
BRADFORD & COOKBURY PARISH COUNCIL www.bradfordandcookburyparishcouncil.uk Parish Clerk: Mr. Lindsay Dearing 2 Tylers Meadow , . EX38 7BR 4 May 2021 E-mail: [email protected] To All Members of the Parish Council You are hereby summoned to the Annual General Meeting of the parish council on the 19th May 2021 at 7.30pm I trust that it will be convenient for you to attend but, if you are unable to do so, please notify me beforehand. Yours faithfully, Lindsay Dearing Clerk, Bradford & Cookbury Parish Council The Parish Council welcomes public participation in local affairs and you are welcome to attend on this date and time but must adhere to the current Covid guidelines and restrictions. Before each meeting a period will be set aside for members of the public to participate in discussion and representation with the Parish Council. However, please note they will not be allowed to participate in the meeting, once started, except at the discretion of the chair. AGENDA 1) a) Receive nominations for election of meeting Chair for the year 2021/22. b) Signing of declaration of office by successful candidate. c) Receive apologies of absence. d) Appreciation of service: DCCllr. Barry Parsons and Cllr. Bill Pennington.

2) Declarations of Interest , dispensations and vacancies a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda. b) To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any). c) To grant any dispensations as appropriate. d) Current councillor vacancies.

3) To resolve that the draft minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 13th January 2021 (circulated to members) be signed as a correct record.

4) Items for discussion: a) End of fiscal year 2020/21 accounts, for review and approval. b) Parish "Pop-Up" fridge update and 'withdrawal of service' date. c) PC Web site hosting in the future. d) Community Involvement Group (HCIG). e) CBF Committee report: Cllr. Manners.

5) FINANCE Audit 2020/21: Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) a) Resolution on declaration as an exempt authority as defined in the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and signing a Certificate of Exemption by the chair. b) Internal Audit report. c) Annual Governance Statement 2020/21, to be agreed, and signed by the chair. d) Bank Reconciliation to 31/3/2021 to be agreed, and signed by the chair. e) Approval of Accounting Statements 2020/21 and signing by the chair. f) Notice of public rights commencement dates. Confirmation of earlier payments: g) Insurance renewal 2021/22 h) DALC subscription renewal 2021/22 i) Underdown Dairy December invoice j) Underdown Dairy January invoice k) Underdown Dairy February invoice l) Underdown Dairy March invoice m) Underdown Dairy April invoice n) Defibrillators: replacement batteries and pads o) Clerk's travel expenses for cleaning defibrillators and fitting new batteries p) Holemoor Landing Light: annual service q) Computers: Computer service and upgrade 1 6) Planning a) 1/0453/2021/OUT Outline planning permission with all matters reserved for two dwellings, Land Adjacent To Sheridene, Cookbury. b) 1/0257/2021/OUT Outline application for 1 no. dwelling with all matters reserved, Land At Bickford Cottage Brandis Corner. 7) Correspondence Any correspondence received since agenda produced.

Date of next meeting: Close of meeting: