Annual Report 2017
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Annual Report 2017 G e t t i n g cars o f f t h e street EMISSION-FREE. – reducing bus emissions to zero. FREEDOM TO TRAVEL. – our U-Bahn network is growing. FREEDOM FOR ALL. – we embrace diversity. FREEDOM OF CHOICE, – switchh offers greater mobility than ever before. BARRIER-FREE. – our major lift programme. FREE SURFING. – WiFi on the go for everybody. 02 2017 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL HOCHBAHN IMAGINE ... … diesel buses disappearing from Hamburg’s streets. … roads served by quieter electric vehicles that protect the climate. … surfing the internet on the move with free high-speed WiFi. … no longer needing your own car. … taking a switchh car from your own front door instead. … getting from Bramfeld to Jungfernstieg on the U-Bahn in just 22 minutes. … only needing seven minutes to get from Jungfernstieg to Elbbrücken. … all of this being more than just an idea. 03 IN BRIEF IN HOCHBAHN IT’S NOT HARD TO IMAGE BECAUSE: We are HOCHBAHN. We make it happen. 04 2017 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL HOCHBAHN BA HN 05 IN FIGURES IN THE 2017 FINANCIAL YEAR IN FIGURES. 5,083 * employees (up from 4,996 the previous year) 525.1 million in sales (up from €508.6 million) BA 20 92.9 % cost coverage ratio (up from 91.6%) 2,111 million passenger kilometres (up from 2,062 million) 455.8 All figures, data and facts are available online in our manage- million passengers ment report and annual financial statements for 2017 at (up from 446.6 million) report or directly via HNthe QR code.17*incl. Management Board and trainees 06 A message from Supervisory Board Chairman MODEL CITYFOR THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY. Let us develop our city together. 07 FROM SUPERVISORY BOARD CHAIRMAN BOARD SUPERVISORY FROM A MESSAGE reach two million by 2035. In 2017 alone, the number of HOCHBAHN passengers rose by 9 (!) million to 455 million – Dear readers, a new record! In 2017, HOCHBAHN again Hamburg is develop- Creating smart, sustain- provided resounding proof MODEL ing the sustainable mobility of able transport solutions is that it has mastered its role as tomorrow like no other city in HOCHBAHN’s aim and ambi- a strong and innovative mobil- Germany. This was emphat- tion. The route of the new U5 ity provider for Hamburg – with ically confirmed in the past East is confirmed, the new increasing economic stability. year when we were chosen to Elbbrücken U4 station will Over the past year, the com- host the ITS World Congress become operational in Decem- pany succeeded in achiev- 2021. “COS it’s Hamburg – ber, and the upgrade from die- ing a cost coverage ratio of City of Solutions” is the motto sel to emission-free electric 92.9 percent, an impressive for the Congress, which will buses is progressing well, as is figure in both national and tackle the theme of intelligent the optimum integration of car, international terms. CITY transport systems and ser- bike and ridesharing as part of The aforementioned pro- vices. In addition to playing a our future switchh offering. jects and the boost provided key role as a driver of impor- HOCHBAHN has also suc- by the ITS World Congress is tant innovations, HOCHBAHN ceeded in bringing HEAT to transforming Hamburg into is also running the ITS project Hamburg – the first German a model city for the future of office. research project to test fully mobility in Europe. I would like to use some autonomous vehicles on pub- Let us develop our city illustrative figures to show lic streets. As project leader, together. Cos it’s Hamburg – why it is so important for us HOCHBAHN is responsible for the most beautiful city in the to think about the next gen- coordinating the entire ven- world. eration of mobility in this city ture – a unique achievement in a smart and efficient way: for a local transport company Hamburg is currently growing in Germany. by around 20,000 residents a year. According to recent studies, our population could FRANK HORCH Senator for the Economy, Transport and Innovation, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Chairman of the Supervisory IN 2017 ALONE, THE NUMBER Board of Hamburger OF HOCHBAHN PASSENGERS Hochbahn AG ROSE BY 9 (!) MILLION TO 455 MILLION – A NEW RECORD! Senator Frank Horch at the topping-out ceremony of HOCHBAHN’s Gleisdreieck bus depot in autumn 2017. 08 2017 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL HOCHBAHN UN Global Compact SUSTAINABLE FUTURE With 25 percent of the CO2 footprint in Hamburg attributable to mobility activities, our task is clear. Hamburg is one of These Sustainable Develop- the best cities in the world to ment Goals (SDG) encompass live in for a reason. Our aim everything from equal oppor- is to keep it that way while tunity to responsible con- continuing to improve quality sumption, energy efficiency to of life. How can we do that? economic growth, climate pro- By creating the mobility of tection measures to innova- tomorrow today, ensuring tion, and fit perfectly with our that it is fit for the future and understanding of sustaina- in harmony with people and ble development. We see our- the environment. By joining selves as an organiser of sus- the UN Global Compact in tainable mobility for our city. December 2017, we have set Climb aboard and learn more ourselves a specific frame- … work. The ten principles and objectives of the UN Global Compact are now an integral part of our HOC HBAHN#2030 strategy. #2030 HENRIK FALK CLAUDIA GÜSKEN HELMUT KÖNIG JENS-GÜNTER LANG Management Board Chairman Management Board member Management Board member Management Board member Chief Executive Officer Human Ressources Director Chief Financial Officer Chief Technology Officer Hamburger Hochbahn AG Chief Operating Officer 09 UN GLOBAL COMPACT FUTURESUSTAINABLE OUR FOCUS. On the following pages, you will learn how we are driv- ing Hamburg’s development. To do this, we focus on the five goals of the UN Global Compact. Each of the logos shows you which of the objectives our work is supporting. affordable and decent work and sustainable cities clean energy economic growth and communities industry, innovation climate and infrastructure action We are also committed to the following issues: YOU CAN good health quality and well-being education LEARN MORE ABOUT THE FOCUS UN GLOBAL COMPACT AND ITS gender responsible consump- equality tion and production GOALS HERE. 10 2017 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL HOCHBAHN MANAGEMENT REPORT 1. FUNDAMENTAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY 11 1.1 The company’s business model 11 1.2 Objectives and strategies 12 1.3 Research and development 13 2. REPORT ON ECONOMIC POSITION 14 2.1 Se ctor-specific environment 14 2.2 Course of business 15 2.3 Net assets, financial position and results of operations 17 2.3.1 Results of operations 17 2.3.2 Financial position 18 2.3.3 Net assets 20 2.4 2HO 017CHBAHN employees 20 3. REP ORT ON EXPECTED DEVELOPMENTS, OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS 22 3.1 Report on expected developments 22 3.2 Report on risks and opportunities 28 11 FUNDAMENTAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT 1. Fundamental information about the company 1.1 The company’s business model Hamburger Hochbahn AG (HOCHBAHN) is one of the leading local public transport companies in Germany. Approximately 1.2 million passengers use the public transport provided by HOCHBAHN and its subsidiaries on four U-Bahn lines, 110 bus lines and several ferry services every day. HOCHBAHN thus provides ap proximately half of all public transport services within the Hamburg Public Transport Association (Hamburger Verkehrs- verbund – HVV). With over 5,000 employees, the company is one of Hamburg’s largest employers. On 24 November 2009, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg officially entrusted HOCHBAHN with public service obligations regarding the operation of regular bus and U-Bahn services in Hamburg. These contracts stipulate that HOCHBAHN is officially entrusted with the operation of regular bus services until 2019 and regular U-Bahn services until 2032. Together with its many subsidiaries and investees, including those providing rolling stock maintenance, security and cleaning services, HOCHBAHN is an integral part of mobility in Hamburg. Hamburger Hochbahn AG is a company organised and managed according to private sector principles which is wholly-owned by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg via HGV Hamburger Gesellschaft für Vermögens- und Beteiligungsmanagement mbH (HGV). The company is organised into four divisions: Management Board Chairman Henrik Falk Claudia Güsken Helmut König Jens-Günter Lang Division Division Division Division Corporate Management Personnel and Operations Finance Technical Henrik Falk Claudia Güsken Helmut König Jens-Günter Lang The Corporate Management division is led by the Chief Executive Officer. This division comprises System Development and Bid Planning, Marketing, Corporate Communications, Sales and Transport, as well as several staff units (Public affairs and strategy, Public Participation, Organisation, Auditing, Business Develop- ment). U-Bahn and Bus Services together with Personnel and Occupational Safety, Environmental and Fire Protection make up the Personnel and Operations division. The Finance division comprises Finance and Controlling, Purchasing, Information Management, Legal and Real Estate. The Technical division consists of Project Construction / Ra ilway Installations, Infrastructure, Bus Technology and Rail Rolling Stock as well as construction of the new U5 U-Bahn line. 12 2017 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL HOCHBAHN Ms Claudia Güsken, Human Resources Director and Chief Operating Officer, joined HOCHBAHN on 1 Se ptember 2017. Until that date, Chief Executive Officer Henrik Falk had assumed responsibility for the Personnel depart- ment, Chief Financial Officer Helmut König had taken over Bus Services, and Chief Technology Officer Jens-Günter Lang had assumed responsibility for U-Bahn Services, Occupational Safety, Environmental and Fire Protection – all on an interim basis.