List of declassified files of the Ministry of External Affairs from 1903‐1972 PROTOCOL Compiled by IDSA Library 1, Development Enclave, Rao Tula Ram Marg, New Delhi‐110010 Visit us: PROTOCOL S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Meeting of the Committes of Council and Discussion Progs., regarding summary no 1 of the Commonwealth Nos. PROTOCO 1 1946 Relations, External Affairs, Home and War Dept. for 97(24)- L the month ending 14th July, 1946. P.T, 19467 Progs., Foreign Office Circular regarding the intentions of Nos. PROTOCO 2 H.M.G. in regard to the future of information work in 1946 9735)-P.T, L Foreign countries. 19467 Progs., Disposal of private and official funds of the Japanese Nos. PROTOCO 3 1946 consular officers in India. 1(33)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Priority air passage for Mr. P.H. Stent, Consul of Nos. PROTOCO 4 1946 Nanking Embassy, for U.K. 199(124)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Question of flying the Congress flag over India Nos. PROTOCO 5 1946 House London. 10(114)- L PT, 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 6 Polish refugees in India., 1946 10(78)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Seal passages for miss Millson, Sister, and Doctor Nos. PROTOCO 7 Doeu, Lady Medical officer, Bahrain Govt. Hospital, 1946 198(97)- L from Bombay to Bahrain. P.T, 1946 Progs., Re-Organisation of the Central Govt. Deptt. and re- Nos. PROTOCO 8 1946 Allocation of Department business 10(144)- L PT, 1946 Progs., Statement by Cabinet and H.E. the Viceroy 16th Nos. PROTOCO 9 1946 June 1946. 6(46)-PT, L 1946 Enquiry by the A.G.G. Baluchistan regarding flying Progs., PROTOCO 10 of flags by the Chief of Kharan on his Car and Nos. 1946 L Residence in British India. 10(132)- List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit PROTOCOL PT, 1946 (Secret) Progs., Priority air passage for Sir Allan Mossop, Legal, Nos. PROTOCO 11 1946 Consullor of the British Embassy, Nanking, for U.K. 199(188)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Despatch of tobacco seed from Calcutta to Siam by Nos. PROTOCO 12 air by the Indian leaf Tobacco Development Co. Ltd. 1946 198(35)- L Calcutta. P.T, 1946 Progs., Visit of the parliamentary delegation to Japan Grant Nos. PROTOCO 13 1946 of Customs Facilities on their arrival in India. 25(19)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Foreign Office Circular regarding the use of official Nos. PROTOCO 14 1946 information in privately published works. 97(30)- L P.T, 19467 Progs., Priority air passage for Mr. Chu Chia Hua, Chinese Nos. PROTOCO 15 Minister, fo Education from Calcutta to the U.K. 1946 199(208)- L Grant of Customs facilities on their arrival in India. P.T, 1946 Progs., Supply of series for maps of Afghanistan to U.S. Nos. PROTOCO 16 1946 Mission for use of the U.S.A Legation, in Kabul. 50(11)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., Import Trade Control.......Preparation of shipping Nos. PROTOCO 17 Programme - January/June 1947 from all loading 10(159)- 1946 L areas including European Countries. PT, 1946 Secret Progs., List of the Members of the Indian delegation to the Nos. PROTOCO 18 Food and Agricultural Organisation Conference at 1946 6(27)-PT, L copenhagen 1946 Progs., Foreign Office circular regarding Foreign Service Nos. PROTOCO 19 1946 Handbook. 97(22)- L P.T, 19467 Progs., PROTOCO 20 Weekly information about foo for Sikkim. Nos. 1946 L 34(4)-P.T, List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit PROTOCOL 1946 Progs., Priority air passage for Mr. Scott from Karachi to the Nos. PROTOCO 21 1946 United Kingdom. 199(165)- L P.T, 1946 Progs., List of Important problems that will Confront the Nos. PROTOCO 22 1946 new or Interim Govt. 6(43)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Recommendations for English Honours for the Nos. PROTOCO 23 1946 King`s Birthday Honours List, 1946. 65(27)- L P.T, 1946 Returns of all copies which are in Possession of the Progs., External Affairs Deptt. regarding secret note on the Nos. PROTOCO 24 1946 All India Spinners Association and the All India 6(24)-PT, L Village Industries Association to the Home Deptt. 1946 Progs., Question of Finding Alternative. Accommodation for Nos. PROTOCO 25 1946 Chinese in New Delhi in Place of Jind House. 5(29)-PT, L 1946 Exemption of the Wheel outstanding against Mr. Progs., Mahomed A.El.-Kony Consul for Egypt and Mr. Nos. PROTOCO 26 1946 Ibrahim El-Imam El -Sayed Attache of the Consulate 4(17)-PT, L in respect of their motor Cars. 1946 Progs., Foreign Office circular regarding Legislation Nos. PROTOCO 27 1946 Documents. 97(25)- L P.T, 19467 Progs., List of Foreign Office Circular instructions Nos. PROTOCO 28 amendments and c, issued to H.M.`s Consular 1946 6(34)-PT, L Officers during 1946 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 29 Policy to be adopted towards Belgian Imports. 1946 10(75)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Priority air passage for Mr. Hsu Mo Chin from Nos. PROTOCO 30 1946 Calcutta to... 199(180)- L P.T, 1946 List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit PROTOCOL Progs., Nos. Supply of Departmental Monthly summaries to the PROTOCO 107 10(124)- 1946 Cabinet Secretariate. L PT, 1946 (Secret) Progs., Civilians internees in India. Question of the release Nos. PROTOCO 108 1946 of Prince Virginio Borghese a French Nationals. 10(155)- L PT, 1946 Grant fo permission to the High Commissioner for the U.K. to send foreign state telegrams en clairs or Progs., in code or cypher for official purposes at British Govt. Nos. PROTOCO 109 1946 Rates to all empire countries and Briitsh legations 9(14)-PT, L and High Commissioner`s Offices in Other Parts of 1946 the World Progs., Foreign Office Circular regarding the trial of the Nos. PROTOCO 110 1946 Japanese war Criminals. 99(39)- L P.T, 19467 S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Priority air passage for Sardar Mohd. Akram Khan Nos. PROTOCO 111 Afghan Minister designate in Rome (Italy) via the 1946 199(137)- L U.K. P.T, 1946 Progs., Policy asked by the A.G.G. Baluchistan regarding Nos. PROTOCO 112 1946 renunciation of titles by the Muslum League. 65(9)-P.T, L 1946 Progs., List of Empire Netural Enemy and Allied countries Nos. PROTOCO 113 1946 prepared by the E.A.Deptt. 6(37)-PT, L 1946 Progs., Arrival of the High Commissioner for U.K.and Party in Nos. PROTOCO 114 1946 India. 10(156)- L PT, 1946 Supply of maps of the Gulf and territory of Aden to Progs., PROTOCO 115 U.S. Mission for transmission to the American Nos. 3(7)- 1946 L Consulate Aden. PT, 1946 Priority air passage for the U. Kingdom, en route to Progs., PROTOCO 116 the U.S.A. for Sir Girja Shanker Bajpai, Indian Agent Nos. 1946 L General in The U.S.A. Family. 199(164)- List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit PROTOCOL P.T, 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 117 Analysis of foreign Broadcasts 10(151)- 1946 L PT, 1946 (Secret) Proposal to set up an all India Consultative Progs., Committee Containing representatives of State and Nos. PROTOCO 118 1946 of Central Govt. for Consultation, in matters of 97(11)- L Common concern. P.T, 19467 Cancellation of hotel accomodation in London and Air Progs., Passages from the U.S. to the U.S.A. for members of Nos. PROTOCO 119 1946 the Indian Delegation, to the Economic and Social 198(61)- L Council of the United Nation organisations. P.T, 1946 Progs., Nos. Replacing of the Indian Tri-Colour Flag on the Car of PROTOCO 120 10(127)- 1946 the Indian Consul Nova Goa. L PT, 1946 (Secret) S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Courtesies and facilities to be accord to Nos. PROTOCO 121 1946 distinguished Personages, etc. 95(8)-P.T, L 1946 Progs., Allocation of Sites for Foreign Representatives and Nos. PROTOCO 122 Missions and consulates etc, in India in the 1946 5(32)-PT, L Proposed diplomatic block. 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 123 Foreign office circular regarding war Instructions. 1946 97(16)- L P.T, 19467 Progs., Priority air passage for Mr. A.A. Wallak, Nos. PROTOCO 124 Commerical Attache of Swedish Legation, 1946 199(196)- L Nankiing, from Calcutta, to U.K. P.T, 1946 Progs., Nos. PROTOCO 125 The foreigners Act (Amendment) Ordinance, 1946. 1946 63(67)- L P.T, 1946 126 Enactment of legislation of the expiry of the Progs., PROTOCO 1946 List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit PROTOCOL emergency legislation to control the supply of Nos. L electric energy etc. 631(19)- P.T, 1946 Progs., Revised procedure for submitting Nos. PROTOCO 127 recommendations for English Honours and Indian 1946 65(23)- L Titles. P.T, 1946 Progs., General instructions, regarding the grant of Nos. PROTOCO 128 passport facilities for Somaliland to British 1946 214(42)- L Subjects. P.T, 1946 Progs., Extension of powers and jurisiction of the Delhi Nos. PROTOCO 129 Speical Police Establishment of areas other than 1946 63(84)- L the Delhi Provinces.
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