL 1948 Nehru as India`s PT, 1948 Minister in Sweden. Deposit of the instruments of ratification of the constitution of the world Health Progs., Organisation and 480 Nos. 1(29)- PROTOCOL 1948 the protocol PT, 1948 concerning the office international d` Hygience Publique by various Govts. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Raising of the status of Consular Agent for France at Progs., Madras to that of 481 Nos. 2(38)- PROTOCOL 1948 Consul a PT, 1948 appointment of Mons-Pierre mollard as Consul. Conferment of the Progs., Personnal rank of Nos. 482 Ambassador of PROTOCOL 1948 11(11)-PT, India Upen M/S 1948 Girja Sankar

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Bajpai & K.P.S. Manon Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Rao Progs., Bahadur 483 Nos. 1(62)- PROTOCOL 1948 Swaminatha PT, 1948 Rajarama Aiyer as Acting Consul of India at Songkhla. Full Power for India`s Represetntatives to the third session of the General Assembly to sign on behalf of India the Protocol to Progs., 484 amend the Nos. 1(77)- PROTOCOL 1948 International PT, 1948 Convention relating to economic statistics, signed at Geneva on the 14th day of December 1928. Suggested draft instruction for service attached and or service Advisers on the Progs., 485 staffs of Indias Nos. 10(9)- PROTOCOL 1948 representives PT, 1948 abroad, whether Ambassadors , Ministers of High Commissioners. Progs., E.A. & C.R Ministry Nos. monthly 486 12(66)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 summaries for the 1948 year 1948. (Secret)

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Issue of King`s Commission in Progs., Favour of Mr. E.S. 487 Nos. 1(17)- PROTOCOL 1948 Krishnamoorthy PT, 1948 Consul General for India at Shanghai. Full Power for the Hon`ble the Prime Minister of India to Progs., Conclude a treaty 488 Nos. 1(57)- PROTOCOL 1948 of freindship & PT, 1948 establishment with the Govt., of Switzerland. Presentation of Credentials by Mons Ali Progs., Motamdedy as 489 Nos. 3(8)- PROTOCOL 1948 Ambassador of PT, 1948 Iran in India to H.E the Governor General. Visit to Lucknow of Progs., the American Nos. 8(11)- 490 PROTOCOL 1948 Ambassador in PT, 1948 India. (Secret)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Issue of Credentials to Sir B.Rama Ram as special Progs., 491 Ambassador to Nos. 1(68)- PROTOCOL 1948 installation PT, 1948 ceremony of Doctor Socarras as President of Cuba. Proposal to send Progs., messages of Nos. National days of 492 12(88)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 foreign countries & 1948 Birthdays of (Secret) Foreign foureigns.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Rules relating to the carraige of Progs., deplomatic mail by Nos. 493 couries and other PROTOCOL 1948 12(32)-PT, nomineses of 1948 foreign mission in the U.K. Appointment of Senhor Jose Progs., Cochrane de 494 Nos. 3(10)- PROTOCOL 1948 Abencar as Charge PT, 1948 Affair of Brazil in India. Letters of credentials & full Progs., powers to 495 Nos. 1(26)- PROTOCOL 1948 members of Indian PT, 1948 Delegations abroad during 1948. Appointment of Dr. Syed Hosain as Progs., India`s 496 Nos. 1(22)- PROTOCOL 1948 representative to PT, 1948 Transjordan in addition to Cairo. Reneval of registration of the Progs., Motor car of Nos. 497 monsignor E PROTOCOL 1948 5(105)-PT, vagnozzi, charged, 1948 affairs of the Papal legation in India. Grant of diplomatic Progs., Priviliges t othe Nos. 498 Chancellor of the PROTOCOL 1948 5(107)-PT, Swiss legation in 1948 India. Proposal to send Progs., messages of Nos. National days of 499 12(88)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 foreign countries & 1948 Birthdays of (Secret) Foreign foureigns.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Proposal to authorise this ministry to issue instructions, direct to the Customs authorities to exempt Progs., 500 distinguished Nos. 5(95)- PROTOCOL 1948 foreign Person in PT, 1948 deporting from India from Payment of customs duty and signing of baggage declaration.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Revised instructions, reg. of duty on motor cars imported by Member of Foreign Progs., diplomatic mission 501 Nos. 5(97)- PROTOCOL 1948 and consular PT, 1948 officer in Indian Free of duty and subsequently disposal of in India. Message send by Progs., the Prime Minister Nos. of India to Marshal 502 12(124)- PROTOCOL 1948 Stalim of his PT, 1948 sixtynineth (Secret) birthday. Visit to Lucknow of Progs., the American Nos. 8(11)- 503 PROTOCOL 1948 Ambassador in PT, 1948 India. (Secret) Issue of a circular Progs., Reg:- Serving of Nos. 504 PROTOCOL 1948 Alcoholic drinkers 12(55)-PT, in Indian 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Delegation to (Secret) International Meeting. Signing of the Progs., Western Union five 505 Nos. 1(15)- PROTOCOL 1948 Power treaty in PT, 1948 Brussels. Visit of Afgan Deligation to India negotiate a treaty Progs., of friendship & 506 Nos. 8(24)- PROTOCOL 1948 trade & PT, 1948 arrangement connected themwith. Change of designation of Mr. Bhagwat dayal, Charge d` Affairs Progs., 507 of India in Siam to Nos. 1(21)- PROTOCOL 1948 that of Envoy PT, 1948 Extraordinary & Minister Plenipotentiary. Purchase a house at Ranchi by H.H. Moharaja Padma Shaneshere Jung Progs., Bahadur Rana , 508 Nos. 8-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 Prime Minister of 1948 Nepal.& connected assignments connecred with H. His Visit to India. Exchange of displomatic missions with Holy Progs., 509 Se. and Nos. 3(9)- PROTOCOL 1948 appointment of PT, 1948 Monsiur Kierkul as Minister in India. Accomodation for Progs., 510 PROTOCOL 1948 Afghan Nos. 7(24)-

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Ambassador & his PT, 1948 staff in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Closing of the vice- Progs., 511 Consulate of the republic of Nos. 2(15)- PROTOCOL 1948 Argentine in Calcutta. PT, 1948 Question whether H.E. The Earl Mountbatten of Burma should writye farewell letter to the Neighbouring on his Progs., Vacating the Appointment of Nos. 512 the Governor General of 12(58)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 India. Notify by telegram 1948 representives of India (Secret) abroad of the assumption of office by the new Governor General. Courtesies and facilities to Progs., the accorded to the 513 Nos. 5(9)- PROTOCOL 1948 Representation of the PT, 1948 United Nations in India. Progs., Programme reg:- Receiption Nos. 514 of president of Hungary 12(95)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 during his visit to Moscow. 1948 (Secret) Exemptions from taxes registration drising license Progs., fees on motor car belonging Nos. 515 PROTOCOL 1948 to the Italian embassy in 5(104)-PT, India or its diplomatic 1948 officers. Decision that Chancery letters issued from the Ministry of E.A. & C.R. to Embassies & legations of Progs., 516 India abroad will hear at the Nos. 1(47)- PROTOCOL 1948 end of the seal of the PT, 1948 Ministry which will be initialled by the Branch officer concerned.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Progs., Revision of the Warrent of 517 Nos. 10(5)- PROTOCOL 1948 Presidence. PT, 1948 Refund of customs duty on Progs., petrol to the diplomatic and 518 Nos. 5(38)- PROTOCOL 1948 consular officer of the PT, 1948 Embassy of France in India. Arrival of the Turkish Ambassador of staff in India, arrangement Progs., 519 connected therewith Nos. 3(11)- PROTOCOL 1948 Presentation of credentials PT, 1948 by the Turkish Ambassador H.E. the Governor-General. Progs., Exemption from customs Nos. 520 examination of parcels suit PROTOCOL 1948 5(167)-PT, to India, from Nepal. 1948

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Rules regarding reception of Foreign Ambassadors by the Progs., 521 Chief of Protocol on other Nos. 3(15)- PROTOCOL 1948 senior official on arrival in PT, 1948 India. Letter of appointment of Mr. Progs., H.R Gollan as High 522 Nos. 3(6)- PROTOCOL 1948 Commsissioner, for Aus. in PT, 1948 India. Message send by Pandit Nehuru Progs., to generalisation Chiang Kai- Nos. 523 Shek on his assumption of PROTOCOL 1948 12(53)-PT, office of the President of the 1948 Chinese Republic. Appointment of Diwan Chaman Progs., 524 Lall as Indian Ambassador to Nos. 1(13)- PROTOCOL 1948 Turkey. PT, 1948 Privileg of the Petrol, free of Progs., 525 duty to the Italian Embassy in Nos. 5(49)- PROTOCOL 1948 India. PT, 1948 Facilities for the Carriage of Progs., 526 PROTOCOL 1948 Diplomatic Air Mail bags of the Nos.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Legation of India, Ris De 5(149)-PT, janeord from to India. 2. 1948 Similar facilities for the Brazilian Embassy in India. 1. Permanent residential Progs., accomodation for foreign 527 Nos. 7(28)- PROTOCOL 1948 missions in India. 2. Office of a PT, 1948 house for the chinese chancery. Extension of Dr. P.P.Pillai Representative of India with Progs., the United Nations for another 528 Nos. 1(70)- PROTOCOL 1948 year with personal rank of PT, 1948 Extraordinary & Minister Plenipotentiary. Progs., Signing of the Western Union 529 Nos. 1(15)- PROTOCOL 1948 five Power treaty in Brussels. PT, 1948 Arrival recepton and Progs., Presentation of Credentials by 530 Nos. 3(22)- PROTOCOL 1948 the Egyption Ambassador in PT, 1948 India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Letter of credence & Commission Progs., of appointment in favour of Dr. 531 Nos. 1(78)- PROTOCOL 1948 Syud Hossain as India`s Minister PT, 1948 to Lebanon. Raising of the status of High Commissioner, India and Burma to Progs., 532 that of Ambassador. Presentation Nos. 3(2)- PROTOCOL 1948 of credentials by the Burmese PT, 1948 Ambassador. Progs., Programme reg:- Receiption of Nos. 533 president of Hungary during his 12(95)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 visit to Moscow. 1948 (Secret) Preparation of `Full`Power` for Sir Benegal Narsinga Ram to sign the Progs., 534 Protocol to bring under control Nos. 1(76)- PROTOCOL 1948 drugs which are outside the scope PT, 1948 of 1931 Convention.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Proposal to raise the status of the Progs., 535 Consulate for Iran at Bombay to Nos. 2(37)- PROTOCOL 1948 that of a Consulate General. PT, 1948 Request by the American Embassy to accord full and equal exemption from Customs duty to all American Progs., Embassy staff. General question of 536 Nos. 5(37)- PROTOCOL 1948 Customs exemption to Non PT, 1948 Diplomatic staff of Foreign Mission in India 2. Foreign Consular officer and Consular Posts in India. Instrument of ratification by the Progs., Govt., of India of the Convention 537 Nos. 1(30)- PROTOCOL 1948 for the control of desert locust PT, 1948 between India & Iran. India`s accession to the Progs., 538 convention on the privileges & Nos. 1(33)- PROTOCOL 1948 immunities of the United Nations. PT, 1948 Appointment of Dr. P.P.Pillai as Progs., 539 Charge d` Affairs of India in Nos. 1(65)- PROTOCOL 1948 France. PT, 1948 Letter of credence & Commission Progs., of appointment in favou of Sir 540 Nos. 1(49)- PROTOCOL 1948 B.Rama Rao as Ambassador of PT, 1948 India in U.S.A.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal of the American Ambessy in Progs., 541 India to purchase the Taj Building & Nos. 7(58)- PROTOCOL 1948 matters Connected themselves. PT, 1948 Progs., Exemption from customs duty on Nos. 542 liquors and Cigarettes imported by PROTOCOL 1948 5(101)-PT, the Italian Embassy in India. 1948 Costoms privileges accorded to Progs., 543 Norwegian Consular officers carriere Nos. 5(69)- PROTOCOL 1948 stationed in India. PT, 1948 Exchange of displomatic missions with Progs., 544 Holy Se. and appointment of Monsiur Nos. 3(9)- PROTOCOL 1948 Kierkul as Minister in India. PT, 1948 Progs., 545 only slip is available. PROTOCOL 1948 Nos.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


11(11)-PT, 1948 Exchange of Diplomatic relations with Brazil & appointment of Mr. Progs., 546 Minocheher Rustom Masani as Envoy Nos. 1(16)- PROTOCOL 1948 Extraordinary & Minister PT, 1948 Plenipotentiary for India in Brazil. Progs., Refund of customs duty on a motor Nos. 547 car belonging to the Turkish Embassy PROTOCOL 1948 5(106)-PT, in India. 1948 Raising of the status of High Commissioner, India and Burma to Progs., 548 that of Ambassador. Presentation of Nos. 3(2)- PROTOCOL 1948 credentials by the Burmese PT, 1948 Ambassador. Progs., Exchange of mesages with the Afgans Nos. charged affairs on the occasion of 549 12(39)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 Afgan Independence Day & the King 1948 of Afgan istan birthday. (Secret) Question of contining the privilage of Progs., 550 carrying mails to the Russian Trade Nos. 5(24)- PROTOCOL 1948 Agent at Calcutta. PT, 1948

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., 551 Australian Warrant of Presidence. Nos. 10(3)- PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 Progs., Retention of the jind House bny the 552 Nos. 7(62)- PROTOCOL 1948 Chinese Embassy in India. PT, 1948 Issue of King`s Commission in Favour of Progs., 553 Mr. E.S. Krishnamoorthy Consul General Nos. 1(17)- PROTOCOL 1948 for India at Shanghai. PT, 1948 Progs., Grant of diplomatic Priviliges t othe Nos. 554 PROTOCOL 1948 Chancellor of the Swiss legation in India. 5(107)-PT, 1948 Decision that trade Commissioner in Progs., 555 India, do not enjoy exemption from the Nos. 5(16)- PROTOCOL 1948 Provision of the Indian Arms Act. PT, 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Progs., Issue of King`s Commission in favour of 556 Nos. 1(43)- PROTOCOL 1948 Mr. P.N.Driver as Consul for India at Goa. PT, 1948 Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Progs., 557 Mr. Ramji Ram Saksena Consul General Nos. 1(12)- PROTOCOL 1948 for India at New York. PT, 1948 Arrival reception and presentation of Progs., credentials by Mons. valaco Vieira Garim 558 Nos. 3(20)- PROTOCOL 1948 as Minister of the Portuguese Govt. in PT, 1948 India. Ratification of the universal postal Progs., 559 Convention a assessed agreements by Nos. 1(79)- PROTOCOL 1948 Various Govts. PT, 1948 Letters of Credence and Commission of appointment in Favour of Mr. Nedyam Raghavan as Ambassador of India in Progs., 560 Czechoslovakia. Instructions regarding Nos. 1(54)- PROTOCOL 1948 presentation of Credentials by foreign PT, 1948 Ambassador etc to H.E. the Governor General of India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exemption from payment of custosm Progs., duty on arms and ammunication 561 Nos. 5(90)- PROTOCOL 1948 intended for the Netherlands embassy in PT, 1948 India. Full Power for India`s Represetntatives to the third session of the General Assembly to sign on behalf of India the Progs., 562 Protocol to amend the International Nos. 1(77)- PROTOCOL 1948 Convention relating to economic PT, 1948 statistics, signed at Geneva on the 14th day of December 1928. Letters of Credence and Commission of appointments of Mr. D.B.Desai, as Envoy Extra Ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Holy See, Decision Progs., 563 that the speeches to be made by the Nos. 1(46)- PROTOCOL 1948 Indian Representatives at the time of PT, 1948 presentation of credentials should be approved by the Ministry of External Affairs.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Proposal to raise the status of the Progs., 564 Consulate for Iran at Bombay to that of a Nos. 2(37)- PROTOCOL 1948 Consulate General. PT, 1948 Letters of Credence and Commission of appointments of Mr. D.B.Desai, as Envoy Extra Ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Holy See, Decision Progs., 565 that the speeches to be made by the Nos. 1(46)- PROTOCOL 1948 Indian Representatives at the time of PT, 1948 presentation of credentials should be approved by the Ministry of External Affairs. Request made by the Deputy Mily. Secy. Progs., to the Governor General to the supply of Nos. a statement showing in chronological 566 12(41)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 order , of the various presentation of 1948 credential cerimonies taken place at (Secret) govt. Houses , New Delhi. Progs., Courtesies to be shown to Indian 567 Nos. 5(7)- PROTOCOL 1948 Ambassador in Nepal. PT, 1948 Progs., Nos. Request Made by the Soviet Embaeey in 568 12(68)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 India for supply of copies of jail manual. 1948 (Secret) Letters of credentials & full powers to Progs., 569 members of Indian Delegations abroad Nos. 1(26)- PROTOCOL 1948 during 1948. PT, 1948 Message send by Pandit Nehuru to Progs., generalisation Chiang Kai-Shek on his Nos. 570 PROTOCOL 1948 assumption of office of the President of 12(53)-PT, the Chinese Republic. 1948

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Issue of Commission of appointment to Mr. Progs., 571 N.Raghavan Consul General for India in Nos. 1-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 Batavia. 1948 Progs., Original Letters of Credence presented by 572 Nos. 1(8)- PROTOCOL 1948 Foreign Ambassadors acfredited to India. PT, 1948 573 Appointment of Dr. P.P.Pillai as Charge d` Progs., PROTOCOL 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Affairs of India in France. Nos. 1(65)- PT, 1948 Motor Vechicles exemption of the staff of the Progs., 574 American Consulate General from registration Nos. 5(33)- PROTOCOL 1948 and license fees and tax. PT, 1948 Refund of customs duty on petrol to the Progs., 575 diplomatic and consular officer of the Nos. 5(38)- PROTOCOL 1948 Embassy of France in India. PT, 1948 Issue of Credentials to Sir B.Rama Ram as Progs., 576 special Ambassador to installation ceremony Nos. 1(68)- PROTOCOL 1948 of Doctor Socarras as President of Cuba. PT, 1948 Decision that trade Commissioner in India, do Progs., 577 not enjoy exemption from the Provision of the Nos. 5(16)- PROTOCOL 1948 Indian Arms Act. PT, 1948 Full Power for the Hon`ble the Prime Minister Progs., 578 of India to Conclude a treaty of freindship & Nos. 1(57)- PROTOCOL 1948 establishment with the Govt., of Switzerland. PT, 1948 Request made by the Deputy Mily. Secy. to Progs., the Governor General to the supply of a Nos. statement showing in chronological order , of 579 12(41)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 the various presentation of credential 1948 cerimonies taken place at govt. Houses , New (Secret) Delhi. Office accommodation for the Russian Progs., Embassy in Indin. 2. Eviction of refugees from 580 Nos. 7(8)- PROTOCOL 1948 the Tranvancore house 3. Five Insurance PT, 1948 Tranvancore House.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Issue of a circular to all ministers of the Govt. Progs., of India with regard to the procedure to be Nos. 581 served while inviting members of the 12(98)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 Diplomatic carps in India to certain Official 1948 functions regarded by them. (Secret) Letter of eredence & commission of Appointment- favour of Mr. Dhirajlal Progs., 582 Bhulabhai Desai Envoy Extraordinary & Nos. 1(7)- PROTOCOL 1948 minister Plenipotentiary of India in PT, 1948 Switzerland. Protocol agreement between H.M.G. & the Progs., 583 Govt., of USSR on questions of trade & Nos. 1(20)- PROTOCOL 1948 Finance. PT, 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Requestn made by the Soviet Embassy in Progs., India, for remission of stamp duty on a lease Nos. 584 PROTOCOL 1948 deed executed by them in respect of 5(108)-PT, Tranvancore, House, New Delhi. 1948 Proposal of the American Ambessy in India to Progs., 585 purchase the Taj Building & matters Nos. 7(58)- PROTOCOL 1948 Connected themselves. PT, 1948 Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Mr. Progs., 586 S.C.Alagappan as Consul General for India in Nos. 1(64)- PROTOCOL 1948 Batavia. PT, 1948 Progs., Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Mr. 587 Nos. 1(43)- PROTOCOL 1948 P.N.Driver as Consul for India at Goa. PT, 1948 Progs., Appointment of Diwan Chaman Lall as Indian 588 Nos. 1(13)- PROTOCOL 1948 Ambassador to Turkey. PT, 1948 Letter of evidence & commission of Progs., Appointment in favour of Wing Commander 589 Nos. 1(6)- PROTOCOL 1948 Rup Chand as Indian Ambassador to PT, 1948 Afghanistan. Progs., Procedure to be observed in Nanking on 590 Nos. 2(25)- PROTOCOL 1948 appointments on transfers of Foreign Consuls. PT, 1948

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Privileg of the Petrol, free of duty to the Italian 591 Nos. 5(49)- PROTOCOL 1948 Embassy in India. PT, 1948 Progs., 592 Australian Warrant of Presidence. Nos. 10(3)- PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 Progs., Practice by which Dominion Govt. keeps H.M.G. in Nos. 593 the U.K.informed of the cover of their negotiations 12(70)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 with other countris. 1948 (Secret) Decision that Chancery letters issued from the Ministry of E.A. & C.R. to Embassies & legations of Progs., 594 India abroad will hear at the end of the seal of the Nos. 1(47)- PROTOCOL 1948 Ministry which will be initialled by the Branch PT, 1948 officer concerned. 595 Ratification of International Telecommunication Progs., PROTOCOL 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Convention (1947) by the govt., of India. Decision Nos. 1(81)- that registration of the above convention with the PT, 1948 United Nations by the Govt., of India is not necessary as it is a multilateral convention which should be registered by the Headquarter Govt., i.e. U.S.A. Purchase a house at Ranchi by H.H. Moharaja Progs., Padma Shaneshere Jung Bahadur Rana , Prime 596 Nos. 8-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 Minister of Nepal.& connected assignments 1948 connecred with H. His Visit to India. Progs., Letter of Introduction to Mr. B.N.Chakravarti as 597 Nos. 1(51)- PROTOCOL 1948 the Head of the Indian Liasion Mission in Tokyo. PT, 1948 Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Mr. Progs., 598 S.C.Alagappan as Consul General for India in Nos. 1(64)- PROTOCOL 1948 Batavia. PT, 1948 Progs., Changes in the personnel of consulate for Italy in 599 Nos. 2(19)- PROTOCOL 1948 India during the year 1948. PT, 1948 Visit of Afgan Deligation to India negotiate a Progs., 600 treaty of friendship & trade & arrangement Nos. 8(24)- PROTOCOL 1948 connected themwith. PT, 1948

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Rules relating to the carraige of deplomatic mail Nos. 601 by couries and other nomineses of foreign mission PROTOCOL 1948 12(32)-PT, in the U.K. 1948 Requestn made by the Soviet Embassy in India, Progs., for remission of stamp duty on a lease deed Nos. 602 PROTOCOL 1948 executed by them in respect of Tranvancore, 5(108)-PT, House, New Delhi. 1948 Office accommodation for the Russian Embassy in Progs., Indin. 2. Eviction of refugees from the 603 Nos. 7(8)- PROTOCOL 1948 Tranvancore house 3. Five Insurance Tranvancore PT, 1948 House. Question whether H.E. The Earl Mountbatten of Progs., Burma should writye farewell letter to the Nos. Neighbouring on his Vacating the Appointment of 604 12(58)-PT, PROTOCOL 1948 the Governor General of India. Notify by telegram 1948 representives of India abroad of the assumption (Secret) of office by the new Governor General.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Appointment of Dr. Syed Hussain as India`s Progs., 605 representative to Ethiopia in Addition to that of Nos. 1(14)- PROTOCOL 1948 Cairo. PT, 1948 Transmission of a set of photographic copies of Progs., the German surrender documents by the 606 Nos. 1(69)- PROTOCOL 1948 Secretary of State for desposit with the Govt., of PT, 1948 India. Extension of Dr. P.P.Pillai Representative of India Progs., with the United Nations for another year with 607 Nos. 1(70)- PROTOCOL 1948 personal rank of Extraordinary & Minister PT, 1948 Plenipotentiary. Progs., Exemption from customs examination of parcels Nos. 608 PROTOCOL 1948 suit to India, from Nepal. 5(167)-PT, 1948 Progs., Customs exemption to the Mines of Heads of our 609 Nos. 5(41)- PROTOCOL 1948 diplomatic missions, returning from abroad. PT, 1948 Progs., Letter of appointment of Mr. H.R Gollan as High 610 Nos. 3(6)- PROTOCOL 1948 Commsissioner, for Aus. in India. PT, 1948 S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Residential & office accomodation in Delhi for the 611 Nos. 7(11)- PROTOCOL 1948 Apostolic Deligate in India. PT, 1948 Exchange of Diplomatic relations with Brazil & Progs., appointment of Mr. Minocheher Rustom Masani as 612 Nos. 1(16)- PROTOCOL 1948 Envoy Extraordinary & Minister Plenipotentiary for PT, 1948 India in Brazil. Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Mr. Ahid Progs., 613 Hasan as Indina Consul at Kandahar and its Nos. 1(80)- PROTOCOL 1948 cancellation due to the Change in his posting. PT, 1948 Progs., Accomodation for Afghan Ambassador & his staff 614 Nos. 7(24)- PROTOCOL 1948 in India. PT, 1948 Progs., Retention of the jind House bny the Chinese 615 Nos. 7(62)- PROTOCOL 1948 Embassy in India. PT, 1948 Progs., Refund of customs duty on a motor car belonging Nos. 616 PROTOCOL 1948 to the Turkish Embassy in India. 5(106)-PT, 1948

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Progs., Ratification of the universal postal Convention a 617 Nos. 1(79)- PROTOCOL 1948 assessed agreements by Various Govts. PT, 1948 Deposit of the instruments of ratification of the Progs., constitution of the world Health Organisation and 618 Nos. 1(29)- PROTOCOL 1948 the protocol concerning the office international d` PT, 1948 Hygience Publique by various Govts. Letter of credence & commission of appointmetn Progs., in favour of Sardar K.M.Panikkar as Ambassador 619 Nos. 1(24)- PROTOCOL 1948 of India in China in Succession to H.E.K.P.S. PT, 1948 Menon. Letter of credence & commission of appointmetn Progs., in favour of Sardar K.M.Panikkar as Ambassador 620 Nos. 1(24)- PROTOCOL 1948 of India in China in Succession to H.E.K.P.S. PT, 1948 Menon.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Arrival of the Turkish Ambassador of staff in India, arrangement connected therewith Presentation of Progs., Nos. 3(11)- 621 PROTOCOL 1948 credentials by the Turkish PT, 1948 Ambassador H.E. the Governor- General. Changes in the personnel of Progs., Nos. 2(5)- 622 Consulate for Egypt in India during PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 the year 1948. Arrival reception and presentation of credentials by Mons. valaco Progs., Nos. 3(20)- 623 PROTOCOL 1948 Vieira Garim as Minister of the PT, 1948 Portuguese Govt. in India. Information asked for by the Czechoslovakian Embassy in India Progs., Nos. 1(74)- 624 with regard to the International PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 treaties signed by the Govt., of India. Courtesies and facilities to the Progs., Nos. 5(9)- 625 accorded to the Representation of PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 the United Nations in India. Deplomatic ranks to the office of the Militaryof I.B. attached to Progs., Nos. 10(6)- 626 PROTOCOL 1948 Indian Embassies & regations PT, 1948 abroad.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


India`s accession to the convention Progs., Nos. 1(33)- 627 on the privileges & immunities of PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 the United Nations. Pestowal upen Mr. Adreshir Frawroze Mody, an Indian National King Christian the Xs liberty medal Progs., Nos. 11(5)- 628 PROTOCOL 1948 in cosideration of the valuable PT, 1948 resourses by him Denmark drawing during war. Information asked for by the Czechoslovakian Embassy in India Progs., Nos. 1(74)- 629 with regard to the International PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 treaties signed by the Govt., of India. Customs exemption to the Mines of Progs., Nos. 5(41)- 630 Heads of our diplomatic missions, PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 returning from abroad. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Instrument of ratification by the Govt., of India of the Convention Progs., Nos. 1(30)- 631 PROTOCOL 1948 for the control of desert locust PT, 1948 between India & Iran. Courtesies and facilities to Progs., Nos. 632 distinguished foreign personages PROTOCOL 1948 5(102)-PT, 1948 passing through India. Enquiry made by Indian Cosulates Progs., Nos. 633 General in U.S.A. regarding 12(129)-PT, 1948 PROTOCOL 1948 exemption. (Secret) Arrival and reception of Mr. Jaroslav Progs., Nos. 3-PT, 634 Sejnoha, Ambassador, designate of PROTOCOL 1948 1948 Czechoslovakia to India. Questionof issuing deplomatic Progs., Nos. 635 Indentity cards to the member of 12(86)-PT, 1948 PROTOCOL 1948 deplomatic courts in India. (Secret) Pestowal upen Mr. Adreshir Frawroze Mody, an Indian National King Christian the Xs liberty medal Progs., Nos. 11(5)- 636 PROTOCOL 1948 in cosideration of the valuable PT, 1948 resourses by him Denmark drawing during war. Deposit of the Instruments of Progs., Nos. 1(28)- 637 PROTOCOL 1948 ratification on International Civil PT, 1948

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Aviation 1944, by Various Govts. Letter of credence & Commission of appointment in favour of Dr. Syud Progs., Nos. 1(78)- 638 PROTOCOL 1948 Hossain as India`s Minister to PT, 1948 Lebanon. Raising of the status of Consular Agent for France at Madras to that Progs., Nos. 2(38)- 639 PROTOCOL 1948 of Consul a appointment of Mons- PT, 1948 Pierre mollard as Consul. Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Mr. Ahid Hasan as Indina Progs., Nos. 1(80)- 640 Consul at Kandahar and its PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 cancellation due to the Change in his posting.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Deplomatic ranks to the office of the Progs., Nos. 10(6)- 641 Militaryof I.B. attached to Indian Embassies & PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 regations abroad. Proposal of the Govt.of Cuha to confer upen Mr. Ashfaque Hussain, an official of the Progs., Nos. 11(8)- 642 PROTOCOL 1948 Education Ministry , the distinction of the PT, 1948 order of merit Carlos Manual de Caspends. Appointment of Dr. Renzo Carrohis as Charge Progs., Nos. 3(4)-PT, 643 PROTOCOL 1948 affirs of Italay in India. 1948 Enquiry made by Chinese Embassy in India reg:- Previlages & immunities accorded to Progs., Nos. 12(49)- 644 PROTOCOL 1948 foreign deplomate & Cousular officials in PT, 1948 India. Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Mr. Progs., Nos. 1(45)- 645 S.K.Kirpalani as Consul General for India at PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 San Franisco. Courtesies and facilities to distinguished Progs., Nos. 5(102)- 646 PROTOCOL 1948 foreign personages passing through India. PT, 1948 Exemptions from the Madras Prohibition act Progs., Nos. 5(154)- 647 to Members of Foreign Consular officers PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 stationed at Madras. Residential & office accomodation in Delhi for Progs., Nos. 7(11)- 648 PROTOCOL 1948 the Apostolic Deligate in India. PT, 1948 Questionof issuing deplomatic Indentity cards Progs., Nos. 12(86)- 649 PROTOCOL 1948 to the member of deplomatic courts in India. PT, 1948 (Secret)

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Progs., Nos. 10(5)- 650 Revision of the Warrent of Presidence. PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Costoms privileges accorded to Progs., Nos. 5(69)- 651 Norwegian Consular officers PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 carriere stationed in India. Full Power for Mr. J.R.K. Modi, Indian Trade Commission at Buenos Aires to sign a Barter Agreement Progs., Nos. 1(58)- 652 PROTOCOL 1948 relating to Jute & wheat with the PT, 1948 Govt., of Argentine Republic on behalf of the Govt., of India. Courtesies to be shown to Indian Progs., Nos. 5(7)- 653 PROTOCOL 1948 Ambassador in Nepal. PT, 1948 Exemption the payment of profession tax levied by the Madras Progs., Nos. 5(73)- 654 PROTOCOL 1948 Corporation to Foreign Consular PT, 1948 Officer in India. Raising of the status of the C.G. for Afghan in India, to that of an Progs., Nos. 3(3)- 655 Embassy. 2. Appointment of Mons PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 Ghulam Mohd. Khan as Charged Affair of Afghan in India. Issue of a circular to all ministers of the Govt. of India with regard to Progs., Nos. the procedure to be served while 656 12(98)-PT, 1948 PROTOCOL 1948 inviting members of the Diplomatic (Secret) carps in India to certain Official functions regarded by them. Exemption the payment of profession tax levied by the Madras Progs., Nos. 5(73)- 657 PROTOCOL 1948 Corporation to Foreign Consular PT, 1948 Officer in India. Arrival and reception of Mr. Jaroslav Progs., Nos. 3-PT, 658 Sejnoha, Ambassador, designate of PROTOCOL 1948 1948 Czechoslovakia to India. Exemption from the payment of stamp duty a registration fees on Progs., Nos. 5(75)- 659 deeds in respect of certain house PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 properties purchased by the U.S Consul Generla at madras and

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Calcutta and Bombay. Arrival reception and presentation of credentials to H.E the Governor- Progs., Nos. 3(19)- 660 PROTOCOL 1948 General of India, by the Swedish PT, 1948 Envoy to India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year The Instrument of acceptance of the Progs., Nos. 1(25)- 661 PROTOCOL 1948 International wheat Agreement. PT, 1948 Question of contining the privilage Progs., Nos. 5(24)- 662 of carrying mails to the Russian PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 Trade Agent at Calcutta. Message send by the Prime Minister Progs., Nos. 663 of India to Marshal Stalim of his 12(124)-PT, 1948 PROTOCOL 1948 sixtynineth birthday. (Secret) Protocol agreement between H.M.G. Progs., Nos. 1(20)- 664 & the Govt., of USSR on questions PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 of trade & Finance. Appointment of Dr. Syed Hosain as Progs., Nos. 1(22)- 665 India`s representative to PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 Transjordan in addition to Cairo. Reneval of registration of the Motor car of monsignor E vagnozzi, Progs., Nos. 666 PROTOCOL 1948 charged, affairs of the Papal 5(105)-PT, 1948 legation in India. Award of M.B.E. to Rai Sahib A.K. Progs., Nos. 11(7)- 667 Dass , Head Account , British PROTOCOL 1948 PT, 1948 Embassy, Bughdad. Progs., Nos. E.A. & C.R Ministry monthly 668 12(66)-PT, 1948 PROTOCOL 1948 summaries for the year 1948. (Secret) Letter of evidence & commission of Appointment in favour of Wing Progs., Nos. 1(6)- 669 PROTOCOL 1948 Commander Rup Chand as Indian PT, 1948 Ambassador to Afghanistan. Grant of privilage and immunities to the Untied Nation for the duration of Progs., Nos. 670 PROTOCOL 1948 the third session of the General 5(113)-PT, 1948 Assemby in Paris.

671 Conferment of the Personnal rank of Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 1948

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Ambassador of India Upen M/S Girja 11(11)-PT, 1948 Sankar Bajpai & K.P.S. Manon Request by the American Embassy to accord full and equal exemption from Customs duty to all American Embassy staff. General question of Progs., Nos. 5(37)- 672 PROTOCOL 1948 Customs exemption to Non PT, 1948 Diplomatic staff of Foreign Mission in India 2. Foreign Consular officer and Consular Posts in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year High Commissioner for Pakistan in Progs., Nos. 7(100)-PT, 673 India and Staff Residental and PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Office Accommodation. Establishment of a Saudi Arabian Consulate at Bombay & Progs., Nos. 2(28)-PT, 674 PROTOCOL 1949 appointment of Mr. Yusuf El 1949 Fawzan as Consul. Prohibition for Indian Subjects from accepting any Foreign Progs., Nos. 11(5)-PT, 675 Decorations and titles Under a PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Provision in the Drapt constitution of India. Visit of Dalai Lama s Brother to Progs., Nos. 8(56)-PT, 676 PROTOCOL 1949 India. 1949(Secret) Letter of credence & Commission of Appointment of Dr. A.A.A. Progs., Nos. 1(51)-PT, 677 PROTOCOL 1949 Fyzee as Ambassador of India to 1949 (Secret) Egypt. Decision not to issuing re- credentials & send replies to the Progs., Nos. 1(25)-PT, 678 letters of recall of former PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ambassadors of the U.S.A.V. Iran in India. Instrument of ratifications of the Connection of the Worls Progs., Nos. 1(36)-PT, 679 Meteorological Organisation PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) signed at Washington on 11th October 1947. 680 Arrangements fora Courier Progs., Nos. 12(92)-PT, PROTOCOL 1949

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Service between Delhi , Calcutta 1949(Secret) & Jullundur for the Pakistan High Commissioner & Deputy High Commissioner in India. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Letters of credence & Commission of appointment in favour of Shri C. P. Narain Singh as Indian Progs., Nos. 1(66)-PT, 681 Ambassador to Nepal in sucession PROTOCOL 1949 1949 to Sardar Surgit Singh Majithia 2. Letter of recall for Sardar Surjit Singh Majithia. Depository functions entrusted to the Secy. General of the United Nations by various multilateral Progs., Nos. 1(70)-PT, 682 agreements open to the PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Signature of member States. 2. Procedure for signing varous multilateral agreements. Rules for the Protection of Foreign Progs., Nos. 12(45)-PT, 683 & Commonwelth Missions in Delhi PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) while in residence & on tour. Issue of Letters of credence & Commission of appointment in Progs., Nos. 1(71)-PT, 684 favour of Shri Ratan Kumar Nehru PROTOCOL 1949 1949 as Indian Minister to Denmark & Finland. Acceptance by the Govt. of South Rhodesia of protocol modifying Progs., Nos. 1(32)-PT, 685 Part I & article XXIX of general PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) agreement on tariffs & trade subject to a reservation. Registration of international Progs., Nos. 1(17)-PT, 686 agreements with the U.N. PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Organisation. Procedure for Indias Deputy High Progs., Nos. 10(4)-PT, 687 PROTOCOL 1949 Commissioner in Pakistan Decca. 1949(Secret) Visit of Their Prince Piya Ranjit and Princess Vihhavadi Progs., Nos. 12(29)-PT, 688 Rangit to India fro right Seeing. PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) The Prince & Princess are to be treated as State quest During

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their Stay in India. 1.Procedure reg- appearance in Courts of Foreign Consular Officers in India When involved in Progs., Nos. 12(44)-PT, 689 PROTOCOL 1949 Civil Suits. 2. Suits againest 1949(Secret) American vice Consul Mr. Carpenter at Calcutta. Decision not to issuing re- credentials & send replies to the Progs., Nos. 1(25)-PT, 690 letters of recall of former PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ambassadors of the U.S.A.V. Iran in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. 12(55)-PT, 691 Only Slip. PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Accessions to the Protocols to prolong the International Sanitary Convention and the I. S. Progs., Nos. 1(38)-PT, 692 Convention for Aerial Navigation PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) 1944, open for signature at Washington from April 23 to May`, 1946. Enquiries made by Indian Missions abroad reg. their associations with Indian & Other Progs., Nos. 12(32)-PT, 693 PROTOCOL 1949 Organization formed for Promting 1949(Secret) Indian Interests in the Countries in Their Charge. Procedure for Indias Deputy High Progs., Nos. 10(4)-PT, 694 PROTOCOL 1949 Commissioner in Pakistan Decca. 1949(Secret) Letters of credence & commission of appointment in favour of H. E. Progs., Nos. 1(67)-PT, 695 PROTOCOL 1949 Syed Ali Zaheer as Indian Minister 1949 to Iraq. Issue of Letters of credence & Commission of appointment in Progs., Nos. 1(71)-PT, 696 favour of Shri Ratan Kumar Nehru PROTOCOL 1949 1949 as Indian Minister to Denmark & Finland. Letter of Credence & Commission Progs., Nos. 1(49)-PT, 697 PROTOCOL 1949 of Appointment of Dewan Ram Lal 1949 (Secret)

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as Ambassador of India to Italy. 2. Condolence on the death in Rome of Diwan Ram Lal. Letters of credence & Commissionof appointment in Progs., Nos. 1(57)-PT, 698 favour of Dr. Mohan Singh Mehta PROTOCOL 1949 1949 as Indian Ambassador to Netherlands. Full power for India`s political Progs., Nos. 1(82)-PT, 699 officer in Sikkim to Sign a treaty PROTOCOL 1949 1949 of friendship with Bhutan. High Commissioner for Pakistan in Progs., Nos. 7(100)-PT, 700 India and Staff Residental and PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Office Accommodation.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Letter of Credence & Commission of appointment of Dr. P. Progs., Nos. 1(86)-PT, 701 Subharayan as Ambassador of PROTOCOL 1949 1949 India to the United States of Indonesia. Registration of international Progs., Nos. 1(17)-PT, 702 agreements with the U.N. PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Organisation. Grant of English Honours of Progs., Nos. 11-PT, 703 British Officers etc. in the Service PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) ofa Dominion Govt. Question in the Constituent assembly of India (Legislative) by Seth Govind Das regarding Progs., Nos. 12(26)-PT, 704 PROTOCOL 1949 Treaties & Arrangements 1949(Secret) concluded by the Govt. of India with Foreign Countries. Letters of credence & Commission of appointment of Mr. V. K. Progs., Nos. 1(61)-PT, 705 PROTOCOL 1949 Krishna menon as Indian 1949 Ambassdor to Ireland. Letters of credence & commission of appointment in favour of H. E. Progs., Nos. 1(67)-PT, 706 PROTOCOL 1949 Syed Ali Zaheer as Indian Minister 1949 to Iraq. 707 Statements of treaties & Progs., Nos. 1(46)-PT, PROTOCOL 1949

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agreements etc. registered with 1949 (Secret) the United Nations. Procedure regarding sending of intimation to Commonwealth Progs., Nos. 1(3)-PT, 708 PROTOCOL 1949 Govts. about the negotiation of 1949 treaties with Foreign Countries. Question raised by H. E. the g.g. whether the head of a State may Progs., Nos. 1(59)-PT, 709 Sign a treaty instead of issue PROTOCOL 1949 1949 `Full power` to an official at headquarters of the Govt. Appointment of Mr. Alfred Biheller & Mr. Dusan Pokorny as Charge d, Affairs & Attache respectively Progs., Nos. 3(2)-PT, 710 to the Czechoslovakia Embassy in PROTOCOL 1949 1949 India. 2. Recall of M. Jaroslov Sejnoha, Ambassador of Czechoslovakia to India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Recovory of the Property of the Progs., Nos. 12(141)-PT, 711 PROTOCOL 1949 Hungarian Consulate in India. 1949(Secret) Conferment upon Shri P.C. Chandhuri Secy. , Ministry of I & Progs., Nos. 11(7)-PT, 712 PROTOCOL 1949 B the Freedom of the City of 1949(Secret) Mexico & a Medal. Full power for India`s political Progs., Nos. 1(82)-PT, 713 officer in Sikkim to Sign a treaty PROTOCOL 1949 1949 of friendship with Bhutan. Instrument of acceptance of the Protocol, Signed at Paris on a Cecember 1948, amending Progs., Nos. 1(34)-PT, 714 PROTOCOL 1949 international convention relating 1949 (Secret) to Economic Statitics, signed at Geneva on 14th Sept. 1928. Visit of the Indian Princess to Progs., Nos. 8(7)-PT, 715 Delhi & Courtesies & facilities PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) accorded to them. Question of Consulating the Chief of Protocol in all cases where the Progs., Nos. 12(27)-PT, 716 PROTOCOL 1949 M.S.G.G. is approached by 1949(Secret) another Ministry for the issue of

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invitations to Foreign visitors. Arrival, reception & presentation Progs., Nos. 3(4)-PT, 717 of credentials by the Norwegian PROTOCOL 1949 1949 minister to India. Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Mr. Aftab Rai as Indian 718 Consul-General at Buenos Aires, Progs., Nos. 1-PT, 1949 PROTOCOL 1949 and its cancellation due to the post being up graded. Instrument of acceptance by the Govt. of India of the Special Progs., Nos. 1(40)-PT, 719 Protocol relating to Article XXIV of PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) the General agreement on tariffs & trade. Establishment of a Saudi Arabian Consulate at Bombay & Progs., Nos. 2(28)-PT, 720 PROTOCOL 1949 appointment of Mr. Yusuf El 1949 Fawzan as Consul.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year (1) Letters of credence & Commission of appointment of Shrimati Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit as Progs., Nos. 1(28)-PT, 721 PROTOCOL 1949 Ambassador of India in the U.S.A. 1949 (Secret) (2) Lettersof recall for Shri B. Rama Rav. Acceptance by the Govt. of South Rhodesia of protocol modifying Progs., Nos. 1(32)-PT, 722 Part I & article XXIX of general PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) agreement on tariffs & trade subject to a reservation. Letter of credence & Commission of Appointment of Shri P. A. Progs., Nos. 1(52)-PT, 723 PROTOCOL 1949 Menon as Minister of India in 1949 (Secret) Portugal. Appointment of Mr. Alfred Biheller & Mr. Dusan Pokorny as Charge d, Affairs & Attache respectively Progs., Nos. 3(2)-PT, 724 to the Czechoslovakia Embassy in PROTOCOL 1949 1949 India. 2. Recall of M. Jaroslov Sejnoha, Ambassador of Czechoslovakia to India.

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Letters of credence & Commissionof appointment in Progs., Nos. 1(57)-PT, 725 favour of Dr. Mohan Singh Mehta PROTOCOL 1949 1949 as Indian Ambassador to Netherlands. Enquiry by the Indian Embassy and Other Foreign Missions in India regarding the Hoisting by Foreign Mission s of National Flag Progs., Nos. 12(104)-PT, 726 of their respective countries. 2. PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Enquiry by Indian Vice Consulate , andahar regarding the Flying of Indian Flag by the Vice Consul on His Car. Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Thakore Saheb Progs., Nos. 1(64)-PT, 727 PROTOCOL 1949 Pradyamna Singhji as Vice Consul 1949 for India at New York. 1. Enquiry from Deputy High Commissioner for Indoia in Pakistan regarding Diplomatic ranking, calling and Mode of Progs., Nos. 12(160)-PT, 728 Correspondence. 2. Decision that PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Indian Govt. Trade Commissioner arachi will be Given the Rank ofa Consular and Thus to Rank above a First Secretary. Exchange of Messages between Princes Rendup , Ladakh & Shri Progs., Nos. 13(16)-PT, 729 Gial Shas Bakula Head Lama Tapu PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Ganpa , Tehsil Leh, Ladakh & the Prime Minister of India. Enquiry made by the Indian Embassy in Moscow reg. Immunities enjoyed by Non- Progs., Nos. 12(40)-PT, 730 PROTOCOL 1949 Diplomatic Staff of Foreign 1949(Secret) Missions in India from Civil & Criminal Jurisdiction.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exchange of Messages between Progs., Nos. 13(16)-PT, 731 PROTOCOL 1949 Princes Rendup , Ladakh & Shri 1949(Secret)

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Gial Shas Bakula Head Lama Tapu Ganpa , Tehsil Leh, Ladakh & the Prime Minister of India. (1) Letters of credence & Commission of appointment of Shrimati Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit as Progs., Nos. 1(28)-PT, 732 PROTOCOL 1949 Ambassador of India in the U.S.A. 1949 (Secret) (2) Lettersof recall for Shri B. Rama Rav. Conferment upon Shri P.C. Chandhuri Secy. , Ministry of I & Progs., Nos. 11(7)-PT, 733 PROTOCOL 1949 B the Freedom of the City of 1949(Secret) Mexico & a Medal. Question of Consulating the Chief of Protocol in all cases where the Progs., Nos. 12(27)-PT, 734 M.S.G.G. is approached by PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) another Ministry for the issue of invitations to Foreign visitors. Enquiry made by the Indian Embassy in Moscow reg. Immunities enjoyed by Non- Progs., Nos. 12(40)-PT, 735 PROTOCOL 1949 Diplomatic Staff of Foreign 1949(Secret) Missions in India from Civil & Criminal Jurisdiction. (1) Letters of credence & Commission of appointment in fevour of Dr. Sarvapalli Progs., Nos. 1(60)-PT, 736 Radhakrishnan as Indian PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ambassador to U.S.S.R. (2) Letters of recall for Shrimati Vijaylakshmi Pandit. Agreement between the Govt. of India & the UNICEF relating to certain Supplies & Services for Progs., Nos. 1(56)-PT, 737 PROTOCOL 1949 the aid & assistance of Children, 1949 adolescents & expectant & nursing mothers. Grant of English Honours of Progs., Nos. 11-PT, 738 British Officers etc. in the Service PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) ofa Dominion Govt. Issue of King`s Commission in Progs., Nos. 1(47)-PT, 739 PROTOCOL 1949 favour of Mr. A. N. Mehta, as 1949 (Secret)

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Consul- General for India at Goa. Instrument of accession by the Govt. of India to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities Progs., Nos. 1(15)-PT, 740 PROTOCOL 1949 of the Specialized Agencies 1949 adopted by the U.N. General Assembly on 21st Nov. 1947.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Mr. Aftab Rai as Indian 741 Consul-General at Buenos Aires, Progs., Nos. 1-PT, 1949 PROTOCOL 1949 and its cancellation due to the post being up graded. Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Mr. Mohammed Yunis as Progs., Nos. 1(65)-PT, 742 PROTOCOL 1949 Acting Consul General for India at 1949 Meshad deferred. Question of issue of Fresh letters of credence to diplomatic agents Progs., Nos. 1(21)-PT, 743 PROTOCOL 1949 when a new Head of States 1949 Comes into being. Changes in the personnel of the Consulate & Embassy for Belgium in India during the year 1949. 2. Progs., Nos. 2(36)-PT, 744 PROTOCOL 1949 Division of the Consular 1949 Jurisdiction of the Belgian Consulates. Instrument of acceptance of the Protocol, Signed at Paris on a Cecember 1948, amending Progs., Nos. 1(34)-PT, 745 PROTOCOL 1949 international convention relating 1949 (Secret) to Economic Statitics, signed at Geneva on 14th Sept. 1928. Question raised by Indian Embassy Rio De Janein reforing Progs., Nos. 12(113)-PT, 746 PROTOCOL 1949 the right of Apsylum in Indian 1949(Secret) Mission abroad. Credentials of Shri B. N. Rav as Progs., Nos. 1(50)-PT, 747 of PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) India to the United Nations. 748 Letter of credence & Commission Progs., Nos. 1(51)-PT, PROTOCOL 1949

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of Appointment of Dr. A.A.A. 1949 (Secret) Fyzee as Ambassador of India to Egypt. Registration of the agreement relating to International Rice Progs., Nos. 1(87)-PT, 749 Commission and the Indo- Pacific PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Fisheries council with the United Nations Sectt. Precedence of the Staff of Indian Progs., Nos. 10(2)-PT, 750 PROTOCOL 1949 Embassy in Afghanistan. 1949(Secret)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Letters of credence & Commission of appointment of Sardar Hardit Progs., Nos. 1(58)-PT, 751 PROTOCOL 1949 Singh Malik as Indian 1949 Ambassador to France. Statements of treaties & Progs., Nos. 1(46)-PT, 752 agreements etc. registered with PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) the United Nations. Issue of King`s Commission in Progs., Nos. 1(47)-PT, 753 favour of Mr. A. N. Mehta, as PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) Consul- General for India at Goa. Permission, Courrtesties to facilities to the Pakistan air Craft to Overfly Indian Territory Progs., Nos. 12(159)-PT, 754 PROTOCOL 1949 Carrying H.E. the Governor 1949(Secret) Genral of Pakistan to his Staff from arachi and Back. revised ran in the warrent of Procedure for High Commissioner of Commonwelth Countries Progs., Nos. 10(3)-PT, 755 following the Decision related at PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) CommonwelthPrime Minister Conference in London in October 1948. Agreement between the Govt. of India & the UNICEF relating to certain Supplies & Services for Progs., Nos. 1(56)-PT, 756 PROTOCOL 1949 the aid & assistance of Children, 1949 adolescents & expectant & nursing mothers. 757 Visit of Dr. Mohammad Hatta Progs., Nos. 8(20)-PT, PROTOCOL 1949

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Prime Minister of Indonesian 1949(Secret) Republic to India-and arrangements connected therewith. Proposed Discontinuance of the Use by ambassadors, Ministers and by Governors of State and Progs., Nos. 12(132)-PT, 758 the Presidents of the republic of PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) India of the Title of the Republic of India of the title His Excellency etc. Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Mr. Mohammed Yunis as Progs., Nos. 1(65)-PT, 759 PROTOCOL 1949 Acting Consul General for India at 1949 Meshad deferred. Presentation of Credentials by H. E. Mr. J. B. Vesugar Indian Ambassador to Argentine Progs., Nos. 1(77)-PT, 760 PROTOCOL 1949 Concurrently as Envoy 1949 Extraordinary & Minister Plenipotentiary to CHILE.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Full power for the Head of the Indian military mission, Berlin to Sign a trade agreement with Austria. 2. Circular to all Progs., Nos. 1(19)-PT, 761 PROTOCOL 1949 ministries of the Govt. of India 1949 reg. :- procedure for the Submission of Full Powers to H. E. the g.g. for his signature. Question raised by H. E. the g.g. whether the head of a State may Progs., Nos. 1(59)-PT, 762 Sign a treaty instead of issue PROTOCOL 1949 1949 `Full power` to an official at headquarters of the Govt. Passing through India of Burmese by air via New Progs., Nos. 8(36)-PT, 763 Delhi. 2. Decision that Protocol PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Division need not be represented on Such Occasions. 764 Agreement between the Govts. of Progs., Nos. 1(55)-PT, PROTOCOL 1949

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U.S.A. & India relating to Air 1949 Services. Certificates of registration of treaties and agreements with the U. N. O. relating to Air Services. Full power for the Head of the Indian military mission, Berlin to Sign a trade agreement with Austria. 2. Circular to all Progs., Nos. 1(19)-PT, 765 PROTOCOL 1949 ministries of the Govt. of India 1949 reg. :- procedure for the Submission of Full Powers to H. E. the g.g. for his signature. Arrival, reception & Presentation Progs., Nos. 3(3)-PT, 766 of Credentials by the Burmese PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ambassador to India. A noteon unequal treaties prepared for an Indian Progs., Nos. 1(69)-PT, 767 PROTOCOL 1949 Parlimentary Delegation to 1949 Stockholm. Enquiry by the Italian Embassy reg.- installation of transmitting & Progs., Nos. 12(100)-PT, 768 PROTOCOL 1949 receiving stations by Foreign 1949(Secret) Missions accredited to India. Visit of H.R.H. Prince Ahmed Shah Progs., Nos. 12(28)-PT, 769 Court of Afghanistan to India to PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) have a tiger Ms Shoot. Enquiry by the Italian Embassy reg.- installation of transmitting & Progs., Nos. 12(100)-PT, 770 PROTOCOL 1949 receiving stations by Foreign 1949(Secret) Missions accredited to India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Recovory of the Property of the Progs., Nos. 12(141)-PT, 771 PROTOCOL 1949 Hungarian Consulate in India. 1949(Secret) Enquiry by Deputy High Commissioner for India in Pakistan , Lahore Wheather he Progs., Nos. 8(49)-PT, 772 Should be Present at the lahore PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) aerodrome both to receive & See off the Paistan Governor General & Prime Minister on their visit to

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lahore. Presentation of Credentials by H. E. Mr. J. B. Vesugar Indian Ambassador to Argentine Progs., Nos. 1(77)-PT, 773 PROTOCOL 1949 Concurrently as Envoy 1949 Extraordinary & Minister Plenipotentiary to CHILE. Letters of credence & Commission of appointment of Sardar Hardit Progs., Nos. 1(58)-PT, 774 PROTOCOL 1949 Singh Malik as Indian 1949 Ambassador to France. Presentation of Credentials by Mr. Progs., Nos. 3(5)-PT, 775 Mussa Noury Esfandiari as PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ambassador of Iran in India. A noteon unequal treaties prepared for an Indian Progs., Nos. 1(69)-PT, 776 PROTOCOL 1949 Parlimentary Delegation to 1949 Stockholm. Question in the Constituent assembly of India (Legislative) by Seth Govind Das regarding Progs., Nos. 12(26)-PT, 777 PROTOCOL 1949 Treaties & Arrangements 1949(Secret) concluded by the Govt. of India with Foreign Countries. Letter of credence & commission of appointment of Mr. D. B. Progs., Nos. 1(81)-PT, 778 PROTOCOL 1949 Desai, as India`s Minister to 1949 Austria. 1.Procedure reg- appearance in Courts of Foreign Consular Officers in India When involved in Progs., Nos. 12(44)-PT, 779 PROTOCOL 1949 Civil Suits. 2. Suits againest 1949(Secret) American vice Consul Mr. Carpenter at Calcutta. Letter of credence & commission of appointment of Mr. D. B. Progs., Nos. 1(81)-PT, 780 PROTOCOL 1949 Desai, as India`s Minister to 1949 Austria.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Official Dinnor Given by the Progs., Nos. 10(12)-PT, 781 PROTOCOL 1949 Mayor of Colombo to the Prime 1949(Secret)

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Minister of Cylon- Order of Precidence for Foreign Govt. Representative Vis-a vis Cylon Govt. Minister. Visit of the Indian Princess to Progs., Nos. 8(7)-PT, 782 Delhi & Courtesies & facilities PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) accorded to them. Arrival, reception & presentation Progs., Nos. 3(4)-PT, 783 of credentials by the Norwegian PROTOCOL 1949 1949 minister to India. Enquiry by the Indian Embassy and Other Foreign Missions in India regarding the Hoisting by Foreign Mission s of National Flag Progs., Nos. 12(104)-PT, 784 of their respective countries. 2. PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Enquiry by Indian Vice Consulate , andahar regarding the Flying of Indian Flag by the Vice Consul on His Car. Revised Office Order reg- Official & Social calls on the Heads of Progs., Nos. 12(72)-PT, 785 PROTOCOL 1949 Foreign Missions in Delhi by 1949(Secret) Officers of the Ministry. Proposed Discontinuance of the Use by ambassadors, Ministers and by Governors of State and Progs., Nos. 12(132)-PT, 786 the Presidents of the republic of PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) India of the Title of the Republic of India of the title His Excellency etc. Letters of credence & Commission of appointment in favour of Shri C. P. Narain Singh as Indian Progs., Nos. 1(66)-PT, 787 Ambassador to Nepal in sucession PROTOCOL 1949 1949 to Sardar Surgit Singh Majithia 2. Letter of recall for Sardar Surjit Singh Majithia. Arrangements fora Courier Service between Delhi , Calcutta Progs., Nos. 12(92)-PT, 788 & Jullundur for the Pakistan High PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Commissioner & Deputy High Commissioner in India.

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Enquiry by the Iranian Embassy in India reg:- the hosting by the foreign missions of the National flag of their respective countris. Progs., Nos. 12(104)-PT, 789 PROTOCOL 1949 2. Enquiry by the Indian Vice 1949 Cosulate, Kandahar, regarding the flying of Indian flag by the vice consul on his car. Presidence for the Indians Deputy Progs., Nos. 10(4)-PT, 790 High Commissioner in Pakistan, PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Decca.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exchange of messages hetmeen prince Rendup, Ladakh & Shri Gial Progs., Nos. 12(16)-PT, 791 Shas Bakala, Head lama Tapals PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ganpa, Tehesil lah, Ladakh & the Prime Minister of India. 1. Enquary from the Deputy High Commissioner for India in Pakistan regarding deplomatic ranking, and node of corres Progs., Nos. 12(160)-PT, 792 pondance. 2. Decision that Indian PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Govt. trade Commission Karachi will be given the rank of a councellor and thus to rank above a First Secretary. Question whether the member of the protocol branch should present to receive or see off the Progs., Nos. 12(110)-PT, 793 PROTOCOL 1949 Heads of missions on their trips in 1949 & out of india during their tense of office. Recovery of the property of the Progs., Nos. 12(141)-PT, 794 PROTOCOL 1949 Hungrian Cosulates in India. 1949 (Secret) Exchange of messages hetmeen prince Rendup, Ladakh & Shri Gial Progs., Nos. 12(16)-PT, 795 Shas Bakala, Head lama Tapals PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ganpa, Tehesil lah, Ladakh & the Prime Minister of India. Conferment uponShri P.C. Progs., Nos. 11(7)-PT, 796 PROTOCOL 1949 Chaudhiri, Secy. Ministry of I & B. 1949

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the freedom of the city of Mexico Medal. Facilities accorded to the Ex- Prime Minsiter of Nepal on the Progs., Nos. 5(101)-PT, 797 PROTOCOL 1949 Occuption of his new residence at 1949 Dehradun. Grant of customs facilities to Indian Representation abroad of Progs., Nos. 5(151)-PT, 798 PROTOCOL 1949 the time of their departure from 1949 and return to India. Presentation of credentials by H.E Progs., Nos. 3(7)-PT, 799 Sardar Najib Ullah Khan s PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ambassador of Afghan in India. Grant of displomatic Privileges to the H.C. for Pak. in India, and Progs., Nos. 5(62)-PT, 800 PROTOCOL 1949 members of the staff on a bsis of 1949 reciprocity.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Luang Phinit Akson, Minister desingate of thaliland his arrival, Progs., Nos. 3(18)-PT, 801 PROTOCOL 1949 reception and presentation of 1949 credentials. Allotment of banglow No. 11, Ratendone Road to the Swedish Progs., Nos. 7(28)-PT, 802 minister in India, 2. Question of PROTOCOL 1949 1949 exemption of Foreign from house tax. Permission courtesies & facilities to the Pakistanian craft to over fly Indian teritory, carrying H.E. the Progs., Nos. 12(159)-PT, 803 PROTOCOL 1949 Governor General of Pakistan & 1949 (Secret) his Staff from Karachi to Decca and lack. Progs., Nos. 7(40)-PT, 804 Lease of land in New Delhi. PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Question of consulting the chief of protocol in all cases where the Progs., Nos. 12(27)-PT, 805 SGG is approached by another PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ministry for the issue of invitation to foreign Ministers. 806 Allotment of Fridkot house to Progs., Nos. 7(85)-PT, PROTOCOL 1949

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UNCIP. 1949 Arrival, reception, Presentation of Progs., Nos. 3(17)-PT, 807 Credentials etc by Brazilian PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ambassdor to India. Official dinner given by the Major of Colombo to the Prime Minister Progs., Nos. 10(12)-PT, 808 of Ceylon.- Order of prescedence PROTOCOL 1949 1949 of foreign Govt Represents via-a- vis Ceylopn Govt.Minister. Prohibition of Indian Subjects for accepting any foreign decoraties Progs., Nos. 11(5)-PT, 809 PROTOCOL 1949 and titles under a prissioner with 1949 depth constution of India can areceining state refuse to accept the appointment of a foreigner as a member of his Progs., Nos. 5(218)-PT, 810 PROTOCOL 1949 country legation in that state 1949 soley by reason of his post record or antecedents.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Enquery made by Indian Embassy in Moscow reg:-immunities Progs., Nos. 12(40)-PT, 811 enjoyed by non-diplomatic staffs PROTOCOL 1949 1949 of foreign missions in India from civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Prohibition of Indian Subjects for accepting any foreign decoraties Progs., Nos. 11(5)-PT, 812 PROTOCOL 1949 and titles under a prissioner with 1949 depth constution of India Arrival reception and Presentation of credentials by the Progs., Nos. 3(14)-PT, 813 PROTOCOL 1949 Czechoslovakian Ambassador to 1949 India. Arrival, reception, Presentation Progs., Nos. 3(20)-PT, 814 Mr. PEreira, Austian Charged PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Affairs. Accomodation for the staffof the Progs., Nos. 7(89)-PT, 815 PROTOCOL 1949 U.K. High Commissionor in India. 1946 Decision that charges and affaires Progs., Nos. 10(11)-PT, 816 and interim of embassies & Acting PROTOCOL 1949 1949 High Commissioner should have

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


presedence over charges & Affairs of legation. External Affairs Ministrys monthly Progs., Nos. 12(155)-PT, 817 PROTOCOL 1949 summaries for the year 1949. 1949 (Secret) Recovery of the property of the Progs., Nos. 12(141)-PT, 818 PROTOCOL 1949 Hungrian Cosulates in India. 1949 (Secret) Proposed discontinuance of the use of by ambassoders, ministers Progs., Nos. 12(132)-PT, 819 and by,Governors of States and PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) the President if Republic of India of the hill, His Excellency etc, External Affairs Ministrys monthly Progs., Nos. 12(155)-PT, 820 PROTOCOL 1949 summaries for the year 1949. 1949 (Secret)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal for the construction of a Progs., Nos. 7(8)-PT, 821 PROTOCOL 1949 Diplomatic Enclaue in Ne Delhi. 1949 Visit of Mr. Mohammad Hatta, Prime Minister of Indonesia Progs., Nos. 8(20)-PT, 822 PROTOCOL 1949 Republic in India - and agreement 1949 connected there with. Accommodation for the World Progs., Nos. 7(16)-PT, 823 Health organisation and its staff PROTOCOL 1949 1949 in India. Purchase of Bunglow No. 26 Progs., Nos. 7(25)-PT, 824 Ratendone Road by the U.S PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Embassy in India. Progs., Nos. 7(40)-PT, 825 Lease of land in New Delhi. PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Allotment of banglow No. 11, Ratendone Road to the Swedish Progs., Nos. 7(28)-PT, 826 minister in India, 2. Question of PROTOCOL 1949 1949 exemption of Foreign from house tax. Arrival, reception, Presentation of Progs., Nos. 3(17)-PT, 827 Credentials etc by Brazilian PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ambassdor to India. Question in the constituent Assembly of India (registative) by Progs., Nos. 12(26)-PT, 828 PROTOCOL 1949 Seth Govind Das reg. -: treaties 1949 and agreements concluded by the

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Govt.of India with foreign countries. Enquiry by Indian High Commissioner, the United Kindom whether foreign Missions, in Progs., Nos. 5(182)-PT, 829 PROTOCOL 1949 India, are required to fill in from 1949 of guarantee in respect of the motor vehicles imported by them. Arrival and reception of Mr. N.F Progs., Nos. 3(10)-PT, 830 Chipman, Canadian High PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Commissioner, to India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Accommodation for the Czechoslovakian Embassy and member of its staff in India, 2. Progs., Nos. 7(37)-PT, 831 PROTOCOL 1949 Construction of an office block in 1949 the compund of 25 Aurangzeb Road. Exemption from Bombay sale tax and terminal tax levised in Delhi Progs., Nos. 5(177)-PT, 832 PROTOCOL 1949 on word Health organisaton 1949 supplies. Presidence for the Indians Deputy Progs., Nos. 10(4)-PT, 833 High Commissioner in Pakistan, PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Decca. Arrival, reception and Progs., Nos. 3(11)-PT, 834 Presentation of Credentials by the PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ethopian Minister to India. Visit of H.R.S Prince Ahmed Saha, Progs., Nos. 8(28)-PT, 835 Court minister of Afganstan to PROTOCOL 1949 1949 India to have a tiger Mr. Shoot. Question raised by Indian Embssy , rio De Janeiro spending the right Progs., Nos. 12(113)-PT, 836 PROTOCOL 1949 of asylemin Indian remain 1949 (Secret) abroad. Procedure reg:- Appearance in courts for Foreign Councellor Progs., Nos. 12(44)-PT, 837 PROTOCOL 1949 officers in india when insolved in 1949 civil suits. Visit of Dalai Lamas brother to Progs., Nos. 8(56)-PT, 838 PROTOCOL 1949 India. 1949

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can areceining state refuse to accept the appointment of a foreigner as a member of his Progs., Nos. 5(218)-PT, 839 PROTOCOL 1949 country legation in that state 1949 soley by reason of his post record or antecedents. Arrival and reception of senator Progs., Nos. 3(15)-PT, 840 C. Coomerasamy, the ceylon High PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Commissoner in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Presidence of the staff of Indian Progs., Nos. 10(2)-PT, 841 PROTOCOL 1949 Embassy in Afganistan. 1949 Arrival, reception and Progs., Nos. 3(11)-PT, 842 Presentation of Credentials by the PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ethopian Minister to India. Accommodation for the Czechoslovakian Embassy and member of its staff in India, 2. Progs., Nos. 7(37)-PT, 843 PROTOCOL 1949 Construction of an office block in 1949 the compund of 25 Aurangzeb Road. Changes in the personnel of the Consulate & Embassy for Belgium in India during the year 1949. 2. Progs., Nos. 2(36)-PT, 844 PROTOCOL 1949 Division of the Consular 1949 Jurisdiction of the Belgian Consulates. (1) Letters of credence & Commission of appointment in fevour of Dr. Sarvapalli Progs., Nos. 1(60)-PT, 845 Radhakrishnan as Indian PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ambassador to U.S.S.R. (2) Letters of recall for Shrimati Vijaylakshmi Pandit. 1.Decision that only Deplomatic Representative Present in Delhi Should be invited for the Progs., Nos. 12(131)-PT, 846 celebration on the 26th January PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) 1950, the inacquration of Indian Republic. 2. Festivals in connection with the in aquation of

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the Pepublic of India. Letter of Credence & Commission of appointment of Dr. P. Progs., Nos. 1(86)-PT, 847 Subharayan as Ambassador of PROTOCOL 1949 1949 India to the United States of Indonesia. Accessions to the Protocols to prolong the International Sanitary Convention and the I. S. Progs., Nos. 1(38)-PT, 848 Convention for Aerial Navigation PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) 1944, open for signature at Washington from April 23 to May`, 1946. Instrument of ratifications of the Connection of the Worls Progs., Nos. 1(36)-PT, 849 Meteorological Organisation PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) signed at Washington on 11th October 1947. Presentation of Credentials by H.E. Dr. A.A.A. Fyzee, Indian Progs., Nos. 1(76)-PT, 850 Ambassador at Cairo PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Commonwealth to Trans Jordan and Lebanonas Minsiter.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year revised ran in the warrent of Procedure for High Commissioner of Commonwelth Countries Progs., Nos. 10(3)-PT, 851 following the Decision related at PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) CommonwelthPrime Minister Conference in London in October 1948. Revised Office Order reg- Official & Social calls on the Heads of Progs., Nos. 12(72)-PT, 852 PROTOCOL 1949 Foreign Missions in Delhi by 1949(Secret) Officers of the Ministry. Accommodation for the Staff of Progs., Nos. 7(89)-PT, 853 PROTOCOL 1949 the U.. High Commision in India. 1949 Passing through India of Burmese Foreign Minister by air via New Progs., Nos. 8(36)-PT, 854 PROTOCOL 1949 Delhi. 2. Decision that Protocol 1949(Secret) Division need not be represented

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


on Such Occasions. Registration of the agreement relating to International Rice Progs., Nos. 1(87)-PT, 855 Commission and the Indo- Pacific PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Fisheries council with the United Nations Sectt. Enquiry by Deputy High Commissioner for India in Pakistan , Lahore Wheather he Should be Present at the lahore Progs., Nos. 8(49)-PT, 856 PROTOCOL 1949 aerodrome both to receive & See 1949(Secret) off the Paistan Governor General & Prime Minister on their visit to lahore. Accreditation of the Head of Progs., Nos. 1(75)-PT, 857 Indian Military Mission, Berlin to PROTOCOL 1949 1949 the West German Govt. at BONN. Arrival, reception & Presentation Progs., Nos. 3(3)-PT, 858 of Credentials by the Burmese PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ambassador to India. Visit of Their Highness Prince Piya Ranjit and Princess Vihhavadi Rangit to India fro right Seeing. Progs., Nos. 12(29)-PT, 859 PROTOCOL 1949 The Prince & Princess are to be 1949(Secret) treated as State quest During their Stay in India. Presentation of Credentials by Mr. Progs., Nos. 3(5)-PT, 860 Mussa Noury Esfandiari as PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Ambassador of Iran in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Instrument of ratification of treaty Progs., Nos. 1(30)-PT, 861 of friendship & establishment PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) between India & Switzerland. Accomodation for the staffof the Progs., Nos. 7(89)-PT, 863 PROTOCOL 1949 U.K. High Commissionor in India. 1946 Arrival, reception, Presentation of Progs., Nos. 3(21)-PT, 864 Credentials by toyberg-Frandzen, PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Dinish Minsiter to India. Allotment of a site to Afghan Progs., Nos. 7(2)-PT, 865 Embassy in India for the PROTOCOL 1949 1949 constructions, of a Building.

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Arrival reception and representation credentials by Mr. Progs., Nos. 3(13)-PT, 866 PROTOCOL 1949 Sidney Prime Ricoth as 1949 Ambassador of Italy to India. Grant of displomatic Privileges to the H.C. for Pak. in India, and Progs., Nos. 5(62)-PT, 867 PROTOCOL 1949 members of the staff on a bsis of 1949 reciprocity. Visit of Their Highness Prince Piya Ramgrit and Princess Vikhavadi Rangrit to India for right seeing. Progs., Nos. 8(29)-PT, 868 PROTOCOL 1949 The Prince and Princessare to be 1949 treated as slate quest during their stay in India. Visit of Their Highness Prince Piya Ramgrit and Princess Vikhavadi Rangrit to India for right seeing. Progs., Nos. 8(29)-PT, 869 PROTOCOL 1949 The Prince and Princessare to be 1949 treated as slate quest during their stay in India. Arrival and reception of the Progs., Nos. 3(8)-PT, 870 PROTOCOL 1949 Children Charge Affairs in India. 1949

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Accommodation for the World Progs., Nos. 7(16)-PT, 871 Health organisation and its staff PROTOCOL 1949 1949 in India. Procurement allotment of Progs., Nos. 7(39)-PT, 872 Accommodation, for Foreign PROTOCOL 1949 1949 mission, in India. Visit of Mr. Mohammad Hatta, Prime Minister of Indonesia Progs., Nos. 8(20)-PT, 873 PROTOCOL 1949 Republic in India - and agreement 1949 connected there with. High Commissioner for pakistan Progs., Nos. 7(100)-PT, 874 in India and staff Rsidential and PROTOCOL 1949 1949 office accomodation. Arrival and reception of Sir Arunachalam Mahadeva for Progs., Nos. 3(9)-PT, 875 PROTOCOL 1949 Ceylon High Commissioner, for 1949 Ceylon to India. 876 Question of consulting the chief of Progs., Nos. 12(27)-PT, PROTOCOL 1949

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protocol in all cases where the 1949 SGG is approached by another Ministry for the issue of invitation to foreign Ministers. Allotment of Fridkot house to Progs., Nos. 7(85)-PT, 877 PROTOCOL 1949 UNCIP. 1949 Enquiry by the Iranian Embassy in India reg:- the hosting by the foreign missions of the National flag of their respective countris. Progs., Nos. 12(104)-PT, 878 PROTOCOL 1949 2. Enquiry by the Indian Vice 1949 Cosulate, Kandahar, regarding the flying of Indian flag by the vice consul on his car. 1. Decision that only Deplomatic Representation present in Delhishould be enrilid for the celebration on the 26th January, Progs., Nos. 12(131)-PT, 879 PROTOCOL 1949 1950, the inquaration of Indian 1949 (Secret) Republic. 2. Feotivities in connection with the inaquaretion of the Republic of India. Question whether the member of the protocol branch should present to receive or see off the Progs., Nos. 12(110)-PT, 880 PROTOCOL 1949 Heads of missions on their trips in 1949 & out of india during their tense of office.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1. Decision that only Deplomatic Representation present in Delhishould be enrilid for the celebration on the 26th January, Progs., Nos. 12(131)-PT, 881 PROTOCOL 1949 1950, the inquaration of Indian 1949 (Secret) Republic. 2. Feotivities in connection with the inaquaretion of the Republic of India. Procurement allotment of Progs., Nos. 7(39)-PT, 882 Accommodation, for Foreign PROTOCOL 1949 1949 mission, in India. 883 Conferment uponShri P.C. Progs., Nos. 11(7)-PT, PROTOCOL 1949

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Chaudhiri, Secy. Ministry of I & B. 1949 the freedom of the city of Mexico Medal. Passing through India the Burmese Foreign Minister by air Progs., Nos. 8(36)-PT, 884 via New Delhi. 2. Dicision that PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Protocoldicision need not be represented on such occasions. Enquiry made by Indian Missions abroad reg:- their assotiation with India & other Organizations Progs., Nos. 12(32)-PT, 885 PROTOCOL 1949 found for promoting Indian 1949 interests in the countries in their change. Proposal Visit of H.E.U.E Maung, Burmese Foreign Minister to India Progs., Nos. 8(32)-PT, 886 PROTOCOL 1949 .Guest to H.E the G.G. during his 1949 stay in Delhi. Proposal Visit of H.E.U.E Maung, Burmese Foreign Minister to India Progs., Nos. 8(32)-PT, 887 PROTOCOL 1949 .Guest to H.E the G.G. during his 1949 stay in Delhi. Question in the constituent Assembly of India (registative) by Seth Govind Das reg. -: treaties Progs., Nos. 12(26)-PT, 888 PROTOCOL 1949 and agreements concluded by the 1949 Govt.of India with foreign countries. Rules for the protection of Foreign Progs., Nos. 12(45)-PT, 889 & Commonwealth mission in PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Delhiwhile in residence & on tour. Purchase of Bunglow No. 26 Progs., Nos. 7(25)-PT, 890 Ratendone Road by the U.S PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Embassy in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Customs and other exemption accorded to the Pak High Progs., Nos. 5(184)-PT, 891 Commission, sub-Commission, PROTOCOL 1949 1949 and diplomatic members of their staff in India. 892 Presidence of the staff of Indian Progs., Nos. 10(2)-PT,PROTOCOL 1949

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Embassy in Afganistan. 1949 Progs., Nos. 12(55)-PT, 893 Only Slip is Available. PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Enquiry by Deputy High Commissioner for India for Pakistan ,Lahorewhether he should be present at the lahore Progs., Nos. 8(49)-PT, 894 PROTOCOL 1949 aerodrome hoth to receive a scc. 1949 off. the Pakistan Governor General & Prime Minister to their visit to Lahore. Arrival, reception, Presentation of Credentials etc by Mr. Hugo Progs., Nos. 3(19)-PT, 895 PROTOCOL 1949 Valvane Minister of Finladn in 1949 India. Permission courtesies & facilities to the Pakistanian craft to over fly Indian teritory, carrying H.E. the Progs., Nos. 12(159)-PT, 896 PROTOCOL 1949 Governor General of Pakistan & 1949 (Secret) his Staff from Karachi to Decca and lack. 1. Enquary from the Deputy High Commissioner for India in Pakistan regarding deplomatic ranking, and node of corres Progs., Nos. 12(160)-PT, 897 pondance. 2. Decision that Indian PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Govt. trade Commission Karachi will be given the rank of a councellor and thus to rank above a First Secretary. Proposed discontinuance of the use of by ambassoders, ministers Progs., Nos. 12(132)-PT, 898 and by,Governors of States and PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) the President if Republic of India of the hill, His Excellency etc, Arrival, reception, Presentation Progs., Nos. 3(20)-PT, 899 Mr. PEreira, Austian Charged PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Affairs. Arrival reception and representation credentials by Mr. Progs., Nos. 3(13)-PT, 900 PROTOCOL 1949 Sidney Prime Ricoth as 1949 Ambassador of Italy to India.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Refund of customs duty on Aviaton spirit, oil and Buhricants Progs., Nos. 5(171)-PT, 901 PROTOCOL 1949 Purchase by the U.N.C. I.P for use 1949 in the Aircraft. Arrival and reception of Sir Arunachalam Mahadeva for Progs., Nos. 3(9)-PT, 902 PROTOCOL 1949 Ceylon High Commissioner, for 1949 Ceylon to India. Revised office order reg:- Official and Sicial calls on the Heads of Progs., Nos. 12(72)-PT, 903 PROTOCOL 1949 Foreign Missions in Delhi by the 1949 Officer of Military. Facilities accorded to the Ex- Prime Minsiter of Nepal on the Progs., Nos. 5(101)-PT, 904 PROTOCOL 1949 Occuption of his new residence at 1949 Dehradun. Arrival and reception of senator Progs., Nos. 3(15)-PT, 905 C. Coomerasamy, the ceylon High PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Commissoner in India. Grant of English Honourse to 906 British offices , etc in the service Progs., Nos. 11-PT, 1949 PROTOCOL 1949 of a Dominion Govt. Revised ranks in the warrent of presidence for High Commissioner of commonwealth countries Progs., Nos. 10(3)-PT, 907 following the decission reached at PROTOCOL 1949 1949 commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference in London in October 1948. Arrival and reception of Mr. N.F Progs., Nos. 3(10)-PT, 908 Chipman, Canadian High PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Commissioner, to India. Arrival, reception, Presentation of Credentials etc by Dr. Dar Progs., Nos. 3(16)-PT, 909 PROTOCOL 1949 Taxheret as Ambassdor of 1949 Argentine to India. Arrival reception and presentation Progs., Nos. 3(12)-PT, 910 of credentials by Mohd. Salim Al PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Radi as Iraqi Minister to India.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Enquiry made by Indian Missions abroad reg:- their assotiation with India & other Organizations Progs., Nos. 12(32)-PT, 911 PROTOCOL 1949 found for promoting Indian 1949 interests in the countries in their change. Enquiry by Indian High Commissioner, the United Kindom whether foreign Missions, in Progs., Nos. 5(182)-PT, 912 PROTOCOL 1949 India, are required to fill in from 1949 of guarantee in respect of the motor vehicles imported by them. Exemptions from stamp duty and registration frees on properties Progs., Nos. 3(34)-PT, 913 PROTOCOL 1949 purchased by the French Govt. in 1949 India, on a basis of reciprocity. Refund of customs duty on Aviaton spirit, oil and Buhricants Progs., Nos. 5(171)-PT, 914 PROTOCOL 1949 Purchase by the U.N.C. I.P for use 1949 in the Aircraft. Request of the US embassy for permission to construct a four Progs., Nos. 7(88)-PT, 915 PROTOCOL 1949 apartment in bunglow No. 17 1949 Prithviraj road. Arrival reception and presentation Progs., Nos. 3(12)-PT, 916 of credentials by Mohd. Salim Al PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Radi as Iraqi Minister to India. Arrival, reception, Presentation of Progs., Nos. 3(21)-PT, 917 Credentials by toyberg-Frandzen, PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Dinish Minsiter to India. Revised office order reg:- Official and Sicial calls on the Heads of Progs., Nos. 12(72)-PT, 918 PROTOCOL 1949 Foreign Missions in Delhi by the 1949 Officer of Military. Rules for the protection of Foreign Progs., Nos. 12(45)-PT, 919 & Commonwealth mission in PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Delhiwhile in residence & on tour. Question raised by Indian Embssy , rio De Janeiro spending the right Progs., Nos. 12(113)-PT, 920 PROTOCOL 1949 of asylemin Indian remain 1949 (Secret) abroad.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Credentials `Full Powers` for Indian delegatino to International Progs., Nos. 1(2)-PT, 921 PROTOCOL 1949 Conferrences abroad during the 1949 Year 1949. Rules for the Protection of Foreign Progs., Nos. 12(45)-PT, 922 & Commonwelth Missions in Delhi PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) while in residence & on tour. Progs., Nos. 12(55)-PT, 923 Only Slip. PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Instrument of ratification of treaty Progs., Nos. 1(30)-PT, 924 of friendship & establishment PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) between India & Switzerland. Official Dinnor Given by the Mayor of Colombo to the Prime Minister of Cylon- Order of Progs., Nos. 10(12)-PT, 925 PROTOCOL 1949 Precidence for Foreign Govt. 1949(Secret) Representative Vis-a vis Cylon Govt. Minister. Issue of King`s Commission in favour of Thakore Saheb Progs., Nos. 1(64)-PT, 926 PROTOCOL 1949 Pradyamna Singhji as Vice Consul 1949 for India at New York. Visit of Dr. Mohammad Hatta Prime Minister of Indonesian Progs., Nos. 8(20)-PT, 927 Republic to India-and PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) arrangements connected therewith. Letter of Credence & Commission of Appointment of Dewan Ram Lal Progs., Nos. 1(49)-PT, 928 as Ambassador of India to Italy. PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) 2. Condolence on the death in Rome of Diwan Ram Lal. Enquiries made by Indian Missions abroad reg. their associations with Indian & Other Progs., Nos. 12(32)-PT, 929 PROTOCOL 1949 Organization formed for Promting 1949(Secret) Indian Interests in the Countries in Their Charge. Precedence of the Staff of Indian Progs., Nos. 10(2)-PT, 930 PROTOCOL 1949 Embassy in Afghanistan. 1949(Secret)

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question of issue of Fresh letters of credence to diplomatic agents Progs., Nos. 1(21)-PT, 931 PROTOCOL 1949 when a new Head of States 1949 Comes into being. Permission, Courrtesties to facilities to the Pakistan air Craft to Overfly Indian Territory Progs., Nos. 12(159)-PT, 932 PROTOCOL 1949 Carrying H.E. the Governor 1949(Secret) Genral of Pakistan to his Staff from arachi and Back. Arrival, reception, Presentation of Credentials etc by Dr. Dar Progs., Nos. 3(16)-PT, 933 PROTOCOL 1949 Taxheret as Ambassdor of 1949 Argentine to India. Grant of customs facilities to Indian Representation abroad of Progs., Nos. 5(151)-PT, 934 PROTOCOL 1949 the time of their departure from 1949 and return to India. Proposal for the construction of a Progs., Nos. 7(8)-PT, 935 PROTOCOL 1949 Diplomatic Enclaue in Ne Delhi. 1949 Request of the US embassy for permission to construct a four Progs., Nos. 7(88)-PT, 936 PROTOCOL 1949 apartment in bunglow No. 17 1949 Prithviraj road. Visit of Dalai Lamas brother to Progs., Nos. 8(56)-PT, 937 PROTOCOL 1949 India. 1949 Accommodation for the office of the Pak. High Commissioner, and Progs., Nos. 7(77)-PT, 938 PROTOCOL 1949 his staff. Purchase of property in 1949 India, by Pak Hyd. Commission. Accommodation for the office of the Pak. High Commissioner, and Progs., Nos. 7(77)-PT, 939 PROTOCOL 1949 his staff. Purchase of property in 1949 India, by Pak Hyd. Commission. Arrangement for acourier service between Delhi,Calcutta, Juliumdur Progs., Nos. 12(92)-PT, 940 for the Pakistan High PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Commissioner and Deputy High Commissioner in India.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Arrival, reception, Presentation of Credentials etc by Mr. Hugo Progs., Nos. 3(19)-PT, 941 PROTOCOL 1949 Valvane Minister of Finladn in 1949 India. Instrument of acceptance by the Govt. of India of the Special Progs., Nos. 1(40)-PT, 942 Protocol relating to Article XXIV of PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) the General agreement on tariffs & trade. Visit of Dalai Lama s Brother to Progs., Nos. 8(56)-PT, 943 PROTOCOL 1949 India. 1949(Secret) Customs and other exemption accorded to the Pak High Progs., Nos. 5(184)-PT, 944 Commission, sub-Commission, PROTOCOL 1949 1949 and diplomatic members of their staff in India. Procedure reg:- Appearance in courts for Foreign Councellor Progs., Nos. 12(44)-PT, 945 PROTOCOL 1949 officers in india when insolved in 1949 civil suits. Official dinner given by the Major of Colombo to the Prime Minister Progs., Nos. 10(12)-PT, 946 of Ceylon.- Order of prescedence PROTOCOL 1949 1949 of foreign Govt Represents via-a- vis Ceylopn Govt.Minister. Progs., Nos. 12(55)-PT, 947 Only Slip is Available. PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Enquiry by Deputy High Commissioner for India for Pakistan ,Lahorewhether he should be present at the lahore Progs., Nos. 8(49)-PT, 948 PROTOCOL 1949 aerodrome hoth to receive a scc. 1949 off. the Pakistan Governor General & Prime Minister to their visit to Lahore. Luang Phinit Akson, Minister desingate of thaliland his arrival, Progs., Nos. 3(18)-PT, 949 PROTOCOL 1949 reception and presentation of 1949 credentials. Presentation of credentials by H.E Progs., Nos. 3(7)-PT, 950 PROTOCOL 1949 Sardar Najib Ullah Khan s 1949

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Ambassador of Afghan in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of English Honourse to 951 British offices , etc in the service Progs., Nos. 11-PT, 1949 PROTOCOL 1949 of a Dominion Govt. Arrival and reception of the Progs., Nos. 3(8)-PT, 952 PROTOCOL 1949 Children Charge Affairs in India. 1949 Question of grant of displomatic privilages to Mr. T.v. Reddi, Trade Progs., Nos. 5(49)-PT, 953 PROTOCOL 1949 Commissioner, for Mysore in 1949 London. Question of grant of displomatic privilages to Mr. T.v. Reddi, Trade Progs., Nos. 5(49)-PT, 954 PROTOCOL 1949 Commissioner, for Mysore in 1949 London. Visit os Iranian Peincesses to Progs., Nos. 8(7)-PT, 955 Delhi & Courtesies facilities PROTOCOL 1949 1949 accorded to them. Enquiry by the Italian Embassy reg:-Installation of Transmitting & Progs., Nos. 12(100)-PT, 956 PROTOCOL 1949 receiving Stations by Foreign 1949 Mission accredated to India. Exemption from Bombay sale tax and terminal tax levised in Delhi Progs., Nos. 5(177)-PT, 957 PROTOCOL 1949 on word Health organisaton 1949 supplies. Passing through India the Burmese Foreign Minister by air Progs., Nos. 8(36)-PT, 958 via New Delhi. 2. Dicision that PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Protocoldicision need not be represented on such occasions. Enquery made by Indian Embassy in Moscow reg:-immunities Progs., Nos. 12(40)-PT, 959 enjoyed by non-diplomatic staffs PROTOCOL 1949 1949 of foreign missions in India from civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Allotment of a site to Afghan Progs., Nos. 7(2)-PT, 960 Embassy in India for the PROTOCOL 1949 1949 constructions, of a Building.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Enquiry by the Italian Embassy reg:-Installation of Transmitting & Progs., Nos. 12(100)-PT, 961 PROTOCOL 1949 receiving Stations by Foreign 1949 Mission accredated to India. Arrangement for acourier service between Delhi,Calcutta, Juliumdur Progs., Nos. 12(92)-PT, 962 for the Pakistan High PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Commissioner and Deputy High Commissioner in India. Exemptions from stamp duty and registration frees on properties Progs., Nos. 3(34)-PT, 963 PROTOCOL 1949 purchased by the French Govt. in 1949 India, on a basis of reciprocity. Visit os Iranian Peincesses to Progs., Nos. 8(7)-PT, 964 Delhi & Courtesies facilities PROTOCOL 1949 1949 accorded to them. Arrival reception and Presentation of credentials by the Progs., Nos. 3(14)-PT, 965 PROTOCOL 1949 Czechoslovakian Ambassador to 1949 India. High Commissioner for pakistan Progs., Nos. 7(100)-PT, 966 in India and staff Rsidential and PROTOCOL 1949 1949 office accomodation. Decision that charges and affaires and interim of embassies & Acting Progs., Nos. 10(11)-PT, 967 High Commissioner should have PROTOCOL 1949 1949 presedence over charges & Affairs of legation. Revised ranks in the warrent of presidence for High Commissioner of commonwealth countries Progs., Nos. 10(3)-PT, 968 following the decission reached at PROTOCOL 1949 1949 commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference in London in October 1948. Letter of appointment of Mr. After Progs., Nos. 1(73)-PT, 969 Rai as Indian Charge d, Affaires in PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Brazil. Proposed visit of H.E. U.E. Maung Burma Foreign Minister to India. Progs., Nos. 8(32)-PT, 970 PROTOCOL 1949 Guest of H.E. the G.G. during his 1949(Secret) Stay in Delhi.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of H.R.H. Prince Ahmed Shah Progs., Nos. 12(28)-PT, 971 Court of Afghanistan to India to PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) have a tiger Ms Shoot. Visit of H.R.S Prince Ahmed Saha, Progs., Nos. 8(28)-PT, 972 Court minister of Afganstan to PROTOCOL 1949 1949 India to have a tiger Mr. Shoot. Prohibition for Indian Subjects from accepting any Foreign Progs., Nos. 11(5)-PT, 973 Decorations and titles Under a PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Provision in the Drapt constitution of India. Question raised by Indian Embassy Rio De Janein reforing Progs., Nos. 12(113)-PT, 974 PROTOCOL 1949 the right of Apsylum in Indian 1949(Secret) Mission abroad. Credentials `Full Powers` for Indian delegatino to International Progs., Nos. 1(2)-PT, 975 PROTOCOL 1949 Conferrences abroad during the 1949 Year 1949. Credentials of Shri B. N. Rav as Progs., Nos. 1(50)-PT, 976 Permanent Representative of PROTOCOL 1949 1949 (Secret) India to the United Nations. Proposed visit of H.E. U.E. Maung Burma Foreign Minister to India. Progs., Nos. 8(32)-PT, 977 PROTOCOL 1949 Guest of H.E. the G.G. during his 1949(Secret) Stay in Delhi. Accreditation of the Head of Progs., Nos. 1(75)-PT, 978 Indian Military Mission, Berlin to PROTOCOL 1949 1949 the West German Govt. at BONN. Agreement between the Govts. of U.S.A. & India relating to Air Services. Certificates of Progs., Nos. 1(55)-PT, 979 PROTOCOL 1949 registration of treaties and 1949 agreements with the U. N. O. relating to Air Services. Depository functions entrusted to the Secy. General of the United Progs., Nos. 1(70)-PT, 980 Nations by various multilateral PROTOCOL 1949 1949 agreements open to the Signature of member States. 2.

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Procedure for signing varous multilateral agreements.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year External Affairs Ministry Monthly Progs., Nos. 12(155)-PT, 981 PROTOCOL 1949 Summaries for the Year 1949. 1949(Secret) 1.Decision that only Deplomatic Representative Present in Delhi Should be invited for the celebration on the 26th January Progs., Nos. 12(131)-PT, 982 PROTOCOL 1949 1950, the inacquration of Indian 1949(Secret) Republic. 2. Festivals in connection with the in aquation of the Pepublic of India. Letter of appointment of Mr. After Progs., Nos. 1(73)-PT, 983 Rai as Indian Charge d, Affaires in PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Brazil. 1. Enquiry from Deputy High Commissioner for Indoia in Pakistan regarding Diplomatic ranking, calling and Mode of Progs., Nos. 12(160)-PT, 984 Correspondence. 2. Decision that PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Indian Govt. Trade Commissioner arachi will be Given the Rank ofa Consular and Thus to Rank above a First Secretary. Decision that charges de affairs ed interim of Embassies & Acting Progs., Nos. 10(11)-PT, 985 High Commissioners Should have PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Precidence over charge d affairs of legations. Question Wheather a Member of the Protocol Branch Should be Present to receive or See off the Progs., Nos. 12(110)-PT, 986 PROTOCOL 1949 Heads of Missions on their trips in 1949(Secret) & out of India During their Tenure of Office. Question Wheather a Member of the Protocol Branch Should be Progs., Nos. 12(110)-PT, 987 Present to receive or See off the PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Heads of Missions on their trips in & out of India During their Tenure

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of Office. Presentation of Credentials by H.E. Dr. A.A.A. Fyzee, Indian Progs., Nos. 1(76)-PT, 988 Ambassador at Cairo PROTOCOL 1949 1949 Commonwealth to Trans Jordan and Lebanonas Minsiter. Letter of credence & Commission of Appointment of Shri P. A. Progs., Nos. 1(52)-PT, 989 PROTOCOL 1949 Menon as Minister of India in 1949 (Secret) Portugal. Procedure regarding sending of intimation to Commonwealth Progs., Nos. 1(3)-PT, 990 PROTOCOL 1949 Govts. about the negotiation of 1949 treaties with Foreign Countries.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Instrument of accession by the Govt. of India to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities Progs., Nos. 1(15)-PT, 991 PROTOCOL 1949 of the Specialized Agencies 1949 adopted by the U.N. General Assembly on 21st Nov. 1947. External Affairs Ministry Monthly Progs., Nos. 12(155)-PT, 992 PROTOCOL 1949 Summaries for the Year 1949. 1949(Secret) Decision that charges de affairs ed interim of Embassies & Acting Progs., Nos. 10(11)-PT, 993 High Commissioners Should have PROTOCOL 1949 1949(Secret) Precidence over charge d affairs of legations. Accommodation for the Staff of Progs., Nos. 7(89)-PT, 994 PROTOCOL 1949 the U.. High Commision in India. 1949 Letters of credence & Commission of appointment of Mr. V. K. Progs., Nos. 1(61)-PT, 995 PROTOCOL 1949 Krishna menon as Indian 1949 Ambassdor to Ireland.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Ratification of typographical error Progs., Nos. 1(14)-C, 862 in the French taxt of the Peace PROTOCOL 1950 1950 dTreaty with Italy.

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Arrangement in connection with the Visit of Dr. Seekarno Progs., Nos. 5(103)-C, 996 PROTOCOL 1950 President of the Republic of 1950 Indonesia to India. Proposal for terminating state of Progs., Nos. 5(108)-C, 997 war with Germany from January, PROTOCOL 1950 1950 1951. Arrangement in connection with the Visit of Dr. Seekarno Progs., Nos. 5(103)-C, 998 PROTOCOL 1950 President of the Republic of 1950 Indonesia to India. Recuritment rulers in the post Progs., Nos. 518(51)-PC, 999 Foremen in the XP Division PROTOCOL 1950 1950 framming of .. Question in the Parliament of India, Reg. 1. Presentation of Fresh credentials by Indian Missions abroad after the the Progs., Nos. 5(12)-C, 1000 Republic of India. 2. Proclamation PROTOCOL 1950 1950 of message read on the Indina Govt. and nature of the ceremony held at each mission on this occasion.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Representation regarding revision of secuirty in Govt. by IFS Progs., Nos. 1225(2)-PC, 1001 Assitants who served ranks PROTOCOL 1950 1950 between 401 for in UPSC Assistant Grade held in 1955. Ratification of typographical error Progs., Nos. 1(14)-C, 1002 in the French taxt of the Peace PROTOCOL 1950 1950 dTreaty with Italy. Question in the Parliament of India, Reg. 1. Presentation of Fresh credentials by Indian Missions abroad after the the Progs., Nos. 5(12)-C, 1003 Republic of India. 2. Proclamation PROTOCOL 1950 1950 of message read on the Indina Govt. and nature of the ceremony held at each mission on this occasion.

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Recuritment rulers in the post Progs., Nos. 518(51)-PC, 1004 Foremen in the XP Division PROTOCOL 1950 1950 framming of .. Decision that only important nad distinguished Foreign Personages Progs., Nos. 5(3)-C, 1005 should be put up at Govt. house, PROTOCOL 1950 1950 others being accommodated in Hotels. Proposal for terminating state of Progs., Nos. 5(108)-C, 1006 war with Germany from January, PROTOCOL 1950 1950 1951. Decision that only important nad distinguished Foreign Personages Progs., Nos. 5(3)-C, 1007 should be put up at Govt. house, PROTOCOL 1950 1950 others being accommodated in Hotels. Representation regarding revision of secuirty in Govt. by IFS Progs., Nos. 1225(2)-PC, 1008 Assitants who served ranks PROTOCOL 1950 1950 between 401 for in UPSC Assistant Grade held in 1955. Cerfification of registration of International Agreements Progs., Nos. 1(20)-C, 1009 between India and Pak. on Canal PROTOCOL 1950 1950 water dispute, with the U.N. Organisation. Cerfification of registration of International Agreements Progs., Nos. 1(20)-C, 1010 between India and Pak. on Canal PROTOCOL 1950 1950 water dispute, with the U.N. Organisation.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Request by the U.N.Information Centre for exemption from Radio Progs., Nos. 3(91)-PTII, 1011 PROTOCOL 1951 Licence fees - Request turned 1951 down. Customs privileges to Consular Progs., Nos. 3(172)-PTII, 1012 Officers- Issue of Notification N. PROTOCOL 1951 1951 73-Cus. dated 15. 10.51. 1013 Free Radio Licence to the Iranian Progs., Nos. 3(12)-PTII, PROTOCOL 1951

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diplomatic and consular officers 1951 on reciprocal basis. Decision that a shall not refuse to fill in the Declaration of Origin and Health Progs., Nos. 3(19)-PTII, 1014 PROTOCOL 1951 as required under the Indian 1951 Aircraft Rules 1946 on the ground of diplomatic privilege. The Question whether the proposed Sales tax in Delhi will Progs., Nos. 3(44)-PTII, 1015 PROTOCOL 1951 be applicable to members 1951 Vol. II. Diplomatic Corps in Delhi. The Question whether the proposed sales tax in Delhi will be Progs., Nos. 3(44)-PTII, 1016 PROTOCOL 1951 applicable to members of 1951 Diplomatic Corps in Delhi. Request by the U.N.Information Centre for exemption from Radio Progs., Nos. 3(91)-PTII, 1017 PROTOCOL 1951 Licence fees - Request turned 1951 down. Parliament Starred Question No. 2600 dated 2.1.51 recognition of Progs., Nos. 10(3)-PTII, 1018 the So-called Right of Asylum of PROTOCOL 1951 1951 Diplomatic envoys by the Govt., of India. Exemption of the French Consular Officers at Bombay and Calcutta Progs., Nos. 3(126)-PTII, 1019 PROTOCOL 1951 from the respective Municipal 1951 Taxes on the basis of reciprocity. Privileges and immunities of the Progs., Nos. 3(89)-PTII, 1020 Consulate general of India at Goa PROTOCOL 1951 1951 and Vice Versa.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Renewal of previous Receiver Progs., Nos. 3(20)-PTII, 1021 Licence no. 14873 dt. 2.2.51 by PROTOCOL 1951 1951 the Swedish Consulate at Madras. The Question whether the proposed sales tax in Delhi will be Progs., Nos. 3(44)-PTII, 1022 PROTOCOL 1951 applicable to members of 1951 Diplomatic Corps in Delhi. 1023 Exemption from Stamp Duty and Progs., Nos. 3(55)-PTII, PROTOCOL 1951

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Registration fees of the U.K. High 1951 Commission in Bombay State. Renewal of previous Receiver Progs., Nos. 3(20)-PTII, 1024 Licence no. 14873 dt. 2.2.51 by PROTOCOL 1951 1951 the Swedish Consulate at Madras. Exemption from Stamp duty and registration fees to the Australian Progs., Nos. 3(90)-PTII, 1025 H.C. & T.C. in respect of PROTOCOL 1951 1951 properties acquired or rented by them in India- Exemption from Bombay `Town Progs., Nos. 3(168)-PTII, 1026 Duty` to the Australian Trade PROTOCOL 1951 1951 Commissioner at Bombay. Exemption from Stamp Duty and Progs., Nos. 3(55)-PTII, 1027 Registration fees of the U.K. High PROTOCOL 1951 1951 Commission in Bombay State. Exemption from Bombay `Town Progs., Nos. 3(134)-PTII, 1028 Duty ` to the Canadian PROTOCOL 1951 1951 Commercial Secretary at Bombay. Liability of members of foreign Progs., Nos. 3(48)-PTII, 1029 PROTOCOL 1951 missions to serve on Jurers. 1951 Customs privileges to Consular Progs., Nos. 3(172)-PTII, 1030 Officers- Issue of Notification N. PROTOCOL 1951 1951 73-Cus. dated 15. 10.51.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year The Question whether the proposed Sales tax in Delhi will Progs., Nos. 3(44)-PTII, 1031 PROTOCOL 1951 be applicable to members 1951 Vol. II. Diplomatic Corps in Delhi. Free Radio Licence to the Iranian Progs., Nos. 3(12)-PTII, 1032 diplomatic and consular officers PROTOCOL 1951 1951 on reciprocal basis. Parliament Starred Question No. 2600 dated 2.1.51 recognition of Progs., Nos. 10(3)-PTII, 1033 the So-called Right of Asylum of PROTOCOL 1951 1951 Diplomatic envoys by the Govt., of India. Exemption from Bombay `Town Progs., Nos. 3(168)-PTII, 1034 Duty` to the Australian Trade PROTOCOL 1951 1951 Commissioner at Bombay.

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Decision that a diplomatic Courier shall not refuse to fill in the Declaration of Origin and Health Progs., Nos. 3(19)-PTII, 1035 PROTOCOL 1951 as required under the Indian 1951 Aircraft Rules 1946 on the ground of diplomatic privilege. Discussion regarding the official position of the Indian Consulate Kashgar on the Withdrawal of recognition by GLI from the KMT Progs., Nos. 1(9)-PTII, 1036 PROTOCOL 1951 govt., & according recognition to 1951 the New regime annexation of sinkinang province by the new regime of China. Discussion regarding the official position of the Indian Consulate Kashgar on the Withdrawal of recognition by GLI from the KMT Progs., Nos. 1(9)-PTII, 1037 PROTOCOL 1951 govt., & according recognition to 1951 the New regime annexation of sinkinang province by the new regime of China. Privileges and immunities of the Progs., Nos. 3(89)-PTII, 1038 Consulate general of India at Goa PROTOCOL 1951 1951 and Vice Versa. Liability of members of foreign Progs., Nos. 3(48)-PTII, 1039 PROTOCOL 1951 missions to serve on Jurers. 1951 Exemption from Bombay `Town Progs., Nos. 3(134)-PTII, 1040 Duty ` to the Canadian PROTOCOL 1951 1951 Commercial Secretary at Bombay.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exemption of the French Consular Officers at Bombay and Calcutta Progs., Nos. 3(126)-PTII, 1041 PROTOCOL 1951 from the respective Municipal 1951 Taxes on the basis of reciprocity. Exemption from Stamp duty and registration fees to the Australian Progs., Nos. 3(90)-PTII, 1042 H.C. & T.C. in respect of PROTOCOL 1951 1951 properties acquired or rented by them in India- 1043 Mon Bills Mission to Lhasa. Progs., Nos. 15-PT, 1959 PROTOCOL 1959

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1044 Mon Bills Mission to Lhasa. Progs., Nos. 15-PT, 1959 PROTOCOL 1959

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of India of Dr. Rambharran his wife the Adviser of the Progs., Nos. 2(11)-PT, 1045 PROTOCOL 1961 Ministry of Agriculture, Govt .of 1961 Suriman. Guest Visit of Dr. Van Seherpan Progs., Nos. 2(10)-PT, 1046 Berg of West Germany general PROTOCOL 1961 1961 Arrangements in connection will. Visit of India of Dr. Rambharran his wife the Adviser of the Progs., Nos. 2(11)-PT, 1047 PROTOCOL 1961 Ministry of Agriculture, Govt .of 1961 Suriman. Visit of the Rt. Honble C.R. Attlee, Former Prime Minister of United Progs., Nos. 2(3)-PT, 1048 PROTOCOL 1961 Kingdom General Arrangement in 1961 connection with. Progs., Nos. 2(2)-PT, 1049 Subject not readable. PROTOCOL 1961 1961 Progs., Nos. 2(2)-PT, 1050 Subject not readable. PROTOCOL 1961 1961

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of the Rt. Honble C.R. Attlee, Former Prime Minister of United Progs., Nos. 2(3)-PT, 1051 PROTOCOL 1961 Kingdom General Arrangement in 1961 connection with. Guest Visit of Dr. Van Seherpan Progs., Nos. 2(10)-PT, 1052 Berg of West Germany general PROTOCOL 1961 1961 Arrangements in connection will.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Codification of international law by the International Law Commission regarding the Progs., Nos. 1(6)-PTI, 11 PROTOCOL - I 1951 negotiation and conclusion of 1951 treaties and other international agreement. 12 Question as to whether the Progs., Nos. 1(9)-PTI, PROTOCOL - I 1951

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treaties concluded between India 1951 and Bhutan and India and Sikkim should be registered with the United nations Secretariat. Decision that the treaties should not be registered as Bhutan & Sikkim have no international Status. Question as to whether the treaties concluded between India and Bhutan and India and Sikkim should be registered with the Progs., Nos. 1(9)-PTI, 13 United nations Secretariat. PROTOCOL - I 1951 1951 Decision that the treaties should not be registered as Bhutan & Sikkim have no international Status. Notes on forms of Progs., Nos. 10(125)- 14 Correspondence to be used by PROTOCOL - I 1951 PTI, 1951 embassies and Legations abroad. Notes on forms of Progs., Nos. 10(125)- 15 Correspondence to be used by PROTOCOL - I 1951 PTI, 1951 embassies and Legations abroad. Provision of one pair of black shoes to the three Galloparis in Progs., Nos. 10(208)- 16 PROTOCOL - I 1951 the Protocol division of the Min. of PTI, 1951 E.A. of the Govt., of Australia, the Federal Republic of Germany Progs., Nos. 3(18)-PTI, 17 Peru, the Philippines, Turkey, and PROTOCOL - I 1951 1951(B) South Korea, open for Signature upto 20.6.51. Codification of international law by the International Law Commission regarding the Progs., Nos. 1(6)-PTI, 18 PROTOCOL - I 1951 negotiation and conclusion of 1951 treaties and other international agreement. of the Govt., of Australia, the Federal Republic of Germany Progs., Nos. 3(18)-PTI, 19 Peru, the Philippines, Turkey, and PROTOCOL - I 1951 1951(B) South Korea, open for Signature upto 20.6.51.

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Full Power Authorising Mr. B.N. Rao Permanent Representative of the Govt., of India to the U.N.O. New York to sign on behalf of the Progs., Nos. 3(18)-PTI, 20 Govt., of India document entitled PROTOCOL - I 1951 1951(A) `Decisions relating & the accession to the General Agreement on Tarifs and Trade ......

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Procedure regarding Courtesy Progs., Nos. 10(166)- 21 Calls-Enquiry from the Madras PROTOCOL - I 1951 PTI, 1951 Govt. Full Power Authorising Mr. B.N. Rao Permanent Representative of the Govt., of India to the U.N.O. New York to sign on behalf of the Progs., Nos. 3(18)-PTI, 22 Govt., of India document entitled PROTOCOL - I 1951 1951(A) `Decisions relating & the accession to the General Agreement on Tarifs and Trade ...... Procedure regarding Courtesy Progs., Nos. 10(166)- 23 Calls-Enquiry from the Madras PROTOCOL - I 1951 PTI, 1951 Govt. Provision of one pair of black shoes to the three Galloparis in Progs., Nos. 10(208)- 24 PROTOCOL - I 1951 the Protocol division of the Min. of PTI, 1951 E.A.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Flying of United Nations Flag along with the National Flag of Progs., Nos. 25 PROTOCOL - I 1952 India on the United Nation`s Day, 100031(8155)-PTI, 1952 October 24th. Channel of Communication between the Foreign and Commonwealth Missions in India Progs., Nos. -(9934)-PTI, 26 PROTOCOL - I 1952 and the Ministries of the Govt., of 1952 India and their Subordinate offices.

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Election and installation of Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Dr. S.Radhakrishnan as President and the Vice President of Indisa respectively. Communications Progs., Nos. 1(1511)- 27 from the President to the Head of PROTOCOL - I 1952 PTI, 1952 Foreign Countries with whom India has diplomatic relations intimating the assumption of office of the President by him on 13.5.52. Channel of Communication between the Foreign and Commonwealth Missions in India Progs., Nos. -(9934)-PTI, 37 PROTOCOL - I 1952 and the Ministries of the Govt., of 1952 India and their Subordinate offices. Flying of United Nations Flag along with the National Flag of Progs., Nos. 38 PROTOCOL - I 1952 India on the United Nation`s Day, 100031(8155)-PTI, 1952 October 24th. Question of the award of Queen Elizabeth II`s Coronation Medal Progs., Nos. 41(8137)- 39 to Indains at the time of the PROTOCOL - I 1952 PTI, 1952 Coronation of the Queen on the 2nd June, 1953. Registration with the United Nations of the treaty of Freindship Progs., Nos. 26(1862)- 40 PROTOCOL - I 1952 between the Republic of India and PTI, 1952 the Republic of Turkey.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Election and installation of Dr. Rajindra Prasad and Dr. S.Radhakrishnan as President vice President of India respectively in May 1952. Progs., Nos. 1(1511)- 41 Communication from the PROTOCOL - I 1952 PTI, 1952Vol. II. President to the Heads of Foreign Countries with whom India has diplomatic relations intimating the assumption to office of the president by him on 13.6.52.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Registration with the United nations of the treaty of freindship Progs., Nos. 4(1863)- 42 PROTOCOL - I 1952 between India and the Union of PTI, 1952 Burma. Flying of the Foreign Flags by Indians as well as foreign nationals in India-Press Progs., Nos. -(8159)-PTI, 43 PROTOCOL - I 1952 Communique for. Decision that 1952 the Indian National Flag should be flawn along with the foreign flag. Elections and Installation of Dr. Rajindera Prasad and Dr. S.Radhakrishnan as President and Vice President of India respectively in May, 1952. Progs., Nos. 1(1511)- 44 Communication from the PROTOCOL - I 1952 PTI, 1952Vol. III President to the Heads of foreign Countries with whom India has diplomatic relations Intimating the assumption of office of the President by him on 13.5.52. Memorandum on the personal privileges of the Rulers of the Progs., Nos. 1(8031)- 45 PROTOCOL - I 1952 merged and integrated states of PTI, 1952 India. Registration with the United Nations of the treaty of Freindship Progs., Nos. 26(1862)- 46 PROTOCOL - I 1952 between the Republic of India and PTI, 1952 the Republic of Turkey. Question of the award of Queen Elizabeth II`s Coronation Medal Progs., Nos. 41(8137)- 47 to Indains at the time of the PROTOCOL - I 1952 PTI, 1952 Coronation of the Queen on the 2nd June, 1953. Registration with the U.N.Headquarters of the trade Progs., Nos. 4(2133)- 48 Agreement between India and PROTOCOL - I 1952 PTI, 1952 Burma signed at Rangoon on the 29th Septr. 1951. Election and installation of Dr. Rajindra Prasad and Dr. Progs., Nos. 1(1511)- 49 PROTOCOL - I 1952 S.Radhakrishnan as President PTI, 1952Vol. II. vice President of India

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


respectively in May 1952. Communication from the President to the Heads of Foreign Countries with whom India has diplomatic relations intimating the assumption to office of the president by him on 13.6.52. Letter from Lord Ismay, Secretary Commonwealth relations U.K. to the High Commission for India in Progs., Nos. 41(7592)- 50 PROTOCOL - I 1952 U.K. regarding U.K. govt.`s PTI, 1952 practice in relation to hospitality within the Commonwealth.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Letter from Lord Ismay, Secretary Commonwealth relations U.K. to the High Commission for India in Progs., Nos. 41(7592)- 51 PROTOCOL - I 1952 U.K. regarding U.K. govt.`s PTI, 1952 practice in relation to hospitality within the Commonwealth. Registration with the United nations of the treaty of freindship Progs., Nos. 4(1863)- 52 PROTOCOL - I 1952 between India and the Union of PTI, 1952 Burma. Registration with U.N. Headquarters of the treaty of Progs., Nos. 24(1866)- 53 PROTOCOL - I 1952 Friendship and Commerce PTI, 1952 between India and Syria. Registration with the U.N.Headquarters of the trade Progs., Nos. 4(2133)- 54 Agreement between India and PROTOCOL - I 1952 PTI, 1952 Burma signed at Rangoon on the 29th Septr. 1951. Memorandum on the personal privileges of the Rulers of the Progs., Nos. 1(8031)- 55 PROTOCOL - I 1952 merged and integrated states of PTI, 1952 India. Elections and Installation of Dr. Rajindera Prasad and Dr. Progs., Nos. 1(1511)- 56 PROTOCOL - I 1952 S.Radhakrishnan as President and PTI, 1952Vol. III Vice President of India

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


respectively in May, 1952. Communication from the President to the Heads of foreign Countries with whom India has diplomatic relations Intimating the assumption of office of the President by him on 13.5.52. Registration with U.N. Headquarters of the treaty of Progs., Nos. 24(1866)- 57 PROTOCOL - I 1952 Friendship and Commerce PTI, 1952 between India and Syria. Election and installation of Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Dr. S.Radhakrishnan as President and the Vice President of Indisa respectively. Communications Progs., Nos. 1(1511)- 58 from the President to the Head of PROTOCOL - I 1952 PTI, 1952 Foreign Countries with whom India has diplomatic relations intimating the assumption of office of the President by him on 13.5.52. Flying of the Foreign Flags by Indians as well as foreign nationals in India-Press Progs., Nos. -(8159)-PTI, 59 PROTOCOL - I 1952 Communique for. Decision that 1952 the Indian National Flag should be flawn along with the foreign flag.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Original letters of Credence and Progs., Nos. 17223-PTI, 1 recall of Foreign Envoys PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 accredited to India. Original Letters of Credence and Progs., Nos. 17223-PTI, 2 Recall of foreign Envoys PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 Vol. II. acceredited to India. Donation of Rs. 20000/- from the Progs., Nos. 4(7712)- 3 Govt., of India for relief of Victims PROTOCOL - I 1953 PTI, 1953 of floods in Burma. Parliament question in the House Progs., Nos. 1974-PTI, 4 PROTOCOL - I 1953 of People by Shri Charak 1953

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


regarding discussion in Parliament on agreements Pacts etc., executed with other Countries and ratified by Parliament in future. Proposal to set up a State Guest House and to acquire Hyderabad Progs., Nos. 17432-PTI, 5 PROTOCOL - I 1953 House Stock Register-Hyderabad 1953 House-List Articles - 1954. Original letters from Heads of Progs., Nos. 1433-PTI, 6 Foreign States intimating PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 assumption of Charge. Regulations relating to the awards Progs., Nos. 81316-PTI, 7 of `` and Order of PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 the Lotus () Proposal to set up a state guese House for foreign Guests in Delhi Progs., Nos. 17424-PTI, 8 PROTOCOL - I 1953 and acquire Hyderabad House for 1953 Vol. I this purpose. Proposed Modification of the Letter of Credence the Letter of Progs., Nos. 10728-PTI, 9 PROTOCOL - I 1953 Recall and the Letter of 1953 Introduction. Flying of Indian National Flag at Progs., Nos. 8158-PTI, 10 half-mast by Indian Missions PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 abroad.

Flying of Indian National Flag at Progs., Nos. 8158-PTI, 28 half-mast by Indian Missions PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 abroad. Donation of Rs. 20000/- from the Progs., Nos. 4(7712)- 29 Govt., of India for relief of Victims PROTOCOL - I 1953 PTI, 1953 of floods in Burma. Proposed Modification of the Letter of Credence the Letter of Progs., Nos. 10728-PTI, 30 PROTOCOL - I 1953 Recall and the Letter of 1953 Introduction.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Enquiry from the Pakistan High Progs., Nos. 2(81317)- 31 Commission in India regarding PROTOCOL - I 1953 PTI, 1953 rules relating to the acceptance

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


and mode of wearing of international awards etc. Registration with the U.N. Headwquarters of the Treaty of friendship between the President Progs., Nos. 19(1864)- 32 PROTOCOL - I 1953 of India and the King of Iraq PTI, 1953 signed at Baghdad on 10th November 1952. Orders relating to Ceremonial`s Progs., Nos. 81112-PTI, 33 PROTOCOL - I 1953 Amendment to the Pamphlet. 1953 Registration with the U.N. Headwquarters of the Treaty of friendship between the President Progs., Nos. 19(1864)- 34 PROTOCOL - I 1953 of India and the King of Iraq PTI, 1953 signed at Baghdad on 10th November 1952. Decision not to give to any Govt., Progs., Nos. 1861-PTI, 35 a copy of the draft treaty with PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 any other Govt. Original letters of acknowledgement from Heads of Progs., Nos. 10710-PTI, 36 States of Foreign Countries of PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 letters of Credence and Recall of Indian Envoys. Original letters from Heads of Progs., Nos. 1433-PTI, 60 Foreign States intimating PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 assumption of Charge.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Supply of Indian National Flags Progs., Nos. 8153-PTI, 61 for Coronation festivities in Indian PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 Missions abroad. Question regarding the position of Progs., Nos. -(5111)-PTI, 62 billigerent warships in neutral PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 ports. Registration with the U.N. Headquarters of the Treaty of Friendship between the President Progs., Nos. 11(1863)- 63 PROTOCOL - I 1953 of India and the President of PTI, 1953 Indonesia signed at Djakarta on 3rd March, 1951. 64 Registration with the U.N. Progs., Nos. 11(1863)- PROTOCOL - I 1953

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Headquarters of the Treaty of PTI, 1953 Friendship between the President of India and the President of Indonesia signed at Djakarta on 3rd March, 1951. Supply of Indian National Flags Progs., Nos. 8153-PTI, 65 for Coronation festivities in Indian PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 Missions abroad. Parliament question in the House of People by Shri Charak regarding discussion in Parliament Progs., Nos. 1974-PTI, 66 on agreements Pacts etc., PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 executed with other Countries and ratified by Parliament in future. Original letters of Credence and Progs., Nos. 17223-PTI, 67 recall of Foreign Envoys PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 accredited to India. Intimation from the Pakistan High Commission that in future Pakistan representatives in Progs., Nos. 2(81311)- 68 PROTOCOL - I 1953 foreign Countries would not be PTI, 1953 allowed to accept any foreign award. Proposal to set up a State Guest House and to acquire Hyderabad Progs., Nos. 17432-PTI, 69 PROTOCOL - I 1953 House Stock Register-Hyderabad 1953 House-List Articles - 1954. Original Letters of Credence and Progs., Nos. 17223-PTI, 70 Recall of foreign Envoys PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 Vol. II. acceredited to India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Intimation from the Pakistan High Commission that in future Pakistan representatives in Progs., Nos. 2(81311)- 71 PROTOCOL - I 1953 foreign Countries would not be PTI, 1953 allowed to accept any foreign award. Full Powers for the Progs., Nos. 1075-PTI, 72 of India to sign PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 agreements etc., on behalf India.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Enquiry from the American Embassy regarding the procedures followed in India for Progs., Nos. 70(1862)- 73 giving effect to the treaties and PROTOCOL - I 1953 PTI, 1953 other international agreements as part of the international law of India. Proposal to set up a State Guest House and to acquire Hyderabad Progs., Nos. 17432-PTI, 74 PROTOCOL - I 1953 House. Stock register Hyderabad 1953 Vol. II. List of Article -1954. Regulations relating to the awards Progs., Nos. 81316-PTI, 75 of `Bharat Ratna` and Order of PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 the Lotus (Padma Vibhushan) Decision not to give to any Govt., Progs., Nos. 1861-PTI, 76 a copy of the draft treaty with PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 any other Govt. Full Powers for the Progs., Nos. 1075-PTI, 77 plenipotentiaries of India to sign PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 agreements etc., on behalf India. Message of Condolence from the President to H.M. Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 41(81422)- 78 PROTOCOL - I 1953 II on the demise of Her Gracions PTI, 1953 Majesty Queen Mary. Orders relating to Ceremonial`s Progs., Nos. 81112-PTI, 79 PROTOCOL - I 1953 Amendment to the Pamphlet. 1953 Proposal to set up a state guese House for foreign Guests in Delhi Progs., Nos. 17424-PTI, 80 PROTOCOL - I 1953 and acquire Hyderabad House for 1953 Vol. I this purpose.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal to set up a State Guest House and to acquire Hyderabad Progs., Nos. 17432-PTI, 81 PROTOCOL - I 1953 House. Stock register Hyderabad 1953 Vol. II. List of Article -1954. Enquiry from the Pakistan High Commission in India regarding Progs., Nos. 2(81317)- 82 rules relating to the acceptance PROTOCOL - I 1953 PTI, 1953 and mode of wearing of international awards etc. 83 Question regarding the position of Progs., Nos. -(5111)-PTI, PROTOCOL - I 1953

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


billigerent warships in neutral 1953 ports. Message of Condolence from the President to H.M. Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 41(81422)- 84 PROTOCOL - I 1953 II on the demise of Her Gracions PTI, 1953 Majesty Queen Mary. Original letters of acknowledgement from Heads of Progs., Nos. 10710-PTI, 85 States of Foreign Countries of PROTOCOL - I 1953 1953 letters of Credence and Recall of Indian Envoys. Enquiry from the American Embassy regarding the procedures followed in India for Progs., Nos. 70(1862)- 86 giving effect to the treaties and PROTOCOL - I 1953 PTI, 1953 other international agreements as part of the international law of India. Request for travel facilities to Europe on behalf of Maharani Gamvir Kumari wife of H.H. Maharaja Joodha Shamsher Jung Progs., Nos. 3(5619)- 87 Bahadur Rana of Nepal and party PROTOCOL - I 1954 PTI, 1954 for the eye treatment of H.H. Decision that she should not be allowed to take valuable jewellery out of India. Request for travel facilities to Europe on behalf of Maharani Gamvir Kumari wife of H.H. Maharaja Joodha Shamsher Jung Progs., Nos. 3(5619)- 88 Bahadur Rana of Nepal and party PROTOCOL - I 1954 PTI, 1954 for the eye treatment of H.H. Decision that she should not be allowed to take valuable jewellery out of India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 89 H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke. PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(37), 1960 Edinburgh 90 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- PROTOCOL - I 1960

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PTI(19), 1960 (B) of Edinburgh .

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 91 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(25), 1960 of Edinburgh arrangement flags. Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 92 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(19), 1960 (C) of Edinburgh . Visited H.N. the queen Elizabeth . Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 93 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Accomodational bonous places. 1960 Visit of Her Majesty Queen Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 94 Elizabeth Items refused or PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(40), 1960 directed to state -Gonernments. Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 95 PROTOCOL - I 1960 .Distribution of Programme. PTI(34), 1960 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 96 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(19), 1960 (D) of Edinburgh . Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 97 Estimate for Queens visit 1960 PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(23), 1960 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth - Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 98 Arrangement for a show of PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(38), 1960 Mughal-e-Azam. Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 99 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(19), 1960 (B) of Edinburgh . Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II - Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 100 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Expenditure accurred on the visit. PTI(26), 1960

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 101 Estimate for Queens visit 1960 PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(23), 1960 Visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth general arrangements in Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 102 PROTOCOL - I 1960 connection with - Printing PTI(39), 1960 matters. Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 103 Queens visit, Press Clipping. PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(26), 1960 (A) 104 Visit of Her Majesty Queen Progs., Nos. 1(12)- PROTOCOL - I 1960

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Elizabeth II and of England-Air PTI(19), 1960 (E) Movement- Settlement of Defence Ministry Bills. Arrangement in connection with Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 105 PROTOCOL - I 1960 the Press Party. PTI(26), 1960 (B) Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 106 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Medical arrangements. PTI(33), 1960 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth . Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 107 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Booking of Case & car plans. PTI(24), 1960 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 108 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(19), 1960 (D) of Edinburgh . Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 109 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Master Capital Programms. PTI(34), 1960 (A) Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth - Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 110 Arrangement for a show of PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(38), 1960 Mughal-e-Azam.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 111 Items rejected or directed to PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(40), 1960 (A) State-Govt. Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 112 H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke. PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(37), 1960 Edinburgh Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 113 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(19), 1960 (C) of Edinburgh . Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 114 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Annotated Programme.. PTI(34), 1960 (B) Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth - Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 115 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Presents to & by the Queen. PTI(35), 1960 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 116 Receiption Ceremony at Palam . PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(41), 1960 (F) Request for Invitation card etc. Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 117 and H.R.H The Prince Philip Dake PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(19), 1960 of Edinburge . Air Movements. Visit of Her Majesty Queen Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 118 Elizabeth II and of England-Air PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(19), 1960 (E) Movement- Settlement of Defence

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Ministry Bills. Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 119 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(20), 1960 of Edinburgh . Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 120 PROTOCOL - I 1960 of Edinburgh . Air & Train PTI(19), 1960 (A) Movement.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visited H.N. the queen Elizabeth . Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 121 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Accomodational bonous places. 1960 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II - Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 122 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Expenditure accurred on the visit. PTI(26), 1960 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 123 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Medical arrangements. PTI(33), 1960 Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 124 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 11 of Edinburg.visit to Udaipur. Visit of the Prime Minister of Progs., Nos. 1(18)-PTI, 125 Ceylon - Mrs. Bandaranaike, PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 General arrangements. Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 126 PROTOCOL - I 1960 of Edinburgh . Air & Train PTI(19), 1960 (A) Movement. Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth by Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 127 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Liaism Security Staff. PTI(32), 1960 Visit of H.M. (Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 128 Demand from states for additional PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(31), 1960 Sanction. Progs., Nos. 3(2)-PTI, 129 Services Delegation. PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 130 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 18 of Edinburg.Visit to Johrat.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 131 Banquet by the President & Lunch PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 by PdI.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Visit of Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 132 estimates of Expendiure and PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Volume- 47 Sanctions. Visit of the Prime Minister of Progs., Nos. 1(18)-PTI, 133 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Ceyla. 1960 Visit of H. M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 134 and H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh - PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Volume- 46 General Correspondence. Visit of H. M. Sri Savang Progs., Nos. 1(13)-PTI, 135 Vatthana, King or Laos - General PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Arrangements. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 136 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 17 of Edinburg.Visit to Banaras. Progs., Nos. 8(14)-PTI, 137 Visit of the President to Russia. PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Prime Minsiters Visit To Pakistan - Progs., Nos. 8(27)-PTI, 138 PROTOCOL - I 1960 September 1960. 1960 Visit of H. M. Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 139 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Costume Parade. 1960 Volume- 43 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 140 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(22), 1960 of Edinburgh .

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Queens visit.Accomodation in Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 141 PROTOCOL - I 1960 various places. 1960 (a) Queens visit.Accomodation in Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 142 PROTOCOL - I 1960 various places. 1960 (a) Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 143 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Master Capital Programms. PTI(34), 1960 (A) Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 144 Queens visit ,- Press clipping. PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(26), 1960 (A) Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 145 Queens visit, Press Clipping. PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(26), 1960 (A) Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 146 Receiption Ceremony at Palam . PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(41), 1960 (F) Request for Invitation card etc. Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 147 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(21), 1960 of Edinburgh .

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth . Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 148 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Booking of Case & car plans. PTI(24), 1960 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 149 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(25), 1960 of Edinburgh arrangement flags. Arrangement in connection with Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 150 PROTOCOL - I 1960 the Press Party. PTI(26), 1960 (B) S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 151 and H.R.H. The Prime Philip at PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(41), 1960 Dukeal Edinburgh Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 152 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(21), 1960 of Edinburgh . Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 153 Items rejected or directed to PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(40), 1960 (A) State-Govt. Visit of H.M. (Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 154 Demand from states for additional PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(31), 1960 Sanction. Visit of Her Majesty Queen Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 155 Elizabeth Items refused or PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(40), 1960 directed to state -Gonernments. Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth list Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 156 PROTOCOL - I 1960 of suit. PTI(36), 1960 Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 157 Queens visit ,- Press clipping. PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(26), 1960 (A) Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth list Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 158 PROTOCOL - I 1960 of suit. PTI(36), 1960 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 159 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(22), 1960 of Edinburgh . Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 160 and H.R.H. The Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(20), 1960 of Edinburgh .

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 161 and H.R.H The Prince Philip Dake PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(19), 1960 of Edinburge . Air Movements. 162 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)- PROTOCOL - I 1960

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


.Distribution of Programme. PTI(34), 1960 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth by Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 163 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Liaism Security Staff. PTI(32), 1960 Visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth general arrangements in Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 164 PROTOCOL - I 1960 connection with - Printing PTI(39), 1960 matters. Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth - Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 165 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Presents to & by the Queen. PTI(35), 1960 Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 166 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Annotated Programme.. PTI(34), 1960 (B) Visit of H.M Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)- 167 and H.R.H. The Prime Philip at PROTOCOL - I 1960 PTI(41), 1960 Dukeal Edinburgh Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 168 of Edinburg.Visit to Atomic Energy PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 16 A & 16 B Establishment and Visit to Dufferin. Prime Minsiters Visit To Pakistan - Progs., Nos. 8(27)-PTI, 169 PROTOCOL - I 1960 September 1960. 1960 Papers in connection with Duty Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 170 Badges and Urgent Duty Car Park PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Labels etc., for Queen`s Arrival.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 171 of Edinburg.Visit to Atomic Energy PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 16 A & 16 B Establishment and Visit to Dufferin. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 172 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 14 of Edinburg.Visit to Madras. Visit of H. M. Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 173 Items refused or directed to State PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Volume- XL-D Govts. Progs., Nos. 3(2)-PTI, 174 Services Delegation. PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 175 PROTOCOL - I 1960 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke 1960 Vol. 13

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


of Edinburg.Visit to Durgapur and calcutta. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 176 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 18 of Edinburg.Visit to Johrat. Progs., Nos. 8(14)-PTI, 177 Visit of the President to Russia. PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 178 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 9 of Edinburg. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 179 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 10 of Edinburg. Visit to Agra. Visit of the Prime Minister of Progs., Nos. 1(18)-PTI, 180 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Ceyla. 1960

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of H. E. Mr. Sekoll Toure, Progs., Nos. 1(15)-PTI, 181 President of Guinea - General PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 arrangements in connection with. Visit of H. H. the Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 182 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Customs and other facilities. 1960 Volume- 48 Visit of H. M. Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 183 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Costume Parade. 1960 Volume- 43 Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 184 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 12 of Edinburg. Visit of Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 185 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Constumes Parades. 1960 Volume- 44A Visit of H. H. the Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 186 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Customs and other facilities. 1960 Volume- 48 Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 187 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 15 of Edinburg.Visit to Bangalore. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Dulke Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 188 PROTOCOL - I 1960 of Edinburgh - Improvement in 1960 Roads etc in Delhi. Visit of Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 189 estimates of Expendiure and PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Volume- 47 Sanctions.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


(1) Presidents Banquet on 20.1.60. (2) P.M.`s lunch on Progs., Nos. 5(4)-PTI, 190 21.1.60, in Honour of H. E. Mr. K. PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 E. Voroshi lov, President of the U.S.S.R.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 191 Banquet by the President & Lunch PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 by PdI. Visit of H. M. Queen Elizabeth Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 192 Items refused or directed to State PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Volume- XL-D Govts. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 193 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 12 of Edinburg. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Dulke Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 194 PROTOCOL - I 1960 of Edinburgh - Improvement in 1960 Roads etc in Delhi. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 195 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 9 of Edinburg. Visit of Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 196 PROTOCOL - I 1960 Constumes Parades. 1960 Volume- 44A Visit of H. E. Mr. Sekoll Toure, Progs., Nos. 1(15)-PTI, 197 President of Guinea - General PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 arrangements in connection with. (1) Presidents Banquet on 20.1.60. (2) P.M.`s lunch on Progs., Nos. 5(4)-PTI, 198 21.1.60, in Honour of H. E. Mr. K. PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 E. Voroshi lov, President of the U.S.S.R. Visit of H. M. Sri Savang Progs., Nos. 1(13)-PTI, 199 Vatthana, King or Laos - General PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Arrangements. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 200 PROTOCOL - I 1960 of Edinburg.Visit to Durgapur and 1960 Vol. 13 calcutta.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 201 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 11 of Edinburg.visit to Udaipur. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 202 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 16 of Edinburg.Visit to Bombay. Papers in connection with Duty Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 203 Badges and Urgent Duty Car Park PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Labels etc., for Queen`s Arrival. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 204 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 10 of Edinburg. Visit to Agra. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 205 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 14 of Edinburg.Visit to Madras. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 206 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 17 of Edinburg.Visit to Banaras. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 207 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 16 of Edinburg.Visit to Bombay. Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 208 Queen`s Visit Spare Copies. PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Volume- 45 Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 209 Queen`s Visit Spare Copies. PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Volume- 45 Visit of H. M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 210 and H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh - PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Volume- 46 General Correspondence. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of the Prime Minister of Progs., Nos. 1(18)-PTI, 211 Ceylon - Mrs. Bandaranaike, PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 General arrangements. Visit of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Progs., Nos. 1(12)-PTI, 212 and H.R.H. the Prince Philip Duke PROTOCOL - I 1960 1960 Vol. 15 of Edinburg.Visit to Bangalore.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Status and privilage of Progs., Nos. 3(57)-PTII, 1 representative of are commence PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 courty in anthor Imments of

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Foreign Enway in India. Exemption of the staff of the Progs., Nos. 3(121)-PTII, 2 Burmese Embassy from Fishing PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 tax. Customs excutions to wires and Progs., Nos. 2(10)-PTII, 3 PROTOCOL - II 1950 of the . 1950 Question raised by the French Consul Whether Consuls of Progs., Nos. 3(109)-PTII, 4 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Foreign Countries should execute 1950 agreement as standard paper. Installation of a wireless Progs., Nos. 5(194)-PTII, 5 trasmitter by the Nepalese PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Embassy in India. Exemption as a Special case, from duty on Belongings of Mr. Progs., Nos. 3(135)-PTII, 6 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Lowell an American Traveller to 1950 tibet. Establishment of Indonesian Progs., Nos. 2(39)-PTII, 7 Consulate at Calcutta and PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Bombay. Exemption from income tax of the Philippines consul General at Progs., Nos. 3(105)-PTII, 8 Calcutta and his staff in respect of PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 salaries paid by the Philippines Govt. Intimation to the finance Ministry of the Opening or closuie of a Progs., Nos. 3(110)-PTII, 9 mission or a consulate and the PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 arrival or departure etc of diplomatic and Consul. Privileges for Indian Progs., Nos. 9(2)-PTII, 10 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Commissioner in British Colonies. 1950

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Customs and other facilities to Progs., Nos. 3(84)-PTII, 11 the U.N. Medicator for Kashmir PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 and the U.N. Kashmir Mission. General policy about refund of Progs., Nos. 3(58)-PTII, 12 duty on petrol practice in other PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Countries. 13 Refund of duty on motor spirit Progs., Nos. 3(56)-PTII, PROTOCOL - II 1950

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


purchased by Foreign Mission, in 1950 Kashmir. Husband of of Lady Ambassador Should Govt. incurred Progs., Nos. 3(45)-PTII, 14 expenditure on his T.A etc PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Present of U.S.A Lady ambassador at Hagul. Exemption from income tax of the Philippines consul General at Progs., Nos. 3(105)-PTII, 15 Calcutta and his staff in respect of PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 salaries paid by the Philippines Govt. Intimation to the finance Ministry of the Opening or closuie of a Progs., Nos. 3(110)-PTII, 16 mission or a consulate and the PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 arrival or departure etc of diplomatic and Consul. Question raised by the French Consul Whether Consuls of Progs., Nos. 3(109)-PTII, 17 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Foreign Countries should execute 1950 agreement as standard paper. UNESCO request for exemption Progs., Nos. 3(8)-PTII, 18 from duty packets imported by it PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Air Freight. Costoms Facilities for the Non- Progs., Nos. 3(54)-PTII, 19 Diplomatic staff of the U.K High PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Commission in India. Grant of customs and other Progs., Nos. 3(53)-PTII, 20 Facilities for the Brazilian PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Embassy.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exemption of the Danish Consul Progs., Nos. 5(211)-PTII, 21 from Payment of Madras PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Municipal tax. Effect of the Judgement of Bombay High Court in the Progs., Nos. 3(104)-PTII, 22 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Prohibition Act regarding Foreign 1950 diplomatic and Consular in India. Prohibition in Bombay exemption Progs., Nos. 3(131)-PTII, 23 and facilities to the Consular adn PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 diplomatic Corops under the

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Bombay Prohibition Act visit to Bomaby by the Chief of Protocol report. Customs privilege to Swiss Consuls in India in Terms of the Progs., Nos. 3(93)-PTII, 24 treaty of Friendship between PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 India, and Switzerland on the most favoured nation basis. The Period spent in India by member of His Majesty Armed force in India, is to be regarded as residence for the purposes of the Indian income tax Act and Progs., Nos. 3(134)-PTII, 25 PROTOCOL - II 1950 would not be entitled to 1950 exemption from income-tax before the double income tax agreement with U.K. Comes into force. Justallation of Wireless Progs., Nos. 5(194)-PTII, 26 transmitter by the Nepalese PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Embassy in India. Levy of Customs duty on goods orginally imported by Progs., Nos. 3(42)-PTII, 27 free of duty but sold to privileged PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 persons practice in other countries. Customs privilege to Swiss Consuls in India in Terms of the Progs., Nos. 3(93)-PTII, 28 treaty of Friendship between PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 India, and Switzerland on the most favoured nation basis. UNESCO request for exemption Progs., Nos. 3(8)-PTII, 29 from duty packets imported by it PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Air Freight. Question whether Consular Attaches appointed in Consular Progs., Nos. 2(42)-PTII, 30 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Mission should be recognised by 1950 notification

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exemption from Customs duty Progs., Nos. 3(94)-PTII, 31 PROTOCOL - II 1950 building required imported from 1950

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Belgium by the Belgian Embassy New Delhi for constructions, of the in Building. Exemption of the Danish Consul Progs., Nos. 5(211)-PTII, 32 from Payment of Madras PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Municipal tax. Copies of miscellaneous act as correspondence regarding Progs., Nos. 3(101)-PTII, 33 PROTOCOL - II 1950 privileges of International 1950 organisations. Exemption from payment of Shooting licence fees of Consular Progs., Nos. 3(95)-PTII, 34 officer in Bombay Enquiry from by PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 the Portuguese Minister, New Delhi. Privileges for Indian Progs., Nos. 9(2)-PTII, 35 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Commissioner in British Colonies. 1950 Question whther Consul can use Progs., Nos. 3(64)-PTII, 36 diplomatic Court for conveyance PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 of their Mails. Payment of Indian Stamp duty on a Loan Bound by the Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 3(89)-PTII, 37 PROTOCOL - II 1950 officials of the U.K High 1950 Commisison in India. Prohibition in Bombay exemption and facilities to the Consular adn diplomatic Corops under the Progs., Nos. 3(131)-PTII, 38 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Bombay Prohibition Act visit to 1950 Bomaby by the Chief of Protocol report. Question whther Consul can use Progs., Nos. 3(64)-PTII, 39 diplomatic Court for conveyance PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 of their Mails. Grant of customs concession to Progs., Nos. 3(52)-PTII, 40 the Cylonese trade Commission in PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Municipal and state taxes in Bombay madras and calcutta Progs., Nos. 3(130)-PTII, 41 PROTOCOL - II 1950 exemption to consular and 1950 diplomatic officers.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Exemption from income-tax to Progs., Nos. 9(1)-PTII, 42 the Representative of the Govt. of PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 India Serving abroad. Levy of Customs duty on goods orginally imported by diplomats Progs., Nos. 3(42)-PTII, 43 free of duty but sold to privileged PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 persons practice in other countries. Costoms Facilities for the Non- Progs., Nos. 3(54)-PTII, 44 Diplomatic staff of the U.K High PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Commission in India. Permission to the use of private liquor by the Egyptian Progs., Nos. 5(220)-PTII, 45 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Ambassador and his doplomatic 1950 staff and their guests in Hotels. Refund of duty on motor spirit Progs., Nos. 3(56)-PTII, 46 purchased by Foreign Mission, in PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Kashmir. Clearification of Privileges enjoyed by the Deputy High Progs., Nos. 3(90)-PTII, 47 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Commissioner, for Pak in India, at 1950 Jullundur and his staff. Exemption from Customs duty building required imported from Progs., Nos. 3(94)-PTII, 48 Belgium by the Belgian Embassy PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 New Delhi for constructions, of the in Building. Permission to Internatioal Tubercutosis Campaign to Progs., Nos. 3(114)-PTII, 49 PROTOCOL - II 1950 purchase liquors ex-Bouded 1950 stack. Status and privilage of representative of are commence Progs., Nos. 3(57)-PTII, 50 PROTOCOL - II 1950 courty in anthor Imments of 1950 Foreign Enway in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Withdrawal of custosm privileges Progs., Nos. 3(97)-PTII, 51 from the Diplomatic officer of the PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 pak. High Commission in India. Customs and other facilities to Progs., Nos. 3(84)-PTII, 52 PROTOCOL - II 1950 the U.N. Medicator for Kashmir 1950

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and the U.N. Kashmir Mission. Effect of the Judgement of Bombay High Court in the Progs., Nos. 3(104)-PTII, 53 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Prohibition Act regarding Foreign 1950 diplomatic and Consular in India. Establishment of Indonesian Progs., Nos. 2(39)-PTII, 54 Consulate at Calcutta and PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Bombay. Withdrawal of custosm privileges Progs., Nos. 3(97)-PTII, 55 from the Diplomatic officer of the PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 pak. High Commission in India. Import trade Control as it affects Progs., Nos. 3(115)-PTII, 56 foreign diplomatic and Consular PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 representation. Exemption from the Uttar Pradesh Sales tax of the Ambassadors and Progs., Nos. 3(31)-PTII, 57 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Diplomats of Foreign States in 1950 India. General policy about refund of Progs., Nos. 3(58)-PTII, 58 duty on petrol practice in other PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Countries. Payment of Indian Stamp duty on a Loan Bound by the Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 3(89)-PTII, 59 PROTOCOL - II 1950 officials of the U.K High 1950 Commisison in India. Copies of miscellaneous act as correspondence regarding Progs., Nos. 3(101)-PTII, 60 PROTOCOL - II 1950 privileges of International 1950 organisations.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of customs and other Progs., Nos. 3(53)-PTII, 61 Facilities for the Brazilian PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Embassy. Upgrading of the Syrian Progs., Nos. 2(41)-PTII, 62 Consulate at Bombay to that of a PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Consulate General. Exemption for provincial sales tax on official purchases to the Progs., Nos. 3(100)-PTII, 63 Deputy High Commission for the PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 United Kingdom in India, question of the state of..

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Permission to the use of private liquor by the Egyptian Progs., Nos. 5(220)-PTII, 64 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Ambassador and his doplomatic 1950 staff and their guests in Hotels. Clearification of Privileges enjoyed by the Deputy High Progs., Nos. 3(90)-PTII, 65 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Commissioner, for Pak in India, at 1950 Jullundur and his staff. Exemption as a Special case, from duty on Belongings of Mr. Progs., Nos. 3(135)-PTII, 66 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Lowell an American Traveller to 1950 tibet. Permission to Internatioal Tubercutosis Campaign to Progs., Nos. 3(114)-PTII, 67 PROTOCOL - II 1950 purchase liquors ex-Bouded 1950 stack. Question raised by Egyptian Embassy whether Consular stationed outside the Capital Progs., Nos. 3(98)-PTII, 68 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Could be designed as diplomatic 1950 officer on the staff of the Embassy. Municipal and state taxes in Bombay madras and calcutta Progs., Nos. 3(130)-PTII, 69 PROTOCOL - II 1950 exemption to consular and 1950 diplomatic officers. Exemption for provincial sales tax on official purchases to the Progs., Nos. 3(100)-PTII, 70 Deputy High Commission for the PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 United Kingdom in India, question of the state of..

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exemption from the Uttar Pradesh Sales tax of the Ambassadors and Progs., Nos. 3(31)-PTII, 71 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Diplomats of Foreign States in 1950 India. Import trade Control as it affects Progs., Nos. 3(115)-PTII, 72 foreign diplomatic and Consular PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 representation. Exemption of the staff of the Progs., Nos. 3(121)-PTII, 73 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Burmese Embassy from Fishing 1950

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tax. Justallation of Wireless Progs., Nos. 5(194)-PTII, 74 transmitter by the Nepalese PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Embassy in India. Installation of a wireless Progs., Nos. 5(194)-PTII, 75 trasmitter by the Nepalese PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Embassy in India. Permission by the Egyptian Govt. of the Indian Embassy Cairo, to Progs., Nos. 3(137)-PTII, 76 PROTOCOL - II 1950 install a wireless receiving set on 1950 the privincial of reciprocity. Exemption from payment of Shooting licence fees of Consular Progs., Nos. 3(95)-PTII, 77 officer in Bombay Enquiry from by PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 the Portuguese Minister, New Delhi. Permission by the Egyptian Govt. of the Indian Embassy Cairo, to Progs., Nos. 3(137)-PTII, 78 PROTOCOL - II 1950 install a wireless receiving set on 1950 the privincial of reciprocity. Question of the Grant of exemption from the Payment of Progs., Nos. 3(86)-PTII, 79 Shooting license Fees to the staff PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 of Foreign Embossies united Kingdom. Question raised by Egyptian Embassy whether Consular stationed outside the Capital Progs., Nos. 3(98)-PTII, 80 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Could be designed as diplomatic 1950 officer on the staff of the Embassy.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Extension of privilege of requisitioning a first class from Railway Carriege compartment for their journeys on official business Progs., Nos. 3(113)-PTII, 81 to Eco. adviser and senior made PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 commissioner, and Publicity advisor and Drector of British Information service of UHC in India.

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Question whether Consular Attaches appointed in Consular Progs., Nos. 2(42)-PTII, 82 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Mission should be recognised by 1950 notification Customs excutions to wires and Progs., Nos. 2(10)-PTII, 83 PROTOCOL - II 1950 of the Head of Mission. 1950 The Period spent in India by member of His Majesty Armed force in India, is to be regarded as residence for the purposes of the Indian income tax Act and Progs., Nos. 3(134)-PTII, 84 PROTOCOL - II 1950 would not be entitled to 1950 exemption from income-tax before the double income tax agreement with U.K. Comes into force. Question of the Grant of exemption from the Payment of Progs., Nos. 3(86)-PTII, 85 Shooting license Fees to the staff PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 of Foreign Embossies united Kingdom. Exemption from income-tax to Progs., Nos. 9(1)-PTII, 86 the Representative of the Govt. of PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 India Serving abroad. Grant of Privilage to the Who Regional office for Se Asia at New Progs., Nos. 3(26)-PTII, 87 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Delhi and to its Regional Director 1950 etc. Upgrading of the Syrian Progs., Nos. 2(41)-PTII, 88 Consulate at Bombay to that of a PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Consulate General. Husband of of Lady Ambassador Should Govt. incurred Progs., Nos. 3(45)-PTII, 89 expenditure on his T.A etc PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 Present of U.S.A Lady ambassador at Hagul. Extension of privilege of requisitioning a first class from Railway Carriege compartment for Progs., Nos. 3(113)-PTII, 90 PROTOCOL - II 1950 their journeys on official business 1950 to Eco. adviser and senior made commissioner, and Publicity

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


advisor and Drector of British Information service of UHC in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of customs concession to Progs., Nos. 3(52)-PTII, 91 the Cylonese trade Commission in PROTOCOL - II 1950 1950 India. Grant of Privilage to the Who Regional office for Se Asia at New Progs., Nos. 3(26)-PTII, 92 PROTOCOL - II 1950 Delhi and to its Regional Director 1950 etc.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Amendment of the Indian Income tax Act 1922 in as far as it relates Progs., Nos. 15(120)- 107 to exemption granted to foreign PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 and Commonwealth Diplomatic and other representative. U.K.High Commission- Conveyance of properties pruchased or leased in and outside Delhi for office use and Progs., Nos. 15(38)-PTII, 108 for use as residences for their PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952(A) diplomatic officers - Exemption from stamp duty on the basis of reciprocity. Properties leased by diplomatic officers of the...... General Questions of Exemption of Diplomatic Missions and Progs., Nos. 15(31)-PTII, 109 PROTOCOL - II 1952 diplomatic officers from Motor 1952 taxes and fees in Delhi. Exemption from payment of Land rent property general tax & urban Progs., Nos. 15-PTII, 110 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Land Rent in respect of properties 1952 acquired by our Pakistan.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year General Questions of extending Progs., Nos. 17(24)-PTII, 111 the privilege of duty free PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 importation of articles throughout

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the tenure of their appointments to Consular Officers of certain Countries (France, Belguam, Italy, Iran, Indonesia, Egypt.....) Decision that goods exported by diplomatic Missions other than diplomatic mail bag even if they are for official use are subject to the normal Export Control & Progs., Nos. 13(2)-PTII, 112 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Exchange Control. Regulations- 1952 Case of export of Same films By Czechoslovakian Embassy. Note on the Contents of a diplomatic mail bag. Assistant Attaches of the US Embassy-Difficulty experienced by them at the hands of the Progs., Nos. 15(9)-PTII, 113 PROTOCOL - II 1952 customs authorities-Issue orders 1952 by the Finance Ministry to treat them as diplomats. Decision that diplomatic officers stationed at places away from the Hqrs. Should not be recognised as Progs., Nos. 33(13)-PTII, 114 such exception being under in the PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Case of Commercial officers such as Commercial Counsellors, Commercial Secretaries etc. Reservation of land in the Progs., Nos. 27-PTII, 115 Diplomatic Enclave for Diplomatic PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Missions. Decision that goods exported by diplomatic Missions other than diplomatic mail bag even if they are for official use are subject to the normal Export Control & Progs., Nos. 13(2)-PTII, 116 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Exchange Control. Regulations- 1952 Case of export of Same films By Czechoslovakian Embassy. Note on the Contents of a diplomatic mail bag. Customs and other facilities for Progs., Nos. 15(6)-PTII, 117 the personnel of TCA. Registration PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 of American Embassy Cars being

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


used by TCA personnel outside Delhi. Exemption from payment of Land rent property general tax & urban Progs., Nos. 15-PTII, 118 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Land Rent in respect of properties 1952 acquired by our Pakistan. Question of the Customs exemptions admissible to the U.K. Canadian and Australian non- Progs., Nos. 15(135)- 119 diplomatic staff to the Penal of PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 Ministry of Finance (RD)Notification No. 67 of 22.7.50. Refusal to accept informal accredition of foreign Consular Officers in India to the States of Progs., Nos. 28-PTII, 120 Hyderabad, Junagadh & Kashmir. PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Demarcation of areas of Jurisdiction of American Consular officers in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question whether the UNCIP operating Dakota in India would be exempt from the payment of landing and Housing Fees- Progs., Nos. 16(19)-PTII, 121 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Decision that these fees are 1952 Charges for the Specific services rendered U.N. Cannot Claim exemption. Amendment of the Indian Income tax Act 1922 in as far as it relates Progs., Nos. 15(120)- 122 to exemption granted to foreign PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 and Commonwealth Diplomatic and other representative. H.C. for their residences in their individual Capacity-Exemption Progs., Nos. 15(38)-PTII, 123 PROTOCOL - II 1952 from Stamp duty-Basis of 1952(B) reciprocity. Question of exemption of Progs., Nos. 15(110)- 124 Diplomatic officers from the PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 Payment of fees Charged for the

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


grant of International Motor Driving Permits and International Automobile Certificate. Request by the Egyptian Embassy for exemption of Egyptian non- diplomatic staff from the Progs., Nos. 15(54)-PTII, 125 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Registration of foreigners set in 1952 the Same way as American Special passport holders. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exemption from Municipal taxes Progs., Nos. 15(33)-PTII, 141 to Members of Foreign & PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Commonwealth Missions in India. Accommodation for the Pakistan Progs., Nos. 23(8)-PTII, 142 PROTOCOL - II 1952 High Commissioner & their Staff. 1952 Special Agreement concerning technical Assistance between The United Nations and The Govt. of India-Appointment of Dr. Stenig as of the Progs., Nos. 16(17)-PTII, 143 PROTOCOL - II 1952 UNTAB in India. Question of 1952 status and privileges of the Resident Representative & his officials. Permission to Dr. Stenig to import a car free of Duty. Municipal Taxes in Delhi- Progs., Nos. 15(141)- 144 Exemption to Diplomatic Missions PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 in India. Exemption granted to Diplomatic & Consular officers under in Progs., Nos. 15(119)- 145 Bombay and Madras prohibition PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 Acts,-Exemption from State Excise Duty. Exemption granted to Diplomatic & Consular officers under in Progs., Nos. 15(119)- 146 Bombay and Madras prohibition PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 Acts,-Exemption from State Excise Duty. Decisions that Consulate General at Calcutta, Bombay & Madras to Progs., Nos. 11(19)-PTII, 147 PROTOCOL - II 1952 allowed to book telegrams 1952 without prepayment deposit or

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Banker`s guarantee. Issue of a circular to Consular offices incharge of de carriere consular officers regarding exemptions from the payment of Progs., Nos. 11-PTII, 148 PROTOCOL - II 1952 license fee in respect of wireless 1952 of licence fee in respect of wireless receiving sets owned by them. Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939-Exemption of Hony. Consuls Progs., Nos. 15(102)- 149 therefrom-Question raised by Mr. PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 Christenson, Hony. Consul for Denmark at Madras. Question of applying regulations re: sale of cars by diplomats on a Progs., Nos. 15(53)-PTII, 150 PROTOCOL - II 1952 reciprocal basis to U.K.diplomats 1952 in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exemption of Norwegian Progs., Nos. 15(117)- 151 Commercial Counsellor stationed PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 at Bombay from Town duty tax. W.H.O./U.N.O. officials in India entitled to the privileges & Progs., Nos. 16(18)-PTII, 152 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Immunities of Specialised 1952 Agencies. Customs and other facilities for the personnel of TCA. Registration Progs., Nos. 15(6)-PTII, 153 of American Embassy Cars being PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 used by TCA personnel outside Delhi. Immunities & privileges of the Progs., Nos. 16(2)-PTII, 154 U.N.officials serving in their own PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Countries. Instructions that the State of China should be referred as `People`s Republic of China and Progs., Nos. 33(36)-PTII, 155 Not as Republic of China. PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Question of the mode of addressing Missions of Monarchical Countries.

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Issue of a circular to the Diplomatic Missions in Delhi Progs., Nos. 13-PTII, 156 regarding the rules relating to the PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Compulsory registration of Motor vehicles. Reservation for land in the Progs., Nos. 27-PTII, 157 Diplomatic Enclave for Diplomatic PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952Vol. I. Missions etc.. Privileges and immunities accorded to the Non-Ministerial Progs., Nos. 15(12)-PTII, 158 Staff of diplomatic Missions- PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 enquiry by the Indian Embassy, Teheran. Exemption of Norwegian Progs., Nos. 15(117)- 159 Commercial Counsellor stationed PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 at Bombay from Town duty tax. Decision that diplomatic officers stationed at places away from the Hqrs. Should not be recognised as Progs., Nos. 33(13)-PTII, 160 such exception being under in the PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Case of Commercial officers such as Commercial Counsellors, Commercial Secretaries etc.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Request by the Egyptian Embassy for maximum Customs privileges Progs., Nos. 17(17)-PTII, 161 for Maximum customs privileges PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 for their Consular officers in India. Site for the Methodist Church in Progs., Nos. 33(3)-PTII, 162 PROTOCOL - II 1952 New Delhi. 1952 Deputy H.C. of the U.K. at Bombay Calcutta, & Madras- Exemption from Municipal & State Progs., Nos. 15(89)-PTII, 163 taxes Question of the withdrawal PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 of Such privileges as are not granted to the Consular officers of other Counties. Allotment of houses in the Progs., Nos. 27(2)-PTII, 164 Diplomatic Enclave to the PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Diplomatic Missions for their

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


heads etc. Allotment of No. 1 Alhugnerque Road to the German Ambassador. Reservation of land in the Progs., Nos. 27-PTII, 165 Diplomatic Enclave for Diplomatic PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Missions. Deputy H.C. of the U.K. at Bombay Calcutta, & Madras- Exemption from Municipal & State Progs., Nos. 15(89)-PTII, 166 taxes Question of the withdrawal PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 of Such privileges as are not granted to the Consular officers of other Counties. Assistant Attaches of the US Embassy-Difficulty experienced by them at the hands of the Progs., Nos. 15(9)-PTII, 167 PROTOCOL - II 1952 customs authorities-Issue orders 1952 by the Finance Ministry to treat them as diplomats. Municipal & State taxs in Bombay, Progs., Nos. 17(23)-PTII, 168 Madras & Calcutta. Exemption to PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Consular Officers. Refusal to accept informal accredition of foreign Consular Officers in India to the States of Progs., Nos. 28-PTII, 169 Hyderabad, Junagadh & Kashmir. PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Demarcation of areas of Jurisdiction of American Consular officers in India. Site for the Methodist Church in Progs., Nos. 33(3)-PTII, 170 PROTOCOL - II 1952 New Delhi. 1952

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Municipal Taxes in Delhi- Progs., Nos. 15(141)- 171 Exemption to Diplomatic Missions PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 in India. Request from the Burmese Progs., Nos. 17(10)-PTII, 172 Embassy to grant diplomatic PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 privileges to their Consuls. Issue of a circular to Consular Progs., Nos. 11-PTII, 173 offices incharge of de carriere PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 consular officers regarding

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


exemptions from the payment of license fee in respect of wireless of licence fee in respect of wireless receiving sets owned by them. Customs facilities to Indian diplomtic officers returning to Progs., Nos. 15(5)-PTII, 174 India on termination of their PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 assignments in Indian Missions abroad. Reservation for land in the Progs., Nos. 27-PTII, 175 Diplomatic Enclave for Diplomatic PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952Vol. I. Missions etc.. Proposal from the Ministry of Finance R.D. that the privilege of Progs., Nos. 15(71)-PTII, 176 PROTOCOL - II 1952 duty - free import of motor cars 1952 to one car for each diplomatic. H.C. for their residences in their individual Capacity-Exemption Progs., Nos. 15(38)-PTII, 177 PROTOCOL - II 1952 from Stamp duty-Basis of 1952(B) reciprocity. General Questions of Exemption of Diplomatic Missions and Progs., Nos. 15(31)-PTII, 178 PROTOCOL - II 1952 diplomatic officers from Motor 1952 taxes and fees in Delhi. Question of reassessment of house tax on bungalow No. 7 Progs., Nos. 26(12)-PTII, 179 Prithviraj Road a requisitioned PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 building allotted to the legation of Switzerland. Plot of land in the Diplomatic Enclave for the Japanese Govt. Progs., Nos. 27(7)-PTII, 180 Overseas Agency - Exemption PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 from Payment of registration fees and stamp duty thereon.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question of reassessment of house tax on bungalow No. 7 Progs., Nos. 26(12)-PTII, 181 Prithviraj Road a requisitioned PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 building allotted to the legation of Switzerland.

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Enquiry made by the D.G., P.& T. regarding payment of initial deposits by Diplomatic missions & Progs., Nos. 11(4)-PTII, 182 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Consular posts in respect of 1952 casual telephones & those paid for on a monthly basis. Special Agreement concerning technical Assistance between The United Nations and The Govt. of India-Appointment of Dr. Stenig as Resident Representative of the Progs., Nos. 16(17)-PTII, 183 PROTOCOL - II 1952 UNTAB in India. Question of 1952 status and privileges of the Resident Representative & his officials. Permission to Dr. Stenig to import a car free of Duty. Privileges and immunities accorded to the Non-Ministerial Progs., Nos. 15(12)-PTII, 184 Staff of diplomatic Missions- PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 enquiry by the Indian Embassy, Teheran. Question whether the diplomatic personnel in India are exempted Progs., Nos. 15(126)- 185 from payment of entrance fees PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 for visiting museums and places of Archaeological interest. Accommodation for the Pakistan Progs., Nos. 23(8)-PTII, 186 PROTOCOL - II 1952 High Commissioner & their Staff. 1952 Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939-Exemption of Hony. Consuls Progs., Nos. 15(102)- 187 therefrom-Question raised by Mr. PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 Christenson, Hony. Consul for Denmark at Madras. Request from the Swiss legation to exemption from registration Progs., Nos. 15(29)-PTII, 188 PROTOCOL - II 1952 fee for the first telegraphic 1952 address on a basis of reciprocity. Immunities & privileges of the Progs., Nos. 16(2)-PTII, 189 U.N.officials serving in their own PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Countries. Negotiations with the American Progs., Nos. 27(8)-PTII, 190 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Embassy in acquisitioning of land 1952

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in the Diplomatic Enclave.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Decision that the wife of a may enjoy the same Progs., Nos. 15(11)-PTII, 191 privileges honours precedence PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 and title as the diplomats on a basis of reciprocity. Request by the Egyptian Embassy for exemption of Egyptian non- diplomatic staff from the Progs., Nos. 15(54)-PTII, 192 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Registration of foreigners set in 1952 the Same way as American Special passport holders. Allotment of houses in the Diplomatic Enclave to the Diplomatic Missions for their Progs., Nos. 27(2)-PTII, 193 PROTOCOL - II 1952 heads etc. Allotment of No. 1 1952 Alhugnerque Road to the German Ambassador. Lease of the Taj Building, by the Progs., Nos. 21(8)-PTII, 194 U.S.A. embassy-Change in the PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 text desined by the Embassy. Decision that the wife of a diplomat may enjoy the same Progs., Nos. 15(11)-PTII, 195 privileges honours precedence PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 and title as the diplomats on a basis of reciprocity. Instructions that the State of China should be referred as `People`s Republic of China and Progs., Nos. 33(36)-PTII, 196 Not as Republic of China. PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Question of the mode of addressing Missions of Monarchical Countries. Enquiry made by the D.G., P.& T. regarding payment of initial deposits by Diplomatic missions & Progs., Nos. 11(4)-PTII, 197 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Consular posts in respect of 1952 casual telephones & those paid for on a monthly basis. 198 Question of de-requisitioning No. Progs., Nos. 21(3)-PTII, PROTOCOL - II 1952

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5 Barakhamba Road purchased by 1952 the Iranian Emabssy-Liability of the Iranian Embassy to pay the revised compensation and litigation charges in respect of the house. Residential and office accommodation to Technical Progs., Nos. 25-PTII, 199 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Cooperation Administration and 1952 their staff. Lease of the Taj Building, by the Progs., Nos. 21(8)-PTII, 200 U.S.A. embassy-Change in the PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 text desined by the Embassy.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year W.H.O./U.N.O. officials in India entitled to the privileges & Progs., Nos. 16(18)-PTII, 201 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Immunities of Specialised 1952 Agencies. Municipal & State taxs in Bombay, Progs., Nos. 17(23)-PTII, 202 Madras & Calcutta. Exemption to PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Consular Officers. Request from the Burmese Progs., Nos. 17(10)-PTII, 203 Embassy to grant diplomatic PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 privileges to their Consuls. Privileges for Indian Commissioners in British Colonies Progs., Nos. 17-PTII, 204 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Note on Consular immunities in 1952 the UK> Issue of a circular to the Diplomatic Missions in Delhi Progs., Nos. 13-PTII, 205 regarding the rules relating to the PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Compulsory registration of Motor vehicles. Proposal from the Ministry of Finance R.D. that the privilege of Progs., Nos. 15(71)-PTII, 206 PROTOCOL - II 1952 duty - free import of motor cars 1952 to one car for each diplomatic. U.K.High Commission- Conveyance of properties Progs., Nos. 15(38)-PTII, 207 PROTOCOL - II 1952 pruchased or leased in and 1952(A) outside Delhi for office use and

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for use as residences for their diplomatic officers - Exemption from stamp duty on the basis of reciprocity. Properties leased by diplomatic officers of the...... Negotiations with the American Progs., Nos. 27(8)-PTII, 208 Embassy in acquisitioning of land PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 in the Diplomatic Enclave. Customs facilities to Indian diplomtic officers returning to Progs., Nos. 15(5)-PTII, 209 India on termination of their PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 assignments in Indian Missions abroad. Request for permission from Mr. Mahesh N.Majumdar, advocate on behalf of the Mr. Kalabhai Karson & Govindji Kalabhai of Bombay to sue the U.K. Ministry of Works for Progs., Nos. 15(118)- 210 PROTOCOL - II 1952 the recovery of a sum of Rs. PTII, 1952 718/1/6 under sec. 86 of the Civil Procedure Code. Decision that Sec. 86 of the C.P.C. is not applicable to this case.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Request for permission from Mr. Mahesh N.Majumdar, advocate on behalf of the Mr. Kalabhai Karson & Govindji Kalabhai of Bombay to sue the U.K. Ministry of Works for Progs., Nos. 15(118)- 211 PROTOCOL - II 1952 the recovery of a sum of Rs. PTII, 1952 718/1/6 under sec. 86 of the Civil Procedure Code. Decision that Sec. 86 of the C.P.C. is not applicable to this case. Question of exemption of Diplomatic officers from the Payment of fees Charged for the Progs., Nos. 15(110)- 212 PROTOCOL - II 1952 grant of International Motor PTII, 1952 Driving Permits and International Automobile Certificate. 213 Residential and office Progs., Nos. 25-PTII, PROTOCOL - II 1952

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accommodation to Technical 1952 Cooperation Administration and their staff. Question whether the UNCIP operating Dakota in India would be exempt from the payment of landing and Housing Fees- Progs., Nos. 16(19)-PTII, 214 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Decision that these fees are 1952 Charges for the Specific services rendered U.N. Cannot Claim exemption. Question of de-requisitioning No. 5 Barakhamba Road purchased by the Iranian Emabssy-Liability of Progs., Nos. 21(3)-PTII, 215 the Iranian Embassy to pay the PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 revised compensation and litigation charges in respect of the house. Request by the Egyptian Embassy for maximum Customs privileges Progs., Nos. 17(17)-PTII, 216 for Maximum customs privileges PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 for their Consular officers in India. Privileges for Indian Commissioners in British Colonies Progs., Nos. 17-PTII, 217 PROTOCOL - II 1952 Note on Consular immunities in 1952 the UK> Question whether the diplomatic personnel in India are exempted Progs., Nos. 15(126)- 218 from payment of entrance fees PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 for visiting museums and places of Archaeological interest. Decisions that Consulate General at Calcutta, Bombay & Madras to Progs., Nos. 11(19)-PTII, 219 allowed to book telegrams PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 without prepayment deposit or Banker`s guarantee. Question of applying regulations re: sale of cars by diplomats on a Progs., Nos. 15(53)-PTII, 220 PROTOCOL - II 1952 reciprocal basis to U.K.diplomats 1952 in India.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exemption from Municipal taxes Progs., Nos. 15(33)-PTII, 221 to Members of Foreign & PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Commonwealth Missions in India. Customs facilities to Maj Gen. Sahib Singh Sokhey Asstt., Director General of W.H.O.on return to India after termination Progs., Nos. 16(12)-PTII, 222 of his appointment. Privileges and PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 exemptions of ex-officials of the Untied Nations and its specialised agencies returning home on termination of their services. General Questions of extending the privilege of duty free importation of articles throughout Progs., Nos. 17(24)-PTII, 223 the tenure of their appointments PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 to Consular Officers of certain Countries (France, Belguam, Italy, Iran, Indonesia, Egypt.....) Request from the Swiss legation to exemption from registration Progs., Nos. 15(29)-PTII, 224 PROTOCOL - II 1952 fee for the first telegraphic 1952 address on a basis of reciprocity. Customs facilities to Maj Gen. Sahib Singh Sokhey Asstt., Director General of W.H.O.on return to India after termination Progs., Nos. 16(12)-PTII, 225 of his appointment. Privileges and PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 exemptions of ex-officials of the Untied Nations and its specialised agencies returning home on termination of their services. Question of the Customs exemptions admissible to the U.K. Canadian and Australian non- Progs., Nos. 15(135)- 226 diplomatic staff to the Penal of PROTOCOL - II 1952 PTII, 1952 Ministry of Finance (RD)Notification No. 67 of 22.7.50. Plot of land in the Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 27(7)-PTII, 227 Enclave for the Japanese Govt. PROTOCOL - II 1952 1952 Overseas Agency - Exemption

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from Payment of registration fees and stamp duty thereon.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal of the Turkish Embassy Progs., Nos. 27(30)-PTII, 93 for acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Proposal of the Canadian High Progs., Nos. 27(33)-PTII, 94 Commission to acquire a plot of PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 lend in the Diplomatic Enclave. Apostolic Internunciatures` Progs., Nos. 27(8)-PTII, 95 proposal for acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave. Programme of construction in the Diplomatic Enclave, dates of Commencement of coustruction Progs., Nos. 27(31)-PTII, 96 PROTOCOL - II 1953 and plans for electrical istallation 1953 & other services Enquiries relating to. - A note on the progress of disposal of land in the Diplomatic Enclave Progs., Nos. 27(9)-PTII, 97 PROTOCOL - II 1953 for Circulation to Cabinet and 1953 other Ministers. Information regarding requisitioning Laws, Rent Control Progs., Nos. 21(9)-PTII, 98 Regulations and Certain other PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 matters furnished to all the Diplomatic Missions in Oudh. The Pakistan High Commission`s Progs., Nos. 27(21)-PTII, 99 proposal for acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave. Awedish Legation`s Proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(23)-PTII, 100 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Speedy clearance of diplomatic Progs., Nos. 14-PTII, 101 mail bags consigned to Diplomatic PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Missions in India. Request from U. N. and its Progs., Nos. 16(8)-PTII, 102 PROTOCOL - II 1953 specialised Agencies for 1953

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Exemption from the payment of Sale taxes in Delhi, Bombay, Madras and West Bengal. Japanese Embassy`s proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(19)-PTII, 103 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Italian Embassy proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(26)-PTII, 104 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. The Pakistan High Commission`s Progs., Nos. 27(21)-PTII, 105 proposal for acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave. Exemption to the Foreign & Commonwealth Missions and their Progs., Nos. 15(62)-PTII, 106 Diplomatic Officers in India from PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Provisions of Antiquities (Export Control) Act, 1947. Allotment of land in the Progs., Nos. 27(29)-PTII, 126 Diplomatic Enclave to Business PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 concerns. Finnish Legation`s proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(16)-PTII, 127 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Regarding the proposal of the Progs., Nos. 27(2)-PTII, 128 Yugolav Embassy to acquire land PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 in the Diplomatic Enclave. Request for refund of Stamp duty and Registration fee on lease Progs., Nos. 15(163)- 129 PROTOCOL - II 1953 deed relating to 2, Bhagwan Das PTII, 1953 Road, from the Chiese Embassy. Request from the American Embassy to amend Article 10 of Progs., Nos. 21(19)-PTII, 130 the lease deeds in respect of PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 various buildings allotted to the Embassy.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Regarding the proposal of the Progs., Nos. 27(2)-PTII, 131 Yugolav Embassy to acquire land PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 in the Diplomatic Enclave. Indonesian Embassy`s Proposal Progs., Nos. 27(18)-PTII, 132 PROTOCOL - II 1953 for acquisition of land in the 1953

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Diplomatic Enclave for Construction of their buildings. Ceylonese High Commission`s Progs., Nos. 27(15)-PTII, 133 proposal for acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Vol. II the Deplomatic Enclave. Portuguese Legatives Proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(22)-PTII, 134 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Exemption from the payment of the Delhi Sales-tax to Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 15(57)-PTII, 135 PROTOCOL - II 1953 Missions and their diplomatic 1953 officers. 1. Question whether it is obligatory on Diplomatic Missions. consular posts and other official Progs., Nos. 15(63)-PTII, 136 Agencies of Foreign Govt.`s PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 (A) under the Income-Tax Returns in respect of the Staff employed by them. Thar Embassy`s proposal far Progs., Nos. 27(15)-PTII, 137 acquisition of lord in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Request from the U. S. Embassy for exemption from the payment of Cash Security deposits for electic meters and water charges demanded by the New Delhi Progs., Nos. 15(50)-PTII, 138 PROTOCOL - II 1953 Municipal Committee. Decided 1953 that the deposits may be waived provided the reguests are officially sponsored by the diplomatic missions concerned. German Embassy`s Proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(4)-PTII, 139 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Request for refund of Stamp duty and Registration fee on lease Progs., Nos. 15(163)- 140 PROTOCOL - II 1953 deed relating to 2, Bhagwan Das PTII, 1953 Road, from the Chiese Embassy.

Recovery of Departmental charges Progs., Nos. 21(20)-PTII, 228 PROTOCOL - II 1953 etc. due from the U. K. High 1953

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Commission in respect of 2, King George`s Avenue, New Delhi. Thar Embassy`s proposal far Progs., Nos. 27(15)-PTII, 229 acquisition of lord in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Exemption from Municipal Taxes to Members of Foreign and Progs., Nos. 15(96)-PTII, 230 PROTOCOL - II 1953 Commonwealth Missions in India 1953 (Jammu and Kashmir State). S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Re-naming of the Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 27(37)-PTII, 231 PROTOCOL - II 1953 Enclave as ``Chanakya Puri``. 1953 Request from the American Embassy to amend Article 10 of Progs., Nos. 21(19)-PTII, 232 the lease deeds in respect of PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 various buildings allotted to the Embassy. Indian Income Tax Act. 1922 - Provisions of Section 46- A of the Act - Request from the American Embassy to exempt their T.C.A. Progs., Nos. 15(192)- 233 PROTOCOL - II 1953 Personnel from the provisions of PTII, 1953 Section 46-A.- Question of issuing and Exemption Notification in their favour. A note on the progress of disposal of land in the Diplomatic Enclave Progs., Nos. 27(9)-PTII, 234 PROTOCOL - II 1953 for Circulation to Cabinet and 1953 other Ministers. Australian High Commission`s Progs., Nos. 27(12)-PTII, 235 Proposal for acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave. Syrain Legation`s proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(25)-PTII, 236 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Exemption from the payment of the Delhi Sales-tax to Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 15(57)-PTII, 237 PROTOCOL - II 1953 Missions and their diplomatic 1953 officers. Purchase of Property by the Progs., Nos. 27(67)-PTII, 238 Foreign Consular Officers without PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 reference to State Government

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Enquiry from the Bombay Govt. relating to.- Burmese Embassy`s Proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(13)-PTII, 239 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Exemption from Municipal Taxes to Members of Foreign and Progs., Nos. 15(96)-PTII, 240 PROTOCOL - II 1953 Commonwealth Missions in India 1953 (Jammu and Kashmir State).

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Awedish Legation`s Proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(23)-PTII, 241 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Requets from the Indonesian Embassy for exemption from Stamp Duty and Registration fee Progs., Nos. 15(184)- 242 PROTOCOL - II 1953 on premises leased by the PTII, 1953 Embassy and its Diplomatic officers for residential purposes. Argentine Embassy`s proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(11)-PTII, 243 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Request from Deplometic and Consuler officers for exemption Progs., Nos. 15(42)-PTII, 244 from payment of State and PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Muncipal taxes in Bombay, Madress & Calcutta. Allotment of land in the Progs., Nos. 27(29)-PTII, 245 Diplomatic Enclave to Business PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 concerns. Request from U. N. and its specialised Agencies for Progs., Nos. 16(8)-PTII, 246 Exemption from the payment of PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Sale taxes in Delhi, Bombay, Madras and West Bengal. Request from the U. S. Embassy for the duty free import of building materials for the Progs., Nos. 27(39)-PTII, 247 PROTOCOL - II 1953 construction of their buildings in 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave (Chanakya Puri).

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Requets from the Indonesian Embassy for exemption from Stamp Duty and Registration fee Progs., Nos. 15(184)- 248 PROTOCOL - II 1953 on premises leased by the PTII, 1953 Embassy and its Diplomatic officers for residential purposes. Syrain Legation`s proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(25)-PTII, 249 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Proposal to extend the Existing runaway of the Safdarjung Progs., Nos. 27(36)-PTII, 250 Aerodrome towards the western PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Side aboutting the Diplomatic Enclave. - Dropped.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Belgian Embassy`s proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(10)-PTII, 251 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Australian High Commission`s Progs., Nos. 27(12)-PTII, 252 Proposal for acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave. Proposal of the Turkish Embassy Progs., Nos. 27(30)-PTII, 253 for acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Exemption to the Foreign & Commonwealth Missions and their Progs., Nos. 15(62)-PTII, 254 Diplomatic Officers in India from PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Provisions of Antiquities (Export Control) Act, 1947. Recovery of Departmental charges etc. due from the U. K. Progs., Nos. 21(20)-PTII, 255 High Commission in respect of 2, PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 King George`s Avenue, New Delhi. The Philippines legation`s Progs., Nos. 27(28)-PTII, 256 Proposal for Acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave. Request from the German Embassy for the grant of the Progs., Nos. 17(25)-PTII, 257 PROTOCOL - II 1953 custom privilege of duty-free 1953 imports throughout the tenure of

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appointment to the German Consular Officers in India. Ceylonese High Commission`s Progs., Nos. 27(15)-PTII, 258 proposal for acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Vol. II the Deplomatic Enclave. The U. K. High Commission`s Progs., Nos. 27(24)-PTII, 259 Proposal for acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave. German Embassy`s Proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(4)-PTII, 260 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal to extend the Existing runaway of the Safdarjung Progs., Nos. 27(36)-PTII, 261 Aerodrome towards the western PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Side aboutting the Diplomatic Enclave. - Dropped. 2. Question whether foreign Governments employees other than the Staff of Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 15(63)-PTII, 262 PROTOCOL - II 1953 Missions and Consular Posts, are 1953 (B) exempt from the payment of Income Tax. Speedy clearance of diplomatic Progs., Nos. 14-PTII, 263 mail bags consigned to Diplomatic PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Missions in India. The U. K. High Commission`s Progs., Nos. 27(24)-PTII, 264 Proposal for acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave. Belgian Embassy`s proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(10)-PTII, 265 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Decision that bonds for the clearance of restricted goods imported by Non- Privileged personnel of diplomatic missions Progs., Nos. 15(56)-PTII, 266 need not be executed on stamped PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 paper, but an official undertaking from the diplomatic missions re: non-sale and eventual re-export of the goods will suffice. Enquiry

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from the U. S. Embassy confirmed. Formalities for submitting plans for the construction of buildings in Progs., Nos. 27(1)-PTII, 267 PROTOCOL - II 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave by the 1953 Diplomatic Missions. Apostolic Internunciatures` Progs., Nos. 27(8)-PTII, 268 proposal for acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave. Amendment of Motor Vehicles Act to provide for Registration Progs., Nos. 15(78)-PTII, 269 number of cars of Diplomatic PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Missions and Consular Posts and their officers. Decision that bonds for the clearance of restricted goods imported by Non- Privileged personnel of diplomatic missions need not be executed on stamped Progs., Nos. 15(56)-PTII, 270 paper, but an official undertaking PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 from the diplomatic missions re: non-sale and eventual re-export of the goods will suffice. Enquiry from the U. S. Embassy confirmed.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Amendment of Motor Vehicles Act to provide for Registration Progs., Nos. 15(78)-PTII, 271 number of cars of Diplomatic PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Missions and Consular Posts and their officers. Request from the German Embassy for the grant of the custom privilege of duty-free Progs., Nos. 17(25)-PTII, 272 PROTOCOL - II 1953 imports throughout the tenure of 1953 appointment to the German Consular Officers in India. Burmese Embassy`s Proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(13)-PTII, 273 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. 274 2. Question whether foreign Progs., Nos. 15(63)-PTII, PROTOCOL - II 1953

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Governments employees other 1953 (B) than the Staff of Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts, are exempt from the payment of Income Tax. Question of the States of the U.K. Deputy High Commissioner in Progs., Nos. 15(48)-PTII, 275 India. Privilege of their officers PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Stationed in Bombay, Calcutta & Madras. Question of the States of the U.K. Deputy High Commissioner in Progs., Nos. 15(48)-PTII, 276 India. Privilege of their officers PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Stationed in Bombay, Calcutta & Madras. Purchase of Property by the Foreign Consular Officers without Progs., Nos. 27(67)-PTII, 277 reference to State Government PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Enquiry from the Bombay Govt. relating to.- Italian Embassy proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(26)-PTII, 278 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Re-naming of the Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 27(37)-PTII, 279 PROTOCOL - II 1953 Enclave as ``Chanakya Puri``. 1953 Indonesian Embassy`s Proposal for acquisition of land in the Progs., Nos. 27(18)-PTII, 280 PROTOCOL - II 1953 Diplomatic Enclave for 1953 Construction of their buildings.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Norwegian Legations` proposed Progs., Nos. 27(6)-PTII, 281 to acquire a plot of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Information regarding requisitioning Laws, Rent Control Progs., Nos. 21(9)-PTII, 282 Regulations and Certain other PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 matters furnished to all the Diplomatic Missions in Oudh. Indian Income Tax Act. 1922 - Progs., Nos. 15(192)- 283 Provisions of Section 46- A of the PROTOCOL - II 1953 PTII, 1953 Act - Request from the American

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Embassy to exempt their T.C.A. Personnel from the provisions of Section 46-A.- Question of issuing and Exemption Notification in their favour. Request from the U. S. Embassy for the duty free import of building materials for the Progs., Nos. 27(39)-PTII, 284 PROTOCOL - II 1953 construction of their buildings in 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave (Chanakya Puri). Request from the U. S. Embassy for exemption from the payment of Cash Security deposits for electic meters and water charges demanded by the New Delhi Progs., Nos. 15(50)-PTII, 285 PROTOCOL - II 1953 Municipal Committee. Decided 1953 that the deposits may be waived provided the reguests are officially sponsored by the diplomatic missions concerned. Portuguese Legatives Proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(22)-PTII, 286 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Formalities for submitting plans for the construction of buildings in Progs., Nos. 27(1)-PTII, 287 PROTOCOL - II 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave by the 1953 Diplomatic Missions. Proposal of the Canadian High Progs., Nos. 27(33)-PTII, 288 Commission to acquire a plot of PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 lend in the Diplomatic Enclave. Request from Deplometic and Consuler officers for exemption Progs., Nos. 15(42)-PTII, 289 from payment of State and PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Muncipal taxes in Bombay, Madress & Calcutta. 1. Question whether it is obligatory on Diplomatic Missions. consular posts and other official Progs., Nos. 15(63)-PTII, 290 Agencies of Foreign Govt.`s PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 (A) under the Income-Tax Returns in respect of the Staff employed by them.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Finnish Legation`s proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(16)-PTII, 291 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Argentine Embassy`s proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(11)-PTII, 292 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Norwegian Legations` proposed Progs., Nos. 27(6)-PTII, 293 to acquire a plot of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. The Philippines legation`s Progs., Nos. 27(28)-PTII, 294 Proposal for Acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 the Diplomatic Enclave. Japanese Embassy`s proposal for Progs., Nos. 27(19)-PTII, 295 acquisition of land in the PROTOCOL - II 1953 1953 Diplomatic Enclave. Programme of construction in the Diplomatic Enclave, dates of Commencement of coustruction Progs., Nos. 27(31)-PTII, 296 PROTOCOL - II 1953 and plans for electrical istallation 1953 & other services Enquiries relating to. -

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Customs and other facilities to the Aus. High Commission and its Personnel. General question of the facilities to the Wives and other members of the families Progs., Nos. 15(111)- 297 PROTOCOL - II 1954 and staff of the Trade PTII, 1954 Commission, etc General Question of the duty free import of samples by the Trade Commissioner, etc for official sue. Privileges admissible to the Trade Progs., Nos. 15(8)-PTII, 298 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Aus of Ceylon and canada. 1954 Unicef stores and supplied imported for the furtherance of Progs., Nos. 16(28)-PTII, 299 Projects and programmes PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 sponsered by the U.N. or Specialised Agencies Question of

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levy of custosm duty on Interpretation of the terms official use appearing in section 7 (b) of the Schedule to the U.N. Act, 1947. Collection of the Consular Progs., Nos. 17(13)-PTII, 300 Convention etc Concluded PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 between the Various Cou ntries.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Customs and other facilities to the Aus. High Commission and its Personnel. General question of the facilities to the Wives and other members of the families Progs., Nos. 15(111)- 301 PROTOCOL - II 1954 and staff of the Trade PTII, 1954 Commission, etc General Question of the duty free import of samples by the Trade Commissioner, etc for official sue. Recepiocity in terms of Notification no. 43, 8/48 and 67 Progs., Nos. 15(56)-PTII, 302 PROTOCOL - II 1954 at 22/7/50 regarding privilege of 1954 deplomatic non staff. Exemption to diplomatic and Consular officers from the Progs., Nos. 15(132)- 303 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Payment of state and Municipal PTII, 1954 Texes. Request from the U.K. High Commission in India for the grant of refund of duty on petrol Progs., Nos. 15(190)- 304 PROTOCOL - II 1954 purchased by their deputy High PTII, 1954 Commission, at Bombay Calcutta and Madras. Orignial letter of and recall of the Progs., Nos. 17211-PTII, 305 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Foreign Envoys acredited to India. 1954 In ordinate delay in the disposal of reference to the Ministry of Finance Regarding grant of Progs., Nos. 15(103)- 306 PROTOCOL - II 1954 customs exemption to diplomatic PTII, 1954 mission and their officer inter- departmental meeting

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expenditure dispoal of such cases. Indian Income Tax Act, 1922 Section 46-A of the Act Revised Progs., Nos. 15(169)- 307 list of persons who have PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 specifically been exempted from the Provision of section 46-A. Official material including fimls of the U.n. Information Centre, N. Delhi Intended for professor N.R Deshpanda, Organiser of the Progs., Nos. 16(8)-PTII, 308 PROTOCOL - II 1954 volunteers Edu. Centre of the 1954 U.N. Poona exemption from oct. duty .2. Circular letter to the Chief Secy. to Govt. A.B.C states. High Commission Ceylon in India, Division to grant exemption from stamp duty and registration for Progs., Nos. 15(205)- 309 the diplomatic officers PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 covenyances of properties leased by them for their residence in hte Individual. Consideration of the question whether its is necessary issue a General order specifying the Progs., Nos. 15(118)- 310 PROTOCOL - II 1954 retinue of a diplomatic suppy PTII, 1954 envoy under section 86(4) of the Civil Procedure code.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exemption from the payment of Progs., Nos. 15(35)-PTII, 311 PROTOCOL - II 1954 the Delhi sales tax. 1954 Question whther honorary consular officers should be only national of the sending state or of the Receiving state. Decision that Progs., Nos. 29(3)-PTII, 312 the Practice hitherto followed by PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 the Ministry in connection with the Appointment of Honorary consular officer in Inda should continue. Question wether there could be Progs., Nos. 15(89)-PTII, 313 PROTOCOL - II 1954 any obejction to the duty free 1954

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purchase of cases by Consul officer from other privileged person and whether such pruchase to purchase from and. Question of exemption of from the Payment of shooting lincens to the staff of the diplomtic Progs., Nos. 15(178)- 314 PROTOCOL - II 1954 missions in India Amendmnet of PTII, 1954 rules in the subject by the Punjab Govt. High Commission Ceylon in India, Division to grant exemption from stamp duty and registration for Progs., Nos. 15(205)- 315 the diplomatic officers PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 covenyances of properties leased by them for their residence in hte Individual. Pak Govt. visa officer at Bombay and Shilling India, Govt. Visa Officer of Hyd. Rajshation Progs., Nos. 15(112)- 316 Question of the Status and PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 Privileges etf fo the respective Assistant High Commissioner, and their Staff. Section the schedule to the U.N. Act, 1947 and section 22 of the agreement between the Govt. of India, and the W.H.O Seope of Progs., Nos. 16(24)-PTII, 317 PROTOCOL - II 1954 the terms effect oppeinging in 1954 Inclusion of arms and ammunition individul case of Dr. Edwin Cameron of the W.H.O. In ordinate delay in the disposal of reference to the Ministry of Finance Regarding grant of Progs., Nos. 15(103)- 318 customs exemption to diplomatic PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 mission and their officer inter- departmental meeting expenditure dispoal of such cases. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Indian Income Tax Act, 1922 Progs., Nos. 15(169)- 323 Section 46-A of the Act Revised PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 list of persons who have

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specifically been exempted from the Provision of section 46-A. Collection of the Consular Progs., Nos. 17(13)-PTII, 324 Convention etc Concluded PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 between the Various Cou ntries. Request by the Governor Embassy for detailed information on privileges and immunities admissible to diplomatic officer, Progs., Nos. 15(77)-PTII, 325 PROTOCOL - II 1954 officers and staff of diplomatic 1954 mission, and Consul posts. Question whether diplomatic are exempt from estate duty Reciprocal arrangements for the grant of exemption from Stamp duty, and Registration fee to the Progs., Nos. 15(155)- 326 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Ceylon High Commission in India PTII, 1954 and the Indian High Commission in Ceylon. Question of Grant of Immunity to Personnel and personnel of the Progs., Nos. 15(168)- 327 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Norwegian for Assistant to under- PTII, 1954 developed countries. Question of the fixation of Progs., Nos. 15(79)-PTII, 328 uniforms fiscal privilage for which PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 trade commission, in India. Unicef stores and supplied imported for the furtherance of Projects and programmes sponsered by the U.N. or Specialised Agencies Question of Progs., Nos. 16(28)-PTII, 329 PROTOCOL - II 1954 levy of custosm duty on 1954 Interpretation of the terms official use appearing in section 7 (b) of the Schedule to the U.N. Act, 1947. Question whether honorary consular officer are exempt from Progs., Nos. 15(148)- 330 Indian Income-tax. 2. Revision of PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 the Provisions of the Indian Income Tax.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year U.N. Information centre request for free of fee licence for the Radio by the Organisation 2. Decision that as courtsey U.N. Progs., Nos. 16(18)-PTII, 331 Organisations, and Specialised a PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 Agencies may be exempted from the payment of licence fees in Respect of official radios owned by them. Exemption of Privilege of duty from import throught the tennour Progs., Nos. 15(130)- 332 of of appointment to the Consular PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 officer of Netherland on basis of Treaty oblegation. Privileges and Exemptions, being enjoyed by the Indian Progs., Nos. 17(8)-PTII, 333 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Commissioner, in the British 1954 Colonies. Examption granted to deplomatic Consular and other member of Progs., Nos. 15(91)-PTII, 334 PROTOCOL - II 1954 the staff under the prohibition act 1954 in the Various. Question of exemption of from the Payment of shooting lincens to the staff of the diplomtic Progs., Nos. 15(178)- 335 PROTOCOL - II 1954 missions in India Amendmnet of PTII, 1954 rules in the subject by the Punjab Govt. Belgian embassy request from Mr. Lous de for the refund of customs duty on aviation spirit purchased Progs., Nos. 15(206)- 336 for use in the aircraft Dicision that PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 remission of duty on aviation spirit is not allowed to Diplomatic mission and their Officers. Brazilian Embassy request from the import of a prohibited bara pistol rounds of ammunition by Progs., Nos. 15(202)- 337 Mr. Da Lugo, Second Secy. 2. PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 Deecision that the diplomatic and home based personnel of the Foreign and commonwealth

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Diplomatic Missions, in India, may be allowed to import prohibited bore weapons into India. Question whther honorary consular officers should be only national of the sending state or of the Receiving state. Decision that Progs., Nos. 29(3)-PTII, 338 the Practice hitherto followed by PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 the Ministry in connection with the Appointment of Honorary consular officer in Inda should continue. Exemption from the payment of Progs., Nos. 15(35)-PTII, 339 PROTOCOL - II 1954 the Delhi sales tax. 1954 U.N Agencies in India, Ruling by the Ministry of Law that goods imported into India for subsequent export to U.N. Progs., Nos. 16(29)-PTII, 340 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Agencies in other Countries 1954 should be exempt from customs duty under section of the schedule to the U.N. Act. 47.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Enquiry from the Japanese Embassy regarding the immunities privileges and accorded by the Govt. of India, to Progs., Nos. 15(28)-PTII, 341 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Diplomatic, Mission, their 1954 personnel Consular posts and personnel and the U.N. and Specialised Agency. U.N. Information centre request for free of fee licence for the Radio by the Organisation 2. Decision that as courtsey U.N. Progs., Nos. 16(18)-PTII, 342 Organisations, and Specialised a PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 Agencies may be exempted from the payment of licence fees in Respect of official radios owned by them. 343 Official material including fimls of Progs., Nos. 16(8)-PTII, PROTOCOL - II 1954

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the U.n. Information Centre, N. 1954 Delhi Intended for professor N.R Deshpanda, Organiser of the volunteers Edu. Centre of the U.N. Poona exemption from oct. duty .2. Circular letter to the Chief Secy. to Govt. A.B.C states. Question of the fixation of Progs., Nos. 15(79)-PTII, 344 uniforms fiscal privilage for which PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 trade commission, in India. Pak Govt. visa officer at Bombay and Shilling India, Govt. Visa Officer of Hyd. Rajshation Progs., Nos. 15(112)- 345 Question of the Status and PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 Privileges etf fo the respective Assistant High Commissioner, and their Staff. Consideration of the question whether its is necessary issue a General order specifying the Progs., Nos. 15(118)- 346 PROTOCOL - II 1954 retinue of a diplomatic suppy PTII, 1954 envoy under section 86(4) of the Civil Procedure code. Correspondence regarding establishment of trade agenceies Progs., Nos. 34(4)-PTII, 347 for India, at yatung and Gyantse PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 and Chinese Trade Agencies at Kalimpong (Sikkim.) Correspondence regarding establishment of trade agenceies Progs., Nos. 34(4)-PTII, 348 for India, at yatung and Gyantse PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 and Chinese Trade Agencies at Kalimpong (Sikkim.) Complaint by the Home Minister, Delhi state Court regarding traffic violation by C.D Cars in Delhi Progs., Nos. 20(6)-PTII, 349 Decision that Indian Driver of C.D PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 can not enjoy Circular to all mission regarding the need for observance of traffic regulations. Exemption of Foreign Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 15(74)-PTII, 350 Missions, from Stamp duty and PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 Registration fees on leader

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relating to land in Chanakya Puri and on leases of taken on rent by Chinese.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Orignial letter of and recall of the Progs., Nos. 17211-PTII, 351 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Foreign Envoys acredited to India. 1954 Recepiocity in terms of Notification no. 43, 8/48 and 67 Progs., Nos. 15(56)-PTII, 352 PROTOCOL - II 1954 at 22/7/50 regarding privilege of 1954 deplomatic non staff. Question wether there could be any obejction to the duty free purchase of cases by Consul Progs., Nos. 15(89)-PTII, 353 PROTOCOL - II 1954 officer from other privileged 1954 person and whether such pruchase to purchase from and. Export of goods by Unicef in further of its obejcts question Progs., Nos. 16(19)-PTII, 354 regard exemption from export PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 Duty Decision to allow exemption from Export Duty. Belgian embassy request from Mr. Lous de for the refund of customs duty on aviation spirit purchased Progs., Nos. 15(206)- 355 for use in the aircraft Dicision that PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 remission of duty on aviation spirit is not allowed to Diplomatic mission and their Officers. Exemption to diplomatic and Consular officers from the Progs., Nos. 15(132)- 356 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Payment of state and Municipal PTII, 1954 Texes. Request from the U.K. High Commission in India for the grant of refund of duty on petrol Progs., Nos. 15(190)- 357 PROTOCOL - II 1954 purchased by their deputy High PTII, 1954 Commission, at Bombay Calcutta and Madras. Privileges admissible to the Trade Progs., Nos. 15(8)-PTII, 358 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Aus of Ceylon and canada. 1954 359 Question of Grant of Immunity to Progs., Nos. 15(168)- PROTOCOL - II 1954

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Personnel and personnel of the PTII, 1954 Norwegian for Assistant to under- developed countries. U.N Agencies in India, Ruling by the Ministry of Law that goods imported into India for subsequent export to U.N. Progs., Nos. 16(29)-PTII, 360 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Agencies in other Countries 1954 should be exempt from customs duty under section of the schedule to the U.N. Act. 47.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Reciprocal arrangements for the grant of exemption from Stamp duty, and Registration fee to the Progs., Nos. 15(155)- 361 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Ceylon High Commission in India PTII, 1954 and the Indian High Commission in Ceylon. Exemption of Foreign Diplomatic Missions, from Stamp duty and Registration fees on leader Progs., Nos. 15(74)-PTII, 362 PROTOCOL - II 1954 relating to land in Chanakya Puri 1954 and on leases of taken on rent by Chinese. Brazilian Embassy request from the import of a prohibited bara pistol rounds of ammunition by Mr. Da Lugo, Second Secy. 2. Deecision that the diplomatic and Progs., Nos. 15(202)- 363 PROTOCOL - II 1954 home based personnel of the PTII, 1954 Foreign and commonwealth Diplomatic Missions, in India, may be allowed to import prohibited bore weapons into India. Issue of Cercular to missions, Progs., Nos. 15(117)- 364 regarding Foreign Exchange for PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 import of goods, from abroad. Privileges and Exemptions, being enjoyed by the Indian Progs., Nos. 17(8)-PTII, 365 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Commissioner, in the British 1954 Colonies.

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Complaint by the Home Minister, Delhi state Court regarding traffic violation by C.D Cars in Delhi Progs., Nos. 20(6)-PTII, 366 Decision that Indian Driver of C.D PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 can not enjoy Circular to all mission regarding the need for observance of traffic regulations. Enquiry from the Japanese Embassy regarding the immunities privileges and accorded by the Govt. of India, to Progs., Nos. 15(28)-PTII, 367 PROTOCOL - II 1954 Diplomatic, Mission, their 1954 personnel Consular posts and personnel and the U.N. and Specialised Agency. Issue of Cercular to missions, Progs., Nos. 15(117)- 368 regarding Foreign Exchange for PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 import of goods, from abroad. Section the schedule to the U.N. Act, 1947 and section 22 of the agreement between the Govt. of India, and the W.H.O Seope of Progs., Nos. 16(24)-PTII, 369 PROTOCOL - II 1954 the terms effect oppeinging in 1954 Inclusion of arms and ammunition individul case of Dr. Edwin Cameron of the W.H.O. Export of goods by Unicef in further of its obejcts question Progs., Nos. 16(19)-PTII, 370 regard exemption from export PROTOCOL - II 1954 1954 Duty Decision to allow exemption from Export Duty.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question whether honorary consular officer are exempt from Progs., Nos. 15(148)- 371 Indian Income-tax. 2. Revision of PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 the Provisions of the Indian Income Tax. Request by the Governor Embassy for detailed information Progs., Nos. 15(77)-PTII, 372 PROTOCOL - II 1954 on privileges and immunities 1954 admissible to diplomatic officer,

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officers and staff of diplomatic mission, and Consul posts. Question whether diplomatic are exempt from estate duty Examption granted to deplomatic Consular and other member of Progs., Nos. 15(91)-PTII, 373 PROTOCOL - II 1954 the staff under the prohibition act 1954 in the Various. Exemption of Privilege of duty from import throught the tennour Progs., Nos. 15(130)- 374 of of appointment to the Consular PROTOCOL - II 1954 PTII, 1954 officer of Netherland on basis of Treaty oblegation.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 2. Question of Seniority between the japanese Progs., Nos. Consul General (Mr. PROTOCOL 319 11(1)-PTII, 1955 Yashio Kasuya) and - II 1955(B) the Chinese Consul General(Mr. Liu Yu Fung) at Calcutta. Misc Drinking of Progs., Nos. Tiasts in honour of PROTOCOL 320 10(97)- 1955 High Degnataries at - II PTII, 1955 State Functions.

trade Representation of the Foreign Trade Organizations Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 321 of the german Democretic republic in India. Question of 10(7)-PTII, 1955 - II Recognition of-. 1955 Progs., Nos. Opening ofa Consulate for Finland at Calcutta and PROTOCOL 322 17(16)- 1955 appointment of Mr. R.R. HOgarth as Honorary Consul. - II PTII, 1955 Issue of Identity Cards for Consular Officers. Decision Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 375 that Identity Cards should not be issued to the Wives of 7(1)-PTII, 1955 - II Consular Officers in India. 1955 Question Wheather Shri R. Chattaram , HOny . Consul General for Manaco at Delhi Should be Invited to Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 376 Presidents Receiption at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Decision 12(9)-PTII, 1955 - II that Shri Chattaram be Invited to Republic Day, 1955 Indipendence Day and other functions to which Private

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Indians Citizens are also invited and Also to Other large Parties Given in Honour to visiting Dignitaries , The HOny Consul General will , However not be Extended Special Enter. Pakistan High Commission -Enquiry regarding Statuatory Provisions in the Indian Law for the Grant of Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 377 Loyal Immunity to the Indian nationals employed by 15(53)- 1955 - II Foreign Missions in respect of Things or Omitted to the PTII, 1955 Done in the Cources of Their Official Duties. Progs., Nos. 2. Demarcation of Consular Jurisdiction of the Embassy 17(23)- PROTOCOL 378 of Indonesia in India , New Delhi and Two Consulates 1955 PTII, - II for Indonesia at Bombay and Calcutta. 1955(B) Progs., Nos. Privileges of Foreign Consulars in India and Indian PROTOCOL 379 12(4)-PTII, 1955 Consular s abroad. - II 1955 1.Decision that the Offices of the U.N. and Specialised Progs., Nos. Agencies in India and Their Officials cannot Import free 16(28)- PROTOCOL 380 of Customs Duty , articles of Food and Drink for Official 1955 PTII, - II Use. They cannot also Purchase , free of duty Such 1955(A) articles from bonded Stocks.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1.Changes in the Personall . of Consulates for Iran in India during Progs., Nos. the Year 1955. 2. Proposal of the PROTOCOL 381 17(35)- 1955 Iranian Govt. to re open a - II PTII, 1955 Consulate General for Iran at Calcutta. 1.Changes in the Personall . of Consulates for Iran in India during Progs., Nos. the Year 1955. 2. Proposal of the PROTOCOL 382 17(35)- 1955 Iranian Govt. to re open a - II PTII, 1955 Consulate General for Iran at Calcutta. 1.Decision that the Offices of the U.N. and Specialised Agencies in Progs., Nos. India and Their Officials cannot 16(28)- PROTOCOL 383 Import free of Customs Duty , 1955 PTII, - II articles of Food and Drink for 1955(A) Official Use. They cannot also Purchase , free of duty Such

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articles from bonded Stocks. Request from the Chinese Progs., Nos. Consulate -General at Calcutta for PROTOCOL 384 12(13)- 1955 grant of Exemption from the - II PTII, 1955 payment of Motor Tax. U.S. Embassy in India. Clearance of various articles imported by the Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 385 Diplomatic Mission for Official Use. 15(127)- 1955 - II Question as to which articles can PTII, 1955 be termed being for Official Use. Question of Exemption from the Payment of Diposits for Trunk calls Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 386 etc. to the Foreign Diplomatic 15(125)- 1955 - II Missions in India on the basis of PTII, 1955 Reciprocity. Question of Exemption from the Payment of Diposits for Trunk calls Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 387 etc. to the Foreign Diplomatic 15(125)- 1955 - II Missions in India on the basis of PTII, 1955 Reciprocity. Privileges Admissible to Foreign Consular Officers in India Enquiry from Consul of India, Progs., Nos. KObe(Japan). Request by the PROTOCOL 388 12(4)-PTII, 1955 Japanese Embassy , New Delhi for - II 1955 Grant of Tenure Privileges to Their Consular Officers in India, Request accepted. 1. Changes in the Personal of Consulates for Egypt in India Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 389 during the Year 1955. 2. Up 17(31)- 1955 - II Greading of Consulate for Egypt at PTII, 1955 Calcutta toa Consulate general. Enquiry by the Consulate General for United States of America at Bombay from the Government of Saurastra Wheather Junagadh isa Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 390 Part of Saurastra-Question 11(5)-PTII, 1955 - II Wheather the Foreign Consular 1955 Post can Correspond Directly with the Government s of the States in India.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year U.N.M.O.G.I.P. -Purchase of P.O.I. from the Sources -Inclusion of Progs., Nos. Customs Duty / Excise Duty Sale Tax etc PROTOCOL 391 16(19)- 1955 in the Payment Issue rates charged from - II PTII, 1955 the Group -Request for the refund of various Taxes. 1. Changes in the Personal of Consulates Progs., Nos. for Egypt in India during the Year 1955. 2. PROTOCOL 392 17(31)- 1955 Up Greading of Consulate for Egypt at - II PTII, 1955 Calcutta toa Consulate general. Decision that the Tenure Privilage will be Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 393 Granted to the Consular Officers in India 12(25)- 1955 - II ona Single Basis of reciprocity. PTII, 1955 Decision that the Free radio Licence will in Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 394 Future be made valid for the tenure of 12(11)- 1955 - II Their Assignment in India. PTII, 1955 Use of U.N. Flag and C.D. Plates on Car Progs., Nos. belonging to International Organizations PROTOCOL 395 16(9)-PTII, 1955 and their Officials -Question of Issue of - II 1955 Identity Cards and Lists of U.N. Officials. Pakistan High Commission-Facilities to Diplomatic Officers of the H.C. for Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 396 Transferring their Savings to countries 15(21)- 1955 - II other than Pakistan -Maintrenance of PTII, 1955 Dollar of Sterling Accounts. trade Representation of the Foreign Trade Progs., Nos. Organizations of the german Democretic PROTOCOL 397 10(7)-PTII, 1955 republic in India. Question of Recognition - II 1955 of-. Proposal for the Opening ofa Consulate For Lebanon at Bombay and to the Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 398 Appointment of Mr. B.B. Gulati, Deputy 17(29)- 1955 - II Traffic manager of Air India International PTII, 1955 at Bombay as an Honorary Consul. 3. Decision that the Seniority of the Progs., Nos. Foreign Consular Officers in India should PROTOCOL 399 11(1)-PTII, 1955 count the date of their Provisional - II 1955(C) recognisation. Misc Drinking of Tiasts in honour of High Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 400 1955 Degnataries at State Functions. 10(97)- - II

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PTII, 1955

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Instrument of Ratification of International Telicommunication Concention. Buneous Airs, Progs., Nos. 1952. Diposit of with the Secretary -general of PROTOCOL 401 23(8)-PTII, 1955 the International Telicommition Union at - II 1955 Geneva Land and with the Librerian of Late States Ministry. Pakistan High Commission-Facilities to Progs., Nos. Diplomatic Officers of the H.C. for Transferring PROTOCOL 402 15(21)- 1955 their Savings to countries other than Pakistan - - II PTII, 1955 Maintrenance of Dollar of Sterling Accounts. grant of Exemption from Customs Duty on the Progs., Nos. Purchase of Liquors by the Foreign Consular PROTOCOL 403 12(20)- 1955 Officers and Trade Commissioners Stationed at - II PTII, 1955 Bombay from the Bonded Stocks. Progs., Nos. 1.Opening ofa Consulate for Turkey at Bombay. 17(12)- PROTOCOL 404 2. Changes in the Personnel of Consulates for 1955 PTII, - II Turey in India During the Year 1955. 1955(A) Progs., Nos. 1.Opening ofa Consulate for Turkey at Bombay. 17(12)- PROTOCOL 405 2. Changes in the Personnel of Consulates for 1955 PTII, - II Turey in India During the Year 1955. 1955(A) Progs., Nos. 3. Demarcation of Consular Jurisdiction of the 17(12)- PROTOCOL 406 Turkistan Embassy at New Delhi and Two 1955 PTII, - II Consulate s for Turkey Bombay & Calcutta. 1955(B) 2. Question of Seniority between the japanese Progs., Nos. Consul General (Mr. Yashio Kasuya) and the PROTOCOL 407 11(1)-PTII, 1955 Chinese Consul General(Mr. Liu Yu Fung) at - II 1955(B) Calcutta. Enquiry by the Consulate General for United States of America at Bombay from the Progs., Nos. Government of Saurastra Wheather Junagadh PROTOCOL 408 11(5)-PTII, 1955 isa Part of Saurastra-Question Wheather the - II 1955 Foreign Consular Post can Correspond Directly with the Government s of the States in India. Request from the Chinese Consulate -General Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 409 at Calcutta for grant of Exemption from the 12(13)- 1955 - II payment of Motor Tax. PTII, 1955

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1. Enquiry by the Chinese Embassy , New Delhi about the procedure of the appointment ofa Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 410 Dean of the at Calcutta and the 11(1)-PTII, 1955 - II Precedence among the Foreign Consular 1955(A) Officers in India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. 3. Demarcation of Consular Jurisdiction of the 17(12)- PROTOCOL 411 Turkistan Embassy at New Delhi and Two 1955 PTII, - II Consulate s for Turkey Bombay & Calcutta. 1955(B) Progs., Nos. Privileges of Foreign Consulars in India and Indian PROTOCOL 412 12(4)-PTII, 1955 Consular s abroad. - II 1955 Procedure to be followed regarding tha Progs., Nos. appointment Service Attaches/ Advisors(Army, PROTOCOL 413 2(2)-PTII, 1955 Naval and Air) on the establishment of Foreign and - II 1955 Commonwelth Diplomatic Missions in India. Progs., Nos. 1. Changes in the Personnel of Consulates for 17(23)- PROTOCOL 414 1955 Indonesia in India During the Year 1955. PTII, - II 1955(A) Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 415 Privileges of Hong Consular Officers. 12(20)- 1955 - II PTII, 1955 grant of Exemption from Customs Duty on the Progs., Nos. Purchase of Liquors by the Foreign Consular PROTOCOL 416 12(20)- 1955 Officers and Trade Commissioners Stationed at - II PTII, 1955 Bombay from the Bonded Stocks. Progs., Nos. Commissions of the Govt. of India in the British PROTOCOL 417 12(28)- 1955 Colonies -Place in the Local Orders of Precedence. - II PTII, 1955 Issue of Identity Cards for Consular Officers. Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 418 Decision that Identity Cards should not be issued 7(1)-PTII, 1955 - II to the Wives of Consular Officers in India. 1955 Question Wheather Shri R. Chattaram , HOny . Consul General for Manaco at Delhi Should be Invited to Presidents Receiption at Rashtrapati Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 419 Bhavan. Decision that Shri Chattaram be Invited to 12(9)-PTII, 1955 - II Republic Day, Indipendence Day and other 1955 functions to which Private Indians Citizens are also invited and Also to Other large Parties Given in

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Honour to visiting Dignitaries , The HOny Consul General will , However not be Extended Special Enter. U.S. Embassy in India. Clearance of various articles Progs., Nos. imported by the Diplomatic Mission for Official Use. PROTOCOL 420 15(127)- 1955 Question as to which articles can be termed being - II PTII, 1955 for Official Use.

S.No. Subject File NoBranch Year Privileges Admissible to Foreign Consular Progs., Officers in India Enquiry from Consul of India, Nos. KObe(Japan). Request by the Japanese 421 12(4)- PROTOCOL - II 1955 Embassy , New Delhi for Grant of Tenure PTII, Privileges to Their Consular Officers in India, 1955 Request accepted. Progs., 2. Decision that the UNMOGIP, asa Special Nos. Case can import and also purchase from 422 16(28)- PROTOCOL - II 1955 Bond, free of Custom Duty, Wines and PTII, Liquors. 1955(B) Progs., Nos. 423 Grant of Privileges to T.C.M. Personnel. 15(33)- PROTOCOL - II 1955 PTII, 1955 Progs., 3. Decision that the Seniority of the Foreign Nos. 424 Consular Officers in India should count the 11(1)- PROTOCOL - II 1955 date of their Provisional recognisation. PTII, 1955(C) Treaty of Friendship between India and Egypt Ratification -Decision on the Cabinetsd Progs., Approval should be taen Before the Nos. 425 Instrument of Ratification is Submitted for 23(3)- PROTOCOL - II 1955 Presidents Signature, even Through the PTII, Cabinet has approved of the Draft of the 1955 treaty the Treaty was Signed. Progs., 2. Demarcation of Consular Jurisdiction of the Nos. Embassy of Indonesia in India , New Delhi 426 17(23)- PROTOCOL - II 1955 and Two Consulates for Indonesia at Bombay PTII, and Calcutta. 1955(B)

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Pakistan High Commission -Enquiry regarding Progs., Statuatory Provisions in the Indian Law for Nos. the Grant of Loyal Immunity to the Indian 427 15(53)- PROTOCOL - II 1955 nationals employed by Foreign Missions in PTII, respect of Things or Omitted to the Done in 1955 the Cources of Their Official Duties. Treaty of Friendship between India and Egypt Ratification -Decision on the Cabinetsd Progs., Approval should be taen Before the Nos. 428 Instrument of Ratification is Submitted for 23(3)- PROTOCOL - II 1955 Presidents Signature, even Through the PTII, Cabinet has approved of the Draft of the 1955 treaty the Treaty was Signed. Proposal for the Opening ofa Consulate For Progs., Lebanon at Bombay and to the Appointment Nos. 429 of Mr. B.B. Gulati, Deputy Traffic manager of 17(29)- PROTOCOL - II 1955 Air India International at Bombay as an PTII, Honorary Consul. 1955 Progs., 2. Decision that the UNMOGIP, asa Special Nos. Case can import and also purchase from 430 16(28)- PROTOCOL - II 1955 Bond, free of Custom Duty, Wines and PTII, Liquors. 1955(B)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Decision that the Free radio Licence will in Future Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 431 be made valid for the tenure of Their Assignment 12(11)-PTII, 1955 - II in India. 1955 Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 432 Grant of Privileges to T.C.M. Personnel. 15(33)-PTII, 1955 - II 1955 Procedure to be followed regarding tha appointment Service Attaches/ Advisors(Army, Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 433 1955 Naval and Air) on the establishment of Foreign 2(2)-PTII, 1955 - II and Commonwelth Diplomatic Missions in India. U.N. N.O. G.I.P. -Introduction Pouch Servier between the Groups Headquaters at Srinagar and Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 434 U.N. Headquaters at New York-Authorisation to 16(12)-PTII, 1955 - II Indian Air Corporation for Carriage of Diplomatic 1955 mail s without the intervention of Post Office. Commissions of the Govt. of India in the British Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 435 1955 Colonies -Place in the Local Orders of Precedence. 12(28)-PTII, - II

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1955 Instrument of Ratification of International Telicommunication Concention. Buneous Airs, Progs., Nos. 1952. Diposit of with the Secretary -general of PROTOCOL 436 23(8)-PTII, 1955 the International Telicommition Union at Geneva - II 1955 Land and with the Librerian of Late States Ministry. 1. Enquiry by the Chinese Embassy , New Delhi about the procedure of the appointment ofa Dean Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 437 of the Consular Corps at Calcutta and the 11(1)-PTII, 1955 - II Precedence among the Foreign Consular Officers 1955(A) in India. Use of U.N. Flag and C.D. Plates on Car belonging Progs., Nos. to International Organizations and their Officials - PROTOCOL 438 16(9)-PTII, 1955 Question of Issue of Identity Cards and Lists of - II 1955 U.N. Officials. Opening ofa Consulate for Finland at Calcutta and Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 439 appointment of Mr. R.R. HOgarth as Honorary 17(16)-PTII, 1955 - II Consul. 1955 Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 440 Privileges of Hong Consular Officers. 12(20)-PTII, 1955 - II 1955

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year U.N. N.O. G.I.P. -Introduction Pouch Servier between the Groups Headquaters at Srinagar and U.N. Headquaters at New Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 441 York-Authorisation to Indian Air 16(12)-PTII, 1955 - II Corporation for Carriage of Diplomatic 1955 mail s without the intervention of Post Office. Decision that the Tenure Privilage will be Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 442 Granted to the Consular Officers in India 12(25)-PTII, 1955 - II ona Single Basis of reciprocity. 1955 1. Changes in the Personnel of Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 443 Consulates for Indonesia in India During 17(23)-PTII, 1955 - II the Year 1955. 1955(A) U.N.M.O.G.I.P. -Purchase of P.O.I. from the Indian Army Sources -Inclusion of Progs., Nos. PROTOCOL 444 Customs Duty / Excise Duty Sale Tax etc 16(19)-PTII, 1955 - II in the Payment Issue rates charged from 1955 the Group -Request for the refund of

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various Taxes.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. 15(20)-PTII, 445 4 PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(C) Request by the Consul for Isreal at Bombay for Possesion Licences in respect of 3 weapons, Progs., Nos. 12(26)-PTII, 450 Including One of a Prohibited PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(A) Bore imported by Him into India- Exemption Under the Indian Arms Act.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1.Question of the customs Privilleges of the U.N. Officials in India 2. Representation from U.N. Progs., Nos. 15(20)-PTII, 451 PROTOCOL - II 1956 and Other Specialized Agencies 1956(A) for Liberalization of Other Privileges. Wheather the additional privileges may be made available to the Progs., Nos. 15(20)-PTII, 452 Indian Nationals in the PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(C) Employment of U.N. in India and Other U.N. States. Recommendation to the Min of Home Affairs to Ammend Indian Arms to Allow the Consular Officers and Home-based Members of Staff of the Consular Progs., Nos. 12(26)-PTII, 453 Officers and Home based PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(B) Members of Staff of the Consular Posts to Import Prohibited Bore Weapons into India Recomendation in respect of Consular Officer Accepted. request fro M/s Textile Products , Patna for Permition to file a Civil Progs., Nos. 13(1)-PTII, 454 Suit againest the Trade PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 Commissioner , Burma Embassy , New Delhi. 455 Option given by Law Ministry that Progs., Nos. 26(6)-PTII, PROTOCOL - II 1956

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the Vatican have right to 1956 represent to the Government of India in the matter of Legation of regulate religious Trust Properties. Exemption to Fireign Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 15(2)-PTII, 456 and Commonwelth Missions from PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 the Payment of Delhi Sale Tax. Option given by Law Ministry that the Vatican have right to represent to the Government of Progs., Nos. 26(6)-PTII, 457 PROTOCOL - II 1956 India in the matter of Legation of 1956 regulate religious Trust Properties. 1.Decision to Withdraw the concession of refund of Custom s Duty on Petrol and to grant of Excise Duty instead to the Diplomatic Missions in India. Progs., Nos. 15(18)-PTII, 458 PROTOCOL - II 1956 2.Decision to Grant refund of 1956(A) Duty on aviation Sprit retained in the tanks of the aircrafts maintained by the Foreign Countries. 1.Decision to Withdraw the concession of refund of Custom s Duty on Petrol and to grant of Excise Duty instead to the Diplomatic Missions in India. Progs., Nos. 15(18)-PTII, 459 PROTOCOL - II 1956 2.Decision to Grant refund of 1956(A) Duty on aviation Sprit retained in the tanks of the aircrafts maintained by the Foreign Countries. Signing of U.. Indo Sterling Balaves Agreement Question Wheather any full Powers have to be issued to the RWaice remix to Progs., Nos. 23(7)-PTII, 460 Sign on behalf of the Govt. of PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 India. Classes of arms and Treaties in Which full Power would be issued Powers of the ministers & Secretaruies Under the

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. 15(20)-PTII, 461 4 PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(C) Question Wheather it is Necessary for the Commission of appointment and Exequaturs to be Signed by the President of Progs., Nos. 18(5)-PTII, 462 PROTOCOL - II 1956 India and Countersigned by the 1956(A) Prime Minister. Suggestion that their Signatures be printed on the --- Recommendation to the Min of Home Affairs to Ammend Indian Arms to Allow the Consular Officers and Home-based Members of Staff of the Consular Progs., Nos. 12(26)-PTII, 463 Officers and Home based PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(B) Members of Staff of the Consular Posts to Import Prohibited Bore Weapons into India Recomendation in respect of Consular Officer Accepted. Printed form of Commission of Appointment and Exequatures. Progs., Nos. 18(5)-PTII, 464 Decision that the Practice has PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(B) been followed in this regard may continue. Opening ofa Consulate for Lebanon at Bombay -Proposal of the Government of Lebanon for Progs., Nos. 17(16)-PTII, 465 appointment of Mr. Basil Bernard PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 Gulati , Deputy Director of Air India, Bombay as Honorary Consul. Printed form of Commission of Appointment and Exequatures. Progs., Nos. 18(5)-PTII, 466 Decision that the Practice has PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(B) been followed in this regard may continue. 467 Opening ofa Consulate for Progs., Nos. 17(16)-PTII, PROTOCOL - II 1956

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Lebanon at Bombay -Proposal of 1956 the Government of Lebanon for appointment of Mr. Basil Bernard Gulati , Deputy Director of Air India, Bombay as Honorary Consul. Opening ofa Consulate for Ethiopia at Bombay and Progs., Nos. 17(28)-PTII, 468 PROTOCOL - II 1956 Appointment of mr. Ismail M. 1956 Kanga as Honorary Consul. 3. Decision to allow the International Profession Staff of the United nations and its specialized Agencies in India to Progs., Nos. 15(20)-PTII, 469 Import, free of Duty, an PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(B) automobile once during the tenures , articles of Food and Drink and Infant foods and Medicines. Question Wheather it is necessary Progs., Nos. 23(1)-PTII, 470 fora Full Power to be issued for PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 Signing the Indo Burma Treaty. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year request fro M/s Textile Products , Patna for Permition to file a Civil Progs., Nos. 13(1)-PTII, 471 Suit againest the Trade PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 Commissioner , Burma Embassy , New Delhi. Exemption to Fireign Diplomatic Progs., Nos. 15(2)-PTII, 472 and Commonwelth Missions from PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 the Payment of Delhi Sale Tax. Request by the Consul for Isreal at Bombay for Possesion Licences in respect of 3 weapons, Progs., Nos. 12(26)-PTII, 473 Including One of a Prohibited PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(A) Bore imported by Him into India- Exemption Under the Indian Arms Act. Question Wheather it is Necessary for the Commission of Progs., Nos. 18(5)-PTII, 474 PROTOCOL - II 1956 appointment and Exequaturs to 1956(A) be Signed by the President of

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India and Countersigned by the Prime Minister. Suggestion that their Signatures be printed on the --- Wheather the additional privileges may be made available to the Progs., Nos. 15(20)-PTII, 475 Indian Nationals in the PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(C) Employment of U.N. in India and Other U.N. States. Signing of U.. Indo Sterling Balaves Agreement Question Wheather any full Powers have to be issued to the RWaice remix to Sign on behalf of the Govt. of Progs., Nos. 23(7)-PTII, 476 PROTOCOL - II 1956 India. Classes of arms and 1956 Treaties in Which full Power would be issued Powers of the ministers & Secretaruies Under the Consulate. Car Accident on 12/06/56 involving the Second Secretary of Progs., Nos. 20(15)-PTII, 477 the Indonesian Embassy PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 resulating in the Death of an Indian Girl. Question Wheather it is necessary Progs., Nos. 23(1)-PTII, 478 fora Full Power to be issued for PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 Signing the Indo Burma Treaty. 1.Question of the customs Privilleges of the U.N. Officials in India 2. Representation from U.N. Progs., Nos. 15(20)-PTII, 479 PROTOCOL - II 1956 and Other Specialized Agencies 1956(A) for Liberalization of Other Privileges. Opening ofa Consulate for Ethiopia at Bombay and Progs., Nos. 17(28)-PTII, 480 PROTOCOL - II 1956 Appointment of mr. Ismail M. 1956 Kanga as Honorary Consul.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 3. Decision not to grant refund of Progs., Nos. 15(18)-PTII, 481 Excise duty on aviation spirit PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(B) Purchased in India for Use in the

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aircraft s maintened by the Diplomatic Missions. 4. Decision that refunds of Duty on Petrol Used in the hired cars by the Diplomatic Missions and their Diplomatic Officers is admissible to Them. Question wheather it is Necessary to mae a Specific Declaration when Diplomatic relations with a Progs., Nos. 27(1)-PTII, 482 Foreign Countries are broken off PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 Rulling by the Ministry of law that it is not Necessary to mae a formal Declaration. 3. Decision not to grant refund of Excise duty on aviation spirit Purchased in India for Use in the aircraft s maintened by the Diplomatic Missions. 4. Decision Progs., Nos. 15(18)-PTII, 483 PROTOCOL - II 1956 that refunds of Duty on Petrol 1956(B) Used in the hired cars by the Diplomatic Missions and their Diplomatic Officers is admissible to Them. 3. Decision to allow the International Profession Staff of the United nations and its specialized Agencies in India to Progs., Nos. 15(20)-PTII, 484 Import, free of Duty, an PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956(B) automobile once during the tenures , articles of Food and Drink and Infant foods and Medicines. Car Accident on 12/06/56 involving the Second Secretary of Progs., Nos. 20(15)-PTII, 485 the Indonesian Embassy PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 resulating in the Death of an Indian Girl. Question wheather it is Necessary to mae a Specific Declaration Progs., Nos. 27(1)-PTII, 486 when Diplomatic relations with a PROTOCOL - II 1956 1956 Foreign Countries are broken off Rulling by the Ministry of law that

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it is not Necessary to mae a formal Declaration.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Vienna Conrention of Progs Nos. 65(14)-PTII, 446 Deplomatic Relations, 1961 PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 Accession by India. Infringement of Game Rules Progs Nos. 465(1)-PTII, 447 by Diplomatic officer and PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 Foreign Missions. Vienna Conrention of Progs Nos. 65(14)-PTII, 448 Deplomatic Relations, 1961 PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 Accession by India. Registration of Treaties Progs Nos. 23(2)-PTII, 449 Agreement with the United PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 National Secretariat.

Registration of Treaties Progs Nos. 23(2)-PTII, 487 Agreement with the United PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 National Secretariat. Instrument of Ratification in respect of the Indo-Burma Progs Nos. 23(3)-PTII, 488 Financial Agreement Question PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 whether it should be in all the lanugages. Release of Foreign Exchange Requests from Forein diplomatic Mission for East European Progs Nos. 451-PTII, 489 Countries in India, Decision that PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 ITC Instructions, shall for Apply for imports under Foreign Exchange Concessions. Supreme Court Judgement laying down the law regarding the Progs Nos. 65(14)-PTII, 490 cirucumstantce in Which suit can PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 be institute against a Foreign State in the Indian Courts. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Singning of Joint Statements by the Prime Minsiter of India and of Progs Nos. 24(19)-PTII, 491 PROTOCOL - II 1957 Visiting V.I.P.s 2. Joint Statement 1957 by the Prime Minsiter of India and

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the Prime Minister of the Polish People republic on 27th March, 1957. Infringement of Game Rules by Progs Nos. 465(1)-PTII, 492 Diplomatic officer and Foreign PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 Missions. Supreme Court Judgement laying down the law regarding the Progs Nos. 65(14)-PTII, 493 cirucumstantce in Which suit can PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 be institute against a Foreign State in the Indian Courts. Instrument of Ratification in respect of the Indo-Burma Progs Nos. 23(3)-PTII, 494 Financial Agreement Question PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 whether it should be in all the lanugages. Release of Foreign Exchange Requests from Forein diplomatic Mission for East European Progs Nos. 451-PTII, 495 Countries in India, Decision that PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 ITC Instructions, shall for Apply for imports under Foreign Exchange Concessions. Singning of Joint Statements by the Prime Minsiter of India and of Visiting V.I.P.s 2. Joint Statement Progs Nos. 24(19)-PTII, 496 by the Prime Minsiter of India and PROTOCOL - II 1957 1957 the Prime Minister of the Polish People republic on 27th March, 1957.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Norweigian Embassy Plot of land Progs Nos. 27(5)-PTIII, 1 PROTOCOL - III 1955 in Chanakya Puri. 1955 Enquiry from the Aus. High Commission as to the Person or body corporate in whom should Progs Nos. 32(29)-PTIII, 2 PROTOCOL - III 1955 be rested land and buildings in 1955 India, belonging to hte Commonwealth of Aus.

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Sudanese Embassy proposed to Progs Nos. 27(3)-PTIII, 3 acquiri a plot of land in Chanakya PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Puri. Hiring of private building in new Progs Nos. 32(109)- 4 Delhi by Foreign Diplomatic PROTOCOL - III 1955 PTIII, 1955 Missions for use as Officers. Philyqsine embassy plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(14)-PTIII, 5 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Action to the taken death of Progs Nos. 32(113)- 6 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Foreigner. PTIII, 1955 Norweigian Embassy Plot of land Progs Nos. 27(5)-PTIII, 7 PROTOCOL - III 1955 in Chanakya Puri. 1955 Progs Nos. 32(120)- 8 Country call procedure of.. PROTOCOL - III 1955 PTIII, 1955 The Question of gining appropriate named to the various Progs Nos. 27(33)-PTIII, 9 PROTOCOL - III 1955 aveuees streets and lanes in 1955 Chanakya Puri. Preparation of the letter of and Progs Nos. 1(23)-PTIII, 10 other sach formal in document in PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Hindi.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Norwegian Embassys plot of land Progs Nos. 27(5)-PTIII, 11 PROTOCOL - III 1955 on the Chanakya Puri 1955 Burmese Embassy plot of Land in Progs Nos. 27(6)-PTIII, 12 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Apostolic Intermunicialtures plot Progs Nos. 27(34)-PTIII, 13 PROTOCOL - III 1955 of land in Chanakya Puri. 1955 Procedure for visit of Commonwealth and Foreign War Progs Nos. 32(12)-PTIII, 14 Ship to Indian Ports and Indian PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Naval Ships to ports outside the Indian Union. Finnish legations, plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(19)-PTIII, 15 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Philyqsine embassy plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(14)-PTIII, 16 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Instructions to all Indian Mission Progs Nos. 3(1)-PTIII, 17 and post abroad regarding PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 procedure of Sending messages

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


of facilities on the election of the head Prime minister of a state. Raising of the gun salute of the Progs Nos. 3(8)-PTIII, 18 Maharaja of Bhutan from 15 to 19 PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 guns. Progs Nos. 32(114)- 19 Dress for Civilaan Officers. PROTOCOL - III 1955 PTIII, 1955 Question of withdrawing the leased and requisitioned houses Progs Nos. 21(27)-PTIII, 20 PROTOCOL - III 1955 from the Foreign diplomatic 1955 Missions.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Norwegian Embassys plot of land Progs Nos. 27(5)-PTIII, 21 PROTOCOL - III 1955 on the Chanakya Puri 1955 Question of Sale of 8-B harding Progs Nos. 21(29)-PTIII, 22 Avenue, New Delhi Evacuee PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Property. Proposal of the Turkish Embassy Progs Nos. 27(5)-PTIII, 23 for acquition of Land in Chanakya PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Puri. Proposal for the construction of Progs Nos. 27(2)-PTIII, 24 shopping Centre in Chanakya PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Puri. Action to be taken on the death of Progs Nos. 7(11)-PTIII, 25 PROTOCOL - III 1955 high Degintaries in India. 1955 Circular to all foreign adn Commonwealth Diplomatic Misssion in India, Regarding Prior Progs Nos. 12(42)-PTIII, 26 PROTOCOL - III 1955 submitted to the Minsitry of the 1955 Visits of the Heads of Mission and Their officers outside Delhi. Temporary in No. 4 Aurangabad Raod, New Delhi Acquired by the High Commissioner, Question of Progs Nos. 22(10)-PTIII, 27 PROTOCOL - III 1955 formal conveyance of ownership 1955 of the to the submittee to the High Commission. The U.K. High Commission, Progs Nos. 27(28)-PTIII, 28 proposal for aqusition of land in PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 the the Diplomatic Enclave.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Faridkot House attoted the the U.S Embassy additional Progs Nos. 26(3)-PTIII, 29 PROTOCOL - III 1955 alternational, etc 2. Sale of 1955 Faridkot House. Approval of the plans of the Thai Embassy for the construction of buildings in Chanakya Puri. Progs Nos. 27(37)-PTIII, 30 Suggestion that the set back line PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 in the small plots at the Southern end of the Envlaved may be 40 instread of 50.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Revision of the price of land in Progs Nos. 27(4)-PTIII, 31 Chanakya Puri and its allotment PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 to Foreign Mission etc. Apostolic Internunciatures plot of Progs Nos. 27(34)-PTIII, 32 PROTOCOL - III 1955 land in Chanakya Puri. 1955 Plot of land Reserved for the Progs Nos. 27(4)-PTIII, 33 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Swiss Embassy in Chanakya Puri. 1955 Question whether additional charges on account of charge in purpose of use should be charged Progs Nos. 21(10)-PTIII, 34 PROTOCOL - III 1955 in respect of house the 4 Road, 1955 Purchased by the Netherlands Embassy. Display of Foreign Flegs on Progs Nos. 7(3)-PTIII, 35 PROTOCOL - III 1955 buildings visited by Foreign UIVS. 1955 Requisitioning of the vacant Plot of land adjoining No. 20 Progs Nos. 24(6)-PTIII, 36 Guruchand Road, Calcutta, for the PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 use of the Pak Visa Office, Calcutta. Apostolic Internunciatures plot of Progs Nos. 27(34)-PTIII, 37 PROTOCOL - III 1955 land in Chanakya Puri. 1955 Sudanese Embassy proposed to Progs Nos. 27(3)-PTIII, 38 acquiri a plot of land in Chanakya PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Puri. German Embassy plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(36)-PTIII, 39 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Proposal of the Italian Embassy Progs Nos. 27(6)-PTIII, 40 PROTOCOL - III 1955 for acquisition of land in 1955

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Chanakya Puri.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Apostolic Intermunicialtures plot Progs Nos. 27(34)-PTIII, 41 PROTOCOL - III 1955 of land in Chanakya Puri. 1955 Italian Embassy plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(15)-PTIII, 42 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Proposal of the Swiss Embassy to purchased Bharatpur House (No.7 Progs Nos. 22(1)-PTIII, 43 Prithiveeraj Road New Delhi ) 2. PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Repairs to No. 7 Prithiveeraj Road. Plot of land Reserved for the Progs Nos. 27(4)-PTIII, 44 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Swiss Embassy in Chanakya Puri. 1955 USSR embassy proposed to Progs Nos. 27(21)-PTIII, 45 acquire a plot of land in Chanakya PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Puri. The Question of gining appropriate named to the various Progs Nos. 27(33)-PTIII, 46 PROTOCOL - III 1955 aveuees streets and lanes in 1955 Chanakya Puri. Introduction of ceremony for handing over the commission of Appointment by the Commisson Progs Nos. 1(14)-PTIII, 47 PROTOCOL - III 1955 of appointment of the President 1955 Personlly to an envoy designate at his appointment. Procedure for visit of Commonwealth and Foreign War Progs Nos. 32(12)-PTIII, 48 Ship to Indian Ports and Indian PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Naval Ships to ports outside the Indian Union. Italian Embassy plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(15)-PTIII, 49 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Proposal of the Swiss Embassy to purchased Bharatpur House (No.7 Progs Nos. 22(1)-PTIII, 50 Prithiveeraj Road New Delhi ) 2. PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Repairs to No. 7 Prithiveeraj Road. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 51 Country call procedure of.. Progs Nos. 32(120)- PROTOCOL - III 1955

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


PTIII, 1955 Proposal of the Italian Embassy Progs Nos. 27(6)-PTIII, 52 for acquisition of land in PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Chanakya Puri. Thai Embassy Plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(26)-PTIII, 53 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Thai Embassy Plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(26)-PTIII, 54 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Requisitioning of the vacant Plot of land adjoining No. 20 Progs Nos. 24(6)-PTIII, 55 Guruchand Road, Calcutta, for the PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 use of the Pak Visa Office, Calcutta. German Embassy plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(36)-PTIII, 56 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Action to be taken on the death of Progs Nos. 7(11)-PTIII, 57 PROTOCOL - III 1955 high Degintaries in India. 1955 Question of Sale of 8-B harding Progs Nos. 21(29)-PTIII, 58 Avenue, New Delhi Evacuee PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Property. Introduction of ceremony for handing over the commission of Appointment by the Commisson Progs Nos. 1(14)-PTIII, 59 PROTOCOL - III 1955 of appointment of the President 1955 Personlly to an envoy designate at his appointment. Raising of the gun salute of the Progs Nos. 3(8)-PTIII, 60 Maharaja of Bhutan from 15 to 19 PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 guns.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Display of Foreign Flegs on Progs Nos. 7(3)-PTIII, 61 PROTOCOL - III 1955 buildings visited by Foreign UIVS. 1955 Request from the Iraqi Embassy for exemption from the payment of Stamp duty and registration free on the sale deed of his 21 Progs Nos. 8(9)-PTIII, 62 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Prithvviraj Road, which they to 1955 purchase. 2. Grant of permission to hte embassy for the purchase of this property.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


The Japanese Embassy plot of land on Chanakya PUri 2. Progs Nos. 27(2)-PTIII, 63 Proposed change in the location PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 of the embassy channel building in Chanakya Puri. Progs Nos. 32(114)- 64 Dress for Civilaan Officers. PROTOCOL - III 1955 PTIII, 1955 Proposal of the Turkish Embassy Progs Nos. 27(5)-PTIII, 65 for acquition of Land in Chanakya PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Puri. Recovery of rent adn charges from the Iranian Embassy in Progs Nos. 21(11)-PTIII, 66 PROTOCOL - III 1955 respect of 4 road and No. 20 1955 Ratendone Road. Presentation of Ashoka Chakra Class III decoration to Lt. R.A. Progs Nos. 8(24)-PTIII, 67 Shabbeare by the Indian High PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Commissioner, in United Kingdom. Faridkot House attoted the the U.S Embassy additional Progs Nos. 26(3)-PTIII, 68 PROTOCOL - III 1955 alternational, etc 2. Sale of 1955 Faridkot House. Recovery of rent adn charges from the Iranian Embassy in Progs Nos. 21(11)-PTIII, 69 PROTOCOL - III 1955 respect of 4 road and No. 20 1955 Ratendone Road. Yugoslav Embassy proposal to Progs Nos. 27(20)-PTIII, 70 acquiri a plot of land in Chanakya PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Puri.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question of withdrawing the leased and requisitioned houses Progs Nos. 21(27)-PTIII, 71 PROTOCOL - III 1955 from the Foreign diplomatic 1955 Missions. Swedish legations plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(27)-PTIII, 72 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Proposal for the construction of Progs Nos. 27(2)-PTIII, 73 shopping Centre in Chanakya PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Puri. 74 Instructions to all Indian Mission Progs Nos. 3(1)-PTIII, PROTOCOL - III 1955

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


and post abroad regarding 1955 procedure of Sending messages of facilities on the election of the head Prime minister of a state. Question of size of the crest on the paper and for property and Progs Nos. 1(22)-PTIII, 75 PROTOCOL - III 1955 the make and Quality of the 1955 paper. Construction of buildings in Progs Nos. 27(8)-PTIII, 76 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 The U.K. High Commission, Progs Nos. 27(28)-PTIII, 77 proposal for aqusition of land in PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 the the Diplomatic Enclave. Yugoslav Embassy proposal to Progs Nos. 27(20)-PTIII, 78 acquiri a plot of land in Chanakya PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Puri. Revision of the price of land in Progs Nos. 27(4)-PTIII, 79 Chanakya Puri and its allotment PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 to Foreign Mission etc. USSR embassy proposed to Progs Nos. 27(21)-PTIII, 80 acquire a plot of land in Chanakya PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Puri.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Action to the taken death of Progs Nos. 32(113)- 81 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Foreigner. PTIII, 1955 Burmese Embassy plot of Land in Progs Nos. 27(6)-PTIII, 82 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 The Japanese Embassy plot of land on Chanakya PUri 2. Progs Nos. 27(2)-PTIII, 83 Proposed change in the location PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 of the embassy channel building in Chanakya Puri. Approval of the plans of the Thai Embassy for the construction of buildings in Chanakya Puri. Progs Nos. 27(37)-PTIII, 84 Suggestion that the set back line PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 in the small plots at the Southern end of the Envlaved may be 40 instread of 50. Accetance by His Majesty the Progs Nos. 8(11)-PTIII, 85 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Kingh of Nepal of the honorary 1955

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


rank of the General of the Indian Army and of the Honorary rank of the Col. Of all the Gurkha regiments of the Indian Army. Question of size of the crest on the paper and for property and Progs Nos. 1(22)-PTIII, 86 PROTOCOL - III 1955 the make and Quality of the 1955 paper. Enquiry from the Aus. High Commission as to the Person or body corporate in whom should Progs Nos. 32(29)-PTIII, 87 PROTOCOL - III 1955 be rested land and buildings in 1955 India, belonging to hte Commonwealth of Aus. Finnish legations, plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(19)-PTIII, 88 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Construction of buildings in Progs Nos. 27(8)-PTIII, 89 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Circular to all foreign adn Commonwealth Diplomatic Misssion in India, Regarding Prior Progs Nos. 12(42)-PTIII, 90 PROTOCOL - III 1955 submitted to the Minsitry of the 1955 Visits of the Heads of Mission and Their officers outside Delhi.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Presentation of Ashoka Chakra Class III decoration to Lt. R.A. Progs Nos. 8(24)-PTIII, 91 Shabbeare by the Indian High PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Commissioner, in United Kingdom. Swedish legations plot of land in Progs Nos. 27(27)-PTIII, 92 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Chanakya Puri. 1955 Accetance by His Majesty the Kingh of Nepal of the honorary rank of the General of the Indian Progs Nos. 8(11)-PTIII, 93 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Army and of the Honorary rank of 1955 the Col. Of all the Gurkha regiments of the Indian Army. Question whether additional Progs Nos. 21(10)-PTIII, 94 charges on account of charge in PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 purpose of use should be charged

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


in respect of house the 4 Road, Purchased by the Netherlands Embassy. Request from the Iraqi Embassy for exemption from the payment of Stamp duty and registration free on the sale deed of his 21 Progs Nos. 8(9)-PTIII, 95 PROTOCOL - III 1955 Prithvviraj Road, which they to 1955 purchase. 2. Grant of permission to hte embassy for the purchase of this property. Hiring of private building in new Progs Nos. 32(109)- 96 Delhi by Foreign Diplomatic PROTOCOL - III 1955 PTIII, 1955 Missions for use as Officers. Temporary in No. 4 Aurangabad Raod, New Delhi Acquired by the High Commissioner, Question of Progs Nos. 22(10)-PTIII, 97 PROTOCOL - III 1955 formal conveyance of ownership 1955 of the to the submittee to the High Commission. Preparation of the letter of and Progs Nos. 1(23)-PTIII, 98 other sach formal in document in PROTOCOL - III 1955 1955 Hindi.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit