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City of Grand Prairie Fact Sheet

Race Partners/GHA Drill Site: Lower Tarrant Road East of .. 161

 The City of Grand Prairie has one of the toughest gas drilling ordinances in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.  The Race Partners Gas Pad drill site was approved by the City of Grand Prairie on April 16, 2013.  This drill site, including gas well production facilities, is located in the FEMA 100 year Floodplain. The gas well production facilities include water tanks and associated facilities. o The City of Grand Prairie Gas Drilling Ordinance requires gas well production facilities to be either elevated out of the 100 year floodplain or located outside of the limits of the floodplain. o Originally, the Race Partners site proposed the gas well production facilities to be elevated above the 100 year floodplain. o After determining that the water tanks would have to be located approximately 20’ above grade and concerned with the visual impact of that structure, Race Partners and GHA began to look at other alternatives for the gas well production facilities. o GHA purchased the property adjacent to the drill site that included land outside of the limits of the 100-year floodplain. o This site meets the requirements of the City’s Gas Drilling Ordinance. o This site is on private property not parkland.  The Parks Department reviewed the request to re-locate the gas well production facilities and the following requirements were made for additional landscaping to provide a visual barrier and sound barrier to the park/trail. o Landscaping within the 20’ landscape buffer shall be evergreen, planted double row in a triangle pattern and in sufficient height at maturity to provide a sound and visual barrier from the park. o Landscaping must have an automatic irrigation system installed to sustain it during the dry periods and promote good plant health. o Service road from Lower Tarrant Road to pad site must be dust free.  The Race Partners/GHA drill site will remain at its original location and the gas well production facilities are being re-located to its new location southwest of the drill site.  The relocation of the gas well production facilities eliminates the 20’ eyesore that would have occurred at the original location and also includes appropriate landscape buffering for the parks. For additional information, please contact Cindy Mendez, City of Grand Prairie Environmental Services Manager, at 972-237-8225 or visit www.gptx.org/esd/gasdrilling