Advanced Snowplow Development and Demonstration: Phase I: Driver Assistance*
California AHMCT Program University of California at Davis California Department of Transportation ADVANCED SNOWPLOW DEVELOPMENT AND DEMONSTRATION: * PHASE I: DRIVER ASSISTANCE Kin S. Yen1, Han-Shue Tan2, Aaron Steinfeld2, Colin H. Thorne1, Bénédicte Bougler2, Eli Cuelho3, Paul Kretz2, Dan Empey2, Ronald R. Kappesser1, Hassan Abou Ghaida1, Mike Jenkinson4, Stephen R. Owen5, Wei-Bin Zhang2, Ty A. Lasky1, and Bahram Ravani1, Principal Investigator AHMCT Research Report UCD-ARR-99-06-30-03 Final Report of Contract Task Order 96-9 under IA65X875 June 30, 1999 Affiliations: 1. AHMCT Research Center, Department of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-5294 2. California PATH, University of California, Berkeley, 1357 So. 46th St., Richmond, CA 94804-4603 3. Western Transportation Institute, PO Box 173910, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717-3910 4. Caltrans New Technology & Research Program , P.O. Box 942873, MS 83, Sacramento, CA, 94273-0001 5. Arizona DOT, Arizona Transportation Research Center, 1130 N. 22nd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85009 * This report has been prepared in cooperation with the State of California, Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Transportation and is based on work supported by Contract Number IA 65X875 T.O. 96-9 through the Advanced Highway Maintenance and Construction Technology Research Center at the University of California at Davis. Advanced Snowplow Development and Demonstration: Phase I ABSTRACT This final report documents application of Intelligent Vehicle (IV) and Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems (AVCSS) technologies to enhance the safety and efficiency of snow removal. The system developed, known as the Advanced Snowplow (ASP), includes lane position indication and lane departure warning, as well as a forward collision warning system.
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