1910-08-17 [P ]
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WKATHKR — ITnufit- Last Edition tled tonight and Thursday. Perth Amboy Evening news TUN PAG £3. TEN CENTS A WEEK. PERTH AMBOY, N. J., AUGUST 1910. WEDNESDAY, 17, TWO CENTS A COPT. RESIGNED MEMBERS OF HEALTH PRES. MONTT TRAIN KILLS TRAFFIC BLOCKED BY OF CHILI HAS A8BURY PARK BOARD GIVE REASONS FOR ACTION PASSED AWAY MANAT 8. A. WRECK NEAR RAHWAY Outside Interference Voiced Shooting of Mayor Gaynor 6eerge L Ellison Hurled as Hinderance of Progress FALSE REPORT REPRESENTED P. R. R. Ran from Said to Have Hastened and --Blame Not Fixed. Mangled Last Night ABOUT BANKER the End. Near the Station. HIMSELF AS This On JACOB KREIELSHEIMER IS City EXPIRES SUDDENLY LAST STEPPED FROH ONE INTO ANXIOUS TO QUIT Consternation was caused at the to Investigate. He found Mr. Sametb C. R. R. seated behind his N4GHT IN BREMEN A Raritan plant of the National Fire- dcBk, complacent- PATH OF OTHER DETECTIVE ly smoking a Cigar. the resignations of proofing Company this morning when Following When Informed of the rumor the Richard Henderson, Ambrose P. a Keasbey -woman appeared and Special to the EVENING NEWS. banker laid It to business jealousy. 17.—News of Police Kennedy and Justus Kaletsch, Jacob Santiago, Cbile, Aug. Seek Man Who At- spread the report among the labor- He has suspicions, he says', of the South Amboy, Aug. 17:—George Kreielsheimer last tendered the death of President Pedro Montt on HURT night L. ITRAMP ers that Emil Sameth's bank, at 37 5 instigator of the report. Mr. Snmeth Ellison, of Asbury Park, who has to Arrest his resignation as a member of the his way to London for recuperation a tempted John State street, this city, was defunct stated that he had not spent a day brother, Clarence, living here, was Board of Health. This will leave shocked the capital today. While It Btruck A wreck on the tand that the proprietor, after dispos- out of town in the last four months and killed by a northbound Pennsylvania! but three of the old members on the was known at the time of his Wissing Yesterday. railroad line between ing of the funds and sending his and had no intention of leaving the depar- train as he was alighting from a NVoodbridgd board and It is stated that one of and Rahway wife and family to Europe, had fled, city in the near future except, possi- ture from here six weeks ago that he train going to Long Branch here at yesterday afternoori these resign. The reasons for 11:36 caused all traffic over the may later being captured. Four of the bly, to hire a detective to run down was In a precarious condition, it was o'clock last night. He was EVEN Pennsylva-' this action are obvious. The men hurled DREW REVOLVERAND nla line from to laborers went to the office of the the person who started the report. generally believed an ocean trip and some distance and his body, Jersey City this cttjil' who have resigned Infer that their was was to be suspended from 1:45 plant and requested permission to Last year, Mr. Sameth said, a of scene would bene- badly mangled. It taken in o'clock' hands have been tied while in the change materially THREATENED TO SHOOT until" It leave the works for the purpose of similar affair occurred. A detective charge by Coroner Mason and at midnight. was caused by of their duties. fit the president the of the forward discharge drawing their money from the bank. wils hired at that time but he was 9:02 o'clock this morning was sent breaking truck^ when under a car In Commissioner Kreielsheimer, They said they believed the woman's unable to locate the man. to the victim's late home in Asbury Representing himself as a detec- a heavy train of goa-* seen a NEWS this morn- to Body. a dola cars. by reporter statements, as she told them she had Before the fireproofing plant could Arranging Mo\je Park. tive, man, whose identity so far is that the are unknown Fifteen each ing. gave the Inference been notified from this city by tele- be notified of the bank's soundness Bremen, Aug. 17.—Arrangements? Ellison was about thirty-five years to the police, walked Into cars, loaded wlt» board has not received the support made to take the remains old the store of fifty tons of phone. "laborers there were clamoring for today being and is survived by a widow. He Mrs. Anna Hanson, at coal, piled upon each!' the that it ! "31 other, dehrlq from city authorities The plant Immediately called up permission to leave the factory. The of President Pedro Montt qf Chile had been employed as freight brake- Brace avenue, about 7 o'clock spreading and cnnf He stated: "You have last over the tracks for a should have. the EVENING NEWS office to ascer- message, however, reassured them back to his native land. man by the Pennsylvania Railroad night and attempted to arrest considerable been at our meetings and you must John of the distance around. Traffic was after-. tain whether or not the report was and they returned to work, not, how- President Montt, who arrived here Company. Little is known about Wissing, same address. have the between the the In his efforts to wards suspended from noticed feeling true, and a reporter was despatched ever, without some accident, excepting that he step- place Wissing under all pointy misgivings. with Mrs. Montt on the Kaiser Wll- the board and those who worked for us." ped from train No. 502, bound for arrest the imposter drew a revolver along line of the wreck to thU of helm der Grosse, died here last night. city and With that he gave his opinion Long Branch, and was struck by a and threatened to shoot, but he fail- northbound Pennsylvania the interview Ills death was caused heart fail- ed trains the inspectors and told by passenger train coming up from As- to carry out his threat, offering, coming through this city had er to await a formal statement from ure, following a recent attack of angi- bury Park. however, to do it later. to use the Central tracks to Jersey The those who had resigned. na pectoris. Coroner Mason was notified im- Who the man is or what his City. trains going in that direc« tion j Interview With Members. SHOT HORSE TO mediately after the accident. He motive was in attempting to take were piloted by two Central en-< gineers During an interview this morning With Gaynor Before Shooting. viewed the remains and took it to Wissing from the store both Wissing furnished by Agent Garriu, of this by an EVENING NEWS reporter New York, Auk. 17.—Meeting Presi- his mortuary establishment, from and Mrs. Hanson are at a loss to ex- city. with the former members of the where it was sent to this plain. that No persons were seriously Injured/ dent and Mrs. Montt on the deck of relatives They beiieve, however, Health Board who recently resigned, END SUFFERING it had Borne connection with Flora A man, believed to be a tramp, waa the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse before morning. the following statement was made Payne, the fifteen-year-old girl from pinioned under one of the cars and! she sailed, Mayor and reasons given for their resigna- Gaynor expressed whom Wissing yesterday took a was badly squeezed, it took nearly, tion from the board. The members Daniel Hutchinson, local agent for from a hook in the ceiling, passed bis pleasure that he was to make the loaded revolver. an hour's work to extricate him. Hd under its who resigned were Messrs. Kreiels- the Society for the Prevention of stomach and drawn up voyage with them. The imposter entered the store was taken to the Elizabeth General and until its hoofs barely touched the CHANCELLOR 18 about 7 Hospital. A seated on heimer, Henderson, Kennedy Cruelty to Animals, was called out Soon after President and Mrs. Montt o'clock. "I'm a detective," brakeman, Kaletsch. floor. The owner, said Mr. Hutchin- turned he said, "here to arrest John Wiss- one of the cars, Jumped and escape® last he to witness away James J. Gallagher shot that in night, declares, son, feared to let the horse recline with a * Those interviewed said the Senor Montt was ing." Wissing asked to see his sprained wrist. one mayor. deeply the of of the most cruel cases of tor- on the stall as once down It and he was told that it The wreck occurred south view of great diversity opin- floor, affected the Po- badge, wasn't just of tured horseflesh he has ever seen. would by dastardly attempt. ion as to the cause, and the conflict- have been unable to rise NOTIFIED OF necessary, whereupon he refused to Rahway and It was stated at th« Samuel litical assassinations are not uncom- ing statements made regarding their Yettenberg, a peddleT, of again. The animal, Mr. Hutchinson submit to arrest. An argument en- Newark offices of the Pennsylvania 371 the mon In South America. the resignation, they felt that the public Division street, agent was declares, had been suspended in this Hearing sued and the "detective" drew a re- railroad that through traffic to th^ was an President a was entitled to a true statement as told, working animal more I position for some time. shot, Montt made hasty volver. West was not disturbed. It wai dead than to their reasons for taking such alive, and when he visited The agent ordered the animal re- motion to draw a pistol.